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No. 345917
In Joy's last thread #7 we saw Joy double down on the claim that she has an agonizing MyStErY iLlNeSs. We also saw Joy's main obsession come to yet another oozing, bubbling head when Onision challenged her to a "debate."
•Continues to gleefully sperg anytime Onision gives her a sliver of attention.
•After a prolonged back and forth, Joy finally showed up on Lainey's YouNow to debate Gerg.
•Made a complete fool of herself and giggled like a toddler while stuffing her gob full of popcorn during the "debate."
•Has now made over 100 videos to or about Onision.
•Has recently received multiple Copyright claims on YouTube. Insists each one had to be manually submitted by Onision even though evidence suggests the automated Content I.D system is responsible for many of the claims.
•Received a community strike on YT for a video she mirrored addressing Onision's military service. As of now she can no longer stream on YT which has been a main source of those sweet, sweet teenage dollars for Kati.
•Claimed Onision had "doxxed" her (using a previous address she's no longer at which didn't include the apartment number) when he revealed a text message exchange between them in a video on his channel. Joy has made a huge deal about this, trying to get YouTube's attention despite the fact that she had actually "doxxed" herself in a video SHE made. Needless to say she has terrible editing skills.
•Has made mention that she is obtaining "legal counsel" to deal with the Copyright claims. Some highly questionable "attorneys" have reach out to her on Twitter making themselves look like fools in the process.
•Accused Onision of being behind a troll account that looked like it belonged to Joy. She claimed the IP belonging to the troll account was the same one Onision posts from, though there's little chance she could have obtained the IP to begin with.
•Has invented a new way of pronouncing Fibromyalgia.
•Had yet another YouNow meltdown where she insisted that each day she lives in horrendous pain that forces her to be picky about who she "gives her energy to." Even though she has a reputation for streaming energetically for upwards of 8-12 hours AND records multiple videos in a single day.
•Continues to use names such as "Fuck Knuckles" and "Butt Kerfluffles" on Twitter in a juvenile attempt at humor. She's 33.
•Is losing Patreon subscribers at a rapid rate. Her Patrons are slowly discovering that they've been paying for absolutely nothing despite being promised exclusive content and Patron-only livestreams. Joy continues to postpone these exclusive streams due to "sick stuff", but almost always pops up on the livestreams of bigger YouTubers..often on the very same day!
•Recently indicated that a bug flew into her ear while she slept, causing her to need a trip to both Urgent Care & the Emergency Room. Milked this for sympathy on Twitter because she'd never let REAL health crisis go to waste.
•Made yet another DO5 related video, this time addressing MommyOFive's latest blog. Will this become yet another DO5 video landslide for Joy's subscribers? Only (very little) time will tell.
The first seven threads:#1
>>>/snow/338199Social Media:Joy Sparkle BS YouTube bow 2nd channel Sparkle BS Official Facebook page: No. 345964
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Quite the progression, no?
>>345956>>345957>>345960Please sage your non-milk posts. There's a user guide. Read it, otherwise you're asking to be banned.
>>345963Don't post shit like this without a link. And sage.
No. 345979
>>345975believe me it's nothing to do with that dumb skank jamie
we're still working on it
we want it to be undeniably solid so we're taking our time ;)
No. 345984
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How does someone create a wall of text like this and not give themselves terminal cancer in the process?
(unfortunately this person survived to comment twice more like this, they're all on Joy's Onision and everything else stream)
Saged for non-rhetorical question.
No. 346004
>>345984Stupid mare! Yes, she doesn't have to donate anything, but when she announces that she plans to donate a certain amount to charity, which in turn could incline someone to part with money they wouldn't part with if it wasn't for the charity pledge, then they have every right to ask for proof! The second she uses charity as an excuse to boost her donations, then people are entitled to proof of said donation. Ffs! Why is this so difficult to understand?
If Joyous just stated it was for her own income, or better still said nothing at all, then people wouldn't be entitled to question her. You can't just claim you will donate money then choose not to do so without refunding all donations/pledges received. That is called fraud, she is obtaining money by deception you freak!
No. 346009
>>346007Exactly, yet back in the early days she would always show "receipts" of her donations, every time. It's becoming more and more obvious that was just part of her long con tactics. She earned trust and goodwill at the start,you have to speculate to accumulate after all, by proving those payments knowing it would act as a buffer for future accusations when she stopped donating.
These people lack all sense of logic and common sense. No wonder scamming is one of the biggest crimes in the world.
No. 346013
>>346009Yes from what I've seen the smaller donations were shown, the larger one is hidden/forgotten about.
And now there's a hashtag, I doubt YouTube will (rightfully, and hopefully not) take seriously. It's been a long time coming.
Joy is making her target of obsession look more right/correct/honest and victimised.
What those involved with Joy (fellow youtubers) fail to realise is that they have been orchestrated into following her obsession, and making unfounded allegations.
A stream by one of them yesterday was quite frankly shocking, reading out a personal message of someone who used to be close to Onision does not help their case.
No. 346017
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No. 346021
>>346017Thank goodness there are people outside of here that see her for exactly what she is! (Unless that is an Anon?)
>>346020I'm off to google Jim Bakker. Lol.
No. 346022
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I call this exhibit, "Irony"
No. 346023
>>346017That is the whole disaster explained in simple terms.
I took notice of how her illness developed and changed over time, no one seriously ill could partake in 6 plus hour streams, even an hour would be too much.
And as for these illnesses most can be explained.
-Brain fog: We all experience this at times, as our brains are like computers, there are times when our reactions or thoughts are delayed and so we "forget" temporarily. Most doctors, at least here, do not worry about temporary forgetfulness.
-Anxiety: Joy displays this in droves, and that's fine. Most people suffer from anxiety, our surroundings and other people can, and do, impact our confidence. This also explains her feeling ill. Anxiety leads to an adrenaline rush (due to the flight or fight response) which then depletes sugar levels, which in turn leaves the person feeling depressed and even ill. People who suffer from anxiety often have upset stomachs. (Eating high fat and sugar foods is a sign, our body tells us we need this due what I've explained above)
-Pain: We are all capable of exaggerating pain, or convincing ourselves we're in pain when we are not. We can experience real pain of course, usually there are clear explanations though. However if the pain is nearly constant and that severe as Joy insists, she would not be able to make as many videos or streams. She would be too tired, and need rest.
-IUD: These can cause issues, however we do have copper naturally in our blood, as well as other metals. Most IUD problems do appear to stop quickly once the device is removed. I do agree that these devices do cause problems, however that is mostly only when the device is still there.
-Fibromyalgia: I will do some extensive research into this, however there have been contradictions by Joy over both the pronunciation and symptoms of this illness.
That's just a few of the ones that stuck out clearly to me.
No. 346027
>>345917Thank you anon for making the new thread when I couldn't, you did a good job. Thanks.
>>346004Exactly, normally she's not obligated to do anything but keep the money for herself BUT the second she says it's a charity stream and promises to donate the money somewhere it's fraud to keep that money for herself. If the anon who claimed that YT payments go out on the 3rd is correct Joy got paid yesterday so she
should have the money to donate now. Providing receipts is necessary because donators deserve to see their money goes where they intended, they shouldn't have to
just trust her that she did it. The internet is rampant with con artists, the best way to prove she isn't one is to show receipts for any and all promised donations…that way no one would be able to question her integrity. But does she do this? Not really. While she will occasionally post a receipt, there have been plenty she hasn't. For this latest donation promise she continues to remain cagey about it and has all sorts of ready excuses for why no receipt yet. And she wonders why so many people say she's a scam artist.
Is it me or does it seem like she has twisted Bearing's advice into something she is using to justify these actions to herself? Of course, I can't claim to know for sure what she is thinking, we all know how warped her logic can be.
No. 346029
>>346023Her illnesses and ailments have been extensively covered and documented. I'm "Illness Anon" I've been documenting and breaking down every symptom she has ever written about and I'm currently collating footage of more of her complaints.
The IUD claim has been scientifically debunked, I posted multiple sources showing this. I do agree that they can cause some health problems, however copper toxicity is not one of them, it's scientifically impossible. And copper does not rust, which is what Joyous claimed happened.
Her fibro claims have been shot full of holes too, such as her referring to it as autoimmune, it isn't but it is a widely believed misconception due to it's early connection with arthritis. This was debunked years ago and anyone who had truly been diagnosed is aware of this. So when someone refers to it as autoimmune, it's a red flag for malingering.
The threads from 1-7 to contain a huge amount of information and thread seven has the most up to date list and have been debunked or shot with holes as much as we possibly can without her medical notes.
I will check back through the previous thread and link you to relevant posts, you might have something new to bring to it all.
No. 346033
>>346027To my knowledge, adsense (Youtube money) is paid out on the 20th or 21st of each month, and Patreon is paid out sometime between the 4th and 10th of each month. Allowing for bank transfer times and all. The money from Youtube chat donations should come at the same time as the adsense, but I've heard it's only paid quarterly or something? This might be why she's delaying that one but I don't know for sure. Dunno about the younow either.
I know that now that I've informed anons, she can use this information as an excuse – in b4 her next video explaining the time frames I've just provided as to why she can't pay the "charity" yet – but I'd prefer we have the correct information here and are not wildly accusing, as it makes us look bad.
No. 346036
>>342113 - IUD copper toxicity debunked
>>341193 Her IUD claim part one and two.
>>341191>>339098 Fibro expert explaining why FMS is not autoimmune and gas never been described autoimmune in an official capacity.
>>344191 - The list of symptoms, if you read down all the posts from this point there is a lot covered between the Anons. From her nonexistent physical illnesses to her obvious personality disorders.
No. 346038
>>346029I think I do, here there is a different definition to what she suggests she has. And one of the main treatments? Excersie, lots and lots of excersie, and healthy eating. It is also suggested that as many as 1 in 20 have it with 75% going undiagnosed.
Here she wouldn't be able to claim she has the condition while constantly sitting down. The illness itself is still debated.
No. 346044
>>346031I understand that things can be pronounced differently, but we normally correct ourselves, and don't constantly switch between the two.
Plus most people don't feel the need to keep giving symptoms, we often forget. The constant reminders appear to be litterally taken from websites online. This isn't how people talk either, except doctors or nurses.
No. 346053
>>346036I will take a look.
Here's what I've found over here:
- Affects 1 in 20
- 75% go undiagnosed
- It is seen as a physiological ilnness
- Symptoms can include depression and anxiety
- There are connections with type 1 diabetes
- It is often confused as an autoimmune ilness
- Things like counselling, CBT, and other therapies are recommended
- Sometimes low strength painkillers can help, but not always
- Antidepressants can help
- It can cause IBS, healthy eating helps
- Lack of energy
- Lack of sleep
- Many people here have back to work advisors, here it does not stop you from working
No. 346062
>>346053To add: The pain is different for each person, however it isn't something the person can sit through. Unless they're managing it with a mixture of medication, healthy lifestyle and counselling, CBT.
- It is not an autoimmune problem, for the reason others have explained.
- It is not known to affect a person's life span. Or make them seriously ill, it's just more a nuisance due to symptoms.
- Stress can cause it also.
- No where is it suggested people feel suicidal. Depressed a little yes, even stressed but not suicidal as Joy mentioned.
No. 346063
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> Not one time have i ever heard anyone else pronounce it fybro-my-al-zeeyahh.It might be an uneducated/Midwestern thing. I have FMS and heard it pronounced that way frequently, mainly by older, county folk from that area. Her choice to mimic that pronunciation definitely shows her hand, though.
>I'm off to google Jim Bakker. Lol.Lordy, Lordy. You don't know who Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker are?(gif is SNL spoof) The poster-children for scamvangelists…. except they got caught. No. 346077
>>346044Right, it's like she has studied her made up illnesses and she tries to think back to what she read, especially when she mentions the brain fog. She's using her mental flash cards, trying to convince us that she's sick with those reminders.
Shes about as convincing as the countless drug seeking patients that attempt to manipulate us into giving them narcotics. I'm by no means suggesting any drug use by her, but the same actions, with lying and manipulation, absolutely. There's no doubt that she's a big ol faker and her "symptoms" are secondary to a case of chronic bullshitmyalgia
No. 346081
>>346063O/T Lol! I had no idea, I'm a Brit, the TV evangelist scam isn't really a big thing over here. The only thing I know about that stuff is things I've seen on TV and films. Did he fake heal planted audience members by driving the devil from their bodies? That's about my knowledge limit.
>>346053Joyous said she tried CBD oil but she didn't like how high it made her. When it was quickly pointed out that you can't get high from CBD oil as it contains no THC, she tried to backtrack. Yes, that's how dumb this cow is.
No. 346085
>>346077The IUD was debunked and now Fibromyalgia is.
I can't help but wonder what's next? And will she ever address the "I don't want to die" (From nothing) video?
No. 346087
File: 1499177801846.jpg (36.57 KB, 565x325, a2ixVs9.jpg) someone get in there and explain that she has made however N$ videos about him in TIMESPAN$ and she is literally harassing him?
No. 346088
>>346077She trips herself up with her studies though. To me her claims of fatigue are proof that she is just parroting a symptom she read. People who don't have fatigue confuse it with tired or worn out but fatigue is a whole different beast, something she would know if she actually studied it.
You're lying in bed, I put a thousand pounds/dollars at the end of your bed and tell you if you can get it, you can keep it.
Tired/exhausted = summons the energy to sit up and reach for the money.
Chronically fatigued = can barely move, body feels so heavy like an elephant is sitting on our bodies. It doesn't matter how much we try, we can't move to get it.
That is what fatigue means in these medical terms.
It most certainly isn't livestreaming for a full working day. Filming videos to release in between live streams and in between those going off on social media rants. It's not physically possible if you have the medically used fatigue.
No. 346091
>>346087I've said it before, that can be classed as harassment and stalking.
If anyone attempted that here, I'm pretty sure they would have a loud series of knocks at their door.
She has questioned his sanity, points, personal life and now veteran status. And she still thinks she's in her right to do so? Oh dear.
No. 346099
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Are they really so stupid to think that he would copyright stuff under his YouTube name. I foresee her trying to use this a reason why the copyright claims are false.
No. 346111
>>346098Fair point, it is looking unlikely though at this stage.
As for her showing her medication during a livestream that meant nothing. There were no labels to see and most people can claim to be "ill" and get medication for it.
No. 346115
>>346099Surely that would go against her "He's doxxing, stalking me"? If it's all fake or accidental that would show her up even more.
The little time it took for her last video to be claimed does back the idea and suggestions it's through an automated system.
The amount of videos she's making each month could be tripping an automated system to automatically send out claims.
Only YouTube Knows for certain though, and I hope they stand by the strike, it's valid after all.
No. 346132
>>346122From what I found superchat is paid out at the same time as adsense, she had the final amount for June posted to her account on the 3rd but won't get the payment until July 21st., while she was talking to Jeff prior to the debate she told Jeff to tell Onision she would donate $200 of her own money to the charity on the spot in order to get him to believe she wasn't going to keep the money for herself….this never happened though bc Jeff gave up trying to moderate and Joy just ended up going to Lainey's Younow.
Joy also claimed she was going to make the donation live on her stream a few days ago but then backed out after saying she "forgot" Jeff's charity of choice….like she couldn't just tweet at him to ask. Either she already had enough money to cover it at the time or she never intended to donate the money in the first place and has been lying about it the entire time…we'll just have to see if she ever goes thru with the donation.
No. 346142
> I'm a Brit, the TV evangelist scam isn't really a big thing over here. The only thing I know about that stuff is things I've seen on TV and films. Did he fake heal planted audience members by driving the devil from their bodies?
I was using it as an example of someone using "charity funds" for personal use, and it having legal ramifications. Televangelists are notorious in general, but Jim Bakker is a convicted felon for his "charitable spirit", and is back to running a new scam.
>This is why so many question it. She could have said "It will have to wait until this" and "I'm donating to this charity" But to barely bring it up unless asked, and not clarify? That's questionable.
Unfortunately practically anyone can set up fundraiser/money accounts now, laws are still catching up, so we have to rely on the fundraising company rules, which isn't much. The obvious lies in Roses story, her fund has stalled but still up. We can only guess how much money Joy has "donated" and all she gets is no livestreaming. I would think you'd want to cover your ass as much as possible to prevent any bigger problems.
In terms of the law now, I'm sure dollar amounts etc factor in. Probably jurisdiction. A fellow annon commented earlier, Joys con's are getting bigger and she's showing less proof. If she isn't shut down before then, conceivably hypothetically, allegedly, someone may be able to Jim Bakker her. And not in the dirty way.
>I've also heard her pronounce it as Fibromyalja. So which is it I wonder?
I've actually never had anyone in the community police me on the pronunciation so I'm not sure it matters in the long run. I only say that because there's so many other things we can nail her on, especially with her fibro lies. I'd hate to see her slip past like Onision has, because everyones focused on something that's inconsequential or been disproved.
No. 346147
>>346134Everyone except her thick as pig's shit cultists.
Their rep is beginning to proceed them with a wider audience too. I saw a comment earlier from a woman saying she was checking her out because she has kids and she has heard the cult of joyous attack anyone who says anything bad about her. So we have mother's checking through her comment section to see if rumours they are hearing are true and then warning their kids to steer clear. That's some good internet parenting but it just shows how bad the cults reputation is getting. Yet they think people questioning her are the aggressors! Well it's your cult that has to be suitability checked by worried parents and it's the cult they name checked, nobody else.
No. 346148
>>346142It may already be too late, apart from a minority, no one else is speaking up about these issues.
She seems to have a lot of support on YouTube and Twitter, with none of them pointing out the issues and lies. All the other youtubers are all going along with it for the subs, views and money.
No. 346164
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This joytard is a special kind of retarded.
No. 346167
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Apparently lolcow doxxed Joy and Onision.
Lol this stupid twat doesn't understand what doxxing is and that all Joy's and Onision info was already public information.
No. 346191
>>346167Here is a very interesting, informative article about what doxxing really is. She makes a brilliant point about how abusers like to claim they have been doxxed for sympathy… read it incredibly stupid Joytard, learn the true meaning before you cause further embarrassment to yourself and stop supporting a manipulator.
No. 346192
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>>346191Is not just the one joytard it all of them that don't understand what it is. Here's a screenshot with tweets from piece of shit Dan who also doesn't understand what it is.
I am now fully convinced the only people joy attracts to her fan base is the mentally retarded and uneducated children.
No. 346199
>>346192They are, there is no point in arguing with them. You can't argue with stupid, they'll drag you down to their level & beat you with experience.
They are a lost cause, it's the newbies who still have hope. I post and run for that reason, that way newer people who maybe haven't heard all about her can see there are doubts and hopefully go digging and I don't end up with a nosebleed from the stress of dealing with the full blown Joytards.
No. 346207
>>346199Exactly. I gave up on them about an hour ago. You're right they're just trying to get a rise out of anyone that goes against their precious leader.
Saged for OT
No. 346226
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>>346210if she is that bent out of shape then why didn't she screen capture it ?
There's comments on one of her videos that says it was her that posted it in her video first, and then posted to the last thread. So if that is what she means by doxxed, then she doesn't actually care because it's still up on her video.
You can see by the view count that it was just taken, if this it what she is referring to
No. 346232
>>346229Why would she address the genuine questions. It would disprove most of her lies if she did and expose her as the pathological liar and fraud that she is.
Or even address the people that have offered to pay for her health insurance in the livestreams.
No. 346240
>>346229She is such a liar about everything. She was streaming on YouTube before she got busy on YouNow and she would always say that she could not see the other chat. That's where I called her out about healing her inoperable neck tumor and her face dropped when she saw it. Then all the sudden she says something like 'oh ya know I'm gonna look and see if I can see the other chat…oh I didn't know but looks like I can so let me just take a look here…" Then got all pissed off and called me out first, before any of the other comments. She gave me literally a second to reply and I was still typing (ya know since it's quicker for her to verbalize than it is for me to type) before saying that I didn't have the balls to say it to her and I disappeared because that's what everyone does is say something and run away. So I was like umm no, I am here. So she always lied and said don't forget guys, I can't read your comment over there when I am streaming.
She ended up giving a vague answer about her being able to heal it and said it doesn't matter. I replied that it does matter because it definitely affects her credibility and again asked how she healed it. Then she said she didn't have to answer that because it was before she became joy sparkle bs and wouldn't respond any further.
So while i understand that the chat is busy, she definitely cherry picks what she responds to and just pretends like she doesn't see anything else. And like we don't know she has a million tabs open on every device in the house so she can be big brother of the internetz in addition to her rabid guard dogs patrolling.
No. 346242
>>346240You have summed it up perfectly. I've seen the look on her face when she's called out.
The chat is becoming pretty unbearable as only positive comments remain, any asking questions are quickly deleted.
No. 346243
>>346241I have noticed that, and it makes it impossible to ask any questions.
The mods themselves are not always polite or as professional as some might expect either, which can make asking questions difficult as the response is a delete with a comment that "They're trolling".
No. 346246
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Her Patreon numbers have increased again.
I wonder how many are fans and how many are Anons signing up especially to report her to Patreon for wasting our money by not delivering on her rewards…
No. 346254
>>346247It is obvious. I agree.
There's normally videos up by now, I guess Onision will be temporarily relieved.
No. 346255
>>346252I've noticed that, the "brainfog" reappears when a not so positive comment or question is made.
Then the mods arrive.
No. 346261
>>346255Because it flusters the shit out of her and she loses her train of thought. She would be a piss poor poker player with all her tells.
Saged for speculation
I wonder if the mods she has are in on her fraud and lies that she has going. Part of me wants to believe no one is that blind to what's going on to keep following it.
No. 346273
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When Joy has pity party YouNow streams where she complains of pain (which sometimes makes her "suicidal") and that pain medications such as Lyrica don't work for her, I often see people in the chat suggesting she obtain CBD Oil. This has also been suggested to her by others during YouTube streams.
She often says she has tried it and actually has it. I remembered her showing this on YouNow so I went back and found it was captured in a moment.
This bottle is what she is referring to when she says "I have CBD Oil."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the type of CBD Oil intended for agonizing pain generally NOT available as a legal supplement? The manufacturer of this Hemp Oil supplement is Green Garden Gold.
I'm getting tired of her brushing it off as yet another thing that doesn't work for her when in reality she's never had quality CBD oil.
Anons who have experience and knowledge about this: please chime in. We've never really addressed this on the threads. From what I've read, Hemp Oil does have CBD in it but chronic pain patients and those with Fibromyalgia need cannabinoids from CBD OIL. No. 346274
>>346262It's been reported a lot but nothing has ever been done. The theory is it is because the people reporting it haven't lost anything because they haven't paid for a service. So the plan is for a couple if Anons who are willing to part with a couple dollars, become a patron of hers, just so we can report her and as paying patrons it should be taken more seriously.
The added bonus is she doesn't know who her new patrons are, imagine the paranoia of not knowing if they are fans, or us waiting to sting her patron.
No. 346277
>>346273I have MS and true CBD oil is what is needed not bloody useless hemp.
So she's saying it doesn't work for her now (I thought it miraculously made her high lol) yet I'm pretty sure I have a screenshot of her calling meditation and CBD oil a god send for her…
No. 346280
>>346273Fun fact: Lyrica is also an anti-anxiety medication.
Also no, the good strength stuff is not available "over the counter".
Even I have hemp oil and it only contains 10mg of CBD per capsule. It's nothing more than an overpriced relaxant (30 dollars for 30 caps on average by the way on the cheaper end).
Hemp oil does not make you high as it does not contain THC.
And it is not strong enough to treat chronic illnesses. You would need to be prescribed pure CBD oil, not a compound of CBD and hemp oil.
No. 346281
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It pisses me off that she is deemed a fellow warrior! No she fucking isn't!
Anyway, here it is, it is the only thing that works according to Joyous, despite her previous claim that it made her feel high so she doesn't like it.
No. 346290
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What's the point of posting this in the comments?
No. 346331
>>346273I pointed out she probably doesnt have CBD oil at all and even referenced this same YouNow clip of her showing hemp oil in thread #6
>>>/snow/330034>>346315…you didn't hear when she claimed she could get a lawyer to do it pro bono?
No. 346333
>>346148> All the other youtubers are all going along with it for the subs, views and money.Not true. A lot of Youtubers steer clear of her altogether because of her obvious toxicity/they don't want to get sucked in to the drama. Issue being that the cult is so aggressive, so it's likely that other Youtubers, even ones with bigger but less fanatical fanbases don't want the wave of hate that will come from Joysus's cult if they speak up publicly. She has a very bad name in the community and plenty of large channels lurk here. The few that defend her are small beans much outweighed by the ones that quietly don't like her.
The anon talking about a collab doesn't surprise me. Unfortunately, as with anything, we are surrounded by idiots. The little channels trying to call her out and be first to expose her are the ones wrecking her exposure, there are so many incompetent channels trying it that the viewers are getting sick of her being exposed in uncredible ways and may tire to the idea, Boy Who Cried Wolf style. People like Jamie Leigh work in Joy's favor, so if you're reading this, either do it properly or don't do it at all. Imbeciles.
No. 346342
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Onision posted a video about someone trying to catfish him and lainey again.
JustMe sounds familiar but I can't place it. I thought it was an anti-onision person who predated joy but I could be (and probably am) totally wrong about that. I'm posting this so someone will correct me. :)
Relevant because Joy is mentioned and Onion thinks Joy is involved.
I'd link the video but it's not allowed in the Onision thread so…
No. 346374
>>346370>>346372I sense a "I'm feeling sick gois, gotta go" coming soon because she's bored and doesn't give a shit about their pokeman or spiderman stuff. She's already DMing to others on her computer and totally checked out.
Poor, poor cunt… tried to pull a bait and switch and got called out on it… was totally cringe to watch Benji trying to recover his stream because of how many people were bailing out on it.
No. 346378
>>346370I feel bad for Benji. I feel like he's always there to cover Joys tracks when needed (it's also sad because I think they've only known eachother for a couple weeks?)
I just feel as if he is easily manipulated. He doesn't seem like a bad guy. He actually seems nice.
No. 346391
>>346372She's gone on a "break" now.
I'm sorry but what she did was extremely unprofessional and rude. Viewers were just polity pointing out that she was lying and manipulating the viewers into handing over a lot of money for nothing.
She then lied and said someone had sworn at her in the chat, only once it was pointed out that no one has sworn she clarified.
Benji has been forced to defend Joy and even ask "trolls" to only go after him.
This is beyond silly. She's overreacting.
No. 346403
>>346391This is why nobody respectable will touch this woman with a 50 foot barge pole. See how degenerate her "friends" are? Respect to mikenactor and benji for being white knight fuckboys, but it's actually pathetic how much they have to run to defend her. Normally where there's smoke there's fire, Have they yet realised that they don't have to __constantly__ bat off accusations and hate from their other friends? No?
Maybe there's some reason or merit to all the hate Joy gets that nobody else gets? No?
No. 346416
>>346403I agree, there are plenty of youtubers who don't have this level of (rightfully so) criticism.
Its turned into either a "Where's Joy?" or "Is Joy Okay?" stream.
She did this to herself, everyone was polite, even when pointing out what she was trying to do.
If they stick around, it's up to them. But the stream at the beginning was gross, lacked class, and completely immature and inappropriate to say the least.
No. 346421
>>346416She does all that shit to get attention back on her.
When they stopped talking about her vagina and moved on, she had to have that little fit about how the chat reacted. Which, by the way, she completely misrepresented. They were valid criticisms at her trying to get donations to say something then moving the goalposts once that goal was reached. And ULTIMATELY, never delivering.
She goes quiet but she's still on camera.
Then she turns off/on her camera over and over so people in the chat react.
This is a 30 something year old woman attention whoring like a teenage girl.
No. 346427
>>346421I've noticed the turning camera on and off again.
She shouldn't have offered to "share a secret for money" that is extremely childish, plenty in the chat told her not to. Especially as it was a gross, mature subject.
No. 346440
>>346430She's left without saying a word.
I swear there was a mention that it was "Joy's" stream, but I could have heard wrong.
No. 346452
>>346445There will likely be damage control, there was in the stream. Anyone mentioning "unacceptable" things were deleted and most blocked.
Free speech, my bottom. Hardly anyone was rude, this is to stop differing opinions, and people hearing different sides.
No. 346459
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Actually it showed what a greedy, money grubber you are. XD
No. 346460
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No. 346500
>>346464"If you send a DMCA takedown notice that is both false and meant in bad faith (such as to harass, or doesn’t state a real claim), you have committed perjury. Though unlikely, if the party you sent the takedown notice to decided to pursue this in court, you could face all of the consequences that your state imposes on people who lie in court."
Source: He made a copyright infringement claim on the temporary tattoos? Wtf is right. Be funny if he did it in joys name for her lul
No. 346501
>>346500He did do it in Joy's name and I know it's reaching but his tweet where he says he filled a false claim against Onision Joy is the only one that liked that tweet.
So I take that a her being completely okay with it.
No. 346502
>>346460WTF?! Ok, so this person submitted a false copyright claim…but it doesn't make any sense. The image they tweeted Joy is a copy YouTube sends to your email after you submit a copyright notice, like a receipt. The top sentence that is cut off says "Here is the information you filled in"…..
So he submitted a fake copyright notice against Onision's video….using Onision's NAME, email, address as the secondary contact, etc….making it look like Onision was submitting a notice against himself? WTF does that accomplish?
No. 346503
>>346501>>>He did do it in Joy's name and I know it's reaching but his tweet where he says he filled a false claim against Onision Joy is the only one that liked that tweet. So I take that a her being completely okay with it.
I don't think Joy even understand what she was "liking" because he didn't submit it in her name. He submitted it under the name "Gregory Daniel Jackson" (where it says "Your Name"). This person either has no idea what he is doing or is trying to be funny by submitting a claim against Onision
from Onision.
No. 346505
>>346503Sorry it's been a long day, I get what you are saying now. I thought you meant he did it in the name of Joy to defend her honor. LOL
Saged for OT
No. 346508
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Zoom in a little bit and look at the look on Joy's face. This screenshot was taken about 2:45-3:00 hours into the stream. This is the face she makes when she's not the center of attention.
No. 346525
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Joysus' tweet that she was about to reveal dark secret on livestream… only, when her charging people for hints in the form of "key words" because it pissed everyone off she suddenly was too embarrassed to say what it was.
No. 346526
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I call this one 'Beauty and the Yeast.'
No. 346537
>>346534I like to think he sees through it, first he tried to get her to twerk, then critiqued her and sided with the chat when she tried to hold off on "her secret" for more money.
The "gang" only cared about the viewers when they started to leave, suggesting to change topics and that it had gone a bit too far. Once however the number of viewers climbed again, they switched and took "Joysus" side, saying how they don't support, or give a platform to "mean" comments, basically those who politely told the truth or asked questions that could expose Joy.
No. 346547
>>346537Those two things aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. I mean, it doesn't necessarily indicate a "switch in sides" You can believe 1. that it went too far and 2. not giving a platform to "mean comments" without it being contradictory since they are two separate issues.
They may not have been paying close attention to the chat AT THAT TIME (because they were discussing something else by then) to know that Joy was, as she usually does, exaggerating (like when she says "Oh, I'm the worst person in the world, apparently"and such as she commonly does.) and just believed Joy's telling of events.
But maybe it's my bias because, to me, it looked like he WAS annoyed but played it off like he wasn't.
No. 346551
>>346547While it could be my bias too, I agree. He seemed annoyed and was just playing it off like he wasn't for the sake of Joy. Benji seems like a nice guy who wants to get along with everyone generally. But he was definitely annoyed.
There's a particular part of the stream where Joy texts Cy the "vagina secret" after Benji had been trying to move the conversation along forever. Benji is clearly irritated, you can just tell by how he's sighing and his body language. He even chews his lip in annoyance at says "aw come on." Happens at about 1:52:00.
No. 346552
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Always a victim. No where in that tweet does that girl call her a piece of shit.
Kati Marie Smith, yes, you are a piece of shit human.
No. 346554
>>346552Jesus CHRIST. She literally does exaggerate everything EVER.
Guess what, Kati? People CAN disagree with you without you being a "piece of shit." In fact most people who disagree with you don't think you are.
Reality. Learn it.
No. 346556
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Comments on the stream.
My favorite comment is Gines' comment. :D
No. 346561
>>346557Yep. She's summing it up as "I said I'd tell a personal secret for $20. Someone donated $20. I got embarrassed…now I'm a bad person."
Leaving out that people donated MUCH MORE than that and she manipulated & drug it on for an hour or more.
No. 346562
>>346452 These people frustrate me too. How can they be so savvy about Onion, yet so completely blind to Joy's worse behaviour?! It's crazy to me. And do they honestly believe that she does nothing to result in being called out. I've said it before, I've never bothered about any YTer in my life until all of this. I also initially had a problem with based and chambers for legitimate reasons and the second they stopped doing what concerned me, I stopped questioning them. And I would do the same with Joyous if she would only put a stop to her most damaging behaviours, drop the charity shield and admit money is just for herself. Stop dishing out debunked and incorrect medical info on YT and stop acting like fucking King Jong Un of North Korea where you so closely fucking control the narrative that now even YT comments are moderated. That is legitimate dictator, despot levels of crowd manipulation and PROPAGANDA. She knew people were successfully getting through to her less ardant fans, do she's now 100% in control of what her followers can see about her. Her YT channel is a little slice of Nazi occupied Germany folks.
I legit can't remember how my rant began… Brain fog! Lol.
Oh ffs! Who would pay money to hear anything about her mashed potato crotch of deadly fungus?! And looking at the screenshots she's still spinning people who are apologising for daring to call her out when she deserved it.
No. 346563
>>346561Exactly over 20 Dollars was donated long before that.
She did not get embarrassed, unless she means due to the fact that she was called out.
And I thought she didn't like Younow? Sure she can't make livestreams on YouTube at the moment, but she's used Younow before the strike, after having said this.
No. 346566
>>346563Now she's comparing the whole experience to when you go to sleep with someone for the first time but you change your mind.
Prefacing it with "I hate pulling this card but.."
No. 346567
>>346562Well said.
She shouldn't be shaming the viewers, personally if I was them I wouldn't apologise, they litterally did nothing wrong, other than speaking the truth of course.
She's now worse than Onision, at least he's pretty upfront that he wants/needs the money. Joy on the other hand makes excuse after excuse about why she needs the money. Just be honest Joy, you want a YouTube career on par with Keemstar etc.
The difference? They don't try to scam people, and they put in more work to their content.
No. 346570
>>346566Those excuses are petty.
The only nerve that's been hit is by herself, she's realised she's messed up big time.
No. 346571
Basically she is going over the charity situation again and storming up massive pity. According to Joy "she keeps things quiet." Your internet history judges otherwise.
She keeps on emphasising that people do not have to donate more so. Keeps talking about vadge.
"wants to help benji's channel grow."
Keeps mentioning how good she is. She is apparently taking a break meaning her channels are sinking in viewers and she has no topics. Allegedly so many things were happening when the stream was going on, was going to bitch about Benji but backed out
>>346562Her comments are full of people realising now and she is in full damage control like you said and she is fucking now she is alienating herself.
No. 346577
She's rewriting it.
She says she'd give hints for $5. She didn't say $5, she said $20. And people were donating during the HOUR LONG baiting about her super secret vagina secret!
She said she'd refund, collab, or shoutout to make it right, she only offered refund.
Keeps acting like people are mad because she didn't tell the super secret vagina secret (lol!) when it was because you were ASKING FOR MONEY, bait and switching and moving the goalposts. It's fucking documented on video, stupid, how you said you'd say something when the goal was reached then asking for MORE when the aforementioned goal was reached.
Talking about she's going to donate from the onision stream.
Acknowledging someone who may or may not be Gines. lol.
When she tells people she doesn't want to talk to them and you continue to try to, you're creepy. Says it's ok for her because he's a public figure and she doesn't try to contact him privately. Acts like she doesn't @ him on the Tweeters. lol.
Meanwhile, she's collecting $$$ from this stream…
God, she is such a shameless liar.
No. 346578
>>346576I could be wrong but I know she really dislikes Jarrod W. Her face clearly fell when she saw what he wrote about her not being able to handle criticisms.
I recorded the stream so I'll be posting it ASAP.
No. 346581
>>346577We were there. We know she's lying. Joy said 20 Dollars for the secret. Despite donations before that.
Even others in the stream called her out over her back peddling.
No. 346582
>>346578I know many say thank you. This is the only way people will believe the truth. With real undeniable proof.
I am disgusted like many here, I feel for those who donated.
No. 346600

This morning's YouNow stream. Uploaded it to YT, but it will be uploaded on Vidme as well.
Lots of bullshit. In the very beginning she claims she's "still dealing with autoimmune stuff."
Victimizes herself big time. Leaves out that MORE than $20 was donated. First it was for "keywords" but then Joy HERSELF changed it from keywords, to the super speshul secret itself.
Acts like the chat basically tried to violated her. Even though that's not why anyone was upset. She dragged it on forever an hour making all sorts of promises. Even Cameron had pointed out that it was lame that she was texting Cy "the secret" while the rest of the chat had already been hyped up and was waiting. People ended up being mostly disinterested and just pissed at the manipulation.
This whole stream is Joy putting the famous
Kati Smith Spin on the bullshit she pulled.
To make it clear, Joy: nobody tried to e-rape you. People were just tired of the manipulation and back & forth that went on for over an hour. Not "20 minutes" as you claim in this stream. I'm recording that part of the stream because it's possible Benji will fall for her victimizing bullshit & take it down.
>>346582Glad to. Her YouNow streams opened my eyes to who Kati really is. I wish I had started capturing them sooner because I noticed some pretty epic lies that I would love to have documented.
>>346599Exactly. Document, document, document! Her own actions are what fucks her up. Not anything we do.
No. 346601
>>346567Thank you Anon. Exactly, I think she has always been worse than Onion when it comes to money. I admit I don't know a lot of his history but from what I've seen and heard he has never lied about needing money for his own needs. And that is fair enough, the people giving it to him know what they are paying for and it's their money, their choice.
From day one she planted the money seed, didn't Phil have proof in his three hour live stream that her intent was always to make money from YT? I cant remember properly, I'll have to watch through it again to clarify. She's so calculating.
No. 346603
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No. 346605
>>346601Yes, in a three hour stream her now ex friend showed messages where she talked about building up a fanbase first, then focusing on the money. Something she ended up doing far sooner.
I am annoyed to say the least that she is blaming viewers, how childish and bully like.
She's doing everything she claims to hate, including getting thousands of people to harass none other than YouTube itself on Twitter. All to try and evade a well earned strike against her poisonous channel.
No. 346607
>>346522This was my first thought as well. It's pretty much common sense to not use headphones when you have an ear infection. Especially her of all people, being that she is a hypochondriac and has almost died so many times. Also, her body is still in such bad shape from her copper detox and well, she's just a poor little delicate flower.
For her, Web MD is lyfe and she has likely collected her symptom flash cards and she would have seen how important it is to keep her ear clean and dry, even if the Dr had forgotten to tell her.
Most people would like to heal an ear infection, but she isn't most people. She needs that attention and sympathy at all times. Wearing those headphones can prevent healing, or even worse if she is wearing them after antibiotic drops, cause a yeast infection in her ear, that will have her crying her ear is trying to kill her.
No. 346609
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>>346575>>346576>>346578>>346600Just came across this. This may be who she's referring to when she went on that rant about people contacting her on other platforms after she's blocked them on another. Time frame seems to match up.
No. 346612
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>>346609And he tweeted this earlier.
No. 346613
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>>346609HA. Moralvirus. He was a Tumblr anti-Onision blogger (He's still a blogger but not so much about Onision anymore). A lil smarter than the rest and more likely to write walls of text. In other words, this should get good.
His Tumblr (NSFW, pr0n) No. 346615
>>346613Oh fuck yes.
I wonder if he's "american nightmare" who visits & asks questions in her livestreams. They use the same avatar.
No. 346619
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How bad is it when even the long term, hard core, anti-onision pearl clutchers think Joy is going too far?
But, they are right. I hadn't ever watched any of his videos before and now I'm subscribed to at least two of his channels, maybe more? and I don't see what all the fuss is about. Sorry, I know a lot on here are dedicated Onision haters, but I just don't get it. At least Onision makes original content compared to all of Kati's stuff that's either reaction videos or her reading new articles while showing stolen video.
No. 346625
I don't completely get it either, I don't agree with most of the things he says but I don't think it warrants the hatred he gets.
It would seem that everything he does gets blown out of proportion, for example the Billie situation. She knew what she was getting into with that relationship and while his demands for her return, such as shaving her head, getting tattooed, being chained in a basement, etc. It never actually happened, she said no and that was it but it was blown into this huge ordeal, people behaved as if he actually had done all of those things.
Joyous especially turns every tiny thing he does or says into a huge thing too. Yet her identical behaviour gets a pass and her worse behaviours which should be a big issue, such as fraud, obtaining money by deception, moderating her comments despite claiming she is for free speech, get excused and down played.
She is the most manipulative person I have ever witnessed and I used to work in a criminal legal setting, then family law. I've dealt with some of the worst people in society, yet she ranks up there in my list. And I think it's because of the support she gets too, I'm used to the people involved in the situation being able to see it for what it is but that's not the case here. It's the only time (outside of government and religion) that I have witnessed crowd manipulation at this level.
No. 346626
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Joy wants everyone to know that she has an ear infection. (But it's viral!)
From the Mayo Clinic website, these are the symptoms of an ear infection. Remember, she went to the ER for this….
No. 346627
>>346626Seriously… the best part is that a common cause is drinking from a bottle while laying down… makes me imagine that roommate actually does have to change her Depend diapers and giver her a ba-ba to get her to go to sleep. :D
Also, these are the drugs given by the urgent care that she cited in her stream afterwards:
- No. 346630
>>346626I've had some pretty horrible viral ear infections. No way would I have been able to happily laugh & joke around for hours like she did on Benji's stream. Especially on top of having Fibromyalgia/chronic pain!
No way. Not even with medication.
She might have an ear infection but I seriously doubt it's nearly as bad as she claims. The idea of wearing headphones while experiencing a viral ear infection, even with treatment, makes me shudder.
No. 346659
>>346607Samefagging for error related to antibiotic ear drops that wouldn't be indicated for her viral infection
>>346625I'm in total agreement and can easily see her being the worst. I don't necessarily care for onision but it's mind boggling that her fans see her as being a victim of his hate and harrassement when she has been coming at him so hard for months.
Joy using his relationship with Billie for her own gain is lame and her having a video title "onision chains Billie up and puts ayalla in danger" is really messed up. If he put up a video titled "joy chains roommate up," her wrath would be enough to end the world. If he put up a video titled "Ive had joy chained in my basement for the past year," she would be doing cartwheels and tap-dancing on stream.
No. 346660
>>346619I was the same, sure at first I thought Joy and Co might be right, however I still tried to keep an open mind.
Once I saw the multiple videos and her questioning his veteran status I decided to give his channel a look.
I found it to be entertaining, and he does bring up some good points, without going over the top like Joy and also exaggerating events.
I think Joy is actually making him look better, the opposite of what she "intended" to do.
No. 346663
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>>346660That's what I've been saying for weeks, she is doing more to help Onion than anything else. She isn't just making him look victimised, she IS victimising him. I've never seen so many sympathetic comments about Onion, never and that's because of her, she is making people feel sorry for him.
Any Anti-O should be pissed at her for that reason because any legitimate complaints or concerns they have about him are being lost in the sea of her lunacy.
Her moderating of all YT comments should send out a huge red flag to anyone who remains undecided about her. Remember she did that in response to lolcow links being left, then posts copied from here pasted in her video comments which resulted in an influx of new people finding all this information about her. It has nothing to do with shielding herself from abusive comments and everything to do with shielding viewers from information about her. The links I saw contained no abuse and even said that weren't there to turn people against her and were only asking that people looked through and come to their own conclusions once they see both sides of the argument. But Kati can't even allow that can she because she knows what the outcome would be.
Whatever happened to her "I love to hear other peoples opinions" "as long as you are respectful you can disagree" "listening to other peoples feelings is how we learn and grow" blah, bs, blah, bs, blah.
BS' YT videos, pic related.
No. 346666
>>346663Perfectly well put.
If I was in her shoes I would welcome the constructive criticism, as I do in real life.
How else can we grow and change for the better?
Of course she doesn't want people coming here, like I did through a YouTube comment before it got deleted.
This site allows for all sides and opinions to be aired, no one here is condoning a hate bandwagon, just that Joy accepts her deceit and changes, makes better content not completely around one or two topics. And be the positive sparkles she says she and her channel are.
No. 346682
>>346681Yes, and yet her swearing, using rude hand gestures, saying "Boo" to Onision are all fine.
The hypocrisy is overwhelming.
No. 346684
>>346681Her covert narcissism is currently on full display. It's just a shame that so many of her followers don't know or understand what covert narcissism is. They are being abused and are blind to it.
I've been reading about the Dark Triad, guess who fits two of the three, "almost"…
I'll try to find a good breakdown of the Dark Triad and you'll see what I mean.
No. 346689
>>346684Further to my post here is a link which gives you the basics of the dark triad. is why when I say she is one of the worst people I have encountered, I seriously mean that.
The only one I'm cautious about throwing out is psychopathy because I feel like I can't think of any strong examples of her behaviour that couldn't fall under her other traits?
But I've only ever seen her cry about herself, I've never seen her show remorse for anything, or any true displays of empathy. What are your thoughts?
Saged. For speculation.
No. 346698
>>346626Want to know what pisses off Doctors in the ER more than anything?
People who come in and use up resources for bullshit like Ear Infections or mid-grade fevers.
It doesn't at all surprise me that Kati felt she was so special that the EMERGENCY room was made for her pathetic little ailments. Take time away from people that need emergency services, well done selfish bitch.
>>346631I may have read this wrong but it's entirely common to have an ear infection without pain. Often, people have an ear infection for days before any pain occurs. It depends on the persons pain tolerance, how bad the infection is and more. More often than not, when I realize I have an ear infection and see my PCP, I only experience pain in one ear only to be told I have an infection in both. Sometimes the ear with no pain is worse than the one that does have pain. (I have tubes in my ears, and frequently get infections ever since I was a young child)
No. 346699
>It's just a shame that so many of her followers don't know or understand what covert narcissism is. They are being abused and are blind to it.
Even when they do move on, they'll probably repeat the pattern. It's why women often return several times to abusers or cycle they abusive men. Until her spergs can see her behavior as wrong, and why, it won't really make much difference for them.
>The only one I'm cautious about throwing out is psychopathy
There's a lot of different interchangeable terms for Joys behaviors. Cluster B, Narcissism, Antisocial, Sociopath, etc. In non clinical terms, it seems they're referencing the same thing, overall. Clinical wise, labeling is tricky, as soon as they release a DSM, new info is found to make a lot of the diagnosis/treatment obsolete. Last I heard, they were moving away from using Psychopath/Sociopath and using just Personality Disorders for diagnosis, which is super weird. That's pretty much them saying people aren't born like that, they develop into it. Hitler was born like that. Manson. Joy. Supposedly born normal and grew into that.
Sage for major OT and speculation
I don't bring it up to be argumentative, only to say I'm not sure the label is overall important, but the list of behaviors is. I'm not sure we'll ever know her full story, anyway, as her lies are so thick. She obviously mentally unwell, and hurting people. Getting stuck on labels is something she would pick apart, using it as a tool to redirect from the real issues were presenting her with.
No. 346708
>>346699I know you aren't trying to be argumentative, I'm more than happy to bounce opinions with others.
I do know you are right in what you are saying and while the label isn't important as such and is complex, I feel like these labels need to be thrown out there so the lurkers can recognise her behaviours and traits for what they are. It isn't about potential diagnosis for Joyous, I have a feeling none of these labels are new to her, we can't be the only people in her 33 years to have seen her for what she is, it's about having these words out there for people to see and hopefully look into it.
What they see as nice, we know is self serving.
What they think is sensitivity, we know is her narcissism & anger at loss of control, etc.
I'm hoping they will see that "Dirty Dozen" check list for the triad and think to themselves "wow, she does display these traits."
Or see the word narcissism, look into it and again connect it with her many examples.
My ultimate goal is not so much a definitive label, that will take a top class psychologist to get into her clusterfuck of a head but I hope they at least think, there's most definitely something wrong with this chick.
No. 346710
>>346699There are other reasons a person might have some characteristics of ASDP without actually having it. Just being a manipulator, they use many of these tactics.
And I honestly think Joy is just a severe Psychological/Emotional Manipulator.
Reference: No. 346714
For example:
>HOME COURT ADVANTAGE: A manipulative individual may insist on you meeting and interacting in a physical space where he or she can exercise more dominance and control. (Remind you of her Onision Debate??)
>MANIPULATION OF FACTS: Examples: Lying. Excuse making. Two faced. Blaming the victim for causing their own victimization. Deformation of the truth. Strategic disclosure or withholding of key information. Exaggeration. Understatement. One-sided bias of issue.Basically, that entire Article is Joy. If I kept going I'd end up just copy/pasting the entire article.
No. 346719
>>346710I wonder just how aware Joy is as to how she appears to others, or how her actions are having negative consequences for people?
Either way I do think she could benefit from something like counselling, otherwise the cycle will repeat indefinitely.
No. 346721
>>346699>>346710>>346689I can't think of any strong examples of Psychopathy regarding Joy, either.
Truthfully she reminds me a lot of a great aunt I had. She was diagnosed as having Borderline Personality Disorder. Joy's histrionics, health drama and attention seeking behavior strongly remind me of my aunt.
My aunt was at the center of every drama. If none existed she would conjure some up. She regularly had many blown out of proportion health issues or "scares." Showed a lot of signs of Munchausen behavior. She didn't like to participate in conversations that she couldn't somehow steer back to herself. If the topic wasn't about her, she wasn't interested. She was also an expert in everything, especially traumatic experiences OTHERS had gone through. As soon as they would talk about them then my aunt would already have a story conjured up about how she experienced the same thing or similar. She was an exhausting person. I think there's a strong case that Joy could be Borderline.
Ironically my aunt's name was Kathy. :D
No. 346728
>>346719I can't imagine she hasn't been told a hundred times before. Her family doesn't speak to her, she has no longterm friends as she is incapable of maintaining long term relationships. Phil was her last longterm friend of ten years and he finally woke up to her. Even just over the short course of her YT life, she has fallen out with people she used to be friends with. She tries to pass the family issue off as her being a black sheep which could be true if it wasn't for the fact that her friends also eventually leave her. When your family rejects you, you could be a black sheep, when one friend rejects you, that could be bad luck, but when that many people end their relationship or friendship with you, you are the problem.
Kati once slipped up, it was during her birthday live stream, her mother had discovered lolcow and text Kati telling her that she was so happy that we could all see exactly what she has been seeing for all of these years.
>>346710I understand, I think we'll have to agree to disagree with this one. I 100% believe she has a personality disorder.
>>346721 I agree, she reminds me of every personality traited or disordered person I have ever known. I think the reason she unsettles me the most was because they were openly recognised as such and they acknowledged it themselves and were working on it, she isn't.
No. 346730
>>346721You could be right here.
I've dealt with people similar to Joy, they're your best friend forever until you either: out shadow them (With an illness that's real) or attention wise (You're genuinely kind, and people like you as a person) or you're "better looking" (In their eyes) , or you question just how genuine they are.
They then drop you like a hot cake and show their true colours, going as far as to mildly emotionally threaten their friends, as they pick people who lack confidence, or have mental health problems themselves, those people are too scared to speak up. So they go along with the bullying and alienation.
The blocking, giving coded nicknames like "Meow" yes Joy I knew who you were referring too, come on they're disabled!
With the blocking they have others keep watch, the only time they back off is if the person they alienate shows them they are confident and not afraid to expose them.
These are some of the lowest of the low.
No. 346732
>>346728> I 100% believe she has a personality disorder. I am not suggesting she doesn't have a personality disorder, just that she doesn't have antisocial (which is basically the same as sociopath/psychopath).
But I stick by believing she is an emotional/psychological manipulator all the same.
No. 346733
>>346728Unfortunately if a mother says that, most times they are being truthful.
Joy in no way represents her family, we haven't had a chance to hear their side. This is all on Joy herself.
No. 346735
>>346728>>346733Yep. Her mother Kathi told Joy that she had "finally found my people." We're calling out shit that she's been doing for years, me thinks. It was weird because only days prior when she first mentioned her mother finding lolcow, she made it seem like her mother was a complete moron when it came to the internet. Joy said that when her sister Kori explained lolcow to her, Kathi thought we were a bunch of "internet pirates" who were going to "hack her house."
I seriously doubted that very much. It was only days later on one of her birthday streams where she said the thing about her mom finding lolcow & being pleased that she found people who see Kati in the same way.
Always changing her stories. She's a huge liar but jeez you'd think she'd at least TRY to keep track of the lies. She knows by now it's all being documented.
No. 346746
>>346733. I think her mother saying nothing in her defence speaks great volumes. Her mother reads the comments here, so does Kati's sister, yet they never say we are wrong, her mother gained actual relief from seeing so many people see things from her point of view without her having to say a single thing. I think she knows that she doesn't have to speak out because I think Joy is at a point where she can't control herself. She knows she is exposing herself but she's compelled to keep doing the very things that are exposing her.
Look at last night with the $20 donations per keyword. She spent yesterday defending herself about donations and money, so the smart thing to do would be not ask anyone for more money until the heat dies down. And we know she is intelligent, as it takes intelligence to manipulate at the level she does, but what did she do? She went and made it worse by bringing up the one topic she should have avoided, money, she can't control herself because they are compulsive behaviours.
We came up with a theory very early in the threads, she constantly bangs on about how many emotionally abusive people she has had in her life, her family, boyfriends, ex-friends, she labels them narcissists, psychopaths, etc. We think all of these people (except Jason who Phil confirmed had problems) were just your average joes, who had enough of her, stopped playing her mind games and therefore she has turned it all around on them and accuses them of being guilty of her behaviours.
No. 346761
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>>346615I'm pretty sure it is. American nightmare has also been asking in joys video comments if anyone has seen the "reciepts" for that school donation. I couldn't watch the live stream lastnight but I took some caps of the chat while waiting for fireworks. American nightmare, they've always kinda been back and forth but asked good questions.
No. 346763

>I think there's a strong case that Joy could be Borderline.
This video might be helpful. This channel has been posted before, but this guy covers pretty much everything we all just said. Histrionic, borderline, are they the same. And also, for any former Joy fans, or anyone who gets asked for help from them, he gives good info on where to start when unraveling the mind fuck you go through when dealing with someone like this.
>Either way I do think she could benefit from something like counseling.
I think we all could benefit from counseling after dealing with Joy lol
>The blocking, giving coded nicknames like "Meow" yes Joy I knew who you were referring too, come on they're disabled!
If you're referring to Kimmy, you ought to check the minion thread created. Her spergleberries are scum. She attracts people who not only had terrible or no role models, but are damaged or highly vulnerable/malleable and thus turns them into variable Tasmanian devils of poison filled hate streams and cesspool comment sections. They just congregate and multiply like some kind of radioactive mutant Joy-brids.
No. 346765
>>346748I wonder how much she has made in total since she began?
And I wonder how many of those people would have donated had they known she's been playing them since day one.
This has always been her plan, she planned with Phil prior to starting the channel, that she would wait a while before asking for money, that way it would look like it was the audiences idea for her to start monetising her videos and it would look like Patreon was her audiences idea, so she could continue with the "I'm not interested in money" narrative.
She openly messed up with Patreon by opening an account first, then releasing a video asking if she should open a Patreon account and used the yes replies from that as her only reason for opening an account.
She follows a con artist's guide to scamming by the letter.
No. 346789
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Her begging YouTube to remove her strike and having all her minions do that same is making her look even more pathetic than she already is. Which I thought wasn't possible but clearly Joy is full of surprises.
Curious to see what kind of temper tantrum she will throw if and when YouTube doesn't remove the strike. Which I hope they don't because I think it's justified. She's a bully and a stalker. She completely deserves this strike and I hope it sticks.
No. 346795
>>346600I found her "boundaries" rant @32:27 a must watch. Saying shes the type of person that if she sets a boundary that she doesn't want to talk to you, why would you come to another platform and continue to try and talk to her because that's creepy. And if you want to be creepy that's fine. But she doesn't understand why you wouldn't be respectful of her boundaries when it's obvious she doesn't want to talk to you. Lol Ummmmmmmm well, maybe it would
Be helpful to make a mashup of all the times she says she can do whatever she wants and she's not going to stop and there's nothing anyone can do about it and send it to her. Perhaps next time, practicing the golden rule would be more helpful, joy.
Then she starts saying its her greatest fear to be in a situation where she's not wanted or welcome. Then why does she continuously insert herself into these exact situations?
Good luck with those new boundaries, though.
No. 346798
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Is there anything she won't make about her?
No. 346799
File: 1499280789755.png (276.98 KB, 1242x1679, IMG_1720.PNG)

Another day and and even more sounding pathetic trying to beg youtube to remove her well earned strike. I really hope her and her joytards constantly tweeting at youtube pisses them off and they don't reverse the strike and start to take a long hard look in there channel.
No. 346802
>>346798>>346799I have noticed recently (and it may have been going on for much longer and I was just oblivious) that Kati has been attempting to insert herself into the Skeptic community in small ways.
For one (and not that big of a deal but I just found it odd) she is following almost all of the large skeptics who are on youtube. I find this strange because of the lack of ties (the only tie im aware of is Jeff, which makes me sad because I enjoy his content) she has to this communtity.
I would understand if she was a random fan but she is in the public eye so ya. (Also she follows Repzion who, if I am not mistaken, has said multiple times he does not like her)
Also has anyone seen her video of her yelling at a fictional beta male in a buzzfeed video. It was a trainwreck and goes against everything (basically) that the skeptic community says.
Sorry if that was a little rambly.
No. 346805
>>346803 Has she really tried to pretend she is an actual part of the skeptic community? Just because they both talk about Onision does not mean they are one in the same.
Poor girl wants to put herself into any group she can to garner support when I doubt many fans of skeptics feel any different than the skeptics themselves.
No. 346806
>>346802Yes, she's been trying to call herself a skeptic channel for a while. She was getting friendly and even some support off a few of the bigger skeptic channels but most of them shut that shit down.
Repzion looked like he might be falling for her bs for a short while but he then called her out and ignores her. Bearing seems to have disappeared but she never gets the hint and keeps desperately trying. She is a drama whore, not a skeptic, they aren't interested. It's pathetic to watch her still trying.
No. 346810
>>346805>>346806Don't forget when she went on a stream with many Skeptics including Failure Accomplished, Tonka Saw, etc and Geekthulu was there. Can't remember all their names but during the stream she said "I guess I'm part of the Skeptic Community now."
From what I recall people were pointing out her bullshit re: the DO5 updates that were actually non-updates. She got super uncomfortable and eventually left. The moment she left, Failure said "yeah I don't like her" and Tonka Saw said "She's a nice lady..a nice, not-so-truth-telling lady." I believe this can be found on thread #5. I thinK Failure hosted it but his channel was taken down by YT.
No. 346822
>>346820Unless somebody recorded the chat..and so far it looks like nobody has..then we won't be able to see the Super Chats. Someone could always try to ask Benji but he might not respond or want to say to avoid angering Joy.
>>346821Egh. Hopefully he's just being overly nice out of an abundance of caution. Maybe he's still not as aware of her bullshit as the rest of us. He's probably quite busy editing Copper's videos/doing other shit so hasn't really looked into Joy. I mean, I'm saying all that because I want so badly for him to see through her shit. I think he mostly does.
No. 346823
File: 1499286057402.gif (1.86 MB, 233x233, smellmuhfinguz.gif)

a similar gif was posted in a previous thread, but reposting cos Kati sniffing her fingers = a fucking gem of a gif.
No. 346825
>>346820I don't think the chats were recorded. But if she acts like she does on her livestreams you should be able to tell by her giving the sucker a shoutout with the dollar amount.
I haven't watched the Benji livestream yet so I don't know if she did that or not.
No. 346830
>>346823Nasty. I feel like she just smells. Her teeth always look gross to me.
I'm hoping Cameron sees right through her bullshit. He seems like a level headed, smart guy. We can only hope.
No. 346831
File: 1499288141804.png (55.03 KB, 750x559, IMG_1970.PNG)

One of Joys liked tweets. Joy, it doesn't matter how you feel about Onision. He IS a Veteran. Get over it.
No. 346833
File: 1499288433862.png (34.41 KB, 956x236, lolwhat2.png)

Don't revisit the comment section on her "Why I Got "Upset" On Benji Jame's Onision Stream" video if you don't want to find idiocy such as this.
It's the other way around. People are diagnosed with Fibro after RULING OUT other causes. That's what makes it unexplained! It's not "I can't afford the tests so..must be Fibro!"
Her defenders are seriously just as insufferable as she is. My god, there's way more than just one Kati Marie Smith out there.
No. 346834
>>346831I can understand people not agreeing with views that Onision has said. However, to outright disrespect a man who (if I am not mistaken, and correct me if I am wrong) signed up on his own will.
Even if he was drafted, which I doubt considering it doesn't happen much anymore, it does not matter. He served his country.
I find it so sad that people are so unwilling to disconnect someones words from the good things they have done.
Joy's always talking about how people need to see her as a human and she makes mistakes etc. And yet, she allows (while participating herself) and supports her fans to question a part of his life and pretend it has no value. Joining the Navy, Army, Military etc. is very hard to do and should not be ignored.
I hope she realizes her hypocrisy.
No. 346841
Yep. It's official. We're in for another fucking DO5 Joy Sparkle Meltdown. Prepare the flood gates.
MommyOFive has uploaded this, and another video the day before.
No. 346861
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So she finally made a donation. But if you notice it says your tax deductible donation. I wonder if she is only doing this so she doesn't get completely fucked on her taxes from all her internet income.
No. 346863
File: 1499292079204.png (264.82 KB, 1242x1339, IMG_1728.PNG)

Here's a screenshot of her tweet about it.
No. 346875
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>>346863It's trivial but it looks like she just lied about how much was raised.
Saged for trivial info
No. 346885
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No. 346889
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>>346875Hers the actual comment this is from.
No. 346890
File: 1499295559553.png (82.83 KB, 750x648, IMG_1974.PNG)

My god. So much secondhand embarrassment right now. Keep being humble Joy!!
No. 346892
>>346603owwww, muh fibro pressure points! :(
yeah right, kati. you're in soooo much pain :( poor wee thing!!
No. 346901
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>>346890Apparently she's the queen of charity. Lol
She would've kept that money if it wasn't for repeatedly getting called out on here and by other people.
No. 346928
File: 1499299410164.png (130.01 KB, 547x881, gqxZ58i.png)

HA.. LOL Cow round up!
Joysus lost big time. He did not go to her YouTube channel and she bowed her head and went and guested on Lainey's YouNow… AND, she was excited to do it.
Jeff Holiday, Joytard Extraordinaire still thinks his drunken rant was a win.
At least Jaclyn managed to not plagiarizer anything in her portion of the YouNow stream. So, I guess we should give credit where credit is due… Oh, no… wait… Jaclyn don't roll that way.
No. 346940
>>346935It's just hilarious and debunks her "Poor me with the copyright strikes".
Everyday there's more and more information of the opposite to what she claims.
No. 346942
>>346933>>346940Actually that's a good point. I'd forgotten about that. There's too much to keep track of and she's only been around 6, 6 1/2 months.
Just goes to show, as usual, her hypocrisy TRULY knows no bounds.
No. 346953
>>346942This was a recent video too. It sort of confirms the strike.
The more that I see like this, the more I see through the "BS" There's no way anyone could claim to be against copyright/strikes when they make them themselves.
No. 346978
File: 1499309848331.jpg (400.13 KB, 1242x1923, IMG_1739.JPG)

Jesus Christ joys fans just keep getting worse. And that tweet is from someone's business account.
No. 346989
>>346984I'm honestly wondering if she hasn't received more strikes or is some how locked out of her youtube account.
It's been 2 days since she's uploaded anything, I know she's done a younow stream and "guested" on Benji's stream a few times since then. But this has to be a record for her.
No. 346991
>>346990I saw that. It appears to be a recently created account as does their LinkedIn account. Probably one of Kim Jong Joy's sock accounts.
Saged for speculation
No. 346995
Okay I'm convinced that's a sock account now. Other then Eobard and #thebaseballguy the only people that commented on it are recently created accounts and of course Kim Jong Joy liking said sock accounts tweets.
Now it's just down to whether it's Kim Jong Joy or one of her joytards doing it.
No. 347035
>>347030>>347031>>347032It appears the suspicions about Jarrod W from the YouNow chat here:
>>346600as being the person that set her off about "people contacting me on other platforms" after she's cut off contact with them elsewhere are correct.
I always liked the questions americannightmare76 would ask in Joy's YouTube streams. They would ask hard, pointed questions that would often make Kati uncomfortable.
Jarrod W = americannightmare76 = MoralVirus.
No. 347063
I doubt that anyone really cares, but I think Joy's secret was that she basically fell on a balance beam and probably penetrated herself or something. The special talent is she probably fists herself.
Just cause when Cameron says something like that Joy and the meth head sounding Joytard imply that he's on the right track, and Joy does that juvenile thing of instead of confirming or denying she says "I don't know, did I?" when Benji throws out a similar guess.
Explains the mashed potatos.
By the way, I'm "Summary Anon" and I just want to thank Recorder Anon for being the MVP here. I honestly couldn't do it anymore, especially since she went on a non stop bender for days around the Onision "debate" …lol, unlike her I actually have a job to go to! Man I hope someone recorded the chat for that $20 Benji stream, I love seeing the crowd turn on Joy.
P.S. By any chance, did anyone happen to find a way to hear more of Joy's little new age album on Amazon? The samples provided are only about 30 seconds, and all the instrumental intros last about..27 seconds. Idk, if anyone took one for the team, I'm interested in hearing more of this voice of hers…. but not enough to spend $6 on her.
>>346625>>346619>>346660It's not necessarily his content, which I find to be cancer, it's that he thrives on drama for views and that drama is often him being a grown man preying on barley legal girls and tl;dr a lot of abuse and fucked up situations. Remember he's been around for about 10 years. Check his threads in /PT/, which is on number 400 at this point, and you'll see why people here often comment about how much they hate onion but Joy makes them feel slightly bad for him. And personally, that makes me hate her more than I hate him.
At the end of the day, he is more honest than she will ever be. This has been repeated many times, but at least he says what he's doing, and skirts the law as much as possible. She just assumes she can do whatever the fuck she wants, and as we know she's a wolf in sheep's clothing. The video that guy did on Narcs made the great point of, at least Onion-types are in your face, Joysus-types, if you're not careful you don't realize you're fucked until the damage is already done.
And LOL at her breaking down on her streams about the haterzzzzz. I KNOW she keeps this site open at all times, because she often tries to play off shit she saw here as if she saw it in the chat or it's some huge rumor when it was simply some Anon here and the fact that she has no control here and can't shut us up… I'm sure it drives her insane. I think she's often trying to prove us wrong in hopes that one day we'll just turn and lick her ass like the rest. Oh Kati, you keep on trying. How many claims are pending on your channel right now? I said it last thread, you're basically getting your last few steps to the top here before you come rolllllllllllllling down the other end. 60k subs now? Transformation still going strong with every new viewer!
I'm not sure if I'm hallucinating from how ugly a bitch she is on the inside, but I could swear she's grown fangs and her eyebrows have formed into points? Were those there before?
No. 347075
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On the BloodDance reupload video
No. 347082
>>347063Exactly Onision even admits when he's had a change of heart etc.
Joy? An absolute refusal to admit any major wrong doing.
That's another thing though, Onision has been around for ages, surely if he was doing illegal things he would have been caught?
I don't fully know. But the accusations from Joy and others are extremely serious, and shouldn't have been made without absolute proof.
Even with proof, it's not a subject you record and upload to YouTube. The correct thing to do is report it to the authorities.
No. 347132
>>347097 Wtf?!
>>347082Meanwhile Kim Jong Joy seems to do whatever she wants and nobody that could do anything about it gives a shit.
No. 347140
>>347132I agree, it's left up to the unknown minority to speak up.
On a different note, I saw an interesting video showing Joy with what appeared to be a green vitamin bottle with a stick on lable from a "Doctor". The lable was hand written to say Lyrica 50mg 1 X 3 ( Or 1 - 3 it was hard to see) a day. That was it.
I'm no expert, but doesn't medication prescribed by a doctor have more information on than that? Like I don't know, the person's name, date of prescription, number of tablets etc?
Yes it could be fake, if so that's one of the best fake pictures I've ever seen in terms of how real it. Looks.
No. 347207
>>347140It's a real pic and it was discussed in length in threads #3 & #4. (This is why new people should read the previous threads, so we don't keep rehashing the same things over and over) You can use Ctrl-F to search for "Lyrica" in previous threads if you want to read what we've said about it. Anyway, this is the post where the pic was originally introduced
>>>/snow/299608Kati claims the reason it had a handwritten label is because her "friend" took the samples her doctor gave her and put them in a vitamin bottle with dosage instructions while she was sleeping to "help" her out….nevermind that it is illegal to put a scheduled prescription medication in a different container than the one it came in.
She has since stopped taking it…she predicted it would stop working after 2 weeks just like all other medications she has ever taken and it magically did stop working exactly 2 weeks later. Instead of asking her doctor to adjust the dosage or try something else she told him he couldn't help her and because he was not charging her he should help his paying patients instead…and this is supposedly the "leading expert" on fibromyalgia in the country that couldn't help her super speshul impossible-to-treat case of "fibromyalgia" that she claims he diagnosed in one visit.
No. 347212
>>347140That was allegedly her Lyrica prescription that she got from the "doctor" who performed a "fibro test" on her. There is no such thing as a fibro test, you get tested for every other condition that could cause the same symptoms and once they are all ruled out, you're left with fibro.
Can you remember when she was filming from a hotel room? That was the alleged doctor visit.
I think it was established that they possibly were lyrica but it was an unofficial freebie visit which would explain the strange bottle. I'm sure another Anon will remember more about it.
She stated it had an instant effect and that isn't how lyrica works, they need time to build up in your system. Then a day or two later she stated they stopped working do she wasn't going to take anymore and she wasn't going back to see the doctor anymore as she didn't want to waste his time.
It was these tablets that she is referring to as her "expensive medication" she needs money for on Patreon and she hasn't changed that even though she only took them for a few days tops.
No. 347223
>>347140That has already been discussed in thread 4 please read them thanx
>>347176I'm pretty sure she donated what the total says in the screen shot, just there is an option for people to match other people donations. That's all that "anonymous matched your donation" indicates.because it is a tax deduxable donation, the amount has to be accurate to what she has donated.
It says if the project(classroom) she donated to, doesn't meet their goal by the end date, they will send kati a notice where she can pick another classroom to donate to or she can opt to send that teacher a gift card anyways. If she doesn't take any action, then they either redistribute the funds to an urgent project or send the original teacher a gift card. Kati cant get the money back because it would jeporsize the organizations non for profit status.
No. 347307
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>>347284It looks like her other YouTube pal tried to get Onision riled up, but then had a moment of clarity. And actually admitted that the copyright claims are on "auto pilot"
No. 347309
I was just reading through the comments on her receipt of the donation and some of the comments just make me feel sick. "See you are a great person Joy" no! No she isn't you idiotic cockwomble! You are falling for her little mind games, everything she does is self serving. They are blind to how much she had to be pushed into that donation and they are blind to the fact that she had to do to win back favour after showing her true money grabbing intentions on the live stream just hours before.
It was funny to see her joytards trying to insult a 17 year old girl about a fungal infection, when Kim Jong Joy had the big daddy of all fungal infections. Hers was so rancid "it almost killed" her.
>>347085 She retweeted him lol.
And I see she has put her minions to work again digging up Onion claims, that have nothing to do with her, on her behalf. She's so lazy.
No. 347313
>>347307Joy would do well to heed their advice.
She needs to face up to the fact that the Onision drama is over.
I do not blame Onision, or what ever automated system is doing this. It's gone on for far too long and has become the biggest joke.
No. 347355
>>347341Another video skeptical of Joy this the correct way?
No. 347357
>>347338Unfortunately I won't hold my breath, plenty of other youtubers who have come under fire take a small break.
I for one would be glad to put this to bed. It serves no purpose and helps no one. Nothing has been accomplished, just more drama no one needs (less/more money for some) And everybody's time wasted.
It hasn't had the global impact Joy hoped for. Instead her 15 minutes are up.
No. 347363
File: 1499365025592.png (75.21 KB, 750x461, IMG_2020.PNG)

Joys liked tweet. Go ahead and keep demanding YouTube to remove a justified strike.
No. 347372
File: 1499365343183.jpg (33.96 KB, 676x291, yeastinfection.jpg)

You call your vagina a "sleeve"?
Because FYI that's probably a yeast infection.
We've all suspected it for months.
No. 347373
>>347284Mikenactor is a puke too, I don't know how anyone can stand either one of them. They are both poking a bear with a stick so they can later talk about being wronged by said bear.
I'm all about calling Greg out on his nonsense but not when they are doing it for attention and are so desperate. The fact alone that he supports Joy's bullshit, "even though he doesn't agree with everything she does" is insane to me. I can see being supportive of a friend and having loyalty but their friendship is still rather new and she is obviously Satan.
The comments he leaves on her videos alone make him look like an idiot.
I really wish he would have edited out joy eating popcorn during the debate, even the way she chews grosses me out and she looks like a 90 year old man without his dentures in, gumming his food.
I suppose her quiteness is her finalllly having a day off as she works so hard to save the world and she can't just take the time she needs because onision and Heather Martin won't let that happen. Or she could just be cranking out the content so she can upload 10 more videos on onision and D05 and 5 of Blair White for tweeting that her and Jaclyn were punked
No. 347376
File: 1499365678586.png (86.73 KB, 750x686, IMG_2021.PNG)

She is desperate to always have a reason to talk about Onision. I don't know why I'm hoping she won't exploit this topic like she does everything because we all know if she can talk about Onision a little longer she will do it. Unless Sara wants you in her business Joy then stay the hell out of it.
No. 347382
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Kim Jong Joy's actions say otherwise.
No. 347385
>>347382Oh christ. I'm so sick of her saying this about other people. I've been going through all of her videos lately for something that I'm working on. She is constantly going on and on about people like DO5, Omnipolitics, Onion, etc and their need for self reflection. How they need to look at themselves and change for the better.
She says it about all her enemies. She has said that each one of them is choosing not to "get better" and improve their lives.
It's one of the most grating things about Kati. She never practices what she preaches.
No. 347386
>>347373They're not friends they're enablers, they will tell Joy all she wants to hear, at least to her face that is.
Should the time come, they will do, and say all they can to avoid being seen for what they truly are.
No. 347389
File: 1499367931256.png (233.7 KB, 1242x1703, IMG_1747.PNG)

The joytards are getting out of hand with this shit. Between this and the nitwit that filed the false copyright claim against Onision. I actually think her fans might be doing more harm to her then good. Lol
Maybe this needs to be reported. No. 347390
>She is desperate to always have a reason to talk about Onision.
It would be interesting to see a side by side comparison the list of times Onision references, tweets, makes a video etc about Joy against hers. There was the "fake" cease and desist, which I can only assume was his attempt to follow the legal/law enforcement advice to tell the person in writing to stop contacting you. Then the stalking video. The recent debate and the following tweets. I'm sure there's some I'm missing.
By her logic, it seems he's a super sneaky, mind control person, taking her money and theatening/ruining her life etc. Because from reality land, it looks like he has so much extra time and interest in her to bother with something like that. During the debate, he pulled up her channel and scanned her recent uploads. The shock on his face when he discovered 6 videos, one over 4 hours long in 24 hours. And he didn't even know over 100 videos had been made. He kept saying 40. Sounds like a stalker to me.
Comparatively his response to her had seemed minimal, and when you look at how's he's gone after others, it's even more obvious. But she keep trying. Trying to convince everyone, including Onision, that he has a personal vendetta against her, and she's just an innocent bystander.
She seems to always confuse the topic/person being discussed with something else. The Beta male video. Who the hell was she talking about? Because she obvi wasn't watching the same video I was? And she admitted she was comparing Heather Martin to her mom. Her ranting on a subject is rarely ever about the subject it seems. So it makes you wonder, who is Onision, in her mind. maybe she's confusing him with someone else in her head, like the Beta male
No. 347421
>>347390The beta make video is interesting because she never heard the word "beta" until like a week or so before, when she was on stream with a few people, I think geekthulhu? Someone said the word beta, she asked what that meant and then it was explained to her.
As far as her making comparisons, early on when she started her channel, she claimed to be an expert in almost everything she mentioned and said she knew a lot about abuse and people like Greg, and compared him to her abusive ex. She quickly became out or control and it's so easy to see that she is takes all her emotions from her ex and fires them at Greg. You would think she was in a relationship with him or even knew him in real life. I think he deserves to be challenged but she went too far and harrassed him for so long and now somehow she is a victim and is just defending herself. Like, does she forget her whole channel exists? That is actually scary.
She has said that some of her haterz give her shit because she reminds them of someone they know. Again, apparently she must forget her channel exists.
No. 347433
File: 1499372131604.jpg (70.26 KB, 960x720, BS Contradictions pt 2.jpg)

I'm still looking for the screenshot I mentioned but I thought I should share this for the Anon who has been dealing with the Bloodclot stream and how Joy allowed a child to be emotionally abused on her live stream and did nothing to stop it.
No. 347435
File: 1499372294630.jpg (88.83 KB, 960x720, BS onion hypocrisy pt1.jpg)

This is what she has to say about Onion and his fans, which are relevant to everything she is currently saying about Onion and how she is treating anyone who goes against her in the exact same way she accuses him of doing.
Two parts.
Part 1.
No. 347436
File: 1499372329103.jpg (108.07 KB, 960x720, BS onion hypocrisy pt 2.jpg)

Part 2 of 2.
No. 347437
File: 1499372921838.jpg (92.09 KB, 960x720, A BS complete lack of self awa…)

Part 1 of 2
No. 347438
File: 1499372951409.jpg (90.83 KB, 960x720, A BS complete lack of self awa…)

Part 2 of 2
No. 347441
>>347436"Listen to people with differing opinions without throwing a tantrum."
Oh that's rich coming from her. She threw a fit on Benji's stream the other night because people were confronting her about asking for money without fulfilling her promise of telling the stream about her secret involving her vag. She then spent the rest of the night all pissy and mopey and continuously turning her camera off then on. And I don't care how many people she can make think that she was actually dealing with her 'illness' when Cameron had a differing opinion about Onision than her, I don't buy that for one minute. She was pissed that Cameron would dare question her or not have her back. That's why she later got on Younow saying 'woah is me' and trying to garner sympathy. She is a walking contradiction.
No. 347448
>>347441Exactly, she chose to create her own stream, hoping those with genuine concerns wouldn't know, so she could b*itch about them.
We saw the look on her face, it was obvious she was going to moan after the stream anyway.
She got even more annoyed when they ignored her, and tried to enjoy the rest of the stream.
Only one person was rude to her in the comments, invalidating her "I'm being bullied" spin.
No. 347457
File: 1499375420575.jpg (68.48 KB, 960x720, A bs complete lack of self awa…)

>>347390Right, I couldn't find my original copy, so I want and captured it again, along with a few other things.
I really think she sees herself in him, the parts of herself she can't stand. That's why I posted her comments describing his actions and how his mind works, they are a mirror image of each other and deep down she knows it, as much as she tries to delude herself along with her spergleberries.
I also included her rant about people saying things are illegal, etc. How is this any different to what she does to Onion? It's not different at all.
Anyway, I have 100s of her comments that fit exactly what she is doing to Onion herself but I think this makes the point, so I won't post anymore for now.
No. 347500
File: 1499380443435.png (129.33 KB, 1242x958, IMG_1748.PNG)

So how long is this going to last. I give it at most a week.
No. 347501
File: 1499380580684.png (144.19 KB, 1242x1033, IMG_1749.PNG)

And it lasted like 20 minutes. Kim Jong Joy ever the narcissist.
No. 347517
>>34733Excellent, thanks for this. The hypocrisy is, as always, mind boggling.
>>347500A week? You're being far too generous!
No. 347529
>>347401Agreed. I think it's preferred to see an attempt on the complaintants part to tell the offending individual they need to stop. The letter was a bit too over the top to be taken seriously and she obviously didn't. The "debate" when read it texts was meant to be him truly to tell her to fuck off. As she said. He wanted to get her to stop. She took what he said "I want to talk so I can tell you to fuck off or I'll have to take you to court." She translated it as Onision threatened debate me or I'll sue. Well, major oops on her over dramatics there. But he served his purpose and them some. Another served attempt of him saying "don't talk about me". And all recorded.
>>347433Are these all dealing with the blood clot backdraft? With her sarcasm they read horribly on her part.
No. 347534
>>347500This is clearly a sympathy move. Nobody, literally nobody, announces that they're not uploading for a few days. Get the fuck over yourself.
This is the kind of shit she pulls when the pressure is too much. My thinking? After fucking up on multiple streams lately (overreacting at Cameron, trying to sell pussy secrets on Benji's stream), the Onision over saturation back firing AND the whole Moral Virus dangling recording Skype calls over her head = the reasons why she needs sympathy more than ever.
She's always done shit like this. This is nothing new. This is the very definition of
No. 347537
>>347501She's not humbled, she never acts modest, polite or classy for that matter.
Who swears that much? Who talks about mature subjects like that? Is her channel age restricted?
No. 347550
>>347537She's here to help the young people, so they wont be taken advantage of by onision anymore./s
No her channel is not age restricted. A couple videos don't show in restricted mode, but that's probably because someone flagged them for language and such. Age restricted videos usually have a pop up that says so.
>>347540Because her fans are young and/or dumb. At least the ones who encourage her and participate with her.
Makes me think of children who were raised by very strict parents and weren't allowed to do any thing, no parties or going out by themselves etc. so when they finally got their freedom, they over did it.
No. 347573
File: 1499389163038.png (209.5 KB, 1242x1384, IMG_1751.PNG)

>>347534Looks like it's already working. Pathetic
No. 347593
File: 1499391824312.png (549.22 KB, 1206x882, fsXDkTP.png)

>>347588It's actually money for this guy to go to Onision's house. Not a tattoo.
No. 347594
>>347501KEK 60k subs on JSBS and 13k on the space occupier.
2 RT's and 60 likes. For someone with an audience of 60k? Joy, why can't you see how much people don't actually give a shit about you?
No. 347620
File: 1499393944343.png (31.2 KB, 447x187, hgL502z.png)

Her hairy ass has blessed their stream with approval.
No. 347623
>>347620God she is such a mega creep. Her broke ass has to throw in that money to make sure everyone can see that she is there. Everything has to be about her all the time.
Dear Joy, you are a loser. I know you believe that being so charitable will make you a good person by default, but it won't. You will always be pathetic.
No. 347629
>>347617I'm sorry to then but I'm effing done. Done, just done.
That is until I make 400,000 more posts first.
No. 347646
File: 1499397249384.jpg (26.41 KB, 479x243, IMG_1756.JPG)

Here's a gem for the next thread.
No. 347673
>>347626I couldn't even bring myself to watch it. Seeing the fake attitudes made me feel sick.
They appear to all be in it for the money, they clearly don't care about anything or anyone but themselves.
Joy should not have been a mod. Nor should mega fans, or patrons. It should always be an impartial, unbiased third party.
No. 347701
File: 1499404375901.png (36.33 KB, 680x291, surprise.png)

She only lasted 8 hours before she needed attention again.
That's if you don't count her popping into Benji's stream earlier and donating money..for attention.
No. 347738
>>>Are these all dealing with the blood clot backdraft? With her sarcasm they read horribly on her part.No, these are tweets she made months ago regarding do5. Then on the bloodclot stream she went and enabled the opposite of everything she previously said about children when it related to do5. The rules apparently don't apply to her, she can put these expectations on everyone else and will use it to go hard against them but nope, not her, she will sit back and let a child be paraded and degraded on her live stream and not say a word because it's all about the money.
It's nothing new of course, for everything she class she strongly stands for, there are at least a handful of examples of her doing the opposite herself.
I also think the Bloodclot stream (which she didn't upload because she knew it was bad) is why she hasn't immediately gone after Mommy o five, she knows we are sitting on this and she got away with it the first time because everyone was too focused on Onion. But she won't get away with it again. I will be surprised if she talks about do5 or mo5 but let's fave it, she's that arrogant she feels untouchable and might try anyway.
No. 347753
>>347640It was around 1032, I had just finished reading her orange donation pop-up and went back into chat and saw her name in blue with the wrench and i believe 3 comments from her, similar to what she said in her donation. I didn't see her at all after that.
Perhaps she went to go cry about her illnesses, aka people acknowledging her bs.
No. 347767
>>347701I often said that this level of activity is impossible for a truly sick person, but I'm now starting to find it weird from a basic human level as well.
The novelty of the internet and constantly talking to people online wore off for me over a decade ago, but she's 33 and chatting up, tweeting, phone calling basically strangers and streaming all the time. She must be really messed to need this much attention all the freaking time.
No. 347780
>>347767I personally don't have issues with people chatting on the Internet.
However I do see what you mean, this isn't even chatting, it's publicly gossiping and spreading lies.
Plus she's been in chats with people who obviously aren't one bit interested in talking to her.
No. 347781
>>347767She is totally messed up. Sometimes I feel like her channel grew so much because she is a fool that will kind of say what everyone is thinking, although not exactly to the extent that she goes. For instance, calling out onision when he pulls something stupid. But she has to make several videos reacting to one of his and goes all creepy and overboard, blowing most things out of proportion, inserting her personal opinions as facts, and finally, adding victimizing information(often irrelevant) about herself, her health and her family or personal relationships. Most of her subs are people that hate onision and want to see him suffer and she's the guy for the job. She's very childish and has no problem being the bully, it's like when kids are trying to impress other kids to look cool and will do anything for attention. She is willing to be a puppet and make a fool out of herself over and over again.
Somehow she thinks all of that is helping people and can't resist reminding everybody. Her expertise lies in manipulation so she knows to lay the pity act on thick and that will detour people from asking questions, they will take her word for it that she is doing so much good.
It would make more sense to refer to herself as an entertainer. I'm thinking majority of her subs just love watching her act like a nut, which won't last forever. They will eventually get bored with her act and move on. Lord knows she can't actually create original content and she has been ruining her own reputation so there will be no use sticking around.
No. 347786
>>347781She see herself as "Joy's Drama Network News Show" not realising it's either one or another, she can't be everything.
This isn't TV. People prefer each person to stick to one topic. Not several.
No. 347788
>>347781I saw someone commenting on YT that they like to think Joy is a nice person but her constant drama is getting very tiresome for them and if she keeps it up the drama they are done with her.
It is tiring and draining to keep up with her and she is quickly burning through the goodwill that her manipulation affords her. She'll be the architect of her own downfall and I don't think it will be her lies, scams, or anything along those lines that finishes her. It's the fact that her 100 miles an hour constant repetitive drama is boring people to tears.
No. 347851
>>347833That isn't good, and I feel like Lainey shouldn't be disliked or sympathised for. She's made it clear she's happy, and that's all that really matters. Joy and others need to keep her out of everything and not attack her.
Looking back at the debate yes it appeared they were annoyed, and in that situation I think I would be too. Especially as Joy appeared not to really take note of anything Lainey said.
No. 347863
File: 1499444751700.jpg (2.84 MB, 2560x2560, PhotoGrid_1499430903073.jpg)

>>347646I've added some joy and sparkles to your gem, anon.
No. 347874
>>347863Christ! The paler looking bint in the middle terrified the life out of me! Spoiler alert! Lol.
PS. It's great lol.
No. 347914
File: 1499449222014.jpg (667.55 KB, 1892x2560, IMG_20170707_133833.jpg)

>>347898Ask and you shall receive, anon.
Insert Joy's terrifying cackle No. 347925
File: 1499450344924.png (306.91 KB, 800x406, joysus.png)

>>347646I made few improvements to bring out her inner beauty.
No. 347949
File: 1499452759169.jpg (377.39 KB, 1242x1973, IMG_1761.JPG)

Let's see how NEGS (Ron) takes to the proof that Joy condoned filling false copyright claims against Onision
No. 347954
>>347925A spot the difference? Interesting.
Definitely approve of the improvements.
No. 347965
File: 1499454637808.png (301.25 KB, 1242x1665, IMG_1762.PNG)

Maybe there's hope for him yet.
No. 347987
File: 1499457509344.png (305.9 KB, 1242x1689, IMG_1763.PNG)

>>347967I don't know, he seems to be disappointed in her.
No. 347991
>>347987I'll give it to that tweeter, they're a legend. They haven't been rude or impolite, instead they've set an excellent example to many who disagree with someone or something someone is doing.
And I hope the youtuber can understand why many don't agree with this.
No. 348022
File: 1499461098417.jpg (86.18 KB, 960x720, A BS Konstigo legal and YT thr…)

>>347985Here are some screenshots, one of her denying threatening legal action, followed by examples of her doing just that. I have made the specific legal and YT action threat slightly larger.
It was a video collab, Kim Jong Joy claimed to have edited it, etc, she hadn't, there was no editing. It was a joint effort, therefore jointly owned & Joy had shown an early interest in doing a collab with Konstigo due to her friendship with Onion. Then the do5 thing happened and as we know Joy put Onion on the backburner and therefore the collab was of no use to Joy, so she kept putting off the upload date, when Konstigo really wanted it to be uploaded. It was only after being fobbed off for months that Konstgo decided to upload it herself, she did nothing legally wrong at all.
Here is a link to the entire conversation that went on between Joy and Konstigo over the course of weeks. also shows how sly Joy is, because at the same time she is kicking off on twitter making all sorts of foul mouthed, horrible threats to a 17 year old, she was DMing Konstigo telling her she was talking about someone else.
Just let me know if you would like the screenshots of the other threats she made.
No. 348030
>>348022Joy claimed some of those comments were about someone who accused her being in league with pedophiles due to her allowing shady kid-lovers to be moderators on her Indigo Abuse website.
Indigo Abuse. This woman has always been and will always make herself a victim.
No. 348039
>>348030I was going to say I don't know how she thinks she can get away with a claim like that, especially when you read them altogether and she constantly references a 17 year old "stealing" from her and calling her a "con artist" it is definitely one long rant about an individual. But then I remembered, Joytards, that's how she gets away with it.
I could screenshot the twimemachine version, as that makes it very obvious it is all aimed at the same person. Do you think I should just in case she tries to defer back to that bull excuse?
Even the time of her rant matches perfectly with the DM conversation with Konstigo, so that backs it up too.
No. 348048
File: 1499464431738.jpg (35.99 KB, 692x413, bruh.jpg)

Bruh, you're not her type. Or did you forget she prefers "brown boys"?
No. 348049
>>348041Yes, you're right, the more we have the better. I will make a start on it in the morning Anon, going to chill in front of the TV for the night.
I will post everything I can get together tomorrow.
No. 348052
>>348049I hear ya. Documenting her bullshit is utterly exhausting.
I tend to need a good night's rest, a heavy dose of caffeine and some righteous indignation before I plunge into the abyss created by JSBS.
No. 348066
File: 1499466175825.png (165.22 KB, 720x1119, 20170707_171722.png)

>>348061Same here. There's another reason why any one who still follows her is either of the same twisted mind set and thought it was justifed, or they are that mentally malleable.
>>347967She did.
(pic related)
No. 348072
>>348066There you go! She did was she always does.
"Let's talk in private" or "Let's talk on the phone, text is stupid"
That's always been her way.
No. 348078
File: 1499467921104.png (240.83 KB, 720x1236, 20170707_173308.png)

When is she going to actually make said videio? She's been on about it too long. No one is going to care by the time she puts it out. How can one person truly believe that the world revolves completely around them. Kati, you are insignificant, you do not matter. The world owes you nothing. Become a productive member of society(as you have yet to procure documents saying you are medically disabled). You're a disgrace to humanity.
No. 348089
File: 1499468998169.png (318.89 KB, 720x1227, 20170707_180230.png)

guess this is negs final word on it.
No. 348103
File: 1499471411864.png (230.11 KB, 1242x1688, IMG_1765.PNG)

Lol, she's losing it over that community strike. Not having the revenue from all the livestreams must really be hurting her. Maybe she should get a job like a productive member of society.
No. 348113
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No. 348156
File: 1499476580005.jpg (75.78 KB, 536x605, Screenshot_2017-07-07-20-51-20…)

Now there's a petition. Just look at who they want to send it to. if I didn't link that properly. This came from The Egocast's video Onision is taking all of Joy's money.
No. 348158
File: 1499476618533.png (74.63 KB, 638x440, 358xyJi.png)

>>348155She's up to two on Spurpinkle Bow and one on her main channel.
No. 348173
File: 1499477620175.png (35.13 KB, 563x259, o3cfhim.png)

HA! She's discovered that attorneys in the real world are not going to work for free in exchange for YouTube likes! Now, she's begging for a free ride from others.
No. 348197
File: 1499479349250.png (29.96 KB, 333x390, GDa4dsU.png)

>>348191It was started in response to the H3H3 copyright law suit, so they used Ethan's FUPA as part of it.
Content ID claims are not what FUPA was created to defend.
No. 348212
File: 1499480010084.png (318.62 KB, 1242x1717, IMG_1767.PNG)

>>348206She wants to constantly tweet at YouTube. Guess what 2 can play that game.
No. 348222
>>348191no no… its
>fat upper pussy area close tho
No. 348232
File: 1499481752749.png (113.94 KB, 1242x2098, IMG_1768.PNG)

LOL her spurpinkle bow channel is gone. One channel down two more to go.
No. 348245
>>348137OH MY.
It's good that she's so openly breaking TOS and revealing that all she was ever interested in was money. She's getting confident that she has enough Spergleberries on side and is letting the mask slip almost all the way off as a result.
This should be an interesting development to add to that collab, Youtube Collab Anon!
No. 348249
File: 1499484882841.png (194.19 KB, 1733x1013, IMG_1770.PNG)

>>348232Samefag posting screenshot from pc instead of phone.
It appears her spurpinkle bow channel was terminated for violating TOS
No. 348259
File: 1499486435990.png (177.47 KB, 720x855, 20170707_225825.png)

So now that she's lost a channel, she's concerned with the threats? Wut? Makes perfect sense. :/
No. 348262
>>348173>It was started in response to the H3H3 copyright law suit, so they used Ethan's FUPA as part of it.Content ID claims are not what FUPA was created to defend.
I don't think she realizes that most lawyers don't take frivolous lawsuits on "pro bono". Unless it's going to benefit the lawyer in someway(like public exposure for Tim in the D05 case) major extenuating circumstances, or you were arrested, you'll be paying for those services.
Also, who really cares about the pennies Onisions auto service is scraping off these crappy channels, that are leeching off his already established fanbase, anyway. Your spergleberries, you…not us and definitely not lawyers you want to work for free!
>>348249Who wants to bet she blames this on Onision too. Better grab the energy shots and snacks, it's gonna be a marathon weekend I think.
No. 348271
No. 348273
File: 1499487198032.png (25.95 KB, 1043x162, yup.png)

Comment on her latest video.
I love this.
By the way, this is just what I would expect from Joy. This video. She's clearly concerned about what Moral Virus might expose about her. Joy decided to get out in front of it (or attempt to) and announce to everyone that she's in danger by a dangerous man. Who is causing her to experience PTSD.
So now if Moral Virus exposes anything about her, no matter how logical and non threatening it is, people will accuse him of being a predator.
This is the victim complex at it's fucking PEAK.
No. 348287
File: 1499489559824.png (4.39 MB, 788x4094, DELh3b9VYAEqPL5 (1).png)

I resized it to a point, any larger and it becomes mostly unreadable. I could read this with some squinting heh but hopefully this works for others.
No. 348295
>>348290Not sure. Very interested, though. Moral Virus seems to indicate Joy has talked badly about this Vivica person in public livestreams.
I'm trying to think of when and what she might of said. Probably one of those times where she alluded to something that someone did without naming names.
Whatever it is seems to have been kept mostly quiet. Sounds like it involves one of the group chats.
>>348294Sorry, yes. Here's the link where Moral Virus posted that originally: No. 348303
>>348295Maybe it was in one of her older younow streams. A couple months ago she usually said the names of the people who questioned her about lies. Now she only gives attention to those who pay for a comment.
The tone in those messages are scary. It's like that one scene in almost every thriller/suspense movie where the crazy killer has their kidnapped victim, but the victim screamed one too many times, then the neighbor came over to check it out to see what was going on and the killer has to make an excuse. then the killer goes over to their pray and says that shit "I've been INCREDIBLY open and honest…", "i do not trust your behaviour when you…act like that", "ive been very nice to you." ~stab~ She's such a fucking bitch.
No. 348306
File: 1499491728398.png (179.66 KB, 1242x823, IMG_1772.PNG)

I don't know who this person is but Joy has clearly pissed off someone with a verified twitter account and 4 times the followers.
No. 348308
File: 1499492004862.png (167.7 KB, 1242x798, IMG_1773.PNG)

Another screenshot
No. 348309
File: 1499492224425.png (89.05 KB, 720x745, 20170708_003500.png)

>>348306That reminds me, this is from one of her new videos today, I can't remember which one.
No. 348315
File: 1499492987886.png (384.3 KB, 720x798, 20170708_004445.png)

>>348306She has a substantial following
Here's her business website for reference. No. 348323
File: 1499493687062.png (84.49 KB, 720x578, 20170708_005809.png)

>>348232She just figured it out lol, just wow.
No. 348333
>>348306>What she doesn't seem to grasp is the bigger the crowd grows, the more likely and forceful the blowback. There's plenty of lurkers here in communities that haven't wanted to speak up yet, due to lack of numbers or backing. But she stepped in it bringing up anything Military/Law Enforcement related. You never question a fellow brothers honor. Only an idiot would make that mistake. Yup. She definitely didn't know the shit puddle she was stepping in with that one. It's too bad it couldn't be the same result doe the rape victims and exploited children, too.
>>348304I vaguely recall some people coming in she knew from another charity or former work place, maybe indigo abuse or something. She seemed to recognize them but not from YouTube. She mentioned owing them an explanation for something but they would chat later outside of the stream and mentioned the group chats. Briefly talked about the "work" she was doing now with the teens. Giving advice, etc. Something ended badly. Perhaps how indigo abuse fell apart maybe? Does that ring a bell to anyone?? Is that the right reference?
No. 348339
File: 1499495068960.jpg (426.37 KB, 1242x1997, IMG_1779.JPG)

>>348336Hers another one. I have no idea why it got kinda cut off. Sorry.
No. 348342
>>348339By HIPAA she is right. If what joy was saying was true we'd all have rights to
his records. He never signed consent for her to use anything. Its a minor thing that could be made into major issue. It was a careless mistake but he certainly has grounds to have any videos containing the documents down.
No. 348345
File: 1499497071429.png (201.54 KB, 720x984, 20170708_014436.png)

>>348343Manic frenzy, she's reaching out to all kinds or crazy places for her "unjustified" strike. @chadwildclay boast to have beaten over 100 copyright claims and 12 strikes, according to his bio, has 40k followers. Where are all her "froends" now?
No. 348347
File: 1499497199398.png (140.05 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Cause somebody had to tell her.
No. 348348
File: 1499497263454.png (147.04 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Same fag
No. 348349
File: 1499497498996.png (208.3 KB, 720x1112, 20170708_020417.png)

No. 348351
File: 1499498294016.png (80.09 KB, 720x580, 20170708_020851.png)

Benji, dude! Do you know see and smell the smoke from this raging dumpster fire right now? Run bro!
No. 348353
File: 1499498302140.jpg (157.12 KB, 784x753, PSX_20170708_020327.jpg)

>>348345Pretty much the same thing you posted but I wanted to point out how hilarious it is that she keeps trying to alert the YT skeptic community to her troubles.
None of them care about her obsessive drama. Jeff dislikes Onion but I doubt he's interested in helping her pursue this nonsense especially as he's currently wrapped up in the Tariq stuff like the others. These are people mostly wrapped up in politics and drama associated with SJW types. Joy knows fuck all about politics but rants against SJWs (for views) all while behaving like an SJW.
She is such a moron attempting to appeal to these people. Besides Jeff, none of them can stand her.
What's next? Is she going to tweet @SargonOfAkkad and tell him she can relate to his latest drama with Anita Sarkeesian because Onision is also trying to publicly humiliate her?
No. 348355
>>348353I also find it ironic that she's tweeting Jeff @that tweet. The notice says there is a difference between a passionate debate and a personal attack. I don't think she even read it.
She's live one benjis channel now
No. 348361
File: 1499498874945.png (282.18 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170708-022607.png)

Benjis special snowflake rules for fragile snowflake kati
No. 348363
>>348361They are deleting even the most mild criticisms.
Good thing I'm recording the chat.
Now Joy is saying she's in contact with lawyers about this. And Chambers Of the Irrelevant is in the chat.
No. 348383
>>348380Interesting. I'll have to go back and look for that.
Also, Copper just lost it on Cy. Fucking hilarious.
No. 348385
File: 1499503402378.png (452.8 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

>>348378Post 6/22/17
She really is a drama cow. Sadly is didn't work in the slightest, as no one sees to have heard.
No. 348402
>>348389First post so forgive me if I haven't posted correctly.
I too have joined her merry tards on patreon and have reported her for lack of content even though she's extremely active on other platforms.
As for Benji he's been well and truly cucked and unfortunately seems to be in too deep now, he's now her new puppet and appears to fail to see it so I have zero sympathy.
RIP any credibility he may have had
No. 348404
>>348361So let me get this straight, Joy and Co are complaining and gathering evidence over free speech supposedly being affected, and yet their heavily monitoring the chat, and trying to shut down others opinions?
This. Is. Ironic.
No. 348407
>>348406To be fair the ignorant cuck, he was trying to get CopperCab and Irate Bear to calm down with the fighting. Apparently Irate Bear told Copper to kill himself, and Copper was upset that Irate was a moderator and still allowed to stay in the chat and say these things.
But the irony of them having a stream about free speech while wanting to heavily moderate the chat isn't lost on me.
No. 348414
File: 1499510572017.png (601.61 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170708-063947.png)

Did anyone capture copper's tweets about the strike? He's getting response tweets but he deleted whatever he wrote that looked like he supported the strike
No. 348417
>>348402You posted correctly Anon. That's great, the more the merrier, there's a lot of things she is in breach of. I have faith that the fact we're paying will make them take us more seriously, especially if there's a lot of us not getting what we have paid for.
I can't believe how many people she is ripping off and it all comes down to profit for her. The Patreon doesn't generate as much income as her other stuff, so she doesn't bother to put in the effort she's contractually supposed to.
No. 348432
File: 1499514842444.jpg (59.7 KB, 960x720, A BS Legal & YT threats to kon…)

>>348034 I have got them locked down now, there is no way she can claim these were about someone else. Thank you for the advice.
>>347985Twitter Anon, these screenshots make a stronger case, she can't deny she was threatening Konstigo with legal action or YT action and the fact she was being abusive. I have marked out the proof it was all aimed at Konstigo in red.
I have grabbed a lot of her other threats too but this should be all you need to make a solid case that she was happy to play the legal action/strike card when it suited her.
No. 348445
>>348414Twitters glitchy for me so I could still see some.
In one Copper says something like his circle of friends gets smaller by the day.
In another he says something like he now knows how to file strikes so people should be careful.
No. 348455
File: 1499519707725.jpg (45.2 KB, 624x461, gTqS0GC.jpg)

Unethically spamming tags still.
No. 348471
>>348414Having caught the segment I can honestly side with copper here.
The rest clearly aren't aware if their facial expressions when their not pinned on screen for 5 seconds of fame.
I wear headphones and when copper talks, now most ones like they use in stream, the earbuds, have a pause button on them. I just pause and readjust the volume.
Its not hard, the others have given made me have to turn down my volume before now. Why are they picking on copper all if a sudden, could it be to with the fact that he's more known and liked? Probably.
Joy wasn't honest with him, it's like they enjoy laughing at everyone who isn't in their tiny circle. She told copper to look at everyone's side but not cy.
No. 348472
>>348463Nope, tag spamming is against YT tos but as usual she's been reported for it repeatedly but nothing ever gets done about it so she continues.
She got pulled about it by Mundane Matt, Repzion and Andy Warski, she played the "I had know idea it was against the tos, I'm from marketing…" But then she continued to do it anyway.
Maybe reporting them while her channels are under YT's watchful eyes will have more of an effect? It's worth a try but I won't hold my breath.
No. 348491
>>348489Yes, I reported it for tag spam too, but that is a much lighter offense than the actual scam she's running in that video. I tried to report her for the fraud after the tag spam but found out I could only report it once.
If you can only report it once, choose the more serious offense, since they might actually care about that one over the tag spam that they repeatedly ignore.
No. 348497
>>348491You can also send feedback on a mobile, I did this to explain my concerns in depth.
You can also use the page you're on to further help explain.
No. 348536
>>348512 I think this is what you're looking for., the artificial traffic spam
No. 348539
>>348536Thank you Anon, I'm currently looking through strike specific guidelines, so I was miles away from where I needed to be.
>>348535She calls herself "media" and "press" because she dropped out of journalism school lol. Her inside information consisted off sweet talking and harassing herself closer to Rose and the lawyer, then when she was told the gag related to the media and she had other negative heat on her, along with being pulled about sharing incorrect information without fact checking, she suddenly wasn't "press" anymore, so shouldn't be held up to the same standards.
No. 348542
>>348536>>348512Also this. the part about gaining subs through artificial means.
No. 348543
>>348538 Yes and I have screenshots from her early days where she makes a big deal about replying to everyone and while I understand why she can't reply to every comment she gets now, she makes no effort at all. Yet she used to be full of how they take time out of their day to talk to her, so the least she can do is acknowledge it, etc. She thinks she is above them now. Does she even use mass messaging to show how thankful or appreciative she is? Even just picking a few at random would be the nice thing to do.
Every thing she started off saying at the beginning has either completely become the opposite, or they have become prophetic in the way that she was describing Onion's manipulations and games only they now apply to her.
No. 348544
>>348539LOL. I took a chemistry class in college. I guess that makes me a microbiologist.
I'll sit back and laugh when she gets cited for leaking info. A gag order is a gag order. She's not "press," and even if she were she coudln't release any info.
BTW…in high school I read a book about the British Monarchy. Soooooo….move over Kate, I'M the next Queen of England.
No. 348568
>>348547There are ethics in journalism?
No. 348574
>>348536 Thanks Anon, I quoted it in my reports.
I've used my account & the accounts of three family members, that's all I've got. Lol.
I've downloaded her video just in case we succeed and she tries to deny ever asking people to artificially inflate her subs, which is totally something this cow would do. Whatever happens, we have a copy if ever needed. I also downloaded Benji's stream.
No. 348588
>>345917i've reported several of her videos for harassment towards both onision, and daddy o five, any videos promoting her patreon or gofundme pages have been reported as fraud, ive also reported her new account for ban evading and fraud, because shes clearly faking her illness for sympathy and that oh so important money she doesn't care about.
the fall of sparkle shitbag is nigh.
No. 348589
>>348583>>348581It is, I've reported this one too and I have downloaded a copy to tube catcher.
What an idiot, when is she going to learn what is and isn't acceptable on YT? She can keep trying to blame others for her shit being pulled but at the end of the day if she stuck to the guidelines and tos, YT wouldn't pull them! And now here she is blatantly telling YT that for every video they pull (because ultimately it is their decision to pull it dimwit, we can report your shit but not do5, not onion, not us, none of us has the power to pull it, only YT can) she's just going to keep on making more and more channels to keep making more and more shit that goes against guidelines.
She's making this so easy for everyone who can't stand her.
No. 348590
Got a present for you all, my lovely anons.
>Account terminations - Users whose accounts have been terminated are prohibited from accessing, possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts.Her continued use of
ANY account is a violation of TOS, being that she's been terminated once.
Use this information as you will. It's public and common knowledge.
No. 348600
>>348598No, that's low. He won't be able to support her when she is gone from youtube forever anyway. Going on other people's channels probably doesn't count, since she's not actually accessing control of their channel.
This latest video is terrible. Cuss a few more in every sentence, bitch.
No. 348603
>>348600Have you not seen his livestreams she's on. She runs it and her joytard mods run the chat deleting any form of criticism against her no matter how small it is.
Sleep with dogs and you get fleas.
No. 348606
>>348603I'm saying it doesn't matter by Youtube's standards as she's not literally in control of his channel with access to his logins.
Therefore if you flag his channel for hosting her on a group stream, it's a false flag, which itself is a violation of TOS. Let's flag where appropriate and not go overboard. It makes us look bad. So don't.
No. 348609
>>348589 As long as she has people supporting her narrative on things; she'll never get that she's held to the same standards as everyone else on Youtube.
I think it's ironic, really - she perceives the people who tried to warn her over the last several months as people out to silence/censor her; but it's her friends - the people who support her in all this - that are actually helping to destroy her channel that much quicker.
No. 348623
>>348618Nobody here will ever argue that Joysus deserves multiple flags and to lose her channels.
This thread isn't about Benji so please don't derail, take it to the Joytard threads if it's relevant.
No. 348625
>>348617The one's she's with are too trusting, that's the only reason.
She surrounds herself with sheeple.
No. 348626
>>348623It technically is relevant though.
They're the ones who are encouraging her, when she needs people who will be honest with her.
I'm concerned for anyone else she might stab in the back, not those in her circle as they've had longer than most. She's shown she's all too happy to throw people under the book or hypocrisy she never reads.
No. 348627
>>348626Look through the other threads if you have any doubts about the relevance of bringing up other people. This is considered derailing.
I'm trying to warn you before you get banned.
No. 348628
For your convenience. The channel is auto populated from the variable in the url.'re welcome. :D
No. 348632
File: 1499538281015.png (284.24 KB, 1242x1723, IMG_1793.PNG)

She's to fucking stupid to actually understand what she's doing. She's blatantly denying telling people to use multiple accounts to subscribe to her channel and also just admitted shes making more channels.
No. 348634
>>348632That is not what she meant otherwise she would have said so.
And I agree, she's confirming her intent to make multiple channels. Proof's there now.
No. 348635
Catchup because people are burying excellent information.
Information about reporting Joysus on Youtube
>>348590>>348542>>348536>>348487Latest Benji stream
>>348354Other milk
>>348287>>348232>>348137 No. 348636
>>348632And hang on four? I thought she had 3?
Oh dear, the plague of multiple Sparkles accounts. There's no escape.
No. 348653
File: 1499539967926.png (143.35 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Um, and who the hell do you think you are, inserting yourself into a legal situation and asking a lawyer questions. Unless you're paying him, involved in the case or his paralegal, you might take second place for entitlement.
No. 348657
File: 1499540350808.png (153.14 KB, 1242x1194, IMG_1794.PNG)

I don't think you'll be modding anything once the supposed YouTubers you mod for find out what you're using their platform and names for.
No. 348658
>>348644No! Faceplamed so hard right now. And I thought I was stupid!
>>348653So her fans are stalking lawyers now? Bahahahahahahah, yeah I'm sure he'll be only too happy to help…
No. 348661
File: 1499540662600.png (283.38 KB, 1242x1736, IMG_1795.PNG)

Now she's trying to go after Sharika Soal again. The way she keeps poking these people, it almost like she's trying to get all her accounts terminated.
No. 348669
>>348661That's basically the "if you don't like me, don't watch" argument, which she's perfectly capable of recognising as bullshit when it doesn't pertain to her.
My lord, "get a life" is basically the only "argument"(?) the Spurglefuckles have against any dissenters in the comments, too. Like master like cultists.
No. 348672
Joy is now saying she has four channels? So she had two, one was shut down/banned, the main on is a strike away from being terminated, and she's now not only violating TOS by making new channels, but discussing it publicly? This is going to be over VERY soon. She has a lot of people who dislike her and are reporting her, and, well…I guess all I can say is get ready for an epic meltdown on Benji's Livesteam in the coming days, because she will be VERY lucky if her main channel is not completely purged by the end of the weekend.
I'm obviously not a Joy fan, but will say this Shakira girl seems a bit off her rocker…..I'm reading the Twitter convos now and she is making some statements about HIPAA that are totally incorrect. Also she is talking about needing signed releases when you make YouTube reaction videos, which isn't true either. I think Joy has likely gone above and beyond Fair Use in many circumstances (though that would be for a judge to decide), but Shakira is talking about releases that are used on commercial television, not Youtube videos. She's acting like a know-it-all, but a lot of what she's saying can be easily debunked but she isn't backing down.
No. 348673
>>348669Notice how she always uses things like "u" instead of "you". It's quite telling.
Maybe if she tried to adult more she might start getting better results.
No. 348674
File: 1499541727517.jpg (415.46 KB, 1242x2244, IMG_1798.JPG)

Joy and her joytards just beautifully displayed their racism for all to see. She's fucking gone off the deep end. LOL
No. 348677
>>348661That girl has been nothing but polite.
What Kim Jong Joy actually means is "how dare you not bow and scrape down to me! How dare you not flatter me & tell me how amazing I am! How dare you not recognise my magnificence!"
This implosion of hers is such a beautiful thing to witness.
How long do you think it will take for YT to review the reports of her latest blatant disregard of their rules? I feel like a child on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to deliver my presents. Lol.
No. 348680
>>348674Ah, that is a whole other bone I have to pick.
I have noticed this myself, talking about her endowments in a certain way. The thinly veiled pokes.
>>348677I agree, one could argue she's only using Joy logic back. She's very polite and much more articulate than the self claimed member of the press Joy.
No. 348689
>>348674This!!! This will about make me blow my annon status. I will not stand for this. And she's now stepped in the two groups who can do the greatest damage to her. Military and African American/racial equality. Her and Pescatores comments were needlessly inflammatory and throwing gasoline on the fire. What was said was barely even insulting. And joy threw a racial slur that destroyed a community? And caused the deaths of many black men and law enforcement officers. How dare she throw that at a black woman as an insult. If I were there, I'd spit in her face.
Sage for major rant.
No. 348692
File: 1499542992041.jpg (173.05 KB, 670x1432, Adobe_20170708_144200.jpg)

I hope this woman brings kati down to the ground
No. 348693
File: 1499543099828.jpg (582.8 KB, 1242x3319, IMG_1802.JPG)

>>348689Well the racist comments from her and her joytards just keep coming.
No. 348695
File: 1499543248822.png (236.23 KB, 697x946, 20170708_144542.png)

No. 348701
File: 1499543865156.png (161.99 KB, 1242x1167, IMG_1803.PNG)

Just keep poking the bear Kim Jong Joy.
No. 348704
File: 1499544182088.png (208.27 KB, 1242x1368, IMG_1805.PNG)

Sorry for the multiple screenshots but the milk is flowing today.
She thinks she's being funny but she's just digging herself deeper. I honestly don't know what her end game is here.
No. 348713
File: 1499545056562.png (148.72 KB, 720x954, 20170708_151639.png)

This tweet is everything she is ha!
No. 348718
>>348713Same fag from
>>348711 . That clears up my question. I can't keep up with Twitter it's not loading. Wow, these two are at each other's throats. Joy needs to move along, but she won't. She's lucky her debilitating illness allows her to engage in Twitter beef and put out 3 videos today. I'm watching this like a hawk it's too damn good!
No. 348731
File: 1499546509293.png (131.66 KB, 1125x957, IMG_2621.PNG)

Keep digging yourself that racist hole Joy
No. 348734
>>348731That was in response to this YouNow moment.
Anyone EVER see Joy refer to people as "boo boo" or use some of these particular phrases/voice inflections ANY other time? No. 348737
File: 1499547001945.png (406.84 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170708-164013.png)

Her last upload about DO5 fans loving child abuse is terrible and one of the worst things she has done, in my opinion. For someone that only cares about"helping the children" and saving the world from the bad guys, this is a new low. She makes a big joke out of terrible comments directed at the kids, that were in the DO5 fan group (Attaching a sample) and even plays fun western style music as if the smiles and laughing during the video isn't enough. At the very least, what about Rose and her feelings? I don't even care for Rose and am anti GoFundMe for her, but jfc I can't imagine seeing joy making fun out of my children's very public abuse.
No. 348740
File: 1499547083934.png (243.59 KB, 1242x1723, IMG_1806.PNG)

How fucking delusional is Joy and her fans. I highly doubt someone with 4 times the followers and a verified twitter is just trying to ride joys success.
No. 348743
File: 1499547364578.png (145.31 KB, 720x908, 20170708_155309.png)

No. 348747
File: 1499547592333.png (133.12 KB, 720x996, 20170708_155759.png)

Here's yet another example of her hypocrisy. Joy is so "humble" she never, ever, nevereverever name drops. Ever.
No. 348750
File: 1499547668744.png (80.34 KB, 720x645, 20170708_155733.png)

A couple people are posting screen shot and passages of her blog contradicting her claims of illness and what not. Can't capture them all on mobile.
No. 348753
File: 1499547789074.png (258.67 KB, 1242x1625, IMG_1807.PNG)

We better stop guys apparently Joy is a woman of color according to one of her joytards.
No. 348754
File: 1499547999202.png (124.35 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Hey look! A squirrel and a squirrel lover!!
>>348740Beat me to it
>>348726And thank you, Eobard.
>Joyous will keep her argument with Shakira going now that she knows she is successful, she'll happily leech off anyone. She doesn't care if it's positive or negative attention, in fact the negative attention seems to get her more views because people tune in just to see what idiocy she'll unleash next, either way she gets money out of it. She won't be arguing for too long hopefully. It's been reported. All platforms. And will continue. This has been way past lolcow status for many for some time. We've watched as its gotten worse in ways seeming impossible. The last 24 hours are jaw dropping. If it was going to help anyone to continue, sure, enjoy the drama. But the topics being hit recently are far too sensitive for many people. It's going to cause more pain than any good. She needs to be shut up for good. This is beyond copyright and bullying. She's using about years of oppression as a joke. People who's sons have been murdered as an insult. Wives who've lost their husbands on duty. Women victimized by sexual assault. These can all be
triggered by her lack of restraint. It's not entertainment anymore. It's painful. And she's teaching her few followers left that this is an ok way to fight people. Curious how many annons can't even stomach to read her comments anymore?
No. 348757
>>348754Agreed. This is fucking disgusting. Joy regularly makes me sick but this is on a whole other level. As if the near constant rape jokes weren't enough she's now openly mocking something so major and horrible in such a flippant, ignorant way.
It's shit like this that convinces me she hasn't experienced much hardship or trauma in life. I usually wouldn't wish difficult things on a person but Joy absolutely deserves the wake up call.
>>348755She tried to lecture someone about their sentence structure? You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
No. 348760
>>348755 me fag
Yes I was trying to open one of her fans eyes and when I told her to google kati marie smith she told me "joy" said that wasnt actually her real name and how were so stupid. Going to look for my convo w/fan so I can post screen shots. The girl later apologized to me.
No. 348761
>>348754I would like to hear her excuse as to why she believed Shakira is pro blm? I think we'll be waiting a long time.
I saw one of the fans defending her saying that blm "do burn buildings" so it's not racist, etc. Why aren't they registering that her comment was based solely on Shakira's skin colour? There was no legitimate excuse to bring that into their conversation.
>>348753 She is the person who made the above excuse, she also stated that she herself, is a woman of colour, so I think she means you are "bullying" her, I don't think she is referring to Joy as a woman of colour. The fact this lady is a woman of colour and she is still defending Joyous for bringing blm into somewhere it doesn't belong is sad.
No. 348762
File: 1499548796791.png (69.8 KB, 755x618, predator.png)

Anyone who calls her out is a predator.
Moral Virus. Now Sharika.
No. 348765
File: 1499548901765.png (276.66 KB, 1242x1710, IMG_1808.PNG)

And prepare for the flood gates to open upon Joy.
No. 348766
File: 1499548960357.png (59.21 KB, 708x556, paris.png)

Is it just me, or does the whole "bitch sit down" thing that she keeps saying towards Sharika come off a tad racist as well?
Never have seen her say that to others.
No. 348768
File: 1499549153655.png (82.28 KB, 720x587, 20170708_162404.png)

This woman isn't all there in the head I think…way too much intake of joys propaganda.
No. 348771
File: 1499549280466.png (53.17 KB, 708x506, jealous.png)

>>348768Agreed. I mean she admits having been jealous of Joy previously.
Get your priorities straight, my dude.
No. 348773
File: 1499549988212.jpg (380.25 KB, 1242x2255, IMG_1811.JPG)

What the hell is wrong with this joytard?
No. 348779
File: 1499550369962.png (223.86 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-08-17-37-27…)

No. 348780
File: 1499550396833.png (308.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-08-17-38-16…)

No. 348783
File: 1499550513233.png (191.26 KB, 708x808, amazing.png)

Aw hell we're in a motherfuckin' milk flood.
No. 348784
File: 1499550537341.png (540.25 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-08-17-37-10…)

No. 348785
>>348777She's a woman of colour too, yet she's still defending her! People are trying to spell it out why it was racist to her but she's just not getting it.
Never go full Joytard folks, it messes with your reality perception.
No. 348786
File: 1499550681723.png (189.25 KB, 720x1128, 20170708_164908.png)

No. 348787
AND IN THE FACE OF SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T EVEN LIKE BLACK LIVES MATTER! I can't stop lolling at the disgusting stupidity of this cow.
It's clear Joy thinks all black people are with BLM. Which is fucking racist.
No. 348788
File: 1499551026403.png (139.36 KB, 720x864, 20170708_165604.png)

Are we gonna have thread #9 by the end of the day? Lol damn.
No. 348790
>>348784F*CK YES! Thank you Apryl for that gem we all love that just so proves that she's so full of shit about this pathetic sickness. She was totally unable to work in '06…but it was during that time she claims she was working as ad advertising & marketing executive? And when she eff did she get the college degree she's mentioned? If she's 33 she would have been in university from 2002-2006. And then there was also Paris, which we know she actually did live in, even if it was for a very short time.
In 2006 the stars alignment and planetary forces made her ill, she saved herself with hydrogen peroxide and angels for a few seconds until that IUD whos company she "cant wait to sue because they're killing millions of women" has done her in for almost a decade. No need to see a doctor though or accept insurance from her generous viewers. Someone else slam her with the lie that it's been proven the amount of copper in the IUD brand/year she got it does not make it physically possible to obtain poisoning from, the levels are so minuscule compared to what would cause toxicity, and feel free to include the links to the multiple studies.
No. 348793
File: 1499551419306.png (168.91 KB, 720x907, 20170708_170250.png)

No. 348797
>>348788She's lost her bloody mind! She knows she has proof, she knows Anons on here have proof, do5 and Onion fans are also bound to have captured that too. I saw someone say she has deleted the original tweet but she has to know there are screenshots, yet she's demanding proof as if it's nonexistent.
She's the biggest twatwaffle of all time.
No. 348813
File: 1499552287339.jpg (53.82 KB, 480x487, IMG_20170708_231122.jpg)

Samefag at
>>348808Further attempting to post the screenshot.
No. 348823
>>348766The sit down crap is from Kendrick Lamar's song "Humble". Joy just loves brown people.
I am loving how Joy is whining because Shareka has been going after her for 12 hours. How long has she been going after Greg and Lainey?
No. 348843
File: 1499555188870.png (110.45 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>348827I'm thinking this shit storm may be a bit too big for Mr French Esq to handle.
>>348828Same. This first tweet, which came after Shakara making a meme, were the ones included in my report. Several spurgleberries could probably be reported too, but who has the time.
While trying to screenshot this shit show I would catch blips of screenshots her spurgleberries tagged her in. I didn't have time, nor cared to grab shots, and I won't clog the board of legit milk. But it's obvious they're so desperate for attention because she's been tied up in her Twitter fued, they're grasping at anything. so suddenly "joy sparkle smells" posted from Do5 fan group is retweeted and certain to bring them ass pats when Joy uses it to bring them down. What a sad existence.
No. 348847
File: 1499555387006.jpg (136.68 KB, 798x1027, Screenshot_2017-07-08-18-58-50…)

>>348824I don't know, but Joy is literally changing her story as she goes.
No. 348851
Does Joyous still have a second twitter account?
I can remember when I first tried to follow her account I chose the wrong one, it was a smaller account with around 400 followers. I didn't realise until I saw the screenshots on here that I was watching the wrong account.
I'm doing a search now, something with her YT profile photo (which was on that smaller account) just popped up but disappeared in seconds. Could someone else check please?
If her main twitter gets pulled she might just switch to that, even if she isn't supposed to.
>>348830 It was my pleasure, Anon.
Well I'm done for the night. I'm both dreading and looking forward to the shit storm I'll return to tomorrow. Enjoy.
No. 348878
File: 1499558810435.png (179.12 KB, 712x1110, 20170708_190509.png)

>>348757Here's a cap of where she's lecturing on sentence structure.
No. 348884
>>348878A. she's using voice to text again or
B. She's so pissed because her house of cards is crumbling she can't think straight.
No. 348887
File: 1499559747984.png (212.62 KB, 1242x1405, IMG_1815.PNG)

>>348872She absolutely can't stop tweeting. Her ego won't let her. Apparently she wants people to post more evidence as to why she's a fraud.
No. 348890
File: 1499560245687.png (159.3 KB, 720x1112, 20170708_192841.png)

>>348808This is where BLM was first mentioned in that debacle.
No. 348897
File: 1499561638557.png (190.72 KB, 720x1125, 20170708_195322.png)

Just fucking l o fucking l. I dont know about anyone else, but when i want to talk to someone about my "job" I don't tweet at them incessantly.
No. 348904
File: 1499562093544.png (231.42 KB, 1242x1513, IMG_1817.PNG)

Joy's such a liar.
No. 348908
File: 1499562213267.png (118.95 KB, 720x1227, 20170708_200132.png)

Then she tweeted this and the description says.. "subscribe to my new backup channel joy sparkle eff it." Lol keep it up kati. You're doing fantastic! Lol
No. 348909
File: 1499562291536.png (337.77 KB, 1242x1680, IMG_1818.PNG)

And there it is her life is in danger. LOL
No. 348910
File: 1499562375333.png (225.86 KB, 720x1122, 20170708_200416.png)

>>348904One of her joytards says otherwise, I think he is anyway. He says he studying paralegal soo
No. 348927
The reason why sho got this, is because in her video it shows someone's personal information from their Facebook.
For someone that took journalism you would think that Joy would know that's a big no no.
No. 348937
>>348928She also says at the end of that video she made another YouTube channel and to subscribe to it so she can livestream when she hits 10k subs.
So if you report her for the privacy issues make sure to also mention that little tidbit.
No. 348942
File: 1499565121299.png (139.69 KB, 1227x1033, IMG_1819.PNG)

She is blatantly breaking youtube TOS here. She's obviously thinks the rules don't apply to her.
No. 348960
>>348959>>>Please God, don't let that waste of space cy be therebut…but…you don't want to hear Cy's AWESOME impressions? What if she wears a wig today and imitates someone from DaddyoFive facebook group? Or himself Onision again?
…..seriously I get the worst second hand embarrassment from that Cy person. It makes me wickedly uncomfortable.
No. 348962
>>348959Cy's going to definitely be there - she's been giving me the impression of being Joy's #1 cheerleader for a long while, now.
Part of me can't help but wonder (hope) that the only reason she's streaming on her 'secret' account is because Benji didn't want to host her after today's Twitter tirade.
No. 348981
>>348979It's against TOS to create a new account
AND it's against TOS to access
ANYYY other accounts under your possession once one channel has been removed for TOS violations. It was posted above. It's easily accessible information that you must know before using the platform for a channel, so she has no excuse for not reading the TOS of the site she uses, especially one she uses for a fucking income.
She's literally a fraud right now, if there was any doubt before, she's doing it in real time.
No. 348984
File: 1499567634793.png (266.51 KB, 720x1224, 20170708_213230.png)

This twit is @ing anyone that joy has ever memtioned. Smh very few of those people give a fuck.
No. 348985
File: 1499567652189.jpg (48.85 KB, 424x185, bitchsitdown.jpg)

BITCH SIT DOWN, you KNOW it's not Do5 fans taking you down, it's people you were a racist cunt to, and people rightfully flagging you to hell and back for repeated fraudulent TOS violations you fucking MORON.
This ego is out of this world, she cannot stop herself!!!
No. 348989
File: 1499568275691.png (455.27 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170708-214202.png)

Also, all the joytards are boasting about being blocked by onision. They are all sending caps of their "you were blocked" message. Doesn't that just further his harassment claim?
No. 348996
>>348988Just watched- that was an awful, rambling video. I liked when she said she filled out an account appeal form and got a response back from Youtube a couple minutes later saying "Thank you for submitting your appeal…we'll get back to your shortly" and said how happy she was that they were actually replying to her. LOL- that's an automated response. You submit an appeal of any kind and get that back like a receipt. It's not like they personally wrote that out to her. I don't want to reiterate what people have already been telling her on Twitter, but even the huge Youtubers have trouble getting a live person when they get a copyright or strike. I've seen lots of videos about how terrible Youtube service is, even when you reach a certain number of subs and are
supposed to have an easier way to reach them. Nothing good is going to happen by her contnuing the way she is. She's just going to incite people to keep flagging and report her for this new channel against TOS if she livestreams. If she really cares she needs to stop, chill, sit on it for awhile and ride it out getting help from someone who knows what they are doing not make 20 videos on the same thing.
No. 348997
File: 1499568889819.png (143.53 KB, 1242x1166, IMG_1820.PNG)

>>348959Sadly she will be. Apparently she's going live in 5. Get ready to report the shit out of it.
No. 349001
>>348996But making 20 videos saying the same fucking thing is her claim to "fame" lol
This should be fun.
No. 349017
Dear Moralvirus,
The image on your most recent blog is unreadable because it's too wide.
Resize the window to like half the screen, then take the screenshot(s). It will make the screenshot longer but it should be legible.
No. 349036
-Click into her livesteam Below the subscribe button there will be options (Add To / share / More)
-Click "More" and select 'Report'.
- I personally reported her under the category of 'Spam or Misleading' and wrote the below, but do whatever you think is best:
'User has had channel 'SpurpinkleBow' terminated for violations, and is not allowed to stream on her other channel (JoySparkleBS) due to 2 strikes. She created this new channel to get around the termination & other channels livestream band and is violating Youtube TOS. Additionally she is trying to accept money on this stream and enable partnership, also violating Adsense and Youtube's Terms of Service.'
No. 349040
>>349039I believe that's correct, that might be why she thought she needed "10k subs to livestream" I stg she gets more transparent by the second.
I am so fucking embarrassed on her behalf, since clearly she knows no shame.
No. 349044
File: 1499572253892.png (59.84 KB, 720x494, 20170708_224846.png)

>>349031She also tweeted this when she left. Mentioning super chat as a "tech issue" really does say what you're most concerned about. If she was just doing it because she missed the interaction with her fans, she wouldn't have mentioned it at all.
No. 349047
>>349042>>>Does that mean she is going to turn the stream off and on again until she has the 10k to enable superchat?I wouldn't be surprised. However, I'm almost positive YouTube recently changed policies to become a partner after the Ad-pocalypse. I thought you needed 10K view and
then Youtube needed to review your channel and approve you for monetization to make sure you fit the criteria? I think channels created before the date it was enacted are exempt, but JoySparkleEffIt was created on July 7th, it says.
No. 349109
File: 1499575685168.png (34.58 KB, 599x287, MoralVirus Calls PNG.png)

I don't mean to self promote this, but I would love if we could get her attention about these calls I'm sitting on just to see her face drop when she realizes that this shit is real.
No. 349112
>>349104I can't fucking believe she said that for her, it mostly manifests as brain fog.
That's not fibromyalgia. Ugh this is so sickening.
No. 349118
>>349114Is she saying brown kids can't be cute or something?? Like you used to be cute but then you went and got brown? WTF??
So much second hand embarrassment. She's disgusting.
No. 349142
>>349130Does she know that that stream has been reuploaded and people can, like, go watch if for themselves?
Even if I wanted to watch the stream, youtube won't let me. Anything related to joy live just freezes and gives massive feedback. I could watch gines live just fine tho :/
No. 349148
>>349128Sage if you're going to ask dumbass questions.
She is breaking almost all of the TOS possible, but she's seen other Youtubers get defended by the community when they get flagged, so she thinks people will run to her rescue no matter what she does. It's ego, and stupidity.Not her knowing anything we don't know.
We've linked and quoted multiple pages from the TOS that she's breaking. She's not special. The rules still apply to her.
Sage for having to repeat shit you could learn by scrolling up.
No. 349155
>>349137>>>349130>People will nit pick the teeniest tiniest details about things. They treat me like I should be in prison!"While I hate to admit it, during the debate when Onision said something to the effects of "dont you think it's irresponsible to be quoting something if you admit to having memory issues." He made a good point.
Now giving Joy the benefit of the doubt. Again, another thing I hate, if she really is having this much issue with understanding YT TOS and remembering things and understanding things, the responsible thing for her to do would be to quit doing YouTube. It's putting herself and others in bad situations that are escalating. The situation with Bloodmoon could've been irreversible. For what? Joys brain fart? Come on now. If that's the issue, it's time to sit down and have an adult conversation. A heart to heart with yourself. Sowwy you so sik self. But I haz to takez a nap.
>…heart issues…FMS annon here. On the other hand. I've never heard of heart issues being related to fibro. Sure almost anything could be, but it's not a primary. And I've never seen if listed anywhere. Ever. She chose it to fit her latest health complaint. And fibro is not auto immune, joy! While it's rather medically lingoed. Some annons might find the medical journal linked above interesting. Especially the section on "diagnosing" and what symptom other than pain most countries require you to be experiencing before anything is confirmed.
No. 349212
>>349208She thought she outsmarted the system, she obviously had/has no idea about the updated tos. Under her older channel the 10k views would have been enough but not anymore lol!
And despite being granted a 48 hour reprieve to save herself here
>>348930 she's still playing the victim and ignoring all advice given here
>>348909 she truly thinks she's special.
I captured a screenshot of YT actually replying to her on twitter but it was the generic "if you have a problem you can submit an appeal…" With her response being "I've already done that". So we know that YT are seeing the constant barrage from her, they've probably muted her crusty arse.
No. 349270
File: 1499606623091.png (61.48 KB, 1183x360, 2017-07-09 (2).png)

Pardon I don't really know how to properly attach images so I hope this works but Cy gave Sharika gold bars on YouNow?? This is weird. I wonder if she used it just to say something. I can't find Sharika's stream at all by the way if she did stream.
No. 349282
File: 1499609585608.jpg (82.68 KB, 480x721, IMG_20170709_150611.jpg)

>>349270I may be wrong as I'm not very you now savvy but I think you send gold bars to enable your comment to stand out to the streamer? So she could have just paid them to make a comment, or so that Shakira could see she was acting as Joy's little watchdog as usual?
When team YouTube answer everyone but you and your minions. Lol.
No. 349322
To summarize for those who can't or don't want to watch, the new video is just her repeating herself like she has over and over in the past 5 videos. How everything is so unfair, and to please contact Youtube on her behalf. Repeating what the Daddyo5 groups are doing and how they are false flagging….yeah, we get it. We got it in the first video you made, the one where you repeated the same things twice in one video. We got it when you repeated it again in the third, fourth, and fifth video in the past 48 hours. Same story, and same gray sweatshirt. I'm now convinced she sleeps in her clothes so she doesn't have to get dressed in the morning and stays in the same clothes for several days. Hopefully she changes her underwear at least.
"I am not a bully…I am the ANTI-BULLY."
"I don't break Youtube Terms of Service" (…I just create new channels that aren't allowed..I just encourage people to cheat the system and watch over and over to get my views higher….I just repeat the context of a video that was removed for harassment, which is continued harassment)
"We need to fight this the right way (by contacting Youtube)…we need to be patient and persistent" (isn't that kinda contradictory?)
Love that she thinks things will be just great with this new channel, and once she gets 10K views all she needs to do is submit the channel for review to see if it fits Youtube standards as beng advertiser friendly and is an account that follows Terms of Service. She really thinks it will be monetied within a couple days, when the entire channel itself is a TOS violation. Youtube will review the only video on there (the livesteam filled with swearing, sex talk, weed/coke in pussy jokes and determine it to be family friendly…right?).
I think the star and planet alignments must be causing her some indigo problems, because she is especially wacky these past few days.
No. 349326
>>349315I already did. It's obvious at this point she's just going for the scorched earth play.
I think in her mind she thinks she's a martyr. She thinks she'll get all kinds of sympathy from the YouTube community and her fans if she loses all her channels.
Then she'll try and pull what keemstar did or she'll join a network. I heard her mention joining a network on her livestream last night.
No. 349334
>>349311She keeps using the fact that he was the one who revealed his document as her excuse. She also uses the fact that she's not the only one who reveals things she shouldn't, such as the profile of the do5 fan.
I've seen a few of her own fans try to explain it to her but she won't listen. One even told her in the form of a simple analogy, he said something along the lines of "if you are caught speeding and get pulled, you cant use the fact that other people also speed as your defence, it doesn't negate your own offence" but she still doesn't get it. A child would understand that analogy but not Kati, she's too special to be subjected to the same rules as the rest of us.
Looks like my report button is going to get another work out today.
No. 349339
I kinda hope she does take up any network offers she gets.
Trust me, Joy. They'll help you get big on Youtube! :D
No. 349344
>>349336THANK YOU! It's unbelievable the both Joy and others who made videos about his military records straight up say "I have no experience with military and don't really understand what these records mean, BUT……" and then try to interperet' Onision's paperwork to prove he was lying about things they don't even understand the definition of to begin with.
I was never a service member. I don't know details of the inner operations or terminology. Honestly, it's kind of like reading a foreign language from the outside and for Joy and crew to even begin to question legitimacy when they have no understanding or authority to do so is insane. Totally insane. I dislike Onision as much as the next person, but if there is really an issue they feel
must be called out, let someone who actually understands and thing or two do it. Onision may be a crappy person inside with issues, but the throwing stones when you live in a glass house thing applies here. She was VERY upset when Onision began talking about her illness because she said there was no way he could understand it without being through it, yet Joy does something very similar about things she knows nothing about and has not been through,
No. 349346
Thank you for your service.
No. 349353
>>349344I wasn't USAF, but from a USMC perspective… the "General under Honorable Condition" was because he was discharged early and as a contentious objector (so, in other words, that would have to be cleared before he could re-enlist in the future). Had it had anything to do with his article 15, it would have been a dishonorable discharge and he would have been discharged as a part of the article 15.
AND to give you an idea of how fucking stupid the person who made the orig video that she used was… at one point, they point to a notation on the very bottom of a form that says "prior version obsolete"… if you look, that is in the outside margin and that same margin includes a form identification (a few letters followed by a number) and a date. The maker of the video implies that any prior forms (like his discharge request form) was invalidated by that form. NOPE… that notation simply means that if there's a say Jan 2005 version, then all versions dated earlier than that date are no longer usable in the sense that the older forms are supposed to be thrown away and not used after Jan 2005. It has nothing to do with his individual case. It's a simple instruction to the admin clerks.
There were a shit ton of other fundamental problems in that video. And, to be honest… all these Onision hate mongers look like low IQ idiots. I can forgive their stupidity (they can't control their low IQ), but I will not excuse lard asses who sit around bitching about this country attacking someone who voluntarily joined a service and at least attempted to serve. I have no problem with him discovering that he was not that into the basic mission once faced with the reality of it. I personally was active during a move from "peace" to higher activity. It totally fucks with your mind when combat becomes a real potential. If I'm guessing correctly, we were active in the middle east when Onision enlisted, so that makes it even more significant that he actually enlisted while these assholes sat around bitching about life.
No. 349364
>>349352I'm a not very up to date on YouTube stuff. But would any network even take her if all her previous channels were terminated?
Because after yesterday I fully believe her end game is to get all her channels struck down so she can either pull a keemstar or join a network.
No. 349369
>>349366What has Joy done? Well, she had a meltdown at a Ford dealership,……………….(crickets)
That's about it.
No. 349375
File: 1499620541892.jpg (104.28 KB, 355x777, live-.jpg)

Just a couple of cute bits from her latest live chat (the one where she finally accepted the lack of superchat on her new channel and actually streamed)
No. 349379
>>349375There was SO much talk of 'fingerbanging' everyone in the chat, I hope stream anon got it all because it was super gross.
And a lot of people offering their channels so she could avoid technicalities of the TOS as not being able to access any more of her channels after being terminated. These people are so blind and downright pathetic, it genuinely pains me to watch.
No. 349392
>>349379If she does it for shock value, the joke has gotten old. She's a slob. There's a difference between relaxing in sweats and living in them. She once said she'd too tired to get dressed to go buy clothes. I throw the BS flag on that one. Belching and farting while streaming is expected from a man, but she's just a pig. And talking about her clit, cooch, va-jay-jay, etc..etc…
She's a pig.
Joy - we know you read this thread because you're so attention starved, so now. You have at least 8 threads devoted to you. You have the attention you wanted.
Now go away.
No. 349395
>… the "General under Honorable Condition" was because he was discharged early and as a contentious objector (so, in other words, that would have to be cleared before he could re-enlist in the future). Had it had anything to do with his article 15, it would have been a dishonorable discharge and he would have been discharged as a part of the article 15. Thank you! How hard is it to understand this. General/honorable discharge isn't an either/or here. Its both. It's not some big mystery. Anyone with military experience could tell you this. He showed the papers needed to prove he did not discharge under article 15. You're seriously going to try and nitpick a military discharge document and accuse him of lying when you don't even know how to read it.
But I guess I should expect nothing less from someone that will also get in a Twitter fued with a publisict with far more pull than her over media rights and HIPAA legality. Let's face it, none of us probably know current ruling on HIPAA. Unless you've been trained on it in the last 6 months you probably shouldn't be talking.
>I am still disgusted at her actions on streams, Twitter, and questioning someone's veteran status. What has Joy done? Apart from allegedly donate a small amount of money to charity. What she's done is thrown racial slurs at a black woman, unleashed her spergleberries on the woman, who then brought up her son being molested as a child.
BTW her name is ShaRIKA lol
What she's done is harassed a man with a wife and small kids, propelling this narrative about his military service. Turning his own brothers against him. Onision is a piece of shit. But he also served our country. I assure you, there's plenty of other enlisted that aren't upstanding citizens either. But they put on a uniform and laid down their life by choice so people like Joy can take advantage of free speech. She's not just hurting Onision at this point. She's hurting other veterans, rape survivors, etc.
I scanned the comment section of her military video and there were comments from "alleged" soldiers saying he was a POS soldier, showing off awards everyone gets and didn't deserve to act so proud etc. she's perpetuating this mentality. Unless you served next to him, you have no right to speak about him as a soldier.
Treating our people in uniform like this is a slippery slope. Anyone know anyone that fought in Vietnam? Ask them how it feels to have those you fought for treat you like this. I understand Onision probably didn't see what they saw, but her spurgleberries don't understand where lines are.
No. 349406
>>349395Exactly. She doesn't know what the real world is like.
Karma is a dish best served cold.
No. 349419
Is sharika's younow stream anywhere so those who missed it can watch?
>>349406I thought that was revenge?
No. 349442
File: 1499625890374.png (140.05 KB, 1242x990, IMG_1821.PNG)

Lol. She's doing herself no favors by her and her joytards constantly tweeting at YouTube.
No. 349446
>>349395Exactly my point. Her behaviour was appealing.
If I was her I would reach publicly and privately apologise for the inappropriate outburst. And to Onision for questioning his service.
But we know that won't happen, instead there will be excuses made.