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No. 1886740
Meet the cows:
Jake Munro - Kaya's ex boyfriend, after dating for around a decade. Cheated on her with his girlfriend's tattoo artist's wife, Kat. Fancies himself a musician, though since his bandmates left, doesn't seem capable of producing music on his own. Used Joker-esqe makeup and mimicking other artist's makeup for attention on Youtube, but has since generally given the gimmick up as his popularity rapidly declined post break-up. Appears to be rapidly aging into the bloated corpse of a chav gordan ramsay due to a suspected alcohol and nicotine addiction. Has big dreams of being the next big V-tuber star. Used to occasionally scar us with his ugly nudes via a rarely updated OnlyFans account. Latest internet persona is a literal clown: "Jester Jake".
Kat Paine - Previously married mother of one, cheated on her tattoo studio owning husband with their client's (Kaya) long term boyfriend (Jake). You can find her posting heavily filtered lewds to her OnlyFans when she isn't tracing Disney coloring book sheets part-time at the tattoo shop. Her most popular phrases include: "Daddy! Shots!", "Drinks! Shots!" and incoherent giggling at Jake doing literally anything.
Notable mentions:
Clair: A sad, 30-something fat American woman with a poo obsession and an apparent marriage on the rocks. She dropped thousands on Jake over the course of a month or so before disappearing without a trace. Anons speculate she's possibly going through a divorce with her dom-daddy older husband.
Kitty McPancakes: Some American png tuber and lolicon loving neckbeard that Jake has latched onto for new material and so he's not stuck playing videogames alone forever. Kitty has his own small crew including his loli roleplaying girl(?)friend and some actual nobody hiding behind a big titty zombiegirl avatar. Neither of them seem interested in Jake in the slightest besides Kitty however.
Highlights from last thread:
>>1832669 says that his dwindling views don't bother him. vtubing is his passion. will work at a tesco if he has to!
>>1833919 >>1833925 the obvious reason for him growing his fringe out these days
>>1833995 Jake glorifies and defends steroid use, says he wants to use them himself (if he isn't already)
>>1834045 Jake claiming he can "kill someone with just one punch" on stream
>>1834076 >>1834078 babyhead jake avatar is retired in favor of a new abomination.
>>1834450 The beginning of the Clair arc. She pays him $500 to keep his clothes on. kek
>>1834924 Clair is absolutely obsessed with poop and constantly tells batshit stories involving poop.
>>1835181 Jake deletes some old photos as soon as they are mentioned in the thread.
>>1835577 >>1835584 some less filtered than usual photos of kat and Jake are posted from a wedding they attended.
>>1835599 Jake starts following all kinds of porny vtube accounts
>>1836014 Jake starts going through a furry phase "for the lulz" I guess?
>>1836023 Jake claims he isn't using vtubing to hide because he "already looks like an anime boy" (surejan)
>>1836490 kat poorly tattooing stolen artwork again
>>1837598 >>1837608 Clair is donating actual thousands at this point
>>1837963 longtime loyal snaccs getting ignored for Jake's new beloved cash cow
>>1838732 yet another vtube avatar revision
>>1838858 recap of his lolsorandom phase of streaming, including weird pedo-sadist jokes and other degeneracy
>>1839127 kat using his mods to try to communicate with him while he's streaming
>>1840372 jake's vtube idol is some loli catgirl who does pantyshots on stream apparently
>>1840386 Kat claims that Jake wants to fuck tinkerbell on her onlyfans account
>>1841762 his views on YT are hilariously low and he's making very little income off YT or patreon
>>1842761 >>1843018 Jake makes a nasty "boy pussy" skit involving shota catboy avatars
>>1843007 He's too stupid to not use copyrighted music in his Youtube videos and keeps getting hit by copyright claims.
>>1843222 >>1843253 people hate his new cringe content, he deletes any critical comments.
>>1843984 the beginning of his "porn hub comments" reaction videos. Classy as always.
>>1844407 Kat, a 35yo woman with a child, tattoos "Daddy's" inside her lip for Jake.
>>1844743 Jake begins canceling streams and cutting back on streaming hours only a few weeks into making affiliate on twitch.
>>1844802 >>1844803 Slightly milky cringe stream recaps.
>>1846204 Jake glues a expensive microphone to his vrheadset (he eventually breaks it)
>>1846660 Anons are noticing him not keeping his promises of updates on various accounts
>>1849860 Jake VR streams while naked, posts to OF, no one seems to care besides bullying for being "vanilla".
>>1851476 >>1851484 Clair still solo funding Jake's entire life while hinting something is wrong in hers.
>>1852038 Jake is very special and not like other boys, claims he has memories from when he was an infant.
>>1854742 >>1854995 Spends Kat's b-day following a ton of porny VRtuber accounts
>>1855046 And posting degenerate furry porn skits on instagram. Happy Birthday kat.
>>1855262 Recap anon of a stream. Mostly Jake being nasty and unfunny. Averages only 20-30 viewers.
>>1855658 >>1855715 First appearance of his new neckbeard lolicon buddy "Kitty McPancakes".
>>1856849 >>1856851 They celebrate Kat's actual birthday by having a couple of her lady friends come over and sit on their couch I guess?
>>1856853 >>1856857 Kat flexs her b-day SHEIN outfit
>>1858064 The usual overnight Galgorm stay for kat's b-day finally happens a week later
>>1858255 Anons start noticing Kat editing her face into oblivion
>>1859038 Anons also notice Jake hasn't been keeping up with his promises of new music every month
>>1862089 Kat still can't tattoo well. Wonky lines abound.
>>1863067 Stream recap of Jake being miserable and begging for $ for new computer parts.
>>1863168 Jake claimed he hired a videographer to film in london for a new single in April. At this point, still hasn't happened.
>>1863406 Another stream recap. His streams are getting less lolsorandom and just boring or sad.
>>1865302 Jake accidently revealing kat's real unedited face on his instagram compared to her own heavily filtered pics from the same outing
>>1865674 Kat claims she has been sick for three weeks despite her going out and drinking in a bunch of photos throughout that time.
>>1866495 >>1866706 Clair starts to miss his streams. He makes very little money during these streams.
>>1868219 Jake's lolsorandom humor is back and just as awful as ever. Spends an entire stream mock assaulting anime girls and being obnoxious.
>>1868659 Recap anon again, pretty boring stream, but hints that Clair is having personal issues. She's back to donating though.
>>1868664 >>1868665 New avatar again. This time even worse than the last, featuring stolen art he googled and filtered.
>>1870023 Jake canceling more streams last min and trying to flex on some VRthot he follows on twitter
>>1870560 Jake hates the barbie movie despite never seeing it because men are soooo persecuted.
>>1870834 >>1870939 He keeps making the new "jester Jake" avatar worse.
>>1871315 Jake desperately trying to get people to watch his streams.
>>1871477 Kat gets more work done on her hideous mess of a full back tattoo
>>1871478 >>1875349 Kat still editing her face into a completely new one
>>1875348 Jake's patreon is down to only 52 patreons at the beginning of the month, the lowest for him yet
>>1875865 Jake caught following some weird loli vtuber?
>>1876480 Anons noting that he hasn't updated his patreon with the promised audiobook updates since April. (still hasn't)
>>1876638 Jake supposedly is considering buying a penis for his VR avatar?
>>1877956 Even more of Kat editing her face into an entirely new one.
>>1878502 Jake's neckbeard catboy friend gets more views and attention than he does. kek
>>1878549 Confirmation that Jake broke his mic after mounting it to his headset. Also short recap of stream.
>>1878597 Jude is still orbiting Jake, says she still wants to collab.
>>1879333 >>1879927 Kat completely botches a Princess Peach tattoo
>>1879860 Jake still skipping a bunch of streams. No Clair sightings in a while now.
>>1882749 Jake finally streams again to 20-25 viewers, still no Clair to be seen.
>>1883233 After barely streaming all month and only posting a shitty PH comment reaction video, Jake and Kat go on a 5 day vacation to Croatia.
No. 1886745
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>>1886740One of his snaccs left this comment on his instagram in regards to the new Porn Hub comment react video.
No. 1886746
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they enjoyed flexing their SHEIN haul all vacation. kek
No. 1886747
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>>1886746otherwise the vacation wasn't very milky at all. Mostly just heavily filtered bodychecks from Kat in her SHEIN best and them waiting around for or having drinks.
No. 1886748
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>>1886746Another better view of the necklace
No. 1887217
>>1886746He's so insecure he can't even have people around him being taller.
Honestly should just own being the shorter one in the relationship as it should be the least of his concerns kek.
No. 1887230
>>1887216Didn't a nonna post a stream recap where he said they were going to Portugal some time this year?
That could be this holiday trip, for all we know.
No. 1887290
>>1886746kek, it's giving poverty rather than "summer holiday."
some "rich boyfriend" lol. at least jake would take kaya shopping regularly (almost an obnoxious amount) and they'd both wear better quality clothes. didn't he receive a lot of alt clothes for free like Kaya did? does he not fit them anymore?
I hope Kat enjoys her green neck and toxins from the cheap ass lead jewelry. he is having his "most beautiful girl in the world" run around in the worst stuff. lol cheap piece of shit.
No. 1887291
>>1887230He went to Croatia. Although it's in the EU it's markedly cheaper than Barcelona so it's probably their new go-to for cheap drinking holidays. It's a beautiful country with natural wonders, beaches and fortresses but from their IG stories they seemed to spend most of their time drinking. Ages ago he said he intended to vlog this trip so we'll see if he kept his word.
He returned to Belfast on Mon or Tues and yesterday he streamed on Twitch at some weird hour (I didn't catch it, I just saw his last live). For all you hate watchers, he uploaded a new react video today kek.
No. 1887346
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>>1887230Recap anon here, he said he was going to Croatia in August about a month ago here
>>1863406 He also promised to vlog this trip in that stream and said he's planning another holiday in Barcelona sometime this winter. He has said that he's choosing the cheapest times and places to book these holidays to save on cash too.
>>1887291In streams he said he made this trip to Croatia exactly the same as their last there, same hotel, same time, etc. They spent the entire trip the last time drinking and sitting around the beach too. Except this time they didn't even seem to touch the actual sand, preferring to stay on this cement block the entire time unless I missed something. Really curious to see if he'll actually have kept his promises of vloging this trip, but considering it doesn't look like they did much of anything besides drink, I can't imagine he actually did.
>>1886846It's just so funny to see Jake go from showing off all his expensive clothes, studios, equipment, and toys to budgeting the cheapest getaways and clothing himself and kat head to toe in tacky SHEIN of all things. He's never been the best dresser, but I swear he's only gotten worse since getting with Kat. I don't know what possessed him into buying that animal print abomination in
>>1886746 but it's hilarious on him. He's truly evolving into a some kind of chav clown these days.
No. 1887409
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No. 1887457
>>1887409This was always inevitable, I follow a few popular twitch streamers and besides their own likeable personalities and content drawing in viewers, they also have close knit teams/crew who help with youtube highlight videos, running their discord, modding their chats and generally keeping things running just for the love of it. Jake is incapable of keeping friends because he's vile to everyone around him, and his few remaining dedicated mods are constantly ignored by him in favour of here-today-gone-tomorrow paypigs like Clair.
He really does deserve all of his failures.
No. 1887544
>>1887409>No more Twitch streams. He said he can't do this for free anymore.>Jake two months ago: VR is my passion and I'll keep doing it even if I have to work at Tesco!Guess
>>1832669 was a lie, though he might end up working at Tesco soon enough regardless at any rate. kek
No. 1887588
>>1886761Seconded. It's clean-looking, comprehensive and the thread pic is great. Thanks to the nonna for her sacrifice.
>>1887409Holy shit. We all saw this coming but not this soon.
Jake's live on YouTube rn if anyone is interested. 74 watchers at the moment.
It is the platform he's most successful on after all - his most steady paycheck comes from YT memberships.
No. 1887596
>>1887589Just said Kat is planning his back tattoo and it’s going to be a huge piece that will take a year to finish.
I’m not sure about most people, but even Some massive back pieces with intricate details that I’veseen very rarely take an entire year to finish, unless she’s really that fucking slow
No. 1887659
>>1887596fucking yikes, given what we’ve seen of her work i don’t see it turning out as badass as he’d like to believe, if it even happens. he claimed she was going to be doing one of his legs but they’re bare in the pic above.
what happened to getting the other side of his face tattooed? finishing the stomach? whatever other plans he had he was totally going to use for content?
all that money he spent on shitty avatars, gaming gear and paying rent on a studio and he’s got a bunch of cringe to reflect on forever while crying over the loss of clair and formulating his new passion.
No. 1887707
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He really thought he could leech Kitty's Twitch followers, it's the only explanation as to why he's parasitically latched himself to someone so lame. And now that it's not happening fast enough, he wants to give up.
No. 1887756
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>>1887589Looks like it’s members only. 71 viewers.
His views compared with Kayas are pitiful.
No. 1888215
>>1888138These holidays are pretty obviously just little sex getaways with a side of drinking and sitting at the beach. It's all they seem to do anywhere they go. Not sure why they even bother traveling to do it when the galgorm is right there? I think it's mostly just a status thing? But it's actually kind of embarrassing when he already admitted that he intentionally booked the cheapest places, the cheapest times of the year, and then wore nothing but the ugliest shein clothing the whole trip.
Also think he's likely already doing that. With Clair out of the picture he's broke. His YT views and Patreon subs bring in very little money anymore, the snacc subs and donations were literally the only thing keeping him afloat and those numbers are dwindling too. He doesn't get sponsorships anymore, no one except absolute nobodies want to be anywhere near him or collab. It's been a hilariously slow and agonizing "career" death watching him reduce himself to a VR clown making bussy jokes and fake flirting with a fat neckbeard American hiding behind a catboy png.
No. 1888383
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She even wore makeup to give birth kek. And the MySpace angle selfie while laying in a hospital bed is so funny. I'm scared to know what she must look like without makeup if she goes through such lengths to never be seen without it.
No. 1888388
>>1888383Fucking hell, I'd love to see the picture of her face after giving birth with everything running down kek
In all honesty she probably looks totally normal which is the saddest thing for most makeup addicts. Makeup making up for a lack of self love, validation in the form of men, it's no wonder she's with Jake still. Dean probably wasn't perfect but she really threw herself at the worst person if you've got low self esteem. He's gonna widdle away at her like he did Kaya until he can freely rage out around the house again
No. 1888541
>>1888138yeah, most families bring their children on vacation. it's really selfish not to. I feel sad for Isaac. I get that kids get in the way of "adult fun" but traveling to another country to be away from your kid just for leisure is difficult for most moms, so kat seems even more evil and skanky for being happy to dump her toddler son Isaac to pretend to be child-free with Jake and make porno and fuck drunkenly.
gross visuals. apologies.
No. 1888547
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>>1888138>>1888215>>1888541Apparently she "needs another holiday to recover from this one". Exactly how much were kat and jake drinking on that concrete slab of a "beach" for her to feel like she needs to "recover"? Awful thing to say just a week before your kids birthday too.
No. 1888549
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>>1888543Considering how heavily she tends to edit her face these days she's obviously very insecure. She never used to be this bad about it either, dating Jake seems to have that effect. Probably all the "jokes" he makes about her being an "old lady" getting under her skin.
No. 1888585
>>1888453 pinched from some clever nonnies who named him joke the broke in the last thread, kek kek.
>>1888541 and yeah exactly. It is fine to have some adult only holidays as a parent here and there but every single one? It is really selfish and sad. Sadly I don't think skat has the imagination or interest to want to show him all the cool things in the world. She is too busy worshipping / placating the stump
No. 1888614
>>1888383Three day labour though, what a nightmare
>>1888541Taking a toddler on your booze n sex holiday seems unwise, (he might get hurt or trafficked/stolen while they're passed out) plus the kid was probably glad for the break from Jake
No. 1888798
>>1888614True but does every holiday need to be a booze and sex holiday after more than a year together? It’s not like they don’t live together and don’t get time for date nights.
>>1888697Such an “ideal elegant and beautiful body type.” I thought she looked better in her “model pics” before dating jake when she had some kind of muscle definition. Jake probably has her anorexic with all his out bursts about hating fat women and women with curves. her twig legs are all she has to offer…. I remember the time jake said he liked kaya’s long legs when she was “tall and slim.”
No. 1888900
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Nitpick but I hate this duckface/prolapse lips face that she ALWAYS makes. It makes her look so vapid.
No. 1889022
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>>1888900She does it to hide her laugh lines and jowls since the asian beauty filter can only do so much. She definitely erased her undereye bags and enlarged her eyes here too.
>>1888921He probably was hoping Clair could fund him until one of his stupid shorts went viral, but his humor is so terribly outdated and the man is so out of touch with current media it was never going to happen. I think he's likely going through a bit of a depressive phase where he's not going to be doing as much, like earlier in the month when he was mass canceling streams for no reason. Probably going to lean on the credit cards in the meantime and apply to a few jobs he thinks he deserves, but absolutely isn't qualified for. I foresee a somewhat Onision-esqe decline (minus the issues with minors) resulting in him having to downsize in the not too distant future while his fanbase dwindles even further to just his most loyal snaccs.
No. 1889023
>>1888921that would be sweet. idk if he would just die quietly, though. I think there would be some attempt to make a come back as a Born Again who learned the error of his prideful ways, maybe self flagellate for views, get sober (or pretend he is), talk about how his desperation for fame and fortune made him broke and ruined his relationship (if kat stays with him, she'll be painted as an innocent
victim who he should have made priority as his built-in family, but luckily she has a heart of gold and stood by his side though he blew his savings on VR equipment and crap for his failed music career). as much as I hate Joke and Skat, I imagine them together because he doesn't have any better option as a broke, ugly,
problematic midget, at least in Ireland, and she is too insecure to demand better for herself probably due to her age and motherhood. too little too late. the best way would be to just live his life in obscurity. let's hope they do that.
No. 1889035
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>>1889023He's all about appearances and respect, so he's definitely going to try to keep it under wraps that his career is failing. He's already switching back to doing face videos to try to slow the bleed of his old fans since they liked that material better. We saw him do similar when he realized his makeupless react videos performed horribly too (or his motorcycle riding ones). He's not going to go quietly, but likely will just keep trying new gimmicks hoping something will stick all the while silently selling off equipment, toys, etc. to stay afloat. The studio is going to have to go at some point and then maybe we'll even see them move. I know nonnas have pointed out how ridiculously cheap his rent is at their current place though, so he might be kind of locked in there for good as he wouldn't really be able to afford someplace else. I still think Kat is going to jump ship at some point, but probably not until Jake has nothing else to offer her. She can still get the occasional budget holiday right now on top of apparent shien hauls which seems to suffice. As soon as a "better" alternative man crosses her path at work, she'll be gone. It's the end of the month so we'll probably see a nice dip in his subs again across accounts in September. Can't wait for his Patreon to sink under 50 subscribers. kek
No. 1889279
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>>1889035He's supposed to be streaming on Youtube right now, but he's either not showing up at all or running late. There's no announcements about him canceling his YT stream today or anything anywhere either (IG, Twitter, Discord, etc). So much for streaming being "the most fun he's ever had" and "his passion". As soon as Clair left he's barely showing up anymore.
No. 1890377
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Pores? We don't know her.
No. 1890735
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I am revolted at how greasy and stringy this guys hair is, he looks like he hasn't used soap in months
No. 1890908
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>>1890735Zombieguts made Kitty a new avatar and it's actually nicely animated and drawn even if the overall design is very "weeb's first deviantart OC". It looks like she's charging anywhere from $5500 to $8000 for the model alone (well over Jake's $2k limit previously set on his prior avatars), and they have to pay someone else for or do the rigging themselves. I fully suspect that Jake was trying to weasel in and make nice with Kitty's group to try to get free or discounted art from Zombieguts and mooch off his girlfriend's (chocovania) decent sized fanbase. Instead it looks like he only managed to bleed some of his snaccs to Kitty. kek
>>1890819I can't seem to find it, but I've had difficulty finding it before. His tiktok and twitch username is still "itsjesterjake", but he hasn't bothered to update the tiktok since July. He's supposed to stream today on Twitch at 4pm CT (in like 10 minutes) but considering how sporadic he's been streaming and where, who knows if he's actually going to show up.
No. 1890927
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>>1890908Jake hasn't bothered to show up to his own scheduled stream time again, but he did post this to Instagram. To be a fly on the wall of that house right now.
No. 1890951
>>1890908>It looks like she's charging anywhere from $5500 to $8000 for the model aloneSo retarded weebs are willing to pay thousands for some Deviant Art level OC artwork? Looks like I'm in the wrong business.
>mooch off his girlfriend's (chocovania) decent sized fanbaseNot to derail too much but Chocovania is a TIM, he got clocked a few threads back.
No. 1890984
>>1890927In typical Jake fashion, he has since deleted it.
Thank you for catching this nonna.
No. 1891018
>>1890626From memory Jake said he spent most of Isaac's birthday playing video games with him. I'm not the biggest fan of kids getting a heap of screen time before the age of 5 but it's probably the only way Jake will tolerate spending time with him. I hope Isaac doesn't turn into a mini Jake, locking himself in his bedroom and playing vidya by himself all day.
>>1890819Here it is nonita. For some reason if you forget the @ symbol the link doesn't work. I guess it might be a feature with newer Youtube channels?>>1890950I agree that he's not hideous (honestly neither is Jake when he has eyebrows). It's just annoying that he says that he has a sailor's mouth as a caveat to yell whatever sexist slurs and insults he wants during streams.
>>1890927Inb4 he commits violence?
>>1890990I can't see him mingling with the unworthy and unwashed masses of Belfast. If he did pick up a side gig I bet it's virtual.
No. 1891042
>>1890735You can just tell how bad he must smell just from that picture
>>1890927Of course it's always shit people that repost that quote
No. 1891107
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A little autistic (and I'm sorry this is an mspaint eyesore kek), but I've been keeping track of when he streams thanks to his automated discord bot. He's taken 16 days off this month including the vacation. His main source of income now that Clair is gone is probably his YouTube "snacc" subs, but I'm sure those are dwindling down due to inactivity as he's only streamed 4 out of the promised 13 YouTube streams so far this month (there's one last one scheduled tomorrow 4-8pm CT). Beyond that he's making very little off Patreon and Youtube now, a maximum of $883, which makes the more realistic median something like $441. With no sponsorships and very few donations these days he's definitely making less than minimum wage now. It's very possible he's looking for a job, but I'd be surprised if he has one already considering he probably has unrealistic standards in comparison to his actual work experience.
>>1891030I don't think this one has to do with Kaya's plushie tbh, but I'm sure he's going to be extremely livid when he sees it get fully funded. It's already at 50% funded only a day or two in. Something tells me this was either aimed at snaccs not giving him the support he feels he deserves or maybe even something more personal. Really hope Kat isn't letting this angry manlet punch holes in doors and terrorize her and the kid just because people won't give him money for making endless poop and fart jokes anymore.
No. 1891135
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>>1890735Noticed something funny. Even though Kitty has 10k less followers on Twitter, he got 450+ more likes on his post than Jake did on his. I know Jake is still liking and sharing kitty's posts at times, but this has got to be getting under his skin at this point.
No. 1891151
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>>1891141I got a screenshot of said IG story which a.) adds to the mountain of evidence that Kaya is dating the Duke and b.) is another subtle dig at Jake.
I understand that very few people remain sexually attracted to each other in a 10yr+ relationship which saw both parties change a lot in physical appearance (namely weight) and aesthetic/style (many, many unflattering choices were made) but still, it's been funny to see them go after each other's appearance post break-up in the most ruthless and public ways.
No. 1891188
>>1891185He wouldn't listen to people telling him not do certain things because it would ruin him, I can't find the tweet where he said he wouldn't listen.
His own arrogance has been his downfall, and its hilarious!
No. 1891195
>>1891039>good people>jake>requires gratitude for your ""goodness""yeah good people don't keep a tally of their good deeds and don't expect anything back, transactional ragemonkeys like Jake do though
Hope he is enjoying seeing Kaya's plushie quickly meet its sales goal and her vagueposting about being under "hotter people" kek
No. 1891372
>>1891369Imagine trying to act all hollier than thou on lolcow over some retarded pick me's scrotling kek
I am having fun actually.Watching this shit show go down has been fun can't wait for shit to go down further and he starts punching holes in doors and making her cry in a corner tho
No. 1891379
>>1891372Sure, Jan
Ok, back on track. After some nonnies presumed that Jake is working somewhere, I keep thinking, were he could work? I mean, look at him: unlikable, useless, dumb and angry. I'm sure he won't listen to superiors, couldn't communicate with clients and have crooked hands.
I bet even Tesco and McDonalds don't want him.
No. 1891381
>>1891317The irony is that if he had stuck to VR silent hill and actually had made the videos interesting or actually about silent hill beyond "hey watch me point at pixels and go 'oh wow'" his audience probably would have enjoyed the content and he could have increased his potential fans by drawing in the quite deprived for content silent hill fans. Instead he managed to sink lower than reaction videos and lost more snacks by trying to make weird porn
>>1891379Uber meal delivery?
No. 1891444
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No. 1891552
>>1891444I find it interesting that he is using the alchemical symbol with his hands that represent the union of opposites, example: male and female, sky and earth.
Commonly seen on the androgynous statue of Baphomet.
Of course, with his narcissistic nature, he probably doesn't understand what it means and using it to appeal to the younger generation.
No. 1891575
>>1891552>>1891573>It's as above so belowYes my friend. That's the literal meaning of "alchemical symbol of the union of opposites".
I'm very happy other nonna's know this.
>>1891574To be fair nonna, I don't think he is. But I could very well be wrong.
No. 1891592
File: 1693539563581.png (1.17 MB, 1341x859, jakescowl.png)

>>1891444Only managed to catch a portion of the stream but here's a recap of what I did catch:
>Streaming to 16-28 viewers, no donations were made while I was watching within a 2 hour span.>Jake claims he moved out and paid for a house all by himself at 18>Complains about the cost of everything going up, bills, flights, etc.>Says he wanted to leave the UK but "now he can't">Says "and that's why we're all broke" in regards to the cost of living>Blames youtube for his failing channel and low views, says youtube is dying>Seems really fixated on how large American houses are in comparison to European homes>Complains how Europeans all speak different languages but "Americans all speak English">Continues to glorify American living despite saying it's a shitshow in the USA>Said he used to pay only $350 rent for a three bedroom (10 years ago) and complained about how he can't find a place that cheap anymore>Complains his current energy bill is half as much as his current rent is>Talks about how much he hated working a regular job (mentions the call center and Apple store jobs)>Jake gushes about Kat doing all the house cleaning including his laundry>Jake says his responsibility is to "work as much as possible and make sure the bills are paid">Says new movies are all bad, he and Kat only watch 80s movies lately>Says Kat watches a lot of reality tv and he doesn't like any of it>Says he's "very much a liberal", but repeats various conservative talking pointsTbh, I kind of stopped paying much attention at the tail-end because he was just droning on and on about danny elfman being overrated or something and some nonsense about fighting game characters. I was surprised when he claimed he had his own place at 18 though, wasn't he kicked out and moved in with Kaya's family or was he older than that when they got together and he moved in? I can never remember the exact timelines. Also kek at him endlessly bitching about bills, basically admitting he's gone broke, and the fact that Kat does all the housekeeping including his laundry. Also kind of figures she's into reality TV, despite her "alternative" styling she really does seem incredibly basic.
No. 1891628
File: 1693546044609.png (1.26 MB, 1544x863, jakesnaccs2monthsago.png)

>>1891592Just noticed the "snacc count" and could have sworn he had a bunch before. Went looking in the old threads and just two months ago on Twitch his "snacc count" was at 476. While today he's only at 96? Is it Youtube's fault that his VR career on Twitch is tanking too? kek
No. 1891636
File: 1693547537023.png (721.42 KB, 1057x603, YTsnaccs.png)

>>1891628Tried to find out what his current number of "snaccs" or paid subscribers on YouTube are for comparison, but since he hasn't been streaming there much lately I couldn't really find anything. However, in the old threads I did find screencaps from 7 months and 2 months ago showing his dwindling numbers there too. If he's at something like 300 subs now, he might still be making around $1k off his YT snacc subs. Twitch takes a larger percentage though, so he's likely only getting around $240 this month from those subs. Not sure why he's so determined to keep streaming on Twitch when that isn't even where the money is at for him. It's almost like he wants to fail.
Couple this information with
>>1891107 we can assume he's getting something like $1,500-$2,000 this month, not including any of the small donations he gets from stream to stream. It's really no wonder he spent half his stream stressing about bills and rent.
No. 1891673
>>1891592does he speak any other language other than English? awww good for Kat, she's signed up for a relationship full of unpaid emotional labor. what a good woman. no wonder she drinks so much and watches reality TV, that's what bored depressed housewives in the US do. but she still has to work… that's too bad. so much for upgrading into fortune and fame. I know it's good to make your own money but I don't think Jake is letting her keep it for a very rainy day or for Isaac's future. I would NEVER commingle with a broke ass boyfriend.
and he is failing his manly job of making sure all the bills are paid.
his ideal division of labor "woman cleans, men pay" is very Conservative sexist bullshit.
No. 1891678
File: 1693557438257.jpeg (605.1 KB, 2048x2048, ECB5BC97-8CF5-4742-BB43-6B213A…)

Not only is it looking like Kayas plush will get funded (over 50% with 19 days to go) her latest video to announce the plushie has out performed his most recent in 2 days. Turns out people want the wholesome cat stuff don’t they Fake? Not some tit raging behind an avatar.
>>1891592Of course he gushes about Kat doing all the housework. That’s what women are for isn’t Jake? He’s so transparent.
>>1891636$1500 - $2000 works out at around £1183-£1577. $240 at £189. Not enough to live on that’s for sure. I always wondered why he always prices things in dollars, I thought it was because a huge chunk of his audience are American, now I think it’s because it makes him sound better off.
>>1891575He’s not spiritual, he’s a really obnoxious kind of atheist, which makes it even more hilarious that he’s shacked up with a priests daughter.
No. 1891852
>>1891592Most of the ranting was about how hard it is to be the man in a relationship with many references to being the breadwinner and having to clean after work - this confirmed to me that the reel he posted a couple of days ago was about Kaya.
I love that he forgot to mention he went on welfare for a year to goof off and make music and lived in Kaya's Dad's house from 2013-2016, probably paying little to no rent. He may not have been quite as useless as Kaya but he still fucked up a lot and benefited from support.
>Jake gushes about Kat doing all the house cleaning including his laundryKat's gonna get tired of washing your skid-marked underwear and become increasingly resentful that you spend all your time on a dying V-tubing career instead of working a real job
>Says he's "very much a liberal", but repeats various conservative talking points When he started talking about movies I could immediately tell he'd been watching The Critical Drinker - he called the Barbie movie anti-men even though he hadn't watched it or read in-depth reviews and praised Oppenheimer because it was 'nice to see Hollywood finally show smart men on screen' lolwut (once again he admitted he hadn't watched it).
>I was surprised when he claimed he had his own place at 18He moved to Belfast in mid-2010 and initially lived in Kaya's Dad's house before eventually moving into his own place in October that year (according to Kaya's old LiveJournal). He was technically 19 at the time and bouncing between jobs. All the while Kaya was living at her Mum's where she was supposed to finish college but she kept staying over at Jake's and eventually dropped out of her studies. This was the place that had the years long accruing electricity bill which he complained about having to pay yet in older videos he said the costs were eventually waived…there's inconsistency with his story.
No. 1892074
File: 1693615361289.png (775.35 KB, 486x886, for now.PNG)

Probably not for long, Kat.
No. 1892115
File: 1693620745189.webm (2.73 MB, 720x1280, B540A28D0B93F23A06B4AF1309DF74…)
>>1892074Ngl, with all the pole posting she does, I thought she'd at least be halfway decent at it, but I'll let this video speak for itself. kek
No. 1892168
File: 1693628079362.jpg (1.55 MB, 1080x1920, KIRxQEk.jpg)

I went to check up on Clair and saw the artwork she made for her YT profile pic. I guess this is a depiction of when she shat on the floor and the dog ate her shit? Poor Zena, you deserved better girl.
Clair sounds very unwell…maybe she got sectioned?
No. 1892757
>>1892177It's built into a big platform and should be steady, but she's throwing her weight around rather awkwardly which is why it's looking so wobbly in the clip.
>>1892168>>1892618This is actually something Jake drew her in a VRchat doodle world which makes it more hilariously sad. You can see the rest of the world in the background. Also, no recent Clair sightings still. I peeked around her other social media and everything hasn't been updated in months now. She still has her husband listed as her husband, but he doesn't seem very active online either, so the divorce tinfoil might have some merit still.
No. 1893197
File: 1693811752159.png (1.14 MB, 727x913, kpaineofx.png)

>>1889279Jake is right back into skipping scheduled stream days. Silence across all his social media per the usual too. Kat blessed us with this awful selfie promoting her OF at least. These two are always so boring on the weekends, guess that's a side effect of when you don't ever go out or have any irl friends though.
No. 1893393
File: 1693877484272.png (841.43 KB, 508x913, girlsday.png)

>>1893197Jake skipped streaming again today, no sign of him on instagram, twitter, or discord. Kat had a "girls day" though which was apparently just her and her friend eden pole dancing together at jake's grubby studio. Really have got to wonder where Jake has been lately. Starting to really believe the job tinfoil.
No. 1893398
File: 1693877815779.png (400.33 KB, 509x911, girlsdaykek.png)

>>1893393ngl, kat's body looks very different in this clip she shared compared to the "girls day" selfie too. At first I thought eden was heavier than her, but they actually look pretty close in shape and size in the video.
No. 1893401
File: 1693878482331.png (Spoiler Image,99.75 KB, 453x374, 2389234yu2w3yhui.png)

>>1893400guess they don't clean the floors there ever judging by eden's filthy feet
No. 1893961
File: 1694024065856.png (364.22 KB, 508x816, 238478923.png)

>>1893703>>1893842Kat uploaded another clip of her pole dancing. Judging by the bottles of liquor and beer littering the place I think she's just bloated. Massive kek at Jake calling this body type "slender and elegant" though.
No. 1893975
File: 1694025263519.png (524.27 KB, 512x913, crymore.png)

>>1893197Jake hasn't streamed in days now, but he has finally updated his instagram story and it's with a salty millennial meme of course. Hilarious how he's so bitter at zoomers when the meme is clearly made by a millennial and for millennials.
Pretty sure he's slowly giving up. No new video in nearly two weeks. He skipped a total of 15 scheduled streams last month, so over 50% of what he's previously promised. Already skipped 4-5 a week into this month depending on if he bothers to stream later today. If he doesn't drop a new YT video today or tomorrow he'll be behind on that too. No new music since May, so he's three months behind on that. Obviously no patreon or OF updates to be seen in forever now, no tiktok updates since July, etc. I think we might be witnessing the actual end of his online career. So glad he got all those awful face tattoos and the massive headwound tattoo just in time for him to have to find a regular job.
No. 1894576
File: 1694114671260.jpg (446.85 KB, 1080x948, HuNkYbRiTiShLaD.jpg)

>>1894292>>1894320>>1894481He's a fake goth for sure and only keeps the aesthetic for the views. He's tried to drop it and rebrand before (hunky British lad video for example kek) but his views suffered so he ultimately went back to his goffik clown paint. I think it's why he saw vtubing as the ultimate solution, he can just make himself a "hunky" goth boy avatar to hide behind while he chavs it up behind the scenes, but we've all seen how wonderfully that failed. The way he has been dressing lately too
>>1886746 is hardly goth. He has no genuine interest in the subculture whether it's the music or the fashion. It was only ever for the attention it got him.
No. 1894761
File: 1694135281792.png (738.08 KB, 852x811, kat.png)

Did Kat forget which account she should have posted it on?
If not, then can only imagine a seething Jake kek or he must not be giving her much attention these days
No. 1894832
>>1894783theyre so gross. slovenliness is not sexy. all that effort and can't even make sure your feet are clean for a pic. and I thought Jake gushed over kat because she does all the cleaning… everything but the floors, evidently.
she is so thirsty for attention, it's sad.
No. 1895715
>>1895701if he had any aptitude, we would already know about it. what little musical inclination he has he tries to show off like an idiot savant.
if he could draw he would have already tried to show kaya and kat up by now. kaya was pretty good at any art project she picked up and he seemed to sincerely compliment her. he seems proud that Kat can do what she does… he probably cannot even draw a stick figure. he would probably fuck up tracing.
No. 1895725
I think it's so delulu when people say kat is "a trophy girlfriend" and shit. that implies Jake is well off and she is sitting pretty. the woman has to work, gets no compensation for all the unpaid emotional labor she has to do at home for the scrote and another scrote's spawn, no awesome gifts that are JUST FOR HER not a stupid "shared experience" other than a stripper pole lmao at least jake bought kaya clothes, earrings, scooters, whatever she wanted pretty much… while kat just gets his chode in her mouth and place to live. whoop de whoop, it's not an upgrade, she still has to work her ass off if she wants a better life than this someday, and he could still dump her for someone taller, slimmer, more "elegant." I fail to see this "Big Shot and his Trophy" scenario. and I agree Kaya has the enviable life here.
No. 1897840
>>1897518I caught part of a stream last week where someone asked him why he was missing streams. He said he was busy working on something but from memory he didn't use the word job, training or project. He said that it 'brought peace to his life' but he asserted that he would not reveal what it is. I'm sure a couple of mods know what it is but otherwise he was extremely tight lipped and didn't give any hints of its nature to chat. I still think there's a good chance it's a side hustle of some sort, probably a few shifts of manual work or UberEats a fortnight. He could also be renting out the studio which could explain why he hasn't done a VR stream in weeks.
I also noticed he's on another fitness kick in the wake of all the boozy holidays - he was flexing a lot and talking about the gym.
No. 1898213
>>1897840>He said that it 'brought peace to his life'well it's not psychotherapy, probably not religion (unless it's a cult or something?)…
maybe he's struggling to keep the mask up around kat and the kid now so he's been doing some "work on himself" to placate kat? like "working" on anger management or something. Not applying himself obviously (and probably bullshit versions of actual help if he's not just spending extra time masturbating alone in VR), but paying lip service to kat but bragging to his entourage for all the credit nonetheless
No. 1898262
File: 1694727579389.jpg (686.59 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230914_224201_Ins…)

>>1898213I'm willing to bet he's harassing Kaya. She's having a super stressful time and he's posting this..
No. 1898542
>>1898262oh no what's going on with her? I really want to buy one of those Sebastian cats but for $30.00?! were jakes as much? it seems so expensive for the quality. but the cat looks JUST like Sebastian and I'd love for hers to get funded while Jake's ugly e girl one failed TWICE haha. I was the anon who said they wanted to buy a couple, but looks like I'm having Jake's poverty problem and can only get one.
any other farmer's fund the cat of this cow who has passed on to greener pastures?
No. 1898620
File: 1694778246074.jpg (76.45 KB, 586x880, E2WsvzB.jpg)

>>1898542>I was the anon who said they wanted to buy a couplePls stop drawing so much attention to yourself
No. 1899101
File: 1694862542007.jpeg (564.11 KB, 1170x1983, IMG_0170.jpeg)

It’s funded.
No. 1899521
File: 1694920890448.png (651.85 KB, 496x882, Screenshot 2023-09-17 at 05-19…)

Jake finally posted something trying to be sexy. To be fair to him the fact he hid most of himself makes this picture probably the best one he's made in years. There are 2 red marks on his finger and knuckle on the hand he is holding the phone with. Are those from his shit tattoo or did he ran into another wall?
No. 1899537
>>1899529kek, maybe he felt fat so he purged the last few days he was quiet. As if a weekend of purging could fix his body rn
Kat's probably going through some extra tough weight shaming with fake's inept need to make his insecurities his gf's problem
No. 1899549
File: 1694923567252.png (77.57 KB, 561x144, jakeED.png)

>>1899521>>1899529Most likely from punching doors or walls again, but I wouldn't be shocked if he did develop another ED. Last stream I caught (the batman one on Wednesday) he cracked a "joke" about "screaming at himself in the mirror" when he doesn't work out and acted like that's some kind of universal experience. He definitely has disordered eating habits (constantly fiending over fast-food and salivates anytime McDonalds is mentioned in chat), weirdly obsessed with talking about steroids on stream (he spent at least a half an hour that stream talking about it again), and being extremely fixated on literally everyone's physiques (including his parents. weird.) So binging and purging doesn't seem impossible or unrealistic given his behavior. I was working on typing up a quick rundown of that stream, but it's fairly boring and it's mostly just 6 hours of him bitching about one thing or another. I'll try to edit the notes down and drop it sometime tomorrow though since the thread has been a little slow lately.
>>1899540Yeah, he even made an entire video on it a few years back.
No. 1899648
File: 1694949832213.png (218.08 KB, 300x406, 300px-Russell's_Sign.png)

>>1899521As a retard with anger issues, those marks definitely aren't from hitting a wall. I haven't heard of Russel's signs 'til the other anon mentioned it, but I googled it and it looks just like that, picrel. Given that he's showing off his stomach after getting called fat and bloated in here a bunch, I'd bet money he's been purging.
No. 1900156
File: 1695014950060.png (1.16 MB, 1117x542, literallymiserable.png)

>>1899549Sorry it's been forever, but here's a breakdown of his stream last Wednesday for a sneak peak at what his "content" is like lately:
> Begins stream with none of the the games he plans to play downloaded already.> Immediately has a long drawn out meltdown over the success of "today's reaction streamers"> Says he finished the mixing for a new single, will release it "soon" (only a few months late kek)> says he misses making vlogs but "content with effort doesn't do well these days"> First meltdown rant of the night about his seething hatred for zoomers and tiktok> claims he has a huge backlog of recorded cover tracks he'll never release> Says he can't release them because he "doesn't have a team to make videos for them"> Says he "could do a show (concert) at any time" he wants to but he is "too busy"> Launches into an hour long meltdown over goth fashion brands like killstar, disturbia, and others> Says Killstar is "goth fast fashion" and "cringe". Admits he is literally wearing a killstar t-shirt while saying this. (and wears literal SHEIN lmao)> Gets Triggered by the skinny male models on the Punk Rave site and starts making fun of their looks and tattoos> Says that "vampire style" clothing doesn't look good on him because he is "jacked"> Calls his current aesthetic "a fucking brawler" and "bruiser goth"> Talks a surprising amount of shit about his lone recent sponsor, Punk Rave> Says that he's been "spending too much time working on other things" when a snacc asked where he's been> Says he hasn't made a new YT video because "he doesn't want to" and that "it's a lot of effort for not enough appreciation" > Rants that "women have monopolized gothic culture" > More bitching about alt male models, new rock boots, and zoomers.> At this point snaccs are beginning to ASK for him to play batman in the chat. lmao> He continues to rant about how zoomers are lazy and need to "suck it up princess"> Goes on to shit on Disturbia clothing, calls it "zoomer fetishization of the 90s"> Weird rant about how not even alternative women want to date alt men and that's why alt men don't exist anymore > Brags that he's been "sent all the clothes that he wants to wear" and doesn't need to buy clothes anymore (okay shien haul king)> More seething raged out ranting about zoomers, fashion, and his computer not loading various websites> Somehow gets into a "I'm at that age where all my heroes are dying" rant regarding macho action movie stars> Clearly having some crisis about aging. Visibly stressed when saying the members of Dir en grey are in their mid 40s now> Launches into VERY long "the science of steroids" rant after someone mentions Hugh Jackman> "The only way you can work out for more than 3 hours, you are on steroids"> After two hours of him sperging out, he finally plays the batman game for 15 minutes before quitting> Spends most of that time ogling Harley Quinn's ass and talking about how hard the bat mobile makes him> Spergs out about Batman lore for longer than he bothered to play the actual game. Fav villain is Joker obviously> Lady allura calls Jake's flabby arms "sexy". Jake ignores her since she isn't donating> Someone donates $5 to promote their home-made makeup on etsy, Jake acknowledges them> He starts doing weird porno moans and saying shit like "Oooou, my pussy OOooou" for some reason> Almost an hour after quitting batman, he has downloaded and starts to play an old dino crisis game> Spends half an hour shitting on the game and complaining how bad it is before quitting the game> Says he hates leg day because "I usually go to the gym with my two best friends" proceeds to flex> Launches into seething rant about how he hates any movie made after 2018> Apparently thinks the first Iron Man movie is some kind of cinematic masterpiece lmao> Cries about "white male characters" being bullied in media. Very upset that there are now strong female characters in film> Seems to care entirely too much about the new Peter Pan movie (his tinkerbell kink is showing)> Is unfamiliar with the 90's movie "hackers", ends up launching into a know-it-all "hackerz r cool" infodump no one asked for> Goes into extreme detail on how to "hack" someone and gain access to their accounts, down to what programs to use and says "I shouldn't be telling you this" multiple times> Finally after four hours of streaming and only 45 minutes of total gameplay. He's ready to play Cyberpunk 2077> Spends forever making himself in character creation> "I don't have the most defined jawline on account of my thickass fucking neck" (kek)> Finally gets his first real donation of $20 from a snacc apologizing for not being around lately> Spends most of his time in the game bitching about the game and ogling female characters (including a dying woman's jiggle physics)> hour into the game and he's having multiple game pausing screaming meltdowns> follows a random female npc and laments "you have the flattest ass, goddamn"> doesn't read any of the tutorial pop ups, rages out anytime he gets one, freaks out in battle when he doesn't understand what's going onI missed the very end of the stream, but over all it was just him screaming about one thing or another with a little bit of bad gameplay thrown in between the screaming seething rants. He was sniffling constantly too? All in all he had about 50-55 viewers at one point, but only made $25 in donations between two donations along with 6 gifted subs from his Mod "JadedSphinx". LMK if you want anything clipped. There were a lot more "pussy" jokes and the like, but if I highlighted them all it'd go on forever.
No. 1900367
File: 1695057757763.jpg (61.53 KB, 1161x680, mediocre.jpg)

I love running names through fake follower checkers and seeing things like this.
No. 1900408
>>1900367No wonder his YT videos and streams have such low views and interaction. It's crazy to have 420k subs and only get a few thousand views per video.
>>1900248I can clip it when home. I definitely thought it seemed a little eyebrow raising though. He talked about how hard it was to hack accounts these days due to "two step verification" and how you'd need access to someones phone to get in. Definitely suspicious behavior.
>>1900227Didn't get the usual drunk vibe tbh. He wasn't sloppy or slurring like he has in the past. Can't tell if it was anything more than allergies or something, but he was sniffling a ton and never bothered with a tissue at any point of the 6 hour stream. There was even one point it looked like he might have sniffed something, but I can clip it for nonnies to judge.
No. 1900583
>>1900156thank you for the recap, he is such a jealous insecure twat and so repetitive with his bitching. claims to have a bunch of cover songs recorded but won’t put them out cos ppl aren’t going to make videos for him lol. what happened to the ~goth~ songs he was supposed to make or using that janky eyesore of an avatar to present his music?
there is nothing he has been working on creatively and if he manages to shit something out it will be super low effort but poor performance is everyone else’s fault.
No. 1900652
File: 1695094504448.webm (4.48 MB, 1280x720, 2023-09-18 21-02-49.webm)

>>1900248The hacking rant was split up a bit and kind of long and drawn out, but here's the main portion.
No. 1901394
I noticed how kaya did a vampy video after this was said
>>1900207Or is this just me tinfoiling to hard. Either way his and kaya videos both came out a hour apart and are sitting on the same view count I watched Jakes video and it wasn't to bad but I couldn't finish her video
No. 1901632
File: 1695257544384.png (1.81 MB, 1547x801, croatia.png)

>>1901591Quick break-down of the video
Day 1:
> They arrive early and head straight to the bar for long island iced teas, jake flexs for the camera> Kat tries to be lolsorandom, wagging her tongue around while drinking her drink> Kat manages to drool her drink out onto the table while jake cackles obnoxiously in the background> Jake shows receipts of him booking this vacation back in January for some strange reason?> They check in and head to their room, kat is acting very drunk and lolsorandom againDay 2:
> kat appears in a shein bikini, confused on how the straps on it work. Jake keeps the camera on the ass most of the time> various shots of the concrete beach slab they spent a lot of time onDay 3:
> Jake looks like shit, says they fell asleep watching "Scream 4"> Says he just realized (on day three of the trip) that he forgot the batteries for the go pro> Random shot of kat in her underwear putting on her makeup to go swimming while jake shaves> Jake shows us how kat hung up a couple t-shirts in the closet for some reason?> Cuts to kat's ass in the camera as she bends over to kiss him, then they sit on the balcony for a bit.> Now they are on a elevator saying "cocktails oh yes"! heading out to day drink in the hot sun some more, kat is texting hurriedly on her phone until drinks are mentioned (kek)> a shot of multiple mojitos on a table> They walk down to a beach, but once there decide it's too hot and sunny to swim so they turn back> Jake flashes some tickets for "a boat ride to a private beach" and to see the spot used as GoT's King's landing> They go to eat and have more drinks. Kat's picking at some quinoa salad while Jake's eating some gravy drenched meat> Cuts to shots of Jake's stumpy legs and hobbit feet in front of the water> More shots of them sitting at the concrete slab "beach". Kat can't seem to stay off her phone.Day 4:
> Jake appears announcing it's the next day and that he is dangerously hungover"> Says they are going to take a taxi into town to buy go-pro batteries> Says they are "probably going to stay in today and recover" Kat is in the background on her phone per usual> The shopping mall they go to has all it's lights off and seems closed. They still managed to find and buy batteriesDay 5:
> They get on the boat ride. Lots of random shots of the water and kat sitting on the boat.> Jake weirdly films the other people on the boat and they seem to completely ignore him> Kat looks annoyed that he can't remember it's "King's landing" when he asks her yet again. (kek)> Jake films kat's ass yet again, this time as she jumps into the water off the boat> Jake jumps off the boat and swims around looking anything but "jacked"> three boats worth of people go swimming into this cave together, jake and kat have an awkward moment as seen in above post before kissing> Jake says he "dropped the go pro in the cave" in water that was "25 ft" but he totally swam down and got it (everyone clapped)> more shots of them swimming about, cuts to a shot of them in the cave standing in the water, jake awkwardly flexs> they are back on the boat, jake is hydrating himself with a beer because of course he is. Kat is busy on her phone.> they dock somewhere jake has no clue, but "there's a beach bar! Beach baaaar!"> awkward shots of kat and him drinking at the beach bar with his camera obviously perched in a decorative plant> they are getting back on the boat "getting pizza tonight" zooms in on kat's ass yet again> back at the hotel, according to jake kat went though "a few dresses" before choosing one to wear to get pizza across the street from their hotel> shots of them having pizza and wineDay 6:
> hungover jake jumpscare "holiday over, back to reality" No. 1901637
>>1901625Is it just me or he getting increasingly resentful with every passing day? to her credit Kaya seems to be a genuinely kind and easygoing person who probably managed to put a dampener on whatever useless shit Jake was getting worked up about, Kat is more neutral and I think she is not managing (
btw it shouldn't be your girlfriend's job to manage your mental health, go to fucking therapy Jake, but just an observation) to dampen his rage the way Kaya did.
Go to therapy before you pass all your issues on to that little boy you absolute lemon. The stuff he gets worked up about is so inconsequential
>>1900156 I dread to think how he would handle an actual crisis.
No. 1901639
File: 1695258368824.png (428.45 KB, 853x481, 345903459.png)

>>1901591kat looking very "slim and elegant"
No. 1901640
File: 1695258617884.png (702.07 KB, 1200x597, 34893458934.png)

>>1901639jake looking very "jacked" too, clearly
No. 1901653
>>1901632Thanks for the rundown. The video is reminiscent of his older Vlogs, right down to similar (same?) background music. The scenic shots were nice, and I do think he has some talent with videography. If he hadn’t shat his life away, he might’ve found success in traveling to different countries to record himself trying the food and drinks. He looked like he was trying to do that for a while, back in the day, but he was too baby-faced to be taken seriously.
Honestly, I’m kind of apathetic about this video. Seen better, seen worse. And these days, lack of reaction is the kiss of death on YouTube.
No. 1901778
>>1901639She looks like Blaire White facially
>>1901640He should go “anorexic” again lmao
No. 1901801
File: 1695285555664.png (330.37 KB, 746x870, Screenshot 2023-09-21 044158.p…)

Guess fake privated his Twitter?
No. 1901806
>>1901801Lol maybe he made some spicy
tweets xeets about the Russell Brand allegations and pissed off some snaccs?
No. 1901812
File: 1695299929263.jpg (186.3 KB, 2880x2880, 20230921_133056.jpg)

I thought her face looked different, looks like she got her first lip fillers! She is wearing much less lipstick than usual, probably feeling a bit less self conscious because of the work she has had done. Shame about the filler already migrating, though. On another note, I think this video has the most words we have ever heard from her, and it was just her babbling about being confused on how to put on a swimming costume kek. Daddy's lil princess really does play up the idiocy to placate her insecure pops.
No. 1901823
>>1901639Major kek at the flat saggy mom ass, the saggy wrinkled face and the lunch lady arms she looks like absolute shit.
Her teeth and skin are fucked up beyond repair from smoking and alcohol lol she inspires me to add an extra layer of SPF everyday.
No. 1901829
>>1901801Weird considering he barely ever uses the app. I think the last time I had checked he hadn't posted anything for around a month and was only liking kitty and crew's posts. Wonder what has him hiding. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a bad take considering the shit he has the audacity to say on stream though.
>>1901812Ngl I feel like she's had them for a bit now, but it's hard to tell between all the makeup, heavy filters, and her making a duckface almost constantly. She's also wearing a lot less eye makeup in most of the video, no false lashes, so her facial proportions are different than what we are used to, her eyes are tiny (why do so many cows have these beady eyes with huge bags kek). Tbh I feel like she could be a cute mom, but the sexy alt-model babygirl larp and the alcoholism have taken their toll. Watching her giggle and throw herself around the room while Jake points at things like a regular bathtub going "wow" was mind-numbing, but I think a lot of it is either her being drunk or performing for the camera. The sheer amount they were drinking and at all times of the day was pretty absurd. It's no wonder Jake can't seem to get rid of his bloated beer belly for more than a few good shirtless selfie days at a time.
>>1901821I know this is just more kaya bait, but she has been looking pretty busted lately too tbh. Crazy what partying/drinking will do to you no matter what weight or age you are.
No. 1903815
File: 1695617303221.png (638.24 KB, 516x908, unfortunatelittleman.png)

>>1901801He's still got his tweets protected for whatever reason. Otherwise, not a whole lot of updates considering he hasn't been doing much of anything lately. He's only streamed 6 times this whole month so far. He managed to stream more last month even with his week long vacation? Only one little 10min vlog of the trip otherwise as far as other "content" goes. He had the time and energy to share this hilariously unflattering shot of himself flexing though. kek
>>1903501He's lucky if he made back what he invested at this point. If Clair hadn't thrown thousands at him, he'd absolutely be down money considering how much money he mindlessly threw into this half-baked "debut" as a VRtuber.
No. 1903816
File: 1695617386916.png (1.12 MB, 796x906, suchbbygrrluwu.png)

>>1903815kat blessed us with this awkward OF promo shot as well. She seems to be back into the swing of things on there, even if she's still continuously only getting a few likes per post.
No. 1903817
File: 1695617503169.png (26.11 KB, 595x545, katof0000.png)

>>1903816also surprised jake is okay with her posting shit like this considering he's been the jealous type in the past. I guess it hardly matters when her only OF subscribers are likely him and a couple snaccs like lady allura.
No. 1903842
>>1903815>He's lucky if he made back what he invested at this point.For sure. He got drunk on dono-power and upgraded too quickly, too greedily… then Clair vanished and his shit started faltering or breaking (a moment of silence for the El Gato). He probably has to start from scratch and gradually build up his earnings if he wants to pick up 3D v-tubing again, even casually. Keeping the lights on is expensive enough.
>He's only streamed 6 times this whole month so far. He managed to stream more last month.I feel like he was in training for something in August and this month he's started whatever it is. He's been talking about the gym a lot so I was hoping he was in training to become a PT - it's an ever-growing industry and he's clearly passionate about fitness. That'd be a positive change for Stumps at least…before he gets too handsy with the gym bunnies and gets called out for sexual harassment.
>>1903817Tinfoiling here but I think the man has a hot wife fetish - he seems to seek enthusiastic approval from his mostly female audience whenever he brings up Kat's sexual attractiveness and I'm sure he gets a kick out of reading all of Kat's OF dms with her male clients.
I can totally see Jake and Kat getting into swinging in their late 30s - they always think the grass is greener on the other side.
No. 1903982
File: 1695649309561.jpg (72.25 KB, 475x562, A-3400001-1550209303-3725.jpg)

>>1903883That's honestly what threw me off about it. He looks more bloated than defined, it's a little bizarre.
>>1903955The trade off is it always makes him look like he "ain't got no shins". Kek
No. 1904339
>>1903370I agree, not every choice is a feminist choice, and these anons need to get over it.
go to a women blindly supporting women and sex work positive good vibez only forum if you want to defend the likes of skat. here she is a cow and every low hanging thing about her is fair game. she is a shit person.
No. 1905592
>>1901640late but he looks exactly like a man chugging down protein drinks and booze without actually matching it in weights so instead of gains he gets
gains>>1904046if not shakes then I'd agree with steroid use, he was complaining about having to spend hours at the gym and could see steroids as a shortcut to exercise less with more gains. Bad plan if that's what he's doing kek.
I hope this is it cause the results would be hilarious, just hope he doesn't get any added aggression around the kid No. 1906402
File: 1695999827577.jpg (676.13 KB, 890x1009, 20230929100041907e.jpg)

>>1906338Not to mention she's a serial cheater and has shot softcore porn in the same bed/room her kid sleeps in. Sure some of the kat criticisms get nitpicky, but have you seen the state of the altcows thread? Are these nonnas going to minimod every thread or just this one? I get milk has been slow here since Jake gave up his vtube dreams, but c'mon anons.
No. 1906404
>>1906211the misogyny is giving her a pass as the "side chick." she did something horrible to kaya. it's not like she had no idea Jake was in a 10 year relationship with her, and she called her names and said she wanted to put her hands on her.
and I personally find it anti-woman when farmers say she's an example of a "hot wife" lol. the average woman comes in better varieties than an exact look alike of Jeffree Star, have some faith in our gender.
No. 1906551
File: 1696021337672.jpg (27.05 KB, 328x703, 877a7d28b52f6693d03143de68662f…)

>>1903816You can't convince me they aren't the same person
No. 1907352
File: 1696178027903.png (183.33 KB, 1032x756, jake_september.png)

>>1907284This is what September looked like for him. It's pretty obvious he's got a day job at this point. He's fallen off Twitch since he gets no views there (20-30s compared to his 40-50s views on YT kek) and Clair isn't there to donate anymore. He's only really active on Fridays now, with the occasional rare day here or there for streams otherwise. His Patreon has been inactive since April, his OF is dead, his Twitch channel never made it anywhere, and he's still steadily bleeding subs on his YouTube channel (down to 421k now). I was hoping for a more spectacular end, but this might be it unless he's just buying some time and trying to hold onto the studio in the meantime for some kind of new "debut". Haven't bothered to sit in on his streams in a while now, but considering how bitter and angry he always seems in them, I don't think things are as good as he might be pretending they are. He hasn't been updating Instagram and his Twitter is still private, dead silence from him in discord too. His last discord activity is him trying to beg for a new avatar or help making a new one from his snaccs back in July. Curious to see what he's been doing for work, but chances are it's nothing glamorous or he'd been bragging about it online already.
No. 1907478
File: 1696196054398.png (961.02 KB, 720x1144, Screenshot_20231001-223324.png)

No. 1909204
File: 1696502371767.jpg (445.04 KB, 1080x1754, Screenshot_20231004-193159_Ins…)

Isn't that spider the same as kaya hand tattoo? Also I know that hand tattoo design was stolen of Pinterest cause I had it in my pins for years but on this flash I doesn't even blend in with the designs it just looks copy & paste on
No. 1909207
File: 1696502709476.png (780.32 KB, 720x1198, Screenshot_20231005-114408.png)

No. 1909357
>>1909354Go take your pills
No. 1909523
File: 1696553947669.jpg (261.16 KB, 1078x1917, Crymore.jpg)

No. 1909545
File: 1696557392671.png (809.87 KB, 501x628, 23yug423yhu.png)

>>1909207Man is really out here built like a midget bodybuilder. Loving the filthy room in the background too, pile of wank tissues, dirty mirror, dirty laundry all over the bed, etc. Guess Kat is too busy working and taking care of her actual toddler to clean up after her manchild today.
>>1909523kek at him being like "weeeh I'm only 32 NOT 35 and it's VR not meta!!!" to some random on the internet like it actually matters. Jake is so hilariously insecure and pathetic.
No. 1909609
File: 1696571380245.png (400.13 KB, 547x430, basic video game glitch so fun…)

>>1909523Thinking mild physics glitches in a game falls under the category of "so funny I cried" is cringe (it's a gif of the arms kinda glitching, not particularly exciting or unique in terms of shitty games and programs)
Posted on the 4th, too lazy to screenshot again to include the date
No. 1909788
>>1909609Recap anon here, I honestly haven't been bothered to catch a stream of his lately because it's always the same, mostly milkless, hard to watch bullshit. Every stream of his is just:
>Jake bitches about subject and most definitely knows more than you>Jake complains about computer parts/problems again>Jake has a massive screaming meltdown about zoomers>Jake plays 15 minutes of a game poorly, complains entire time>Jake makes gross comments about women irl and in the gamesRinse and repeat, every. single. stream.
>>1909690He's mostly just bitter that he's rapidly approaching middle aged and has little to show for it at this point. He likes to pretend he's smarter/better simply because he's older than the zoomers he hates, but it's very obvious he suffers from nostalgia goggles and a lack of maturity. The dude is stunted and eternally a 15yo boy from the early 2000s "lolsorandom" and edgy south park humor era. It's also why we see the "people of walmart" tier demographic for his more hardcore snaccs.
No. 1909838
>>1909523>I'm not an 35yo metaverse emo, I'm a 32yo vr chat goth! They're totally different!!!Kekkk
Also, I'm an older zoomer and it is true that some zoomers will find something, usually in a very bland superficial way, and claim they are the rulers and discoverers of that thing to a cringe degree. But since jake is cringe himself and relies on dumb zoomer tiktoks for views, he really has no place to complain. Looking the gift horse in the mouth, even.
No. 1909995
>>1909207i think i just threw up in my mouth a little. ugly weirdly proportioned fat troll kek. what is that weird orange stain on his shoulder too?? is that part of a tattoo or….?
>>1909523kek no fake, emo is more accurate. you're not a goth, never were and never will be
No. 1910128
>>1909721because you don't know that he is right this moment so calling cps now when there's no evidence means you're creating a rapport that internet dumbshits are making reports with no irl basis which could fuck the kid over in the future if there is any evidence of real abuse. This happens to a lot of internet fuckers and has led to pedos and abusers like onision to not get properly investigated when things get properly bad because they're reported while it wasn't visibly obvious to people who haven't autistically followed cows for years. And also sometimes it's more that we can make an educated guess that abuse might be happening now or in the future because they're a former offender, like with Jake right now. The idea that he is or isn't continuing to destroy walls in order to scare those around him or get his frustrations out is pure speculation on our part until we see evidence of it. And CPS shouldn't be called for and does not care about some bf of a woman with a kid smashing walls in his personal studio away from the kid.
pls don't ban mods, saying it because if they're just banned they might not get it, there's a lot of new kids in recent years who don't know what a-loging is>>1909207Fucking hell fake, those legs are scrawny like an atrophied alcoholic dude, just minus the bloated belly overtop
No. 1911451
File: 1696912311532.png (74.97 KB, 510x909, 934534579.png)

Jake keeps sharing all these boohoo I'm the victim inspirational quotes and clips all over his IG stories lately. Either he's still checking up on and crying over Kaya or he's passive aggressively vague-posting about Kat being like his ex and how he "won't do it again". Either way, embarrassing for him and kat.
Other than that he's still been streaming occasionally, uploaded a new tiktok reaction video, and is still losing 2k YT subs a month. Patreon is currently down to only 58 subs.
No. 1911688
>>1911605“Then started talking about when they turn 30 they will see what it feels like when the spotlight shifts.”
so… basically, he seems to think that the reason he’s getting less views and subs is because he’s 30. There’s no other possible explanation.
No. 1911793
>>1911605He's definitely one of those moids who jacks it to whatever he complains about, like the men who suddenly start loudly complaining about fat women when nobody asked and none are present. His obsession with zoomers is too intense to not be psychosexual.
Also doesn't zoomer mean born 2000s or later like these aren't kids, and most people aren't dramatically different from 23 to 33, other than some life experience and wisdom. Also zoomers seem pretty based compared to millennials since they are more open/honest, sarcastic, politically/socially minded, and got so over exposed to sex stuff and creeps in their youth (unfortunately) that they are more sex averse and unashamed of that. Also they talk looudly about how shit men are, constantly on every social media app kek I love to see it. So all in all zoomers are excellent and he needs to put his dick down.
No. 1911823
>>1911793>definitely one of those moids who jacks it to whatever he complains aboutYeah remember his phase of obsessively hating egirls, gave the energy that the only reason he hated them was that they wouldn't bang his crusty ass
>they are more sex averse and unashamed of thatZoomer here, nah there are some who are sex crazed. Tiktok comment sections riddled with cringe sexual "jokes" where at least half aren't actually jokes, just check the comments under a remotely attractive/large breasted/muscular person's content, moids growing up with pornhub as sex education, and girls calling themselves asexual if they simply don't like one night stands. I wonder if jake's sexual "humour" is trying to appeal to that kind of thing.
No. 1911895
>>1911823ayrt I get the impression the sex crazed ones are the most asexual of all, I definitely see people publicly posting about their use of sex toys and so on but it's done in such a tired, dissociated way like relationships, love and sex are all separate from kink/fetishes/porn/public talk about sex, it's interesting. Even the moids who talk about sex all day would cry if they touched a real boob, it's like a disjointed hobby for them rather than anything connected to reality. But definitely zoomer girls are loudly shitting on men all day every day and I love it.
>and girls calling themselves asexual if they simply don't like one night stands. This retardation happened among millennials too, I think millennials felt pressure to be super sex and body positive since the 2010s was when all those phases started under the guise of FeMinisM, and our moids are all pornsick too, (case in point Jake) but it feels like zoomers are more loud and honest about the issues with it all. Each older generation seem to conceal their issues with greater extremity until you get to the grand/great grandparents who go to their deathbeds with huge secrets and a whole false life behind them. Jake has serious repression issues (like his poorly diaguised insecurity around other men and bisexuality) and he's probably
triggered by zoomer's lack of fucks while he's a mess of repressed emotions and anger.
No. 1912387
>>1912219His tech skills? lmao
Nonnie the dude can't get anything to work and he just buys the expensive options not knowing what he is buying. He has no tech skills.
No. 1914043
File: 1697400964608.jpg (244.92 KB, 1080x1877, 20231015_131546.jpg)

Since when is Kat into Pokemon? Or maybe she's trying to impress Mark.
No. 1915954
File: 1697726534584.jpeg (593.17 KB, 2048x2048, 1008DC8B-564A-4941-942B-EF60C9…)

They released videos within an hour of each other last night.
Tell us again Fake how Kaya needed you?
No. 1915988
File: 1697731472781.png (207.25 KB, 478x357, it will be shit.png)

Jake has unlocked his twitter again and announced his new song. Can't wait to laugh my ass off at how bad it is. I hope he made another shitty video. Still laughing at him looking like a beached whale.
No. 1915989
File: 1697731539015.png (851.07 KB, 489x870, great line work for a…)

Meanwhile Kat still can't draw a straight line to safe her life. Why do people still go to her to get tattooed?
No. 1915992
File: 1697732719905.jpg (792.7 KB, 1040x1726, Screenshot_20231019-092418_Pin…)

>>1915989After typing in "sekhmet tattoo" in Pinterest, the design she copied is the very first result. She really sucks at coming up with designs.
No. 1916009
>>1915992I was gonna say this is one of her better tattoos but it's because she basically did 1:1 with her "reference"
From what I've seen tattoos are one of the most widely stolen forms of art, it seems strange to me that people
want to have an exact copy of someone else's tats
No. 1916031
File: 1697740341487.jpeg (505.36 KB, 1170x1426, IMG_0249.jpeg)

Such pearls of wisdom we have missed whilst his twitter was locked down…
Kat is so lucky to have a raging manlet who calls her a MILF.
No. 1916131
>>1915988it only took him several months to finally release something music related and the promo itself is so low effort he can’t even come up with an ego stroking drivel about how it’s so good and he worked so hard on it.
if it’s a vr video I am going to scream lol.
No. 1916166
>>1915954>>1915988He's really just prolonging the inevitable at this point. Hilarious that he's still holding out hope that one of his lazy regurgitated react videos or songs go viral though. His numbers are still dwindling down by the day. Just 6 months ago he could still get 20-30k views, but now after that VRtube mess he's lucky to even get anywhere near 10k. It's been an absolute trip watching him throw thousands upon thousands away just to tank his own channel that much more. kek
>>1916031Always reducing her to nothing more than a sexual object. What a real winner you got there kat. Him always pushing the "milf" thing with her also feels like a massive cope though. His weird seething obsession with young e-girls is pretty telling.
No. 1916515
File: 1697840158378.jpg (301.31 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20231020-151416_Ins…)

The irony in Jake being scared of sharks meanwhile his "milf" is looking like a snaggletooth Jaws.
No. 1917193
File: 1697912981765.jpeg (560.48 KB, 942x796, IMG_0271.jpeg)

>>191687645 folk watching. Pulling the big crowds there eh Fake?
We all know that by ‘women’ he means Kaya, he just doesn’t get that it’s not that he’s a man, it’s that he’s an insufferable dickhead. It’s a personality issue not a sex one. He’s an arsehole and he’s proved it quite conclusively on multiple occasions.
No. 1917537
File: 1697957831424.png (822.71 KB, 509x906, rawdogjake.png)

>>1917193It's hilarious he still seems so caught up on and butthurt over kaya despite him trying to convince everyone he's totally "living the dream" with his milf girlfriend. Keep coping Jake. I'm sure she's totally going to stay faithful to her tubby little grubhub driver while he's struggling to stay relevant online. If his constant raging screaming meltdowns on stream and in general online are any sign of his current state, he's very obviously horribly miserable right now. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
No. 1917672
>>1916031Are we supposed to believe a guy who hates children is "good" because he is fucking a mom?
You keep telling yourself that Jake, maybe you'll believe it eventually.
No. 1917700
>>1917193As someone who is an admin in one of the servers on The Isle, best believe he will be ranting up a shit storm soon as he ignores any of the rules of any of the servers (unless it's a sandbox server with no rules). kek.
Will be interesting to see him being further canceled once he ever runs into Sticky Utah and more. As they protect pedophiles and perverts in their server and discord.
No. 1917721
>>1917237Forgive me nonnies if this was already touched up on in previous threads, but WHY is he bashing the female population and trying to gear in more male-based followers?
How the hell is Kat managing her relationship with him knowing he is bashing women, being anti-women, etc.
Sorry for autism, just a very confused farmer trying to figure out where it all stems from cause holy hell this manlet is a mess
No. 1917811
>>1917721Kat is a massive pick me. Jake hating on other women and turning around to praise her for touching his chode and hanging three shirts up in a hotel closet equals winning in her mind I guess. Kat was running around telling people she wanted to beat up kaya while she was cheating on her husband with Jake. The thing is, if she were ever to gain weight or have any kind of health issues that would require Jake to step up, you just know he'd treat her like absolute trash. He really only values her as a sex object and mommy figure /housekeeper rather than a person. She's shallow and a serial cheater/social climber herself so she'll go wherever she feels will get her the farthest.
>>1917795I don't particularly like kaya, but watching the tubby manlet rage out over her living her life (two years later?) is kind of hilarious. She's obviously so much better off without him even if she's still a bit of a mess.
No. 1917813
>>1917721 his fans are Not Like the Other Girls who hate themselves because they see other women as a threat. in their warped mind, a man who complains about women to the extent that is hateful and misogynistic validates them because they see themselves as so different from fussy, prissy, vain, materialistic, vapid, or other stereotypes of women. they imagine Jake would consider them "cool chicks" "a guy's girl" etc. because they are none of those things in their opinion. and they would just egg him on that women are awful. Kat is likely this way as well, but she is the type who thinks she is better than other women because she lives up to her loser's fantasy in ways the average woman would find degrading or unbefitting of a mother of 35. it seems like she has female friends, but I'm sure it's just for networking reasons, and it's funny how theyre all clones of each other. the way she spoke about kaya and wanting to hit her bc she is "fat and lazy" when she was the one cheating with her boyfriend, and how she continues to stay with Jake despite allegations of emotional abuse to kaya, sexual assault to a woman at a venue, creepiness to girls, his nasty jokes about women and obvious porn sickness, and tirades like he's in a Men's Right's cult shows her true colors.
No. 1918091
So Jake doesn't like his female audience but I'm sure he would also seethe if they went away. Where is he getting his validation from if he has no pick me's fawning over him? Kek he is so ridiculous. I can't even imagine what type of male audience he could cater to, those who would watch motorcycle and drone videos typically aren't into his aesthetic and his personality is too bland to pull in an audience so no wonder he had to put everything into his costume (cause that's what it is) to at least attract girls.
>>1916059This MILF thing is really cringe, I always thought Kat was like 8 years older at least for him to call her that. He is such a strange little manchild.
No. 1918284
>>1918193Kek. This is him playing literally any game ever. He never bothers to read anything, just button mashes his way through the game and screams when he doesn't understand what is going on or how a game mechanic works. Then of course it's the games fault every. single. time. The only games he seems to actually kind of like are ones where he can zoom in and sexualize the female characters or drive a car around. Surprised he hasn't resorted to playing hentai games yet. They seem much more his speed.
>>1918091The fact he calls kat an "old lady" and milf even though she's only a couple years older than him is also very telling. She's totally age appropriate for him? 2-3 years isn't some sort of spicy age gap relationship, but I suppose he is porn brained and genuinely stupid.
No. 1918500
File: 1698119178146.jpeg (480.04 KB, 828x826, IMG_1199.jpeg)

Jake and Kat in a year, maybe less
No. 1918636
>>1918193I've played on open servers with actual children who keep their cool better than that in survival horror kek. He couldn't hope to have a good time though, pretty much none of these are designed to be able to enjoy well solo and there's no way he's be able to work with anyone. Much less a group of people consistently
>>1918284I refuse to believe the dude has actually played silent hill. As much as I love the first 3, the gameplay was always frustrating even compared with other ps2 era games. The camera is shit, the auto aim is necessary and you'll still whiff your shots at times, getting the ending you want in replays requires a walkthrough to find the right items if you don't have it memorized, etc. I love them, but they're flawed masterpieces, something way beyond Jake's intelligence and patience. He gets frustrated way too easily to be capable of actually sitting down and finishing any of the games imo and refuse to believe he ever did.
No. 1918689
>>1918681I don't care what you say dumbass, I watch with adblock anyways like any well adjusted person.
>>1918682He is constantly making gross sexual jokes, he's so stuck in puberty. I didn't know it was this bad because I rarely watch any of his stuff
No. 1918701
>>1918665He says he's been working on the secret thing which 'none of you have guessed and
never will guess what it is'. He said he woke up today and made a major breakthrough with
the thing and seemed overly confident with whatever it is.
He was reminiscing about his 9-5 in his last stream and how much easier to stay fit back then (at least he acknowledged when he went FT with YouTube he became tubby) so I don't get the sense he's doing traditional work with others. I feel like he's doing something where he can lock himself away in his studio and avoid looking after the kid - maybe a crypto scheme?
>>1918193Samefag but I got the game wrong. He originally died twice on The Isle before moving on to ARK which is what made him lose his top lol.
No. 1918787
>>1918701I'm guessing it's either live stream motorbike videos or some 3D printing machine as he likes to spend huge amounts of money on hobbies
What's everyone else's guesses?
No. 1919338
File: 1698275789121.jpg (177.91 KB, 1080x855, DangerMasc.jpg)

Jake now follows this alt-right "Male Hub" account and claims to be in his "dangerous masculine" phase.
No. 1919342
File: 1698276028513.jpg (2.34 MB, 4243x2828, MANLYMEN.jpg)

>>1919338The majority of the posts seem to be pitting men against the LBG(TQ) community. Unfortunately he built the faggiest fandom for himself.
Jake hates women: confirmed.
Jake hates gay people: confirmed.
No. 1919346
File: 1698276277345.jpg (68.6 KB, 1080x723, 20231025_161344.jpg)

>>1919342>>1919338and here's what the average comment section looks like
No. 1919395
>>1919342Males Hub is such a gay sounding name too, literally sounds like a gay porn site
>>1919346Nothing straighter than spending 100% of your time thinking about homosexuality
No. 1919685
>>1919587Supposedly kat does all the house-cleaning in between taking care of her toddler and working at the shop to pay the bills. All those wadded up used tissues in
>>1909207 must have been pretty fresh, likely while kat was at work and jake was "researching pornhub" for his react videos.
Hard to understand what kat sees in him now that he's broke and not just ugly. He clearly feels like he's some sort of "alpha" now that he's secured himself a willing bangmaid. We'll see how long that all lasts once a new man is in her DMs just like jake was when she was still married to her babydaddy.
No. 1919700
>>1919689He doesn't even own the house though? Just rents it. He's even recently had meltdowns on stream over how expensive rent/bills are these days. Jake also has publicly complained about having to watch the kid solo briefly when kat had some kind of appointment which is telling about how much actual "parenting" he does. Hardly a stable place to raise her kid.
He brings very little to the table these days and I'm sure she's starting to have regrets judging by her energy in the candid clips he used in the vacation vlog. She's probably already fishing for a new guy with the upcoming latex shoot and telling her OF subs to dm her.
No. 1919807
>>1919689She could still get some older scrote with money, they often take moms as long as they're younger and hot. She should drink and smoke less though if she has any plans like that or she'll look even more haggard.
>>1919700I'm sure both of them will be gone once they attract someone new. They're cheaters
No. 1920230
File: 1698425610082.jpg (32.31 KB, 537x347, psychotic snacc.jpg)

Moni, the same person that gifted subs the other day, keeps spending money on gifts, she did this several times today and I saw another snacc donate around $ 50 (or pound idk) with a pathetic message of being part of the sexy snaccs or something. Well it's not Clair level yet but apparently he still has mentally ill girls to support his ass.
No. 1920382
File: 1698443640769.jpg (527.36 KB, 1080x1920, 20231027_145332.jpg)

It's giving… child experiments with hairspray for the first time.
No. 1920641
File: 1698473069883.png (555.15 KB, 688x827, moni.png)

>>1920230she's exactly how I imagined her tbh. bonus kek at her being a koreaboo
No. 1920644
File: 1698473735804.png (277.6 KB, 511x908, breadwinnerkek.png)

Also it appears that Kat is both picking up extra hours at work and discounting flash for a quick cash grab for the end of the month. I guess the lazy fuck (jake) isn't actually working a day job yet if she's stuck rushing to make rent. kek
No. 1920713
>>1920392I just wanted to say the same thing, every single cow has dirty mirros. They are such pigs kek
>>1920644cheating on her husband with her rich goff youtube boy really paid off
No. 1920812
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No. 1921363
>>1921189lol so true. I'd like to see him try, though. the manosphere would not want to be "snaccs" to a queer looking guy in makeup with gay porn looking nudes of his ass and dick in front of a motorcycle lmao.
they'd also be ass holes to his current female snaccs who have no value to those men because they are not hot and most are middle age. I'd like to see Jake turn on his loyal snaccs who have been supporting him this entire time and telling them to lose weight and go on a diet because it's so gross for women to exist and not be fuckable. I hope they'd wake up and move on.
to be clear, i do not think there is a misogynist male version of Clair who will give him money to say inflammatory things, but maybe Jake is hoping there is as he shares such opinions about women, too, and says he wished he had male viewers.
No. 1921577
>the manoshere is dead annyway Not really, they will just be replaced by other incel influencers. I'm not that familiar with the manosphere bubble but why do you think they're going away just because mainstream platforms make fun of their heroes?They're against the mainstream to begin with. Sorry for derailing.
>>1921363The best thing for him would be to keep pandering to pick me's. They're his audience. He can make sexual jokes all the time in his streams and it's still not enough because he thinks he'd get along with a male audience more. He doesn't even have male friends irl because he's so unlikeable. The only thing that ever worked for him was the fake persona he had being Kaya's long term boyfriend that could draw in attention with his extreme looks and because there's a shortage in cute male goth/emo/alternative youtubers.
No. 1921698
File: 1698687088520.jpg (510.2 KB, 1077x907, 23103012283506.jpg)

Jake is streaming the end of subnautica rn and looks positively dehydrated.
No. 1921797
File: 1698701430313.png (791.04 KB, 1279x639, 43watching.png)

>>1921698I tuned in out of curiosity towards the end, and he's just been sitting there reading some sort of Sonic fanfic or story, not actually playing anything, and narrating pretty badly. "Ya boi" can't even read words off a screen without constantly having to go back and correct himself.
Also, interestingly enough, as I tuned in, the number of viewers was 43. And it was 42 when the stream started. I don't understand what he's getting out of this, wasting so much time to scrape pennies. Clair isn't around anymore, as far as I have gathered, and whatever donations he may theoretically be getting out of his 40 viewers per stream kek, twitch/youtube takes a considerable chunk of. At this rate, he might as well get a "real job" – he'd earn more with those 4 hours, and it'd be guaranteed.
No. 1922482
>>1922462 if you are unconsciously talking about finding other women attractive and how you dislike your girlfriend accent you know he isnt
Happy in his relationship again. He is clearly looking for a way out and keeping his options open. Hoping for a young aussie egirl jake? He better hurry up time is ticking he is not getting any younger
No. 1922669
>>1922462> men can't complain online women like can or they'd face heavy criticismand as we all know women never get criticised for being emotional
>'Ooo men can't expwess their emotions because it's too scawee'maybe if you stopped "expressing your emotions" by turning into a lunatic throwing things around the house smashing up walls you wouldn't be "scary". Ed Sheeran has a career out of whining into a microphone and he looks like a typical non-scary brit. I mean shit, if a man is seen as talented people will ignore him smashing up everything from property to women for the sake of coddling him so jake's failure to even be freely apeshit is all his fault too (chris brown, manson, insert every rocker imaginable, etc). He's just uncharismatic, untalented, unsexy, immature and boring all around so obviously he can't get away with anything. People can accept a talented fuck up, who cares about someone who is nothing but a fuck up?
>If Jake left his manosphere bubble more often he'd know that society has made huge progress in addressing men's mental healthtbf to him, none of the "manosphere" or MRAs have ever taken notice nor cared about men's mental health nor the progress in mental health research. It's only ever been about keeping women down without actually making their lives better. I mean most of them actually think divorce courts are against dads cause they haven't taken the two minutes to learn the "pro woman court" stats are just when you don't filter out the dads who dropped their families and kids like hotcakes and didn't ask for custody. Filter them out and suddenly you see that obviously dads get treated well, if not better considering the grading on a curve we do for men throughout all of society. yet they still waste time "fighting" the "injustice" of the court systems on their social medias. The ultimate useless keyboard warriors
>>1922482he'd have no chance at an aussie chick, not all but most aussies are in good shape generally and keep their whole bodies active. Fake on the other hand looks terrified of whole body workouts. Who'd want this squat manlet who probably can't run ten steps without wobbling and gasping for breath? He looks like if he walked out into the ocean he'd either sink like a brick or not stop floating on his bloat and just thrash about trying to get under.
No. 1922843
File: 1698879838127.jpg (18.32 KB, 1080x222, 20231101_160150.jpg)

>>1920641KEK once you put a face to her name, it makes everything she says that much more cringe.
No. 1922949
>>1922462wow he is basically saying he hates Kat's voice? and he thinks he is entitled to someone with an ideal accent. lmao this scrote will never be happy. he finally got the anorexic bimbo who cleans after his mess, but he is thinking about an accent that would turn him on and it isn't hers. like his fucked up weird speech-impediment sounding all over the place accent is so delightful.
is Belle Delphine aussie originally? seems like he wants someone like that. but he is way too old, too ugly, boring, and not successful. be happy for what you have, Joke the Broke
No. 1923093
File: 1698938016036.jpg (121.4 KB, 750x748, 367992706_24125132747133445_81…)

next thread pic suggestion
No. 1923105
>>1921698Imagine waking up and that is next to you
>>1922462He literally hates every possible aspect of other humans, let's be real the australian accent is not more pleasant than Irish, he just wants to bitterly whinge about things that can't be changed because he is the human embodiment of a lead balloon
>>1922669>People can accept a talented fuck up, who cares about someone who is nothing but a fuck up?This is absolutely damning anon, it's true too. He could fuck up as much as he wanted to if he had any significant talent or skills or inspiration or entertainment, men especially tend to get away with a lot of outright fuckery as long as they're talented like you said. So much seedy shit in every male actor, director, writer, musician's past and it's all forgiven.
No. 1923139
File: 1698947714904.png (69.35 KB, 240x240, 564043.png)

>>1921698He used to look ok before he copied that ugly mf Manson's brow less and gold teeth look then he added the u face tatts and fried hair he ruined his own looks
No. 1923278
File: 1698971904382.png (42.9 KB, 571x365, drunkstream.png)

It was announced on his discord that he's doing a drunk stream tomorrow, but no sign on what time yet? Probably going to be a hot mess judging by the shit he says when sober.
No. 1923279
File: 1698971933446.png (745.19 KB, 506x910, jakepoop.png)

>>1923278Also trying to lure in a new Clair? kek
No. 1923480
>>1922776No, he said he likes Aussie accents.
>>1923199This. His accents always irritates the hell out of me.
>>1922930Does anyone know if he regularly streams from the studio or from a room in his home? The background with the typical streamer lighting looks like it's a room especially for recording and streaming. I think he does the v-tubing because sometimes he looks too rough.
No. 1923866
File: 1699106487527.jpg (241.91 KB, 502x815, noneckjake.jpg)

Just when I thought the man couldn't look any more like an Oompa Loompa…
I just…I don't understand how his body is shaped like this…For as much as he allegedly works out his arms, why do they always looks super fat and flabby when not flexed? And that's not even talking about his total lack of neck…
No. 1924029
>>1923929 she definitely has dyslexia which is quite normal these days but is not the best trait for a tattooist like her incorrect spelt WORDWIDE step brothers dinosaur tattoo. What learning disability do you think she has?
>>1923866 just makes him look like a walking dorito
>>1923139 he suits longer hair and more natural colours the style cut and colour he has atm doesn't suit him. It ages him a lot and washes him out he would benefit from going back to this style and growing his eyebrows back idk why he shaves them of.
No. 1924058
File: 1699140308253.png (469.34 KB, 800x590, fake.png)

>>1924029>idk why he shaves them of.Too look like his idol Marilyn Manson? I mean his current profile picture on Youtube is from one of his looks where he rips off early 2000's Manson. Tbh I think he does look okay with even half shaved off eyebrows and longer hair like in this video from 2016.
No. 1924063
File: 1699140880313.jpg (997.86 KB, 1080x1924, Screenshot_20231104-163432_Ins…)

Skat's body type actually looks more like Kaya's in this pic.
No. 1924171
>>1923866are there any pics of his arms before he got all fat? idk if it's the angle, but those arms look so short like it's a disorder or pathology. like some kind of dwarfism. no offense to little people, they look more fortunately proportioned than Jake.
bulking up is the worst choice for short people, makes us look stumpier. cardio helps with slimming down. but he's probably too lazy with shitty lungs from smoking. and he only has interest in being one of those fat strong men rather than physically fit.
No. 1924183
>>1924063they have the same kind of body. big and tall ruler, no curves when skinny. no boobs or ass. androgynous. thicker in the legs when they put on weight. kat would turn into a "fridge" too if she gained weight.
say what you will about how "fat" kaya is, her tits look really good these days. I guess when you grow tits later in life, gravity has less time to wreck them. they're super perky, I would have mine out like that all the time, too.
I have a feeling Jake thinks big natural boobs = a consequence of being too fat. he digs a flat chested emaciated body that could be confused with a dude. better switch to lower calorie drinks, Kat!
No. 1924224
>>1923866He's an endomorph thinking he's an ectomorph, so he doesn't realize that working out just his arms makes him appear even more blocky and short.
He'd gain a lot more from working out the full body, like similar to a wrestler's work out (not WWE, I mean school wrestling) with upper body, core and lower body strength rather than just bulking his arms and the rest of his body looking like a noodle.
No. 1924230
>>1923279He was reacting to Youtube Poop which is the lowest form of humour. He especially likes the ones that simulate a stroke - fuck loads of cuts, looping scenes, screaming nonsense and locker room humour. A lot of the stuff he watched took material from Home Alone and SpongeBob but somehow his stream didn't get taken down, even after 3 hrs.
>>1924058He looked way healthier here, one of his better eras. When he wasn't complaining about the lack of stuff to do in NI his vlogs were actually pretty alright - he was actually interacting with people for his music and other projects, exploring the local area, trying new hobbies and going to the gym. I know Kaya said that his nastiness peaked (2016) at this time but he weirdly seemed his happiest and that positivity came through in videos.
After months of inconsistent VR streaming he is definitely trying to be a regular streamer again - he finally realised that JesterJake won't pay his bills lol. He has been streaming everyday for the last two weeks and relying on people like Moni to gift subs and broaden his reach. It's going to take a lot of time and effort to put together a new audience as his old subs continue to drop off all the while praying for someone like Clair to get caught in his web and pay for his next round for holidays and equipment. I wonder how long he'll do these daily gaming streams.
No. 1924582
File: 1699250342840.png (1.14 MB, 1063x547, jakesaturdaystream.png)

Saturday stream, supposed to be a drunk stream, but isn't? Apparently he's rescheduling it till Monday night. Plans to continue playing the forest and finishing it before moving onto playing "sons of the forest". In total he got 6 subs, one resub and five gifts for a total of $30, after YT takes it's cut he made $21.
>playing the forest by himself, appears to be completely friendless again
>turns off building destruction which is basically the equivalent to playing easy mode
>immediately launches into talking about how he's suffering from back problems and a "tight pussy" (his words not mine)
>says it's from sitting on his ass so much "editing" and streaming
>has just learned that foam rollers are used for releasing tension in muscles, is amazed at this revelation
>gets entirely too graphic about how sexual it looks when he's grinding against this foam roller on the floor (help)
>Says he's caught a girl looking, twice, while he does this while at the gym (in horror no doubt)
>I'm assuming this means he no longer has the studio as he makes it pretty evident he is regularly using a public gym now
>calls chat horny even though he was obviously baiting them with how graphic he got
>is gifted 5 subs by some random snacc
>finally actually starts the game.
>immediately makes sexual comments as soon as the game starts about a dead woman
>gets jumpscared by some trees thinking it was a bear? there are no bears in this game.
>gets off on a tangent about the testosterone levels of sharks???
>despite having played the game before doesn't seem to know nearly anything about the game or how to actually play it
>"you get one day to build then they come… all over your face. heheheh"
>calls the main character a "pussy" for discovering a new plant which happened to be a flower?
>a long-time snacc re-subscribes
>more boring and slow gameplay as jake fumbles around the game
>says he has to leave, admits it was supposed to be a drunk stream, but that he "has to go do something today"
>really awful yogi bear skit for some reason?
>gets really excitable over the naked mutant cannibals "titties"
>more bad gameplay, his alarm goes off and he plays for another few minutes before calling it.
No. 1924585
File: 1699250799389.png (71.47 KB, 764x786, jakemunroearnings.png)

>>1924582his earnings all around are hitting all time lows. Definitely believe he's dropped the studio, he absolutely doesn't seem able to afford it.
No. 1924624
>>1924582>In total he got 6 subs, one resub and five gifts for a total of $30, after YT takes it's cut he made $21.This is well under minimum wage, he needs to get a job because clearly this isn't cutting it. He doesn't get any sponsorships or anything either, like he's now about as successful as Kathy's awful moid in the parkavenuepinup thread.
He needs to retrain into a different field for real. He doesn't have the skills nor appeal to do well in 2023 online, the only reason awful moids like shane, jeffree, onision, and projared etc did well is they were early adopters when hardy anyone else made content online.
Now everywhere you look there are amazing artists, photographers/filmography, music, bloggers, or just generally people good at being funny and making clickbait, you can't be mediocre and do well anymore.
No. 1924696
>>1924624$21 isn't bad for doing an hour of almost nothing I guess, but considering we've seen him get as little as $35 during a regular four hour stream, it's safe to say he's making less than minimum wage at this point. He'd be much better off quitting and getting a full time job of any kind, but we all know he believes he's better than that and that it's only a matter of time before he's gone viral again. Hilarious he's only getting the equivalent of lunch money off his daily YT views now too. You just know kat is rethinking everything at this point.
>>1924063It's kind of poetic really. Usually gaining a few wouldn't seem so milky, but given how kat openly bullied kaya and clearly thinks she's hot shit. Pick mes never prosper.
>>1924626The fact he's doing this in public while making eye contact with horrified women.
No. 1924783
File: 1699298212181.jpg (820.63 KB, 1917x1045, Jesterjakefft.jpg)

He's streaming again, this time playing ff16 as his shitty VR avatar. Popped in for a second it's mostly just him making dirty jokes and calling all the npcs cunts. He doesn't want to read any of the text and keeps bitching about how the npcs are talking too much. Cue him having a meltdown over not understanding a storyline point or a game mechanic before the stream ends. Also is that 66/100 his current twitch sub count? Cause if so, kek. Without his loyal few gifting hundreds of subs to compete with Clair for crumbs of his attention he really has nothing.
No. 1924838
File: 1699305502176.jpg (158.76 KB, 1080x401, jesterjaketwitch17.jpg)

>>1924783>>1924817Recap of what I did catch:
>streaming to a crowd of 15-20 viewers>makes his character a very tall dragon guy named "Virgil Arkham" (cool deviantart oc jake)>bad at the game somehow, stands in AOEs and bitches about it>calls a haunted urn a "cum tribute jar">sexualizes lalafell characters, porn moans while voicing a lalafell npc>gets gifted 5 subs bringing his total up to a whopping 71>does an African accent while saying "I'm going to bust in that cocobussy">keeps switching out various words in npc text with "pussy">asks everyone how their Halloween went>laments that his Halloween was a "crap time" as he and Kat didn't do anything>says "my next Halloween is gonna be dope, I'll make sure of that">VRtube avatar keeps glitching out>cuts the stream short again, sounds half hearted as he promises next stream will be a longer oneHe said he'll do a six hour stream tomorrow on YT playing the Forest. Seems the lack of interaction/viewers/gifted subs got him down. This was supposed to be the big "drunk stream" reward stream that he didn't do yesterday, but it ended up just being another short regular stream. Not sure why his last few dozen snaccs even bother anymore tbh.
No. 1924850
File: 1699307729241.jpg (56.61 KB, 816x612, 1685987837140.jpg)

>>1924171>are there any pics of his arms before he got all fat?Found this from his anachan phase. Idk he has really weird proportions and him bulking up and only doing upper body workouts only amplifies it.
>>1924838Thanks for the recap. I bet his snaccs don't even like the childish sexual humor but play along because they want to please him.
No. 1924861
File: 1699309704452.jpg (308.98 KB, 1080x1583, hahasofunny.jpg)

>>1924850Hard to say, they basically echo his humor though as you can see in picrel. Jake cracks one bad joke and they all repeat it to varying degrees. Nothing is funnier than seeing the same joke repeated five times.
>>1924855>>1924850Proof he wasn't always neckless. I agree tenfold, him working out only has made him look a lot worse. He must genuinely think bulking is a legitimate excuse for his fast food, alcohol, and toddler snack diet.
No. 1925223
File: 1699388037047.png (90.74 KB, 228x193, Screenshot 2023-11-07 211321.p…)

I watched his stream a bit and here's what I can summarize:
>Jake is drinking today playing The Forest and clearly loosened up ("my filter is gone")
>Lady Allura gifts 10 subs
>Moni donates 35 (I don't know if it's subs or pounds) and he thanks her and immediately goes to have a break kek. The stream begins to lag so I still don't know what Moni donated.
>snaccs make flirty/sexual remarks, topic of kilts comes up. Jake talks about his dick showing through the pants while doing a certain workout. Talks about couples in the gym and the woman looking at him and the man berating her and them leaving. Now he's wearing other clothes.
>Aiden (mod) warns others: "yeah, if you go too far I'll totally block you. respect Jake's relationship, simps". So she's his flirt police.
>Mentions meeting a fan at the gym once and her complimenting him and goes on how he now wears more clothes to not attract stares or some shit. "And it happens again" kek he's delusional
>MRA Jake at it again. Talks about "a certain kind of worry" when a woman "objectifies a man" and them not taking it well when he rejects them, "they say all sorts of shit". Immediately says it hasn't happened to him though. Then again indicates women haven't taken it well when he rejected them. Says if women were as strong as men the reaction would be identical. Pick-me snaccs agree with him that women can be psychotic.
>Tells a snacc "If you had that attitude as a man you'd be fucking cancelled".
>Mentions women complaining that men don't chase them anymore, it's "because they can't". "Men need to be very fucking careful these days" (yeah because of the omnipresent threat of getting me-too'd, just say it Fake!)
He is so full of himself and constantly angry about muh sexism against men. The way he's constantly getting validation it's no wonder he doesn't want to get a real job. The snaccs give him narcissistic supply. I feel kinda bad for them because of the level of pickmeism they must have to endure him.
No. 1925225
>>1925223>women totally stare at me and their boyfriends are totally jealousOne look at this screenshot of his stream, and looking at this
>>1924850 vs now, tells me otherwise jake the fake
No. 1925298
>>1925223>>Aiden (mod) warns others: "yeah, if you go too far I'll totally block you. respect Jake's relationship, simps".There's something especially fucked up and hurtful about a bloke who's been posting thirst traps, flirting and cheating on his long term partner only to have a mod ban people and tell them to 'respect his relationship' when he gets with the cunt he cheated with.
He's so fucking insufferable.
No. 1925302
File: 1699398128198.gif (399.73 KB, 220x152, nope-no.gif)

>Mentions meeting a fan at the gym once and her complimenting him and goes on how he now wears more clothes to not attract stares or some shit. "And it happens again"
No. 1925462
>Mentions women complaining that men don't chase them anymoreWhat planet does he live on, no woman in the history of time has ever complained that men
aren't chasing her. I need to know what shitty MRA incel websites he watches/reads all day and takes as fact.
No. 1925467
>>1925462He went full men's rights incel mode after his plan to ruin Kaya backfired and he lost his pathetic excuse of a career while she's still doing well not that he didn't used to be a mysogynistic tosser the backlash he got made his narcissitic little brain blame women (kaya) and not his own actions.He could have gotten away with being an
abusive cheating piece of shit to his ex but his ego got the best out of him.
No. 1925518
>>1925461This made me laugh out loud
>>1925483No, he does that because he's a degenerate coomer. He's very similar to Onision in that regard. Always making retarded puberty level sexual jokes in front of his impressionable female audience.
No. 1925544
>>1925223he has grown more and more comfortable openly airing his hatred of women. it truly saddens me that kat is willing to raise her child alongside someone who flies into a moid rage over video games and is so wildly insecure that he would rather spend his time becoming incensed over imaginary scenarios where men are the innocent
victims of predatory viragos instead of acknowledging his own ever increasing list of self-inflicted failures. imagine choosing to live an existence where you wake up every morning next to someone so utterly irredeemable and who can offer you and your child next to nothing. she is either completely delusional or completely stupid. either way i hope she wises up before something bad happens but i am not holding my breath.
No. 1925641
>>1925544>someone who flies into a moid rage over video gamesI'm in the process of recapping his entire drunk stream from yesterday still, but there was quite literally a point in the stream where he slammed his fists on the table so hard it crashed his computer mid-game. All because he kept dying in a very easy game (dude can'teven handle two basic enemies at a time? Real gamer hours). He tried to laugh it off as "oops teehee I just don't know my own strength sometimes" but then went on to admit he is constantly breaking things from supposedly "using them too hard". Kaya did say he used to throw things and break things constantly, looks like little has changed despite his claims everything is wonderful with kat.
>>1925461Tbh I feel like his hyperfixation on "chicks" totally checking him out at the gym is also him coping with having to use the public gym in the first place. He must be salty he had to let go of his personal gym and studio. (Good thing he got that final studio flex in where he streamed topless there months back kek). I wonder if he actually sold off any of his junk or just moved it all over to a cheaper storage unit/their small rental home.
No. 1925642
>>1925544Shut tf up retard.kat is a horrible person and she deserves him and every bit of misery he could give her.She a pick me,cheater, bullied an abuse
victim mentally ill woman threatened violence against her and left her hair on her bed after fucking her bf, wrecked her own home and all for a worthless crumb of narc dick cheese.She's an irredeemable piece of shit and i hope her life gets wrecked.
(calm down) No. 1925645
>>1925641He fucking smashed all their plates and yelled at her cause she said 'babe you left your turkey on the counter' kek
>looks like little has changed despite his claims everything is wonderful with katHis claims are a pure cope.He knows that he ruined his career by cheating on his famous ex and kicking her out to live in a freezing studio he's coping by ranting about how 'amazing' his new gf is making it seem that his cheatiing was worth it he already screamed that he was proud of cheating on his ex.
No. 1925664
>>1925641Damn so I really missed the best part
>>1925642I think anon was just hoping that for her child, not for her own good
No. 1925842
File: 1699498857810.png (366.32 KB, 436x459, 40lbsofpuremuscle.png)

Sorry this recap is so long, but here's most of what happened during the drunk stream minus a ton of awful gameplay:
>starts stream whining on and on about his face looking puffy from a nap
>says he only had a nap cause he had a real intense leg day today
>admits he's one of those guys who straight up screams while lifting
>says there were "more chicks than usual at the gym today"
>insinuates they were all checking him out
>clarifies by chicks, he actually means 40-50yo women (kek)
>pours himself a rum and coke, says he only uses AMERICAN shot glasses
>goes on a tangent about how he has to drink caffeine free coke because he has to drink upwards of 8 rum & cokes to even get drunk
>practically begs the snaccs to donate via his "link below" so that YT stops taking a cut of the donations
>he claims that YT takes more than a 30% cut, claims it's actually closer to 45%
>"In my experience there are two ways out of a difficult situation. you can fight your way out or fuck your way out"
>makes snaccs google how to do something in the game because he once again can't read in-game
>gets entirely too excited about the "stacked cannibal chicks" yet again
>puts his brightness up all the way to make the game even easier. goes in water in a cave, begins to freeze to death, has a meltdown
>runs back to base, says "honey I'm home… honey I'm horny" for some reason.
>he dies, going from full health to none fighting only two cannibals, bitches a ton about the game being in first person as an excuse for why he's bad at it
>dies again, screams FUCK and slams the desk hard enough to crash his computer
>is only on his third drink at this point, has to restart the game undoing all progress he made in game the past hour
>admits to breaking things often because "he doesn't know his own strength"
>plugs his donation link again, this is the second time
>snacc ignores him and does a superchat instead for $10 (kek, enjoy the $5.50 I guess jake)
>more boring gameplay, lots of really awful matt berry impressions?
>plugs his "if you subscribe and become a snacc you have access to all previous streams…"
>claims he put on 40+ lbs of muscle the past couple of years
>"ohhoohho there's another big titty cannibal girlfriend"
>hits her with an axe "don't worry baby, it only hurts at first.. then you get used to it heheh"
>a snacc uses her resub to boost her message about how it's the anniversary of her husband dying
>Jake hits her with a quick "oh naur, I'm sorry. That's terrible to hear." and goes right back to gaming
>weird elmer fudd impression? "it's rabbit season" followed up with a "it's always bussy season"
>snacc donates $3 to ask if he remembers a dante perler she apparently made him. He doesn't. (kek)
>another snacc donates $2 to ask if he wants to tour again. He says yes, he wants to "do a show" in the united states
>says he won't ever play any of the songs he made "with the boys." But is working on new stuff and there are "already three new songs"
>Says "hey jasmine!" to a random chatter, "that's my first girlfriends name! Actually it was Jaz, she'd have punched you in the throat if you called her jasmine"
>"I've been to America and I've been to Europe, and Europe is the best. Best people, best food, best architecture"
>starts humblebragging about all the places he's been. Claims to speak conversational Japanese.
>Very obviously desperately wanting to go back to Japan. Claims he only spoke Japanese during their trip there and supposedly well enough their translator felt unneeded (doubt)
>"they are absolutely amazing as a culture in many ways"
>a snacc says "it sounds like it sucks to be a woman in Japan" and Jake snaps back with a vicious sounding "well being a woman in america sounds pretty fucking great"
>Ladyallura gifts 5 subs leading Jake to plug his streams yet again, he's also back to sucking up to her now that Clair is gone
>"people in tokyo have reached the point where they are sick of white people" claims that going to southern japan is totally more inviting to tourists (???)
>Lady Allura gifts another 5 subs. Jake loses his shit and calls it "break the jake" (for 10 whole gifted subs kek)
>"I've been thinking of coming back to onlyfans. My dick has been looking especially big lately eheheheh. I'm losing my filter eheheh."
>Moni donates $35, he immediately leaves to pee, comes back and calls her "a sweetie pie"
>goes into graphic detail about wearing lycra underwear to the gym?
>Moni openly flirting with Jake saying "I'm always thirsty, that's the way he likes me"
>cue the "girlfriends are checking me out and making their boyfriend mad" storytime
>said the last time a girl came onto him was seven years ago (so he hit up kat first hmm?)
>very obvious fake story about a fan girl approaching him in public at the gym
>spergs out about women having special privileges wah wah
>gets killed by a big tittied lady cannibal just after this sperg out. Poetic timing.
>"I love your parasocialness" he says to a snacc.
>"designer clothes and bone armor, just another day being jake munro. (ok shein and killstar)
>2nd pee break, comes back with one of kat's canned mojitos. Jake adds a shot of rum to it.
>Jake:"I happen to like older girls" Moni:"I'm an older girl"
>rants heavily about how he's totally always liked older "girls". Totally NEVER liked younger girls.
>plugs his OF then follows it up with "only me cumming is kat's eyes only"
>said there's a few videos of him and kat fucking that do exist, but they decided not to upload them
>pretty obviously read how to beat the game quick, but doesn't know what he's actually doing
>Moni gifts 7 more subs, jake plugs his donation link yet again (forth time this stream)
>Moni requests jake do his foam roller humping naked and he gets entirely too excited
>Jake suddenly says he's shooting OF content this week for sure and says whatever she wants
>Ladyallura gets jealous of his attention being all on Moni and gifts 5 more subs
>"Lady allura how can I forget, you are also a massive onlyfans contributor" tells them to talk amongst themselves and put their request in together
>"I'm just letting you all know there is a DM option on onlyfans so if you sign up to my onlyfans…"
>Says his turn offs are "anyone under the age of 28, crystals, starsigns, too far left, too far right."
>quickly follows up with a "oh, and not being kat! that's a big one"
>"I'm a very logical creature. To a fault." "I'm painfully logical."
>Jake tries to bait another 10 gifted subs by saying he'll take another shot if they gift him 10 more subs
>Moni says she's already gifted 10 subs this stream (as hard as you try jake, she's no clair. kek)
>He suddenly starts counting down the time until the stream is over, saying "oh there's only 7 more minutes together. If only there was some way to get another hour together."
>ends up taking the shot anyway saying it's the last one. Quickly says he could "easily take another six" if he wanted to
>gets really graphic and gross about his "love for eating pussy" for most of that last 7 minutes.
>says "jake takes care of his princess" "it's all I ever wanted to do is spoil and treat"
>"she doesn't have to ask you to, you just have to become the man she needs you to be" (cue him skinwalking her ex I guess?)
>big rant about "being the man" and is deeply fixated on women bearing children?
>finally ends the stream after rambling about this for too long, but makes sure to plug his OF one last time before signing off.
All in all he probably made something like $100-$150 at most after YT takes their cut of the subs and superchats. He was very obviously doing everything he could to milk what money Moni and Lady Allura did have.
No. 1925844
>>1925223>>Says if women were as strong as men the reaction would be identical.what the fuck? the response IS identical in the scenario he described (in reality women are more cautious and probably wouldnt "say all sorts of shit" to a man who rejects them because we have to fear for our physical safety). he is the most anti-social and stupid person ever so he is unfamiliar or got it confused about how men who approach women or catcall at them and are rejected or told to stop are the ones to call them "ugly bitches anyway" afterward, often to their face. and some men rape women who reject them.
I have never heard of a woman doing that to a man, but maybe her friends will chime in that he isn't all that anyway.
I dont know what the fuck he is on thinking that women are "weak" because men are more unhinged about rejection. he's so stupid and people listening to him are even worse off.
No. 1925847
>>1925821Oh I can't even imagine, I've lost count kek. But to be fair, that's not the worst of things – he can sell all of the equipment and get a considerable amount back, granted it's not all smashed, and he doesn't put it off for very long.
But imagine all the money that they've (which also includes Kaya) simply thrown into the void splurging on "dranks", daily food delivery, overpriced resorts to one eachother up, piles upon piles of stuff they never used, clothes they've barely worn, renting all those studio rooms they've barely used, endless storage spaces cause they can't be arsed to clean etc etc Now
that is tragic.
Had they had one brain cell, they could've saved up and invested it into some property, even if of a smaller kind. And if not used it themselves, they could've rented it for an endless stable passive income kek.
No. 1925853
>>1925842thanks for the recap! the lie about being able to speak conversational japanese to where there was no need for a translator is interesting and hilarious. why not say something for everyone lol.
desperately plugging the onlyfans is bleak, why even further embarrass himself with overpriced laughable nudes that will gain no new subs.
No. 1925865
>>1925853He was pushing a lot of weird random facts about Japan that just didn't seem true to me either. Like I'm no expert, but I don't think southern rural Japan would be as inviting to foreigners as Tokyo is? There are a lot of places in Japan that still have "Japanese only" signs and rules even? (not to mention allowing someone as heavily tattooed as he is now) He seemed to be completely talking out of his ass for that whole segment, it was honestly bizarre. When he was trying to name off different places to visit in Tokyo he could only name the very obvious ones like harajuku or shibuya and was visibly struggling to remember other names too. He's definitely spoken really broken Japanese phrases on stream before, he's as conversational as a toddler maybe.
He wasn't really plugging it until Moni was acting really thirsty in chat and throwing gifted subs his way. Then suddenly it built up to a big full-blown planned "return" to OF. It's funny that Aiden tried to hit the snaccs with a verbal warning
>>1925848 when Jake himself was very much so egging them all on. There were moments where I was genuinely grossed out, I never want to hear Jake moaning on about his nasty chode and pleasuring "his princess" ever again. Anything for a quick buck these days I guess though.
No. 1925966
>>1925897yeah he seems very insecure and unhappy in his relationship to constantly bring up how hot he is for kat "I'm only attracted to Kat! never anyone else!", and all the anger he harbors for "evil women who have it so easy in society" (Kaya, who lives in his head rent free). and he exaggerates so much I don't believe for a second he is any good at cunnilingus. it's probably on par with his ability to speak Japanese kek.
the "treating kat like a princess" thing is weird to insist on… he doesnt have any money lol. back in the day it was like the only nice thing he did when he was with kaya, before he used it as a reason to resent her, but in her own side of the story, he wanted to spend money like crazy and Kaya said he would tell her, "your boyfriend is rich, let's do this!" and bought her all kinds a shit while she wasn't working. that was their content, watch "goth" couple travel and spend money on useless junk.
Kaya was the reason his money was up, hardly no one wants to see him "spoil" the cheating lowlife he is with now, who is so insecure you can't even mildly flirt with him despite him advertising his dick on ONLYFANS, though I guess I'd be mopey and insecure too if I aspired to have a porn career and it totally flopped, suggesting that I'm nothing to look at, meanwhile there are women who keep their clothes on in the platform and actually have tons of subscribers to make money for being attractive. karma is amazing to both of them!
and Jake's bizarre misogynistic outlook and lack of talent isn't doing him any favors. he will have to get "a minimum wage job."
No. 1925990
>>1925966Also found it weird how he'd go on and on about his turn offs like he's still on the market before following it up with a "oh… and not being kat!" like he almost forgot about her for a moment. His weird stories and fixation on women supposedly checking him out at the gym constantly, him openly flirting and rewarding snaccs for being raunchy and flirting with him in chat. Him weirdly bringing up his first girlfriend? Something doesn't sit right, why is he so obviously desperate for female attention if he's supposedly so exceptionally happy with his "perfect woman" kat? He genuinely acts like he's trying to sell you on how perfect their relationship is. Also have to kek at the "treating like a princess" because we all know he's incapable of that now with his dwindling snacc bux. He probably already holds the trips he lavished kat with early into their relationship over her head as a promise for more once the "algorithm picks him back up again". He's clearly holding out on a come back and Clair probably gave him just enough hope (delusion) to keep trying.
>>1925967I've definitely seen men try to sell their new relationship after a big break-up or divorce as being perfect only to have to crash and burn before reaching anywhere near the length of time they had spent with their ex. Armoredskeptic and shoe come to mind as a great cow example of this. jake and kat may not be in the honeymoon period anymore, but they're still very much so in a "prove them wrong" or "us against the world" mode now. They might be stuck with eachother for good because sunk cost fallacy and a lack of alternative options, but it's obvious they are going to end up resenting eachother in another few years. Remember how salty he was when he got stuck watching her kid solo when she had an appointment?
No. 1925997
>>1925842Thanks for the recap, you really caught some highlights.
>said the last time a girl came onto him was seven years agoWas that one of the times he cheated on Kaya? kek
>quickly follows up with a "oh, and not being kat! that's a big one" It really looks like he always quickly squeezes in a compliment to Kat when he caught himself openly talking about thinking of other women.
It's also creepy how he always mentions liking older women. Mostly scrotes suspected of being pedos do that. Bet he watches many loli hentais.
I really hope Lady Allura and Moni find something better to do with their lives soon. He doesn't deserve anything.
>>1925865Aiden is probably just jealous when he's too overtly flirty and sexual with the others
No. 1926002
>>1925991Thank you.
She posted some shit on her story a while back about how since she's been with Jake she knows what "true love" is, and how she feels free and isn't being controlled. Apparently your partner being pissed about you having sexually charged conversations with other men means they're controlling lol.
Jake during streams had also hinted that he had been subject to ab*se from Kaya and said Kat had been in a similar situation.
No. 1926022
>>1925891I forgot about this. He does seem to cycle through binge eating fast food and getting self conscious and then dropping the weight quickly and tummyache thirst trapping everywhere. Throw his binge drinking habits into the mix and he's on the fast course to all kinds of serious health issues. It already shows in his bloated face/body and sahara dry skin. Never seen someone (besides shay) who manages to look so doughy and dehydrated at the same time. Alcoholism really ruins you.
>>1925997Aiden is a TIF so probably. Jake did say "Aiden is a masochist, trust me I know hehuheh" at one point too. Who knows what he gets up to in DMs trying to solicit free work and money out of the most desperate snaccs.
No. 1926061
>>1909995I'm gonna be that person but as much as he is clearly not a goth, I wouldn't even call him "emo" neither. Contrary to popular mainstream belief, emo just like goth is a music-based scene as well. I dread remembering Fake's music but I listened to a few songs and they didn't sound emo at all, one just sounded like generic hard rock and another one sounded like an attempt at nu-metal kek.
Emo is stuff like Sunny Day Real Estate, American Football, and Cap N Jazz (vidrel).
Anyway just a small nitpick. It's just very clear that Jake is Fakeness through and through. Only cares about his pathetic ego using alternative subcultures for popularity points. He just goes with the trends which is why it's no coincidence why he looks like a Soundcloud Rapper.
No. 1926069
>>1925898>OG Goth youtuberI don't necessarily hate Kaya but she was/is just as much of a poser goth as Jake was/is, she just wasn't as rude about it. By 2015-2016 when Kaya admitted that she didn't actually like goth music neither, people within the scene with the exception of mainly zoomer "baby bats" didn't laud her as a goth neither and saw her as the poser she was/is.
I'm mildly happy that she's doing better in comparison to Jake but it's not saying much since she's dating a troon who is exhibiting all kinds of red flags…
No. 1926105
>>1926069Has Kaya ever admitted that? It always seemed like she skirted around the topic of goth music and only began to bring it up when she was being called out for it, mainly on here kek. Like she began to overuse the riff from LMR in every video and any time a music question came up on her Q&As she'd suddenly be all "MUH SISTERS OF MERCY!"
Agree with you though, she's a poser but she doesn't seem like a nasty hateful person. Just an annoying whining one kek
No. 1926185
>>1925990it it further tacky to have his "no simping mod" chastise other fans for flirting when JAKE is the one in a relationship and should be the one to not flirt in the first place, or stop talking about his dick, his only fans, or his thirst for women to check him out at the gym etc.
I guess it makes sense in Delulu Jake and Scacc Land that a man has no accountability, it's these "simping" women who need to "respect" his relationship with Kat, even though he wants to charge them for dick pics. no chatting, no admiring, just give him your money. it's so weird, and no wonder he's failing, but they are too retarded to see it.
I would not want to support someone with mods who are suddenly on their high horse about "respecting the girlfriend" when the bastard cheats and sells dick pics on OF, and his mod is shitty to other fans, who are paying members, right? no sense at all. cant wait for him to have 0 fans soon.
No. 1926213
>>1926002lmao they definitely think it's "
abusive and controlling" to not want your partner to do sexwork. or have affairs. or get sloppy drunk. lol
but if anything, it seems like Kat is more controlling than Kaya, since his female audience can't even talk to him now without mods telling them to back off.
Kaya seemed to realize it's part of the gig to have your rising influencer bf be called "goth daddy." I remember thinking she isn't very insecure about her relationship (I realize I was wrong and he breached her trust, but she hid it so well), as she was setting him up with tiktok react vids to some really pretty tiktok alt girls/e-girls etc. and Jake always acted like they were way too young to sexualize and instead made fun of them.
I wonder what that content would look like now since he has a girlfriend who makes the ahegao face in her OnlyFans content and dresses like gamer e-girl from aliexpress (literally lol).
No. 1926301
File: 1699586090788.png (1.06 MB, 931x830, topsnaccs.png)

>>1926280judging by the general demographic of his most loyal and desperate acting snaccs, it's a guarantee. Lady Allura still seems young so there might be hope for her to grow out of her cringe phase, but that excuse clearly doesn't extend to the other obsessed snaccs. Haven't seen Amy Lee around anymore at least.
No. 1926399
>>1926228I forgot what Chris Motionless looked like so I looked him up and er yeah, he's certainly not my type either and I was never big into Motionless in White but if I had to pick whether listening to MIW or Jake's music, MIW would get it because they actually do have some rather creative songs.
I think you're right that Jake's hate for him is because he is everything Jake wished he could be musician-wise. And MGK, totally don't like this guy nor his music but like you pointed out, there's no denying he found success and is dating a sought after celebrity which again, Jake more than likely is envious of.
No. 1926403
It's been a long time since I checked in to see the descent of Jake and holy shit, " becoming an Andrew Tate style hyper misogynist MRA loser" was not on my bingo card. What a pathetic piece of shit. Nothing says " I've been owned by my breakup" more. The man is an absolute Trainwreck of an influencer now,truly bottom tier degenerate with a spine made of wet toilet paper and a moral compass that's just spinning wildly. I think it's hilarious he has a mod in his chat crying about respecting Jake and his relationship when he so clearly doesn't respect it himself at all. It's heartening to come back and see him tainting, ruining and failing to regain what little popularity he ever had. Every time I look away and come back he has routinely gotten worse. The man can't even play a simple video game and he's so awful to spend time with that he doesn't even have friends that could help him ( in the game or in real life) all he has is a shallow, odious, remarkably stupid partner in Kat and there isn't a singular shard of personality in her to the point she has to steal the intellectual property of other people just to do her job. His only hope is that Kat is so gormless it'll take her a lot longer to realise he's probably been trying unsuccessfully to cheat on her this whole time. The way Jake delulu talks about how attractive he is when he couldn't be more repulsive aesthetically and as a person also makes me laugh because it just highlights his narcissism - no one but Jake and his gaggle of geriatric snaccs think Jake is attractive. My attention would also be momentarily peaked by a mishappen little man screaming in the weights section, it's not that deep. I'm also pretty certain as a standard in Japan if you speak even a tiny bit of Japanese most Japanese people will compliment you highly on your skill with the language so the fact that Jake let a cultural norm like this inflate his ego so much is also hilarious.
All his grand musical promises and he's barely released any of his own new music and his only travel plans have been budget bin liner trips to cheap hotels to get white girl wasted in a shien shirt. Contrast this with Kaya who regardless of if you like it or not is clearly getting out way, way more. Getting involved in community, networking and promoting in a music scene regularly and showcasing original hand made fashion and jewelry pieces, she's out there in London getting paid for club promotions while Jake is stuck in a city he hates while he sours like milk in a gaming chair making lascivious comments at anything that resembles a woman and lamenting the fact that no one wants to pay for his mediocre dick pics and I for one love to see it.
suffer more, Jake.
No. 1926430
>>1925898> famous ex> OG goth youtuber> more popular THEN him> learn to readKEK I quoted you word-for-word, if what you've meant to say is so far removed from what you've typed out, then you are the one who needs to work on their reading and writing comprehension instead of licking a cow's arsehole on an anonymous imageboard, you unicelled twat.
And adding to what the nice Nonna in
>>1926069 said about both of them being obvious poseurs, the topic of an "OG youtuber" is also rather debatable. OG youtubers, including the ones who are part of the goth scene (or even the ones at least self-identifying as goth), date back to the late 00s and up until around 2012 max (but mostly still until 2010, really). Either of them (Kaya and Fake) joined already at the time when YouTube could be considered a job opportunity, which technically makes them 2nd wave, not OG, despite the fact that most popular or familiar goth faces origin from exactly that era, the 2nd wave. But that doesn't mean there weren't any goth (and mind you, actual goth) youtubers before 2012.
(infighting) No. 1926575
File: 1699645889992.png (192.46 KB, 301x351, VR.png)

Fake is live on Twitch and his shitty vtuber avatar is so tacky. It doesn't even really have facial expressions. I don't think any of his fans can like that.
No. 1926647
>>1926238>redtextNot that anon but what cyclical commentary if it's been proven that Jake is a jealous troll? That's some of the main milk he produces
>>1926575Iirc he said he designed it himself so this is probably the ideal that he wishes he looked like. He never grew out of being a cringe 2000s emo after all.
>>1926602What perks do you even get for being his sub, just being able to text in the chat now?
No. 1926650
>>1926580If this is legit please provide screencaps or anything else that might back this up. We all know Jake was hitting on many of the women he encountered during his relationship with kaya, a lot of women were coming out with their negative experiences with him. And though we've heard kat has a history of cheating, we don't really know much else about her besides whatever nonsense Jake tells us. Also sage goes in the email field
>>1926602It's kind of crazy because he has 700+ followers on twitch, but his view numbers have never been lower lately. Even his 400k on YouTube means very little with his videos only catching a few thousand views. He reads as one of those guys constantly reliving his old glory days and unable to let go. Sad there's still a few snaccs willing to throw their spare change at him though. Imagine all the things they could have done with that time/money that could have actually benefited their lives.
No. 1926834
>>1926650We did talk a bit on the phone about it but most of our conversation was in person and even if i had evidence in text form i wouldn't be able to release them without his consent since Dean wants no part in this anymore.
All i can say is Kat was in fact cheating on Dean for almost a year according to him.
No. 1926868
>>1926602That isn't even cowtipping
>>1926647>What perks do you even get for being his sub, just being able to text in the chat now?I think you can write in the chat anyways so I don't know. On youtube you can watch old streams but I think on Twitch they are available to anyone.
>>1926673Oh but he PAID for the bed so it's HIS bead and that makes it ok
No. 1926958
>>1926873Exactly. I recently watched his version of the story for the first time and I even believe some of the things he said (probably exaggerated though) but he's so insufferable about it with the constant demanding of respect and mentioning how much he gave her so she owed him and mental gymnastics and lies about his own mistakes. Pure narcissism.
>>1926913Yeah he doesn't see how awful he is to others. No normal person would have made such a video. It's always hilarious when these narc cows think they do something good for their reputation by "exposing" their exes and just shoot themselves in the foot. I also think he thought it brings in views and new followers but only made people unsubscribe till today kek.
No. 1927065
File: 1699741248470.jpg (217.56 KB, 1375x837, Oonosihr.jpg)

Jake has been hyperfocusing on one specific snacc by the username 'onoosihr' lately. It has become a running joke in the chat about how "squishy and wet" she always is, and today Jake spent the entire stream playing a game with her and degrading/talking dirty to her. Making a fool out of her at times, making fun of her gameplay, making sexual innuendos at her, and even saying he's going to "piss on her" and going on about how much she's going to like it and how she's going to make ahegao faces for him. Next time they play, he wants to get her on voice chat so he can flirt with her more. He's basically decided that she's going to be the brunt of a bunch of his sex jokes. It's obvious that Jake uses degrading his snaccs as some sort of foreplay for himself.
No. 1927087
>>1927065And so it begins.
>>1927082No I don't think so. She strikes me as the "I'll fight your bitch ass stay off my man" type. At this point I think she's already emotionally if not physically cheating on Jake. Or maybe they opened up the relationship, which holy shit that's a fucking terrible idea. I doubt that though. Regardless the incoming milk is about to flow and I'm ready for the Fake and Kat saga to finally end. Hopefully catastrophically.
No. 1927203
>>1927065and lady allura didnt say "stop simping! respect for Jake and kat!" ? and what happened to "you have to be Kat for me to want anything to do with you. I hate interacting with women!" weird. it's like he referred to his lolcow page and is opening the gates for flirting again bc the "respect muh relationship" shit is a foul hypocritical look and his fans are not going to want to be told to fuck off by someone trying to market themselves as a heart throb/sexworker on only fans.
sad it takes LOLCows to give him any sense.
No. 1927254
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>>1927065Of course 'oonosihr' is just some inbred looking tard from Kentucky.
No. 1927261
File: 1699772227859.jpeg (58 KB, 456x626, B1E72E83-A696-4F07-A5AC-408EF5…)

>>1927254 absolutely no relation but…
No. 1927271
>>1927231Second time in a week he's raged out so bad while playing a genuinely easy videogame bad enough that he's crashed his computer. You just know there's holes in the walls/doors again these days.
>>1927254She's implied in chat before that she is a lolicon too. Seems like this is his "mcfly". Not sure why he is showering her with so much attention when she isn't even throwing money at him like the other snaccs. He probably just fancies her over the others because she's not obese like the others.
No. 1927569
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>>1927457>>1927495Ngl, I don't think I've ever seen him actually be good at any of the games he plays. He seems like the type to button mash a lot, missing inputs and raging out on the game for XY or Z. He's blamed the games for him missing jumps, him being bad at combat because it's in first person mode, for him not understanding basic gameplay because he absolutely refuses to read any of the tutorials or how to notifications, etc. It was kind of funny too in "the forest" because he had clearly watched or read how to beat the game fast (judging by all the references he was making despite very obviously not knowing what he was doing) and even put the settings on what was basically easy mode, on top of choosing between graphic settings that would make the game much easier to navigate. Dude still died like three times within an hour and crashed his computer from slamming the desk. kek
>>1927520Makes sense tbh. He was sucking up to Aiden back when she was hinting at helping him make a VR avatar, but I think her work wasn't any good so she just got handed mod duty after the others like Amy fucked off. If he was flirting with snaccs based on looks he'd be a lot nicer to sarah bear who is an outright e-girl. This is just him trying to get free things and money out of his most delusional followers. He tried it on kitty mcpancakes crew, but they obviously weren't very interested. Speaking of the mcpancakes crew Jake apparently liked this post of kitty insinuating he's cuddling with another dude in bed? He still likes all of kitty's posts despite not gaming with him or really even updating twitter anymore.
No. 1927573
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>>1927569Bonus post really showcasing his exceptional humor.
No. 1928124
>>1928054I think it's nr 3.
With the way Fake's been acting recently, I was convinced they're far from the loveydovey phase they used to plaster on their stories early in the relationship. Or, when it's been made "official", to be correct, kek. I was sure Kat's been hit hard with reality and looking for other options on the dl.
And then one day, after a nona posted recaps of yet another cringeworthy live, I went to watch the Croatian vlog just to laugh at Fake's misery. I was surprised to see how she's still head over heels for him. The level of pickmeism is hard with this woman.
No. 1928150
>>1928124I can't bring myself to ever watch his videos, is she really stupid? Like totally oblivious to the fact he's
And just dumb in general?
No. 1928467
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No. 1928470
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No. 1928493
>>1928467Is she posting old clips or are they seriously still holding onto the studio even though Jake doesn't stream there anymore and has completely switched over to a public gym? Something is fishy here.
>>1928470Not terribly milky, but these are the saddest looking flowers he's given her yet. It's kind of funny how the quality of the vacations, the gifts, and flowers are all slowly getting worse though.
No. 1928574
>>1928535ikr? And the "little things"
>>1928470 too, when the farmers start speculating about why's Fake talking up his snaccs like that, all the slip-ups he's had in streams recently. Gotta "prove the h8turz wrong" KEK
But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps if Fake's really got a dayjob at this point, like some anons suggested, then they can afford to keep the studio, technically. Maybe he's playing up the whole "public gym" too for fake storytimes of how everyone's thirsting over his disproportional overweight dwarfbod with ugly tattoos. Hilarious nonetheless.
No. 1929244
>>1929104he has said that he never spent any of his Patreon earnings, it all goes to savings.
but I'm sure he is dipping into savings right now to stay afloat if he isn't working a real job, to afford budget holidays and keep the continuous alcohol flowing, and cigarettes stocked. unless Kat is keeping the lights on. she seems dumb enough to take on unpaid emotional labor AND give her own money to this scrote. sad. and so not the life of a "trophy" she thinks others see her as. no wonder she needs validation from OnlyFans. it's all so cringe. you'd think being a mother who is half passed 30 would make you more mature, not the type of pick-me to date Jake Munro and hang his clothes, be his maid, yet never cleans the floor that leaves your feet filthy when you gyrate on your pole for insta.
No. 1929488
File: 1700150805207.jpg (83.68 KB, 1080x491, munropatreon.jpg)

>>1929244I'd be surprised if he's been able to save anything considering he's only making $500 a month at most (It's likely closer to $250-$300) from patreon and half that is the max from YouTube right now ($255, but likely closer to half that). Even the $50-$100 he makes when he streams has him at minimum wage at best. It's no wonder he's trying to fall back on OF to scrounge up any money he can. I know we've joked about him being broke before, but he's actually legitimately broke now.
>>1929444I doubt it tbh. He had his now ex-bandmate renting one of the rooms from him, but I don't know if he can legally hold anyone to a contract as he doesn't own the property. He doesn't really have friends or people he can trust either. Also, it wouldn't prevent him from using the personal gym there too? I still think he got rid of it and kat is posting old pole content because she needs attention.
No. 1929493
File: 1700151208327.jpg (195.96 KB, 1080x952, munroyoutube.jpg)

>>1929488Here's his YT stats for reference, it's the worst it's ever been and he's still losing 1k subs a month. He went from having nearly 100k more subs than kaya to just 17k more. Funny he still blames "the algorithm" for his drop in views, but the algorithm isn't making thousands unsub.
No. 1929828
File: 1700195508711.jpg (164.49 KB, 499x746, ew.jpg)

We've all seen it, Fake, it's nothing to brag about.
No. 1929830
File: 1700195577593.jpg (109.65 KB, 508x793, youwish.jpg)

Had to look up who this was, apparently a member of Motionless in White. Will post a pic of them in a second but I'd wager it's you who's stealing the brand, Jake.
No. 1929831
File: 1700195651272.jpg (588.74 KB, 753x953, morrow.jpg)

For reference. Resemblance is kind of uncanny, tbh. Though this guy seems less douchey in his tiktoks.
No. 1929890
File: 1700211912368.png (1.35 MB, 864x1872, Screenshot_20231117-090522.png)

DeAmOn slayer lol(this isn't milk, sage it)
No. 1929914
File: 1700217443016.jpg (502.09 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20231117-103725_Gal…)

>>1929831 wow the bottom and top left ones are the exact same makeup and hair jake has and very similar names too. Thats uncanny af.
No. 1930029
File: 1700240467502.jpg (18.15 KB, 323x400, 0ab89bb8e979be71f4f42b35e527b4…)

>>1929970>>1929914>>1929831>>1929830The look is native to MM and not joke the broke kek if anything they both copied MM only fake is a huge fucking self absorbed narc and thinks he invented that shit god he's pathetic
No. 1930051
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No. 1930053
File: 1700244220999.png (1.87 MB, 1170x2532, 762B96B4-6A21-4B92-86B1-9580C7…)

No. 1930064
File: 1700245251088.png (2.83 MB, 1170x2532, 6082CD43-4618-488C-B868-2ED434…)

We might be getting the documentary?
No. 1930119
File: 1700251718940.png (378.85 KB, 672x500, kyo Dir en Grey.png)

>>1929831Jake has been skinwalking Kyo from Dir en Grey forever. This guy just does it better.
No. 1930128
>>1930029I also like to add he copied the joker look mostly jared Leto version and bit of heath ledger smudged lipstick
>>1930051 and he was preparing to kick kaya into a cold damp studio in middle of winter with no heating while her mother had a cancer scare so he could be with kat and start his new life. And filming a sex tape almost instantly. A lot of people lost respect for him just after his tour I wonder why kek. Why have they taken so long to upload the documentary was it cause if the sexual assault scandal?
>>1930053 he looks way better thin and with no muscles didn’t realise he had a normal shaped body and the tattoos were the worst thing he did to his body. Sorry jake but you fucked up big time enjoy reminiscing on the past
No. 1930339
File: 1700284445214.png (528.6 KB, 1304x631, brokethejoke.png)

Apparently Jake is entirely too broke to buy himself a new gaming chair and his has been broken for months now. He's recruited his mod JadedSphinx to organize a $300 goal for a planned "break the jake" on Sunday December 10th. Far gone are the days where this loser was getting thousands on stream for brainless tiktok reacts. massive kek at him obviously organizing his own "break the jake" too.
No. 1930344
File: 1700284832958.png (59.3 KB, 922x470, snaccs.png)

>>1930339So far there's only one snacc who has expressed being able to donate $50 towards it. Most other snaccs are expressing how much they are financially struggling right now and with the upcoming holidays. Moni of course expressed she's going to also donate, but no sign of lady allura anywhere yet.
No. 1930346
File: 1700285173927.png (18.5 KB, 1120x88, jakesick.png)

>>1930344mind you this is most of the feedback there has been from the snaccs within a weeks time. He also took the 13th off "sick" and has been supposedly "working hard" to make new content. Not sure what or where though, he usually only streams a few hours every other day, hasn't uploaded a new YT video in a month, and his patreon still hasn't been updated since April.
No. 1930927
File: 1700424479604.jpg (438.2 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20231119_200755_Ins…)

No one who is actually happy posts crap like this. They're so performative it hurts
No. 1931329
File: 1700524425171.png (594.41 KB, 1026x838, katpaine2349.png)

Been a quiet week. Jake ended up skipping most of the past week's streams up until today. Not sure what for as there is still no new content anywhere, promised YT and OF content included. Kat is still regularly updating her OF for the several people who follow her there. Also, blessed us with a less made up (though still heavily filtered) clip of herself. Real shame "daddy" never spoiled her with some dental treatments.
No. 1931592
>>1931329I guess he is just lazy or depressed
>>1931353They look kinda big. And she isn't even that much of a skeleton for them to look like anachan's weird jaws where the teeth look unproportionately big compared to their faces.
No. 1931678
File: 1700597275353.jpg (253.2 KB, 815x649, katstaine.jpg)

>>1931329>>1931353The filters are hiding a lot of what's wrong here tbh. The misaligned middle tooth situation and underbite wouldn't be so bad on their own, but chainsmoking has clearly done a number on her teeth.
No. 1931833
File: 1700616708373.png (858.75 KB, 509x906, yeahok.png)

Jake canceled on his stream yet again tonight. First excuse was he was busy at the gym followed up with having to "organize merch units" and helping kat move a bed? Sounds like they've had to rearrange and reorganize after clearing out the studio maybe. Also it's funny the guy in the background of the gym looks like a beefier less grotesque version of him. But sure Jake, all the "chicks" are totally checking you out over these other guys.
>>1931749absolutely rancid. She's on par with vicky in pt.
No. 1931834
File: 1700616740578.png (216.15 KB, 828x1792, sure.png)

>>1931833picrel on the merch unit and bed excuse
No. 1932260
File: 1700686187186.jpg (1.28 MB, 1080x1919, 31122144607334.jpg)

>>1931834He's been streaming for two hours on twitch and hasn't had more than 12-16 viewers at any one time. kek Also, he has the studio still. He's been rearranging all the rooms and set one up as a "music video room" with a green screen. The other rooms look trashed or empty? I can upload the clip later once he's finished streaming. Not sure why he's choosing to spend more money on a public gym when he's barely pulling any revenue, but he's never been known to be any good with money.
No. 1932289
File: 1700688076195.mp4 (6.76 MB, 720x1280, 004F62888028F62E9EE7410D066F99…)

>>1932260the current state of his trashed studio and proof he still has it.
No. 1932385
File: 1700698088314.mp4 (4.43 MB, 1280x720, 2023-11-22 17-57-27.mp4)

>>1932260Quick recap for today's stream:
>only streams for two and a half hours, playing final fantasy online, sounds drunk and slurring speech>says he's been listening to bobby lee's podcast (you know the fat asian comedian who "joked" about his personal experiences of paying for child prostitutes overseas)>Complains about "zoomer podcasts" being too wrapped up in PC culture, wants more offensive humor>Said he just ate a "chicken bigmac" and says it's totally okay that he ate it because it's "the only thing he ate today">"the dumber you are the more fertile you are" (weird slight at kat, jake)>cracks a bunch of jokes about sleeping with ugly girls and "taking one for the team">claims he's going to get back on filming music videos now that he got the studio room set up>says he found a bunch of merch he forgot about at the studio and will put it up for sale soon>promises new OF pictures using the greenscreen and says they will "look pro">"I want a fleshlight that makes squeaky hammer sounds when you fuck it">"why would I want that? Cause it'd be like fucking a clown! eheheh">makes weird nymphomaniac jokes about the small fairy creatures in game?>keeps joking about monster names sounding like racial slurs, thinks it's super funny>really weird skit about racial slurs in the FF14 world regarding "tree people">chat is dead at this point in the stream so he's basically just talking to himself>goes onto explain the difference between chinese and korean people in relation to his skit?>starts randomly repeating that he's "about to jizz!" for no apparent reason>leaves to got to the bathroom, leaving his ugly VR avatar looking frozen in horror>jumps into a dungeon, struggles to keep up with the other players, seems genuinely confused half the time> "I miss having all day to play videogames" (not sure what's stopping him tbh)>keeps calling the lalafell player in the group "the toddler" despite making sexual jokes about lalafells in past streams>said he used to watch the movie "flubber" five times a day, every day for two years as a kid>"you are what you eat… does that make me a pussy uhuhuheh. hashtag jake munro is a pussy! heheh">"my character has a harem of tiny lalafell pussy. eheheh awesome" (mind you he was just calling lalafells toddlers a half an hour earlier)> complains about his back hurting and follows it up with saying it's "so wide and muscular">starts plugging his OF again, saying it's coming back asap>jokes about his chocobo being a "pick me" ???>bitches at the game for his poor understanding of character controls per usual>says he's going to finally be filming new YT videos tomorrow>sarcastically says "oooh nooo, I hope you don't eat my asshole heehee">"double penetration every time? Is that what you are into? heheh">"as we already established, you are what you eat. So I am both a pussy and an asshole">gets killed in game and whines about it, spends the rest of the stream running around trying to buy new equipment>says he's calling it early tonight because he's tired and will stream tomorrow on YT. Will have a new YT uploaded by Friday.All in all he got two subs the whole stream and one $10 donation from a random snacc. He earned maybe $8-12 after twitch takes their cut. Moni was incredibly raunchy the entire time making jokes like "chocobukake" (joking about bukkaking a large bird creature) and saying shit like "more like LOLIfel". She's outright nasty. Chat seemed to be three different snaccs trying to say the most obscene things they can think of to try to get a response out of jake, but he mostly ignores them unless they are donating or complimenting him. Picrel is the clip of him sexualizing the lalafells who he also called "toddlers" earlier in stream.
No. 1932448
>>1932260He looks so incredibly chavvy here like if I saw this guy irl I'd steer clear in case I got shanked.
Is this an old photo or did he cover his shit face tats with makeup?
>>1932385>>Said he just ate a "chicken bigmac" and says it's totally okay that he ate it because it's "the only thing he ate today"Eating disorder-chan, has he tried eating actual food he cooked at home? He has the habits and behaviour of a teenager, seriously stunted.
No. 1932465
File: 1700712427584.png (891.55 KB, 827x907, lalafell.png)

>>1932385he's really leaning into this creepy lalafell thing. For any nonnas unfamiliar that's what they look like on the side of picrel.
No. 1932501
and to Jake, please read before you call her your "princess" while she has to clean your filthy pigsty: the Princess treatment you may have heard about isn't just calling your 35 yr old adult gf your "princess." it involves actually spoiling her, not making her clean, not making her work to make ends meet for you, and giving her GIFTS, not of "time together" but good expensive ones that are JUST for her. she's not your princess. you are a cuck, though. raising another man's son and having her engage in sexwork for basically free because no one else wants to see her flat old tits, man face, man feet, and bony ass. can't even claim to be a pimp daddy or whatever. kek!
No. 1932509
File: 1700720999880.jpg (495.7 KB, 1284x2127, 20231122_222350.jpg)

>>1932465KEK and using a lalafell in bondage image as the background? Maz, are you genuinely retarded? Also, Maz is now officially a genderspecial they/them who considers misgendering on par with physical violence. Bonus points for regurgitating the "dagger in my heart" which is a direct quote from a known troon menace who goes around canceling small businesses just for misgendering him. Also, her hair and makeup looks genuinely awful… looks like she's trying to copy Jake's hairstyle and color combo. Creepy old granny.
No. 1932529
>>1932448So far the only cooked meals we've ever seen him eat are when he and Kat go out for pizza while on holiday (though she usually opts for salad). Otherwise he talks about fast food an awful lot and who could forget kat leaving him a pile of toddler snacks that one night. It's no wonder he was caught with russell's signs.
>>1932509The creepy part is this old woman appears to have a child too (a little boy she dresses in girls clothing of course)? Yet she's completely comfortable about making borderline lolicon jokes about her beloved "goth daddy". It's also crazy that fat/ugly women like her and moni cape so hard for the stump while he talks about how much he hates ugly and fat women? Imagine being such a delusional pick-me you think that you are the exception when in reality he is just using you for your donations and free mod work. He doesn't care about you any more than he does any other disposable "snaccs". Funny too, just noticed Moni untagged herself from that one photo that got posted here. Looks like the snaccs are lurking.
No. 1932589
>>1932385The only ones "taking one for the team" are recap anons kek. God he is insufferable with his immature sexual humor. He so deserves barely having any viewers left.
>>1932509I was about to post this. How old is she, 50? Imagine being so mentally stunted that you become a gender special at that age simping for Jake Munro. Also why is her username spelled wrong everywhere, I thought that was a typo! Jake must hate her.
>>1932529They don't connect the dots because he's nice to them for the money so they probably don't realize he wouldn't touch them and that they are included in his nasty comments about ugly and fat women. It's sad, they should get a hobby instead.
No. 1932677
File: 1700761397644.png (474.12 KB, 667x407, fake.png)

I listened to the first hour of his current stream and here's what's worth mentioning:
>Talks about Guy Falkes for a while and brings some leftist statements against the government and inflation. For instance, snob politicians and them not caring about the working class. (It is weird considering he's so into MRA stuff now. I assume he's not going full right wing and just hates women.)
>Defends Prince Harry wearing a Nazi costume to halloween because nazis are scary. Compares it to people wearing a Michael Myers costume.
>Has thought about places he wants to live because NI was never meant to be permanent. He doesn't like it there and never really integrated. Doesn't like the culture, the countryside, the weather and how small it is. People don't support each other and small businesses die because of that (as if that's exclusive to Belfast). Keeps complaining about things about the region.
>After rambling for at least 10 minutes he comes to places he likes. Berlin was nice, Spain was one of the best places. Everyone is happy and laid-back. So much to do. Very human kek
>He'd move to Spain first and if not maybe Austria, Switzerland, Germany or rural Italy. Says italian cities and Paris and all the popular cities in Europe are shitholes because of tourism, scammers and thieves kek (why does he want to move to a bigger city then?).
(I kinda wish he would move to another place just to hear him complain in the same way and be as miserable as always. All in all he sounds really naive and detatched from reality when he talks about this topic. He really is convinced everything would be better if he lived somewhere else. He also comes off as one of those people that have visited one or two cities and think they know the whole country)
>Claims french people are condescending
He also got a few donations, one of them $20, maybe snaccs are a little more generous because of Thanksgiving. And the no eyebrow look really isn't doing him any favors, especially without makeup. It just makes him look more tired.
No. 1933384
File: 1700901290302.png (609.47 KB, 514x909, newvideos.png)

>>1932677Thank you for this partial recap anon. I'm trying to go through and watch the entire 5 hour stream, but it's one of his most boring yet. Three hours in and he's really just listening to himself talk. No gaming, nothing particularly interesting, just him reciting incorrect "facts" about various subjects and farming free ideas off his half dozen active snaccs.
He did post this though, seems he kept his promise on filming new content, but it doesn't sound like it's going to be any better than it usually is. It's also the usual "film 3-in-1" video format he always does. So expect more shit 10min reaction videos throughout this next month I guess.
No. 1933458
>>1932902Exactly, he just got into the next relationship with a mom on top of everything which makes it nearly impossible to move to another country. I don't think he'll ever do it.
>>1933384I tuned in for a second a little later where he was reacting to fitness videos, that part might be kind of milky if he compares himself to those people but I don't think it's worth it to watch an entire stream. The hour I watched was boring enough, even though I did something else and it was only running in the background. But if you don't have anything better to do go for it nonna kek.
He somehow always manages to look even worse, like he intentionally makes himself ugly with bad style choices.
No. 1934164
>>1933883why would he care what goth girls want to date or that girls don't like short tiny men if he's so happy with his tall ass generically alternative princess? lol.
I guess princess snaggletooth doesn't compliment him enough on his tiny stumpy midget physique. or he's jealous of petite women for being admired. what about the petite men?! lmao
No. 1934552
File: 1701123340278.jpg (26.94 KB, 423x653, ramiro.jpg)

Fake must think he looks like this kek
No. 1934704
File: 1701145641459.png (1.42 MB, 1442x795, asseater.png)

Super late recap of his Friday stream:
>opens stream with overexplaining to snaccs how he's from the UK and doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving
>says he gets wished a "happy 4th of July" and that it's a "bit of a sore spot for him as he's British
>says he has no plans for this stream and that they "can fool around a bit, get tipsy"
>snaccs ask for him to play "sons of the forest" and he says he "doesn't feel like it" but will play it Saturday (spoiler: he didn't)
>weirdly pro dressing as a nazi? adamantly defends Harry dressing as one (despite Harry himself deeply regretting it?)
>"KKK definitely stands for the kool kids club" seems to think the hate group is super funny
>"I don't know man, the more I read it the more adorable it sounds" in regards to reading about the KKK
>Keeps saying cringe things like "nani the fuck"
>A snacc donates $10 split into 5 separate superchats, spamming the chat as the robot voice is forced to read out every single emoji
>says that the UK doesn't have the freedom of speech like America does
>goes into a rant about wanting to leave Ireland, been there almost 14 years, was meant to be "semi permeant"
>complains about Ireland being too capitalist and pro corporation?
>"I can whinge and moan about how shite Ireland is all day"
>Expresses that he has changed his mind in regards to living in America now
>Still hung up on wanting to move to Spain, calling it "very human" several times
>says "white otakus" have ruined Japan, so he wouldn't want to live there (look inward jake)
>says if he did move to asia he'd move to Busan, South Korea, "for the internet speeds and uuugh the plastic surgery! I'd look beautiful!"
> unironically says "I loved being in japan because I was in the promised land!" (tell me again how white weebs ruined Japan)
>snacc donates $20 saying "happy thanksgiving" and he bitterly reminds them again they don't celebrate thanksgiving there
>says he wants to go to bali and to china, hong kong. Shoots down Jamaica and Thailand when suggested though.
>admits he thought philidelphia was a state and not a city. Seems to have thought the same about Chicago and Portland as well.
>says he likes american cars. Wants a lifted truck with massive wheels. (typical manlet behavior)
>spends entirely too much time talking out of his ass about places he's never actually been and acting confused about basic geography
>starts ranting about guns, gun laws, starts mansplaining Texas to a texan snacc?
>seems to geniunely think you need to wear a bullet proof vest to eat at a waffle house
>says he'd want to live in New York or Texas if he had to live in the USA
>says he hates the UK and England, sounds as bitter as he feels about Ireland. Also, hates Wales.
>random snacc donates $5
>says that portugese sounds like russian "to the untrained ear" (lmao what)
>starts shopping the steam autumn sale because he doesn't own shit for games apparently
>says he might buy the new street fighter for "the cammy ass alone eheheh"
>"ohoho I'd wreck cammy in real life. She'd have to wash that leotard after what I'd do to her"
>says he shouldn't be buying games right now because he needs to save if he "wants to go to barcelona soon"
>buys a single $5 game that was released fourteen years ago (exactly what will bring in views)
>plugs subbing to his YT channel to "remove ads" reset his goal and is back to only 8 of of 40 as his goal. (doesn't get a single new sub the entire 5 hour stream. kek)
>rants about avenged sevenfold for entirely too long, seems a little obsessed
>oono donates $5 and apparently is designing new merch for jake for free?
>his favorite avenged sevenfold song is one about a woman being a whore, he rants about the band for entirely too long
>says that he now has a music video studio, he can start pumping out covers quick and "get famous all over again"
>talks about his favorite creed song and apparently covered some e-girl vtuber song that he forgot to finish
>says he's going to do a cover of a goth song cause "I just want to piss goths off"
>says he's going to do covers from scooby doo, the goofy movie, and the fairly odd parents
>reveals what he's been watching on YT lately, it's 90% gamegrumps and the rest is a mix of survival videos, fitness videos, and his own videos
>watches a leanbeefpatty video, says her videos suck, but "she's very charming"
>says he eats a lot of microwave rice and ground turkey brest with "lite mayo"
>says that eating vegetables is unnecessary and that you only need to eat "rice and meat"
>drops his voice really low and says "oh, you are leaving Aiden?… that is punishable."
>pauses the video to point out her "booty hugging yoga pants", weirdly mansplains health and fitness to patty as if she was present
>"me and kat tried to make a pornstar martini over the weekend" in relation to cooking recipes?
>says its okay to eat trash like poptarts as long as you don't eat anything else that day
>starts watching some channel called "science bro", the second video he watched that was pro steroids
>giggles at the guys bad jokes, including a shirt that says "pull up, not out" says he's going to buy and wear the "ass eater" shirt
>says he's "natty" now, but will absolutely take steroids in the near future, says kat won't care he's on steroids, she will just be like "oh a six pack, yummy"
>has researched how to prevent hair loss from steroid use and says he wants to take the (roid rage) type of steroid over the others because he wouldn't run the risk of growing "bitch tits"
>says he typically drinks two monsters a day, often on top of morning coffee
>says he's not "as squishy and fat and gross" as he was a couple months ago
>gets up and starts awkwardly flexing for the camera while saying he looks "fertile" before saying he has to go
Sorry it took me so long to finally finish the recap. Even at 2x speed, 5 hours (cut down to 2.5) of this annoying self important moid smelling his own farts is just too much. It's funny though, he only received $40 in donations, but most of them were in the form of superchats so YT is taking it's hefty cut. No new subs either. So he probably only made something like $30 for five hours of streaming.
No. 1934707
File: 1701145786008.png (1.49 MB, 1377x741, bigfatdave.png)

>>1934704Here he is cackling over a snacc's middle school tier fanart of his skit character "big fat dave". Truly a comedic genius.
No. 1934709
File: 1701146118456.png (1.15 MB, 1060x598, bloatyscrote.png)

>>1934704and here's his weird lumpy undefined bodycheck just before he cut the stream.
No. 1934713
>>1934704>"KKK definitely stands for the kool kids club" seems to think the hate group is super funny>"I don't know man, the more I read it the more adorable it sounds" in regards to reading about the KKKI wonder if Kaya ever checks in on him and thanks the lord/satan that Jake is no longer in her life. This is not even edgy, just disgusting.
>A snacc donates $10 split into 5 separate superchats, spamming the chat as the robot voice is forced to read out every single emojiActually funny use of Superchat
>says he hates the UK and England, sounds as bitter as he feels about Ireland. Also, hates Wales.His resentment is very ironic since UK and Ireland are the only places being a pasty, miserable bastard is considered acceptable. And everyone still hates him. He would reach unprecedented levels of unpopular if he tried this shit anywhere else.
No. 1934803
File: 1701182576607.jpg (1.05 MB, 1384x390, TvEFUNS.jpg)

>>1934779He got very slim around the time of the tour due to dieting, illness and heavy stress. I don't know why he deliberately bulks up now when he knows he looks best lean.
Couldn't help but make an edit to show the difference after 2 years (I could have been meaner and picked a no make-up photo but I resisted). Unsurprisingly cheating is bad for your skin.
>I thought it would be best for both of us if we parted ways and try to find, at some point…maybe…who knows…someone who reignites that spark. So please respect our privacy and the sanctity of this announcement videoThis part felt icky after knowing what he was doing with Kat at the time.
In 2022 he started OF, got some highly unflattering face and neck tatts, posted way too many gross/humiliating IG stories, burned almost all his bridges, showed his unhinged side in Twitter/YT comments and tanked his career. If he kept his head down and kept grinding with the react content he'd probably be doing ok rn but instead, after a failed response video and short lived v-tubing career, he's now streaming for pennies with no clear direction for the future.
No. 1934814
File: 1701184209525.jpg (1.42 MB, 1051x1870, 20231128090939520.jpg)

>>1934803The side by side is hilarious. Never thought he was all that attractive tbh, but it's almost like he's his own ugly friend and the picture of him now is so gross that the old one looks so much better in comparison? He looks so big and bloated and swollen now that his weak jawline has disappeared into his thick neck completely and his eyes look smaller and too close together. Also hilarious he wasted all that money on tattoo removal just to turn around and get literal doodles on his face. I can't with this moid. Can't wait for the hair loss, roid rage, shriveled balls saga that he's steadily heading into.
No. 1934833
>>1934704Kek at him having to save up for a Barcelona trip. It really isn't that expensive. So why does he keep the studios? He clearly can't afford them and must be paying them from savings or going into debt (or Kat pays them but I don't think she makes enough money).
>reveals what he's been watching on YT lately, it's 90% gamegrumps and the rest is a mix of survival videos, fitness videos, and his own videosnarc moment
>says that eating vegetables is unnecessary and that you only need to eat "rice and meat"if you say so, Jake
>says its okay to eat trash like poptarts as long as you don't eat anything else that dayhe is such an anachan
>>1934713Good point, he's lucky that he is on the British island
>>1934803Holy fuck the difference is insane. I didn't notice it over time. We need more nutrition tips from him kek
No. 1934878
File: 1701196455574.jpg (493.33 KB, 1080x814, Screenshot_20231128-122825.jpg)

>>1934872He just said he's up to 189 subs, so half his subs are gifted by a few loyal snaccs? This is quite literally like the onision discord group. Even so though, at 189 subs after YT takes their cut he's lucky to walk away with $600 at the end of the month. We all know he's only making petty cash as far as donations and views go otherwise. Even onision is bringing I more than him with his career in absolute ruins. Also kek at them gifting more subs than there are viewers. Enjoy your free subs nonnas.
No. 1934885
>>1934878There also have been several over $100 donations. What is up today? This is some weird return of the break the Jake-streams. Thank God this is a rare exception and won't be a regular thing. They really are like Onision's paypigs but the good thing is they also declined in numbers over time and no new hardcore fans will come in because those types of fans are always from the glorious times.
What's also kekworthy is that this will give him hope that it's going up again for him when that is not the case.
No. 1935078
File: 1701221963320.jpeg (88.34 KB, 1109x571, IMG_3136.jpeg)

>>1934814Here’s a couple of images from his “new house reveal” video two years ago, for more comparison. He was definitely in better shape, physically. Still short, but proportionate to that shortness. Even had the illusion of lankiness, at first glance. Closeup, though, he was still a pug. Definitely looked unhealthy, even back then. I think the roids just made his body look like his face. They are probably the reason why he shouts so much now, too. He seemed so calm and sane in that video, and now he’s constantly ramped up and agitated about everything.
No. 1935133
>>1934779I thought he was ok looking, too. when he was with Kaya at his most successful, in full goth makeup for the tiktok react videos, etc. he didn't have such a bloated face. I didnt know his personality was so rotten, either. he wasn't "hot" or my ideal, but I could see why Kaya liked him, and why he had so many fan girls. I also didn't realize how stumpy and misshapen he was until seeing him naked. back then I believed the "5'10" stat. but now he looks like a fucking monster dwarf.
kat gets him as his most ugly, inside and out.
No. 1935180
>>1935078>>1935141Exactly. He was kind of likable a few years back when he did vlogs, even in his Casey Neistat phase he was still calm and more mature. Of course there were red flags like how he always had Kaya walking behind him and centering himself but those things were minor compared to his ugly and immature behavior today. At least in front of the camera he was able to keep up a facade. He ruined his life and his career and he can't cope.
>>1935148Ew that's nasty
>>1935167I didn't watch MAG but I know some clips that make him look bad are from that time, like where he made jokes about hitting kids. Probably him being with braindead Kat who enables his bad habits and behaviors contributes to the decline.
No. 1935185
>>1935180There was probably a LOT more incriminating shit said on MAG videos then people even had time to get, because he sure took down the channel fast once people here started posting clips.
Something I always wondered, as a former MAG fan back in those days, is what the fuck happened between them and this girl MainlyBoredom (aka Ari) who came and stayed with them and was in a few videos. She was actually in the pool shoot where he first met Kat. Ari came back for one of Jake's band's shows and left suddenly, like right before or during the show if I remember correctly, flew back to the US and they never talked to/about her again after that. Gotta wonder if Jake did something that freaked her the fuck out.
Also have always wondered what happened to make the girl they had briefly as an editor, Vox, leave. She was hanging out with them a lot and then suddenly she wasn't their editor anymore and again, they stopped talking to/about her. Really gotta wonder what Jake did to run these people off.
No. 1935197
>>1935185Did Ari ever actually unfollow Jake or Kaya? I know she nuked all her social media at one point (no idea what year) and there were conflicting stories about why (either she got sick of being a Youtuber or she couldn't deal with the backlash of defending Kat von D's antivaxx views). Jake might have creeped on her while she visited but ultimately I think she was too much of an oddball for him; PeachMilky and Kelly Eden seemed more his type.
Vox made a few appearances in the vlogs, mostly in 2017. She was always driving them places and Jake would ask her 'where are we going now?' like some little kid as if it was Vox's job to keep them entertained or make the vlogs interesting. Also, did she even get paid to be their editor? I think Jake and Kaya definitely pushed the friendship by using her so much. I did notice some romantic tension between her and Jake in the vlogs, he was definitely crushing on her.
She moved to Japan in 2018/19 but I think she came back to Belfast this year. I know Kaya still follows her but I doubt they've spoken/hung out in years.
No. 1935264
>>1935235To make things worst it was a butt plug. Something tells me if you forgotten about it in a room it is unwashed. Imagine the smell
>>1935250 that kid is going to be messed up when his friends find his mother's porn and show him and he relised it was all shot in his bedroom. Why is she incapable of doing it in her own bedroom or the studio who in the right mind does that I their child bedroom. Gross
No. 1935858
File: 1701383663123.jpg (710.07 KB, 1076x1037, 0000180663.jpg)

>>1935844Lmao can't believe Sims porn
nonnie is still around and still doesn't know how to sage. Some things never change. Kat is genuinely so nasty though. Leaving used buttplugs around your home is shayna tier cow behavior except kat's worse in the sense she's doing this around her four year old kid.
No. 1935990
File: 1701406816513.jpg (167.72 KB, 388x699, overcompensation.jpg)

Kat posted this and a few other reels of him with the kid. Seems like he's started ramping up the 'see I still love my 'family'" stuff, considering how he's been behaving lately with flirting with snaccs and pretty much ignoring Isaac's existence….
No. 1935992
File: 1701406853564.jpg (89.4 KB, 489x772, ohjustshutup.jpg)

Posted by him directly after. Think I vomited in my mouth a little.
No. 1936008
File: 1701410101292.jpg (238.08 KB, 1080x1798, Screenshot_20231130-215351_Ins…)

No Jake, you train because of your crippling body image issues/standards and because you have a hard on for muscular/masculine body types. But of course that wouldn't be a very Chad reason.
No. 1936022
File: 1701413490531.jpg (439.23 KB, 1080x1069, 045.jpg)

During the last stream while scrolling reels (the majority of them were steroid related content), he would skip any video that didn't have thousands of likes because "that's how you can tell what will waste your time and what won't". Meanwhile, his Jester Jake video is sitting at 81 views and 6 likes after being online for almost 2 months. Self awareness, Jake. Git sum.
No. 1936096
>>1935990It's so hard to imagine him living with a child, especially someone else's considering how annoyed he was by Kaya. I don't know how often the kid is with his father but it's so unimaginable, I bet he hides in his home studio all the time.
>>1936022Jake logic: Only successful videos are good
>>1936091Yeah it doesn't make sense, western European countries have more or less the same free speech rights as the US. And the whole woke bullshit is mainly imported from America so what is he talking about?
No. 1936108
File: 1701436920363.jpg (4.46 MB, 4243x2828, 5-19-13-671.jpg)

I like how this cringey jacket he's been sporting says "choose to be kind" on the back, meanwhile all he does is talk shit and make people feel bad. Also, he calls it his "punk jacket" KEK. Nothing more punk than a mass-produced shein jacket with patches that say literal nonsense like "sport" and "ok yellow". Idk how he wears that jacket without feeling embarrassed.
No. 1936144
>>1935990>>1935992>I train hard so I can lift a 40lb child once for family friendly photo-ops to try to cleanse my poor social image>lol kat left her dirty used buttplug out within Isaac's reach again, wowee I love my hot milf!OK Jake.
>>1936051Really feels like he's back to leaning into that rebranding as a family man despite his ability to stop talking and sex or violence for more than 5 seconds. That video of him cackling and acting out slapping around a crying child still haunts him I see.
>>1936096Kat posts a lot of just her and Issac together watching Disney movies, going to the beach, etc. But it's pretty rare to see Jake and Issac posts unless kat is also involved. There was also that time he was openly bitter on stream that he had to watch Issac solo while kat had to go to an appointment. Issac is as much a prop to him as anyone in his life is.
No. 1936168
File: 1701448419204.jpeg (313.5 KB, 828x551, IMG_3150.jpeg)

>>1936108It’s weird, because in his latest video, he starts off by saying how much he hated doing TikTok reaction videos back in the day, because he was trying to be nice, and he wasn’t good at being nice. So now he’s gonna go ahead and do the reaction videos and NOT be nice. (Also, has anyone noticed how he keeps referring to his audience as “kids”? Kind of strikes me as gross, if he thinks his audience are kids and continues to talk about those barfy things he talks about.)
No. 1936176
File: 1701449217025.jpg (111.24 KB, 1170x978, afl9x6bfqmg91.jpg)

>>1935992You're a cuck raising another man's kid,jake.
Nothing masculine about that.
No. 1936185
>>1936108Lmao, love that he's reduced to wearing nothing but SHEIN and old killstar from his days with kaya. Can't believe he called his style "designer" on stream that one time. The delusion is real. Also massive kek at calling it punk. Almost as laughable as him continously labeling himself goth for the views.
>>1936168Also worse as those "kids" are calling him "daddy" all the time while he talks about sending them dick pics and peeing on them. Can't wait to see this mess after the roid saga is in full swing. Just imagine how pathetic it's all going to be if he's still at this at 40.
No. 1936409
>>1935992He so clearly made that up on the spot, it makes no sense if you think about it for even a second. The kid can reach the top of the tree himself by the time he's 8+ so he's saying he goes to the gym so he can lift a kid that isn't even his up for 10 seconds a year from the ages of 4-8, and this is apparently the same as "supporting and protecting" them
No. 1936445
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No. 1937105
File: 1701590250196.mp4 (3.51 MB, 1280x720, 2023-11-27 21-52-33 (1).mp4)

It's funny how Jake openly labels himself "GOTH" on all his videos for views despite bitterly hating on goths all the time? Can't tell if he's just salty that he has to wear the clown paint to get any views or if it's just him still being bitter over his ex.
No. 1937106
File: 1701590436120.png (216.55 KB, 577x399, 023578902.png)

>>1937105he has also suddenly resorted to using old photos of himself to promote his streams. Wonder if all the talk here about how he was decent looking back then vs. now
>>1934803 got to him. kek
No. 1937131
>>1935990>>1935992everytime I check this thread I end up thinking of this man's chunky fat arms and thinking we'd have to be seeing some serious gains in Jake if he were actually working out anything like he claims, even adjusting for him boosting how long he works out per day. Makes me wonder if he's actually working out or if workout time gets scheduled and he spends half his time distracted with something else and barely putting in effort into his easiest exercises. Now that he's going to a gym IRL, I wonder how much time is wasted looking at himself in the mirror, taking pics, and ogling women there vs actually sweating
>>1937106too bad the picture makes his shoulders look like someone drew them on too big
No. 1937145
>>1937128Poser or not kaya has been hosting a few different goth events around London for the past few months. Makes me think he's been doubling down so hard on the goth hate lately because she's so involved in the scene these days? Probably makes him extra salty seeing as he has no friends or social life whatsoever.
>>1937131He's definitely bulkier, but not in a way that looks good on him. He already has such stocky proportions, getting bulky has just made him look weirdly bloated and stout.
No. 1937174
File: 1701606142339.jpeg (508.2 KB, 747x907, IMG_3179.jpeg)

>>1937106Kek all it does is let us easily see the side by side comparison of how wrinkly he’s gotten.
No. 1937283
File: 1701622719021.jpg (213.37 KB, 1080x1857, Screenshot_20231202-184825_Ins…)

He thinks his baby arms look good
No. 1937387
>>1935990I don’t like him around her kid, he’ll I don’t even like the idea of his crusty whore mom around the kid, I feel so bad for him.
No. 1937427
File: 1701637886425.png (134.42 KB, 207x403, lumpy uggo.png)

>>1937283ok fake seriously, get a trainer. You were a stupid boy working harder not smarter for so long you managed to bulk up so totally unbalanced on a singular appendage it looks like lymphedema deposits with how random it looks. You have to "work out" supremely stupidly to manage this. He must be spending way too long on singular
~advanced~ exercises that boost individual muscles while being too dumb to pair that with enough workouts to get the whole arm down. If he walked in front of a professional body builder they'd probably cry. He looks like an extreme version of guys who clearly only use their arms to jack off and type and get weird muscle distribution. I'm amazed at how exercise is one of the only things he actually does yet he actually knows less than nothing about it. If he did nothing but planks and pushups all day he'd look ten times better than this lumpy mess
No. 1937505
>>1937283>>1937312lmao nonna. He really does. I really don't understand why his muscles looks so bloated? Is it because water retention or just poor diet and bodyfat? I imagine he probably over salts his gross microwave rice, mayo, and ground turkey mash he makes for meals which could be a culprit. He looks awful.
>>1937443According to him he's not on them yet, but is planning to as soon as he hits a plateau and will be open with the snaccs on stream when it happens. I definitely suspected he was already on them too though ngl. The bulkiness, the hair loss, the unbridled rage every single stream? If he's this bad (and ugly) before steroids, it's going to be an entire circus once he's on them.
No. 1937532
File: 1701653661777.png (289.76 KB, 512x384, 1000001633.png)

>>1937283His literal inspiration. Kek
No. 1937619
File: 1701665239458.png (23.7 KB, 918x135, thissunday.png)

Jake was apparently supposed to stream today, but didn't. He's been skipping an awful lot of streams again. Not sure why he even bothers to make a schedule or promise special reward streams if he can never seem to actually come through on them.
No. 1937708
>>1937283Ewwwww what has he done to himself? That’s gotta be roids hasn’t it?
I really hope it’s true that the kids dad has him the majority of the time.
No. 1937929
File: 1701719751212.jpg (29.17 KB, 500x560, 1f348e0a7e10e4c34439762db6f243…)

>>1937283>those fucking trisI assume he means triceratops because he looks like a tyrannosaurus rex.
No. 1939034
>>1938902Oh my days, they are totally going to try and make a band aid baby aren’t they?
If he can’t knock her up with his roid shrivelled balls he’s going to lose his shit. I can see him making sad eyes at his pick mes bleating on about their ‘fertility struggles’ already.
No. 1939174
File: 1701910137663.jpeg (196.04 KB, 1405x828, IMG_3220.jpeg)

Looks like just has dragged out all his unsold tour merch from two years ago and is trying to convince people to buy them now that they’re even less relevant. He will literally sell you the shirt off his back, too. Possibly unwashed? Who knows.
No. 1939268
>>1939104yeah, they call it advanced maternal age past 35. drinking and smoking are also unhealthy and not conducive to reproductive success. and use of steroids on Jake's end are going to affect his swimmers negatively.
is she really gaining weight? not drinking? tired? idk but I really hope they don't reproduce another prop kid for two narcissists.
and Jake will absolutely be turned off by a pregnant woman's body. she carried very large with Isaac and with your second child you show even sooner and typically gain more weight. then there's the weird discharge. nothing is TMI or sacred anymore. I can't imagine Jake making her feel good about growing fat tits and her tummy distending, and he seems like he'd be picky about vaginal discharge/periods/etc. the "I love to eat pussy all day and I'm so good at it" is a lie. kaya said he didnt go down on her at all but expected BJs. he is selfish in bed. selfish in life. should be considered neglectful to procreate with.
No. 1939289
File: 1701938443929.jpg (35.7 KB, 205x275, kek.jpg)

>>1939268As much as i would feel bad for the kid gotta admit that fake deserves the shit show that kids bring to people's lives seeing him struggle be stressed out and turned off by Skat's inflated balloon titts and punched lasagna vag would be so much fun kek
>>1939291He’ll never get out of Northern Ireland. If Kat has his baby he’s stuck there forever. Unless he’s a deadbeat and skips out on them, which I wouldn’t put past him to be honest. It’s one thing having a step kid that’s not there a good chunk of the time and quite another having your own baby.
It’s hilarious that out of the two of them it’s Fake that’s trapped himself in a country he can’t stand and Kayas the one jetting back and too to London, going to clubs and having a grand old time.
No. 1939301
File: 1701944096283.mp4 (5.02 MB, 720x1280, 934D5EE3BFEA55BE9C5A1834103C07…)

I'm surprised no one posted his cringe flexing in front of the mirror with his pants pulled down video
>>1936445Underrated post even though I have to admit I've seen way worse teeth on lolcows
>>1937106Oh, another thing he has in common with Onision
>>1937427He's like a walking "skip leg day" and other gym memes. I also think he is on roids.
>>1939174That's so odd, who wants to buy a tour shirt from 2021? Maybe a few who attended the shows but this seems desperate.
>>1939268He is totally one of those men who are repulsed by their pregnant partners
>>1939289Me too, he would be so miserable having another child, especially when he can't easily give away the responsibility because it is his own. I don't wish it but if it happens I'll kek.
No. 1939366
>>1939305Not all men!!1
Some of them fetishize pregnant and post pregnant women ugh
No. 1939423
File: 1701971122778.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1921, 20231207-113819.jpg)

>>1939301Also funny that he's trying to shill old tour merch considering all the bandmembers aren't even involved anymore. He's signing old beat up prints (look at the crumpled corners) he found in storage too for a quick cash grab.
>>1939289This sounds so scrotey and retarded, but I realize you're probably just a kid.
>>1939380There absolutely are men who festishize regular pregnant women and not just milfs though? There are men sexually into sneezing and popping balloons, scrotes will fetishize anything with their dumb monkey brains. Jake is shallow and porn obsessed though, I don't doubt he's going to find the process repulsive or be upset when kat is too pregnant/tired/sick to cater to his sexual desires. Really hope they don't have a girl.
No. 1939700
File: 1702007422197.png (295.73 KB, 334x512, tatteredkek.png)

>>1939423hilarious that he's selling these tattered old prints he had laying around "signed" for £12 ($15). The desperation is real. Also he sold the shirt he wore for £50 ($62)? while the regular go for half that. I bet moni or allura bought it and are going to be huffing his scent off it fresh out of the mail.
No. 1939756
File: 1702019972083.png (218.35 KB, 511x910, absolutelydisgusting.png)

forgot to post these earlier, but he's been posting a lot of "lol btw I have sex" memes lately. Including this one which is quite literally a clip of two people aggressively having sex?
No. 1939757
File: 1702020113329.png (407.9 KB, 513x909, pleasestop.png)

>>1939756I don't know why he feels everyone needs to know about any of this.
No. 1940388
File: 1702101617728.jpg (269.09 KB, 509x759, ewww.jpg)

Why do his nipples look so low on his body? And why on earth does he think his gross stubble-ridden crotch area peeking out from his shorts in an attempt to make himself look like he has the proportions of a normal human male, looks good? His body is just so unbalanced looking.
No. 1940463
>>1939700God if this doesn't absolutely reek of desperation lol. Do you think he's been scrambling around in storage boxes looking for scraps to sell in the lead up to Christmas? The quality of those prints as well is absolutely atrocious the fact he thinks they're worth it just for having his chicken scratch on them is very delulu. 12 quid in a cost of livvy for a damaged print? He must know he's taking the piss. There is no way he thinks this looks good and normal. Jake you should have just taken the hit and binned the prints and quietly donated the shirts because selling crumbly old merch like this is so much more embarrassing, it makes you look desperate. It's the same with the overcompensating " I am a sex haver" posts. It makes you look desperate for validation. No one is going to give you a prize for bragging about how much you have sex with your mistress because that is always, forever, how your viewers will see her. The fact your relationship is the result of infidelity on both your parts makes your attempts to market your relationship to viewers in such a lurid over sexualized way even worse, more shallow, more disgusting…just thoroughly unappealing.
I hope Santa gives you an irreversible penis injury so you stop waving it around.
No. 1940674
File: 1702156358429.jpg (309.29 KB, 805x873, Untitled 1.jpg)

What comes up when you Google search his name kek
No. 1940703
File: 1702160005209.webm (1.3 MB, 480x986, Screen_Recording_20231209-1400…)

>I've never flagged or disliked anyone's videos about me. No strikes, no take downs, no private messages to be like "stop talking about me."
>I don't care, none of this is real, like ever! But hang on a second, I thought I was meant to be narcissistic?
No. 1940704
File: 1702160174209.jpg (385.92 KB, 1080x989, literal liar.jpg)

>>1940703Reminder that just earlier this year Jake was threatening people with legal action for making videos about him, and got this creator to take down a video about him. He's actually trying to gaslight his audience.
No. 1941371
File: 1702283615925.jpg (234.71 KB, 630x427, 31211021615249.jpg)

>>1940703Been too busy to make it into watching any of his streams lately though I doubt we've been missing much. A snacc shared a short clip though on Instagram and he is looking particularly swollen and awful in the face recently.
>>1940679Didn't he say before how he didn't have any interest in YouTube drama commentary? Funny how everything he shit talks he inevitably does or has done.
No. 1941377
>>1941371He did a stream about the boogie documentary and he was pausing saying he had a
toxic person in his life exactly like that practically almost naming kaya and at the end the doc he spent 20 mins saying how it
triggered him and gave him flash backs from few years ago. Complaining that the person who he Used to know begged for money then fucked off not to be seen for weeks and not even saying thank you and how they be sat at home all day then he come home from work and they expect him to do chores after he just come home from work and they would refuse to work cause they always had a excuse not to get a job. I mean he isn't wrong there was a lot of similar things he pointed out to be fair but suppose same statements could be said about him too.
No. 1941417
File: 1702296640889.jpeg (92.45 KB, 677x1193, IMG_3299.jpeg)

>>1941371Hard to believe he used to look like this. Like, yeah, I get that most people tend to look better when they’re younger, but wow. Put the before and after side by side, and it’s like looking at two different people. It’s not age that’s making him look so rough, now. It’s bad choices over and over again.
No. 1941524
File: 1702320087493.jpg (20.74 KB, 306x348, 8824768-6618203-image-a-41_154…)

>>1941377Ah yes, a somewhat lazy and fat depressed woman is totally the same as a near 600lb man who spent over 200k on prostitutes because he felt he deserved to "sleep with models". There was one anon in the alt cows thread trying to make this outlandish comparison too. Like his ex is a cow by all means, but this is just snacc behavior at best and a hi cow moment at worst. Kek
>>1941417He was never particularly good looking, but he definitely aged himself hard with his shit diet, smoking, and alcoholism. He's rapidly aged himself into a juggalo Vince Vaughn.
No. 1941958
File: 1702399102133.jpeg (46.44 KB, 486x730, IMG_3330.jpeg)

>>1941494I’m going to disagree with that only because he just posted this photo of himself in his most recent video, from back in his ana-chan days. (I think that was when Kaya was cybergoth.) There was a brief window of time when he did well with styling, but he’s been making questionable choices for a very long time. He floated the possibility of trying out cyber goth for an upcoming video, for nostalgia. I sincerely hope he does it. I want to see how trash he goes.
No. 1942176
File: 1702433859619.jpeg (122.64 KB, 707x220, IMG_3340.jpeg)

>>1941969The irony of that is that he originally started his YouTube channel as being all about health, beauty, and fashion. None of which he has anymore. (Or, arguably, ever.)
No. 1942195
>>1941958feel like he has trotted out this idea before; he definitely talked about making fake hair things which didn’t happen.
when he was talking about those demonia boots alt ppl wear a lot he also mentioned they were his ex-girlfriend’s as if anyone needed or wanted that info lol.
No. 1942256
>>1942176He's also briefly made music related videos like how to scream properly, how to this and that, which is now all wiped from his channel, last I recall. I can't remember was it before he proclaimed the channel to be "health, beauty and fashion" or after, and then swayed away from the topic in his classical manner.
But I remember clearly, and hopefully some other nonnas have seen it too, in those videos from both how he looked and spoke, how he carried himself, he's really come off as this alt (emo) twink. Probably the reason why he's deleted/privated them during one of his channel cleanse sprees, since now he's a "hunky british gymbro with a milf". He'd also get homophobic comments on his insta during that time. Hopefully someone out there has his old stuff archived somewhere. The "angrily in the closet" anon really does have a point, even if to an extend.
No. 1942286
File: 1702454253445.png (355.86 KB, 719x695, hisandhersdentalwoes.png)

>>1942176>my health,beauty,fashion channel!Hilarious now that he's a misshapen roided out shein wearing neanderthal
>>1942256Do you think he's extra salty kaya hangs around twinks like elfboy and kuro all the time? Hell, even her recent troon ex the duke seems like Jake's type. kek
>>1936445the chain-smoking and possible bulimia have apparently done a number on his teeth too. his real teeth behind the ugly silver "grillz" are horrifically yellow
No. 1942314
File: 1702465540087.jpg (375.72 KB, 1080x1715, 20231213_030355.jpg)

Why is he celebrating losing a single pound? Healthy adults fluctuate 2-5 lbs daily. He is so hyperfocused on weight in such an unhealthy way. He must have taken an extra big dump or something this morning.
No. 1943124
File: 1702592383911.jpg (266.32 KB, 510x806, uglyscribbles.jpg)

New ugly tattoos courtesy of Kat…
No. 1943125
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Other angle of it.
No. 1943285
File: 1702613131594.png (213.08 KB, 489x632, smudge.png)

>>1943124>>1943125kek I think he was trying to get that blotchy washed out black background around the heather (or is it james??) portrait to look more clean and intentional, but his entire silent hill sleeve is a blurry mess. These are going to look clean for approximately one or two weeks tops before getting fuzzy and patchy. In a year it'll be a black blob like the rest. Hilarious though that kat cleans up after him, takes care of the kid all on her own, still has to have a job, shills her unwanted OF on the side, and now tattoos him for free and for what. Gas station roses and mediocre dick? So she can brag to her three female friends how her boyfriend is a 30-something has been youtuber? Embarrassing.
No. 1943349
>>1943285She must be at a point where she feels stuck because she left her husband for him when he was still successful with Youtube. Now he's broke and she's not exactly what most men are looking for being an untalented tattoo artist, unsuccessful e-whore and an airhead with a child and an alcohol problem. I mean we all know she would be better off as a single mom but she's probably one of those people who can't be alone (like Jake).
>>1943124Him calling her "baby girl" makes me puke
No. 1943668
File: 1702690615844.jpg (260.85 KB, 1080x590, blackfacejake.jpg)

Jake casually making a joke in his newest video about how if it gets 1k likes, he'll do a fun color face makeup. Then randomly dropped a 3edgy5u blackface joke by saying "like brown or something". Guess he hasn't learned anything from being haunted by his "joke" about hitting children and animals. Guess it's easy to test the waters for racist humor with his predominantly white audience.
There was another clip from a recent vid (that he seems to have deleted unless I'm missing it) about how you can't wear dreads anymore, because white people canceled that, but black people don't care. Retard should learn to stay in his little lane if he values what's left of his career.
No. 1944064
>>1943668Wonder if he's trying to rebrand into an antiwoke alt light streamer. At least that's a demographic that won't mind the fact that he's a mysoginistic creep. Being a pintsized packet of
toxic masculinity and being exposed as an abuser by Kaya has cost him so many fans. For all we know he's leaning in and trying tocorner the "what if Andrew Tate was even uglier and broke" market.
No. 1944889
File: 1702953881665.jpeg (508.65 KB, 1449x828, IMG_3440.jpeg)

>>1944692He can run from his past, but the internet will never forget.
No. 1944997
>>1944889Fucking ew.
>>1944991He could try pulling that but he never changed his "woke liberal" ways since he's currently dating a tatted up older onlyfans thot with another man's kid that's not very masculine nor conservative of him those moids would tear him to shreads.
No. 1945021
File: 1702982759522.jpg (189.71 KB, 1080x848, bigbrain.jpg)

>since it's full of exclusivity, I didn't want any part of it
>they're the ones who shouldn't be a part of it
Pick one, retard. Or is becoming an elitist the only way you know how to deal with rejection from elitists? More contradicting opinions, as usual.
No. 1945310
File: 1703041640929.jpg (310.22 KB, 511x822, xmess.jpg)

Back to pretending to be the perfect, wholesome family again.
No. 1945456
>>1945397Yeah he isn't an elitist, what the hell is this supposed to mean in his case? He's not even goth but a soundcloud rapper looking ass.
>>1945437Maybe she likes the sex with the stump
No. 1945464
>>1945437>>1945456I wonder how much of her "attraction" to him is just her having bet on the wrong horse and being stuck with him. Stumpy was never what I would call a catch. But in addition to his mediocre clowndick, she was probably also considering his pre-kaya split income and social media following. He looked like a provider who could get her some clout. Now all that has dissapeared, and she's stuck with the reality of a guy who is a giant baby mentally, emotionally, and weirdly enough, physically. But after blowing up her marriage and earning herself a reputation as "the other woman" admitting defeat and cutting her losses must be harder. Not to mention she's seen what Jake gets like when he's angry, and enters vengeful ex mode. Kaya could at least count on lots of sympathy and support when Jake went after her, but nobody will be throwing patreon money and asskissing messages at Kat. She'll get a violent midget and a lot of schadenfreude if she leaves.
I'd almost feel sorry for her if she hadn't waded through a sea of red flags to get here. But she made her greasepaint-smeared bed, so now she gets to lie in it.
No. 1945769
>>1945464>she made her greasepaint-smeared bedkek nonna
>>1945476Honestly feels like kat is just midlife-ing hard what with the weird babygirl roleplay, cosplaying teen characters, the basically not for profit OF account, irresponsible binge drinking, etc. She strikes me as someone who is desperately trying to appear youthful and "fun" or sexy above all else. Jake probably was in her DMs at the right time/right place as she was growing bored being married to a busy man running his own business. Jake was still wealthy at the moment, had the studio, a band, and a totally
abusive (kek) awful girlfriend she could get picked over. Not hard to see why there was chemistry.
The thing I find the most entertaining though is the absolute contrast between kat's relationship with her ex vs. her relationship with Jake. Her ex husband taught her almost everything she knows about tattooing, they had a beautiful wedding that ended up being in various wedding blogs, she got "true love" tattooed across her knuckles with him, and she even had his kid? With Jake she's reduced to "MILF" and previously just "pussy", she got "daddy" tattooed on her inner lip for him, they make ugly porn together sometimes? It's pretty obvious kat is desperate to feel young and hot again, which led her into jake's (and kaya's) bed in the first place. Really hope she's not stupid enough to have a kid with Jake too though.
No. 1946000
File: 1703199585801.jpg (132.01 KB, 1080x1126, 20231221_145811.jpg)

Jake recently privated dozens of very recent streams, including the one where he noticed Skat's sex toy just sitting out. I wonder what he's trying to cover up this time.
No. 1946046
>>1946000probably all the unhinged ranting and gross sex stuff. his cringe tiktok reaction videos have finally gained 10k+ views and he has been plugging his patreon, though i doubt any new comers want the lame rewards and no updates since april. it’s like he wants to pretend the streaming vr shit didn’t fail even though he was so “passionate” and was going to do it even if ppl didn’t watch etc.
can’t wait to see all the things he will promise and not deliver next year.
No. 1946231
File: 1703255518987.mp4 (2.08 MB, 1080x1920, foamroller.mp4)

I'm sure the ladies in the gym can't take their eyes off him
No. 1946789
I've had this stashed away in my bookmarks for yonks but now the time has finally come to share it…
I have no idea who made this (I found it via reddit comments) but it's so unhinged it's gotta be a farmer lmao. Just a heads up but you'll need to turn the volume down - your ear drums will thank you. I won't say anymore than that…enjoy No. 1947202
File: 1703529284111.mp4 (1.67 MB, 426x240, 360p.mp4)

>>1946973>>1946973I haven't listened to the sound but it's just an animation of Fake wiggling from side to side with various roasts appearing on screen (uploaded on December 24 2019, this person was ahead of the game)
No. 1948060
File: 1703766943185.jpg (313.52 KB, 1080x1851, 20231228_043545.jpg)

>still have no clue how what I'm at
Bitch, what?
No. 1948270
File: 1703828768351.png (626.17 KB, 458x728, katmunro.png)

>>1948060She's proven time and time again how illiterate she is. absolutely crazy considering she's even out here misspelling things IN her "award wining" tattoos. Picrel is kat repping her loser boyfriend's stinky old studio merch at work. She definitely does look a little bigger lately, hope the baby thing jake was bringing up on stream has no reality behind it.
No. 1948271
File: 1703828952504.png (690.64 KB, 505x901, bigbeefybingoarms.png)

>>1948270and here's a recent grotesque selfie of jake looking as misshapen as ever. can't understand for the life of me how his arms can be so big and lack any actual muscle definition.
No. 1948299
>>1948271he really thinks that if he loses weight there's gonna be some magically nice muscles under there
also how many months has he been bulking for? at this point is he really waiting on cutting or just being a fatass?
No. 1948303
File: 1703841576100.png (5.87 KB, 336x240, stakethejake.png)

>>1948271the stomach tattoo was such a bad call. despite using his bellybutton for the mouth, whatever it's got going on in the forehead has a bigger circle so your eyes naturally want to see it as the bellybutton instead which makes his proportions seem all the more comical
No. 1948323
>>1948299I've been seeing him announce his cutting phases for ages but it seems like he's been in a continuous bulking phase for years. I can't remember a single time he actually did it and showed results of him being toned and muscular. It's always him gaining weight and saying shit like "I'm gonna look so hot after cutting" and then that actually never happens kek
>>1948303It looks really out of place anyways. Like a Killstar shirt motive. Btw love the image.
No. 1948343
File: 1703855260857.jpg (263.87 KB, 2106x1099, BeFunky-collage.jpg)

>>1948270she looks retarded
No. 1948505
>>1948271Why is he obsessed with turning himself into a literal dwarf? Like how does one look into a mirror, take this photo, look at it, and be "yeah, I look good! I look so hot, everyone's gonna thirst" and post it? What do you have to be on or what medical condition to suffer from to actually genuinely believe
this looks good? Genuine question.
All this time and effort he loses to become this? He might as well have invested that time into his music "career" (the latter being his one and only true passion and life purpose kek), maybe his music would've sucked less.
No. 1948578
>>1948271>an ancient stump covered with faint writing kek nonna. you are brilliant
>>1948343I mean, have you seen the way she writes nonna? It might not be a reach. "Jokes" aside, whatever filter she's using to desperately hide her big ol eyebags got her looking like she has waardenburg syndrome here or something. The overlined lips are kek too. It's been funny watching these two get progressively uglier together somehow.
No. 1951310
File: 1704505402330.jpeg (39.57 KB, 442x392, IMG_3557.jpeg)

Took a quick look at Jake’s latest video. Didn’t really watch it, but I did hear him refer to himself as “I’m good guy Jake” while skipping around to get a picture of whatever the hell’s going on with his eye. Kinda sounded like he was trying to rebrand himself. But that’s aside, what’s going on with that eye? It looked squinted up the entire video.
No. 1951556
>>1951310Nonco the Clown is looking rough, even by his bloated standards.
The constant rebranding is sad enough to begin with. But out of all the personas he could have picked "good guy jake" is the least likely to work out. Unles it's a Chucky reference, since he isshort mean, ugly, and has the proportions of a toddler. Even people dumb enough to show an interest in him will find out all of the nasty shit he pulled after a single google or youtube search. He should just lean in at this point. I can't see a succesful career path for him outside of flipping burgers, but I know this ain't it.
No. 1952468
File: 1704742083642.png (950.91 KB, 747x739, 2024-01-08 (1).png)

>>1951310Can't believe he used to look like this
No. 1952484
>>1952468"See, I would have been tall in medieval times!"
Love how he's wearing platforms, and she still has to sit down to make him look taller. Stumpy might have oozed out sideways, but he was always a walking teaching aid for Little Man Syndrome.
No. 1952558
>>1952485Kaya actually looks really good now whereas Jake looks like a lumpy, miserable mutant, men age like milk evidence 865588
Imagine going back in time and showing the one in this photo
>>1952468This clip and telling him this was his future
>>1946231 No. 1952638
File: 1704770586555.jpg (248.29 KB, 508x825, wtaf.jpg)

Man, no one's been keeping up with the absolute hideousness he's been posting lately. I have…NO idea what the fuck he's doing with these captions here….
No. 1952639
File: 1704770649612.jpg (215.34 KB, 500x781, stumpy.jpg)

Also showing off his oompa loompa arms again. How he can look at this and think it looks good is beyond me.
No. 1952671
File: 1704775691314.png (35.87 KB, 709x444, pathetique.png)

>>1952468it's funny how short and stumpy his little legs look here despite actually being a decent weight for his frame. He's really cursed with wonky proportions. He actually had a little bit of a jawline back then too?
>>1952638kek. he's just parroting whatever tiktok/twitter buzzwords he can think of at this point. Incredible content as always. I used to recap some of his streams and videos, but who really can be bothered anymore? It's all the same mindless drivel with little milk. This is like when Onision's "career" was in it's initial death throes. Ignore it long enough and he'll shrivel up and die. He's barely getting any views, subs, or donations anymore. (and he's apparently still deleting content) He's currently down a total of 74,000 subs since the break up and still bleeding 1k more every month.
No. 1952814
>>1952638I know it's just him doing his best "how do you do, fellow kids." But Jake referring to himself as "breedable" makes me throw up in my mouth a little. We don't need an even littler Jakey running around punching drywall at knee hight.
And again, young teen fanbase. Fucking nonce shit.
No. 1952871
File: 1704824539028.jpg (46.53 KB, 600x600, Mutton-Leg.jpg)

>>1952639Why does his arm just look like a shapeless mutton leg
No. 1952981
>>1944897Late but omg
nonnie I laughed so hard, thank you
No. 1955089
>>1955008>he keeps mentioning lolcow by name, as if he isn't one. Probably not smart to be directing any new viewers he gets to this website. He even said he has a favorite lolcow. Kaya maybe. If he's reading lolcow I'd bet my left tit he's at least lurking in the altcows thread and reading up on people calling her fat and lazy. Maybe he'll hope his fans go there. I agree it's dumb as hell. Jake is way milkier, and people are bound to find this board. But narcs have an insane ammount of confidence, so I'm sure he assumes his "snaccs" will just ignore all the stuff about him.
Then again, this board is one of the first results you get when googling him. So it's bound to come up sooner or later.
No. 1956304
File: 1705528946649.jpg (44.26 KB, 1080x182, lolcowwhatsthat.jpg)

No. 1956611
>>1956583Calling it now. Manosphere "alpha realness truthteller" pivot incoming. It'll fail of course, but what else is new.
Imagine hearing that women are upset when you cheat on them and abuse them, and other women showing solidarity, and your takeaway being that they are the problem. Narc brain bolstered by patriarchy is a thing to behold.
I wonder if the whining about women not having morals is a dig at Kaya having a good time with her tits out. Or is he upset at Kat having an onlyfans where she uses toys, instead of being satisfied with just his little stump and terrible technique.
No. 1956761
>>1956583I fucking hate how commonplace that retarded manosphere shit has become, it makes fake and all the other retarded autismo rage moids
which is most if not all of them think they're entitled to the world even as failmales
No. 1956854
File: 1705669051518.jpg (37.95 KB, 500x389, loser.jpg)

>>1956583imagine blaming women for your many failures when you blew up your own life and career by being unable to control your raging anger issues like an overgrown toddler. he's delusional even for a moid
No. 1956939
File: 1705689807877.gif (10.99 MB, 498x412, 951b74ea2b82d2b02b958171952d2b…)

>>women are so repulsive and don't have traditional values
Says the Emo Chav that did all the following:
>Skinwalked a literal faggot
>Covered himself in ugly tattoos
>Cheated on his Gf at least twice
>Sold pics of his ass on onlyfans
>Is into DDLG
>Makes scat fetish jokes
>Follows furry porn acccounts
>Is in a relationship with:
>a degenrate Onlyfans whore
>whose also a single mum
>who cheated on her own husband with him
>who leaves her dirty butt plugs around the house
>and does porn in her child's bedroom
>posts pics of her in a thong on her public instagram
HAHAHAHAHA i hope he starts making red pill content that would be hilarious
No. 1957219
>>1956939It's the hypocrisy for me. I have no problem with sexwork, though leaving stuff around for your kids to find it and using their bedroom is fucked. And I have zero problem with dudes dressing feminine. But to make money off that and then have the fucking gall to talk about "femoids not do traditional values and respect manly men" is fucking rich.
I wonder how much of Skat's sexwork pays the bills. Jake certainly isn't the kind of provider these redpill fucks like to jack off about. The rich boyfriend shit he liked to brag about has gone the way of his skinny bod, never to return.
No. 1957342
File: 1705767950669.png (1.01 MB, 714x895, katof.png)

>>1957219Hilariously, he was making more off his dead OF than kat seemed to make off hers for quite a while. He pits lady allura and moni against each other for tips to get personalized dick pics. He's openly offered this in a past stream too. Kat's OF has picked up a little bit lately (from 3 likes max to 7), though I know snaccs like lady allura are very active on her's too. She might be making a couple hundred, but in the tattoo industry that's absolutely nothing. Definitely seems more like a vanity project which is funny because all her of "of shoots" look like shit despite all her heavy editing (picrel as example, her heavy eyebags mysteriously come and go photo to photo). She still hasn't had a "professional" shoot since shacking up with Jake, has she?
No. 1957793
>>1957772Oh for sure. Narcs can't stand rejection. He assumed that after he dumped her she would pine over him for years and waste away, while seeing his career soar. Instead she's having the time of her life doing club promotions and making friends, not missing him at all. Meanwhile he's stuck at home with no income and hardly any audience, becoming increasingly desperate. Kaya had the audacity to go out there and live her life, which is obviously unforgivable.
But no Jake, the reason she is doing better than you is occasionally flashing a tit. Not because you have proven yourself to be utterly unlikeable.
>>1957712Al bundy brought in a steady salary, worked a fulltime job, and scored 3 touchdowns in a game. Jake could never.
No. 1957921
>>1956612Have to wonder if he's become bitter at vtubers because kitty stopped giving him the time of day after "jesterjake" flopped so hard. Or is it because filian never even gave him the time of day to begin with? We all know it's not "because they are so lewd" when he was out here on twitter thirst following nsfw horse-dicked futa furry vtubers, panty flashing catgirl loli vtubers, and making "juicy catboy bussy" jokes every few minutes. Did he forget he posted that shit for everyone to see or something? The man sure does seem to suffer from selective amnesia an awful lot.
>>1957793While kaya is still a cow in her own right, it's fairly obvious he's still narc raging over her "getting away" unscathed for "disrespecting" him all those years. Little guy had his ego bruised pretty badly when that big "truth" video got dropped too, even though it was his own fault it even happened in the first place. I really have to wonder how often he or kat has posted in the alt-cows thread now that he has revealed he's active on here. I know nonnas joked about illiterate anon being kat for obvious reasons. kek
No. 1959007
File: 1706134834479.jpg (396.58 KB, 1080x2013, 1000005420.jpg)

Probably, but it's not you.
There was a fields of the nephilim song playing too. Didn't stumpy say he hated goth music and only elitists think you have to listen to goth music to be goth? The rest of the reel is just him looking constipated and bloated while lifting things and giving specifications about it, which I'm sure are impressive if you're staturetorally challenged.
No. 1959187
File: 1706184865872.jpg (181.38 KB, 1080x1849, 1000005421.jpg)

More evidence that stumpy lurks here and is deeply upset about it. I looked at some of his song lyrics to see if there are any laughs to be had, and I was not wrong. His song "anonymonsters" is all about mean internet bullies who are sooo jealous of him.
No. 1959214
File: 1706188355509.jpg (389.2 KB, 1080x2118, 1000005435.jpg)

No. 1959217
File: 1706188517315.jpg (409.65 KB, 1080x2078, 1000005436.jpg)

No. 1959220
File: 1706188671264.jpg (360.18 KB, 1080x1943, 1000005437.jpg)

A man in his 30s wrote this.
I love how halfway through he makes a pivot to make it seem like he's talking about internet gossip in general, but is then too stupid or lazy to change the first few verses. It's so obvious, it's delicious.
No. 1959637
>>1959214>>1959217>>1959220(Saged for nitpick)
It's like poetry, it's rhym- nevermind it doesn't rhyme for shit kek. And it's so on the nose, like there are other way more talented bands and musicians who made songs about "h8ers" but with more stylistic effects, metaphors etc. It shows how much he paid attention in school that he can't use his mother tongue well enough to use better vocabulary for the creative process. That combined with his shit almost nu-metal music really makes him the bottom of the barrel for people who call themselves musicians.
No. 1960042
>>1960003Yes. If only we could all be broke fat manlets hated by a good section of the internet, and growing increasingly bitter and irrelevant. Oh what a life to envy.
It's extra funny because he himself is so clearly jealous of Kaya, and completely unable to hide it.
No. 1960302
File: 1706455211449.jpg (588.61 KB, 1080x1321, Trash.jpg)

Kat made Spyro look geriatric with the eyebags and random extra wrinkles/uneccesary lines kek. Also look at the right horn, everything is so wobbly and she can't even keep inside the line art? At least it's not traced from page 1 of Google images, so she seems to be getting sneakier at finding sources to steal from.
No. 1960331
>>1960292Not that anon but it's not always settling for less. I know this might come as a shock to you, but different people want different things out of their life.
In the case of Jake though, it's pretty obvious. He actively talks about finding kids annoying and wanting to hit them, and we're supposed to believe he wants to be a familyman all of a sudden? Not to mention his recent forrays into MRA stuff. Those people really hate stepdads, because they consider them cucks "raising another man's DNA."
No. 1960619
>>1959214KEK a cow made a song about Lolcow. He is the gift that keeps on giving. I never thought we would get to him that much AND I would have never known if he had kept his mouth shut. this is delicious.
>>1960254He only uses her kid to show off on instagram what a great person he is. I imagine him hiding in one of his rooms all day "working" like Onision did, completely ignoring his family and letting the woman take care of the kid.
>>1960291It's easy for narcs to admit that because they are always the
victim and every other person in their life has wronged them except their current partner that they have trapped.
>>1960292I disagree, this is the same thing scrotes say to make other men insecure about taking care of another man's child. It's some alpha male bs.
No. 1960704
>>1960619>It's easy for narcs to admit that because they are always the victim and every other person in their life has wronged them except their current partner that they have trapped.This. It goes even further than that though. Narcs don't have empathy, and cannot imagine anyone not being like them or not wanting the things they want. Jake thinks he's hot shit, so he assumes we secretly all think so and are jealous, instead of the obvious truth. Jake is shallow and has no real interests. So he assumes everyone else is just as shallow and flighty, and he can pivot from one identity to the other, without anyone noticing. Once you realize he's acting on the assumption that everyone is as petty and selfish as he is, it explains a lot.
>disagree, this is the same thing scrotes say to make other men insecure about taking care of another man's child. It's some alpha male bs.Yeah. It's an argument popular with guys who will use evolutionary biology as a reason to disrespect their barrista, and had dads who thought hugging their own son was gay.
No. 1960773
File: 1706573232409.jpg (461.75 KB, 1078x1963, 1000005496.jpg)

>>1960772Sorry, forgot to add his ugly mug.
No. 1960877
File: 1706612564251.jpg (696.32 KB, 1080x2340, 1667062581777.jpg)

>>1956583This is hilarious because he tried to be a male feminist for so long and made tweets about how "men need to do better" or something like that not long after he dumped Kaya out of their house to go live in that shady studio (I dug and dug for that tweet because I know there's a screenshot of it somewhere but I can't find it).
On MAG he complained about misogyny along kaya. He also had a vlog where he was praising Ireland for repealing an abortion ban. But then he posts stuff like this.
I'm glad he's finally showing his true colors now. I was gonna say he might fit in with the redpill manosphere crowd because they are chock full of hypocrites, but I don't think even they'd want his ass.
No. 1960980
File: 1706642608882.png (532.75 KB, 1762x680, lolcow.png)

>>1960704Skat is so retarded she thinks joke the broke is "working hard for their wittle family", where? the emo chav doesn't even wanna get a real job and instead would rather flirt with his ugly fat fans for donations that don't even make up minimum wage. She can do so much better than him and get with an ugly fat moid that at least has money.
>>1960619>Noooo taking care of someone's else's kid is actually not settling for less it's just some alpha male bs Sorry not sorry i'm not settling for some scrote with baggage or putting up with aidengh and ashleigh every weekend. I got self esteem.
(blogposting sperg) No. 1961308
File: 1706731953213.jpg (621.17 KB, 1080x2031, 1000005523.jpg)

Sure Jan. Guess you were too busy being an envyable success to deliver on these promises in the past. But I'm sure much like your temper or weight loss, this time will be different.
Looks like daddy needs some more cash to keep himself and his haggard babygirl in greasepaint and wish rags.
No. 1961314
File: 1706734249444.jpg (141.46 KB, 1080x1575, jakemunropatreon2024.jpg)

>>1961308This january was the first month his patreon membership dipped under 50 members. It's mostly been abandoned for the better part of a year so it's unsurprising it's been bleeding subs. Seems a little too late for him to suddenly pretend to care about it again. Grapheon estimates his earnings off it to be anywhere from $80-$400, but it's likely something like $200 max. His YouTube numbers are still hilariously low too. Honestly not sure how he's managing to stay afloat this long making what he does. Lady allura and moni must still be sending the bloated pig every spare buck they have on top of mommy kat taking care of her sad excuse of a manchild.
No. 1961315
File: 1706734523712.jpg (240.83 KB, 853x664, 20240131111010026.jpg)

>>1961028Kek, just realized this
>>1961308 was likely in response to you nonna since Jake admits he reads here.
>>1960980Woof. Sharpened to make up for the filter usage. There's a few other unflattering bits in that video collage too.
No. 1961321
>>1961315It's so fucking funny how obvious he is. We're apparently jealous anonymonsters (kek) losers. But he is so fucking desperate to prove us wrong.
Nothing says caring family man like using that family to fail to impress a bunch of strangers on a gossip site.
>>1961314Oof. Yeah. That is never enough to live off. And I'm damn sure Jake hasn't saved the money from when he was doing better to invest it in stable shares. Pretty sure Kat is bankrolling his sad ass now while picking up after him and getting yelled at. Wonder how long she'll keep insisting that she's soooo happy. Admitting that you blew up your life for this must suck, but just cut your losses. The problem is narcs get way more controlling and vicious when they feel insecure about their position, so I'm guessing their homelife isn't getting any better. Sucks to suck.
No. 1961331
File: 1706739108217.jpeg (986.99 KB, 1161x1636, IMG_0058.jpeg)

>>1961308What’s on that other monitor Fake? Doesn’t look all that appropriate for kids…
No. 1961481
File: 1706788594192.png (1.43 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240201-112112.png)

Imagine using your sick toddler in a hospital bed as an excuse to plug your ugly bfs shitty merch that no one wants. This woman really hasn't got an ounce of dignity left
No. 1961549
File: 1706812910786.jpg (825.93 KB, 1080x1407, holidayparty.jpg)

>>1961523>>1961481It's a little funny (sad?) because the way Jake was so vague about why he couldn't stream. It just makes it look like he's responsible for the kid ending up having to go to the hospital as it was on his watch. Poor kid though, super weird that they are using him being sick in a hospital bed to promo Jake's shitty merch.
In other kat is weird news. She poledanced solo for the tattoo shops holiday party? Girl is big thirsty for male attention.
No. 1961617
File: 1706826955027.jpg (23.73 KB, 450x378, 1706812910786.jpg)

>>1961549What the actual fuck lol she looks possessed
No. 1961671
File: 1706831421785.jpg (461.84 KB, 1080x775, 50121856.jpg)

>>1961651Where exactly are you getting that from? I think they are likely shit at parenting but making shit up isn't "milk" anon.
Anyway here's another ugly photo of them feat. Jake's pathetic attempt to flex his flabby lil arm. kek
No. 1961716
>>1961651holy fuck, how did every adult in this kid’s life fail so hard.
during his stream today he mentioned that putting on weight makes his face look fat b/c ~muh genetics~ and he hates it. so he can’t “bulk” to get his misshapen arms or whatever or he has fat face lol..
No. 1961794
File: 1706867300449.jpg (145.32 KB, 1500x1000, CR3317_D_90DayTheSingleLife_Pr…)

>>1961671having normally shaped guys in the same frame as him just shows you how deformed he really is lmao
No. 1961867
>>1960789Not really, I mean he was in their honeymoon phase but I actually meant narcs use their trapped partners as some sort of "us vs. them" thing against the world, so completely external. Doesn't matter how he treats her in private but he wants that image of a strong couple.
>>1961523>imagine having a stuffy of your mom's current bf. This made me laugh out loud. I think he's too small to realize how cringe that is, might even think Jake's some kind of superhero because of that. Ugh
>>1961671What kind of degeneracy is this party? He's one step away from gripping her in a stranglehold
No. 1961883
>>1961858Thank you nonna. Like I don't doubt the kid survives off chicken nuggies and canned ravioli or whatever considering how Jake seems to eat on the regular. But it's absolutely insane to leap to the conclusion that the kid (who looks a fine weight tbh?) is malnutritioned with no receipts. Why muddy the milk? Does he use this as ammunition that the "anonymonsters" are big meanies and the snaccs should $upport him more or something? Weird behavior.
>>1961867Big time "us against the world" and sunk cost fallacy at play here I imagine. Especially considering the way they both bombed their previous long term relationships for eachother. Jake also has crumbs of clout that she seems to still be attracted to and endlessly promote. They both seem the type that are very addicted to attention and the validation it provides them. Which is probably why we also see her pole dancing at her shops holiday party and running an OF that doesn't make any real money. I imagine he's got her in such a chokehold in that pic because it's the same holiday party she was pole dancing at? He seems okay with men ogling her as long as they know she's HIS. Some weird hotwife/cuck energy going on tbh. Just like how he manhandles/fondles her in their vacation videos or zooms in on/films her body.
No. 1961888
File: 1706892450633.png (165.44 KB, 340x321, bigtoemunro.png)

>>1961794Thank you for reminding me of this threadpic from forever ago nonna. kek
No. 1962183
>>1961671Look at the objectively attractive, toned, muscular guy, with a self-owned business, throwing yet another party for his employees, standing modestly in the background, while this stumpy insecure fugly has-been is flexing his lard, nearly choking his gf, and with the the most passive-aggressive facial expression possible kek
Fake is seething so hard, this image must be haunting him in his sleep every night
No. 1962594
File: 1707070483383.png (1.26 MB, 1504x808, 2024-02-04 (6).png)

He did a GRWD was only able to watch 3 min of it he sounded miserable and awkward from the voice over talking about cartoons. Boring af also he's really balding kek No. 1962612
File: 1707073028230.png (888.83 KB, 960x960, Stolen 1.png)

>>1960302I found two possible independent sources she may have stolen from to merge into one piece.
Here is the first. Source Found: Inkden Tattoo Studio and Laser Removal Clinic /Ex The Dragons Den (Via Pinterest)
No. 1962616
File: 1707073216518.png (1.19 MB, 691x891, Stolen 2.PNG)

>>1960302>>1962612This is the second one.
No. 1962780
File: 1707126840716.jpg (172.48 KB, 1400x1400, 8095753.jpg)

>>1962612>>1962616They've all traced from this game screenshot, haven't they?
No. 1962921
File: 1707158606548.png (1.4 MB, 1232x626, arm flab.png)

>>1962594couldn't watch the whole thing as his voice over was just boring nonsense until a 4 minute schitzo rant at the end so skipped through instead. here's some notes:
>at the start he claimed most grwms are boring. probably why he's trying to "spice" this one up throughout by pretending "spooky" stuff is happening by badly acting "whoa" to interrupt himself when he has nothing more to say. Also the reason why he's just rambling about random topics like cartoons instead of anything related. ironically making this more boring than a basic grwm and why I tapped out and zoomed through>he's fat enough that his body jiggles when applying makeup and you can see his chest area is getting large too. at 37 seconds is when he first applies it and jiggles his really fatty arm. it had me in hysterics knowing he thinks this is all muscle >He also got the J* cremation palette nobody likes, also has the orgy palette which was recentish I think. with his boring makeup looks he would be better off with a small UD Naked dupe than two big artistry palettes>wanted to do voice acting probably inspired by the scrubs commentary tracks with the actors in character for voice over he seemingly loved (this is normal but leads into the next talking point)>he must have absorbed some of Kaya's need to pathologize because he thinks he "may have something undiagnosed that makes him hyper-fascinated about topics" while spouting off basic fun facts and talks about loving watching the commentary on episodes he'd loved. as if that isn't just fan behaviour and the reason they make these commentary tracks. his lack of humanity ruins when he almost sounds interesting on a topic, it's like he's insecure the school bully is around the corner to beat him for going off about nerd shit like Scrubs and voice actors instead of just talking about them. normal people can engage deeper in the things they like without mental issues Fake, the video was almost interesting for a second>around 9:35 falters hard when mentioning he's obsessed with media, seriously feels insecure imo>jokey rants about internet addiction and touching grass. the rant goes on long enough it feels like it might not be entirely a joke that he has no life outside of the internet and can't figure out what to do outsidethe following starts at around 11 minutes, my esl plus fake's weird flow of consciousness is confusing so probably best to hear it yourself. he transitions from political petitions-cancel culture-himself in like one two minute sentence
>goes on a rant about petitions being "useless places where people commiserate bad things to feel better" and relates it to cancel culture because people go on "pathetic little crusades" (referring to discussing why you dislike someone) but "the only person who can cancel you is you" so it's pointless. mr black and white thinks that because some petitions are useless, people only do them to feel good about themeslves and comment their hatred for something (basically states petitions are just numbers of signatures and angry comments with no info) which is part of the transition into ranting about cancel culture. doesn't claim these people should be doing something more productive with their activism, just acts like they're all assholes trying to look good.>"pathetic little crusades where they express without any regard with what they have to do that day" - about people commenting about why they dislike someone, implying anyone who talks about someone is not thinking about the time in their day? most people lolcow and poop, the last two points are all one big run-on sentence starting with petitions and ending with lolcow. this part is 11:45 onwards, I'm honestly confused about how to explain this schitzo moment. wonder if he's one of those cows that thinks their thread is entirely populated by like 3 dedicated all-day posters who don't even follow other cows.>"you could have gone to congress today and made changes" during the "hater" part of the rant. makes no sense where it's put because he's not talking about petitions anymore, but angry people commenting about their hatred for someone which is a civil or social matter? I think his narc ass thinks people not wanting to support him and spreading awareness of his issues is the same as a nestle boycott and petition>admits it's about people commenting about him now @12:18. doesn't think problems matter or should ever be brought up unless it's totally illegal that the platform must step in so yeah, seems to think all people commenting about him on the internet are haters trying to cancel him, sees it as the same degree of action as creating a serious petition, and they're all wrong because he hasn't done something illegal. >claims cancel culture is about scaring people off the internet, nobody is informing people someone is an asshole I guess.>"it's not about morality, it's about what they think is right" ?????????? fake wtf do you think morality is? even mentions morality is subjective but doesn't seem to get it still>"you can pick and chose the information you want to ignore and want to hear to create a perception about a person, like religion, cancel culture is cultish", currently ranting people are choosing to read and write info about him and wishing people would ignore anything that isn't an illegal action by him and watch him regardless (14:05-14:35). also implies that everything said about him is an invented story that people are forced to believe in and that everything would "fall like a house of cards" if we knew the whole story and didn't "ignore" things>everything is a crusade and witch hunt against him, boo hoo people have morals and hate cheaters. really loves to use the word "crusade" today, wonder what manosphere video he watched recently>he's actual dogshit at applying his ~jeffree star~ black lipstick, you'd think he'd know how to apply lipstick by now. also what a brand whore. jeffree won't fuck you fake, he likes buff guys, not flabby jiggling fatstapped out like 30 seconds to the end, this narcy schitzo rant has gone on enough and I was happy to pause it at picrel to end my suffering with a good laugh. sorry this is a trash recap
No. 1963219
>>1962921It's pretty amazing how much we've gotten to him. He also seems to think that this is a serious vendetta by a small group of people, rather than just a bunch of gossip people engage in while waiting for their coffee order to be up. Since Jake spends all day not actually doing anything besides coping and seething on the internet, he simply cannot imagine that normal people have jobs and hobbies, and just casually check in on his bullshit sometimes.
>>1963176>He doesn't understand that it's not a lack of information that's the problem, HE is the problem. People like him less the more he shares of himself because he has a repulsive personality. Exactly this. He's not a
victim of cancel culture. He's a shitty person that people don't enjoy interacting with the more they get to know him. He claims people should keep watching him unles he does something illegal. But contrary to what he might believe, nobody owes him attention. He's not entitled to an audience just for putting on greasepaint and squealing at tiktoks.
No. 1963482
>>1963478It gets a lot easier nonna. Just keep going no contact and don't give an inch. Eventually he'll fuck shit up for himself so badly. People talk about healing through self love, and they're not wrong. But watching someone becoming a complete pariah does wonders for the soul. Just take care of yourself, you'll be just fine.
Don't care if I get banned either.
(derailing) No. 1964052
File: 1707441813219.jpg (307.23 KB, 1075x1911, 20240208_172352.jpg)

Scammy from the street corner.
No. 1964059
File: 1707443124028.jpg (2.54 MB, 4243x2828, demented.jpg)

Jaw makes her look like a macaque.
No. 1964171
File: 1707477487706.jpg (69.84 KB, 567x754, DZPMC43VwAAimfW.jpg)

>>1964052Calm down with the filters Kat, I can barely see any contours in your face. Bitch is so insecure, no wonder she stays with Fake.
No. 1964194
>>1964052Since when does she play Street Fighter?
>>1964171Even with all the filters and blurring her features into non-existence, you can STILL see her massive nose wart. Kek.
No. 1966117
File: 1707960844478.jpg (184.15 KB, 412x732, barf.jpg)

People don't seem to be checking his stories anymore. Occasionally some laughably bad pics or reposts of Kat's stuff. Case in point.
No. 1966119
File: 1707960885109.jpg (222.3 KB, 509x813, barf2.jpg)

He also posted this gem. Ugh. So cringe.
No. 1966121
File: 1707961391708.jpg (567.68 KB, 1536x2048, GFQdmS2XQAAXK-V.jpg)

No. 1966191
>>1966121What is this a photo of? Definitely the wrong thread
>>1966119"Found" is an interesting word to use when Kat was a friend of a friend and the relationship started as an affair, there was no looking or finding involved, purely convenience
No. 1966801
File: 1708131409679.jpg (154.79 KB, 1080x1733, jmunroytstream.jpg)

bigtoe munro is streaming on YT rn, nothing milky or interesting happening yet tbh. Just the usual poor gameplay and him saying the occasional cringe thing, "this is big dicks: the game" "this shotgun FUCKS!" "hurtin for a squirtin, my dude" etc. So far he's a few hours in and only $32 in donations with 30-something viewers.
No. 1966802
File: 1708131492712.png (512.9 KB, 578x403, filterkek.png)

>>1966801also kek at him trying to filter himself a jawline
No. 1966813
File: 1708132457200.png (473.66 KB, 752x313, goodlord.png)

>>1966801he's genuinely never looked worse than he does now
No. 1966858
File: 1708144421002.png (1.04 MB, 869x643, ytstream2-16.png)

>>1966801>>1966813No real recap because it's not really worth one. He spent the whole stream doing the usual: bitching about other people being more successful than he is (mostly women), how modern media is shitty (he's a manson and eminem fan though of course), and poorly playing helldivers/tekken. Apparently he has dropped any other future tattoo plans in favor of having kat tattoo him, starting with his half removed dragon tattoo. No other real talk of music plans or anything else in the works. He honestly seemed really low energy and outright depressed. The only time he perked up slightly was when he got a single $50 donation, and even then this is how he looked immediately after thanking the snacc. He signed off with a long pause and a "I'm gonna go…"
All in all he streamed just short of 5 hours and got a total of $84 in superchats. After YT takes their cut, he's left with just under $60, barely earning him $12 an hour.
No. 1966880
>>1966858> Apparently he has dropped any other future tattoo plans in favor of having kat tattoo him, starting with his half removed dragon tattoo.not like he followed through on most of them, probably because he couldn’t afford to. really wanted to see what else he was going to have blasted on his face/head. he just wants the free work that isn’t even great, but she was supposed to do the rest of the leg she put that gross skull design on and i don’t think that happened.
skeptical but hoping he ends up with a bunch of messy tattoos.
No. 1966881
>>1966858“..having kat tattoo him..”
Say you’re skint without saying you’re skint eh Fake?
No. 1967091
File: 1708206678380.jpeg (111.99 KB, 1200x900, IMG_2575.jpeg)

>>1966813give it a few years and he'll be a dead ringer for boris johnson
No. 1967141
>>1966858>he has dropped any other future tattoo plans in favor of having kat tattoo him>The only time he perked up slightly was when he got a single $50 donationkekkk, the money has dried up and now he's reduced to bumming free google image tats off his gf
he must be really worried for his shitty tech choices now, he can't afford to replace all of his components across many different projects and his savings would have benefitted from having not overspent in an attempt to be a vtuber. wonder if this is related to the lack of music right now, only one thing has to break to put it on pause and be too expensive to fix. and he's too tech illiterate to fix things effectively without falling for tech marketing and buying more expensive than he needs
No. 1967394
File: 1708294507904.jpg (572.73 KB, 1080x1962, 1000005766.jpg)

He says he'll last for twelve hours, but we all know better. Just ask Kat.
Someone is desperate for that sweet minimum wage paycheck though.
No. 1967466
File: 1708307956819.png (2.08 MB, 1246x999, lookingtrim.png)

>>1967394tuned in super late, but watched the beginning and kek
>says he was born in the wrong continent>acknowledges his entire fanbase is american>says he can't believe the twomad situation>says he absolutely hates folk-metal and fantasy metal bands>thinks it gives "metal a bad name">is totally okay with black metal despite the whole racism thing>admires himself onscreen saying "oh I am starting to shrink">"looking trim" flexes his flabby arms, completely delusional>starts the usual "playing games poorly" section of his stream No. 1967477
File: 1708311929084.jpeg (386.77 KB, 828x1792, IMG_3825.jpeg)

>>1967394I stopped in for a minute or two, and took a glance at the chat. I guess Kitty is Jake’s new music partner? What’s up with that?
No. 1967495
File: 1708316163049.png (249.5 KB, 382x317, somuchfun.png)

>>1967466Here's a shitty recap of the rest. Managed to watch it back at 2x speed and skipping through most of the bad gameplay:
>plays helldivers some more, is bad at the game to no ones surprise>spergs out because "WHY IS NO ONE JOINING MY TEAM" kek>after a few hours of bad gameplay, Moni donates $25 for Jake to a "try not to laugh segment>spends close to half an hour looking for something to watch on YT>doesn't actually do a "try not to laugh" segment instead watching shitty videogame reviews>gets on a massive rant about girls playing "shitty casual" games like SIMS 4 (gee who could he be throwing shade at?)>gets really worked up over SIMS "I'm going to go get food or I'm going to put my fist through the screen in a second">leaves and comes back solemnly saying "there's no food in the house" immediately seen texting kat and talking about ordering in>"oh kat's going to get me some food and bring it to me" (jake's bangmaid/mommy to the rescue)>says he "doesn't have time" to drop 18 hours on a videogame despite doing a 12 hour stream doing next to nothing>puts on a sonic the hedgehog headband and spends entirely too long slorping down food on stream>watches a few tiktok compilation videos, reads a couple of AITAs off reddit on screen>helldivers server is at capacity and he rages out about it>a snacc asks if he'll play another game on stream, he says "I already got mad and uninstalled it">goes to play Alan wake and rages out again because his computer is shitting out. restarts game and fiddles with the settings until it's working>says all the equipment in his stream room makes the room "sweltering hot" and that "running the AC is too expensive">usual shit gameplay "where do I fucking go" "fuck you, where am I" "how are you tired already ALAN" "how am I out of bullets already">"hit me one more time and I will fuck your wife and I will send you the pictures of her cumming her brains out you fucking CUNT">rage quits and leaves stream for close to 10 minutes. kek>returns with "this is why I hate cutting, I can't handle being hungry at all" "I'm going to be angry until the weight comes off">spends entirely too much time putting stuff in his "food tracker app" while eating a second plate of slop>"let's watch something debaucherous", watches more boring and shitty tiktok memes(?)>finally finishes eating his second plate, tries to que back into helldivers a second time>it's taking forever so instead he starts checking himself out on the screen again while he waits>gets mad at it taking too long, goes to play tekken poorly again>seems to think he's some sort of god at tekken despite only being ranked 3rd dan. (barely above the beginner rank)>quits after a few rounds. tries to get back into helldivers with no luck. Goes back to alan wake>more boring alan wake gameplay with jake bitching on and off throughout about the game mechanics>all the snaccs are randomly having a "I'm more mentally ill" off in chat???>jake continues to play for a bonus hour. it's literally just him bitching about everything>"fuuuck this, fuck this game" "fuck off" he dies again, he puts his head down on the desk "I can't do this anymore">"just die. fuck it." "just die you sourdough piece of shit" continues blaming the game for him being bad at it.>ignores enemies running up to hit him, only focusing on the distant enemies, gets mad "where are they even fucking coming from">"ugh I'm about to die again. oh my god oh my god oh my god." dies again. has another meltdown.>surprisingly tries a third… forth time? "fuck off fuck off back the fuck off. I'm so sick of you all breathing down my anus">finally beats the stage "fuck that part, fuck that part to hell. fuck that part. I hate this game so much">has another huge meltdown "fuck this game fuck this game I don't care anymore I quit">a snacc asks if it's on "normal settings", he admits it is, kek. Jake rages and uninstalls the game on stream uttering "piece of shit fucking game">watches the ending on YT instead. Continues bitching the entire time "I don't even want to play Alan Wake 2">says he is intentionally dehydrating himself to look smaller and that none of his clothes fit anymore>genuinely thinks it's because he's "too fucking buff" and not just bloated and fat?>says all he can wear is XL tank tops and elastic sweatpants anymore. KEK>"my dad is built like a dwarf and my mom is a 5'1" fat FUCK. I can say that cause I hate her so much">"I feel like I'm in the wrong body. I always felt like I was supposed to be in a different body. I've never liked this body">"how tall am I? … not tall enough">randomly starts talking about epstein and "the list". Jokes and laughs about bill clinton "fucking kids".>goes back to oogling himself on camera. Says he weighs 220. Rubs his ass on camera and comments on the massive diet coke stains on the back of his sweatpants.>goes back into a rant about hating his body and dieting. Said the only time he thought his body was okay was when he was anorexic.>wraps up the stream revisiting how much he hates Alan wake. Says he's going to "try to get a video down tomorrow night"All in all he got $145 in donations this stream, and streamed for 13 and a half hours in total. After YT takes it's 30% cut he's got like $100, making roughly $7.50 an hour. Even his most loyal snaccs don't seem to be donating big like they used to anymore. Also hilarious watching him play any videogame, he quite literally never enjoys himself and complains all the time no matter what he's playing. Also seems like he's trying to cycle back into his eating disorder despite eating two big plates of chicken alfredo on stream?
No. 1967511
>>1967495>gets on a massive rant about girls playing "shitty casual" games like SIMS 4 (gee who could he be throwing shade at?)During his misogynistic girl gamer rant he also mentioned how modern games are tuning down their sexy characters.
>"These are games for men, we like seeing slutty big ass and titty characters! Get over it girls, it's not hurting you!"Tell that to the degenerate male nerds who prefer cumming to cartoons rather than learning how to converse with real women and being able to recognize and appreciate a realistic body, and then tell that to the women who compare themselves to these unrealistic bodies. He should be able to sympathize considering his own insane hatred of his body type. I'd say it can harm both men and women. Not that I believe sexuality needs to be censored, but he's just full of retarded takes that he thinks sound deep. Maybe he got so mad at Alan Wake because there weren't any Lulu's or Cammy's to keep his little peckers attention.
No. 1967530
File: 1708329979424.jpg (105.4 KB, 1080x386, crazy.jpg)

No. 1967536
File: 1708333955913.jpg (617.73 KB, 1076x2169, Iluvubabygurl.jpg)

>>1966119>>1966301>>1966858Felt inspired. Their instagram post.
No. 1967537
File: 1708334017383.jpg (1.27 MB, 2018x2683, reality.jpg)

>>1967536vs. the behind the scenes
No. 1967564
>>1967537That is beautifulNonna. Well done.
>>1967495Love it when a grown ass man tells a bunch of teens who look up to him how great eating disorders are, and how you can go about cultivating one.
No. 1967768
>>1967466>he can't believe the twomad situationshitty moids capping for shitty moids, twomad had a reputation as a groomer regardless of the random other moid trying to make the situation about himself. fucking moids man
>oh I am starting to shrinkso he's made the switch to body dysmorphia thinking he's smaller than he is, what an absolute fatty cope. If there was a hint of muscle under that we'd be seeing some definition even under the flab. But the fat on his arm looks to be at least a couple inches thick, not exactly "trimmed off"
>>1967495>girls playing "shitty casual" gamesSays the man who can barely operate any games more complicated than a walking simulator. This is also hilarious out of the fake gamer boy claiming to like Silent Hill, a game very much not known for good gameplay kek (I love them but I refuse to believe fake would make it through an hour of any of them before rage quitting because the puzzles require brain cells and the "combat" is old trash, the man can't even play a well designed easy game).
Also I am laughing so hard that he's claiming to be cutting right now, performatively entering his calories as if he'd planned his meals, yet there's nothing in the house to eat and he ate 2(!!) plates of chicken ALFREDO. I bet he's looking at his calories thinking he's doing great because he's entering the food as if he made it himself. But it's takeout slop filled with extra fats and other calories he cannot count (cream sauce is heavy enough homemade, let alone takeout). Also as if the fatty was only going to eat part of his meal if it went over calories, he is clearly used to heavy snacking between meals and massively overeating during them cause any normal person doesn't feel this ravenous to the point of being hangry between meals that they need 2 plates of heavy food to feel better. Fatty just likes his binges, I predict 50 lbs weight gain minimum by the summer that he's going to keep coping is muscle under the flab. He's definitely eating too much to purge too so it's unlikely to help even if he starts now.
>intentionally dehydrating himself to look smallerkekkk, that works on Hugh Jackman and body builders before a competition cause they don't have flab under their skin. It exaggerates the muscle definition since the skin is tighter against it, meanwhile fake is just tightening skin on fat and dehydrating fat which'll just look lumpier
>massive diet coke stainssugar fiend, diet coke isn't real sugar so for sugar addicts it makes the cravings worse and leads to real sugar binges. I wouldn't be surprised if he regularly binges on sweets and does overdo the liquid calories somehow like sweet flavoured protein shakes or something equally dumb like low calorie vodka
Thank you so much nonita for your recap!
No. 1967824
>>1967768It's honestly crazy how delusional Jake is about literally anything. He's genuinely shit at games and tends to just angerly button mash and scream like a 12yo playing fortnite. He doesn't seem to comprehend even the most basic game mechanics, constantly raging out over something as simple as a stamina meter or ammo not being infinite. He couldn't even seem to understand that enemies could walk up to him during battles? kek. Of course he turns around and blames the game every single time though. I also can't imagine him ever actually playing any of the the original SH games and look forward to him screeching on about how bad the remake is once it finally drops.
I suppose the same delusion extends into him thinking eating two plates of chicken alfredo in one sitting is some sort of a restrictive diet or that his portly figure is "pure muscle" despite the absolute lack of definition anywhere on his bloated body. I know the snaccs and kat both don't have a whole lot going for themselves either, but I'll never understand why they settle for this festering lump of ego when there are slightly more bearable moids out there in the world to choose from.
No. 1967857
>>1967824>look forward to him screeching on about how bad the remake is once it finally dropsIf it ends up being a remake that simplifies/streamlines the game mechanics I could totally see him becoming the one retard in the world defending and loving the game. Hell, he'd probably enjoy the "sex" being in high definition.
Also I'm honestly surprised Kat is a girlfriend capable of dating a fatty, optics alone it looks ugly in pictures and when going out with friends. Since she's the one in charge of food I figured she'd keep him low calorie but maybe his anger has resulted in her just buying any takeout no questions asked when requested. Could be why he's extra fat, she's constantly trying to keep him happy and fatty keeps asking
No. 1968091
File: 1708465358689.jpeg (60.95 KB, 943x1510, Messenger_creation_d04a927a-a8…)

(extreme newfaggotry)
No. 1968141
File: 1708471905661.jpg (232.89 KB, 1080x1910, 1000005802.jpg)

Wittle boy gets hangry. Kat had better get the slop ready for when he rages out.
No. 1968146
>>1968141One of the many reasons bulking and cutting is a retard's game and mostly done by binge eaters wanting an excuse to never stop overeating so they gave a fancy word to crash dieting and called it a bodybuilding tool.
I would also be incredibly surprised if the fatty actually loses during his "cutting" periods. I think he sees the scale go up and copes that muscle is heavier than fat then goes back to his binge eating when his reverse body dysmorphia convinces him he's "thin" again despite his flabby tree trunk arms.
No. 1968331
File: 1708523949720.jpg (112.8 KB, 1080x776, 20240221_055535.jpg)

After the chat is dead for a long time during Helldivers 2,
>"This is the most popular game in the world right now, trending everywhere. When I play it, a third of you show up. Nobody talks or interacts. Videogames just don't interest you guys. If I played The Sims, because it's majority female who watch me, if I played The Sims there would be a lot of you watching. Girls don't like games like this."
Way to simultaneously guilt trip AND insult your audience for being female. He sounds like he's never met a woman outside of Kaya and Kat. His hateboner/obsession over the Sims is so funny at this point. He hones in on Sims specifically because it's what Kaya likes to play. Of course all the pick me's in the chat start going "ewwiee Sims, I like boy games!" The funniest part is that even if someone plays ONLY The Sims, they're still less of a poser than Skat. Playing Sims as a casual gamer is far more respectable than a non-gamer dressing up as characters for the coom. Tbh I think Jake could stand to play more casual games, all the games he plays just piss him the fuck off. He's gonna have an early heart attack or something. Pick up PowerWash Simulator or something and just chill.
No. 1968343
>>1968331>reeeeee why no one want to watch me play helldivers???>literally screams and threatens to smash his computer screen just trying to load into the game?>screams and is lost during actual gameplay, constantly out of ammo?Yeah. It's totally girls (looking at you kaya) and the SIMS fault he doesn't get good views! Totally nothing to do with him. It's everyone else's fault always! Kat better hurry and bring him some nuggies before he starts putting holes in the doors/walls again.
>>1968309>>1968323At this point the actual toddler in the house acts more level headed and mature. Jake is a pathetic man-baby.
No. 1968488
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Love how obvious it is that he reads this board. This is what happens when anons point out again how fat and ugly he is.
No. 1968531
>>1968331Maybe there's nothing to talk about because everyone is silently cringing at the gameplay/don't know what to say during a rage-out kek
Also I love the absolute mental gymnastics he has to do to make up for his shitty gaming ability in his mind. Why would his audience be there and be his audience if they didn't like the content he puts out (or at least pretends to)? Fake claims to be an aesthetic goth who games, he's going to get people coming for both before being sorely disappointed all around
No. 1968702
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I'm sure "sweet gestures" like this make up for leeching off her and the constant temper tantrums. I wonder how much it bothers him that people constantly praise Kaya's looks and hire her to draw in crowds for their events. Meanwhile his haggard bobblehead "babygirl" poledances at her workparties and everybody just looks bored.(sage this nonmilk)
No. 1968732
>>1967495I don't watch streamers/youtubers but don't most people watch them for comfort viewing/company? Like what about his ragefits and potty mouth is comfort viewing nor someone you'd want to spend time with? He makes less than minimum wage for his streams and deserves it since he's about as pleasant as you could expect a random amazon warehouse worker to be. Like your
job is being an internet personality and this is the personality, jesus wept. Also he looks like shit suffice to say.
The fact he thinks being hungry (while clearly not being short of calories) is a reasonable excuse for being angry like, this man is beyond saving, literal newborn baby behaviour
No. 1968775
>>1968702Such obvious lovebombing happening here. And of course he only ever praises her perceived attractiveness, never anything besides her looks despite her essentially being his caretaker.
>>1968732Him openly admiting that he wants to break things from something as simple as being hungry really backs up a lot of what kaya said in her "truth" video too. Makes me think back on the story of him rampaging over his turkey spoiling when he accidentally left it out overnight. Crazy that the snaccs so adamantly called kaya a liar when Jake outright admits to these behaviors. I wonder if some of them are starting to back off/get quiet because they are starting to realize what type of person he actually is. Well, that and the fact that he's rapidly evolving into a humanoid clubbed thumb. Gets a lot harder to thirst trap when you are a less visually appealing uncle fester. kek
Tbh, he'd never let kat go off solo to promo anything (as seen at the tattoo convention) and he was always seen attached to kaya's side at events. Many fans/friends came out with stories about him being standoffish/miserable/rude at events he tagged along to. I'm honestly surprised he let her poledance in front of her male coworkers, but he was there and likely treating her like a piece of meat the entire time. Kind of like how he's okay with her having an OF, but seems to have put an end to her doing one on one shoots with photographers.
No. 1968833
>>1968775I could be wrong but I swear he said he was managing his anger problems and he wasn't angry anymore and showed the doors as proof?
Now he's saying he's angry?
No. 1969205
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No. 1969208
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Dreaming of a nicer home to clean while your partner yells at videogame controls, and tattooing the hand he'll use to punch holes in the walls. The life of a pickme is just so great. He really is stepping up the lovebombing though. Or at least his profoundly underwhelming version of it.
No. 1969274
>>1969205Sorry Skat your 250lb dwarf can't even afford to buy you and your moidlet a
shitty one bedroom apartment with his below minimum wage income kek also what an ugly ass dusty shack she's got really low standards even when it comes to houses
No. 1969354
>>1969205Her currently unobtainable "dream house" is a tiny hut in the middle of nowhere? Fascinating. I guess when your OF photoshoot room is already the one your kid sleeps in, you don't need much room.
Also, guess Jake has already given up on his previous "modern dream house on a warm beach" he's talked about on stream a few months back. At least the hut is more realistic for his income. Anything for his babygirl. kek
No. 1969422
>>1969205I seriously doubt this is the dream of a man constantly crying about there being nothing to do where he lives and constantly desires to go to America
>>1969208the weird beehive look looks extra hilarious next to his super faded out tat. Wonder if he's going to bum touch ups off of his gf too or just leave it all looking uneven.
Also no idea how Kat expects him to provide anything when she's more successful than he is and literally giving him free labour in the form of her actual job and housewife/bangmaid duties. Jake doesn't provide anything and I doubt is even close to being their primary earner, especially as his tech-illiterate ass pisses his money down the drain on bad and useless products. The man couldn't even competently chose an internet plan for himself, if she gave him money to run the household he'd still fail at it. He cries that women have it easy meanwhile couldn't even successfully make it as a househusband, let alone a working bangmaid like Kat is. He can't even manage streaming
No. 1969823
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Bitch, you can't even be bothered to do the dishes or vacuum for those you claim to love.
No. 1970199
>>1970148>dough boy would save only himselfHe'd definitely be one of those men who abandon their family in order to draft dodge. He'd probably be on the first boat elsewhere if his country instituted conscription.
A man who cares only for himself will only have that magnified when responsibilities are placed upon his shoulders. Kat should remember this if she's even thinking about marriage
No. 1970519
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Sure Jan. Did you hurt your drywall punching arm? Been lifting the controller too much?
No. 1970558
>>1970519He probably just has shitty form and does the typical moid thing of lifting way too much, way too soon.
>>1970524More and more gyms have nightclub style lighting now (complete with shitty music), I have no idea why. I nearly had a fucking seizure in one because they had strobe lighting and gave zero disclaimers about it. I think part of it is catering to insta whores and influenzas who like taking their ~ aesthetic ~ selfies more than they like working out. No wonder Jake likes the place.
No. 1970567
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Looking like a tweaker while trying to convince everyone his eyes "aren't poopy brown, they're ackshually hazel!" kek. Your eyes are predominantly brown and nobody fucking cares but you, weirdo.
No. 1970569
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Then he spent like a minute picking at the back of his teeth, it made me want to barf. So classy.
No. 1970644
>>1970569is this the riveting content that you can only see if you’re a member? fucking yikes if so.
no new youtube video in over a month and the last one couldn’t even hit 10k views. he actually dumped a couple of cover songs on his patreon towards the end of dec but nothing since. no update for anyone pathetic enough to still be paying for his onlyfans, last post back in fucking june.
he is streaming to dregs for pocket change, he really showed us haters lol.
No. 1971372
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Should probably start using that avatar full time.
No. 1971445
>>1971389Honestly surprised it took him this long after Clair left to drop streaming. Wonder if he's trying to guilt trip his last few pay pigs to throw another "break the jake" by making a big scene of it though. Also funny he's still rattling on about making YT videos when he promised 11 days ago (on stream) he'd have a new video up. He can't seem to follow through on anything and even when he does post a video, he's lucky to break 10k views in a month. He's making something like $300 a month off YT and even if he was posting more regularly it's not going to pay the bills. We're really seeing his online "career" in it's final death throes. Have to wonder if he's really still holding onto that landfill of a studio or if he's finally cut his losses on it.
>>1971428He's going to be so miserable trying to hold a full time job. He's already in his mid 30s with little work experience, next to no skills and a face full of bad tattoos. Are we sure Tesco would even employ him? I can't imagine it's going to be very easy for him to find (or keep) anything customer facing.
No. 1971451
>>1971389Well it took longer than I thought.
Oh how the mighty have fallen! Eh Fake?
No. 1971568
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No. 1971579
>>1971389>streaming himself into irrelevancykek, that's so absolutely not how the algorithm works, you actually need to be continuously ignored for the algorithm to stop suggesting you because otherwise it prefers to suggest people routinely posting and streaming. if he wanted to he could have pushed out streams his audience actually wanted, played games easy enough to not ragequit after 20 minutes or just found something to do other than playing fake gamer boy for a few hours, and profited for less effort than 3 videos a week. he didn't manage to stream things his audience wanted, how does he expect to figure out the videos they'll watch? I doubt he's able to make one a week they'd watch, let alone 3
also has the man ever actually made a video he "wants" to do? it's always been low effort crap to shove at the algorithm to try and get rich quick since he became single (and before too obviously but especially after). he complains about the goth reacts but it's most of what he does and not even popular enough to blame it on fan want.
you can tell kaya was the ideas guy in the relationship which is damn hilarious to think about considering her content
No. 1971948
>>1971579The problem is Jake always sucked at video games, even in MAG years. It was never fun watching him play, only Kaya and John playing were fun to watch. He admittedly was such a fan of Game Grumps (he wanted MAG to become as big as them kek) that he turned his personality, and his unnatural anger levels in MAG into a show to be the typical raging gamer. And instead of moving away from it, it consolidated.
Some other Twitch streamers do use their gamer rage as an image brand but they actually put the work into it and have regular stream schedules. Joke just thought he'd make it in the snap of his fingers because he's self obsessed, but he pays the price of not being consistent with any of his content.
No. 1972593
File: 1709618768335.jpg (122.07 KB, 1080x754, Lol.jpg)

Jake following more alt-right accounts. The common themes in this one include anti-diversity and anti-trans. Some of the posts include men thinking they're based for literally using AI to "put clothing back on thots". You are literally dating a bottom of the barrel e-thot and the vast majority of people you associate with are gender special retards. The double standards he exhibits are crazy.
No. 1972596
File: 1709619020090.jpg (691.54 KB, 1079x1316, modestishottest.jpg)

>>1972593>Some of the posts include men thinking they're based for literally using AI to "put clothing back on thots">"make videogame bitches sluttier and sexier for men!!!!">"make real women dress more modestly and stop taking advantage of men!!!!"Kek. Went ahead and fixed one of Kat's pictures.
No. 1972693
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He looks like he's melting into a puddle.
No. 1972700
>>1972596 wow if I didn't know the original photo I would thought she looked really nice in this suit. She looks better fully dressed less tacky
>>1971948 you think all these years he played games he would be good but idk how he managed to suck at every game so bad even the most simple games he can't do. Makes me think He didn't even play silent hill he just got tattoos cause he saw fancied the nurses. At least kaya can play games and make them enjoyable by laughing at her mistakes rather then rage quitting deleting the game and saying its shit or broken game
No. 1972719
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The dots she always puts around her eyes look dumb as hell. Wow so creative such skill. What is this, 2015 Tumblr? The way she edits her face is so creepy and uncanny too, you can see her neck taper and jaw unnaturally concaved. Jake needs to get her to start editing his photos to help with that fat puffy face.
No. 1972737
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>>1972719>fat faceRattling aside anon, she has a big underbite and a square jaw which gives her that creepy concave yet jowly appearance. Not sure why she felt she needed to shoop her neck half it's size as well, but maybe all that drinking has her lymph nodes swollen like her neckless boyfriend's. She always edits out her eyebags aggressively too? These two are aging like milk.
No. 1972793
>>1972593Leave it to him to go follow the obvious gay man larping as a "tradmale". But seriously, of all the crazies, this Alex Jones dick sucker?
I also have no idea how he manages to listen to them and ignore how half of the shit they say could be directed right at him. Fake is a peak example of the type of degenerate they hate. Gf he pushed into porn, did porn himself, constantly talks of sex stuff, multiple gfs and sex outside of wedlock, tattoo face, etc. Is he going to try and become KVD catering to a people who do not stand for him and can see the grift from a mile out?
No. 1972849
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No. 1973796
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Low effort? You built your channel off youtube react!
No. 1973849
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Jake streaming to the same group of 10 boring losers every time like:
No. 1976014
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Fatty is broke. So if anyone wants to see a doughy clown that was scribbled on by a toddler whip his dick out, this is your chance.
Also, could someone more competent than me please make a new board?
No. 1976024
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>>1976014He looks just like a midget when he's not pulling his pants down on his hips to make his torso look longer lmao