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No. 2000480

Previous thread >>>/snow/1977489


N2F is truly flourishing with new baby and new life, anons continue to wish her ongoing stability. The twins seem to have replaced her crown of Grimiest Living Circumstances, as evidenced by their fridge.

In a similar vein, Niamh appears to be moving on from her EDtwt days - trying to follow in Ro’s footsteps of making a career out of her weight restoration, complete with menses.

Elzani is still going forwards in the right direction. Fi is still breathing, networking off her autism LARP and being a recovery activist blogger in the meantime. Ganer is gaining back her mobility, after osteoporosis gave her leg a reality check.

Laura hates her weight and yet continues to do little about it despite her newfound freedom in the community. However, our dainty ballerina queen has finally got a part time job!

May is currently bombarding her team, in addition to hounding her ex university. Continues to lie about being SEED despite not being underweight in nearly two decades, and larping ADHD&ARFID.

Casper has avoided another ICU coma and is now locked in a hospital for another half a year. Following in Lara’s tracks?

Our classic Zar has resurfaced on Reddit, are we seeing a comeback soon?

Em has dropped out of uni. Han seems to be enjoying a period of normality. Abby, Aimee and Smorven continue to embarrass themselves. Mia doing the same, just a bit more coquette.

Frances is still out and about lying to herself. Currently crying over her tiktok being deleted, and seemingly unaware of ED snark Reddit pointing out all her bullshit - mass reporting is probably what got here deleted.

Ash and Eugenia continue to be our favourite one foot in the grave Queens. Jury’s still out on if the latter is actually semi recovering, or just trying out a new era of content.

Enera is probably off somewhere swallowing batteries and begging to keep her revolving admissions cycle going despite being promoted to Palliative Care.

Apologies for auto shit thread and low autism quality post. Feel free to delete - no one else has made a new thread so you get lurking non invested anon, hooray! Lack of saging, integration troubles, whiteknighting and infighting continues. Cross over with our BPD cows thread: >>>/snow/1997657

Included subjects are as below, copied from previous thread:


No. 2000482

Pour one out for our milkless thread. These threads are more underweight than most of the pro-ana cows. But thanks for giving some life support anyway, OP

No. 2000525

File: 1717433068071.jpg (185.45 KB, 678x1125, 20240603_184006.jpg)

Thanks for the thread, nonna! I appreciate your effort, albeit very low

No. 2000533

YAYYYY thank you nonna!! I love the thread pic and title!

No. 2000630

File: 1717449829246.jpeg (905.65 KB, 1170x2157, IMG_5439.jpeg)

unprecedented levels of self righteousness and huffing one’s own farts

No. 2000637

i really am partial to palestine and the cause but what the fuck is this lmfao

No. 2000657


Bloody hell this has the be the most narcissistic bs I've ever seen and I've seen a lot

No. 2000667

Holy shit. Wow.

No. 2000678

I mean it’s not exactly off topic. Millions of people are starving to death in Palestine. But yeah making it about herself is peak cow behavior.

No. 2000699

wtf is eating disorder justice?

No. 2000774

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No one: …
Stef: random fit check in literal children’s clothing (feat. the smirk)

No. 2000799

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Loving.rachael has recently joined the club of cows who have started a gofundme to fund treatment at an 'intense specialty treatment center overseas'

No. 2000800

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No. 2000801

thanks for making the thread, anon

No. 2000817

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No. 2000819

yes Ash, i would absolutely listen to you for ed advices

No. 2000868

I doubt that’s literal children’s clothing if you’re referring to the shirt. It says Mood Swing on it with a more retro Care Bears design, which is the sort of thing you can find a lot of in adult sizes these days. A kid’s shirt would be more likely to feature the updated Care Bears design. The skirt could be a girl’s 14/16 though I guess, but who cares?

No. 2000977

I don’t want to wk but I don’t think the tank top is actual children’s clothing as it says ‘mood swings’ on it, with a graphic of characters on swings (I think). Seems like it’s an ironic kind of thing you’d get in Hot Topic or something.

No. 2000978

Oops, someone already said that. Sorry.

No. 2001049

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No. 2001061

new diet. just ice

No. 2001085

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Has this girl ever been posted? She keeps posting tiktoks with her feeding tube and complaining about being so sick and underweight and not getting "enough nutrition" while looking completely average

No. 2001086

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Another one

No. 2001089

is there a reason no one posts links when attempting to introduce new milk?

No. 2001104

What do these cows think ACUTEid going to give them that they haven’t been offered before? Other than ana validation for making to to the promised land? Kek. You get the same nose hose you’ve had half your life and you said your team decided you didn’t need anymore. The oi get the same advice which is to eat the fucking food and keep eating it without compensating every day for the rest of your life. That’s what it takes to recover. What a waste of other people’s money. I hope no one donates.

No. 2001106

Bragging rights.

That’s pretty much it, since like you said, ACUTE doesn’t offer anything not available at other treatment centers and hospitals. And they try their best to restrict patients’ social media use, which all these cows need most of all. Doesn’t prevent the bragging before and after tho so the impact is sadly quite temporary.

No. 2001182

>hasn't had enough nutrition because their mother is terrible at knowing how much food they need
>It's an able bodied adult with a healthy weight
>She can literally just buy her own fucking food and eat it
That caption implies she is a newborn baby with internet access like how is it your mother's problem how much nutrition you have as a healthy adult? Instant BPD and Narcissism diagnosis just based on that one screenshot

No. 2001214

I posted a link last time and got told to post an image because this is an imageboard. The tiktok username is visible either way.

No. 2001244

good find, anon. bitch is so proud of being a revolving door patient.

No. 2001260

Of course she also has POTS, chronic illneses and is "disabled".

No. 2001282

why do the biggest cows act the sickest kek

No. 2001329

>uwu im so very sick because my mommy isn’t feeding me properly
Is she fucking 4 years old? Why is this her mother’s problem? Like if you’re hungry go make something to eat lol

No. 2001332

She says it's because her mom is in control of her feeds and she has no say, but there is no way that they told the mom to ignore her if she asks for more food when she is supposedly being weight restored.Everyone was roasting her in the comments and saying things like "you'll be fine" and she replied with a video saying "I have worked trough my distortions, I know how I look like" implying she was very thin like kek

No. 2001334

>>2001329*(learn to delete and repost lolcow.farm/info)

No. 2001357

My best guess is her mom sees her eating normally and figures she doesn’t need the feeds in those instances. Like rapid weight-loss my ass, she looks the exact same as she did two weeks ago kek

No. 2001394

apart from dying of anorexia, going to acute is seen as winning the gold medal. you’re the best anorexic out there if you get shipped off to acute

No. 2001472

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someone posted Stef to the edrecoverysnark subreddit and then a bunch of people commented saying that they've met her in treatment and she's just as bad (if not worse) as she seems online

No. 2001485

Sage for being ignorant but if ACUTE doesn't offer anything a normal hospital can't also offer why do they themselves so aggressively insist they're the only option for superspoops? Why are they so revered? Does anyone know? Is it all down to marketing?

No. 2001488

the doctors there are experts in treating medical complications of eating disorders and are behind a lot of the research that sets treatment standards. the advantage if you're actually a medically compromised spoop is that you're getting treatment from someone who knows exactly what complications to watch for and the current recommendations for how to treat them. for example, people who are purging a lot or using laxatives are prone to pseudo barter syndrome which can cause dramatic and uncomfortable water retention. there's a specific diuretic that can be given for this that is less likely to fuck with electrolyes but will help the kidneys regulate. a random doctor in another medical hospital with no experience with EDs is unlikely to realize that's happening and more likely to give a bunch of iv fluids to help with dehydration / low blood pressure and further fluid overload. amusingly for the clout-seekers, acute is actually pretty conservative about serious interventions. even for seriously low heart rates, they wait for a long time before considering things like pacemakers, to see if weight restoration helps. one of the stories they like to tell in their talks is about a patient who got a pacemaker at an outside hospital with no experience, had it perforate her lung, had some serious complications, and then ended up not actually needing it - she just needed to gain weight.

No. 2001556

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No. 2001629

yea not every hospital can do that but any ed inpatient can do this otherwise the spoops in the uk would all be dead bc they can’t go to acute. sorry to burst every super spoops bubble ¯\_(ツ)_/¯(sage your shit)

No. 2001655

You don’t know what you’re talking about, not “any ED inpatient” can do that in the UK. There’s a reason the worst spoops often have to be refed in a general hospital before being sent EDU

No. 2001681

Exactly. In the US, any hospital based inpatient ED unit can do this. Malnutrition is not limited to EDs, so any decent hospital general unit or ICU can handle it. Maybe not your average community hospital, but any academic medical center can handle it.

No. 2001703

ayrt. yeah, sorry, I wasn't really clear about what I was trying to say. It's by no means the only program in the world who can treat super spoops, there's just an advantage over a random community hospital (like >>2001681 said). There's no reason for people to go there from other countries.

No. 2001751

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been waiting for the new thread to post this cow, but it’s seems i’ve been beat to it. she’s been whining about her “relapse” as if she’s actually lost any weight

No. 2001786

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Guess who’s joining the begging for money parade

No. 2001792

Oh get to fuck she cannot be serious? It's not as if we have a system in place that provides free treatment (to those who need it). Almost got me defending colours with this stunt.

No. 2001798

i'm not on laura's side but let's not pretend the nhs isn't absolute shite.

No. 2001799

she has gotten more than enough unnecessary help and free money for one lifetime. she's a gross person. the audacity to beg her followers for money when she posts new clothes every single day. disgusting.

No. 2001801

Well she doesn’t have an eating disorder so she doesn’t need to bed block an NHS bed

No. 2001812

16kg since March? I doubt it
Also the fact she even included that in the description is gross

No. 2001825

for what? binge eating disorder? god i hate these grifting retards

No. 2001831

File: 1717724461942.jpg (1.51 MB, 1080x4788, 1717666340282 (1).jpg)

This was posted in the cluster b thread too, but heres the Gofundme details. Its just attention whoring at its worst

No. 2001886

She cannot be serious?! I don’t know why, but I’m blocked I think (probably couldn’t help myself and posted a snarky comment a while back or something) so please keep sharing her shenanigans. I know it’s unhealthy but I LOVE to hate her.

No. 2001888

She’s not even being specific about the treatment. If I was stupid enough to donate I’d at least want to know a little more? Is it for therapy, inpatient…what? So pathetic

No. 2001889

haha same here, i'm depending on other anons

No. 2001890

Nonnie, she’s clearly wasting away and on deaths door, whatever it is must surely be life saving (!!!) Kek. Do these cows just have no concept of embarrassment. Play stupid games win stupid prizes Laura. You LARPed the psychotic schitzo breakdown bullshit to get a nicer accommodation and a nice long hospital stay (again) and then wonder why others won’t touch you bc of your super severe MH issues (absolute raging BPD whatever she decides to try and blame it on otherwise). Or maybe the dieticians in your ED trust just aren’t educated enough on the nutritional value of socks you tend to chomp down on?? Idk

No. 2001892

Haha! The nutritional value of socks gave me a proper giggle

No. 2001896

So we talk about her in 2 threads now too? Anons please. We need to merge these threads already. What was the point of even making the cluster B one if you're not going to stick to it?

No. 2001899

This wasn't an issue before, I don't know why anons started crossposting in the last month. But I agree, at this point, they should be re-merged.

No. 2001900

It's too bad that some retards have to ruin things

No. 2001905

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No. 2001920

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No. 2001960

Meh they’re both immature annoying cunts

No. 2001980

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No. 2001985


The fact she is asking for 2k as well. What the fuck for? At least specify what treatment you are trying to get which you can’t get through the NHS. If you think you’re going to be in a crisis, let them know???? There’s plenty of resources available. She’s shut down receiving donations after only getting £20 anyway.

No. 2002000

good, but wtf was the point of creating it just to close it down so quickly. assuming she was reading here and got embarrassed or maybe got embarrassed from people messaging her about it, but come on, she HAD TO KNOW that was going to happen. why don't any of these unemployable cunts ever try any free self help groups like eating disorders anonymous, it's actually a great program.

No. 2002001

She's obviously been rejected from the services because her weight isn't low enough, which is effed up of the services however, she's clearly not suffering with the ed, its her PD trying to use "anorexia" as a weapon for attention again. They aren't going to accept a referral for someone who's clearly not even suffering from an ED when people with sever EDs can't even get help from the services

No. 2002142

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No. 2002144

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Despite normally hiding in giant coats, Casper is apparently now dressing like this on the edu

No. 2002148

oh jesus. a few people called her out in the comments, but i want to see a comment from May telling her to delete it like she did to Katy lmao

No. 2002153

Why do spoops always wear leggings like this, the pelvic region looks horrible, at first I thought this was some twiggy guy wearing a diaper, but I guess they're proud of this look? At least Eugenia is smart enough to wear skirts more often than not.

No. 2002161

File: 1717801151699.png (Spoiler Image,2.47 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_5200.png)

Don’t think that this cow has been posted before. Constant body checks masked as OOTDs, constant complaining about how weak she is yet refuses to engage in treatment in any meaningful way. Always goes on about how she’s not looking at recovery as an option yet does everything she can to trigger her followers. She posts daily selfies and videos and flexes her arms an chest in awkward positions to show off her body. This bitch knows exactly what she’s doing.

No. 2002171

yes she has. nothing new there, still a spoop, still a revolving door patient with the same exact “fashion” sense and depressing outfit (body) checks.

No. 2002173

>you'll get there in the end
where? the grave?

No. 2002208

Surprised they haven’t put in an ng tube. What unit?

No. 2002209

they just sectioned her today so they can

No. 2002211

What’s the point though, really? She’ll gain a little bit of weight only to be discharged once she’s more stable and then promptly lose whatever she’s gained and possibly more. All while she screams on IG how horrible everyone is for all of it.

No. 2002212

Is that Denisa from skinnyfans? Jesus.

No. 2002226

Sage for spoonfeeding request - what happened to ghost.of.me (gh0st.of.me?) from years ago? Anybody keep up with her still?

No. 2002321

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looks like she did take it down and repost

No. 2002334

kek so sooper sick that she pushed her hips back and still looks chubby. Not all Eds are valid

No. 2002338

ehh besides the OOTD bodychecks i don’t think she’s much of a cow. i’ve been around so many cows but she’s actually like genuinely really sick, it’s very sad. people like jaycie on the other hand…..

No. 2002340

kek she’s not sick at all just LARPing, same boat as Jaycee except for Jaycee has a tiny excuse seeing as she’s a minor. Fake anorexic for attention(rattle rattle)

No. 2002341

anon, come on, are you bone rattling and claiming that >>2002161 isn't underweight? she's not as thin as some of the spoops, but that's clearly not a healthy weight

No. 2002352

No bonerattle, just a fatty on tiktok and someone willing to tell the truth. If u think she’s thin, then ur a fat fuck(*bones rattling*)

No. 2002353

> anon rattles harder

No. 2002354

did you reply to the right post? >>2002161 is a screenshot from instagram, not tiktok

No. 2002355

Saying she’s even near underweight is laughable kek, absolutely insane. Whale(bonerattling)

No. 2002356

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alright, anachan, have fun posturing and pretending that these legs belong to a "fatty" if that's what rattles your braindead little heart

No. 2002357

lol i dunno but i really think anon is probably talking about the pink haired girl and just replying to the wrong posts

No. 2002358

Oh shit then I definitely replied to the wrong one, I was talking about the fatty with the pink hair, not her, she’s clearly unwell oops

No. 2002359

ayrt - lmao, no worries, that makes way more sense

No. 2002360

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curious if this has anything to do with Stef making a new private insta or if it's just a coincidence

No. 2002402

No. 2002403

>a new season
Ahh that’s so cringe, I hate when people refer to their life in chapters or seasons or eras. It’s such a nitpicky pet peeve but it always gives me main character vibes

No. 2002409

lmao not her putting a Jesus quote in the bio

No. 2002410

wait until Stef discovers anorexia mirabilis

No. 2002426

She wants to relapse in peace. She will def be back to show off her spoopy body. Again though. She won’t be able to help herself.

No. 2002467

Kek. Is that weight loss cult/church still around even though the big haired leader died? Stef would be the perfect candidate.

No. 2002555

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to set up your camera and film these in hospital is just insane to me. zero self awareness or grip on reality

No. 2002564

What hospital is she in or is it an EDU?

No. 2002571

File: 1717897609297.jpeg (337.91 KB, 1170x1875, IMG_6969.jpeg)

Let’s talk about Brittney, a 30 something yr old who still lives at home & makes post every day about fighting to get into ACUTE. she says she needs a med flight bc she’s too fragile. You’re sitting up, walking around, barley underweight, dancing, lifting things- stop being dramatic. She has a teddy bear holder for her feed bc she wants to be a child. She wears bows bc she clearly has a hard time acting like an adult. She has no job & can’t drive. She’s on tpn & tube feeds & is fully planning to go live at acute. Everything is about how sick she is & much she needs acute. Huge eye roll.

No. 2002572

File: 1717897738422.png (3.99 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6970.png)

She looks haggard here. Better throw on more make up & bows. She checks her stats while on live & share them. Oh my pots.

No. 2002573

File: 1717897913945.png (2.03 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7030.png)

Hey everybody, let’s send her gifts bc she has no job at 30 & self destructs herself. There’s the Amazon wishlist for this cow(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 2002587

You’re obviously new here and this sounds like quite the vendetta. She’s obviously quite sick with more than just an EDor she wouldn’t have an ostomy and be on tpn. She needs a bed at ACUTE more than that proana nose hose obsessed loser Rachel does.

No. 2002589

you’re kidding me right? I agree this sounds like a personal vendetta. she works two jobs and has many other chronic illnesses that meet the requirements for acute. atleast she wants recovery unlike some of these cows.

No. 2002590

why is one anon saying she doesn't work and one anon is saying she works two jobs? what is the truth?

No. 2002594

she works two jobs. she’s a substitute teacher and a nanny(sage your shit)

No. 2002595

The truth is in her posts which she shows being a nanny and working as a substitute teacher. Regardless this is not pro-ana milk material from what I am seeing.

No. 2002598


She also wears baggy clothes so you can't really say she's not underweight. Acute wouldn't have told her to come if she didn't qualify.(sage your shit)

No. 2002639

omfg. nta but the redtext on this post is fucking retarded. anon was OBVIOUSLY just snarking by pointing out that the girl has a wishlist in her bio, not ACTUALLY suggesting we send her shit. smh

No. 2002658

Kek, the current mod team seems extra autistic lately

No. 2002664

According to her lives, I do believe she has a wishlist because OTHERS asked her about one. Im not sure why your so bothered.(sage your shit)

No. 2002666

wtf are you talking about? i didn't say anything about her wishlist, i said the mod who redtexted the other anon for "encouraging cowtipping" is retarded.(sage your shit)

No. 2002673

(sage) she is far from a cow. Not sure why she bothers you so much

>>2002573(sage goes into the email field)

No. 2002681

learn to sage newfag

No. 2002684

AGAIN..I didn't post her, dumbfuck. my comment was about the mod. learn how to respond to the correct post, genius.

No. 2002701

>post is unsaged
Kek, this level of newfag retardation is priceless

No. 2002787

Doesn’t say.

No. 2002806

I don't know why you watch her live then
>>2002571(sage your shit)

No. 2002813

just stop responding to me, dipshit! i've never seen this person's account, i know nothing about her other than the few posts that were just posted here. multiple times i've told you you're responding to me as if i posted her here, when all i responded to was the redtext from the mod.

No. 2002814

And you STILL DIDN'T SAGE(report and move on)

No. 2002818

If it bothers you so much stop watching

No. 2002819

I love when people post here and clearly display that they don't understand the culture or point of these threads. Hint: we're not a fan club for any of the cows

No. 2002820

She's not a cow by any means(whiteknighting)

No. 2002857

No I’m not new - been on here for about 10 years when paris was doing dances over cakes and Claire and meghan were still alive. I’m just curious as to where she is- yes she is very ill but I’d still like to know

No. 2003047

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when your 5 children don't motivate you to get healthy, get a horse

No. 2003153

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I dont know who this girl is or if she's milky but I never saw a person with TWO feeding tubes before. She claims a lot of digestive issues and "something private" she doesn't wanna share.

No. 2003239

One tube goes to the stomach (usually for draining stomach contents) while other goes to small intestine which delivers nutrition and medication. A lot of people can have 2 tubes but you don't notice it because they typically have a surgical tube at that point that just goes straight through their abdomen

No. 2003287

This girl is a complete cow. It’s one thing to have a child, struggle, then choose not to have more. She just keeps having them & relapsing. There’s been others posted here & kids brought into, but they had the sense to stop at one! She’s freaking terrible. How sad her kids have to grow up watching her mental illness. It’s like she keeps having them to make her feel better, but it never actually works.

No. 2003331

File: 1718082382329.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1170x1551, IMG_2346.jpeg)

zara posted herself for the first time in a few months, and despite claiming she’s fully recovered, she still looks like she hasn’t gained any weight in years

No. 2003333

she looks better than the first year she was in university, but definitely not a healthy weight. kinda looks like she stopped after that initial round of weight gain.

No. 2003334

yes, but now she got a horse so she will definitely recover now!

No. 2003382

Does anyone remember a girl called Mary on here? I think her user might’ve been something like recovering_mary_bxitch at some point?
She was discussed on here when she admitted to finally finishing a bottle of shower gel (after months) and discussing the fact that she didn’t use toilet paper…whilst also appearing very underweight and posting photos of her food every day in a very obsessive, organised fashion.
Is she still on insta, does anyone know? I can’t find her account

No. 2003397

She was on insta until very recently. She was posting to her story frequently. She was in recovery, posted a lot of pics of food & alcohol, she’s working, going out with friends often, and seems much happier. Her hygiene is better too. I can’t find her account anymore either.

No. 2003398

She occasionally posts on her story. Her last story post was a selfie a few weeks ago. Still seems pretty depressed, but she’s still weight restored.

No. 2003401

Even Sophie got her life together when she had a kid - she just had a second baby!

No. 2003561

Can confirm she’s definitely lost weight even

No. 2003578

She’s probably replying here to defend herself lol. Brittney knows exactly what she’s doing by sharing all of her hospital stays, verbalizing numbers & etc. she’s 30 something & lives home with her parents, clearly no shame. Her dad yelled at her on live to clean the toilet bc he’s sick of it & it’s * disgusting. That says a lot about her. Shes not innocent by any means. I wonder exactly what her family would say about her. She needs to grow up, hold down a job, & support herself instead of the I’m so sick trend. I can see her getting into acute bc there’s multiple medical things going on, & other centers don’t deal with that. it’s not bc she’s a super skelly. If she wasn’t a cow then she’d make lives & videos not completely surrounding her illness. Sorry but no one cares.

No. 2003583

I feel like this is brittany replying to defend herself lmfao

No. 2003584

if you learn how to sage, it'll be less obvious when you respond to yourself

No. 2003586

okay just curious what is saging

No. 2003591

Do you even know her or do you just watch her lives

No. 2003618

On what account? Most recent post I can see is 2018

No. 2003619

File: 1718163357268.png (844.89 KB, 853x1557, Screenshots_2024-06-11-23-24-5…)

No. 2003638

File: 1718175572070.jpg (545.41 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-06-12-08-55-40…)

Chiara posted a tiktok saying she has diagnosed ASPD because she can't feel empathy towards other people. Apparently she also has diagnosed BPD and bipolar, which you can't have at the same time,and she claims she is a minor so she has to be lying.

No. 2003671

i'M NoT LiKe oTHeR GiRLS

No. 2003674

What? You can have bipolar and BPD together. One's a mood disorder and the other is a personality disorder. They're often misdiagnosed for each other but you can absolutely have both.

No. 2003676

I think what you can't have at the same time is BPD + ASPD but I'm not sure

No. 2003678

One can have BPD and ASPD at the same time as well.

No. 2003697

Never mind. I was thinking of a different ghost of me.

No. 2003715

File: 1718206318346.jpeg (312.46 KB, 1198x1798, IMG_9342.jpeg)

Super anorexic “wellness guru” claiming the hospital is making her bmi 10 ass worse

No. 2003719

yeah its called refeeding you brain rot anachan. You weren’t healthy before your body was just in survival mode.

No. 2003732

If she was SoOoOoOo healthy, she wouldn’t be in the hospital. What an idiot

No. 2003785

how did she end up there? someone forced her or did she have some kind of incident?

No. 2003802

the way you used a cutesy collage tool for this is sending me nona. next time use this please kek https://pinetools.com/merge-images

No. 2004368

she's so despicable, using spiritualism for her pro-ana antics(sage your shit)

No. 2004491

File: 1718394935755.jpeg (247.37 KB, 1252x1397, IMG_0560.jpeg)

Guess the horse didn’t help kek. Our favorite breeder is back in the hospital for her regular postpartum vacation.

No. 2004537

File: 1718400882235.png (1.85 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2371.png)

megan showing off her body checks throughout the year with her beloved toob in nearly every pic. this larping fatty looks like she’s wearing a poorly made anorexic cosplay

No. 2004555

File: 1718403103721.png (1.03 MB, 853x1213, Screenshots_2024-06-14-18-10-4…)

this bitch is so nasty, wear some clothes that fit. no one wants to see your camel toe

No. 2004579

File: 1718407590588.jpg (702 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-06-14_19_26_14.jp…)

okay ganer

No. 2004692

this fatty lost 1kg and started larping her leathal sooper serious ed. Kek don’t understand how thy will give treatment to ppl like her who are clearly not ill and just attention seeking while letting real sick people to rot.

No. 2004737

If it’s in the US they’ll give anyone treatment as long as their insurance forks out thousands of dollars a day. US treatment centers are filled with larping cows.

No. 2004747

File: 1718451633261.jpg (344.3 KB, 1440x1480, Collage_2024-06-15_07_38_03~2.…)

reverse body dysmorphia

No. 2004840

File: 1718475718924.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1170x2142, IMG_2374.jpeg)

encouraging diuretic use to loose weight, how pro recovery of her

No. 2004862

off topic but the pic on the left looks like a time capsule from 2008

No. 2004920

Everything about this girl is so cringe. She is obviously bodychecking with that awkward stance but according to her it is just her "emo scene instinct". She also has a tiktok with her 15+ diagnosis including severe AN but in another tiktok she says that a psychiatrist suggested that she had Munchausen and it's honestly more likely

No. 2004922

File: 1718496283331.jpg (364.62 KB, 1080x1733, IMG_20240616_020228.jpg)

Of course she was the fastest eater at IP kek. Idk if this is implying that she had trauma of some sort because she wasn't fed at home or what is she trying to say

No. 2004936

>>2004920 she wants as much attention as possible and wants to everyone to see her as the uwu sickest anachan when she doesn’t even fit the diagnostic criteria for her so called “extreme anorexia diagnosis”

No. 2004969

Does anyone know how old this girl is? She looks early twenties but her room looks like that of a 15 year old

No. 2004975

>She looks early twenties but her room looks like that of a 15 year old

So like 99% of internet attention whores

No. 2004994

how does a grown woman seriously just go online and publicly complain about not being given a gold star for…fucking eating?? Saying this while so many parts of the world face actual famine…it's just so absurdly self-absorbed and myopic that it makes me question reality just from seeing that people like this exist. I don't understand what could possibly be appealing about presenting yourself to the world as having the behavioral traits of a 6 year old, and a slow one at that.

No. 2005007

she's 17(sage your shit)

No. 2005008

plus, eating too fast in ED treatment would definitely be a red flag too. smh

No. 2005012

This doesn’t say anything to do with “not being fed at home”? Not wking because I don’t even know this person but you also make no sense and it’s annoying/retarded

No. 2005014

File: 1718511506779.png (1.32 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_0587.png)

Idk if anyone cares about this but I personally enjoy the entertainment when the fats and the thins start fighting.

No. 2005019


Oh shit my bad, didn’t know she was a teenager

No. 2005029

Because she posted a video saying that her mum wasn't giving her enough feeds at home

No. 2005055

File: 1718523483241.jpeg (812.58 KB, 1170x2127, IMG_0334.jpeg)

This comment has me fucking howling kek

No. 2005102

File: 1718540832613.jpg (823.7 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-06-16_05_30_22.jp…)

No. 2005294

File: 1718580322485.png (1.52 MB, 853x1747, Screenshots_2024-06-16-19-24-1…)

yeah…THAT'S the worst part

No. 2005297

File: 1718581213917.png (709.79 KB, 853x1112, Screenshots_2024-06-16-19-38-2…)

also she's made about a hundred posts in the last several days about how she's a junkorexic and all her safe foods are junk food, etc.

No. 2005412

You can absolutely tell by her fat percentage and body composition that she’s a junkorexic

No. 2005459

why does she look like that omg….the HAIR the FACE & like the fashion sense……it’s giving sewer rat with a wig kek

No. 2005491

You should see her emo fashion videos, they are even worse

No. 2005501

i know what you mean, but she at least was trying before, not that anyone has to try to look cute for any reason. but she just looks so fucking disgusting now and claims her therapist tells her to wear tight clothes, omg it's nauseating.

No. 2005502

File: 1718641581247.png (442.49 KB, 853x1430, Screenshots_2024-06-17-12-25-4…)

No. 2005507

I think her therapist telling her to post videos online in tight clothes as exposure therapy is so weird. Also anyone that tries to employ her is going to find her tiktok account and not want to work with her.

No. 2005556

i don't believe anyone told her to post videos in tight clothing on tiktok in the name of recovery, i mean come on really. and i haven't seen anything anywhere that she's posted about any kind of goals for school or work, i don't think she has any ambitions for anything. i predict she will still be making tiktoks in her bedroom about her fake ED 10 years from now.

No. 2005607

Then her therapist needs sacking. Body exposure therapy will be standing in front of a mirror. No therapist would if a client was struggling with body image telling them to post a photo online where people can criticise. Does she really believe her lies?

No. 2005690

File: 1718677091293.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x2019, IMG_2380.jpeg)

suprise suprise

No. 2005691

whenever cows post things like this, it just makes me assume that they self-posted here at some point. I feel like someone who legitimately did not want to be posted here probably would not want others to see what was being said about them. (Although I guess there are some really histrionic woe-is-me cows that would love to be seen as cyber bullied)

No. 2005696

if she hasn’t self-posted already, i’m sure she probably will now. i’ve seen cows time after time call the thread evil on tiktok or instagram and then immediately go defend themselves on here

No. 2005704

File: 1718681593238.png (29.8 KB, 518x120, Screenshot_724.png)

not milk but i wandered over to mpa/edsupportforum out of curiosity and this is the first post i read lmao

No. 2005723

ugh. i know she is very young, but her face is so punchable. i didn't really think she posted herself here, but she's definitely someone who sees all attention as good and will absolutely love being posted here. the majority of her posts are just her responding to negative comments, and i think she deletes some of them, but she leaves plenty of them for all to see, because she really and truly thinks she is embarrassing the people she starts going back and forth with, and she quite literally believes the reason she gets trolled is because she triggers people with her emaciated body lmfao the delusion is real

No. 2005737

she’s a fucking idiot along with that jules girl in her comments lol some of the people posting about her on here are also minors

No. 2005772

She had major reverse body dysmorphia. She’s acting like this dainty little ana fairy uwu. Girl ur chubby and ur camel toe is fucking gross, it’s like the Mariana Trench of sweaty vagina

No. 2005777

Her forehead looks like russia on a world map. I've never seen somebody who needed bangs more desperately.

No. 2005778

Really? Do you know her irl? I thought she was looking a lot better here. Facially, anyway. She's actually a really pretty girl when she's not starved to the point of looking like a monkey.

No. 2005785

thank you, the fucking camel toe is killing me. i know she thinks she's showing off a thigh gap but her pants are way too tight. sometimes a new cow comes along and does some disgusting shit that just makes you have to stop and be grateful for all the cows of the past who didn't force their fat pussy on their audience.

No. 2005819

Fuck me I’m howling. Thank you nonna.

No. 2005822

File: 1718728209326.png (144.02 KB, 853x618, Screenshots_2024-06-18-12-23-1…)

lol why are they crying about being posted as minors? this site has a rule about not posting anyone under 16, which they aren't. okay you're 17, but they do realize they're the ones posting themselves all over the internet, right? but when it gets reposted, they want to cry about being minors..gtfoh

No. 2005828

plus jules is saying the fucking fbi needs to investigate this??? the level of insanity is crazy. the age of consent in texas is 17 which is where megan lives. meaning she consensually posted her tiktok’s which are open to criticism smh

No. 2005877

Tara is literally 18. I hate her dumb ass “uwu I’m a minor so you can’t criticize me” bullshit. If these woman really want privacy they need to shut up and stop publicy posting their mentally ill behaviour online, it’s not rocket science. Of course they won’t though… because they’re all junkies and their DOC is online attention.

No. 2005906

File: 1718744876828.png (1.23 MB, 853x1674, Screenshots_2024-06-18-17-06-3…)

she is feeling left out, she wants to be posted here too. these dumb cunts are so obvious.

No. 2005908

they’re all fucking idiots for that take, a lot of the freshmen at top colleges are minors as well & they’re actually doing something productive instead of playing at who can be the best wannarexic freak. megan jules and tara need to grow the fuck up and get over it

No. 2005910

Braindead take, she’s the one out there on a kid friendly app peddling pro ed content to children. Jumpscare ahhh posts, it’s giving lights on but there’s no one home

No. 2005921

File: 1718747390905.jpeg (728.56 KB, 1170x2142, IMG_0109.jpeg)

Sydney “subtly” bragging about how sick she is again kek

No. 2005922

It’s like the only thing she’s achieved is being an internet super spoop which god is so depressing

No. 2005927

she’s speaking about being unable to be anonymous on the internet as if both her and megan aren’t posting their faces on social media, what city they live in, and screenshots of their medical records. they are doing this to themselves and crying about it to get attention. and if they’re “minors” they’re parents might as well should know what they’re up to online lmao

No. 2005937

File: 1718749721281.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1170x2118, IMG_0452.jpeg)

Why does it feel like she’s cosplaying an ed? She gets one little post about her on reddit and her bpd attention seeking habits come out again

No. 2005952

I feel like there’s a good chance that literally didn’t even have anything to do with her ed she’s just using it to get attention

No. 2005959

The fact that that girl Megan found out so fast about being posted on here makes me think that either she was already a lurker before or she was dying to get posted and that is why she uploaded all of that. Most likely both

No. 2005961

She's definitely not UW but if she said she had a BMI of 18-19 I would believe it. Not wk but she looks pretty short and with zero muscle mass and an unfortunate build.

No. 2005963

bmi 18 KEK? absolutely not anon I’m sorry. being short means your bmi is higher when you’re chubby not lower…

No. 2005969

File: 1718755494128.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1170x2142, IMG_2390.jpeg)

interesting statement seeing as she’s had multiple EDtwt accounts in the past hmmm

No. 2005977

Shut the fuck up(sage your infighting)

No. 2005979

I know, what I mean is that people who are very short or narrow can often look normal when UW and chubbier at normal weights. Taller people tend to look thinner at the same BMI.

No. 2005981

These larpers self post so they can “brag” about it on their page and seem so sick

No. 2005983

this has been my theory for a while too, since a lot of them are kinda the same and not really that interesting (because they have very similar larps)

No. 2006011

Didn’t you see her story though? She’s going back to school kek. My bet is that she’ll drop out for another acute trip by thanksgiving

No. 2006012

turning 26 is going to be a rude awakening for her

No. 2006028

File: 1718764839873.jpeg (249 KB, 1170x673, IMG_2393.jpeg)

she’s fled to twitter to preach about how she’s the best and sickest anachan

No. 2006061

lmao ah yes, she's so unbothered

No. 2006094

this is so funny, she’s definitely so happy people r giving her attention kek i love retarded cows

No. 2006097

She’s a little bit right with that beginning statement but it’s not places like these that are the worst of anonymity. It’s sites populated by men who flesh out fantasies of rape and murder of women and young kids. Sites where men can anonymously share true stories of them molesting kids and give tips, committing rape, acts of voyeurism and abuse. Sites where they share cp and tips on how to obtain it. The internet is a vast hellscape and men are allowed to be as degenerate and sociopathic as they please but people always get so up in arms about women using it to gossip about people who put their entire life online. Get the fuck over it and private your account if your that bothered by it, there’s way worse things in the world than a bunch of women talking shit

No. 2006101

These people act like gossiping about stuff posted online was a crime. The worst thing people are doing here is call someone ugly or lame or and that is not illegal by any means

No. 2006102

Yeah, it's incredibly dumb to post things publicly and then get mad because other people have commentary that they're not even posting on/near your accounts. If you don't want people to judge your retarded antics, then make your account private or be more selective about what you post.

No. 2006160

File: 1718811146372.jpeg (478.08 KB, 1170x2080, 9B40D2B1-1D29-4D02-A8FF-B59CB6…)

One weeks worth of Lyss’s body checks I mean public bathroom mirror selfies

No. 2006162

she’s all over edtwt defending herself rn it’s hilarious(this is an imageboard)

No. 2006231

File: 1718828805611.png (159.47 KB, 853x608, Screenshots_2024-06-19-16-25-5…)

Clearly very unbothered

No. 2006258

File: 1718834788553.jpeg (254.79 KB, 1085x2069, IMG_1667.jpeg)

This was posted on the cluster (b)itches thread with the comments about the atrocious photoshopping and the fact she looks so different irl and thought it also deserved a place here. I don’t get it with the photo editing when you look so obviously different in person, but I guess abby isn’t exactly intelligent so maybe the thought doesn’t occur to her.

No. 2006259

kek, that left knee isn't her best work

No. 2006262

Embarrassed for her

No. 2006275

It’s shark bite season kek.

No. 2006345

File: 1718863038808.png (2.77 MB, 2182x1653, IMG_0866.png)

Am I fucked or is there no way her bmi is anywhere near 10? This cow is constantly posting dramatic shit about how she’s on deaths door

No. 2006350

why lie about that when it’s so clearly visibly a lie? maybe it’s a typo and she meant 20 kek.

No. 2006353

who is "we?" does she claim DID or something?

No. 2006354

File: 1718867936189.png (188.89 KB, 853x949, Screenshots_2024-06-20-03-18-2…)

oh lord

No. 2006355

is that bio what I think it is? another mentally deranged parent? advertising her kids names? and her dead children? jesus christ, these shameless cows. I almost can't believe it just from how shameless it is. Maybe she's talking about her imaginary "DID" children or something. One can only hope

No. 2006397

This feels like an obvious self posting then replying to yourself

No. 2006401

File: 1718895466221.png (6.77 MB, 2309x1911, IMG_0867.png)

She also is notorious for straining her neck as much as possible and doing the cheeky ana inhale during photos to make her collarbones seem more spoopy than they are

No. 2006402

No Willow and Darcey are her dogs

No. 2006415

No there is no way her bmi is 10 let alone “well below 10” at least not from this picture. 15 maybe. She’s thin I’m not bone rattling, but she’s not a 10 kek.

No. 2006425

File: 1718903462207.jpeg (486.62 KB, 1170x1950, 0238F46A-937E-451B-9D4F-B7E7D8…)

Stefania is back in Italy. That gofundme didn’t age well

No. 2006426

File: 1718903501369.png (1.5 MB, 853x1690, Screenshots_2024-06-20-13-06-4…)

this larping idiot. wants to be validated so fucking bad she'll post this bullshit, and then every cornball in the comments saying omg that happened to me too!!!! stop.

No. 2006435

>i pissed my pants guys!!! look at me!!! pay attention to me!!
wow! you sure showed us miss piss pants. the only thing this woman is suffering from is social media brain rot

No. 2006436

This girl has to be making everything up because there is no way that if her LW was BMI 14 (and probably for a very short time) she was experiencing all these extreme malnutrition symptoms.

No. 2006439

If u watch one of her pinned videos she goes through her Ed story in pictures, she was never thin. At her worst I think she was at most slightly underweight if that kek I think she just googles complications of an ed and goes with it

No. 2006451

File: 1718911365852.jpeg (573.68 KB, 828x1074, IMG_8353.jpeg)

Not sure if this thread is the right place but has anyone come across this couple on youtube… they used to post videos of the wife joy purging and now they post about the husbands schizoaffective sister and exploit her situation for views. joy said her mom (who died from her ed) gave her laxatives as a child and now theyre doing some sort of meat only diet. theyre strange I feel like they deserve their own thread

No. 2006453

Where’s this girl’s mom at? She needs a better self esteem

No. 2006462

her parents need to get it together and actually cut her off. she's obviously never going to mature while they're paying for everything for her and making it "okay" (in terms of it not mattering if she loses her job and can't pay her own rent, etc) for her to continually take hospital/treatment vacations

No. 2006475

Sorry if I'm stupid but I've never heard of it before. What is starvation syndrome?

No. 2006503

nitpick but that is the most retarded looking septum ring i have ever seen. i was thinking maybe it was new and she never went back to get a smaller one after it healed, but no in her old posts she had a smaller one

No. 2006510


No. 2006521

it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like, it refers to the variety symptoms people tend to develop after prolonged starvation. i don't think it's a very commonly used term in medicine though, her use of it stood out to me too

No. 2006522

I googled it and it looks like it's a term introduced by people who want to reframe a lot of eating disorder symptoms as 'symptoms of starvation' because even non-disordered people will display those behaviors when they're underweight and not eating enough (stuff like constantly thinking and talking about food, etc). It seems to be philosophically part of the movement of people who really want to understand eating disorders as a 'brain-based illness' instead of a mental illness because, basically, they have some unexamined prejudice against mental illness and don't want to be associated with it.

No. 2006532

Interesting, I had a feeling there was some rhetorical push for the term that I wasn't aware of. Wish more people would realize that social and biological causes both contribute to the development of mental illness instead of picking a side and becoming aggressive cheerleaders.

No. 2006579


No. 2006580

So she got rid of her public insta and just moved to her public TT? Kek.

No. 2006618

File: 1718966871190.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1943, Screenshot_20240621-064145~2.p…)

is this girl just not thinking about the future at all? how does she ever expect to get a job when she keeps doing everything she can to disfigure her fucking face. parents that enable this shit honestly get what they deserve when they get stuck with adult children leeching off of them FOREVER.

No. 2006636

File: 1718972920402.jpeg (996.23 KB, 1170x2000, IMG_9549.jpeg)

Wasn’t Casper supposed to be in a coma for refeeding? The lies come out so fast

No. 2006650

Girl, we know your number, it's 17. Go do your homework.

No. 2006685

i feel like she just completely doesn't go to school, but idk. i just didn't see ANYTHING about school when i looked through her account. i was wondering what was up with that.

No. 2006697

she might be using her larp to avoid going because she just doesn't want to go

No. 2006698

getting major selfpost vibes(sage your shit)

No. 2006711


Yeah very weird that she was posted here then suddenly an hour later found out she was being posted on here? don't make sense

No. 2006712

And none of what's posted about her is really that interesting, it's all just calling her a fat larper (which is true but pretty common online)

No. 2006721

I think she's a self-poster simply because most anons here would have initially posted her in the bpd larper thread to throw shade instead of validating her by putting her in the actual pro-ana thread. But no, she instantly got posted in the "real" ED thread despite being a huge larper.

No. 2006735

haha you def have a point, but tbh i don't think she posted herself here. she was being posted for like 2 weeks before she seemed to find out, so i really don't know why anons are saying she immediately found out. she posted in the comments on one of her tiktoks saying she won't post here cuz it's too confusing, and i believe her lmfao she's clearly a dumbfuck. if she was to post here, i think she would literally announce it was her, because she loves attention too much, and you can clearly tell from her smugness she thinks she's really good at clapping back at her trolls.

No. 2006742


She was apparently "bullied" into accepting an informal admission to a Priory EDU to avoid the "coma", but clearly wanted to be sectioned. Got admitted and did everything she could to get sectioned asap. She's done nothing but complain since she's been there and seems to now be pushing for 1:1, as all the attention clearly isn't enough for her "super special" issues

No. 2006807

I wasn't sure if I had to sage since I think this is news but Niahm's account is gone on instagram. I searched for her username and came empty handed. Sucks ass since I was rooting for her and her recovery. Shucks.

No. 2006808


how the fuck does she pay for those trips? didn't she travel last year? she doesn't work as far as we know. yikes…..

No. 2006813

bold of you to assume she pays for anything

No. 2006833

Who cares who posted her first she’s boring and we should all stop posting her so she stops getting the attention she wants.

No. 2006835

she's with her parents, who pay for everything.

No. 2006849

File: 1719030609685.jpg (935.37 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-06-22_00_29_47.jp…)

No. 2006850

File: 1719031018953.png (2.15 MB, 853x1412, Screenshots_2024-06-22-00-33-4…)

No. 2006851

lmao i’ll bet she’s going to spin it as “we had to put an alter in a coma” or something equally deranged and brain dead

No. 2006852

File: 1719032427459.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1284x1237, IMG_0621.jpeg)

Did Cece get…married?!

No. 2006855

how would we be able to tell from this contextless picture? Those clothes don't look formal and that could easily just be a picture with a girlfriend.

No. 2006878

File: 1719040121925.png (361.92 KB, 425x700, Screen Shot 2024-06-22 at 2.07…)

She linked here in a story post, so we may get an influx of newfags

No. 2006879

File: 1719040201539.png (159.96 KB, 423x747, Screen Shot 2024-06-22 at 2.09…)

And is doubling down on claiming that her bmi was below 10 in that picture rather than just claiming she's lost weight since then, kek

No. 2006881

“Taken me years to get to this point… bc I had to up my LARP game to get another diagnosis after picking and copying symptoms from others” kek, fixed it Fi. She’s embarrassing at this point

No. 2006882

File: 1719042508549.png (471.41 KB, 428x701, Screen Shot 2024-06-22 at 2.14…)

Posting because someone asked how ghostofme was doing. She's stayed at a healthy weight. She doesn't post much, but when she does it's always asking for money or trying to sell nudes or similar. She doesn't claim that her weight gain is just 'swelling' anymore, though.

No. 2006889

>selling nudes to pay for cat care
Jfc, don't get a cat if you can't afford it without resorting to forms of prostitution

No. 2006911

I wonder if she truly thinks anyone believes her BMI is below 10. I'm surprised she hasn't been posted before actually. An absolute prime example of a cow.

No. 2006913

File: 1719054451169.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1671, 1000009623.png)

Yeah, this is totally the arse cheek of someone with a BMI in the single figures. Honestly, these cows just get more and more ridiculous.

No. 2006914

wow, she's almost unrecognizable

No. 2006915

Oh my she looks amazing

No. 2006916

She may be a healthy weight but wow she looks an absolute fucking mess.

No. 2006919

File: 1719058288267.png (928.67 KB, 1080x1965, 1000009628.png)

Ames' story is a fucking hoot. She has been saying she's on deaths door for years and years, yet here she is, still alive. Clearly ED services haven't discharged her because she's dying from her super severe Anorexia, but rather because she's just another fucking BPD nightmare.

No. 2006936

When whores ask for ‘cat care’ gibs it’s actually for themselves 99.9% of the time. Sometimes they don’t even have a cat kek.(sage your shit)

No. 2006937

I vaguely remember that she had issues with addiction, so I always assume she's asking for money to buy drugs.

No. 2006939

lol would this be like an american getting a fuck the republicans tattoo? i can respect that

No. 2006946

That’s a very safe assumption to make. I used to see junkies and trannies begging for money for their ‘injured dog’ or ‘sick cat’ on tumblr all the time. They’re completely shameless.

No. 2006953

Pretty much exactly like that nonna!

No. 2006964

Tattooing stuff like that on your ass is very stupid, even if you agree with it.

No. 2006966

eh, I mean, there aren't that many scenarios where you have to show someone your ass so it's probably one of the better places to put a tattoo like that

No. 2006980

File: 1719074879047.png (4.03 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0341.png)

The Italy trip to treatment pipeline has begun

No. 2007028

This is such a dumb tattoo.

No. 2007031

The cringey ~edgy~ font kek

No. 2007033

funny that she immediately found those posts. Someone's a hypocrite and probably reads lolcow regularly, eh?

No. 2007082

I am the anon that first posted about the pink haired girl and I am not her, I just got several videos of her on my fyp and found her so insufferable that I thought it was milky. That said, I only made the first two posts so the following ones could have been her.

No. 2007148

No one really fucking cares and considering we are anon here you could still be her kek,

No. 2007155

I think she posted a screen grab of a random burner account cow tipping unfortunately. well maybe it’s not unfortunate, she ought to know some of us have eyes and aren’t delusional enough to believe her lies kek.

No. 2007217

that's May, right? She looks really good. sucks about the cat thing

No. 2007225

Found a new potential cow. bigbadhostile17 on TikTok reeks of an ana and deleted some freak outs in the comments(post caps then)

No. 2007236

well she hasn't really been posting about ED as much as she had been, and she also changed out her ridiculously oversized septum ring, so i consider it a win.

No. 2007245

File: 1719129209761.png (1.83 MB, 853x1546, Screenshots_2024-06-23-03-51-3…)

Abby has no other reason to go outside besides shopping. get a job bitch

No. 2007259


What are you people seeing? She looks a fucking mess to me.

No. 2007300

File: 1719146161777.png (3.09 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4989.png)

How many of these “spend the day with me on pass” TikTok’s has Sydney made already? Lol, she’ll be back at acute by Christmas.

No. 2007305

Well you were speculating whether the first post was a self-post or not earlier on the thread so it's relevant to the conversation. Also in the first screenshot the time is in military time which is not used in the US.

No. 2007400

Niamh's going to keep milking the shit out of the footage she got of herself at a low weight kek

No. 2007404

Nonnie this was posted 3 months ago, she’s boring and irrelevant. Unless she suddenly starts doing her ootds (bodychecking) againthere’s no reason to post her

No. 2007452

I know it was posted 3 months ago but I didn't see it posted here at the time and I thought it was funny

No. 2007456

Nta but 3 months isn’t a long time kek, unless your a young zoomie. Also this thread is dying it’s not like one post about Niamh is going to clog it up, but minimodding faggots trying to critique each post sure will….

No. 2007502

File: 1719184530349.jpeg (487.18 KB, 1313x1165, 3D04088C-E45C-4DC4-B1E1-220BFA…)

not sure if she’s been posted before but this girl claims to be SEED, “at high risk of death”, “if i get a paper cut or a cat scratch that could be the end of me” , she’s at a “dangerous risk”…. but guys she’s CHOSEN to not be admitted to inpatient. oh and she looks like the photo on the left. inches from death, clearly.

No. 2007506

File: 1719185054744.jpeg (625.38 KB, 1179x692, IMG_7221.jpeg)

i’m not bone rattling or blind, sure she’s a bit u underweight but she constantly posts about how extreme (“”) her weight is, posts stories about how she NEEDS an admission, dehydrates herself until her bloods go off and goes to general hospital and then claims she persuaded them to let her go home either because of how traumatised she is, or because she’s so super severe they can’t help her (she can’t make up her mind which one it is).

No. 2007546

File: 1719194562056.jpg (734.2 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-06-23_22_01_56.jp…)

No. 2007551

a collage of screenshots with zero context, love it. also laughing at abby pretending she’s got chronic health issues, she’s going munchie. tho in fairness maybe the head bashing and incessant purging has made its mark, but still no sympathy as that’s entirely self inflicted

No. 2007578

Wtf is with all these cows being SO delusional to think their lies will be so easily believed by followers etc. by just claiming their weight is dangerously low but then looking completely normal? It’s kind of infuriating, this chick, Ames Silcock and whatever the pink haired chicks name is

No. 2007580

> severally enduring anorexia

No. 2007604

File: 1719211435444.webp (102.4 KB, 640x480, IMG_8049.webp)

I always thought she was so pretty but seeing her genuinely healthy made me realise she looked like absolute shit while skelly. Like Trevor Henderson’s Long Horse.

No. 2007628

File: 1719219694956.jpg (312.28 KB, 738x1670, Collage_2024-06-24_05_00_12~2.…)

No. 2007650

kek ganer posts her almost naked emaciated body to instagram every other week but wants to criticise what other women post?

No. 2007716

File: 1719239320978.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1242x2153, IMG_8476.jpeg)

Pretty sure this one has been mentioned before but she’s been IP for idk how long (so long her commenters/followers are saying shit) and posts obvious bodychecks all the time. She posted some babbling tiktok addressing some of the comments (captioned “might delete” and crying emojis…yet it’s still up nearly 3 weeks later) and saying everyone focuses too deeply on weight in recovery…you have to get physically better before your cognitions improve, no?!
Also, nitpick, but her hair reminds me of that one girl in dance moms with the terrible haircut … anyone?

No. 2007758

sitting hunched to give a view of her collarbones and chest kek

No. 2007780

14? Why is she ip

No. 2007796

jesus christ, what an astronomically stupid selfish woman. maybe if you can’t stay out of the hospital for more than a few weeks you shouldn’t have brought a gaggle of children into the world that your demented ass is not mentally sane enough to care for. it’s totally okay that your children get to grow up motherless while you fuck off to inpatient vacation for the millionth time, they’re definitely gunna be soooo mentally healthy and well adjusted.

No. 2007801

In my country they force you to go IP under BMI 15

No. 2007803

Rattle rattle. A bmi of under 15 is classed as severe, and although this thread brings us a swathe of skellys, most anorexics don’t get that low

No. 2007812

Yes and she constantly references incidents and reasons that her case is so special but then doesn’t explain at all when people ask? Like just don’t bring it up next time?

I remember she said that she gets certain behaviours if she gains to a certain weight (I’m assuming this means that she starts self harming or throwing a fit if they make her gain) so she just maintains a super low weight constantly and complains about never getting better

No. 2007966

File: 1719283578489.png (3.94 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_0609.png)

Indeed. A quick reverse image search will bring you to their wedding reception invitation & “love story”

No. 2007970

this feels… weird. they’ve already changed their names before they’re married and started planning their wedding before they were engaged. and they even bought a domain for it kek. but cece looks better. i wish them well.

No. 2007971

I guess it's a relatively healthy way to be extremely extra, but goddamn every bit of text on that website is sending me, including the fact that they changed hteir last names to "sun" because "their little family is the glowing center of their life". And the fact that their reception is "light brunch and kombucha".

No. 2007973

File: 1719284499483.png (170.63 KB, 273x330, Screen Shot 2024-06-24 at 10.0…)

Also, this registry item hints that they want to have kids in the relatively near future (instead of listing specific items, they have a couple goals that they're asking people to contribute money towards)

No. 2007992

Aww this is sweet, I’m happy for Cece, they look really cute together

No. 2007994

File: 1719289028076.jpeg (126.2 KB, 487x487, IMG_0512.jpeg)

this photo >>2007966 and picrel along with >>2007973 … hmmm

No. 2007997

I think those are just normal human bodies, nonnie. Lesbians don't really have oops babies - they'll have to spend a decent amount of money for one of them to get pregnant and I doubt they did that before getting married.

No. 2008008

File: 1719291900224.jpeg (1.89 MB, 1179x2072, IMG_5348.jpeg)

Those bulimia cheeks are really showing. She hardly looks underweight because of her face. It’s so sad to imagine her b/p-ing in secret while her kids play in a different room.

No. 2008036

How can you have 5 kids and still be so obsessed with yourself?

No. 2008124

Can we let Cece live honestly good for her. Hope they have a great wedding and the kombucha flows kek

No. 2008125

agreed, I hope she lives her best beige life and remains a graduated cow

No. 2008211

by being insanely selfish. like imagine being a child and watching your mother slowly kill herself right in front of you and there’s nothing you can to help her.

No. 2008214

At least two of these kids look special needs. Somebody needs to spay this bitch already.

No. 2008223

Agree with your point but don’t post the faces of minors

No. 2008273

File: 1719362112672.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 1179x1407, IMG_7395.jpeg)

another classic shooping spoop

No. 2008274

File: 1719362148907.jpeg (Spoiler Image,988.6 KB, 1179x1842, IMG_7396.jpeg)

wobble wobble

No. 2008276

kek at the extra knob on the knee on our right

No. 2008298

File: 1719367880267.png (5.09 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7672.png)

She never gets better. She’d rather be a skelly & live with her parents forever while they buy her stuffies & bows. She acts like a 7 yr old but is a grown ass woman. Maria need to realize she’s basically screwed the rest of her life with this level & prolonged period of malnutrition. She probably has the bones & organs of an 80 yr old. Her only chance is to weight restore & hope her bodies mostly heals.

No. 2008302

File: 1719368360410.jpeg (671.43 KB, 828x929, IMG_2910.jpeg)

No. 2008304

can someone please tell me what it says on the pic, i can't read that

No. 2008323

this girl confuses me because she’s been in hospital for what seems like literal YEARS and has never gained a gram. no idea how they’re treating her but it seems negligent

No. 2008338

File: 1719383494385.jpg (Spoiler Image,820.92 KB, 1080x1565, 1000034244.jpg)

Arianna isn't looking good
Added spoiler

No. 2008339

File: 1719383574862.jpg (399.41 KB, 1080x1548, 1000034246.jpg)

Pt2 Arianna
Seems her followers are over the whole show too

No. 2008340

File: 1719383638875.jpg (384.91 KB, 1080x1216, 1000034248.jpg)


No. 2008342

File: 1719383839795.jpg (670.95 KB, 1079x1639, 1000034260.jpg)

She had an NG for 24hrs (why) earlier this month and seems she's deteriorated ever since

No. 2008344

what the hell is that tape job

No. 2008347

File: 1719384269128.jpg (642.58 KB, 1920x1920, 1000034267.jpg)


No. 2008348

File: 1719384535070.jpg (559.25 KB, 1920x1920, 1000034268.jpg)

So it seems bets are on when she dies. Apart from fetishist, everyone's fed up.

No. 2008349


What’s odd to me is she turned IG private but her TikTok is still public and just as cringe(learn to sage)

No. 2008350

was she getting critical comments on instagram?

No. 2008351

Sage dumbass

No. 2008408

Ngl it’s kind of funny sky follows her and liked that. Cows on cows

No. 2008425

You need help, these look just like typical kids?

No. 2008489

Regardless, she should have been spayed 5 kids ago.

No. 2008494

File: 1719429211361.jpeg (445.74 KB, 1439x1374, IMG_0692.jpeg)

This girl is nuts. “It is something I’ve known all along, deep inside me.”

Maybe because you have a severe ed that you’re unwilling to get treated for?

No. 2008496

File: 1719429557829.jpg (402.9 KB, 1440x1386, Collage_2024-06-26_15_18_11~2.…)

No. 2008497

File: 1719429797340.png (1.81 MB, 853x1825, Screenshots_2024-06-26-15-22-3…)

No. 2008500

she posts pictures of herself at such a weird mix of weights with no indication as to what's a present picture or an old picture. Is she currently spoopy like on the right or is she a little healthier like on the left? does anyone know?

No. 2008502

The second picture is recently. She claims cancer or gastroparesis or something but she’s heavily involved online w a bunch of Ed accounts so I honestly think it’s a scapegoat for it

No. 2008505

File: 1719431582143.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1098x1922, IMG_1668.jpeg)

Oh mia, photoshop better next time

No. 2008506

File: 1719431671328.jpeg (32.2 KB, 147x241, IMG_1669.jpeg)

You’d think since she’d been called out so many times for her shitty photoshop she would either stop or refine her skills. Embarrassing

No. 2008549

Did niamh delete her insta account?

No. 2008573

File: 1719446745552.png (2.13 MB, 853x1555, Screenshots_2024-06-26-19-55-4…)

this bitch. every day she posts, and every day she apologizes for not posting. omg you dumb bitch, no one is sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for your corny ass updates.

No. 2008574

but how else will I know if she liked her latest expensive protein bar??

No. 2008584

i guess the high from all the validation at her recent conference appearance finally wore off also, being a human = posting on social media? fi is so cooked

No. 2008628

Exactly. Nearly all people on lolcow are HONEST about how someone looks, thats why we post them here. No one is gonna call Laura or Enara skinny, just like how no one will call Eugenia fat. This girl isn't fat, but she also isn't underweight looking.

No. 2008632

She knows what she’s doing here ! Total relapse & loving it !!

No. 2008634

she has very large thighs/legs for claiming to be spoopy(rattle rattle)

No. 2008643

Seems Lauren and Emily are relapsing at the same time(sage your shit)

No. 2008689

Funny that both of these posts and the pic of Lauren are all unsaged, clearly self posts LOL

Lauren and Emily it's clearly you and you both look fine

No. 2008695

kek, I read >>2008643 and was about to reply and say 'ah, yes, time for our twice monthly post about Emily relapsing even though she looks pretty much the same every time this post gets made'

No. 2008750

Ffs is she ever not ‘struggling’ or ‘really not okay’.

No. 2008847

I think so. She hasn't been active on her other platforms either. Probably just teenage girl stuff. I don't think she'll relapse.

No. 2008976

File: 1719543745344.jpeg (733.86 KB, 1170x1665, IMG_0782.jpeg)

Goodness this girl is an Ed pick me girl

No. 2008993

Can't embed an image so apologies ahead of time but has anyone else seen dee street eats on tiktok, @domenicadee_street. An obviously bulimic "competitive eater" who swallows things whole, goes live everyday to "train" for her competitive eating, and is very underweight. Calls people "the food police" when they comment on her weight, chewing, massive amount of food, etc. Checking her instagram from posts in 2010 confirms her history of ed in the hashtags. Also has obvious swollen glands. Typically goes to buffets for the cheap b/p

No. 2009057

Just what we need, another person showcasing food waste. The bar is so low it’s in Lucifer’s asshole.

No. 2009130

i don't even understand what she's trying to say here, but that fucking phone case on the wrong type of phone for the purpose of smegma larping gets me every time

No. 2009134

she's saying she doesn't really have the typical before and after eating disorder pics like other people have, because she's had her ED since she was a child

No. 2009138

i kinda like watching stuff like this, but all that squealing was killing me. all her mannerisms, her voice, everything is annoying as fuck

No. 2009140

yeah but it just looks like any other before and after? i don't see why age changes anything

No. 2009152

File: 1719598171831.jpeg (538 KB, 1170x2113, 82B951BE-4421-4AAF-B578-D89824…)

Pretty sure Lyss’s dog is more “massive” than her

No. 2009154

Honestly think there needs to be some sort of low-key support group for all of these (past mentioned and present) cows’ poor fucking dogs kek

No. 2009174

Ew, if your going to be gross can you do it alone at home? I hate seeing people doing this nasty shit in public, the poor waitstaff

No. 2009241

File: 1719617003106.jpeg (277.42 KB, 973x741, 21956299-3DFB-4E58-8B31-F6C589…)

Sure this one has been posted before a while ago but this latest post flabbergasted me. I’ve just cannot fathom any hospital putting a fucking ninja creami (an incredibly noisy and expensive ice cream maker that’s basically crack for ppl on diets or with eating disorders) in someone’s room?! Someone who is sectioned?! Am I going crazy or is that completely mental

No. 2009243

File: 1719617180559.jpeg (410.57 KB, 1170x2148, 3B06EF0E-0F80-4F99-8F2A-215E9B…)

we are right on track to see a bunch of tube pictures from inpatient in approximately 3/4 weeks

No. 2009256

maybe but i feel like shes been way less milky than before. u can see shes sick but in one comment she says shes working 2 jobs which would be really good and i think so many other cows are wayyyy worse so idk. she like barely shares anything online anymore so i feel like shes way less desperate for attention than she used to be(sage your shit)

No. 2009257

I'd like to know more about the "two jobs" given that she's claimed before to be supporting herself when she worked very part-time retail and clearly wasn't

No. 2009258

almost as bad as mohmotionlv, live streams eating ALL DAY. At first I believed him when he said it was from other diseases like sickle cell and hyperthyroidism, but theres just no way. Never talks about medication or doctors ever.

No. 2009261

r u sure? idk if she ever said she was "fully independent" from what i saw but idk maybe I’m wrong? but working 2 jobs is much better than before at least is all I’m sayin(sage your shit)

No. 2009286

Kek, she deleted it

No. 2009332

without trying to bonerattle, Stef must be naturally supposed to sit at a higher weight / have a broad frame because her chest always get spoopy when her limbs and stomach look thin but not absurdly so.

No. 2009365

File: 1719651128133.jpeg (610.72 KB, 960x1509, IMG_6122.jpeg)

Potential new cow?
Claimes “In recovery” but posts body checks daily but will deny it

…meanwhile lets pull our shirt down to expose chest bones @heathers.hopeful.recovery on

No. 2009442

I saw this too and was completely gobsmacked (but then I’m ancient enough to remember ancient CAMHS units where ED patients weren’t even allowed working bedroom sinks). A ninja creami though, fucking hell. How badly do they want this specific girl to eat? Might as well add May’s £400 coffee machine while we’re at it.

No. 2009446

This is why UK cows are chronically in hospital. They pander to their disorders instead of giving them the swift kick in the ass they need. They wouldn’t last a day inpatient I. The US where you have to eat the shit food given to you whether you like the food or not and if you don’t you sit there for 2 hours until you do. That way you don’t actually want to live there and come back on a quarterly basis,

No. 2009467

Maybe, but again, this is NOT a normal example. Nice to establish Saffron’s food reviews are all total bullshit though as I did wonder….

No. 2009475

seriously. it makes me mad the way these cows have me actually defending anything about US healthcare.

No. 2009477

File: 1719686564683.jpg (995.11 KB, 1440x1800, Collage_2024-06-29_14_42_01.jp…)

No. 2009478

File: 1719686819652.png (2.8 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1039.png)

Tbh that’s a gross picture and no one wants to see it but she must think that it makes people pity her or something

No. 2009487

Kek right?! It would make a GREAT reality show to put these UK and Aussie cows in a US inpatient program and watch how fast they crumble.

No. 2009488

This is how you KNOW her ED is the main show. She might have other chronic shit going on but chronic illness people don’t show their bodies/weight like this. I’ve never seen it. I know people with total intestinal failure, have had every type of feeding tube/been on TPN and never seen them show off their weight loss nor have I ever seen them be this skeletal. And these people are sicker than just having GP. Why haven’t they given this chick a nose hose yet? Every day she’s in the ER for a flare then gets out and is eating the most ridiculous combination of foods for someone supposedly so chronically ill,

No. 2009489

Doesn’t she get bored of constantly tracking and eating her food? Like no one fkn cares and if you were truly moving on in recovery you wouldn’t be so obsessed with food anymore.

No. 2009490

“Ensure I kick this ED out for good” Kek, okay Fi. You’ve been repeating the same bullshit since you were about 14. Your whole identity and fuel for being babied at the age of 27 is your ED.

No. 2009551

Her whole feed and online persona is about her workouts. She’s unhinged

No. 2009600

Agree, but why are the reviews bullshit? Stupid and moronic, but bullshit?

No. 2009603

If you believe she's eating entire pizzas, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

No. 2009604

File: 1719708744668.jpeg (448.95 KB, 1170x2163, 8965C06A-3D5A-45D1-8A4C-8E4C23…)

You’re kinda right. Weight cycling leaves people with weird body proportions like this

No. 2009635

I actually met Saffron years ago and I can believe it, she used to just not eat a most of the day and then eat a load in one go, so I'm assuming that's why she's been eating whole pizzas but not actually gaining much weight, just doesn't really eat otherwise(learn to sage)

No. 2009637

File: 1719712205010.png (1.96 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240629-214720.png)

ugghhh took me a minute to figure out which bones i was looking at here. ridiculous picture. it's so weird she posts this shit on an account that seems to have everyone she knows in real life on it.

No. 2009640

isn't her name Heather? who is saffron, a nickname?

No. 2009753

What the hell am I looking at here?
Honestly, I'm trying really hard but all I can see is a shriveled up growth coming from the pelvis area. Cus if that's her leg, what is that to the side??

No. 2009757

Same nonnie, I think I figured it out though! Basically it looks like, with how she’s lying she’s got her left leg over the right but it’s turned inwards so her knee is sticking out? (So the weird af growth thing is her knee)

No. 2009759

don't know who heather is, this one's saffron hence the 'sunflower saff' thing going on

read some of the comments on her post, apparently her own stuff, just in her room

No. 2009902

what the hell, this looks like cronenberg body horror shit

No. 2010030

anyone know what happened to luci? all her socials have been silent for like a week and the last update she gave on her health sounded like she was entering renal failure. she mentioned dialysis but she's a literal retard and always been resistant to treatment i'm hoping she didn't cop out because no joke you refuse that shit and it's game over. there's no unicorn magic that can bail you out of busted kidney toxins you die within days.

No. 2010048

File: 1719817884511.jpeg (832.46 KB, 960x1686, IMG_6173.jpeg)

same person, dif account, both equally cringe
@heathers.hopeful.recovery = @heatheronak

No. 2010049

jesus, look at all the stuffed animals on her couch

No. 2010109

Late of me but this girl is sectioned but is allowed to have appliances with power cords, and a creami with a blade in it??? What is the point of sectioning at that point

No. 2010199

Frankly think she’s lying but can’t think why she would? It makes zero sense though. Where’s the frozen tubs being kept? Do they realise it’s loud as fuck and the noise lasts several minutes? Surely that’s just totally inappropriate and implausible

No. 2010201

File: 1719862310768.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1102x1947, IMG_1701.jpeg)

Wasn’t sure to post this here or in the other thread where she’s a subject but here we go. This is a blatant lie, clearly the commentary about her being an unemployed freeloader has been getting under her skin. Abby has had one job as a kiddie gymnastic coach and she lasted a few weeks at most.

Expecting her to read this now and send herself a tell asking what they were, in order to expand on the nonexistent made up ‘jobs’ she’s had. maybe she babysat or took someone’s dog for a walk once and is considering that a ‘Job’

No. 2010227

As far as I’m aware she’s had a couple of very very brief jobs
Surprised she’s stopped lying about not legally being allowed to work. I think she’d really benefit from a job actually, not in way where I’m saying she’s lazy but because the structure would surely help

No. 2010272

she probably knew that lie didn’t make sense. she’s not got a job because she’s far too dependent and immature, and content to live off benefits and mummy and daddy’s money. and from the way she looks (like an incapacitated /drunk addict with horrendous make up and a nappy plastered to her forehead) id be astounded if she made it through any interview.

No. 2010358

This women is all about the ed competition. She’s been to acute a lot. She denied an ed the whole time. People without ED’s aren’t deeply interested in other peoples weights & ED symptoms. She deserves to be put here. Her chronic illness claims are only the sideshow, not the real truth.

No. 2010364

I was just about to comment how she’s in public looking like an absolute mess in the picture kek. Abby will never manage a job she doesn’t even keep any sort of routine and seems to refuse to think about the future

No. 2010388

Kek she used to work at Buzzfeed?

No. 2010476

File: 1719940257045.jpeg (437.63 KB, 1170x2271, IMG_5275.jpeg)

She literally has bandages on in her pictures in may and her forehead is always various colours of red??? Is she just stupid or genuinely thinks four months have passed since may?

No. 2010530

Is she blind and somehow can’t see how ugly she looks in every photo she posts? I assume she’s trying to look thinner or more ill but it’s doesn’t work she just looks grimy and messy and all discoloured

No. 2010536

This is right. She's spoken recently about the fact that she basically does not eat all day, and has spoken for years on her various accounts about being seriously addicted to exercise. She's one of those cases that will never get better.

No. 2010542

File: 1719953064444.png (1.11 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1328.png)

Wonder if they were trying to refeed her

No. 2010590

The debate about the hoodie in the last thread was only two months ago and that’s when she was showing off her bandages. Also her story collage of May with the smiling thumbs up hospital bed pic. Maybe all the head banging is really taking a toll on her

No. 2010606

File: 1719960003462.png (4.02 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7804.png)

Funny to me she got called a little bitch by a dr. They’re obviously sick of your bs. To cause a dr to say something of that magnitude she just truly be rude & insufferable. She’s so ugly. People without an ED would be ashamed to look like that & flaunt it.

No. 2010623

File: 1719962867027.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1179x2137, IMG_7300.jpeg)

this mf cucumber wedge and single tomato that appear in every meal actually drive me batshit. in the separate dish every time, no matter what meal, chopped up in exactly the same way… it’s so blatantly disordered and weird

No. 2010629

kek at the wrap that appears to contain … lettuce

No. 2010630

is she so afraid of not being a skelly that she literally adds like a single fucking tablespoon of hummus and one leaf of lettuce to the whole white flour tortilla? who eats like this? that looks so unappetizing.

If she can't handle the extra fat she could just put like a tablespoon or two of hummus alongside two cups of carrots and steamed vegetables or grains or something. that's a paltry amount of food and what I would expect someone on a starvation diet to eat

No. 2010643

The measly portion size is justified in her mind because she's challenging WHITE carbs you guyss

No. 2010694

Why are so many people with private accounts being posted. Are they really cows to be milked if they are private?

No. 2010747

When I knew Lavi she was obsessed with my bmi and weight. It was so strange. She brought it up every other sentence and constantly would share hers unsolicited. Even when I told her I was not comfortable sharing any numbers, she persisted to ask me again and again and comment on my body shape and size.(sage your shit)

No. 2010748

She also was obsessed with medical stabilizations for eating disorder patients, but would go into them not as an eating disorder patient and claim chronic illness. But she would bring up how upset she was that she couldn’t get into Torrance Memorial and also that she tried to go to the Rise Recovery/Family Hospital Systems ED medical
Stabilization program in Texas but ultimately could not get in. She got into Radys in San Diego and at first said she liked them a lot, but then later down the road said “they weren’t equipped to handle her GI issues and that she preferred Denver ACUTE”. I thought that was odd since she claimed abuse from ACUTE at her first two stays, but then still went back there. She was sad that she was too old for the UCSF children’s and Stanford children’s programs even though those are strictly for eating disorder patients and not chronic illness as she claims.

No. 2010751

File: 1719983781173.png (261.4 KB, 419x747, Screen Shot 2024-07-03 at 12.1…)

It really seems like she has anorexia from other anon's comments, but I thought it was interesting that she finally at least admitted that she has an eating disorder

No. 2010774

File: 1719988358009.jpeg (1.08 MB, 960x1558, IMG_6190.jpeg)

how does she not feel awkward taking blatant j by body checks at a public gym. it’s literally her whole feed.

and what’s with her counting days? days in ED? clearly not recovery kek

No. 2010803

What was the thumbs up hospital bed picture?

No. 2010808

Sorry these are not in order I was quickly scrolling through the old thread clicking everything that’s relevant
All these are from the last two months. But Abby is four months SH free guys !!! Mush for brains from all the head banging is my guess

No. 2010812

File: 1720001169512.jpeg (105.14 KB, 661x772, 89C77E5B-E022-4F5B-82F7-EF6F32…)

She has this in front of other people as a full meal too

No. 2010833

How is she still out of hospital? Her BMI was like 12 on discharge and she’s surely lost since then

No. 2010917

Now THIS is some peak pro-ana scumbag behaviour. Even the most braindead of spoops don’t post this shit publicly anymore

No. 2010965

Waterloading, not going to appointments (her parents are whack conspiracy types who don’t trust doctors), being enabled at home etc

No. 2010973

File: 1720037188949.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1284x2280, IMG_0823.jpeg)

This disgusting excuse for a mother dragged her poor newborn to the dirtiest place on earth - an ER. Social services needs to step in and get control of this situation.

No. 2010975

She’s in the ER every other day they’re tired of her. No matter what the reason is, they need to figure out a different plan because you can’t use the ER as your primary place of care. Admit her or get her a fucking feeding tube already this is out of control.

No. 2010990

She’s a lost cause. There is no magical ED treatment that makes recovery easier. You have to push through and want to recover and she so obviously doesn’t want it, not even for her kids. Having a ED doesn’t make you a bad person but this woman is an insufferable monster.

No. 2011006

File: 1720042025453.jpeg (878.27 KB, 1143x1115, IMG_1706.jpeg)

A single tiny sausage, a single tiny (veggie I assume) finger thing, the driest looking baby portion of mash and the saddest unseasoned vegetables including a single sweaty mushroom…. “Section me” on a plate

No. 2011049

Even worse when you consider this takes her over an hour to eat, and she repeatedly microwaves it throughout

No. 2011096

is this one British or some shit? iirc she's been posted before ages ago but I don't see the link anywhere in the OP

No. 2011098

She is. You can also see her instagram username in the screenshot

No. 2011121

Tf is a sweaty mushroom

No. 2011231

I am SO glad someone put this out here. I didn’t know she was doing it to others as well. She would constantly message me asking weight/bmi, calories, health status, behaviors etc. Then say she only has chronic illness but push & push to know. Then why so obsessed?? Bc it’s a lie.

No. 2011235

File: 1720110212671.jpeg (521.2 KB, 1169x2160, IMG_7934.jpeg)

Refeeding? Haha okay. Whatever. Also what hospital allows newborn babies to be with a really sick mentally mother? She is such a fucking cow & menace. She just looks a little dehydrated. How about be a mother instead of dragging kid after kid through hell that you flaunt. Have the damn sense to stop having kids. It’s like it’s her plan all along. If she gets pregnant it’ll be an excuse to loose weight. They need to take the kids from her. It’s “super disheartening” for her?? Narcissist. It’s crushing for her kids. Also, the fact that she can birth kid after kid means she’s a lot healthier than she wants people to think.

No. 2011236

File: 1720110683404.jpeg (462.68 KB, 1169x2217, IMG_7937.jpeg)

If she’s so sick & in refeeding as shared, then why in the hell would she be nutritionally allowed to feed a baby??? She has a video of her breastfeeding while in the hospital & claiming anorexia. Furthermore, if she’s so critical she would NEVER be allowed to hold the baby alone. That clearly shows she’s malingering. Someone who is a skelly doesn’t have the energy/ability to hold/lift, enjoy life. She would be stopped bc she could drop the baby. I’m sick of this women. No baby should have to grow up with their mom in the hospital- except it’s not just 1 kid. It’s kid after kid to the same useless, demented woman. Most of what she shares is body checks, hospitals, & medical equipment. Lost cause on the loose.

No. 2011238

>not the update i wanted to be sharing
so don’t share it? get off the internet and go patent your multiple neglected kids ffs.

No. 2011251

She’s despicable. No baby should spend their first few months of life in a hospital away from bonding with their other parent and siblings. Likewise, no other parent and siblings should have to be away from their new baby or have months away from their mom in their formative years. I cannot believe they just allow a newborn to roll up into the ER with their patient mother. Line wtf are they doing in Australia? Hospitals are so damn dirty and if mom has a serious medical event who is watching the baby until the other parent arrives? Hospital staff shouldn’t have to bear the burden of responsibility.

No. 2011279

It’s entirely possible she’s just making most of this up. She could be there for god knows what, have short visits with baby, & act like she’s there for ed & has the baby nonstop. I suspect a liar & manipulator.

No. 2011294

Her husband needs his dick cut off. She's a piece of shit for caring more about being a spoop than about the emotional or physical well-being of her kids, but her husband's so much worse. He's not only victimizing the kids, he's victimizing her, because he KNOWS this is going to happen over and over and over, and he doesn't care because he doesn't want to wear a condom. I wouldn't be surprised if her being a half-starved baby factory is his fetish.

No. 2011300

File: 1720122680687.jpeg (942.23 KB, 3464x1917, 2C0F9CB3-7E67-44D1-B715-F88500…)

Most of the pictures she posts with her newborn are genuinely just bodychecks. It’s so gross
>I wouldn't be surprised if her being a half-starved baby factory is his fetish.
This is my tinfoil. No normal husband would get their very sick emaciated struggling wife pregnant over and over again. There is something deeply wrong with both of them.

No. 2011418

Regardless if baby is in ED/general with her, she’s in a freaking mental hospital with her which is bad enough and carries the same issues with not bonding to the other parent and siblings. This family is fucked and social services needs to take a look around.

No. 2011437

the way her legs are the focus and not the newborn baby kek gross. horrible selfish person. unfit mother.

No. 2011452

File: 1720147191442.jpg (1.2 MB, 2160x2340, 1000037971.jpg)

Bryony Carter body checking and bragging about being too skelly for adult compression gear and blood pressure cuffs.

No. 2011462

refeeding syndrome causes a big drop in phosphorous. An isolated big drop in potassium is probably either purging or laxatives

No. 2011641

File: 1720206146921.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1114x1783, IMG_1708.jpeg)

A rare sight- abby without photoshopped legs. Hopefully her reading here opened her eyes to how much she was embarrassing herself

No. 2011646

File: 1720206845674.png (2.28 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_2533.png)

The most orthorexic person ever wtf.

No. 2011647

File: 1720207014738.jpg (91.19 KB, 1080x1101, 1000000335.jpg)

I don't understand how you can be so concerned about your health that you overlook what is arguably the most fundamental aspect of it: MAINTAINING A HEALTHY WEIGHT

No. 2011691

File: 1720220685731.jpeg (517.18 KB, 1169x2178, IMG_7989.jpeg)

Her husband is clearly just as shitty of a person as she. Him knocking her up knowing her cycle and mental health should be criminal . They are both unfit. Her newest baby looks like a premie. She looks like she has failure to thrive, & that would be mom‘s fault. When she was pregnant she was not the size a pregnant person should be. It makes sense why her baby is behind. I was concerned for the baby the entire pregnancy because I also have a child & know how much one should grow, even a thin person. She looked 4 months pregnant at the end of pregnancy!! This baby is a month old and looks like she should be born in a few more weeks. Someone please make this lady stop breast-feeding and give this child formula so she can be healthy. She shared she can’t walk to the bathroom and hates fortisip, yet she can breast-feed a baby and hold her standing up in the bathroom. Yeah, that doesn’t add up. I think she is one of the biggest cows ever shared here.

No. 2011704

you’re right about everything, except that formula would be better for the baby. this myth is the same one nestlé used to convince mothers their milk isn’t good enough, and it may have killed ~11 million babies between 1960 and 2015. sorry to sperg, but a woman’s body prioritizes breastmilk production even when she’s in a state of starvation. nutritionally, the baby will be fine, but it’s at a huge cost to the mother. this is far more likely to hurt her than her baby. regardless, someone needs to stop this woman from reproducing. it’s selfish and gross, and i feel horrible for her kids.

No. 2011715

I don't think anon meant that formula is 'better', but anon was assuming that the baby has failure to thrive and wasn't getting enough to eat in general.
Hopefully her being inpatient means they can keep a close eye on the baby too.

No. 2011763

I think the point is that a malnourished spoop is probably not producing adequate breast milk

No. 2011781

>this myth is the same one nestlé used to convince mothers their milk isn’t good enough, and it may have killed ~11 million babies between 1960 and 2015

Those babies died because the formula was mixed with unclean water and/or diluted to make it last longer. Formula, used properly, is perfectly fine.

>nutritionally, the baby will be fine

Even if her body prioritizes milk production, it can't create nutrients out of thin air. Plenty of women who are a healthy weight fail to produce enough milk. Expecting someone who's so malnourished she has to be hospitalized is going to be able to create what the baby needs isn't super reasonable. And anyway, if you're that malnourished, you're retarded if you're wasting calories breastfeeding. Just give the baby formula.

And let's be honest, this bitch can't even be bothered to keep her weight up so her babies won't be born premature. You really think she's breastfeeding because she cares so much about the kid's health? Bullshit, this is just an excuse for her to get rid of calories.

No. 2011790

My hope as well. The baby has a much better chance at surviving while they are both at the hospital. I really don't want to go back through her older posts (it's hard for me to look at a baby possibly failing to thrive right now). But has she said she's exclusively breastfeeding? Even if she feeds formula, letting the baby try to nurse in-between proper feedings might be recommended, idk.

Yes she and her husband are retarded and this is (or borders on) child abuse, but since the baby can't be unborn, I think chucking both into the hospital is the only way to make sure the baby survives. Separating them unnecessarily is also cruel and would lead to a worse outcome. Hopefully child protective services are competent over there and involved in cases like these…

No. 2011802

She uses angles and all to appear super soppy. Whilst trying to claim she’s trying to gain weight without any change in months….. also the lying about being selfharm free all the time I think she like getting the positive respond from her non friends

No. 2012062

>Those babies died because the formula was mixed with unclean water and/or diluted to make it last longer. Formula, used properly, is perfectly fine.
i didn’t say formula wasn’t fine or that formula itself killed babies. i said the myth that mothers’ breast milk is inadequate killed them—that’s why those mothers resorted to feeding them formula made with contaminated water in the first place. they were told their milk was inadequate, so they supplemented or switched to formula, then they stopped producing milk so they had to rely on formula. it still happens to this day, and then we see formula shortages and women literally can’t feed their own babies. it’s really insidious.

no doubt this woman is using it as a way to burn calories. the correct answer isn’t to make her stop breastfeeding, it’s to get her to feed herself properly. it’s disgusting that she won’t set her own selfish bullshit aside for her own kids.

No. 2012124

File: 1720319807267.jpeg (316.44 KB, 1170x821, IMG_8499.jpeg)

New potential milk ????
Couple her vids came up on my feed.
Her tik tok is lacking but her instagram has ton more content. Another “recovery” account but doesn’t seem to actually be recovering. Doesn’t seem as victim complex as the rest of them
Tik tok is same as instagram handle


No. 2012206

File: 1720344000513.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1125x2161, IMG_1564.jpeg)

Could a farmer with twitter post the latest from Ellie Diana? I don’t have an account so this is all I can see

No. 2012284

File: 1720364616318.jpeg (620.48 KB, 828x1480, IMG_4492.jpeg)

this is the only original post since then, everything else is retweets

No. 2012314

The bottom right one just looks like one of those injuries where you continually scratch over the same place until it breaks skin and bleeds. Maybe don’t act like a twat and you wouldn’t need to be apparently so “violently restrained”. Play stupid games win stupid prizes and all that…

No. 2012330

File: 1720374740983.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1091x1940, IMG_1714.jpeg)

Firstly, ‘mia core’ sounds like something from Edtwt. (Ik it’s her name, still unfortunate).
Secondly, did she use a fucking micro plane to grate that apple into the most see through tiny slices imaginable? How can that be enjoyable to eat?

No. 2012350

File: 1720378834655.png (393.45 KB, 472x482, Screen Shot 2024-07-07 at 1.59…)

Fi is now … dipping chocolate squares in chocolate mousse. Everything she eats (except the hummus wraps) seems like it would be sickeningly sweet.

No. 2012351

I absolutely hate this stupid bitch. She's worse than May.

No. 2012363

File: 1720381749999.png (1.98 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_2541.png)

Emily seems to be doing a bit better than before. Seems hopeful… or could just be the beginning of a new downward spiral

No. 2012414

File: 1720392784505.png (1.35 MB, 646x1158, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 6.50.…)

not sure if anyone has posted this cow before but she posts tube pics on one acc bc shes in treatment then starts a running account on TT on the same day now that she started php…

No. 2012415

File: 1720392828978.png (403.15 KB, 648x1030, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 6.50.…)

…(cont) here's the running page lmao

No. 2012428

File: 1720396567696.png (1.16 MB, 499x918, chipotle.png)

This is the most barren chipotle bowl I've ever seen. Even with the salads the employees always fill it to the brim. Makes me think she specifically asked for less.

No. 2012453

Gsophia is so annoying, I follow her too. The girl spends more time in treatment than out, always looks healthy or overweight, no visible signs of restriction despite what she says.(sage your shit)

No. 2012459

she also bullies other people for triggering her when she does the exact same shit and then pulls the "oh well I’m free to post what i want wah wah wah". i've heard from people who were in tx w her and they said she was absolutely insufferable and was genuinely such a nasty person but u can tell by her account she obnoxious af(sage your shit)

No. 2012469

File: 1720404378965.png (1.14 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1909.png)

She interacts with another obnoxious girl Lily on tiktok who posts tiny WIEIADS to show off how she can “recover” and still be the perfect anorexic and compulsively body checks

No. 2012488

Why do her eyebrows look so swollen kek. Her face shape is so manly & the bitch is already balding. I thought she was a troon at first glance

No. 2012537

File: 1720423246081.jpeg (576.82 KB, 1170x2259, IMG_5288.jpeg)

Abby joining in with Mia posting bare plates of veg

No. 2012543

Is that sweet potato or weird fish? How can you manage to make your food look this unappetizing. Whatever the orange stuff is it looks gross.

No. 2012573

Smoked salmon

No. 2012678

Absolutely rancid.
Also ‘miss the fresh food’ makes no sense given that nothing on that plate cannot be found in the UK and bought by a middle class girl who has zero obligatory outgoings, and both benefits and mummy and daddy’s money. She’s an idiot

No. 2012889

File: 1720522376768.jpeg (1.98 MB, 1170x2255, IMG_5296.jpeg)

Her arm? How does she manage to be so active?

No. 2012919

Actively shooping

No. 2012972

File: 1720541998093.png (4.7 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7340.png)

it’s photoshopped. very badly.
here’s a photo she posted a few days ago where it looks completely different. how are these girls not embarrassed?!!!

No. 2013005

Mia is a notorious photoshopper. Has been at it for years.

No. 2013025

If I could be bothered I’d go right back through the threads to the photo where she edited her legs really badly, it was laughable. She doesn’t seem very clever though, she doesn’t seem to be able to spell and uses horribly infantile baby talk in her videos.

No. 2013031

The videos she does on her story’s of her outfits and awkwardly posing are hilarious! She’s definitely not all there

No. 2013040

File: 1720556453235.jpeg (401.8 KB, 1170x1982, IMG_8890.jpeg)

She always has a fat face. No matter how much weight she loses her face just remains fat

No. 2013059

Bc she purges no doubt. That’s why her potassium was messed up & not other things.

No. 2013076

Hasn’t improved though, at photoshopping or weight gain

No. 2013086

I thought this was enara kek

No. 2013087

File: 1720564217173.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1014x1781, IMG_3953.jpeg)

Is it just me or does she kind of look like Enara? Kek screenshot from the cluster b thread.

No. 2013192

It’s just you.

No. 2013202

Same sad face woe is me selfie for attention, and ugly square glasses. I kinda see what you mean, but Enara is too fat for comparison really.
Both ugly as hell

No. 2013222

Clearly it’s not since 2 people posted the exact same thing within a minute of each other kek

No. 2013224

I'm adding a third, she does look like Enara

No. 2013254

File: 1720603516241.jpeg (501.65 KB, 1170x1994, IMG_5298.jpeg)

Abby posted 6 photos of her climbing this ladder and it’s totally not a body check. Nice red forehead too.

No. 2013336

File: 1720629464827.jpeg (660.67 KB, 828x1076, IMG_3794.jpeg)

Ancientcow Italian Aly got engaged. Congrats. Hope Dante will lead the ceremony

No. 2013368

How does she still manage to look grimy in a literal body of water? Outstanding

No. 2013371

She’s super short too so her head looks absolutely massive.

No. 2013387

File: 1720642703309.jpeg (336.88 KB, 828x1188, IMG_6176.jpeg)

this girl is mad at her staff cause she just accepts to have fortisip in a syringe and refuses to have it in a cup lol poor staff dealing w this attention seek hore

No. 2013391

“eat chips then” lmaoooo agency nurse for the win

No. 2013411

I fear she's giving Megamind with that big-ass forehead, kek

No. 2013423

Oh wow I forgot about her

No. 2013424

wonder if she'll do a bridal underwear photoshoot on her mother's bed (or was it her grandmother's? I can't remember)

No. 2013453

her mom's! The Virgin Mary used to be above the bed for these shoots until either someone pointed it out to her sincerely, or some idiot cow-tipped. Anyway, then she started taking the framed print/painting down before posing for her sexy pics. iirc it was still in the photos, just face down on the bed or table, kek.

Aly's threads are so rereadable. Miss those nonas so much.

No. 2013455

File: 1720659505661.jpg (579.51 KB, 1179x1901, IMG_6138.jpg)

here she goes posting more running pics WHILE she's in php lmao like ok yea tube pics on main but a runner on this one

No. 2013460

How does she make her arms look so much skinnier even Stefania’s .5 photos aren’t this skilled in angle

No. 2013474

File: 1720663582475.jpg (520.92 KB, 1179x1886, IMG_6141.jpg)

nahh u can see in her other pics shes not skinny at all even w the angle to be fair stefs upper body is way tinier. plus sophias faces are so awkward tbh she looks scary

No. 2013680

Ah wow I so miss the days of Italian Aly on here. She was such a good cow. Nice to see she's doing well. Bet she's still fucking batty though.

No. 2013766

File: 1720736793816.png (83.71 KB, 800x800, IMG_0739.png)

No. 2014008

That's no news at all. It's a hefty relapse or chocolate on chocolate for her.

No. 2014477

Sorry for the spoon feeding request. The recent pic of ally has me thinking of past cows. Does anyone know what Sophie is up to now? The one that had a no tube though wasn’t getting regular feeds through it. Would swallow razor blades and self harm to repeatedly show up to the hospital in one day? I believe she would get violent with the staff too

No. 2014642

sage for unusual cow topic for the thread. bear with me. does anyone else watch coachviva videos and get the impression she has an ED? she has plenty of good advice but sometimes it's walking the line between full blown ED and regular weightloss yt content. sometimes I feel like she's using ED hacks for good (trying to help her overweight clients lose weight sustainably) and sometimes it feels like advice you'd read on myproana (eating all servings in a 1-US-cup bowl, drinking 1-US-cup of water before and after each serving to make yourself full, etc). nothing against her really, I'm on the fence. she is against crash diets and she doesn't do the typical bodychecks that I would associate with a proana cow or anything like that I just think she's an interesting figure.

No. 2014702

File: 1720979868955.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x1971, IMG_7835.jpeg)

I found a male stefania

No. 2014796

File: 1720998887520.jpeg (824.18 KB, 1170x2266, IMG_5308.jpeg)

Incest Becca making another sweet appearance. And those crop tops and having your barely two months old self harm scars out around children is so totally appropriate!

No. 2014806

Everything about this photo makes me feel uncomfortable, not one mentally stable brain cell.

No. 2014846

sry to be annoyin but genuinely curious- almost everyone takes selfies this way with the 0.5x lens like stef def isn’t the only one who does it so it doesn’t rly bother me. i was actually impressed she deleted her insta and seems to be a lot more private lately which i think is a good thing. who knows maybe she's actually learning something haha(sage and integrate)

No. 2014854

So inappropriate to dress like this and show off your cuts around children

No. 2014919

Scars where?

No. 2014928

Kek yeah so private with her 30k TT followers

No. 2014946

Are you new here? It’s Abby?

No. 2014971

It's Abby? Look at her face? Dipshit. The top left corner also shows that her t-shirt is short sleeved so her ugliest arm ones are on show.
I hope that wain isn't related to incest Becca…for obvious reasons.

No. 2015028

Terribly sorry for asking a spoonfeed but I've missed something, why is she called incest Becca?

No. 2015033

Sorry but no I'm not new I just scroll past cows I don't care about. And at least I know how to reply to a post.

No. 2015216

Scroll the previous couple threads and search for the word "Becca" to narrow it down. She slept with her sister and made porn with her.

No. 2015252

I said WHERE not WHO, so who’s the dipshit now? I didn’t see any fresh cuts, the browser wasn’t letting me maximize the photo/see it in proper resolution

No. 2015377

What do you mean where? She’s been wearing bandages on her arms and then has her arms out at a nine year olds birthday party. Use your brain more.

No. 2015378

File: 1721117387433.jpeg (485.88 KB, 1170x2271, IMG_5317.jpeg)

Yes very normal thing to post. Nice bandage too!

No. 2015379

File: 1721117454782.jpeg (477.88 KB, 1170x1983, IMG_5318.jpeg)

Again with her making herself look like a drug addict. Remember all her unhinged TikTok’s. Clearly she still acts the same way

No. 2015384

Why do the majority of these cows look like they need a good scrub in a bath kek, even the bandage looks minging

No. 2015394

Neither anon but I mean they're literally on her face so, still you.. The dipshit is still you

No. 2015562

File: 1721157452837.jpg (220.06 KB, 1080x1053, 20240716_211637.jpg)

God this girl is cringey kek

No. 2015859

All three of them look slow as fuck

No. 2015870

File: 1721231929909.png (Spoiler Image,1006.9 KB, 1080x2270, Screenshot_20240717-172938.png)

Hi Newfag here, I have been lurking.
I was wondering if this girl is a cow? Camilla Ferrara is 22yo and follows thousands of ED thinspo accounts. She believes she is in control of the situation. I am not sure. She also has a onlyfans for pro-ana fetishist. But the milk (correct me if I'm wrong) is in her promoting an unsustainable unhealthy lifestyle to others and insuring those who ask that it will be good for them. When asked or spoken too about this behavior she gets mad and defensive. I have seen beef on X IG and TT. She is stable herself but I don't think she cares or realizes she is also encourages victims. Am I alone in this or are others also fascinated by her?

No. 2015872

she's been posted here, no idea she had an onlyfans though, gross. i think she is very aware she is encouraging people but doesnt give a shit like all pro-ana cunts. (btw as a tip don't write anything in the 'name' or 'subject' field)

No. 2015907

I’m so unsure about her bc she never tells people her intake exactly or states they should be like this too…. But then she’s always saying “tiny is pretty” and stuff like that. She also seems very isolated but maybe just doesn’t show other people on her instagram? She also has had quite a few surgery’s on her face and is planning to get more I think she’s got bdd for sure

No. 2015996

File: 1721251824355.jpeg (123.52 KB, 1170x993, IMG_5320.jpeg)

I mean all the cows on here are retarded but this one is hilarious to me

No. 2015999

File: 1721251898959.jpeg (144.35 KB, 1170x864, IMG_5321.jpeg)

Absolute state of this……… no wonder her and Abby are besties they love posting horrendous pictures of themselves online

No. 2016112

Was this really necessary

No. 2016136

I'm literally throwing my lip balm at the screen, why is she so dry

No. 2016184

huh, so she does. as usual fapello lets you check that without having to subscribe to anything, it's barely spicier than insta though, not showing anything that would get her account banned, even.

No. 2016204

I think it’s the custom stuff and pay to see stuff that’s the real content. Anything you can view will just be teasers / advertisements

No. 2016244

No. It stinks of self post imo

No. 2016262

To me it stinks of bored asshole farmer but for her sake I hope you're right

No. 2016370

this bitch is in dire need of a tinted lip balm, she looks like a corpse

No. 2016449

File: 1721347981950.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1170x2140, IMG_2560.jpeg)

this bitch posted a staggering NINETY-FOUR tiktoks while in the hospital for SIX days jesus christ

No. 2016546

sorry to be spoonfed but i was wondering if anyone remembers the girl (he name was like becky) who was super unwell and her mother was always going on about the fact that hospitals didn't admit her daughter and also posted a pic, in hospital, holding the poor girl in her arms like a creepy Pity statue. I don't really remember the time period because i was not around at the time but yeah

No. 2016653

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Serial body checker crossover

No. 2016707

I think that was Caroline from Caroline’s Music tiktok account. She was trying to be a pop star or something and had little music videos made but they were very childish in nature. She’s only like 18 or something but seemed like a healthy normal girl pre pandemic and then got really sick FAST, lied and said she had allergies or something, and was eventually knocked unconscious while being tube fed. I remember seeing that picture here back in like 2021 and a picture of her mom holding her in her arms like a corpse. Genuinely hope she’s ok, I think she deleted the tiktok account.

No. 2016742

I don't think anon was talking about Caroline, I think she was talking about a girl named Ashley (iirc), who was always crying/frowning in pictures, and her mom was the one (most likely) who was writing the captions. There was a picture of them, where the mom had her in a baby hold, while looking down at her with the widest smile, it was very creepy. I don't think anyone has figured out what happened to her. There was a post later on on MPA that claimed to be her, saying that she got better, but it was never verified.

No. 2016848

Are you talking about the girl+mum who, when in hospital, the mother filmed and posted her daughter at the absolute rock bottom mentally and physically (like it was distressingto watch). And the mum would pretend the daughter would write the captions but it was obvious it was the mum. Then when complaints started pouring in, the account was suddenly gone and, afaik, haven't been seen on Socials since

No. 2016856

YES thanks anons i was talking about her, i couldn't remember the name for the life of me, but the pic with the pity hold was stuck in my brain. now i'm gonna go down the rabbit hole in the old threads

No. 2016859

samefag. already found her, if someone is interested here the creepy pic and if you scroll down on the same thread you can see the absolute madness of that woman (mom)

No. 2016935

Which thread?

No. 2016947

The account was on Instagram. It was called: “Ashley_shall_eat”, iirc. The caps I’ve seen of it were extremely disturbing.

No. 2016957

That's a fucking disturbing rabbit hole. Thanks for doing the digging anon

No. 2017092

Click the link?

No. 2017117

my pleasure(sage your shit)

No. 2017155

That picture…jesus
These threads always attract people outside of lolcow who don't even try to integrate.

No. 2017163

File: 1721569643543.jpg (484.82 KB, 1396x1831, s490so2qdd1.jpg)

I really can't stand how fake and privileged this woman is. Hiding behind a fake innocent sweet persona. 10 layers of filters to look half normal. Pretending she gives a fuck about spreading love and kindness. Eugenia is a disgusting person. When she goes out in public 90% of her "fans" are literally children. I'm sorry she is so mentally ill and I wish she would recover but at this point, I wish she would just pass so the illusion of her being "totally healthy you guises" would finally end.

No. 2017167

You sound so jealous anon. She's not even that bad. She's probably one of the nicer, harmless anachans(whiteknight)

No. 2017170

>You're just jealous!!
I hate you people so fucking much.

No. 2017192

I think it's a special kind of disgusting when she's making bank of off skelly fetishists via Twitch donations on the sly. She'll get a dono and recognize the username (presumably) and then she'll get up and struggle to pick up a random tub/box of shit in her room just for them to ogle and beat their dick to. If she were just a fake nice bone grifter I'd give less of a shit, but she panders to perverts of the highest caliber. Fuck her.

No. 2017306

I can't handle that she turns 30 in a few days and still larp her late 00's early 10's adolescence. Talk about arrested development

No. 2017322

wow, she looks so much worse than I’ve ever seen her

No. 2017326

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Is she not embarrassed that she’s been wheeled around with a tube in her nose looking the same for a year straight?

No. 2017413

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I’ve missed this cow! I was honestly wondering when she’d resurface after being drug through the mud like she deserved. She has to share sick pics for bragging rights but pretend like it’s to show how’s she’s better now. We all know that’s not how that works & why people share old pictures. Belays pics were contorted with intention. Let it go & actually move on b like you do say. I don’t think she should be a nurse. That level of medical knowledge to someone like her is dangerous. She’ll learn even more methods for making herself sick to get attention.

No. 2017415

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& while we’re on the topic of using sick pics for attention… Sydney as usual. The fact that it’s a video she took of herself at ACUTE then reshared does not foreshadow a good future. Posting these shows her mindset is sick. It’s really fcked up how many people she will trigger with that but doesn’t care. How about just share true recovery videos in a stronger body enjoying life? We’ll also see her train wreck again. Never moving on.

No. 2017422

She does this everytime. I guess it’s hard to give up the instant views and validation anorexics get from posting emaciated content of themselves

No. 2017438

Ew. Her ear is so tiny.

No. 2017472

Does anyone know if Sydney’s eating disorder started when she went to university, or has she been disordered from earlier in childhood?

No. 2017473

These cows love the attention and looks they get! It’s like Abby walking around with her giant forehead plaster and that amziee girl and her head wrap style bandage. They clearly love it!

No. 2017474

Is this the one that knows what her sisters pussy tastes like?

No. 2017475

she's been sick since childhood but really spiraled as soon as she was out of her parents' house

No. 2017477

It began in childhood for her. She hints at this is a few of her old videos but I also know someone who’s been in treatment with her several times and can confirm.

One thing I find interesting is she always posts her “recovery” content during the summer and then relapses in the fall only to post from the hospital again sometime a few weeks later. Only time will tell if she continues this trend but I sincerely hope she doesn’t. The back and forth can be worse for your heart than just maintaining a low weight the entire time

No. 2017490

Sydney sure gets spoopy fast! She must heavily restrict water, too.
Yes, it’s very bad for her heart, even at her age, gaining and losing rapidly over and over.

No. 2017491

it's interesting to me that she's one of the few ultra-spoops who seems to genuinely eat and go along with the weight gain in treatment. she must just eat her way out, anticipating the re-spooping.

No. 2017500

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Mia has taken a break from posting shopped spoopy photos and is now opting for treating homeless people like part of her aesthetic

No. 2017519

A bit late to the party but this girl keeps denying having an ED and promoting ED content on insta but literally posts on Edtwt where she apparently beefs with minors from the looks of it

No. 2017549

Do they say what she’s like at treatment? I do know she and Stefania have crossed paths in treatment.
I heard Stefania is an absolute nightmare to be in treatment with

No. 2017551

This is so fucked up? And do these people know or consent to their photo being on her account? Most likely not

No. 2017552

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yeah, reddit had a lot to say about her. Apparently she's obnoxious over snapchat too.

No. 2017553

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They also claim that her father never cut her off, which matches everything we saw from the outside (although there's no proof)

No. 2017554

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No. 2017559

Doubt it. Also just noticed she pulled the color palette for her emoji caption from this picture Kek

No. 2017570

It was ERC and yes they were also in treatment with Stefania at one point but I’m not sure if it was at the same time. They said Stefania was pretty well disliked by everyone there. Sydney was known for constantly hiding food

No. 2017575

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She hasn't streamed on Twitch in a really long time now. She goes live on Tiktok a lot though. I haven't seen or heard about the disability fetish shit she used to do for donos in a long time, but I don't watch her streams at all. I just peek in on her subreddit sometimes where everyone's just waiting for her to die. Tiktok streams are just what you'd expect. "Omg guyze! Thanks for the roses!" and ignoring concerns, or mods banning them. Sometimes the filters bug out on her though and it's funny.

No. 2017618

File: 1721684161673.png (3 MB, 890x2362, antoniastein.png)

Scoured past threads for this cow but I don't think she's been posted. Every single post is a blatant body check complete with 90 degree turns and spoopy leg lifts. She doesn't even delete comments calling her out and captions everything with some bs "positivity" quote.
Picrel shows one of the identical reels she posts doing a twirl for her sick fans where you can see her spoopy body losing balance. Last pic is her from 2 years ago, so it seems she's gone downhill since then. On top of everything she decided to fry her hair to shit.

No. 2017650

That wouldn't even bother me if it weren't for her pretend innocent baby act. I don't doubt she was a sheltered rich girl with a weird ass family but she also loves to play dumb and pretend she can't do simple things like open a umbrella or posting a picture of a hawk and calling it a owl. Or the worse, when she's purposely body checking and antagonizing fans that care about her and gaslighting them when they call her out on it. "Like umm guys I may have been lifting skeletons as weights in a skimpy outfit but I totally wasn't doing it to show off my skeleton body and laugh at you for being concerned"

Glad TikTok banned her (temporarily), she is obviously used to getting everything she wants and that shook her up to be denied for once.

No. 2017652

She's been posted. The eyebrows are awful and the toilet pic was pretty funny.

No. 2017656

My bad. At least she's still milky

No. 2017668

Woolly caterpillars above her eyes geez

No. 2017685

it will never cease to amuse me that she thought ferrets were a type of bird

No. 2017747

Posting one recent photo and then following up with 2 videos from 8/9months ago. While she will always be someone we are expecting to die - she isn’t posting the same stuff as 8/9months ago. Bring fresh milk rather than old curdled stuff that has already been discussed.

No. 2017768

I saged it, and it's for tards that say she isn't "that bad". That's what she would be doing now if she could. Plus we hardly mention her in these threads.

No. 2017878

The body is resilient. She isn't gonna die. Screams normie behaviour. Yeah being like under bmi 12 is bad for ur bones or whatever but it's possible.

No. 2017919

Are you an anachan? Being under 12 is bad for every part of your body and you could die at any time. Most people will die before they even reach 12. FYI medical institutions consider anyone under bmi 15 at risk of sudden death.

No. 2017934

Did Stefania delete all of her tiktoks? None of them show up for me except the one of her crying over chicken nuggets kek

No. 2017945

Wtf is up with the Eugenia white knights defending this bitch??

No. 2017946

> normie behavior
are you stupid or just an edgy twelve year old? most of the spoops will outright tell you how bad anorexia and being that underweight is for your body

No. 2017956

no one’s saying it’s not possible. sure you can get to a low bmi, but that doesn’t make you healthy or invincible. she very well might live years longer but eventually she will die miserably and painfully from anorexia.

No. 2017958

File: 1721774373454.jpg (390.59 KB, 720x1560, 1000017477.jpg)

I have 0 symptoms, live a productive life taking care of my family, going to school ect.

It's pretty easy and second nature but of course you are critical of anyone who doesn't fit your mould.(attentionwhoring retard)

No. 2017959

grow up and stop bragging about your bmi on the internet

No. 2017963

Most of you are apart of ed communities anyway. It's fairly obvious with the knowledge some farmers have on eds and Ed related online spaces

No. 2017964

yes, so perhaps you should consider that even other adults with EDs think you sound like an immature moron

No. 2017965

File: 1721774777694.png (169.8 KB, 1023x682, strongcc.png)

go to the gym and take anavar

No. 2017969

So you are aware then that you can live at a lbmi then.

No. 2017971

you're tilting at windmills. nobody said you can't live at low BMIs, they said it's bad for your body. which is true even if you can live there for years - consider the lich queen. she's lived forever at a really low weight but is clearly not healthy

No. 2017973

It's like athletics. If u want a certain look then you have to make sacrifices And Ashley is actually a decent person.
If u want to be a low weight you can. It's like anything it's a choice and lifestyle for aesthetics.
>>2017964 not trying to be mean but idrc abt other Ed ppls opinions unless they are like single digits(unintegrated, unsaged attentionwhoring retard)

No. 2017975

> Ashley is actually a decent person
Now I know you're a moron for real. She used to encourage other people to b/p and was so horrible to her mother that she got kicked out.
> not trying to be mean but idrc abt other Ed ppls opinions unless they are like single digits
literally why do you think this is the place for your smooth brain opinions? the purpose of this thread is mocking people like you who think that not eating deserves a trophy or whatever. go brag on tiktok or instagram instead.

No. 2017976

I'm thinner than you and I have 3 PhDs in astrophysics, neuroscience, and fluid dynamics.

No. 2017978

if you sacrifice your health for aesthetics you are as shallow as a human can possibly be. your life must be so small. I wish you could see what life is actually like when you can think about things and have a functioning prefrontal cortex.

No. 2017979

nah, people don't collect multiple PhDs the way they collect other degrees. That woyuld be a stupid use of your time and no reputable program would fund you for the subsequent degrees because they'd think you were just fucking around. An actual PhD who wants to change research directions would just do a postdoc in the area they wanted to work in

No. 2017981

You actually replied to that seriously? The brainrot in this thread is so fucking bad

No. 2017983

kek, sorry, I knew it was bullshit but fell for the bait anyway.

No. 2017984

It's becoming a joke of itself. Most of the users here are falling for obvious bait on the daily. Ignore and move on with the thread

No. 2017985

I think this tends to happen when the thread is slow. People get bored and reply to shit.

No. 2017986

prove this is actually you by providing a written timestamp in the photo. until then i will assume you are an obese moid.

No. 2017990

Omg im so jealous of your disgusting arm that looks like a deformed veiny penis! How did you achieve such ethereal beauty?!

No. 2017993

now let's see your phd diplomas, kek

No. 2017994

Came from the front page, holy shit what was that, dried chicken bone? I screencapped too.

No. 2017995

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pepperidge farm remembers

No. 2018001

File: 1721778446866.png (160.09 KB, 394x708, Screenshot (867).png)

Nice, here's mine

No. 2018002

I'm sorry for posting that. I disagree with some of this site but it was wrong of me to make these comments in the thread

No. 2018003

You're just enabling girls to starve themselves because there are "0 symptoms." You are a bad person and you are not as functional as you think. You can't even process basic ethics and morality because you're so intent on showing off your body. Go away and never come back, we don't need your bullshit here.

No. 2018005

I bet this is the idiot who kept posting as "bmi 12 anon"

No. 2018006

does the floor of this match eugenia's floor?

No. 2018011

amazing that this retard's life achievement (le skinny) is now just some gross meme on an albanian harpsichord repair board

No. 2018012

next time try doing it without flexing your arm, fatass

No. 2018015

I laughed at loud at the fact they think they’re “perfectly healthy” while posting pictures of their gross body on lolcow to own the haters or something? Their brain is mush and they’re too far gone to even comprehend it, god only knows what else they gaslight themselves into believing is totally normal and healthy. Actual delusion kek

No. 2018016

It's absurd and it was honestly a great insight into anorexic delucion. "All the haydurzz on lolcow think being morbidly thin is morbid, actually its perfectly healthy and im gonna prove em wrong by showing them a discolored arm that is clearly lacking in proper blood circulation and is likely anemic with severe muscle wastage. Zero symptoms guyzz!!!

No. 2018017

samefag but it really mirrors the healthy at any size mentality. god, if only they knew they used the same logic as a fat acceptance group, they probably wouldn't have typed these shitty posts because the words would be too fat

No. 2018026

This moron is actually saying eds are lifestyle choices for aesthetics? Now I know you're a fat troll for sure.
Anyone who has or is existing at such low bmis, even if they like how they look on some level because that's the illness, they're miserable. They're suffering. Their brain is messed up, their body is messed up. It's not fun and games and they'll tell you it's fucking shit but they're so far in they can't stop……Because it's an illness.

No. 2018027

No: That's a couch.

No. 2018033

>I have 0 symptoms… live a productive life
>If u want a certain look then you have to make sacrifices
if you’re soo super duper healthy and productive what sacrifices are you making? it sounds like deep down you know you’re struggling and you’re calling it a ““sacrifice”” as some mentally ill copey glamorization.

No. 2018034

let me guess, "going to school" translates to logging onto your online high school/university from the bed you rot in. You "take care" of your family? yeah im sure your family loves seeing you emaciated, it definitely helps their mental state a lot to see you critically ill. You are so unbelievably self-centered that i can't even feel bad for you digging yourself an early grave, and if i'm being truly honest i'm glad that you are because you are simply vile.

No. 2018036

Kek this is so embarrassing.

No. 2018038

If what you're saying is true and apparently possible for anyone (it's "pretty easy" as you put it) then why have I never seen a gainfully employed, productive, and accomplished person have arms like that? You will never finish school and you will end up being a drain on society for the rest of your life.

No. 2018046

>apart instead of a part
That anachan brainrot, your family must be so proud of your "achievement." No wonder this thread is often touted as one of the worst on here, most everyone in here is a retarded anachan.

Pelvic floor maybe, she might not have symptoms now but she'll be in diapers soon enough just like EC.

No. 2018068

I should've known that when I come to this thread and see there's more than 2 new posts it's just some bullshit instead of milk. I miss porgie.

No. 2018137

I noticed the same thing. It’s possible she privated them but hopefully she will post different content

No. 2018160

File: 1721819066729.jpeg (Spoiler Image,761.17 KB, 1170x2068, IMG_2231.jpeg)

meanwhile q0rpz3 has decided to go down the cooney route of flashing her emaciated crevices to her followers whilst stating that she “got a fracture” from falling 2 feet.

No. 2018507

No. 2018517

somehow you're both 7 years too late and in the wrong thread

No. 2018527

I’m trying to figure out why she looks so familiar. Can anyone remember what thread she might have been last mentioned in by chance?

No. 2018533

File: 1721889310603.jpg (476.13 KB, 1080x1837, 20240725_083240.jpg)

Back with another very helpful post

No. 2018535

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No. 2018551

File: 1721894967063.jpeg (658.4 KB, 1283x2630, IMG_8236.jpeg)

1/2 New Milk? I wouldn’t say full fat, but definitely semi skimmed here, and she’s working her way. Grow.with.Gem. Larping constantly and posting recovery posts whilst actively relapsing and trying to lose weight. Always posting photos that make her look as spoopy as possible. The account is her whole personality at this point it’s quite funny. But she also copies others, she started hanging out with another girl Aimee and all of a sudden needs one of those sunflower lanyards, and she now apparently has autism and adhd, as well as POTS none of which were mentioned before meeting others.

No. 2018552


2/2 this is the photo of the two of them. But she never has a sunflower lanyard or mentions of ASD ADHD or POTS before

No. 2018554

Pretty sure she’s not anorexic, ‘they’ took her diagnosis away but she’s deleted the post about it now. “Unmasking” stories are funny though, all of a sudden she has a hundred tangles, jellycat and assorted shit like that because ofc autism is such a desirable thing to have guyz

No. 2018580

She’s still saying and constantly talking about restricting and not eating. I think she’s trying to get her diagnosis back, but the whole thing is pathetic however it’s been good milk

No. 2018582

So a Fiona v.2 then kek. I can’t wait until the novelty wears off and these cows realise the LARPed autism diagnosis and all the suddenly appearing traits, ‘stimming’ and unmasking isn’t as cute and quirky as they think.

No. 2018590

Literally a Fi wannabe(sage your shit)

No. 2018591

Also constantly posting weird reels, like why do we want to watch her awkwardly read a book? Whilst music and words are over the top? It’s just weird. She also acts like she’s 20 or really young, but she’s actually late late 20s, like 27 or 28…

No. 2018592

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No. 2018654

What country ?

No. 2018684

Reminds me so much of ham, losing the tiniest bit of weight then acting like she’s on deaths door

No. 2018724

She’s been mentioned before and England I believe. Has a massive forehead and the stereotypical teeth. Last time she was on here she was basically begging for an admission for her “severe” anorexia

No. 2018794

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At this point, Frances' "recovery meals" just make me laugh.

No. 2018877

are there numerous ERCs in the US or is there only one?

No. 2018878

numerous locations - it's a corporate chain of eating disorder treatment centers, not all of which offer residential/inpatient

No. 2018879

samefag, but in this case they mean the ERC location in Denver where a lot of the spoops go after ACUTE

No. 2018885

ah gotcha thanks nonnie. is there a reason that particular location is so 'popular?'

No. 2018886

the people who want to seem sick see it as 'more legit' because of all the patients that come from ACUTE and because ERC has a more intensive unit there for really difficult patients. So it's the same usual wanting to seem the sickest on the internet. Otherwise, normal people would probably go wherever is closest to them

No. 2018920

I met Stefania at a different Eating Recovery Center but she does usually go to the Denver location as does Sydney. The reason they prefer that specific residential program is because ERC allows phones and will tube patients. Most residential programs don’t use feeding tubes and are stricter on phone/social media access. Monte Nido and Renfrew for example don’t allow any phone access except to call from one of their telephones. While I was at ERC I got stuck with multiple of these recovery influencers and I promise they are even more intolerable in person. They drag the entire milleu down because they are not there to get better and we were always afraid of being in the background of their stupid TikTok’s

No. 2018956

Take the blog posting to Reddit or something nonnie

No. 2018959

I fucking hate this cow. She looks a totally healthy weight and always has. It says a lot that both her local ED service and CMHT won't touch her with a bargepole. The ED service have outright said she doesn't have an ED and have told her GP not to weigh her etc. She clearly just googles every typical AN behaviour and then claims to be struggling with it. She also does not have ADHD or Autism. Absolutely insufferable. Plus, she's ugly as sin. Looks like a complete retard.

No. 2019123

Has she ever been IP or in an EDU?

No. 2019204

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Same! I really hate her. Flexes in all the photos. Is trying way too hard. But is good pretty constant flow of milk

No. 2019206

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Have to admit this is a new low for her. Why I’m watching her awkwardly stuff chips into her face like some sort of weird rodent. She’s really gobbling them down. And awkwardly laughing with someone? Who would want to eat with someone who is filming themselves? Her face is so weird like bug eyed. I really recommend watching the video on her Instagram, it’s so weird. It looks like a public place also. Just no.

No. 2019215

Jesus Christ, if she tenses her neck any harder she’ll give herself an aneurism kek

No. 2019223

No but her main time active was around 2017-2019, one old IG was “delicate.ballerina” and she was first introduced as an add on from another old cow “jessloveslucie” which was even earlier iirc. Searching those terms should get you what you want.

No. 2019342

Is she actually retarded? Or just cross eyed?

No. 2019529

I hate it when they say you can have an eating disorder at any weight, because yeah ok, you can, but what they all really mean is anorexia and that’s just not true.

No. 2019534

that and if you did develop anorexia while overweight, you'd see quick weight loss because a) that's how anorexia works and b) overweight people lose weight very quickly when they start even on healthy diets. So no, you can't have anorexia but never lose weight.

No. 2019933

The ITU got shut down this year I though?(sage your shit)

No. 2019938

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This girl always doing such weird poses for her bodychecks. It's fucking ridiculous, looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame

No. 2019985

Yep. The people needing the most support are mixed in with gen pop. It makes for a competitive unit and not a very productive treatment stay

No. 2020067


trying so hard to get a thigh gap, kek

No. 2020068


her forehead looks like a landing strip

No. 2020093

File: 1722212076146.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1179x2109, IMG_3653.jpeg)

Congratulations to Jaycie, who just surpassed the world record for most unnecessary feeding tube placements. And why even post about them if she was bragging about how she skipped her tube feeds a few months ago? I mean, does Jaycie realize that there isn’t a single person on earth who’ll genuinely believe for one second that she has a tube because she can’t feed herself? I’m sorry to break it to you, Jaycie, but everybody who sees you with that stupid fucking tube either: a) doesn’t care, or b) just thinks you have some kind of digestive issue. When will this cow get a grip?

No. 2020094

File: 1722212335508.gif (3.46 MB, 498x361, Groove.gif)

She looks like the groove battle stick figure.

No. 2020095

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& it’s so unsettling that she’s been larping for an entire year. Or maybe she’s just so good at rEcOvErY that she can’t seem to ever lose any weight. She should consider a PCOS diagnosis, given her alleged lack of appropriate intake & crippling exercise addiction have continuously failed to make her appearance any smaller, even over the course of 365 days.

No. 2020096

ever since 2021 i’ve seen more and more tiktokfags who have nose tubes for seemingly no reason at all

No. 2020204

all that “muuhhh anorexiaaaa” and she still can’t manage to not be overweight, it’s hilarious.

No. 2020315

For anyone who remembers her I see lolitaisdead76 is back making YouTube videos. Still as odd as ever .

No. 2020479

surprised she's still kicking, she seemed so chaotic like she could've gone at any time. do you happen to know how old she is by any chance?

No. 2020491

File: 1722307522714.png (2.25 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5031.png)

She’s right about one thing- being the biggest liar, just not how she wants it to come across in this. Labs can be off by a tiny amount and it will still come up “abnormal.” Still the same fatty she always was.

No. 2020542

Probably didn’t drink water for a short period to manipulate her labs/vitals since she can’t do it through under-eating

No. 2020574

“me actually eating so much” we can tell, jaycie.

No. 2020629

File: 1722334173575.jpeg (656.87 KB, 913x1018, IMG_9807.jpeg)

I think @thatonegirly8 has been mentioned before but I can’t get over how someone can have such a horrific ana face yet not look a gram underweight?? Doesn’t help that she sucks in her cheeks and strains her neck like she’s constipated in every tiktok either kekk

No. 2020642

I’m with you, idk why her doctors think she’s lying about eating so much I believe her

No. 2020684

File: 1722345591771.jpg (72.95 KB, 427x693, 5657676.jpg)

>not look one gram underweight
don't be retarded kek she is obviously skinny

No. 2020686

File: 1722345773552.jpg (53.65 KB, 374x567, 57367365868.jpg)

like while she's not a complete spoop you just chose the baggiest clothing video because you know you're bone rattling rn

No. 2020693

skinny doesn’t mean underweight. she looks fine

No. 2020707

>she looks fine
>she has a horrible ana face
which one it is? you are the ana queen you are skinniest of them all, there you go we can get over that, but i think we can admit that she looks underweight even though she is not at your level my best anorexic

No. 2020721

jesus christ anon are you secretly her? all I was saying is that her face clearly doesn’t match her body and it looks odd, dont even get me started on the actual stuff she posts

No. 2020724

but her face does match her looks. you are talking like this was some bmi 20 girl with weirdly gaunt face but she is underweight girl with underweight face. i don't need to be her to realize you are being willingly obtuse.

No. 2020770

jesus christ nonnie are u her friend or something? she looks perfectly fine, maybe bmi 19 or upper end of 18 but she does not look underweight, u need ur eyes checked

No. 2020771

you're both retards that are way too invested in this, hope that helps

No. 2020792

File: 1722366519061.jpeg (639.83 KB, 1169x1670, IMG_0273.jpeg)

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this but I’ve been keeping up with the Olympics and this is the 3m Synchronized Diving pair that won silver and my Ed radar is going way up. They’ve said weird stuff about how their body types need to be alike for the dives to look more synchronized and I think they just look disordered. One of them posted a WIEIAD and it was legit a bunch of supplements and green juice. Idk neither of them has talked about eating disorders but that pose is straight from Ed twt

No. 2020796

No idea- late 40s maybe? She looks pretty awful still….

No. 2020797

I can see cutting body fat for competitions to improve speed or whatever, but if they always look like that and have 0 body fat then that's just unhealthy

No. 2020819

What pose? Kek. How should they be standing? There elite athletes and fuel their bodies as such. This is their JOB. Sure they could be disordered a lot of elite athletes in sports like this are but i guess time will tell. I don’t think this constitutes pro-ana milk by any stretch

No. 2020851

i watched and it's not just you, cook in particular looked way skinny and different from other athletes. and their dual persona feels weirdly codependent. but this is probably better suited to the olympics thread
most of the women in diving look more muscular and way less anachan than these two.

No. 2020853

File: 1722375394637.jpeg (967.58 KB, 1047x1884, IMG_4628.jpeg)

Rvoadkill on tiktok. Healthy weight, fat milk.

No. 2020869

ive skimmed through her posts but she doesnt seem to be feigning recovery she just goes back and forth between wanting to recover and then wanting to get worse, pretty normal ana stuff if u ask me. dont think shes milky at all

No. 2020906

Looking anachan and being a pro-ana scumbag suitable for this thread are not the same thing.

No. 2020910

that's why i mentioned contuinuing that discussion in the olympics thread, minimod-chan
simply being dehydrated can give you chapped lips and sunken eyes

No. 2020933

what pose? standing? if they were ed twt posing, their feet would be together and they'd be sticking their butts out to emphasize their thigh gap. holy shit, this sub is braindead from lack of milk, now olympic athletes are ~so ed twt guiz look~

No. 2020935

olympic athletes definitely have sports dietitians weighing in on what they eat

No. 2021004

Awww omg are u her?? don’t be butthurt normie just lose some more weight

No. 2021009

Oh look, it's the anon who thought she was flexing by posting her arm >>2017995 Maybe your reading comprehension would be better if you ate something; the post you replied to was calling nonnies on both sides of the argument stupid.

No. 2021039

I was banned. That is not me. This is the arm anon(sage your shit/personalityfagging)

No. 2021041

Her body shape looks fine but that purple foot is screaming for help

No. 2021162

Any updates on kara Henry? (Farmer and cow). Last we heard she was relapsing again. (Can't relapse if you never recovered kek. It's all for the sweet sweet attenshunnnn).

No. 2021163

if you’re gonna call people out at least get the right person dumbass. maybe your critical thinking skills would be better if you ate something

No. 2021307

File: 1722463385765.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1269x1458, IMG_1455.jpeg)

Worked her whole life to achieve the goal of being a champion at a medical diagnosis. Kek.

No. 2021311

Autistic LARPing champion maybe. Honestly it’s quite impressive how many professionals she’s managed to wrap her finger around to get the desired ‘in’ diagnosis of the year though…. I’ll give her that. My fav will always be the faked psychosis and PTSD(the Tumblr guys will know!) Keep breathing and flexing that sunflower lanyard though Fi, luckily only a couple of thousand of your followers know the ‘real’ Fi, and your previous behaviours kek.

No. 2021312

File: 1722464240387.jpeg (527.08 KB, 1900x1157, BF2E2345-6137-45EC-872C-09005F…)

I wish she was the only one but this girl @caitys.journey is doing the exact same thing. In and out of inpatient treatment for her “restrictive eating disorder” yet doesn’t look like she understands restricting means eating less calories than you burn. Where do they find doctors to agree to place a tube in someone who can clearly eat?

No. 2021317

File: 1722465372525.jpg (602.17 KB, 1080x2048, IMG_20240801_003112.jpg)

Mia posted another WIEIAD about her comeback from her recent relapse and it's just more fruit in tiny slices and how it was sooo hard to eat. Peak pro-ana behaviour if you ask me.

No. 2021326

What's the tiktok @ ?

No. 2021341


No. 2021342

How do you even get toobed if you're a healthy weight? Do they make you keep a food diary and if you say you haven't eaten in a week they'll force it?

No. 2021345

they try to get GI diagnoses and claim to be unable to eat because of them

No. 2021348

File: 1722471268582.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x2176, IMG_3431.jpeg)

I feel like she looks up to Sydney and is her wannabe lmao. She wants to be in the acute ERC cycle over and over again so badly when she is so rich she could do fucking anything she wants. It’s wasting her life

No. 2021356

Champion at what!?

No. 2021357

gold medal in protein bar photography

No. 2021442

Chii? Kek. No idea . Thank gd she's private

No. 2021461

This is infuriating because if professionals actually listen to her it could have a real impact on autistic girls/women, and she’s so clearly BPD instead they don’t deserve someone like her as a spokesperson. I’d love someone (not from here obviously, don’t cowtip) to ask her what happened to that soooer scawy psychosis and PD symptoms. If only more people were aware of her tumblr maybe they’d stop kissing her arse for a second and put two and two together.

No. 2021466

File: 1722509376302.jpg (219.3 KB, 685x681, 1000037695.jpg)

Look at the smile on the mums face. I swear she probably edited this pic and add wings to herself

No. 2021467

File: 1722509470874.jpg (403.77 KB, 1920x1920, 1000037696.jpg)

No. 2021469

File: 1722510054330.jpg (651.96 KB, 1080x2134, 1000037698.jpg)

Could this be her? I don't know what state she lived in

No. 2021470

File: 1722510710713.jpg (598.67 KB, 1080x2134, 1000037700.jpg)

No. 2021474

File: 1722512507237.png (106.7 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180213-104202.png)

probably not. if you google ashleyshalleat there's some old caps on myproana and she's UK based. she was 19 in 2018 so the dates don't match either.

No. 2021500

I take it you're referring to chii? She's just the same. Stating she has recovered and is a healthy weight but it's quite clearly bullshit. She'll never change.

No. 2021511

File: 1722522194479.jpg (349.73 KB, 1080x1857, Screenshot_2024-08-01-16-18-43…)

She's so proud they give her a kids menu with a soup letter game… Next story is a video and she's talking with a disgusting baby voice

No. 2021525

Is this Marie?

No. 2021545

yes it is, and its bizarre because iirc her twin is in college/university. its so weird how she initializes herself

No. 2021546

Literally no one gives a fuck, it’s not even ana related. Proana scumbags. Post her on a forever creepy child cringepage or something but this is about proana and no one gives a fuck about this anymore(sage your shit)

No. 2021559

She sees it as a huge accomplishment, meanwhile they probably think she's a weird looking kid with some serious disease. Ever since her last relapse she's started losing hair and looking old. That combined with her stunted height and dressing like a 4 year old must look so bizarre

No. 2021564


No. 2021568

kek nona my exact thoughts when reading the post you replied to

No. 2021590

Marie knows how to sage, peculiar

No. 2021591

She definitely requested it specifically because she looks like a fucking grandma. Probably thought she was elderly and wanted smaller portions kek

No. 2021593

Anyone have the “back away from the computer” meme handy?

No. 2021595

That they should grow a fucking spine. Stop your faux-innocent act, you show off your body to young girls on social media and influence them. You're as bad as anyone who posts here, if not worse.

No. 2021596

If words on a screen, on a certain website, bother a person so much, maybe don’t go on that website?

No. 2021598

Marie, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen and stop being a creepy pedo-panderer who gets off on pretending to be a child while posting her sick body all over the internet for other sick people to see and admire. If you're going to do such disgusting things, expect criticism. You're an adult.

No. 2021608

Hi sweetie
First, I guess that you probably don't know me, but I do.
However, I'm following you since a few time now and I was here when you were going through your "worst" (I don't really know if this term bothers you or no so please don't hesitate to tell me…)
Anyway, I have to reassure you :
Hey girl, you're such an amazing person and you don't have to blame yourself at all. You actually spread happiness and joy around you, I promise.
You don't have to worry about other (idiot) people could think about you. You are ENOUGH, you DESERVE to be loved, you are WORTH IT.
So please, don't say such horrible things about yourself anymore…(unsaged autism)

No. 2021610

Marie, you are a beautiful person. Sending you hugs. 🤍😊(no emojis/newfag)

No. 2021611

Marie, you are a beautiful person. Sending you a hug. 🤍(no emojis)

No. 2021616

You must be new here…

No. 2021618

Hey Marie, I know someone's trying to gas you up to feel better but I think they're a fool and that you aren't deserving of it. You're a total hypocrite for coming here and posting "uwu what if someone killed themselves from words here." What if someone fucking DIED trying to look like you? Did you ever once consider that as you were excitedly posting your sick body for all to see?

No. 2021619

You have “what it’s like at bmi 8” pinned on your edtwt account.

No. 2021621

She's so used to being coddled by her enabling family that can't tell her no that she thinks she's a perpetual innocent victim who can never do any wrong. That's why she does her damnedest to appear childish, she wants to skirt any and all responsibility. Obnoxious as hell and anyone with brains can see right through her.

No. 2021628

Seconding. Also, Marie, you look OLD. Like, demented granny wandering around a nursing home clutching her dolly old, not the whimsical little elf you think you are. Requesting a menu for 10 year olds, really? 10?! I can believe that’s your BMI. That’s almost certainly the upper limit to the amount of braincells you still have rattling around your head. But 10 years old? Not a chance, you are a literal woman and time ticks ever onwards. Take some responsibility for the amount of disgusting shit you put out to cater to degenerates instead of crying on here.

No. 2021632

I mean isn't she like legally a midget (4"7) that seems like a kids height. Weird to flex about it on her stories, but she is really short.

No. 2021642

File: 1722548750685.jpeg (858.46 KB, 828x1411, IMG_3860.jpeg)

Is this the restaurant marie went to? The menu said Nick’s Patio family restaurant but I thought she lives in Minnesota

No. 2021644

The fact that she actually ordered from the kids menu is sick. You can be given a kids menu at the big age of 21. But to act like a four year old and order teddy bear pancakes and use crayons to do the activity on the menu??? Marie you are DERANGED. This goes far beyond anorexia. I just hope this isn’t a reaction to something that happened in your past. You have serious mental illness going on. I hope you can work through it.

No. 2021645

File: 1722549096549.jpeg (773.98 KB, 1283x2514, IMG_8634.jpeg)

Ballet poses? Flourishing fairy throwback type posts…

No. 2021647

how does she square the fact that she wants to exude literal child vibes while also having a boyfriend…it gives me the creepiest vibes ever, that boyfriend HAS to be a fucked up quasi-pedo freak with a fetish

No. 2021652

File: 1722550025134.jpeg (551.21 KB, 1551x1179, EDDF95FE-32DE-4EDE-A412-E284B4…)

photo posted by mia’s friend vs the photoshopped photo posted on mia’s account… she is stupid af

No. 2021658

She’s still thin and her proportions are wonky
Idk why she looks smooshed all the time

No. 2021661

It’s deleted. I hope that’s enough.

No. 2021665

File: 1722551910464.jpeg (426.88 KB, 1284x2156, 8C7F9E84-013F-4D88-A8E5-1413AD…)

Well… you wasn't lying.

No. 2021666

I have to give her credit, she's smarter than 99% of the cows on this site if she actually does stay offline.

No. 2021670

I mean tbf even when cows have gone off the grid (Cece) anons were still lying in wait. I'm soft but I think scouring Google for them once they go is fucked up.

No. 2021673

last time Marie "deleted her ED presence online", she just moved to EDtwt and started lying about being a minor. I'll believe she's really trying to change when it's been a few months with nothing.

No. 2021677

I agree, it's hypocritical (and frankly scroteish) of anons to call people out for being pro-ana scumbags but then stalk them even if they stop doing what was making them a scumbag in the first place

No. 2021681

Fucking thank you. If a cow stops posting pro ana scumbaggery but anons miss her and resort to light cyber stalking to dredge up a wedding registry or LinkedIn it's just…embarsssing.

No. 2021730

What happened(sage your shit)

No. 2021732

marie came onto the thread and asked what you would do if someone tried to kill themselves from what they read on this site and i think she just posted some images by train tracks but deleted them

No. 2021740

File: 1722562632089.png (291.03 KB, 506x693, Screenshot_879.png)

i hope she's ok…?

No. 2021743

if that even was marie, it's just attention-baiting. People who want to successfully complete suicide don't telegraph it to other people.

No. 2021744

Did anyone get the data from those photos to track her location?

No. 2021745

I just got the screenshot, and i'm somewhat concerned…

No. 2021746

Marie nobody wants you to delete your online life.
We just want you to stop acting like a fucking toddler. Grow up. You’re an embarrassment to your family. You can document your “recovery” journey in a way that’s beneficial. But larping as a kid is disturbing. Posting your teddy bear pancakes because they looked cute is fine. But making it obvious that you get off to looking like a child is not recovery focused. You could’ve said “big recovery win, eating sugary fatty pancakes in a diner” not look at me look at me I’m so smol teehee

No. 2021750

I’m safe I won’t do anything, I’m so sorry. I promise to stay safe. Just before I log off for finality please stop, please, please, if I can beg one thing, never post to this site and hurt people like this again.

No. 2021754

If you care about me report me so I can never see this mean site ever again and feel this stupid and ugly and ashamed. Please stop bullying other girls too.(sage your shit)

No. 2021761

This site has been around for over ten years and there are many others like it. The only thing you can do in order to stop being posted is to not do anything cringeworthy. Acting like a child is creepy. Your appearance is creepy. We just want you to grow up, act your age, and recover. We want you to be healthy. We want every person on this thread to live a healthy life. You’re not a kid anymore even if you look like one. You’re in your 20s with the bones of an 80 year old. You’re only 20 or 21 now. You can make a full recovery. Nobody hates you. We hate what you’ve become. It’s not too late to change. You’re not a terrible person like a lot of people that are mentioned. Yes you’re manipulative, but that’s usually part of the eating disorder. We want every “cow” in this thread to be a normal functioning adult in society.

No. 2021767

Idk who you are but if i were you i wouldn't get upset at what is posted on this site considering there is like a maximum of maybe 10 people who use this thread. Unfortunately when you post yourself online you open yourself up to all sorts of people. Also most posters on this thread are anachans who have a vendetta over other anachans so you might want to do a introspect on why the ana community is so nasty to women because its your fellow spoopy skeletor annas posting you here.

No. 2021769

it's marie, complaining that people point out her fixation on looking like a child and the amount of stuff she posts that's actively harmful to other people

No. 2021771

you know that you can "never see this mean site again" by just blocking it for yourself or … not accessing it, right?

No. 2021788

File: 1722569777888.png (1.8 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_1187.png)

This crossover always makes me laugh out loud

No. 2021795

It’s so funny to me when anachans try to claim they look so young but in reality the lack of fat and nutrients ages them to absolute shit. They end up looking like elderly women at 30, Marie is well on her way to that point.

No. 2021817

They went to ERC together, I can’t imagine being on the ward with them

No. 2021828

Whoa I didn’t know she had a twin?!

No. 2021829

it's a great example of how biological determinism is flawed and reductionist because she looks completely normal compared to marie

No. 2021832

Are you stupid? The whole reason she gets off on being seen as a child is because it validates how successfully spoopy she is, all for the ana points

No. 2021833

it's def the same restaurant because when you google it menus come up with the same font and weird vaguely "tropical" theme as the one she posted, she could be visiting family, idk

No. 2021936

Not looking to be spoonfed but what crossover? Stefania and ? Dont see another cow?

No. 2021937

Go back to reddit

No. 2021938

Why is she still on the Internet if she's not gonna change? Also is she bald yet? Does she still farm here? Can't be bothered to check her up on Instagram.(spoonfeeding)

No. 2021947

Tinfoil moment, Marie is a farmer. She saged her first posts here last night but claimed someone told her about this place yet knew how to navigate it instantly.

No. 2021949

she also instantly found a post about her, so either she's been lurking or a "friend" has been lurking and passing it along to her (friend in quotation marks because that's not very friendly behavior if Marie is upset by it)

No. 2021957

I believe that Marie’s been a farmer for years.
If you read past threads, a lot of the posts about her seem like self-posts.

No. 2022069

Simone Biles is like 4ft6, bet she’s pissed that there’s adults out there shorter than herself

No. 2022082

Not Marie seriously pulling the “I’m just a kid” card again by deleting her instagram…pathetic hi Marie! If you know how to work this website which you clearly do you clearly have been a farmer on here for quite the time you definitely know what your doing…(hi cow)

No. 2022125


This post was 10 months ago and I still wonder if it was actually true KEK. I cant imagine some poor baby having Nikol as a mother

No. 2022126

I keep wondering what Nikol is up to. She’s a fascinating cow, or maybe ex-cow. Last I saw she was on tt still going on & on about Islam.
Isn’t she Jewish, though? Under Jewish law, she’ll always be Jewish, just maybe not a very good Jew.

No. 2022131

Looks like shes living in Morocco now?? And I don't know if this baby is hers but she also reposts a lot of tiktoks about motherhood

No. 2022151

i remember being in contact with nicole last year somewhere and she was asking me how to stop binging so much and how to lose weight again glad to see she’s doing better even though she’s horrible(bragging about interaction with cow, blogposting, unsaged)

No. 2022152

I follow Nikol on Instagram. She has grown up. She’s done larping as a Muslim. She rarely posts and is definitely not problematic anymore.
Marie, take note.

No. 2022153

marie could also remember past lolcows like n2f and aly, who now get mostly positive comments when they come up because they've obviously recovered and moved on with their lives

No. 2022155

thats actually really wonderful, i think everyone can change and that includes anachan fetish regina george wannabes

No. 2022169

File: 1722661014566.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1534.png)

Wtf are you talking about? Every single caption on Nikol's posts is an arabic. All of her follows are muslim men. She posts quotes from the Quran almost daily. She's also lying about her age now too (she's 24 claiming to be 19). She's still a mega lolcow, just not a proana one anymore

No. 2022173

samefagging, but she's also not pregnant, does not have a kid, is grifting muslim culture to her muslim man follower simps by saying she'll never date anyone until marriage, and is extremely active on instagram. I'm fairly sure she is in morocco as a long term vacation, still living off her family since her family is wealthy, despite her claiming multiple times that they're not. She may be lying about her age now, but at least she stopped posting photos of her 14 year old self while claiming them to be recent.

No. 2022183

shes 22 and wow that skirt looks like a sliced sausage casing on her

No. 2022194

Weird, I don’t see any of that on her page

No. 2022195

File: 1722672599150.jpeg (926.46 KB, 828x1341, IMG_3871.jpeg)

Who is this?

No. 2022197

looks like some scrote that nikol visited

No. 2022220

She has 3 instagram accounts, maybe more. She only uses the privated one with the username in the story screenshot

No. 2022221

>>2022195 That’s the fetishist she visited in Arizona iirc when she was at around her lowest bmi and around 17-18 years old.

No. 2022222

Rando moid ana fetishist she went to visit during her spoop days. He took the pictures of her in the cafe, holding the ice cream, and the blue shorts with his hands squeezing her waist

No. 2022223

He took lots of pictures of her in a bathing suit she’s posted on IG and edtwt. She was super emaciated at the time. Very creepy. Sorry I don’t have caps.

No. 2022327

File: 1722714345113.jpeg (540.98 KB, 1170x1999, IMG_0382.jpeg)

Still unsure why she needs the tube or how having it in for five months is recovery but anything is possible if you’re delusional

No. 2022351

she literally got it put in again in a few days after getting it out. i think at this point it’s a validation thing(sage your shit)

No. 2022365

File: 1722723708135.jpeg (502.44 KB, 1536x2048, ylQQyA2.jpeg)

No1 cared when I posted, a year ago, that Nikol had no bloated stomach at that time, but that she was pregnant, instead. I know no1 is going to care now either, but here is she and her stomach, more than a year ago:

So, the kid can be hers and some muslim guy's, for all we know.

No. 2022366

i don't think her stomach was ever consistently bloated in pictures though? plus why would she lie about her binges, she would show pics of the food or list exactly what she was eating, it seems too weird for her to go to those lengths, but then again it is nikol…

No. 2022371

That’s not was a pregnant belly looks like

No. 2022378

Wdym she had "no bloated stomach at that time", she was posting her binges on twitter every single day. She treated her binge disorder like a circus sideshow. She posted multiple photos of her distended stomach while she continued to gain weight from binging. She was the one that posted this photo alongside all the food she was shovelling into her face

No. 2022382

File: 1722726483220.png (568.44 KB, 427x756, Screen Shot 2024-08-03 at 6.05…)

Lavi is back at ACUTE. She's also been sending food to people who run ED accounts on instagram.

No. 2022385

Untrue, whoever was in the cafe and squeezing her waist was someone else. I took that picture though.(scrote)

No. 2022386

She's 21, where did you get 24 from?

No. 2022387

Nah, she's not a mom, this was all binge and she finally settled in lately, the drama is mostly past-tense.

No. 2022389

y'all gonna "scrote" that instead of learn something from someone who was there. K. Your call.

No. 2022390

Anyways, she's doing ok in Morrocco apparently.

No. 2022404

>>2022378 Yes, she was binging on halvah and that sweet condensed milk. She said she was eating about 7000 calories per binge, like every other day, and she was so bloated she couldn’t get out of bed to turn her light off and her little brother would turn off her light.
Old and past tense, but that was from binging, not baby.
I’m glad she’s a healthy weight now and seems to be doing well.

No. 2022426

yes scrote. kek what a loser

No. 2022427

>>2022386 >>2022385 >>2022387 >>2022389 >>2022390 >>2022404 hey fugly nikol stalker ana fetishist moid, see how you can quote multiple posts in one reply? stop samefagging

No. 2022428

nonna I love you but you have to put commas between quoted posts. He's still retarded though

No. 2022432

it usually automatically linebreaks the post quotes as you click them, got bollocksed somewhere

No. 2022458

Thats not what regular bloating from binging looks like, she was definitely pregnant. Thats not to say that she wasnt binging while pregnant

No. 2022460

She was literally eating 7000 calories a day
Probably had 10 lbs of poo stuck inside her

No. 2022463

She might have been pregnant idk but it’s definitely possible to eat to the point of looking pregnant like that. It’s not bloating it’s food and liquid, during this time she would post photos of her stomach all with varying degrees of stomach distension. I truly thought she’d eventually split her stomach

No. 2022476

Pretty sure the guy in that pic is caze_bruin. Another fetishist she went to see/came to see her.

No. 2022495

That’s the one, I remember the name now.

No. 2022677

File: 1722814471409.png (4.01 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5259.png)

She is so dillusional kek. XS my ass

No. 2022678

3XL forehead

No. 2022690

We’ve been over this one. She self posts. And the tube isn’t even in use - she just leaves it in between tx stays.

No. 2022729

File: 1722831082300.png (1.26 MB, 1167x1029, Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 12.10…)

This bitch lying about her weight

No. 2022748

been posted here before. apparently her face got fucked up from steroid usage, if you're talking about her current weight. if you mean the other weight, iirc she's extremely short so 35lbs isn't entirely unbelievable. these cows always exaggerate tho. who knows

No. 2022751

File: 1722837542672.jpeg (212.77 KB, 732x1040, IMG_3882.jpeg)

Marie must’ve been 34 lbs then.
I just find it so insane that Marie, age 20, weighed as much as a preschooler.

No. 2022790

Sounds likely they both stunted their growth from not eating enough, both physically and mentally. But I also agree they are most likely lying slightly by rounding down

No. 2022907

File: 1722888181785.png (3.38 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1237.png)

it just doesnt add up? how does her arm shapeshift
(sage your shit)

No. 2022918

File: 1722891358054.png (4.99 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1300.png)

she has to be photoshopping

No. 2022919

File: 1722891389268.jpeg (212.54 KB, 593x855, IMG_1236.jpeg)

all within a few weeks

No. 2022995

This is a well established fact you dimwit

No. 2023155

File: 1722967274937.png (2.82 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5302.png)

Not sure if this is milky or not but this bitch has been posting multiple Bodychecks a day while gaslighting her followers into thinking it’s fine because her ED wasn’t the reason she was admitted. Such a virtue signalling cow as well posting Palestine content every day.. abtphoebs on TikTok

No. 2023208

see above post >>2021652
for evidence of mia's terrible embarrassingly shoddy photoshop, kek

No. 2023238

> pink girlie ootd

So ot and retarded but what about this outfit is worth to show off? Wow, a pale pink sweater and blue jeans. What an outfit. I'll make sure to bookmark it so when I'm feeling out of ideas I can gather some inspo from this

No. 2023320

Not to wk but most teenagers (or wannabe teenagers) do carry one pink Stanley or charm and call themselves pink girlies nowadays. Don't think this is particularly autistic

No. 2023481

File: 1723061068706.jpeg (972.65 KB, 1170x2103, AF37ACFB-8029-47B2-AA5B-81F44D…)

This has to be the most dry sad looking salad I’ve ever seen

No. 2023602


No. 2023921

File: 1723158640314.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x2052, IMG_9855.jpeg)

Bc her weight is so low she doesn’t have the damn common sense to realize cutting your hair is usually a bad idea for near everyone. Especially her bc I highly doubt she has any level of coordination whatsoever. Did she really think she’d get that even? She looks like a stupid child who used scissors on herself & the Barbie. Tell me her brains under-developed from malnutrition.

No. 2023928

lol back already?

No. 2023929

Ok, but somebody please tell her to trim her brows.

No. 2023930

she has to be drawing those on when editing the picture, right? It just looks like a sloppy pass with the pen tool

No. 2023935

probably a waxy brow pencil. starved brain clearly blinding her to her own face

No. 2023938

She looks like Groucho Marx…

No. 2023954

Self posting again

No. 2024004

Agreed but she doesn’t look like a child, she looks like an old junkie with a heavy filter on

No. 2024071

If this is Marie being masochistic self posting, your hair genuinely doesn't look bad, just short and it was already short so no need to stress. Focus on recovering your health and for your own good stay away from here.

No. 2024182

I also think Marie is selfposting that and btw, I can't find her IG account. Deactivated again? O she changed her @ ?

No. 2024320

did niamh’s newest tik tok, “gold dust woman” get deleted? was she going downhill again? i wasn’t keeping up with her since she had her little hiatus.

No. 2024357

She’s removed herself from social media and only has private accounts. Probably for the best. The attention she got for being a skelly was what kept her relapsing because she has an absent father and needed the validation. She’s probably come to understand this.

No. 2024486

kek we weren't insulting her caption nonnie, just the fact that she is filming needless grotty ootd which are clearly just thinly veiled bodychecks. she literally posts these multiple times a day. What pisses me off is when people call her out she claims she isn't bodychecking and doesn't have an eating disorder, just because her current admission isn't for her ED. She really is pathetic and the definition of what is wrong with people these days, buying endless stupid surprise mini figures and frolicking around the psych ward in anti lig clothing just delaying growing up.

No. 2024487

agreed, she actually seemed to be doing well recently, and I watched her anorexia story video and genuinely seems like she has completely detached from that past self, she was getting fame from basically being skinny and body checking before and tbh if engagement is low and she wants more attention she will just start starving herself again. She has a job and a place at uni so seems to be going ok… well, lasting longer than her previous admissions

No. 2024488

Anyone remember boredwithana? She was really active during the peak uk cow period with ro and dora… she was at uni for medical school and when she was last posting was larping some form of chronic stomach issues like most cows end up doing… she deleted her main too, she used to be so insufferable just wondering if anyone knows where she is now…

No. 2024503

That was years ago, assuming she’s still at medical school and not engaging with social media circuses as her personal ig is the only one and it’s private.

No. 2024568

File: 1723328210149.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1170x2391, IMG_4395.jpeg)

3 months ago she couldn’t digest solid food anymore according to our dead thread, and then KF’s thread on her shows that
>June 15th she was getting dialysis and was paranoid her mother would secretly have a surgical feeding tube placed
>June 18th she is 64 lbs with a goal weight of 45 lbs
>June 21 she tweeted screenshots of the covers of a CBT for Depression workbook and Tao Ching
Selfies from June under the spoiler. I googled for an obit for Deborah Ramos Reyes but no results. Sage for nothing new…

No. 2024662

File: 1723343542136.jpg (366.77 KB, 1080x1764, Screenshot_2024-08-11-04-31-01…)

>>2024568 she's alive, she updated her IG, she was at the hospital. Pic from 1 or 2 days ago

No. 2025021

File: 1723438399199.png (3.53 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4648.png)

Don't know if anyone remembers this one but she used to post a lot of of ootd body checks. Are we thinking relapse?

No. 2025027

Lucinda please become a muscle-chan if you are reading this. We will give you just as much attention if you turn around and get roided. Please

No. 2025140

Those are the worst proportions for an anachan kek, the linebacker shoulders

No. 2025170

classic bow legged push the knees apart for a fake thigh gap pose. her legs would be touching all the way if she stood normally ffs

No. 2025258

File: 1723496723724.png (5.59 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0045.png)

Someone please tear these cows to shreds. They are the worse. They went to erc together. All the do it make videos about what they got in trouble for in treatment & hospital stuff. They did a liquid diet taste test. Gtf off the internet please.

No. 2025262

File: 1723497067495.png (3.68 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0044.png)

& this repulsive cnt. Her name is “healthyishmommy”. Besides the obvious brain rot, she’s a terrible freaking mom. Does she really have the balls to say healthyish? Shes a sunken as Sydnee was. Get better& be a rely freaking mom. Also wtf would want to go on a date with her? What is it, an exercise date? I feel horrible for her child growing up with her pretending she’s healthy. & teaching her it’s normal to be like that. No sorry, your organs are dying.

No. 2025266

It's crazy because she's got big bolt ons in her profile pic too. Her moid must have a fetish for bimbo ghouls or something judging by all her filler/plastic surgery on top of being a spoop.

No. 2025267

dios mio…(sage your shit)

No. 2025275

you know her kids are going to grow up constantly hearing shit like "why is your mom a zombie," if she even survives. wtf is the husband's problem, throw this bitch in a hospital

No. 2025281

Seriously how the hell do these people’s faces get so sunken? Does dehydration cause that? Surely if someone was that severely dehydrated they would be in the hospital and not going about being a self professed “healthyish mom”

No. 2025282

Anon I looked at her profile and she has crohns disease. Don't think she belongs here at all. And she has bolt-ons, which is likely contributing to that from breast implant illness.

No. 2025317

is this pepsimaxsop (or something like that)? she looks familiar and the name matches, just didn't know we knew her personals

No. 2025352

They’re all average weight or chubby, do teens just go to IP for fun like a summer camp or something

No. 2025359

if you're eating other people's food, maybe you don't need treatment for anorexia

No. 2025381

You’re aware their account says recovery right? They shouldn’t be underweight then. Kek fuck so many of y’all have killed every last one of your brain cells I stg

No. 2025387


What the holy fuck I thought this had to be some fucked up filter

No. 2025437


Kek. Your Ed radar seems to have a touch of the tism nonna. News flash- divers and gymnasts are all anachans- if not because they want to be, because coaches and all push them that way. Weigh what you eat, never eat carbs, etc etc. That's why so many 'recovery warriors' promote orthorexia and sport. Good excuse not to eat shit, but there's the facade of it being healthy

No. 2025448

That reminds me, how's ganer? I want to see her try her hand at a competition again.

No. 2025462

I’m not an anachan because I’m not a loser who has nothing to my personality aside from vacaying in IP and making little recovery TikTok’s, but nice try

No. 2025468


Excuse the sperg but medical students and doctors are the most insufferable group of cows.I much prefer the 'x9 IP girlies' who post Pepsi Max & autistic body checks on TikTok all day. At least they hide behind their ensure and blankies and don't pretend to be saving the world. Med schools should probably offer some disciplinary for promoting being an anachan & bodychecking on Instagram under your real fucking name.

No. 2025476

I was gonna say I don’t think any of them are overweight… no they aren’t bone thin but there is an in between before you’re fat

No. 2025479

I agree but the Olympic gymnastics team did not look like that and neither did Cook/Bacon ten years ago. Or the rest of the dive team. Yes both sports have the same shit around being thin but you still need weight to dip the board in diving. You also need strength to hit the body positions mid air

No. 2025496

Would they fuck!

No. 2025507


Seems kinda like a nitpick if you ask me. I'm pretty sure olympic divers are not milky

No. 2025509


Same question as always- where are her parents?

No. 2025516

She’s bulimic so makes sense. There are other EDs besides anachans

No. 2025517

She has Chron’s you dimwit. She’s not proana.

No. 2025553

& if that’s really true then she should be more eager to get better treatment to save her body. Like tpn or a tube more meds, something. She probably using that diagnosis as an excuse like most anachans.

No. 2025567

Oh so you know what treatments she received and why her body is the way it is? Moronic statement. Regardless of your personal vendetta or jealousy that she’s skinnier than you, she doesn’t do anything that would lead us to believe she is a pro-ana scumbag and doesn’t belong here.

No. 2025611

Is smorven still the same ? In hospital or out?

No. 2025640

NTAYRT but I've never heard of someone with Chron's becoming this underweight, and staying this underweight for 2+ years… surely if she was seeking appropriate treatment, no MD would let her maintain this low of a BMI.

No. 2025643

topkek, someone i went to treatment with just dropped a massive google drive of proof of Stefania Mennella being a pro ana scumbag. Going through it now and going to paste my favorite highlights.

No. 2025648

that was more boring that i thought it would be. to sum it up it was just
> stefania constantly harassing her friend she met in treatment for body checks (ok lesbian)
> saying “I want nothing more than to be acute level sick”
> took and shared photos of other PHP patients calling them fat
> secretly ate in the hospital so she could restrict at meals and get tubed
> saying “i wish i purged but im not good at it”

No. 2025649

i don't think anyone's going to believe you unless you at least post screenshots of the google drive

No. 2025655

She had a baby 6 months ago. She obviously had to gain weight at some point for that to occur. Regardless there is no evidence she has an ED or is a pro-ana scumbag so she shouldn’t be posted here.

No. 2025682

Nta but people with Crohn's don't go from healthy enough to have a baby to completely skeletal and emaciated over the course of 6 months lol, obviously there are some ED behaviors at play here

No. 2025698

File: 1723596716282.png (167.7 KB, 612x792, showmetomerachel.png)

can post more if ppl want but dont wanna clog up thread

No. 2025707

File: 1723597648666.jpeg (334.03 KB, 1179x2395, IMG_7609.jpeg)

what a bitch

No. 2025708

File: 1723597676865.jpeg (341.69 KB, 1179x2404, IMG_7600.jpeg)

though the person she’s texting isn’t exactly angelic

No. 2025709

Imo definitely post more, this is the most interesting thing to happen to this thread in weeks

No. 2025710

File: 1723597744231.png (100.06 KB, 375x555, Screen Shot 2024-08-13 at 7.53…)

I enjoyed the revelation that she cancelled her secondary insurance so she'd be able to go to ACUTE (for those who don't know, ACUTE doesn't accept patients with Medicaid and she needed to have not had Medicaid for 90 days to even be able to be considered for admission). It shows how right anons where when we talked about how she was scheming to get there.

No. 2025711

File: 1723597820533.png (178.64 KB, 374x662, Screen Shot 2024-08-13 at 8.09…)

She then looked at ACUTE's admission criteria and planned out her weight loss so she'd meet the weight criteria by the time the 90 day period ended

No. 2025712

File: 1723597853821.png (80.94 KB, 369x666, Screen Shot 2024-08-13 at 8.10…)

complete with a weirdo present emoji by her goal weight to get admitted

No. 2025713

File: 1723597938666.png (395.29 KB, 375x662, Screen Shot 2024-08-13 at 8.11…)

And then there's this journal entry without context that I guess suggests she tried to get them to make her an involuntary patient and they saw through her manipulation? I wish whoever compiled this drive had included some more detail/information about this and what else happened while she was at ACUTE because it's definitely the most interesting to me

No. 2025715

File: 1723598071813.png (104.69 KB, 373x576, Screen Shot 2024-08-13 at 8.13…)

also, on the topic of 'trying to manipulate doctors'

No. 2025720

Where was this all posted? Could you post the google drive link? >>2025708

No. 2025723

No. 2025724

It seems like Stef probably deleted her TikTok because she knew this was going to get posted/leaked - the timing would be awfully coincidental.

No. 2025760

File: 1723609784664.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.37 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1498727643925.jpg)

seeing this thread reminded me of a local journalist who was ec tier and died at 37. Wonder if eugenia will outlive that

spoiler for skelli

No. 2025761

File: 1723609863815.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.59 KB, 630x890, FB_IMG_1498727637170.jpg)

this is from the year she died, that woman in the backgrounds face

No. 2025766

wowwww stef is so much worse than I ever imagined. Legitimately she is insane. I feel for her friend, you can tell she wasn’t ever really engaging fully. What a fucking nut job!!!

No. 2025815

the google drive link source r.e stef drama since some of you want to gatekeeper apparently

No. 2025840

it was already posted >>2025723

No. 2025841


Agreed. Excuse the tism nonnas but Marie maybe keep off Lolcow. We want you to live

No. 2025843

This is so good kek I wonder who the author is and whether she's been mentioned on lc

No. 2025850

Wait so why would an anachan pretend to be refusing food but eat in secret so they could get tubed this is batshit

No. 2025851

Well, the author is not exactly anonymous, their picture is right there, and you can find her full name by just typing the user into google… As far as I know, and I've been here for years, she has never been mentioned.

No. 2026053

This is beyond cow behavior it's pathological…damn

No. 2026160

she wanted the tube to get attention and sympathy on social media, but didn’t want to have to do what it takes to get a tube (not eat kek)

No. 2026161

remember when Stef used to claim she had arfid and didn't want to lose weight? kek

No. 2026415

File: 1723768108469.jpeg (365.92 KB, 1170x2054, IMG_0589.jpeg)

Sydney is in her annual recovery phase and I really hope she stays in it this time. She has never felt as scummy as Stefania

No. 2026462

She never seemed as scummy to me either, but that’s because I kinda feel bad for her. going from bmi 9 to 14 twice a year for 4+ years has to have genuinely damaged her brain so much that she doesn’t see how triggering she can be

No. 2026465

She’s definitely above a bmi of 14

No. 2026467

I’d say right now, Sydney’s between 20-21 BMI. She looks great, such a shame that it probably won’t last long.(learn to sage)

No. 2026490

Does anyone know how tall she is? Good milk nonnie, keep it coming

No. 2026492

she says here >>2025712 that she's 5'7"

No. 2026493

Oops I just needed to fully catch up, sorry about thst

No. 2026496

Omg trueee, that officially makes zero sense now

No. 2026526

File: 1723791642023.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1170x2099, IMG_4423.jpeg)

I mean the fact that her whole identity online is still her Ed gives me the sense that there’s sadly a relapse coming