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No. 611656[Reply]

Image Credit: >>607375

Previous Thread: >>>/pt/607094

Onision Thread Archives: >>>/pt/511709

Onision Drama Crash Course: http://www.lifeofonion.com


Onision/Gregory Jackson (also known as Ogreasion/Obesion/Anusion/Shreg/Gurgles/Grug/Grot) is a washed-up, talentless and developmentally challenged YouTuber who gained rapid and inexplicable popularity around 2009 and has been in rapid decline ever since.

Laineybot/Taylor Elaine Anderson (also known here as Plainey/Lamey/Drainythot/Draino/Thot) is his wife and a translarping living, breathing tumblr account and retired YouTube “beauty guru” with no makeup skills or discernible personality.

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No. 615680

It's also very likely that these regulations were made known to him or are the very least an attempt was made to do so. Even then, any grown ass adult with sense knows you should do your research before making any modifications to your property especially if you don't even own it.
Keep in mind as well that this dumbass did massive amounts of damage. I'm sure if it was just one tree or a couple of weeks he'd have gotten a slap on the wrist but that is absolutely NOT the case here.
Tl;dr Onion has about as much common sense as a teen and that shit has serious consequences in the real world.

No. 615692


the middle-aged lesbian being onion, of course

No. 615717

Eternal youth? So he was also obsessed with looking younger

No. 615722

That'll explain the botox

No. 615733

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No. 706717[Reply]

Thread Image Credit: >>706630

Previous Thread: >>>/pt/704359
Onion Thread Archives: >>>/pt/511709
Onision Drama Crash Course: http://www.lifeofonion.com

Do not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
Her thread can be found at >>>/snow/826201
Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onionflakes that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
The flakes thread can be found at >>>/snow/691458

Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.

Last time
Greg goes on a pathetic BDSM twitter spurg. >>704366 >>704375 >>704385 >>704396 >>704398 >>704398 >>704399 >>704404 >>704464 >>704480 >>704518 >>704526 >>704552 >>704816 Greg confirmed on his discord he was trying to trigger his victims. >>704552 >>705134
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No. 706720

Why say we can't talk about Lainey and then use one of her quotes in the thread title? Onision did not say that, she did.

No. 706724

Curb your autism.

No. 706728


Nah, anon has a fair point. Not the best thread title.

No. 706731

go to this thread. has more info there >>>/pt/706718

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No. 820415[Reply]

Insufferable “porn creator” from Yorkshire, UK. Huge attention whore, built her “brand” on tumblr but now active on twitter, OF and tiktok, jumped into sex work as soon as she turned 18 and somehow seems to fancy herself some kind of guru because she happened to have done reasonably well.

>brags about having a “big ass”, her entire image revolves around this, yet it’s evident through videos where she’s not posing that this illusion is achieved mostly through angles and lordosis

>repetitive content in the same dull monotonous tone and infuriating awkward fake giggle
>has previously admitted that she fakes her orgasms in her porn and therefore her “clients” aren’t actually getting what they have paid for
>cosplays as child characters to make cringeworthy gross content
>swears against doing any anal content ever, preaches about her boundaries and how it’s something she would never do
>has a skin tag next to her butthole from a previous anal injury, saves up to get this removed
>doubles down on the no-anal rule: “I paid good money for this asshole i’m not going to ruin it!” etc
>MV sales begin dropping significantly as she’s getting older and her tiny teen image doesn’t run as well any more
>magically decides to start making anal content (the desperation is real)
>pumps out anal content left right and centre, yet still claims she doesn’t enjoy it ??
>botched nose job that she spent 3k on, looks no different to how it did before
>loves talking about her cYcLoThYmIa she’s so manic and different uwu
>jumps from phase to phase, pitiful to watch
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No. 806593[Reply]

Vicky is a 35 year old tattoo scratcher from Nowhere, Ontario who has a recorded history of stealing deposits, cancelling appointments, and giving horrible mangled tattoos to her clients. One reason this thread exists is to warn people in her community in case they happen to Google her name before getting a tattoo.

Vicky is also a washed up scene queen who likes spending her free time reliving her glory days on MySpace by getting drunk and posting poorly shopped thirstpics and embarrassing videos on various social media accounts. She then posts the resulting DMs she gets from random horny old men, the sorts of DMs normal women ignore or get creeped out by, seemingly as proof of her desirability - despite, of course, being perpetually single for pretty much her entire adult life.

Victoria exhibits a plethora of curious behaviors such as pretending to be British, pretending to be wealthy, pretending to be a super-fit ninja, pretending to be the one and only woman who likes/does "X", and of course pretending to be unbothered by criticism.

> the quality of her already-shitty work has somehow deteriorated further >>>/pt/799820 >>>/pt/799789 >>>/pt/804979
> a tattoo so atrocious that it deserves its own line >>>/pt/805503
> Icky decided to tattoo her own face and has yet to do a reveal >>>/pt/799875
> a calf is born: introducing cameron “the contrarian” who gives us a coked-out 18,000 word screed at 1AM about muh 0 sugar energy bars >>>/pt/800078
> cameron goes off on some irrelevant bitch named kayla for seemingly no reason >>>/pt/800090
> to no one’s surprise, cameron looks like this >>>/pt/800296
> returns later to call us the obsessive losers after writing 20k words about how Vicky wouldn’t suck his dick >>>/pt/800376
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No. 820277

This is hilarious. Why would you go through the effort of photoshopping yourself in with a game character, but not putting yourself, like, in the world? Instead she's just hovering beside him, knees splayed out, looking like a Bethesda glitch.

No. 820302

This woman's life is so pathetic. She probably spent hours on this. I get such second hand embarassment. Imagine being, what, 36? 37? And spending your day photoshopping pictures of yourself for neckbeard attention.

No. 820328

You’dve thought she would have at least fixed that hair.

No. 820336

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“Asking the public” yet I’m not seeing this anywhere besides this post on Facebook. Correct me if I’m wrong. Instead of saying “I hope this isn’t true” why doesn’t her Harvard trained brain fucking look it up instead of spreading this bullshit? Not very INTJ of you icky sticky

No. 820339

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I wonder why Vicky can’t find a stable, fulfilling relationship with a guy her own age?
Oh wait…

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No. 819607[Reply]

Nicky is a pity cosplayer from Spain OBSESSED with being famous and having some little attention. She's known for being very manipulative, egocentric and a radical feminist/sjw. She's a very mediocre cosplayer but makes fun of almost any other cosplayer that is slightly more thin than her and, also, only makes grupal cosplay with girls who are way fatter and or uglier. Shes mad envious too of anyone that makes better cosplay.
And the usual: has "mental illness" and makes it public every time she can, is supposedly "bi" even though she never ever dated a girl in public and she's always publicly sad and "sick".
Go have a laugh with this one

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No. 819288[Reply]

Meet Holly "Dolly" Fallon aka "Dollilicious" / "The Meat Queen" as stated on her FB


>Brags about being diagnosed with psychopathy, for attacking someone.

>Insults and makes up rumors about other peoples sex lives, but is really just projecting her own insecurites and behavior onto those in the community.
>A huge bully, can't hold a friendship without causing major drama, usually followed by an explosive falling out.
>Known for being a pedophile sympathizer / defender, has tried to push known issues under the rug instead of bringing light to the situation and allowing others to educate themselves.
>She made a GoFundMe, received $2300 and has never launched the actual shop.
Completely silent about updates on the shop ever opening. She bought a domain in June 30th 2020, hasn't updated it since.-
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No. 819297

Moved to >>>/w/135445.

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No. 810356[Reply]

First thread: >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>803401

Website: momokun.co (new), https://momokuncosplay.com (old)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), theragdollranch (used to be mariahthecatlady, momoscats), momokun.co
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@momokun.co
Twitch: https://go.twitch.tv/mariahmallad
Camversity: https://www.camversity.com/MariahMallad/profile
Pornhub: https://www.pornhub.com/users/mariahmallad
OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/momokun
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/momokuncosplay
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Momokun_MariahMallad
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No. 819408

Saged for no real contribution but like, literally nobody except bigots say Lesbo, even if she claims to be a "member of the LGBT+ community" she still can't say this lol

No. 819410

Totally. And calling her male friend an "alpha lesbo" for being a hetero man is straight people logic.

No. 819411

Japan is discussing to implement stricter cosplay copyright laws. Hopefully this means Mooriah will have to pay for the rights before selling her merch/prints.

No. 819420

Her career would not change at all. She once didn't post cosplay for a few months. She does porn. It might do her a favor since she wont have to pretend to like anime and go back to being a wannabe Snookie.

No. 819430

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No. 818488[Reply]

main insta: https://www.instagram.com/_ani/
spam: https://www.instagram.com/snuzzle/

-she had a twitter but they always get suspended-

general milk:
>18 y/o ethot well known in com for playing LoL and scamming people there and on discord in exchange for her shopped nudes
>shops and facetunes to the max and denies it
>buys followers and og names mainly on insta - went from 4k to 40k in a day. further proof is the lack of engagement kek
>lied about having an ED to garner sympathy and fit in with her uwu smol dream, also sent fake weigh-ins (you’re not 103lbs davida)
>has said n word and tries to act hood on discord despite being white and not being able to survive in the real world for 5 mins
>lied about her uncle r*ping her on twitter to, again, gain attention and sympathy
>pedobaits and solicits cp
>re-uses the same shitty shopped nudes and asks people to dm her for content because she knows onlyfans will find out about her scamming
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No. 818511

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No. 818443[Reply]


>has denied having a nosejob since 2016

>whole face from nose, lips to eyes has completely changed since she first came online
>is on vacation permanently even during a pandemic
>lied about being from Russia at one point(shit thread)

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No. 696127[Reply]



>Dasha is outed by lolcow admin for posting 142 times in one thread alone >>>/pt/519998

>Posts included doxxing Mina via a photo of her passport, unreleased semi-nude photos stolen from Mina’s phone, rumors about Mina being a sugar baby, implying Edwin is a kiddy fiddler for dating a 20 year old, and praising/defending Dasha
>Edwin makes a video about the nonsense, alluding to her posts on lolcow
>An old clip resurfaces of Dasha saying "Sieg Heil, mein Führer!" while doing a Nazi salute >>>/pt/525575
>Dasha reacts by deleting her Twitter and making her Instagram accounts private, and announces she is getting “phone therapy” for her depression
>Dasha’s true form is revealed in pics and videos shot for a pluggednyc campaign >>>/pt/532499
>This was particularly delicious vis a vis her addiction to extreme shooping and the fact that she was also caught out editing Mina’s photos >>>/pt/533091
>Dasha and Cyr conspire to take down Edwin’s videos and ultimately have his YouTube channel deleted as revealed in leaked voice messages Dasha sent to her flying monkeys >>>/pt/534251.
>Someone who may or may not be Dasha assumed Mina’s identity and succeeded in getting Mina’s YouTube channel taken down (it has since been reinstated) >>>/pt/536040
>Cyr himself has yet to comment on the situation, leaving his attack dog NetNobody to whiteknight him against Edwin on Twitter >>>/pt/546541
>Videos released by “Anonymous Person” attempting to discredit Mina and Edwin >>>/pt/535521 sound suspiciously like Dasha putting on a British accent >>>/pt/536537
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No. 819191

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No. 819258

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No. 819265

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No. 819303

If she is autistic that doesn’t mean she gets a free pass for being a pos but maybe she’s trying to provide an explanation like every other info graphic she posts

No. 819309

Dasha youre not autistic, youre a self absorbed manipulative narcissist who gets mad when you dont get your way. God cant believe shes 25 pulling the retard card.

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