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No. 2070352[Reply]

Last thread: >>1874473

Recent drama: Too much to summarize, search Dexerto for your favorite streamer(shit thread, don't make one if you don't want to summarize the last thread.)
101 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2087165

>replying to two separate posts pretending they're the same person
Yeah okay

No. 2087500

Nobody is "caping" for Ethan, and you can't convince me that Hasan Piker is somehow more trustworthy and reliable. He's also a complete fucking idiot who has the added bonus of calling rape victims liars and visiting brothels in 3rd world countries. The point is merely that two retards are fighting.

No. 2087595

Thank you kek I am sort of appalled to see some people let their (rightful) hatred of Ethan get to the point they think Hasan is some sort of victim or innocent.

No. 2087912

PLOT TWIST: Nick (NMPlol) and Malena actually got married in Sept 2015, and as of January 16, filed for divorce. Dobby is a free elf!
Source: some drama youtuber I've never heard of, but I searched the case number and found a trellis page that confirmed it's real. Good for her. She deserves more than half.

No. 2087913

*Malena filed for divorce from Nick, fuck I forgot a word

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No. 2080821[Reply]

>>Admin note: Please remember this thread is not to discuss general grievances and phenomena of the trans "community". Only post here if you're talking about specific trans cows and are able to provide screenshots of their behavior. Generalized vents don't belong here, nor do your personal experiences. Use the appropriate threads on our off-topic boards for this.
/ot/ gender ideology general thread: >>>/ot/2351915

News sites/Studies:
https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/18973/pdf/ (TiM violent crime stats)
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No. 2087843

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screenshot of the first several images to pop up when googling "white trans woman" oh yeah, people thirsting after taylor swift are gonna flip when they see this. Kek…
the audacity of these looney troons is unbelievable.

No. 2087870

The way they somehow have to make everything about deluding themselves into thinking the general public finds them fuckable… No, sir, a ridiculous side part strategically designed to hide your impossibly
large male pattern baldness isn't even remotely similar to that Taylor swift look. Her classy diamond choker is also nowhere near close to the outdated cheap "cat girl" chokers you retarded faggots buy in bulk to signify how out of touch and unfashionable you are.

No. 2087893

No. 2087902

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womp womp

No. 2087910

surprised he had the balls to go through with it

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No. 2083115[Reply]

After several threads filled with blogposting, infighting, and the posting of off-topic (yet still effusive with milk) cows due to low pro-ana cow activity, nonnies of the Pro-Ana Scumbag threads were finally able to agree on something: we need a separate thread for these Cluster B(itches).

This psych ward is open to: diagnosis-in-bio oversharers, headbangers and scratchers, revolving door patients (not munchies), cows with personality disorders, lurkers/posters, and probably some other criteria that are yet to be determined.

Do some of these cows have eating disorders? Yes. Maybe. Kind of.
Does the majority of their milky behaviour have to do with their eating disorder? No.

The Pro-Ana Scumbags thread will inevitably have some cow crossover with the Cluster B(itches) thread from time to time, but please refrain from posting cows whose antics aren't primarily related to their eating disorder in the Scumbags thread.

Last thread: >>>/snow/2054439

Laura: https://www.instagram.com/flourishingfxiry/
Posted a 4 month “glow-up”. Such an incredible difference! A photoshopped and filtered picture compared to an unedited one! Laura reunited with Dween, her ex girlfriend, no, friend, no, lover. Whatever their relationship is, it’s weird.

Enara: https://www.instagram.com/enaralouise
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No. 2087617

I mean to be fair, that’s not a chiobani flip. It’s a hospital fruit salad. And the energy drink is a monster ultra which is sugar free

No. 2087690

What an Asian fisher. Jesus. If she's homeless how is she dressing up and doing make up like this all the time?

No. 2087861

Lauren (lombardo1298 on X, lauren_cb on TT, aka the headbanger champ of the universe) posted this video of her arguing with the crisis team on TikTok. I can see why these MH teams don’t put up with this shit. Why call the crisis line just to to argue with them and taunt them lol

No. 2087898

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so i think she's just going around the city stealing shit kek
>I hope the shitbag Oz authorities didn't euthanise the cat
i hope her parents or whatever house she was at have the cat. from what i can tell she's like recently 18 .

No. 2087903

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samefag, insanely pickme towards a girl, then she starts flirting with some other random girl, i guess to prove she isn't a 'pickme'
>ok but imagine a asexual female relationship. GOALS
cat is alive
>princess can't come into shelters and stuff with me
where is princess though?!

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No. 28896[Reply]

Does anyone keep up with My Digital Escape?

For those of you who don't know, MDE is a group of alternative YouTubers, lead by popular interviewer Bryan Stars. He is a 25-year-old self-proclaimed "teen" who constantly uses a "WE'RE GAY JUST KIDDING!!"-style of humor to gain views/viewers. He is very similar to Onision in the way that they both say inappropriate things to their (mostly) underage fan base and have a very large cult following.

Flatsound (a musician who I've never heard of) recently called Bryan Stars out for being a "creepy, queerbaiting, hypersexual 26 year old trying his hardest to talk to and relate to minors". He also called out another member of MDE (Johnnie Guilbert), saying that he used the term "gay" as an insult and Bryan Stars threatened Flatsound with a potential lawsuit, claiming defamation of character.

Johnnie Guilbert has acknowledged the fact that he used "gay" as an insult (which I think would make the lawsuit pointless, right?) and apologized, saying that he would never say it again.

My Digital Escape (YouTube):
My Digital Escape (Twitter):
Bryan Stars (Twitter):
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No. 2087868

>she literally admits that she didnt get roofied, all she did was get super drunk, embarrass herself in front of a bunch of influencers.
How does it make it any better even jake's statement confirms she was intoxicated to the point of incapacitating at their party.
If there's an underage kid at your party black out drunk you call an uber for them to get home or look after them until they sober up. Then check in the next day if anything happened.
What you don't do is ghost them for months then release a shitty statement when it comes out they get raped.
Jake shouldn't be throwing huge parties if this is how he reacts to a rape incident.

No. 2087873

>Jake shouldn't be throwing huge parties if this is how he reacts to a rape incident.
Nta but this is probably why zoomers are so antisocial

No. 2087882

No idea what did or did not happen at that party, but reaction of these idiots is exactly what you could expect. Wack LA party neuemo fuckboys in eyeliner and carefully stylized myspace haircuts, shaking hands with oldfag emo fuckboys in order to get easily laid and fake being famous. All these rich people supposed to make big impression but you never have idea what the fuck are they even doing. like that Carrington guy, looks like a total cow himself. I thought this scene disappeared in late 2013 at the very least

No. 2087889

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Another photo from the same party taken by maxamillionpolo. This isn't jake or johnnie but still very weird. Their parties always have frat vibes

No. 2087891

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Zach Justice was also at a party they threw for tara yummy's birthday. At this point Tara left Zach's podcast because he was getting called out for grooming his ex and dating her since she was 15. They're also all friends with David Dobrick who got called out for rape apology

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No. 2076941[Reply]

Billionaire exploiting his workers whilst neurotically dog whistling on Twitter and abusing various drugs.

>Names of X’s investors are revealed >>2028853
>Musk sexually harasses Taylor Swift after she endorses Kamala >>2032438
>Azealia Banks defends Taylor Swift against Musk >>2033097
>Errol Musk “exposes” his son on a podcast >>2036000
>Musk attends a Trump rally >>2042640
>More Musk cringe at a Trump rally >>2051551
>Musk galvanizes male MAGA voters >>2053683
>Musk publicly flirts with his ex, Grimes >>2054029
>Errol Musk praises his son for embracing Apartheid family heritage >>2063091
>Musk spends Thanksgiving with one of his baby mamas, Shivon Zilis >>2069394
>Musk declares war on his own fanboys >>2071527
>Musk double downs on his support for Indian immigration >>2071530
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No. 2087885

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The way he uses his child as a shield is very concerning. Plenty of people in positions of power have young children, but they care far too much about them to have them put in such an unnecessarly dangerous environment. Even foreign agencies have basically alluded to him that it's inappropriate. He is literally using him as a prop and I bet that if there was any sign of immediate threat he would shield himself with this kid. I'm not even trolling.

No. 2087890

What is the end goal exactly?

No. 2087892

Yeah I think I may even have been the first anon to theorize about this in a previous thread tbh.

I've tried to give Elon the benefit of the doubt about doing this since, but knowing Elon is still doing this after there was an assassination attempt against Trump where he was hit in the ear, it's just so irresponsible and sick.

Part of me thinks he would actually be happy if his kid got hurt because then he could milk it endlessly for sympathy and 'the cause'.
>inb4 that's alogging
Ofc I hope nothing happens to little X, lord knows narcs don't give a fuck about their kids and will use them as meat shields when necessary

No. 2087897

Why does it feel like Elon took on some of Grimeys traits after dating her? I know its a clusterbee thing for them to mirror their partners.
I swear I've seen Grimes do that smug fake 'iono' pose a million times when she's trying to look quirky kek. He also picked up her pretentious delivery/intonation style, stutter and fake lisp at times too, you can hear it in some of his interviews.

No. 2087900

Destroy government systems and replace what our own government used to do for us with private companies who will charge us more to do the same thing. And, when you destroy agencies like the EPA for example, that means you lose regulations on companies, and they are free to roll back environmental protections decades and start polluting the entire country, just for one example. Really, there are no downsides, if you are a multi-millionaire or billionaire looking to make more money.

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No. 2048090[Reply]

Post covid has shown a rise in conspiracy leaning / off grid loving / natural birth / antivax / ancestral / quantum healing / pseudoscience / ancestral / animal based / tradwife / trad girl / crunchy / yoni sunning /raw milk obsessed / block of butter eating / scared of seed oil / anti feminist / liver and testicle loving influencers

It’s such bs that there’s so many of these grifters making money off of fear mongering other people but especially other women.

Some accounts spreading constant misinformation are:

1. https://www.instagram.com/theoliveoilqueen
Mia aka “theoliveoilqueen” who converted to Greek Orthodox when she got married to reallytanman (he owns masa chips). Mia claims to have had really bad digestive problems until she switched to an ancestral diet yet also says she throws up as soon as she eats anything with seed oils. She just had a baby and during pregnancy complained a lot about digestive problems while also making posts about controversial things she did while she was pregnant.

2. https://www.instagram.com/the.raw.sol
“The.Raw.Soul” aka Mikayla Sprung. It seems like mostly eats raw meat and raw dairy and claims that the sun can heal you from most of your ailments. She constantly has a sunburn and also talks about how she’s healing her anxiety from being scared of toxins constantly. Has her own tallow skin care line and claims to be a health coach. She’s scared of red 40 but will drink methylene blue.

“Getreal_girlfriend” aka Taylor Gossett. She might be the worst of all. She’s an ex stripper that became a doula but then got fired from being a doula because she didn’t want to use non binary terminology and was antivax. She is constantly bragging about how she gives her “man” testicles and grass fed steak. A few months ago she got canPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2087886

>University of Alabama
damn just say you're retarded and go

No. 2087896

>feels like a "slave to corporations"
>doesn't wanna pay for health insurance
>frustrated the she needs a higher education to get a job where she can afford rent, gas, groceries, basic living staples
Republican or socialist
I am not being literal before a retard gets their jimmies rustled

No. 2087901

How is this a nazi dogwhistle? Genuinely, is it the sugar thing or the blonde white guy?

No. 2087905

think nona was referring to the 88%
anyway its grim that veronica is obsessed with fertility and lives in Germany the literal homeland of nazi moids, meanwhile she still cant get one to pick her/wife her and is a childless 32 year old, instead having to orbit brown muslim pedophile scrotes on twitter kek

No. 2087909

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1488 is an extremely well-known nazi symbol/saying referring to the 14 words slogan. the 88 means heil hitler. she used the 1844 variation to emphasize a high-sugar diet. idk about that moid, but i don't know why she randomly decided to shit up someone's weight loss post with an unrelated nazi slogan. it's totally inappropriate, rude, and annoying to comment nazi shit on a photo of another person. honestly veronica seems a little autistic. i've noticed for a while she is "off" socially. she likes to mimic and has poor social skills. her body language foreign (see skincare video discussed earlier. i also don't know why you would promote another skincare brand when you are planning to launch your own line). she does not use the right words either.
she lives in england

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No. 1974188[Reply]

Popular transbian youtuber and general sex pest

>wrote Stockholm, a mlp fanfic where rainbow dash is a transbian who the 14 year old cutie mark crusaders want to get molested by and do. Also features Rarity x Sweetie Bell incest.

>years later his sister comes out saying that the entire fanfic is based on Lily molesting her, specificaly Lily's fantasies of stil being able to abuse his sister at the age of 14 when she put locks on her bedroom door
>Lily admits this is her sister and her fanfic but denies the obvious conclusion of sexual abuse
>obsession with sisterhood, incest and lesbian appears constantly in videos to this day
>also has a long running comic about her self insert also named Lily Orchard and her Gardevoir sister who she forms a mating bond with
>forces her gfs to do things by saying they make her feel desirable as a poor unattractive trans woman
>made an hour long video recently ranting about the incest game Andy and Leyley; it has popular comments


Kiwi farms: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/jerry-peet-lily-orchard-lily-peet-valkyrstudios-bhaalspawn-tara-callie-mod-ebara.18327/page-2

Videos criticizing Lilly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQxnmE2Bdjo&t=1354s
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No. 2046684

I watched the joon video before actually reading this thread and the fake girlfriend sockpuppet saga was insane, but it's actually unbelievable that this man is still doing it. He's really asking people to believe that there's a totally real adult woman who texted people to say "jerry sure is hot, isn't he? you should send him some nudes!" and who went to jail for pedophilia and who doesn't have one single photo in existence despite dating and spending tons of time with this guy who is constantly on camera. This is chris-chan tier behavior

No. 2047037

Unfortunately a necessary casualty as a lot of Jerry's old content gives context clues as to what was really happening during him and his sister's younger years, which is still a point of contention to this day. It's not transphobia, it's important context, as otherwise how else are you supposed to know and fact check for yourself? If Joon didn't do that, Jerry could've easily called lies like he does for a lot of other bullshit that ages and becomes harder for the average citizen to dig up. Joon probably went so deep precisely because he knows he has a tendency to do this and needed to put up as much traceable proof as he possibly could.

No. 2053617

All these people in the comments calling this dude 'she' like he isn't some ugly pedo moid is frustrating. And any time you call him 'he' rightfully, handmaidens come out to scream DON'T MISGENDER HERRRR like why the fuck do women have to accept the crimes of these pedo men?

No. 2058957

tbh i call tims a she when criticizing them publicly because otherwise it gives them the power to deflect your criticism by claiming "the evil transphobes are attacking meeeeeee!"

No. 2087874

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Don’t know why this thread was bumped but look who rebranded! Don’t know if CD-Call has any meaning as a username but I’m not shocked this is classic “running from the consequences of my own actions” type of behavior

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No. 2079391[Reply]

Becky Lilley aka catholica_pandam on Instagram is a 22-year old ''autistic'' tradcath influencer, mom-to-be, stoner, addict and student from Fredericton, Canada. She's married to Ian, an autistic man of Scottish descent. She has amassed a following on IG after her autistic catholic wedding pictures went viral, but has been increasinly scrutinized due to her erratic, attention-seeking behavior, oversharing, inconsistencies, self-infantilization and speculation that her ''autism'' is in reality a badly managed case of BPD. She loves posting about her dog, God, housewife duties, autism, how catholicism saved her from a troubled adolescence and how much she actually hates parasocial relationships and e-fame.

IG: https://www.instagram.com/catholica_pandam/
Fan reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/catholicpandam/
Snark reddit (featuring archived lives): https://www.reddit.com/r/catholicpanda/
Her mother's IG: https://www.instagram.com/old_lady_trudge_/
Ian's IG: https://www.instagram.com/ianswoodworking/

Recent milk
>Has taken several breaks from social media due to mental health emergencies, only to return very quickly afterwards. Kept posting through it via her husband and mom's accounts
>Was admitted to a psychiatric facility after discussing suicide on IG, checked out to access her opiate medication for her endo period
>Has behPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2087841

Assuming she isnt being a BPDemon and lying, then she was bmi 15 and thats pretty low. So that person is still bone rattling. But im sure she is lying. She seems like the type who would have 100s of photos from that time and constantly reminding people that she almost died of a super serious ED. So i doubt that she was ever 95lbs at 5 foot 4 inches.

No. 2087844

I don’t think she was trying to imply she experienced incest. St. Dymphna is known mostly for being a 'mental health saint' and BPD converts love her.

No. 2087845

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No. 2087847

I don't know where her height info came from so that could be completely wrong. Also when did she have her ed? Doesn't really matter though. 15 or 16 is a BMI that would give an AN DX.
But all this came from a random woman saying she lost 25lb and Becky grabbed into that number. It ended up telling us her CW and LW but other than that it means nothing. Doesn't mean she's going to lose 25lb just because that woman did. Maybe the other woman was bigger than Becky to start with. Probably since Becky is quite petite anyway.

No. 2087856

this meme is kind of funny honestly

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No. 2001795[Reply]

ScorpioAssHeaux/AliceAmoreLove/PickledPetShop/Ariana McMillan/Ariana Pennente is a 29 year old plastic surgery addict, ex-Instagram “influencer”, animal abuser, stripper and full service sex worker based in Philly.

It's been two years since we had a thread because PnP stopped posting on SM but she is making a comeback. She has been discussed on the Cam Girls threads on and off so I'm summarizing the milk that got posted in those threads recently.

> PnP gets more surgical work down and the surgeon posts her catfish before/afters >>1832862

> Our favorite tranny got married again >>1877046
> Starts looking like Popeye >>1877151
> PnP's new husband makes his IG debut >>1924106
> Nonnies speculated she was pregs >>1924139 (she was not thank god)
> PnP is still a redneck hillbilly underneath it all >>1924710
> Her and her midget husband buy a house. Still lives in the Philly area. >>1929695
> Anon figures out her new last name, 'Ariana Pennente' >>1961483
> Looking like dumb and dumber with her bowl cut >>1955136
> Her BDD hasn't gone anywhere and is on an actual MTF tranny's twitter comments asking where he got his facial feminization surgeries >>1952740
> She's probably better off going by he/him pronouns Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2087813


She got that psycho eye twitch smile now

No. 2087817

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Me when the last surgery just wasn’t enough

No. 2087820

if it's for deformity it's not elective

No. 2087834

living proof that plastic surgery will not cure your body dysmorphia. It's a black hole that never ends.

No. 2087851

try google sometime. It absolutely can be and usually is considered elective surgery

And you've missed the point entirely. Her justification for getting plastic surgery is dumb. It's basically a more extreme version of bpd constant hair color changes, but she's in denial trying to convince herself and others that it's totally normal and a conscious choice and not at all a symptom of an untreated mental illness.

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No. 2032872[Reply]

For all the attention seekers, grifters and other assorted idiots in the alternative community

Most recent cows:
-ToxicTears (Kaya), veteran youtuber, one of the OG "goths", used to get hundreds of thousands of views but her channel has dwindled, now she constantly makes excuses not to film and when she does it's usually an unboxing or a Q&A or GRWM. Has been pretty active on TikTok lately
-Jude Bishop, OF thot and ddlg pedo-pandering pickme who is also "goth", has her own thread but crosses over here too, publicly thirsts for Jake
-ItsBlackFriday (Freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner.
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), goth youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past (now published about it too), believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value

…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk.

Previous thread: >>2005900

>>2006088 Psychara is single again
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No. 2087770

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Yeat another q&a; great! Why won't she upload a beach vlog instead? I literally have never seen anyone upload this many q&a videos to their channel, this concept is quite passé too; but we can't count on her to keep up with the times and work on engaging content.

No. 2087792

I skimmed through it. She admits that she shouldn’t buy more stuff (she only took a few suitcases back to NZ and whatever didn’t fit went into storage in Scotland), but she couldn’t resist because they don’t have as much Halloween stuff in New Zealand. Some of it was normal stuff like kitchen scissors and towels, but then she showed a hand mirror that she definitely didn’t need.(learn2sage)

No. 2087793


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2087876

I saw this last night, it's from 2021 and you can tell how much more scattered her thoughts were at that point I'm guessing because she was underweight. But it's kind of just the same romantasization of her past ED as usual. She talks about how detrimental it is to post thinspo/bonsepo to social media but claims it's better to post it on ED support forums, like she did. But immediately follows up by saying the photos were stolen off her forum by ana fetishizing pedophiles and posted elsewhere. So surely it'd be better to just not post thinspo/bonespo. She shows before and afters of her, only her face and neck though. It's quite rambly and filled with anecdotes of her and her friends suffering the consequences of ED's. She still hypes up her old ED forum despite it being rampant with thinspo and disgusting men hiding behind anonymity. And the comparisons between the old forums and current social media accounts is kind of silly, they're essentially the same thing but she sees everything from her past with rose colored glasses. I also found it kind of funny when she said her bonespo was online for decades but no one knew it was her until people recognized her in the pics and posted them to gossip sites, because if I'm remembering correctly she was the one who told her audience she had bonespo somewhere online and because of that people went searching for it.

No. 2087887

Damn it, again? Every time i check this thread, there's always Dorian fondly reminicing about browsing oldschool bonespo anachan forums of early 00's. Every few months. Like clockwork. It's almost like she misses this. That's sad and she obviously needs help but she's an adult person, she should read a room and realize cyclic coming back and rehashing same story in various videos helps absolutely nobody.

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