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No. 692629

The TL/DR for the last thread is that Kati continued to fuse into the couch, threw tantrums that amounted to smearing her own shit everywhere (including over her entire face), while laughing like a hyena.

Kati’s victims included:

- The Do5 children because Kati is happy to earn shekels on the back of abused kids that she’s sexualized for your entertainment. At least one of those video earned her a strike from the mean ol’ Youtube! (There is no such thing as a false strike, if you broke TOS you get a strike ya dumb crust) So, no livestream $uperChat$ for a couple months.

- Moral Virus, Vivica, and her child. Kati streamed a dox party on them and proudly exposed the infant child for everyone to see and bragged how it wasn’t HER fault for doing that… earning her another strike and two week break for her assholery. Kati and the Joytards attempted to start an obvious vendetta thread and it was soundly mocked till farmers locked it as the obvious spergery that it is. —How does it feel to fail at image boards Kati? Do you realize that actual retards master image boards and you and your band of spergs failed hard!

- Kati took to twitter to tell an (actually diagnosed) autistic woman to drink bleach (MMS) earning her a twitter slap, then other reports came in earning her more twitter slaps, causing Kati to delete all her tweets back to Sept 2017 while she waits out a two week suspension there. Kati is desperate to keep her 6k twitter followers.

- Peter Monn and, by extension, Petty Page over their unfair treatment of her for being the racist bint that she is. It was just a joke ya’al! She can even speak in the ebonics accent!

- Kati went full bore, tits out, defender for her favorite ACTUAL pedophile KidBehindACamera (who at 21yo actually fucked a 15yo) and smacked down not one, but two!, teenaged boys for being unfair to her favorite pedophile and idol. This caused reminiscing about Kati’s long history of protecting pedophiles starting back with that IndigoAbuse forum she deleted when she discovered pedophiles were hunting children on it and she didn’t want to risk damaging the reputation of the pedophiles.

- Kati tried to pile onto the MundaneMatt bashing, but no one gave a shit. This included a howling performance by two cats in a bag being smashed against the wall… oh, wait…that was her attempting to sing. She then posted her signing at her peak in 2006 and proved that two cats in a bag being smashed against a wall are more melodic her at her peak.

- Kati is tried to suck Mister Metokur and Keemstar’s dicks at the same time, but neither are noticed. She attempted to jump on the Sargon’s a pedophile bandwagon, but missed and did a faceplant onto the tailgate instead because she couldn’t be arsed to actually verify anything before she posted her video.

- Repzion who sent Kati into a tail spin with a single tweet about making an unspecified “part 2” video.

- She regained possession of the dog she abandoned for nearly a week in an apartment 10 years ago and now both dogs are flea ridden because Kati, life long dog lover, had no idea what fleas were. She claimed a sudden deep clean on her apartment that nearly killed her was because of spreading DE (a fine powder) through the apartment and not because the complex told her to clean her fucking pig sty up or get out.

- She claims a wellness check by local law enforcement (likely due to a concerned joytard calling because no one here gives that much of a shit about her anymore) was an attempt to murder her.

- She claimed to have cured her fibromylupus but won’t release her formula until a later date. Word has it that CDC and EU NIH are waiting on tenterhooks so they can spread the cure to millions of affected individuals. On the other hand, she continues to shed heavy metals in shards through her body and has taken to slow roasting herself under infra-red lights to pull those shards out through her skin instead of her routine “bowel movements.” The college of medicine will eventually be studying her unique anatomy fer sure.

Previous threads:
#1 >>246848
#2 >>278466
#3 >>285785
#4 >>304769
#5 >>312880
#6 >>322745
#7 >>338199
#8 >>345917
#9 >>351741
#10 >>359606
#11 >>367358
#12 >>376873
#13 >>399109
#14 >>424115
#15 >>446617
#16 >>510117
#17 >>613864
#18 >>677403

Temp thread from when site was down: https://temp.lolcow.farm/pt/243
Unrelated Kati drama having to do with her sycophantic sperglefucks belongs here: >>336585

Social Media:
Original 2nd channel/now primary Spurpinklebow now renamed Joy Sparkle BS https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNvtGycBq2RwqPnblRG_GSg/
New Joy Sparkle BS channel created when she deleted the original channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6crg67UmHh_RHCUGqlWCUw
Joy Sparkle Eff It 3rd channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7kUp3c-o7OtYoaV65zkzHA
Socialblade for her original Joy Sparkle BS YouTube channel that she deleted to avoid showing analyitics or “proof” that she’d paid out ALL of her Do5 earnings to the bioMom. https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCObCOwqrwbBKVwL_VivgYUQ/

Twitter https://twitter.com/joysparklebs
YouNow https://www.younow.com/JoySparkleBS
Patreon https://www.patreon.com/JoySparkleBS (She says she’s not bringing this back… don’t believe it!)

•If it's your first time posting read the rules: https://lolcow.farm/rules and usage info https://lolcow.farm/info •lurk moar
•Milk (NEW information) requires evidence such as links or screenshots. Trying to pass off unsubstantiated rumors as truth will show you for the Joytard you are. Speculation must be saged.
•Not saging (sage-ing) correctly is a bannable offense. Put the word “sage” in the email field. DO NOT use any other fields. Sage=no new info/do not bump thread. The “Anonymous” will be in black text instead of green text on the post.
•DO NOT LINK TO HER VIDEOS. Typically an anon will have new videos on bitchute shortly. Otherwise we know where to find them.
•Do not post about Kati's family or exes or try to contact them. You can talk about them if Kati brings them up but do not refer to them by name.
•DO NOT CONTACT POLICE for a wellness check or any other reason. This bitch uses suicide talk for attention seeking. UNLESS SHE TURNS BLUE AND SLUMPS OVER ON LIVESTREAM her welfare is her boyfriend’s problem. Law enforcement have more important things to do. You mark yourself as a Joytard if you contact police.

No. 693266

File: 1537503771885.jpg (23.82 KB, 622x234, Kati YouNow Apology.jpg)

No where in her videos regarding moralvirus has she even acknowledged this post on her YouNow page.

No. 693282


it's pretty damn sad this needs to be part of the OP. should probably be more general, too, since people in these threads love touching the shit / tipping

No. 693283

OP photo makes her look like that fat kid from Tales of the Crypt: Demon Knight.

No. 693307

>>692629 It's kind of frightening that the summary contains no exaggeration, just a slight bit of cheek. That's all just from 3 weeks, and two of those weeks she was banned from uploading videos.

Seems to me like she may already have burned through any possible growth (besides her ass) possible for her channel since her return. She's not an unknown, given the benefit of doubt by the general audience. She's known as a batshit dramaghoul who behaves in a vile fashion and never is correct about anything she's talking about either because she's lying or did zero research.

I will be very surprised if she actually is able to make any significant gains (besides her ass) as she flails about psychotically on the internet.

No. 693381

I’m working on something on Joy and I know she said she got into Julliard but did she say she actually attended as well or did she only “get in?” I just want to get my facts straight so if any anon remembers if you could let me know I’d be very grateful, thank you.

No. 693385


The family anons went through her scholastic history I believe.
That was a few threads back..

I don't recall admittance to Juliard ever confirmed and I don't recall her claim of admission either but wouldn't put it past Joy.
Her claims about her employment history are monumental considering she says she was jet setting all over the country and managing million+ dollar marketing campaigns for major companies but was actually doing the lowest, no qualifications necessary `sales` which was setting up demo booths at events to push twinkies.

No. 693432

The claim was "I was accepted by" Julliard and never clarified. That could have just meant that they accepted her to have an audition. She never auditioned. She auditioned as some mid-west school and she ended up going to what sounded like the local community college "that even took kids that got Ds for Christ sake!"

No. 693517

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She deleted another 3100+ tweets last night.

No. 693576


Unfortunately, even if he's sincere, Kati isn't likely to accept his apology. Accepting it means she'd have to move on - and we all know she won't do that.

No. 693640

first video of the day
Peter Monn

No. 693642

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Yup, he called her "joke" racist over a year ago so she's going to call him a huge mega racist probably. Yeah, that'll fix everything!

No. 693643

She auditioned at Interlochen in Michigan but it was unclear whether or not she was accepted. I'm guessing Julliard was more prestigious to name. Interlochen is not a bad school. I remember one of the fam anons mentioning the long drive and how much they hated it.Interlochen has very rigorous standards and the tuition is just as bad as some of the more prestigious schools. I couldn't afford it and I didn't qualify for any aid because my parents made too much. Not to mention I was a little nervous about the cross country move.

saged for possible old milk

No. 693649

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 693661

Kati is really ramping up the effort wanting a hate mob after her.
Peter's woof pack will destroy her channel

No. 693666

And another CLEAR DMCA violation. She's not commenting on it and just because she's not using the video doesn't mean she can just use his audio 100%. It is interesting that she doesn't understand that Peter is making very good points in his audio.

Also interesting. Apparently "ugly" is now racist and monkey=black to her.

No. 693670

Peter isn't stupid enough to DMCA her. She would love that sort of attention just so she can Onisheon him. 100+ videos on how she got a copyright strike

No. 693676

File: 1537555400531.png (75.05 KB, 1396x603, Untitled3.png)

PeterMonn the Hypocrite - Starring His Tweets & White Privilege! or I am going to play Peter Monn audio

Alot of this video is just the audio from Peters video going after her on her apology. Most people have seen it so I am just going to summarize her bitching.

-Joy has been waiting for this day. She warned everyone. Sucks it happened on her 2 weeks off. Peter Monn is getting his Karma. Joy will do everything to get the word out.
-Knows a lot of people won't be happy. Joy is tired of the BS.
-Peter Monn screamed she was a racist of a joke people didn't understand.
-Peter said the N word a couple times.
-Majority of youtbers are insecure pricks
-It was devastating how he ramped up the harassment
-Joy will forever stick to the fact her joke was humor and humor helps people process things.
-Joy doesn't believe Peter's apology
-Peter probably not racists. Joy mad at the hypocrisy
-It is all coming out now
-Doing series to show he is a liar and not sorry
-Truly disgusted with his behavior. Disgusted! (That is how we feel about you also Joy just so you know!)
-about 4 videos. In this video showing the hypocrisy.

-Rest of the video was just PMs audio and showing the tweets over and over.

No. 693682

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She's finally updated her channel icon but she's let that spurpinkle bow banner remain.

No. 693715


Like that she's sticking with a very old picture of herself instead of sometime more recent.

Oh, wait - it would require effort on her part to clean herself up and look remotely passable.

No. 693717

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 693718

> Like that she's sticking with a very old picture of herself instead of sometime more recent.

Indeed. Who's the CatFischer now?

(that's one for the older anons.)

No. 693733

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She is becoming one with the couch, is she actually wearing one of the couch covers?

No. 693736

That is one of her new hoodies. But it appears to be backwards. So I can only assume she is flipping them around and inside out to avoid washing them.

No. 693740

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No. 693746

>>693682 Oh my god, she actually updated her channel icon to that picture?
Ahhhahahahaa, I've always found that picture particularly horrendous because it's the most clear one where to 'smile pretty' she keeps her entire face completely expressionless and still, then pouts just her lower lip down to expose her clenched teeth.
It's like when this dog sees itself in the mirror and shows it's teeth for intimidation.
I always react to that picture like a psycho holding a kitchen knife, it's like are they about to cook dinner or murder me?

No. 693764

in the video with moral, she tries to make it sound like a long time had passed before she found the thread, but that wasn't the case.

she made her channel in late december.

2/7 thread was created
2/12 joy sent her tards to infest her thread in a younow stream

No. 693767

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Exposed: I've Been Lying To You All… or I am going to milk this shit until your eyes and ears bleed with my sweatshirt on backwards

-This shows the absolute level of mentally ill, obsessive, craziness. (I am pretty sure she is talking about herself here and doesn't realize it)
-They are fo intellectuals, Saragon category only they don't have the money to buy a suit.
-He is screaming Joy is self posting on lolcow.
-She is talking about the people critical just the crazyasses like Jarrod.
-No logic, spin fairy tales
-Plays a you now clip with Jarrod
-She has a theory Someone like Jarrod is….
-She starts talking about Jarrod knowing Mods here who can check IPs and how she only posted here once.
-He won't go through the proper channels to see if she is self posting because they have to keep the fantasy alive to justify their obsessive nature.
-They won't look at the facts
-part manipulation part mental illness
-showcasing their mental illness
-desperate to hold any reason to hate Joy
-She is handing them the test they won't do it
-Desperate, sad fucking people.

So Miss Joy with the charisma and mass marketing skills still can't tag properly. I wonder if it hurts her fragile ego that she has to tag other names and other youtubers shows to try and draw traffic to her channel. It must feel kinda pathetic that Joy will say she use to be a popular youtuber who had to delete her huge channel because of harassers. The girl who didn't care that she deleted her channel and didn't even fucking think about it. This same girl now can't even get traffic to her fucking videos with out false marketing skills and trying to ride other peoples names not only in a majority of her videos but also in her tags. I don't know about you guys but I am super jealous and so wish I could be her!!!

No. 693768

I don't get why she admits to having spent over $150 to have her first videos advertised but denies doing something that would have been free. For an expert PR person, she's a pure moron. And, honestly, with as cheap as it is to buy subscribers, I could totally believe that she just bought subscribers to make it look like she was taking off.

No. 693773


I wouldn't be surprised if she bought subs and views but it can't be proven. I think she was called out on the advertising with proof. IIRC someone had screen shots of her videos being marketed on twitter or something so she had to own up to it. That was in the very beginning though so I can't remember the specifics. Anyways there was a reason she had to own up to the first videos being marketed and used some excuse saying it was a accident. She didn't volunteer the info until someone said something.

No. 693789

within the first week she herself made the claim of having spent over $150. Later (maybe March?) she'd lowered it to only $50.

No. 693814

Okay… She spent $200 bucks promoting first video and says it in her Mar 20, 2017 20k Subscribers & Donations THANK YOU! Updates & Fun! video around 4m30s. So, it is a claim that she herself made in a pre-recorded video.

No. 693818

I just found this from a year ago. https://www.youtube.com/user/CustodyPlace/discussion Guess he didn't read the comment.

No. 693893

PeterMonn : I WAS RIGHT! Or I am not obsessive guys I just do numerous videos because I am always right!

-Having a good day. Feeling better everyday. Thank whatever is or isn't god and roommate
-I don't want to thank Peter Monn for that!
-Wonder why? Because you Peter Monn added to the BS I went through!
-Watching you go down in flames is a highlight for me.
-Over the past few months people have been calling Peter out.
-I warned you all about Peter!
-Warned you about Based Mama. Warned about Rep. Onision but everyone knew about Onision. Stay negative look what happened to him. (She leaves out how she use to kiss all those peoples asses and try to get in good with them until THEY rejected her.)
-Peter said he wanted to help her with her mental problems. Any mental problems were from the haters. (But she was an expert on them and knew how they felt before that according to her medical videos)
-Peter was rude,cold and read her DMs out loud laughing in her face.
-Peter one of the fakest trending youtubers.
-Peter acts like he cares….he doesn't. He can't handle criticism
-All day Joy has been preparing. New stuff is coming out.
-Peter Monn week
-Made 8 videos about her.
-A friends has spoke out about Peter it is juicy.
-Ranting about a video where Peter talks about it.
-ME ME ME ME (same shit new day)My hate wasn't deserved Peter's is!
-Drama Whore! Attention Whore!
-Made fun of her sickness. Said some of it was fake. Didn't correct the record. (Do all this fuck tards who defended her when she released that medical shit know she got that from some natural medicine wack job and not a medical Dr? Her medical Dr found none of this heavy metal, infections throughout her body bullshit she has been pushing it was a quack specialist with a certificate who did a hair test.)
-He actually made a video supporting Reps video about her.
-Peter mocked and made fun of someone who was sick!
-losing subs over the Peter series thats ok. Hope people look at the situation objectively
-I try to be fair. I don't call out people for drama and attention.
-Peter takes jabs at everyone. Admitted he doesn't care if he is right.
-Just because he is nice to you doesn't mean he isn't an asshole.
-Her dog doesn't like it when she flims. Calls her dog up on the couch with her.
-8 Peter Monn videos
-Diving into Peter controlling and gas lighting Dustin
-Peter is a narcissist. ME ME ME again
-Men are cowards
-Petty Paige is a real ass woman.
-So many men who dish and can't take it. Like Rep who said a part two was coming that never came. (Did he ever say that was a video about her?)
-Makes fun of someone he said was mentally ill.
-Peter is a pus you dish it you take it
-Nobody cares deal with it.
-Delete your channel and leave oh you can't do that! I deleted a 60000 sub channel to better myself and refocus like that (snap fingers) (bitch your channel was losing subs and if this is you better and refocused you really have no self awareness at all! Well maybe you do if you mean you are a bigger shit show!)
-Youtube is the only thing that makes Peter feel anything.
-Gets off on attention
-Not bulling. Standing up for myself. Defending myself.
-No one can call her an attention whore when she deleted her big platform (ATTENTION WHORE)
-ME ME ME I have done things in life. My life was so great Blah Blah Blah
-Knock it off your crying is manipulation. (So what is Joy's crying throughout every fucking video. Oh and please someone buy this bitch some chapstick and teach her to swallow her spit. Shit is fucking nasty!)
-He can't be a therapist. Can't even handle his own life.
-Peter go after the older LGBT men who like to pray on young boys. (Dumbass most men who pray on young boys sexually identify as straight. I thought this shit was debunked in the 90s.)Peter doesn't give a shit about the real problems.
-Weak minded
-46 yr old man you don't get to cry on camera
-You mock people's apology videos.
-People like you shouldn't be on youtube. Not trying to deplatform you. Saying people like you narcissistic, sociopathic, like you
-That felt good
-Zero Fs to give
-Down votes and hate help my channel grow.
-People like Peter made her delete her channel so she is using them for subs and views
-Integrity and truth are on Joy's side!
-Wants to interview Dustin

Now she has her fanatics spamming her comment section to help with the algorithm! She is getting more and more pathetic.

No. 693918

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We get a 3rd video today.

She gets on camera disheveled and manic every day if she can so there shouldn't be a problem with using a current pic. But then again it's overwhelmingly obvious that she can't accept reality at all at this point lol.

No. 693919

Video 3 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 693927

File: 1537579480826.jpg (33.58 KB, 521x301, rep.jpg)

Someone tipped her off lol.

No. 693938

What a thirsty bitch.

No. 693949

First real drink she's guzzled that wasn't dripping off her pizza.

No. 693955

Peter offered to help Kati find "wrap around mental health services" that would be affordable to help her in addition to the medical help she was supposed to be getting. He was more than willing to help her over twitter DMs, but she wanted to talk on the phone. At the time, in one of his videos he said he was contacted by no less than 20 people who warned him to NOT talk to her over voice unless he was recording it because she would record it and would then lie about what was said or release selective parts to make him look bad. So, he was only willing to DM with her over text. That is the "he wouldn't talk to me"

When he wouldn't talk voice, Kati flipped her shit and started saying that he refused to talk to her and people asked him why. He originally explained over YouNow that he'd been happy to DM, but warned off voice conversations. She kept lying about the situation, so he posted a video and read the DMs to show that he'd offered to help, just was not willing to talk over voice.

No. 693959

Repzion is tolling the shit out of her and she can't help but jump at the bait like a starving wort hog.

No. 693960

In all fairness, apparently he was never actually licensed in any way, nor a psychotherapist like he claimed and he could have called her if he really wanted to help her. He was just looking for views so he shouldn't have gotten involved with her the way he did. I'm all for his videos calling her out and am glad he made it/them, but it's fucked up for him to lie and say he wanted to help her. He really put his foot in his mouth with the videos though considering he turned out to be the same piece of shit she is. I'm actually surprised it took her this long to go off on him. Luckily for him, she's truly happier than a pig in shit right now so I can't see her changing anyone's mind about him, especially if they aren't used to this kind of mania and cackles, given her inability to pay attention nor produce decent content, then again, neither can he.

No. 694006


Where TF does she get off telling other YouTubers: WHY don't YOU just delete YOUR channel like I did with 60,000
(SNAPs fingers) subs I LEFT YOUTUBE FOR a year! (snicker) just to better MYSELF! TO SELF REFLECT DAMMIT!
YOU don't have the COURAGE to do THAT, YOU don't have the courage to better YOURSELF!. YOU can't LIVE without the attention! YOU are an attention WHORE narcissistic yada yada Pig bone jerkweed fan snappin PEDERAST. ( don't quote me on This, it's just her most recent misused word )
YOU could NEVER just delete a channel LIKE I DID! Nani Nani boo boo
I have MY clothes CUSTOM made to match MY upholstery !


No. 694030

question, did Katie delete almost her entire Twitter history?

thanks for any info.

No. 694122

No. 694127

> he could have called her if he really wanted to help her.
I was one of the people that DMd him and warned him to NOT talk to her on voice w/out recording it. She had already shown that she records her conversations and had already released at least one publicly. Given that she had the fibromylupus fog, text messaging would have been better anyway for referencing since all he was offering was to help her find affordable mental health care and that would have likely meant her getting contacts for non-profits or state agencies that provide those services.

As for the rest of Peter Monn's life… don't care. I only watched his stuff because the videos on Kati were thrown up in my recommended videos. If Peter Monn had only 5k subscribers Kati wouldn't even acknowledge him. She's going after him because he has 170k subscribers and no other reason. She's trying to make him her new Onision to relaunch her channel.

No. 694208

File: 1537632737840.jpg (26.95 KB, 217x217, monnagain.jpg)

And here we start for the day. He's definitely going to be the focus for this week at least. I'd think she would run out of content with quicker than Onision but then again we all know how she likes to drag it all out to get as much content as possible.

No. 694215

I am not going to watch the video, but Joy is a dumb bitch. You can talk about clients as long as you don't give their names or information that can identify them. Doctors and therapists do it all the time for books, teaching, or bitching about what a bad day they had. There's even an app called Figure 1 to post medical images (just no personal information allowed).

Joy's doctors could have gone home and laughed about how this dumb bitch thinks an IUD gave her heavy metal poisoning and her weight gain is her body expelling toxins. They can do that because there's no real way to identify who the aforementioned dumb bitch is.

No. 694227

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 694280


Haven't watched it yet, but that title certainly is enough to get her a defamation suit. I wish she'd face plant onto someone with the money to drag her into the courts!

No. 694301

She crammed out another Peter Monn video already. She's not showing signs of slowing down. She might even hit us with a third video before the day is out.

No. 694306

True, true.

I am sure we've all read at least one article, news story, watched some TV show, YouTube video, etc. where a doctor or nurse has discussed previous patients without giving names. And in much more detail than PeterMonn did.

We've probably all even gone to see a doctor where they used a past patient as an example of what can happen/what to expect/or even just a funny story to calm us down, especially after something embarrassing may have happened.

And if you have a doctor or nurse friend, you've probably heard hospital/clinic horror stories from them.

These people are human. And they need a way to release stress like the rest of us. He never named names. Joy's an idiot, and I am sure she is trying to spin this as some sort of HIPAA violation when it's not.

She just wants to make him suffer like she felt she did when he called her out. What I find extraordinary is that he made a simple video and he wasn't nasty or mean to her, to call her out. But she's absolutely vulgar and outright cruel towards him. I get wanting to call him out on his hypocrisy, but she takes things way too far.

Every video I've seen on PeterMonn has been absolutely MILD compared to what this ButterTub has said just in passing alone.

No. 694307

In December, during the Kuckian drama, Kati jumped in to do a a few streams to call Peter Monn a pedophile. She's been looking for an excuse to keep going at him. Now that there's a significant tide against him she's looking to capitalize on it as if this'll somehow vindicate her rather than show her to be a vile, vindictive, and obsessive individual.

No. 694311

There's subreddits where Doctors, nurses and pharmacists share patients horror stories. Kati is a complete retard.

No. 694312

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No. 694314

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 694324

wait kid behind a camera fucked a 15 year old?

No. 694325

Sage your posts. Also yes he did. He admitted to it. It was discussed in the last thread.

No. 694328

oh sorry i dont know much about how lolcow works, what does sage your posts mean

No. 694329

At the top of this thread (and every other thread for that matter) is two links… one of information and the other of rules. Read them both, they explain EVERYTHING.

No. 694332

File: 1537645904367.jpg (74.07 KB, 762x576, dustinsaysno.jpg)

She's constantly finger pointing like it's a real whodunnit as far as her previous channel goes. The fact is she hit the end of the line with that channel and deleted it an impulsive fit. And all this time later she's still super salty and trying to scapegoat over it.

And this same commenter let her know that buddying up Dustin is not going to happen lol. A lot of people are not here for her shit even if she has issues with the same youtubers they do.

No. 694337

File: 1537646766053.jpg (709.06 KB, 2166x1440, 20180922_140424.jpg)

Looks like old lady of the crows feet is wearing another hoodie backwards. But I guess a lighter colored hoodie would show pizza grease and mayonnaise stains easily.

No. 694346

Lmao not Joy, the self-proclaimed “YouTube’sweetheart,” would care why Rep would be DMing PM! Exactly like she didn’t care about Rep’s vid he made a year ago that she’s still bitching about lol. JFC she’s just dumb af it’s impressive.

No. 694381

Isn't it interesting that Kati was DEMANDING public statements about the therapy and care being given to the Do5 children… She said that she would not quit until she knew what sort of care they were getting… this wasn't about adults, this was about CHILDREN… but suddenly now you NEVER even make unidentified tweets about "clients"?

No. 694410

Can anyone please explain her wearing hoodies backwards? This is pretty disturbing and when people start wearing their clothes inside out, and/or backwards it’s really time to be admitted to a mental institution. She’s officially unhinged in every video and her whole channel is about nothing else but her personal vengeance. Pretty scary stuff! It’s like watching a real life break down. Katie listen to your comments: get off YouTube and seek help IMMEDIATELY!

No. 694419

Those are not on backwards (the Under Armour logo is on the front). It's just a style that is not well suited to large bodies and she doesn't take a minute to fix it from being all wonky from when she slept in it last night.

No. 694448

File: 1537655734075.png (86.93 KB, 620x458, l5SWVFI.png)


No. 694528

A satire video of Kati as a BBW.

No. 694536

Are you retarded? A defamation suit? You obviously have no idea about standards required for something like that.

No. 694544

Apparently there's very few standards if she is accusing him of a crime he didn't commit. >>689801

No. 694572

I believe in the video she said he wasn't breaking any laws, that what he did was ethically wrong?
As far as the title, there's no defamation as the tweets are in fact his and specifically state the word clients

No. 694681


I'd like for her to give a valid reason why she feels entitled to that kind of private information.

And, no - saying she's worried about the kids isn't a valid reason (especially considering she still has those videos up; happily making money off of those same kids she claims to care so much about - and all as a 'FU!' to their mother).

No. 694869

The demand for the information about the kid's treatment was made when she was scrambling for reasons to keep posting Do5 videos and she said she would keep producing videos until she knew the kids were safe and getting 'intensive mental health therapy' (it had already been publicly stated that the kids were being seen by a counselor, but that wasn't enough for her, she wanted details.)

No. 694971

File: 1537713986816.png (77.92 KB, 1174x268, Screen Shot 2018-09-23 at 9.46…)

why do I feel like joy did this

No. 695016

Because that's Kati and Elana's MO.

No. 695021


Kati, Elana, Shannon Trapp, Denise, Puffin whoever the fuck, Taunee/Kattscratch, all of the devoted spergleberries. Would any of us, at this point in time, put it past Kati and her crew to write obsessive emails to women who are the objects of desire of the men she's obsessed with? It's possible but unknown if she wrote that email to Memorie Holiday, or had prior knowledge of it, but we know for a fact she tried repeatedly to reach out & isolate Lainey to talk to her alone. We also know she contacted the family of her token pal Alex.

She likes to scream that random people contact her family or whatever, but after all this time I've yet to see true evidence of this - meanwhile many different people report weird obsessive emails or actions by Sparkle & the miserable bitch crew (her minions) after "falling out" in some way with Kati.

No. 695041

Video one of the day. She doxes her mother and sister all while looking like an uncircumcised penis. Bitchute link. https://www.bitchute.com/video/erbIClsGtywd/

No. 695088

And already another video released. Again about Peter Monn. She name drops Petty Paige in the title as well.

At this point, we should really expect another video today further trying to exploit the Peter Monn drama as this seems to be the only thing she thinks will gain her any kind of following or momentum towards building up her channel again.

No. 695095

I think she said she has like 8 videos ready, so those are probably going to get released in the next few days.

No. 695177


Which, again, is none of her business.

Regardless of when she was making these demands, where did ever Kati get the impression that she had the right to that information, in the first place?

No. 695298

Video 3 of the day. Bitchute link

Video 2 is still processing. Will post when done.

No. 695335

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 695391

it's live on younow

No. 695396

File: 1537744323015.png (247.58 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_20180923-190921.png)

Yep, a vision in peach.

No. 695401

File: 1537744892472.jpg (353.53 KB, 1440x1468, Screenshot_20180923-172052_Twi…)

Well it was kati. Thirsty bitch.

No. 695402

Uncircumcised penis.

No. 695407

Interesting. For some ( unexplained ) reason I didn't think it was her. Hope there's some further ss milk or something to see it was actually from her account.

No. 695416

File: 1537745560051.jpg (480.69 KB, 1431x1527, Screenshot_20180923-173234_Twi…)

No. 695425

Joy isn't a parent and has no fucking room to talk about how someone acts on twitter.To contact girls mom is fucking pathetic and shows what a nasty bitch Joy is. I wonder how she even found her mom….sounds like some doxing bullshit to me!

No. 695433

File: 1537746529283.jpg (17.02 KB, 444x308, IMG_20180923_174836.jpg)

No. 695443

Roommate came in from walking the dogs and Joy started talking a lot at him until she realized he had his headphones on and heard nothing she said at first. That's a pretty good setup for her that she can pop on stream at a random time while roommate takes care of the responsibilities!

Nearly an hour into the stream she starts calling out for Jawwod to guest as he was present earlier on according to Joy. She calls him a puss for not wanting to debate, her standard remark but wasn't this person deemed a harasser of hers? She told someone in chat to dm him to get in the stream to guest.

She'd like to go to Kilroy 2 but she'd like to lose 50 or 60 pounds first. This isn't about vanity she says but for mobility and health.

No. 695447

File: 1537747612097.png (241.76 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_20180923-200440.png)


Damnit he showed up to entertain her nonsense

No. 695457

Hmm.. I hate to say it but I’m going to be sceptical about this. She says her mom will get a ss next time yet you can still get one if you have someone blocked. It’s not hard to present screenshots if this is true. I don’t know something seems fishy to me

No. 695463

my thoughts exactly anon.
seems p fake tbh

No. 695465

Funny, that’s exactly what I thought of when I saw that.

No. 695467

Yeah, reserving judgement. It just seems like a really weird timing, not to mention it's counterproductive. Part of me also thinks she'd already be talking about it if she had indeed done it. Dunno, milk proof needed.

No. 695471

did anybody get any details on the live streaming at 9?

No. 695477

File: 1537750096932.jpg (468.57 KB, 1436x2281, Screenshot_20180923-184701_Twi…)

Apparently she is livestreaming with this nobody Thomas Ellington. Who has a problem with Tommy C. So that obviously got kati's attention.

No. 695479

I think the channel is oof curator, at 9pm her time which will be in a little over an hour from now.

No. 695481

No. 695496

Exactly, not to mention if this were true repzion would not think twice about exposing her for this so …eh. I’m also thinking that if this is some kind of ploy on his part (and I’m even hesitant to say that not knowing all details) but this could very well back fire on all of us who are trying to show case her true bad behaviours that have hurt a lot of people

No. 695507

File: 1537752241897.jpg (456.03 KB, 1080x1826, 20180923_182152.jpg)

No proof it was Joy.

No. 695586

This stream is one of the most cringey, boring streams I've seen in a long time. Joy self promoting and cackling in between.

No milk zone

No. 695588

Yeah, it was so boring I had to tap out and do other things. A bunch of cringey fucks crying about other cringey fucks, what a fantastic use of everyone's time.

No. 695669

citation needed

No. 695783

File: 1537792815697.jpg (79.47 KB, 733x806, IMG_20180924_063742.jpg)

She is a breathtakingly thirsty bitch.

No. 695812

Please let him be smart enough to not respond in any way and just ignore her! She's bat shit crazy and just trying to get more views.

No. 695875

Dated feb.17

No. 695881


Got to love how any 'debate' had to take place on 'her' channel and not the other persons - proving once again that it had nothing to do with getting 'the truth' out and everything to do with getting herself some sweet, sweet money.

No. 695885

read the screen shot again, previous messages were 17th Feb. Most recent messages 3 HOURS ago when the screen shot was taken

No. 695902

Learn to read before commenting. Her last messages were sent 3 hours ago.

No. 695928

No. 695935

Who would be the common enemy since Kati is working hard to keep a lip lock on the dicks of Metokur, Tonkatard, Keemstar, etc. Kati's currently fighting people that have long ago moved on with their lives. Even her retarded sperging at Peter Monn makes no sense since she was no more than a passing commentary from his side of the fence, so try as she might to make him a big boogie man, I don't see him giving a flying fuck what she has to say. (BUT, I find it interesting that he was a smaller channel than her's when he commented on her and is now at over twice the size, while her channel was deleted to avoid showing those receipts that she always talks about.) Mundane Matt blew right past her and only served to highlight that she sings like shit.

No. 695979

She says CBD style which leads me to believe she's talking about Extra Spoon. I'm still confused by the tweet. I'm assuming it's a private tweet.Does Tommy publish his private tweet here? Apologies for my ignorance on this subject.Maybe somebody could explain. I'd greatly appreciate the input. Thank you anons

No. 695992

No. 696004

This dude is a fucking idiot whining on fucking twitter Tommy C gave him a warning he was going to flag his channel if he didn't take down clips of Tommy's stream. Then he has on Joy who flagged peoples channels to get them taken down or to get their dox info because they posted clips of her streams.

No. 696010

sorry for my stupid.I guess there are a number of people who might have this info.
Anyway her first video is up.Mundane Matt is the subject.

No. 696013

let me guess, she isnt accepting the apology, she take shots at his kid, calls him a failure, etc.

No. 696016

she probably went after his kid, not accepting the apology, etc.

No. 696040

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 696052

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 696069

This is not anything w/Kati except text before the entire video is Peter Monn guesting another drama vlogger. It looks like just a conversation between them about some other vlogger. Kati seems to be trying to say this was Peter trying to control the man he was talking to. I don't see that and, really, this is just Kati finding a way to put up videos for views w/out doing any work.

No. 696072

File: 1537819998975.jpg (430.74 KB, 1080x1080, 20180924_155845-01.jpg)

No. 696114

Every time Kati speaks these days I just think of that fake ass Little Kati voice she used to rely on to sell herself as the nicest person in the world, all that shit.

The people who have watched her since back then (Link for example) seriously cant put 2 and 2 together here? Someone who is "super nice and loves giving second chances and never talks bad about former friends and will always care for them no matter what they do to her" as she tried to portray doesnt go on year long rampages spitting venom in all directions.

Literally her first lie ever (that shes a nice person here to help) has been debunked by her own behavior and somehow people STILL don't get it. Even if Kati was my actual best friend like we grew up since kindergarten, I still couldnt be surrounded by all this negativity every second of everyday, I dont get how the spergles are still clinging to her ass hairs. Even if I was amoral as fuck like she is, I'd at the very least just be annoyed and over her antics.

I literally cannot wrap my mind around how anyone, even the brain dead she hangs out with, can find genuine appeal in her or her content.

No. 696136

Jesus, Anon, that's spooky. Like an Andy Warhol depiction of constipation…

No. 696142

File: 1537825879784.jpg (16.85 KB, 220x245, 220px-Caricature_Charles_Phili…)

Or else this: Famous 1831 caricature of Louis Philippe turning into a pear mirrored the deterioration of his popularity (Honoré Daumier, after Charles Philipon).

No. 696147


The comments on this live stream are more entertaining then the stream was.I don't have the ability to take SS right now.

No. 696175

Lowkey wish the streams would be recorded with the chat, that's where all the fun is. I'm usually at work when shes streaming but just throwing it out there I use DU recorder to record it off my phone. You can get it in the app store for free.

No. 696215

File: 1537832602902.jpg (28.85 KB, 442x295, Capture.JPG)

No. 696240

You can still watch chat. Press the live chat button.

No. 696267


In the last frame she follows through.

AKA Shits out another stinker of a video.

No. 696272

Found object

No. 696313

Sorry, I meant on younow

No. 696355

update to this picture….it was on the tenth not earlier today that joy sent the picture

No. 696368

TY anon, somebody lept before they looked.Even after a few double-takes.

No. 696437

File: 1537861426151.png (459.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-25-03-37-26…)

Matt came out of the heat into the frying pan. But I know nothing.

No. 696439

File: 1537861618931.png (401.19 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-25-03-44-37…)

No. 696481

"Her video" was still active, meaning the report he made on it did nothing. Second, who got "fired"… Youtube is not an employer and no one got fired. She's so full of shit.

No. 696572

wouldn't surprise me if she is linking him to the claims that people tried to get roommate fired.

No. 696573

So, let me get this straight….Joy wants Matt to apologize to her for flagging a video that isn't hers….

1. Matt already made the damn apology.
2. The video she is referencing isn't hers. It's Andy Warski's.
3. Even if Matt decides to apologize to Joy, (its not gonna happen) Joy would find, or create, more bullshit about Matt to talk about.

No. 696574

it wasn't even her video. It was Andy Warski's video. Matt already apologized to Andy.

No. 696575

File: 1537891242294.jpg (12.14 KB, 406x56, andy.JPG)

She seems to think it was her.
Taken from the tweets to Tommy C

No. 696617


She is delusionally entitled. Obviously no one should give her a platform.If they do, she makes it her home away from home.You can't give her an inch.Not only will she want more, she expects more. Because she is Katie, queen of nowhere.

No. 696627

I want to know why she keeps saying her channel is growing. Didn’t it start with almost the same amount of subs as it is now? Her comments sections are the best part of her videos. Read the kind of wack jobs that like her “content”, or actually “lack of” and how she answers a lot of comments thinking she is tricking the algorithm. She’s definitely out of hand and it’s funny AF.

No. 696629

Samefag- also, how much can one make on a video that makes her kind of views, five bucks?

No. 696638

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

She recorded her phone call to the police to report moralvirus.

No. 696646

she made a video of herself lying (by omission) to police.

l o fucking l

No. 696649

That she did. I hope someone recorded that stream. Because she egged him on to get that reaction from him.

No. 696656

no reasonable person would take obvious hyperbole to express frustration as a threat. The beating thing was out of context but it seemed they were talking about a video and that it was a figurative beating. i don't know, though, because it was cut out of context.

i'm not a cop but i'm sure they aren't told it's ok to argue with someone making a report. just take the report and we'll suss it out later.

she's wasting police's time just to troll people who hurt her feelings.

No. 696660

Holy shit? Kati….this is a bit far.

No. 696664

For those who care, this is the entire interaction that she has reported as a threat. It starts with her goading him that his "crew" are all chickens and at least he was willing to come on stream with her.

That she's using the police to make monetized videos is beyond disgusting. I would like to see her busted for false reporting.

No. 696667

Right? But I don't believe anyone is surprised she would go this far. I am not surprised she posted it either: it definitely feels like a silencing tactic to all her "haters". Of course, what she probably didn't realize is it's also a silencing tactic for all the peers she wants to collaborate with. No sane youtuber would want to collab with her now. The risk of them having a fall out and she doing something similar to this is too high to take.

No. 696676

She also said in that stream with moralvirus that he wasn't the one that called roommatebf's work, but in police call she said he did. Her police department probably hates her. If they ever do listen to her "evidence" her manic cackling won't go well for her as she didn't even take it as a serious threat.

No. 696689

Sweet little Katie's mask was slipping by the end of the call she couldn't contain her lunacy.Then she dropped a "motherfucker" in there.
She is truly a moron.She says she has no "record".
Guess what Katie.Now you do you.
What a clueless bitch.

No. 696695

REMINDER - Even if that hag drops dead on live stream, do not contact the police for any reason. It's either the boyfriend's or the apartment complex's problem.

To pull info together for any that want or need it:

The guesting by Moral Virus: https://www.younow.com/Michael_Hawkeye/39617812/36982510/de89f5js/m

Most of the entire 3hr live stream (MV starts around the 1hr mark): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EykLda6SWsPsU3E_mGp2kUNDo5xp0dQC

Archive of her video as proof that she posted it: https://archive.is/koEqF

Bitchute copy of the video itself in case she deletes it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/mDxXPaFFoJr7/

No. 696707

Is it illegal to record phone calls in her state? She seems to do this with everyone to use it against them later.

No. 696708

The interaction w/Jarrod was over Younow.
The interaction w/the officer was within her state, but it's a one party state.

Listening to the Jarrod guesting. Kati explicitly says she finds them funny now and they're "just content" and now she's made a police report for content. I wish the police would charge her for false report.

No. 696709

Both reside in one-party states in which you only need the consent of one member of the conversation to record. Where Kati fell into some legal trouble was her recordings of Rose and Tim Conlon as Maryland is a two-party state.

It's only questionable if she can publish phone calls with law enforcement agencies, but I wouldn't think there's much that can be done about it.

No. 696710

>>696573 she purposefully adapted her choice of words for that reason. Initially she kept claiming he flagged her content, it was pointed out it wasn't her content, she only appeared in it & hey presto, suddenly she has changed her wording to state she "appeared in it."

>>679975 This post from thread 18 gives a breakdown of her accusing Matt of flagging "her redemption stream."

From 17 >>663993

No. 696714

The "beating" reference was her begging for a video/audio from a prior conversation and Jarrod said "Why? So you can relive that moment when my girl friend beat your fucking ass?"

No. 696723

File: 1537907030337.png (74.67 KB, 612x319, T58nQvy.png)

Kati marketing her monetized video of abusing police resources. https://twitter.com/JoySparkleBS/status/1044647891925635073

No. 696728

File: 1537907328631.png (282.81 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180925-162615.png)

Huh she told the police that she got morals info from her lawyer, trying to make her "case" sound more legit as well as covering her shady shit.

No. 696737

Her second video of the day is Petty Paige controlled by Peter Monn

No. 696741

i love how her demeanor is so disparate from the subject matter. i'm sure they noticed, too.

No. 696755

She doesn't at all sound paranoid or delusional, 30-40 people out to get her LOL
I do hope the 'swat' wellness check mentioned her being mentally ill and has delusions of a hate mob controlled by Based Boobies

No. 696757

So Moral called Roommate's boss?
She has proof of this?
How many people has she blamed previously?
If nothing else that's a false police report

No. 696759

I could see the officers report: "Subject is convinced a large breasted woman is using her breasts to incentive harassment against her. Subject claims harassers are men who have yet to achieve sexual maturity (ball drop) and are desperate for online glimpse of the ring leader's chest despite wide spread freely available online porn. Subject then became distracted and provided in depth details of her birth control choices. Officer at this point dozed off but was unwilling to ask Subject to repeat herself."

No. 696762

Plot twist… roommates boss is the phone company and we've all called them! I am smarticus!

No. 696768

Katie hasn't replied to any comments today. She must be busy filing forms with the good people at Freedom of Information office.(not) She asked the cop specifically if a tape of the crimestoppers call could be available. My guess is that she wants it specifically to use in a video. How thirsty can one bitch be.

TAF (thirsty as fuck)

No. 696771

Third videos of the day

Am I like Peter Monn

No. 696776


She has got to do something about her personal hygiene.Jfc she is a mess.

No. 696777

File: 1537911594298.jpg (76.04 KB, 1016x329, Peter Monn title click baiting…)

She renamed it. All to try and click bait Peter Monn's name in the title. This thirsty bitch.

No. 696778

Yes she did and she's pulling her old act out. Got to catch her breath.She's probably sick from anxiety after making a false police report and realizing what a stupid idiot she is.

No. 696784

File: 1537912220989.png (68.74 KB, 615x329, S6qWnMD.png)

Original name from her tweet.

No. 696792

Video 3 of the day. Bitchute link

Video 2 is still processing I will post when it's done.

No. 696794

Is the dog alive in this?

No. 696795

If she gets the audio and puts it into a video, it will totally fuck the Crime Stoppers because that is supposed to be an anonymous service. I notice how she tried to make it sound like there were multiple calls for a wellfare check, but the officer only cited a single caller. She knew she was recording it and wanted to make it sound like she was being harrassed by a mob when it was likely one of her sperging joytards worried about her being off twitter, younow, and youtube all at the same time. Or, for all we know, she got that russia bunny chick to make the call for her.

No. 696796

Thank you for your efforts!

Video 2 is nothing except the petty paige guesting on peter monn's younow. It's been out there for a while. kati adds no text to it, no narration, nothing. From start to finish it is just the guesting.

So, I guess we're all good to start posting her YouNow streams as well. Right Kati?

No. 696801

You're all good to post them based on younow's own TOS

No. 696802


She probably did the name change to get it monetized. The algorithm will sometimes flag something in a name and automatically the video isn't monetized. She is playing her games but youtube has been letting her get away with all sorts of shit. Her amazing marketing skills are all about that false advertising and being fake as fuck!

No. 696814

File: 1537913874631.png (626.24 KB, 1281x721, 93RXGFp.png)

From vid #3. Guys, we're going to have to fund raise for a wide angle lens soon.

This is a stealth 'muh sicknez' video and a stealth brag about her past victims videos. She's claiming to be more introspective than Peter Monn. People weren't able to take her down because there's nothing wrong with her.

She's completely delusional and thinks her production from last year even remotely compares to Peter Monn. Bitch… let's look at your current victims:

- the children of the Do5 videos
- MoralVirus, Viv, and her child
- MundaneMatt
- Repzion, his girlfriend, and her mother
- Peter Monn, you tried Petty Paige and she shut your ass down.
- Your local law enforcement who are taking false reports so you can make "content" to monetize and get views on Youtube.

You want to talk about being destructive for other people? You're a fucking wrecking ball. You deserve to be locked into a mental hospital until your meds are gotten straight and you can demonstrate at least minimal social skills.

And, a classic non-apology… if I ever hurt people and made them feel bad, I apologize… um, bitch… you're not going to turn that fat tub around with that shitty ass video. Go fuck yourself.

Kati has never apologized for calling people of color shit skins. Kati has never show receipts for monetizing videos on the deaths of children in her own family. Kati still has those fucking Do5 videos up. Kati has never shown proof that she gave the full revenues to the bioMom. Kati is currently stealing other people's work to publish as her own videos. Kati never apologized for the email trying to make that kid commit suicide in Feb 2017. Kati has never apologized for lying about Phil and making fun of him for being hospitalized for suicide after her dox stream in Feb this year. Kati even refused to admit that tarrot cards are bullshit and spent an hour with a young boy on the brink of suicide for a charity stream.

No. 697026

Looking at her makes me feel physically ill to the pit of my stomach. I don't understand how she is able to present herself in front of a camera because she actually looks like a melting pile of mashed potatoes.

No. 697123

File: 1537941944896.png (300.17 KB, 1030x1600, 20180926_020400.png)

The bone collector

No. 697126


I couldn't have said it any better. So I didn't. TY anon

No. 697219

She’s certainly not gaining much out of her vengeance view or sub wise. What’s it like Katie, not having as successful channel as your last due to being such a wack job?

No. 697254

File: 1537955357775.jpg (218.68 KB, 1406x1536, Dn_TJt6XcAAe_y9.jpg)

Kati planned on deleting her original channel because she wasn't making money from it rather than any of the numerous other reasons she's given.
This was sent to a supporter

No. 697564

File: 1537986092653.png (216.07 KB, 418x358, Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at 1.20…)

oh please tell me she isnt going after shane

No. 697574

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 697623

The too long don't care version. Kati admits she's a narcissist –er was a narcissist as a kid– and blames it on her parents. Fortunately, she's gotten over that through introspection!

It's a stupid long, not a hint of self awareness, low key, ramble where she blames "kids today" and Youtube for all the ills in the world. She claims that "it's been interesting" "diving into" Peter Monn and MondaneMatt (both terrible narcissists).

She gives a happy shout out to Jarwed as a narcissist too. Kati, you know that the officers dealing with your false report are not available to handle other, REAL emergencies, right, you fucking cunt.

No. 697626

No. 697630

Speaking of Joy lying to the cops

No. 697631

Repzion trolling Kati is actually proving to be the funniest thing out of this mess of drama right now.

No. 697639

TBH, this was expected and good on him for not getting further involved, even though I'd love to see a pt. 2 of the Kati saga.

No. 697643

Eh, not true. Police officers prioritize. Petty reports are typically written up at the end of their shift or in between any serious emergencies. They generally take details in short notes then elaborate on them later, using witness written statements for support in their report.

Trust me, no one is out there dying because an officer couldn't respond due to one of Kati's pathetic police reports. The force is also comprised of enough officers to handle situations large and small. Often, for small reports like this, they will request you make an appointment to come in or they will stop by whenever they have time. It's not like they rush there, sirens blazing, and guns drawn to listen to a crazy paranoid person… which they deal with them [crazy paranoid persons] often. And if a call comes in that requires backup and they don't have enough officers, they WILL leave and let the reporter know they will finish their report afterwards.

False reports can get you into a decent amount of trouble, however. But when it comes petty stuff like what Kati is reporting, it's hard to prove and since it hasn't caused damage to any individual, isn't even worth the time and effort to investigate. So unless someone from her report comes forward and proves she's making it up to get them into trouble, nothing will be done.

If someone is claiming to be harassed online, generally what happens is a report is taken just to have it on record, and if you know the state/city the harasser is from, the report will be forwarded to the local PD in their area.

No. 697745

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 697791

File: 1538002727293.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.32 KB, 436x267, MTg1NDU1OTk4Mw.jpg)

Oh dear

No. 697894

No. 697898

A complete record of the events from that night.
If the police look into her false report that will be very useful for them

No. 697908


I finally listened to her video where she talked to the police about "Jawod"…. she lied so often it's not even funny. Withheld information because she was trying to look totally innocent.

"I asked where he got my number, he just laughed and told me where he got it, but I didn't give it to him"

Uhm, how about you add, SOMEONE ELSE posted it to the entire world!? Let's not forget you have his home address and phone number… lmao hypocrite bitch.

"He threatened me.. blah blah relive the moment I come to your house and brutally beat you"

Uhm, no, he was talking about a verbally beating his GIRLFRIEND gave ya.

"I'm what you'd call commentary"

No, Kati, you're what you'd call a DRAMA channel. lol

She is 100% more obsessed than any of her "haters/harassers" are. I think it would be funny if she tried to take this further, because they'd want all the evidence and it would prove how wrong she was about the things she said. He could counter with her erratic behavior and how she encourages him constantly, as well as harasses him.

A real victim does not seek out her harassers and encourage them and continue talk crap about them, call them vulgar and derogatory names. This entire thing will probably blow up in her face. Fun.

No. 697944


I hope this question isn't too stupid. When a video gets posted here does it get archived somehow, in case the YouTube video gets deleted for some reason?
Thanks for any info in advance anons

No. 697948

no, it does not

No. 697956

Its being uploaded to bitchute now.

No. 698017

thank you anons,that one seemed particularly pertinent.I do have another question.I had some trouble navigating bichshoot.how do I search for these videos there? Besides following the link. Thank you very much

No. 698042

Nix that last question,it's sorted. thank you

No. 698449


I guess my favorite part begins at 14 min in.
Joy is discussing the Paul brothers, brings up their father and the push for more money…Joy pondering child exploitation and how there are laws to protect children in Hollywood but none for YouTube.
Joy brings up how young children on YouTube are and wonders what the age of consent would be.

All the while HER exploitation videos showcasing the Abuse of children are up bringing in that sweet cash as well as a big fuck you to the kids and their family who ARE trying to do the right thing and get them down.

No. 698627

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 698652

She uses somebody else's video.At the end she says well, we'll just wait for the next video.That's quite an angle you got going there Katie, lazy cow.

No. 698654

File: 1538073541582.png (226.84 KB, 1026x560, 3gpkY5s.png)

To save you the click through to see the link. Lipstick Rat account was made in July 2018 and looks like another Kati only this time trying to jump on the anti-Peter Monn hate train.

Why can't any of these fucking retards make content of their own? These people do nothing but leach off of other people's work.

No. 698664

File: 1538073989184.png (337.5 KB, 1050x805, Wj9gJ5m.png)

From the lipshitted rat's video… Hey Kati (we know you read here because you made a point of asking to use this video and now do shit of your own work)…. didn't you call everyone white trash? As I remember, when relatives of yours lost two children in that auto accident, you couldn't scream white trash at them often enough in those monetized videos that you posted about it. Kati, white trash is one of your favorite insults honey… this video could have been entirely about YOU and your Youtube Cahrearh except that Peter Monn covers a lot of people in the drama community and all you did was bitch about Onision… hence why you find yourself today as the official OnSHEon of Youtube.

No. 698675

File: 1538074487772.png (494.73 KB, 1046x961, 20180927_145230.png)

HER Crush again

No. 698679

File: 1538074821159.png (813.04 KB, 1156x1070, 20180927_145756.png)

No. 698685

No. 698692

File: 1538075318617.jpg (544.34 KB, 1080x4838, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-wiWX…)

For when she inevitably deletes this comment.

No. 698695

YouNow deleted her video from that stream with MoralVirus? That sounds like a strike of some sort?

Someone one needs to tweet this to Oklahoma City Police Department. This is not what a threatened person acts like.

The falling out was over if that 19yo that she "interviewed" (read, faked an interview as an excuse to try to fish for private contact info for Onision). When the shit hit the fan, Kati threatened to call her parents and tell them that she was a thief. Then she said she would NOT DMCA the girl, then she did DMCA the girl when people wouldn't buy her side of the story.(sad cowtipping attempt)

No. 698699

You beat me to it!
75% of the comments are her replies.
I smell dog pee and despiration.>>698692

No. 698703

Because she is so fucking delusional and retarded, she thinks what she is doing with the ridiculous amount of self comments and likes counts towards her metrics.

No. 698707

File: 1538076138495.png (210.99 KB, 343x538, 9Or0N92.png)

That second chin is going to need it's own channel soon.

No. 698710

>thinks something is relevant to the police regarding an active complaint
>better tweet at them

On a scale of 1 to potato, how retarded are you?

No. 698716

The content Joy is putting out right now is terrible. I'm not even entertained by her anymore and I doubt she's going to get a lot of people on her channel wanting to hear about moral virus and his girlfriend. When she goes on a streak to prove the haters wrong she makes terrible videos. If she wants to make a decent amount of money from this, she's going to have to switch it up a bit. A lot of people won't even know who shes talking about unless they follow her on twitter. Although I have liked the tone to her new videos. She's not always trying to act sweet and nice whichis less fake at least.

No. 698741


What are you talking about? Her content was always terrible.

No. 698743

i think the person meant her content's more terrible than before. It was terrible before mind you but now she's not putting any effort

No. 698756


Touche. Lol. Yep, I meant that it has become far more terrible as of late. It was never great content but at one point, it was entertaining at the very least

No. 698806

>>698703 She's upvoting and 'hearting' all her own comments. Does this mean she has to log in on a separate YouTube account to give her own comments a thumbs up?

She really has dove off the deep-end right into rocking back-and-forth in a straight-jacket territory.

The infrared light therapy make me wonder what other kind of batshit she is doing that is giving her symptoms she then delusionally spins into a chronic illness narrative, for example the high zinc multivitamins, that we don't know about.

No. 698816

JFC she’s actually liking and hearting her own comments. Lmao she wreaks of desperation to work that algorithm.

No. 698949

File: 1538092679199.jpg (92.3 KB, 985x217, Joy Fatigue.jpg)

Think people are getting tired of her uploading? Looks like some serious fatigue is settling in for her viewers.

No. 698959

Video 3 of the day with new intro. Bitchute link. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ENsQ1ic6YhVT/

No. 698991

I don't know anon, I'm enjoying the family stories. Wish it was a separate video instead of cramming it into the SD video, but I get she wants to piggyback off of the popularity.
Apart from that, I don't think her content changed much. Insert x person, make 10 videos, repeat.

No. 699129

File: 1538108800491.png (2.22 MB, 1242x2208, 831B8299-6D5B-43C9-996D-5E0813…)

Woooo hoo!

No. 699163

I love how she constantly prefaces her rambles with how much she doesn't care about the topic and then proceeds to ramble on and on and on about how much she doesn't care.

It's been said before and it bears repeating: the lack of self awareness is truly astonishing. She prattles on about how much she wants to help and fix people and how well-intentioned she is, but everyone here knows that she just does it for the praise, credit and accolades. She doesn't "help" for the sake of generosity, she does it for reciprocity. And the minute that you fail to give her the amounts of credit and praise she thinks she deserves, she turns on you and starts to harass you, often for years at a time, while desperately trying to convince herself that you did something to her first to deserve her treatment so she can chase this warped "eye for an eye" sense of justice and feel like the altruist she truly thinks she is. If that's not absolute narcissism, then I don't know what is.

Side note: does anyone else feel like that weird nose-touching thing is some sort of a tic?

No. 699213

File: 1538115305837.jpeg (Spoiler Image,228.58 KB, 1080x1080, 20180928_020153-01.jpeg)

No. 699239


She's always had the nose touching, scratching, rubbing, and picking going on.

It's been discussed as a sign of pill addiction as well.
Last year it got to the point where Joy used to constantly refer to joking about her haterz saying she was a pill addict when she'd touch her nose.
I think there's also info on the Spergleberries thread regarding Cy and possible pill dealing if any new anons care to explore the topic over there while we wait for fresh milk. Moooo.

No. 699278

I think the nose touching thing is kind of a dumb thing to keep bringing up. I touch my nose a lot because it's dry or itchy. We know she filled her house with lights that would dry out her skin and she also never cleans so I bet her house is full of dust that would make it itchy or irritated. It's a miracle she can even open her eyes and mouth from the filth they must be caked in.

No. 699289

Her latest video should really be called “joy Sparkle BS explains how she’s not a sociopath for 30 minutes straight, in case you were wondering.”
Idk about her sister or phil but I do know that old joy is constantly gathering information about people to use against them. And isn’t it joy who turns against people when they stop giving her what she wants?
I really admire her self-awareness.

No. 699390

File: 1538146572746.jpg (191.32 KB, 1733x1831, IMG_20180928_085407.jpg)

She is truly delusional and wacked out of her mind if she believes that she has had enough money to ever be able to pay someone $20hr.

No. 699447


Ffs if anyone accepts $$ or a favor from Katie they will pay tenfold in repercussions.
Katie is a trap you don't ever want to get caught in.

She is crazy glue incarnate.
Don't get it on you.

No. 699540

File: 1538159738783.png (107.09 KB, 895x872, 1511.png)

Kunty Kati is totally insane

No. 699543

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 699547

I am watching the video about shane dawson and at the 24 minute mark she claims that what Phl did to her felt like "emotional rape". That is absolutely ridiculous. Why won't she let the stuff with Pil go? Am I the only one who think s that in that battle, she won?

No. 699548

Because she's emotionally raping him and she knows it and likes to do it.

No. 699555

Because at one time she wanted a piece of him and he shut that down. lol

I find it hilarious that Phil's been dead silent for a long time now. Yet she just won't let him go.

But she really hates it when men don't fawn over her. Look at how she talks to MV often… "You find me adorable, don't you?" etc. She cannot stand it when a man doesn't want to have sex with her.

But, no, she did not "win" that battle with Phil. To her, winning would be complete and utter submission. Phil just left the scene, exited the drama… and to her, that's not a win. She needs him… wants him to come back to "defend" himself. Because her life is meaningless without that constant fight or constant fawning. And to better this, she needs BOTH. Because without the drama, she has nothing to say and no reason for her "supporters" to interact with her, leading to the fawning, butt pats and 'support'.

If everyone exited like Phil did (or totally completely ignored her) she'd leave the internet. Because where she IS right, is at the moment, most of her views are from people who dislike her. She could make 100+ videos on PeterMonn, but without her "haters" she's nothing and she knows it. But what I don't think she understands about YouTube is that if only her haters are viewing and leaving thumbs down, she's not reaching a wider audience and not going to get ads on videos because advertisers don't want their ads on videos no one likes.

I'm also betting she has 30+ accounts that she likes all of her videos with each time she posts!

No. 699564

Responding to her I DUN BEEN SWATTED video…

You're the one who mentioned you helped roommate go back to school in a video explaining why you're in the living situation you're in or the one where you talked about your relationship.

Phil had nothing to do with that.

Your old address (the same one Onision had) is available from a traffic ticket which is public record.

Phil had nothing to do with that.

Sorry, I know it's easier to have a scapegoat to blame for everything and who isn't around to defend them self, but it just isn't reality, sweetie.

No. 699585

Her new video's titled "Avril Lavigne Head Above Water". Shouldn't she at least put a [reaction] there? She did the same with Shane's video. What a thirsty attention grab.

No. 699600

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 699606

File: 1538165214124.jpeg (245.92 KB, 1070x1002, 20180928_155131-01-01.jpeg)

No. 699610


This could be her introduction to "I may have Lyme disease".

Her complete immersion into the "chronically ill community"

Though her final form is unknown to all.

No. 699675

Dear Joysus,

Please stop deleting all your hate comments. A lot of us hate-watchers dont actually watch, just pause immediately to read the comments dragging you.

If you remove this, we have no reason to click. Thank you.

No. 699692

her new video's going to get taken down bc she has copyrighted stuff from avril and the news clips. She's not a big channel so she doesn't have clout

No. 699717

She wouldn't leave the internet because she can't; she needs it. She'd just spaz out harder and harder to an increasingly small audience and then fake a livestream suicide attempt.

She must really be hurting after the first time around. The Do5 stuff got her tons of views and gave her a taste of monetisation, while she was able to play the For The Children and Because I Care angles. Now it's <insert big name here>, tag the living shit out of the video, and pray it gets noticed.

No. 699722

Video 3 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 699784

I am honestly getting to the point that I can't even hate watch her. I used to go back and forth between feeling sympathy for her and not but now not only do I not feel sympathy for her, I look forward to her demise.

No. 699788

I never felt sympathy but she's just such an evil and awful person I can't even hate watch her anymore either. It really sucks cuz it used to be so much fun to laugh at her but now she's just a complete witch who won't stop until it goes too far. I eagerly await when she'll cross that line.

No. 699877

You do realize that "too far" for her wouldnt be her own demise, but more likely her chasing down those dogs with a kitchen knife and smearing the walls in their blood so she can make a video sitting in it and cry "I WAS SWATTED/ROBBED AND PETER/PHIL KILLED MY DOGS"

Shes not the type to self harm or get rehabilitation, she wont stop until she kills someone or something. Even then she wont stop unless shes stopped by an arrest.

I havent been able to hate watch her for a year. I havent watched a single minute since her return. The thumbnails and accounts here are more than enough to tell us everything without needing to listen to that grating voice. Its just sad how unhinged she is.

No. 699942

Enjoyment.This makes it so much easier to watch her.

"Through a glass darkly".

No. 699984

Self-posting doesn't get any less obvious the more times in a row you do it.

No. 699985


Because the video won't work when embedded on 3rd party sites, and because Joy is bound to try to get this taken down, it's been uploaded here temporarily for your viewing pleasure anons:


No. 699987


Yawn. Long boring videos by a future cow. Not worth watching, I watched one, skipped it 100x's and it's still just squealing and animefag crap.

No. 699989


Only linked one, ya big whiner. Calm your tits and learn how to post before attempting to mock others for their equally annoying posts. derp

No. 699990

Haha pot meet kettle.

They were boring videos, by the same future cow, and just so happened to be posted 4 times, by multiple people? Okay. "derp" If you don't like being called out for self posting, don't do it. And maybe read the rules on posting yourself emotefagging.

No. 699991

I enjoyed watching the videos and was glad they were posted here so thank who?
And I have no cow in this barn.

No. 700004

File: 1538197451722.png (598.5 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2018-09-29-00-58-29…)

She is really switching things up with this camerawork.
Basically unwatchable with no signs of improvement.
Unedited SS

No. 700006

That's the camera's eyes going crossed from the extreme cringe.

No. 700008

This is part one

Not my channel but somebody who dislikes joy and makes documentary like content on internet ppl.

No. 700012

Hasn’t this been posted at least 3 X’s already?

No. 700014

I was watching "am I a narcissist and a sociopath". at 20:45 ish she gets up quickly to do something with what looks like an electronic something. She walks off. When she comes back she's huffing and puffing. Sits down take some deep breaths and says she's been sick. I call bullshit on this sick.
anons, check it out pls
bad acting

Saged for thin tin

No. 700021

Yep. Even if the video was good, the sheer amount of samefagging and selfposting is making it unbearable. It counts as spam at this point, even if the samefag is deleting some of their posts.

No. 700023

She walks to the right side of screen and picks something up in her hand and walks off the left side of screen. Then she returns from the left side of screen and tosses something onto the couch. It looks what she did was pick up her cell phone and then toss it back to the right of screen on her return. So, she either got or made a call, or she was checking her notes for what she wanted to say? There isn't any ring tone on video, but it might have been on vibrate or something.

No. 700068

lol yup but my point was she was not "sick"

I feel stupider

No. 700105

Thing is, if this isn't a self post, you haven't done this girl a favor by exposing her to these boards. Anyone that criticizes Kati and gets any attention for it will be her new favorite target. Especially as this is an actual child, she's likely to be the victim of at least a dozen rabid Kati videos. We all know she doesn't pull any punches just because her target is underage.
Dunno why these videos were posted 5 times in the past few hours, but the less attention this girl gets the better. I don't think she's old enough or ready for Kati and her cult's brand of crazy.

No. 700216

>> She either got or made a call
Didn't she say in the video that she got a call lol

No. 700239

No she just got up and left, picked up her phone and then plopped her fat ass on the couch after “cooing” to her pups. She then set up a scene , calming herself and says she got sick. She forgot to edit her return out of the video. If this doesn’t prove her “ illness” is a total lie I don’t know what does. She got called out for a similar lie and fail at editing out that she answered her phone came back and said her battery died. ( a video from season 1 JSBS ) lol. How can her supporters over look shit like this??

No. 700264


obvious hyperbole was obvious.

No. 700270

Kati had no problem sending her army of spergs to help her harass Konstigo on Twitter last year, so there's no way she wouldn't use her army of spergs to go after this girl.

No. 700276

she's posted her first video about Peter Monn calling Martin Lewis a bad bad name

No. 700277

I feel like Katie has lost a large portion of her Army.
also the 30 or 40 harressers that she keeps mentioning are pretty much like 3 people,maybe? poor poor Katie
Pretty soon she'll just be a big blueberry in our minds.

No. 700288

Most of her videos are restricted, so the children aren't seeing them. The rest of her "army" are all mentally or physically unsound, so their caretakers may have taken away their computers.

No. 700299

Video one of the day. Bitchute link. https://www.bitchute.com/video/usaIGbVqAAvR/

No. 700304

I don't think it's a matter of how large her army is rather how much more dangerous they can become. Kati struck gold with Diamond Deb for a while because she proved she would be willing to cross certain ethical lines for Kati, such as getting people's information to send to her, and even going so far as to send something to someone's address they gathered. If she gets another one of these types then that's far scarier than a bunch of raging, sperging tards on Twitter all tweeting at you to apologize to our Lady of the Couch of Frito Lay.

No. 700337

File: 1538248312328.jpg (60 KB, 473x581, Dark Thought Out SJWing Him.jp…)

She thinks this will somehow continue to grow her channel? Does she realize her views are in recession?

No. 700342

This was terrible. Unwatchable-terrible.

No. 700345

she's really triggered today,she replied to another comment 19 times.

No. 700364

This video is soooo old guys. I dont even remember Kati giving a shit about it the first time it was posted. Iirc this was made soon after repzion's so I dont think Kati even noticed or she just ignored it. It was almost unanimous that this person did a way better job at exposing Kati so I dont think she would want to draw attention to it. The person only has 3.4k subs and never directly interacted with Kati. I think shes fine.

Absolutely blew my mind to be reminded of what she looked like in the very, very beginning. I actually feel awful for her now. I'm sure that's what she wanted in getting so fat but still.. Shes a pos and all that jazz, that's for sure, but idk.. before it was just laughing at some arrogant chick with some screws loose ducking and dodging and always digging that hole of hers deeper and deeper…

Now I feel like I'm just laughing at literally the psycho bag lady on the corner screaming shit to herself as she fucking eats out a dumpster as her small children watch nearby. And for good measure there's also dying puppies in the background. Like, shit is just SAD now, I can't even hate watch.

She waited waaaaaaaaaay too long to come back as her "genuine self" … it was mentioned early that if she had just said she needed the money from day 1 then she wouldn't of had all the hate. It's almost like she thinks taking that advice NOW is going to help her.

Sigh… it's all just so depressing now.
You're right. Shes got like maybe 3 people on either side who still care enough to bicker on twitter and in the comment section. She just so… incompetent at being a youtuber. Not so bad it's good or so bad it's crazy just…. some obese 34 year old land whale spending ALL of her time screaming at the computer because random people on the internet said 1 thing. That's why I reallllly dont get the anons waited on baited breath for her to sneeze wrong and they can go report her like… I really dont think any of that is needed. Shes got her karma like… she cant sink lower. Lower might actually be hear death or something.

Sage cause this long af

No. 700368

File: 1538250781916.jpg (1.07 MB, 1750x5515, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-9IY2…)

No. 700371

what is more pathetic? that she writes 15+ comments (didn't count them), that she upvotes her own damn comments, that she appears to have an alt account to double the upvote, that she HEARTS her own comments?

No. 700372


did you know if the OP deletes their comment the entire thread disappears and all her selfposting bullshit would be for nothing?

this is a rhetorical question.

No. 700393

More pathetic is her poo baby video which somebody has nicely spammed all through her comments.
Nice touch.

No. 700395

>>700371 I just always find myself laughing that she can't get more upvotes on her reply than the OP will get on their comment calling out her BS. . .on her own channel despite her socking.

>>700372 I would say it could be amusing to copy, delete, paste, and repost a comment Kati has been spamming under, but I doubt she would notice it happening. Spamming her delusional word salad seems to be what she lives for at this point.

No. 700407

>She waited waaaaaaaaaay too long to come back as her "genuine self"

I'm sure I'm not alone, but threads ago I'm sure I said something like "If she disappeared for six months, let everything blow over and returned as a Munchie taking about sweetness and light, apologising for past mistakes, no one would remember or care, and she would have a chance at redeeming herself." But she's either too vindictive or stupid to see that.

No. 700413

Look at how she's dragging Peter Monn for what was REALLY only a mild criticism. Now, think back to those 100 Onision videos and that Kati said she lived in his town in 2009 when she started watching him. How much you want to bet she stalked Onision to some local store and tried to start up a conversation and he blew her off? In the first thread, people posted that she was acting like a spurned lover at the very beginning (that was part of why she was dubbed a lolcow). Bet she tried to offer Onision singing lessons and when he blew her off, she stewed on that for 7 years straight.

No. 700432

Singing lessons from her would be like sex lessons from Eliott Roger.

No. 700476

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 700507

File: 1538259068812.jpeg (Spoiler Image,239.02 KB, 959x825, 20180929_175753-01.jpeg)

No. 700667

What is this bullshit?

No. 700671

Who knows. That's just really random. I know she's racist but… the captioning on it is off if they're trying to play it off The Joy Luck Club movie from the 90s.

No. 700693

File: 1538275562537.jpg (353.49 KB, 1748x1844, IMG_20180929_204551.jpg)

She sounds so desperate its almost sad.

No. 700806

You can report her account for comment spamming,
Someone actually got their channel terminated for spamming amberlynn Reid’s comment section, so it’s not an idle service.

If enough people point out to Youtube that she’s trying to trick the algorithm with these self posts on her own videos, which she clearly is, by reporting her comments for spam when she does a huge chain like that, she may eventually get a strike or termination.

This was someone who made videos too got their channel removed!!!!

No. 700815

1) nypa, anon
2) none of us want her gone, that would spoil the milk
3) she would just come back with one of her many alternative accounts, so there's no point other than it would make her go absolutely nuts for a few days on younow

No. 700843


Ffs! Stop trying to rally some troops, we aren't attack dogs. And check the rules!

Remember how dull & uninteresting this thread was when the last internetpolicehags flagged her twitter, YT & her YN? This is fucking lolcow,here to archive craziness, not police the fucking internet. Let her do whatever the fuck she wants to do, she's brilliant at dropping herself in the shit without other people having to push her.

The only time I gave this flagging shit a pass was when it came to those abused kids but who is she hurting by spamming her own comments? Nobody but herself ffs. And bravo for helping her victimhood status about lolcow trying to bring her down, merit.

Saged for cowtipping, internet policing rage.

No. 700902

Has there been any new milk?
All there's been is a repeat of her old bullshit. When cows stop producing milk it's time for the slaughterhouse (no Kati that isn't a death threat, it's what happens to dairy cows ffs)

No. 700927

Why would we do that?

No. 700930

Same fagging but I agree

No. 700931

Stop. Let her keep sperging.

No. 700987

Here here! If Joy does something abhorrent fine report her but for minor TOS violations? To what end? 1. We’ll be out of some good Joy milk and she has definitely not been disappointing recently and 2. This dumb bitch raises her victim card at half mast should roommate buy 2 ply instead of 3 so we really don’t need to give her any reason to raise it any higher.

No. 701003

Spamming your own channel (not someone else's) is not spamming, it's just open demonstration of retardation. Youtube has been at the algorithm game a lot longer than Kati has… I'm sure they're not counting her comments as anything more than dust.

No. 701025


sorry, that was my suggestion, and now you guys have reprimanded me I realise how stupid an idea it was.

I was basically suggesting tips on how to block the udders’ flow of sweet (yet in screechingly hour long video form) milk.

I will punish myself with a playlist of all of Joy’s videos from this week on repeat for the rest of today.

No. 701082

File: 1538330046103.png (89.73 KB, 728x706, ytspam.png)

"Anything that artificially increases the number of views, likes, comments or other metric"

No. 701083

Holy shit…. just eat dog poop found in the park for a day and we're good. Save that level of torture (watching her videos) for when you've beaten kittens to death using live infants.

No. 701104

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

The hypocrisy of kati is on full display in this video. She's perfectly fine with people's work being contacted as long as it's not anyone associated with her.

No. 701113

>comes up every thread
>more comments about her and her spergs being ~so dangerous~
>presented in serious tone

yeah, anon. so obvious. how silly of me.

No. 701130


glad we agree.

No. 701135

File: 1538333911515.png (637.14 KB, 723x960, 20180930_124801.png)

No. 701141

13 videos about Peter Monn in 9 days. She also has mentioned him in other videos, but 13 are specific to him. And, she hasn't even begun "responding" to the original 8 videos like she claimed she was going to do.

No. 701152

File: 1538335075823.png (578.99 KB, 1076x1787, 20180930_150732.png)

Uh huh, Katie had/has credentials?
Someone went after her credentials?
Seriously almost fell out of my chair.

No. 701157


She's a CERTIFIED twinkie handler. As if we already couldn't tell…

No. 701160

File: 1538335433405.jpg (73.05 KB, 518x762, newonionspam.jpg)

I saw this in her comments like 3 days ago. There will be more I'm sure but I thought she said he was getting 8 videos, she must have meant a minimum of 8.

I saw one video that started out in focus but then when she began her frantic arm waving the focus went all over the place. Basically she confuses the shit out of auto focus.

No. 701175

When you're the size of an orca any camera will struggle on which part of you to focus on

No. 701177

Janae and Geek sitting in a tree. First comes discord nudes then comes profit????

No. 701180

File: 1538337130793.png (23.71 KB, 561x220, temp.png)

No. 701181

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

Surprisingly its another Peter .Monn video.

No. 701200

>>701025 I'm the Anon at >>700843 and all is forgiven, you didn't kill anyone, you don't deserve such a severe punishment. You would end up developing ptsd after watching her shit back to back. Her uploads shoukd be used by the CIA to break terrorists.

>>701180 the answer to that question will depend on how useful this chick is. And can you imagine being so fucking sad you reach out to Joybesity because you are starved of her attention scraps. Seriously, get away from her while you still can dummy!

No. 701209

File: 1538339292214.png (31.82 KB, 577x308, temp.png)

false alarm

(it was too late for me to delete the other one)

No. 701235

Saged for OMG, learn to spell!

No. 701246

File: 1538344242527.png (166.6 KB, 1073x888, 20180930_174905.png)

She is exceptionally everything.

No. 701249

File: 1538344631515.png (284.67 KB, 1070x1041, 20180930_175455.png)

I guess she's ready to par-tay on YouNow.

No. 701251

>>701249 I wonder how many of those she, or her sperg, paid for this time? I find it difficult to believe anyone would subscribe to her channel. She has been in the red everyday for the last week.

No. 701253

Oh is that why she’s ready to go brag err stream? But were any of those bought? Tonka did say it was a girl who bought MM subs (not saying it was her but Tonya did say that.)

No. 701279

I did some fancy ciphering and it seems to me that the person who's making all the comments on her videos is probably the same person that bought these Subs.
And she is an exceptional bullshit artist.

No. 701284

File: 1538346653706.jpg (11.71 KB, 606x132, IMG_20180930_163032.jpg)

Seems her old buddy geek is ratting her out for buying subs.

No. 701285

File: 1538346741664.jpg (8.51 KB, 607x106, IMG_20180930_163231.jpg)

No. 701288

Which discord are these from?

No. 701289

File: 1538347254405.jpg (7.22 KB, 594x80, IMG_20180930_164100.jpg)

Geekthulu's discord. Quite a bit of hilarious stuff in there. Like this one.

No. 701336

yup, here comes the vomit!

No. 701436

Lol anyone know his discord number?

No. 701443

File: 1538358201703.jpg (153.68 KB, 1078x2115, ENeYjjXz.jpg)

Kati is started to look isolated.
Two more stans hit the dust

No. 701451

What is this about? Were they in the spergleberries thread?

No. 701453

yes, One is Denise, the other Rena. Both mentioned as sending nudes to Geekthulu while him and Kati were masterminding her Joysus redemption tour earlier this year

No. 701455

How many more names to be released?

No. 701459

Not sure if I even want to know, kek. Sending nudes to GEEK is like…hitting the bottom.

No. 701463

if there is a God please tell me Kati didn't send nudes and if she did they will NEVER be released unless it's for torturing of terrorists

No. 701485



Rena from SpergleBerry thread

No. 701488

is that one of those tranisvistitites… traps?
That's not something you want to see naked even in a dark room

No. 701489

So Denise tapped out and then Puffin? Didn’t Puffin stream with Joy during the Moral debacle? Does Puffin know she’s about to be dropped like a hot pocket since she won’t be defending The Church of The Joysous Latter Day Saints? It’s a recent reformed offshoot of Our Lady of The Couch And Frito Lay.

No. 701492

They won't go anywhere.
Kati uses a discord server set up by Rena. They will just lie low until this all blows over

No. 701493

,,does anybody know what happened to cause the split? besides the random haphazard Insanity spells.

No. 701496

They won't go anywhere.
Kati uses a discord server set up by Rena. They will just lie low until this all blows over

No. 701497

Forgive me but what did Denise and Puffin sending nudes have to do with Geek and Joy’s joyous and triumphant (kek) return? What’s the correlation or were those the best collective efforts of Joy, Geek, and Cj re: a retarded lame PsyOp? Idk what they are but I’m pretty sure the Ops they plan are “super serially secretly important PsyOps” and are extremely well executed lol.

No. 701499

This screenshot of Denise's tweet makes me think that she did send him nudes. Bitchute link to the video in her tweet. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QBtRYV5w3ZNV/

No. 701501

They won't go anywhere.
Kati uses a discord server set up by Rena. They will just lie low until this all blows over

No. 701502

This screenshot of Denise's tweet makes me think that she did send him nudes. Bitchute link to the video in her tweet. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QBtRYV5w3ZNV/

No. 701513

She spent a year as Kati's personal attack dog, she can go eat a bag of dicks. I hope Geek does put out her pics. (NOT HERE! OH GOD, NOT HERE!) She made her bed, she can lie in it.

No. 701517

File: 1538375111390.jpg (45.03 KB, 600x319, eec.jpg)

"fancy ciphering"

No. 701557


Fancy cipherer here.

No. 701558

She helped a crazed woman slander and lie about a mother who's crimes against Kati amount to ignoring the homeless person asking for spare change on the street. She's crying about some dude who catfished and then ghosted her. Yeah, I don't think I'll be shedding any tears for this stupid bitch any time soon. Good riddance.

Guess there's an open spot in Kati's inner circle for brain dead house mothers with nothing exciting in their life. Who's going to be the lucky lady?

No. 701562


Yes, I recognize that "flying monkeys" voice.

Stay out in the styx bitch and listen to your hair grow.

No. 701591

That's not Moral Virus. She's not even hinting that she's talking to or about Moral here. This is directly aimed at Jared Holt, the author of the article about Based Mama and Kilroy hosted on Right Wing Watch.

No. 701592

Got my Jared's mixed up

No. 701676

She's a fucking idiot. He wont contact her.

No. 701678

Let's hope he does and her poo babies 'joke' gets a whole new audience

No. 701693

That was from last night when the server was messed up and gave a bad gateway request whenever a post was submitted. It looks like all the posts went through anyway.

No. 701714

What is that even supposed to mean? GTFO with your soy milk

No. 701720

The meaning is clear grumpy guts.

No. 701724

Just say it's Kati. Just say she's spamming her comments and buying subs. Why is that so hard to just do?

No. 701725


No. 701726

File: 1538404350197.jpg (567.2 KB, 1066x1895, 20181001_073106.jpg)

It wasn't about Joy it was about Deb.

No. 701742


Who is this woman and why should anyone care? (no, seriously - I don't recognize the name. Is this an alt account of one of the Stans?)

No. 701747

This is Kati's inner circle joytard DeniseP who is married but made smexy smexy talk with joytard "Russians must have done it" and joytard Geekthulhu (or at least sent him nudes) and it just proves that Kati's crew are all retards. Russians ghosted and the joytards believe he suicided himself (yet another suicide in Kati's fan base if true).

It looked like Denise (Kati attack dog) and then Smutt Puffin (Kati's senior attack dog right now who also made the smexy with Geekthulhu and sent nudes) were leaving, but it was just another standard inner circle back biting.

No. 701756


Are there any stats in support of more sub buys by the insufferable twat? Sudden increases following the steady decline that went with every upload? Anything, are is it just being thrown out there in the hopes it will stick?

No. 701762

File: 1538409835286.png (326.26 KB, 1079x1787, 20180930_233149.png)


Possibly related

No. 701763

I think of few of us threw it on the wall.No proof.

No. 701768

duly noted.

No. 701783

File: 1538413133940.png (328.6 KB, 1067x1632, 20181001_124236.png)

In the vid "Peter Monn second even faker apology" @2:15 Katie says she is mentally ill.Is this the first time that she has admitted to her mental illness? I haven't heard it before.She's pulling out a mental illness card for views now?
The next day in this tweet she implies that she is sane.

Vent: I find it interesting that many Joytards and others are so shocked and appalled by what Shane Dawson is revealing about sociopaths and others in his video. And it's soooo scary.
The book The sociopath next door came out like 10 years ago if you don't know there's sociopaths all around you then you're probably a sociopath ffs

No. 701789

She's claimed to be mentally ill in almost every Peter Monn video. Cuz… well, da bitch be bat shit cray cray. She also claimed that the Kumite that caused Phil to be hospitalized for suicide caused her PTSD and depression (it was her way of saying the Phil had no right attempting suicide when she was herself twitchy and depressed). That time she claimed the doctor sympathized entirely with her and offered her drugs but she refused them, brave soul that she is.

No. 701792

>claimed the kumite hurt hers and Phil's feefees
When/where did she say this?

No. 701794

Phil was hospitalized for suicide. Not a "claim" of Kati's, but an actual fact.
Kati claimed PTSD/Depression on the next YouNow stream because people brought up Phil's hospitalization.

No. 701801

She has kind of claimed it. She kept saying the haters and harassers caused it by giving her anxiety and depression. In her did I cure fibro video she said she had depression and suicidal feelings as a teen so within a day she went from I never had mental illness until I was harassed to I have had depression and suicidal thoughts as a teen and anxiety as an adult. She has claimed PTSD also so that is another mental illness. Whatever fits her victim narrative for the day is what she goes with.

No. 701821

Her first vomit of the day is about
Mundanematt ffs

No. 701827

kati said she's seen her analytics and Mundane Matt watches her channel. She's finally got lost in her own delusions

No. 701829

It's a mess of a blurry giant pumkin. I just can't even

Trails off

No. 701835

File: 1538418313218.jpg (66.29 KB, 1421x776, tY50W1s_.jpg)

That moment you remember you put your meatball subway up your cunt to keep warm

No. 701837

File: 1538418510424.jpeg (73.08 KB, 534x681, 20181001_142555-01.jpeg)


No. 701839

Who the fuck honestly goes to buy a hoodie and is like "peach that's my color"

No. 701842

Maybe she's worried about getting shot during hunting season. A lot of cows get "accidentally" shot by idiot hunters.

No. 701845

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 701846

she'd have to haul herself up and down the stairs to leave the apartment, doubt her midget legs can carry her much further than the kitchen or bedroom without rest breaks

No. 701855

@ marker 3:00 she reiterates that MM has never harassed her.
JFC I am lost.
If he never harassed her wtf is she doing?
I don't know how much longer I can hate watch her.

No. 701868

File: 1538420406428.jpg (350.31 KB, 1500x1571, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-6dBc…)

I present to you all. The joysparklebs video companion bingo/drinking game.

No. 701872


I'll take the poo babies wild card for 100.
Nice one anon.

No. 701888

Joy and geek were the ones who initiated calling Phil a pedo on the Kumite inciting many others to do so as well calling the dude to need to be in hospital. Had it not been for Joy and geek Phil never would’ve been hospitalized so now she’s blaming her supposed depression and PTSD on Phil’s hospitalization? I thought she “realized she had” PTSD in an attempt to save her ass after the poo baby debacle, cuz afterwards when she was getting shit she suddenly “realized” that even though she consented to anal sex, since she didn’t really want to but did it cuz he wanted it and she wanted to keep him, she decided it was anal “rape” and her pop baby joke was her way of “dealing with the trauma and ptsd.” Joy seriously there are so many stories; can you at least pick like say 2, maybe 3 lies, and stick to them?

No. 701891


Anons pls check out @15:14

I have racked my brains out wondering how she can speak the words yet not relate them back to herself.
I guess I will keep beating this dead cow nonetheless.

This is so fucked up.Now I feel like the dead cow.
Throw me a line or a bone, fuck me.

No. 701893

AHhhh… but in that creepy YouNow with Mikenactor only a month before the rape realization, she claimed to have no idea how anal sex works and to have never had anal sex. This is what makes her the lolcow she is… can't even keep her lies consistent.

No. 701894

This is extraordinary. Can I put some money down on Based titties?

No. 701895

No, she said that because he mentioned it in his video saying she had a mental illness. So basically she was saying that because Peter called her mentally ill why would he insult her

No. 702024

I think I'm going to print out a picture of Joy and put it on my refrigerator to remind me to eat healthy. Every time I see her I am just shocked that someone could let themselves go to that extent.

No. 702029

get therapy, anon. you need it.

No. 702058

wait did she really just tell mundanematt he should go out and get a real job? Uh… Kati..

No. 702085

Of course she did. Dom has a real job so she doesn't have to!

No. 702087

Can this just be her name from now on? I always thought based mama was a weird name to go by and I can't bring myself to acknowledge that she has an irl name that people call her.

No. 702145


I made a fridge magnet last thread.
She was quite pretty in retrospect.


No. 702188

Video 2 of the day. Bit.tube link

I switched to bit.tube because bitchute was being a fickle bitch.

No. 702208


No. 702220

File: 1538451857913.png (802.34 KB, 1048x1552, 20181001_234007.png)

Katie references Bitchute in her description.
Your videos?
I didn't think she uploaded there. I couldn't find her.

No. 702221

I couldn't find her either. The only thing that popped up was my videos. LOL

No. 702225

She's a freak

No. 702232

We'll find out if she switches to saying bit.tube instead of bitchute since I switched.

Its funny that she puts it up because I don't think she realizes that I'm downloading the videos and uploading them to those sites. I think she believes watching them on there still helps her stupid fucking analytics.

No. 702279


Yea I assume she's always checking in. so yeah.let's see if we catch a cow. its a dead link too. I don't know why she does anything she does.I don't think I ever have. its total hate watching now, for me. How did it come to this? lol

No. 702280

Wait you don't think she reads everyday where you say you've uploaded it to bichshoot? she said she doesn't come here but I don't believe anything she says so.I do watch her videos,I feel sometimes she is Guided by what she reads here.

No. 702283

Katie has been calling out her mother and her sister in almost every video. She said that her mother screamed bloody murder every single morning for at least a half an hour and then she would scream for a half an hour when she came home from work. I would love to hear her mother's take on this.

No. 702290

She's trying to claim her family drew first blood and that's just not true. Kati was trashing her family from day one, but those three monetized videos where she talked about the death of those two kids and slandered the shit out of her family was definitely well beyond posting pictures from her childhood.

No. 702338

Careful…. she might take that as another death threat lol.

The kumite had nothing to do with Phil's attempt. Geek and Joy's harassment over several weeks and false allegations are what caused it.

No. 702344


They're like all of Kati's lies. Did it happen everyday? Was it because of something Kati did or was doing?

Just remember Kati calls 'You can go die in a fire for all I care' a credible Death Threat that needs to be reported to the police, and some anon on here saying she 'should die in a fire' was reported by Kati as 'someone threatened to come to my house and burn it down with me in it'.
Pretty much every single thing she says ever is like that.
She probably got shouted at occasionally after not doing what she needed for the 10th time. It was likely 10 times less extreme than she claims.

No. 702356


TY anon and for the links.

No. 702496

It's almost like she was Daddy's little girl then after the divorce he ditched the family and she wasn't anyone's special little girl. From then on she was a demon child ending with what we have today?

No. 702497

Don’t insult “demon children” by associating them with Joy; she is truly wicked. Damien Omen was such a kind and gentle little thing compared to the aforesaid monster.

No. 702525

Whats the story with her father anyway? I haven't heard her mention him

No. 702551


I think I can remember a family Anon explaining that she was normal as a child, her mother did a lot for her, to her to singing lessons, that kind of thing (not in the pushy stage parent way Joy claims, in a supportive way). It wasn't until she hit her late teens or early twenties when the annual mental breakdowns started, usually around Christmas if I remember correctly. Her behaviour declined from there.

I would do a thread search but I can't do that from my phone. I'm trying to remember which thread it was when the family Anons revealed themselves, I want to say 11…

Can any other longterm Anon clarify? I'll go have a look back, see what I can find.

No. 702554

Double post from >>702551

This is from thread 14, a family Anon clarifying Kati's upbringing.


When her repulsive language started >>424236

She was 19 when the current Kati first made an appearance >>424277

Family Anon talking about her parents divorce >>424278

Anyway, I think their initial posts started in thread 13 but I would recommend any newer Anon go back and read through them, they served up a lot of milk and covered a lot of the things being speculated about now.

No. 702654

New video up, seems to be a general rant about non-YouTube related drama as she's talking about Kanye West.

Hopefully bitchute anon will have their copy up within the hour.

No. 702671

lol the cow ran right into the barn.
In her Kanye vid Bitchute comes up almost immediately.

No. 702684

No. 702698

I put it on bitchute as well since it seems to be working now.

No. 702703

Much appreciated, anon.

No. 702726

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 702729

No. 702765

You people are so fucking gullible.
~family anon #3 (you know I'm legit because I said so)

No. 702769

Video 3 of the day. Bitchute link

It's also uploading to BitTube. Let me know if you want that link as well.

No. 702798

Kati confirmed and admitted that it was her family here. They also had showed undeniable proof it was them.

No. 702814


is likely the same anon who posted >>700245. They have been shitposting in these here threads for a while now but very intermittently. It's always these same kind of posts how spergs this and OMG YOU SO DUM !!111 that.

jsyk in case others didn't notice.

No. 702824

Not to be like everyone else and say it's Kati everytime someone does something like this but in her YouNow with Moral Virus it was brought up that her I.P may get checked if she spams the boards. It could be someone trying to make it look like her on here.
takes tin foil hat back off

No. 702842


i don't think it's her but i do have a theory as to who she is. but it doesn't matter, really.

No. 702911

From the style,
Atillagoddess bitch from hell?

Saged for tinfoil

No. 702917

If she's just going to rip off other people's content, she should at least watch their entire video before recording her own "personal take"

No. 702937

The lady of the couch of Frito Lay doesn't have the time to sit around doing "research." There are tumors to cure and pizza toppings to slather herself in.

Whoops, sorry, I mean she's got to dedicate a lot of time to slow roasting herself under those infra-red lights.

No. 703092

"The CEOs of big company's go to jail for several years then come back and build company's worth millions"
This is what Katie is doing now.

"I came back for the $$ but I'm staying for you.Does that make sense"?


No. 703330

Yesterday in her 15000 subs video,Katie apologizes for the blur and asks viewers to let her know if it's better "cause my eyes can't see from here and I'm too broke yet to get some glasses".
She goes on to explain that she doesn't film in the spare room because it's full of accumulated crap.
But if Adsense pulls through she's going to try and get a nice little microphone. Wtf
At least she's got her priorities sorted.

No. 703437

File: 1538596852205.jpg (45.89 KB, 852x243, Shane Dawson Comment.jpg)

This is everything she wanted - this is the validation she's been searching for to beat everyone over the head with how good a person she is, how talented she is, how successful she can be again. Shane's one comment might be enough to get her to feel like she's unstoppable enough to keep harassing people for weird apologies she feels entitled to receiving. God help us each and every one.

No. 703444

Wtf? Does he even watch her videos?

No. 703446

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 703449

File: 1538597805058.jpg (60.95 KB, 490x351, Kati Twitter Shane Comment Fre…)

She's going to be bragging and mentioning him for at least the next three months.

I can't see how he would be invested in such a callous cunt and not know she's a shit tier person. Maybe he's just aware of her through Onion boy.

No. 703461

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 703464

File: 1538599015163.jpg (186.35 KB, 870x454, Kati Subscrier Fatigue.jpg)

This is what peak success looks like.

No. 703467

+ point: Onion is going to privately have a rage attack when seeing this.
- point: WTF is wrong with you, Shane?

No. 703469

Dear God help us all. She is never going to shut up about this and how she’s “such a big deal” and a “hot topic.” JFC wtf has happened to the world?

No. 703476

File: 1538599527382.png (647.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-03-16-17-45…)

there is something wrong with Shane Dawson

No. 703483

Are we in the twilight zone? Is that real?

No. 703487

I went to check and it's real. This is insane.

No. 703497

File: 1538600455637.png (360.93 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-03-16-58-49…)

she is gushing on Twitter

No. 703507

She boasts about how she is "Youtube's sweetheart" but now she is suddenly a nobody? That's rich.

No. 703530

Dear God, she will never shut up about this, no one needed her to get this type of validation! This must be because of all those Onion videos and that debate. There is absolutely no way he's been watching too closely. If she had a bigger channel he would be preparing his massive butterfly net to scoop her up for another series on mentally ill youtubers.

No. 703533

File: 1538602596640.jpg (27.9 KB, 212x219, damnyoushane.jpg)

She wasted no time getting this out, but she's too sick to work or brush her hair.

No. 703534


She must be shedding huge shards of copper right now.

No. 703541

File: 1538603137792.png (589.88 KB, 1064x1465, 20181003_174249.png)

He "came into my video"

No. 703543

what. the. actual. fuck.
unless he's buttering her up in order to get in close for his 52-part series on youtube sociopaths, i sincerely take back everything nice i've ever said about this guy. he's clearly a terrible judge of character if he can't see the crazy within two seconds of viewing her.

No. 703549

I definitely think he's grooming her to be a possible future part of the series.

No. 703572

Video 3 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 703582

File: 1538606762985.jpg (50.3 KB, 876x359, itsgettingcringy.jpg)

No. 703590


I don't know why people are STILL shocked when Shane surrounds himself with the worst of the worst of human trash. He COLLECTS crazy people and he loves hanging out with disturbed people and it has been that way since forever. I think he even admitted to it in one of Trasha Paytas videos. He said he is "fascinated" by outsiders or some bullshit. Fact is that Shane loves making friends with outcasts because he used to be one of them when he was still 500lbs.

and you can tell he is still a weirdo by the way he laughs and turns his head and literally rips out his beard hair and shit like that.

No. 703597

Anyone notice the sub count of her deleted channel went from 60k to 65k?


No. 703603

Yes, yes I did.
But if I mentioned every fucked up thing she says you wouldn't like me.

Did you notice how many times she slapped her thighs and made that awful percussive sound? I had to stop watching her because of the blur. But I listened and all I could hear was that GD sound.

No. 703631

File: 1538612106794.jpg (433.26 KB, 2050x2137, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-WQuT…)

Now she makes jokes out of filing police reports.

No. 703632

File: 1538612249636.jpg (1.18 MB, 2176x5318, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-uZEs…)

I can only assume she's harassing this place because of Peter Monn.

No. 703641

I don't know much about Shane, but it doesn't surprise me at all that he would court a delusional, manic, pathological liar who would shoot out 1,000 videos screeching and cackling about how amazing he is and viciously attacking anyone even slightly critical of him.

My question would be, 'Oh, so you've always watched her and loved her content? Name a video that isn't currently posted and your thoughts on it. What about the video where she monetized the deaths of her two nephews, that she didn't even know, and talked all kinds of shit about the grieving parents and family the day after the deaths did you love? How about the video where she accused an ex-boyfriend of anal rape shortly after saying she consented to it every time, and she asked her friend at the time how often it was normal for a boy to want anal or did he think her boyfriend was gay? Tell me what you loved about that one.'

No. 703654

>>703632 lmao their response is the same thing she posted except the full thing instead of a zoomed in shot of a sentence fragment she's taking out of context and REE'ing about.

C'mon Kati, I thought Law was 'your house' and you can't even understand a TOS stating that even though they DO check and verify credentials the service isn't liable for the credentials of people they put you in contact with.

No. 703679

Some of you people have no chill. Have some chill.

No. 703680

Those tweets are unhinged and downright cringey and haranguing.
They should go down on her permanent record.

Physician heal thyself

No. 703696

This is the company that is sponsoring Shane’s series. Kati is such an idiot. She jumped on this bandwagon of hate against this App yet they are the reason Shane is being paid for that series!

No. 703717

one could only wonder what if shane made a series on joy

No. 703775

I was thinking the exact same thing. I Stan Shane and always will however, this is just insane. He clearly doesn’t understand the horrible thing she’s done. Or maybe he has and he’s pulling a stunt or something. He is active on here he has posted several videos referring clips back to these threads. There’s no way he doesn’t know all of this controversy She is a flat out shit storm. Something must be up. Cue the billion videos of her fan girling

No. 703778

I highly doubt that. Unless he’s using it to expose an actual nut job

No. 703785

Three theories on my end:

- Nothing happens and he's only doing this to partially fuck with Onion ( which would be for the best and highly milky )

- He's thinking about doing a series on Onion. Since he also tweeted Eugenia, we could be potentially seeing another "reality" series where Joy would be one of the people he interviews ( NO, please no. Don't expose more people to Kati or Onion jeez )

- Collaboration/vid with Kati or about Kati for…reasons unknown?

No. 703789

That I would be here for. And with that information it does make sense. Especially with onion boy crying for his attention. But I just can’t see Shane feeding into it

No. 703824

File: 1538629200226.png (945.35 KB, 857x620, 1538625816543.png)

Nicked this from the Shane thread. Wonder what Joy Spergle would make of it. (presumed answer: 128 videos)

No. 703839

File: 1538629858401.png (501.33 KB, 1073x1799, 20181004_010659.png)

Maybe she will film from her phone in the er.Kek

No. 703852

File: 1538630351526.png (153.95 KB, 963x933, 20181004_010548.png)

Must have had the vapors

No. 703885

Whoohoo, another tab of Kati's that American taxpayers get to pick up!

Hey Kati, you'd be able to breathe just fine if you weren't such a butterball.

No. 703894

>>703839 No bitch, this is what happens when you're 5'1" and weigh 255 pounds after never exercising and having childhood asthma. If you had childhood asthma it can return as an adult, especially if it was severe enough that it required oral-dose steroid medication to control (Prednisone). . .which she did.

How strange that you are going to the ER to get a treatment that is for severe asthma attacks, it's almost like you know it's not some mystery disease and are going to the hospital to get an asthma treatment.

Are we seriously going to have to go through a 'New Sooper Cereal Mystery Breathing Disease' arc because she started having asthma flare ups and refuses to acknowledge or treat it?

No. 703895

>>703894 Samefag
That or she's having an panic attack and is going to get an asthma treatment because she refuses to accept she has anxiety.

No. 703901

She still refers to herself as that? No way- I though was like jan/feb on a kumite or discord? Wow delusional much

No. 703905

Agreed but doesn’t Shane do promos for Better Help. How is she going to be okay with that since she now wants to be the cream in a Shane and Ryland Oreo cookie (she wouldn’t want to be the cookie part cuz it’s dark like poo people) kek.

No. 703906

Lmao with what pictures? If she actually went to the ER she’d probably stream and if he couldn’t do that shed at least tske pics cuz she “always brings the receipts” yet she’s never shown one legitimate receipt ever.

No. 703915

"Superboy", if she had the time to type out long tweets, it's not that serious.

No. 703920

File: 1538640069513.png (441.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-04-03-57-53…)

Related to Better Help.
I'm clueless.
Not my dept. Crooked smile

No. 703924

Sidenote: gotta love how Andy can take their money then milk the sponsorship a second time with a mea culpa video. Expect the 'betterhelp is a scam' theme to hit a ton of channels.

No. 703931

As a sufferer of chronic asthma since forever I have never had a steroid injection as treatment for an attack. I would not be able to type if I was so bad I had to go to a hospital I would be more focused on back to back dosing my inhaler and focusing on my breathing to even think about twitter. The only way to relieve a severe attack is a combination of liquid steroids mixed with oxygen to make a vapor to relax my lungs to be able to breathe. It would never be followed up with an injection and an injection would not relieve the symptoms at most I would be given a weeks course of steroids that were to taper down as the week went on and follow up with my family doctor. I can't honestly believe anyone thinks what she says is real

No. 703945

Good one telling her exactly what she needs to know about asthma to lie a bit more believably

No. 703965

>>703945 calm down Anon, she already tripped herself up with the steroid injection bs. You would think someone with chronic asthma who has claimed past treatment would already know the actual treatment by now. If she changes her story now it is only AFTER someone clarified the actual treatment.

I agree letting her dig her own holes is the way forward & if shes still digging kerp quiet but it is pointless if you then can't point out the bs and you have to back up the bs with factual info. You can't just go she's full of shit can you, people will want to know why.

This is a long running pattern with her, bullshit spewing, someone points out why it is bs, she suddenly changes her story.

No. 703967

>>703945 calm down Anon, she already tripped herself up with the steroid injection bs. You would think someone with chronic asthma who has claimed past treatment would already know the actual treatment by now. If she changes her story now it is only AFTER someone clarified the actual treatment.

I agree letting her dig her own holes is the way forward & if shes still digging kerp quiet but it is pointless if you then can't point out the bs and you have to back up the bs with factual info. You can't just go she's full of shit can you, people will want to know why.

This is a long running pattern with her, bullshit spewing, someone points out why it is bs, she suddenly changes her story.

No. 703976

Yes that was my point, that she is going to just parrot that account almost word for word when she inevitably makes a video on her super scary hospital visit.
She has been full of shit with almost every medical claim she ever made, hundreds by now. Other anons are more careful with dropping medical hints, that's all.

No. 704020

Cody, one of her moderators for the past year and a half, now, is too stupid to catch on to Kati's little game. He's not exactly a bright individual, so of course he can't put two and two together that she's purposefully ignoring his stupid DMs.

No. 704029

File: 1538658647285.png (734.37 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-04-09-07-27…)

Uses ol reliable fever voice.I don't know how to get that vid here sry

No. 704030

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No. 704032

File: 1538659409507.png (1.72 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-04-09-20-54…)

No. 704034

If you want proof go look at my videos.
She never left the house.

No. 704050

BetterHelp depression scam

Hope it's okay to post here
First vid I found on it.
It's not a self post

No. 704060

No. 704069

Thanks Anon

On the betterhelp explosion. When Katie says she has been researching it all day. I think she meant that she was watching memeology 101 a YouTube channel that put out a series of interesting videos on this rather interesting scam. Yeah, she's a YouTube researcher. I also noticed in her Twitter video towards the end she suddenly has her normal voice back just for a few seconds. Exposed.

No. 704082

She never makes any fucking sense. So she does this video in a low whisper to sound raspy, talking about how her voice is going and she doesn't want to strain her voice too much because she doesn't want to be sidelined from "working" but she's promising to do a video about this newly discovered drama today? If only her voice would just up and vanish on her.

No. 704161

Since she sees herself as the hoodie-crusader, exposing treachery and fighting for love and light, you’d think she’d do something, something about the political mess we are in. It makes me laugh thinking about her low IQ fan base discussing Kavenough.
The query is retorical of course. We all know why she does talk about anything of merit. She’s too stupid. More importantly, her contingent are too stupid.

No. 704169

File: 1538671589861.jpeg (358.88 KB, 1242x886, FBF436D1-AFE7-4D16-85C8-186743…)

Kati is showing more boobs then usual. Jesus. She looks like a tampon that’s been left to absorb liquid.

No. 704180

Jesus Christ are her tits even with her belly button? She's completely destroyed her body, not even losing weight will fix that dumpster fire.

No. 704183

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 704193

yes, you're right. I'm on my phone and can barely see what I'm typing, but you're right.

No. 704195

I know I wasn't the only one to notice that she made a video about her new puppy and then showed her old puppy. Which of course is her old dog, her first dog, Macy.Now Macy has been put on the back infrared burner and Katie acts like this is a new mystery dog that she will reveal information about later. I hope Dom gives Macy attention. She said that he's been on vacation which she didn't reveal for reasons.
She probably is so exhausted because she's actually had to take the dogs out herself.Her little dogs are so much healthier than this 40 yr old woman.

No. 704209

lol. you're right! thank you. I'd delete the whole damn post but i believe it's too late. I'll endevor to sound more literate next time.

No. 704223

Now that's sorted.yay.
Would you please direct me to the Kavanaugh comments?
This interests me. TY anon

No. 704224

I think she IS OnSHEon, but trying to mimic Peter Monn. Remember that Onision also tried to pull out a puppy when he was getting shit on and that's when Kati got the senior dog. Peter Monn has three dogs and at least two are frequenly on screen w/him, especially the oldest called "Pee Pee" I bet she thought she could get that sort of mileage out of Macy and Macy probably wants nothing to do with her, so she went and got her other "thrown away" dog back from her sister.

No. 704226

Katie's spelling angers me,like last night when she wrote "Lomitations" I actually Googled the stupid word because I thought it might be a medical term. lol
I'm sorry it's spilled over onto you.
Haha I deleted and rewrote this because I didn't spell lomitations correctly.Oy

No. 704235


34m she admits that she looks fake for suddenly getting sick instead of chasing better health like she threatened to do. She threatened a 10 part series on better health..that's more than the shane dawson series! She's def backing down because she knows it's shane's revenue stream.

No. 704241

File: 1538677095213.png (421.63 KB, 1065x1052, 20181004_141534.png)

Here we go.
Useful idiot wants to pay for this shit.

No. 704255

Could she be any more transparent. She ALWAYS said she ate really well and had a very short stint of an eating problem. Now that Shane has shown interest all of a sudden in this video her body is ruined because of years of eating disorders. Shane has talked A LOT about his problems with eating disorders. Kati just stop ffs lol

No. 704257

Shane says that to every channel that makes a video on him. Whether he's being truthful or not. I think he's trying to be civil. Idk… Perhaps he does know to step lightly around Joy.

No. 704259

@12:10 in her first video today she talks about the process of removing heavy metals. She makes no fucking sense.She just makes shit up.
She talks about how the metals at some point are just
All over the place.
If this wasn't so pathetic it would be comedy gold.

No. 704271

>I don't auction myself off
What about that time you solicited donations in exchange for a juicy story about your snatch, then when the money came in, you reneged?
>My voice is gone, my asthma is really bad, I'm too weak and sick to make videos!
>Proceeds to record a 30 minute video to explain just how sick she is

No. 704291

I'm no medical expert but I have personally battled cancer,twice and won,thus far.
If she knows she will need a shot every 4-6 weeks why the fuck doesn't her doctor give it to her? Where I live the ER is far more expensive than an office visit.
I hope this doesn't sound like a rhetorical or stupid question.
What am I missing?

No. 704295

Poor Joy, it must be so exhausting and hard work to talk to a camera and put out videos with no editing whatsoever. She is such a hero and lays her health on the line for us. I couldn't image me being so dedicated to work. Its also refreshing to know that Shane loves Joy's poo baby jokes and thinks Joy is super edgy for her advice to a 12 year to rape her bullies, then threatening to fight another 12 year.

No. 704304

Video 2 of the day. bitchute link

Surprise her voice is back and she did a better help video.

No. 704333

Wow and I thought I was dramatic when I had a cold. She's on another level.

No. 704345

And then instead told the story of how her bankruptcy lawyer “tried to get her to work for his escort company and she didn’t get that at first so she thought she was just going to be his wing man and she was all about doing that.” Now while she may not have dropped his name it wasn’t difficult to find out who her bankruptcy attorney was so she basically doxed that poor man and said he runs an escort company.

No. 704354

>>704291 This is actually true to the established pattern she's had for years. Anytime she actually believes she needs medical care she goes to the ER to get it. She has had a health insurance policy this entire time that her grandmother pays for, but it is for the grandmother to cover her own ass against another large debt that Kati has racked up and refuses to pay showing up in the mail to her house, her grandmother will just pay the bill at that point.


No. 704392

Thanks anon.I read what the family said about granny having a "major medical policy" on Katie.But then they say that it only covers inpatient hospitalization and that is not what she is getting. Like I said I'm no expert but when you go to the ER that is considered outpatient.Isn't it? It sounds like granny is holding a catastrophic policy on Katie. I could be totally off center here.If anybody cares to clear any of this up for me, please do. thank you anons

No. 704398

she didn't jump on the jilly juice trend. quelle surprise she didn't want to "expose" one of her woo-woo kind!

did she say she had swelling? because that with the breathing problems sounds like congestive heart failure. i'm not saying that's what she has, just what it sounds like.

No. 704465

I feel like joy confirmed that she has insurance that covers the ER at some point but I could be mistaken

No. 704474

File: 1538702844420.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x2436, 936242E1-A06F-4EED-A2CE-58E977…)

Just saying.

No. 704488

File: 1538704591491.png (177.91 KB, 1057x1634, 20181004_215242.png)

She does have some symptoms of CHF.

She may be having side effects from the pedialite she consumes for the camera.She may also have Gout.
All speculation.(armchair)

No. 704496

Did she say where she had swelling? I know I’m outing myself here but idc re: this. Where is this supposed swelling cuz if it’s not congestive heart failure she’s trying to talk about her “swollen fingers” and she only amped up the bit about her “terrible swelling” after I had showed what swelling was over a year ago and called my fingers “sausage fingers” and she actually called her fat, not swollen fingers, “sausage fingers” in her next stream. ‍♀️
☝️And that’s a prime example of why we don’t give info anymore, prefer to stay quiet, and let her make a fool of herself.(read the rules)

No. 704497

And now she’ll just drink more to induce some kind of catastrophe.

No. 704499

"Exposing Pedialyte", 15 part series.

No. 704500

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she’s amping up the histrionics when Dom goes out of town. I think that at least part of her motivation is trying to make him feel bad for leaving her.
I recall her explaining how she once had a “medical emergency” that prevented him from spending a holiday with his family.

No. 704501

If she ends up having gout then I demand she be referred to as DarkSydeJoy, or DarkSparkleKati, or any clever iteration of these names. I'm also shipping her with DSP as the official power couple of ego.

No. 704502

Are you qualified to make diagnosis over the internet, dr?

No. 704503

I was thinking about this too. My mind however shut down after the new heavy metals explanation ( I seriously didn't understand anything she said. All together doesn't make rational sense. What was that? ) But yeah, her health getting worse/Dom leaving is probably connected.

No. 704504

File: 1538706917433.jpeg (194.57 KB, 750x1334, 631B95DD-B9A8-4B41-A192-5F81CC…)

Is she seriously just posting in any vid site she can find - “‘most popular Joy sparkle BS videos” kek

No. 704508

This is a very good hypothesis. She knows she needs to keep him cuz he’s all she’s got, and I think Dom’s so beta as long as he truly believes she’s dying, he’d feel too guilty to leave her. And I remember that “medical emergency” as well and Dom couldn’t spend Christmas with his family. She seriously acts like a child who will act out in any way just to get any form of attention.

When they were together she made this dramatic video about how she “felt so ibadly for roommate” because if it wasn’t for her he could move to California like he wanted and get married and they were freaking together!

No. 704510

has she mentioned why she supposedly hasn't been able to sleep?

No. 704513

I believe it’s due to the fact that she’s a slave to YouTube because she needs the money to survive. She has no choice but to work on it around the clock.

I just want to know what the doctor said when she had her heart racing “episode” in the ER. I mean she felt like she was going to black out certainly this is something a doctor would want to figure out. She did have a fever after all… no wonder she has anxiety about her survivability.

No. 704515

In the US, if you mention any symptoms that are even remotely possible to be a heart attack, they slap you through a standard process that include IV drip and heart monitor (this is because if you're heart stops, it's a bitch to get an IV into you at that point).

I know people that claim a temp of 99 deg as a "fever" and yes, it can be higher than normal, but not really a "fever". Remember that she routinely bakes herself under infra red lamps, so she's routinely raising her own body temp. (AKA… she's sweating those metal shards through her skin!). So, when she claims a fever… god only knows what the thermometer actually read.

And, this is all her own self reporting… for all we know, she sat under the lights to get sweaty to make that twitter video and then made herself sound scratchy for effect while she figured out how to justify not going after Shane Dawson for the BetterHelp shit.

No. 704520

She said they told her she had a fever as if it was some kind of ominous surprise. “I thought it was just asthma but I had a FEVER!”
I’m relatively certain that a random fever is par for the course for anyone. It’s only an immediate cause for concern if there’s other symptoms or if it’s freakishly high. She just loves having the opportunity to share any form of results that prove she’s sick. Even if it comes from a thermometer.

I’m getting really sick of her randomly referencing her “weakened immune system.” That isn’t something that you can just speculate about… there is bloodwork that will reflect a weakened immune system.

No. 704521

She claims it’s from her fibro but she refuses to acknowledge fibro isn’t autoimmune

No. 704531

Even if fibro was an autoimmune disorder (and it most certainly isn’t), it wouldn’t automatically mean she has a weakened immune system. That’s not how it works. She’s so uneducated about the nonsense she continues to preach about.
Now I can’t stop picturing her screaming, “YOU JUST LIED ABOUT FIBROMYALGIA”

But I’m fairly certain that at some point during her hunt for a diagnosis they would have seen whether or not her immune system was weak in her bloodwork. If that had happened she would have made a livestream about it

No. 704533

I haven't seen this mentioned but I think Shane giving her attention has something to do with his ongoing Onision beef. I think he likes to subtly reinforce giving no attention or clout to Onision by giving it to all of Onision's enemies. However…she has gone after Peter Monn so intensely and he and Shane are supposed to be close, so I don't really see the angle there but Shane can't be unaware of that??

No. 704552


I only play a doctor and sometimes
a chicken lady on the interwebs.

Katie said today in her Hospital video. Starting around 10 minutes in she gave almost every symptom in the book. I recommend it for anybody that's interested in health,hypochondria or Munchausen's. I will list some of what she said here.The last couple of days her asthma started up. She neglected to take her meds. and she should never neglect to take her allergy meds but she did.
Then she says, but there's another thing, it's not just asthma. Her whole body gets inflamed,everything is inflamed.
Chronic inflammation.
Puffy face,swollen hands.
She knows when it starts because she can't walk,because her legs are so swollen.

hot and cold flashes.
Dizzy like she's going to black out,(but not like before)

That is as far as I got there's a lot more. I watched this earlier. I clearly remember her saying later on in the video that she absolutely loves getting her prednisone shot(in the butt) because it makes her feel fantastic. Like she can do anything. But this does cause her sleeplessness.
Also at some point she describes how all of her heavy metals coalesce and freeradicalize (all over the place)and somewhere in her body where they are suddenly removed.
She never says where they come
out though. That fascinated me.

If you don't watch any Katie this year, watch this Katie it's an award-winning pity party.

Put the Lime in the Coconut

The Doctor is OUT

No. 704571

yeah but katie lies and she lies and she lies

No. 704580

Not about everything. Not all of the time.

You kind of have to pick your poison on what parts you believe to be true and what parts she's fabricating to appear more sympathetic for her gullible base.

The best lies are the ones based on some facets of truth, and that's where she always rides.

No. 704583

There’s absolutely a reason for why she made this pity me shit show.
It appears as if she’s repeating the exact same pattern as before. She found a new dead horse to beat names Peter Monn and now she’s increasing the mentions of her apparently life threatening illness that seems to change monthly.
Perhaps she’s pandering to the chronically ill. I feel like that was the bulk of her following before.

No. 704587

Im sure I'm wrong about that catastrophic policy.
It's very possible that they could have added ER to a policy.You can customize a policy to specify that,It confuses me.(buying a health insurance policy is a bitch)
An emergency room only policy, it's interesting. I've never heard of it. I doubt I'm going to look any further into it because I don't give a shit(anymore).It's too confusing. But I do appreciate everybody's input and links.Sharing those historical links is generous.
thank you anons

No. 704598

So agree,in the back of my mind when I saw that today, I could see the $$ it was written all over her face. I can't predict the future. But she's quite predictable.
Of course it will be her fans that suggest this. Today and her comments somebody asked for a PO Box so they could send her gifts and presents. and a few were quite excited about this idea.

No. 704603

Precisely. The video should really be titled, “How to Ask for Money Without Asking for Money”

No. 704608

I agree there. It seems that asthma and allergies is something that I can believe she might have because of all of her scratchy nose, itchy eyes and congestion. (with the weight and the inactivity there's going to be congestion) I really don't know much what about asthma or allergies,but that sounds somewhat convincing to me. So she can build around that. That's a solid foundation for the rest of the garbage. She said it today in her video
"but it's not just asthma"

No. 704615

She's getting old. Plain and simple. As you age, you start temporarily forgetting words (muh brain frogs) and things start to ache (muh body pain) and metabolism slows down (muh fat azz). Take normal aging and run it through extreme hyperbole and you have Kati and her "I've been near death for five years!" circus act. I can't wait till she gets perimenopausal on top of the crotch coppers. That will be comedy gold!

No. 704616

File: 1538715722617.png (1.36 MB, 1125x2436, 5D8A9BC7-AFC2-4A36-BE7C-FFBA64…)

Hook, line, and sinker.

No. 704622

Whoa.like shooting fish in a barrel with these,these.I don't know what to call them.
Can we call them Copper Crotch Kids from now on? Lmao

No. 704623

I think a big part of it is that she’s just sticking to her guns. If she isn’t sick then how would she explain not working? Or her beluga status? How would she explain all of the times over the years she claimed something is seriously wrong and her life is at stake?
That’s why when she goes to real doctors and they can’t find anything serious, she’s on to the next one. I believe she’s not even seeing a real doctor anymore? Personally that’s all the proof that I need that she’s either faking it, greatly exaggerating, or delusional.
She had to resort to some kind of “nature medicine” just to get someone to tell her somethings wrong. That’s how the heavy metal toxicity was born

No. 704636


She completely avoids the subject of SSI disability. Maybe she never paid taxes? It's possible that her disability payment would be very small because of this.
At the end of the day, she is a bullshit artist and I have to remind myself of that. Nobody likes to see anybody truly suffering.

No. 704652

In the US, to get disability, you have to actually hold a job that you got too disabled to work within the last 5 years. We know she's sat on her ass for the last three years, so she probably doesn't have enough "credits" (worked weeks within quarters of a year) to qualify for disability. That leaves something called SSI (supplemental insurance) for disabled people (think a person who is genuinely unable to work at all) and that caps out around $700/mo IF you qualify. Being too lazy to get off your ass and work is not a qualification. She's not mentioned anything that would be a qualification for SSI.

She's just lazy and wants to dupe bleeding hearts to hand her money. So, she has to put on a show that makes them feel good handing over their money to a lazy slob. If she didn't play the "I nearly died!" act every quarter or so, the paypigs might get restless and wander off to find a more needy person to support.

No. 704665

Is she getting disability? I keep seeing that but I’ve never heard her say it.
From what I’ve seen disability is really fucking hard to get. People even have to get lawyers to help them get it. And if you do get it they’ll take it away if they catch you doing anything you claimed you couldn’t.
I sincerely doubt she would qualify.

No. 704667

I’m confident that she wouldn’t ever be able to prove a medical need that truly prevents her from working because you can’t prove something that doesn’t exist.
I think she’s well aware of that. Which is probably whyshe’ll say she just doesn’t want to get disability for a slew of other reasons. She’s to proud to ask for help, guys.(unsaged samefagging)

No. 704669

In a video today, she said she is not getting it and put down people who do get it. In another video somewhere, she'd said she'd applied for disability not once, but twice. So, I'm thinking she's just not qualified. Attorney's are not going to take a case where there is no underlying qualification. Again, you have to have held a job (not couch surfed your grandmother's house) and worked for a certain amount of time in the most recent 5 years. Disability is not a general purpose service for lazy assholes who have worn out their welcome…it is for people who held actual jobs and then became actually disabled.

No. 704673

She's a professional e-beggar.

No. 704736

are you new to the internet? that's a site that mirrors other sites to try and leech off their content. sheesh. put in any name and you'll get the same 'most popular' bullshit.

No. 704760

File: 1538736930821.jpg (846 KB, 1920x1080, 20181005_033819.jpg)

Katie is Down with the Sickness

No. 704775

No. 704793

That was actually hilarious, the fake cough and all. For someone who lost her voice she still managed to actually speak for 70+ minutes all together. If you want to get better, you tend to preserve your voice by shutting up.
Maybe it's steroid super powers, though.

No. 704870

I was hospitalized for chest pain overnight a couple of years back. They hooked me up to a holter monitor and set up a saline drip via IV just in case they needed to do something. It wound up being stress. They recommended therapy and anxiety medication to control it. Kati has been told by ER doctors before that it's been anxiety and checks out because she doesn't believe them.

sage for possible same fagging, I believe this was mentioned several threads ago.

No. 704918

I could've sworn the clip of the stream where Joy's singing "You're my N-Word." Does anyone know which thread? Thanks!

No. 704920

It's "I really miss my" N-word.

No. 704944

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 705015

TL/DW: First 23-ish minutes are her yapping about tipster gaming. Then she runs two of his videos where he "investigated" her and Special Spaces (obviously the ones where he supported her), then at the end (maybe last 10 min) his video about how an anti-cheating "troll" put a privacy and two trademark complaints against his channel. In the video tippster states that he's turned it over to the MCN and Youtube and that they 'better handle it correctly' or he might be done on youtube.

From Kati's section: The MCN dumped him and sent him a communications that said "we told you to disengage and you didn't … the anti-cheating 'troll' has made threats to our offices and employees and lives near by" So, they dropped tipster and as a result, when they pulled out of the revenue stream on his channel, that left him unmonetized and needing to get his own AdSense account. Kati is, obviously, against the MCN protecting the lives of their empolyees and demands that they should engage in a legal battle with the troll. She says they're a huge company and should to that for him. (UM, they're a huge company. Why the hell should they get involved with a mongoloid fat ass and his internet slap fights? There are plenty of funny animal channels out there they can work with).

No word on Youtube, but the anti-cheating troll made trademark claims. I don't see youtube getting in the middle of that because their only obligation is to remove the offending material from their platform. If they decide to put it back up, they become a party to any litigation as well.

So… looks like tipster bit off more than he could chew. Good fucking riddance.

No. 705030

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 705041

Joy Sparkle BS: 1 Video Is Better Than 2


No. 705044

In the real world, if your boss tells you something and you don't listen, you can get fired. Not seeing the problem here.

It seems like many YouTubers are trauma bonding over being trolled. Many of which call other people snowflake. lol. Not only hypocritical but it really highlights the tight boundary of your empathy.

(sorry. weird comma splice. not sure why i did that.)

No. 705133

Just something she said about how to make some $$.She's been talking to a friend about trading currencies.Back and forth between countries? Is that even legit? If it was,well whatever

Maybe bitcoin and others,maybe she said they were teaching her about it.
It has to be Tipster Gaming.
Powerful alliance lol

Saged for Just saying.

No. 705140

Video 3 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 705158

Thanks anon
Looks like I have some catching up to do.Cover me I'm going in.

No. 705186

The short answer is yes, and indeed it forms an important part of modern banking practice, but it takes rather more intelligence, experience and capital than Moby Sick (sic) here will ever have to make a profit.

No. 705190

Ms Fvcking Wonderful made a video on her thoughts about Joy. Basically she says that while she disagrees with some of the things she says she also makes good points but she's just too excessive. I'm curious about what the good points are though. Since Joy has had MFWs back in the past and she appreciates that loyalty she's still friends with her or at least on good terms I guess.

No. 705206

Thanks for that info.I only dabble in the American dollar and not too many of them.
Imo you usually have to spend money to make money.
There's the rub.If you ask me,Katie does not seem to be in the throws of monetary ruin.Her apt.is cluttered with made for TV crap.And TVs all over the place.
She has 2 dogs and now
she says she needs money to eat.
I just wish she would stop saying that, it's just macabre.

No. 705223

File: 1538797837555.jpg (50.79 KB, 777x433, red.jpg)

In hoodie watch news she now has a red one!

Also near the end of this video she mentions rumors going around that you wouldn't get a steroid shot for an asthma attack. Hmm…wonder where she saw those rumors?

No. 705239

She looks just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

No. 705253

I'm just watching Shane Dawson's video about Jake Paul's enemies, guess who appeared to criticise his series…

Peter Monn! His current lovefest with Joy suddenly makes a lot more sense doesn't it?

No. 705280

File: 1538806351778.png (460.75 KB, 1077x1799, 20181006_020908.png)

I noticed this vid disappeared a few hours ago.

No. 705284

File: 1538806832849.png (383.69 KB, 1065x1482, 20181006_021833.png)

Cat fight

No. 705290

File: 1538807301821.png (339.87 KB, 1022x1831, 20181006_022551.png)

From yesterday.I dont know if she is referring to herself?

No. 705302

Who didn’t she work for kek

No. 705327

She's up to 17 Peter Monn videos in 14 days… this is only counting the videos specific to him and not the many mentions he gets in her other videos.

What "job" did Kati hold? She's not been employed at all in 2016, 2017, or 2018. Unless she's counting sharing a bedroom with boyfriend as her job now?

No. 705337

There is something wrong with Shane Dawson

No. 705352

File: 1538821747732.png (78.85 KB, 1186x258, Screen Shot 2018-10-06 at 5.28…)

you know I really wouldn't be shocked if joy did this

No. 705376

> "I don't go for people's jobs"
> Has referred to YouTube as a job repeatedly
> Tries to "destroy" Peter Monn

I haven't watched all the Peter Monn shit but I didn't buy the faux outrage (a la those SJWs we all know she loves so so much) or the constant reaching trying to make something mundane outrageous.

No. 705398

Shane and peter aren’t close. From what I heard those pictures where only taken because peter found out where Shane was and hunted him down like a creep

No. 705402

The reason that was being played on that show is because Dawson quietly deleted that video from his channel after it came out that the furry in the video is active in a group that rapes dogs and has also video recorded himself having sex with road kill and the decapitated head of a puppy.

No. 705403

I assumed it was Kati or her stans. Could totally see Kati seeding something disgusting to say to her stans and they'd just run out there and start saying it to him.

No. 705425

File: 1538836723249.jpeg (55.98 KB, 1209x320, 8C7EB32A-1FA5-4EC8-89B8-1AFE47…)


This comment was on Joys “BetterHelp” video. I can only imagine that she is going to make a 30min+ video on it, saying that she was “working for them” because she had their add on her video.

I remember when she did a video on the purple mattress company trying to expose them or whatever it was, and she also got an add from them on her video. Its just because of the way she titled it.

No. 705426

Then make a Shane Dawson thread, christ.

No. 705427


I don't know - I'd say making public videos claiming that he was a racist based on tweets from years ago is an attempt at ruining his reputation (thus, coming for his job, as a result).

No. 705501


Maybe I shouldn't have posted that clip here. It relates back to Katie's recent support of him.
Sorry if it's in the wrong place.
I think Shane already has a thread here but I'm not sure.

No. 705510

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 705514


Here is the current Shane thread for ease:

Also, I assume Joy has had to buy new hoodies what with her quickly acquired hambeast status, but all or most of these latest ones seem to be brand name and thus, I assume, expensive. For UnderArmour or whatever they are called, a long sleeved top is £75.
Although having looked at the US site it seems the relevant attire is more around the $50 mark. However, surely for someone who is 'broke' and in need of sweatshirts over there, it would be more sensible to go to Walmart or Target or wherever US people can pick up cheapo clothing. (Apologies, anons, if my suggestions are ridiculous, I'm not American.)

Maybe the cheapo places don't home deliver? But then surely eBay would make more sense. I'm probably just overthinking it anyway, her splurging on fatwear is hardly riveting discussion, lel.

No. 705529


Maybe she's talking about bitcoin?? I don't see her having enough money to enter that market though unless she's been hiding some assets somewhere no one can find it.

sage for tinfoil

No. 705569

Maybe when roomy went on vacation he went to a warehouse type mall and got a stack of them for her.
I seem to recall his mother gave her a gift of clothing last year?
They could be gifts.

No. 705570

Ah, good point. They could well be gifts. I can begrudgingly give her the benefit of the doubt on that one. It would make sense à la giving people gifts they need, like always asking for socks. Boring gifts but practical gifts.

No. 705571

When I said I thought they might be gifts, one of the reasons was because of all the different colors.
Then I remembered that her sweatshirts are all roommates hand me downs or he shared them with her. But she loves colors so LOL Anyway hilarious conversation and speculation.Her videos suck so badly there's not that much to talk about so here we are talking about her GD sweatshirts. hehe

No. 705599

File: 1538862317562.jpg (190.23 KB, 1746x1832, IMG_20181006_153919.jpg)

No. 705614

Ugh, she's disgusting. Wanting to build her channel up first so that it reaches more people which will do more damage to that poor woman. Rose is hardly a mastermind and she at no point seemed vindictive or nasty (unlike some people we know) and there is just no legit reason to go after her now. She was a worried parent, her kids were being abused for money, the controversy has been resolved and has passed. DO5 isn't news anymore. Joy is just determined to push this bizarre paranoid victim narrative, as well we know. Same old song.

And, Joy, yes you have managed to scrape 15,000 subscribers so far, but I do not see you getting back up to that sweet 60k. People are aware of your being a nutcase now and your Peter Monn "series" has not brought you a whole bucketload of unsuspecting "fans" like your previous anti-Onion vids and fake sweetness and light personality did at the beginning of the whole JSBS palavar. This grandiose bullshit is tired.

No. 705618

Her second video today is about better help. She uses kiwi Farms as a source of information. I find this pathetic, hilarious and hypocritical.
When it is convenient for her, these are reliable sources.
When other people use them as sources,she discounts and discredits them as unreliable. What a bitch.

No. 705621

I can't imagine Lainey or Greg being pleased that she's using Lainey for her thumbnail.
She really likes to flirt with disaster. She's such a fame whore.

No. 705622

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 705675


@38:15 there are some interesting Katie claims.

No. 705718

File: 1538881914246.png (496.6 KB, 1049x1639, 20181006_231024.png)

No. 705720

File: 1538882071065.png (248.32 KB, 1044x1225, 20181006_231255.png)

No. 705721

That's not even a real tweet from VHS. That's one of the fake ones kati and Rena made for the bullshit Google drive.

No. 705722

Pretty interesting comments about "hurting your audience" in this video when she promoted that scheme by that pedophile "The Josh" to her mostly young and underage audience so that he got all of their information through his website.

No. 705724

That's Kati's M.O. to make fake DMs and fake tweets. She's been doing that as far back as Apr 2017. That she's using faked "images" and doesn't have an archive.is link is not surprising.

No. 705726

File: 1538882443407.png (318.28 KB, 1078x1470, 20181006_231801.png)

this is from this morning. The other two this evening, 12 hours apart

No. 705728

That is like her fav.she always says she has a lot more where that came from but I've never seen another one. She says that about most everything she has, there's more. There's more but I can't show them to you right now because I can't internet. pants on fire

No. 705729

99% of her Google drive is faked screenshots and DM's. The only real thing is the calls she may or may not have illegally recorded.

No. 705733

I looked for the moo screenshot but I could not find it. Maybe somebody else can find it if they care to.

No. 705738

You wont find it because Kati literally just made it with a fake tweet app.

No. 705766

I guess I got confused by what was said in this tweet about moo posting a screenshot.

No. 705772

File: 1538888818102.png (400.22 KB, 1080x1790, 20181007_010312.png)

regarding this.

I didn't know Katie didn't like rumors and gossip.
self awareness level low

No. 706056

File: 1538934706420.jpg (23.1 KB, 218x213, bh.jpg)

She's starting the day with another better help video. I'm assuming it's more compilations of what other people are saying since she doesn't have her own experience with them. Peter Monn seems to have been put on the back burner for the time being.

No. 706069

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 706107

I noticed a lot of talk about how she acquired her hoodies. Not sure why, but just to end the speculation if you go to her “IM BACK! JOY SPARKLE BS IS BACK!” video, at 17:14 she said “I just ordered some new ones” in reference to the hoodies.

No. 706130

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 706143

We were just wondering about where she acquired them because as they are name-brand they seemed expensive and she always says she's broke. It was just some low-tier nitpicking.
Thanks though, I can't stand to watch through most of her videos because ew, that voice and ew, that face so I wasn't aware she had said where the new hoodies came from. I was speculating from screenshots here and the Under Armour and Nike logos. So she splurged a bit. Like I said though, it was just some silly, mean-spirited nitpicking.

No. 706144

Underarmor is a cheap brand. Especially if you order from their outlet.

No. 706200

This is proof positive that Kati's claims to experience in business, marketing, PR, legal, or anything beyond "I was a craigslist hire" are blatant lies.

- She conflates a social media management response (canned responses given based on business name search provided by shift workers who give pre-approved copy/paste responses) with some sort of communication directed to her as an individual.

- She has no clue how to read that TOS nor the difference between a TOS or site copy. She has no idea about how all companies do and MUST run. This is a painful exercise in listening to Kati read a TOS and cram it into her boogieman concept. And, again… her interpretation proves that she's never had ANY part in contracting with clients, vendors, or venues. I have no idea of how you can "run teams of people" and not have any responsibilities related to contracts.

- She thinks survivability clauses in contracts are "shady" even though most contracts contain them.

She's clearly a craigslist temp type employee who has never had any management experience beyond making sure enough twinkies are at each booth.

Also notice that she starts and ends the video with "muh siknezz" updates to enforce to her STANS what a martyr she is sitting on her ass ranting at a camera for 45 minutes about stuff that she can barely read, let alone interpret.

No. 706203

File: 1538948100771.png (988.44 KB, 1028x1154, 20181007_173321.png)

Sunday Dinner

No. 706248

I don’t know much about social blade so I could easily be misunderstanding… but how is she possibly getting between 10k and 30k daily views? It just doesn’t seem like the views on her current videos are anywhere near 20k daily.
Is this legit or is she just periodically un-privating old videos? I don’t get it.

No. 706275

Just like subscribers you can buy views.

No. 706279


I looked at the views on the vids and was also perplexed. The name dropping titles look like they work.
Splashy thumbnails.

purchasing subs maybe

No. 706282

File: 1538955778209.png (571.79 KB, 1064x1647, 20181007_172820.png)


She can afford them.

No. 706285

Dom has to have her on an allowance.

No. 706292

i doubt dom would buy a peach hooded sweatshirt.

not only because it's a girl color but also because it'd look awful with this skin tone.

No. 706319

File: 1538958540449.jpeg (664.29 KB, 1125x2433, 85393A07-B0CB-47C2-A7AF-4710CA…)

So here’s what I think she’s doing. Notice that on days where she has a really low amount of new subs, she somehow magically manages to also get a huge boost in views.
I think that on the days where she has little to no growth in subs or views, she finds an old video that she listed as private and then change it back to public. Most likely a Do5 video.

No. 706355

Precisely Watson.
I would have never figured it out.
ty anon

No. 706422

This was my issue with her 'valid criticism' and 'concerns' about purple mattress co., Kilroy and now better help. She claims some vast knowledge of how to operate a business, but she has repeatedly implied or outright claimed that standard disclaimers and ToS are shady, unethical, illegal, etc.
Idk why it still bothers me so much, maybe because we have our own business and she is so very, very clueless as to how business licensure, contracts and operations work, despite her nonstop claims of being a super duper business expert.
ToS and disclaimers are often required for businesses so they can operate. A website/App hosting company might require specific terms in a ToS in order for a company to be hosted with them. I would think anyone who knew anything about business would know that when you contract with other companies to do business, that you have to make an agreement with each individual business and those agreements must be upheld.
You can't just open up a shop one day and do whatever the hell you feel like doing and then nothing happens to you! Consumer laws exist to punish fly-by-night operations and shifty business practices!
Jfc, it drives me halfway to the paddy wagon that she ever opens her jowly mouth about running a business when the most she's ever done to run a business is collect AdSense!

Sage for twinkie defense rage

No. 706430

Exactly! Thank you for this, anon! She should take a look at any other Terms of Service/Use and Privacy Policies as they pertain to SVOD, SaaS, etc. type businesses to see how everything she was reading is par for the course. I also don't understand how she's unaware of third-party applications that can pick out mentions/keywords on Twitter, how canned replies are used quite often for initial outreach, that freelancers/contractors can be the bulk of Internet-based businesses, and so forth. How she's not aware of these things after claiming her areas of expertise boggles my mind.

No. 706464

File: 1538973781408.png (Spoiler Image,666.93 KB, 959x1059, 20181007_172739.png)

Jowly mouth you say?
I just happen to have that one right here.

No. 706467

Unfortunately this ss has not been altered in anyway.
She just loves to make these faces.

No. 706476

If you care to see what she said about trading currency it's @30:00
In: Back at the Hospital

No. 706491

Calling it now: one of Joy's next targets is gonna be Blaire White. Since her buttbuddy Andy Warski hates Blaire now, Joy's gonna force herself into the beef because "a real bitch defends their friends." Especially when the issue has absolutely nothing to do with her. And let's be real, Joy's been looking for an excuse to put Blaire's name in her mouth ever since Blaire told Onision that Joy's crazy.

No. 706519

Just a quick note. Yesterday was 1 year since Kati deleted her original channel. So all her "I've been gone for a year" prior to yesterday was pure bullshit even by the most generous interpretation. Of course, she never really left the Internet anyway.

No. 706606

File: 1539002690031.png (745.54 KB, 794x768, addtext_com_MDg0MjQ4MTkyMg.png)

Kunti Kati was a regional marketing manager!

No. 706607

I wasn't aware of the beef with Andy and Blaire but can easily see her jumping in and am surprised she hasn't already. In one of her comeback videos she made a shady comment about atheists, I couldn't help but think it was directed at jaclyn Glenn so I can see her going in on her as well one of these days.

As far as her subs and views, as much as I don't trust her, I think they're legit this time around. Only because it seems she is gaining the views from enemies of the people she is talking about or in Peter's case, fans that were blinded by his bullshit, especially given he continues to lose subs every day and there's not many willing to dare speak against the gay Charles manson, er I mean oprah. Also , there's plenty of hate watchers checking in on her to ensure she's as crazy as ever but will quickly get bored with even more useless rambling and cackling nowadays and added in obscene amount of ads.

No. 706661

I don’t know about the views. I’ve honestly never thought she was buying them or subs for that matter. However something seems off about her views. Supposedly she’s gotten over 13,000 views already today. I just don’t buy that

No. 706676

File: 1539012458836.png (154.9 KB, 1245x1219, temp.png)

For future reference, 13k views before 10:30 am central time (her time)

No. 706801

>>705614 I don't think she is planning on doing a series about Rose Hall anymore. You give her too much credit when you state she will hold off for a larger audience to cause maximum impact, that is not how this cow works. She can't help but rant and rave when she is in takedown mode, she couldn't give a shit about how many see it.

It is more likely to do with nobody giving a shit about that story anymore, it's ancient news. Even her own spergs started to turn on her over her use of those kids. And lastly Robert Hall made it very clear he has finally found legal representation and he would be coming for her about those videos. He had collected up all her manic shit whereas he bragged about using those kids for money and just to piss Rose off. I can't be 100% certain as I only check in on here once in a while, I don't check her social media but I don't think she has really mentioned the Halls since? But I'm assuming that based on not seeing it reported on here.


No. 706803

>>705599 all you have to do is read further up.

No. 706804

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 706810

She just laid another rotten egg.
I mean her first video today is about her obsession with Shane D.
She uses her false popo report to. fuck it I don't even want to write about what she does anymore.

No. 706819

File: 1539024691525.png (336.95 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2018-10-08-14-48-14…)

How do her "tardlings" feel about this?

No. 706831

It's just too perfect.
She's gone all out to fawn after Shane but all she's accomplished is proving why anyone with a following needs to ignore the fuck out of the crazy bitch.
Just a polite comment on a video and she'll sperg out a dozen videos as if you're BBFs 4eva

No. 706839

Who the hell would bring up Bohemian Grove… isn't that where rich pedophiles go? Why is she always talking about poop and pedophiles?

No. 706841

keywords:shane dawson,jake paul,shane dawson scary,shane dawson jake paul,jake paul shane dawson,shane dawson hater,shane dawson baby,shane dawson songs,shane dawson food,shane dawson dad,the mind of jake paul,the darkside of jake paul,the family of jake paul,the enemies of jake paul,logan paul,shane dawson jake paul part 1,shane dawson jake paul part 3,shane dawson series,jake paul songs,jake paul fight,jake paul 2,jake paul logan paul

oh shane. she using you.

No. 706859

File: 1539028705377.png (115.34 KB, 1060x664, 20181008_155554.png)

The "tardling"
tweet has the option to translate.

No. 706869

SD put her in his intro today.

No. 706872

that's why he gave her a nod, so he could use a clip without her claiming it. sneaky little boy

No. 706883

She must be thrilled. She was featured on Shane's new episode of the Jake Paul series. Her double chin mostly. I'm too lazy to save the image, but she appeared on the intro.

No. 706885

File: 1539030679254.png (788.31 KB, 1210x785, joy.PNG)

No. 706903

>>706803 that's what I'm referring to, I'm saying she is most likely full of shit and now has no intention of making that series anymore. That's just her covering her fat arse, putting the question off instead of saying I can't do it anymore because x, y, z.

No. 706932

you'll never guess what her second rotten egg is about.
I was featured in Shane Dawson's video.
Who knew?

No. 706946

28 minutes from a 3 sec clip? Does anyone else doubt that she has ZERO experience around "big names" and is the world's biggest suck up (aka: social climber, just like she bitched about Peter Monn for).

No. 706958

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 706962

File: 1539036845058.jpeg (118.77 KB, 612x738, 78B1E55C-C493-4556-8CC3-6D0814…)

Her hourly sub count is very interesting today.

No. 706965

yeah she's completely starstruck by Shane Dawson which is weird.
She says she gets why people didn't like the music in the SD video. WTF
Maybe I'm living under a rock but I haven't heard anybody complain about the music.
She says sociopaths partially put her where she's at in her health struggles.
Really? I've been wondering who was to blame for the condition she is in. It's been such a mystery to me.

No. 706987

>>706946 Yeah, I remember very early on, like the first two weeks of her channel, I was talking to her and mentioned the number of presidents I have met and she was completely flabbergasted.
She had sparkles in her eyes so bad she completely couldn't see the point I was making about presidents being regular people and started talking about how I must be some crazy badass and how she can't believe someone whose met multiple presidents watches her channel.
She's always been a celebrity obsessed twit. If you actually watched her Onision videos she's a huge fan who applied her insanity to making fake moral outrage videos hoping that daddy Onion-dick would notice and give attention to her smarmy mashed pertaters.

No. 707009

She herself said she has been following Onision for over 10 years.

No. 707014

Only because we try to keep things correct in this thread. She's said she's watched him since 2009. That would have been at least 7 years when she started publishing her shit.

No. 707048

I really don't think she has been following him at all, maybe watched some of his videos here and there but nothing more. I was in the anti onision group chat she was in and she didn't know about any of the older stuff when it was brought up. Moralvirus even gave her onions old writings from his military life and she didn't look into it at all. It always had to be spoon fed. Phil however did follow onision stuff too, as mentioned in their Facebook messages before she started her channel and he basically helped her with all her onision stuff.
Tl;dr she was never into onision, just saw it as a way to make money and subs

No. 707053

Watching her 28min brag that she was "FEATURED!" in the shane video… um, get a fucking dictionary. Kati has NO experience in the entertainment industry if she doesn't even comprehend what "featured" means.

But, she's either really going crazy or she's started drinking or something. She's acting very much (in my opinion) like a drunk. Not that she IS Drunk…but like a long term drunks who you find in sleaze bars. If it came out that she's an alcoholic, I would not be surprised in the least.

No. 707091

It takes one to know one.Katie imo is not an alcoholic.Maybe sometimes she exhibits alcoholic behavior.Such as obsession. She has a very hard time controlling her emotions whether angry or giddy.THIS is an opinion and in no way a diagnosis.

Simply an observation.

She cannot control her "id" (the out of control part of the personality)

No. 707093


maybe she knew that shane put her in the video and went ahead and padded the views to make the impact look bigger

No. 707120

I’ve never enjoyed hate watching anything more than old Joy. However the only thing that truly gets to me is when she’s rewarded for her bad behavior. She’s a bucket of slime but somehow there are still people fallling for her shit.
The shane thing isn’t nearly as significant or impressive as she’s making it out to be. Not to mention that clickbait shitshow was the cringiest most transparent brag I’ve ever seen. But it makes me nuts that SHE believes this is huge. She truly believes she’s some kind of YouTube badass. Infuriating

No. 707132

File: 1539053145361.jpg (26.42 KB, 213x216, more.jpg)

She's putting in some late night work.

No. 707139

File: 1539053541405.jpg (138.94 KB, 1237x1716, IMG_20181008_205025.jpg)

No. 707144

File: 1539053783147.png (43.9 KB, 761x527, temp.png)

🎵🎵🎵 One of these things is not like the other … 🎵

No. 707147

Did Kati even watch his video about this? Phill didn't admit anything. Kati is trying to drum up fake stories again.

No. 707154

Are you implying our YouTube darling - YouTube's sweetheart, more aptly - is using gasp clickbait!?!?!?!?!?

No. 707155

She also has no idea what a pyramid scheme is.

No. 707156

Technically it could be from Shane’s video but it’s also possible that just provided her with an opportunity to buy subs and if anyone asks…

No. 707159


did you see the earlier posts where she had 13k views at 10am this morning and the other post theorizing shes using the opportunity to pad her stats?

No. 707160

Video 3 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 707164

even though she's gloating, i don't think it's going as well as she'd hoped.

No. 707166

Honestly I kind of think she’s consistently padding her stats. Her daily views often just don’t make sense. I hate to speculate about buying views and subs because it sounds so insane. But I’m starting to wonder
I think she’s either periodically changing videos she once privated to public OR she’s buying views in small chunks on random, not too recent videos

No. 707168

the latest video claiming phil said it was a pyramid scheme isn't being received very well. lol.

No. 707195

The more this nut talks about her business expertise the more clear it becomes that she has no idea what the fuck she’s talking about. A pyramid scheme? Really? Once again she has no idea what she’s talking about but is convinced she’s an expert.
She really should jump off that “business world” high horse and quit picking fights with people who could crush her.

No. 707198

File: 1539059846704.png (225.61 KB, 1080x1105, 20181009_003344.png)

According to Katie she's been featured and promoted.
She loopy

No. 707202

looking at her tweets it seems she's taking some Q's from Keemstar who has admitted openly that he does not like Phil D.
I haven't heard anybody else use the term pyramid scheme in other videos but I haven't watched that many of them.it doesn't sound like a pyramid scheme to me unless it's a very weird trajectory pyramid.

No. 707204

remember how she always used to brag about how well she handles contact with “big youtubers?” She’s super discreet.

No. 707210

Pyramid schemes involve INVESTMENTS. There is a huge difference between an “agent” facilitating a deal and then taking a cut (like a finders fee) and recruiting people to invest their own money in a business and then having those people recruit others to invest.
BetterHelp is by no means an investment… it’s a service that people choose to pay for.

No. 707226


There's a theory on the KF thread about BetterHelp right now that mentions the phrase "pyramid scheme" in reference to what Phil was doing with the sponsorships, how things were funded, etc. Idk how true it is and it's something still being looked into, but that might be where she got it from.

No. 707235

Gois! I am humble! I don't brag about the people I've met and stuff…

The way she's freaking out over Shane Dawson just proves she's so full of crap. Can you imagine her meeting and possibly even working with, someone of notability? Most people have run across a famous person in their lives. And I think all of her encounters were just that, running into them. And getting pictures with them, as fans tend to do… then playing up their actual relationship.

No. 707238

I'm just listening to the kill stream .In a clip with Failure
Katie asks in a superchat. Why is Geek saying she bought subs for MM.Its not true.
Andy I love you.Why would you have Geek on your show knowing what he was and what he is now? Failure lowly grumbles, what the fuck?

No. 707243

Remember that all she could do was giggle when she got onion to debate. it was a cringe Fest.imo. When she gets that way she says stuff like you're just silly he he he (many more he hes) I don't think she could handle anything IRL she might have a thrombo.

No. 707257

Giggle? She was literally rocking back and forth in between cramming food into her mouth. She was way beyond star struck in that "debate."

No. 707272

Metokur thinks it's a Ponzi scheme. Tomorrow her new video will reflect this.

No. 707275

File: 1539070292263.png (534.9 KB, 1125x2436, E967EAA6-037F-4EDB-B342-78B2F1…)

Almost 6k views in 3 hours?
Not buying it.

No. 707276

File: 1539070415593.jpeg (847.17 KB, 1125x2318, A18D3230-11AB-462A-B3FA-C286F6…)

Pathetic attempt at covering her own ass.
Of course she can’t just say “I misunderstood” or “I used the wrong term”

No. 707277

File: 1539071128548.gif (40.06 KB, 320x480, YGJpSCT.gif)

it's more of a trapezoid.

No. 707285

File: 1539072241408.png (1.75 MB, 1125x2436, 59722CD2-C6D8-48DF-A431-C6F9C2…)

So in the comments her excuse was that she had a cold so she forgot to go into detail
In the description her excuse is that when her battery died, she lost the footage of when she went into detail and didn’t realize it. Because she has a cold.

I can’t with this girl.

No. 707287

When you watch this video, remember that this is Kati, with her high school diploma (or maybe GED?) telling people who all likely at least of a 4yr degree how they should run their existing, successful, their multi-million dollar company because she-who-doesn't-even-know-what-a-ponzi-scheme-is thinks they don't know what they're doing. I can't begin to describe how much of a "go fuck yourself" she would get from me with her "I'm going to be open if they're apologetic" shit at the end of her obvious attempt at a hit piece. Kati, you ARE the worst piece of crap on the planet.

No. 707290

I don't think Joysparklebs scolding Phil D is going to work for her somehow.

No. 707297

File: 1539074895342.png (264.14 KB, 1102x850, c0pZhww.png)

putting this here because she's privated the video now and has edited the title from the original language. This has the original language in it.

No. 707300

Um… she clearly called it a pyramid scheme. Citation: >>707297

There was no "possible" about it. The moron of the couch was quite certain in her title and description.

No. 707304

Ever since Shane Dawson has made waves with his many different Docu-series on YouTubers/Tanacon, Joy has been calling her multiple videos on a topic a "series". Like posting many videos on Peter Monn is somehow a "series".

No. 707305

i cant wait to see how she proceeds here. she is showing signs of walking it back and of trying to justify her claims its a pyramid scheme all at once in that description lol she is trying to justify it by saying there are details she forgot to mention in that it "could" be one, and that there just isnt the information yet. ALL THE INFORMATION IS OUT! your dick riding some people who made these allegations and since they are smarter than you you trust they know what they are saying and you hopped into the bandwagon and now your getting called out on wrong info and trying to walk back and justify what you said! WTF

… sorry for ranting as if im talking to joy it just comes out sometimes. i want to shake her sometimes (and no thats not a death threat)

No. 707315

The simpsons image was a joke, it's also closer to what Phil is really doing with Betterhelp, had Joy paid attention. Kindly pull the stick out of your ass.

No. 707320

Well its a funny joke imo
I'm wondering if Katie will go real low and talk about Phil D cheating on his wife.Discussion on KS this night.

No. 707363


The only series of episodes she has had are of the mental breakdown variety…

No. 707395

The video was uploaded by bitchute and bittube anon. If its needed.

No. 707400

File: 1539091132546.jpg (445.56 KB, 1440x1553, Screenshot_20181009-071755_You…)

She may have privated the video but it's still accessible if you have the link.

No. 707504

Idk if this has been mentioned before but it’s just some tinfoiling. So we all know Joy’s wanted to suck Keem’s
e-peen since she first came on. While I didn’t watch the “debate” with Onion I heard she was eating popcorn nonstop; do you think she was taking a cue from Keem and trying to make it as though she thought of it herself? I say this cuz when drama’s going on or someone’s sad Keem will sit there and stuff his face with popcorn and it is pretty funny; after the debate I heard a few people talking about how either nonchalant or gross it was that she was eating popcorn and while I never thought much of it approx a month ago I was watching some drama with Keem and he was stuffing his face with popcorn and laughing. I’m honestly thinking she took that and tried to make it seem like it was her super serial cool idea, but not only that, by eating the whole time she gave off the heir she didn’t give an f (even though she was practically buttering her mashed taters over it,) which was the look she was going for.

Saved for tinfoil

No. 707587

She has plopped out her DeFranko correction video.
She says it's very embarrassing because this is her area of expertise.
She's an expert now.

No. 707589

I'm sure some anon will correct me here if I'm wrong, but I feel like she's been referring to her repeated topic videos as a "series" since the DaddyoFive stuff. Especially pertaining to her drama with BasedMama, Chambers, and Nick.

Don't worry anon, the police are already trying to calm the cow down on the phone for wasting their time filing a report on you.

And here I thought her area of expertise was stuffing her face with as much fast food as Dom could pick up from the drive-thru's in his area.

No. 707615

This has nothing to do with her battery dying, she just doesn’t want to admit she doesn’t know what a pyramid scheme is.
She literally included the moment before and after the battery… she said it was about to die and got up. Then it cuts to her sitting back down.
She would rather lie than just say she got it wrong. There always has to be a million excuses.

No. 707622

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 707656

I didn't realize until today that she's banging deFrankos door down because he references Nick Monroe.
Now her sideways attack makes
"Katie sense"

Agreed.she definitely used "the series" with the Do5.

Not positive on this but in my recollection her and mikenactor and fans started eating chips watching videos they would reference chips or popcorn. How it originally started I have no idea.

No. 707669

I think it's just a general meme that people are aware of. Kati just didn't grasp that it's for the viewers of drama to do, not for those actively involved in drama to do in the middle of their drama.

But who knows, maybe it is a weird nod to Keemstar?

No. 707674

Her second video is up.IMO she's been here reading very, very recently and corrected her "expertise" model.

No. 707826

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 707899

OMG! She's "signed lots of contracts" … yeah, putting your cell phone in your grandmother's name doesn't count.

Experienced "particularly in start up in tech"… NO. FUCKING. WAY. And I would put a $10k bet on that one. This bitch doesn't know shit about start ups or tech as is proven by her sitting on her ass as a munchie e-beggar at the age of 34.

No. 707935

Is that why she has to have ‘roommate’ plug her earphones in for her?
She thinks if she says anything loudly enough, manically enough, it will become true. And her zombie hoard are why she thinks this!

No. 707936

Tech? She has referred to herself as “tech tarded” and can’t even be bothered to teach herself basic editing. Moreover Cy always handled her Tech stuff and I’m sure someone has now resumed that place cuz Joy’s too busy to even research her super serial investigative journalism cuz who needs #FACTS right?

Our Lady of the Couch and Frito Lay really is something; she really has done absolutely everything and we’re beyond lucky to have her expertise so how dare I criticize her in my previous paragraph?

Does she go into detail re: her “expertise?” When did this happen lol? We are so truly blessed to have someone with expertise is not only Google medicine, business- err promotional marketing (giving out samples,) tech startups, modeling (either TFP for necessary portfolio or for CD cover,) her illustrious vocals, angel channeling, her creative ability to writiting skits (which we’ve yet to see,) cuz “she’s not well enough” (ffs she’s never well enough,) she does nothing but good for others, and is completely selfless, despite her deathly worrisome fibromyluporheumunchausichondria, bless her heart.

No. 707942


Indeed. That's the thing with liars like Kati. She lies so often and so swiftly, that it's impossible to believe her when she MIGHT be telling the truth. When someone lies as much as she does, your mind automatically goes to "this is unlikely to be true" rather than the natural "yeah, that's probably true."

No. 707954

Well yes that’s why when “debating” someone she told her she’d win cuz she “can yell louder” and “was smarter,” than the girl she was “debating,” (kek to the 666th level.) Absolutions astounding tactics as always Joy, simply astounding!

No. 707956

Yup ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’ syndrome. Even if she were to be telling the truth I would have no idea because my first thought would be “she’s lying because she’s lied about so many other things so how is this different?” I doubt it was the battery but even if it was she’s put everything she says into question.

No. 708010

I went back in time and found that she had mentioned her "series" form as far back as her onion videos.

>>707993 posted it in the spergle thread.

No. 708030

um actually popcorn eating during drama goes way back to black and white vids. silent films. i believe charlie chaplin caused a fight then sat down and ate popcorn and watched it. its been around a very long time.

No. 708053

Oh no I realized that but what I meant was I’ve never seen anyone apart from Keem take drama so laughably so I was just wondering if that was where she took her cue, that’s all.

No. 708056

ah that makes sense. i get your point now anon

No. 708146

File: 1539128054903.png (108.27 KB, 789x715, reddit.png)

Looks like Kati is getting the fame she always wanted.
She's made it onto Reddit

No. 708152

File: 1539128144885.jpeg (54.03 KB, 638x828, 5691D115-1305-427B-B32E-F4ACF3…)

No. 708201

She did the popcorn eating thing to show Onision just how irrelevant and laughable the whole situation was to her. It's the same mentality she employs when she puts on her "I used to get upset, but now I'm just laughing" shtick. In other words, it's a bullshit facade to hide the fact that she's seething with rage because to her, showing the trolls that she's mad is the ultimate concession of victory.

Incidentally, it's the same idea of mentality behind Onision dressing up like Ratchetty Andy when confronted by Jeff Holiday. Or when he looked like a used tampon when confronted by Blaire White. It's all a facade dedicated to showing the other person that "You're so inconsequential and below me that I'm not even gonna look presentable for a debate. That's how little you matter." Joy's tactic is exactly the same.

No. 708215

Thanks for explaining. That’s what I thought initially, but when I saw Keem eating popcorn watching somebody cry I couldn’t help but think about how badly Joy wants to suck his E-peen, and thought maybe it was either an homage or Joy was employing her super serially savvy and clever business smarts kek but thanks for clarification.

No. 708249

File: 1539131911883.jpg (711.59 KB, 1080x1012, InkedK93FLlLy_LI.jpg)

With an ER visit so recently, having a cold could be life threatening?
She really needs to be back at ER straight away

No. 708250

And, now some poor fool called "Scenic Sights" has been tagged into her shit because she thinks using @ss is better than ass.

No. 708285

In her Hospital video she mentioned that the doctors warned her about a bad flu going around.
I Googled and did find that Oklahoma has an incredibly High death rate from flu.
Some warnings were current.
She didn't lie about that.
As stated here>>704580 (I'm not the anon) since that statement I have been trying to find some truth. It is few and far between but this may be the truth.

I'm not saying that she has the flu or even a cold I'm just saying that she did tell the truth about Oklahoma having high incidence of flu.

No. 708306

That was one long ass Onion series she made. What was the ultimate conclusion it drew?

No. 708341

This is flu shot season. Even my grocery store is giving $5 grocery coupons if you get a flu shot there.

No. 708353

She's an antivaxxer tho

No. 708379

Seriously? Uh, she’s looking pretty darn robust these past five days where she somehow found the energy to post 13 videos!!
I’m guessing the only thing near death is that poor couch.

No. 708384


no she's not.

No. 708393

I really don't know what the conclusion was except perhaps she realized she had beaten a dead horse long enough.
Of course the D05 came along and she was off to the races again.

Eventually her "series" suicided themselves and killed her channel.With the help of her chubby mitts.
The way Katie describes it though (in her head) it's as if her 20-60 haters came over and forced her to delete her Channel at Mouse point!

No. 708433

I think the DO5 thing broke, and like with the ‘stalking Peter series’, and then the ‘misinformation series’, she is like the eye of Mordor. She moves her huge self to the one thing she wants to focus on. The one thing that will gain her the most noteriaty (in her bulbous head)

No. 708455

Does anyone know if Peter Monn actually said that?

No. 708462

File: 1539140110030.png (684.99 KB, 1125x2436, FA6FC84C-3F43-4894-BC25-CA70CD…)

I see that she’s found a new tactic for seeking sympathy by reminding everyone how deathly ill she is.
She isn’t able to exist on YouTube without discussing her health in unnecessary detail. She’s literally offering up apologies that no one ever asked for or needed.
You’d think she’d learn that people aren’t going to stop scrutinizing her “health” until she stops talking about it and acting like she’s dying. Even if she were as ill as she claims to be, there are so many people who are a million times worse off. She’s doing ALL of the exact same things as before and when people start getting sick of it she’s going to act shocked.

No. 708471

I couldn't find it anywhere I looked in his vlog which had occurred at the same time the message was posted,it was an hour and a half long.
I skimmed through it and I wasn't getting the vibe that he would bring that up.I don't watch Peter Monn very much, watching that briefly,he seems like a very likeable person.But what do I know? there's somebody for everybody.
Katie has proven this.

No. 708475

If it were true, he'd not going to even mention it publicly. He's already been through the litigation thing and so his attorney has all the fundamentals already, so bringing a case against Kati will be cheaper than the first case he was involved in.

No. 708480

She needs a good scrubbing and she'll pop up like toast kek

No. 708496

File: 1539142279879.png (484.5 KB, 1125x2436, 3516AF36-E784-4B9E-B6FE-E84E1A…)

Do you know what’s interesting? Lolcow starts discussing her daily views in detail and after 2 days… today’s views are currently the lowest they’ve been in nearly a month.
What a fun coincidence.

No. 708515

Would a kind anon link me.
Thank you

No. 708519

No. 708525

I saw on twitter that it was likely a troll account and not Peter.

No. 708527

File: 1539145529481.jpeg (683.45 KB, 1125x1800, 66ECFD32-59C5-4F86-8B66-921900…)

Wtf? 10k views on 10 October… that literally isn’t possible. Is socialblade actually accurate or am I misunderstanding?

No. 708529

This is not new. Every time she wants to avoid reality she pulls the ‘sick’ card. It’s so predictable, it’s laughable.

No. 708537

I’ve been on the fence about whether or not she’s buying views but if socialblade is accurate, that seems like irrefutable proof.

No. 708570

She's used an anti-vaxxer argument. She might as well be given her ignorance about science, medicine, and all things fucking logical.

No. 708577

Yea reality is something Joy just absolutely cannot deal with.

No. 708583

I think for me the telling part was seeing her videos jump 5 to 6K in views in the span of like 12 hours of inactivity or low engagement. Sometimes the spike in views would happen just before it hit the 24 hour mark, which can be explained away by a late surge of the video being shared. But more recently it was happening to videos well after they had been uploaded for 30 hours, sometimes jumping after 2 days of inactivity.

Social Blade isn't entirely accurate on some of its numbers, but it keeps a good tab on subscription and video views because that source is open for all to see and tabulate themselves.

Just look at the current trend of her latest uploads all struggling to get to and rest at 1+K views after being published for 6-10 hours. Then watch to see how those videos jump up in the count to comfortably rest around 6-7K views before the week is out. That's not natural looking growth for video views - not without some major assistance.

I think Kati best set herself up for this level of scrutiny when she tried to call out MundaneFatt for buying subs. Now if only we knew of some wheelchair bound, former indy pro wrestler, and championshipless indy MMA fighter who knew of the identity of the mysterious entity who was buying MM subs for the sake of making drama videos about it? I guess that's a mystery that will never be solved.

No. 708633

File: 1539155862340.jpg (524.83 KB, 1920x1080, 8 21 18 JSBS_20181009233158146…)

No. 708642

>>708462 that isn't a new tactic at all, it's been her MO since day one. Whenever she is getting heat, or can't be bothered to do sone thing she said she would, landscape pulls out the sickness card. She has done that since the very beginning.

No. 708682

Good point it definitely doesn’t seem like natural growth. I compared views on her 50 most viewed videos from Monday vs. now and there are a few super random ones that have 200-500 new views. But it’s videos that I really don’t think 500 random people in a 2 day span decided to watch.
I think she’s buying maybe 100-200 views at a time on the less recent videos. She’s most likely doing it pretty regularly with multiple videos.
It’s still hard for me to believe that she’s buying them but I’ve been watching and the numbers don’t lie

No. 708696

Looking at her channel her videos seem to get 1.5K views the day they are uploaded, then sometime on the second day they get an additional 5K views and after that they literally generate zero views.
You can buy 5K views for $20 to $40.
It might be worth it to check in on her channel periodically to note when exactly her videos are jumping up by 5,000 views on that second day after they've been uploaded.
It doesn't seem as if her likes and comments jump up a corresponding amount compared to her videos getting triple the views on the 2nd day as they did on the first. On the first day she gets around a 10% thumbs-up and comments ration, then on just the second day views she is getting around a 2% thumbs-up and comments ratio.
This is from looking at her last 7 videos.

No. 708820

I just read something that made me think of the dear Anons on here, the people who don't understand why Joy is still believed and defended, how she can so easily rewrite history, on and on, you get the point.

Brandolini's Law aka The Bullshit Asymmetry Principle.

"The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

That above, Anons,is why detecting and correcting all of her bullshit is an infinite task. It will never end.

No. 709208

Kati's first video of the day "BetterHelp Founder Alon Matas Speaks Out. Is He Being Honest?" is further proof that she's barely more than a High School grad in intelligence. She reads a Medium article written by the guy, then just makes up reasons that he's lying and reads the privacy policy again (without comment, just another reading through it) and claims that the ENTIRELY STANDARD clauses that anyone who's ever had an IT business MUST use are somehow shady.

She did slip in a "I is kinda too poor to fix it right now" about her tech (battery running out)… and, of course, there were several reminders of her ongoing struggle with imminent death.

Kati continues to use air quotes on the word Administer in relation to business and technology… Yeah, she has zero business or tech experience and she certainly doesn't know shit about start ups except that she fucked some guy to get him to marry her so she could move to France as an excuse for failing out of college that her grandmother was paying for.

No. 709211

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 709233

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 709247

This is just some bizzare woe is me ramble where she bitches about not getting views on some videos and she promotes her Joy Sparkle Eff It channel for subscribers.

No. 709372

Kati will be pleased, new 'harasser' channels are popping up.
This one does a great job breaking down how little work kati actually does in recent videos

No. 709385

Oh man I would LOVE to hear this coo coo banana attempt to discuss politics.
But really though, what was the purpose of her most recent video? There always seems to be an ulterior motive.

No. 709394

Get the subs up on Eff It so she can live stream there.
Eff It is where she stores all of her YouNow streams.

No. 709408

She's been watching MFW and her mods spamming live chat with a PayPal link. Now Kati needs to get the subs up on Eff It so she can do the same. YouNow donations aren't worth the trouble when you have the limited audience Kati does. "My videos don't make much money"… "Live streaming on Eff It, my mods keep posting my Paypal, I wish they wouldn't, No one needs to donate"…. Urrrgh I need to vomit

No. 709448

2 days ago she published a video with 10 ads

No. 709451

koff koff LMAO

No. 709528

Hoax os BS
New vid from an old fav.

No. 709561

File: 1539222356841.png (239.14 KB, 1051x1197, 20181010_214310.png)

Tweeted again today.
In case you didn't know she had a near flu?

No. 709628

The slow-mo fits her so much better than her "real" voice.

No. 709666

haters don't know what they're talking about
lEt Me TeLl YoU AbOuT PhIl DeFrAnCoS pYrAmId ScHeMe

St00pid liberals are distracting from real issues
Doesn't know what liberals are saying about the "real issues" because you're being distracted

You can't write this shit.

No. 709716

Her total views for October 10th dropped from over 10k to 4,575.
What causes that?

No. 709728

Failing to buy new views.

Or maybe after getting "promoted" on Shane's video, and after a cool down from the Peter Monn drama people are just taking a break from DarkSydeKati and her manic uploads.

No. 709757

No the view count for yesterday was over 10000 typically it doesn’t decrease because the views already happened they can’t be undone. But it dropped to 4K. I just don’t get what causes that

No. 709771

Oh right, I forgot about that bump. That has to be as the result of her privating or even deleting a few videos to drop it from the 10K to 4K range

No. 709775

Not sure about her situation, but Youtube does process views through multiple steps and if they determine that they're not legit views (since advertisers pay for the ads to run on legit views only), then Youtube deletes the views from everywhere. For example, if views are coming from an address known to sell views, all views from those IP addresses will be deleted (and no ads paid out since YT can't bill for the ads)

No. 709776

She privated 1 video and it has 1960 views on it just now.

No. 709782

File: 1539236587466.jpeg (341.04 KB, 1112x1841, F15A003E-9ED0-412C-AA00-A186CB…)

Oh man I had no idea that her LinkedIn was out in the universe. I’m sure this is old news but this was my favorite part. This slug volunteered to help out with one dinner for firefighters and listed it on her resume with this job title. She’s so hilariously bizarre that she can’t be real life

No. 709788

Oh wow I can’t believe she has never shared this for a good old fashioned joy brag

No. 709799

Another one.
She makes a quick appearance at 0:40

No. 709806

How do you know that was just a volunteer position? Also "market manager" for less than a month Jul-Jul … those dinners are planned months in advance and "marketing" starts not long after the planning starts so ads can be sold, signage can be placed, etc, etc. If she stood on a street corner for a day, that's not a "manager"

No. 709812


she used to be so pretty. natural beauty. why on earth is she working so hard to destroy her body jesus.

No. 709820

Funny how she's no where to be seen when there's technical stuff being shown in that video. And, I can tell you that there is NO WAY Kati ran "projects" or "teams" for Cellular One. They've never been that shit of a company. At best, she was the gofer on the team.

No. 709822

Check out the screenshot b. It’s literally listed under volunteer experience.
A month is the smallest possible time you can list on linked in. Anything shorter than a month isn’t an option

No. 709828

She was a regional director of a modeling, acting, and talent agency?! No bueno. I’m sure a lot of people fluff their resume a bit but some of these job titles are just ridiculous

No. 709833

Has anyone found this LinkedIn before? If not, it’s a very strange coincidence considering her aimless rambling about her resume and her job experience in that video today. It was freakishly simple to find I was just googling her and hostess ha

No. 709837

She helped one guy who was an associate at a grocery store with his resume and made him a department manager. The fucking ingrate didn't want to lie his ass off on a resume, go figure? But, I'm guessing that most of her claims are like her "college degree" claim… complete fabrication. As in, if she's ever pumped her own gas, she would list it on her resume as a petroleum engineer position.

No. 709838

I figured that resume ramble in the video today was because it's become PAINFULLY obvious that she's either a GED or high school diploma holder at MOST. Her nearly complete lack of understanding about how businesses work is astounding. Most people at least have friends w/businesses who get some understanding through osmosis. Even the average farmer has a better business understanding than she does just from contracting crops and equipment.

No. 709937

File: 1539257715530.png (77.21 KB, 891x700, effit.png)

Hardly a huge influx of new subs on Eff It.
By the view count there's plenty hidden away on that channel too

No. 710063


Yes,her LinkedIn was initially found in the first thread, pretty much anything from her pre-YT life was all found by the end of the first thread. She then started deleting and closing/hiding accounts.

No. 710139

>>709937 iirc there's around 10 or so hidden videos on the Eff It channel

No. 710254

File: 1539280600051.jpg (588.07 KB, 1440x1981, Screenshot_20181011-115611_Twi…)

No. 710282

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 710310

We can only speculate where the shoe went…

No. 710383

Video 2 of the day. Bitchute link

No. 710384

Had to x after 5 min, I can't stand her manic cackling. She looks fucking insane. Any anon who gets through the whole video is a champ.
>so sick sorry guys :(((
next day
>manic cackling, half an hour video
>i'mma stream guys!!!
She's not even fake leaving for a few days when "sick" like before, kek.

No. 710419

File: 1539291186905.jpg (276.19 KB, 1080x2051, zdjbWtHl.jpg)

Poor misunderstood Kati. She's not click baiting, view whoring Shane's name or anything sinister. She's just having fun!

No. 710454

Something possibly interesting starting at 11:40. Dom brings the dogs in from a walk and they talk for a bit while Joy drys one of the dogs off. She never leaves the couch and this goes on for nearly 2 minutes.

No. 710464

In a nutshell, she talks over him, his voice resembles a teenager and he shuts up as soon as she makes it clear she's recording and lets him know she's going to keep all of it in the video.

No. 710479

It's the life he's chosen so fuck him

No. 710532

File: 1539300034308.jpg (59.74 KB, 676x624, urrrrgh.jpg)

And she insults other people for their teeth?
Her's are hardly perfect, the bottom ones look false to me

No. 710535

OMG…the top right (left on from her perspective) one that hangs lower than the other front tooth sticks out so bad to me like some hillbilly cartoon character.

No. 710546

File: 1539302297039.png (126.73 KB, 322x406, teeth.png)

Shark toothed hag!!
Couldn't make up her mind what size she wanted so got each tooth in a different size

No. 710554

She says wants to put a blue towel on her head, she looks over at the floor.Nope no blue towel on the floor.That settles that.

Saged for miniscule things that make me nuts.

No. 710560

It's the blue towel they used to mop up dog piss.
She remembered as she spotted it shoved under the coffee table

No. 710564

File: 1539303341159.png (383.09 KB, 631x300, MwmCLZU.png)

Behind the scenes of Kati preparing to film.

No. 710565

File: 1539303365537.png (727.62 KB, 1110x725, iMlZLL3.png)

No. 710579

File: 1539304176108.png (286.12 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_20181011-202514.png)

Here we go anons she finally showed up on younow. She mentioned how anything with better help in the title gets demonetized, that's all I got so far.

No. 710602

Planning on more doxing and bullshit about her family
More Peter Monn videos
Live streaming on Eff It on Saturday afternoon (1pm her time)
blah blah… yawn yawn … blah blah

No. 710604

How'd she gain so much weight in 2 years….

No. 710614

she managed it in 9 months. Pizza and subway diet, it binds her poop and is very healthy!
Pizza herbs cure non cancerous tumors!

She quit the stream early, she was struggling to keep 60 viewers, wasn't trending and no where near breaking into the top girls on YouNow. she was 8th from the start of the stream, thats 8/8

No. 710625

File: 1539307645887.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.6 KB, 1080x1148, DpRU89VU8AIi9te.jpg)

Never forget!

No. 710629

It's even worse this is her just 8 months ago and she's showing no signs of being committed to any improvement. >>507490

She used to talk about her weight so much back when she first arrived as a lolcow and she wasn't even that big compared to now.

No. 710630

anybody has the full younow?

No. 710637

File: 1539308829542.jpeg (Spoiler Image,24.06 KB, 176x263, 20181011_213754-01.jpeg)

Trigger Warning


No. 710640


Memo to myself, do the dumb things I gotta do: Touch the puppet head

No. 710720

Yea Joy No. 12 isn’t looking too healthy; that canine is hanging pretty damn low. You have no problem making fun of others for having bad teeth cuz of meds or illness which isn’t their fault (they have a legit reason) but you’re just dirty and unhygienic… and it’s super obvious you haven’t flossed yet this century. Try it sometime. Nasty hag inside and out. Literally Joy there is fuck all attractive about you.

No. 710745

>>710604 By consistently eating 1,000 extra calories over her kcals every single day. She's been consistently gaining about 6lbs every month since January 2017, all the while babbling about 10 lbs of 'water weight' that she is 'gaining and losing weekly' because she's a batshit cunt.

No. 710846

"AND I've had people say this,you're like a good luck charm.It's like there's a magic about you".

Katie quote of the day

No. 710847

File: 1539321573132.png (202.37 KB, 1066x1111, 20181012_011709.png)

No. 710893

I just wanted to mention that Charles Marlowe put Katie in his intro on most of his new videos.Maybe it was mentioned here but I didn't see it.
I posted a cringey Marlowe treat in the SpergleBerry thread.

No. 710926

Linked is a video post of Marlowe's shit singing in some shit video and has ZERO to do with JSBS or her tards. Fuck off.

No. 711024

holy shit she got huge quickly.

I don't follow her, but my god I remember when she blew up about onion and she was much smaller.

How did this happen?

No. 711025

Pizza, doritos and sprite

No. 711081

7up. She actually said she dosen't drink but loves a "strong 7up" what ever the fuck that means.

No. 711083

File: 1539356944535.png (81.29 KB, 765x771, strong7up.png)

With a boomer like her you need to dig back to when her possible drug habit started

No. 711087

I dunno, I think she's too stupid to know about and/or mix OTC medications to make a get-me-high drink. She'd have to be in the know to do something like this, and well all know she knows nothing about anything.

But, I do know exactly what she's talking about when it comes to "hard" sodas. Even if her wording was silly as hell, I do believe she was trying to play on words because of "hard" alcoholic beverages versus her drinking only soda.

BUT— She's entirely referring to the amount of fizzy the drink has. It's why I personally, don't like flat sodas such as Root Beer, Pepsi, Mt. Dew etc. I think I am addicted to carbonation! The more carbonation a drink has, the better it is.

So while I think Kati's an absolute moron, I don't see anything shady behind her choice of drink and why. She was just trying - and failing - to make a joke.

No. 711115

If anybody has the younow can u post a link

No. 711158

She said in a younow last year that her bf brings her a sprite when she is having a panic attack during the night

No. 711203

And we're off to the races on crazy today.

New video on her Joy Sparkle BS (formerly Spurpinkle Bow) channel, and a new video explaining the inactivity on the Joy Sparkle Eff It channel.

I'm willing to bet both channels are going to get 3 videos today, so we should expect 6 total.

No. 711204

Video 3 from yesterday. Bitchute link. https://www.bitchute.com/video/sFXl8ZHBTrWN/

No. 711205


I think this video is the younow from last night. someone confirm or correct. it all just runs together at this point

No. 711206

You're right, it's just the YouNow stream from the other night.

I feel, though, and correct me if I'm wrong, she has stated plans to release more videos on that channel moving forward as it's not been demonetized like her other channel, so I'm still on the belief that we should expect 6 total uploads on the day.

No. 711212


I just mentioned it because there were people asking about the younow from last night.

(It /is/ the one from last night)

No. 711220

Video one of the day from her Spurpinkle Bow channel. Bitchute link https://www.bitchute.com/video/3NHcHX7Y0FUF/

No. 711237

Video one of the day from her Joy Sparkle Eff It channel. Last nights younow stream. Bitchute link

No. 711309

File: 1539375677143.jpg (757.94 KB, 1440x2202, Screenshot_20181012-141957_Twi…)

Maybe people are just ignoring the notifications. Since she posts 3 plus times a day.

No. 711311

File: 1539375821177.jpg (548.12 KB, 1421x2191, Screenshot_20181012-142319_Sam…)

Not what she was hoping for. But I'm sure she'll start buying subs for that channel soon too.

No. 711345

She's been marked as a spammer by the algorithm.
Multiple videos in quick succession everyday.
Multiple one or two word replies on numerous comments across dozens of videos.
Now she complains?
Dumb cunt shouldn't try to play the system when she doesn't understand how it works

No. 711368

File: 1539379769764.jpg (22.8 KB, 218x214, joeroseanne.jpg)

She's branching out to new subjects, but last night on stream she said she had a bunch of Peter videos already filmed and uploaded she was just waiting to get the monetization.

No. 711377

She said she's waiting on Petty Paige to drop her video to "ride her algorithm wave"

No. 711384

Video 2 of the day on her Spurpinkle Bow channel. Bitchute link https://www.bitchute.com/video/A7JG18lHefjg/

No. 711434

File: 1539385488767.png (439.34 KB, 1100x838, effit (2).png)

Eff It has all the videos previously public visible again

No. 711449

Video 3 of the day from her Spurpinkle Bow channel. Bitchute link https://www.bitchute.com/video/eb17MENIrJwn/

No. 711469

Didn't she post a video with the same thumbnail and subject on her other channel?

No. 711515

File: 1539389213542.jpg (35.54 KB, 878x188, 1.jpg)

He keeps leaving comments under her videos. There may be more, but I don't want to click on every video. Come on SD, unless you're gearing up for Onion series, it's time to stop stoking her ego and giving her insanity more exposure.

No. 711537

>>711515 O/T Shane is a vindictive POS himself, so it doesn't surprise me that he is drawn to a fellow POS in Joy.

He got constructive criticism about hiring an editing team to help with his videos. He took the constructive criticism of that 16 year old Stan, twisted the context in his follow up video, revealing her twitter ID then sat back and watched his deranged Stans bombard that girl with abuse. Some even confirmed they didn't see her comment, which she deleted to try & save herself from the onslaught, they just saw the others kicking off so joined in.

Dude's a fucking histrionic,bully who let's his stans do his dirty work over the slightest criticism, sound familar?

No. 711581

so, in other words, internet brain trust of you and warski were wrong. lol.

No. 711584

Emmm. She says she's done stand up comedy?
Called suicide hotline 3 times over harassment online. The third time someone recognised her and told her what's happening to her on YT is horrible.


No. 711591

25 minutes into Roseanne Barr video and she keeps saying she got called racist for using the word brown, not because of 'poo babies'. She also calls it a joke, sarcastic comment, she made an apology, blah blah but fails to mention her defense was that her ex was anally raping her.
This bitch is really trying hard to rewrite history.

No. 711597


welp, there goes my Saturday.

No. 711601

i'M aBoUt fOrGiVenEsS

is this weekend going to be the THIRD peter monn weekend in a row? cunt.

No. 711612

You'd think she'd be too busy working on her Shane Dawson shrine and figuring out new ways to suck his balls.

No. 711629

File: 1539397497989.jpeg (22.63 KB, 246x205, A6F9E090-CBF8-498A-93DD-291323…)

No. 711751

File: 1539413530499.png (107.94 KB, 1450x965, joy sparkle edited for privacy…)

Love this…. She's so fucking creepy! I don't know if I am allowed to post the link to the video on here, so I will just list the title of the video these comments are under below.
"The Secrets of Jake Paul- Shane Dawson"

No. 711842

File: 1539435989949.png (107.44 KB, 500x476, its-ok-youre-just-retard-17680…)


How does this stupid bitch not know how comment replies work…

No. 711876

Wonder what her stans think about that being the ONLY comment that she replied to… even Eric "First!" didn't get a <3 or anything at all.

Yes, Miss 20+ replies to every single post trying to work the algorithm doesn't know how reply works. Right.

No. 711888

If someone has a fake Shane Dawson account, I am going to enjoy watching her cream her pants over applause from a fake account.

No. 711891

>>711888 No, that was just someone with a shitty device or something REE'ing. You can go to the comment it's under right now, the comment is from Shane's channel's account and it does have a checkmark after his name.

No. 711898

>>711888 No, that was just someone with a shitty device or something REE'ing. You can go to the comment it's under right now, the comment is from Shane's channel's account and it does have a checkmark after his name.

No. 711964

She'gets "sick" in her first vid today.

No. 711974

Live on YouNow

No. 711976

Video one of the day from her spurpinkle bow channel. Bitchute link. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Gq3hytaUHhY9/

No. 711978

File: 1539454889016.jpg (236.96 KB, 1920x1080, ooooof.jpg)

No. 711981

Live on eff it.

No. 711995

Clusterfuck she doesn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.

No. 712000

She reminds me of Nancy Grace when she "interviews", not in a good way but Nancy pumped up on subway

No. 712001

File: 1539456988913.jpg (13.47 KB, 216x241, effitlive.jpg)

Yeah she's talking to that actor who was in the better help ad. She's talking pretty much non stop but I haven't been there too long. She has a girl called Djokovic on panel, anyone know who her new captive is?

No. 712013

File: 1539458707644.png (36.07 KB, 1178x479, effed up.png)

I don't see this as going to plan LOL

No. 712025

does anyone watch chronically ill people on youtube? do any of them act like her? do any of them mention money as much as she does?

No. 712034

Soon all she'll be left with is the subs she bought.

No. 712036

Unless betterhelp paid him (Rob) to make the ad there's no point interviewing him. Anyone could have sent him a script and paid him to make the video clip. It's what he does for a living. Anyone happy with the service but camera shy could have paid him to do the testimonial for them. Pointless stream

No. 712039

Katie does mention her husband from France in this stream. Something I believe she avoids. She rarely mentions the fact that she was married.

No. 712045

File: 1539461948489.png (1.15 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2018-10-13-16-13-38…)

Katie confusing the hell out of her guest.

No. 712057

File: 1539462625887.png (1.13 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2018-10-13-16-21-35…)

"Does white trash have an accent"?

You're speaking it Katie Pie

No. 712068

For many of her viewers this has to be new information. It'll be really interesting to see how she handles the follow up questions her audience will have. I mostly want to know if she's divorced now and that should be super easy for her to answer if she is.

No. 712071

File: 1539463612498.png (863.31 KB, 1073x1823, 20181013_163637.png)

A few days ago I went to watch a video on the hoax or BS Channel about Katie. I then went over to the eff it channel.I was a little shocked to see that hoax or bs had followed me over there and now was the header for Katie's Channel.This has happened before on my phone but this one was so weird and notable that I screenshotted it. It also shows that in the past 3 days Katie has gained a whopping 6 Subs.

No. 712079

File: 1539464304513.jpg (633.24 KB, 1440x2383, Screenshot_20181013-145744_Sam…)

She's constantly losing more then gaining subs.

No. 712081

Livestream from Joy Sparkle Eff It channel. Bitchute link https://www.bitchute.com/video/qS0PjB5GcHxr/

No. 712089

File: 1539466119933.png (76.31 KB, 773x650, deleted.png)

She deleted a video earlier too

No. 712090

Video 2 of the day on spurpinkle bow. Bitchute link. https://www.bitchute.com/video/d7Ptnvsi1BVC/

No. 712093

I do, from time to time. Most recently, I've been following one in particular who has been trying to get Joy's attention on Twitter - in vain, as she has fewer than 200 subscribers. She's genuinely in trouble, but wants to latch onto Joy to get her subs up, and can't seem to see her for who she is. Not going to mention the name as she's got enough trouble, but those who watch Joy's twitter account may know exactly who I mean.

No. 712112

File: 1539468422327.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.84 KB, 691x524, pig.jpg)

Please have a barf bucket handy for the latest screenshots

No. 712121

File: 1539468690217.jpg (1.13 MB, 3288x2871, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-4WmD…)

No. 712122

File: 1539468699949.jpg (51.66 KB, 769x441, completelyinsane.jpg)

I know this was intended to be humorous but it just makes her look as deranged as always.

No. 712129

Dangerous act as cited by YouTube ToS
The video should be age restricted and have a warning to not copy this.
Her attempt to be funny could very easily result in her final strike

No. 712135

File: 1539469288757.png (165.38 KB, 1286x762, Untitled.png)

Now that she isn't leaving hundreds of comments on her own videos you can really see how 5500 more views doesn't do much for her interactions. No wonder she was trying to make her videos look better by talking to herself!

No. 712139

Anyone would think the cow wants to be tipped

No. 712145

>>712139 it certainly does, doesn't it. I thought this internet policing shit had been put to bed.

No. 712147

She hasn't deleted any videos. Youtube is apparently auditing her views (a normal thing they do) and finding many of them to be "not valid" so removing them.

No. 712172

Seems legit.

No. 712214

File: 1539476924812.jpg (61.44 KB, 775x500, 2k23i6.jpg)

No. 712221

File: 1539477531852.jpg (208.45 KB, 2047x1317, 2k276o.jpg)

No. 712233

File: 1539478101816.jpg (71.58 KB, 777x500, 2k27o6.jpg)

The gift that keeps giving.

No. 712238

tried posting this but embedding doesn't work?
Not sure if it's the age restriction or copyright claimed music… Musical tribute to the living meme


No. 712243

It's because of being age restricted. Here is a bitchute link to it. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DkFLR6TwTlHV/

No. 712293

She looks like a woman who ate her depression while sobbing about her long gone glory days where she was prom queen.

No. 712311

Remember when everyone was calling her OniSHEon and saying she was more and more like Onision every day? Who knew that Onision would turn out to be the smarter, more sane, and more talented of the two of them.

No. 712317

And, Onision could have had business, marketing, and legal advice from this THOT. I bet he's sobbing at that missed opportunity!

No. 712320

She should really do a video on her marriage. It'd be a hell of a lot more interesting than the content she's currently producing. Apart from family stories she's just uploading other people's streams, reading content out loud and manically cackling. You can't even hate watch that shit anymore, it's that painfully bad.

No. 712395

Apparently she's been hiding from everyone because she was SO STRESSED about making a mistake on her Pyramid Scheme video.Her type A personality just went kaflooy over it.

She says she loves streaming so if you haven't, join her on YouNow.

"I like to shoot the shit with everybody. Sometimes we have fun cameos, like JERWAD! Those are my favorites! Because he's so silly".

So the person she reported to the police on is her favorite.

Saged for cheap paperback

No. 712588

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 712802

She had the gall to say that she DIDNT make a mistake about the pyramid scheme debacle. That she fully explained it was only a minor possibility. But unfortunately her camera cut that footage out when her battery died.
She must think we’re all as stupid as her chosen few. The video is worth a look because she is in rare form. It’s all there: the lying about content, the illnesses, the money/donations, the bizarre claim that she was featured in Shane’s video. She tops it off towards the end of the video with a truly noteworthy performance of labored breathing. It’s the best, most vile performance she’s done for awhile.

No. 712839

Is this the Great Pumpkin vid from yesterday? There IS a cornucopia of information in that one video. I started to translate it and I couldn't get past all the doublespeak.
Ive got to have another look. She is never wrong, we know that. LOL

No. 712870

File: 1539562416206.png (87.86 KB, 795x768, lostviews.png)

What ever is happening is happening daily

No. 712953

Hi guys Joy Sparkle BS I've had some people that have been worried or concerned? Giggle giggle I just wanted to do an update video. I wanted to wait till things had calmed down before I did this . heads up I'm half chewing on a what do you call it what do you call it oh it's called a cough drop. So if it sounds funny it's stuck in the side of my cheek. I probably shouldn't be doing that in a video but you got to do what you got to do.
I just thought I'd like have a conversation and let you know what's going on it's weird I've been very consistent about putting out two videos a day. Again, things that people don't know about me in real life but I think that viewers that watch it's pretty self-explanatory it's pretty obvious I have a type A personality? I'm a very disciplined person haha as weird as it sounds one of my downfalls like if I had a working body and I wanted to lose weight?
I would be the person to go like, if I went to a personal trainer, I would be like, so listen I need the opposite of a drill sergeant because that's who I am to myself and that's not a joke! I would be disciplined to where I killed myself.hahahah So I have to be very careful about that.

okay so here's a quick update.
so here's what's going on cuz a lot of people have said like you're not on YouNow and you're not streaming besides the videos, I'm hiding.
From my perspective I'm putting out two videos a day so I'm not in hiding.I think people still remember the old Joy I guess? That might sound weird but I am somebody that wants to constantly evolve and change and better myself like in all areas if it's possible, you know? some things you can't and some things you have to be patient with and in the process… just be patient with me because I'm I'm still finding a balance.
I used to do all this stuff stream stream, younow, video video video but now I'm trying to be a lot more private haha yeah okay I went from being a loud mouth about my life not understanding my own privacy. I didn't filter when I spoke l have a lot more self-awareness than i used to.Now i want extreme privacy. i talked to roommate about it.
You don't even want to make it Facebook official roommate asked? Facebook is like a big phone book to me, your past work and stuff and I had to explain to him this is where I'm at as well as there were other issues like personal things I used to be and I still get this way. I'm really paranoid about talking about my accomplishments because I found it's weird. I can't do the getting-to-know-you things in business meetings. My resume was pretty decent so i would almost talk myself down and belittle myself but then people wouldn't respect
me. Then I go on YouTube and I'm like well number one, I was out of my mind from being sick like I was not a fully functioning person, Which I talked about back then, okay so I'm going to Vlog and this is what you do and I was so sick and I thought I was going to die and I thought maybe my experience is going to help people and what you got was just word vomit all the time.

That's why I don't,I'm not,I'm a lot more understanding and compassionate. If people think, based on what they saw back then that I'm mentally ill I totally get it. Between all of that and the harassment all the time and the anxiety and everything else, I can understand how I appear to people like I'm mentally ill. I get some really sweet comments once in awhile: I didn't know you were back I turned on you, I was mean to you and I'm sorry. If you say you're sorry to me it's all water under the bridge.
Because the average person, they would have no clue all this stuff like the crazy amounts that I was trying to keep up with and I didn't know how, it's pretty obvious. I didn't know what the eff I was doing.

That's as far as I got, sorry for the typos. By the way this is paraphrased,but most of it is there. My take on this first part (4 minutes) is her excusing herself for the entire first part of her YouTube career.

Anybody elses take is appreciated.

Please let me know if you never want me to do this type of transcription again.
If nobody wants it I don't need to do it. thank you anons

No. 713008

You're doing the Lord's work, anon. Thank you.

No. 713046

If you view a video on a desktop (or for iPhone “request a desktop site” in safari) you can typically view a relatively accurate transaction with time stamps.
Just click the 3 dots to show options and them click “open transcript”

No. 713074

Thank you and thank you,I did not know that.

No. 713097

In this Martin Louis vid @20:ish Katie shows her proverbial ass while judging PMonn.I detected notes of extreme jealously and envy.She says it seems like he doesn't have a lot of emotional control. LOL it's hard for me to continue after that line,lmao.
She goes on to say that she sometimes doesn't have emotional control but she is dealing with harassment and illness and it's not like someone is dying or they have poor health it's just that he just can't handle his own shit that he creates.
"Hey doesn't this motherfucker have 6 channels"? blah blah blah I'm just saying that this motherfucker must be making 4-5-6 videos a fucking day!
There's some rationalizing in between. I recommend a quick view it's only 5 minutes long,and a fine example of speed talking dogshit.

No. 713103

File: 1539595134815.png (87.46 KB, 837x758, hahahaha.png)

16.4k views lost

No. 713173

I wish I knew more about social blade. Is that a correction? Like the stock market is correcting itself now? info appreciated anon

No. 713176

I assumed it was videos being hidden/privated or deleted until this anon >>712147 said otherwise.
Not seen it happen to any other channel but then again most other channels wouldn't buy subs or views kek

No. 713203

Thanks anon

The higher she climbs
The harder she falls

No. 713233

If you scroll through her videos section on her channel you can see that videos that were sitting at 5-7K have suddenly dropped to under 4K. She's clearly being audited to ensure she gets the proper payout for ad views. It's a glorious looking thing.

No. 713266

the "Is Shane Dawson sick" vid went from 7.2k to 2.8k… ooops.

No. 713282

You mean to tell me the clickbait title from our lady of the couch of Frito Lay DIDN'T work to her favor? I am SHOCKED!

No. 713369

File: 1539623045553.png (723.52 KB, 1013x1648, 20181015_130019.png)

There appears to be a new channel called the blargh too that is uploading old joySparkle videos.

maybe interesting.

No. 713439

geek talks about getting nudes from jsbs stans.

No. 713443

>>713439 why would anyone want to see this naked? >>675941

Rena/Puffin is one of the stans Geek has previously named

No. 713461

File: 1539630647800.png (1.04 MB, 1203x1006, bloodkunt.png)

Today Kunty Kati is going for the 'snaggle-toothed blood clot' look, and pulls it off perfectly

No. 713477

Video one of the day. Bitchute link

No. 713492

Is she going bald??

No. 713501

her hair is thinning. Happens to a lot of middle aged women who keep their hair long

No. 713523

In her most recent video Katie says she can't really call her family members to have a "Coup d'etat" with.

Coup d'état, also called Coup, the sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group.

I'm trying to think if it could be a type of Freudian slip but I don't think it is.Maybe she was thinking of "Kumite" because she knows what that means.

Maybe she's just plain stupid.

Or maybe she meant have a "crudite" which is a plate of raw vegetables, that's probably what she meant. Not

Back to plain stupid.

No. 713533

She's been in France,don't ya know, so she automatically knows every French phrase ever spoken but just slipped up because of her battery dying/herself having a near (insert malady here)/brain fog/those horrible "haters".

I think she means tete-a-tete, but as usual is too stupid/arrogant to check the correct usage of the phrase.

Then again,knowing what her poor family has been put through maybe she does mean coup d'etat…

No. 713535

I would say she meant tete-a-tete, but that would mean letting someone in her family do some of the talking. Amazing that for all her time in France, she can't recall common french terms and sayings known to most English speakers.

No. 713557


Of course she meant tete-a-tete.


thank you anons. I knew there was a word that rhymed with it but I couldn't think of it.

I really didn't listen closely to her video today but I had an inkling that she was coming in sideways to broach the subject of her French husband.I'm not really sure because it was playing in the background.

No. 713562

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No. 713570


Jfc is that like a rawhide penis?

Have a Unicorn Day?

Russian bunny is letting her freak flag fly.

No. 713574

What a homophobic little retard she is.

No. 713584

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They took away about 5 thousands views from the roseanne video if this isn't some kind of mistake on youtubes part. Now her low interactions match the views. Her numbers from the past couple days also seem more in line with her interactions so maybe youtube has caught on or she just can't afford to pad her videos anymore.

No. 713596

The little retard deleted it already.

No. 713617

File: 1539641886553.gif (1.9 MB, 600x449, ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif)

No. 713636

Katie's focus on mortality today has Russia bunny and a few others pouring they're suicidal hearts out in the comments.
Katie knows that she is pulling on these vulnerable people's heartstrings in an effort to get to their purse strings.

She is gross. (I haven't said that about anybody for years.)

No. 713739

File: 1539649933325.png (88.84 KB, 909x754, 337.png)

The view reset continues

No. 713746

She’s claiming she didn’t know peter is gay. This despite discussing his husband more than once, and having her head up Kati’s twat for every video. She’s a liar, a manipulator, and a very stupid person. I’m expecting a suicide threat later on tonight.

No. 713758

Looks like the "I quit, I'm Done" click bait video killed her channel. No video has had more than 2.9K views since she posted that.

No. 713781

Youtube has already billed/paid out ads for Aug and Sep. So any video views in those months probably aren't going to be audited. She likely had fake views back then too, but at this point, YT doesn't care. Now that she's been marked as a bad actor, they'll probably audit going forward. I know in the past, she's told her stans to put her videos in a play list and just let them play in background through the course of the day. If each stan has 3 gadgets that can play videos… that's a lot of fake views! Youtube can tell if a video has sound on/off or is behind other windows… advertisers only want to pay for views that are actually SEEN and HEARD.

No. 713790

MFW 3000 subs, 500 viewers on her live stream, suck that up Kati LOL

No. 713791

she hasn't gone live because now there are people on she couldn't compete with viewer-wise and looking more popular than she actually is is one of the ways she manages her image.

No. 713793

45 minutes ago she said the puppies need to go out and then she'll be going live on younow.
She just shit her second video today about Philip DeFranco.

No. 713794

File: 1539653188428.png (762.08 KB, 1242x2208, 890440E8-9904-4BC7-9D27-317875…)

THIS IS LOW.. Shame, shame, shame.

No. 713799

Katscratch must wish she hadn't written that stupid ass reply, dang,they're servin up them cooked brain frogs over thar.

No. 713801

its live

No. 713804

Tawnee wants to be Kati's own personal colonoscopy so bad, but she can't get past Stud Puffin's suckatude.

No. 713849

this is both creepy and awkward and he's also plays to the crowd just like his idol joy.

No. 713855

File: 1539657383973.png (116.19 KB, 224x336, Screen Shot 2018-10-15 at 8.36…)

his face says it all

No. 713860

RussiaBunny with better teeth and a penis.