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No. 422088

This is a thread for ex muffins (and current, if any) to discuss things pertaining to Emilie that is not milky enough to be discussed in the /snow/ thread, including but not limited to:

>what is your favorite Emilie era/album?

>how did you discover Emilie?
>were you ever able to see her live, what was it like?
>when did you get disenchanted with her and stop being a fan?
>do you still support her, if so, why?
>what do you want to see from Emilie in the future, art-wise?

and anything else you feel like talking about that isn't directly milk. Just general thoughts about her and her music/style etc. Also recommendations for things with a similar feeling to her are welcome in this thread.

No. 422098

I can't remember for the life of me how I actually came across her music, I wish I could. Even though I don't like or support her as a person I still think Opheliac is a great album and there's really nothing like it. I had a horrible education growing up (or lack thereof) she is the reason I first learned about Catherine Howard, also the poem Shalott. Also most of the Shakespeare quotes I know (well, the ones from Hamlet anyway) are from her. I really liked her Elizabethan themed dresses and stuff, before she became obsessed with Victorian asylums. I wish she would have stuck with that aesthetic instead of the "Victorian" one. I think it's kind of funny too how much she branded her stuff as "Victorian" when a lot of it was very vaguely Victorian and was more inspired by American McGee's Alice than anything lol. I got really obsessed with her for probably about a year or two, then stopped liking her when I found her encyclopedia dramatica page about how she lied about her name/being related to Alice Liddel, and also lying about her age by 2 years. Not sure why those things bothered me, especially in comparison to all the other crap she's done. I don't think I ever listened to the full FLAG album, I just remember being extremely disappointed with what I did hear of it. I basically realized that inky dust or whatever his name was was the secret ingredient. I wasn't a huge fan of Enchant either but I still liked it better than FLAG. Speaking of which, I haven't listened to this song in years and it does bring back memories.

I think she's a really talented violinist and her music style of mixing classical with electro industrial is unique. It's a shame she's such a cow. I can't think of any artists like her, the closest thing I can think of is Amanda Palmer (barf) who is way worse in my opinion.

No. 422141

i never liked her, she always felt like a cringier and less talented version of amanda palmer

No. 422342

>cringer than amanda palmer

I find this very hard to agree with

No. 423565

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Enchant is no longer on spotify. Any theories or info about why?
Such a shame, I really like the dark fairy tale feel it has.

No. 424624

No idea but that's weird, it's still on itunes though

No. 424712

I discovered her during Enchant era, wasn’t a fan until Opheliac, and didn’t really know any of the milk about her. I used to post on her forum and some of the members were so obsessive, they had every magazine she’d ever been in. I liked Enchant and Opheliac, she’s a good songwriter, but FLAG was a weird concept and though it had good songs was the beginning of the end. Her effort went into getting her musical nobody wanted staged instead of making music and now nobody really cares what she’s up to.

Her lying about her family dying in a fire, her relationship with her mother, and the Alice Liddell larping put me off her. She was very attention seek-y. She doesn’t seem to care much about her music anymore. The drama with the merch and the audiobook for her novel was also ridiculous. At one point her book was described as “the most authoritative account of bipolar” which makes no sense as half of it is fiction.

Since she met that Mark guy she doesn’t seem to care about her career anymore. She’s now lying about AI art on Instagram. Her whole career has been so weird, from fairy tale pop music to edgy goth Victorian industrial beats to aspiring Broadway to nothing at this point but coasting off past fans.

No. 424731

Isn't she the person Grimes wants to larp as? They want to be like these whimsical~ fairy~ Felicia day pure nerdy type pretty badly. Is it to hide something dark I wonder.

No. 424737

Oh yeah, I remember the extremely obsessive fans. They'd show up in every YouTube comment section on any videos of Emilie's music rabidly defending her against anything that could be interpreted as slightly critical of her. A lot of them seemed like they worshipped her like she was a god or something. They were like as bad or worse than Swifties. Man, I really wish Emilie had left her forum up. Speaking of YouTube I also miss wingedzephyr's videos and heard Emilie made her take them down but never heard the whole story. I genuinely miss those videos, they were well made.

I also wonder what happened with her and her former crumpets. Not all of them because some are obvious. She was able to be friends with Veronica for so long though, I guess after a while even Veronica couldn't put up with her anymore.

Emilie was only like that very early on in her career, for the bigger parts of her career she made her whole aesthetic "Victorian" although it's mostly based off of the American McGee Alice in Wonderland style and also ripped off the style of a band called Ophelia Rising

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