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No. 718554
At the end of the last thread, Kati was quitting youtube… as soon as shw bashed her family good and hard, finished bashing her other victims, and thought about how she intends to earn money aside from her continued exploitation of abused children for dem Ad$ense bucks.
But, winding back to the beginning of the last thread… As the last thread broke, Kati finished deleting all her twitter tweets (not because she was going after Peter Monn's tweets, but because she thought twitter didn't allow swearing!) and has stayed mostly quiet on twitter except for the occasional suck up to bigger youtubers and famous fat people.
She continued to try to turn Peter Monn into her next Onision by defending everyone, real or imagined, that might have been "wronged" by him. While the imagined victims probably scream in her head all night every night, the response from the real "victims" ranged between NONE AT ALL and out right rejection.
She continues to use Moral Virus as her personal boogie man, including filing a police report for death threats so that she could post and monetize the recorded police interaction, not once, but twice! This drew disgust from those who pay taxes and actual victims of real stalking and real abuse. But her herd of unemployed tards all ate it up as great entertainment.
Was outed by her prior butt plug, The Geekthulhu, for buying subs for Mundane Matt so that she could make videos about how sleezy Mundane Matt is buying subs.
Tried (and continues to try) to suck the chrome off Shane Dawson's dick over tepid interactions. It's near certain that boyfriend now has to wear a Shane Dawson mask in the house at all times to support Kati's fantasy world.
Grabbed her high school diploma firmly in hand and tried to climb to the top of the shit show that was BetterHelp only to prove that she has no clue about PR, contracts, business, or technology. She's pretty much proven true that she's a perpetual craigslist hire and her "business expertise" entails making up piss poor web pages filled with fantasy language to try to sell overpriced singing lessons and stocking lunch box pastries for pop up flea market booths.
Accused PhillyD of running a pyramid scam in no uncertain terms only to have even her own tardlings point out that she didn't understand what a pyramid scam was and that she was entirely wrong. Kati took it in stride with sudden and REPEATED claims that "muh siknez made me do it" and that 10 min of video where she correctly explained pyramid scams was left out by her mean ol' camera that she can't afford to fix cuz she spent all her money buying subscribers for Mundane Matt.
Her ongoing battle with death brought her to the ER twice where she managed to get steroids both times and something else for her chronic Spaniel Ear infection.
Google has started auditing her views counts and routinely knocking them back by the thousands… this has totally NOT caused her to go despondent and decide it's time to move on with her life leaving all her tardlings in the lurch for their daily ration of hate mongering. But, before she goes, she's promised to trash her family and Repzion and (of course) Peter Monn a bit more. And, she has 10 already recorded and uploaded videos that she's going to also make public over the next two weeks until the Nov 3rd youtube payout data tells her which way her life will be going in the future.
Previous threads:
>>246848 #2
>>692629Temp thread from when site was down: Kati drama having to do with her sycophantic sperglefucks belongs here:
>>336585Social Media:
Original 2nd channel/now primary Spurpinklebow now renamed Joy Sparkle BS Joy Sparkle BS channel created when she deleted the original channel Sparkle Eff It 3rd channel for her original Joy Sparkle BS YouTube channel that she deleted to avoid showing analyitics or “proof” that she’d paid out ALL of her Do5 earnings to the bioMom. (She says she’s not bringing this back… don’t believe it!)
•If it's your first time posting read the rules: and usage info •lurk moar
•Milk (NEW information) requires evidence such as links or screenshots. Trying to pass off unsubstantiated rumors as truth will show you for the Joytard you are. Speculation must be saged.
•Not saging (sage-ing) correctly is a bannable offense. Put the word “sage” in the email field. DO NOT use any other fields. Sage=no new info/do not bump thread. The “Anonymous” will be in black text instead of green text on the post.
•DO NOT LINK TO HER VIDEOS. Typically an anon will have new videos on bitchute shortly. Otherwise we know where to find them. (BIG SHOUT OUT TO BITCHUTE ANON!)
•Do not post about Kati's family or exes or try to contact them. You can talk about them if Kati brings them up but do not refer to them by name.
•DO NOT CONTACT POLICE for a wellness check or any other reason. This bitch uses suicide talk for attention seeking. UNLESS SHE TURNS BLUE AND SLUMPS OVER ON LIVESTREAM her welfare is her boyfriend’s problem. Law enforcement have more important things to do. You mark yourself as a Joytard if you contact police.
No. 718827
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>>718586There goes my hope that this thread wouldn't start off with another whiner making yet another irrelevant post. I'm sorry reading is difficult for you, but everyone else appreciates the rundown.
Anyway, Happy National Nut Day anons!
No. 719676
>>719635She spent the video emphasizing that she's not judging anyone for their habits but concludes it with taking a dig at her sister for smoking while Joy was living at her place. She said her sister thought it would be ok to have one downstairs while she was sleeping but she would wake up with an asthma attack. Wow everyone is really maliciously out to get her!
>>719671I don't see this comment, would she actually take the time to delete while other critical ones are still there?
No. 719705
>>719635For heathanon, first half is long ass story about her as a kid with asthma and alergies.
The rest is as
>>719676 said, her bitching about her neighbors using medical marijuana and how she can smell it (and react to it) when they smoke in their own apartment, even with her windows closed. Her preference is that they smoke in their cars. This makes no sense. She must be living in a fucking shit hole because for security reasons, there should be solid walls to the roof between apartments and she says her windows were closed (claims she OPENS them to let the smell clear out of her house). UM… if you have smoke from a cigarette or joint going through solid walls between apartments, you need to move because those are some THIN walls! Can you imagine what her neighbors think hearing her ranting all night most nights? Those poor people. Both ill AND never able to sleep.
The whole time I'm watching this, I just kept thinking… if you're SO SENSITIVE and you end up at ER 3-4 times a year over it, why didn't you rent in a smoke free environment? There are plenty of apartment complexes that cater to non-smokers w/smoke free buildings. She and boyfriend went apartment hunting and picked that apartment together, so she could have easily said smoke free was an important aspect when they were looking for a place.
Then at the end she tries to make it a PSA for all those parents of asthmatic children who have no idea to not smoke around them and that anyone who ever smokes anything anywhere need to consider how many people they're sending to the ER or who might die on the spot from allergic reactions to the smoke. She's gone total SJW over it only SJWs actually make more sense than she does.
No. 719832
>>719822Funny you should say that. Stuff she says in this video sounds very familiar, almost like someone had told her about their experience and she is just repeating it as if it was hers…..
But it's not like she has been caught doing that before multiple times anytime one of her subscribers comments about one of their illnesses or symptoms…..
No. 719858
>>719676Well, Dr. Kati may claim she had an asthma attack but there are many studies showing that THC is actually a bronchodilator (makes it easier to breathe, not more difficult). Here is just one from the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology:'s already been documented in previous threads how she exaggerates/lies about her supposed asthma. As someone who has had asthma all of my life, it is incredibly infuriating to see this munchie spread so much incorrect health information to suggestible fans who may believe the garbage she spews, to the extent it seriously affects their health.
No. 719923
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SS from Martin Louis vid.
She tells the same storyish>>719832
No. 719926
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I've never had asthma I had to find out about all those needles Katie was on about.
A Lancet does not a needle make.
No. 719935
>>719926I have had allergy tests. I was dying when she was playing sob story.
I’ve never even referred to them as needles… they are literally called prick tests because they barely break the skin.
Btw saying you have a weakened immune system and actually having one are two very different things. She won’t stop saying it and I really don’t think she realizes that the strength of your immune system can be easily tested.
No. 719940
>>719935She is always in a "near" condition
So her immune system is near weakened.
Put near as a prefix on everything.
You'll be near fine.
No. 719951
>>719923How old are these screen shots?
Now it's back to being a tumor. It was a tumor that she cured with garlic and onions (potato chips) and then it was just a cyst that dissolved with garlic and onion (potatoes chips) and now it's back to being a tumor she cured with natural remedies, aka garlic and onion (potato chips)??
No. 720005
>>718827Take a look at other OPs and try to do it right next time. Just the milk, without the 'tism.
>>719707I don't think we do get any newfags in this thread, really. She's too small now for anyone to care.
>>719940Accurate. And since her definition of 'near' can include anything up to 'read about it on the internet', she'll be fine (other than issues related to obesity)
No. 720036
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No. 720200
>>720178So in all that time, she couldn't have moved/begged roommate to move like she did before/talk to the neighbors/talk to the complex manager - SOMETHING - to resolve this obviously VERY oppressive issue. Instead, as usual, she wallows in her supposed suffering as a way to signal her misery so her gullible audience/everyone believes her when she says her situation isn't mostly or completely self inflicted.
Kati, you're not some super speshul medical anomaly who is highly allergic to marijuana. You're complaining to complain. I'd bet an entire meatball sub that you'd complain even if they're just vaping - because you always have to turn everything to the most extreme. Why not just admit you find the smell annoying? Because that's clearly all this is. Get fucked.
No. 720213
>>720178That's even funnier and further supports my theory that she is copying stories from her subscribers.
Oh Kati. Never change.
No. 720221
>>720214Come on anon. Nobody has to
tell her not to change her underpants.
No. 720452
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Is her chin making a bid for freedom?
No. 720479
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No. 720483
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Another day, another view reset.
No. 720513
>>720483That must give her near agita.
In the last thread somewhere,I couldn't find it.
We were talking about how Katie seems to relish harranging woman with children of little means.
I hope this isnt derailing.
Im going to post something she said that I thought sounded like an answer to that.
I heard it,I'm looking for it now.
Why am i announcing this?
The answer is interesting.,I just want to make sure I get it right.
No. 720517
>>720513I was going to transcribe but no.
In the Angry at people in my sleep @3:45 onward she trys to explain that in her family the worst thing is to have children and not be independent.
She struggles with it for a minute, worth a listen.
She learned it at home?
Any feedback anons?
No. 720752
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Hemorrhaging hour by hour.
The Cow is bleeding out!
No. 720832
>>720822No milk there. Cy and Kati parted ways while Kati took her break from YouTube, Cy was just there for the pay check.
Cy was accused of trying to sell prescription drugs to some of Kati's spergs in leaked DM logs. Cy stayed quiet on the matter and it was never addressed by Kati.
Taxes were brought up in a YouNow where Kati parroted a story from MFW about not filing her taxes on time and having to pay a fine on top,
Kati is trying to control the narrative by seeding drama stories she wants to make content about. It's just to avoid having to talk about the DO5 videos on her channel.
No. 720949
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Daily reset
No. 721092
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A new video from someone who wants to quit youtube but only because she's less popular now and buying views isn't working out for her. It's over an hour long, who could tolerate that?
No. 721117
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shame she didn't spell check even once
No. 721131
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DM she sent Repzion's girlfriend last night. The point was bringing up his father at all had no relation to what was originally said. She is so vile.
No. 721144
>>721139What's even more funny is that she was the one who attacked her first in a video where she was sitting next to him. His gf responded to her correcting her and she lost her shit, lol.
It was that 30 min video of her ranting about Matt, Chris, and few other people all eating together.
No. 721155
Well, since she repeated anyone can ask anything a few times and we know she reads here…
1) How was your marriage? ( I'm pretty sure we all want to know about that )
2) More family time stories, cause why not.
>>721092Oh boy, over an hour. Here goes hoping it's not 70 % cackling.
No. 721166
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2 resets in one day, not seen that before
No. 721254
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buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy evening
No. 721265
>>721197Someone should really make a compilation of how many times she says "I'm a type A personality" holy crap. It's like it replaced "based titties." Also, thank you for all your uploads, anon.
>>721254Wasn't the kid like 11? I'm on the phone, so ctrl f would take to much work. In any case, the kid repeated her age a few times and everyone in the chat did too. Only typing this because I'm pretty sure Kati's going to claim ignorance again and say she didn't see or hear it.
No. 721282
>>721254Am I reading this right? There are so many "hers" that I'm lost. Did she just call herself a young girl?
Fek that is rich.
No. 721290
>>721284Thank you anon.Please tell me it was confusing as fuck.
My reading comprehension? Katie's sentence structure?
No. 721296
>>721291I wish she talked about it. "Why myself and Cy broke up, story time!"
I really prefer her "personal stories" ( not saying I believe her, kek, don't get me wrong here ) to her making 25 videos on x person. You can't even hate watch that, it doesn't work. And her "leaving YT videos", I feel like she pissed off more people with it that the first time around. First 30 times around, I mean.
No. 721308
>>721296I was practically mesmerised by today's copper crotch egg. There was so much twisting bullshit in it but she always manages to leave out certain deets.
I am going to listen to it again.
She said that she believes that she (meaning everyone) chooses who their parents will be.
So what's up with that Katie?
My Achilles heel is the number of times she says "I'm chronically ill"
Even in a dream she says to someone,
But Im chronically ill.
As someone who has been chronically ill.You meet a lot of other sick people in waiting rooms and woman tend to chat.
Never ever, not once have I heard anyone say Hi I'm Suzy Q and I'm chronically ill.
triggers the fuck outta me.
No. 721313
>>721296The only thing I ever heard her say anything was on younow.
Something like I have no money to pay her.
I can find that if you like.
No. 721324
>>721308>She said that she believes that she (meaning everyone) chooses who their parents will be.I was taken aback by this as well. It falls in line perfectly with the new age BS, however with everything she said about her parents…Well, she…chose this, right? How does that work?
She mentioned she had dreams that came true - what were those, Kati? She said plenty of things, I'll have to listen to it again myself.
Her health claims always pissed me off, since thread 1. I try to take it with a bit more humor now and just smirk at the cow. Until she starts making money of off it. Then it stops being funny.
With the "heavy metal poisoning", I do sometimes wonder if she actually believes it.
Really believes it. She's basically at a point where she's "extracting the heavy metal toxicity by baking under lamps." If she had that much metal toxicity, she'd be on her death bed. No, actually dead.
Any sane person would look at that + her past stories and think there's something seriously mentally wrong here.
On another hand we have seen her be vile and manipulative when it comes to SO many things, so she may be making all of this up for a pity party, intentionally.
I just have no idea where this munchie ranks and how much of her own BS she believes in. It's never only one thing, either. One clear explanation, when it comes to her health. It's all tangled up with so many different "issues" and explanations.
No. 721341
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No. 721344
>>721341She's still claiming Phil help Repzion with his video?
Repzion listed all his sources in the description.
Phil had nothing to do with his video but that wouldn't fit her narrative would it
No. 721351
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Repzion might be enjoying himself a little too much
No. 721356
>>721351She should just make a point by point reaction to his video. She clearly wants to and has wanted to for a long time, might as well get it over with.
I'd totally feel for dear Bitchute anon because I'm sure the video would have a run time of 9 hours, but hey, I'd watch it with popcorn.
No. 721412
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>>721356She says she will tomorrow.
But how can she when she is molting and shedding?
No. 721430
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>>721412Katie is height shaming.She's losing steam.
Cringey af
You can't tell when your laying down.
No. 721457
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>>721324 Katie realised while she was in church with her "poor mother" that Jesus was just some fucking invisible magical motherfucker who was a con man and really a goddamn fucking zombie who ate fucking people.
Soon after getting a subscription to the Weekly World News and seeing a woman on TV that died and went to heaven. Katie's belief system began to take its final form.
No. 721485
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>>720239Katie says she is a non smoker.
She does something with one hand that she doesn't do with the other.
No. 721487
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>>721430Now they deserve each other.
Super Cringe
No. 721488
>>721020>>721288The Cy rumours were just that, rumours, the only source being "screenshots" of dm convo between some disgruntled inner circle spergs and one former sperg, they never bothered to come back with anything that came directly from ubersperg Cy's own mouth. Spergs and former spergs who get jealous of the grains of attention their Dearest Fat Lady Frito of the Couch dishes out to her daily fav, why anyone took that shit seriously is beyond me.
Speculation should be clearly marked as such as per the rules.
Apparently only Pepperidge Farm and one other Anon remembers how you used to get ridiculed for spewing out sour, curdled milk without proof. Now it gets repeated as fact.
No. 721490
>>721485Oh yeah!!
They are a bit yellow… did you manipulate it?
Maybe it is crisp dust though?
No. 721493
Double post from
>>721488Why give her the attention? It's not as funny as they think it is, it reminds me of a Freakshow, pay your money to come taunt the monster from the deep lagoon, poke this gelatinous creature with a stick, type shit. It's too easy to be funny.
It provides some milk like substance, not dairy, more vegan reproduction, oat milk but it's nothing that hasn't been seen a million times from this Hellbeast.
No. 721495
>>721493I agree!
Why do they keep responding to her?
They should just ignore her.
I don't get it.
No. 721517
>>721488But anon, don't you remember the classics like that charity that Joy ran as a scam? Are you telling me that wasn't valuable content? /s I mean, no-one ever confirmed the 'family anons', who gave half a dozen different reasons for being here and sounded almost as spergy as Kati as time went by. It's like in the Mira threads, where Mira sockpuppets and talks about proof of stuff that appeared in videos that no-one saw and which must've been taken down since.
Look at the traffic. Most people gave up and moved on. Now we have a couple of crazies, a sprinkling of oldfags, and some newfags who missed the rest of the threads and will take anything presented to them. There's not much point calling out the bullshit because it won't travel far or get any traction. It's just annoying for us.
>>721495Because they have their own retardations that make them lose perspective. see
>>721430 that cringey bitch wants to advertise what she thinks she is, but is insecure enough to need to try and lord it over Joy, of all people. Joy isn't really getting under her skin so much as she is tripping over her own bullshit and wanting to project who she thinks she is.
>>721485and just after one shitty piece of speculation, here comes another. fucking hell. The desperation for milk is real.
No. 721524
>>721485What video is this from.
>>721490You're right. Cheetos dust makes more sense than smoking. Guess she didn't get it all sucked off her fingers.
No. 721551
>>721490The screenshots are not manipulated,only cropped.
the Cheetos theory is possible.
I dont think she smokes.
No. 721752
File: 1540583087953.jpg (25.7 KB, 217x215, repzion.jpg)

A new Repzion video fresh off of last nights twitter pettyness. B-but I thought she was done with youtube except for the last of the videos she had already made! Hmm…
No. 721845
>>721816So, exactly what she did to that other girl (Konstigo) at the start of her channel. It might be one of those 10 vids that she said she'd make public, but who'd give a shit at this point.
She said that anything with better help in the title was getting demonetized, so she wasted his time and shit canned it because it wasn't going to make her any money. What happened to that 'protecting your viewers!' shit? Oh… only if there's money in it for her.
No. 721847
File: 1540592173868.png (148.13 KB, 720x696, 20181026_174502.png)

Dumbfuckery on the latest video from two of the finest OG joytards.
File under: sick burns, bro
No. 721862
>>721845Yup, pretty much.
I laughed so hard at the "on leaving clarity" video where she made fun of people for "not understanding" It'd be easier to understand if you didn't talk out of both sides of your mouth. lol
When she contradicts something, she points to where she said the opposite and vice versa.
No. 721988
File: 1540606071258.png (1.18 MB, 1055x1725, 20181026_220516.png)

>>721752Running out of retorts.
No. 721994
>>721988No offense anon, but rarely do any of Joysus' responses count as true retorts. She'd have to have a modicum of creativity in her massive body and we know that's never gonna happen.
I love how she mocks SJWs as if she even knows what the term means (the bitch is clueless about politics in general) and she doesn't seem to realize she is often the very epitome of an SJW type.
Also, notice how she focuses on the least political aspect of that picture. It's because she doesn't get it. Yeah, the joke is about Chi-k-Filet. Total dipshit.
No. 721996
>>721988I do not live in the U.S.. Could you give any context for this?
Sorry and thank you.
No. 721997
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That's a shame. LOL
No. 722004
Thank you, Anon.
Was a bit lost there.
No. 722006
>>721999Same fagging, sorry…
Are they 'real' billboards?
No. 722008
File: 1540608354151.png (409.39 KB, 834x583, Joy Repzion Video Stats.png)

As cringe as it was to see Rep's gf go back and forth with Kati the other night, and while some here might think Rep feeding Kati content is a bad thing, I'm of the opinion this was a good thing to help illustrate to Kati's on the fence fans just how fickle to her own word she is.
So much for wanting to quit YouTube and riding on the success or failures of videos she's just going to publish throughout the next week and a half. Here she goes out of her way to create another half hour long vendetta fueled video to remind everyone she is still ass-blasted by Rep making a video calling her out on her shit.
Hopefully this trend continues that of the people who do continue to watch her videos will continue to remind her that they're tired of her rambling. The added bonus of this would be she continues to get her videos demonetized right out of publishing so she sees every fewer pennies for her drive-thru funds.
No. 722013
>>722008I agree. While it's annoying that Kati is making more videos, for those of us who've watched her since before DO5 .. we know by now that she'll make a video regardless of what it's about.
To borrow a term Kati Marie herself has borrowed from someone else, she's "showcasing" her "vitrol" (another Shady Kati vocabulary word) quite nicely. Getting riled up about Repzion and tweeting about him at 3 AM her time is indicative of her increasing mania. And boy, I love when she's manic. She can't control herself.
No. 722062
File: 1540614249824.png (2.39 MB, 1125x2436, 7D645AAD-FF81-4694-A650-FCCB25…)

I took this screenshot awhile back. Apparently the Cheeto dust is a recurring thing for old joy. But it’s an IUD from years ago causing her massive size, right?
No. 722064
>>721999Ummm No, these posters don't represent Trump and Hillary.
Hillary doesn't carry a bible around. Both of the characatures represent Trump supporters ie confederate flag tattoo, MAGA hats and bible thumpers.The reference to chicfilet speaks to that company not supporting gay marriage.Many people in NYC do not support Trump.They know him well.
These posters were put up in the same way Banksy installs art.Secretly.
No. 722069
>>722062She is a real-life Cartman.
No. 722070
>>721999Ummm, no. The images aren’t of Hillary or trump. Both pictures are of people wearing MAGA hats (trumps slogan for non US anon). One is a redneck eating chic-fil-a and the other is a woman carrying a bible. It’s not tit for tat, it’s saying trump supporters are trash.
Hopefully that clarified things a bit more.
No. 722083
File: 1540617282202.jpg (29.93 KB, 554x391, uMj6RRQj.jpg)

>>722077>>722072>>722070>>722064>>722006>>722004>>721999>>721996These are all irrelevant, useless fucking posts.
>>721996 Learn to Use Google
The rest of you, stop flooding the flood with Non-Joy related posts. This isn't a chatroom.
No. 722085
I think I understand.
Thank you for answering.
No. 722089
>>722083Sod off!
I don't want to spend an hour trying to comb through your ridiculous politics.
I asked a question and it was, politely, answered.
Thank you to those who responded.
Your post is irrelevant and antagonistic…
I cant believe you spent all that time tagging all those posts!
No. 722100
>>722094Fair enough.
I apologise.
No. 722107
File: 1540620318342.png (176.62 KB, 1076x943, 20181027_020257.png)

No. 722143
File: 1540628641218.png (107.23 KB, 879x500, 96MGlvs.png)

Since Kati's return, she'd struggled to break 80% approval rating… looks like 50% is the new 80% now.
No. 722171
>>722144These vids are notoriously boring. None of them were "pretty good" and last time they were sped posted to death.
Reposted/Updated: This is 4 week old video, so same one that was sped posted to death. Here is archive of the video page: No. 722208
>>721997don't touch the shit (cowtip).
>>722144'this person' ie you lmao. At least make a new video to spam, eh
No. 722285
>>722171>>722208I see this thread is still just as autistic.. I'm Transcription Anon from the first few threads (before people were recording)
Maybe /you/ didn't enjoy the video, others might. Dont click it if you think it's boring. Problem solved. It really ain't that deep. I just saw they had made a follow up, I dont think it's the same video that was being spammed before.
No. 722304
>>722285Hey transcript anon! I was one of the twitter screenshot anons from 1st thread-6th thread. Nice to see youre still here and thanks for all the work you did. You da real mvp.
Coincidentally, I was just looking back at the piercedangel96 thread a few min ago out of nostalgia.
No. 722322
File: 1540656754843.jpg (175.75 KB, 1674x1084, Maya Comment Exchange.jpg)

Kati, is of course, being braggadocios about this comment exchange on her video. She gets Maya to comment on her video, and takes the time to once again shout about how "cowardly" everyone else is for protecting their tweets. Meanwhile she's never once chastised her own fans for protecting their twitter accounts, nor has acknowledged how manipulative it was of her to delete practically her entire twitter history when it started to rear up and result in temporary punishments for her account.
Kati is just upset that now she, and her army of brain dead spergs, can't report Maya's account whenever they feel slightly offended. Their report fingers must be going through some weird withdrawal since they haven't had a good target to report in a long while.
No. 722359
File: 1540663504761.jpg (28.06 KB, 216x220, supermature.jpg)

Joy is DONE with youtube, for realz! She'll only release the videos she's already made unless she has a petty twitter back and forth then she must make a video about the other persons lack of maturity.
No. 722368
It all makes sense now as to why Kati is obsessed with Repzion's girlfriend. She's a legitimate model that has done stuff for Victoria's Secret and stuff of that caliber. While Kati has only done poorly photoshopped glamour shots.
Kati is just super jealous of someone that has something she dosen't. someone says this is doxing Repzion's girlfriend she posted this link when she shut super joytard Elana down.
No. 722374
File: 1540666260960.jpg (449.99 KB, 1440x1290, 20181027_125008.jpg)

>>722359>>722363Still manic and not sleeping.
No. 722375
>>722363This is mega weird… like Kati doesn't comprehend reality or english or something.
>>722374This is from a while ago when she was deep basting herself. This isn't a new video, it's one of the 10 that she claimed to have.
>>722368Wow, those are really nice (professional) pics with artistic flair. Guess that's the difference between getting paid as a model and paying a photographer for glamour shots.
No. 722466
>>722359Never mind that Kati is the one who started the whole recent petty mess by insulting Repzion and his girlfriend, just because she wanted to be a spiteful child instead of moving on with her miserable life.
And yet, Kati
still has Stans who actually believe she's the victim in all this and that Rep and his girlfriend are bullying her.
Kati's Stans either need to cut the dosage of whatever drug their on, or increase it - whichever will result in them waking up from their stupor and see Kati for what any sane person recognizes her as.
No. 722521
>>722374Misread the comment initially as “So, this video pooped up at about 4am“
Thought I'd share the lol since the cow is drying up.
No. 722529
>>722523How is that dick riding? What Kati is doing is absurd considering she was just about to "quit" You know how many people have an ED page, the site itself is a parody site. You're a moron if you take ED as fact.
Don't derail the conversation just because you don't like someone who clearly
triggers Kati beyond anyone I've seen. It's entertaining to see how easy repzion or his gf can
elicit a response out of Joy.
No. 722534
>>722523Doublepost but this is a joy thread, not a repzion thread. You’ll see the same dynamic in the Jaclyn Hill thread vs the Social Retards threads. If you want to bitch about rep and his weird foot fetishes, then make a thread about him. But the topic here is kati.
Pointing out a cow is wrong for starting shit with another cow, doesn’t mean we’re negating the other cows behavior. It’s just on topic. And rep is much less milky than joy lezbihonest
No. 722649
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No. 722727
>>722368Hold on a second. In her most recent video Kati says repzions girlfriend Maya is “not a thin girl” while discussing how Maya kept calling her fat. Yet I would say Maya is at least as skinny as Joy was at her thinnest point in life. The fucking audacity for joy to call a girl who can’t weigh more than 105 lbs “not a thin girl” is so beyond me.
Kati, you might want to lay off those strong 7 ups for awhile. Your delusions are getting worse.
No. 722732
>>722649Well that's fucked up. For someone that rips on pedos and often throws the word at people, for less, she should at least give a response, even though we already know it's true and she will lie. Now that she responded to this tweet she can go in and say it's been debunked .
She did those videos where she was like "am I like peter monn" so she can pretend she's not, when she really is. Especially when using his favorite line about
not dignifying an accusation with a response. Two cowardly hypocrite hogs in mud pit of lies and deceit.
On another note, In the rep's gf video there was a comment from someone bashing Maya, saying how much better joy is for having been a "professional model" as well as accomplished. LOL
No. 722734
>>722649To any sane, free thinking person - they'd easily see Kati's response as dodging the question; because that's exactly what she's doing.
Unfortunately, Kattscratch is a faithful dimwit and will probably see it as Kati saying the claim s are so ridiculous they're not worth addressing as Kati saying the claims are lies; and will believe her, like the faithful dimbulb that they are.
No. 722737
>>722649 LMAO Oh, so
now you don't want to address the things people post on lolcow instead of your usual addressing it within hours.
Kati, why don't you make a video about your obsession with swiftly calling and condemning people pedophiles who aren't, while at the same time you try to engage with actual pedophiles?
Remember how eager you were to have OmniPolitics16 on your channel so he could share his pro child fucking viewpoints?
We know she never even went on a date until she was 16. It's odd how averse she is to addressing this one topic when 50% of her channel is making 30 minute rambly rants about any negative attention she receives.
For any of Kati's retardo stans: Stating that she befriends and defends people who fuck minors under the age of consent =/= pedophilia.
She has an obsession with REE'ing and calling people pedophiles to smear them, while then defending people who are know to have
actually done the things she erroneously accuses people of being pedophiles for doing.
No. 722847
>>722649Of course you won't dignify it with a response. You're guilty of being pals with JF, who has been documented as saying it's nature's will than grown men masturbate on pre pubescent children.
Link to where JF talks about this: don't worry. In the face of evidence, Taunee and Kati will just cling to the pedophile forum thing of which there is no concrete proof - yet.
No. 722853
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No. 722906
>>722853Those dead/vacant eyes, that pancake makeup, that limp/dull/dry looking hair, that awkward/stiff pose - she looks like a posed corpse.
It still baffles me that anyone could believe her claims that she was ever a professional model when 'that' is an example of what the final product looked like.
No. 722973
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>>722971It's a privacy complaint or the channel would have gone with the video
No. 722983
>>722885the 'no concrete proof - yet' was bad enough - didn't we just talk about rumors and speculation, kids? - and then this? Joy reads here, so of course she brought it up. Repzion also reads here and used it as a primary source for his shit video. So basically you're saying it has been proven because we tinfoiled about it and that caused her to sperg. jfc
>>722979nta and not going to dig through all the old shit, but IIRC, it was an aspirational thing, as in she did one photoshoot that she paid for and extrapolated that into 'almost a model'. much like her handing out free samples in a supermarket = my big PR career
No. 722984
>>722979i can change my oil, doesn't make me a mechanic.
lies by omission. if you say i'm a model, people are gonna assume you mean professional.
No. 723008
>>722853Dare I say…she actually looks not bad. Taking care of herself, taking the effort to not look like a sewer rat, etc..
What happened?
No. 723132
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>>722649More pedo talk in Katie's tweets but I'm lost now.I don't know who rep is referring to.
No. 723203
>>723199But anon, if she ever got to the point, she couldn't artificially inflate her watch time to make up for the low views.
Either way I fail to see the point in so many posts about her modeling. Who actually cares about this? It's not milk. This thread is as bloated with tangents as a Kati video.
No. 723206
>>723203It’s just irritating that especially in this thread, I’ve seen so many unconfirmed claims with no backing to them or even so much as evidence lately. Like the other anon said, she lies about plenty. I’d prefer we get back to pointing those lies out instead of making them ourselves. It’s not a good look. This tends to be a self policing site with good reason. We want truth and milk, not speculation and tinfoiling.
If anyone wants to post a link to where they heard her claim to be a model then be my guest but until then maybe not perpetuate that.
No. 723245
File: 1540801072974.png (24.65 KB, 532x328, lol.png)

Source: you're new, that's fine. But maybe you should listen a little more and argue a little less.
Since you guys are apparently confused on how time works, this comment and the reference made in the earlier lolcow post were BEFORE the "Was I a Model" video came out. That means this comment and whatever video that was referenced in that lolcow post happened … then time passed … THEN the "Was I a Model" video was released. Hope that helps!
No. 723247
File: 1540801723633.png (12.17 KB, 590x173, lol.png)

This guy got the same impression and she "loved" the comment without correction.
No. 723460
>>723453>>723457Anon beat me to it, but I went through the threads looking for it and found reference to it here in thread 9:
>>352947Ironically, a few posts down from this they were already talking about that modeling fake news as old, debunked milk from threads ago. How we go around and around.
No. 723467
>>723460That's because you don't understand something as fundamental as the difference between:
- Was she a model?
- Did she say she was a model?
The argument that was just happening was over the latter and not the former.
Sorry you were proven wrong. Learn and move the fuck on, maybe?
No. 723494
>>723457Thank you so much for posting wow and yes; I hadn’t seen the second vid until just now and it’s astouding. The projection and hatred for anyone who has money are strong in these vids holy ish!
How do you find these vids? Do you just do a search here or google (i.e., “Joy Sparkle BS and Onison IRS” or “Joy Sparkle BS liar” etc.,) for what you’re looking for? Are you a magician? Do you tak to angels or is it you? Are you the daywalker?
No. 723586
>>723575Then don't call it modeling if that's not what it was; as modeling implies paid work.
Just say 'I had photos done'; and leave it at that.
No. 723715
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>>723692>>723693You missed this one.
No. 723718
>>723715What are these supposed "treatments" then?
This bitch has no concept of "extreme illness" and the more she whines and conflates the choices she's made to live as she does with real pain and suffering, the more I wouldn't mind if she actually became ill. But at the end, she would just use it as the "I was right" card and the attention seeking wouldn't just suddenly stop.
Kati is a lesson of what happens when you spend your youth/20s trying to scam people and you wind up being the stupidest 30-something anyone has ever met. She has no concept of how anything works. Even relatively simple things like basic contracts and doctor appointments. She hasn't paid her own way for anything.
Well, at least she's achieved guru status. She can now write a book. The title would be "How To Be One With Your Couch."
No. 723730
>>723715>>723692Thank you anons
Good reads,maybe not but I thought they were worth a look.
She waxes poetically with those muscles to live by tho wow
No. 723819
>>723693"considering I could barely get out of bed most days and had barely 0 help."
Uhh what?? Thats called a
choice, ladybug. Not an unfair circumstance. She claimed to have dom bathe her because she didn't have the strength to even get dressed or walk herself. Taking her to all her appointments or wherever she wanted to go bec she was afraid to drive from all her near-illnesses and episodes. Paying her bills, stocking her liters of pedialyte and doing everything for her while she forfeited all responsibilities.
Her videos didn't consist of research, but screeching rants after watching onision or do5, the most of her labor going into tag stuffing.
Patrons filled $ her pockets, plus added emotional support. and let's not forgot the tireless efforts of her delivery guys that seem to have been around, a lot, so she didn't even have to prepare her own food.
Life is hard with chronic illness but we know the reality of all that when it comes to hers, as in her case, she dreams of being disabled, pampered by peers and rolling in adsense.
>>723718Indeed. Becoming one with the couch is without a doubt her greatest achievement, while living the best life she chose.
No. 724211
>>724128yeah that would be a millennial.
GenXers were born between the early 60s-late 70s sometimes even to 81. She was born in either 83 or 84 so she's definitely not a GenXer by any definition.
PS if your post doesn't have new info in it you can put "sage" in the email field and that will make it so that your post doesn't bump the thread. You will know that it worked because your name will be dark blue instead of green.
No. 724313
>>724264This whole interview was nuts. Ellington seemed to believe everything she said but i think he just met her.He may still back her.
His ruputation just took a nose dive.
She's got friends in low places.
No. 724330
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Katie got a little triggered by a question about her family.Her birth and her sisters birth.
No. 724715
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Complete lack of reading comprehension on this joytards part. Just like her idol Kati.
The retardation runs deep in this group.
No. 724817
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No. 724898
>>724869not sure what 'valid speculation' is supposed to be, and I think you meant 'saged' but you failed to do it. (it goes in the email field)
She's really taking her time trying to directly mooch, I would've expected her to start sooner. I guess it interferes with her ego about her 'marketing expertise' and such. She's been trying pretty hard to game the algorithm on YT and claiming haters are making her money (because what is adblock / video mirroring)
No. 724920
>>724915Not so little time. Roughly a year; and it's not hard to put on weight.
As to how she accomplished that much weight gain the span of a year- it's what happens when you eat junk food, but get no exercise; though Kati is hard pressed to get people to believe it was partially due to her medication - if not entirely its doing (if I'm recalling correctly).
No. 724945
>>724932I forgot to sage so I deleted but what you’re saying is she uses her ER as a doctor’s office? Wow awesome, just awesome Joy!
I had heard she “gave herself” a nebulizer treatment one day during either stream or vid but that it wasn’t hooked up properly. Again I didn’t see this, just heard, so I was wondering if another anon could confirm this or if it’s just an unsubstantiated rumor? Any info would be appreciated thank you.
No. 724969
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No. 724997
>>724264she single handedly helped keep donations coming in via her vile superchats, and gave a portion of the donated funds to 'the cause'. of course, the other cause what her grocery bill, clearly.
saged for rage
No. 725014
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>>724963An interesting comment on said video from a self-declared fan of Joy's. It gives me hope…
No. 725141
>>725138YouTube are enforcing that rule strictly these days, especially for community strike violations.
That's why Alex Jones isn't being hosted on another channel. Banned from one, banned from all. That includes guesting on live streams.
The Cow is in the process of tipping it's self.
I wouldn't put it past the devious Kati to delete her channel herself and claim the harassers got it deleted for bonus victim points. If she starts uploading on Eff It after Spurpinkle vanishes you'll know that's exactly what she's done
No. 725174
>>725141they aren't being very strict about it; see Keemstar.
That's exactly what she is going to do, this video was an obvious prelude.
No. 725177
>>725174Keemstar was allowed back on the platform has he explained a while ago.
YouTube rules have been changed to close the previous loopholes.
No. 725356
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I thought she was stay out of politics?
No. 725367
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No. 726181
>>725707It has just published a video on this subject.
"Wall Street Journal takes donations and Killstream"
No. 726255
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>>726181It's going down really well
No. 726748
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>>726696She's totally leaving or getting deleted, no clickbait
No. 726752
>>726748Almost 3 hours and 5 videos about leaving or getting deleted. Didn't she say she was going to upload her pre-recorded videos and then she was done? For someone who's done, she sure does upload a lot of new videos about trendy topics. For someone who's so
cough, cough sick, she sure has a lot of tile and energy to spend on YouTube and not resting or taking care of her poor health. But what do I know with my chronic dystonia?
Saged for Go-away-already! rage
No. 726953
File: 1541417532342.jpg (1.03 MB, 788x2048, Inked4a1jgCyx_LI.jpg)

No enjoyment of sex?
Some very serious mental health issues confirmed.
No. 727002
>>726978She was saying that sort of stuff last year, before all of the weight gain. She likes to think of herself as attractive but is above needing to appear attractive because she's "not here to give anyone a boner!"
And let's be honest, who in their right mind would want to fuck her? When's the last time you think Dom gave her a sponge bath, anyway?
No. 727018
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Do these harassers not understand?
Kati doesn't need links to jobs she could do, she needs you to use her email address to send her donations via paypal. She won't ask you to directly. That would be wrong. You have to send it out of kindness after hearing how sick she is and how her living arrangements make her so vulnerable
No. 727181
>>727114Didn’t she say she had mild anorexia? And if I’m not mistaken she said it was for a very brief period (like 3-4 months.) Assuming that’s true she would have done damage but nothing she couldn’t recover from especially since her “issues ended around 19.” Tbh I just don’t think she’s ever had a healthy relationship with food; she’s always needed to point out “how fat the rest of her family is and how jealous of her they always have been/are,” makes it a point to tell EVERYONE and their mom “how teeny tiny she was,” and she’s not anymore, nor was she when she spoke about it, so I don’t understand the need to discuss it aside from her insecurities and/or the humble brag.
Not that anything Joy says is true but everything she says is in the past. She completely lives in the past. She spoke about when she “attended investigative journalism school,” which in the year and a half that she went to school for vocal training, I’d be hard pressed to find out when and how that happened; however to play devil’s advocate and presume she actually did that was over a decade ago and she constantly talks about all of her “marketing expertise” (i.e., handing out hostess cupcakes, Twinkie’s, and Ho Ho’s etc.,) and again that was years ago. All of her vocal experience- everything, even her “modeling” err TFCD legit everything is in the past! There isn’t anything she can discuss within the past near decade except re: current day how “she’s such a hot hot topic” and a “huge YouTuber,maybe not on the level of Pewdiepie but a hot topic nonetheless,” I mean ffs the delusions are strong with this Joybi-Wan Kenobi. How does she do it and can the sensai teach me how to live in a delusional bubble too?
Sage for what the effin f?
No. 727204
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>>727198More harassers everyday, don't they know what she's been through
sigh No. 727223
File: 1541460963521.png (64.79 KB, 788x428, returnofthecunt.png)

The elusive Erin, one of the original JoyTard inner circle returns.
Kati can't make the content she wants because… someone said something mean on twitter and then other people liked it
No. 727246
File: 1541463979524.png (43.31 KB, 782x227, erinbecrazy.png)

>>727223Kati is under major stress if she's dragged Erin out of the bunker.
How deluded do you have to be to not see Kati brings it all on herself.
She thrives on hate, she encourages hate, she's failing because she's being ignored.
Without someone to feud with Kati has nothing
No. 727265
>>726953Are you retarded or seriously just unaware of asexuality? Some very serious reaching confirmed.
>>727114The only ED she has is fibromylupus caused by heavy metal poisoning. She got fat by eating like shit and sitting on the couch all day every day, not really a mystery.
>>727246Is Erin a sock-puppet?
No. 727276
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No. 727332
>>727181I've heard from someone close to her (not outting them) that she at least wasn't eatting right thru her 20s, I don't believe it was a full blown ED but I agree on the unhealthy relationship, as well as her stories having a bit of truth. I also
kinda believe her mom wasn't the best, I don't believe she was physically abusive or that is was near as bad as she says, but narcissist are made just like onision and momma onion. With mom and daughter narcissist looks and weight play a big role so I really wouldn't be surprised.
No. 727370
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>>727332>>727181She posted this an hour ago.
I haven't seen the cancer comment yet.
No. 727384
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>>727370What in fudge is she going on about so many females (kinda implying she’s in that same group without directly saying it) having cancer? I’m been left completely unawares of this cancer epidemic; someone please give me the #FACTS
No. 727434
>>727416Yeah, I agree.
What does that mean?
No. 727446
File: 1541502331823.gif (151.99 KB, 300x100, 807A7452-D836-433F-AFAC-086423…)

>>727424Your wish is my command anon.
*Sorry for the shitty gif, had to do it on my phone at 10%
No. 727475
>>727223The projection is strong in this one.
Everything she accused Kati's 'haters' of can easily apply to Kati, herself (you don't get that many people calling her out on her BS and all of them are wrong).
Erin needs to pull her head of of Kati's ass and pay more attention to what her buddy is actually doing.
>>727265If it's the same woman I'm thinking about; no - Erin is a real person, not a sock. She's partaken in some past chatstreams with that llama dude (can't recall his name) and coppercab.
No. 727493
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In recent videos, including one about having to visit the ER she's complained about her serious asthma issues, that she's had since she was a child. The medical records she showed to JF say different
No. 727518
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No doubt Kati will reply to Repzion's question with two or more hour long video rants.
No. 727578
>>727518"MundaneMatt buying subs"
Wasn't she the one who bought subs?
No. 727585
>>727493I’m a bit confused. Did she get diagnosed with a clindamycin and penicillin allergy on the same day (02-23-18) ?
If so why was she given both those drugs at the same time? Patients are usually given penicillin first, then if they have an allergic reaction or adverse side effects, they’re given clindamycin as an alternative. I guess… unless she was allergic to both?
No. 727652
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once again Kati has destroyed her own channel with her crusade to be seen as a victim when all she is a foul mouthed mentally ill cunt
No. 727654
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>>727370I went back in for cancer comments and found this.
No. 727665
File: 1541536445013.png (563.73 KB, 1080x1550, 20181106_152751.png)

Katie has said numerous times
@ me on bitchute. I'm uploading videos there."I think the link is in the description".
Many fans have searched to no avail. It's a curious case of bullshit.
No. 727679
>>727672Yes. Mr metokur has said it before. There is of course absolutely no evidence of it, not that that would ever stop Kati from spreading it around. The woman in question was naturally doxed and contacted by metokur's sweetie squad of idiots who will take anything and everything offline. She denies the alleged event ever happened and had nothing bad to say about Mundane Matt, much to the chagrin of the meto-tards who were sure they could now go around calling him a rapist.
Kati of course isn't aware of this tried-and-failed drama because she doesn't actually watch anyone else's videos or pay any attention to facts and false accusations.
I'm speculating but I think she probably skips through the 2-3 minute videos that tea clips posts and calls that research. That's the only explanation I can come up with as to why she latches on to drama that people stopped caring about months ago and still gets it totally wrong.
No. 727754
>>727672The comments on her new video are gold.
Everyone sees how mentally ill she is.
Bravo Kati, you destroyed your own channel within 2 months.
Your brand is Toxic, your real name is ruined.
You did all of this all by yourself, bravo, seriously… bravo!
No. 727801
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Kicking legs on twitter
No. 727805
>>727801She's so delusional it's scary.
She needs to read through the comments on her latest video.
Can all these people be wrong or will they all be put on the harasser list?
No. 727846
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>>727717Father Karras: The power of christ compels you! Demon! What is your name?! Tell me your name demon!!!
Joy: NEVAR HATER, your mother sucks cocks in hell!
Farher Karras: Tell me your name demon! The power of Christ compels you to tell me your name!!! What is your name demon?!
Joy: [spastic
triggered flailing] IT BURNS!
Father Karras: I demand you to tell me your name, you vile beast from hell!
Joy: J-j-joy s-s-parkles buh-b-bs
Father Karras: CHRIST COMP…. oh wait… joy sparkles? ….you’re still possessed? Did the multivitamins not work?
Joy: [makes 5-part yt video series on how a priest official acknowledged that she was possessed with super cancer #proof #facts #evidence #repzion #onision #cancer #supercancer #mundanematt #mundanematt boulders #priest #exorcist #healing #priesthealing #repzions girlfriend #takethathaters #repzion starwars]
No. 728261
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Quasimodo in the flesh.
No. 728352
>>728132I can't do another hour of her. I still haven't gotten rid of the migraine from the last video.
If Summary Anon will post, I will bitcoin enough for a large bottle of Johnny Walker blue.
No. 728408
>>728336If you are referring to the anon that was put out to pasture for a picture above.
I am that anon and I did not post that.My posts have a meaning behind them.And it's never about weight.So you know.
And I don't just post on a whim.
Tisk tisk
No. 728480
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No. 728481
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No. 728491
File: 1541647458703.jpg (113.75 KB, 728x564, wtf.jpg)

I can't keep up with her lies anymore
No. 728647
File: 1541678726191.png (23.88 KB, 748x141, Onisheon.png)

Kati hits the career high, she has surpassed Onision and become the new OniSheon Queen
No. 728660
>>728647Reading that capture, I recall sometime back asking Kati supporters what they're doing when listening to Kati's diatribe - and they admitted they're usually doing something else (errands, browsing the net, etc) as she rambles on about whatever bug crawled up her butt that day.
I sincerely wonder how eager her more supportive fans would be to defend her if they actually stopped whatever it was they were doing and paid full attention to what she was saying in every video - seeing she does nothing but repeat herself several times over in every 20+ minute video, and every video is a repeat of a previous video. It gets old, insanely fast, when you're paying attention.
No. 728666
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>>728660OniSheOn could well have legal problems if Matt wants to defend himself.
She's stated very clearly as fact Matt "attempted to rape a girl at knife point" in a video.
This could be her biggest fuck up to date
No. 728748
>>728744Stream is still live, she was mentioned in passing.
Not sure why it's been posted.
They said "Joy is irrelevant and she treats the food court like a buffet"
No. 728766
>>728744For future reference, somewhere around the 30-35 minute mark.
>>728748Because Andy is openly talking shit on a woman who has claimed to be his bff? Posted it when they were still riffing about how fat she is, thought they might go on a bit longer.
No. 728945
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>>728803kati's fan are just so special
No. 729023
File: 1541729927374.png (283.94 KB, 387x937, blame the estrogen not the twi…)

It was the estrogen all along!
No. 730022
>>730001So the whole rant from Kati was because Memorie liked a tweet where Repzion's (20 Year old) Girlfriend called her fat. Yet Kati has said on multiple videos people can say anything they like about her weight, it doesn't bother her and the haters/harassers just make her laugh.
Kati, time for you to watch your own rants back so you can remember what you've said
(saged for trying to worked out this mind fuck)
No. 730077
>>730061>Her video yesterday was the first time I heard her mention that she used to do stand up comedy. Does anyone else recall her adding that to her long list of professorial accomplishments?I think your AutoCorrect substituted 'professorial' for 'professional,' but sadly I do remember her mentioning it before. 6 Sept 2018, thread 18, first I heard. See below:
>>683412 - YouNow video (Bitchute link) in which she mentions it
>>683451 - reference by another anon asked roughly the same question you did about her list of accomplishments.
No. 730377
>>730061Old ass anon here, started about thread #6. I don't recall her ever mentioning this last year which is when I paid the closest attention to her insane drama. This is definitely a new lie.
Given she has a terrible sense of humor (semen and buttholes are the height of her intellectual humor) and no sense of timing, this is pretty goddamn unlikely.
>>730077Welp, there you go. She DID claim to have previous experience in comedy. I admit I don't watch most anything she uploads anymore as her voice & mannerisms are migraine inducing. You would think she would have mentioned this former experience in "Comedy" at the height of the poo baby controversy where she spent 3 to 4 days streaming almost nonstop in an attempt to convince the audience THEY were wrong, not almost a year after the fact.
No. 730419
>>730377Hello, fellow oldfag! I got dragged into this mess about Thread 4. I've been lurking of late, but used to contribute transcriptions and time stamps. May rejoin the fray; at least transcriptions are searchable in future…
>You would think she would have mentioned this former experience in "Comedy" at the height of the poo baby controversyI'm sure she would have… had she thought of it then…
No. 730521
File: 1541957955430.jpg (1.19 MB, 1080x1774, InkedapqWzm7r_LI.jpg)

Here's the sympathy grab.
Roommate will be wanting to spend Thanksgiving with his family, his family hate her. She tried the 'I'm ill' to keep him with her last year. What better than to make the dog ill feeding it week old pizza crusts found in the filth littered around the apartment.
Or it's all bullshit because her channel is going down in flames.
No. 730536
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Could be an interesting show down if Kati has the balls to take on Geek and this is about her
No. 730538
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She's leaving (again), sort of, not really but officially and it's not satire or clickbait.
No. 730543
>>730521 The dogs got heavy metal poisoning from canned dog food!!
As documented in todays video
>>730541 No. 730602
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>>730599Help is on the way
No. 730618
>>730521The dog barks to be let out so it can be sick?
I didn't know dogs were that particular where they vomited.
No. 730670
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I wonder if this has anything to do with her leaving. Geek probably knows some shit about her she doesn't want out there.
No. 730710
>>730697"You Know what you've done"
Oh sounds like something juicy, do tell Kati, do tell
No. 731071
Clip from Warski live today. Warski and Geekthulu talking about kati.
Bitchute link. No. 731235
File: 1542074743811.jpg (506.87 KB, 3330x1510, Untitled.jpg)

Kati said Keenstar liked her?
Did they fall out?
Are they not BFFs anymore?
At least Keemstar heard the truth about Phil not being a pedo
Will Kati go after Keem now?
No. 731259
>>731235So, geek is claiming nudes from three women, SoSoSophie, DeniseH, and Irate Puffin. He named SoSoSophie in this clip and named Denise and IratePuffin before.
Honestly, I could believe Geek chasing young boys from what I saw in his old discord, but not young girls. So this might be poisoning the well attempt by Geek. If Kati has something, I hope she does put it out there.
Not sure what community she could climb up into now. Anti-Onisions are tired of her, she's blown out the whole skeptic side of the Youtubes, DramaAlert doesn't look good any more, and the makeup drama community would probably steer clear of her too. Guess, she's a natural fit for the munchies and the BBW types.
No. 731263
>>731259She still have Tonka?
But that looks less likely with Tonka being so friendly with TommyC these days.
Tonka won't have her anywhere near the Kumite, she's far too toxic
No. 731280
>>731269They’re all in their 30s at least so I don’t know why people are saying things about Geek. Not that I’m not one to defend him but if these bitches were dumb enough to slide nudes in his DM’s well then they’re dumb fucks.
Saged for why df would you ever send your nudes to someone on SM like how retarded are you?
No. 731307
>>731302I saw the dms between VHS Archive and Denise pointing out what a liar Denise is (shock and horror) was that part of some soopah spechell ghey ops that blew up in their face or was Denise off the reservation.
(saged for spergs fucking up with harassers)
No. 731313
>>731259The name Janae has come up a couple of times too.
Anything known about her?
I checked the spergleberry thread but nothing there?
No. 731351
>>730601She didn’t say the dogs had heavy metal poisoning. She said they stopped feeding them canned food in part because of the aluminum.
It’s not a big deal. Just wanted to correct you because that’s the type of “conspiracy theory” she loves to brag about.
No. 731525
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>>731351But then she forgot that she said they don't feed the dog canned food anymore.
No. 731527
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The 'darling of YouTube' has fallen so low
No. 731529
>>731525She’s such an idiot. I imagine they had just discussed no longer using canned food and she decided to act like they’ve been doing that for awhile to show how good she is to her dogs.
She doesn’t have to give them canned food or cooked food. She didn’t need to share what type of food they eat. I’ll never understand why she volunteers so much information that just opens her up to scrutiny. It’s like she can’t help herself
No. 731769
>>731578Does this link work?
I can't get there.
Thanks for info.
No. 731776
>>731307I wonder if you would please post said DMS in the spergle thread?
If poss Thx
No. 731795
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I think that's a fuck you from Repzion
No. 731958
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>>731798She has content for hours of videos responding to her comments section.
It's astounding how quickly she's killed her channel by showing her true nature
No. 731996
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>>731980Sometimes Twitter knows best LOL
How will Kati respond… They could do a duet, Islands in the SCREAM!
No. 732198
>>732172I’m glad someone finally addressed this. There’s multiple comments on that video about that moment but to me it was clear what she was doing. It wasn’t some kind of tick… it was just old joy making an ass of herself. She acted “on” while saying “be on”
There are so many accurate things that you can say about her antics. I do not see a need to go fishing for nonsense like this.
No. 732202
>>732172God she’s terrible; there’s the fake illnesses (cuz I know when I have chronic diarrhea I can easily do a 5 hr stream without any cramping, no sore b-hole, and I never have to get up once kek.) We can’t forget the fake Cuz thing (and man her parents should’ve just burned the money they spent on her “acting school” cuz the result would stay the same,) and then the hilarious “fight” with Mikenactor. We also can’t forget her abilities to have panic attacks and control them so no one knows and her fake crying re: everything and JFC Joy either leave or stay but just go with one ffs! I guess that tea Geek’s got on you is piping hot huh? Your super special psyops didn’t work out with your “intention?” I’m shocked
Saged cuz Joy can’t act her way out of a cardboard box.
>>732384Leaving YouTube clickbait is a thing.
Memology 101
No. 732424
>>732384I think you are just watching it too much.
She is definitely highlighting the "be on". It's just very fast, an aside that didn't even give her pause. Just an exclamation.
Please do not give her room for another diagnosis.
If you do we will see her begin to 'tic' in future videos. :)
No. 732434
>>732424I am in complete agreement.
It's not a tick or Tourette's ffs
BE ON. That's all it was, it was her emphasizing for dramatic effect.
So basically it was just her speaking as she normally does.
When I got here and I saw all of the comments about these two words I was disappointed in my comrades. Anons, please get a grip.
No. 732471
File: 1542280193546.png (89.36 KB, 883x753, resetBitch.png)

Biggest view reset for a while or a video has been deleted
No. 732479
>>732471Haven't seen resets like she has on other channels. Won't the algorithm see this constant resetting and blacklist the channel?
There's something in the YT TOS about artificial traffic and terminating accounts
No. 732488
File: 1542285206583.jpg (114.23 KB, 794x564, erinUcunt.jpg)

Long term JoyTard Erin is like Kati and don't know when to STFU LOL
You are meant to help, not help bury her!
No. 732849
>>732479Youtube doesn't usually terminate accounts when it is something anyone can do. For example when the mysterious female bought Matt subs if Youtube deleted his account for it then people would just buy views/subs for people to get their accounts taken down.
People have tried to explain to Joy and her fans that Youtube would take away views when they do stupid shit like watch ads when they see troll comments or play the videos over and over again. Youtube has ways of seeing quality views vs view manipulation not only for themselves but also for advertisers. I recently seen a article in the NYT about buying views and I know they contacted youtube for a response so it probably will just get stricter as time goes on. Joy has already fucked her channel with her insane 5 comment responses and having her stans follow suit. Youtube is constantly running programs to find shit like that. Joy fucked herself playing games. It makes me wonder how much of her original channel was bought subs/views or her early fans trying to fuck the system in place. Because of people like her Youtube doesn't release their specific algorithms and they get changed often to keep people from artificial growth.
No. 733021
>>731578Donka is a butt hurt idiot now.He sounded loony in that clip.
Oh for the salad days when he was but an anonymous cartoon with a deep voice.
DONKA is a Catfish imo
No. 733022
>>731578Donka is a butt hurt idiot now.He sounded loony in that clip.
Oh for the salad days when he was but an anonymous cartoon with a deep voice.
DONKA is a Catfish imo
No. 733404
>>733340Lol no fucking chance does she smoke.
How is it not overwhelmingly agreed that this woman doesn’t smoke, drink, or do drugs (at least not opioids) yet?? Jesus.
No. 733595
>>733340As mentioned before, it is just crisp dust.
If she was a smoker, there is no way she would be able to stream for multiple hours without having a ciggie.
BTW, cigarette/nicotine addiction is one of the toughest things to beat.
Lack of money does NOT mean you instantly become worthless for having an incredibly difficult addiction.
Poor shaming is not a good look.
Just my opinion.
P.S. There was no need to ban me for typing a colon followed by a parentheses. You could have simply told me that it was not allowed. Sheesh.
No. 733655
>>733595>If she was a smoker, there is no way she would be able to stream for multiple hours without having a ciggie.lmao what …
No-one cares that you're a poorfag who has to fish ciggy butts out of the gutter.
P.S. you could have simply read the rules.
No. 734186
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The comments on her last video are relentless.
No. 734783
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Deleting her shit again?
No. 734803
>>734783Repzion has a video being released soon. 2 hrs long?!?!?
This will be kati repeating history. Remember her leaving and coming back again before his first video?
If, and that's a big IF, his video is about her and does a better job than the first one that tweet gives her the "I was leaving anyway" excuse to run and hide from any backlash
No. 734840
>>734803 definitely a big if. His last effort was pathetic. He had a wealth of information, with receipts, that he could have mined from the earlier threads. Instead he focused on lame bullshit that gave her an easy out.
That was when she was leeching more money from more people and ruining the lives of abused kids on a bigger platform. Aanything he might come up with now is too little too late, heifer has buried herself at this point.
He's probably just winding her up anyway.
No. 734992
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kati appears to have forgotten how to hit deactivate like she did the last time.
Just fucking go you fat fucking beast
No. 735853
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It's happening… SOON!
No. 735896
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>>735889Very real. As soon as Repzion gets copyright claims sorted it will be live
No. 735898
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>>735897He sounds like he means business with his latest tweet
No. 735923
>>735903>>735898If everyone could stop creaming their pants over this autist until he actually produces something, that'd be great.
Last time was hype hype hype for ages and then it was pathetic. And that was when she still had some sort of brand. Now she has a dead channel and a tiny viewership, and he's left this for how long after their last little tiff? This is like watching Shoeonhead 'dunking on TERFs'.
No. 736002
>>735972That is a great point though. Guess I misunderstood you. I don't watch Rep so I don't know, I just meant that in my own personal experience it seems that once guys get over the fear of getting burned/shocked/dripped on, it's not too bad a skill to pick up. Didn't mean to cause a panic lol or offend, it was just a bit of hyperbole. But yeah, I agree 100%.
As usual Kunty Kati is blissfully unaware that she's the joke in all this, and probably always will be. (Since she's still on Twitter, channel still active) But I also gotta agree with
>>735923 on this new expose video or whatever though. I can't muster the energy to care, like… she's no longer a """"threat"""" (to do5) really and I kinda just wanna call her fat and laugh, juvenile as that is. The story of JSBS is like a broken record at this point and everything always feels so Supah Ceral around her. I hope if anything he just takes the piss out of her for about 40 mins and calls it a day. Idk I'm over the wannabe Nancy Drew shit, these "this is going to ruin her!" type shit. What is there to ruin? I want someone like Metakour to do a video tbh. I just think it'd be a way more amusing experience. Again, to each their own- I'm just here for the keks.
Happy holidays people. Apologies again.
No. 736204
>>736055 I'd hardly call merely having to skim earlier threads in depth homework. Believe it or not but these threads used to have standards, everything came with a receipt, or you got called out on your bullshit. He just had to pick which subject points he wanted, it was all there served up on a platter with a cherry on top.
He didn't bother, now he's doing it now at the whale has washed up on shore, beached and is taking her dying gasps, while she has what, three spergs left desperately trying to unbeach her fat ass.
What's the fucking point?
No. 736672
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Looks like someone might be buying views…. hmm. Wish to hell I still had the screenshot where the 3682 views wasn't at last night. I'd have better milk to offer. Must be gearing up for Repzions release just in case??
No. 736912
>>736908It's not monetized on my end. I just finished it and though his response to her was excellent. He responded to like 5 videos of her all in one giant response, there is no way you could cover Joy's dealings in 15 mins.
I cannot wait to see her twitter meltdown
No. 736931
>>736912I hope Tommy C does a stream about this video. Remember that Keemtard defended both JSBS
AND do5, and has a hate-rager for Tommy. This would be a perfect way to wrap up keemstar, joy sparkles and do5 all in one go.
Saged for daring to hope.
No. 737446
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This little boost in subs just doesn’t pass the common sense test.
No. 737637
File: 1543108164538.jpg (947.97 KB, 1080x2361, Screenshot_20181124-180644_Twi…)

The lady of the couch has awoken and claims to not care about Repzion's video. We all know she watched it and lost her shit over it.
No. 737755
>>737726He spoke about how ridiculous the Peter Monn thing is. He talked about her racist joke. He mentioned the video about memorie without saying her name. He talked about her obsessing over him and the others eating dinner with mundane matt. He mentioned how her list of illnesses she’s provided is simply a list of billing codes. He talk about how disgusting JF is. He called her roommate/boyfriend an enabler. He talked about her bull shit police report with moral. He mentioned her haters/harassers list. He addressed some of their twitter exchanges. He ended by saying he’s showcasing that she’s a fraudulent individual, she’s destroyed all of her friendship and she needs help.
Honestly it wasn’t anything new however I think it was a thousand times better than his first video. It wasn’t nearly as boring and it was better constructed.
No. 737756
>>736997Idubbz did a content cop on tana mongeau that felt padded at 20 minutes.
It should've been easy to smash Joy in 15 because not everyone is an obsessive autist who needs every tiny detail.
And how the fuck do you still not know what sage is after all this time?
No. 737768
>>737756Then how about you go make a 15min video on Joy and show everyone how’s it done?
I don’t post often, it’s easy to miss the sage sometimes. Why you so mad? Get a grip of yourself anon.
No. 737771
>>737756Then how about you go make a 15min video on Joy and show everyone how’s it done? Who said people need every detail?
I don’t post often, it’s easy to miss the sage sometimes. Why you so mad? Get a grip of yourself anon.
No. 737809
>>737756At this point you are just coming across as a bit of a toss-bag.
If you can do better, then do it better.
Stop insulting people for no reason.
At this point you appear as bad as Joy.
No. 737812
>>737768This thread has turned into 'Joy'.
People ousted and attacked for very little reason.
I thought that is what we were suggesting Joy was doing?
Don't worry about it, might be time to move on and find another place for research.
You will find no kindness here.
It's a shit show.
No. 737814
Can 'Joy' kink-shame any more that she has already?!
Why is no-one talking about that?!
Kinks are fine as long as they hurt no-one…
Jesus, Joy… you really are being nasty.
(And, yes, I know you read this thread.)
No. 737844
This thread is officially the worst one to date. A whole day arguing about welding, nothing happening except anons bitching at each other and now some newfag triple posting their whining. I think it's time to pack it in unless something
actually happens, anons. This cow's milk is so old and busted that we can't even remember when it tasted good anymore.
No. 737982
>>737844You’re right. This thread has been a shit show for a long time. The reason I haven’t posted in ages. I used to help post milk…no more. I’m offically done. There is a trouble making anon in here that thinks they run this thread and apparently has the magical powers to make a 15min vid on all of Joys BS. You can’t disagree with this anon without them getting mad.
>>737756Just so this anon is aware, after getting mad that my one post I made (after not posting forever) was not sagged, you also broke the rules by your funny typing “iHaD tO mAKE tHiS”. Which is a huge heat score! I didn’t say anything about it, till now. If you are going to play anon police, at least follow the rules yourself. Mistakes happen now and then.
>>736908Hopefully this thread will clean itself up for the future (if there is one)…and anons learn to control themselves. I haven’t been a part of this thread since Kati’s return. The other three responses were not me, just so you all know..I’m not spamming the thread. Peace out people. Too the cool anons….have fun! Peace out!
No. 738008
>>737982Must be Jarrod fucking Westerfeld that dickhead is a fucking retard.
I hope you get cancer and die
No. 738172
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No. 738184
>>738170It's worth a watch though. Wait, I take that back. Might want to just listen to it to avoid the Ted Bundy stare. It's remarkable how he parrots what she has said in the past (i.e. "expose'") and how he basically admits without admitting he has feelings for her.
She says nothing interesting. Her entire argument is "creepy" saying how much she doesn't care over and over both of which are hilarious for obvious reasons, high grounding, etc. IOW. Same shit, different day.
>>738172What font is that? It is sexy af.
No. 738209
File: 1543192663619.jpg (43.67 KB, 835x352, Screenshot_20181125-193307.jpg)

>>738204Srry for double posting but I also thought it was hilarious how het and Erik were bother saying how desperate repz is for views etc. Joy wishes she could get those numbers
No. 738301
File: 1543203472741.jpg (702.75 KB, 1080x1702, Screenshot_20181125-203619_Twi…)

Still claiming to have not seen the video, yet also claiming it's all made up.
No. 738307
>>738301Is she really trying to act like her screaming cunt at a camera over and over because they liked a tweet is her being a decent person? Her calling the cops on someone she baited into a debate and completely exaggerated the circumstances and what was said to file a police report was meant to educate? 20 videos in a month about a guy who dared speak against her actions was totally her bringing good with what she was doing.
Rep didn't lie in his video and he showed proof for everything he said. I wish he would go in on her more and bring up other shit but still his video was well done and everything he said was backed up with her own words. It was the same in his first video.
She is fucking delusional. She tries to rewrite history when she is on fucking youtube. There is evidence everywhere of the shady and nasty things she has done.
No. 738314
>>73830799% of the things that she says about repzion apply to her.
She does this so frequently that I can’t twll if it’s intentional or if she really is just completely oblivious to her hypocrisy.
No. 738329
>>738325Yes. It’s a list of “twitter names” with their “twitter ids.” From what I saw the overwhelming majority was just people who have openly disagreed and/or spoken negatively about her. And a lot of trolls.
Personally I think the amount of people who could have ever been deemed “harassers” is less than 5 and that’s being generous.
No. 738584
>>738479Its literally 1 person who has the hate boner, that Jared dude. For a while there was a bunch of people going back and forth on Twitter. Anyone on the "hater side" made the list. I'm on the list and all I did was post her Twitter screen caps.
What you're meaning to say is, she does a great job of painting herself to be the victim and over exaggerating everything. At this point nobody cares about her and even people like VHS hardly mention her. All those people that were on Twitter are basically no where to be found,and thats including her minions- yet Kati brings them up every day as if they're literally camping in her back yard with pitch forks. Shes like Onion is with Shiloh, just refuses to move on.
Kati Marie Smith was never harassed. She received backlash for being a piece of shit. Every now and then I see people on that list make a comment or 2 and then vanish again, but all that Twitter War shit ended in like….March?
No. 738849
File: 1543284550250.png (1.19 MB, 1125x2436, B80DDF84-7AEF-44A3-8236-4D39C5…)

Ok this is just getting ridiculous now. There is no logical reason for this crayfish to be getting subs. She hasn’t even posted new content and repzion’s video seems to be doing well… but somehow she has more subs now then she did when her losing streak started.
No. 738868
File: 1543285931864.jpg (608.49 KB, 1440x1873, Screenshot_20181126-192937_Twi…)

This twat understands that she's a millennial too right?
No. 738945
>>738881she is gen x
gen x starts in 1964 or 1965 and goes until 1983 or 1984
the youngest boomers are 54
No. 738960
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>>738881She's a Millennial. And I don't know why she wants to be Gen X or degrades Millennials anyway.
But it's Kati so there's no explanation of how her brain functions.
No. 739094
>>737982'funny typing' is a rule breach? lmao I knew it was you. wanna try again?
>>738868She always does that, it's one of those monkey see monkey do things where she sees everyone else doing something and apes it. Like when she tries to go in on SJWs but has not idea what they actually are.
No. 739118
>>739094Who is “you”?
5. Integration
Express yourself in a way that doesn't make you stand out from other anonymous users. This means avoiding:
emojis or emoticons
a lot of punctuation??????!!!!!
other obnoxiusoius typign sTYLES
No. 739144
>>739103So she is 34? This is confirmed?
Sorry but she lies so often and about so much that I cannot tell what is real and what is imagined in kati-land. She's gonna have a rough time when she hits that middle age metabolic shift and shedding fat becomes almost impossible. Imagine how much more angry, bitter and deranged she'll be in a year's time.
No. 739465
>>739291 I take umbrage with the ED thing, this is yet another illness she has claimed to have that she doesn't.
She has never made claims to have engaged in anything related to Bullimia Nervosa such as binge eating and then purging or engaging in excessive exercising.
What she has done is alluded to Anorexia Nervosa, not by name, but by claiming she would "starve" herself when she was between 16 and 18, but that she just stopped on her own, no big deal.
From 18 to around 32 Kati has indicated she maintained around 110lbs. Stating multiple times she knows what she has to eat to maintain her weight and had no problems doing so.
Kati is 5"1', at a healthy body weight of 115lbs her TDEE is 1,400 calories/day with a sedentary lifestyle. For her to create a caloric deficit to lose weight she would have to eat under 1,000 calories/day.
I think it's much more likely that narc Kati has exaggerated this into 'starving' herself for oppression points. She never had Anorexia Nervosa and just got over it.
For her to gain weight at the steady 6lbs/month she has been since January 2017 all she would have to do is add 1,000 calories/day, or 1 bag of chips/day, onto her normal diet. Remember how she tore through that bag of popcorn during the Onion 'debate'?
With the absolute garbage she reports eating it wouldn't be hard for her to hit the extra calories required for her to steadily gain at the rate of 1.5lbs/week that she had been since January 2017.
It seems like her weight gain slowed sometime in the summer 2018 as her routine intake of around 2,400 calories/day has become closer to her TDEE due to her increased body weight.
This would be the normal weight progression on a 5"1' female who began eating 2,400 calories/day and not moving at all, demanding her boyfriend carry her to the shower and fucking wash her.
No. 739547
File: 1543373617833.png (518.15 KB, 1125x2436, 2F72CCF2-C67D-4E7B-84F9-660F63…)

I love watching Joy try to play smart. Her slaughter of the English language is honestly her most redeeming quality.
AD nauseam.
And a bonus: she still thinks she “debated” oh nisi on.
No. 739568
>>739547Christ almighty. Just when you thought her tweets couldn't get any more nonsensical. Not one of those sentences makes any goddamn sense unless you're used to her juvenile ramblings.
She's getting worse. Must be her cholesterol addled brain. Twinkies, man.
No. 739659
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Ohhh Jarrod I wish you would shut it down. She lives for this kind of shit. Unfortunately she has branded you a harasser and even when you are able to make good points, they will always fall on deaf ears.
Honestly this just feeds her hunger for victimhood and makes us all look irrational.
No. 739675
File: 1543390572674.jpg (198.36 KB, 1036x648, Screenshot_20181128-022954.jpg)

>>739659I just want to leave this here cause this is what he is responding to. I saw one of her minions post it and sent it to him, not saying I agree with him writing to her.
No. 739863
>>739749Exactly. She is desperate to provoke anyone to keep her name going.
No. 739876
>>739871Didn't Phil do all that shit because Joy ran around saying he owed her money when she told him not to worry about the money she donated to his go fund me? There was more to it then just Phil releasing shit to be an asshole.
Also her calling someone a fucking pedo and a groomer is way worse then someone pointing out Joy was a manipulative bitch in response to her acting like a manipulative bitch. Did you see all the shit being thrown at Phil because of Joy? She had her fanatics going at him way before the pedo shit and when he would try and move away SHE would drag him back in until SHE pushed accusations she knew might not be true until the dude tried to kill himself and leave the internet.
She does this shit it is part of her game. She brings shit up and pokes at people till they respond then she plays fucking victim or she says it is debunked and lies because of XY and Z.
No. 739915
>>739877How's the saying go, again? Oh, yeah - put up or shut up. Show the proof that Phil was trying to get Kati to off herself.
And no, showing chat convos of Kati telling him he did not have to pay her back the money she gave him is not evidence of that.
No. 739929
>>739925You can’t say that about Kati either. With Tim she absolutely did. What Phil chose to do was Phil’s fault. I just went and looked at his Twitter myself and literally everything he says in the last month he was there can and should be applied to him.
Saged even though it’s about Kati and your rules make no sense.
No. 739932
>>739931It goes both ways.
I will. Thank you. I apologize for not linking his Twitter page as proof or your comment wouldn’t have been necessary as deflection from reality. Saged.
No. 739959
>>739921Get out or learn to sage KatiFag.
Phil's entire 3 hour video was all about how kati is manipulative and has no trouble being utterly dishonest if it can get her her way in a given situation. All of her behavior since then verifies this as fact.
Just because DonkeySaw is frantically deleting videos, including those that display his defense of kati and his backing up her proveably false accusations of pedophilia doesn't erase it from the rest of the internet. It also doesn't erase the stream she featured Phil on while presumably being fully aware of his 'pedophilia'.
Yes, he's a little odd and socially inept in some ways, but he did not try to get kati to kill herself, and most certainly did not launch an internet slander campaign against her. That is what she did. Not only against him, but against everyone she considers to be 'harassers'. Read: anyone who's ever voiced complaint about kati's eternally toxic behavior.
If you want to wage a battle of morality here, Phil wins it, hands down. Not that there are really any winners when it comes to involvement with kati.
No. 739976
>>739945Even if you remove who did what first (Phil posted here after Kati had lost her damn mind already so I don't see a problem at all, if the man wants to come on here and share stories about his experiences with his former friend, that's his prerogative and he can say what he likes. Just cause she's salty about it doesn't mean it was morally wrong. At best it was a dick move but she was already conditioning her audience to dislike him at that point iirc..)
She was trying to set up to smear him WAY before the pedo stuff was found and she only jumped on it knowing what happens when a man is accused of pedophilia, proven or not. I won't get all into it but let's not act like that's a small accusation that can just be brushed off, that one tends to stick and follow a person.
But even if you remove the backstory there, you have to acknowledge that the day Phil posted his suicide note she and her minions were still there to poke him and mock him knowing full well he just posted a suicide note since they were using it to… poke him more.
To this day she still calls him Phildo the Wizard despite Cuckthulu calling her out on that.
If she had any amount of humanity left in her, she wouldn't of kept on going that day or any day after, yet she does. To me, that is very much Kati trying to get him to kill himself.
Also don't forget about that autistic girl she told to drink bleach just a couple weeks ago. Kati will
never have the moral high ground. She goes after the autistic girl for being a pedo sympathizer aka for telling her its fucked up what she's trying to do to Phil.
Now fuck off with all this bait. Phil hasn't been online in over a year, why the fuck do Kati and her stans still bring him up? Bitch can't even tell when she's "won" and can let it go.
No. 739994
>>739983Maybe talk to them about removing the name option then.
Phil wasn’t a topic a year ago when he ran like a bitch but everyone wants to hire him up lawyers now. Try that. See how it goes.
No. 740002
>>739994It will likely go very well for him since Kati provides all the evidence against her for him.
He doesn't have to do anything because she's so careless about her slander. Saying "alleged" when you're the one making the allegations doesn't save you in court.
I'll gladly chip in for his attorney's fees. There would finally be some creamy fresh milk in here!
No. 740058
>>740055Jarrod has more of a case than Phil does with that false police report. Get real.
Samefag. Whatever that is.
No. 740070
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No. 740099
>>740088I think that is why she provoked him. Miss I am a real woman blah blah blah just wanted him to say something she could use (and he did) so she could run to the police and pull some more shit. It is woman like her that make it harder on people to get ROs when they actually need them.
Can you imagine if people did this to her "friend" Tonka who has threatened numerous people with physical violence. If you stick up for Joy do whatever you want but go against her and you are a harasser or a pedo or whatever her nasty ass can come up with to degrade you as a person.
No. 740120
File: 1543448628271.png (39.76 KB, 684x910, cookingwithbooks.png)

>>740114Looking forward to it.
See what happens when you kick the hornets nest? Nothing good.
>>740115Wasn't sure if I should. Look under the "entry date" column in the screenshot. It gives the July 2 date.
Meanwhile, this is still a thing…
No. 740127
When it comes to fees it says here, there are no fees for filing for a protective order. However, if the judge finds that the order was filed for frivolous reasons, the judge may decide to order the petitioner, or person filing, to pay certain court costs or attorney fees.
I wonder if the judge made her pay because he thought it was bullshit. She then provokes him and his girl so she can call the cops. I am surprised she didn't attempt to file again so she could use that younow "debate".
No. 740147
>>740054And yet - Phil has stopped talking about kati. Hell, he fell off the internet, entirely.
Yet Kati still brings him up - still calls him a pedo.
SO, who's harassing who at this point?
No. 740193
File: 1543456714798.jpg (233.6 KB, 1080x1125, 20181128_185529.jpg)

It is weird how much she gets off on this shit. I have never seen someone want to be a victim of harassment or want to put out there all the nasty things they have done to fuck with someone. Most people who are actually harassed or doing dirty shit don't want other people to know.
No. 740224
File: 1543461540298.png (377.25 KB, 1125x2436, C3271A95-987C-44B8-9FEA-1BDA60…)

I understand this to mean that the only way you would be charged fees is if the judge deemed it frivolous.
No. 740258
>>739952There is proof.
Kati ran an online indigo forum where SHE found out pedos were using it to try to contact users who were underage and, PER KATI, instead of reporting said pedos and what they were doing she shut down the forum.
So she, went presented with the opportunity to identify predators and help prevent future child victims, she hid them instead.
THAT'S the definition of pedo sympathizer.
Fast forward to her coziness with JF who openly states pedophilia is a “natural part of evolution" and tried to attach himself as the permanent care giver of a 19 girl who is diagnosed mentally deficient and having the brain of a 13 yr old by essentially kidnapping her who's parents had to go to court and press charges to get her back.
The court in that case found JF lacking in both character and morality and entered several statements to that fact on record so it could be public knowledge.
Kati has yet to say anything about any of this though it is public record an he was found guilty.
Again she's a pedo sympathizer. If you believe he's not a pedo simply because he's only said things about it and the girl, though having the mental capacity of a child, was 19 there's still the very real crime of exploiting and abusing a mentally disabled person. What's Kati said? Outrage? No. In fact there's just crickets when it comes to JF.
Gtfo trying to defend Kati Marie Smith. This isn't her brainwashed fan central headquarters ffs.
No. 740309
>>740265Happy to help Anon.
Post containing public record of landwhale's denied RO application here, folks.
>>740070Finally some fucking actual milk, keep it flowing…
No. 740498
>>740263Been around since the beginning and still can't sage posts?
>>740454The court may have requirements for obtaining documents and transcripts, such as being a concerned party or counsel in order to file a motion or response. It's not always just paying the fee and getting the court transcripts.
I admit that I am interested in the court transcripts because it would contain her recorded testimony and all the lies she told a judge under oath.
No. 740538
Someone needs to tell Jarrod to stop emailing her and shit. Here is the reason why she came back poking and doing all the videos on her harassers and why she filed the report with police."Please note: If you are a victim of stalking but not a family or household member or an individual who is or has been in a dating relationship with the stalker, you must file a police report first and must attach this report to the Application for an Emergency Protective Order before filing the protective order."
Her big plan and a way for her to earn more victim points. She wanted him to say anything to file the police report. I honestly think she had it planned from the beginning. When she started her "comeback" and ran around defending herself from harassers it got her the attention she needed. She had Geek and Tonka all twisted up with her stories of harassment. How mean everyone was to her and how they tried to destroy her life. Like always she leaves out the parts where she exaggerates the situations (like the swatting video). A lot of people ended up feeling bad for her because she left out the bullshit she did. Now this. "See everyone I had to get restraining orders against people. They all lie about me and harass me so bad. Feel sorry for me and don't believe anyone who says bad things about me wahhh."
No. 740560
>>740559Meanwhile people like Reality Check were making best friends with her.
No. 740603
>>740555I’m not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish with your posts. No one here is going to join team joy so this isn’t really the place to defend her.
But regardless, anonymous posts on an online forum do not equate to stalking or harassing.
No. 740607
>>740603Milk that she doesn’t publicly offer up herself sure does. If she put it online it’s fair game. How in tf did anyone find out where Dom worked? Was that flip flopping or stalking. You’d know. You know everything there is to know about her. But it’s not stalking? Ok. I know what she’s done since December of two years ago. There’s a difference. I’ve been disgusted since people went out of their way to find out who the two kids were. Was that entirely her fault? Of course it was. She already knew you all existed ……
If I ever spoke to you on Twitter n’ that was you.. don’t think we were ever friends. That’s sickening.
No. 740625
>>740616N’ don’t repost this ANYWHERE.
It’s under copyright n’ I’ll sue. ‘Cause that makes sense considering what I’m doing with my life.
No. 740676
>>740625Sooo you’re venting your frustration about people talking shit about Joy in a thread that exists to talk shit about Joy?? That’s nonsensical. If you have a problem with something someone is saying on twitter respond to them on twitter or rant about it somewhere else.
By the way, making 4 posts in a row is 100% unnecessary and it’s annoying as fuck. I can’t even follow what you’re saying because it’s just a rage-fueled, irrelevant cringefest.
Now I’ll go back to ignoring you’re little tantrums because clearly you came here looking for some kind of engagement but I just felt that someone needed to tell you to shut the fuck up.
No. 740721
>>740705Last time I'll reply to you. Kati left her location on in one of the firstweets made with the egg account. So that tells me that the fat mongoloid forgot to turn the location off in the settings.
Secondly Deb and a few other of the joytards like to make fake Twitter accounts to post shit to be used for the lady of the couches hate drive. Debwill tell you that herself.
Now kindly fuck off.
No. 740735
>>740721Where’s the link to this I asked for.
It’s got to be somewhere in these 20 threads of absolute certainty.
No. 740736
>>740731Drop off.
Saged for samefagging.
No. 740747
>>740718I would just love to see the document explaining why the judge dismissed it. From what I understand that and the actual petition are public record so anyone could get a copy. But I’m not sure if you can only get it in person.
Honestly there’s a chance Jarrod could get more info without physically going there since it involves him
No. 740769
File: 1543528097790.png (368.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-11-29-16-39-48…)

Katie's Inspirational Thanksgiving message.
No. 740770
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No. 740771
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No. 740808
>>740773I am not Kori if that is what you are implying.
I am an anon.
Is it not against the rules to call out a poster in any case?
Just sayin.
No. 740811
File: 1543531029376.png (67.12 KB, 507x681, temp.png)

the other post is public, anyone could have grabbed it.
also, idr seeing this one here. apologies if already posted.
No. 740868
>>740786They didn't invite her so they could enjoy their holiday without her ruining it by telling them all what pieces of garbage they are. What terrible people they are for wanting a peaceful and enjoyable holiday.
The only believable part of her rambling screed is that she's thankful for "bf" who is not named because giving him an identity outside of herself is something she is incapable of, who makes the money, cooks the food, does the cleaning, takes care of her dogs, believes she is truly sick (or pretends to) and fires up her heavy metal metabolizing heat lamps for her to sweat under, and when all that is done, finds it within himself to sleep in the same bed with that disgusting, unwashed mass of fat.
No. 740887
>>740829You can also get them by typing her name into Facebook like I did.
You made a mistake. Simmer down please anon.
I'm not Lisa my name is Julie,
Lisa left you long ago.
No. 740911
>>740887I’m still heartbroken over Lisa.
But I don’t trust that Kati would make that post public either.
No. 740994
File: 1543544682164.png (1.42 MB, 1074x1807, 20181129_212340.png)

>>740911Why don't you just go there yourself?
No. 741006
>>723692Same fag
Also posted last month.Its public.
I'm not sure if I'm reading you correctly.
Do you have a cork up yer ass?
No. 741103
>>740770>quiet insanityLol, good one Kati.
We can all only wish you were quietly insane.
No. 741123
Just found an amazing, self-destructive clip of Joy the Patron Saint of Police Reports.
“If you say somebody’s harassing or stalking you and you continue to engage them in any way, you have no case.”
And that’s just the beginning. I don’t know how to share a video so here’s the tweet: No. 741127
>>741123Oh and here’s a bonus fun fact. She said this on June 19th so just 10 days prior to her filing for a Protective Order.
Here’s the link to the full video
No. 741128
>>740994It looks like you’re right. How odd that she’d do that when she gets so much harassment. She’s a winner.
Sorry Kori. I know you read this.
No. 741130
>>741128Very odd. It would appear as if she filed a police report after engaging him despite the fact that she was well aware that she “had no case.”
Seems a bit self-incriminating.
No. 741225
>>741157Could be. The only theories I have on Dom are:
a) Enabler
b) Fetishist
c) Kati has helped him with his job and is hardcore guilt tripping him.
He's no saint, nor a poor victim in my eyes. He's the bread winner, it's his apartment, he could choose to leave the relationship at any time. He's
far better off than a lot of actual abuse victims ( not saying he is one ). There are no excuses. I also wonder if he's reading these threads.
However, since this thread isn't about him I firmly stand by "Fuck Dom,he made his bed,pretty sure he likes it."
And, thanks for the new milk, FB anon.A lot of the things she's describing are emotions an actual ill person is going through ( Been there, I'm sure she got it from someone else's experiences ), so it sucks she's using it as her own. She admitted her "copper levels have gone down", as far as serious illness, she's going nothing to show for, apart from mental stuff she's in denial about.
How are these metals mysteriously building up in her system? Kati, by all means, please do share. Would totally watch another video on your health update and what you think is so wrong with you that you're on the brink of death. Eehhh, it's truly absurd.
No. 741364
>>741343I think that her defense would be that after she wasn’t able to the protective order, she said fuck it I’ll just start engaging now.
And perhaps that would be a dumb yet acceptable excuse. However, she then proceeded to file a police report against someone after antagonizing him and pushing his buttons.
Frankly that’s worse than just attempting to get a PO. She knowingly wasted police resources.
No. 741707
>>741643I agree with you entirely. They are both loons and they both seem cracked out on dramatics. They clearly enjoy arguing with each other. It’s all very weird.
When she would pop up during her YouTube break she talked a lot about how she was pursuing all of these people legally. Clearly she wanted to have something to show for it so she filed for a protective order to fuel her victimhood and jumpstart her comeback.
But what I love about that video clip is that it completely contradicts all of the shit she has ever said about being harassed. She knew Jarrod and the other crazies weren’t a real threat but she still used to spend 90% of her time taking about “hate campaigns” and how terrible and scary her “harassers” were.
It’s just a perfect display of how disingenuous she is. She doesn’t say or do anything without an ulterior motive
No. 741819
>>741707You just sparked a theory Anon, thank you.
"she talked a lot about how she was pursuing all of these people legally"
Kati has admitted her comeback is motivated by the need of money.
Her time on YouTube has been surrounded by her pursuing her haters.
Now for the tinfoil. During her "break" she has been advised she has no grounds for a legal or criminal case, thus no big payout for her in the courts.
Kati is either trying to push her haters/harassers into saying something that would hold up in court in her mind giving her that "big" payout and attention for being YouTubes biggest victim. Finally fulfilling that desire to be rich, famous and have people flock to her for forgiveness.
Saged for obvious tinfoil
No. 741828
>>741819I do agree that during her break she probably did find out that she didn’t have any legal options. I think that filing for the PO was her final attempt at proving to the world that she really was harassed. When that didn’t work it seems like getting Jarrod in a stream was a last resort.
I think she did all of it, especially the police report, strictly for content. She was desperate to have a video go viral and she had no issue wasting police resources in an attempt to make that happen.
Here’s an example of her claim that she was going after harassers legally even if it took years. She talks about it at 41:35 No. 742958
>>742499It was a few vids and definitely during the stream with moral; she said she’d continue to “use all her ‘haterz’” for content.
I’m just catching up and correct me if I wrong but it seems there was a bit of fresh milk and “ironically” the tardlings have tried to bury it… false PRO’s and a monumental waste of police services? She doesn’t pay taxes and yet has no problem wasting others hard earned money to create content? I thought abusing 911 was a crime? I could be wrong as my field can only involve 911 for a few reasons (any attys or le personal input appreciated) but I could have sworn wasting polices resources knowingly is a culpable offense. It’s just sad that to Joy other people are nothing but stepping stools to get what they want; Joy doesn’t matter who she hurts or what she has to destroy, families included, if it will make her look good.
I don’t believe many people are evil but she really is; she has so much “vitriol” kek for others but she’s the persona of toxicity.
No. 743180
>>742958You are absolutely right. I’ve seen this thread go nuts over far less. The whole chain of events with Jarrod, the protective order, and the police report signify a whole new low for old Joy. She’s always been a monster but she has reached a point where she doesn’t even attempt to hide it. She took pride in making that police report. She has been basking in her bad behavior.
It would be wasteful to sweep these occurrences under the rug. That’s the whole reason she has even gotten to this point… haven’t you ever noticed that whenever something truly serious comes out, Joy just disappears for awhile? Especially when there is evidence. She does it every single time. She’ll wait until everyone stops talking about it and then reappear and brush it off if anyone asks. This strategy almost always works for her.
She has been silent ever since that clip came out. She’s waiting for it to blow over.
I just don’t want to allow her to pretend this didn’t happen. Primarily because situations such as this lead to the most amazing Joy freak outs and she doesn’t even have Cy to hold her back anymore. I am dying to hear her attempt to explain this away.
No. 743400
>>743024When Joy was going over who she thought called the cops in her swatting video she said she had proof Tim hated Rose. I don't doubt Tim and Joy did some shit talking about Rose but I wonder if he knows she is telling people he broke the gag order and she probably recorded or saved conversations to have the proof he hated Rose. I kinda hope she gets all crazy and releases it. If Tim was actually going to a youtuber breaking gag orders and confidentiality then I hope Rose finds another lawyer to get a cut of the money she gets if she wins the case.
>>743180I hope when Anon gets it they are able to post it here. I am curious to see what she said to try and get a restraining order against someone she isn't afraid of and someone she is using for content. Hopefully in a couple weeks we will know for sure.
>>740806 No. 743462
File: 1543905997291.jpeg (781.41 KB, 1125x1628, D202DA51-8E4F-48EB-8C7A-6ABB77…)

By the way, this is still happening.
The consistent boost in subs is so blatantly fabricated that if she truly had nothing to do with it, she’d be panicking on twitter to make sure everyone knows she didn’t buy them
Remember when she did that ages ago when there was some kind of glitch that caused a temporary bump in subs?
Someone is very clearly obtaining fake subscribers on her behalf. I predict that it’s going to keep going up till she hits 15.9. Maybe you can buy 1k and they’ll spread it out over a couple weeks?
No. 743495
>>743484That mean old Repzion tried to ruin her but it backfired and joy overcame.
I can picture her acceptance speech now: “I don’t even wear makeup and I’m getting fat on camera and I still hit 16k. I haven’t even posted a video in weeks isn’t that crazy guys? I’ve heard a lot of the skeptics are jealous. Attention is so easy for me, I knew I could do it again.”
No. 743505
>>743462Kati might want to think about buying more followers on Twitter.
The engagement (or lack of) on her tweets prove how many dead accounts and bots make up her total followers
No. 745892
>>745695OWL makes me cringe occasionally. She is too TOO. Though she made some good points. I watched it when it was published. Wasn't she giving her advice about how to make a better video? I don't think Katie needs that kind of advice. She doesn't give a shit.Katie needs more of an intervention type of situation. Or a good swift kick in the ass.
We have a little lag here in milk it seems. article about old tweets. Old tweets must really suck.
Good points on bullshit apologies here Katie.
From the article:
No one likes the term "teachable moment," because it's flimsy, and overused, and makes whomever's using it sound like a YouTube life coach with a flailing Patreon account.
Any memorable teachable moments Katie?
She couldn't teach a fish to swim.
Saged for no milk
No. 746095
File: 1544333000271.png (293.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-12-09-00-11-13…)

Katie is kicking shins on Tweeter.
She left YT When?
Much more on twitter if anyone cares to have a look.
No. 746145
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>>746102ask and ye shall receive but warning lots of images and i am saging because there isnt anything really juicy in here. but its something and this cow hasn't milked this bad in awhile.
No. 746146
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No. 746147
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here we go the end. forgive me i am still new, i dont know how to upload more than one image in a post, or how to archive, but it is all here if a mod can clean it up very much appreciated if possible and sorry for the trouble.
No. 746181
>>746177I don't have any complaints. I posted the first tweet that I found interesting. I can usually only get a single tweet with a screenshot on my phone. You said you were fairly new but it sounds like you've been through the threads pretty well. I used to wonder why she did everything she did. Why in the world she does anything is something I don't consider any more because nothing she does makes sense in my world.
She's really disappointing at this point. Maybe I thought she would try to pick herself up brush herself off and help herself but I don't think she can.
I don't know what in the world made me think that! lol
I'm not a pessimist. I'm a depressed optimist.
No. 746192
>>746154>is it common knowledge that mms is bleach?Wasn't she still besties with that Holliday dude when he did videos on mms being bleach? He has mentioned it many times on his channel over the years by the looks of it. Admitting she doesn't watch her own friend's content?
Not to mention the thousands of other videos talking about that on youtube, facebook, etc, yeah it is basic common knowledge if you've logged on to the internet before.
>>746181Don't be too hard on yourself anon. I too at one point thought she might have a chance to wise up, but she shows no signs of ever recovering from her mental illness because she refuses to get help. The main disappointing thing at this point is that the milk is no longer milky and delicious because she is literally a crazy person, and they are not so fun to laugh at.
Thanks for the screenshots anyway, anon.
No. 746401
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>>746095YouTube’s sweetheart: your last vid was made 4 weeks ago today not counting your streams; man you really do inflate the shit out of everything don’t you?
No. 746410
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>>746165She really is that dense. Someone who isnt blocked should send this to her.
No. 746574
>>746192 Literally the first 2 Google results for a 'Miracle Mineral Solution' search indicate in the short blurb and/or the fucking URL that it's bleach. Almost the entire first page of results are warning that it is industrial grade bleach, and medical horror stories from people who took it, because it's
literally bleach.
Yes, Kati, it's common knowledge that MMS is
literally bleach. You told a girl to go drink bleach. I don't know why she's REE'ing so hard about this, it's not like everyone didn't already know what a rampant cunt she is.
These frothing manic episodes from her are hilarious, as if she thinks she's winning people over with this batshit ranting. She should make a video promoting MMS, about how it isn't bleach tbh
No. 746694
>>746623"This MMS nonsense" is at least current events.
god was put out to pasture in thread 14.
she don't come round here no more.
No. 746748
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No. 749093
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No. 749356
>>749298P.O. anon, no he took a few days after the initial call to get things together. Hopefully next week we will get some early Christmas milk. As soon as I get it I will post.
Im also wondering if she will sperg out for the holidays like she is known to do.
No. 749447
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It’s interesting how after getting a safe bit over 16k, the daily subs are finally slowing down. It seems that whenever she loses a few it’s only a matter of hours before she gains them all back.
This is so transparently pathetic at this point. I just can’t wait to see if she’ll have the balls to brag about it.
No. 750630
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R.o anon here to bring you milk
No. 750631
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Sorry can't collage it atm
No. 750633
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No. 750639
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I Think that's all of the good ones
No. 750641
>>750633Don't you have to have a job in order to lose it? Kek.
Thank you for the milk, anon!
No. 750670
>>750639Thank you for the new milk Anon.
I find the wording of the complaints interesting. She proclaims loudly that her boyfriend's work was contacted but in this, it is worded as "threatened to be contacted" did she not accuse another person of doing this?
Kati also says that there were only 2 people who's jobs were "threatened" DWolfe who was driving while using a call causing danger to other road users and Tipster Gaming which is a new one to me. There are many more but these are the ones that I find interesting and clearly show her lies.
Not to mention the handwriting, it looks like a child wrote it.
No. 750907
>>750903Is that sarcasm or a direct quote?
I just figured there would be some kind of document with the judge’s ruling
No. 750908
>>750634Finally proof she has the education level of a 12 year old.
Repeated use of 'ect' on legal paperwork.
Oh the shame of it.
No. 751050
>>750926I’m not sure where it originated or if it’s even remotely true but she’s been saying that for ages.
The stuff she chose to include is very telling of how she thinks others see her. I love how she made sure to mention he thought she was cute once or whatever and then also threw in the remarks about her body… “sometimes in a sexual tone.”
Either she thought they’d take her more seriously if there was a sexual aspect or she really is delusional. It reminds me of her obsession with reminding the universe that she’s not here to give people boners
No. 751238
>>751235She’s definitely aware that she has no defense with this one. She got reeeeal quiet on Twitter as soon as all of this came up. She always does this when something legitimate comes out.
If people are talking about something petty or inaccurate she goes after them with all her crazy old lady fury but when something serious and undeniable comes out she stays really quiet until enough time passes for people to forget and if anyone does ask she can blow it off.
She exposes herself. And every time she does it, it gets a little worse. It’s mind boggling
No. 751298
>>751279I think that she’s always been a manipulative, deceptive human. But she went legit coo coo bananas after quarantining herself in an apartment for years. Being that isolated/reclusive for that long fucks with your brain.
That’s why I think that a big part of her truly did believe she was deathly sick. The other part of her doesn’twant to admit to the world that she was wrong and she’s been a useless whiny vegetable for years for no reason.
I would feel bad for her but at this point she’s had countless doctors and people all over the Internet set her straight. That’s why she obsessively says things like “it’s not anxiety I’ve had anxiety” or “it’s not just asthma I’ve had asthma.”
By now she’s most-likely well aware there’s nothing serious wrong with her and she’s just 100% a manipulator.
No. 751299
>>751298Oh and I completely forgot how unhinged she could be earlier on with YouTube. Perfect example:
Just watch the first 25 seconds. Especiqlly 00:21. No wonder there were drug rumors. No. 751411
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Found a fun clip of joy digging her own grave. I don’t know how to upload it here
No. 751455
>>751299I just transcribed this cuz I’m toying with making a vid and I honestly think I need to put on some classical music cuz I definitely lost some brain cells. If anyone is interested I’ll post but I’ll have to edit out my commentary so it might take me a minute.
Saged for being brain dead
No. 751478
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Poor kati, it seems Tipster Gaming confirmed no one went after his job. Yet another lie by Kati.
No. 751787
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>>751721PSA: If anyone develops PTSD after reading the subsequent transcription, just like Joy’s never accountable for anything, neither am I. Also pray to Cat Jesus. am I making money off the Daddy of five situation?
-At the beginning of the video she’s acting really crazy and unhinged.
00:25- She sounds like she’s constipated and says she’s “got a bit of a rant coming” but then she puts on her super sweet baby Kati voice and says “hi loves it’s Joy sparkle bs.” (quite the dichotomy.)
1:57: She can’t stop virtue signaling about how altruistic she is re: Onision and DO5
-Because she got backlash instead of taking the ad revenue she now says she’s going to donate it and the reason why she hasn’t addressed this for two weeks is because she’s been “working on her health.”
2:24- “she can’t do anything right (if she donates she’s a wk and if she doesn’t she’s hypocrite for not wanting to help.”)
2:52- “I got popular and I hate saying that word” (she also hates saying fan but still says it anyway
2:56- humble brag about being a small channel but thanking for the 30K subs
3:08- Got to mention her other channel (spurpinkle bow) is at 8000 and how crazy that is cuz she only started it a week ago (also has to then state that’s almost 40K on 2 channels in 4-5 mo) and how crazy it is
3:20- She talked about how there are so many thanking videos she wants to make but something always comes up (i.e., her health or some huge “issue that warrants her attention” etc.,) JFC ffs Joy.
3:31- Re: Onision vids her goal was to educate people about how manipulators work (she certainly showed us lmao.) It wasn’t to make money and she feels she accomplished her goal.
4:00- she’s going to need to make more $ (Her trip helped her so much that she’s feeling so much better and has been able to pump out so many videos.) She always does this; it’s her MO. She’ll be so sick and then she’ll supposedly go to a “doctor” (NMD until the sliding scale fiasco of ‘17,) and will feel amazing; she’ll then either clean the house or go for a run and “over exert herself” and then she’ll be worse off than she was at the beginning… wash, rinse, repeat.
4:50- all $ made from abused children (includes Onision’s “victims”) will go to abused kids but that didn’t happen.
5:41- she’s “going to be seeing multiple Drs” which didn’t happen (just the NMD and the free clinic her and Dom “just happened to find” (and they just happened” to have an immediate spot which never happens.) Ironically they’d lived there for at least a year and only found this amazing clinic immediately after all the backlash she was getting.
5:46- She “worked so hard to get where she is on YouTube” however she didn’t do anything. She didn’t research, write scripts, she never edited, and when she had an intro it was made for her; she just made these long 30-60 min vids with 0 editing. #Work
6:43- She’s going to have to find other ways to make money while still getting better
7:05- 90% of people have been telling (screaming actually kek) her to start a Patreon
7:15- She and roommate did research on Patreon and found out that she’s “giving something and not just taking so she figured it was OK”
7:55- She plugs her younow by subtly mentioning she talks so much more about her life and other issues
8:10- she says “maybe she’ll keep the Patreon up for a month and refund everybody’s money back” but that never happened and then later if you actually did want your $ back she demanded that you had to be nice to her and apologize or else she wouldn’t refund it.
8:27- She quickly glosses over how she’s “going to be needing money re: her health issues and then says she’s not asking for money” when really that’s exactly what she’s doing.
8;40- She “only started a Patreon because people were begging her for it.”
8:59- The rant is because she “feels badly for people because they were calling her a fraud and they’re wrong and don’t care to know the facts” (the amount of time she was away had nothing to do with the backlash she was getting; it was because she was “focusing on getting better even though she was still very passionate about the story.”)
-Of course joy then has to relate the story to herself like she does with everything and “how she can relate to it “because of how she grew up” (remember she was horribly abused.) “Because she was the youngest she would be picked on relentlessly by everyone older than her” so she could “totally identify with Cody.”
9:29- She believes “the reason why she’s sick is because she went through abuse and trauma that messed her up so she hasn’t had time to do research charities cuz of her illness” (no receipts)
10:03- Of course she needs to mention that she’s donated to many charities with her “own money” and of course the “5 streams she did to raise money for charity.”
10:08- She didn’t care about monetization; all she wanted to do was “show people she cared and put the information out there and hopefully she’ll help someone; maybe not but she just wanted to share with people.” WTF?
10:23- Things change and of course she needs to bring up her health issues by saying her medication costs are going to increase and she’s going to need to be making to make all these trips to far away Drs (why can’t she just see a dr (and I mean an actual MD) in her hometown or nearby city?) This is why “she is going to start a Patreon but she’s not going to announce it yet” even though she’s talked about it for a few minutes in this video and she said she announced it on you now.
10:53- it makes her really sad people say these things and she could understand if she was someone who had cause for concern or had s history of certain things.
11:10- she’s constantly harassed and she doesn’t get to have a week or two to work on her health and what she wants to do with money is her biz and at 11:32 She does another humble brag mentioning how roommate has to remind her that “she is a public figure and a celebrity now” but she’s “like f that I’m still a small channel.”
11:42- she’s “just an asshole who’s trying to get better and figure out life.” She never got better because she was never sick but even if ehe was enjoyed the attention so she’d never get the help she needs cuz she enjoys the idea of being sick and that’s messed up
12:00- She asked people to be a little bit compassionate with her which is ironic because she’s never had compassion for anyone but herself and she “tried not to let this net stuff get to her but it breaks her heart.”
12:30- “People know by now that she’s not a fraud” and humble brags about how the vids are still making $ (has to mention 2 hit over 100K) so she hasn’t even been able to figure out the amount. She then has to humble brag that she has a third video that’s probably going to hit over 100K
13:30- She’s talking about how she “has never intentionally hurt anyone and if she has she doesn’t remember but if you think she has show her the receipts.” Then at 13:33 she actually says that if she has hurt anyone please tell her.
13:42- she said she’s “just a human being who cares.” Yea it really looked like she cared when she was reveling in her Onision is being audited vid or when laughing at how Jared’s gf has bad teeth cuz of her former addiction.)
14:13- “if you notice a change in her it’s because the Internet has made her harder and quicker to say F off and in that regard she’s changing.”
14:40- gotta bring up the health again and “needs to admit that she might never get better and that’s really fucking hard because she can’t ever be fully independent the way she wants to be.” Also gets out her tiny violin and mentions how she doesn’t have family just rm. She “hasn’t talked about that yet because that’s stress that she doesn’t want to put on people” but then proceeds to mention she’s suicidal once a month (wtf?) She says “they’re not thoughts or feelings but instinct” (and she’s not laying a guilt trip at all whatsoever.)
15:13- Must mention how the “ParaGard IUD fucked up her whole world and now she” supposedly “has CT which is why she’s probably so sick” (according to the NMD but not any actual MDs, who’ve all maintained it’s anxiety.)
15:25- She again mentioned suicide and how it “happens once a month and how it’s an instinct but she does not want to stress people out” kek.
15:35- Her SI is “so bad that it’s not something that can be talked out and she literally has to get her mind off of it” while simultaneously acting extraordinarily dramatic (i.e., grabbing her hair) as if talking about this is stressing her out, and then mentions all the $ she’s going to need for meds, appts etc.,) and also the need to drop toxic people from her life.
15:55- she said she “has a history of caring about people more than she cares about herself.”
16:14- subtly mentioned the suicidal ideation again by mentioning that hormonal issues and how she literally has to tell herself to “just stay there with her knuckles clenched and there’s nothing to do about it.”
16:32 She said she forgot to mention the SI at her doctors appointment but one would think that you would mention it especially if it happens once a month and is as pressing as she said. I could totally get forgetting something here and there but a huge problem you’re having that occurs once a month and is that mentally disruptive?
16:44- Again subtly mentioned the SI again by bringing up “the hormonal issues” and that it’s just something “she’s just got to deal with once a month. She just has to let it slide and these are the things she’s dealing with Rn and didn’t want to talk about yet but felt forced to cuz of all the lies and rumors.”
17:03- She talks about how she has no problem with constructive criticism or questioning
17:15- “no one gives her constructive criticism they’re just assholes and attack” and “that’s part of why she’s jaded”
17:28- “it’s really hard not to be jaded and she hates it because she still loves everybody and she still cares about everybody but sometimes she just hates the way some people act; she hates the way people choose to be towards her and others.” What the fudging A?
17:42- Must bring up the illness once again and this time she’s got to up the ante by saying she “needs to admit herself that because of her illness she may never be able to have kids.” Well thank you Cat Jesus!
17:55- she said she “never may be able to do the things she wants to do because of her illness”
18:03- She “doesn’t seem sick because she can pump out a bunch of videos but you just don’t see it because she has a really good poker face and she learned real early with the illness how to mask it” (right because it’s all she ever talks about JFC!)
18:43- She says that she “knows a lot of the people who signed up and are going through shit and some people are going through it worse than her (she knows her audience well.) So she “just wants to encourage people and be a voice to tell people to just keep going, try to fix ourselves, find new solutions, and be open.”
19:00- “miracles can happen to anybody with their health.”
Tl; dr: Joy is a lying nutbar.
No. 752145
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>>751881To update a bit:
The girl Kaily who is the main one talking about Joy shows up at about 1:27. Joy told her to drink bleach (MMS) to cure her autism, she also talks about Phil. She said Joy blocked her but would unblock her randomly to hurl insults over twitter.
Joysus herself appears at around 2:14 and barges her way in. Her friend Puffin comes in really late in the stream, RSN kicked her out (3:34:30) shortly after because she was not necessary. Joy threatened to leave multiple times since she wasn't going to "win" with this crowd and she dropped herself at 3:38. Jarrod showed up briefly somehow (3:29) and Joy freaks out and he gets kicked out, wish he could have stayed.
>>751962Joy was on for over an hour and she screetches and cackles the whole time, not sure if that can be transcribed too well lol. It's sort of an experience though, at one point she asks RSN to smear poop on his face and claims she spends half her day on the toilet.
No. 752166
>>752145If she spends half the day eating,she will spend half the day flushing poobabies.
There is a definite correlation there that she does not seem to be aware of with all of her medical knowledge. What goes in has to come out. She is not exactly a brilliant mind.
I think what I'm trying to say is that she is a moron, not well educated, not well-read, a blithering idiot.
No. 752483
>>751787I thank thee transcription anon.
virtual FOOT massage
No. 752813
>>752280I didn't do this,it's not my style. 4 those in the know.
No. 752890
>>752681RSN has been sucking Joy’s dick on twitter apologizing for kicking Puffin off and saying she can come on or Joy can interview one on one (which is totally fair cuz Kailey wasn’t even allowed to have someone until way later in the interview and didn’t know how to get ahold of anyone last minute.)
Saged for upcoming massive ego inflation.
No. 753391
>>752890Maybe that'll happen if she's not near molting shards.
I hope RSN rinses his mouth out with some vegetable grade hydrogen peroxide.
Cause baby dats nasty.
No. 753618
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No. 753899
>>751881 2:36:00 is great, it's a pleasure to hear her squirm.
They're asking her about studies related to the food grade peroxide being an anecdote and safe for consumption, which she tries to weasel her way around by saying she is alive for proof that it works if done correctly but that's not enough proof so she is asked for something solid. Joy tells some other chick(kaily?) that the question is directed towards her (and not joy) which is ridiculous to pretend she didn't know, it wouldn't make sense to ask someone that doesn't believe in drinking it to provide studies confirming it works.
She also gives a bullshit line that it was 5 years ago and she doesn't have the information prepared like she would have if it were going to be a debate, like we don't all know how great the debate queen is in action when she literally contributes nothing but cackles.
She's tripping over her words and cant seem to even recall how long she took it for.
This peroxide has been in question from so many threads ago so she shouldn't have to prepare answers for something she's been questioned about and believes in.
No. 754382
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How many times gois?
It's not me, it's them!
No. 754711
>>754620Thank you so much! This is the stream I was thinking of and if I remember it was brutal. They utterly decimated that girl. I also found it through the search query so thank you also to that anon as well.
To find deleted vids can I just google her name with a fitting word like “Joy Sparkle bs crazy” and see what pops? Thanks again!
No. 758186
No leche,
I ran across this vintage compilation. From one lunatic to another. No. 759896
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No. 759900
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Another one
No. 759902
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And another
No. 759905
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again because it was about the drama, not about the kids, or the girls, or lainey
No. 760083
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LOL. What a delusional fuck.
No. 760124
>>759974 I've voiced that opinion before and been corrected on it.
Apparently after she started her channel the "Anti-Onision text-chat group" thing, whatever it was, that she joined. . .the one were she and Angel REE'd at that guy telling him he should kill himself . . .the one she eventually got kicked out of and was such a bitch to someone in it that they dropped her full name here in the first thread. . .I think Jarrod/Moral Virus was a part of that group and that is how the know each other. . .
While she was in that group she had almost no idea about any of Onision's extended lolcow lore, even fairly basic stuff, and had to be told.
She was not some stalker or superfan of his. At best she was a long-time (10 years in her words) casual viewer of his to maybe a regular fan who happens to be completely batshit crazy and thought she could rocket herself to YouTube stardom off his corpse, see her delusional "I was the internet's darling" talk.
No. 760132
>>760083Oh yeah. Kati is quite educated. All those days at Julliard. And studying marketing communications. And didn't she say she studied broadcast journalism? No degrees to show for any of it, of course. Not even a couple course credits. Unless this desperate idiots means street smarts.. of which Madam Slug possesses none. There's a reason she hides in Dom's living room all day and it isn't because she's educated or has "temerity". Doubt she would even know the meaning of the word, ya delusional twit.
Articulate? Have you SEEN her Twitter account?
No. 760332
>>760147Yup, two completely different stories. iirc the Tim thing was a group DM chat of about 30 people that Pierced Angel dropped some of the screenshots for. It was also mentioned that our lady of the couch of Frito Lay was involved in multiple group DM chats around that time, constantly trying to figure out which members were reliable le enough to form her cult with.
The Skype group that she was with moral in was a separate thing that focused heavily on talking about onion boy. It was also mentioned at some point that Joysus got all giddy and bragged to the group about one of onions videos being about her when it was actually about Billie. She wanted to badly to be on his radar that now she's spending $20 on superchats to get senpai to notice the knots in her hair.
Poor Dom, he keeps giving this hambeast money he thinks she needs to get around town when she's feeling up to drive, or for medication she "needs" to battle her "illbesses" and she's busy throwing it at random YouTube fucks for a couple of minutes of attention. That money could've been better spent, like for Dom's future drinking addiction.
No. 762903
>>760390I'm even more surprised she hasn't rolled out to voice opinion of the pedophile and child grooming allegations.
It's how she got traction in the beginning. She jumped on the bandwagon calling Greg out for the underage girls posting pics on his forum whom he was "rating" in videos.
It's also her favorite go to accusation for men so this is right in her wheelhouse.
Did she over-infrared herself in her bathroom?
Did the mercury poisoning finally overtake her?
No. 763697
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apparently she's creaming n roasting her taters somewhat privately. she was rapid firing likes on this stream
No. 763810
really thought she would pop up with like 50 videos to ride this fresh wave of accusations. And it's not like she isn't paying attention to what's going on, maybe she's gotten too lazy to film suddenly or has put on even more weight?
No. 765012
>>764881Once again we find information meant to cast a dark cloud on rose, which only ends up showing that she rectifies any given situation which would negatively impact her children. Idk who sipping tea is, but editing a video to make rose look like she's psychologically abusing her kids when it actually shows that they have a done great deal of healing, enough to make similar jokes and not to feel threatened or tortured by those jokes.
Chambers is still two-faced and desperate to fit into the cool kids club,so she has lost what scraps of credibility might have been leftover.
None of this helps joy. I would be amazed if she thinks it does.
No. 766744
>>765055Nah, just cannot read apparently and 100% derped with the youtube field.
Also, how does a video that starts with trying to cast a dark cloud on Rose, and then all of a sudden shifts to nonstop twitter posts of how Kati is right about Rose and how horrible she is ….. not have anything to do with joy? Did you not watch the video because it very much carries the narrative of "look at this person who is fighting against the evil Rose" vibes all over the place, or at least that's how I took it.
No. 766911
>>766744She’s probably trying a new angle. If she can make a new “enemy” and make enough people dislike her and/or think she’s a bad person and mom she can make her “big comeback” to fight her arch nemesis.
Sage for tinfoil
No. 767190
>>767105Except that "threat" stream happened months after the PO. She tried to bait him after the failed PO, likely for the purposes of filing another court order - but that's just speculation.
She'll do exactly what she did with Repzion's first video. She'll ignore all of the arguments, claim that everything was debunked aged ago without pointing out where or when specifically, and then try and go one as business as usual.
No. 768957
File: 1548024752744.jpg (166.52 KB, 532x2048, IMG_20190120_155007.jpg)

What is this washed up unwashed fat fuck going on about now.
No. 769063
>>768957 Tommy posted a Tweet containing a screenshot of a Twitch communication about Article 13 and his plan moving forwards, which is to give an American his YouTube channel and he will send them video files to upload. No more Livestreams.
He then posted a Tweet containing a screenshot of a post from Nick Monroe who is excited that Article 13 is hitting a roadblock in Council negotiations.
Kati then made her VagueTweets REE'ing about everyone being fine with her being deplatformed (she typed 'platformed'; also not a thing that happened, you left bitch), and didn't tag anyone because she
"is not afraid of a debate. I'll win, I can yell louder!" She of course has to include something about the Kumite because it's the only place on the internet she thinks hasn't called her a pants shitting retard and told her to fuck off.
Netizens then responded by telling her "lol you are crazy". Not-CrazyKati then responded by REE'ing about how Rose is an unfit mother dating child abusing "drug attic". The internet then collectively laughed and shared their favorite memories of her batshit insanity.
Yeah, you tell 'em Kati. You. .you're doing great.
No. 769365
>>769064How she managed to go on a stream with someone who is clearly on her side and still lose all credibility is utterly baffling.
She's always screeching about how people need to talk to her one on one, but she never seems to want to face anyone one on one. Curious, isn't it?
No. 769559
>>769063I would like to elect you to write the Kati Marie Smith biography.
You'd do it so good!
thank you anon
No. 769646
File: 1548120820904.jpg (243.23 KB, 1419x2082, IMG_20190121_183146.jpg)

Is this real? The screenshot was posted on Twitter but I can't find it on her Twitter. But I rid find other tweets from today about MLK day and the maga kids.
No. 769730
File: 1548132285657.jpg (1.54 MB, 1080x4498, Screenshot_20190121-214243_Twi…)

>>769646Yeah. I'm going to say it's real.
No. 769757
>>769754Sage doesn't excuse your mini-modding.
>>769736There was also a very out-of-place post about it in the Onision thread too.
Is she bringing her mental breakdown on to lolcow? Because that would be kinda hilarious.
No. 769939
>>769064Did she accuse based mama of stealing money from the do5 kids GoFundMe?
Wonder if that could be a defamation suit?
No. 769958
>>760124It’s angel - can I please make it clear that the guy we “ree’d” at and told to kill himself didn’t go down like that at all?
The guy in question I was told was lying about having PTSD, Joy told me to go after him, so I did.
I was stupidly playing attack dog for her for a long time, she is an extremely toxic individual & yes - I did some stupid things too, to try and cover for her because I thought she was my friend.
I am extremely shocked to see that she is still relevant & I honestly hope she gets some serious mental help & soon, she has seriously let herself go.
I’m going back to lurking now :) bye.
( No. 769992
File: 1548194330091.jpg (139.08 KB, 1507x1240, IMG_20190122_145431.jpg)

No. 769998
>>769992Would have been more authentic if you had included misspellings and dyslexia.
None of this bullshit changes the fact that she is a racist bitch.
No. 770005
>>769958I am shocked that you would do the cow's bidding.
This is just about as stupid as it gets.
No. 770117
Joy rambled, went after the low hanging fruit and lied a lot. RSN made lots of excuses for her because he thinks she's a damsel in distress and not a wolf in sheeps clothing. Joy starts to read Blooddance Darkmoon's emails while a screenshot with Blooddance Darkmoon's email address is visible on the screen. BDDM messages RSN saying that that Joy doesn't have permission. Joy dgaf and continues. Stream is cut short suddenly not long after.
This is incomplete. Feel free to add.
>>770115Pretty much. But you can't find something if you ain't looking for it.
No. 770155
>>769992She's ridiculously stupid how was that supposed to help her out after sperging on a live stream yet again? You'd think she wouldn't go there since she's still irked that people called her racist after the poo baby "joke".
>>770136Contact RSN I guess, he'll let Joy screetch nonsensically at people for hours because it gets him the views and donations.
No. 770159
File: 1548208475038.png (274.31 KB, 837x539, liarKatiTheCunt.png)

Nice screen shot (you forgot to crop Kati) for someone who never reads or posts to lolcow
No. 770222
File: 1548214718139.png (25.92 KB, 632x284, UnbiasedLolcow.png)

Kati's new JoyTard is sperging about not being universally loved for being unbiased?
Does this idiot have his own thread yet? Unbiased letting the manic heifer run wild on his channel with her cult throwing SuperChats
No. 770366
>>769757Differentiate between pointing out the rules and 'mini-modding', salt-chan.
>>770056Reads here? He gets 90% of his content from here.
>>770293He really likes to play the victim, huh. I'm amazed that he's decided to hitch his wagon to her after everybody has basically forgotten her.
No. 770503
File: 1548265232268.jpg (410.98 KB, 1439x1230, Screenshot_20190123-103928_Twi…)

Jesus Christ.
No. 770523
>>770503Cue the victim narrative "I been gone and they are still bringing up old shit to attack me"
Meanwhile on Twitter Kati is beating TommyC with a year old stick and her channel is full of videos of people who wronged her up to 18 months ago.
There's even hour long unintelligible rants about people liking tweets she didn't like,
Pure victim that brought her toxicity to RSN and used it as a platform to attack people on her Haterz list.
The cycle never ends.
Wasn't kati in a manic phase this time last year?
Loving this untreated mental illness
No. 770572
>>770523This time last year she had Cuckthulhu, Donga, and a few other drooling retards to utilize for platform space to spread her diarrhetic slander and harassment of the Hall family. This year she's got some methed up rapist wanting to roll over for belly rubs and ear scritches just for the extra attention she can bring in. It's all pathetic, but the trend of her mania never ceases.
The year could be 2037 and this bitch would still complain about Repzion and TommyC owing her apologies for how they "damaged" her reputation.
No. 770619
File: 1548277562175.jpg (124.18 KB, 846x866, IMG_20190123_140320.jpg)

>>769992I know it's fake. But maybe it's real after all. LOL
No. 770788

Nakatia Fletcher
@SassyMe2013 on twitter
No. 771017
>>770503"As much as I'm dying to come back to youtube, I can't just do it, I need an 'in', so please give me a reason by telling me you miss my videos etc. Here's 3 or 4 videos of me reading out news articles and spouting random shit."
>>770510Corrie was a pretty rabid joytard at one point, yes. I forget what happened, I just remember she flipped and started sperging out against instead of for.
No. 771254
>>771205Knowing corrie as I do…..
I’m pretty sure she doesn’t give a flying fuck or a shit in a bucket.
Keep believing that she does doh.
No. 771255
>>771254Awwww fuck.
Forgot to sage.
Kicked again.
Samefagging for my own amusement.
No. 771312
>>771254Stay classy, Joytard.
Speaking of class, Blooddance may want to lay off snorting her pills and pointing out the post nasal drip if she wants to be taken seriously. She almost succeded in making Kati look like the sane one.
No. 771377
Autosaged. See
>>>/meta/8261 for more info.
No. 771439
File: 1548394025588.jpg (121.13 KB, 910x478, sausagefingers.jpg)

She's given her twitter a little makeover, just showing the haters that insults don't bother her at all by blasting it all over.
No. 771472
>>771462Kati sat in chat and only cared to address Blood. She has tried to avoid moral at all costs since the PO became public knowledge, not just when he got the documents but when it was first discovered on the internet. She was not about to get on that stream and talk about the PO. She is not about to ever talk about it as the last time she opened her mouth about it she claimed she was told to mark down on the forms that she was the victim of domestic abuse.
Remember her freak out when he first appeared on rapenews' stream during the Kaily nonsense? How she quickly ducked back into the talking point that she was afraid of him because he had "threatened" her life, all the while ignoring that weeks after the "threats" she wanted to interview him? That she was still very much happy to talk her shit about him and his gf just prior to anon's discovery of the PO.
She was going to come back sooner or later. Our lady of the couch of Frito Lay doesn't need much excuse to try and mount a return to YouTube to sing the same old song we've heard for over a year.
No. 771549
>>771523Didnt she admit to going crazy awhile back? Idk. She seems a lot saner than the majority of these 20 threads. And VHS Archive. And Jarrod. And Blood.
Thank God for the 50,000 of the 60,000 subs Sausage Fingers had that also hate her. Because the nutters on her Hater List Google Drive are all just as inanely insane as she is.
Saged for speculation.
No. 771550
>>771523And didn’t a bunch of you guys flag her off Twitter because she thinks you’re all insane? Or was that one of the many others you’ve flagged down over the last couple of years?
No. 771588
>>771549Corrie? Saner? I take it you never saw her rant about how the LGBT flag brain washed youth into becoming LGBT as some sort of conspiracy.
Now enough talk about Corrie. This thread is about Joy. She's the cow here that we're all keeping our eyes on.
No. 771595
>>771588I agree with her. I was also raised on Rainbow Bright and Care Bears before the flag was designed.
But yes. Let’s get back to Sausage Fingers who’s probably never pulled a
trigger that wasn’t in her brain.
No. 771612
>>771602It wasn’t an established icon until 1994 but nice try. And babies have learned their colors before anything else since always.
Can we get back to Sausage Fingers or do you want to continue looking like a dork?
No. 771623
>>771615Go back and read the full article you got that from or maybe read beyond Google’s first suggestion, Dumbass AJ.
triggered? Leaving messages all over.
I wish you’d all get lost along with Sausage Fingers.
No. 771632
>>771629If I’d done that I’d be arguing that it’s been around since 1920.
AJ is someone who thinks she’s anonymously continuously threatening people. She’s not.
Back to Sausage Fingers.
No. 772927
>>772893The new commandment from Joysus
If thou places images of thine offspring on a personal Facebook account you are forthwith deemed a terrible parent and thus those offspring will be doxed.
No. 773752
File: 1548895101399.png (113.17 KB, 320x181, groooooooming.png)

>>773747Kati and Rectal Rena were both on the stream so I heard.
Sooner or later he'll learn they are bad for the future any channel
No. 776919
File: 1549856729922.png (139.01 KB, 603x630, Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at 8.44…)

Today in Joy must make everything about herself
No. 776965
>>776919She's probably salty that Eugenia is receiving so much positivity for seeking assistance from a doctor. Or maybe she was hoping Eugenia was suffering from mysterious illness
like her so she could screetch on live streams about Onision being so wrong.
No. 777568
>>776919How does one look at Eugenia Cooney - see how much more weight she's dropped in the span of a year - and believe her when she says she's being monitored by a doctor.
If Eugenia was actually being seen by a doctor, she'd be hospitalized and hooked up to an IV drip/feeding tube until she was well enough to eat solid food again - not on Youtube, making ghastly cosplay videos showing off her skeletal frame.
Kati is enabling the problem by chastising people who are justified in worrying about Eugenia's well being. I can only imagine the circus that'll come when Eugenia's body finally dies from her disorder and Kati milks the 'unavoidable tragedy' for all it's worth.
No. 779934
File: 1550704962107.jpg (67.32 KB, 484x646, puffy.jpg)

She's on younow because she's upset about Repzilla I guess. She said that she's moved recently and looks like she's finally gotten a haircut. No. 779940
File: 1550705601704.jpg (35.17 KB, 581x227, DONE.jpg)

>>779934She's done fam, DONE! She's currently going through Repzillas video and pausing frequently to sperg. She's also said that she's had more medical tests done and there some type of intestinal infection, she must be stoked about that.
No. 779976
>>779960I tend to agree. All this is going to do is get the cow off her ass to screech about how everything has been debunked. I did appreciate that he touched on some things others have yet to put into a video yet. Other than that, he does sound like he's not sure where he is or what's going on at any given moment in every video. His intros and outros are abhorrent, as well.
T-minus 10 seconds til Crazy Kati is making 100 videos debunking the "lies" of the video.
And is it just me or does she look like she's gained another 50 pounds???
No. 779980
File: 1550710083400.jpg (116.42 KB, 895x547, leeches.jpg)

She said she was going to flag videos using her "full dox", by that she means her full name. RSN is seen here continuing to amp her up because he wants to stream with her later tonight, interesting use of the word leech for people who talk about other people on youtube. She kept talking about Repzilla rubbing the side of his nose in the video as an indication that he was
intentionally lying, that's what she's doing in this pic btw. Repzilla was streaming today so he didn't quit his own stream for her which displeased Joysus, she called him a coward.
>>779960I missed the beginning too but she she was really pissed and screetchy in what I did catch.
No. 779985
File: 1550710634185.jpg (113.79 KB, 904x544, rep.jpg)

Repzilla typed in her chat without leaving his stream. You guys can check Joys moments to see her slip out and say she's mad he used her real name and call him a coward. BTW I think she's streaming with RSN again right now to bitch about Repzilla.
No. 780105
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No. 780273
>>779976 It wouldn't surprise me if she's pushing 300 lbs at this point. The timeframe she was gaining 190 to 250 she was gaining approximately 1.5 lbs/week and had to be consuming around 2,700 calories/day.
That would have slowed to about 4 lbs/month after 250 if she kept eating the same amount due to her rising basal metabolic rate. It's been around 9 months since she's said she was 250 so she's probably around 290 and gaining 2 lbs a month if her eating stayed the same.
If her calories consumed remains the same her gain won't plateau until she's around 350.
For anyone calculating she is 5'1", she lies and say's she is 5'2". This puts her BMI around 54, way past the highest risk category for weight related health issues. On all her medical information she's shown it lists her at 5'1" and she has admitted lying about it before during one of her 20+ minute rambles.
So she has now moved into a 3rd apartment with Dominique? Or has he finally pulled the bloating tick of his ass?
No. 780423
>>780273Remember, her super serious illness means that she can only eat pizza and potato chips, because her body doesn't digest anything else.
She's disgusting, she is going to give herself REAL cancer - not like the cancer she faked, if she carries on.
No. 780690
When she released her test results from an actual Dr her copper levels were normal. is only the natural medicine specialists who magically find all these heavy metals in her system. You don't just run around with copper toxicity for yrs. Drs can get the excess copper out of your system. She has never had the physical symptoms such as copper rings in the eyes. She just screams about it because she read it on some blog and it gave her an excuse to be lazy and earn some
victim points.
No. 780709
File: 1550944471507.jpg (194.11 KB, 960x2048, AdviceFromKunti.jpg)

It's seriously not medical advice
No. 780972
File: 1551050456410.jpg (130.91 KB, 575x664, reee.jpg)

She's been spending her day getting messy on twitter with Repzion. Here's just one of the tweets but you get the jist, she's really going there by trying to strike his video that was posted a year and a half ago because he used her name.
No. 781042
File: 1551070950130.jpg (191.07 KB, 576x986, reee2.jpg)

>>780972She's back at it.
No. 781092
>>781042lollollol remember her cackling about how much she didn't care about his video before and after it came out. nice to see how much she still doesn't care, as she "stock piles" her evidence.
she's so angry that everyone hates her and won't accept that she did it to herelf.
No. 781127
>>780973Kati: 'I'm in no position to relate to that, or understand' (in regards to giving advice to a gay preteen who's being bullied at school).
Funny how she (and the panel of this particular stream) conveniently forgets that Kati told that very same minor to DM her on Twitter to discuss the issue further after they booted her from the stream.
Also, the minor snuck into the stream? I still find it hard to believe that a nine panel group somehow missed what the chat stream picked up on the moment the girl said she was about to start middle school (it took the chatstream screaming 'SHE'S 11!' for several minutes before the issue was finally acknowledged).
No. 781795
>>781413This video perfectly showcases how manipulative she is. How she turns a loss "Would you come?" "Fuck no" into a win "Then you're a liar"
Also, whatever happened to that MIRACLE CURE she didn't want to say anything about until she was sure? Guess it didn't work.
No. 784694
File: 1552095072506.jpg (129.01 KB, 1080x1565, KuntyGone.jpg)

How strange
No. 784698
>>784694I hope you had a good reason for reporting all those tweets other than fishing for petty violations. Otherwise that would make you a crazy person who is actually trying to remove Joy from the Internet because you’re clearly far too emotionally invested in this sloth.
I’m so over the loons who have crossed the line from fun hate watching to obsessive psycho hate watching. I’d rather the cow not be removed from the Internet so I can continue enjoying her shenanigans, please and thank you.
No. 785703
>>784676>>784694So where's she going to go periodically to rant about health and throw accusations. I remember when she shut down her original channel she deleted twitter briefly and then brought it back to go on younow.
The last tweets I saw from her were about periods.
No. 786452
>>786440Here’s a painfully obvious solution: if you’ve had enough of Joy then maybe get off her lolcow thread and make the grown-up decision to stop listening to her squawking. I don’t get why anyone would subject themselves to something that is legitimately bothering them and instead of just moving on, they want to remove it altogether.
That’s a serious personal problem. I’m sick of the crazies.
No. 786462
>>786452good point. but my main problem with her is all the misinformation she spreads, both medically and the shade she throws at everyone else to vindicate herself. i go on here rather than follow her so when she pops up and does something stupid again i can hop in, add in the correct info, then leave again.
That makes more sense i hope?
No. 788759
>>787812The repzilla stuff is over now, if she was going to say something it would have happened by now.
I’m with the other anons in saying that whatever one of you got her Twitter removed you done goofed now this thread is pretty much dried up.
No. 788987
File: 1553203966167.jpg (27.41 KB, 215x249, bslives.jpg)

>>788759I just saw this, I take it as meaning that Joy is going to be on the live stream to bitch about Repzilla.
No. 789337
>>789329she's so desperate she's resorting to repeat the lie enough times and it becomes truth. that's her m.o. (moo?) these days. like the death "threat" from mv and everything else.
she's not really aware she's just discrediting herself over and over. don't interrupt her.
No. 789898
File: 1553463667451.jpg (211.68 KB, 1152x2048, 1553462492574.jpg)

Screenshot of a DM that Moral Virus got but didn't see until yesterday.
No. 790136
>>789329I was able to catch quite a few of these inane, utterly boring and repetitive streams where Joy just loudly repeats herself on RSN's stream and many many people brought up that point.
Her and RSN's argument was that it was simply unnecessary and he appeared to be using her real name only to cause her "further distress".
Strongly dislike her but I still don't understand Repzilla's point in using her full name in title and description. What exactly is the point in going out of your way to do that when that information is both unnecessary and public..? It didn't help in raising a case against her gross idiocy. It really just came across as though he repeated her full name in title/description to pretend as though he had done some monocrum of research (which to anyone who knows Repzilla and his shit content, he is painfully lazy when it comes to actually researching the topics he covers and rarely does more than bare minimum of so-called "research").
I think Repzilla is a complete dumbass; While Joy is an obnoxious perma-
triggered incel, he clearly only made that useless filler video solely for the views and attention. He didn't bring anything new or interesting to the table whatsoever, it was a bad rip-off of Repzion's more informative videos. If anything I think Repzion should have slammed Repzilla with a copyright strike, not Joy with her useless takedown. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Repzilla had gotten every clip and piece of info he used in that video solely from cutting and pasting Repzion's prior videos on her while adding his regergitated "moral high-horse" pointless opinions.
No. 790138
>>786452I absolutely could not agree more.
People seem compelled to psychologically self-harm when it comes to this particular cow.
If people are so
triggered and so sick of this idiot, it is only logical to ignore her presence.
Especially when considering her presence is close to non-existent at this point.
She's a dried up has-been YouTuber with a dead second channel and rarely has any milk, other than the random RSN stream appearance where she reiterates the exact same points countless times and yells for 2 hours.
Unless she makes a comeback to YouTube, I think the milk has more or less dried up at this time.
And if you really despise the cow, it truly does make zero sense to subject yourself to her REEing on some random stream here and there.
No. 795169
File: 1554505712997.jpg (38.72 KB, 372x357, repschat.jpg)

A small sign of life, she donated to say this in Repzillas livestream just now. In a way I think she's pleased he made that video on her, she needed fresh foes.
No. 798580
File: 1555539454583.jpg (18.54 KB, 222x213, datdebatedo.jpg)

>>798468Ugh I had already watched it earlier. He emphasized that he's not a close friend of Joys and that they only talk about once a month but he also kept saying she didn't deserve to have her life ruined. So calling out all her shitty behavior is ruining her life, while she was wanting to make youtube money by criticizing others shitty behavior.
After that he uploaded clips from that old debate, it was like 2 years ago and he's reminiscing about the good ole days.
No. 802018
>>798022 lol, she added that video to her 'Liked Videos' playlist on her main channel still just fusing to that couch creeping YouTube all day.
She subscribed to a channel called 'Company Man' on her 'Bomb' channel 2 months ago that makes videos about 'interesting topics on business and marketing of well known companies' lmfao
She's still making like $2 a day off her YouTube channel she still has her Do5 videos public and making her money on that channel, and she's still a rabid cunt.
No. 809447
>>802018Her Twitter is gone.
She doesn’t upload to YouTube anymore.
The only info people can even find on her anymore is in her liked videos…
I think this is unfortunately beating a dead rotting cows corpse.
No. 853912
File: 1565965418436.jpeg (727.43 KB, 1242x1330, EEE83077-B4A9-43F0-A9F9-9E3E6A…)

From the hog beasts Facebook.
No. 853913
File: 1565965505101.jpeg (851.94 KB, 622x1326, A56CB8D9-8C9A-43B6-92A7-9EEE9D…)

>>853912There’s other new posts on her Facebook but it’s mostly political and conspiracy bullshit.
No. 854730
File: 1566112667711.jpg (210.56 KB, 1080x701, Screenshot_20190818-031348_Gal…)

>>853912Can barely work a normal job? Well she says she has had quite a few recently anyone else remember her ever bring up child psychology?
No. 855162
File: 1566208805546.png (350.42 KB, 1920x2757, Kati S - Marketing.png)

>>854915She's still claiming it. This posting almost feels like a Poe's Law posting. If this is real –saddly, I think it is– she has no idea about what's involved in any form of marketing or management. This reads like:
Kati: Buys drive thru on the way home.
Resume: 2019 Regional Nutrition Director, Big Burps Burger Barn, Oklahoma City, OH
No. 855273
So she decided not to list her youtube channel. She has been screaming for years about how everyone was sooo jealous over her success. I wonder why she wouldn't want to show an employer exactly who she is and how she acts.
Way back in thread 6 I found a screenshot of her old resume
>>323229 and a great post detailing her bullshit.
She just doesn't learn. When people call you out on your bullshit for years and you still keep doing the same stupid shit you just prove everyone right.
No. 857006
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No. 858738
>>855162 I like how she tries to obfuscate dropping out of her first year of college.
Attended high school 1999 to 2003, end date of college 2004. Hmmmm. . .lol
She's probably doing some bullshit like claiming a Junior or Senior recital that happened to take place at an auditorium on the university's campus as her 2002 start date at the university.
She had previously claimed on her LinkedIn to have earned a BFA in the time period between 2002 and 2004, though we know now she only attended the University of Missouri for about 6 months and then stopped going because she contracted scabies.
No. 917133
File: 1578874667498.jpeg (622.79 KB, 1242x1600, 2F79F4F3-684D-4E32-BD8C-E80B4B…)

Look who popped up, claiming Kati is now homeless and living in her car.
No. 917136
File: 1578874758558.jpeg (616.4 KB, 1242x1635, F2D139AA-D567-4CC6-BFC6-804836…)

>>917133 living in her car with her dogs.
No. 917865
File: 1578972574023.jpeg (662.46 KB, 1242x1639, B9AB55FE-2F1A-4113-A48D-85F512…)

Apparently they’re talking about starting a go fund me for Kati since she’s “homeless” and it’s the harassers fault.
No. 929206
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No. 929207
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No. 943509
File: 1583839638379.jpg (445.33 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200310-070719_Twi…)

No. 947291
File: 1584586100062.png (200.86 KB, 1242x1101, CBB01BF8-C227-488A-A12A-053AAD…)

>>943816Maybe she is done.
No. 947302
>>947291Pretty sure that's bullshit.
The only two confirmed cases in her area are a woman in her forties and a man in his thirties and she is neither.
No. 983165

Looks like she's been running the YouTube page for some website called NAA Worldwide since mid-February. sure, but at first glance it looks like some scam for Uber drivers to get them to pay 'membership fees' to the website that basically just refers them to actual service providers for whatever service they are looking for.
It's like trying to sell people a mailing list that they have curated or something.
She's spammed out like 52 videos in the last month for them in her classic 1-take, 15+ minute ramble style. She's made 72 videos for them so far varying between just straight click-bait like 'James Charles Threatened by Uber Driver' to faux informative videos. She's been spamming the fuck out of click-bait 'Stimulus Check' videos.
She either does classic Katie click-bait thumbnails or one featuring her making an exaggerated face with her bloated, red, shiny face.
A lot of them are just Katie rambling to a camera in business-ese or taking over some image.
This video is the classic Katie talking in front of a white wall, interrupting the video periodically to give her hot-take on 'Uber Driver Kidnaps Passenger and Livestreams in High Speed Chase Richmond Virginia' No. 986334
File: 1591936066099.png (138.59 KB, 1378x1375, A1.png)

Now when you saw the NAA Worldwide (" The Official Rideshare & Gig Workers Association that offers membership services exclusively to all Ride share & Gig Workers Worldwide ") channel and videos you probably figured, as I did, that some poor shlub who didn't know any better or one of her weirdo sycophants hired her to make videos for YouTube.
You might have done a cursory search on Google for more information on this company and saw job postings, events, etc and thought, as I did, that it looks legit.
However, when I looked a little closer, I also saw some astroturfing. Some company that just popped into existence in December is not likely to have a conference in Las Vegas 5 months later. The other events may have been fake as well. Their BBB profile claims it was incorporated in 2018 in Nevada however I did not find anything corresponding to that name and date in Nevada's registry or at all, even, (Someone please doublecheck me) Along with other things like how they can't decide what their address is and how all the addresses HAPPEN to be places where you can rent virtual offices and/or mailboxes and they are the only ones who say they are at these addresses. How there are no less than 6 phone numbers for this company and most of them use cloud services, one that doesn't doesn't even belong to them and it's use elsewhere predates their existence. How all the domain names were newly registered, the earliest in December, within a short period of time and the main website has privacy protection on their WHOIS information and ONE of the domains was repossessed by GoDaddy. How their Facebook was created in January of this year and their Twitter December of last. A "COVID 19 Rideshare Drivers Protection Fund" Go Fund Me. How NAA Health uses some third party "membership management service" called Join It. The review on Glassdoor claiming that they were not paid for call center work for NAA, specifically using the word FRAUD mutliple times (The job postings mention work from home so they probably didn't actually work in a call center but answered inbound calls at home.) How the other people who work at this company have EXTREMELY fake.. er … common names and no profile pictures on Facebook and Linked In. The virtual addresses, the virtual phone numbers, the ghost employees, the lack of a listing in the Nevada registry, all make me think this company doesn't exist anywhere but online. You can make a cheap phone system that sounds legit with a Raspberry Pi and software.
There's probably more I'm forgetting and probably other stuff I might have missed.
No. 986336
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No. 986337
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No. 987025
File: 1592089341912.jpeg (589.2 KB, 1242x1767, BE307CCB-7197-4E17-8414-818C0E…)

So this was posted. Then that NAAworldwide deleted their Twitter.
No. 987049
File: 1592094941687.png (593.52 KB, 1271x4851, A5-2.png)

Ok so I guess no1curr anymore and there are only 3 of us left. But I'm going to dump some of the info I've found (There's more) in case anyone researches these companies and websites:
"NAA Worldwide (NAA) is the Official Rideshare & Gig Workers Association that offers membership services exclusively to all Gig Workers Worldwide."
@ (Archive:
@ (Previously)
NAA Health @ (Archive:
NAA Vote 2020 @ (Archive:
NAA Legal Services @ (Archive:
NAA Rent a Car @ (Archive:
Uber Lyft USA @
NAA Ride @
Facebook: (Archive:
NAA Ride Share Convention: (Archive:
Twitter: (Archive:
Twitter: (Archive:
Instagram: (Archive:
Domains at Go Daddy and use Wordpress (ALL the sites use Wordpress). Submitting fake press releases to websites that syndicate them. Self-advertising fake events. Self-posting employment postings. Cloud VOIP with a cheap computer (It doesn't take much power to run a PBX) and Asterisk. Using popular Virtual Office companies websites like Regus to collect addresses to use for your different "fake" offices. (Just because they say they have space there, doesn't necessarily mean they are actually renting it.)
It doesn't take a huge staff, one person could do it. Theoretically.
In the middle of last year a person or people connected to Grand Canyon Tours, Inc. in Las Vegas, Nevada "started" the NAA. They also seem to attempt to start other similar "organizations" catering to the Beauty industry. They joined Twitter in July 2018 and their last post was made on October 6, 2018. It seems like the effort was then abandoned and revived as NAA Worldwide in December. It has the exact same playbook as the NAA Worldwide in posting events and being spammy (They retweet random things to their own Twitter page and advertise themselves. One was a news story about a wanted high risk sex offender. Wtf.) but also a lot of "giveaways" to attract interest. Their posts reference domains and websites that have no footprint which tells me they were not live for very long at all. They also reference other Twitter accounts that have since been deleted and also have no footprint.
As for what the company actually does, it's probably like Perkspot ( and NAA, as an affiliate, makes money when you use the "discounts" (which often actually aren't really discounts or a value at all). The difference with Perkspot is the employee doesn't have to pay for it. But NAA gets paid coming and going; once from a membership and again by the affiliate.
They mislead people with their name, posts, Youtube videos, and intentions feigning concern about the plights of the gig worker into thinking it's a union when it is not, it's just an affiliate money making scheme.
As for the health insurance, I don't know how all that stuff works, tbh. I don't know if you can "resell" health insurance. That is out of my depth.
No. 988424
File: 1592417820469.png (1010.22 KB, 1302x1266, uberlyftusa-99.png)

>>988402IDK if you've used Wordpress but it is so easy to use it doesn't even require a web programmer; that's it's "selling point" You can do /everything/ with a plain language interface. You don't even have to worry about positioning or any of the other finer points, the page is segmented in boxes that you fill. And it has themes where the boxes are in different configurations to make your layout (A box/boxes for a header, a box/boxes for menus, a box/boxes the body, a box/boxes footer, etc.) /THAT/ is how easy it is.
The thing with the first video is it could have been a fiverr hire but I think it is from the first incarnation (which was associated with Grand Canyon Tours, Inc.) since lady is wearing a polo with the NAA logo on it which they offered to members. (Ref: uberlyftonline Twitter)
Idk what is going on here. If she was just hired by someone, if it was handed off from the original owners to her… or something else. But I'm leaning towards that it is her's now.
Here's an image or uberlyftonline (The previous owners or whatever) advertising a lounge for rideshare drivers using an image stolen from some random vending machine company in Michigan.
No. 988645
>>988424Yeah, I'm leaning toward this is her doing a grift of some sort because that channel had zero views at all until it was posted here.
So, it very likely that she posted it here to get traction for views/ads since it seems to be monetized somehow.
Also, consider that you're a real company. And there is fiver where you can contract with a actress to read your own scripts professionally… instead you hire someone who looks like they were stung up by bees and she's running practically the same scripts as she did before. She's even doing the same type thumbnails.
Someone needs to send that company her poo babies video given how she's leaning hard into the BLM stuff. :-)
No. 988776
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>>988645I noticed she got personal on a comment, can't imagine a company being okay with that.
No. 1031903
Kati is quitting NAA Worldwide because she wasn't paid for her work.
She owns that channel and the NAA Facebook groups and plans to re purpose them for herself. If something happens to that channel, she's set up another channel for herself here: COURSE, there's more to the story and OF COURSE she can't tell everyone everything now.
No. 1032056
>>1031903>>1031903I think she's back to scamming. I think NAA is all her. It was a bait and switch to grow an audience. Problem is, if you go to the NAA facebook page, people paid money for a membership to this company that I'm sure will completely disappear. She takes the money and now has a new audience. Note in that last video how she claims she was on her death bed a year ago. Sounds familiar. Sounds like she is growing a new audience to feel bad for her and donate money to her.
What to do? Warn people or let it play out?
No. 1032069
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No. 1032099
>>1032056The damage is done. It's about to get good, I think.
Her little fanclub is too stupid to realize that she was participating in the scam and would have continued to perpetuate it and scam them and others out of money during a pandemic and record unemployment had she been paid.
No. 1032206
>>1031903No way. Joy's back!
I can't wait until she nearly dies again!
No. 1032220
File: 1599033334265.png (132.48 KB, 483x1467, junk2.png)

Life moves pretty fast…
She is going to look pretty stupid tomorrow complaining about a company she defended not even a month ago.
No. 1032222
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No. 1032223
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No. 1032226
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No. 1032227
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Their actual physical address is:
795 E Tropicana Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89119
No. 1032233
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No. 1032558
File: 1599087353107.png (83.22 KB, 1032x1182, 1.png)

> NAA Worldwide has been in existence since 2015 and Kati Smith has only worked for our association for a short period of timeSo strange they can't get this one very important simple detail straight.
In Kati's Facebook post defending the company (scroll up), she said 2016. They site their Nevada incorporation but that was in 2018. This post says 2015. I looked in California for North America Association but didn't find anything (Someone double check because I might have missed it, be looking in the wrong place, etc)
I do not know exactly when she was hired but I think it was probably towards the end of January so she worked for you for ~7 months. 7 months is not long, why try to obfuscate how long it was with vague wording and comparing relative length to the existence of the company?
Might have something to do with this…
> According to Ms. Smith, she is claiming she has not been paid for her work at NAA Worldwide, when in fact she has made over $50,000 working as an independent contractor hosting on YouTube for NAA Worldwide50k / 7 months = ~7k/mo
> or your review we are attaching a copy of her recent pay roll for the month of August where she was paid over $20,000.According to your own attachments, it wasn't OVER 20k, it was exactly 20k.
Paying her a 20k lump sum implies there was a period of time you weren't paying her SINCE you weren't paying her 20k/mo.
> Moreover, below please find a few links which display some of the outrageous conduct by Ms. Smith which we found by doing a simple Google search. Although there were countless examples, we are just providing a few to document the true personality of Ms. Smith. spiderman-meme.png
> Please be assured that our association has never been more solid and
Archive: No. 1032567
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No. 1032570
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No. 1032619
>>1032558The amount she's been paid would make sense if she were getting a small salary to host/run the Youtube channel and had some type of commission agreement written into her contract based on channel performance metrics.
Over the last 60 days she spammed out like 157 click-bait 'Stimulus Check' videos, and over the last 75 days she has gaind 95K subscribers (up from 2K total) and has gotten 6.6 million channel views (up from 100K total). her commission is $2 per 1K channel views and 20¢ per new subscriber that would have put her salary sans commission at $2,500 per month, or $30K per year.
No. 1032819
File: 1599133998786.png (198.5 KB, 483x1984, fb.png)

Some posts from the Facebook group.
No. 1033100
File: 1599179662390.png (687.24 KB, 1692x2009, comments.png)

Some comments from the "I Quit NAA Worldwide" video
No. 1035862
"My Response to JoySparkleBS" Nick Monroe"The Feud Between ChambersOfHeart and JoySparkleBS" Nick Monroe No. 1050316
>>1050234She's being sued, is financially strained, wants her fans to help her get monetized, and she is so so
fake cries* grateful for the support from her viewers.
No. 1066988
File: 1603553250501.png (1.96 MB, 1242x2208, FCEBD030-4A26-4C89-814B-10E181…)

>>1050316Court is over but of course she can’t talk but she’s talking. Her health is bad. She has no clothes. She can’t get a haircut. She has no money. Nothing changes. Now she’s a boomer. Didn’t she hate boomers?
No. 1072477
File: 1604248544357.png (20.76 KB, 752x202, racist.png)

Still as racist as ever.
No. 1072953
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One minor reply triggers the sperg.
No. 1072954
File: 1604301409335.png (48.84 KB, 1157x715, kati 2020 pt 2.png)

No. 1076610
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No. 1103264
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Just can't help herself from letting her racist beliefs come out.
No. 1104604
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>>1103264Then there's this
No. 1112271
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She pissed someone off.
No. 1113135
>>1112442She went back to Spurpinkle Bow.
So she pulled a fast one with the MLM, used it to grab more subscribers, and then led them all back to the same channel she declared she was officially leaving from back to the exact same crap now that the heat has died down.
No. 1113156
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>>1112439Joys racist shit on Twitter
No. 1136789
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Mike and the umbilicus succubus with her poop smears.
No. 1136795
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Still Poop with Mike
No. 1139274
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She says she's between sizes
No. 1139279
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She says she's between sizes
No. 1139301
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She says she's between sizes
No. 1142239
File: 1611627681571.png (391.21 KB, 1204x958, joysparklesbs.png)

What an absolute ghoul she is. Joy and sparkle my ass.
It's funny how she's so transparently sucking up to Shane as if he'd remember she was that one chick he had a short clip of in one of his videos years ago and also trying to clickbait a very hot topic.
So funny how she thinks her videos are worth watching when they usually fall into one of these categories:
1. Basic midwest-mom-who-drinks-wine-in-the-afternoon knee jerk opinions
2. Contrarian for the sake of being contrarian
3. Obviously agenda motivated
That's it. That's her whole channel. No. 1142245
File: 1611628336727.png (34.46 KB, 1098x159, joysparklesbs.png)

Sorry for doubleposting but she still is pretty terrible at taking any criticism. It's really hard to believe that she had any measure of success in a past life with normal real world dynamics when she can't take any direction at all.
I made an over-the-top accusation with a loaded social stigma for attention and people. So OBVIOUSLY people are criticizing me because they don't care if men get hurt. This totally follows. iamverysmart. also, notlikeothergirls.
No. 1144848
>>1142860 "It won't last."
You must be new here.
No. 1149986
>>1149791Actually she says that Trisha has a jealous for women and that’s why she can’t be friends w them. Pot calling the kettle black
Much joy?
No. 1151761
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She’s really mad in her latest Trisha video. You can tell she’s gotten under Joy’s skin. She’s trying to come off like she’s calm and collected but her ugly facial expressions and insults say otherwise. In her past livestreams when she would try to show she wasn’t angry she’d make these really weird facial expressions. Like bearing her teeth, flailing her nose.. but she’d talk in such a calm way. Also why is her face so red now?
No. 1151810
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>>1151761watching her play that clip of Ethan saying, 'enjoy the shoutout, fuckers!' and then shitting herself over being called a fucker ejected me from this planet.
No. 1152402
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In her newest videos she’s acting like the ‘hate comments’ she’s getting are hilarious to her and not getting to her at all but from the old joy that we know they definitely are getting to her. I am really curious as to why roommate has stuck it out this long with her. She just exudes toxicity. It cannot be easy living with her. I remember in her old livestreams she’d talk about roommate having to wake up early for work while she sat in the living room screaming at people over her live. She has zero respect for anyone including herself.
No. 1154099
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another new trish video, and she's looking for more clips to make a billion more reaction videos.
she starts bitching about comments 'accusing her of being a transman, but that's a compliment, because transmen are beautiful' kek
No. 1154246
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>>1154099She never does her own research. She always has to have others do her leg work. Her channel will not last. It’s negative and
toxic. It’ll only last for so long. Her haters are the ones keeping it afloat and once they are done hate watching her she will have nothing. Her like to dislike ratio is insane on pretty much all her videos and she can’t be making that much money. She has like 3 asslickers that go to bat for her in her comments but that’s about it.
No. 1154636
Trisha, with all her issues, has a decent fan base, an established YouTube career, a fiance who seems to care about her, supportive in-laws, a new home that both her and her fiancé went in on, she’s said she’s getting real help for her mental illness, she’s close to her mom and sister, and she’s got a ton of money. Joy is incredibly jealous of all that. Joy has been mooching of her mysterious roommate who is too embarrassed to be on camera with her, she sits in front of a camera for a good portion of her day yelling about her illness’s and internet drama, she’s broke, you google her name and you’ll find out in minutes about her scammy ways, she has no relationships outside of her handful of commenters online, she has no relationship with her family. I’d almost pity her if she wasn’t such a terrible person. Trisha had drama with her a few years ago and Joy absolutely cannot let that go. I can guarantee you if Trisha did not have all of these positive things happening in her life Joy wouldn’t be so obsessed with every little thing she does. Happy people don’t try to tear others down. They are too busy enjoying their own life to care about what others are doing. Joy is miserable. That’s why she’s so obsessed with Shane. Because right now Shane is Trisha’s newest enemy. Joy will attack every positive in Trishas life because Joy cannot stand that someone who doesn’t like her is happy. Trisha has a successful podcast with H3 and Joy goes on to say in one of her videos that H3 is using her and exploiting her mental illness. Trisha is in what seems like a loving relationship and Joy makes a disgusting clickbate video saying Trisha took advantage of her fiance sexually. Joy will attack and turn every positive thing in Trishas life to a negative because of the beef they had a few years ago. It’s very creepy.
No. 1154828
>>1032568 There's about 4 posts left in this thread before it reaches 1200 posts and is going to auto-lock.
If anyone is interested in documenting her continuing insanity we will need a new thread. She seems like she's back to form on YouTube with her original cowishness, but pretty much everything there is to know about her has been dug up already.
No. 1939183
The Israel lobby, also known as the Zionist lobby, are individuals and groups seeking to influence the United States government to better serve Israel's interests. The largest pro-Israel lobbying group is Christians United for Israel with over seven million members.<>] The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a leading organization within the lobby, speaking on behalf of a coalition of pro-Israel American Jewish groups.
see why Israel can kill innocent children with American taxpayer at