No. 91973
Not really a cow but definitely a snowflake.
She's pretty cringy and whines her way through every video.
I only hate watch her but it'd be great if anyone could spill any dirt on her prior to youtube.
instagram No. 92132
>>92059why do people always point out when people got plastic surgery as if it's a bad thing? so many people get plastic surgery. it's so common.
anyway, this thread smells like pull.
No. 92150
>>92132This thread is obvi pull;
- focuses on editing, and calls snowflake out mostly because of that
- plastic surgery is a ''bad'' and ''snowflakey'' thing
No. 92205
>>92194She has a thread and there's literally nothing to talk about other than that, which has already been discussed.
>>92203Honestly, who cares? It would be nice if she eventually put the game out but everyone seems to have forgotten. She makes tons of money from her store as well. T shirts $30 a piece and sweatshirts $50 a piece, and they sell well.
No. 93944
>>93915Go back to PULL. Clearly you've not apart of the west coast scene because she's not even on the map as far as known cosplayers in that area.
So stop trying to keep this thread going, either provide milk or let this thread die. If you're claiming she's causing issue provide the source pulltard.
No. 93953
>>93945If you don't have any info on her of her doing snowflaky/cow related things then posts like these these shouldn't be under pt/snow. If you personally find her cringey and she gives you bad vibes then I don't think it deserves a thread, but if you were seeking others who felt the same way you could of atleast put it under b.
Why are you replying to that post in specific, they were talking to the post above it not the OP. As someone stated before it's not our job to find dirt, do it yourself.
No. 97858
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>This thread
No. 98528
Hey ya'll I just copied and pasted this from PULL bc I'm lazy, sorry. (I'm the one who posted this on PULL as well, just in case.)
I used to like Mei a lot, but there are some things that she did that made me dislike her.
It's kind of weird, because we actually used to be mutuals on ig probably around a year ago? (We never really knew each other, though.) So I've seen the whole journey, lol. I do think that she has good taste and she is very pretty, though.
I'm friends with a couple of the soundcloud artists and Mei has consistently used music from soundcloud musicians without asking, or even stating in soundcloud comments that she used their track in her video. It's just… really disrespectful, and I honestly expected more of her? I think it's extremely hypocritical that she uses their music without permission but when someone uses HER content without permission, she got upset about it (when some FB page used screencaps from her video). I've tried to contact her/get her attention about this issue, and politely mind you. I tried 3 separate times, and she just doesn't see them or ignores my comments? I can provide pics of the messages if you guys ask. But anyways, that's my experience with Mei. It's just… disappointing overall, I guess.
I don't know what to think, honestly. What are your thoughts?
I'd also like to add to the hypocrisy is that she uses these artists songs but does not follow a single one of them. I kind of doubt she even has a soundcloud, to be honest. You guys may not think it's a big deal but I feel like it says a lot about her character, imo.
No. 98532
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>>98530Sure, give me a sec! :^)>>98528
No. 98543
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>>98533It would have been more of an impact if you sent a DM or something? Especially if you guys were mutuals.
Did you delete this tweet? The original one is no where to be found.
Though I agree mei not asking permission isn't kind especially since she's an artist. Your friend should be the one contacting mei directly. They have about 12k followers on soundcloud and 2k on twitter, so their voice would have more of an impact. No. 98545
>>98543Like I said, we USED to be mutuals but that was probably a year ago :0
And my friend did try to contact mei, but she didn't reply. It might be notable that instead of mei replying, her friend replied to him in the comments instead. Idk what was up with that, but yeah…
No. 98547
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also I see your friend is chill about credit and I can easily see how that might've been taken in a bad way. ask your friend to DM/tweet her directly and see what type of response arrives.
If it's ignored= Mei is confirmed bitch
If she replies= we'll check the message and see which route she takes
No. 98637
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so it's ok for you to be into fetishizing gay, incestuous manga boys(osomatsu san fandom) but it's not ok for people to be obsessed with k-pop stars? ok there mei.
it's almost like she's posting super controversial topics just to get more attention. she even admit's it
>ofc the second i mention kpop i get swarms of tweets saying we're not all like that & i get it but your point is?
No. 98652
>>98637fetishizing manga characters is different than fetishizing real people.
so she didn't ask permission before using music by someone who has a very laid back policy on using their music.
i don't know, this thread is stupid and kind of a waste of space. people need to keep their vendettas on pull.
No. 98717
>>98652I'd like to just clarify that that twitter status was posted after all the attempts to contact Mei, lol. Idk. Like we protect/defend visual artists so blatantly (art thieves, reposting) but we don't do the same for musicians which is kind of fucked. That's probably a whole other topic all together though.
>>98637I actually think this is an interesting point. I do agree with the poster below who said fetishsizing characters isnt the same as fetishsizing people, but nevertheless I think anon made an interesting statement. I think like all the fictional ~pretty boys~ and yaoi kind of plays a part in all that romanticism (?) of real life people, I mean just look all the people who write Kpop fanfics - they probably in some way inspired by BL to write them. I don't know if what I said makes sense but I think BL and Kpop has an indirect link.
I apologize for rambling.
No. 99098
>>99007Wow you sound like a tumblrina.
It's worst to "ship" REAL LIFE PEOPLE than fictional ones.
No. 99156
>>99098I didn't say anything about shipping though. I'm personally not a fan of the whole shipping thing in general. I'm especially against shipping real life people.
>>99104I'm sorry about my bad online habits. I usually default to typing without capitalization when I'm on any social media site but I didn't mean to be disrespectful.
My comment was meant to be a general reply to a bunch of the comments above. In regard to bringing up yellow fever, I was referring to Mei's comment about k-pop.
>kpop fandom is a mess jfc i hate the whole mentality that every asian they see is wow oppa so handsome!!I wan't complaining about yellow fever, I was complaining about how Mei is against the Korean aspect of yellow fever but participates the Japanese aspect of it.
I was talking about incest fetishes because of Mei's obsession with Osomatsu fandom of shipping brothers.
Before you assume I'm a butthurt k-pop fan, I'm not. I'm just wary of people publicly shaming others, especially if they have a large following. I was just trying to say that Mei isn't the super sweet person that people think she is.
No. 99164
>>98651No, she's a fujoshit. I've followed mei since long before her YT. This whole thread smells strongly of vendetta.
Her old tumblr was shinjesus (a url she doesn't use anymore.) She wasn't special snowflake, she openly said she was embarrassed that she used to have a SJW phase a few years back, and she didn't whine or seek attention. She just posted a shit ton of BL.
No. 99175
>>99172….what the fuck are you on about?
The salt is so strong
No. 109439
>>109425>This is super irrelevant butAnd yet you felt the need to post it.
And bumped this sweltering garbage fire of a thread.
Lolcow is dying.
No. 115025
>>109425She actually hates drugs and drinking. A lot of her friends who do those things and smoke pot just hide it around her because they're scared of he reaction. She's intensely judgmental and selective about who she rains hellfire down on though she pretends to be open minded.
idk about now but her skin went through a period of shit because she's lived her whole life doing whatever she wants to her body and it finally started to show which is why she looks like a druggie sometimes.
No. 115862
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I'm not too sure, but I think this is the girl she used to go out with. The tags said something like #I have a date with her soon//(i forgot exactly what but it was something along the lines of blushing). She's deleted a few things from what I can tell. I used to heavily lurk her social media because I used to like her style, but not anymore I kind of grew out of it. I know she had a picture with the cosplayer Zeal XV because they did a photoshoot together and if Mei really is a drama mongerer then I believe something went down between them because Zeal has a really strong (and easy to clash with) personality. Unfortunately, anything that happened was probably on Zeal's old facebook account, which she deleted around this time last year. I'll keep digging though, but we probably won't get much unless her friends call her out or at least spill the details, which would be easier if they did that here bc the anonymity does provide a little help because most of those friends gossip together so she wouldn't really know who exactly let everything out.
No. 150364
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Kek. As if she doesn't truly relish those comments.
No. 151624
>>115862Before Mei delated her tumblr there was pics of a girl in a Judal cosplay which from I gathered was the girl she was dating. (But, I also remember this girl and they do seem to have been romantically involved)
Anyways, Mei said that they broke up because this girl was dating other people besides her. My stupid self didn't screencap so all is lost :^)
No. 152073
>>91973This was like. the loneliest convention vlog I've ever seen. I mean, I skimmed through most of it after getting tired of watching her order room service by herself, but….
she has over 200,000 yt subs as far as I know, and it didnt look like she had any fuckin friends or posse with her at any time during. i find that so sad for some reason. im super drunk by myself right now so perhaps that is why it feels so fucking lonely.
No. 153527
>>153523This pull thread has more legitimate shitty things about what Mei is doing.
Why didn't you guys post that up here?
smh lazy ass OP
No. 153529
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It looks like Mei is breaking away from modeling with Omocat to start up her own fashion brand. This is mainly due to Mei wanting get away from the "weeb" scene and break into… another weeb fashion scene.
Mei looks good but its unfortunate her business partner/model looks fat and gremlin like next to her
No. 153531
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Overpriced anime weeb fashion
note the comments
No. 153532
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I don't really care for omocat's designs but these photoshoots are shit compared to them
No. 154202
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kinda off topic ig but the model next to Mei is gass.y on insta (or Olivya). it was just her styling at the time but imo i think she's a lot prettier than Mei in terms of facial features
No. 154241
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She's trying to distance herself from her weebish image but she still exploits omocat to sell her overpriced stained clothes.
This is the cover image she used to sell a SKIRT.
No. 155549
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Mei suits the omocat concept really well though :] and Olivya has a different style now so it's not as evident, but she can pull off cute looks as well, if you looks at her cosplays and past stylings.
No. 156654
>>154202Starting to think this is a self post because of the constant name drops
Is this a mei thread or an olyvia one? Idc about the latter
No. 156949
>>156894>Mei gushes about her all the damn timePosting 1 picture of your current bff in a sea of fucking 50 isn't gushing you daft jealous cunt.
Do you have any milk on Mei other than she's prettier than you? Cus I can't see fuck nothing of what she's done from this thread except the mountain of sand from your vag.
No. 157039
>>157026Her PULL thread is full of crap and one or two mistakes doesn't make one a special snowflake.
You can all come back to this thread when she actually starts to produce "milk".
No. 157108
>>157099wait shes a legit weeb I'm no longer jealous yayyyyy
she suddenly looks 70% less cute
No. 157408
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Does anyone know if this is May's sister?
No. 158284
>>157588there is no one that possibly thinks that
>>157408 looks better facially than Mei, and she doesn't have "style" it's a fucking black shirt. I really hate this "you'd look better if you dress normal and boring than if you wear colorful or weird shit" rhetoric, who the fuck cares, she's young so she might as well have fun while she can and she can start wearing ugly haircuts and dumpy clothing when she gets older.
No. 159014
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>>154202>>154202I personally don't really like Olivya's looks. Her face just looks so full and round to me, and sometimes her eyes look kinda far apart (kinda like pic related but no fat) maybe it's her makeup/ angles. She looks better to me when she has on a different style of makeup.
No. 159609
>>159559Oh shut the fuck up, if you took the time to investigate it states she's hiding all cosplay related videos because she wants to get away from the cosplay scene
Stop being lazy as fuck
No. 160504
>>159604i'm sure the fried eggs she eats from the diner are locally sourced and cage-free
you're retarded for buying her "i'm so righteous" bullshit, it's just another gimmick to get followers
No. 160892
>>159604>>160520Yeah she used to be gagging for seto ayumi and was convinced that asobisystem was gonna hire her so she could be a model in japan. lol
but she basically seems pretty normal now the fact she doesnt wanna be seen as an anime character or japanese/korean idol stuff is funny seeing as that was literally what she wanted to be 2 years ago and what she panders to for views, so just sounds like complaining for attention.
that said there's no milk here
No. 161115
>>160892kinda sad that she's leaving the weeb scene. I think she was a lot more interesting with that going on than this whole CF shtick…
she really is trying to cover up her tracks and backpedaling so much… its not cute mei
No. 163006
>>97788When she was dating T she was still going around kissing other people and just treating it really casual while T was much more committed; when they met up at the con she just dropped T completely out of the blue (from T's view)
>>97579She's spoiled because her parents pay for and support everything. She only had a job for a very short while, and constantly bitched about how hard the work was, how terrible the owners were, how she had too much anxiety to work for such a horrible place, etc before quitting. The job wasn't nearly as bad as she described at all, just a normal serving job. She also attended school for a year or so before dropping/failing everything and quitting because she had too much social anxiety. Throughout all this, her parents were still paying for all of her shit: makeup, taobao orders, cosplays, you name it.
>>97638Many photogs refuse to shoot with her or dislike her because she is very selfish, and also calls them all creeps because she hates guys. The only people who shoot her are other girls/cosplayers.
>>158516She's not really a psycho; just had a lot of problems before (I believe with drugs?) and ran away/cut contact with their family. She came back to the family a year or two ago, and Mei still hated her for it and refused to acknowledge her sister.
No. 163285
>>163006This might all be true but doesn't make for a very entertaining special snowflake thread.
There are no caps, no cringey videos, not even shitty looking ~modelling photos~ to poke fun at. Just let it go, guys.
>>163279There is a thread about her, browse through the catalogue.
No. 163795
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>>163792thanks for saving my dumb ass twice oops <3
No. 163800
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pretty rude about her fans and complains all the time
No. 950634
>>945345Yes, Just saw the video.
Unsubscribed a long time ago due to her style changing and not suiting my interests anymore but when i revisited I was horrified at the 4k shopping haul.
She was supposedly vegan (at least 3 years ago)but now she's buying from companies like Gucci and other luxury brands that are known to be cruel to animals and exploit workers. She is so different now than what she used to be and it's all about flex at this point. It's so sad that she has lost her values and anything that was relatable about her. She seems so fake.
No. 1032237
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earlier in the year mei was showing off her new boyfriend in her videos but she’s removed him completely off her insta and unfollowed. She kept the boyfriend tag YouTube videos up though.
They just adopted a dog and he quit his google job in NYC to be with her in LA
No. 1032245
>>1032238i remember she ended upsaying she is pan at some point or something in her vids
>>1032237well…that happened fast, i wonder what happened
No. 1032248
>>1032238I think she identified as ace/asexual? PULL had a better compilation of her shenanigans.
Speaking Fujo, id rather Mei be a weeb with personality instead of whatever the fuck she is now. The only content she has is dyeing her hair a new color
No. 1032253
Have she done anything milky recently anyway¿
This thread seems empty and I never checked PULL threads because I assumed it'd be simply_kenna 2.0 kind of a thread.
I agree
>>1032248 that she seems pretty boring now, even though I watch her only for hairstyle tutos. However they feel kind-of repetitive too. Not a fan of her or anything, only checking her instastories every now and then along w hair vids.
No. 1032257
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Sei is spending a lot of time with Jessica Vu (@jessyluxe) and it’s kind of interesting that when Mei debuted her orange hair on July 5th, Jessica also posted a video the same day on her ig of her doing an “orange look” with a wig that looks just like Meis hair. I scrolled but couldn’t find anymore orange looks from Jess at all. Makes me wonder if Mei just got some female intuition… they’re still following each other though. Still, Sei is now trying to kickstart his youtube and Jess has way more followers than Mei.
No. 1032714
>>1032691Any receipts?
He’s been pretty quiet online/cosplay community. He’s only been active on social media because of Mei.
No. 1130152
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>>1130127May has no content to upload, so she's resorting to getting ass-pats for her ~sooper lesbo sexuality~ and ~depression from online stalker boolying~.
My guess is that she wants a free pass to do Japan-inspired weeb shit again since it was arguably her most popular era. But after all the evidence of her being
toxic, shit talking well-meaning fans and being a CHINESE AMERICAN ANGEL THAT SPEAKS PERFECT ZHONGWEN AND WEARS HANFU EVERYDAY!! not a perfect animu gir1 guiz!! she can't really do that. Hence this 3o-minute pointless blab to divert attention, absolve any accountability AND be the
I'd rather see her come clean about being the bully herself in the cosplay com and with Karen O. Plus what went down with Sei, especially since she certainly had no problem putting him in every video and showing him off? I've never seen this girl address a single negative thing with her fans.
No. 1130162
>>1032257Does the samefag in this thread know that people who naturally have ginger hair exist… and that no one owns orange wigs it's one of the most recognized common haircolors?
I don't really care about whoever that girl is but skimming this thread is making me feel like I'm on crazy pills.
No. 1130630
>>1130169kek, my thoughts exactly
came on here to see if her "stalker" would say anything since PULL is gone and lo and behold bitch is still here sperging about irrelevant sad weebthot
No. 1133732
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No. 1139728
>>1130616Mei practically said Kareno Yeung copied her shoot when it wasn’t even original. It was something Mei could’ve just solved privately through DMs but she decided to put her on blast with accusations. What’s shitty is Kareno was getting over her miscarriage at that time.
If I recall, I don’t think Mei ever properly apologized but CMIIW. Kareno’s husband even called her out on it.
No. 1139731
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>>1139728The photos btw. Both boring and unoriginal lmao seen it many times. Bad pic quality, I couldn’t find the mirror pic on Kareno’s page and prob missed it on Mei’s
No. 1139783
>>1130152She calls herself a Chinese princess but her Cantonese is so bad lmao I’d be embarrassed to call myself a “Chinese angel” if I barely understood my own culture/language.
Also didn’t they break up while he was living in May’s parents’ home? Awkwarddd
No. 1226104
>>1226065cool ig, laughed at the part where she said "I talked to lesbians and trans people for the first time and realized I'm gay!"
How do you live in LA all your life and never encounter a lesbian or trans person lol
No. 1227912
>>1227335you are lol fuck him. Ive been watching her for a while and tbh i always got gay vibes from her. You can just tell idk i cant explain it. Obviously this isnt an indicator but i do remember when PULL still existed reading about how the posters on there were mad that she had multiple posts talking about how much men disgusted her lol. It honestly made me stan. That coupled with her never really being in a relationship save for with Sei who seemed way too perfect and curated. It felt off to me
But idk when she started dating Sei I could tell they werent going to last.
I always got the vibe that he liked her more than she liked him. He was always touching on her and i could just tell from her body language she wasn't really feeling it. I think she probably privated all of their vids together but ugh i wish i could show it.
>>1227335I honestly think she is a lesbian and lets be real most women are basically subconsciously forced to be attracted to men. SO it makes sense that women are doing the reading and trying to figure out where they fit.
No. 1228000
>>1226065iirc actually she was Sei's cashcow, they lived together at her parents extra house didn't they?
Mei's family has always been rich as fuck.
No. 1228037
>>1226065Mei has always been a big fucking walking backtracking contradiction but this was definitely expected. Good for her.
>>1227912This. I've been following her since her tumblr days and she has always talked about hating men. Also her relationship with Sei was too picture perfect and uwu anime-like, it felt disingenuous to me, like she chose him for her aesthetic.
>>1227335He'll live.
No. 1228309
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>>1228000really? he worked at google as a software engineer. when they were dating she was doing all of the big haul videos, and showing her expensive beauty products.
mei's family definitely seems loaded but i thought sei was spoiling her. it seemed like a dramatic change from the old mei who was into sustainable thrifting.
No. 1233995
does mei have anything better to do than to change her sexual orientation once every 3 months? kek
>>1233884what's with everyone being queer these days
No. 1234037
>>1233884tbh her boyfriend gave me gay vibes, so i wasn't super surprised to hear they broke up. it didn't seem like they had chemistry more like they were just using each other as accessories.
i'm also not sure if this counts as milk, but she's been posting a lot of pictures and videos of herself skateboarding on her instagram without pads or a helmet. a lot of fans were commenting telling her to wear protective gear for her safety. i think she deleted it, but i'm pretty sure she responded on instagram telling people not to worry about her and that it was her choice to skate without protective gear lmao. would post caps, but i can't find it so as i said i think she deleted it.
No. 1236079
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>>1231720 has an OF
im pretty sure they've known each other for a while, i've seen olivia comment on her videos for the past few years.
No. 1236124
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>>1236091Could you confirm this because they keep posting coupley pictures together.
No. 1236129
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>>1236091Just did some digging and I can confirm they've been together for 3 years as of March. Really gross gay baiting, I can't believe I fell for it.
No. 1236633
>>1236079They're best friends or something as far as I know, in her deleted highschool video I think she said she met Olivya back when she was barely an adult.
>>1236609No one's jealous, it's just puzzling why she chooses to gay bait w/ her platonic friend while probably knowing that it's a big disappointment among the lgbt circle. If you go under the tweet it's a bunch of people either assuming that they're dating or asking if they are. Sure, friends flirt with eachother for fun, but I would feel weird kissing my close friends and vice versa. Saged for possible blog.
No. 1236639
>>1236609Her thread was really big on PULL. She did some mildly shitty things documented there, but since the website has been down for a year, and Mei is more active now, I imagine PULL refugees have moved here.
Mei is just an attention seeker, terminally online type. She makes cute videos occasionally.
I don't think it's jealousy, btw. I don't know why that gets thrown around. Gossiping about the online circus is just fun.
No. 1236686
Can someone explain to me how a lesbian can be into BL? I’m not into guys in 3D so anime boys don’t do anything for me, and gay anime boys relationships seem pointless. Never heard of a non-straight non-degenerate dude into yuri so how does it work
>>1236609It’s not that deep
No. 1237754
>>1236609it’s not that deep lol people are allowed to find it weird that she kisses her best friend who is in a ltr with a man like they are allowed to have found her past rship with sei weird too
i like mei’s style a lot but i’m still gonna find her behavior questionable sry2say
No. 1237760
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unless they’re now actually in a throuple with olivya’s boyfriend, here is more gaybaiting for twitter attention
No. 1237866
>>1237760disappointing she would stoop so low as to gay bait but what do we expect from someone with no personality.
Every haul video was soulless, and now that she's back to doing anime things it's glaringly obvious she has nothing going on. The main points of her discussion is wow i bought this, how much it cost, i love shopping etc.
No. 1244026
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kek at this point olivya is coming off worse than mei unless her bf is some loser cuck for real
No. 1254141
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mei just posted a video and mentions the girl shes seeing, apparently they are not in an exclusive relationship…idk why this just makes me think its Olivya and her cuck bf lmao
No. 1255336
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>>1255335forgot to attach lol
No. 1255339
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>>1255336Just makes me wonder if mei is truly darker and lightens the heck out of everything she posts on the internet.
No. 1265328
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>>1237760Why does every photo of her kissing a girl look so awkward and performative? And that weird hand positioning with two different girls? I didn’t really think she was gaybaiting before but these look like exactly the kind of pics that straight girls post of them and their “besties” kissing on a night out lol
No. 1265330
>>1265328it seems more like they're just terrible at holding poses for pics, or whoever is taking the photos for them sucks and takes forever. either way, it looks extremely uncomfortable and the way they're holding each other especially here
>>1236079 it seems like they're just hovering over their bodies to create the illusion. no actual, genuine, loving grip of the other.
No. 1265856
File: 1624837499751.jpg (136.24 KB, 720x991, Screenshot_20210627-164328_Twi…)

Olivya, one of the girls Mei was kissing, made a coupley pic with another girl who replied to someone on twitter abt the decriminalization of polygamy. At this point I'm willing to believe that they are all in one awkward fivesome. Saged because it mentions her groupies more than Mei herself
No. 1266526
>>1265856Another ex-tumblr woman mainly known as ilovebrucewillis. As far as I know, she’s from Australia and married an American a while ago and was working doing arts/education with children for a few years, kinda went on the downlow for personal reasons, then recently resurfaced.
She really doesn’t put much out there, but I’m guessing her marriage is opening up a few windows. I liked her for having a good balance of motherly/creative/humoristic vibes but it’s weird seeing her with Mei who is a trainwreck of childlike confusion.
No. 1268811
File: 1625127339202.png (101.48 KB, 820x691, Vy.png)

sage cuz not actually mei, but olivya came out as pan and polyam, so maybe she really is cucking her bf with mei rather than awkward gaybait
No. 1268846
File: 1625136315381.jpeg (228.92 KB, 750x1147, A8E5527A-A60E-4E53-8F2E-8861AF…)

lmao he likes all of their tweets… truly a cuck
No. 1268959
>>1268811sage. seems more like an excuse after they all got called out for queerbaiting / joking about be lesbian on twitter. kind of a weird time to come out directly after you get called out.
as an inside source i can confirm they aren’t partners or lovers
( No. 1336537
File: 1632848852396.jpeg (642.4 KB, 828x1128, 62DB651E-67DB-408A-A67F-7AA7B8…)

Did anyone watch the video she posted with this picture on Aug 14? The whole thing seemed forced like they were just posing for pictures. Mei grabbed her face a few times to kiss her over and over. I understand her friend collette teaches a dominatrix class but it just seemed very awkward.
No. 1337919
>>1337874Nayrt but I think the only one she was initially friends with before her current “influencer” phase was Vy.
Mina Le is from New York, Amy is Australian who recently got her green card in the US, the others I’m not so sure about.
No. 1341698
File: 1633458691131.jpeg (683.75 KB, 1124x1843, 3D4A9CE4-46D6-4331-93C0-A885AB…)

her dream was to go to new york and host a funeral for an anime character that died? jesus
No. 1466002
>>1465402The video.
At the end, Colette plugs her mistress classes, and Mei says it's life-changing. It's a little bizarre.
No. 1466313
>>1466002Genuine question but: Is Colette a man?
Something seems very off about the way her voice sounds, the way she talks, her movements and also how creepy-happy she is that her house is used for… poly awakenings?
What really made me start to wonder was Mei admitting she is now in a relationship with a man while being poly after previously coming out as only wanting to be with women. Something seems off. Maybe the face thing she wears is actually to hide some telling features?
No. 1466363
File: 1647193110091.jpg (196.03 KB, 1440x1800, c1.jpg)

>>1466342I thought so too but after hearing how she talked and what she said along with her mannerisms, I am seriously wondering. I just took a look at her IG and I don't know of many women who get veins like this?
No. 1466365
File: 1647193259510.jpg (91.47 KB, 1080x1080, c2.jpg)

>>1466363Hips/legs/arms/hands all seem very male?
Mei is allowed to change her mind but it's weird she made that whole statement video about not being attracted to men in the slightest. Maybe she just meant cis men?
No. 1466685
File: 1647214110922.png (122.76 KB, 1273x767, 2022-03-13_19-26-21.png)

No. 1466687
File: 1647214137596.png (136.32 KB, 1236x835, chrome_2022-03-13_19-27-54.png)

No. 1467462
File: 1647281391778.png (27.04 KB, 907x232, sugarp.png)

>>1467338Wow, this is a lot juicier than I thought it would be. I am surprised that Colette openly talks about sugar daddies on a public blog, as well as financial dealings (Mei promoting her classes on instagram as payment). It's really fucking weird. You think there'd be an NDA.
Anyway, is P Japanese? Colette says she met him in Tokyo. Also, pic related: they lived in that house together.
No. 1467545
File: 1647286176489.png (70.99 KB, 989x693, p1.png)

>>1467462Some more on P from Colette's blog. It really seems like copium here, good god.
No. 1467567
File: 1647286808388.jpg (149.46 KB, 964x788, mei.jpg)

These are the blog posts about Mei AKA M3.
No. 1467569
File: 1647286870987.jpg (85.19 KB, 995x554, mei2.jpg)

No. 1467576
File: 1647287160683.jpg (26.83 KB, 944x120, mei3.jpg)

Hot tip for the ladies. This lady has some serious issues
No. 1467579
File: 1647287264150.png (61.33 KB, 1008x608, m9.png)

>>1467575Presumably, when Mei was in Turks and Caicos (and Miami), she was with P.
No. 1467584
File: 1647287401148.jpg (Spoiler Image,228.74 KB, 1080x1617, Screenshot_20220314-144730_Ins…)

No. 1467594
>>1467462P seems to be white, assuming that's him in the video in the July journal (linked by someone above).
>>1467575I believe she mentions a few times in her journal that she sometimes loses track of the code names, so it's possible that both refer to Mei.
No. 1467646
File: 1647289973500.jpeg (511.62 KB, 750x1056, 62937AF1-7D5F-42BA-9CF0-C57C9C…)

>>1467593promotion on her twitter.. if the blog is true then she really is in some business deal with these guys to “recruit” some more young women
No. 1467681
File: 1647292054380.jpg (53.86 KB, 620x426, mei4.jpg)

No. 1467717
File: 1647293983368.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1170x1172, 22F4F9B9-B1C0-4633-A3EC-74B622…)

anyone else find it odd that her mistress classes only recruit specifically Asian women? this whole thing seems sinister
No. 1467720
>>1466687>a lot of mentions of sugaring, viewing members of the polycule as "teenage daughters you can f*ck"This is just completely disgusting. I have seen some of Mei's cringe polyamory posting popping up recently but never realized it was this bad
>>1467593>>1467681This really does feel like some NXIVM shit, I have no idea how she thought nobody would put two and two together. This thread seems like it could become really interesting now.
No. 1467756
File: 1647295405929.webm (Spoiler Image,2.89 MB, 828x630, thepowerofthefemainananaianeie…)

Sorry, reposting to spoiler.
No. 1467870
File: 1647298783294.png (1.13 MB, 1178x1420, PBirthday.png)

I'm pretty sure "P"/David is 55 based on a video posted by mariaxliu on insta
No. 1467880
File: 1647298962358.png (158.46 KB, 368x406, P_headshot2.png)

I took one
No. 1467890
File: 1647299134580.png (381.01 KB, 656x812, P_headshot.png)

screenshot from same birthday video
No. 1467954
File: 1647300626461.jpg (53.9 KB, 503x862, 1.jpg)

No. 1467956
File: 1647300666667.jpg (64.44 KB, 519x855, 2.jpg)

No. 1467958
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No. 1467959
File: 1647300726458.jpg (54.01 KB, 504x863, 4.jpg)

No. 1467982
File: 1647301218943.jpg (682.95 KB, 1080x1921, IMG_20220314_203945.jpg)

Adding: her diary on her stories visibly says "my relationship with David" at the very top.
No. 1467997
>>1467717Because the PUA pimp financing them has an Asian fetish, why else? I can’t believe these women are dumb enough to pay for this though, no one needs a “class” to become a sex worker or get exploited by gross old BDSM scrotes. They’re supposed to pay you, that’s literally the only plus!
>>1467681It’s hard to know how to feel about this. It’s entirely possible Mei is a
victim here and doesn’t realize she’s being used by her “queer polycule” to recruit her followers into a sex cult. But I could also see her being in on it, especially since she seems to be benefiting financially. The whole thing is disturbing and I’m glad her fans are seeing the red flags.
No. 1468021
File: 1647302422343.jpg (255.49 KB, 828x1407, amy.jpg)

maybe this girl? shes gorgeous
No. 1468026
File: 1647302581186.png (785.76 KB, 1169x817, Screenshot (8).png)

Here's the video's bio, if anyone was wondering..luckily I still had the tab open for the video lol
No. 1468028
File: 1647302695460.jpg (231.9 KB, 828x1516, S__7168021.jpg)

>>1468025no its this girl name Amy.
No. 1468039
File: 1647303301685.jpg (345.79 KB, 1080x1733, Screenshot_20220314-190812_You…)

This seems moderately sketchy considering most of her fanbase is young and Asian.
No. 1468110
>>1468104The archived link here
>>1467338still works. (Hover over the link to see [Archived Copy]
Here are the other blogs: No. 1468115
File: 1647306566419.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1639x842, video.png)

>>1468110Another interesting link I found via searching Pervette (and clicking the ENDLESS links) (very very nsfw)
No. 1468262
File: 1647315062273.jpeg (261.29 KB, 1125x1697, CA94D1C2-3CC1-4449-A38C-4C4B21…)

the cognitive dissonance kek i’m glad she’s getting called out for this mess
No. 1468344
File: 1647321643043.jpg (251.65 KB, 1080x576, Screenshot_20220314-162641_Chr…)

>>1468110God the part in parentheses is so disturbing to me. I'm so confused cause she just made a whole thing about coming out as sapphic too
No. 1468359
long time viewer here. I'm not even sure where to start, but it's funny that everyone caught on… no offense, but ever since her Halloween party and posing with all the Chanel, Prada, LV, etc., I kept asking "How can she afford this?" it's ironic how I found out about thrifting in high-school through Mei and seeing how her lifestyle has changed.
I agree with pretty much everyone. her relationship with Sei felt so wholesome, I know that being in a relationship shouldn't complete you as a person but for the first time in a while I felt like Mei was being herself again.
although she is "open" with her life recently, I just always feel like she's never herself. idk, am I crazy or when she was with Sei she would have these vlogs traveling together? I remember the Japan vlog and she seemed so happy! now that she's traveling to turks & caicos, radio silence?(newfag)
No. 1468366
File: 1647324190667.png (216.21 KB, 1122x2048, FN3j6pdXIAEkYvh.png)

Apparently this is one of Mei's friends. Any ideas on who this is?
No. 1468367
File: 1647324262302.png (149.17 KB, 1047x2048, 7676.png)

Also this is fucking gross…
No. 1468385
File: 1647325878416.jpeg (70.21 KB, 828x120, B71625D3-7FC1-4A2E-8F02-C66161…)

>>1468367Haha it gets worse
No. 1468394
File: 1647327097988.jpg (129.74 KB, 1170x1017, comments.jpg)

the comments HAHA
No. 1468410
File: 1647328846025.png (53 KB, 918x376, 1DCA60AD-49D8-4122-A7BE-B58029…)

No. 1468411
File: 1647328888421.jpeg (100.04 KB, 922x793, 4FC33202-882B-4012-AB12-28AE89…)

These people sure do talk about fucking kids a lot
No. 1468418
File: 1647329953020.png (8.17 MB, 1125x2436, 9C3EBAA1-B119-4686-9592-F22630…)

Yall! It's NOT Mei's House. It's P's.
In this tiktok by Christina.dates you can see that the house is IDENTICAL to the house Mei showed in her Halloween pics. Christina hangs out with Mei and I'm 100% sure they're both involved in sugaring with P.
I find it ridiculous and sad that she tried so hard to pass off this house as her own, like look at me uwu I'm a successful female influencer living this lavish lifestyle~ When in reality it's some obscure sex dungeon they refer to as "gay mansion", where tons of young Asian women part of a sex cult reside, owned by some creepy white Asian fetishist.
No. 1468431
>>1468366I suspect X is referring to christina.dates/, depending on when this was posted. in her tiktoks posted on 7/26/21, she says she’s 23. if the blog post was written in the previous year, she would be 22.
christina’s sugar dating startup, “agency”, is tied to P at the very least through using his LA mansion to host their events as shown in her tiktoks.
(learn2sage) No. 1468448
>>1467462clues to p/david’s identity:
- met in tokyo (source: colette’s blog)
- “the creator of a mega-successful tech startup that has something to do with weed” (source:
meet david benett, founder of, a weed delivery service. if you look at his linkedin, it shows that he used to work in tokyo. his interviews also reek of yellow fever whenever he talks about anything asian. I think we got our guy.
No. 1468451
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No. 1468456
File: 1647336355365.jpeg (123.63 KB, 828x290, 0AE1C863-BC50-4E86-9AC2-D0CF7B…)

LMAO now we know why she selling other women out to a creep. It’s part of her fempire. Colett is a girl boss guys. Mei is not a victim I’m pretty sure she’s just learning especially with the 4K trips she been shilling.
No. 1468462
>>1468359Oh yeah, I’m with you. I remember finding her lifestyle quite fishy for a while because she definitely didn’t seem successful enough as an influencer to afford her lifestyle. Well, now we see how she does it…
I’m very curious to see what people make of her influencer trips now.
No. 1468488
File: 1647341308072.jpeg (378.01 KB, 1125x1706, 787B0170-2160-43C2-B202-DE6C4D…)

lmao olivya’s boyfriend takes their photos for them? bizarre
No. 1468498
>>1468456At this point I don’t believe Mei is a
victim. >fake house tours
>what Colette wrote in the blog about her Disney/cutesy audience>shilling sugaring & BDSM lifestyle to young fans while leaving the sponsor out and pretending it’s really about “sapphic empowerment”The deception is too calculated.
No. 1468580
File: 1647351096542.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x1992, 14E49EF5-D356-4B94-B7A6-B54C67…)

more people are catching on I guess
No. 1468640
>>1468039>>1468077This is genuinely scary, she's basically hyping up Collette while Collette herself is just the Ghislaine to the old creep's Epstein and then also planning these trips to lure girls herself
>>1468410So even a site as sketchy as SA kicked him off
No. 1468737
ive literally never posted on here so forgive me if im doing this wrong. idk how to reply either so i'll just compile stuff here.
yes, on ig is X on colette's blog. she's a pro sugar baby and runs a sugaring company called Agency, on the blog there was an entry where colette either went to an Agency event or co-hosted it, dont remember well. P is david, sometimes nicknamed Dan, he runs Bento and i believe the ig account petdecolette is his. O is olivya. one of the As on the blog (i believe A2) was amy chan, the breakup expert that hosted a bootcamp w colette mei seems to have gone to. M8 is the other main sugar daddy involved in this, and he's the artist alphachanneling on ig. colette mentioned on the blog his amount of followers, his art style, and his coloring book, idk what his real name would be nor his age. m9 was mei, m3 potentially was also mei or not mei, in one entry colette does mention she sometimes confuses the code names if she doesnt use them for a while. also, i absolutely have no idea how this works, but on the blog 'Cutie' seems to be a panda plush with its own ig account cutiebellesweetpea, idk who runs the account.
No. 1468741
>>1468737Thanks! This was super helpful.
>>1468740There's been milk, anon… Also it was necroed several dsys ago.
No. 1468750
File: 1647360911188.jpeg (824.86 KB, 1125x1654, 1C53E17B-F402-43CF-ABD2-E60567…)

oops, the other david was a different one? thanks for the info @ulfricslagcloak, since you’ve visited this thread and may return.
No. 1468846
File: 1647366340496.jpeg (196.75 KB, 1125x1061, F99A17E9-FF1D-4231-923F-BA38FD…)

david’s website is just… this is who all these girls are fawning over?
No. 1468863
>>1468846god someone teach rich white dudes to groom their eyebrows what is even going ON there
separate question:
the wild conjecture in this thread is fun bUT
has anyone actually been able to prove that mei is actually 'recruiting' for this dude? because it sounds like he's using at least two different agencies to find sugar babies, so i have no idea why people think he needs a social media influencer to act as a third, esp. considering that if they really were disguising the recruitment process as something completely unrelated, the venn diagram out of that population between 'women who he wants to fuck' and 'women willing to fuck him' is going to be pretty narrow.
No. 1468887
File: 1647368630031.png (30.94 KB, 597x206, Screenshot 2022-03-15 112242.p…)

>>1468883Gives a whole new meaning to this tweet I guess
No. 1468907
File: 1647369753579.png (105.57 KB, 979x1178, Screenshot 2022-03-15 114234.p…)

>>1468901it's also the same terminology that's sugar baby startup uses.
No. 1468950
File: 1647371698521.png (42.06 KB, 590x281, Screenshot 2022-03-15 121322.p…)

>>1468003>>1468365looks like this checks out. So she has two men in her list of partners. Whatever happened to being sapphic wlw and repulsed by men?
No. 1469043
File: 1647378161409.jpeg (401.37 KB, 1170x908, BAD0F92A-AC3E-4639-A79D-A388B4…)

I was just looking at that Twitter account, interesting that they mention shadow work a bit suspicious.
No. 1469062
File: 1647379688842.jpeg (144.15 KB, 828x495, E1AEBCC8-BE90-4594-83D5-653769…)

Can you imagine paying this much for the privilege of being groomed
No. 1469083
File: 1647380377232.jpeg (747.93 KB, 828x1631, 010411D1-8B93-4D78-9DD7-144EC5…)

>>1468838Yes, the birthdays match.
No. 1469124
File: 1647383177841.png (1.11 MB, 1207x709, Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 3.08…)

okay, idk if this is a huge stretch/ major stupid tinfoil or not but there have been several mentions of the theory that Mei might be being trained to be a recruiter of some kind and also that this cult seems to lean specifically into luring Asian women. I noticed a few months ago that a couple influencer girls I follow are in this huge friend group of almost exclusively ALL asian or half-asian girls where they'll all get together on group trips, hang out and take these like virgin suicides/ tea party cottage aesthetic photosets where they're all wearing white and in stories and posts they all seem super affectionate with each other. now that all of this about mei has come out I'm looking back at it a lot differently. the group at times includes Amy (amylouisev/ former tumblr famous artist), Creepy Yeha (very popular bdsm pastel lingerie designer, they were wearing her sets in the deleted video), Ceilidh (lilmixedhunny, also has an OF), Mina Le (fashion youtuber/ gremlita), and others, and obviously also Olyvia and Mei. just something to keep in mind if thee are more developments, these girls might be ones to watch
No. 1469127
File: 1647383351670.png (1014.09 KB, 1388x1260, Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 3.05…)

Pretty sure I found David's Miami apartment that Colette mentions. If you compare the images of the listing with these instagram photos Mei took you can tell it is the same place and proof of her sugaring. No. 1469129
File: 1647383428735.png (493.7 KB, 1254x776, Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 3.28…)

>>1469127bathtub in apartment
No. 1469133
File: 1647383496337.png (1.29 MB, 1228x740, Screen Shot 2022-03-15 at 3.27…)

>>1469127pool at apartment
No. 1469141
>>1469133mei's photo>>1469137
>>1469137might not be the exact unit or its a mockup of the bathroom, not sure but seemed worth posting
No. 1469280
File: 1647388021874.jpeg (222.59 KB, 973x1202, 8F400552-57B4-4F98-B63E-B48092…)

No. 1469342
File: 1647390572400.jpeg (209.74 KB, 1125x654, 9C3EE455-5348-4762-8BB6-3DB37A…)

look at this take
No. 1469348
>>1469280the gasp that i just gasped,
how does this yt men does his money
>>1468846yeah, shit is madddd fxcke up
No. 1469382
File: 1647393492000.jpeg (Spoiler Image,651.11 KB, 1170x1694, CC3208F7-AFD4-41EF-894B-DF2DF1…)

Not sure who x is but more from the blog
No. 1469408
File: 1647395835284.jpg (123.17 KB, 1078x719, Screenshot_20220315-215355_Fir…)

>>1469385i'm starting to think x could also be mei. didn't her i was stalked and bullied for years video come out around this time?
No. 1469411
i bet they’re trying to recruit more asian women through the classes, christina’s “company”, and maybe even mei’s korea trip.
>>1469408i think x is christine, she went to usc and makes girlboss “sugar baby to ceo” tiktoks.
No. 1469420
File: 1647396442680.png (461.25 KB, 990x996, bleeding.png)

lol sex is definitely a HUGE part of David's MO. Colette even writes about how he's made "X" bleed from being so rough.
No. 1469425
File: 1647396735694.png (286.36 KB, 866x694, p and x.png)

Also here's P getting giddy over new underwear he will dress his asian sugarbaby X in the same day Colette's grandma dies. She's crying upstairs, and he's just thinking about his next nut.
No. 1469431
File: 1647397070748.jpeg (408.12 KB, 1125x1179, 2C6A40BE-3628-4D56-8D29-8F628B…)

seems like she meant this literally
No. 1469434
File: 1647397165841.jpeg (378.34 KB, 1125x1213, 6150DAA4-538B-4E7B-9C3E-3373E7…)

the cognitive dissonance is on a whole new level… don't wanna interact w men yeah right
No. 1469450
So "O" is confirmed to be Olivya: was training her to be a domme. Some posts talk about how Olivya shadowed Colette when she was working. Gross bio. Who writes about grade school children to showcase someone's sexual prowess?
"Her story started in grade school at the kinkiest age of 6."
No. 1469520
File: 1647403382695.jpeg (65.83 KB, 750x567, 9E2E80AB-3CE6-4F26-A69F-8AC288…)

Sex parties…
No. 1469533
>>1469525sapiosexual. porn……
the sapiosexual line plus how in one of her other posts she calls herself an “empath” alone is enough to make it impossible for me to take her seriously.
No. 1469592
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No. 1469597
File: 1647408978038.jpeg (81.19 KB, 1024x285, 44268B07-D999-446B-8B53-B01BBB…)

>>1469592mei’s been talking about going out with girls and not mentioning the middle aged autistic man at the center of all of this lmao
No. 1469599
File: 1647409039816.png (10.83 KB, 473x118, firefox_LI3RMCKpOc.png)

>>1469597this was in one of her journal entries
No. 1469621
File: 1647411504349.png (41.62 KB, 721x527, 6FDFC7AE-658D-4E5B-8B97-CB10C5…)

kek colette didn’t even know her blog posts were public
No. 1469623
File: 1647411973667.jpg (65.93 KB, 434x475, Screenshot_20220316-072112_Chr…)

as people here expected, they are recording their orgies (which can be used for blackmailing), and there are lots of drugs involved during the "parties"..
No. 1469644
File: 1647413847430.jpeg (319.68 KB, 1061x1670, 0D7AEA6D-7D88-46AF-B54B-17094F…)

>>1469623Colette has to know that P can replace her with a younger, skellier Asian woman at any time. Why does she keep trying to recruit more girls?
No. 1469658
>>1469644From what I read, I think Colette sees P as a source of income? She obviously isn’t comfortable being in the same room with P (she’s clearly happy to have the house to herself, also said something “need to take the time to reunite with P” during quarantine, felt stuck with him in the house etc.) She seems a lot more relaxed staying with M9, her lover. But I guess P is financially supporting Pervette / the Dungeon where she host sessions, where P can benefit from with many young sugar babies. If I remember it right, Colette said she doesn’t have sex with P (but there’s occasion she had sex with P and another sugar baby)
Idk their relationship is hard to describe in words I don’t even know if that really counts as a kind of relationship lol
No. 1469679
File: 1647417233049.jpeg (124.93 KB, 2436x1125, 8313912B-85A2-4ECA-A9DC-4C070A…)

colette’s website is down, so they all know they’re fucked up but are staying silent and blocking people calling them out.
No. 1469686
File: 1647417999057.jpeg (312.44 KB, 838x1386, 3A237CEC-6BD1-4E5E-9794-A29378…)

Private her IG.
No. 1469687
File: 1647418042448.jpeg (301.86 KB, 859x1364, F6B6B65C-CDD1-4CEA-9A10-04C276…)

>>1469686Both have been privates.
No. 1469689
File: 1647418218748.jpeg (85.33 KB, 1296x653, 8D9C8091-A086-4B27-9489-F8F7F3…)

Deactivated her Twitter.
No. 1469716 at the “Gay Mansion”
Sorry for not posting the video properly, wasn’t able to get the upload to work.
No. 1469728
>>1469725so i’ve found that as well as being part of a snapchat series, it’s on instagram ( and youtube ( the best thing is that they won’t be able to remove it or delete comments because it’s not their video.
No. 1469736
File: 1647421652443.jpg (187.84 KB, 720x1268, Screenshot_20220316-100916_Ins…)

she forgot to take this super cringe post down lmao
No. 1469746
File: 1647422581021.jpeg (31.22 KB, 302x227, 5C6F62F1-89BF-4B02-9CAA-65E59A…)

>>1469741Michelle Phan in the Power Play promo
No. 1469758
>>1469747Are we sure this is Michelle and not Amy Chan, who is an open collaborator of Colette’s? (
Michelle is definitely involved with Colette, as she is active on many of the girls’ socials, and at the very least she has attended one of her courses and promoted it in an IG story, but the woman in that picture does not look like Michelle to me
No. 1469771
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so empowering and free from the male gaze
No. 1469787
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>>1469260possible tinfoil hat, but mina here used the same term (sister wives) as colette for a conventionally attractive asian girls trip including olivya. they seemed to be very comfortable with each other based on the vid she posted
No. 1469788
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Colette using Pervette to find sex partners
No. 1469791
File: 1647429174686.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1125x1618, 5446D1FC-05D6-4423-9283-11C20B…)

>>1469779I wonder if any of Mei’s ‘lovers’ aren’t involved in the cult. I thought the girl with a farm was a random poly chick but nope
>>1469787Mina has a white boyfriend too. Is everyone in this friend group into queerbaiting?
No. 1469794
>>1469787i’d be disappointed if mina is involved considering the type of youtube content she makes.
i also hope ceilidh/lilmixedhunny on the far right isn’t involved after all the shit she’s been through (drug addiction, getting sober, relationships with older men, etc.)
No. 1469828
>>1469822it’s still up ( but let’s see if she removes it
i find it hilarious that colette always covers her face – such natural footage
No. 1469893
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God David sounds like an exhausting man baby (1/3)
No. 1469897
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>>1469893Mommy issues confirmed (2/3)
No. 1469910
File: 1647439555505.jpeg (376.96 KB, 1125x769, C4C97112-2CED-41AB-A322-008184…)

>weRe JuSt 2 dUdeBrOs iN a LocKer RooM bAnGinG ChicKsThe amount of emotional labor Colette performs on this moid’s behalf is exhausting. She’s the cool girl, the nice mommy, the therapist, she brings him younger girls to fuck. Anything to keep the sugar flowing. I’d almost feel bad for her if she wasn’t actively deceiving and scamming other women.
No. 1469926
The way she deludes herself into thinking this is an arrangement she's totally satisfied with is extremely sad. "Cool girl" is the perfect description. She insists in writing that she's not jealous of these girls that she's training as sister-wives, yet she compares her body weight to theirs (eg X's 95Lbs body will make her 110-ish body look like a cow) and writes about how he can't even be bothered to care for her when her family passes. last sentences in the entry about her grandma is her trying to brainwash and coax herself into being okay with him not caring.
Meanwhile she talks about how she will avoid engaging with male partners in front of P to make him more comfortable and justify her own lack of jealousy as ego death LOL.. girl I'm sorry but you're doing way too much for this dope.
Side note, disordered eating habits? She always has a small section about "what I put inside myself" aka her food diary. She seems militant on only putting things that are "clean" in her body and is a hoe for Erewhon.
No. 1469964
File: 1647442678233.jpg (120.84 KB, 828x1546, S__7193061.jpg)

She disabled comments on her "latest" post.
No. 1469965
File: 1647442942971.jpeg (380.72 KB, 1125x1112, EB88A792-67E7-4D9C-8BB3-66CE25…)

>>1469964comments are not disabled but she has been deleting them. she hasn’t gotten to these new ones yet.
No. 1469988
File: 1647444403945.jpg (94.8 KB, 700x610, messageImage_1647444351588.jpg)

Someone saw it coming
No. 1470033
kek colette has a cameo page with a hilarious sample video: irony of claiming “I have a knack for empowering women and emasculating men.” when she basically pimps out young asian women to her yellow fever having male partner
No. 1470042
File: 1647446896591.jpg (5.73 KB, 180x180, FN53mvpXwAgh29m.jpg)

this is collette without the veil and dominatrix gear
No. 1470065
colette also appeared on a podcast: haven’t listened to the whole thing but a reddit user said: “If the episode was about making a dominatrix seem relatable then I don’t think it achieved that goal. PhD, converted to Mormonism by choice as a child, extremely open relationship, and being a sexy muppet? I’m sorry… I just don’t connect with her on any level. And her delivery probably just made that worse.”
No. 1470090
File: 1647448753566.png (727.65 KB, 1860x900, Website 2.png)

She and one of her friends have also previously tried to create some "divine feminine" community to get women to attend their "unique" gatherings. There's something so off and strange about all of this. No. 1470091
File: 1647448840417.png (111.97 KB, 1840x847, Website.png)

>>1470090You have to pay $200 to attend some weirdo sex party but don't worry if you can't afford it- they offer "scholarships"- which probably entails fucking her puppet-looking husband.
No. 1470095
>>1470088I found this the other day. It's under David's name, obviously.
Has anyone found the other house, with the big windows and pool?
No. 1470110
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>>1470090The Liara she mentioned here is someone Colette has made porn with.
No. 1470117
File: 1647449776753.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1125x1905, CFF9DD03-E635-4DC5-A7C4-F9A228…)

instagram comments have officially been turned off lmao
No. 1470154
File: 1647451502452.jpg (505.16 KB, 4000x4000, InCollage_20220316_141157325.j…)

sorry unrelated but. facetuned ass. lmao
No. 1470183
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No. 1470254
>>1470180There's something so fucked up about the dichotomy between mei's/christina.dates tiktoks of lavish luxury hotels and colette's blogpost abt them getting fcked in a 4way with 50yr old men AND FILMED…. like they really pussyfooted around the true cost of luxury.
Christina said 'lots of sugar daddies are young, actually' but it seems like David so old and unattractive (and ill-bred) that even his handmaiden can't stop bringing up how unattracted she was to him initially. That and how it's hilariously pathetic that it took him meeting a PUA to realize that the sugarbabies don't actually love him LOL
No. 1470279
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Sad to see she's been hurt by mei, but happy she's answered some questions
No. 1470317
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Some random weirdness from Colette's blog (thankfully not as weird as the kid in the corset, jesus)
David acting like a deranged child and Colette mommying him as usual
No. 1470319
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>>1470317David and Colette creeping on a stranger in a restaurant
No. 1470328
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>>1470319David being creepy again, confirming he enjoys hurting women during sex (b-but the Prada bags!)
No. 1470334
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>>1470328David being a total asshole at a fancy resort restaurant
No. 1470336
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>>1470334David sperging about the seating arrangement at the restaurant
No. 1470338
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>>1470336David reminding Colette who pays the bills when she asks him to stop sperging over restaurant seating arrangements (ok this made me kek a little)
No. 1470344
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>>1470338Colette posting her sex work recruitment spiel for a random Vietnamese waitress she met (what's with these people acting deranged in restaurants?)
No. 1470352
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>>1470344Colette casually hiring a known predator banned from the kink community to beat up her "friend" for a porn shoot
No. 1470354
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>>1470352Colette's deep thoughts on racism
No. 1470356
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>>1470352More ana chan sperging
(there's more but it's all too gross, I'm going for a walk)
No. 1470365
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No. 1470375
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kek mei’s queer polyamorous lovers ended up just being her asian sisterwives. this really does sound like a cult
No. 1470408
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so it looks like olivya unfollowed mei from instagram and twitter too
No. 1470422
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>>1470408Yeah, looks like she did on Twitter too. I wonder why…
No. 1470426
>>1470375jesus that last paragraph is foul. way to not even attempt to hide the fact that you’re actively grooming young girls to bend over for your creepy pedo bf
there’s no way these two haven’t gone after actual children with the way they both talk about fucking kids constantly. i really hope mei shining a light on their cult leads to a former child
victim coming out and every last one of them rots in jail
No. 1470438
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people are putting space between themselves and this whole shitshow. it's also a lie because agency events have been hosted at david's place. so maybe a half-truth that agency is not related to mistressclass. but it is related to David and his sex cult and david is probably just a big spender at her sugar baby company.
No. 1470444
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lilmixedhunny just echoed amylouisev's comments on the situation on her IG story
No. 1470450
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>>1470438Christina definitely sounds like X. I wonder if David is the third co-founder
No. 1470476
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>>1470468who’s her husband?
No. 1470480
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>>1470468She has a husband. She tweeted about him multiple times in the past.
No. 1470484
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looks like amy was a victim/almost a victim of whatever the fuck colette and mei have been plotting. my issue is that it's been a known thing? did olivya know and just not give a fuck? what about all of the other girls? did they all know and just turn a blind eye? god i hope not. that's disgusting.
No. 1470496
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No. 1470497
>>1469794>>1470444I was a little worried for ceilidh because she's been open about surviving one of those troubled teen industry boarding school cults and is outspoken against them. I'm not sure whether that experience of being a
victim of that kind of thing would make her more or less susceptible to being sucked into another one, but I had a feeling she wasn't involved and was just friends with some of the girls. although she also very briefly mentioned having an ex-gf on her twitter and deleted some of those tweets, so i wonder if that ex is one of these girls. this
>>1470279 comment by amy actually makes me wonder if amy, ceilidh and any other girls in the friend group were approached by Mei attempting to get them into her weird shit, like it was a fake friendship to recruit more girls basically and that's part of what amy feels "hurt" about.
also, I just checked and on IG, Mei still follows Mina, Amy and Ceilidh but NONE of them follow her back anymore. someone itt said the same thing with olivya. something def happened or is happening behind the scenes to make her friends all drop her like this
No. 1470499
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olivya liking tweets about asian lives while ignoring the fiasco surrounding her mamasan…these girls are full of it.
No. 1470504
>>1470408Olivya still follows Mei’s other Instagram, @dirtymei
They are still lovers / best friends however right now everyone is trying to do damage control
I can confirm Amylouisev and Lilmixhunny are not involved however Amy was aware of the activities taken place by Olivya and Mei with David and Colette. I can also confirm Mina Le (@gremlita) is fully aware of everything as well but she will not address the situation because of how severe it could be to her social platform.
I’m unable to provide proof because lolcow’s rule maintains that people must stay anonymous. Do with this information as you will.
No. 1470517
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i hope this means she’ll come out with her version of events soon
No. 1470520
>>1470517she doesn't even have to tell
her story or re-traumatize herself, she should just spill what she knows about these people/what they're doing. tbh if it's really that bad, they should've done it from the beginning but now we're here
No. 1470538
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No. 1470542
File: 1647466498247.jpeg (134.18 KB, 1170x638, 9EAB6792-58FE-495A-9681-D2D71E…)

Amy is doing damage control. She claims she has Mei blocked but if she did Mei wouldn’t be following her anymore.
No. 1470543
>>1470505yeah I agree, people need to chill out with any baseless tinfoiling or harassing of these girls, especially if they say they're not involved. pushing them to say shit like this
>>1470517 is more than enough "proof" to realize Mei put her and possibly other girls through some real uncomfortable shit. It's not amy's or anyone else's sole responsibility to answer for the fucked up shit someone else has done, especially if they've been traumatised by it.
also just saying, if things get baseless and out of hand mods could easily step in and ban you or put this thread on autosage. If you want to keep this thread alive I'd advise some of you to stop being overly pushy and definitely do not fucking cowtip, lol. I know it's been spread on twitter so it's not just farmers doing this and there are probably tons of newfags itt but please chill. at the rate things are going and have been in the last day or two, we'll get plenty of milk organically.
No. 1470545
>>1470538so her trip with them in September
triggered a PTSD relapse, but she also didn't realize she was a
victim and had no idea what was going on until this all came out last night? hmmm
No. 1470551
>>1470542Power move honestly, hope mei sees all that lol
Amy calling herself a
victim to mei isn’t a light allegation
No. 1470579
File: 1647467984705.jpg (40.63 KB, 1080x640, IMG_20220316_185832.jpg)

now officially blocked. why lie about that? sus.
No. 1470581
>>1470549I'm one of the farmers who's been sharing milk itt, and I'm getting really uncomfortable watching people harass random Asian girls on Mei's IG to "prove" they're not part of this cult. So far the only people we have EVIDENCE of ACTIVELY promoting the cult are Colette, Mei, Olivya and David. We don't know if other women in their circle were involved, the degree they were involved etc. so please stop harassing them and focus on the actual milk. It's highly possible some of them are
victims and will come out with their stories eventually if people aren't assholes to them.
No. 1470586
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>>1470576edited your post three times to say essentially the same thing but you namefagged and outed yourself the first time, "Roger Jin". wtf is a CEO doing on fucking lolcow of all places, what else do you know about them lol
No. 1470587
File: 1647468166868.png (646.55 KB, 1024x1676, E71107BC-5441-48F4-B88F-99D339…)

She went and did it just now because she’s lurking lol.
No. 1470588
File: 1647468183059.png (86.49 KB, 1401x302, Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 2.59…)

>>1470586samefag but icymi
No. 1470594
>>1470559Huh? How does falling for a scam and getting pimped out to a narcissistic sociopath
not equate being a
victim? What "evidence" do we have that these other women perpetrated anything?
No. 1470603
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looks like this youtuber with 370k subscribers wants to make a video on the cult.
No. 1470612
>>1470590>>1470586damn roger come back and spill the tea
>>1470603how do you know he's talking about the princessmei stuff?
No. 1470617
File: 1647469051895.jpeg (402.15 KB, 1125x1140, 1A78E630-1B9B-4597-9709-B91476…)

it’s def about mei
No. 1470634
>>1470614the thing that weirds me out about xtina and separates her in my mind from the less involved girls (aside from all of colette's creepy insane blog posts about her lol) is her instagram bio right now and the way it's worded
>>1470438. blatantly separating her own shady company from colette's is funny because to me that only connects them more. idk it just comes off so weird and forced? I kind of want to dig through her posts now
No. 1470661
File: 1647470318221.jpg (7.08 MB, 6000x4506, oof.jpg)

>literally recruiting young asian women to be a "sisterwife" for her white manchild fetish.
>Is having these women perform sex trafficking in the form of commercial sex actsEMPOWERMENT! No. 1470667
>>1470665Stop derailing, it’s the first post in the twitter thread and sage your shit, david dacus
No. 1470669
>>1470471Why is it that any comment questioning holes in people’s logic automatically mean they’re one of the “alleged” peoples in question? Quit being so basic in your thinking lol.
I’m just an observer looking for answers and watching this all unravel.
Right now everything is purely assumptions and interpretations of screenshots, photos and videos. Nobody is receiving answers from the primary sources (people involved in the situation).
These are all just the public’s interpretations & assumptions of the situation. And until answers come out, people are gonna keep spiraling out of control with their gossip and assumptions of the situation. So until I hear answers from the people directly involved in this situation, I’m taking everything else as rumors.
And please google what sex cult is. I see people throwing around the word sex cult so casually it’s actually disgusting and downplays
victims of actual sex cults. Just because people are polyamorous and into kink/bdsm and engage in play parties (which is a norm within the kink community btw), doesn’t mean they’re in a sex cult. Please do your research before you throw around these words.
This honestly seems more like a situation dealing with sugaring, polyamory with kink contexts and a class on how to be a professional dominatrix. Mixed with a bunch of outsider’s opinions, opinions from people who seem unfamiliar with the kink scene and who also seem to be anti-sw.
This is an absolute shit show and it will continue to be a shit show until people directly related to these situations explain themselves. Because im sure this situation isnt going to blow over, overnight.
No. 1470673
>>1470352colette can’t stop telling on herself.
each screenshot here is worse than the prior. incredible.
No. 1470675
File: 1647471112022.jpeg (329.5 KB, 1125x1510, 7DC6469E-6701-4758-8D04-0F2186…)

P/David with X at the same Bel Air property…it is mentioned in Colette’s blog that she was present at the Agency launch party as well
No. 1470701
Clicked on the link on ig (the ceo behind agency) Looks like Christine shared her side of the story. Finally somebody who is directly involved in the situation said shared their perspective.
I’ll share link here:’m tired of listening to baseless gossip and tinfoiling. I just want answers. Prolonging the truth only prolongs this shit storm. But I understand it takes time for people to process the situation to better address it. I’ll keep waiting for more answers from people directly involved.
(screenshots needed) No. 1470711
>>1470701i hope the rest of the people who address this don't focus specifically on the sex cult part, for now we don't know if people were pressured or forced into those relations.
my initial concern was the throuple romantisizing their sex work/sugar dating and not being discreet enough about it to potential minors. no, i don't think creators should censor themselves but the least that could have been done was put the video behind a patreon paywall or some other website for those who were interested
No. 1470714
File: 1647474819671.png (164.48 KB, 1244x748, 2022-03-16 (1).png)

>>1470713y'all need to learn how to use lolcow
No. 1470760
File: 1647476289012.jpg (239.5 KB, 2048x1366, 976743_10200778541217746_19689…)

weird old creep. forever judging Mei and anyone else who gets involved with these scrotes
No. 1470775
>>1470713Sugar this, sugar that-you're prostitutes. and you got fed up that the biggest prostitute platform for young women to sell themselves to old men on wasnt making it easy enough since a lot of guys probably lie about their money and a lot of girls put themselves in harms way (See;Mackenzie Lueck). You wanted to make a more effective and likely VERIFIED hot teens only site and pull in big bucks providing a sea of "trained" bdsm asian fleshlights for rich men to pick and trade while their unsuspecting wives wait for them at home. You were completely onboard until you realized that surprise surprise, the slut trainers had absolutely no boundaries and in fact thought "the younger, the better!" which goes against your moral compass, but none of what you're doing is right either. It's ok to prostitute yourself, but stop trying to find ways to prostitute others. Fucking wannabe Madams.
Are any of these people really as shocked as they're claiming they are or are they just trying to save face so their family and spouses dont drop them in disgust? The ones claiming to be
victims dont half make sense either because why are they only
victims now that this is coming to light? They werent devastated before and seemed perfectly happy with mei and co. NOW all the sudden they can't believe any of this and those two are criminal mastermind exploiters? If they were this adamant about it before, then why did they collectively avoid the topic and allow her to keep trying to recruit others? They have Mei literally hosting trips in hopes of recruiting unsuspecting young viewers. They were all going to sit back and let that happen with a clear conscious? What a bunch of fucking weirdos
No. 1470792
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>>1470783They are still friends/lovers. Olivya only unfollowed Mei on Mei’s influencer account. She still follows Mei’s other Instagram. As far as unfollowing Colette and Mei, it’s just saving face. If we look at the screenshot of Colette’s blog where Olivya is referred to as “O”, Olivya is equally responsible and profiting off of it as well as being legally in a contract with Colette not to mention she is Colette’s dominatrix in training. We have to hold both Olivya and Mei accountable, not just Mei.
No. 1470826
>>1470811Because Mei is the one with the fanbase I suppose.
It's interesting to see what are they going to do now. They have no morals, and they are hooked to the money, but sugarin publically is going to socially costly
No. 1470838
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>>1470811Olivya isn’t blameless but Mei has a larger following and had a feeling her anime/genshin loving audience wouldn’t be down with whatever “power play” is.
No. 1470886
>>1470872Yes, I would agree that targeting mei’s demographic was not the right move. It just seems like an irresponsible move given the circumstances.
But I was more so pointing out the age group of the people in that class. As it’s info that contradicts with people’s idea that the class was somehow some weird recruiting tactic to lure minors into some kind of sex cult.
No. 1470898
File: 1647482714488.png (99.12 KB, 767x843, chrome_W4qrSB8bqz.png)

No. 1470899
>>1470898saving face. can she explain why she blocked people who raised
valid concerns? kek
No. 1470904
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No. 1470909
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No. 1470910
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No. 1470919
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No. 1470923
File: 1647483788353.jpg (48.52 KB, 527x527, 980830_10200778534137569_19843…)

heeeeeere's DAVID
No. 1470958
>>1470953you're right.
if everything is above board, why are you hiding, Ghislasian?
No. 1470964
>>1470496Honestly, thank goodness. Thank God. I'll take a noncontribution ban for this if necessary but this is such a relief.
>>1470885This is possibly the worst part of reddit, so if even they are making negative statements on it you know it's all fucked.
No. 1470966
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>>1470953she also deleted the gallery from it used to look like picrel a couple hours ago, and now it's just her name.
what is she hiding?!
No. 1471008
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So is she saying she never took part in those MistressClasses?
No. 1471016
>>1471008no, she’s just backtracking and saying she isn’t involved in Colette’s
personal life. but she’s a
No. 1471022
>>1471013This is a repost, read the thread.
>>1471014I seriously doubt it. I'm sure it's still going on. Colette has been candid about money problems in her blog (and not wanting to borrow money from David), so I doubt she can afford refunds
No. 1471026
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Either Olivya is lying about briefly dating Mei or they gaybaited for months. Also all of Mei’s kissing selfies look so…unnatural.
No. 1471037
>>1471022If I remember correctly I don’t think I’ve seen ghislasian even offering domme work anymore or even online content. If anyone else remembers, I don’t think she had a OF, manyvids or even patreon and those texting sites, so correct me if I’m wrong.
It seems like she’s semiretired from domme work and now scamming and pimping young girls.
No. 1471042
>>1471037she did something called Pludo and she possibly did irl domme sessions, but yeah it seems like her online work mainly involved pimping out young asian women and bragging about her PhD
also can newfriends please lrn2sage
No. 1471045
>>1471041they’re all guilty as fuck, and downplaying because it doesn’t fit with their ~sapphic girl boss fempowerment~ schtick, which they’ve been milking for money AND to lure in new meat for David
also David will never have to answer for any of this, which pisses me off.
No. 1471051
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No. 1471054
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>>1470898Both mei and olivia were featured in video on the pervette website prior to everything getting scrubbed. She’s delusional if she thinks she can play dumb about her involvement. That video was uploaded 72 hours ago.
No. 1471078
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Extremely shady behaviour from Olivya, who's known Mei since AT LEAST 2015. I genuinely can't believe how she's throwing Mei under the bus. I was less upset abt her behaviour in the beginning as she's never hidden the fact she is a sw-er (which without Colette and David's crazy disgusting behaviours would be ok), but now putting all of the blame on Mei for everything is a huge exaggeration. Please don't forget despite she f*cked really bad, Mei is still a young Asian woman who's probably lost everything (friends, "work", online reputation, and imagine if her family finds out all that…), keep in mind the bigger picture, and even if she benefited from it all ultimately the fault falls on Colette and David, who likely manipulated her to some extent as well. (talking about the most disgusting facts)
No. 1471083
>>1471078She's known Olivya since 2014, so yeah that's 8 years of friendship thrown under the bus.
The only plausible explanation I see for this is that Mei did some truly fucked up shit to Amy but for some reason Amy only decided to tell Vy about it now.
If you look on Twitter, Mei and Amy's last interaction was in January. I wonder what happened in those 2 months to make her realize kek
No. 1471098
>>1471092this is an imageboard
post screenshots
No. 1471113
>>1471104let's just say… a lot of her family members share the same traits as her to varying degrees on the narcissistic spectrum.
based on what i know of a few family members, they are probably feeling 90% giddily about the tea spilt here with 10% worry/concern. if this drama came for them, they'd 100% dump mei too and pretend they have no relation.
as for me personally? i feel so, so sad. i remember when she was once a little girl. she was good at school. she was sweet to everyone and was fairly well behaved. she was very thoughtful too, and was always giving people gifts. i thought she was a fantastic kid.
that's not to say i don't think she deserves all this flack – she kind of does while acknowledging that the greater share of the blame should be on Colette/David. i'm simply sharing because i'm just wondering, what went wrong? and i'm so sorry for how she turned out and everyone she's harmed. this is 100% a parental failure, and at a smaller extent, a failure of her extended family too. neither parties modeled better behaviors and instilled better values. and frankly, it's a little traumatic to me to see that little girl grow up to become all of this mess.
No. 1471144
>>1471141i have no ragrets, mei and her family and enablers should've been called out a long time ago.
btw i think it's funny her enabler "friends" are all jumping ship now that the drama is coming for them
No. 1471151
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Some of Mei’s old blog (her YouTube channel took off because she had a tumblr following) is archived on wayback machine. Her urls were shinjesus and meimutou.
I remember her reblogging anime gifs and posting about being depressed. I think some of it was because she left high school early, idk the reason why.
No. 1471157
>>1471146so it's okay for people to spread mei's words about her family/sister (that they've gleaned from her tumblr, etc) up above but not for others to come in to give a counter opinion about her family?
regardless i'll stop now because i def prioritize keeping this thread up to warn others of predators than w/e i want to say
(learn2sage) No. 1471183
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someone who commented on her most recent video has uploaded the deleted q&a video! No. 1471210
I’m watching the video…why are Vy and Colette in BDSM gear while Mei is wearing regular clothes? And Vy is definitely lying because she says they’ve been fucking in the mansion since 2020.
They talk P starting from the 3 min mark and Mei says its her most serious relationship.
>>1471198I think it’s X.
No. 1471267
>>1471183Comparing this video with Colette’s blog post, it seems to me like Colette broke down Mei’s… mentality(?) and molded it to the perfect sisterwife (her “vision”). I think Mei was being manipulated, and so could also be a
And as for Olivya’s response, many folks in cults also consented and did not realize that they were
No. 1471445
>>1471267>I think Mei was being manipulated, and so could also be a victimPoor
victim, being used for her Instagram followers and getting paid to promote this shit. Whether she was manipulated or not behind the scenes, she still exchanged her influence and promos for money and trips.
No. 1471510
>>1471445In cult like situations, people often look for clear-cut
victims & perpetrators and that’s not how it works. Manipulators often demand their followers do bad things to show they have skin in the game. Alison Mack was mentally abused and beaten down by Keith Raniere, and then she turned around and maliciously did the same to other women to prove her loyalty. She was both a
victim and a perpetrator. The world isn’t black and white. Mei could absolutely be a
victim of Colette & David’s grooming & manipulation, and also be guilty of grooming & manipulating others.
No. 1471620
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>>1470923>>1471445Have you seen the head scrote’s ugly mug? Imagine that you are groomed to be a sisterwaifu for this loser with asian fetish. His yellow fewer makes it even creepier
I’ve been skimming through Pervette’s blog and there’s two things that caught my attention, in addition to stuff that is mentioned in this thread.
First, both Colette and David are daily drug users. Mostly weed and psychedelics. In their orgies there’s endless supply of MDMA, ketamine and other stuff. So the girls are heavily drugged during orgies.
And there’s definetly something sketchy about ownership of the ”Mansion”. Did Colette buy the house from David?
No. 1471642
>>1471588kek fucking leave retard, no one is stopping you from gossiping on twitter. Or are you too afraid of being cannibalized by your peers for drama?
I don't have to respect people who are clearly mentally ill enough to slice off their dicks and call the open wound a "vagina" kek
No. 1471653
>>1471624Literally mining a
terf imageboard for ammo against their latest cancel mob targets while pretending they have any moral high ground over terfs kek
No. 1471666
>>1471620The mansion was most recently sold for $85k earlier this year. Colette also mentions in the blog that David gave her the opportunity to take ownership of the property.
Also not uncommon for drugs to mix into the sugar scene. Used to fuck around on SA in college and at one point attended a party at some crypto bro’s blinged out trap palace, he joked(?) abt making it a cathouse & asked if I’d want to be a madame/invite friends next time lmao, started following this story bc it had similar vibes
No. 1471679
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>>1471670Doesn't look like she lost any
No. 1471690
>>1471680>>1471622It's because the ebil drama sites are always the first to come through with details on stuff and they are all fighting to be the first one to get the news out and be the saviour and head sjw for the week. They should learn to be more silent and understand throwing misogynistic slurs at us won't make us like trannies. Twitterfags should be grateful for the clout stealing information from here gives them and not bite the hand that feeds them.
>>1471680Holy shit you are retarded and also you need to sage. Nothing illegal has really happened here, it's just sketchy and gross.
No. 1471777
>>1471758Oh, that's right. I misremembered since Colette goes into so much detail about their typical rates and how Colette's team was pushing their limits during negotiation.
They would still need to disclose that they were invited in exchange for promo, but it was pretty evident that they had close personal ties with Colette already so that doesn't seem important.
No. 1471808
>>1471790I know, and she sounds so unhappy & frustrated in the blog. A lonely 40 yo woman with an eating disorder and internalized misogyny, wishing for a baby and financial independence, but stuck playing mommy to this
toxic moid and grooming young girls for him to keep a roof over her head. She's not attracted to him, she doesn't even like him, but at no point does she consider walking away and using her PhD to build a career she can be proud of. It's just…depressing. And it seems weird to put all that on a website that is supposedly advertising her sex work classes and beautiful empowering poly lifestyle.
No. 1471948
>>1471808This. She tried so hard to look like an unbothered confident queen who secured her bag by getting a rich simp, but we all know she's full of jealousy towards her (lmfao) sister wives. Clearly she's been treated like a kid's old toy, hence why she needs to market her ~dominatrix classes~.
The 40yo old lady that kissed Mei (Lei or Leia something) on one of those instagram stories is a sugar mommy too?
No. 1472020
>>1471790Colette said in July of last year that she thought her blog was private all along. this dummy was under the impression that only paying customers could see any of it. for
years. clearly a PhD doesn’t mean much kek.
No. 1472054
>>1471995Didn’t she basically drop her very public friendship with Seto Ayumi as soon as she no longer was profitable (discontinuing her iconic Aymmy brand/not being able to travel to Japan because of lockdown) despite proclaiming they were besties?
This all seems like another transactional influencer-y situation. I hope she’s okay and safe regardless.
No. 1472072
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I don’t understand why anyone has sympathy for this entitled bitch, yeah she was dumb and naive enough to get roped in but like everyone else said, she actively profited and kept it secret for so long so she knew something was off.
No. 1472076
>>147205450/50– she's either a clinical narcissist, or one of those girls who kind of 'dates' friends… like where they get into a series of public and superficially 'close' friendships, that are actually pretty shallow and sometimes driven by clout-chasing…
Also, you'd be surprised how many people don't really 'get' what it's like to be friends with someone let alone besties. Especially people who didn't grow up with many friends, which I think Mei has expressed in the past. Ultimately, such people can often come to see their supposedly close friends as expendable because they haven't learned what it actually means to be close with someone. Maybe their friendship j petered out and she was like 'whatever'.
No. 1472087
>>1471995This tbh
Just another empty/shitforbrained cloutoid that has no irl social skills/group
No. 1472131
>>1472121maybe she'll come out with a vid "NORMALIZE ASIAN FETISHES!" or "NORMALIZE RACE PLAY!"
That might actually be the most morally consistent thing she could do lol…
No. 1472193
>>1472131I wouldn't be surprised if she was actually totally convinced of this. This is the final pill for all 'kink-positive' people, though obviously they'd never admit it.
I can easily imagine that she's had a conversation with David (who literally brands as 'the rational hedonist' on IG (lol)), about how the age of consent is 'irrational':
"Think about it princess… why 18?? That's just totally arbitrary! The only reason we keep kids out of it is because we're too afraid to acknowledge their sexuality… its only wrong because SOCIETY says it is!"
I've had a lot of experience with silicon valley ppl… if they ever call themselves 'rational hedonists' you can bet that they are basically p*dos.
No. 1472229
>>1472226Well, that's not suspicious at all!
No. 1472275
>>1472146If you actually did your own research and looked into it. Instead of being a lazy cuck you would know. It’s a trip organized by a travel company called TrovaTrips. Who are known to sponsor YouTube influencers to take their group trips with their followers. Their profits are made from charging high prices for the hotel/accommodations/activities that they book for a discounted group rate. The company probably also gets paid to take their tourists to certain touristy establishments and activities where they will pay more for souvenirs etc. Typical travel company business model except they use influencers as a way to market their trips.
A lot of you people in this thread are dumb af tbh. Probably think you’re so smart and discovered some crazy SeCrEt ePsTeIn SeX cUlT. but you’re honestly all just bored, have adhd and willing to reach for whatever shiny new drama and conspiracy to latch onto.
Maybe the real truth of this is something incredibly boring and undramatic. Just some Techie dude with money, with a sugar baby addiction, an Asian fetish that is into smoking weed, dropping acid and having sex parties on the weekend. You’d be surprised at how common these things are amongst bored rich people. They’re just bored and have too much money and spend it on shit like this.
No. 1472282
>>1472275>Maybe the real truth of this is something incredibly boring and undramatic. Just some Techie dude with money, with a sugar baby addiction, an Asian fetish that is into smoking weed, dropping acid and having sex parties on the weekend.I am also of the mind that it's just this, but damn if it isn't still juicy. The players in this story are all bizarre, Colette especially.
Also please sage.
No. 1472330
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So looks like that Christina/X chick erased her bio and the link to her public statement. She was probably thinking it's a risky idea to have anything directly link her to David and Colette. This is so sus. But also how do you date/hang out with a guy and have no idea he's a gross Asian fetishist with pedo tendencies? Were they all so blinded by cash?
No. 1472352
>>1472348Same thing goes for her friend group
Most of them had to have known what was going on
No. 1472357
>>1472275>you’re honestly all just bored, have adhd and willing to reach for whatever shiny new drama and conspiracy to latch ontokinda clocked me with that one ngl
I do actually agree with you though lol. there's nothing super shady about mei's travel trips, it's a typical influencer grift that tons of people with followings and no talent do through the same company. and I do also think a lot of this is likely blown out of proportion, and some of the ways of going about "uncovering" a lot of this info have rubbed me the wrong way (like sperging out at amy for not blocking mei when she said she did or w/e that was, and infighting on both sides about trans shit because who the fuck cares) and I hope the next thread isn't quite as rife with derailing, harassing or nitpicking, reaching etc. half of the contributors here are likely from twitter tho so i doubt it
there are still a lot of things that stick out as suspicious to me though. i don't think this is a full blown insane sex cult like at the scale people are acting like it is (and tbh, at the scale they WANT it to be at because it'd be juicer), but i do think there's been a lot of manipulation and sketchy, gross shit behind the scenes that's yet to be fully realized. like mainly Amy and lilmixedhunny's statements are what clue me in, certain things they've said about Mei and her behavior, like wtf did she even do to amy to where it traumatized her. it could be as small as a platonic or romantic breakup after realizing she's being used for clout, or as bad as actively being recruited into the sisterwifehood or some kind of non-consensual harassment. we might never know the whole story. I also am positive that olivya is full of shit as far as claiming she didn't know at ALL. how the fuck could you date your bestie of almost a decade and not know at least most of what she's fucking with? it's too convenient. she may have not known about collette's creepy blog but she knows more than that statement admits.
and I do wonder whether Mina Le (or any of the other girls in that circle) will say anything or not, or if anyone else is going to publicly drop her… idk I really thought Mina would say something at this point, i'm surprised.
No. 1472382
>>1472363it all seemed sus to me ever since she "came out". like she kept calling herself a pansexual but then says she's a sapphic lesbian at the same time, which makes no sense. not to mention she dated a man for 2 years, which, okay, doesn't discredit her from possibly being lesbian, but she kept parroting "pansexual sapphic lesbian" in her video that it seemed like she didn't know what those labels actually meant and she just slapped them on herself bc it sounded trendy and cool. like how are you pansexual and claim that you're open to dating all genders but you're so repulsed by men that you physically cannot force yourself to be with them? make it make sense sis.
and i'm surprised nobody thought this sexuality of hers makes no sense at all and they legitimately believed she was a pansexual lesbian kek. those wlw kissy pics always seemed so forced, like it was just for the camera and there wasn't any actual romantic chemistry going on.
No. 1472410
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I found David's IG account before he made it private, deleted half of his followers and deactivated it. I remember seeing Olivya's main IG and her domme account (@ladyottilyne) in his following. So I doubt she had no involvement with him like she claims.
No. 1472427
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also she deleted a reply where she had to explain the difference between sapphic and lesbian kek
No. 1472458
PULL and twitter trannies, please go and stay go. Anyway, based on reading though all those blog entries, this rich guy sounds kind of flighty. Like he probably doesnt like having to do much fighting and just prefers to buy his way into whatever he wants without any hassle. All of this has not only been a hassle, but also likely a giant headache that's all blown up in his face from many angles at once. He wasnt even half USING his social media, but if he still opted to delete it
>>1472410 that must mean shit is really hitting the fan. I wonder what they'll do if he abruptly kicks them all out or something. If he stops being their sugar daddy, will this prompt them to turn on him? Or will they only turn on each other in hopes of him still keeping one of them around? If he ducks out, will they be forced to find a new white king scrote? Mei said recently that her mom said to make more money. How sad that she was thinking she was about to hit it mega rich only to probably lose it all over this poorly made and delivered "coming out" video
No. 1472484
>>1472357I don’t know why we are bringing the other girls who are into the whole sapphic/queer aesthetic in too. Just because they took photos with mei and Olivya and are Asian, doesn’t mean they have any ties or involvement with what’s currently going on.
Why does Mina Le have to say anything about any of this? Is there any proof or screenshots she engaged in activities with David, Colette and Mei? If not, her input wouldn’t be any helpful.
We should honestly leave all parties who are not involved alone and stop speculating and harassing them for no reason other than by “association & them being Asian”. Jfc.
Also to the thing that Amyshared in the ig story. It seemed to me like she alluded that something uncomfortable happened between specifically her and Mei. Maybe its something that personally happened between them that made Amy uncomfortable ? I don’t know why we are somehow speculating that it’s something uncomfortable related to this David sugar daddy situation.
I’m just saying.
No. 1472486
Haven't checked on her and Olivya in a long time, I used to follow both when Mei was still doing kawaii make up/bl sperging on youtube and Vy just started becoming popular by leeching off Mei's popularity and showing up in her videos, happened to see this and KEK the milk is flowing. The weird sex cult aside the kekkiest thing about this whole mess is how quickly Vy and her friendship fell apart over this, I know Vy publically removed her connections to Mei while still following her finsta, you just know they're both coping with "don't take it personally , I just have to do this for business/yeah I get it I love you uwu" when they both know Mei will probably never forget this and will internally seethe about it before she falls asleep at night, kek. She's probably seething reading this thread right now, so is Olivya ctrl-f ing to find the best way out of this while keeping her audience and income intact. KEK I've also always had a tinfoil that Vy started doing sex work to distinguish herself more from Mei since it seemed incredibly unlikely Mei would ever get into sw so this is extra lulzy
Anyway, 10 bucks Mei goes lowkey for a couple of months without posting anything and tries to come back half a year later pretending nothing happened after sweeping everything under the rug and deleting her old dumbassery (already happening). That's the only way I think this could realistically go, unless some big youtuber makes a video essay of this mess for views and force her to address it.
Also twitterfags and pulltards fucking leave, please, this thread is fucking infested. You really think the milky part about this seto ayumi knock off is that she enjoys problematic fictional content? After all that happened? Go back to twitter retard.
No. 1472523
>>1472508I agree, but I doubt Mei is really handling the fact that everyone is dropping her publically all at once that well, especially since Vy and her have been so close for so long. Then again their friendship has always been played up for social media, so who knows what they're really like behind closed doors.
>>1472503NTA but I wonder how she would even begin to pull herself out of this situation without cutting David and Colette off completely. I honestly doubt she would address the pedo posts, she'd probably mention briefly that she's unaware and disgusted by the blog and has nothing to do with it or outright not mention it. I'm looking forward to how the Korea trip will pan out now, cancelled or otherwise, kek.
No. 1472666
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olivya might want to delete these
No. 1472678
>>1472570I was under the impression she lived with her parents in between sugaring and the mansion stuff
>>1472666Does she really wear the veil in public?
No. 1473388
>>1473220I don’t know why Olivya would get more flack? Her audience is mostly nsfw 18+. I don’t see anything
problematic about advertising and promoting bdsm dominatrix classes to a 18+ NSFW crowd.
No. 1473430
>>1473388No one is shaming her for sex work/bdsm lifestyle.
People are upset she worked with and promoted people who prey on and fetishize young Asian women under the guise of “reclaiming feminine queer power.” She also immediately threw her friend of 8 years under the bus and lied about the timeline of events because she didn’t want to get “cancelled.”
Sage goes in the email field
No. 1473439
>>1473369She seems to have stopped deleting the comments on her most recent Youtube video but idk if she can come back from this tbh. What she did was inexcusable even if she tries to pull the
victim card. The longer she tries to brush this under the rug the more guilty she makes herself seem. There's no way she can start anew without basically cutting herself off from all her old friends, although they seem to be already cutting her off first. Even if she goes low for months hoping it'll blow over, people will still be cancelling her, especially if her next video is her pretending like none of this is happening.
I do think she got swept up in this because of peer relations and she was just dumb and trying to capitalize on the trendy "queer poly" lifestyle, but there's no way she didn't know what she was promoting to her audience full of minors, so she gets no sympathy from me.
No. 1473471
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"Friend" lol…
According to Colette's blog post, her and David were already sugaring at this point. But ofc she would never admit to dating a man for his money bc it doesnt fit her uwu powerful feminine sapphic queen image
No. 1473592
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kek im sure that happened mei
No. 1473713
>>1473705Please google what MLM means. Multilevel Marketing. What’s happening here is not an MLM scheme lmao wtf. If this is an MLM scheme that means all influencers that engage in sponsored posts and brand deals are in MLM schemes.
Ffs please stop regurgitating buzz words you see on Twitter threads and do your damn research before you spew out dumb shit.
No. 1473923
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“Played sugar daddy”
No. 1474129
>>1474112>6'2"Mei's other John is 6'2, this one is a manlet with an unfortunate face, see
>>1470760>>1470904>>1470909>>1470910>>1470919>>1470923He is an aspie with little to no social skills and the face to match.
His private plane is a tiny glorified crop duster, only 500k which he didn't pay upfront in full. Do you rent to own or something? Why do you envy their lifestyle so much? A couple 1-5k brand items, nights in hotels, trips etc for being dehumanized by this Jim Henson reject is not worth it. Certainly not worth grooming other young women. These people have thrown away their morals and human decency for surprisingly low ticket items. Because they wanted to play celebrity. Disgusting. Mei could have afforded these through actually doing skilled work, without being brutalized and fetishized by David or tasked with supplying new blood for him to consume.
No. 1474208
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>>1469758funny how Colette’s workshop cohost Amy/A2 seems to know exactly what’s going on & still actively endorses it
No. 1474454
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this aged well
No. 1474455
>>1474454that's why she changed her name from may to mei lol
what a joke of a bitch
No. 1474505
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when you get paid for being sexualized and fetishized by a 46 yo groomer so you're no longer afraid of it<3 so empowering and sapphic
No. 1474731
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Olivya still follows Colette’s alt
No. 1474764
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>>1474756I knew someone would ask
1) peep what’s drawn in Colette’s pocket
2) she frequently talks about “cutie” (the panda) traveling with her in her journal entries. Not gonna link find it on your own
3) when Vy started mentoring under her Vy began posting herself carrying around a stuffed rabbit. Pretty sure Colette instructed her to do this for some sort of balancing shit. Like if her domme persona is her dark side this stupid stuffie is all sunshine
No. 1474938
>>1474112Nailed it. I’m a jealous fugly hag that would love to sleep with a pasty creep with countless gross fetishes who probably smells like hotdog water. All cause he’s 6’2 and can afford to buy me ONE pair of Gucci slides.
Where are the fucking brain cells in this thread??? Mei doesn’t even own a home or a car. She gets unlimited invites to an orgy acid mansion and invites to vacay spots with people who view her as an object.
No. 1475230
>>1474454But dressing like an anime character for her sugar daddy is alrighty! I wondered why her style became so childish after reeeing at own her fans for years that she
isnt an anime or kpop girl uwu!!
No. 1477377
>>1476867That isnt going to work this time. This is a serious offence and I plan on taking legal action against Mei as a
victim of this. And drama channels will expose her to everyone.
(post milk or sage your shit) No. 1477384
>>1477377how are you a
victim lol
No. 1477829
File: 1647995519966.jpg (16.58 KB, 575x171, vy.jpg)

And Vy's in LA this week. Probably to help Mei cope with losing her online reputation.
No. 1478845
File: 1648058812457.png (79.76 KB, 1767x602, mei yan 4 spots.png)

Seems like two spots opened up on her trip to Korea lol…(namefag)