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No. 1983123

Meet the cows:
Jake Munro - Ex boyfriend of a "goth" YTer who helped him get his career off the ground. Cheated on her (after a decade together) with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates all left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Uses Joker-esqe makeup while mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Had big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star as "JesterJake", but after falling for multiple Nigerian avatar scams and constantly breaking his equipment, this "dream" flopped. Has made his grand return to OnlyFans to scar us with ugly photos of his teenie weenie. Dislikes: women not being hot, women having opinions, zoomers, being hungry, any alternative man hotter than him (so basically all of them)

Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything. Hobbies include: pole-dancing, poorly cosplaying Jake's questionable fictional crushes (d.va, tinkerbell, etc.), constantly cleaning up after her manchild, and poorly editing her photos.

Highlights from last thread:
>>1886746 Jake and kat apparently buy their entire wardrobe off SHEIN
>>1887409 Jake has a meltdown on stream about the lack of donations, says he "can't do this for free anymore"
>>1887707 The neckbeard catboy vtuber Jake tried to leech off of ends up becoming more popular than him
>>1888547 Kat posts about giving birth to her son, posts porn immediately after
>>1889022 Kat caught filtering/editing her face into oblivion
>>1889279 Jake starts skipping scheduled streams with no notice
>>1890927 Jake starts sharing bitter memes saying shit like "good people get tired of being good to ungrateful people"
>>1891592 Recap anon on one of his vtube streams, jake reveals kat does all the house cleaning
>>1891636 Jake dropping 150 paid subs within a five month span.
>>1892168 Clair, the poo-obsessed paypig who was donating thousands is confirmed MIA
>>1893400 Kat posts a very unflattering and unedited video of her pole-dancing with a friend with filthy feet
>>1899521 Jake posts a half-assed thirst trap, farmers notice russell's sign marks on his knuckles
>>1900156 recap of a stream, jake bitches and seems miserable the entire time
>>1901591 A Farmer posts a dropbox to his budget Croatian holiday vlog
>>1901632 Recap of the holiday vlog, they spend most of the trip day-drinking
>>1901640 The vlog reveals what they both actually look like unedited kek
>>1907352 Jake skips most of his streaming schedule, only streaming twice a week leading farmers to suspect a possible day-job
>>1909523 Jake caught sperging out about zoomers in the wild, gets roasted for being a "35yo emo"
>>1911451 Still vague posting about his ex as always
>>1920641 A new paypig enters the ring, "Moni" unfortunately for jake she doesn't have clair money
>>1920644 Kat begins working more hours as jake works less and less
>>1920812 Jake spends money he doesn't have on a shitty deadpool cosplay he barely can fit into
>>1924582 Makes only $21 during a stream, looks bloated and makes gross sex jokes the entire time
>>1924838 Another stream recap, seems miserable, says he had a "crap" halloween
>>1925842 Another in-depth recap of a stream showing just how far he's fallen.
>>1927065 Jake gets really weird with one of his more "attractive" (i.e., not obese) snaccs
>>1927569 Despite being ignored by him, Jake likes a photo of his catboy neckbeard "friend" cuddling another man?
>>1929830 Jake has beef with one of the members of Motionless in White
>>1930051 Some sob story about how he's the only vocalist to have ever perform sick?
>>1930339 Jake is too broke to replace his broken gamer chair, snaccs fundraise to get him a new one
>>1930344 Most of his snaccs in the discord express they don't have the money to spare
>>1931678 Kat's poor dental hygiene jumpscare
>>1931834 Jake starts skipping and pushing back stream days constantly again
>>1932289 Sets up one of the rooms in his rented studio to be a "music video room", hasn't released a music video since
>>1932385 Vtube stream recap, more gross sex jokes, somehow manages to only make $10. kek
>>1934704 Another in-depth stream recap, makes $30 and says a lot of questionable things including calling the KKK "kool kids klub"
>>1935235 Apparently kat occasionally leaves used buttplugs and sextoys around the house where her toddler plays?
>>1935992 Jake trains hard, not to thrist trap, but to lift a small toddler up to put the star on the christmas tree. So brave!
>>1936022 His vtube attempt is dead in the water after spending close to 10k on avatar scams and broken VR equipment
>>1937105 Cringe clip of his "content", still labeling himself goth despite aggressively hating on goths
>>1939423 Jake tries to fire sale all his old MUNRO band merch (including incredibly damaged prints of himself) despite the band not really existing anymore
>>1939757 Jake really needs you to know that he has violent sex, and often.
>>1942286 Jake has his own dental hygiene jumpscare in thread
>>1943124 Kat tattoos scratchy black sludge all over his fingers and hand
>>1943668 Jake joking that he would do "black face" for only 1,000 likes
>>1946231 Jake starts shooting weird OF content at the public gym, including him grinding against foam rollers on the floor
>>1956304 He and his snaccs shout out the farms on stream
>>1959214 Jake wrote us a song titled "anonymonsters", it's terrible as expected. kek
>>1961549 Kat pole-dances at her job's holiday party under jake's close and constant supervision
>>1962921 another recap of a stream, mostly him ranting angrily about various things
>>1964052 Kat cosplays one of Jake's favorite fictional characters to lust after, looks gaunt and horrifying
>>1966802 Jake caught using filters to give himself a jawline
>>1966813 >>1966858 Small recap of a stream. He looks genuinely unwell and extremely bloated.
>>1967477 Snaccs seem to believe "kitty" the neckbeard catboy is still in the picture despite him not being around for actual months
>>1967495 Final stream recap of this thread, Jake is having a near constant meltdown at this point
>>1968141 Jake blames his constant rage outs on being hungry. kek
>>1969208 More bad (but free!) hand tattoos done by his "babygirl", this time a weird honeycomb down to the tips of his fingers
>>1972593 Nonnas notice Jake following more and more alt-right and MRA accounts
>>1976014 Jake makes his unfortunate return to OnlyFans

No. 1983124

Last Thread:

No. 1983125

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Few things posted in other threads when the last one died. Mostly just his awful thirst traps. This one highlighting his alcoholic gut. How enticing.

No. 1983126

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and this one showcasing almost the entirety of his freakish form in his classic "tummy ache" pose plus his most recent free tattoo from Kat. Wonder if we're ever going to see him get the one on his stomach finished at this rate.

No. 1983127

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Minor update from the discord, but he's trying to do another plush cash grab for a third time despite the last time not getting anywhere near funded. So far this is the winning "look".

No. 1983140

Many thanks for the new thread nona. Fake is looking as bloated and ugly as ever

No. 1983436

this is totally what id do in a healthy relationship. lmao I think their sex life is abysmal

No. 1983630

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Snaccs lamenting on how inactive Jake is in his own discord and how dead the chat is. Despite them asking about interest for a new plush months ago, there doesn't seem to be any talk about it anywhere else on his social media.

No. 1983631

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checked twitter for any interesting updates and it's dead there too. There are a few posts that never made it into his last thread that are pretty cringe worthy however. The most recent music attempts he's made are shitty metal vocal covers of… a belle delphin song and the monster high theme song? Jake proving himself of superior taste when it comes to modern media as always.

No. 1983633

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jake mansplaining basic math, "all very quickly, of course". kek

No. 1983741

He'd rather tweet boring shit like this than talk to his 4 remaining fans kek

No. 1984193

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All his social media is dead right now tbh, he only streamed once this month so far on April 2nd as "jesterjake". No new YT videos this month yet. Guess he feels like he can coast for a while off the slight success his "the crow remake" reaction vids got (he hasn't had a video get this many views in well over a year). Fully expect him to keep making more shit "goth" movie reactions despite him aesthetically looking just as dumb as the eric draven in the remake. kek

No. 1984194

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>DM if you like you'd like some HARD liquor
also noticed kat's illiteracy appears to be somewhat contagious.

No. 1984204

This is the least erotic cringe shit i ever read in my entire life. He's such a turn off.

No. 1984488

My tinfoil is he got a job, or he's got some sort of apprenticeship at Kat's work. That's why he's so quiet these days.

No. 1984668

Thanks for the new thread nonna. Appreciate it.

Maybe. Though the only one who would take him on as an apprentice would be Skat. And I can't see stumpy doing well working under her. Or taking mentorship from anyone for that matter. His ego couldn't take it. He might be able to work the desk, but is also shit with people. If he is working at the shop I don't see it lasting.

No. 1985536


No. 1985657

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Looks like Jake spent his evening crying over a kids show with Kat…

No. 1985665

Not to wk but this is such a nitpick.. did they watch it with the child or just on their own? That show's writing also tends to be for all audiences too

No. 1985676

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I know there was some tinfoil about him having a day job in the last thread, but after a month of him barely streaming, it turned out he was just being lazy/depressed, making shitty half-assed metal covers, and setting up a green screen in his studio that he never ended up using. He seems to be hinting at another "big secret project" lately. I'm guessing a music project of some sort with kitty mcpancakes as some snaccs have discussed them being music partners semi recently in chat. It's funny because kitty never seems to really interact with jake that much publicly anymore? seems the user has become the used and he's back to trying to ride someone more popular than him's coat-tails. Classic jake.

NTA, but I think it's kind of a funny post to share because of the contrast to Jake's whole rage filled persona online. It's hard to imagine him boohooing over a little kid's show when he turns around on stream to talk about wanting to behave violently towards kids, women, and any man more attractive than him.

No. 1985730

I guess he's doing the "family man" thing again for the time being. Every once in a while he remembers that is supposed to be his image now.

No. 1985827

>NTA, but I think it's kind of a funny post to share because of the contrast to Jake's whole rage filled persona online. It's hard to imagine him boohooing over a little kid's show when he turns around on stream to talk about wanting to behave violently towards kids, women, and any man more attractive than him.

Exactly this. The contrast between how he behaves in videos/streams and the image of him crying over a cartoon dog family is pretty hilarious.

And as to the anon above, yes I realize they likely watched the show with the kid, and that the show appeals to plenty of adults. It was more the idea of Narc Rage Jake getting emotional watching it that I found amusing.

No. 1986037

jake also believes he's far more intelligent than everyone else around him and that his moid ramblings are profound so it's humorous to imagine him having such an emotional reaction to something like children's media

No. 1986457

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I found that an "empty subscriber calculator" exists, and here are the results for jake. He needs a day job.

No. 1986620

That tracks. I'm actually surprised 11 percent of his subscribers still give him the occasional view.

No. 1986677

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See, friends! Fake has a social life you guys! He really wants you to know he's a part of the cook kids shitty hand tattoo club.

No. 1986775

Did Aiden fly over from America or are the gruesome twosome in the US rn?

No. 1986776

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Samefag. Looks like Aiden is in Belfast and got tattooed by Kat (Howl and Haku from Studio Ghibli).
As Jake's highest ranking snacc I'm not surprised she flew over on her own dime.

No. 1986916

Not surprised. Most of the active users jumped ship over the past year after his "truth" video flopped. He's finally stopped bleeding out subs, but considering how tiny of a percentage that are left and actually active subs. It's no wonder he barely gets views anymore.

Lmao, offering paid for in-person hangs to the most loyal and high paying of snaccs. The onision parallels strike again. Thank God he was never popular or rich enough to really get nasty with things, but this is definitely a red flag with overstepping the boundaries of the parasocial relationships he has with his last dozen of fans. No wonder fakeboi Aiden is so hyper aggressive defending Kat and Jake's relationship in chat, clearly feels special and better than the others despite Jake constantly egging moni and allura on himself.

No. 1986917

Also sage for samefag, but why is Jake's "lil baby girl"'s hand so much larger than his. kek

No. 1987136

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Well, as long as you're happy dear…

No. 1987177

how does the stencil already look shitty? also I know ppl have different preferences and whatnot, but faces are usually pointing inward like the images on the person’s shirt.

No. 1987415

That's just human proportions nonna. The length of a hand is proportional to the length of one's face from chin to forehead. Joke has a tiny round face compared to his gf, so that's why his hands are smaller too. Saged for slight derail

No. 1987488


It's weird seeing him with tits

No. 1987663

At least they distract from his face.

No. 1987728

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It's also because he's a fat little manlet obviously, but thank you anon for this insightful anatomy lesson. kek

She completely botched the face/eyes per usual. lots of wobbly and overdrawn lines too? Her usually okay coloring ability can't save this mess.

No. 1988040

that left eye is super fucked up & extra red outline does not work under the face. would be so pissed if this was on me but ppl really need to be more critical of art that is going to be on them forever.

No. 1988102

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No videos, no social media posts, no updates, just one jester jake stream at the very beginning of the month and another short one a little over a week ago teasing something coming soon. His numbers have absolutely never been lower despite both his crow and beetlejuice vids getting a decent amount of views for once. Looks like he was lucky to walk away with a few hundred dollars this month, absolutely abysmal. He must really be banking on this music project with kitty taking off.

No. 1988366

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Maybe he’s not posting cause he’s found another way to make money. Straight up stealing

No. 1988402

I didn't even know he had a store, is it print on demand? I have zero memory of him selling prints, maybe it wasn't even him running the store. (I wouldn't put it past him but can anyone remember him promoting this?)
Also why are the hashtags #abuser #liar etc if it's just about a print, this seems sus.

No. 1988437

Iirc he found some ratty, trashed prints in a box and decided to try and sell them again,

It could be on the previous thread

No. 1988491

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I don't know about this particular purchase. But he is selling prints.


He found some old tour merch that has bandmembers he is presumably no longer speaking to on it, and is selling "signed prints" for £12 a pop.

No. 1988663

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He's been actively lurking on twitter lately, but clearly can't be assed to give his "snaccs" even the slightest ounce of effort. Long periods of silence is a killer for wannabe influencer/streamer careers. Even his most loyal snaccs have been awfully quiet in his discord lately. And he wonders why the "algorithm" dropped him.

No. 1989951

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No. 1989957

"Inspiring" indeed. This sounds creepy as fuck.

No. 1990146

not him liking posts from Holly the homewrecker kek. birds of a feather and all that.

No. 1990352

Flying over to third wheel someone else's relationship/life, sounds very cringey and awkward. Is this one of his snaccs, I wonder if she thought her and Jake would be alone together but ended up spending it with Kat too, or was that the plan the whole time? Sounds so awkward. Or "inspiring" I guess

No. 1990407

They got tattood by Kat. So I guess they were in it for the full "inspirational" package. Imagine finding these grubby skeezy lowlifes inspiring. One day I too hope to cheat with a married woman, wreck her home, and fail to get an onlyfans off the ground.

No. 1990552

Aiden is the bulldog fakeboi snacc who mods the discord/streams for free. She's the one who likes to drop hints that she's privileged enough to talk to them behind the scenes and has also got very snappy at other snaccs for openly flirting with Jake on stream. Not sure what her angle is exactly though. Honestly think she just gets off on being at the top of the pecking order of the snaccs. Even jadedsphinx, allura, moni, etc. have all been quieter than usual in the fan discord lately.

No. 1990603

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Aiden apparently humped the bike jake took nudes on?

No. 1990605

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He also finally streamed this morning after almost a month gone. Only a couple hours though and only because "he is sick". He's also back to bleeding out followers again per usual.

No. 1990629

I wonder what they paid her to write this.

No. 1990722

Jesus christ, there isn't enough lysol in the world.

Where are they from? Kat might need to worry if Jake thinks he might be able to get out of Northern Ireland. Remember him trying to use Kaya for her EU citizenship so he could move to spain? Kat probably won't leave NI because of custody, and Fake loathes the place, and is desperate to move to the US.

No. 1990776

Oh this is gross kek, imagine your only fans (pun unintended) being these people and inviting one of them to visit your personal home and life, whew where are the boundaries. Also pretending his awkward bike nudes were hot in any way is the cherry on top, his onlyfans content is some of the worst I've seen.

No. 1990995

Did anyone know Kaya used to make porn of the sims? I can’t beleive I used to feel sorry for her. What the fuck(retarded newfag)

No. 1991026

Omg this exact fucking comment in every single thread. Give it a mf rest.

No. 1991027

Huh? It’s not mentioned anywhere and I just found out about it…

No. 1991029

Then how did you find out about it if it's "not mentioned anywhere", retard. Lame bait based on stale tinfoil from like almost a decade ago. Wrong thread, too.

No. 1991036

tinfoil but the retarded sims porn anon could be aiden because why suddenly reply with this offtopic stale soy milk right after we were talking about aiden?

No. 1991087

This is why I'm glad Jake wasn't thrown back into Altcow general, because any time we get a hint of Jake milk, the Kaya sims porn anons crawl out of their snacc hovel to deflect from their stumpy goff king

No. 1991098

Exactly. It's also hilarious how they think it will somehow affect the course of the thread? Like, jake is an abusive narcissist with anger issues who cheated on a woman who launched his career with a married woman, ending her marriage and breaking up her son's family. He's openly inappropriate with underage fans and has apparently made all his ex's female friends uncomfortable for years. He has a well established history of using and discarding people.
But… Kaya made sim porn! Oh the outrage!

No. 1991158

The simps porn tranny cracks me up like selling pics of your crusty midget dick and ass to 3 faggots online is fine but god forbid someone made a bunch of cartoons bang in a video game KEK

No. 1991186

I have zero issues with sex work. But compared to all Jake's nonce shit, making a bunch of pixels bump uglies is a weird thing to get hung up on.

No. 1991220

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It's pretty obvious sims porn anon is just trying to derail. Anyone with half a brain knows making goofy ass sims "porn" almost a decade ago is nowhere near the same as rubbing your grubby chode all over random surfaces in your rental house. Kat is even worse, taking nudes in her toddler son's room and leaving dirty butt plugs around the house where the kid could easily reach? Sims porn anon can't actually be serious. Also weird since they ultimately only bumped the thread.

Anyways, here's the full size photos Aiden dropped on discord from >>1990603

No. 1991224

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Pretty sure Aiden is an American judging from her vernacular. I doubt Jake would jump ship on his bbygrl milf bangmaid for a frumpy fakeboi just to go to burgarland (he said himself he has lost all desire to move there someday, probably from his decayed friendship with the other fakeboi K). That said, I wouldn't be entirely shocked if Jake and Kat are pulling an Onision-Lainybot with Aiden though. Jake's proven himself to be a degenerate coomer and Kat is a massive pick-me.

Here's the other photo Aiden shared with Jake's stumpy self lurking in the background.

No. 1991227

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the candid is hilariously telling too. He looks very fat and short. kek

No. 1991239

Jesus he looks bad. When he talked about still loving marilyn manson I didn't realize it's because they both have problem drinker pudgeface. If he is trying to use Aiden to move to the US they'll have to pry him away from the denny's.

No. 1991281

I also want to add to this that aiden use to send super chats to jake to text kat back about what he wants for dinner & aiden pays for both their only fans and has been seen to comment on them. She spends money on them like water for the last couple years and used to be the main person apart from Clair to break the jake during steam sending 100s at a time. I bet they didn't even let her have a discounted tattoo. It comes across as obsessed stalker imo

>>1990603 these comments proves it the way she talks about the whole situation it's bizarre

No. 1991770

He's looking like present day Bam Margera, and is on his way to become just as much of a trainwreck as him.

No. 1992241

He's streaming final fantasy on twitch. It's pretty funny that as soon as someone here points out how fucking decrepid he's looking he switches back to the stupid jester jake avatar.

No. 1992511

at least Bam had talent, and had legit reasons for breaking down to the sad little man he is now. Fake was always……well fake.

No. 1992778

Was watching Jake's latest stream and the tinfoil about him being self-employed was finally confirmed, he called it 'the business I built'.
Jake was talking about how he has no time for gaming because he has a family and a 'career' now and he feels too guilty. He talked at length about how gaming takes too much time away from important stuff like the gym, how he only has 1-2hrs free-time daily and how he can no longer sink 7+ hours a day to git gud at new games. Apparently he's only gonna play stuff he's played before (e.g. Final Fantasy) - familiar, story-based games that won't raise his blood pressure.
This seems to be a recent development that most likely started when he didn't stream for ages. He admitted that he got addicted to Tekken 7 a while back and that it made him snappy and want to stay at home rather than go on outings with Kat and Isaac. I get the sense it caused tension in his relationship (we all know how scary his gamer rage can get), these life changes seem like an act of penance for snapping at the kid or something.
Not much else to report. Apparently Kat's car is not running well atm so he's been driving her to and from work. He said he hasn't been making videos because 'I can't have a face of makeup on in case she calls me and asks to be picked up'. He used to wear his clown paint in public so I'm not sure why he's so self conscious now.

No. 1992789

did he say what said “business” is cos it sounds like a major cope and excuse for not creating content. what happened to gaming being his passion and how he was going to do it whether ppl liked it or not lol. he definitely must be self conscious about his deteriorating looks since he had no problem filming in makeup before doing mundane shit like the very short lived ~freak vlogs~. it is pretty funny that he’s chauffeur and baby sitter for his girlfriend when he boasted about how successful he would be.

No. 1992801

He still hasn't said yet, he's been very careful.

I got the impression that Jake's been playing chauffeur for a while which means they don't have the money to get Kat's car sorted however his Jeep takes a lot of diesel and all those extra trips will add up. Kat is probably the higher earner so it makes more sense to fix her car which is undoubtedly cheaper to run. As a mum and someone who works away from home she needs a working vehicle more than Jake who mostly uses it to drive to the gym.

No. 1992841

Can't imagine what he would be doing to be "self employed" considering his utter lack of skills/talent. I know kitty dropped a mediocre cover feat. Jake, but besides that we haven't seen him picking up any real music work. My best guess is he's doing something like uber/grubhub which is also why he can't be running around in his ugly clown paint.

It's both funny and sad that they are entirely too broke to get her car fixed. Long gone are the days of bottomless long islands in Spain or even the more recent budget trips to sit on concrete slab beaches. wonder when was the last time he could afford her some gas station roses.

No. 1992883

I think the grubhub/uber eats hunch is spot on. The only other "self employment" he could claim would be his onlyfans, and fortunately for everyone that seems to be dead. Not to mention the decrepid state of him. And it would indeed explain why he won't do the stupid clown make up anymore. He's doing something public facing with irregular hours.

No. 1993044

>He said he hasn't been making videos because 'I can't have a face of makeup on in case she calls me and asks to be picked up'.
can the bitch not just call? its always facetiming? Retarded lame excuse Fake lmao

No. 1993064

Also weird, like all her tattoo shop coworkers have met him already? He was trying to flex the studio and "influencer" shit on them before too? Is he embarrassed to wear his fake goth clown paint costume around her beefcake boss or something? Why would Kat care unless she's actually embarrassed by him as she should be.

Wouldn't surprise me if his screaming rage outs resulted in him snapping on the kid/Kat or punching holes in walls leading up to him being on the equivalent of a video game "time out". Dude used has a history of chimping out and has raged out so bad on stream he's woken the kid up or slammed the computer hard enough to accidentally shut it down. A lot of his equipment is always mysteriously getting broken too? Funny how he talked about how he'd show us all and yet his "career" as a streamer/musician/vtuber/etc. are all entirely dead in the water. Can't afford to get kats car fixed, can't afford to wear anything but shein, slowly morphing into a hideous fat neckless blob. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy tbh. kek

No. 1993109

I agree, it sounds like he has nothing to offer. the clown mall goth make up is embarrassing at this point because he isn't even making good content or getting money and fame as a "hot goth boyfriend." he's just that abusive idiot who cheated on his sweet ex gf with a married woman. he is now making weird excuses in the guise of "sacrifices" to please kat like not looking like a freak because it's awkward that she has car problems and stumpy the clown comes over dressed like that LOL can you picture it?

No. 1993241

What I don't get is why she doesn't just get the one working car if she's the only one working outside the house? Where the fuck would Jake go that he needs it more than her, and is an on-call driver rather than just letting her drive. I think he is indeed working as some kind of delivery driver. Either that, or his ego is so fragile that he can't have her taking "his" jeep. Doesn't he also still have a motorcycle? Would strappjng a takeout delivery box to the back of that be too confrontational?

No. 1993304

File: 1715375573582.jpg (259.86 KB, 1080x1919, 1000007105.jpg)

Sure honey… sure…
Any day now.

No. 1993346

>Can't afford to get kats car fixed
>dreaming of vacations to Barcelona
Jake better be driving day and night to keep his "milf bbygrl" happy or kats going to hop on the next stumpy alt dick that waddles in through the shop's doors. To be a fly on their wall right now, you just know things are crumbling.

No. 1993612

KEK! and you know there are a lot of stumpy tattooed men out there who aren't as pathetic as fake munro who could take her to another country and fix her car or at least loan her theirs like a gentleman. in cities that require driving, I've always had two in case one breaks down, and with a partner who drives, it's wise to have a third. they need to prioritize better, they have a kid to consider.
he must really need the only working car to do a lot of doordashes. look at him manifesting Barcelona lol

No. 1993649

>they need to prioritize better
But Nonna! Jake absolutely needed to spend that 10k+ on VR equipment and avatar scams to jumpstart his super successful Vtuber career! kek

No. 1993966

File: 1715572950235.png (9.03 KB, 522x94, stampduty.png)

Jake is definitely just too ANGRY over taxes to buy a house, not too broke or anything nonnas. kek

Also, it was his birthday, but I haven't seen anything said about it anywhere other than a few snaccs wishing him a happy b-day (unacknowledged of course) in discord. He streamed more boring ff9 content earlier today, but who really has the time to bother tuning in anymore. Even most of the snaccs can hardly seem bothered these days.

No. 1993998

stamp duty in ireland is only 1% unless you're buying €1mil+ house kek, what's going to be the next excuse? maybe this will be the reason he gives for leaving

No. 1994125

File: 1715630300958.jpg (154.28 KB, 1080x1248, 1000007151.jpg)

Doesn't NI have the UK stamp tax? Though even that is low, even being 0% on anything stumpy could afford. He could move to Ireland of course, or fuck off to mainland UK. But Kat is tied down due to split custody, so that's not happening while they're together. Kaya had both Irish (thus EU) and UK citizenship, which he planned to use to move to spain. Kat would have the same, but is shackled to her baby daddy unles she gives up custody or he signs off on her moving. So stumpy can eithercsuck it up, or find himself a child-free bangmaid who can get him a visum to somewhere better. But pickings are probably slim, given the state of him. I really thought he'd try to get one of his more spergy snacks to let him move to the US by now.

No. 1994137

He went on multiple rants on stream since he and K don't really talk anymore about how he doesn't want to move to the USA any longer. He's also talked about his dream being a modern home along a beach somewhere though? I have a feeling he'd be eyeballing some of the cheaper countries to live in that he has vacationed to, but there are no realistic ways out of NI for him at this time. All his snaccs are fat Americans or broke. He and Kat seem locked in for now until one of them inevitably cheats on the other. Neither of them are going to be affording to buy a house anytime soon either judging by the fact they can't even afford to get her car fixed right now. Wonder if we'll see Aiden make another appearance as things continously crumble apart for them though. Surprised Jude hasn't been lurking around waiting for another chance to pounce, but maybe stumpy finally got too fat/ugly for her. kek

No. 1994159

Yes. Jude wants to get her filthy mitts on a "daddy" (kek) who can take care of her. And any woman stupid enough to get with stumpelchavskin will be relegated to bangmaid status. Hard to get into "little space" while scrubbing the toilet. Besides, she's as averse to actually working as he is. Somebody would have to be the breadwinner, and neither of them could be bothered. As pathetic as it is, Kat is about the best Jake can hope for. Bleak.
Also, both of them have issues with nonce shit going on in their discords and being inappropriate with underage fans. Don't need to combine that baggage.

No. 1994985

Are we meant to believe this is isn’t his first property purchase too? Because there’s no stamp duty up to £425k for first time buyers.

No. 1994994

He's still in the same little house he was renting with Kaya for forever now. Dumbass should have bought a house while he was still making real money, but he was too busy blowing it on unused studio rooms to pile with junk, multiple motorcycles, electronics for him to break, and literal toys. Now it sounds like he and Kat are struggling to just make ends meet so that ship has absolutely sailed. Funny how quickly he changed his tune from acting unaffected over the housing crisis to now sperging out over stamp duty though.

No. 1995991

File: 1716155283350.jpeg (449.28 KB, 1170x1836, 441BDCFA-C8A6-48CD-8A39-6ABA53…)

No amount of filters can hide those gnashers

No. 1996179

File: 1716214946516.jpg (486.59 KB, 1080x1938, 1000007270.jpg)

Mom, this trip is lame! I wanna go home and play tekken.

No. 1996210

Jake is streaming on twitch as his shit VR avatar if any anons want to pop in.

Looks like they just went for a walk where they always do. Same place they brought Aiden too. Looks like the studio is finally gone for good judging by the lack of pole videos, actual VR content involving any movement, etc.

No. 1997069

Oh goodness, they released a new Beetlejuice trailer so he will have to jump on that ASAP…(sage your shit)

No. 1997396

you know that dead tooth fucking STINKS

No. 1998142

File: 1716846834007.jpg (390.61 KB, 1080x1945, 1000007387.jpg)

These filters make it look like somebody did a crude copy paste job on his head and body.

He did, in fact, react to the new beetlejuice trailer. Because fake defies parody at this point.

No. 1998521

Video begins with Jake, declaring himself YouTube’s most influential goth, whereupon he spends the remainder of the time shitting upon the trailer itself, the nostalgia cash grabs, the special effects, the age of the actors, and basically anyone who is looking forward to seeing the movie. He takes time to mention how he can’t show the trailer due to the copyright strikes he got from the last videos, then proceeds to show the trailer anyway. Which is probably why the video is gone. Ends the video with a lackluster “bye” and a dismissive shrug. His reason for being gone for two months is because he has a music video coming out soon, which he has been working on this entire time.

No. 1998542

the narc is strong with this douche. the only thing he ever influenced ppl to do is throw money at him which seems to have dried up.

instead of giving out another lame excuse, he should keep acknowledgment of his absence and just do the damn thing as he’s been allegedly working on various projects for like over a year but has shown zero results.

No. 1999463

File: 1717193109133.jpg (294.76 KB, 1080x1971, 1000007481.jpg)

When you're too fat forvyour onlyfans but rage out untill your haggard bangmaid gives you pasta alfredo.

Kat sure is a lucky gal.

No. 1999466

File: 1717193444048.jpeg (66.17 KB, 828x456, IMG_5154.jpeg)

He finally released his music video today. It’s just more head banging with a guitar shot from the same angle as every other video where he head bangs with a guitar. Except more orange, and this time broken up by what looks like his shitty gameplay. He added horns and woodchuck teeth to his look. Music doesn’t sound that great. Overall, underwhelming.

No. 1999840

The teeth are giving Napoleon Dynamite

No. 1999958

File: 1717312762764.png (1.16 MB, 1158x596, keeek.png)

It took him two months to make a shitty Prodigy cover? I'm screaming nonna. He has never looked more retarded.

No. 1999959

File: 1717313383580.png (359.74 KB, 765x793, dehydratedinhell.png)

bonus pic because holy shit those wrinkles. he clearly abuses the filters as much as kat does.

Anyway, the song is absolute shit and the video is hilarious. It's just Jake flailing around in front of a greenscreen of flames in a shitty halloween costume. The track is like a bad karaoke cover accompanied by mediocre metal guitars. It's embarrassingly bad, to the point where it looks like a parody. kek

No. 2000005

No. 2000011

Making yourself look ugly on purpose only works if you have a hot starting point, he just looks like a background troll in an 80s fantasy movie. Crusty with a capital c.

No. 2000032

That gormless face and teeth are sending me

No. 2000153

In the recently deleted reaction video, he noted that he hates making music videos. He must hate his fans, too, if this is what he gives them. You can see the lack of effort put into it. Wasn’t he supposed to be working with Kitty on a music video? Or did that fall through?

No. 2000210

If Tim Curry's character from legend had a shitty failson who just kept a bunch of trucks on cement blocks on his lawn.

No. 2000273

He looks like a fat gordon ramsay

No. 2000289

File: 1717374248183.jpeg (32.21 KB, 609x385, IMG_5171.jpeg)

I find it interesting that he was holding steady at 414k subscribers for quite a while. Then the music video came out on the 31st. The day after, his subscription count ticked down. He should probably set his music ambitions aside.

No. 2000295

the accuracy lol. even though i know he edits the thumbnail pic for youtube it’s still jarring to see reality vs what he wants ppl to think he looks like.

he hates making music videos but is the one hyping them up to whoever is still paying attention. he wants it for minimal effort but has nothing to offer and then rages about it.

No. 2000421


He spent two months on that? Fucking hell Fake, give it up.

No. 2000432

why is it intercut with shitty gameplay killshots? feels like something a 14 year old would make in 2009

No. 2000502

2.5k views. He must be seething lmao

No. 2000615

He even uploaded it to his main channel in hopes it would get better views than on his shitty Munro Metal channel but nobody cares

No. 2000794

File: 1717481858721.png (415.58 KB, 1072x799, greatsuccess.png)

It's so funny seeing him share stories of snaccs hailing his "success" when his numbers have never been lower. He's lucky to walk away with a few hundred dollars off his patreon and youtube combined. This god awful cover is basically a death rattle. kek

No. 2000910


god awful cover is basically a death rattle

Ooooo that's poetic and better than anything stumpy has written

No. 2001028

> Now now nonna. Wouldn't want to be an anonymonster, now would you? Why would you listen to the actual Prodigy if you could have the lazier, worse, pudgier version that involves something that would be low effort for a last minute halloween costume. Surely this will have the internet flocking to his channel, and forgetting all about his abuse and semi-nonce shit.

Seriously though, I cannot emphasize enough how this man is in his fucking thirties. Most people his age talk about how glad they are social media wasn't as ubiquitous when they were teens, because it means their cringe teenage bullshit isn't documented. Jake juzt does his pubescent bullshit now.

No. 2001098

Perfect example of why you shouldn't surround yourself with yes-men who blow smoke up your ass at how incredible every little thing you do is. I know Jake's ego is entirely too massive to handle any kind of real criticism though, so he'll never change. He's lived in this little bubble of his for so long, it's going to hilarious watching him struggle to make it in regular society where no one thinks he's a special boy.

No. 2001203

Because he's copying vidrel

No. 2001324

honestly I'm kind of surprised he hasn't tried going full fitness influencer route yet. I know he used to post frequently about his workouts before but still, there's a large market for gymbros right now

No. 2001426

Yeah. But those gymbros get followers because they are in shape and people want to emulate them. Jake looks like he eats frosting out of the tub on a regular basis. He could possibly do a "get fit with me/ weightloss journey" thing, but that would involve admitting his current failsburry doughboy status. He's got the manosphere bullshit and inflated ego to be a fitness grifter, but not the physique.

No. 2001496

Not to mention all the people in the comments giving helpful advice or critiques, which Jake would absolutely not be able to handle.

No. 2001503

the schizo frames are giving me a headache. like he tried too hard to make it seem extremely chaotic

No. 2002832


as others mentioned, he does not look the part, but is way too insecure to admit it and do a relatable fitness "journey." attractive men make him seethe. he thinks they have is so easy and says they aren't talented/dont have to work hard if they're tall lol. it would be too much for his ego to compare himself and compete with super fit hot guys when he looks like a before photo no matter how much weight he loses. also, as another nonna mentioned, the gym bros are all about constructive criticism and sharing their bro-science and Jake would look insane going off on them lol it would be funny to see so I hope he tries it. didn't he say he wishes his audience were men? here's your chance, doughboy!

No. 2003587


I have to admit, I'd watch a video of him getting into it with an actual gym-bro and Fake losing it kek

No. 2003793

File: 1718225149553.jpg (107.53 KB, 1080x818, 20240612_134510.jpg)

Former Youtuber.

No. 2003796

KEK. Damn, that shitty cover really was his YT death rattle. Can't imagine how many holes he's been punching throughout the rental over it performing so badly.

No. 2003812

Wow, when did he change that? 666 posts with his big thing for a long time, and the fact that he now says “former” is very unlike him. maybe he’s finally recognizing that he’s a failure. I wonder what big rebranding project he’ll inflict upon us next. (also kinda wondering at his mental health right now, honestly…)

No. 2003818

He got 2.5k views and lost 1k subs…
Half of the people who saw the video unsubscribed, mighty kek

(maybe not quite so bad, or worse depending how you look at it, and some people unsubbed without even watching the video)

No. 2003822

>Can't imagine how many holes he's been punching throughout the rental over it performing so badly.
I almost feel sorry for him at this point…almost. Always remember his smug video where he casually mentioned dumping Kaya as a footnote and bragged about all his music/tats/travelling plans while surrounded by expensive video and audio gear.
Now he's a "former Youtuber"

No. 2003926

File: 1718244952128.jpeg (463.48 KB, 1179x2180, IMG_0389.jpeg)

>84 monthly listeners
K E K. also you can tell he’s short and stubby in this video and he looks like someone’s shaking around a fat stretch armstrong doll.

No. 2003979

File: 1718259561614.png (1.7 MB, 888x886, gross.png)

Slightly old milk from when Aiden visited them. Just now noticed they took this photo together with her poking fun at the whole intial cheating scandal when Jake and Kat first posted that pic of them holding hands in Spain while she was still very married. Weird behavior from them towards a girl who was making sexual posts about Jake's bike tbh >>1990603

No. 2003985

File: 1718260313026.png (152.27 KB, 395x574, 01230341.png)

It's funny how he poured two months into this just for it to flop so hard he finally gave up. He hasn't even streamed on Twitch since May 20th. This might truly be the end for him as an "influencer". No patreon updates since April 2023, no twitter posts since his last stream ad, barely updates instagram beyond sharing a salty meme on rare occasion. Good thing his snaccs worked so hard to buy him a new gaming chair just for him to fuck off with it. I really do appreciate him leaving us this hilarious parting gift though. I wonder how many of the couple thousand views were from farmers. kek

No. 2003986

Please spoiler this shit I don’t want to see a literal demon on the front page(sage your shit)

No. 2003988

File: 1718260920322.jpeg (418.24 KB, 1125x1871, IMG_1668.jpeg)

Kat is “so not like other girls”. Honestly she makes me cringe.

No. 2003989

File: 1718261002746.jpeg (363.45 KB, 1125x1668, IMG_1669.jpeg)

Kat was at a Limp Bizkit concert last night… absolutely no sign of Jake.. key

No. 2003993

I lost the screencap, but she's made posts on her IG stories about being a big Paris Hilton fan when she was younger. The whole edgy alt-girl thing is as much a costume as her "diva" cosplay was it seems. She really started leaning into it a lot heavier when she got with Dean.

Uh oh, looks like his dreamgirl milf is putting on a little weight. Wonder if he's begun shaming her over it yet in between punching holes in the walls and driving for grubhub.

No. 2003997


Is she at Download Festival without him? That would be even milkier.

No. 2003998

Download festival is still a thing? I remember thinking that was cringe when I was a teen even 15 years ago.

No. 2003999

Nah it was just a concert that half of Belfast was at last night.
Doubt Kat or Jake could even afford Download tickets kek(sage your shit)

No. 2004022

Imagine being this much of an asskissing panderer loll this is so pathetic
>that iconic cheating photo you posted
>not like the other girls!!
>background are normie check shirts and neckbeards because Limp Bizkit are an incredibly famous mainstream band every millennial heard of as a child

No. 2004035

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this is the 5 year old running away from home equivalent of leaving youtube and he'll be back within a week. What else has he got? He's lucky his bangmaid pays the bills and has sunk cost fallacied herself into a commitment, because he is nearly unemployable. He has no skills, no real job experience, no connections, and was terminated from his last job for punching a door. Grubhub is the best he can hope for. It'll be funny if >>2003989 is a portent of things to come and his "babygirl" leaves him for a 40 year old with late 90s tribal tattoos and a steady job in resource management.

No. 2004042

It’s insane that at his height of his YouTube and touring “career” he probably earnt enough to put down a fat deposit on a house and buy a modest car right out.

Now he’s in a shitty rental with a rental car and rental bike, kek he is so stupid

No. 2004091

I mean she also dresses up as teen characters to bone her fat moid, pays the bills, and does all the cleaning. It's pretty obvious that she was originally enticed by near constant vacations, bottomless drinks, gas station bouquets, and getting to pretend to be a hot influencer couple for a little bit. There's absolutely no way she wouldn't jump ship on stumpy as soon as a better opportunity provided itself though. Might even be why she's going out to these big events solo suddenly, gotta find that next meal ticket because Jake has gone broke broke.

Kaya said he was making a ton of money at one point, more than she ever did, but that he'd constantly blow it on things he'd often break in his fits of rage. He absolutely could have bought a place to own with Kaya, but he was too fixated on getting out of Ireland to ever bother and now he's essentially stuck there. I don't think his car or bike are rentals, but they are the last few things he seems to geniunely own after selling off the other spare bikes and toys/electronics to get by in the past year. With having next to no income now he can't even replace a gaming chair without begging his last dozen loyal snaccs. What's going to happen when his car breaks down like kats? When his PC shits out or needs yet another part replaced from him raging out on it? It's always funny seeing these huge ego no talent YT dudes fall off.

No. 2004351

this means he lost a total of 1k subs over the course of May, not that he lost that much in one day. So you have to look at all his content from May and earlier to understand why around 1000 peoplebno longer want to watch him

No. 2004420

OMG that costume is so janky and unintentionally funny - what was he thinking? Did he really consider this to be some kind of a badass demon? I can't…

No. 2004955

I noticed she's not longer the skinniest girl in the group. Ut oh. Jake only cares about one thing, being skinny. Not that he has anything to provide. No vacations = nothing to keep thin for, and no bottomless alcohol = hard not not overeat like most broke people. She's so pathetic… Limp bizkit was an embarrassment to the alt scene 25 yrs ago. She has no self identity and the worst taste in music.

No. 2004958

I can't feel sorry for him, telling kaya he's proud he cheated on her and that she's going to have to get a minimum wage job to get out of the situation of him kicking her out because he decided to cheat. this couldn't happen to a nicer guy. I didnt even hate watch the new vid bc he's so damn ugly and boring. just a big fat nobody. I'm glad the former snaccs are seeing there's nothing cool about him.

No. 2005413

It's hilarious how both their ex partners are thriving and Kat and Jake are broke and bloated.

No. 2005421

Anon Kaya is not thriving at all. She’s about to be kicked out by her landlord and plans to live in an occupied house in London. All she does is whine and post s video she she needs sympathy.

No. 2005427

Kaya is a cow in her own right. But compared to Joke, she's thriving. And certainly doing significantly better than she did when she was with him. She has a substantial following that supports her, a wide circle of friends etc. More importantly in this context, she is consistently employed as a promoter, literally partying for a living. She's profiting off her online fame, which is exactly what Stumpy wanted to do so badly. That's what makes it so funny. He broke up with her because he rode her clout to some form of percieved relevance, and figured he was more famous than her and could afford to dump her. Now she's more popular than ever, and he can't even scrape enough followers together to pay for takeout.

No. 2005430

>>2005421 at least she isn't funding and housing another man's child like jake

No. 2005489

True kek being a cuck is such an L even dumb animals avoid it like the plague. Kaya is doing way better than him for sure.

No. 2005578

That's the thing that gets me tbh. Kaya is still a loser, yeah. But is she doing at least a dozen times better than Jake, also yes. The bar is so low that it's an easy win. If he hadn't made that smug break up video he could have probably still came out on top, but he just couldn't help himself. Now he's pretty obviously delivery driving to get by (can't get much else with his doodle bear face tattoos), quit making videos due to a claimed "lack of time", music attempts are absolutely trash due to his entire band jumping ship on him, he's stuck in a rental house (in a country he hates) that he can barely afford with a near illterate woman and her kid from her baby daddy. Even his snaccs mostly seem to be losing interest lately due to him just never showing up for them anymore (last time he streamed was to promo the cover that flopped at the end of May). His discord is dead minus maybe 4 snaccs endlessly talking themselves in circles about their problems or lady allura moaning on about missing him. Haven't even seen his other paypigs like Moni or JadedSphinx around anymore. We're definitely witnessing the end of "jake munro" as a goffik influencer.

No. 2005593

Also remember when they were together, eventually Kaya would just wear like onesies outdoors, no makeup, hair tied up, and look miserable. We're just used to Kaya being normal now, socialising, dressing up, travelling, but she was in a pretty bad way prior the breakup. She also has a circle of irl friends and tons of online supporters still, more than can be said for Jake.

No. 2005626

All jake has is Kat and Aiden anymore. No friends, a rental he can barely afford and his motorcycle/car. Geniunely wonder how much longer till he's stuck pawning off the last of his random equipment to make ends meet. It's really giving mini onision right down to him inviting random snaccs into his home and treating them like a third in his relationship.

No. 2005802

Do you really think he is doing a "minimum wage job"? As much as I would love to believe so, I don't think his ego would allow him so, even if he NEEDED to do it. Remember how Kaya said he mocked her after the breakup how she will have to get a minimum wage job? Kek

I have a feeling he is gonna come up with a video saying he is freelancing as an editor or something like that.

No. 2005808

he may be an entitled snob who thinks having a minimum wage job is beneath him but not paying your rent or bills isn't an option unless you want to be tossed out like he did to kaya. i don't know what he does for income but i do know his popularity has been steadily declining for quite some time now and he has no choice but to make money somehow regardless of how big is ego is.

No. 2005814

He talked about being "self-employed." But the consensus seems to be that he is doing app based food delivery, since he claims to need the car at all hours.

No. 2005893

What exactly is he qualified to do nonna? He revealed he needs access to his car at all times and can't run around in his clown makeup which is why anons speculate it's some form of delivery driving. He can very well make more than minimum wage doing so, but he'd have to likely pull long hours which might also be why he's told snaccs on stream recently that making YT videos has become too time consuming. He isn't particularly talented at video editing or music so I really doubt he's managed to pick up any kind of legitimate work doing either. He's got next to no work experience outside of a job he was fired from. He's also very easy to Google and find dirt on, something any legitimate employer would do before giving this face tattooed chode a chance.

No. 2005970

Exactly this. Freelance editing is a highly competative field. And stumpy has an extensive portfolio online demonstrating how shit at editing he is. Nevermind that any prospective employer will google him. Even if they're not deterred by his cheating and being inappropriate with underage viewers, there's plenty of reasons not to hire him. He has a long and documented history of failing to deliver on promised content, and got fired for anger issues at work. Nobody is going to hire a volatile douchebag who never meets deadlines and produces shitty work.

No. 2006083

File: 1718776813891.png (206.26 KB, 826x1036, obsessed.png)

Lady Allura does the most talking about Jake still of course. She pops in every few days to lament about how much she misses him and how he's her only source of happiness. The last few other snaccs generally just talk about themselves endlessly.

No. 2006084

File: 1718776996430.png (354.88 KB, 501x901, getaway.png)

Still no actual Jake sightings since the cover flopped. Closing in on three weeks of him rage quitting off the internet. Kat is trying to win a family getaway now that they can't afford them anymore. kek

No. 2006213

File: 1718823048745.jpg (229.71 KB, 1080x1262, 20240619_114655.jpg)

Imagine being so parasocial that you have to literally cover the chat bc you don't like seeing other people talk to him. Wasn't she a mod too? Kek, idk how she managed modding while simultaneously not wanting to read the chat. Jake really picked his most parasocial fans to mod and they all just ended up being possessive over him.

No. 2006220

This type of fandom is a mental illness. She covers the chats of the streams she wasn't in (is this a tranny or a woman?) prior to her joining the Jake fandom for reasons no scientist can explain. Like she's jealous he was interacting with people before her? Loony
Also like how the hell is this asshole your comfort youtuber, I could easily find ten lesser assholes on Youtube or Tiktok more deserving of this attention.

No. 2006223

>idk how she managed modding while simultaneously not wanting to read the chat
This reminds me, didn't Jake or his mods (aka Allura) ban a fuckton of people in the months following his breakup? "slags" according to Allura, I'm sure this contributed to his downfall and she has basically admitted she is jealous and sabotaging/trying to control the chat and fans and remove people she finds underserving. Keeping your core audience is crucial in growing followers (stans who can't stop talking about you are like your own personal walking billboards, this is why anyone with a brain doesn't ban their fans) and they literally banned anyone politely bringing up the breakup. Cut to now and he has like three fans left.

No. 2006226

I know stumpy has no shame. But this person is dealing with some serious mental health shit, and taking money from them or milking them for attention is exploitative. What a fucking bummer.

On the bright side, he's bound to piss her off eventually, on account of being a huge piece of shitwho can only view people as objects to use. And if this is her adoration, imagine her anger. Can't wait for her to go all Annie Wilkes on his ass. Though I would prefer it if she got help before that.

No. 2006242

His old mods were pretty ruthless and attention hungry tbh. There was that one elderly woman who tried playing both sides for a while too to drama monger. Most of the old fans have steadily disappeared for one reason or another though, psycho mods aside. The smug breakup video, the questionable OF and (luckily) unfulfilled teasing of a sex tape with kat, him completely shooting himself in the foot with the "truth" video a year later, him shit-talking goth while wearing it as a costume to get fans in the first place, his failed attempt to rebrand as a "hunky British lad", the absolute cringefest that was his short-lived vtuber attempt, etc. The list goes on. He can blame everything on "the algorithm" all he wants, but the obvious reality is he's chased most the viewers away himself by being nasty, unfunny, and untalented. Only the most parasocial lonely snacc (ladyallura) still hangs around his socials moaning on about how much she misses him. No one else seems to even care all that much.

No. 2007166

File: 1719109905458.jpg (85.47 KB, 1078x945, 20240622_192910.jpg)

That caption gives me the creeps, it's kinda rapey. Good thing she has her stumpy dwarf.

No. 2007174

>stumpy dwarf
fucking kek

No. 2007324

The “little” part makes it seem pedo.

No. 2007565

She cosplayed tinkerbell cause daddy wanted to fuck her. She's a pedo pandering pick me to a bottom of the barrel moid

No. 2007761

File: 1719246605816.jpg (539.84 KB, 1080x1979, 1000007845.jpg)

One of two

No. 2007763

File: 1719246708871.jpg (446.43 KB, 1080x1918, 1000007846.jpg)

Two of two.
It's bulk, and not flab, apparently. Look at him sucking in his gut in "the best shape of his life."

No. 2007770

he needs to keep his clothes ON but he’s also too stupid, ugly, boring, and untalented to offer anything else

No. 2007826

Holy crap he is 199lbs and proud. Not to rattle rattle but I'm an inch or two taller (he is like 5'5 or 5'6 based on past fan photo height comparisons, he's barely taller than most of the women) and weigh 80lb less, and I'm muscular. Absolute lardass.(blogposting)

No. 2007830

Think it's called binge eating followed by panic gym sessions, he has several (mental/behavioural) issues that need sorting so it's difficult to know what he should address first, but the eating disorder is definitely top 3.

No. 2007861

I thought this was Johnny Craig at first

No. 2007911

I know it's been said before but how the fuck are his legs so short?

No. 2007921

those wee little boots gotta smell worse than kat’s dead tooth

No. 2007935

I feel sorry for Kat's kid. You can only imagine the hangry wallpunchibg that goes on in that house.

No. 2008056

Right on. I recall in his crazy long break up confession video, he was talking about how when he rages, he can’t control it, and that psychiatrist suspected he has bipolar disorder, but it’s okay, because he decided to ignore the psychiatrist and “work on himself,” and now he’s all better. Because that’s how bipolar disorder works. You ignore it and it goes away. Blech, that poor kid. I hate to think what happened to him if Jake still around when he gets to the mouthy middle school age, and Jake decides he’s being disrespected. We all know what he does when he feels disrespected.

No. 2008072

Why does his stomach look like he has a C-Section scar.(sage your shit)

No. 2008094

Stretch marks. You know, like he used to critique Kaya for. He'll get more too. He's on the downward slope of his jojo cycle, but it won't last.

No. 2008097

He is literally one of the most unappealing men I have ever had the displeasure of seeing.

No. 2008111

come on jake do the toxic gymbro rebrand you know you want to

No. 2008128

File: 1719330001859.jpg (311.16 KB, 1080x1944, 1000007852.jpg)

Thriving amid the creditcard debt. Wonder if they saw >>2005413

No. 2008152

it seems like they drink every single day, but yeah sure “thriving,” whatever you say

No. 2008294

Very curious as to what their definition of thriving is, because what they show on social media very much suggests the opposite.

No. 2008299

please let the new tattoos be more of kat’s crap. he could have easily been making that into content but i guess that takes effort and he’d be pissy if it didn’t get the views he thought it deserved.

No. 2008389

Or he doesn't want Kat to take the spotlight. It should be about him after all, not her tattooing. Wouldn't want her to get too uppity.
I'd say "wouldn't want her to get more famous than him and leave his ass like he did to Kaya." But who are we kidding here.

No. 2008432

oftentimes when little boys grow up in a household with a moid who has rage issues they end up developing emotional problems of their own. kat is setting her kid up for disaster by choosing some loser moid over his well-being.

No. 2008586

Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain't callin'
I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom

No. 2008665

File: 1719472829245.png (966.94 KB, 491x892, stumpsighting.png)

>little family vacation booked
Curious to see where they are going tbh, but I feel like "little" is pretty telling here. Their vacations had already gone from fine dining in Barcelona or long getaways in large suites at galgorm, to getting wasted on concrete beaches and eating diner pizza. Sounds like they are possibly bringing the kid too considering she said "family" vacation. Hope they don't get too wasted or handsy around poor Issac.
>beach days
Here's a recent pic kat posted of stump enjoying one of these "beach days" fully dressed and shuffling along the rocks. Not nearly as beachy as she tries to make it sound.
>new tattoos
Jake STILL has the half finished cracked out krampus on his bellybutton right now. I can't imagine he can afford anything new unless it's more mediocre freebies from his overworked bangmaid kat.
This whole post definitely feels like a desperate attempt to convince us, themselves, anyone, that they are totally doing great and hashtag "thriving!". We all know jake lurks the farms, he probably wanted to kick kaya while she was down and attempt to flex on us after we clowned on his god awful music video so hard. kek

No. 2008671

File: 1719473664001.png (241.64 KB, 790x597, allurafiending.png)

kek nonna. Just checked and she's still at it too. Snacc discord is pretty much dead minus her occasional whining about missing jake and the snaccs spamming twerking gifs for whatever reason. Jake's been completely offline for almost an entire month now.

No. 2008715

If that midget was my man i'd be too ashamed to post his teeny weeny legs on my story kek

No. 2008921

>keep supporting him

for why? he doesn’t give a fuck about you, he enjoyed the attention and money. he is not working on anything creative, he offers nothing to ppl who are still subscribed to his pathetic patreon or onlyfans. whatever he can scrape from them is likely going towards his bills and he doesn’t even deserve that.

No. 2009251

File: 1719618734023.png (993.68 KB, 955x906, dirtydeleting.png)

Because it was lust at first sight, she lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere southern USA, and in her own words she "has been single for 5 years not by choice unfortunately". He's her pseudo fantasy boyfriend stand-in which is why she's always the first (and only) to spam his ugly thirst traps all over the place. She must of been seething with jealously when Aiden got to play third wheel with jake and kat. kek

Also small update, it's apparently Kat's 37th birthday today? Jake has spent it mass deleting Instagram posts (mostly newer photos that performed poorly and all his VR content) and kat has spent it desperately advertising her OF (quite literally a dozen IG stories advertising her OF). They sure are thriving rn you guys!

No. 2009252

File: 1719618877969.png (892.46 KB, 1001x894, happybdaykat.png)

Most of it's old content, but the "birthday vibes" on every single one made me kek at the absolute bleakness.

No. 2009254

File: 1719618955584.png (700.51 KB, 1008x889, happybdaykat_.png)

There's a dozen of these. Must be hurting for the spare cash for that "little family vacation" or something.

No. 2009307

Yeah, this comes across as sad and desperate, mostly for Kat. Is that stripper poll shot a new one? Does Jake still have that studio with the pole in it? Seems like a waste of money they can’t afford.

No. 2009376

This is really depressing. Like watching your divorced aunt get tipsy and try to flirt with the waiting staff.

No. 2009387

She looks so much like Jefree Star i actually thought it was him at first from looking at her face alone kek

No. 2009388

>little cheerleader
>little snowwhite

Why does she always use "little" when talking about her "cosplays"? it's fucking weird and gross

No. 2009438

jake used to obsess over and skinwalk jeffree star so he probably loves this

No. 2009538

File: 1719697724239.jpg (86.18 KB, 1080x1093, 20240629_144417.jpg)

Agreed, it really creeps me out. This is a 37 year old woman. If a guy was talking like this, people would call him a pedo. It's weird how she infantilizes herself for a tiny OF audience and average of 5 likes. I think Jake likes seeing her make a fool of herself because he likes degradation. It's also weird how she only "cosplays" for porn, and not for the sake of cosplay.

No. 2009555

yeah I'm sick of the "little" shit bitch you have a kid. that kid's needs and welfare should be prioritized over your porn brainrot

No. 2009605

Something about her face makes her look autistic.

No. 2009636

Considering cheerleading is typically associated with highschoolers and Snow White is supposed to be 14, yeah she sounds like a pedo.

No. 2009709

File: 1719723942728.png (1.89 MB, 1038x919, katslastbday.png)

Still no sign of them doing absolutely anything for her birthday this year. No gifts or gas station roses, no shared posts besides a couple from her closest friends, no nothing. All she's done is shared old photos and promo her OF. Last year they at least had a few of her friends over for drinks at their rental home. I thought that was sad, but this year takes the cake. picrel was last year's "celebration". Absolute kek at the lack of men invited over.

No. 2009713

File: 1719724259417.png (384.89 KB, 496x882, goodbyegalgorm.png)

The year before that, her first birthday together with him, they went to galgorm. Have to wonder how much of it is the money problems and how much of it is him getting lazy like he did in the last relationship. Can't wait to see what this "little family vacation" is going to entail if this is as good as it gets now for his "princess's birthday".

No. 2009752

Did he even admit he was done with all of it or did Aidan or has he not even bothered telling the people who fund him? I would have hated to be in that house hold when he decided he quitting I can imagine a lot things were broken. His YouTube description also now saids former YouTuber and archive channel. I can’t believe the final video was him looking like this >>2003985 and no thank you good bye kek

No. 2009859

I think he just posted it to his bios and started deleting things? His last stream was to promo that ridiculous cover video so I don't think he had reached that point yet (actuallylast few streams were promoting it even). No announcement or anything anywhere I can find, not even by mods in discord. Aiden doesn't really interact with other snaccs unless it's to rub in their faces how she's so much closer to Jake and Kat than they are. Genuinely seems like he had spent two months making that absolute mess of a cover/video and had a massive meltdown when it performed so terribly. Probably doesn't help he's been known to lurk here and we were all losing our shit over how incredibly stupid he looks. kek

No. 2009881

File: 1719776328342.png (956.89 KB, 1152x897, jakefinalstreams.png)

These were the last few steams and then the final YT post before he quit without any official announcement. There's a bot he uses that auto-posts new streams or videos to the discord so it's very easy to keep track.

He mass deleted a ton of stuff off his twitter account now too. He's been almost entirely offline for a month now. This might actually be the end for good. The "anonymonsters" have won. kek

No. 2010024

but he makes her feel so sexy, the way she "won him" at first and they rubbed it in Kaya's face, and how now he makes 0 effort for her birthday after spending two years together. it's totally worth putting your toddler through an unstable home life to feel this special. with his failed YouTube/music/vtuber career and her embarrassingly unpopular onlyfans, they sure are "thriving."

No. 2010581

File: 1719957041021.jpg (397.74 KB, 1080x1949, 1000007983.jpg)

No. 2010627

kek, I saw this too. Evidence that Jake really was shorter than her. Now he's got kat pulling all kinds of funny poses/knees forever bent so she's not towering over him too. Also funny to note, Kat never wears heels or platforms of any kind anymore, it's always the same old converse or slides/basic docs. Such an insecure lil stump.

No. 2010640

I've noticed that too. She sure is lucky to have won him. Thriving like the icecaps.

No. 2010661

Fully believe she's experiencing the sunk cost fallacy in getting with him at this point and those occasional gushy posts are just obvious cope. It is crazy how desperately she panders to him in cosplaying literal children cartoons during sex though. At least she doesn't have any reason to get pregnant by him anymore now that he's broke so we likely missed that impending shitshow. There's not much further to fall from here.

No. 2010757

lol and his preference for "tall elegant women" is because all women are taller than he is. he wants to pretend that he is seeking out women who are as tall or taller so that he can seem like he is normal height. stupid lying insecure stump. I would normally feel sorry for someone so obsessed with body image, but he is a hateful moid who projects all his issues. remember when he was ranting that he hates his parents because they were short and not hot?

No. 2010862

How long until cum guts cheats on twisty the clown? lol will he release another 2 hour video about it? both are fucking losers

No. 2010994

Yeah. It's pretty rare to be able to say this about a woman with both the sex appeal and intellect of wet cardboard, but she can do better.

No. 2011177

File: 1720093333339.jpg (181.42 KB, 1080x1972, 1000008016.jpg)

Apparently the one thing holding him back was "shawty" not being sufficiently hot. Sure stumpy. Gasstation roses are a distant memory and not even the desperate tweens who payed your bills can be bothered anymore. But any day now…

No. 2011180

um wasn't he loads more successful when he was with Kaya, planned special birthdays for her, bought her whatever she wanted, and traveled all over with her?
Kat's tall ass does not inspire, if his status has anything to do with her beauty motivating him. I'd be really insulted if I were her as he's spewing bullshit like this while his career is at its lowest after getting in this relationship.
but something tells me she is just happy he called her "beautiful" publicly, rotting tooth, potato nose, and resemblance to Marilyn Manson/Jeffree Star and all. what a romantic thing to say, #thriving! drinks! shots for shawty!

No. 2011207

Kek. Jake is "shawty" in any relationship he's in. That's a term he as a manlet should probably stay away from.

No. 2011489

I wouldn't be too surprised if both of them had already cheated each other lmao.

No. 2012412

File: 1720392262238.png (2.35 MB, 1424x821, kpainewked.png)

Looks like they never ended up doing anything for her actual birthday. She usually posts things even though he's gone radio silent, but nothing, nada. No sign of the one-day Saturday "family vacation" either. She's right back to work today on Sunday. Seems like it's getting harder for her to keep up the illusion that they are happy and thriving together.

This has got to be cope judging by the utter lack of doing anything for her birthday. Dude couldn't even do the usual "look at my hot milf" appreciation post like usual. Things are definitely crumbling behind the scenes.

No. 2012413

File: 1720392583558.png (623.69 KB, 475x696, blurrymess.png)

Also not sure why she thought this mess would be a good tattoo to advertise her work. kek

No. 2012416

File: 1720393504281.png (182.09 KB, 1118x782, snaccdiscord.png)

These are the only mentions of him in the snacc discord in the past week. Honestly pretty shitty of him to up and quit without even giving them a goodbye video, but it's been pretty obvious for some time now that he doesn't actually like the remaining dozen snaccs besides Aiden.

No. 2012417

That actually would’ve been a good idea. A “i’m leaving YouTube / why I left YouTube” video would’ve been a nice sendoff, and probably would’ve had a lot of views )because anything that implies drama gets people’s attention)

No. 2012424

A lot of the old school YTers that burnt out did similar with pretty good feedback. Gave them a chance to explain themselves and possibly promo other projects. The thing is though, everything that caused Jake's YT "career" to spiral downward was his own doing no matter how desperately he wants to try to blame "the algorithm". It's pretty obvious he didn't want to actually quit and was trying everything he could to drag it out as long as he could in hopes of going "viral" again. I have a feeling he had a huge wall punching meltdown after the failure of that hilariously awful cover music video. He seriously worked two months on that garbage just for people to laugh at it minus a few snaccs doing the usual blowing smoke up his ass. Kat might have told him to take a break from it all and actually help her pay the bills which might explain him posting >>2011177

No. 2012476

these people are so embarrassing

No. 2012501

>if I didn't have such a horrendous overbite we would actually look pretty similar, I could be a wannabe
This part def made me kek. Also thought it was funny that Allura is claiming Jake ditched the bandmates (and not the other way around) because they were "lazy" even though Conor seems to be infinitely more active (and successful) than Jake has in the past couple years.

No. 2012551

Dean also apparently has a new girlfriend who is absolutely stunning. It's hilarious how Jake and Kat are broke and miserable. I wonder if she has any regrets kek

No. 2012594

File: 1720443099539.gif (3.28 MB, 640x476, oh-god-its-pathetic.gif)

No. 2012597

File: 1720443796023.png (849.98 KB, 1429x858, 2024-07-08 (1).png)

Went to Skat's page to sneak a peak at dean's new GF but she deleted her account with all the onlyfans shit kek

No. 2012602

>>2012551 ooo how do you know that? I can't find him on insta

No. 2012657

Did she only get rid of the Instagram account or did she also stop doing OF? I wonder what happened.

No. 2012667

File: 1720464014644.png (531.94 KB, 920x591, katpaineof.png)

He's still on insta, but doesn't seem to post any personal stuff. NTA and couldn't find the new girlfriend, but I did find Dean's tiktok and it looks like he lost a lot of weight in the past couple years away from Kat. He still looks pretty chavvy, but compared to before he definitely is better looking than Jake (though tbf that bar is extremely low kek). Also saw a recent tagged photo of little Issac and he's a spitting image of his father. Can't imagine that actually sits well with Jake no matter how hard he tries to convince anyone otherwise.

Jake has her alt account in bio for some reason. Her regular account and her OF promo account are still up. It's funny to see the current quality of her "modeling" compared to the stuff she was doing pre-Jake.

No. 2012727

File: 1720478852780.jpg (190.27 KB, 1080x1920, 1000034338.jpg)

Not 100% but apparently through the grape vine in Belfast its this girl . Found her twitter

No. 2012728

She looks a lot more natural and young compared to skat who is desperately trying to hold onto her youth with her fillers and creepy child outfits. I wonder how long it'll take Jake to turn his head away from his 'old lady'

No. 2012731

She looks younger yet dresses more maturely than Kat. All the "alt" women in their circle have the boring same look about them I've noticed, middle part with with straight/Hollywood wave hair and the same style/placement of tattoos.

No. 2012737

If that's her thats an insane upgrade. I hope kat is furious kek here come more terrible fillers and Botox. Too funny how shes gotten stuck with a stumpy loser with no money and anger issues and her ex ends up with a gorgeous blonde

No. 2012743

File: 1720482141256.jpg (734.06 KB, 823x1672, 1000026319.jpg)

Good for him tbh. It's honestly funny just how hard karma hit Jake and Kat after they paraded around showing off their affair. Dean lost a bunch of weight and grew a neck, still owns a successful tattoo shop, has a beautiful new girlfriend, etc. Meanwhile Jake is driving uber, rage quit YT, got fat, gone broke. Hell, even Kat is starting to pack on the pounds, doesn't casually "model" anymore, and appears to be back to working full time. They couldn't even afford to get her car fixed for a while? Good to see people reap what they sow.

No. 2012748

Why in the name of god did kat think this was a nice picture to post on her OF. Her hair looks thin and greasy as shit and the underbite looks the worst we've seen it so far.
Deans new girlfriend seems to be a pretty private person too, all around the opposite of his trashy ex wife. At least dean ended up coming out on top after kat tried to nuke his entire life for very little gain

No. 2012758

File: 1720485616822.jpg (610.69 KB, 927x927, 1000026323.jpg)

All her pics look like this lately, I don't think she has much of a choice.

No. 2012820

noticed this too and it’s odd seeing as how her account is still active even though the bio of the new one claims it was hacked. she is still using the og one to post stories and tattoos (most recent post is 6 hours old) so why does she even need another.

No. 2012882

Maybe she wanted to rebrand, but realised she has no options to do anything new? As long as she's shackled to this stumpy deadbeat, this is it for her.

No. 2012886

She has grey hair actually but she's hotter than skat and probably younger too and most importantly isn't a trashy onlyfails whore that posts her ass on insta

No. 2012887

>Also saw a recent tagged photo of little Issac and he's a spitting image of his father. Can't imagine that actually sits well with Jake
yeah seen it too he looks exactly like his dad imagine paying for another man's kid that looks like a copy of him. KEK

No. 2012891

>>2012886 I bet Dean wakes up every morning glad that kat cheated and left him. Apart from sometimes having his kid not with him, he has ended up with a much better life. This is going to be yet another kicker for skat and joke. You just know they looked down on dean and sneered at him for being alone while they were in their loved up phase. I almost feel sorry for kat.

No. 2012918

Jake is the ultimate Cuck!

No. 2013155

File: 1720572894426.png (535.25 KB, 831x840, 023459028490.png)

kat's entering more and more of these hotel and vacation giveaways. I wonder if that's how she got her accounts hacked in the first place. Poor thing is absolutely fiending for a stay at the galgorm like the good ol' days. kek

No. 2014623

Kaya is collabing with It's black friday attending slime light kek must hurt really bad that your lazy ex is still making money off youtube and collabing with popular goth influencers while you got "former youtuber" on your IG bio kek die mad about it stumpy

No. 2014739

Kaya is a whole mess, but despite all that she's still surprisingly successful and making a few thousand off patreon/YT/etc with minimal effort. That's definitely something that must piss him off considering he swore up and down HE was the successful one and he totally got there all on his own. Kind of a shame the milk has dried up here, but knowing he's stuck festering away in their little old rental house, driving grubhub, and fading into his low-income chav step-dad life in a city/country he absolutely hates is a well deserved ending to his story.

No. 2014765

Given the lack of milk forecasted for this failure of a cow, should Jake updates be moved back to the regular alt cow thread once this one reaches its limit, or is he still worthy of having his own thread?

No. 2014771

Definitely moved back to altcows unless he does anything milky. I have a strong feeling he's going to disappear completely at some point only to resurface when some nonna necros this thread with a mugshot a five years down the line though.

No. 2014932

File: 1721016918489.png (714.66 KB, 501x896, vintedkat.png)

Kat is resorting to selling her clothes to help pay the bills now.

No. 2014935

File: 1721017324707.png (1.62 MB, 1394x979, sheinromwe.png)

hilariously, she's also trying to resell shein and romwe garbage for the same cost of buying them new.

No. 2015091

Kaya has also gained 50 lbs in the past month and barely has a home, not much of a flex.

No. 2015147

File: 1721064125898.jpeg (385.3 KB, 1125x2224, IMG_1972.jpeg)

Trying to sell her cursed wedding dress for 4 grand too! Kek

No. 2015163

Tbf, Jake is just as fat and would be homeless if not for his "milf" bangmaid hustling so hard. Jake is one break up away from living in a freezing studio like his ex did after their split. He better hope and pray Kat never finds someone new or he's completely screwed.

Long gone are the days she could afford such a nice dress and wedding. Now she's stuck trying to sell it off to pay bills because her "rich" affair partner has gone broke. I wonder if she looks back with regret or if she really thinks the handful of resort stays/vacations to concrete beaches and bottomless long islands were all worth it. kek

No. 2015180

Legit interested in the selling of the wedding dress. I have so many questions about it. People generally keep those for sentimental reasons, so why has she held onto hers for so long, given her circumstances? Was she hoping to reuse it to marry Jake? Does getting rid of it mean marrying Jake off the table, since she obviously can’t afford a new dress? Has she gained too much weight (as some nonas have been speculating) to fit into it again? Is she suddenly selling it because life with Jake has made her so broke and desperate that she has no other choice? Jake used to have a good collection of goth clothes; will he be selling his next?

No. 2015191

I think she's just broke as hell. Also, I doubt if Jake wants her hanging on to another man's wedding dress.
Yeah. But Kaya left her old house because of trouble with her landlord, and already had a new house lined up. She's moving out of her old place into a new one. That's not being homeless. She was able to househunt and get something new because she can afford to do so. That's a major difference. Jake can't even keep his bangmaid in shein rags and cheap shots, let alone afford rent. If Kat ever decides she doesn't want to carry his fat ass anymore he would legit be out on the street. I can't see anyone else taking him in even for a little while. He has no friends, and his entire family hates him, for good reason. He'd have to take his sad self onto the streets.

No. 2015198

It's also funny to see Kat stuck working so hard to get by when he's doing the absolute minimum as a delivery driver. She's picked up extra hours at the shop, shills her nudes, sells her clothes, while already doing all the cooking/cleaning. She's even desperately entering a bunch of giveaways to try to land them another vacation? There's no way she's happy with the current him and isn't already looking for something new. Jake brings absolutely nothing to the table anymore and if she leaves him he will truly be alone. But hey, maybe Jude could finally have her chance. kek

It's interesting how they were hinting at having a kid together someday or buying a house back when Clair was still an active paypig. Not sure if marriage was ever on the table, but can't imagine she'd settle for it now, especially after having such a beautiful wedding with Dean. She'd have to get married in a shien gown in their backyard if she married jake.

No. 2015231

File: 1721084335273.jpg (59.26 KB, 500x414, unnamed.jpg)

Imagine cheating on your tattoo studio owning husband whom you have a child for a broke midget with anger issues only to end up
>selling your shein clothes and >working extra hours to pay bills
>try to get gifted vacations cause you can't afford shit
>cook and clean for your scrote
>selling pics of your asshole to 3 people on onlyfails

Both exes are doing better Dean moved on with a hotter more youthful girl witth no kids too and still runs his business while kaya is collabing with popular alt influencers and earning money with zero effort off of her online presence while Joke is:

>Vtubing flopped

>music video flopped
>so much money down the drain on expensive avatars and equipment
>reputation still ruined
>still seething over his ex
>raising another man's kid
>has to work a minimum wage job
>still bloated and fat

No. 2015287

>still seething over his ex

It really is funny how he's clearly still obsessed with Kaya. I don't think he still loves her, if he ever did, or wants her back. But so much of his posting indicates he still tracks her socials, seething with indignation because she is doing so much better than he is. Meanwhile, she seems to just be living her life, such as it is. I bet Kat enjoys him constantly ranting about his ex while she's doing all the cooking and cleaning after a long day of work.

No. 2015303

Yeah, he was so certain that she would shrivel up and wither away without him. He obviously thought that she was the deadweight holding him back, when in reality, it was him holding HER back. in his mind, she doesn’t deserve anything that she has, so her still thriving must be absolutely eating him up. Kat herself spoke of her with such venom as well, per Kaya’s three hour video. She must be seething, too.

No. 2015422

>Kat herself spoke of her with such venom as well
You know joke slandered Kaya to all hell when he first met Skat probably ranted about he's the victim uwu cause she can't deal with him breaking shit, holding his fist up in the air like he wanted to punch her and screaming like a fucking chimp and since she's a retarded airhead pick me she ate that shit up kek i wonder if he's raging out on her after everything flopped and he had to stop doing youtube

No. 2015509

Absolutely. If he can't keep himself from punching doors in front of his boss or throwing tantrums on stream, he certainly won't control himself in front of Kat. Given everything else she lets him get away with, I don't think he even feels the need to hold back. That might end up biting him in the ass if she dumps him. Something tells me she was willing to put up with a lot if the payoff was holidays in barcelona and endless shots. But now that her reward is having to sell her wedding dress and pick up after her manlet, the deal isn't so appealing to her. Still, Jake is nothing if not arrogant, so he'll probably just assume he's too much of a prize for her to ever cut and run.
Honestly, I don't give a fuck about her. Pickme bitch made her nasty bed and gets to lie in it. But her poor kid doesn't need this. Even if stumpy somehow doesn't rage out at Isaac himself, which I doubt, seeing your mom treated like that is terrible for a child. Honestly, Dean could probably get way more custody at this point. There is so much evidence of Jake raging out, and talking on stream about hitting kids being good actually. And Kat brings him around her young son.

No. 2015709

I am sure they are both seething. It sucks being broke and seeing others live a more exciting carefree life, not having to hustle selling their shit, and not being Youtube Famous anymore must hurt. I bet Skat thought she would be able to ride his coat tails and be some kind of alt instagram model. lol dude wouldnt even put her in one of his music videos. he put Jude in one! crazy.

it's funny that Jake thinks Kaya held him back as if he's doing so well with the inspiring alcoholic pickme partner that is Skat. The sad thing is that he really had a chance for a minute and was so close to blowing up if he would have stayed single and focused on his content and band and the reasons for the break up were not aired (had he been decent to kaya).

But instead, he thought with his desperate dick and flaunted his cheating with a married trashy older woman, broke up a family, hurt kaya, alienated his fanbase of mostly girls/women who preferred seeing him be a wholesome devoted long term boyfriend, or perhaps a newly single guy too busy and well composed to speak excessively of a gross sex life.

then he became an onlyfans e-whore himself, along with the tramp he cheated with and jumped into a long term relationship with her. ironically skat is in his way if he wants to go around blaming other people, but it's his own doing by centering their relationship when no one else likes her the way they liked Kaya.

No. 2015752

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Tbh, a lot of her recent posts feel like she's missing her pre-jake past. Been seeing her post more and more of these "___ years ago" posts lately.

He really did do it all to himself. Kaya was willing to keep her mouth shut on how awful he was minus the occasional vague post about the break up. If he would have kept things quiet with kat and focused on his YT channel instead of going out of his way to rub things in his ex's face, he'd probably still have some sort of online career today. Personal opinions on kaya aside, the way Jake and Kat cheated on both of their respective partners and then paraded it around (even going as far as nearly releasing a sextape?) was outright nasty. Him harassing kaya and then having the audacity to do a second break-up drama video ultimately sealed the fate of his channel. He just really couldn't help himself. It's truly poetic that both ex partners are doing better in comparison (Dean especially) while Jake and Kat fade away into a life of misery together. Still fully expect Kat to cheat again tbh.

No. 2015916

File: 1721239500408.jpeg (253.55 KB, 1154x1510, IMG_6629.jpeg)

Is that a badly repaired punch hole behind the door? Also she’s claiming her items are from a smoke free house when they both smoke

No. 2015989

>Kat accidentally photographing a half-assed repaired punch hole in the wall
kek. Just when I think the milk is long expired Jake's "milf" delivers something as funny as this. Also interesting the photo of her and Jake is just sitting on top of a pile of various laundry and junk. That house must be in absolute shambles now that she's stuck working more and isn't home to clean up after her manchild.

No. 2016216

>>2015916 all jokes aside, if that is a punch hole then kat needs to get her and her kid out NOW.

No. 2016245

British door handles can easily bang against the wall and cause a hole. But it's too high and too big to be the door handle.

No. 2016259

The one thing I'll say is that they live in a shitty cheap rental, and landlords are bastards. So it might technically not be his punchhole. But given his trackrecord, it's not looking good.
Do you think she just doesn't care if it shows up in photos? She's a lazy slob after all. Or is it just that Jake has kyled out on so many surfaces in their house already?

No. 2016280

Hope she's smart enough to get out before it gets too bad, but I have a feeling she NLOGs so hard she genuinely thinks she can fix him.

Is Kat a lazy slob though? We absolutely know that Jake is, we've seen how he turned the studio into an absolute dump and had used tissues and empty cans scattered all over the floor and surfaces in his selfies, but he also outright admitted Kat does all the cleaning. Her one good point might just be that she isn't a complete slob tbh. Though I don't doubt that's slipping now that she's working a lot more on top of trying to peddle her nudes/clothes.

No. 2016282

>but he also outright admitted Kat does all the cleaning. Her one good point might just be that she isn't a complete slob
Actually, that is a really good point Nonna. I just kind of went by the general state of her and my dislike. But you're right. If she wasn't such a pickme, I would feel bad for her. She should bail now before he doesn't stop at walls.

No. 2016329

I get it nonna. I almost feel bad sometimes too because she's clearly at least a little bit slow. Then I remember she's taken nudes in her kid's bed, left used buttplugs out where her toddler could reach, all the gross dd/lg rp, the art theft, the NLOGing, the entire cheating saga and hand holding pic in Barcelona all while she was still married. I do hope he never hits her or the kid, but it's crazy she really thought he'd change for her or Kaya was the (only) problem. I do suspect that he went radio silent after a particularly bad wall punching/electronics smashing meltdown when his months long MV cover project flopped so hard and Kat gave him some kind of an ultimatum. They've clearly been on rocky ground since around then with zero mention of her birthday, no celebration/gifts, a mentioned day-trip "vacation" with no follow up, the photo collage gifted from years ago sitting in the pile of laundry in her sales pics, etc. I feel like she's trying to hold it together for now, but they're already on a downward spiral. I can't imagine her lasting as long as Kaya did in that relationship either though, she's even already put on some weight too. She's really made her (hair covered) bed and now she has to lay in it I guess.

No. 2016351

>2016329 complete tinfoil but maybe she is selling so much stuff on Vinted because she needs an emergency fund if she has to leave suddenly

No. 2016381

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Sineads new Twitter pic. she's now made her twitter private, which makes me think she's been made aware of this thread. Which actually makes me respect her more as she clearly wants her privacy and isn't someone who posts her face online nevermind her tits and ass like Skat.(off-topic)

No. 2016391

Found sineads LinkedIn. She has a Master's Degree in French and English and a PGCE in teaching english as a foreign language. She taught English to Romanians and Somalians.
She's educated, more attractive, and a hell of a lot more successful than Kat. Dean must be fucking laughing. And good for him.(off-topic)

No. 2016394

She's so pretty, educated and can spell in more than one language plus a private person kek Dean must be glad skat cheated he upgraded on so many levels (funny joke left comments on that said skat was an upgrade to shit on kaya when it all went down)

No. 2016398

She's actually doing something for the community in Northern Ireland which is pretty insane.

No. 2016400

She has a very fresh look to her. Kat always looks kind of stale and greasy.

No. 2016405

Just found from google she does fundraising events for Action Mental Health as well. I'm honestly in shock about how much Deans life has improved since Skat left him.

No. 2016433

This is so fucking funny. She seems lovely. Good for Dean and good for her. I genuinly hope they are happy together.
Jake leaves every woman he is in a relationship with a fat sloppy mess it would seem. Kaya is a whingy cow in her own right, but there's no denying she's improved since the end of the relationship. During her last few years with Stumpy she was all onesies and greasy buns. It's just way funnier with Kat because she's such a feckless cunt. Part of me hopes he!ll hook up with Jude after this current disaster runs its course, just because of how hilarious the consistent downgrade would be. But he might be too pathetic for even that barrelscraper at this point.

No. 2016437

Honestly he and Jude seem to be extremely similar people, both lazy, sloppy chavs who lack any kind of talent or skill. God awful face tattoos, no future, weird dd/lg fetish too. Kat is trashy, but she does seem to have at least some kind of work ethic (even if all the artwork is stolen/traced) and seems to keep a mostly tidy house. As low of an opinion as I have of her, she really could do better. Almost any other neckless tattooed loser out there probably has more to offer at this point.

No. 2016483

it seems to perty to be glad Dean has a new girlfriend lmao but he seriously deseves it. Kat revealed herself to be extremely selfish by cheating on him and bringing Joke into her lids life. That also means she can be a better influence on his kid, which is what reslly matters here.

No. 2016491

Absolutely nonna. at least Isaac will now have a partner to a parent who is actually a good influence and a decent co parent in his life. I really wish the best for them

No. 2016509

Possible, but it’s more likely a combination of rising rent plus lack of income. Kind of wondering if Jake’s in danger of losing his housing the way Kaya just did.

No. 2016547

Back when Clair dipped he admitted on stream that he was starting to stress over bills. Not long after we saw him begging for a new gaming chair which the snaccs all paid for. Then in the past month or so he let it slip that Kat's car was having trouble and that he had to drive her around everywhere, seemingly because they couldn't afford to repair it right away. Then you have Kat picking up hours and selling her old clothes and lack of real vacations or celebrations. I'd say they are for sure starting to have a harder time making rent. If Kat were to leave him, I'm not sure where Jake could even go at this rate. She's definitely making way more than him as a tattoo artist and he doesn't have any friends or family who could take him in. Burning all those bridges might really bite him in the ass in the near future.

No. 2016567

Exactly. Times are tough for a lot of people right now. But it couldn't happen to a nicer pair of trashgoblins. At least Isaac has one stably housed parent.

>he doesn't have any friends or family who could take him in. Burning all those bridges might really bite him in the ass in the near future.

I've been thinking about this too. Not even his family will take him in. As funny as "rich boyfriend" Jake's homeless era will be, I think he'll try to find another woman to exploit.wonder if Lady Allura will sell a kidney to pay for a plane ticket. That would be funny as hell.

No. 2016582

As much as i'm glad these two losers lives are getting worse let's not forget that women shouldn't get with scrotes that have kids. This girl is still a cuck queen she can do so much better.

No. 2016620

Jesus Anon, did a toddler kill your whole village or something?

I'd be far more upset about the trashy onlyfans dramaqueen ex and her drywall punching manlet. Wonder if Kat is regretting her decision enough to try and get Dean back.

No. 2016636

>Points out how women shouldn't get with scrotes that have kids cause it's a shit deal for them objectively for obvious reasons
>Jesus Anon, did a toddler kill your whole village or something?

Are you lost? we don't pander to scrotes here.

No. 2016652

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It's been nearly two months since Jake dropped his final video on YT and it's just now reached a measly 5k views. The snaccs in his discord swear up and down that he'll be back to stream or release music, but seven weeks of complete radio silence might say otherwise.

NTA, but can you stop derailing with your weird step-parent cucksperging?

No. 2016733

>NTA, but can you stop derailing with your weird step-parent cucksperging?

This. Also NTA. But you seem to have some weird incel brainworms when it comes to cucking. For someone who doesn't pander to scrotes you sure do sound like one.

No. 2016747

File: 1721433636131.jpg (123.6 KB, 1080x839, 20240719_164847.jpg)

>"here's a long winded explanation about how I don't want people knowing about me!!!"
If he really didn't want people knowing about him, he wouldn't have replied. He wouldn't have his channel up at all. He's just trying to play up the cancelled smegma male loner who was bullied off the internet by meanie man-hating lesbian trolls for a while, then he'll get lonely and crave validation and make a video about it. Then it won't do as well as he'd hoped, and he'll blame the algorithm and the trolls and whatever else he can find blame in other than himself.
His channel never started growing again. He had a one-off mildly successful video with the first Crow reaction, so the thought he'd try movie reviews. But then the rest flopped.

No. 2016751

File: 1721435144417.png (12.22 KB, 877x260, munrosubs.png)

Nice catch nonna. This seems to be the only thing he's said in relation to him going radio silent anywhere so far. I don't think even the most dedicated discord snaccs have heard anything from him yet.
>I started growing my channel again a few months ago
He very briefly stopped bleeding subs when his "goth reacts to the crow trailer" performed okay back in March, but then it turned right back around to him losing at least 1k subs a month on the regular. Don't think I'd call that "growing" his channel though. I suppose it's a lot easier on his ego to write off his YT channel failing because he abandoned it and not because his shit content and gross personality turned people away by the thousands. Other than that small gain in March, the last time he was in the positive for subs gained was all the way back in 2021 and he's down something like 90k subs since he dropped that first "break-up" video.

No. 2016763

Oh yes i sound like le incel scrote cause i said women shouldn't date moids with kids/baggage kek sure jan. Now go cook and clean after Ayden and Kailegh only to still be considered a stranger like the zero self worth cunt you are.(infighting)

No. 2016765

hate to break it to you but it's more than one person calling joke a cuck and shitting on him for raising another man's kid in these threads. Sorry spending time and ressources on other people spawn isn't considered winning at life by most people i guess ?(infighting)

No. 2016772

He never changed one bit. Too much of a narc to admit that he left cause of his recent music video flopping harder than her punched the bathroom doors while his ex was in there so he's trying to pull oops i just don't care about being a public figure anymore. Too bad we already know how money/fame hungry he actually is.

No. 2016778

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It's also pretty obvious he did himself in with the release of the "break up" video and the follow up "truth" video. The video release dates line up with when he lost the most subscribers. But it was totally the algorithm! And he's totally quitting because he wants to! Bonus kek at how quickly he declined between the filming of both of those videos.

Ngl, when I went back in the old threads to pull these screenshots I saw the bit about where in the second video he went around showing that there were no holes in the walls around the doors. Which goes to prove that >>2015916 is relatively fresh. So much for being a "changed man" and curing his chimp outs with positive thinking.

No. 2016781

This. As if he wouldn't jump right back if he thought he'd gain an ounce of clout. >>2016747 has the right of it. He's planning to ride the "poor cancelled me" train so that he can attract a bro audience, instead of the sad teenage and autistic grandma one he currently has. It won't work though. Thousands of scrotes are trying that grift, and are better at it than he is. They don't want to hear from a failed onlyfans "star" who lives off his subpar bangmaid's meager pickings.
Tinfoil, but we'll get a return to youtube once Skat dumps him. There'll be an attempt at an "emotional" evil womenz hurt my feefees victimisation narrative.

No. 2016809

I have thought of Kat pining over Dean now that he's unavailable and Jake is a Joke and not a "rich influencer boyfriend" like he was with Kaya and has no other romantic prospects because everyone knows he is a creeper who hits on any girl or woman and no one wants him unless theyre his weird ugly slob fans.

Kat is the type of woman who likes to "win" men from their established partners, so this probably made dean 1000x more attractive to her again, and if they share custody she probably has many opportunities to try to "get him back." If I were Jake, I'd be seething if she's acting differently after knowing Dean has a new much prettier young looking woman he is dating. Jealous of your ex's partner? YOU'RE SINGLE NOW.

I think she is acting kinda different selling all her stuff like the wedding dress. she should move out before Jake confronts her over it. she may be taller than him. but he has chimp strength.

No. 2016910

It's only a matter of time before Skat dumps his ass she's just fishing for the next moid with a stable job that can take her out on vacations. She's a cunt but i can't wait for this to happen then we might get the red pill joke videos that we deserve.

No. 2016930

Would Dean even want her back? Do we know what his opinion of her has been since the cheating? Hoping he’s not like Mr. Owl in the Alt thread, ready to dump the new girl to get back with the cheating old one. I’d like to think Dean has better sense than that, but who knows? Some people get back together because “it’s best for the child”, even though they hate each other.

No. 2016949

>Some people get back together because “it’s best for the child”, even though they hate each other
Another reason why having kids is a shit deal kek but anyways he's not taking her back he kicked her out the second he found out about the cheating and went as far as to fire her from his studio. He obviously doesn't like her at all after all the onlyfails porn she did with stumpy the whole thing was super humiliating to both Kaya and him.

No. 2016951

From what I can tell he doesn't really seem to have anything to do with her outside of her weekend visits with Issac. I'm sure Kat feels some kind of regret deep down just looking at her current situation and just how hard Jake declined during the course of their relationship. She's selling the wedding dress though so I think any chance of her trying to rekindle is long gone. She's likely already on the prowl for another tattoo artist dude or client's sleazy boyfriend. She is also active in her OF's DMs so anything is possible. We've also seen her going out to music fests and other events without Jake, so it's bound to happen sooner or later. There's no way Jake in his current state is her end game.

No. 2016955

dean does have better sense. since hes worh a another (better) woman now. hes not gonna forget (and probably not forgive) what she did to him and their child.

No. 2017115

I hope so. Jake and Skat really humiliated Dean, Isaac, and Kaya by parading the affair in their face, making porn, not even trying to hide the fact that skat was still married at the time. saying Jake was her "true Disney romance kind of love!" and he agreed she was his.
I still get second hand embarrassment and I dont even know them

No. 2017150

i’m glad dean’s moved on but i think it’s shitty he hasn’t pushed for primary custody of the kid. kat took nudes in his bed, leaves her sex toys around, and seems generally unstable if she’s willing to throw her marriage and family down the drain like she did. plus now she does onlyfans. and jake has shown himself to be a volatile, selfish prick with self-described rage issues who hates kids and punches holes in walls when he’s angy. he also doesn’t have a stable job, and kat’s is obviously unstable enough, she has to resort to onlyfans. the case should be pretty clear cut. i don’t necessarily think kat shouldn’t be in her kid’s life at all, kids need their mothers, but it’s just weird dean never pursued primary custody when he seems like the more fit parent.

No. 2017154

Pretty sure he does have primary custody as Skat dumped their kid on him for months without seeing him at the beginning when she was off being a whore with Jake.

No. 2017171

oh, really? that’s not the picture they paint at all of their “happy little family.” interesting.

No. 2017186

Unsurprisingly though isn't it as everything she posts is absolute bullshit and for show.
She's that classic idiot who posts photos on social media to be like "look at how lovely my life is" to try and prove something when it's clear as day it's all garbage. And then in comparison Dean and Sinead don't feel the need to do that at all and keep to themselves. Such a stark comparison and a hilarious one.

No. 2017256

Yeah. As far as Anons have been able to tell, Dean gets Isaac during the week, and Skat gets him during the weekend. I imagine this will decline more as her homelife becomes more unstable and she and the stump have a harder time with expenses.

No. 2017260

I'm almost certain Dean has primary custody now as Kat only ever posts "the wee lad" on the weekends or on a rare holiday. There's definitely a pattern and she seems to work throughout the week now while the weekends are reserved for shilling her nudes or new traced tattoo flash. She has him this weekend and made a post that they are watching Disney movies together. Haven't seen her post about having him during the weekday or even picking him up from preschool like she used to do in forever now.

No. 2017299

At least Dean has primary custody. Remember when Joke got so bitter when he was forced to babysit the kid for a couple of hours cause Skat had to do something ?

Imagine if he lived with them all week Stump would hit him or yell at him. Kaya did tell Dean that he was angry and shouldn't be around a child so that's probably why he stepped up.

No. 2017371

File: 1721612512291.png (275.07 KB, 1711x799, snacc_cope.png)

Sometimes I wonder if Jake quit because he couldn't stand having to cater to the last handful of his most obsessed snaccs like Lady Allura because kek. These are from earlier in the month where the snaccs were still speculating about his retirement and writing it off as him "just taking a break to be with family" and to "recharge from burnout".

No. 2017373

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Whereas the conversation more recently has turned somewhat tense with snaccs coming to terms that he might not come back. Allura swears up and down that he'd never abdandon them though and still exclusively watches his content every single day on top of only listening to his music.

No. 2017380

I was actually just thinking something similar yesterday. He left pretty soon after the visit from Aiden, and I was wondering if there might’ve been a correlation. Dealing with creepy fans online is one thing, but having to interact with them in person can be a whole other level of uncomfortable. Maybe the visit kind of started him thinking about getting away from them.

No. 2017386

That'd be funny if true. He has the fans he deserves, since he's so talentless only lame loners with poor taste will be fans, and to come face to face with it must've been a wakeup call.

No. 2017388

It's weird though because he took a photo with her and Kat holding hands with Aiden similar to the photo that they took during the cheating scandal as seen in >>2003979 and he even let her sit on his motorcycle which she made a weirdly sexual post about in snacc discord >>1990603

It's very possible and likely he was only playing nice with her in person in exchange for money as she was flying all the way out there to spend time with them on top of getting a tattoo done by Kat. Maybe he's mad that she outed him for being an ugly and short fatty as seen in this candid >>1991224 who really knows. I have a sneaking suspicion that he was getting upset about the "anonymonsters" talking shit and being unable to prove us wrong with even just a crumb of success. He couldn't handle being a failure where people can see it and laugh at him for it. His ego is entirely too fragile and he can't handle the "disrespect" without sending his fist through every wall in his general vicinity.

No. 2017392

That candid photo always kind of made me laugh a bit. Aiden‘s out there, thrilled to be with him, and meanwhile his attention’s only on his phone. Clearly not as thrilled to be around her.

No. 2017679

>he’ll never stop making music

this delusional confidence lol. he hasn’t done any original music in a year if not longer, shat out that hilariously awful cover video and then “retired” to do fuck all. but let’s keep supporting him cos he totally cares and would never abandoned the ppl who gave him money and views.

No. 2018246

Was in Belfast last weekend and saw Dean and Sinead in voodoo. Looking at each other smiling and laughing. Was genuinely lovely to see.
Skat and Fake haven't seemed to do anything outside of their house for months now. They must be absolutely salty as fuck.(off-topic)

No. 2018273

They went on a little beach outing about a month ago to the same beach they always go to with Issac. >>2008665 Jake always seem to be in an oversized hoodie during these trips to the beach and looking pretty miserable though. Other than that we saw them having mixed drinks in their tiny backyard >>2008128 with promises of beach days, family holidays, and new tattoos. It's been about a month of nothing, not even a post for her birthday. They did seem to go on a day trip with Isaac somewhere, but it's unusual for Kat not to post photos constantly so i can'timagine it was to anywhere scenic. She's mostly been reposting old photos with "1 year ago" or "2 years ago" captions day in and day out. It'd be sad if she wasn't a shit person. On the topic of tattoos, Jake STILL has that unfinished krampus on his stomach. I'm surprised he hasn't made Kat fill it in for him. kek

No. 2018383


Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote,
I hope you have the chance.
I ain't mad, I just think it's fucked up you don't answer fans.

No. 2018756

Kat took photos in her child's bed? I entirely missed that one what the fuck

No. 2019096

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So fucking dramatic…

No. 2019130

Can't be bothered to give his last few loyal snaccs who bought him a new gaming chair a real answer about his "retirement", but can rub it in their faces that he's gone. It really does seem like he actually hates them.

No. 2019197

He did say that he doesn't like having a mostly female audience and he seemed very bitter about it kek a narc like joke only sees them as views and not real people.

No. 2019219

Did he start saying that once he got with Kat? He certainly didn't seem to mind it when he was flirting with various snaccs on stream and trying to work out onlyfans requests via dm. He seemed to really love the attention then if anything. I'm sure he never valued them beyond the dollar signs though and was bitter none of them were even slightly attractive. We all know how he can't keep it in his pants in regards to conventionally attractive women considering the allegations against him and all.

No. 2019315

It started after his channel declined because people found out what an abusive piece of shit he is. He went a lot more MRS after that, because clearly the only reason anyone could find him less than charming is because of feminist propaganda, and not the fact that he is an unlikeable piece of trash.

No. 2019468

Yeah generally women get shipped in as the replacement, unpaid mother figure to replace the ex, shitty deal indeed. Maybe the people mentioned in this thread only date other Alt people, and it seems like there's about 25 alt people in all of belfast, so she has limited options.(derailing)

No. 2019470

This is like two Furby's talking to each other, not a sliver of intellect to be found (makes sense since Jake is a man made entirely of red flags so anyone with a brain quit long ago)
He so obviously has a job to pay the rent and has no time to stream anymore, Kaya makes thousands a month on Patreon and still had to give up her rental because she couldn't afford it. Kat and Jake's combined income is likely to be less than Kaya and they are probably facing a similar rent hike.
I bet if you order enough takeaways in Belfast, eventually Jake will be the one delivering them to you. I doubt he is working a warehouse or anything more social considering his anger issues.

No. 2019501

You could be right. But imagine dating a guy with a whole ass kid while you have none cause of muh alt style, sounds completely brain dead especially since women are expected to do more for another's woman's kids or else they're pure evil step moms kek.

No. 2019513

I doubt Sinead has limited options to be fair.

No. 2019530

Could be that Dean is a good guy and she doesn't have to help raise the kid. He's a way better person than Skat anyway since he didn't drag her name and joke's (they would have deserved it) and only kicked her out without a fuss most people especially moids in that situation would do a lot more.

No. 2019647

then why the fuck did he lean into it and create an only fans? did he do it for the guys who follow him? he's such a dumbass. he's bitter that they don't have money to support him, and he is sexist and stupid as hell if he assumes that men have plenty of money they like parting with for other dudes?
he also seemed disillusioned that his fans aren't underaged skinny goth girls ready to buy new Jake plushies to pose with them between their legs and make him look super desirable to "cool kids."
everyone is fat and aging. but he seemed to enjoy Claire and her money while that lasted.

No. 2019649

Jesus anon who hurt you? There could be a load of reasons why she doesn't have her own kids yet.

No. 2019656

NTA but seconded. She's a woman with a career, several degrees, and what looks like a pretty clear sense of identity, who as far as we know has never posted about if she even wants kids. There are so many reasons not to start pumping out babies as soon as you hit adulthood that are not "muh alt style." Women have valid goals and desires that aren't procreating you weird scrote.(off-topic)

No. 2019677

I meant dating a guy with a kid cause of muh alt style not "not having kids" cause of muh alt style. Should be clear just from seeing the post i was replying to (not having many options cause she might only wanna date alt guys) you retards.

No. 2019680

Him seething over having a female fan base was when he was gaming and streaming the games he played had a mostly male fan base so instead of changing to a another one he sat there and starting his bitter rants. Seems like almost every time he went live he was bitter about something and it always boiled down to digs at his ex and how easy women have it kek

No. 2019681

Even if he DID have gay men in his fanbase, they still wouldn't throw money at him kekekek

No. 2019689

It's also stupid to keep sperging about dating men with kids, etc. tbh. Some women can't have their own kids? Some women don't want to have their own kids, but like being in a caregiving role? The trad sperg needs to relax and stop derailing constantly. We don't know the situation and they aren't even the subject of the thread.

He actually did have a few gay subscribers to his OF when he first launched it, but he acted weird about it and chased them all away. It's funny he's fixated on having male viewers when he acts so competitive/insecure with the men around him too though (like his ex bandmates)? He did seem kind of infatuated with kitty mcpancakes though, I remember him liking a weird tweet of kitty cuddling with another man that was posted a thread or two ago. Kitty seems to have ghosted him at this point however, similar to his relationship with that tif, K.

No. 2019692

he should have stayed single, wholesome, and grateful for the following he had. his mostly female fan base could have sent him around the world first class if they didn't know that he cheated and threw kaya out in the cold and emotionally abused her. but he chose to kill his career bc he found "tru love" with skat, insisting he didn't "simp" for her "pussy." and to come out as a mens right's activist because he wanted to offer an alternate perspective that women (kaya) are abusive to men. lol I love the demise of this guy, and kat the pick me ho who wrecked her own home for his weird chode, it couldn't be more deserved.

No. 2019700

File: 1722131187691.png (54.96 KB, 563x480, totallynormalbehavior.png)

The more I see Lady Allura post, the more I think his last few snaccs did help motivate him in giving up entirely and disappearing without a trace. Apparently she's extremely upset that people are unsubbing to him or leaving discord despite all his social media and discord being entirely dead for nearly two months now with no promise of future content. Mind you, she's only been a fan of his for three years now.

No. 2019771

Honestly I feel sad for lady Allura, having this much of a parasocial relationship with a guy who couldn't care less is so tragic. She isn't acting like a friend, she isn't acting like a mod, she's acting deranged. Jake at the end of the day was selling his content to his audience, that audience is allowed to disengage when that product is no longer being offered. Why the fuck should former snaccs feel any kind of obligation to support Jake when he gives them absolutely nothing? It's like she's trying to convince people back off the lifeboats and onto the sinking ship with her because it hurts her feelings for the ship. It's pathetic and it makes me feel sorry for her, he absolutely does not deserve this dedication from you girl, please do better for yourself.

No. 2019789

>It's also stupid to keep sperging about dating men with kids, etc.
NTA but they're right dating men with kids while you don't have any yourself is a shit deal. Doens't matter if you like being a bangmaid "care giver" so much to kids that will never consider you even close to their real mother. Women are allowed to call it how it is. Deal with it.

No. 2019790

She sounds really mentally ill. This bloke doesn't give two shits about his dedicated supporters he threw his ex of 11 years out into the cold and cheated on her kek he's selfish af

No. 2019846

look at the step-parents subreddit sometime, being a stepmom is universally a colossal L and literally cuckquean behavior(derailing)

No. 2019850

She's acting like she's coping after a guy she's been personally seeing has ghosted her, which would already be sad, except it's a failed wannabe influencer she's never met. Does she have nothing else going for her? Yikes.

No. 2019875

>look at the step-parents subreddit sometime, being a stepmom is universally a colossal L and literally cuckquean behavior

Great suggestion. Why don't you fuck off to your weird cuckobsessed echochamber right now, and leave the rst of us to discuss cowsin peace. This isn't a board about your fucking hangups Tracy. I'm sorry some guy wouldn't fuck you if you didn't take his kids to dairyqueen, but don't make it our problem.

No. 2019910

why feel bad for her? shes obsessed with a sexist loser online because she has no friends, no relationship and chose to be terminally online. I can imagine shes pretty weird irl. but i agree with the other anon that shes major factor in him ghosting his fanbase
anon. you spend too much time on reddit so its getting clearer all your "info" on this topic came from redditards. like seriously listen to how and what youre saying, put down the phone, and spend time with real people. Its really weird how youre making assumptions on Sinead when we barely know anything about her.

No. 2019924

> I'm sorry some guy wouldn't fuck you if you didn't take his kids to dairyqueen, but don't make it our problem.
>Implying that scrotes with kids don't go after their way to get with childfree women all the time
You sound super mad that multiple anons on here are saying that dating single parents is a massive L in a thread where the main cow is dating a single mom.
Did Nigel walk out on you and the kiddos? lmao(derailing/infighting)

No. 2019936

File: 1722188918511.png (1011.5 KB, 1523x810, 2024-07-28.png)

Isn't this Dean's gf?
found her on Skats following list she's a tattoo artist working for Dean's shop at the time.(off-topic)

No. 2019944

Retarded derailment. Step-parent issues anon is getting almost as annoying as Sims porn anon.

No. 2019948

Stop acting like a moid.

No. 2019959

File: 1722190328249.png (696.33 KB, 677x803, E-Whore.png)

She took several Onlyfans pics on her son's bed. You can see here that it's a one person's bed her and joke have a double bed.

No. 2019981

>Did Nigel walk out on you and the kiddos? lmao

Nope. Don't even date men, and have never dated a woman with kids. I just have this weird thing going on where (checks notes) I understand that other people have different priorities and desires than I do. You should try it, it might counteract some of the reddit brainworms. You say you'd never date someone with kids? But you spend your time reading redditthreads specifically about dating people with kids? That is objectively weird behaviour. Log the fuck off and go yell at kids in a playground or some shit. I swear to god, if I didn't know better I'd say you were stumpy venting about his gripes with Kat. Same energy.(derailing/infighting)

No. 2020020

Kek anon I'm glad you said it for me, these anons cannot read to save their life. Nobody is theorising about whether this random girl we've seen two photos of wants kids or not, we're just saying alt style = limited dating pool. I know Kaya has said many times that there is not much of a goth scene in Belfast, and Jake whinges about it constantly, so it's an easy conclusion to draw.

No. 2020024

>I know Kaya has said many times that there is not much of a goth scene in Belfast, and Jake whinges about it constantly, so it's an easy conclusion to draw.

Oh. Jake says so. It must be true then. There is actually a pretty good alt scene in Belfast. They just all hate Jake, and refuse to hang out with him. This is old and oft discussed milk. As for Kaya, she's posted herself going to shows and hanging out at alternative venues in Belfast after the breakup. I don't think the scene is the problem, I think it's the stump.

No. 2020042

Jake doesn't leave his house outside of the occasional hoodie clad sad beach stroll or ugly gym selfie, has no friends, and was never even really in the "goth scene" outside of being kaya's bitter tag-along. He's been pretty open about hating goths too so what would he even know? Obviously there's less of a scene in Ireland than London or some places in Germany. Kaya travels so of course in comparison Belfast's scene may not compare to bigger ones, but it really isn't as tiny as you are making it out to be. Tattoo artists also aren't limited to dating other tattoo artists or alt people, though it makes sense Dean would hit it off with another artist since he works a lot and does competitions.

I think she sees Jake as some kind of stand-in for a boyfriend tbh. She's gone on about how she's "unfortunately" single, how it was love at first sight with Jake, that she's never seen anyone more attractive or charming, and she binges his old content day in and day out. She's mentioned she's been single "against her will" for 3 years in snacc discord, which matches up with around the time she found Jake too. Kind of like how Clair seemed to have found Jake during her divorce.

No. 2020241

File: 1722262171539.jpg (529.81 KB, 1080x1927, Screenshot_20240729-070821_Ins…)

This shit is desperate.

No. 2020257

Man, this is so sad. Dump his stumpy ass already and save on your pasta alfredo bills and drywall repairs.

No. 2020361

Kat is really out here trying to get her accounts hacked a second time.

>save on pasta alfredo bills and drywall repairs
KEK. Don't forget his chickie nuggies nonna.

No. 2020380

File: 1722289304516.jpg (268.1 KB, 1080x1896, 1000008462.jpg)

Love how Kaya is attending premierparties and Kat is reduced to trying the digital equivalent of a rigged carnival game. Love to see a pickme thriving.

No. 2020386

Tbh it's funnier to me that Jake never got any kind of event invites anymore once Kaya was out of the picture despite him swearing up and down he didn't need her to be successful. He was only ever her tagalong and no one liked him even then. His old sponsors don't even fuck with him anymore. He can pretend all day long it was the algorithm that dropped him or it was his decision to abandon his barely there influencer "career", but the sad reality is that he tried to make a comeback at least half a dozen times with worse and worse results. Beautiful to witness tbh. Kat desperately entering every sweepstakes she can find while posting constant throwback posts to when things were better is just icing on the cake.

No. 2020423

File: 1722300743231.jpeg (190.45 KB, 1290x1759, IMG_1801.jpeg)

her main account looks like this now lol, and unless i missed them i had to scroll way down to sept 2023 to find one of her tattoos.

No. 2020478

cheaters and pick-mes never prosper. and I love to see it. kaya might not be 130 lbs but she is free of 200+ lbs of dead ugly weight and isn't stuck at home playing games for cash after supporting the dead weight's ass. lol so unideal, and exactly what skat deserves.

No. 2020579

this is embarrassing. their financial issues are real. kat is just too stupid to realize how obvious shes making it.

No. 2020593

File: 1722330041201.png (1.81 MB, 1078x1814, 1000035891.png)

She can afford to buy her boss gifts though. Kek

No. 2020599

Okay but is this not a more thoughtful put together gift than we've ever, ever seen her put together for Jake? She's clearly paid attention to his interests. Oof.

No. 2020615

Lining up a replacement? Being with the owner of the shop she works at was a lot more fun for her than her current situation.

No. 2020621

Not cheap either..
That picture alone is £25

No. 2020623

Fucking kek she's already jumping ship as we called it. People that get with cheaters often forget that if someone cheated on their partner for you they would do the same thing to you.

No. 2020635

I'm willing to bet she's realized she can't get Dean back as he has a much more attractive and better girlfriend so she's set her sights elsewhere kek so predictable

No. 2020665

Is this the super hot, tall, muscular boss that did her back tattoo?

No. 2020666

No. 2020670

I bet she's sending him thirsty messages as well kek would be epic if stumpy asks her to show him her DM's only for her to gaslight him just like he did to Kaya.

No. 2020672

>>2020670 mark's partner (who I believe works at his studio?) would actually knock her out, and I think Kat would be done for tattoo jobs in Belfast. Do we think she is that dumb? Hmm. As for the constant reposting of those scam competitions, you would think Jake would tell her to stop being so embarrassing. They really must be desperate. Luckily if all goes to pot at least the kid can live with his dad full time.

No. 2020676

>>2020593 i just looked up the prices of everything so give or take a couple of pound but the photo is roughly £25 the beers are £9 the pokemon can goes for £3 and the pillow is £19-24 so she has spent roughly £57-60 on him is it his birthday or what

No. 2020677

>>2020599 sorry for double posting but remember the tacky little photo collage she got him… that ended up proving they had been cheating much longer than they had admitted to? Haha

No. 2020691


Sinead isn't Deans girlfriend. Karolina Gaweda is his girlfriend (she commented on Sinead pic) she's the apprentice in Hidden Hand tattoo and I remember seeing dean post the two of them together on his story a few times. She has Instagram and Tiktok(sage your shit/off-topic)

No. 2020692

>Do we think she is that dumb?
Anon she went after a guy that was in a 11 years relationship not long after she had a fucking baby with her husband. I doubt this will stop her.

No. 2020701

Seconded. Going after her boss now would ruin her reputation. But going after Jake when she did also cost her her job, and exposed her as a cheater to a very large online fanbase when she decided to screw over Kaya. She's been exactly this stupid before.

No. 2020702

File: 1722348295520.png (512 KB, 486x758, karolin.png)

This girl too is much hotter/cuter than skat.(off-topic)

No. 2020703

Aw, she looks really pretty. Makes skat look even more haggard and desperate by comparison.

No. 2020705

Petition anons stop posting and naming random women who may or may not be dating one of the victims in Jake and Kats cheating fallout. I feel bad for these girls if they ever see their faces on this thread.

No. 2020706

File: 1722349182901.png (669.91 KB, 645x803, SorrySkatNotAchance.png)

She mogs her (not that hard) they have two cute children together as well kek this one might be too hard for you Skat.

No. 2020710

Dean and Karolina broke up, Sinead is definitely his girlfriend(off-topic)

No. 2020714

Agreed, this is a thread about stumpy and skat, other girls faces shouldn't be on here

No. 2020716

They're taken from their very public business accounts(off-topic)

No. 2020723

It's so weird to see a regular sized man on this thread.

Agreed. These girls don't need to be scutinised just because of their proximity to a guy with a shitty ex. If they ever make something official and skat acts salty about it, it'll be milk. Right now, it's just women existing in the world.

No. 2020732

File: 1722353516401.jpg (227.14 KB, 1080x675, 1000026631.jpg)

Sorry burgerfag here, the prices might be different here in the USA but the print and pillow would have cost her something like $80 alone ($45 for the print, $33 for the pillow). She likely spent around $100 on this gift. I don't doubt she's interested and would in a heartbeat if she wasn't good friends with the wife. Hell, she probably still would given her history, but Mark seems pretty dedicated to his wife and out of kat's league. Have to wonder how stump feels about it though.

>It's so weird to see a regular sized man on this thread

No. 2020736

Reminder to keep discussion related to the cows themselves and not about people tangentially related to them, especially if they are not milky.

No. 2020746

File: 1722356406142.jpg (479.26 KB, 1080x1949, 1000008474.jpg)

Does this absolute lack of effort "supporting her career?" I am calling it now, they will not be together by next march.

No. 2020775

>>2020677 you mean this photo that’s thrown on a pile of clothes in the background

No. 2020856

kek, yes. The photo collage thrown into a pile of clothes she's sorting through and selling off. Meanwhile she's buying her married beefcake boss $100 worth of gifts. I'm with >>2020746 I can't imagine them lasting much longer. There's no way Kat isn't actively looking for her next man. As soon as she gets one who provides better than Jake (almost anyone can at this point) she's going to be leaving clumps of hair in a new bed.

No. 2020908

File: 1722385573671.jpg (322.52 KB, 1050x1221, Screenshot_20240730-133940_Ins…)

Jake has been following a bunch of gimmicky cyber security/hacking accounts. It's probably what he's been trying to capitalize on lately.

No. 2020915

Lol. This from the guy who puts all his bullshit out on the internet. Guess he's an edgy osint guy now. That'll show us anonymonsters! Or did one of his creepy fans get a little too close? He has zero technical chops or insight, so it's not like it matters. Checking your bangmaid's phone to check if she's trying to sext her boss isn't "hacking" Jake.

No. 2020929

>Follows Jordan Peterson

No. 2020989

I agree, he probably wants to spy on skat. who is doting over her married boss with those very specific gifts while she and Jake cant even go out for DRINKS! SHOTS! and she's entering these pathetic sweepstakes for free trips or cash prizes. this is a crazy look. I feel like we are going to see them in the news one day. it's too dumb and chaotic over there lol

No. 2021023

File: 1722418230847.png (4.86 MB, 1170x2532, 9BD14424-FA51-417A-8691-FF395C…)

Oh my god this is hilarious, why is a grown man getting this? And why is he paying someone hundreds of pounds to do this when his gf could do it for free? This is probably £600+

No. 2021027

Not you nitpicking, nonnie. I'd rather pay someone what they're worth.

No. 2021044

Not nitpicking at all, it’s a clear show of trouble in paradise. If he is so low on cash he’s doing Uber eats, why is he paying another woman thousands when Kat could do it for free?

No. 2021049

The girl doing it is Skat's "bestie" he got a discount probably.

No. 2021054

Skat still has female friends? Surprising. Kaya said she lost contact with hers for years because of Jake being a creep.

(Kermit voice:) women are chaos causing dragons and men are wall-punching forces of reason.
He would like Jordan Peterson. Does it count if you get your bangmaid to clean your room? He's acting like a bitter divorced chode, and she hasn't even dumped his ass yet.

No. 2021073

why does it shock you she has female friends. like do you get out much? theres nothing about her that says she wouldnt

No. 2021083


They are colleagues who are friends. Not really the same as proper friends

No. 2021085


Nonna, are you ok? They meant Kaya couldn't have friends as Jake tried to fuck them all, so they were surprised Kat has friends.

No. 2021097


Kaya talked about how she couldn't have female friends because Jake would be a creepy perv around them and try to fuck them. So yes, it's remarkable. I think it's normal for women to have female friends. I think it is the default in fact. But it's remarkable in this particular situation because of Jake's previous behaviour.

No. 2021208

>he is so low on cash he’s doing Uber eats
This is unconfirmed and stated ITT btw. Why would he work a job where he's serving customers? He'd end up punching holes in his car windows. He's more likely to work in a warehouse, if he's working anywhere at all.
Curious that he's spending on tattoos while Kat is selling off her clothes and hopelessly trying to win money and holidays. Is he not helping her at all?

No. 2021228

It's unconfirmed, but supported by him stating on stream that he needed constant access to his car so he had to drive Kat to and from work while her car wasn't available. With something like Uber eats he gets to be his own boss which is one of his biggest issues, he doesn't know how to work with or for others. He wouldn't last in a warehouse job, not that I think he could even manage delivery driving long term because his nasty attitude, but most deliveries are no contact these days.

Honestly his best tattoo so far, but definitely out of place with his absolute mess of other tattoos. We have a blurry botched smudge of a silent hill sleeve, the half removed mess on his other arm, the god awful wonky eyed vampires screaming on his titties, the neck pussy tentacle abomination, the cyberpunk woman with her jaw blown off on his thigh, an oldschool traditional unfinished krampus on his gut, and then the headwound/doodle combo on his face. Congrats on the first good tattoo though I guess? kek

Kat is a massive pickme though. She does OF shoots and poledances with a couple of them whilst Jake is around too. Wouldn't surprise me if she is a nlog "cool girl" who checks out girls with her boyfriend type. Though I have noticed less of her female friends coming around the house than before. He's probably already made a few of them uncomfortable.

No. 2021613

File: 1722542998080.png (6.42 MB, 1170x2532, 02A2E6B1-25B5-4651-B1B8-E60D1C…)

Jake streaming tomorrow, the Uber eats tips must be drying up

No. 2021648

Hilarious, after his " I'm done with YouTube" angsty temper tantrum. Zero self control, stump. Kek

No. 2021684

Like a 5 year old "running away from home." Maybe he's getting nervous about Kat ditching him and feels he needs to contribute. Or maybe he just wants the attention. Place your bets on him being surly, or openly chimping out.

No. 2021711

"lots to cover" like what? You dropping off food to people? Kek

No. 2021715

Maybe this is the premiere of cyber security jake?

No. 2021866

File: 1722594473343.jpg (225.31 KB, 1080x854, 4utpJ0a.jpg)

Starting soon…
I guess he has eyebrows now?

No. 2021869

Something looks really weird about this picture like he used too much facetune and turned into another person

No. 2021886

Some highlights so far:

He wants to stream Dark Souls 3 because he's never finished it.

His plan is to stream every day for 6-8 hours.

Wants to talk about current evens like the Olympics.

He's spent all this time going to the gym and studying, though I missed what for. Sounds like he's planning to embark upon a new enterprise. Give his recent activity in the hacking community, let's take a wild guess on his plans.

He recently interviewed for a company. Don't know what the company is.

He has a music collab with Kay coming up, and wants to ask the girl from the Evanescence cover to join him for another.

Got enough donations to obligate him to do another reaction video.

Plans to moto-blog after buying all new equipment.

Currently weighs about 185lbs, will never bulk and cut like this again

Kept showing off his legs and commenting on leg day.

Kitty McPancakes was in the chat to give him encouragement

No. 2021915

He doesn't want to say in what field, but yeah said he is "focusing on studies" and "materials are expensive".

He also said "I am getting into a career where if I fuck up… things FUCK UP. I know people are like 'jobs like these are very stressful', yes they are but they're also very lucrative because you are valuable. If there isn't someone like me around, in this job, shit gets fucked up."

Any guesses? Cyber security since he keeps following hacking accounts lmao?

No. 2021924

The government does these free cybersecurity boot camps and lures people in who end up on £20K salaries lmao

He’s been doing that and having to pay for CompTIA certs.

No. 2021925

He will never be able to work a professional job looking like that

No. 2021943

The IT job market is a dumpster fire right now even people with actual master degree's are being rejected left and right, the ones that are more likely to get jobs are either seniors with real degrees or straight PHD's in computer science. No way this failmale can get or maintain a job in the field when these jobs are all about working in teams with others people plus he picked an awful time to join since most money chasing bootcampers are giving up on their "watch youtube courses and get a six figures job plan" in these circumstances lol always late to the party fake

No. 2021945

>focusing on studies" and "materials are expensive".
This sounds like he fell for one of these random tiktok coaches who chance you 1k fir a pdf lek

No. 2021971

Absolutely. He's gotten involved in some kind of griftnet. Those types prey on sad males with an unearned ego who are convinced they are actually geniusses. It's eithervthat, or cryptotrading.

No. 2021986

He also said he has 2 career counselors (can't remember if that was the phrase he used, but something like that). He said they are helping him with how to get into that field because "there are no entry jobs in this profession".

No. 2021987

Ff9 sucks ass

No. 2021998

File: 1722625785649.jpg (199.7 KB, 891x865, 1000026676.jpg)

Unfortunately missed most of it, but did catch a few funny parts.
>"Yes I look great AND I look younger!" Suuure Jake.

Kek, he really edited an entirely new jawline and lightened his dark brown eyes to bright orange. It's hard to explain, but with the new editing/styling he looks like one off those washed up screamo band guys who got canceled for messing around with minors. I think he's trying to go back to the pre-goth Casey Neistat skinwalking days, but that's kind of hard to do when you have a permanently tattooed headwound. He was definitely trying to push a more wholesome family image during the stream too, constantly bringing up Issac.

No. 2022007

File: 1722626324690.jpg (173.63 KB, 772x895, 1000026679.jpg)

Here's another of him after simply taking a swig of water. kek

No. 2022010

>he looks like one off those washed up screamo band guys who got canceled for messing around with minors
Fucking kek

No. 2022014

File: 1722626775671.jpg (251.91 KB, 1404x839, 1000026689.jpg)

He really gave himself twilight vampire eyes. kek. Though I'm surprised he didn't edit out the receding hairline.

I'll post a little recap when I'm home of the hour or two I did catch. Caught most of the bulk of his "catching up" intro. I doubt we missed much during the gameplay, he usually just rages out the entire time when playing games anyway.

No. 2022051

Topkrk nonny on point

No. 2022107

A few more notes: 1) He would have quit Youtube permanently if only a few people had shown up for the stream today. 2) He anticipated the fact that being a content creator has a time limit, and wanted to prepare for the future. He picked a career that will last forever and requires a lot of intelligence. 3) The reason he hasn't sent out the shirts that people ordered a year ago is because there were so many and he was overwhelmed and it was stressing it out, so he just didn't do it. Hmm, why does that sound so familiar…?

No. 2022163

File: 1722656893048.jpg (55.58 KB, 964x874, jakemunro_aug2024.jpg)

Short recap of a bit of the stream.
>Hypes himself up about how great he looks, gushes about "looking younger"
>Has lost "30lbs in two months", 40 overall from his heaviest, wants to lose specifically 23lbs more.
>claims his massive weight gain was fully intentional and was just an "unflattering bulk phase"
>says he got so fat that he began snoring and couldn't cuddle with kat because his arms were "too heavy" to rest on her
>"what happens when you are 38, so out of touch, can't pay the bills anymore" in relation to being an aging youtuber
>said he "really needed this", needed people to need him and miss him, etc.
>claims he is currently "making the best song he's ever written!" (oh no, not again)
>follows up saying he is also currently working on the "best video he has ever made" in blender for it
>Says he needs to get his eyebrows shaped, but that they are "still sexy"
>Can't afford vacations or riding his bike right now. Says he is "studying against the clock" and needs a job asap.
>starts talking about the career stuff other anons have already covered
>Has passed two of five exams, has three left. Says everything is very expensive.
>he's definitely just getting certifications for something, not pursuing any actual schooling.
>Tries to say something sentimental and fumbles hard, ending up sounding incredibly insincere.
>"thank you for your words. It's always such a precious insight to uh… uh… three months! It just shows how perspective you all are and how well we know each other!"
>Talks about the collab with K. Says he wants to do a Evanescence cover with Violet, but hasn't "worked up the nerve" to ask her yet
>Is going to buy all new equipment for motovlogging.
>Says that he plans to work full-time while also making videos and streaming again regularly
>Hasn't sent out merch for months now, says it's "too expensive" to ship out all at once. ($600 to ship)
>Says he will ship them a few per month to make it less expensive for him
>Launches into a long drawn out rant about various YouTube drama. Seems to follow a lot of YT drama very closely despite being anti "cancel culture"
>Starts rambling about American politics for whatever reason. Says "Progressive ideals are starting to slip". Assures snaccs he's neither "liberal or conservative" though
>Brings up the trump assassination attempt, Southport riots, etc. takes delight in the "drama" saying it'd make great reaction content
>Goes full circle back to talking about his diet. Eats nothing but oatmeal with protein powder and ground "turkey, turkey, TURKEY!"
>Goal is to "be shredded" wants visible 6 pack, says he'll never do this again, plans to maintain "forever"
>Injured his shoulder, "probably his rotator cuff", at the gym. Says he gets injured a lot.
>says it was the "perfect time to get back to streaming" as he has to take some time away from the gym
>Says he's spent most of his recent downtime rewatching all of the DBZ abridged series.
>gets weirdly sexist over his water bottle? saying it's "made for dudes!" (kek?)
>"women have their stanleys and men have their water barrel!" (surprised he still has so many genderspecial snaccs when he constantly says shit like this)

Unfortunately that's as far as I got before getting pulled away from the stream. When I popped back in it was already over. He did say that he plans to stream 8 hours EVERY day, on top of releasing a new reaction video. So we'll see if he actually manages to keep any of his promises this time around. Also forget when he mentioned it on stream, but Kat started his cover-up sleeve with a tattoo of what looks like a portrait of her dead. So romantic, tru luv!

No. 2022164

Jesus Christ what a tedious drag. Doing gods work anon, thank you for your service. I could never sit through a minute of that.

No. 2022168

>Those types prey on sad males with an unearned ego
Literally, he's just like any other idiot moid sucked into the manosphere, crypto, dropshipping, passive income, buy my pdf and course shit. Good, kek

No. 2022176

>"women have their stanleys and men have their water barrel!"
it was a big plastic sippy cup

No. 2022188

>Hasn't sent out merch for months now, says it's "too expensive" to ship out all at once. ($600 to ship)
>Says he will ship them a few per month to make it less expensive for him
Wtf Jake. People paid for shipping right? So shipping costs would be covered. He’s just admitting he lived off the shipping Price as it was his income holy shit.

No. 2022191

came to comment this lmao. basically spent the money up front / on other things without completing the orders. at over a year out, i hope everyone backcharges or refutes. i'd be pissed if even after all this time he said he's only doing a handful a month??

hope he's better at whatever new 'career' path he's taking than literally anything else he's tried to do successfully in his life

No. 2022212

>>says he got so fat that he began snoring and couldn't cuddle with kat because his arms were "too heavy" to rest on her
What a weird thing to say lmao he's trying so hard to pass this skinny fat 36 year old mum for some frail petite teenager

No. 2022216

Thank you nonna, couldn't do it without 2x speed playback tbh.

>it was a big plastic sippy cup
kek, it sure was. I almost left the water bottle stuff out of the recap, but it's just so stupid.

It's crazy because not even 10 minutes prior he was talking about how he's going to buy all new motovlog equipment? But he doesn't have the money that was paid to him to ship all the t-shirts I guess. Also it's causing him terrible anxiety, the poor baby. The "ship a couple each month" thing was apparently kat's idea. He said that's "why he loves her", like it isn't a terrible idea.

Thought that bit was extremely funny because it sounds like Kat was just looking for an excuse not to have to snuggle up with his fatass. kek

No. 2022219

>>said he "really needed this", needed people to need him and miss him, etc.
Yeah. That's called narcissism.
>>Can't afford vacations or riding his bike right now. Says he is "studying against the clock" and needs a job asap.
But he went back to streaming because he just loves his fans right?
>>Is going to buy all new equipment for motovlogging.
This again? I guess he's learned nothing from the vtuber experiment. Wonder if he'll wreck this equipment while driving the bike, or just Kyle out on it?
> >Hasn't sent out merch for months now, says it's "too expensive" to ship out all at once. ($600 to ship)
Bitch, you just got a big ass tattoo. Save that money to meet the obligation you took on yourself, that people have already paid you shipping for.
> snaccs he's neither "liberal or conservative"
But a secret third thing?
>>Injured his shoulder, "probably his rotator cuff", at the gym. Says he gets injured a lot.
Yeah. He has shit form.
>>gets weirdly sexist over his water bottle?
If you wrote a skit about an insecure dude, you wouldn't put this in because it would be too obvious.

>Also forget when he mentioned it on stream, but Kat started his cover-up sleeve with a tattoo of what looks like a portrait of her dead.

Yes! This will be so funny after they break up. Cover ups tend to be really solid and dark, so covering that up will be even harder. Wonder if after she leaves him he'll sharpie the hair blue and say it's dead Bulma.

Thank you for your service Anon.

No. 2022277

I believe that he's dense. Just not in the way he thinks.

No. 2022367

This is the most brittish he ever looked kekek

No. 2022372

LMAO who would say they "picked a career that requires a lot of intelligence"? a complete dumb ass. why is he so delusional and weird? he reminds me of losers in high school who swear their dad or mom thinks they're really smart "but just don't apply themselves." nobody cares. if you were smart you would have learned your lesson, fake. but he is incapable of learning anything. he acts on impulse. not a neuron between himself and kat.

No. 2022405

>says he got so fat that he began snoring

but it was totally for “bulking” purposes not on account he was probably shoveling snacks & takeout while not exercising. wants people to believe he lost weight but didn’t show it off.

>Is going to buy all new equipment for motovlogging.

did he not already have stuff for that? either he sold it to cover living costs or believes having new shit will help make the best videos of him speeding & rambling about nothing like last time he tried bike vlogs.

nice of him to admit he needs his narc supply, can’t wait for him to take months to fulfill any of the the things he said he would be doing & that coverup is awful but he likely can’t afford to have anyone else do it so will be stuck with whatever that’s supposed to be.

No. 2022489

Discordnonna; what the snacks say? Also I hate that stupid fucking nickname

No. 2022500

It’s so fatty coded to call your audience after food (i know he means it’s sexy or whatever)

No. 2022514

Jake's streaming now and he said Kaya sold some of his high street clothes on Vinted lol

No. 2022516

File: 1722778620427.png (495.02 KB, 798x566, 2024-08-04.png)

Zero days without seething over his ex on stream lmao she's still traveling and making money off her online presence too. Cry harder scrote.

No. 2022527

>T. Swift in the goff thread
Heather is that you?

No. 2022532

Relax it's just a fucking moid hate meme

No. 2022539

Did she?
I follow her vinted and i dont recall seeing anything too masculine or even that unisex?

No. 2022541

I don't even know how he'd know she'd supposedly have done this without obsessively checking every move she makes online. Way to out yourself there I guess, Jake. New levels of low.

No. 2022552

We've been joking about Jake being the next Ryan on the Heather thread, and I'll say here what I said there. For the love of all that is holy, do not speak that into existence.

I follow her Vinted too, and she hasn't uploaded any masc clothing that I could see. If she did, good on her, and it is funny how he tells on himself. He is clearly still obsessed with her, seething little narc that he is. Though it's just as likely he either lost them, or can't fit into them anymore, and wants an excuse as to why he's wearing shein now. If only he could still get decent sponsors, like Kaya can…

No. 2022622

Imagine being so much of a narc that you monitor your ex of 2 years selling 2nd hand clothes, online. Kek

No. 2022626

Jake wore women’s clothing in his pro ana Jeffree star days, might be that

No. 2022630

File: 1722804146255.png (64.54 KB, 557x453, snaccssad.png)

On stream he said he still had all his old motovloging stuff, but that the new cameras and equipment are so much better now that he just HAS to upgrade. Typical Jake shit where he spends a bunch on equipment he doesn't need or barely uses (or breaks kek).

He said himself he went through and put all her shit in the garage for her to take, didn't he? I know they shared clothes too though. He's not even goth anymore and he's still whining about "designer clothes" now that he wears nothing but SHEIN. Funny that he outs himself yet again for still checking up on Kaya though.

I need to look through a bit more, but his main paypigs Lady Allura and Moni are as pathetic as ever. Talking about how they "fall asleep to his voice" every night.

No. 2022656

He was talking about the good old days of Camden and the original alt shops that were still going strong in 2024 like Cyberdog. He brought up a Korean shop that specialised in dark clothing - it might have been Terminal D. He mentioned that a while ago he realised some of Terminal D stuff was missing and then a follower messaged him screenshots from Kaya's Vinted saying 'look familiar?'. He said people would have lost their shit if he did the same to her stuff.

No. 2022674

>He said people would have lost their shit if he did the same to her stuff.

Yes. Because stealing from the ex you cheated on and then kicked out of the house would be an incredibly shitty thing to do Jake. Do you see the pattern here? Even if this happened, so what. I thought you sorted out all the stuff she should take. And who the fuck was paying for your clothes at the time? I know he'll spout some MRA shit about how hard scrotes have it, and what a poor little victim he is. But people hate you because you're a piece of shit, not because you have a (thoroughly underwhelming) penis.

No. 2022675

So weird and pathetic how Lady Allura always has to one-up other snaccs, she's so obsessed. Does she ever talk about anything other than how she's been watching Jake for 3 years and she's never missed a stream and that she's obviously his number 1 fan? I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to single white female Kat.

No. 2022687

Yeah during the “comeback” stream, a second Aiden appeared in the chat, and the Aiden who visited Jake asked the new one if they were American or from the UK. Lady Allura promptly announce herself as being “like an American Aiden.” Had her to keep herself relevant to the conversation, I guess.

No. 2022771

>He mentioned that a while ago he realised some of Terminal D stuff was missing and then a follower messaged him screenshots from Kaya's Vinted saying 'look familiar?'
I bet money that never happened. He's been stalking her and wants to save face lol

No. 2022779

If a snacc was obsessed enough to stalk Kaya's vinted for him, I bet they'd be obsessed enough to sperge about it on the discord. I also call bullshit.

No. 2022787

There's been absolutely zero mention of kaya in the snacc discord (surprisingly) especially not by name. If it is true, he's been watching her closely, more closely than the farmers in the altcow thread have or they would have definitely posted something about it. Considering he claimed he packed up all her things for her to take it sounds like it was likely his own fault? He wasn't letting her stay in the house while he was gone, when did she supposedly sneak in to smuggle away all his "designer" clothing without him noticing? Did his dumbass accidently box them up with her shit or? He better be careful slinging accusations lest he trigger another career-ending "the truth about jake munro" video. kek

No. 2022834

Kaya was so over him right after the breakup she only made that video cause he dropped his and lied about her in it after harassing her for so long, i doubt she gives a fuck about anything he says or posts about her now she had him blocked everywhere. He had to reach out to other people to tell kaya that he would delete his video in 20 min if she deletes hers and she ignored his ass.

No. 2022923

File: 1722892647357.jpg (786.83 KB, 1079x1940, 1000026717.jpg)

I was just joking nonna, it's unlikely word of him creeping on her still will get back to her. Especially since that one elderly snacc mod who was trying to play both sides disappeared. I just think the whole "truth" video situation was incredibly funny. He really thought he was doing something and it backfired on him so gloriously that he had to try to desperately intimidate her to take her video down. Fun fact, her "truth" video is actually the third video that comes up when you search his name on YT, directly under his "YT shorts", kek.

No. 2022941

It was so infuriating when he tried to threaten her to delete her video if kaya was still living at the cold studio by then he would have showed up there to yell at her and intimidate her "take that down now or i'll throw you out" 100%. It only took for her to mention her mum having a cancer scare for him to yell at her to delete her story so you can only imagine how much worse he would have reacted over the video. This narc midget is so fucking iredeemable he's STILL taking digs at her over stupid shit and watching her every move he. I hate him so much.

No. 2023066

This. He is such a textbook abuser. I know he'll claim he's just persecuted for being a man and women can just accuse anyone of abuse, yadda yadda. But the evidence is very clear, and all over the internet, including on his own channel. The reason he lost all his fans is because he himself made it incredibly obvious.

No. 2023100

He's so similar to Grease in an uncanny way. Both digged their own graves had to face the consequences then kept insisting they did nothing wrong and it's all the woman's fault. (Both posted their ugly ass nudes online)

No. 2023101

File: 1722947300525.jpg (7.33 KB, 215x235, lmao.jpg)

>It's so weird to see a regular sized man on this thread.

No. 2023613

File: 1723099428678.png (125.1 KB, 1763x322, 2024-08-08.png)

If this shit is true then he must be stalking her socials harder than anons on the altcow thread kek fucking unhinged.(sage your shit)

No. 2023636

Jesus, that's creepy. And joke "hinting" at his ex's location to his obsessed little fans is fucking unhinged.

No. 2023681

He has some nerve crying over the "anonymonsters" while obsessively stalking his ex and ranting over her in streams years later after she blocked him everywhere kek

No. 2023684

File: 1723120553050.jpg (74.98 KB, 1500x1000, fix-small-hole-in-drywall-1822…)

A bit late to the party but that's 100% a poorly fixed hole in the dry wall kek

No. 2024380

File: 1723289550279.png (475.47 KB, 632x810, flatass.png)

>lunch lady arms
>flat ass
>flat chest

This pose is doing her no favors.(nitpicking)

No. 2024673

lol so much for "elegant and slim." looks like a Jeffree star pre nose-job with a little chunk.
in your late 30s you cant drink calories and calories of cocktails and beer and eat KFC and remain the size of a skinny pre-teen.

No. 2024688

This is the same man who rode out to the sea immediately after his ex posted she was swimming there. He's obsessed because he lost control of both her and the narrative. Don't worry though, he "cured his bipolar with positive thinking"!

I'm more put off by her dead eye stare/gaping underbite and yet another cheap and unflattering costume. Long gone are the days of her "modeling". She's looking more and more like a lot lizard the longer she's with jake.

No. 2025037

File: 1723445062713.jpg (277.13 KB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20240812-014009.jpg)

Lol, imagine.

No. 2025051

Omg nonnas I’m screaming what is he doing

No. 2025144

Waiting for him to burn himself out steaming every day… did he get fired from Uber eats?

No. 2025329

well it covers that atrocity of a head tattoo but the hairline is super janky and screams wig. extra cringe for the punchable facial expression.

did he say when he would allegedly start streaming again cos he’s posted lots of nothing since claiming he’d be on it every day.

No. 2025561

he has been streaming on YouTube, but it has been inconsistent. Interesting that he leaves all his streams on “members only”. You’d think he’d want them to keep them accessible in order to lure new subscribers.

No. 2025581

Late to the party.
But when I see this thumbnail, I automatically get reminded of his "truth" video. This flannel shirt will never not remind me of the disaster of him trying to pull a "woe is me" and it backfiring instantaneously.
He looks so fake in this too, trying to look like the genuine "nice guy TM".

As for whatever studies he is going into, whatever branch/market that's behind a computer is saturated. Only the hospitality/tourism industry has a lack of recruitees when it comes to the service sector as opposed to the agricultural and industrial sectors, the pays aren't great and the working hours are rough.
If he wasn't such a dumb, short sighted scrote, he'd have looked into handiwork because contrary to belief, those jobs like elctricians (for household appliances, vehicles, or others), plumbers etc have more demand than supply in Europe and you can earn 2,5k a month easily because nobody can do handiwork themselves anymore.

No. 2025604

>Interesting that he leaves all his streams on “members only”
That's why he was comfortable outright admitting that he still stalks his ex's every fucking move till today he thought nobody would catch wind of it since most people here hate him and aren't paying to watch his shit.

No. 2025605

Only entry level is massively over saturated and to be more exact it is over saturated with get rich quick people like Fake. It's far from saturated with the talent.
The boot campers and "self learners" kind of flood it and that is a lot of noise to cut threw and people who think it is a get rich quick thing. There is a lot of people looking for entry level jobs. But the pool shrinks exponentially with seniority and i doubt this narc faggot has the work ethic pr determination to make it that far since he seems to hop from one failed project to another.

No. 2026823

File: 1723854827420.jpg (260.68 KB, 989x515, Screenshot_20240816-172913_You…)

Went 2 whole months of being a "former youtuber" before being desperate enough to drop some bottom of the barrel topical drama content that hardly anyone gives a fuck about and even less people will give a fuck about it tomorrow. I knew that "former youtuber" drama queen shit wouldn't last, he craves attention from strangers too much.

No. 2026827

He's trying to jump on the drama essay channel bandwagon since all of his other projects failed miserably only he chose a topic nobody gives a fuck about lol

No. 2026940


Can he like, go back to being a ''former YouTuber''?

I see that he's trying real hard to revive his flopping channel… A cheater talking about cheating; very fitting, if you ask me.

No. 2026946

Yeah. If I were him I would have chosen a topic with less pot~kettle potential. But since it's jake we're talking about, that actually means most youtube drama.

No. 2026993

Joke the broke is grasping at straws to try and revive his dead channel. Even a lolcow like kingcobrajfs can make 400$ dollars plus in a day streaming from super chats cause he's more likable than him lol

No. 2027040


Part of me wishes he'd cover what's going on with BF right now

No. 2027054

I'd honestly accept anyone to put her on blast.
But l doubt he'd go for her: she's way too ''established'' in the community and known for her rabid wks.
He would lose even more support from his few remaining fans, who probably adore her too.
He's already known for being a raging misogynist, so even if he makes a vid with good points, he'd be automatically brushed off as a hayturrr.

No. 2027097

IBF is still better than this scrote so he has no room to cast stones or shit talk her.

No. 2027448

I dunno. Throwing stones at mothers who put shallow indulgence before the wellbeing of their kids might not work out super well for him. What with his shots-obsessed used buttplug scattering "milf" who broke up her family to let a guy with anger issues around her kid.

No. 2027526

I get the feeling that they would like the negative attention, going viral for being hypocritical. except it's not going to happen bc no one cares about these losers lol
his tea channel rebrand is a flop.
what else will he try lol?
already tried to be a beauty channel, vlogger, gaming channel, goth channel, motorcycle vlog, reaction channel, hunky British lad channel, men's rights activist, vtuber, with smatterings of crappy "metal" music, crash diets and fitness, and onlyfails.
he should actually stay away and mean it this time. he missed the boat a long time ago. he should have gotten a 9-5 job while he was ahead lol

No. 2028062

File: 1724168192460.png (3.47 MB, 1170x2532, B1ADE34F-802E-40AE-B8DB-593FD6…)

Kat begging for holidays again, she is gonna be a long time waiting

No. 2028120

This just proves that the only reason she got with Midget Munro was the seemingly frequent holidays notice how she became so desperate to win one right after he ran out of shekels ?
She must have seen how much he and kaya went on hildays and thought that it could be her kek little did she know his "career" was going to die right after he got with her. It's too poetic.

No. 2028201

Holy shit, I’m pretty sure Jake just alluded to Kaya making sims porn a couple of times in the vid he just posted(this is an imageboard)

No. 2028230

Quick summary of Jake’s video.

‘I’ve been such a good person to everyone and they’ve all taken advantage of me’

Not so subtle hints that kaya used and abused him and he did sooo much for her

He’s incredibly happy losing all of his friends because it was right for him and he is happier just having one person in his life

More digs at an unknown person that he did so much for them and they manipulated and abused him

Isn’t about the views anymore, but might do a video on a hot topic because ‘if he was a smaller channel it would probably go viral’ but because he’s been so established over the years YouTube won’t push his content out.

Basically 26 minutes of ‘woe is me I’m a good person and I’ve lost all my friends because they all used me’(this is an imageboard/integrate)

No. 2028237

Such a good guy, that he lost all of his friends and a gf of 10 years!
And ofc, most of his regular viewers, which made him Joke the Broke™.

Can he stop sperging about her every two seconds? He should have invested the few coins he got back in the day in therapy.
Being so hung up on an ex to the point that you can't even keep it to yourself, and repeatedly bring it up online, is very telling.
>>2028062 the day she will also pack her shit and go, to chase after some new dude to take her on vacays, will be one hell of a sight.
Can't say l'm not eager to witness it!
I honestly always wanted to see his sun set; so it feels rather surreal that he actually got his comeuppance, and his situation keeps spiraling down.

No. 2028294

I know right? Jake and Kaya were always jet setting somewhere. It was to the point that is was annoying that so many people supported their channels and funded travel for the two of them… they went to nice places to eat, hung out with people from YouTube, did tons of shopping for Kaya to get her whatever annoying crap she wanted, etc.
No one wants to fund trips for him and that homewrecking pig.
I'm glad most of his fans saw the light when he tried to rub it in Kaya's face.

No. 2028301

The whole video was basically the short version of his "expose" video on Kaya.

I just adore how he is still soo mad about how it all went down and how his "career" went to shit, obv because of Kaya ofc ofc.

Wonder what made him rage like this? Kaya sellig his old skirts on Vinted again?

No. 2028325

>Wonder what made him rage like this? Kaya sellig his old skirts on Vinted again?

Probably just being broke as fuck. He's in a pretty pitiful position, and it is far easier to blame his ex than say, his own terrible choices. Can't possibly be Jakey's fault that nobody likes him or finds him entertaining. It must be the evil womenz! Surely, if it wasn't for the sinister machinations of a 30 year old slob he'd be famous and beloved. Just look at him, his stunted frame, terrible taste, lack of education or empathy, and anger issues. The only possible explanation is Kaya.(learn2reply)

No. 2028326

>>2028230 I see all the comments are positive and I'm really not sure if it's because he's been deleting comments or that few people give a shit about him that no one cares enough to leave negative comments.

No. 2028330

he barely gets any views on his regular content. I don't doubt that half the views on his drama video are from farmers or others wondering if there is any new gossip. No one cares enough anymore to actually hate comment because he's already fading into obscurity. He's almost down to 410k subs now (most inactive) from just under 500k at his peak and is lucky if a video breaks 10k views. It'd be sad if he wasn't such a shit person.

It's been an absolute pleasure watching these two get their just deserts tbh. Seeing Kat jump ship on her successful husband/baby daddy for what she thought was a rich influencer boyfriend only for him to immediately tank his career and go broke was what they both deserved. Her desperately entering every giveaway she sees, selling off all her brand clothing, and now wearing shein exclusively is really the icing on the cake. kek

No. 2028336

He could have broke with Kaya in a civil way let her stay in until she found somewhere else to go, waited until she was out of his life to get with Skat and kept his fucking mouth shut but nah he had to add insult to injury by fucking another woman in him and his ex's bed and leaving her to find her hair and cum stains on the sheets, kick her out to live in a cold studio, show up to yell at her cause she posted about her mom's cancer scare, tell her to get a shitty minimum wage job, yell that he's proud he cheated and drop a video further slandering her and lying kek this is so deserved. Behold nonnas it's only gonna get worse for this worthless scrote until he finally ropes.

No. 2028342

Well obviously he wasn't going to do the right thing was he, he's a scrote that throws a tantrum every time something doesn't go his way.

No. 2028343

So much for "I don't want people knowing about me". This was only a month ago. He constantly contradicts his own claims.

No. 2028351

He has these stream behind a pay wall where he tried to dox where kaya is staying currently he mentionned that her father's house was in renovation and implied that's where she moved. It was posted on the alt cow thread by some retard that had a hate boner for her to "prove" that she's staying there for free. He must have stalked her socials to unhinged levels and was seething as the possibility of her living rent free in a newly renovated house alone while he has to pay rent to house another man's kid kek

No. 2028358


basically Jake just repeats everything he said in his "BREAKING MY SILENCE" video with less detail so people can't see how nasty he actually is

No. 2028366

So he's made another video crying about what he "went through?"
To what purpose? Its totally bizarre.

No. 2028383

He's broke af and is seething that his "career" died over his own actions and of course that Kaya is still doing ok traveling and going to events. I can only imagine how many holes he punched so far in the walls and doors

No. 2028391

Hi hate boner nonna, it’s really obvious when it’s you. This is a gossip thread where people hate on cows. Quit bitching about “hate boners”

No. 2028395

Struck a nerve? good. Seeth harder over kaya and how she's such an evil piece of shit cause she's lazy and didn't take her cat with her to London.

No. 2028397

No, it’s just retarded to go onto a gossip site and moan about people gossiping. This isn’t a Kaya fan site.

No. 2028398

Yes he contradicts himself all the time and is having a meltdown over losing his popularity as le goth buff bf™ title he tried to curate so hard.
And ofc losing all the revenue that came with his 15 mins of fame.

He's trying to brush it all off as not being obsessed in views anymore and losing interest altogether, but we all know that's just some copium and that hr lives for the attention.

Any issues he has can be blamed on kaya, that's just how his stupid brain works.

No. 2028547

Here we go. The blame Kaya hour.

No. 2028549

File: 1724279107337.jpg (788.01 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20240821_232137_Chr…)

Oh wow a Siouxsie and the banshees shirt!! Everyone can go home now, he's a certified goth! We can no longer call him a poser!

Istg his mug is so punchable.

No. 2028550

Fucking state of him

No. 2028554

He's even posing like his Breaking muh silence video kek the link won't work btw can some kind sould provide a summary? not giving him the views

No. 2028697


Someone posted one upthread above the infighting


No. 2028996

if my bf was obsessing this much about his ex two years later, he'd be single.
big yikes. he has a lot of feelings for kaya still if he is lamenting that he thought he really needed her in his life but didnt. fine line between love and hate. it sounds like she didn't do "that one thing!" cleaning? blowjobs on command? anal? lol
lol yeah he is just sooo peaceful w his one special person. that's called codependent. and he was clearly codependent with kaya.
but yeah totes friendless by choice, edge lord for life.

No. 2029064

Speaking of cleaning this fucking moid was raging about her not doing ALL the cleaning not over simply not picking up after herself. Like she said he never wanted to do anything 50/50 she had to clean on her own. I bet that's what Skat is doing now only difference is she's not getting the same shopping and vacations Kaya got. It's written on stone that Pick me's never thrive at this point.

No. 2029133

That's because once he became the breadwinner he got a big head and suddenly wanted to play "man of the house". He did fully admit that Kat does all the cleaning now and we've all seen what happens to the spaces she's not actively cleaning. Like the dump rooms of his studio or that time he dropped a thirst trap selfie with what looked like half a box of used tissue scattered all over the floor next to the bed. Really the only benefit Kat seems to get from this relationship anymore is the (rented) roof over her head. She's pretty simple minded though, he's likely convinced her that whatever this new job is will make him rich again.

No. 2029314

The roof over their heads she pays for. With her picking up more hours tattooing and flogging her her clothes on vinted, it's pretty clear who is bringing in the cash. Personally, I think she's just looking for an exit strategy in the form of a new man with low standards. Kaya said that Jake would get insanely jealous of any other man she spoke to. I imagine Kat is going through something similar, except with her he might have reason to worry. If they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you. And Joke doesn't seem like he's about to turn himself into the sort of partner worth staying with.(sage your shit)

No. 2029476


I guess it’s easy to have all the spare time to clean when you only have your kid for 2 days a week

No. 2030471

File: 1724708694567.png (649.64 KB, 466x814, gross.png)

Wtf is he trying to do here ?

No. 2030478

File: 1724708874010.png (505.58 KB, 480x827, yuck.png)

A video for members only about Tomb raider's anniversary where he lusts over and oogles female game characters. What a disgusting scrote

No. 2030572

legit screaming how hilariously awful this is. the bad wig, dead eyes, gross stubble and smooth front of pants are really convincing me to pay for whatever content he decided to squeeze out. also can’t fully hide those weird side bulges he has but i appreciate the laugh.

No. 2030624

dying laughing! he looks like he has lost his mind. no one wants to pay for pics of a short man in a wig. deranged AF with this onlyfans content idea.

No. 2030626

"see how straight I am?"

No. 2030634

When you order your Geralt from Wish. Kek! This is deranged.

No. 2030641

Thanks for your service, nonna.
I was about to post these, but l honestly didn't want to subject everyone to the face & crotch stubble.

Topkek he indeed looks literally insane in his ratty wig. He has lost the damn plot fr. He has such a mean stare!

>>2030478 12 y.o typa edgelord caption. Definitely not the type of language that's appreciated by a dominantly female audience… But we can't expect this rat to know what women like or how to respect them.

No. 2030792

File: 1724737844735.jpg (44.54 KB, 603x529, onlyfail.jpg)

I'm dying over the single 'like' this photo set got. Probably from Kat. I don't know what he thought would happen.

No. 2030800

>Geralt's gamer room
KEK I'm fkn ded

No. 2030815

File: 1724750944307.jpg (34.1 KB, 700x569, f18796ae478e25322cbb8e90c4ac5d…)

Is this supposed to be Erotic? Cause the only thing that got wet is my face from Lmfaooooo

No. 2030827

I have a theory, Joke the broke is obviously aware of his thread could it be that he's putting the videos where he talks the most shit about Kaya as memebers only? The one where he tried to dox her was behind a pay wall. He probably know s that farmers won't pay to watch his sorry ass and leak his milky rants. If true then he's beyond pathetic.

No. 2030834

>Goodbye horses, I'm dying over you…
I think you might be on to something there nonna. I wonder though if it's because of this board. Kaya has contacted the police about Joke in the past, and they have a record of some of his bullshit. He might be just smart enough to not post anything that could be percieved in any way as an actionable threat on easily accessible places. But not smart enough to just keep his fucking mouth shut.

No. 2030997

File: 1724784441790.png (437.71 KB, 507x835, 2024-08-27 (1).png)

Back to flexing his toddler proportions

No. 2031113

The pose and expression make it look like he's a toddler watching telletubbies on his phone. I don't think "gormless grin" is what most people find erotic. If I came across this on the internet without any context I'd assume he had some kind of mental disabillity, and somebody really should sit him down and have a talk about how there are bad people on the internet and we need to know the difference between public and private things.

No. 2031155

Someone needs to draw the back view of this. His entire ass must be hanging out of those ridiculous toddler jeans he has on. Also why does the top of his head look like that?

No. 2031292

File: 1724822664725.png (467.09 KB, 378x509, okjacob.png)

did he really photoshop his body so itty bitty that his head is almost the same length as his torso? kek

>Geralt's gamer room
nothing sexier than a manlet in a bad wig inviting you into his coom room

No. 2031345

What in the scoliosis is his back doing here? Horrific posture

No. 2031387

>did he really photoshop his body so itty bitty that his head is almost the same length as his torso
Nah he's just deformed nonna

No. 2031412

Yeah but not in that way. We can see in >>2030997 he's still built like a gorilla.

No. 2031491

Kek this edit is autistic af. But he does have weird chibi like proportions. The more weight he loses the bigger his head looks.

No. 2031826

File: 1724900450520.jpg (133.25 KB, 1107x288, juststop.jpg)

Of course he's gonna make a video about the 'lies' about Manson. I haven't watched it, but I can imagine what he'll have to say about it. So much for former youtuber.

No. 2031841

Well, they are lies about Manson and public opinion are changed about them in recent months but Jake was among the first who jumped on hate wagon when allegations broke out and Jake still played good little leftist(sage your shit)

No. 2031847

wow he should have edited his bald spot out of this thumbnail

No. 2031862

He was slurping MM's tainted dick and balls because disgraced rockers gotta stick together. He quickly critiques the new single 'Raise the Red Flag' then spends most the time reading chunks out of some article. Throughout the vid he makes sure to call out the accusers for just wanting money and fully backing MM saying that he plans to see him in concert. Nice one Jake, I bet you're team OJ and R. Kelly just because they 'won' at one point too. There's no way this powerful multimillionaire with access to the best legal teams is a shitty person trying to hide his past sexual misconduct. Jake put a ColonelKurtz99 video as a reference in the description - an anti- #Metoo grifter who got famous for shitting on Amber Heard. Yikes. Jake better stick to reacting to memes and trailers rather than commentating on legal cases. He's too lazy to read and he knows he'd get ripped apart for his slobby research.
Also wtf is this thumbnail, he looks like toddler Joey Tribbiani.

No. 2031897

Those side bulges are his love handle hips, he just pulls his pants wayyy down to make his hips look relocated to somewhere more human

No. 2031909

I know I'm late but the obvious and visible pubic stubble has my sides in orbit.

No. 2031911

Sorry what 30+ STRAIGHT man completely shaves his pubes down? Does he think he is a porn star?

No. 2031927

God he's getting more fucking repulsive by the day it only took Kaya to expose him after he kept poking at her for him to go full mask off on the internet. Seems like he was a sexist piece of shit all along and now that his original audience left and his "career" is down the drain he doesn't have to pretend anymore. He's so fucking ugly inside out.

No. 2031930

This. It's so obvious he was always a sexist piece of shit. He was just holding it together for the sake of optics. If a guy's reaction to being told he was a sexist creep isn't apologizing, but saying that, actually, more men need to be sexist abusive creeps, it's a bit of a hint.
Not to mention his echo chamber is getting smaller and more toxic. At this point, the few unhinged fans he have left will parrot he says, and anybody who disagrees with him can be safely relegated to the "snowflake hater" category. Not to mention his bangmaid. Kaya would push back sometimes at least, like that time he was ranting on stream about hitting kids. But I'm pretty sure Not Like Other Females Kat will just agree with everything he prattles on about and tell him how smart and edgy he is. When he made that video about not having any friends and only having Kat, he told on himself far more than he realized.

No. 2031948

It's to make the peepee look bigger because we all know he has a complex about it

No. 2032021

>>2031930 l honestly doubt she would stick around for much longer.
I don't think this little ''rebrand'' of his as a drama channel or whatever, will bring in any cash or new fans.

He's truly showing his true colors as of late.
Way to go Jake, this type of statements won't fly high with your mainly female audience. So keep bleeding subs & support, for our own enjoyment.

No. 2032049

File: 1724951504851.jpeg (226.52 KB, 1179x678, IMG_0041.jpeg)

he’s streaming now, caught a bit, he was once again droning on about his weight. He was actually very proud about his recent OF, which he kept referencing constantly. He said he hadn’t done any OF for a while because he hated seeing how fat he was. he wants to make it to 165, but doesn’t think he’ll be able to, and that he hasn’t yet reached his “final form”. Devil’s Advocate, he does look better than he used to, but that’s not saying much. looks like he’s once again trying to raise money, this time to try to make people pay for content before the content is even out. Mentioned wanting to talk about the game Concorde and whatever controversy is going on with it. Image because image board.

No. 2032069

File: 1724953766276.gif (136.78 KB, 640x600, big-ed90day-fiance.gif)

It's tragic how he doesn't have a neck at all kek imagine shagging that

No. 2032077

File: 1724955000931.jpg (81.08 KB, 780x235, 1000026981.jpg)

Based comment in chat. kek. Of course lady allura is in there talking about his OF. The one like was probably her >>2030792 and not Kat.

No. 2032418

Altcows thread is full, anyone know if Jake’s stream where he revealed where Kaya is living (her dads reno) is what has put her into hiding for 2 weeks? I refuse to believe she would stop working/posting just because of the landlord dispute

No. 2032491

Good question, Kaya is a lazy slob though so this is nothing new for her. Having trouble finding the new thread though if one has even been made.

No. 2032497

It was days…a week ago? she made a quick insta story just saying something happened and she will be away

No. 2032526

File: 1726082042533.jpg (155.58 KB, 953x295, shinyteeth.jpg)

He released this little gem recently. I'm having flashbacks to Casey Neistat era Jake. He's still calling his reaction videos 'goth reacts' and THIS is how he looks these days. How many self rebrands is this now?

No. 2032551

He’s been working on this for weeks and only got 4K views in 5 days lol…

No. 2032613

Kek, looks like TIMs when they post mirror pics of their chop job.

No. 2032627

is this the video he was bragging about making lol. idk what the point was, it’s very low effort and sounds like a rejected kidz bop song.

No. 2032634

File: 1726094651406.jpg (514.36 KB, 1079x1449, Screenshot_20240911-154249_Dis…)

There's something so uncanny about this. Did he shoop his head smaller bc nonnies were recently making fun of his chibi proportions?

No. 2032683

Does skat only tattoo him now? I've never seen posts of Dean and Sinead tattooed each other which makes me assume they're actually working. Kek

No. 2032857

Is is just me or does he look quite a lot like Elon Musk here?

No. 2032898

He needs to work on his lower arms they’re so skinny ew

No. 2032983

He’s roiding, that jaw shape

No. 2032987

With that “final form” comment, makes me think he’s trying to look like Goku with that hair, or something.


No. 2033041

Thanks for the link I also had trouble finding it.
Kek he wishes. Tbt to his ~vtuber~ character.

>>2032857 >>2032613 Top kek. Both of you Nonnas are spot on!

>>2032683 don't forget that he's broke af now, and his only options are her free and utterly shitty tats.

No. 2033062

How does he manage to get worse with each new song release?!

I'm dying nonnas, this looks nothing like him. If he spent as much time on his shit music as he did on editing his ugly thirst traps he might actually make something half decent. It's funny how he drops edits like these but tells on himself on stream or in video. Like who even is that Jake?

I mean he STILL hasn't got the krampus on his guy finished yet and it's been forever now. It's pretty obvious he can't afford anything other than mediocre free work from kat.

No. 2033553

Mummy and Cuck xxx

No. 2033788

She tattoos him for free? Just imagine getting with a "rich and famous youtuber" type only for them to lose it all due to their own shitty personality and piss poor work ethic and beg free tattoos off of you. I'd even feel bad for her if she wasn't just as bad as he is kek.

No. 2034469

File: 1726444611920.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1445, 1000039699.png)

Holy shit Dean has upgraded kek(off-topic)

No. 2034617

I get it, she's a catch, and Kat is trash, but do we have to post pics of Dean's new gf? She's not exactly a cow or a public figure and would probably rightly be freaked at the idea of internet randos stalking her socials even if it is to one -up her partner's ex

No. 2034643

Yeah I feel bad for her having to be mildly associated with these two idiots

No. 2034650

Agreed. It's weird and creepy to keep tabs on someone just because their partner has a shitty ex. She's just living her life, let her do so in peace.

No. 2034651

File: 1726487316310.jpg (415.34 KB, 1037x1929, 1000009226.jpg)

The photoshopping is getting increasingly desperate.

No. 2034763

The absolute lack of chin makes him like TIM or an ugly butch lesbian lmao

No. 2035283

I think having three chins just makes him even more self-concious. So he's overcorrecting. Genuinly makes you wonder if he even knows what people look like anymore. I guess if the only person you see all day is skat it's easy to think everyone is an unfortunate looking freak.
Also he wishes. Butch lesbians know how to get shit done. If Jake was a butchie he'd have a job, a hotter girlfriend, and a nicely remodelled studio by now. This level of underachievement is the domain of cis het white dudes.

No. 2035401

It's hilarious catching Jake talking about females in his streams, his weird mommy issues and terminally online views always come out. He was laughing about how cheating is a common fantasy for women in romance novels implying that they're the ones with trash morals. It's so rich that this scrote is getting judgey over fetish lit when he is the one who has actually cheated multiple times lmao. He literally fucked someone else 2 years into his last relationship. You are the same as actual female cheaters Jake, you're just as selfish and cowardly.
He made the tired incel rant that women are hybristophilic denegerates who thirst for serial killers and wife beaters as if it's common and laughed about women ending up with abusive men because 'it's almost as if women create their own problems'. Jesus…
He responded to some chatter and denied that men go after crazy women because 'they know to stay away from that shit'. LOL what planet is he living on. He knows it's common for men to exclusively seek out and date BPD and other mentally unstable women because it's exciting or makes their dick hard. This is a well documented behavior that these allegedly mentally sound and innocent men engage in. It takes two toxic people to make these fucked up relationships, he knows that's where the whole 'all my exes are crazy' meme comes from. It's almost as if the BPD girl hunters and the hybristophilic retards are despised by both sexes.

No. 2035574

It always surprises me that he'd be stupid enough to open his mouth on any of these topics given his own well documented history of behaviour but then he surprises me consistently with how stupid he is across the board. Especially discussing cheating. It's also funny he went down the line of " women are crazy and they love serial killers" line when we all know he's one bad reaction video away from doing true crime content himself. Women with an attraction to the macabre are his bread and butter and he cannot stand it obviously. He's constantly shit talking his own demographic to the point that I don't actually understand how he even has an audience anymore. At the very least we can all take pleasure in the fact that Jake relies on the people he hates the most to pay his bills.

No. 2035575

> He was laughing about how cheating is a common fantasy for women in romance novels implying that they're the ones with trash morals.

THE FUCKING AUDACITY of this scrote i can't lol
He's proven times and times again that he's an irredeemable piece of dog shit, all of those "rebrands" and "breaks" he did and still thinks he did nothing wrong and it was all muh evil feminazis canceled me Reeee. Not that he's a cheating piece of shit, not that he made a video trying to drag his ex and exposed himself nope it's always evil Kaya. The narcissism is OFF the charts. He's just like Onision at this point. Also if he was happy like he claims he wouldn't stalk his ex years later and repeat bitter incel talking points. This short scrote is a walking abortion besides being aborted at the gene stage.

No. 2035585

Ah you see while most people would take those breaks away to improve on themselves and their content and come back a happier, healthier more well rounded individual Jake clearly decided to use that time to continue to rattle around his home like an angry little manlet jumping bean while soaking in a bath of seething and bankruptcy until he was forced once again onto a platform he hates, making content he hates for an audience he hates.

No. 2035624

the scariest part about Fake is his rampant and unbridled misogyny, and I'm 100% comfortable saying that it fucked up Kaya deep down that it will take years to recover from.
I know Kat has suffered from this too(see >>2015916 behind the door) but what did she expect? She cheated on her bf/father of her child (or husband? cant remember). Shes not the victim, her son is.
And on top of that dudes a fucking coward with a strong victim complex. by blaming women hes really blaming kaya like some retarded form of subtweeting. no one put a gun to his head and compelled him to cheat on kaya and by extentsion kill his online career.

No. 2035657

>He made the tired incel rant that women are hybristophilic denegerates

This is especially rich from someone with his sadass "bad boy" persona. Guess that's why you're drowning in pussy, right Jake? Oh wait, the only pussy you can get is a washed up chonky "babygirl" who pays your bills and can literally be bought for some shots and a shein top. But I guess all the shit you put Kaya through is actually her own fault because women WANT to be treated like shit.

He really is a singularly pathetic human being. Nobody should act the way he does. But someone as short, ugly, and broke as he is can get away with it even less. Who are these rants for? His mostly female audience won't like it. The kind of toxic male dudebro redpilled content creators he looks up to will clock him as a "low status beta cuck" or whatever and not give him the time of day. So it has to be just for him. We're watching a grown man self soothe, and it's getting sadder and sadder. BetvKat gets to listen to all the fun rants while she's cleaning the house after a long day of work. Lucky girl.

No. 2037028

File: 1726953001186.jpg (407.07 KB, 1032x2097, 1000009307.jpg)

Vampires rarely age poorly and develop double chins. But sure. Kat does have a certain renfield look to her

No. 2037813

kek. not the cheap shein "vampire" button up and aggressively receding hairline on full display. He's rapidly landsliding into taking projared tier thirst traps.

No. 2037988

There's nothing masculine or attractive about him tbh a lot of average height moids can be hot but in his case he's short, stumpy and has no chin whatsoever or any attractive masculine features. Looks like a TIF on roid that's losing hair. Can't imagine finding this scrote erotic or datable no matter how many thirst traps or nudes he pos. Skat is busted but she still could do so much better.

No. 2038017

>Skat is busted but she still could do so much better.

Agreed. And she will. It's just a matter of time. Though any potential meal ticket will probably google her, and she's done herself no favors there. Still, I predict little Isaac will have a new, financially more stable stepdaddy as soon as Joke's "new career" that he did all that training for turns out to be a bust.

No. 2038020

File: 1727177277788.jpg (377.91 KB, 1079x2055, 1000009344.jpg)

Talking about having a big head. He lurks here for sure. "Midget with macrocephaly" isn't the flex you seem to think it is. What a weird thing to brag about

No. 2038063

Tbh I think short moids can be cute, but he's built like a neckless gorilla. He peaked well over a decade ago and it's only further downhill from here no matter how much he chooses to starve himself. Not to mention the tattooed headwound and face doodles.

Yet another thing he shares with onision, being a waterbrain. kek

No. 2038519

File: 1727289343516.jpeg (171.4 KB, 1500x1067, 400DBFCF-3950-456D-A2EE-2CB79A…)

literally built like this. "bullking", drinking, and working out will only make it worse

No. 2038799

File: 1727345396455.jpg (130.6 KB, 901x286, jokethebroke.jpg)

He must need money really badly to be slapping on the clown paint again.

No. 2038805

File: 1727347106363.jpg (265.74 KB, 1080x2083, 1000009388.jpg)

Exhibit A
I bet Kat is thrilled that this is where he spends his money on. Has anybody heard anything about the lucrative "new career" he was training for?

No. 2038806

File: 1727347160727.gif (125.37 KB, 220x124, tenor.gif)

Kek, he probably got fired from Tesco for Diddy Kong raging at the manager.

No. 2038842

It's still funnny to me that a man so hung up on his ex and vagueposting about her in streams chose to get literally X tatted on his face. When her username is xtoxictears too.

No. 2038844

Stop posting non cow unrelated randoms in the thread challenge, lolcow still shows up all over google so it isn't fair on this woman to be part of the thread when she did nothing

No. 2038911

KEK spot on

No. 2038924

taken from her public socials she should go private if she doesnt like it(derailing)

No. 2038939

Why should she choose between being the subject of a gossip board or changing the way she interacts with people? Because she happens to be around a guy with a shitty ex and some stalkerchan on this board has a weird boner for her? That's fucking stupid.
If the best milk you can come up with is "other women also exist in the world" you might want to consider taking a step back.(report instead of joining derail)

No. 2038950

No surprise he's back to the same old shit after claiming to be quitting multiple times. Quit wearing make-up? Quit reaction videos? Quit YT altogether? And yet here we are. He's going nowhere, but I guess the couple hundred he makes off his YT channel every month is better than nothing for him.

While I agree with you anon, the farmhands already dealt with it 11 days ago. If the nonna obsessed with her keeps posting just report it.

It's OT anon, she's not a cow and shouldn't be in the thread. Don't be weird.

No. 2038972

to save y’all a click, Jake usually says videos today aren’t funny. He found one that’s funny. Funny to him, that is. We all know how boring his sense of humor is. His video is him reacting to boring videos that he finds amusing.

No. 2039117

File: 1727399984563.jpg (135.2 KB, 1080x686, Screenshot_20240926-181826_Ins…)

From "Former Youtuber" to "Best goth on YouTube" within just a few months. Dude is in full midlife crisis mode, has no idea what his calling in life is.

No. 2039172

File: 1727410152476.jpg (682.86 KB, 1080x1742, wtf.jpg)

Asking everyone who is hotter: him or Johnnie Guilbert. An absolutely bizarre thing to do, considering Johnnie Guilbert's fan base largely consists of very young people. So basically asking a bunch of kids who they think is hotter. Back to desperately tagging names that are more popular than his in an attempt to leech their fan base, see also: Marilyn Manson, Justin Morrow, etc.
If he even took a second to get to know Johnnie Guilbert, Jake would know that Johnnie dislikes being sexualized by his fanbase.
I know you've been pining for Johnnie's attention, Jake. But this was poorly thought out. You're going to creep him out and push him away like you did with Filian.

No. 2039277

File: 1727434923041.png (1.05 MB, 1170x2532, 822A14F2-E90B-450E-86BB-341D14…)

Ban me for cowtipping but I had the most hilarious interaction with Jake right now. I called him a cuck on his most recent Instagram post, he then messaged me on his band’s account to fight me that “cuck is from the word cuckold and not named after cuckoo birds”

He is genuinely retarded


No. 2039278

File: 1727434956657.png (1.09 MB, 1170x2532, 4ADADC6D-B205-4A83-B00C-C11D2B…)


No. 2039279

File: 1727435010025.png (966.74 KB, 1170x2532, A93FF116-A298-4AEB-8CF5-6C44DB…)


And he was bragging on the johnnnie Guilbert vid about how smart he is 😂😂(emoji)

No. 2039313

Watching Jake try to outsmart people gives me the deepest secondhand embarrassment. He is literally bird-brained. Also I actually didn't know that about the word cuckold, what an interesting fun fact nonnie.

No. 2039341

I know you got band for cowtipping but that was fucking hilarious nonna kekkk

No. 2039460

"Official Monroe Band". Kek, is that his one-man band?

No. 2039715

File: 1727509657415.jpg (78.61 KB, 1024x683, 1000010882.jpg)


No. 2039753

Fake wishes he had this level of musical ability

No. 2039765

He formally announced that he was back and serious about making high-effort content and it was heavily implied that he abandoned his top secret IT career aspirations. Initially he would vaguely bring up his studies but there's been zero mention of it in recent streams. Last I heard he passed one professional exam and was awaiting a second one and was talking with a careers adviser in the field but that was a while ago.
I reckon he was feelin himself after he got skinny and realized he preferred Youtube to a professional career. I don't think many roles in IT are part-time and there's no way he can juggle the career and make videos at the same time. There's no way Kat is happy about this change in plan.

No. 2039816

File: 1727540535175.jpeg (182.89 KB, 2148x668, IMG_0240.jpeg)

His latest video is him reacting to Reddit’s AITA subreddit. Foolish me, I thought for a second that it was going to be an introspective video about him recognizing what kind of person he is. Interesting how his latest videos have vague, somewhat misleading titles, now. Borderline clickbait.

No. 2039837

File: 1727546121284.jpg (50.06 KB, 426x600, actor-jack-nicholson-282420_la…)

He's literally skin walking the Joker and that dude is a total narcissist. Creepy af to show your audience what you really are, Fake.

No. 2039853

File: 1727550206134.jpg (583.95 KB, 1080x1550, 1000027450.jpg)

Of course he's given up on pursuing a real career. He got "skinny" and thinks that's enough to draw new snaccs in because he puts so much value on being thin. The joker makeup and click bait titles might've worked a decade ago on YT, but beyond maybe enticing a few more fat middle aged moms that seem to make up the majority of his snacc-base this latest attempt is going to be dead in the water too. Maybe he's holding out on another Clair? The only videos performing slightly better are the click bait ones and his actual "content" (shit covers) absolutely do the worst. Seems like he's going to lean into being a drama youtuber potentially.

No. 2039854

Samefag, but I just noticed his hair has thinned so much that he has visible bald spots even in the small thumbnail photos. Can't wait for emo combover era Jake. Seems to happen to every washed up male YT creep.

No. 2039971

he’s said this about so many things it’s not funny any more, he just wants the money and attention b/c he has no skills for a real job. also the irony of him ranting about ppl copying content when everything about his ~look~ is a lame rip-off of something someone else did better.

there are three months left to the year and i don’t see him doing videos for that long, but he will definitely shit something out and think it’s great.

No. 2040011

Man, I’ve actually never been a big fan of jakes “ goth look”. Yes o know hers a poser, but my god it looks terrible

No. 2040042

Has he actually been complaining about people stealing his content? He really believes he invented the reaction video? Being an angry dude shouting about video games? I've got some unfortunate news for him about his faves, The Game Grumps…

No. 2040277

This bio change alone is proof he is manic depressive or bipolar
This is very funny, first acceptable cowtipping I've seen.
He's so fucking dumb kek with his screenshot, read a dictionary or do more than 1 second research dipshit.
It refers to cuckoos as in cuckoos nest like he is so retarded he thinks the kink meaning is where it originates. Because so many english words originate from kink slang, obviously.

No. 2040278

He's too dumb for an IT job, a man who can barely read or utilise google cannot to an IT job in 2024. The most he could do is telesales, which iirc is what him and Kaya both did a decade ago.

No. 2040329

>The most he could do is telesales, which iirc is what him and Kaya both did a decade ago.

Can he? Because he was fired from his last telemarketing job for chimping out on his supervisor and punching a door. I genuinly believeche may be utterly unemployable. It's not just his lack of rudementary skills, though that is obviously a problem. It's also his temper, and inflated ego making him feel constantly undervalued. Most jobs that require limited formal education or experience are in the services sector, and require interaction with the public. And he has the social skills of a baboon who just discovered cocaine.

No. 2040356

Not to mention most places that are customer facing or professional won't want to hire him because he looks like a adult man doodle-bear. He'd be lucky to get hard labor jobs with his lack of experience, lack of skills, shit personality, and appearance. It's no surprise he keeps having to fall back on his snaccs to scrape by on a barely min wage.

No. 2040510

File: 1727697765143.png (1.14 MB, 1350x944, doodlebear4_GH_content_1350px~…)

Kek, nonna. I had a doodle bear when I was a kid. I will never again see him as an adult with tats, lol.

No. 2040836

File: 1727763002640.jpg (51 KB, 465x238, gothfattymunro.jpg)

He changed his name to "Goth Daddy Munro". Wonder how Kat feels about his current Thirst Trap phase, considering the last time he went this hard into it was when he cheated on Kaya with her.

No. 2040847

Kat doesn't need to worry too much considering how rare it is for her manlet to leave the house. She also seems like the "cool girl" type considering she brings her other middle aged mom friends around their rental to drink with jake being the only man present as well as bring them to the studio to pole dance around him. She's kind of the supreme pick-me. Doing all the house cleaning, working the only real job between the two, and even cosplaying as teen girls for him. It's honestly no wonder Jake starved himself thin to keep her interest, she's a complete moron, but if anyone is going to cheat it'd definitely be Kat (again). She probably already would have if her boss was interested.

No. 2040983

Oh my god. Please someone nab his old insta name and start uploading pictures of small things on there. Gnomes. Baby carrots. That kind of thing. Make him seethe

No. 2041278

The "daddy" thing was cringe, overdone and uncomfortable 5 years ago so it is especially embarrassing to rebrand and call YOURSELF now in the year 2024. I physically cringed irl. How can you be this embarrassing? How can Kat stand being attached to someone this embarrassing? It'd make me want to crawl in a hole and die. Mortified for her. Disgusted by him.

No. 2042112

File: 1728053478789.jpg (185.43 KB, 864x910, 1000009560.jpg)

He is desperately trying to use his limited, ahem, charms to net himself another whale. Trying to get another sad middle aged housewife to send him her monthly income. It's kind of sad that he's willing to continue cultivating an image he's admitted to hating for money and attention, and it's not even working. Ffs, if you're gonna humilliate yourself like this, at least do it for more than the change you can find in the couch.

No. 2042142

2.5K views lol
How long before his ego takes over and he has another meltdown due to low views?

No. 2042601

I can't with him. He's an insecure child who thinks "If I change the way I look people will like me." Nobody likes him. He will never have the views he had prior to breaking up with Kaya. He can't admit that he fucked up, it's always someone else. It's the algorithms, it's all Kaya's doing! It's cringey as shit to be stalking her 2 years later. Her life hasn't improved but it's still better than his and he knows it. He's stuck with his bangmaid's goblin while she sells her clothes for extra cash. I agree with nonna's that she's looking for a moid and when she gets her hooks in him, she'll drop Jake like the dead weight that he is. He complained about Kaya never cleaning and now Skat does it for him. That doesn't matter, tho cos she doesn't have Kaya's following and nobody gives a shit about her. They dug their own graves and I think the honeymoon was over 6 months into the rebound. He'll have a meltdown, make another shitty music video and then blame Kaya for doing this to him. Rinse and repeat.

No. 2042607

File: 1728165258596.jpg (35.61 KB, 720x540, FB_IMG_1517823801987.jpg)

Fake listening to Loser by Beck

No. 2043091


I can forgive it if they're an actual Dad and the entire account is just innocent pictures of their wife and kids, maybe the government-mandated golden retriever those kind of accounts seem to always own.

No. 2043113

I remember, back when he was with Kaya, the whole "daddy" thing reared it's head amongst his snaccs (many of whom underage) how much he'd protest " oh it's ironic, oh I don't actually like it,it's like a joke" and I can't help but hard cut to where we are now.

Like he used to have some kind of self awarenesses? Some part of him knew that it was pathetic and gross and weird back then and somehow between then and now that self aware part of his brain died due to lack of oxygen or something. He needs to find his sense of shame again desperately and utilize it.

No. 2043194


I think that he was simply better at hiding who he truly was, since he was at the peak of his (short-lived) fame,and had to keep up appearances.

Now that everything went down the drain,along with his popularity, he is caring way less and just rambles endlessly, on top of accumulating the slip-ups.

Looking forward to what dumb shit he may say in an upcoming.and inevitable meltdown >>2042142.

No. 2043435

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It's funny because his temporary month or two away bombed out his sub counts lower than ever and his views aren't any better either. He'd be lucky to make a few hundred by the end of the month at this rate. The absolute max for the past 30 days is only $795 with the more realistic median being about $398. So Jake is likely making only $400 a month outside the pennies he makes of the 2-3 likes on his OF and whatever his last dozen snaccs scrape together for him on stream. Jake is going big broke. I doubt he's even making min wage at this rate.

No. 2043491

Could not be happening to a more deserving specimen. People will study him as a case file in horny idiotic self destruction for years to come.

No. 2043636

>>2043435 seeing his sun setting this hard is truly unbelievable. He really thought he was untouchable and forever Le goth daddy™ of yootoob.

Seriously though, is he even thinking about his future? Doesn't he realize that this is truly not a viable option ? The ship has sunk for quite some time now,and even this chump change won't reach his bank account at some point.

No. 2043672

>only 36 subs left on patreon
>averaging 3,400 views a day on YT
>2-3 likes on his embarrassing OF updates
>down nearly 100k YT subscribers since the break-up
>still losing 1k YT subs regularly each month years later
These are honestly such embarrassing numbers I'm shocked he came crawling back. He's never going to afford to go back and get his krampus tummy tattooed finished unless Kat suddenly starts paying for their vacations. He must really think him getting skinny again will fix this or something.

No. 2043679

That's possibly one of the funniest things about this, he tried to quit with his "former YouTuber" shtick and he couldn't even commit to quitting, he had to try one last impotent thrust and fell flat. He can't help himself. Jester Jake is right, he's absolutely a fool.

No. 2043686

File: 1728423353398.jpg (204.17 KB, 498x785, ugh.jpg)

I'm convinced that when he gets 'skinny' and starts putting out more content like this, he's just enjoying watching/looking at himself so much that he delusionally believes others do as well. He probably rewatches his own content more than Lady Allura does. But the holidays are coming up and his crash diet weight loss techniques always fail inevitably so it won't be long before he's fat and depressed again. Especially with how he's struggling to get recent views even in the 4k range.

No. 2043705

He's definitely filtering his pics to hell. Every time he does his starvation diet he always porks up weeks later. I guess he hopes this will make Kat stick around, you know she's going to leave his ass. A narc can't bear to be alone, they need an audience at all times. Now there's no reason for her to stay because the money dried up.

No. 2044175

File: 1728521372871.jpeg (111.87 KB, 1179x663, IMG_0353.jpeg)

Jake’s latest video is an “unscripted” rant about people who are professional victims, who spend their life in a constant state of “woe is me,” and how anyone who calls them out on it is automatically an asshole. He talks about how the drama becomes a show for everyone on the Internet to watch, and how satisfying it is to watch those people ruin their own lives. oh, and if that professional victim moves away from the person who supposedly is the cause of all their problems, and still has problems, then it’s not the fault of the person they were blaming. Hmm, I wonder who his video was really about?
Image because image board.(embed the video instead please)

No. 2044180

I wouldn't be surprised if he's describing going on lolcow because this sentiment fits the board.

No. 2044195

It’s kind of unhinged, the way he paces forwards and backwards as he goes on and on about how there’s no such thing as karma, only natural consequence, and how people need to own up to the mistakes they make. All the while, he’s projecting this on other people, not on himself. Such hypocrisy. I especially loved the comment about how it’s not the fault of someone else if the person having issues continues to have issues after they’ve moved away. Like, that hypothetical victim continuing to have problems is some kind of proof that all the horrible experiences they had with this second person are somehow completely canceled out. Never existed. Wasn’t Jake’s fault. OH, WAIT, this video totally wasn’t about Jake or anyone he knows. Never mind.

No. 2044198

Kat must get so sick still hearing about Kaya constantly after all these years. And for what, she has to feed and clean up after this ugly little manlet, no more nice vacations, can only afford to wear shein, and has to work all the time while he spends his days stalking his ex and dressing up as a dollar store geralt in his goon cave. He really is "goffik" onision minus the teen harem.

No. 2044241

I hope he shrinks down so much he turns inside out and winks out of existence.

No amount of cutting and lifting is going to make him an appealing person that people want and actively choose to be around, he's a black hole of a person, the joy sink in the room, he's repulsive in so many ways that I honestly feel bad for Kat and Isaac that they're trapped in a home with this utterly clueless entitled narcissistic chunk of ham that thinks he's owed fame. It's rich this video he's made, he just outright cannot leave it alone, it's like a scab he keeps picking and every time he does it makes him look worse.

No. 2044270

This is so embarrassing kek. Dude, it's been 2 years, move on already.

No. 2044296

Dear god. He is so pathetically obsessed with Kaya, I mean, the hypothetical victims this rant is about, which is absolutely not Kaya, because he's TOTALLY over her! Shuttup!
So, him losing all of his subscribers and income and dignity is the logical consequence of his own actions. Glad to have that awknowledged.
It's funny how obviously salty he is about Kaya doing so much better than him. She's a cow in her own right, but compared to Jake she's doing stellar. I don't think he misses her as a person. But I think he misses the clout and income she provided, and having control over her. In my mind he has a "hey arnold" style shrine to her in his closet, and Kat has to dust it.

No. 2044328

>>2044175 he's really trying to shift his content into rants & ~cold, harsh truths~ huh.
Give up joke, nobody wants to hear your unhinged word vomit.

He's probably seething, especially since it's Halloween season & Kaya keeps promoting clubbing event(s). He wishes he had as much clout.
Keep counting pennies you broke & hateful ass, cuz soon enough even those coins will vanish.

Just like every controlling mofo, he simply can't accept that she didn't come back crawling. I wonder how he will spiral down even further, when Kat inevitably dumps his chimp ass.
She got what she deserves though; l only feel bad for the kid…

No. 2044346

File: 1728570837894.jpg (147.16 KB, 904x1024, 3jso7i.jpg)

KEK just say her name at this point you seething abusive scrote.
It's been over 2 fucking years and he still won't leave her tf alone. He's so happy with his milf tho guyyyyzzzz these rants are the calm before the storm he's on the verge of another narc chimpout and Skat will have to deal with it.

No. 2044369

lets actually embed the vid instead of a useless screenshot.
Kaya isnt the reason your life went to shit Fake. You caused this and revealed your true colors and thats why no one supports you

No. 2044377

but why Joke is like this tho? he cheated and dumped on Kaya, tried to humiliate her with the affair by posing it like a "champ", made a video calling her out and then went on how much better his life is with the hag. i guess the hag isn't enough? but why he is still fixated with Kaya? when he was the one that burnt all bridges on purpose. i guess no contact really is the narcs kryptonite.

No. 2044386

Agreed, at this point it comes off as completely obsessed. Kat's retarded in her own right but it must feel really uncomfortable to have him still so centered on his ex two years down the road.

No. 2044391

Any sane person would wash their hands of their ex and move on, but his ego just won't let him. You are right though, the entire thing was his own doing? He cheated with a married woman, he kicked her out, he made the first "truth" video prompting Kaya to respond, he keeps dragging it on and bringing it up? I think it's because (even though Kaya is still an absolute mess) she's still somehow doing better than him. He must have been salivating at how upset she's been over her cat passing. I fully expect a massive meltdown if Kaya ever does manage to move out to London.

No. 2044398

>He must have been salivating at how upset she's been over her cat passing
Couldn't help but notice how some "anon" in the altcow thread said they were happy her cat died and even made a poem about it. Seemed like an odd level of hatred over a boring cow like Kaya i wouldn't be surprized at all if fake was behind those posts since he hated Sebastian and broke shit around him without caring if he got hurt. He's such an awful human being.

No. 2044424

This whole video sounds extremely "hello pot meet kettle". He's complaining about "professional victims" yet he's still trying to blame Kaya for everything wrong in his life. Also how is Kaya even blaming him for her problems even when she hardly ever mentions him and didn't really mention him that much after the breakup at all and even when she did she usually didn't mention his name. Meanwhile he still makes videos ranting about her and mentions her a lot. Kaya is annoying and whiny about other things but she doesn't really mention him that much, give credit where credit is due.

No. 2044430

Considering he wrote us an entire song titled "anonymonsters" and has called lolcow out by name before it's obvious he's at least lurked the farms. Given his impulsive spergy behavior I don't doubt for a second he could resist posting here too. Do you remember the "Belfast trash" anon who was always seething early on into their breakup? I suspect the more dedicated snaccs like Aiden and allura have poked their heads in too after he's openly talked about lolcow on stream.

Kaya is a cow through and through, but she has nothing to do with him anymore outside of him (still) talking about her. It's honestly pretty embarrassing he's still moaning on about her while Kat is right there. Imagine if he actually used the time/energy he wastes on thinking about/keeping tabs on his ex on literally anything else. Maybe he could have actually salvaged his sad little youtube career.

No. 2044437

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His little fans know who the video is really about. I can only think Kat puts up with this because they sit and bitch about Kaya a lot, probably makes them feels less crap about their own lives.

No. 2044442

It's wild how none of them think it's pathetic and shitty to make videos shitting on an ex that never mentions you 2 years later all his remaining fans are super mentally ill.
Skat did call her a lazy fat bitch and said she wanted to beat her she's a fucking pick me and probably strokes his ego and taks shit about her too.

No. 2044445

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Everyone can blatantly see his hidden meaning within the video and who it's directed towards, yet he can't even admit to it like a cowardly little cunt. He beats around the bush and says it's because some irrelevant youtuber drama had him "grinding his teeth".
Sure Jake. If it was about Boogie, you would have made it a Boogie reaction video. It probably would have gotten more views too since you'd be using a more popular creators name, which you love to do.
Even if his excuse were true, imagine "grinding your teeth" and getting so upset over some drama that has nothing to do with you. He definitely doesn't sound unhinged!
If you're going to make a call out post, make sure to actually call people out instead of vagueposting and backtracking like a coward. It makes you look like a pathetic self-victimizing drama-addicted baby.

No. 2044453

He's not only a cowardly pathetic little moid but also low IQ as hell. He thinks anyone with 2 brain cells wouldn't be able to tell this is directed at Kaya ? lmao

No. 2044501

“Just like every controlling mofo, he simply can't accept that she didn't come back crawling.”

That’s just it. He was riding high on his popularity, and had it firmly set in his mind that she needed him, and the break up would prove it. Instead, it turned out she didn’t need him at all. Worse, he was forced to come face-to-face with the fact that he needed HER. He did significantly worse in her absence, and never recovered. Meanwhile, Kaya moved on with her life with little consequence. He can’t handle that. He desperately needs to see her fail the same way he did. He needs to feel that sense of superiority, because if he doesn’t, he’ll have to accept his own inadequacies. He will never let this go until he sees her life go up in flames. He needs to see it. He needs to gloat about it. He needs everyone in the world to see her fail and know that HE WAS RIGHT.

No. 2044519

File: 1728606410299.jpg (24.53 KB, 305x351, skeleton-sitting-chair-ocean-w…)

Jake waiting for the world to see he was right.(non-contribution)

No. 2044642

imagine being a fan of jake and calling literally ANYONE else cringy

No. 2044669

youre right that anon was extremely weird about her cat’s passing. it was either jake or snacc I bet

No. 2044679


He's still completely deluded over that entire relationship, like he genuinely does believe that she had nothing to do with platforming his channel when he was small, he doesn't want to admit that his popularity was only ever a byproduct of her success, that his viewers were (majority) overspill from her community, he's so incredibly bitter that there are people out there that know he's not a self made man, he's always relied on piggybacking off someone else's successes and talents.

Just LOOK at what happened to Munro the second anyone else in the band was receiving praise for their work over him- he threw his toys out the pram and sacked the rest of the band, his ego was so incredibly fragile he couldn't hack the idea that someone in his OWN band NAMED after him could be complimented for being talented and now his music career is languishing just as much as his "YouTuber" career is. He doesn't understand the reason he was popular was because of the people he was collaborating with, not because he was some kind of gold dust personality. It's really fucking embarrassing.

No. 2044725

imagine being a grown woman fawning over a low-quality broke moid with anger issues and shitting on his ex in the hopes of being noticed by him. it's pathetic.

No. 2044871

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Apparently he thinks it's hot when Kat looks like him. Maybe that's why she's been packing on the pounds lately.
This is so unfortunate. She is trying for sexy jester but looks like a sad party clown who was fired for raiding the host's medicine cabinet.

No. 2044946

File: 1728704211920.png (471.51 KB, 437x629, kat_snowwhite.png)

this is her first actual photoshoot out of the bedroom in what, two years? I wonder if the photog is a woman and that's why Jake okayed it. While she may not be a full fatty yet, she's definitely put on some weight in the past year as is evident in her most recent OF "shoot". I can't imagine there's much time to work out when you have a 30-something year old man-child (and toddler) to feed and clean up after on top of being the only employed adult in the household.

No. 2044950

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Also looks like kat very recently got a massive chest piece that goes all the way up her neck? Mostly sharing this because I thought it was funny that she visibly can't lace the cheap corset closed though. It's crazy how Jake always seem to get with women who are taller than him, have little to no breasts, and gain all their weight in their stomach/upper arms. Imagine how furious he's going to be if kat keeps gaining.

No. 2044997

>It's crazy how Jake always seem to get with women who are taller than him.

That's just statistics. Kaya is relatively tall, but I don't think Kat is. He's just a stubby little manlet, and can't be picky.

No. 2045023

There's something about the fact that Jake clearly dressed her up and did her makeup for the clown shoot that makes me bone deep uncomfortable. Like where is Kat's personality at all? Does it exist? Does she consider herself an individual? Would she have done a shoot like this before given her previous body of work modelling ? He did it for him, he did it for him and his snaccs, he's using her like a prop or a doll which isn't surprising I just wish he wouldn't, it's so fucking sad. The quality drop in Kat's modelling is so stark,she's always dressed in these cheap little Disney outfits, like that slutty snow white- again I think this is for Jake, because it's 100x more tacky than just a nice lingerie set. I just wish she had a crumb of dignity, just a tiny tiny one.

No. 2045072

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> She is trying for sexy jester but looks like a sad party clown who was fired for raiding the host's medicine cabinet.

No. 2045105

>trying for sexy jester
Ended up looking like Fester.

No. 2045207

Kat's clown costume kinda reminds me of Jude Bishop's clown look for Jake's music video

No. 2045237

Fuck, you're right. I still wonder if Jude is planning to throw her flabby gross ass at him. He has no charm but she has no standards. And pathetic as she is, she still has more clout than Kat does.

>Ended up looking like Fester
Kek. And here I was thinking Jake would be the first to go bald.

No. 2045299

He just posted a 50 minute video talking about how he lost the weight. Listening to even five minutes of him talk makes my brain cells die, anyone out there want to take one for the team and give us the abridged version? Although I'm unsure why he thinks a video needs to be made when he's done this exact shit several times and it never takes.

No. 2045303

His tats look like shite. He pretends not to have an ED, but it's obvious he does. Weighing himself all the time, the exact amount of weight he lost. Dude looks like a cartoon character in a badly written comic.

No. 2045325

The "after" picture really shows off how fucking weird his proportions are. He went from a fat stump to a chubby stump, but he doesn't look any better. You can't diet on extra inches of leg. This is as good as it's gonna get, before he inevitably puts the weight back on, and it's thoroughly lacking.

No. 2045329

My favorite part of the "after" picture is how despately hard he is trying to have a neck. He looks like he's straining (and sucking in) so hard he's going to hurt himself.

It's crazy how bad his tattoos are. The best one he has is the (permanently?) half finished one on his belly, but even though it's good on a technical level it's still ridiculously goofy and unflattering due to it's placement. Everything else is such a cluttered blurry mess it's hard to tell what any of it even is anymore. His entire silent hill sleeve is so blown out it's basically an abstract watercolor at this point. kek

No. 2045330

proportions look shopped. That Krampus tat is weirdly stretched out in the after as opposed to the before. Standing up straight and raising your arms shouldn’t make a tat stretch that much.

No. 2045486

File: 1728815194906.jpeg (45.85 KB, 450x548, 1e52ab6cc1d98e925deb5dc56f8e3a…)

She looks more like a retarded juggalette here it's so fitting cause those women have no standards

No. 2045517

When they break up, he's going to have Skat's tats as a reminder of his epic failed career. I predict he'll do blackout tattoos ala Kat Von D.

No. 2045528

Good call. Though he won't be able to afford them. Kat does his tattoos for free and is the only one bringing in a real income. Once she leaves him he'll have trouble keeping a roof over his head, so new tattoos, even shitty ones, will be off the table.

No. 2046196

File: 1728973029761.png (189.63 KB, 282x554, bbygirlbeatdown.png)

she has a bruise on her arm. Is Jake maybe grabbing her up in a fit of rage?

No. 2046233

I don't like Kat but I really hope not, especially as there's a small child in the house with them. Even if she bruises easily that location isn't somewhere you'd often bump on say a doorframe or if you tripped.

No. 2046249

You get pretty bruised up with pole dancing, especially when it's a new move or you don't do it regularly

No. 2046256

I tried watching this but can't get past the first few minutes. I understand he wants to be known as this "unbothered know-it-all" but there is nothing worse than clicking on a video like this because you genuinely want advice and then there's this asshole berating you for 50 minutes.

You can give advice without sounding like an asshole. And considering you were a fat fuck like 5 minutes ago, how about you stop with the condescending tone you clown

No. 2046275

>>2046256 and he will be fat soon enough. So yeah he truly needs to drop the edgelord attitude & brutally honest shtick because they're doing him no favors.

>>2046196 tbf to her, l personally do get bruises in that spot when bumping into stuff.
I don't think he actually hits her (l truly hope he doesn't); even Kaya never had to make that statement, luckily.

No. 2046342

He does smash/break/throw things though, it's possible something he threw accidentally hit her. We've already seen recent evidence of holes punched in walls. He always did get a lot more angry when he was starving himself too. I hope he hasn't, but he's 100% the type who would.

Her kid is getting pretty big, maybe he accidentally bruised her while playing. The location does looks like where someone could grab someone's arm and leave a thumbprint bruise though.

No. 2046369

What’s sad is, he could have made a good video with this. Before and after photos, footage of workouts and meal preps, quick and concise explanation of what he was doing and why, words of encouragement for people to try it themselves. Easy views.

Instead, he drones on and on for an excessively long time about everything he thinks his viewers are doing wrong and talks about how easy everything is if you’re not lazy, all the while pacing back-and-forth like an agitated tweaker. WTF.

No. 2046410

>>2046369 thanks for the quick recap nonna. I can't be bothered to listen to his rambles.
His holier-than-thou attitude isn't helping him in the least.

Your (nice) video suggestion would work for a well-balanced individual, not a hateful manlet like Joke.

He can't say sth positive or avoid to yap in a mean spirited way, even if his life depends on it.
I mean,it literally costed him his yt ~career~ and he still fails to realize that he should really seal his mouth shut, for good.
He'd do us all a favor.

No. 2046646

he did some of the workout footage, but it took like a half hour to get to it, and of course it was in a poorly lit gym where you couldn’t even see what the hell he was doing.
His condescending attitude is definitely holding him back, though, you’re right.

No. 2046761

File: 1729058001828.png (20.19 KB, 745x278, youmightbetheproblem.png)

It's actually really funny because if you look at his youtube stats, he lost 1k youtube subs on the day he uploaded this video. Usually it takes him an entire month to lose that many. He can point the finger and blame whoever he wants for his youtube failing, but lil man really needs to look inward.

No. 2046936

Do you really believe he's capable of tkinking critically and actually self-reflecting? It's much easier to blame Kaya/the algorithm/whatever.
I'd evaporate if l had such horrific stats. The level of delusion he has is truly something.

No. 2046941

Even losing weight, joker face paint and clickbait titles can’t get him over 10K views per vid, it’s beautiful to see

No. 2047032

She only has him in the weekends Dean keeps him most of the time. Fuck her.

No. 2047330

File: 1729190193793.jpg (286.78 KB, 1080x1955, 1000009786.jpg)

"Reaching maintenance" is going to mean binging again. Then he'll claim to bulk again, get fatter, go on another crash diet that will make him cranky and chimp out, lose some weight again, post about it, and the cycle will continue. And the sad thing is, nobody really cares. That weight loss video was supposed to be the culmination of a bunch of hard work, and it went mostly unnoticed. And the returns will continue to diminish the more he repeats the cycle. At this point the only people who give a fuck are Joke himself, and Kat, because she has to deal with his hangry tantrums. Imagine being in your 30s, and your one achievement is not being too grossly fat a few days out of the year.

No. 2047336

It's honestly funny how desperately hard he's trying and yet he still look so weird and disproportionate somehow. I know he has full blown manlet proportions and that's why he keeps pulling his shorts all the way down until his lil shrimp dick is barely covered, but in turn it makes his already stumpy little legs look that much shorter. His nipples look like they are straight up melting off his chest? His feet look clown sized compared to his little legs and small stature? I guess it's slightly better than it was when he was fat, but every time he posts his near nudes I feel like I'm looking at someone's reflection in a funhouse mirror. Looking forward to his eventual meltdown when he gains again though, I'm sure those "carbs" he's already consuming is bullshit like his beloved mcdonald's chicken nuggies and kat's toddler snacks. kek

No. 2047705

You know those people who have such intense body dysmorphia that it leads them down a rabbit hole of plastic surgery that warps their proportions past what is strictly comfortable to look at? That is what this pic reminds me of. He is uncomfortable to look at.

No. 2047824

Yes she is. There's pictures of them standing next to each other, Kat is a little bit taller than Jake. Kaya was roughly an inch taller than Jake, Kat is probably closer to his height but I think she's still a little bit taller. There was a picture of them in one of the older threads right after the original cheating saga of them standing next to each other, she was wearing converse and was still a little bit taller but some anon kept trying to insist she was 5'3 or something. Already looked for it but don't feel like digging through every thread.

Looks to me like there's a dot in the middle, maybe it's from getting a shot or something idk

No. 2047849

Why is he always taking pics in the dark? Maybe so he can edit his body without it being obvious?

No. 2047949

Need a solid black background to shoop those weird love handles he permanently has inward and make his waist look more snatched. This is just like that time his willy looked all freaky and warped from bad editing. I think it's what's also giving that uncanny "funhouse mirror" effect to all his recent (and awful) thirst traps.

She's always pulling weird half squatting knee-bent poses when taking full body photos with him too. She used to wear heels when she was with her ex, but she's been in nothing but flats since getting with jake. Wonder why. kek

No. 2050311

Radio silence for more than a week. Do you think he's sulking because the weightloss video wasn't the success he was hoping it would be and he didn't get any headpats?

No. 2050336

Probably. He totally thought his snaccs would be like omg you're such an inspiration, I wish I was like you! And he lost subs after that video. People are so over him and he can't accept that he failed and it's his own fault. He should just disappear into the void but he can't even do that right.

No. 2050446

File: 1729901524068.jpg (290.08 KB, 1080x927, 1000009950.jpg)

The view count on this is pathetic. Months of buildup for this? Bet he's earing his feelings again right about now.

No. 2050449

he obviously filmed his weight loss video on the same day as his professional victim video, based on his appearance and location. I think he was riding high on a combination of “righteous indignation” and “look at my super hot bod”, and assumed people would be feeling him as much as he was feeling himself. And then he saw how little people cared.

No. 2050452

Thought it said 13 views for a sec!! Kek!

No. 2050518

Coming out of "former YouTuber" retirement like a week after giving up to release this wet fart of a Video where he's such a condescending vain asshole it nets him even more sub loss is very funny and couldn't happen to a more deserving guy, I hope he actually commits to quitting this time but let's be honest we all know commitment is not his strong point

No. 2050580

Holy shit! I can't believe that bitch Kaya used her evil woman powers to hack the internet and reduce his viewcount!

No. 2050872

File: 1730032991801.jpg (393.81 KB, 1080x1946, 1000009966.jpg)

1/2 He lurks here so hard. Just a normal shirtless sick pic to make it very clear he wasn't sulking at all. I think Jake is such a great cow because he's so predictable, but never ever learns.

No. 2050873

File: 1730033153561.jpg (292.64 KB, 1041x1946, 1000009965.jpg)

2/2 Looks like kittypancakes threw him a bone again. Banger indeed. Nothing will top the sheer brilliance and impact of the prodigy cover of course.

No. 2051217

File: 1730128576866.jpg (755.63 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20241028_160948_Chr…)

Wish it would last forever. He looks so mean idk what his stupid fans see in him; he has such a punchable face.

No. 2051310

Yeah. I!m sure he would be making amazing content right now that would totally revitalize his career. But his voice is gone, so…

No. 2051465

Riiiight right and all of those things you'd have definitely only started doing a week before Halloween and not a moment beforehand, Jake? You definitely definitely 100% were going to have all of those things out if it weren't for that pesky sickness!! He's so bad at lying, he should stop trying, it's embarrassing.

No. 2051960

Why does this moid act like he doesn't use filters? It's obvious he's doing it. And these days he looks miserable af. I thought you're totally hot bangmaid milf was keeping you happy? Has she lost interest, Fake?

No. 2052300

File: 1730425430988.jpg (411.18 KB, 1033x2055, 1000010047.jpg)

Yes Jake, your schtick is getting tired. Unusually self aware of you. And thank you for blocking out part of your face.
He can't even be bothered to pretend to care about his fans anymore. This is the audience engagement ecuivalent of going to tesco in your pjs.

No. 2052784

File: 1730583818553.jpg (258.55 KB, 1080x2007, 1000010096.jpg)

An abusive dick and a mentally unstable pickme with no personality of her own who stays with him because of sunk cost fallacy. I can see it. Except Harley Quin has a phd, and the joker can probably make rent.

No. 2052804

File: 1730587864725.png (2.93 MB, 1080x1876, Screenshot_20241102-174822.png)

Just when I think he can't possibly make himself look any more stumpy and weirdly proportioned, he goes and posts this picture…

No. 2052820

Her squatting to make him look taller really sends me. He looks like the joker's special needs cousin who got hit by a giant mallet one too many times.

No. 2052886

Cosplaying the Number One costume pairing for dysfunctional relationships and having to caption it " But we are very happy and healthy daddy!!!" Just added an event sadder edge to an already tragically sad photoset. They could not be more derivative, tacky and cringe if they actively tried.

No. 2052900

File: 1730631349552.png (360.28 KB, 627x505, sheinjoker.png)

>totally a healthy relationship guys!
>"luv yew so much daddy"
>bent in half so jake can look taller
massive kek at Jake's shitty shein joker (that's the same old denim jacket he always wears with the "be kind" patch on the back) and bad party city wig. He's even wearing random beaded bracelets like you'd find at a gas station giftshop? Kat's cheap vinyl Harley is half decent besides the weird corset addition and bad makeup.

When you have to protest that the relationship is healthy that much, it likely isn't. We've all seen the freshly patched punched holes in the walls she accidently let slip in the background of her sales pics.

No. 2052901

File: 1730631490188.png (634.93 KB, 500x896, thejorker&hardlyquinn.png)

they have matching underbites too. so cute!

No. 2052922

They gotta be trolling us kek people that thought Harley and Joker were couple goals got dragged in the mud by the whole internet for idolizing toxic relationships in 2016

No. 2052924

>We are in a happy healthy healthy relationship despite the haterz… i mean comics
Your manlet is still seething and malding over his ex 2 years later making indirect videos about her and stalks her socials very often.
>Calls a short scrote younger than her with the most feminine jaw daddy
Fucking KEK if you want to call your moid daddy at least make sure he's some beef cake older guy with money.

No. 2052926

File: 1730637767347.jpg (127.13 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Skat has such a tranny jefree star face if he did Harley's makeup instead of picrel they would look identical

No. 2052928

first time jeffree has looked manlier than someone

No. 2052976

kat looks pretty decent here. fake on the other hand…. I mean >>2052820 said it best kek

No. 2053013

They constantly do that classic "look at us and how happy we are!!" online bullshit, so predictable and pathetic and they're clearly miserable behind doors. Whereas Dean and Sinead keep things completely private, only lightly celebrating opening a new tattoo shop together. This is undoubtedly Skat trying to get a desperate "we're doing so well!! Look at me and daddy! Shots!!" comeback in that is flopping so hard kek

No. 2053018

There's entirely too much evidence that their lives are miserable now tbh, especially Kats. She's the only one between the two of them with a real steady job. She does all the cleaning despite being the only one with a real job. She lost custody of her kid and only gets to see him on weekends. They exclusively wear shein now and she's even started selling off what's left of her non-shein wardrobe. They can't afford a holiday anymore so she constantly spams her socials with sad giveaway entries. There's proof her little manlet is still punching the walls during his roid rages. Hell, they got all dressed up for halloween just to stay home? The only time Kat ever seems to see her friends is if they come practice pole with her, do a cheap looking OF shoot at her home with her, or at her job. Jake definitely seems to suck the life out of his partners, there's no way she's actually happy after jumping ship on her successful husband for this.

No. 2053053

Yeah, Kat looks pretty good, so long as you don’t zoom in on her face. Jake, on the other hand, looks like trash up close AND afar. What’s hilarious is that he obviously thinks he looks badass.

No. 2053079

>She lost custody of her kid and only gets to see him on weekends.
unless you know how child custody works you shouldnt speak so confidently. its more likely this is what she and dean agreed to. shes better off being the weekend parent because she and fake are way too immature to handle anything else (and poor kid shouldnt have to see an angry midget punch holes in walls on a daily basis)
either way, her life has gotten objectively worse with jake that its her fault.
you zoom close up on anyone's face theyr going to look ugly.

No. 2053099

Kek, did we hit a nerve? What kind of mother gives up custody so she can be a OF whore for her neckless jobless "daddy"? She's nasty and leaves dirty sex toys around their rental and has done OF shoots where her son sleeps. It's obvious why Dean has custody. Also, they're both just ugly regardless of how close you zoom in or out. Kat should have had jake fix her underbite while he still had money instead of blowing it all on "shots shots daddy shots".

No. 2053105

um no? why do I get the vibe you think om some type of wk? theres just more to child custody than "losing" a child if you did some googling about it. i already agreed she cannot handle being a parent than on the weekends? and i get tired of nitpicky comments in general on lc. like i don't pick apart someone's appearance all the time theres a problem? come on grow up. there more to make fun of with cows.

No. 2053113

File: 1730689722359.png (1.28 MB, 607x869, 0123480129840129.png)

Can't believe he managed to lose all that weight and still looks this awful tbh. Kat at least got an actual costume whereas he seems to have cobbled together this mess from random shit in his closet.

Then report for nitpicking and let the farmhands decide, illiterate anon. It's kind of weird to defend a lolcow just because your feelings are hurt over us calling her a bad mom or ugly.

No. 2053123

It really bothers me that she's comic book accurate and he's not

No. 2053162

A cheap knockoff romwe Joker is precisely what he is and what he looks like, the irony of cosplaying the figurehead of chudbrained incels, I suppose they're his only target audience anymore. He cobbled together this outfit on wish thinking he was some kind of artiste, he bought Kat's because there's not enough braincells in that noggin to dress herself or read the comics, I can guarantee you he helped her write that caption, even down to calling him daddy. They could not conjure an original thought between them if they tried.

No. 2053195

I was gonna say this too, the fact that she has a comic accurate costume that looks halfway decent vs his, which is a weird cobbled together mess of "I have green hair and a purple outfit, close enough right" is so funny. It's like she wanted to do a couple's costume but had to beg him to participate and even then he did the laziest thing at the last minute possible. Reminds me of Kaya's video when she said that she had to beg him to participate in fun things because he's such a miserable gimp kek.

No. 2053204

and I doubt hes changed since his days with kaya. still weird/concerning behavior from a man….your girl has to practically for having a good time otherwise fake choses misery/anger. I don't think he'll ever get over his insecurities and its a major reason hes a piece of shit. he chose Hot Topic Joker over a traditional version that would match with kat probably because he didn't like how he looks in a suit or something.

No. 2053346

> beg him to participate in fun things
Considering they dressed up for halloween just to stay in and do this ugly photoshoot compared to previous years where they at least got invited out to a house party. Or Kat's sad birthday celebration this year featuring a couple of her female friends sitting around her couch together with jake I'd say history is already repeating itself. They used to go out fairly often early into the relationship and hang around other people, but that's noticeably changed this past year. It's no surprise Kat is trying hard to convince everyone she's totally happy and doesn't regret her decisions now that Jake is broke, angry, and self isolating again.

No. 2053365

>>2053346 he's slowly but surely trying to isolate her like he did with Kaya; couldn't happen to a better person though.
I'm glad the kid is mostly with his dad because this is quite a toxic environment.

No. 2053393

It seems Isaac is with Dean and Sinead, who seem to have more brain cells. Thank god he's got a better environment

No. 2053552

Fucking KEK you’re right

No. 2053553

>Dressed up for Halloween only to stay home
That burns even harder when you remember his ex is doing hosting several hallowed parties in London hanging out with new friends and being an influencer lmao

No. 2053921

File: 1730899961306.jpg (655.29 KB, 1080x2408, Ig-story-061124.jpg)

He's threatening to release new OF content.

No. 2053925

Kek @ his Machine Gun Kelly aesthetic. Totally looks like an alt Eminem after losing weight.

No. 2054067

Threat is right. He's like those really awful buskers whose business model is playing until somebody pays them to leave.

No. 2054179

Why does he have the bowed legs of a childhood rickets sufferer?

No. 2054189

Tinfoil maybe, but I'm remembering when Kaya said in her video about him that she lost friends because jake is such a negative soul sucking drain that everyone hates being around him? Maybe that's why they never go out anymore, Kat's friends can't stand him either and never invite them out?

No. 2054287

File: 1731013052717.jpg (385.84 KB, 1080x1945, 1000010269.jpg)

Absolutely. They don't seem to be socializing with her colleagues anymore either.

Maybe they just can't stand looking at his awful tattoos along with his shitty personality

No. 2054329

Anyone else's genitals shrivel up and die looking at him?!

No. 2054733

its the spiders legs tendrils hanging out his armpits that 'don't do it' the most for me. Yuk.

No. 2054891

I bet 4k pounds this moid is no
taller than 5'6 kek

No. 2054915

They look like a trans couple

No. 2055061

I think Kaya is like 5,9? And she used to dwarf him.

No. 2055062

Kek, they do look like genderspecials.

No. 2055356

Late, but I never check this thread anymore. She drinks a lot. Alcoholics and binge drinkers bruise very easily. Plus stumbling around drunk makes it easy to walk into the doorframe or fall on furniture. Which honestly, it's just as bleak that her only source of happiness appears to be liquor at this point.
Damn. I was thinking she was at least almost 6ft. Like 5'10 or 5'11. I know she always wears platforms, but he truly is a stumpy, little manlet.

t. ex-alcoholic who constantly woke up with new bruises.

No. 2055570

his proportions are so silly looking at any weight. Such tiny little legs. His feet look longer than his calves. kek

This has definitely already happened. Early onto the relationship they attended a halloween party with all kinds of people, Jake even invited some of her friends and their husbands over to the studio to try out his VR setup one time. Of course we've never seen any of those people ever again and Jake seems to be back to rarely ever leaving the house. He only ever seems to show up to things to flex on people, but he doesn't have anything left to flex now that he's gone broke.

Kaya is 5'10 and Jake claims to "only be 5'10" but it's doubtful unless kat is also that tall? He seems no more than 5'8" but with his bowed legs it makes him seem even shorter leaving kat to have to pull all kinds of stupid poses to make him look taller to spare his ego. Kaya has mentioned that who she has dated has "been insecure" about her being taller without naming him directly, but it's pretty obvious who she was talking about.

No. 2055599

Nine minute “music video” got uploaded. Basically Jake rubbing paint on himself and then modeling clothes. I watched 30 seconds and skipped around a bit to see if there was any variation. I don’t know what the hell this video is supposed to be, but it had a very “it rubs lotion on its skin” vibe at the start.

No. 2055603

He's literally doing a sad little fashion show of his used killstar and shein crap and trying to flog it on Vinted, says it at the end of the video. Must really be scraping the barrel for cash if he has to make a video begging people to buy his clothes.

No. 2055775

Audibly laughed. Do we like what we see? Narr mate.

Also, possibly he stole this move -vinted - from stalking his ex? I mean, I know vinted is popular but does he think his stuff will be in high demand because he thinks he "famous" as a desperate youtube try hard? I would not go selling those cloths too quickly, chances are he will bulk up and fit in to them again in no time.

No. 2055866

This is so weird. I could hardly stomach watching more than a moment, but why is he using YouTube as a platform for softcore porn? Then trying to sell the clothes off his back? This is some blatant sex work shit.

No. 2055872

Honestly, I think the vinted shilling was inspired by Kat, if anything. Remember her flogging whatever nice clothes she had left, including her wedding dress, on vinted? Her closet is bare of anything that can still raise a few pennies for rent, so Joke's taking over this particular sad batton.
I have no explanation for the video though. It's deeply sad. His stripper name should be midget mike.

No. 2055885

His body is so so so lumpy and fucked up. Is he 5' 3"? His proportions are absolutely ghoulish

No. 2055946

I made it about ten seconds. Who is this FOR? At this point it's just him, a complete Auto sexual, he's clearly only into himself. Who in the world is going to sit through that only for it to be a strange ad for selling second hand clothes? He just wanted to rub himself on camera. Every project he's ever had, every video is just wall to wall narcissism and vanity, I really don't know why anyone would give him the time of day let alone money, he's so unpleasant

No. 2055953

File: 1731489934733.png (1.86 MB, 1904x1054, pleasestop.png)

kek, what in the world? He's so into himself it's bizarre, especially when he looks like this. grotesque.

No. 2055958

File: 1731491119264.png (93.03 KB, 313x339, 230580.png)

My favorite part might be when he looks directly into the camera with this constipated pained expression while throwing his arms up. He only looks "skinny" from one specific angle tbh, otherwise he looks fairly hunched over/bloated still. It doesn't even really look like he's done much besides working out his arms-shoulders constantly considering the sad state of his (complete lack of) chest.

No. 2055967

Speaking of that he staright up said that Kaya sold his clothes on vinted very recently and how people would flip out if it was him doing it. Non of the kaya orbitting anons in the alt thread mention anything about any male clothes being sold so he just straight up fucking lied . He's so creepy.

No. 2056002

He personifies a sad clown at this point

No. 2056186

after the barrage of seizure modeling he rambles about how there were monetary goals during a live stream where he had to make a video with latex and trying on outfits. wonder how much ppl paid for that mess lol.

No. 2056191


It can't just be me who's getting a total "bad first year film student's project" of some dude doing heroin vibes from this?

No. 2056398

A first year film student would have done an exponentially better job than Jake

No. 2056449



>A first year film student would have done an exponentially better job than Jake

Hard agree. An 18 year old going through a kenneth anger phase deserves more credit than that.

Also, he owns expensive equipment. And this is the best he can do? I know that when your model looks like some lovecraftian inbred degenerate there is only so much turd polishing you can do, but still.

No. 2056563

File: 1731617017417.png (403.17 KB, 720x1122, Screenshot_20241114-204036~2.p…)

Same. The jerky camera movements give me second hand epilepsy. Seriously looks like some dark web shit.

No. 2056853

This so fucking cringe I think I broke a tooth from clenching my jaw.

No. 2056928

File: 1731695523156.jpg (395.61 KB, 1080x2048, 1000010426.jpg)

This sounds like another stupid MRA "my ex is ruining my life by making people dislike me for the things I say and do even though she never mentions me" rant. Bet that will totally bring back his mostly female former fanbase. It's no "anonymonsters," but we can only hope.

No. 2057347

The whole point of getting something off your chest is to get it off your mind and move on, dippy, but he just help ruminating. Anyway i think jake really loves his anonymonsters. he probably thrives on thinking hating on him means he still has relevancy. 'Cant speak for the rest of you but i just love seeing an abuser slowly getting a small piece of what he deserves and going nuts about it. Remember when he used to go after youtubers (the smaller ones anyway he didn't have the guts to take on the likes of emilyboo or madam absinth) when they called him out? I bet he would die for the opportunity for youtubers to think it worth their time to still be dissing on him.

No. 2057390

Typical fucked moid mindset: even bad attention is good because people still talk about him. I highly doubt that Skat boosts his bruised ego over it. Even with the contacts you can tell she's miserable af. >>2052901
I almost feel sorry for her but she chose this. Remember when she was shitting on Kaya and said she was fat and wanted to hit her? What a blow to the ego that your narc moid stalks her 2 years later and makes weekly references to her. She lost everything to Jake and it wasn't even worth it. I guess they planned to keep the fling a secret until one anon saved their Insta stories and shared it to Reddit. They got caught and had to pretend they were in love. Two years later she's selling her wedding dress and working extra hours for a bit of cash. I can't wait for her to post a tell all about him. Betting she'll make you pay to see it of course. Crying over his abusive behaviour, how he isolated her from her friends. Let's not forget that she's a narc, too so she'll paint herself as the victim that he groomed. Watch this space. When she does that, get the receipts. Narcs are manipulative liars and nobody should fall for her crocodile tears.

No. 2057562


She is a horrible, horrible person that was dumb enough to ruin her marriage, destroy her kids life and willingly sleep with sone-one she knew fine well was in a relationship. So she deserves to suffer actions for her consequences. There is a limit tho after she's had 2 years to think hard about her actions - not that she probably is sorry for anyone but herself.
BUT she also seems well, frankly, really low IQ. Jake said he liked dumb girls because they are easier to manipulate or something like that, I cant remember exactly. Yeah shes probably miserable as sin and yeah shes probably just as or more fucked up than Kaya was by this abusive piece of crap but she's probably going to fall for it all even worse than Kaya. She also probably has zero options for somewhere else to be. When her husband rightfully booted her out I was really suprised she and the kid moved in with jake. It seemed a last resort to me. She showered really thoughtful gifts on her boss. Maybe (just maybe jake isnt her 1st rodeo as a cheater) she is just really bloody grateful for some hours away from jake at work and earning a meagre something to live on.

No. 2057616

File: 1731854952974.jpg (313.33 KB, 1080x1931, 1000010466.jpg)

Look how happy they are you guys! Does this LOOK like a couple who deeply regret blowing up their previous, cozy lives and are now desperatelyvtrying to convince the world otherwise despite all the evidence to the contrary?

No. 2057617

File: 1731855058926.jpg (523.14 KB, 1073x1935, 1000010467.jpg)

Make sure to get the cheap hotel bed in the shot to prove we can still afford to leave the house. Honey, does this angle make me look like a decrepid urchin who stole a larger man's clothes?

No. 2057618

File: 1731855173484.jpg (524.92 KB, 1080x1942, 1000010468.jpg)

And the glorious return of alcohol. Kat will have enjoyed this one. It didn't involve any weird contortions in order to make Joke look taller than her.

No. 2057635

Kek, the look on her face is like she's tired of doing this. I bet he forced her to take the pic. She probably has to step on eggshells to stop him from punching a wall.

No. 2057639

did they go out and stay at a hotel, or did simply just go to a hotel? because I don't understand people who do the ladder because its a giant waste of money

No. 2057682

Is her face ever not absolutely caked in makeup kek

No. 2057684

Ah, the yearly recreation of that affair photo. Are neither of them over it 3 years later? Do they still seriously feel the need to try and rub their grotty affair in people's faces? It's funny since neither of their ex's give a shit and have moved on and these two clowns are both stuck in their cycle of hatred because theyre clearly miserable.

No. 2057710

>She showered really thoughtful gifts on her boss. Maybe (just maybe jake isnt her 1st rodeo as a cheater)
I think someone in another thread said Kat is a serial cheater. She had a boyfriend, cheated on him with Dean and then married him. Everyone knows you don't marry a cheater! She's probably looking for a way out now that Jake lost subs and money. If her boss is stupid enough to take her, she'll move in with him since she has nowhere to go. She really is dumb because she should have been looking for an apartment. I think since Jake is a stalker she wouldn't want him finding her and sitting outside the place watching her. Maybe he knows she's looking to jump ship and took her to the hotel to try and rekindle their dumpster fire of a relationship.

No. 2057731

>Maybe he knows she's looking to jump ship and took her to the hotel to try and rekindle their dumpster fire of a relationship.

If that's true, he's using her paycheck to do it. Either directly, or indirectly, since he contributes very little and she'll wind up picking up the slack. How romantic.

No. 2057738

Looks like they're at the Galgorm again. From the pics, it looks like they got the 'superior' (aka smallest, cheapest) room and probably the B&B package. They posted a pic in what looks like a hot tub or pool and that package includes access to the 'thermal village'. So about $190 for the night.

No. 2057909

It's likely she has cheated in every relationship she's been in. Jake won't be any different, give it time.

No. 2058432

It's funny actually when you consider this is why he was suddenly trying to sell off some of his old killstar scraps. He hasn't been able to treat her to "daddy! shots!" and a night or two at the galgorm in forever now. Kat has been spamming her social media with hotel stay giveaways constantly (to the point her account even got hacked kek). He has to know that this isn't what she signed up for and is trying to keep her eyes from wandering. Fully expect him to keep pushing more and more of her friends and acquaintances away. Eventually he won't have anything of value left in his closet to resell. No one wants second hand shein.

No. 2058665

File: 1732111752073.jpg (826.86 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20241120_150545_Chr…)

>>2058432 all he will be left with is cheap fast fashion rags. Fully deserved.

No. 2058693

Lol, not surprised he has tiny feet

No. 2058715


took a curious gander at his vinted. Clocked he aint using his name as his username - realizing he aint got any clout? Trying to distant himself from his own disastrous "brand"?. Also I'll be damned if his ugly youtube video paid off. Yeah, okay, he's sold his stuff, but it seems to be to randomers and to be fair when i sold my old alt stuff some time back i found that stuff does sell like hotcakes anyway.

'course he's got tiny feet. you remember when kaya had to defend her intimate life after jakes youtube attack. Very insecure wee fella worried about his wee fella by sounds of it…

No. 2058724


Those boots are so much money new. To be be honest he has underpriced them. Must be desperate. And did anyone else notice they have stopped ordering pairs of cocktails? They can't afford them anymore. It is so obvious how much they are having to scrimp

No. 2058768

I think a part might be him trying to be skinni so he’s probably not drinking. I wonder if she’s popping cheap wine bottles by herself while he’s streaming kek

No. 2058784

Ngl, it's very funny watching him lose every single sponsor he's ever had and have to rely on selling off his "brand" clothing (while replacing it with shein) while his ex gets invited out to the killstar promo events and gatherings still. Him starving himself thinner and selling off his closet must be his last ditch effort to keep Kat around. What happens when he can't even do that anymore? I doubt he can even make rent where they're living without her.

Long gone are the days of 4+ long islands scattering their table at once. They can't even afford that restaurant in Spain he first took her to during their affair anymore.

No. 2058812

Both their ex's are doing a lot better, it's honestly hilarious how they've got their just desserts. Kat is a cheating whore who sells her ass only for a dollar and Jake is an abusive manlet, they have no other options but each other kek

No. 2058825

he absolutely would not be able to pay rent without her. I can’t imagine he contributes much to the bills. at the end of the day, he’s just a kept man.

No. 2058829

File: 1732145622816.jpg (397.4 KB, 1080x1819, 1000010539.jpg)

Desperately trying to milk youtube drama for clout again. Is this a new attempt at a rebrand? Or just an extention of the previous one? Either way Jake, I wouldn't gloat too much about people being held accountable for their actions if I were you.

What's next? Amberlyn Reid content?

No. 2058882

Even as a cheating OF whore/single mother Kat has more options than Jake would tbh. Men are plentiful and easy, she just hasn't had one cross her path who is a better catch and is interested… yet. Jake would have to settle for a Jude or an Aiden, but Jude isn't going to help pay the bills and Aiden is half the world away. Plus both are outright ugly. It's also funny when you think of how Kat still has friends and co-workers, but the only person Jake has anymore is Kat. kek

It's probably why he started taking those certification classes, to try to show kat he's going to turn a new leaf and start making money again. Something must have fell through and so he starved himself skinny and is love bombing her again with what little he can scrape together. It won't last.

Good thing Dean got custody, I remember Jake was starting to ease into being a family influencer at one point, but now he never mention's kat's kid anymore. The VR thing has been left abandoned since May. Next attempt definitely appears to be a drama youtuber with a side of ugly thirst traps.

No. 2059191

File: 1732237157450.jpg (570.99 KB, 1080x2063, 1000010573.jpg)

Drama channel rebrand confirmed. He started his youtube career by riding the coattails of another, bigger youtuber. It would make sense that he'd try to revive it the same way. Unfortunately for him, it is a crowded field, and he lacks the skill, charisma, or credibility to beat the competition.

No. 2059328

I’m not even trying to be mean here but they really look like a trans man and a trans woman posing together considering his weak feminine jaw, how short he is and how manly and long her face is lmao

No. 2059331

File: 1732270759735.jpg (607.26 KB, 1080x1483, 1000029196.jpg)

Looks like it's about time for Kat to tattoo him a new hairline. Tragic.

No. 2059362

He has been going at it for quite some time now, >>2031826
>>2026823 ; he's literally trying to latch onto anything popular atm, and throw it against the wall and see what sticks.
Flashnews Joke: nothing will, and your sun has long set.

No. 2059419

She is aging like milk kek

No. 2059615

Wow, he’s awfully young to have his hair thinning like that already. Wonder if he’s going to be the kind of guy who ends up shaving his head and just tattooing his whole scalp to compensate.

No. 2059616

Naw. He's a delusional combover guy. I'm calling it now.

No. 2059709

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I'm convinced that no amount of dieting, working out, heavy make-up or filters can make this manlet even moderately attractive anymore. massive kek at his weird sperm brows and overlined lips though.

No. 2059785

Can’t help but to notice that his Mr. Beast video was removed a day after posting. I didn’t watch it. Anyone see drama in the comments or something?

No. 2059787

God he's so fucking hideous, it makes me want to scream.

No. 2059822

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>from the start there was a bunch of shitty little goth channels that were jealous of me
>keeps saying all the claims against him are fake
>these shitty jealous little goth bitches online were so pissed off because I got so big so quick
>because I was actually funny, interesting and intelligent. All qualities they don't have.

He's live right now doing a "live reaction" to the Mr beast interview. Only slightly interesting bits of the stream are him stroking his own ego, trying to compare his situation to Mr. Beasts, and complaining about cancel culture. He does refer to himself as a "commentary creator" at one point so it looks like the gossip/drama route is his latest rebrand confirmed.

No. 2059823

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Also lolcow got a shoutout causing random snaccs to admit they read here and pretend they are relevant. kek

No. 2059824

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The filters + makeup is giving Sith lord vibes. He's not cool enough to be Darth Sidious. More like Darth Hideous.

No. 2059825

Omg Lady Allura is a fucking pick me. We would never let them hurt you Jakey boy, uwu. She's hoping he breaks up with Kat so she can be the new bangmaid. #RelationshipGoals, amirite.

No. 2059827

>because I was actually funny, interesting and intelligent. All qualities they don't have

Did he actually say this?!

No. 2059857

He 100% said all that, kek. I'd clip it if I were at home because his tone was so seething and bittet it was honestly really funny.

No. 2059859

I believe you! Just floored that he thinks that

No. 2059898

he also sounded particularly bitter when he went off on a tangent about the depp/heard case. he started rambling about how women have an advantage in court, because spectator mobs spread lies and misinformation, and men have to fight so hard to defend themselves to get the truth out. there was a definite undertone of “just like me”. he really can’t let that topic go.

No. 2059900

He is such a mysoginistic little brat. I know a lot of his fans are in their early teens, and will look back on this phase with some embarrassment, and possibly regret for any money he can swindle out of them. But lady allura is definitely, tragically, an adult. Imagine being old enough to vote and picking this man, who visibly despises you and tries to brush over domestic abuse, as your idol. I can see why she's desperate though. If you hear a guy say shit like this, and actively defend him, I'm guessing you don't have a lot of real life female friends.

No. 2059904

It's crazy how obsessed he is years later when he's the one that left kaya and cheated with a married woman? He was trying to allude to there being "no proof" and that people were making everything up, but Kat was literally still married when they posted the first affair hand holding photos from Spain? Just because a dozen of his most braindead loyal snaccs believe whatever bullshit he spews at any given time without fact checking he thinks he can rewrite history I guess. I hope he malds himself faster.

No. 2059911

Not to mention that most of the proof, which he claims are all lies and information, came from the video that he himself posted. Did he forget that tiny detail? Also enjoyed the point of the live stream in which he was talking about how great it is that people who have enough money can decide if and when they want to work, and can spend all day doing whatever they want whenever they want - just like in Spain, specifically, because people there apparently don’t have to work for a living. he was saying how hard he works, and that ”being free” to do whatever he wants be his perfect lifestyle. Bitter that he doesn’t have it, or bitter that a certain someone does?

No. 2059917

Poor wittle jake slaving away in his goon cave making the occasional terrible song cover no one asked for and sitting on his ass streaming his shitty opinions while in bad clown make-up. He works sooo hard! Everyone is just jealous of his genius! He's so funny and smart cause he says so. One day all the evil anonymonsters are gonna see! KEK.

No. 2059927

They just posted about their "anniversary" a few days ago. Meaning that they themselves admit they got together in mid november, when Kat was very mucg still married. Like, thwy do realise that dates recur every single year and so the math is not hard, right?

No. 2059979

To be fair they probably don't realise this because they're both so brain dead

No. 2059983

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Jake looking like Butterball from Hellraiser in his newest video thumbnail lol

No. 2059987

Wait, so is he trying to deny that he was fucking Kat while she was married? Kek

No. 2059991

He's certainly tried to in the past, I remember the year it happened and watched it all play out, I distinctly remember at one point, before they announced the split Kaya was posting on insta stories a LOT about how she was sad and upset and depressed about -something- but wouldn't say what meanwhile at the exact same time Jake was Posting cringe thirst trap bathroom selfies and I remember thinking how vile it was, as far as people knew they were still together so it was so jarring seeing his partner talking about being suicidally upset meanwhile her supposed partner of 10 years is flexing in their shared bathroom. He's physically incapable of being subtle, he's constantly telling in himself and mixing up his lies, he and Kat either don't care that the infidelity timeline is incredibly obvious or they're both too stupid to maintain the lie

No. 2059997

>>2059991 I'm pretty sure he outright admitted it in his "breaking my silence" video too?

No. 2059998

He's also stupid because he outright admitted to having kat (a married woman) in his and kaya's bed and tried to excuse it because "well I bought the bed" in his own video. There's also evidence of him punching walls and doors? He just thinks if he yells about something loud and long enough people might believe him. Actual manchild.

Before it even came to light there was even a reddit post from someone claiming he had cheated on kaya with a unnamed married woman. Then he really had the audacity to make that post of him holding Kat's hand (in Kaya's favorite restaurant no less) in Spain and teasing a sex tape with this "unnamed married woman". He wasn't expecting people to be able to find her based off her hand tattoos. He and Kat are indeed both braindead. kek

No. 2060002

They are undoubtedly the most brain-dead and embarrassing couple in the world. I love the stark comparison to Dean and his new partner who just live a quiet life while Jake and his whore continuously embarrass themselves kek

No. 2060004

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He tries to claim that he and Kaya were already broken up by the time he got with Kat (he conveniently tried to break things off so he could go act shady on tour no doubt.), but it's very obvious that he dumped kaya with kat lined up judging by just how fast she was suddenly in the picture. It's not like this married woman with a child accidently fell into his bed the very next day with no prior texting or build up. I recall kaya mentioning seeing suspicious messages on his phone before leading up to everything and it isn't even the first time he's cheated (or tried to cheat) on her either. There was an absolute flood of allegations of him acting like a creep. It is funny though, there's one photo of Jake at what I can only assume was he and Kat's first meeting, but he looks like he was too busy creeping on the other girl with white contacts. Of course as far away as possible from his actual girlfriend too. Kat wasn't married here yet, but she was engaged to dean.

No. 2060007

It will be absolutely hilarious when they inevitably do the same thing to each other

No. 2060009

This faggot has a lot in common with Onision it's fucking creepy. Kaya still rules his sad fucking life after 3 years kek Give us your energy boy we like it!

No. 2060013