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No. 439516[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>435304

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram / Snapchat: mariahmallad

Places to Find Reciepts:

Google Drive: https://anony.link/https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bzb5fXIJychfSkhCSDd2ZlVUTnM

Do not talk about her surrounding costhots unless it's directly about Momo. They have their own thread here:
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No. 443757

I lied but it's finally up >>443756
Sorry for wall of text lol

No. 444140

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Why do people donate to a single person who says they are going to donate to a charity?

Why have a middleman when you can do some googling find a charity or hospital to directly send the donations to.

I just feel strange about her stream because she could have recommended people just send it where she donated.

No. 446738

kinda OT, but why did so many girls make this face back in the scene days? It manages to make even Mariah's face look more bloated and her dark circles/under eye cavity more pronounced.

No. 462466

No. 485650

ik this isnt super relevant but do you guys remember when cowchop met moo and aleks instantly felt uncomfortable and slammed the door

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No. 108534[Reply]

For stories and discussion of minor weeb lolcows. Know of anyone who believes they are an anime character or is far to invested in cosplaying the hot yaois? Have your own Hambeast Prime tale to tell? Post it here.
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No. 120198

I dont get it…

No. 120902

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Tokyobannana, before she was ulzzangmika, she was mentioned in kota clones thread on PULL. She was following the ulzzang look and copying Kota. She's recently changed her account to tokyobannana and changed her whole bio, now she uploads some fitness and ''sexy'' pictures. She's admitted that she uses meitu xiuxiu and knows 0 english,so sometimes she thinks someone is praising her when they're telling her she's not asian (she's a asian wannabe, she tags her pics with korean, korean girl, chinese, chinese girl, japanese, japanese girl. She's created a new instagran in which she has a weeaboo bio and uploads kawaii pictues (lmao) to become famous in Japan
links https://instagram.com/tokyobannana
some photos

No. 120903

>Entiendo que no puedo parecer asiatica , pero por que parezco negra ?
>I understand I can't look Asian, but why do I look black?
>tagged #nigga

No. 120970


"I want to live in Tokyo"

Why? So you can become another 'living barbie' and get a visa, modelling contracts and end up in magazines? Get out of here.

No. 443307


What is it with egirls?

Usually young and b-baka and attention seeking

This snowflake has a voice clip of her going baka and it's not even ironic I'm so worried for this generation sometimes(post screenshots, no necroing)

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No. 438974[Reply]

>After getting called out for being an ass to one of NetNobody's crew members it seems even more people are keeping their distance from Gregma. To be fair he hasn't lost all hope and in a desperate bid for relevance he has continued taking trips to LA for colabs. His most recent trip saw someone bail on him but despite him being upset/disappointed he has not release the name that person. This has led to tin-foiling that he may also be going to LA to ether get away from Lainy and the kids or cheat.

>In regards to home issues, Onion has been encouraging Lainy to look for a girlfriend. Despite being "So Gay', it appears she's only looking for a girl to be her emotional tissue and tell her how beautiful/wonderful she is. Also in a recent video, Gregma tells abuse victims to ask their abusers why they got abused and try to fix themselves first and then try to help their abuser become better a better person.

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No. 441400

New Thread: >>>/pt/441397

No. 441405

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Not even here is he original with his fashion. . .

Mother fucker stole Pugsley Addam's fashion/look.
-high heeled dress shoes, stripped top, black hair and grandpa pants.

No. 441422

Hoe not relevant? Theres an FMA live action movie coming out in December!

But yes his videos suck, Onion suck. He should go back to Death Note and leave my dear FMA alone

No. 441572

No. 444976

same price

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No. 435304[Reply]

Last thread: >>432595

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram / Snapchat: mariahmallad

-Says that she will do a "bikini Beekeeper Mei" shoot and sell the prints for a charity; first she announces that the profits of the shoot will go to a "save the bees" charity, but after the hurricane disaster she decides the cash will be for a Harvey and Irma charity fund. Then she "clarifies" that "if you want to get the print to donate to the relief don't donate to Patreon", because the Patreon money will go entirely in her greedy hands
-Gets called out hard for this, especially from a photographer that used to work with her: she goes on a massive Twitter rant and a whole 6 minutes long instastory video rant where she goes full psycho, eye twitching and all
-Buys Bad Dragon cum lube for a new trashy "totally not porn" Mei photoshoot
-“Anakin”, a person who used to know her in school, called her out on being a bully in high school yet trying to pretend she’s all sweetness and light now
-May have been fingered in class by her boyfriend in high school
-Lipo confirmed by Sabrina, another cosplayer, Moomoo then forces her to delete the tweets to try to keep hiding the truth
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No. 439505

Okay okay, I'll try but it might not be the greatest so no one shit on it, we just really need a new thread

No. 439513

>> 438320
Okay, okay, so I can read some arabic (and understand the tiniest bit because the letters are so close to farsi so someone correct me if I'm wrong) but this guy's name is (Ali Hussein Moghalad I'm 90% that's what his last name is) which isn't "Mallad"?
>>438322 confirms that this dude is her dad's family. So unless this dude is like her paternal grandmother's brother or something, her dad's last name isn't Mallad?
>I'm gonna put my tinfoil hat on for a moment so
>but what if Mariah changed her last name or took up her mother's maiden name when her parents got divorced?
>anyways gj moomoo doxxing your extended family just got easier when you literally gave out the dude's mother's name, his father's name, all his kids name and I think his wife's name?
>sage for middle eastern bs and seeing this a bit late

No. 439518

Samefag, done. It's not great but here ya go

No. 439546

mallad could possibly just be an anglicised version of it

No. 439602

Why the fuck is daniel defending her

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No. 51859[Reply]

Not sure if there is a thread on this girl. I went to school with her, real name Belinda Wang she worked at Mcdonalds and was extremely quiet and is chinese, now she claims her name is Belinda Kovalskaya and is Russian/an Alien bhuddist.

This is her facebook it's mostly public and absolutely hilarious https://www.facebook.com/Vladlena.Kovalskaya

And this is her Ask FM account which is even better http://ask.fm/BelindaKovalskaya
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No. 439251


i think all of those old photos were heavily photoshopped, like >>52145

also her The Ring hair hid most of her face and other anons said she was very heavy handed with contouring, that may be why she looked like she had a pointy face. honestly she looked like an alien in most of them, i'm glad she looks a bit more self-possessed now.

No. 439259

If this is real good for her! I'm glad she finally stopped trying to copy that cringy barbie bitch. That living doll shit was so bad, I know a lot of those girls weren't awful people but damn, looking up in the thread that eye makeup and gross contouring was cringe city.

No. 439451


Is she still racist tho?

No. 439678

thats whats im thinking about too lol
did she clean up her act because she legitimately realized the error of her ways or just to keep people off her back?

No. 441392

she was pretending to be a white russian - white supremacist. I think she was being pretty delusional at the time

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No. 436507[Reply]

>Sarah was in the McMansion, but hangs with other people besides The Onions

>Lame started her BeautyBot channel featuring her shitty makeup skillz and skin walking ways to become the next Billie

>We also learned she returns half-bottles and containers back to Sephora after she's done using them, nasty hoe.

>We also get glimpses of the little spawns in her recent daily vlog video.

>Meanwhile, Gregma started shit with NetNobody and his crew while in Cali, there goes your big chance, huh?

>Of course, none of it was his fault as always.

>Attacks Jaclyn Glenn again for the 9,000th time over her fake tits.

>Is vegan yet fails again at it for the 9,000th time.

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No. 438975

New thread

No. 438978




>sage for rage

No. 438983


Whoa whoa, guys, did you guys caught what he said at the end of the video?

>"With all that being said, I hope you understand my position on trans, on tattoos, and on breast augmentations on hetero females… I don't know why I involved the 'hetero' part."

There it is. That tone of regret when he realizes that he's stuck with Lainey, the non-hetero freak of nature.

No. 439047

No. 439200

jesus got crucified, motherfucker.

lainey, dump him.

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No. 438921[Reply]

This is Alexander Brooks Ratta, a pedophile. Don't worry, he has published this name and all of the below information openly.

This is his blog.

He's a "game developer". He's making what looks like a bad flash game, and his dream is to sell it.

This child is one of his favorite roleplaying partners.

This is his mother's Facebook account.
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No. 438930

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Why is this in /pt?

No. 438947

Moved to >>>/snow/392008.

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No. 415881[Reply]

Previous threads:

>Dumped fantasy childbride Logan for 31-year-old questionably employed American couchboy Joshua Manning Bradley but claimed their break-up was mutual and their relationship was over by last October despite celebrating their anniversary in February
>Blamed said break-up on Logan's "porn adiction" and the stress of the "hate sites" yet says they would have broken up sooner if not for the need to prove the "hate sites" wrong about their relationship
>Became engaged to Josh nine days after initiating their online relationship in May
>Inadvertently disclosed nine videos of their recorded video chats intended to be private which reveal Raven's shameless duplicity and Josh's volatile temper: In "Duh" Raven and Josh harassed his ex Claudia via phone and Facebook which included Raven impersonating Logan in a chat with her and Josh threatening violence towards her
>Made the nine videos private but not before farmers had mirrored them at
>Parted ways with Logan and moved out of their shared house, he to live with his mom and she to stay with "a friend" (whom she previously identified as her ex Ryan Acid King) until she moves to the US in September to join Josh on his mom's couch in rural Saluda, South Carolina
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No. 438383

New thread!


No. 438384


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 470097

New to this site…. really want to know why raven is so hated.

No. 471637


Leave the name field blank. This is an anonymous board. Please read the rules and usage info pages.

Please go to the current thread >>>/pt/462983

No. 506450

Isn't it strange how one persons version of an experience can be totally different from others who shared the same experience? Everyone eventually got kicked out for not paying their part of the rent. Raven was kicked out because she would bring teen boys home, keep fried chicken under her bed, and treated her son like a slave.

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No. 433263[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/pt/429098

> guess whoses back, back again. Sarah's back, tell a friend

> IRS came to visit, Greg fake cries over him going to lose his car and home. It's all TurboTax's fault you gai's

> Lainey starts a new channel 'Beauty Bot', will start writing off her makeup purchases as business expenses no doubt.

> Get's all righteous over Pewdiepie accidentally saying Nigger on a stream when he flings the word Faggot about despite his space prince being 'trans'.

Haley steps in and brings up his use of the word faggot which Greg tries to twist. He also has deleted his tweets where he says the word faggot.

> Greg talking about making a kickstarter and has a new 'vegan' food blog consisting of microwave food and tin foil.

> Lainey now has blue hair, just completing her billie transformation, also getting her younow fans to beg for her.

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No. 436488

big bruiser becca seems threatened and is competing with some other girls on the stream. After saying she wasn't give grease any bars someone gave him 1000 and took the top spot, bessie suddenly gave him a fucking volcano.

Shits embarrassing and you can tell grease is actually fed up with her but said because shes the biggest contributor he can't get mad lol

No. 436489

I spoke with the person from the medicaid fraud office, they said to investigate onision you would have to call 18005626906
I have to leave soon though

No. 436490

Gregory Jackson

No. 436491

His last name is Avaroe

No. 441947

Has anyone seen Gurgs new video saying hitting women is okay? He says there's "a reason" for people hitting their partners and that "no one would hit an angel" he goes on to say that if you get called a bitch or a cunt by your partner you need to basically find out why and fix yourself so they don't call you names anymore.


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No. 432595[Reply]

Last thread: >>429934

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram / Snapchat: mariahmallad

-Gets two hairdyes in less than 24h because she can't read, her already damaged hair is now totally fried and she starts wearing a wig
-More "Moomoo doesn't credit" drama
-Calls dibs on Beekeeper Mei because she thought she was the first, she wasn't
-New cosplays: Beekeeper Mei and Chun Li, both look like garbage
-Says that she will do a "bikini Beekeeper Mei" shoot and sell the prints for a charity; first she announces that the profits of the shoot will go to a "save the bees" charity, but after the hurricane disaster she decides the cash will be for a Harvey and Irma charity fund. Then she "clarifies" that "if you want to get the print to donate to the relief don't donate to Patreon", because the Patreon money will go entirely in her greedy hands
-Gets called out hard for this, especially from a photographer that used to work with her: she goes on a massive Twitter rant and a whole 6 minutes long instastory video rant where she goes full psycho, eye twitching and all
-Buys Bad Dragon cum lube for a new trashy "totally not porn" photoshoot
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No. 435285

Wow, how long ago was this from? She almost has the body of a normal person here, and her face doesn't look nearly as haggard and dry as usual.

Sidenote, though, I hate all these dumb bandwagoners doing Jojo poses when they've never read the manga or seen the show and all they know is the memes.

No. 435298

That fupa though. And after lipo too. What a waste of money.

No. 435306

New Thread: >>435304

No. 435307

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I was always upset she never colored her eyebrows but now I see why she doesn't lmao because she's fucking terrible at that too

No. 435312

I can't believe how quickly we hit 30 threads.

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