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No. 1437264

Allison (Alice) is known on TikTok for being a barefoot crunchy mom, vegan, and self-proclaimed tradwife.


>met husband Caleb Bender when she was 14; he was 18
>says she left him for two years because he didn’t want to get married and start a family, so she was ~17 and he was ~21
>got married as soon as she turned 19; immediately got pregnant
>in February 2019, Allison was in a car crash at 29 weeks pregnant
>sent to the hospital in an ambulance; delivered the baby via emergency cesarean
>baby Aurelia didn’t survive
>Allison first blamed the C-section, later the vitamin K injection
>announced second pregnancy in February 2020
>refused prenatal care because she thinks ultrasounds have radiation
>chose to “freebirth” instead
>i.e. gave birth alone on her toilet in their apartment; fished out her own placenta from her uterus two hours later
>Fern was born in August 2020
>Allison believes all women should be willing to die alone in childbirth rather than go to the hospital or have C-sections
>Fern is dressed gender neutral, except when Allison makes him wear her dead daughter’s dresses
>vegan except for her expensive leather baby stroller
>claims her parents were abusive because they fed her meat as a child
>anti-vaxx; bragged about telling people not to wash their hands before holding her newborn, but she’s nervous around people who got the covid vaccine
>lets Fern eat dirt, sticks, rocks, shopping cart handles, etc. because she breastfeeds
>refuses to wear sunscreen or put it on her infant because she thinks vegans can’t get sunburns
>believes she is smarter than doctors despite only having a GED & dropping out of college
>hasn’t worked since she quit Victoria’s Secret during her first pregnancy because #tradwife
>refuses to say what Caleb does for a living; according to a GoFundMe set up after the car crash, he previously worked at a sports bar in a strip mall

>hinting at another pregnancy on TikTok; refuses to take a pregnancy test because they aren’t vegan
>pet rabbit mysteriously disappeared; she possibly killed it by letting it eat an avocado she left on the floor
>a pet cat has also disappeared
>Alice continues to let Fern eat off her filthy floors; her apartment is still disgusting
>continues to refuse to wear shoes in public; makes Fern go everywhere barefoot too
>Fern continues to look abnormally bowlegged, and he still only says one word (“oh”) 18 months old
>attended a 5G conference and said she’s throwing away her microwave; continues to stay on her phone 24/7
>wants to become a sex worker
>went on some kind of weird impulsive road trip with Fern (without Caleb) and talked about wanting to live out of a van and “unschool” him
>still no word on the house she’s having built

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alicellani / https://www.tiktok.com/@alicellanispam / https://www.tiktok.com/@crunchyipadbaby
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alicellani/ / https://www.instagram.com/comingupferneats/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcvTBOZRCShzsEd0guqg2Qw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alicellani
Amazon wishlist: just kidding, but of course she has multiple

No. 1437266

Love the profile picc

No. 1437269

“Her apartment is still disgusting” SENT ME!!!

Ooooh we should’ve included the mystery of her having seen her “evil abusive” family recently.

Any word on the wedding ring? Is it stuck inside fern?

No. 1437270

dammit, I forgot to mention the ring in the OP. I'm dying to know if he shit it out or what.

No. 1437280

I doubt it. I think if he shat it out she 100% would have fished it out and cleaned it off and started wearing it again.

No. 1437284

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Little do they know lmao

No. 1437285

Don’t think she’s smart enough to look for it

No. 1437287

Watching fern walk in the latest videos is painful… he’s so off balance and awkward. Is he walking on the outsides of his feet?

No. 1437288

Yes he does. It’s heartbreaking that she isn’t having them looked at

No. 1437295

She said she doesn’t talk to her parents anymore which leads me to question what would happen if her husband divorces her? I’d this why she’s talking about possible doing SW? Seems like if her marriage fails she will have no one, she doesn’t even seem to have any friends.

No. 1437310

I was thinking of that. If her husband leaves her she literally has no one. She lives such a sad life. I wish she would get help. If not for her then at least for Fern.

No. 1437335

She also said she is saving money for fern so if he wants to leave and not speak to her anymore she could give him money to leave.

No. 1437352

Wtffff. Her thought process is wild.

No. 1437383

I remember in another vid, she showed an email sent by her grandmother when news of her marriage reached her family. As usual, a lot of things were blocked out, but I remember seeing her grandmother write things like "You robbed your father of walking you down the aisle. You robbed your mother of being the mother of the bride. You robbed your sisters of being bridesmaids."

Not sure if it's still up

No. 1437391

it is, i was just watching that video. i was wondering too if she still talks to her sisters

No. 1437415

They have a family pic together recently, it was posted in the last thread.

No. 1437430

That wasnt a recent pic. That was taken years before she moved out.

No. 1437523


Pancake is in the photo….

No. 1437530

I dont think thats Pancake, Pancake is Caleb's dog

No. 1437538

Considering no one has worked out whether that animal is either male or female I guess she can’t speculate on whether the dog in the photo is Alice’s or her parents. Either way it looks identical

No. 1437564

ALL of her pets are a mystery. she had no idea whether Pancake was a girl or boy for ages, the bunny is dead, the cat disappeared.

not very VEGAN

No. 1437581

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She still hasn’t washed her bedding since rubbing her nasty feet all over. The same bedding they ate chips off of. They “brush” the bedding off with their hands before going to bed and she only brushes her side of the bed, Caleb is left to do his. You know that bed is just pure rank. Vomit!!!

No. 1437590

Fern is at about 8-10 month language level. Poor kid.

No. 1437601

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She’s complaining about income requirements to rent apartments in Mesa. This means her husband makes much less than 4K a month. With her $300 organic grocery trips she claims to do every couple of days, I can only imagine the amount of debt they’re in. She is living way above her means.

No. 1437612

She claims they are debt free and paid cash for their cars but her settlement money has to be depleting quickly with 2 cars, house deposit and her impulsive spending.

No. 1437621

Are you new here? First day? Her husband is a waiter at a pub, and they live in subsidized income restricted housing. they had settlement money from her car wreck which is likely mostly gone.

No. 1437623

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NO, Allison. It isn’t like this everywhere. Property on the coast and oceanfront is 4-8x more expensive. Better stay where you are.

No. 1437644

Her husband actually left the pub job months ago. She is very secretive and goes as far as to delete comments asking what he does for a living but she posted around October that he was starting a new job. Unless he’s working two jobs.

No. 1437649

He started a new job after he got fired because of Alison’s controversial TikTok’s. Him getting fired is one of the reasons he isn’t in her social media and secretive of his job. It was very quick him finding a new job so probably still at a restaurant and he is working nights and weekends

No. 1437721

No pancake is both their dogs they got it as a puppy together. Same with the kittens. Go look at her Instagram, from the beginning. There’s not that much to scroll through to get there. Don’t say a fact if you don’t know it to be true.

No. 1437725

The sad part being she could’ve just paid for a years rent in full to ensure they were set until at least this time next year. What’s with the renting posts when she’s supposedly buying/building a house?

How did they go from house hunting to house building to searching for rentals again? What kind of delusion is Alice living in?

No. 1437759

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This was the state of her bedding a few days ago. Guessing it's a bodily fluid. Maybe she uses it as natural, organic seasoning for all the meals she munches off the bed.

No. 1437783

Revolting. Imagine working an 8-10 hour shift to come home to a filthy apartment and have to crawl in your crumb covered nest with crazy eyes ignoring you because you dared to use shampoo a few days ago.

No. 1437804

Does anyone know where he does actually work? Looking like he does, I really can't see him working with food/drink or anything hospitality anymore. I mean…would you eat something he's delivered to your table? And someone would have seen him by now…

No. 1437805

Everything about her is vomit. That was the day that was “so cold” needing all the blankets, clothes and tent to stay warm yet fern was walking barefoot outside in sweater and pants.

No. 1437806

Imagine the mould in ferns bedroom with the 3-4 hydroponic indoor planter things she has in there. The door is probably closed so no air flow. The management will need to enter that apartment after they leave in hazmat suits.

No. 1437808

Something1111111777777 needs to casually spill where he is working. No one actually knows but he has always worked in the service industry or at gas stations. He works nights and weekends with his days off always during the week. Might explain why he started using shampoo. People have commented he’s slow with few skills.

No. 1437809


This is just blantenty false and everyone who lives in the Phoenix area knows it. Rent has gotten bad here but not 4k for a 1 bedroom in Mesa bad. It's so dumb because it can so easily be proven as false by just a simple google search. If you search San Posada in Mesa you can get a 2 bedroom for 2k in a decent part of town at a Mark Taylor complex. I just started renting a 4bd house for $1940 not far from her and it has a pool and is in a better neighborhood than mesa.

No. 1437834

Both people work, have roommates that also work, or have jobs that pay better than minimum wage. In addition to good rental history. Something they'll never have with how they take care of their apartment. It's not rocket science.

I think she's talking about how much they have to have in monthly income to qualify; though she worded it badly. Lots of apartment complexes are requiring you to make 3-4x the rent now.

No. 1437843

She should be more concerned about qualifying for a mortgage than rent. They will need to amortize for a 100 years to afford the house and then the amount of money thrown away to interest. Maybe some spenders remorse going on with her and the realization the financial hole she has dug them into.

No. 1437844


Nothing about her video made sense, tbh, because “800” was definitely referring to the actual monthly rent in the past, so how different is the actual rent now? Did it actually go up a lot, or did only the income requirements go up that much?

If she weren’t so financially irresponsible, his wealthy dad would probably co-sign a lease for them so they could find a better place.

It’s wild that she chooses to continue flaunting her ridiculous spending habits when she is admitting they don’t even make 4K/month for a family of 3.

No. 1437849

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Hmmmmm. Confirmation of trouble in paradise?

No. 1437850


Oh thanks I misread. I wanted to watch the vid but I think she deleted it.

No. 1437852

NO WAY, that’s some real tea you found

No. 1437856

So he’s trying to reel her into reality and she isn’t liking it? He’s setting expectations of cleaning up after herself and fern and to vacuum once in a while. I think his parents are cutting off the money train and rightfully so after the $200k settlement. Most people have to work to get ahead and not be handed a large lump of money to squander. They live more like roommates than a family.

No. 1437903

She for sure knows that she's going to have to make her own money very soon and it's definitely making her more unstable. But I don't see her being able to commit to anything and trying to find an easy way out, probably try to latch onto some new guy, pretend to be a perfect housewife and then eventually show her true self

No. 1437942

She is for sure holding out for a prince in a vanlife camper to come sweep her off her feet and give her the lifestyle she believes she deserves. There’s some level of irony in that Alice’s situation is exactly what happens and why no one should do what she preaches - tie yourself to the first scrote who you can dupe into supporting you so you don’t have to work, super young, cut off your family, and have as many kids as possible. Trying to be the perfect tradwife for her groomer has made her miserable. She’s isolated and doesn’t have support or resources to fall back on when her marriage falls apart.
As aggravating as she is, I don’t wish harm on her and I hope she gets the help she needs. She’s still so young and can turn her life around if she’s willing to admit she some poor decisions.

No. 1437962

Yup she follows troll nuance now. That’s where she parroted the monologue about the “high value men” and women’s value declining with age. He did a YouTube video about that which he deleted but it’s still out there

No. 1437966

she blocks and deletes any constructive criticism that doesn't align with her narrative. People try to help her and give her advice and point out dangerous flaws in her parenting etc.

Her ego is too large. It's going to get the two of them killed. Fern is young, and is already exhibiting delays and possible physical developmental abnormalaties. She takes him to the naturopath the bare minimum that CPS asks of her. (she has said in comments "it keeps cps off your back" being the only reason she takes him)

There are stories where babies need to be in braces 23 hours of the day to correct stuff like this. I wonder what the consequences are if it goes untreated. If it's a life of pain, I feel so awful for fern.

No. 1437973

I know he left the pub but he isn’t qualified to do anything else so he’s obviously doing the same thing, just at a different pub. Service industry people don’t deviate. Also, I did hear from someone he used to work at a gas station before the restaurant job. not sure if that has any validity.

No. 1438048

Getting the same vibe from her.

No. 1438109

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Was she not just talking last month that anything past the age of 25 was old? She gives me such whiplash

No. 1438128

RIGHT? Was just gonna come on here and post this too. Shes so fucking hypocritical

No. 1438129

She needs to move the goal posts because she looks older than 25 and doesn’t have a smokin bod. She’s aging quickly

No. 1438132

She should be warning young girls of groomers like her husband. They are the real danger.

No. 1438153

I think she’s mentally preparing to breakup with Caleb so the idea that men only want teenagers wouldn’t work in her favour now if she’s going to be single in her 20s

No. 1438157


Well, she balanced it out in the next video by talking about how older women hate younger women because they are jealous.

She is literally setting herself up to be this type of woman. She is already jealous of 12 year old girls because of their “fertility.” Remember when she cried because she was so jealous of a teenage mom?

I am a woman in her late 20s, and I don’t think about teenage girls, their romantic prospects, or their fertility at all???? Why would I think about this??? I do not see them as my competitors. I see them as children.

She really can’t grasp the fact that she was groomed at age 14, and most men aren’t creepy losers like her husband is.

No. 1438195

Based on her last couple Tik toks, i think she might be hinting at OF

No. 1438199

I hope she at least decides to shower before posting any OF content.

No. 1438203

Idk, people are leaving the service industry now more than ever, but he doesn’t strike me as the type to leave what he knows. Which is fine, we need service industry people too, but I honestly think his unwillingness to get a better paying job is part of the reason he and Alice are on the rocks right now. I think they were surviving mostly off of that $200,000 settlement, and now it’s running dry and Alice expects him to pick up the tab and he’s not. She just posted a video of her lip-synching to a song with the lyrics “you’re saying I’m the one but it’s your actions that speak louder.” Sounds like he’s not living up to what she expected of him in some way. And we all know him paying the bills was, like, her biggest expectation for him.

If they were smart they would have used some of that $200k to invest in a business that would continually return them a profit. Instead Alice spent it on coconut water and a bunch of other trivial shit.

No. 1438204

You just know that OF content is gonna include hella smegma.

No. 1438211

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This is petty as hell, but you know how Alice talks about how she is so intelligent that she was always at the /very top/ of her class?

Just found this random magazine from Napavine, Washington, where she used to live. It’s from 8th grade, but it’s still funny that she brags about how scarily intelligent she always was, outperforming the rest Of her class, and she was just… an average student.

No. 1438213

Hahaha. It's really annoying when she pretends to be super speshul high IQ autistic NLOG, so this is a treat.

No. 1438214

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She says this baby might be her last. I’m assuming that’s because her marriage is on the rocks and they will breakup soon…

No. 1438218

Dude. What's she going to do as a single mother with two kids and no education or real work experience?
Optimistic answer: swallow her pride and go back home to her parents, drag Caleb's groomer ass through the legal system for alimony and child support.
Realistic answer: start camming in her car while Baby Fern and Fetus roll in the dirt outside.

No. 1438222

Sponge off her groupies

No. 1438223

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KEK. She’s gonna put her free birth on OF.

No. 1438229

This is hilarious. But let’s be real, we all knew she was never anything other than average in school- she didn’t even know gluten-free bread existed until, like, last week. And we’re supposed to believe she “rEaDs tHe sTuDiEs” (and comprehends them???) regarding medications and other healthcare related practices and somehow understands them more than actual healthcare professionals with years and years of education… like ma’am. You didn’t know bread for people with celiac existed. Tf

No. 1438235

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Alice is speedrunning her way towards becoming a mommy blogwhore like her idol Zoe.


No. 1438236


Imagine knowing your mother put out a video of you being born so that pedophiles could pay to jack off to you…..all so she could fund her vegan sushi.

No. 1438239

Oh god. His parents need to get custody of fern and the baby if or when it’s born

No. 1438249

For all that talk about male OBGYNs getting off on their pregnant patients, the only one sexualizing childbirth here is our idiot queen Alice.

Does anyone know if she gets along well with her in laws or at least has convinced herself that they all get on famously? why she isn't putting them on blast? I haven't seen her speak poorly of them once, which is out of character for someone who flames anyone and everyone for not living up to her (hypocritical and conflicting) standards.

No. 1438251

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Vote this be included in the next thread pic

No. 1438253

They have been giving them money but not too sure about that anymore and she has indirectly blasted them. Caleb’s father works high up in a medical network and some of the things she has blasted on hospitals is what his job is. His family tolerates her for ferns sake.

No. 1438254


I feel like she gets along with her in laws bc they're the ones with $$$. I think she was hoping that they would subsidise Caleb's income so she could live the #tradwifelife on her bfs measily salary but since she can see that's not happening she's starting to have relationship pronlems and wanting him to make more money.

No. 1438266

Anyone know why she doesn’t go live anymore?

No. 1438285

I remember when she visited them for thanksgiving she mentioned she was embarrassed that his family watches her tiktoks. And she said she felt validated by them when they asked when she will have another baby, because she felt that they approved of her free birthing. Seems she wants them to accept her because she feels rejected by her own family.

No. 1438287

i think she says that cause she thinks she'd be too old to have babies after 25

No. 1438304

It’s probably lots of things: the crumbling marriage, the financial issues, and she can barely cope with one child. She has posted herself several times locking herself in the closet to get away from Fern. I wonder what will happen to him once she has baby #2. He’ll probably be neglected. I can’t really see her being able to handle more.

It’s funny because when she got married she had a plan to have a baby every year for the next 10 years. With all the shaming she does telling women to marry young and take advantage of their fertility, it’s interesting to see reality hit her. I also remember she used to identify as a “tradwife” and now she’s moving towards sex work. She tends to have these grandiose ideas that she shames other women about and then she changes her tune when things don’t go as planned for her. She thought she could just pop out 10 kids with the first guy who looked her way and raise them on a waiter’s salary, all while expecting to live a life of luxury. She lives in a fantasy land.

No. 1438305

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Surprised I haven't seen anyone talking about this

No. 1438309

Fern will start getting into things for attention bc she will be feeding the baby all the time. The terrible twos are going to hit hard

No. 1438320

Bet you anything that she'll make her'extremely artsy' (lol) pictures with the barely stable chick fresh from being sectioned then realise it was actually not as lucrative as she had hoped…. then declare that the whole thing was very traumatic and her lesbian exploration phase was actually her parents fault for being 'abusive'

No. 1438321

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Daddy fern looks annoyed

No. 1438334

She guilted him into going, I’d be annoyed too

No. 1438338

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No. 1438348

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No. 1438367

They all look like they smell. I’m so sorry Fern. You deserve better.

No. 1438416

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She essentially just did a pregnancy announcement and then in the comments admits she doesn’t even know if she’s pregnant, meanwhile everybody is congratulating her.

No. 1438425

She seriously needs help. She’s deranged

No. 1438429

Samfagging to say she looks suspiciously less pregnant than she did in this pic >>1436045 from three days ago.

No. 1438432

Yea this is fucking weird. The fact that nobody is stepping in for baby Fern makes me sick. Screw her enabling husband.

No. 1438467


She really gives young girls advice when she is in a loveless marriage with her groomer and is literally causing her kid to grow up deformed because of her terrible parenting…..

She’s now just openly complaining about her husband online, even though she is maybe about to have her second kid with him.

Sure, Alice, older women are so jealous of your life, lol

No. 1438581

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“No matter how pretty you are, nothing repels men like feminism” she is so dense. She really thinks men would be simping over her if she wasn’t “feminist”

No. 1438586

Miss girl, men don’t watch you because you’re disgusting and look like you smell like a rotten rat. On top of that you live in a pigsty and constantly spend all your husbands money. You obsess over teenage pregnancy with is borderline predatory and really creepy. What exactly do you offer for a man to be interested in you?

No. 1438600

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Did you see where she commented that posting her birth to OF wouldn’t be a problem because men wouldn’t subscribe to it? The delusion, lol

No. 1438602

She knows men would subscribe to it which is exactly why she’s doing it. She just won’t admit it because she doesn’t wanna get called out for being a pervert.

No. 1438611

Has anyone else been finding this all really hard to watch recently? Her life is just so depressing and empty of people. It really seems like all she does all day is film herself shopping. It's like watching a car crash in 0.0005 speed. I honestly feel so bad for Fern, who deserves better than is (his legs and speech is also incredibly concerning). It's so frustrating to watch her spew false shit across the internet and project her trauma onto others. She needs mental help. I don't even want to get in to what I think is going on with Caleb and the housing situation.

No. 1438627

same, i just hope that fern and the other baby(if shes actually pregnant) get put in a better place as soon as possible, alice and caleb are horrible

No. 1438644

How is everybody so sure she stinks? Lol, just curious. Because pregnant women can’t tolerate any awful smells, can they?

No. 1438682

She washes her hair only with water, shows off her dirty black feet from walking barefoot all day, outright says they don’t shower unless there’s visible dirt but even then doesn’t shower, wears dirty clothes that are only washed in water. I can go on but she’s disgusting.

No. 1438683

Lol she probably wishes she could get more male views (especially now she wants to do onlyfans) and this is what she tells herself to cope.

Her content isn’t very feminist anyways. She is often talking about women’s value in men’s eyes and what men want. And portrays women as being jealous of each other and desperate for male attention. But since she’s had issues with her husband she’s been complaining more about men which I guess she thinks makes her FeMiNiSt.

No. 1438684

Imagine not using anything scented…only coconut oil to wash your hair and body. And no toothpaste.

She can’t be bothered to vacuum the floors, do you think she’s caring for the cat boxes? Especially if she didn’t believe in cleaning products. What does she do to get rid of the cat pee at the bottom of the box before you add new litter? It’s more than likely vile.

If a house stinks, your hair and clothes stink.
Ferns diapers are full and saggy in some posts and his hair is all greasy and slicked to the side or just not paid attention to at all. Other signs of poor hygiene

It’s just a really good bet that they smell like sh*t so don’t get too close. You might get a whiff.

No. 1438686

She has this “men ain’t shit” attitude, yet without her “man” she literally has nothing. Fern. Which she doesn’t even seem to have an interest in anymore. She did a video once about what kind of educational things she was doing with fern (reading him alphabet flash cards) but nothing since. And obviously didn’t continue with it bc fern knows one syllable word (s?) and that’s it. At 18 months. Apparently he learned to wave like a seal performing for a show at sea world.

If everything fern needs to learn is already in nature, whyd she bring that weird ladder thing with them? What was the point?

I feel like we’re watching a train derail in slow motion. But there’s nothing else we can do but watch. I used to think I hated her cuz I was jealous of her, but she’s ruining a small child’s chance at a good start in life. Their little brains are sponges at this age and she’s teaching him nothing.

No. 1438699

She needs to start looking in the mirror instead of deflecting her own faults onto her parents. If she really thinks they were that bad then do better, she’s failing fern as a mum.

No. 1438702

Yeah I dont think she actually knows she's meant to be teaching him how to communicate properly or what milestones he should be hitting, she seems proud to show off the few sounds he can make like he's some kind of genius toddler.

Honestly, even if she knows he's got a speech delay, she wouldn't get help for him and would hide it if she suspected he was autistic or had any disability. It's like she has this image of herself as a mother and fern being autistic would shatter it because she said vaccines or whatever other stupid shit causes autism and she thinks she's an amazing mother(sage)

No. 1438715

She's too selfish to look in the mirror. I don't think shes even capable of any sort of self reflection. Obv she needs therapy and I'm not even sure she realizes that

No. 1438737


It was wild when she had an account for her “radical feminist” opinions when her entire life centers men, and that’s how she encourages young girls to live as well.

Also, the fact that she doesn’t teach Fern anything is super alarming. She has no friends and doesn’t talk to her family, and her husband is at work all the time. She is always on her phone.

At what point does he even have normal social interactions? Does she ever talk to him without a baby voice? When is the last time she even read to him?

There is no way that Fern is hearing enough words, and he is absolutely developmentally delayed. She has no plans of ever sending him to school or to a real doctor. That kid is not going to hit any milestones.

Turns out babies don’t absorb language and/or skills from a vegan diet.

No. 1438797

It's hard to watch because it's really obvious her world is crumbling. The $200k car crash settlement comes out to about $270 a day for a year, before taxes. It's obvious from her manic spending that the money is probably long gone – all spent by Alice. It doesn't seem like Caleb got much say where that money went and he also lost his child in that car accident. Having blown through the $$ she is probably pressuring Caleb to bring in more money all while not honoring her end of the deal: being a good little tradwife.

The way she sees it though is that Caleb isn't honoring HIS end of the deal because he can't provide for her daily spending of hundred of dollars. If she wanted someone to fuel her lifestyle why not try to marry someone with a higher income? Did she miscalculate expecting Caleb's wealthy parents to bankroll their lives?

Fern seems like such a sweet little kid. Poor little dude.

No. 1438812

File: 1644429109999.png (8.11 MB, 1170x2532, 0014E82F-5928-45B7-9E2C-BE11C5…)

Guess Alice is truly considering to pack her van and take off with Fern leaving her husband behind.

Anybody seen this?


No. 1438817

She is creating such an unstable environment for Fern. It’s sad how she only cares about herself.

No. 1438821

Hopefully Caleb’s parents step in and get him a lawyer. We all know Alice would try to make a similar arrangement and keep his parents out. He seems to be close to his parents and would listen to them if Alice backed him into a corner.

No. 1438823

File: 1644430208438.jpeg (249.46 KB, 1372x1372, 1FFE86A0-1C6E-4438-B232-9C3E6B…)

Does anyone else think Caleb looks really sickly now compared to before? These are just screenshots from one of her recent videos and… Yikes. That before and after is unsettling. He looks ill. I know vegan diets can be fine for adults but they definitely require some fortified foods/supplements and I don’t think any of them are getting that. Even Fern has dark circles under his eyes.

No. 1438827

There’s no doubt with her marriage falling apart and with her rebellious personality, she’s one day gonna take off with Fern and the foetus. I’m just surprised she hasn’t left already. She’s been rehearsing this the past few days - taking Fern to sketchy camp sites and putting themselves in danger. I wish nothing bad happens to either of them.

No. 1438831

Yeah he looks sickly and his hair looked fuller and healthier in the first pic

No. 1438835

Totally! This looks so typical. Even Alice has started to show signs of premature aging on her skin. Caleb, being older, has started to show these signs much earlier. Idk why this isn’t proof enough for Alice to ditch this fad diet and start eating a balanced vegan diet.

No. 1438836

I agree. And of course they won’t see a real doctor so who knows what’s really going on.

No. 1438839

Hair loss is a very clear sign of nutrient density. In their case, it’s most definitely protein deficiency. Idk but doesn’t Fern have very sparse hair too? Or is it normal in toddlers?

No. 1438840

Agreed! They all look sick, Caleb just looks the worst off and I’m sure that’s because of his age, like you said. But Jesus, they all look pretty bad.

No. 1438843


I hadn’t seen this. My god. She’s going to get herself and those kids killed. I wish TikTok would ban her already.

No. 1438845

Fern does have sparse hair but I know some toddlers just have thin hair in general. But that poor baby also has dark circles under his eyes and bowed legs so I think it’s safe to say the thin hair may also be because of deficiencies. Which is sad. He’s just a baby and it’s painful to watch him being neglected like this.

No. 1438847

damn he ugly

No. 1438850

That and he barely gets a couple hours of sleep a day, poor kid

No. 1438851

Remember sometime back Alice posted a video showing how she doesn’t have any frown lines though she goes out in the sun without SPF because she’s a vegan? I can’t seem to find the video now. She probably deleted it after she started ageing at rapid speed lmao.

No. 1438854

Yes, it could definitely be a toddler thing. all toddlers grow out of it. But I highly doubt it’s that case here, because both his parents seemed to have had a very full scalp in the old picture. So there’s definitely something wrong.

No. 1438864

These people are like the modern version of hippies with their vegan organic diets, opposition to modern medicine, living on the road, dumpster diving and unschooling their children. The unschooling is the most troubling for me and don’t understand how it is permitted.

No. 1438868

Vegans' entire lives revolve around coping. Their diets only lead to malnutrition, they either lose a lot of weight and become borderline Ana or they remain/gain weight and feel unsatiated and eat more and more amounts of greens and oils and feel like shit for as long as they're on it. Some ex vegans say they never felt satisfied even right after a meal. Puts so much stress on your body from malnutrition that they just age like shit, I can see this happening to this guy. Imagine what it's doing to the baby.

No. 1438908

It could be alcoholism too…he is unhappier than ever and probably drinking a shit ton. Adds YEARS to your appearance.

No. 1438917

File: 1644435649778.png (405.9 KB, 1080x1219, Screenshot_20220209-015443~2.p…)

She's trying to contact the CDC to report a vitamin k shot reaction but like girlie only doctors can do that you have NO EVIDENCE Aurelia was killed by a vitamin K shot. And if she truly was doctors would have reported it.

No. 1438952

Or she’s looking for data to back up her claim

No. 1438954


Well the data is on the CDC website and says only 1 child had a allergic reaction. So I don't know what she's looking for

No. 1438966

That surely does negate her theory of vit k shots harming newborns.

No. 1438967

it's not gonna come bc you're just wrong. it's been 3 years, let go of the vitamin k thing.

No. 1438982

Is Aurelia’s death date approaching? Maybe that’s why she’s becoming even more unhinged and dragging this shit back up.

Looking for another settlement check cuz the other one is dried up.

No. 1439014

I think the crash was in Feb 2019, she got pregnant with Fern around Nov 2019, and he was born in Aug 2020, so yes. also agree that she’s fishing for another settlement check.

No. 1439076


Ya but if confronted with the information she would just be like the CDC is hiding things bc modern medicine wants to kill people. But then if you truly believe that why even contact them in the first place lol

No. 1439096

She deleted this tweet.

No. 1439278

she commented under this girl's video saying that it's not okay and she has body dismorphia meanwhile broadcasting to everyone that she only weighs 100 lbs and that humans are meant to be skinny and climb trees. why is she pandering to fat people now?

No. 1439279

No. 1439282


Can you screenshot the comment and post it? I have no idea what this has to do with Alice and can’t find a comment from her.

No. 1439306

I’m confused about why she’d contact the CDC about vit k shot. It’s a vitamin, first off- not a vaccine, and second, the thing it prevents isn’t even a disease.

No. 1439404

sage but ill never understand how they managed to blow 200k in two years

No. 1439473

Write the word sage in the “email” line when you’re posting the comment! :)(:))

No. 1439475

with a new car, a new house, I am not even surprised!

No. 1439476

100k a year is about $275 a day before taxes! It might seem like a lot but the lifestyle she’s been living would account for everything.

How are we sure she got a settlement and what the amount was? I believe you guys I’m just curious.

No. 1439490

Exactly. It isn’t much. I’m not sure how much they tax in the US but here in the UK $100k after taxes is basically less than the average income of a two people household looks like. So blowing off $200k in 2 years is not surprising at all with her lifestyle.

No. 1439497


I’m not sure how much the settlement would be taxed, but they would have received over 100k for sure. Definitely easy to blow through that money with how they live.

That being said, many families in the US make WAY less than that in a year because they survive off one income, or they are working minimum wage jobs.

No. 1439499

File: 1644496088127.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1758, Screenshot_20220210-052000~2.p…)

She's such a pathological liar and for the dumbest shit. I worked for VS in college and they don't make you wear VS on the floor, the dress code is black business casual. And you can wear anything when the store is closed not just PINK. She's acting like she was so oppressed by being forced into wearing VS lingerie to work but it's just so far from the truth

No. 1439501

Not only is she lying, but I also get a weird sexualized vibe off of this post and many of her others. Like wanting to sell videos of her birth on OF or obsessing about young girls fertility. It's almost like she truly believes the HVM groomer daughter-wife shit that Caleb likely spouted to her when they met when she was 14, or she's hypersexual and fishing for another dude on social media.

No. 1439524

File: 1644498990583.jpg (233.19 KB, 1080x1039, Screenshot_20220210-081625_Tik…)

ntayrt but here's the comment

No. 1439525

I've been following Alice for a while and suspected quite quickly that they were living off money other than her husband's income. I thought it was from his family, hence why she seems to tolerate visiting them even though they eat meat, but a legal settlement would make total sense. I don't think she's well mentally though, I know she plays certain things up for tiktok but I wish Caleb or his family would step in.

No. 1439545

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No. 1439547

Did she just call a dumpster clean?

No. 1439548

I cannot handle how filthy she is and has no issues with broadcasting it. Maybe she doesn’t have friends or family around because people literally cannot tolerate her smell.

No. 1439549

That being her standard of clean then no wonder they are all dirty and disgusting

No. 1439552

She’s commented a few times lately she takes 3 boiling hot baths a day, ppl’s comments about her smelling getting to her? She’s going to cook that baby inside from the too hot baths.

No. 1439614

vegans notoriously cannot regulate their body temperature and she has no body fat to keep her warm. I mean she lives in AZ for god's sake it's not like it's actually cold there. I'm surprised she's still fertile if she actually is pregnant

No. 1439637

She does have fat. She doesn’t have any muscle tone. Either way, her body is off balance therefore unable to regulate. Even though she blames her cravings for super hot baths on childhood high fevers and her parents giving her otc meds to fight fevers which is completely false

No. 1439681

She eats out so often and restaurant food contains so much fat. She definitely does have skinny fat. I hate that I said that out loud because she definitely has an ED and my statement could possibly trigger her.

No. 1439738

nitpick but this outfit is so awkward

No. 1439793

It's because she selects clothes that are easiest to bodycheck in, not necessarily the most fashionable. She wears a lot of cropped tops, corsets, and bike shorts bc she wants people to point out how skinny she is. She definitely has an eating disorder and body image issues

No. 1439795

All of her self worth is wrapped up in being skinny, young, and sexually appealing to older men

No. 1439805

She looks like she has a pretty high body fat percentage, just zero muscle

No. 1439842


I feel bad saying this, but it’s always been weird to me that she does this when I wouldn’t even consider her to be particularly thin?

Like, I wouldn’t look at her and say, “That person is skinny.” She /is/ skinny, technically, but not so skinny that it stands out to me. For me to comment on how thin someone is, they would have to be as Olivia Rodrigo levels, and she is nowhere near that.

She used to talk about it a LOT though, which is both funny and depressing. It’s funny because she is so desperate for people to see her as a twig even though she isn’t, and it’s sad because she is so desperate for people to see her as a twig.

I think her body looks great, though. Her face has aged several years in a matter of months, but her body still looks good imo.

No. 1439925

Agree, she's slim, not 'skinny', and I doubt she's 100lb like she proudly proclaims (pre pregnancy obvs). Tbh she looks the healthiest out of the whole family.

No. 1439971

File: 1644524975736.png (7.79 MB, 1170x2532, 26F50FE9-9146-4222-B18E-F39E00…)

She’s now claiming she got into Cornell with a full ride but instead chose to go to community college to get an Associate’s degree in early childhood development.

I’m honestly starting to think she believes her own delusions. She also said she was “multiple grades ahead” of others because of her autism and could have graduated high school in middle school.

Remember that academic magazine I posted the other day showing that she wasn’t even near the top of her class in 8th grade?

Sure, Alice. You’re a genius. That’s why you chose to get married to a service worker and expected his income to provide you a life of luxury.

No. 1439983

Hilarious. It's always the only-slightly-above-average intellects who feel the need to prove how smart they are. She's so desperate for validation.
Maybe she's superficially jealous over a 19 yr old with 4 kids, but I guarantee you she is seething over women in their mid-late twenties and early thirties who went to school, lived a life of their own, and then decided to settle down and have kids. Her face is full of regret and resentment.

No. 1440012


For sure. I feel like as she is growing older, she is realizing why ~older~ women warn against teenage pregnancy and early marriage.

You change a lot from your teenage years to your mid-twenties. What you want as a teenager is not going to be exactly the same as what you want as an adult.

Other women chose to get their education and have a career lined up for themselves before making choices about marriage and children. That gives them more of an idea about what they want out of life, and it also ensures that they actually have options. (+ They get to figure out their own identity outside of motherhood.)

Now she can’t easily leave her husband because she has no way to get a job outside of SW, and she is having marital / financial problems.

I wish she would just admit she is wrong about older women “bullying” teenagers because of “jealousy,” but y’know…. Narcissism.

No. 1440014

She definitely has regret for not getting an education for financial independence instead of choosing to rely on a dead-beat man

No. 1440020

Well said!

No. 1440054

why is she saying fern is 17 monthold when she said before that he's 18 monthold?

No. 1440057

Exactly this! She goes so hard on women who have kids later in life shaming the hell out them. In reality I think she’s envious and wishes she would have done that herself so in turn she tries to convince all young girls to have children early to join in on her misery. Misery loves company. She’s repulsive.

No. 1440102

Settlements are not taxed in the US, any settlement amount would have gone completely to paying any medical liens and attorneys fees (normally around 30%) and then the parents (Alice and husband) would receive the remainder.

No. 1440163


Fern was born 18 August 2020, she has a history of posting his incorrect age, whether it’s intentional or she honestly forgets how old her kid is. I’m theory is that she’s self conscious that he’s delayed in his milestones and she purposely tells people he’s younger than he is.

No. 1440173

She's an empty shell of a person who has zero identity outside of mommy posting. Of course she feels resentful/threatened by women who lived full lives and developed careers & hobbies before having children. They achieved the same thing she's basing her entire self-worth on, plus a bunch of other things she never could. They mog her just by existing. She hates older moms for the same reason tradthots hate working moms - it's hard to peddle "women should leave the workplace, they're only good for raising children" BS when there are lots of women out there who can do both.

No. 1440219

Okay. I have to ask… what is wrong with caleb’s ace?

No. 1440288

File: 1644547583217.jpeg (223.87 KB, 823x1535, 93382957-AFAB-49DE-ABDA-B83159…)

Oh now she’s back on the “I graduated early” lie.

Allison, you did not “gRaDuAtE eArLy”. You did not graduate at all. GED is not graduating. For whatever social reason she couldn’t remain in school (probably putting failed relationship drama ahead of her studies) she dropped out. You’re a high school drop-out, Allison. Period.

She does NOT have an associates degree either. She LOVES sharing receipts. She shows her camping receipts, she shows her shopping receipts, she even films herself buying juice. You’d think for all that over-sharing she does, she’d at least have flashed a crappy 2 year associates degree… nope! because like high school, she dropped out of community college too. She could have never gotten into a four year University. She knows it, we know it. Stop bullshitting Allison. You lie your way around in circles so many times you probably make yourself dizzy, and you can’t even keep your facts straight. Your high school teachers are probably laughing their asses off right now.

You were an average student and you were never multiple grades ahead.

You have no education, no degree, neither does Caleb, and all either of you will ever have is entry-level jobs. I know you’re trying to repeat the same made-up stories so many times until you finally believe it, but it will never make it reality.

No. 1440299

Now she has girls asking what they can do to drop out and just get their GED. She’s so dangerous to impressionable teens. She must have flunked out of her early childhood development cuz she’s doing crappy job with fern’s development.

No. 1440305


I feel like she intentionally phrased this very vague. Her exact quote was "I could have gone to Cornell for free". Which could technically be true that she could have gone for free bc of her BS homeschool scholarship reasoning. She never explicitly said she got INTO Cornell which is so unlikely because Cornell asks for HS transcripts even if you've taken your GED. Also she hasn't mentioned taking the SAT/ACT and you would have to have super high scores on that to get into Cornell with a GED. Like another poster said, she LOVES showing receipts for things so she would 100% show those had she taken them and tested high.

No. 1440316

What was the point of going to college for child development at all if she’s just going to sit Fern in front of an iPad or the tv when she’s not filming him? In some of her earlier TikTok’s she talked about Montessori curriculum for homeschooling, then it turned into unschooling. She’s at home with him all day (or on the go all the time and the boy has no consistent routine or structure to his life) and she’d rather sit him in front of a screen than teach him to talk or do any preschool learning activities with him.
I’m MATI, but the way she is raising Fern is so tragically cruel. I’m sure she’s deluded herself into believing it’s all for his best interests, but she really is so selfish. As anon above said, misery loves company, and she is an energy vampire sucking the life out of Caleb & depriving Fern of a healthy/happy childhood because she’s still bitter about her own.

No. 1440326

There was a video posted the other day of fern babbling and she was just babbling back to him. There was an opportunity to “babble” back word forming sounds so maybe he would babble those sounds back to her but she didn’t. It was a very sad interaction to watch.

No. 1440331


His face is wonky af he looks like an inbred European duke, he’s clearly not all there. it’s little wonder he was the best thing she could find to marry her.

No. 1440332

Wouldn't be the first child abuser to study child development. If she managed to get a degree, that means she knows what's right. How do you know kids shouldn't just look at an ipad all day? Did you get a degree in child development? Didn't think so! Checkmate.

No. 1440336


The mom cults online that encourage women to do literally everything their child wants are scary as hell.

It’s worse when you see people who grew up with this same types of parenting who keep saying it fucked up their lives, but the moms don’t want to listen.

It’s clearly a trauma response. These people felt neglected in their childhoods, and now they think parenting is about never making a single choice unless your baby asks you to make it. The kicker is that this means they will not let their kids out of their sight unless the kid asks them to. I don’t know why they can’t see that they are the ones with the severe attachment issues.

The conspiracy theory part of my brain wonders if she likes Fern’s speech development delays because it means he won’t be able to ask her for space, which means she can continue treating him like her little doll.

No. 1440350

File: 1644551540280.jpeg (194.07 KB, 828x1640, 2B3AB439-F75D-40E4-8ADA-159799…)

kek these comments after her ‘nuance now’ tweet…. must be stans who don’t know she’s a terf. the people who speak for her are brain dead.

No. 1440365

I’ve had the same thoughts about her intentionally delaying his speech. Everything she “does for fern” is really for her benefit. I remember she did give fern solids early but it gave him “stinky poops” so she stopped cuz his diapers were too gross to change and when he kept grabbing for food she gave it to him. She controls through fake kindness.

No. 1440366

Ouch. Someone is butt hurt. Lol

No. 1440372

Fern is living proof she doesn’t know what she is doing. She’s providing the bare minimum of parenting.

No. 1440379

That’s from him giving Alice the wtf face way too many times, it’s now permanent

No. 1440401

File: 1644556278324.jpeg (389.44 KB, 827x1700, 22B9F8ED-1120-406D-9B9D-360A3E…)

Sage for blogpost
Funny enough, I actually am studying Early Childhood Education at college. In my program we are taught that the two most important conditions for introducing screen time to toddlers is parent interaction and high quality content. From what she posts it looks like “family time” is the three of them sitting on their separate devices, or Alice watching cartoons with Fern in silence and not interacting with him at all. She is failing him by not teaching him basic skills.

No. 1440408

Funny… fern uses and enjoys the iPad so much that it’s been lost in their pig stye apartment for weeks.

No. 1440446


You can tell she isn't massively intelligent and doesn't have a very good higher education by the way in which she speaks and formulates her opinions.

High school is general learning, university is formulating arguments, reacting to criticisms, understanding the subject from all view points, changing your stance willingly when evidence changes.

She can't do that. She finds 'science' she feels is correct and suits her general lifestyle choice and parrots it about like fact.

That 5g conference she went to recently - 2 hours listening to a speaker and all she got from it was "5g not so bad, microwaves evil, must throw away microwave" with no further context, no additional research, not being able to answer ppl in the comments about WHY, HOW, nothing.

She's not a brain box, she's a sheep who thinks she's way more intelligent she is and fails at every turn to show any deep understanding of anything she preaches to young kids who think the sun shines out of her arse.

No. 1440449


I know babies do things in their own time and I don't actually think the lack of speech is that much of a worry at this age but it's interesting to watch theamazingmara's videos. She's also crunchy but a seemingly lovely person. Her kids have been raised in a similar way to Fern. They are bright, smiling, clean, straight legged, and treated by a doctor when they're in need…
It's not the lifestyle that's the issue, it's Alice…

No. 1440534

Does Alice take B12 supplements? If she doesn't and is pregnant, she is probably deficient and there is a high chance that the baby is going to be affected.

No. 1440565

Is anyone else shocked she uses a car seat? I’m sure it’s not buckled correctly or something but she’s such a fucking basket case it surprises me every time. Pathetic

No. 1440566

She turned a bag of organic flour around that had folic acid added and called it junk, so unlikely

No. 1440569

She has said she is doing/taking nothing to assist with the pregnancy and she eats food the get the necessary nutrients. I’m not sure if she did with fern or not.

No. 1440575

She had dumpster dived a few car seats and not sure if she uses them or sold them but she doesn’t have him buckled in correctly, the straps are too loose. She will resell or barter stuff from the dumpster.

No. 1440585

wow. that’s fucking irresponsible and dangerous. if a car seat is in the dumpster, it may have been in a wreck, may be expired, may have been recalled. that’s one of the few baby things that you should never buy used.

No. 1440613

Organic flour with folic acid bad but used car seat found in dumpster good… make this make sense? She’s such a foolish imbecile.
If she sold a used car seat and a child is injured in that car seat she can be charged and sued for child endangerment

No. 1440659

Aaaaand there it is! There’s no way she decided to actually listen to any qualified authority about safety and get an appropriate car seat

No. 1440668

Agreed, comparable ages, vegan diet, crunchy parenting, but Indy even has a failure to thrive diagnosis and he’s still doing so much better than fern. I can’t imagine the annoyance of people calling her a knock off Alice when she spends her days in the hospital actually trying to get her son healthy.

No. 1440699

They were accusing Mara of copying Alice’s tt content for the views, not for copying the lifestyle.

No. 1440946

File: 1644616566983.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1739, Screenshot_20220211-135251~2.p…)

I don't understand why she needs to buy hundreds of dollars of juice in one trip when she goes grocery shopping at least once a day. Also Fern looks scared. Probably because his mom is forcing him to sit on a mountain of glass and wave

No. 1440953

Stocking up cuz she’s using food stamps?

No. 1440976


She fills her cart up like this for tik tok and then just leaves it somewhere in the store

No. 1440995

I’m convinced she reads on here because she showed herself putting all the bags in her car. This had to have been a $600 dollar shopping trip. And it’s mostly sugary juice she picked up, nothing of substance.

No. 1441005

File: 1644620408473.png (4.14 MB, 750x1334, F19B7B13-A678-46F0-941E-C4D5AC…)

I also think this was a food stamp haul. She tends to do one very large haul once a month which is mostly sugar juices. What the heck is vegan pizza mozzarella cheese in a JAR? Nasty!!

No. 1441007

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I’ve commented before they don’t have health insurance and knew it was cuz she didn’t want to pay the money.

No. 1441010

Oh she definitely lurks here. That's why she pried Caleb's hands off the PS5 console for an afternoon recently to go take family photos by the lake.

No. 1441015

She has definitely posted on here. I think it was her aggressively attacking someone about vit k on here and when the person said they went to medical school she disappeared

No. 1441020

They probably get Medicaid.

No. 1441038

Then his yearly income is really low.

No. 1441039

im 100% convinced she is reading these, she is showing her husband more despite him not wanting to be on camera and she is posting about taking hot baths

No. 1441040

I’m not American and this looks like the vegan version of cheese in can… yuck

No. 1441057

Yes because fruit will obviously give you x rays and medical care if you break a bone or stitch you up if you accidentally cut yourself really deep. This woman is astronomically stupid.

No. 1441068

Along with trying to convince us her 17 month old is verbal since he can kind of say no and wave

No. 1441072

And not showing fern walking and his bowed legs

No. 1441078

Anyone else think she might have pawned her wedding ring to pay for her vacations?

No. 1441086

No, fern ate her ring and she probably didn’t want to fish around in his diaper to get it out

No. 1441087

That ring was probably worth like maximum $75

No. 1441105

It was a Walmart ring. She’s boasted about that before, how it was like $20 and she loved it. Now fern ate it. Maybe she did it on purpose bc she wants a new one that’s real this time.

No. 1441107

She’s parading his seal wave around again.

No. 1441108

Losing it in a river would be better than fern swallowing it but it was probably turning her finger green

No. 1441161

File: 1644631768640.jpeg (222.3 KB, 828x1534, 9813CAFC-D2B7-4CED-82B8-5CE904…)

Will someone tell this dumb bish fruit not gonna help her out next time she wrecks her car again?

No. 1441168

my toxic trait is that i just wish she gets sick and has no way else but to see a doctor to teach her a lesson.

No. 1441311

I just really hope Fern doesn't get sick. Hopefully his legs magically start growing properly because they appreciate all the fruit. Otherwise the poor boys fucked.

No. 1441324

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Bold of her to assume she's employable

No. 1441340

It’s just another way for her to shame working moms. She’s a lazy asshole who would never get a job.

No. 1441386


as if there aren’t any deaths that happen at home with both parents present. I mean, hell, the accident that killed her first was entirely her fault not a daycare worker’s. Her ‘logic’ is never a two way street.

“Wanting to have kids but just heard of another home accident story”

No. 1441395

"Wanting to have a free birth but heard that historically women and babies didn't fare well without modern medicine"

There's no point trying to use logic with her. She dumb.

No. 1441521

Sad thing is if something bad was to happen a normal person would think they shouldn’t have done that but she would think she didn’t do things enough which enabled the bad thing to happen. You can’t fix stupid!

No. 1441541

If your kid eats dirt and rocks and ate your wedding ring while you were filming tiktoks, you have no business talking down on daycares. Anyways, she’s not qualified for anything other than minimum wage which wouldn’t even cover daycare to begin with.

No. 1441544

“ wanting to be antivax but hearing about how people die from preventable diseases”

No. 1441615


It pisses me off that Alice doesn’t actually advocate for changes in this country that would help working mothers. If she actually cared about babies, she would be doing that instead of constantly shaming or belittling mothers who have to work to keep their families alive.

She just thinks mothers shouldn’t work at all and seems to resent any woman who has a baby and doesn’t give up their career for it.

And now she is pretending like she seriously considered getting a job just so that she can shame working mothers even more.

No. 1441726

Makes me laugh how many comments alice removes and how many ppl she blocks and reacting this way shows her lack of confidence in herself with her parenting, her education, her medical knowledge, her dietary knowledge and money knowledge. If she was confident then she would face these ppl head on instead of hiding by deleting.

No. 1441744


She’s sociopolitically retarded and thinks individual choices matter in the grand scheme of things. She loves the concept of voting with her dollars because it makes her feel bougie. She also probably doesn’t know that working mothers spend more time with their children today then stay at home mothers did in the 20th century.

No. 1441781

She is horrific looking with no make up on and when she doesn’t use filters. She looks old like those 30 something women she likes to shit on.

No. 1441927

She heavily filters herself everywhere!!! Except YouTube, but she doesn’t post there much.

No. 1441938

She’s eating on the floor by the garbage. Honestly wtf

No. 1441939


I’m almost 27, and I look a decade younger than her and am regularly mistaken for a teenager.

I am not a vegan.

Using Alice’s own logic, I can conclude that eating meat and dairy makes you look young.

Making this deduction means I am a genius and could have gone to Cornell for free.

No. 1441941

Me too!

No. 1441946

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Fern obviously doesn’t want to be smothered but she won’t let him out. This kid has been trapped against her way to many times. This is now bordering child abuse and definitely going against his consent. Hey Alice, remember what consent is and what you have advocated so hard for children. Consent is only convenient when it doesn’t interfere with your agenda.

No. 1441954

She’s so smothering him. There’s a video she posted on her main Tiktok of her talking to Fern and asking if he wants to go for a ride in the car, where he wants to go, and all he can respond to her with is feral chirps and shaking his head. If she’s trying to show off his language skills she’s making everything look worse. Also, in this video, she’s asking for locations of beaches she should visit because she’s going on another vanlife camping trip with Fern, without Caleb, when her new phone arrives.

No. 1441959

Yea don’t understand her posting showing ferns poor development is something to be proud of. Waving and clapping are things kids at 8 months do. My daughter was riding a two wheeler with training wheels at 18 months and the training wheels came off just after she turned two. Completing 24 piece puzzles unassisted at 24 months and so many other things. Toddlers are sponges for learning when given the proper attention, encouragement and environment.

No. 1441965

There are TikTok videos of Fern eating on the literal floor next to her trash can with the animals walking around.

No. 1441971

They are gross disgusting pigs

No. 1442002

I finally watched one of her YouTube videos and they are the worst! Can see why she gave up on YouTube.

No. 1442014


They’re boring as shit. She’s basic af and her life is depressing. There’s nothing that makes her more interesting than other moms. Nobody wants to watch her drive around in a Kia or fold clothes in her shitty apartment for 30 minutes, glad she threw in the towel on her YouTube channel. spare us, please.

No. 1442017


right. please stay out in the middle of the god-forsaken desert Alice. nobody at beach towns wants your skanky self near them.

No. 1442039

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1st of December she posted this, now it’s the middle of February and she’s supposedly pregnant but still hasn’t reached 1 million followers on Tiktok yet kek. I guess she’s banking on her car camping content to bring in views and money. “Vegan organic wild pregnancy adventures in my car with my crunchy baby” vlogs incoming.

No. 1442043

The people have spoken… DON’T BREED ANY MORE CHILDREN

No. 1442049

She couldn’t handle the comments and took the 5g tiktok down lol

No. 1442077

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Posting insulting TikTok’s towards others to try and prove there is nothing wrong with your kid draws attention to the fact that your kid has deficits. This bowed leg is not healthy and you are neglecting his basic needs by not having his legs and hips looked at. You’re a terrible mum.

No. 1442081

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I guess the cheap basic kia didn’t come with locks either or did you not know to use the locks to keep people from stealing stuff from your car. Just another example of irresponsibility and social stupidity.

No. 1442088

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Alice made fun of this little boy for his health problems and for all the health problems he has had he is still more advanced than fern. A mom who is doing vegan right. None of the other siblings are vegan, she let them choose and once Indy is healthy enough to choose he will decide his food choices. Shame on you Alice!

No. 1442104

I've noticed that Fern is NEVER playing with toys.

When my kids were 18 months they had all wooden toys and went everywhere with little cars or dolls or whatever to hold and play with. There are SO MANY amazing toys for development that are still 'crunchy'.

They learn so much from playing. Their bedroom was set up for them to play safely and easily. Fern's is set up with plastic hydroponic planters.

He gets no engagement from his parents who are constantly stuck to a screen. I don't believe for a second that he isn't put in front a screen for hours a day AT ALL. Kids really are a full time job, at 18 months I was constantly finding ways to keep them busy at home. If she was doing stuff with him, there'd be endless "Baby Fuuuurn enrichment activity" videos.
She only ever shows him eating, looking confused or being dragged around a shop.

Wtf is he doing while she lipsyncs, does beaaaautiful make up looks, rubs food into the couch, has 3 baths, does scientific "research", belittles other mothers, recruits teen girls to cult, and has her head down dumpsters?

He's a fashion accessory and a cash cow. She doesn't give a shit about him.

No. 1442107

I’ve been thinking this too! Where are this kid’s toys? The only one we’ve ever seen are those big dumb electric cars that he can only play with when Alice decides to haul them down the apartment stairs (which has probably only happened 3-5 times max). Poor kid is only ever sitting in a car seat or shopping cart all day long, never playing.

No. 1442142

What was she saying in the 5G vid?? I missed it

No. 1442159

This looks painful. Poor kiddo.

No. 1442179

Where the hell are they going to fit another baby in that tiny ass apartment?

No. 1442228

The baby will either be in bed with her or strapped to her all the time

No. 1442253

Her interaction with fern will be even less once the baby arrives. Poor fern if the baby is a girl with no neuro deficits or body growth issues. She will be showing off her “perfect” child. I believe this is why she is taking these trips with him bc she will have less time for him.

No. 1442264

I thought it was fairly normal for toddlers and babys to be bow legged?

No. 1442270


To a certain extent, it is, and we can’t really know if his legs are growing properly.

The issue is that she doesn’t believe in doctors, so if there’s a problem, it will only get worse. She also deletes any comments about it.

It would be so easy for her to just address it and say that Fern is healthy and growing normally, but she doesn’t do this.

But yeah, I wasn’t bowlegged at Fern’s age, and neither were my brothers, but some kids take longer to grow out of the bowleggedness.

No. 1442288

I wasn’t near as bow legged as fern and had braces, within 6 months my legs were corrected. Couldn’t imagine having permanent bow legs because my parents were in denial to have them looked at. Alice having to deal with an apparatus or casts is an inconvenience to her and doesn’t fit her agenda of having fun. Hope he hates her someday for the neglect just like she hates her parents for feeling neglected by them.

No. 1442289

could be just a variation, but could be rickets or hip dysplasia or a bunch of other things
a doctor could figure it out, but of course Alice would never

No. 1442291

She would never take him for a consultation if she thinks it’s rickets. She would have to admit the diet she is feeding him is failing him. Her narcissism would never allow this.

No. 1442306

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Here’s another mom plant based mom that is doing it right. He’s thriving!!

No. 1442370

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Sage for old milk but I found Caleb’s mugshot, lol. He was arrested for possession of marijuana in Maricopa in July of 2018.

No. 1442372

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The deets

No. 1442382

yeah this honestly isnt really a big deal, but its still interesting to see nonetheless lol. what i really wanna see is the report from the accident oop

No. 1442409

I wish the person who posted it would find this thread. UGH! How much snooping did they do? Expert level.

No. 1442416

him and alice have the same soulless stare

No. 1442420

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No. 1442424

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Honestly, what the fuck? Couldn't even take the sticker off, yet that's the LEAST of the problems in this photo. Aren't babies not supposed to have the skin off fruit, it's a choking hazard? IDK man, fucking gross. Dookie flakes from the animals getting stuck on there. Fern is going to get a fur ball.

No. 1442427

This kid ate two avocados today.. thats not a meal. can someone please send real food to her fucking house

No. 1442430

Babies aren't supposed to just be given whole fruits, generally. He should really also be seated in a high chair. And wearing some fucking pants, it's winter.

No. 1442434

Watch from 0.35 -1.08… "We bought a house!"

She talks about the house and how it's supposed to be done in 9-12 months from October 2021 and that they've picked everything out for it. She seems like she's lying, but wtf????

Shouldn't that be the "big update" and be in the title " WE BOUGHT A HOUSE " that would be like her dream and she would never stop talking about it. I think she's so full of shit.

No. 1442435

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The wrinkles man… OOF! Sunscreen everyone!

No. 1442439


"my parents fed me crap, and I was punished for eating healthy. That's why I'm so obsessed with fern being healthy" WHAT THE FUCK… I can't with her. Clearly the mom and sister came to visit her after she had moved and had that little white dog. I just don't buy what she's saying, like EVER. When are her Stans going to start putting together the pieces that she's full of SHIT.

No. 1442446

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Like seriously?!!?!?!

No. 1442452

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Won't use plastic bags for the fruit at the store, but buys bottled water… Hmmm really sustainable. Bottled water companies extract millions of liters from their land leaving the natives who live there with no drinking water. I thought she was part native, do you all remember her mentioning that?

Someone in a tiktok mentioned our ancestors ate meat and she responded speaking in a way that it seemed on behalf of the entire tribe and it was unsettling and people got upset (rightfully) Other people from her "tribe" stitched it and were like wtf? (forgive me if that's not the correct term or if it's deragatory)

No. 1442464

32.06 "gotta pay the target card"

So they're in debt and we can assume she has many more cards. Being young her credit score was probably spotless (or from a year of paying rent on time or something) and opened a bunch of them up. (tinfoil ig?)

No. 1442468

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Nobody ever mentions this either…

But she makes parts of these videos while fern is asleep. "ive gotta hurry up and clean before fern wakes up otherwise it will be even harder" I quote from those YouTube I already posted. She then goes to retrieve him from her room with a bed full of blankets and pillows.

She's so negligent it's fucking disgusting.

No. 1442479

I don’t think she’s native, and if she is it isn’t much. I’m half Cherokee, and everyone I know that is native has a CDIB card. She doesn’t have one, and she only claimed native after
that drama happened

No. 1442481

Has anyone else noticed that her voice sounds different on your YouTube, and her TikTok. Sounds like it could be a different person but it’s her.

No. 1442484

I’ve seen her parents and her dad does look native, but who knows she could still be lying lol

No. 1442488

When does she ever sleep? It seems like her and fern are always awake and are shopping or driving around. Most kids I know at his age sleep 8 hours through the night and take a nap during the day

No. 1442492

In one of the YouTube’s I posted (accidentally at the park in my bikini one) she says they just got to the water park and she was going to wake him up.

Consent? Sleep when he wants? doesn’t really seem like she’s following that anymore. And aren’t you not supposed to wake a sleeping baby?

And yeah her voice does change a lot! Super weird…fake ass bitch

No. 1442495

My youngest sister has met one of Alice’s sisters and said she’s so nice, sweet and pretty. Alice is the family’s ugly awkward socially misfit duckling.

No. 1442513

How come in some videos she’ll look around 5 months pregnant but then in other videos her stomach is flat? Is she just bloated or is it normal for a pregnant stomach to go flat all the time

No. 1442515

I personally think she’s pushing her stomach out.

No. 1442517

I could see her doing that to get attention, and more followers on her page. Right now she’s posting pictures of her past pregnancy belly and how she could make it go flat to

No. 1442533

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She said she can see herself having her 7th child at 40 but she constantly bashes “older” mothers (women in their 30s) saying they are at risk for having birth defects and are jealous of young mothers. Hypocritical.

No. 1442538

No. 1442539

She’s such a hypocrite!! She spent months saying how basically after 25 is to old to have kids, now she’s talking about having one at 40? She can’t even keep up with what she says. She shames moms over 29 all of the time

No. 1442542

She’s posting weird stuff today and bipolar mood swings

No. 1442543

She put baked beans in a quesadilla which is rank. I’m not surprised because the other day she put a whole can of soup in a quesadilla.

No. 1442548

She’s purely lazy. She claims to only eat whole organic foods but I think they’re mainly fruitarian because she’s lazy. She ate chipotle like a week in a row and calls heating up a tortilla, adding canned soup and cheese a meal. She never shows recipes for anything so I doubt she does much real cooking.

No. 1442552

Are vegetables not part of her diet? Many nutrients being missed. I’m still grossed out by the liquid vegan pizza cheese in a plastic bottle.

No. 1442556

I remember her once saying poor people eat baked beans to get their nutrients on a budget.

No. 1442557

I’ve only seen them eat fruit, and beans. They also don’t even drink water they just drink juice, and coconut water

No. 1442561

No. 1442567

No. 1442586

This is the same reason why I think she parents Fern the way she does. No sleep schedule and such because she’s lazy. Not because she’s trying to be gentle but because she’s downright lazy.

No. 1442590

Yes! I feel like she is lazy as heck and I can just see her saying some shit like “I’m not going to potty train fern until he’s able to tell me he wants to be potty trained” and use that as an excuse to be lazy and not bother to potty train. I don’t think she has patients for establishing bedtimes, much less the discipline and scheduling it takes to potty train.

No. 1442595

If she is pregnant what will happen to fern when the baby is born? Because fern has no sleep schedule, he doesn’t have a schedule at all, and when will she get sleep because she’ll have 2 kids with no sleep schedules

No. 1442598

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Says the girl who shames moms older than 25, moms who use formula, and moms who aren’t fully crunchy, etc.

No. 1442624

it’s nice seeing someone acknowledge that there are actually plant based/vegan parents that aren’t completely abusive and insane

No. 1442668

Her fear mongering is exhausting.

No. 1442749

So apparently fern is done breastfeeding… that means he’s getting 0 extra nutrition from breastmilk, and you know damn well that she’s not giving him a well balanced diet, poor fern

No. 1442813

Thought he was gonna breastfeed till 4? he’s getting independent away from her a lot quicker than she thought. (or is he still “comfort nursing puke).

No. 1442890

She said her milk came back and he didn’t want her boob

No. 1442901

She’s smothering him

No. 1442905

As a HCW/Researcher from the UK, I commented on Alice’s TT about medical coercion and free birthing that the NHS has amazing information about modes of delivery and that women should rather read that than take advise from her, she deleted my comment, blocked me but went on to make a video about UK’s health system. What pains me is how many of her stans immediately started shitting on NHS. I can’t.

No. 1442933

Canadian here… so many Americans have been convinced that paying taxes is bad but when I explain what they pay out in premiums for health insurance is a lot more than what I pay in taxes and I don’t have deductibles or co-pays. They always come back with but you have to wait months to get treatment which isn’t true and they often wait longer because their insurance is denying the coverage and have to fight or end up paying out of pocket for the treatment. I’ve also tried to explain how paid maternity leave works and they don’t understand that this is also included in my taxes through unemployment insurance. Also, majority of her stans and including her are getting free insurance because of their poverty incomes so sponging off Americans. What does their taxes go towards because it appears they aren’t getting anything in return. The US is all about rich getting richer and the poor staying poor. I’m thankful when my ancestors immigrated many many generations ago from Europe that they chose Canada and not the US.

No. 1443005

I watched that tt again and read comments. The ppl commenting going to the UK for free birth and then leaving the country without paying… these are exactly the type of ppl her followers are and absolutely something she would do

No. 1443046

I’m not shocked she blocked you. She seems to block anyone that has actual facts

No. 1443054

Wait anyone new here please go look at your previous comments. If the word "Anonymous" is in green that means you didn't sage. You should sage when you don't have new tea on the informed consent kween. You sage by typing "sage" in the email field before you post a comment.

No. 1443082

Exactly. Taxes>social insurance>private insurance>out of pocket payments. I’m pretty sure Alice knows nothing outside her bubble. She says she’s well informed and “reads the science” (fucking hilarious) but she doesn’t know that her anti-medicine propaganda doesn’t carry any logic in a public health system like Canada/UK/EU. She doesn’t read the hundreds of scientific studies that say vegans need some supplements. She doesn’t understand that humans, like all other animals, need protein to maintain structure and function. Above all, she doesn’t know something is wrong with her child’s legs!

No. 1443087

Omg thank you for actually explaining this, I just saw people mentions saving but I’ve never used the platform before and was totally lost

No. 1443092

I’m convinced she’s a follower of Q conspiracies and they have been feared into believing the would need to pay out huge amounts to taxes but in reality it’s maybe 30% of Americans which would be wealthier class who would be the ppl paying out huge tax funds and exactly why they are scaring the lower income earners into paying taxes.

No. 1443096

Oh she 100% is, I think shes even mentioned things about conspiracy theories. But her anti-covid, anti-mask and anti-vax propaganda all tie in the the QAnon shit

No. 1443097

What’s appalling is how she still continues to encourage teens to get pregnant. With the amount of backlash, hate comments and stitches, it’s shocking how she continues to propagate the idea of teens having babies. The country I used to work in, teens aged 15-18 would come into labour with no medical history, no previous checkups, uncorrected anemia, undiagnosed cephalopelvic disproportion and bleed to death on the table. After witnessing the impact lack of education and lack of healthcare can have, I’m appalled to see that an uneducated privileged woman speak against medicine. Of course, modern medicine is not the holy grail but would you not get emotional if you see an extremely anemic 18 year old pregnant with her second baby? Would you not discourage her from getting pregnant again too soon? Healthcare workers strongly discourage teens from getting pregnant because they care for you not because we are jealous. I had an abortion at 19 and I discourage teenage pregnancy because had I had that baby, I sure wouldn’t be where I am today and I’m absolutely proud of where I am. It’s unfair to rob teens of education and profession (of course, if they want it or could have it) just so they can have babies. Or they’d end up like Alice, uneducated, uninformed, following fad diet, marrying a nobody with minimum wage and resenting their life choices. Alice just wants to make more women like her so she doesn’t feel like a complete loser.

No. 1443103

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Her latest video discouraging surrogacy has left me speechless. But what’s more shocking is the comment section. I’m pretty convinced that she creates fake accounts and comments “I love you Alice” for clout. She’s narcissistic enough to do that.

No. 1443105

I wouldn't put it past her, she would do something like that.. sick af

No. 1443106

Anyone know if she has mentioned if she drinks her own breast milk, possibly in smoothies? She said she was putting her breast milk in fern’s smoothies since he won’t breast feed anymore.

No. 1443113

Given how she follows 2nthepink’s (or whatever how name is) footsteps on SW/OF, I would guess she drinks her own milk.
But she did reveal that she uses it to moisturise Fern when he was a baby. Not sure if she still continues it.

No. 1443114

She does have fake accounts which she comments with bc I have called her out on these accounts and poof the fake account disappeared. I have multiple accounts and confirmed that she just didn’t block me. She also uses these fake accounts to bully other content creators.

No. 1443124

It’s so funny how she has absolutely nothing original to say. Even when she’s trying to be controversial! Every one of her rad fem anti surrogacy pro woman talking points is ripped straight off from Yolanda Norris Clarke’s Free Birth Society podcast. Specifically their three episodes on surrogacy.

No. 1443128

It makes me mad how she encourages teen pregnancy. Getting pregnant that young makes life a lot harder. I guess she wants these girls to suffer. She made a video saying she regrets not having kids sooner. She got pregnant at 19, how young did she want to be when she got pregnant?

No. 1443132

She ideally wanted to start at 12, because that’s when she started menstruating. Apparently she only has ten years since puberty to have kids, which is why she considers herself not so fertile at 22.

No. 1443177

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Her hygiene routine!!! Have they seen her bed? Her hair? Her rugs, her house, her kitchen, her pets and her baby? Hygiene is basically non-existent to her. I can’t. I’m done with tt. I’m done with her stans. And more I love you comments. Wtf.

No. 1443184

Guys she’s definetly pregnant, she just tried pumping and Colostrum came out

No. 1443185

How do you know tho?

No. 1443190

I mean i dont know for sure obviously but colostrum only comes out in the first trimester of pregnancy, plus fern has stopped breastfeeding apparently

No. 1443194

Could be someone trolling her.

No. 1443212

She’s not pregnant, that’s just breast milk left.. she JUST quit breastfeeding you don’t dry up in a day… I’ll bet she’s been hand expressing and keeping her milk at minimal supply. She prob puts it in her smoothies.

No. 1443215

That’s was not colostrum lol that’s straight up foremilk. She’s not dried up. Another elaborate lie to gain views.

No. 1443218

That’s was not colostrum lol that’s straight up foremilk. She’s not dried up. Another elaborate lie to gain views.

No. 1443240

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I’m almost positive it’s colostrum. I edited in a photo for comparison.

No. 1443262

Colostrum isn’t produced only in the first trimester lmao what the fuck. It’s the first milk produced before regular breast milk. It can start as early as 16 weeks and some start leaking it as early as around 28 weeks.

No. 1443263

okay sorry

No. 1443267


I'm not sure if it's an issue when a woman becomes pregnant while breastfeeding- but in general it is not advised to pump during pregnancy as it can prompt early labor. It's a small enough chance I normally wouldn't worry much, but knowing how she avoids hospitals and medicine has me a bit concerned.

No. 1443274

So then she has to be pregnant? Otherwise why would she still be pumping it 18 months after having a baby instead of just normal milk? Sorry I’ve never had a baby so I’m not positive how this works lol.

No. 1443279

Yeah you don't randomly just start producing colostrum if you aren't pregnant or haven't recently given birth.

No. 1443280

In her newest video she said someone sent her formula cans and she threw them in the trash!! Why didn’t she donate that formula to a mother in need especially since their is a formula shortage right now

No. 1443282

Bc she thinks formula should be illegal

No. 1443287

all of the critical or not ass-kissing comments that were on this video are gone. I liked one of them and she banned me for liking a comment kek

No. 1443296

She’s so stupid. I guess the 12-15% of women who experience disturbed lactation/insufficient lactation should just let their babies die of malnutrition instead. Thanks Dr.Llani!

No. 1443301

I'm banned and my comment deleted after I replied "how is an all fruit diet healthy?" to someone who said fern was probably soooo much more healthy than all the other plebian babies kek. does she not want people to see she's only feeding her 18 month old fruit? was I wrong in assuming they're fruitarians?

No. 1443303

She probably destroyed it properly so no one could even pick up the perfectly good formula while dumpster diving.

She mentioned that her milk dried up in early pregnancy - a common symptom. She has recently started producing yellow thick milk (which is definitely colostrum) - something very common between 16-22 weeks pregnant. Her hair is also looking sooo dry, probably because the baby is taking all the nutrients it needs and she isn't replenishing them for shit with prenatals. Would I put it past Alice to lie about a pregnancy? No. Do I think she's lying at this point tho? No.

I feel really bad for Fern

No. 1443304

She calls herself a frugavore. fruitarian sounds like the same thing. You're not incorrect

No. 1443309

She also doesn’t believe women have lactation problems and they are either not trying hard enough or eating properly, the irony is unbearable but instead of using formula they should be purchasing from a milk bank.

No. 1443312

I will post and I will not sage because I don’t want to. Fix this festering lilac garbage dump of a site or you will witness true mutiny(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1443315

That rude green anon has got to be Allison

No. 1443317

Ahahaha you know that your IP can be banned and blocked from posting right? Reported. Bye bye Alice!(hi cow)

No. 1443319

She’s mostly not pregnant! You can still leak breastmilk after weaning.


“Many moms find that their breasts continue to leak long after they wean. They may be able to express drops of fluid for months or even years after their baby weans, especially during a shower.

The fluid that leaks out after weaning tends to look more like colostrum (thin, sticky, and yellowish) than white or creamy like mature milk.

Since it took your breasts nine months of pregnancy to go through the physical changes that prepared them to make breast milk, it’s not surprising that they don’t go back to their pre-pregnancy state. immediately after your baby weans.”

No. 1443325

She's not just leaking though, that's not just a few drops of colostrum like fluid.

No. 1443329

You can still leak and produce milk after weaning. That’s what is happening to her. I have a background in lactation.

No. 1443330

>Fix this festering lilac garbage dump of a site or you will witness true mutiny
The site is just having some technical issues after the down time last night, no need to release your wrath or whatever, it’ll get fixed just be patient kek.

No. 1443332

File: 1644888327832.jpeg (484.25 KB, 828x794, F50B997C-8FDF-4F64-8E45-5091B6…)

There’s no way she’s 14 weeks pregnant or even pregnant. She literally posted this photo a month. Plus her bump keeps magically disappearing.

No. 1443340

I noticed her bump disappears as well and she made a video saying how she can make her bump disappear because people were questioning her on it. Hopefully her teeth will be fine because my friend didn’t take prenatals and she lost several of her teeth after birth, and she was only 23

No. 1443354

I’m convinced this is all for views and validation. She’s got a sick ego problem. She also had a bunch of frozen colostrum, from when she was pregnant with fern. Wouldn’t surprise me if she defrosted it and put It in there to say “see! I’m pregnant” when she won’t just take an f’ing pregnancy test.

No. 1443382

It sounds tinfoil hat crazy, but at this point I’d believe it. Alice is narcissistic enough to think she can fake a pregnancy right up until the very end for views/money/relationship reasons.

No. 1443391

If she is pregnant, it'll be interesting.. but the whole not just taking a pregnancy test when there are vegan ones is just stupid and honestly.. a little sus.

No. 1443423

She claims she won’t take a pregnancy test because she wants it to be all natural like how women did hundreds of years ago, but even back then women did things to find out if they were pregnant or not. She also won’t use a Doppler to check for a heart beat because she claims it isn’t natural

No. 1443435

I find it funny that she won’t take a pregnancy test because she claims it’s unnatural but she shops at Walmart and Target lol make it make sense.

No. 1443440

She lying about her pregnancy no doubt about it. If she was legit pregnant, her bump would not be disappearing and reappearing. She’s most likely bloated due to her unhealthy vegan diet.

No. 1443441

That’s the thing that doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t why she won’t take a pregnancy test to confirm.>>1443423

No. 1443442

Her daughter birthday is coming up February 19th. I think that’s why she’s spiraling.

No. 1443444

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Like common, she clearly sticking out her stomach and she’s bloating badly.

No. 1443445

File: 1644899691679.jpeg (978.34 KB, 828x1245, C370F9D4-430C-4451-843A-A084DC…)

Then she posted this one couple days ago. Where did her bump go?

No. 1443446

Then a few videos later her stomach is flat. People told me it’s because pregnancy bellies go flat and it’s normal. But everyone I know their bellies might have not looked as big, but it didn’t go completely flat like hers does

No. 1443449


This debate is getting old now. I hate Alice, but I think she is pregnant.

You can suck in your stomach when you are pregnant. She is sucking in her stomach sometimes because she has an ED and wants to look skinny. She stops sucking in her stomach when she wants to brag about pregnancy.

No. 1443450

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She posted that her period has been a month late. I don’t care if she’s pregnant or not. I just hate the she’s not being honest with her young followers.

No. 1443458


You can not suck in your stomach completely if you’re pregnant or if your stomach is that big. Trust me. You will still have a noticeable bump. Her so called “bump” looks like bloat not a pregnant belly.

No. 1443460

Yeah, I don't think people realize that depending on how you carry, how you dress, and what time of the day it is, you can absolutely look not pregnant even when relatively far along.

No. 1443462


Why would she suck in her belly if she thinks she’s pregnant? I’m going with what someone has said on here that she’s not pregnant and it’s just bloat.

No. 1443474

Ignore the green anon, they are just spamming us.

No. 1443480

Yeah I’m with you, I feel like after the pregnancy announcement on Instagram she was probably pretty certain she was pregnant. I mean according to her she hasn’t a period for almost 3 months now, if you’re healthy and have no conditions that effect your period then menstruation is like a built in pregnancy test and I really don’t believe Alice is thin enough to be losing her period.

No. 1443508

You can absolutely loose you period being on a vegan diet. Many ex vegan influencers have come out and said they have lost their periods being on a vegan diet.(learn2sage)

No. 1443648

Not that I care myself but most pregnancy tests aren't vegan (I'm actually not aware of any that are) so maybe that's why?

No. 1443659


A lot of women do this. I see videos about it all the time. Some women suck in their pregnancy stomachs because they think it will prevent stretch marks or help their stomach return to normal more easily after giving birth. Others do it to hide their pregnancies.

Maybe not everyone can do this, but it is a thing that happens. I don’t know why people are insisting it doesn’t.

No. 1443661

But the hypocrisy is so annoying…she gets her nails done and fake lashes using animal products. Uses a leather stroller. There were past TikTok’s she said she tested every single day. I’m sorry. I just don’t buy it. This is another troll tactic.

Well we can be sure of one thing, she will continue to be absolutely miserable. What will happen to fern if Alice dies during the pregnancy or birth? Caleb isn’t gonna have a fucking clue what to do. Doubt the guy has ever changed a diaper bc Alice won’t let him.

No. 1443697

But the hypocrisy is so annoying…she gets her nails done and fake lashes using animal products. Uses a leather stroller. There were past TikTok’s she said she tested every single day. I’m sorry. I just don’t buy it. This is another troll tactic.

Well we can be sure of one thing, she will continue to be absolutely miserable. What will happen to fern if Alice dies during the pregnancy or birth? Caleb isn’t gonna have a fucking clue what to do. Doubt the guy has ever changed a diaper bc Alice won’t let him.

No. 1443717

You guys….tell me this isn’t Alice

No. 1443720

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Hmmm.. probably pending on whether they get the security deposit back from their gross ass apartment

No. 1443751

They just signed for another year and their house is still dirt, she’s delusional.

No. 1443756

I would think they would know if they were moving in a few months.. I mean isn’t that something you’re usually caught up on if you’ve spent $$$ on a house?! We used to drive by our new construction all the time and we knew every detai…

No. 1443762

Her content is dying off so if there was progress on the house she’d be posting about it. She has proven over and over again she doesn’t understand how things really work.

No. 1443834

Her content is stale. She’s posted and ranted the crap out of medical workers that no one cares about her opinion. She has alienated people who had a genuine interest in free birthing by blocking those with questions. She can only post so many videos of fern waving like a seal or babbling like a baby before people realize there has been no intellectual growth with fern and won’t be getting toddler content out of fern for a long while. She preaches healthy eating but 90% of their food is either from a can or fast food. Her family is living proof that the vegan diet she is providing for her family is unhealthy and they are all malnourished and people don’t want any part of that. They are dirty and live in filth so you can’t take her natural lifestyle seriously cuz no one wants to be judged like they are. She has been exposed for her fakeness with shopping sprees where she fills a cart then leaves it to her misleading cloth diapering. She claims to do tons of research but was swindled into the cost of a car she doesn’t even like, agreed to a house building contract with no clue of how building a house works… two of the biggest things most people spend money on. She clearly has no idea how finances work or how much more expensive it is to maintain a house over an apartment. She has trauma that has never been dealt with and she probably never will and makes herself feel better about herself by bringing down young naive troubled teen girls to be like her. Add this all up and what is she? Superficial with zero substance. What is left for her? NOTHING!!

No. 1443891

She's not even good at being crunchy. Honestly, I admit to being a tiny bit crunchy, and if I had the time/money/patience I could happily live in the woods and be a self sufficient full blown crunchy mum.
She is AWFUL at it. She's one of the most consumeristic people I've ever seen.
Her terrible diet is a nod to clean living, but falls short.
Having a filthy house definitely isn't it, and bed sharing and breast feeding is hardly revolutionary or out of the ordinary. The rest of her parenting seems non existent. Fern gets taken to Walmart and has an avocado shoved in his face. That's literally it. No toys, nothing.
She's not environmentally conscious, she only cares about 'organic', nothing about food miles, ethically produced food…
She just takes her shoes off and pretends that she's the original hippie goddess.

No. 1443902

Being a hippie is a lifestyle not a walking picture.

No. 1443946

I truly don’t grasp all the women calling themselves crunchy when literally all they do is breastfeed and bedshare. I never really watched Alice’s content before fern turned 1, but the few I saw seemed like she did participate in “crunchy things”- growing herbs, making kombucha, ect but all that has gone out the window as her mental health drastically declined and now she’s just a lunatic wandering around Walmart barefoot

No. 1443947

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Lmao Corey Feldman lookin ass bitch

No. 1443962


Her crunchy trajectory is so sad/funny. She was clearly a basic ass bitch with an eating disorder (that’s definitely the origins of her veganism) working at Victoria’s Secret and desperate to be an alt thot when she married her husband. She got pregnant, got in the accident, her baby died and (understandably) her mental health spiralled. Through her own research and googling she clearly came across Yolande and the Freebirth Society and started getting crunchy ear worms in her brain and it spiralled from there. That’s why her lifestyle is so idiosyncratic with what you think of when it comes to “crunchy”. She also definitely self-diagnosed as a sperg when she started reading anti-vax literature because she’s never been formally diagnosed and she’s clearly just an awkward asshole and not actually autistic. She reminds me of those backwards, uneducated conservative Christian moms who become crunchy because of an elaborate cope to justify not wanting to have to pay for health insurance, a uniquely American pathology.

No. 1444157

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Just gonna leave this here … “hysterical pregnancy”

No. 1444186

I really don’t think she’s faking a pregnancy. She clearly has a lot of sex with her husband even whilst cosleeping with her son and she doesn’t use any contraception. She could be pregnant.

No. 1444201

Can’t be very good or enjoyable with a toddler in the bed with them all the time.

No. 1444215

File: 1644969819442.png (2.9 MB, 750x1334, AA5AF30F-7BED-4896-9721-4E9827…)

Pancake is a non-shedding dog so the hair in the vacuum is from his haircut two weeks ago which means she hasn’t vacuumed the apartment in two weeks but longer cuz she probably only vacuumed the hair up and nothing else. That is some serious nastiness

No. 1444277

Why are some of you so obsessed with her not being pregnant? It’s not hard to believe someone who has no fertility issues, wants tons of kids and doesn’t use birth control might actually be pregnant. Don’t get me wrong I also wish she wasn’t pregnant because she’s a shit mother, but that’s not in my control.

No. 1444316

Because she's a compulsive liar who is not above lying and manipulating people for her own selfish gain. She compared the smell of meat to the smell of corpses in Auschwitz. She lied about her leather stroller. She lied about cloth diapering Fern. She 'called' out Disney's vaccine mandates conveniently after she dropped $$ on a trip there. Idc if she's pregnant or not. If not, it shows how her husband is more concerned about getting his dick wet than his wife's mental health whose retarded choices will put Fern and the new baby at risk. If she's not pregnant, it proves how much she's whoring for attention because her content is dying and she's running out of ways stay relevant.

No. 1444319

I agree in thinking she is pregnant. Ngl hoping he becomes a little shit for her.

No. 1444322

I bet her feet smell like meat as she describes it.

No. 1444323

I'm skeptical because in one of her old videos, she said she used to have heavy periods but after going vegan, she bragged how they became very light and rarely if ever come. Which is a sign of malnourishment. She also hasnt changed her diet to accommodate her baby's health so its question of how she can get pregnant with this diet. However, Pregnancy can trigger anxiety/mood disorders or exacerbate preexisting mental health problems so it could provide an explanation for her recent erratic behaviour

No. 1444329

File: 1644980165114.png (1.33 MB, 1080x2005, Screenshot_20220215-185234~2.p…)

Of course she wouldn't mind being gifted an animal and of course she's gleeful about bringing another animal into their apartment despite their already neglected dog/cat, dead rabbit, missing cat, developmentally delayed toddler, and newborn on the way.

No. 1444685

File: 1645020823675.png (6.62 MB, 1170x2532, FD61CA48-28B1-4134-B288-DFC8FC…)

Out of all of them, she picked this loser lol
(See the caption on the screenshot)

No. 1444737

File: 1645026351322.jpeg (846.09 KB, 828x1459, 43CEA434-4937-4CEC-B3DC-C03C2C…)

Alice really be spending $500 on coconut water and juice and still up in here with somebody’s used clapped-out Craigslist breast pump. make it make sense.

No. 1444762

I think her buying the expensive juices and coconut water is part of her “trauma” as a child wanting her parents to buy this for her and refusing. Definitely not trauma as she thinks, it’s was being a wanna-be spoiled entitled brat but now is the spoiled entitled immature brat.

No. 1444799

alice definitely smells like feet, farts, armpits, coconut oil, and spoiled breastmilk

No. 1444801

Plus most definitely cat piss, dog shit and garbage.

No. 1444824

File: 1645035086607.png (3.9 MB, 750x1334, A731D5AC-3B95-4A11-935B-222C4F…)

Shouldn’t be too proud of her delayed child who is waving like a seal AGAIN. The bottoms of his feet are black and disgusting. Such a smelly filthy family.

No. 1444828

And rotten breath from decaying teeth

No. 1444844

A bit off topic, but Alice is mentioned on Your Mom’s House at 43:35 https://youtu.be/YC7CfX6WjTQ

No. 1444852


No. 1444863

File: 1645037329898.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, 3817C9DD-B2BC-4BE5-BD23-50771F…)

Out spending again and bought fern a kitchen. Now she’s going to be copying other creators content. Look at those nasty nails

No. 1444866

People who have money don’t post receipts about how much they spend. Flying through that settlement money fast than they can hold onto it… if she were smart she would have put a majority down on a house!

No. 1444870

"I hope she gets jabbed by one of those needles and gets AIDS" LMAOOO i cant

No. 1444891

I don't understand how they would qualify for a mortgage. Caleb has to make under 40,000 to live where they do. all the new builds in that area are 300,000 plus. they wont be able to put much money down because she has blown through a lot if not most of the settlement money. so, either she is lying and there is no house or she's going to have a rude awakening when they go to close and they are denied a mortgage.

No. 1444896

Oof girl time to go get acrylics again to hide those gnarly claws. I think she was triggered by all the comments asking where Fern’s toys are so she had to quickly go out and buy some

No. 1444902

If that's the case then mission accomplished.

No. 1444914

So she's mocking the people whose mask wearing and caution allow people like her to galavant around stores in an attempt to fill the void in her soul with retail therapy.

No. 1444916

She's acting like prancing barefoot around every retail chain in AZ squandering money is "living life." The people using lockdown to develop skills and work on themselves did not "pause" their lives

No. 1444927

Mortgages also look at your spending habits… didn’t she just recently buy a car? Yeah, you’re not getting a mortgage. Your husband makes < 37k before taxes… there’s no house.

No. 1444930

Yes baby Fern really lived his life these past few years, being strapped into car seats and shopping carts through his mother’s constant manic episodes. Poor thing.

No. 1444931

Or more look at what fern can do content bc so many moms are teaching their kids kitchen skills and posting. I remember her swinging a knife on the carpet to open a coconut, fern is going to lose a finger or possibly a leg. We all know how attentive she is and lazy cleaning up, a disaster waiting to happen. The moldy food scraps that will be left around… gross

No. 1444932

No. 1444939

Does that mean the guy was from flordia, but the accident happened in Arizona right?

No. 1444940

That case was filed in Florida so it would be a different Alice

No. 1444941

her name is Allison, not Alice.

No. 1444943

Her name is Allison not Alice

No. 1444945

File: 1645046398996.jpeg (197.18 KB, 828x1259, 5E7513EE-DC28-447D-B5D3-2ED88C…)

and someone needs to tell this lady that her kid’s legs are absolutely not normal. She needs to look into getting this fixed so he can walk properly.

No. 1444949

The plaintiff Steven mali something is a chiropractor and he sues insurance companies to get paid for his patients. I found other cases.

No. 1444952

If I lived in AZ and saw them, I’d say something to her face

No. 1444955

my money’s on rickets
appalling bad parenting if so

No. 1444963

Her kid has deformed legs from her own bad parenting but she had the gull to make fun of Mara’s son Indy bc he requires a feeding tube. I hope karma gets her bad!

No. 1444968

Oh my god. His legs are concerning. Shame on Alice. He’s got to be in pain.

No. 1444970

Wow. His walking is especially bad in this clip. This cannot be normal even for a baby. Hard to watch

No. 1444973

Mortgages also look at your spending habits… didn’t she just recently buy a car? Yeah, you’re not getting a mortgage. Your husband makes < 37k before taxes… there’s no house.

No. 1444975

I do, in a different part of the PMA. It’s probably at least some form of cowtipping or bragging about interactions though so IDK about speaking up if I see her

No. 1444978

I don’t think she cares about the house anymore. She thinks it is worth $100k more from when they put their deposit. I think she wants to sell it and not move in and take the money BUT they don’t own the house till they get financial approval and take possession. If they can’t get the mortgage they have no house to sell. She truly doesn’t understand how things works.

No. 1444980

There might also be a clause in their contract prohibiting this so investors don’t buy up homes just to resell.

No. 1444983

Agree don't do it. She's an idiot but she's also a small woman alone with her kid. It's best to leave her alone if you see her in public, obnoxious as she is. Plus she seems like the type to cough on people on purpose

No. 1445000


Part of me was still ehhh about whether his legs were abnormally bowlegged or not. This clip wiped away all uncertainty.

That kid cannot walk normally. Look at how his leg twist around….. he is going to be in a world of pain if Alice doesn’t do something.

No. 1445054

Does Alice have something against cutting or brushing her childs hair? Fern is a cutie and he can have long hair of course, but it looks so scraggly and unkept like she never brushes it.

No. 1445066

Probably not. She’s very, he will do things when he wants to do things. His teeth probably aren’t brushed either.

No. 1445084


It really bothers me that she doesn’t brush his teeth. There is so much freaking sugar in their diet. Like how are they not all filled with cavities?

No. 1445123

luckily he’ll lose all his baby teeth so hopefully he still has time to get into good dental hygiene. sugary juices like the ones she feeds him 24/7 rot teeth just the same as soda. It’s crazy she’s paying nearly 10$ a bottle for “organic” Lakewood juice that has 21g of sugar per serving.

No. 1445128

The bacteria from badly decayed baby teeth can affect his permanent teeth too.

No. 1445136

That’s my worry . . . And the pain the teeth would cause him! that combined with the walking would be brutal

No. 1445151

you can stop self-posting Mara, you're just as insane as she is to starve your child of animal nutrients

No. 1445162

not to mention the rest of his body. tooth decay can cause endocarditis. also, juice is absolutely worthless in a diet. all sugar, no fiber, negligible vitamins and minerals compared to whole fruit. Alice is a fucking idiot as always.

why can’t anyone figure out where Caleb works? we know he’s just a line cook at some shitty restaurant, but which?

No. 1445163

That wasn’t Mara who posted that, I did and I also posted about the tanner fam bc I knew it would po Alice to read it. She dislikes both of them.

No. 1445215

No. 1445233

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Here she goes again with her bullshit. Now she is shaming people for getting the vaccine, when she used to say she’s pro informed consent and doesn’t judge those who get the vaccine because it’s there choice and doesn’t want others to judge her for choosing not to. Comments who called her out were deleted with the quickness, of course.

No. 1445234

that's not her. it's in Florida, and dates back to 2018. plus, as mentioned earlier, her name is Allison Llani Bender née Roza.

she's so fucking stupid. also, how is Fern autistic when he's 100% vegan and never been vaxxed? hmmmm?

No. 1445250

Take care of your sons rickets before you come for other parents actually thinking about the well being of their children.

No. 1445267

File: 1645098579230.jpg (269.6 KB, 1080x1786, Screenshot_20220217-114637_Tik…)

So the chemicals in make up are allowed because it's vegan….but facemask is a no no because the chemicals are now bad and you could just "rub an avocado on your face or something".
Allison please, if you want to use chemicals go for it, if you dont, don't. Just make up your mind.
She literally can't get any more stupid.

No. 1445303

her makeup ages her even worse than she is naturally, but she’s busted without it too

No. 1445304

File: 1645103342371.jpeg (479.47 KB, 828x891, A00DF340-93FB-4A04-A606-2DF329…)

can someone tell me WHY with these yellow crooked ass teeth does this hag think she needs to be spending money on makeup instead of oral hygiene products

No. 1445315

I can't tell you why but Alice will tell you toothpaste has a lot of chEmiCaLs. Plus she says her teeth are yellow because of alleged malnutrition as a child and not because of poor oral hygiene.

No. 1445320

She also has white spots on her teeth from wearing braces which is usually caused by not brushing the teeth regularly while wearing the braces. Neglected oral hygiene isn’t new for her.

No. 1445326


she had braces? Her bottom teeth are so crooked, I hope her parents got their money back kek

No. 1445329

That’s what she claims but she is a compulsive liar

No. 1445331

tbf they can go back the original position if you don't wear a retainer

No. 1445368

File: 1645111765981.png (302.3 KB, 316x598, aliceshoes.png)

she's wearing shoes here and people are calling her out lmao

No. 1445382

And all the sheep defending her wearing shoes. Her entire clan are hypocrites

No. 1445418


They’re as psychotic as Maia Knight simps

No. 1445442

Does she ever show emotion in her tiktoks or no

No. 1445444

Not sure what you are trying to say but I scrolled through her comments and they are nothing like the “sheep”. If you’re trying to throw someone under the bus to justify Alice, you suck at it and are coming across as pathetically butt hurt.

No. 1445481


Wtf are you talking about

No. 1445508

Go away Maia simp. Maia found out her daughters were on a cp site and still posts them everyday. She’s no better than Alice

No. 1445528

I’ve been a long time lurker on this thread. Wow I’ve been on Alice’s tiktok when she’s recently posted videos and there’s lots of critical comments but when you go back she’s deleted them all? I also commented on one of her vids if ferns legs were okay and she should go get them checked to be sure and she blocked me??? She’s clearly insecure in her parenting method and knows she’s wrong. Her trauma with hospitals means she is completely opposed to any medical intervention and thinks all doctors and nurses are evil. It’s so sad check ups and basic healthcare are necessary it’s just negligence otherwise poor baby :( also her teeth are SO yellow the amount of sugar she eats is rotting them it’s insane like just brush your teeth like everyone else

No. 1445533

Tbh that’s pretty terrible that she deletes genuine concerns about her son’s health. I don’t know if she’s in denial herself or just lying

No. 1445536

she blocked me for saying did you have two cats?

No. 1445539

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Idk if this was brought up before but doesn’t Caleb look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo? I commented that and she banned me lol

No. 1445542

How is fern ever supposed to have friends? Like imagine if their parents questioned her parenting method for a second she’d cut them off! Like ages ago she posted a tiktok where she was at her in-laws for thanksgiving and she was crying after cos they were eating meat and wouldn’t eat in the same room as them?? Like cmon I’ve been veggie/vegan all my life but I’d never act like that she’s never civil with anyone unless they worship her and believe every whacky thing she does

No. 1445547

As a guest in their home, this is very disrespectful to them. Of course they were going to have turkey, it was thanksgiving. She should not have gone if she was going to be so offended. I remember her also whining cuz the veggies weren’t organic. She needs to stop thinking the world should revolve around her.

No. 1445552

I commented asking if she was hosting thanksgiving if she would cook meat for her non-vegan family and that respect goes both ways… I got blocked

No. 1445562

He looks like a much less handsome Riff raff from Rocky Horror

No. 1445565

Exactly all her pro choice preaching is clearly SO fake she does not respect other people’s choices whatsoever and constantly shames people

Also she’s not really a true SAHM as she must spend an insane amount of time deleting and blocking comments.. how’s she even going to homeschool fern when she’s probably glued to her phone 24/7

No. 1445566

Maybe a bit but definitely looks like shaggy

No. 1445567

Yes she scrubs comments. Her post from yesterday about not pausing her life for the pandemic had a lot of comments calling her tone deaf and insensitive. Then at some point yesterday evening, all the critical comments were gone.

I went back and rewatched a TikTok she took in wholefoods and literally every person in the store but her wore a mask and properly. I wonder if people have asked her to ask up in stores and what kind of fit she throws when asked

No. 1445572

That’s why she’s going to unschool him and let him tell her what he wants to learn or leave him to teach himself. I wouldn’t be surprised if fern doesn’t read past a grade 3/4 level

No. 1445577

If she wanted organic veggies or more food to eat, she could have made vegan stuff for herself. I’m vegan myself and never expect people to change what they eat or cater to my dietary restrictions, that’s rude.

No. 1445580

the critical comments are genuine as well it isn’t trolls or nasty block worthy comments. she did a video showing some research that something was bad and lots of people said what about the medical research that it’s good and that she’s only in support of medical research when it’s aligning with her biased views

Also the whole her suggesting posting her birth video on Onlyfans - A LITERAL PORN SCENE is insane she got off way too light for that she knows what she’s doing. I do onlyfans and you (obviously) can’t even post your kids for example on your page or treat it like a blog because it’s clearly an 18+ porn site and it’s against the rules Jesus Christ

If she did make OF content no men would even buy it lol she looks about 40 anyway and has no sex appeal with gross unkept appearance. She’d probably do some creepy pedobaiting content and kawaii teen cosplay. Like Alice you look about 40 cos of your lifestyle looooooool

No. 1445584


Wow I just checked that video again after seeing it yesterday it had close to like 300 comments and now has 88! She's literally insane. How much time do you have to spend on your phone to make your comment section look like it. It makes the average person looking in feel crazy because there's no dissenting opinions so they feel like they're the odd one with weird thoughts.

No. 1445586

WHAT?! Holy shit. Mom of the year right there!

No. 1445588

File: 1645130168287.jpeg (1.04 MB, 3464x3146, D2369B8D-BA8D-4494-81C6-84A8B8…)

She’s really telling people to bring all of their medical waste home from a birth so doctors can’t use it for life saving science, what a selfish bitch. Nobody needs their babies umbilical cord or fucking foreskin after it’s been chopped off.

No. 1445590

She threw her bio-waste in the apartment dumpster after delivering fern, I’m sure there is protocol of proper disposal

No. 1445592

It’s because doctors can use stem cells from the umbilical cord to treat serious conditions. Not sure why anti-hospital Alice is doing this

No. 1445599

you can’t just bring the umbilical cord home to your fridge and then use it for stem cell therapy 20 years later
you have a cord blood bank collect it from the hospital under controlled conditions
what she’s suggesting is useless

No. 1445602

He looks like Count Olaf in disguise

No. 1445607

You literally can’t even bring anything home because it’s literally a biohazard. They also cannot use anything like a placenta or cord blood without consent. A woman had a huge lawsuit about this… we literally have to get consent for EVERYTHING in the hospital.

No. 1445636

Take it home and do what exactly? I know that there's health benefits to a woman eating I think her placenta but I'm not sure you can do that after a certain amount of time. Certainly can't take it home and pop it in the oven for dinner

No. 1445637

She’s not saying she’s going to keep it in her fridge for her own stem cell therapy, should she ever need it. What’s she’s suggesting is you bring it home and throw it out so it’s can’t be used to save someone’s life because she thinks mothers deserve money for donating their medical waste. I sure hope nobody tells her about organ donation.

No. 1445640

I’ve noticed lately her platform isn’t about informed choice anymore but what she thinks is right and wrong.

No. 1445644

Well she certainly doesn’t clean, barely cooks, barely interacts with the baby, and has no job. So that’s a lot of free time to spend deleting comments on Tiktok

No. 1445671

Hold up. I don’t follow her but she knows that her kids are on CP sites and hasn’t removed her kids from her content?

No. 1445702

If you read the comments from older tt there are comments she hasn’t deleted

No. 1445712

File: 1645138355146.png (3.35 MB, 750x1334, CA16D03D-E1F5-427A-AC4B-C5D61D…)

She treats the boy more like a doll than a human. He doesn’t look comfy or that he wants to be in the carrier. Why in the apartment?

No. 1445715

File: 1645138535140.png (4.24 MB, 750x1334, 2B3885A0-36C0-445B-929A-8B581A…)

Lol. Caleb must have gotten paid yesterday. She has to spend it all, ikea and Sephora yesterday and eating out today.

No. 1445729

Yes. There was a TikTok account talking about how sexy her babies were. Maia is a raging narcissist with a terrifying simp army.

No. 1445745

File: 1645141120482.png (3.38 MB, 750x1334, BC232B94-F00C-468D-B98F-3FDEF0…)

Great looking plant holder! She didn’t even get any accessories for him to play in the kitchen with.

No. 1445751

It will still get used more than her kitchen does.

No. 1445752

Wonder if she knows that it’s not Montessori lmao

No. 1445756

She doesn’t understand what Montessori is or it’s philosophies.

No. 1445760

Let’s just hope that plant doesn’t topple over and hit fern on the head. She’s so damn negligent and lazy.

No. 1445762

Omg that is terrifying. I was the DCP video on her and she just seems so nonchalant about things. Wonder if she’s milky enough for her own thread.

No. 1445763

No. 1445770

Gotta love when her groupies always she made a mistake. Someone that adamant about veganism doesn’t make mistakes, it’s intentional.

No. 1445777

Oof just noticed this. She should probably go back and grab some of the kitchen accessories. The website says they also sell play utensils and foods…

Again fern (like any kid) would need guided play to show him how to use his new kitchen and how cool it can be. Just taking photos of the kitchen isn't gonna do much for him :((:()

No. 1445780

Same flavor of "mistake" that led her to buy an UPPAbaby leather stroller and visit vaccine pushing Disneyland and only realize AFTER the deed was done?

No. 1445782

100% she is, we need a Maia thread loll

No. 1445809

Nah not enough tea on her. The thread would be boring

No. 1445811

Agreeeed! I think the more people who cover her the more will come out about her.

No. 1445814

File: 1645145913419.jpeg (437.72 KB, 1800x1800, 4D741F82-2EAB-4B38-8779-239ECE…)

Why is she spending money decorating the apartment? She wanted to install a new ceiling light too.

No. 1445815

Not that it really matters but I doubt she’d even be allowed to post a birthing video on OF. In the new TOS for creators you can’t show blood (that includes period blood), excrement or most bodily fluids that aren’t spit/semen. Also who would even want to buy that video???

No. 1445819

File: 1645146229406.jpeg (509.97 KB, 1663x1604, EA2DAEF6-D021-4980-8592-A7AEB6…)

Someone should tell her when you have pets you need to clean out all the filters on a regular basis and vacuum more than once a month but be prepared to be blocked.

No. 1445829

File: 1645147137832.png (2.91 MB, 750x1334, 46E3E369-DB1C-4AD3-9284-58CCCC…)

Comments about her apartment being disgusting got to her? …maybe there’s hope she’ll start bathing fern and get help for him

No. 1445830

What are they doing with these vacuums? That's absolutely not normal

No. 1445834

New readytoglare cosplay looking good

No. 1445840

File: 1645147665213.jpeg (261.41 KB, 828x407, 2B3D2027-4B29-4489-A0E8-068BDD…)

Alice talking out of her ass saying she doesn’t believe there will really be an avocado shortage and someone mentioned there was a death threat to an inspector and she didn’t even know about it. Why does she talk about shit she doesn’t bother to read up about?

No. 1445841

With pets, all the filters need to be cleaned at least once a month with regular vacuuming or else the vacuum looses suction and the motor will over heat. The brush bar at the end of ghe vacuum needs to be cleaned all the time too. I have two cats, a dog and daughters with long hair, I vacuum every two days, clean the brush rollers every week, clean and wash filters every two weeks and my $400 dirt devil vacuum has lasted good as new for over 3 years. Vacuums are high maintenance no matter how much they cost.

No. 1445842

She said she’s going back to ikea to get a black couch cover. Just because it’s black and doesn’t show as many stains doesn’t mean your couch won’t be filthy.

No. 1445844

She is just covering over the filth on her couch. GROSS
The pet hair will show like crazy on the black.

No. 1445845

The commenter who said it was because of Russia… her clan are so dumb

No. 1445852

Her pretending to clean up with a few staged objects is too funny. Look at that carpet and couch. 8 vacuums my ass.

No. 1445854


haha remember that tiktok someone replied “not letting my kid eat of my $3,000 sofa” and Alice responded “iF yOu’Re BrOkE jUsT sAy ThAt”…. and here we have sis just covering that filth up with an ikea couch cover. barf.

No. 1445859

So she’s pro circumcision then? Did she circumcise fern? Seems weird that a vegan even against animals being harmed and somebody apparently doing “attachment parenting” (although just seems like she neglects him tbh) would circumcise their child.

Ok pickme nobody cares that you’re so young and hot and post your asshole online for $100 a month.

No. 1445860

Imagine how bad her apartment smells? All the rotting milk/food that has seeped into her couch cushions and her horrendously stained smelly carpet. I’m traumatized from when she cracked open coconuts on her carpet. Her dog walks around it and she lets fern eat from the carpet. Not to mention, her apartment is a rental. She has no respect for the property of others.

No. 1445869

She loves to poor shame. Overspending is not very crunchy of her.

No. 1445870

She is 100% against circumcising

No. 1445872

It’s ironic since they are poor themselves

No. 1445874

She’s absolute trash. She’s trying so hard to make it look like she’s wealthy but she cannot even manage $100. Not even rich people buy 8 $300 vaccuums that’s why they are rich… they don’t spend their money on frivolous things.

No. 1445875

No kidding. After their lawsuit money runs out, they’ll be in debt in one month by the way she spends. Say, what happened to the Alaska kind bed she claims to have purchased online months ago?

No. 1445881

She’s absolute trash. She’s trying so hard to make it look like she’s wealthy but she cannot even manage $100. Not even rich people buy 8 $300 vaccuums that’s why they are rich… they don’t spend their money on frivolous things.

No. 1445890

Cancelled the order after everyone told her to wait till they move?

No. 1445892

She doesn’t take care of anything she owns and always trashes it

No. 1445898


I don’t even understand how it’s possible to break that many vacuums. My dream vacuum (Miele) is expensive, but it lasts 2 decades. My mom has had hers for 15 years, and it still works.

Her ignorance and idiocy shows when she brags about how much money she spends for no reason. It’s basically the old money vs. new money debate, except she isn’t even new money. She is just desperate to appear that way.

No. 1445905

I’m surprised she’s bought 8 vacuums in three years…you’d think a person who preaches not being wasteful would take a vacuum to an appliance repair shop instead of purchasing a series of new ones.

No. 1445906

Flexing her spending makes her look stupid

No. 1445907

Bet she runs out and buys 30 avocados tonight

No. 1446026

Alice doesn't actually care about reducing waste, not does she have any real convictions. she just likes feeling superior to others

No. 1446057

One of many reasons why she isn’t really a crunchy mom and other crunchy moms don’t like her fakeness

No. 1446066

Random but I bet her dog has fleas.. can’t see her doing monthly flea and worming treatment seeing as she won’t even take it to the vet

No. 1446068

Her apartment is probably heavily flea infested mites fleas worms bugs you name it!

No. 1446073

File: 1645179528563.jpg (252.62 KB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20220218-101904_Tik…)

The extent of Ferns toy collection…a sad looking kitchen with a few bits of train track in it. Poor little guy.

No. 1446074

File: 1645179604954.jpg (269.17 KB, 1080x1849, Screenshot_20220218-101926_Tik…)

And like magic this has been 'found'…like he hasn't been glued to it for hours a day for weeks

No. 1446082

she’s letting him watch Blippi? KEK

No. 1446106

File: 1645184652602.png (4.09 MB, 750x1334, 6553186F-2BF9-4D4C-8BDE-DAF6A1…)

She loads the fruit with added granulated sugar… the amount of sugar in their diet is gross

No. 1446151


Guess she doesn’t know what Blippi did lmao

No. 1446163

She’s into that kinda sh!t

No. 1446203

Um, you’re probably right.

No. 1446268

I don’t think that’s granulated sugar, I think they are ice crystals from the freezer. She’s eating frozen fruit from a plastic bag(Emoji)

No. 1446286

Would never think of her eating frozen fruit considering the amount of fresh fruit she buys and her strong views of fresh fruit

No. 1446296

probably get it free from WIC. I know that she gets WIC and food stamps. My cousin works at a store that she goes to.

No. 1446314

File: 1645206881733.jpeg (211.2 KB, 750x669, DB07945C-EE90-4C66-B1B5-24E972…)

She will see a medical professional for free food but won’t take fern to have his legs and hips looked at.

No. 1446327

to get free stuff… probably. and lies and say she doesnt. I wrote something about Medicaid in a comment on her tik tok and she wrote back saying that she is on Medicaid and they dont pay for much. but then she delelted the comment and blocked me. so, she lies a lot. they live in income controlled housing, have Medicaid, get wic and food stamps. she brags about her whole foods haul… surprise tax payers paid for all that! she also dumpster dives and goes to thrift stores and resells all the stuff. She really is a horrible person.

No. 1446332

So she will take a free government handout but doesn’t want to pay taxes to fund these programs… yup she’s a pos

No. 1446351

File: 1645210097525.jpeg (255.39 KB, 750x964, BEFB4EC3-E41D-4ECF-83F6-0DC3E6…)

Are they having another kid to ensure they still qualify for the government programs? Another way of profiting off their kids.

No. 1446442


Someone on one of my mom groups inadvertently found her on mercari!!! Allison sells the dirty busted stuff she finds in dumpsters online to unsuspecting customers.

No. 1446449

Can you link us / post a screenshot?

No. 1446453

what did blippi do kek

No. 1446455

post caps, this is an imageboard

No. 1446464

To me she seems like one of those people who is proud to screw over the government. Like she doesn't want to follow any guidance such as mask wearing or vaccines but she's happy to take free money and other benefits. She's a garbage person with no morals.

No. 1446481

Anyone have any idea what she actually would make from tiktok? Because if it’s over those EBT, WIC, ect limits the IRS may be intrigued

No. 1446491

She posted a picture of her monstera clipping on top of her microwave. I thought she threw it out? Also she just bought this fkn plant and brags and lies about how shes had it for years.

No. 1446498

File: 1645224222013.png (3.54 MB, 750x1334, 9B0C53A4-7DC9-4DF0-AB87-98F5EB…)

Fern is actually eating in his high chair(emoji)

No. 1446508

Is that shit on the floor in front of his high chair?

No. 1446513

YES LMAO she is so nasty I can’t

No. 1446515

I was thinking blueberries but you’re probably correct

No. 1446518

I’ve been wondering what she has done with the kid, he’s been imprisoned in his high chair or glued to the iPad so she can play tradwife

No. 1446519

Apparently she signed the lease again

No. 1446527

File: 1645226610302.png (9.89 MB, 1284x2778, 4173E272-3950-431A-A6FB-28563A…)

Does she really think we’re gonna believe that people are trying to collaborate with her when she has 14 comments and like 20k views in 3 hours? No one wants to collaborate with you.

No. 1446529

File: 1645226729195.png (10.21 MB, 1284x2778, 7D2F848A-39AD-415C-BE2B-89D7E5…)

Still has the food death box I see… I guess microwaves aren’t so bad after all..(don't use emojis)

No. 1446533

She deleted the comments that said they thought she threw it out

No. 1446536

What happened to the hydroponic planters with the food she was growing? She really does have a short attention to attending to her projects.

No. 1446541

Those are in ferns room, and theyre self watering so she doesn't really have to do much

No. 1446544

The last video I saw of them about 2 weeks ago the plants were all dead

No. 1446545

Lmao oh really welp I am not suprised

No. 1446555

File: 1645228349848.png (4.17 MB, 750x1334, 62E4633B-C5CD-400A-B9E4-A31843…)

She shatting on her parents for “living in an apartment and being below middle class” but girl you are low class living in assisted living, free Medicaid and food stamps. They were doing better than you are.

No. 1446560

File: 1645228670452.png (4.02 MB, 750x1334, 31DE95C3-B57D-4EBE-81FD-83A3B7…)

Well duh, that’s how she sleep trained him. There are many parks closer to your apartment.

No. 1446577

a black couch cover will show all your nasty rotting food and bodily fluid stains even worse idiot

No. 1446582

File: 1645230370548.png (3.64 MB, 750x1334, D0FE9A8B-9B45-4B2A-8876-D11C7D…)

There you have it folks… she married the first guy that would let her be a sahm and have kids. I can’t get a good pic but it looks like she might have bleached her teeth.

No. 1446590

does this mean they don't love eachother?

No. 1446593

He sounds like her cash cow and sperm donor

No. 1446605

File: 1645232419417.jpeg (945.86 KB, 1915x2554, 6B24D7DC-35CF-4A3E-8EFD-D46EEE…)

Such a disregard to those who have been victims of SA. According to Alice, we should take away the blame from men who SA and blame doctors. Also hate how she thinks all people who SA people are men.

No. 1446608

File: 1645232486816.png (4.01 MB, 1284x2778, 124DDFB6-2293-4A2E-B73C-F742C8…)

Her last video UPSET her fan base majorly… I got a whole screen recording

No. 1446612

File: 1645232689742.png (2 MB, 828x1792, 249E5BCE-DAED-4F4F-9107-0101D8…)

Here some of the comments in case any of you missed it

No. 1446614

She needs to stick to her plants and cleaning the house. Her mind goes off when she doesn’t.

No. 1446617

File: 1645232892810.jpeg (149.4 KB, 828x1792, 640F6B1B-466C-4253-90A1-42779A…)

More—she’s been on a deleting spree in the comments

No. 1446618

File: 1645232945161.jpeg (51.7 KB, 532x120, F510A770-434E-4251-8089-EB8AB0…)

THIS COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1446619


There's literally only 9 comments on the vid now lol

No. 1446620

She needs to delete the post

No. 1446621

She blocked me for asking where the comments went lollll

No. 1446623

it's so funny that she's deleting comments lmao. she can't even stand comments educating her nicely everyone has to kiss her ass in the comments or they get blocked. her page has been stale lately too

No. 1446624

I have the entire screen recording and the comments all screen recorded

No. 1446630

Time to make another tik tok lol

No. 1446687

Sage for the slight blog post but to all those people who wonder if she smells I can almost guarantee you she does. I used to be good friends with a girl who got… wierd after she met a guy and moved in with him. She’d run herself super hot baths and just sit in the steaming water, she’d put coconut and various other oils in her hair but never wash them out properly. She had a makeup collection to die for but never washed it off her skin properly and slept in it. She had a shit diet which was largely sweets and sugary drinks and she, proudly, admitted she didn’t brush her teeth… you could see the furry plaque build up on them from a few feet away. And she absolutely stank. I guarantee Alice will absolutely reek.

Also I just can’t with her taking her baby out like that. His blacked out little feet, not taking care of his hair, let alone letting him sit and eat off her skanky apartment floor. That poor little man deserves so much more.

I know she lost one baby in the car accident and i can’t imagine how much pain that out her through, but honestly how does she live with herself when she’s punishing that little boy everyday. Take him to see a doctor about his legs! Talk to him! Read to him! Play with him!

I think all this unschooling nonsense should be a crime tbh. It’s just an excuse for shit parents to get their narcissistic fill.

No. 1446698

File: 1645241333354.png (10.33 MB, 1284x2778, BD3FB74A-4EB8-46C4-9089-A6998D…)

No one can look at this pic and tell me Fern doesn’t have rickets

No. 1446699

File: 1645241396347.png (4.19 MB, 828x1792, 596846E8-6D68-4BE2-8C26-3B460C…)

Literally what

No. 1446700

She deleted this post as soon as people pointed out that she was eating eggs. Everybody in the comments section replied that the brownies she was eating had eggs in them. Ten minutes later the video was gone.


No. 1446701

What? She just said earlier today her parents worked at the resort in Hawaii and she hung out there. Her mom shops at a store my little sister works at and is so nice. She’s is definitely deflecting about herself. Her bipolar is out of control today.

No. 1446705

I wonder if she feels guilty for eating “chicken periods”

No. 1446706

Isn’t tomorrow the day that she got into the accident and her daughter died?

No. 1446708

File: 1645242350202.png (7.73 MB, 1284x2778, 08D2394C-854D-42C2-9221-F22EA1…)

Now she’s saying when the house is done? Lol girl can’t even keep up her own lies

No. 1446710


No. 1446733

She’s messed up on her vegan diet twice in the past month. Last time she had honey accidentally. She really doesn’t read labels well for someone who is a “holier than thou” vegan/so-called health nut.

No. 1446745

Ill bet she’s not even really vegan. I’ll bet she’s just outrage farming.(sage)

No. 1446795

This breaks my heart and makes me so angry. Alice is a lazy negligent piece of shit and her husband is no better.

No. 1446880

she all-out deleted this shit show of a video. this should be proof to any of her fans who've been raped that she is absolutely not the misandrist or feminist she claims to be. this girl is the biggest hypocrite I've ever encountered on the internet and I'm nearly 30.

No. 1446904

File: 1645268388321.png (10.66 MB, 1170x2532, ED63F8F2-6EED-4733-B2BB-5F6D62…)

Definitely think it’s shit

No. 1446910

Anybody else think Alice has been wearing make up more frequently these days to hide her premature signs of aging from her diet kek

No. 1446912

I was curious, even though I’ve never even heard of the guy, all I could find was he used to make “edgier” videos and shot on his friend.

No. 1446979

File: 1645280475901.png (3.26 MB, 750x1334, 87CA530C-FDB2-48F3-BBC1-F0DEFE…)

The account is banned. Tt might have removed the video.

No. 1447015

Defiently shit

https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLMKpVGu/(don't use emojis)

No. 1447020

Unbelievable. The kid rolls around and eats from this filthy floor? Disgusting.

No. 1447024

If she would scoop the cat box then the dog wouldn’t eat it. Lock her up instead of the dog.

No. 1447044

this stinky bitch probably has toxoplasmosis and pin worms, and poor baby Fern probably does too

No. 1447079

You NEVERRRRR use a dogs kennel as punishment. I didn’t know if it was possible to hate her any fucking more but I do

No. 1447185

Animal feces on the carpet warrants a new CPS call, who has her addresses and can call?(cowtipping)

No. 1447224

that'd be cowtipping no?
it could be dirt or food

No. 1447250

File: 1645309627746.jpeg (431.9 KB, 1241x2006, 9EC0AFF3-03B6-4B45-AF28-F77E44…)

Why is she drinking this when on the back it says to avoid when pregnant because it contains alcohol

No. 1447252

I think his legs are looking better? Has anyone noticed that. Or maybe its cuz his pants are looser idk..

No. 1447253


i think they look better too

No. 1447257

File: 1645310269448.jpeg (307.2 KB, 828x1792, CB0489EC-3F26-434C-8A50-506129…)

Like I’m not crazy right? There’s an improvement

No. 1447259

she started feeding him dairy and eggs and that combined with going out more. he looks tan

No. 1447262

Yes it WOULD be cowtipping. but her Insta “highlights” about her pets do show animal shit all over the floor and her posting about them shitting all over the floor. Don’t know why she would share that, but she did.

No. 1447264

How do you know she is feeding him eggs and dairy?

No. 1447265

How do you know that she’s feeding him eggs and dairy? Also it’s prob the pants because his legs looked terrible 3 days ago I don’t think they can be fixed that quick

No. 1447267

Dang youre right lol i thought there was hope

No. 1447269

there is an account that exposed her for using whipped cream in her soup, non vegan. the handle is aliceeeisfake on tiktok. i think i posted it b4

No. 1447272

I’m pretty sure the vid that was from is years old

No. 1447275

She doesn’t understand child development at all. Fern has a lot of toys but they are all thrown in the oversized playpen in his room. His room is her dumping ground and where the pets get locked up. All the clutter from her cleaning had to go somewhere.

No. 1447279

Alice is so simple-minded she thinks big=good. She gives zero thought to the playability or age-appropriateness of Fern's toys (strange considering she claims to have taken child development classes). All he can do with that kitchen is open and shut the doors. At least he has one toy thats not an electric car now… but the poor kid would be better off with something like a simple set of blocks. I don't understand why she doesn't buy him toys, she buys herself garbage all the time

No. 1447285

They’re probably not “aesthetic” enough for her to put them in a place he has access too. Which is hilarious considering her apartment is covered in actual feces.

No. 1447287

I know kombucha has only a tiny amount of alcohol in it but any mom that’s willing to risk her babies health (it doesn’t matter how small the risk is) for some bitter juice is pretty selfish. If a manufacturer says on the product that pregnant women should stay away from it maybe like I don’t know…listen to the warning??

No. 1447291

Right and she cares about manufacturer's insert warnings and shit but not on a bottle.. okay

No. 1447299

She was also drinking raspberry leaf tea. She's probably just doing everything they say not to do to prove it's "fine" and a conspiracy

No. 1447327

She taking the informed risk so if something goes wrong during this pregnancy it will be on her but knowing her she would put the blame on the eggs in the brownies she ate.

No. 1447330

She’s live lol

No. 1447353

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A picture of her dinner and her asking people to start calling the cdc and protesting the use of vitamin k injections because apparently she wants more babies to die of haemorrhagic disease of the newborn. HDN is prevented by giving babies vitamin k injections I don’t understand how this uneducated idiot thinks it killed her baby.

No. 1447356

She’s crying on live right now saying the doctors did terrible things to her and her daughter. I’m a doctor myself and I personally have done the same few procedures on neonates but when she puts it like that I feel like a murderer kek

No. 1447359

Can you watch it even if you don’t have TikTok?

No. 1447361

No i dont think so

No. 1447365

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Ew looks like sewage water

No. 1447366

She’s so immature. Laughing bc her SOAP bottle made fart noises. She annoying af

No. 1447367

She said on her live that Vitamin K makes the blood thicker and clot better but that’s just saying nature isn’t good enough. And she firmly believes that there’s a reason baby’s blood is too thin. Lmaoooo

No. 1447368

She keeps saying she thought the water would be colorful cause of all the fruit they eat but the stains she is showing are brown!

No. 1447371

Just shows how disgusting dirty they really are.

No. 1447376

what is this? I don't feel like giving her tiktok views

No. 1447379

Does she not have washing machine lol? Why is she stepping on her comforter in the bathtub like she’s stomping grapes?

No. 1447380

That’s her couch

No. 1447385

Pretty sure almost every hospital makes you sign a waiver approving vitamin K as well as antibiotic ointment for the eyes. One of the "perks" of getting actual medical care through a pregnancy is being educated on the pros and cons AND being able to refuse those treatments.

No. 1447386

i feel like she could still fit that in her washing machine

No. 1447387

So it’s ew now but not for the past year 🤢

No. 1447394

Okay? Couch cushion covers can also go in the washing machine. Just hit them with some resolve spot cleaner, put them on a long cycle and don’t put them in the dryer in case they shrink. Wtf is this insane peasant girl washboard shit?

No. 1447399

she broke the tension rod

No. 1447400

Now she broke the shower rod but “it wasnt my fault”

No. 1447404

I swear she's drunk right now…

No. 1447406

Her washer isn’t big enough

No. 1447407

no cowtipping, newfriend. also wtf don't call cps on strangers

No. 1447408

She doesn't know what a spin cycle is… also I love how fern is just wondering the apartment by himself currently

No. 1447411

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Well she can’t really be a misandrist when she has a son. She’s probably bitter about having a son instead of a daughter and is coping hardcore but telling herself (and trying to convince others) its evil doctors fault if her son ends up a rapist or shitty person because of her and her husband’s neglect. Don’t know how she can call herself a feminist, let alone a RADICAL feminist when she’s one of the most tradewifey people out there. Her whole ideology is get married young and pump out babies, and spewing that women age like milk, how is that radical feminism?

Her issue with the vitamin k shot is laughable. You can literally find true explanation for the black box warning with a simple google search. Anaphylactic reactions are possible with LARGE IV DOSES, which are only given after somebody has lost a lot of blood. Babies don’t get large IV doses after birth they get a small injection or oral dose. There have been NO fatal anaphylactic reactions in babies. And only one reaction in the world period. She has no argument for that being the cause of death.

No. 1447413

isn't the anniv of her baby's death? or rly soon until? sounds like a breakdown. I feel bad for Alice but she needs therapy and to log off.

No. 1447416

Oh shit it’s today actually

No. 1447432

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The aftermath of her stomping the couch covers in the bathtub

No. 1447444

She clogged the drain

No. 1447449

Am I still blocked

No. 1447543

Holy fuck, does she keep the damn couch outside? This is nightmarish. The naïve portion of my brain is hoping that she's just using this as a pre-soak, which would actually be a good idea assuming she actually uses a washing machine. Fuck.

No. 1447551

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Babies have died/nearly died from NOT getting the vitamin K shot. I can't find anything that proves vitamin K shot is deadly but plently proving it's risky to NOT give to a baby.

No. 1447604

Someone on her live asked her if it’s safe got them to have an unassisted home birth if they have a blood disorder that causes think blood. This is why its dangerous for some to home birth, people who have thin blood are high risk for bleed out and she has them thinking it’s possible for them to have a save delivery at home. Luckily I don’t think she answered that question.

No. 1447606

More from an ER paediatric doctor

No. 1447871

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The boy tries to be on a regular sleep schedule but she’s the one messing him up

No. 1447878

She has such a codependent relationship with him. Why couldn’t she just leave the sleepy baby home with her husband?

No. 1447881

because she has no identity outside of Fern, and she knows no one would give a shit about a video of her alone in Walmart

No. 1447909

As a medical professional - if you wanna have a home birth, fine. Know the risks, have a midwife or a doula that has the necessary knowledge or tools (like meds for post partum hemorrhage, etc.) however; I don’t think it’s wise to choose for your first birth or have pre existing conditions because you don’t know your body and you don’t have a birthing pattern. The chances are too high of something going wrong. If you start hemorrhaging and meds aren’t working, midwives and doulas don’t carry blood products… you’ll die before you get a transfusion.

No. 1447910

Because she needs to capitalise off her child every chance she gets.

No. 1447935

I hope she has another boy. Yes she capitalizes off fern but a daughter she will also sexualize and fern will be the forgotten child.

No. 1447940

I was appalled someone even asked that. She’s giving people the ideas to do unassisted home births when not everyone can do it without dying.

No. 1447959

Does Alice have any friends in real life? I think not having any adult interaction is getting to her. Since she had a terribly childhood—like she claims, is Alice close to her siblings?

No. 1447968

No, she doesn’t speak to any of her family and she never talks about friends. She spends her entire life on tik tok and Instagram deleting comments and screaming into an echo chamber

No. 1447993

She commented a long time ago that when she makes friends with someone they always do/say something she doesn’t like and drops them. She is so judgemental that she can’t accept another persons point of view. Her siblings don’t speak to her or speak of her, she basically doesn’t exist to her family.

No. 1447999

I can’t imagine only talking to my infant and my husband. Hers also always seems to be working. I can’t imagine alienating my family and friends. I can’t imagine that on top of not having a job where I interact with people on the daily. Must be very lonely.

No. 1448019

She prefers it this way, that way no one can ever challenge her belief system and she can live in her world of delusion forever. It’s so sad. That’s all her kid will ever know too.. he won’t have friends.

No. 1448024

she told fern on her live that they won't be eating on the couch anymore cause washing the couch is too much work lol. ig she's just lazy afterall but it's good news

No. 1448031

Them not eating on the couch won’t last long. I stopped watching her live after she broke the shower rod and said it wasn’t her fault. She won’t have management send someone to repair bc then management would discover how disgusting the apartment is.

No. 1448101

Does she not have toys at home? Maybe she should save money on buying organic teeth ruining juice and instead spend it buying toys for her son so she doesn’t have to take him to Walmart to play.

No. 1448183

She definitelyyyyyyy lurks and reads on here notice how everything we talk about she then guides her content towards….

No. 1448187

She’s clearly bothered by criticism seems kind of insecure like most people would accept they’re gonna get hate comments from having a big online presence.. not spend hours constantly deleting and censoring the comment section for every video like wtf … she wants everyone to look at the comment section full of praises n think her lifestyle choices are the best n everyone agrees hahah

No. 1448189

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The mortgage assistant needs to look into her spending history

No. 1448194

Her nose is HUGE. Looks like she picks it.

No. 1448211

She definitely spends some time here, I was reading today someone say how she never cooks and just eats fruit and stuff that's already made. Next day she posts a "recipe" video.

No. 1448232

I noticed too on live when she moved from a room she covered the lens and wouldn’t show the kitchen. Only the bathroom and where her plants are is clean

No. 1448234

or there are very clearly non vegan things in her kitchen kek

No. 1448242

Didn’t think of that but you’re probably right

No. 1448246

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Lol my body definitely knows the difference between coffee and smoothies… more of her verbal diarrhea

No. 1448247

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All that work cleaning up and there is still food on the floor from yesterday

No. 1448248

Alice is definitely lurking here..

No. 1448259

if she was she'd throw a fit and try to get her followers to simp for her here

No. 1448262

She wouldn’t want her followers to read these and further expose stuff she tries to keep hidden

No. 1448374

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You can’t just rewire in a rental apartment, she’s going to burn the building down!! Why is she spending money on an apartment they are moving out of? I don’t think they are able to go through with the house and she knows it.

No. 1448395

I'm pretty sure the extent of her "fixing the electric" is flipping a switch on that panel. Seems like something she would be proud of herself for

No. 1448435

Like we talked about how she doesn’t clean then she posts vids of her cleaning.. about how fern doesn’t have any toys she buys toys.. about how fern can’t talk and is developmentally behind so she posts videos of him ‘talking’ and waving … or how absent her husband is so she forces him to be in the content lol

No. 1448439

The irony that she loves to act pretentious, poor shame other people with the if you’re broke just say that and show off big expensive purchases…. yet she’s on food stamps, lives in subsided housing and her husband is on minimum wage. She’s so deluded living in a fantasy world.. like girl get therapy that is not right.. she could make such better content with how to be vegan on a budget etc

No. 1448442

On her marriage videos she says how she moved in with her husband after a day and quickly married and settled because they both wanted kids. A lot of people comment this too if she even loves her husband? Did she marry for love? Seems more of a mutually beneficial arrangement green card type of deal than a marriage based on love. Such a sad way of life. I think she’s so insecure and unhappy in her choices she encourages other people to follow in her path so she seeks validation. Like it’s not the 1960s anymore it’s 2022 go out and have a life and a career before relying on a man for money. Then when you’re unhappy you’re trapped and it’s difficult to leave

No. 1448444

She won’t even brush her teeth, put deodorant on or use shampoo but a full face of make up n lash extensions are fine? Contradicts her self so much

No. 1448452

The irony is that vegan make up is only so readily available because of advancements in science and the use of chemicals.
But there's only so much filters can do so Allison will be Allison and happily let go of that part of her belief system.

No. 1448475

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No. 1448481

Nah girl you killed your bunny because you don’t really give a shit about animals you just like the superiority complex it gives you. You’re just like Onision even right down to targeting young girls with your pregnancy fetish.

No. 1448530

I heard she had to give the bunny and cat away cos someone ratted her out to her apartment that they had more than one pet or something

No. 1448575

kek what a retarded cover. so if someone threatens to kidnap and eat Fern, you’ll finally stop exploiting him too?

you killed the bunny, Alice. just admit it.

No. 1448637

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She still has the cat, I saw the tail in the left corner in her recent video about propagating her plant

No. 1448646

She had two cats. The orange one is missing. Went missing the same time as the bunny!

No. 1448679

I won't believe the bunny is alive unless she shows it. she let it eat an avocado she dropped and was too lazy to pick up. she thought it was funny.

she poisoned that bunny.

No. 1448681

She probably killed the cat either by giving it expired cat food from the dumpster or trying to feed it an exclusively vegan diet

No. 1448686

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She’s over here acting like a pro cook but her rice looks so watery and flavorless. Looks like slop.

No. 1448691

Not very appetizing. A lot of vegans have a very bland pallet.

No. 1448694

I’m vegan but I still eat enjoyable food. I wouldn’t touch the food she makes. I feel like even when she goes out to eat she gets flavorless looking stuff. Who goes to chipotle and gets a burrito with only beans, rice and guac?

No. 1448708

Yes, what she eats is a real turn off from becoming vegan. I’m not vegan but I do cook many meatless meals that taste delicious.

No. 1448709

It looks like slop farmers will feed to their pigs.

No. 1448729

Under absolutely no circumstances would she let a vet interfere with her bunny’s right to consent to be poisoned without treatment

No. 1448812

Jesus. I'm a life long vegetarian and part time vegan and I wouldn't eat that if you paid me. How has she made it that badly…

No. 1448829

I’ve had frozen gmo chemical filled meat containing meals that looked more appetizing than that crap.

No. 1449027

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On live ppl keep asking about brushing ferns teeth and she won’t answer it. I don’t think she brushes his teeth.

No. 1449029

Poor fern is going to have cavities. When was she on live

No. 1449040

She is on live right now. She’s always eating a chipotle burrito. She needs to use toothpaste because soap isn’t working

No. 1449059

One thing I will respect her with is that when people have asked for her advice on both of these lives (i dont remember what yesterday's was) but someone just asked right now on this live "i vaccinated my 3 year old am i making the right choice" Alice said thats up to you why are you asking me. I know its the bare minimum but at least she doesn't actively spread her anti vax stuff lol

No. 1449061

She was going off earlier about how bad toothpaste is for your teeth.

No. 1449063

Damn I missed that lol of course

No. 1449065

Erosion of the enamel from the sugars in fruit or juice can cause teeth to yellow.

No. 1449067

She def does go off on people who vaccine their kids. She will shame them and say that it causes autism and all kinds of health problem but then at the end say ‘it’s your decision though!’ She’s even stated that she doesn’t want anyone who is vaccinated around Fern or to hold Fern. She may not have shamed them in this live but I guarantee you there will probably be a TikTok on it later about how you’re a terrible person for vaccinating your kid.

No. 1449069

That's true I guess I was expecting the bare minimum, shes very judgemental

No. 1449075

Someone commented there was a roach on her wall, it must have been on wall that was no longer in the live view.

No. 1449094

on her live she said they are using a bidet and towels from now on instead of using toilet paper

No. 1449109

Let’s see how long that lasts.

No. 1449112

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The kid’s hair is so dirty. Having that smell directly below her nose has to be unbearable.

No. 1449129

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Ferns hair is starting to look like a tRuMp combover

No. 1449133

While Alice is here, I hope she checks out Robyn’s thread. This is where she’s heading, and the type of shit she advocates. >>>/snow/1446741

No. 1449135

nah, she reeks to high hell. she’s noseblind by now. #savefern

No. 1449142

Does she usually edit out her smile lines because lately they’ve been very prominent.

No. 1449165

I laughed. love u nona.

No. 1449170

In her recent IG post it looks like she’s edited ferns feet lol. In the photos from far away they look black on the bottom and covered in dirt in the close up photo it’s smoothed over n looks edited

No. 1449172

So sad she probably doesn’t wash his black dirty feet before going inside n just let’s him walk around like that at home

No. 1449174

She’s for sure lurking on here. I had commented on here about how she doesn’t have any friends a day or two ago and now in her video she mentioned she met a homebirthing crunchy mom and they exchanged numbers and they’re going to hang out soon.

No. 1449176

You can tell she is autistic the way she becomes fixated on certain things .. currently plants

No. 1449177

Alice has collected like 25 plants as of late, aren’t they moving soon?

No. 1449179

They also installed a bidet

No. 1449180

OMG I can’t in her recent day in the life tiktok you can see the floors up close and they’re absolutely filthy makes me want to hurl how can someone live like that???

No. 1449181

She will do this with food. She said she will crave something for days and that’s all she will eat and can’t eat enough of it.

No. 1449183

She spent all that time cleaning, how hard is it to pick up after herself and fern as the day goes on. They also ate their chipotle on the carpet again. She’s like a gross disgusting hoarder.

No. 1449184

On the tiktok he’s sitting and his feet are filthy covered in dirt the Instagram posts are soooo heavily edited and filtered

No. 1449186

Her dog and cats defo have fleas and worms she wouldn’t give them the monthly treatments

No. 1449187

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“The family cloth diapering center” That isn’t many “diapers” and the smell when she hasn’t done the laundry.

No. 1449188

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No. 1449189

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There’s literally just shit and lumps of dirt everywhere

No. 1449190

In the bathroom tour video she shows her bidet and towels they use to wipe and says the toilet paper is for guests. What guests? Who the heck visits them? She won’t even allow maintenance to come to her apartment because they’ll see the filth. I bet she bought the bidet to look like a sustainable queen but still uses toilet paper.

No. 1449193

Toilet paper for guests?? She never has guests she’s just doing this for click bait since her views are low

No. 1449194

Definitely for show, she’s has been called out lately for not being crunchy anymore.

No. 1449195

She’s disgusting. She’s disrespected SA victims so many times


No. 1449196

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Yep edited. She forgot to edit the dirt off his leg. Lol

No. 1449238

Whys she embarrassed about Fern being dirty? I thought that was the point? Yet she doesn't edit animal shit off of her floors. She's such a funny little thing.

No. 1449245

she went live again at 2am and she was putting a book on top of her head and getting fern to take it off. then she stopped paying attention to him to read comments and he was mumbling and making rly loud scream noises. it’s actually kinda sad how non verbal he is, i thought kids his age were supposed to be able to answer questions and stuff? he just screams and says one syllable words like “go”

No. 1449264

File: 1645524928313.jpg (319.38 KB, 1080x1873, Screenshot_20220222-101210_Tik…)

So she's honestly trying to say that tik tok deletes the comments? Isn't it amazing that it it's smart enough to only delete negative comments. And so helpful in blocking the commenter too! But takes a short break at the same time she's sleeping. Incredible.

She goes on to say that make up is high risk but of course high benefit, but sunscreen is BAD CHEMICALS with no benefit.

Allison is getting RATTLED by this thread. Go and buy your kid some toys.

No. 1449265

yea like wtf. sunscreen has so many benefits that are actually backed up by science and studies and for someone who says they read studies she ignored all of them?? plus zincoxide does not even enter blood stream vs makeup that nobody even monitors and they can put whatever shit in there for you to smear it on. she truly is retarded. she will know when she's 30 and looks 50 and no longer uwu young lusted after by men

No. 1449270

Sunscreen has "no benefit" yet she's 22 going on 43… I showed her to my bf and asked him to guess her age, and he said 35. You'd think her vanity would get to her eventually and she would just use it

No. 1449305

I know she’s not cloth diapering because she would have installed the handheld nozzle type of bidet ages ago. this one is completely useless for cloth diapers. she definitely just snaps a diaper shell over a disposable.

No. 1449368

She stopped cloth diapering when fern started eating food bc his poops were too disgusting. She did start him on solids earlier and stopped bc of the poops and why she waited as long as she could but fern kept grabbing for food. The kid was starving. She’s prepping to start using cloth again. Wouldn’t be surprised if she uses cloth only for the baby and continues disposables with fern.

No. 1449383

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This is why it looks like fern has no toys. Good thing she spent all that money on the cars.

No. 1449385

Someone commented Alice looking like Anna from inventing Anna on Netflix and yes there are visual similarities but definitely a lot more psychological similarities in seeking validation and craziness.

No. 1449392

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She takes 3 baths a day but fern gets 3 baths a year. Selfish wasteful ignoramus.

No. 1449425

And she lives in Arizona on top of that!!! Bitch you live in the desert stop wasting water

No. 1449461

Just more crunchy fakeness. Pretends to be concerned about the environment except when it interferes with her own wants.

No. 1449466

she's just was bragging about bird of paradise plants that were a couple hundred dollars. I hope her cat doesn't eat them, they are toxic to cats. it will have the same fate as the bunny that ate the avocado.

No. 1449561


YO. i was thinking this same exact thing. They are both living this fake bougie life trying to convince others they are cashed up (and they may be temporarily) but both headed for rude awakening when the well runs dry. hashtagdeclined

No. 1449577

She spends hundreds of dollars on plants, yet she didn't get a bidet seat with a dryer? She's so weird with what she finds value in.

No. 1449607

what? you think that commenter is alice?

No. 1449630

As if tiktok is magically removing comments from 400 down to 30. Appears to be more an Alice problem.

No. 1449671

And specifically only removing the negative ones lol

No. 1449715

And blocking accounts on her behalf.

All before she has a chance to even see the comments! Imagine that.

No. 1449811

narcs are truly convinced that everyone is dumber than them, while being unfathomably stupid themselves.

see: onision

No. 1450039

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Her lifestyle is aging her beyond belief wear sunscreen folks

No. 1450046

I honestly thought this was Shayna at first. Separated at birth?

No. 1450113

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she's not gonna let him get braces… that poor boy

No. 1450152

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Tick tock her time is running out. She’s worried she’s becoming insignificant and not social media famous? She’s become the influencer of not what to do.

No. 1450154

She really doesn’t understand how things work. Using a paci isn’t the only cause for crooked teeth, take a look at her husbands teeth and there is a strong possibility he will. We don’t know what Alice’s teeth looked like pre-braces. Crooked teeth is more hereditary than caused by other sources. Do more research Alice hunny.

No. 1450163

She cycling to her spiralling phase again. With her mega spending, obsession with staying younger with makeup and fake lashes, attacking people for wearing masks, belittling men and now supposedly ghosting. I’ve said before thinking she’s bipolar with multi-personality as well as being a narcissist.

No. 1450181

Normally u have to have some talent before you get famous babe. Tik toking your dull life, grim council flat, dirty child, and gollum husband won't do it no matter how old you are.

No. 1450216

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Alice claims she was asthmatic and used an inhaler but she had a typical american diet and once she went vegan didnt need it anymore.

No. 1450223

she also has claimed that she is autistic, had chronic strep throat when she was younger, malnourished, abused… the list goes on. I don't believe anything she says.

No. 1450235

If she was malnourished it was of her own doing for refusing to eat the dinners cooked for her cuz her parents wouldn’t buy the organic vegan food she wanted. She was and still is a spoiled rotten wanna-be princess. By watching her living standards, she was a slob and her parents being parents expected her to clean up after herself and she called it abuse cuz they made her. She obviously wasn’t forced to do her own laundry and she proved that when she didn’t know how to use the washer properly when washing her couch. Speaking if the couch, she says it looks like new but won’t show it.

No. 1450420

Also we know that she wasn’t even vegan until a few years ago. There’s a video posted of her cooking with heavy cream before fern was born, even while she was living on her own and buying her own food. The whole wanting to be vegan as a teenager is bs. She was never malnourished as a kid and willingly ate animal products.

No. 1450458

She’s also stated the school would give her food cuz her parents didn’t feed her which is also bs. The school would have contacted cps cuz her siblings would have been receiving food from the school too.

No. 1450499

She was probably on the free lunch program so school gave free lunch and breakfast. My mom refused to feed us breakfast or lunch too but that is because we got it free at school

No. 1450513

3 baths a year?? this has to be stepping into somebody-take-that-child-away territory…

No. 1450539

Along with so many more neglectful reasons Alison

No. 1450551

File: 1645660102132.jpeg (304.67 KB, 1200x1170, 3CB0E8B5-CF8B-46A2-9ADF-5F1A7C…)

Now she’s trying to say she was bullied cuz she was “really pretty”. This photo from hs says otherwise, she looks like a homely introverted charity case.

No. 1450560

When she's not busy deleting comments, she's making videos with quotes that people have DEFINITELY said to her… Seriously though every other tiktok is her lip-synching with a "quote" that everyone knows has never been said. These are especially hilarious yet sad

No. 1450567

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Alice to her female simp army on the daily

No. 1450583

She’s not pretty. Not then and not now. I thought she was at first until I saw her without all those filters.

No. 1450603

Everything about her is fake and lies.

No. 1450610

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The plants are all dead in the hydroponic planters and didn’t that car cost $500? Good thing fern is getting great use of it and so much fun.

No. 1450788

She looks so unhealthy without the filters no colour in her face it almost looks grey, dark bags under her eyes, wrinkles everywhere when she’s only 22

No. 1450790

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She must be sooo deficient in vitamins and minerals vegans would normally eat from fortified foods like soya milk etc

No. 1450796

And she isn’t taking prenatal vitamins.. so so dangerous

No. 1450797

HOW is she aging so rapidly?? I swear she didn’t look this old 2 months ago

No. 1450808

Sun exposure and not using any skincare. Poor restrictive diet etc

No. 1450810

especially now she’s pregnant her body is draining all the vitamins and using it for the baby

She‘s only for medical research when it aligns with her views. Like go to therapyyyyy she has so much trauma with hospitals she’s gone crazy

Also the constant checking ingredients on everything is an ED behaviour she needs help

No. 1450816

Running shoes from Walmart? Wtf. For someone so concerned about shoes being bad for your feet, my feet would hate shoes too if from Walmart. The smell of her working out must be the nastiest smell ever.

No. 1450820

Lmao feet don’t keep growing cuz she isn’t wearing shoes. Being pregnant is a common reason for your feet to be temporarily bigger. Do some research Alice!

No. 1450823

arizona sun & no real nutrients - it’s not even summer yet, when it hits 110 degrees outside we’re going to watch her skin turn into straight up leather

No. 1450827

Has anyone called CPS on her?
I am not saying anyone SHOULD, but if they wanted to, couldn’t they call?

If a social worker saw the state of her house and his legs, they would make sure she fixed it asap. might be a good wakeup call for her. avoiding medical care for the son and leaving shit on the floor that he eats off of is neglect.

No. 1450828

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samefag but you can tell that the aging on her left side is already way worse than her right bc she spends all day driving around lol

No. 1450838


Her hair looks like it’s turning grey at the roots

No. 1450842

Someone asked her in her tiktok comments a few days ago if it’s true she was being investigated by cps and she deleted the comment. Maybe someone did call and why the sudden cleaning of the apartment and now using gym daycares for social interaction for fern.

No. 1450888

Sorry what….we don't have gyms that provide childcare here so I'm confused. She works out whilst Fern goes to a childcare area in the gym???
Surely the quality of care has to be pretty low? Definitely not montessori wooden toys? Definitely not qualified early years professionals?
It's like she's been told to socialise Fern more and can't afford a decent daycare and doesn't want to interact with other parents at a mother and baby group, so has done the cheapest, shittest option possible.
It's really weird considering all her 'beliefs'. I'm a picky about who I trust with my kids, and a random daycare at my gym would NOT cut it, I'm surprised Mother Gothel has gone for it.

No. 1450952

Many gyms offer childcare (usually for an hour so not long), what I don’t get is why you’d bring your dirty wobbling kid when those people could easily be mandated reporters.

No. 1450956

No. 1450964


She is most likely going around doing free trials periods at different gyms because she is a freeloader, and that’s what freeloaders do when they don’t want to pay for a service. They “try out” every gym in town one at a time.

No. 1450968

Yeah she said she doesn’t trust daycares but now she’s leaving her kid with someone she has never met at a gym she’s not even a member of… which proves most of her “convictions” and “opinions” are just outrage farming

No. 1451005

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Someone is trying to jump on coat tails and appear she on the same level. Alice, you are a shaming mean girl!

No. 1451007

her cognitive dissonance is completely insane

No. 1451012

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Supposedly willow spanks her child and blocks ppl who call her out for it. I thought Alice was against spanking and called it child abuse.

Good to see you’re promoting a child abuser Alice.

No. 1451020

those lashes are so fucking stupid and make her look even more unhinged

No. 1451025

She says she pays $120 every two weeks and tech is great cuz they don’t glue her eyes shut. The lashes look ridiculously fake Walmart glue on strips like from a cheap Asian porn.

No. 1451049

How do they know? was there any proof that she does

No. 1451052

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I’m surprised she wouldn’t drop a few 100 for a pot for her plant. She shoved it in a laundry basket lol

No. 1451066

The absence of an upper lip is astounding.
Absolute looks match. Why are underwhelming and chalky white people insistent on breeding? This and the thread with the birth injured baby truly haunt me.

No. 1451087

A reliable source commented with details but poof the comment is gone. Damn tt always deleting comments lol

No. 1451089

She should apply her lipstick to give herself a larger upper lip to match her lower lip.

No. 1451219

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Alice’s bathroom tour… no toothbrush for fern

No. 1451230

Remember when Onision’s wife neglected to brush her son’s baby teeth, then they got so rotten and decayed that he had to be put under general anesthesia and have all his teeth taken out?
Unfortunately that could be in Fern’s future if Alison doesn’t do something about it.

No. 1451247

Alice would 100% just let them fall out on their own. Also remember, she is very nasty so they might share a toothbrush… but its more likely she's just not brushing his teeth at all.

No. 1451275

I hope they aren’t sharing, the bacteria going into his mouth from her yuck!

No. 1451366

Fern was chewing on the pink tooth brush in her live. I assumed it was his…. Yikes

No. 1451393

Naw. Alice was reading here again and had to show fern with a toothbrush. Fake live

No. 1451408

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Alice trying stir up shat with Maia? Remember when you tried to do this in high school… it didn’t end well for you.

No. 1451419

She’s probably just ragingly jealous because Maia has over 6mil more followers than her. I’m not pro Maia but Alice is irrelevant compared to her so she wants to start shit for attention. Which is the norm for her

No. 1451424

She also formula feeds (which is valid – formula saves lives and ebfing two infants as a single mom seems incredibly difficult and stressful!) and practices safe sleep. She also gets sponsorships and has so many more followers than Alice. Maia, like Alice, just films herself doing mundane tasks like prepping a bottle or cleaning. Alice is probably wondering why everyone goes crazy for Maia but not her. Maia isn't perfect but her existence drives Alice crazy with jealousy and I gotta appreciate that if anything

No. 1451431

Maia also has a personality and doesn’t display her girls as mine are better than yours by shaming people. She will end up having a better relationship with her girls than Alice will have with fern. Definitely some jealousy vibes going on there!

No. 1451434

Maia’s daughters were featured on a CP site. Maia was informed about it and didn’t give two shits. She was more pissed that her videoes weren’t posting. Both moms exploit their children for profit and both moms suck. Hopefully they will both go after each other and cancel each other out.

No. 1451436

Why is she even making assumptions about someone who she probably never met or talked to. Mia seems like a good person and an excellet mother meanwhile Alice spends her time shameing moms for formula feeding,c sections etc, seems like alice is more of the "secertly mean girl" type.

No. 1451439

How do you know she didn’t do anything about it? She probably did and doesn’t want to bring more exposure to the situation by ppl going to find the pics which would be feeding right into the perpetrator’s agenda.

No. 1451442

As well as teaching fern her racist and Q theory ideologies. Just what america needs, future idiots!

No. 1451443

I think the smart thing to do would be to probably stop posting your daughters. But she’s gotta make that coin even if it’s at the expense of her daughters privacy and safety.

No. 1451446

I think they are both bad in their own ways. They both make money off the backs of their kids and have crazy rabid fans who are obsessed with their babies. I do think Alice is worse though because she spouts such dangerous stuff.

No. 1451476

Alice seems to have been posting less of Fern, but that’s probably because of people pointing out how malnourished and delayed he looks and not for concern of his privacy

No. 1451532

Alice removed her comment lol

No. 1451541

Now she’s going off on Girl Scouts cuz of their cookies. Ppl wouldn’t buy their cookies if they were organic vegan cuz of cost.

No. 1451559

I refuse to watch her TikToks because I won’t give her views, but several flavors of Girl Scout cookies are vegan. and Girl Scouts as an organization is good. fuck off Alice

No. 1451661

she was just on live talking about her eyelash extensions and treatment. weird how thats okay but using shampoo isnt?

No. 1451662

did anyone else see how shes using reusable toilet paper? ewww

No. 1451666

she’s saying all of this while wearing Victoria’s Secret and Walmart shoes, eating a Chipotle burrito. the cognitive dissonance is what’s aging her so harshly.

No. 1451680

In her live just now she went to the stove without the knife she had at the table,right in his reach, people were commenting about it then she left the came back, probably to go get the knife???

No. 1451685

It’s so sad watching fern attempt to communicate with her through squeaks on live, alice is so oblivious.

No. 1451710

She cut ferns hair. She’s ignoring when ppl ask but it’s obvious. She also thinks circumcising makes guys sa’ers.

No. 1451718

She just said she cut his hair cuz he was always getting juice in it

No. 1451801

File: 1645798148976.png (6.5 MB, 828x1792, 636CB20F-A03F-4411-8562-087987…)

Kombucha with a side of shit

No. 1451808

That carpet is so gross and disgusting. She has a table with chairs right there, why not use it and teach fern manners. The kid is almost 2 and has zero table manners, my daughter was eating up at the table just after she turned 1 and had more manners than alice has now. She was actually drinking water last night… or possibly vodka lol

No. 1451809

she's drinking vodka pregnant?…

No. 1451812

I was being funny cuz of all the vodka bottles she has in her kitchen and her “the body doesn’t need water” theory. I’m sure it was water

No. 1451844

no words thats all

No. 1451851

Having a child eat and play amongst animal feces is cps worthy. Does she honestly think these “non-mean influencers” are going to want to associate with someone who puts their child in such a filthy unhealthy environment and deal with alice’s fakeness and unstable craziness?

No. 1452028

CDC changed their milestones recently, so she’d probably say he isn’t behind, because now according to CDC he isn’t behind. They say at 18 months three words is normal and not walking til 18 months is normal to.

No. 1452033

He looks way better, she cut his hair and like spread it out. And he looks clean and he’s in a cute outfit. Like please keep it this way

No. 1452041

she sells this on Facebook. with literal shit on her floors. disgusting.

No. 1452044

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His shirt is buttoned uneven

No. 1452049

File: 1645825848998.png (2.45 MB, 828x1792, 56E25262-581B-484D-A48B-E4064E…)

Very nice

No. 1452054


No. 1452056

Probs the same one she ate on live

No. 1452059

File: 1645826636166.png (3.23 MB, 828x1792, A90AFFE3-1B46-49FA-B0C7-CC8A4B…)

I think she dumpster dived these perfume and body spray display samples and claims to be getting rid of them because she only uses essential oils now.

No. 1452063

She’s now claiming she used to be a body builder before having Fern. She lies for no reason. She went to the gym once yesterday and now she’s gonna claim she used to be a body builder when we all have seen old pictures of her and she’s always been thin.

No. 1452074

Babies Ferns age will literally pick up everything and put it in their mouths. I shutter to think that Fern has probably ingested animal shit. I cannot believe she broadcasted this.

No. 1452075

Keep an eye out for her couch for sale

No. 1452077

chance chanel is expensive isn't it, i doubt she just found them in the dumpster

No. 1452078

but it's all natural so it's good right?!!

No. 1452085

Gotta build up that immune system somehow!

No. 1452096

Curious how old they are, perfume will spoil.

No. 1452112

Can he say 3 words? Never heard him say mama or dada. Only word heard recently is no and that might be after repeating it from her.

No. 1452113

Stores dump out old testers frequently, they’re probably old testers she found at Sephora, Ulta and Victoria’s Secret dumpsters.

No. 1452115

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If she’s bored then maybe she should clean her apartment, cook some dinner, do some laundry… if it’s the being a sahm then get a job cuz obviously being a sahm isn’t for her.

No. 1452326

Why she gotta put her nasty paws all over it?

No. 1452328

A normal mom that works full time does more than her

No. 1452355

She said the other day, she doesn’t like making smoothies at home cuz she doesn’t like cleaning the blender afterwards. How fffff lazy!!!!!!

No. 1452381

You know if a child ingests animal feces they can go blind.. she’s so negligent

Especially if the dog/cat has worms which they likely do as she won’t be giving them regular worming medicine

No. 1452382

I was scrolling thorugh FB and Alice wrote a recommendation for "Hipporcratic Oath Publishing" and she was fighting with scientist of how she wasn't an antivax(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1452384

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Only homeless people sit out the doors of grocery stores, panhandling for money now? She’s so cringy.

No. 1453016

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She is spreading misinformation again. Just cuz it doesn’t work for her doesn’t mean it won’t work at all. A crib didn’t work for my daughter but I didn’t tell people to not get a crib. Know your place Alice!

No. 1453022

Found ferns toys. How does she expect him to play with anything if they are all piled on top of each other?

No. 1453024

She just a lazy piece of shit and rather then find a place for everything she just chucks it all in one spot.

No. 1453025

Looks like a hoarders house.

No. 1453026

Why is one of her eyes always smaller then the other.

No. 1453027

Vitamin A deficiency can cause a lazy eye.

No. 1453110

so very montessori

the ugly falsies really highlight it, too. I love it.

No. 1453391

I refuse to believe those are professionally done lash extensions. They just look like cheap drugstore falsies.

No. 1453432

They are definitely not worth the $120 she says she pays every two weeks for them. They look more like feathers on her eyes than lashes.

No. 1453487

File: 1646001961426.png (4.54 MB, 750x1334, EDC360CB-11F9-4AE3-90CB-2C60A7…)

Say you’re poor without saying you’re poor.
Is that where you found your eyelashes too?

No. 1453497

I feel like if she were paying $120 every couple of weeks for vegan lash extensions, she'd namedrop the salon that does them, because not all of them are vegan/oRgANiC.

No. 1453502

She’s mentioned a few times that she doesn’t wash any fruits or veggies she gets from the supermarkets before giving them to Fern. I sincerely hope she doesn’t have those same rules for her dumpster food.

No. 1453513

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Wtf does this mean ?

No. 1453542

If she was truly crunch she wouldn’t have a phone. Ppl have been calling her out for being a fake crunchy.

No. 1453544

Especially the flies shitting on the food and laying eggs aka magots.

No. 1453559

Who does she think she's kidding? Babe we know you spend 99% of your time policing the comments.

Also it is just me or is her content SHIT lately. Like really dull. She's too boring to even hate now.

No. 1453566

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Oooh the way she obviously wants to do this trip with ally dowse (thebollmanbunch) and now that poor girl has to come up with a polite excuse why she isn't going to hang out with (and especially not share an apartment with) Alice…

No. 1453578

She’s genuinely full of shit. If you watch any of her YouTube videos while they are out she will set her camera down so she can make TikTok’s.

No. 1453579

Can you imagine sharing any kind of space with Alice? She’s so filthy I couldn’t do it.

No. 1453584

And she has raised fern to be a brat

No. 1453589

She’s trying really hard to make herself part of the “it” crowd of crunchy moms. Sorry Alison you and fern are too gross for anyone to hang with you

No. 1453647

Even her lives are shit. It’s always them eating or her sitting on her filthy floor. And she eats like a pig, zero class or manners.

No. 1453650

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No. 1453655

And nodding her head at fern like she’s having a seizure.

No. 1453691


I can't wait until her teeth start falling out because her calcium is getting drained for the baby kek

No. 1453701

She will blame it on her having braces or her parents vaxxing her or some lame made up reason.

No. 1453756

She really is lonely huh? I can’t imagine taking my kid to a restaurant by myself and then just filming us eating? That’s so fucking weird to me and gross.

No. 1453766

Yeah. It’s like her going live makes her feel like she has friends. I don’t understand how someone so health conscience eats out so much. Those burritos are extremely high in salt and easy to make at home where she can control the salt. I like burritos but not every day or so. Her pregnancy gas must be on fire with all those beans.

No. 1453808

I was thinking the same thing lol she wants so bad to be liked by the PHX/AZ influencers but they want nothing to do with her. Ally doesn't have to spend all her time moderating comments deleting dissenting comments

No. 1453848

Yeah agreed. It is really sad. She lives her life in front of her phone.

I have barely any photos of fun days out because we're busy having fun, not living for imaginary friends online.

And yes, her table manners are vile. The way she holds food and shovels it in are gross. For someone who 'respects fresh produce' she eats it like an animal. She'll probably say her parents abused her by making her eat with cutlery at a table.

No. 1453855

File: 1646037540157.jpeg (184.81 KB, 828x1445, 9D2B11C7-1CDF-4411-BA07-7CC832…)

HER DIRTY NAILS OMG can you not be crunchy vegan organic whatever and still practice basic hygiene omg

No. 1453917

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What the heck is going on with his hairline? It’s like a 50 year old man’s severely receding hairline.

No. 1453928

His dad’s genes are very strong.

No. 1454029

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A fit check while her baby wears a dirty tee and a measly diaper smh

Someone rightly commented how she can’t make a single video without talking about $

No. 1454043

She keeps hiding his legs so we can’t see how bowed they are.

No. 1454046

I laughed at the money comment. Also like no one cares about your bougie mommy style. It’s as basic as she is. Someone in the comments said it was because people keep asking and I’m like no people keep asking for ferns clothes, not basic white mom lululemon and target

No. 1454071

He hair is gross too. It’s stiff and only moves in chunks and her scalp must smell so nasty. It needs a good deep cleaning.

No. 1454235

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Now she trying to say she doesn’t shame or judge when she’s admitted she stops being friends with people cuz they don’t have the same views, such bs.

No. 1454266

File: 1646085744648.jpeg (342.8 KB, 1241x1940, 92B23B53-61B8-4474-A408-338A93…)

I can’t believe she spends this much on food, but the crazy part is this is the lowest she’s spent on food in a month

No. 1454276

That is more than my mortgage and utilities bills each month… stupid stupid woman.
Does this include eating out or just from grocery stores and the farm store?

No. 1454280

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No. 1454282

Someone asked why their rent was so cheap and she said pre-pandemic rates. I got blocked for commenting their on subsidized housing for low income.

No. 1454293

Idk why she even tries to hide it anymore. I mean her exact apartment complex is public knowledge at this point. Everyone knows she’s in subsidized housing; she’s desperate to create a facade of wealth

No. 1454295

Someone American please tell me, what is the normal amortization period for a mortgage in the US?

No. 1454305

Does anyone else think she’s lying? I think she wants so badly to have this rich lavish life that she lies about a lot of it.

No. 1454306

I don’t think she is. I bet at least $700 of that was just on juice. Her comments are blowing up with ppl wanting to know where she lives for cheap rent but won’t be honest about that.

No. 1454314

Anyone find it interesting she doesn’t shop at Costco or that farm store anymore? Did she get caught trying to scam food or she can’t scam food or let fern eat all the produce she doesn’t pay for?

No. 1454315

She spends more than that on juice. Those juices are about $8 a bottle, her and fern drink 4-8 bottles a day
$8x5(bottles)x28(february)= $1120

No. 1454317

File: 1646090049783.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, EFCDCDE3-7B15-40A6-A7AF-886D23…)

Oh shit! Maia won’t put up with Alice’s crap

No. 1454324

I live in the same state. 2 bedrooms apartments in her town(which is not a nice area) go for about $1500 when not subsidized. When I lived in the next town over 5 years ago they were $1000+.

No. 1454327

Now Alice is asking if Maia says shit about her… oh sweetly quite the opposite, you’ve said shit about Maia

No. 1454335

They both suck so this is gonna be milky.

No. 1454448

This is so funny now that she’s trying to be bffs with Maia to mooch off her fame. Alice literally talked shit about her a few days ago!!

No. 1454450

Alice looks scared as shit!!

No. 1454453

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She just realizing now how much money she’s been spending on food and still eating out. She looks like she’s been crying. I give it 3 days to last cuz her kitchen will be a disaster from not doing dishes.

No. 1454471

Now keep in mind she very likely gets paid from TikTok. This other user has more views and followers just posts about her cows and she was making more than 10k per day. Either way that's pretty messed up to be spending that kind of money just on food. I really can't believe she dumpster dives as much as she does with that kind of income. There's people that may need what she gets from those dumpsters which she could totally afford if she wasn't being so wasteful with her income, such as buying Fern a pikler for a one time photoshoot, or those two cars they hardly used..

Also, she has area rugs over top of her carpet. Likely because her carpets were getting so dirty and wanted to hide that for her vids, you know.. instead of clean them. Can only imagine how gross they are considering what we can see on her area rug carpets now.

No. 1454478


Users make 2-4¢ per 1,000 views. Believe me, she is NOT making much. hardly anything, if fact. She might be taking in $15 on a GOOD day and her engagement has been noticeably dropping

No. 1454485

They don’t make 10k a day from views. The influencers making good money are doing adds and colabs with companies but bc Alice is so controversial with her ideologies as well as she shames and belittles people companies don’t want her representation.
She also sells the stuff she dumpster dives on fb marketplace and other sites to people not knowing where it came from or if it works properly.

No. 1454512

File: 1646111299678.png (9.85 MB, 1242x2688, 589B73CB-456D-475A-8012-A0218C…)

I’d cry too if my meal was a pile of canned beans and spinach

No. 1454514

She has all that food she has bought and this is what she puts together for dinner… yuck!

No. 1454519

It’s odd whenever she “cooks” it’s just stuff from a can… like what does she do with all that produce she claims to buy

No. 1454523

I’ve wondered about that too. She has cooked some yummy looking meals in the past with stuff we can see she bought but lately everything is from a can heated up with some sauce.

No. 1454528

She’s too lazy to do the clean up just like she doesn’t make smoothies anymore cuz she doesn’t like cleaning the blender. There are easy ways to clean a blender but hell if I’m going to tell her.

No. 1454543

It takes 5 minutes tops to hand wash an entire blender. She’s being ridiculous at this point with the laziness

No. 1454572

She’s 100% not making lots of money from tiktok people don’t make that much. She’s spending all her 200k settlement money. It’s clearly running out as she was going to turn to sex work and thinking about a job.

She’s sooo delusional and not right that she wants this facade of wealth. Blocking all the comments of people saying she’s in subsided housing cos people are so confused about her low rent and lavish lifestyle. Nothing about her adds up she needs some serious therapy

It’s probs because she wasn’t rich in her childhood she liked a few comments of people saying similar

Also we’ve never seen her husband in a while? She made so much effort to show he existed like a month ago lol

No. 1454576

File: 1646117943556.jpeg (49.07 KB, 828x329, 0D01938A-C662-49B6-AAC4-C1BA95…)

She liked this comment

No. 1454579

File: 1646118138382.jpeg (178.97 KB, 828x1144, 335E0A93-1BBB-487F-B68E-A2CFB8…)

No. 1454580

File: 1646118192181.jpeg (180.51 KB, 828x1323, 69A9A23D-2327-4F1D-90A9-2A4499…)

It’s like shes lowkey gaslighting people by not telling them the truth everyone is so confused

No. 1454581

File: 1646118221698.jpeg (184.93 KB, 828x1330, F82D21A0-0F43-4348-84B4-38AD74…)

Pre pandemic prices.. girl

No. 1454624

She did not buy that pikler. It wasn’t for Fern. It was an ad! She has an affiliate link with the company on her directme. She doesn’t disclose a lot of her ads.

No. 1454669

She does a horrible job creating ads, she had a couple pics with it. I hope her only payment was the pikler and no $. As a company I would feel screwed over, especially seeing it eventually in a heap of stuff tossed to the side.

No. 1454688

I thought its illegal to not disclose an ad?

No. 1454694

File: 1646143623211.png (383.49 KB, 1170x2532, 2DF80949-AC51-49B7-84D7-876B74…)

Yes it is illegal. But she doesn’t disclose some of them. This pikler is Lily and River. She also casually mentioned she used a particular brand of pans that are non toxic but turns out she has a code for it. She only ever disclosed the planter codes.

No. 1454697

oh wow!! wtf ive never clicked on her directme, shes a god damn liar

No. 1454702

Was that her add to casually mention the pans? Maybe I’m not fully understanding what these influencers are obligated to do. Either way, she does very little for the brands with high expectation of return.

No. 1454854

File: 1646161522358.png (886.01 KB, 1080x1679, Screenshot_20220301-110329~2.p…)

Sure let's mock drug withdrawal and compare it to not spending $80 a day on juice.

No. 1454894

Does anyone think Alice is actually autistic? I’m 99.99% sure she’s self diagnosed. It seems like something she’d say for clout and to make her seem less boring. Her personality in her very first YouTube vids before the accident is quite different too…

No. 1454904

I think the old ones are after the accident? the first one is posted October 2019, and her daughter passed feb 2019. regardless, she did seem to change alot. Its so hard to tell whether or not shes telling the truth about anything, but i think she actually is autistic

No. 1455103

She’s just a raging narc, and used being “autistic from vaccines” as a scapegoat to be abusive

No. 1455244

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Thought she said in another video her parents were middle class and were an average family income..

No. 1455260

They were, her parents just wouldn’t buy her the stuff she wanted. I’ve seen pictures of her sisters and they don’t looked deprived in any way. Alison needs to show the proof for people to believe her.

No. 1455404

On live she said she thinks the oils and msg from the sushi she was eating gave her a stroke… wtf

Fern was totally babbling, kept saying mumumumum like an infant does with zero connection of the “mum” to Alice. His speech is really delayed. People were telling her to stop talking so they could hear fern

No. 1455411

No. 1455415

No. 1455421

Alice’s Pinterest aesthetic inspo ✨


No. 1455424

I wonder why she doesn’t have any contact with her siblings?

No. 1455428

File: 1646206655241.jpeg (346.45 KB, 824x1546, 65824B6A-A5E0-4EE8-8AA1-203821…)

She follows the patriot party on Instagram.. she’s definitely a trump supporter anti vaxxer anti covid and immigrants

No. 1455430

File: 1646206842503.jpeg (328.57 KB, 828x1560, 29AB2AD5-DC68-40FC-AB9A-EEF385…)

She follows so many anti vaccine and covid conspiracy pages

Even an anti adoption page…

No. 1455445

kek is that really her pinterest?

No. 1455590

House update Alice!? eye roll

Not much time before all her lies start to unfold.

No. 1455591

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I feel like this is so disrespectful to her husband.

No. 1455611

The house has 4 bedrooms but none are for the baby. She’s still going all out for fern but nothing for the baby. Starting to question if she really is pregnant since no planning of integrating the baby into their current family. It’s so weird.

No. 1455653

Ok so she’s doing the “model house tour” and she’s saying things like “I forget how big we made this room” and “we changed this and the wall goes out more”… uhhh unless that’s a featured upgrade or build out you don’t just get to tell them you want bigger rooms…

No. 1455655

But didn’t put a sink in the laundry room but she didn’t understand why it would be needed… how about to clean everything that’s disgusting in her house instead of using the bathtub. She really has no concept

No. 1455667

Considering she wanted a large backyard why would they add a build out or build a bungalow instead of a two story. It’ll look like a hoarder house in no time anyways.

No. 1455674

She likes a pro trump page of fb too. But I had a feeling as soon as she kept saying prepandemic pricing. That’s what all the trumpets say about the cost of living going up even though the pandemic had nothing to do with rent prices in Arizona.

No. 1455694

Makes sense why she keeps deleting any comments about what’s happening in Ukraine. Funny how she’s all about free speech and informed choices but supports a man/party who are opposite of democracy. She’s a very confused uninformed person.

No. 1455713

File: 1646234381590.jpeg (285.72 KB, 1170x2161, C3D75C63-A1F1-485B-A3E4-9C8A63…)

Ok what the fuck is a ‘Fit Check’? and why does she reckon people want to see her in ill-fitting trash pyjamas?

No. 1455719

And a tank she pulled from her apartment’s dumpster. She’s just copying what everyone else does on tt now. No content and boring!

No. 1455736

At this point she’s just letting her gut hang out. A 15 week (per her due date on her registry) foetus is only the size of a ring pop or small pear.