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File: 1511922870976.png (360.5 KB, 600x800, themoomoocycle.png)

No. 469626

First thread: >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>466106

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
NEW Twitter: https://twitter.com/omariahmallad
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad
Twitch: https://go.twitch.tv/mariahmallad

IG Stories Archive:

Google Drive:

Attn: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here >>>/snow/386826

The basics:
>”body positive”, but photoshops her body and wears shapewear/corsets constantly, resorted to getting liposuction to keep some semblance of figure (and failing miserably) all while lying and saying she lost weight through exercise
>Old twitter had at least 20k bought followers, likely even more
>laughably bad at making cosplays – if she's told they're bad, she falls back on her Mei costume and makes excuses for why she couldn't wear the new cosplay
>spends very little time and effort on each costume and then claims her money is "hard-earned"
>does "boudoir"/half-naked shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are
>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame
>has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite making over $10k per month on Patreon
>known to spend chunks of her Patreon income on fancy vacations, alcohol, drugs and treating her friends while simultaneously half-assing all her cosplays
>pretends to have played/know about the series she cosplays from, despite evidence proving otherwise
>loiters around at booths during cons, pretending to have been invited as a guest
>lewded a dragon loli after people told her not to and massively backpedaled after she couldn't just laugh off the backlash
>had a major fallout with her boytoy KBBQ bc he didn’t want to fuck her, according to numerous rumors she threatened KBBQ with something that made him quit all social media in a second, then commissioned a piece from him
>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that’s happening to her when she’s done the same
>goes off on social media tirades and then immediately back pedals

Highlights from the Last Thread:
>As of now only has 19k followers on her new twitter, can’t afford to buy new fakes
>But will spend $500 in a giveaway for followers
>Drags her kitten everywhere because he's ~special~ & will be her support pet she'll take everywhere for attention
>Shows off her non-existent twerking moves
>"Be nice to everyone my dudes uwu"
>Spends all this time talking about Fate, knows jack shit
>Proceeds to call NGE a shitty anime for attention
>Suddenly starts talking about making an OC that's literally the hentai milk party cow girl inspired by cow girl and says her photoshoot WAS of her OC
>Gets called out because she said it was cosplay of the hentai cowgirl before; backpedals
>Charging neckbeards $40 for her shitty pj photoset
>Finally packing up rewards for May & June

No. 469631

File: 1511924929626.png (454.42 KB, 816x600, Screenshot 2017-11-28 at 7.07.…)

New hair?

No. 469632

File: 1511924953631.png (512.3 KB, 481x599, Screenshot 2017-11-28 at 7.07.…)

No. 469633

File: 1511924973951.png (393.92 KB, 480x603, Screenshot 2017-11-28 at 7.07.…)

No. 469634

Her hair looks so shit lmao it looks disgusting

No. 469637

lmao this color/ cut so basic it hurts me.

No. 469638

i might be blind but isn't that haircut very similar to what nigri has right now?

No. 469639

> i need to speak with a manager

for real though, she looks like a 40 yr old mom.

No. 469642

lmao her instastory right now talking about how she she's breaking out lately but "usually has great skin, and has SUCH a skincare regime!!1" despite your fucking eyes bagging off your face.

No. 469643

File: 1511925554978.png (860.26 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2017-11-28-19-12-21…)

>complains about skin. Says normally she has "perfect skin"
>shows the bottles on her dresser and says that all those products go on her face at night
>mostly in chin area. If you believe in face mapping that stress is connected to the small intestine/stomach and/or kidneys
>makes fun of being antagonized by gatekeepers

No. 469644

lmao thanks for grabbing the screenshot i tried to get a good one.

No. 469645

Also it doesn’t help that she doesn’t seem to keep her GREASEY PAWS OFF HER DAMN FACE. like even when she’s showing us the acne she’s still PATTING AND RUBBING all over it

No. 469646

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No. 469647

oh honey moo moo child those extensions look so terrible

No. 469648

LOL she went back to this hack. i see the bitch's only alternative to horrible chemical burns is leaving ugly as fuck roots. of course, using less volume lifter a few times on the root area is out of the question.

this is sad.

No. 469649

File: 1511925903107.png (809.49 KB, 720x1028, Screenshot_2017-11-28-19-23-51…)

Expert cosplayer looking dumpy as fuck

No. 469650

well if she wants to go blonde (especially a nigiri blonde) the best way to do it is to go in with heavy foils a few times giving more and more highlights (yes leaving roots) and then eventually bleaching or whatever. It’s probably one of the smarter things her hairdresser has done

No. 469652

and does anyone else cringe every time she uses “chunners”

No. 469653

tf is 'chunners?' also, why is she both relaxed and stiff? how?

No. 469654

it’s her ~cute nickname for chun li….even though chunners is longer than her actual name

No. 469655

That "cosplay" is shit, but god damn she has has shooped herself into a prime slampig jfc

No. 469656

that hairdresser is the one who used 40 volume on her roots the first time trying to 'bleach out' purple dye from her already bleached blond hair. you can use 10 volume to dye roots, and i know even then you'll have a bit left, but this is like 3 inches.

No. 469659

File: 1511926392850.png (559.04 KB, 750x599, describemoomoo.png)

This was actually a fun game

No. 469661


Because she's sucking it in. Thought the point of lipo was so she didn't have to anymore.

No. 469663

File: 1511927538033.jpg (18.55 KB, 535x134, g0ffthew.jpg)

tenleid's boyfriend is even getting in on the cow roasting

No. 469668

she’s had these acrylics for 2 fucking months. vile.

No. 469669

these are likely gel extensions, the acrylics would have lifted by now.

No. 469670

still pretty fucking gross.

No. 469671

File: 1511928461251.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171128-230246.png)

Is this someone new she is trying to fuck or have we already seen this guy? Its been awhile since she has had an asian boy toy

No. 469673

Keintastic has known her, even when David was still around. He made her Beekeeper Mei boots

No. 469674

I think its that guy from the mei ching chong video.

No. 469675


He's friends with David and Landon. She's likely trying to use him to make armor and props for her now that David isn't. It's sad that she is continuing to build her so called career on the backs of more talented people than her.

No. 469676

What is even that rats nest? Did this hairdresser even style/wash her hair. It looks greasy and matted

No. 469677

that's the "before" pic

No. 469678

hi tenleid. no1 curr

how do you know those are extensions? looks pretty similar to her 'before' length, just styled and probably given a protein treatment?

No. 469679

Her hair looks like greasy straw. I feel like her natural hair was at least kinda pretty.

No. 469680

instastory/snapchat rant is happening now. More not caring about the haters, “my life is so good, if you guys wanna bully me bully me it’s okay”, talking about how she’s showing her unedited self when she’s sitting there with a snapchat filter on. the usual

No. 469681

she took the filter off talking about how everyonenwill take everything she’s saying so seriously, saying a good percent of “us” are psychopaths that need to chill.

No. 469687

Can this heifer just show and not tell for once, goddamn. If you're so unbothered, don't acknowledge it, it is not that complicated. People don't normally feel inclined to keep parroting things that everyone know is a supposed fact. But this is someone who posts pictures of themselves in poorly-fitting, premade costumes with their labia hanging out for neckbeard bucks that we're talking about so of course anything for attention, right?

No. 469689

Anyone have a vid of that Chun li rage quit? I'm blocked on her accounts.

No. 469692

she saw the op art oops

No. 469693

Soooo dry. Instead of only taking care of your scalp, Moo, you shouldve also been deep conditioning and not keeping your real hair under a sweaty wig cap and wig for hours on end for the past several months..

No. 469694

What a perfect example of a "nice" person

No. 469695


She wants to go pink. She is probably going to go in with the L'oreal new line of things or get another one of those shampoo dyes and attempt doing those. Unless she's going back to have the pink put in professionally. The roots will turn a dark pink and ombre out to whatever the fuck those dried tips are.

I can see what she is wanting, but a hairdresser should really explain better how to take care of her hair in general and not just the roots. If anything, she should let her roots grow out, bleach ombre just barely near them, and then go in with the color on those bleached parts. It would give a better effect and save her effort in keeping up the roots since she's so fucking lazy anyway. I hope this wasn't too OT. Mostly pointing out how dumb Moo and the stylist is. Any sort of planning instead of spur of the moment shit would prove most useful, Moo.

No. 469696

Guess we found out who her knew armor making fucktoy is.

No. 469698

File: 1511932443409.png (632.2 KB, 720x1092, Screenshot_2017-11-28-21-03-20…)

Only psychopaths would post 20 plus Instagram video clips in a row saying haters don't get to her Mariah

No. 469699

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And yes she had this shit on her face the whole time

No. 469700

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No. 469701

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No. 469702

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No. 469705

she’s so fucking ugly skin care routine my ass she probably doesn’t even use soap, just water. i need to go slap on a face mask just because i saw this.

No. 469706

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No. 469707

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I know we say this a lot but holy shit I’ve never seen so many ticks on an insta story. This is an unbelievable amount even for her.

No. 469708

only blind motherfuckers would think that she had an ass. her thighs look bigger than her ass. hell, the backs of her KNEES have a bigger ass. she’s delusional. and it looks like her lips are about to pop out of those panties. my god.

No. 469709

Do you guys think that now it is winter she is getting more and more lipo? It isn't summer so she can hide the scars more easily, and maybe she thinks they will fade by next year.

No. 469714


what butt

No. 469719

I had to stop reading that Tweet midway 'cause my eyes almost rolled outta my head

No. 469722

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No. 469723

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No. 469724

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No. 469725

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Just a friendly reminder: this is how gross her ass looks from this far away. Irl it js much, much worse.

No. 469727

This isn't even the photo she published!! LOL

No. 469728

The girl on tinder vs the catfish reality

No. 469729

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I can't breath its like she stapled two pork chops in a nylon to her backside

No. 469730

Bitch can actually use the "guys only look at me like a slab of meat" gimmick, she legit looks like a wall of dried out poultry. It's like looking at the personification of a disappointing thanksgiving dinner.

No. 469733


Her face was obviously thinned out in the edited version. You can see her lipo scars so clear in this photo.


What I hate most about her is exactly this. She always tries to preach about body positivity. Her whole entire fame was built on her being some sort of body positive role model. But guess what? She lost all of her street cred the moment she had lipo done. If you can't practice what you preach, stop trying to preach it. It's a fucking lie. She is clearly doing this for attention. And it's so obvious that the things we say bother her. She's like the jealous ex who keeps saying they're over it but keep talking about you.

She has now excuse for getting lipo. Why? She has been spouting all this positive shit and when push comes to shove she even knows it's bs. Heck look at her old tweets fat shaming others. She clearly isn't happy with herself. She is still the stuck up, bratty jock she has always been.

Moomoo if you are sooooo PROUD of your body stop wearing corsets and body shapers under your clothes and cosplays. If you are soooooo PROUD stop heavily shopping your photos. You even said to a photographer exactly what you want edited and how you wanted it edited and even went on about how insecure women are with themselves. That is the real you.

No. 469737

oh nooooooo that is so tragic lol

No. 469740

She's also been editing out her lipo since she admitted to it.

No. 469741

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No. 469742

Momo, you keep telling yourself you're going to quit once you have enough money. Now you want to
"dethrone that bitch Nigiri" to now you wanna prove those haters wrong. You tried that at your old workplace and your old lacross team and that Japanese translator group by stating you were going to Japan, but it didn't work so you rage quit. But This go around, with the cosplay stuff you put your real name to it, you keep mixing the damn drugs with the booze, you admitted buying people/friends makes you paranoid, you have even stated that you hate how your body seems beyond repair at age 20. You even cried about having your friends do your online tests for college and STILL failed. Oh but failing is okay cuz you're making bank on those stupid virgins. This is beyond spite. This is a lifelong issue of "proving others wrong" failing and quitting. You are destroying yourself and soon not all the photo-editing and plastic surgery will save you from doing 10 dollar porn in a dirty hotel room for a BBW studio by the age of 25.

Sage for OT

No. 469744

I'm screaming, her physique is like near identical to the dude right next to her.

No. 469746

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No. 469747

She is legit a rectangle.

No. 469748

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No. 469749


Well this is certainly some new stuff I have heard. Has she really been forcing her friends to do her online tests for her and she still ended up failing? Has she mentioned “wanting to take that bitch Nigri down”? Has she admitted to thinking her body is damaged beyond repair?

No. 469751

She's the embodiment of vomit.

No. 469753



No. 469754


Isn't this basically her though? She has talked about changing herself for the better literally every month and then a week later she's the same. Like right now she is claiming to not be bothered by anything…. but we know the truth ;)

No. 469755

Moo just ASSUMES its about her? LOL.

No. 469758

Either saywho you are or don't say anything at all. This sounds like something someone on here couldve made up also.

No. 469760

File: 1511939089467.jpg (605.32 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171129-141934.jpg)

Wtf lol

No. 469764

So, instead of telling Tenleid to her face that Moo hates her she needs to corrall in Matt and Veronica who berate her all the time.
I don't give a flying fuck about Tenleid but the least Moo can do is act like the bigger bitch. I can't stand weebs who can't confront their problem people.

No. 469765

This isn’t about Tenleid, moo doesn’t give a fuck about her

No. 469770

wait like the Youtuber Mother's Basement? he's a really popular anime analyst

No. 469771

I would assume it's about the guy who posted that he donated 4k to her. She's probably lurked on here and saw the posts.

No. 469774

no one does.

No. 469776

I don't know if this was posted in an earlier thread or is something new, but goddamn this is so tragic.

No. 469777

God Mariah is so washed up that she looks like she's in her late 30s, single because no man wants her or respects her, has a long history of being trashy and a narc, fucked up her body beyond repair with lipo, and has an obsession with haters to where she tries to please then 24/7

god i love watching this cow <3 keep it coming moomoo~

No. 469778

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I’d been witholding cause I almost felt bad for her like “damn, she really needs cosplay as a crutch to not feel so ugly!” But she’s just grown exponentially cuntier.
Irl her skin is saggy and cottage cheesy, worse than some 40 year olds

No. 469779

Coming to the end of November. She hasn't even posted her super proud fairy or scarecrow thing. LOL. December is Thanksgiving I guess and January is Christmas.

No. 469780

File: 1511941993962.png (113.89 KB, 720x653, Screenshot_2017-11-28-23-37-08…)

The second part to this convo. Is she referring to herself as being the toxic person who was snitched on? Hmmm.

No. 469781

jesus christ her shorts are shoved so far up her back with a crack to try and fake an ass

No. 469782

You're a godsend but you will be doxxed by this crazy bitch unfortunately. Good luck with that I guess.

No. 469783

inb4 she goes on a rant about how this is her real body if you dont like it then fuck you!!!! this is this is the real me!!!!!! i love myself and will never change for haterz!!!!!!

and then she goes to schedule another lipo appointment

No. 469784

Eh, I’m a nobody with nothing to lose. I’m not a cosplayer, She won’t remember a “normie” rando.

Besides, she’s on her body positive kick anyway. “This person trying to bring me down by showing you all what I really look like. Even though my pictures make me unrecognizable, I am truly proud of what I look like. So, since my haters are spreading these anyway, I’ll post them too to show how brave I am!”

No. 469785

File: 1511942610343.png (8.19 MB, 1242x2208, F926B04B-7E5D-41FD-A689-D57DDE…)

She’s trying to make it look like she’s sewing something herself - except you can see whatever she’s hemming has a serged seam and she doesn’t own a serger.

No. 469786

ofc she doesnt edit her butt. there is no ass to edit

No. 469787

Anon don't you remember that super cringy display of "I'm such a nice person because I bought Collette a serger for Christmas!" Thing she did last year? Of course the thing she buys Collette is something both of them will be using because why buy presents for someone that she can't benefit from too?

No. 469788

What kind of seam allowance is this, I am so confused

No. 469789

File: 1511943002223.png (685.01 KB, 750x563, 4Gn0c31aLBlKvmi7VLM6RbElz3SGSA…)

Patreon post.

No. 469790

Someone grab one of her painted Bee Mei asses and put it up to these. Lol

No. 469791

I hope people comment/call her out on all her “Moomoo” fanart. Like, just post the screenshot of her talking about how much she loves that hentai

No. 469792

She's still been too muchof a pussy to post it on her facebook because she knows she will get roasted like high hell about stealing the IP.

No. 469793

This is so ugly. Sexy milkman? How is that cow related??? Aside from the obvious cow print…

No. 469794

File: 1511943458055.png (253.86 KB, 470x606, Screenshot 2017-11-29 at 12.17…)

No. 469796

Moomoo stop being a bitch and post your oc~ on FB, so everyone there can rip you a new one

No. 469797

I know its a small complaint but why the hell does she cough in her Instagram videos so often? Like right into the camera, is that like a thing because its fucking disgusting

No. 469798

File: 1511943727418.png (243.09 KB, 819x669, Screenshot 2017-11-29 at 12.21…)

~inspired from some fanart~
Sage cause we all know this but just incase she claims this as her OC also

No. 469799

It's a joke H3h3 does and she thinks its funny

No. 469801

Reminds me of her dumb mom getting Mariah a gift on her sister's birthday just so Mariah doesn't throw a tantrum.

No. 469802

This… this is the "before" image, right? Tell me no human being, not even someone as dumb as Mariah, paid for that travesty…

No. 469803

File: 1511943982761.png (986.34 KB, 720x1033, Screenshot_2017-11-29-00-24-31…)

No. 469804

Its before. Same hairdresser who burnt her scalp tho

No. 469806

Oh thank GOD. The photo looks like the back of a really cheap doll's head where you can see the hair is in super spaced out rows at the scalp when it gets pushed around.

No. 469808

Oh nooo… the girl Moo tagged is a friend of mine. She's usually so practical. I had seen her like a few of Moo's posts on Instagram and took a pic with her at Blizzcon, but I had no idea she was on tagging post terms with Moo. I know she's a grown ass adult and probably well aware of Moo's reputation; but god damn I feel like I should have an intervention for her or something.

No. 469810

She may have tagged mariah so people can see that her cosplays are inacurrate af

No. 469816

This is gold, Hank Hill would be proud.

No. 469817


everyone was grossed out at her at that beach meet up. Also Cindy doesn’t make sense. Also she was incredibly rude to photographers and other people. She’s an all around shitty person.

No. 469819

I feel like someone needs to follow her around at these things and just constantly film her to see how she treats people if this is true at all.

No. 469822

File: 1511948893343.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, 534D469B-E847-44CF-BF4C-3618BA…)

Bonus: Vamp’s unshooped mug

No. 469823

File: 1511949012098.png (1.71 MB, 750x1334, 85DDC995-5AB5-4448-8865-43B139…)


Tbh when I was there she and Vamp mostly kept to the edge of the meeting, away from everyone and just focused on getting a ton of pics taken. I didn’t follow too close or interact so can’t rightly say she personally treated me like shit.

No. 469825

File: 1511949708980.jpeg (464.08 KB, 2048x2048, 5AA442F8-4C31-42E6-8F15-854570…)

And the last one, for your viewing pleasure.

No. 469826

Nightmare fuel, I'm crying lmfao.

No. 469827

Ugh, no… it wasn't that kind of tag. It was a "I did this and now I tag _____ to do it too!" tag. I also casually looked at the comments on both Moo and her posts… they're going back and forth sending heart emojis. Should I call an intervention specialist or an exorcist? I'm not sure which I need.

No. 469828

I physically cringed, walking in sand while wearing socks…yeesh why

No. 469829


It's no wonder Vamp never smiles in her photos, goddamn her teeth are haunting.

Also, nice gut there Moomoo.

No. 469830

It's those toeless socks again, too

No. 469832

I knew vamp wasn't pretty, but I at least thought decent. Passable as human. I was wrong.

No. 469837

File: 1511953143029.png (1.37 MB, 1008x2048, looool.png)

I imagine her ass to be high up because of those dumb pants. I've drawn what I imagine. Sad pancake ass

No. 469845

This fucking looks like someone cut her out and pasted her on to the background.

I've heard it used by fighting game fags, so she's likely just copying them to be so in the know how.

No. 469847

Underrated post.

lol, I was going to mention her nails too. I can't believe she hasn't fucking changed the design.

No. 469848

dumb cow loves herself sooo much she got lipo TWICE

No. 469850

I'm more surprised she's carrying her own shit that time.

No. 469857

I admire the bravery of the people who edit her photos. It's not an easy task to look at that ass and make it look ~ thicc ~ and smooth. She literally has those shorts pulled up to her armpits to hide her rolls and fake an ass and a waist. Tragic.


No. 469859

I thought someone else made her hair buns?

No. 469861


Seems to be he common thing with them: Hanging out amongst themselves and begging others to take their pictures because everyone else hates them.

No. 469865

photos are not that hard to edit if you don't care about looking shoop'd which she doesn't since most of her shoops are borderline paintings.

No. 469872


>"omg you guyzz think I'm a piece of art??? OuO"

No. 469873

hah! (please anon.)

No. 469874

I've been to a meet up like this before as a photographer. Keeping to yourself and to the edge is kinda a dick thing to do, and only going just for your photos. These are usually good events for hobbyist cosplayers to meet and exchange info. Honestly was surprised when moo said she was going to this. But now that I think about it she probably just went to free load pics off of photographers.

No. 469876


That’s what she goes to cons for. She doesn’t actually like any of the shit she claims to. She isn’t interested in meeting other fans or do any of the shit people go to conventions for. She is just there to have her picture taken, because at the end of the day, it’s always all about her. She wants to have her ass kissed by everyone telling her “amazing” and “professional” her cosplays look. She wants to be seen as the center of attention and that mobs are practically forming to be seen with her. As far as she is concerned, anyone who isn’t there to shoot photos of her or shower her in compliments can just go fuck off.

Which makes it more funny when we see her all by herself sulking because no one wants to take her picture and she just gives up after an hour when she sees actually no one gives a shit about her. She talks as if she is constantly swarmed with people begging for pictures or are wanting to offer her a sponsorship or brand deal when really people go out of their way to avoid her and she has to be an obnoxious bitch and beg them for any kind of interaction.

No. 469877

My photog friends actively won't shoot those types. I see them bitch afterwards but they usually just get shat on and accused of lying by the photog's fans (mainly because people don't notice you're even there if you don't interact)

No. 469878

she's so damn pathetic.

No. 469898

Her hips are concave. There's no roundness to them whatsoever.

No. 469909


She looks like a homeless beachcomber dude. or Sammy Hagar on Vacay

No. 469911

Someone who went to ECCC this year said they did the same thing. The Overwatch group at the meet up had to yell for them to take pictures

No. 469912

Some of this art is so cute that I honestly have to wonder if it’s people just hoping to gain followers from her. Surely no one with the ability to draw well can be missing enough of a brain to like her?

No. 469917

wow… I almost feel bad. Being stuck with a face like that… and then there’s moo lol

No. 469920

Is it just me or do you guys think the shorts are uneven? She can't afford a ruler??

No. 469922


She did it at Blizzcon. She lost her sponsorship with HP, lied to everyone about them letting her keep the badge they gave her, and stood outside the whole time with all the other no names begging for people to take her picture then claimed she was “too busy” to go inside the actual event, yet she simultaneously somehow how “got to meet sooooo many Blizzard employees my dude lol”

No. 469925

File: 1511978998092.png (224.6 KB, 667x398, 28EB3A0D-510F-4A1F-9CD7-6FB990…)

Are you saying tenleid isn’t the crazy one? I’ve met Veronica, Matt, and Mariah multiple times and when asked about Tenleid they will just roll their eyes about her.

Apparently Tenleid drunkenly harassed Matt and Veronica at a bar last year and then tried to suck up to Mariah like they were best friends only a few months later. From various sources she’s still causing problems for people. It explains why most of her friends bailed and don’t talk to her anymore. She’s obsessed with those three and I’m sure she’s latched her boyfriend too.

No. 469927

She had a badge dude. Multiple people saw her have the badge. She just didn’t go in because she was working.

Your hard on for her is weird

No. 469928

what? no one here ever said she had a badge nor she showed it or the goodies you get when you receive the badge

No. 469932

Who even cares; whether she had a badge or not…someone going to a highly sought after con like Blizz just to stand outside taking shit tier photos for 3 hours saying "uWu I worked soooo hard" is literally the most lame thing I've ever heard. Why the fuck even bother going? She clearly doesn't give a SHIT about anything actually related to Blizzard. Just another attempt to look all tryhard and gain nerd cred.

No. 469934

She really loves Mei and that’s cool.

Ur being a faglord because someone went and did professional photos and had fun at a fun con

No. 469936

you must be one of her delusional whiteknights lmao…you're just a pathetic as her lying ass is. see yourself out, honey. just because you're trying to defend her lies doesn't mean she'll fuck or even notice you lol bye.

No. 469937


You’re a fucking idiot. She didn’t have one. She arrived to the con at 1pm both days, her words. Stayed until 4 and left. “Working” getting shots in your cosplay at a con isn’t working. It’s exposure for her because she’s an attention whore. Cosplayers do that free, photographers do it free, she’s not selling those prints, it’s not work. And if she was such a Blizz fan, she could’ve skipped wearing Mei on Saturday which is the last day of Blizz that is the least popular cosplay day and attend the con. But that would need a badge. That she didn’t have. Because she lost her sponsorship with HP. Suck a dick.

No. 469938


No she doesn’t “really love” Mei. She’s using Mei as a cash cow because she strikes some resemblance to her and is riding the gravy train to make money off of that. There’s a difference.

No. 469940

there’s a few holes in that story you heard, but also this tenleid shit is OT and nobody cares, take it to snow

No. 469942


She did not had a badge. As other anons have been saying, her not having a goodie bag is a huge indication of this. She picked up her badge and you literally get your goodie bag when you pick up your badge. It only takes two minutes. According to sources she "apparently" bought a badge off someone else which would explain this. But even if she did that the fact that she didn't go inside after paying means she's too self absorbed to even get out of the spot light for two seconds to go inside and enjoy the con. She's the same way at every con she goes to. She never goes inside and rarely buys badges. Why? She just goes for the attention and self assurance that she is super cosplay super star. I can bet she only bought a blizzcon badge (if she did) so that people wouldn't call her out for ghosting and to prove that she is buddy buddy with HP my dudes.

No. 469944

File: 1511980647267.jpeg (383.9 KB, 2048x2048, DB6A6112-1B64-4B04-93CD-B1E168…)

Even Man-Faye has a rounder ass

No. 469953

seriously this. bitch would have got more attention in con so her 'deciding mysteriously to stay outside' is a huge excuse. on top of that, people were bold enough to ask her on twitter if she had a badge and she just kinda said 'yep' instead of getting super defensive and doing shit posting a million pictures of the badge or @ing the one she bought a badge from. she also didn't post any pics with any sexy asian cosplay dudes or cosplay contest stuff or anything. she was trying to use HP to get in free, got dropped and then lied to play it off, she didn't even 'go to their booth' like she said.

bitch is too mediocre for blizzcon and literally everyone else. the only people who she's not mediocre to are the gross neckbeards who only care about her cause she's the only 'cosplayer'(erotic model) stupid enough to lew up most of the characters she does.

No. 469968

How can she be this big with no ass volume whatsoever?

No. 469969

File: 1511983644150.jpeg (39.7 KB, 232x470, 06A7167A-16BF-4CA3-B2AC-0E3F77…)

I am just so shocked she would leave her house like this. She is really in denial about her size. Those shorts are about 5 sizes too small.

No. 469982

Pure laziness. If she worked out like she says she does, with high calorie intake her butt shouldn't be so flat. I mean it would take complete shit luck if genetics were keeping her ass that flat.

No. 469983


Let me breakdown your precious queen Moomoo for you white knights

She claims the following for why she has hate:

>she thinks people hate her because she is fat

WRONG! If that were the case people would be hating on Nana Bear who has been in the scene longer. Yet she doesn't have a ton of threads just about her. On top of that Nana didn't get lipo done and she actually believes in body positivity. Heck Ivy Doomkitty who is a lolcow basically doesn't have numerous threads and she uses body shapers and corsets more than Moo.

>she thinks people hate her because she is popular

This is very wrong. There are numerous cosplayers who are more welllnown than her. Just off the bat, there's the obvious Jessica Nigri and she doesn't even have 30+ threads just dedicated to her. She has been in the scene so long that you'd think a lot of milk would pile up. Also, even Yaya Han who everyone knows as being a bitch does not have threads against her.

>she thinks people hate her because they're jealous of her quick rise to fame

Uhhh if that was true then wouldn't people like Hendoart have at least one thread on here? She is newer than Moo and yet I have yet to see threads about her.

>she claims to be a positive influence and totally not toxic

This is one of her biggest lies yet. This year alone we have seen her cut ties with people and slander people left and right. She isn't afraid to start shit with people because of her neckbeard army and will start shit with people who aren't even trying to. On top of that she preaches body positivity but had lipo done. She clearly wasn't happy with herself and still isn't. She always needs to be validated.

>she calls herself a businesswoman

She claims this almost everyday. However, especially recently, people have caught her stealing ideas. Even worse, stealing other people's creations. She isn't a businesswoman she is a leech.

Tl;dr Mariah is a drama starting trash whore. She will deny all allegations and rumors against her and say it's just haturz and lies but there are numerous testimonies and screenshots and even her own words that say otherwise.

So think before you think about being a white knight.

No. 469986


B-but anon. Have you seen those tire flips?! She must be obviously totally crushing those workouts!!

No. 469988

I accidentally read this as "tire flaps" and thought it was a creative new name for her fupa

No. 469995

>>she thinks people hate her because she is fat

Just to play devil's advocate: You may not hate her on the basis that she's fat, but it does make it easier for you to hate her.
Some of the things anons say about her body could easily be applied to fatties who aren't assholes, or who haven't had any plastic surgery.

Like not trying to downplay your other points, because I agree with them, it's just that it's unrealistic to pretend lolcow is ever nice about overweight/obese people when we're not.

No. 469996

File: 1511988395511.jpeg (330.5 KB, 1242x1572, B2A79E7F-52C9-48C8-ADCE-4EBF4F…)

Let’s bet how long it’ll take Mariah to steal this idea

No. 469997

Lmao I like it, named after the ~totes regular workout regimen~ that failed to vanquish it like some sort of war hero title

No. 469998


Speak for yourself. If cosplay model is a full time gig for you, then you need to live up to that and take care of your body since that’s what you’re selling. It’s literally your entire job, take care of your body and skin and hair. If you can’t do that, you’re not a model, you failed your job, go try something else. There’s nothing wrong with being thick and a little chubs, but she’s so fat and so lazy she got lipo. Twice.

No. 469999

What's with cosplay thots and their unwillingness to buy correct sizes? That looks painful

No. 470000

I'm not talking about whether she failed as a model. I'm saying lolcow isn't exactly nice when it comes to weight, so pretending like these comments are coming from a place of criticism when it's really just the standard to be dicks towards fat people anyway is pretty disingenuous.

No. 470001

Also these comments were around long before she got as fat as she is now, and before we found out about the lipo.

No. 470002




Funniest shit I've seen all week. And I'm on here twice a day.

No. 470003

Her weight is just an easy thing to make fun of. And it’s not so much that she’s fat, it’s more how she fakes going to the gym and having a healthy life style when she doesn’t. She goes a couple times a month, takes a few photos and done. And she eats like shit. So yea, we are going to tear her apart for that. Because her “fit life” is BS. She puts a ton of emphasis on her body so it’s no surprise we all talk about it. She puts it out there for show.

No. 470004

>Her weight is just an easy thing to make fun of.
That's what I'm saying.
It's not the basis as to why she's shitty, but it sure is easy to hate and to make fun of because it's a common insecurity.

No. 470005


Agreed. Back when she was in shape no one really said anything about her weight. Personally I didn't think much of it until it became a reflection of the lazy privileged snob she is. I mean come on! She threw down like $10,000 probably on her lipo even though she could have just ran or gone to the gym for a few months (and look better possibly).

No. 470007

she can't, because her tits are literal pancakes. they'd look absolutely disgusting in such a tiny bikini.

No. 470009

File: 1511989619476.png (1.19 MB, 800x1235, edc8afadf4be09c234a1968ea7d5a5…)


Because they are trying to achieve [pic related chosen at random from anime too small bikini] but are in denial of the fact that bodies don't behave like that in reality.

No. 470011

oh god…

No. 470013

there's a such thing called microbikinis and shit for this though, it's not like impossible. obviously the floating tits are…

No. 470015

File: 1511990650992.gif (45.84 KB, 220x173, tenor.gif)

No. 470017

When was she ever in shape? Before she started “cosplaying”?

No. 470019

Turns out one of the groups I'm in on FB has people who went to HS with her. Dude posted he went on a date with her and she wanted no second date. Couple people in comments talked about her bullying. Is it too Old news or should I post? Sage for uncertainty

No. 470022


Post because it only cements the idea that she was always a cunt

No. 470024

Should I block out the school names? I'm somewhat sure they've already been posted but I'm not sure if that counts as anything

No. 470026

Block out the names

No. 470027

She wasn't a fat lard mess when she was doing lacrosse aka before she was relevant

No. 470028

Everyone knows she went to centennial or whatever, just black out all but the first letter of the school name imo

No. 470032

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No. 470033

Anakin here. I’m dying to know who that is. Can I get a first name or just a last name? Also, is it really necessary to block out the high schools? She’s made that info public already.

No. 470035

File: 1511993769769.png (840.75 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-11-29-14-03-09…)

Momoscats log:
>gives Guzma (and I assume the other cats) this salmon oil on their food
>Guzma has roundworm. She's been taking him to and sending questions to Petsmart Animal Hospital (omg muh vet tech friend). Apparently she's separating the cats and the automatic litter box is combing his poo. She says she cleans it everyday.
>December 3rd is when the tests come back but she's known and refused to tell anyone for a few days. Not sure why she's medicating with store brand AND vet medication but its Moo.
>allows Guzma to go into freezer/fridge because "he likes the cold air"

No. 470036

File: 1511993894356.png (939.77 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-11-29-14-05-31…)

I find it weird she has a hater rant and a cat rant within the same hour, between two Instagram accounts, but it must be the adderall cocktail she has everyday

No. 470037

File: 1511994027011.png (875.62 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2017-11-29-14-06-55…)

Forgot to mention: she said the cats apparently aren't infected by the roundworm because the older cats are afraid of Guzma. Guzma attacks them.

No. 470038

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No. 470041

Is she pooping?

No. 470045


That's the face she makes every morning when she looks in the mirror… only to realize that she's nothing but a softcore porn star with no future ahead. She hates herself and she makes it very obvious.

No. 470046

>>469996 doesn't the lower strap go under the boob, not on it?
(I mean to actually not hurt and somewhat support)

No. 470049

It's sometimes in Japanese porn of girls where extremely small bras/bikinis bc squished boob is a thing
Eternal Queen PT would also do it

No. 470050

File: 1511996524548.jpg (58.38 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

She doesn't love Mei SHE IS LITERALLY MEI A CHINESE GIRL. oh god i just cant i hope you never come back

No. 470053

>body positivity
>lies about diet
>lipo before advertising diet tea
>gym selfies
>always talk about going to the gym
>only in the past month has actually posted photos of her doing shit inside the gym
>got a second round of lipo
>always lies about how much weight she lost
>edits her photos to hell and back
>told a photog/editor all girls hate their bodies and how to edit her "properly"
>denied lipo till her friends outted her
>has a "brand" that is LITERALLY HER BODY
>has no job to prevent her from improving said "brand"
>probably more i cant think of this second

gosh i cant imagine why we pick on moo for being the fat cunt she is

yes, fat people are easy to mock. but moo deserves it, and not JUST because she's fat.

No. 470054

but we're saying no one -hates- her cause of that, it's a bonus. i mean anon mentioned other fatter cosplayers who are you know, people and we don't hate them. some people may hate moo cause she's fat but she's got so much more to hate going for her

No. 470063



No. 470064

Her side by sides just prove how inaccurate and lazy her Mei cosplay is though. wtf moo

No. 470079

File: 1512003192825.jpg (129.65 KB, 774x1032, suzaku_kururugi_euphemia_by_pe…)

Vamp legit looks like PeacockFeather.

No. 470083

I hope she does attempt NYCC next year. They have made it so all the premiere areas people usually chill to take photos are still past the badge check point. I'll laugh if I see her there next year.

No. 470084

>What would you like to see!

an original design

No. 470086

Oh you mean an original design? like for her oc? she just made a sexy milkman! don’t worry!

No. 470090

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No. 470091

You know I'm confident that within 3 years Vamp and Mariah won't be friends anymore. Vamp is obviously only around her for the freebies. She doesn't pay rent, Mariah will promote the her patreon even though it barely helps, and Mariah pays for her cons. I bet you the moment Mariah stops paying for everything her true colors will show.

No. 470092

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No. 470093

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No. 470094

File: 1512005970870.jpeg (83.14 KB, 500x333, 747D592D-282E-4383-869C-93F740…)

ITT: Tenleid and friends being jealous of Momo

No. 470095


No. 470096



We know you're not skinny but we also know you wish to be. You had lipo done. A person who is super comfortable with their body does not get needles inside of them sucking their fat out. Always using your "thiccness" as an out. If you had an average body what would you have left for sympathy and positivity points?

>the people in the comments bullied her and she removed it

I laughed so hard reading that. Why don't you ever practice what you preach? You're the biggest bully. You bullied people and they didn't only remove "a photo" they removed their entire social media. She actively tried to ruin people's cosplay careers because she either didn't like them or they weren't attracted to her. Shes talked crap about other people's cosplays too and always criticizes others. She's so fake. Notice she always makes super long posts when it's something that makes her look good.

Moomoo YOU don't know what cosplay is. YOU made it all about yourself and flaunting your tits and ass everywhere. YOU don't do anything to improve your craft and only use your time lurking here and partying.

No. 470098


No. 470099


ITT: Tenleid and her boyfriend trying to generate attention to her Patreon because she has lost at least $500 in the last month due to her inactivity/laziness.

Sage your damn posts, and take it to the thread in /snow/. Matt and Veronica are irrelevant, but Tenleid and her bf are even more so. Unless real milk is spilled, I'll refrain from posting caps about how two-faced all of them are.

No. 470100

File: 1512006488784.jpg (828.57 KB, 1080x1755, IMG_20171129_174126.jpg)

For all you bickering about the Blizzcon badge, this picture from a few threads back shows her wearing a Blizzcon badge and lanyard. Still Moo is dumb for wasting it by not going inside.

No. 470101

>and a ass that somehow bumps into everything

sure fam

No. 470102

Post them faggot. You won’t.

No. 470103

File: 1512006585330.jpeg (542.52 KB, 750x1183, 4C33BBCA-0623-482B-8199-F40333…)

That seam is definitely uneven. Based off of what >>469789 posted and my shoddy pic related, I'm sure she just wants to show off that thicc booty. ;-)

No. 470104

she couldn't go inside because she probably would've understood NOTHING anyway. who the fuck goes to a con like Blizzcon and only stay outside for 3 hours??? what a fucking idiot

No. 470105

This bothers me a lot. Yeah it sucks that Gabby was picked on for her cosplay and her size, but it looks like she considered herself and took the picture down for her own mental health/sanity. People shouldn't have to subject themselves to constant abuse just to make a statement. I imagine Moo thinks she sounds supportive here, but she sounds more like she's guilting Gabby for not BEING PROUD OF WHO SHE IS or keeping her photos up (so she can incur MORE abuse?).

Fuck off moo. Let people handle stupid internet shit the way they want and the way that works for them.

No. 470106


I think the milkier issue is that she told everyone HP gave her a badge but Roxy said she bought it. Like why lie?

No. 470107

File: 1512006983353.png (1.09 MB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2017-11-29-17-54-47…)

No. 470108


Hi Mooriah nice to know you're being productive

No. 470109


Lotr, Poki, Browsing lolcow then back to work"

No. 470111

learn to sage at least if you're going to lurk here you fucking heifer

No. 470113

Is it not "poke?"

No. 470115

Lotr is like 100 hours long, so how long is this work break she’s taking

No. 470117

Great. Proves the point that she just wasted money for a con that she didn’t even go inside for, nor cared for.

No. 470118

I understand taking a break to eat… but seriously can you not watch a movie /and/ work on your cosplay? I frequently (if not always) have something playing on the TV or music playing in the background. The two activities should not cancel eachother out Moo god damn. You're on adderall for fucks sake. That shit makes me a multitasking sonofabitch. You have all the resources to overachieve and NONE of the skill or motivation to succeed and it's fuckin infuriating.

No. 470119

I'm ready to get so "braided"

No. 470120

I find it hilarious that shes on Adderall but still manages to be the laziest bitch I've ever seeen

No. 470122

I don't think she ever has done 8 hours of work in one day, she is constantly taking a break.

No. 470126

Yeah it’s poke, and pronounced as po-kay not po-kee

No. 470128

File: 1512015838600.jpeg (99.39 KB, 750x460, 7812827B-5B6E-4F96-85B1-20E2B9…)

okay I’m booting up my big tinfoil here but it is really weird that momo was going on about saber and semen and swords the other day on twitter and then I catch this post on /a/?

No. 470130

File: 1512017249537.png (1.7 MB, 750x1334, B40E8DDD-6ACD-4620-8B38-87F278…)

Free him

No. 470131

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No. 470132

original character do not steal

No. 470133

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No. 470134

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No. 470135

at first I was pissed at how shitty her opinions are, but this is preferable to her pretending to be a huuuuuge NGE fan whos totally loved the series and it changed her life desu

No. 470136

Why does she have to be such a cunt wtf

No. 470137


OML I laughed so loud at this. It's so fucking true. Moomoo and Big Mom are both whiny, selfish brats. All hail Big Moo.

No. 470138

i can't stand either of these bitches, but mariah was out of line on this lmao. could she be anymore of an ignorant dick?

No. 470139

soooooo why did she attempt a Misato cosplay if she hates eva so much

No. 470140

File: 1512019071637.png (692.37 KB, 1148x720, 64E61CEC-4C09-4471-961A-927CB0…)

even has the pink hair she wants kek

No. 470141


isn't this the same bitch who got into dragon ball z in 2017 lmao. anime savy mariah? yeaaah right.

No. 470142

Mariah we don't need to prove that your life is fucked up. You already did when you ate alone on Thanksgiving with your sister bringing you food in your Insta story. You chose to go the complete opposite route of proving your worth to your Dad which is what you want most. But hey you are just like him though, shitting on all the people that cared about you.

No. 470143


What a fucking bitch. Is she just incapable of acting like a fucking human being for once in her life? She thinks she is being funny with this tryhard edgelord bullshit but it just comes off as cringey and makes her look like a cunt. Watch her immediately try to walk it back and be like “lol I was just kidding my dude”.

And this after that long winded, self-masturbatory essay about “not bullying others”. But yet she gets to go around telling people that the thing they really like is stupid and shitty. Fuck off.

No. 470145

someone paid her to do it. one of her dumbass $$$$ patrons could request a cosplay for her to do iirc and Misato was chosen (and poorly done)

No. 470146


God she is annoying. She thinks she is being a “troll”, but she is just being a fucking cunt.

No. 470147

I just figured out who Mariah is copying for her holiday shit. I should’ve seen this coming, it’s Sofia Sivan. Literally made the same dress. If people like Mariah, Sofia is 100x better looking and nicer than her.

No. 470148

>is it because evangelion is a trash anime
>Momokun @ Fate Hell
Gets me every time.

No. 470149

she responded she was “just teasing”.
people who act like this tend to not be able to keep friends very long, I’m not surprised. She probably pulls shit like this all the time.

No. 470150


She seems like the type to take jokes too far or can't handle getting teased herself.

No. 470151

She’s probably really proud of this post and thinks she’s such a good person but… this whole post is about herself and patting herself on the back.
She took gabby getting hate as an opportunity to praise herself. l o l . . .

No. 470152

She literally can’t make a single comment or post about “positivity” and “love” without patting herself on the back or somehow making the post/situation about her and how good of a person she is. She’s a textbook narcissist and it’s disgusting.

No. 470153

File: 1512023602502.png (575.86 KB, 750x1334, B01248B0-79C5-4608-9CE0-49DD3E…)

Here we go, folks. I cannot WAIT to see her sperg the fuck out when she finds out she’s not allowed to take him in the con and emotional support animals aren’t the same thing as service animals.

Also fuck her for taking a kitten to a con.

No. 470154

She didn't even link her and shared a pic of herself on how she's stronger than Gabby lol so awkward. Great "friends"

No. 470155


If you're in the Vegas scene you know these two used to hate each other. Gabby recently started kissing her ass and that's why they're all buddy buddy. It's pathetic in Gabby's part.

No. 470156

Her fanbase disgusts me. One girl said she knows everything Mariah does and doesn’t care. She inspired her to be a boudoir thot so that’s all that matters.

Sadly, she appeals to the lowest common denominator. The girls who want to be cunty cosplay camgirls and the cucks who shell out money to them. Neither of those demographics will care, they’d give her a pass if she strangled and skinned her own cats just because she exemplifies all the grossness that they refuse to improve upon.
They love her bad example because they feel vindicated that a “popular” person is as shitty as they are.

She’s not losing her income or her fanbase anytime soon, sadly.

Sage for rant

No. 470157

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No. 470158

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No. 470159

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No. 470162

i think she could use a bigger size on her bra but i get its meant to be about looking sexy not comfortable in this. either way she looks amazing and moomoo will never look like her so i hope she trys to say something so we can get some more milk (no pun intended)

No. 470163

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No. 470164

she cant wear chinese sizes, if this is what youre trying to alude to

No. 470165

Not only that. The "cosplay" she bought is all inaccurate. We know this but damn.

No. 470166

So instead, INNACURATE! Someone needs to make a bingo card for her new 'cosplays'. Like.. store bought, dollar tree lingerie.. just for any new big projects she does.

No. 470170

A lot of cosplay shops have her size, she's just lazy as fuck, idk why she screams wanting to be accurate then becomes inaccurate as fuck

No. 470171

Nah she's just lying to herself to make her feel better about her size. She probably thinks if she can squeeze into a medium then she's a size medium.

No. 470173

An asian 4L would honestly probably fit her. They tend to fit girls up to 250lbs. Not saying that itll look good, but it would fit. Not the arms though. Those too fat.

No. 470174

File: 1512028626927.png (658.26 KB, 720x930, Screenshot_2017-11-29-23-54-54…)

Welp we know how she got to 250-I mean 170 my dudes

No. 470175

“what is this?” obviously it’s god telling you to stop eating like shit mariah

No. 470176


accidentally getting the wrong item isn't worth blasting over social media. she's so petty and needs to get a grip. it's a cheesy gordita crunch, i bet she ordered the wrong thing

No. 470177

File: 1512029637595.jpeg (358.44 KB, 1242x1540, 312ABE8E-632E-4FCE-8000-5C84B1…)

For those who we’re wondering why Mariah is watching LOTR. Not an original bone in this girls body, fat, whatever

No. 470178

Another cosplayer recently did Tamamo and now suddenly Mariah is doing her

No. 470179

File: 1512030364092.png (976.33 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0516.PNG)

Cats clean their genitals, right? I don't understand people who kiss their pets on the mouth

No. 470180

Also roundworm infected.

No. 470181

Absolutely disgusting

No. 470185

I’m throwing up at her scratching her ass with her overgrown gel nails of two plus months now??? Infested with bacteria from kissing guzma on the mouth

No. 470186

BM World is a scam store, you either never receive what you order or you get shit costumes

No. 470189

i just googled it chill

No. 470192

God I hope this is Gabby that's posted this or at least Gabby sees this and understands it, haha. When Mariah responded to Gabby on twitter she never responded to it or retweeted it or anything. Maybe she's starting to see the light.
Absolutely disgusting and sad that she turned her friends misfortune into an opportunity to blow smoke up her own ass.
Sage because I know, put it in the /snow/ thread but it is about moo and the narcissism show.

No. 470193

Lmao @ her describing characters just copy pasting from the wikia to appear she's such a fan. Same with The shit she spergs about Kirei or any other fate character she has no idea about.

No. 470194

File: 1512037267827.png (117.6 KB, 162x396, Screenshot 2017-11-30 at 2.14.…)

No. 470195

WTF this is just Sonic recolor Level of „originality”

No. 470196

I see a “lewd” Gimli cosplay coming

No. 470197

No. 470200

File: 1512043099862.png (173.27 KB, 720x938, Screenshot_2017-11-30-03-56-45…)

So sensitive

No. 470201

She does abuse animals though????

No. 470202

I mean, if you wanna get technical, breast reductions involve removing the nipple then re-attaching it at a higher position on the breast. They also wind up re-shaping it to appear smaller and rounder. So when she does cosplays with her tits out and can get away with showing so much without a slip it's because the doctor made them small on purpose.

But when you don't wear a bra all the time the nipple can drop back down. Maybe that's why she now wears sports bras, her boobs are sagging and I guess the weight of her new boobs due to weight gain is a strain on her back.

Aint that a bitch, spend all that money on a reduction only for them to balloon back up again lol

No. 470204

File: 1512048460954.png (85.46 KB, 720x531, Screenshot_2017-11-30-05-26-13…)

No. 470208


Because I'm sure your dad wants to see you dressed like a skank, flopping your tits around and being a drunken fool. She's so full of shit

No. 470214

Another reason is probably because she ranks number 1 on the fate popularity ranking as far as I know

No. 470216

She must be very proud of her ""troll"" tweet. She's like one of those obnoxious people who say something that makes people laugh once and they start repeating the same joke over and over until everyone's visibly annoyed.

Didn't she say that she wasn't going to bring Guzma at a con until he was at least 9 months old?

No. 470217


>people make up the wildest rumors about me dude

>endless evidence on the internet of her cuntiness: stealing someone else's design and calling it her OC, taking credit for commissions, doxxing people online, being a bully before and after starting cosplay, liposuction…


Kek remember when she was trying to pass off her getting lipo as a crazy rumor and just her thigh freckles?

No. 470221

Remember the time she said she has a real eye for detail and is particularly nitpicky about accuracy? Then she goes on to buy shit that's just barely recognizable and slaps on a ratty wig with the wrong color.

No. 470222

File: 1512057106565.png (299.5 KB, 640x480, latest.png)


If she wants to cosplay as a Saiyan so badly there's a more appropriate choice.

No. 470230

>tries to blast fast food chain over twitter
>just proves to everyone instead how she's been scarffing down layers of sour cream, cheese, and mystery meat on the side

No. 470231

File: 1512058792690.jpg (719.77 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171130-091926.jpg)

No. 470242

I'm so sorry for all the cats…

No. 470274

lmao PLEASE let this bitch get worms!! it might make you lose weight moomoo ;)

No. 470283

so she goes to the gym and tire flips a bit then goes to eat fast food? Also has anyone actually seen her eat a healthy home cooked meal?

No. 470289


She’s too lazy to even keep up the illusion of being healthy. She is constantly up her own ass about how she is “totally crushing her workout” and telling stories about how impressed her trainer is with her. And not but minutes later she’ll post her about to wolf down junk food.

No. 470291

File: 1512069443900.png (589.1 KB, 1531x1454, shitwitch.png)

A logo with an actual original character Mariah came up with

No. 470292

she's so stupid because if she even tried managing her diet she could lose the majority of her weight through that alone, but she absolutely doesn't have the willpower or control.

No. 470293


No. 470294

File: 1512069684921.jpg (82.54 KB, 600x500, TheFaun.jpg)

Fuck looks like the faun from Pan's Labyrinth.

No. 470305

She'll probably steal this and put it on some shit merch, because she's totally not bothered, my dude.

No. 470331


I'm not familiar with Fate so I had to google the character and I'm both horrified and excited to see what a hot mess this wig is gonna be.

Her schoolgirl version depicts her with wavy/curly pigtails, I dare you to go for it Moo. I bet you'll do as great a job as you did on your Pochaco.

No. 470336


Be careful she might steal this and call it another one of her original ideas. Maybe even make a shirt and wear it around. She's so predictable.

No. 470339

File: 1512073733121.png (79.46 KB, 720x457, Capture _2017-11-30-12-24-49.p…)

Gabby and Mariah were friends like 2 years ago before either of them were super popular. They stopped being friends cause Mariah is shitty and Gabby couldn't handle it. And then it was too much drama trying to avoid her, and too many people harassing her so they became friends again. And then there's also this.

No. 470341

Come on, what did the faun do to deserve that? If anything, Moo is a fatter, floppier version of The Pale Man.

No. 470345


>online persona

Mariah's shit stain attitude and overall "persona" isn't just an online thing. If it was all an act then many people wouldn't have come out about what a terrible person she was back in high school and how terribly she treated them at conventions. An online persona wouldn't explain her many questionable choices. And if she was genuinely a nice person her only friend (although even that's questionable) wouldn't be Collette. Other people only are around her at cons and parties because either they're blinded by her follower count or she invites herself.

No. 470351

Ok, this shirt bothers me so much. Cosplay is her job and she can't muster the time and effort to AL lwast make a simple pleated skirt and necktie herself??? That is a one day project, bitch!

No. 470353

File: 1512076270970.jpeg (147.56 KB, 749x600, C3C4BF09-39B7-4AE4-8BBD-EFCD7A…)

If Mooseraiah wants to claim the title of Shit Witch she can be my guest.

No. 470355

So this "I dyed my hair a month ago, and now the roots are showing" shit is something that people actually purposefully get? Wut? She looks like she can't afford to go to the salon.

No. 470358

Nah she just fried the shit out of her hair and probably doesn't do anything as far as at home care goes.

No. 470360

she wouldn't know if she got them shes so disgusting

No. 470369

File: 1512077585239.png (723.73 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2017-11-30-13-31-01…)

Stop. Eating. Taco. Bell. You. Fat. Ho.

No. 470370

File: 1512077606750.jpeg (87.2 KB, 1242x358, 5912981B-2E5C-4FD4-B190-493C88…)

why would any show on earth want her as a guest

No. 470373

File: 1512077710440.png (1.31 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2017-11-30-13-31-09…)

>no sweat or face reddening
Sure Jan

No. 470374

Actually it's probably because that's the area of her face that she touches the most.

Not to upset the anons who want to relentlessly shit on Moo for eating junk, but sometimes acne has nothing to do with food. Sometimes it is because people touch their faces way more than they realize and introduce bacteria that way. Or hormones, but more likely the face-touching.

No. 470381

Actually the truth is kinda in the middle. Eating junk food is a surefire way to constantly cover your chin/around your mouth in fatty grease. I bet she doesn’t Cleanse her face every time she eats a Taco. /sage for acne OT

No. 470382

This is probably true for some of the acne. But the fat rolls, dehydrated skin, and lethargy are definitely from her shit diet.

No. 470388


I wonder if Gabby would have garnered so much hate if she didn't support Mariah. You can't be friends with someone like that and expect people to think you're a nice person as well.

No. 470395

File: 1512080302495.jpg (425.91 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171130-151737.jpg)

Rolls Eyes

No. 470399

>Eating junk food is a surefire way to constantly cover your chin/around your mouth in fatty grease.
I guess if you eat like a slobbering pig, sure.

No. 470418

And she doesn’t miss you

No. 470426

File: 1512082759372.png (954.07 KB, 720x942, Screenshot_2017-11-30-14-57-43…)

Who thought this was a good shot

No. 470437


She sure as shit doesn’t miss you. I bet she could wait to get away from your clingy ass and all your bullshit.

No. 470448

This is pure pumpkin spice shit

No. 470463

They didn't even bother to repaint her crusty ass white makeup on her lip

No. 470469

And this is probably the best shot……

No. 470474


I wish from the bottom of my heart that Jessica publicly disowns her. She only tolerates her. I know you guys are going to be like "where's the proof/screencaps" but I overheard a certain Asian photographer who works with Jessica a lot [big enough hint] at a party that Jessica doesn't really like Mariah but tries to be a civil with her as possible. I also think he said something about Mariah always trying to invite her to come to Vegas but Jessica thinks it's a bad idea??? I'm not close to him so I didn't want to get in on the conversation but if anyone here is close to this photographer try and get him to talk about it.

No. 470479


Jessica is actual trash. Wow.

No. 470482

chin breakouts are usually from touching your chin with your dirty fingers or a dirty phone/pillow case. It's from your filth, moo. Wash your face and bed sheets, you slimy cow.

No. 470496

jesus all you 'chin acne is only from your hands' anons are trying to pin it on that. moo literally eats like shit, drinks alcohol and is extremely overweight on top of obviously not washing her face/bathing regularly, so i am pretty certain she would still have this issue if she didn't have arms.

No. 470497

File: 1512088578374.png (647.29 KB, 1283x575, Screenshot 2017-11-30 at 4.35.…)

This whole set was a waste. Magliris sucks

No. 470498

is it possible she has no washer or dryer? I recall people saying she smelled

No. 470500

There's laundromats/places to get clothes cleaned, there's no excuse to be a gross bitch

No. 470506

File: 1512089216094.jpg (93.18 KB, 741x1000, Slider_1_-_Exploring_The_Face_…)

idk how much i believe in face mapping tho cus everything seems to say something slightly different

No. 470508

File: 1512089293599.png (316 KB, 600x625, 1503009092690.png)

if she "allegedly" takes adderall everyday, then how does she manage to stay this fat? when i took adderall i lost a ton of weight and didn't eat a lot but she somehow stuffs her face with fast food. sorry for blogposting there but it just boggles my mind

No. 470509

No I agree, I'm just thinking that may be why. It's not impossible given her history of being as lazy as possible. She likely just re buys leggings and Fandom shirts. Likely taking showers once a week.

No. 470511


Dave yang or Jwai?

No. 470522

My guess was Martin Wong

No. 470530

not sure about that because i suffer a lot from stress and drink loads of coffee but all my acne is around my cheeks and jawline

sage for ot

No. 470533

File: 1512091785280.png (646.03 KB, 750x501, shitty eye edit.png)

Have a higher quality version of the photo.

No. 470538

…Is she cross eyed ? I dunno if it's just me but she looks cross eyed as fuck

No. 470539

Yeah. Some people actually really like that look because it gives depth to the hair depending on the type you have. Thats, why you see a lot of girls with thin hair, get darker roots before gradiating out to blonde or other colors. I actually like that look too, but something about Moo's hair just.. Doesn't look right. I think its because you can still see how straw-like it is. She NEEDS to be deep conditioning her shit, but I highly doubt she does that because all she does is throw it under a wig cap 24/7. Even with this new dye job I guarantee she will still wear a wig. Like.. To have that type of money to waste is disgusting.

No. 470540

Because she smokes marijuana and drinks excessive alcohol both countereffect adderall

No. 470546

Time to cherry pick winners and not throw all the named into a raffle system like other youtubers or instagrammers do by checking off boxes for likes and reposts. Like fuck.. Those sites are so easy to set up. Takes like a couple minutes tops.

No. 470547

Does Martin work with Moo often at all or just Jessica and people like her? If he knows her, Im surprised he hasn't asked Moo to push his failure of an app like he did Jessica.

No. 470551

Martin posted about Moo a while ago, I don't think he'll work with her anymore

No. 470553

Post caps pls

No. 470556


She does take adderall. She's mentioned it before and talked before about having ADHD. She's also talked about being mentally ill so wouldn't surprise me if she takes other meds on top of that or doesn't because she acts like a quack.

No. 470558

this looks like hell

No. 470559


I too would like to see caps to see if anyone can confirm what previous anon said about an Asian photographer mentioning Nigri hating Moo. I feel like it's Martin Wong. Maybe Dave Yang.

No. 470575

Wether it's true or not tho, we all know Moomoo lurks here or someone is going to show her a screenshot, she's going to make a big deal out of it and even if they're friendship is fake as fuck both moo and Nigri are both going to post "silly rumours blahblahblah positivity blahblahblah"
I feel like sometimes these posts are just a desperate reach to bring her down but for some reason all of these other cosplayers we think she has falling outs with go off about how it's not true and they're best friends.
TLDR; cosplay is full of fake bitches I don't think either moo or Nigri expect much from each other.

No. 470578

God damn her shoulders.

No. 470581

File: 1512098395468.jpeg (37.01 KB, 500x500, A29EB57C-1CF4-4160-9075-E8F3AB…)

She should try this skin product. she’s milky as fuck AND a piggy. Perfect.

No. 470583

This looks like those low budget decoration ads at Walmart.

No. 470584

That small white line on her top lip blending in with her teeth is making it look like she just doesn't have a top lip at all. It looks so utterly ridiculous

No. 470585

File: 1512098718721.png (224.73 KB, 720x908, Screenshot_2017-11-30-19-23-11…)

I'm embarrassed she exists

No. 470587


I’m sure Nigri is sick of Moomoo. All the meltdowns and rants and she is always expected to answer for them like she is actually her mother. Moomoo constantly begging for her attention like a fucking child. She has to be tired of it, but she puts up with because she knows Moomoo will blow up at her if she cuts her out, and the outrage culture that is the internet will try to make her out to be a bullying, fat shaming elitist and Moomoo would be leading that charge, and that just isn’t worth the headache. So she just tries to appear cordial to her. Not too supportive, but not completely ignore her. She doesn’t go out of her way to try to work with her or support her and she definitely refuses to get into any of Moomoo’s online bullshit antics or even attempt to defend her behavior.

I’m thinking she is just letting her hang by her own noose and letting her oust herself. Eventually Moomoo will just get fed up and go after her once she realizes they aren’t actually friends and all the public will see is her being a cunt Nigri because she wouldn’t respond to her kissing her ass trying to weasel her way into cosplay fame.

No. 470588

File: 1512099042546.png (515.93 KB, 1018x588, Screenshot 2017-11-30 at 7.30.…)

please stop

No. 470590


Imagine that. Her fat ass walked it back the second someone calls her out.

No. 470595

then why did you fucking post it you dumb cow??

No. 470608

why does she try so hard to pretend she actually likes dragonball?

No. 470621

File: 1512100697351.jpg (23.65 KB, 385x500, uŷyulgvytj.jpg)

>bottom right
What is she thinking?

No. 470628

That she finally found a blouse that won’t constrict her enormous shoulders and bingo wings.

No. 470637

So she’s doing a Wonder Woman thing even though she was quoted saying she didn’t like her? Classic moo

No. 470650

Someone she doesnt like is doing Wonder Woman so of course she has to do her first

No. 470653

She can afford to have all her laundry done for her. I know you can have it done in NYC, so surely Vegas has the same service?

No. 470658


And then she'll say she's always loved Wonder Woman

No. 470662

A lot of it is, unlike Moo, Nigri cares about what people think of her and wants to be relevant for as long as she can. This means playing nice to everyone - even assholes like Moo. Nigri's been around for ages and there's hardly any milk on her because she has learned to watch herself and keep her personal opinions off social media, which is unfortunate because we can only guess what her real feelings towards Moo are. The only time Nigri would come clean is if she was retiring from cosplay and didn't care if her fans thought she was a cunt for "outing a friend." But for right now, all these neckbreads who think she is the best thing to happen to cosplay are paying for every one of her desires and I don't see her risking that for one delusional cow. It's more likely a photog or another cosplayer will spill the tea before Nigri does.

No. 470664

Most homes in Vegas have washers and dryers though and it's not like she has to travel to a 9-5 every day that she wouldn't have any time to do it. If she really is that busy she could afford to have a maid come once a week to do her cleaning and laundry for her. Mariah simply doesn't care about cleanliness and organization.

No. 470665

So much for someone who hates bullies & trolling

No. 470667

I'm taking into account her laziness, but I guess having a maid come to her would be less work ha.

No. 470670


No. 470680

Kinda tinfoiling but shit, I wonder how moo feels coming here and always seeing everyone say how much Jessica hates her. Or even if Jessica knows about these threads and sees them she probably feels more pressure to keep up appearances considering how insecure moo is and obsessed with her haters and Jessica needs to keep up friendly appearances with everyone

No. 470683


When it comes to Nigri Mooriah puts on rose colored glasses. She thinks she's the perfect cosplayer and basically wants to wear her skin. I'm pretty sure even if the photographer said anything about Nigri actually not liking her she would just call the photographer a liar.

No. 470688

I don't think she thinks Nigri is perfect at all, I think she just wants to leech off her fame like the parasite she is. She probably thinks she's way better than Nigri which is why she acts so familiar.

No. 470697

Back peddling as usual…

No. 470698

"I don't want anyone to get in trouble"
So why tag them and blast them in front of your thousands of followers? Dumb cunt

No. 470699


>I don't want to cause drama

Uses her social media to attack someone.

>I don't want to be seen as just tits and ass

Proceeds to continue doing POV and lewd shoots.

>I didn't mean to doxx them

Continues doxxing people

>I didn't mean to be racist

Ching Ching Chong and African face paint

>I didn't mean to say that it was my OC

Continue to say it was her OC

Do I need to say more?

No. 470701

Well as my boyfriend says, she's just a walking meatbag of contradictions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No. 470703

To confirm the anon who said a photographer was talking about Nigri I can confirm that she’s spoken to other higher name cosplayers in front of people (quietly as possibly in a crowd) that she does only keep Mariah at arms length, she doesn’t like her but they all keep “face” with her just to have her not pull her normal meltdown with them. Many of the girls included in the twitter meltdown about lewd photography is porn do not like her but keep it civil for the reach and likes. Unfornately they’re all following in jessica’s Foot steps and until mariah finally snaps on all of them publicly I don’t see there ever being screen shots unfortunately.

No. 470706

Has the winner been picked?

No. 470708

File: 1512113198756.png (703.99 KB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2017-11-30-23-24-54…)

No. 470709

Sage your shit, she got the reduction before deciding to be a literal and figurative cow for dollar bills.

No. 470711

File: 1512113439262.png (434.35 KB, 640x360, pyra doubt.png)

hah, all right… but why is your "fam" nowhere to be found in this photo?

No. 470712

File: 1512113856707.png (757.37 KB, 1533x1364, onlyhadabrain.png)

This Halloween store scarecrow is totally her OC as well, gaiz!!!

No. 470713

she wanted taco bell senpai to notice her

No. 470714

honestly anon i'm impressed

No. 470715


I think the biggest proof is that they have never worked together directly as of yet. Like not ONE planned photo shoot together. That speaks volumes especially with how Moomoo is always trying to act like they're super close. Hell Moomoo is the one trying to aggressively work with Jessica by trying to do Roadhog since she did Junkrat.

No. 470716

art anon found the perfect moo template hahaha

collect them all!!

No. 470718

Yeah no pic. Crazy how they went on a family vacation last year with pics but nothing this year.

No. 470720


KEK @ if I only had a brain

More like: If I only had an ass

No. 470727

..You can visit family without having to take every photo you do with them. Thats some next level nitpick guys. Calm down on that one.

No. 470728

it says "if i only had a vein" lol

No. 470729

You're half right. Most food doesn't affect acne but certain foods can definitely irritate it. Dairy has been scientifically proven to worsen symptoms of cystic acne.

However, for once, moo is kinda right. Acne on the center of the chin and along the jawline is most commonly caused by a combo of hormones and a /lot/ of face touching. Sage for acne sperg

No. 470756

usually i'd agree, but moo is literally just in her own dirty ass house taking selfies.

No. 470798

File: 1512150510044.jpeg (172.32 KB, 750x473, 85D1C6C6-D362-4179-B4E8-6439A9…)

Is this possibly because your parents probably put actual sheets on their beds???

No. 470808

>>470798 That or she actually slept normal hours like every other regular person. Surprise, 8 hours of normal sleep does WONDERS for a person!

No. 470810


Maybe because for once you didn’t sleep in a shit hole that smells like cat piss and week old pho.

No. 470819

Martin was the one who took photos of Momokun (along with Stella Chu and that other cosplayer) for the advertisment of that Testimanet anime that Funimation was advertising. I think that was the only time he took pictures of her individually

No. 470820

Didn't he take one of her swimsuit Mei pics too?

No. 470851

File: 1512157748493.jpeg (577.41 KB, 750x1104, 23BC4D62-2AD6-49DC-8811-ED6292…)

OOF why would anyone ever post this???

No. 470854

She looks like a fat little boy. She's also wearing the same t-shirt.

No. 470858

Her bags are bigger than her actual eyes. Does she even look at these pics before she posts them?

No. 470862


It looks like her face was made of dough and someone pushed the eyeholes in. She’s got serious turtle face going on.

No. 470864

It’s the same pic from her story yesterday, she just reposted it on her Twitter. But that means she looked at this picture for a second time and was like “yup, this looks good I should post it!”

No. 470866

File: 1512158505246.png (1.91 MB, 750x1334, 42DD3C90-F3A2-4AEC-B7BE-4847DF…)


No. 470867

File: 1512158525453.png (1.72 MB, 750x1334, A7D828A8-FB79-447F-9842-9119C8…)


No. 470868

God I just want to staple cucumber slices onto her face. It would cut that puffiness in half.

Ughhhh. It’s so revolting, like I’m looking at the face of a bloated corpse.

No. 470869


saging for OT but can someone please direct me to the caps where she was quoted saying she disliked wonder woman? went back many threads and couldn't find anything about it

No. 470870

Is Vamp coming along?

No. 470876


No squarenoodles took those. I think Martin Wong might have shot her at colossalcon. That was long ago though. I'm pretty sure Martin Wong is the photog in question. Dave Yang is normally quiet about cosplay matters unless it's with a select few people. Either way anyone close to either one of them should ask them for confirmation.

No. 470877

Oh good, now this piece of shit is going to destroy a genuine vintage/historic house. Then again, we know from her cosplay that there's not anything she's not willing to ruin.

No. 470879


And this new place will look like just as much of a shithole that she is in now. Also didn’t she say she was going to use that Patreon money to scout and fly out to locations for shoots, you know like a professional is supposed to. She really expects people to still pay $40 for shitty cellphone quality photos of her with her pussy lips hanging out in her shit shack of a house?

Also gotta wonder if Vamp is coming with her. I doubt she is. Must be she has become useless to Moomoo and doesn’t want her around anymore, or more likely it’s another bridge Moomoo has burned to the ground.

No. 470889


These are painful to read, she types like a 14 year old. I'll be VERY curious to know if she's living on her own or gets another roommate, I can't imagine anyone who can tolerate her for a few minutes let alone living with her.

No. 470891


Wasn’t she asking for another roommate when she was talking about moving to LA? One that would basically housesit for her while she was out at cons or off doing photo shoots?

Also didn’t she also talk about moving to Arizona to be closer to Nigri?

No. 470892

Anyone want to place a bet that she is moving out alone, taking her cats, and is renting somewhere cats are allowed or at least one is allowed, she will get more, and not tell the owners?

No. 470894

It was on her old twitter someone asked her to cosplay ww and she said she didn’t like her

No. 470895

File: 1512161250516.png (904.05 KB, 750x1334, CD400771-F641-498E-8661-DCD9F7…)

She’s screaming about this shirt she ordered “THE LOLIS!!! GIMME DA LOLIS!!!!!” Thats real cute considering the history she has with lolis.

1/2 pic of the shirt design will be posted below

No. 470896

File: 1512161298997.png (580.56 KB, 750x1334, 94B51631-6E84-4CBB-9453-968E40…)

No. 470897

My guess is the landlord got fed up with moo and decided to not renew the lease she’s definitely not getting the deposit though that house is fucked up

No. 470898

Vintage? In Vegas? Lol ok, sure. So she definitely won't be living in the Summerlin area anymore.

No. 470903

The first item she pulled out is the sweater that Nigri constantly wears.


No. 470906

Ew. She sounds like a disgusting neckbeard.

No. 470909


Gotta cater to your base I guess. This is the exact kind of shit they want from her.

No. 470911

I dont know how it is in NV but if you have a truly historic house you can't just live in it. You need to maintain the inside and outside of the house with approved materials. If she's renting the house, most likely wont need to do this but yeah

No. 470913

File: 1512165477670.jpg (236.28 KB, 1366x2048, IMG_20171201_135528.jpg)

No. 470914


Of course she is. She can't pass up living off Moomoo for free! She'll stick onto her like glue until Moomoo is out of money and can't pay for her anymore.

No. 470915

Samefag but makes sense that Vamp is all about money since she used to be an escort in Vegas.

No. 470916

File: 1512165781592.png (1.17 MB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2017-12-01-14-00-48…)

So bad

No. 470917

Wait, what? I thought she was a stripper.

No. 470919

You can safely assume that she is getting evicted or lease not renewed. Trashed the place and you can only imagine how well she gets along with her neighbors. Vintage house = crapshack in a sketchy neighborhood.

No. 470920

She looks like a corpse

No. 470923

File: 1512166248567.jpg (62.95 KB, 468x469, PicsArt_12-01-02.09.18.jpg)

No. 470924

Remember when she dumped a bunch of black paint on the floor?

No. 470925

If this was any other person it would have actually been a really cute shoot. Why didn’t they fix her fucked up lip makeup? I understand moo is lazy but apparently the photographer is just as fucking lazy. Also it seriously looks like she just smeared shit all over herself.

No. 470927

that's moo's trick tho
don't shoop something easily shoopable and people won't think the rest is shoop'd.

No. 470928

File: 1512167474874.png (1.07 MB, 720x973, Screenshot_2017-12-01-14-28-41…)


No. 470929

File: 1512167509726.png (1.21 MB, 720x952, Screenshot_2017-12-01-14-28-48…)

No. 470932

File: 1512167670528.png (794.04 KB, 720x1046, Screenshot_2017-12-01-14-32-51…)

No. 470937

Upper lip is accurate (non existent )

No. 470939

So on her instastory she just said she went and got a Brazilian wax after the gym…..

Ok Mooriah this is exact reason why people think you are disgusting. So either you're straight LYING about the gym (most likely) or you are such a VILE person that you would go get your sweaty crotch and ass waxed by some innocent technician who had no fucking idea what they were in for. I personally hope you did not actually subject another living person to waxing your blown out beef curtains and crusty asshole directly after going to the gym, on top of that you look like you haven't showered in at least 2 days. I'm embarrassed for you, my god.

No. 470940

Why is she buying new furniture for her Umineko shit or whatever then? This seems really out of nowhere.

No. 470941

i for one hope she did. bitch will itch and get bumps from bacteria

No. 470942

my question is why the fuck is she personally buying all the furniture for these things. we have fucking cosplay photo studios now close by.

No. 470943

She probably thinks vintage = flyover state regular ass houses

No. 470944

She couldve meant she went home and changed after the gym and then went.

No. 470946

Because she has like no furniture so it's an excuse to finally get some.

I finished catching up and agree she was probably evicted. This also explains why she was "cleaning" her room + cleaned the carpet in her craft room and was "picking shit out of the carpet for an hour cause the vacuum wouldn't"

No. 470950

Obviously none of you have ever had a Brazilian. You do know they give you wet wipes to wipe down your snatch right?
And if you get laser, you get a disposable gstring

Unless america is that shit that it’s not standard practice?

No. 470951


I always hated how she used the excuse of it being a "craft room" too as to why it always looked like a gross fucking disaster. Even when your crafting, when you finish one task and move onto the other, fucking clean it up and don't make the room look like a damn landfill. It was horrifying seeing ow nasty her "craft room" was after working on projects with no protection, but she'll never admit to being evicted because shes a disgusting, sloppy mess.

No. 470955

>implying moo will actually use it
>implying it'd be enough for her fatass
>implying she's not gross everywhere else and stinky anyways

No. 470960

She's still going to be sweaty and stinky everywhere else

No. 470961

no she was still in her "gym clothes"
although to be fair I'm not really sure if she has any real day to day clothes.

No. 470977

Sage for hair removal but whenever I've had a Brazilian the beautician just applied a cream to counteract stickiness, no wipe.

No. 470978

Moo looks like some sort of dark souls boss because of how big her shoulders are etc

No. 470979

File: 1512172950580.jpg (206.66 KB, 1366x2048, 15121654776701-ConvertImage.jp…)

probably needs a gritty overlay (though she looks gritty herself even more with the b/w)

No. 470983

she's had those nails on since she started cosplaying holy shit

No. 470984

I use to think some of you anons were over doing it with the drawings…I can finally see how accurate they are.

No. 470997

Kek I wonder if the landlord just looked at her Twitter and saw what a disgusting state the house was in and noticed there were fucking cats everywhere when the lease probably said no pets.
That's what happens when you use your real name on social media

No. 471001

Anyone sperging about how she's going to ruin a vintage/historic home, you realise that "vintage" is just a nice way of saying her house is old and probably cheaper because it's from the 70s lol. Its an old house. And she's moving because rent is cheaper.
She really does have a way with words tho, she could sell ice to an Eskimo.

No. 471002

File: 1512176587722.jpg (563.19 KB, 1366x2048, 20171201_200216.jpg)

No. 471004

I'm fucking tired of normie weebs trying to pass off otaku lolicon culture as something cool or ~ironic.

It's not fucking cute, especially after making comments about Kanna's thighs making her "not innocent".

No. 471005

tinfoil but do you think moomoo made her change the top of this dress because she could no fit her fat arms/shoulders and floppy chest in it as it was originally made. it is clearly different in the fairy pictures.

No. 471006

samefag sorry but I think it is also crazy how much cheaper the material looks on her in the actual photoshoot. very Walmart couture, especially with the different V cut top.

No. 471007

She makes her dresses so that you can alter the top to be different shapes and different forms of a halter. Moo didn't change anything except the style of the top which is on purpose from the designer.

No. 471012

She's a nightmare tenant for sure. The place probably smells terrible all over. Especially the carpet. Noone should ever rent to moo.

No. 471013

And with her big mouth, ultra entitled attitude, and crazy hours there were probably a lot of noise complaints too. Kind of funny that moo, who usually likes to share every detail of her pathetic existence, was staying overnight with her parents and now is suddenly mooving out of her apartment.

No. 471014

File: 1512179199160.gif (1.32 MB, 500x246, vdPLsrQ.gif)


crying with laughter @ the thought of all of this.

No. 471015

File: 1512179621506.png (1.06 MB, 720x1106, 1511535476916.png)

At it again with the lolis

No. 471018


When I was first prescribed adderall I lost weight but then I started drinking a lot and I gained weight. Adderall made me need more alcohol to really feel drunk and then on top of that the greasy hangover food the next day. I'm not surprised with her weight gain.

No. 471019


Why do you all think she's in an apartment when it's house rental lmao

No. 471020

File: 1512180358439.png (283.04 KB, 470x589, Screenshot 2017-12-01 at 6.05.…)

>thank you jess for the awesome idea

No. 471021

File: 1512180405252.png (165.32 KB, 416x545, Screenshot 2017-12-01 at 6.06.…)


No. 471022

Aww don't do godlings dirty like that, godlings are actually cute and enjoyable to interact with

No. 471025

Honestly its either shes getting evicted for something really embarrassing, or her and Vamp had a falling out, hence the sudden "staying at my parents" and moving out all of a sudden. Where'd she take her cats? She didnt mention bringing them to her parents so did they stay at the apartment with Vamp? If she was getting evicted she'd probably have had brought those cats with her to her parents

No. 471027

File: 1512181441628.png (266.23 KB, 507x569, Screenshot 2017-12-01 at 6.23.…)

I don't think I've seen this but what is her face shoop

No. 471029

all that horrible face shoop and they couldn’t even try to make that wig look less nasty?

No. 471030

the fuck is going on with her neck shoop

No. 471031

File: 1512182013444.png (574.88 KB, 612x534, adhmednagel.PNG)

all that blur is giving me ahmed angel vibes

No. 471032

this get worse the more you look at it like her head is slightly off her neck

No. 471036

File: 1512182312273.png (15.31 KB, 546x131, e6d8cee4736d25dfef6da73cbb04d6…)

You nasty

No. 471037

File: 1512182325104.jpg (32.59 KB, 960x640, 23031626_1188162381328709_6844…)

These must be the leftovers

No. 471041

Get out of there vamp

No. 471046

yeah holy crap her arms look like orange peel

No. 471053


She acts as if she's never shaved before (which I wouldn't be shocked about)

No. 471057

I imagine her idea of "vintage" is just a house built in the 70s.

No. 471067

File: 1512188508246.png (14.84 KB, 560x128, 7e65601f8aac6dd9aded82e9b59720…)

No. 471073

File: 1512189612554.png (44.87 KB, 481x543, more lies.png)

No. 471074

She has shaved. We've seen her stubble to prove this.

No. 471075

As if those "sorry" prints are going to make it on time with the upcoming holiday season. See her waiting until 12/31 and half-assing that because there's a NYE party to be at.

No. 471076

She's only done May prints this fall or whatever. Is there a single person who got their shit on time.

No. 471078

This same song and dance yet again. We'll believe you getting your shit together when we see it actually happen.

No. 471080

I’m white as fuck with thick hair.
Stop trying so hard moo, you’re white.

No. 471086


So, why is she suddenly wanting to be all hair free down there? I don't want to connect the dots but Moo never does anything unless she has to (because she's that lazy) so am I the only one thinking that her photo shoots are about to get even more revealing?

No. 471088

It's either for the December lewd shit or she finally find a new fuckboy.

No. 471090

That and she got tired for being made fun of her mad razor burn/ five o clock crotch shadow.

No. 471093

She's being self conscious. She hasn't been posting alot on her social media. most likely depressed af and wants Castle Cosplay to come over and pork her again.

No. 471109

So what’s up with the charity prints???? She said she was going to be shipping them out in the third week of November and she hasn’t even mentioned it in a few weeks. November has come and gone by now lol.

No. 471115

Get up to date with the entire thread before posting

No. 471116

They don't read a damn thing, they just unsage shit post about charity crap.

No. 471117

Chill guys. I think anon is asking about if there is any more news since the last time someone asked which was about two days ago.

And no. No updates yet, but people could be pressuring her which would be good.

No. 471131

She finally looks somehow ok, but at the same time she doesn't look like herself. Coincidence?

No. 471137


No. 471143

This is perfect anon

No. 471159

>she hasn’t even mentioned it in a few weeks.

no anon, stop defending these fucks.

No. 471161

So instead of giving these people their backed up prints after May….she’s going to choose NOT to send those and just send…one print. I’d be pissed lol

No. 471162

sage shit like this. and re-read it no one is here to explain what's clearly written.

No. 471169

Shaddup. I’m all caught up on the threads, I’m making an observation. Get over yourself omg LMAO.(sage your shit)

No. 471174

Oh deer. Good on the watermark though.

No. 471181

She's releasing these photos now? As in, the beginning of December? Technically it's still Fall but, at least for me, December is officially the beginning of the holiday season. She should have done these "ThanksForLewding" shoots in September and October then RELEASED them in November so they'd be relevant. Now they're like after-holiday clearance decorations the store's trying to get rid of so they still make some sort of profit.

No. 471183

vegas bitch cant into seasons

ive had snow since halloween

No. 471191

There's an age restriction to use this board

No. 471201

Dude stfu and leave the unsaged anon alone. Youre freaking out over something thats not worth it.

No. 471203

i mean we've all seen her pubes on full display in that samus bikini but alright, make random lies abt that?

No. 471204

I mean she didnt say she doesnt shave.. She said her hair is thick. Weve seen her. Shes hairy as hell.

No. 471207

You know momo's run out of milk atm when people start talking speculating why she shaved her pubes

No. 471208

they're waxed, you know, a process, that costs money.

also i'm wondering if she doesn't have enough $$ to stay at her current place tbh.

No. 471209

No. 471212

File: 1512250462367.png (72.49 KB, 720x273, Screenshot_2017-12-02-13-31-41…)

This girl is so fucking transparent lol. At first I was wondering while she was sucking up so hard to this random nobody until I realized she modelled for the Rooster teeth store in July. Obviously she knows someone or is a part of that community. Anyone have any more info?

Moomoo only wants to be friends with people when it's convenient.

No. 471215


We all know by now that Moo doesn't give a fuck about people who are nobodies. I bet she likes to surround herself with actual successful people so she feels successful.

No. 471216

Can we have a source on this or caps? People have speculated this for awhile in these threads, but it would so juicy to have it confirmed. Jnig and Martin have been close friends for years, I wonder how Mariah would take it. Tried to snoop around to find details on it and the only thing I could find was some video a guy made about Wong where moomoo talks about him for a few seconds (5:25)

No. 471217

File: 1512252307633.png (33.24 KB, 327x779, slut.png)

She lost 200 people again. Its been months since she was last over 1000 patreon followers. People are wising up because a 200 people drop is a HUGE amount of people to lose when you only had just over 900 to begin with.

Definitely moving due to money problems I think. She isn't even at the goal anymore to even talk about a calendar.

No. 471218

>with the D

Absolutely disgusting

No. 471225


Only reason Mariah kisses his ass so much is because he works with Jessica Nigri. As a photographer he isn't anything special. I hope there's someone here close enough with him to ask.

No. 471226

File: 1512254207684.png (32.42 KB, 574x265, dc34a4cd1ab9ad6a50430b17b3d6f5…)

It's a reach, but with this, the sudden moving out, and (fake) sudden concern about her late rewards, maybe..??

No. 471227

I noticed this yesterday but last time I brought up her being below 15k a lot of people said she drops below that quite often at the end of the month because people decide to stop pledging. Last time I noticed it though she was at 98% which isn’t a huge deal. I feel like 84% below the goal she is normally 100% at is a pretty big deal though.

No. 471228

>someone here close enough with him to ask.

He's a sack of shit scum to the point that even I wouldn't fake a friendship just for milk. He's that disgusting.

No. 471229

File: 1512254375027.png (1.94 MB, 750x1334, 991B915C-6677-4750-B519-B816C1…)

No. 471231

She probably feeds the shitstorms/controversies around her because it gets her name out there and people are curious, so it leads to more patrons. Then people unsubscribe after they get sick of her shit, and new people replace them because they found out about her through others complaining/sharing her free shit.
The consistent patrons are the deluded (or patient?) people waiting for the descent into nudes.
>She has to keep whoring for attention because she doesn't have a faithful fanbase.

No. 471232

she's moving and short on money, can't pay the fake accounts.

No. 471233

hoooly shit what a butterball leads me to speculate that shes sucking in her stomach constantly at cons

No. 471235

Hush, Moomoo.

>She isn't even at the goal anymore to even talk about a calendar.

She wasn't going to send them anyway.

No. 471236

Even in Australia she's still a nobody with a patreon for RPC suits and boudoir prints. I know she spent $1k+ on meet and greets with Rooster Teeth so I guess they just took pity on her and let her model? Watching Momo suck up is going to be hilarious, A few girls orbit this chick locally and it has never paid off for them

No. 471238

Ill be there the WHOLE time next week. Ill take photos if I see this cow.

No. 471242

File: 1512258014535.png (785.97 KB, 923x564, riporiginality.png)

i dont think anyone mentioned it but yet another instance in which moo doesnt have an original bone in her lumpy body. jessica has reposted this shoot several times so i dont know when exactly it came out but it was for her dumb lewdsgiving shit.

No. 471245


Was this pre lipo or post? If it was pre lipo it's a joke that she thought she could cover it up as diet and exercise or fit tea because to lose that gut, it would take months. Especially if you want to avoid skin flaps. If it's post lipo nice to see she's doing a good job keeping her figure.

No. 471251

she only wants to be blonde because jnig is

No. 471252

I remember this as well, but I feel like her numbers are dropping more rapidly, and as such worth noting again.

The post you quoted is presumably recent. She's been wearing those clothes a lot. Specifically the hat.

So post lipo x2

No. 471255


they look dirty underneath.

No. 471261

God bless, anon. Hope you manage to sneak some good shit.

No. 471277

haahaha the placement of your cursor

No. 471280

Old pic

No. 471281

Posted fresh on her instagram today. You sure?

No. 471283

File: 1512263421261.jpg (768.73 KB, 1069x1222, Screenshot_20171202-170828.jpg)

Charged patrons $10 to see this and its on instagram.

No. 471285

This is so tacky and lazy. The bottom half..just didn't even try

No. 471286

wasnt she bragging about this being her most lewd set

No. 471287

Yes!!! I was about to reply to the anon above you but she said this was lewdest of the lewd~*~* teehehehe

No. 471288

is she supposed to be a witch or a scarecrow hoe??? this looks horrible

No. 471289

File: 1512263932776.jpeg (91.19 KB, 750x358, 31F9E26C-DB43-451A-A57E-A817B2…)

anon was kind enough to leave out the barf inducing caption but don’t worry guys, cmon and get your corn creamed

No. 471290


It's actually becoming incredibly boring and sad how she must 'lewd' everything for special snowflake points.

No. 471291

It's for money, since it's the only thing these horny neckbeards will spend on

No. 471292


>acting like you can't post old pics on instagram

I think it is an old pic. I don't remember her going to Disneyland recently and the last time she went without Riann was when someone I knew let her in back in February or March. She didn't get lipo until April or March either it seems. So definitely before lipo but damn that gut….. how does anyone let themselves go that much? If my image was as public as her I would make sure I'm in the best shape. Look at other well known cosplayers, they're always putting in work into taking care of themselves. Really puts into perspective of how she doesn't belong with that group.

No. 471293


Until they get fed up of her repetitive facial expressions & poses, sheer lack of effort, care and talent bullshit she calls 'cosplay' along with her neverending backlog of rewards she owes before moving on to fresh Patreon meat.

No. 471295

She’s been to Disneyland twice in the last few months. She was just there a couple weeks ago.

No. 471297

File: 1512265452870.jpg (70.58 KB, 600x851, f23.jpg)

That's nauseating.

No. 471298

dont give her ideas for next year

No. 471299

Why is Charlie's face covered? We already know he's in another lewd shoot with momo

No. 471300

She is so nasty, but at the same time it's not surprising.

No. 471309

This…doesn't even look like a scarecrow

it looks like she's dressed as a slutty quilt and he's a dollar store scarecrow from batman that a 14 year old kid made for halloween

No. 471311

holy shit kek I didn't realize that was the dude I thought they had an actual inanimate scarecrow she was posing with

No. 471312

File: 1512269630046.jpeg (180.58 KB, 750x584, 8C743E60-E684-4B82-9D23-3F06AF…)

No. 471313

dare you to reply with JNigri

No. 471314


So now is she labeling all cosplayers as sex workers? She's such an idiot, I hope she gets blasted for this.

No. 471315

>I need new ideas to steal

No. 471316

Watch, she'll probably leak some "for your eyes only" set and piss someone off.

No. 471317

File: 1512271892446.gif (223.19 KB, 191x256, hehe no.gif)

I know her levels of shooping is nothing new but
>holy fuck that blurred cottage cheese
Gurl you are fooling no one.

No. 471319

File: 1512272068971.jpeg (259.88 KB, 1242x1004, FDBB8553-E973-4F09-A722-30ADC1…)

Pretty sure she baited for someone to have this response so she can further explain “sex working isn’t bad!!” Ect ect

No. 471320

user in question is me. my notifs are blowing up with momo boys

No. 471321

you should post some on here for laughs

No. 471322

not to mention she's being really demeaning, yet not too long ago she was preaching about not doing this sorta stuff? 'course, that's just Moo for ya

godspeed you magnificent anon. may the shitstorm plaguing you last no longer

No. 471323


She's such a cunt with her replies, this is the kind of crap that got her old twitter banned in the first place, on top of all the other violent shit she posted.

No. 471324

She goes on about how people should go back to school and read better but she's the one with the problem, cunt

No. 471326

Cosplay =/= sex work, moo. Holyfucking shit. I hope other cosplayers call her out on this shit again.

No. 471327

tbf I can see what I think was her intention of meaning she would like recs of sex workers who do cosplay and have big boobs, but also she's pushing to light cosplay for porn close to costume making.

No. 471328

well she was the one who wasnt clear, she likes sex workers, cosplay and boobs lol so you wanna buy some porn? i feel like you can tell what she really meant but shes just too dumb to make her point coherently

No. 471329

File: 1512273174118.jpg (135.74 KB, 750x697, 1506020333771.png.jpg)

You can reply back with this if you want lol

No. 471332

File: 1512273942570.jpeg (188.72 KB, 750x636, FD04340B-418D-4218-9F84-707494…)

No. 471333

File: 1512274338943.png (113.3 KB, 640x795, IMG_0582.PNG)

Sorry it's terrible quality, I couldn't find the one with that guy groping her so I got this instead

No. 471334

File: 1512274469247.jpg (122.79 KB, 750x875, 1510036247263.png.jpg)

No. 471335

File: 1512274577438.png (278.23 KB, 717x1133, 1510570789943.png)

No. 471336

The reply she gave a fan on Patreon in the other thread is perfect for this to be slammed back in her face.

No. 471337

>Reading comprehension is something you learn in 3rd grade.

Like grammar, you illiterate cunt.

>Expect some packages soon!

This month just started, you fucking lazy idiot. Like I predicted, those prints aren't going to be shipped until next year when the victims don't even need that money anymore. This cocksuck needs a serious wake up call and I hope it knocks her on her ass soon.

No. 471338

File: 1512274797184.jpg (18.84 KB, 626x190, be nice bitch.jpg)

This is the most important one

No. 471340

how does she live in fucking vegas and not comprehend what sex work is

No. 471341

So this means you're going to stop being a cunt? Practice what you preach, bitch.

No. 471342

Feel free to use, I have a lot of stuff saved for just these kinds of occasions.

No. 471343

File: 1512275410389.png (36.2 KB, 917x803, 1502029586078.png)

The cut off was two weeks ago, and she's only now saying it's extended?

>shipped out on NYE

No. 471345

File: 1512276604223.png (546.16 KB, 910x616, Screenshot 2017-12-02 at 8.49.…)

lmao get some pit smelling garbage on her depop my dudes

No. 471347

kik 4 bobs

No. 471352

But will she give honest measurements for her "cosplays" she's lied multiple times about her size already. The costumes will arrive extremely late and not fit & she'll make up some B.S. about her "thicc" body and everyone is different rant again

No. 471354

File: 1512277981322.png (61.27 KB, 720x360, Screenshot_2017-12-02-21-10-13…)

No. 471355

NOOO SHE HAS TOUCHED PERSONA 5 IT IS ALL OVER. well, at least she doesn't wanna do a cosplay where Ann looks like she ate too much lmao

No. 471357


her knee shoop is ridiculous, they p much blurred her knee away

No. 471364

She ain't even play it, don't worry about it

No. 471365

just when you think life couldn't get more painful, moo likes persona 5

No. 471369

It won't be too long till she pretends like she has which is annoying as hell just like how she hopped on the fate train and soon she's most likely gonna be saying ~akira is husbandoo~ just to conform with the hype but that's just my thoughts

No. 471370


Why you posting this twice

No. 471373

It's to be expected now, but she makes it so easy to see she's pretending and doesn't change she's a basic bitch

No. 471375

Please… Please just sage everything you post ever. None of it is adding to anything and commentary doesn't equal unsaged.

No. 471376

My bad I kinda posted it too late

No. 471377


At least it's on-topic and not sperging on family, cats, nails, acne, or other irrelevant crap

No. 471378

File: 1512279742876.png (543.59 KB, 580x541, 545946d58f44b4b49a1c8196c2b89a…)

So we're back to stealing things other people made.

No. 471379

this looks like her photo sets with kbbq

No. 471380

It's kinda sad how we all know she's bullshit when she hops on hype train with fate or persona but some of her neckbeards actually cling to the idea of her liking those things lmao

No. 471386

File: 1512281412777.png (361.53 KB, 523x592, 993D5CE5-322C-4088-88FE-B30909…)


spoken like a true basic who has never played the game. god i hate this cunt. at least play the games if you’re gonna talk shit, jesus. sage because dumb.

No. 471388


I find it hilarious that she always tries to talk like the bigger person as if she's any better. She is just as bad or even worse than luna. She's the most toxic cosplayer out there right now. She's always acting like the victim. She's always saying people give her hate for no reason. She doesn't think she's flawed at all.

No. 471390

File: 1512281876870.png (1.01 MB, 720x1198, Screenshot_2017-12-02-22-14-06…)

She's been using this meme for the past couple social media posts…

No. 471391

This was a semi-popular tweet I posted 2-3 days ago, guess she stole it from me? I mean I just reposted it from 4chan I just find it funny

No. 471392

She browses the /a/ thread for fate. She just stole content and posted it on her twitter >>469348. Sorry, someone capped the original but I don't remember where it is

No. 471394

I mean if she wants to repost memes it's whatever but she acts like she is huge fan of Fate when she barely knows the basics and just learns second hand from fan discussion. Then again that's Moomoo with every single fandom. Guess it's just irritating when it's close to my main fandom

No. 471395

she has to make everything about herself…

No. 471399

>hey guys i watch anime! yare yare daze amirite?

No. 471403

File: 1512283828818.png (84.46 KB, 720x525, Screenshot_2017-12-02-22-48-50…)

No. 471404

Omfg she finally blocked me(no1curr)

No. 471413

>ships out Dec 31
>"expect some packages soon"

Bitch what?

No. 471417

wow moo clearly knows so much about cats and how they work. look at this competent cat owner.

No. 471418

possible repost but @ 1:41. yikes, those bruises

No. 471420

felt the same when she was sperging about jojo. It's genuinely ruined it for me and I can't stop cringing when I think about it
but don't worry, she doesn't latch onto phases for very long. it will be over soon, anon

No. 471421

File: 1512288395786.png (1019.82 KB, 720x1156, Screenshot_2017-12-03-00-02-25…)

>rise and shine Mei
>Santa Pochaco in Santa coat and red lingerie set
>Milk Party, sexy milkman, nude lingerie set

No. 471422

Its nOt mIlk pArtY Its mY Oc rEEEEE!!!!!11

No. 471424

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No. 471425

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No. 471426


If it helps you feel better, she's probably debuting her Fate stuff at Katsucon. I know a massive chunk of the Fate cosplayers who go. Very hardcore Nasuverse people, for the most part. Momo can't copypaste the wiki into a conversation, so this'll be hella interesting.

No. 471435

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No. 471437


is there a reason she couldn't send out the first batch when she said she would, then a 2nd "black friday" batch after? this just sounds like another excuse to delay shipping. why did she not announce the extension of the sale until well after black friday?

No. 471438

File: 1512293782227.jpg (147.93 KB, 800x1199, DQHEOikUEAAckzX.jpg)

"how do molest?"

No. 471441

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No. 471442

File: 1512294132162.png (943.65 KB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2017-12-03-01-38-31…)

Boyfriend of the year my dudes

No. 471443

"oh yes, palm my abdomen"

No. 471444

what the fuck is going on

No. 471445

And here we can clearly see two people who have LITERALLY never had sex before.
It's almost sad.

No. 471449

Haru was only in persona 5 for barely even one or a few scenes, is this bitch dumb? probably only likes her because of the heaviness of haru's weight everyone's talking about.
Sage for persona fag

No. 471450

I'm amused everytime Moo touches a different fandom, different kinds of 'tisms show up here being "Bawww mooo is stealing muh precious manchild thing!!!"

Cry more, it's fucking cartoons, serves you right for liking them. If you take fandoms that seriously perhaps you are underage or just a sperg.

No. 471452

>barely even in for one or a few scenes

You call yourself a persona fag, but, Haru fully joins your party, so I'm not sure how she can only be in it for a few scenes.

Sage for off topic

But also what are the chances she's going to lewd up one of the P5 girls now she's trying to pretend she's a super big fan of the series?

No. 471454

Then just report it and move on, it's not that deep.

No. 471455

She kind of gets side lined.

No. 471456

It's more like how Moo acts like she's such a huge fan and hasn't even played the games, more than likely.
Sage for possible nitpick

No. 471457

you sound like a really interesting person with lots of hobbies you care about

No. 471458

Has anyone seen Moo like a character from any series that she hops on that's not a relatively large fan favorite?

No. 471460

I hope she ruins something you like

No. 471462

You sound like a lot of fun.

No. 471463

Anon, maybe you are the problem for taking something like that so seriously. Relax and let people live.

No. 471464

File: 1512299606508.png (352.92 KB, 720x985, Screenshot_2017-12-03-03-09-12…)

So when you're a patron you can put a status on Twitter why cap the fact you gave 100 for this Patreon artist

No. 471465

Why does she always broadcast on social media what she does with her money?

No. 471466

Because she has to constantly flaunt her wealth and fame even though she can't afford a washing machine

No. 471469

When was she ever even a fan of Luna…the only time I'd ever even seen her acknowledge her was when she tried to call Luna out for bullying Kay even though Kay didn't want or need it dragged into the public like that.

Any time one of her friends is going through something she always has to blow it up and make it about her. Why would she be friends with Luna or admire her when Luna openly talking about her dislike of Nigri, M Wong, SSS…basically all the people whose asses Moo kisses.

No. 471478


The irony of their mutual hate for each other is that they both are the same. They both think they're super famous even though they're barely known within the cosplay scene. They both flaunt that they associate with more successful people. They both bully people using social media. I heard that Moo made fun of Luna because of her plastic surgeries but like the hypocrite she is got liposuction. So yeah they're the same people and maybe that's why they hate each other.

No. 471481


it's like the room level 'i fok your belly button' shit.

No. 471486

they're roughly the same age right?

luna got away from the cosplay scene since she burned all her bridges…and probably also saw what it was doing to her physical and mental health since she can't handle criticism online…

maybe mooriah could learn a thing or 2 from her.

No. 471491

So basically her patreons are PAYING her to give this guy patreon money

No. 471494

Sage for being a fan of Haru but she isn't even chubby at all.
The only reason why people want to believe that she is chubby is because of her clothes and hair giving her more volume
Hate it when people say that she is fat so they'll feel better when cosplaying her.
Also while it's true that you could not interact with her as much as with ann she still had a very nice story. Also don't forget the confidant parts.

Gotta agree with moomooo here I liked Haru much better than Ann

No. 471495

File: 1512319623367.jpeg (310.02 KB, 750x800, 74CF5697-65A8-4650-99EB-513B8A…)

No. 471496

>uh uh i said not as much..a figure that was less..a value more than 1 ok

No. 471497


I swear to god there was a video with nigri in it 1-2 years ago where she did Christmas ahri.. it was advertised on the league hub iirc because I don't follow nigri and wouldn't have known about it otherwise.

No. 471498

File: 1512320378535.jpg (148.75 KB, 750x937, IMG_4921.JPG)

Same fag. To be fair I guess moo's looks a little different since hers looks basic af but I just can't help but wonder if shehot this one form nigri too

No. 471499

even if moo is right about haru being better than Ann, she has no place to say that because her cow ass hasn't even played the game
sage for persona fagging yet again

No. 471500

Does it count as persona fagging if it's about Mariah?

No. 471501

you forgot ahri

just let people like things. my only issue is if you cry about her getting into your fandom, then she will 100% sure do out of spite

No. 471503

the sad truth, I guess it's best to let the persona thing sweep under the carpet

No. 471504

anon please sage if you're going to make bad posts, thanks

Holy hell she looks bloated compared to whoever the guy is

No. 471507

I'm glad someone finally said it.

No. 471508

It is inevitable that even Patreon neckbeards are going to move on to another thot who is more fappable than moomoo. She got huge, her photos are shite, and you can get them for free. Why waste money on the crap she's putting out now??? It's not cosplay. It's just crappy BBW modeling. There are cuter and hotter bbw models all over the net. She never delivers on her so called rewards and she has been so blatant about being a charity scammer and a toxic bitch that even her fans are going to move on to another m'lady..

No. 471509

She always insists on making the most pointless part of her costumes. Just buying red velvet gloves and modding them would be so much easier than this shit. Actually learn to sew and make the main piece of your costume, not waste your time on learning to make gloves. I swear she chooses the smallest most insignificant things to make so she can still get "crafting" points that she doesn't have to dedicate alot of time to.

No. 471512

who wants to guess how much we're going to see her wear that red bra once she's done with her shoot

No. 471513

This is shitty considering Vamp and the chin girl Roxy both cosplayed Ann.
What happened to ~raising each other up uwu~?

No. 471514


Reminds me of her Chun Li where she credited herself with the sash. Like really??? Does she need crafting points that bad? If she really wanted crafting points and impress her haturz she should put in actual work and learn to make her big builds. She has money to commission people I get it. But it comes off as lazy when she does literally nothing with her time. Her charity prints are late, she's months behind on patreon rewards, she does photoshoots like twice a month, she's not going to school [if she is it's only online classes], she works out once a week, and likely spends more time on social media than anything else. She doesn't have an excuse for why she hasn't improved or why she isn't putting in actual time into her cosplays. This is her "career" and she states it as a career on her patreon too.

No. 471516

File: 1512322647799.png (110.03 KB, 750x812, IMG_6546.PNG)


She can't use the "teehee cosplay is just a hobby my dudes" excuse anymore

No. 471519

that's not how you make gloves (at least good gloves), you're suppose to cut a hole out for the thumb then sew in the thumb part. that way the fabric won't look all bunched up and be flexible while wearing it.
sage for nitpicking, but this bitch really doesn't know how to pattern her shit.(learn 2 sage)

No. 471520

they did sage, you're the one posting unsaged. stop trying to act like a know-it-all when you don't know how the site works.

this has literally never stopped her from claiming that regardless, why do you think it will now

No. 471525

She say she's the biggest fan
But the only fan in her life
Is the one in her room
Bitch dont pay no AC

No. 471527


No. 471529

let's not forget when she complimented lana rain on her old account, when she did an
Ann-Cosplay porn.


"I'll make Haru, bcz not many girls cosplay her so I'm the first one to lewd her uwu"

Since the thing she reblogged underneat I can kinda bet on a "THICC haru set" with vamp even tho haru isnt fat at all.
Also Ann and Haru don't interact really with each other at all lol. Typical thots again

sage for not sure but

I bet 100% vamp and her never played Persona5, they spend so much money on
food, alc, cats etc
and never too much on
merch,games and furniture

No. 471530

There's this newfag who kept on saying "sage for xxxx" without actually saging even though anons kept telling them how saging works, I'm guessing it's them

She can't fib an impressive number because she would have to shell out the massive difference lol

No. 471531

Are y'all done with the sperging and we can get back on topic now?

No. 471533


She shows off donation money all the time. And when she subs to a Patreon. She’s hiding the amount she raised with her charity prints. Hmm

No. 471536

If she plans on cosplaying haru it’s because another vegas cosplayer associated with her did a non lewd cosplay with her photographer

No. 471539

Given her track record when do we expect to see these Christmas shoots. Feb?

No. 471541

Saying sage doesnt sage your stuff. Put 'sage' in the email field.

No. 471543


In June!

No. 471546

File: 1512332323196.png (158.54 KB, 1277x1260, Untitled.png)

I went back and looked through Moomoo's first thread because I was certain there was a time when she wasn't this unreliable and irresponsible, but it seems like she's always been.

She's never gone through with her patreon stuff, she's always been aggressive and whiny on social media, and she's always thrown around her fake connections to seem more popular than she actually is. Her biggest mistake was not calming down when she had morons eating out of the palm of her "body positive" hands and using it to ride the highest wave of her fame. She should have pulled a Jnig and stopped the bullshit just enough to maintain followers who would look passed her previous shitty behavior if she really wanted fame.

I know anons are tired of, "this is it! She's over!" But her Kanna stunt really was the beginning of the end for her constant climb. I even noticed Onion doesn't seem to bother tweeting her anymore lol I guess losing her Twitter really was a big deal. Now she's desperately clinging to her "fame" in a effort to stay relevant. Other cosplayers don't do half the stuff she does and manage to keep a nontoxic public image. I wish she'd learn from her mistakes, but then she wouldn't be Moo.

Even in the cgl days, she was unbearable. Before she even had a real following.

No. 471550

Oh man those were the days, "that cheap spandex suit" stuff lol.

From when she was first found to these days, she's gotten more well known/infamous, so it's highly likely that she'll still continue down this road. That being said she has just been doing more collaborations of those photoshoots with some dude groping her

No. 471551

I love how she always pick the characters that have daddy issues. she's so obvious

No. 471554

not speaking badly about a convention to not photoshopping, to the same fake "be nice" shit again.
this didn't age well at all hahahaha

No. 471555

Holding another fucking hat.

No. 471556

She probably decided to extend it when she saw her patreon numbers drop (assuming she didn't buy 200-400)

No. 471563

File: 1512337622901.png (531.8 KB, 975x847, you card.png)

No. 471565

Sage, but it's frightful to think of how much more she could make if she JUST got her rewards out on time.

No. 471566

>per comic page

Also lol that header… and fucking webcomic shit… i cant.

No. 471567

File: 1512338046798.png (1023.04 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-03-16-44-48…)

Part of the picture the orisa posted. Ever so classy Moo.

No. 471568

It's from a year or two ago, it's on the bum archive tumblr. Probably under the Patreon tag, or her name proper. I am too lazy to get you the direct link to the post cause I got other shit to do.

No. 471572

File: 1512339703633.jpg (8.82 KB, 150x150, 38d340c922514318c88c14d812c1f7…)

>And oh you got my nudes? Wonderful, maybe you can use those for body motivation to lose weight
Those really were the days. I like how everything she said back then, "I'm going somewhere" etc. didn't happen and her life actually got 10x worse

No. 471574

How sad is it that Big Moo is the most attractive creature in that pic (cliche, Moo, surrounding yourself with ugly chicks to make you look better)? Jesus, Kay's face is busted. Was she a FAS baby or something?

No. 471575

Fuck you Kay is gorgeous it's obviously a shitty photo with bad lighting. Mariah is the only one with her face lit. Idiot.

No. 471576


No. 471577

It's loonie time again.

No. 471581

You seriously think those two girls are uglier than moo? Lmao wtf

No. 471583

i would never ever say kay is uglier than moo but stop this loonie shit, not everyone find that ugly mug of hers so beautiful.
can't judge the orisa because quality, but she looks ok.

sage because ot kay loonie boho drama

No. 471586

This isn’t Kay’s thread.

No. 471587

File: 1512343295375.png (188.45 KB, 720x933, Screenshot_2017-12-03-15-18-43…)

Some autism Moo self inserts herself into

No. 471595

that's why i saged and SAID it's ot. jesus I'm just saying that you all have to stop with the hi loonie shit everytime someones thinks anything negative about kay

and sage your shit

No. 471596

Mods, we're ready to go back to /snow/

No. 471599

File: 1512346868894.png (306.52 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9596.PNG)

Even if its another nigerian scam email, she just posted someones full name and banking information publicly lmfao

No. 471600

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No. 471601

File: 1512346999258.png (1.05 MB, 720x984, Screenshot_2017-12-03-16-21-58…)

No. 471602

File: 1512347126065.png (882.58 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2017-12-03-16-24-15…)

No. 471603

What is she trying to achieve with that non existent upper lip, you can barely see her peaks of the cupis bow and thats just due to her lipstick. The editing combined with her cheap lenses make her eyes look as hollow as a discount sexdoll you fish out of a dumpster

No. 471606

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No. 471607

She needs some lotion.

No. 471608

File: 1512348497460.png (193.4 KB, 720x923, Screenshot_2017-12-03-16-43-38…)

I don't recommend Euphoria for sensitive stomachs since its literally torture porn

No. 471609

>those dumb glowing eyes again

No. 471610

File: 1512348748650.png (147.66 KB, 720x846, Screenshot_2017-12-03-16-49-42…)


No. 471611

And there's poop.
Moo, that's… creepy.

No. 471612

I watched it all and after episode 3, you have no idea what the fuck is even happening anymore because of different timelines. Can't wait to see her sexualize one of the torture fucked elementary schoolers. Very classy.

No. 471613

The game really isn't that great either… I know Im double posting, but jesus christ. Her taste is so bad.

No. 471614

hi here's the sexual content which i guess mariah mallad is into

the number is based on how relevant the users feel it is to the vn

Rape by Proxy 3.0 Unavoidable Heroine Rape 3.0 Sex Under the Necessity 2.8 High Sexual Content 2.8 Early Sexual Content 2.7 Background Moans 2.6 Bondage 2.5 French Kiss 2.3 Excessive Semen 2.3 High Amounts of Rape 2.3 Ahegao 2.3 Sounds of Copulation 2.2 Internal Exhibition of Sex 2.2 Scat 2.2 Heroine with Pubic Hair 2.2 Consensual Erotic Humiliation 2.1 Sexual Devices 2.1 Non-consensual Erotic Humiliation 2.1 Defloration 2.1 Clothed Male Naked Female 2.0 Defloration During Common Route 2.0 Sex in Classroom 2.0 Body Fluid Tube 2.0 Heroine with Anal Hair 2.0 Female Ejaculation 2.0 Group Sex 2.0 Anal Sex 1.9 Doggy 1.9 Coprophagia 1.9 Huge Insertion 1.9 Stuck-in-Wall Sex 1.9 Vibrators 1.8 Gang Rape 1.8 Footjob 1.8 Erotic Mummification 1.8 Sex Involving Smegma 1.8 Boobjob 1.8 Anal Toys 1.8 Specula (Sexual) 1.8 Fingering 1.8 Blowjob Duck Face 1.8 Pain Only Rape 1.8 Gaping 1.8 Deepthroat 1.7 Masturbation 1.7 Sexual Blindfold 1.7 Tickle Torture 1.7 Urination Fetish 1.7 Missionary Position 1.7 Unavoidable Rape 1.7 Manual Prostate Stimulation 1.7 Human Branding 1.7 Strangulation Sex 1.6 Rape Involving Drugs 1.6 Handjob 1.6 Sitting 1.6 Cowgirl 1.6 Reverse Rape 1.6 Anal Fingering 1.6 Cum on Food 1.5 Double Penetration (Group Sex) 1.5 Sex Involving Menstruation 1.5 Petplay 1.5 Defloration by Others 1.5 Body Writing 1.5 Bukkake 1.5 Sex in Front of an Audience 1.5 Peace Sign Ahegao 1.4 Enema 1.4 Twin Blowjob 1.4 Pubic Hair Shaving 1.4 Multiple Penetration 1.4 Standing Sex 1.4 Erotic Spanking 1.4 Blowjob 1.4 Hairjob 1.4 Double Handjob 1.4 Erotic Electrostimulation 1.4 Rape 1.4 Public Cum Dumpster 1.3 Clamps 1.3 Female Domination 1.3 Production of Pornography (Amateur) 1.3 Balls Sucking 1.3 Mutual Masturbation 1.3 Naizuri 1.3 Suspension Bondage 1.2 Gokkun 1.2 Vomiting Fetish 1.2 Feet Licking 1.2 Sex in Water 1.2 Group Sex of One Female and Several Males 1.1 Anilingus 1.1 Paraphilic Infantilism 1.1 Cunnilingus 1.1 Ryona 1.1 Group Sex of One Male and Several Females 1.1 Group Sex of Multiple Females and Males 1.1 Lolicon 1.1 Guro 1.0 Seventh Posture 1.0 Piss Drinking 1.0 Mouth Gag 1.0 Clothed Female Naked Male 0.9 Fisting 0.9 BDSM 0.8 Rapist Protagonist 0.8 Spoons 0.6 Threesome 0.3 Shoejob 0.2

No. 471615

The opening scene kind of upset me since the poor girl gets electrocuted to death.

I think she just wants to associate it to the gore aspect of Higurashi and Corpse Party but it also sounds like she's picking edgelord titles to comment on so she's ~not like other girls~. I'm into hardcore shit but Euphoria is disgusting.

No. 471616

She does. She 100% does. The gore in it is good, but the rest if complete trash unless it's your fetish. I went into it hoping for a slash anime like Higurashi or CP or even Trinity C, but nope. But I guess we all know what Moo is into I guess and its disgusting to see cosplayers wanting to cosplay those character. I get it though in a way because some people just really like that stuff, but come on… Euphoria has zero redeeming qualities.

No. 471617

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No. 471618

File: 1512349366692.jpg (62.13 KB, 618x585, 685464.jpg)

but the takano project guys, i love takano so much!!!

well it didn't bring in the attention you wanted right?

No. 471619

File: 1512349463186.png (227.89 KB, 720x927, Screenshot_2017-12-03-17-01-52…)

It's one of the many hentai titles that is made for the sake of jerking off to gore

No. 471620

WOW! Its almost like you're playing any other multiple ending game!

No. 471621

File: 1512349750365.png (286.31 KB, 720x948, Screenshot_2017-12-03-17-05-53…)

They dating or nuh

No. 471622

File: 1512349791796.png (116.93 KB, 235x386, 72a.png)

Yeah, you stupid cow, VNs have multiple endings. Higurashi is just a damn kinetic novel. And Corpse Party is more of a game (which you probably just watched pewdiepie play or something).

lmao, did she just admit to stealing games on her professional twitter.

No. 471623

This certainly is eye-opening. Adds new context to the whole Kanna issue. Disgusting.
I hate how she's excitedly encouraging her to play the game when it's this vile. Moo has no boundaries.

No. 471624

She said she never finished it. So she can lie and say she didn't see it if her friend gets disgusted.

If the girl is turned off by the anime, I don't understand why you'd tell her to play the VN which will clearly upset her more. Like holy shit.

No. 471626

File: 1512350280051.jpg (94.93 KB, 800x450, guessivegotbrainproblems.jpg)

It's almost like the hentai doesn't have a bunch of rape/scat/death in it or something.

No. 471627

Yeah, not to be a ween, but I usually warn people about sensitive content in media without spoiling anything, just because I feel like it's the right thing to do when you recommend something. Moo must assume everyone just has the same edgy fetishes as she does.

No. 471629


>moomoo playing euphoria

yeah fucking right lmao she’s such a try-hard edgelord fucking liar

No. 471631

File: 1512351135231.png (127.95 KB, 720x797, Screenshot_2017-12-03-17-30-15…)

Please go outside

No. 471632

File: 1512351325431.jpeg (52.93 KB, 500x556, image.jpeg)

Pretty sure Nigri also got it from the art Moo posted awhile ago

No. 471633

Yikes, even some of my most depraved weeb friends don't want to touch Euphoria. Not sure why she thinks it's something she should even talk about enjoying publicly, there's some (literal) shit you should keep to yourself.

No. 471634

File: 1512351668543.png (164.38 KB, 720x1207, Screenshot_2017-12-03-17-39-59…)

No. 471636

my thoughts exactly. such a tryhard.

No. 471639

Im going through her Facebook page and absolutely any mention of Milk Party, MooMoo, OC, or hentai related to it is gone. No images, no spoiler posts. Unless my internet is screwy and no Im not blocked from her either. If someone can double check that would be awesome and holy shit, what a fucking pussy if she is avoiding putting it on Facebook because she knows people will call her out there more vocally than any other site.

No. 471640

Absolutely vile and I consider myself to be open minded.

No. 471641

Moo shows what kind of piece of shit she is once again - that game is available legally through mangagamer, and if she were a visual novel fan she’d know how important it is to support the games as frequently as possible. No surprise her cheap ass would support pirating

No. 471642

of course she does, months ago she bragged about watching anime while "working" on some cosplay, but it was all on youtube instead of an official streamer. she's a cheapskate and an asshole because she can actually AFFORD to support them legally.

No. 471645

The people buying her non-existant prints would be paying for her to watch stuff that she can pretend she likes.

No. 471647


I can still see the most recent post with her sewing the "Milkman" outfit or whatever it's supposed to be, but that's it.

No. 471650

File: 1512356837879.jpg (35.63 KB, 736x464, FB_IMG_1512356629423.jpg)

If Moomoo was a bit more weeby Id say this is 100% her but it still works

No. 471651


Just checked, if you scroll through her photos, there are three ones that just say "MooMoo" from the start of October

No. 471653

Wow, she is legit human garbage. Revolting.

No. 471654

Forgot to watermark it she might steal this one.

No. 471656

one can still stream on cr for free too

No. 471657

File: 1512360685793.png (950.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171204-010939.png)

Goddamn quit derailing about the fucking vn. No1curr if you don't like it or find it sick, this isn't milk. Stfu and stop nitpicking about this stupid shit.

In any case, she now has that horrible fanart as a twitter cover thing.

No. 471659

Her wig really matches the scarecrow aesthetic. It looks like literal straw…good thing?

No. 471660

im truly wondering how long she'll keep up this OC charade until she gets bored.

No. 471666


probably until she realizes she can’t be like susu. she’s desperate to be like that.

No. 471680

Lol she “has a pass” but we have evidence in a previous thread she had someone signing her in. K Moo. She either bought a pass halfway through the year like a dumbass or suckered another poor cast member into letting her in.

No. 471703

Castle Corsetry is a girl who makes corsets
Castle Cosplay is her boy toy

No. 471710

Totally misread. Sorry

No. 471739


I feel like she always posts with her arms close to her body (aka same old pose over and over) because she doesn't want the world to see those flabby ass arms flapping around in the breeze.

No. 471740

File: 1512378773383.jpg (401.03 KB, 2135x1433, testtubebrews2.jpg)

these logo thingies are fun to make…

No. 471751


Ugh she just gets more and more disgusting with each one. Can't wait to see the scarecrow one will be a good one too I bet.

No. 471756

please go ahead and do something with euphoria and watch it completely backfire lmao

I just looked it up and I could not find one single positive male comment lol thankfully I guess most people are sane enough to not find eating shit hot

No. 471758

File: 1512384743370.png (823.96 KB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2017-12-04-02-46-16…)

She literally goes to the gym parking lot, Wal-Mart/Target, and some high fat restaurant when she goes outside…

No. 471761

is 6:17 Mariah?

No. 471763

I can see why she cropped out her massive arms on twitter @ 0:40

No. 471764

File: 1512387252648.png (136.38 KB, 276x410, Screenshot 2017-12-04 at 3.33.…)

No. 471765

File: 1512387299622.png (340.15 KB, 585x465, Screenshot 2017-12-04 at 3.34.…)

No. 471779

File: 1512392410894.png (1.19 MB, 1334x750, 50C916FC-8153-452B-8316-CA0693…)

No. 471780

File: 1512392522399.jpeg (155.42 KB, 1199x598, 6DD1579A-4554-4F8F-9763-B2A60C…)

No. 471782

I just hope Moo uses actual shit and vomit, we all know how she's all about that authenticity and details ;)

No. 471783

Yes it is, but it's from last year or so.

No. 471786


She is such a tryhard. "Your mom" "your dad" wtf is that shit? She has the worst sense of humor. She tries so hard to be funny and quirky. She makes me cringe.

No. 471789


She has cosplayed something I like and I didn't lose my mind over it. Why? Because I don't care if other people cosplay something that is not my property. I can choose to ignore it.

>point out something
>baww baww you are the one butthurt!

Keep coming with the damage control while I laugh at stupid womanchidlren being mad their favourite cartoon got cosplayed by a thot.(you've been warned)

No. 471790

This entire thread has gotten ridiculous, there is infighting, off topic BS constantly and it's a wonder people want this thread off PT. How about instead of doing what Moo does on a regular basis, clapping back, we just get back onto topic of what a shit person she is and posting what is RELEVANT to her thread. I would seriously hate to see another farmhand come in and give yet another warning to stfu with this shit.

No. 471800

Just the plot description makes me feel ill. I'm content with fooling myself into thinking she just Googled the most edgy hentai she could and is pretending to be into it, cuz thinking about this shit turning anyone on is making lose my breakfast.(learn 2 sage)

No. 471804

File: 1512402709517.png (66.01 KB, 939x705, patreondip.PNG)

Her patreon following went though a huge dip in November after more of her shit started leaking out and she deleted the discord. It can't be credited to just being the end of month, the difference is noticeable.

I have to give credit these look a LOT better than those awful black tip ones that look like she has tons of caked dirt under her fingernails.

Maybe I'm reaching but it really feels like it's Moomoo trying to get these threads deleted/locked with trolling. We know she browses these threads, it's not that far off. People should just ignore the obvious trolls and stop with the infighting and report instead. And farmers - if she's cosplaying from your fav anime just learn to laugh at her because you know how shitty she will look, if you get mad it only makes her happier because that's what she wants.

No. 471807

I find it funny she still hasn't remade the discord after I got rid of everything. People are paying her for that spot and it's been over a month and she hasn't done it, despite it being an easy thing to do. Funny thing is she thinks she knows who it is and who won't be allowed in, but I came in free last time due to the leak, so she's paranoid at her own fans acting like some detective.

Also I think she buys patreon spots for real.

No. 471810

Ive been leaking her shit all over reddit and other sites for months. This dip makes me so happy. Ill have more full sets after this next week as im on vacation.

No. 471817


Anons don’t seem to understand that the more they sperg out and bitch about Moomoo “ruining” their favorite characters or anime, that it only makes her want to do it more. She has literally said that she lives for people bitching about her “ruining” their characters or favorite animes. She doesn’t actually like or give a shit about any of it.

So instead of crying and complaining, people need to just shut the fuck up and let her go through with it. We’ve seen on countless occasions her giving up on cosplays because they aren’t getting her the attention she wants or it turns out it’s too complicated for her or she gets roasted when she posts pictures of it. It’s the ones people give her shit for that she sees through to the end because she wants to see the people bitching and moaning and ultimately giving her more attention.

And it only gives her more ammo to cry about “being bullied” when people are telling her to kill herself over a fucking cartoon character.

No. 471824

File: 1512408354035.jpg (93.46 KB, 728x1098, fat_tracer___overwatch_plumps_…)

No. 471825

File: 1512408468212.png (86.82 KB, 750x945, IMG_1318.PNG)

Designer vs Walmart

No. 471828

Best way to respond: "Yeah, no one will give a shit, Moo, they just want to see your flabby tits."

No. 471833

Why do all these whores cosplay the same shit? Not a creative bone in any of them. I can't wait for the costhot trend to die out.

No. 471836

she HATES ahri, she should do a christmas syndra since she loves her, but ahri bring all the money.
jesus i hate her so much because she used to be such a nice girl with passion for cosplays and now she is just a thot who can't handle the e-fame

sage for blog post e absolutely OT i just needed to say something

No. 471839

cause they need to cosplay hot waifus so people will jack off to them.

No. 471840

cause they need to cosplay hot waifus so people will jack off to them.

No. 471844


Her subreddit has become an even bigger shitshow than I last remembered. Last I checked there was nothing but white knights who kissed her her and talked about how much they jerked off to her. I see she gets roasted pretty hard there now.

No. 471852

File: 1512413628732.png (143.82 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171205-025221.png)

Lmao such a huge difference from a month ago.

No. 471856

where can we find the template?

No. 471867

K we already know moomoo has daddy issues but after looking up stuff for euphoria I’m convinced she’s a psychotic bitch, what is her fascination with rape, violence to women and torture? The fact that the rapes in euphoria happen to high school aged children is concerning.


No. 471870

she probably reads worse tbh.

No. 471881

her Reddit’s not very active either. the most activity is on her super lewd pics and even then there’s a ton of roasting. her “big build” mei cosplay got no comments

No. 471883


It wouldn't surprise me if she's actively trying to sabotage the threads now. Everyone knows she lurks at this point. These threads effect her more than she leads on. You can tell by how she tries so hard to disprove everything here or when someone posts about her doing something, she will "coincidently" post something related to it. She tries to act tough but she's a fragile little bitch. Without her following she knows her "friends" won't be around her for long

No. 471907

Can we talk about how her patreon graph looks like her from the side?
has the weird lumpy tits and the fupa

No. 471908

i see it, will draw shitty mspaint when i get home.

No. 471912

This one makes her look like a snaggle-toothed cow. Especially with those black and white colors kek

I'm not sure what shape her body is from this angle besides whale.

To be honest, I'm surprised that it hasn't dipped more. They're paying for things that she posts for free and aren't getting any rewards so….what are they getting in return exactly? They can get broken promises for free.

No. 471920

File: 1512424019172.png (317.98 KB, 720x1026, Screenshot_2017-12-04-13-45-03…)

I'm confused…make more content? Didn't she say she Was going to send a free print since she was backed up??

No. 471923

Shouldn’t she be studying for finals since she “claims” to be in school?

No. 471925


Keep on making "content" that will be free on the internet for people to look at, and busting out a months work in just a few weeks? Oh boy I'm sure everything is going to be 100% top quality there. It's always quality, not quantity you fat cow, but I guess more quantity means her actual body too, gym my ass.

No. 471928


No. 471933


>month's worth of content.

She's already so behind on content that she can just release the ones from October as this month's content. She doesn't do any work at all. The only stress she gets is from getting caught in her lies by the internet.

No. 471934

Kek. It's going to all be cheap closet and eBay cosplays. Such a professional. Even her idol Nigri puts more effort into her lazy bikini cosplays.

No. 471937

File: 1512429138910.jpg (29.24 KB, 391x563, sweetteaccups.JPG)

Hang on tight my girls and dudes. We're about to get something disturbing from this cow. "Don't worry about the brown stuff in my mouth my dudes! Its just a candy bar!" But seriously though why is she interested in this kind of game? I understand if its for shock value but to go as far as reenact the scenes is beyond me. After I saw the first scene with the girl getting electrocuted I felt sick and I can stomach through any torture hentai.(sage this)

No. 471938

seriously. this has scat in the synopsis ffs. this is the kinda stuff i don't wanna hear about like at all, let alone from moo. it's not sexy if she faps to this it's gross.

No. 471940

File: 1512430503615.jpg (91.49 KB, 394x394, SPAGHETTI.jpg)


I've played through the game, you can literally turn off the shit graphics. Doesn't save you from the sounds or text unfortunately

pic related

No. 471952


If you people hate it so fucking much quit talking about it jfc, stop derailing the thread with gross shit no one wants to fucking hear.

No. 471957

haha, you think that commenting about moo's inevitable gross scat fetish shots is derailing? sit the fuck down.

No. 471958

It’s not derailing if it’s pertinent to our subject. Moomoo is a pretty twisted and sick individual especially seeing what kind of game Hentai she hopes to reenact with someone

Seeing that moomoo loves to troll and hurt people, it’s not surprising she gets off to an eroge where young girls are raped, tortured, humiliated, and murdered and she claims to want to do a shoot of this game/anime

No. 471961

There isn't one, I assume it's the same drawfag.

Reminder she tweeted about being into DDLG.

She's been here since the very first thread.

No. 471965

No, she's gotta make red colored outfits for Christmas my dude.

No. 471975

File: 1512438089992.png (50.62 KB, 375x360, ahedgao.png)

Is it just me or does moos precious "ahegao cow" look similar to this? It was posted on redbubble a few months ago.

No. 471987

File: 1512440594584.jpg (243.97 KB, 1141x1141, pixlr_20171204181745303.jpg)

They do look similar. I wouldn't be surprised if she saw the original and asked the artist she commissioned to use it somehow as "inspiration". It's shitty but not unheard of for clients to request that. And seeing as how Moo has no originality to begin with, I wouldn't put it past her.

No. 471994

File: 1512442577039.png (1.05 MB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2017-12-04-18-51-12…)

No. 471995

Wow MOORIAH maybe not be such a fucking cluttered fuck and clean your bathroom you'd find it

No. 471996

You mean to tell me she actually uses that Christian Dior Queef foundation? Ugh. You know she only uses it because Jeffree Star does. There's plenty of other foundations that work just as well if not better for less. What a dumbass. I'm sure her neckbeards looove knowing she uses their money for overpriced makeup.

No. 471997

wait.. she wears foundation and still looks that bad? What is the point of wearing makeup if you don't wash your face every few days?

No. 471998

It's always about how much money she claims she has ain't it? Bitch you are broke ass white trash from dearborn. If you had a million dollars today it all would be gone tomorrow.

No. 471999

i feel like the 'artist' stole it more likely, their drawing looks lie shit (as if redbubble didn't steal it lol)

No. 472006

File: 1512446954739.png (412.88 KB, 720x933, Screenshot_2017-12-04-20-07-22…)

No. 472008

File: 1512447026033.png (167.83 KB, 720x931, Screenshot_2017-12-04-20-06-58…)

No. 472009

hahahaha you ruined yourself, cow

No. 472010

File: 1512447343123.jpeg (166.29 KB, 750x600, A1202BFA-BE6E-41EB-A4AA-AF6451…)

No. 472011

>it's just work

Building up the mentality to make her final move to selling sex, I see.

No. 472012

File: 1512447705281.gif (1.6 MB, 500x279, tumblr_oji598zNrc1r1ult6o1_500…)

You forgot the W. and the B.(???)

No. 472013

this mentality is so gross. not bashing sex workers but they get really manipulated into believing this crap and it makes me sad. not for moo tho, we all know she wants to bang every one of those dudes touching her

No. 472015

Yeah. Like whatever, I get what she's saying, but I also remember KBBQ BITCH BOI

No. 472016


Wouldn't put it past her to be sleeping with Charlie either. Why else would she fly out someone just for a photoshoot? She could find other Vegas people if it was just work. She seems close to Keintastic and Landonardo after all.

No. 472022

multiple times
+ "when we gettin married tho"

i really hope is gf is ok with this, assuming theyre still together

No. 472024

This reminds me of a scenario where the husband/bf goes on these 'business trips' multiple times. Sooner or later the gf is probably gonna catch on. Especially if he keeps flying out of the country twice for the same reason under a short time period. (The milk shoot was during August/September)(sage this)

No. 472025

she apparently follows moo on insta or something

No. 472026

My concern is what happens between the two outside of the photoshoot. I'm sure they are gonna do more stuff than just a photoshoot.

No. 472031

well they clearly flirt and tease about marriage lol but if his gf is fine w shit like that then….whatever. she’s dumb but moo is worse.

No. 472032

File: 1512451735893.png (1.12 MB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2017-12-04-21-24-19…)

It'll be interesting to see how they all shoop her

No. 472034

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No. 472035

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No. 472036

File: 1512452039302.png (1015.43 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2017-12-04-21-24-10…)


No. 472037


And they will either all be shitty, rushed low-quality, or come out next year

No. 472039

I can understand why she laid out the pieces, but it just reminds me of the garbage all over her floor at home.

No. 472041


We all know that’s a load of shit Moomoo. She is absolutely incapable of separating work from pleasure. She practically acts like every guy she shoots with is her new boyfriend. It extends well beyond just a photo shoot; she openly flirts with them on social media or invites them out for a weekend to dinner or to hang out or constantly talks about wanting to see them and plasters pictures with them all over social media and acting like they are a couple. She tries to do the whole “friends with benefits” but ends up catching feelings for them because they are the only guys she can seem to get. And when they don’t want want her rancid pussy she tries to ruin them on social media.

We literally just saw this play out with KBBQ, where she tried to act like “we’re just friends my dude lol” and we end up finding out they are fucking and she tried to treat it as “friends with benefits”, and she ending up catching feelings for him and when he dumped her trashy ass she tried to ruin him and ended up running him off of social media and out of the cosplay community.

No. 472047

File: 1512453327869.jpeg (155.29 KB, 960x723, 0ABF1AD5-568B-48AA-9F07-905D04…)

Saw this on my Facebook and couldn’t help but think of Moo.

No. 472064

>fat leftists

You just lost your whole point. This isn't a political pity show

No. 472067

you're in the wrong place, friend.(sage this)

No. 472069

Jesus spare us from anons political opinions. Left or right.(sage this)

No. 472070

Is that the same christmas dress she used for Wicke and Samus?

No. 472071

Tbh I didn’t even notice the leftist part. Just thought the pic was funny.

No. 472072

No. 472077

Stop derailing and infighting or bans will be issued
If your post contributes nothing of value then sage goes in the email field

No. 472079

That would be you.
This thread has nothing to do with anything political, take it somewhere else. Keep on topic.

No. 472080

File: 1512460273927.jpeg (94.7 KB, 640x360, 442FDB3F-99B5-48F5-8AE9-72B666…)

To me it looks more like the art from HunnieCam Studio. Fitting

No. 472081

I /THINK/ this anon was trying to imply "FWB" (as in friends with benefits) but that's truly stretching my imagination…

No. 472085

No shit, she's insisting they're friends but she's always trying to bang her photographers

No. 472087

Yeah, that's what I thought of when I saw the heart eyes too. But I am sure it could come from other shit, so I didn't bring it up.

No. 472090

I'm literally only pointing it out because it looks like they got either a mod warning or mod ban with "(???)" as a reason.

Either way, I'm sort of wondering how the dude in question would respond to anyone asking him if he's more than friends w moo. He's def using her for more exposure but I wonder if he ACTUALLY enjoys being around her or if he's like KBBQ and secretly talks shit secretly. Tinfoil but I get the idea he browses here and gets off of the attention he gets from these threads.

No. 472093

I think the same thing too, but there's way better people to get exposure from, after moo's done with them she spreads nasty rumours and doxxes them

No. 472099

Can’t wait to see if she tries to squeeze into any of the wonderland corsets. They only have about 4 basic plus sized ones there. All the wardrobe is pretty petite. Coming from a local who’s shot there before.

No. 472100

I personally liked euphoria tbh but if Moomoo tries to cosplay anything from there it's only gonna prove how dense she is

No. 472102

File: 1512466818374.jpeg (156.62 KB, 990x998, BDD4AD9D-DCAA-45EE-9F9F-4CEC24…)

lmfao(sage this)

No. 472103

Gross!! These nails need to be filled so badly…

No. 472120

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No. 472124

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No. 472132

File: 1512472889475.png (173.94 KB, 274x480, Screenshot 2017-12-05 at 3.18.…)


No. 472138

File: 1512474012343.png (397.24 KB, 641x690, Screenshot 2017-12-05 at 3.38.…)

slight reach but do you think she switched the Milk Party set to her OC because of this?

No. 472141

I mean honestly it could be. We know moo idolizes Jess and of she doesn't show her the time of day and is praising another girl to do a cow theme, even knowing she did it and still thinking someone is better. She probably got pissed off and wanted to 'prove' she was the real cow hottie to her mommy

No. 472142

wow nice another thot

why don't jess herself do it? she dubbed fucking sonico and the outfit is so simple

is this tweet old?

No. 472143

No. 472145

File: 1512477149030.png (388.79 KB, 1158x1254, moo.png)

No. 472146

File: 1512477647849.jpg (7.65 MB, 4000x6247, pixlr.jpg)

Whilst we're talking about Moo and JNig - more proof, not that we need it, that she wants nothing to do with Moo.

She just promoted all her friends doing lewdmas or something similar on Instagram. And gasp no mention of Moo anywhere?

Poor Mariah, that must really sting.

No. 472149


This only solidifies how irrelevant Moo will become soon, so many other better looking women (thots they may be) willing to take off their clothes for money. I would love to see an even bigger dip in her Patreon next month if she's only up to 83% this time, especially with how shit she treats her fans. Keep shoveling her patreon content out there to the masses and it will happen soon enough!

No. 472155

It's probably not intentional but I snorted

No. 472156


Meg hates Mooriah for sure. I forgot which post but a friend of mine made a post that was vaguely about Moo and Meg commented on it with only bad things to say. If I find it I'll screenshot it. Meg also responded to Moo when she said boudouir was porn and was one of the people who told her she was wrong. Meg and Jessica are really close so that should be a big enough indicator that Jessica doesn't really like Moo.

No. 472159


I love how Jess almost never brings up Moo unless Moo’s fans start hounding her. Every time Jess promotes another cosplayer, like clockwork her fans run in like “B-but what about Mariah?!!!!’” and is forced to give a “Oh yeah, her too” response, as to not appear as excluding her.

It just gives further proof that this whole “cosplay Mom” thing is all in Moomoo’s head. Jess has to be sick of constantly being expected to clean up Moomoo’s messes or being expected to take responsibility for whatever stupid shit Moomoo said that week. She absolutely keeps her at arms length and makes sure to not even give the appearance of co-signing any of her bullshit. She doesn’t do any shoots with her not does she ever really comment on any of Moomoo’s shoots unless it’s plastered all over her social media by Moomoo’s fans.

But of course, Moomoo still goes around telling everyone “Oh yeah, she’s practically my cosplay mom! We totally hang out all the time and she has personally taken me under wing to teach me everything about cosplay”

No. 472160

File: 1512484682922.png (65.28 KB, 582x222, suckup.png)

Oh Moo, Li couldn't give a flying fuck about you retweeting her work. You only wish you could even know what it feels like to have a fraction of talent. How does it feel to look at a REAL cosplayer? Not another disgusting thot with her tits hanging out.

No. 472193


Not to mention meg and jess have actually done work together. Jess knows working with Mariah would spell danger for her. It would be 90% negative comments about Mariah in the photos like with funimation.

No. 472196

File: 1512491708858.jpg (85.54 KB, 933x440, delete later.JPG)

It's kind of sad how much Moo tries to push their friendship when it's obvious that Jess wants nothing to do with her. Like how she chooses to work with Moo's friend's over her every time.

No. 472198


Not to mention mention Moomoo trying to play up the “teehee I’m into girls too” angle and practically trying to finger her. Whenever she shoots with other girls she always tries to be extra and play it up for neckbeard bucks. It just shows she has no idea what the fuck she is doing and just slaps together what she thinks guys want to see.

No. 472199

I wouldn't surprise me if Moo actually doesn't even like Nigri. She just wants to ride her second hand fame until she can overtake her.

I feel like Jess at one point gave Moo a fair shot at being friends but Moo blew it by being the shitty person she is. Like that time she went to visit Jess in AZ and they went hiking. In every one of Moo's instagram stories it was obvious everyone else was trying to enjoy spending time quality with each other and here Moo is throwing her phone in Nigri's face to get as many snap chats and instagram stories as possible. How more obvious can you be that your trying to use someone for their fame? They're real people who dont want to be treated like a free meal ticket. Did Moo even try to seem interested in anyone? Jess probably said, "fuck that" cuz I haven't seen pics of them together aside from sloppy drunk con photos. Which is hilarious cuz Moo could have been hanging around all the cosplayers she tries to ride the coats tails of instead of just stalking them on twitter if she tried to be nice.

No. 472200

It's true, even though Jess can be annoying, I think a lot of the friendships and other relationships she's created with people are genuine. She did a huge favor for a friend of mine some so time back, and neither of them mentioned it on social media. It was just a real moment that Jess gained absolutely nothing from. Compare that to Moo, who takes a hundred photos anytime she's close to someone with a large following so she can leech onto their popularity. I'm sure all those people can see through her by now.

No. 472203


Agreed. I’m sure Jess tried to genuinely extend that hand of friendship at first, but Moomoo saw it as a meal ticket to the top and tried to use her name to brag about how “famous” she is and Jess saw right through her. She has to be annoyed with Moo constantly trying to shove herself into pics with her or bragging about getting to spend any kind of time with her. Or the fact that every time Moo has a meltdown she is the one expected to answer for it or is expected to constantly be in support of her no matter what bullshit she caused and got into.

I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was the whole Sabo-Con thing when she apparently called Jess while she was on vacation to bitch at the con because she didn’t get the time slot she wanted for a panel. I’m sure that completely put her over the edge and pissed her off.

No. 472209


It's been a while since their last drunk party picture. I'm sure that a lot changed between them since then. Jessica isn't the best role model but she has been in the game long enough to know her stuff. I feel that's why Jessica doesn't mind giving Mariah advice but even then I feel like she does it because Mariah is always whining to her. If Jessica genuinely cared about her she would have gotten her back during the many backlash events that Mariah has had. She didn't even make one post about how people were speaking bad about her about the funimation shoot. Jessica doesn't give a fuck about Mariah. The proof is in the fact that she has never promoted Mariah especially as of recent and they have never worked together. Mariah makes it seem like they're super close but she only does it so she feels ~famous~.

No. 472210


Here's a thought experiment:

Look at Mariah.
Take away her following.
Take away her patreon.
What does she have left?

She has nothing. Her names not a household name. A lot of people east coast don't even know who she is and cosplay normies don't know her. Her personality is annoying and she has no sense for business. Like what happened to that clothing line she kept bragging about?

She also has no talent. Without money to commission cosplays, she would be making below shit tier costumes. I actually think she got worse at crafting since she started.

Look at Jessica Nigri.
Take away the same things.

She is a name that most cosplayers know. She can sell merchandise with her name alone and make a business. She's made money before patreon while Mariah has to cling to patreon to keep up with her lifestyle. Jessica also has many genuine friends who have her back. She also has built up her talent and makes way better stuff than when she started.

No. 472216

well no shit. moo already pretty much admitted she bought her fame, paid for followers, paid for articles, probably paying for some patreon spots. she's fake. she's not good at what she does and there are many others who do the same thing. she's been faking it to try to gain the spot light and make people interested due to hype. it worked a bit but it's not forever.

jessica got hyped by others, they propelled her to the top and she made a name for herself.

No. 472221

File: 1512500617203.png (78.85 KB, 426x396, 1506666241143.png)

>there are people itt so desperate to hate Moo that they're acting like JNig is better
Holy shit.

No. 472222

lmao, admitting jnig is better at business than moo doesn't mean we're licking her ass.

No. 472224


No. 472225

jnig IS better at crafting and marketing. nobody ever said she is a nice or cool person though.

No. 472227

Another way Moo has screwed herself is that no one likes to see someone they care about being taken advantage of and a lot of these photogs and cosplayers Moo thirsts after genuinely care about Jessica. That will really drive them away from wanting to have anything to do with Moo then she obnoxious, greedy personality alone. So Moo is stuck with the bottom dwellers.

I doubt Moo even knows how or why she would want to establish relationships with others if she isn't constantly getting something out of it.

No. 472228

Well considering she's been #1 costhot for an established decade of course she'd be well marketed by now. But really, she's no different than Moo ie
>lying about cosmetic surgeries
>taking advantage of connections
>taking credit for cosplays not made by herself
>shooping the hell out of photos
>shitty/late patreon rewards
>making herself out to be grander on social media than she actually is
Like you could argue in the past two years she got a little good, but that's bc she had no choice if she wanted to keep up with competition now that everyone is a wannabe coshoe these days. Not to mention people are holding cosplayers more accountable on social media.

No. 472235

if you generalize it like that then yeah but moo is so much worse still

>bullied Sabrina into taking back when she outted that momo had gotten lipo
>lies about connections all the time (hell she even originally lied and got called out by jnig for pretending to be her friend in the one interview)
>Bullied and shit talk people calling them 'haters' when they asked for credit
>Shooped while claiming 'muh body positivity' and both blocked and made fake receipts to deny the shoop
>is over half a year late on patreon rewards that are ONLY prints
>Moo is actually lying about 'where she is' whereas Jessica actually has corporate sponsorships and connections.

Moo also:
>doxxed several people and actively uses her fanbase to attack people who talk poorly of her
>couldnt craft a costume if her life depended on it
>is arguably mistreating her cats
>actively tries to drag people down with her by trying to group everyone as 'sex workers'

Also has Jnig ever straight up denied getting implants? From what i've seen she just never addresses it which is still kinda shitty BUT not as bad as actually coming out and lying about it constantly and claiming it's 'totally working out my dudes'

Another simple proof to Momo being several times worse than Jessica is:
We have almost 40 threads pretty much full of momo's bullshit.

No. 472238

I recall Jessica saying she never got implants when everyone remembered her being flat as hell

No. 472239

those are undeniable facts, it's just that jessica got better (online at least) with the years. i'm glad to see some people still see through her bullshit though.

she denied them for YEARS. now people are speculating she had lip injections and she is in denial too

well i will stop talking about her, we already derailed a lot, sage for jnig

No. 472240

She's tried to either skate around the question or claim it was padding and pushup bras a million times. Which is shitty but I highly doubt she's fooling anyone at this point.

But ultimatly, what is more damaging as far as body positivity goes? Denying your pornstar tits or claiming you can magically lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks from exercise alone?

No. 472250

like i said, she's not better, just better at business. just think, she managed to do what moo does AND build an empire she got flack but didn't get totally fucked like moo always does.

No. 472251


Jess lying about fake tits isn’t anywhere near as bad as Moo lying about dropping 30 pounds in two months from “just exercise my dude” and then flying the false flag of “body positivity” and “loving your body and all it’s flaws” and trying to ruin anyone who called her out on her bullshit.

No. 472252


I asked her at a con and she straight up told me her size and when she got them.

She avoided talking about it to the 13 year old that was after me though, with good reason.

He overheard and she just said "How old are you? Let's talk about minecraft"

She's absolutely selective with the information but she's commented on things before saying that they aren't real.

No. 472255

The pattern here is so obvious. People think they like, or at least put up with moo until they actually spend real time with her. Her toxic personality and non stop stupid blathering is exhausting and repulsive. That's why she has no real friends.

No. 472257


It always starts the same: “Oh she is so sweet and she has never done anything bad to me”. Then they spend any amount of extended time with her and suddenly she is stabbing them in the back and turning on them, throwing them under the bus to her rabid fans the second they say something she doesn’t like. Then comes vague posting about feeling “betrayed” and “knowing who my REAL friends are”.

No. 472258

She NEVER stops talking and it's all about her. It soon becomes obvious that it's almost all lies and that she is one of those infuriating types who is stupid but doesn't know it and in fact thinks she is oh so clever and witty. Possibly one of the least self aware people on the planet.

No. 472261


She reminds me a lot of Suzy from Game Grumps. She is just this vapid idiot who never shuts the fuck up and thinks everything she says is the most deep, complex thing ever that no one in the history of the universe has ever thought about and that she is the most clever and witty person ever. She tries to make almost everything about her and how it affects her. Even when her “friend” was getting mean comments about a photo she posted, she somehow managed to make it all about her and how “people shouldn’t bully her for her cosplay and how she uses all their mean comments as motivation” completely lacking any sort of self-awareness.

They both are the type of dense, vapid girl everyone just puts up with because they are expecting to get famous by being associated with them.

No. 472263

File: 1512509851452.png (804.08 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2017-12-05-13-32-37…)

Stay on topic.

No. 472264

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No. 472267

To be fair, look at them….and now look at Mariah.

They have their own can of wormy drama, but they look leagues better than her.

No. 472268

you're an hour late the OT stuff stopped. stop backseat modding.

No. 472270

File: 1512510224843.png (964.33 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2017-12-05-13-33-22…)

>hard to pay attention to her talking because her ends are fried ddddddddddddddd
>time for no fun,all work at OCWonderland. Corset supplier and photo rental place.
>mocks people who said she posts to much BTS content and not enough unique pictures of the product she produced.
>admits to wearing her flannel for3days straight and it doesn't smell.

No. 472271

Oh god that face needs to be spoilered. I nearly got sent into the afterlife just now.

>admits to wearing her flannel for3days straight and it doesn't smell.

That's one nasty ass bitch.

No. 472272

does she think she looks pretty? how is she younger than 25? why does she look wall-eyed?

No. 472273

Oh wow. Her face has gotten so much more moony. She’s so fucking bloated and it ages her 10years

No. 472275

jesus christ, it took me a moment to realize it was her

I thought it was some middle-aged lesbian at first

No. 472276


Holy fucking damn her face looks completely wrecked. How old is she again? She looks almost 50.

No. 472277

File: 1512510776700.png (828.6 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-12-05-13-49-46…)

Get to L.A.
>no straightener so muh hair looks bad
>omg the air made my lips chapped all the sudden

Sure Jan

No. 472278


That’s the foundation? The $70 that’s “so expensive”? It’s cakey af, my $10 target maybelline one is 100x better. But then again, she clearly doesn’t moisturize

No. 472280

She probably puts too much on. Can you imagine.

No. 472281

LOL it's very painfully obvious from the rest of her makeup she had no clue what she's doing. it doesn't even look like she messed up cause she followed a tutorial badly, it just looks like she said 'yep i can do this' and dove in and is so deluded she thinks she looks great.

No. 472282

What the fuck is she wearing if that's expensive and looks that bad?

No. 472283


Did she actually gain more weight?! Her face looks bloated af. I thought she was working out.

No. 472284

So if she’s doing whatever many shoots today (6? 7? 8?) is this the makeup look we get to enjoy with all of the many characters she’s going to be today? if she’s *~ cramming to get all this shit done I see her hardly putting on her costumes correctly much less changing ~~~lewks. bitch throws on her fake lashes, a wig, shit contacts and pink eyeshadow.

No. 472289

File: 1512512796289.png (693.67 KB, 720x946, Screenshot_2017-12-05-14-20-55…)

Random sperging about Dead Space. Sometimes I think she writes does titles, puts them in a hat and pulls them out to talk about them like she played/watched them

Remember when she put up a ad for a MUA? Guess that didn't work out huh

No. 472291

File: 1512512952194.png (418.43 KB, 720x871, Screenshot_2017-12-05-14-21-49…)

"lol get it????"

No. 472293

Tbh she has the potential to be a good Necromorph, all she has to do is continue her life style and she'd be ready for a "lewd necromorph" shoot in say a year or two

No. 472294


she looks like paula deen

No. 472296

File: 1512513325289.png (914.02 KB, 720x1175, Screenshot_2017-12-05-14-32-36…)

I died

No. 472297

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No. 472299

File: 1512513522863.png (776.57 KB, 720x932, Screenshot_2017-12-05-14-37-08…)

Moo gone wild with actual nip and lipo scars

No. 472300

And this is why the cosplay community is 99% downhill. A lot of old cosplayers don't want to be associated with it anymore and almost all the new cosplayers think lewding up everything and being extra nasty = cosplay. i hate this cow.

No. 472301

I hope to god that's a new wig…

Considering the last one was pretty much soaked in powdered milk bath.

No. 472302

Was there uh, any attempt at hiding that nip-slip or is this some sort of ruse she's planning

No. 472304

Oh I’m sure it was on “accident”. Gotta get those dropping patreon numbers back up

No. 472305

That's exactly what I think happened. This comment is being too overlooked. Moomoo literally went on a rant on twitter about how unprofessional the con was for not giving her the time slots she wanted, and she OPENLY BRAGS ON TWITTER about how Jess is "taking care of it".
She's not your fucking mom, she's not an industry friend you can just use to throw your weight around and get you way. The way she dealt with that situation was scummy.
Was Jessica even attending that con in the first place?

No. 472306

File: 1512514619368.jpg (299.88 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20171205_145443.jpg)

Just posted it on Twitter with this. Its intentional

No. 472307

She tries way too hard to act like she's this nostalgic gamer gurl that was raised by video games for her snowflake points.
Dead Space 2 came out when she turned 15, she probably didn't even know about the game until she was 16 or 17. It is really nitpicky and I'm not going to go into a blogpost about my first video game but come on. You're trying way too hard.

No. 472308

>my quest is to gather them in masses
Is nigiri trying to get more people cosplaying milk Sonico and or Milk party girl to deface moo in calling it that design -her- “OC”? If a bunch of people cosplay a character it gets more well known, and there’s no way anyone would get away with “I created this OC!” Like moo did? Is nigiri a genius?

No. 472310


Jess wasn’t even attending the con. She was on vacation at the time. She literally called her up to throw her dick around because she didn’t get her way. I’m sure that made her sit her aside and tell her “listen bitch, I’m not your mom”.


This happens with each progressive shoot. She is losing more and more patrons so she has to keep getting more raunchy and risqué and start teasing more, otherwise they’ll start looking elsewhere for fap material. Just like with her tavern girl shoot, she “accidentally” gave a peek of her pussy. She’s gotta keep showing more and more for the neckbeards to keep coming back.

No. 472312

>>472299 She looks so much grosser and dirtier here than she has in anything else recently. Her skin looks clammy, the wig looks overused, her skin just looks splotchy and nasty. She really is the lowest of low. As long as people keep leaking her patreon content though, no amount of nipple of vag slip is going to help her if they know her content is for free, which she does on her own anyways. It just makes her look like a cheap whore.

No. 472313

christ, that armband looks like it’s cutting off her circulation so bad. that has to hurt

No. 472315

>my cat shows me more love than most females and i'm 21…

Look at the neckbeards who support Mooriah.

No. 472317


I mean, that might be giving Jess too much credit, but if that is in fact true then I have to give it to her. Completely undercutting Moomoo right in plain sight, telling everyone “Hey everyone, cosplay this character so this shitty person can’t say this is totally muh OC”. Makes it much more funnier knowing her “cosplay Mom” was behind all of it. She hasn’t mentioned Moomoo’s cosplay of it even once and when Moo’s fans hounded her she didn’t even compliment it or acknowledge it, just “I want everyone to do one!”. She’s definitely a shrewd operator.

No. 472318

Why is she constantly bringing up porn?! News flash, moo! It's not normal for opposite sex friends to touch each other's nudy bits for a 'cosplay' photoshoot. That's actually disturbing. That dude is more than likely cheating on his gf with Moo cow too.

No. 472319

oh let her try… the dead space fandom is small but we're vicious and unforgiving.

No. 472321

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No. 472324

so she couldn’t use a “nude” pastie? she went straight for nipple brown?

No. 472325


And then shell accuse you of bullying and gatekeeping and sexism. Anytime you tell her not to get into a fandom or not do a cosplaynyou are practically daring her to. She lives for pissing people off and “ruining” stuff for them.


She certainly acts like they are a couple, just like with every other guy she shoots with. Since it’s he only action she gets, I’m sure she gets all hot and bothered when guys get their hands all over her and she doesn’t want it too end with just the photo shoot, so she constantly messages them on twitter or tries to fly them out to see her and hang out and taking as many photos as she can with them in public so everyone thinks they are a couple.

No. 472326



She comes up with the worst lies. It's not a pastie. From her leaked nudes it's clearly the same color as her nipples. Also pasties are supposed to be perfect shapes. You can tell that it is a part of her skin when you zoom into it and even see follicles and bumps. Instead of lying that it's a pastie she could have played it off and gave a more flirty response. "Super businesswoman" my ass.

No. 472327

File: 1512517677886.png (155.51 KB, 720x673, Screenshot_2017-12-05-15-44-11…)

Aaand the truth comes out. Her obsession with Nigri and doing everything she can to impress her for more fame is so sad. This is the only reason she did that photoshoot.
I think Nigri low key cringed when Moomoo claimed this character as her "OC"

No. 472329

This is disgusting though.

No. 472330


Yeah, bullshit Moo.

This whole back and forth she has is pretty fucking pathetic. Literally every time she tries to be like “Teehee oops, looks like you caught a peek” she immediately walks it back like “Lol ewww. No. I’m not some trashy hoe who has to take her clothes off for attention my dude”

And she always has to make up the most asinine lies. A fucking pastie? Seriously? It’s clear as day it’s your nipple Moomoo, just admit it. Hell, if you were any kind of “businesswoman” like you constantly claim your, you’d at least tease and try to upset it like “Teehee, maybe you’ll get to see more than that in this set if you buy it” instead of coming up with the most obvious lie ever to maintain the illusion that you have any ounce of modesty.

No. 472334

wow the girl in blue (is it kayy bear?) looks so amazing compared to moo, even the blue chick whos a bit fat looks great compared to her

No. 472336

this bitch needs to stop. She has definitely never played Dead Space and doesn't have the skills to beat it. Dumb cow.

No. 472338

Both Jnig and Moo are filthy animals tbh

No. 472339


Lol. No surprise at all that the only reason she did the shoot and tried to appear to be be “totally obsessed” with the Series was to impress “Mama Nigri”. Seriously, the levels she goes to in an attempt to impress this woman is horror movie scary. I wouldn’t be surprised if we heard some story about her having Nigri chained to a pipe in a basement while she went out to pretend to be her. She has practically no identity outside of what Nigri likes or does. She wants to be into all the same shows she is into, she wants to be at all the same cons she is going to, hell, she even wants the same hair as her.

I bet when Moo tried to claim that character as “her OC” it probably pissed Nigri off.

No. 472340

File: 1512519071370.jpeg (31.46 KB, 299x288, 537059B3-D8A6-48A5-B6CE-AAED95…)

Anon she rp’d from it! She knows her material!

No. 472343


I’m sure it will come out that the only reason she claiming to love the series so much is because Nigri talked about playing the games once. Any time Nigri even mentions something, Moo has to come out right in front and be like “I WAS ALWAYS THE BIGGEST FAN EVER OF THIS!!!” to try to impress her.

No. 472345

>>472321 aaannnd it's gone already, she's probably petrified of her ban evading twitter being reported again lol

No. 472346

Okay Momo since you lurk here, here's a proposal. I dare you to get Nigri to do a project with you. I don't want to hear "we are talking about it" "we are planning on it" bullshit. Set a date and make an announcement about it being an upcoming project. If you can do that and Nigri endorses your collab together then I promise 99% of us will stop bashing at you about being a Cringy Nigri fan girl.

Just do it. Prove that you and her are like mommy and daughter

No. 472350


Saging this, but imagine being a huge fan of a series and it's character, then some chick comes around, cosplays that said character, turns around steals this character and claims it's their OC. Moomoo you fucked up lmao

No. 472351

Nope it’s still up.

No. 472352


Lol i'd love to see this happen tbh

No. 472354

also her weight loss tea scam

No. 472355

Except Jess literally tried to convince female cosplayers that with enough "boob magic" aka tape that their itty bitty titties could too grow up to three cup sizes. Jess is fucking awful and lies about her appearance all the time while implying she's some ~super authentic~ person.
I distinctly remember her shilling herself and shitposting other famous cosplayer rivals on /cgl/ too.(Take the Nigri talk to the other thread.)

No. 472357

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No. 472358

File: 1512523165700.png (9.74 MB, 1242x2208, 5BF43998-08A9-4CA9-A689-8FD7CB…)

No. 472359

She wrote fanfic for Dead Space years ago.(sage)

No. 472360

A six hour banhammer for that, thanks cunt.(calm down)

No. 472361


No. 472363

>>472357 Wtf is she wearing? Is that some cheap pink bondage shit? People are gonna be sick to death of her whoring this "cosplay" out, already her twitter is getting sick of her spamming beekepper mei all over all her social media platforms.

No. 472364

so does she have veneers or what
her teeth always look good, so she must

No. 472365

What a rip off. A two piece suit she already used, modeling again, with the rope binding shit, with an eBay Amazon Christmas dress. No one would even bat an eye to this shit if they weren’t all boner hungry disgusting men with no life or aspirations. This community is officially trash. Thanks Mariah

No. 472366

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No. 472369


So is she now going to claim she is into BDSM and being tied up and choked?

No. 472370

This looks like granny Mrs. Claus slapped on a wig and put on something skimpy to look sexy for Santa and failed.

No. 472371

This is 100% nigri trying to debunk moomoos claims of the cow girl being her OC by clearly telling everyone about the origins.

No. 472372

I’m pretty positive that the jess she was talking about is a Vegas cosplayer that was in her bargain bin group

No. 472373

She is so disgusting and If she likes all the hentai she claims she probably is into BDSM

No. 472375

she's doing that 'ugly girl' smirk.

No. 472376

I think she should name that boob vein Ol' Bluey.

No. 472378

File: 1512525246596.jpeg (Spoiler Image,383.19 KB, 2048x2048, 1287A8B5-EBBE-4610-AF2D-8AEB47…)

Nudes ahead.

“Just a pastie”

That’s literally your areola, Mariah. I don’t get what she accomplished by lying. Just be straightforward or don’t comment on it. Anyone with eyes can see it’s obviously not a pastie.

No. 472381

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No. 472382

is this seriously all shes doing? cow outfits?

No. 472384


No. 472389

Yeah, we hurt her feelings calling her MooMoo one too many times and now for a couple of months she's going to claim that it's her OC. At the same time, she's thirsty to please us.

I have never seen someone so young age so poorly. She is the poster child to why you shouldn't drink and do drugs.

No. 472390

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No. 472391

Is it just me or does she also look like she has Thyroid issues her eyes are always bugging out of her head lately.

No. 472393

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No. 472394

That top makes her tits look weird.

And kek at that Nigri pandering that she's doing. Bitch is lurking.

No. 472396

File: 1512526873673.png (438.58 KB, 720x1039, Screenshot_2017-12-05-18-19-28…)

Why is she posting these twice

No. 472398

She looks so haggard with her deteriorating skin. How can people find this cow attractive?

No. 472399

I think she suspects Anon that it's a totally different pose just because she is standing a little differently

No. 472400

I don't understand why girls like to wear swimsuits/tops where the boop spills out of the side, it makes it look unflattering and more like fat than boob

No. 472401


She has a peanut head every other time but her head looks like a balloon in this one.

No. 472403


How is it possible to be this stupid???

Also I sincerely feel bad for any of the photographers that have the displeasure of working with her. It must be really difficult trying to make that body look “good”

No. 472404

her head looks slapped on some weird snapchat filter or something i dont even know

No. 472406

probably cause theyre just soooo thicc clothes cant contain them teehehe

No. 472407

She looks so old, older than 22 for sure. Is this why the neckbeards are so into her? Since she appears attainable?

No. 472409

pink hair… red garters….bedazzled belt buckle… I’m triggered

No. 472410

i think she waxed for this outfit specifically. thats where im placing my bet, anyways.

No. 472412

File: 1512527527068.jpg (159.35 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20171205_182923.jpg)

Not sure if tape or tit is infected

No. 472413

kek, her idiot photogs can't even let her know her nips are hangin out?

No. 472414

I'll bet my money on it too, it's a shame she didn't get waxed for her swimsuit cosplays at that waterpark a while back shudders

No. 472415


It must be nice being proud of that lipo sculpted body right Moo? It's such fake confidence. If she was pre lipo she would have never done a shoot like this. She kept her shirt on for her Mei POVs kek

No. 472416

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No. 472417

File: 1512527909764.png (727.39 KB, 1052x720, Screenshot_2017-12-05-18-34-27…)

When patrons ask where their rewards are

No. 472418

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No. 472419

Ew, this makes her look like Raven.

No. 472420


>people kept telling her Pochako's eyes are amber/brown not red

>uses pink contacts instead


No. 472421

but raven is azn and could claim she was irl mei for realz.

No. 472422

…this is pochaco? i just thought it was the same trash wig

No. 472423

Makes her look kinda like venus tbh. How strange.

No. 472425

Her body looks so weird after the liposuction. Like at least when she was stuffing herself in corsets she had somewhat of an hourglass figure, after the liposuction I have no idea what's going on with her stomach. Its lipoed flat, like it is flat there's no doubt about that, but there's no curve it's just a rectangle.
Bitch is back to looking like a refrigerator again.

No. 472426

my thoughts exactly…so dense

No. 472427

File: 1512528740492.png (173.26 KB, 2688x2688, 9d5.png)

>Pastie that is exactly the same color of her nips

No. 472429

File: 1512528909846.png (1.87 MB, 750x1334, 2AD42FCB-2424-4BC7-B7AA-AA5877…)

No. 472432

File: 1512529018633.png (307.12 KB, 600x550, 3108325b93112a3456384e0b1c4904…)

>pastie with patchy, areola pattern on outside

No. 472433

That box fits her rectangle body perfectly

No. 472434

Does she literally only own two pairs of contacts?

No. 472435

File: 1512529166529.jpg (16.07 KB, 259x290, DCEJ92mUMAArAaU.jpg)

Idk, I think she could pull it off pretty well.

No. 472439

Scarier still is how old are the contacts you're really only suppose to use them a year. I'd not doubt Moo to use them past due and fuck up her eyes

No. 472442

If you tip back your monitor, you can see just how caked on that make-up is.

>doesn't smell

HAHA YEAH SURE, MOO. Telling yourself that all the time doesn't make it true.

No. 472443

i'm throwing up tbh, going to the gym brb.

No. 472444

Yikes. She does not have the breasts to pull off underboob… They have no volume, they just kinda hang like udders. I guess that's convenient for her ~totes original~ character.
She seems to want to look like Susu or BunnyAyumi do, but those women have actually nice bodies that they take care of.

No. 472446

I hope this gift comes with a return receipt.

No. 472447

when you get that neckbeard money from patreon

No. 472448

this is the body of a woman who has had multiple children and eats shit all day

No. 472452

She did so much damage to the shape of her body by getting lipo instead of just going to the gym. There's no going back from this horror.

No. 472457

File: 1512533280766.png (350.73 KB, 750x1334, F211D5AB-DBAA-4DBA-BA1E-4A2E59…)

No. 472458

JFC, this is probably her most unflattering "cosplay" to date. She looks like the Pillsbury dough boy. I can't even say anything that hasn't already been said before.

Smooth using an all white background to hide the tremendous amount of shoop. These aren't the photos she shoot at Wonderland studios, are they? Because I know of that place and the backgrounds and props they have available are gorgeous. Moo is a fucking retard if she spent all that time and money on renting a plain backdrop.

No. 472459


She is straight up oozing out of this

No. 472461

What a cunt. The girl said it looked ridiculous, not inaccurate. Always getting an attitude with people and wondering why no one wants to work with her. Here's news for you, you're the problem, you fucking cow!

No. 472462

That character in general looks stupid, I've hated her since she was first announced.

And who cares if it's "accurate"? She's a fucking cartoon character, that doesn't mean her clothes are gonna look good on you - even if lipo might as well be turning your body into a cartoon as well.

No. 472463

File: 1512534892922.jpeg (69.56 KB, 635x1036, D19136D6-44B5-45A6-8E0D-45B11B…)

Lol her boob

No. 472470

She should've gotten a smaller bikini top to make her breasts look bigger like the pic but it'd look way worse, probably.

No. 472472

this. you get a micro bikini in the correct size, not a regular one but too small for you, that's why >>472463 happened. i know for a fact tho they don't make these crappy aliexpress santa bikinis bigger than size L

No. 472476

File: 1512537661080.jpeg (396.54 KB, 750x1160, 06C35667-A353-4980-A2F6-3F07F4…)

Super OT, but these are the types of people that continue to pay for Mariah to keep producing absolutely garbage work. I almost feel sorry for him.

No. 472484

Imagine doing all of these lewd shoots but not actually having anyone to fuck you. I guess people jacking off to you is close enough?

No. 472485

Looks more like under boob acne or stretch marks
Acne seems more likely since her boobs sag and she is always wearing sports bras

No. 472486


sure jan…

No. 472489

Probably to give off the illusion that their average sized boobs are so big it causes them to spill out of their tops.

No. 472491

that's what microbikinis are for, it's easier to adjust spillage that way too.

No. 472493


i know y'all are rippin on her face and gross sagging boobs but i'm still trying to figure out what's going on with her butt and the bikini bottoms…. like did she just shop the side of her ass because the bikini string is not matching up to me.

No. 472496

lol yes, whoever shoop'd it did it way too high too. they did account for her bending over so it's starting in the middle of her spine.

No. 472502

File: 1512542007002.jpg (39.14 KB, 960x540, 24131325_1530675863692388_5435…)

hmmm… seems legit

No. 472503


Kik for Thicc would have been a better tag line, but who ever made this clearly knows the difference between fat and thicc.

No. 472504

With how she abuses her body it wouldn't surprise me if her adrenal system or autoimmune function is affected enough to cause issues. Just look at how she's aged and her general appearance. But honestly I hope not cause the last thing we need is for her to become some spoonie 'muh illness' cow. She would then act like Suzy and tell everyone she's only gained weight since Samus because of her thyroid.

No. 472514

I'm guessing it's because she did the cowgirl shoot and the Pochaco shoot consecutively and she didn't bother to change her makeup, and/or too cheap to buy new lenses. What a lazy cunt

No. 472516

No shit, we all know it's because she's too lazy to change them out for a different color. What gets me is that she'll go through the effort to change her wig and get into a different costume but changeing contact lenses was just too much work for one day.

No. 472521

Why does she always get the creepiest contacts with the thickest most fakest lashes to make her look like a blowup doll when she has her eyes open wide? I swear this bitch has no idea how to be sexy in a classy way.

Oh lord I thought there was something off. The string disappears halfway and they didn't even pick the right color for the skin part, it's the same greyish color with minimal blending.

No. 472534

w2c sick workout lines?

No. 472545

strict 2 month pho buffet regimen, then i can refer you to a good cosmetic surgery clinic.

No. 472566

File: 1512571039056.jpg (112.59 KB, 524x629, 20170501_230904.jpg)

She looks like that filter that gives you a fake smile pic related

No. 472568

File: 1512571087198.jpg (420.44 KB, 1200x630, pochaco_christmas.jpg)

Missing Santa hat
Missing throat buckle
Missing bows on strap across chest (back of bra & on thighs)
Missing thigh straps
That's a regular bottom that doesn't have ties on the side
Flat unstyled wig
Wrong eye color
Wrong fur type (should be fleece like)

No. 472569

also, it doesn't really look like the bikini part is made of fur?

this is just the type of inaccuracy we expect from her, i guess~

No. 472573

she's dressed as her OC my dude

No. 472574

Lol no she straight up said this is super pochaco and used the same reference pic >>472457

No. 472575

anon was obviously joking you retard

No. 472609


Holy fuck did she had lipo AGAIN?

(sage for reasons)

No. 472610

no? she looks the same here as a few weeks ago.

No. 472613

Everything's so inaccurate she may have well claimed it was an OC. >>472609
She did. She's been going thru her typical bs lipo cycle: claim to go to the gym while ballooning up from bloating one week, then magically bust out new (slightly less bloated) "bikini body" the next. She's never gonna stop until she becomes a poster child for plastic surgery gone wrong.

No. 472614

did she like forget she already nip slipped in her dumb santa video? she just reposted it a few weeks ago. we have it as a fucking banner ffs. we all know what moo's nips look like even without the nudes.

No. 472615

File: 1512581838526.png (136.43 KB, 720x810, Screenshot_2017-12-06-09-34-28…)

No. 472616

If she's the type to tear up when wearing/taking off contacts I'm sure she wouldn't bother change the contacts coz her makeup would get ruined. She can't even bother to have different makeup for the two characters, and didn't bother to shoop the contacts, there are so many photo editing apps on mobile you can use before posting on ig, so much ~attention to details~ and ~effort~

No. 472617

i never visit the moo threads so i can' tell if she's being dumb or what

but they will tell her if she needs to evacuate. right now, pm everyone in that area can smell smoke, burning wood, etc because of the high winds that have been happening the past few days

No. 472623

This is the same person who said to order from a prop maker whose studio was in the PR floodings so yes she is dumb.

No. 472624

If she's on twitter, why is she not smart enough to literally search some combination of "fire," "evacuation," "socal/hollywood/geographic place"?

There are accounts that tweet out info about evacuations or link to official evacuation info. I just searched "socal fire" on twitter and it was ez.

No. 472627


I feel like this is just another one of her cringey attempts at being edgy. Like “lol SoCal always has something on fire amirite?”. Like it’s a common thing and she is trying to be funny.

No. 472633

>Like it’s a common thing and she is trying to be funny.

It is a common thing you dolt. Both the fires and the joke. Have you ever actually lived in Cali? People joke about it all of the time. It's just moomoo not realizing that the only thick thing on her is her head.

No. 472636

Those two actually buy micro bikinis though, not just a regular bikini top awkwardly pulled up. The stolen slogan, the poor attempt at merchandise, the ripped off mascot and now these sad attempts at bikinis? How does no one call her our for blatantly copying two popular girls? It’s not like they are nobodies momo could just bully into silence like kbbq.

No. 472641

File: 1512591505237.png (566.74 KB, 720x481, Screenshot_2017-12-06-12-15-33…)

No. 472642

File: 1512591597206.png (1004.17 KB, 720x1204, Screenshot_2017-12-06-12-15-41…)

>body positive
>shoops her roly poly stomach

No. 472643

File: 1512591679011.jpg (194 KB, 2000x1335, IMG_20171206_122044.jpg)

Twitter pic

No. 472644

who tf shoop'd these tits? they look like anime tits alright, long and wonky, whoever did this has never seen a nude woman.

No. 472645

Don't shit on her attention to detail my dudes

No. 472646

she has absolutely no waist definition in these pics. damn, every time she gets lipo her body just gets weirder. in early days, even though she was obviously fat, she had decent proportions and it didn't look too bad.
now she just looks bizarre. it's sad.

No. 472647


the gloves look so bad

No. 472648

they actually look like udders. omg

No. 472649

Her tits look so small compared to her stomach, she still looks fat, just like >>472646 said there's no definition so she looks fucking weird.

No. 472651


why she thought that it was a great look to paste on these gift decorations on her tits

No. 472652

This cunt airbrushed literally everything except for her 'stache and granny folds on her face.

No. 472653

File: 1512593402143.jpg (Spoiler Image,511.4 KB, 634x813, CJRJfFT.jpg)

Holy shit she has even more of orangutan tiddys than usual. Whoever did these photos should never do anything they made it worse and not better.

Like her tits are gross normally but this looks like they are flat elongated literal monkey tits.

Pic related

No. 472654

Samefag but those panties look like a g-stringed diaper.

No. 472655

her tiddies look like theyre necrotizing in there
it bothers me how she missed such simple details that could have made this work for her

No. 472656

>neckbeards everywhere: oh ho ho ho i'd love to unwrap that gift haha lol ;) xD

No. 472658

Patreon went up to 87% wonder if it will dip under 80% at the end of the month.

No. 472660

I don't even understand how she considers these worthy to post online. Of course she will shoot and air brush the fuck out of her gut but why the hell doesn't she have someone do something about her bloated aging face?

No. 472661

God they can airbrush her nasty body, but not fix the damn background to be a nice, clean white?

No. 472663

Look at her right hip lmao. There's like half an inch different between the fat below the string and above it.
>that complete abomination of a body with those whacky proportions

No. 472664


That intricate back drop. Must have taken her weeks to plan

No. 472665

Why did she think bunched panties were a good idea? She looks like she’s trying and failing to hide FUPA

No. 472670

i was gonna say loincloth

No. 472672

>not going all the way and making use of her brazilian wax and having a pussy bow too

No. 472673

whoops, posted too quickly

i was gonna say, i'm not sure if i'm relieved or disappointed in her.

No. 472675

I just don’t understand why she hasn’t invested in a good boudoir photographer yet. There’s so many out there that will tell you how to pose and make your photos look actually good. But instead she uses the same poses over and over again. Like you would think that if she’s wants to go the “boudoir” route she would get a photographer who knows how to pose her.. just blows my mind


No. 472678

probably makes her feel better thinking she can do the set without help or someone telling her what to do. She wants to be in charge.

No. 472679

Blatantly asking for asspats now. Stay classy, Moocow.
(since she seems incapable of understanding it - "That was sarcasm, Mooriah. Get some fucking therapy, you attention-whoring slut.")

No. 472681

File: 1512597742770.jpeg (Spoiler Image,443.02 KB, 2048x2048, A6961614-EBEF-403A-99EC-BCF50F…)

Maybe a reach but Bunny has a couple recent plain backdrop pictures. Wouldn't be surprised if Moo stole the look.

No. 472684

File: 1512598030343.jpg (1.93 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20171206_140321753.j…)

Jesus I finally realized who she looks like I've been thinking about this for months

No. 472685

Bit of a reach but I’m certain those are susu’s backdrops. She did sets with the red and the blue and was the first I noticed using those smooth plain backdrops. Bunny and susu seem to be besties so they share ideas. Anyway lets stop bringing them up as it can be a bit derailing.

No. 472686


No. 472688

They are more than besties… they are dating as well as business partners, so it makes sense why they would have similar backdrops… moo on the other hand….

No. 472689


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 472691

Really? That’s actually cute af.
Anyway, Momo never comes up with original ideas so then she doesn’t really stand out much aside from the shitty drama. She should try to be more innovative but I do think it’s a bit of a reach on the plain background thing since that’s common in photography.

No. 472692


These pictures were shot at Wonderland OC, which has generic backdrops to pic from–that's why they all look the same.(sage this)

No. 472693

What am I even looking at? Why do her tits look like two huge tumors?

No. 472694

as someone who used to work with photoshop that background is triggering me to death. clean it while you edit for fucks sake. also wtf 3 boxes? that's the bg for the photos? mariah no

sage for blogposting

No. 472695

File: 1512600573688.jpeg (195.19 KB, 713x1090, ADFEBF62-719A-4F35-943E-573B86…)

No. 472696


The photographer has a boudoir sexy instagram. He’s a good photographer. This work rushed. Cause Moos psycho. Rushed work is never good. It was less than. 24 hours ago when they took those shots and they didn’t finish until late night. The man had a few hours if any

No. 472700

good point, there is no way you can edit a whole set in just some hours.

No. 472711

She's such a fucken baby. OP probably thought it was an actually cute photo and a lot of people would be flattered to be used as a banner pic of a casual event they've attended before. Instead Momo's actually upset they didn't weren't trying to help her gain followers or something.

No. 472713

I would kill to see how terrible the unedited photos are.

No. 472714


No. 472719

File: 1512604893503.jpeg (Spoiler Image,560.13 KB, 750x1105, 6B20CA2A-F55A-4572-A8BA-A7EB92…)

No. 472723

this is the worst 'cosplay' i've ever seen.

No. 472724


Fucking awful, 'IRL Mei' is even more laughable now.

No. 472727

File: 1512605198753.jpg (26.04 KB, 620x470, zvmbr6pzlt9kktrydmay[1].jpg)

pic related

No. 472728

Mei is really lonely since her friends and coworkers died so she goes and has a shitty photo shoot in a well lit cheap apartment? Ok. Also if she puts snowball anywhere near her pussy I am Done.

No. 472732

I always hate how she pulls her top up over her awful boobs like yep here they are, no one does that! even a pic of her takin her shirt off would be better

No. 472734


The wig isn't even correct

No. 472736

File: 1512606337781.png (817.27 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-12-06-16-22-27…)

No. 472739

File: 1512606647502.png (835.36 KB, 720x1173, Screenshot_2017-12-06-16-27-20…)

Oh nice another sitting on my bed and feeling my Sonico set

No. 472740

File: 1512606708542.png (748.59 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2017-12-06-16-28-41…)

Flipping tires

No. 472741


If she had said Casual Velma i would have believed her.

No. 472742

The pink-wigged girl looks like she's confused about why they're here and/or about to sneeze

No. 472745

Mei wears a royal blue tank top under her summer games shirt. She can't even get that right. And what about Meis adorable pj pants? For someone who looooooves Mei so much she could at the very least TRY.

No. 472747


She has no shape whatsoever. Isntnhis bitch constantly bragging about “hitting the gym so hard my dudes”?

No. 472748

File: 1512607291681.jpg (48.54 KB, 800x800, halloween-party-accessory-must…)

It legit looks like she's trying to cosplay this character, not Mei.

Also, major kek at this photo of her. Her nose is fucking huge, ffs.

No. 472750


I bet during the shoot she's going to be lurking here and whining about it to the people there. Meanwhile they'll all just tell her to shut up. Her fame is a bubble and it's going to pop and once her numbers are gone people will see how terrible she is.

No. 472751


A sweet story about isolation and learning to find hope in the face of despair, and she manages to reduce it to: “Look at muh titties!!! Maybe I’ll finger my self if you’re lucky!!”

Sure Moomoo, I can’t see any reason why you aren’t respected as a cosplayer. What happened to that bullshit about you “not wanting to be only known for your lewd content”?

No. 472753

>my ability as a model
Lol. This may be the most unintentionally funny thing she's ever said.

No. 472755

God damn it I hate this awful nose blush it makes her look even more like a cow.

Kind of ironic and fitting that her "oc" is a cow girl, Mariah is straight up a heifer, and she's also one of the biggest lolcows on this site

No. 472762

>copies other people's ideas
>makes the same face in every photo
>same terrible make up
>4 different poses
>terrible shoop

Abilities as a model kek

No. 472765

I hate to defend her but she was being ironic/joking(sage)

No. 472766

File: 1512610293752.jpg (96.3 KB, 650x433, 1492372023780.jpg)

her face in those glasses made of think of those too anon

No. 472769

File: 1512611803180.png (261.34 KB, 476x602, Screenshot 2017-12-06 at 5.55.…)

Could've made these posts a little more personal by, y'know, looking into the camera.

No. 472770

File: 1512611828705.png (188.33 KB, 500x531, Screenshot 2017-12-06 at 5.55.…)

No. 472771

>I've been pretty tame recently

Bitch you were literally flashing your cunt a week ago.

No. 472772

File: 1512612022964.jpg (257.89 KB, 1333x2000, 24785275_1590429084360023_4731…)


No. 472773

>work work work so I can chill chill chill
showing your udders and dressing up in pictures for a shitton of money sure is hard work!

No. 472774

I know poor spelling is standard fare with this cow, but I couldn't help but laugh my ass off at the fact that she said "Super exited"

No. 472776

everything in this is the worst, i can't even

No. 472782

Nitpick but you can tell she cant even sew velvet correctly. The gloves and shoes looks like she cut out the pieces disregarding the direction of the nap. the seamstress in me is triggered

No. 472785


Momokun is a dirty, washed up joke. She knows it. We all know it. She has done nothing but make a negative impact in the cosplay scene. Her only ~positivity~ which was body positivity was all a lie she used to brand herself. The proof is by how she had multiple lipo surgeries done and lied about it. She's done nothing but push people away and even doxx people to make them disappear. She knows that in the end her ~friends~ are only around because of her following. She has nothing to offer them. Not even cosplay advice. She has no right to give anyone cosplay advice since her fame isn't even built on cosplay but her thot pics and 100% commissioned work. She probably only chose to start cosplaying because she needed to be the center of attention when her rugby team kicked her out for being a cunt. She doesn't deserve any of her fame. If she did then there wouldn't be so many threads with proof of her being a terrible person. Most of her friends aren't even willing to fight for her online or even work with her publicly. Her body and face compared to last year is proof enough of how washed up she is and all her ugly thoughts are now out in the open. She doesn't care about cosplay, she doesn't care about friends, she doesn't care about body positivity. She just cares that everything is about her and that all eyes are on her. She couldn't even take a social media break for a day!

No. 472787

I’m shocked she got a new bra

No. 472788

holy hell.
Are those actual sweat stains around her belt?
(and her vag? Please tell me that one's just shading)

No. 472789

Literally the first thing I noticed. She looks a lot better wearing an actually properly sized bra.

That's definitely sweat…

No. 472790

File: 1512616390861.jpg (375.83 KB, 1333x2000, 24313332_1590429904359941_2014…)

you know it, m8

No. 472791

I hope she's disposed of this suit then.
Or at least got it professionally cleaned or something.
Because it has got to smell terrible.

No. 472792

I'm surprised at how someone so vain can be so unaware of their own facial expressions in the pictures that they take. What the fuck face is she even trying to make here? Just look in the camera and smile or some shit.

No. 472793

It looks like the belt sweat is a part of the suit's print (you can see it super faintly in other photos of her), but that cameltoe is sus…

No. 472803

New thread before this one locks


No. 472806



No. 472814

i thought it was kind of cute till i saw her cunty comment

No. 472815

i am now scared this is the real reason for her wax

No. 472824

looks like a middle aged mother 100x

No. 472835


Real reason for her wax was probably because everyone on here was saying how you could see her butt hairs in the one MooMoo milk pic. That exact pic also went missing despite it being one of her most liked post because it "accidentally got deleted when she was just trying to archive it."

No. 472836

Did she alter the neckline of the shirt? It looks positively horrible.

No. 472841

the non matching panty/bra set triggers me.

No. 472842

File: 1512627585008.jpeg (Spoiler Image,330.33 KB, 1052x1622, C94E030E-4315-440F-AACF-6B9A4B…)

Anon your right it’s not on her if anymore but documented forever here!

No. 472889


New thread

No. 560639

Jesus Christ I've never seen so many people get so upset about something that literally doesn't even matter(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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