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No. 446617
20 December marks the first anniversary of Joy Sparkle BS on YouTube, who burned brilliantly like a comet before burning out entirely. We're down to powdered milk, as Joy has largely gone to ground with her echo chambers of 50-odd Patreon supporters and a handful of rabid Twitterati. Still, better to have at thread and not need it than need it and not have it. Would the last person to leave the thread please turn off the lights?
Summary of Thread 14:
The last thread began with a few posts from Family Member anons about the first emergence of "the manic, hoodie wearing, frizzy haired Kati" around the age of 19.
Robert 'Poppy' Hall asked Joy to fox-trot oscar and intimated that a no contact order was being prepared. (And after all she did for them. No good deed goes unpunished, I guess.)
Mikenactor reposted his 'Why I Hate Mr Repzion' video, prompting Joy to post in the comments and declare her departure from YouTube as the result of targeted harrasment, threats, toxicity - the usual - and a renewed interest in Getting Better (TM).
It was revealed Joy drifts in and out of her Patreon streams, largely leaving the faithful to chatter amongst themselves. Joy took to YouNow largely as an excuse to drift into Jaclyn Glenn's stream and blow smoke up her arse, hinting that she might reveal her Medical Tests (TM) on a channel like Jaclyn's, and that she may create a new channel by June 2018 (by which point she hopes to weigh 105 pounds). Mercury and aluminum run through her veins alongside copper, she's having her thyroid retested and has decided to get off the Prednisone.
Everyone's favourite charity case, who'd be bankrupt (again) without the support of her patrons offered to by Keemstar a Christmas present because she too understands how it feels to have people take advantage of your generous and selfless nature. Bless.
While Cy was enjoying a well earned holiday, irritated fans took to Twitter to challenge Joy's contradictions, and various 'you and what army' threats were made. Everyone's favourite spergleberry Stiles managed to get himself banned from Twitter and excommunicated from the Church of Joy, RussiaBunny quietly admits to lying about Alex cheating her of $400, a real shitstorm. Great summary at
Confusion reigns: Joy continues to believe her videos were instrumental in the DO5 case, others quite sensibly believe she was given busy work to keep publicity alive. (See
>>426037 ff.)
Tonka Saw hosted a Kumite between Joy and Chambers of the Heart. Geekthulu weighed in on Joy's side, Chambers wallowed like the Bismarck but was rescued by the intervention of Based Mama. Joy laughed and laughed about Lolcow, where there is no evidence, proof or FAX there, boy…
Around this time, the Joytards on Twitter migrated to the thread, clogging it up with attacks on Family Anons. They first claimed they weren't who they said they were, whereupon photos of her high school basketball trophy were posted as proof, and then it just degenerated into attacking them for having the temerity to defend themselves against Joy's continued attacks against them as inbred rednecks.
Family Anons mention the terrible accident in March that claimed the lives of her young cousins. Joy allegedly went on a letter writing campaign, attacking that side of the family.
Melinda interviewed Rose in a video that detailed her side of the story, including Joy's threats to release emails, texts and recordings if she didn't get her apology. Many questions about personal information and access to the GoFundMe account were raised.
Richard Stiles made a last hoorah before his formal rustication, thrashing about the thread trying to flog his book, ranting about lawsuits and saying that Kati would be serving her family with summonses on Christmas Day. Which is totally how it works.
Spergleberries again ran rampant, trying to derail and generally flapping about like severed limbs who don't realise they've been dismembered. They also seem to be allergic to Sage.
Joy took to YouNow again to bemoan her ruined YouTube career and those who've wronged her. She just got involved with the wrong YouTubers, is all. She hops on the #metoo bandwagon with repressed memories of near assaults in various jobs - casting calls, hotels, a restaurant freezer. Intimates she might try to revive her Spurpinklebow channel to help someone campaign.
A rare and lengthy post on her Patreon account shows she's come full circle and is banging on about mystery health problems and Fibromylupus. (See
>>442216 ff.) Copper toxicity proving insufficiently interesting, Joy's on about aluminum and a teensy bit of mercury poisoning too. She's been doing Research (TM) and needs to see if her theories about her health prove correct, but she won't be documenting anything as she's not a doctor and doesn't play one on television. She does finally gets her benighted doctor to understand her speshul conditions and is cured of a stomach infection from ten years ago with Flagyl, suggesting stock prices in Domino's and Subway are likely to drop. Her 100% focus on her wellness will take all her time and energy, meaning she'll be gone for 2-3 months. (How long's a month on Mercury, again?) She thanks her Patreon supporters, without whom she'd be bankrupt, for their continued gullibility and patience.
Posts platitudes about change and creating something beautiful on Twitter. "Youtube isnt a place for positive changes and open discussions to take place," she wails, "its become a place to tear anyone down to the death." One is tempted to opine that what you get out of it depends on what you put into it, but there you are.
>Patreon Watch: 68 patrons and $634 a month at the end of November, 57 patrons and $550 as of 18 Dec.Previous threads:
>>246848 #2
>>424115Temp thread from when site was down: Kati drama having to do with her sycophantic sperglefucks belongs here:
>>336585Social Media:
Joy Sparkle BS former YouTube channel this here. Just in case.)
Spurpinklebow 2nd channel Sparkle Eff It 3rd channel PEOPLE, PLEASE READ!
•Frequently brought up topics linked here:
>>354796 please take the time to look them over as well as the summaries at the start of each thread. •If it's your first time posting read the rules: and usage info •lurk moar
•Do a keyword search (Ctrl-F) to first check if the topic has been discussed already, we try to avoid rehashing the same things over and over.
•If you have important factual information to share (aka milk) be sure to back it up with evidence such as links or screenshots. Attempting to pass off unsubstantiated rumors as truth will only get you laughed at and ridiculed.
•newfags: Always leave the Name and Subject fields blank when you post. If it's not new milk put "sage" in the email field to ‘sage’ your post…if you are not sure if your post is milk sage it anyway. •Not saging correctly is a bannable offense. If you make a mistake on a post you can delete it within the first 30 min.
•If her channel happens to come back, do not directly link her videos to the thread.
•Do not post about Kati's family or exes or try to contact them. You can talk about them if Kati brings them up but do not refer to them by name.
•Do not try to use us as your own personal army to go after Kati or anyone else, we are not your attack dogs. Thanks!
No. 446970
>>446617nicely done OP. not sure why we need another thread but OK.
small point of order (lol) the 'family' anons faced questions about their claims and motivations long before the spergs showed up. they also made it pretty clear that while Kati is an exceptional case, they are cut from the same cloth.
No. 447569
>>446726And you're high maintenance, apparently.
Also, learn to sage or gtfo.
No. 447934
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No. 448429
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No. 448643
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No. 448677
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>>448665Kati left her location on in one of the tweets.
No. 448678
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>>448677Here's the rest of the tweets.
No. 448686
>>448678In the first tweet, I noticed there were two spaces between kati and marie smith (It may not be evident in the screenshot; I noticed it in the initial tweet) . Could have just been a typographical error but my initial thought it was an attempt to thwart search engines from returning it as a result for "kati marie smith"
…Who, by the way, is originally from Kansas City Missouri and Raytown Missouri and currently residing in Oklahoma City Oklahoma. Her mother's name is Kathi King and her sister's name is Kori. ;)
No. 448703
>>448686Probably just an error from fat fingering her keyboard. I don't think Kati or her merry band of joytards are smart enough to try and use a double space so it wouldn't show up on search results.
Then again I could be wrong.
No. 448714
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The chat is moving really fast, so I haven't seen everything she's posted, but this was a fun one.
No. 448721
>>448710Furthermore, why is she poking a hornet's nest when that nest isn't bothering her and has moved on to other things?
…. ohhhhh right ….
No. 448724
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Someone put this on Mister Metokur's Twitter too.
No. 448740
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She admits it was her. Now if she'll admit to using her original YouTube account.
No. 448809
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And 2 more. LOL $20 to try and start shit with people and she gets ignored. She's doesn't even realize how irrelevant she is. How pathetic.
No. 448883
>>448726 The channel she made with the same name and channel icon to try to access her analytics, which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard but apparently she's legitimately so stupid she thinks if she makes a new account with the same title it will give you access to a different account, is still up. Just do a channel search for 'Joy Sparkle BS' on YouTube and it's one of the first results.
It's been established that she prefers negative attention. Look at her minions spurging out at the end of the last thread when no one posted for 3 days after the system lock message. Her and her inner circle feed off negative attention.
No. 449136
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>>449088Thanks for the heads up, anon. I see on Twitter she's hollering about Based and Kilroy, and claiming to be sitting on a mountain of evidence regarding her duplicity - evidence which no doubt we'll see one day, and it'll totally exonerate her and everything… Noted that she plans to be back in the next day or so on YouNow, and this gem of a tweet…. She looks like Ralphie in his bunny outfit in A Christmas Story.
No. 449167
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>>449136And Repzion. She's trying her hardest to start shit with anyone but what's hilarious is the only people who are paying any real attention to her is the joytards.
No. 449187
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Catching up on her Younow moments. She is so unhinged it's actually scary.
No. 449288
>>448883It's the same channel Anons found a few threads back that also had the custom URL although it didn't have 100 subs like YouTube requires AND the creation date was the exact same day she deleted the other. If someone could explain how any of that is possible would be great. Something doesn't add up with that… She also claimed on Twitter it wasn't hers and and that no-one could prove it was. Is she that caught up in lies??
Side note: Doesn't Rose have custody again of the kids? Why does Kati think any of this Rose drama is still relevant or matters at all? Nobody is still talking about this but her.
No. 449308
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She's blown $15 so far today to try and stay relevant/start shit with people. She's so fucking retarded she can't even realize how irrelevant she is.
No. 449356

>>449288 Okay, I'm not super familiar but apparently you can get a custom url without having 100 subscribers by using your websites domain name if you link to your website through both the YouTube channel and your Google+
This came up when I Googled '' it says it is 3 months and 3 weeks old.
If you go to the website it is registered by
Also that channel no longer has a custom url on it. I have no idea what any of this means necessarily but if someone more familiar has a better idea. . .it looks like she registered a website 5 weeks before she deleted her channel?
When I click on 'would you like to buy this domain?' it takes me here where it offers to attempt to negotiate the purchase of the domain '' from the current owner starting at $69.99 + commission, so someone definitely owns ''
No. 449362
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>>449357I'm pretty sure the fat cunt lives in central time zone. I could be wrong but it's what ever time zone Oklahoma city is in.
No. 449372
>>449356Godaddy just means that it’s for sale, so she never registered that domain.
She says she is reigniting her spurdinkle bow channel to do a live stream tonight around 6pm central time.
No. 449381
>>449372She's going to use this topic as a reason to fully come back to YouTube. 'I need to warn you guyz about all the bad people.' I think it's hilarious how manic she gets and
triggered Based Mama makes her.
No. 449465
Registry Domain ID: 2155439267_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL: Date: 2017-08-21T01:50:18Z
Creation Date: 2017-08-21T01:50:18Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2018-08-21T01:50:18Z
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Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited Status: clientUpdateProhibited Status: clientRenewProhibited Status: clientDeleteProhibited Registrant ID:
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Registrant Organization: CORTEX Media Services
Registrant Street: 928 N. San Fernando Blvd.
Registrant Street: Suite J261
Registrant City: Burbank
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Registry Admin ID:
Admin Name: CORTEX Media Services
Admin Organization: CORTEX Media Services
Admin Street: 928 N. San Fernando Blvd.
Admin Street: Suite J261
Admin City: Burbank
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Admin Postal Code: 91504
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Registry Tech ID:
Tech Name: CORTEX Media Services
Tech Organization: CORTEX Media Services
Tech Street: 928 N. San Fernando Blvd.
Tech Street: Suite J261
Tech City: Burbank
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Tech Postal Code: 91504
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DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System:>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2017-12-22T0:00:00Z <<< No. 449478
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Looks like she's trying to preemptively drum up attention/sympathy before her big YouTube live stream tonight.
No. 449520
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>>449509This was within like 20 minutes.
No. 449530
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>>449520these people are retarded.
No. 449573
Can one of you twittertards spread the info that she's lying about melinda and rose doxing her phone number. her phone number was dropped a long ass time ago.
No. 449656
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I can't take her seriously. Kek. I think it killed her ego that no one was begging or even remotely asking for her to come back so once she felt like she had an in she took it.
No. 449724
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No. 449741
>>449704Is this her admitting that it is in fact her family on here ? I for one believe it is 100% her family and it would also make sense why she was so quiet "getting better" and after things quiet down here, she is up to no good again.
There was quite a bit of "oh no joy, you should go off stream, there's threats of people coming after you and killing your immigrant boyfriend" but nobody was actually going into any further details like who or where. I can't help but wonder if it was just to make all the haterz look bad and so terrible to poor joy.
No. 449765
She’s such a horn tooter that she toots out her ass, so much so that her asshole is prolapsed just from this lates stream. And her echo chamber is telling her not to explain herself over and over, “but you don’t understand.. muh hurt feeeeelings, I’m different I didn’t deserve all the hate, they threatened Dom, my exes, threatened to have people fired…” but she quit for her health…. she quit cuz of the threats, the threats, the health, the threats , the health back n forth… does this make sense to you? It’s down to a joy asspat contest between the weird guy vampire freak, and her stripper boy benji.. but it’s still not ending.
No. 449793
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No. 449821
>>449775>>449786See thread 13
>>417655 : "Kati was in gymnastics but did not compete."
No. 449875
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I'm assuming this has to do with the Kumite stream. Does anyone know what she supposedly debunked?
No. 450060
>>450037 I don't think people are skimming over anything, it's just not that interesting. It's just a constant verbal diarrhea of delusional pathological lies made up on the spot that anyone with 2 neurons to rub together can tell is a lie by looking 5 seconds into the past. No sense over-analyzing it. It demonstrably was and is a lie. OP actually said her claim was letting Dom live in her
House for free, as if she owns a house or wasn't just complaining about neighbor's smoking weed and it seeping into her apartment through the shared walls.
No. 450063
>>450037… it …
… was …
… a …
… joke …
No. 450084
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Wahh wahh wahh. She's JUST like Onision. Everyone better hate who I hate or you can't be in my inner circle.. which won't last long because when the time is right I'll just throw you under the bus.
I like that she says her family was doxxed when they've dispelled that here and Joy
Has never ever once shown proof. You know if she had it she'd be flaunting that shit.
No. 450327
>>450113So she streamed 3 times yesterday for
hours from morning until midnight roughly and she's back for more again today? That's fucking impressive for a chronically ill person plagued with fatigue and brain fog. Manic as hell, she never ever gets satiated from all the ranting she does. I wonder if she's considering making her full come-back now?
Also I saw this video and it's a great summary of nearly any Joy stream…
No. 450374
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Just sayin'
No. 450742
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>>450441Embarrassing herself indeed. Thinking of nursery school, here she is crying to teacher because someone jokingly posted under her doxing accusation if anyone would be interested in joining him on a visit on New Year's Day, then. These kind of jokes don't help, of course, because the spergleberries believe joy when she says they're all out to get her for reelz ( St Joysus stuff like
>>450595 says). But it is amusing to see her reaction, nevertheless.
No. 450748
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Tidied up this screenshot with a filter called Defog…
No. 451402
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>>451399I'll bring them over here and trim it up so everyone can see it better.
No. 451403
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>>451402Now we can see why she shuns traditional doctors, they told her that herpes in incurable and can't be eradicated from the body. Take Valtrex and manage outbreaks? No thanks!
No. 451404
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>>451403Herpes can't be transmitted from hugging but OK Kati.
No. 451405
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>>451404More birth control and weight gain complaints in this convo for some reason.
No. 451406
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>>451405More natural cures to try including our old pal coffee enemas!
No. 451409
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>>451406Kati is such special snowflake her body is caffeine resistant! Maybe try some metals for treatment too.
No. 451511
>>451406Monoatomic Gold sounds right up her alley. In addition to curing all diseases (including cancer), it purports to boost psychic awareness, give you the ability to communicate with angels, transport yourself to other dimensions and - with luck - become a Light Being, "capable of levitating and capable of bio-locating." (i.e. teleportation!).
Like other monoatomic elements, it is also conveniently unable to be detected or examined using Conventional Science - which makes it all the more incredible that this alchemical substance, known to the ancient Sumerians and lost for millennia, was 'discovered' by a cotton farmer from Arizona in 1975. So there's your EVIDENCE.
She'd better use it carefully tho. I've also read it can harm Indigos by destroying ten virtual strands of DNA we all possess in the fourth dimensional vibratory plane, detectable in the blood of Blue Indigos (i.e. Millennials), to prevent their accessing higher spiritual awareness and telepathic abilities. All part of an Illuminati plot, I gather.
I'm not making this up. I've done my research. No. 451517
>>451403 I like how she's blaming Daniel when both Herpes (HSV-2) and Genital Warts (HPV) usually lie dormant for years after transmission, and from what she's told us if she got them from Daniel she wouldn't just be complaining about bumps on her genitals.
A severe amount of breakouts is 4 to 5 in a year, so her claims to have 6 in 3 months are either the worst case I've ever heard of, an extreme exaggeration, or something else entirely.
She showed us her prescriptions on her patient portal and she is not on anything to manage herpes. Interestingly enough on the ParaGuard website it says to consult a healthcare professional immediately if you are experiencing genital sores. The emergency room is to make sure you don't die on the spot, you still need to follow up with a doctor for diagnosis and treatment options.
Again, here we have megalomaniacal Kati who's going to find the cure for HSV-2 all by herself by Google searches + trial & error. I guess at this point we should just add medical research scientist to her list of pretend professions.
No. 451540
>>451360So accurate, anon. User is operating at 10%.
It's hard to believe she's in her 30s(or 20s) behaving like that. Everything is always everyone else's fault and to this day, she will point the finger at rose, repzion, based and chambers for ruining her channel (insert bragging of 60k subs). I don't like any of them nor believe she is trash as a result of anything they've said or is in any way related to them, she is just a terrible shit person in general.
If she would actually show her proof then people would believe what she's saying, but yes, it's our own fault. I am sick to death of her oregano tumor story but even that, if she would stick to one story, preferably the truth, then it would be the same story. What's so hard about even saying she accidentally referred to it as an abscess or vice versa ffs. All her stories about everything are never consistent and I think along with analytics is a big part of why she removed her channel since it was so easy to find her plethora of contradictions.
She was "chased" off by bad guys n' bullies so naturally her first move is to come back to stream and go on a shit talking spree. And she said that she was only streaming the first night to warn people about kilroy, since helping people is clearly in her nature, so why would it need another part? She somehow wasn't able to make her point in those first 5 hours?
Someone's debate team expertise is very dusty. I personally believe that she royally screwed herself in her 20s with her indigo scamming days and invested her time into selling people lies, far beyond anything she is willing to admit. It was easier than going to college for any of the stuff she claims she did and it got her more attention than singing. She's just a nasty, bitter and scorned woman who has no interest in doing anything about it. Plus she is lazy as all hell.
No. 451618
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Snatched this from her "Last stream" comments. Someone claiming to be a high school classmate shares their experience with joy:
No. 451628
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Apologies, this may have been better in the Spergleberries threat, but Joshey C decided to release the email he sent to Joy asking her to have a word with her minions…
No. 452011
>>451404Childhood genital herpes fag -
I got herpes from touching a cold sore on my face, and sleeping with my hands between my legs, when I was about the age of 4-5 every time I got run down, or ill I would have an outbreak of herpes, and I still to this day remember the fucking agony it caused. It BURNED, it was itchy, it was red down there, it was uncomfortable. They went into remission by the time I was 11, i haven't had an outbreak in years, every time I DID have an outbreak, it got less and less severe, I'm not sure if that's because I was a child or not, but still, I am calling ultimate BS on her "herpes" situation, it wasn't just "bumps" that came up, they were blisters, nasty, oozing, blisters. Herpes can't be cured, BUT it can have periods of remission. I've been lucky I've been in remission for over 10 years.
Sorry if it's TMI, but I feel as though it's relevant to her claims.
No. 452012
>>452011Once when a was younger, I found a bump down there and thought I had an STD. Turns out, it was just an ingrown hair.
Do genital warts hurt, burn, ooze, whatever or are they otherwise asymptomatic? (I could google this but I'm hoping to get a better answer than the generic answers google would return.)
No. 452125
Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy holidays to all of you that don’t celebrate on Christmas either… that being said, how much you wanna bet that ol’ “brown roomate”(only being said because she referred to him as such in a stream) thinks of the old, fresh, fit Kati that he met when he “makes love” to, instead of the now disgusting, toilet mouthed, truck driver obese creature that she is now. Hey Kati-cat, if you even think you are going to get thin again, think again. You have become who you are because of karma, and you will remain this way physically. Mark these words, and check back every year: you are what you deserve to be forever.
No. 452385
>>452280OMG you're right I just read this article about it: the article there was this quote by the FDA…
>"The product, when used as directed, produces an industrial bleach that can cause serious harm to health…High oral doses of this bleach, such as those recommended in the labeling, can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and symptoms of severe dehydration."If she is still giving this poison a try she's making herself sicker than she ever was. I've long suspected that the weird treatments she's so willing to try cause most of symptoms.
No. 452648
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>>452641disgusting as always
No. 452751
>>452666In all honesty, if Kati wants the 'bullying' that comes her way to stop; she needs to set the example by stopping her own form of bullying (that BS that she passes off as personal opinion) and kicking out any of her fans that bully others in her name.
But, that would require Onisheon to acknowledge that she's been just as bad - if not worse - than her 'haters'; which will never happen in her current mental state.
Ignoring her behavior will not help her get any better; the lack of opposition will only enable her - especially when her fans support her actions.
No. 453733
>>452837Holy shit she is stupid. Peter literally has the entire "beauty community" behind him. Anyone that says anything anti-Peter right now will be practically burned at the stake and here comes innocent Kati to put herself in a situation that doesn't involve her and try and make herself the victim as always. I wonder if anyone on Twitter has seen this yet, she will be crucified. Him talking about her drama(much of which she creates) and that she lied to her audience at one point claiming Peter ignored her DMs doesn't mean he deserves to be labeled a paedophile. He said yesterday that he would call out anyone that still support John, including companies and anyone that subscribes to him. She just had to make a huge "drama" situation somehow about her to be perceived to be the victim at all times. This should backfire in her face big time. This is why she will always be a cow.
She infuriates me to no end but damn I love when Kati screws herself up. Kek
No. 453828
>>452666 Do you see how someone (Peter Monn) telling their truth (I never refused to talk to anybody) and offering support (You've been sick for a long time with no diagnosis. It seems like there's
something going on there. I will put all my resources behind getting you to a doctor and on the path to wellness) gets turned into Kati talking shit and inventing horrible and/or disgusting lies to attack and slander someone when they are already being attacked? Fuck her, and fuck you for supporting her.
Don't state you're invoking the spirit of sage and still refuse to sage faggot.
And seriously, why the fuck does Kati start foaming at the mouth and chomping at the bit like the hungry greedy horse-face she is the second pedophilia gets even the flimsiest most tenuous of mentions?
No. 453860
>>453792She should contact Kuckian then because he's literally the only one who would take this well. That is a mess I would like to see.
At least keep up on current events, Kati.
No. 453942
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Kati admits the poo baby's comments were never a joke.
No. 454061
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>>454008Don't know if true but if so it makes me feel even worse for Chambers, specifically when she was saying she was going through a lot right now and Joy just screeched louder. She may be a cow according to some but i've yet to see her be malicious and i don't think she deserves the treatment Joy always shows her. Even back when Nick Monroe showed texts between Chambers and Joy, Joy always takes a particularly abusive tone with her.
And fuck Joy for those, lets call them subliminal jabs, at Chamber's autism. "Other people make fun of your autism but i don't do that" as she berates the girl for half hour knowing Chambers basically freezes up during confrontation. And by the way Joy, you made yourself look worse by tossing that out there, that you're being super aggressive to someone you know is on the spectrum while your gang of tards just sit there and watch. I knew Cy and Mike were pieces of shit but for some reason I had thought better of Benji- whom looked like he was contemplating his life the entire time. I hope he was reevaluating his choice in friends really.
At least the comment sections under her recent appearances are a good read. She's still so convinced her channel and reputation went down because of Chambers and BM and its glorious to see the comments from people who just can't stand her because they see how deranged and vindictive she is.
No. 454063
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No. 454071
>>454063Thank you for the nightmares anon <3
She's such an unfortunate looking person.
No. 454130
>>451290Last stream ever…for 2017, maybe.
Come 2018, she'll be streaming, again.
No. 454189
>>453792If the beauty community see her as a target the "hate" she's been getting so far will look like a preschool argument in comparison.
So please anyone with a Twitter spread the word. Maybe then she'll actually shut up.
No. 454195
>>454148fuck yes. how quickly we forget.
>>454189take this shit to pull or gg. not your personal army, dickhead.
No. 454910
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Mined from comments.Pricked up my ears. Can it be so?
No. 454957
>>454272there's a difference between bringing it up and painting someone in a sympathetic light. you seem to have forgotten why chambers is considered a turbo retard, and how much drama she herself contributed. So why not go back and read some of the early threads instead of chimping out here. then you would realise - people have been getting down on chambers since she appeared, because she earned it. joy's flailing has very little to do with it.
>>454910great, more rumours for the mix.
No. 454981
>>454957I didnt realize i needed your permission to feel sympathy for someone who's sister just died.
Calm down anon. Again, I know people believe her to be a cow but i still disagree with the way Joy takes advantage of the fact that she's an easy target and how aggressive she gets towards her.
As the other anon said, my commentary is more about Joy jumping on an autist rather than defending Chambers' irrelevant ass. Funny how butthurt you are about it though.
>>454710Tbh, it doesnt sound like the dude is really dead. Sounds like the kind of stuff catfishers pull when they need a reaction and then "their relative" tells someone on the internet whats "going on." However, it's very telling that Joy & Co are trying to silence yet another smaller channel/figure with a public hanging but then act oblivious to the impact of their actions. Lowkey hope she does try to kick up something with Peter Monn just to see her torn to shreads by the drama & makeup communities.
No. 455034
>>454981>Again, I know people believe her to be a cow but i still disagree with the way Joy takes advantage of the fact that she's an easy target and how aggressive she gets towards her. I'm right with you. Chambers has done plenty of stupid shit, is a cow and deserves to be called out for her shit but joy takes it too far. It fits in with her same ol' same ol' trash behavior that doesn't reflect the kind and compassionate person she always claims to be with her statements of how to effectively communicate with others, that includes no bad language and presenting facts, not involving emotions, no drama, no toxicity, only "came back to YT to warn others about the Kilroy scam" yet is dipping into any shit pond she can to be a cunt and cry victim, etc. Bitch does not take accountability, does not practice what she preaches and has shown to be verbally abusive.
Most people lose their shit at times, including myself, but she is 24/7 car dealership kati and can fuck right off with demanding apologies and sympathy.
No. 455048
>>454910Hahaha of course I believe that’s true! It’s hilarious to one, AND IT FIGURES. Too bad the joytards ran the family anons off, they may have been able to assist us in that one!
Fucking asshole good for nothing joytards!
No. 455051
>>454910Hahaha of course I believe that’s true! It’s hilarious to one, AND IT FIGURES. Too bad the joytards ran the family anons off, they may have been able to assist us in that one!
Fucking asshole good for nothing joytards!
No. 455114
>>454910I still lurk. This story is completely false. I was sure the original comment was false but was giving the commenter the benefit of the doubt that she/he might have misremembered some details but the followup comment tells me its made up.
Joy never lived right next to a local library. The closest library was at least 6 miles away. Joy never wore turtle necks nor would her classmates describe her as frumpy. As I have said earlier, Joy did not become the frizzy hair sweatshirt loving maniac until her late teens. In school she dressed up everyday. Cy is not Joy's cousin. ~~~Family Member Anon OP
No. 455596
>>455144 TBH it didn't take a family anon to know everything about that comment was a fantasy tale that had more plot holes than a chain link fence. It's just another one of the excruciatingly weird commenters than her channels attracts LARPing. My favorite part was the whole 'having to go to the library together' thing. As if you can't check books out of librarys or call people on the phone to talk to them.
The whole thing sounds like it was written by a 10 year old. I thought people were highlighting it just to lol at the insane people that seem compelled to hitch themselves to that sinking ship. I didn't think anyone was actually seriously entertaining it as legitimate info lol
No. 456226
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Joy just tweeted referencing the "cousin" allegation which was that Cy was her cousin but she tweeted it at The Blargh. What a slip since Cy has been rumored to be The Blargh and Joy pretty much just confirmed it's her.
No. 456279
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>>456226It has to do with this comment.
No. 456495
>>456352oh well if 'family' said it … kek
I can't believe we're back on this Blargh bullshit again. we went through all this a couple of threads ago.
No. 456504
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Poor CY being a dumb cunt thinking she can boss people around and tell them they can't upload Kati's YouNow streams. Little does she know that they can't even strike those uploads since it's not against YouNows TOS to take and upload other people's streams.
Makes you wonder what Richard knows that they keep attacking him and trying his Twitter account banned.
No. 456627
>>456352If they were, the family tree would be a weeping willow.
Or stinkfruit tree.
No. 456867
>>456663Cy delusionally sees herself as a walk in, fuck shit up kinda person rather than the dipshit she truly is. I initially had higher expectations for her but at this rate, she'll also be a dirtbag scammer in no time.
>>456504This is getting awesome. Now he's having a go at drunk Deb.
No. 456968
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>>456962samefag… This is his caption from one of the recent stream uploads. It seems the final straw for him was a lack of appreciation, not her repeated horrible behavior to others! He is right though that he catches things the haters miss because it he's always in her streams.
>>456681He says he has recorded the streams through the 26th so the one where she was shady to Peter should be included!
No. 457488
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Looks like Richard is no longer in love.
No. 458283
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Happy New Years from Richard.
No. 458414
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She looks like a fucking teletubbie in those nasty hoodies her fat ass wears.
No. 458627
>>458414Munchie-wunchie, the oh-so-tewwibly sick tellytubby.
You'd think, for a perfreshnial writer, Dick the Nutbag would've heard of paragraphs. It's like a stream of dementia.
No. 459371
>>459017Oh, I take them with a whole lorry-load of salt, don't worry!
He'll never get published, it's all delusion - seeing him rattling on about having to protect his reputation made me hyperventilate with laughter. That boat sailed LONG ago; even if he could write, no publisher would touch him because nobody wants someone with such an aggressive, frightening online footprint on their roster, not even if he were the next Grate 'Murican Awfor he seems to think he is. Fucking nutter.
But what is crazy Kati going to do when one of her pet nutters really loses it? She didn't distance herself from PsychoDick when he was knighting for her (via the medium of threats all over the internet) then is all surprised he behaves like a complete fucking madman when she shuns him? And even then, she hides behind Cy, who is as strong and effective as soggy tissue.
Granted, creators can't be held responsible for the actions of their fans. But Kunti actively encourages their behaviour, effectively green-lighting their crazier exploits whilst trying to hide behind a wall of faux-serenity. Then she's all surprised when, having run their usefulness to her, she tries to blackball them and they won't have any of it. She played Dickie like an out of tune fiddle and now he's pissed off. Not least because he wants to be seen as this Alpha male with huge intellect and he was easier to manipulate than putty….by a brain-dead whackjob in a filthy hoodie!
No. 459650
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LOL. She's lost 3 patreon's and $106 since last night.
No. 460230
>>459923 No, Richard was one of her $20 Patrons. He's said he donated as his way to give her the YouTube ad revenue generated by posting her YouNow streams on his channel. She's lost like half of her $20 Patrons in the last month lol
I think that's just Patreon displaying weird shit due to the changes or something. She has actually only lost maybe 2 of her $2 Patrons and maybe 3 of her $10 Patrons recently.
If you just go add up her tiers she still has 3 $100, 1 $50, 5 $20 , and 16 $10 Patrons which is already $610 so its just due to Patreon's display pages being fucked up. She has lost probably 5 Patrons recently though.
I think in Patreon'ss recent changes they made it so your pledges get charged immediately and recur on the 'anniversary' of your pledge date, so if you pledged on the 16th you get charged on the 16th every month. I'm wondering if until those charges are made for some of them they might not show up in the total amount? Who knows though, just counting up her tiers it says she has 59 Patrons while the top only says she has 48. Not sure how Patreon works at all or why her dropping total and Patron count isn't equivalent to the displayed tier donators.
No. 460365
>>460297I am calling it, she is going to try to insert herself and defend Kuckian. I swear she is building up to going there.
She is full-on exhibiting a classic narc trait: someone who she perceives has 'wronged her' in the past is suddenly in the middle of a controversy and she so wants to drag him for it even though this has absolutely NOTHING to do with her. She gives it away by going on this whole rant about "I have a right to defend myself!" It's not about you bitch!
I also love how she keeps saying she has no opinion, she doesn't know, and then saying she has a right to state her opinion! You go on with that doublespeak hypocrisy, cray-cray.
No. 460510
>>460297Typical Kati. Whining over and over and about how everyone is so horrible to her and how people try to ruin her life. She keeps going in pity-me circles because she can't stand that people in the chat are defending Peter. Just like with medical records and analytics, she regurgitates the same shit without any proof, knowing that the dum-dums will go on to back her up. She's playing stupid about him, using the opportunity to embellish their short interaction (or lack thereof) while acting so unaware
She's so obnoxious when she denies watching videos or following something, like how she used to always say "someone sent me this onision video," as if she hasn't watched every single second of his content, the moment it's uploaded. Lately she's been saying she hasn't been on YT , then she has, then just a bit, then she hasn't. Bitch quit lyin'.
No. 460517
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>>460297(12:02)"Let me know in the chat, have I yet said anything that is bad against Peter? Have I in any way put Peter down with what I have said?
In the chat put 1 if yes, or 2 for no"
She is ridiculous lololol
No. 460540
>>460494>Can't think if anyone more deserving to be in his corner…What was it Oscar Wilde said about fox hunting? The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable?
As a champion debater, you'd think she knows that defending yourself means addressing specific accusations and charges, not smearing someone by proxy or apophasis (e.g. 'I'm not saying my opponent is a wife beater…')
No. 461317
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Aww I wonder if this is why Kati the teletubbie has been so quite on Twitter. LOL
No. 461411
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She better get to making up more fake illnesses to get more money before she loses all her patrons.
No. 461806
>>461720>family anon #3lol
>>461779twitter doesn't want to have to actually address shit like harrassment because it's too complicated - even the fucking US president abuses it.
>>461796lmao of course she didn't /s
No. 463572
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>>463559 She tweeted yesterday so probably not banned.
No. 464040
>>461952can't believe I'm addressing someone who uses 'are too' unironically but ok - the only thing 'the family' proved is that they are as bad as Kati is (and just as cowardly)
>>463559lol yeah, such a big step down from the quality of previous threads /s
so many people wanted Joy to be over and now she is, yet the thread lives.
No. 464374
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she liked these tweets. she's just mad that logan paul is encroaching on her territory, using tragedy for personal gain.
No. 465011
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Joy, with all her stans watching her…
No. 465055
>>463572'You know, I never noticed it 'til now, but you kind of sound like a woman. Almost as if you were gay, or something.'
Now there's some stereotypical BS right there; as if a telltale sign of one's sexuality can be determined by the lilt of their voice.
And Mikenactor doesn't sound remotely like a woman; so what is she even talking about?
No. 465713
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LOL. She keeps postponing her patreon streams. Either she's just trying to string people along so she doesn't lose anymore patreon's or Dom is home and not going out so she can't rant and rave and be the vile piece of shit we all know she is.
No. 466103
>>465713I'll take a wild guess and say the excuse will be "I'm focusing on my health," once again, because only a vile person would dare question the validity of one's health claims, so she feels safe behind that shield. It makes no sense either way, considering she isn't actually producing any content and she is just chillin on her dent in the couch during streams so there's absolutely no effort and nothing that would effect her "health focus."
It's a perfect example of taking advantage of a platform and people, imagine the kind of unknown/secret shit she does when this is openly available for the world to see.
Even if it were true that she is so sick, a decent person would have terminated their patreon by now, especially knowing that they almost die all the time and can't fulfill commitments when they can't predict their health, knowing it's going to take time to heal and knowing that patrons would feel too guilty to email her for their money to be refunded, as she suggests.
No. 466166
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Feeling better
No. 466787
>>466741Because it's gross and even women who can relate to the topic don't want to talk about it? And how would she even handle the topic, anyway?
'Hi, loves! It's me, again!
Wow, the last few days have been motherfucking fun! My period is super heavy and for the last few days, it's been coming out in literal fucking chunks! It's so gross! They look like mushed cranberries!'
hurk No. 467081
>>466891my button is bigger and it works.
sure, don. they make little blue pills for that.
my vag is small.
sure, kati. don't go without underwear or you'll stick to the shit you sit on like a suction cup.
No. 467212
>>466956precisely Watson nothing is below her except her rusty, bloody vag.for those that answered "it is gross" run along and tell Katie we're talking about her spuds. Go on, Beat It, you bother me kid.
if you ask me she's savored the mention of numerous stool samples of the future.c'est la vie, we may never know. it quite possibly could be a taboo subject to her. Have we finally found her Achilles heel?
No. 467946
>>467212 Simply? Yes, that is what her whole 'mashed potaters' thing is about. She thinks vaginas are absolutely disgusting. Shit? Oh that's just something natural and hilarious that everyone does and we should all freely talk about because life's too short for pretensions #Relateable Anything related to vaginas though is sooper cereal, life threatening,and gross; add in on top of that that she has untreated either Herpes or Genital Warts and yeah, she thinks her own vagina is disgusting.
Maybe she did talk about it in a Patron stream. She recently lost one of her $100 Patrons and several from all the tiers including and below the $10 tier kek
No. 468152
>>467566People should invest or spend their money on whatever the fuck they want and you should mind your own fucking business.
Medical records are private and she shouldn't reveal them to a bunch of wankers on this site who will never be satisfied anyway.
(wk) No. 468324
>>468168Like Kati does in her streams, right?
People in glass houses, and all that garbage.
No. 468742
>>468152 lol, someone sure is
triggered about Kati's rapidly dwindling Patreon support.
No. 469302
>>469289Sorry farmhands, again, can this be deleted? This is ridiculous. Guys, do you want people coming to this thread and sperging about us posing death threats to Joy? Come the fuck on
>>469256Thank you
No. 471553
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So it would appear that this Twitter account just admitted to being Kati herself.
No. 471556
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>>471553Second screenshot from Kati's sock account.
No. 471813
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No. 472107
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Can someone explain why she ALWAYS makes this face? Is it a tick that she has? Like when she knows she's lying her face outs her with this face?
No. 472166
>>472107That's the reflex face of a disgusting attention whore has who sniffed their own farts so long that they no longer realize how repugnant they are to the general population.
Let her rot in her leeching off the mentally disabled and medically fragile. I hope she gets genuine and permanently disabling health issues visited on her 10 fold as karmic payback for the vile waste of human flesh that she is. And, may all her sycophant ass lickers be right there and equally disabled next to her.
No. 472177
>>471553>>471556Kati is dumb as a rock and writes like a used up truck-stop lot-lizard.
The person on that account spells a lot of words correctly and hasn't talked about body fluids hardly at all. So, it can't be the famous sleazy skuzzy Miss Kati. Still and honest mistake since like attracts like and Kati sure does attract people who are just like her.
No. 472292
>>472177It was so clearly a plant by an outsider; probably trying to prove that farmers would believe anything someone claims.
So, Kati lurkers - there's your proof; no one here fell for it.
No. 473104
>>472574why do you think it's joytards? no namefagging or anything so what is the point? they've been trying to bury this since thread one.
on the other hand, there's a few committed anons who haven't wanted it to die, so I'd be looking at them.
No. 474165
>>473104 There are a couple of toxic garbage cans left in her community who who are only there for the negative drama that desperately are looking to stir up a turd flinging fight wherever they can. From what I've seen to most anons she is irrelevant at this point and they have moved on.
>>473476 Kati did an all Patron stream a week ago and has a $10 and up stream planned for Saturday (probably will delay it a week because even her 'fans' don't check in with her kek). She hasn't Tweeted since Jan 1st or streamed on YouTube for 3 weeks or YouNow as far as I can tell.
>>473902 6 hours ago on her Spurpinkle Bow channel she subscribed to both The Geekthulu and NichiStateum (Phil's channel) so it wouldn't surprise me if she was in the chat in Phil's stream doing her banshee routine demanding apologies and shit, but I'm pretty sure no one cares. She's a dry cow who just lost another $20 Patron since her all Patron stream last week.
No. 474343
>>474171The only thing interesting about this is that Kati can only get on with a low brow, doxer with a tiny channel. No one else is willing to touch her scuzzy ass.
Geekthulu is a failed but-inski just like Kati so they're a great match. Kati probably has him thinking that she's going to blow his channel up big-time! I hope he never wises up. It's fun to watch Geek slurping up her shit and doing her bidding.
No. 475095
>>474991Kati was pegged as a slimy cuntof a con artist long before the money or break up with Phil. She was already a lolcow and Phil even attempted to "help" her on the lolcow threads.
Kati, you really are not smart enough to be a con artist… you should stick to your tarot card reading instead.
No. 476109
>>4748161 - learn to sage
2 - Unlike Kati, Phil showed receipts proving he paid that money back.
No. 476137
>>4761091 - I don't do sage.
2 - I'd like to see him admit that since he has so intention of paying it back. Falling out with someone does not excuse a debt.
>>472107Well, now that Joy is basically dead and gone, what exactly was her "I'm lying" face anyway? I thought this was her "I'm a badass" face or are they one in the same?
Farmers didn't want to point it out before since it would tip her off but i don't think it matters now. Not like she has enough self-control to contain herself regardless and it's the 1 thing I haven't been able to pinpoint in the midst of all her manic movement.
No. 476930
>>476698Ditto! That has been bugging me since it was first brought up. I understand why other anons didn't want to tip her off to the fact that people here knew one of her tells, but yeah, not that she's gone, I don't see any harm in it being pointed out - if it's different from the face in the post you are replying to. This is the last bit of info I'm curious about seeing as the milk has looooong since run dry.
Apologies for spergy issues with identifying facial expressions.
No. 476963
>>476763As someone had already pointed out; he provided logged Skype chats showing that she specifically said he didn't have to pay the money back. I.e. - he owes her squat all.
Kati is being a straight up Indian giver by demanding that Phil owes her compensation for something she gave him as a thoughtful gift.
No. 477002
>>476971Ha I totally support this.
Kati is absolutely a couch monster. If only Loki had greasy hair, picked his nose and sniffed his fingers
No. 477588
>>477570 When Kati finally deleted the Do5 videos featuring the children as Rose requested 6 million channel views disappeared. For her claim that $1,400 was the total amount that she owed that would mean she is claiming to have made 23¢ per thousand views. It would also indicate that from her 13 million total career channel views she made $3,000.
A few weeks after the deletion when she kept running her mouth about how YouTube wasn't worth it she repeated many times that, 'It isn't worth the $20 to $30 dollars I make per video,' and this was in reference to videos that were getting between 10K to 15K views max. This would mean she was receiving $2 dollars per thousand views. That means on 6 million views she would most likely have made $12,000 dollars.
Luckily for Kati 1 million of those views were on her Spurpinkle Bow channel that she still has the analytics for, and since she already promised to show them there should be no issue with her putting this idea to rest at anytime.
No. 477858
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What will Kati do now that Geekthulu is permanently banned from Twitter. LOL.
No. 478010
>>477967I realize I'm very late to the party and am just catching up (thank you guys for helping me cuz I have no idea what's been happening.)
I believe there was a question re: the kumite and how Joy just suddenly appeared. Geek literally asked in stream verbatim, "I was wondering if Joy and her fans could dig up some 'schadanfreude' on chambers so I can…" So I guess that answers that one, but even better he couldn't even spell it right (I'll have to watch again for as.) Do any of them have even just one nanobite of original thought or is it just regurgitated word vomit that isn't true? Wait why did I even bother asking.
Saged for having hope in humanity… but not anymore
No. 480211
>>480144I didn't say she was back. I said she was participating in live streams. Which I wouldn't be doing if I were afraid for my or my family's safety.
My point is that she is clearly lying about how scared she is from all the hate and death threats.
No. 480359
>>480284There's also the possibility that, being a guest on someone else's stream, people will be less likely to leave criticism/hate comments because they don't want to offend the channel owner.
I.e. - Kati is using her hosts as personal meat shields.
No. 480452
>>480388Wow dude really? I realize joytards can’t think for themselves but could you be any more glass?
Her family only came on here to clear their names after nearly a year of being publicly maligned by Kati with her fake abuse and trailer trash stories etc., so what were they supposed to do? Continue to just sit back and let Kati lie about them- sorry strike that: lying and conning are the only things Kati knows.
And to the anon who posited Kati is more comfortable streaming on others’ streams since she can use the hosts as “meat shields,” you’re spot on. Tip of the hat, tip of the hat.
No. 480476
>>480473I followed most of her streams and videos.
>>480452 She told stories as Joy not Kati. It had fuck all to do with her family. I am not a sheep and never have been.
No. 480498
>>480476But what makes Joy the honest party and her family the liars? Why is her word valid, but there's isn't?
Also, sage your posts (put sage in the email field).
No. 480501
>>480476"As Joy, not Kati" Denise please go away. You Joytards just keep rehashing the same old nonsensical talking points and it's tiresome.
In other news, Tonka and Vamp are apparently team Kati now. They "spoke to her and realized she's actually really nice and not so bad" lol and Konstigo made an apology video. I guess these people have already forgotten what she did to Rose and how every word out of her mouth is a lie. What the hell does she do to people once they slip in the dms? It's like they've stepped into a brainwashing machine and come out cucked on the other side.
No. 480504
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I present to you Geekthulu, and before anyone claims doxxing this picture and many others are on his public Instagram.
No. 480508
>>4805041) sage your posts
2)who really cares what he looks like?
3) wrong forum - this belongs in the spergleberry thread
No. 480517
>>480501Who really cares who talks to her or supports her. Seems phil is the one who has been outed as the disgusting person he is for dating a 15 year old when he was 21 and the fact that there are even anons posting on here right now deflecting that information is disgusting.
Sorry phil, but youre a piece of shit too just like your friend for ten years, you’re both mental and disgusting people.
No. 482253
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i'm just going to leave this here so it's saved. idk if it was in another thread and i'm just not ambitious enough to try and find it.
No. 482331
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>>482298Not worth it. She lost a $50 patreon. At this rate her only revenue stream will be dried up by April. LOL
No. 482543
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>>482331I love that this cow ghosted on her crew of joytards as soon as the shit hit the fan.
Does she even once say "Hey guys, this is serious, lay off Phil" … nope. Fuck that, I bet she's telling them that Phil is just hiding offline to make her look bad. Admit it Joytards, that's what she told you and you believe it.
Kati, they are YOUR CREW that are continuing to libel a person on YOUR BEHALF. It is YOUR CREW of Joytards that are acting like a pack of hyenas for the last two months, and ten times worse now that they smell blood.
If Tonka Saw or any Youtuber ever has your disgusting ass there show again, then they are every bit as disgusting as you are. You and your whole crew of joytards are just vile people.
Thank God at least SOME of the Joytards set their twitter accounts private so no one on the rest of the Internet has to see their filth.
Now, if the rest of you Joytards could take a hint from them and set your accounts to protected… or better yet… ghost out like your slimey precious Kati… that would do the entire world a HUGE favor.
No. 482980
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>>482918It's not. Easy mistake to make. This is his picture.
No. 482998
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>>482980And, here's the live action toy that was made from our Navy squid (cuckthulhu)… no wonder he was able to worm his way into Kati's inner circle.
No. 484942
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April 6, 2017 Kati streamed on YouNow under JoySparkleBS to hold a Tarot Card fund raiser. Mercedes Dupont read the Tarot Cards and Kati praised her ability to give accurate readings. A 15yo boy asked a question and became upset at the reading and it was feared that he would kill himself. Mercedes left the stream temporarily because it upset her and she needed to get herself back together and Kati hosted the boy. During the @ 45 min conversation, he was clearly upset saying things like "I'm shaking so bad" and he said he'd already been treated by several professionals for mental health.
Through the course of the conversation, Kati never once said "Tarot Cards are just for entertainment and they mean nothing"…. Instead she said that the reading meant that he just needed to let stuff go. She talked to him about how she'd been suicidal as a teen and even as an adult. But, at no time did she ever even hint that Tarot Cards are only entertainment.
After the boy left the guesting, Mercedes guested back in and they did a couple more readings.
After the readings, Kati guested other people in the guest queue.
The images are from that stream to show the postings of the boy before Mercedes left to allow him to be guested in.
No. 484945
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Look at the user Gamerset09
No. 484946
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No. 484947
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No. 484963
OH MY GODDDD!!! How horrible of her!!! She spoke to a 15 year old suicidal person on a stream and had someone do a tarot card reading for them?? WOW she should be in jail! That's so much worse than being a pedo like Phil!!
Speaking of Phil… look how he talks to a 12 year old about suicide! His name is Azarel: No. 485045
>>484963 Wow! Look at that! He comes in and does the exact same thing I've seen every moderator everywhere say, which is to say "this isn't the appropriate place to discuss suicide, nor is it ever cool to casually post about it, and if you are serious you need to get IRL help and not post your cry for help on a random internet forum.'
You realize the kids own posts clearly demonstrated he wasn't serious, is a huge asshole just out to troll people, and the entire post was a huge b8 for attention that he shut up about after getting called out about it. . .much like I'm guessing you will do.
I r8 your b8 Joy Sparkle/Cunt which is to say MEDIOCRE.
b8 harder you pathetic fucking loser. You're posting in the wrong thread, no one gives a shit. This is the thread to post about Phil
>>>/snow/336585 and maybe consider cutting back on the paint huffing.
No. 485096
>>484963You do realize, theoretically, both Kati and Phil can be pieces of shit in their own right, right?
Another simpleton binary thinker. Read a fucking book.
No. 485130
>>484942>>484945>>484946>>484947Iirc, and I could be wrong and be getting streams mixed up, but they let the dude guest so she could talk to him more and he was doing that thing where you don't want solutions, you just want to complain. It really bummed the stream out and frankly it was annoying. It wasn't the time or place and I couldn't tell if he was trolling or not since it was all very bizzare. Who hijacks a stream to have a breakdown? I hate to say it since I never thought I'd defend this cunt but Joy was actually trying to console the dude but it was like walking on eggshells because he would start yelling at her when she'd try to say something helpful. I remember him saying stuff about having tried to get help before and how it didn't work. This was before her final transformation into the megacunt we know today so it may have just been for show but she did take the time to try and help the dude.
This was brought up in a previous thread, I remember talking about how this Mercedes chick doesn't even know wtf she's doing. Even if you think tarot is all a bunch of bullshit, idc that's your opinion and that's fine, but regardless there is still a method to it and she didn't know what it was so she was giving off misinterpreted readings. That's kind of the only milk here, that Joy allowed an amateur to read people (through a computer, somehow), they gave false info and it upset someone. At best, the most that can be said is it was slightly irresponsible considering her audience of retards and 15 year olds.
No. 485157
>>485130Joy is not a trained psychiatrist and had no business trying to eases a potentially suicidal teen. Inviting him into the stream to try and talk him down was a pure form of exploitation on her part.
One of the best ways Joy could have helped in that situation was to reassure the boy that tarot readings (or any form of psychic reading, for that matter) should be taken with a grain of salt - as they are very rarely accurate, if at all. And supply the number for the suicidal hotline, for good measure.
Instead, she held firm on the belief that Mercedes' reading were incredibly accurate and brought him into the stream as a means to make herself look more pious in the eyes of her drooling sychophants by showing how much she 'cared' for the kid's well being - even if she had to be his verbal punching bag to do it.
No. 485165
>>485156Fuck Denise and her interpretations. She's shown she's just as mental as the other Joytards and will spin whatever we say to fit her BS narratve. If they can't be bothered to ask for the context; that's on them, not us.
Regardless of the reasons Joy did what she did, you do not bring a suicidal person into a live stream to talk about their feelings - making that person a spectacle for your audience, just so you can look good/feel good about yourself.
Actually caring would be to give them the suicidal hotline; or, if she insisted on talking to him, she could have asked him to DM her so they could talk privately - sparing the kid any embarrassment. Instead, she invited him to have a breakdown on livestream for her fans to watch in real time? Fuck that self important cunt!
No. 485192
>>484942>>484945>>484946>>484947If Kati received any YouNow bars during that stream, Oklahoma law makes it a misdemeanor to either pretend or profess to tell fortunes for a charge or to receive any gift or donation. The maximum punishment for fortune telling is six months in jail and a $500 fine. a real shame if someone turned her in.
No. 485228
>>484963Um… the kid went suicidal because of the reading, not the other way around. And couch monster never once thought to say "Hey, Tarot is just entertainment and doesn't mean anything" Kati even sold how accurate Mercede's readings were AFTER that point saying that everyone should fan her and get readings for $10 each.
IF there were nothing wrong with what happened there, they why is it that those two YouNow moments from Mercedes' account just happen to be deleted but not others? Kind of fishy that you'd delete your self as a professional doing a charity fund raiser, isn't it?
No. 485340
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>>485041It is Phil, just to clear that up
(derailing) No. 489166
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>>489015when she posted and monetized the video about the death of two children that were distantly related t her, she doxed herself to 40 people in a private chat/hangout to justify why she was monetizing videos on the death of children. that was 40 people who she told her real name, her address, and her family's addresses.
AND…oh, yeah… she never showed how much money those videos made or proved that she'd donated even a single cent to the gofundme for the funeral of those kids.
If you look back on the threads, the family members said that Kati had never even met those kids. And, even her own video (the second one) made it clear that that family had not asked her (or even contacted her) and she was inserting herself into the situation.
That was the first time she was willing to climb up on someone else's REAL LIFE pain for those views, subscribers, and drama bucks.
So… once she's self doxed to 40 people… do you really think all 40 of those people are still close with her an she hasn't thrown any of them under the bus along the way?
No. 489178
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>>489166From the very first thread and why she self-doxed.
The first thread:
>>>/snow/246848 No. 489215
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At least some of them are no longer willing to pay her to do nothing at all, not even to ask her Hentai Butt Plug Cuckthulhu to back off.
Kati, you are truly the scum that we all knew you were a year ago. Thanks for proving us right!
No. 489290
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A break from what? Sitting on her fat lazy ass with a feed bag of chips strapped to her face.
No. 489341
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>>489215LOL. They just keep dropping. She's going to have to switch from dominos to digiorno at this rate.
No. 490887
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Cuckthulu is live on his secondary channel right now after announcing on Tonka's show he was going to "rip apart someone on lolcow" - Rogue Nox according to the stream title - whose stream he downloaded before it was deleted. Cuck's lisping through the entire thing "debunking" it with the usual suspects cheering it on in the chat. Interesting that not only is he on Anti-Kati Watch 24/7 but also jumps higher than her poor pupper ever could when summoned by not so little miss mashed 'taters.
No. 490897
>>490782 Kati still streams privately on her Patreon. Kati will never leave social media she lurking around quietly like a snake she is.
And I wonder Kati allow her boyfriend Dom invite his friends to the house?
No. 491345
>>491240She's trying to pass off never showing the analytics as "That's in the past, it shouldn't matter anymore"
Cringe AF.
No. 491513
When Kati minions says Kati can't show her YouTube analytics main channel because Kati deleted her main channel.
Then Kati says she show her analytics to Geek and Tonkasaw recently. Huh… I don't get it. 😕
>>> No. 491726
>>491390Wasn't Tonka defending Rose after Kati blackmailed her into making that apology video.
WTF happened that he's suddenly coming to Kati's defense?
No. 494741
>>494025 I assume he just sees it as good for business having an autistically screeching venomous shit-stirrer that's already been laughed off YouTube in 9 months in his backpocket.
Seems like a natural choice for someone who's business model is to present internet drama for laughs. She's has the emotional maturity of a toddler, strings foul language together to impress people, will throw anyone under the bus, backstabs her own family, consistently say the dumbest shit anyones ever heard, and gets baited easier than a cocaine addicted rat. She's just bread and circuses for the peasants.
No. 495806
>>495737 If Kati wants the story to end all she has to do is show the analytics from the 6 million channel views from the Do5 videos with the kids in them to prove she was making a CPM of $0.23 like she promised she would. Sending Joytards to autistically screech on lolcow will not push the narrative at all, it never has.
We have new minions saying recently that she showed them the analytics so it appears it was a lie she doesn't have them. If she doesn't though she still has the analytics for the 18% of those views that were on Spurpinkle Bow. Just show those analytics like she already promised she would and it's over.
It's not like using someone's abused children for views and then not giving them thousands of dollars you promised you would give them would make her look any worse at this point lol
No. 496623
>>495932 So did Kati join the stream from that channel she remade that has 112 subs or from her old channel? Pretty funny she's talking about how she deleted her old channel when she joined the stream with that channel name.
Just pushing the goal posts. It's gone from Kati's Patreon helping her figure out the total she owes Rose is $1,400 and she still needs to send her $200 but er 'card keeps not working', because she was purposefully entering the last 2 digits wrong to now Kati claiming to have given Rose $1,700. And Kati's talking about everyone elses story never being consistent lol
No. 496706
>>495932Talk about a persecution complex. Joy: "I've lost my channel, my income and my good name…"
Timestamp is 45:42 for when she talks about how everyone hates her for no reason. She has no criminal record and she's "a decent fucking citizen."
She's completely delusional.
Oh and she does plan on releasing more evidence to support her story in the future. She is a complete drama whore.
No. 496731
>>495932That whole stream is quite insufferable.
I got tired of waiting for someone to make a point and skipped ahead to around 40 min mark, just in time to hear Ms delusional herself mention people thinking she had a lot of pull but in reality she only did a little bit of help, which is a far stretch from what she previously said about herself as a hero in the do5 case. But it's nice to hear the truth from for a change, even if only as a result of her
evidence reel saving the day being debunked.
Had to skip again and heard them discuss chaos in the chat and blocking people, comparing it to the great amount of hate poor joy got in her streams, followed by her chiming in to say "I'm so glad to be away, it was nonstop and was too much,"….um she is literally on a stream saying this and has been streaming quite a bit so obviously, she isn't away. Hiding her channel til people forget about analytics is not being away.
That was about all I could tolerate before I saw a name of another lady on the stream that may be the pervert glitter molester so I peaced out rather 5hwn give that pig a view. If by chance it wasn't her, it was likely more of the same from joy anyway
No. 499692
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Kati must have juiced those joytards hard in her last patreon stream (same # bigger bucks)… You squeeze those $ out of dem tards there Kati… now that your "good name" (OMG, ROFL!) has been ruined their Lady of the Couch is relying on them for her delivered pizza funds. Only they can keep the tumors at bay because her boyfriend is too cheap to pay for that life saving Hurbal technology.
I can't wait till she talks TankedSaw into paying her to come on his show and have slap fights with more people… only problem is, no one gives enough of a shit to have a slap fight with her now that Chambers has done her apology and penance streams.
Look for Kati to start trying to pick fights with new people in hopes of getting onto Da Lolcow Live TV (Kumite) again. Maybe she'll make an emotional connection with Zeph and draw Lizz Reptile into a cat fight… that would be eardrum rape squared.
No. 500809
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Look who's back on Twitter. I guess the lack of attention was just to much for her. The message she sent to Tommy C makes sense now. Apparently she's been messaging all kinds of YouTuber looking for a platform to shit talk people.
No. 500810
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>>500809Here's the DM she sent Tommy C.
No. 500841
>>500809HA! Like she isn't muted by everyone with more than two brain cells to rub together…
She's lucky that Tonka bashed his few brain cells out long ago or she wouldn't even have the Tonkatards to join up with what's left of her Joytards.
No. 500895
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She's completely insane. Now she's blaming Rose and her father for what she left YouTube. This cunt needs some help.
No. 501019
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No. 501042
>>501019Well when you orchestrate the whole thing with your retarded and elder molesting followers you have to make sure you have a front row seat.
We aren't exactly dealing with geniuses here.
No. 501379
>>500809She keeps saying she's going to release all this proof/evidence to show she's being wrongfully 'harassed/slandered'; yet never publicly provides anything to validate her claims.
Put up or shut up, you cunty bitch! Post this supposed evidence publicly instead of only showing your patreons (i.e. - people who have to pay you).
No. 501395
>>501379same fag
But then, given that this recent tirade seems to be about Rose - a woman who has temporary custody of her children after finally getting them out of an abusive household; and that temp custody was only for a year, which is almost over - posting that evidence could very well negatively affect Rose's custody case.
But no, Kati - let's not even consider what publicly labeling this woman as a scam artist and liar could do to her case - no, clearly, your online reputation matters far more than the welfare of those children, doesn't it?
Fucking disgusting cunt. Get your fucking priorities straight!
No. 502549
>>501540This. Sorry, but I don't give a flying fuck about rose.
Kati was called out for building her channel and making money on the backs of abused kids. SHE said she would not PROFIT from that and would give it away. I don't care if Kati gives it to the Salvation Army… Kati has not shown the receipts (like she said she would) and so has shown that she was quite happy to build her channel and to make profits on the backs of abused kids.
It's only Kati that people are worried about becuase ONLY KATI went on Warski Live and said that she would show receipts and give any revenues away. Kati's mouth wrote a check that her ass was not willing to back up. She clearly always intended to build her channel and make profits from those abuse videos. She's a vile human and those that are funding her are just as vile.
No. 502863
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Someone sure is starved for attention.
No. 502870
>>502863So she's posting from a dumpster?
Also the lady of the couch will be on younow at 5pm. That should be good for a few laughs to see her all manic.
No. 503098
She's streaming…'s already told someone to go fuck themself for giving her a gift
No. 503180
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>>503098Sorry for samefagging but the big reveal will happen tomorrow. On Kumite 11 am Central time. She guested with Chambers and they are buddies once again united in releasing text messages. Joy also called out Melinda Gail and Based Momma.
No. 503248
>>503239I don't know… I like tampon thursdays… let all the whiners on the rag come out and grind their axes… like anyone gives a shit about rose any more.
Kati, you were happy to build your channel on the backs of abused kids. That has nothing to do with Rose. That was all you, you fat heifer.
No. 503257
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Tonka is collecting himself quite the hefty herd of lolcows for that show of his. The slap fights will be seismic!
No. 503354
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"Meet me on kumite" LOL you stupid fucking cunt. No one takes you seriously when you're threatening an 80 year old man. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
No. 503357
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>>503180>>503239Maybe they'll all wear matching burger king head sets! One drive thru, no waiting!
No. 503361
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And there it is. All of this bullshit over the last week was for her comeback.
No. 503417
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Joy is a cockroach that just won't leave. Although I'm sure the bug has better hygiene than skills than Joy. Also, Joy, you are sooooper big and tough calling out a Grandfather and in previous videos talking about strangling an 11 year old Onion fan. She's going to eventually wear Tonka's crew down because she's fucking manic and can never let anyone get a word in. The moment Tonka's crew does something that Lord of The Couch slightly doesn't like, she will throw him under the bus too. Joy is her own demise. It's not because of Rose. It's because of you Joy. You exploit tragedy and pain for your own damn gain. You reek toxicity and I'm not talking about your made up copper toxicity.
No. 503439
jfc, chambers.
though i totally agree with what you said about the family.
this is my opinion based on right now. we'll see what happens when she shows the "evidence" tomorrow. (keep in mind this is the woman who tried to pass off her self-reported complaints and what they were testing for based on those complaints as a "diagnosis" when neither were AND said she was TOLD they were a diagnosis. (Spoiler: she probably wasn't.))
rose talking shit about you all to each other. wow, women taking shit behind other womens backs? i'm sure that's never happened before! also, whoooooooooooooa the sky is blue today! such a fucking nonissue in the grand scheme of things.
don't you see she's just trying to explain away why she didn't give all the money earned from those videos to rose? she's backsplaining and spinning her own narrative on it.
rose asking for money… you mean, the money kati said she would give her? was she supposed to be like "BITCH, WHERE'S MAH MONEY?" and then threaten her with her pimp hand? (i just visualized it. haha. if i had any photoshop skills…)
don't you see she's just trying to explain away why she didn't give all the money earned from those videos to rose? she's backsplaining and spinning her own narrative on it.
have you ever lived in a hotel? have you ever lived in a hotel without a car? i have. it's fucking expensive. not just the rate for the room, but because you don't have the things you take for granted in a house/apartment. no stove, no full size fridge, no washer and dryer, no space you can trust to be clean/pest-free and, oftentimes, no easy access to fresh food or even the simple goddamn things like soap and toothpaste. you have to take a taxi (back in MY day, we didn't have uber, etc) because in merica we don't believe in public transport, we get around by pulling our bootstraps so our public transport blows goats.
don't you see she's just trying to explain away why she didn't give all the money earned from those videos to rose? she's backsplaining and spinning her own narrative on it.
as for "the grand conspiracy," these threads started before daddy of five. it's just a way for her to shrug of her responsibility for the criticism she's received.
don't you see she's just trying to explain away why she didn't give all the money earned from those videos to rose?
chambers, you said something to the effect of that a lot of people have taken advantage of you in the past. maybe part of it is because it's really important for you to see yourself as "reasonable" Maybe you are very reasonable but not very discerning. Not trying to be mean.
one more time, with feeling
don't you see she's just trying to explain away why she didn't give all the money earned from those videos to rose? she's backsplaining and spinning her own narrative on it.
No. 503445
>>503432Kati chose to cut and run rather than show her analytics… Kati made her channel off the backs of bullied kids and was (as it turns out) proud to do that.
She wasn't bullied… all she had to do was show the analytics and if she didn't like Rose, she could have given the money to a charity. As it was… it looks like it all went to drive through and pizza delivery.
No. 503461
wow, she's even bringing up nick monroe.
this stream in a nutshell (no pun intended) look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel! look over there, a squirrel!
No. 503517
>>503450She also managed to create quite the little army for herself. A whole bunch of minions who will tear anyone who is even remotely critical of jsbs into shreds and now she is back. I know that she preys on vulnerable people but, my god, such loyalty.
Maybe she's been lucky but at one point, I was starting to actually believe she really was going to leave. Ha ha, I was stupid to think she would surely never turn on rose and that all her fans would be cool with it. I can't imagine how she has convinced them that rose is deserving this. Even I'm wondering what this evidence is going to be like and whether she's going to make a fool of herself.
No. 503539
just wanted to point out lolcow called it even before it started to happen openly 5th
No. 503540
Kati she's such a coward she needs her minions to back her up and defend her that's why Kati on Kumite and not her own YouTube channel.
I don't believe any evidence that Kati gonna show on Kumite because the evidence can be fake with the help of Kati minions like Angel Zone, Denise, CJ, xdiamonddebx, Pud Stuffin etc.
Kati and her minions plan a trap for Moral, Repzion, Based Mama, Robert Hall, Nick etc to come to Kumite. Tonka, Geek, Angel Zone, Kati will definitely screaming and yelling like bunch of monkeys that they are and deny the truth as usual.
No. 503558
Also just tossing out there how convenient Kati's timing is. She went into hiding because her cronies almost drove Phil to suicide, but he's back now on the discord I'm sure she has someone watching and wouldn't you know, here she is crawling back out of the gutter right on time.
It's almost as if she runs away and leaves her minions hanging every single time shit gets too real and she can't handle the backlash she's stirred up. How very shocking that she'd done it again.
>>503449Looking at the comments and I'm just so very confused. How the hell can anyone be a fan of her "content" though? A fan of her as a youtuber or whatever, I mean. It's baffling as hell. Even if you ignore every shady and fucked up stunt she's pulled, who the fuck is genuinely excited to see her get on and ramble for hours about, literally, the same exact topic that she never got off of from 10 months ago ? Who sees her little promos and says "Yes finally! More old ass drama and essentially a reupload of every sinlge previous video since April of last year. Yes. This is the quality content I've been missing!" Not to mention her toxic personality has taken a hold of her looks…plus that grating voice.. what the fuck is even the appeal?!?
No. 503636
>>503561Judging by that extra chin and neck roll going on, clearly the voices say "double pepperoni and extra cheese next time"
I loved that her weight is due to "slow oxidation" … honey, you fat because you sitting around eating all day. Ain't no "oxidation" mystery about it.
No. 503653
It would be great if this bitch could finally back shit up. How many times is she going to pull the "that's it, I'm clearing my name, not taking anymore bullying, dropping major bombs, it will all make sense later/now" game? I suppose as long as there's at least $20/month patron loot coming in. It's always more of the same with her, with no actual new info. At this point, she's done more of these moments than she has created actual content that isn't her bitching and moaning. Not that I don't love the drama, just worth noting, as Our Lady of FritoLay frequently reminds all that she is a kind and compassionate person, out to help others .
I also love how she it's still more of the same ol with her health. Not too long ago she said how she was all figured out and better, til she found out she again has her heavy metal poisoning, + mercury, so her stomach was all messed up. Now that's all better but her fibro is all bad again. (I won't elaborate any further about it, lawd knows she gets her health update ideas from here and Dr Google.)
Her mention of Geek confirming her illnesses because "he used to do medical coding and knows the codes," is nothing less than hilarious. She was right in saying the codes are used for billing but that doesn't confirm her health claims. You can walk into your first Dr appointment ever and give them illnesses you weren't diagnosed with and have those added to your medical history. Besides that, I don't recall her showing codes to verify all of her diagnosis claims. Regardless, she lies even in the rare event receipts are presented, like her bloodwork results and saying what was abnormal when some were completely in range.
I wonder how long it will take her to disappear again to "focus on her health" or get away from "SYSTEMIC" bullying.
No. 503664
>>503653Her parteon is bleeding $$$ … she's trolling for new idiots to support her pizza fund while she works on getting the right mix of toppings to cure her fibromylupus,
now with slower oxidation!We should be grateful that there are any joytards left willing to keep baiting this idiot onto the interwebz for the free entertainment. The whole herd of cows seem to be having spring fever right now and they're all gushing milk.
No. 503673
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>>503361Bet she didn't think that call for subscriptions would work out as well as it did!
No. 503675
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For anyone who thinks those Do5 videos weren't the bulk of her sploogy channel views.
No. 503741
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This statement from Milinda Gale is intresting. Whether you like Rose or not. Kati having her pack of retards contact DHS is disgusting behavior.
That tweet to Rose's father from last night makes sense now. She know he wouldn't do anything because of the court order. So that made her all brave. Kati truly is the poster child for why abortion is a good thing.
No. 503750
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This reminds me so much of when Onision "explained" the email from A, making her "say" things she didn't say by simply suggesting she said those things.
"A lot of people are, hun" isn't a confirmation. People were calling her crazy before Daddy of Five. Not because of some shadowy cabal, but, in part, because she behaved… obsessively. So, yeah, a lot of people are, hun. Not because people were playing a long game, but because … that's how she fucking behaved.
"There's a good 40 people gathering to take her down" Um, so? It doesn't speak to whether their intent was valid or not. Nor does it speak to whether their criticisms are valid or not. All it says is that they organized.
No. 503796
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No. 503801
>>503796She's so tuff harassing people that she knows can't reply because they would get contempt of court charges.
She really is a raging dumpster fire.
No. 503832
>>503826Not as long as they're getting views and super chat $$$.
I think it's obvious now that tonka's crew is in it for the clicks. They eat their own as soon as it becomes the thing that's popular.
No. 503846
>>503830Chambers needs a sign that says "Please love me! I'm super important!" She is so desperate for attention, it would be sad if it didn't have the capacity to do so much damage.
But you know, it's really all about the kids!
No. 503886
>>503766Can someone post a play-by-play?
I'm at work and can't watch
No. 503897
>>503846Kati I know it must have been torture for you when Chambers spoke for 5 whole minutes uninterrupted!
>>503888Yeah Joy is shouting out for everyone she feels slighted by to show up. Based, Nick Monroe, Repzion…
Chambers said after the stream they will drop a link with what they call evidence so any who can't listen now probably isn't missing much aside from Joy ranting and raving in real time.
No. 503923
>>503918That is chambers fault.
The lawyer thing, yeah, but the aeticle info was chambers doing. She could have said no.
Damnit, I wish I wasn't working right now
No. 503985
>>503981So you thought you'd derail a thread about kati to take up arms on behalf of others and bash BM because you insist that it's a scam when there's only unproven heresay?
Get off the thread or get back to the subject.
No. 504005
>>504000Aside from my own morbid desire to see Katie step in her own shit again, I don't see why anyone gives her the satisfaction of even responding to her.
I'm just watching to see how much more crazy she is than last time and reconfirm that chambers is a drama whore who will attach herself to anything she can so someone will pay attention to her, even if it is the Maury Povich show of youtube.
No. 504019
The family tragedy videos:
First one: (no fund raising) one: (she went to the family to ask them to raise money for it) No. 504025
>>504005I have no idea why anyone entertains her either. It's all ranting, cursing and throwing other people under the bus with her. This isw an ancient issue now and she won't let it die without her getting the last word in to be the victim. Now she's saying that Tim Conlon is
the source and that he wanted her to apply pressure on CPS with her videos.
No. 504031
>>504026Exactly… all she ever had to do was show the analytics and that she'd donated the money SOMEWHERE… she built her channel and profited on the abuse of those kids.
Kati changing your name is a public record… you may as well save your $500 because you are a horrible person willing to profit from abused children.
No. 504050
HA! Nick is sticking up for the article and there really is nothing wrong in the article for him to redact. His article:'s been bitching about hard feelings so there's nothing to redact. He's done actual research beyond her claims and included that information.
I hope he sticks by his article.
No. 504060
>>504050He gave copious citations, so if he printed anything inaccurate, she has had ample time to correct it, but she isn't. She's crying about how mean everyone is, as usual.
How long til she goes after evil mastermind, Rose?
No. 504078
Joy and Chambers had showed Nick and others in the chat messages that say Roses current BF used funded money for weed. Also that he is abusive and that Cody doesn't like him.
>>504061Joy said that the BF sleeps in the same bed with Cody when Rose has custody. She din't say he molested him but it
is extremely inapropriate. They said Rose sleeps with Emma and that she locks the door to keep away from the BF.
No. 504084
>>504078So why wait until now to show it? Why didn't they show this stuff when they got it??
Oh, because it wasn't advantageous for them back then
No. 504089
>>504076 Can someone tweet Nick about this. It about the analytics Kati not monetize abused kids.
And why they just show their evidence to each other not to the public?
No. 504102
>>504098Not here… she's drug Rose through the dirt, but I quit giving a shit about Rose back in June.
Kati is still a drama whore who stepped on her own dick and is now desperately trying to throw shade elsewhere so people don't look at the fucked up cunt that she is.
Kati had 50 videos out on those kids before she even acknowledged Rose existed. Even then, Kati wasn't sure that's where the monetization would go. Kati monetized those videos long before Rose even spoke up.
No. 504104
>>503981O/T reply. Sorry.
Paypal will seize control over an account if more than 3% of purchases receive refund requests.
If I sold 100 items and 3 people wanted refunds, paypal can and does take over the account and there is nothing the merchant can do. They did this to a friend of mine who sold t-shirts on etsy.
It takes a really long time to go through their process to get your account straight, especially if the account isn't immediately listed to an individual.
The merchant has to submit a lot of paperwork, which has to be manually reviewed and applied by many different people at paypal.
Additionally, BM could have contested refunds by labeling them as donations, but didn't.This ia how Joy can keep hers, despite her obvious scamming. BM did approve refunds until paypal took over the account, which would follow what she and the other lady said.
As to speakers leaving, that was because there were contracts, which most of them freely admitted. And in doing so, showed how little they know about business or their own interests. A business has a lot of legal protections already. A contract would assure a speaker that the business would deliver on their promises.
No contract means the speakers could have done their jobs and the business owed them nothing and had no obligation to give them anything for their services. Anyone who would fight a contract instead of negotiating one is an idiot.
End Rant.
No. 504107
>>504105Kati has them on the standard rabbit hole of bitching about Rose.
She's yet to prove that she even donated the money from her dead relatives, she's never shown analytics for those Do5 vids, do you think she's going to give up her primary cash cow of "muh invisible illnus that's about to kill me!"
No. 504115
>>504110Because disability actually does demand to see evidence of illnesses… that's why she doesn't even apply. You have to have (a) held work in the past 5 years and (b) have an actual illness that's treated by REAL doctors (and not homeopaths).
She was told to seek mental health over her complaints by actual hospitals and doctors and she wasn't happy with that.
No. 504130
>>504127Oh.. honey… she said in another livestream that SHE had anxiety and PTSD over Phil trying to commit suicide… Phil was suicidal and Kati got PTSD from it!
Kati is a cunt beyond measure!
No. 504151
>>504040Lest we forget - that dog is supposedly a rescue dog and hates loud noises. If Kati was shrieking all that time, that's why the dog is whining. And, instead of checking in on the dog, herself (like a responsible pet owner would); she's saying Dom will deal with it when he got home?
And she wonders why her critics made the claim she was an unfit pet owner. Way to prove people right, Kati!
>>504063And then she'd milk the tragedy for views.
>>504078And who sent her those texts? Rose herself, or someone else?
>>504105Because, according to Geekthulu, evidence is not required in Kumite streams.
No. 504192
>>504174And they're fucking saying she sounds off and implying she might be high. She can't be exhausted and not in the mood to deal with Joy and her demands? Rose felt she was between a rock and a hard place and had to cater to Joy and make a video to protect
her reputation and now Joy is throwing her under the bus.
>>504183Nah, it's a recording of the phone call between Rose and Joy where Joy wanted her to make a video in support of her. She wanted the videos of her kids down and Joy was sweating about her views.
No. 504196
>>504191Only to sane people who know better.
Kati's sychophants will see it as evidence that Rose was being manipulative.
The fact that Chambers would stand behind Kati on this particularly sickens me; as wasn't Chambers the one who initially got involved with Rose?
No. 504217
>>504209Thank you, because for a minute I thought I stepped into the twilight zone and not the 'hey this might be actually interesting' one.
Also, Kati talking about other people's anger issues/how quickly
they get angry. LOL, bitch.
No. 504222
>>504198She had neonatal hypoxia (so was brain damaged by temporary lack of oxygen) and has been on disability as a result of it.
So, yes, her slurred / slow speech is a result of a disability she doesn't control.
No. 504242
>>504231Joy said she spent $80 on the steakhouse meal and $40 at a sub shop for lunch. I have no idea how they know this and why they're the arbitrators here. Like I get that's not the best use of the funds but Joy has been teasing for months about those analytics that will never see the light of day. This comes off like she screetching to look at Rose so we won't get to ask Joy tough questions.
She's making comments about Roses employment but first off CPS will decide if Rose is suitable or not and who the hell is Joy to look down on someone working even part time? Joy is a full time couch monster who streams for hours in the middle of the day.
No. 504249
>>504238We can't all be super genius villains like Rose, but apparently Joy has no trouble tracking Rose's expenses.
That is beyond creepy. Why do they know how much she spent on anything?
No. 504276
>>504249Why isn't anyone asking that question in the stream?
Don;t they answer questions asked by the crowd?
No. 504295
>>504282Hi Based
>>504293citation needed when was this crap shown? proof?
No. 504302
>>504282Hi Based
>>504293citation needed when was this crap shown? proof?
>>504301whatever you say. Way to dodge my question though. Two big thumbs up
No. 504304
>>504282I have to be honest in saying I didn't see half of this, especially the texts. However Kati did get exceptionally boring so perhaps it was me who didn't read everything.
Perhaps some other anon can quickly confirm if all of this was indeed already posted.
No. 504309
>>504302What question?
Where is the evidence? Your guess is as good as mine.
Again, not Based. She hasn't even been active on twitter or youtube for months. Now she's here, and in possession of my body to do her bidding. I knew she was evil, i just didn't know she was a true blue witch
No. 504329
>>504323When it's helpful, she denies the validity of lolcow, but when it helps her in any way lolcow is totally valid.
Her irreligiosity offends me.
No. 504344
>>504323Oh ffs. Anything to be the victim.
Anything to distract from all the shitty things she has done. You'd think she was forced to upload all those videos about the kids and held at gunpoint to fork over the money . She thought there was shadiness from rose way back yet she still made the choice to keep going along with it. It's so bad that she had to run off the internet, yet here she is jumping back in. If she thought/knew early on that rose was being dishonest and misusing the money, then why continue on? She's such a bad bitch and certainly wasn't forced to. Wouldn't that mean that joy herself was intentionally being dishonest with her audience?
No. 504345
>>504262So this is all the "evidence" joy has been talking about for almost a year now? None of it puts her in a better light.
Side note: chambers is fucking retarded.
No. 504351
>>504338Funny, it was that exact video that finally convinced me that Kati was a self absorbed egomaniac.
Honestly - the only reason Kati thought they were responding to her was because something they said in an article vaguely sounded like something she said in a video.
No. 504354
>>504351Like something she and thousands of other Internet busy bodies were saying? Um… remember there was a vid put out by PhillyD on the topic that riled up tens of thousands, if not more people. His individual videos got far more views than her entire library of 100+ videos.
So, yes they posted something because they're a professional PR agency. It isn't rocket science that they don't take on mother Teresa as their clients.
No. 504355
>>504338I'm still reading the texts. 61th in ( RH/Kati exchange ). Not much of interest yet happening. We an probably agree they're all stupid AF for even allowing it to escalate this far.
( I appreciated the milk along the way, but this really did escalate into a snowball of major stupidity. Hope at least the kids are blissfully unaware of this. )
No. 504395
>>504391I'm still trying to figure out how any of this 'evidence' is meant to make either of them look less shitty.
What I can see is that Joy is still Joy and Chambers is actually kind of a bitch.
No. 504414
>>504262I just wasted 2 hours on "evidence" that doesn't prove anything we all haven't been saying for months.
[Get out your tin foil hats]
Does it seem to any other anons that maybe the lawyer was using all of them the entire time? Rose doesn't seem capable of operating this level of conspiracy so the only person involved who could have and would have is the lawyer.
No. 504451
>>504395>>504414Same here… I'm though about 80% of this and this is nothing more that has been said over and over and over for the last six months. There is nothing new here except that Rose kicked the BF out for buying pot.
This makes Kati look like an idiot… where is the PROOF! that she promised?
AND, for those thinking she was going to prove her death's door illnesses that keep her fat ass glued to that couch… not there. Not even remotely there. Apparently, she's still using the "Listen and Believe" approach on that one.
What is interesting is that the tonkatards think this proved anything at all?
She bald faced lied about the videos when those kids were killed (actual videos linked above so you can see for yourself) and they believed her now revamped story? WTF?
She monetized the Do5 videos (and was called on it) long before Rose even showed up on the scene, so she did NOT do that to help Rose out at all. She did that to feed her pizza habit and was called out on it.
She has never shown receipts for donating to the funeral of her family members… as far as we know… the monetization of those vids went the way of pizza delivery.
She was being called out as early as Feb 2017 for being crazy. That was not a Do5 thing, that was a bitch went crazy on MULTIPLE kids at different times thing.
No. 504479
File: 1518747681353.png (40.75 KB, 436x122, fgVySvH.png)

Remember Kati screming "She spent $8000 on the hotel in the first month! That's INSANE!"
Bitch, your own EVADUNCE shows the $8000 was for THREE months.
Bet none of the Tonkatards are going to even bother reading this bullshit and just by what these idiot are spouting off instead.
No. 504490
>>504482she didn't need to be able to login to Rose's account to set up the GoFundMe deposits, all she needed was the routing and account numbers. Just like, you know, direct deposit at work.
also, the "proof" isn't a bank statement. it was a text file. A TEXT FILE.
No. 504496
>>504482Rose can't set up her own GFM and needed help from chambers, but she can play 4D chess with joy & co. when it is convenient to joy & co. to play victim?
I thought joy paid some of Rose's hotel bill, so why doesn't joy know how much it cost? She mentions her generosity often enough, she must have the price memorized by now.
No. 504497
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In Kati's shit for brains "Jun 21 breakdown" where she was going over her finances (OMG, it's like a fucking idiot made that docuement!)… Kati has the fact that Rose has (or had) income from disability… you know, Kati you cunt… disability that is only awarded to people with proven issues that prevent them from working full time?
Fucking cunt is bitching that Rose isn't holding a night job + part time jobs + what ever else for her kids and the woman was officially disabled when this all started? Who knows if the State of MD picked that back up because disability is a state by state thing. But, holy hell… Kati is a massive cunt!
(Number blocked out by me because I'm not going to throw a strangers personal info out on the web like Kati and Jeremy like to do)
No. 504517
>>504510It seems like the kind of thing kati would want in on. She keeps the videos up to prove negligence by YouTube…could rake in a lot of fame and a lot of money.
No wondee the phone calls with the lawyer aren't in the drive.
No. 504518
>>504510Kati's videos had no impact on ANY litigation (except if someone wanted to use them to commit her to a mental health facility or to sue her for violation of the privacy of those kids). You don't get to just take your butt hurt into a court and they pay out like some slot machine. Any litigation would have had to show REAL damages or violation of REAL laws.
Kati's 100+ videos were just violations of human decency and lacked any respect for the privacy of people going through a horrible time. There's a reason the the actual NEWS doesn't pull up videos and make wanking motions while they speculate on how the adults were getting boners out of abusing children. It's called basic human decency … something entirely foreign to Kati and her crew.
No. 504527
>>504524HA! You mean like how Kati's BFF Takedownman called YouNow's CEO a pedophile and Kati went along with it 100% and left YouNow over it until her YouTube got too hot to handle?
Here's a hint… Kati LIKES YOUNOW because 75% of them are 25yo and younger. YouTube has an older audience who don't give a shit about YouNow and don't want to go onto a platform full of 13yos livestreaming from their bedrooms.
The reason the YouNow crowd is so much nicer there is because they're all kids who have no clue and believe everything she says.
No. 504536
This may be old milk …I didn't know Katie made ABC News's @157:00
Good for anyone that may have forgotten the sadness of Do5
No. 504566
>>504527Now I remember who Joy reminds me of! There was this old soap called sunset beach, and this chick ran around with a turkey baster full of her ex husband's semen for like 2 weeks, and planned to get herself pregnant and accuse her ex of rape and take all of his money.
That is who Joy reminds me of. Not a real person, a crazy person from an awful soap opera
No. 504574
>>504553Go to about 5:35:00
If you go a bit earlier Joy says it's all lies and that she counted 70 lies, wow!
No. 504650
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Going through the tweets by Poppie… here's an example of those vicious threats he makes /s
The only threats I've seen are to litigate against Kati. Sorry, dear… but that's not exactly life threatening when you don't even have a pot to piss in.
No. 504658
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>>504653This is in their evidence of harrassment… they're not even 12yos… they're just not sane.
No. 504664
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Holy shit… Poppie is clearly insane… doesn't like people using the C word and has an attorney in the family…
So, out of one of the evidence files… Not a single threat, multiple times Poppie has said Kati had nothing to do with certain aspects and REPEATED Over and Over and Over again for Kati to leave Rose alone.
No. 504696
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No. 504699
>>504696Kati is having a cow! The world has not bowed down to her. Now, people aren't even allowed to have private opinions I guess.
KATI … where are those analytics? Or else you have to admit you were happy to build your channel on the backs of those abused kids.
No. 504708
>>504704Yep. She's raging after Poppie. Chambers is probably the one sending her screenshots as I see Poppie follows that slug.
Harassing an old man online isn't a good look. As always, it's Joy's own behavior that makes her look fucking crazy. Ain't nobody gotta do much to help.
No. 504709
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This is what set her off… and I have to admit, after reading all that shit… Based Mama comes off as the brightest bulb on that crazy tree.
No. 504710
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No. 504727
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This isn't reeking of cultism at all… noooo… not. at. all.
No. 504804
>>504513So, which is it, Kati? A picture insulting your weight or a maternal/ptotective image? Because it can't be both!
If someone has a Twitter and tweets to Poppie, tell the man to report Kati for harassment - because that's exactly what she's doing right now.
No. 504810
>>504804Same fag.
Also loving how Kati's sycophants are criticizing Poppie for quoting 'The Sound of Silence' - claiming he has no idea what the song is even about; completely oblivious to the fact that they're the ones who haven't a fucking clue (including their Mistress of Couch Pototatoes - who seems to thinks the song is about depression).
Here's a segment of the wiki article about the song - it has nothing to do with depression.
'Garfunkel once summed up the song's meaning as "the inability of people to communicate with each other, not particularly internationally but especially emotionally, so what you see around you are people unable to love each other."'
Hell, these idiots want to talk abouthow Poppie omits certain song lyrics - here's the one they conveniently forgot about.
'And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said:
"The words of the prophets are
Written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sound of silence."'
What do they make of that part, I wonder.
No. 504815
>>504650>>504658>>504664>>504709>>504710>>504727Tweet by one of Kati Minions
Pud Stuffin
Looks like the Moron Virus got his twitter suspended.
Well, I'm sure the Queen of Liar Kati and Kati minions laughing insanely at this tweet known Moral Virus Twitter got suspended.
Why people do not report to Twitter about Kati bully an elderly man Robert Hall. Kati Twitter should get suspended too.
No. 504817
I've seen Moral Virus' tweets prior to his second suspension - and the suspension was well deserved, in my opinion.
However, Kati is actively harassing an old man who asked her - point blank - to leave him and his family alone; and she's doing nothing but dragging them through the mud.
Either someone needs to encourage him to report her to Twitter for slander/harassment or someone needs to do it for him (I would - but I deactivated my Twitter months ago).
No. 504823
>>504817People need to screenshot Kati twitter ASAP before Kati delete the evidence.
Because now Kati has a new minion named Chambers reading here on Lolcow like Kati other minions and sent Kati private message to delete the evidence on Kati twitter.
No. 504928
>>504906Sounds like Onision in a nutshell. It's called narc injury.
Except she's worse than him. Speaking of, did Maury ever get back to us about the DNA results of these two? Kek
No. 504955
>>503664>>504586I can't believe you assholes would make fun of her sooper cereal disease!
Maybe you should watch part of this documentary about it and educate yourselves instead of just shit talking your slander and lies!
You'll all be sorry when she's dropping literal bombs on your asses after she finishes her metal mutant transformation!
(SARCASM) No. 505043
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No. 505068
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No. 505097
>>5050431) Projection much? JFC!
2) She was NEVER the top supporter, because a) all the money she donated came from people who donated to her to support Rose and b) even if she was the top supporter, she lost that title the moment she started to slander Rose.
Good God! The fucking audacity of this rabid bitch!
No. 505104
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>>505043OMG… bitch is losing her fucking mind! This is hysterical!
No. 505108
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>>505043>>505104This is the tweet that set off that crazy ass wall of text and the threat tweet and she drug up two nothing tweets from Nov… but this is the one that set her off.
OMG, I've never seen this level of bat shit crazy before. Pretty soon she's going to be threatening people just for using twitter at all because it will some how offends her… Maybe she'll decided to go after Trump's account and gets a special Secret Service hello basket.
No. 505110
>>505104For the love of puppies - anyone who has a Twitter, report the bitch for harassing the old man.
So many other get their accounts suspended for abuse - she should never be the exception.
No. 505126
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>>505124Ask and you shall recive.
No. 505135
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Does anyone else suspect that the hentai butt plug is goading Kati into this melt down… would be hysterical if he's got her running around barking like a fucking seal for the sake of FINALLY getting someone to stream with him on that lame ass channel.
I can't understand how he can have his head so far up Tonka's ass and not manage to break 1000 views on his livestreams. Good on you Cuckthulu… you might finally break 1000 views if you can manage to get your tech right while your barking seal is screeching out all those obscenities.
No. 505197
File: 1518809810107.jpg (86.23 KB, 579x411, harassers.jpg)

Hey we're getting 2 more streams about the bad people who've done her wrong! I guess releasing all that "evidence" didn't make her feel vindicated enough.
No. 505212
File: 1518810185169.png (165.98 KB, 414x416, CLOb4Yv.png)

>>505197How dare you! The Lady of the Couch has been wronged! People had opinions that she did not approve of. Many of those people are MUCH SMARTER than her and refused to buy the shit she was peddling.
(That and she really needs to get her pizza Patreon pitty bucks back up there before Dom makes her get of her ass and get a job!)
No. 505313
>>482253If any of you going on Geek stream at 4pm.
Ask Kati about why she deleted her main channel, people simply wanted to see the analytics because Kati said she will not monetize child abused if she did so Kati will donated it accordingly.
No. 505440
>>505135This very thought occurred to me yesterday during that kumite mess. Chambers and some of the guys on the show were both really encouraging Joy to release that info about Rose and talking about clearing her name and that kind of bullshit. The whole thing has been a disaster and it seemed like they were getting her hyped up about this and of course Joys outrageous behavior will get them some views.
>>505104Larry Hogan is the governor of Maryland! She is full on delusional passed the point of return if she thinks he will ever acknowledge her existence in a positive way.
No. 505517
>>505505I don't blame you. Not gonna lie, when I saw that excel sheet of "haters," I rushed to see if I was on it. I wasn't. I guess I flew under her radar.
Clearly, she's missed a WHOLE lot of people. heh.
No. 505574
File: 1518826211526.jpg (108.95 KB, 591x650, nickmon.jpg)

They're back to blocking one another again.
No. 505581
File: 1518826559447.jpg (72.29 KB, 576x288, okjoy.jpg)

>>505574Now he's been challenged to come to another stream and get shouted at some more.
No. 505610
File: 1518827916948.png (238.65 KB, 585x899, temp.png)

"He's so insecure… by the way… MY E-PEEN IS BIGGER."
Actually, in context, sweetie, he was disproving your argument, not comparing e-peens.
The only one comparing e-peens is you.
So insecure and pathetic, indeed. Not him, you.
No. 505647
>>505610 Of her 13.3 million total channel views between her main channel and her 2nd channel approximately 10 million of those channel views occurred during April, May, June, July. It is no exaggeration to say that 80% of the views and 67% of the subscribers, the lion's share of exposure and $ generated, were directly 'drama ghouled' off the back's of Rose's children.
How this insane screeching harpy thinks harassing and attacking people is ever going to make that something to be proud of is beyond me.
It's literally exactly the thing she claimed she would
NEVER do, and in the end it was just about the only thing she ever did.
She's certifiable and all the people who keep feeding into her insanity in hopes of riding her coattail's to relevancy or for their own sick amusement are beyond reprehensible.
No. 505687
File: 1518832572899.jpg (41.58 KB, 590x254, retracted.jpg)

Nick Monroe has added an update to this article: added that Tim Conlon was Joys source about what happened in the courtroom, he mentioned that stuff about using Phil as a source and then posted the messages he had with Joy today. Joy did not get her personal retraction or removal of the article!
No. 505693
>>505687Nick doubled down on "Drama Goul"… that was EPIC!
No. 505720
File: 1518835105289.png (139.37 KB, 1037x606, dGutLta.png)

HA! I would pay good money (earned money, not Kati's pitty bucks) to watch boyfriend Dom's face as she demands money to hire an attorney to go to court and clear her "good name"
Kati, you fucked your name by:
- Putting out 50 videos on Onision in less than a month.
- Hounding after 16yo girls for interviews because they "dated" (oh, wait, that was a click bait title when you wrote "exclusive interviews with Onision Exs") Onision
- Hounded a mentally fragile boy because he talked to someone you were having a fight with.
- Manipulating a 20 something disabled girl to shit post on lolcow to distract while you tried to clean up your Internet foot print, then calling HER a liar and a con artist.
- Sucked up to an 18yo for a "colab" so you could go on a fishing expedition to see how much Onision info you could pump her for.
- Monetized two videos about the deaths of family members where you called those family members every foul thing in the book as a "PSA" … bitch, you knew they were hurting and you couldn't wait to rub salt in their wounds.
- Pretended to have an Onision debate in March for click bait.
- Thrashed a what you thought was a 12yo commenter on one of your videos because you wanted to go all "gheto" on her ass because she pointed out that she would prefer that people stop using the term gheto as synonymous for bad.
And, ALL of that was before the Do5 Situation even started and you tried to monetize those vids and got called out on it.
This vid is long, but gives Kati's Do5 claims in her own fucking words. No. 505722
File: 1518835226473.png (38.57 KB, 680x383, 297 (2).png)

…while everyone else rolls their eyes.
No. 505875
File: 1518848368117.jpg (124.61 KB, 621x839, patrons.jpg)

This person is freaked out about being a former patron of Joys. Naturally this is a great offense to Joy so she tweets about it.
No. 506035
>>505508She's going to pay Bearing to be on his stream?
If I was a fan of hers, I'd be pretty pissed that she'd be using the money that I paid her to take care of her immediate needs (rent/groceries/pet care) on paying a Youtuber to rant on his stream.
No. 506058
>>505908Correction - Rose and her family are staying out of this mess (mostly for legal reasons).
Just because Kati is dragging that family through the mud in order to salvage her own imploded reputation doesn't mean that family are actively involved in this mess.
>>505602I don't use Twitter; but looking up his name the other day, Poppie's account was set to private (approved followers only. Checking today, his name doesn't even show - so, educated guess would be that the account was deleted.
And, in all honesty, I can't blame him. He set his account to private to keep Joy and her merry bad of drooling fantards from harassing/bullying him and his family; only to have someone within his privated group leak tweets he made and send them over to Kati - where she'd spin it to make it seem like Poppie was attacking her (even though said tweets never mentioned her name or even remotely alluded it was about her).
It's scary how easily her fantards will believe anything she claims.
No. 506188
Tinfoil, but, there's no way Dom doesn't have a side piece, even just an emotional relationship without it being sexual. I'd imagine that spending such an amount of time with someone so repulsive, in every way, would probably shrivel up his genitals. He probably does cartwheels on his way to work, in pure bliss and joy to be away from her.
In truth and aside from all her terrible behavior and actions, as a person she literally offers nothing and even on her good days, can't stray from telling lies or talking about how she's been wronged by every single person in her life. Her streams are nothing more than fabricated and contradictory health updates and shit talk. She doesn't leave the house, ever, and has no hobbies or interests at all. She is so lazy that she won't even get off her fat ass to even let her poor dog out to pee. Even her tards don't say otherwise.
It's blatantly obviously that any of her rare friendliness and donating are nothing more than a to-do list for her to gain support so she can have back up to demonstrate that she is a somewhat decent human.
No. 506246
File: 1518891658105.jpg (130.32 KB, 1439x1312, IMG_20180217_111724.jpg)

Yay another kumite. The only reason she's doing it there and at that time is because she knows it will be to late for Tommy C to do it and because she can have all of Tampon Saws group of retards support her while she shit talks Tommy C for not showing up.
No. 506274
>>506259Wouldn't that be like 9 or 10pm his time? I thought he didn't do them that late any more.
No. 506278
File: 1518893221069.png (152.87 KB, 725x642, 5FKUikw.png)

SO.. am working through that drive… Went through everything "based mama" and especially wanted to see this "campaign" that she was running.
there is nothing there that wasn't already said in the videos that based mama posted. NOTHING. No planning meetings, no you do this, i'll do that…. the closest i found was a message (pic provided) where she was aware that "There's a good 40 people gathering to take her down". This was on May 10 when Kati was still squawking about being media and being allowed to say what she wanted but she was CHOOSING to not say anything. She was saying that she had inside information that she'd release when the time was right.
To say that's based running a campaign to make her look crazy? For all I can tell, everyone was just DMing everyone else and she knew there were a lot of people pissed and planning videos… BECAUSE there were a lot of people pissed that she wouldn't shut up and was just making up more shit to vlog about.
Sooo…. this drive dump, unless she puts more up there… is looking like Kati is paranoid as fuck and has been for a long time. She started the "they have a campaign to make me look crazy" in May. She said it on Warski's show (May 24th?) that there was a major campaign against her and she had "proof!"
No. 506290
File: 1518893654894.png (623.47 KB, 928x598, mUSCApF.png)

>>506278This is Kati's main channel at that time. Notice how she's started to do side commentary and, then again, there's the ever present click bait titles.
In several of the videos she was saying shit like "And this isn't done, I'm going to stay on this until I know those kids are safe!"
She was splooging all over the place in weird topics, like the video about how BBC did but didn't interview her. They were just weird videos that took what most people might say in a single tweet and made them into rambling 10 minute tirades.
No. 506305
File: 1518894424504.png (3.62 MB, 1920x4327, LuFbfxW.png)

>>506278>>506290Here is her videos page archived at that time. Notice the massive number of just ranty videos about speculation that she either came up with or read on the twatters… and that's where the archive site doesn't "scroll down" so who knows how many were in just the prior week? She reached over 90 videos in only two weeks time.
(I'm trying to work through Kati's claims to sort the evidence to support them. This was a "quick" one since there was nothing there. And, frankly, if you've watched her shit show and the live streams and videos she's done… there isn't much new information in this shit. But, I DO encourage you all to look for yourself and not take my word on it!)
No. 506309
File: 1518894713856.png (335.22 KB, 1921x784, kNjm7Sz.png)

The boyfriend sleep with Cody evidence. Chambers knew June 16 and thought it was a fine idea. Here we are 7 months later and suddenly everyone is clutching pearls and heading to the fainting couches?
No. 506327
File: 1518895483428.png (110.83 KB, 1127x554, vyKA4TR.png)

>>506312I'm guessing this was because Kati posted pics of an email thread (not able to date if it was in October, December, Jan or Feb) where she was asking for weekly breakdowns for taxes. (you don't even need that for US taxes, you just need total earned)… and she was not even asking for per video, so that wouldn't have helped her case in showing that she hadn't earned more than she claimed. Pic is one of about 4 of the email chain and it is all the same.
No. 506341
>>506334Hence the reason why people should be reporting her every time she tweets something insulting/berating towards others - especially if it's directed towards the Hall family, as they have told her - directly - to stop talking about them/dragging them into her drama.
Kati won't be hanging herself if people stay silent as she continuously bullies/harasses people she deems as her 'haters'.
No. 506344
File: 1518896259966.png (176.97 KB, 1279x954, zS3w2aG.png)

>>506303Yeah… about that tiny tiny 105 pounds… when she was registered for star search, she claimed quite a bit more than that.
No. 506354
>>506341Well, I agree if it's directed toward the Hall family.
The best way to discredit her is to let her do it herself. Outside her little hugbox, I don't think anyone is taking her seriously. She's not collecting supporters by the way she is behaving, only losing them. This is just the way I see it, maybe I'm wrong.
No. 506366
File: 1518897318480.png (942.67 KB, 1280x720, f3gT75P.png)

>>506347 In crazy town, if you keep screaming something long enough that makes it true.
She has truly become Onision only without the talent or the sanity.
No. 506430
File: 1518901343976.png (92.86 KB, 780x580, RmUJa1X.png)

Kati claiming that she's doing this shit fest "for the children!"
BITCH, if you have concerns, then wouldn't taking them to CPS be the correct way to inform them instead of running around YouTube ranting like a hyena about "da haterz!" and looking like an unmedicated crazy bag lady?
Remember when Onision told her to fuck off and she did that stream and GoFundMe to buy/ship him a glittered up fax machine? This is clearly that level of stupid 50x over.
No. 506436
>>506430And yet, if CPS has been involved with Rose all this time and thought she was an unfit mother, Rose would have lost custody of the kids months ago. And haven't the kids been seeing a counselor since leaving Do5's house of horrors? If the counselor found anything that remotely told them the kids were being mistreated while under Rose's care, they'd also intervene without hesitation.
Nice to know that Kati thinks she knows better than CPS - or trained counselors - when it comes to the welfare of Rose's babies. But then, she' also the same person who says doctors don't know squat and a person can heal themselves via meditation/prayer; so I shouldn't be surprised she'd think she knows better than trained professionals.
No. 506442
File: 1518902438239.png (104.71 KB, 763x554, nJxM9Xg.png)

Um… this isn't crazy stalker sounding shit, now is it? Guess now that poppie has made a different twitter account, she's going to stalk other people. Holy fucking shit does she sound unhinged and dangerous now!
No. 506444
File: 1518902641130.png (127.5 KB, 766x736, MmIbYYi.png)

Kati's supporters trying to calm her down… this is hysterical. Someone above posted about a parole officer or case worker first… I'm taking parole officer. This bitch will probably body slam some poor soul on the streets because she decided they looked at her wrong.
No. 506446
File: 1518902850801.png (145.14 KB, 768x839, HJy4kGK.png)

These are her supporters.
No. 506447
File: 1518902859164.jpg (522.69 KB, 1622x1170, IMG_20180217_121959.jpg)

>>506442Here's the letter she wrote Luna Blarp who she's also convinced is Eobard Thawne. Yet all the screenshots she has of Eobard Thawne and the account she tags are the account that Denise or Angel Zones made. That's some great detective work there Nancy Drew.
No. 506460
>>506451I'm pretty sure the man lives in fear of her.
Honestly, what other kind of man can stand living under the same roof as a woman who acts the way Kati does on a daily basis?
No. 506475
File: 1518903978540.png (256.15 KB, 1463x279, 7VUFXGH.png)

So, this is the infamous threat about Kati's boyfriend's work. It was made in response to her harassment campaign against someone else.
And, Kati's harassment campaign against that woman was because she tweeted a JOKE on twitter in response to a tweet by Negs.
No. 506555
>>506521She could still be a shit, although a less anxious one. The thing I wonder is what would have happened if she'd chalked all this up to experience, let it go, taken a break and made the content she kept claiming 'muh fibro' was preventing her from making. You know, cheap uplift of a crunchy, quasi spiritual sort and shallow, ill informed, banal commentary on today's events. She'd have possibly lost her core Pateon demographic of mouth breathers cheering on the school bully moments before he gets thumped, but I bet she'd have found a benign, fluffy audience (that nightmare girl unicorn liar, for one) who'd lap it up, and her approbatotors would vanish. But no. Not our Joy.
No. 506567
The Tommy C vs Kati isn't happening at all on Sunday. Tommy has a regular show he does every Sunday at 3 PM EST. It is going to be about her but not with her. She chose that time because she knows he can't be on the other stream. If she was so looking forward to facing her "haters" she would just go on his show and do that. I'm not sure why anyone would really want to face her right now, all she does is interrupt, yell, and mock people. No one gets to say what they need to say to her, she is still in her safe circle were comments and opinions are censored. The other shows she has been on allows her to do this and doesn't give the other person a chance to speak without her yapping over them.
On another note it's very interesting that she claims she was away from Twitter for so long and didn't know anything about the Richard Stiles freak out yet she has every screenshot anyone has ever talked about her. Maybe I can believe she was away, which I don't, I would still believe that someone in her circle would have told her about him immediately, since she even says "everyone brings these things to my attention.". I bet she has recorded phone calls all the way back to telemarketers, Dom's calls, and even her own families.
She is pretty brave on Twitter for calling everyone out, when she has half of Twitter blocked.
No. 506663
File: 1518914884957.png (122.76 KB, 671x800, xC1zKcj.png)

I really can't tell if Kati's herd of joytards are LARPing as morons or genuinely this retarded any more. If they have IQs above 50, they are the best LARPers I've ever seen.
No. 506674
>>506663I'll take both for $200, Alex. Jesus, what a moronic cult of mouthbreathing sycophants.
Okay, once in English - regardless of what that list was named, its purpose was most likely not for Taters to send holiday greetings.
Otherwise, why would there be a need to display a list used as "evidence" if not to "punish" those she had her goons identify on Twitter as those evil haterz (TM) and then siccing the cult on them via DMs?
No. 506701
>>506538I read this earlier and at first I read this and went.. wut?
But after mulling it over (got stuck in a very line for a long time)…
If she were a beard for Dom (a Hispanic man who uses the feminine spelling of the name ) who is from an Hispanic family, so would likely be pressured to be hetero-cis-normative… (and now I'm wondering if they're trans in some way?)
The pedo stuff on her own forums that was not delt with by the police at a time when the police were whole hog going after pedos and the "to catch a predator" thing was in vogue…
Her trolling a website geared at kids, that just throws them into random rooms. Her syrupy voice affect at them. I've seen her give birth control advice to someone she thought was 11yo (think about that… would you as a 32yo advice someone you thought was 11yo on birth control?)
Then there's the just plain weird "mashed potatoes" shit…
If she were, like I wrote above, just a beard for Dom and she used her free time trolling/grooming tweener girls… that would not surprise me at this point.
The beard thing (threat to out him to his family) would totally explain why he hasn't booted her ass and lives with the constant screeching going on.
The lesbian pedo grooming thing would explain why so many of her audience are people of non-conforming nature and stick by her even though she's as insulting as fuck to them.
I would also explain why she has other predators like Takedownman and Angel Zones in her circle of friends.
No. 506748
File: 1518921382008.png (300.3 KB, 1181x693, Q8iDxsC.png)

Piecing it together anon. Kati claimes she's owed money, Phil disputes this. Here is the reason it's in dispute.
SO JOYTARDS BE WARNED!… KATI will play nice and helpful then use that shit against you. Kati sure has been howling like a muthafucker saying she's due money!
No. 506786
File: 1518924940678.png (29.79 KB, 531x389, download (5).png)

Well, it looks like it went thru. She is currently locked out of her account for a certain amount of time. Good job guys. She can only be toxic for so long before it bites her in the ass.
No. 506833
>>506826It's too bad he wouldn't sue her. His little vacation shows the distress it caused him.
Furthermore, the information wasn't exposed because of genuine concern. That's one of the many common shields Kati uses to deflect criticism (Others include illness, feigning ignorance and confusion, for example). If it was genuine concern something would have been done a lot earlier. It was done out of pure malice.
Destroying your opponents credibility doesn't give you credibility. Likewise, proving your opponents insanity doesn't prove you to be sane. Sorry, not how it works.
No. 506845
>>506833Before their falling out, Kati had been BFF with him for over 10 years… I saw her comments on his facebook posts. His girlfriend on the YouNow streams certainly wasn't even remotely young.
Now, suddenly Kati knowing him for 10 years and just now finding out that as a High School senior he dated a freshman? And, she's so shook about the 16yo relationship that they have no evidence of any sex happening in… and she took her a week to get over it?
MY ASS! Kati flirted constantly on YouNow with 12yo boys. Look at how she flirted with that kid that made a video about her and even DWOlfe made creepy comments about how attractive that kid would be when he grew up… That's as 33yo flirting with 12yos… is anyone running for the fainting couches over that shit?
No. 506857
File: 1518928566803.png (221.86 KB, 783x535, X4eUlux.png)

>>506278More proof that Kati knows she hasn't got squat to prove Based Mama organized anything. This is her demands from Nick the day after the Kumite and the day after the drive drop.
Also… once again, sounds totally paranoid.
No. 506867
>>506859Ohhh, I thought you meant Kati. It seems like she's moved a lot. France, Canada, Washington, Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri, just to name a few. She also hasn't worked in years. That's why I got confused.
Hey remember when Kati was all flirty with that Cole person? He was high school age (the one that couldn't attend his graduation because he was in the hospital) joking about raping him and how sexy he was? Weird, right?
No. 506875
File: 1518929533167.png (448.53 KB, 1748x2560, j7mf5BP.png)

TWITTER THREAT made toward Kati by ImANEggPeeps account tweets that are shown
>>448677And Here:
>>448678That account made the threats in Dec 16 2017 and clearly hates Kati enough to go way beyond the pale. This is one of the death threats against Kati that she routinely talks about.
The threatening tweets were called out by people from all sides with the anti-joy people telling the joytards to try harder (paraphrased)…
But, what was that account doing earlier?
On Nov 28, it was full on joytarded and and haranging people who had hurt "Joy" (pic related)
Archive of the google cache result: No. 506966
>>506867Lots of people like to travel around for a couple of years.
She was earning money from YT which is a job once you reach a certain level.
No. 506968
File: 1518936164943.png (173.03 KB, 2048x1536, 4511F6F5-39C3-4578-AB67-1CBEB3…)

Hopefully this will help shut her up for awhile. She hasn’t posted for a few hours.
No. 506973
>>506966Those weren't just trips, she lived in each. You know, like a tramp.
SShe's living off Dom, not YouTube. lol
No. 506993
She's deleted some tweets, all but the one exception are archived.
964656672781238272 His response to explaining that it took him 10+ years to get over 100k and he cried to get a silver play button, while it took me 6 months to get 60k+. He hangs around harasers like @nickmon1112 and @DDsulzbach and prove how relevant he is lol this is so insecure and pathetic XD
964656914633232384 LOL says the asshole needing to start drama w me and continue it, whose been on youtube 10+ years, Imnot a critic. Im calling you an asshole for your asshole behavior and support of those that harass me like @nickmon1112 and @DDsulzbach .
964677417024544768 Total transparency. Fuck you for not wanting to correct your lies and standing up for Rose more than the abused kids. Aren't you a father? Don't you have an instinct to protect kids that aren't yours? Dramawhores of youtube and his circle jerks with @DDsulzbach
964682029261520896 I think its funny he only puts out this version of the tweets LOL. Stay unbiased and fair, while whining in a video about "lifes not fair" and i can take legal action on @DDsulzbach but i shouldnt on u bc u are poor single struggling father. you make money off of slander asshole
964686164635652096 Yep, bc I care about abused kids and clearing my name. are you ALWAYS a cunt who writes asshole shit like this about subjects u know nothing about?
964690182531362818 It's not nasty if it's true. Thanks for being a fan before, but don't come at me being a cunt. And try doing some research. Have you seen the Google drive I put out to back up what I'm saying?
964692651500072960 you came at ME first with that snide bitchy comment. LOL i dont give a fuck if i have your support, bc u talk ahit without knowing what u are talking about. go be a basic bitch to someone else and get a life.
964927674677387264 DELETED
964939519387725828 Funny that Im going on @Andywarski Sunday at 6 to call out Rose, robert, and @DDsulzbach aka MrRepzion, and he promised to remove and correct his video where he pushed bullshit lies about me.and LOW AND BEHOLD! He refuses to respond. Rep,face your Bs at me or forever be my bitch.
No. 507023
File: 1518942164060.png (93.08 KB, 958x771, jsbs3.png)

I love how Joy ambushes people all the time to scream at them but she is too scared to face whoever wants to tell her what a lunatic and terrible person she is.
No. 507046
File: 1518945359910.png (70.96 KB, 687x440, JB31o0g.png)

>>507023Cuck was freaking the fuck out that his crusty couch potato might get baked on Warsky… but JF seems to have calmed him down.
It will be interesting to hear a neuroscientist's take on Kati's heavy metal poisoning (including all that copper and aluminum in her brain). Maybe she'll show them her hair sample tests!
If she doesn't show for warski, it will prove she's a lying cunt and knows she'd get caught out on it.
No. 507116
File: 1518956088093.png (539.56 KB, 1144x893, pJCtuju.png)

TWITTER / VOCALIZED THREAT made against Kati by Based Mama
Based Mama says Kati can "go die in a fire for all I care." She both said it in a video and tweeted it (Image related).
In US Law, not caring if a person dies in a fire is not considered a threat. Neither are "you can go fuck yourself for all I care" or "you can jump off a bridge for all I care" While it may hurt our feelings when people tell us they don't care about us, that is not something most grown US adults take as a threat.
No. 507149
File: 1518962732799.png (752.68 KB, 1127x654, Ibqmydh.png)

So, Cucked is rolling his couch potato puppet around the circuit today.
3pm EST on Tonka Saw Kumite
6pm EST on Warski Live
Repzion and TommyC have both refused. So, if Kati can't bait SOMEONE onto those shows, I guess she'll get practice for her "Bag lady yelling at no one" future role.
TommyC has given both his reason for not going on the kumite or warski and an explanation of the rejected poppie interview in a twitter video on this tweet: will be doing his routine show at the same time (3pm EST) and the topic… You guessed it, JSBS.
No. 507153
File: 1518963355210.png (174.67 KB, 2048x1536, D5CC9B74-B27E-42BD-A282-CC5DAA…)

Ok so I’ve seen 4 other reports like mine people have put out on Twitter. Why is this crazy bitch not shut down yet?
No. 507170
>>507108It's cyber stalking. Kati and her band of retard is just as if not more guilty of everything they accuse the "haters" of.
The vast majority of the people on her little hit list had moved on and ignored her. Bit I guess she just couldn't move on.
No. 507172
File: 1518966188849.jpg (72.24 KB, 1179x789, IMG_20180218_080133.jpg)

>>506985Let's not forget the geotag on this tweet.
No. 507177
>>507149Geek always interrupt the discussion and defend Kati. Geek has no business in this matters.
Let Kati depend for herself she's already 33 years old woman.
And also I feel sad for Kati Mom, Sister, and Kati nephew or niece having a daughter/a sister/an aunt like Kati display her anger on social media for everyone to see.
Embarrassing Kati family reputation, Kati always thinking about herself and not her family.
Such a disappointment for Kati Mom to see her daughter this way who has given birth to Kati…
No. 507179
Still slugging through that drive. Have read a lot of DM threads and am reading the Rose-Chambers Facebook DM thread (found in this folder )
This is where I'm at (based on that and DM threads between Chambers and Based Mama)
Based Mama Seems to be the most adult in the entire situation. I disagree with a lot of what she says and she does over estimate her knowledge on things. But, in this situation, she was the most "accurate" in understanding the situation, did NOT make it a personal thing to feed her own emotions, and stayed mostly clear of it.
Rose (w/appologies to her and her family) Is clearly highly introverted, was clearly overwhelmed a lot, and definitely wants to please people more than anything else. She is not a very bright person. (AND for those that don't know, she does actually have brain damage from a neonate event) She routinely would ask "Did i do something wrong?" or "Are you mad at me?" .. she's a very needy sort of person and was clearly struggling with even some simple daily functions. The state failed her by not assigning some sort of handicapped accommodations to her in the form of a worker to give her assistance a couple days a week and help her manage what was going on.
Chambers Wow, my opinion of her couldn't get much lower. She was a classic narcissistic mother figure often saying "oh, I feel like i've failed you" (always seemed to be seeking re-assurance from Rose that Chambers wasn't a fuck up… from Rose, the person who needed supported and did not need to be guilted into appeasing the feelings of a person she was dependent on for assistance)… Chambers was willing to throw Tim under the bus and actively encouraged Rose to work against him (e.g. they had a secret throw away phone to talk when Tim asked them not to talk)
Kati Was a social predator. Kati has a very forceful way of vocalizing even when she's just talking normal (it actually causes me pain between the intensity of her speech patterns and her tendency to raise her voice)… Kati basically bulldozed Rose (specifically listen to the phone conversations)… Kati seems to write a version of events that makes her the savior and she will FORCE it on who ever until they relent. Rose was less equipped than most to stand up to that sort of interaction.
Tim I still have a low view of him, but now feel empathy for him having had both Chamber and Kati actively influencing Rose (claiming to be experts when neither know shit and I seriously doubt the IQ of both) for their own selfish purposes. Added to that, Chambers was influencing Rose to not work with her attorney. And Kati literally had blackmail material on the man. If he wasn't a drinker before that shit show started, I can totally understand why he would have tried to climb into a bottle over that whole situation.
So, that's from reading through the full DM threads (not the clipped up parts) and listening to the phone conversations that kati recorded w/Rose.
No. 507189
>>507032JFG is also the guy who got a severelt autistic girl who couldn't even groom herself to go from texas to north carolina and wanted to get her pregnant. Then went into a protracted custody battle with her parents who tried to get her back to texas.
He's the male version of kati with a phd and a strong altright following.
No. 507199
>>507179Based went through a long and arduous custody battle with someone who had more money than she did. Plus, based was smart enough to ask for the court docs from NC and researched the judges involved, who are both under judicial review.
She did have a better grasp on the situation than most because she was empathetic towards rose but also was the only one who bothered to do any fact-checking on rose's claims about how she lost custody in the first place. Something that a big-time media journalist like kati should have done a long time ago, but as we all know, had the benefit of sage and wise archangels to fill her in on the deets about the case.
No. 507232
>>507116Admitted that it wasn't Rose or Tim, what? That was her secret source of insider information???
So, she lied then or she is lying now about talking to the lawyer outside of the gag order???
Can't she face some kind of punative penalty for that? And you know she recorded every phone call she had with anyone she talkes to.
Where are the recordings with Conlan, joy???? You recorded Rose and Chambers and everyone else you've ever spoken to in your god forsaken life, so where are
those phone calls??
No. 507233
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I'm sitting here with a bit of a head ache already and TommyC is looking like he's going to do a real discussion of Kati. There's no way he can be as shrill as her, but i wander what he's going to go into.
No. 507250
>>507179This just confirms that chambers is an emotional sucubi. Rose is clearly the one who needs support and guidance through what I can only imagine must be the worst period of her entire life, and here is a parasitic lawyer, a parasitic ans insane you tuber, and an emotional vampire, all trying to make their names and banks on your children's struggles.
Sure, BM is a bitch, but she was always honest about her opinion and loyalties. You don't have to be nice to be honest or faithful. Chambers looks so bad here. It is really obvious that rose looked at chambers like she was her best friend in the world and someone she could trust. It has to be crushing her to see chambers betray her and her children.
Once you're the kind of person who will publicly publish personal and private conversations for your own gain, you can't be trusted.
I hate kati, but when chambers handed over her chat logs with kati, it became apparent that anyone who had any contact with her should be very careful with what they said to her. She plays sweet and innocent, but it seems like the first chance she gets to stab you in the back for a little bit of momentary fame, she will.
No. 507256
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>>506188Agreed Anon. Agreed.
No. 507267
>>506278Lol @ campaign of terror…so, mundane matt publicly telling her to stop spamming his feed with the same info is what? A public conspiracy to silence her??
For shame, MM! For shame!
No. 507291
>>507269Why can't Kati boyfriend Dominique take Kati away for a vacation to Hawaii or something.
Come on Dominique!!! Be a man and do something with your Manic annoying girlfriend. Give everyone on social media a break from her rage like hulk.
No. 507295
>>507116I wouldn't care if she died either.
Is that now a threat? I wouldn't care if 99% of the world's population died tomorrow. Is that a terror threat? Let's get homeland security on the line and ask them!
No. 507323
>>507314No, they glommed onto someone who they could exploit to propel themselves to fame. The way they continue to exploit rose and her children for their own gain, now.
Some people were in it to help, and those are the people that joy and her merry band of morons are now raking over the coals and making fruitless attempts to slander and malign.
No. 507416
>>507413Free legal representation from a washed-up attorney desperate to save his failing career, who also conspired against his own client's interests to uphold his own interests and those of someone who was not his client, and broke a gag order to do so.
Yeah, they really helped her out a lot.
No. 507451
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Fuck Kati is sub-human scum or insanely stupid. She's spending all thise energy trying to claim all Rose did with donated money was support a drug addict and then tries to turn around and use the "how much did you donate" card
Kati you made your channel and dollars off the abuse of those kids. ONLY YOU made 90+ videos in 3 weeks trying to cash in on it. ONLY YOU climbed up on the backs of those poor abused kids to grow your channel. You can trash who ever you want, but it won't change the disgusting piece of filth "DRAMA GOUL" you are!
No. 507460
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Onision and DaddyOFive… Kati is worse then both… wow
No. 507464
>>507451People can donate anonymously. How does she know who has donated and how much?
Nvm, the angels probably told her.
No. 507490
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Looking like a crazy old bag lady more and more.
No. 507492
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No. 507497
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No. 507518
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No. 507528
>>507497Wait… Kati took time to report a stream while she was ghosting the Kumite and then goes on the Kumite to bitch about deplatforming being a bitch move?
Kati if finding new levels of stupid that the universe has never seen before!
No. 507550
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The reason why she's not talking in the stream is because she is furiously tweeting call outs to Tommy c and Repzion.
No. 507556
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>>507550bigger image of her bs to Tommy C
No. 507614
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Kati lost her shit over this tweet, so it deserves to be recorded here. :-)
link if you want to read the thread. No. 507615
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No. 507625
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Do you think her new found crew - Tonka and his Tonkatards, Ect etc are actually supporting her or just using her for views? She's been unhinged before but this is 10x worse and i don't know if I can see her stopping anytime soon. Especially the more people egg her on. If she wasn't so vile I would actually feel a tad bad for her. She has zero sense of reality right now.
No. 507678
>>507667So, given TommyC's very valid point about YouTubers using a mentally ill Kati Marie Smith for entertainment… it is now our duty to document her mental illness to aid her family and those that care about her in their efforts to get Kati the mental health assistance that she so clearly needs.
SO, KATI… we're only doing this because we care! <kisses>
No. 507698
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From TommyC's stream: "…Again, this is what her family showed me…" and this was posted to the screen (timestamp included)
No. 507704
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>>507625I think they are def using her for views. I think anyone involved 8n the "bloodsports" will be eaten by their own in time. Should be fun to watch. And yes all the encouragement she's getting has her on a determined spiral downward. I have no sympathy for kati at all. The shit she's talking about is so fucking old and irrelevant.
And she did all of it to herself. She's a waste of oxygen.
No. 507729
>>507717Can an anon give the reader's digest version when it's over?
The headache I have from the last stream cannot survive the screeching from both joy and the rejected lab monkeys of the aut-right.
No. 507782
>>507775JF excused Kati's conflation of "Tumor" and "Abcsess" as something non-medical people do and is "totally understandable"
Then holds Nick to standards as if he's a PHD biologist.
This is a VERY sad attempt to keep a narrative in the way that Warski / Kati wants it to be going.
No. 507788
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Joytardation needs to be added to the DSM. What TommyC said was that you can't get people comitted in the US unless they shoot up a school or something. He never once even hinted or implied that Kati was a future school shooter.
These people are so insanely stupid with no comprehension skills.
No. 507803
>>507791He has spawned a child on the autism spectrum, but they don't claim a genetic basis to that. He is also a self admitted major drug addict from childhood and has claimed using mushrooms and a few other hallucinogens. He's also claimed a prior drinking problem (and has a driving record).
In general, I get the impression that yes, he is low IQ, but has also worked very hard in his life (starting at a young age) to knock points off of it. If he's managed to reach the level of retardation? He's probably getting close.
No. 507861
>>507850They completely misrepresented what he said in his video to push their own narrative of defending Joy. Repzion said that he found it suspicious that one would file for bankruptcy, and then buy a 16k car right afterwards.
In the stream they said that he said she couldn't own a car and be bankrupt at the same time or something. These people are truly delusional
>>507850 No. 507891
This stream is a nightmare. I managed about 15 minutes of it and that was all I could handle. Joy and Geek are such vile cunts. They just insult and screech, they don't have good points and don't seem to be able to be civil in any way.
Also, bringing up Phil's more bizarre beliefs is a) irrelevant and b) fucking rich given Joy's nonsense from the past. And yeah,
>>507879 , she was claiming those were from 13 years ago but that doesn't match up with what we've seen. Phil may be weird (plus, he was friends with her and we know what a nut case she is herself) but that doesn't devalue his long-term insight into her behaviour.
Joy acting like she's the Person of Most Virtuous Truth in this stream was too much to handle. And I am definitely going to take a mountain of salt alongside her judgement of anyone's weirdness, given her indignation over not being able to levitate.
No. 507943
>>507784I would fly anywhere in the U.S. to see kati attempt to litigate nick monroe.
That weird little autist would drop a mountain of evidence against her in a heartbeat!
No. 507952
>>507782The salt-right master of intellect siddles up to joy?!
The alt-right is now effectively dead if they're adding her to a list of mildly reasonable people.
No. 507958
>>507952Phrenology and astral projection are reeeeel!
This is the 90% off discount bin at goodwill when it comes to both debate and intelligence. So much for white intellectual supremacy, frenchie.
No. 507980
>>507973How do these retards not know that just because nick removes the article doesn't mean that the article, or joy's abhorrent behavior and the digital trail to it disappear?
Nick can shut down his entire site and retire to montego bay, but joy's legacy of repugnant and abusive behavior will last forever. The people she has wronged certainly won't forget it
No. 507983
>>507980From all the archives Nick has posted in the past, I am positive that he is just appeasing the crazy bag lady to get her as far away from him as possible.
It may be that Nick is the smartest one on the stream!
No. 507989
>>507973All troupes of monkeys screech in celebration when they savagely rip apart a superior interloper and play with its eviscerated carcass.
That is what these streams are. A troupe of monkeys, screeching and hooting at their enemies. I'm always expecting to hear David Attenborough start a narration about their mating habits at any second
No. 508006
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Drama ghoul won :(
No. 508010
>>508006LOL because that will totes erase her entire library of crazy from the internet! XD
This bitch…
No. 508028
>>5080224-6 hours per day of streaming and crying about it, and multiple name clearings, all documented here btw.
There are entire threads dedicated to the 20 or so times she has "finally stood up for herself".
No. 508049
>>508042OMG, please let her try to sue repzion! Do you have any idea how much of her hidden shit will come out if she does that???
Think about all the milk she won't be able to run from just from the public information! And an investigation into her character and any previous false claims and allegations that we don't even know about!!
She would not only lose, but she would drown in the legal fees, her lawyer's fees and his lawyer's fees!
And…his lawyer could potentially compel her to prove to the court that she is mentally sound, and we all know she won't be able to pull that off!
Do it, JOY!! Please, please do it!
No. 508059
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>>507625Nobody in the world actually likes her. They either use her for views or feel sorry for her.
No. 508108
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No. 508137
File: 1519013881935.jpg (63.9 KB, 620x755, cray.jpg) got a video on twitter she said she made Nick Monroe her bitch for the second time, how gracious of her. She called out Tommy C and Repzion as well.
No. 508139
>>508089Alledgedly been doing shady shit. Still no proof of doxing and no actual proof of misleading anyone.
I'm reserving judgement until it happens or doesn't happen. Imo, she is the fall guy for computing forever, who apparently had no idea how a business actually operates and thinks that any laws or regulations a busineds has to abide by can be discarded if a bunch of crybaby alt-rightards don't get to take over.
That entire debacle obly told me that youtube career does not equal business acumen in any way.
No. 508149
>>508141She keeps tagging his new twitter DDsulzbach, he deleted his main twitter has he's slowly pulling away from social media from what I understand. He made a video on it recently too. I caught one of his streams and he doesn't check youtube unless he's uploading or streaming or so he says.
He hasn't responded to her once despite all her tweets to him the past week, I'd be shocked if he did since he seems like he wants nothing to do with her since his video dropped.
>>508141 No. 508152
>>508139To me it just seemed like 3 people who didn't know what they were doing. 2 of them cut and run because they could and left based to clean up their mess. From what I gathered, CF was in charge of liasing with the talent and based was in charge of the local stuff and sister danger was supposed to serve as the planner and/or manager. She was kinda vague, so not sure…
I've looked at the new site. There are legitimate professionals working on it now, not random you tube careerists. Tbqh, to me it looks like based was the only one who actually wanted it to happen and not just play at skepti-vid-con, as unpopular as that assessment likely is.
No. 508190
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Kati's fashion inspiration has been discovered!
Also… what is up with wearing a hood up inside? Doesn't she heat her house? I've never seen people do that before.
No. 508224
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they're trolling the haters. lol
No. 508253
I don't feel like screencapping it because it's long, it's late and I'm lazy but the first comment thread is interesting. Also, an appearance of another lolcow. None other than Nick "Corky" Bravo (@heartoftherebel). Peas in a pod, those two. ( No. 508326
>>507983The sad reality is, even if the article is deleted, it will not guarantee that Kati will not continue to attack him if she thinks it'll continue to benefit her, in some way.
Nick didn't help himself any by giving into her demands; he just validated her accusations against him by agreeing to delete the article she claims is all false.
No. 508327
>>508017And what she's been doing for the past week isn't considered bullying?
Kindly go fuck yourself, you delusional joytard!
No. 508445
>>508326She seems to be really persistent about all of this…for me, I can't help but wonder what the hell is her end game in all of this? Seriously, having 7 hour stream just to convince some guy to take down an article…
It really feels like she is trying to ruin Rose's life with all this drama. From what I get, she was using some words like "ruin my life" and "reputation". And this shit show has been Kati trying to get revenge? Which I don't understand that end game either? Is she trying to make sure none of Rose's employer's ever hire her? Is she trying to get a bunch of people on the internet to hate Rose? Or is she trying to get people to like her? What's her end game in building up her army? Like, she is throwing names left and right…sure they are on her side right now but so what? She sure never talks about how they have helped her in all of this; instead they have more or less been spoken in a way to sway popular opinion.
Also, just a random thought to throw out there: suppose Rose is actually a manipulative cunt. Wouldn't Kati want to get Rose of out her life and cut any and all ties with her? I mean, when Franny made that video on Andy, Andy just did a video to distance himself and cut any and all ties. There was no huge campaign slandering Franny as some psychopath that ruined Andy's life. I feel like Andy could have easily gone on an attack but he spoke his truth and that was that. Plus, sure "it's for the kids" as Kati might argue but Rose is a big girl, the people involved are adults, let the law handle her situation and the kids. Therefore no supervision from Kati needs to be involved.
No. 508452
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Wow…so the man who single handedly defended and absolved Kati of any and all wrong doings seems to be one of the creepiest, disgusting people on YouTube. This racist ( hates Jews) admittedly got into a relationship with a mentally retarded teenager so he could have a baby with her! All this while his 3rd wife was at home with their newborn. He actually lived with this handicapped girl until her parents got a court order because she was so handicapped she could not make her own decisions. I know this is not about Katy but this was the creep who felt that this was the biggest smear campaign on YouTube. The 2nd biggest smear campaign apparently was when he was called out on his actions. He seems like just the kind of loser to support Joy. Add him to her list of lunatics ( like Angel Zones who was accused of sexually assaulting a bedridden senior citizen. Could Kati’s supporters get any more diisgusting? 😂😂
No. 508482
>>508452Jf,i think his name is and some other word,was on one of the first "bloodsport" episodes,before it became that. I wonder if he talked to her during his "research"?
>>508326Nick really is a puss. Talks a big game on Twitter but doesn't even sound like his balls have dropped yet. Oh well. She's going to bring him up again sometime in the future "hey loves, remember that time that puss, mother fucking Nick Monroe did this blah blah blah?"
No. 508536
>>508452With friends like these, who needs enemies?
The only people who defend mashed potatoes queen are only more amoral and revolting than she is herself, so by comparison kati practically looks like a saint.
As if the alt-right couldn't sink any lower than outright support of fascism and a neo-nazi agenda, their 'INTELEKTULS' have given public support to joy sparkle bs.
No. 508599
Write a Post
MoneyMoneyMoney · @JoySparkleBS
19th Feb 2018 from TwitLonger
Thank you to Geekthulhu, Tonka, JF, Andy, and a host of other people:
This last year has been one of the exciting and challenging of my life. Gaining 80k+ subscribers in about 6 months was amazing. The people I met, the friends I made, the laughs on streams, and being able to share my perspective with the world, while trying to raise awareness about IUDs and health was a lot of fun. Charity streams, connecting, and meeting all of you was so much fun, and something I miss.
But internet “fame” has a price. Jealousy is a bitch, and on this platform, it runs rampant and like cancer. Some people cannot stand when you do better than them, and sometimes you run into the wrong people with horrible intentions.
Based Mama started a harassment and hate campaign against me that included a cast of characters like Nick Monroe, MrRepzion, Chambers of my Heart(who was the ONLY one to step up and really apologize and try to make it RIGHT), and the infamous Phildo the alleged Pedophile Wizard. They concocted a plan to defame, discredit, slander, libel, and organize and coordinate harassers and doxxes my way. They made claims I am a scam artist, a con, a thief, a liar, not medically sick, mentally ill, std ridden, raised donations I did not donate, and anything else under the sun.
They threatened me, my life, the lives of those around me, roommates job, geekthulus job, tipster gamings job. They doxxed me, geekthulu, roommate, my family, his family, my former friends, exes, and phildo even gave interview on lolcow on any singular thing he could think of, or mostly, make up, about my life.
I became a living meme, and no one took me seriously,or even cared to hear me out.
The only person that did, was actually a former critic, Geekthulhu. HE was the ONLY one to actually peacefully approach me and have a conversation, where he realized although I may be flawed, I am not the asshole Ive been portrayed to be. He saw the harassment, saw my evidence, and kept encouraging me to put it out there and not only expose these harassers for what and who they are, but to clear my name and stop protecting those that hurt me.
It was an amazing moment to hear aJF, an actual doctor, look into all the claims and debunk them all medically, scientifically, and some just by simple google searches (bankruptcy Repzion, look it up). Keemstar made a surprise appearance, and on two separate occasions I got to drag Nick Monroe verbally around a hangout chat as well as show the world what an Ahole TommyC is.
I am writing this because I feel I owe a HUGE thank you and debt of gratitude to @heraldofgeek or geekthulhu. Thank you Geek, for being the only one to listen to me and stick by me, even if you got doxxed,flagged, and had your twitters deleted for it. Thank you for exposing Phildo, and encouraging me to stand up for myself.
Another big thank you to @tonkasaw and @vampkandy. Tonka gave me a platform to expose it all and saw the evidence and like geek, did not betray my trust or boundaries and kept it quiet until I was ready. And vamp for her support and always biting me in the schedule.
A BIG thank you to @mikenactor for being my BFF on youtube and standing by me and standing up for me consistently, thank you for being the best part of my finding youtube.
Thank you @keemstar and @joshpescatore for all the support. Thank you keem for showing up and supporting me, and thank you josh for your months of kindness, help and encouragement. You tried to find ways to help when you did not have to, thank you.
Thank you @andywarski for giving me a HUGE platform not once, but TWICE, to show my innocence and expose shit talkers.
And a big thank you to the ONLY youtuber that actually researched every major claim against me, and debunked them scientifically, medically, and critically. Some just common knowledge.
Special thank you to Benjijames for being a wonderful friend to me, coppercab for his kindness and support, suityourself for showing me this info and warning me about their sneaky ways. you guy made youtube fun and bearable during this time. Thank you to chambers of my heart for dropping everything to help me the MOMENT she knew it was all wrong.
Thank you to Irate Bear, Sinatra Says, cognitive thought, for seeing the evidence and willing to put me on their shows to clear my name.
Thank you Sinatra for seeing the evidence and staying open to my innocence and promoting it.
My group of girls, my ride or die hoes, whom I could not have done this without, as you spent months helping me collect info, show support, be there for me when I cried when some days got too hard, find information, evidence, resources, and always be there for me. You know who you are, thank you and Im always here <3 <3 <3 Thank you R, D, J, D, R <3 <3 <3
And the biggest thank you to the fans, viewers, and patrons. Thank you for seeing the BS, offering support, and sticking by me this entire time.
The big question is, am I coming back? Ive had this asked so many times.
The short answer is no. I need a break. I need to heal. The internet was never my end all be all. Its a part of the journey, but not my destination. Contrary to former popular belief, I am not addicted to the attention, and I really did do this because I was sick and trying to find a way to have a life again and take care of myself.
I want to get better, I want to let this all go, put it behind me, and relax. I want to fix my fibromyalgia, if possible, keep working on detoxing the heavy metal, and finally, when my body is ready, lose this 100+lbs I’ve gained from illness.
I will still be around, and Im going to continue to expose some things as the next two weeks go on, But if I disappear for long periods of time, know I still care about each and every one of you, but I have to take care of me. Thank you all for enabling me to do that now. Thank you for helping me become stronger than I realized I could be. And thank you for the unconditional love.
No. 508613
>>508599Hey, Kati - want to really help yourself out/heal yourself? Accept the fact you have social anxiety disorder, and get treatment. Not that it'll repair any of the damage you've caused; but it should at least even you out some.
Also - why are you still calling Dom 'Roommate'? You've admitted months ago the two of you are dating. Calling him anything other than by his name is disrespectful to a guy who's putting up with a world of shit you brought into his life.
- someone who isn;t buying your bs.
No. 508619
>>508599I want to thank all of them for enabling a mentally ill person to further resist seeking out very much needed mental health care.
Good job exploiting the mentally ill for drama clicks and furthering your own demise and damaging any credit any of you might oncr have had as decent, thoughtful human beings.
Thank you for showing that you tube is nothing more than a cess pool of insanity, greed, malice and mockery of serious issues, like the mental health of a clearly insane person.
Congrats, skeptics!
No. 508627
>>508622You are sincerely deluding yourself if you think Kati's behavior is typical of a mature adult.
Also, yes - she is mental. She was diagnosed with anxiety disorder by three separate doctors (something Kati herself admitted to in one of her earlier videos). She just refused to accept their findings, allowing the disorder to go untreated for years - which has royally fucked her up, mentally.
No. 508633
File: 1519068502910.png (90.98 KB, 619x507, O1nMY8Q.png)

>>508445Kati needs an enemy for people to feel sorry for her and not pay attention to what a cunt she is. She's even throwing out fresh meat for them (pic related)
>>508452So, a high school senior dating a freshman drives her to the fainting couch, and this guy wanting to put a baby in a handicapped woman with the mental capacity of a TEN YEAR OLD is parooof that she's not only right, but a very intelligent woman.
No. 508651
>>508640The young and/or ill informed have convinced themselves that Kati is only acting this way because she's been 'harassed/bullied' for months now and has reached her breaking point.
Never mind she's been this way since almost day one of starting her Youtube channel - first recollection I have of her slowly losing it is when she talks about how doctors had God complexes and thought they knew everything.
No. 508653
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NO Joy, how about for once in your life YOU prove something. She's never once shown any kind of proof of death threats. You're a lying sack of shit Kati.
No. 508665
>>508659She was beyond help long before lolcow or twitter.
See repzion's video, supported by family members. Her crazy goes back a long way….levitation, anyone???
No. 508668
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>>508599Image of the page for the law enforcement who are sure to be reading this some day.
No. 508670
>>508659Kati chose to become a Youtuber. By doing that, she opened herself up to public scrutiny/criticism as much as she opened herself up to fans and praise. You don't get to choose what feedback you get from your audience.
The internet is not a safe space, for anyone - you need to grow up and accept that reality.
No. 508671
>>508619LOL. R.I.P. skeptics!
So skeptical they can't run a google search on her…
That is top-level skepticism!
No. 508681
>>508653Joy's mentality.
BM says 'she could die in a fire, for all I care!' - in Kati's screwed up brain, that's a death threat.
Tommy C says 'so you've got these crazy people around causing damage, like Joy Sparkle does, that shoot up schools…'. Kati's brain translates that as TommyC saying she's going to shoot up a school.
This last one amuses me the most - seeing as, in order for her to take offense to that comment, she has to acknowledge she's got an untreated mental issue; which she's denied having since she started Youtube.
No. 508734
>>508683What do you expect when someone who says she'd never profit off of child abuse uses those kids from that case to make a profit off of them?
When people say she's no better than Do5; they're not just blowing hot air. She used them to make money just as much as their shithole parents had.
No. 508735
>>508599The only "conspiracy" here is that several different people came to investigate someone and reached the same conclusion: she's either crazy or she's a con artist.
From what I have seen over this entire "clear my name" bullshit is that only a couple of people in the super secret cabal of "haterz" ever even knew or spoke to each other until they all came under attack from joy for criticizing her behavior.
I never saw rezion engage with based or chambers or nick monroe until
JOY sperged out on anyone who would dare criticize her on anything. This behavior went on long before do5, all the way back to her humble beginnings of siphoning anyone who detested onision, and even they found her obsessive coverage of a dying channel to be unbecoming and a little bit creepy.
She is either a mentally sick person in need of serious medication and counseling, or she's just a greedy, maniacal, oppurtunistic parasite, sucking the life out of yet another dying genre to boost her own importance.
No. 508745
>>508734Um…the parents spent SOME of the money to house and feed the kids they were exploiting…
Kati pounded all her's into her own fat ass.
No. 508747
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>>508739Hrm… sounds legit….
No. 508751
>>508659YouTube,Twitter,lolcow didn't put her under a microscope she put herself under one.The attention she so desperately craved she got.Shes a lair and hypocrite that wants to call out BS on others but gets
triggered when she is criticized.Going on 7 hour live stream rants isn't normal she has issues that need attention.A level minded person would see that yes she probably does get harassed by trolls but that doesn't excuse her Targeted harassment towards her critics.To say we're all nasty people is a understatement,I know I'm not alone in saying I'm not the only normal person with a job and family a life lol that got interested in JSBS from her exploits of the D05 kids sorry to disappoint you but I like others never heard of JSBS Andy whatever and all these other shady YouTube personalities till researching almost a year later I see lots of con artists exploiting death child-abuse politics childish internet blood sports run by in mature adults as impressionable young minds watch these people.
No. 508882

Have you guys seen JF's 'debunking' of Repzion's video? It's ridiculous, he gets basic science wrong, says Lyrica actually protects the brain during copper toxicity, literally misrepresents everything that was said.
He claims Repzion embarrassed himself calling out Kati for saying "we are exposed to radiation all the time, we're all basically mutants" because as JF says, 'we are being exposed to radiation. We undergo dozens of mutations during our life and pass them on to our children. That's how evolution works.' ! Not only is that not how evolution works, Kati wasn't talking about physical radiation. She was talking about toxic spiritual radiation mutating our physical bodies and locking away spiritual superpowers.
He literally just went through points, misrepresented what was said, called it 'false', gave completely nonsense explanations why that weren't even internally consistent. Like, holy shit, if you are going to misrepresent what was said anyway why would you then explain it away with complete nonsense that goes against science? Then the stoners and idiots on stream would go 'ohhh' like they had the first clue what was said.
He said only people with Wilson's Disease get Kayser-Fleicher rings and that not all people with Wilson's Disease have Kayser-Fleicher rings so we shouldn't expect Kati to have them. . . after saying she doesn't have Wilson's Disease!
All I know of this JF guy is that he made Kraut & Tea cry after explaining that a type of trout do not gestate offspring inside their bodies, and he apparently has a degree in Neuroscience. He seems like a complete moron to me. I can see why he spends his time trolling on Youtube lol
No. 508891
>>508882This is the guy that said sex with prepubescent girls is scientifically supported because when they reach 14yo they will be pregnant. He said the "majority" of our evolutionary history is likely pedo sex before the "police state"
So… take his debunking how ever you like. But, he is definitely capable of willful stupidity.
No. 508895
>>508668Kati "was" a meme? Somehow I don't think that means what she thinks it means. This cow has been, is now, and always will be a meme. If even Onision won't troll you, you've gone so far past rock bottom there's no coming back.
Though there's shady behavior on all sides, when you look at Kati and company's behavior over the last year, especially her latest psychotic break over the smallest differences of opinion and the well-timed release of certain "evidence" - which in many cases had nothing to do with the D05 situation but was strategically timed to attempt character assassination in a preemptive attempt to deflect criticism - all you need to do is apply Occam's Razor (go do your job and "research" that, minions), and it's not difficult at all to see who's telling the truth, no matter what spin is applied.
It's strange and sad that she's taking a victory lap for trying to ruin lives just because she got her fee fees hurt by being correctly called out for it. Hope you feel vindicated, bitch. Run along and LARP as a human being back on your couch now. (Also, pro tip - hoodies drawn tight around your head can't hide those extra chins.)
>>508445You're right, and this is exactly what I was talking about in the other response above. Normal grownups don't glom on and take advantage of easily manipulated, emotionally fragile and socially awkward people by public malingering, they don't have their posse chase down every person that had an opposing point of view or criticism to expose every aspect of their life in anticipation of some real or imagned slight, and they don't behave like spoiled brats when they're being ignored.
More and more of the sane Twitter posters are now going back to mute and block mode - sounds like good advice. There's enough info public now so people can make up their own minds if they dare to go down the rabbit hole.
Think of Kati as a literal dumpster fire. If it's starved of oxygen it can't spread and eventually burns out.
No. 508922
>>508907now that she can't make money off youtube, now she's thinking about making money another way and thinks she won't be able to until all the negative press is gone.
Maybe Dom should have been a lumberjack (rip bob)
No. 508964
>>508907 Remember a debate between Onision vs Kati when Onision wanted to sue Kati.
I just curious, if Kati can remain calm when Kati explain herself to the Judge without yelling and cussing in court.
No. 509103
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Rare colorized photo from the future of Kati bracing herself right before Dom knocks her the fuck out.
No. 509113
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No. 509156
>>508599>"Jealousy is a bitch, and on this platform, it runs rampant and like cancer."To that silly nonsense, as Kati would say, "prove it, prove anyone is jealous." Seriously, there is not a single thing to even admire about her. If she could please back that shit up and at least explain why she believes anyone is jealous. Where is her fucking research on this claim ?
>"because I was sick and trying to find a way to have a life again" Was sick ? Shouldn't it say "I am sick and was trying to…."
>>508681It reminds me of how she always used to talk about critical thinking, over and over and over, which is insane considering how she perceives things. Not just in the sense of being dramatic and paranoid when someone speaks negatively about her, even in her commentary videos, like the beta male Buzzfeed, she was extremely bizarre in her opinion of what was going on. It's almost as if she had repeatedly been told how delusional and out of touch with reality she was so she made sure she threw in the bit about critical thinking, the same way she always had to mention what a kind and compassionate person she was. It does seem to work on the gullible, though, they roll with what she says instead of looking at what's really going on.
No. 509411
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Another day, another mania episode. At 5 in the morning Joysus was obsessively tweeting at Repzion demanding an apology because JF the pedophilia sympathizing, disabled teen abusing, blatant racist "debunked" Repzion's claims. Meanwhile her Twitter spergs defend JF.
I swear the bitch don't sleep.
No. 509435
>>509411God she's fucking crazy. Pretty sure rep had all the links of where he got the info, beside personal sources, with his video? And she just denied that they were credible or that she "never wrote for THAT site".
The bloodaprt gang seem to think everyone hates her because she lied about the case which is partly true but most of it is the way she has behaved in the last year. Idgaf if rose was using kati, obviously rose was using kati or rose would have blocked kati on every platform.
If kati didn't act like the most vile, self centered, egotistical,manic banchee, bloated, lying about every illness she hears about piece of shit. Kati acted like a garbage human being and continues to act that way.
No. 509461
>>509450Hilarious that we're suppose to take the word of a guy like this; but utterly disregard the word of a guy who - sixteen years ago - dated a girl five years his junior. A girl who - if I got the info right - he never met in person, thus never had sexual relations with. A guy who also knew Kati personally for ten years - unlike the aforementioned schmuck who has a hard on for the mentally challenged.
Mind = blown at the logic of joytards.
No. 509560
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No. 509704
>>509699Not sure about that, but with all of the accusations she's throwing around these days, she should be wary of a defamation suit coming to her. She's an idiot of she thinks she can go around screaming legal action and also make false allegations against people.
There's only so much hiding behind "alleged" you can do when you are the only one alleging something.
No. 509724
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What a difference a year makes.
No. 509733
>>509461It's disgusting that Kati and Cuckthulu nearly harassed him to the point of suicide via public humiliation courtesy of the Kumite and Cuck's own stream, which was all about punishing and attempting to discredit a former friend who dared to criticize her.
The timing was incredibly convenient, days before he said he was going to release more incriminating information about her (in addition to his three hour YouTube video released last year with actual evidence of saved direct messages between himself and Kati showing her capacity for outright lying and emotional manipulation). I hope whatever else he has eventually sees the light of day.
No. 509741
>>509733That's right!! That video where he expresses his discomfort with just lying on his resumé and she tells him it's okay to lie on a resumé.
I think that willingness to lie to potential employers is what is going to keep her out of a job, js.
No. 509757
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Holy fuck already someone needs a hobby what a child
No. 509773
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kati’s Dozens of tweets against Repzion is sounding like targeted harassment AGAIN. I’m sure a few more 12 hour bans might help us all out. Report that shit!
No. 755747
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