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No. 1437264
Allison (Alice) is known on TikTok for being a barefoot crunchy mom, vegan, and self-proclaimed tradwife.
PREVIOUS THREAD>>>/snow/1373450BACKGROUND>met husband Caleb Bender when she was 14; he was 18>says she left him for two years because he didn’t want to get married and start a family, so she was ~17 and he was ~21>got married as soon as she turned 19; immediately got pregnant>in February 2019, Allison was in a car crash at 29 weeks pregnant>sent to the hospital in an ambulance; delivered the baby via emergency cesarean>baby Aurelia didn’t survive>Allison first blamed the C-section, later the vitamin K injection>announced second pregnancy in February 2020>refused prenatal care because she thinks ultrasounds have radiation>chose to “freebirth” instead>i.e. gave birth alone on her toilet in their apartment; fished out her own placenta from her uterus two hours later>Fern was born in August 2020>Allison believes all women should be willing to die alone in childbirth rather than go to the hospital or have C-sections>Fern is dressed gender neutral, except when Allison makes him wear her dead daughter’s dresses>vegan except for her expensive leather baby stroller>claims her parents were abusive because they fed her meat as a child>anti-vaxx; bragged about telling people not to wash their hands before holding her newborn, but she’s nervous around people who got the covid vaccine>lets Fern eat dirt, sticks, rocks, shopping cart handles, etc. because she breastfeeds>refuses to wear sunscreen or put it on her infant because she thinks vegans can’t get sunburns>believes she is smarter than doctors despite only having a GED & dropping out of college>hasn’t worked since she quit Victoria’s Secret during her first pregnancy because #tradwife>refuses to say what Caleb does for a living; according to a GoFundMe set up after the car crash, he previously worked at a sports bar in a strip mallRECENT MILK>hinting at another pregnancy on TikTok; refuses to take a pregnancy test because they aren’t vegan>pet rabbit mysteriously disappeared; she possibly killed it by letting it eat an avocado she left on the floor>a pet cat has also disappeared>Alice continues to let Fern eat off her filthy floors; her apartment is still disgusting>continues to refuse to wear shoes in public; makes Fern go everywhere barefoot too>Fern continues to look abnormally bowlegged, and he still only says one word (“oh”) 18 months old>attended a 5G conference and said she’s throwing away her microwave; continues to stay on her phone 24/7>wants to become a sex worker>went on some kind of weird impulsive road trip with Fern (without Caleb) and talked about wanting to live out of a van and “unschool” him>still no word on the house she’s having builtLINKSTikTok: / / / wishlist: just kidding, but of course she has multiple
No. 1437269
>>1437266“Her apartment is still disgusting” SENT ME!!!
Ooooh we should’ve included the mystery of her having seen her “evil
abusive” family recently.
Any word on the wedding ring? Is it stuck inside fern?
No. 1437284
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Little do they know lmao
No. 1437564
>>1437538ALL of her pets are a mystery. she had no idea whether Pancake was a girl or boy for ages, the bunny is dead, the cat disappeared.
not very VEGAN
No. 1437581
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She still hasn’t washed her bedding since rubbing her nasty feet all over. The same bedding they ate chips off of. They “brush” the bedding off with their hands before going to bed and she only brushes her side of the bed, Caleb is left to do his. You know that bed is just pure rank. Vomit!!!
No. 1437601
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She’s complaining about income requirements to rent apartments in Mesa. This means her husband makes much less than 4K a month. With her $300 organic grocery trips she claims to do every couple of days, I can only imagine the amount of debt they’re in. She is living way above her means.
No. 1437623
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NO, Allison. It isn’t like this everywhere. Property on the coast and oceanfront is 4-8x more expensive. Better stay where you are.
No. 1437725
>>1437621The sad part being she could’ve just paid for a years rent in full to ensure they were set until at least this time next year. What’s with the renting posts when she’s supposedly buying/building a house?
How did they go from house hunting to house building to searching for rentals again? What kind of delusion is Alice living in?
No. 1437759
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This was the state of her bedding a few days ago. Guessing it's a bodily fluid. Maybe she uses it as natural, organic seasoning for all the meals she munches off the bed.
No. 1437834
>>1437623Both people work, have roommates that also work, or have jobs that pay better than minimum wage. In addition to good rental history. Something they'll never have with how they take care of their apartment. It's not rocket science.
>>1437809I think she's talking about how much they have to have in monthly income to qualify; though she worded it badly. Lots of apartment complexes are requiring you to make 3-4x the rent now.
No. 1437844
>>1437834Nothing about her video made sense, tbh, because “800” was definitely referring to the actual monthly rent in the past, so how different is the actual rent now? Did it actually go up a lot, or did only the income requirements go up that much?
If she weren’t so financially irresponsible, his wealthy dad would probably co-sign a lease for them so they could find a better place.
It’s wild that she chooses to continue flaunting her ridiculous spending habits when she is admitting they don’t even make 4K/month for a family of 3.
No. 1437849
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Hmmmmm. Confirmation of trouble in paradise?
No. 1437942
>>1437903She is for sure holding out for a prince in a vanlife camper to come sweep her off her feet and give her the lifestyle she believes she deserves. There’s some level of irony in that Alice’s situation is exactly what happens and why no one should do what she preaches - tie yourself to the first scrote who you can dupe into supporting you so you don’t have to work, super young, cut off your family, and have as many kids as possible. Trying to be the perfect tradwife for her groomer has made her miserable. She’s isolated and doesn’t have support or resources to fall back on when her marriage falls apart.
As aggravating as she is, I don’t wish harm on her and I hope she gets the help she needs. She’s still so young and can turn her life around if she’s willing to admit she some poor decisions.
No. 1437966
>>1437942she blocks and deletes any constructive criticism that doesn't align with her narrative. People try to help her and give her advice and point out dangerous flaws in her parenting etc.
Her ego is too large. It's going to get the two of them killed. Fern is young, and is already exhibiting delays and possible physical developmental abnormalaties. She takes him to the naturopath the bare minimum that CPS asks of her. (she has said in comments "it keeps cps off your back" being the only reason she takes him)
There are stories where babies need to be in braces 23 hours of the day to correct stuff like this. I wonder what the consequences are if it goes untreated. If it's a life of pain, I feel so awful for fern.
No. 1438109
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Was she not just talking last month that anything past the age of 25 was old? She gives me such whiplash
No. 1438157
>>1438109Well, she balanced it out in the next video by talking about how older women hate younger women because they are jealous.
She is literally setting herself up to be this type of woman. She is already jealous of 12 year old girls because of their “fertility.” Remember when she cried because she was so jealous of a teenage mom?
I am a woman in her late 20s, and I don’t think about teenage girls, their romantic prospects, or their fertility at all???? Why would I think about this??? I do not see them as my competitors. I see them as children.
She really can’t grasp the fact that she was groomed at age 14, and most men aren’t creepy losers like her husband is.
No. 1438203
>>1437973Idk, people are leaving the service industry now more than ever, but he doesn’t strike me as the type to leave what he knows. Which is fine, we need service industry people too, but I honestly think his unwillingness to get a better paying job is part of the reason he and Alice are on the rocks right now. I think they were surviving mostly off of that $200,000 settlement, and now it’s running dry and Alice expects him to pick up the tab and he’s not. She just posted a video of her lip-synching to a song with the lyrics “you’re saying I’m the one but it’s your actions that speak louder.” Sounds like he’s not living up to what she expected of him in some way. And we all know him paying the bills was, like, her biggest expectation for him.
If they were smart they would have used some of that $200k to invest in a business that would continually return them a profit. Instead Alice spent it on coconut water and a bunch of other trivial shit.
No. 1438211
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This is petty as hell, but you know how Alice talks about how she is so intelligent that she was always at the /very top/ of her class?
Just found this random magazine from Napavine, Washington, where she used to live. It’s from 8th grade, but it’s still funny that she brags about how scarily intelligent she always was, outperforming the rest Of her class, and she was just… an average student.
No. 1438214
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She says this baby might be her last. I’m assuming that’s because her marriage is on the rocks and they will breakup soon…
No. 1438218
>>1438214Dude. What's she going to do as a single mother with two kids and no education or real work experience?
Optimistic answer: swallow her pride and go back home to her parents, drag Caleb's groomer ass through the legal system for alimony and child support.
Realistic answer: start camming in her car while Baby Fern and Fetus roll in the dirt outside.
No. 1438223
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KEK. She’s gonna put her free birth on OF.
No. 1438235
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Alice is speedrunning her way towards becoming a mommy blogwhore like her idol Zoe. No. 1438249
>>1438235For all that talk about male OBGYNs getting off on their pregnant patients, the only one sexualizing childbirth here is our idiot queen Alice.
Does anyone know if she gets along well with her in laws or at least has convinced herself that they all get on famously? why she isn't putting them on blast? I haven't seen her speak poorly of them once, which is out of character for someone who flames anyone and everyone for not living up to her (hypocritical and conflicting) standards.
No. 1438251
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Vote this be included in the next thread pic
No. 1438304
>>1438214It’s probably lots of things: the crumbling marriage, the financial issues, and she can barely cope with one child. She has posted herself several times locking herself in the closet to get away from Fern. I wonder what will happen to him once she has baby #2. He’ll probably be neglected. I can’t really see her being able to handle more.
It’s funny because when she got married she had a plan to have a baby every year for the next 10 years. With all the shaming she does telling women to marry young and take advantage of their fertility, it’s interesting to see reality hit her. I also remember she used to identify as a “tradwife” and now she’s moving towards sex work. She tends to have these grandiose ideas that she shames other women about and then she changes her tune when things don’t go as planned for her. She thought she could just pop out 10 kids with the first guy who looked her way and raise them on a waiter’s salary, all while expecting to live a life of luxury. She lives in a fantasy land.
No. 1438305
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Surprised I haven't seen anyone talking about this
No. 1438320
>>1438305Bet you anything that she'll make her'extremely artsy' (lol) pictures with the barely stable chick fresh from being sectioned then realise it was actually not as lucrative as she had hoped…. then declare that the whole thing was very traumatic and her lesbian exploration phase was actually her parents fault for being '
No. 1438321
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Daddy fern looks annoyed
No. 1438348
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No. 1438416
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She essentially just did a pregnancy announcement and then in the comments admits she doesn’t even know if she’s pregnant, meanwhile everybody is congratulating her.
No. 1438429
>>1438416Samfagging to say she looks suspiciously less pregnant than she did in this pic
>>1436045 from three days ago.
No. 1438467
>>1438338She really gives young girls advice when she is in a loveless marriage with her groomer and is literally causing her kid to grow up deformed because of her terrible parenting…..
She’s now just openly complaining about her husband online, even though she is maybe about to have her second kid with him.
Sure, Alice, older women are so jealous of your life, lol
No. 1438581
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“No matter how pretty you are, nothing repels men like feminism” she is so dense. She really thinks men would be simping over her if she wasn’t “feminist”
No. 1438600
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>>1438581Did you see where she commented that posting her birth to OF wouldn’t be a problem because men wouldn’t subscribe to it? The delusion, lol
No. 1438683
>>1438581Lol she probably wishes she could get more male views (especially now she wants to do onlyfans) and this is what she tells herself to cope.
Her content isn’t very feminist anyways. She is often talking about women’s value in men’s eyes and what men want. And portrays women as being jealous of each other and desperate for male attention. But since she’s had issues with her husband she’s been complaining more about men which I guess she thinks makes her FeMiNiSt.
No. 1438684
>>1438644Imagine not using anything scented…only coconut oil to wash your hair and body. And no toothpaste.
She can’t be bothered to vacuum the floors, do you think she’s caring for the cat boxes? Especially if she didn’t believe in cleaning products. What does she do to get rid of the cat pee at the bottom of the box before you add new litter? It’s more than likely vile.
If a house stinks, your hair and clothes stink.
Ferns diapers are full and saggy in some posts and his hair is all greasy and slicked to the side or just not paid attention to at all. Other signs of poor hygiene
It’s just a really good bet that they smell like sh*t so don’t get too close. You might get a whiff.
No. 1438686
>>1438683She has this “men ain’t shit” attitude, yet without her “man” she literally has nothing. Fern. Which she doesn’t even seem to have an interest in anymore. She did a video once about what kind of educational things she was doing with fern (reading him alphabet flash cards) but nothing since. And obviously didn’t continue with it bc fern knows one syllable word (s?) and that’s it. At 18 months. Apparently he learned to wave like a seal performing for a show at sea world.
If everything fern needs to learn is already in nature, whyd she bring that weird ladder thing with them? What was the point?
I feel like we’re watching a train derail in slow motion. But there’s nothing else we can do but watch. I used to think I hated her cuz I was jealous of her, but she’s ruining a small child’s chance at a good start in life. Their little brains are sponges at this age and she’s teaching him nothing.
No. 1438702
>>1438686Yeah I dont think she actually knows she's meant to be teaching him how to communicate properly or what milestones he should be hitting, she seems proud to show off the few sounds he can make like he's some kind of genius toddler.
Honestly, even if she knows he's got a speech delay, she wouldn't get help for him and would hide it if she suspected he was autistic or had any disability. It's like she has this image of herself as a mother and fern being autistic would shatter it because she said vaccines or whatever other stupid shit causes autism and she thinks she's an amazing mother
(sage) No. 1438737
>>1438686It was wild when she had an account for her “radical feminist” opinions when her entire life centers men, and that’s how she encourages young girls to live as well.
Also, the fact that she doesn’t teach Fern anything is super alarming. She has no friends and doesn’t talk to her family, and her husband is at work all the time. She is always on her phone.
At what point does he even have normal social interactions? Does she ever talk to him without a baby voice? When is the last time she even read to him?
There is no way that Fern is hearing enough words, and he is absolutely developmentally delayed. She has no plans of ever sending him to school or to a real doctor. That kid is not going to hit any milestones.
Turns out babies don’t absorb language and/or skills from a vegan diet.
No. 1438797
>>1438611It's hard to watch because it's really obvious her world is crumbling. The $200k car crash settlement comes out to about $270 a day for a year, before taxes. It's obvious from her manic spending that the money is probably long gone – all spent by Alice. It doesn't seem like Caleb got much say where that money went and he also lost his child in that car accident. Having blown through the $$ she is probably pressuring Caleb to bring in more money all while not honoring her end of the deal: being a good little tradwife.
The way she sees it though is that Caleb isn't honoring HIS end of the deal because he can't provide for her daily spending of hundred of dollars. If she wanted someone to fuel her lifestyle why not try to marry someone with a higher income? Did she miscalculate expecting Caleb's wealthy parents to bankroll their lives?
Fern seems like such a sweet little kid. Poor little dude.
No. 1438812
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Guess Alice is truly considering to pack her van and take off with Fern leaving her husband behind.
Anybody seen this? No. 1438823
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Does anyone else think Caleb looks really sickly now compared to before? These are just screenshots from one of her recent videos and… Yikes. That before and after is unsettling. He looks ill. I know vegan diets can be fine for adults but they definitely require some fortified foods/supplements and I don’t think any of them are getting that. Even Fern has dark circles under his eyes.
No. 1438917
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She's trying to contact the CDC to report a vitamin k shot reaction but like girlie only doctors can do that you have NO EVIDENCE Aurelia was killed by a vitamin K shot. And if she truly was doctors would have reported it.
No. 1438982
>>1438967Is Aurelia’s death date approaching? Maybe that’s why she’s becoming even more unhinged and dragging this shit back up.
Looking for another settlement check cuz the other one is dried up.
No. 1439476
>>1439473100k a year is about $275 a day before taxes! It might seem like a lot but the lifestyle she’s been living would account for everything.
How are we sure she got a settlement and what the amount was? I believe you guys I’m just curious.
No. 1439497
>>1439490I’m not sure how much the settlement would be taxed, but they would have received over 100k for sure. Definitely easy to blow through that money with how they live.
That being said, many families in the US make WAY less than that in a year because they survive off one income, or they are working minimum wage jobs.
No. 1439499
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She's such a pathological liar and for the dumbest shit. I worked for VS in college and they don't make you wear VS on the floor, the dress code is black business casual. And you can wear anything when the store is closed not just PINK. She's acting like she was so oppressed by being forced into wearing VS lingerie to work but it's just so far from the truth
No. 1439524
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>>1439279>>1439282ntayrt but here's the comment
No. 1439545
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No. 1439681
>>1439637She eats out so often and restaurant food contains so much fat. She definitely does have skinny fat. I hate that I said that out loud because she definitely has an ED and my statement could possibly
trigger her.
No. 1439842
>>1439793I feel bad saying this, but it’s always been weird to me that she does this when I wouldn’t even consider her to be particularly thin?
Like, I wouldn’t look at her and say, “That person is skinny.” She /is/ skinny, technically, but not so skinny that it stands out to me. For me to comment on how thin someone is, they would have to be as Olivia Rodrigo levels, and she is nowhere near that.
She used to talk about it a LOT though, which is both funny and depressing. It’s funny because she is so desperate for people to see her as a twig even though she isn’t, and it’s sad because she is so desperate for people to see her as a twig.
I think her body looks great, though. Her face has aged several years in a matter of months, but her body still looks good imo.
No. 1439971
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She’s now claiming she got into Cornell with a full ride but instead chose to go to community college to get an Associate’s degree in early childhood development.
I’m honestly starting to think she believes her own delusions. She also said she was “multiple grades ahead” of others because of her autism and could have graduated high school in middle school.
Remember that academic magazine I posted the other day showing that she wasn’t even near the top of her class in 8th grade?
Sure, Alice. You’re a genius. That’s why you chose to get married to a service worker and expected his income to provide you a life of luxury.
No. 1439983
>>1439971Hilarious. It's always the only-slightly-above-average intellects who feel the need to prove how smart they are. She's so desperate for validation.
Maybe she's superficially jealous over a 19 yr old with 4 kids, but I guarantee you she is seething over women in their mid-late twenties and early thirties who went to school, lived a life of their own, and then decided to settle down and have kids. Her face is full of regret and resentment.
No. 1440012
>>1439983For sure. I feel like as she is growing older, she is realizing why ~older~ women warn against teenage pregnancy and early marriage.
You change a lot from your teenage years to your mid-twenties. What you want as a teenager is not going to be exactly the same as what you want as an adult.
Other women chose to get their education and have a career lined up for themselves before making choices about marriage and children. That gives them more of an idea about what they want out of life, and it also ensures that they actually have options. (+ They get to figure out their own identity outside of motherhood.)
Now she can’t easily leave her husband because she has no way to get a job outside of SW, and she is having marital / financial problems.
I wish she would just admit she is wrong about older women “bullying” teenagers because of “jealousy,” but y’know…. Narcissism.
No. 1440173
>>1440057She's an empty shell of a person who has zero identity outside of mommy posting. Of
course she feels resentful/threatened by women who lived full lives and developed careers & hobbies before having children. They achieved the same thing she's basing her entire self-worth on, plus a bunch of other things she never could. They mog her just by existing. She hates older moms for the same reason tradthots hate working moms - it's hard to peddle "women should leave the workplace, they're only good for raising children" BS when there are lots of women out there who can do both.
No. 1440288
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Oh now she’s back on the “I graduated early” lie.
Allison, you did not “gRaDuAtE eArLy”. You did not graduate at all. GED is not graduating. For whatever social reason she couldn’t remain in school (probably putting failed relationship drama ahead of her studies) she dropped out. You’re a high school drop-out, Allison. Period.
She does NOT have an associates degree either. She LOVES sharing receipts. She shows her camping receipts, she shows her shopping receipts, she even films herself buying juice. You’d think for all that over-sharing she does, she’d at least have flashed a crappy 2 year associates degree… nope! because like high school, she dropped out of community college too. She could have never gotten into a four year University. She knows it, we know it. Stop bullshitting Allison. You lie your way around in circles so many times you probably make yourself dizzy, and you can’t even keep your facts straight. Your high school teachers are probably laughing their asses off right now.
You were an average student and you were never multiple grades ahead.
You have no education, no degree, neither does Caleb, and all either of you will ever have is entry-level jobs. I know you’re trying to repeat the same made-up stories so many times until you finally believe it, but it will never make it reality.
No. 1440316
>>1440299What was the point of going to college for child development at all if she’s just going to sit Fern in front of an iPad or the tv when she’s not filming him? In some of her earlier TikTok’s she talked about Montessori curriculum for homeschooling, then it turned into unschooling. She’s at home with him all day (or on the go all the time and the boy has no consistent routine or structure to his life) and she’d rather sit him in front of a screen than teach him to talk or do any preschool learning activities with him.
I’m MATI, but the way she is raising Fern is so tragically cruel. I’m sure she’s deluded herself into believing it’s all for his best interests, but she really is so selfish. As anon above said, misery loves company, and she is an energy vampire sucking the life out of Caleb & depriving Fern of a healthy/happy childhood because she’s still bitter about her own.
No. 1440336
>>1440316The mom cults online that encourage women to do literally everything their child wants are scary as hell.
It’s worse when you see people who grew up with this same types of parenting who keep saying it fucked up their lives, but the moms don’t want to listen.
It’s clearly a trauma response. These people felt neglected in their childhoods, and now they think parenting is about never making a single choice unless your baby asks you to make it. The kicker is that this means they will not let their kids out of their sight unless the kid asks them to. I don’t know why they can’t see that they are the ones with the severe attachment issues.
The conspiracy theory part of my brain wonders if she likes Fern’s speech development delays because it means he won’t be able to ask her for space, which means she can continue treating him like her little doll.
No. 1440350
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kek these comments after her ‘nuance now’ tweet…. must be stans who don’t know she’s a terf. the people who speak for her are brain dead.
No. 1440401
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>>1440332Sage for blogpost
Funny enough, I actually am studying Early Childhood Education at college. In my program we are taught that the two most important conditions for introducing screen time to toddlers is parent interaction and high quality content. From what she posts it looks like “family time” is the three of them sitting on their separate devices, or Alice watching cartoons with Fern in silence and not interacting with him at all. She is failing him by not teaching him basic skills.
No. 1440446
>>1440288You can tell she isn't massively intelligent and doesn't have a very good higher education by the way in which she speaks and formulates her opinions.
High school is general learning, university is formulating arguments, reacting to criticisms, understanding the subject from all view points, changing your stance willingly when evidence changes.
She can't do that. She finds 'science' she feels is correct and suits her general lifestyle choice and parrots it about like fact.
That 5g conference she went to recently - 2 hours listening to a speaker and all she got from it was "5g not so bad, microwaves evil, must throw away microwave" with no further context, no additional research, not being able to answer ppl in the comments about WHY, HOW, nothing.
She's not a brain box, she's a sheep who thinks she's way more intelligent she is and fails at every turn to show any deep understanding of anything she preaches to young kids who think the sun shines out of her arse.
No. 1440449
>>1440372I know babies do things in their own time and I don't actually think the lack of speech is that much of a worry at this age but it's interesting to watch theamazingmara's videos. She's also crunchy but a seemingly lovely person. Her kids have been raised in a similar way to Fern. They are bright, smiling, clean, straight legged, and treated by a doctor when they're in need…
It's not the lifestyle that's the issue, it's Alice…
No. 1440585
>>1440575wow. that’s fucking irresponsible and dangerous. if a car seat is in the dumpster, it may have been in a wreck, may be expired, may have been recalled. that’s one of the few baby things that you should
never buy used.
No. 1440613
>>1440566>>1440585Organic flour with folic acid bad but used car seat found in dumpster good… make this make sense? She’s such a foolish imbecile.
If she sold a used car seat and a child is injured in that car seat she can be charged and sued for child endangerment
No. 1440946
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I don't understand why she needs to buy hundreds of dollars of juice in one trip when she goes grocery shopping at least once a day. Also Fern looks scared. Probably because his mom is forcing him to sit on a mountain of glass and wave
No. 1441005
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>>1440946I also think this was a food stamp haul. She tends to do one very large haul once a month which is mostly sugar juices. What the heck is vegan pizza mozzarella cheese in a JAR? Nasty!!
No. 1441007
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I’ve commented before they don’t have health insurance and knew it was cuz she didn’t want to pay the money.
No. 1441161
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Will someone tell this dumb bish fruit not gonna help her out next time she wrecks her car again?
No. 1441168
toxic trait is that i just wish she gets sick and has no way else but to see a doctor to teach her a lesson.
No. 1441324
File: 1644659692144.jpg (292.05 KB, 1072x1765, Screenshot_20220212-092021_Tik…)

Bold of her to assume she's employable
No. 1441386
>>1441340as if there aren’t any deaths that happen at home with both parents present. I mean, hell, the accident that killed her first was entirely her fault not a daycare worker’s. Her ‘logic’ is never a two way street.
“Wanting to have kids but just heard of another home accident story”
No. 1441395
>>1441386"Wanting to have a free birth but heard that historically women and babies didn't fare well without modern medicine"
There's no point trying to use logic with her. She dumb.
No. 1441615
>>1441541It pisses me off that Alice doesn’t actually advocate for changes in this country that would help working mothers. If she actually cared about babies, she would be doing that instead of constantly shaming or belittling mothers who have to work to keep their families alive.
She just thinks mothers shouldn’t work at all and seems to resent any woman who has a baby and doesn’t give up their career for it.
And now she is pretending like she seriously considered getting a job just so that she can shame working mothers even more.
No. 1441939
>>1441781I’m almost 27, and I look a decade younger than her and am regularly mistaken for a teenager.
I am not a vegan.
Using Alice’s own logic, I can conclude that eating meat and dairy makes you look young.
Making this deduction means I am a genius and could have gone to Cornell for free.
No. 1441946
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Fern obviously doesn’t want to be smothered but she won’t let him out. This kid has been trapped against her way to many times. This is now bordering child abuse and definitely going against his consent. Hey Alice, remember what consent is and what you have advocated so hard for children. Consent is only convenient when it doesn’t interfere with your agenda.
No. 1442039
File: 1644729846484.jpeg (889.94 KB, 828x1530, ABFAC922-42CB-49DF-ACE9-4D72E5…)

1st of December she posted this, now it’s the middle of February and she’s supposedly pregnant but still hasn’t reached 1 million followers on Tiktok yet kek. I guess she’s banking on her car camping content to bring in views and money. “Vegan organic wild pregnancy adventures in my car with my crunchy baby” vlogs incoming.
No. 1442077
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Posting insulting TikTok’s towards others to try and prove there is nothing wrong with your kid draws attention to the fact that your kid has deficits. This bowed leg is not healthy and you are neglecting his basic needs by not having his legs and hips looked at. You’re a terrible mum.
No. 1442081
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I guess the cheap basic kia didn’t come with locks either or did you not know to use the locks to keep people from stealing stuff from your car. Just another example of irresponsibility and social stupidity.
No. 1442088
File: 1644742791948.png (3.85 MB, 750x1334, D0E86D46-9AE3-49D2-8B4D-BF19EF…)

Alice made fun of this little boy for his health problems and for all the health problems he has had he is still more advanced than fern. A mom who is doing vegan right. None of the other siblings are vegan, she let them choose and once Indy is healthy enough to choose he will decide his food choices. Shame on you Alice!
No. 1442104
I've noticed that Fern is NEVER playing with toys.
When my kids were 18 months they had all wooden toys and went everywhere with little cars or dolls or whatever to hold and play with. There are SO MANY amazing toys for development that are still 'crunchy'.
They learn so much from playing. Their bedroom was set up for them to play safely and easily. Fern's is set up with plastic hydroponic planters.
He gets no engagement from his parents who are constantly stuck to a screen. I don't believe for a second that he isn't put in front a screen for hours a day AT ALL. Kids really are a full time job, at 18 months I was constantly finding ways to keep them busy at home. If she was doing stuff with him, there'd be endless "Baby Fuuuurn enrichment activity" videos.
She only ever shows him eating, looking confused or being dragged around a shop.
Wtf is he doing while she lipsyncs, does beaaaautiful make up looks, rubs food into the couch, has 3 baths, does scientific "research", belittles other mothers, recruits teen girls to cult, and has her head down dumpsters?
He's a fashion accessory and a cash cow. She doesn't give a shit about him.
No. 1442270
>>1442264To a certain extent, it is, and we can’t really know if his legs are growing properly.
The issue is that she doesn’t believe in doctors, so if there’s a problem, it will only get worse. She also deletes any comments about it.
It would be so easy for her to just address it and say that Fern is healthy and growing normally, but she doesn’t do this.
But yeah, I wasn’t bowlegged at Fern’s age, and neither were my brothers, but some kids take longer to grow out of the bowleggedness.
No. 1442289
>>1442264could be just a variation, but could be rickets or hip dysplasia or a bunch of other things
a doctor could figure it out, but of course Alice would never
No. 1442306
File: 1644778965041.jpeg (399.82 KB, 1800x1800, CC0C3577-1D4F-4306-A379-134252…)

Here’s another mom plant based mom that is doing it right. He’s thriving!!
No. 1442370
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Sage for old milk but I found Caleb’s mugshot, lol. He was arrested for possession of marijuana in Maricopa in July of 2018.
No. 1442420
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No. 1442424
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Honestly, what the fuck? Couldn't even take the sticker off, yet that's the LEAST of the problems in this photo. Aren't babies not supposed to have the skin off fruit, it's a choking hazard? IDK man, fucking gross. Dookie flakes from the animals getting stuck on there. Fern is going to get a fur ball.
No. 1442435
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The wrinkles man… OOF! Sunscreen everyone!
No. 1442446
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Like seriously?!!?!?!
No. 1442452
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Won't use plastic bags for the fruit at the store, but buys bottled water… Hmmm really sustainable. Bottled water companies extract millions of liters from their land leaving the natives who live there with no drinking water. I thought she was part native, do you all remember her mentioning that?
Someone in a tiktok mentioned our ancestors ate meat and she responded speaking in a way that it seemed on behalf of the entire tribe and it was unsettling and people got upset (rightfully) Other people from her "tribe" stitched it and were like wtf? (forgive me if that's not the correct term or if it's deragatory)
No. 1442468
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Nobody ever mentions this either…
But she makes parts of these videos while fern is asleep. "ive gotta hurry up and clean before fern wakes up otherwise it will be even harder" I quote from those YouTube I already posted. She then goes to retrieve him from her room with a bed full of blankets and pillows.
She's so negligent it's fucking disgusting.
No. 1442479
>>1442452I don’t think she’s native, and if she is it isn’t much. I’m half Cherokee, and everyone I know that is native has a CDIB card. She doesn’t have one, and she only claimed native after
that drama happened
No. 1442492
>>1442488In one of the YouTube’s I posted (accidentally at the park in my bikini one) she says they just got to the water park and she was going to wake him up.
Consent? Sleep when he wants? doesn’t really seem like she’s following that anymore. And aren’t you not supposed to wake a sleeping baby?
And yeah her voice does change a lot! Super weird…fake ass bitch
No. 1442533
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She said she can see herself having her 7th child at 40 but she constantly bashes “older” mothers (women in their 30s) saying they are at risk for having birth defects and are jealous of young mothers. Hypocritical.
No. 1442598
File: 1644824092608.jpeg (356.61 KB, 1920x1895, 1A47FB65-96B1-40F0-8850-51F5BD…)

Says the girl who shames moms older than 25, moms who use formula, and moms who aren’t fully crunchy, etc.
No. 1442624
>>1442306it’s nice seeing someone acknowledge that there are actually plant based/vegan parents that aren’t completely
abusive and insane
No. 1442813
>>1442749Thought he was gonna breastfeed till 4? he’s getting independent away from her a lot quicker than she thought. (or is he still “comfort nursing
No. 1443097
What’s appalling is how she still continues to encourage teens to get pregnant. With the amount of backlash, hate comments and stitches, it’s shocking how she continues to propagate the idea of teens having babies. The country I used to work in, teens aged 15-18 would come into labour with no medical history, no previous checkups, uncorrected anemia, undiagnosed cephalopelvic disproportion and bleed to death on the table. After witnessing the impact lack of education and lack of healthcare can have, I’m appalled to see that an uneducated privileged woman speak against medicine. Of course, modern medicine is not the holy grail but would you not get emotional if you see an extremely anemic 18 year old pregnant with her second baby? Would you not discourage her from getting pregnant again too soon? Healthcare workers strongly discourage teens from getting pregnant because they care for you not because we are jealous. I had an abortion at 19 and I discourage teenage pregnancy because had I had that baby, I sure wouldn’t be where I am today and I’m absolutely proud of where I am. It’s unfair to rob teens of education and profession (of course, if they want it or could have it) just so they can have babies. Or they’d end up like Alice, uneducated, uninformed, following fad diet, marrying a nobody with minimum wage and resenting their life choices. Alice just wants to make more women like her so she doesn’t feel like a complete loser.
No. 1443103
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Her latest video discouraging surrogacy has left me speechless. But what’s more shocking is the comment section. I’m pretty convinced that she creates fake accounts and comments “I love you Alice” for clout. She’s narcissistic enough to do that.
No. 1443113
>>1443106Given how she follows 2nthepink’s (or whatever how name is) footsteps on SW/OF, I would guess she drinks her own milk.
But she did reveal that she uses it to moisturise Fern when he was a baby. Not sure if she still continues it.
No. 1443177
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Her hygiene routine!!! Have they seen her bed? Her hair? Her rugs, her house, her kitchen, her pets and her baby? Hygiene is basically non-existent to her. I can’t. I’m done with tt. I’m done with her stans. And more I love you comments. Wtf.
No. 1443240
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>>1443218I’m almost positive it’s colostrum. I edited in a photo for comparison.
No. 1443303
>>1443280She probably destroyed it properly so no one could even pick up the perfectly good formula while dumpster diving.
She mentioned that her milk dried up in early pregnancy - a common symptom. She has recently started producing yellow thick milk (which is definitely colostrum) - something very common between 16-22 weeks pregnant. Her hair is also looking sooo dry, probably because the baby is taking all the nutrients it needs and she isn't replenishing them for shit with prenatals. Would I put it past Alice to lie about a pregnancy? No. Do I think she's lying at this point tho? No.
I feel really bad for Fern
No. 1443319
She’s mostly not pregnant! You can still leak breastmilk after weaning.
From:“Many moms find that their breasts continue to leak long after they wean. They may be able to express drops of fluid for months or even years after their baby weans, especially during a shower.
The fluid that leaks out after weaning tends to look more like colostrum (thin, sticky, and yellowish) than white or creamy like mature milk.
Since it took your breasts nine months of pregnancy to go through the physical changes that prepared them to make breast milk, it’s not surprising that they don’t go back to their pre-pregnancy state. immediately after your baby weans.”
No. 1443332
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There’s no way she’s 14 weeks pregnant or even pregnant. She literally posted this photo a month. Plus her bump keeps magically disappearing.
No. 1443444
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Like common, she clearly sticking out her stomach and she’s bloating badly.
No. 1443445
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Then she posted this one couple days ago. Where did her bump go?
No. 1443449
>>1443445This debate is getting old now. I hate Alice, but I think she is pregnant.
You can suck in your stomach when you are pregnant. She is sucking in her stomach sometimes because she has an ED and wants to look skinny. She stops sucking in her stomach when she wants to brag about pregnancy.
No. 1443450
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She posted that her period has been a month late. I don’t care if she’s pregnant or not. I just hate the she’s not being honest with her young followers.
No. 1443659
>>1443462A lot of women do this. I see videos about it all the time. Some women suck in their pregnancy stomachs because they think it will prevent stretch marks or help their stomach return to normal more easily after giving birth. Others do it to hide their pregnancies.
Maybe not everyone can do this, but it is a thing that happens. I don’t know why people are insisting it doesn’t.
No. 1443661
>>1443648But the hypocrisy is so annoying…she gets her nails done and fake lashes using animal products. Uses a leather stroller. There were past TikTok’s she said she tested every single day. I’m sorry. I just don’t buy it. This is another troll tactic.
Well we can be sure of one thing, she will continue to be absolutely miserable. What will happen to fern if Alice dies during the pregnancy or birth? Caleb isn’t gonna have a fucking clue what to do. Doubt the guy has ever changed a diaper bc Alice won’t let him.
No. 1443697
>>1443648But the hypocrisy is so annoying…she gets her nails done and fake lashes using animal products. Uses a leather stroller. There were past TikTok’s she said she tested every single day. I’m sorry. I just don’t buy it. This is another troll tactic.
Well we can be sure of one thing, she will continue to be absolutely miserable. What will happen to fern if Alice dies during the pregnancy or birth? Caleb isn’t gonna have a fucking clue what to do. Doubt the guy has ever changed a diaper bc Alice won’t let him.
No. 1443720
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Hmmm.. probably pending on whether they get the security deposit back from their gross ass apartment
No. 1443891
>>1443834She's not even good at being crunchy. Honestly, I admit to being a tiny bit crunchy, and if I had the time/money/patience I could happily live in the woods and be a self sufficient full blown crunchy mum.
She is AWFUL at it. She's one of the most consumeristic people I've ever seen.
Her terrible diet is a nod to clean living, but falls short.
Having a filthy house definitely isn't it, and bed sharing and breast feeding is hardly revolutionary or out of the ordinary. The rest of her parenting seems non existent. Fern gets taken to Walmart and has an avocado shoved in his face. That's literally it. No toys, nothing.
She's not environmentally conscious, she only cares about 'organic', nothing about food miles, ethically produced food…
She just takes her shoes off and pretends that she's the original hippie goddess.
No. 1443947
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>>1443445Lmao Corey Feldman lookin ass bitch
No. 1444157
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Just gonna leave this here … “hysterical pregnancy”
No. 1444215
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Pancake is a non-shedding dog so the hair in the vacuum is from his haircut two weeks ago which means she hasn’t vacuumed the apartment in two weeks but longer cuz she probably only vacuumed the hair up and nothing else. That is some serious nastiness
No. 1444323
>>1444277I'm skeptical because in one of her old videos, she said she used to have heavy periods but after going vegan, she bragged how they became very light and rarely if ever come. Which is a sign of malnourishment. She also hasnt changed her diet to accommodate her baby's health so its question of how she can get pregnant with this diet. However, Pregnancy can
trigger anxiety/mood disorders or exacerbate preexisting mental health problems so it could provide an explanation for her recent erratic behaviour
No. 1444329
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>>1444215Of course she wouldn't mind being gifted an animal and of course she's gleeful about bringing another animal into their apartment despite their already neglected dog/cat, dead rabbit, missing cat, developmentally delayed toddler, and newborn on the way.
No. 1444685
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Out of all of them, she picked this loser lol
(See the caption on the screenshot)
No. 1444737
File: 1645026351322.jpeg (846.09 KB, 828x1459, 43CEA434-4937-4CEC-B3DC-C03C2C…)

Alice really be spending $500 on coconut water and juice and still up in here with somebody’s used clapped-out Craigslist breast pump. make it make sense.
No. 1444824
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Shouldn’t be too proud of her delayed child who is waving like a seal AGAIN. The bottoms of his feet are black and disgusting. Such a smelly filthy family.
No. 1444863
File: 1645037329898.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, 3817C9DD-B2BC-4BE5-BD23-50771F…)

Out spending again and bought fern a kitchen. Now she’s going to be copying other creators content. Look at those nasty nails
No. 1444896
>>1444863Oof girl time to go get acrylics again to hide those gnarly claws. I think she was
triggered by all the comments asking where Fern’s toys are so she had to quickly go out and buy some
No. 1444945
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and someone needs to tell this lady that her kid’s legs are absolutely not normal. She needs to look into getting this fixed so he can walk properly.
No. 1444955
>>1444945my money’s on rickets
appalling bad parenting if so
No. 1445000
>>1444970Part of me was still ehhh about whether his legs were abnormally bowlegged or not. This clip wiped away all uncertainty.
That kid cannot walk normally. Look at how his leg twist around….. he is going to be in a world of pain if Alice doesn’t do something.
No. 1445162
>>1445128not to mention the rest of his body. tooth decay can cause endocarditis. also, juice is absolutely worthless in a diet. all sugar, no fiber, negligible vitamins and minerals compared to whole fruit. Alice is a fucking idiot as always.
why can’t anyone figure out where Caleb works? we know he’s just a line cook at some shitty restaurant, but which?
No. 1445233
File: 1645089708892.jpeg (809.32 KB, 1920x2006, CC205822-7AC8-46CF-A725-8F5A4E…)

Here she goes again with her bullshit. Now she is shaming people for getting the vaccine, when she used to say she’s pro informed consent and doesn’t judge those who get the vaccine because it’s there choice and doesn’t want others to judge her for choosing not to. Comments who called her out were deleted with the quickness, of course.
No. 1445234
>>1445215that's not her. it's in Florida, and dates back to 2018. plus, as mentioned earlier, her name is Allison Llani Bender née Roza.
>>1445233she's so fucking stupid. also, how is Fern autistic when he's 100% vegan and never been vaxxed? hmmmm?
No. 1445267
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So the chemicals in make up are allowed because it's vegan….but facemask is a no no because the chemicals are now bad and you could just "rub an avocado on your face or something".
Allison please, if you want to use chemicals go for it, if you dont, don't. Just make up your mind.
She literally can't get any more stupid.
No. 1445304
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can someone tell me WHY with these yellow crooked ass teeth does this hag think she needs to be spending money on makeup instead of oral hygiene products
No. 1445368
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she's wearing shoes here and people are calling her out lmao
No. 1445539
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Idk if this was brought up before but doesn’t Caleb look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo? I commented that and she banned me lol
No. 1445565
Exactly all her pro choice preaching is clearly SO fake she does not respect other people’s choices whatsoever and constantly shames people
Also she’s not really a true SAHM as she must spend an insane amount of time deleting and blocking comments.. how’s she even going to homeschool fern when she’s probably glued to her phone 24/7
>>1445552 No. 1445567
>>1445528Yes she scrubs comments. Her post from yesterday about not pausing her life for the pandemic had a lot of comments calling her tone deaf and insensitive. Then at some point yesterday evening, all the critical comments were gone.
I went back and rewatched a TikTok she took in wholefoods and literally every person in the store but her wore a mask and properly. I wonder if people have asked her to ask up in stores and what kind of fit she throws when asked
No. 1445588
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She’s really telling people to bring all of their medical waste home from a birth so doctors can’t use it for life saving science, what a selfish bitch. Nobody needs their babies umbilical cord or fucking foreskin after it’s been chopped off.
No. 1445599
>>1445592you can’t just bring the umbilical cord home to your fridge and then use it for stem cell therapy 20 years later
you have a cord blood bank collect it from the hospital under controlled conditions
what she’s suggesting is useless
No. 1445712
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She treats the boy more like a doll than a human. He doesn’t look comfy or that he wants to be in the carrier. Why in the apartment?
No. 1445715
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Lol. Caleb must have gotten paid yesterday. She has to spend it all, ikea and Sephora yesterday and eating out today.
No. 1445745
File: 1645141120482.png (3.38 MB, 750x1334, BC232B94-F00C-468D-B98F-3FDEF0…)

Great looking plant holder! She didn’t even get any accessories for him to play in the kitchen with.
No. 1445777
>>1445745Oof just noticed this. She should probably go back and grab some of the kitchen accessories. The website says they also sell play utensils and foods…
Again fern (like any kid) would need guided play to show him how to use his new kitchen and how cool it can be. Just taking photos of the kitchen isn't gonna do much for him :(
(:() No. 1445814
File: 1645145913419.jpeg (437.72 KB, 1800x1800, 4D741F82-2EAB-4B38-8779-239ECE…)

Why is she spending money decorating the apartment? She wanted to install a new ceiling light too.
No. 1445819
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Someone should tell her when you have pets you need to clean out all the filters on a regular basis and vacuum more than once a month but be prepared to be blocked.
No. 1445829
File: 1645147137832.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, 46E3E369-DB1C-4AD3-9284-58CCCC…)

Comments about her apartment being disgusting got to her? …maybe there’s hope she’ll start bathing fern and get help for him
No. 1445840
File: 1645147665213.jpeg (261.41 KB, 828x407, 2B3D2027-4B29-4489-A0E8-068BDD…)

Alice talking out of her ass saying she doesn’t believe there will really be an avocado shortage and someone mentioned there was a death threat to an inspector and she didn’t even know about it. Why does she talk about shit she doesn’t bother to read up about?
No. 1445844
>>1445842She is just covering over the filth on her couch. GROSS
The pet hair will show like crazy on the black.
No. 1445859
>>1445588So she’s pro circumcision then? Did she circumcise fern? Seems weird that a vegan even against animals being harmed and somebody apparently doing “attachment parenting” (although just seems like she neglects him tbh) would circumcise their child.
>>1445580Ok pickme nobody cares that you’re so young and hot and post your asshole online for $100 a month.
No. 1445898
>>1445881I don’t even understand how it’s possible to break that many vacuums. My dream vacuum (Miele) is expensive, but it lasts 2 decades. My mom has had hers for 15 years, and it still works.
Her ignorance and idiocy shows when she brags about how much money she spends for no reason. It’s basically the old money vs. new money debate, except she isn’t even new money. She is just desperate to appear that way.
No. 1446073
File: 1645179528563.jpg (252.62 KB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20220218-101904_Tik…)

The extent of Ferns toy collection…a sad looking kitchen with a few bits of train track in it. Poor little guy.
No. 1446074
File: 1645179604954.jpg (269.17 KB, 1080x1849, Screenshot_20220218-101926_Tik…)

And like magic this has been 'found'…like he hasn't been glued to it for hours a day for weeks
No. 1446106
File: 1645184652602.png (4.09 MB, 750x1334, 6553186F-2BF9-4D4C-8BDE-DAF6A1…)

She loads the fruit with added granulated sugar… the amount of sugar in their diet is gross
No. 1446314
File: 1645206881733.jpeg (211.2 KB, 750x669, DB07945C-EE90-4C66-B1B5-24E972…)

>>1446296She will see a medical professional for free food but won’t take fern to have his legs and hips looked at.
No. 1446351
File: 1645210097525.jpeg (255.39 KB, 750x964, BEFB4EC3-E41D-4ECF-83F6-0DC3E6…)

Are they having another kid to ensure they still qualify for the government programs? Another way of profiting off their kids.
No. 1446498
File: 1645224222013.png (3.54 MB, 750x1334, 9B0C53A4-7DC9-4DF0-AB87-98F5EB…)

Fern is actually eating in his high chair(emoji)
No. 1446527
File: 1645226610302.png (9.89 MB, 1284x2778, 4173E272-3950-431A-A6FB-28563A…)

Does she really think we’re gonna believe that people are trying to collaborate with her when she has 14 comments and like 20k views in 3 hours? No one wants to collaborate with you.
No. 1446529
File: 1645226729195.png (10.21 MB, 1284x2778, 7D2F848A-39AD-415C-BE2B-89D7E5…)

Still has the food death box I see… I guess microwaves aren’t so bad after all..(don't use emojis)
No. 1446555
File: 1645228349848.png (4.17 MB, 750x1334, 62E4633B-C5CD-400A-B9E4-A31843…)

>>1446541She shatting on her parents for “living in an apartment and being below middle class” but girl you are low class living in assisted living, free Medicaid and food stamps. They were doing better than you are.
No. 1446560
File: 1645228670452.png (4.02 MB, 750x1334, 31DE95C3-B57D-4EBE-81FD-83A3B7…)

Well duh, that’s how she sleep trained him. There are many parks closer to your apartment.
No. 1446582
File: 1645230370548.png (3.64 MB, 750x1334, D0FE9A8B-9B45-4B2A-8876-D11C7D…)

There you have it folks… she married the first guy that would let her be a sahm and have kids. I can’t get a good pic but it looks like she might have bleached her teeth.
No. 1446605
File: 1645232419417.jpeg (945.86 KB, 1915x2554, 6B24D7DC-35CF-4A3E-8EFD-D46EEE…)

Such a disregard to those who have been victims of SA. According to Alice, we should take away the blame from men who SA and blame doctors. Also hate how she thinks all people who SA people are men.
No. 1446608
File: 1645232486816.png (4.01 MB, 1284x2778, 124DDFB6-2293-4A2E-B73C-F742C8…)

Her last video UPSET her fan base majorly… I got a whole screen recording
No. 1446612
File: 1645232689742.png (2 MB, 828x1792, 249E5BCE-DAED-4F4F-9107-0101D8…)

Here some of the comments in case any of you missed it
No. 1446617
File: 1645232892810.jpeg (149.4 KB, 828x1792, 640F6B1B-466C-4253-90A1-42779A…)

More—she’s been on a deleting spree in the comments
No. 1446618
File: 1645232945161.jpeg (51.7 KB, 532x120, F510A770-434E-4251-8089-EB8AB0…)

>>1446612THIS COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!
No. 1446698
File: 1645241333354.png (10.33 MB, 1284x2778, BD3FB74A-4EB8-46C4-9089-A6998D…)

No one can look at this pic and tell me Fern doesn’t have rickets
No. 1446699
File: 1645241396347.png (4.19 MB, 828x1792, 596846E8-6D68-4BE2-8C26-3B460C…)

Literally what
No. 1446708
File: 1645242350202.png (7.73 MB, 1284x2778, 08D2394C-854D-42C2-9221-F22EA1…)

Now she’s saying when the house is done? Lol girl can’t even keep up her own lies
No. 1446904
File: 1645268388321.png (10.66 MB, 1170x2532, ED63F8F2-6EED-4733-B2BB-5F6D62…)

>>1446508Definitely think it’s shit
No. 1446979
File: 1645280475901.png (3.26 MB, 750x1334, 87CA530C-FDB2-48F3-BBC1-F0DEFE…)

>>1446880The account is banned. Tt might have removed the video.
No. 1447224
>>1447185that'd be cowtipping no?
it could be dirt or food
No. 1447250
File: 1645309627746.jpeg (431.9 KB, 1241x2006, 9EC0AFF3-03B6-4B45-AF28-F77E44…)

Why is she drinking this when on the back it says to avoid when pregnant because it contains alcohol
No. 1447257
File: 1645310269448.jpeg (307.2 KB, 828x1792, CB0489EC-3F26-434C-8A50-506129…)

Like I’m not crazy right? There’s an improvement
No. 1447353
File: 1645315987971.jpeg (339.42 KB, 828x1489, E814D4BE-F685-4C9D-B070-A43EC0…)

A picture of her dinner and her asking people to start calling the cdc and protesting the use of vitamin k injections because apparently she wants more babies to die of haemorrhagic disease of the newborn. HDN is prevented by giving babies vitamin k injections I don’t understand how this uneducated idiot thinks it killed her baby.
No. 1447365
File: 1645317279498.png (9.46 MB, 1170x2532, FBA20471-183C-417B-AF0D-B6941A…)

Ew looks like sewage water
No. 1447411
File: 1645320339797.jpeg (540.6 KB, 2448x1375, 7D7EAEB3-AFA8-410C-92C5-72E8EE…)

>>1446880Well she can’t really be a misandrist when she has a son. She’s probably bitter about having a son instead of a daughter and is coping hardcore but telling herself (and trying to convince others) its evil doctors fault if her son ends up a rapist or shitty person because of her and her husband’s neglect. Don’t know how she can call herself a feminist, let alone a RADICAL feminist when she’s one of the most tradewifey people out there. Her whole ideology is get married young and pump out babies, and spewing that women age like milk, how is that radical feminism?
>>1447353Her issue with the vitamin k shot is laughable. You can literally find true explanation for the black box warning with a simple google search. Anaphylactic reactions are possible with LARGE IV DOSES, which are only given after somebody has lost a lot of blood. Babies don’t get large IV doses after birth they get a small injection or oral dose. There have been NO fatal anaphylactic reactions in babies. And only one reaction in the world period. She has no argument for that being the cause of death.
No. 1447432
File: 1645322244632.png (5.99 MB, 1242x2688, CCF3123A-8B5A-44D4-A121-3338F0…)

The aftermath of her stomping the couch covers in the bathtub
No. 1447551
File: 1645333247233.jpg (113.76 KB, 720x387, Screenshot_20220219-210907_Chr…)

>>1447353Babies have died/nearly died from NOT getting the vitamin K shot. I can't find anything that proves vitamin K shot is deadly but plently proving it's risky to NOT give to a baby.
No. 1447871
File: 1645375142858.png (4.12 MB, 750x1334, 1667303A-73B4-4A05-B41F-8EE316…)

The boy tries to be on a regular sleep schedule but she’s the one messing him up
No. 1448189
File: 1645403502188.png (4.26 MB, 750x1334, 8EAA0B3D-C442-4403-91F5-3BF55E…)

The mortgage assistant needs to look into her spending history
No. 1448246
File: 1645407439317.png (3.52 MB, 750x1334, AAED1E4D-4D67-4766-9C3F-9A8B08…)

Lol my body definitely knows the difference between coffee and smoothies… more of her verbal diarrhea
No. 1448247
File: 1645407578711.png (3.42 MB, 750x1334, 0E1CF01C-F051-448A-81B1-48620F…)

All that work cleaning up and there is still food on the floor from yesterday
No. 1448374
File: 1645420870526.png (3.27 MB, 750x1334, 03007170-E4F6-4C24-83B8-EADE5C…)

You can’t just rewire in a rental apartment, she’s going to burn the building down!! Why is she spending money on an apartment they are moving out of? I don’t think they are able to go through with the house and she knows it.
No. 1448452
>>1448444The irony is that vegan make up is only so readily available because of advancements in science and the use of chemicals.
But there's only so much filters can do so Allison will be Allison and happily let go of that part of her belief system.
No. 1448475
File: 1645438783909.jpeg (230.96 KB, 828x1331, 19FFBE12-63A5-4F45-86F3-DAAFDF…)

No. 1448575
>>1448475kek what a retarded cover. so if someone threatens to kidnap and eat Fern, you’ll finally stop exploiting him too?
you killed the bunny, Alice. just admit it.
No. 1448637
File: 1645462327093.jpeg (419.04 KB, 828x765, 9BC353F8-A611-4972-8AC5-B881F4…)

>>1448530She still has the cat, I saw the tail in the left corner in her recent video about propagating her plant
No. 1448679
>>1448646I won't believe the bunny is alive unless she shows it. she let it eat an avocado she dropped and was too lazy to pick up. she thought it was funny.
she poisoned that bunny.
No. 1448686
File: 1645468332295.jpeg (46.48 KB, 490x353, 024430A5-F18A-4109-90BC-E24960…)

She’s over here acting like a pro cook but her rice looks so watery and flavorless. Looks like slop.
No. 1449027
File: 1645491040407.png (3.59 MB, 750x1334, B668DEC7-3145-4A98-9476-C142D3…)

On live ppl keep asking about brushing ferns teeth and she won’t answer it. I don’t think she brushes his teeth.
No. 1449112
File: 1645500930454.png (3.66 MB, 750x1334, 276D9D4F-0537-4611-82AB-506579…)

The kid’s hair is so dirty. Having that smell directly below her nose has to be unbearable.
No. 1449129
File: 1645502576915.jpeg (443.62 KB, 626x628, 09841F7E-3DD7-443B-B9DE-145360…)

Ferns hair is starting to look like a tRuMp combover
No. 1449187
File: 1645512713635.png (3.16 MB, 750x1334, 64CA4DE0-B2FC-4821-B222-405A73…)

“The family cloth diapering center” That isn’t many “diapers” and the smell when she hasn’t done the laundry.
No. 1449188
File: 1645512717660.png (3.81 MB, 828x1792, 3A1848A3-A32F-447D-90FC-FBBF8C…)

No. 1449189
File: 1645512779180.png (3.71 MB, 828x1792, 65127D46-ECE6-4B85-A626-FE26E9…)

There’s literally just shit and lumps of dirt everywhere
No. 1449195
She’s disgusting. She’s disrespected SA
victims so many times No. 1449196
File: 1645513766171.jpeg (521.11 KB, 1675x1557, 54176A2C-78C3-46C0-8328-D662CB…)

>>1449184Yep edited. She forgot to edit the dirt off his leg. Lol
No. 1449264
File: 1645524928313.jpg (319.38 KB, 1080x1873, Screenshot_20220222-101210_Tik…)

So she's honestly trying to say that tik tok deletes the comments? Isn't it amazing that it it's smart enough to only delete negative comments. And so helpful in blocking the commenter too! But takes a short break at the same time she's sleeping. Incredible.
She goes on to say that make up is high risk but of course high benefit, but sunscreen is BAD CHEMICALS with no benefit.
Allison is getting RATTLED by this thread. Go and buy your kid some toys.
No. 1449305
>>1449187I know she’s not cloth diapering because she would have installed the handheld nozzle type of bidet
ages ago. this one is completely useless for cloth diapers. she definitely just snaps a diaper shell over a disposable.
No. 1449383
File: 1645542158246.jpeg (205.54 KB, 750x1334, DCF6DC4C-3F31-4E14-9F43-55FF64…)

This is why it looks like fern has no toys. Good thing she spent all that money on the cars.
No. 1449392
File: 1645542937113.png (3 MB, 750x1334, 1F17C5CF-BBDA-4C53-BF7D-69F8EB…)

She takes 3 baths a day but fern gets 3 baths a year. Selfish wasteful ignoramus.
No. 1449466
>>1449177she's just was bragging about bird of paradise plants that were a couple hundred dollars. I hope her cat doesn't eat them, they are
toxic to cats. it will have the same fate as the bunny that ate the avocado.
No. 1449715
>>1449671And blocking accounts on her behalf.
All before she has a chance to even see the comments! Imagine that.
No. 1449811
>>1449630narcs are truly convinced that everyone is dumber than them, while being unfathomably stupid themselves.
see: onision
No. 1450039
File: 1645604029148.jpeg (169.3 KB, 506x1443, EC113953-7591-4D9D-B193-A3F06F…)

Her lifestyle is aging her beyond belief wear sunscreen folks
No. 1450113
File: 1645620810213.png (504.77 KB, 562x802, Screenshot 2022-02-23 155208.p…)

she's not gonna let him get braces… that poor boy
No. 1450152
File: 1645627031359.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, A47C03EF-C886-436F-814E-50EA1C…)

Tick tock her time is running out. She’s worried she’s becoming insignificant and not social media famous? She’s become the influencer of not what to do.
No. 1450216
File: 1645636618925.jpg (685.16 KB, 1080x1844, 20220223_120818.jpg)

Alice claims she was asthmatic and used an inhaler but she had a typical american diet and once she went vegan didnt need it anymore.
No. 1450551
File: 1645660102132.jpeg (304.67 KB, 1200x1170, 3CB0E8B5-CF8B-46A2-9ADF-5F1A7C…)

Now she’s trying to say she was bullied cuz she was “really pretty”. This photo from hs says otherwise, she looks like a homely introverted charity case.
No. 1450567
File: 1645661139391.jpeg (57.95 KB, 480x348, E99D3CC6-8043-4DEE-9809-5C1150…)

>>1450551Alice to her female simp army on the daily
No. 1450610
File: 1645664721383.png (3.31 MB, 750x1334, BB07FA0A-A4C4-496B-9543-3F7AFF…)

The plants are all dead in the hydroponic planters and didn’t that car cost $500? Good thing fern is getting great use of it and so much fun.
No. 1450790
File: 1645681199027.jpeg (268.91 KB, 828x1495, D24D7D2B-1B99-4A45-AB0A-BC9279…)

She must be sooo deficient in vitamins and minerals vegans would normally eat from fortified foods like soya milk etc
No. 1450828
File: 1645684906723.jpeg (95.95 KB, 615x929, A8CD60AB-50F4-4B3F-87AE-F90309…)

>>1450823samefag but you can tell that the aging on her left side is already way worse than her right bc she spends all day driving around lol
>>1450039>>1448246 No. 1450888
>>1450842Sorry what….we don't have gyms that provide childcare here so I'm confused. She works out whilst Fern goes to a childcare area in the gym???
Surely the quality of care has to be pretty low? Definitely not montessori wooden toys? Definitely not qualified early years professionals?
It's like she's been told to socialise Fern more and can't afford a decent daycare and doesn't want to interact with other parents at a mother and baby group, so has done the cheapest, shittest option possible.
It's really weird considering all her 'beliefs'. I'm a picky about who I trust with my kids, and a random daycare at my gym would NOT cut it, I'm surprised Mother Gothel has gone for it.
No. 1451005
File: 1645712877853.png (3.12 MB, 750x1334, 4EA50AEF-1E74-400F-8E2F-AF81F1…)

Someone is trying to jump on coat tails and appear she on the same level. Alice, you are a shaming mean girl!
No. 1451012
File: 1645714177746.png (3.11 MB, 750x1334, 17BF48FE-2C48-4986-8049-DFD957…)

>>1451005Supposedly willow spanks her child and blocks ppl who call her out for it. I thought Alice was against spanking and called it child abuse.
Good to see you’re promoting a child abuser Alice.
No. 1451052
File: 1645718967532.png (7.78 MB, 1242x2688, 81158DFE-4406-44B4-891F-C60E91…)

I’m surprised she wouldn’t drop a few 100 for a pot for her plant. She shoved it in a laundry basket lol
No. 1451066
>>1451005The absence of an upper lip is astounding.
>>1438823Absolute looks match. Why are underwhelming and chalky white people insistent on breeding? This and the thread with the birth injured baby truly haunt me.
No. 1451219
File: 1645731075311.jpeg (94.18 KB, 272x483, B1C78B3F-F9E1-47E2-B238-88442B…)

Alice’s bathroom tour… no toothbrush for fern
No. 1451230
>>1451219Remember when Onision’s wife neglected to brush her son’s baby teeth, then they got so rotten and decayed that he had to be put under general anesthesia and have all his teeth taken out?
Unfortunately that could be in Fern’s future if Alison doesn’t do something about it.
No. 1451408
File: 1645748318661.jpeg (496.81 KB, 750x1059, E3FB1AF5-27B8-4CAE-9769-5643D3…)

Alice trying stir up shat with Maia? Remember when you tried to do this in high school… it didn’t end well for you.
No. 1451424
>>1451419She also formula feeds (which is
valid – formula saves lives and ebfing two infants as a single mom seems incredibly difficult and stressful!) and practices safe sleep. She also gets sponsorships and has so many more followers than Alice. Maia, like Alice, just films herself doing mundane tasks like prepping a bottle or cleaning. Alice is probably wondering why everyone goes crazy for Maia but not her. Maia isn't perfect but her existence drives Alice crazy with jealousy and I gotta appreciate that if anything
No. 1451801
File: 1645798148976.png (6.5 MB, 828x1792, 636CB20F-A03F-4411-8562-087987…)

Kombucha with a side of shit
No. 1452044
File: 1645825692841.png (3.73 MB, 750x1334, DE4F398F-170C-49F9-A492-0E7A7A…)

>>1452033His shirt is buttoned uneven
No. 1452059
File: 1645826636166.png (3.23 MB, 828x1792, A90AFFE3-1B46-49FA-B0C7-CC8A4B…)

I think she dumpster dived these perfume and body spray display samples and claims to be getting rid of them because she only uses essential oils now.
No. 1452115
File: 1645830946143.png (3.78 MB, 750x1334, B68B5A54-9F45-48AF-B434-B51B52…)

If she’s bored then maybe she should clean her apartment, cook some dinner, do some laundry… if it’s the being a sahm then get a job cuz obviously being a sahm isn’t for her.
No. 1452384
File: 1645862567660.png (4.38 MB, 750x1334, C48A8557-90D4-4BF6-9623-FE6EB2…)

Only homeless people sit out the doors of grocery stores, panhandling for money now? She’s so cringy.
No. 1453016
File: 1645944720369.jpeg (343.54 KB, 1200x1207, 2A97716C-0D02-4C52-9D79-F129C5…)

She is spreading misinformation again. Just cuz it doesn’t work for her doesn’t mean it won’t work at all. A crib didn’t work for my daughter but I didn’t tell people to not get a crib. Know your place Alice!
No. 1453110
>>1453016so very montessori
>>1453026the ugly falsies really highlight it, too. I love it.
No. 1453487
File: 1646001961426.png (4.54 MB, 750x1334, EDC360CB-11F9-4AE3-90CB-2C60A7…)

Say you’re poor without saying you’re poor.
Is that where you found your eyelashes too?
No. 1453513
File: 1646004211972.png (4.52 MB, 828x1792, E85935BB-B13B-4CF6-A5E2-C540E0…)

Wtf does this mean ?
No. 1453559
>>1453513Who does she think she's kidding? Babe we know you spend 99% of your time policing the comments.
Also it is just me or is her content SHIT lately. Like really dull. She's too boring to even hate now.
No. 1453566
File: 1646009312790.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1679, Screenshot_20220227-164420~2.p…)

Oooh the way she obviously wants to do this trip with ally dowse (thebollmanbunch) and now that poor girl has to come up with a polite excuse why she isn't going to hang out with (and especially not share an apartment with) Alice…
No. 1453848
>>1453756Yeah agreed. It is really sad. She lives her life in front of her phone.
I have barely any photos of fun days out because we're busy having fun, not living for imaginary friends online.
And yes, her table manners are vile. The way she holds food and shovels it in are gross. For someone who 'respects fresh produce' she eats it like an animal. She'll probably say her parents abused her by making her eat with cutlery at a table.
No. 1453855
File: 1646037540157.jpeg (184.81 KB, 828x1445, 9D2B11C7-1CDF-4411-BA07-7CC832…)

HER DIRTY NAILS OMG can you not be crunchy vegan organic whatever and still practice basic hygiene omg
No. 1453917
File: 1646057167787.png (2.97 MB, 750x1334, DF20B190-1E25-446F-B162-D5D9F7…)

What the heck is going on with his hairline? It’s like a 50 year old man’s severely receding hairline.
No. 1454029
File: 1646070447646.png (10.25 MB, 1170x2532, B3FFE95A-D13E-4243-9CC4-502A40…)

A fit check while her baby wears a dirty tee and a measly diaper smh
Someone rightly commented how she can’t make a single video without talking about $
No. 1454235
File: 1646084695086.png (3.63 MB, 750x1334, 1EA784BC-19AD-45EE-89DA-945E3E…)

Now she trying to say she doesn’t shame or judge when she’s admitted she stops being friends with people cuz they don’t have the same views, such bs.
No. 1454266
File: 1646085744648.jpeg (342.8 KB, 1241x1940, 92B23B53-61B8-4474-A408-338A93…)

I can’t believe she spends this much on food, but the crazy part is this is the lowest she’s spent on food in a month
No. 1454276
>>1454266That is more than my mortgage and utilities bills each month… stupid stupid woman.
Does this include eating out or just from grocery stores and the farm store?
No. 1454280
File: 1646086674178.jpeg (343.41 KB, 1201x1800, 9EF52893-87B6-4D43-8A81-FAE9D2…)

No. 1454315
>>1454306She spends more than that on juice. Those juices are about $8 a bottle, her and fern drink 4-8 bottles a day
$8x5(bottles)x28(february)= $1120
No. 1454317
File: 1646090049783.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, EFCDCDE3-7B15-40A6-A7AF-886D23…)

Oh shit! Maia won’t put up with Alice’s crap
No. 1454453
File: 1646103995534.png (3.01 MB, 750x1334, E9531C94-2D05-4D39-BE3D-0D5A00…)

She just realizing now how much money she’s been spending on food and still eating out. She looks like she’s been crying. I give it 3 days to last cuz her kitchen will be a disaster from not doing dishes.
No. 1454485
>>1454471They don’t make 10k a day from views. The influencers making good money are doing adds and colabs with companies but bc Alice is so controversial with her ideologies as well as she shames and belittles people companies don’t want her representation.
She also sells the stuff she dumpster dives on fb marketplace and other sites to people not knowing where it came from or if it works properly.
No. 1454512
File: 1646111299678.png (9.85 MB, 1242x2688, 589B73CB-456D-475A-8012-A0218C…)

>>1454453I’d cry too if my meal was a pile of canned beans and spinach
No. 1454576
File: 1646117943556.jpeg (49.07 KB, 828x329, 0D01938A-C662-49B6-AAC4-C1BA95…)

She liked this comment
No. 1454579
File: 1646118138382.jpeg (178.97 KB, 828x1144, 335E0A93-1BBB-487F-B68E-A2CFB8…)

No. 1454580
File: 1646118192181.jpeg (180.51 KB, 828x1323, 69A9A23D-2327-4F1D-90A9-2A4499…)

It’s like shes lowkey gaslighting people by not telling them the truth everyone is so confused
No. 1454581
File: 1646118221698.jpeg (184.93 KB, 828x1330, F82D21A0-0F43-4348-84B4-38AD74…)

Pre pandemic prices.. girl
No. 1454694
File: 1646143623211.png (383.49 KB, 1170x2532, 2DF80949-AC51-49B7-84D7-876B74…)

>>1454688Yes it is illegal. But she doesn’t disclose some of them. This pikler is Lily and River. She also casually mentioned she used a particular brand of pans that are non
toxic but turns out she has a code for it. She only ever disclosed the planter codes.
No. 1454854
File: 1646161522358.png (886.01 KB, 1080x1679, Screenshot_20220301-110329~2.p…)

Sure let's mock drug withdrawal and compare it to not spending $80 a day on juice.
No. 1455244
File: 1646183511472.png (3.87 MB, 828x1792, D17186AF-9730-4364-ABBB-E58B62…) she said in another video her parents were middle class and were an average family income..
No. 1455428
File: 1646206655241.jpeg (346.45 KB, 824x1546, 65824B6A-A5E0-4EE8-8AA1-203821…)

She follows the patriot party on Instagram.. she’s definitely a trump supporter anti vaxxer anti covid and immigrants
No. 1455430
File: 1646206842503.jpeg (328.57 KB, 828x1560, 29AB2AD5-DC68-40FC-AB9A-EEF385…)

She follows so many anti vaccine and covid conspiracy pages
Even an anti adoption page…
No. 1455591
File: 1646218015801.jpeg (180.97 KB, 385x549, 0ABAFE8E-25ED-4FC7-8F88-539141…)

I feel like this is so disrespectful to her husband.
No. 1455713
File: 1646234381590.jpeg (285.72 KB, 1170x2161, C3D75C63-A1F1-485B-A3E4-9C8A63…)

Ok what the fuck is a ‘Fit Check’? and why does she reckon people want to see her in ill-fitting trash pyjamas?
No. 1455739
>>1455719 Imagine throwing your shirt away for some very
valid reason and then seeing it again on tik-tok being work by your batshit nutter neighbour.
No. 1456264
File: 1646276052632.png (3.56 MB, 750x1334, 861BCF18-A2E0-496C-AC26-00AB14…)

His legs are still really bowed, especially his left leg. It looks like it’s getting worse with him walking on the outside of his foot and turned in.
No. 1456285
File: 1646277748197.png (2.7 MB, 750x1334, 7E8628E4-8BDD-453B-BE5C-DCB1D4…)

Like really? She has ppl believing fern goes to a full on daycare, it’s a babysitting service while she works out
No. 1456388
File: 1646288554801.jpeg (123.86 KB, 750x1334, 1A830522-B582-49E5-BFDA-79ECC1…)

Wtf. Man’s creepy af
No. 1456434
File: 1646293200595.jpeg (354.25 KB, 828x1448, EFDF0C36-59B1-427F-AE3B-52EED2…)

Look how black is feet are poor baby
No. 1456440
File: 1646293680378.png (68.25 KB, 750x750, 2F6D3FF4-717B-461C-90CC-C663A9…)

He was always swaddled so tightly he couldn’t move
No. 1456447
File: 1646294127728.jpeg (152.7 KB, 660x879, D1927ED1-0D51-40F6-B02D-039A92…)

>>1455966agreed, it’s giving model house feels
No. 1456484
File: 1646298524912.png (10.53 MB, 1170x2532, F77F0C34-17DA-4461-A245-F89371…)

She’s definitely lurking here. She cleaned up her house and even designed a playroom for Fern with the piklers!
No. 1456495
File: 1646301241291.jpeg (73.22 KB, 652x628, 53557510-4313-4F2A-AECD-04972F…)

>>1454453why’s her head shaped like a lightbulb? like her cheekbones stick out so much, she looks like she’s having an allergic reaction to hair dye like this girl
No. 1456541
File: 1646309512418.png (529.72 KB, 750x1334, 492D1F9A-7BDA-4B0A-B2E4-8127B0…)

>>1456484If bassinets are a waste of money then why is this on her baby registry
No. 1456640
File: 1646319522532.png (6.92 MB, 1242x2688, C9CB9B13-20F1-4AAD-A3DE-AEA5ED…)

>>1456484“Fern loves it she’s been playing in here the whole time”
This is the first time he’s has access to his own toys lol. Look at how dirty that playpen was after she got the junk out. What the heck did she have in there. She says she needs to clean it out more “for the next owner” oh boy lucky them
No. 1456789
File: 1646332033736.jpg (81.76 KB, 720x777, Screenshot_20220303-132316__01…)

Someone please convince me that isn't her bunny she recently said she wasn't posting because people were threatening to kill it???! I can't unsee it…
No. 1456802
File: 1646333121219.jpg (45.66 KB, 720x409, Screenshot_20220303-132316__02…)

I don't know I just see the outline of a rabbit and I know she has a rabbit she hasn't posted in a while…. I truly hope she isn't crazy enough to leave her dead Bunnys body in there and film a video. I don't know I can't unsee the bunny outline. My husband was looking over my shoulder said it looked like a bunny and I can't unsee it.
No. 1457038
File: 1646346513315.jpg (220.77 KB, 1080x2017, Screenshot_20220304-012347_Ins…)

Found her old dumpster diving insta which has her name attached on it.
No. 1457049
File: 1646347026981.png (2.27 MB, 828x1792, CABF72CD-4E44-460C-B7A0-FD972B…)

Bada bing bada boom, wish you could reply with pictures when commenting on Tik Tok. She lies to her followers.
No. 1457568
>>1457566Also let’s include:
> doesn’t disclose ad sponsors> indicates being SAed> continues preaching all doctors are SAers> she and Fern have dirty feet from walking without any shoesShould we also link her dumpster diving account?
No. 1457833
File: 1646422714127.jpeg (99.49 KB, 557x872, F539B451-8F9F-4074-B152-922135…)

Just to put into perspective… an influencer posted what she earned for a month from tt, she has 630k+ followers and has similar or a bit higher view numbers as Alice.
No. 1457843
>>1457833Thank you for this!!
Do you think her "followers" and comments might be bought?? I don't know how that works, but maybe her Stans are all paid for by wherever people go to do that.
I know there's a few "real" Stans, but you know what I mean.
Does she still get paid for all the comments she deletes? Honest question.
No. 1457852
>>1457847I am like 99% positive it's monthly. (if she doesn't reply) If it was weekly, that's really not that bad. What do they base pay off of again? Just views?
Also, does anyone have an easy way to watch her tiktoks without tiktok? I can't download it, I get so addicted, and also, I have like 4 accounts and ended up blocked on all of them. LOL maybe ill make one more for lurking and keep my trap shut this time. It's hard to never comment and call her out or try and make her commenters aware of her BS.
No. 1457858
File: 1646423845261.jpeg (9.83 KB, 191x264, Unknown.jpeg)

For references and discussion prompt…
No. 1457861
File: 1646423948813.png (145.15 KB, 750x1195, 19-mos-toddler-feeding-chart-7…)

For references and discussion prompt…
No. 1457870
>>1457861If he is filling up on fruit and breast milk (she has a whole fridge stocked people, she's still feeding him mommys milk, I can promise you)
She's always had a deficient diet so the milk isn't giving fern the equivalent of that picture.
And with her waking him all the time to take him out, he is FOR SURE not getting anywhere near that.
I really am curious about her excuses for why he isn't talking yet.
Does she not realize people come to her channel for fern, and those are the videos that do the best? Yet she changed it to being all about herself and her lunatic beliefs. Weird and narcissistic.
No. 1457886
>>1457852That was monthly and the influencer thinks just views.
I’ve had like 10 accounts blocked by her… lol but it’s easier now to not say anything knowing she deletes them before anyone really sees them.
No. 1457887
File: 1646424772774.png (45.8 KB, 696x194, Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at 2.12…)

>>1457878The most likely answer is that she is doing something like this.
No. 1457898
File: 1646425782363.png (1.05 MB, 1811x781, Ekran Görüntüsü (109).png)

Also I'm not siding with her or anything but the reason she does these unexpected trips with fern is might be the caleb's alcohol problem. I was looking at her dumpsterdive insta and god. She mostly shared photos of the alcohol she found in the dumpsters and there are many posts shows that. Let me remind you that she was pregnant around these times and I don't she is that irresponsible to drink while she was pregnant. I really recommend to check her dumpster diving account it says a lot about her.
No. 1457950
File: 1646429274155.jpg (8.85 KB, 205x178, dumpsterthirsttrap.jpg)

>>1457038Is her pfp a picture of her sitting on the edge of a dumpster wearing booty shorts? It's hard to tell bc the pic is so small but kek if so
>>1457870>Does she not realize people come to her channel for fern, and those are the videos that do the best? Yet she changed it to being all about herself and her lunatic beliefs. This is such a good point anon. I never put my finger on it before.
>>1454453Her hair is fucking disgusting. You can really see the grime in this pic.
No. 1457964
The kid needs fats for his brain development. Vitamin B12 deficiency in babies is extremely harmful to their development, including speech delays. His willfully ignorant and neglectful mother is a piece of shit for this. This will have lasting repercussions for Fern.
Here Alice, read up please: No. 1457968
>>1457944There was an anon on here who got banned for being
abusive for the cussing and somewhat threatening defensively of Alice who I thought could have been Caleb but around that time alice posted TikTok’s and she was cussing in them. It stuck in my mind, one the anon getting banned and two Alice doesn’t usually cuss.
No. 1458046
>>1458042Some people are not fit to be a parent. She is one of them. Needed a lot of maturing. Even for the first baby. Why are people so rushed to get pregnant so early when they haven't dealt with their own trauma from being raised (which she has expressed)
Deal with your shit before bringing a child into the world. I know they're together all the time, but she is very negletful to him in so many ways, and it's sad.
No. 1458395
File: 1646475244514.png (4.43 MB, 1170x2532, 5D014AD2-8A4F-4533-B1B0-669B35…)

Poor Alice has a stomach bug. I’m not even surprised.
No. 1458802
File: 1646522863619.png (8.42 MB, 1170x2532, 907BFE2C-FA9D-44B4-9C9C-EDB9A5…)

No. 1458902
File: 1646528979566.jpeg (344.12 KB, 1200x1645, 298D8F0E-EB08-486C-BE5F-8868CB…)

The comments but really, where is his helmet? He looks miserable, a stomach bug too? The dog off leash again.
No. 1458976
File: 1646537117717.jpeg (194.26 KB, 750x870, 1EEC9BE3-5B36-4EC5-95E2-E8B5CF…)

>>1458970She probably still wouldn’t even if required.
No. 1459189
File: 1646557790355.png (5.42 MB, 828x1792, CC59150F-D652-4F69-8533-4C29E8…)

He has so many bruises on his arms and legs poor baby he’s far too old to be strapped to her like that anyway looks so unhappy