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No. 510117

“Joy” after spending the holiday season feeding on the withering husks of her shrinking patreon base decided to begin a campaign to get back into the public eye in Mid-January. In the last thread, started on Dec 18th, we saw:

“Joy” continue to peddler her victimhood at levels that would make any SJW swoon including threats made an obviously fake twitter account ( ImAnEggPeeps, generally believed to be Angel Zones)

Just in time for the Christmas giving season, “Joy” felt compelled to jump on two “last ever” livestreams on her channel in attempts to gloat over the involvement of Based Mama in the imploding Kilroy event.

Continued attacks on the Hall family in a build up to a full on shitshow storming of the super chat channels to dump everything. Including the fact that it was the attorney Tim Conlon that acted as “Joy”'s inside source in the court house (lolcow called that one back in June)

“Joy” has realized that her “good name” might be ruined and thinks changing her name will be the solution.

On the health front, deworming seems to have help her stomach… oops, no it didn't…graphic descriptions of her bathroom experiences will continue as planned. Especially since there are still patreons willing to pay her for those detailed descriptions.

“Joy” and cuckthulu teamed up to drive Phil to the brink of suicide requiring EMS response. While “Joy” ghosted the hell out off line over it, Geek was more than happy to crow about it, even reading his suicide note longtweet live on stream to make fun of it. Sidekick Cy seems to have been replaced by Hentia Butt Plug also known as Cuckthulu who is a complete sperg, but more than happy to parade his couch potato around the super chat channel. (And, who managed to face plant on the TommyC show in spectacular fashion while trying to white knight for his Lady of the Couch)

In her rounds of the Tampon Tribe Period Blood Sports circuit, “Joy” published google drive with all her evidence… (well, no evidence about her health claims!) and farmers have worked through them determining that they're pretty much everything that's already been said a hundred times over. Based Mama came off as the smartest of the bunch. Chambers came out as far more duplicitous than anyone had given her credit for. “Joy” comes off as… well, the social predator that we already know she is.

Most notable new joytard in last thread was a Canadian who goes by “JF”… a failed academic who has justified sex with children on the basis that accustoming them to sex early means they'll be pregnant at 14yo. (for comparison, Islam prohibits sex prior to first period of a girl. So, the guy has justified something even Islam thinks is bad).

>Patreon Watch: 68 patrons and $634 a month at the end of November, 57 patrons and $550 as of 18 Dec., as of this writing, 20 Feb 39 patrons and $278/mo.

Previous threads:
#1 >>246848
#2 >>278466
#3 >>285785
#4 >>304769
#5 >>312880
#6 >>322745
#7 >>338199
#8 >>345917
#9 >>351741
#10 >>359606
#11 >>367358
#12 >>376873
#13 >>399109
#14 >>424115
#15 >>446617

Temp thread from when site was down: https://temp.lolcow.farm/pt/243

Unrelated Kati drama having to do with her sycophantic sperglefucks belongs here: >>336585

Social Media:
Joy Sparkle BS former YouTube channel
(Leaving this here. Just in case.)
Spurpinklebow 2nd channel
Joy Sparkle Eff It 3rd channel

•Frequently brought up topics linked here: >>354796 please take the time to look them over as well as the summaries at the start of each thread. •If it's your first time posting read the rules: https://lolcow.farm/rules and usage info https://lolcow.farm/info •lurk moar
•Do a keyword search (Ctrl-F) to first check if the topic has been discussed already, we try to avoid rehashing the same things over and over.
•If you have important factual information to share (aka milk) be sure to back it up with evidence such as links or screenshots. Attempting to pass off unsubstantiated rumors as truth will only get you laughed at and ridiculed.
•newfags: Always leave the Name and Subject fields blank when you post. If it's not new milk put "sage" in the email field to ‘sage’ your post…if you are not sure if your post is milk sage it anyway. •Not saging correctly is a bannable offense. If you make a mistake on a post you can delete it within the first 30 min.
•If her channel happens to come back, do not directly link her videos to the thread.
•Do not post about Kati's family or exes or try to contact them. You can talk about them if Kati brings them up but do not refer to them by name.
•Do not try to use us as your own personal army to go after Kati or anyone else, we are not your attack dogs. Thanks!

No. 510121

>“Joy” and cuckthulu teamed up to drive Phil to the brink of suicide requiring EMS response
What the fuck? I just stopped reading there, because I apparently have a lot of catching up to do. What. the. fuck, seriously?

Thank you for making a new thread, OP, much appreciated!

No. 510126

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Watch out harassers Joy is crazy like a fox which makes her legally in the right evidently!

No. 510128

OP seemed a bit word salad to begin with, then got to
>something even Islam thinks is bad
great bait, mate.

No. 510133

No. 510136

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Repzion tweeted about her with @ing but I really wish he hadn't. It's best to ignore a manic person on a rampage.

No. 510137


And where is she going to find the money to pay for a lawyer who will help her sue the internet?

Honest to fuck - how are people not seeing how mental she is?

No. 510141

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Yeah talk down to the person you've been harassing for a week. That's how you get what you want. She truly is one of the dumbest mother fuckers alive.

No. 510142

She claims she will be able to find someone who'll do it pro bono. Seeing as she's such a huge e-celeb.

No. 510143

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No. 510144

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She's now resorted to emailing him directly.

No. 510145


Does she realize that to win litigation against someone for calling her crazy, she's going to have to prove that she is not. That means as a minimum SHE is going to have to find a professional that will look at her twitter feed and say that is sane behavior. KATI, PLEASE SUE SOMEONE, PRETTY PLEASE!

No. 510146


Well, it worked on Nick Monroe and Phil - so, why shouldn't it work on Repzion (she's already getting him to respond to her - despite his saying he was done with her; so…)

No. 510147


He even said in his video that his mother (a registered nurse) assisted with that portion. Um.. pretty sure a registered nurse has SOME idea about medical records. At least more than a failed pedo PHD and a crazy Couch Potato.

No. 510149


Maybe Conlon will do it for her.

No. 510150


She has no standing in MD and he has no license in her state. So, at best he could represent her in cases in MD… BUT, that would put him at a conflict of interest given his breaking court rules (by HER admission) just last year.

No. 510151

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Bigger version of their emails. She shrieks at him to acknowledge for proof yet when she finally gets a response is reluctant to actually show her proof. Doesn't she know how to edit out her social?

No. 510486

>>510117 LMFAO I hoped that would be the picture, but didn't know if I could stomach it. I applaud threadmaker anon for their noticeable bulge and their wonderful summary.

No. 510492


First she says she'll send him info, then claims she won't because he's proven himself to be untrustworthy.

It honestly sounds like she's trying to make him beg for that information; either that, or expects him to apologize without seeing the information that confirms he was wrong about her illnesses.

No. 510494

goddamn, haven't thought about joy in ages. just had a scroll of her twitter and hooooly shit, she is on one hell of a tirade. and has been for days on end.

seriously, she used to entertain me with her sperging - but right now, joy is utterly, seriously frightening.

No. 510496

same fag

Just caught that last line of her email - she wants another confrontation so she can have her sycophants dogpile on yet another one of her 'haters' while she stands in the background, screaming accusations as she grand stands.

Seriously - fuck this attention starved psycho! For fuck's sake; here's hoping Repzion is smart enough not to take the bait with the assumption he can succeed where others haven't. If she (and her salivating masses) harass him for not agreeing to her terms, he ought to just report the lot of them instead of giving them more attention.

No. 510499

I wonder how long Kati let JF lick her legs for to defend her 'taters so that he can get laughed off the internet again after trying to play YouTube coolkid.

Oh well, maybe there's a Joytard who lives on one of the two continents he hasn't 'gotten pussy on' that she promised would be his baby-factory child-bride while he's gone.

It's hilarious that Kati is openly admitting that all he did was Google searches. Yet again all Kati's medical claims are thoroughly backed up by a doctor. . . Dr Google!

No. 510588

what she did with repzion is take the onus off her (the onus of proving her claim) and put it on him (be at this place at this time!). but he has no attachment to the diagnosis bring proven. so his next response should be. "ok, take care"

whatever happened to people questioning her "being ok" and "letting them"?

No. 510596

His only reply to her should have been "sue me" call that bridge trolls bluff.

No. 510606

Just had a thought. Kati is still claiming all her health issues started with copper toxicity from an IUD. If she has medical records proving that she is a world's first. I'm sure the company that makes or supplied the IUD will be very interested in seeing this proof for themselves. Maybe some people should contact them and point out her claims. ParaGuard should know.

No. 510629

Going by her behaviour over the last year, she fights for things she thinks is wrong. Or that's what she tries to portray so if the iud had caused such an impact on her health, and with the way she has threatened to sue everyone lately, she would have made 100 videos about how that iud was bad or harmful and not covered other topics and would have started litigation to fix it. Not only that if it had caused so many health issues, as she claims, someone would have been liable, weather her doctor or the company, so there would have been someone to file papers against.

If people just see blips of joy and don't see the whole picture or they don't follow all the things she has done, they do think she is the victim. Especially now because who's going to read 15 threads to understand the whole thing? To get the whole picture of her crazy and background from her own writing on the way she acted ten years ago.

No. 510641


Better still; don't respond to her, at all.

I'd like to see someone other than TommyC having enough sense not to be baited by her or her salivating masses.

No. 510738

That would be the best thing ever but it's never going to happen.She will never get a lawyer pro-bono for a frivolous lawsuit,at best she get free legal advice for 30 mins.Getting a lawyer pro-bono is not an easy thing especially when a lawyers office is Business first and the ones that do volunteer their time will not waste it on her when there's real poor people that need help.I'd love to watch her deposition that would be some sweet milk.I would think her only chance would be a tv judge and that would be the most damaging thing she could do to herself and very entertaining to all us farmers.

No. 510740

the thread for a dried up cow (started by a basic mama fan looking to deflect) has barely started and we're touching the shit already?
ParaGuard wouldn't give a shit - wow, some nobody on youtube is making shit up? Call the team of lawyers!

No. 510993

Hi Kati! Long time no see!

No. 511018

BM is the smartest of the lot. After that initial kumite with joy, where she had to rescue chambers she has said nothing publicly about joy except that she needs to seek mental health treatment and get off of you tube, citing the testimony of the family anons in threads #13 & #14 as undeniable evidence that an online presence only makes her condition worse.
Imagine based boobies as the voice of reason and maturity in this scenario…smh

No. 511021

Imho, repzion just likes to poke the sperg and see her twist.

No. 511026


In this case; he was leaving her well enough alone. Kati's the one who's been poking him to get a response.

I just wish he'd continue ignoring her instead of responding to anything she says. Best way to be done with a troll is to stop feeding it.

No. 511073

Joys been shrieking his name in streams, tweeting at him and then emailed him. He should have kept on ignoring her.

No. 511121

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No. 511136

I know it's none of my business but how has Dom not gotten mental help for her? She sounds like she's about to have a total breakdown in those streams she's been on.
I can get really angry myself sometimes but my husband always stops me if my anger gets out of hand as hers clearly has. I worry about Joy. She's mentally ill and really needs help. I find it frustrating that she has all these people enabling her.

No. 511139

These people do not care about enabling her, her mental health, or how much damage this will do to her. They care about drama clicks.
If they cared about her mental health, they would do what TommyC did and refuse to confront her to let her sperg out. He knows he would get a ton of views and a lot of super chat/streamlabs bank, but he's not a worthless piece of shit picking at the twitching carcass of a mental patient for his own amusement, fame and money.

No. 511147


dom is probably scared of her and who could blame him. can you imagine having to hear this shit irl?

No. 511165



No. 511175

Also, I was thinking what if she's like pretty much every other youtuber, she is basically doing a character and isn't actually this crazy…then I remebered her family testimonials, her minimum 10 year belief that she could fly/levitate/talk to angels/astrally project/cure terminal illnesses with herbs/believes indigo child is a valid thing…and also, even if she is doing a character/bit, she's doing it for hours on end, at all hours of the day and night.
Maybe she gave him the herp and he just figures the only responsible thing is to keep her, and thus keep her from further spreading it and her particular brand of chocolate covered nuts around.
He's like Jesus Christ. He is sacrificing his life and suffering for all of us, so that we will never know the tortures of hell.
But for real dude, Jesus only did that shit for 3 years.

Cut. Her. Loose.

No. 511176

My opinion and I have no facts to back it up is he needs her more then she needs him. it's not easy trying to make it in the world alone,she may be the best he can do and he puts up with her.I can't see them having a loving relationship it seems she gives more attention to the internet then him.Which he may not care about cuz he doesn't have to be intimate and may be just using her to pay the bills.Or maybe dom talks to angels to and that's how they met.

No. 511186

No. 511192

could be that Kati has just worn him down. It seems like this is a common trend especially with the shitshow lately. I would not be surprised if he believed so just because Kati spent days upon days ,if not longer, convincing him that he needs her more than she needs him.

No. 511323

Why are people giving in to her?

It's so obvious that she is in the wrong and needs help.

Why can't people just move away from her?

It's so weird.

No. 511332


I think she had tried to pass off her behavior as all an act several months back; which utterly failed - as, regardless of whether it was a video or a live stream, Kati's manic/abusive behavior was seen in both.

So, no - it's not an act; that's how Kati really is.


Dom is her boyfriend, not her husband; so, even if he's well aware she's mentally unstable, there's nothing he can do to make her get help. Most he can do is have her forcibly removed from his home if he can't deal with her level of crazy, anymore.

If I had to guess - the only reason he's putting up with her BS is because he feels sorry for her; seeing himself as her life line, as her family/friends want nothing to do with her crazy ass.

No. 511420

I have to disagree feeling bad for someone can only go so far especality with mental health.I speak from personal experience,I dated a Crazy I didn't know was a section 8 head case till she moved in with me.I knew her in High School 20yrs ago she was normal then.I felt bad she lived in a shoebox apartment and paid to much.Only after she moved in did I find out she talked to "angels" and she would go on and on about it among other things.I felt even worse I tried to help her I was also going thru Financial chaos at the time.Her family had cut all ties she had no one but me I felt terrible for her.She had no one but me it lasted 28 days before I called the cops had he removed and taken to a behavioral health unit to get the help she needed.It was a very hard decision I felt guilty as if I was using her.Now Dom is just another dude I can't speak for him but looking at JSBS history and going thru a living situation that's similar I believe theirs something more going on.I did believe he was using her till I read about Katie being a beard and that could be wrong all we can do is speculate

No. 511422

Absolutely . She has said countless times that her mission is to raise awareness and do everything in her power to ensure they are taken off the market. Shes almost died soooo many times from her IUD yet somehow onision and do5 were more important. It seems like the only reason she even mentions the IUD is to remind others and verify she really is sick.

She clams she has tried several times to file a lawsuit against paragard but "nobody will touch it." Theres no way she would accept that as an answer without contacting every single attorney in the country. She sure as fuck would be doing and have done a lot more. Look how she lost her shit over the purple mattress, or dare I say the car dealership, and she made it a point to make a phone call to Purple Mattress on video. I'd imagine that she would be on YouNow making phone calls to the paragard creators at all hours of the night until she got what she wanted. She even rapid fires tweets at YouTubers that call her a liar, demanding they make it right so I will never buy her bullshit iud story.

No. 511423

Yet she finds it so cute and funny when Blair white calls her crazy

No. 511443


Not initially - she was pretty pissed that Blaire would call her crazy. Blaire was another one I lost a little respect for when she apologized to Kati for saying such a thing - even though she most likely apologized just to keep the crazy bitch off her ass.

No. 511482

I suspect that most of these "apologies" are to get the crazy bitch away.
There is no question that she's a loon. The most mindless ludite on the planet can see that. Hell, protozoa can see that crazy coming from a country mile.
The only thing you can do is apologize, duck and cover.

No. 511495


But what does apologizing do other than validate Kati's claims that everyone who accused her of wrong doing were in the wrong all this time and she's been a victim of an unwarranted hate bandwagon?

By apologizing to save their own hides; these people are only making Kati worse.

No. 511496

Dom is basically a child. He's 24 and has little life experience. You can hear him say "video" at the start, that's what his voice sounds like. Kati seems to act like a teenager around him, and employs baby-talk (remember 'Little Kati'?) and other manipulation tactics such as mothering him (remember when she stopped a stream to hold him because he had a nightmare?), etc. He clearly has little to no experience of mature adult relationships. I would guess he believes all her lies about health, harassment, etc and doesn't recognize she treats him as a servant. And yes, she probably gave him Herpes kek He's just another naive person she's taking advantage of.

No. 511514

But according to Chambers, she was diagnosed with three different types of metal poisoning! I really hope she puts out these medical records or at least tries showing them to someone who knows how to read them. If she does rope Repzion into this private call with her, I hope he records it.

No. 511515

>>511442 She has said multiple times that ParaGuard makes you sign a waiver that states you understand the risk of side effects and accept all liability if you experience them, and that she signed it.
The waiver is also the list of possible side effects that she claims she was never made aware of, this list includes perforation of the uterine wall and copper entering the bloodstream.
She cannot sue them and she knows this and has stated it in videos. Also there have been multiple studies that show absolutely zero change in serm levels even over the course of 4 years. It's literally not a thing.
A ParaGuard IUD contains 156 mg of copper. Copper toxicity starts at 20 mg and is not life threatening until 150 mg. Even then your body naturally dumps 5 mg of excess copper per day through your bile so she would have been fine in a month max.
Copper is an essential nutrient and Kati is a batshit moron.

No. 511527

Test results aren't that difficult to read and understand. I think it's funny that she flaunts them as proof but then says she won't give them out because people can't read them since they're not doctors.

No. 511539


Early on in her Youtube presence, Kati said that doctors are full of shit; having God complexes and that - if they were even remotely competent in their fields - they'd have cured all diseases by now. Hell, she even admitted to getting into screaming matches with them when they'd tried to diagnose her with anything she didn't personally agree with.

And yet, we're now supposed accept she has all these illnesses that she claims to have because, according to her, doctors have diagnosed her with them.

Which is it, Kati - are doctors incompetent fucks or are they professionals who know what they're doing? They can't be both!

This is her biggest contradiction; and yet, the Joytards somehow miss it completely.

No. 511558

I've still been seeing (probably Joytards) talking shit about how awful the family anons were for outing her and "backstabbing" her. All you need to do to make peace with that is listen to the Warski stream and how she talks to Nick Monn. I don't even like the dude, but I felt sorry for him with the way she was verbally beating him down. Could you imagine having to put up with that shit for years on end? Kati not getting her way and just literally screeching until you give in and say "Fine, what the fuck ever. Just shut up already!"

I don't blame family anons at all. My roommate was just like Kati. It was her way or no way at all, and holy fuck if you didn't bend to her whims. She would fucking sperg out for hours and hours until I was so mentally exhausted I just gave up. And she NEVER gave up. You either want to punch them out, or you finally give in to make them shut the fuck up.

She'll never give up on this Repzion thing. She will harass Rep and beat the dead horse until it is nothing more than vapors until she gets her way and he does EXACTLY what she wants. He shouldn't do it, but ffs, people like her don't know the meaning of 'enough is enough.'

The bitch knows she's wrong, too. In everything she does that she's called out on, Kati fucking KNOWS she's wrong. But she's gone through her entire life getting her way by being verbally abusive and manipulative to such an extreme that she knows it will work to clear her of any and all wrongdoings.

I started off just being annoyed by her. But now I can honestly say I'm starting to loathe her. I don't care if she gets help or not, I just really want her to go away. Every time she calls someone a puss, I want to throat punch a bitch.

No. 511686

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"Verbally Angry"

No. 511724

Fucking hell, that is nightmare fuel! Bit of a mistake to check the thread just before bed…

No. 511737

>>511686 Sweet Dreams My Pretty

No. 511757

Please excuse the blogfagging but it's relevant. As someone on disability (with actual diseases) I'd like to weigh in on "the difficulty of being approved and how almost no one is" according to Kati.

My Drs suggested in 2012 and I couldn't but in 2016 I caved and applied. Kati talks about the sooper hard paperwork to fill out and that it's "so hard to get approved." In my state approx 47% are approved the 1st time, and in OK the first time acceptance rate is 45%, and it was "extremely difficult." I actually had to go to the SSI office and a lovely man helped me go through it and sent it out. Those bastards right? Some weeks later I not only got approved but they decided I'd been disabled since 2012 and also gave me back pay for those 4 years. [SSI are just assholes aren't they? They just never approve anyone; damn cunts!"]

Yes there is a ton of paperwork but they have people who literally go through it with you page by page. I didn't think I'd get approved let alone back pay (hadn't even heard of "SSI back pay,") but speaking from experience, if she truly had a disabling condition, all she'd need to do is bring her medical records to the SSI office and they'd go through the paperwork together. Done!

If the records and paperwork proved she needed it she'd get it… and with "muh illnesses" she'd probably get many years of back pay but I guess SSI doesn't cover fibromyluposcleromyalgumatica kek.

Sage for blogging but please don't ban me cuz it was relevant. I wanted to show applying for SSI when you're actually sick isn't difficult (maybe a pain) but even if you don't understand the forms they have people there specifically to aid you. Sorry Saged for absolute rage.

No. 511761


The curious case of JP the "doctor" who debunked Repzion video

No. 511775


I second this. I did my application over the phone because my health made it hard to go to their office. The man was VERY NICE (they do nothing but deal with disabled people, so make allowances and do not sound rushed or huffy at all in my experience). I was asked to apply by my county office and did not expect to be approved because I'd tried to work at three differnt places that year. I was asked to see one independent doctor and was approved w/in 2 months. They back paid three years (that is the max back pay) in one lump sum.

I continue to try to learn a skill that I can do and get back to work, but the disability has allowed me to finally get stability after prob 5 years of no stability. It pissed me off when she bashes the social security system in the US. It is not the best ever, but it is not at all what she tells people.

Kati is a complete cunt. She's not qualified because they don't pay out for malingering.

No. 511830

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Now she's threatening someone's job. Just because they're a trauma nurse and called Kati out on her bullshit.

No. 511831

>>511761 During a custody hearing with his ex-wife in which the court awarded full custody to the mother a psychologist independently appointed by the court said, 'standard tests administered to JF showed signs of overt psychosis in need of psychotropic medication and supervision. His thinking is distorted with regard to how he perceives others and the external world. His thinking is marked by a routine lack of logic and habitual lack of coherence to his thought patterns. His thinking is sufficiently marred that he finds it difficult to interpret accurately, even when matters are simplified or made extremely obvious.'

It goes on to state he has 'serious mental health issues' and that he absolutely and inflexibly refuses any treatment for them. No wonder Kati loves this guy. I think we have our answer why the 'Intercontinental Leg-Licker' chose to white knight for her, and why nothing he says even comes close to comporting with external reality.

No. 511834

AndAndy Warskithibks nothing is wrong with this predator. This was a perfect forum for Kati to dogpile her detractors. Chase those little yellow buses boys. Arrrggghhh

No. 511841

Oh my fucking Lord. That's a douche I'd kindly decline to have in my corner to "clear my name," but birds of a feather and all that. A psych eval on Kati would generate a similar report. In fact, they can copy paste his and save themselves the typing.

No. 511843

Does JF have his own thread? If not, it's kind of starting to sound like he needs one.

No. 511849

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LOL. Kati is so fucking dumb.

No. 511852

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No. 511853

I can see it now…. "Sure. It's 1-2-Fuck-You"

No. 511860

(Sorry for the blog post, but it's also relevant.)

I'm a medical assistant in a GP office. I want to give a little bit of insight into why a physician would test for illneses a patient clearly doesn't have.
In a word; malpractice.

There's not a physician on the planet who wouldn't LOVE to find a Zebra in Kati Smith. Trust me. If she was the first documented case of whatever the hell she's claiming to suffer from now, no doctor worth his/her salt wouldn't jump all over themselves to prove it. People don't become doctors to not help people, and they're almost all zebra hunters. Ask Repzion's mom. ;p
Anyway, a physician is more or less bound to test for whatever the patient thinks is wrong, or for whatever is most likely based on symptoms the patient reports.
In my experience, when a patient reports suffering symptoms, especially the extremely rare symptoms, it raises red flags.
In Kati's case the first red flag for me, and what I would have charted, is her very high levels of energy for someone reporting every single symptom of heavy metal poisoning, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, with a touch of RA thrown in for good measure.

I suspect that these records, if we ever see them, will be like the last round of "PROOOFS!" And simply be another round of tests that Kati insisted that her poor saint of a physician test her for.
I also suspect that she will not get a DX, and so won't pursue disability because it is extremely difficult to get disability for diseases a doctor, or many doctors, cannot find evidence of.

No. 511862

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LOL. Now she's going to hire a P.I. to find this chick. I'm pretty sure Magnum P.I is retired.

No. 511870

FAE should just ask for the ICD-10 codes. XD
That'll be the end of that!(XD)

No. 511873


'I don't have minions'

Oh, bullshit! She expects anyone to believe her after the last week?

No. 511876

File: 1519345946649.jpg (501.64 KB, 1439x1481, Screenshot_20180222-173057.jpg)

LOL. She actually thinks this person is going to email her. Kati isn't even on this planet anymore.

No. 511880


JF is Canadian! He is not French. He is a person who was raised in Canada and cannot manage to master the English language despite having been raised in a country where English is an official language.

No. 511883


I think we'd be better off doing a thread on the entire Tampon Tribe since they seem to be a whole gaggle of idiots under the "Period BloodSports" meme.

No. 511885

File: 1519346286006.jpg (621.27 KB, 1439x3406, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-i2bo…)

No. 511886

Come on kati - You've been threatening to sue people for SO long will you just do it already?! We know you have tim conman on speed dial..

No. 511891


Speed dial? He's right under the bus, all she has to do is back it up a bit to let him out to do her bidding.

No. 511895

I like how on the internet the toughguys are the ones with nothing to lose. So brave when you puff yourself up and mock those who have things that are actually worth protecting. Because there's no consequence for you, only them.

No. 511915

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No. 511925

"I don't know who you are or where you are but I'm going to sue you!"
JSBS - 2018

No. 511926

Further proof that Kati has not routinely soughy medical care for any chronic conditions.
Just about any moron knows that nurses know just about as much, if not more, about symptoms…they are the ones who actually deal with the patients. The doctor just pops in to do the suturing and hand patting.

No. 511933

She's such a fucking retard. It isn't illegal to say someone has an illness online. We all know Kati though, she'll call them up crying and screeching that she was harassed and sent death threats by the nurse.

No. 511934

Joy has had a diagnosis from (at least) 3 different Doctors by her own admission, One of which has been confirmed by the family, She just doesn't like what they are diagnosing

No. 511936

Those are diagnoses by MDs only?
I cannot fathom a psychiatrist coming within 20 yards of her and not diagnosing at least an ASPD.

No. 511945

Diagnosed with anxiety disorder

No. 511965


And it's because of that diagnosis (by three separate doctors) that Kati is convinced that doctors have no idea what they're talking about/all have God complexes.

No. 511974


..unless their diagnosis jibes with her "Google" diagnosis.

No. 511988


Or has been made by a man that the courts have found to be so mentally unbalanced that they have interfered with his ability to ever be alone with his own child!

She's claiming she's going to be streaming with JF Sunday night… this promises to be a big fat whine fest about how everyone is attacking them…

No. 511993

And it shows Roommate needs to start spiking her pizza with xyanx

No. 512002

File: 1519351184153.png (76.41 KB, 942x455, ZR8rVKy.png)

gois… we're fucked… Kati is going to get a PI to go after people now. I'm so askeered between her and geek… here, just take my IP address and don't hurt me! It's 10.51.50.whaaaaaaaa!!!!

No. 512008

it's so funny to see her make these threats which involve things that would cost money.

bitch, you broke. your threats are a joke. i didn't mean to rhyme. it just happened that time. omg make it stop. my heads about to pop.

No. 512016


I'm pretty sure this is also a violation of Twitters ToS - as she's threatening to contact a PI to track down individuals who may have changed their minds.

Honestly, how many reports does a person need to make against someone before their Twitter account is suspended/deactivated for harassment/bullying?

No. 512025

I can't seem to find those Tweets to report her. What tweet are they under? I'd love to see this bitch get permabanned…

No. 512028

You have to wait until she's back from suspension before you can report her again. Idk how many times you have to be suspended, but a certain number of times or a certain amount of time in suspension= permaban. She'd just come back. you know this, right? She's a social media hydra. Cut off one account and two more will appear in its place.

No. 512036

No. 512050

Does anyone know if there is some criminal code that would be violated by hiring a P.I. or sending out a spy to follow people?
There has to be some kind of anti-stalking law for people who do that shit.
Iirc, joy was trying to get some of her followers to follow RH around MD and report back to joy. That has to be illegal.

At least I hope it is.

No. 512053


I just find it maddening that other people (case in point - Moral Virus, one of her critics) had his account suspended shortly after he had it re-activated.

Not saying he didn't deserve another suspension - as he was acting like an ass - but how is it that someone like him can get a suspension so quickly for his behavior, but someone like Kati acts far worse than he does - and the worst she gets (supposedly) are 12 hr time outs?

No. 512071


I don't think hiring a legit P.I. is illegal, but MD does have statutes pertaining to electronic stalking and harassment.

My guess is Joy looked it up and read "provide information to others" in section (d) to mean she can have someone followed by any random JoyTard and it's totally legal and okay.


Phading chick lives in TX, right?
Their laws are more clearly defined. From what it looks like on this site, phading already has a case against her.

No. 512077

Whoever this Fae is ..SHE KICKS ASS.

I cringe everytime Katie threatens w a lawsuit and now hiring a PI…these are very expensive ideas…she's freaking delusional.I heard her say or YELL in Andy's stream..something like WHAT lawyer here would LOVE to represent me PRO BONO…as if.
I don't think hiring a pi is illegal but sending minions is creepy stalking…is that gang stalking? idk

No. 512080

PIs are licensed and bonded and trained so they don't break the law. It would be a lot different to get a fan of yours to follow someone because that would be stalking.

No. 512094

File: 1519355243053.png (471.42 KB, 2560x2836, download (13).png)

That last line of Joy is the funniest shit I've ever read.

No. 512103

Kek, oh my fucking lord, she fully transformed into Onion, even the trashier version. These are milky, hilarious and…Kati's completely off her rocker, more than usually so.

No. 512108

why can't she just send the records?
she wants to debate the legitimacy of records she doesn't even want to provide so what is the fucking point.

god she is discount onion

No. 512126

>one of things being you
Straight for the jugular.
I can totally picture her screeching IRL for hours.

No. 512132


Bitch is just picking fights so she can get on yet another livestream. Rep should ignore and block though it does look like he enjoys baiting her. It makes her insane to be told she's wrong.

Also, way to collect ringing endorsements, Kati! You do realize that all those people see in you are the views, right? If you had been getting the treatment and meds you really needed you'd see they're taking advantage of you. But since you want to this instead, you deserve what you get.

And JF is not a doctor, you idiot, he's a biologist. Who used Google to "debunk" Rep's video.

Descending further into weapons grade levels of stupidity.

No. 512134

I know this is just wishful thinking, but I wish someone with a good reputation for actual research and validity would do a good and final video slamming the fuck out of her. Seems every one so far has glommed on to the stupid shit that shouldn't have mattered and completely ignored the shit she has done directly in people's faces. This whole thing is bonkers. Kati. Is bonkers. For what it's worth, I re-reported her tweets demanding the nurse send her license number. Of everything Kati's done that one seems to be one of the worst to me. Attacking someone who is actually out there helping people just because she had the gall to disagree with Kati's fictional diagnoses. Fucking cunt.

No. 512144

I know I'm not the only one that remembers when Katie said that Repzions video was a nothingburger and there was no need to reply or address it. It had ALL been previously "debunked". Or was just plain wrong.

I feel really bad for her dog at the mo
No sympathy for Dominique tho…
Maybe a little…when they met at an airport she may have "preyed" on him.
She is unglued .She HATES HERSELF SO MUCH.
Can someone tell me why she now wants THIS? When she destroys someone, she destroys part of herself. Phil was the first horcrux…
Ugggg bad wizarding…it just went there as I wrote. Tinfoil?

WHAT happened to Cy?
Did she get out unscathed?
Was she the second horcrux? ;)

No. 512152


Thunderf00t is really good at debunking, even though he tends to get a little carried away…

No. 512153

File: 1519358397334.png (52.86 KB, 385x405, joycy.png)

Something must have happened.

No. 512156


There was radio silence on Cy's end for a while…makes you wonder…

No. 512159

Now THAT is interesting… I need the milk on this. I wonder how long before Mikenactor is the next to dump her loony ass?

No. 512250

No. 512255

OMG she's streaming again? Who is that person hosting anyway?

Cy has witnessed so much being Joys sidekick, I wonder what she'll spill? This is going to be epic if she does!

No. 512261

File: 1519364944185.png (44.11 KB, 723x489, Untitled-1.png)


No. 512264

This had to be az's dream come true to have her role model on stream tonight… did anyone see az rip out the kati dildo that looks like the pic used for this thread and hear some "buzzing" sounds while kati was talking?

No. 512297

wow so her stream got terminated??

No. 512300

her stream is back up. She's saying it was a false flag.

No. 512327


Does AZs voice remind anybody else of the god warrior?

No. 512336


This is supposedly the medical record proof of joy's diagnoses.

No. 512361


Based on the drug allergy entries, looks like a first contact with a new doctor on Jan 2nd.

Looks like they've coded what she complained about. Examples:

- Still has the Polymyalgia Rheumatica when she livestreamed back in Nov/Dec that the Rhumatologist told her the she had nothing in his area of expertise (so, according to her own livestream, that was ruled out).

- "Hx (history) of aluminum poisoning" is a generic catch all code for "Other specified personal risk factors, not elsewhere classified"

- Two of the codes are "sequela" meaning a report of complaint stemming from a prior medical event not treated by that doctor. Like, if you twist your wrist and later have shoulder pain from using your arm wrong… the shoulder pain complaint weeks/months later would be sequela to the wrist injury. The doctor isn't treating the wrist injury, they're being asked to treat the shoulder pain.

No. 512362

File: 1519377289944.png (265.2 KB, 1401x776, swRQkgy.png)

Are these actual diagnosis' or a list of things she's complianed of again?

No. 512373

Right, so, does that mean that she has just reported to the doctor saying she is still experiencing the aftereffects of heavy metal poisoning rather than it being proof she actually has said poisoning?

No. 512377

yes, these results just show what was reported, not what is currently being treated. That history part of coding is key here.

No. 512381

I was looking at Joy Sparkle EFF It and there is a video on there called 'No Longer Talking About MrRepzion & Removing Nasty Comments Joy Sparkle BS YouNow Livestream' and something I found funny is that from about 2:26 in she says about how she understands why he would have questions about her health because if she puts herself in his shoes it seems understandable that someone would have doubts and that she wishes him no ill will.

Funny considering now and how she's raging at him. Granted, this video was 5 months ago, but it's still interesting to go back and see her previous stances about things (and see her still maintain some illusion of reasonableness.)

No. 512405


For the love of God, Repzion - you've said your peace, now just stop talking to her, already. No emails, no tweets (whether directly or indirectly), sever contact entirely.

No. 512411


She's claiming heavy metal poisonings as a result of some other medical event. So, doctor isn't being asked about the original event. Also, if she were treating it, the next visit would be "subsequent contact" instead of sequela (initial contact). So, that billing code would indicate "these are okay because were in a process of treating xyz"

No. 512416


It's ridiculous that she won't send him lab results to show proof, it's not out of the ordinary and she in the past showed bloodwork on a stream, that didn't back up all her claims but it was at least actual lab results, there's no reason she can't show it from the portal.

The codes aren't proof. As a nurse I've entered them thousands of times and I enter them based on the information the patient provides me with and it then becomes part of their record.

She undoubtedly makes most healthcare workers cringe and is a nightmare patient. The kind that jams up the ER with nonsense and wastes everyone's time in an office, thinking she's the only person in the building that matters and is in worse shape than anyone else when there's very sick and dying people that really need the care.

People in her life get sick of her selfishness and bad attitude and can't be bothered with her so she no longer gets the attention she needs to carry on. She then resorts to grandiose ideas and fabrications related to her health so that she is able to receive the attention and sympathy she needs to survive and if anyone comes between that, the rage cometh.

No. 512422

Bachelor's Degree in Medical Coding anon here. These are a list of complaints. Notice the "unspecified" and "undetermined" notations? That means her complaints were unfounded by any tests. Try again, Kati.

No. 512431

Although we know Joy is lying let’s play devil’s advocate for a second and assume she has copper toxicity from the IUD. Whenever asked why she doesn’t sue her excuse is cuz she signed a waiver/consent form informing her of all the risks and therefore has no standing. Even if she signed the consent form that doesn’t negate the physician’s responsibility (failure to inform, where he/she would still have been required to inform the pt of all the risks associated with the procedure as well as the ones if the patient didn’t have it,) correct? So assuming we believe Kati’s narrative (yes we’re in Mordor,) wouldn’t she then have an excellent malpractice suit against said physician who didn’t inform her of the sooper cereally common copper toxicity so commonly associated with the Paragard?

If I’m wrong please correct me but wouldn’t she have to prove 2 things? A. the physician neglected to tell the pt about a serious risk or complication from the procedure and the pt suffered harm or injury as a direct result of what the physician left out in part A that caused the disorder? Can anyone weigh in?

No. 512441

And anothe tweet where she's saying she'll hire a P.I to get someone's personal information.

No. 512500

I concur.
Samefag medical assistant.

No. 512509

I suppose this is what she means when she says she has "been busy." How does one even keep track of all these lawsuits and charges she has piling up, even with all the time in the world she has. It's nice to see her develop a hobby, though.

No. 512514

Why couldn't she take up needlepoint or bowling??

No. 512521

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that all of her evidence for illnessed are just documented complaints, and always from new contact/intake appointments.
I have yet to see any dx confirmed.
We don't use snomed, we use meditab so if it were a confirmed dx, it wouldn't be listed under 'problem' as though she were sitting down for an initial patient interview, but as a 'previous diagnosis, confirmed'.

No. 512534

I really want someone to bring this up to her. This happens every time she releases 'diagnoses' - they aren't diagnoses and are, in fact, her own complaints. I want her to address this so bad.

No. 512538


because both require skill and concentration in order to be successful at.

No. 512543


I think people have done so in the past - she just says they don't know how to real medical reports.

No. 512546

Same. When you get a diagnosis for literally anything, the doctor's office gives you an informational print out with all prescribed medications and recommended treatment. Even if she had the flu, she would have these documents. Yet, we have never seen a diag printout. We have never seen lab results. We have never seen a referal recommendation.
We have only seen initial intake complaint forms. That shoyld raise flags all over the place. She's literally doctor hopping, repeating complaints to each new doctor to get it documented, but never offering anything that would confirm anything.

No. 512552

With them listing her allergies at the bottom and it being dated Jan 2nd. It looks like she's doctor shopping till she gets what she wants, and this was just from her initial appointment.

If that's what she's doing I guarantee it will bite her in the fat ass. Doctors talk to each other, not to mention most states now have a database they enter patients in because of drug seekers.

No. 512561

I do believe Joy when she says she has been diagnosed with three diffrent types of metal toxicity. An alternative quack will diagnose anything. I remember her last few health vids; before she privated her main channel, and she said that she had to get the tests done privately (or such like) and that she was going to give the results to her doctor. I seem to remember that the toxicity results were within the normal range. Except one which was just marginaly over. So allthough Joy probably did get a diagnosis. They would not be ones any regulated medical profession would except or act on. Ref the proof she's presented; we have been here before; it's just a list of health issues that she herself has presented as having experienced. Were is the fantastic Health Anon (who covered Joys various health claims so thoroughly in past threads)

No. 512563

File: 1519405476460.png (625.24 KB, 1080x1676, 20180223_114851.png)


I was wondering why the discrepancy for the date listed on her release of this in 2017 for drug allergies and the new date provided recently.

No. 512572

As to the disturbing French Canadian white knight
There is a good thread covering him on Kiwi farms; copmplet with full court records. Having read the full thread, maybe he sees Joy as a new candidate as his baby mother. Hoping that the profession who thought his weird and desprate attempts to be a quick dad were visa related was correct and that his motivation was nothing sinister. Katie could be a match if he is still looking. Maybe there is a chance for Dom to be freed from the shackle that is Katie lol

No. 512573

I'm curioud as to why she was prescribed levothyroxine, but hasn't shown a diagnosis for hypothyroidism, since she would have those docs if she had been diagnosed with it.
Levothyroxine isn't usually prescribed for off-label use, it's a fairly specific drug used to treat specific conditions.
I wonder if all her bullshit complaints about heavy metal poisoning, chronic fatigue and ploymyalgia are just the result of a slow thyroid? Just speculating here.

No. 512575

Joy's illnesses

1. Near heart attacks
2. Fibromyalgia (that she still says is autoimmune even though it’s not - and I just heard her rip Nick for not knowing how to Dx/ it and kek neither did she! She used the old criterion- I’m sorry how Dr. Google says they test for it.
3. Anemia
4. Anorexia
5. Polymyalgia Rheumatica
6. CFS
7. Arthritis
8. Chronic diarrhea
9. Anxiety
10. Copper Toxicity
11. Hypothyroid problems
12. Allergies
13. Undiagnosed post IBS 10+ year infection
14. Aluminum poisoning
15. Mercury poisoning
16. Chronic inflammation
16. Near seizures
17. Near strokes
18. Aluminum toxicity
19. Mercury toxicity
20. Collapses

*has the most fascinating stomach where instead of having difficulty processing heavy foods, it’s things like the always suggested BRAT diet that give her diarrhea instead of her beloved pizza, which would have anyone with minimal motility issues not only riding the porcelain Honda but worshiping the porcelain God as well. She’s a GD miracle wonder. Furthermore prednisone worked within 24h. Prednisone… it’s a hell of a drug.

-Illness Anon

No. 512580

How the fuck can you have a near stroke or near seizure?! Either you had a stroke/seizure or you didn't. That's like saying you have near cancer, or near brain death, or near aneurysm. It's kind of an all or nothing type of thing, even if it is a mild stroke or a mild seizure, you either have it or you don't.
I swear to god, if he held her breath for 3 seconds, she'd say she stopped breathing.

No. 512583

In her “Magnifying Gratitude” vid she says her Dr wants to test her thyroid and thinks she’s had thyroid problems all her life (she agrees cuz even though she’s always been very tiny it wasn’t easy and she’s always had to work really hard to keep the weight off,) and in the vid is “being tested in a few days and will keep y’all updated!” Oh and Dr. Kati, who tells everyone never to take medical advice over the net and consistently cackles that she’s never given anyone medical advice, directly tells her viewers, “if they’ve had problems losing weight they should demand their doctors test their thyroids because hypothyroidism is one of the most common and undiagnosed conditions in the United States,” kek.

I assume I like all of her other conditions- err self reported problems she said that she had hypothyroidism and was prescribed hallmark medication.

No. 512584

I think she may have talked the doc into it? Either way, 25mcg is very low. It isn't even a therapeutic dose.

No. 512586

You should know by now that Joy is exceptional in every possible way.
She is an exceptional singer. And exceptional philanthropist and an exceptional medical marvel.
She can be simultaneously anorexic and suffer from chronic diahrrea, and also gain at least 10lb per month, because of the enormous dosage of 10mg of prednisone!!
Maybe she can add "hypersensitivity to small doses of mild steroids generally used to boost the effects of antibiotics" to her list of near-deadly conditions.

No. 512590

That's likely.
My sister has mild hypothyroidism. She said she takes 100mcg of thyroxin and an iodine supplement because hers really isn't that bad.
If she's taking 4x the dose for very mild (and very diagnosed) hypothyroidism, then it stands to reason that 25mcg is likely a "if it'll make you shut up" prescription.

No. 512595

File: 1519407844068.jpg (50.33 KB, 1024x740, IMG_20180223_104320.jpg)

Odd. Her copper levels were normal mid last year.

No. 512602

Hmm…maybe astral projection causes copper build-up.

No. 512606

Well, I highly doubt this is what she means, but I've had a "near stroke". Or what is called a mini-stroke aka transient ischemic attack (TIA) which was caused by an emoblism. It's basically a wake up call, saying that a major stroke is on the way if you don't take precautions to prevent it.

But, my grandma used to use weird terminology when she'd get upset by something she heard or saw "That nearly gave me a stroke!" I imagine this is how she had a near stroke!

Smack dab in the middle of normal blood copper levels, how about that?

No. 512625

If the issue were pressed, could you access your records to prove your statement? A scan, or maybe some monitoring results? If you sought medical care for it, you'd leave a 'paper trail', and I expect that you could do so fairly easily by signing a consent to release form and obtaining your medical records, which you have a total and undeniable right to obtain.
My question is this:
Why is Joy the only person in the whole of the United States who is able to find only those doctors who ignore HIPPA laws, and never give her any information about any of her supposed confirmed conditions? Why would they risk having their license revoked just so they can be lazy about only her medical records??
Idk a whole lot about OK medical practice, but even in a place that lets Joy live there, HIPPA rules apply.

No. 512630

I feel sorry for everyone who's taking her medical claims seriously. The metal poisoning alone, from not one, but three sources, would leave her completely fucked up. I've been here since thread 1 and I still sometimes can't grasp there are people who believe her BS ( I can grasp that she's a fucking delusional manipulator perfectly, though ).

No. 512637

File: 1519409983971.png (75.86 KB, 969x692, copper highlight.png)

Samefag. Reference pic from an actual accredited medical site. Not Dr Google. Or Dr Biology. Kek

No. 512642

So the TL;DR is after her doctor from August put her on a 'whatever get's crazy out of my office' dose of less that a third of a maintenance dose for the mildest forms of the conditions she was claiming for some type of arthritis and hyperthyroidism. Then her doctor halved her Prednisone dose before discontinuing all her prescriptions.
The doctor also prescribed her 300mg 3x per day of Gabapentin that she took 1 dose of 1 time when she took all 4 of her medications at the same time at the suggestion of one of her Joytards instead of following the directions on the bottle and then told Twitter she was dying.
Now on January 2nd she went to a new doctor, had them record her complaints and is reporting them as diagnosis again because that worked so well last time.

Why did you have to go to a new doctor Kati? Why didn't you stay with the same doctor who already treated you?

No. 512652

feel that anon. it baffles me that anyone anywhere online actually defends this woman. i thought when kati deleted her channel she'd become a distant internet memory but nope, looks like she's still acting like a vortex of drama and bitterness everywhere she goes. someone should have warned Dom long ago to never stick your d*ck in crazy.
sorry to rant, i've been away from this site for a while and i come back to kati still being kati. sage for not important.

No. 512657

In reference to all of this "EVIDENCE!" and all the medical "RECEIPTS!"
I called it…busted again, Joy.

Show us your diagnosis report!
Everyone who gets a diagnosis gets a diagnosis report, as per the patient's bill of rights, HiPPA laws and regulations, and informed consent laws.
Go ahead, bitch…where's your diagnosis?!

No. 512661

I wonder if Katie is JFing Dom?
Maybe that's why she thinks it's fine for him to be banging a woman who is mentally a little kid?
Someone mentioned further up the thread that he seems not to have it all together, needing conforting from her for having a nightmare.

No. 512666


Kati 'says' he needed comforting after having a nightmare.

If therhe's anything consistent about that cunt; it's that you can't take her at her word for anything,

No. 512712

File: 1519415059428.jpg (153.18 KB, 719x304, patient portal.jpg)

Well, a few things. When you see a new doctor you're always given paperwork. One of the sheets is always a request for your medical files from your previous doctor(s). And if you have a primary doctor, they are normally given any/all lab results from hospital visits. The coolest thing is, now days, doctors create networks with local hospitals. So it doesn't matter whether my PCP is notified or not, if I go to the E.R., the information is sent directly to my doctor and also retained on the patient portal (the thing Joy is sending these screenshots from).

The patient portal is where you can get a quick look at all of your medical information. You can also always request your entire medical report, which would include doctor notes, full details of procedures done, the results/outcomes of them and so on. I can only access a basic view of things (like seen on Joy's screen cap) that includes anything I've ever complained about. For example, I complained of breast pain (prior to getting my first mammo at age 31) and that is now embedded on my list as a "chronic" issue. It wasn't a diagnosis, it was a complaint. After my first Mammo, a new line was added saying I had an abnormal mammogram. It doesn't give any details, for that I need to request a copy of the doctors notes and the imaging. The two were unrelated though! The breast pain was caused by changes in my menstrual cycle, and now once month they hurt like hell. The Mammogram caught something unrelated to it (a benign tumor). Making it asymptomatic, because I show no other symptoms - pain, etc.

IN THE END: These types of things are unreliable without her full medical chart (or at least the doctors notes and detailed lab reports) as it is a rough overview of both issues she has and complaints she's made. I could go into my doctor today and tell him I am blind in one eye (totally made up shit) and that would pop up on my chart.

Oh, and also included is a line that shows whenever one of my doctors gives me a damn pamphlet or talks to me about my medications. I don't always get these (sometimes I decline, sometimes they are not needed) and not all doctors include this on my chart, this one just happens to. And normally if I visit my PCP, he doesn't give me any run down on my issue as he merely sends me to a specialist and then THAT doctor would.

Unspecified does not mean it doesn't exist. Here's a report of my own stating an issue "unspecified" yet, I had a golf ball size gallstone removed (along with my very defunct gallbladder) from my body.

No. 512723

If I wanted to be a dishonest nitwit though, I could easily show the full report (like Joy does) and say, "I have chronic breast pain, I went to the doctor and they diagnosed me with it, sent me for lab tests, the Mammo came back abnormal, and I have breast cancer." SEE?? IT'S ALL HERE ON MY CHART. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!

With just the information provided from my patient portal, for anyone who has never seen one or used one, it would be super easy to get a bunch of mindless drones to believe me, hell… I could probably get some sympathy cash from it too… Just sayin'.

No. 512772

When I was very ill.I would rather not say with what because it doesn't matter.I also had Insurance so was able to get very good care. I had to travel 2000 miles to get my surgery. during the years that I was going through this, I carried with me all of my files.when I left a doctor's office i got The report from that day.they still use paper. they still waste a lot of paper to this day. I could still get these damn reports if I wanted them, when I leave my doctor's office now. I do have a patient portal but I don't use it because it's a pain in the ass. All this freak has to do is show me a piece of paper with say, her stool sample report on it and that it showed she had a freaking infection.SHOW a report ffs bish. She won't show Jack schitt. She's pissing me off!! she thinks we're stupid.she thinks she's the only bitch that has ever been sick.

No. 512778

There was also some on and off bullshit with her adrenals being jacked up, I think she said the naturopath told her that they were, and she couldn't keep a consistent story with the "medication" she was instructed to take. She would say she stopped taking it, then another time she said she was and then there was an issue because she accidentally ordered the wrong bottle but never noticed and continued to take it so something else was fucked up. Kinda odd that she can't figure out how to take meds without help yet is balls deep in laying down the law on anyone who dare question her. Maybe her "PI" is the same person who had to write LYRICA with instructions on her vitamin bottle filled with them.

I believe this nonsense of hers is part if why she deleted her channel and why she isn't cranking out videos. She knows there was no other way to fix all her lies and can't function as a human without continuing to lie.

No. 512856

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No. 512857

Seems she thinks theirs only 1 person that knows how to read her records

No. 512859


What fucking threat? She and JF are both paranoid as fuck. The only difference is that JF has been diagnosed by a court appointed psychologist and Kati has not yet been caught long enough for a formal diagnosis.

No. 512868

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No. 512876

She'll take anything and blow it out of portion.What Rep said is to vague it could mean nothing at all or he's making a video.it just shows her childish mentality.

No. 512900

Yeah, it's well worth a read. I went through it and he is so many levels of disgusting.

I saw Joy followers defending him on Twitter in amongst threads on tweets of hers and the hypocrisy of it - given her goddamn moral crusades of the past year - is wild. But, of course, they will defend Joy and those she talks up to the end, regardless of whether it fits in with their previous ideologies. (Plural because of her history of hypocrisy.) If they have stuck to her this long then they are already well versed in excusing her nonsense.

No. 512911


The last year? Try the last month.

All this shit talk about Phil - referring to him as a pedo for e-dating a 15 year old girl when he was 21 (making him an ephebophile); but coming to the defense of a man who - at 32 - was shacking up with - and trying to impregnate - a 19 year old girl who had the mental capacity of a ten year old.

I guess that - in Kati's world - as long as the physical body is of legal age, the mental state is irrelevant; even when that mentally handicapped person is incapable of giving informed consent.

No. 512918

>as long as the physical body is of legal age, the mental state is irrelevant
Rings a bell? Onion and the "Shiloh memory loss". Gosh, these two really have so much in common. As much as I miss her manic videos on Onion, I also wonder if she ever noticed or admitted to herself, somewhere deep down at least, that they're two peas in a pod.

No. 512939



She, as well as her fanbase, are utterly blind to the similarities.

No. 512947

>>512911 was Shilo's "episode" ever confirmed as real?
Sorry to ask here,she was a trip, I never knew if that was an act. Anyone?
am I a fag for doing this?

No. 513011


It wasn't real according to Greg.

No. 513020


And, much like when it comes to Kati, you'd be an idiot to take Onision at his word.

No. 513036

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Kati is starting to make Kraut and Tea look sane by comparison… I bet she runs back to her inner circle and tells them to find her a free PI and free attorney.

Between her "gonna sue ya'al" shit and the joytards defending the Canadian failed biologist pedo sympathizer… this is definitely a shit show that you could only ever see happen on the Interwebz… not even a team of writers could come up with this level of stupid.

No. 513043

I'm feeling cringe mixed with hilarity. Please tweet more, Kati, you're sounding more insane with every tweet. Does she actually think she has a case? Like, in all seriousness? Kek, I don't even with this bitch.

No. 513052


No, seriously - how is she getting away with making threats like that?

No. 513061

I don't think K&T is all that bad, just easily influenced and emotional. I think he said he has asperger's, so trying to discern people's intentions is likely very difficult for him and he is likely also easily manipulated by predatory people.
Look how easy it was for Joy to get chambers to betray all of the people who have stood by her. Look how easy it was for Joy to manipulate that other girl who was autistic. She seeks out weak people who are easily possessed by her will. When she has used them up, she throws them out as used toilet paper, after she has got her ass hole cleaned and doesn't need them, she just flushes them.
It is sad, to be honest.

No. 513069

I wonder what Drs. JSBS&JF would say about a fully comatose person?
"It's okay, her eyelid twitched. That's consent".
The depths of their jointly shared depravity, idiocy and iniquitous logic is so grotesque.
They are the type of people who, if left to their own devices, would go full-on Gallego. They are both mentally messed up in very toxic ways.
Thank god they are nowhere near each other. And also that JF doesn't know about her dirty race mixing.

No. 513098


I wonder if jsbs and JF will put some kind of "Poo Baby" evolution theory together.
This is all SO BIZARRE.
Fact becomes fiction and visa versa.

No. 513103

"Villains who twirl their moustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged"

No. 513117

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No. 513160

Anyone else noticing this trend of jumping into the alt-right among YT skeptics?

Lately, I've lost a lot of respect for people I thought were smarter than that. Not Warski, he's always been an idiot, but Mr. Metokur completely ignored the total insanity?? It does make me suspicious of him and his real alliances.(derailing)

No. 513183

because it is weak as piss, and sounds like a joke? threatening to (attempt to) press charges against someone on the internet is meaningless if you can't back it up, and everyone knows she can't, so … where's the threat? Who's going to bust her for it, the internet police? Twitter Trust & Safety?


you're only just noticing this? it's been that way for ages.

No. 513184

When the left is so far left it's fallen off the map (BLM and ANTIFA for example) its hard not to be stood on the right of them.(derailing)

No. 513185


This thread is about Joy, not politics in general. Stop derailing. No one cares about your deep insight.

No. 513204

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She's losing steam

No. 513205

Idgaf about politics. Imo, they're doing it for the money. I suspect Joy is, too. She's lurked enoigh streams to know that she can make a lot of money off of those retards. It makes sense to me that she would cling to them like a parasite because she has dollar signs in her eyes.

No. 513282


My point is that people have lost their accounts for less. Kati has been consistently been doing this shit for months, and still has her account activated.

I just find it baffling how - despite being reported by countless people - she hasn't received any punishment for it outside of 12hr time outs.

No. 513283


Yeah, Kati…because threatening to report a registered nurse to her higher ups because she dared to question the validity of your BS medical claims is totally going to encourage her to give you her number, now.

Fuck - you're dumb!

No. 513290

Kati hates medical professionals because…well they are professional lol. There many years of education and experience doesn’t match up with Dr. Google. ..with the exception of Dr. Diddler the French biologist. As soon as he started talking Kati stopped screeching and went inio “ baby Kati” mode.

No. 513335

Isn't this the type of thing that got K&T in deep shit? I find it surprising her little army is still willing to support her when she is willing to full stunts like this.

No. 513356

Exactly. Kati is a malignant narcissist who knows more than anyone, is never wrong, and for the most part has been able to manipulate everyone (i.e., her family, friends, and ex fans etc.,) her entire life, has become accustomed to it, and feels entitled AF, but she can’t do that with medical professionals. Not only will the medical community not be manipulated by her, which for a narc is insulting itself, but they’ll also call her out on her BS, which makes her have to confront the fact her life is a fabricated lie, and then she’ll have to face her true empty and alone self, and for the narc that is insufferable.

Saved for psychfagging

No. 513372


Because, in their hive mind collective, what Kati is doing isn't threatening a woman's livelihood/career over questioning suspicious medical claims; it's Kati finally defending herself against 'the haters' who are out to destroy her.

It's this disturbing fact (that so many people can think Kati is in the right on this) that proves there are too many people who really should be supervised when on the 'net.

No. 513499

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This crazy bitch thinks she can judge ANY parent? LMAO! Thank God she has none! Can you imagine a child having to listen to her vulgar , shrill voice on a constant basis? That would be child abuse IMO. Kati doesn’t realize that everyone should be warning others about a scamming , loudmouth fraud …even parents!!

No. 513507


i like how kati is the arbiter of who can and can not be questioned. it's funny.

No. 513508

Wow. She sounds JUST like Onision in those tweets.

No. 513519

Kati has almost 7000 followers on Twitter yet she is lucky to get 1 or 2 “ likes” on any tweet. She also has half the internet blocked so of course no disenting opinions allowed. . Wake tf up Kati and STFU!! You are a Twitter meme crazy pants!!

No. 513534


Anyone else read that shit and think that Kati must hate that her sister has a husband and family while she's made herself into an Internet meme.

I love how Kati has the lowest standards for herself because… well, fuck you all, she deserves to be pretty, pretty princess!

No. 513550

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Kati is reeking of desperation now. It's hysterical to watch.

Kati, you did say that your body was soooooo sensitive that you couldn't handle CBD because you don't like any aspect of getting high. (Likely because you died of drug overdose back in the 60s or 70s, right!)

No. 513611

Many mentally ill people have an aversion to any medication that might calm the comforting voices in their heads.

No. 513612


She says that IN repzion video! LOL! How is that lying when she is on record in video saying it?

No. 513618

Yes. I think kati has had a grudge against her sister for a long time. And now Katie is over thirty, "sick", unemployed, and her face looks like a festering boil. Doesn't look like there will be wedding bells any time soon.lol

Metokur doesn't give fuck. And he's a pussy. When he was in the stream about Phil and making fun of him about the wizard thing but never challenged kati about her angel voices?(~_^)Metokur also goes after soft targets,the way kati does, most times.

No. 513628

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let's just ignore that she misrepresented what daniel said for a second and bask in the glory that she's making fun of daniel for not knowing about something /she/ knows about because of her financially irresponsiblity. I bet he feels really bad about not having first hand experience with bankruptcy.

No. 513630

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It's popcorn time!

No. 513631

Would someone please tell me when and where Katie is scheduled to make another hair-raising appearance on a stream?

No. 513649


Why JF need to get involves it is between Kati and Repzion.

Kati always said people are coward to face her but look at herself hide behind Geek, JF, Tonka, Andy Warski etc. Those guys defending for her.

People should stop Kati from
Pressuring Repzion to his breaking point like Philip suicidal thoughts

Perhaps people should tweet at Keemstar or Copper Cab tell them to advice Kati stop with this drama of hers focus on something else or take a vacation with her boyfriend Dom.(read the rules)

No. 513667


I thought Keemstar had given
Kati some advice about toning it down when confronting her critics. And CopperCab offered to have a word with Kati for TommyC's sake; but Tommy refused the offer.

Anyone who's paid even the most casual level of attention to this mess knows that trying to reason with Kati is a pointless endeavor - unless people are agreeing with her, she's deaf to all sound advice given to her; only nodding in agreement with what anyone tells her to give off the illusion that she's listening to a word her critics are saying.

This is why I wish that the next person who offers her some advice asks her to repeat what they just said - just to check to see if she's actually listening.

No. 513671

In the stream with Warski, Keem did tell her she needed to give a little. The strangest part was Keemstar was the only person in that entire stream who was a voice of reason. She swapped to "little Kati" voice and whined to him about why she was doing the right thing. "But Keem, you don't understand!"

No. 513675


No way bitch ever goes on YouNow without her herd of retards to defend her and shout people down on her behalf. The says of screaching Kati on her own are gone, she's got the tampon tribe now.

No. 513679

I love how she and Cuckthulu keep harping on Rep for selling his underwear and pictures of his feet. They never mention the fact that the money he made from doing that put him through school and now he's a welder with an actual job he goes to. In my opinion, what Rep did is no different than a woman who strips to put herself through medical school or even just to feed her child. It's far more honorable than taking handouts for screeching from the couch about muh illnesses.

No. 513695


Um… doing research for a friend and all… but some make over $60k/yr selling underwear and there are web sites that enable those markets. I'm sorry… but getting to avoid laundry, reselling clothes for more than you paid for the, new clothes on a routine basis…

I'll take that type of revenue stream any day of the week over Kati's hoarded skid marked chubby tents. (And, we can tell by the videos that Kati is a fucking hoarder and a half when you can't even be arsed to throw a week of take away bags into the trash.)

No. 513699


He mentioned in a livestream a few days ago that the money he used for socks and underwear was used to buy strictly school supplies too, he posted the receipts of his school stuff he bought! Expensive stuff.

Geek, and Kati must think he sits at his computer all day, he has a job outside of youtube, got certified a few months ago in his trade, and hardly has been creating videos since that point.

These low hanging fruit are just vitriolic at this point

No. 513710

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Phil's the reason why she can't work. LOL. Crazy cunt.

No. 513713


She was already a "scam con artist" back when Phil was still defending her. She's been a lolcow since Jan 2017 and Phil didn't break with her until Apr 2017…

So, no Kati… you are a self centered cunt and a person who used abused kids to build you channel and subscriber base… You prey of the mentally and physically fragile to meet your own needs.

You are a drain on society and you need to be permanently locked up in the nut house.

No. 513723

She's in such a dither she isn't even making sense…I know it's the interwebs but she cannot spell nor form valid sentences.
"you didn't defend him to me"
Ahhh fuck, she is ignorant in so many ways.

No. 513729

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She's having a bad day… quit objectifying her… she's stupid alright? she's dumb as a rock. get over it. her JF babies will be SUPER STUPID!

No. 513731

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Random stream
they were planning to sue Google? WTF input please

No. 513739


ALL of the "her videos were needed for litigation!" stuff is pure imagination from Kati herself. ANY attorney would know that the existence of her videos on YouTube have no impact on ANY litigation except for Kati's own 5150 hearing to commit her against her will.

If the BioMom wanted to use those videos as anything, then the BioMom (and her attorney) would have needed to ask that the videos be taken DOWN and shown that they weren't taken down. BioMom has no ability to use them as evidence of a crime because they are not evidence of any crime (except the crime against human decency that she actually filmed, posted, and fought for them to stay up!).

If they wanted to sue Google, what would it have been for? That Kati made/posted videos that BioMom never asked her or Google to remove and so the videos stayed up on the site.

Kati's videos had NO USE except to grow her channel and gather her revenues through their existence and through the manufactured "harassment" that she claims to have gotten over them. She was trying to keep them online until the final court hearings when it would have hit the news and gotten her new views from people searching for the old story.

Kati is below scum.

No. 513742

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OMG!!! LMAO! She is fucking insane!! Telling someone to leave her alone that she has been in a twitter war for days. She can harass and call out people repeatedly and get 12 hour bans because of it and still the special snowflake feels justified. Imma just going to keep reporting her ass…hopefully everyone sick of her psychotic ramblings do. STFU Kati!!! 😂

No. 513743

I don't doubt that Conlon told her she can keep them up. I can even believe that he was dumb enough to believe that they were going to successfully sue Google. Any attorney wouldn't have had as much communication with Joy as Conlon did. Throughout this scenario, he has shown himself to be exceptional.

No. 513754

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So is her having herpes a lie or a question. I'm confused by her illegible writing and punctuation.

No. 513758


SHE thought she had herpes at one point in her past, in the Apr 2017 video by Phil, he was showing her weird medical beliefs as in she was going to do coffee enemas instead of seeing a doctor and Phil's point was to just go to a doctor and get a diagnosis. In that facebook conversation she wrote thinking that she had it from some shit boyfriend she was with at the time.

Since then, she's been saying that Phil said she had herpes when all he did was say she needed to go to a doctor and get diagnosed for what ever is wrong with her.

Now, does she have herpes? Well, in her indigo postings she posted to a hook up thread looking for any and all comers… so, I'm guessing the old nag has been around quite a few blocks and may have picked up a thing or two along the way.

No. 513759

You know reading Katie's tweets,I think Katie really needs an adult in her life she's like a 33yr old child.I thinks it's time for JFG to step up marry Katie get his green card and start making poo babies.Settle down in the mid west build their super race,that way Katie can do something productive like a cooking show on YouTube

No. 513761


Um… you're forgetting that Kati is WAY WAY past JF's age threshold… JF's prob around Kati because she has a lot of mentally disabled young girls in her fan base…that's more his hunting grounds than an old, fucked everyone between california and france has been.

No. 513762

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No. 513763


Teh ages keep changing.

First it was a 21 year old dating a 15 year old, then it was a 12 year old, then a 10 year old. Now it's a 13 year old.

How the fuck does she expect anyone to believe her 'he's a pedophile!' accusations are true when she can;t keep the age of the 'victim' straight?

No. 513769

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No. 513770


Geek was in a stream and said he has the woman's full name, date of birth, and where she lives now. So, that crew isn't creepy at all are they? It came across as if they were going to try to get her to denounce Phil.

No. 513773

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LOL!!! I’m hoping this means the start of a law suit against crazy pants!

No. 513786


Is Joy fucking attacking somebody because they literally could not help her due to their own legitimate problems (which frankly, she shouldn't have mentioned because she's now given Joy ammo at this point)?

No. 513788

That's exactly what she is doing.
>Fuck your problems, what about MEEEEE??

No. 513793



Exactly how does it make Kati look lambasting someone for taking care of their own serious issues instead of dropping everything to come to her aid?

How can anyone who supports Kati see her do that and still root for her? That behavior is utterly disgusting!

No. 513796


I certainly hope this girl drops her but the "Ammo" comment is because she mentioned her having depression and now Joy is probably gonna claim that she'll use that as an excuse or something.

No. 513801

Wait, am I missing something? When the fuck did miss Taunee Pruitt get thrown under the bus, targeted for sacrifice, and doxed?

I swear last week KattScratchGranny was as happy as a pig in shit to be listening to Kati's harpy screeching on livestreams again. Did she commit wrongthink and voice the opinion Kati should leave Phil alone?

No. 513863

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Geek Cuckatookookoo just threw a 9 year old female wrench into the works.

No. 513865

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That's still doxxing according to Kati.

No. 513866

Yet at the same breath he's being a pedo apologist. Sit down, Geek.

No. 513868

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OH dear

No. 513871

if he doesn't have a pattern of dating young girls or beating it to loli, they just slandering him over and over and over.

you may not have deserved whatever bullshit was thrown your way before, but you deserve everything you get now.

No. 513872

I guy named Geekthulhu has assured us. Sounds legit

No. 513873


So, geek is now stalking a total stranger, a woman he doesn't know, over this shit? Kati just seems to attract all these predators, doesn't she. Takedownman, Angel Zones, Taunee, DWolfe, Geek, JF.

No. 513878

The truth is that hours after she tweeted that no one took the bait so now she's saying it's because she doesn't feel up to it.

No. 513885


jobs won't "higher" a grown adult muchie who can't fucking spell "hire", ya stupid dolt

fuck she's hilarious, keep screeching kati! she's gonna pop a blood vessel soon, kek

No. 513886

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Debs has admitted to being behind the fake Eobard Thawne account the one with the underscore. The same account that all the screenshots on Kati's Google drive are for. If those screenshots and posts are from a fake account set up by a joytard. Makes you wonder how many more are fake as Well.

No. 513895

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"Dumb and Dumber"

No. 513899

They also don't hire people who advise unapologetic bullshitting on resumes. Employers usually want to hire people who have at least a broad sense of right and wrong.

No. 513952

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for the giggles

No. 513955


So, now the tampon tribe is no longer the PHD intilektual warrurs… they'd just mean spirited asshole bullies. Got it!

No. 513962

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This is their evidence of the 9yo thing. I was raised in a Christian family who didn't believe in sex outside of marriage. Guess what, at 16yo "perverted" was using the word wiener instead of hot dog (as in "that's Dave's wiener"). Not everyone is raised like Kati's crew of hose bags.

Notice something else in their evidence? She's going on 16yo and look at the bottom of the post. Kind of screws their pedo narrative to hell and back don't it?

No. 513966

I love/hate Melinda.
Love that she terrifies Joy to such a degree that all she can do is insult her and cry for her cucks in synthetic armor to defend her.
Hate that she is a little too protective of RH that it can cloud her judgement a little bit.
More love than hate, just because Joy cannot handle Melinda and has a complete nuclear meltdown whenever Melinda shows up. Through all of this, she is by far my favorite Joy Trigger. Her mere presence is enough to spiral Joy into instantaneous insanity.

No. 513968


They probably say they have evolved when in actuality they have devolved. Has it already been 3 months since she reentered the ring? it seems like her reentry through the Kumite has set the stage for all of her behavior since,she tasted blood and spun out

No. 513977

>>513962 thanks for digging that up anon

No. 513985


Hmm… but that would be fine with JF?

“But evolution doesn't keep you from from masturbating on a child that's not yet reproductive. To the contrary, why not why not take the child in your home, habituate them to sex so that when they reach 14 years old they will be pregnant.” – Jean-Francois Gariepy aka JF

No. 513989

she can't have it both ways but she thinks she can

No. 514100


When/where did Deb admit to this?

Not saying she didn't - just like to see some evidence, is all.

No. 514109

Maybe it’s just me but I’ve always thought she looks like she’s been well worn out (maybe she calls her vag “mashed potatoes” cuz it’s been pounded so many times.) It would also make sense why she makes a point of telling everyone she “hates” sex cuz “she gets embarrassed.” Think about it: she’s always talking about asexual she is. Methinks she doth protest too much.

No. 514112

Someone who used to be in her inner circle gave me the site where she bought subs. She first bought 5K. He said then she got a few people so then she bought a bigger package (he said she was essentially “addicted and needed to buy the subs for ‘ego clout,’” so btw that and stuffing tags she was able to build a small following cuz she’d show up close to onision with all her stuffing, and then all the onision haters came and so it began.

No. 514116

Let's all stand together and pray that her uterus dries up before she has any chance of procreating, I can't think of a worse life for a child than to have her as a mother.

No. 514173

Here here! 🍻🍻🍻
Let’s also pray for those possible unborn babies throughout the fertile years she has left.

No. 514269

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No. 514465


Someone needs to tell the Canadian Biology PHD Failure that "masturbating on a child" does nothing as far as reproduction/evolution.

How or why did that even come into his mind when he's talking about reproduction strategies?

No. 514562

did I miss the JF / Joy Sparkle BS stream today?

No. 514568

This sick cow needs his own thread. Kati sure knows how to pick 'em. Is it just me, or are ALL these cows the same or worse than Onion boy?

No. 514569

>>514465 When he says, 'Evolution does not stop you from masturbating over a child,' he's referring to any sex act from which reproduction cannot occur as masturbation/masturbatory. He is saying evolution doesn't stop you from fucking a child, then in the next breath says evolution encourages child fucking and pedophilia IS probably a default mode of reproduction for a large part of evolutionary history.

No. 514572

Kati is indeed streaming atm with jf. The viewer count is at 465 atm, never breaking 500. I guess a super intellectual and a "victim" who has been wronged by everyone who has ever interacted with her ever is not enough to attract people.

On a side note, I'd probably say it's best to stay clear of that shitshow going on right now… we all have loved ones who care for us and don't want us dying of losing too many brain cells by listening to either of those mentally unstable people.

No. 514576

Kati constantly talk about her illnesses for years until now she hasn't been better. That's why people questioning her health.

People sympathize with her many health problems, they donated their hard earned money to Kati.

Kati health is between her and her doctor. People who have illnesses usually go to their own doctor for medical advice and google it on the Internet for more informations.
Don't even need information from Kati.

Remember Kati past job in marketing aim to profits through developing sales strategies promoting products or services. That's means Kati have to lie to reach her sales.

Kati did said her fans most of them are the chronically ill people and disabled people.

No. 514580

she said she'll be on you now in 5 minutes

No. 514588

So basically, she didn't get the views she wanted on jf's stream, so bailed to scream somewhere else? Seems about on par for course.

No. 514603

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these are images from the jf stream. yet another new date. also, the lack of lab results. and some weird chart i'm trying to source (i didn't get the context because i didn't watch the video, just scrolled thru)

she just said on the younow shes going to make videos on spurpinkle bow. and literally no one was surprised. then said she wasn't making a comeback.

she's also pulling an onision and just repeating stuff until it becomes true.

(reposted because the original image was saved in low quality because i forgot to change the setting)

No. 514611

can someone post that pic in a quality where people can actually read what's on there?

No. 514618

Kati said in the stream with JF that she isn't coming back to Youtube because she needs to "heal".

No. 514625


go ahead, hero.

No. 514626

So she's doctor shopping.

No. 514636


yeah. and why is asthma on there if what she had, by her own words, was childhood asthma. as for the abscess, whatever happened to posting the picture of her with the abscess?

No. 514639

The all say active (as in it's a condition) cuz they're self reported symptoms or she told the new Dr (remember she Dr shops and never has medical records,) so they take her at her word. She has no shame. The only actual diagnostic test was a positive ANA which means nothing, despite the fact that when she found that out she pulled that histrionic BS re: "the secretary telling her she might have lupus, MS, or scleroderma," kek. Yes she has copper and Mercury in her system but everyone has copper in their bodies cuz it makes red blood cells and collagen (i.e., all of us could take an HMAT and it would be positive for copper; it only says history of copper poisoning (self reported.) Re; Mercury she said "poisoning" and it just says positive here and again we all have Mercury in our bodies just from breathing cuz we're exposed to fog, gas, condensation, and haze, etc., and re: the "aluminum poisoning" it says history so again that one is self reported. Nice try Kati kek

No. 514643

Then she talked about how the treatment for these metals, which she pronounced chee-lation as opposed to key-lation, is too much for her weak body, so she needs to heal first. If the metals are at high enough levels that they are causing symptoms, you either treat or you die. She is so sloppy with her lies kek

No. 514644

The 23rd. That was Friday. The day after that nurse called her out for her bullshit. Interesting.

No. 514649

File: 1519611089139.png (151.33 KB, 792x1022, rjmNnYf.png)

These morons… here is some basic math for Jeremy and his moron crew who have been fighting over numbers all day.

Jeremy… no wonder you're a call center jockey. Basic math is not hard you asshole.

No. 514650

Note under asthma that it says unspecified whether complicated. Not that I know a lot about reading these charts, but doesn't that read like she reported the problem and didn't specify how bad it is?

No. 514651


So..by those allergy dates, she's gone to yet another doctor? WFT? I've seen my doctor MANY TIMES and my allergy date doesn't keep changing.

No. 514653

A nurse called her out on her BS? And she admitted that? I mean I'm sure it was all "that meanie nurse…" but can you elaborate please? I know nothing of this Turkish Delight.

On another note does anyone remember what stream it was when she told her "getting 'Pretty Womaned' by her lawyer story?"' There was a few people on it and I know Benji was one of them if that helps. If anyone could direct me I'd be very grateful, thanks.

No. 514654

File: 1519611568527.png (173.98 KB, 1022x335, wchNNw4.png)

No. 514656

I linked the posts with screenshots from the nurse calling Kati out, and Kati threatening to hire a P.I. to track her down. If you look at Kati's Twitter it's still on going.


No. 514660

So according to this chart, her copper levels are in the normal range, isn't it?

No. 514661

Those are just your eyes playing a trick on you, dear anon, she's deathly ill.

No. 514664


According to JF's interpretation, yellow is high range so… she's HIGH on D3 (almost impossible for a person who never leaves her house and doesn't supplement), HIGH on Vit A (again, hard to do if not running an IV drip of the stuff because the body gets rid of it), HIGH on Vit K2 (also very unusual), Manganese (unusual!), Only slightly high on Zinc when she was over dosing on it, VERY high on Magnesium (a risk for heart failure, but she sucks those pedalyte like soda pop).

Why they picked copper of those elements to focus on I have no idea. The Magnesium actually causes heart failure.

No. 514676

File: 1519613033603.png (359.71 KB, 906x707, g8AQAxU.png)

Closer pic of what looks like yet another doctor's first contact. AND, we can see that it is patient's complaints because that was just two days ago… there is no way blood work would be reported back yet, so no way a doctor could diagnose anything.

No. 514682

Wasn't she on a short course of steroids to see if her condition improved, which would confirm polymyalgia rheumatica? Like, she wasn't officially diagnosed with it? Then she stopped taking the steroids early because they made her feel worse?

No. 514683

File: 1519613338264.png (23.49 KB, 724x197, 4Kef8fZ.png)

Evidence of her ABSCESS… JF claims that DOCTORS routinely conflate abscesses and tumors, so that is nothing unusual…

UM… if your doctor conflates an unusual solid growth typically WITHOUT inflamation (tumor) with a puss filled pocket (abcess)… get a new fucking doctor!

Tumors evade the immune system, so do NOT make abscesses or give the body a chance to engulf and expel them (like say a splinter would be recognized as a bad thing, the body would engulf it with white cells and eventually it would be expelled or walled in with scar tissue).

JF really is a failed biologist. I mean, wow! He is stupid.

No. 514694

Why would the tumor..now renamed abcess and asthma be added 2 days ago? She faltered at some point…around the abcess.
Cover me,I'm going in.

No. 514706

You can have abnormal ANA results from having a cold. Especially barely above normal range.

No. 514722

File: 1519616675611.png (35.12 KB, 559x308, lsNloTd.png)


Her ANA results were 1:80 ( see: >>512595 )

Some labs wouldn't have even reported her as a positive result (see pic)

No. 514724

File: 1519616906028.png (56.41 KB, 571x462, 1yQs23S.png)

So… given >>514722 and the fact that she even streamed that the rheumatologist told her that was nothing in his area of expertise and that she didn't have Ploymyalgia Rheumatica Syndrome, that proves that she's gone to yet another doctor and that those are only what she's told them as her complaints. The PRS was resolved by the doctor she had in Aug of last year and would have been marked as "Inactive" or "Resolved" if she were with the same doctor.

No. 514732

She never said anything about her jaw? It was neck neck neck and tumor. Abcess of jaw sounds like a toothache.
JF says he understands her dilemma as he has been through the defamation ringer.
He is a faux smooth operator.The french are so french.Katie has a memory like a steal trap.Same exact words and stories. At the center of the WHOLE SHABANG sits the diabolical Based Mama who Katie says that Nick and Rep probably talked to so they could get in her pants someday.and something about her boobs of course. Don't quote me on that.she says that her channel was getting 10,000 subscribers a month and compared subscribers with based mama and said that based mama was really jealous of her and she just couldn't stand it so she made this plan. The Frenchman agrees and calls it a coordinated hit piece between Nick Repp and Based.She accused Based of making off with $100,000 from the Kilroy event SO WHY DO PEOPLE WORRY ABOUT MEEEE??

No. 514745

A few minutes After Katie leaves the stream JF calls out lolcow in a most peculiar way…recommended

No. 514747

There is nothing critical here as a diagnosis so even if she was diagnosed with all of these right now, which she obviously isn't, it still doesn't support her bullshit lies. She has "been left for dead, over and over" by so many people, so why is that information missing ? I'll take a wild guess and say because it doesnt exist.

One of the first things my instructor in nursing school told us was that elderly people don't die from old age, they die when the body fails to operate. I'll spare further details but I mention it here because again, if she were in a critical state / near death or in the bad condition she claims from copper toxicity, now or further back in time, there would be damage or failure of organs, and even if diagnosed with organ failure, some organs can be broken down into levels of failure.

So, there'd be a history of liver failure, kidney failure, etc, (not necessarily more than one) and it would be important to document on her medical record so the appropriate diagnostics be ordered for monitoring, or even for the sake of certain medication being prescribed that would be contraindicated with a specific diagnosis.

No. 514753

That nurse on Twitter said that's a complaint chart not a diagnosed chart.

Do JK know the official diagnosed chart looks like in U.S because he lives in Canada.

No. 514766

File: 1519622631884.png (125.18 KB, 1195x426, l9S0oEL.png)

remember dat mr beeyologyist did atest to and conferim Kyatees medickal rekords and dat she vas a "slow oxeedashun type" ?

No. 514770


da beeyologyist noze all becaz he haz lyicked Kyatee's lyegs fur a full our und haz deyagnsid her imself. Do not doubt de beeyologyist, he has been officially certified by a psychiatrist.

No. 514788

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No. 514790

>>514753 he lives somewhere in the states at one time North Carolina not sure where now.was a professor at Duke University in the past. he is French Canadian

No. 514811

Lol. I recall based mama's response to being accused of jealousy of Joy. Something like "I'd rather set myself on fire than live as Joy for a day" or some such. Lol.

Obviously, it all began with based mama because Joy hadn't spent her entire online career fucking people over. There was never anyone mad at Joy or calling her crazy, shady, scammer etc. Until May, 2017.
Nope. Never happened. Ignore all threads previous to then because they don't exist.

Joy is obviously jealous of based's boobs, since she thinks everyone wants to fuck her and that her boobs have the ability to hypnotize people she never met! I mean, damn! Her boobs hypnotized Repzion into making an hour long video about Joy without Repzion even knowing who the fuck based was!
Those are some powerful tits!

No. 514813

God bless you anon!

No. 514817


Kati's problems started over a year ago when she jumped some poor kid's shit then sent him a text message trying to get him to kill himself.

Then, she jumped on the death of those kids and monetized the videos… NEVER show any evidence that money was donated to their funeral. Not one shred of evidence. But, she did dox herself to 40 people (because lolcow didn't believe her story about the kids) and guess one of them had enough of her shit and that's when her full name got posted here ( >>276710 ).

No one made Kati a lolcow except Kati.

No. 514824


This is from the "Truman Medical Center" per the video. JF does say doctors do interchange tumor and abscess. No date is given.

No. 514827

All hail hypnotits!

No. 514858

>>514824 you are correct no date given there I misspoke but there is a date of February 23rd wear her allergies were updated.

No. 514863

How Kati gonna get better, she keeps create drama. Just end the drama already enough is enough.

And why some of them so obsessed defending Kati. Why Kati so important to them. What does Kati do for them?

Kati says she wanted to defend herself so let her be defend herself without others interfere.

No. 514911


I think the 'best' part of all that (aside from Kati harassing the nurse); was the fact that Kati made it very clear that she had every intention to use that nurse's registration number to report her to her superiors - with the express purpose of getting the woman fired.

Because admitting your malicious intent is totally going to convince that nurse to share such vital info with her - fucking Christ!

No. 514915


Because, in Kati's bubble of reality, she won't be able to 'heal' until people stop 'bullying/harassing' her (i.e. - when people turn a blind eye to her BS and accept her as the victim that she claims herself to be; healing her with ass pats and enabling her psychosis by agreeing with her - unchallenged).

Yeah…never gonna happen, Kati.

No. 514917


Speculation, but I'm from around the same city where she grew up. Truman Medical Center (named after the former president from Independence,just east of the KC metro area) is a huge teaching hospital in downtown Kansas City affiliated with the University of Missouri-Kansas City medical school. There are any number of residents there who could have evaluated her, including in the ER. Since we already know from the family that she never followed up with the recommended outpatient treatment for anxiety following repeated visits to an ER for the "near heart attacks" and "near strokes" this may be the hospital where these tests are from.

On another couple of subjects that Kati has mentioned in other videos /streams, I seem to recall that Kati mentioned Kansas City having subways at one point…total lie. The city has never had them. Also, we absolutely do not going around calling people "hun" for no reason (as she said in the Onion "debate") if we've just met someone. We're friendly here but not presumptuous!

No. 514961

From her latest YN, she remarks about based "having her tits out then brags she has a high IQ," saying "she is really insecure and that's why she went after me."
Firstly, joy has also had her tits out, but her frequently talking about based's makes her look like the jealous one, as well as a bit of infatuation. Also, If she chose to literally stream nude daily, wouldn't confirm a lower iq. Joy, as a debating expert, should really brush up on her debate skills. She is rarely able to make a valid point.

She's still claiming CBD "makes me feel weird but isn't enough to make me trip or high" but she was the one in the past to claim it did make her high, now also claiming it's a "rumor" that she said it makes people high.

Regarding the use of calling someone a "retard," says "people are going to take it out of context, i was insulting his intelligence for slandering me again."

It's so unfortunate for her asskissers, that they aren't able to see what trash is in front of them. She can't even go an hour without being a shit person. Her streams are exactly the same as they were a year ago, nothing has changed

No. 514966

Someone needs to cut the clip where she says CBD oil makes her high and send it to her.

No. 515004

Who would be insecure about Kati?
If anything, standing next to her would make you feel great about yourself.
Yes, Mizz Sensitivity-and-doing-it-all-for-the-lowly-of-station routonely calls people "retard" and then has a break down if anyone else does it.
Obvs, she gets completely stoned from CBD oil. Kati is the most sensitive person on the planet, that's why she can get high from it and get copper toxicity from an iud she didn't even have for a long period of time. Copper toxcity that despite removal of said iud, continues to wreak havoc on her sooper sensitive form.

No. 515044

If she has a high IQ why is her spelling and grammar absolute shite?

No. 515045

VHS maybe)

No. 515061

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From her "STORY TIME MY BRAIN IS SICK" video, her response to a comment "George" made that corrected her after she claimed to get high from the CBD.

You could dry out a red pen while noting all of the nonsense in her comment alone. Thank God that Joy is an expert and so skilled in everything, including health care, so she can educate us on the percentage of health care workers that actually care, and that most aren't taught how to heal. Why the hell is she going to them then? She obviously knows more than they do.
I'd like to see the research she has done to support that claim. I'd love to see her prove it. Isn't that what she reminds us all to do? Give us ur research, joy, thx.

No. 515076

She says CBD oil makes her high at 2:58.

No. 515102

'I've almost caused a few near wrecks on freeways'.

'Almost'. 'Near wrecks'.
Classic Kati. Our Lady of Qualifiers.

No. 515252

So, people are aware there are cbd oil strains out there that are made with THC in it, which depending on the dosage and consistency, can produce the feeling of being high. I'm not saying Kati is right in everything she is saying, but it could be possible she consumed one of these brands that do contain thc.A reputable brand that makes cbd oil properly will not get you high, but since there's no fda regulations, almost anyone can call their product cbd oil. Has Kati ever said what brand she tried or where she specifically got it from?

For example, Diamond CBD has been known to mix drugs in their "CBD oil", which has resulted in not only people being high after taking it, but has caused deaths. Even the reputable products which contain cbd oil can produce some "feeling high" results. It doesn't mean you are high, but if you take enough of the ones with thc in it you can produce some of the effects like that tingly head feeling and whatnot. I have personally felt this after taking twice the normal dosage of one of my normal cbd oils I get shipped to me (anecdotal evidence, I know… but simple google or looking up information will find you all of this information).

Kati seems pretty ignorant on drugs and whatnot, so there's a chance she either took a shit brand labled as cbd oil, a company that uses synthetic strands, or used a reputable company, but took a much bigger dose then she was supposed to.

Again, because I feel like I should specify this…. it doesn't mean that she was high, but it's reasonable to say there's a possibility she thought she was high depending on what she took and how much.

No. 515271

File: 1519679194297.png (92.23 KB, 446x767, 1501187703146.png)

She showed it in one of her videos and it was posted in an older thread. It's this one.

No. 515276

So she did try a brand with some thc, could have taken a larger then reccommended dose (which we know she has done in the past… taking too much of a medication because she listened to someone over an actual doctor), and might have had the high feeling.


Their quality control page shows their product can contain 3% thc.

No. 515288

File: 1519680652479.png (396.36 KB, 2048x1536, 9A723229-6528-4FFB-90D8-539D65…)

Someone is taking legal action and she’s calling it blackmail! Dumb cunt!

No. 515291

I'm not a deist, but I am praying that this is legit! Perhaps legal action will make her reign in her crazy.

No. 515293

File: 1519680790421.png (1.11 MB, 2048x1536, 338EAD3E-21F7-4BC0-BC1D-0837F6…)

I didn’t know stupid until I saw Angel Zones!!! I can just hear this..” POLICE??? Peop,e on a hit list I made have gotten together and are suing me!! Please hurry!” LOL!LOL!😂😂😂

No. 515294

Would Joy be the first you tube careerist ever to have a class-action lawsuit against her?

No. 515295


So, making a 'hit list' of your haters so your salivating sycophants can harass them in your name is totally okay; but these same people on that 'hit list' potentially taking action against that kind of abuse is an absolute no no!

OMG - these people are certifiably nuts.

No. 515306

That was sent with globfone an anonymous texting website. The dumb cunt probably sent it to herself to drum up sympathy for herself.

No. 515313

File: 1519682418754.jpeg (63.37 KB, 436x680, DW-jfr9VMAEr4c9.jpeg)

The Hit List posted by Reality Check Twitter

No. 515316

This is just a small piece of the list

No. 515325


Isn't exposing the phone number like that a form of doxxing?

No. 515326

It's against Twitter TOS for posting private information.

No. 515327


That's what I thought…

No. 515328


Report to twitter ASAP.

No. 515334

No. 515337

Do we have the full list I'd like to know if I made on there lmfao but seriously I would like to know thanks

No. 515342

Kati appearance on Tonka show, Andy Warski show, JF show, Geek show and the new guy Thomas Ellington show.

Notice that Kati interview with Male only. Kati just using them for her own gain. Talk about the same topic over and over again.

Kati she's such a Annoying 33 years old immature woman.

No. 515349

No. 515353

This is actually insane. Like, lol, this is reaching the 'is this real life' levels.

I really feel sorry for everyone who had to deal with this bitch IRL ( Dom excluded, he's there because he apparently wants to be ) because she must be a nightmare to interact with and you're unable to block her with one click.

No. 515355

And then if they turn on her, she gets all smug and says that they just wanted her mashed potatoes.

No. 515369


can you imagine what that would sound like? no, kati, no one wants to hear that, you shrill loon.

No. 515371

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No. 515372

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No. 515383

https://youtu.be/C8WjC7XT4WM Around 114:00 in Katie volunteers to raise money on YouNow and her other channel to get Ellington 2 to attend Kilroy! cringe-fest
her followers don't even know what Kilroy is ffs

No. 515385

wow she's truly mental am I to understand this "hit list" is a conspiracy that based organized cuz I've followed this off and on since may.I see ppl on that list One in particular that made very nice to the point videos about her where all she did was point out the bullshit and she's on it and I see former fans on it to.I don't know all the details but I'm well versed in the drama and the one thing that brought us all together is we were able to see thru her bullshit and some called her out on it.Now how can anyone with a rational mind even not knowing much but her hit list and her tweets see her as doing the right thing.All she is going to do is completely ruin herself.Its gone past internet drama she has no case what's so ever after lawyers start going thru all this sure yea there may be some shit that comes out that makes some "haters" look bad but this bitch is going to come out of this looking worse then she looks now then that's an understatement I wish all tou guys on that list the best push it as far as can I know most of u didn't do it to hate on her it was to call her scams out and protect naïve people from her.I really hope you take legal recourse and put her in her place cuz she needs help and maybe the courts could find help Katie with her mental health

No. 515391

The highlighted person CC was one of her patrons and seemed really nice. I heard she was harassed so bad after being on the list that she deleted her Twitter. Hopefully if they are all doing a class action against crazy pants someone will get a hold of her.

No. 515393

Every “gang member” of Kati’s that reposts this list on twitter should be reported for hate speech and target harassment!

No. 515402

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No. 515406

She's trying to raise money to get a guy to crash a private event that security will boot his ass out of.
He'll probably cry foul, but if the organizers find out that she's sending a minion to crash the event, they'll just have police waiting for him when he gets there.
But by all means, go ahead and start fucking with people irl and see how that works out for you.

No. 515407

Lol. Let her do it!! Then Kilroy can sue both of their dumb asses!
Do it, Joy…send your latest mashed potato licker off to do your bidding!

No. 515408

Email admin@kilroyevent.com
Let them know they have some more free publicity from internet retards.

No. 515430


and if "having your tits out" (kek, it's called a cleavage kati you stupid, stupid woman) means a low IQ, what does filming your unwashed self daily, while wearing the same damn filthy, reeking hoodie for a week solid mean??

No. 515434


whenever i see angel zones i think of ed gein and the box of glitter-covered, dried womens' genitalia they found in his house, you know, with the human skull soup bowl, the belt made of human nipples, the skin shirt complete with breasts etc

gross freak

No. 515437

File: 1519696799962.jpg (697.24 KB, 1003x1845, SmartSelectImage_2018-02-24-23…)

I took SS of some of my favorite hypocrisy moments during the twitter freakout

(Pic) So when Based said "she can die in a fire for all i care" it was a death threat but somehow this is different?

No. 515441

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And how she lies 1/4 (Donno how to put them together on mobile)

No. 515442

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No. 515443

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No. 515445

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No. 515451

>>515445 She is cruel and unusual
And scary af

No. 515458

Hey, look at that…called it. Joy blowing up that ammo. Surprise surprise.

No. 515463

You sure did >>513793

No. 515470


TBF, though, she's pretty predictable at this point.

No. 515471

"a harasser that has a grooming past"
So now having a grooming past is bad to Kati? Hasn't her biggest ally in recent days been JF Ga-rapey?

No. 515508

File: 1519702813718.jpg (17.15 KB, 543x233, IMG_20180226_203345.jpg)

Well now you can acculy know what the tard looks like.

No. 515513

She’s not scary, she’s loud, and ignorant. But she’s too stupid to be scary.

No. 515516

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No. 515517

This thing is probably more scary than Kati because she has no conscience. She’s a mean, uneducated, bully and will do whatever she can to hurt a person. Someone like that is not worth a second look.

No. 515523

Around 30:50 Tommy C just cuts in to Kati, JF the retard fucker and Andy Warski.

No. 515538

Threatening to dox Joy probably not being the best strategic move from Tommyboy there.

No. 515543

can't dox someone who put their own information out there

No. 515545

Doesn't matter, it's not a good look for him to go on and on about how great his intentions are and how all that matters is those kids and how virtuous he's been to stay quiet while he "wins" …… and then turn around in the next breath and say "come at me Joy and I'll dox you, I got your contact information from Rose, I will dox you."
Not doing a great favor to his credibility, that's my two cents worth.

But who am I to say anything, I don't even refuse to sage like all the cool kids these days.

No. 515554

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No. 515566

>>515543 Doxing isn't the act of digging up someones personal information.

Doxing is the act of publicy spreading someones personal information, no matter if it was publicly available previously or not.

The information itself is referred to as a persons 'dox'. I think it was unclear from Tommy's comment whether he was implying he would publicly spread her dox or if he was implying that he would provide it privately to people seeking litigation against her.

It's debatable whether privately providing a persons 'dox' to individuals is considered 'doxing' or not, however boring that debate may be.

No. 515579

It can't be stressed enough how absolutely disgusting her reaction to this was. She might not know what that black pit of depression feels like ( hilarious, for someone who claims to have near every very serious medical condition under the sun ) but fuck, she's 33 with…really completely zero empathy/sympathy?
Vile cow.

No. 515597

it so vile that catscratch came out and swiped her a good one >>513762

No. 515649

File: 1519714606899.jpeg (354.02 KB, 1242x2208, 218BE475-CC38-4BFB-BB3A-FB9EDA…)

Ole geek is in rare form tonight.

No. 515662


Go to 2:50 for Irony

No. 515674

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No. 515677

I'm reading youtube comments and somebody presents the theory that Joy is an opioid addict. I know you guys hate this theory but, couldn't jumping from doctor to doctor be something she does to stock up on drugs?

No. 515710


Nope. Prescriptions for controlled substances are centrally tracked and she would be busted.

She's just your generic crazy assed, self centered, cunt who don't want to work for a living so has to make up all sorts of "the world hates me" shit to justify why Dom should be supporting her gelatinous ass on that couch 24/7.

No. 515725

No. 515728

File: 1519724265742.jpg (51.97 KB, 472x567, jsbs.jpg)

Yup and it's like 3:30 am where she is right? I just got in so I don't know what she said in the first several minutes but people in the chat were telling her that her lawsuits weren't viable. Also that new pink hoodie must be one of the few articles of clothing that will fit her :/

No. 515730

She looks like a penis in that picture.

Also, she is claiming her high metals are due to vaccines she's gotten in her life.

No. 515731


And, this is why circumcision is popular in the US.

No. 515732

She keeps saying she wants to get her story out and then drop the mic and walk away.

Didn't she do that like 203587239053 times already?

No. 515733

File: 1519725180543.jpg (54.79 KB, 485x556, weight.jpg)

Talking about her weight gain and how she doesn't want to be online while she keeps gaining. She said that she has to eat more to get better and she doesn't get any enjoyment out of it. She also looks done on obese people who got that way without her issues, wow! She showed this pic of herself "teeny tiny" from 2 years ago.

What adult is getting vaccines left and right though? If she's trying to blame all this on her childhood vaccines it just shows how she'll waste her life looking for a needle in the haystack that doesn't even exist!

No. 515736

"I dont like coming here and just like, bitching"

There were other things she did on stream?

No. 515738

She did a headstand that one time on a stream lol. Otherwise just bitching, sometimes she'd scream.

No. 515750


If you pay her patreon fees and self dox your face and name, she'll also bitch to you in her suprer sekret rabbit streams where she lets eveyone in, then takes the dog for a walk while they bitch among themselves about how awful the world is to her.

No. 515751


Why is she so focused on her weight, anyway? It's not like her fan base have been judging her for the weight gain (as they all believe her when she says it's due to her multiple illnesses affecting her body); so, why keep harping on it?

If she wants to lose weight; but can't leave the house - she can invest in a cross trainer and exercise her ass off in the comfort of her own home. That, and cut back on the pizza diet (seriously not buying that a greasy, high sodium diet is helping her in any way, shape or form).

No. 515754


She looks like she's topping 230, 235 pounds now. Back when she was only 160 she was putting down fat people, not to mention that "I'm Obese" video because she was 1 pound into obesity. Now, she's probably flying past morbid obesity with ease. She'll be qualified for a gastric by-pass, but no doctor is going to touch her w/out her having health insurance, so she's going to be stuck in porkerville for quite a while.

No. 515778

It must suck to be so insane you literally won't accept any form of help.
Someone save kati from herself.

No. 515787

How many times does she have to bring out her “tiny” pics. That was before Kati. This is now. She’s mid 30’s now and a lot harder to take off weight. She bashed her family members that were overweight and bragged about “knowing how to stay slim”. Knowing and doing are not the same thing.

No. 515795


Her weight is irrelevant, anyway. Regardless if she's a 500 lbs whale or a 90 lbs supermodel; as long as her shitty attitude/behavior remains as is, she'll never be anything other than an awful human being, no matter what.

No. 515799

File: 1519738099271.gif (1.47 MB, 500x375, image.gif)

The angels are a callin

No. 515802

Kek! She has her cleavage out in this so her IQ must be super low too. Ya know, since you can't show a little clevage and be smart at the same time.

No. 515812


Good Christ - the least she could have done was wear a proper bra to give her chest some volume.

As it was, they look saggy and gross.

No. 515816

It was a distraction to keep Joy away from focusing on Rose and her kids?
Didn't based mama say the exact same thing for why she called out Joy?

No. 515818


Would it make the statement any less true?

No. 515822

No. I'm saying that it seems like a lot of people were just trying to keep her crazy ass away from that family. She's a complete narc, so insulting her or calling her out would be seen as a huge insult that had to avenged, right?
I'm thinking that those who saw her for what she was did whatever they could to distract her with other things. I do not in any way think it was orchestrated like Joy claims. I think bm called her out and others who were concerned saw how well that worked and then they kept up the ploy.

I am really glad that the kids are doing better and seem like they're finally getting to have normal lives. If a few internet people had to stand in the line of fire to keep her tilting at windmills instead of up Rose's ass, I certainly won't criticize their efforts, since it seemed to achieve the goal.

No. 515836

File: 1519742444407.png (250.76 KB, 2048x1536, B839A76E-F121-4726-9432-551AC3…)

So this is the idiot that admitted to creating Kati’s list for her to publish. Such a good friend that he/she/it is willing to share charges for targeted harrassment. 🤣🤣

No. 515857

Hit list, plaintiff list. Poatato, po-tah-to, it's all the same in joyville.

No. 515862

Half the comment section from the recent Blargh upload is people calling her fat. The other half is calling her crazy. This is what she means by "orchestrated harassment" - the youtube commenters watched a video of her and didnt like what they saw and said as much in the comments. Obviously, they wouldn't do this if it weren't for Based Mama and Nick Monroe. Obviously.

It's so funny how outside of her echo chamber everyone thinks she insane and needs to fuck off for what she did to the kids but in Katiland its all just "a smear campaign" mhm ok Joy whatever you say. Guess throwing Rose under the bus only satisfied the people who buy your friendship and believe everything said by Joy anyway.

No. 515867

How long has she been on you tube?
How the hell did she rack up 65+ enemies to take down?? Lol, she actually does put effort into something! Acquiring enemies!!

No. 515944


A single year.

And these 'enemies' are only labeled as such because they dared to voice doubts about her claims/her actions; not because they actually did anything to deserve the label.

No. 515979

File: 1519755677372.jpg (379.21 KB, 1440x2199, IMG_20180227_131128.jpg)

Throw back to last year when she spoke about how "YouTube has helped me tremendously."

How the times have changed.

Also, remember her recently saying how she walks at least 2 miles every day, ya know, before she got sick of taking care of it's basic needs. I guess her health has taken a turn for the worse again and she is too frail to make the long journey to the front door. She must be simply fatigued and famished from the combination of putting her hood up, and pressing the power button on her laptop. I don't know where she gets the strength to do it every single day.
What a fighter.

No. 515991

"Don't be a stranger now!
Come back and visit real soon!"
Don't any of her "fans" see how saccharine she is? It's a manipulation tactic, ffs!

No. 516065


Nice one, it's falling to pieces

No. 516100

geekthulhu's livestreaming now about this whole situation(wrong thread)

No. 516105


Wrong thread, this is all spergleberry shit.

No. 516130


Geek's going through admitting Kati doxed Mo5's employer and encouraged her viewers to harass the employer.

Apparently Geek's piss poor memory is how Kati is convinced that Based Mama ran an orchestrated effort to trash her. It seems Geek may have convinced Kati that all her hate is not from independent people who actually have the illnesses she's claimed and/or people concerned about how Kati is intentionally targeting kids ranging from 11yo-22yo, mentally/physically fragile, and old creepy guys that are probably in her circle for the lolis.

No. 516161

>>515745 Kati has health insurance.
She's had health insurance this whole time.
Her grandmother pays for a health insurance policy for her.
The policy won't pay for more random shit until she follows the direction of several doctors and seeks a psychiatric evaluation.
It also doesn't pay for testing for shit there is no indication she has.
This is why she refused to get health insurance and wouldn't allow people to pay for it for her because she knows she would end up at exactly the same conclusion.
So she just keeps doctor shopping looking for a medical doctor to feed her delusions like her Naturopath did, and grasps at any straws she can along the way to say, 'HA! GOTCHA, EAT SHIT!'

No. 516170


Well, now she's a full blown hambeast to match that shitty cunt personality of her's. She better keep Dom chained in at night because she's not going to land another idiot unless she finds a chubby chaser with mucbang fantasies.

No. 516202

I hope the people she's trolling realize that no one outside her little circle takes her seriously or thinks she has any credibility and continues to/starts to ignore her.

No. 516307

File: 1519779553486.png (664.95 KB, 900x901, The Shady Bunch.png)


That's great, but you forgot the rest of The Shady Bunch

No. 516317


looks more "culty" than before

No. 516321


Kekekekek That's fucked up…all that's missing is Joy Crabtree holding a Rose bunny hostage screaming "I'M SO DONE AND THE BUNNY GETS IT!" or something, lol

No. 516382

I can't stop laughing at Chambers. Kek!

No. 516412

She's going for that mommyofive before the makeover look.

No. 516427



@3am Katie says NO she's not going to let it go. She has to make a PSA for for future sufferers. She is a wonderful person.

No. 516447

She needs flush her "psa" right down the shitter, where it belongs, alongside the idea of her EVER being seen as a hero in any sense.

She will always be a monster and her efforts would be better spent rooting through dumpsters for Domino's coupons.

There is never going to be a "next person they do this to," as she says, because fortunately for everyone in the world, there is only one Kati Marie-Our Lady of FritoLay-Joy Sparkle-Smith to operate scams, gloat over child abu$e, pedos and an imaginary decade long health crisis while being a real-life Pigpen dirt cloud.

No. 516462

>>516447 that's music to
my ears anon

No. 516504

Geek should ask Kati did she drives the car? during her car dealerships meltdown Kati said roommate is driving, then Kati said she don't do this driving. Geek was there in the chat.

And Geek should also ask Kati. Why did Kati deleted her main channel is it because people wanted to see the analytics of D05 videos suddenly she deleted her main channel?

Just these two simple question. Kati did said in recent Geek stream that she wanted to be transparent and honest about things. I would like to hear what Kati gonna say.

To those who already knew Kati behavior. Most probably Kati will make many excuses and deny it as usual.

Those people on Kati lists are exposing Kati many lies. Kati keeps on denying her lies and people got so frustrated on Kati.

No. 516579

I bring news from the Spergleberries thread. May need to have a few drinks, put some cotton wool in my ears and listen to that latest stream… It looks mercifully short…


>Oh, oh…. Geek stood up against Kati… And, refused to back down. Compared Kati to Nick Monroe! Holly shit, Geek must realize that he can't roll his couch potato around the super chat circuits if she's TOO crazy…

No. 516585

The type of non-cancerous tumor Kati claims she had is a paraganglioma, and apparently doctors just shrugged their shoulders and weren't concerned and just let her go off on her own and cure it with Italian herbs and spices, with no follow-up because it's whatever. . .NBD
but Holy Shit! She has an abcess? Get the anesthetics, we need to operate immediately! Oh, Shit! She passed out and is having a near seizure! Get the fucking smelling salts
(Really her family scheduled an appontment for her to get the thing drained after she just walked around with it for months, then she just ghosted her fucking appointment)
I guess just give her antibiotics and hope she has an angelic visitation so they work, and maybe the angels will give her the courage to eat some eggs as well.




Just STFU Kati, you stupid lying fucking moron! That's not how any of this works except in your delusional HPD mind. This is why you spend holidays alone and half your family will attempt to give you Shaken Baby Syndrome on sight. Go see a psychiatrist already bitch.

No. 516624


Honestly… I bet if the truth were known,

- She had a tooth abscess

- Went to ER where she got the antibiotics and was told that the abscess needs to be dealt with because they can cause infection to go to the heart muscles….

- She goes to a dentist, has a mother of all freak outs over getting a tooth pulled and is asked to never return (dentists are allowed to do that unlike medical doctors).

- And has since worked up this grand story about the magikal TUHMUR that nearly killed her except for the fact that angels told her to put pizza on it!

Taking bets on the fact that it "THE TUHMUR!" was really every day tooth abscess and bitch was afraid of the dentist.

No. 516643


Starts at 2h50m in the stream

No. 516681

You've posted enough to learn to sage your shit now. No milk = sage. Read the rules. Type sage in the email field and leave everything else blank, goddamn.

No. 516701

Listening to the Geekthulu podcast - at the point an anon said to start (thanks, btw!); I thought it laughable that Kati's excuse for not removing names from the hit list (after they made peace with her, of course) was because she didn't trust them not to criticize (excuse me - 'harass') her again down the line.

Hey, Kati! That's not making peace on your end - that's supplying lip service! If you truly made peace with them; the names would be gone. Instead, you leave their names on there to use them as future drama fodder.

No. 516705

It's a good manipulation tactic on her part. If they complain or make mention about not being taken off the list, then Kati gets to say she was right the entire time and they never intended to walk away. Granted, we realize that they wouldn't have mentioned her if she took them off the list, but we cannot hold Kati and her fanatics under the same level of intelligence.

No. 516709

My goodness, geek actually scolded joy about her liberal use of the word pedophile to describe Phil. Geek said she should be careful about her choice in words. I'm not a big fan of geek's but I am happy that he corrected her. You can't go around claiming someone's a pedophile because they dated a teenager.

No. 516713


And then she tried to justify her mislabeling by saying that wikipedia says that pedophiles are attracted to kids 13 and under - because, people can't edit wiki articles, right?

Because of that article, Kati also says that she'll continue using that label until the girl's age is confirmed as being older than 13. If that happens, she'll apologize - because, apologizing for calling someone a pedophile until proven wrong totally makes up for ruining someone's reputation.

For someone who considers herself a victim of unwarranted attacks for the last year, Kati should be the first one to admit apologies matter for shit.

No. 516722


Geek and Kati are still both liable under civil and criminal law for their month+ smear campaign. Geek's not going to get out of that by trying to back peddle at this point. His actions are still out there all over the Internet.

No. 516775

I am definately not a supporter of Phil but out of every nasty thing that has happened because of Kati’s internet presence this has got to be the most vile, hateful thing she has done, she and anyone else spreading this around should be charged for a hate crime. If the weirdo did what they claim he still is not diagnosed as a pedophile. A pedo has a ‘singular sexual desire for a child”. There are several criteria that need to be met and they are not completed because crazy pants says so. How dare she think she can propagate such a thing without consequences. I’m hoping she will have a permanent twitter ban, it looks like she had at least a 2 day ban right now. Keep it up Kati!

No. 516819

Same. And imo she keeps saying it about him to make it seem like he was very recently involved with the girl, making the age gap even greater.

No. 516876

That’s exactly what she’s doing; it’s called deflection Kati and no, people will not stop believing the truth about you despite your thirsty AF attempts to get people to focus on Phil. Kati you’ve been friends with him for over 10 years, and for being such a staunch advocate for children, why are you just now having a problem with it?

And Kati nice try re: your med records but lovebug: Hx = history from pt (i.e., self reported,) so you have a Hx of copper toxicity and a Hx of aluminum but no diagnostics (ie., you told your Dr you had both and he/she had to go on your word without confirmation from records, that you purposefully withheld, to cover his/her ass from malpractice but that doesn’t mean you have or ever had it.) While you have copper so does everyone as it’s essential to the production of RBCs and it’s the same case re: mercury as it’s environmental so it’s in the vapors, haze, fog, and condensation etc., you breathe in, notwithstanding in your beloved salmon. Nice try again kek; Kati there are people here who actually work in the medical field and aren’t Dr. Archangel M. Google or Dr. Dexter McWiki.

Sorry Saged for rage and medical Hx fagging

No. 516917

Joy and a couple of her Twitter friends, including Geekthulu, were put in Twitter jail thanks to everyone reporting their shit.

No. 517015

>>516624 Family anons already confirmed that it was a skin abcess. They don't know how long she had it as she would flop at one of their places and then just leave for months with no contact.

She had it when she showed up and then ghosted the day they had set up an appointment to have it incised and drained. They have said they don't know how it was resolved.

Antibiotic treatment for abcesses is usually not done unless it is severe, or in a location that is difficult to drain such as the face. Interestingly her recent glimpse of her medical info indicates an allergy to Penicillin and an allergy to Clindamycin that causes her to pass out! This could very well be the origin of her story about passing out and having a "near seizure" from local anisthetic.

We honestly don't know how that situation resolved itself. Except from Kati herself in her blog-post where she said she took antibiotics for it and 'felt amazing'. We don't know if she ever got it drained but her blog-post seems to indicate not. If she was trying to get it taken care of and claiming no health insurance I could see a doctor not comfortable incising something on her neck in case of complications and just prescribing antibiotic.

We do know that she never had a fucking paraganglioma that she cured with pizza sauce.

No. 517023

Those who have done the age math show the girl was a freshman in highschool and Phil was a senior. It's not the most koser relationship, but it is a "normal" one for teens and it's not really something where questions of a person's morals should come into play.

It's also really convenient this accusation came right when Phil was saying he was going to show the world the proof of how Kati manipulated him for years. Awfully convenient timing and I'm sure in no way related…. /s

No. 517038

Where is The scar?
Has she ever said…LOOK,it was right here! Muh Neck Tumor

No. 517127

Huh, I am kicking myself over the fact that for some reason the idea of a scar never occurred to me. But that would depend on wether it broke the skin, wouldn't it? I don't have much experience with abscesses.

On the subject of Phil, I'm pretty neutral about the guy. I enjoyed his input here but do find him to be very intense and at times a bit bullheaded. However, he doesn't seem like a bad person and what Kati has been doing to him is so out of line.
She can insist that she is going to use the term 'paedophile' because the 'legal definition' is 13 and under all she wants, but, the thing is, the term still holds connotations of attraction to pre-pubescent children to most people. Y'know, because that is what the word actually means. And a good chunk of people think that paedos are the absolute worst of the worst. This is significant character assassination and it is deeply unfair. It is an extreme punishment for simply realising she's a piece of shit and ending a friendship.
And, yeah, the way they have been going on about it makes it seem as if he actively has the fetish when a) nothing actually makes it seem like he's an actual paedo at all and b) this is all based on a "relationship" from a million years ago. It's very dangerous to be spouting this with such ferocity all over the place.
I did think it was good to see Geek calling her out on her use of paedophile though. However, Geek is still a cunt and has been instrumental in this smear campaign.

No. 517143

No. 517152


Though the vulgarity she was using was - well - vulgar; it pales in comparison to the recent shit she's been pulling.

No. 517155

True, but Twitter doesn't like rasict tweets, and with the amount of 24h and 48h suspensions she's had over the last 2 weeks. That should be the straw that broke the camel's back.

No. 517175

File: 1519861757885.png (216.9 KB, 678x697, 8K850o4.png)

Kati getting BTFO by Kaily Bear.

Guess Kati is going to have to make that apology and make it "as public as [she] can!" otherwise, she's worse that Nick Monroe and willfully ruining someone's life.

No. 517275

Calling it now. Kati is going to ghost her twitter again because she'll magikally be sick gois.

No. 517283

Yes our lady of Frito Lay will probably come down with a serious case of fibromyluporheumatiscleromas. What is that code? ICD-Fuck off?

No. 517288



No. 517347

File: 1519873276793.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.24 MB, 1258x2048, 1519873153627.jpg)

I don't know how this happened
it just did

No. 517365

Kekekekekek! I'm kind of glad it happened, Anon.

No. 517430

Kek I can’t breathe. Nj earlier I told a friend that an anon put up a pic from a stream and another said she looked like a penis (which she so did.) My friend was dying; he just - I can’t explain but to the anon who posted and the anon who said she looked like a penis, spot on and thank you… and to the special anon who made this happen may our Lady of Frito Lay be with you.

No. 517444

Kek Im blushing penis pink
Thank you anons.

The original photo had good bones. I mean bone Kek

No. 517638

What a bunch of moaning, snitching fucking arse holes on here. Jesus this is the next generation growing up. Don't follow her if you are offended by tweets and grow the fuck up.(wk)

No. 517652

Turnabout is fair play.

No. 517661


Because enabling a mentally sick woman who's fanbase is made up of impressionable kids/mentally challenged people is totally the right course to take, right?

GTFO, joytard.

No. 517668

All your messiah does is rant, complain, gossip, and bitch about others and her fake “illnesses.” How is this any different except we speak truth which she knows not? Run run little minion run run and tell Our Lady Of Frito Lay you’ve done thy bidding. Now be gone #Joytard or I may have to do some angel channeling kek.

No. 517672

The joytard is right, guys.

Instead of reporting her to Twitter, we should exaggerate what she did, blowing it completely out of proportion and call her mommy like she did to Alex.

No. 517722

Andy Warski got a strike so no more livestreams on his channel. So thankfully we won't have to hear her on that stream anymore. At least for 90 days.

No. 517812

Good. Andy is garbage now anyway. All he does is stream for money.

No. 517841

Jesus, this sounds like that ignorant fuck, ‘geek’. He got so many of his twitter accounts banned that he’s moved over here? That right, Jeremy?

No. 517869

I blame Based Mama & Lizz fucking Reptile for the start of it all

No. 517903


the start of what, exactly?

And please, sage your posts.

No. 517906


these threads predate all the boogeymen she blames for the problems she caused.

No. 517909

I’m guessing you mean all of Joy’s mean “haterz?” Right cuz Joy didn’t do anything to warrant hate; youtube has never been this toxic for anyone except her; there must be some reason for that.

No. 517914


There is - it's that Kati is toxic sludge.

No. 517915

File: 1519934192985.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.93 KB, 254x414, Herpes.jpg)

You forgot the Herpes Blisters

No. 517936

Don't read here if you're going to get offended by us just showing anyone who reads here what an awful ass Kati is.

No. 517946

You blame them for what? Kati being a total psycho for half of her life? For her refusal to seek recommended psychiatric treatment?
For her scheming with RH's lawyer behind her back? For gathering confidential case information? For unfounded accusstions of pedophilia, while sidling up to an actual pedophilia advocate? For illegally recording phone calls and publicly piblishing them? For her non-stop targeted harassment campaigns? For her threats of legal action against anyone and everyone who doesn't have their nose up her ass?
Sorry, those are all things that Kati has done of her own volition. No one forced her to be a shitty person. You could make the argument that they forced her to reveal what a shitty person she is to a wider audience, but that's about it.

No. 517951

None of which has anything to do with you or lolcow

No. 517955

I never said it did. I said it wasn't because of anyone but Kati.

No. 517968

So which joytard are you. My bets on Denise since you have that 2 week Twitter ban.

No. 517969


No. 517975

File: 1519938209060.jpg (159.79 KB, 1439x2319, Screenshot_20180301-140237.jpg)

Correction permanently banned from Twitter.

No. 517987

If you search that username, it'll bring up replies to her, with her original tweet showing but with the new username. It doesn't do that.

No. 517996

So her account isn't gone?

No. 517999

It's gone, but it looks like it was deleted by Denise herself. Apologies for my shite explanation.

No. 518013

Now that's real mature. Is everybody here a twelve year old boy or what?

No. 518050

File: 1519942510585.jpg (63.42 KB, 904x796, report 1.JPG)

Geek got banned on this account hehe

No. 518051


No. I'm the lone 13 year old. Everyone else is 12 though.

No. 518075


You sure? Because I just checked and the account is still up.

No. 518100

He is in twitter jail.

No. 518104


No wonder why they are all coming here, shaking their tiny little fists.

No. 518114

File: 1519946074441.png (119.13 KB, 750x1282, IMG_3738.PNG)

I think he got a 2 week ban I've been reporting him too

No. 518121

File: 1519946306102.jpg (90.3 KB, 1095x2048, IMG_20180301_161759.jpg)

LOL, I got one too.

No. 518197


He posted his own 7day ban, it was posted in the spergleberry thread. >>516547

No. 518431

You forgot establishing and growing a channel by harassing others as well as Making a substantial amount of Money off the trauma of abused children. Oh and proclaiming herself a Saint for doing so.

No. 518473


Also, monetizing videos about the deaths of her own family members ( starts here: >>272324 )… don't forget that little gem. OH… and when she was called on it, she was (of course!) going to donate it to the funeral expenses, but never got around to showing any proof of that donation.

No. 518539

File: 1519979899225.png (108.59 KB, 794x625, A2GC1tX.png)

Someone must have explained the laws to cuck… unless he goes on a wild and very public rampage to rehabilitate Phil's reputation, cuck is still very much liable for everything he did for over a month… walking it back now ain't gonna help him any more than it would help Kati.

No. 518541

wait, did Geek flip on Kati?

No. 518546

File: 1519980428549.png (140.52 KB, 787x842, m0f8ECj.png)

Geek is making Kati sound even crazier than any of us guessed. :-)

No. 518610

File: 1519993981435.png (24.24 KB, 288x410, up11owj.png)

36 people still happy to pay Kati to rant and lie on the internet in Kati's vile attempts to "get back at" people that noticed was a crazy whack job she is.

No. 518629


Compared to the - what? - 50 some odd supporters and near 1k she used to get ? I see this as encouraging, as it means less people are buying into her BS now.

No. 518660

File: 1520001546860.png (213.33 KB, 750x1300, IMG_3742.PNG)

You have to ask yourself why now? Guess he's not getting the views/subs from backing Katie.Dude enabled her and now he's talking she's crazy ruins all the good work he did.He talks about how he conducts himself with honor that's cute.Still has it out for Phil says he got the hate train rolling.Again NO Phil jumped on board when Katie started the hate train with her monetizing DO5,terrorism attacks,Hurricane poo babies etc.Phils in love with Katie he isn't a master mind that orchestrated the hate train,he saw an opportunity to hurt Katie and use the critics as his army.Maybe if geek did research before trying to be Katie's white knight,he wouldn't of found himself in this situation.Welcome to the "hit list" Geek in Katie's mind ur a hater tweeting such blasphemy lmfao

No. 518663


part of the reason he might believe this is because she attributed the discovery of certain information found to phil before he started posting here openly.

it wasn't phil, though. /i/ found that celtic album with some simple google-fu. actually, dogpile-fu.

No. 518681


Geek's first vid was to hitch his wagon to her higher view counts. He did to her what she wanted to do to Onision… only Onision if 10x smarter than Kati… (let THAT sink in!)…

So, he wound her up for a month long march toward being committed under 5150 for the lols and is now cutting her loose. Couldn't happen to a nicer cunt.

No. 518683


March 18th, Kati monetized the deaths of those kids (proving the disgusting drama goul that she was)… Phil didn't step off the crazy train until more than a month later.

SOOoooooo…. NO, Phil didn't start shit. And she was outed by someone in that group that she "proved she really did know the dead kids' family" to because by then she'd already sent anon-email to someone trying to get them to kill themselves. Kati's group has been toxic from the start. People have seen that she lies through her teeth from the start.

No. 518704

File: 1520005209026.jpg (48.93 KB, 624x461, Deb.JPG)

Looks like drunk Deb has either been pushed out or she even sees it is a sinking ship

No. 518728

File: 1520007193173.jpg (556.33 KB, 1044x1233, SmartSelectImage_2018-03-02-04…)

Yeah, he called her out live and then…

No. 518737

He played Kati like a harp… wound her up, got her to sperg all over the internet, then dumps her like a hot potato. Bet none of the blood sports folk want to risk having her on any more so she's of no use to him any more.

Dang, Kati, you got payed and hard!

No. 518761


How many former fans of Kati's came out and said this exact same thing - that they tried reasoning with her, to help her speak her mind without sounding like an unhinged lunatic, only to realize that - despite all her nodding and voicing how she agrees with them/thanks them for their advice - she doesn't listen for shit; essentially spitting in their faces?

How many times do former fans need to state that publicly before the Joytards start listening?

No. 518836

You can lead a horse to water You can't make it drink

No. 518852


The best part of all this is Kati can't even sperg out on Twitter about cuckthulu posting all this because she has a 7day or 2 week suspension.

No. 518884

For someone who says she doesn't ask people to white knight for her, and that she doesn't want people defending her, she sure does lose her shit when people stop trying to defend her. I cannot wait to see what she has to say about Geek and Denise.

No. 518886


Boy, this sound familiar doesn't it, Jeremy? Where have we heard this before. Oh yeah, Phil.

No. 518904


And Negs (mrontheborder).

No. 518909

File: 1520021256595.png (150.22 KB, 749x1302, IMG_3743.PNG)

No. 518942


No one was speaking to whether the the idea of Phil starting everything was true or not, just WHY Kati and by extension Geek might think Phil was involved before he was. I was providing insight that other people may not have noticed, forgot, or thought insignificant at the time. This came to mind because, at the time, I thought it was hilarious she was blaming Phil for a post I made. I considered whether to correct her or not and decided to just let it slide because I didn't know at the time she might use it as evidence in her scapegoating of Phil a year and some change later.
("Might" because I don't know if this post is why she thinks Phil was involved before he was; This is all speculation)

You're at a 10 and you should be at a 7. Settle down, Francis. It's not that serious.

No. 518960

>>518942 I remember that. She flipped the fuck out when that old music got found and she was paranoid ranting about, 'There's NO WAY anyone could have found that unless they KNEW me!' Even though anons posted exactly how they found it I think in her paranoid mind it instantly got attributed to Phil and nothing anyone said could convince her otherwise. She just was never very vocal about it after that because it wasn't getting her pity-pats from Joytards and she just sounded crazy saying it lol

The thing is it's really hard at this point to tell which are the psychotic delusions she believes and which are the pathological lies she's spinning to justify her vindictive screeching?
It's like when she was screeching at Melinda Gail on Twitter for 'contacting her family' just for posting a screenshot of what family anons were posting here. Does she have a paranoid delusion that Melinda Gail personally contacted her family and orchestrated them posting here or is that just a lie to spin Melinda as a horrible person to her Joytards?

No. 518990

What's funny about that is Melinda Gale wasn't even the first person to post those pictures on Twitter. I posted a few and added text to a few and Melinda shared my tweets. So once again Kati was attacking the wrong person.

No. 519022


Why can't it be both?

No. 519033

>>518884 what has denise done?

No. 519062

She's been going around harassing anyone who doesn't worship Joysus.

No. 519078

My bad Anon. I meant Debbie.

No. 519150


and Melinda with posting her phone number when it was posted here, months before.

No. 519272

These were…surprisingly rational replies. Not all of it, of course, but admitting that she indeed has crazy reactions is something, at least.
The only question remaining is why is he, knowing all of that, still standing by her.
We've all seen and heard her. The mashed taters can't be worth it and neither is her questionable intelligence level. ( On that note - I'm also wondering just how low of a self esteem Dom has, but I won't derail with that, no. )

She doesn't care about that. Just as long as she has someone to manically attack.
This is the same person who saw a "rumour here" ( usually a joke, really, it was clearly not being said in a serious manner ) and she already had to do another video "dispelling the rumours". Our cow Kati is a crazy bitch and morally in the gutter. The first was amusing sometimes, the latter was just sad, cringy and infuriating.

No. 519292

One night I went into phils YT stream,he was talking about a twitter war he had with debz..I had no clue what he was on about but he kept saying don't do what I did,which was to become involved or interact with the crazymakers.he seemed to regret it whatever it was.

Is it taboo to bring up buying su?bs
every stream she says, every month I got 10,000 Subs boom. And in my mind I think yeah you did, you bought them. Shazam. Crazy pants on fire

No. 519295

I think Deb sobered up or was kicked out

No. 519306

This guy is as crazy as Kati

No. 519361


Yes! (What we are referring to: >>278487) I went back and read some of it. It wasn't even Dogpile-fu, it was on the Tumblr blog.

I'm not sure even she knows which are delusions and which are lies.

I found where she said it had to be Phil.


It's towards the end

No. 519402

Good read anon. The person who's breaking down in the beginning. is that the girl that Katie had come in here to mess up the threads? To do her bidding? Until it drove her to the edge. There is so much garbage now that I definitely need a refresher.
did the Celtic album have to be Phil? was it proved to be him?
I have been told that Phil signed his posts. Can you direct me to those posts if it's not too much trouble. much thank you anon

No. 519405


all the answers you seek are in the threads. going back over it without the context of a current discussion or event would be derailing.

No. 519407

Thanks anon I'm an excellent reader

No. 519410



No. 519416

Richard Stiles channel GONE.
Expelliarmus ,the third horcrux

No. 519419


Both "Richard Stiles" and "WanagiAkicita" are down for 3rd party copyright violations.

No. 519425

Look for it yourself you lazy bastard

No. 519427

No. 519428


Can you argue with the voices in your head somewhere else? Thanks.

No. 519429

No. 519471


Anons! She loves me.She loves you too! she's nothing like we thought she was, she simply loves us SIGH

No. 519562

File: 1520089105237.png (61.95 KB, 912x503, IMG_20180303_145817.png)

Apparently whatever that was is gone?

No. 519654


Link seems to work just fine - as there's a Kati vid there.

Couldn't tell you what it's about, though - as I refuse to listen to that annoying voice, if I can at all help it.

No. 519740

File: 1520102079429.png (194.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-03-03-13-22-39…)

Sorry anon I was watching the "jsbs" vids in her dump.I posted that one video later I went back to watch more and the drive was empty.I pressed the info button and got this screeny.
Since debz sez shes out,did she take that file with her? Can anyone else see these videos? They were inside the rose hall video file.
I'm confused cause I suck at this as it is.Any anon.w.info on the joy video dump file now missing?

No. 519837

I think I may have them all but I’m not sure how to d/l and link here. I kept the page open so I could read the whole drive when I had time and I guess by doing so I still can access the vids so if a Kind farmer could by my senpai I would be very grateful… and we have Kati vids!

No. 519873

Currently uploading the contents of the google drive - Will post links when it's done but it's 8 gigs so will take a hour or so

No. 519949

backup of katis google drive

uploaded 03/03/19 available for 7 days


No. 520055

I am UDDERly grateful to YOU generous anon.

No. 520466

EIGHT GIGABYTES?!?! 8?!?! Let that sink in! That is A LOT. Her and her minions…. err I mean "friends" that actually PAY HER to do her work, are just saaaaaddd. And have to have zero life to collect THAT MUCH information!Seriously, ridiculous! I roll my eyes at that "drive" because in the end, it just shows just HOW crazy she really is!(learn to integrate)

No. 520470

Seems like boyfriend force fed her some anti-crazy pills; her manic phase has finally died down!

No. 520472


that's called twitter jail.

If it's her whole drive, there are a lot of repeated stuff in there (like same pic of a tweet used 6x over) and a lot of even her own videos and a couple live streams. It may be 8G but the quality is fucking low.

No. 520508

She's not in Twitter jail and hasn't been. She's been liking other people's posts for the past 4 days.
My guess is she's in shock since cuckthulu called her out during that stream.

No. 520564


So, then her access to the big channels has been cut off. Now, she's stuck with her joytards and Splugepunky Bow… awww… poor babe, left to lie in a bed of her own making.

No. 520579

She doesn't rely on him for access to bigger channels

No. 520584

the speedometer, odometer, etc were not reversed.

No. 520585

She's up to something won't be long the bitch will be back.And geek didn't necessarily turn on her,looks like he's trying to say both sides are crazy and he's doing the back and forth saying he's doing this for himself and not Katie.dudes got way to much time on his hands lol

No. 520604

She lost another $20 Patron

Current Patreon sidebar reads:
10 of the $2 =$20
14 of the $3 =$42
14 of the $10 =$140
3 of the $20 =$60
1 of the $50 =$50
1 of the $100 =$100 Total 43 Patrons for $412

Top of the page indicates 37 Patrons for $254

No. 520608

Cuckthulu is a call center employee for a cable company. There's a good chance he does that from home, since that Apple, amex and Microsoft are the better paying at home jobs. So he has nothing but time on his hands.

No. 520642

File: 1520198868599.jpg (73.27 KB, 928x609, IMG_20180304_142732.jpg)

And she's back. LOL.

No. 520651

What about "her story" ?

No. 520656

File: 1520199795208.jpg (93.31 KB, 1080x1080, 2018-03-03 03.25.36.jpg)

That moment when Geek said…..

No. 520660


'I'm just chosing to distance myself and not partake in any internet BS.'

1 - for the love of fuck; work on your grammar.

2 - too little, way too fucking late.

3 - if you're replying to someone making a jab at you; you're not distancing yourself from shit all. Way to contradict yourself, dipshit!

No. 520663

she seems really bothered that she can't just go away to make it go away so she can come back.

No. 520667

File: 1520200493718.png (141.94 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3745.PNG)

I don't know where you said that info anon but it's not correct.

No. 520677

It looks like she'll need to find a new attack dog because even geek has his limits. You think she can get the warskis now?

No. 520681

From her previous twitter post, JFG was on her side. Although, I haven't been following that closely, he might have also jumped ship.

No. 520721

>>520667 I straight up said that is what is displayed on the individual tiers sidebar and then quoted what's displayed at the top that you took a screenshot of. It's 100% an accurate representation of all the amounts of displayed Patrons and donation amounts displayed on her Patreon page. That is where that info came from.

No. 520752

File: 1520209036454.png (557.78 KB, 1080x962, IMG_20180305_001149.png)

Just as a wee OT aside at the moment, I am so repulsed by her weight gain. I am aware that is petty. I am someone who tends to be relatively indifferent to other people's weight gain - like, I give no shits if you happen to be fat, usually - but for some reason I cannot put my finger on, the podgier she gets the more irritating and obnoxious-looking she becomes, which in turn makes her more repulsive. I can't think why though. I do think her nose has something to do with it but aside from that I can't reason or articulate the issue properly.

No. 520761

The amount when added up shows the potential income. Some people suspend their payments or sign up and cancel before the payment is due and Patreon gives them access to the account and privalages. The amount at the top shows how much she got when the last payemnts went through. Just to clarify I have a Patreon

No. 520785

I feel like she gained weight as she lost control of her emos. We speculate that she had problems in the past with anorexia yoyoed with bulimia.we know its all about CONTROL with her.When she snagged Dom's nest and got walls around her (instead of continual movement)she lost control.I saw a spunky confident woman LET HERSELF go and turn into Jabba the Hutt.
And she did it to spite us.SEE I told you I was sick.it would have been too much effort for her to get deathly skinny. The most maddening bit is the constant diarrhea with weight gain.It's NOT A THING…even her fat is full of lies.

No. 520912

File: 1520224067632.png (38.87 KB, 1066x600, Screenshot 2018-03-05 15.23.52…)

I'll post here too since he was her biggest supporter. Richard has had his main YouTube account removed. He really wanted it to be big.

That's what you get when you creep on people and upload their shit without permission.

No. 520930

my bad, not been around and today i decided to stalk.(no one cares)

No. 520936

No. 520964


speaking of patreon, Katie comments in the comments section of her video amused me.
you have to be into that kind of thing.

No. 520967

That guy was an arse hole uploading streams he didn't own. It should have happened sooner

No. 520980

File: 1520231323237.png (214.3 KB, 1058x825, WhjeVKO.png)


Hmmm… like spurpinklebow backup I guess… they even still have D05 vids up, but Kati can't be arsed to do anything about that.


The video "should I make a patreon" was published two days after she published the patreon and had already been "not pushing it" pushing it. (pic is her comment on that video - made at the time of the video itself)

And, for the record… a bra costs less than a single delivered pizza…but she couldn't be arsed to buy one because she through her boobs looked sexy to the children (11yo-15yo) that she was targeting with her stuff.

Why, yes Kati, you are a lying sack of shit. You have been since before your channel started and you continue to be to this day.

You claimed to be so sick that you needed your boyfriend to help you from the couch to the bed and to the shower. You claimed to be so sick that you couldn't even show some days.

Oh… and your "ANY TIME I SAY I'M GOING TO DO SOMETHING, I DO IT AND I PROVIDE RECEIPTS" … well, guess you had better retire that, because even when you wrote that it wasn't true because you've never shown how much you donated off those videos about the deaths of those kids. You fucking monetized the death of children in your own family… if that isn't disgusting, I don't know what is.

No. 521000


Notice she posted this the same day as the patreon video.She does know how to market her big fat lying project to become Kek YouTube's Sweetheart KEKkekKek

She said that on Thomas Ellingtons stream.something like I used to be YouTubes Sweetheart KEK

No. 521062


that whole video and the car sales lot rant looked like she was hoping for someone to send her money for a new car or something… maybe as a minimum, get given a car. In that video she shows all those lit up warning signs right after starting the engine… all cars light up all warning signs when they start because the systems are doing self check. i could get the same type of my video out of my car any day of the week.

Then in the car lot video she goes on a rant because the "couldn't find her car for an hour" … right, I bet they said wait we have to get the key to bring it to you and after 15 minutes she went batso nutso in order to stream that rant for her audience.

Either way, she was on the outs with the anti-onision crowd w/in 3 weeks of starting and no one gave a shit about her or knew who she was till she took her stupid cease and desist letter shit on warski / repzion's channels. that's when her real problems started because it was obvious that she was bat shit crazy even in the cease and desist letter video.

No. 521303

Why are you posting things from ten months ago?

No. 521441

Sorry, I know this is old, but WHEN and where did Geek "call her out" on a live stream? Which one was it??

Also does ANYONE know what happened with Cy??? I'm really curious as to who ditched who! If in fact they did "break up"😉

No. 521498


He called her out about 2 hr 50 min into the stream in post >>516100.

While we're going back over Joy's Greatest Hits, you may want to revisit posts >>323206 and >>323189, ca. 27 May 2017, from 3 hrs 15 minutes in.

>failure: "i don't…i don't like her."

>tonka: "i tried to like her but she kept talking."
>geekthulu (the cuck): "she's nice but she kinda talks too much and turns the room against her."
>tonka: "she's a nice lady…a not so truth-telling lady."

(repost for formatting error - and again for typos… I'm on fire tonight, guys…)

No. 521603


She doesn't have any money to pay Cy
To___ ____ _____ fill in the blank kek

No. 521645

She has stated (who knows if it’s true) she was anorexic but never discussed bulemia to my knowledge.

No. 521648

So wild is that Cy hasn't mentioned her at ALL in Twitter…like "buh-bye!"

No. 521667

Wow, that's just sad, and weird! But "I still look at her as a friend" By that statement, it sounds to me like Cy ghosted HER. She didn't say at all "we are still good friends" etc etc and didn't sound happy. Joys just using the "not being able to pay her" as to an explanation why she isn't around anymore, me thinks!
Joy has been known to ditch "friends" we they are no longer of use to her, and maybe Cy finally saw that. 🤔

No. 521684


She claimed "an eating disorder" when she was trying to climb onto that super thin girl for views. She was VERY fuzzy about what eating disorder and actually hinted at being a fatty as a kid as what she was talking about.

She has never claimed that being thin was disordered behavior, in fact she claimed, repeatedly, that she had been very good at nutrition and that's why she was "teeny tiny" (except her star search profile puts her at 125 pounds, not exactly what people would call teeny tiny by any stretch). And those pics she tries to pass off as 105 pounds, just are not a 105 pound person. At the lowest, they might be 115… but there is absolutely no way she'd have that ass at 105 pounds.

No. 521724

Not many admit to intentional regurgitation imo and in my experience.

No. 521730


If you are referring to this >>515733
A closer look at her back shows 2 unnatural points ^ ^ near her shoulder and ass.it looks like somebody photoshopped a scoop out of her back. speculation as it's a photo of a photo of a photo.

No. 521741


Look at the thick thighs and ass in that photo… just because she could stretch her body up and suck her gut in for two seconds to get a photo… no way that's 105 pounds. At best that's 115 or more… like size 8 if not size 10.

No. 521745

File: 1520306135486.png (388.57 KB, 1067x1697, 20180305_221222.png)

No. 521747


Not to mention her giant arm.this photo is taken at a very weird angle and also into a mirror. anybody know what's on her head?

No. 521749


Of course. It's very srsbsnss with lolsuits and everything.

But seriously, I about fell out of my chair when I read that. I think PHIL tried to do the same thing on one of her YouNow livestreams. The parallels they are just uncanny!

No. 521763


Isn't it ironic doncha think?

it's the good advice that you just wouldn't take and who would have thought, it figures.

No. 521770


Cuck is going full inceptard… HIS "fans" (cucked bois) are trying to talk HIM down from his bat shit crazy twitter rantings… AND, of course, his situation is a "speshul case" not like others cuz his life is at stake now!

Jeremy, you're just a plain everyday asshole. Go get fucked, no one cares about wasting valuable tax dollars or risking honest, hard working officers' health over swatting your crusty ass. It's just a shame that you didn't Darwin yourself in Turkey before you spawned.

No. 521782


Those "unnatural points" are called fat rolls where the two-sized-too-small girdle ends.

No. 521822

>a spunky, confident woman

who the fuck are you even talking about? cos it sure ain't kati

No. 521877

I was mistaken.the spunky,confident bitch is you.
Saged for speculation ffs

No. 522165


A sad case of too much joy

No. 522236


Spam. Definitely not worth the 20-some seconds of anyone's time. She is far from amusing, sans milk, and isn't remotely interesting enough to belong here, nor with the spergs on the herd thread.

No. 522325

File: 1520373378539.png (258.48 KB, 1025x1506, 20180306_165257.png)

while Katie was preparing to record Rose she speaks to somebody named Nathan. can somebody please tell me who Nathan is? Muchos Gracias

No. 522332

Very likely to be Nathan Graves, part of the Joy Sparkle Team. (Defunct 9 October 2017.)



No. 522805

Well Ms Joy Sparkle BS has Clearly broken the law. Rose is in a two party state and there's No acknowledgment that she is aware Joy is recording which is required.
And then she released it in an open file on the Internet for anyone to have it so there's even more that can come from this illegal activity.
Even if she took the access down the damage has been done.

If Grandpa Hall is still here reading: you definitely have a case now. I REALLY hope it's pursued because this is a very clear case and Ms Kati Smith can finally be held accountable both criminally and civilly.

No. 522818

File: 1520398824645.png (61.6 KB, 768x348, TIBD2xM.png)


Jeremy admitting to recording the phone call after the Kumite that happened around Feb 15th (and Kati clearly denied recording the call in that phone conversation).

No. 522844

I'm a little confused,was there a second recorded phone call? or just the one that is transcribed? brother can you spare a dime.

No. 522852


this two-part video showed up today with the recorded call.

No. 522854


The transcribed one here: >>522325 is from Jun 2017. Kati also published a phone call from Rose that was recorded around Feb 15th (call was made "right after" a Kumite w/Nick I think) on the google drive. In that call, Rose explicitly asked if it was being recorded and Kati said no… Kati is HAMMERING ROSE trying to get Rose to say that Based Mama had something to do with everything (because basic humans can't recognize what a lying piece of shit Kati is and would need someone else to point that out?)… Kati is absolutely badgering Rose trying to force her to admit it in the call.

No. 522857

File: 1520401837800.png (319.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-03-07-00-49-37…)

Joy is just Joy now.

No. 522861

I haven't been able to find the one from February in the drive. do you have it?

No. 522864

So Joy's Idiot Geekthulhu implicated himself in this and "may or may not have" also broken the law by recording Rose without her knowledge. Way to go Geek. Play with Toxic and it gets on you.

It really says something about all of the people who listened to the call that Rose thought was a private. You really are Scumbags and to anyone who recorded it, if you weren't before, you're criminals now too.

Good job Douche Joytards.
facetious applause

No. 522865

No. 522866

File: 1520402590119.png (19.96 KB, 795x108, Untitled-2.png)

not sure i follow her logic there but… i thought this was an interesting development from a longtime joyfan. from the comment section of second part of the rose call on real stream news.

No. 522870

just watching and listening to her setting up Rose to be recorded without her knowledge made me sick to my stomach. She is a sneaky conniving grifter.

In other thoughts reading some documents on the drive thinking if this ever went to court it would be interesting when somebody has to explain to the court what "the Cuntstream" is .Kek

No. 522871


Thank you anon

No. 522880

OMG that fucking bitch

Rose still wants to get her children back and Katie wants to know how could you do this to me. Pathetic disgusting low life. She calls out white trash continually, I mean continually! Pot meet kettle

No. 522890

Joy's hypocrisy is rampant. She screeches "Liar!" and constantly paints herself as a victim all the while lying and manipulating to victimize others.
It's DARVO at it's finest.
It's Standard abuser protocol Deny,Attack,and Reverse Victim and Offender.
It's a maddening characteristic of the personality disordered to refuse accountability and assign their own behavior to their victims. The Smear Campaign is the trademark of a Sociopath. That's exactly what Kati is doing to Rose and has done to others.

I wish I could file the police report on Rose's behalf to start the ball rolling on the criminal charges for these recorded phone calls along with cyber Bullying along with harassment charges if it's possible.

I thought it was an open shut case before but Rose asking on the call if she's being recorded and Kati lying and saying she wasn't takes it to another level.

Are you reading this Kati? You're a textbook Sociopath and now you've openly committed criminal acts.
You know how you always bring up that you have no criminal record? Well we all know you just were so slippery and slimy it has been difficult to catch you in something clear cut.
But you did it this time you Psycho Bitch.
And it's out there out of your control now. I hope Rose or a member of her family pursues all available avenues to give you the criminal record you so richly deserve!

No. 522896

Rose and her family are aware of the recorded call as well as all of the other things Kati has been doing. Action will be taken.

No. 522899

I couldn't have said it better anon,I'm about halfway through. I did a double floor jaw drop when she says to Rose. you might have gotten death threats but you also got $30,000 from people.
so I guess that 30,000 covers Roses death threats.
Katie's really angry because she had to PAY $1,700 to get her death threats. Kekekek
Katie says that she has to change her name.she has brought this up several times in other instances. I'll eat my dog's ear if she ever changes her name.
I am really triggered right now,I can feel this pressure she's putting on Rose it's so disgusting.I'm no lawyer but this feels like harassment.

the constant WHO PUT PRESSURE ON YOU? I'm yelling at my phone you did! you did!

No. 522903


The difference is that Rose's death threats were real. Kati's "death threats" were imagined. She has yet to provide any evidence of ANY death threat that wasn't clearly a joke. Kati is genuinely bat shit crazy and paranoid. Combine that with her low IQ and rampant ego… she's among one of the most disgusting things humanity can produce.

AND… in addition to that phone call… remember that Geek (Jeremy R. Montgomery) has been on a multi-month tirade calling Rose a "thick tongued retard" among other names… Mr blow-your-fucking-nose-please! asshole throwing vile insults at a person that HE KNOWS is disabled.

Their whole crew is vile sub-human trash. I hope they all get the karma they deserve.

No. 522904

Her ranting about her name being used is irritating. Yes her name got out there but she also made a video telling everyone her whole name and has also talked about it on streams putting it out there further. Anyone have those clips?

No. 522910


She originally self doxed to a group of about 40 inner circle people when no one believed her story about the two children killed in the car accident. She said she'd doxed (not term used) both herself and her family's information in her 10k subscribers video. That was in the first thread. Not long after when she was bullying a kid into suicide is when her name was doxed onto lolcow here >>276710

If you remember at least roughly when she openly self doxed, then some one might be able to find the clip you're looking for.

No. 522915


She doxed an address here: >>341465 but claimed Onision had the wrong address..

No. 522917

As if anything is really going to happen to her for recording a call. Back in reality land it is just a waste of money and court time.

No. 522923

File: 1520409521582.jpg (349.94 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20180307-025720.jpg)

Idk that is three things they could go for.

No. 522924

File: 1520409733612.jpg (196.32 KB, 978x575, Screenshot_20180307-030047.jpg)

Sorry samefag but bottom 2 on first post and this one

No. 522946

Yeah because felonies (and yep Kati N Crew committed Felonies in these instances) are just a waste of time and resources.. Those laws people created are just for show not enforcement of other's rights. Kek

No. 522949

>>522946 Any previous examples of this being enforced in the similar circumstances?

No. 522951


I really hope so. As if Rose hasn't been through enough with the whole DO5 shit show (and why did it become so vile and toxic? KATI MARIE SMITH) -
Rose has now had her rights violated, been harassed, received death threats, and has been cyber bullied on top of it all.
And All of it because of Kati endlessly dragging out minor personality conflict from May 2017,that had nothing to do with Rose, to paint herself as a victim.
Here it is nearly a year after this crap started and here's Kati releasing illegally recorded calls to the public and having her Joytards rant about Rose all over the Internet.
And she SAYS it's to clear her name.
Just when you think Joy can't out herself as more of a vile creature she doubles down and sinks even lower.

Kati I know you're reading this. You're a sickening worthless being. You don't have the intrinsic qualities that make people "human"as in humanity.
You finally broke laws in plain view of the masses. There's no way to back peddle out of this one either because, thanks to you (as always it's your own actions that get you in trouble), you recorded yourself breaking the law, confirmed it by lying about recording when Rose asked you directly, and you released it all to the Internet. Bravo.

The crimes you've recently committed are Felonies.
Guess what? Felonies produce Warrants and Arrest along with Extradition is imminent if these charges are filed. So you'll get hefty fines and hopefully some prison time. Looks like you can get up to 10 years just for one recorded call and there's at least two counts among the other charges that may come along with them..
Couldn't happen to a more deserving POS!

No. 522954

Ain't gonna happen love

No. 522958


it matters which state Kati is in, not Rose. (also, calm down, second anon. you always tip your trolley over everything and then get disappointed when kati doesn't get the electric chair. you also have a very odd and enthusiastically misinformed view of how these things play out legally.)

personally, whatever happens, I just hope Rose doesn't get the kids. She's proven she can't take care of them or protect them adequately again and again.

No. 522964


Contrary to what you may think laws aren't made to be broken Kati.

Yes, these laws are enforceable given the evidence since it was not only illegal to record the call(s) but it was also an additional criminal act within the same statute to release the call(s) to the Internet.
Put that together with the livestreams where you and others have bashed and cyber bullied Rose (evidence of this is still available on YouTube) along with the call(s) that are now on YouTube solely because of your actions Kati and you feel it don't you? That fear in the pit of your stomach? The one you get when you think you've gone too far?
Well you did this time.

And we're all Watching it go down now.
With popcorn. Hahahahaha

No. 522969

I'll be laughing at you dumbfucks because nothing is going to come of it. Just because you want it to haha

Don't get your hopes up hun(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 522980


"So what exactly happens if an individual wants to record a conversation between someone living in Maryland and someone calling from another state?
Typically the answer to that question is to follow the more strict statute, which in this case would be following Maryland law.

As an example, if someone from Arizona (a one party state) is conversing with an individual in Maryland, they will need to abide by Maryland law. This ensures that the rights of the Maryland individual have been fully protected under their state law.

Torturous Intrusion of Privacy:
More than just being deceitful, recording a conversation without everyone's consent can be considered a Torturous Intrusion on his or her privacy which can violate state law and subject the individual to harsh criminal consequences."

Thankfully in this case the law is clear AND it's all well documented all over the Internet so everyone knows exactly what's happened. Joy lying and stating she wasn't recording when she was has even been captured.
And we all know Judges Love Liars.

HI Kati!

No. 522994

Well you keep your fingers crossed love. Joy has nothing to worry about

No. 523000


All laws aside, it's now clear that both Kati Marie Smith and Jeremy R. Montgomery are lying, deceitful sacks of shit. That there were other people in that discord also listening in and NONE of them objected to the way that Kati was hammering at Rose makes the whole crew a group of bullies with no other intention but to bully people for the fun of it and to please Kati and Jeremy. Perhaps it is getting close to time for Jeremy to have his own lolcow thread so that when potential clients google his name, it will come up. We can clearly see how well Kati's name is returned in google searches… wouldn't take long for the name of Jeremy R. Montgomery to have equal standing (if it doesn't already!)

No. 523019


For the fucking love of…I thought Rose was told to change her fucking phone number so Kati couldn't get in touch anymore - why is she still talking to Kati?

No. 523022


The recorded call was made by Rose on Feb 16th. TommyC's statements were around Feb 19th.

Apparently the state told Rose to email an apology to Kati hoping that would settle things and Kati responded w/how do I know this is really Rose, phone me now to prove it. That's the call that was recorded.

AFTER THAT, the state said "dat bitch be crazy, change your number"

No. 523037

So there are two phone calls that have been released correct?
One from June 2017 and the other February 2018

No. 523044

Correct anon

No. 523097


The Rose changed her phone number statement by TommyC was in his Feb 26th broadcast.

No. 523125

That sounds like a threat. Tone it down a bit.

No. 523132

This phone call nonsense clearly shows Kati was not just being the kind person wanting to help. I've had people take advantage of me, as I'm sure everyone has, and people don't just turn into a fucking psycho over it. Distancing herself would have been the right thing to do, definitely not turning it into a circus. I wouldn't even support my best friend doing this so anyone that enjoyed eavesdropping into this shitfest while she was poking at rose is trash. Even if Rose did lie to her, it doesn't give her the right to do all this.

The only evidence I see is more verification of Kati being an evil sicko. She is unable to see the big picture or see life in reality. She doesn't even know rose yet wanted control in her life, choosing to donate to someone doesn't give full right to make demands and take the reigns. If rose asked for more money or help, she could say no. I keep thinking of her always saying how she would tell rose that she needed more information to share with people before getting them to donate, and yes I can see people wanting to know what is going on and wanting money to be put to good use but it was nothing more than manipulation from Kati so she could be on top of all the updates and hold all the power to get views and traffic. She wanted d05 to be all about her and that is why she was the aggressor with based, because she saw her as competition. It's fucking sick. Rose may not be innocent but she didn't deserve to be screwed and used by Kati. She could have also walked away from Kati but her children were at stake, she was vulnerable and in an odd situation involving social media and people from all over the map, so I can understand her making poor choices, not to mention the screwball Tim conlon who as her lawyer knows well enough that he shouldn't be chit chatting with strangers about inside information. After one convo with her or 30 seconds into one of her videos, he should have seen she isn't playing
with a full deck and shut it down, instructing no further contact.

No. 523241

Fack me…how old are you? nobody but Rose has to deal with the consequences of her not listening to her lawyer for fucksake

No. 523278

why don't you tell me what is happening. please anon explain.maybe I haven't seen what you have.

No. 523285


Have you been listening to anyone other than what Kati has been saying/showing?

No. 523289

Tim was the one who talked to Joy. Joy released a voicemail from Tim where he talked about working on future projects together. Maybe Tim should have listened to Rose and all the people on social media screaming at him Joy was going to cause drama in the case and shouldn't be involved.

No. 523293

Uh, HER LAWYER was talking to Joy THE ENTIRE TIME!! Rose could have not spoken with anyone and Joy still would have been jawing about "sooper secrit infurmashun"

No. 523316


I've seen what's happened. I've seen a crew of perpetually adolsecent, mentally deficient, egomanical mouth breathers intrude upon the family tragedy of a single mother to two children in an abusive situation put their hurt fee-fees and love of internet drama and point scoring above the welfare of all three for their own vainglorious pursuit of YouTube fame and fortune. Perhaps worse, I've seen an entire cheerleading section egging them on, powerless losers even further down the food chain than Joy, like the worst sort of playground cowards who cheer on the school bully when he thumps the weakest, most vulnerable child in the playground. I've seen grown adults who should know enough to wash their hands of it and walk away insist upon vengeance and vindication at the expense of the well-being and security of the very children they purport to have been helping. I've seen people whose lack of common decency in pursuit of said vengeance who would have made Joseph N Welch think Joe McCarthy a saint. I've even seen someone too painfully stupid to learn how to Sage allowed to continue posting in this thread.

No. 523339


You hit all the nails on the heads.You'd make a great carpenter but I'm glad you're a farmer!

No. 523445

Right, just Joy's cult, then.

No. 523448


no one cares. this thread is about joy, not you. fuck off.

No. 523477

Lol, Geeks stream right now talking about LolCow. APPARENTLY none of us have jobs, we are all on welfare, and are basement dwellers. He's SUCH a Douche canoe!!

No. 523480


it's like talking shit about a shadow. brilliant.

No. 523485

KEK. Hope Joy wasn't too offended by the description….

No. 523551

Thats rich coming from someone that works a job that's barely above fast food.

No. 523554

he graduated in 96? so he's ~40 years old. yikes.

No. 523558

A 40 year old that works at a cable company call center when he doesn't have his mouth planted firmly on Kati's asshole like a real life human centipead.

No. 524130

File: 1520536338095.jpg (160.33 KB, 1439x1336, IMG_20180308_114120.jpg)

Trying to weasel her way back into the YouTube world. With the massive amounts of influence she has. LOL.

No. 524166

File: 1520538548335.jpeg (129.53 KB, 1210x1073, 192B6C08-0843-4E12-9933-2C686C…)


Super Kati to the rescue once again!

Everybody run! We all know how things turn out when Kati wants to “help”…

No. 524201


Someone ought to give that person a head's up on her track record.

No. 524400

That would be perfect if the S was backwards. Since Kati is so fucking pale from lack of sun and fat she looks like a retarded bizzaro supergirl.

No. 524405

1st, i dont post here so forgive me if i fuck up. Doing a little rant.

2nd, i actually like joys content, its not everyone's cup of tea, but thats fine. and for the longest time i truly believed she had a good heart under everything. not anymore.

this thing with phil? too far. i didnt care that she talked to angels and is fucking crazy, i like crazy people. they aren't boring. and i liked her overemotional tirades too, the world needs more people who arent afraid to care.

but when you go off and try to ruin someone's life cuz you think they ruined yours? and do it by defamation (saying she was 13 without doing due deligence/research, i figured out her age by forum posts and shoved it down her throat and she has had nothing to say since, so much for being all ready to admit when she is wrong)

Phil did not ruin kati. kati ruined kati, long before phil was even introduced. as she gained popularity she also gained more hate which made her more and more unhinged and got her more hate.

and the way she treats fans? doesnt help. and believe me i have been her fan for a long time, iv seen what happens. She expects her fans to be on her side because they aren't fans they are "friends" and she is one of those people that expect her friends to be on her side. she is somewhat reasonable for some things but when its something she cares a lot about and she is worked up already it tints her vision red and all she sees is attacks on her. so she attacks back, and makes enemies of those she called friends.

and the birdies in her ear don't help. all she sees is them in line to jump on the giant cock she threatened nick monroe with. and she loves that, she loves the blind adulation and support. they take advantage of that and feed her crazy and into her already skewed misconceptions. esp on an ex fan.

this is what makes her fanbase and her anti fanbase so fucking toxic. and why she gets so much hate from her haters, cuz they are former "friends" who were hurt by her actions. they are emotionally invested. and she does nothing to apologize after the fact for all her grandstanding that she apologizes and owns up to her shit, she has never done so for anything big she is invested in. small stuff sure, angel stuff she half assed it but honestly didnt care about that, with the car thing she stood by her crazy, now with the phil thing proven wrong. She is WRONG. she was proven WRONG. where is her public apology to phil she was saying on geeks streams if she was proven wrong she would apologize and that was AFTER she had already been shown she was wrong. and geek was trying so damn hard to handle her and shut her up. he actually was really trying to help her even though he was telling her off, it was to help her cuz she was digging herself into shit the more she talked esp when she dipped into saying she would apologize if she was wrong. you could see his alarm bells going off in the background like bitch shut the fuck up your stomping around a minefield and taking every fucking one of them to the face.

if she really wants the hate to die down on her she needs to stop throwing hate out cuz all it does is make people retaliate and throw it back on her.

she needs to start by going on andy's stream and admit she was wrong. she needs to apologize to those whose private convos she released, like rose and chambers. she needs to apologize to former fans she has hurt, cuz those are truly the ones causing her the most constant issues, not based mama or phil or nickmonroe or repzion or any other youtuber. her former fans she turned into enemies over petty stuff, them disagreeing or trying to talk to her about what she is doing when she steps wrong, and they did that to help her not attack her, but they were attacked in turn and then her fanbase went at them cuz she made it public knowing exactly what would happen.

and she does use her fanbase as an army even if she claims she doesn't all you have to do to see proof of that is what she was encouraging people to do to heather.

… ok im done rant over. sorry for sperging on your forum, it had to be said somewhere, this looked like a good place.

No. 524426


The cantankerous bitch can apologize until she's blue in the face; but, it's too little far too late. The damage has already been done - and no amount of apologies is going to reverse it.

The only thing Kati CAN do is smarten the fuck up, reflect on what she's done and actively change her behavior - preferably starting with getting some mental help she so desperately needs.

No. 524475


she's trying to pull a happycabbie? ha. how did that work out for him


just started watching this. interesting how they all repeat the same talking points. "vindicated" (itym implicated) "biggest harassment campaign online" hyperbole. meanwhile, chris-chan and onision cry in the corner.

No. 524479

>>524405 Welcome, and thanks for sharing your viewpoint.
Unfortunately it's not 'more and more haters making her more and more unhinged', this is what she's been like the whole time. For about the first 3 weeks of her channel she put on the timid, nervous, frail, full of sunshine positivity and good intentions for all act but very quickly the mask slipped and was discarded as she went on ALL CAPS rants in her comments and made spitting hissing 20 minute cussing-out videos directed at commenters for asking or saying something innocuous. She made highly manipulative overly emotional pity videos full of lies and false information and then immediately launched a Patreon.
She has always paid 100 times more attention to the negative attention she gets than to fans being nice to her. She loves the negative attention.
She has been proven wrong hundreds of times and never ever addresses it or shows evidence, unless it's much later and she thinks it's something she can spin in her favor now.
The people that seem like they hate her are mostly just fed up with her constant lies and terrible behavior. Most of us just want her to go get the psychiatric care multiple doctors have told her is the only treatment she needs, and stop harassing and attacking people.
2017 wasn't even a new behavior pattern in Shady Kati's life, this is what she always does. She finds people she thinks are gullible, easily manipulated, lonely, emotionally damaged, or struggling with chronic illness and mirrors their issues, lovebombs them, offers them empty promises of help and then uses them as human shields for her terrible behavior and throws them aside and puts a target on them if they disagree with her, exactly like a cult leader.
If you really are interested in finding out who she is I suggest going to the first thread and reading all the insane shit that has been uncovered about her. For example did you know she has had health insurance this whole time? Her grandmother has been paying for a policy for her for years. . .

No. 524481

im not even sold she does have a mental problem, there are definite issues, damage for sure, but these days its hard to find someone who doesn't have something, she just stands out more cuz she is so center stage and because instead of checking herself she gives it more power and leeway, and people keep encouraging it, and she chooses that side over the ones trying to temper her cuz she prefers it that way.

she doesn't necessarily need mental help, even if she does have problems, she does need to stop giving her emotions the power to rule her. she can make these changes without it, but it would certainly help if she did. even just therapy, so she can get professional opinion, one she doesn't have to fear or that will bite her in the ass. therapy would be wonderful to her mental health. hell if she started a go fund me for her therapy bills i would even donate to it LOL

No. 524487

>>524475 Who is this fucking moron? Kati was never famous. She was barely even a blip. 98% of the harassment she received was a figment of her paranoid delusions. She hasn't vindicated shit as the things people said about her are 100% true with souces cited and direct evidence presented.
Some fucking desperate view-junky who thought providing a safe-space for a pathological liar to vent her narc rage and current delusions for that sweet YouTube $ I guess lol

No. 524492

I can guarantee you that 95% of the reason this guy is doing this shit is he's still salty Tommy C gave him shit on a livestream, after Tommy C called out Joy & said he wouldn't go on a livestream with her this motherfucker asked her to DM via twitter, he is just a wannbe with shit content

No. 524497

>>524481 She has been told by multiple Medical Doctors that she needs to see a psychiatrist and that nothing is medically wrong with her. She does not need anyones money. Her YouTube videos got 13 million total views and even counting demonitization she probably made $18K from views alone in 2017, then when you add in approximately $5K from her Patreon and whatever she made from YouNow she probably cleared $25K from 2017. She does not pay rent, she has almost no living expenses. She has health insurance and her choice to pay for tests with new doctors as if she doesn't is because the main thing people call her out on is she is 100% lying about all her health issues. She does not need any money.

No. 524499

>she doesn't necessarily need mental help, even if she does have problems
Come on, anon. Really. She does need mental help and lots of it. Getting it however, unless it's for pity points, is not something she's going to do, though.

No. 524503

I don’t even have the energy to ask this guy what the fuck hie is thinking. “Biggest scandal on the internet” “biggest harassment case on the internet” Really?

No. 524514


Yeah, they are taking advantage of the fact that the viewers won't know it's bullshit.

It's funny how she's seemed to let go of her previous self-proclaimed title of "Hero of the Daddy of Five" case to "The Internet's Biggest Victim" GG, there. But I don't think she cares as long as she has a title, no matter the implications.

(DOH! sry)

No. 524578

So in one breath she says she's moving on, then in the next she's going to be spending the next 2 to 3 years planning her revenge. Which Includes a threat that the top 10-15 names on her hit list are going to get sued or criminal charges even if it takes her 2 years to get the money to do it. She's also going to change her name and pay to have all links and searches that are negative about her blocked.

No. 524619

File: 1520572179328.jpeg (217.06 KB, 1049x1047, A954BC3C-1813-4EBD-9FA0-790139…)


I didn’t fix the “S” , but I think this will do just fine, haha!

No. 524625


No. 524628

Not since Lily Briscoe finished her painting in _To The Lighthouse_ have I seen a more complete artistic vision.

No. 524634

I had a crush on last piece of chicken for a time kek

No. 524657

Can I get a time stamp for that? Or a time period?

No. 524677

Great first post,
First thing Kati needs to do is STFU - She's just feeding the drama that surrounds her,
Secondly - As >>524426 said - She need to get the mental help she so clearly needs,
The drama is never going to die down because she IS the drama, Without it she's nothing, She's involved herself in every bit of drama she could find and is now making more drama for attention,

Saged for lack of milk

No. 524704

I keep trying to watch but it's Kati's own words so I know it's going to be a bunch of lies and manipulation of the facts so I'm already sick to my stomach as well as wanting to pull my hair out at the thought of it. Anyone else having a tough time or just me?

No. 524750

Looks like she has no plans on ever changing.

No wonder she can't get off her fat ass to do even change her clothing or bathe "without help," she's doing all this good work in life. I'm still waiting for her to save all from the biggest death traps, Paragard and Ford.

She's been nothing but terrible, only hid it better early on. But again, she is lazy and pretending to be a decent human was far too difficult. I don't believe she ever cared about anything she emotionally ranted on. It was manipulation related to personal feelings. She doesn't give a fuck about onision's content or how shitty he is, she is clearly obsessed with him because he reminds her of past relationships that only in her head we're abusive because they "left her for dead" and wouldn't tolerate her lying, manipulative ass.

She is the last kind of person the world needs more of. It's one thing to be outspoken and stand up for what is right, and a whole other thing to use other people's emotion for personal gain. These kind of freaks are all over and surely have no place online or anywhere for that matter. Look at even Peter monn who claimed to want to help her, just another know-it-all dipshit, pretending to be a good guy and save the day, knowing there's people upset about joy and preying on that audience for personal gain. They are absolutely vile people, fueled by views and attention.

No. 524766

Actually Peter Monn offered to help because he's worked in the mental health field and his offer was to assist her with finding health resources in her area. Joy was told by her YouNow audience to reach out to him and she said she had contacted him but he replied he didn't want to talk to her.
This was Joy manipulating once again because, although she Had reached out to Peter, she had wanted to have a conversation and Peter knowingly wanted to keep communication with Joy in writing only. Joy didn't want help and knew written communication is dangerous for someone like her who manipulates and tries to Gaslight people so she dropped it and Peter rightly didn't care because he knows you can't help those who won't help themselves.

No. 524841

21 minutes in she says that she abruptly went from "YouTube's darling" to the biggest villain.

24:21 claims repzion thought that he could get more attention through hating her. Then continues on to say that she thinks he had secret feelings for her.

26:09 she claims that there is a lot of jealousy in the skeptic community and people were upset by how quickly her channel grew.

She sounds like she's in high school and didn't get to part of the cool clique so now she has to find some way of proving she never really cared. So she's decided that they are jealous and toxic and doesn't want to hang out with them.

No. 524868

28:37 repzion apparently left her many comments stating he was going to ruin her life
40:28 the people on the list who apologized to her. Still doesn't forgive them as they knew all along "how bad things were."
41:43 She's planning on going after the top ten or fifteen people on the list. Some of these people will be sued privately. Others will be charged legally with harassment to show that this kind of action is not ok. She doesn't want revenge. She wants to make a stand against this type of behavior.
42:14 she says she might do a small comeback to YouTube after she's sued everyone.

After watching this video, I don't think there is any doubt about her having mental health issues. She is severely delusional and her fans/friends should be encouraging her to get help. I will admit it was easier to watch a video where she isn't shrieking at anyone.

No. 524881

cant someone sue her for this? i thought in the us if you threaten to sue them with no intent to actually sue you could be sued yourself for using it as a threat?

she says she will sue but she has no money to do so, clearly its manipulation and exactly what that law was created for.

No. 524887


There'd have to be a specific extortion element to it that is missing. Anyone that takes her litigation threats seriously is maybe more dysfunctional than she is.

(a) Criminal action does not cost a penny. If she has complaints she needs to hustle her fat ass down to the local police department and submit a complaint. It does not cost a single red cent. They'll even come to your house if you can't be arsed to pry your fat ass off the couch. – It would be a waste of the tax payer funds and she doesn't have a legal basis for it… but go for it Kati… provide THEM with all the evidence of all of these death threats that you've been getting.

(b) Civil litigation has statute limitations. She better look them up (or ask one of those MANY attorneys that she has) because the issue she's contemplating litigation has to be brought to the courts fairly soon. She doesn't have three years to pander for funds for some distant future law suit. (SO, all you joytards… her standing is vanishing and she'll just be squeezing you for money for litigation that will NEVER happen.)

I see that now that Geek's slimed off she's reduced to giving interviews on YouTube channels with 60 subscribers and her interview didn't even draw 200 views … wow, further proof that Kati is dead as a youtube topic and now she's left with her name destroyed over her own ego.

No. 524892

I'm literally so tired of seeing the words "dox" and "sue" in regards to this woman. It's not that serious people. I'm on that list of hers, and I just laugh at the idea of a lawsuit over this internet drama. Imagine standing in front of a judge to discuss JSBS lmao that'd be fucking embarrassing.

She has no case, and neither do the people against her, not really. It's cringe when she screams shes suing and it's cringe when farmers scrape the bottom of the barrell for anything even remotely close to a crime committed. I don't understand why people keep trying to bring the law into it when both sides clearly know absolutely nothing about legalities.

Can we like, tone it down a bit?

No. 524898

I think she could get sued by the halls. I also think Phil could have a case for suing her now that she has claimed he's a pedophile. I don't think the idea that someone may sue her is dramatic and over the top. She's been involved in some awful things.

No. 524907


Not all litigation is for money. I think Repzion has a case to get an injunction against her. She's clearly not capable of self management, but if a court ordered her to leave him the fuck alone, MAYBE she'd get the hint.

No. 524951


Joy did break Maryland law with those phone calls and releasing them on the drive. I don't know whether it was another call Geek and others listened to on discord but that's another issue because Rose had every expectation it was a private call.
Most of the time when these kinds of Privacy laws are broken the evidence of it isn't released to the Internet along with videos on YouTube.
I'd love to hear what an attorney has to say about the calls being part of the package on that drive too considering Joy has stated she has malicious intent behind the release of it. She can say it's revenge, vengeance, or for vindication but taking matters into your own hands tends to usually be a bad idea. Getting the Internet involved and spending a whole lot of time creating and discussing your vendetta campaign is even more so. Especially since she's had plenty of time to think about it and says she's going to spend years on it.
How malicious and problematic would that sound to law enforcement or a judge?

No. 524995

I wonder if Tim Conlin,Roses lawyer knew that Katie recorded the call he made to her immediately after the gag order was put in place. It's around 18:00 in her own words.
does anybody know if by calling her, he was violating the gag order?

No. 525062

I believe he did, since Kati is an unauthorized third party?

No. 525065

By telling her "everything" yes he was in violation of the gag order and he could get in trouble. It seems like Joy was lying about having a "source" in the courtroom not connected to the case and it was Tim who was passing along info. That also shows why Rose may have been playing both sides. When your attorney is working for free and you don't have money for a different one you may have to play nice in this situation. Tim was pretty much going to joy behind his clients back and releasing details of the case that are/were under a gag order. If you go through the texts and emails there is at least once where Joy wouldn't even tell rose what she talked about with Tim. In the voice message that joy released Tim was talking about future projects so I am wondering what deal they had worked out. Tim pretty much threw his client under the bus for some random youtuber who was and is harassing his client.

No. 525073

It must have infuriated Katie when she realized Rose was clever. Kekekek

No. 525207

she didnt just say he was a pedophile, she said the girl was 13 when she was not. all she had at the time was she "may" have been 13 cuz she said she was 15 in one post and said they had been dating for 14 months in another, but she didnt check dates of those posts, or look at others, and made a leap on it without looking at it properly. and then used the greatest stretch of pedophile without (or with) reading the entire post on wiki. specifically it says pedophile is prepubescent for girls that age is around 10-11 for boys 11-12 and very latest is 13. … joy would have to prove that girl was a VERY late bloomer. as it is 13 and prepubescent would be much more likely in a boy, as they mature slower. not a girl. that would be very rare. She either just skimmed till she saw 13, or ctrl + f searched it. or maybe she did read it and only took in what she could twist to suit her agenda. she purposefully took only the info that could fit her narrative, and she stretched it to the breaking point, so that she could try to justify calling him a pedophile. that shows a lot of intent there.

No. 525232

From what I understand, and correct me if I'm wrong, Rose caught on that something was amiss on the same day as the first custody hearing, early in May, but didn't learn that kati's source was her own lawyer until much later.
If I remember the sequence of events correctly, Rose spoke to kati in early May 2017, the same day as the first custody hearing. That was when Rose became aware that kati knew not only what happened in the court room, but details of things that didn't happen at court, which scared her. Obviously, Rose didn't think her own damn lawyer was the leak but knew she had to stop whoever was giving kati info, so Rose contacted based and chambers to call her out so that kati and whoever her source was would know that other people knew there was a leak and that kati was benefitting from it. (Based did, chambers made a video with kati affirming the accuracy of kati's post gag order info, which means chambers was also involved in a violation)
Based later published a conversation between herself and someone professing to be a kati fan in Maryland, stating that kati was making appeals to her fan base there to go down to wherever Rose was and gather information about Rose and the do5 case. However this fan's father was a lawyer, and she refused to help kati, stating that she was afraid it would hurt her father's career as an attorney. Thos, added with the other information Rose felt kati could not have gotten unless she had her followed or had someone on the inside, Rose reached out to based to stop kati because Rose couldn't really speak for herself publicly, and to do it in some way that kati could not dodge, hence the "STFU you crazy bitch video" which of course kati couldn't cope with, being a narcissistic personality, and the little suzie sinshine mask was off and so were the gloves.
Imo, that was the turning point for her whole youtube career.
1) someone with more credibility was publicly calling her out.
2) She was totally busted on having someone leaking info to her and probably following Rose around.
3) She was too pissed off and offended to keep up the façade of not being a manipulative and likely insane person.

All it took was for kati to start fucking with Rose and her kids. Kati went a step too far there and got every bit of virtual ass-kicking she deserved, as well as participated in violating a court order and possibly having one of her fans following Rose around, which I think actually is a criminal activity, according to MD anti-stalking laws. So, when based said she could fuck up the case, she was right. When she said kati could potentially be looking at jail time for having Rose followed, she was kind of right. She'd probably just get community service and a fine for her first offense.

Now we know that Tim Conlon was kati's leak, violated the gag order with him, publicly shared that information, illegally recorded phone calls and publicly published them (MD is a 2 party state)
Slandered and libeled and harassed no less than 20 people, all publicly.

If I were kati, I'd be particularly concerned about harassing and defaming people who don't respond. Responding shows participation and sometimes reciprocation. But those who don't respond have evidence of harassment and defamation that they could potentially take to court.

Rose especially has a solid case because kato was stupid enough to male the evidence against her public in her google drive.

No. 525257

File: 1520650837862.jpg (133.53 KB, 1020x779, IMG_20180309_195827.jpg)

How sad is Tim Conman. He had to have his employees post positive reviews.

No. 525260

That was a good read anon.Thank you.Phil always said that Kati was her own worst enemy. The Phil part hurts the most for me because I played games in his streams and he was so nice and has been completely misrepresented.
It's been a while since I listened to the 7 hour Tonktardshitshow when youtube "intellectuals" worked themselves up into a lather and stoned Phil to a bloody pulp.Kati clutched her pearls.it was surreal.i was crestfallen.
So fucked up when she said in that last video.If I was a pedophile,she's got it on the brain,she has to know how fucked it was to then draw that out? she peed on all the bushes and sat on faces,"YouTube's Darling" .Shes a slut.
It seems a lot of people have been hurt by this slitch.

No. 525262

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Faking pneumonia because of that shit show of an interview she did yesterday. LOL.

No. 525264

Is the second review on this Melinda Gail? If so, I can't take this review seriously at all. I'm not defending him at all, btw. If it is her that posted this, that's kinda fucked up. They could have waited until actual clients spoke of his awfulness as a lawyer. I'm sure there are some who would, based on what we know here.

No. 525265

Call me fucked in the head but isn't weird that the employee used profanity in that fucked up review?

No. 525272

I think she ment a zpack and a steroid.

No. 525273


The Custody Place more reviews


No. 525276

Kati says
"I'm just going to continue to be quiet and hope this doesn't get any worse" sounds like a good strategy Bish

No. 525278

BRING IT, you fucking CUNT!

saged for flash of rage

No. 525281

If Dom wasn't her cash cow, she would be assaulting him for making her asthma so bad from smoking that wacky tobaccy in the apartment. Especially given that she has previously stated her childhood asthma was cured. Or maybe she is so gluttonous that when she can't cram anymore pizza into her cry hole, she packs some into her neb treatment so she can smoke the pepperoni.

No. 525282

Let me translate that for you.

"All my attempts to get back in to the limelite have failed so I'm going to try the fake illness card for sympathy"

If she truly had pneumonia with asthma and a weakened immune system she would be in the hospital for observation while they give her IV antibiotics.

No. 525287

A Z-pack is Zithromax, an antibiotic.

No. 525290

To clarify, I didnt mean that Rose didn't have a case. I mean some people on here and some on twitter/etc who love to throw the word around. The cops have been called so much throughout this drama and so many people claim to have lawyers just ready to sue the meanies on the interwebs. It's just pretty ridiculous imo that Kati's pity party goes that far, I don't think it should be that deep. Rose does have a case though. I just don't think she'd go through with it. Who wants to go through another court case right after this huge custody/abuse shitfest. Everyone else is kinda doing the most otherwise. Like, turn your computer off or something, shit.

Lol so suddenly she's not been sick at all? But all she says is how sick she is every second of every day. Jfc she even contradicts herself at thr end. At this point it's like shame on people who enable her nonsense by being her yes men army. The Kati Chronicles have become so… repetitive yet somehow continues to fester and get more toxic. How is it even possible for her and hers to keep getting worse? How!

Sage for rambling

No. 525298

yes rose does have a case but she is being the smart one in this. she doesn't want anymore youtube drama, cuz she knows any action she takes is going to move it into youtube and she wants no part of youtube. Everyone is dragging on her for being a shitty parent but this just shows me she is a good parent. Drag her name through the mud all you want joy, rose is showing through her actions what is really important and its not your BS.

No. 525299

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No. 525305


Way back when… when people were reading her postings under Devicdoll (something close?) there was speculation that she was doing the "Little Kati" to blackmail men… now, seeing how she was pushing the pedophile angle so hard… i really do wonder if she wasn't some sort of con artist that used that forum to find targets? that makes much more sense on why she'd suddenly shut it down and delete everything like she claimed to have done.

No. 525310


OMG! That explains all the sausage arms sleeves! Too funny!

No. 525316

It seriously took me like 5 minutes to figure out what I was looking at, what body part it was meant to be, and figure out that's it's pit hair, and not a gangrenous abcess.
That is some rough shit.

No. 525317

File: 1520657485164.png (6.87 MB, 1242x2208, F238FC51-9355-4100-9BC4-08F878…)

I’ve found Denise Parker real father.(Peter Parker)

No. 525320


You have no idea how hard I work to dig for this shit. My fingernails look like I've been skinning frogs. My farmer granny used to say that ;D

No. 525326

Rose definitely has a case to at least get an injunction. I'm obviously not a lawyer, but from what Joy has posted, as many "haters" as she has harassed and announced malicious intent towards, many of them could issue cease and desist notices.
Tbh, I personally wish that Rose would get a C&D but if Conlon is still her lawyer it won't happen.

I hope Rose and her children can move far away from maryland and change their names and dye their hair and have a real shot at a normal life where they don't have to worry about the likes of Joy invading and fucking it all up. Just a happy, normal life.(emoji use)

No. 525348

you're kidding … right?

after kati being told to stay the fuck out of it, Rose rings her up yet again to 'clear the air'? there was nothing remotely smart about that. she doesn't want anymore drama, so she contacts the source of all the drama?

No. 525353

samefagging to applaud the sanity of this anon, but also remind them where they are. these threads never tone down, they just ramp up, because didn't you know kati is literally hitler?

I don't know why people can't just enjoy the milk without sperging out about kati getting life in prison, but here we are. also, I'm guessing people have just given up on the spergs thread and just dump shit here now?

No. 525355

That's why they call it cancer.This is virtually one of the truly malignant and most aggressive types. stage 4

No. 525358

I dump over there too.Its best to keep her in quarantine.Yes?

No. 525401

She repeatedly referred to him as being a pedophile until geek told her to quit it. I don't understand what you're trying to say. She most certainly claimed he was a pedophile and that that was the right word to use to describe him

No. 525405

Kati constantly throwing around the word pedophile about Phil has me thinking back on "little Kati"
I mean it's kinda like the reverse, she plays a young girl into pedophiles. Obviously these guys thought she was underage and she got off on that. It kinda comes off as pedophil-y to me to have a "little Kati" persona to lure in men like that. Not only are you okay int their behavior but actively encouraging it. Poor phil

No. 525406

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She now has a primary physician… possibly as many as 4 given the portal screen caps she's been throwing out there… why the fuck is she going to the ER over something like this unless she's intending to ditch the bill (in the US, they can't use medical bills against your credit scores and ERs are the easiest medical bills to ditch).

Guess she needs time to think?

No. 525407

Why are you bringing Denise up? This thread is about joy and your Peter Parker joke is not very good. Sorry but it's just not good.

No. 525414

you missed the "didn't just"

she didnt just call him a pedophile. lol

No. 525472

In this latest video Joy explains how Tim Conlin broke the gag order. Doesn't that give leeway for Rose to not only file a complaint with the State Bar Association as well as file a malpractice suit against him?

I just got to the point where she's lying and saying Phil asked her to Fudge a resume for him. Anyone who has seen his videos has seen the messages between the two of them where Kati wanted to doctor and lie on his resume! Damn she's a conniving Liar!
This entire video is Joy retelling her Shitty behavior along with certain events entirely different than how they actually happened. It's mind blowing and infuriating how she does this without conscience or worry about getting called out for it.

She says Over and over if she's ever cared about a person she won't talk badly about them!
She talks badly about everyone she isn't 'friends' with anymore! Alex, Phil, Warski, just to name a few.
Omg there's just endless bullshit flowing out of her mouth ALL the time!

Sage because Joy being a lying manipulative scam artist is Nothing New. Repulsive and scummy but nothing new. Kek

No. 525484


Because she keeps replacing the people who wise up to her shenanigans/challenge her authority and replaces them with people who are easier to manipulate.

No. 525488


I've followed along with what's happened with Joy and all her Shenanigans fairly well but I've never heard of Heather? Who is this - What's the story?
If someone could even point to a thread here I'd appreciate it.

No. 525491


i think mommy o 5's first name is heather?

No. 525496

Pneumonia on the lower right lung can be indicative of aspiration pneumonia. Caused either food/drink entering the lungs. If this is true, she's either not chewing and swallowing her food properly or she has aspirated on her own vomit.

No. 525505

Maybe she's finally inhaling her own bullshit?

No. 525519

I think Rose's lawyer kept making her talk to Joy. Presumably to avoid Joy running her mouth further, or to keep the do5 case in the public eye.
If you're in that situation where your family's future is at the mercy of a shitty lawyer and an even shittier youtube diva, the smart part is keeping your enemies close.

No. 525522

Being a shitty person and fucking over people who get angry aboit that isn't a harassment campaign. It's retaliation, at worst.

I hate how she blames based for all her dirty laundry getting out. There were a lot of people already pissed off at Joy before based ever knew who she was!
I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say that the '40 people already gathering' were the people that Joy had already shit all over, but it drives me crazy that she blames based for all of this and went on her bottom of the barrel internet tour to keep doing it, when she knows that based has been doxed and hacked and can't respond.

No. 525618

Kati should double check webMD more closely before lying to her patreons. First thing is that Zithromax while only taken for 5 days continues to work for at least 10 days. X-rays are not repeated in a week for not only that reason but because it can take up to a month for the X-ray to show changes even if symptoms dissipate. I’m sure the ER staff will love to see her show up wasting their time and resources when it is not neeed, stop lying Kati!

No. 525688

Do you honestly think "YouTube's Sweetheart" has time to do her own research since CY left. She doesn't even have time to shower, change her clothes or shave her armpits.

No. 525695

Oops! I read it wrong and I was confused. Thanks for the clarification. Sorry about that.

No. 525707

She also only went after RH when she couldn't respond due to the nee gag order and the gag violation court case. Joy only attacks people when they are at a disadvantage to respond or their response will boost her ratings.

No. 525713


That's what her side doesn't see because I don't think they have been paying as much attention as we have. You don't have to be a mastermind to play chess (which, I think, is an apt analogy), to be calculating or to be manipulative. Plus, you know, masterminds would be less likely to be caught out as much as Kati has. Don't worry, sweetie, we don't think you are as intelligent as you do.

No. 525773

anon below is correct, heather is the mom in mommy of five, she is another monster all her own.

joy told people to go complain to heathers work to get her fired.

now. that woman deserves some bullshit for sure, but destroying her lively hood when she still has kids to support and raise? hurts them more than heather. what if she cant get work and becomes a stay at home mom on unemployment? that would be a nightmare for those poor kids.

and thats exactly what joy was trying to get people to go do.

No. 525801


>You don't have to be a mastermind to play chess

Quite right. But her lot are trying to play checkers on the same damned board.

No. 525804


"Debating Joy or Joytards on the topic of Joy is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory"

- paraphrased from Scott D. Weitzenhoffer

No. 525825

THANK YOU! I only remembered that after I posted!

No. 525875

File: 1520724776646.png (Spoiler Image,195.83 KB, 1078x1293, 20180310_180659.png)

I'm having a hard time figuring out the right words to express my confusion over her elaborate explanations of illnesses.is it the trait of a narcissist to embellish everything? when I call into work I simply say I'm not feeling well, I'll be in tomorrow. There is absolutely no reason for me to give any other information. why does she elaborate? is it because she has the need to prove her lies?I recall watching her last year huffing on a nebulizer or some breathing apparatus and she wasn't even using it correctly. is she a compulsive liar? yeah I know she lies but is everything a lie?sorry for rambling I'm actually not well and and I'm in bed kekkekkek.the irony is not lost on me. in unrelated bullshit.when Katie was supposedly betrayed by shrubtime I remember her exclaiming: I deleted my channel! these are the ramblings of a fevered farmer.
would it be Unforgivable to call Tim Conman and tell him to check out the video where she says he told her everything that happened in the courtroom that day?I don't know what good it will do.Just a passing bitchy idea.I better check my temperature.

No. 525876

Uggg sorry that's not a spoiler image. I wish it had been.

No. 525944

File: 1520728796602.png (403.88 KB, 1898x962, 20180310_192219.png)

To this uninformed anon…after Rose sent this apology email to kati,The Master manipulator Queen Potatohead DEMANDED that Rose confirm that it was from her by calling her from her phone number and that is when she recorded Rose and interrogated her for an hour. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. It's in the drive.

No. 526073


A chess board and a checker board are exactly alike.
And now you know.

No. 526083

To translate -
"Call me RIGHT NOW so I can record the call - I might need it as ammunition against you in the future"

No. 526209


^ snort Played chess on a lot of red and black chess boards, have you?(derailing)

No. 526253

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No. 526256


You missed the point of the initial comment ( >>525801 )

It has nothing to do with whether you can play checkers on a chess board (because you can - the boards are identical); it has to do with playing checkers on a chess board while it's currently set up to play chess. The strategies of both games conflict with each other; meaning you can't play both on the same board at the same time and to try makes you look like a moron.(derailing)

No. 526280

When I read the original post I almost did a spit take. It was appreciated anon.

No. 526290


I can't help but notice you didn't answer the question. ( >>526209 ) Allow me. Some checkers boards are red and black. Chess boards are never red and black. So, no, you probably haven't played a lot of chess on a red and black board. Now, please stop shitting all over the board. It's unhygienic.(derailing)

No. 526306

Kati needs to go on Good Mythical Morning. They are having a heap of crazy, lying cunts on recently. sssniperwolf is on this week and people are losing their minds. They actually had to remove the video. Kati would do anything to get on there, it would show the world how pathetic she actually is.

No. 526534

I would have demanded an explanation too since Rose was lying to people. There are so many trolls that could have sent the email she was right to double check.

No. 526603

>>526280 and >>526256

Thank you both. I go away for twelve hours and look what happens. My fault, and apologies to the other two Anons for the dumb joke that led to this derailment.


Double checking is fine, but from the transcription I just have this image of Joy and her Mission Implausible force all getting ready for a sooper secret recording of their Top Secret correspondence, dressed in bad trench coats and pulled down fedoras.

The thing I keep failing to understand is this. I think everyone understands that Rose has not only a terrible living situation but mental deficiencies that make her life more difficult than it needs to be. (And I have every sympathy, understand entirely, not attacking for a moment!) Why Joy and others choose to make themselves look even less mentally capable by pursuing this weird vendetta when they should have never involved themselves in someone else's business anyhow is the problem. The well-being of the children in question is of paramount importance - something even Tommy C understands when he speaks from personal experience about the unpleasantness of foster care when it goes wrong. Any egotistical posturing beyond that is so much shit on the chess/checker board.

No. 526641

I think a text would have sufficed. What I find interesting about these calls is that somewhere in them somebody says,I'm not being recorded am I? or, this is between you and I right? just you and I?
Rose could have been more cautious knowing she had already been recorded.

No. 526653

Youtube is full of dishonest people so I understand why so many of them record everything. Tommy C records all the calls he has with people too.

No. 526669

Thanks for the heads up.Just canceled phone sex with Tommy. kek kek

No. 526672


^ Is a prime example of how Joytards think. They depend on everyone else to set the standards for them because the poor things can't think for themselves. Sad.

No. 526680

You're not wrong. She could and should have been more suspicious that the call was being recorded, but some people are still - bless them - not so dissembling as to take people at their word when they say, like Fletch, they're not recording something. It marks the distinction between someone who's fundamentally honest and therefore trusting and those who prey upon that type.

No. 526684

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KEK. Pass the eye bleach.

Although fresh milk is preferable, I do enjoy these occasional hiatuses where joy goes to ground. It's like those old MASH episodes where they write letters home between stints in the operating room.

No. 526688

I was going to say Rose was naive but I couldn't bring myself to do it knowing that she had made recordings too.
Unless I am mistaken as to the origin of the "contempt of court" recording?

No. 526690

Yeah, naive would probably be going too far, just that she's not calculating is all.

No. 526695

I'm not a fucking Joytard. I'm saying the situation is not uncommon.

No. 526699


Whether or not it is common or not is irrelevant.

No. 526702

There's all this talk of suing each other going on. It's never going to happen. The Hall's won't, Phil won't and nor will Joy. It's just the goto statement everyone online says when they don't fully take on board what is involved in such a thing.

No. 526722

That call was hard to listen to.(between Rose and her lawyer) imo Rose may have felt like she was being bombarded on every side,noone to trust. Kati preyed upon her. I don't give two shits what Kati says she did prey on Rose

No. 526731

Prey on me all you like in return for $1700.

No. 526773


Ah, yes, that'd be the $1,700 solicited from and donated by viewers of her channel intended to help a mother win custody of her two abused children and never Joy's to begin with, exclusive of any views, subscribers and monetized income we'll never know about. Nothing I enjoy more than giving to a charity and hounding the recipients of my generosity later. Apart from Saging my posts, that is. (Such a free thinker, you!)

No. 526774

If you honestly think a measly $1700 is enough to make up for potentially causing someone to lose their kids, smearing them all over the internet as a retard and a liar, fishing for their private and sensitive legal information from their own lawyer, and causing irreparable mental and emotional damage to their person, you are beyond simple.

$1700 is pocket change when you're talking about extended court cases. Kati really shouldn't pretend she saved Rose's life and that Rose is therefore indebted to Kati indefinitely and should take all of her horrific abuse with a smile. I'm sure that Rose would have returned every cent of Kati's (patreon's) money if she had known what trouble it would get her into.

No. 526775

guys. if you're going to argue with the true believer, make sure you're wasting less time than they are.

No. 526776

Hi Denise. commoner(hi [cow])

No. 526779

How much did you donate? People didn't watch her videos to support Rose. They watched them to get up to date information.

No. 526781


Again, another irrelevant swing and a miss.

These type of "arguments" are to get one off the topic at hand by making you play defense instead of offense.

No. 526789

So what exactly is the topic at hand? I said it's common for Youtubers to record calls. I said nobody watched the video's on Joy's channel to support Rose or the kids. All this talk of legal action by any party is just ridiculous. Most of anything wrote on this board include misrepresentations.

No. 526792


Joy is the topic at hand, not us nor is meta discussion of the board. Attacking the board doesn't refute the information posted; refuting the information posted refutes the information posted.

Also, the difference between a chess board and a checkers board. Maybe you should stick to something more your speed like Twitter.

No. 526793

I want to see receipts from all these people questioning the money raised. I know the answer will be next to nothing donated if anything at all.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 526797

$1700 should be enough to keep the drug dealer happy.

No. 526806

And then we have Phil. Phil thinks it'd perfectly fine to borrow a few hundred dollars and not pay it back because he doesn't feel like it. In my world he would have had the shit kicked out of him for doing such a thing. Joy actually did help this guy out but she got shat on by him. Because Joy is hated by a lot of people on here they took Phil's side.(no one cares)

No. 526843

>>526806 Holy shit, for the 117th time she donated that money to a GoFundMe Phil was running, and Phil literally showed the DM's where Kati specifically said, "You do not ever need to pay this money back to me. Do not worry about it, worry about yourself. I'm happy to help."

You must be exceptionally retarded to still be bringing that up at this point. He didn't borrow it, she gifted it to him specifically with no strings. That's literally what she spelled out in her own words.

No. 526847

>>526773 So, I feel like I'm still missing something. Initially Kati said she had donated $1,200 and showed where she had done that.
Then after she deleted the 6 million Do5 views she claimed she and her minions had 'figured out' that $1,400 was the total amount from ad revenue that Kati owed RH, and we kept hearing about how she couldn't donate the final $200 because the GoFundMe was declining her card. . .because she kept entering the last 2 digit of the card number incorrectly.
How did we end up at this $1,700 amount she gave RH? Did fans directly give Kati $500 to donate to RH for them? Did Kati give the final $200 and another $300 fans gave to her to donate? Is she claiming to have donated another $500, was it ad revenue, did she show any evidence beyond the initial $1,200 that she gave?

No. 526858

Strange then that he said it was a loan to be paid back when he could afford it. Then he goes on to say he has no intention of paying it back. Once again we have bullshit presented as fact.

No. 526862

No. 526863

If that filthy tramp worked anywhere close to me I'd demand he be moved. Have you seen his fingernails?

No. 526867

No, we do not support Kati.

No. 526878

Aaaaaw, did we upset you with pointing out facts, Deb? I assume Deb because only a lonely middle-aged alcoholic who is starved for attention would ever defend JSBS.

No. 526882

O still contest that Joy donated the most, regardless of where it came from. She cannot possibly know that becaus you can donate anonymously and keep the amount private. Jfc, someone could have dropped $50k in there and Joy wouldn't know anything about it.

No. 526885

We aren't supporting Phil in any way. We just not don't support jsbs either. Get over it.

No. 526886

Phil has been called out in other threads for his behavior and in the thread about the people surrounding Joy. Pointing out Joy being manipulative and twisting the facets when it concerns Phil, their friendship and things in his past isn't supporting someone.

Joy was called out for putting ads on the videos showing child abuse. People were pissed she was making money off the backs of abused kids when she had said she wouldn't profit off it. When she was called out she said she would donate every penny the videos made. No one made her do that. She then was put in contact with Rose and Tim so she said all the money the videos made would be going to Rose. No one made her say that and some people held her to doing what she said she was going to do. She paid for Rose's hotel which Rose confirmed. When Rose asked for the rest of the money Joy started to play more games. Joy has always thrown up how much she donated like she did it from a good place she didn't. The only reason she started saying she would donate the money was because she put ads on the videos and made such a big deal about how she would never profit off child abuse.

No. 526900

which still leaves the question of why the fuck Rose is having any contact with Kati in the first place? Who gives a fuck what Kati DEMANDED? And it is hardly 'master manipulator' level to say hey, I want you to prove this thing, jesus christ.
seeing what fucking spergs some of you turn into by 'being informed' I'm glad to stay out of the loop.

tl;dr Rose is a fucking retard, and she's bringing a lot of this on herself.

No. 526906

File: 1520835748817.png (Spoiler Image,598.26 KB, 793x1065, 20180312_022010.png)

YouTube's "Darling"

No. 526927

>>526688 Has anyone seen or heard any of Rose calls?

No. 526949

I listened to some on the drive.

No. 526955

I was asking if anyone has heard the recordings Rose made or are the only ones out there from Kati

No. 526957

There is.one on the drive between Rose and Tim C.its in there.

No. 526963

I thought Kati cared about the kids? Why would she release this? This only helps Mike and Heather. This is why I can't believe her BS about being the victim she will stop at nothing to destroy Rose all because she hurt her feelings.

No. 526965

It's awful…I know.What I don't know is why Kati has it.How she got it.

No. 526970

Tim, more than likely.

No. 526972

or chambers warned her…

No. 526980

forgot to sage… someone please edit it then delete this post please?

No. 526982


- - In the interest of keeping these particular facts straight because Joy Crap like any manipulator anything they touch gets so convoluted people give up trying to explain it after a while
Initially YouTube creators and others saw Joy make 92 videos in roughly 4 weeks and all of them used footage of the kids being abused. She was seen as exploiting the situation and went on May 24th Warski Live to "clarify".
It was during this stream that she said she got approval from Tim Conlin to keep cranking out videos. (Directly after she changed this to being Instructed to do so but it's on video and no one asked her to. Not even slime Tim.)
Joy explains on video: https://youtu.be/lNNiADvj7CE

Weeks later she finally did pay 10 days of Rose's hotel which was 600.00 and she made Rose tweet out a thank you to show Kati did so.

Then she touted the same total of 1200.00 at some point turning it into what it is now (the highest donor rant etc) and never adjusted it or added to it though the videos made money the next 4 months.
She was constantly being asked about the additional money earned (early on she said she made 1 or 2 dollars per thousand views but later changed that to .50). Her response was to get irritated because she was "TopDonor FFS!"
When she took down the videos the total views lost showed on Social Blade. (see video link) and she tried to do damage control by saying she'd release her analytics to prove what was made.

At this point she was crying to YouNow with TopDonor BS and went online to show her name in lights as The Biggest Giver but several people had donated 2 and 3k so she briefly switched to "was TopDonor for months!
Again let's hear from Joy! https://youtu.be/_LS1gaZZg8w

She figured out she was screwed in those numbers and didn't want to cough up that money so she took down her channel. Ooopsie no analytics now. But people knew she made money in those 4 months so she tried to put it to rest again by donating an additional 500.00 to Rose in October.
That's the 1700.00 total donated.

Hopefully this helps because like Joy herself this became a big fat disgusting, nearly impossible to understand, mess in a matter of months.

No. 526996


Rose can actually file a police report to pursue criminal charges.
The state would prosecute so no attorney or suit necessary and Rose along with others would only be called as witnesses. That is if the drive itself and Kati's own video weren't enough to prove she recorded Rose without consent.

Lawsuits are an additional path that could be taken simultaneously or after the criminal case is over. But the criminal charges can be done with a police report and a copy of the drive. No fuss for Rose there.

No. 527010

>>526982 Thank you so much anon. I had no idea she finally donated another $500 to the GoFundMe in October.

It's really funny to me that one of the first things she ever Tweeted, and one of the first posts here, was her Tweeting out her analytics to prove her Onision videos weren't monetized; then 9 months later she deleted her channel instead of showing her analytics when she finally got off her lazy butt and realized almost half of her total YTD Adsense money should have gone to the GoFundMe.

Although I do think there could have been some good lolz if the 'Channel Entirely Demonitized' saga had gone on a little longer. I thoroughly was enjoying her own foul fucking mouth, that she is so proud of, getting her channel mass demonitized about a week or two before she deleted it.

No. 527035


Wait, in those videos… on May 24th, on the Warski show, she said the videos had earned $1200 total (in their first month).

Then, those videos paid out for Jun, Jul, Aug, and Sep (4 more months) AND she made more Do5 videos… but all of that only earned an average of $125/mo when they were most of her views for both channels for those four months?

No. 527042

She sent it to Rose directly because she'd said she was going to and trying but said Rose wasn't clear where to send it in. She used this for a couple weeks as I recall and then dropped it entirely.
It was at this point Melinda urged Rose to get in touch with Joy to claim it because she did need it and Joy had said over and over she was trying to send it.
Of course that became what it is now "I gave you 1700.00!

-"Yes I inserted myself into Your painful situation. Yes I made it about Me and claimed erroneously to have been instrumental in helping your case when all I really did was make money and fan the flames of a small drama behind the scenes to a Raging Inferno still burning nearly a year later.
Yes I made Thousands off the exploitation of your children being harmed!
Yes the pain and suffering of your crying children (and my constant non-update videos during the ensuing months which ALL utilized DO5 in the tags and titles) kept me in pizzas, chips, and Subway for months.
But YOU should be thankful because I Gave You a small portion of that money! I did you a huge favor! So Fuck Off Rose now I'm out for your blood!"

Can you even imagine being Rose? And on top of it your attorney is acting in his own best interest instead of yours?? Talking with Joy, though you told him Not to, about keeping the videos up even longer because they were plotting some lawsuit of YouTube that Rose was unaware of?
And Yes Kati admitted that on the Kumite where Based Mama came in.
Kati first alludes to other reasons for keeping them up and eventually spills it was she and Tim who had some agenda for said lawsuit against YouTube.
Those two wanted to get a larger payday out of this.
That's what Tim referred to on that voice-mail where he said he looked forward to them working together on future "projects".

Utterly and almost Unbelievably Disgusting.

No. 527043

You HAVE to be kidding!
By Joy's own share, she said he didn't have to pay her back! Are you living in some alternate universe? It was a gift. Katie made it clear!

No. 527047

Exactly. Makes No sense at all. I think that highlights why, by September, when the amount of views could finally be seen clearly people were demanding to know where the he'll the money is.
There's just no way her math works. So after weeks of dodging and then promising her analytics she took her channel down instead.
Then feigned ignorance that her analytics would be gone because the channel is down.
And to this day she says "all I did was help and this is the thanks I get!"
She is really Really scummy.

No. 527049

This is silly now. Katie, you said he didn't have to pay it back.
YOU said that he was to NEVER worry about it. It was CLEARLY a gift, by YOUR OWN WORDS!
Sorry to samefag… but bloody hell this annoys me.
It's all there in YOUR OWN info. that you released!


No. 527051

Personal attacks defeat our cause.

Please don't do that.

No. 527058

Someone said in an earlier thread people were trying to find the name of the Atty who Joy slandered; is it doxing to put his name and info out there? The man should be aware it’s on the net that he “owns an escort Co and tried to manipulate a client.” So is that still doxing since it’s to help someone else and people were actively searching for it anyway?

No. 527059

Good question. He's her bankruptcy attorney and that's all public information so is all his information since he's an attorney.

I'd post it.

No. 527064

I thought I’d save you the trouble since I had it loaded.


No. 527066


Unfortunately that's why Joy can easily Spin an alternate narrative.
Every situation is drug out and she muddies the waters along the way with constant drama.
This is why she likes to "clear things up" with people who are calling her out Privately. She employs Gaslighting and Spin with an already confusing situation.
It's another one way street for Joy. She calls people out publicly and loudly but when it's her it's "they could have come to me privately and respectfully".
Do as I say not as I do. Add to that it's like a part time job to keep up with ongoing drama. It's easy to get lost. just give up,and move on. And others get victimized;the cycle continues.

No. 527070

Can you link me to this earlier thread please I have not heard this one. Little Kati has a long list of controversies in her little life it's hard to keep up.

No. 527071

Lol right Kati? How that McNumonia?

in some journals, I found that we need chest x-ray follow up in patients with pneumonia 6 weeks after we diagnosed them with pneumonia. Its function is to differentiate between pneumonia and lung cancer. For antibiotic effect after its administration in patient with pneumonia, should we follow up them with chest x-ray? and when does the right time to do that?

No. 527076

File: 1520865711185.jpg (415.46 KB, 1440x2718, 20180312_084214.jpg)

She gave him the money as a gift. She donated it to his GoFundMe. Here's a screenshot of that. Or are you to daft to understand that.

No. 527080


No matter how many times you try to say he stole money it won't change what actually happened or what JOY put in writing. She gave money to Phil and said he didn't have to pay it back. In fact she told him not to even think about it.

Are you refusing to read what Joy wrote?
If you are that's fine but quit posting lies when they're so easily disproved.
It's a waste and derails the thread.

No. 527081

I’ll have to find the stream where Our Lady Of Frito Lay said it and unfortunately I don’t have the time now however in that stream she said that after her bankruptcy attorney helped with her case he then told her he owned an escort company and tried to get her to work for him. That doesn’t really equate to manipulation being used in a typical escort company; that equates to slander.

No. 527087


How the hell did I miss this completely.

No. 527092

I know for sure it’s on kiwifarms and when I get back from my appt I’ll try to look for you but it’s some stream with Benji and she was going to talk about her secret mashed potatoes (they were storytelling if I remember) and she never did but she “had this really crazy story to share.”

No. 527093


An attorney owning an escort service? Isn't that grounds to be disbarred?
Would that be Slander or Defamation or both?

Does the attorney know she's said these things?

No. 527109

Point 1: Are you not reading the transcripts? It was a gift, not a loan. In Kati's own words.

Point 2: (More importantly) Are you using 'autistic' as an insult?

Get off this board. You are NOT welcome here.

I, for one (and I am sure this board will support me on this)do NOT support your bigotry.(autism)

No. 527112


This is incorrect. You are purposefully and repeatedly trying to mistate the facts.
The reference where she says not to worry about paying it back, because he's done so much for everyone else throughout the time she's known him (at that point 10+ years) that she simply wants his happiness is in his video(s).
She wrote him about it through Facebook.

Stop trying to talk about Phil Joytard.
What you're saying isn't the least bit accurate, he's not even around,and hasn't been for quite some time.

No. 527136

No shit stirring. I couldn’t figure out how to get the upload so here is the KF link and go down to the Benji stream around 54:58.


No. 527142

haha wtf is this copypasta

No. 527144

It goes to show her level of delusion in believing how so many people around her are jealous or sexually interested in her. As if she is just so extremely attractive that she can't even file her bankruptcy without someone tryna get at that poon.

Given her obsessiveness and lack of self control, there's no way that would have happened without her trying to destroy him and be a hero to sex workers.

She is probably bitter that someone of her stature would have to pay for his legal services.

No. 527158


Who knows what Phil can afford. He has been absent for some time now. You can't stop yourself from letting everyone know how much you don't know about things or maybe it's your alternate reality IDK
Autism is a spectrum disorder. Some autistic people while maybe slow in some thibgs are actually brilliant in others. It's called Savant Syndrome. Usually they're way above average in memory (that's not you for sure).
You're posting where people know what happened with the money Joy GAVE Phil. Join in and talk about ever growing sponge body Joy or Fuck Off.

No. 527174


Thank goodness you clarifed that austistic people aren't "normal".

Please stay, if you so choose.

I'm loving the hole.

No. 527179

Oh come on.

Your feet are peddling so quickly backwards that they are a blur.

No. 527181

Who really cares about Phil and wither he owes her money or not.

Has anyone noticed the absence of her rabbit squad on twitter? with the exception of the obvious "holes" on here

I suspect Kati knows she has f up and is avoiding the questions from her dwindling fan base.

It's a pattern every time something happens she fains some illness to get attention in the hopes that they feel sorry for her and not question her.

No. 527182


No. 527190

Is that why they are here? All's quiet on Twitter and the posts above show how Joy screwed Abused Kids over for money. Now it's bbbbut Phil. kek

No. 527210

Can people stop taking the bait for 5 fucking minutes? Just report the post and move on. Not every post requires a Reeeesponse. Take your little flamewars to Twitter or finger each other in a public bathroom or something. If you legitimately find this entertaining go argue with a Flat Earther or something.

No. 527220

Nothing really new. She's now going to stream a response on Younow to Rep's video that she said wasn't worth responding to. Now it seems imperative that she "debunk" all the points he made. Because the raper of mentally handicapped teenage girls, JF, said she was right. When is this bitch going to go away?

No. 527265

No. 527371

Did she 'bend over backwards' to apologise to Coppercab concerning his stutter after she made fun of him? All I remember from that point in time is that she went on to kiss up to him loads and was in streams with him. I can't remember her making a proper apology though regarding her video making fun of him. I could well be missing something (there is just soooo muuuch when it comes to the JSBS timeline that it's difficult to remember it all clearly.)

No. 527421

The infamous Deb made this brave and probably foolish mistake of pushing back against the core cunts. What did it get her? She was so severely harnessed (on discord streams, I believe) tat she ended up in the hospital. What kind of fucking bullshit is that?

No. 527436

No. 527437

What kind of bullshit is that?inquiring minds want to know could you please elaborate anon?
I alway imagine Discord as being these black lit purple places with many lurkers. I never felt safe in there. How does one virtually become harnessed? how does that lead to hospitalization? I'm new at this.

No. 527438

you said it a lot better than I did.

No. 527445

Did she get harassed so much she drank herself into alcohol poisoning? Or is that just an average Monday for her.

No. 527453

shouldnt the comments about deb go on another thread? the one for joy and friends?

No. 527484

File: 1520896312611.jpg (766.86 KB, 1439x1992, Screenshot_20180312-170557.jpg)

Anyone that liked or retweeted anything anti Kati is fucked. It's harassment. LOL

No. 527489

and what do they deem as anti kati? kati already accused me of harassing her for saying "phil isn't a pedo" and blocked me, is any disagreement going to be harassment?

No. 527493

My point, and I know I wasn’t clear, is that Kati is on discord streams pretty regularly, trashing people. Even people who have supported her and given her money. Like rats, the move from YouTube, to YouNow, to discord……

No. 527502

Well, when you dare to disagree with the almighty, what seems to happen is that you get harranged and bullied and ostracized. Seen it happen on YouTube, YouNow and now discord. Who? Kati of course, she who is so sad that people aren’t moving on, and let’s see if you can guess who else bullied this woman. Maybe angelzones and her sassy brat pack? Maybe puffin ‘I’m the list creator, all shall bow down? Not sure. Let me look at my copies of who all was in this particular shit show discord…..

No. 527508

omfg. I WANT her to put me on that fucking list. the more i look the more i see how goddamn fucked up ALL this shit is. I'm not fucking scared of her she can put me on the list and fucking bring it. >=[ if she ever tried to sue anyone on that list it would get laughed out of court. maybe she will try and get publicity from it, like judge judy or something.

No. 527511

She told me via voice chat that I've harassed her on stream and she has screenshots. I want the munchie cunt to prove it, because I've never "harassed" her. I wouldn't put it past her to start faking screenshots.

No. 527515

she isn't competent enough to make believable fakes. she cant even get her own facts straight or read a wiki page past what she needs to see.

probably she is going to take something you said, spin it, and insert lies of "what happened before" to make it look believable.

No. 527518

You mean when the main joytards threatened to do to Debs what they did to Shrub Time but worse because she wouldn't go along with their targeted harassment of people on the list any more? If so yes she did end up in the hospital over that.

No. 527519


I'm sure this is more "receipts" the world will never ever see, like 90% of the others.

Or does have them and she will misrepresent them, like her medical records and the "proof" against rose.

No. 527522

Like all the proof of these supposed "death threats" that will "come out when the time is right" according to her minions?

No. 527525

the death threats are probably randoms or sock accounts that she made to make others look bad.

you couldnt mail her unless she had you followed, random people wouldnt be able to do this.

No. 527526


Or when she's not having a really convenient health flare up.

No. 527533

Deb wound up in the hospital? Over her disagreeing with the others? Poor deb. Out of the various joytards I have spoken to, she is the nicest.

No. 527538

As I understand it was some stress related thing. Happened right around the time she was attacked by some well know sassy Kati supporters. Also, I’m told she is doing much better and wants no part of this ongoing drama. Good for her!

No. 527541


Well, here's hoping she's one of the few that sticks to her word.

No. 527552

It’s perplexing that Kati and her crew would claim harassment after Kati’s recent ‘face me’ campaign. Is the irony not obvious?

No. 527562

Hold up, blowing the whistle for a time out while I write the word of the savior swine Kati.

According to kati, liking a tweet is not foul play. She has made sure to state that when confronted about her liking tweets that are actual harrassement and hate. She also said she sometimes just likes tweets so they are marked for her to go back and read them. But I guess that exception only applies to what she herself likes.

No. 527566

That’s exactly what she’ll do cuz when she begged for help I sent her an email making it clear I didn’t like what she did/does but I don’t support harassment and offered pro bono help; somehow that got turned into “Kati didn’t accept my apology cuz it was disingenuous.” When the f did I apologize? All I could think of was that scene in ‘The Ringer’ when the boyfriend goes to pick them up and the dude’s like, “When the fuck did we get ice cream?”

No. 527607

deb isnt a joytard, she just was a normal person who got joyspun, lots of us have been joyspun before and got straightened out. i think she will be fine. I hope she is okay… she's not a bad person. she steps up when shit is fucked which is more than can be said for many.

No. 527671

I know she isn't really. Saying joytard seemed easier than saying "the people who support and like jsbs". I know, I'm lazy…

No. 527684

Funny that disingenuous describes her perfectly but I can't count how many times she has used it on everyone else.

DISINGENUOUS not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.
synonyms: insincere, dishonest, untruthful, false, deceitful, duplicitous, lying, mendacious; hypocritical
"that innocent, teary-eyed look is just part of a disingenuous act"

No. 527703

Yeah, such a great person. She doxxed people during YouTube and younow streams made fake Twitter accounts to help fill Kati's Google drive with fake screenshots to set that person up. A regular Mother Teresa.

No. 527711

must have missed that… id ask to be filled in but maybe we should move that discussion over the joy and friends thread?

No. 527740

This is Kati Patreon post recently in her own words she says "It's a bit scary only in that I already have lung issues and my imnune system is already down from other shit, so Im just gonna conitnue to be quiet and hope this doesnt get any worse, and Im confident it wont."

For Kati to have lungs issues, I do not understand how Kati get so much energy with the revenge drama that she created recently, streaming for 2 hours to 7 hours and yelling at random people like Nick Monroe, Tommy C, the Australian guy Kevin Sammut and many more.

Kati damage her own Reputation by herself. Now the world knows her as Queen of lies, a manipulative person, make money from tragedy and like Tommy C said Kati is Cray-Cray.

Well, anyway YouTubers most of them are Fake It Till You Make It kind of people.

No. 527755

Remember when Thomas Ellington interview with Kati and then Thomas revealed Kati Medical Record to prove her health claims tweet it on Twitter.

But people on Twitter and that nurse who said that is a complaint chart and not a diagnosis chart.

Can anyone show an example how a official diagnosis chart looks like.

No. 527756

File: 1520915355486.png (1.05 MB, 867x1061, 20180312_235912.png)

No. 527766

That would normally be listed under a section labeled "diagnosis" where a doctor addresses the main issues along with the medical code and notes on how to proceed with treatment.

There may also be a section on a patient's chart notes that says "past medical history" and if the only historian is the patient self-reporting, that will be demarcated since often times even when patients are trying to be honest they get things wrong.

Pretty much the only way you can tell is by the labeling.

No. 527809

the stream was originally done in August re released yesterday experiences with joy Sparkle BS
also dropped it in the Spergleberry thread

No. 527859

File: 1520932606532.jpeg (167.95 KB, 747x979, 4B7D8535-4B11-48B4-95EB-0F08F4…)

Okay one more time. Notice they’re all under conditions and dated by my Dr. also notice there is nothing written as Hx (as described by pt.)

No. 527865

Joy’s proclamations of being ‘top donation giver’ make me sick. That money was given by her fans via super chats and donations to give to Rose VIA Kati, it was NEVER directly out of her own pocket ffs. She never gave a penny of her own money.

No. 527868

Mine are listed as "current health issues". I think it's going to be difficult to definitively prove that she just told her doctor she has all those problems and they simply noted that in her records, aside from the obvious Hx notation. Every portal handles the listing of diagnoses differently.

No. 527925

True but doesn’t the Hx show that those particular things are pt reported?

No. 527930

"History of _____" is also used to describe something existing and diagnosed in the past, not strictly patient reported.
If someone has had urinary tract infections, "history of UTI" or "history of chronic UTI"
will typically be added, as the diagnosis section is easily read by medical professionals and is useful to diagnose and treat.

I don't believe a word of what Kati claims is wrong with her, but, if her diagnosis list said "history of UTI"(as an example) it could have been added after being read on medical records and without her reporting it.

No. 527950

File: 1520952896334.png (884.15 KB, 1068x1072, 20180313_105150.png)

I don't know if this will help at all. it's an old shot of her patient portal showing a lot less info than is on the portal now.

No. 528102


Discord stream.Joy Sparkle and her flying monkeys attack Moral Virus.I didn't see it posted anywhere else, although it is from Feb 4. Katie comes in about the one hour mark. unhinged as per usual. I hope I posted this in the right place. I'm sure a kind anon will let me know.

No. 528104

Thanks anon for explaining but that wouldn’t explain how there is a “Hx of Aluminum Toxicity” on her record since she said that was a new thing, would it?

No. 528191

File: 1520973766489.png (1.35 MB, 1012x1596, 20180313_162842.png)

Dr.Google says,it is possible that Kati took copper supplements and then used the very same bottle to put her Lyrica in.
Dr.Google says it may be the case that Kati likes to chew on aluminum cans.
Dr.Google says Kati probably ate a lot of her favorite fish,Salmon to boost important mercury levels.
Dr.Google says Katie may be so unwell that she will do ALMOST anything to prove a point.

No. 528308

The first thing I notice here is a lack of onset dates. Idk about this software, but in ours, if a physician has diagnosed a condition, it will have a date of onset for that episode of care, if those conditions arr listed in the patient's medical records. In fact, if a physician made the dx, there would be both a date of onset, a care plan, the info for the diagnosing physician and whether or not it was a concluded episode of care or an ongoing.
Again, I am unfamiliar with this particular software, but it appears that NONE of her complaints have any additional coding or information to signify diagnosis or treatment and is in no way evidence of actually having any of these conditions.

No. 528316

It does explain hx of aluminum toxicity, though. SHE reported that she had a history of it to whichever new physician's office she was shopping at that day.
If she continues to self-diagnose and report, a rec for a psych eval is going to start showing up on those records….geesh!

No. 528445

Right that’s what I’m saying: she told the Dr she’s had aluminum poisoning but other than the anon who proposed Dr. Google told her to chew on aluminum cans (total kek) there’s no way of gauging if this is just shite the Archangel Michael told her to say.

Re: 528308
Anon exactly what I thought; unless you’re Dr shopping you’d have an onset date at the very minimum if not more as you stated. She was full of shite before and she still needs a massive laxative. Joy your psychopathy is showing again…

No. 529495

This is Kati Patreon post recently in her own words she says "It's a bit scary only in that I already have lung issues and my imnune system is already down from other shit, so Im just gonna conitnue to be quiet and hope this doesnt get any worse, and Im confident it wont."

For Kati to have lung issues, I do not understand how Kati get so much energy with the revenge drama that she created recently, streaming for 2 hours to 7 hours and yelling at random people like Nick Monroe, Tommy C, the Australian guy Kevin Sammut and many more.

Kati damage her own Reputation by herself. Now the world knows her as Queen of lies, a manipulative person, make money from tragedy and like Tommy C said Kati is Cray-Cray.

Well, anyway YouTubers most of them are Fake It Till You Make It kind of people.

No. 529560


just fucking sage, Jesus Christ! You put sage in the email section.

The only thing wrong with Kati is mental issues. Most doctors will not treat her till she gets checked out because there is nothing physically wrong with her. If there is now, its because she is doing it to herself.

No. 529713


To be fair, people who are largely inactive (i.e. - sit on their butts all day, doing squat all) are prone to developing various health problems (and I'm not just talking obesity, either).

No. 529806


True. And she's been working quite hard on this by employing sloth and gluttony. Soon Kati will be able to say she has a health condition that isn't mental and it will finally be true! #KatiGoals

No. 530179

File: 1521145287328.png (63.87 KB, 630x395, Screenshot.png)

Aaaaaaand the couch monster/penis sweatshirt is back.

No. 530183

File: 1521145382101.png (61.3 KB, 630x442, Screenshot.png)

More from mashed taters.

No. 530187


When isn't she rant crazy? (also, glad to see her pneumonia cleared up in record time).

I wonder what bug crawled up her ass, this time.

No. 530190


Macy always comes first; unless I'm in the middle of a screeching fit; then fuck that stupid whiny dog.
'Roomie' can deal with her when he gets home from work.

No. 530209

If only Kati vlog her doctors appointment as evidence like this Chronic ill YouTuber name Chronically Jaquie.


No. 530275

I wonder if her "rant crazy" mood has any thing to do with her savior being outed in the Daily Beast?

No. 530381

Aluminum is known as the "soft in the head mineral"


No. 530732

From what I have seen, people who have chronic illnesses usually either document it for others or don't like to talk about it, usually in both cases because they DON'T want sympathy for it.
Joy is like the Army guy who sat behind a desk for the entire war and never saw action, but constantly talks about the trials and travails of #GruntLife

No. 530794

You didn't sage though.

Jacquie has some past threads on here in /snow/. She's been discontinued as a thread subject recently due to the munchie anons.

No. 530962

File: 1521215674558.png (33.36 KB, 886x436, diagnoses.PNG)

Here's my issue with her "PROOFS"… On every single patient portal I've seen, it will clearly state whether it is a diagnosis or not. Case in point, here's an actual patient portal with actual diagnoses. I still believe firmly that these are simply her complaints listed and not actual diagnoses.

No. 531011

File: 1521220160002.png (136.55 KB, 560x943, temp.png)

No. 531512

File: 1521359415895.png (143.66 KB, 750x1254, IMG_3783.PNG)

So I came across this and I don't know about other cows on here but this screens JSBS

No. 531513

File: 1521359454095.png (176.43 KB, 750x1246, IMG_3782.PNG)

No. 531640

I reckon this is probably something to do with the munchie threads (though I don't frequent them) rather than Joy. However, it does indeed seem right up her street and the sort of hyperbolic nonsense she's prone to.

No. 531651

File: 1521382312773.jpg (433.6 KB, 1075x2211, Screenshot_20180318-080959.jpg)

Kati is still trying to get people to give her their information for her attorney so she can take legal action against them. LOL

No. 531670


So, once again… no attorney in sight she just wants people to hand over dox just cuz she's such a massive cunt. Kati needs to crawl into a hole with what's left of her joytards where they can keep paying for her to "focus on her 'health' issues"

No. 531698

Nah it's the munchies, read the signing reasons, they're all sharing it with their mums or whatever. Joy would be far more loony about it.

No. 531724

>>531651 LMFAO Bitch, send me your lawyers contact info and have your lawyer call me to get my address.

I love how she's meeting with her 'lawyer' "later this week" intead of say Thursday, nope, just some vague time in the future.

No. 531738


One time, forget when, she claimed to have three appointments with lawyers "on Monday" and then you never heard about it again. I think she was going to sue Onision over something, but am guessing it was just a ploy to goose to joytard donations. All this "imma gunna sooo" shit is also likely just to goose the joytards into donating more money to her pizza delivery funds.

No. 531746

This is good stuff. I was capping to create a collage of the same claims and solid similarities between he and Kati but gave up because they are basically the same person.

Minus the rapid fire pregnancy attempts of course, though then again she is the kind of girl that falsely claims she is pregnant.

Both are fucking sickos.

Right? Goes to show she is still all talk with her empty legal threats, trying to be the hero of the internet and end harassment once and for all ! Funny thing is that if she would actually follow through, she would majorly embarrass herself with all her "evidence." Imagine the look on their faces when they read her tweets, then ultimately decide that she isn't worth the lifetime of harrassememt to their law office when she doesn't get what she wants. I can already hear her screaming "I KNOW AN ATTORNEY'S SALARY, THIS US WHAT YOU GET PAID TO DO!"

Tinfoil, but, imo this is part of her next chapter where she says that all the harrassememt and "systemic" bullying caused her so much damage that she has ptsd and can no longer work or leave her house ever again.

Damn all the jealous and tits out/low iq people out there ruining lives.

No. 531763

They did an article on her other "vindicater" Warski and how he sexually assaulted a girl.

No. 531775

Here's the video from the article of Warski admitting to sexually assaulting a drunk girl.

What is with everyone that defends Kati having sex crimes in their past. I guess what they say birds of a feather flock together is true.

No. 531783


the pepe guy even knows the statute of limitations offhand? wow. be careful out there, girls. go read about pick up artistry, too, to help identify these kinds of scumbags.

No. 531940

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I guess she forgot she had pneumonia.

No. 531941

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No. 531943

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She felt bad about the dog on the United flight. But yet the cunt doesn't feel bad about constantly yelling around that elder dog she selfishly adopted.

No. 532034


Yelling around the elderly dog? Shit - how about disregarding the dog's pitiful whining/whimpering while she was streaming; where she admitted the dog had been sick - but, instead of getting off her fat ass to comfort the poor animal, she opted to stay in stream, reassuring her audience that 'roomie' would look after the dog once he got home from work (which God only knows how long that took).

No. 532132

Alright Katie's getting back ontrack now.Maybe by the end of the week she'll have 30 vids up and monetized exploiting the death of that poor dog.Thats a money maker abused kids,hurricanes,terrorist attacks,that's nothing when it comes to the loss of pet.Who knew after katie got back from Paris after being a journalist,then going homeless she was running PETA in the shadows what a saint she is god bless Joy.

No. 532205

Wow. Seems like if you are on YT and joining ranks behind someone as sketchy as Joy, it only ends up that you're even worse than Joy herself is. Maybe that's her plan?
Like an ugly but skinny girl who only hangs around super fat girls so she looks good by comparison?
Tbh, idk which is more entertaining: watching Joy continue to spiral into insanity, or watching her "friends" be revealed to be hiding sex crimes ans then haphazardly trying to justify it. O hear Canada has a human rights tribunal. How long before Warski ends up trying to pass this off as a joke in front of a stern canadian judge?
