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No. 1998168[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1988578

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 26-year-old failing prostitute, pornsick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid-filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents’ help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread

Last Thread:
>thread starts out with her in vegas and ebegging >>1988585
>announces she will go to fatcon again this year, farmers await more candid photos. mentions she only gets tested once a year >>1988653
>classy as always, takes 5 shots in 30 mins in public >>1989045, mentions she pukes and then kisses unsuspecting men afterwards >>1989119
>cobra level delusions in the airport yet again >>1989568
>men hitting on her at Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2011764

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>her new vegas besties

No. 2011768

why is her boob all lumpy? it looks like she has two nipples.

No. 2011788

cancer saga

No. 2011843

NEW THREAD: >>>/snow/2011841

No. 2011852

The winged eyeliner is just so abrasive. I would like to see the look without eyeliner Also the blue shadow goes beyond the crease of her eye and its just a lot, like that lady from the drew carrey show

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No. 1746006[Reply]

Welcome to the thread documenting modis and their (losing) battle with porn addiction.

It is safe to say that internet porn has a chokehold on the modern moid. My aim with this thread is to shed light on the widespread issue of moids porn consumption, but also to laugh at their failures and implications of their coom addiction. You see, nofap means a moid has taken the stoic decision not to masturbate to porn anymore, for good . They start with "day 0", as most addicts do, then count the days until they have reached a milestone, which they call streaks. A moid who has abstained from watching internet porn for 30 days call it a "30 day streak", but rarely do they reach that far… just like any other addiction, "relapsing" is also part of the picture, meaning the primitive moid brain has surrendered to pixilated porn once again. This, as I've observed, causes the moid lots of distress and even feelings of suicide. Luckily for them, there's always commenters encouraging them to try again. The more streaks you have, the more of a man you are, and the better you look physically and the more women will want you.

I want this thread to be fun, but I also want straight women to beware of the current modern moid and his degeneracy. Many who exist outside the nofap world would say that masturbation is part of a healthy individuals life, which to most (us normal people), it is. Reading nofap posts, where they encourage the abstention of masturbation (even without porn), one would draw the conclusion that porn only becomes a problem when the porn they consume isn't "normal" anymore. This could explain why erectile disfunction occurs where moids can't get it up in the bedroom becasue they are not turned on by their female spouse. You will see posts about moids who can't stop thinking and fapping to CP, rape, beastiality, gay porn, cuckold porn, sissy porn, troons, femdom, BNWO (black new world order), and so much more.

The nofap community intersects with other communities such as redpill, MGTOW, dating coaches, gym bros and steroids users, incels, carnivore moids, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski eco doomers, accounts creating "based" video edits depicting moids as being hyper-masculine and not at all gay (e.g. reject modernity/masculinity, embrace tradition).

Nofap moids usually use religion (mainly Islam, Christianity and Catholicism) to cope with their coom addiction. Urges are said to be caused by the devil and demons. WPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2011026

You can have OCD and still be a pedophile lol. Why is someone suggesting ITT that a guy who regularly jerks off to kids and admits he lives the taboo aspect isnt a pedo just because he might have OCD as a comorbidity? He is a pedo.

No. 2011036

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> man is a porn addict
>doesn’t want to have sex with you
> spends his time jerking off instead of having sex with you
> you decide to marry him
> get knocked up the few times he actually decides to have sex with you
> now you can’t leave because financial reasons
I agree with >>2011016 it’s hard to feel bad for them because they really don’t want to get out before they can and they are always whining about their moid on these Reddit pages instead of leaving them before the moid traps them. She can still try to get out but she won’t. I still have sympathy because men are garbage but she’s legitimately retarded to still continue to be with him and have his child

No. 2011037

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Part 2

No. 2011038

> He texted all his friends about how hot the nurse who delivered our baby was
Cucking him with as many dudes as possible is a duty by this point.

No. 2011064

I am that anon and I was suggesting he is both OCD and a pedo, I just recognised the OCD elements in the description
I am also suggesting he neck himself, if that wasn't clear kek

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No. 108757[Reply]

Discuss any fashion bloggers you follow, love or hate.

No. 2010999

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oh my goodness(necro)

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No. 1214080[Reply]

Ruby Mae and Maeve Ethridge are two wannabe edgy/creepy instagram/tiktok/twitch celebrities.

> the walmart version of matieresfecales sans any contracts, fashion design, originality and/or general success (aka just fucking gross and cringy)

> Clearly want to be the next creepychans
> Seem a bit mentally unhinged, definitely want to come off that way
> Codependency through the roof
> Live in general squalor, act like it's "aesthetic" and not just disgusting
> example: Ruby pissed on Maeve's floor and uploaded maeve's video of it to her own instagram highlights like it's a funny normal thing to do
> Maeve is a ballet dancer, used to post mainly dancing clips and pictures of her rehearsing alone, in class or with friends (before ca 2019-2020) but in the past year or two, has posted about one or two dance videos total (not included: her jumping up and down or squirming with FREINDS to shitty music)
> Maeve is apparently also an artist trying real hard to be gorecore
> Ruby meanwhile seems to have no personality outside trying to be edgy on the internet
> Maeve generally seems like she was decently normal (for an AESTHETIC girl) before she got together with Ruby
> Ruby also posts a lot of pictures and videos of Maeve in sexual positions, naked or mostly naked, tied up in bondage, sometimes locks her up in a dog cage etc (fun fact: maeve turned 18 thirteen days ago)

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No. 1808260

They’re smiling and look like they’re having a good time doing something perfectly normal lol. Get a life

No. 1808664

Yes. Being naked in some puddle is perfectly normal and posting it on Instagram is even more normal.

No. 1808743

Definitely a reach

No. 2010820

Does anyone have any new updates or more info on maeve and Ruby?

And does anyone have screen recordings of their old lives/deleted tiktoks/highlights, etc… ?(newfag)

No. 2010821

They don't post much anymore but I'm admittedly obsessed and want to see more of them. I'm a girl around their age and I've been following them for 4 years, I've had sort of a para social relationship with them since they don't know who I am. I still wish I could be their friend, though I know this isn't healthy or possible. I always envied them. I know it's sick, but something abt their darkness pulled me in.

The wildest think I saw is two years ago on a live when Maeve said the most intimate thing you could do with someone was have sex with their corpse. And that she wanted ruby to do it to her. She said this twice, once on live with ruby and once on live with someone called @st8edgefreak (the guy mentioned earlier in this thread who allegedly dated minor girls and set a courthouse on fire).(namefagging/blogging)

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No. 696779[Reply]

Read at your own risk, the contents and descriptions of the events below are horrifying. Many thanks to the autists at kiwi and twitter who have compiled a good chunk of this shit.

>Furry Youtuber Kero the wolf does interview with shane dawson

>Recently has been busted for having telegram/skype chats dating back about two years to the present where he talks to other users about
- pedophilia
- zoophilia
- necrophilia
>Videos surface from the chats of him and others fucking roadkill, dogs, a decapitated puppys head
>twitter user makes a callout post with all the shit one rogue group member posted on Kero and his dogfucker friends
>fanboys chasing the op of the callout post off twitter
>kero claims to be hacked
>many other furdegens involved start baleeting
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No. 2019569

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No. 2019570

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Horse obsession

No. 2019572

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No. 2019573


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2019575

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No. 1297185[Reply]

Summary: Luna Aquaphine is a 23 year old failed e-whore who always complains about her tiktoks getting taken down. Luna bases her whole personality on imitating washed up meme, Belle Delphine. This includes dancing like a sped, pouring food on her body, creating “beef” with and “roasting” YouTuber Pewdiepie, ahegao facial expressions, and making uwu quirky videos of stale dead memes. Aquaphine is always posting tiktok comments and always acts unbothered when minors make fun of her cringe when she’s really seething. Being on an app filled with minors and children when you’re trying to sell your naked pics online is not a good look. She also claims she’s too smol and is a baked bean so that’s why she can’t enjoy sex. Overall she’s an ugly degenerate who tries to push this uwu gamer girl aesthetic when she looks like a foot.
Notable Links:
Onlyfans: https://onlyfans.com/lunaaquaphine
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No. 1914041

KEK Nona, I remember it coming on at like 9pm. I could be wrong tho, I think in the late 90s it wasBatman and thunder cats that came on at noon.

No. 1922830

tiktok will allow this but god forbid anybody comment the word fuck

No. 2010304

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how the hell did she become so popular(sage your shit)

No. 2010305

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No. 2021960

you can buy followers anon

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No. 841145[Reply]

Third thread to discuss Nicole Dollanganger's following & skin-walkers alike.

Frequent faces include:
Millie (Doll)graves, Patience / torturegardens, etc. In the last thread someone brought up @sighsierra on IG — conversation about that pale uwu edgy picsart stickers community may be fitting as they all listen to and try to emulate ~2015 Nicole.

Newest milk is Millie's interview with Medium.

Other, souring milk is Patience's attachment to Nicole through having been involved in music videos she may have shot but never released alongside Nicole, Andre the Giant (@cryspell), and Maggie (@maggiedunlap).

Nicole and Matt have broken up in the past year or so and it appears that Andre got her sloppy seconds. Millie has gotten engaged to a normie.
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No. 2008217

No clue, honestly I doubt it tho, it seems likely to me that Matt and Nicole could have gotten back together.
Anyone know anything as to where Millie is?

No. 2008381

No they never got back together.

No. 2010006

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Patience has a new tattoo.

No. 2010038

Corny and trite.

No. 2011101

Definitely copying Bacon with the photography style, plus that's such a Macon coded thing to get tattooed.

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No. 1809451[Reply]

The common traits of the typical e-girl :

>Ahegao selfies

>Accuses each other of copying meanwhile all owning the same Moeflavor lingerie sets and cheap, ill fitting, AliExpress/SHEIN clothes
> Always getting into some sort of internet drama with other e-girls
>Extremely performative for woke internet points yet ends up getting exposed for being problematic themselves
>Making call-out posts about anyobody they currently have beef with
>Room full of Sanrio merch, anime figures and Squishmallows
>Japancore weeb aesthetic
>Loli uwu persona and other pedo-pandering behavior
>Belle Delphine skin walking
>into Ddlg/pet play
>Tries to look Asian
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No. 2008983

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Wtf is up with these wanna be bimbo victim rape dolls

No. 2009025

It's been posted in the camgirls thread.

No. 2009042

I know nothing about shibari but is the rope meant to be off-centre like that?

No. 2009044

ntayrt, I don't know much about shibari either but it just looks like she was just guessing and called it a day

No. 2009098

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nerddere posted this, i just find it kind of funny. like, did anyone mention you being pretty?? delusional kek the girl is absolutely hideous

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No. 410442[Reply]

Alex Mahan or Yandere Dev, basically the living embodiement of an incel, creator of the edgy sandbox meme "game" Yandere Simulator:
>shilled his shit streams on /v/
>made incel tier posts on Gaia online
>showed MikeZ sempai, programmer of skullgirls, his shitty prototype
>Instead of kissing his ass, sempai decided to criticize his code and give him genuine advice that would ironically be needed for his newest game
>eventually he would come back to /v/ with his early idea for yandere sim
>/v/ likes it and even volunteers some work for the game; however, this was short lived as it is soon found out that evaxephon and yandere dev are the same person, /v/ and /a/ get on his ass about this
>after a failed attempt at trying to win 8chan's love, alex decides to find a home within his reddit, mainly filled with edgy 13-year olds and ass-lickers where he posts giant ass text walls of edgy bullshit
>the game has now turned into an edgy convoluted mess of memes and random bullshit
>Including but not limited to; big busty boobies on underage girls, using colored panties as currency, kidnapping and torturing underage girls, brainwashing girls into killing other students, shoving someone's head into a fan causing a giant bloody fountain, killing someone using weights/an avil, etc.
>made a 10 minute video complaining about emails and a green haired girl to represent his fanbase, which he repeatedly kills as a way to represent how much he hates them
>entire game is programmed with if/else statements
>game is plagued with bugs, shitty models, design choices, voice acting, and runs at 12 fps (even with high end pcs)
>most of his game is filled with stolen assests (from mmd no less)
>is planning on making a kickstarter of 1 million dollars despite already having a patreon that he earns 4-5k each month
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No. 1988481

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>you want all short men genocided???


No. 2005874

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Alex made a poll asking what his fans wanted from him, then went on a big schizo rant about how nobody picked the things he wanted kek

No. 2005875

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he also went on a big schizo rant about it on his discord server

No. 2005876

He's so narcissistic and retarded, it's amazing.

No. 2008017

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More groomer allegations came out on r/Osana from a user named VelvetStar77. Additional context: Jelly is the name of the girl who initially came out with the grooming allegations that beat down Chalex’s already dying career last summer

Recap (taken from the other farms)
>In 2020 some 14-yo feels sorry for Alex and messages him words of encouragement. They start talking to the point that person "develops feelings for him"(ew) and Alex suggests they, of fucking course, switch to Discord
>In 2021 Alex makes this person "do the tasks for him" and later promotes her to a moderator. Worth mentioning that Alex asked if her was 18 and when they told "i am not an adult", still made her a mod
>In 2022 tasks become so overwhelming that began affecting her education, however, Alex began lovebombing her and their conversation got more personal
>"After 2022, he became more affectionate with me. the things that stood out to me was
him saying that he was willing to have me travel to him once i'm 18, as I would always tell him that once I'm 18" - if that's not a definition of grooming, then I don't know what is.
>things turn sour, since the OP becomes jealous and vents about personal stuff to Alex more and more
>Alex sends her webcam videos, nothing NSFW, just some words of encouragement
>It all progresses until Alex tells her that she makes him feel like something towards "a significant other"
>OP starts avoiding him because "he was flirting with his friends too much" which to me sounds like usual coomer routine on his server. >In the end he makes a private VC with her.
>In July 2023 Alex starts getting bored with her. First she tries to win him back, but then goes through the accusations again and realizes what a PoS he is, yeah, just like Sisefs 15 years ago.
>Around August 2023 she becomes tired of it all and leaves after an argument. Then Jelly happens and surprisingly Alex was able to convince her that it is not what it looks like. >Then video with DMs with Jelly comes out and she cuts all the contact with him while telling him to remove her work. All of this because Alex told her that he wasn't talking to any other girlPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 2006507[Reply]

Subject Name: Lux Operon

There is this on going drama on bluesky that has been going on for over a month involving a furry.

https://bsky.app/profile/luxoperon.bsky.social(shit thread)

No. 2006513

who cares? yiff in hell

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