File: 1483217979941.jpg (24.94 KB, 236x365, b7ee6630ac7134be60df44b4559990…)

No. 225149
>>225146Oh I gotcha, so it's just basic teen grievances.
>>225100>was demonizing age gap relationshipsIt seems hypocritical on her part but I think this is a really good thing for her. These girls need someone relatable to tell them that age gaps aren't magical and that older men don't actually give a heck about them - they're just an objectified fetish for these guys.
No. 225340
File: 1483228938951.jpg (103.54 KB, 1080x1080, 15623867_442505569472098_89974…)

>>225193>>225201i guess she never got over her old man fetish lmao
No. 225541
>>225537Fetish, anon. Fetish.
Also she's pretty cute, he probably wants a cute and pliable gf rather than a mature one.
No. 225545
>>225544He might have a problem, social or mental, that makes it harder to socialize with mature, less impressionable women.
Johanna isn't innocent but she seems to get carried away easily.
No. 225546
>>225537There's nothing wrong with a 20 year old girl dating a 30 year old man if she's mature. There are a handful of girls who weren't raised into the typical millennial culture that prefer men who aren't into it either.
She, however, is not one of them.
No. 225547
>>225546Exactly anon, this is a relationship based on a fetish which doesn't bode well.
>>225545Yep, agreed. Culture could be another factor, also him being a hobbit manlet might play into it.
No. 226298
>>226296it's dying out thank god
Melanie Martinez will encourage them to get into weird adult baby shit and pretty much only young basement dwellers seem to be into that
No. 226337
>>225546oh stop it with the "mature" shit it isn't okay in any situation for a 30 year old man to be dating a barely out of her teens girl. there is a major gap in life experience between someone who is 20 vs someone who is 30, and the power dynamic allows her to easily manipulated by him. something is wrong with him if he can't get women his age to date him.
a 20 year old girl should be out having fun with people her age and learning about the world, not tied down to some creepy fuck.
No. 226567
>>225762which one are you talking about, i only remember
jesswoods natch.
none have much milk after you get over the cringe i guess. Johanna is defo the worst of the bunch though.
No. 226787
>>226567None of them actually, it's an entirely different person lol
She had short blonde hair and REALLY big eyes and actually looked like an androgynous child. I'm pretty sure she was kinda well-known but i could be mistaken.
No. 226790
>>226789boi this isn't HALF of the nasty stuff related to nymphets/littles lol
from trying to appeal to predators to actually almost getting guys into prison(hi Johanna!).
No. 226802
>>225206She's been mentioned in a handful of threads, probably including the tumblr nostalgia one. She keeps a low profile now.
>>226573Same but rather than believing there's anything defendable about the Nymphet thing, I think that it's just less offensive to me because it was the 'scene' I was around online at the right age that everything about it clicked for me. These trends don't die out they just move to the next generation of little sad tweens, Kinderwhore in the 90s was probably a rehash too.
I'm still friends with a few people from that scene, only one of the girls is still with her age gap bf but everyone else has moved onto different 'aesthetics'.
No. 226831
i mean, i wouldn't be surprised. Tumblr has been a ridiculously liberal hugbox for too long. i can definately see some bland bitches desperate for a little bit of internet fame and edgelord points jumping on that shit.
No. 226877
>>226817yeah she said she was 15 when she did.
not to skinnyshame(??) or anything but she posted the pics she sent and she just looked like a stick thin child lifting her skirt sitting on the carpet. so exciting. much boner.
No. 227360
>>226824i haven't seen too much of it on the internet but lol this is an exact description of tomi lahren.
i think it's a new wave of girls trying to be "i'm not like other girls ;)" these bitches pretend to be so counterculture but really they just pander to guys by attacking traits of other women, so in the end they have a echo chamber of white knights. the previous iteration was gamer girls and with feminism/progressive politics gaining traction, i guess it makes that this one is about being ass-backwards.
No. 227362
>>226940Johanna Deutschman called lilangelhunny a pedo cuz the latter was over 18 and trying to include Johanna in the friend group with Emilee (strawberryhunny wtv)
Johanna was like a year behind in age but yea apparently that makes lilangelhunny a Pedo lol, typical cow behaviour
No. 227589
File: 1483577651299.jpeg (17.88 KB, 398x612, large.jpeg)

>>227579 alas, the original post is lost to the sands of time, but you should be able to understand enough via context. Enjoy.
No. 227595
File: 1483578340277.jpg (34.98 KB, 400x268, nana.jpg)

>>227576I truly think she was the original dark & edgy pedobait wannabe.
I think she got chased off CGL too.
No. 227606
>>227604I recall she moved from Italy to Amsterdam to be with her boyfriend who was a skinhead that posted loli porn (livejournal days).
Then she moved to tumblr, then she disappeared one day.
No. 227607
>>227595She was chased off the Lolita community on livejournal. She was posted to gtfoegl twice, once because her name and user photo creeped users out, and this was at a time where Lolita weeded out any association with sex and fetishes.
The second time, it was because users went to her personal blog and saw things like nazi glorification, and straight up nude photos of children. And posts where she wished she was ugly so she could be raped. Then that Suicide Girls shoot happened where she took inspiration from the Kamikaze Girls movie, but twisted the premise into it being about a girl getting drugged and raped.
I remember albinwonderland defending what rapeblossom had on her livejournal. Some people were for her being removed, others were against it and thought people who reported her went too far.
No. 227979
>>227975 is Jo Deutschman herself :)
No. 227997
File: 1483640987433.jpg (189.24 KB, 616x1055, QpvsaQV.jpg)

Michellemoe/ alienmoe would always tag her selfies as nymphet, lolita, loli, few years back. Before she was called out on PULL her blog was filled with loli porn and fetishy/ kinster stuff. She liked Vladimirs lolita book and still worships trevor brown. Shes toned it down nowadays but still sometimes refers to herself as childish, and childlike. She even made herself a onesie. She currently sells body harness's,many with the name baby and loli. Shes definitely a kinkster nowadays and caters to them.
She recently changed her age on her old DA to make people think she was 18. Added bonus is shes a closet racist.
No. 228005
File: 1483642335993.png (355.34 KB, 918x332, face.png)

>>227997I see her all over tumblr and sometimes in my insta search tab. All of her selfies are the exact same expression poses, etc.
she's basically a creepyyeha wanna be and paints these weird doll faces now too. The only reason she's popular is because she has colourful hair, ice blue contacts, and weird ass makeup that looks like she's trying to be a human BJD
You can tell if you look closely that she'd look just like yumi king without the extreme makeup and shooping, she has the same bloated farmers face.
No. 228011
Jo is 18 years old. They started to date when she was 16, and though shes come to her senses with the pedophilia romanticizing, shes still in love with her bf. The guy is a 35 year old doctor, they met while her mother was ill in the hospital. She was impressed by his intelligence and doesn't care what he looks like.
Honestly, between the teacher crush community, ddlgs, adult babies, sugar babies becoming more common than jobs, and nymphets, I can only see a lot of girls who have been so out of touch with reality that they think old/dominating men are the key to feeling fulfilled, beloved and important, and its all just too sad.
The culturing to be made obsessed with extreme youth to a sexual point has made them completely unaware they by simply viewing themselves as a Woman rather than the product of self-infantalization, can provide all of that coveted actualization, and more to them. So I dont look down upon them for being another obvious and sad outcome of western views.
No. 228012
>>228005yeah exactly, she's just weird makeup and tumblr loves that shit asian beauty kek
the comment "tutorial for this" okay just apply red eyeshadow and eyeliner for fucks sake
No. 228014
>>228011Johanna and Rob Arnold met on tumblr. it was answered in an ask before she deleted her Dumblog.
apparently (if ya believe the cow) he waited until she was 'well over 18 aka 18 and 6 months) before he spoke to her.
Rob turnt 30 or whatever in December.
tbh emmotionally immature + manlet is the best outcome for the two of them. compatible af.
No. 228136
File: 1483657040940.jpg (172.21 KB, 1448x641, assboogers.JPG)

>>225545confirmed. :-) that's Jo's manlet's insta btw
No. 228175
File: 1483658676447.jpeg (1.86 MB, 1465x2184, hggglll.jpeg)

>>227958Don't know how recent the actual photos/modelling are, but during the course of 2015-2016 she's modelled/photgraphed art for some noise band named Inhibition: is the most recent DVD. Looks the same as she always did, and it still seems like she's into that whole noise/power electronics scene
No. 228187
File: 1483658991950.jpg (118.12 KB, 740x1068, eRKC3yi.jpg)

>>228136Mmmm break me off a piece of that fine fat autist.
No. 228192
File: 1483659206955.jpg (115.6 KB, 750x1264, GZAEEpW.jpg)

No. 228194
File: 1483659260039.jpg (666.91 KB, 800x1179, be9cde63bac9e5c059325b117f3f19…)

>>228189she looks older in this (and this is old) than she do on that DVD, but the editing makes the timeline hard to place…
No. 228203
>>228194I agree with
>>228189It looks like her suicidegirl era shots :(
No. 228214
File: 1483660097878.jpg (27.64 KB, 500x513, large.jpg)

this is the latest thing i could find creditting her by 'Nana Rapeblossom'. an photoshoot reimagining the death of Jean Seberg by Angelo Cricchi
No. 228883
File: 1483754277677.jpg (21.5 KB, 377x600, 7ad11d8ed5c0f149a7efb566c90c99…)

anybody remember christy aka babyhearted?
she's still pretty popular on tumblr.
i remember her being one of the was queens of the "nymphet" community on tumblr for quite sometime actually.
she says she's grown out of the whole "nymphet" thing and is more of a "femme fatale".
No. 228935
>>228913She is still 17 if i'm not mistaken.
Her boyfriend is 13 years according to the both of them. She's done worse though, not sure if you remember "a" but he was way older than her current boyfriend and she was only 15 at the time that "a" was in her life. She jokingly answered an ask that said her current boyfriend "d" is the "youngest" older man she's been with.
Reeks of daddy issues.
No. 228962
>>228947lmao really now? because i remember she was a dd/lg nazi worshiping lolita, who then turned into liberal sjw wannabe crust punk, only to move to italy and go back to making posts about how she loves white power skinheads and wanting to get raped in the woods. i'm sure the bitch is still crazy as shit regardless of how chill her posts on ediotz seem
babypanda was a queen though<3
No. 229205
File: 1483808931091.png (155.91 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2849.PNG)

Johanna Deutschman is so milky, i suspect these are self-sent but idk
No. 229206
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No. 229228
>>228127lmao Persephone?? how fucking cheesy
was he planning to kidnap her too?
No. 229229
File: 1483813231452.jpg (160.8 KB, 906x767, jojo.jpg)

>>229205does she think we're retarded? 21 inch waist and 32 inch hips? This freakshow in the upper left corner has a 20 inch waist, and 32 inch hips.
Jo is pretty much straight up and down she DEFINITELY doesn't have an over 10 inch difference between her hips and waist. and look how wide she is from the side. She's not fucking fat, but those measurements are bullshit. Also calling bullshit on her 28 inch bust unless she shoops her boobs because her boobs look bigger than that.
No. 229231
>>229228was that someone else? when Johanna was 15 she made a post asking to be kidnapped and flipped out when a guy offered to do it cuz eh's a pedo u gaiz!!1!!!one
poor guy, his only fault was thinking he was attracted to you, Jo.
>>225762does Yungelita count? her insta is private now :( i miss her
Joanna Kuchta? she's just another IG baddie
also doelita (Mikayla), Adorleehaze, and lolitaconundrum on tumblr.
No. 229234
>>229231Yungelita, I don't know of much milk involving her except that one article someone interviewed her for. She has a nice body, but a serious horse face. Shame.
And Joanna Kuchta is more of the little "daddy's cummies" type. She's boring, no milk there except her shoops.
No. 229266
>>229256Jo is really before my time so idk her various developments. she's posted a compare post on tumblr bragging about her ~~~progress~~~ but all it was were her then and then an older pic of her basically sucking in her gut.
legendary 'I send sekushii pics to teachers I'm so Lolita(TM) and dangerous' post: No. 229377
File: 1483831963256.jpg (127.4 KB, 500x750, nana.jpg)

>>229373Her subject matter could be edgelordy as fuck but she found some talented photographers and designers to work with.
No. 229386
File: 1483833673713.png (427.34 KB, 815x455, D28F0871-1CF1-4D9A-9290-74E12D…)

>>229365In my opinion without all the insta angles she looks average at best. Pic related is her in a short film her apparently rich father made
No. 229388
File: 1483833708959.png (66.93 KB, 518x500, 17F2A184-FEB8-4B1B-90E0-482280…)

>>229386This one is pretty lulzy
No. 229405
>>229229Those tits looks like deflated blisters.
>>229388Surprisingly muscular legs lel that's not very kawaii.
No. 229451
File: 1483845577003.png (445.31 KB, 600x600, jo.png)

she… she actually looks deformed here
No. 229472
File: 1483846822492.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3663.PNG)

>the caption
>someone wrote, posted and is PROMOTING an article like that
No. 229494
File: 1483848805341.jpg (152.1 KB, 750x979, daiIi84.jpg)

They're all jokey about the ageplay but you know they really get off on it, ew
No. 229505
>>229451Her boobs ain't that big lmao
that's padding and that's why it looks so fucking weird
No. 229512
>>229506just a self-proclaimed nymphet on insta, topped of with the teacher crush i think is representative of what the tumblr nymphet community was about
idk, hope not OT
No. 229513
>>229505geez if i had her cousin-fucker mug i would stuff my breasts as well
why does she try so hard to seem nice/cute? she already bitches out at her bf all over social media. bit fake?
No. 229651
>>229543I wouldn't put shooping past Jo lmao
More so if she's still anachan
No. 229704
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>>229586I've seen some candid shots of her and she looked pretty cute. Idk how she would look irl though.
No. 229715
File: 1483890991501.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.96 KB, 671x1000, 4McbiZo.jpg)

I was kinda surprised at how chubby Nana was! You can really see her belly in this photo.
Or am I just turning into ana-chan?
No. 229963
File: 1483905599166.jpg (88.43 KB, 500x610, nothanks.jpg)

>>229958she'd better if she's like this on tumblr ha
No. 230013

>>230009yep Liberty, Missouri!
>>229958hi Cheryl!
No. 230099
File: 1483918761327.jpg (72.02 KB, 738x745, 69edgey420me.JPG)

she looks like a different person in all her photos
No. 230111
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>>230106jo's ana-chan phase? she whines about not being properly fed though. which is it?
No. 230112
File: 1483920259315.jpg (4.66 KB, 194x259, mess.jpg)

>>230102plot twist: Jo is canonically white trash :-)
No. 230512
>>230111this and the sadbabydoll/dollanganger/millidollgraves;
why is it trendy with these girls to hint-hint wink-wink to having an ED?
No. 231032
>>229715Is it just me or do her breasts look very odd in this picture? I guess it's fitting, but they look like my boobs when I was a somewhat chubby 13 year old who just started to develop curves.
The angle is also really unflattering to her torso, it makes her look like her shoulders are twice as broad as her hips. An extreme reverse triangle body shape.
No. 231037
File: 1484094318332.jpg (103.42 KB, 500x702, 2011.jpg)

>>231032it's called foreshortening, blind-chan. Nana is plain old hourglass but the photo is also poorly photoshopped :/
No. 231578
>>231539>>231575do you know what part of the body is the vag?? that VULVA, looks just as regular as they come.
if you don't know what nude ppl look like you really ought to do ya own research, anon.
No. 232031
File: 1484245851655.jpg (80.37 KB, 500x500, fitspo.jpg)

>>231702are you a virgin? even the flattest tummies are convex right below the belly button above the pubis.
No. 232048
>>229472It's bizarre to see all these girls romanticizing something that hijacked my life. I was long term emotionally manipulated and sexually abused by my teacher who then publically humiliated me for the rest of high school when I broke it off. 0/10, would not recommend. I can't believe these little shits think it sounds fun.
Sage for blogpost
No. 232116
>>232031i'm a girl with a fupa who knows how a fupa looks like? lmao
even thin girls can have a lil bit of a fupa, but it's less noticeable than if you're fatty-chan. that's defo a fupa.
No. 232141
>>232136what part of tumblr are you on? all i get are Lana Del Rey lyric edits and lolita film caps. even with safe search off there is just grainy homemade porn of fatties (legal) and their 'daddies' (legal).
contrived and cringe-inducing but like… not against guidelines…
No. 232148
>>232136what HAS tumblr successfully eviscerated anyway? white supremacists? hybristophiles?
the bot they put in to automatically remmove 'offensive' videos just end up taking down the most innocent cat videos.
tumblr is just weird-ing itself into grosser and grosser niches
No. 232173
>>232171kid ya're outta ya element.
johanna deutschman baited at boys on her blog, all these creepy dudes came in stalking the 'nymphet' tag, which up til that point were just young girls talking about teacher crushes and parent grievances etc etc. (typical teen girl stuff)
so these gals decided to abandon the 'nymphet' tag and make a new one for themselves. they did it to rid the creeps and the 'negative connotations'.
'little girls' has never been part of that equation. you want the 'ddlg' tag there kek
No. 232572
File: 1484340550936.jpg (61.43 KB, 730x623, JohannaWeeb.JPG)

surprised no one pointed out the lulz that is Johanna the Weeaboo.
anons came along to 'call her out' for 'fetishism' (ugh). that's embarrassing for both sides tbh.
No. 232574
File: 1484340614804.jpg (51.01 KB, 726x627, JohannaWeeb2.JPG)

No. 232688
File: 1484349600538.jpg (127.68 KB, 900x1200, twitter.jpg)

lmao her twitter is public again damn she's gross
No. 232698
File: 1484349986485.png (1.24 MB, 716x1054, sluttingitup.png)

lulzy, she later took the slut part out of the caption hahahahaha
No. 232756
File: 1484359568033.gif (1.72 MB, 327x327, Christy.gif)

>>228883i actually loved Christy's Tumblr and i thought she was pretty in her own way. too bad the shits at PULL with all their high profile poking fun caused her to delete her blog…
No. 232777
>>232757>>232775who's the other friend then?
also are irresponsible slutty teens really CP?
i feel like that's really callous towards children who actually suffer systematically due to the porn industry.
No. 232788
>>232777Nude pictures of underage teens, regardless how slutty they are, is child porn.
If someone were to save their pictures without knowing they're underage, that person would be in a lot of trouble.
No. 235059
>>234946Yeah I'm pretty sure he was, or late 20s at the youngest.
I wonder if his blog is still up, because he posted the cringiest shit. His blog was even girlier than Christy's, like you can tell this dude was just a plain ol predator who won the desperate for attention tumblr nymphet lottery. I'm pretty sure I have some screenshots of some of their posts on my phone still, bc when I found out about their relationship I thought it was absolutely hilarious.
No. 235062
File: 1484481214404.png (321.7 KB, 1440x2456, 20170115_034554.png)

This one is just disturbing?
No. 235063
File: 1484481267784.png (370.31 KB, 1440x2005, 20170115_034355.png)

No. 235221
>>235062Ugh his writing is so purple/flowery/iamverysmart.
In all seriousness this is fucking disturbing
No. 235399
File: 1484535368466.png (832.67 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3729.PNG)

i wish Johanna would post her body, i wanna see if she's bloated up or if she's been lying about recovery and ED things
No. 235717
File: 1484601886784.jpg (1.43 MB, 1439x2456, Screenshot_20170116-132320.jpg)

>>235711Looks like someone's hot mom rather than a nymph
No. 235805
File: 1484611935181.jpg (121.53 KB, 960x640, tumblr_mxs0c5iLlW1rpj2vuo1_128…)

>>235717I think you chose the wrong picture, here is one of her lolita themed photos. She definitely belongs here since she is/was friends with Jo and encourage her younger followers to read Nabokov and look like nymphets
No. 236084
File: 1484667477824.jpg (41.83 KB, 600x398, Franco Marchesi 5.jpg)

>>229377She had a taste for working with talented photographers, and also controversial artists, like Richard Kern, Hermann Nitsch, and Romain Slocomb. I have many pictures from various shoots if anyone is interested.
Also, she left the internet because she was sick of social media and all the creeps hounding her. She is living a relatively normal life now, working on her education, and not modeling at all She's come along way from the SG days, unlike many of those girls.
No. 236608
File: 1484753229552.jpg (181.96 KB, 400x598, nanohana.jpg)

>>227579this is the milk you're looking for… No. 236613
File: 1484754069224.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.5 KB, 671x1000, 23.jpg)

>>236377gonna samefag while I dump some pics here…
No. 236614
File: 1484754095700.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.6 KB, 671x1000, 24.jpg)

No. 236615
File: 1484754162075.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.86 KB, 600x824, A. Tisato.jpg)

this one was "inspired" by JonBenet
No. 236617
File: 1484754213005.jpg (39.58 KB, 533x800, Asobimasho.jpg)

and a Trevor Brown inspired shoot
No. 236618
File: 1484754266130.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.44 KB, 400x530, tumblr_ojcsatz1I61uy3egro1_400…)

this is from the SG set that caused all the controversy
No. 236619
File: 1484754318095.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.33 KB, 485x614, psnana.jpg)

No. 236620
File: 1484754385555.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.51 KB, 500x750, l_39a34de17b4f49f1e90f3efa11d4…)

No. 236621
File: 1484754562405.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.28 KB, 399x600, tumblr_mrtyds3INQ1rccmzzo3_400…)

and she's got all these stupid nazi photos. She's beautiful, but this stuff is in such poor taste.
No. 236622
File: 1484754581382.jpg (Spoiler Image,815.78 KB, 900x1390, img2.jpg)

No. 236623
File: 1484754649135.jpg (Spoiler Image,389.27 KB, 780x1024, amore de mori hat.jpg)

No. 236626
File: 1484754703278.jpg (43.16 KB, 600x400, squirting eye.jpg)

No. 236629
File: 1484754848409.jpg (Spoiler Image,26.76 KB, 600x399, 09.19.2009 with Herman Nitsch.…)

Okay, last one. this is one of the last project I found her in from 2009, with her guy(I think) and Herman Nitsch.
No. 236788
File: 1484775239056.jpg (198.37 KB, 580x829, salon kitty.jpg)

>>236695From what I could tell she had a convincingly genuine interest in some of these artists before her SG infamy according to her blogs. The Nazi fetish as seen in
>>236621 seemed to have started when she watched a bunch of 70s exploitation films. There were loads of them devoted to Nazi Germany's kinks. Transgressive hipsters really loved that shit. Pic related.
No. 236875
File: 1484783848533.jpg (13.85 KB, 300x300, vvitch.jpg)

okay this is realllllly oldschool (mid-2000's) but does anyone remember an LJ user named threne, later vvitch? she was married to a satanist artist named stephen kasner.
i was looking for her online because i wanted to get in touch but the second i put her name–she was never big on hiding her identity–i got tons of hits because of her husband. i guess her husband scammed all these people out of money by claiming some kind of medical illness&emergency, gofundme'd it, got some pushes for it from some fairly large sites and then never paid anyone back or gave them the art they were promised.
they were shit talking her too as being some evil harpy, but i honestly remember her as being quite nice.
pic related, it's her.
No. 237011
>>236997She's offline and going to school according to
>>236084It's not the usual Suicide Girl/Tumblr nymphet result but if it's true I'm glad she's doing well.
No. 237017
>>237016Adding her twitter edgelord satatanist's fb there's a pic of him with their daughter. She's a mni replica of her mother.
MYSPACE (!) No. 237159
File: 1484843904238.jpg (645.05 KB, 1915x1257, plainkoreeaboo.JPG)

>>226940>>227362what on earth happened to her she WAS top left, but she's now generic k-fashion fetishist no. 74815913 +10 awkward b/c micro-bangs #gag
No. 237196
File: 1484850254727.jpg (74 KB, 743x929, porkchops.JPG)

>>237159you can't even pay me to endure this much crustiness in one photo let alone a video toppest of keks
No. 237212

>>237159these two are so incredibly trashy… is it the Texas?
>>237196Jo's mug has never before looked this butter-y grossgrossgross
No. 237224
File: 1484856498040.jpg (527.52 KB, 1956x1274, plainkoreeaboo2.jpg)

she was worse when she was on Tumblr(deactivated). i honestly wish she hadn't gone full-millie dollgraves with her bangs (they just go higher and higher) but ya know it's her face and she seems to have turnt out vaguely better adjusted than her cow-friend so.
No. 238699
>>238695Must be since the Twitter and Facebook are gone. You need to sign-in to view their Tumblr. lol,
>>238671 good job Katarina!
No. 238750
>>236871Between this and another of the posts further up, I'm pretty sure some of us know each other.
I'm forever pining for those edgy tumblr glory days where it felt more accessible like
>>236797 says. I can't fit in to the currently edgy stuff and everything else is too sjw or just feels too popular, so you feel like there is no community
Saged for blerg
No. 238803
>>229158Yeah she is. I recall he is 30 or in his 30s. He's like from England while she's from Sweden and they met online (major red flag). She also said he messaged her first. (major red flag #2) . I'm not 100% sure but I believe that Maja has an actual mental illness and receives medication, so he's just a old antisocial creep seeking out vulnerable girls.
Idk if any of you know this but Maja is in fact 20 (or 21 by know depending on when her bd is, idk)
No. 238940
>>238893There's caring about civil rights like a decent human and then there's being a special snowflake and making up a new gender for every goddamn preference and expecting people to praise you and treat you like you are a disadvantaged person.
>>backwards bigot >>numnutsGet the fuck out with this tumblr buckshit.
>>237212This is cringey as fuck. Where are these people's parents? This is straight up pedobait.
No. 239190
>>238893the problem with this movement is that everyone seems to think it's persecuting them individually. I don't think many of the non-SJW crowd actually care how people identify themselves, it's just boring AF to see the same dialogue about "omg someone didn't telepathically know to call me zer
triggered !!!" on every single social media outlet. No one cares about your gender identity struggle as much as you, so just shut up and identity how you like. Christ. Approval from the world at large shouldn't matter this much if that's who you really are.
No. 239207
>>239190On what planet do you live where these strawman SJWs exist outside of tumblr? And naming 14 year olds doesn't count. There are more anti SJWs on the internet now bitching about complete outliers and having victim complexes (see: incels) than anyone else.
Sage for ot
No. 239235
>>236623>Amore de mori hatOh shit! I know her. Small world.
Actually, she's a bit of a cow herself - She's always claiming to be reclaiming the swastika but idk how you can do that when you're white, so it wasn't yours in the first place, and you keep making actual nazi items?
No. 239251
>>239249meant for
>>239207sage again for my dumb ass
No. 239295
>>239207someone i knew in high school is beginning to make those sorts of posts on fb. she sounds like an anti-sjw parody, but i know she's being completely serious.
it's kind of weird, because i remember her being incredibly nice and smart and pretty in high school and now she's just being smug online because no one fits her specific sjw standards.
>>225100are these girls still going to be posting about how much they love age gaps when they're like 28? this seems like a terrible fetish, as far as fetishes go. what are you going to do when your ugly 50 year old boyfriend dumps you for a naive 15 year old?
No. 239483
>>238750interestingly enough, there was always an element of the old school glory days of the pre-SJWs, people who were really attached to their mental illness diagnoses and were the origin of the whole ~*
triggered*~ thing. There were tons of cliques like that, and even a female-centric few fat positive ones too. But, it was a lot more nuanced than it is now. For instance, in the 00s it wasn't uncommon for someone to align themselves with just a single community such as "gay rights" or "people diagnosed as bipolar" but they usually wouldn't police others outside of their own community. With tumblr now, we have a lack of singular communities and a lot of all inclusive stuff, such as "I'm a feminist gender queer lesbian half latinx who identifies as trans and is a anarchosocialist." And not only do they identify as all those things, they feel the need to police the identity of everyone else who identifies under those communities as well. It's strange, but I imagine at some point it will run its course and something else will take its place.
tldr, i'm old and have seen the evolution of internet politicking for way too long
No. 239491
File: 1485317414661.png (192.79 KB, 499x478, say_goodnight.png)

>>238695>private twitter>tumblr deleted >facebook deleted Fantastic work anon
No. 239586
>>236618Murdered rape victim-chic. I can see the magazine spreads now.
>>236621Nazi wear is no different than mob or pirate or soviet or other fashionably glorified groups.
No. 240379
>>240044sure! I do a lot of old internet digging and research, and unfortunately most of the best content has long since been deleted or friends-locked (in the case of LJ.) I kick myself constantly for not archiving more. (Trevor Brown's current blog, which has virtually no commenting activity now, but once did on the forum there. Forum has been purged.) was a big one, but has since been deleted. (this wasn't strictly an alt community but there was a lot of membership overlap, you'd be bound to see people "from the scene" posted/posting there. Content going back 10+ years.) - his comment section was always a hub of activity. Purged, though he has his own site and tumblr now. - similar to drtenges, her interests and comment section were always a hub of activity. Purged. was a huge hub of activity, and though it still exists as, it's not what it once was. (not too popular, still exists today) (some activity)
TONS of myspace sites that I unfortunately have no access to any longer. That was usually the best way to network with artists on a one-on-one level. I'm motivated now to see if I can find the remnants of any of them.
Anyway, that's just a few off the top of my head. I love this period of internet history, so if anyone has any other sites or personal experiences they'd like to share from that time, please feel free to email me if you don't want to junk up the thread with personal experience. I'm slowly compiling old internet subculture phenom so that I can hopefully publish either a book or extensive archive, I feel it's of the utmost importance to document these early internet days.
No. 240455
>>239207Come on, incels are annoying, sure, but it's a massively small community, it's not like they're taking over the internet or making an actual impact on anything.
Tumblr mentality is a lot more prevalent, it's a lot more acceptable too.
No. 240478
>>240476No, but I'd consider going on and on and calling ridiculous things sexist and racist (down to simply just disagreeing with the way things like BLM go about their activism), claiming that schools pandering to women is sexist but ignoring the issues boys face in the school system, the whole "rape culture" talking points, and all of that shit is pretty Tumblr, and it regularly reaches the TV. It may not be as extreme as it is on the internet in real life, sure, but it's a hell of a lot more common than the "women are all evil whores who only want Chad!" rhetoric of an incel poster.
I've never seen an incel type person on the 5 o'clock news. There's just small communities of people like that on certain forums, and occasional baiters on other forums like we get here sometimes.
No. 240521
>>240489Are you seriously trying to claim that the average person knows what a normie or chad is? Or the 80/20 thing they go on about?
Sure, the average person has heard some tard whining about how women only want assholes, but that doesn't mean that the belief is prevalent any more than someone having head someone else claim the world is flat means that that's a common opinion that a large amount of people hold.
Incels pretty much only exist in their own forums, it's not a popular belief at all, whereas the whole SJW rhetoric is far more widely accepted, and deemed to be okay to say.
I mean, the actual incel subreddit itself only have like what, 10000 users? A lot of which are abandoned throwaway accounts or people who're arguing with it? Compare that to shit reddit says, which isn't even considered a major forum for that sort of stuff, just for whining about reddit posts and still has almost nine times that number.
No. 241311
>>241306Yeah, she comes off as pretty self-righteous and stuck up. Then again, I wouldn't expect much else from a sixteen year old girl.
Her "daddy" is in his 30s or 40s and from England. It creeps me out that this dude is preying on a teenage girl who isn't even completely fluent in English yet, ugh.
No. 241464
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No. 246724
File: 1486500467726.jpg (105.24 KB, 933x693, mish milk.JPG)

>>241306>>241311this utter sperg jfc. thx for the laffs. 1/2
No. 256326
File: 1487822155581.jpg (34.08 KB, 400x237, JoBonena.jpg)

i found this, i think i'm pretty sure THIS was Johanna Deutschman as Bonelord Ana-Chan.
No. 260471
>>256326lmao wasn't this taken in Pedo, i mean, Adam's car? by himself i suppose.
there was another photo in a similar car with his hand up her skirt.
No. 292556
>>292117johanna deutschman is 20 and must be kicking herself for all those tasteless nudes.
i'm praying it's autistic manlet sharing with us thank you for gracing us with your presence
No. 293999
>>292117No, they were taken after she turned 18.
>>292556You haven't even seen her meaty pussy yet. Talk about roast beef.
No. 295288
File: 1492712338694.jpg (127.4 KB, 960x959, 37482341736.jpg)

She looks way different here and this is a professionally done photo… it's weird
No. 297021
>>296821 Exactly the same actually, even wears the same lolita inspired style ( I guess if you are short and have a baby face you can do into your 30s if you look good ).
The one thing I wonder is what is she is studying, I bet it's something like early childhood education lol.
No. 297232
>>297213Sorry I wasn't talking about rapeblossom (or the person wearing the hat, if it's not her) but the person who actually made the hat.
Can provide you with their social media if you like though.
No. 297267
File: 1492961908333.jpg (103.6 KB, 500x747, d7ea6f691dfb74b661439d4e646e03…)

>>297232I want rapeblossom social medias, please.
No. 298153
>>298099where do you think you are
plus, if she's on social media and the accounts aren't private, it's fair game.
No. 368344
File: 1502124680256.png (1.4 MB, 1020x1178, Screen Shot 2017-08-07 at 12.4…)

I've been missing Johanna's drama on Tumblr lately, so I went to see if she's dyed her hair back to brown and dropped the 2003 Laguna Beach look yet. She hasn't. But apparently she's 21 now? I never thought she was that old.
No. 368393
>>368344no Jo, it makes you look like you suck chodes on first dates
>>368380p sure he's not indian nor rich enough
No. 377781
File: 1503475708274.jpg (335.25 KB, 1028x828, Untitled.jpg)

Has Lolita tattoo, obvious photoshop, goes through phases of being obsessed with guns, murders, lolita, americana. Obsessed with taking photos of herself.
No. 378536
>>377781i exposed her in the hybristophiles thread but she is fitting here too. it would be kind of redundant to spam two threads with the same info though.
>>378084she didnt abandon tumblr she just keeps switching names on all her social media to hide from her past photos. it's not working very well because google finds everything and people have memory lmao.
No. 378538
File: 1503578185487.png (1.08 MB, 1700x592, 1.png)

>>377781ok so i checked her instagram out of curiosity and it looks like she dyed her hair close to her natural color, but not quite as dark as it naturally is. you can see her black roots still even though it's dyed brown. she's been claiming to be a natural blonde for years for some reason when everyone can see her roots which is especially prominent with her bleached bottle hair. she is so dumb and such a bad liar.
No. 425301
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No. 425302
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No. 425303
File: 1510815931270.png (230.55 KB, 1186x724, Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 2.03…)

No. 425305
File: 1510815964756.png (399.9 KB, 1286x1158, Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 2.04…)

good for her, I guess
definitely cringey though
No. 434721
File: 1512010534527.jpeg (505.83 KB, 750x948, 3F2BB3E6-8765-4B3F-9B79-1736E4…)

Thank god her blonde phase is over.
No. 637900
File: 1531723394719.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, 506A88E7-1B04-4DF2-A38C-860D5C…)

Update: never mind I’m an idiot for not seeing that we already covered the whole nymphet/ coquette name change. Anyways yeah Jo is still posting nymphet type photos and trying to be all Lizzy grant uwu
No. 642338
>>637900Damn, that's surprising. I thought she would step off the internets for good back then. Can't live without that sweet attention eh?
At least she's not tagging it as "nymphet" or "coquette" anymore.
No. 669196
>>669096not sure if she nuked her account or changed her name, but it
was still johannabobana
No. 683105
File: 1536324758799.jpg (65.88 KB, 563x583, 3362353.JPG)

i feel like this girl is trying to check every box lol…
No. 685467
>>637900apparently she is blocking anyone on Instagram who tries to follow her. If she didn't want people looking at her pictures, then she would've made the account private. She hasn't changed at all lmao
>>648483her boobs look so weird here. like shitty bolt-ons from a D-grade surgeon
No. 688282

>>688278even more sure this is her because of the mom comment, i remember back when she actually posted she said her mom didnt live close.
i do feel kind of bad for posting these though. she's really just posting her personal thoughts. she doesnt post thinspo or dieting tips or anything like that..
No. 691008
Was Jo ever really with an older guy? She mentions making up lies
>>425302 and still being with the guy who she had her first kiss with
>>425305 but I remember her posts about running off with some older guy and it seemed like they did stuff at least kissing. Finding it hard to believe when he had an account and I recall there were photos.
No. 691021
well there was A guy whose age both parties confirmed to be 31. pics of her kissing Adam when she was 15-17 idfk: this thread on Reddit; worth a read No. 691636
>>691021ew he looks like a neckbeard
>>685532she either deactivated or changed usernames now, i thought she had blocked me but then logged off and still couldn't find her acc.
No. 691646
File: 1537331333160.png (17.87 KB, 522x262, 1gZMFvf.png)

>>691021Mfw this is a literally a scene from a Lifetime movie about pedos
No. 693395
File: 1537522300671.jpg (27.06 KB, 616x438, Capture.JPG)

Jo seemed to have moved instas but her bf's is still at No. 693775
File: 1537567099814.jpeg (391 KB, 1125x1844, B79605E2-AEFA-4023-B88C-9FA126…)

>>683105her editting gives me the creeps
No. 693777
File: 1537567151762.jpeg (310.47 KB, 1125x1840, BB806D5F-8AB6-4AFB-B8D5-6FE0C3…)

>>693775also them sausage fingers kek
No. 695765
>>693777her nails are giving me anxiety… they look dirty
i guess it's kind of refreshing to see a girl with short unpainted nails on social media since acrylic claw nails have become the norm? it's a shame they have to look so unkempt instead though lol
could any of the ex self-proclaimed "nymphets" be considered cows or are they just cringy without much milk to offer? has any of them gone off the rails? i only remember luligun and even that's just shooping and generic lolita wannabe shit
No. 695833
>>695800what's the point it's all archived posted them herself. should've combed her hair but here is Johanna Deutschman again!
No. 840673
File: 1563570571746.jpeg (Spoiler Image,442.07 KB, 1280x960, DF6C1F39-8321-42EA-82C0-DFADD4…)

No. 841146
>>841120Interesting, looks like it was made by the same person on tumblr who coined the word doelet too.
I wonder if any of these past cows would try to make a comeback and join the new knockoff cult. Nymphet milk has been dried up for too long, I’m itching for a fresh serving
No. 841153
>>840923>>841120I wonder how long the name change will last before being taken over by dd/lg posters again.
I remember when they first tried to rebrand it to "coquette", but it didn't stick.
No. 848942
File: 1565002554131.jpeg (866.6 KB, 1125x1555, 73F35DAD-02A4-482A-9C8B-61E8F4…)

either i'm going insane or Johanna is totally serving Shay-Gnar (Dolly Mattel) looks here
No. 849548
>>848942shaynasty didn't invent pigtails in a white crop shirt.
i really dont see it, especially because the shirt at least fits johanna, there's no stains on it and her ends aren't a single hair shaft.
No. 900976
File: 1575386566568.jpg (124.7 KB, 890x1329, jo.jpg)

Found a Jo comment in the wild.
I don't think a fan fiction is the worst of your problems
No. 1011993
>>699354yeah it attracts plenty of predators who want to take advantage of barely legal or even underages who think dating older men is cool or makes them look more mature.
>>841120did this give out any milk at all besides cringy teens idolizing vintage aesthetic? any underages openly and proudly giving out tips on how to be sexy for older guys or is that gonna be just in the good ol days?
No. 1014149
File: 1595985239390.gif (1.67 MB, 340x340, tumblr_nzbvhd01dI1uptndeo1_400…)

gif in the wild(Necro)
No. 1405580
File: 1640940878235.png (5.49 MB, 1242x2208, 9E6B6271-B0C8-465B-B7E9-83FD99…)

There is this one girl popping up on my tiktok every now and then. Judging by her profile she clearly wants to take after Dolores Haze. Apparently she‘s dating an older guy when she herself is 17.
Kind of sad to see the whole thing repeat itselfy
No. 1405701
File: 1640971059522.jpg (207.67 KB, 1200x1200, 3217.jpg)

>>1405553>>1405576We have at least one or more of these girls on lolcow as well
from my own observations these girls age range varies most are in their early to mid 20's
some are former femcels, some are/former radfems but most are nominally political and only in it for the "aesthetic"
the obsession with the 90's and "heroin chic" is an integral part of the aesthetic
my own 2 cents is about these girls, is that they are born from the same societal ills that produce males who are into the "reject modernity, embrace tradition", the dark age edits, aesthetic
cultural isolationism; global neo-liberalism, grotesque capitalistic hyper capitalism and just pure degeneracy and filth that is considered pop media that were just supposed to except
It is counter culture in a way but its the wrong path to take, If I younger I'd probably end up like these girls
No. 1406513
>>1405701>>1405703>>1406182There's definitely new lolita waifspos whatever here. Actually, think about it, Lucinda thread brought a lot of EDtwt attention here. Theres a huge overlap between EDtwt and waiftards. The Lucinda drama just ended, so there's a good chance that a few neo coquettes have decided to stick around.
I don't see how it qualifies as milk though
No. 1407032
>>1405553>>1405576This, i noticed this too. Basically gen z or even younger girls rebranding the whole shit as "doelette", "dollcore" and sprinkling idiotic tags. They say that basically they're better because they're "NOT nymphetes, they're coquettes! we don't do ddlg ugh stop sexualizing us!" In fact they're doing the very same thing, except they're even worse in some regards. bringing even more
toxic shit. ofc "blogging" gore, worms and glittering xanax pills along with children related stuff but also with addition of 00's myspace graphics, obsessed with T.a.t.u, Paris Hilton, Lindsey, Alana Champion. obsessed with Kate Moss's cocaine addiction, 00's "party celebs" on cocaine. not even thinly covered anorexia pics. there are ppl more and less like original nymphette, but Lolita shit is still going strong (although Dolores Haze cosplayers are more popular on instagram than tumblr i think). it's a plague on tumblr in all places. tumblr is waay smaller in general and the coquette trend is really mixing with other communities in a way. no matter what you blog, for example rock/grunge music, these blogs are floating around close by, especially since tumblr now promotes popular blogs. the music and fashion circles of tumblr are pretty much filling with new wave nymphetes, or idiot girls strictly obsessed with Y2K pop stars and bimbos. first wave nymphettes were awful but they gradually disappeared from the net now, it's all younger generations now.
No. 1435885
File: 1644125701367.png (1.52 MB, 1165x747, diaryoflo.PNG)

This whole thread just reminds me of this one instagram account that keeps getting recommended to me. She often posts lolita-esque and baity content but has this disclaimer in most of her posts which is picrel. Can she really adopt such an aesthetic and brand without it being pedo-bait? What do we think nonnies?
No. 1435890
File: 1644125968064.png (Spoiler Image,885.47 KB, 822x884, diaryoflo2.PNG)

>>1435885samefagging but you can't genuinely tell me she's posting photos like these and it's not kink-related?
No. 1658354
File: 1664198288309.jpg (414.57 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_20220926-151456_Ins…)

Can anyone tell me if she is real? Her face looks shooped to the moon tbh.
I followed her for a long time and all she posts is self harm.
Many minors follow her.
No. 1658357
File: 1664198334960.jpg (364.55 KB, 1080x1217, Screenshot_20220926-151356_Ins…)

I used to like her bc thought she was a cosplayer
No. 1658360
File: 1664198411852.jpg (335.03 KB, 1080x1325, Screenshot_20220926-151430_Ins…)

sorry couldn't post the pictures in one comment since I was just a reader and not a writer
No. 1658362
File: 1664198445539.jpg (314.45 KB, 1080x1224, Screenshot_20220926-151450_Ins…)

last one
No. 1658378
>>1658354Who is that? does she even have following? If these are current pics, she's way too young to be one of the nymphetes/lolitas, so idk if she fits this thread
>I followed her for a long time and all she posts is self harm. Congratulations on following self harm glorifying chick for a long time i guess. why would you even do that?
>Can anyone tell me if she is real? Her face looks shooped to the moon tbh. You just answered your own question
No. 1658400
>>1658386From lurking her IG briefly, i can say she 100% shoops herself to looks baby-like, she also tries hard to make Creepychan faces. she isn't a nymphet though, looks more like average japanese uwu cute style girl. she looks pretty boring ngl. does she have any milk? looks like tons of other girls who are into whole "traumacore" shit. that sucks, but perpetually online zoomers eat that shit up. unless she buys followers, which is also probable.
also learn to sage. when you make new posts, please type "sage" in the email field
No. 1658925
File: 1664234792172.jpg (80.1 KB, 613x350, Untitled.jpg)

>>1658354>>1658354>>1658357>>1658362no human has facial proportions like this without being deformed. the second pic especially highlights her weird shooping. the eyes are way too big. she seems inspired by allison harvard who does naturally have very big eyes but knows her angles and how to make them look huge and alien. this girl is simply shooping.
No. 1658994
File: 1664238248568.png (1.87 MB, 1220x806, 25252.png)

>>1658925Agreed. these few pics i'm posting show it perfectly how there's something wrong with her face (odd deformed photoshopping). She photoshops her eyes bigger and her jaw way too small. she also pushes her jaw back extremely and pushes out lips in a weird, baby-like unnatural pout.
Top row middle is her clearly skinwalking (shopping herself into) Allison Harvard. down middle reminds me of Lucinda (red nose), but not sure if she knows this person.
No. 1658997
File: 1664238470619.png (550.82 KB, 612x710, 2525265.png)

this one looks like a weird nose photoshop fail, she also made one eye bigger than the other.
I don't get why people follow boring bitches like this. she's plain af and completely uninteresting. honestly her account looks like weird pedopandering alien baby sort of shit.
No. 1660031
>>1659298Yes. If you want to reply to another post, you have to click on their number (like i clicked on your No. 1659298) and reply tab should open.
it's even worse on tumblr/twitter
No. 1660580
File: 1664366354307.jpg (167.39 KB, 1080x1753, Screenshot_20220928-135724_Ins…)

>>1658997Now she posted a video in her story, she looks completely different here eventhough she's using a filter
No. 1660628
File: 1664370585381.jpeg (1016.5 KB, 1284x2348, CE6BDFDF-3B84-4CA5-A880-ACF917…)

>>1660580She looks like Kay Smesters. Someone I used to follow on tumblr that got signed as a model and walks for Gucci now… same kinda creepy doll larp
No. 1661617
File: 1664440255325.jpg (277.26 KB, 1080x1771, Screenshot_20220929-102202_Ins…)

>>232302I see the problem in companies like KatieTokyo.
They even support this sh*t.
They even put a caption L-O-L-I-T-A under their pictures.
Companies should know better!
No. 1661621
File: 1664440516000.jpg (208.11 KB, 1080x1415, Screenshot_20220929-103308_Ins…)

>>1661617This is not cute, this is disgusting.
(See the caption, they try so hard)
No. 1661726
nonnie already tried to redirect them to the coquette thread kek they're not budging
No. 1701073
>>377781I know she's irrelevant now and getting way less traffic than she used to (only about 15 notes per post kek) due to her tacky taste, shitty attitude, lies, and still being obese. But it's so easy to find her new handles. This bitch is in her 30s still larping as a nymphette broken babydoll, writing edgy "poetry" on her twitter that sounds like a middle schooler wrote it, and still being an Ameriboo. She has so many selfies that I don't think she ever works and just takes photos of herself all day everyday. Pure narcissism. Funny thing is, she doesn't know how to do her makeup anymore or dress herself. She keeps photoshopping her cheekbone into the same sharp 90 degree angle and started photoshopping her lips bigger and erasing her cupid's bow which is the most attractive thing about a lip. I don't know why she bothers changing how big her lips are in photoshop because so many of her old photos are still out there online. Bitch forgot how to aesthetic just to try and fit in with the godawful taste of zoomers.
At least she exposes her roots now instead of lying about being a ~totes natural blonde~ like she always used to. Such a weird thing to lie about. I wonder if she'll still be larping as the same edgy angelic baby ameriboo she's been doing for the last 12 years well into her 40s.
No. 1775946
File: 1677263648004.jpg (Spoiler Image,277.88 KB, 1080x1691, Screenshot_20230224_193029_Ins…)

Has anyone seen this chick? She's romanticizing lolita and the word nymphet. Looking kinda old but ofc every chick of the nymphet community seems to have the daddy shirt. disgusting.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1775947
File: 1677263729559.jpg (Spoiler Image,364.35 KB, 1080x1851, Screenshot_20230224_192952_Ins…)

>>1775946this is her, calling herself lolita
No. 1775950
File: 1677263853954.jpg (Spoiler Image,419.47 KB, 1080x1959, Screenshot_20230224_192846_Ins…)

>>1775947she's crazy about lolita, it's disgusting to romanticise the story
No. 1776016
>>1775946>>1775947>>1775950>>1775953this reeks of selfpost and is also in the wrong thread. Post this literal who to the coquette thread, since she’s currently active.
That aside, how embarrassing to have 9k followers and only get a dozen or so likes on a picture of you in your underwear. Bleak. Content Creation™ was a mistake.
No. 1960419
File: 1706484750500.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.2 KB, 960x960, 230993582_4287829867951035_538…)

Found some new-ish (2021) Nana RapeBlossom/Laura photos. Her name pops up here once in a while, and these are the newest photos of her I could find. No. 1961243
>>1960419Apparently she stayed with her dutch bf and was doing well for what I could read in the post. Im impressed at how she keep her looks.
For all the shitshow that happened around her persona, little remains on internet.
No. 1961682
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Emma is not looking so healthy
No. 1962356
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accidentally found johanna’s tiktok, kek
No. 1962358
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>>1962356still posting about age gaps
No. 1962615
>>1962358Uh, does it mean she finally dumped that 30yo manlet? I hope by "groomer' she means that ugly fuck, not someone BEFORE him, and that they're not together anymore.
>>1962570Checked out & someone started Yungelita thread for her on LC but in 2020 or something, which was waay too late. But yeah she had a super milky thread on PULL, i once re-read it on wayback machine just for nostalgia. Crazy to think she's now this squeaky clean "singer" with thousands of views and "businesswoman" selling shitty jewellery to aspiring coquettes lmao. all these chicks have no idea she used to openly post/fantasize about incest and sugaring for some old fucks, all the while posting from her rich daddy's mansion room but pretending she's troo Russian~ lol.
No. 1981415
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I'm begging for your return, I only have one
contact who does not want to give information about her status and a cartoonist girl who says she is well "away from everything"…(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2022337
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My coworker is mutuals with Christy and she's actually super sweet and smart. Now completely accomplished and a lawyer to be! kinda proud of her.