No. 45699
>>45698Sorry, I've finally gotten the time to watch the tutorial.
Forgot to add that watching that podcast and laughing was extremely unprofessional. Also probably why it took her so fucking long to make a video about it.
No. 45702
>>45699She spends almost all the tutorial doing her eyeshadows because she has no fucking clue how to use them, and in OP's video she spends 9 minutes doing her eyeshadows as well.
It's truly pitiful.
No. 45714
>>45701Also saying "My cheap ass beauty blender"
She could have said, I found a dupe for the beauty blender sponge and it only cost me $2!
Bitch isn't going to make it. She wants to be youtube famous, but girls are not going to watch someone with a deformed face slathering makeup on their face, cursing, talking about herself or her struggles that are not makeup related, and, well… she's very unpleasant to look at. I can't concentrate on her face when my eyes wander around to her shoulders, arms, chins, fucked up nose, just ugh.
Saxy is leagues ahead of this dumbass and she doesn't get that many views (I also believe she has a better camera and is better at editing in general). Saxy also looks cleaner and I hate saying this, she makes applying makeup look effortless on her part.
No. 45720
File: 1422848148660.gif (528.96 KB, 350x180, lol.gif)

Her boyfriend's name is Chris and lives in Omaha Nebraska. She went to see him.
>tfw he had to buy her two tickets
No. 45724
>>45722This guy is a disgusting pig. He has kids ffs, how can he throw money at a walking tub of lard that's going to die any day now than his own blood?
Anyone want to bet he's a shit father that barely sees his kids?
No. 45729
>>45728I had my doubts before but this pretty much confirms it.
Rose does lie a lot though, so maybe she was trying to show off all the stuff her BF bought her because her friend looks like a goddess next to her.
No. 45736
>>45734Nope. She's actually doing it.
Also, everyone, I capped both her tutorial and this OP video earlier because it seems that she's purposefully hiding the dislikes and views on IG to be a sneaky cunt.
No. 45782
>religionNigga they're a cult, they believe in Native American Jesus, magic underwear, forced 10% of your income tithe, living prophets, something about the Garden of Eden being in America, just WTF keks.
Sorry for OT, I'll shut up now.
No. 45791
>>fucking fatties don't know the meaning of moderation in any sensekek
When I saw her apply all that foundation on her face I was like WTF, that's waaaaay too much. She must look terrible in the sun because it just amplifies your makeup. There's a reason why we have day and night makeup. The night isn't so harsh so you can get away with more dramatic looks.
But yeah, imagine what she looks like under the sun. Holy shit, she must look like a retard. I saw she put bronzer all the way down to practically her mouth (unblended), lawdy lawd.
No. 45842
>>45724She's his fetish while also being conveniently far away and she won't live long enough to be an issue.
Where's the evidence that he neglects his kids though?
No. 45877
>>45857Yeah, we don't have any proof that he's doing that.
He is a gross fetishist though, I mean you'd HAVE Tto be to find quirkz attractiive kek
No. 45903
>>45866This is pretty much it. Quirky's dumb enough to buy it and go muh feeeeeeeeelunzzzz.
Not all of us just sit around waiting,
>>45857 anon. Some of us enjoy farming this stupid cow.
No. 45913
>>45903Agreed. Some of these anons reek of newfag. You can say anything here and Quirky flies off the handle. A few simple remarks about her drugstore lipstick months ago got us this lovely lulzy tutorial because she felt the need to 'prove' herself to us. And, how we said he never gives her anything and suddenly gifts ahoy! Out of thin air!
Some of you cunts should leave if you don't like how shit works here.
No. 45944
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No. 45964
>>45947They're both idiots. But I feel like that dude has never seen movie makeup or some avant garde stuff. Dudes a fucking idiot if he thinks that makeup can't create.
I really hate pseudo-intellectuals.
No. 46009
>>45992From what I can tell, she takes pics from a much higher angle. That's why you see her shoulders/collarbone/buttchest area pooling below her head. One of the typical fat girl poses.
Another she does is physically pushing her fat under her chin. She did that a few times in those vids on instagram where she "shows off" her makeup.
No. 46050
>>46042If she's so proud to be a fat sack of trash then why does bother with the fat girl angles?
Oh right because she just uses haes to justify her eating habits and if someone offered her a magic pill to make her skinny she would take it in a heart beat. She's so transparent.
No. 46096
File: 1422985499230.png (804.53 KB, 1307x788, Screenshot (386).png)

>>46053This. Nobody should ever buy into anything a HAES person says about having confidence, because the fact of the matter is that they don't. If they were truly confident they wouldn't feel the need to force others to accept them. Especially as violently as they tend to. They'd be apathetic and those people are anything but. Most if not all of them operate exactly like Quirky; Living in slogans, parroting things they read online without any self research, drawing obese women to be stylized as hourglass, and getting defensive over every little perceived slight.
Anyway, new pic of the dumb whore. Her skin is looking more haggard now that she's caking makeup regularly. Anyone else notice it?
Eyes- City color creme "white gold" base
Natural at Night #TooFaced Palette Shades -Eclipse
-After hours
-Night Light
#micabeauty cosmetics Shimmer Powder in 34 Harliquin
#eyeslipsface E.L.F gel eyeliner
Mascara- first layer
Perversion by Urban decay
Second- Better then Sex by Too Faced
No falsies
Cherimoya liner in Latte
Obsessed by urban decay
Jesse's Girl frosted lip glass
❤️I am in love ❤️
No. 46097
File: 1422985635577.png (941.85 KB, 1298x786, Screenshot (385).png)

Also, here's this retarded gem where she once again thinks that her opinion matters.
No. 46133
File: 1423004178317.png (979.6 KB, 1300x773, Screenshot (389).png)

"My ham sandwich, chips and cookie for lunch. Mental health update- eh, I have been worse I suppose. I am really happy with this new job change. I've done a little bit of overtime which makes me really happy, and I will be doing more. I am mega stressed about moving, and it's causing my eating to be more of a challenge. I haven't had any major meltdowns (yet) but I have been feeling more detached from my friends and my life. I am happy that I've been tunneling energy into makeup as a hobby because it gives me something new to focus on. I am kinda passionate about it, and I feel like all my effort in getting better has me leaning toward wanting to do something more with it. Idk, I'm just spit balling. It nice to have something to focus on that isn't the source of my stress. But if you actually read these posts, thanks. Especially if you support me. Nice to know people give a shit, ya know?" No. 46137
>>46103Sorry dude,
the one that must not be named is not American and is from some bumfuck backwards country, and he is pretty fucking vocal and self-righteous.
It all depends on your family, how much they spoil you, and tell you you're the specialist of all snowflakes.
Narcissism is human nature, not an American thing. Quirky talks and talks and talks and thinks her opinion is valid because she's a narcissist. I'm pretty sure her being an ex mormon has something to do with it since they're primarily obnoxious, loud, and fake.
No. 46149
File: 1423013642240.png (684.33 KB, 1327x799, you should take what you could…)

No. 46155
>>46097It's one of the first things I've agreed with her about though
all the HAES, fat acceptance, etc bullshit should be silenced, but she made a lot of sense to me here
No. 46161
>>46113I was very naive about this at first, I thought fat acceptance was about getting people to not bully young kids about their appearance, especially because of how many of them were engaging in even more destructive behaviors (worse than over eating) as a result. Kids are stuck to the conditions provided to them, and if they live in towns where everyone forms cliques they can't be part of because they're fat, it's really fucked up. Especially since they are not responsible for their overall diet and exercise. They need outside influences to help them stay healthy.
But then I sign up to tumble, and I see these incessant fat acceptance posts. I started getting irritated veeeeery quickly because it went from "I'm fat, so what? If you don't like it, then don't, but don't come harass me for it, especially if I'm minding my own business" to "you
have to like me as I am, you
have to perceive me the way you do thin people and be just as attracted to me!"
These delusional desperate fucks need to get their heads out of the drive through window and realize that no one owes them shit. In fact, what they're trying to do is tell them that being
overweight is dangerous, just as being
underweight is. But noo, these insecure shits need to feel special for once, and all of a sudden it's a personal thing. It has never been about the individual, it's always been about the weight. Once they start defining their identity through their weight themselves, of course you have to start judging the person carrying it.
tl;dr I really doubt Quirky will change anytime soon. The only way she might is if she looses enough weight to realize that all the HAES movement was doing to her was lying to her, and in a sense killing her.
No. 46186
>>46179Actually, she takes event and turns it into some massive, social injustice about how she's oh so disgusted and sick of the world and LITERALLY MUH LITERALLY BREAK MUH HEART LITERALLY.
People on here make fun of Quirky not because she has opinions per say, but because she'll have these extremely passionate opinions on things that she has absolutely no reason to get so up in arms about. For communities she isn't a part of, for things she isn't a part of, for things she doesn't care about truly. It's just an excuse for her to bitch and feel "right" about something and get easy attention. If she were actually passionate, few people would give a shit… But, she flies off of the handle over everything she reads. You could give her a news article about someone happily recovering from a traumatic event and everyone is all smiles because shits going to be fine and where most people would just shrug and go, "Oh, that's good.".. Quirky will take the time to novel a fucking reply out and make it into some social issue. Every fucking thing with this cunt is a social issue or a human rights issue, even when it isn't and even when she's not a part of the community it targets. So, yes, she needs to shut the fuck up.
It isn't about a club. It's about shitposters like you who randomly show up in threads and sound like the naive retards we used to have in /cgl/ drama threads. You get told to get the fuck out if you aren't contributing, which you aren't.
You can run back to your Coffin thread now. Nobody gives a shit.
>inb4 b-but weehhhh every1 does diss!1!11!Wow, moron. And, yet it's still fucking irritating and doesn't make it anymore tolerable!
Swear to god some of you don't know how to go the fuck outside.
No. 46194
>>46186My, you
are mad. And why? Because someone points out how petty you are? Heaven forbid you're forced to take a look at yourself.
No. 46206
File: 1423029059081.png (740.08 KB, 1026x613, tagged no one.png)

Guys, try not to shitpost. It makes it difficult to find the funny hammy info and discussion on Quirky. If you want to shitpost, go to b. It's there for a reason.
Honestly, disappear for a day and things go to shit.
Back to subject. Here's two posts people have missed.
No. 46207
File: 1423029082590.png (526.21 KB, 1026x611, quirky the spawn of jabba.png)

No. 46209
File: 1423029170183.png (178.81 KB, 1023x180, I actually really care and baw…)

Also, she's back up to 4k followers and changed her profile blurb.
No. 46232
>>46133You'd think she'd have a sort of idea about what is healthy and what is not. I don't think Quirky is too dumb to do a quick google search since she can hold a job, but holy crap how can she think eating chips will fill her up ?
Chips are made to leave you craving for more, she could easily eat a shit ton of other food for the same calorie intake as those and not be hungry 2 hours later.
No. 46239
>>46232She does seem to have
some sort of basic knowledge about eating well, there was a pic posted in the last thread where she made a meal with some healthier choices (brown rice instead of white, for example), only the portion sizes was huge, as would be expected. Quirky just seems to be a 'one step forward, two steps back' sort of person by not sticking to healthy choices. Perhaps she thinks that one healthy meal excuses several healthy ones?
No. 46240
>>46096When she lists the products she uses, it's painfully obvious how small her collection is despite how much she ~loves~ makeup. She uses the same handful of products over and over again and when she gets a new product, she uses it to death. Most people I know who are into makeup, while they have their favourite and holy grail products, are constantly trying new products and brands.
Also, new video on her instagram 'lipstick' is all smeared despite how carefully she implies she applied it. And I can't believe she STILL can't apply eyeliner in a smooth, even line even though it was one of the first makeup products she started wearing. The very least she could do is take a cotton swab to even out the wings, but that is obviously too much effort.
No. 46243
>>46232>>46239She does this thing where she'll try to start off healthy and balanced but slowly starts to give in to shit food because she's mentally unstable and well, fat.
She's also one of those people who sets unrealistic goals for her weight loss, like cutting down her portions to a normal person's size, which obviously has a ballooning up effect on her because she doesn't get full.
Not so long ago she took a picture of brown rice with salad and water, now she's going back to her old habits because she's fucking addicted to food and she's not realistic about changing her habits either.
>>46240Eyeliner is always fucked with her. She got this Benefit's eyeliner because supposedly it was for people with shaky hands. She still hasn't learned shit.
No. 46244
>>46239Well I don't expect her to eat the same portions as regular people, because of her size, so if she ate the same servings but with healthy stuff she'd still lose weight (obviously she'd have to cut it down afterwards to keep the weight loss going on).
But really chips ?? That's plain retarded, she could bake potatoes instead or eat a cucumber salad to get the crunchy feeling. Almost anything would be better.
>>46243I really don't know about her food addiction and I've never been nowhere near her size so I don't know how it feels to cut down all the soda and junk food she eats. But I'm disappointed in her, if she wants to fill her face she could try to find a healthier alternative, at least she'd still feel full.
I don't see why she thinks she needs to adopt the same diet as regular -slightly overweight- people because she's so massive, even simple changes will make her shed weight at first.
This "want results now now now !" mentality is the worst in a diet and really set people up for failure. Quirky you've been fat almost all your life, do you think you can look like your friend in 2 months ?
No. 46245
>>46243I don't remember any instance of her cutting her portion sizes down to normal, but feel free to point to anything I have missed.
And regarding that eyeliner, she's wearing ELF's gel liner in that, not the Benefit one (I assume you're referring to the newish click up gel one? I forget the name). I get trying to save money when it comes to makeup because it can get expensive fast, but there are better products out there that aren't shit or expensive. Maybelline's gel liner is a million times better than ELF's, and if she can afford the Semi-Sweet palette, she should be able to afford that. For a supposed makeup guru, she knows fuck all about products OR application.
No. 46246
>>46186So much this, these /cgl/s need to go back to their shit board half-chan and bitches from PULL need to gtfo and stay in their forums AND FIND THE TRUTH
lmao hypocrite bitches, at least most of us are straight up about being catty gossipy bitches, don't act like a moralfag in an imageboard devoted to making fun of retarded internet personalities.
(The Peter Coffin thread on 8chans /cow/ is waaay better btw)
No. 46247
>>46244She has a binging problem, and she has these periods of time where she pretends she's making positive changes about her diet. However, and despite what she claims she knows about nutrition, she still goes for sugary shit that's masked as a "healthy option", like those fucking protein bars.
>>46245She posted a picture not so long ago where her portions were drastically reduced. was her breakfast 3 weeks ago, when she was claiming she was trying to change.
And this was her lunch two weeks ago>quinoa, rice, chicken, fruitNow compare it to this shit>ham sandwich drenched in mayo, chips, a fucking chocolate cookieShe slips into her habits every single time because she doesn't have the will to change, and she doesn't set realistic standards for herself.
As for the eyeliner, it's a flat tip liner that supposedly gets you smooth lines. She whored it out as soon as she got it. Some of her shit are samples, like the Too Faced mascara.
She bitched about Too Faced's prices in her makeup video.
No. 46305
File: 1423079721174.jpg (577.19 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)

She looks sick..
No. 46308
>>46299Anon isn't capable of understanding that. They're probably the retard from the previous thread who tried to excuse Quirky being a terrible person just because bawww e-everyone is terruble doe!1!! We used to get these morons in /cgl/ all of the time. It would be a drama thread and there would be legitimately shitty or annoying things someone had done and you'd always get that ONE retard who would come in to be like "WELL ACKSHULLAY..", trying to justify why the person was in the right or not that bad.
>>46305She's so fucking disgusting..
No. 46311
File: 1423081798466.png (891.25 KB, 1299x791, damaged autists.png)

Holy shit, he's so disgusting looking. He's like a fat chipmunk with fucked teeth and she just looks like a fat man. This is the type of picture you'd look at and think, "Oh, a married couple in their 40s." They both look so goddamned haggard.
No. 46321
File: 1423085212153.jpg (699.98 KB, 3400x2698, Stillafatty.jpg)

I can't make her look good even with a truck full of Photoshop.
No. 46322
File: 1423085860739.gif (679.24 KB, 245x150, jonah.gif)

OMG He definitely looks like an inbred from Nebraska and she definitely looks like your typical southern morbidly obese tard (I swear there needs to be a new category for people as fat as Quirky)
Overweight: Obese: Morbidly Obese: Tick Tock Obese
I can't get over how ugly he is, no wonder he gives you so much shit Quirky, I don't think he can do better than you hahaha
No. 46323
>>46311Also, I'm guessing he's finally divorced now?
Or she talking about a victory over the trolls?
Because the latter is walking into Chri Chan territory. You can't beat the trolls, stupid Quirky.
No. 46329
>>46311I wonder if she's actually happy with him or if deep down she feels that that's the best she can do because a lot of guys who go after girls like her are fat fetishists.
I personally wouldn't get into a long distance relationship due to not being able to hold deeply romantic feelings for someone who I'm not in physical contact with at least once a week. If I were insecure about my appearance or questioning the motives of the person I was dating I'd probably be sick with worry. Idk how she does it.
No. 46332
>>46323I suppose a victory over us because we deny his existence.
>>46329She's happy that she gets free shit and validation. If you're a naive retard like Quirky and you've only had one relationship prior and the guy cheated on you, you pretty much throw your pussy at whoever walks by after that. Girls like her are easy and sad.
No. 46338
File: 1423088254946.png (905.76 KB, 1290x795, my sides.png)

I'm dying over here, help.
The fucking caption and these comments, I'm suffocating.
No. 46343
>>46338Seriously though, the combination of her fat, pasty skin, eye makeup and lipstick makes her look like a waterlogged corpse.
I'm all for blue lipstick, but holy shit Quirky, what made you think you could pull this off??
No. 46348
>>46338People are already telling her to cool her shit.
jennbrear @quirkyloverosee Or, potentially, girls aren't rude or out to steal/ruin anything? I'm thousands of miles away in England, wonderfully engaged, super happy with my life and certainly not a cretin who tries to mess with other people's relationships however I have enjoyed following you and reading your posts, appreciating your promotion of self love and accepting everything about yourself. Like @jackiexbam said, I follow you yet I don't know you- I requested to follow him because I saw the post, thought how adorable, and curiously wanted to see if his feed was similarly as engaging as yours? I thought he could potentially be another nice, positive, addition to my instagram feed which is the only reason I follow anyone who I do not personally.
jackiexbam I haven't followed him, but I follow you and I don't know you. I follow a shit ton of people I don't know for all kinds of reasons, so isn't strange to say that people are shady for following your boyfriend?
quirkyloverosee @jackiexbam in my shoes, it's shady for someone(an influx of like 30 people including people I have blocked) I do not know because of the issues I have had online. And his account is private for a reason. So yeah, it's a bit shady. Only my CLOSEST friends have followed him because I asked them if they wanted too:
No. 46365
She's blatantly aware that she looks like shit and anyone could steal this guy. Maybe she's afraid some thinny pretty will turn him off from deathfats?
No. 46380
>>46365If he is a feeder and with her for his fetish, she really should be more worried about any overweight girls he's friends with.
If he is a fat fetishist, then it's highly likely he has a backup pod to choose from.
No. 46389
>>46388I don't see why you'd be annoyed considering it's not like her having a bf makes any impact whatsoever on you getting one. That just sounds really petty, ngl.
Besides which, I don't think Quirky is going on her choice of suitors here, she's literally taking what she is given. She is desperate.
No. 46392
>>46389>>46390Yeah I guess I am being petty. I was thinking that I was annoyed by the fact that people like Quirky (I also should have added her bf) are likely going out with people without any real romantic interest in them but what they can gain from them.
I hate that quality in anyone, so I shouldn't have solely attributed it to Quirky.
No. 46400
File: 1423096088927.gif (931.89 KB, 258x258, happybirb.gif)

>>46396I am.
I always enjoy people like her who like to brag about her relationship and plaster their couple pictures everywhere, slowly seeing their social media become devoted to their love life, just to see them breaking up and crashing so fucking hard they always abandon the internet.
No. 46403
>>46396Me, Quirky going out with ratboy doesn't affect my self esteem or happiness in the slightest
The aftermath and potential drama that will ensue does directly affect my happiness though
I'm personally thinking it's going to be a short matter of time until either lingerie or new nude pics surface to be honest
No. 46418
File: 1423101186062.jpg (43.02 KB, 560x292, Queeny smile.jpg)

>>46396Nope! I'm loving this so much and I can't wait for the chaos.
And for the other anons who are frustrated, just know that whatever guy you end up with won't be a creepy feeder like Quirky's.
I'm looking forward to the day when her tie-dye muumuu stops fitting.
No. 46427
>>46323Oh you definitely can. You just have to ignore them. But the reason lolcows exist is because they keep acknowledging them like fucking this.
They're idiots for a reason, though.
No. 46438
>>46338Hahaha Quirky, you're soooo jealous. I mean, I always knew you were jealous and an envious person, but this shit right here, lmfao, you sound so pathetic and insecure even your followers are telling you to calm your chin-tits.
BTW, I don't think you guys know how feeders work. They're enablers, yes, but a lot of it has to do with control and having that person completely and totally dependant on them. If Quirky is already starting shit over this, oh boy, let me tell you he won't be staying until she's blubbering about how he can do whatever he wants as long as he stays with her.
Remember, this is the fatass that fucked her her ex to get back at her ex-best friend. Quirky has
that mentality where it's the other girl's fault if a guy cheats/dumps her. She's like those trailor park trash sluts on Jerry Springer that rip each others hair out for the affections of a man that's cheating on both of them.
Her pettiness, trashiness, and lack of self-esteem knows no bounds.
No. 46455
>>46425I'd rather die and be single for the rest of my life as I am right now than have a feeder BF at the cost of weighing 550 lbs. Even if I lost all that weight, my body would be reckt (inside and out).
Besides, there so much of the world to do and see, why let a man define you when you can define yourself with your deeds? Girls, stop looking for BF's, DO YOU and a lot of the times, when you least expect it, love just lands on your lap (don't be like Quirky, you know damn well she found this guy on a BBW board).
No. 46485
File: 1423107674075.png (547.97 KB, 1310x782, whale mad.png)

blah blah blah blah
No. 46486
File: 1423107706653.gif (1.96 MB, 160x160, cocks.gif)

>>46466Awww come on anon, you know what I meant :I
No. 46489
File: 1423107896702.png (40.94 KB, 225x225, 1422165786981.png)

>>46425The difference is that even though I browse these sites I know the time and place to gossip and bitch about people. If you're so broken to the point where you don't know when it's prudent to do this shit, then I don't know what to tell you.
No. 46505
File: 1423108696428.jpg (170.87 KB, 617x600, 1404255873280.jpg)

>>46425>mfw I have a boyfriend>mfw he actually laughs at shit with me on hereWhy are people not allowed to take amusement in stupid people anymore? Village idiots were a thing long ago. Not a new concept, guys.
No. 46530
File: 1423110830340.png (928.2 KB, 1317x793, her kisses taste like big macs…)

No. 46545
>>46530She's legit retarded, we established a few threads back that she did have a feeder, like, what is she trying to prove?
Or is she doing this to keep those jealous bitches away from his IG?
No. 46548
>>46545Why would she think girls were jealous of her boyfriend? There are plenty of better looking guys out there, and there isn't really anything about we know about his personality that makes him appealing either.
Also has she ever mentioned her stance on having kids, either in general or with her boyfriend? Because I highly doubt she could conceive at her size, assuming he could actually penetrate her
No. 46555
>>46554He already has them. I wonder how they have sex. I was watching a documentary about deathfats and few of them said they couldn't have sex anymore because they were so fat.
I guess that's why Quirky likes sucking dick. She really doesn't have a choice if she wants sexual contact, lmao
No. 46567
>>46565Derp never mind.
Thought maybe it was some new toy/move for deathfats
No. 46598
>>46596That would eventually break the bowl, right?
Speaking of toilet things, do you guys think she has one of those grip arms?
No. 46599
File: 1423119534697.png (230.97 KB, 900x677, fat_stocking_wallpaper_by_nigh…)

>>46589That leo girl has her ig set to private now. Wonder how many of Quirkys mindless sheep were harassing her.
No. 46600
>>46599And this is why we shit on Quirky. All you moralfags from cgl fuck off. We're gonna wreck this bitch every time she posts her whale songs on IG.
Does her BF know she has Herpes? :^)
No. 46723
File: 1423158475655.png (922.31 KB, 1299x777, Screenshot (396).png)

No. 46739
>>46485Like clockwork.
Cue the flood of asschest pics with drag makeup for the next week.
No. 46751
>>46741Nope. IIRC she got them from the random guy of CL.
It's doubtful she's mentioned it. Why would she want to lower her already low chances? Not many people would be willing to really risk getting herpes if they don't have it, just to be with somebody like Rosie. There are likely a lot of other whales to hump who don't have it, so it's not like Rat Boy has to settle.
No. 46754
>>46723>not dwell on negative>#lovethyneighborBitch, you know damn well you're going to post more pictures with people's opinions of you and freak the fuck out over them like you always do. Why do none of her followers call her out on that specific bullshit?
Also, loving thy neighbor my ass. Rosie, you are hateful, manipulative, jealous, and you don't love anyone. Not even yourself.
No. 46755
Why do we need to keep repeating the same goddamned information for some of you.
Read the ED page in the fucking OP or previous threads. They're linked so that none of us has to waste time spoonfeeding your asses.
No. 46759
File: 1423162659927.png (262.14 KB, 924x516, thats gross.png)

No. 46765
>>46759fatties sure love to boast on how good they are at giving blowjobs
No. 46769
>>46765it's probably because she's so fat that her mouth is like a fatty vacuum
just puckering her lips is enough to vacuum up crumbs in her vincinity, imagine what she can do to dicks
No. 46790
>>46765>>46769Pretty sure
if she can still have sex it's only doggy style and that gets boring pretty quickly.
Guys love blowjobs though, those never get old for them, so these fatties perfect it because in regards to sex, that's literally all they can do. Quirky can't straddle a guy, she can't 69, all she can do is get on all fours and hope the guy finds her AWOL vagina.
No. 46852
>>46790Ive only ever met one guy that didn't like blow jobs, he said the thought of something with teeth around his dick freaked him out
anyway, insecure people flaunt their head game to other people because it's supposed to make up for their lack of personality or physical attractiveness
No. 46854
>>46850They said that's probably the only position rat boy can access her vagina from at this point.
Also, you're missing out.
No. 46856
>>46850Pray tell, what other sex positions could Quirkys massive frame be able to engage in?
>>46853>>46854>TFW 8 inches height difference between boyfriend and I>TFW 69ing is very difficultLife sucks sometimes
No. 46870
>>46865Well let's see, unless he's into being asphyxiated or crushed by a beast, she can't be on top.
If he was on top, he'd have a hard time digging through her fat to find her vagina.
I also hope that he has enough money to buy furniture to support her, because I can already see their bed breaking after a week.
No. 46889
File: 1423197385637.png (169.2 KB, 511x384, fat bag.png)

>>46870>digging through her fatThis popped into my head when I read that.
No. 46942
>>46850meh I think you're right, I think 69 is overrated and only virgin-kids speak of it because it's a "funny number"
It's a very awkward position and both partners need to focus on what they're doing and what they're receiving at the same time, it's better to switch around.
I've only done 69 once in my life and didn't like it so never did it again.
No. 47001
File: 1423246867628.png (824.21 KB, 1019x611, on league.png)

No. 47002
File: 1423246971938.png (631.47 KB, 1024x609, eggplanet.png)

No. 47013
>>47001She looks really stupid here. Especially showing off her aging, sagging under eyes. Feels real fucking nice to not have that shit going on.
No. 47042
File: 1423254583656.jpg (78.28 KB, 320x213, Hula_Hoops_Snack_Original.jpg)

>>47034I think you meant the toy but I'm sure either is fine for Quirky.
No. 47049
File: 1423257300840.png (720.72 KB, 1018x610, rxlhOHA[1].png)

Petition to get Quirks to stop using Drag Queen slang, please sign for the benefit of my poor, gay heart.
No. 47055
File: 1423263132169.jpg (88.24 KB, 640x640, lumpy face shitty glasses.jpg) of her trying to show off drugstore brushes.
No. 47079
File: 1423270625524.jpg (45.89 KB, 432x324, lol2.jpg)

>>47055She bought a stippling brush? Quirky your stupid ass can't even use a beauty blender correctly, I doubt you even know how to use a regular foundation brush (what am I talking about, do you even OWN ONE?), and you got a stippling brush? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't those brushes for people that are a little more advanced in makeup?
I can't wait for her to fuck this up too. :^)
No. 47219
File: 1423337849108.png (672.77 KB, 928x553, kek.png)

She's going to see him in April.
No. 47258
File: 1423347850380.png (296.44 KB, 1322x786, Screenshot (399).png)

>mfw I have owned the prom night lipstick since it's official December release
Aw, Quirky, did you stalk our makeup thread over here? Good luck, you're going to look ratchet as shit trying to use liquid lipstick. You probably don't even know how to fucking prep for wearing it.
No. 47270
>>47223>>47238what seems most likely to me is that she purposefully making it seem like they are going to live together, without exactly saying that they are, in order to appear special and wanted to her "fans."
It makes her feel, if only for an instant, like she is in a real relationship and not this bullshit long distance feeder/feede thing. I'm certain that if someone asked her directly if they were moving in together, she'd get defensive and "I NEVER SAID THAT" on them.
No. 47287
>>47270Makes sense. I wonder if someone will ask.
One of her followers already asked where he lives and she didn't bother answering.
No. 47288
>>47223At first I thought she was moving in with her mother but not really since her mother was moving overseas, then I swear she implied she was moving in with her boyfriend guy, and now she's not moving in with him and merely seeing him for 3-4 days in April?
Also it's so weird that even for an LDR they don't see each other that much. Most LDRs I know of make every attempt to be with each other as much as possible, usually at least once a month if not more often.
No. 47291
File: 1423355186034.gif (206.18 KB, 500x281, 1357432682007.gif)

>>47288Who would want to see her ass that much.
Thats prob. why he sends her so much shit so she doesn't force him to see her all the time.
No. 47323
>>47288that's because it isn't a real long distance relationship. It's a sham, and she's the biggest believer. She'll post screenshots of nice texts he sends her and "presents" (Which I still have a hard time believing actually came from him) but that's it.
It could just be that the only thing he wants from her is a sense of power over another human, a feeder/feede relationship. It could be that he feels like garbage for being an unattractive single father. It could be many things, but she's so willing to see him as this great Romeo that it probably makes him feel at least a little bit better… but he doesn't want to put any actual effort into their "relationship."
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Why try harder when you already get a little self esteem boost just by sending an occasional nice text?
No. 47340
a] She doesn't know how to apply it
b] She's indeed using a lot of product on her face
No. 47341
>>47223She's poor as fuck, and she worded those captions poorly as well. She's going to have to wait one year to move in with him, that is if he's still with her. She mentioned this some time ago, when they were still living in the old house and her mom told her they were moving.
>>47323Eh it depends, anon. Sometimes you meet someone who lives in another country and it's hard to meet because of money. I do agree this relationship only seems to work from a distance.
No. 47387
File: 1423393927608.jpg (132.13 KB, 480x715, image.jpg)

Everytime I see her posts on my Instagram feed, I have to hold myself back from going into full-on autismal rage on the comments. She absolutely sickens me as a human being. I honestly thought I knew what a shitty fucking person was, and then I learned about Quirky. She's mean, lazy, self-absorbed, completely undisciplined, and a waste of space. Everytime I want her to succeed, she slumps back in to her old routine of abject nothingness. I'm disgusted by her. But I soldier through the urges, because there's nothing like reading quirks Instagram when you're really fuckin drunk. I'm super surprised she hasn't figured out and blocked me. I basically have a troll username.
Anyway, quirky is horrible blah blah, whatever. I can't believe how long she stuck to her diet! It may have even been a full week. Way to show some self control
No. 47457
>>47387>a waste of spaceYou got that right, anon. A
lot of space.
No. 47478
File: 1423421769360.png (833.18 KB, 1020x610, durr wut happuned.png)

No. 47578
File: 1423431654578.jpg (113.33 KB, 640x640, whale scarf.jpg)

I wish she would hang herself with that scarf.
No. 47602
>>47587I was really fat when I was 10, like 5'4 (tall too) and 151 lbs. I remember standing on the side of my bathtub and slipping because it was wet, trying to hold on to the shower curtain pole and having it rip out of the wall.
Made me think that in Quirky's case, the entire wall may come down around her.
Oh also, I don't want her to hurt herself at all, she already does by over eating and not getting exercise, thats more than enough.
No. 47644
>>47616Jesus she's so loud and trashy.
She also looks genderless and has greasy greasy hair.
No. 47754
>>47752How could anyone take a picture like that, look at it, and say "yes I want this on the internet for everyone to see."
Oh wait.
No. 47756
>>47752>#promotesabuseOh, shut the fuck up Quirky.
Also that lipstick looks like brandless $1 shop quality.
No. 47815
File: 1423510118895.jpg (107 KB, 1024x611, 654.JPG)

simply ebin
No. 47816
File: 1423510160814.jpg (96.67 KB, 1026x608, 789.JPG)

boyfriend's instagram revealed
bravo quirky
No. 47820
>>47755you bitch
can't unsee
No. 48245
File: 1423593844508.png (297.8 KB, 1022x608, wah attenshunzz.png)

No. 48303
No. 48441
>>48388I think her rant at the guy who said her eyes are nice is the pinacle of her stupidity.
Surely she cannot get any more ridiculous.
We should prod this cow for lulz. I think she's ready for it. Does anyone have ideas?
My idea is to make an instagram pretending to be her, and shitpost with it, saying racist/stupid shit.
Another idea would be to link one of her accounts (like skype? does she have a skype?) on 8chan and 4chans /soc/ boards saying she wants to cam sex with people.
No. 48569
>>48441Feel free. Someone already made a fake tumblr of her.
What we need to do is update her ED article. Most of the other boards think she's just a boring lazy hamplanet with nothing lulzy from what's there now instead of the gems we get.
No. 48575
File: 1423624896499.png (915.18 KB, 2440x608, bruised prune.png)

No. 48910
File: 1423712581037.png (875.31 KB, 1025x611, in...a mug.png)

No. 49083
File: 1423767111468.png (614.87 KB, 1077x659, 1423765631010.png)

OT but this totally looks like rosey
No. 49193
File: 1423787897585.jpg (66.18 KB, 719x805, 4r43.jpg)

>>48910lol I drink sup from a mug all the time, soup in a mug get with the times anon
>>48639Kek, I bet every time she loses half a pound she freaks out over becoming anorexic
I think she actually did that right? when she lost 20 pounds at some point?
No. 49205
File: 1423788477336.jpg (54 KB, 540x960, 548.jpg)

>>49203lol sorry I meant quirky, they're one huge blob in my brain
speaking of which, I wonder what saxy is up to
No. 49211
File: 1423788914055.png (220.79 KB, 1021x611, replying to b8.png)

>>49173lol really? It'll go public again in a week or two at most.
No. 49213
>>49211>islam>a raceAnother educational moment with quirky the moron.
She should really get a dumblr.
No. 49261
>>49240I would think she would get just as much attention there with the fativism shit, and a bunch of other fatties going yes mama slaaaaaaaay ur the most beautiful evaaaaaaaa
I guess she wants more validation from men, though.
No. 49699
File: 1423917313675.png (962.54 KB, 1363x666, andadietcoke.png)

>>49261>slaaaaaayWhenever fatties say that I imagine a huge fat dragon mocking the knights who want to slay it
No. 49702
>>49211holy shit
they're=there are
No. 49703
>>49699There the fatty goes again with 'nom' bullshit
Lol at least diet coke (do you guys think she turned the calorie content to the camera or random?)
No. 49705
>>49699Watch her next post
'I'm in a very bad place right now. I try to fight but people won't let me enjoy life. I struggled with the ketchup and people make me feel bad.' #edwarrior #justhalfthebottle
No. 49714
File: 1423928869142.jpg (95.85 KB, 720x960, iiu.jpg)

>>49702I wonder if she realises how stupid it makes her look.
probs not, she probs thinks it doesn't matter
No. 49715
File: 1423928938468.png (931.54 KB, 1293x662, tzzg.png)

>>49711that was from her failbook
No. 49719
>>49715Oh, it was too. I'm an idiot.
Ugh, when I see her posting her food I can't help but imagine her eating it, huffing and puffing, munching and slurping with her mouth open and the squelching of the fatty juices from under her teeth. Fucking tmi but can you imagine how deathly her shit would be? Absolutely potently vile. Christ, she is disgusting.
No. 49742
File: 1423938992020.png (942.49 KB, 1090x606, fsdfdfdsfdffd.png)

>>49719more ammo for your weird fetish anon
I don't judge
No. 49750
>>49699Fuck thats so much goddamn ketchup. It doesn't need it at all let alone that much.
Also, it was reported that diet coke is actually much worse than drinking regular coke, and that goes for any "diet/low fat" products because they have so many chemicals or salt and sugar added to them to have them still taste somewhat edible.
Just drink some fucking water.
No. 49751
File: 1423940639591.jpg (270.84 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n443abVwGJ1twox5uo1_128…)

>>49750Meh, I love diet coke for the taste, regular coke tastes too sweet for me. I think it's ok as long as you only drink it v occassionally.
But yeah daaaamn she drowns her shit in ketchup
can she even taste anything under all that red gloop
No. 49753
>>49742If you're morbidly obese, have only a few years left to live, and your boyfriend buys you pizza to make you feel better, he doesn't care about you.
This is what you'd call an enabler. You wouldn't buy a heroine addict or an alcoholic more heroine or alcohol when they're on the verge of overdosing. What a dumbass.
No. 49756
File: 1423940838178.png (949.05 KB, 1250x658, dsds.png)

>>49753she's a malteaser away from diabeetus
No. 49780
File: 1423944843845.png (624.79 KB, 1071x628, lelelel.png)

>>49757I remember reading somewhere that obese people have less tastebuds and a dulled sense of smell and taste. This can cause them to further gravitate towards stronger flavours/higher quantities, making them overeat even more
No. 49819
keep browsing, quirks~
No. 49851
File: 1423962621901.png (393.57 KB, 1022x611, vday.png)

No. 49852
File: 1423962694793.png (463.48 KB, 1025x611, goo berry.png)

No. 49861
File: 1423964480588.jpg (184.69 KB, 601x800, boo-berry.jpg)

>>49852Am I the only one who thinks about this when I see him call her "boo berry"?
No. 50021
>>49753>>49756I want her to die from obesity just so it will teach her dumb, fat cunts of followers a lesson. Hopefully it would make them realize "shit…maybe this
isn't healthy?"
No. 50073
>>50047This! I had so many people on fb and tumblr all going TFW NO GF.
Like stoooop it aint a big deal.
(sorry ot)
No. 50079
File: 1424020584899.png (831.26 KB, 1022x608, feeder luvins.png)

New post, guys.
No. 50169
File: 1424038561357.png (817.48 KB, 1022x609, how ghastly.png)

>>50082With her girth, they would need two.
Another new one.
No. 50233
>>50079Hey hey guys LOOK
I'm in BED
with a MAN
No. 50240
File: 1424050081626.png (407.08 KB, 1024x610, sic 'em fatties.png)

Also, another new one.
No. 50286
File: 1424060325935.png (310.12 KB, 1024x612, baww some more.png)

>>50240And an update on this. Quirky deleted the post in the screenshot I quoted and replaced it with this.
She's on a roll today.
No. 50337
>>50317There were anons who expressed how annoyed they were she has a feeder/bf while they're single. Of course, they could be just farming her.
>>50320Well, the activist angle isn't engaging her followers enough.
No. 50341
>>50339we now have lolcows that farms other lolcows
what a time to be alive
No. 50446
File: 1424104358396.png (806.75 KB, 1024x611, after 5 kegs.png)

Two new ones today.
No. 50447
File: 1424104402576.png (791.66 KB, 1022x611, an adult - top fucking kek.png)

No. 50471
File: 1424108931228.png (829.49 KB, 1024x611, ew just ew.png)

>>47752I know this was a week ago, but I decided to take a screenshot of the actual post for documentation purposes/before she goes on another deleting spree.
No. 50489
>>50471jesus she seriously looks like a bloated corpse washed up on a river bank
fucking disgusting
No. 50491
>>50462I am this
>>49773 anon and now I feel sick. Why did I watch that video :( so fucking gross, ugh.
No. 50562
DUDE, I can't fucking stand when people chew with their mouths open. That fucking pickle uggghhh. Also chewing gum, fucking fuck chewing gum.
No. 50577
>>50562It drives me nuts and makes me sick to my stomach.
Imagine how Quirky sounds.
No. 50739
>>50659Oh man i would go nuts. I have slight misophonia and hate mouth sounds that have to do with eating with a passion.
I can imagine quirky just sitting there smacking her lips, breathing very loud. Yuck
No. 50776
>>50739This is pretty much exactly what I said in
>>49719 and
>>49773. Are you me, anon?!
No. 50806
>>50776Maybe. Do you also want to flip a table if you politely ask a friend/family momber who is doing it to stop and they just shrug or worse start doing it louder on purpose?
I also have an extreme hate for people who don't blow their nose when its stuffed/running and just snort the snot back up.
No. 50815
File: 1424191139004.png (374.92 KB, 1022x610, the fat lady sings.png)

No. 50817
File: 1424191346323.png (379.18 KB, 1022x610, the fat lady sings - fun edits…)

>>50815I got bored while editing the previous image and decided to see what would happen if I fixed up her whale song.
No. 50821
>>50815Holy shit
It just amazes me that she's so narcissistic she actually screencapped her own fb post. Like "look how funny I am guize XDDDD"
What exactly is it about big egos that's so off-putting?
No. 50953
>>50817Why did you cross out 'the' after the initial 'so,' in her opening sentence, and again in the sentence, 'one of the specimens…'?
Sorry if these are obvious mistakes, I just don't get it.
No. 50989
File: 1424225471636.png (888.72 KB, 720x1116, duuuur imma aduuuult.png)

>>50953>>50956Honestly, my brain shut down in protest so those were mistakes.
No. 51023
>>50993acting like drinking something super sugary is an adultperk anyways. Reminds me of when this girl I knew was so impressed with herself when she didn't get wasted on 4 chocolate martinis she had when she turned 21.
ain't booze, that's just sugar.
No. 51038
>>51005I'm also quirky's age, and honestly, the people you'd think are the most down to earth or have a decent shred of common sense concerning certain issues end up being the most immature. I know the same can be said for any age group, but the early 20 somethings I've met seem to be so pretentious about their alcohol consumption.
I don't understand why either, it makes sense to me when teens do it because they're breaking a law and it's rebellious behavior, added to the fact that they're expected to not know anything about alcohol. When 20 something's do it, I can't help but roll my eyes because it's like them telling me they can buy a movie ticket for R rated movies now. Why brag about that unless you're trying to appeal to a particular audience?
No. 51085
File: 1424255246086.jpg (315.09 KB, 625x853, Selenav.jpg)

Selena Gomez on the new cover of V magazine reminds me of Quirky, if Quirky was thin and didn't have face fat
No. 51157
File: 1424293423608.png (522.88 KB, 720x1023, Ew more tie dye.png)

>>51116It would be hilarious.
Today's post is apparently another "drunk" one. There's a video too of her usual "IIIII'm a cute drunk", but I don't know if her profile is public again yet to link.
No. 51414
File: 1424326568997.png (804.98 KB, 1020x612, what is her face shape…)

Apparently her feeder was on a show a few hours ago.
No. 51589
File: 1424379073715.png (838.31 KB, 1020x609, potato and spuds.png)

No. 51594
File: 1424379891284.jpg (74.33 KB, 800x533, 6a00d8341d7f7153ef017d3c21c957…)

>>51589Damn, she's got so much fat on her upper chest the "cleavage" goes all the way up her neck.
No. 51737
>>51601That's because the color adapts to your skin color. It suits everyone, I've noticed. Based Jeffree.
Then again she's also playing with lights and she probably added a filter.
No. 51747
>>51738I think if you're going to a glam event (prom, school dances, weddings, galas, clubbing, halloween) you totally can, but you still have to even them both out a bit. Quirky went crazy with the black eyeliner (again, jfc), combined with all that eyeshadow and red lipstick she looks cheap.
Even if she went out, where could this lard-dumpster go? Olive Garden is the fanciest place she's ever been to.
No. 51802
File: 1424394362301.png (601.88 KB, 1021x609, ffs.png)

>>51729Behold, anon!
This post of hers is actually a video, but that still….
No. 52076
File: 1424448940035.png (840.79 KB, 1025x612, more like an elephant seal ins…)

No. 52077
File: 1424449020032.png (315.33 KB, 1026x611, close shave.png)

No. 52092
>>52076This is like,
the ultimate 'hooker make-up' look. The bright blue eyeshadow and red lips. All she needs is to triple the amount of that pink blush she has on and she's ready to work the corner.
No. 52114
>>52077What the
What kind of stress is she under ?? She works from home, her family seems chill (her bro cooking stuff for her) and she even managed to snatch a bf which is freaking a miracle for her imo, and he seems really nice to put up with all of her tantrums over a fucking move.
What a spoiled rotten bitch. She creates drama when there's none, she should use her free time to exercise instead of spamming insta
No. 52199
>>52138Different anon, I was under constant stress because of my fat and I decided to do something about it and lost weight, not whine and baww on social media like Quirky.
Aside from her fat, she's got a pretty decent home life and is only whining about having to move her king-sized ass.
No. 52713
File: 1424562587778.jpg (96 KB, 640x640, 11018510_350188665167387_19600…)

holy fuck she's fat
No. 52851
File: 1424581119532.png (1.02 MB, 1026x611, crazy eyes.png)

She went a little post happy the past day.
No. 52852
File: 1424581162193.png (366.12 KB, 1022x614, talking about herself.png)

No. 52854
File: 1424581243938.png (826.76 KB, 1020x609, aint smokey yo.png)

No. 52856
File: 1424581312945.png (796.73 KB, 1024x611, no you don't.png)

No. 52858
File: 1424581366930.png (890.85 KB, 1025x611, so, you got out of the car the…)

>>52713 anon already posted the picture, but here's the context.
No. 53020
File: 1424623715124.png (672.15 KB, 1018x609, just get starburst fatty.png)

No. 53702
File: 1424720593298.png (823.88 KB, 1022x610, yech.png)

No. 53791
>>53702yyyyyeah no. that yellow is smudged with the black/silver. she didn't seem to have used different brushes for her shadows and she fucked up.
plus with that lip color? honey you suck not only at your lash game but at your everything game.
No. 53794
File: 1424729219195.jpg (21.15 KB, 508x282, ursula.jpg)

>>53757Seriously, she's sitting there in her moomoo tie dye shit, wearing all this dramatic makeup in the middle of nowhere Georgia. I have no problem with people breaking the rules (i.e dramatic eyes and lips combo), but jfc you're going to look like a major hot mess walking around like that in your town plaza during the day… in your moomoo.
Who am I kidding? Quirky walking? Quirky leaving her house? Bitch needs a 16 hour nap after burning CDs for her mom.
No. 53885
File: 1424737564526.png (804.48 KB, 1022x611, wtf is she wearing.png)

No. 53922
>>53885I believe that's a nightgown that she's giving poof to because of her fat.
And she's a planet living in a planet, astonishing really.
No. 53926
>>53885It can either be:
>a.) an over sized pillow cover>b.)Her curtains>3.)her bed sheets>4.) an older obese granny's old clothes she found in a thrift storeI vote or a, b, or c.
No. 54040
>>53466I couldn't tell you, my family moved to another state a few months before I began HS
>>53455 Is there anything specific you want to know? I didn't really socialize or get to know anyone at school because I was there for such a short period of time, so I can't tell you what she was actually like but I did see her, several times, bringing her own lunch AND getting one from the school.
No. 54176
File: 1424801124076.png (310.31 KB, 1023x611, eating her feelings.png)

For the record, Quirky, most of us are fascinated and disgusted by you.
Watching and documenting your stupidity is like watching a trainwreck in action.
No. 54406
>>54127I didn't see what it was, it was just in a brown paper bag and I didn't really pay attention. The only really gross thing I saw her doing was she had lice for a while and for some reason they were in her neck/chin fat eating the dead skin or something.
>>54152No, I wasn't there long enough to have bought yearbooks. It might not have actually been her - it was just in the same area and there happened to be a fat similar-looking girl named Rosie, so I'm still not 100% sure
No. 54437
File: 1424827962953.png (748.79 KB, 1025x613, oh yawn.png)

No. 54439
File: 1424828016013.png (628.83 KB, 1020x609, hop to it farmers.png)

She's accepting adds to snapchat now.
No. 54440
File: 1424828052356.png (303.49 KB, 1025x609, need more 'tenshuns.png)

Apparently she didn't get enough people adding her and just had to make another announcement.
No. 54515
>>lice for a whileI always knew she was nasty.
Did she smell bad? Did she have any friends? Did she ever try to act flirty? Was she loud?
No. 54648
File: 1424880978692.png (684.68 KB, 1022x610, child with mom's makeup.png)

She looks so much like the creepy lunch lady at my old middle school. We called her "the Clown".
No. 54662
>>54648I hate her lips, they looked deformed. Also, very rarely can anyone pull off blue eye shadow and red lipstick. I know it was previously discussed but that point becomes more obvious the more she goes for this look. She really does look ridiculous, not even because she's fat. There are tons of fat women out there who have pretty faces and great fashion sense that would look better if they lost weight. Even if Quirky had always been thin she would have still looked god awful.
If you're reading this Quirks please, do yourself a favor and stop emphasizing your negative features. Taking pictures and applying on make up that shine a light on how bulbous your nose is and how strange your cupid's bow is (which as someone pointed out once, the combo of the aforementioned two makes them resemble a mushroom) won't do you any favors.
I guess since you stay home all day you have nothing to do but practice your make up skills, and hey I guess boredom can spout these bouts of creativity, but unless you're playing a character or are part of a fashion show–just stop.
Also, selfie obsessed? Why? All of them look the same, it's just badly applied make up looks of you posing in your room. You should be health obsessed instead. All people are going to remember you for if you croak soon from your obesity are these pics.
No. 55018
File: 1424966246864.png (641.71 KB, 1024x610, stroke.png)

No. 55021
File: 1424966471149.png (878.98 KB, 1023x610, bawwwwwwww.png)

I highly doubt a teacher would do that.
And how would a guy smaller than her cut her off in a hallway? If anything, she's blocking the way and he was trying to get around her but couldn't.
No. 55027
>>55025Exactly. I was bullied as a little kid but I nipped that in the bud with the help of a lamppost. Still was a traumatizing time, but it's the past and it's better to keep moving forward instead of bawwwing, wallowing in it, and eating your feelings like Quirkplanet does.
No wonder she's fatter now.
No. 55036
>>55021Holy shit quirks, I know you like to play the victim, but why would you dwell on the names and faces of those people? School sucks for a lot of people. It was shit for me, too, but why would you want to hang onto those memories if it sucked that much?
One minute she's all "lol fuk u h8ers I dun carr what u think" and the next she says shit like "I'm still affected by what people did to me in high school"
No. 55046
File: 1424973725539.png (24.09 KB, 515x324, so probably 12.png)

Found this on her fb.
No. 55089
File: 1424981502820.png (22.16 KB, 568x143, the running joke.png)

Sorry for the incomplete cap. The post she replied to seems to have been deleted. Still easy to fill in the blanks.
No. 55118
>>55021I thought this cow was so forgiving and her message was all about love and positivity.
Therapy is free with some government programs, she obviously needs it and should focus on that instead of social media and eating her feelings away.
It's so ridiculous, she's killing herself slowly over crap what happened in highschool, like grow the fuck up already.
No. 55165
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>>55113Thought so.
Also, new post from her. I'm looking forward to seeing more fuck ups if she can get this.
No. 55177
>>55021whether it happened or not, some people are just more vulnerable to shit like that
in hs my ex bf began bullying me, and what did all my friends say? "omg you should transfer schools, I can't believe he did that to you!!"
My response was just to ignore him, let him know I thought he was insignificant trash and got new friends. They started making fun of him in my place and strangely, although it made him feel like shit, that didn't really matter to me. I didn't consider most people in hs significant enough to begin with because I went in with the mindset that I'll likely never speak to them after graduation. Idk why more people don't think like this.
Quirky is my age, and while idk how I would have reacted in her place, it's time for her to move on as
>>55027 stated. It isn't enough to get her sympathy points because she doesn't appear to try and do anything to help herself outside of reflecting on the past, and if the latest of that occurred when she was 18, it's been over 5 yrs since then.
No. 55181
>>55165Honestly, I hope that she doesn't. She can't pull of black, she's hideous, and I hate how she latches onto anything popular just so she can feel like she is part of the club. I had been waiting since September for the release of this makeup line and since December for the black lipstick, when I first saw Jeffree writing about it.
She can be lulzy doing other shit, the bitch needs to keep her fat ass out of my makeup.
No. 55314
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No. 55373
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No. 55375
File: 1425067333952.png (486.65 KB, 1020x611, mfwihnf.png)

No. 55412
>>55407The latter would be more likely. As if she can handle college when she couldn't even handle high school.
>>55406All of them.
No. 55434
son of a bitch, I just spent my morning crying myself into a headache over this passing and I am beside myself. This fucking whore needs to die.
No. 55435
>>55434she's annoying, but fuck, if you're not obnoxious
crying yourself into a headache
jesus christ you people are pathetic
No. 55439
>>55435To be fair, many people have a reason to be upset about stuff like this in recent years. Nerdy and quirky became byproducts and not only did certain people completely sell out to cater to casuals and SJWs who only picked this kind of stuff up in order to appear more unique, but simultaneously alienated longtime fans who gave their money and attention for years.
People can be upset that someone they admired passed away. Some people grew up with very little and those forms of entertainment were a means of catharsis. People can be upset that it has become acceptable to lie about who you are just for attention, because it is obscenely retarded and helps to further deteriorate a hobby/community.
Just because it wasn't yours doesn't mean that someone is wrong or pathetic.
On topic: Quirky is a shitty person.
No. 55447
>>55439this so much and rosie is a pretty good example of that. remember her horrid video?
>AMGGGG KINDUMB HARTS BEST GAYUM EVARRRR XDDDDDDD!1!1!ELEVENDYand her whole diablo thing where she ordered that cheap shitty headset for herself (after bitching about no money for food literally on the same day). rosie will do this with any and everything she comes across and we can even see it right now with the makeup thing. she tried to cling to the nerd girl image with cosplay a while back when she said she was going to be sailor mars and muh gayming, but she knew it wouldnt stick. now, shes trying to do makeup guru and desperately cling to poor jeffree star. cant imagine what it must be like to wake up and see this whale clogging up your feed because she wants to feel validated.
No. 55452
She isn't serious is she?
Knowing the nudes that SHE has?
No. 55459
>>55457Woops, meant to type new not no.
Tired as fuck over here.
No. 55466
File: 1425088761098.jpg (613.19 KB, 3000x2250, ogAcRjB.jpg)

>>55434I feel yeah.
Did you read the tweets that shatner left and some of the other cast? (The tweest really caught me off guard and had me crying)
Back on topic what band wagon to you think the quirk planet will jump on to next?
No. 55471
>>55466Yes and Nimoy's last tweet, I read days ago, and had a really bad feeling about it. Then, this morning happened and well.. shits been a mess at this house because even grandparents are upset. People forget that at the time when ST was on tv, there wasn't much else to watch so even our older generations developed attachments.
Agreed, back on topic. As for that.. I really don't know. I've been thinking about it, because so far she's covered..
>nrrdy gurl XDDD>makeup guru>SJWSo, what else is trendy now? Because whatever it is, it will likely be next in her quest to consume all attention.
No. 55473
>>55472>nailsOH, GOD DAMN IT.
I forgot all about that shit, yeah, Traci hopped onto it. Ew, fuck.. can you imagine Quirky's fat ass hands with gaudy friggin' nails? Looking like a white trash suburb mom trying to feel young again.
No. 55474
>>55021>>55177Listen, I know bullying can be terrible for kids, I was bullied really badly until I was a teenager, so badly I tried to kill myself and was really suicidal, I remember begging my parents to let me move schools but they thought it'd be better for me to stay and deal with it (like as a life lesson? they genuinely thought it was better to tackle it rather than run away), I remember the time my bullies went to my principal and told him I was bullying them, and because their parents were friends with the principal he called me in to his office and roared at me, called me names and terrified me, made me cry so much I vomited and I refused to come in to school for a week
but you know what? I'm 22 now. That shit does not matter anymore. Yes it is upsetting to think how that kind of thing happened to a child. It's upsetting even to me I was wronged like that. But jesus christ, you have to move on. I don't even really remember the names of my classmates or teachers anymore. I don't even think about it anymore. There comes a point in time where you need to stop dwelling on stuff that probably hasn't happened in over a decade. You need to live your life and not have a giant pity party over everything bad in your life.
I don't doubt these things affected her but really if childhood bullying is the worst thing to happen to her she got off lucky.
No. 55479
>>55474The problem is that Quirky doesn't want to actually move on, the very same way that she doesn't actually want to lose any weight. She absolutely strives to be a victim in every single situation because it guarantees her attention. Getting over her past would mean no more asspats, no more free shit sent to her by followers, no more cushy job sitting at home on the phone, and working to lose her weight.
Its this whole victim culture people are contributing to nowadays.
No. 55488
>>55479Doesn't even make sense to me because if quirky really wanted to show up her bullies if they caused her that much trauma she'd get her shit together. I looked up mine on facebook maybe a year or two ago out of curiousity and they are both obese, unemployed losers with no friends, never went to college or had a job, still live at home and never left our crappy small town etc. Meanwhile I am successful, moved out and living my life in the way I want. I think any "trauma" childhood me endured would be laid to rest peacefully with that knowledge alone. I don't even care.
Does quirky not realize she could do the same and be happy, considering she clearly still has issues with her past bullying? Just boggles my mind.
No. 55539
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No. 55543
>>55434Stop posting in all caps. It's stupid, this board isn't about you or your dramatic pain over someone you have never met death. It's annoying that geek culture is popular, yes. But please get over yourself.
Back on topic
>>55479I think Quirks will never change. She really is addicted to pity and needs validation.
No. 55550
>>55543The thread got back on track hours ago and you literally just shit posted after whining to the admin about it, to bring it all up again.
Follow your own goddamned advice, you stupid cunt. We moved on and it's time for you to as well.
No. 55568
>>55474When I was younger I thought I would take revenge or gloat when I'd see that my bullies were doing worse than me, or some shit like this. Well guess what, I grew up, it's going to be almost 10 years and those kids who bullied me don't exist anymore. I don't even have them on facebook or remember their name, even though I got prettier, thinner and have an awesome job.
Just like my old dorky ugly me doesn't exist anymore, they probably changed and there's no point in trying to hate people who are probably decent now.
No. 55579
>>55568Right? It's like you're living a different life now and those things do not affect you in the slightest anymore.
As for my bullies they're still rotten inside, they were actually tied up in a murder case about 2 years ago which is what sparked me looking them up, heard it on the news (plus everyone in my small town was spreading all the inside deets since that's just the way it goes in small towns). At the same time though it's not like I care. They're not people in my life anymore. Any reason I had for feeling angry at them ended a long time ago, a reasonable amount of time to dwell on that ended years and years ago. Just let it go, you know?
Which is why I will never understand quirky. That and she looks SO ridiculous whining about bullying, something that happened so long ago… I'm not saying we should ignore the topic or anything but goddamn you're an adult, grow up and get over it. You're living a totally different life.
No. 55610
>>55578That she shares? At most 5-6.
That she doesn't? Enough to burst the belly of a whale.
No. 55656
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No. 55658
File: 1425154991002.png (224.12 KB, 1024x610, lulz are in order.png)

Brace yourselves, farmers.
We can expect horrible emo pictures from our lovely Quirkplanet soon.
No. 55667
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>>I think I can pull black lipstick off with muh dramatic looksTop kek, can't wait
No. 55714
>>48245I agree a bit. Not sexual anon but that dude was fucked up. I know it was meant to be a compliment but to kiss a complete stranger and then getting told a cheesy compliment is sweet? Nah, its creepy as fuck
its still not sexual assault tho but ihate how guys think its cute to be creepy
No. 55856
File: 1425225000878.png (638.14 KB, 1024x612, behold her email.png)

Guess what our lovely idiot didn't censor?
No. 55914
>>55856While I'm pissing myself that we'll get to see some bolder makeup "looks"(using that term lightly) based on this and the Jeffree star order, I can't help but notice: Is our SJW quirks joking about
gasp a shopping addiction?! How horribly insensitive and un-sjw of her. Addictions are srs biznus. Someone should dm her and put her on blast for it just to see if she would go back on it.
Seriously though, I have a cousin with a shopping addiction and it really isn't something to make light of, it's basically destroyed her life. Shame on you, Quirks.
No. 55984
>>55856How many times is she going to keep treating herself because '2day was bad n the wurld h8s mi so i deserve dis, baww :'3('
She's always feeling sorry for her own gelatinous ass.
No. 56129
At most, she's a compulsive overeater. Not a binge eater. Binge eating is an uncontrollable frenzy, with so much self loathing afterwards that you can hardly move for several days afterwards. She fucking overeats, and that's it. Fucking lazy cow, you do not have an ED. We'd know if you had an ED, and you do not. There are thoughts and actions that come with having that ED and you exhibit none.
No. 56148
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You've probably all seen this, but for those that haven't, lo and behold her chaturbate account
she has accounts on numerous cam sites too. Ew.
Also her skype is
No. 56149
File: 1425289221694.png (904.49 KB, 1600x496, ewwww.png)

>>56148more grossness
does anyone actually find her enormous pancake titties attractive?
No. 56152
>>56125If it makes you feel better, I had to cancel my order of it because I got hit right in the adult-hood with "you may lose your apartment soon, now is not the time for a third black lipstick."
But don't worry, anon. He said on instagram that he's planning to stock more so they don't sell out as fast next time.
No. 56168
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>>56159lol she probably doesn't realise it
is her butthole even visible at this size? Someone should ask her how she wipes.
No. 56169
>>56165mi amigo chill
>>56167She insists on squishing them up under her chin though. It looks ridiculous.
I bet when she takes off her bra they plop down with nipples pointing at the floor
ew ew ew I need to go wash my brain now
No. 56170
File: 1425296808107.png (606.98 KB, 1516x1216, bb11.png)

So this is one of the dudes that knew her in high school?
If anyone has a throwaway FB account, maybe it would be interesting to ask him some questions, if quirkz really was bullied that much or if she's being dramatic etc.
No. 56250
>>56122Dif anon, but it's at the top of this thread. I made a list for the last thread that another anon copy+pasted.
*Reminder for everyone else that her information and social media are at the top of the thread.
No. 56254
File: 1425315377723.jpg (Spoiler Image,400.25 KB, 2448x1836, o2NKQd6.jpg)

>>56178Explains why it looks like this
>sorry for no spoiler. It wouldn't work for me for some reason. No. 56317
>>56288That's exactly what it looks like.
How does she even? I have so many questions.
No. 56421
File: 1425336287210.png (301.81 KB, 1020x608, waaah dun fetishize muh.png)

>>56317As do I but I wonder if we're better off not knowing answers.
In the meantime, today's post.
>>56305 anon hit it on the head.
No. 56440
>>55658Fucking disgusting cunt. I've been waiting for another good black lipstick since MAC's. I don't generally like MAC's make up, but bought it since it was one of the few black lipsticks with good quality around. Now she's going to band wagon on black lipstick when she probably has no idea what to do with it (looks wise/make up wise)
Man, I can't stand how fake this person is. She needs to spend less money on make up and more on the gym. A pig in make up is still a pig.
No. 56465
>>56453 Agreed, anon.
>>56440 anon, it'll be restocked sometime according to this post
>>56152 No. 56515
>>56437Now that you mention it, it seems like she posts quite a lot of stuff her bf/feeder sends her that most people would consider kind of personal. I know it's judgmental (oh wait, I'm on /pt/) but holy shit the whole relationship seems childish as fuck. Her 'LDR' posts all read to me like something a young teenager who thinks they're ~sooo in love~ would post.
Kinda OT but does anyone else browse /pt/ just before eating and have to skip the Quirky thread in case they lose their appetite? How the fuck can she not be disgusted looking in the mirror every day?
No. 56606
>>56451Well I just said I was getting better about it? Maybe learn how to read?
Anyways, I always pay people back and I don't owe anyone money. As someone who had this addiction due to family abuse, I'm aware that I'm not going to magically change overnight but I'm working with a therapist and becoming more aware of my actions. The world isn't so black and white, anon.
No. 56712
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No. 56714
File: 1425401744828.png (374.17 KB, 1025x611, something something unimportan…)

No. 56821
>>56751>>56665The amount of butthurt and entitlement out of you all who are saying Quirks doesn't deserve to buy precious brand makeup is fucking just radiating special snowflake. You probably look fucking awful in it too, so stop saying "MUH BRAND, EWW ONLeeE I KanN UsEE ItTTTttttuttt". If you can put a price on it, anyone can buy it. Say what you want but at least Quirks works for her money like the rest of us, and isn't like some other deathfats who would otherwise claim disability. I know she works from home, but damned if that isn't better than being a leech.
YOUR existence is meaningless. All of our's are. Ironically, Quirks is the one with the platform here, albeit cracked and built on a foundation of shit, and maybe it's nothing at all to be proud of but it's a platform nevertheless– wtf do you have?
You cunts made me actually defend Quirks, thats how insane you sound. THATS how insane you sound.
No. 56844
>>56821A bunch of threads have that stupid shit though ("Oh nooo Quirky/PT/whoever has this I wanted it I'm butthurt because even a loser lolcow could get something that I can't :(((("
It's not exclusive to Quirky threads.
No. 56847
>>56821I think everyone was just commenting on how it's funny that she will buy expensive ass makeup but she's so absolute shit at applying it that it looks like crap you'd buy at the dollar store. calm down anon, you're the only one that sounds butthurt here.
as a side note, I can understand why someone who couldn't afford nice makeup would be butthurt that someone who has no idea what they're doing can afford to buy $50 palettes BC they have no bills and shit. NGL if I saw the hamplanet with multiple shades of my favorite lipstick I'd die a little inside.
No. 56860
>>56821I actually have a lot going on in my life right now that goes beyond an instagram full of fetishists and enablers, but I ain't gonna tell you shit because it's honestly none of your business and I don't have to prove myself to you or anybody on an anonymous board.
10 years from now come back and tell me if any of that shit has been of any use to her, let alone her still being alive by then.
Quirky is desperate to get attention and that's why she hops onto the makeup bandwagon. How many people try to become the next Michelle Phan on YouTube? She buys shitloads of makeup that she doesn't know how to use, and hopes people think of her as a makeup guru just because she owns a lot of shit. Some people act retarded with the "why does she have x when I could have it?" but don't delude yourself into thinking she actually has something of substance in her life because she doesn't.
No. 56878
File: 1425427567077.jpg (145.06 KB, 446x365, kek.jpg)

If I were Quirk, I'd spend my money on a new wardrobe. Nothin like a face dolled up with pricey cosmetics and the same smelly, tie-dye shirt from Walmart in every picture.
No. 56928
>>56860>>56821Shut the fuck up you two.
I can't wait till Quirk gets that black lipstick and looks like a macabre prostitute that's 95% bacon.
No. 56953
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>>56948I think they mean those plastic cup things that you use to make your lips look fuller temporarily by sucking on them and creating a vacuum?
No. 56955
>>56636They aren't
conventionally attractive in many parts of the world, but that doesn't mean some people don't find them attractive.
No. 56960
why? I'm not the anon you replied to, but I can't understand being upset at someone else having what you wanted unless they took it from your hands or robbed you of the opportunity. I would understand if it was something she wasn't deserving of, but this is makeup we're talking about here, not some exclusive brand only available to those who have premium membership. All you need is to have enough money and an internet connection if you're getting this shit online.
Quirky is eligible to buy expensive make up if she has the money for it. She spends most of it on cheap make up, but ultimately its her money to do as she pleases with. Maybe the expensive make up will motivate her to up her skills.
**I've gotta point out that I'm not whiteknighting Quirky, just that I think this mindset is stupid and petty as hell. If it bothers you so much that Quirky is getting the make up you like, are you gonna stop using it now in protest?
No. 57013
>>56975Hate countering this, but select parts of Africa have tribes where women Quirky's size are considered ideal. They force feed their children milk from a young age in order to fatten them up and ensure they'll be married off when older. A man with that kind of woman is considered wealthy.
Its that old world mindset people used to have where heavier was indeed glorified way back because it meant you could afford to eat.
No. 57016
>>57013>Hate countering this, but select parts of Africa have tribes where women Quirky's size are considered ideal. [citation needed]
I know that a fuller figure is desirable and attractive in many cultures (African and Polynesian cultures particularly spring to mind), but I've never seen or read anything to the effect that being Quirky's size is attractive in any culture.
No. 57032
>>57013Right anon, we all saw that episode of Oprah.
There's that ONE place in west Africa (yes ONE, not "tribes") where they force feed their daughters until they're overweight because it's the ideal there.
Why is this even up for discussion?
No. 57035
File: 1425445662549.jpg (23.1 KB, 474x310, 070416_mauritania_hmed_4p.grid…)

>>57013Quirky is wayyyyy larger than these women. She is twice the "overweight" size of a plump Mauritanian women. (pic related)
>but select parts of Africa have tribes where women Quirky's size are considered idealYou need to back that shit up, don't be leavin out facts.
No. 57038
>>57032It wasn't Oprah.. I had to do a report in high school.
Why the fuck are you getting so hostile?
No. 57042
>>57035>>57032>>56964>>57031if you people are going to randomly bring up shit in threads
>>56975 don't be surprised when someone tells you something. you're all from /cgl/, aren't you? because god forbid you get to say something and if anyone else speaks you get pissed off because you feel challenged on some level. grow the fuck up you sandy cunts and go back to cuckchan.
No. 57067
>>56860I'm the Anon you're responding to, and ahahahalololwolwowow times a million this was not an attack on YOU and how much YOU have or don't have going on in your life, and the fact that you had to come out and say anything about YOURself and what you do or do not having going on makes this all the more hilarious. Maybe you have more in common with Quirky than you would care to admit, henny. So sit the fuck down and enjoy the show. Don't bring your own self and your own 'life' into it, lest you wanna become another waist-chan.
Again, it's people like you who make me almost defend quirks.
>>56960^^THIS. This is what I meant. Being upset that someone has what YOU want, and that you feel anyone who buys it who doesn't fit your standard is undeserving. Makeup is makeup, regardless of your ability to apply it, regardless of your income and what others can or cannot afford over you; fair game is fair game. I get that this is something echoed throughout pt threads and other lolcow threads, but honestly like I said in my previous post, it just wreaks of special snowflake. I really can't understand being upset with someone else, as other this anon put it, "having what you wanted unless they took it from your hands or robbed you of the opportunity". Like honestly, grow the fuck up. I'm so here for quirks making a fool, too. I didn't mean to get it twisted, and I see how i did. BUT, I don't think she has significant makeup skill, and I wasn't defending her for that. I was defending on the grounds that the PURCHASE of such products, high end or no, is fucking fair game, and that she WORKS for her money, as therefore can do whatever the fuck she wants whether for our lols or no.
>>57042Ahahaah @sandy cunts, just had to add.
No. 57068
>>57062Um….I just looked that guy up and his lips are fuckin sexy lmao
>>57013nigger, I doubt they want someone who's almost too fat to fucking move. If they had a choice and didn't live in a shitty poor area they'd choose a thin woman.
No. 57076
>>56860Actually, this is the same anon again, and upon re-reading your response I can see where you're coming from a little more, and I'm a little sorry for coming for you to be honest cause I'm grown and all, but at the same time, why involve yourself and make a comparison when it isn't warranted? I'm sure your life is just fine, and all but, really…
>>56751I honestly don't think Quirks existence is meaningless, that comment made me feel some type of way; and I guess I just felt like above all horrible things said about our quirkplanet that it was a really
cruel thing to say. Without trying to back-pedal too hard, which you can read me for regardless and I may very well be deserving of a read, but ALL our lives are 'meaningless' and yet no one's life is meaningless. I feel that if that's how some on this board really felt towards quirky than why even bother talking about her, if her life is so 'meaningless', I mean obviously she's giving you something, whether it be life or lolz, and she DOES indeed have a platform, so it can't be all that devoid of 'meaning' per say. Her life holds meaning (to me, anyway) because I'm able to sit back and critique, to hope for better and know that she could probably do better. I hate on her, sure, I make fun of her, sure, but theres that shred of hope inside me that she'll blossom and start caring for herself more. Stupid, I understand, but I can't help it– I'm just a big ol' puss for a good redemption arc, I guess.
No. 57081
>>57068lol yeah he knows it too, his instagram are all shots made at angles to emphasize how nice they are
Quirky's lips on the other hand…they don't look bad here>>55656, but here>>54648? they're kinda gross
No. 57113
File: 1425462733026.jpg (174.41 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

>>57103I can only imagine. How much does she weigh again? It has to be at least 500, maybe less. So let's do some math. The human skeleton weighs like 60-70 pounds, right? And I think organs are probably like 30 pounds. (Taking into account quirky's obviously huge frame, please don't comment telling me how ~tiny an fragile you are so your skeleton only weighs 5 pounds!!~ but please correct me if my estimations are inaccurate.) okay, so let's say the essential stuff probably weighs like 120 pounds for quirky. The fat on her midsection is probably, what, at least 150 pounds? So now we are down to 230 pounds. Her head probably weighs about 30 pounds. So that would have to mean each of her limbs are about 50 pounds, give or take. That's like.. Ridiculous. Oh my god.
I know my estimations again are probably off, but I can honestly imagine her limbs being like 30-60 pounds each. How the fck. I guess that's a lot to lift for quirky, lol.
at least four young women of average size could fit into a suit made out of quirk's skin No. 57117
File: 1425463342808.gif (490.74 KB, 500x236, tumblr_n6eo7uWsLx1qfzcnbo1_500…)

No. 57168
>>57083sorry, didn't even realize
Quirky's lips on the other hand…they don't look bad here
>>55656, but here
>>54648? they're kinda gross
No. 57169
>>57104>Implying I have enough time to be hereyou
literally do if you take the time to type this site into your browser, go to the quirky thread, scroll down, read the comments and respond
I mean, are you fucking serious?
No. 57201
File: 1425488476855.png (799.7 KB, 1025x611, destined to die early.png)

>>57113She was 480 or so in her audition video to biggest loser a few years back.
She's much fatter now, so she's probably around the 500-550 range with bmi in the 70s or 80s.
Also, back to subject. Today's post!
She hasn't been posting often as of late.
No. 57239
>>57202yep and that's why this thread is still alive.
If you haven't watched her audition video yet, it's linked at the top of the thread along with the download link.
No. 57326
File: 1425518699176.png (765.92 KB, 1023x610, hahahahahahahahahahaha.png)

omg I'm dying.
No. 57332
File: 1425519660052.jpg (54.83 KB, 720x960, hunter.jpg)

>>57326OMG lol, so much second hand embarrassment.
This is how you pull off black lipstick dumbass.
No. 57333
I just got mine today. I'm so glad I won't look like a fucking bloated corpse. Love that obligatory lime crime mention there. Ugh.
No. 57335
>>57334I think a lot of girls can pull off black lipstick, despite what some might think.
The trick is to lay off the eyes or you look like a mall goth or don't weigh 500 lbs like Quirky. (think no makeup makeup look)
No. 57366
File: 1425525675799.jpg (95.75 KB, 955x609, ss (2015-03-04 at 10.16.00).jp…)

>>57326Am I seeing things, or has Quirky not pluck her second chin lately? Those look far too short to be stray hairs.
No. 57444
>>57326lmao hahahahahahahaha
i really don't know how to describe her looks but it's hilarious to me
No. 57463
File: 1425545368829.gif (774.32 KB, 276x220, 1408733495243.gif)

>>57326This looks so bad, she just exacerbated her features and that eye makeup what are you doing asdsfghkhlgksjasf
No. 57473
I hope she goes like this outside, shit's hilarious
No. 57496
File: 1425553857046.jpg (57.32 KB, 500x528, Fat_7a599b_511837.jpg)

No. 57514
>>57467>>57495No, this is the first time I comment on the size of someones nose, I genuinely think it's large, as I do her forehead. Also, why the hell does my opinion bother you so much unless you admire her as some type of goddess and wished you looked like her, or you
are her. Who gives a fuck? Btw, notice how I never called her ugly.
No. 57547
>>57531quirky does have an ugly fat nose though wtf
if she was normal weight, the nose wouldn't look so abnormal I guess, but because of her size it makes her look like fiona from shrek
No. 57557
File: 1425572335700.png (817.22 KB, 610x610, Quirky approved.png)

>>57547anon, they were referring to
>>57332, not quirky.
Also, could everyone please stay on topic? It's annoying having to dig through the shitposting to get to the relevant stuff.
No. 57580
>>57531God forbid I call out what I believe to be a flaw, it's not like anyone has ever done that on this site. Whats even worse is that I wasn't aware that opinions aren't subjective here, but plain facts.
Whatever, if you can't accept negative opinions regarding
your preferences, then don't post the pic on a public forum where anyone can judge and disagree with you.
>>57468The lipstick is overdrawn and her bottom lip still looks abnormally large compared to the top, the shape of her lips are gross all together.
I wonder if contouring her face would make her look worse though, with her skills mind you. I can picture her pulling a belinda across her "jaw line" and giving herself a look that screams I have bacon grease smeared across my face and didn't bother to wash it off.
No. 57719
File: 1425598226661.png (735.25 KB, 1022x610, try losing weight.png)

Back to subject. Two posts today. Apparently she was on fatpeoplehate or something again.
No. 57720
File: 1425598278843.png (782.31 KB, 1022x610, but is your heart strong enoug…)

No. 57733
>>57671Riiiiight, because I don't like a girls forehead or nose. Lmao, wtf do you want me to think, that she looks perfect? Your lack of ability to accept someone's arbitrary
opinion astounds me.
No. 57749
you have GOT to be taking the piss, right?
No. 57757
>>57749>>57733>>57671>>57580can whatever the fuck is going on in this conversation outside of Quirky not happen? it's annoying
anyway, is it just me, or does quirky not post anymore pics of her going out anymore? if she gains 50 more lbs she'll probably be bend bound and wouldn't be able to go out even if she wanted to
No. 57803
>>57329Holy shit, can you imagine if Ashley and Quirky got freaky friday'd and switched bodies?
>>57757I was about to make a similar post. She used to IG her going out with friends, mostly it was for food but still. I wonder why she hasn't been out much lately?
No. 57805
>>57719Oh man, that make up is horrendous and that Lexabul's comment is so annoying. "I wish everyone happiness. Our bodies are the boats of our souls"
Holy shit, stfu
No. 57857
>>57062i agree
small FULL lips are considered qt in asia and not small thin lips.
small thin lips make you look older
small full lips make you look younger
No. 57861
>>57806because saying a negative thing makes you a jealous hater of the super kawaii curvy quirky
#hatersgonnahate #2edgy4u #bodypositivity #yesmuhcurves
No. 57896
>>56953It's funny how these things are popular and selling nowadays. I remember when I was like 11 I did it with a cup and gave myself these fucked up Angelina Jolie lips that looked hilarious. You can do it with a small container/cup or whatever, you don't need to buy this shitty piece of plastic.
Anyway, it makes your lips feel really uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to use this technique myself just because the feeling your lips get is really unpleasant.
No. 57925
>>57896Lol my little brother did this accidentally when he was 5 with some mask that attached to his face or something, it was hilarious too because he started crying. He had Jay z sized lips for hours afterwards (I've noticed thats the look some girls are going for after right now too, strangely lol)
They're saying these things are dangerous because they can burst your blood vessels or something if done too much? Anyway it's so stupid because the people who actually know them can call them out on their fake lips.
Though I think the quirks may benefit from plumping hr top lip up to match her bottom one more.
No. 57929
>>57892Here we go. The "w-wa its not so bad!!11!1" anons are showing up as expected.
If you don't know shit about makeup don't bother commenting. Quirky's makeup is always terrible.
No. 57937
File: 1425655864940.jpg (45.72 KB, 649x960, u77u.jpg)

>>57892I think her makeup is bad, then again I'm amazed she manages to put it on kinda straight at all, considering how much her motor skills much be restricted by her massive bulk
No. 57967
>>57929I agree with you to a point, because I've come to realize some people don't know that they don't know shit about make up (if that makes sense). Some don't even know to what extent they're ignorant at all.
If you've only ever applied some natural looking eyeliner, a bit of tinted moisturizer, mascara, and lipstick or lip gloss, what Quirky does can seem daunting. I'm not saying it's difficult at all, or that it's even remotely good, but if you've never ventured into eyeshadow what she does may not seem that different from what people actually knowledgeable in make up application are (which is definitely insulting).
No. 58026
>>57937Right ? Can se even touch the top of her head ??
How does it feel to lift huge arms like these, ironically doesn't it make you work out a bit, like built in weights ?
And her taste in clothes is so tacky. I get it it's hard to find properly fitting clothes (but maybe because at this size, the proportions get blown off and disproportionate) but she could try to hunt down dark blue/black clothes.
No. 58041
>>58029it's the distance.
It's greasy af.
No. 58044
>>57929Damn are you assraged.
>>58026I don't think she can find anything to wear at this point other than muumuu dresses, right?
No. 58046
>>57929That anon acknowledged she doesn't know much about makeup so how did you even come up with that butthurt reply.
>>58026Moving your body when you're that massive represents an issue. Walking, moving, even talking becomes a chore.
No. 58073
>>58070She really does have zero taste. I'm sure she'd throw out the 'fashionable clothing at my size is expensive/noone makes nice clothing in my size' thing, which granted plus-sized clothing is more expensive, and theres less selection the higher you get. But all I had to do was type in "fashionable 6x" (I believe she wears a 6x, anyway) and: this immediately came up, and on Amazon. Theres a ton of dresses here that would be more suitable than those tye-dyed mumus that she wears, and reasonably priced. She can shill out $$ ordering makeup online, why not invest in a half decent wardrobe? Also I don't think Saxy is near as big, but you're right, she at least has
some taste when it comes to fashion, and is alot better in the makeup department in comparison. Emphasis on In
No. 58245
File: 1425753615744.jpg (198.94 KB, 946x432, trashyasfuck.jpg)

This color is going to look so bad on her. I can't wait to see pics lol. Also I'm pissed the fuck off that she's tagging her pics with #mua. Bitch you are not a makeup artist. I hope some high profile mua calls her out.
No. 58468
File: 1425786214131.png (878.39 KB, 1026x607, hippo-crite.png)

No. 58496
File: 1425789789674.png (1.3 MB, 1135x641, blue.png)

>>58483man the moon has a better nose than she does
No. 58502
>>5849610 out of 10
Is this the black from Jeffree Starr?!?! The look is even more hideous than I thought.
No. 58748
File: 1425849791442.jpeg (140.22 KB, 1252x1101, moonwhale.jpeg)

>>58483Love it. Though I still kind of prefer my version.
No. 58982
>>58928holy shit on a god damn shingle.
why does it look so…firm?
Does this thing have a hernia or some shit?
No. 58990
>>58982>>58982look at that cavernous bellybutton
it doesnt help these dumptrucks that as they get bigger more and more places on the body develop, to store food
i get the feeling she houses sour kids in that bellybutton and goes spelunking for thin mints between her folds
No. 59021
File: 1425876116951.png (474.73 KB, 1025x613, on a pig.png)

>>59001It's pretty annoying that people don't bother scrolling up to the top to click on the damn album links.
Anyway, actual new post from the Quirkpork.
No. 59047
File: 1425880593546.jpg (71.49 KB, 640x640, ew those lips.jpg)

No. 59073
File: 1425887614996.jpg (103.75 KB, 473x640, 1425880593546.jpg)

>>59047so compelled to attempt photoshopping a few kilos off her
No. 59076
File: 1425890810837.gif (1.82 KB, 46x40, 507759c6ca25ebcdc8f0f3ec7cf2fb…)

almost looks good there anon, nicely done.
No. 59173
>>59123and even then she would have lots of gross saggy skin
she basically ruined her body
No. 59175
She can lose weight and all but her body is permanently destroyed, weight loss isn't gonna fix that
To be honest if I was her I dunno if I'd even bother losing weight at her size, it'd feel pointless because I'd never look good and have problems due to skin and need so much surgery… but I don't know if Quirky has even realized that yet herself as she continues gaining pound after pound.
No. 59200
>>59173Saggy skin removal AND liposuction, since fat cells (contrary to popular belief) don't "disappear" once they are formed. They only shrink with weight loss, hence leaving people with cellulite and bags of skin.
That's why I don't really understand people who say she'd look better if she'd lost x amount of weight. She'd just be a freak in another way, one that wouldn't appeal to -any- type of person. She'd go through years of ruined self-esteem, and rightfully so. At least when she's fetish-tier huge she gets some attention.
You could say she should lose it for health reasons, but really, it doesn't seem to add up when the consequence is years of depression, self-hate, and loneliness.
No. 59223
>>59213Sagging skin can cause bad health issues because the folds can easily become infected and can cause serious discomfort/pain. That's not even getting in to the fact she's probably severely damaged her skeleton's frame permanently with all the weight she's been carrying around, her bones are definitely deformed in some way.
>Maybe if she lost weight slow enough it would be so bad.She's losing the weight of 3 extra people on top of herself. No amount of losing the weight slowly will ever make that ok. Her skin is a lost cause.
In all honesty she's like a reverse Ashley. Even if Ashley gains weight the damage to her health has been done.
I'm not saying she shouldn't try to lose weight but if I was in her shoes, a self confessed food addict with literally nothing else in my life, I don't know if I'd bother losing weight either. It'd seem so pointless, you'd be denying yourself the only thing you actually like in your life and losing weight alone won't even really solve your problems. Like I said the damage has already been done… just seeing it from that perspective is so depressing. She's ruined her whole life.
No. 59322
>>59223If she lost weight a lot of her health issues (or potential ones) would actually be resolved. She has done damage to herself but a lot of it can be fixed if she maintained a healthy lifestyle, I don't think she is at Ashley's point just yet.
The biggest issue would be her skin, yeah, she would need a lot of surgery to sort that out. However I have to think if she lost the weight naturally in a healthy way she may have fewer skin issues than someone who lost it due to weight loss surgery since it would be far slower.
Anyway, there was an episode of 600lb Life where a woman regained her life and others have done it too, it's not impossible.
No. 59349
>>59322Right, but I don't think Quirky sees that or understands that. I'm just saying if I was that size I would probably be so discouraged by the damage that I dunno if I'd even bother at that point.
I honestly don't think losing it slowly or healthily will make any difference at her size. Like I said, she is housing the weight of 4 people within her frame and has done for the past how many years? Her skin is stretched out forever. You reach a certain point and it makes no difference whether you lose it slowly or not.
It's not impossible but it's not as easy as just weightloss. The sad and hard part of morbid obesity that people don't really talk about is organ damage and bone damage. I've watched the 600lbs I think you're talking about, the girl's name was Melissa right? Iirc she couldn't walk right even when she lost the weight, I remember her sort of walking like a penguin and her knees being all misshapen. I think she had several skin removals too.
I imagine Quirky would be in the same state. And I'm not saying she shouldn't try, just that it's so sad because even if she does lose weight her body is still destroyed. In a way I feel so awful for her.
No. 59356
>>59349Losing weight isn't only about appearance, however.
Sure, you may need a lot of work on your body and it may leave you with some scars, but the payoff of being able to live more is better than putting on pounds and making your life even more miserable.
No. 59357
>>59349I thought they her strange walking was her used to walking in a certain way (because she was so huge) and she just kept up that habit even when she didn't need to, I didn't remember it as being a bone issue.
Yes, she did damage to herself, but it's a question of changing it while she can vs. making it worse. I think an equivalent situation is a smoker who could quit and improve his/her health despite having done some damage but then deciding not to because the damage was done and instead making said damage worse.
Actually when I hear about these types of people it really amazing me what the human body can do and survive through. That Patrick Duel guy weighed over a fucking ton (AND he smoked!) and he's still alive.
>>59356I think this is true too. Even she lives a shorter lifestyle than the average person she would still live far longer if she became healthier. Even if her body was still all fucked up she'd be at least able to walk around and, you know, live.
No. 59389
>>59322>Anyway, there was an episode of 600lb Life where a woman regained her life and others have done it too, it's not impossible.Lol. I always think of Quirky when I watch that show.
The show really does prove she can loose the weight if under the right supervision.
But she has wayy too many enablers. Shit is sad.
No. 59489
When you gain weight that is not muscle, your body creates new fat cells to store the extra fat.
If you're obese, and you have more fat cells than the average person, these cells will shrink when you lose weight but they never go away entirely. Which is why it's necessary to get liposuction.
>>59478I didn't say sagging skin causes cellulite? Obese people have more cellulite than the average person due to maxed out skin elasticity, like you said. Chill.
No. 59707
>>59349I don't really know at this point because I only know people who were waaay smaller than her but they lost weight and avoided the stretched skin it seems, besides faded strech marks.
The thing with television shows is that they want results as quickly as possible because the public want to see a stunning before and after and don't want to wait 10+ years before showing the segment. So they probably push trainers and incredibly damaging intensive exercises (the biggest loser) coupled with strict diets.
I honestly believe it's in her best interest to start and keep it slow even if it takes her a decade. I don't think her skin could look like a regular person's but I got the feeling it wouldn't look as bas as contestants from these freak shows.
No. 59708
File: 1425990825477.jpg (29.56 KB, 355x236, everyone-is-freaking-out-over-…)

>>59700Well that doesn't mean she has to make this this big.
>Full lips are more attractive for a reason look it up.>What is personal taste No. 59741
>>59714She works hard at maintaining her weight. Taking all those calories in day after day is no small feat.
>>59707There's a weightloss show that follows people for a year. I think that has better results.
No. 59968
File: 1426028646562.png (831.77 KB, 1024x610, soooo tolerant.png)

A few new ones today. I omitted one that was unimportant though.
No. 59970
File: 1426028690601.png (682.2 KB, 1026x610, during a call kek.png)

No. 59972
File: 1426028813743.png (842.38 KB, 1023x611, guess where booberry came from…)

No. 59977
>>59972Bitch so fat he has to go over her shoulder to get his head in the picture.
Her neck is forever on vacation.
No. 60055
File: 1426037036175.jpg (18.98 KB, 365x280, Frankensteins-Monster-in-Frank…)

the forehead wrinkle reminds me of this
No. 60566
File: 1426108338145.jpg (75.2 KB, 640x640, polished turd.jpg)

No. 60613
File: 1426112494813.png (755.32 KB, 1022x612, pop the face.png)

>>60566You left out the funny comments, anon.
No. 60615
File: 1426112673444.png (387.32 KB, 547x399, father quirky.png)

No. 60903
>>60615if she's nurgle, does that make us space marines?
or the sisters of battle?
No. 61064
File: 1426188335821.png (602.15 KB, 1290x771, oh i feel sick.png)

No. 61138
File: 1426196674143.jpg (77.36 KB, 640x640, nooo.jpg)

oh my god…
No. 61150
File: 1426197461792.jpg (169.25 KB, 765x1024, MFW.jpg)

>>61111My husband says the exact same thing. When he saw her pictures he said that with people as big as her they need FOUR people just to insert a catheter. The way they do it is 2 people for each leg to spread them open, 1 person holds the fupa up, and the nurse has to dig through the fat to find the vagina/penis.
He also says they're the laziest people he has ever come across. They'll do stuff like push the emergency call button for ridiculous things, like fluff up their pillows.
No. 61277
>>61082made me laugh because of how true it is
You guys remember those fb posts that used to go around featuring kids with giant brain tumors saying "like if you think she's beautiful?" and thousands of people would like to not feel bad or assholes would even make these same posts for likes and feel important
But there was a guy I went to hs with that said he wanted that little dying girl as his daughter. It made me so pissed because who would wish for their children to have to experience that type of pain? I know people might think he meant it in a 'I would still accept her as my daughter even if she looked like this," but no. This retard literally wanted a girl like that as his daughter because he felt it was wrong
not to.
These frame of thinking verges on the same line as whats going on with Quirky's pals. They think it's wrong if they don't tell her she's beautiful or delude themselves into thinking she is. We all know they abide by conventional beauty standards like the rest of us.
No. 61289
>>61150>>61111Bless your EMT,doctors, nurses and other health professionals who have to deal with this. I really respect you are. Fat people should be forced to pay up the ass for their health care. They keep preaching about fat people dont harm anyone, but we all know that's not true.
I live in NYC and disgustingly enough, there was supposed to be a bill passed a few years ago to make ambulances WIDER because so many fat patients cant fit in the back properly. Argh.
No. 61296
>>61138I did the mistake of looking at this while having a late dinner.
My salmon now tastes like sawdust.
No. 61443
>>61277there's a sickening amount of people participating in narcissistic altruism & slacktivism.
Most humans are inherently selfish, so they go out of their way to make sure everyone is aware how 'selfless & concerned' they are with others/movements.
It's just gotten worse & worse with social media.
No. 61448
File: 1426230758292.jpg (85 KB, 925x545, lihh.JPG)

>quirky wearing these shades
No. 61459
>>61457I almost never see people in bright pinks or purples, but red and coral is pretty common, even casually.
I love Jeffrees stuff though. I have red rum and unicorn blood and the latter is probably my favorite lip thing ever. I did buy 714 too.
No. 61460
>>61459Reds I do see around, but I would never see something like, well, any of the other colours on a day to day basis where I live. 714 seems second most wearable to me.
I can't stop thinking of the browns as poop though, no matter what brand.
No. 61463
>>61457I think the most common colors are reds and pinks, though every now and again I'll see some tumblr looking chick in dark ass purple or black.
Don't really see people wearing browns, or those weird colors like blue or yellow.
No. 61510
File: 1426252209252.jpg (242.43 KB, 1024x559, Banner-01.jpg)

>>59708The size isn't even that big just looks obviously unnatural. If you're happy with you're granny lips then good 4 you. Don't hate on everybody else that has cute ones it's not their fault they look healthy and youthful and you look like Caesar from planet of the apes.
No. 61514
>>61510>>you look like Caesar from planet of the apesOh lord, this tickled me hahaha.
Fuller lips do look much better, my best friend has literally no lips and it makes her look so old.
No. 61605
File: 1426266707670.png (787.8 KB, 1023x610, soooo filtered.png)

>>61504I don't believe so, and I cap most of her instagram posts.
No. 61606
File: 1426266733487.png (807.56 KB, 1021x611, says the negative nancy.png)

No. 62403
>>61605>be quirky>buy expensive lipstick and brag about it>can't even be fucking bothered to apply it properly dat corner of her lips
dat fucking right corner of her lips
holy shit how even does someone do that?
No. 62405
>>62403>jeffree star>expensivePick one.
Not even trying to be a snob or anything, his stuff is good, but it isn't Chanel or Lancome. The day the bitch can afford those then perhaps.
No. 62436
>>61586OH GAWD
I tried to find out why the sound wasn't working and accidentally liked it.
No. 62491
>>62490well, she definitely aint gettin' any thinner.
(also a flattering angle for quirky doesn't exist.)
No. 63380
File: 1426483334718.jpg (352.8 KB, 1026x611, yet another keg full.jpg)

Sorry for disappearing and the lack of caps. I had a life, unlike a certain elephant seal bull.
Apparently our lovely little planet decided to put her profile on private again and post these two new images for us to marvel at.
No. 63381
File: 1426483374055.png (853.25 KB, 1023x611, talking about her fatness.png)

No. 63384
>>63380Her face is so massive. Why must she do such up close shots?
>>63381Are her lips melting to one side or am I going insane? She looks like she's having a stroke.
No. 63395
>>63380Dat eye make-up.
I can't believe anyone would take make-up tips from her.
No. 63490
>>63381actually moving a bit would be your strongest defense against heart disease, diabetes and trolls
but that would require effort
No. 63495
>>63383lol agreed. can you imagine how annoying she would be on drugs tho
No. 63501
>>63495Omfg that would be so obnoxious.
>>63493Pretty much.
No. 63502
>>63381Maybe it's just me, but I really fucking hate when guys say "I wish more women would do this."
Just as gross as the guys who post on make up threads and YT Vids with "I'm a guy but I watch this guru. Am I weird?" No, you're a fucking attention whore.
No. 63539
File: 1426516878864.png (1.08 MB, 1594x730, A REAL MEDICAL CONDITION.png)

>>63495Speaking of drugs I just found out that my ADD meds are now approved for "Binge Eating Disorder, a real medical condition" kek. I wonder why quirks hasn't resorted to weight loss drugs yet.
No. 63548
>>63539isn't binge eating disorder a compulsion that results from having obsessive thoughts about food (eating it all the time or trying to starve)? So wouldn't that kind of make it like ocd?
btw I'm just guessing here, so please for those who know more correct me if I'm wrong. I looked up a bunch of shit on BED and my professor has spoken about it in an abnormal psych class but that was a while ago and idr.
I just don't buy into binge eating disorder unless you have anorexia, bulimia or both, because in trying to force yourself to engage in such extreme behavior, it can lead to extreme behavior that counteracts it, like with drug or alcohol addictions.
No. 63756
>>63548>>63539This might delve in to shitposting/total offtopic like the last thread since it was discussed in that one but nonetheless.
BED is similar to bulimia, minus the purging actually. The biggest difference between BED and bulimia binging habits is that BED binges may go on for hours where bulimics will binge for a short time and do it as quickly as possible. When bulimics binge they panic after their binge and purge out of anxiety so they don't gain weight, where as with BED they go into a more depressive, self loathing state where they lie there hating themselves for their actions, sometimes the feeling can be so intense you feel like not even moving because it's all you can think about and you hate yourself so much, sort of like extreme depression if you've ever experienced anything like that.
You're on to something with that last comment, actually. A lot of people with BED actually end up engaging in bulimic and anorexic behaviors in order to deal with their compulsions. In fact a lot of BED sufferers are recovered anorexics (I'm not talking about 600lbs landwhales here, some girls can be underweight and qualify for BED).
The only thing is that BED binge cycles are unpredictable and differ from person to person. Sometimes binge cycles can last weeks where they compulsively binge every single day and then have a week or so of super low restrictions/fasting to deal with their binging, then perhaps up and down like that randomly. It's not really an absolute. This is how people with BED gain weight despite being able to restrict to such low calorie intakes for periods of time. Usually they either eat super high amounts or super low amounts (a lot of people say it is easier for them to eat nothing at all than eat a normal, healthy amount when restricting because they lose control around food, it is easier to deny yourself completely).
Another thing about BED is complete lack of control rather than poor impulse control. It's common to describe it as going in to a trance and mindlessly binging, like you're not even in your own body while it's happening, it's like your body taking over your brain as opposed to someone trying to justify eating more to themselves "because I was good today" or something like that. There is no thought process, it's like your brain is not functioning.
But yes. It's extremely common for people with BED to end up having it turn into Bulimia or Anorexia to combat their extreme behaviors/thoughts. I guess it is sort of similar to OCD in that sense, it's like a ritual of always thinking about food and calories that dominates you.
Quirky on the otherhand… I dunno. I really don't think she restricts at all and has some misconception about what BED entails. Her problem to me feels more like her humongous portions size rather than binging. I think that she doesn't necessarily have the worst diet in the whole world, she just eats 4 times more than the average person would serve themselves. She really has no clue about what the average size/amount to eat should be and I think her eating problems stem from that rather than BED.
No. 63921
>>63756Thank you, that was very informative and made a lot of sense to me. When I think of it on those terms, its extremely doubtful that Quirky would have BED. She would likely spend significantly more time speaking about it and how horrible she feels afterwards to gain sympathetic followers (for support or just simply for the number count).
I think she just has poor impulse control, which is obvious by how difficult it is for her to maintain healthy eating habits and to not spend money she does not have.
No. 63936
File: 1426554829630.jpg (6.09 KB, 240x143, ksd.jpg)

>>63927what??? dude those comma brows have been around from as early as the early 2000s
mainly Jersey and Upstate NY bitches do their brows that way
No. 63947
>>63756I feel quirky's problem is more about not knowing how to eat, yeah. We saw pictures of her when she was a kid and she was already fat, which makes me believe that she grew up with no idea of how good eating habits work.
I do believe she binges, but I think she binges because she tries to set up a diet plan with a dramatic decrease in portion sizes.
I'm kind of talking from experience here, because I used to do that, and I think that's what she's probably doing.
I'd usually start off with restricting my calorie intake, no sugar no tasty shit and in small portions, but by the end of the week I would end up giving in to my old eating habits.
I would also binge on sugary shit because I needed my "fix" [I'm an emotional eater, and sugar helped me cope with my depression]
Quirky loves uploading her meals on instagram and there's always a pattern, which is pretty fucking similar to mine.
She starts off with this cool and dandy apple, a sandwich, water, all in small portions, but the next meal will have an aggregate [when she went retarded over those protein bars], and slowly but surely she ends up adding shit she knows is high in calories but it's tasty, so whatever.
That's when her binging starts, but I really do believe it's not because of BED per se, but because going without sugary shit for long periods of time, especially when your diet has copious amounts of sugar, makes you grumpy and irritated, so you need your fix.
No. 63951
>>62490There's usually not bust or full body shot. Seeing only her face makes you assume she's not
that bad but she really really is and desperately needs to lose weight.
No. 63969
>>63927lolwut, that's an old as hell trend.
Tumblr started pushing the fuller brows thing. It ends up shit because of a lot of girls filling them in to a ridiculous degree but still.
>>63947We saw pictures of her when she was a kid and she was already fat, which makes me believe that she grew up with no idea of how good eating habits work.
This actually makes me sad.
No. 63980
>>63969>which makes me believe that she grew up with no idea of how good eating habits work. To me that's a bullshit excuse.
I had shitty eating habits when I was younger. (my mother was like… physically incapable of serving/cooking us vegetables or salad)
But when I knew there was a problem & when I was old enough, I started buying my own food & learning how to eat better.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, she has her own damn brain, she KNOWS there's a problem (i.e, auditioning for biggest loser)
She's just too lazy to do anything about it so her only option is to convince everyone she likes that blob of lard she calls her body.
No. 63982
>>63980It's not that uncommon though for severely obese kids to grow up and not know how to properly diet. Someone I follow on YT (Boogie2988) made a vlog about how he was abused as a kid and force fed/not allowed to leave the table until he ate everything on his plate. Now he's really obese and struggling to lose weight because old habits die hard. I mean, he's trying. I dont know what Quirky is doing, but it really is sad. It can be an excuse for a lot of people, but sometimes when you are abused as a kid, it really sticks with your mentally.
No idea what her story is though.
No. 63985
File: 1426559796870.jpg (416.17 KB, 600x900, oriole-3-016a-600x900.jpg)

>>63971she thinks she's doing this
No. 64258
>>63985whenever I try this it looks like shit
I should take makeup lessons from quirky lol
you have to admit, the fact that she manages to put on makeup at all, with her hammy arms and hammy fingers, is impressive in itself.
No. 64260
>>63982her parents are middle class and she was spoilt
from the looks of it anyway
No. 64351
>>63980I have to agree with this, Quirky is old enough, has access to a computer, seems from a wealthy family and has lots of followers. She has ALL the ressources she needs to start taking care of her eating habits.
I was also forced to eat everything when I was younger (Italian family, sigh) and was always chubby. Never was obese but flirting with overweight and it just hit me that I'm in IT and sit on my ass all day, I can't eat like my boyfriend who repairs stuff around. I can't eat pastas several times a week or my favorite food everytime, nor pastries so frequently.
Little by little I'm learning tricks on my own about which food groups I like that are healthy (vegetables, fish etc), I got used to drink sodas only during parties and bought a few weights and a yoga mat. Not only am I saving money (by not eating take out) but I can exercise indoors for a budget of around 50€ top. It's not even that hard because you really get used to it super quickly. I feel like Quirky is just afraid of something like failure or think that if she doesn't lose 5lbs in the first week she failed everything.
No. 64366
>>64351>>63983>>63980 My diet when I was growing up mainly consisted of costco microwave lasagnas and takeout teriyaki, all while my mom blamed me for being fat (when I was 10 and still reliant on her for buying groceries.) The moment I moved out I started walking everywhere, and totally cut myself off from sugary sodas and processed food. I was a complete cunt to everyone from sugar withdrawls, but I lost about 60 pounds in one year from those two changes alone. Now I let myself eat some junk but I'm still pretty strict.
Quirk can make the changes if she wants to, but the changes are really fucking hard and they take a lot of effort which doesn't seem to be her MO.
Anons, I feel you, and you all rock for making the changes you did. It's really hard to be a better eater.
No. 64376
>>64366dude, congrats on your changes. I think we've gone through a crazyness in life where we do need some junk and sugar, but as you said, it can be restricted a bit and still enjoyed without the dangerous side effects. You rock on, anon. I'll be at the gym tomorrow, trying to lose my gut. haha
I do soda once a week on my cheat day.
No. 64565
File: 1426640960822.png (708.09 KB, 955x572, so god tier.png)

>>64366Congrats, anon! I've only started last year but lost a good 50 pounds. I need to be a bit more strict with junk if I want to lose the last bit.
Anyway, new post. Some "god-tier" fanart.
No. 65012
File: 1426711461936.gif (9.64 MB, 661x373, ricci.gif)

>>64593He even got her mushroom nose! hahaha
No. 65088
>>65037Only thing that's beautiful in that picture is the artist's ability to capture all that fat with with just a pencil.
Anons who lost weight - Congrats! It takes changing your entire life and how you think.
No. 65096
>>64258Anon, this is the best smokey eye tutorial I've seen. Smokey eyes tend to make me look like a crying hooker, but this video has helped me look…less like a crying hooker?
I just…can't wait till Quirky tries to establish herself a youtube make up guru extrodinare!
No. 65614
File: 1426815730926.jpg (1.21 MB, 1444x1835, image.jpg)

I was bored at the end of school today waiting for the bus and I drew quirky. Sorry if I doesn't look like her, I didn't have any pictures, but looking at it now she poses in the same way in every picture lol
No. 65669
File: 1426822570700.png (773.89 KB, 1023x608, trying to sound sophisticated.…)

only one new one today, the rest are rehashes with some "inspirational" messages.
No. 65670
File: 1426822603780.png (896.13 KB, 1026x612, bacon lard.png)

No. 65675
File: 1426822680672.png (841.71 KB, 1024x614, reverse thinspiration.png)

Oh yeah, 'cause people who use you as a reminder are all pro-ana and aren't doing it for health at all.
The lard is getting to your head.
No. 65676
File: 1426822710474.png (828.49 KB, 1021x609, aware planet.png)

No. 65715
File: 1426824492611.jpg (95.97 KB, 610x609, image.jpg)

>>65697She is completely happy with herself and how much she weighs. Otherwise, if you say she should lose weight, you are oppressing her.
She has expressed desire to lose weight before but has never gone through with losing even 5 pounds.
No. 65759
>>65715You're wrong, actually.
Swear to god these newfags.
She was on a diet ONCE and lost 40, said that she looked "skeletal", and then went right back to eating what she wanted because she's a fucking moron.
No. 65828
File: 1426852539155.gif (482.79 KB, 360x166, Snoopdoggydogatoast.gif)

Man,before I found lolcow a couple of days ago (this and the fat shaming thread made my motivation skyrocket),
I started to exercise like a maniac and eat healthy consistently back in early February
(I wasn't morbidly obese like Quirky but I was definitely a chubby-chan ever since 6th grade),and shit I feel so much better now,It's only been a little more than a month and I can actually see my actual face shape,my jawline, and my stomach,arms,waist and thighs are noticeably getting smaller. Even the cellulite on my thighs is going away and my stretch marks are a lot less noticeable!(Sorry tmi,but I just feel so good about it!)I hope by June I'll have lost enough weight to be able to look good for the summer,my cosplays and hopefully manage to find a qt 3.14 girlfriend.I've never felt so good, I honestly don't understand why people would want to stay fat or be a ham planet. Nothing fits you, all the cute clothes are for average/skinny people,can't wear a cute bikini without looking delusional,you take up more space and it's embarrassing especially in public areas,it's harder to find a decent partner, you're ridiculed and are automatically deemed less valuable especially if you're the only
overweight one out of most of your friends. To top it all off it puts a lot of pressure on your organs, skin and general health.
This is not something that you can just brush off as oppression.
Honestly, Wearing a bikini 3 sizes too small and saying how fierce you are isn't going to make your type 2 diabetes go away.
I feel bad for Quirky tho, she's still young and could lose the weight if she really wanted to.
No. 65835
>>65759Don't forget she blames it all on an ED
In all honesty, 40lbs wouldn't even take her long to lose. According to she would lose 4lbs+ a week eating 1200 calories with no exercise at all. So what, 2 months? Maybe even less? So she didn't even do it for a long time.
No. 67011
File: 1427082033043.png (870.89 KB, 1024x611, another pic rehash.png)

Post dump, farmers! She reposted a couple pictures I think.
No. 67012
File: 1427082165407.png (811.2 KB, 1023x610, and that's why you ballooned.p…)

No. 67013
File: 1427082220057.png (845.29 KB, 1019x612, so sloppy.png)

I honestly don't know if it's the filters she used or if it's really THIS sloppy.
No. 67014
File: 1427082261313.png (485.69 KB, 1022x610, hashtag ew.png)

No. 67016
File: 1427082326845.png (702.78 KB, 1023x610, not enough.png)

No. 67017
File: 1427082364345.png (678.77 KB, 1023x611, what a waste.png)

No. 67018
File: 1427082429371.png (842.35 KB, 1024x614, permanent buttchest.png)

This is originally a video. I couldn't help but notice that throughout it her chins were glued to her buttchest. Seems permanent when she's sitting.
No. 67019
File: 1427082473454.png (694.84 KB, 1020x609, middle aged woman.png)

No. 67021
File: 1427082590259.png (316.51 KB, 1023x612, Lard Golem.png)

No. 67091
>>67017>>67018>>67019She's definitely gotten fatter. What a dramatic weight gain.
>>67021>butter golemkekekek
No. 67484
>>67017Love that people are aware of Lime Crime, but it's such a fucking bandwagon these days. Oh well, Xenia deserves it, even if it's just everyone trying to mimic all the MUAs who spoke out.
I know this is a popular color, but she looks like a pig in it.
>>67019Insert dick
No. 67498
File: 1427173658140.png (552.53 KB, 1023x610, edit plz.png)

Some gold today fellow farmers
No. 67499
File: 1427173708429.png (721.62 KB, 1023x609, butter toad.png)

She reminds me of a toad or frog with that makeup.
No. 67501
File: 1427173732806.png (632.11 KB, 1022x609, squish those organs.png)

No. 67502
File: 1427173792452.png (999.62 KB, 1023x610, want more food.png)

No. 67513
>>67501>sleeping>with full faced make up>and headphonesAll she needs is a video game controller and this photo is complete
>>67502too bad she can't use any of her make up properly. Even if she could, all her lard absorbs it.
No. 67548
File: 1427186219262.png (108.32 KB, 328x564, moody.png)

What is her problem? That girl said that in the nicest way possible. Quirky is just looking for stupid shit to get mad about.
No. 67562
>>67548Fucking nasty cunt of a beast.
She's seriously so fucking rude. She really doesn't deserve any nicety from anyone. Boggles me how she has any sort of following at all.
No. 67909
File: 1427244582564.png (633.13 KB, 1023x609, fupafupafupafupa.png)

Is she nostalgic or something? There's been so many "throwbacks" lately.
No. 67910
File: 1427244600602.png (359.89 KB, 1023x616, whine whine whine.png)

No. 67913
File: 1427244675240.png (969.17 KB, 1019x609, more shit she wants.png)

No. 67925
>>67688Not a MUA, but the way she's applying concealer is straight up wrong.
She's using too much concealer, and she puts like 3 layers. That shit's most likely going to crease and look caked up. She should dab the concealer but she just smears it which ends up "erasing" the concealer, and that's why she feels like she needs to reapply.
Her whole makeup routine is wrong and I am really annoyed at her using MUA as hashtag, but at the same time I find it hilarious she probably thinks the "a" stands for addict.
No. 68139
>>67964Yeah, I've never heard that either. Also, European. Easter is lame for people who don't like chocolate though (and are lactose intolerant) like me. Sucks. I give all my chocolate to my boyfriend.
>>67909Those pillow-y thunder thighs jesus just…wow
No. 68716
File: 1427336234953.png (753.22 KB, 1022x611, those teeth.png)

>>68583Thank you, anon.
Anyway, today's edition of the Butter Golem News.
No. 68717
File: 1427336263459.png (431.21 KB, 1023x611, explains why you're huge.png)

No. 68718
File: 1427336298741.png (605.05 KB, 1025x613, care enough to baww.png)

No. 68719
File: 1427336343858.png (1.08 MB, 1022x612, she's more manly then them.png)

No. 68812
>>68719I seriously can't stand the way she writes
>So sassy and quirky!>my spirit animalJust go back to tumblr and stop this madness. I will say I'm envious of their make up skills, haha. I don't care that they're men since being a certain sex doesn't make you better at make up than someone. I don't care for the automatic praise men get when they badly apply eyeliner just because "Oh my gosh, you're a guy but you're wearing make ups!" At least these guys are looking good.
No. 68835
File: 1427344563249.png (361.9 KB, 662x450, 48e.png)

>>68833Read the entire post.
No. 69265
File: 1427404908846.png (460.48 KB, 1019x604, Screen shot 2015-03-26 at 2.14…)

>>45689She yaps so freaking much I'd have to upload 3 or 4 text screenshots so I'll quote her here.
"I myself DO have cherokee origins, which is why I have such dark hair. HOWEVER, I am not an active part or identify with Native American Culture.
Today I was informed that my use of "spirit animal" is appropriation. As an active ally for many groups that I am apart of, this is my post to let anyone know who has seen me say this phrase and been offended by it that I sincerely apologize for it because I honestly had no idea. I reserved that phrase as one of my highest regards of a compliment to someone i related too. And today, I used that phrase in my post of anti-normative gender roles. There was never any ill will or purposeful appropriation that happened.
That does not excuse the fact it happened, and I hope that I didn't offend many others besides my 1 friend that came to me.
We are all human and make honest mistakes in ignorance. I recommend that everyone do your research on it, as clearly I am no expert, I will do my best to permanently remove this from my vocabulary, as it has become a regular saying of mine.
Just know I have a deep love for the beauty in Native American culture, while I clearly am not fully educated on the topic, I hold no disrespect:
It's our fault, the culture of the original immigrants, that basically wiped out all representions of the many, MANY different Native American cultures and beliefs. They have a right to be frustrated and upset at the white washing that has occurred to it. Respect it."
No. 69317
>>69265I have some Native friends and they could give a shit about appropriation or trying to find your "spirit animal." They laugh at it when white people try to do it because it's so outdated and many people don't realize that Natives don't live in teepees anymore. Sure they follow tradition, but most Natives are christian like the rest of America.
What annoys the fuck outta my Native friends is when some white as fuck, country bumpkin says they have tanned skinned because of their 1/20303030 Native American roots. Bitch, you have tanned skin because you're in the sun. Quirky, you fat fuck, you have black hair because WHITE PEOPLE HAVE BLACK HAIR. She'd blame her blubber on having walrus origins, but god forbid she appropriates their culture.
No. 69333
>>69273OT but I hate when people say they're 1/16th Cherokee or Native American in general but then don't stand up for their rights (i.e. Native American rape rates are insanely high but nothing is done to change this, and in school no one learns shit about Native Americans)
why does Quirky even mention shes Native American if she doesn't identify with them, can't be identified by others by that label or is part of said culture?
No. 69549
>>67016I have to make these at work. They're gross.
>>67498The artist made her face thinner. That's cheating.
No. 70156
File: 1427507185120.png (689.17 KB, 1023x610, probably ate it.png)

>>69566That was the exact one I was thinking of.
No. 70157
File: 1427507203333.png (273.66 KB, 1024x611, weighing down the app.png)

No. 70342
>>69338>>69498>>69502nope, wasn't joking. I thought users here would stick together and watch out for each other. I wouldn't complain if the lolcow had thin lips. I purposely don't visit threads about lolcows who look like me to avoid my precious tumblr feelings to get hurt. but quirky has super thick lips and still a person needs to make stupid remarks about thin lips (something you can't change, contrary to being fat and annoying).
I will stop now to derail the conversation.
No. 70702
File: 1427598601943.png (1.02 MB, 1023x609, should've used more…)

No. 306403
File: 1476653113449.gif (318.24 KB, 330x182, Oh honey.gif)

>>306400 girl this isn't even the most recent quirky thread. At least post your vendetta in the right place.