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No. 1952769

Varg Vikernes:
>Actual murderer killed someone by stabbing them over 20 times
>Used to spend time on yt sperging about neo nazi crap in his car until his channel got banned
>Now spergs on twitter instead
>Says blonde/blue eyes are superior, refined sugar is superior and what have you
>Shelters his 7 kids from the outside world
>Kids live in a squalor and have to shit in a bucket with no doors
>Called one of his daughters a "teenage mistake"
>Thinks autism isn't a disability but a nordic pure race trait
>Aged like milk under the sun

>Married a neo nazi murderer at 19
>Basically Varg lite
>Lies about being a natural blonde kek
>Weird obsession with placenta's
>Diagnosed autistic
>Does all the work while Varg is busy bitching and moaning online
>Massive pick me
>Thinks her murderer insane husband is a catch
>Thinks she's better than Taylor Swift cause she's 35 and married (to Varg) with 7 kids while Taylor is 34 and isn't (major kek)
>Posts autistic pics of her overweight son dressed as a medieval knight on a horse
>Thinks she's raising the next generation of strong manly men but is actually raising fat autistic medieval LARP retards who are one sonichu medallion away from being the next chris chan

No. 1952781

isn't there a rule about not posting kids faces in thread pics?

No. 1952815

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omg a new thread finally. varg has just released a new book in which he supposedly tells the "truth" about burzum and the norwegian black metal scene. his trve kvlt stans are buying it already so i'm awaiting pdf leak. it's probably going to be 99% bullshit and retconning as usual and i'm excited to see what lies he's cooked up honestly. i think him and marie really need money atm cause he's always whining about how he hates the black metal scene yet here he is writing books about it and trying to milk burzum fans.

he's 17

No. 1952820

Ugh yeah, can we stick to posting Varg and Marie? The kids have a rough enough road to walk and it’s not their fault their parents are isolating them and feeding them processed shit.

No. 1952828

Posting the kids is fine if it's from their public socials

No. 1952835

in regular contexts, but not in thread pics.

No. 1952839

How do you claim to be genetic perfection living the only authentic way and have a fatty boom boom for a son? Sucks that mom only uses white flour I guess kek

No. 1952841

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tivar, the guy in threadpic, is 17. and in that pic specifically, i think 16. just saying. even if you personally think it's distasteful to post any of their children that still adheres to all the rules.
from what i can tell he seems to be the most like varg, which makes sense considering he's their firstborn. he's even contributing books to his daddy's ttrpg now, pic related.

No. 1952861

I wouldn’t expect anything different, they’ve literally been brainwashed from birth and exposed to zero influences beyond their parents autistic Nazi retardation. If any of them do decide to rebel and go their own way, they have no way out and nowhere to go.

No. 1952881

File: 1704825596425.png (336.17 KB, 1578x740, Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 19.39…)

the cover looks a little different from my side kek graphicdesignismypassion.jpg
Oh I´d love to read it for the keks please somebody post a pirate link when you find one

No. 1952883

Thule people were Scottish Picts who painted themselves blue, why is this faggot larping as Celtic now.

No. 1952884

The Roman poet Silius Italicus (AD 25 – 101) wrote that the people of Thule were painted blue: "the blue-painted native of Thule, when he fights, drives around the close-packed ranks in his scythe-bearing chariot",[32] implying a link to the Picts (whose exonym is derived from the Latin pictus "painted"). Martial (AD 40 – 104) talks about "blue" and "painted Britons",[33] just like Julius Caesar.[34] Claudian (AD 370 – 404) also believed that the inhabitants of Thule were Picts.[35] Claudian writes ‘Thule was warm with the blood of Picts.”(derailing)

No. 1952886

Funnily enough, that cover gives vibes that a 16 year old boy actually made that.
My bet is that he is gonna follow his dad's footsteps and by that I mean murdering someone.

No. 1952887

File: 1704826591475.jpg (181.19 KB, 1125x1351, tfw no ai tradwife.jpg)

yeah the stans are already complaining about the lack of AI generated trad waifus on the cover. i wonder if the AI images are somehow copyrighted and had to be removed?
speaking of, ever since tools like stable diffusion and midjourney got very popular, varg and marie's (mostly varg's tbh) twitter accs have been full of similar AI images of conventional pretty white girls and sometimes kids/families. it's funny because they would probably call women who look like the images whores irl. in one of her replies marie was asked why her AI image had makeup and she was like "AI images can't have makeup" kek. not like there's a difference in how they look.

No. 1952890

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The same trend happened with Hotepsas well, probably to an even larger extent. Do asian and muslims nationalists also use cheap AI art as well?

No. 1952892

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>The bottom line is that this isn't just another cookbook full of recipes you've seen a million times before stolen from someone else
>all the recipes are brand new, based on classic recipes from different parts of Europe.
Kek so they're recipes stolen from various european countries, got it

No. 1952906

I noticed that too kek Did Varg not proof read the fake review or did this line make sense to him?!

No. 1952924

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i don't know for hoteps but varg and marie's AI takes have stirred up a lot of shit within their own community. a lot of them can't reconcile AI with the goal of retvrning to nature, which makes sense. also marie had to backtrack on her tweet in picrel because she got so many angry replies about the matriarchy thing, kek.

>thule's number one role-playing game, myfarog
ugh they're so cringe. i want to say this is an obvious fake review of varg's but it's honestly hard to tell him apart from his real stans sometimes, because they're brainwashed to the point of literally typing and acting like this kek.

No. 1953075

All the internet freak cults (hoteps, Vikangz, incels, passport bros etc.) are using shitty AI art for their wish fulfillment coping sessions lately.

No. 1953078

Marie is so close to being a radfem. She'll never make the leap with the old scrote in the picture, but still.

No. 1953200

File: 1704887749307.jpeg (649.61 KB, 1125x1390, IMG_3182.jpeg)

she's the opposite of a radfem, you illiterate retard. she's an outspoken antifeminist and traditionalist, not to mention a nazi. she can't even watch an old cartoon without immediately having to sperg about the evil feminist jew agenda.
istg every time a tradtard woman takes issue with men in their movement, farmers will come running to declare her a radical feminist for absolutely no reason.

No. 1953203

Feminist temptress smurfs kek.

No. 1953210

Smurfette the OG Stacy. But what does it have to do with feminism when her purpose was making them jealous?! She´s the only girl there so maybe more of a pick me icon? Does Marie understand what feminism means?

No. 1953218

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don't Hindutva nationalists as well.

No. 1953222

its not that surprising considering its the next logical conclusion since before they were using 'graphic design is my passion' tier propaganda

No. 1953243

Is she serious? Her reply reads like something you would read in the dumbass shit thread kek.

No. 1953244

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this is maybe a bit late but since the OP is sort of lacking, i'll sum up the new & old milk that was discussed in the recent tradthots threads.
>marie's usual groceries consists of several kilos of refined sugar, white flour, canned foods, and other processed shit
>50 y/o varg dresses up in military LARP gear to play war with his sons while leaving household duties to the little girls
>varg lists the reasons he picked marie as his wife, makes it sound like someone trying to sell their car on craigslist >>>/snow/1948189
>varg seething about old people, wants to defund hospitals to kill them off and urges his fellow nazis to groom young people into their ideology
>varg and marie schizoposting comp >>>/snow/1948455
>cryptic tweet by marie that might have something to do with the homeschooling situation >>>/snow/1948764
>overweight son poses on horse in full LARP heavy armor and shield painted with nazi symbol >>>/snow/1950176
>marie coping and seething about childfree women >>>/snow/1950179
>more seething from marie, this time about taylor swift >>>/snow/1950433
>varg proudly stating their shit bucket room has no door and the family gets zero privacy, their kids all have autism, and also more of him seeing women as cattle/slaves >>>/snow/1950677
>marie reiterating her favorite talking point, that women expire after 20

past trve vikings threads

yes she's serious, her and varg are obsessed with the smurfs being a representation of the jew NWO trying to destroy the trve european trads

No. 1953471

why are these retards taking the smurfs so seriously

No. 1953656

They have autism, and it's one of their special interests.

No. 1953676

sage for of topic
viking larpers actually do often accidently larp parts of celtic cultures as they often can't tell the difference, eg blue warpaint and celtic symbols
same for celtic larpers who often larp parts of nordic cultures, eg runic tattoos and other nordic symbols
suprise suprise people who have no idea what theyre talking about manage to confuse two different cultural groups
yes i know about the norse-gaels and how both cultural groups influenced one another but larpers often confuse the two completely

No. 1953679

Do asian and muslims nationalists also use cheap AI art as well?
i dont know about their use of ai art but asian nationalists who believe china discovered the world long before anyone else did tend to just write books with no sources and plant fake artifacts

No. 1953687

how much does anyone want to bet that this cookbook contains ingredients that arent european let alone nordic or 'thulean' like potatoes (brought by the spanish from south america) or chicken (spread by the romans from asia)
i already noticed on the back a recipe for 'honeyed fig tart' interesting considering the common fig comes from the eastern region of the mediterranean

No. 1953698

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they would just claim either that it's not true or that the "foreign" countries these ingredients originate from were akshually populated or ruled by blonde, blue eyed trve vikings all along

No. 1953705

I was going to say "Why is he 'wewuzkangz'-ing? Isn't he from Norway? Those people are taught their own history". Then, I remembered Marie has a special interest in Egypt. This is probably his way of connecting her interests with his own to create a shared personal mythology/inner world like in his little tabletop RPG. Two autistic LARPers in love. It'd almost be cute in a dorky way if they didn't have kids they were uncritically teaching these things to, he wasn't a convicted murderer, and if there weren't a handful of retarded racists and black metal tards buying into it unironically.

No. 1953726

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it's not just marie being autistic about egypt though. it's that they like literally cannot handle the thought of other "races" or peoples having ever invented anything or done anything they think is cool and/or good. whenever they are faced with something they like, they have to claim it as the work of their own ancestors or "race". they act like preschoolers calling dibs on everything and everyone they want to be.

No. 1953776

They’re no different than hoteps who claim ancient Chinese, Jews, Native Americans etc. were black. Now every ancient civilization they find cool was actually “Nordic.” I don’t know what in the human psyche drives people toward this racebaiting retardation.

No. 1953821

They’ve already done genetic analysis on mummies and their results always come back around 50% sub Saharan African, 20-30% Middle Eastern or west Eurasian (basically Turkey and the Fertile Crescent) and maybe 10-20% East Asian.

No. 1953830

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Northern Europeans were extremely primitive cultures tbh. It took them 1500 years after the Greeks to come up with a writing system, for instance (Runes were first used around 150AD, whereas Greek tablets have been found with words inscribed on them from at least 3400 years ago)

Left was being made in Egypt at the same time right was being made in Germany. Northern Europeans were still living in mudhuts and shitting in holes in the ground 3500 years after Egyptians and Greeks had indoor plumbing and aqueducts.

The idea that ancient Greeks were blond Nords is also laughable. In fact, in the Ancient Greek book Physiognomica which assigns physical traits to personalities, it claims that ‘white and blondish hair signifies stupidity, barbarism and evilness’ and goes on to describe other cultures with many people who have blonde hair as stupid savages and barbarians kek.

No. 1953836

It’s true that a small cluster of Indo-European Slavs were present in China a few thousand years ago (a small number of Russian steppe Europeans migrated to where Xinjiang now is) but they certainly weren’t the founders of Chinese civilization. They were a very distinct people and again, quite a primitive culture, lived in the northernmost parts only, but had little to no contact with Han Chinese until they were conquered. When the Han Chinese met with these tribes, they described them in disparaging terms and talked about how primitive, dirty looking and unkempt they were, how they dwelled in felt tents and ate only cheap livestock animals while the Chinese royals lived in palaces covered in silk and ate expensive delicacies, and they are also always called barbarians in ancient Chinese sources. They also got conquered by the Chinese relatively quickly and easily (as well as by the Turks and Tibetans before that)

No. 1953865

entirely unrelated but I´m impressed at how knowledgeable some anons here are! Please tell us more!

No. 1953877

Nonnie left was for a god king, while right was for every normie grandma.
And as a counterargument one could say, so what happened to them afterwards? How can one degress and one progress so fast?

No. 1953879

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the tocharians were not slavs but a distinct branch of the indo-european ethno-linguistic tree (see table)

i think you are making vast generalisations and overstatments, of course they were not the founders of china and no one actually claims this aside from neckeard online racists

they were buddhists who lived in city states who were then genocided and conquered by the tang dynasty

table (as you can see their language is no where near slavic)
English Tocharian A Tocharian B Proto-Slavic
one sas ṣe *sǫ-[a]
two wu wi *dъva
three tre trai *trьje
four śtwar śtwer *četỳre
five päñ piś *pętь
six ṣäk ṣkas *šestь
seven ṣpät ṣukt *sedmь
eight okät okt *osmь
nine ñu ñu *dȅvętь
ten śäk śak *dȅsętь
hundred känt kante *sъto
father pācar pācer –
mother mācar mācer *màti
brother pracar procer *bràtrъ
sister ṣar ṣer *sestrà
horse yuk yakwe (Balto-Slavic *áśwāˀ)
cow ko keu *govędo
voice[b] vak vek *vikъ[a]
name ñom ñem *jьmę
to milk mālkā mālkant *melzti

No. 1953899

File: 1705007291058.png (528.91 KB, 1790x1282, so what is the truth.png)

varg and marie don't care about these facts and they're unable to even stick to a story. like all nazis, they constantly have to tailor their bullshit made up history and theories to make it all about themselves depending on how they look, think and live.
the trve viking cope:
>if a civilization was bad/failed, then the ancient europeans were all savages who lived in huts, and that's actually the superior and honorable lifestyle, OR said civilization was actually good and ruled by aryan nordics at first but failed due to them race mixing with brown people, who were all slaves
>if a civilization was ever good and had innovation, then every single civilization was in fact created by varg's great grandpa, including china, egypt, mesopotamia, greece, rome, middle earth, narnia and pluto

No. 1953901

you say northern europeans were living in mud huts but so was the average egyptian,

i dont know much about the nordic and other germanic cultures so i grant you they may have been primitive but i do know about celtic cultures and what they were able to create and invent

yes they may not have been as great as rome, the greeks, or egypt was at their heights but these were still cultures that achieved many things and shouldnt be dismised as extremely primitive

the celts lived in walled settlements with walls that were engineered in such a way that the romans admired them (Murus gallicus)
they were credited by the romans and greeks as being the first people to adopt iron tools, they even have some of the earliest use of steel and even provided rome with its steel (noric steel)
the romans commented on their vast road networks paved with river pebbles

rome copied a lot of their inventions (just as they copied inventions from other cultures) such as… chainmail, the gladius, the spatha, the legionary dagger, the pillum, the soliferreum, iron plough, the horseshoe, the four point saddle saddle, soap (indepently invented by others as well), the matress, the barrel, and i could go on

they had hand mirrors and combs, the romans commented on how much time they 'wasted' bathing with soap and combing their hair infront of their mirrors

their bravery and skill in battle was respected all over the ancient world and celtic mercenaries were used by rome, carthage, egypt, and greece.

romans commented on how disgusting it was that they treated women as their equals, women were able to reach the heighest level of their society as queens and druidesses

la tene (the main ancient celtic arstyle) displays complex geometric patterns, they were known for their artistry and metalwork some of which even now still has archeaologists puzzled on how they achieved it given their technological level. some of their architecture displays pythagorean geometry before pythagoras was born. the romans commented on the richness of their storytelling. once gaul was conquered no roman wanted greek tutors for their children they all wanted druidic tutors for their children.

druids acted as lawyers, judges, scholars, astronomers, historians, and priests all at the same time, you had to pass a three year course of study to become a druid

yes they may not have been as great as rome, the greeks, or egypt was at their heights but these were still civilisations that achieved many things and shouldnt be dismised as extremely primitive

but again i do not know about nordic cultures so you maybe right about them being primitive but do not dismis all northern european cultures as primitive

No. 1953939

File: 1705009455079.jpg (75.09 KB, 400x282, Fertile-Crescent.jpg)

not that nonny but..
the ancient summarians, hittites, and egyptians etc all started in the fertile crescent which at the time was one of the most fertile places in the world, they had an easy start, large rivers for trade plenty of fertile land for agriculture. this is why you find so many ancient empires and civilisations within the fertile crescent
life was lot harder further north

i have read some historians claim it was this bounty vs hardship being responsible, the life is good so we can just lay back and enjoy it way of thinking vs necisity is the mother of invention, life is a struggle we must adapt and develop to survive way of thinking

i think it is a bit of the above but it is an over simplification, people call the advancement of europe passing other continents the great divergence or the european miracle and reasons for it are still hotly debated to this day

one musnt forget the islamic golden age during the 8th to 13th century when the islamic world was the center of scientific, economic, and cultural development
but what happened to the islamic golden age, why did it regress when, some point the blame to islamic philosopher al-Ghazali, who argued that if science and scripture disagree then disregard the science (this is an oversimplification but is how people may have recieved it) compare this to Thomas Aquinas who said christianity and science are compatible (many modern christians should be made aware of this)
others say the fall of the islamic golden age was due to political reasons such as the destruction of bagdad by the mongols.

i have heard one chemist claim europe advanced ahead of the chinese due to one very simple reason, the chinese used porcelein, the europeans used glass, you can do a lot more chemical reactions in glass due to how inert it is whereas porcelein would react with the chemicals. the chemist believed that this is why europeans were able to make more advancements in the scientific field

the great divergence or european miracle is most likely just down to chance, it was what some call it, a miricle,
history can move and change because of the smallest of things

for example it was once said at during the height of the british empire that if you managed to create a more advanced internal combustion engine you could defeat the british empire, one was created in france (well in bluprint form) the man who created it though volunteered to tend to the sick during a cholera pandemic, he became infected with the disease died and all of his papers were quarantined, after his work was reviewed much later people realised what he had created but at that point it was far to late and much better engines were already in use but the one reason why we may not all be speaking fench over english could be down just to the fact that a french inventer was kind and wished to help the sick

why did metal working never progress past copper and gold in the americas, why despite the prescence of iron ore did they not smelt iron perhaps it never occured to them, iron smelting was believed to be discoved indepentendly at least three times in the old world, perhaps these were accidents and no such accident occured in the new world

so in answer to your question how can one degress and one progress so fast, most likely through chance

No. 1953947

File: 1705010015014.jpg (384.76 KB, 800x1483, British.coalfields.19th.centur…)

i would also like to add for some it was over before it even begun
depending on where you found your civilisation you may lack certain natural resources required for the advancement of your civilisation
they say britian's advancement in the industrial revolution was down do the large amount of coal found in the country

some say this can even lead to imperialism such as the lack of resources in denmark and japan being a contributing factor to their establishment of empires, they didnt have the resources so they had to take them(posting 5 times in a row to derail with weapons grade autism)

No. 1954151

He has been obsessed with Smurfs since the dawn of time.
According to him,
Smurfs: Innocent peaceful mono-racial creatures living in the forest in harmony(aka: retvrn) and away from the “evil” civilization
Gargamel: Gargamel looks stereotypically Jewish, and he’s evil, so its easy to think he symbolizes the evil Jews who want to corrupt the peaceful Nordic race (again, this is Varg’s idea)
The cat: The cat is also portrayed as evil in the cartoon, which further solidifies Varg’s hatred of cats

The cartoon has all the elements for him to prove his warped ideas

No. 1954152

Nice summary anon, don’t forget he also thinks it’s okay to marry women as young as 16, and it’s okay to “impress them” (aka groom them) when they’re even younger. There are caps in the old threads from his old videos

No. 1954611

what a great post(encouraging derailing)

No. 1954644

File: 1705159633983.png (364.62 KB, 1920x714, julia's wellness tips.png)

What about Julia the golden one's wife ?
>Marie Cachet wannabe that seeths over childfree women calls them evil at heart kek
>sperges on tradtional northern european cooking while using potatoes and other non european ingredients wrote shitty cook books about it
>a proud vikingz pure race but has kids with dark hair lol
>Her husband is almost as delusional as varg taking roids, shooping his pics posing nearl naked for attention from other men online and calls himself the "Golden one".

No. 1954646

File: 1705159820191.png (1.24 MB, 1491x738, muh nordic potatoes.png)

No. 1954649

File: 1705159918030.png (1.03 MB, 1524x731, muh nordic elves.png)

She's also an autist

No. 1954650

File: 1705160084605.png (784.9 KB, 1920x686, autismhomebirth.png)

>I find it interesting how most women are OK with the extended and many times unnecessary hospital intimate examinations performed by unknown individuals in a white robe

No. 1954668

don't correct the brown, they don't like that(racebait)

No. 1954687

this is literally some womb tatto hentai breeding fetish stuff. i'm gonna throw up

No. 1954815

She and her husband were made fun of in the previous threads

No. 1954818

Where? i only saw them in the tradthots thread

No. 1954930

Yeah I remember Varg had some beef with The Golden One because of his gym addiction. Probably because skinny fat Varg seethes over the existence of a fit Nordic rival kek
His wife sounds a lot more sane compared to Marie tho. And her cooking looks much nicer lmao

No. 1954963

File: 1705236768986.jpg (101.46 KB, 946x1488, 1689364206983.jpg)

>His wife sounds a lot more sane compared to Marie tho
No she ain't. She made so many unhinged posts like this on her account only she didn't have an echo chamber like Marie and she got lots of hate only to freak out calling people anti-family freaks in several agressive stories and delete the posts later. She's just as mentally ill.

No. 1954970

File: 1705237440395.jpeg (131.67 KB, 768x1024, 1689373130624.jpeg)

>Probably because skinny fat Varg seethes over the existence of a fit Nordic rival
Him and his wife don't make their kids use a shit bucket with no doors so i'll give them that.
I hate varg's fat ass but is it really worth noting he's in good shape if it's fake ? he's a gear user and his balls must be tiny from all the roid and his body fucked up on the inside he also uses photoshop on a lot of his pics and is weirdly proportioned.

No. 1955054

>if women don't want children they're evil and should be left alone
then why are you and the other tards utterly incapable of leaving them alone? all you do is sperg about them and seethe at their lifestyle, looks, views etc each and every day. women like julia and marie are so fucking jealous of childfree career women they can't go a day without trying to convince their male following of how undesirable they are

No. 1955704

Oh nonna I was comparing her to Marie, I wasn’t saying she’s a girl boss feminist who supports other women kek. Since I am comparing her to Marie, the bar is pretty low, as long as she doesn’t shit in a dry toilet, force her seven kids to live in a moldy hut with heating problems and choose a deranged ex convict as their father.. she’s just an average racist, white suprematist lady without the autism and Marie’s pseudoscience based “facts” and advice. Her cooking looks a hundred times better than Marie’s sugar filled half baked cakes and she says it’s okay to give birth via c-section unlike Marie, who encourages her young impressionable followers to give unmedicated birth in a cave in the forest like a true Neanderthal.

Unfortunately millions of daughters around the world have to grow up with racist and misogynistic families and have to figure out how to undo the long term effects of internalized misogyny. But her kids seem to be living in way better conditions compared to the other couple’s kids and they probably aren’t bred to be autistic on purpose..

No. 1955705

True but it’s still fun to watch Varg seethe over the Golden one because Varg is a fatty who ages in dog years

No. 1955719

File: 1705402825332.png (877.42 KB, 498x2048, welfare queen varg.png)

three things varg specifically loves to sperg and brag about: not being a wage slave, being "debt free", and not being on welfare. while the first is most likely true based on the amount of tweets he has time to post every day, the second is an outright lie and the third is highly dubious. they rent their house so they have to get rent money somehow, and government gibs honestly seems most likely since their books are only selling to like a 100 autists worldwide. also having 7 kids has got to make them eligible for some sort of payment from the state. and i don't see how they could be allowed to homeschool for so long without a steady income, but idk the rules for that in france.

No. 1955724

>Debt free
He has over 100 million nok(around 10million usd) debt in norway, thats why he escaped to live in a mud hut in france in the first place.

No. 1955725

Having a specific story tab on UTIs probably because her scrote can't wash himself. All that muscle must make it hard!

No. 1955727

maybe it could be bcs neurotic pickmes tend to shave and wash their pussy with all kinds of shit products everyday to stay "fresh" for their hubbies, and get chronic UTIs and yeast infections that way
>100 million NOK
nonna what? afaik it's 8 million NOK, so about 800k USD. although that's still a huge amount obviously and he's in debt for life. funny how he makes it sound in his tweet like he could get more free gibs if he stayed in norway. everything they own is in marie's name including burzum, he's obviously running from payment orders.

No. 1955733

He had to groom an autistic teenager when she was still in high school so that he can baby trap her and live a happy life together in a moldy hut in France. Otherwise he had to pay his debt in Norway.

No. 1955744

How the fuck did he rack up that much debt? What was he buying?
He’s definitely on welfare and they definitely get money for their kids from the government. However I believe Marie’s family are quite wealthy and they also sponge off them, Varg is an extreme user.
This. A lot of retvrntards don’t believe in ‘eebil carcinogenic jooish chemical body washes’ so they end up using all kinds of weird home remedy concoctions and non-sterile herbal shit to scrub their cooch and end up getting bacterial or fungal infections because they keep sticking spoonfuls of rosemary infused yogurt up there or whatever.
By that logic moids were M A D E to die in some intertribal chimp war before the age of 25. Appeal to nature fallacies are sure sign of a moron.

No. 1955745

The Tocharians were overwhelmingly R1A which is a distinctly Slavic blood group and found mostly in Eastern Europeans and Russians.(trying to revive autistic derail)

No. 1955747

didnt know indians were slavs as well(derailing)

No. 1955750

The R1A in North Indians comes partly from Aryans (who were almost all R1A-Z93) and also Scythian and Tocharian refugees who were chased out of north west China around 2000 years ago and settled in the Hindu Kush.

No. 1955751

I'm guessing the debt is to the gubment for burning down cultural heritage sites.

No. 1955752

File: 1705410161408.jpeg (702.06 KB, 773x1401, AD846796-53C0-49FA-92B2-94C609…)

These people have the oldest confirmed DNA presence of R1A.(derailing)

No. 1955784

File: 1705417673613.png (716.9 KB, 1688x726, no debt haturz.png)

>How the fuck did he rack up that much debt?
he was sentenced to pay damages for his church burnings in addition to the murder of euronymous. did some lurking, picrel confirms he left norway to escape debt collection. debt free and so successful kek. i'm convinced he makes 0 dollars from burzum anymore, otherwise he wouldn't be living in squalor and shitting out clickbait books milking his black metal fame after disowning it all for years.
>However I believe Marie’s family are quite wealthy and they also sponge off them, Varg is an extreme user.
varg's mom bought him and marie a house where they lived for a while after he was first released from prison. they might actually get money from his family. no way to know for sure though.

No. 1955815

File: 1705420620599.jpg (64.9 KB, 720x212, Screenshot_20240116_165312_Chr…)

He never paid any of it off, so his debt just kept increasing every week by millions. In 2013 it was estimated to be over 100 millions, probably an even more obscene amount now

No. 1955818

>i'm convinced he makes 0 dollars from burzum
Probably, even the most famous BM bands never earned millions, Burzum is persona non grata on all streaming sites, and people who like the music but don't want to support Varg just listen to it on YouTube, I've never heard of anybody owning Burzum records.

No. 1955847

File: 1705426738220.png (28.36 KB, 1137x377, millions.png)

according to the guy in that article, you are right about 100 million NOK. but there are a lot of different claims from various news sources from around the same time, so it's hard to tell what the exact number is. it's still high as fuck though no matter who's right.
i listened to the video in the article from your pic, with the journalist who interviewed varg in prison in 2004. apparently varg had said he just laughed when he received the bills in the mail (gotta stay edgy) so the debt just continued to increase, and he moved to the bumfuck countryside in france to try and hide kek.
i wonder if his debt is going to affect his kids or other family members once he dies? maybe his family is paying it off for him. his mother is the biggest simp and boymom ever so it wouldn't be surprising.
>paid 100k NOK to a group of neonazis who were going to help varg escape prison in the late 90s and then had to quit her job and move to oslo because she was arrested over this, due to police discovering said nazi group was planning several terrorist attacks (later the case against her was dropped and she was paid reparations, but only cause their terrorist plans never came to fruition, she did still pay them to free varg lmfao)
>paid to have his first bullshit manifesto (vargsmål) published/printed
>bought him a house in telemark for 1,9 million NOK in 2006 where he could comfortably go on parole and eventually live with marie upon prison release
>cried to the norwegian news about how the criminal justice system was abyoosing poor varg when he was denied early release from prison in 2008, even threatening to sue them

No. 1955854

also forgot to mention
>used to drive from oslo to telemark (4 hour drive) every other weekend to visit and help varg and marie at the house she bought them when they lived there
so honorable and self sufficient of them! kek

No. 1955860

Are there any Burzum fans left who support Varg? I feel like his fellow Nazi cows are his only supporters left. All the people who actually like the music view him as an embarrassment.

No. 1955912

the most flattering opinion is usually a metalhead who thinks he's funny or entertaining. by far most are more along the lines of "he made good music once, but fuck him." it's hard to find anyone who won't jump to make it clear they don't support him.

No. 1955928

I've seen people with Burzum patches on their battle jackets but hopefully it was out of love for the (genuinely good) first albums and not for being Varg fans.

No. 1955937

you can’t inherit debt in Norway—the debt would die with him

No. 1955966

Yes you inherit debt if you want to inherit other assets as well. However you can refrain from inheriting anything, in that case, yes it dies with you, but so does everything else you owned.

No. 1955989

File: 1705456591524.jpeg (455.74 KB, 1125x1881, IMG_3280.jpeg)

varg going on an unhinged rant about germany earlier today and making some weird unsettling comments about worshipping swedes 1/3

No. 1955990

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No. 1955991

File: 1705456732458.jpeg (317.99 KB, 1125x1288, IMG_3282.jpeg)

No. 1956007

File: 1705460691657.jpg (38.2 KB, 612x237, 23266.jpg)

I wondered what could possibly have made him leave his mud hut then I realized he's rambling about something that happened 10 years ago.

No. 1956058

The only Varg and Burzum supporters are turbo neo nazi autists who got money to spare for merch and books and there are few anyway. Generally, Varg is a meme in the metalhead community and no one besides autists takes him seriously. Burzum was good only until '96 kek

No. 1956075

Damn the kids would have to go without a 1992 Lada and size S military surplus camo. Hard choice.

No. 1956106

>Married trad husband still openly lusting after teenage cashiers
I feel bad for Marie

No. 1956126

I feel bad for Marie every time Varg shares some AI generated image of an actually beautiful blonde Nordic woman (of course they always look around 18) who looks model tier whereas Marie looks like a blonde Gypsy Rose Blanchett. This is what happens when you marry a 30 something scrote at 18

No. 1956143

File: 1705503311880.png (3.21 MB, 2256x2304, sweboo varg.png)

true. he's so obsessed with sweden and calling swedes the most beautiful and best people on earth etc. very strange behavior coming from a norwegian with a french wife and kids.

No. 1956212

True, older moids disgusting old microchimerisms will make you age like shit. All the based young looking older women always have toyboys and younger lovers.

No. 1956240

File: 1705517257046.jpeg (273.56 KB, 1125x1719, IMG_3322.jpeg)

more autism pride from varg. wife ofc goes in same category as car

No. 1956264

Germany hates you too Varg

No. 1956385

I doubt Varg has any property in Norway, though, and if he’s smart everything in France is in Marie’s name

No. 1956480


Right wing men try not to be low key homosexual challenge.. he WISHES he looked like that hahaha

No. 1956481

So Vrag is basically a parasite who leeches off women to escape debt and scrutiny. First his mommy, now his wifey. I doubt he actually loves any of these women.

No. 1956496

File: 1705590920066.jpeg (840.19 KB, 1125x2061, IMG_3341.jpeg)

more strange simping for swedes. you'd think he'd post like this about norwegians but nah kek

No. 1956502

Alzheimer's was proven to be contagious and it's simply a state of brain senescence. There is no way in hell other signs of aging aren't contagious as well. It's worth noting that at any chronological age, the average male is biologically older than the average woman. So he's older even if you have the same birth year.

I have NEVER seen a woman who fucks old moids and isn't aging at an accelerated rate.

No. 1956504

And remember, he's a white supremacist hero. This is what they promote while claiming to be the least degenerate and better than all normal-minded people.

No. 1956505

He’s always been an unemployable, antisocial loser who survives by parasiting off other people. He groomed Marie when she was in high school and clearly was after her family wealth. Such Aryan Viking muhskulinity kek

No. 1956506

Most Norwegians and Swedes I know talk shit about each other. Why is he such an obsessed Swedenboo? Those poor cashiers must’ve been so creeped out.

No. 1956521

It's hard for me to feel bad for Marie even though she was groomed and brainwashed into being an unattractive broodmare for some shitty scrote.
Her seething at beautiful women having a better quality of life than her is really telling, and she better hope her kids don't catch on to her and Varg's brand of crazy or else she may find herself as alone as those evil, childless feminists in old age all the same.

No. 1956530

File: 1705598921303.png (490.44 KB, 746x1042, tfw no guns to play with.png)

varg will never get over having his guns taken away and not being allowed to own weapons. he will have to be content with ordering his sons to make toy guns and play war with them kek. he claims to hate america and their culture but he acts like the stereotypical inbred, redneck, "don't tread on me" type freak himself.

No. 1956555

racists don't deserve any sort of sympathy, no matter how much mr. we wuz trve vikangz n shiet may have 'groomed' her. she's just as complicit as he is in propagating this stupid racist bullshit that keeps society in a chokehold, raising their kids to (hopefully in their minds) become hateful, uneducated retards who will gun down brown people on sight. if she wasn't already latently attracted to these ideas about muh superior white race and magical thuleans, she would have eventually left at some point because any somewhat intelligent woman would get tired of living in a shack with a man who does not do anything but sit up on the internet all day and whine. plus no woman who genuinely loves and values her children would want them eating shitty food and living in a dirty shack without running water, heat, and electricity. and even if she did leave him now, i think she would still go and shack up with another racist idiot because she's also a shitty person herself. so they can all go fuck themselves.

No. 1956613

File: 1705612057932.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1125x1899, IMG_3345.jpeg)

>only heroic men
ok murderer neonazi
>only stunningly beautiful women
based af nonna, fuck these retards

No. 1956619

I like how it's "heroic" men (socially constructed bullshit you can define however you want) but "stunningly beautiful women" (objective quality you can't gain). Fuggo moids stay trying to dodge being picked based on their genetics.

No. 1956630

File: 1705615336057.png (7.39 MB, 2800x2852, muh sons.png)

varg defending their cuckoo beliefs from accusations of them being too feminist kek. also is he insinuating that his kids won't inherit shit except for his oldest son? is that even legal?
it's also fucking ironic because according to his own doctrine, only beautiful perfect specimen males of the trve aryan race - one of which he considers himself to be - should be able to procreate kek. but he still can't help but give the game away with tweets like that.

No. 1956632

Funnily enough, this assurance of death is one of the reasons the Celts lost in combat against the Romans so often, because they wanted to die and receive all the rewards of the next world. so they weren't afraid of death, which led them to charge blindly into battle without tactics or armor. They were plenty scary to the Romans, but they also got slaughtered.
also Celtic afterlife was offered to everyone regardless of status, not just warriors.

No. 1956644

Yup turns out suicidal death cults aren’t really the best in war. You can’t have victors if they all died in battle.

No. 1956662

Not to mention, the children seem to grow up completely sheltered from the outside world, in the larping realm of their parents. Do they ever spend time with some other kids? How does Marie imagine their existence once they become adults? That they will stay on the "farm"? That they will never have a family on their own because they are incapable of relating to others or earning money?

No. 1956670

post no.5
contradicts what his wife posts, is he calling her retarded

No. 1956683

File: 1705623891731.jpeg (161.84 KB, 1125x795, IMG_3351.jpeg)

varg being a delusional narc (varc?)
i don't think she ever said something about what the placenta is, just about how other things are placenta kek. but i could be wrong. anyway she would never go against her precious hubby on any subject.

No. 1956695

>they will stay on the "farm"? That they will never have a family on their own because they are incapable of relating to others or earning money?
Most likely, yes. And with that, Varg's Über-Arÿan bloodline is extinguished within a generation.

No. 1956704



>bald, fat & butt ugly
>lives in a shack in the woods
>shits in a bucket

The cope is delicious.

No. 1956719

from about 10 yrs ago too. the aging cottage cheese retard doesnt realize hes revealing a lot about himself here, like how extremely bored he is. its also weird seeing him lust after trve europeans, I thought only white male american neo nazis do that.

No. 1956725

File: 1705630564049.jpeg (828.91 KB, 1089x1897, IMG_3356.jpeg)

varg is obsessed with the girls in his twitter cult. he also likes spamming AI art of waifus (preferbly swedes) for himself.

No. 1956726

File: 1705630621332.png (234.97 KB, 323x554, lWioZSQ.png)

same thing happens with a lot of Islamic forces, they just charge blindly and then all their able bodied men due in a s single battle.(derailing)

No. 1956744

>average Swedish woman
Of course they all look 14, that’s Varg’s type.

No. 1956802

AI always generates good looking people no matter the race lmao varg is so fucking retarded

No. 1956805

Tinfoil but i think Varg has a porn addiction he always sperges on how he doesn't watch porn and how bad it is and moids are notorios for doing somehting then hating on it on social media

No. 1956816

Honestly, it's no tinfoil at this point. If he really was porn free, he wouldn't salivate over teen girls larping, encourage his autist audience grooming 16 year olds or AI generated shit, he would've worshipped the ground Marie walks on just because she ripped her vag 7 times to birth his spawn or at least not talk about her like cattle.(sage your shit)

No. 1956818

yup, they keep them completely sheltered from the outside world and have deliberately raised them in such a way where they know nothing outside of the shack and whatever propaganda varg and marie are pushing on them. they aren't getting a proper education since they don't want them going to a regular public school (too much race mixing), so they (being marie) homeschooled them with whatever dodgy methods she used. i don't think she was using school books or anything so there was always speculation and visual evidence people collected from their vlogs that showed the kids being pretty much illiterate morons who couldn't count nor read or write to save their lives. there was also speculation the only reason why marie vlogged as much as she did when the kids were younger was to keep the french government off their asses. they were afraid that the state would take their kids from them due to the conditions they were living in and the kids not being taught anything but the most basic arithmetic and rudimentary french and at one point i think they were pretty close to doing so. she wanted to make it seem like they were living some perfect, idyllic life in the countryside where they were baking bread in the sun and the kids got to play in the field and stuff.

and i remember in the past varg bragging about taking the boys target practicing or something similar so that they could practice killing black people. it's been a while but i believe he had even taken photos of this and said he was preparing them for the race war that all these white supremacists are so desperate see come to fruition. and i also remember marie being way, way more openly bigoted than she is now. she covers up a lot of her beliefs with all this woo woo placenta cult shit.

No. 1956823

I'm afraid that both Varg and Marie, being the autits and covert degenerates that they are, will do anything to keep the "muh aryan geneticz" alive. My few theories are either Varg will give the daughters away to some of his pedo placenta cultists the moment they hit 16 (that's when women have value to him - between ages 16-20) or let their kids have other inbred kids and call that a trve aryan trait or the happiest theory is to let their guard down and let the kids see the real world after they might realize they fucked up their eldest kid, the others are fairly small still (which I hope, but I highly doubt they will ever realize that)(sage your shit)

No. 1956827

I think you're being a bit too dramatic about this. Marie said she brought her kids to the park so they could play with other children (I think it was posted in previous threads). Ofc it's not much but they're not completely isolated from the rest of the world. But I don't think they had any time to develop any long lasting friendships with other kids.

No. 1956828

I remember Varg defending first kin inbreeding because apparently that’s how the initially very rare and recessive blue eyes trait became dominant in European populations (recessive genes are more likely to manifest when two carriers inbreed). Inbreeding is based and trad when white people do it.

No. 1956830

I feel like Varg is too egotistical to give his daughters away to other men tbh. I feel like he will do something gross like try to impregnate his own daughters tbh. He sees them as submissive little broodmares who exist to pop out babies, and they look a lot like Marie. He also doesn’t have many blonde blue eyed girls lining up to suck him off and rape and polygamy and all that shit is trad for whites because Vikings did it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he sexually abuses them, even though I can’t prove it.

No. 1956841

i apologize if i came off as dramatic, that wasn’t my intention.

No. 1956847

It's still not something significant and changing their situation because, as you mentioned, they didn't make any friends, they don't interact with other children daily and face other world-views. And this trip to the park applies only to the young children.

No. 1956857

>rape and polygamy and all that shit is trad for whites because Vikings did it
Anon, I don't think anyone outside of the placentaverse thinks this.

No. 1956862

File: 1705671837551.png (5.43 MB, 2240x2596, trve targaryen mindset.png)

caps? that's fucking disgusting. he does post a lot of weird shit about family and how that's the only "real tribe" etc. unhealthy and weird for sure.

No. 1956880

I don't want to think of varg hurting his kids, but its a depressing inevitability with hillbilly couples isolating themselves from the rest of the word. they can dress it up as much as they can, but at the end of the day they are redneck hillbillies with sicko beliefs who had kids to raise a cult.

>they aren't getting a proper education since they don't want them going to a regular public school (too much race mixing), so they (being marie) homeschooled them with whatever dodgy methods she used. i don't think she was using school books or anything so there was always speculation and visual evidence people collected from their vlogs that showed the kids being pretty much illiterate morons who couldn't count nor read or write to save their lives.

this is extremely depressing. if they ever escape their parents and intergrate into society, it needs to happen sooner rather than later. kids can heal quicker from broken families

No. 1956888

>I feel like he will do something gross like try to impregnate his own daughters tbh.
I didn't think about it since I thought that maybe, Varg has some sort of moral compass left in him especially regarding his children. I hope he dies from heart failure or Marie's parents rescue the children somehow before the girls hit puberty. And no matter how much Marie puts the mama bear persona, she will agree with Varg's degeneracy, it's depressing and bleak to think about their future.(sage your shit)

No. 1956927

Once they reach a certain age I’m sure Varg and Maria will try to put them on French disability neetbucks, it’s the only way they can live. Its impossible for all 9 of them to live under the same roof once once at least half the kids are over 16-17. They either need a bigger house or the kids need to start leaving and forging their own path and I don’t see Varg allowing that, based on everything he’s ever said he wants them to continue to all live together in some fantasy LARP autistic communal Viking longhouse. I think this what will finally fuck them over. The government will for sure investigate why all 7 kids of the same family need some form of disability neetbucks and can’t even go out and get job working part time as a cashier at Aldi’s . Their lifestyle is totally unsustainable without their kids working and their kids can’t work without being exposed to outside influences (especially the kinds of working class jobs they can actually get with the shit tier education Maria gave them) so I’m sure the conclusion that they came to a long time ago is that their kids shouldn’t ever work and the free gibbs will just come forever no questions asked. It’s extremely funny to me that their problems are the exact same problems the Hasidic Jews have.

No. 1957043

File: 1705705455925.jpeg (35.98 KB, 316x382, IMG_3956.jpeg)

Kanye wore this and posted a pic of his wife wearing another burzum shirt on instagram a few days ago, I wanna see how he’ll react kek

No. 1957045

Theres vivid witness accounts of viking men trading in captured female slaves and raping them in front of people.

No. 1957046

Varg will probably have a bitchfit lol. Kanye is funny, I appreciate him trolling chuds and confusing/forcing racist right wingers to accept him into their spaces because he is da based joo hater.

No. 1957048

I wonder if the creators of AI predicted that their technology would end up being used almost exclusively by hoteps, snowteps and porn addicts.

No. 1957084

The worst is that they could all earn a living by some work on the farm and without abandoning their lifestyle — sell food produced by them, make folk crafts, furniture, jewellery. So much potential with their followers, completely unused because they are lazy. I hope the children can at least use a computer so that they can learn something on their own or set up an online store

No. 1957133

i wonder sometimes if it’s laziness or an actual lack of talent at doing traditional stuff like woodworking, gardening/farming. i know their eldest was building those little toy cars at one point but other than that, they don’t seem to do much else. i went through the old threads and blogs yesterday for fun and i had forgotten how hypocritical they all are. i mean the biggest hypocrisy is even using the internet at all when you claim to be a pro-natvre econazi. but also all the processed foods and refined sugar they eat (the infamous kit kat cake) since they shop at a grocery store like a normal family instead of trying to work their land. maybe it was just never discussed but i never really saw them talking about gardening a lot, planting vegetables or buying fruit trees. they never really talked about raising and slaughtering a cow or a pig for meat (varg just bragged about stomping on a baby goose because tee hee animal abuse). they had those hens but idk if they ever got any decent eggs out of them or even ended up cooking them. i know i shouldn’t be surprised as this is pretty par for the course with white supremacists, but for people who claim they want to prepare for the inevitable collapse of society and preaching about returning to nature because wypipo are supposedly closer to the gods and shit, they really had nothing to show for it. i never saw much from marie about teaching the girls things like sewing or knitting, and they kept trying to make their eldest son into some gallant knight but he always looked uncomfortable, shy and posed in their photographs. not to mention that while they were constantly ragging on the government for letting in migrants, they were presumably living on the dole themselves. idk as usual it’s just a lot of hot air and blowing smoke pretending there’s a fire.

No. 1957235

Yes they did.

No. 1957236

File: 1705752663170.jpeg (638.92 KB, 1125x1140, IMG_3367.jpeg)

varg back at it with the truck pictures
they do keep more animals now, they have goats that they milk and butcher, and a shit ton of rabbits for meat that they keep like seven of in each of many small cages (maybe this is standard procedure for keeping meat rabbits but i feel bad for them). and they do harvest some veggies and stuff, a lot of wild plants as well with some dubious edibility kek. they also have a horse for their kids to larp with. you can watch her vlogs where she tours the uwu homestead.

No. 1957239

I don't believe in having a talent, especially with skill and knowledge based skills like farming or woodworking. Some might be better at it than others, but those used to be necessary skills without which one would perish. If they can't learn by themselves with books and such, then they could try working on someone's farm through sites like "workaway". If their house wasn't so awful they could even invite guests themselves and have this little pagan village. They seemingly have enough money to travel to Sweden through Germany, but can't buy tools and materials to build a toilet. Their animal shelters look sad too, like they were made from scraps and are about to collapse.
> i never really saw them talking about gardening a lot, planting vegetables or buying fruit trees. they never really talked about raising and slaughtering a cow or a pig for meat
Marie showed their "7 years old permaculture", but to me, it looks like an old, natural countryside garden. There was also a video where she is butchering a goat and she also makes some goat cheese.

No. 1957248

Kek this is so unreal

His autistic fans had bullied his eldest daughter from another woman out of the music industry. She wasn’t making metal music so the comments under her music videos were full of deranged Burzum fans who would compare her to her biological father and insinuate that her work is inferior. She deleted everything and disapperead. Imagine having a nazi scrote as a bio father who abandoned you and then people not having an ounce of empathy taking his side.

I hope this does not happen but the way he openly talks about 16 year old girls being “women” is disgusting and concerning. It wouldn’t be the first time a groomer getting attracted to his daughter tho.. I sincerely hope he has some moral compass left in him. But I expect them to heavily post pics of their daughters once they hit 16 to show off their blonde Viking genetics to the world

No. 1957258

Both him and Marie are spoilt firstie city slickers pretending to be rural retvrn to natvre survivalists. They’re all fat lazy sugar addicted poser garbage.

No. 1957266


This def isn’t enough to make money off of farming in any real way to sustain themselves. I know a few small private owned farms that I shop from and it’s all-life consuming job that you have to be on the clock for 24/7, no stupid hobbies, writing nonsense books about she-bears, rpgs, twitter beefs, etc. You need an insane work ethic to get up at 3am in the morning in the dead of the winter in subzero temperatures to spend hours awake and outside just b/c one of your animals is sick. Having some pet egg chickens and rabbits is not farming. Your upwardly mobile middle aged hipster couple have multi-level chicken coops in middle of places like Manhattan and LA, and they probably get more eggs out of them than Varg and Maria.

No. 1957275

he loves to praise Scandinavian people, but married and had children with a French girl who looks nothing like those AI images, besides her blue eyes and lightened blond hair (which are also quite unusual for that nation). Seems like he told her these are just "idealistic white women", proving in the process they aren't as fair and beautiful as he claims and that it's all a fantasy. I hope the children won't have some inferiority complex

No. 1957291

File: 1705761252937.png (411.61 KB, 744x1110, kanye burzum collab when.png)

megakek. this is especially funny because it directly contradicts some of the first things he wrote in his new book: that bands like emperor were completely unoriginal posers who were totally just ripping off burzum and darkthrone and that the real trve kvlt (basically just him) hated bands like that. despite the fact that they were literally in the same scene at the same time and even partook in church burnings with varg etc. lmao

No. 1957303

varg and maria will forever be posers because they cant put down their phones. if they really applied themselves they all would be in better physical shape lol

No. 1957360

i am aware she has a vlog channel anon, but thank you for letting me know she stills posts as i am surprised the youtube censorship bots haven't flagged them for "misinformation" since they get on people now for seemingly everything these days. it's been years since i looked into these threads or the lives of these racist clowns as i got tired of reading all the bigotry from them and their much more openly hateful orbiters, but it's been a nice trip otherwise. i forgot how unintentionally funny they all were.

it looked the same to me when i was following them more closely years ago. i knew they had some sort of smaller animal that she had made about a big deal about killing, but couldn't remember if it was a goat or something else like a pig or maybe some of those geese varg was gleefully curb stomping in front of the kids. i am surprised they've been able to keep the horse for as long as they have, but it's france so it isn't that expensive to have one here.

>those used to be necessary skills without which one would perish.

yeah i know, i just said talent because varg himself does nothing but twerk his ass like a sped and pose in front of that stupid truck he loves so much despite supposedly being so speshul due to his whiteness. according to his logic, he should be able to just look at a table and make it into some beautiful dining room set and his kids should have known the nibelung by heart from the moment they could walk. of course they're none of these things.

kek i couldn't have said it better myself. it's so obvious as well when you know the history with marie and how she inherited the permashack.

i also get the vibe he may try bonking them, which along with the bigotry, was one of the reasons i stopped following these people. with the way france is at the moment, there is no way he is going to allow them to marry outside of the shack. it's too multicultural here, too many "mixed race" gauls running around with olive skin and dark eyes for his liking. and there's too much of a risk of them marrying someone who isn't white. they'll probably try to get their eldest son to hook up with some girl, presumably in the hopes he'll find someone with more money than him, but then again, that would require the boy leaving the shack and i don't see how he would be able to do that without varg or marie breathing down his neck. i always wondered what kind of future they anticipated their kids might have, whether or not they just would all live together or if they were preparing for them to leave at some point. it isn't 1448 anymore.

No. 1957371

The way they treat their kids outlines their hypocrisy again. They're supposed to be 'wild, free and autistic' kek but can't leave the mud hut because they might run into someone with brown eyes. Their oldest kid is almost 18, what a terrible sheltered life.

No. 1957512

He’s also a psychopathic neo Nazi murderer who spent most of his adult life in jail and is constantly in trouble with the law. He abandoned his first child and publicly called her his “teenage mistake.” He openly expresses pedophilic beliefs. There’s zero chance any of those kids are being raised in a safe environment and not experiencing any form abuse or neglect.

No. 1957515

They’re living off Marie’s parents (who’ve probably written off Varg and Marie as lost causes and just want their grandchildren to survive) and gibsmedats from da evil Jooish French government. They’d be dead in the woods by now if they didn’t have 7 little welfare cash cows.

I knew he’d wk Kanye, he’s still an attention whoring cow who’ll sell his beliefs out for a shred of clout.

No. 1957599

This. People need to stop acting like Varg is just this funny harmless old man memelord. He’s a murderer who supports pedo shit and inbreeding. Why do some nonas think pedophilia or incest is out of bounds for him, why do they think it would be too much of a reach for a guy who’s literally stabbed someone to death before? A criminal psychopath scumbag is a scumbag, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in many different ways. Someone who will murder another person impulsively can absolutely be capable of raping or abusing their own children.

No. 1957620

The fact that some of the girls are post-pubescent and there’s no bathroom door is a huge red flag, even if he didn’t openly sexualize girls that age. At the very least there are no appropriate privacy boundaries in that family. I can’t believe nonnas would put anything past this sick fuck when he’s a proud murderer & cannibal. If his country didn’t have a bleeding heart liberal prison system that coddles terrorists, he’d still be rotting in a hole where he belongs.

No. 1957648

This is the only positive thing this neanderthal has ever said about a homo sapien!

No. 1957714

To be fair, he said "this is a result of my teenage mistake", not that she is a mistake, because he knows she might be his most successful child, and I bet his ego suffers because he contributed nothing. I can't find it now, but in 92 or so, he spoke about her mother positively and praised her because she was a Norwegian highlander who wore folk dresses and played the fiddle. He called their "relationship" a mistake because she didn't want to associate with a Nazi murderer and dumped him

No. 1957716

This is even more unreal. I expected him to have a meltdown over a black man wearing a Burzum t-shirt but Varg is known for enjoying the clout so..

I love the truck pics kek.. the baldness, the delusion, the thin line between narcissism and trolling, the “I still have biceps” pose, the bizarre difference between the Nordic AI Gods he shares on twitter and the reality, his puffy little feet..

This, and honestly seven (and possibly more in the future) kids growing up in a cramped space, mixed genders.. even if Varg just leaves it at oversharing his daughters on social media that living space will soon not be adequate for seven growing children. The eldest kids already build a hut for himself

No. 1957717

Also she was a bit older than Vrag if I’m not mistaken. It’s much harder to manipulate someone who is the same age as you or older. That’s why he jumped onto the opportunity when Marie contacted him while in prison. She was still in high school.

No. 1957718

it really isn’t that surprising. white supremacists get along very well with crazy hoteps since they all hate jooz and base their entire personalities around trolling npcs for fun. plus who wants to turn down an opportunity for braindead ye fans to buy burzum t shirts, thinking they’re cool? that’s just more money in varg’s (and kanye’s) pockets. maybe now he will be able to afford a real flush toilet.

No. 1957760

I’m sorry but what difference does that make? It’s a completely fucked up way to refer to your adult child regardless, especially since his retarded followers attacked her afterward for collaborating with a black guy. He’s a terrible excuse for a “father” to all 8 of his children.

No. 1957765

A collab between them would be the ultimate cow crossover. They really have a lot in common between being irrelevant musical has-beens, deadbeat dads and hating da jooz. Hell, if Varg kisses Ye’s ass hard enough he might finally be able to afford a bathroom door kek

No. 1957880

The irony that their names are literally Christian and Marie kek random but it makes me giggle because they´re not Odin and Frigg

No. 1957917

File: 1705870638848.jpeg (823.77 KB, 1125x1329, IMG_3381.jpeg)

kek yeah he's still seething at this fact. some of his superior trve viking baby name suggestions:

No. 1957930

Those look Romanised as feck, shouldn't they be in runes? Kek

No. 1958001

I am not denying he was awful, I just meant he must be bitter about losing them, never got over it, and will never admit it. Once he realized people call her beautiful, he embraced abandoning them, and tried to brag about her while simultaneously being condescending and avoiding saying anything positive (typical for him).
His fans made fun of him for being such a useless father that she is now dealing with black guys and is a feminist. He was so embarrassed he had to say he saw her just three times, and it's the fault of the mother or the prison, even though he conceived her three years before the murder.

No. 1958009

his mom also said in an article that rebecka used to come visit varg and marie a lot when they lived in norway.

No. 1958048


Does anyone have more info on Marie’s parents role in the kids? Do they at least put down ultimatums like “I’ll give you this money but the kids have to at least go to some rural homeschool sports group so they aren’t totally socially retarded” . For those farmers saying Varg is going to molest their daughters: their sons are probably going to cross that finish line first since they never go anywhere or see other people outside their family. Really question how a 17/18 year old boy is still voluntarily at home not trying to leave the nest and meet girls; maybe he’s already having sex with a sister. Absolutely bleak but I’m only repeating what you see on the news with other weirdo families like this, like the Duggars.

No. 1958122

You’re probably right nona, sadly. The girls always look pretty unhappy and uncomfortable and it’s clear the boys are favored more in the family. Couple that with not having friends or dating and it’s likely some kind of molestation will be going on with the brothers and sisters, you know what horny tween moids are like.

No. 1958181

I hope he is too timid for that tbh. He is obese and his hormones might be too messed up to feel attraction and be interested in girls. Boys his age often want to explore, have some responsibility, and achieve things. It's especially weird he is so sedentary considering Varg tried to groom his boys to be "warriors".
All the children look uncomfortable to me, besides the very young ones.

No. 1958195

he’s probably depressed as fuck living with two overly controlling parents who are likely yapping all day about how he needs to be a vikang warrior kun and stay away from non-white people. and of course he’s probably sick of them making him pose on their horse with a sword so they can kiki on twitter with their followers and gas themselves up about how he’s totally going to be the next sir galahad despite him being visibly uncomfortable. i wouldn’t be surprised if he hides from them most days, hoping they won’t make him climb through holes or wear chainmail for their cosplay fantasies. i’ve always got the vibe that he’s just naturally more quiet and they terrorize him about being more “masculine” and outgoing like a lot of shitty parents do, racist or not, when they have introverted kids. they’ve always made a big deal about propping him up and i know he’s the oldest so naturally he would get the most attention, but it also seems like they’re trying to force him to be something he isn’t.

No. 1958217

yeah it's also quite funny he'd post this considering he and his ex named their first child rebekka, literally a hebrew name from the old testament kek

No. 1958225

File: 1705941929662.jpg (76.25 KB, 736x736, rebekka.jpg)

This is so fucking sad …poor girl. Varg can't handle the fact that the child that looks like him the most wants nothing to do with him what a piece of shit

No. 1958228

File: 1705942369519.jpg (119.31 KB, 1097x1200, GDR2LIsWQAA7zmz.jpg)

He's not even trying to be subtle about the nazi shit

No. 1958229

Never understood why wignats praise Hitler so much. He killed more blue eyed and blonde/white people than anyone else in history tbh and is responsible for culling 90% of the Chads in Europe pretty much.

No. 1958237

To them, Hitler=white supremacy, therefore good. Like toting a brand or label, he's some sort of "icon"; it reminds me of people who think they have to decorate their rooms in tacky pastel pink everything to have the ultimate feminine/princess aesthetic (kind of a shitty analogy but I hope somehow my point came through). It's so fucking cliché and shows that their ideology is based on shallow unga bunga tribal logic. They don't know what they stand for, they can't think outside the box, might as well try and make themselves feel special and exclusive through their basic white heritage since they can't be arsed to make any notable achievements in their lives otherwise.

No. 1958257

>Science girl kek
>who you´ve met
Varg: Hitler. Dude, did you meet him?!

No. 1958271

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one of their yes men/placenta cultists reiterating varg's funniest take. they really have no idea what autism even is.

No. 1958274

I know he is seething over the fact that none of his kids with marie look anything like him

No. 1958299

Something like half of all autistic people have an intellectual disability, but ok.

No. 1958319

The oldest boy literally built a hut out in the woods to get away from them. If he was normal he'd probably just tell Varg & Marie to fuck off and leave, but he's too autistic & sheltered and has no contacts in the outside world to escape or build a life for himself. The whole situation is going to end in disaster once the kids get old enough to realize how much their parents stunted them and screwed them out of any type of normal lives. Even fundie Christian cultists like the Duggars at least expose their children to other church members so they can date and socialize with their peers. This is way worse.

No. 1958352

I know he is a neonazi and therefore irredeemably stupid, but I cannot wrap my mind around how a person could genuinely believe something like this

No. 1958373

this is probably the most pathetic cope ive seen for nerdy ass white supremacists lmao

No. 1958477

File: 1706005134409.jpeg (457.32 KB, 1125x1839, IMG_3398.jpeg)

varg working on self publishing more of his narc fanfiction

No. 1958479

How does having a condition that maked you unable to function in a tribe more primal? "Undomesticated" people back in the day had to rely on cooperation and communication to survive, they couldn't go buy prefab slop on the supermarked or e-beg for money.

No. 1958480

I don’t remember anyone posting this on the old threads so I’ve found an interview with Varg’s mom: Inger Helene Bore. She alludes that Varg didn’t want to work or study around the time he committed Arson in Norway.

>> Rough translation:The reporter starts with saying that Varg was bright and popular until middle school, described as a warm and friendly boy. "Very bright musically" as his mother describe him, warm and good to his little daughter. But the young boy Kristian changed, got into black metal and ocultism, and took the name Varg. After that, his history is known. He is about to serve 21 years. His mom was home during her son's explanation in court. Varg didn't want his mom to hear him describe his crimes.

>> His mom is temporarily laid off, she struggles with the thoughs "how could my son end up as a murderer?" She continues "I've asked myself a thousand times how all this could happen, and why there wasn't any signs that he was about to become a criminal."

The reporter asks when the first signs was visible. "When he was arrested for the church burnings.That was the first sign. I was completely in shock. I could never imagine that he was doing such things. I thought it was a mistake" She believed him when he said that he didn't do it, even though he gave a interview where he said that he had burnt down Fantoft stave church.

>> "Even though he moved out, I still had much contact with him, he came to vist very other day" she say.

>> The next 10 years she must go to prison to visit him. "It's very heart-breaking, that he got maximum prison term. But I also understood it from the soceity's point of view, the necessity to mark that we don't want such in our soceity, neither me or others." The reporter asks what she has thought about everything, now in the aftermath. "Well, I still ask myself how all this could happen, how he has been able to do such criminal things without us understanding or seeing it at all" The reporter asks if she could have done anything differently. "Yeah, I've thought a lot about that of course. We tried to engage him to start school again. I also called him a lot to get him into work courses and such, but because he wasn't a drug user or a criminal, they didn't care to get him to courses. There wasn't any problem with him at that time, other that he didn't want to go to school or work. He wasn't a criminal before." The reporter asks what advice she would give other parents in similar situations. "In my situation, when your kid becomes very against the system and society a get negative thoughts, one should react. "

The interview is from 1994, so there is no information on whether he’s still in contact with his mother or not.

Both Marie and Varg seem to come from an upper middle class background and their families are educated people. It’s morbidly fascinating how a man with antisocial personality disorder and a girl with autism managed to ruin their lives progressively over the years despite a huge network of family help.

No. 1958481

Autism on the whole is just rebranding for 'retard'. Whole range of things reclassified as it and the disability image of things changed to hide their nature.(derailing)

No. 1958482


An interview with Varg when he was still in prison. He’s still the same insufferable person.

>> Were your parents horrified when they heard you had committed murder?

>> "Not really. The reactions my mother got from her friends was that I should be rewarded for killing that pig! She didn't like him at all."

Either he’s lying or the parents love their edgy little boy.

No. 1958484

File: 1706007919107.jpeg (266.02 KB, 1125x689, IMG_3401.jpeg)

this is new stuff to me nonna, thank you for sharing. as i've said before itt his mom is a huge simp for him but he seemingly hates his parents for being boomers and boomers = evil incarnate according to him

No. 1958486

You’re welcome nonna. He compares his wife to cars, what do you expect? He’s ungrateful and he’s a parasitic being who leeches off of the women in his life.

I also have this from when Varg and Marie were arrested and their rifles were confiscated:

Varg said Marie was pregnant at the time and his mother in law was helping with the kids. So 2013 is when the MIL was still in the picture but they tried to take custody of the children after the police broke into their home. From Varg’s point of view, it was pretty traumatizing for the kids, must have been a breaking point for the MIL too. Can’t believe Marie didn’t have a sudden realization of what she brought her kids into but I guess her brain works differently.

Anyway nonnas were asking if Marie’s family is still in his life, so I don’t have any proof that they are contributing financially to Varg and Marie at the moment.

No. 1958500

>Tweeting that you hate your parents
>At 40/50-something
How trad.

No. 1958503


>The oldest boy literally built a hut out in the woods to get away from them

i remember the hut he built, anon. that's what i was mentioning in my post…sorry i wasn't clear enough.

>the kids get old enough to realize how much their parents stunted them and screwed them

i think they've already started figuring that out, especially if they are still taking the youngest to the recreational center or going into town to pick up groceries and stuff.

>this is way worse

it really isn't, not to diminish what you're saying, but they're all on an equal level of shittiness when you think about it. trash families are trash families, whether they're wealthy christfags cosplaying for christ on tv or retarded white supremacists kung fu fighting orcs in the yard.

No. 1958504

I can´t comprehend what he is saying? Did his family more to Iraq when he was six???

No. 1958511

What happened to the older threads on this topic? I couldn't find them. I remember they talked about a lot of the european instagrammers like maimagai, manic moth, psychara, the buck tooth chick turned trad wife, etc

No. 1958525

You’d think they’d idolize someone who didn’t kill more white people than any other historical figure, didn’t brag about ‘sending 10,000 of my finest German men to die on the battlefield each day’ and didn’t lose. Just shows how retarded they are.

No. 1958526

"autistics" have excellent contact with other "autistics". straight to the point, immediate comradeship. if anything, it's neurotypicals building barriers that prevent open communication, from beating around the bush to playing machiavelli. neurotypicals invented small talk.
i find that in the west everyone who posesses similar personalities, often a person with hobbies and interests, gets the diagnosis.
so i can agree with him, but he doesn
i'm talking about people assigned to the "spectrum", not visibly retarded people.(bait)

No. 1958528

*but he doesnt phrase it well

No. 1958532

He's fucking lying to seem edgy and cool. After two threads that would be obvious it is a pattern.

No. 1958546

You mean the alcows thread? I think you can find milk on them there, probably a few threads back

No. 1958564

Autist trigger eachothers meltdown by flapping and screeching while being overstimulated by movement and sound. Sure, that works in a hunter gatherer community, cant hunt that mammoth bc timmy has to rock back and fouth in the corner of the tent bc suzy is flapping her hands.(derailing)

No. 1958642

There is a gay subculture of Varg stans on the /metal/ general on 4chan's /mu/.
They call themselves the "Burziboys".
Their leader is some Canadian schizophrenic named Winston that got caught trying to hire a Vietnamese ladyboy.(this is an imageboard & sage)

No. 1958644

Kek fucking ınceIpopper mindbroken through multiple sites(sage your shit)

No. 1958654

His parents are engineers and got some project/job and lived there for a while, I don't know how long. You can see a few pictures of him with his parents in the desert and such

No. 1958657

No. 1958701

File: 1706056472740.jpeg (75.29 KB, 918x617, 63C414A9-0439-4251-8FAD-C03326…)

The only people who seethe about boomers are mommy/daddy issues losers who are jealous because baby boomers lived through the most economically abundant and fun/free time in history.

Also Iraq was not anywhere near as dangerous or backwards as back then as it is now. The 1970s were a pretty prosperous time for Iraqis and 1980 is when Iraqi women were given the right to vote and run for office, and school and literacy programmes were enforced to get women educated. Pic rel is from Iraq in 1979, when Varg would have been there as a 6 year old.

No. 1958705

Thank you for finding them but I think
is right and I just mistook the two

No. 1958716

varg probably couldn't fit in because he's a major sperg who can't make friends or integrate anywhere normal, and being a foreigner was too much for him. look at him now in france, he's lived there for 10+ years and is still completely incapable of adapting.

No. 1958819

File: 1706089453117.jpg (92.63 KB, 1080x517, kek.jpg)

His replies are comedy and hypocrisy gold. Bold of him to say that that the world is so bad because of isolation (which in a way, it's not wrong) while at the same time isolates his kids from the world and surveils their every move because they can't run from that house.

No. 1958830

he was referring to norwegian prisons in thsi tweet. he was whining about how twamatizing it was to be in one. he should just be thankful he got to serve time in an "isolated" cushy norwegian prison instead of a brazilian one or something

No. 1958834

I think his problem was just that it's a country inhabited by Arabs or he is ignorant and believes ME was always unstable and dangerous. His experiences probably matched your description, but he would never reveal that

No. 1958843

His vargussy would have been obliterated within a week of staying in any American prison.

No. 1958858

File: 1706102648106.jpeg (150.44 KB, 537x662, IMG_1160.jpeg)

Marie, with her gnarly brown roots posted the following caption: (I cropped off the children from her image)

“Unpopular opinion.

I absolutely love having 7 kids. I absolutely love having a big family. Little blond heads everywhere, eager to learn.
And I am white.“

>> And I am white

What does that even supposed to mean kek

No. 1958859

>he was whining about how twamatizing it was to be in one
kek, soon after he was locked up, he said in an interview that it's like being in a hotel, then that the guards should have been more rough with him, and then that he had to fight for a meal and ominously said "I was never hugry"

No. 1958860

My bad, didn't pay attention that he was talking about prison in that tweet. Norwegian prisons look way better than student dorms and 2 star hotels from my country kek. Bet he was twamatized by the fact that he had to respect some bare minimum rules from there like waking up early and doing something productive, even his mom couldn't get his lazy ass to do something as stated in the video and translation >>1958480 shared.

No. 1958869

>What does that even supposed to mean kek
she means being "white" makes wanting a shit ton of kids an unpopular opinion because, you know, society wants to exterminate white people or whatever

No. 1958875

I don’t get it. Literally no one is stopping white men and women from having sex and making babies if they want to. How is their decision to not have kids some big conspiracy made by da joos or da browns.

No. 1958884


I think she means she is very speshul and not like the other girls because other white woman want to have yucky “careers” and “experiences” instead of a herd of kids. Figures her 50 year husband is an emotional tard- so is she. I wonder what they will do when the kids grow up, like when the youngest is at least 20+ old and isn’t cute anymore, kill herself so Varg can find another breeding sow?

No. 1958885

I think Varg will die of old age before Marie gets too old

No. 1959080

Married and multiparous women have severely reduced lifespans, especially those with old husbands. So she has a good chance of croaking before him, or becoming really sick.

No. 1959148

She works a lot physically, in the garden, with animals and children, it must take a toll on her, sadly. Meanwhile Varg has been sedentary all his life.

No. 1959227

Yep I understand that anon but her wording and choice of vocabulary is so awkward especially for someone who has been sperging on internet for the last 14 years about muh neanderthal ancestors. Her English skills plateaued long time ago despite her communicating within the placenta echo chamber mainly in English. I’m also ESL but the way her sentences are put together is hard to understand sometimes.
Which is a good thing for the general population I guess, the worse her English skills are the less impressionable teenage girls are recruited into the placenta cult.

No. 1959251

NTA but I believe it’s also been proven that each baby biological ages a woman’s body for 4-10 years each depending on the woman, lifestyle, and which baby it is, especially when you just have them over and over like Marie. She’s 35 but could easily be mistaken for 45 and that’s in the best case scenario. If you pretend her hair is gray she looks about 50-55. She and Varg are probably gonna die around the same time, in his 70s/her early 60s when their oldest kids are in their 30s, which gives them just enough to time to be disappointed by lack of grandkids lol

No. 1959365

Even without those studies you can assume it to be true due to disposable soma, which is true in virtually all sexually reproducing animals. Marie has the textbook definition of fast life history, no wonder she looks like shit.

No. 1959370

Anon I had the Google both of those terms and it was super interesting. Can you link to more information in this area of study?

No. 1959514

File: 1706227611407.jpg (276.63 KB, 1080x1615, book.jpg)

You know what nona, I can't really recommend you anything like a popsci book on the subject. If there is one I'd like to own it lmao. Disposable soma/antagonistic pleiotropy are completely radioactive in both academia and the longevity industry bubble, it's a bit weird. It's doubly radioactive to laypeople, which would explain the fact that there is a fun popsci book on absolutely everything except reproduction/longevity tradeoffs. Nobody likes the whole "you die because you reproduce" idea, even though it's something everyone begrudgingly admits is true over and over.

Intrinsic immortality has no evolutionary value - in fact, a recent study looking at the UK Biobank has found a gradual increase in prevalence of fast aging/fast reproducing phenotypes. This is completely logical and consistent with animal studies - all long living mutants are either infertile or uninterested in reproducing. Longevity is therefore typically self eliminating.

Pic related is the closest thing I can think of to a crash course on what ik talking about, even though it's pretty dated.(derailing)

No. 1959980

Those names sound like topical antifungal, kek

No. 1960028

Anything ending with -us/um screams Latin. Runes wouldn't change a thing

No. 1960321

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More simping for Kanye from Varg. Needless to say, Varg's audience is not having it

No. 1960322

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Acting clueless too besides him saying people with Kanye's complexion are subhuman on many occasions

No. 1960378

No, Nordic people’s reaction to everything is to play dumb tbh. They always do this. It’s like an annoying passive aggressive wordgame/psychological game that’s prevalent in all our countries. No idea how it started but if you talk to any more they’re always like that.

No. 1960591

Marie started uploading very frequently on YouTube. In English. Her fans are complimenting her poor English skills. If this is how she communicates in English after almost two decades with Varg, I can’t imagine how they spoke to each other on their first year.
She says the money from YouTube will go to her kids.

No. 1960616

File: 1706535518119.jpeg (488.79 KB, 1125x1679, IMG_3358.jpeg)

the way she pronounces varg is so funny and retarded. how can she be allowed to homeschool with those poor english skills? is english not a required subject in french schools?

No. 1960737

I dislike her, but weird thing to nitpic, she's a French speaker living in France.

No. 1960871

I used to think Varg knew French. It's so weird how the children and Marie talk to each other in French, considering they should be bilingual. Varg is an outsider in the family and the country.
She simply doesn't pronounce "R" because she has a strong French accent. She probably has a decent grasp of advanced text and grammar which is typical for an average high school student, Varg must be teaching them English anyway because it's his only way to communicate with them

No. 1960881

i think all their kids speak norwegian as well. at least you can sometimes hear the older kids speaking norwegian with varg or marie in some of their videos. really telling how marie learned norwegian to get with varg and live with him in norway but varg has lived in france for like 15 years now and still hasn't learned french. top tier nordic aryan 200 IQ though

No. 1960954

File: 1706636454054.jpeg (166.19 KB, 750x1150, 9A795D9D-7A88-4B9D-91ED-405D7C…)

Why is this faggot even married? What’s his role as a father or husband? He’s a useless leech. Doesn’t have a job. Doesn’t take care of the children. Doesn’t take care of his wife. All he does is openly thirst over women who are prettier than Marie on twitter and she just tolerates it like the pathetic doormat cuckquean she is.

No. 1960956

Not surprised in the least. He probably considers French a swarthy non European language and bans them from speaking it at home.

No. 1960972

Not Iceland? Or because they´re not technically European? How come he never speaks of them considering they even recognized Asatru as a religion.

No. 1960977

In France, speaking English, outside of necessary stuff like work or class, is mostly looked down upon. In many cities, if you try and speak English to a French person, they will shoo you away. They dont like speaking it and French nationalism is strong there, speaking English is seen as unpatriotic and most people don’t both to learn it at a decent level. Even though it’s taught in schools, most French peoples proficiency is nowhere near as good as Scandinavian peoples, who usually speak it fluently or near fluently. So given all that, her English really isn’t bad especially for a Frenchwoman.
t. Euro

No. 1960978

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No. 1960988

File: 1706645506496.png (47.17 KB, 612x467, IMG_3499.png)

okay. i guess that can vary between countries and education systems. if you look at their amazon book reviews a lot of the negative ones point out how the english is barely readable and very badly written, so however it works i just don't think either of them are fit to homeschool their kids in english, not to mention subjects like history which will needless to say be full on indoctrination and misinformation.
>Not Iceland? Or because they´re not technically European? How come he never speaks of them considering they even recognized Asatru as a religion
idk much of his specific opinions on iceland but varg has a huge hateboner for bjork, an icelandic person who he literally refuses to believe is icelandic and must be adopted kek.

No. 1961021

Modern day icelanders are technically the descendants of Viking raiders and their Celtic/British/Slavic slaves, a lot of Icelandic people who do 23andme get hits for England/Ireland in their results, maybe they are not pure enough by his standards? But then his own kids would qualify as low quality Celtoids. It’s hard to guesstimate the thought process of a cracked out terminally online autist but if I was a betting farmer I would put my money on something like that. Vikings also sold a lot of their white wimmin slaves to Arabs so maybe that’s a factor too, they were the original onlyfans manager kek

No. 1961047

I love how snowteps constantly change the goalposts to fit their racist bullshit. First only elite white people can write and spell correctly. Then being able to read and write is stupid and gay because TRVE ARYANS were illiterate nomads and didn’t need alphabets or a script. Like make up your fucking minds.

No. 1961414

More English fail from Marie. She just points out at some obscure trees the whole time instead of properly editing the video with simple graphics (arrows maybe?) that would make it much easier to understand which bush or tree she’s talking about.
Summary: “Many many trees.. eauu many many bushes, many many tomatoes I don’t know in English”

Anon, she wrote a book in English. She has been giving advice on how to live our lives for years on Twitter, in English. She has a foreigner husband with whom she supposedly communicates in English. She’s not some random countryside woman from France who has no business learning fluent English.

No. 1961416

He can’t speak French either kek
I wonder how these two communicate

No. 1961708


No. 1962351

>implying tradthot husbands talk to their wives

No. 1962891

varg created a tiktok account lmfao. so trad! his guitar playing is absolute dogshit

No. 1962932

He looks like a 60 year old hobo living in a mud hut and seconding that his playing is ass. What the actual fuck.
Marie lets this senile grandpa hit and then he has the nerve to post about prettier women on the internet LOL.

No. 1963005

It's crazy listening to this video because she sounds just like my aunt, same voice and accent and everything kek
But yeah I would say as far as English-speaking frogs go her accent is actually on the milder side. Weird that she sounds so out of breath though, all she's done is walk around slowly. You'd think someone who allegedly spends all of their time tending to a farm would have more stamina and decent fitness

No. 1963010

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A few choice comments from the TikTok comment section. No idea whether or not they are true (thinking it might not be true). The grammar is a bit weird but the general gist is that this person's grandma (or grandparents) lives near M and Mme Cachet's mud hut (cabane kek) and says that Varg is somewhere between social and withdrawn, Marie is very friendly and Varg helps her, Varg hunts often with grandpa
I wonder how Varg feels about all of the Brazilians and Latin Americans in his comment section kek

No. 1963081

That’s some milk anon thx
Who is grandpa?

No. 1963179

>English-speaking frogs
Gotta love it when Americans who can't even speak their own language properly let alone learn a second language and can't even find countries on the map call other people "frogs" for speaking english with an accent. Retarded americans are something else lol i'd like to see you try to pronounce anything in french without making a fool out of yourself tho(derailing)

No. 1963180

>Marie is very friendly and Varg helps her
Nah the comment was saying that Marie helped him "advance" not the other way around

No. 1963198

They also say their grandpa hunts with Varg too, wonder if Varg has to hunt with others or if he's actually able to do it himself. Given the state of his house I feel like the guy probably needs all the help he can get

No. 1963209

I am a frog myself, it’s not that deep. I would normally agree with you, though, but it was only a joke. I even said her English accent was very good for a Francophone.
I think you are right

No. 1963342

"Papie" is the commenter's grandfather who is neighbors with Varg and Marie

No. 1963598

I was also weirded out by how breathless she sounded just slowly walking around. Is she maybe still sick from blood loss during her pregnancies? I remember feeling breathless just walking around and turned out I was severely anemic.

No. 1963764

She had preeclampsia during some of her pregnancies. Maybe she still has some lingering health issues from that

No. 1965763

What sickens me most about their lifestyle is that their family is built on ideology rather than genuine love for each other. It's literally all they ever talk about. A cult to say the least. Either these kids are going to grow up to be as fucked up as them or hopefully find a way out, especially if any of them happen to be LGBT or something(sage your shit)

No. 1966436


Anon let’s be real, the whole family just lives a shitty quality of life, worse then the city dweller urbanites they constantly shit on who do fitnesses, eat healthy, sent their children to sports/dance, have teens who travel to see their friends and do teen stuff like walk around parks hunting Pokémon, who constantly walk/take public transport to engage in social life and do things etc. Despite living in the countryside they are basically all home bound and sedentary because they don’t do anything, don’t engage in society and have no where to go, when they do go somewhere they all get into a car. Because Marie and Varg collectively suffer from severe pathological narcissism, they’ve hamstered their crackhead theory that their fatness and laziness = real European health

No. 1968711

File: 1708605598217.jpeg (200.18 KB, 1080x1299, IMG_3671.jpeg)

i haven't been able to lurk since nitter died until now, anyway their oldest daughter has brown hair too kek and varg is so creepy

No. 1968726

Varg living in his own world and thinking that children baking and cooking is something special and a result of pagan homeschooling. And as always, extremely sad looking cakes. You can tell he posted that to show the world she will soon make a good trad wife and that he is raising her well, maybe he is trying to find her a husband through twitter

No. 1968739

Love the dig at >normie 12 year olds who all are just attention whores for the camera and social media

as if being self conscious and not wanting to be photographed isn't the norm for tweens, even ones who are normally socialized. But I guess that's hard to conceptualize for a man who loves to eyefuck the camera in his lil camo get ups.

No. 1968763

Given how a lot of trads, especially pagan trads, feel about what age a woman should be promised to a man at then it's not crazy to assume this is advertising. It's extremely weird that there are so many trads who make a big point out of women's submission then start talking about how their child daughters are trad. Very ugly aspect of their community

No. 1968818

That's clearly sandy blonde hair. It will however probably turn brown as she gets older.

No. 1968944

File: 1708646373708.jpeg (242.25 KB, 1080x1522, IMG_3675.jpeg)

they've hopped on the raw unpasturized dairy train kek
that's literally brown hair, keep coping though

No. 1968945

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No. 1968960

Posts like this make me feel kind of bad for her even though she’s a deranged Nazi cow. Seven kids and no physiotherapist or women’s health specialist to repair all the joint and pelvic floor damage, she’s probably in severe pain & incontinent all the time. But she’s stuck eating shit she finds in the woods for “relief” bc they have no healthcare and her lazy scrote is too busy licking Kanye’s balls and flirting with teenagers on Twitter to support his family. Tradthot pickmes stay losing in the saddest, most humiliating ways.

No. 1968961

It's fascinating that Marie chose this life. She was young and had a future. But nope living in poverty with an old man was better.

No. 1968964

Sometimes I can just see how American most here are by what they find problematic

No. 1968970

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she literally just admits all her "theories" or whatever are purely made up bullshit that comes to her from some schizo divine source/pulled out of her own ass
i'm literally swedish, don't be a crunchy retard. unpasturized milk is heavily regulated because it carries a shit ton of bacteria and should only be used for cooking with heat.

No. 1968974

there's a big difference from what you get fresh from your own cows or what you get in some bs health store or whatever kek

No. 1968978

that's just untrue since all unpasteurized milk can contain dangerous bacteria no matter the source. idk what kind of bumfuck shithole you live in but you should seriously consider reading up on these things before you become sick.

No. 1969062

Cows are dirty and wade around in their own poop all day nona. Yeah you can drink raw milk directly from the cow straight away but you’re basically gambling every time whether you’re going to get salmonella/e.coli or something each time, you might get lucky 10 times in a row and not get sick but there’s always a risk. I’m from a country where we milk our own animals and drink a ton of milk but we almost always boil it for tea or ferment it before drinking it.

No. 1969064

Imagine being such a snowflake that you think your kid baking cookies at age 12 is ‘trad’. Every kid does this Varg you fucking weirdo, even at a younger age.

No. 1969067

Oh and sheep/goats are even dirtier because their udders are closer to the mud and poop on the ground.

He’s definitely advertising her. Why bring up traddaughters in the same sentence as tradwives? Varg is probably looking for a paypig who will give him a dowry for his dead eyed aspie daughter because he’s a broke bitch lol.

I wonder how broke they must actually be when Marie can’t even go to a doctor in France for her health issues. Healthcare in France is generally very good and also somewhat subsidized by the government. I wonder if Varg actively stops her from going and has brainwashed her that all doctors are evil joos and that all she needs is some old berry tinctures to cure her necrotic hip bones.

No. 1969088

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i mean their mouldy ass house is literally falling apart so they must be at least relatively poor. otherwise i can't understand why they don't relocate to a bigger place for the kids' sake.

No. 1969092

>Healthcare in France is generally very good
No it isn't. A big chunk of it is refunded by the government, but in order to have access to it you need to actually find a doctor. There is a severe lack of doctors in France. You can (relatively) easily have access to overworked doctors in medical cabinets in cities, but if you live in the bumfuck of nowhere like Marie good luck to find a doctor near you.

Why are you so obsessed about this poor kid having brown hair when it's clearly dustry blonde? Why are you gatekeeping being blonde sor hard? Are you a nazi yourself?

No. 1969100

File: 1708681114574.png (1.68 MB, 720x2579, IMG_3686.png)

calm down. if you weren't a sperging newfag you'd know it's the nazis trying to redefine what blonde is to fit their own mouse brown hair because they would rather die than admit that they have brown hair and that it's okay, due to unhinged racism. being this pressed about it ironically just makes you sound like them.

No. 1969124

It's understandable given her personality. She had a hard time at school and doesn't like socializing. Living on a quiet farm with children was probably her dream life. She thought she will never meet the right guy, is impressionable, and Varg was extremely interested.

No. 1969131

What kind of big bad wolf and the three little pigs world do they live in that a gust of wind threatens the structural integrity of their shack? Real "masculinity" is not letting your family live in a hovel.

No. 1969152

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That's fine, Varg has the perfect solution for pelvic floor issues!

No. 1969175

i'm speechless

No. 1969178

File: 1708703268782.jpeg (6.89 KB, 340x148, download (12).jpeg)

I have always assumed that the hair color in the picture was dark blonde. Or 'dirty blonde' as you would call it where I am from. That is not brown hair. Anything above a level 6 hair shade would be blonde. That woman in the picture as well as Varg's daughter are clearly a level 7.(autistic nitpick)

No. 1969366

It doesn't matter. The point is that Varg is obsessed with white or golden blond haired "Nords", to the point of Marie dyeing her hair. Some of his children have darker hair and it's funny because his world falls apart

No. 1969638

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is he lurking the thread or what? i love how him and marie has to constantly spam pics of the kids' baby hair to try to prove the haters wrong.
>their kids: dad can you please stop being a nazi posting online 24/7 and build us one more bedroom instead?
>varg: WHY would i do THAT!? now go stand in the sun to look more white for the camera, i'm making a tiktok

No. 1969642

kek, he must be. If he read it on twitter then he wouldn't have said "on the internet"

No. 1969645

tbh i fully agree the daughters hair reads as blonde in my head and like a 6 or 7 on that scale but the reason it's funny is because it represents just how plain and mousy most natural blondes are. the vast majority of blondes are this 6 or 7 once they reach like age 10, but still have a big ego about when they were 3 and it was golden yellow. racist blond adults always seem to be coping because they know a darker richer color would be more attractive and it's never going to be pretty like it was when you were a little kid unless you dye it and they still double down and insist their genes are desirable deep down knowing deeper richer tones would look better and depicting themself as that fantasy(derailing)

No. 1969723

why is he and his ilk so triggered and retarded over brown fucking hair. Every time he and Marie post theres always this air of superiority, tinged with copium and general unhappiness. like theyre mainly convincing themselves this is an ok way to live. not to mention how bored and out of shape they are because a Real Man would be too busy fixing up the place than chasing dopamine on twitter.
like I don't think he understands how much he played himself with posting this. poor retarded family living in filth and squalor has a daughter that can make cookies that any kid can do but geriatric dad posts to the internet like this is a flex.

No. 1969729

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>why is he and his ilk so triggered and retarded over brown fucking hair
they can't handle the realization that their genetic makeup isn't 100000% "pure" nordic european stormcloak elf. that's why he loves to hate on DNA tests (clearly his 23andme results did not make him happy) and haplogroups and why he does a 180 on his blonde vs brown hair stance every other week.
what's funny is that even though he said that's his brown haired daughter in those pictures in his earlier tweets, to prove she's akshually blonde, she is literally not in those pictures. those are his younger children. so he just posted his other kids to try to deceive people kek. that's how mentally ill he is about this stuff. it also makes me think he resents his kids. i remember in one of the earlier threads someone pointed out how varg and marie don't post as many pictures of the older kids, because they are far from light blonde like the babies. well according to himself the more "swarthy" a sibling is the less trve nordic genes have been inherited, so it would make sense he favours some of his children over the others based on appearance.

No. 1969737

File: 1708827872196.png (420.67 KB, 683x794, trvueqt.PNG)

why didn't he try to bag an albino and produce some 110% nordic hyperborean elves, I mean you can't get less melanated than that

No. 1969745

File: 1708828558897.jpeg (920.65 KB, 871x1816, IMG_3709.jpeg)

he doesn't think albinos are "biologically european" yet at the same time thinks blonde/blue eyed jews are more european than italians or spaniards kek

No. 1969775

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I'm curious, what does he think about people like Tajiks or Uighurs, who also have these features on average? or the fact original Europeans were darker-skinned and the people who replaced them weren't blond-hiared barbarians either, but were closer to modern "swarthy" people who gradually became lighter-skinned naturally.

No. 1969777

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Sage for OT but I love it how all these people including Varg and Maria exclusively use photos of Russian models, or Russian looking AI waifus for their race sperg outs instead of actual (attractive) Scandinavian women like picrel

No. 1969785

All of the blonde and blue eyed sperging reminded me of this post and I wonder if it really is true.

No. 1969797

yeah and the women he posts who aren't AI often have obvious dyed or bleached hair

No. 1969798

the hovel looks so ancient, it's insane to think this man made it not that long ago. The tiles near the ceiling look awful
because he's a man who knows porn categories better than actual women's appearances

No. 1969821

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i mean he's posted stuff like >>>/snow/984028 before kek. but on most days he's hateful to pretty much everyone.
>or the fact original Europeans were darker-skinned and the people who replaced them weren't blond-hiared barbarians either, but were closer to modern "swarthy" people who gradually became lighter-skinned naturally.
he denies this and claims trve europeans stem directly from neanderthals who he claims were white, blonde and blue eyed, and that they're not even related to homo sapiens because then he would have to concede being "mixed" kek. he's insane

No. 1969824

So, there are two equally untrue views on this. Of course, one is Varg's deranged theories, but the other one is pushed by new anthropologists about how Europe was actually super diverse and cosmopolitan. Actually, both are equally false. Blue eyes evolved in hunter-gatherers on the coast of the Black Sea, blond hair evolved in the Proto-Indo-Europeans, and light skin originally evolved among Middle Eastern farmers but got lighter as they migrated further North into Europe. There was never such a thing as "original white people" they're just a mixture of different Western Eurasian groups. Even then, with epigenetics, there's been proven observation that people who live in warmer climates will have children with tanner natural skin tones and vice versa.

No. 1969843

>it's insane to think this man made it not that long ago
No way he built any of it. It looks like a forgotten 19th century house Marie got, and they just slightly renovated it to plug in computers there.
>The tiles near the ceiling look awful
It looks like they fell off.

No. 1969844

i realize the hilarity of having this argument on a varg thread, but…
"raw" milk is edible food for the calf, not some kind of poison. it is also more nutritious because it isn't literally denatured.
pasteurization only became standard when milk was being mass produced (and the swill milk scandals happened). factory farming is unhygienic. do you know battery hens would be fed antibiotics regularly, because of the abhorrent conditions making them sick? before all these man-made problems, people drank "raw" milk for centuries.
if you have a healthy cow theres nothing wrong with raw milk, and there are no shitty udders if you don't leave your poor animals to fester in their own shit. just take care of your animals better. i never saw a cow willingly roll around in her own shit, maybe your cow is just retarded. udders also don't drag on the floor like that. just muck out the stable.
and make sure to heat up your lettuce too, since lettuce is known to be sometimes contaminated with e coli. kek.
shit, congrats varg, for nailing the window shut and putting old socks around it. men get praised for the bare minimum.
does he even consider sleeping genes that remain in you and may show up in future generations? ive known a "white" guy with a dark-skinned black biological mom. not just skin-wise. he had a narrow nose, and everything. he had wiry hair texture, but it still wasn't like black people's hair. he did look like he might have had nonwhite ancestry, but not biracial like he was. genes are much more complex than that.(derailing)

No. 1969872

because it is copium. all white supremacists do all day is find various forms of cope for why they're supposedly so much more superior to everyone else on the planet, but somehow just happen to be poor, allergic to steady employment, and living in a shithole like varg and marie. these are the same people who whine about others living off of the state and taking resources from hardworking people…meanwhile they are also living off of the state and taking resources from the same hardworking people they assume would prefer them more because they're european. i mean the fact that this idiot spends the majority of his time posting retarded memes and other stream of consciousness like ramblings on white people this, white people that, is pathetic in and of itself. if he really cared about his race, he would never have burned down an important historical relic from his ancestral past that he claims he loves so much. he just wanted a reason to hate the world and everyone in it and make everyone else suffer because of it.

No. 1969883

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true nonna. let's not forget that hitler, their biggest idol, was a complete failmale. if they actually were the superior "race", they would be able to prove it with accomplishments. instead they just cry online and demand everyone else be genocided while failing completely at everything they attempt. for example, it's obvious both varg and marie have huge academic complexes, all their books are complete schizo nonsense with no sources or even any original observations to support their conclusions, yet they still try to market them as empiric fact that should be taken seriously. the sad thing is that this inferiority complex affects their children as well who won't be prepared for any higher education because they have complete retards raising and indoctrinating them.

No. 1969967

White supremacists always fail to understand most white people would genuinely rather live around brown people or immigrants than around neo-Nazis. People like Varg are the opposite of “pure” and are seen as the trashy degenerates of society.

No. 1969968

This is so pathetic.“Masculinity” is working hard to provide your family with a nice home, not a roof made of cobbled-together garbage that caves in every time the wind blows.

No. 1969991

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degenerate indeed. they basically promote grooming

No. 1970006

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You don't know what you're talki g about, China has been scared for decades to DNA test their most important historical figure because there's a very real possibility he was european(sage your shit)

No. 1970009

Behold, the noble Aryan Viking warrior: hunched over his phone furiously pedo tweeting & wanking to AI loli art while his sad bedraggled bangmaid and brunette children shiver in their filthy shack, wind & rain howling through the holes in the patchy tin roof.

No. 1970033

Translation: I am a failed, useless man and only an impressionable teenager (like Marie) would like me. Women should be complacent with the guy they married as teenagers, because otherwise, my wife would realize what a failure I am

No. 1970109

Then why do the sculpted soldiers have asian faces? It's such a reach. Ofc populations have changed over the course of millenias. Modern Europeans don't have the exact same DNA as ancient ones either. This genetics sperging is about muh haplogroups is so fucking dumb.

No. 1970134

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varg just being a completely normal family man online
that's some schizo from /pol/ or twitter, just ignore him

No. 1970143

He would be doubly butthurt because these living descendants of the Aryans such as Tocharians and Scythians who are now known as Uyghurs, Indian Kshatriyas, Pamirs etc have already been conquered and subjugated by le inferior Han Chinese, Mongols and Arabs and other groups. Interesting that le divine superior Aryan race couldn’t defend themselves or their territories and lost to supposed swarthy subhumans. That must really sting.

No. 1970158

File: 1708954519265.jpeg (877.82 KB, 1125x1776, IMG_3738.jpeg)

not even jesus is safe from placentaverse

No. 1970159

>b-but wE WuZ ChiNeeZ EmPerOrz!!

Literally stfu, nobody cares.

No. 1970160

>show source
>the source is me
jesus christ, she really is impressively retarded
i bet the placenta obsession is because giving birth is the only thing she has ever achieved in her life

No. 1970169

>soirce: trust me bro
they really need a hobby other than spewing nonsense and expecting people to blindly believe them. fucking cultists

No. 1970172

He's such a autistic retard you can almost forget he unironically wants Hitler 2 across Europe not realizing his family would be straight to the camps too for being autistic and "poisoning" the gene pool. At best his precious "blonde" children would be sterilized under eugenics and forced into manual labour jobs, appearances be damned. Him probably worse than just being sterilized since he can't do manual labour on top of his old diseased sperm so he'd be useless for the people. And God help them if they had to pass some sort of aptitude test.
Regardless of his coping that autists are somehow all mega-geniuses (ignoring that this always comes with severe retardation elsewhere when they are), the world knows otherwise and his people are the least sympathetic to them.
excuse you she's not retarded, she clearly received word from her ass about the truth of Jesus Christ >>1968970

No. 1970185

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I think it really drives home how paedophilic their fan base, scene and Varg really is. There are so many famous blonde, blue eyed Nordic models and actresses (like Brigette Nelson) that he will never post for his audience in favour of ai anime waifus and Russians who’s neotany is probably due to having Asian ancestors. Despite sperging out constantly that sweden has the most beautiful women in the world, I don’t think he or Marie have actually every posted a single Swedish or even danish/norwegian woman, because Scandinavians are not know for baby faces in general. He should just signal boost Epstein at this point; it’s obvious they have a lot of overlapping opinions

No. 1970295

This, it’s funny how the women he idealizes are all neotenous waifish Slavic and Finnish models with significant Asian admixture. He’s the type of poltard scrote to call strong looking tall Nordic women ‘manjawed masculine roasties’, completely ignoring the fact that those women are the ones who give birth to tall ‘Aryan Chad sons’ and fawns over some neotenous mixed Russian girls instead (or in the case of most poltards, Asian women).

No. 1970298

The classic moid cognitive dissonance: wanting a short submissive childlike neotenous weak wife who compensates for his lack of security in his on masculinity, but also wanting tall handsome chiselled masculine strong brave sons.

Tradtards with penile insecurity can’t seem to grasp this concept, so they fly to SEA or some other second world country and pick the most slaveish short childlike woman they can find, then bitch and moan when their failmale offspring come out looking short and weak like their mother. If you look at Chads, almost all of them have mannish looking, kinda ugly/homely moms with masculine features.

My neighbor is from a line of professional boxers and wrestlers and before he got married his parents literally told him he should find a tall robust muscular woman with strong bone structure to have kids with so that their children will be athletic, healthy and strong.

No. 1970299

>people drank raw milk in the past all the time
Yeah, and they also died at 30.
Enjoy your runny liquid shits, some of us respect our bowels.(derail)

No. 1970300

Weird to see Marie sorta shilling Christianity since Varg vocally hates it for its Jewish roots.

No. 1970303

Her obsession with placentas is borderline schizophrenic. I guarantee 99% of humans on earth do not even think about placentas once on a daily or even monthly basis. Only pregnant women think about that, and even then, not much.

No. 1970304

File: 1708987490004.png (389.6 KB, 746x1436, i'll take placenta for 500.png)

placenta cultists at work trying to decode prehistoric cave art

No. 1970306

If you look for dicks in everything you see, you will start seeing dicks everywhere. Same goes for placentas and just about everything else. It’s called Pareidolia and is the same reason people think they see things in clouds and think God is speaking to them through the TV.

No. 1970453

Is this 60 year old retard sexualizing his underage daughters into the bangmaid role and using them to get likes from his pedo nazi autist followers ?
This thread be getting dark af ngl

No. 1970454

anon this is a thread about a convicted killer, he was already a horrorcow

No. 1970478

File: 1709042864421.png (182.85 KB, 1222x720, Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 15.08…)

On a search for a ripped pdf of Vargs book I stumbled over this review on goodreads and had a good kek
He didn´t even spell check.

No. 1970496

Anon, did you miss the part where he Maria hamster out that being fat is the true “European way” and being a bodybuilder chad is for Africans?

Together with “no everyone can pick from the top self” post that another anon posted recently (implying that young Maria was a ten by some universal standards kek) it’s obvious they see themselves as some kind of Adam and eve of white people, shitty lifestyle and all. They are gonna both have so many preventative health problems in their older age esp Maria who had 7+ kids for Vargs narcissism only to have half of them probably move to Paris eventually and call once a year. I feel so sorry for the kid that will have to spend their adulthood being Maria and Vargs in-home health aide.

No. 1970503

File: 1709050512828.png (352.53 KB, 745x593, parentification starting early…)

>I feel so sorry for the kid that will have to spend their adulthood being Maria and Vargs in-home health aide
it will probably be maïa, their second youngest daughter. marie named her like that because according to her it's the original name of maria or marie, that the evil christians stole from the pagans, and means divine mother and "little midwife" or something. marie started projecting her own pre-established mommy caretaker role on this child when she was only 2 years old.

No. 1970530

A little kid playing mommy is nothing special. Has she heard of bay born dolls? And kids playing house? It´s just them acting out what the adults do.

No. 1970531

Most little girls play with baby dolls or plastic cooking/makeup sets.
She's so mentally ill and grasping at straws to rant about her how superior and trad her kids are. Pathetic and sad when your only personality trait is doing what even rats and dogs can do (reproduce).

No. 1970550

She’s so retarded and sick minded, god. A little two year old playing with a baby doll or giving something squishy a kiss is not a sign she wants to be pumped full of babies and forced to tear her vagina in half you fucking pedophilic bitch.

No. 1970554

They should have stayed true to their nazi beliefs and sterilised themselves since they're both diagnosed autists kek. I feel terrible for the girls already being groomed into being bangmaids by their insane dead eyed parents.

No. 1970575

File: 1709064095086.png (708.27 KB, 1920x790, 2024-02-27.png)

Marie reminds me of this reddit karen who kept bragging about how much money her scrote makes how great her 7 kids were and shitting on childless by choice people only to be brutally murdered by her two eldest sons. She was a religious fanatic that isolated her kids.

No. 1970577

Bet she wished she was childfree seconds before her son ended her life kek

No. 1970652

File: 1709084968513.png (57.08 KB, 838x346, image.png)

did you find what you were looking for? if not these are the ones on libgen
I didn't realise him and Marie wrote a 4 book series on Paganism kek, I bet it's a goldmine of dumbassery
>"she's so maternal she played baby with a jar"
little boys do this too… it's not even necessarily parental instinct but just playing pretend with what they know. kids like to imagine what it would be like if roles were reversed and they were in charge. if they went to school they'd be playing teacher too but maybe mama autist doesn't understand the concept of imagination and playing pretend being a way children grow and learn.
what I'm worried about actually is how badly the children will be treated when they're old enough that the autism is obvious. right now any behaviours can be explained as being a child and their parents are coping, but what if they're autists who require a guardian? when two autists get together their children with autism tend to come out much stronger than they were. someone who needs to be taken care of can't be a wife or mother. will varg just marry off his autistic children and hope for the best? he obviously doesn't love his girls so i doubt he'd be on their side protecting them from an evil husband which worries me more about marriage. he'd probably yell at them to "serve" the man better. or worse will set the girls up with a man specifically seeking out a retarded and child-like wife with the thought that taking care of them is the husband's job now.

No. 1970752

File: 1709120983003.jpg (59.36 KB, 1170x656, 1000015295.jpg)

What did he mean by this?

No. 1970757

He thinks he deserves a prize for shitting in the woods because it wastes less water?

No. 1970759

File: 1709124320220.png (132.68 KB, 1201x396, IMG_3723.png)

just him having delusions of grandeur and larping. he doesn't know or do shit about the environment, he thinks climate change is fake and that his advocacy for mass murder and genocide somehow constitutes a solution for environmental destruction because of "overpopulation", while demanding all white people have 10 kids per family. typical eco fascist hypocrisy and larping. he's also a typical male consoomer despite his claims about never buying new stuff. their small house is stuffed full of shit, with whole hanging closets dedicated to his retarded camo clothes while the kids all share a single bedroom. and he splurges on things all the time - larping gear of all kinds, "survivalism" crap, dvds, toys, etc. recently he bought a metal forge.

No. 1970767

>recently bought a metal forge
Faggot couldn’t even make his own metal forge?

No. 1970770

File: 1709127130262.png (94.07 KB, 761x603, the masculinity tho.png)

ofcourse not. but superior trve nordic europeans like him are totally the most talented, prolific, innovative people of all time and definitely built the pyramids and everything else ever

No. 1971115

lmao he truly is a special snowflake. lmao imagine wanting praise and awards for living a goddamn goblin

No. 1971253


Anon I think vargs autism is part of his LARP. He was in a band when he was young, went to nightclubs, picked up random woman for one night stands (hence Rebecca), his mother described him as having many friends in high school ect. His inability to understand people and socialize can be much easier explained by low functioning narcissism.

No. 1971254

Sorry to double post but his obsession with children can also be linked to narcissism, many famous cult leaders like Jim Jones, David Berg, Anna Hamilton-Byrne (also had retarded fixation on blonde hair) were obsessed with children specifically to the point of even kidnapping them.

No. 1971340

He is extremely similar to Musk. Made tons of children and has the mother raise them while he shitposts on twitter all day and tries to pander to his young, autistic fans, posts AI generated women, tries desperately to look cool and lies about his past

No. 1971373

File: 1709295072117.png (1.11 MB, 760x1660, we wuz egyptians.png)

we wuz kangz and shiet. source: AI generated yassified nefertiti, random facebook screenshots, marie's books (trust me bro)

No. 1971483

shit like this really does make me hope that someday we develop technology that allows us to see into the past. that would finally quash all this retardation over what color egyptians were.

No. 1971502

File: 1709320025212.jpeg (806.31 KB, 1170x1075, IMG_3940.jpeg)

Is he that stupid that he’s never seen any famous photos of brown middle eastern people with blonde/red hair or blue eyes? (Like afghan girl) they aren’t common but they 100% exist esp in Lebanon, Syria, anfghanistan and yes even in Egypt (Bassem yousef). Someone please troll him with these pics, I want to see him and Marie “if you want to know who you ancestors are just look into the mirror” hamster that one.

No. 1971511

File: 1709321391975.png (478.09 KB, 685x869, mental gymnastics.png)

they just claim they're "racially european" (and moreso than any of today's italians - they never forget to mention that) if they have blonde hair or blue eyes. we wuz syrians. varg has said this many times, even with jews.

No. 1971536

File: 1709327369374.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1080, IMG_3948.png)

Yes I’ve seen this but it is always with a photo of someone who is relatively fair skinned/euro passing. I want him and Maria to explain clearly nonwhite people, darker skinned people with blonde/red hair/blue eyes like picrel lol

No. 1971550

I love how both hoteps and snowteps try to claim ancient Egyptians when they were probably just regular brown North African people (resident race spergs do not @ me on your retarded haplogroup posts, idgaf)

No. 1971582

File: 1709340466283.png (36.23 KB, 1057x166, image.png)

>egyptian mythos is the same as european mythos
>fairytales spread through the world are now proof of shared heritage
>"as i prove in my books"
kek, now I have to read her stupid books. it's probably the red riding hood one or the mythos one she wrote on her own that she's referring to. hopefully the former cause it's around 90 pages vs 330 for the latter.
it's funny cause if you go to the more remote areas, blue eyed pashtuns like these girls are pretty common among some families. same with red hair, but the eyes are more common to remain blue over the generations for some reason while hair will tend towards skipping a kid like with these two. with the example of pashtuns, they're light for sure, but nobody would ever confuse them for white even if they had blue eyes and red/blonde hair. they come to the americas and are immediately recognized as "other" and can't white pass to save their lives even if their kids are totally Americanized. as far as i know this is the case for lots of other ethnicities and groups around Asia and the MENA region who get called "white" in isolated conversations like these too.
they'd probably invent some bull about her having european blood ignoring that these traits tend to come out more in isolated groups with lesser genetic influence from elsewhere allowing recessive traits to thrive. these sorts of people act like a drop of european blood is needed for blue eyes even if that drop came from a black haired, black eyed northerner.

No. 1971602

haplogroups would only confirm your assumption nonna, which is why varg hates them kek

No. 1971629

they never acknowledge this. like most racists, anytime they are presented with someone who does fit their low effort racial ideals who happens to be biracial black or similar, they either shut down completely or come up with some retarded racist excuse like well red hair isn’t that special and those are akshually blue contact lenses! it’s a merry go round of cognitive dissonance and constant mental leap in judgments. they only wank themselves to photos of pashtuns and people from central asia because in their dumbass minds that equals muh aryan, and i will never forget varg literally falling over himself to fawn about that blonde blue eyed turkish actor (i forget his name) even though the week before he was whining about islam and migrants. they’re a bunch of shallow hypocrites, all they care about is how someone looks, not their character or worth or anything actually important.

No. 1971744

File: 1709402894342.jpg (6.08 KB, 259x194, images.jpg)

I find it hilarious that Varg's eldest son looks exactly like Rowley from diary of a wimpy kid a fat girly boy with a pink bike that gets bullied in school in contrast to their trad manly viking knight larp lol

No. 1971756

File: 1709404287220.png (239.02 KB, 754x1516, slavoboo varg.png)

varg must think the majority of russians/slavs look like his AI waifus and husbandos
KEK nonna that's accurate

No. 1971764

let's not go after his kids, they really don't deserve this shit.

No. 1971785

Saying that he looks like a child actor is hardly an insult kek

No. 1971787

He doesn't realize that he's been trolled and mocked by those users and responds trying to explain his retarded opinions even further kek is autism is off the charts

No. 1971889

the comment was literally insulting him, like again I don't think anyone's kid's should be targeted.

No. 1971952

I really hope he and Maria have some sort of retarded “moving to based white Russia” arc and join the hundreds of disappointed dumbfucks who came only to find the Russian culture is totally incompatible with western enlightenment values

No. 1971961

Yep, snowteps do this a lot. There’s plenty of blonde blue eyed Pashtun and blonde Asiatic looking Siberians etc, poltards on the internet insist they are white and try to claim them in internet arguments. Yet if they ever come to the US or western Europe, their kids get bullied for looking different and no white people (including same poltards) actually ever accept them no matter how well they assimilate. Constantly moving goalposts is just poltard 101.

Lel, nona he won’t move to Russia because he’s a pussy and there’s not enough gibs there for someone like him. He talks about his ‘noble Aryan Slavic brothers’, but he doesn’t want to live around those fellow wild impoverished Slavic barbarians: he wants to live in a wealthy posh first world western country like France where people are soft and domesticated he can milk them as taxpayers. He’s literally no different to any other economic migrant leeching off the state.

He literally said a blonde Muslim is closer to his heart than a brunette Med Catholic kek.

It’s unlikely even the ancestors of these boys ever set foot in ‘Europe’. They probably migrated to North Africa during the ice age, straight from Central Asia or some shit.

The pigment in dark hair breaks down after death and turns it orange/yellow/white. I love when Egypt obsessed brainlets reveal they know nothing about mummification. There were Persian and Hittite foreigner dynasties in Egypt, but they still weren’t white people, they were brown.

No. 1971970

the riviting arguments he gets into instead of fixing up the property.

No. 1971988

File: 1709469622109.jpeg (848.16 KB, 1125x1580, IMG_3810.jpeg)

marie says 2 hours of schoolwork a day is enough for her kids lol, and i think the oldest boy is out of (home)school now. i wonder if he'll get a job? or will he be stuck at home for the rest of his life making myfarog companion books?

No. 1972067

>i wonder if he'll get a job?

honestly i wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't. if he does, varg and marie will probably encourage him to work somewhere like a boucherie or on a farm where they know he'll be surrounded by more conservative types and there's no risk of him running into anyone non-white. even so, i just get the feeling he's going to be stuck in the shack for a good while.

No. 1972076

>marie says 2 hours of schoolwork a day is enough for her kids lol
This is gonna be very helpful in court.

No. 1972081

The post is translated to this:

>3 hours a day os schooling is absolutely NOT enough (french schools last from 8:30 to 16:30)
>2 hours a day of schooling is largely enough especially if the "life experiences" are rich and the child is curious
>I have 13 years of experience in home schooling my oldest son is 16 never been to a school he's done latin, chinese and norwegian he's passing his bacalaureat (highscool diploma)

Those kids must be severely fucking retarded.

No. 1972125

Not to wk but I’m kind of with Marie on this one, at least conceptually. 2 hours a day of learning is enough IF the homeschooling lesson and learning time is intense and concentrated. Unless you’re going to a really good or private school, most of the time school is basically state run daycare for working adults, and a ton of time ends up wasted with the kids learning next to nothing the whole lesson or just being made to do pointless busywork. However with Marie I doubt her homeschooling is good because the whole family is dumb and lazy as hell.

>my son has already done Latin and Chinese

Lol. I wonder why? Those languages seem a bit too foreign and swarthy for Varg’s liking.

No. 1972127

File: 1709503370288.png (191.96 KB, 769x849, trve european homeschooling.pn…)

i seriously doubt that 2 hours of school a day is okay for any child, especially older ones, when there's just one teacher for all subjects, who spends the limited time they have to teach them hieroglyphs for no reason kek.

No. 1972131

It completely depends on the quality of teacher and intensity of learning material imo. For instance, a teenager can read pretty much the entire condensed history of a certain country or important event in under 20 minutes on Wikipedia or something, can be taught long division or Pythagorean theorem or how to play chess in just a few minutes, if the teacher is good at explaining things (I know since my own father taught me such things very quickly, quicker than I would have learned in school with a ton of distractions around me). However, Marie is retarded and her only knowledge is her own schizophrenic thoughts and cognitive distortions, so even if she spent 20 hours a day educating her kids they would still turn out retarded like herself. It also sounds like Varg takes almost nothing to do with educating the children.

No. 1972152

File: 1709508769548.jpg (47.83 KB, 800x450, agree.jpg)

>However, Marie is retarded and her only knowledge is her own schizophrenic thoughts and cognitive distortions, so even if she spent 20 hours a day educating her kids they would still turn out retarded like herself.

So you agree you do think 2 hours of schooling isn't enough.

No. 1972172

It's not intensity, it's the opposite. It's doing the bare minimum, or maybe not even that. The result is that they are working on a history or biology textbook for nine months instead of finishing it in two and moving on to something else. And there are many subjects. What are they even doing for the rest of the day if hobbies such as learning hieroglyph she considers as homeschooling?
Reading an article or how division also isn't really learning - how much of it will be retained, deeply understood, and used creatively?

No. 1972221

>what do they do for the rest of the day?

she has them helping around the shack and then let’s them pretty much do their own thing. despite all their beautifully staged photos, the fact that their parents stay parked on twitter all day arguing about race and how blond someone looks says a lot.

>how much of that information is retained?

very little. she wants to make like their kids are super geniuses who are blasting through schoolwork but they aren’t. they’re just regular children. there’s nothing they’ve shown that makes these kids out to be exceptional in anyway, and the stuff they do fawn over, like the cookies thing, is not as impressive as they make it out to be. i take everything marie says about their children thriving with a grain of salt because talk is cheap and she’s likely lying about even the 2 hours of schooling everyday, and i doubt their eldest has gotten his bacc. again the amount of time they both spend on social media ranting about race says a lot. these people are full of hot shit.

No. 1972263

I hope she posts a video "proving" this someday, I cannot wait
also why count years "teaching" her kids as experience when she has no knowledge of any of the results?
those 2 hours are certainly going to good use, Egyptian mythology really does need to be read in its original text to fully understand the holiness in brother-sister incest

No. 1972445

File: 1709590657243.png (1.27 MB, 912x1448, Nordic Woman.png)

cow collision kek. several accs had to defend this popular girl on pagan nazi twitter from BAP's friend calling her fat. funny how they proudly call themselves superior aryan eugenicists then look like human shrek.

No. 1972461

these kids are doomed.

No. 1972740

>latin, chinese and norwegian
such random choices? Plus would it not be better for Varg, as a native Norwegian, to teach? I´m sure he spends exaclty zero hours with their kids education. Also why not teach them German, since it´s so aRyAn? Oh but I think I remember, that Varg had a little hateboner for German highway stops kek

No. 1972771

BAP is the only person more annoying and obnoxious than the Placentatards

No. 1972774

I don’t think that’s BAP’s friend, the account is just BAP’s alt.

No. 1972784

File: 1709670426651.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1125x1974, IMG_3828.jpeg)

varg being especially emo earlier. he's about to release another new book "my prison story" kek
ah, i don't follow him at all so i assumed it was some mutual of his

No. 1972787

File: 1709670513786.jpeg (358.86 KB, 953x1803, 6B677173-4B3C-4BB4-B3A9-6AAC0F…)

No. 1972788

File: 1709670562604.jpeg (332.54 KB, 868x1950, 4DE5E002-6D05-4EF3-AAE0-BF4D53…)

No. 1972809

Where did this BAP come from and what´s his deal?! He is a pagan jew or what?

No. 1972853

>sladered by the MSM, have your pregnant wife taken to a prison cell
poor varg changing the story to fit his narrative of being oppressed like the narcissist he is.
For those who don't know/remember, him and Marie bought 4 rifles, and they were suspected of plotting a terrorist attack because of what Varg wrote on his blog in the past, combined with his crime record

No. 1972860

He’s a clout chaser, wealthy east coast Romanian-Jewish twitter moid whose family are rumored to be bankers. An edgy bisexual bodybuilder who would selfpost on /fit/, but claims he’s just pretending to be gay as part of his online persona (doubt).

Rumored to be another millenial on the Peter Thiel payroll. Got heat from white nationalists for his close connections and mentorships from Jewish supremacist intellectuals and chairmen of various influential pro-Israel organizations. Memes and screenshots of his tweets inorganically got shilled on /pol/ (likely himself doing it) and he amassed a sizeable following from that. Both he and his followers like to talk in an overly verbose ironic ‘how do you do fellow racist edgy kids’ way despite being 40 years old.

Rumor on /pol/ is he’s a Mossad asset and being promoted by them to help sheepdog the alt right/young right wing white males away from antisemitism and more towards generally hating all brown/black people, believes that a Jewish elite should rule over everybody with black and brown people either euthanized or kept as a slave caste, basically the same views as Curtis Yarvin.(racebaiting)

No. 1973004

Was he talking about going to french prison? What he´s referring to can´t be the Norwegian prison for his murder right? I´m not sure about his and Maries timeline but I´m sure it doesn´t add up.

No. 1973014

he's probably talking about when they were arrested in 2013, had their guns taken away (boohoo) and varg got a probation sentence and a €8000 fine for hate speech

No. 1973440

Rare French government W(sage your shit)

No. 1974007

>Meanie France making tax payers finance his retarded brown haired autistic family is a dictatorship waaaa
They need to move to russia already kek they wouldn't last a fucking week without the feminist french career stacies paying taxes so they can stuff refined sugar in their faces and sperge on twitter all day about how those women are inferior to his ugly bleached blonde cloaca having wife.

No. 1974507

File: 1710074865562.jpeg (403.88 KB, 1125x2059, IMG_3979.jpeg)

varg thirsting after some random tiktoker

No. 1974547

wait he wants her to put on a potato sack for him?! Also kek at him for sperging about "#NordicWomen' and then his wife and mother of his children is some french wench, coulnd´t score a Scandi women with his bullshit

No. 1974687

Can you imagine him writing anything like that about Marie? Never happened.
He has been praising Sweden and Norway for a while now, especially their women

No. 1974836

he is that creepy old guy perving on tiktok. christ.

No. 1975175

Oof Marie, looks like you've spent your life being the perfect bangmaid for a scrote below your league and still got played Lmaoooooo

No. 1975180

>coulnd´t score a Scandi women with his bullshit
Scandinavian women are too strong and independent for him kek none of them take shit from scrotes.

No. 1975527



Lol why he pick Maria then. Even in her youngest pictures she is forgettable/cute at best, forget about the cartoonish wetnurse/Karen vibe she has now.

No. 1975566

Not to mention Marie’s health is bad and she struggles with various health issues, many of which are induced by multiple pregnancies

This is so sad, and all too predictable. Spend your entire life worshipping a scrote and bearing his kids, only for him to thirst over hotter younger women and eventually leave you (which we all know Varg will if any younger woman shows interest in him)

No. 1975572

she was a racist pick me, just like him.

it is sad but at the same time, they deserve it. she chose to lay up with this single celled loser, pop out his little army of potatoes in quick succession, and sits up online talking shit about aryan placentas whenever she has the chance. every time i see her, all i can think of is how she’s likely filling her kids’ heads with racist propaganda like how jews are evil and that black people should be thrown out of the country or murdered for not being aryan, so any sympathy i have for her situation dries up relatively quickly.

No. 1975578

File: 1710281523882.png (1.5 MB, 1076x1900, varg authorcow arc.png)

he's shat out yet another self published schizo manifesto through amazon. next part is going to be his "survival story" lol.

No. 1975595

I wouldn’t worry do much about the kids. The biggest mistake they ever did was have so many kids, virtually assuring they will gang up at an older age against their parents and prop each other up. All it takes is for one to say “I want to go to Paris and study” and 1-2 others will decide they want to as well and start planning their exit. It’s possible to control, divide and conquer 2-3 kids into adulthood but 7? The oldest one’s clearly failure to approach normal adult milestones will also create a ton of internal problems (it’s obvious he is on his way to early adulthood NEETdom and inceldom and that is a miserable life no matter how much placenta tribe yhte ppl bullshit they throw at him) and take up a lot of Marie’s energy so it will become impossible to monitor the other kids conversations, internet etc.

No. 1975627

Must have been tough times in Norway's adult daycare for unruly manbabies. I heard the video game selection sucked and Norwegian prisons slacked on upgrading from the PS2 to PS3. I'm sure the joos are to blame somewhere in this…

No. 1975678

Varg looks kinda Finnish imo(no sage)

No. 1975783

reminds me of breivik saying its human rights abuse that he has a ps2 and not a ps3 or something similar. and his pen not working. i like to think he was a self-aware troll, but it's possible that he was just that narcissistic.

No. 1975921

I believe Breivik was making fun of the prison system and how kindly it treated him, he just exploits the privileges. Varg copied those views and said prison is like a hotel, nevermind that another time he said he had to fight for food kek

No. 1975975

I'm sure there's nothing but the truth in these books and no embellishment at all lol
Makes me wonder if the real reason for shitting out his pamphlets this fast now could be money issues.

No. 1976020

>so any sympathy i have for her situation dries up relatively quickly

The second i saw that bitch try to get picked by american right wing scrotes who seeth over Taylor Swift being rich and childfree at 34 replying "not all western women are like that uwu i'm 34 and have 7 kids" i knew that she gets what she deserves. Imagine being all about muh feminine grace and trad living but go online and seek validation from scrotes as a 34 year old married "trad" mother of 7. She's beyond sad and pathetic. Pick me's shall never prosper.

No. 1976070


Troll or not, Breivik threatening to starve himself over Rayman Revolution is hilarious.
Also no surprise Varg can't keep his story straight. Seems a little ironic he would stan a mass-murderer with a white people kill count in the upper double digits, but killing a fuckton of white people was something the Nazis were historically very good at so maybe it's not that weird after all.

No. 1976201

File: 1710436770217.png (5.1 MB, 2268x2020, varg manifesting blonde hair.p…)

he will literally never get over having brown hair in his genes.
>this is the natural hair color for trooo forest elf aryans!!
>4 pics from hair salons of brown hair with highlights

No. 1976294

The camouflage advantage also doesn't make any sense when literally the rest of one's body is virtually hairless and therefore completely visible in a forest setting. Also we don't absorb vitamins from sunlight through our hair. The allele for blue eyes developed in west Asia, and the (European) allele for blond hair also originated in Asia (Siberia). This is why we need to prioritize STEM in schools

No. 1976316

>This is why we need to prioritize STEM in schools
i mean, you'd think people sure as fuck need improved education in humanities and social sciences as well from looking at the ideas of people posted itt kek

No. 1976376

File: 1710475679116.jpeg (1.06 MB, 862x1929, IMG_3144.jpeg)

>Math bump on back of head
>Upper/lower arm/leg ratio
Lemme guess, Aryans™️ also have a positive canthal tilt and more millimeters of bone than Swarthoids(tm)?

No. 1976399

Nah he honestly just looks like an Anglo twink who aged horribly. I literally would never have thought he was Nordic if I saw him and didn’t know his nationality when he was young tbh. He has a long somewhat droopy face, brown hair, long dark eyelashes, weak chin, soft round jaw and round girly eyes with upper eyelid exposure. That’s the opposite of what the stereotypical Nordic look is tbh, which is say, closer to Dolph Lundgren or something. He looks 100% English.(phenotype sperging, not even saged)

No. 1976400

Lol Varg has droopy downie eyes and is a jawlet who could be easily knocked out with a single punch because his lower face bones are so weak and feminine.

I’m 99% sure that’s the exact reason that Varg only ever posts pictures of women when sperging about ‘muh Aryan criteria’. Because he falls short of it himself when it comes to the masculine side. Varg certainly doesn’t look like one of those blond healthy tan squareheaded Ubermensch from Nazi propaganda posters. He always looked like a sickly hippie femboy. That’s why he avoids the whole topic of male lookism (which actually upholds the Aryan ideal) because his own features betray his lack of masculinity and warrior genes.

No. 1976455

File: 1710508494903.png (678 KB, 1021x383, image.png)

>Nah he honestly just looks like an Anglo twink who aged horribly
on that note, he reminds me of an evil and less talented fred penner kek (leafland children's entertainer, presumably of ~mixed race~)

No. 1976568

File: 1710530718109.jpeg (218.59 KB, 812x1367, IMG_4324.jpeg)


Anon he just can’t stand that he doesn’t have platinum blonde hair and his eyes are super dark blue. It is actually fairly common in Scandinavia to see people who retain that platinum blonde hair /sapphire blue dragon eyes into adulthood and old age; he and Marie didn’t because they are defective by their standards. You can even find Jews living in Israel with lighter hair and eye colors than them, it’s an extremely pathetic hill to die on. The main reason why I think they are obsessed with shitposting AI generated cartoons instead of real people, because they don’t live in real world anyway.

No. 1976629

File: 1710540790792.jpg (303.05 KB, 1080x1011, Screenshot_20240315-230315_X.j…)

Implying that people who have light blue eyes have a tainted mongrel gene pool from the checks notes swarthy brown eyed southrons. Definitely not coping over his own shortcomings as a pvre aryan lmao

No. 1976636

File: 1710541639576.jpeg (414.15 KB, 1121x2003, IMG_4066.jpeg)

hitler was totally blonde you guys
KEKK it's just getting more and more ridiculous. anything that isn't an exact copy of himself equals mixed non-european swarthy southron goblin!

No. 1976637

File: 1710541677519.jpeg (362.45 KB, 1008x1813, IMG_4065.jpeg)

No. 1976641

File: 1710542015815.jpg (90.25 KB, 553x740, 73d856bf409b05a6c6950498bd52c9…)


Gingers? In my white ethnostate?

No. 1976642

Such a wounded little man kek

No. 1976645

File: 1710542995370.gif (447.02 KB, 246x208, stop trying.gif)

we literally have footage of hitler in colour and it's dark brown like his moustache because of course it is. There was a 2005 documentary called Hitler in Colour there's no way Varg hasn't seen and it's obvious his hair is dark brown, especially compared with actual blondes.

No. 1976657

Brown bears would be called dark blonde bears if it wasn't for jewish shenanigans

No. 1976664

File: 1710548593887.jpeg (15.35 KB, 204x247, IMG_4329.jpeg)

Just say you are the personal manifesting of European purity and get it over with

Kids will 100% be posting on r/raisedbynarcassists in 15 years

No. 1976719

Varg sperges about eye and hair color so much because his actual features aren’t masculine or Chad. He grows a beard because he’s self conscious about his soft round long face. He doesn’t look like a warrior, he always looked very twinkish in his youth then hit he wall at breakneck speed, which is why the only women who found him attractive were edgy tween ftm tumblrinas in true crime fandoms.

No. 1976720

He’s coping so hard kek. His own eyes are the most generic dark blue and a lot of the time they dont even look blue in pictures because they’re so dark and lifeless.

No. 1976725

Lmao what is this copium.
Even as a young boy, you can see Hitler has brown hair in photographs. Many European children are light blonde as children, Hitler was not one of them.

Austria and Southern Germany is the home of Alpinid people and many Alpinid people have dark hair and/or dark eyes. Afaik around 53% of Austrians have brown or hazel eyes, it’s very common and normal there. Most beautiful towns and cities in Austria such as Salzburg, Vienna etc were founded by the Romans, and many Austrians and Bavarians have Roman admixture. This is why Hitler was so obsessed with the Romans, adopted the Roman Salute, and viewed Austrians as the rightful heirs to the Roman Empire. Yes, le eebil swarthy Meds that Varg is so terrified of are responsible for most beautiful places in Central Europe.

Varg is an idiot and knows so little about the continent and people he idolizes. Maybe if he actually left his smelly little compound in the middle of nowhere and travelled around Europe he would realize this for himself.

No. 1976774

File: 1710581620311.jpg (48.75 KB, 476x954, bri'ish.jpg)

>He always looked like a sickly hippie femboy
kek, you are absolutely right

No. 1976803

File: 1710593782014.jpeg (394.11 KB, 805x1010, 15211312-D637-4D01-B504-8AA10C…)

No. 1976882

File: 1710610185148.jpeg (129.65 KB, 581x750, IMG_4332.jpeg)

Not arguing with you just throwing in this nazi era chart produced under hitler that shows different variations of skin and hair colors “aryans” can have. Even hitler, who actually left his house, was less retarded than Varg.

No. 1976891

They do not have Roman admixture, 'Roman' is not a race anyway. They're just far enough South that they're darker than those in the north, like any Europeans, including most Germans.(unsaged derailing)

No. 1976896

File: 1710613193975.png (2.33 MB, 1524x2278, 1984 except its hair colors.pn…)

varg is getting flamed by other nazis over his hair sperging. by using their own kids to promote racist craziness, varg and marie have really set them up for bullying by some of the most insane people online.

No. 1976904

Kek it’s always the pasty inbred-looking autismo motherfuckers like Varg and his dumpy frumpy wife who claim they’re the “master race” and everyone is jealous of their genetically elite perfection. No self awareness whatsoever.

No. 1976922

Admixture isn’t defined by race it can be defined by country and empire (if that empire colonized other regions)(continuing this derail)

No. 1976923

>"their hair is wet"
what a relief, I thought the children just had greasy, unwashed hair. strange they decided to make such an unflattering family photo and then post it on twitter

No. 1976926

>brown haired people are mixed
Says the descendant of some wooly haired Siberian rapists kek. Blonde hair came from Asia.

No. 1976931

File: 1710621061605.jpeg (294.84 KB, 1109x1663, 771A2B9C-CAB1-4649-9E56-53FF5A…)

Austrians do have some Roman DNA from occupation.(continuing this derail)

No. 1976971

i guess brown-skinned people can also call themselves "dark-blonde-skinned" too kek

No. 1977160

File: 1710687214662.jpg (18.51 KB, 220x288, 20100415-134739_petersteele.jp…)

Especially when you compare him to actual viking looking alt men like Peter Steel lmfao

No. 1977310

File: 1710724766014.png (779.34 KB, 756x2044, varg spiraling.png)

he got really upset about people hating on his son, hitler, and goebbels. he's just crytyping at this point.

No. 1977314

File: 1710725018333.jpg (137.37 KB, 1125x1632, graphic design is my passion.j…)

doubleposting but marie released another book on amazon and the AI cover + design makes it look like wattpad emo fanfiction

No. 1977391

>if he HAD even DARK hair and eyes
but he does kek, it's by no means light brown hair. Sure it's not asian dark, but it sure as fuck ain't "light"

No. 1977451

the cover's all over the place just like the placentaverse so why not

No. 1977477

A 50 something year old father of 7 arguing on twitter with a bunch of nazi autists over how blonde his brown haired son is.

No. 1977564

He should take care of and raise him, but he will sperg about his hair colour instead. Oldest child, but they have nothing positive to say about him - not that he is strong, that he graduated from high school, that he built or cooked something. Grim.

No. 1977787

anytime I see him posting pics of this table or some glimpses of the house I can't but wonder how damn filthy, lazy and broke he has to be to not even get these kids a new Ikea table to do their homework at… or to paint the walls with the cheapest paint and remove the mould… muh superior aryans breathing in toxic spores to enhance their genes. it's almost like living frugally equals living in dirt for them. or maybe not almost. it actually seems like it does.

No. 1977788

now this is funny bc Peter also was a white supremacist but unlike Barg he actually made good music

No. 1977790

because they can't afford to - and Marie married his 100 milion nok debt so if they ever even went to work debt collectors would sit on it instantly, besides they're proud for rising their children in dirt and without privacy or enough room to roam bc muh survivalism

No. 1977794

Bravo Marie, teaching your kids useless shit they won't be able to do anything with once they leave the house and have to fend for themselves out in the world. How did they not get persecuted for this homeschooling nonsense yet is beyond me. Also, it looks like she just teaches them whatever autistic focus she has on at the moment. Outrageous.

No. 1977848

>once they leave the house and have to fend for themselves out in the world
as if they are going to. I wouldn't be surprised if the awful education is a way to keep them on the farm and incentivize to earn money in unconventional ways. I just don't understand how no one is supervising the homeschooling - they certainly must meet the requirements, take final exams.

No. 1977855

A while ago ppl were asking them on twitter what's gonna happen with their kids when they grow up and Marie said they're free to go. They'll be prepared to make it out there in the streets 100% muh survivalism

No. 1977861

the french gov are actually enforcing stricter rules on homeschooling now so we'll see if varg and marie will pass future check ups.
kek, her and varg are clearly expecting them (or at least the girls) to stay and be their caretakers when they get older. if you look at her vlogs on yt the older kids are often seen looking after their younger siblings, helping them with schoolwork, cooking for the family, taking care of the animals, etc, while varg almost never appears because he's most likely taking selfies in front of his truck or arguing on twitter.

No. 1977870

they're gonna be surprised once the kids see how their parents fucked their chances at making it in life and never talk to them again. they'll be left alone to rot just like all the other boomers (unless they create a pseudo-pagan-mormon-incest-cult and inbreed to infinity). btw. barg is the biggest hypocrite bringing up his kids in boomer conditions and constantly bitching about boomers on twitter. each thing he does talk about is such a pathetic projection and mega cope. it's embarrassing.

No. 1977875

File: 1710848733490.png (1.76 MB, 1238x1404, Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 11.44…)

idk what's more cringeworthy - these caricature AI generated images or retards like barg using them and justifying it against his econazi views bc it's simply convenient for his lazy dusty ass to use them

No. 1977876

File: 1710849078005.png (925.02 KB, 1238x1404, Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 11.44…)

anytime I see Marie posting shit like that and spamming about what a super special snowflake she is with all her snowflake superpowers I am more and more convinced that she got along with barg so well bc they are both brain-rotten narcs full of themselves that need to boost their egos online to cope with how miserable their life is. and how fucken sad having married the mega debt infinite negative hamingja barg that never compliments her aside from the backhanded evaluations as if she was cattle.

No. 1977878

>Peter steel is a nazi
Any proof ?

No. 1977879

Tinfoil but i think she makes the girls do most of the childcare and housework if she has time to sperg on twitter 24/7. poor poor girls

No. 1977881

people were saying some time ago he used to test different extreme ideas but I don't know his backstory aside from that

No. 1977896

>Peter also was a white supremacist
everyone knows that peter was just a huge troll and was having his fun with interviews.
>Do you sometimes lie in interviews?
If the interview totally sucks, I try really hard to confuse the journalist. But in this case… You probably think, our interview sucked. But I think it went well. I am in a good shape, no drugs, not like the last time. Only coffee and vitamins.

No. 1977954

File: 1710861641904.png (1.78 MB, 1482x1202, Screenshot 2024-03-19 at 15.16…)

vrag i think it's time to retire your expired pickle juice, if you're gonna go for another spawn it's gonna come out deformed this time

No. 1977999

these are the good Neanderthal genes he is talking about? How does he look 70 da fuck

No. 1978221

File: 1710931101094.jpeg (354.64 KB, 1125x949, IMG_4108.jpeg)

says the guy who groomed and fucked girls not much older than that, as an adult

No. 1978224

Why would anyone share pictures of their kids on the internet to be the laughing stock of their haters? I feel so sorry for these kids. Varg is getting more and more ridiculous each day.

No. 1978232

File: 1710939241541.jpeg (101.68 KB, 847x960, IMG_4115.jpeg)

did they all go to public school in texas?

No. 1978264

File: 1710944002865.png (54.79 KB, 823x339, image.png)

Leave it to a pedo to act like a moral upstanding citizen cause at least he'd wait until she was 14-16, unlike those heathens going after 12 as if that wasn't practically the same as targeting 14-16 as an adult. Also this man advertises his children on twitter himself to th
I know this is probably a response to people claiming the pharos were somehow sub-Saharan Africans, but I can't help but feel varg is unironically one of the retards going "well if they weren't black they were obviously white" and taking this meme seriously.
Also the milk meme is so embarrassing, I don't get what's so superior about being of a region where historically more people mutated a tolerance to lactose. If anything those peoples were probably isolated and filled with incest to allow the mutation to spread as much as it did back then. And in the modern age lactose intolerance doesn't even stop you from drinking the stuff, you can take cheap pills or buy milk that's already lactose-free so it's even stupider knowing nationalist tards were chugging milk to prove how aryan they were a few years ago. Imagine if the reverse happened and they were clowned on for being more likely to be hurt by bread and pasta cause celiac is most commonly found among Europeans

No. 1978274

So brown people are actually dark blonde skinned now. Kek.

No. 1978275

The scary thing about narcs is they always, ALWAYS become more abusive, bitter, deluded, and malignant as they age.

I hope all their children leave the placenta cult and make a life for themselves, and leave that pedo Varg and his nasty mare to rot in their dilapidated shack until it falls down on them both.

No. 1978317

these retards believe that ancient Egyptian religion is European in origin and that all their rulers were European, all based on some remains that were excavated and had some percentage of European dna apparently. bc there can't be any other logical explanations that the cultures that exist across the mediterranean pond couldn't naturally evolve with similar concepts and Egyptians couldn't create their own amazing civilisation. it had to be the primitive European tribes… smh.

>I hope all their children leave the placenta cult and make a life for themselves, and leave that pedo Varg and his nasty mare to rot in their dilapidated shack until it falls down on them both.

me too, you couldn't put it in words any better Nonna

kids are the extension of self for narcs, they don't give a f about strangers talking crap about them online. I'm sure mare and vrag are abusing them more or less covertly on the daily. that whole lifestyle is child abuse.

No. 1978481

I’m confused why he thinks ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Romans etc were fair skinned and blonde. There’s endless instances of Greeks Egyptians and Romans describing themselves as the opposite. There’s a Roman play where one of the Roman characters suggests painting their face white with chalk as a joke to larp as a Gaul. There’s an ancient Greek writer who calls blonde people stupid and savage. Egyptians depicted themselves alongside actual blonde haired blue eyed Indo European merchants, and clearly painted those people with blonde hair and blue eyes and fair skin and themselves as darker skinned and black haired/eyed. Yeah there were occasionally fair haired emperors and kangz but they were almost always in the later stages of the empire and a result of being invaded by or mixing with foreigners.

No. 1978519

Didn’t someone post a screen cap earlier of one of his tweets saying women should married 16-18 latest? I shudder to ask how old the oldest daughter is. It’s clear he doesn’t really care about the oldest son, and sees him as a disappointment- every narc I’ve ever soon dislikes/is indifferent to their sons and favours/fixtates on the daughters. Since he and Marie just make up crap as they go I would not be surprised if trve avtist nevanderthvls actually intermarried their relatives, because the placenta tribe bah bah and because can’t take the chances of tainting Vargs immaculate dna and after 3 generations of inbreeding their grandchildren will speak elvish and glow in the dark bah bah

No. 1978526

with his rhetorics about genetics and dna testing I wouldn't be surprised he went the trve neanderthal way - they inevitably inbred as the population was scarce plus apparently consent age is 14 in france so barg must be in salivating. BUT they have enough fans that are reproducting and they're so loyal they will probably pimp their kids to barg barn soon.

No. 1978528

It is the mental gymnastics to support his narcissistic ego because the idea of him being a superior wyte dude from no-way is all he has in life to justify his existence. Once he got hands on naz1 propaganda and pseudoscience he became an edgelord who screwed his life completely so… Also, it's classic supremacists views. Barg is only "special" bc his crimes made him notorious. He is no different than any other far righter.

I find it hilarious that he is glorifying "life in nature like the ancestors" and at the same time is seething so bad about any civilisation that is non-germanic or non-western. His views aren't original either - this is all taken from naz1 germany propaganda and hitler's pseudoscience. He can't stand the idea of ancient European populations just vibing and not being the kangz of whomever. Survivalism is cool as long as it is portrayed as superior bc of xyz neanderthal bs. But bc some groups built complex civilisations that weren't western european, and their life was obviously easier and more of them survived - barg can't help but keep projecting. He can't stand the idea of someone else doing better than whatever he's identifying with. It's classic narcissism in a form of ideology. Admitting the truth would make him combust.(self censoring)

No. 1978688

> how fucken sad
Laur…? Is that you? kek

(I’ll take my ban)(hi cow)

No. 1979300

File: 1711236693591.jpeg (285.79 KB, 921x1476, IMG_4151.jpeg)

(not milk)

No. 1979335

VARG SAYS SOYGOY? What the fuck

No. 1979412

Yet another proof he doesn't live in a real world and thinks his physique is above-average

No. 1979435

kek, imagine the brain rot and narcissism - to have the entire bunch of kids and be a 50-something scrote and yet spend hours everyday on the internet seeking attention and applause from strangers - is this man not embarazzed??

No. 1979436

yup and also uses terms like 'snow nigga' referring to himself

No. 1979461

Not the poster but how is this not milk? lol it's one of the most cowish tweets online

No. 1979465

File: 1711294761246.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x1569, IMG_4155.jpeg)

varg is not like the other misogynists, he hated women in the 80s too!

No. 1979471

Ignoring that these are model photos and not pictures of the average woman in the 80s, I genuinely cannot believe a man could have such utter and complete shit taste.

No. 1979487

File: 1711300294178.png (914.36 KB, 1268x1008, Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 17.10…)

the placenta cvlt continues with their nonsense… now the stone babies are behind the myth of medusa and not medusa being sa-ed. ahh, and ofc they had the ultrasound back in those days and/or dug out corpses of women to look for stone babies specifically. they naturally made up the myth based on this knowledge.(we don't self-censor here, type the word)

No. 1979492

File: 1711301879771.png (388.55 KB, 1268x1422, Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 17.39…)

source: trust me bro. Marie didn't even need to catch toxoplasmosis from cat faeces to become schizophrenic, she prolly got it from their shit bucket.

No. 1979495

File: 1711301925210.png (367.9 KB, 1268x1208, Screenshot 2024-03-24 at 17.38…)

of course! this has to be the most absurd thing I saw in a while

No. 1979519

None of this makes sense because Medusa's curse wasn't to do with turning babies in the womb to stone. It was straight up anyone who saw her with a dash of rape as many Greek myths involving women do. I'm sure there were tons of myths involving cursed wombs they could have bullshitted with this instead of medusa of all things. Especially since they don't restrict themselves to only one mythos, or even just European ones…

No. 1979550

is he comparing himself to a chimp? what??

No. 1979563

He knows he is an absolutely failure of a man that has nothing to show for his life at 51, no power in society, no money, no status, dependant on gibmes from globohomo Macron and trickle down from Maria’s relatives which will all stop once the youngest turns 17. Of course he is obsessed with reproduction since that is the only thing he has ever been successful at besides his short music career which peaked over 30+ years ago after being prematurely destroyed by his own retarded antisocial behaviour. Maria is the same although she is at least still 35, she could open an Etsy store selling pagan crap or learn how to knit or something.

No. 1979605

so he's apparently buying Harry Potter books now.(this is an imageboard)

No. 1979617

he was born in 1973, why was he complaining about women in the 80s when he was a child? Thirteen years old girls didn't style themselves like that, especially in Norway

No. 1979691

marie sounds completely schizo explaining her new book
maybe he saw them in some older male relative's porn mags and was disappointed kek. idk i think he just wants to complain and hate on women from any era.
caps? i can't find this anywhere

No. 1979731

>marie sounds completely schizo explaining her new book

The problem with autistic pattern recognition is that it's extremely subject to fallacies as it's easy to assume something wrongly not having enough data on the matter. The problem with Marie is that she thinks she's discovered something extraordinary because she saw some patterns. If she went to uni and didn't shit on the academic method under Varg's influence, she could've had a chance to actually develop some legitimate theories.
This video is all over the place and I suspect the book is too, just like the She-Bear one. It shows some serious cognitive deficiencies.

>he just wants to complain and hate on women from any era

It is hilarious how one day he's twitting about respecting women and even "based takes" happen after Marie's posts about matriarchy/patriarchy (like the one where he's like the women who wear makeup and are tomboys are okay, you guys care about cars instead) and the other day he shits on women for dressing particular way. Tf you're wearing camo for in the fucking French countryside you hypocrite?

No. 1979742

If he wants to make some actual money he needs to find a way to actually successfully fleece his orbitors and maybe also the new crowd of egdy tumblerinas who like him semi-ironically. And he needs to stop trying to make myfarog and his shitty modern music a thing. He needs to sell some shirts or something

No. 1980060

File: 1711483467105.jpeg (527.32 KB, 1125x1961, IMG_4180.jpeg)

he's making a new album kek

No. 1980109

He keeps pserging about how he hates the black metal scene this means that he's really broke kek

No. 1980319

Is he gonna spell check his lyrics at least this time?

No. 1980325

File: 1711561732192.jpeg (259.32 KB, 1080x1202, IMG_4198.jpeg)


No. 1980327

File: 1711561861618.jpeg (262.23 KB, 1080x1769, IMG_4199.jpeg)

2/2 marrying your teen daughter to a pedo is okay as long as he's white

No. 1980335

>People who marry young are happier

Tell that to the child brides in Afghanistan and Africa.

No. 1980342

child brides have low divorce rates because if they want to leave their husband they get murdered.

No. 1980353

File: 1711566105897.jpeg (250.13 KB, 1125x1244, IMG_4200.jpeg)

but nonnas 14 year old girls aren't children (men however assumingly remain children until the age of 35, as that is when varg thinks it's appropriate for them to marry kek)

No. 1980357

yes because they are teenagers but they´re still no adults. I really wish his daughter marries a n*gger or a while man even older and fatter than Fart.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1980372

File: 1711570454205.png (352.37 KB, 1252x1468, Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 20.07…)

this is their reasoning and it is terrifying… I am really worried for his daughters.
one day he's posting things giving an illusion of respect to women and the other he's advocating and giving platform to this kind kind of things…
mormon cult but with pagan aesthetics. but at least mormons wash themselves and don't live in dirt. (I think)

No. 1980373

File: 1711570707899.png (203.84 KB, 1252x836, Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 20.20…)

yea, when you groom them into submissiveness of course they won't dare to think divorce u fucking scum

No. 1980374

File: 1711570905107.png (1003.47 KB, 1252x980, Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 20.23…)

No. 1980375

File: 1711570944475.png (162.95 KB, 1252x684, Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 20.24…)

there ya go, the target audience varg is advertising his "trad daughters" to

No. 1980377

File: 1711571280364.png (55.22 KB, 1252x248, Screenshot 2024-03-27 at 20.26…)

just friends and family you know, in prison, with guards present

No. 1980378

he says "post-puberty" but he means "anyone who has begun puberty"

No. 1980380

Of course pedos are showing up, he’s literally shilling his daughters to pedos. Why tf hasn’t French social services removed those kids yet? None of them are safe living in a filthy shack in the woods with a neo-Nazi pedophile murderer and his autistic broodmare.

No. 1980402

File: 1711576547057.png (2.95 MB, 1860x2072, superior nazi morals.png)

some more replies showcasing the excellent nobility and upstanding morals of the average trve aryan pagan viking
>as long as the father's involved
>with the father's permission
and what about mom? they literally want child brides sold off by their father-husbands to middle aged men, just like the worst groups of the oh so dreaded abrahamic religions they allegedly despise! this reminds me of the times varg said catholicism is 80% paganism. lmfao

No. 1980407

File: 1711577686142.jpeg (142.6 KB, 1125x917, 0358D5AF-87A3-434B-A32F-E310D5…)

Varg’s followers are full of anime loli pfps who post shit like this. He should be in jail for posting his daughters’ faces and pimping them out to this crowd. Absolute horrorcow.

No. 1980466

File: 1711592638672.gif (850.56 KB, 360x244, my-eyes.gif)

So this subhuman piece of dog shit decided to fully out himself as a pedo groomer huh. Fucking disgusting.

No. 1980468

File: 1711593208696.jpg (50.6 KB, 530x530, EzwxrvZXoAEmIPb.jpg)

>Girls who are 14 aren't children anymore
>I'd be fine with them having an older boyfriend

This thread is getting really fucking dark anons

No. 1980471

>Fathers should marry their 14 year old daughters to greasy balding old scrotes
>Muh muslims and arabs are backward pedophiles and animals unlike muh aryan white race

What the actual fuck is wrong with these mfs?! the Y chromosome is cancer.

No. 1980477

we should report them somehow(cowtipping)

No. 1980536

File: 1711620285362.jpeg (659.1 KB, 1125x1487, IMG_4210.jpeg)

>how can a literal nazi movement be full of unhinged violent pedos?? i don't understand!

No. 1980546

>Girls are not children anymore, from the age of 14
God he’s so fucking retarded and disgusting

No. 1980557

notice how he and the others don't provide any reasons as to why girls need to get married as early as 14 besides their pedo fantasies and insecurity.
Marie was 19 when she married him and they easily had 7 children. If he is in favour of early marriage, then girls could marry their high school boyfriends when they are 18.
They are bemoaning the age of consent, as if getting married at the age of 20 couldn't achieve the same thing (stability, satisfaction, no divorce). They are obsessed with Eunice Winstead (who was 9) and always try to argue her age was significant, ignoring the fact that people got married for life in the past and that she had no perspectives even if she wanted to leave.
In 2016 he made a video (https://archive.org/details/thuleanperspective2016/2016-06-15b+-+How+to+find+a+Beautiful+Traditional+Wife.webm) where he was promoting the idea of older, established men “impressing” young girls and marrying them when they become women, this isn't new. If you ignore grooming, it's full of hilarious quotes where Varg essentially described himself as a prize.

No. 1980559

>Eunice Winstead (who was 9)

Jesus fucking Christ…

No. 1980565

Nonnas the day we dreaded has come. This is what happens when you overshare your children online. Disgusting pedos show up eventually.. Varg is a cunning, calculating man who leeches off the women in his wife and this is exactly why he married an autistic teenager. Had a normal woman seen her husband interacting with literal pedos on twitter, she would pack and leave with her kids at whatever cost. Marie, on the other hand, is too busy hyper focusing on Egyptian letters..

The eldest daughter is 12. There is very little time left before she is 14, authorities need to be contacted with receipts and those kids need to be saved.

No. 1980566

This is the most retarded red text I’ve ever seen, a little girl is about to be groomed and the mods care about lolcow rules. French nonnas need to take action(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1980569

its not even that complicated: these "people" are all pedophiles. and the ones who reproduced (like varg) all molested their poor daughters.

No. 1980595

They dont actually care about muh history ur muh traditions, because it was never normal for the nordics to marry off teen girls to old decrepit men. It has very much been the norm here since the literal viking age for boys and girls of the same age to couple. Usually teen or young adults would have their young love and sleep together, and if others found out they were considered married. No marrying off children to old men wtf. Average first time having children has always been above 20 here. Their fantasy of preying upon a 14 year old as a 50 year old has never ever been a reality here.

No. 1980596

these female nazi orbiters are on board with their retarded movement as long as its all about pastoral homesteading and fantasies of a happy trad family and idyllic community in their white only neighbourhoods but when they find out that moids primary motivation for being in the movement is easy access to young girls under the guise of "fertility" and just generally total free reign to have sex with whoever they want unchallenged by a judicial body, they start tapping out. If the white ethnostate as imagined by Varg ever comes to exist women will bear daughters for the sole purpose of creating underage sex slaves for their own fathers. the perfomative hatred for pedophiles these retards have is a smokescreen for their own (in their ideology)"justified" pedophilia

No. 1980608

Weird how he doesn't advertise his son to wannabe tradwives on shitter huh?

No. 1980610

So in conclusion Marie married and spread the genes of a broke, old, autistic useless murderer pedophile nazi scrote with NPD and a superiority complex who lusts after younger pickme's and AI generated waifus all day when he's not literally pimping their daughters to his fellow autistic nazi medieval larp pedo's. Truly a heartwarming example of how pick me's will never win.

No. 1980612

I'm sure Rowley Winston Chandler isn't going to be very popular with even the most desperate of trad-thots and they're not known for having high standards at all.

No. 1980624

File: 1711642011992.png (104.19 KB, 1252x400, Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 15.53…)

fuck u and your virtue signalling

>the performative hatred for pedophiles

No. 1980633

File: 1711645346112.png (216.91 KB, 720x1081, eww.png)

Gonna post some screenshots.

No. 1980634

File: 1711645384321.png (282.57 KB, 720x1080, delusion.kek.png)

No. 1980635

File: 1711645422970.png (488.86 KB, 720x1081, AAAAAAAAH.png)


>Picture of a little girl

Yeah, he's a pedo alright.

No. 1980636

File: 1711645446428.png (329.67 KB, 720x1002, Unintentionally_based.png)


No. 1980637

File: 1711645503302.png (151.52 KB, 720x1081, thinking_face_emoji.png)


No. 1980651

said who kek

said a guy who's only married bc a pickmesha hunted him down kekekeke

that's gonna be useful in court

I haven't met a single white guy in his 20-30 that is a right winger and doesn't live in his mom's house to this day yet they all have opinions about marriage and uteruses

maybe raise boys to become capable and competent adults then duh

No. 1980658

right? men aren't ready to settle down until they're well into adulthood because uhhh reasons, but women can enter marriage as soon as they're "fertile" (translation: fuckable in the eyes of insecure pedos)

No. 1980662

this is so fake of him. him and his followers cant possibly actually believe that a male has to "prove himself" and not be mediocre. as if they gave a single fuck about how a man conducts himself in marriage. if they had their way then all men would be given a total carte blanche regarding age of the female partner

No. 1980683

>Admits that women are more mentally stable "mature" than men
>Women are too emotional and shouldn't hold positions of power must submit to scrotes

I knew that varg has a below room temp IQ but it's really fucking annoying how scrotes will out themselves as retarded hypocrites all the time with this reasoning behind why they need to fuck 14 year old kids.
>wife from the top shelf
Says the scrote that was only able to get a below average mentally disabled teenager to get with him. If she wasn't a retarded autist she would have never got with you Christian.

No. 1980700

It’s rarely been a social norm anywhere for little girls to be married off to old men. Twitter pedos like to cherry-pick the extreme examples to pretend it was normal (medieval European royalty who traded daughters to preserve territory & bloodlines; Islamic extremists in rural hellholes; a few isolated American cases that were scandalous even during their time, etc.) The “trad” norm is to marry young, ideally into a respectable family, and have lots of kids. There’s no benefit to selling your daughter off to a decrepit old creep with defective sperm who’ll leave her a young widow.

No. 1980705

kek at least they have some sense to see who these pedos are now that they are going mask off. The more women realize, the more they leave and all that’s left is a bunch of white wannabe taliban moids obsessing over ai pics of white girls in a forest crying over muh ethnostate

No. 1980711

>Arabs are civilized. I am a barbarian.
Absolute cognitive dissonance. His entire philosophy is based off of the first thing that pops into his head kek

No. 1980734

File: 1711668251530.png (154.22 KB, 1252x640, smh.png)

they took a sample from the one that was best preserved and that made it possible to even extract any dna from; also the genom they worked out from it isn't complete for the same reasons

barg is having a neanderthal diarrhoea on twitter today - it is amazing how he finds something to be butthurt and make stories about EVERY SINGLE DAY


No. 1980758

File: 1711672449490.png (419.36 KB, 1512x1712, varg vs science.png)

posting his full meltdown. imagine working 24/7 like this on trying to convince people you're a NEANDERTHAL. he took the return to monke meme too literally. also it's just so hilarious seeing him getting mad about people disregarding his totally legit educated opinions on the subject, because they were presented with an actual fact for once instead of his daily schizo word salad "theories".

No. 1980763

File: 1711673279009.jpeg (530.76 KB, 1141x744, IMG_4636.jpeg)

Anon it’s obvious his only definition of top shelf is that Marie was an empty vessel with no thoughts of her own and was blonde- she is actually very mid even as as teenager and actually (my personal opinion) she looks very much like a typical light haired Ashkenazi Jew. I am jewish and she looks almost exactly like one of my cousins, you could pass them off for sisters. If she lived in WWII era occupied France she would be asked to give identification papers constantly because she looks nothing like the propaganda images of the time and doesn’t look like any of AI waifus she shitposts either. She does (did) have a babyface though so pedos will be happy I guess. Sage for blog

No. 1980770

That has to be a fucking joke KEK

No. 1980797

idk about that but it would be the biggest plot twist if it turned out Marie has any jewish connection at all. I wonder if it was her idea she planted that Varg is so against dna testing. He prolly wouldn't like what he'd find out about her.
on the other hand, I look at her face and I can't imagine she's not insane for birthing and breastfeeding children for like 12 years non-stop, in an old house without utilities while the guy you approached and gave your surname to, and this house - is yapping on the internet about proving yourself to win an aryan wife
the epitome of pickmeshanism and manbabyism
I just can't fathom the level of insanity and retardation in that house

No. 1980799

File: 1711681083069.jpg (308.6 KB, 1125x1906, IMG_8040.jpg)

it is a moid issue, nona - black moids apparently think white moids are neanderthal anyway. the thing with barg's schizoposting is that he wants to be special and superior. in his small mind being in any shape and form related to africans - in this case simply on the basis of being Homo sapiens - means that his identity and ego held together with duct tape and loads of mental gymnastics would collapse. he's fighting some demons for sure kekekek

No. 1980800

Autistic girls really have no hope between trad predators and troons, they’re way too vulnerable

No. 1980811

She was exposed on the previous threads for being a fake londe and having dark brown hair kek otherwise you're right she does look jewish thanks to her nose varg just took what he could get as no adult mentally stable woman would want to marry his insane murderer ass

No. 1980819


>our huge brain elven ancestors mixed with Asians and Jews

>if their much weaker and stupid descendants knew they were a different species they would mix

Pick a lane

>look in the mirror and you will know what race you are, everything can be determined by facial features

> Jews can have our features but they are still Jews


>we got fucked up by growing wheat and agriculture, before that we were kangz

>Marie posts disgusting diabetes smoothie of raw eggs and milk, 30g of sugar, vanilla and cinnamon

That French anti-homeschool law can’t pass soon enough. Their younger kids can still be saved.

No. 1980846

>we are domesticated neanderthals
this is the most hilarious thing I've ever read including him stating he's dumber than a neanderthal in this same tirade

No. 1980957

File: 1711744152877.png (694.77 KB, 787x829, neanderthal waifus.png)

the picture is watermarked "eurodate.org" kek. why doesn't he ever post women who look like marie? their appearance is so far from the AI and random models in their posts

No. 1980998

File: 1711752578691.png (83.49 KB, 926x267, Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 6.48.…)

I know that child marriage is no laughing matter, but the fact that they lived in "Sneedville" gave me a hearty kek

No. 1981005

wtf the fucking simulation again

No. 1981033

He 100% has a porn addiction and beats it to underage blonde girls in his filthy shack while his bangmaid does all the work.

No. 1981471

File: 1711889461164.jpeg (686.17 KB, 1125x1805, IMG_4245.jpeg)


No. 1981779

He never post pictures that look like her because he is face blind. He sees white skin and blonde hair and immediatly thinks they are of norwegian or arian blood or whatever cacalala he comes up with.

No. 1981793

File: 1711994538722.jpeg (382.5 KB, 1125x1076, IMG_4281.jpeg)

nitpicky but he literally owns two dogs? i don't think he likes the farm life at all or participates in working with the animals. he just stomps their chickens to death while marie and their child laborers take care of everything

No. 1982301

Marie is the one who has face blindness due to autism

No. 1982302

Old milk, already posted on the old threads.

No. 1982444

it was mentioned only because he said he is in favour of his teenage daughter marrying an older guy

No. 1982652

File: 1712250939385.jpg (69.6 KB, 679x665, 1.jpg)

Nonnas, these threads were funny at first, but now I'm genuinely worried about his daughters. He advertises how "trad" his 12-year-old daughter is while discussing finding an older man for her. I hope child security in France saves them ASAP before one of the daughters falls into the hands of his grooming pedo fans.

No. 1982774

File: 1712284623750.jpeg (303.81 KB, 1125x641, IMG_4355.jpeg)

don't alabama my france, marie
french women are fucked anyway, the age of consent is 14 lol so what is cps even gonna do in that regard? just look at marie. i think the kids are going to rebel hard against their parents and free themselves, like the blue prussian girls, or just all enter neetdom and never find a partner or leave the farm. no shot they'd all willingly follow in their parents' footsteps, especially when their expectations for them are this crazy

No. 1982776

File: 1712284984568.jpeg (203.51 KB, 1125x636, IMG_4356.jpeg)

doubleposting cause i'm on mobile but looks like they're planning for yet another baby.

No. 1982779

It also doesn't matter unless you have wealth or power to give them.

No. 1982790

>My gene will rule the entire world

How is that gonna happen if they all have 7 kids? which one of them will study and then run for politics? which one of them will become a scientist,lawyer, doctor or engineer and have power and status in society? How will her genes rule the world if they all end up autistic NEETS living in the middle of nowhere off of taxpayer's money like her and her husband?
LMAOOOOOOO she's so fucking retarded and insane. The bitch married a broke murderer nazi and ruined her pelvic floor and god knows what else to birth his retarded kids so she was never that bright.

No. 1982791

File: 1712290066478.png (2.85 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_8118.PNG)

rare photo of our white trash superhero working (??) just look at him, so confused out of his larp costume for once

No. 1982793

Her only "accomplishement" is tearing her pussy open giving birth to autists in a filthy shack kek she gives off major cult vibes tbh if she's letting her scum bag husband pimp their underage daughters to his crusty pedo followers she's a monster too. The age of consent there is 15 btw so the government can't do shit if he actually grooms his daughters into being child brides and tearing their crotch open at the age of 15. His first daughter is damn lucky she escaped his crazy ass

No. 1982794

Marie is so insecure and desperate for validation she will sperg on twitter everyday about how much kids she has to bottom of the barrel fail males (a bunch of basement dwelling neo nazi pedo incels) reminds me of those E-thots who self post on 4chan to gain simps kek

No. 1982812

There's no way the Varglings will start their own families, trad families frequent each other and basically groom their kids to get married, but in their case they've lived completely isolated and their social skills must be royally fucked, have they even met other children aside from the supermarket trips?

No. 1982842

It’s true what somebody said on Twitter already, for that they try to be so white and ariyan they sure promote a lot of islamic ideals aka child brides, pedophilia, keeping women dumb, men deciding over their head. He had to get a retarded women because a Skandinavian women would’ve looked through his bs a mile against the wind. He’s such a beta.

No. 1982847

They forced all their kids to get fraudulent? Autism diagnosis to keep them out of school so even if they are over the age of the consent isn’t it still abuse of a disabled minor if Marie tries to breed her like a sow to some random old man online? Either way I think the kids will probably hang up at an older age and just leave en mass, Marie and Varg were morons thinking they can control 7+ kids internet usage at once

No. 1982854

File: 1712314942514.jpeg (204.25 KB, 1254x1207, redditors.jpeg)

She just meant there will be a lot of her ancestors in the world. Nevermind that this scenario is nearly completely impossible. I am pretty sure she got this idea from those elitist redditors Malcolm and Simone Collins (pic related). "Torsten has unwittingly joined an audacious experiment. According to his parents' calculations, as long as each of their descendants can commit to having at least eight children for just 11 generations, the the Collins bloodline will eventually outnumber the current human population"

No. 1982858

so in other words inbreeding. marie, even if some your tarded kids somehow manage to crawl out of the shitshack hellhole and back into civilization to possibly find a bf/gf, they'll have to free themselves of the neanderthal placenta nazi psychosis in the process, and they won't be dedicating their lives to ensuring the bloodline like you want them to. the remaining recessive genes will most likely go bye bye within a generation or two, assuming the kids can find love at some point. the oldest two are already brown haired so what the hell are they going to do preserve muh aryan genes anyway? varg literally said some siblings are more trve european than others kek. maybe they can cope and call the future grandkids dark blonde with dark blonde eyes and dark blonde skin (best camo for the trve european forest!!)

No. 1982873

What an autist kek
If my grandmother had wheels she would’ve been a bike

No. 1982876

The kids do not have autism diagnosis (yet)
Only Marie is diagnosed autistic. Varg claims to be one, but it’s obvious he has some sort of antisocial personality disorder instead

No. 1982880

I was worried about this from the early days tbh. They’ve been posting their children online to brag about muh Neanderthal genetics and they are obviously favoring the younger daughter “Maia” over others because she is still light blonde unlike the older kids.. Just imagine how many creeps have saved her pictures to their computer.. it literally makes me want to throw up.
I’m also uncomfortable with anons calling these kids retarded because it’s not their fault

No. 1982900

File: 1712331198884.png (127.39 KB, 1536x459, 2024-04-05.png)

So basically
>Ugly ass phsycho couple who think their genes are superior
>Think relationships shouldn't be based on love but on how much you breed
>Claims to be happy proud parents but are seething over childfree people looking younger and taking vacations
I get why Marie would follow these two kek

No. 1982932

File: 1712336791288.png (1.99 MB, 1132x2552, hacker marie.png)

she sometimes sounds like grimes or shivon in her posts bragging about her super speshul kids and larping as a "geek". like if shivon was poor and disabled

No. 1982954

They ALL speak 6 languages? Sure Marie, just because you have the books at home doesn´t mean they magically go into your kids brains. Did she ever admit them teaching about eugenics and shit like that? Oh and it´s nothing special that a child is interested in it´s surroundings, also not planets or stars.

No. 1982979

File: 1712347365735.jpg (7.43 KB, 287x176, ment.jpg)

How delusional and narcissistic can one get? like we get it she's 35 and has nothing to show for it that must hit hard seeing other women in stable families/married to non insane 70 year old looking scrotes or living their best lives with their high paying careers but this level of cope and seeth online is too much

No. 1983012

she is such a nerd, but can't determine whether a site is safe based on the name or simply by googling it

No. 1983216

Nonna they def went to some crooked doctor to get them all diagnosed with autism. France passed an extremely strict homeschooling law that basically bans homeschooling into teen age unless the child has special needs. Also that’s where they get their give from.

No. 1983222

Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics is not even a language. There is no agreed upon censuses to this day what any of them mean and if it’s even a language system or some form of memes ect. If she is claiming her kids speak “ancient Egyptian” then nothing she says is viable, my personal guess is that they speak French and probably understand English (from listening to their tard parents talking to each other and recording content in English) and maybe Varg sacrificed some of his cosmetically precious time to each the oldest some Norwegian but how/why would someone retain a language they never hear and can’t speak to anyone in? I also don’t understand why they chose such useless/dead languages, at least reach your kids Spanish or German.

No. 1983276

She didn´t even teach runes to the children? not very aryan of her

No. 1983477

I understand nonna but she might very well be sending the kiddos to public school and staying under the radar about it. She was complaining and sperging in French about the new French law about homeschooling so maybe they just gave up. They might be staying quiet about it for the sake of keeping the image of a perfect homeschooling Aryan couple

No. 1983563

File: 1712513898889.png (88.01 KB, 777x546, french tweets.png)

she's trying to get paperwork in order for the new homeschooling law that, as far as i understand it, requires actual plans for the kids education to be presented to the state. it's uncertain whether she'll be allowed to continue or not once they review her stuff i guess?

No. 1983650

Unironically if the kids knew latin they would pick up Portuguese, Spanish, and French pretty easy but instead she larps them knowing 6 very different languages. @0:20 of the video is what is I imagine the kid's "knowledge" of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics is.
Also kek at the "nerd" not identifying lotr and I adore the website linked https://www.llastrology-lotr.com/#/. It's honestly not any crazier than what she thinks

No. 1983712

Wild how they post incriminating evidence online so often

No. 1983942

They have dangerous levels of autism

No. 1984108

It's strange to me that the children's default language is French, when English is the language of their parents. There is a video of their 12 year old daughter telling a story in English, and she doesn't sound fluent, more like a foreigner still learning it. Yet another proof Varg barely talks with his family and the kids interact only with Marie.

No. 1985474

File: 1713111225624.jpeg (204.38 KB, 1364x1000, GKcURHnXcAAWw-r copy.jpeg)

that's brown kek

No. 1985714

Nornaaaaa is a crazy placentaling with violent fantasies, but her hair looks dark blonde to me. Anyway, having dark blonde hair that looks light brown in different lighting is the least of their problems. These people comfortably post swastika and talk about wiping out anyone darker than beige skin and get away with it

No. 1985719

I forgot to add, I’d much prefer is we all stopped the hair color sperging. Someone said it was “proven” Marie dyes her hair light blonde. There never was a proof, just speculation based on the few pictures she posts. Yes, her roots look gnarly but some natural blondes look like that. Natural hair color can also get darker with age and pregnancy. Whether the hair color is blonde or light brown, these people are white and that’s all they have to feel superior over others. There’s also too much sperging based on kids being autistic or having brown hair, and some of you have been calling innocent children retarded which is disturbing.

No. 1985728

File: 1713181708713.png (2.62 MB, 1220x1346, nornkhjhkh.png)

nah that's perfectly brunette and nothing wrong with brown hair, my point is that they will believe anything to feel superior also it is such a pickme post
idk who called the kids retarded

No. 1985731


No. 1985739

No. 1985740

Can’t wait til Norna gives birth to five children and gets stuck with a useless moid and pelvic pain. You reap what you sow.

Here is Marie collecting brumble buds to alleviate her hip pain because she’s probably severely Calcium deficient after breast feeding nonstop for 15 years.
Being a Neanderthal doesn’t stop you from having the consequences of your action eh.. it was easy to boast about your health in your twenties but now that you’re 35, with seven kids, the health issues are catching up.

No. 1985745

Is this even her natural hair colour? It looks really copper heavy and that is usually an indicator of light brown. golden reflex = blonde (also when a bit darker) and copper/reddish reflexes = brown spectrum.
>>1985474 This is so embarassing for her to have to advertise to find a partner on Twitter? Isn´t there a secret Nazi club she can locally find a moid?

No. 1985747


Is it just me or is norna trying to copy Marie’s autistic facial expressions?

No. 1985751

File: 1713185848662.png (1.56 MB, 1185x1681, totez golden blonde.png)

>i'd prefer we stop the hair sperging
>anyway actually marie and norna are in fact dark blonde so stop mentioning it okay!!!
can you shut the fuck up and go back to twitter?
hilarious seeing the other nazis calling them out on their delusions(infighting)

No. 1985756

I don’t have a twitter anon. Many threads here on snow have a rule to prevent non stop nitpick about cows’ physical appearances. So it’s a sensible request to stop sperging about the same things over and over again and serving spoiled milk. Maybe try to take your meds before browsing lolcow to manage your anger issues if you’re getting so pissed off at a reasonable comment.(infighting)

No. 1985759

File: 1713187604282.png (1.06 MB, 1250x1498, dark blond.png)

but isn't physical appearance the most important thing to the cows from this particular group lol

No. 1985762

File: 1713188742332.png (254.43 KB, 785x770, schizophrenia.png)

so according to him his grandkids will be murderers, arsonists and pedos as well? kek
yes it is, it's also something they seethe about on twitter constantly which is hilarious. that anon is just an autistic infighter.

No. 1985763

File: 1713189216181.jpg (44.14 KB, 479x480, 740full-marie-cachet-332615176…)

Not just you, especially the first post where you can see the crack on her forehead, combined with the braid and no make-up

No. 1985768

I think the "brown vs blonde" discussion is really cultural, and definitely not in the way Varg would like. Blog but my grandparents are Swedish, they consider my sister to be blonde but me to be brunette. However, I lived in Mexico for a while and everyone there called me blonde (rubia). Because there, brown hair is what most white Americans would probably consider black. So Varg's weird hair-splitting (lol) about brown hair really being blonde is only really a thing in places where 99% of people have sable or black hair.

No. 1985782

File: 1713193434622.jpeg (366.64 KB, 1920x1408, malcomhole.jpeg)

some of them are so close to perceiving women as people and yet choose to refer to them as holes a post apart - I'm afraid malhole will remain a virgin with his shitty drawings till he dies if he sticks with these ideas

No. 1985783

omg not these one dimentional 1st grader drawings

No. 1985820

File: 1713208479164.jpeg (324.91 KB, 1911x1334, brainrot.jpeg)

Krysta trying hard to get PICKED by barg and looking for any excuse to shit on some random woman to cope with her own lack of attractiveness (you've never even posted your own face lmao).

Todays' likes very much focused on physical appearance of course - women's physical appearance of course

I seriously need to take a break and forget about the trve vikings for some time bc I experience brain rot anytime I go there. Entertainment isn't even worth it for me anymore. I just accepted some people are irreparably retarded and the only thing I can do is to stay away. (apologies for semi-blogpost)

No. 1985821

How the fuck does he expect girls to slow when they start puberty?

No. 1985829

the moid mind is truly a mystery kek
I bet he also expects her to go 50/50 with him since she is becoming financially independent during that slowed puberty period or perhaps puberty equals sexual initiation in his void moid mind

No. 1985837

File: 1713211975763.png (145.95 KB, 763x579, i am very speshul.png)

they love to post pics of themselves and the kids standing in the scorching sunlight or directly under a lamp to make themselves look whiter, the hair lighter and the eyes brighter. and then at the same time they'll post cope about light blue eyes being soo overrated and lighter eyes actually somehow means they're less blue >>1976629 kekkk
>elves are the fictional equivalents of elephants

No. 1985855

The bitterness really comes out with these types when they see women of other races living the lives they thought they'd automatically get if they became racist schizos/giga pickmes instead of decent humans. This woman she's so angry about that she saves video stills of likely doesn't even know she exists, kek.

No. 1985866

that last drawing is so childlike and simplistic if it wasn't for the mad ramblings surrounding it it would almost be cute especially the dog lol

No. 1985868

this is why they have to rely on posting random classical paintings and AI generated shit kek. zero talent among these people

No. 1985875

yea like where are the photos of your 7 aryan babies and a husband Krysta?? it's not like anyone can simply spread their legs no? or are you delusional enough to try and convince the scrotes that 'white women aren't broodmares'??

the level of cognitive dissonance in these women is beyond me

for a faint second I almost felt bad for him, just some guy dreaming about having a family but then I saw what he posts about women and I immediately lost all sympathy for him

lonely men epidemic my ass

No. 1985878

why tf won't they simply post pictures of themselves since they're all the prime representation of the superior race kek

>they love to post pics of themselves and the kids standing in the scorching sunlight or directly under a lamp to make themselves look whiter, the hair lighter and the eyes brighter.

imagine being an aryan cow and still not feeling white enough. can't wait when they discover the wonders of photoshop. or no, wait, we're not using any advanced technology here (aside from AI of course, bc we say it can benefit us so we give it a pass, no we don't care that it basically steals from the artwork created by actually talented artists to create your aryan gigachads)

No. 1985893

>why tf won't they simply post pictures of themselves since they're all the prime representation of the superior race kek
when they do they're always called out for being brown haired uggos kek

No. 1985902

File: 1713229138211.jpeg (265.15 KB, 1268x1259, GJ7682yXAAEgKhU.jpeg)

this bitch is a flat earther and on a brink of discovering the pleiadian nazi vril lore kekekekek
krysta you're so late, Russian human space barbies already did that years ago

No. 1986017

Marie is so speshul as always. Our autistic Neanderthal high IQ 1% queen. She is so special and Nordic that she’s about to let her 50 year old dusty husband arrange an age gap marriage for her 12 yo daughter in a few years

Imagine how hideous or mentally ill she has to be to attack a random black women for having a family or natural hair. I guess being a desperate pick me online doesn’t guarantee having a bare minimum scrote. Pick me’s never prosper

No. 1986105

It's perfect how the user calling her out has "incel" in his username lmao all this bangmaid can get is bottom of the barrel 5'6 incels kek

No. 1986106

File: 1713297539981.jpg (34.15 KB, 640x378, 6c764761a8939224e59ad42e264bd7…)


No. 1986110

kek imagine fucking up your body beyond repair only to give birth to the autistic kids of a pedo murderer then boast about it all over social media like it's a desirable life for anybody that isn't a retarded self hating pick me. Plevic pain is the least she deserves.

No. 1986111

Of course she used to dress like a burzum fan kek is this nazi bangmaid larp just a way to get senpai varg to notice her brown haired ass? Marie better watch out lol

No. 1986115

The trad whore in the meme is based off of Estee lmao

No. 1986395

File: 1713389862368.png (113.76 KB, 746x756, ohnononono.png)

is he literally bragging about him and marie selling just over a thousand books in total, i'm dying

No. 1986418

Why does he keep misspelling his own name, this is like the third time he's written "Vrag".

No. 1986440

Varg is his dead name

No. 1986488

it’s been a while but i thought it was a meme/inside joke from someone misspelling his name the same way years ago.

No. 1986500

1488 tho anon

No. 1986569

That’s not a lot of sales though kek of course he gets his panties wet when he sees that dumb ass nazi code

No. 1986571

nona pls don't paint such gross imagery I'm gonna vomit

wow, so altogether, with a book being approx 13 coins each, you made for your 9 ppl family about 19k in all years of publishing?? bravo

of course you're an "artist" on welfare or rather your children are while you and your wife are larping poverty riding off both your rich parents trust funds

truly admirable

No. 1986649

These retarded scrotes should know that earlier puberty in girls is connected to having angry, aggressive and/or absent (aka emotionally vacant) fathers which moids are famous for.

No. 1986708

The golden one another autistic Trve Viking gym faggot thinks scrotes should pick "mates" for their daughters (he has two) him and his wife were posted before in the tradthots threads and they're basically just as retarded as Varg and Marie.

No. 1986719

I'll be damned if I let that backstreet boy wannabe pick my husband

No. 1986724

of course he has an overbite and the nerve to be talking all this dog whistling nonsense while strategically not facing direct to the camera.

No. 1986736

i can't believe varg is still going

No. 1986799

lol as if he could be in bsb(sage your shit)

No. 1986878

File: 1713532028720.png (2.22 MB, 946x1483, sus parenting.png)

golden one and his wife are trve viking cows. they are pagan nazi freaks and frequently interact with the placentacult on twitter, even though varg and the golden one have been beefing for years. they are actually quite similar and share the majority of their views. his wife julia is just as kooky as marie and loves to impose her placenta crystal mommy insanity on their young daughters.

No. 1986903

Nazis will get rid of the "undesirables", and then they will eat themselves alive. They're kinda doing it already. So much for "no more brother wars"

No. 1986908

I love how he sperges over muh manly provider mannnn while all he does to earn a living is sit on his ass editing youtube videos and shilling his shitty merch while flexing his roid ridden body for his incel faggot followers. Like go cut wood for a living or be a sheep farmer hypocrite

No. 1986934

I’m not surprised the WN crowd is invested in the cope that autism is a superpower because these are some of the most autistic posts I’ve ever read, even by Twitter racebait standards.

No. 1986938

The black girl looks cute with her natural hair too, what a deranged comment. Also her moid looks more attractive and mentally stable than any tradmale itt and mogs Varg to hell & back, so this is pure jealousy of an unpicked pick-me.

Also huge KEK at some horny moid posting a based militant Aryan waifu and another moid dismissing her as a “slut”, it’s almost like pandering to any of these unhinged pedophilic males is pathetic loser behavior.

No. 1987048

You know, the only reason we have a pedo problem is because castration is illegal. If I could castrate varg countless women would be saved. It’s so easy it’s almost uncanny. Snip snap

No. 1987058

>Also her moid looks more attractive and mentally stable than any tradmale itt and mogs Varg to hell & back, so this is pure jealousy of an unpicked pick-me.

The post is unhinged but i'm sorry that meat head hairy moid is ugly af she's out of his league.

No. 1987132

She's just as autistic as marie

No. 1987254

File: 1713609330787.jpeg (940.59 KB, 1125x2042, IMG_4605.jpeg)

he's about to release new music, can't possibly be worse than his last albums i guess

No. 1987421

listened to it. pretty meh

No. 1987645

it sucks and i'm not surprised, whatever musical talent he had early on in his career dwindled quickly

No. 1987678

Apparently he released it on Hitlers birthday kek he never got over his edgy phase

No. 1987687

he peaked in the norwegian equivalent of high-school and his "humor" stayed there too

No. 1989779

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and neither does varg or marie. kek the delusion

No. 1989781

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Varg has big prey eyes tbh

No. 1989786

There is no doubt Marie-chan is face blind due to her autism. She has the exact same eyes on the right, except they’re blue. This is a stupid comparison of deliberately picked attractive vs unattractive people of different eye colors.

No. 1989789

>eye shape difference
>attractive vs unattractive people
hdyk?(sage your shit)

No. 1989792

Is it still on Spotify? If Black Magick SS isn't allowed there I don't see how he could.

No. 1989797

Ugh anon at this point anytime they are posting a brown eyed person they are trying to prove that brown eyed people are either ugly, or dumb, lazy, “not heroic” etc.. Also those are some unfortunately shaped brown eyes obviously. (Not every pair of brown eyes look like that of course)(sage your shit)

No. 1989804

File: 1714311397884.jpg (135.09 KB, 700x710, lol.jpg)

hunter predator eyes

No. 1989846

File: 1714319246917.jpeg (579.32 KB, 1125x1907, IMG_4715.jpeg)

he wants the incestuous harem cult to happen so bad

No. 1989901

Ngl, I love it when supremacists get appearance-checked.

No. 1989911

To be fair anon I think he means a women who would marry his son or something. Not that his cousin needs to marry his son to be family.

No. 1989945

>Full of mewing
Mewing is suppose to be the natural way the tongue sits in ones mouth, so is this guy implying he's a mouth breather?

No. 1989946

At least the hoteps could be bothered to produce their own art at one point, even if most of it was just gay as hell.

No. 1989947

kek i understood that. it's moreso the first tweet that gives off the "keeping it in the family" vibes, like many of his earlier similar comments. it's very strange though how he only counts women marrying into his family as family, like what about his daughters? are they supposed to be considered non-family when they get married into other families then? imo he just wants to collect more teenage girls/daughter-in-laws into his ~tribe~ to be surrounded by a harem of them

No. 1990029

>unironically being part of a sphere that has a dude named rapist interacting with your content
>posting pictures of your own children in said spheres
Fucking kek what a life these nazitard women live

No. 1990350

File: 1714469202513.png (82.37 KB, 774x594, i use CAPS to EMPHASIZE random…)

it's almost as if AI will respond to your inputs and come up with whatever bullshit you ask it to… holy fuck they're dumb, AI is the perfect tool for them because it's just a personalized echo chamber.

No. 1990452

Why is Varg, as a man, researching runes and magic, shouldn't he know, as a true and honest norse nationalist viking traditionalist, that doing so makes him a massive faggot?

No. 1990456

asking an AI leading questions about some random subject doesn't count as researching. he just wants to have his own opinions validated, and since he thinks all real experts are lying jews he has to turn to chatbots to get his already determined opinions repeated to him. he's not interested in actually learning shit.

No. 1990663

kek, what is his point? stafir are letters of an alphabet in the Old Norse. is he just refusing to say runes for some reason? he probably nudged chat towards "galdrastafir" where he got the answer he wanted (it was used for magic), except that alphabet is from 17th century

No. 1990682

A lot of Nazis have an unironic incest kink unfortunately. You don’t wanna know how many European men I’ve talked to that had a kink for fucking their own daughters and sisters and ‘preserving the blonde blue eyed genes’, and said all kinds of creepy shit about wanting to marry underage girls, even trying to go out of their way to find them. I’m pretty certain that blue eyes actually proliferated initially among humans through incest. Inbreeding makes recessive traits more likely to appear.
t. Euro nona who is a former member of the nazi schizo community and got brainwashed into it in my teens by my bf at the time

No. 1990733

>Inbreeding makes recessive traits more likely to appear
Can they not simply marry someone with those traits who is not related to them? Is it really that hard and they are the only family with blond hair and blue eyes in their area?

No. 1990822

Most people aren't going to willingly breed with Nazis. Especially given what Nazi men usually look like

No. 1990921

It's the result genetic variation not incest. It's not just Europeans who can have blue eyes, although it is rarer in other parts of the world. Most people with blue eyes (I think Melanesian populations developed it independently but don't quote me) share a common ancestor in the similar way to everyone being descended from mitochondrial eve.

No. 1990923

I know that, I'm pointing out that in scandinavia, traditionally, magic has been reserved for women and men doing magic was viewed as deeply unmanly and gay. It was on the level of being a tranny back during the viking times. So why is Varg, the ubermasculine trad male that he is, caring about magic?

No. 1990924

I mean, Hitler and his niece

No. 1991006

File: 1714641328179.jpeg (449.65 KB, 1125x784, IMG_4758.jpeg)

how dare any young white women refuse to breed with varg!

No. 1991009

Is it a-logging to say I can’t wait for natural causes to take this slug of a creature? Kek it can’t be too far off, his most recent pics have him looking like he’s 75 and not doing well

No. 1991020

I was going to say the same thing but wanted to avoid a-logging lol. Varg croaking is what motivates me to read these threads

No. 1991051

he is not really trad or masculine if you think about it. he was a dirty cosmopolite by white supremacist standards when he murdered euronymous. then he moved to the backwoods of france with marie and suddenly he's spin kicking ninja muslims in his yard and looking retarded and greasy into a camera lens.

No. 1991092

I'm just rooting for his kids to break free and smash his narc ego before he dies

No. 1991093

taking your wife's last name and living in her parents house while being on welfare is not trad or masculine he's just as much of a leeche as those immigrants he hates

No. 1991113

Even his murder was cowardly as fuck, he stabbed in the back a smaller, naked guy who was running away from him. So masculine of him

No. 1991131

There's an extra layer of pathetic at how angry Varg gets other people, but especially women, choosing things that don't align with his stupid views. Women believe something different? Women don't have baby in teens? Women don't have sex at all? Bad! Brainwashing! Unlike what he's doing to his kids - that's not brainwashing at all! Jews trick women into doing things! Like wearing things Varg doesn't like! Or wanting to do activities Varg doesn't approve of!

Okay, Varg.
It might be, but I feel the same way. I think it's because he has kids. That's always an extra layer of terrifying. His young daughters being taught that they're ready to be married off to grown men as soon as they hit puberty. Who knows what his sons are learning. And all of them being taught conspiracy theories and racism. Hopefully, they'll all go through deprogramming once they're free, but they'll have a lot to unpack.
Honestly, that's kind of funny to think about. Not that murder is funny, but Varg has never really been stereotypically super masculine, at least in behavior or interests. He's more than happy to retreat with his wife to a shared fantasy world where Ancient Egyptians are white and Jews make white people non-autistic by promoting interracial children. Almost all the people he complains about contribute far more to their community and loved ones than Varg does, honestly, no matter the gender, race, culture, or religion. I wonder if he's too delusional to realize that, or if his incessant ranting on Twitter is his pathetic attempt at a cope. Maybe the fact that the young, attractive white women he constantly posts about would never willingly be in any kind of relationship with him because he has nothing to offer keeps him up at night. Or maybe he genuinely, fully believes he is peak humanity. Both are equally pathetic.

No. 1991213

they're all like that i noticed. he doesn't care, it isn't really about building community or saving white people. it's just about controlling others and wanting to have special privileges for being born looking a certain way. he murdered another white person, despite constantly squawking about how precious white blood is and how europeans are dying out. he destroyed his own heritage because it had a connection a religion he doesn't like, even though christianity is pretty much a european religion at this point regardless of how people feel about it or its origins. hating people for something they can't change and never asked for is the easiest fucking cop out ever.

No. 1991345

he says in this blogpost that runes are not the same as stafir and explains what he thinks they actually mean etc. https://thuleanperspective.com/2024/04/21/the-divine-runes/
ofc according to him and marie literally everything means placenta and birth/rebirth.

No. 1991450

Wasn't it because the schizo voices in his head told him that Euronymous wanted to kill him? He calls it "self defense" to this day, it was hilarious to see his interview in the Until the light takes us documentary
>someone told me they heard someone say they heard someone say they heard someone say they overheard Euronymous saying he wanted to kill me… so it was self defense

No. 1991456

File: 1714772499140.png (584.15 KB, 754x1270, great parenting.png)

that's just some bs he made up. he can barely contain his pride, excitement and brags about committing that murder on twitter all the time. i mean it's not surprising considering he promotes genocide and transfers his obsession with violence and killing to his kids.

No. 1992169

you mean descendents
why do people keep making this mistake

No. 1992171

he really should be investigated and may be have his kids taken into care
he wants to give his daughters away to older men when they hit 14
his sons will probably turn into murderers

No. 1992200

Am I surprised of not he’s not talking about islamism taking over in France and people want islam to reign the country. Does he think they will be friendly with him because they share the same hillbilly world view?

No. 1992285

i think he mentions them here >>1991456 'orc' was/is a recent racist internet meme slang term for muslims (other immigrants as well but mainly muslims) coming to europe (and the west as a whole), it used images of lord of the rings films acompanied by headlines from actual news sources about muslims in europe

he is clearly, as we already know, deep into racism and white supremacy (probably so deep he is standing on the bottom), it seems some nonnys missed the 1488 in his post here >>1986395

you may be right though some mysogynists and far right members have embraced islam as they seem to think they share their views on women and judaism

No. 1992755

You’re all just jealous bitter barren hags because Varg is a gigachad who had 10 kids. His legacy will live on meanwhile you subhuman roasties will never breed and thats a good thing (if you even have wombs to begin with). Cope seethe and dilate.(scrote)

No. 1992768

>most white people
Yeah I'm gonna call bullshit on that. Maybe on this site of probably mostly ethnic radical feminist femcels it is like that.(sage your shit)

No. 1992826

It was harder to meet women online back then, especially right wing leaning blonde teens. That’s literally the only reason he chose Marie, sadly. If Varg was in his 30s nowadays he’d be going through his Twitter fangirls like a degenerate.

No. 1992876

Now that I think about it, varg doesn't really talk about current political issues. Beyond just "dog whistling" about orcs and nose emojis.

No. 1992879

He’s a fulltime edgelord, not a politician.

No. 1992888

File: 1715251201794.jpeg (806.8 KB, 1125x1966, IMG_4818.jpeg)

helen of troy was a stellar blade character in stripper heels apparently
like marie he's uneducated. so he doesn't really have anything substantial to say and is doomed to repeat the same insane conspiracy theories and white supremacist copium bullshit forever

No. 1992899

How do nazis like >>1992755 find this site?

No. 1992909

they're all terminally online and never leave the PC

No. 1992922

Probably via 4chan, this place still carries a “4chan for women” reputation so terminally online freak moids often come here thinking they’ll get a positive reception for their racebait spergouts.

No. 1992927

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>His legacy will live on meanwhile you subhuman roasties will never breed and thats a good thing (if you even have wombs to begin with). Cope seethe and dilate.

Yeah we're so jealous of this dirt poor manlet and his 7 fat autistic home schooled kids who will have zero impact in society kek scrotes are so delulu and defective. Fun fact we rather have careers and shekels over ruining our lives to spread the genes of broke ass bottom of the barrel scrotes like you and varg. Go cry in your basement.(responding to bait)

No. 1992933

KEK so accurate

No. 1992935

It’s always the worst scrotes who see having a bunch of babies they’re too poor & stupid to raise properly as some big accomplishment. They have nothing to offer but their broken sperm, and they know it. Overpopulating the world with even more dysgenic retards to feed off the broken welfare system = victory in their minds. He’s literally no different than the “orc” immigrants he hates so much for outbreeding muh Whyte birth rates, it’s just a race to the bottom with these moids.

No. 1992938

>He’s literally no different than the “orc” immigrants he hates so much
Right, they love dunking on muh childless career hags only to use their tax money to buy their little welfare refined sugar groceries lmao zero self awareness and audacity is moid's trade mark. Varg is a moocher and a parasite.

No. 1992956

The wisest comment I read on the internet this week. Thanks, nona, I'm screenshotting it kek

No. 1992964

It's hilarious that they think living off crumbs while raising 7+ kids is any different than the welfare queens they supposedly hate. How is this anything to be envious of? Didn't a gust of wind blow in the roof of their shithole shack? Won't be surprised if most of his pseudo Aryan spawn eventually escape him and his hills have eyes tier lifestyle.

No. 1993068

If anything scrotes like Varg should be grateful to the “childless career hags” whose taxes keep him and his illiterate spawn from starving to death

No. 1993211

It's like those women are the actual providers to moids like him and therefore they are submitting to them like the beta bitch scrotes they are kek

No. 1993215

How many children do you have?

No. 1993218

It’s always been this way nona. The idea of ‘men are ambitious go getters, women are nesters who stay at home’ is 19th and 20th century propaganda bullshit. Women always worked just as hard if not harder than men. Go to any village in rural Africa or the Amazon and all the women work hard all day while the men laze around smoking woowoo plants. Only when men realized they can control women financially by becoming sole provider did the idea of housewives become popular.

No. 1993219

Don't respond to the incomplete defective female. He's just angry that his kind are worthless and hanging before 30 in big numbers.

No. 1993221

It's ironic that what you just said is accurate in Varg's case too. Marie does EVERYTHING, cleaning, teaching the kids, cooking, taking care of the farm animals, giving birth while Barg eats kitkats and jerks off to AI blonde girls and pedo tweets about his daughters. He didn't even fix the shack's roof nor did he provide the family home kek he's a complete failure

No. 1993236

Well in that sense they truly are a RETVRN TO NATVRE trad family with a lazy adult manchild leeching off his long suffering wife who does all the hard work, along with the other mini leeches.

No. 1993251

File: 1715361147739.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1125x1863, IMG_4824.jpeg)

>in my european pagan worldview women are seen and treated as goddesses

No. 1993253

File: 1715361281493.jpeg (396.3 KB, 1125x826, IMG_4825.jpeg)

the fact that his name is kristian and his wife's name is marie will never not be hilarious

No. 1993309

He’s kinda right. Abrahamic religions gave men a horrible Madonna/Whore complex, and couple that with circumcision and you get pretty much pure misogyny and woman hatred, the final form of which is Islam. However women were still treated like garbage and denied basic rights in pagan societies. So the question isn’t christianity le bad paganism le good but rather any religion started and practiced by men will turn bad automatically because men are flaming garbage. Also the AI art is toe curlingly cringe.

No. 1993311

says a scrote who looks women in their teeth like they were cattle and supports grooming of his underage daughters

>So the question isn’t christianity le bad paganism le good but rather any religion started and practiced by men will turn bad automatically because men are flaming garbage.

don't expect a scrote to reason something that is not appropriating His angle

>the AI art is toe curlingly cringe.

everything is a fetish/kink in this corner of the internet - also treating women as goddesses
wouldn't surprise me if barg didn't get off of it somehow

No. 1993315

File: 1715378445328.png (354.98 KB, 1018x1419, cognitive dissonance and losin…)

the funniest part is that he will just say anything and use such amounts of mental gymnastics to justify it, but if people will actually comment w some arguments he will never be able to debate them

No. 1993335

File: 1715384213021.png (63.53 KB, 609x637, muh homework twauma.png)

the lifestyle/worldview he proposes is literally identical to the worst cults of abrahamic religions, like FLDS and ISIS tier. he says girls are adult women ready to get impregnated and married off by old men at age 14. and if he really was against any sort of misogynist religious doctrine, he wouldn't be against feminism when that according to himself is a rejection of said misogynist religious doctrines. he's retarded through and through. also, he's said several times that catholicism is 80% paganism, kek.
>but if people will actually comment w some arguments he will never be able to debate them
he's an ignorant dumbass so what do you expect kek. his and marie's complete rejection of formal education and science is just copium for two complete failchildren from highly educated families.

No. 1993345

Kind of based of Barg to troll and rile up his disgusting misogynistic followers, top kek.

Honestly though, Barg has made many other posts/tweets about how beautiful white women are goddesses and how men are supposed to worship them, my guess is he’s a bratty sub who wants Stacy to sit on his face. Typical.

No. 1993365

uh, no. he's a literal pedo, not a "bratty sub" (ew). and if he wanted a stacy he wouldn't have married marie of all people.

No. 1993402

I wonder why female converts outnumbered male converts in early Christianity, then. Maybe they were hypnotized by the ebil Jews kek

No. 1993422

why doesn’t he just come out and say what he really thinks, that feminism is ‘jewish’? cause that’s really what he’s implying here.

a lot of his beliefs are unironically new age adjacent reconstructions of an idealized pagan europe. many new age pagans say similar things about catholicism, which there is some truth to it as the church did christianize druidic beliefs like the holy grail. but this cope that women were better off in pagan europe and that europe was a matriarchy before the romans came is wrong and dubious at best in regards to the latter. there are plenty of accounts of women being brutalized, raped, beaten, thrown into fires, drowned, and chopped up, often for no good reason other than just cause. some of the accounts of the way that the nordic tribes treated women were incredibly barbaric, particularly their treatment of female slaves, older women, and widows. ultimately it’s a waste of time to pretend he’s ever going to read a proper book about european history or even ask an expert what they know.

No. 1993429

File: 1715422309334.jpeg (396.49 KB, 1125x1881, IMG_4826.jpeg)

>but this cope that women were better off in pagan europe and that europe was a matriarchy before the romans came is wrong and dubious at best in regards to the latter
it's wrong but he doesn't know shit or care about how pre-christian northern europe actually was. he just has his own made up world (MYFAROG) that he projects onto real history. he's also flat out lying describing what his own troo pagan worldview is. treating women as godesses? just look at his behaviour and his opinions in regards to women throughout his life. he barely even views his own daughters as human beings.
>ultimately it’s a waste of time to pretend he’s ever going to read a proper book about european history or even ask an expert what they know.
cause he literally doesn't want to know. he just wants to live in his own fantasy rpg world kek.

No. 1993435

>why doesn’t he just come out and say what he really thinks, that feminism is ‘jewish’? cause that’s really what he’s implying here.

he did many times and his arguments about women-goddesses or the stance of women in society whatsoever is a fallacy because the only reason he hates feminism is that it was apparently started by jews (it wasn't, not exactly anyway, but keep coping). ah, and a bunch of misogynistic views he already has anyway.

on the other hand, when you think about it - barg trying to white knight and present white right-winger nuts as the friend of women is but another moid tactic of manipulating women to reproduce with them. nothing is changing in the moid dimension. they're just the same patterns packaged in another aesthetic. also classic narc behaviour yet again.

No. 1993441

>ultimately it’s a waste of time to pretend he’s ever going to read a proper book about european history
What are you talking about? He's literally read the Lord of the Rings books?

No. 1993452

>not capable fighters
Stabbing someone with a giant knife isn’t hard, women still manage to kill their husbands this way kek

No. 1993467

Kristian is a much nicer sounding and Chadder name than ‘Varg’ which just sounds retarded and gay

No. 1993471

actually he's legally named Louis now that he married into Cachets and decided to seem plain for the French welfare offices

No. 1993498

Lazy immigrants come to this country without a job, refuse to work, just lounge around all day, make their women do all the work, insult the local religion and hide under fake French names to collect welfare and pop out 20 kids. Typical.

No. 1993571


No. 1993619

Anytime a moid brings up female ‘cashiers’ you know you’re in for a spiel of shutin loser nonsense kek(learn to sage)

No. 1993621

My grandpa is 83 years old and looks younger than this oldfag kek

What the fuck has Barg been eating that made his collagen deplete, skin sag and his facial bones melt? He looks like he hasn’t eaten a square meal involving meat or vegetables in years and as if he’s lived off solely sugar for decades (highly likely tbh) he looks horrible even by middle aged man standards

No. 1993630

File: 1715475069814.png (81 KB, 1018x242, kiwis.png)

of course he lives the diet of sugar and refined carbs! fruit doesn't seem to be enjoyed too often in the cachet shack - Marie was just bragging that she found some old kiwis and about how much vitamin c they must have that they haven't rotten yet - this is the most vitamins and fresh produce these ppl must've had in months kekekek
is kiwi even native to Europe? kek

No. 1993632

File: 1715475380772.png (90.91 KB, 1018x402, gdss.png)

same fag but again -the topic of varg worshipping women as goddesses - he has to - women sponsored his entire life so far. he can seethe and spew pedo and misogynist trash online but in real life if he doesn't try to make it seem like he respects them - he knows he would be biting the curb tomorrow

No. 1993643

>hurr if women are losers it's their own fault no matter how hard they tried
>hurr if men are losers they dindu nuffin and were just good boys who the world was out to get
Can these freaks just die already

No. 1993667

Frenschan, they regularly post about raiding this site because they think they can somehow “win” over white women on here, they’re fucking idiots and never sage

No. 1993730

File: 1715512697384.png (25.62 KB, 1331x398, IMG_4782.png)

>he can seethe and spew pedo and misogynist trash online but in real life if he doesn't try to make it seem like he respects them - he knows he would be biting the curb tomorrow
you're delusional if you think marie holds any power over him. their whole relationship is built on her being the most spineless doormat available that he could use as a breeding sow bangmaid and mouthpiece for his unhinged opinions. and now she's trying to put her children in the same position, pretty much advertising their daughters to online nazi pedos and letting their son work on developing daddy varg's ttrpg instead of getting a job and an education. varg can and will do whatever the fuck he wants with absolutely no demands from marie, otherwise he would leave her instantly for one of the pathetic young stans on placenta nazi twitter. he probably will do that anyway at some point, or maybe he'll just settle for raping his own kids instead, if he doesn't do that already.
hilarious when they willingly post Ls about living in a moldy dilapidated shack eating rotten food

No. 1993737

>you're delusional if you think marie holds any power over him.

I mean, actually it's her parents' land and house as far as I remember. she might not hold much power over him but she's definitely as manipulative as him and she's been posting some cryptic messages about women in control of anything to get him to support it online for some time now. I think there is more to their horrible relationship than might seem at first.

No. 1993765

>it's her parents' land and house
they literally rent their house, i don't think this is true. also it was varg's mom who bought their first house, eventual gibs might as well come from his family.

No. 1993798

they don't rent. they often use "our property" and it was said long ago that Marie's parents let them live there.
> varg's mom who bought their first house
the one they lived in in Norway after he was out of prison

No. 1993805

they’re about at that stage when a marriage starts falling apart. she’s probably frustrated and tired because she’s beginning to see that all he does is run his big fat mouth. meanwhile she’s having kids back to back and doing most of the housework while he’s outside shaking his ass and being useless. of course he will complain that she’s “let herself go”, because apparently when you’re an aryan baby machine, you should still be a 12/10 smoking hot babe despite living in abject poverty. there’s a good chance they aren’t sleeping together as well and at best they communicate through social media or at the dinner table. i don’t feel bad though…you reap what you sow and now she has to eat what she made.

No. 1993815

This, what’s sad is that Marie basically has no romantic options now if Varg leaves her. Who’s going to date an ageing divorced single mom with 9 kids and a blown out vag who was married to one of the internets most prolific lolcows?

I don’t even really see any moids simping for her in her mentions. That’s what’s frightening about the trad lifestyle, the man can walk away anytime he wants with zero damage and start all over again, but the woman will always have a losing hand.

Luckily for Marie nobody is exactly lining up to date Barg’s busted boiled ham looking ass, but there’s always some dumb unloved teenager with a bad home life who can be easily groomed, even by someone like Varg.(sage your shit)

No. 1993928

What a depressing life Marie has, god. Walking birth control ad.(sage your shit)

No. 1994077

Honestly the kids that are mostly daughters aren't even the bad part it's Barg's lazy porn addicted ass that's making her life miserable. The girls seem sweet and helpful.

No. 1994138

>penis havers drag down women and make them miserable
Many such cases.(sage your shit)

No. 1994285

4 boys and 3 girls, the boys have long hair

Marie doesn’t miss the chance to remind women that they’re useless after the old age of 20, typical. She will never stop being a doormat bangmaid

All she needs to do is divorce him and send this criminal back to his home country and continue living on the farm by herself, but her low self esteem won’t allow her to do that.

Having zero romantic options is better than your husband “advertising” your 12 yo daughter to pedo placentamoids online

No. 1994287

They used to rent a land before this one, around the time they were both arrested.
This property belongs to Marie’s family

No. 1994288

My tinfoil is when they have minor arguments Varg self loathes on twitter about how broken he is due to his time in prison and will compliment Marie by comparing her to cattle. Around the same time Marie will go through an autistic hyper focus on planets and the mysteries of the universe & she will post about that. I don’t think she will ever stop being a bangmaid tho. If she still supports him after Varg publicly admitting it’s okay for his daughters to date much older men as teenagers, she will forever be a doormat

No. 1994339

I actually thought this tweet was him negging Marie.(sage your shit)

No. 1994390

I think Marie’s special interest is misogyny

No. 1994578

File: 1715771228666.jpeg (290.57 KB, 946x1373, IMG_4875.jpeg)

varg trying to cope with the fact that tolkien was a christian. he loves forcing his LOTR headcanons down people's throats. and according to the logic of this tweet, varg himself is most certainly a jew considering his complete obsession with jewish people and their religion kek.
i thought it was the other way around and that they rented their current house. after all, during their arrest in 2013 marie's parents allegedly tried to get custody of the kids, why would they gift them a house after that?

No. 1994581

They probably don’t want their daughter to live in a cave anon, considering how “low maintenance” she is (usually code word for zero self esteem in a woman) she wouldn’t mind living in the woods.

No. 1994584

I think they had some dilapidated, spare house in the family, didn't know what to do with it, and gave it to Marie to save her and their grandchildren from a worse fate

No. 1994702

even his previous Führer was a Christian(one with a very retarded understanding of the bible) but still someone who genuinely believed and who thought Himmler pagan beliefs were retarded

No. 1994886

File: 1715865717168.png (1.33 MB, 1018x1348, fdsfdsfdsfsd.png)

ah yes, Apocalypse - The Trve Viking Version

No. 1994910

File: 1715873875252.png (529.98 KB, 768x1454, iceage hype.png)

but she was tweeting picrel just a few weeks ago? so is the sun going to deep fry the earth or is a new ice age coming? is it both? unfortunately schizophrenia seems to be required to decode any of her aryan viking judgment day prophecies.

No. 1995140

she didn't say the sun is going to fry earth, she was talking about a geomagnetic storm

No. 1995141

Hoteps say the earth will heat up and we'll all need extra melanin to survive, snowteps say the ice age is coming and only blondes will survive, who's winning first?

No. 1995201


Yup, definitely a mild argument. Let’s now wait for Varg to publicly declare how health Marie’s teeth are

No. 1995204

File: 1715952921755.jpeg (94.93 KB, 1125x394, IMG_4889.jpeg)

No. 1995261

I know it's French but her putting "tic tac, tic tac" in her posts just make them seem more retarded, I kek hard each time I can't help myself

they should worry not! according to their own predictions, they will all DIE regardless where they are at.

No. 1995318

She and Varg will suffer the most since they won't be able to tweet.

No. 1995328

omg now it makes sense why they're sperging about it so much hahahaha

No. 1995434

File: 1716000936080.png (68.56 KB, 1258x270, lmlmlkm.png)

marie and her graphomania
made me kek so much I almost cried

(((((the end is near)))))

No. 1995436

File: 1716001012198.png (1.54 MB, 1258x1328, knkjnkjn.png)

tf do they all have with writing "books" and being gods kek

No. 1995459

Ngl, cover kinda slaps, I'd probably read the summary if I saw this in stores (and then promptly set it down after realizing it's batshit crazy word salad)

No. 1995493


Kek, why did I found that cute in a retarded way? It's like a little kid showing off his awesome science project to you. "Yes yes little Timmy, your miniature volcano is cool."

No. 1995495

File: 1716024568996.jpeg (83.19 KB, 636x900, sunmaxxing.jpeg)

What the fuck is sunmaxxing.

No. 1995497

They’re going to get premature wrinkles. SMH

No. 1995554

but i thought that epic nordic aryan people had the supreme ability to withstand cold harsh winters and that melanin was a sign of inferior genes. he should move to the equator or something kek

No. 1995584


reminded me of that retard sv3rige who claims to have fixed his vision with sungazing, and a lot of other crazy shit

btw did I miss it or was there no thread for other deeply disturbing autistic scrotes like barg - sv3rige, frank tufano etc ?

No. 1995588


idk I don't find that endearing at all, rather thought - if you saw a woman release a book like this what the reactions would be? it is peak narcissism for me

No. 1995676

This looks like an Aleister Crowley fanboy diary. The graphic design screams Fiver.

No. 1995722

lol it’s just more hypocritical racist retard logic. the sun is fine when it’s shining on blonde nordic aryans so that their hair gets fried “white blonde” and they can wear white linen shirts to make their tans and eyes stand out more. these people are always so fucking shallow.

No. 1995862

I don't think there was but tbh sv3rige's saga has gotten so dark I don't even want to read it anymore.

No. 1995870


No. 1995906

File: 1716130626475.jpeg (495.81 KB, 1125x1205, IMG_4908.jpeg)

they sure don't seem to enjoy scandi weather themselves but if a non-evropean would complain about it they'd sperg about how people of color are not fit to live there etc.
hilarious how the "demigod" on the cover is wearing gay ass boxer shorts like a menswear catalogue model
she's only 35 but she's really longing for the end of the world, says a lot about her life kek

No. 1995916

omg yes, I stopped lurking when he got with someone and I saw a few videos exposing him as a raging narc and physically abusing her. it was only funny when they were all about sungazng and raw meat. he only got one funny moment recently when he started wearing a toupee for his bald stupid ass head kek. but it's true, he is even more disturbing than barg and his echo chamber.

No. 1995953

File: 1716143546204.jpg (65.64 KB, 610x911, The-Golden-One-Feet-4539974.jp…)

I hate this insufferable autistic gym faggot so much. How retarded and narcissistic must one be to call themselves "the golden one" and make using gear and roid then posing for faggots online their entire personality? This scene attracks the most autistic narcissits out there

No. 1995954

>hilarious how the "demigod" on the cover is wearing gay ass boxer shorts like a menswear catalogue model
That's cause the author is a roid head faggot that posts thirst traps online for the boyz

No. 1995968

Tolkien's mother was denounced by her family for switching to Catholicism from the Anglican church. From an early age he faced inconvenience for being Catholic. Had he been an average NPC Christian (which most people are) he would have defaulted back to Anglican church as soon as he was grown enough to claim a belief. It would be the easiest choice for an English man in the UK. Instead he chose to insist on a faith that was seen as such a taboo. He knew what he was doing. If he was some NPC Christian who claims to belong to the denomination of everyone else around him, Varg would have SOME point here. But that's most definitely not the case.
And yes LOTR is very Christian themed. The whole idea of ring tempting those that are near it but the right thing being to toss it into the fire is Christian af.(sage your shit)

No. 1995970

This makes it even worse for vargtards. As a Nordic person, Varg's criteria for what's blond should be higher, not lower. I am from the Balkans where there's a lot less adult blondes than in Northern Europe, and if any of the people he calls "dark blonde" said that about themselves here, they would be laughed at. I would imagine this standard should at least be equally strict, if not a lot more strict, in a country like Norway. I guess what some of you said here is true, he wouldn't stand a chance with an actual Nordic woman so he picked anyone else as long as she's "blonde" with blue eyes. And I think he also suffers from face blindness, not just Marie, if he doesn't think facial features and skull shape are just as important for determining a phenotype as pigmentation is.

No. 1995983

It’s well known scientifically that Neanderthals went extinct during the last Ice age because they lived in small isolated family groups while humans coagulated in much larger settlements. Unable to find mates some Neanderthals resorted to mating with humans hence the small amount of Neanderthal dna found in modern day humans. I find it strangely poetic how this ancient narrative runs so parallel with Marie’s horrible decisions and family dynamic : isolated into emotionally and socially incestious , dysfunctional family compound her daughters will probably jump at the first half Tunisian wannabe rapper that buys them a $10 pack of cheap flowers and the boys will probably end up as virgin incels. Either way their deluded worldview will die off forever, destined to exist only in fleeting moments of their kids in their 30s and 40s going to pick berries or reading a Tolkien book for childhood nostalgia.

No. 1996007

What's funny is the male bodybuilding movement literally started as an offshoot of a gay subculture for men who had a fetish for Bara style male bodies and would pay them for sex. These men were well known to sleep with judges and many went on to become male escorts and gay pornstars.

Magazines focused on bodybuilding like Men's Health magazine were started as a form of softcore gay porn that men could feel comfortable buying and reading publicly without immediately being accused of homosexuality.(learn to sage at lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1996111

File: 1716190165011.png (513.04 KB, 432x576, Cv2SQiV.png)

While Christianity was imposed on some people, it was largely embraced by the majority, including kings and warriors in Scandinavia. The people willingly converted to Christianity and most of the pagans persecuted by Christians were followers of monothestic cults in the Roman Empire.

No. 1996123

Not really, the preachers had to come back multiple times to baptize the pagans because they just reverted to the old gods. Saints are made up to replace gods specifically for those reasons, belief in saints is absolutely not a biblical thing (which is why protestants don't have it). It took hundreds upon hundreds of years of Christianity before SOME Europeans were ready to embrace a proper biblical approach without the saints. Varg is an absolute idiot but not everything he says is incorrect.(sage your shit)

No. 1996232

I'm not denying that, I'm just pointing out that if it was mostly peaceful and voluntary. There was resistance of course, since the process took ~200 years. However there wasn't much repression regarding that resistance. It was nowhere near as violent as some people would like you to believe. The real extreme violence occurred during the Northern Crusades, which took place in the 11 the century and were specifically aimed at Baltic paganism. Scandinavians themselves participated in that crusade and they had already been Christianized for 200 years at that point. Also the Christianization of the Norse happened from above, with kings and chieftains converting first, often for political reasons followed by their people.

No. 1996479

The bodybuilding scene is known for being incredibly gay. Most professionals have done gay for pay to afford their gear and living expenses. Wouldn't be surprised if "The Golden One" did that.(sage your shit)

No. 1996528

he's got like a whole wife and two daughters nonna. he is incredibly retarded but out of all these true viking autists, I wouldn't believe he would be the one to engage with anything like that. Marcus sure is giving a gay vibe but his reasoning for bodybuilding seems to be more of a "I am a better capable male to defend my missus in the wild" and he's doing it to compete rather than pimp himself to other gay moids. which doesn't cancel that he's retarded and has some body dysmorphia bc fuck… no-one sane would make themself look like that.

No. 1996627

He actually admitted in one of his super old (maybe purged now) videos that he was a Speedo dancer at a gay pride parade float in Stockholm, so yes, he has (I think pictures are probably still out there)It was in the context of him saying that while he super tvrd redp1ll l33t Viking he doesn’t think being gay is that big of deal and thinks gay marriage should be legalized. Don’t remember anything else but I saw it years ago before he got married and has kids

No. 1996696

Schwarzenegger did gay for pay, why should this dude be above that?

No. 1996706

File: 1716350520935.jpg (34.37 KB, 205x390, The-Golden-One-Feet-4539973.jp…)

Him being married with kids doesn't mean shit. Plenty of faggots live like a closeted lifestyle letting Thomas from work bend them over before returning home to their wives and kids kek
>He does it to compete
yeah that's why there are tons of gay pics of him in skimpy cosplay on the iternet not to mention it's so odd for some moid that believes in gender roles to support gay marriage. He's a full blown faggot.

No. 1996708

>He actually admitted in one of his super old (maybe purged now) videos that he was a Speedo dancer at a gay pride parade float in Stockholm
I fucking knew it kek now it's even more hilarious watching his equally autistic wife sperge on how much of a ~~protector and provider uwu~~ he is. Imagine being married to a narc faggot that eye fucks himself in the mirror all the time and dances at gay parades lmao tradthots stay losing.

No. 1996709

I just know that image is from wikifeet.

No. 1996710

Just looked him up and it popped up not surprised that his thirst traps (only trapping faggots) are on gay moid websites

No. 1996733

File: 1716367894199.jpeg (239.78 KB, 1170x1696, IMG_6247.jpeg)

I tried to find the video (or screenshots or something on 4chan bc in the video I remember him proudly showing the photos of him dancing on the float with what I can only assume were actual gay men) but it seems he long ago purged it, but if you go on his instagram one of the first photos up has this comment so I’m not the only one that remembers kek . If someone knows of a waybackmachine or something for YouTube maybe a farmer can unearth it

No. 1996738

File: 1716369039738.webp (75.21 KB, 1062x1200, IMG_6248.webp)

Also just my two cents on why Marcus gives off such weird, masochistic self-degrading somatic narcissist vibes with his clearly homoerotic poses and gay coded cosplays its because he knows in reality he is extremely ugly for a Scandinavian man, and also relatively dumb, talentless, boring. He could never measure up to actually successful Scandinavian athletes/bodybuilders/media personalities so he became autoerotic in this extremely cringe way as a way of distracting himself from the fact that he really is a nobody with barely 20k followers on instagram. He has less engagement on his social media than even styxhexenhammer (a anorexic ex-fedora tipping satanist who lives with his mother at 37 years old) and Varg (a chronically parasitic fat delusional murderer who peaked in the early 90s when he released the first burzum album) and these people all basically share the same audience pool

No. 1996767

File: 1716384839694.jpg (25.16 KB, 498x298, Fp8EjhQWYAA7vUA.jpg)

It's even funnier when you remember that this scrote larps as a masculine trad kek the whole larp if full of faggots and retards.
>Do you still parade at LGBTQ parades and events

No. 1997496

You probably believe BAP is straight too kek

No. 1997498

Straight men do not take pictures like this of themselves. Even his pose is zesty as fuck.

No. 1998097

nah, I just wanted to believe men can do something outside their "gender role" that doesn't make them immediately gay. maybe he's bi. idk.

No. 1998181

File: 1716858793744.png (129.38 KB, 842x904, julia sperg.png)

when you're a "trad" crunchymom being a little too crunchy so you give your kid herpes. kek

No. 1998425

Damn she's so fucking autistic reading that gave me a headache kek surprised she took her to a doctor and not tried curing at home with muh trad herbes. The herpes came from her gay ass husband for sure you can't convince me he never took it up the ass. There's just no way.

No. 1998486

File: 1716936948576.jpeg (866.22 KB, 1125x2042, IMG_5091.jpeg)

i mean i get the point of this but fuck, does he ever say anything about marie that doesn't devalue or dehumanize her in some way? and i doubt he'd give a fuck about his kids anyway since he abandoned his firstborn daughter and couldn't even let her be but had to talk shit about her online to his insane nazi audience

No. 1998510

We all know he would choose the daughter cause she can produce more white trash crotch goblins kek he treats his wife like an expired damaged goods already used up

No. 1998691

what the fuck… his behaviour is one thing but the fact he's even engaging with this type of content proves he's extremely retarded and dangerous to be around

No. 1998705

Anon c’mon its just normie engagement bait

No. 1998713

normie=retarded in my book kek

No. 1998718

File: 1717008525833.jpeg (817.43 KB, 1125x1308, IMG_5092.jpeg)

ok kristian

No. 1998857

he looks like a clown with a small penis

No. 1998858

aren't these people exhausted from being this stupid?

No. 1998866

>a name used as early as the Iron Age
Ok…but assuming this is true, how can anyone even know this? The Iron Age ended in roughly 500BC. Nords didn’t have an alphabet or way of writing down/recording things until hundreds of years later. Runes were first used in around 150AD.

So…where’s the proof this name was used 650 years earlier than the advent of runes? Or is this more woowoo snowtep nonsense?(sage your shit)

No. 1998872



>sunglasses emoji

Dios mio. Grandpas should not be using internet slang.

No. 1998874

He poses like an ape in pain

No. 1998878

File: 1717043885340.png (114.91 KB, 1350x560, totally_prehistoric_brah.png)

it doesn't matter because he will just claim that since these nordic rock smashers were sooper dooper mentally advanced, their brains were just so big and their iqs were literally 9999. we modern humans are just too puny to comprehend their elite cave wall dookie art spelling out their names.

on a more serious note, i have no idea where he came up with this bullshit because none of the search engines i used are pulling up anything about the surname vik being that old. there was a settlement in ørland called 'vik' from that time but absolutely nothing about it being some sort of uwu very ancient name. we know he doesn't read so i think it's safe to say he just pulled this out his ass.

No. 1998902

>note, i have no idea where he came up with this bullshit
He pulls it out of his ass that’s there he always gets his schizo ideas from

No. 1998927

The word vik is still in regular use meaning inlet/bay, and nes means headland/peninsula so sure, them sure are old words Barg, but please just stop pulling shit out of your ass.

No. 1998942

wtf is that pose? kek looks like he trying really hard to take a shit. Is that their house in the back ? No way that's big enough for 9 people.

No. 1998960

File: 1717072612733.jpeg (817.32 KB, 949x1969, IMG_5095.jpeg)

more weird simping for swedes, i wonder why he didn't just marry a swedish woman

No. 1998991

>ok kristian

No. 1999064

because Swedish women are far past misogynistic violent autists. of course he's seething. on the other hand maybe he's trying to bully Marie because some of her ideas are dangerously feminist to his retarded worldviews.

No. 1999067

Varg never fails to ruin the mood on twitter with his nonsense

No. 1999086

File: 1717095578858.jpeg (214.23 KB, 828x1413, IMG_6756.jpeg)

A few days ago I randomly saw this on my Facebook tl and had to kek

No. 1999112

File: 1717102833835.png (6.41 MB, 1764x2836, hair copium.png)

the kids are looking fucking miserable in that picture, none of them have clothes that even fit. i can't believe varg is still responding to the people pointing out his kid's brown hair, he should just ignore them at this point or god willing stop posting pics of his brown haired kid in between his unhinged race sperging about brown hair being inferior, since it's blatantly hypocritical and just invites bullying from other nazis. but ofc he's a huge delusional narc so he doesn't care.

No. 1999151

File: 1717113779611.png (543.99 KB, 1202x838, retard.png)

marie is such a narc herself. they truly are made for each other.

No. 1999185

Weird how half of their kids look malnourished and the other half look over fed

No. 1999210

File: 1717130852486.jpeg (109.33 KB, 1280x720, IMG_6490.jpeg)

He is such a pathetic attention seeking freak. I didn’t even know Carrie fisher was jewish until I saw that right now; she looks way less stereotypically Jewish then his derpy, hook nosed, dumpy breeding sow of a wife who wouldn’t look out of place in south Williamsburg with her 7 kids in tow. I say that as something who is jewish on both sides of my family.

No. 1999254

I would bet money that most if not all of his kids will have brown hair when they're grown.

No. 1999291

two possible explanations that come to mind: food is being used as a reward/punishment; some of the kids have celiac and can’t keep weight on on the all-bread and all-pastry diet

No. 1999299

Sir you're 50.
His eldest son looks like a mix between Jack Black and Chris Chan. Guess their genes aren't all that superior after all kek

No. 1999300

Wait why is the girl wearing her brother's clothes before he got fat? aren't his daughters super trad uwu? better buy them floral sun dresses barg.

No. 1999306

they lived together all 7 kids in a single room, i don't think having their own clothes are even in the equation

No. 1999354

This is so fucking depressing. Times and times again it was proven that raising kids in extreme isolation never ends good. Too bad their parents are raging narcs.

No. 1999518

File: 1717206622082.jpeg (13.73 KB, 268x188, IMG_6509.jpeg)

3 out of the 5 kids look like they have clinically narrow palletes/crowded teeth and no lower jaw (long face syndrome). Neither Marie or Varg have that problem.

No. 1999621

can they drop the act and stop pretending/stop larping that theyre in the midst of an apocalypse when theyre just two nerdy fags addicted to twitter?!
varg? marie? you both will never face this choice or anything similar. youll be faced with a deadly infection from your poverty larp.

No. 1999651

they can’t drop it because their lives are utterly pointless and boring otherwise. gotta spice things up.

No. 1999654

they can't drop it bc they're a couple of highly narcissistic autist schizos with a messiah complex fulled by XX century propaganda they consumed in their teens, conflated with ubiquitous christian indoctrination. waiting for their version of apocalypse and spreading the good news while replicating the dysfunctional family dynamics and living conditions of fundamental christians is sure a hell of a way of keeping things interesting. and with pagan aesthetics for that special effect.

No. 1999732

they long for the apocalypse because they think they’ll rule the shitheap
as opposed to right now, where they live in a shitheap while other people enjoy their lives
jealousy and cope and grievance fill their empty heads

No. 1999785

imagine dedicating your life to a cope like that.
the funniest part is that neither of them is from a poor family. they could have a nice life and a nice life for their kids. it is all a larp to make themselves feel special and everyone else involved miserable.

I lurked on twitter pages of some of their followers a while ago and saw some couples that sure did go for that rural life, bought cheap property in France or wherever and went there for their simpler life. but unlike the bargs, they actually renovated their house, even got a bathtub, the place is clean and has a rustic French aesthetic and even their homemade soap and other stuff looks nice. their kids are dressed in appropriate clothes that fit them. you can see they are loved.
you can live your cottage core, trad family dream and not put your kids at health risks and neglect them because of your retarded ideologies. you can live simple without making a show of hatred and jealousy to everything modern and making your kids shit in a bucket without privacy, and bathe once a week in a barrel bc muh survivalism.

these people choose being retarded.

No. 1999879

There’s really no need to use such scrotey language ffs(sage your shit)

No. 1999880

They remind me of a smelly bogan white trash family living in a caravan together. You’re right nona it’s weird that two people from wealthy families live such a trashy dirty smelly impoverished lifestyle. They could have given their children a nice life but instead they’re so lazy and useless at fixing basic things like broken windows that they’d rather continue their tree humping, shit in a hole in the woods then wipe your ass with your hand hippie larp.(unintegrated newfag)
