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No. 1752617[Reply]

H3H3 Productions is a Youtube duo comprised of Ethan Klein and his wife, Hila Klein. Previously known for their humorous video skits, their content is now focused on podcast series such as Off The Rails, After Dark, H3TV and (formerly) Frenemies featuring Trisha Paytas. After the cancellation of their show, Ethan and Trisha have been embroiled on a public feud involving other family members, tea channels, autistic redditors and people from Trisha's hometown.

Adjacent Personalities
- Moses Hacmon: Hila's brother and Trisha's husband.
- Donna and Gary Klein: Ethan's parents.
- AB Ayad, Zach Louis, Dan Swerdlove, Ian Slate, Olivia Lopez: H3H3 crew members.
- Hasan Piker: Co-host of new H3 show, Leftovers.
- Keemstar: Archnemesis of Ethan.

The H3/Trisha Ongoing Feud
>Ethan and Trisha had a very successful show called Frenemies. One of its high points was when Ethan and Trisha exposed David Dobrik and supported a rape victim, who was taken advantage by the Vlog Squad.
>During the last episode, Trisha was upset that she had no say in what happens in the show and how repetitive the segments were. It escalated into an argument where Trisha asked for the show to end because she didn't want to walk out while the cameras were still rolling.
>Trisha had an online meltdown and made a bunch of videos saying that she quits the show. Ethan accuses Trisha of wanting to fire the crew and made everything about her wanting 5% more from the profits.
>Trisha made more videos, attempting to explain herself but making herself look worse in the process. Ethan made content based on her responses, which got him lots of views.
>Ethan invited Trisha to record one more episode of Frenemies to promote the merch, but decided to not not air it once everything sold out.
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No. 2014436

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(This thread is dead so let me revive it)

Trisha Paytas make a appearance in Katy Perry's new music video "woman's world".

No. 2014577

Cross post from >>>/pt/937709 but she was talking about her past with Shane Dawson and Jeffree Star a bit a few months back, their thread wasn’t much interested in it but here may be

>She thinks it’s dumb that Shane and Ryland are basically family channeling their kids while claiming they wanna keep them private and shaming other family channels

>She doesn’t like the TikTok edits of her and Shane or people saying they miss when they were friends, thinks it’s Rose colored glasses
>There was an anonymous channel that made a bunch of long exposing videos getting a bunch of details wrong, she found it that it was ran by a big fangirl of Shane’s who he’s interviewed in the past. She made the channel shortly after Trisha and Shane fell out, she (Trisha) has lots of theories about it
>This girl was obsessed with Trisha when Trisha and Shane were friends
>Talks about fans turned haters for a while
>Jeffree posted an old pic of her on his Instagram story, people thought they were friends again
>The timing was strange to her
>She thought it was fun to hang with Jeffree but their friendship was more surface level than her and Shane’s, he gave her Gucci purses casually
>She doesn’t remember some stuff well, she compares it to a trauma response of blocking out painful memories, she’s not really sure if it’s entirely one though
>She made a list to remember the reasons she didn’t like someone
>She has mixed thought on reconciling with Jeffree even if they were mostly just surface level associates
>She’s glad Jeffree is living his life and has a soft spot for him
>She loves her life now and doesn’t like to think back to that time

No. 2014677

Embarrassing that this is her career highlight kek

No. 2025680

I can't find the original upload of this video so excuse me if it's actually old, but I've seen it going around tiktok recently. Tana's podcast is in similarly murky waters with Brooke's cancellation, so fuck it, stir the pot!

No. 2029797

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Stale milk but I can't believe I never saw this posted about here, he kept showing guests videos of prolapsed assholes. What the fuck.

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No. 1997100[Reply]

Zena and Poppy are a YouTube Duo who have gotten into shit due to being sex pests and having a perpetual victim mentality. Their videos have made it to lolcow in the past >>>/snow/1317211

The main players:
>Poppy Diabolique / LadyDiabolique / Penny Diabolique / Jessica Morrow / Penelope Inez / Penelope Morrow - Main person behind the channel. Claims to be plural and have two alters named Penny (a Thai sex worker fallen angel) and a child alter named Pepper. LARPs as a succubus hyena, brings up sex at every moment possible. Is well known to be into DDLG, incest, rape, kidnapping, etc. and defends these kinks to the death. Has admitted that furry incest Yuri is what kicked off this transition. Keeps track of people’s illnesses to use against them, possibly fucked a client, lost therapist job due to not being able to stop being so terminally online. Cluster B(itch) who hides behind BPD and being “plural” as an excuse.
>Zena / Zander / ZZ / ZenaBunny / GalaxyBunny - Poppy’s yes-man and spouse. Was (allegedly) kicked from a camp for coming out as lesbian and is a pest to people IRL.
>Saige Alexis - The 3rd of the Poppycule, suspected to be abused by Z&P. Dies on the hill of defending Poppy and Zena and will claim anyone critical of the 3 to be some evil conservative, a TERF, a KiwiFarms lurker, or support harassment, doxxing, and bullying. Once attempted suicide, Z&P said it was to get their attention and Saige got mad at people for calling wellness checks, said it was other people’s faults, and would later get angry with WhiteNervosa for the crime of trying to make sure Saige was ok. Claims to be plural as well, most notable “alter” being Cerise

Notable Whiteknights:
>Sparky / WillyOtterpop - Started the #JusticeForZenaAndPoppy. Has pedo allegations and jokes about raping lesbians, depraved fetishist as well
https://x.com/willyotterpop (suspended)
>Nightwyldart / Nightwyldsystem - Made docs slandering MilePost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2002597

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Poppy crying about being “groomed” again while claiming to have totally moved on you guys. Poppy you’re clearly trying to make it seem like you were younger than you actually were for victim points

No. 2003851

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Sage for not milk necessarily but worth noting that these two are willing to get back on good terms with an incestuous abuser of women, though should we be shocked knowing Poppy’s history?

No. 2004577

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Turns out that this >>2003851 is part of a whole train wreck thread of Zena and Poppy trying to kiss ass, their acc is private so I stole this from KF

No. 2005931

They re-released their 2nd interview with Courtney, probably for views

The two were also mentioned in a stream Courtney and Britt did with ILoveKimPossibleALot / KP (VOD is gone now sadly) >>2002581
Summary of KP stream:
>They talked a bit about Lily's lack of empathy.
>They talk about Poppy pressuring KP to make a video statement and being jealous that KP's on Courtney's server.
>Poppy would keep creating new chats to talk with the same people. Courtney says Poppy would start a chat with her, then add Zena because they were mad they're not included, then not interact, get mad because Courtney and Poppy were messaging too fast and they couldn't catch up with all their migranes. Poppy would make a new chat again and the cycle continues.
>Poppy told Courtney that Courtney's relationship is predatory because Courtney’s boyfriend is older than Poppy.

No. 2014308

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No. 2013913[Reply]

there is a vtuber named falterxv also known as James Alexander Colwell on Twitter, YouTube and twitch, he has been sending harassment and doxxing many vtubers and regular people over the years, james is literally using a flat rip of the character scharnhorst from azur lane and advertising it as "his character.", he's been abusing the dmca system on YouTube and Twitter to silence people with evidence of his wrong doings, I and many people have reported his account but Twitter won't delete him, there is even a 90 page google doc full of evidence about what that monster has done, also his avatar breaks the geneva convention due to the red cross on his hat, he also stole the character scharnhorst from the game azure lane, his racist behavior is very problematic and he's still making false copyright strikes and harassing others right now as we speak

He needs to be ip banned

Here is his Twitter: https://x.com/falter_xv

Here is his twitch:

Here is his YouTube:

Here is his steam:

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No. 2013914

He should be ban from using any electronic devices and His internet access needs to be removed

No. 2013915

He also has all his information public on his Facebook

He made it private recently but everyone knows where he lives and it pretty much all over the internet

Falterxv has also been doing horrible things to a minor called rynrng

Including but not limited to sending inappropriate messages of "his character" naked or bare feet pics, talked to ryn inappropriately during one of his livestreams and so much more

Seriously that creep should be banned

No. 2013921

If you type in falterxv on YouTube you can see other youtubers exposing his bad behavior as well

His subscribers and followers are mostly bot accounts

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No. 796678[Reply]

New thread for the self proclaimed “Internet thot trash” with the most garbage mods and newly turned “escort”, Skye/Jodie Purdon. We can continue to chronicle her outrageously self-obsessed, attention seeking, melodramatic and resolutely useless behaviour and upcoming mods and clients here.

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/purdonskye?lang=en
Orignal lolcow: >>>/snow/504458

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skyepurdon/?hl=en

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/skye.purdon.775?__xts__%5B0%5D=12.%7B%22unit_id_click_type%22%3A%22graph_search_results_item_in_module_tapped%22%2C%22click_type%22%3A%22result%22%2C%22module_id%22%3A0%2C%22result_id%22%3A100034985660511%2C%22session_id%22%3A%223944408fe906557f74dc03de6bff949a%22%2C%22module_role%22%3A%22ENTITY_USER%22%2C%22uniPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1852885

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I’m not much of a nail person but these look pretty cute? Better than her first attempts.

No. 1852920

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the longer you scroll down the worse it gets. I wouldn't pay for those.

No. 1852923

These look decent enough but I won't pay above 40 for this
This looks like as if a toddler painted this the paint job and pattern is so sloppy(sage your shit)

No. 1853262

I mean, everyone’s gotta start somewhere. Hopefully she’ll get better with more practice. Between stopping oversharing on social media and getting a non sexwork job, perhaps Skye has graduated from cowdom.

Yeah her tattoos are tacky, but whatever. Chicks covered head to toe in ill-conceived tattoos are a dime a dozen these days, I don’t think tattoos alone qualify one for cow status.

No. 2013334

Working hard, got a boyfriend so back selling now with a fansly.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 288690[Reply]

Is she lolcow material? I came across her and it seems like a lot of drama revolves around her, but I don't know how much of that comes from being a youtube celeb with millions of subscribers and how much of it comes from her being her.
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No. 2012599

One Giant Onion has 900k+ subs, and penguinz0 made a video about it earlier so I doubt that.

No. 2012653

Isn't she kinda untouchable at this point? Not in the sense that she's important. More in the "Oh, look at the retard flailing, just ignore them and move on" sense.

No. 2012700

Yeah, there's no way her following of ipad babies would ever give a fuck about copyright strikes.

No. 2013136

Update: It was fake, and was some salty fan of her’s, I know she got into mini-arguments on Twitter about it but she was shockingly in the right for once, Charlie confirmed it. I’ll see if I can get her tweets
>>2012700, >>2012653
Does anyone come to lolcow expecting cows to change though? One of the criteria for a thread is literally “not willing to ever improve their own behaviors”

No. 2013138

Kinda. Like the other anon said, her audience is children. They probably don't even know what a copy strike is, and she just seems to be ignoring shit now

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No. 2003406[Reply]

>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/1991983

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2012666

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The most feminine jawline.

No. 2012670

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This one is just straight-up Ben From IT trying to make sexy eyes.

No. 2012702

new thread: >>>/snow/2012701

No. 2012714

And they say transwomen are harmless and would NEVER do this kind of shit. Just imagine what he does in women's single sex spaces if this is the behaviour outside of them. Voyer creep, I hope he's at least chopped his dick off already.

No. 2012719

fucking hell my bad I thought I was at the end of the thread not the beginning

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No. 942916[Reply]

This thread (originally dedicated to Layla “Too Poor” Shapiro) features the assorted cows in the larger SoundClout universe. The SoundClout umbrella encompasses rappers, producers, managers/promoters/bookers/suits, designers, photographers, videographers, models.


>Layla Shapiro/Too Poor - Instafamous pseudogoth and “model” who had a very public and very toxic relationship with both Lil Peep and Tyler Grosso. Currently dating Nolan Santana/Killstation, a friend of Peep. Makes money from customised merch, sporadic “DJ” bookings and attempting to embark on a cheap SoundClout musical career of her own. Currently on the wagon and advocating sobriety. Toned down the oversharing and self-destructive, cringy behavior after Peep’s death and being mocked by strangers and her peers yet still refuses to finally graduate from her bullshit and make the most of her following.

>Tyler Grosso/Pepper Ann – SoundClout’s very own Pillsbury Doughboy felon and the least self-aware person in the world. Peddles shit designs that are unoriginal at best and stolen at worst via his clothing brand Superrradical. Regularly scams both his own fans along Peep’s fans and family out of money. Has no personality of his own and embarrassingly clings to rappers and tweets/tags them to suggest relevancy. Has no filter and overshares every mood swing, resulting in either relentless whining about not having any friends/girls to bang and delusions of grandeur. Abuses drugs and purportedly lost a kidney as a result of his lean habit. Appears to have instated an annual suicide bait-fest wherein he gives away all his material possessions (including hideous overpriced designer nonsense) for free. Inadvertently caused the death of his dog by not taking him to the vet. Crashed three Porsches and is now on probation. Strong contender for SoundCow of the year with his glorified drug habit and lack of impulse control.

>Kevin Pouya/Pouya - Rapper associated with Peep, disgusting misogynist with several rape accusations under his belt. Along with Fat Nick has made several groupie gang bang videos, the surfacing of which lends further credibility to the rape accusations. Currently very mad and defensive about it and very maturely tells his haters to “suck his dick” and flexes with his opulent lifestyle. Virtue-signals by dati
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No. 2012420

Did anyone see on TooPoors Instagram story of her and Hotel Shrimp calling a truce/being friends again?(sage your spoonfeeding requests)

No. 2012458

This is an imageboard, prove it. Sage your lies at least

No. 2012624

i didnt see this but they do follow each other on insta

No. 2014401

i dont think this girl is dating ruby prob just fucking, constant name dropping girl named mercedes & his mom replied to a fangirl on facebook saying he has a girlfriend named mercedes. not posting ss because im unsure if that violates the family members rule

No. 2018350


There’s a Jimmy in Pittsburgh who is known for being a home wrecker and pursuing Soundcloud-adjacent women. He was somehow involved w Mac Miller. He’s a nepo baby.

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No. 1752075[Reply]

Pretty Pastel Please/PPP/Alex is a 29 year old Australian Youtuber known for her fashion hauls, Japan vlogs, rampant consoomerism and her parrot Archie.

>Used to live with her best friend/ex bf Sam and husband Dan in the same home - frequently milking the situation as content

>Vids revolve around fast fashion and designer hauls up to $2000, then her struggling to declutter her hoard
>Since the pandemic and her botched nose job PPP has spiralled, binge drinking, mixing meds and booze, not taking her meds for her collection of mental illnesses, and destroying her hair. Thinks that dying her hair a different colour every week during a drinking binge at 2am is quality content
>Keeps a flock of doves in her home to shit freely on her floors and bed. Doesn't mind sleeping in a bird shit covered bed
>Got a boob job and entered a hypersexual era despite claiming she might be ace
>In a bout of mania, Alex decided to move to Tasmania and abandon her husband, flock of 26 birds and dogs in Sydney. Gave Dan an ultimatum of him moving to Tasmania to be with her, even though jobs in his field are scarce in the area
>Sets up Gofundme to set up bird rescue/enable her animal hoarding tendencies/pay for move to Tasmania
>Found a new group of genderqueer poly orbiters/fans who she calls the "NPCs" to validate and enable her mental breakdown. Her favourite of the group, creepy Clay, seems to be a replacement for Dan and has taken naked photos of her for IG
>Claims Dan is moving to Tasmania to join her, but doesn't visit him for his bday and teases Nicole Kidman divorce photos on IG
>Got evicted for turning her rental into a biohazard area of dove shit
>Stole a chicken from someone's yard as the owners keep it outdoors and not in their bedroom

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No. 2012146

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Definitely just concerned fans over there

No. 2012148

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No. 2012191

She was on Adderall, right? Even if she hadn't said that in a vlog, the escalation of her behavior definitely points to stimulant abuse. I'm not that surprised at the alleged cause of death. Obviously this is incredibly difficult for her friends and family and there's probably a lot of loose ends to tie up for them with the birds and all that. In a way I feel like she spread so much fucking chaos and now the people in her life can just remember her in a positive light and not have to deal with the insanity any longer. Her life simply was not sustainable (not just environmentally) and I don't dare to imagine where it would have led.

No. 2012271

Given the available evidence from people who knew her IRL, it seems very likely that PPP has died. We've allowed a couple of days for anons to discuss the events surrounding her death, and the thread will now be locked. If any new information surfaces that should be added to the thread for posterity, please email admin.

No. 2069416

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For closure, we are adding this screenshot of her parents stating the coroner's verdict that PPP died of lymphocytic myocarditis. This post is from her Facebook page:

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No. 1998168[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1988578

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread

Last Thread:
>thread starts out with her in vegas and ebegging >>1988585
>announces she will go to fatcon again this year, farmers await more candid photos. mentions she only gets tested once a year >>1988653
>classy as always, takes 5 shots in 30 mins in public >>1989045, mentions she pukes and then kisses unsuspecting men afterwards >>1989119
>cobra level delusions in the airport yet again >>1989568
>men hitting on her at Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2011764

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>her new vegas besties

No. 2011768

why is her boob all lumpy? it looks like she has two nipples.

No. 2011788

cancer saga

No. 2011843

NEW THREAD: >>>/snow/2011841

No. 2011852

The winged eyeliner is just so abrasive. I would like to see the look without eyeliner Also the blue shadow goes beyond the crease of her eye and its just a lot, like that lady from the drew carrey show

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No. 1746006[Reply]

Welcome to the thread documenting modis and their (losing) battle with porn addiction.

It is safe to say that internet porn has a chokehold on the modern moid. My aim with this thread is to shed light on the widespread issue of moids porn consumption, but also to laugh at their failures and implications of their coom addiction. You see, nofap means a moid has taken the stoic decision not to masturbate to porn anymore, for good . They start with "day 0", as most addicts do, then count the days until they have reached a milestone, which they call streaks. A moid who has abstained from watching internet porn for 30 days call it a "30 day streak", but rarely do they reach that far… just like any other addiction, "relapsing" is also part of the picture, meaning the primitive moid brain has surrendered to pixilated porn once again. This, as I've observed, causes the moid lots of distress and even feelings of suicide. Luckily for them, there's always commenters encouraging them to try again. The more streaks you have, the more of a man you are, and the better you look physically and the more women will want you.

I want this thread to be fun, but I also want straight women to beware of the current modern moid and his degeneracy. Many who exist outside the nofap world would say that masturbation is part of a healthy individuals life, which to most (us normal people), it is. Reading nofap posts, where they encourage the abstention of masturbation (even without porn), one would draw the conclusion that porn only becomes a problem when the porn they consume isn't "normal" anymore. This could explain why erectile disfunction occurs where moids can't get it up in the bedroom becasue they are not turned on by their female spouse. You will see posts about moids who can't stop thinking and fapping to CP, rape, beastiality, gay porn, cuckold porn, sissy porn, troons, femdom, BNWO (black new world order), and so much more.

The nofap community intersects with other communities such as redpill, MGTOW, dating coaches, gym bros and steroids users, incels, carnivore moids, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski eco doomers, accounts creating "based" video edits depicting moids as being hyper-masculine and not at all gay (e.g. reject modernity/masculinity, embrace tradition).

Nofap moids usually use religion (mainly Islam, Christianity and Catholicism) to cope with their coom addiction. Urges are said to be caused by the devil and demons. WPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2011026

You can have OCD and still be a pedophile lol. Why is someone suggesting ITT that a guy who regularly jerks off to kids and admits he lives the taboo aspect isnt a pedo just because he might have OCD as a comorbidity? He is a pedo.

No. 2011036

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> man is a porn addict
>doesn’t want to have sex with you
> spends his time jerking off instead of having sex with you
> you decide to marry him
> get knocked up the few times he actually decides to have sex with you
> now you can’t leave because financial reasons
I agree with >>2011016 it’s hard to feel bad for them because they really don’t want to get out before they can and they are always whining about their moid on these Reddit pages instead of leaving them before the moid traps them. She can still try to get out but she won’t. I still have sympathy because men are garbage but she’s legitimately retarded to still continue to be with him and have his child

No. 2011037

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Part 2

No. 2011038

> He texted all his friends about how hot the nurse who delivered our baby was
Cucking him with as many dudes as possible is a duty by this point.

No. 2011064

I am that anon and I was suggesting he is both OCD and a pedo, I just recognised the OCD elements in the description
I am also suggesting he neck himself, if that wasn't clear kek

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