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No. 913498[Reply]

If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.

Previous threads
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No. 953342


No. 953348

Third-ed, /ot/ is probably the right place for it too.

No. 953374


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No. 946704[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/pt/926623

>Tiktok (INACTIVE)


>Deranged sketchbook tour mentions how she was raped but not sure by who, implied incest, wants to "arrest her parents" >>>/pt/926643

>Posting tiktoks claiming she's a man, showing off her ghost penis >>>/pt/926675
>Schizo posting thinking there's "something in her room" >>>/pt/926759
>Tiktok of her just eating a banana >>>/pt/926760
>Sperging about lethal injection for attention >>>/pt/926809
>Her car was towed >>>/pt/926853
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No. 953260

I read this in tamers12345's voice kek

No. 953283

I still don't get how she thinks that's a manly thing. If anything I heard about women getting off on humping the washing machine. I'm curious if she's rubbing her stomach penis against the table or her vag.

No. 953311

How old is PT again, like 40 something right ? I compeletely stopped remembering her saga after 2016(sage your shit)

No. 953341

I think she's turning 40 this year.

No. 953373

Her birthday is 29th of July 1985. So yes she's 40 this summer.

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No. 949092[Reply]

First thread: >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>940310
Websites: https://momokun.co/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/peachygirlmomo
OnlyFans: https://onlyfans.com/momokun
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun
Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats), peachycollective.co
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@peachygirlmomo
Camversity: https://www.camversity.com/MariahMallad/profile (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: https://www.pornhub.com/users/mariahmallad (Inactive)
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/momokuncosplay
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No. 953370

i mainly think she wouldn't want it because she uses money to try to control people. she pretends to have men groveling at her feet and yet they are nowhere to be seen. if anything she said was true she'd be showing him drop the credit card. it doesn't count as a guy paying for you if you're giving them the cash, moo.

No. 953371

You mentioning her friends just made me think of the frogdresser kek. She really doesn't have any calves left does she, she even scared of Maddie and that girl was like actually in love with Moo at one point.

No. 953378

Yet you will go back to him again for the 4th time. What a loser you are, Moo. Pathetic excuse of a woman. Also try 8k, bitch. Sucks your man is trash.

No. 953380

Really. If she wants everyone to think she’s rolling with dudes with deep pockets then $1k isn’t much at all as far as dates go. Actors and professional athletes drop close to ten times that easily in a night. Either she found one of the cheap ones or the best she could do is some broke boy who can only afford to flex for one night out of the year and he wasted it on her.

No. 953382

right 1k is like what wagie cucks spend when they get their tax return. wow moo, you're worth less than a new iphone.

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No. 871861[Reply]



>Dasha is outed by lolcow admin for posting 142 times in one thread alone >>>/pt/519998

>Posts included doxxing Mina via a photo of her passport, unreleased semi-nude photos stolen from Mina’s phone, rumors about Mina being a sugar baby, implying Edwin is a kiddy fiddler for dating a 20 year old, and praising/defending Dasha
>Edwin makes a video about the nonsense, alluding to her posts on lolcow
>An old clip resurfaces of Dasha saying "Sieg Heil, mein Führer!" while doing a Nazi salute >>>/pt/525575
>Dasha reacts by deleting her Twitter and making her Instagram accounts private, and announces she is getting “phone therapy” for her depression
>Dasha’s true form is revealed in pics and videos shot for a pluggednyc campaign >>>/pt/532499
>This was particularly delicious vis a vis her addiction to extreme shooping and the fact that she was also caught out editing Mina’s photos >>>/pt/533091
>Dasha and Cyr conspire to take down Edwin’s videos and ultimately have his YouTube channel deleted as revealed in leaked voice messages Dasha sent to her flying monkeys >>>/pt/534251.
>Someone who may or may not be Dasha assumed Mina’s identity and succeeded in getting Mina’s YouTube channel taken down (it has since been reinstated) >>>/pt/536040
>Cyr himself has yet to comment on the situation, leaving his attack dog NetNobody to whiteknight him against Edwin on Twitter >>>/pt/546541
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No. 952325

Anon, you don't need to kiss Mina's ass. They're all attention whores at the end of the day.

No. 953228

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her lip filler…(sage your shit)

No. 953242

Up your butt and around the corner(taking the bait)

No. 953298

>>953242 if you think that looks good you need to be admitted lmao(sage your shit/derailing)

No. 953308

Looks like a homeless lady went dumpster diving at spirit halloween

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No. 939201[Reply]

>Previous 3 threads:
Hell Is A Place On Earth Edition >>930240
Carve A V Edition >>294375
Doxing And Stabbing Zaddy Edition >>286668

>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up has-been Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community. She married and cuckolded a Japanese fan named Manaki who doesn’t appear online anymore (because they are now divorced after she cheated on him with her zaddy ken who she started seeing in 2018, she broke up with her zaddy this year though). Venus faded off into internet irrelevancy for the most part and tries to recapture some amount of attention by uploading random videos every other month, thotting on OnlyFans or threatening suicide.

Recent milk:
Venus' online presence continues to tank after many of her attention seeking attempts

In the last thread:
Venus goes live after a 3 month disappearance to talk about nothing; claims her visible shaking is from being nervous (not to be confused with withdrawal tremors); still hasn't gotten her Youtube account back after giving her password to a random scrote >>930256
Another nothing live looking very unfortunate ft. severely rotted teeth >>930263 >>930275 >>930292 >>930347
Ken breaks up with Venus again >>930338
Announces another recovery journey >>930434
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No. 953293

I never believe anything margot because shes a pathological liar and blows shit completely out of control, a deadly combo. her ramlbing only make sense years later because of how braindead she is.
I'm guess venus is still in japan. she jist full retard to get all her accounts banned. she oeobably mentioned once hownshe wants tovleave japan to her momand margot pulled this.

No. 953321

i doubt that. maggot probably assumed she left because her social media has been dead. this sounds like typical maggot lies.

No. 953338

Why believe anything margo says?

No. 953343

Margo is full of shit and has no proof. She's talking out of her ass. Why are we posting ramblings of a deranged retarded abusive mom?

No. 953361

I’m just tinfoiling but alcoholics can have seizures from drinking too much or trying to quit by not drinking anything.

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No. 949775[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>945214
The Basics:
>Luna is a 28 year old “sober” heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on/off “sex worker”
>Claims to have overdosed 9 times
>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides make shitty art and write cringeworthy “poetry”
>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun; the most noteworthy illnesses include BPD and an elusive eating disorder
>Started dating her (now) 45 year old “fiancé” Matthew (also known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”; they’ve now been together for 8 years and he clearly has no intention of marrying her
>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but spergs on the internet about how vile it is to do so
>Loves to share her grimy life with all and sundry, including awful photos of her (now dead) cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, layers of dirt and mystery stains on every surface of her home, et cetera
>Constantly buys cheap garbage on Amazon with her dad’s credit card while complaining about being penniless

Historical Milk:
>Squandered a 50k dollar inheritance from her grandmother within the space of a year, claims it went on rent and bills when in reality she spent it on drugs and fuck knows what other useless shit
>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)
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No. 953367

I don't think most ppl know what that's a reference to, and have no idea how it relates to Luna. Idk what that is. A movie or something?

No. 953368

Fair. Thought it was pretty widely popular, it’s the Witcher and the horses name is Roach. This screen is from a bug in the game.

No. 953372

……oh okay

No. 953376

Man imagine being her extended family dying and just before the abyss takes you, you're thinking about (then) baby grandma and thinking "at least our bloodline may persist" before getting hit by the vision of fat, retarded slob roachqueen tuba, who will then put an actual end to it …

No. 953377

It made me laugh nona, I endorse

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No. 890025[Reply]

A new thread was overdue so decided to make one to chronicle the shenanigan's of the now second place Ostrenga sister. for unfamiliar farmers see https://lolcow.farm/kiki

previous thread >>>/pt/818510

last thread:
>Kiki continues on her quest to find love. recent conquests include:
>Hottie bugatti >>818572
>Some russian >>830001
>Sweater fag >>840038
>Drug dealer >>845927
>Cosmic cowboy >>848262
>White guy with dreadlocks >>851598
>Homeless surfer (more on him later) >>865088

>Writes and publishes a recipe e-book about how to put almond milk, an overpriced fruit and bananas in a blender. Page layout designs are new age geocites website level of busy >>826633

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No. 953243

this is a dangerous game for kiki to play. people are going to start posting videos circulating her and kooter's racist, ableist, homophobic past again. a past she's never confronted or apologized for.

kiki is almost 40. scene is old.

No. 953246

No one is going to give a shit.

No. 953261

besides kiki(sage your shit)

No. 953267

Maybe I'm uncultured but… these look so cheap. Like if you told me you spent 300 dollars on this I'd laugh. I swear I saw these at walmart for 8 bucks.
So what's stopping people from buying a diamond pattern and bedazzling it themselves? She doesn't own shit.

It's sad that Kiki refused to get a basic job for her whole life and chased fame, failed for over a decade and is now chasing fame she had from almost 20 years ago when she was a teen. She could have TRIED to be a part of the alt scene but left it to be a dolly elf to compete with her sister.

No. 953349

She wouldn't have to do this if she just charged a fair and reasonable price for them. Kiki…just make them $70 and no one will have to buy knockoffs.

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No. 949568[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/pt/931666
Onision Thread Archives: >>511709
Onision Drama Crash Course: http://www.lifeofonion.com

Onision/Greg/Gregory Daniel/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate victims. He also likes to distract from controversy by faking mental breakdowns and suicide baiting. After over a decade of this pattern of behavior, he eventually came to mainstream attention through a documentary, and YouTube subsequently demonetised his channel. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson/Lucas Jackson is a transtrender who has abandoned her Youtube channel and locked down her social media presence to hide away from allegations of sending nudes to underaged girls and helping to lure in new targets of Onision's abuse.


>Zoomers on TikTok start exposing Onision's predatory behavior >>931730
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No. 953345

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I don't think this was a hearing by telephone.
>MOTION to Appear by Telephone
>Request to Cancel In-Person Hearing
>Alternatively, Appear by Zoom
It was Greg filing a motion to cancel the in person hearing and appear via Zoom/phone. They seem to put phone and zoom video calls in the same category. I guess the court wanted them to appear in person for some part of the case and Greg is saying that flying down would be an "extreme hardship."

No. 953360

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I said it before and i'll say it again, this will be result of the trial.

>image related.

Mark my words.

No. 953362

Wow he was fine talking the talk when he submitted all those documents but doesn’t want to sit in a court and actually have to defend what he wrote?
I hope the judge doesn’t rule on it without him being on zoom.
Either way, he can’t phone it in forever.

No. 953379

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Who let NothingBurger-Chan back in?
Yes we've heard you say its a pipe dream for over 3 years
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No. 953381

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Greg's ability to pull in cute young pixie alt girls has bottomed out since Billie. This group chat shows what he was attracting just 2 years ago. The only difference now is that its dwindled down to the dementia babysitter and McRetard.

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No. 864707[Reply]

Jess is a cam star/abdl porn star who constantly makes fun of fans and is overall a bitch. She cheated on her partners and practically copies her partners personalities .she suddenly has an interest in being a mom and even considers herself one to her bf kids despite handing them over to their real mom multiple times a week.(shit thread)
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No. 953205

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This image is from the same post, but it looks like Jess brought her kid to a dispensary or some kind of dispensary/cafe/restaurant place (judging from the cup in her hand)? Perfect place to bring your child, Jessica!

No. 953274

Why tf is her kid in a weed store? yikes

No. 953284

If you go to AVL dispensary instagram it shows a link to plant bar in the bio which is a cafe inside of the same building. My guess is that they went to the cafe part judging by the drink in her hand.

No. 953295

Its not much different from taking your kid to the sports bar in the day time. They arent at the bar and no one is going to give them alcohol. Some places allow this as long as weed isnt sold on that specific floor. Weed enhanced drinks dont count and are seen like alcohol. She still trashy regardless. Good parents dont even take their kids to sports bars. The park or something would be better. Poor kid.

No. 953302

Plant bar doesn’t sell weed enhanced drinks. Hope this helps!

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No. 912168[Reply]

(from old thread but edited)-
>To briefly recap, on 30 July a recorded phone call of Chris admitting to raping his senile 80-year-old mother. He has also stolen money from her. He has since been arrested and is being held on incest charges.
Now a year later he has been released
>recommendation on Chris's long history on youtube via a documentary made by Geno Samuels- https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLABqEYq6H3vpCmsmyUnHnfMOeAnjBdSNm
>kiwifarms Chris chan board documenting every single thing to know about Chris- https://kiwifarms.net/forums/christian-weston-chandler.18/
(sorry if thread sucks)
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No. 953259

hopefully they were just walking around and looking without the intention of purchasing anything. it's not like chris has much to do with his time. idk anything about reptile pet care but i wonder if he could even afford a snake

No. 953264

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He is also selling plushies now. But his version looks even worse.

I hope they were buying more aquarium pebbles >>921078 to fill the bags because some exceptional individuals like >>952095 want to buy them.

No. 953265

It talks!
Some redditor with a throwaway account bought one. Warning: this video will give you brain damage.

No. 953280

he looks like he has lost weight and showered in the past month; huge glowup by his standards
how weird to be the pet sideshow exhibit and cash cow of a bunch of other people, it’s very Elephant Man
I’m sure they’re giving him a bad deal financially but whatever, elder molesters can suffer

No. 953301

A woman does magic for any man even a tranny but the real question is who tf is flutter and why is she doing this to herself? Is she a midget or just young? Have her socials been posted ever?

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