File: 1733529313053.jpg (228.59 KB, 819x849, momokun.jpg)

No. 949092
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>940310Websites: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats),
Tiktok: (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: (Inactive)
Reddit: blog receipts are all outdated as fuck (we're talking like when she got banned from twitter) but here they are if you want them.
https://mookunbum.tumblr.com need a tumblr account to view this one since it's an 18+ blog).
Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/92925General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>>/w/174607Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
Nitpicking, armchair analysis/diagnosis, cat sperging and blog posting are against the rules.
Asking if we have media links to her content is also not cash money. Stop.
We continue the new thread watching as whatever grip on reality Momo has slips away and the spiral downwards continues
> Moo moves studios, not before showing the damage she did to the last one> Studio 2.0 is a dusty small wearhouse with her old sets lazyily thrown in. Instantly fails to bring in any clients and continues to be a money pit.> For ego sake she pretends the new studio location is a hit by saying bands like "Bring me the Horizon" are collabing with her. Never hear from this again> fleshlight collab still didn't happen. Claims it's still in the works after 1 year> Continues her Antisemitism and racist rants. Everyone tells her to shut up, deletes everything > Brings up Marvin again. Everyone tells her to shut up and she deletes everything. Never brings up Marvin again.> Begs to be nominated for the AMV awards. Didn't get nominated. Blames the jews and now speaks ill of sex workers and Moos about leaving sex work in favor for the medical field.> still living vicariously through her sister by pretending to be in school again. > Buys scrubs for "work" even though she's supposed to still be in school. Wears scrubs for days on end to continue the larp. Never see scrubs again.> Keeps losing her mind when she sees women in happy relationships/marriage. Many "broke dusties" rants ensue. Gets told to shut up, deleletes everything> It's suspected she's still seeing Oz, despite him being a broke dusty.> Releases a porn with her and Oz when they were in Japan> Was spotted at a con. To no ones surprise she's much larger than her digitally edited images.> Asian larp returns>Continues her mania and envy for healthy relationships by saying men of value spoil her and she's only concerned with a mans wallet. Still alone and seething. No. 949098
File: 1733531224287.jpeg (830.48 KB, 943x1652, IMG_1717.jpeg)

this bitch is so fucking shallow. She sure has a lot to say despite still dating Peter.
No. 949101
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Of course moo would simp for murders
No. 949102
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moo offers some insight on the sophie rain situation that was doing the rounds a couple of days ago. Also claims to have brought in under 10 mil
No. 949104
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The state of those cankles
No. 949116
File: 1733537363070.jpeg (178.79 KB, 716x1273, IMG_2320.jpeg)

Thank you for the new thread nonnie I can finally nitpick. Boric Life boric acid vaginal suppositories with the skincare kek
No. 949118
File: 1733538011038.jpg (879.01 KB, 1290x2293, 469480013_18477406327023042_74…)

New art collector era has hilarious potential. Here she is getting the artist's first and last name backwards and misspelling Grecian.
No. 949130
>>949127Exactly this. Moo has been saying for years she made so much money she can retire by 30. But she isn't throwing 10k on one use dress anymore. Isn't bragging about all her surgeries and expensive trips anymore. Now she's saying she needs a budget for school and a sugar daddy so she can quit being a porn thot. I know the school thing is BS and her real goal is to hook a rich guy. But she's coming off as one of those porn thots who made millions but spent it all doing dumb shit.
>>949129She should have ended the studio saga and just did a few sets in her house or put up a cheap shed in her back yard and put a set in it. But her ego got in the way and she wants to pretend to have a thriving studio.
No. 949140
File: 1733582204701.jpeg (328.75 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1884.jpeg)

saged bc i’m not sure if this is milk or not, but the address was updated to the new location and now it shows that the studio is permanently closed.
No. 949147
File: 1733585846508.jpg (374.55 KB, 1080x1469, 20241208_043319.jpg)

>>949140Was it ever really open to begin with? Sarcasm aside, seems like you can still book through the link on insta. Not that that's an exact indicator.
Don't think that's the right place anyway. It's an office block, and every pic we've seen of the new studio looks like it's in a warehouse.
Also, lol at the one review it has.
No. 949150
File: 1733587316093.jpg (438.38 KB, 1080x1703, 1000008380.jpg)

>>949147Maybe it says closed so she can use it without being checked for violations. This is on current instastories on the collective page. I think this is just a tax write-off with how she acting with it.
>>949141>>949136>drained>clearly poorThe wishful thinking is crazy. Be realistic.
No. 949157
File: 1733593609927.jpeg (350.09 KB, 733x1266, IMG_4501.jpeg) posted just before the last thread closed but sharing here in case anyone missed her recent unhinged rant on IG.
No. 949166
>>949150Her one and only useable set where you can only shoot one angle
>>949158It's kinda racist on her part. But she only whips out this accent when she wants to sound tough and trashy. It's because she associates black people with these traits.
No. 949172
>>949168The only interactions she had with black people were not exactly positive. There was Kay bear, and I think that was the girl she SA'd at a con for shits and giggles and told her she was a clout chaser. Then there is that youtuber who killed himself and she tried to get attention from his death because he was popular. I haven't really seen her interact with other black people since.
In fact she has actively said no one should support BLM because her people were more important or the kawaii Asians needed more protection than black people. She also liked a ton of anti BLM posts. So yuh, clearly racist.
No. 949289
File: 1733781996304.jpg (1.61 MB, 2304x4096, 1000027454.jpg)

This healthcare larp is hilarious. Which is it Moo? Are you doing pre reqs? Are you in an accelerated class? EKG tech class? ER tech? She goes from asking how to go about going to school, saying she can't afford to go through an RN program without going to LPN or tech first, to now pretending she's full on. Like which is it?? She's so full of shit.
No. 949294
>>949289This reads like she just copy pasted from wikipedia.
You're also forgetting that she's such a great student, that they told her to enroll in two courses at different schools and she writes three papers last minute at the same time, because she's just that smart.
>>949290She would 100% be one of those people who show up in a discussion and go "hello, x here. Umm actually…". That is assuming she actually ends up with a genuine nursing degree
No. 949312
File: 1733824384767.jpg (202.1 KB, 1537x2048, 20241210_174910.jpg)

The fucking airbrushing on her tits…
No. 949350
File: 1733878827399.png (348.3 KB, 585x761, ekg.png)

she "passed" her ekg course and is in the process of installing a new personality, much like how she was irl mei, and samus, and Super Pochaco, and Lusamine. I wonder if she'll bring back her douma obsession now that demon slayer is doing the rounds again
No. 949384
>>949360Like I’ve said, her “cosplay career” must be in dire straits if she’s will to take such a drastic pay cut by becoming a nurse. If she was even remotely successful, if her studio was making her any money at all, she wouldn’t be entertaining any notion of a career change and would just keep continuing to try to flex on everyone about what a “successful businesswoman” she is. But we all know she isn’t smart enough to actually complete the schooling, she’s clearly just larping using her sister’s achievements and claiming them as her own.
>>949367It’s what she does all the time. She presumed to know even more than qualified experts and tries to lecture them on their own expertise. Meanwhile not ever knowing what the fuck she is talking about. She’s got such a deluded ego that no one could possibly ever know more than her.
No. 949388
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No. 949391
>>949388“i don’t need no man” turns into
“pls save me from my life altering decision”
so quick
No. 949392
File: 1733941190562.jpg (21.97 KB, 168x250, interrupting-cow-and-the-wolf-…)

Is she taking online classes or does she waddle her way to a real, irl school?
I assume she has to show up somewhere to the hands on classes needed but it would be so wild. Imagining her coming in to a classroom full of normal people. They're gathering between classes and talk about normal things and she just interrupts the conversation with "muh anime husbando/no dusty brokies/subscribe to my onlyfans!"
No. 949394
>>949388She keeps changing her careers in these posts. ER nurse and injector are two totally different careers. If she's becoming an injector she's more retarded than I thought because most "injector" courses are a big scam and most of these women eventually go to jail for illegally pumping people's faces full of shit and killing them.
Does she think med school is just a wide branch to bs 4 different careers online?
No. 949395
>>949391She flip flops depending on who she is interacting with. When she’s trying to dunk on people, she’s all “I don’t need no man, lol look at all the broke dusties who are mad at me for telling the truth”. When she’s miserable and alone and wants sympathy, she is “I just want a man to come sweep me off my feet so we can live our perfect life together”. The truth is, she’s lamenting having to do porn for the rest of her life and wants a rich successful businessman to come and save her from having to degrade herself even further. She doesn’t want just any man, she wants a specific kind of man, one who will be completely okay with her draining his finances and letting her live like a fat slob all on his dime while she never has to spend a penny of her own money. Except, the kind of guys that would want a trophy wife like the one she wants to be wouldn’t be looking for a hideous whale like her. They’d want practically a supermodel who actual gives a damn about fitness and their appearance, actually taking care of themselves. Not some lazy hog who will just go get lipo done every couple of months and then continue to pig out. They also wouldn’t want someone who is as obnoxious as her. She really thinks some rich guy is going to stand for her constantly trying to humiliate and upstage him, trying to do her “boss bitch qween” act? Those kinds of guys want a more submissive, traditional woman. One who follows her man’s lead and slows him to take charge. No way would Moo stand for that, she’d be constantly feeling inadequate next to him and would feel the need to take him down a peg. And that’s not even mentioning her views on childcare, which would be an instant red flag for any traditional, rich businessman. You think he wants to hear his future wife talk about how she’d hate their son if they had one and that he’d grow up to be an incel? Or that she refuses to raise a son at all? They’d instantly nope the fuck out on her.
No. 949403
>>949402What's more funny is when the broke dusties she argues with in comments already have girlfriends or wives. Any and all women are more attractive than Moo be it in personality, looks or both. She literally can't compete with anyone. And even if she met a man who's bottom of the barrel those degenerates would rather stick to 2D wifus than deal with Moo
She could try to get a cosplay boyfriend. Too bad all the attractive ones have been avoiding her like the plauge. The last cos guy that tolerated her was gay and Moo couldn't keep her hands to herself whenever he was around or pretend she knew him for years when they barely knew each other at all. Moo is a creep.
No. 949407
>>949406It's funny because when she was trying to get that tattoo guy and pretending to be nice and a child of light she had more friends than ever.
Honestly I don't know why Moo thought becoming a hateful nazi would help with finding a man. Or telling men they're all broke dusties or telling happy married women they're pick mes. She's so unlikable.
No. 949409
>>949408I'm glad she finally left that guy alone. Her relationship with men she has crushes on is so unhealthy. SA them, beating on them, claiming that they are her therapists. It just seems so overwhelming. The more fucked up part is I felt like she only wanted Tattoo sensei because he was Vamps's ex boyfriend and Moo has this need to one up the females in her life.
She needs to step back and realize having mental break downs because she's single and men don't want to date her is silly. Pretending police officers, doctors and cashiers don't want to fuck her. I just don't see her becoming mentally stable at this point.
No. 949424
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These are from back in October, but I found some unfiltered photos on her mom's Threads account.
No. 949434
>>949423Thinking about it Moo's mental spiral started to go down around this time too. First to thinking all men want to fuck her to resenting them but wanting their wallets. I'm sure seeing her sister marrying a rich decent guy is why Moo s flipping out about broke dusties. I wouldn't be surprised if Moo's sister made a back handed comment about how she'll never have to resort to porn thanks to her new husband. Kek
Though Moo is such a shit gold digger. She isn't subtle about it and isn't hot enough for it.
No. 949439
File: 1733993600866.png (519.34 KB, 605x772, Untitled.png)

But moo, I thought you'd brought in under 10 mil on onlyfans. Surely you should be able to afford this furntiture yourself. Oh, and why don't you just use your studio? No. 949440
>>949439ew she's using AI art
No. 949443
>>949439This is weirdly unlike her. She's never once publicly begged for free items, all she has done up until this point is brag about how rich, independent, and picky she is. Not only that, but she's been on a tirade about how all men are broke and dusty for a solid month now. Why on earth would these same men suddenly flock to buy a bunch of stuff for her?? They love her sexually degrading herself for money, not her personality. What is going on in her head?? She typed like a totally different person, too. She has to know she is bitchy and too fat, right? Men don't buy bitchy botched women free shit like that, they usually only buy petit, shy, very grateful women things-of which, she is none!
No. 949451
File: 1734025945110.png (195.49 KB, 445x450, GDi2XmiXUAAue8O.png)

>>949439Such a dusty move.
No. 949452
>>949439This looks so… mundane? Like something you would find in most houses. If she didn't buy a white cardboard house she could just go thrifting at goodwill or Ikea and get this stuff now.
Like everyone else she use to brag and gloat about how she's the golden goose.
No. 949457
File: 1734029593424.jpg (557.27 KB, 1079x2035, 1000019265.jpg)

New photo book coming apparently
No. 949459
>>949456Moo is in a gray area right now. Filming porn isn't illegal in itself and her studio is marked as just that. Filming sex changes the definition from prostitution to film making in vegas if I remember correctly. However Moo could get investigated because she owns this buisness.
>>949457"I'm too lazy and broke to commission another cosplay for a while so I'll be re using this until the cows come home"
I love whoever edited this had obvious trouble slimming her down. Her whole body is wiggly from poor warping, one leg is fatter than the other, and that edited in thigh gap is awful.
No. 949495
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No. 949508
File: 1734065841878.jpg (540.45 KB, 1080x1782, 1000008425.jpg)

Tech illiterate as fuck yet says she can operate a camera with specs and isn't all auto kek she 100% has everyone do everything for her
No. 949512
>>949453she has acne on her ass. i doubt she has any semblance of a skincare routine if she doesn’t even care about hygiene.
>>949500 maybe this time by streaming she means camgirling or ebegging for galaxies on tiktok. if she’s going to game on twitch i can’t imagine her to be any more successful than lori lewd lol.
No. 949514
File: 1734073068621.jpeg (1.75 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_1839.jpeg)

In case anyone was wondering what was in her basic ass wishlist, it’s the cheap mdf furniture she can most likely fund herself but I guess like the other nona said. She wants to feel spoiled so she has to literally asked to be spoiled since she’s such a rotten person
No. 949515
>>949510Wait anon, she did. I don't remember what thread, it was
years ago, but she went shopping for her "streaming setup" and she had a cart full of shit Vamp or her cousin helped put together. Omfg, yeah. She should know how to do basic resets like this.
No. 949569
File: 1734158997693.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 756x941, stanky leg.png)

The editing is a choice.
No. 949578
>>949569"I don't want to do porn"
"What I do is cosplay"
I think it's finally setting in no rich man will pay for her, cosplay wont pay her bills, she'll always have to do low tier porn
No. 949584
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>>949569I can't get over her derpy fucking face
No. 949668
File: 1734308931927.jpeg (619.64 KB, 828x1450, 45B750AB-1871-4BDA-B32A-958625…)

No, you’re just cheap and lazy.
No. 949675
File: 1734315331707.jpg (484.51 KB, 1080x1628, 20241216_151120.jpg)

Moo adds her valuable insight to some mouthwashing art. The last half of that felt AI generated, so I ran it through an AI detector and unsurprisingly it most likely is.
>>949668Calling a bikini and wig "cosplay" is being incredibly generous.
No. 949678
>>949675She 100% did not play the game. It is not centered around SA at all. It just happened and it's not even addressed fully either. It's hinted at. The whole point is Jimmy's misunderstanding of leadership due to desperation over his own failures. She's going to try to pretend to empathize publicly and yet will sexualize a
victim of SA who got knocked at for cosplay on a porn site for men.
Moo is disgusting in all factors.
No. 949739
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In regards to her Amazon List she posted on Twitter…
No. 949740
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>>949739beat me to it. Don't forget this part too though
No. 949741
>>949739She's so tilted about being called broke
Moo you want a career change and you have to budget
AND she's only talking about buying new cars, Birkins and laptops, she isn't doing it anymore. She's def waiting for her tax return next year
>>949741what tax returns? she owns a home and runs a business(sort of) and is self employed. she
pays taxes then.
No. 949752
File: 1734415211435.jpeg (Spoiler Image,832.83 KB, 1290x1988, IMG_2638.jpeg)

she made a new account and it’s full nude. First the wishlist, a costume raffle and opening up customs again. Not to mention the 0 work she’s done this month posting the same cosplay photos from almost 6 months ago. Just quit now moo
No. 949756
File: 1734421567377.png (389.59 KB, 494x633, peko.png)

nonnie, she's totally been busy making this peko mama costume that she's totally not going to post the same set of for the next year.
I guess we should keep an eye out for "mommy kun" accounts now, since she keeps trying to use it as her shtick now.
>>949748looks like two things are missing from the wishlist, but its likely she just took them off herself.
>>949755on twitter? Unlikely, given how rampant porn is on there now.
No. 949766
File: 1734450249428.jpg (512.4 KB, 1080x1818, 1000008485.jpg)

Went from BMtH to some random thot music video kek
No. 949780
File: 1734479772316.jpeg (595.66 KB, 828x1443, 0E548BB7-B960-4A43-9DAA-D2072F…)

Her sets always look so claustrophobic and cheap no matter who is shooting there.
No. 949788
>>949786The other e thots are having their fans vote as well. I don't think Moo cares if she wins though. Being nominated is enough and she'll now pretend porn is her dream career even though she went on nazi rants about the jews owning the industry and how Porn is degrading women.
I can't take Moo seriously because of all the years she shat on sex workers and pretended she was better just because she wears a shitty cosplay wig once every blue moon.
No. 949801
>>949799Hasn’t she posted before about how she would never post pussy for free? I remember she went on a whole twitter rant about girls who reply to her tweets with nude teasers of their OF content. And she posted about how “if anyone replies to my post with that dumb ass shit I will block you” and how it was the lowest of the low to post vagina for free, and she will always stay behind a pay wall.
It’s like bit by bit she’s becoming her own worst nightmare, everything she never wanted to be is who she is now.
(learn to sage) No. 949817
File: 1734525632711.jpg (1018.79 KB, 1080x2400, 1000019526.jpg)

This is so unsettling
No. 949824
File: 1734532385725.jpg (Spoiler Image,963.46 KB, 1080x1944, 1000008497.jpg)

>>949817Polaroids to go with it yikes lol cant edit those
No. 949831
File: 1734542113425.webp (2.6 KB, 377x463, C96AD1EC-51B2-4B42-A2E4-E585BD…)

>>949817LMFAO fucking Mandela Catalogue looking bitch
No. 949968
File: 1734758434528.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.05 MB, 1920x1080, mpkqG0iVnM1hg2Q_.mp4)

looking big
No. 949972
>>949969Moo: "Porn is run by evil jews and profiting off it is disgusting. I can't wait to leave"
Also Moo:
No. 950007
File: 1734823413681.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.59 KB, 719x960, 1000002360.jpg)

Kek no ass
No. 950019
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No. 950021
>>950019It would kinda weird me out for a porn actress to use my Vtuber's clout to push their shitty porn
Though I'm kinda weirded out with the complete 180 from her. She went from "I'm going to stop all adult content and focus on cosplay and become a nurse" to completely stopping the collage larp and go full porn thot. I guess someone told her "you want money or you wanna be broke?"
That or learning she got nominated made her feel wanted, even if she hates and looks down on it.
No. 950024
>>950021She's not using just any vtuber, she's using the model for the mother of Usada Pekora from Hololive. Tldr; Pekora's mom showed up on stream a few times, got super popular with fans, and now occasionally shows up on her steams with an official model.
>learning she got nominatedwasn't it pointed out a thread or two ago, that you can just submit whoever. There's no official nominations?
No. 950031
File: 1734844121812.jpg (Spoiler Image,693.51 KB, 1080x1428, 1000008560.jpg)

>>949969>>949968Desperate. She's been @ing this guy for a year now. She's 100% trying to get noticed by japanese men. She's got the yellow fever yet will yell "ching chomg" at people who arent even chinese.
No. 950033
>>950021well technically it would be winter break but i wonder if that’s the case for her or if she really did just give up like she does everything else
>>950019is plump lips the new go to filter for her
No. 950073
>>950031Didn't she mention her dream is for a rich Japanese man to marry her, live in Japan and have a westaria garden while being a doctor?
I feel like these are just one of her day dreams she has no the daily to help her cope that she's just a porn thot now.
No. 950078
File: 1734915974226.png (525.1 KB, 615x719, pekora.png)

>>950053Except this is her BIOLOGICAL mother, not her fictional one
And she's not cosplaying pekora, she's cosplaying her mother ffs. The two characters are different.
Character on the left is pekora, chracter on the right is the mother.
No. 950082
File: 1734920586742.jpeg (Spoiler Image,537.34 KB, 828x1443, 92BEE723-3461-439F-9277-866FAB…)

No. 950086
>>950085looks so uncanny—from the overall shape, waist cinching, humongous unit legs, to the overflowing fat she’s trying to pass off as her sad Hank hill ass…to her grandma tits. Ew.
She’s must be so glad to hide behind Chinese editing apps and filters
No. 950112
>>950082friendship with quadraboob ended
now hexaboob is my best friend
No. 950165
File: 1735003492723.jpeg (323.46 KB, 828x737, IMG_2341.jpeg)

Japanese larp arc continues. I wonder what kind of irl dick she’s chasing
No. 950168
>>950165firstly; Isn't this the kinda thing thing she should be idk posting on her "nsfw" twitter, which is frankly no different to her main.
secondly; I'm so sick of her calling her porn "hentai". It's stupid and obnoxious.
>>949969been 3 days, still hasn't deleted this but has deleted other tweets lol
No. 950215
File: 1735093139815.jpg (490.78 KB, 1077x1730, 20241225_151635.jpg)

"mei" ""
This is the absolute lowest effort I've seen in awhile.
No. 950248
File: 1735171335913.jpg (46.36 KB, 597x174, npd.jpg)

trouble in paradise with ozzy?
No. 950314
File: 1735306345809.jpg (235.54 KB, 1538x2048, 20241227_213047.jpg)

No. 950316
File: 1735313134538.webp (134.03 KB, 849x1044, 10013.png)

>>950314kek is that supposed to be tsurugi from blue archive??
No. 950318
File: 1735314947146.png (599.95 KB, 1070x748, Untitled.png)

>>950316yeap. She's trying to recreat some fanart, poorly.
No. 950328
>>950323I'm actually surprised Moo missed her favorite gift for herself. She usually gets a holiday round of lipo all around her body.
Maybe she finally realized it doesn't matter when she can just photoshop 50 pounds off herself
No. 950364
File: 1735395270714.jpeg (Spoiler Image,716.9 KB, 750x1087, IMG_5144.jpeg)

>>950349Thread #109
>>758822(You're so lucky anon, I've been revisiting her threads and got to this one literally last night kek)
No. 950375
>>950165loves carrots? please goddddd don’t tell me she uses carrots as a toy??
>>950364screaming i forgot about this jesus
also as much as she tries to shoop her face to have a v shape she still looks better with her round potato face and nose compared to her weird over filled lip/botched nose combo she has going on now
No. 950376
File: 1735408975325.jpeg (864.6 KB, 1080x2280, IMG_5161.jpeg)

>>950375She's given a carrot a BJ before (thread 108)
>>754606 No. 950405
>>950394We haven't heard about any physical activity from her since her pilates class she went to for a couple weeks. She didn't really work out and got upset that people didn't let her harrass the jewish girl in class.
She burned through so many gyms, personal trainers and weight loss programs it's crazy. I think at one point she did lose 30 pounds naturally only to gain like, 50 the same year. I'd def make fun of her behind her back if I worked at a gym only because she's a bitch.
No. 950419
File: 1735594512174.png (369.03 KB, 615x845, Capture.PNG)

No. 950456
The sign says "Don't shop brown" on it
No. 950461
>>950419Moo shouldn't be talking about this at all seeing as how she's racist towards most
POC's. Girlie went on nazi rants recently ffs
No. 950490
>>950462If someone wanted to protest in
support of
PoC businesses, why would they hide their face, dress in all white, then picket outside a Tim Hortons in Canada with a sign telling people to be racist or die? 'Do not fund your replacement' is a clear reference to The Great Replacement right-winger theory, it's thinly veiled fearmongering about white erasure and Momo's got better reading comprehension than her thread kek.
No. 950492
>>950490I think you're getting baited,
No. 950540
File: 1735925455762.png (916 KB, 936x1159, Screenshot 2025-01-03 102527.p…)

On more recent news the voting has begun so Moo is going to hold her followers at gun point until the voting is over.
No. 950544
File: 1735931841723.jpg (Spoiler Image,679.38 KB, 1073x1908, 20250104_081406.jpg)

>>950540Isn't this the kinda thing she should've been sharing on her "nsfw" account. Decided to check that, and was greeted by this
No. 950553
>>950544>>950551But nonna that's the body of an Olympic muscle mommy!
Joking aside, her need to lipo just her stomach and chins instead of eating less certainly is a choice.
No. 950584
>>950583Because she keeps having to lower her own bar. Before it was "I don't have to take my clothes off for money and attention" to doing porn. She then said only cheap whores give their nudes and porn away for free. Now, here we are. Moo is giving her content away for free. She's so desperate for attention you get a porn video for free if you vote for her.
Problem is Moo never wanted to accept she was always a cheap whore. When she use to charge 80 bucks for topless her fans complained the price was too high and ridiculous. She's facing the reality she's cheap and low grade.
No. 950798
>>950792She'll do a Marvel rivals cosplay in five months when no one gives a shit anymore and then prentend to be the biggest Marvel fan ever. She'll then do porn of it asking for a "big nut"
She's too predictable.
No. 950805
>>950553This is just tinfoiling and it’s likely anyone has said something similar before but:
She has been significantly smaller for some time a while back - I think around the time she started hanging out with Lia. And I genuinely believe she was working out back then. Of course she wildly exaggerated the extent of it and made all that fitness/eating clean stuff a new thing of hers, and a good chunk of the weight she has lost was still due to lipo. But again, she didn’t immediately go back to the proportions she has nowadays.
Anyway. What if during that time her income has suffered so much (because her whole customer base is coomer brains that only want her
fat-fat) that she literally has no choice but to keep those awkward anime proportions and that’s why she only ever seems to take care of her waist and chin?
She obviously hates being fat and she definitely has the money to get whole body lipo or other procedures done.
And it’s also a possible reason she hasn’t gone on Ozempic (yet).
She has literally nothing else to offer.
Of course a few men would still throw money on her even if she lost 100lbs, but it would be significantly less. She‘d definitely have to get the excess skin removed which would still look like shit and leave massive scars, which would be a dealbreaker for most. And her cosplays - even when commissioned - are mid at best, so that’s nothing she could really make the same money off she does now.
Her massive weight is her only selling point and obviously even that isn’t enough anymore because as
>>950584 mentioned, she continuously has to lower the bar for herself.
(unintegrated posting style) No. 950810
File: 1736344108434.png (432.1 KB, 405x518, blackwidow.PNG)

>>950798she's already the biggest marvel fan, don't you remember when she did this masterful black widow cosplay?
No. 950902
>>950894I think you misremember the most important thing: Moo has always been a lazy grifter thot. She had nudes circulating from Thread 1, rumors of her sending nudes and slipping into VAs and popular male cosplayers' DMs from super early on. When she was still in her 'Thicc samus' phase she even hijacked that con stream spot that Vamps got just to poorly try to stick her ass toward the camera.
She only was going for 'lewds never nudes' or whatever because she was jealous of Susu and wanted to one up her on top of wanting to skinwalk Nigri who was famous despite never going full nude. She knew she would never be as fit or thin as them hence her being the 'thicc' versions of characters. Through all of this its always been moid sexual attention (and the money that comes with it) she wanted. Even in her attempts to be seen 'seriously' as a cosplayer it was always characters from moid favs.
I literally cant think of anything Moo has done that couldnt be linked to moid approval using her own words as a source. Especially since recently her comebacks to backlash to the shit she says and does is 'millionaires in my DMs agree with me'.
No. 950929
>>950915I think so too. She likes things, but she has this need to be seen as the ultimate fan. Now she has tattoos she regrets and a fate tattoo that's half seared off. If you scroll up, almost all her photos have her hiding that arm or wearing gloves now. Gloves are the new invisible hat. She needs to cope so much at all times. It's so pathetic. This is going to follow her for the rest of her life.
Here's the most recent photo of her ugly tattoo. I hope she's enjoying removing the worst color.
>>949424 No. 950935
>>949424holy shit, she went from looking like a turtle to an actual pig
>>950540what is she “nominated” for?
No. 950949
>>950944I don't think Nigiri would care
But Moo will be talking about it until the day she dies
No. 950992
File: 1736588177556.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 4590x4590, IMG_4169.jpeg)

My jaw dropped. I wonder how long she has been healing from whatever surgery she got on her stomach because her bellybutton looks like a fucking open wound even after all her blurring and photoshop.
No. 950993
File: 1736593962177.png (Spoiler Image,1.76 MB, 2373x657, such variety.png)

>>950992gotta love how her cosplays have just become pretty much the exact same thing.
Mouthwashing - black tiny bikini
Squid games - black tiny bikini (technically not a bikini)
Velma - orange tiny bikini
Mei- red tiny bikini
"Goddess" - gold tiny bikini
Nobara - slingkini
Hex maniac - purple tiny bikini
No. 951010
>>950992So she's not above sexualizing a woman who is literal rape
victim in canon after all.
I knew she was a dumb bitch, expected this when she mentioned Mouthwashing, but I hoped still for some reason she'd reconsider picking Anya. Oh well.
No. 951014
>>951013That’s very true. But the problem is that unlike Moo, those other thots don’t get up on their moral high horse about lecturing people about sexual assault and harassment. You would think someone who claims to be an advocate for
victims of sexual abuse would be more sensitive instead of jumping to the opportunity to make a cheap sexually explicit cosplay of a character who has experienced such horror. If she would just keep her mouth shut and stop trying to constantly lecture people, no one would have a problem with it besides the most terminally online of weirdos. But because she’s always trying to get in everyone’s face about anything remotely broaching the subject , she just comes across as a massive hypocrite.
No. 951021
>>950992You can get lipo through the belly button
I lost count how many times she got this done. But you can get on average 10 pounds of fat from one area done per session. Moo went at least a dozen times. This fat bitch
No. 951043
triggered my fight/flight and it should be spoilered. I didn't know you could get a lipo through your bellybutton tf, Sounds deskosten and scary I hate it
No. 951099
File: 1736716221846.png (274.94 KB, 475x446, there-are-fat-mods-available-f…)

For anons who were saying there is no Marvel rival character Moo can cosplay as are being silly. She can be the mod of Luna Snow when her recent lipo wears off in a couple months.
No. 951118
File: 1736745122480.jpg (Spoiler Image,304.25 KB, 1080x1192, 20250113_181122.jpg)

No. 951122
>>950929>>950915disagree. /jp/ on 4chan is obsessed with umineko
and gravure idols, which moo referred to herself as before. i think the online spaces she hangs out made her think things were more popular than they were. she doesn't understand anything about umineko or her alleged favorite characters so i doubt she truly is a fan.
No. 951145
File: 1736784983850.jpeg (590.44 KB, 828x1440, C5D7C55A-3447-49E6-B4E8-346753…)

>>951132>Anya is sexually turned on by cartoon horsesJfc…
No. 951147
>>951131She's just being lazy anon. She was going to do Fluttershy with the horse dildo but never finished that lazy fur suit. That or she's too embarassed to do it seeing how she hates furries.
>>951145What is this chinese beauty app bs?
No. 951149
>>951147I completely forgot she was going to do fluttershy. She posted the mask and then nothing. Watch her magically bring it back out now that it's been mentioned though.
>>951142bold of you to assume she even did that, instead of just seeing art on twitter and jumping on the band wagon
No. 951154
>>951149She probably got embarassed that people found out that she said she was commissioning a furry artist but anons fond out she ordered the mask from temu for less than 10 bucks.
That and a full fur suit is thousands of dollars. She def would rather pay for lipo than a full suit.
No. 951162
>>951154Knowing moo, she probably would've just gone for a partial suit and body paint so could do her usual "bikini version" whilst putting in the bare minimum amount of effort.
There's also the fact that mlp has long passed it's popularity and even though it's still somewhat around, most of the fandom has moved on. Still weird she chose now, and not a decade ago.
No. 951191
File: 1736811218949.jpeg (502.27 KB, 828x1421, IMG_6091.jpeg) posted this the other day, just forgot to share. It’s rich she’s telling people not to cosplay Marvel because "ZIONIST" when she’s cosplayed characters from Marvel multiple times over the years. Also, her not boycotting Amazon, Apple or OF because her dad said she’s "allowed three". Fuck off Moo. Also some bullshit at the end about her veneers because her teeth are totally not nubs you guyz!
No. 951200
>>951191This is such nonsense. Her “three” have invested over $8 billion to Israel or business with/in Israel. Disney pledged $2 million and anyway cosplaying Marvel =/= monetarily supporting Disney. Also
>what, am I just not going to use Amazon?Yeah Moo, it’s called a boycott. This is something YOU are pretending to care about. How can you be this sanctimonious AND this lazy?
No. 951203
>>951200There is no "three jew" rule. She's just saying that to be a hypocriate. By her standards if one employee at a company is Jewish it means they're all zionists.
>>951197You hit it on the nail. It's like this Halloween when she mocked Vamps and every hot chick who did the Nurses from Silent hill. She could never because she's too fat and a lazy and did Velma with the same bikini she used 100 times. She could have shut her mouth and done Huntress from DBD, pretend her fat was muscle. She ALWAYS has to shame other women she's jealous of.
No. 951208
>>951206Funny how Marvel Rivals kinda killed Overwatch. She's def butt mad. She had to sell her Mei cosplay because it doesn't fit anymore
She's also butt hurt that actually sexy women can cosplay heros without doing porn, like she use to do. Moo HAS to do porn to get money and attention, that's poetic for the women she's attempting to shame.
No. 951215
File: 1736830666173.png (738.13 KB, 672x878, moo stealing ideas as…)

>>951187It's not supposed to look like a horse in the dramatic sense. It's Chinese fursuiting. She is obviously copying this version.
No. 951223
>>951191"You get three", what a fucking hypocrite. "Oh, I'm so serious about my activism, guys! Unless, you know, I have to actually sacrifice something for it…" Bitch can't even give up 2-day shipping. Lol. And, of course, can't have the trendiest new phone if she has to boycott Apple…
Also, that lip smacking/puckering side-eye shit is the most obnoxious thing to come from TikTok, it absolutely makes sense that Moo would make it her whole personality.
No. 951240
>>951215At least the muzzle is square kind of like in the show. Moo legit got a temu cat mask. It's embarassing for Moo because she was hyping about getting an expensive fursuit maker to make a custom head. She was clocked on a lie that her super special expensive item was a cheap knock off.
topic change
Everything Moo does lately is cheap. Even her recent apperence looks like she belongs in the ghetto. Nothing she does says rich or classy. Money can't buy taste
No. 951317
File: 1736963985517.jpeg (139.41 KB, 828x1266, IMG_2710.jpeg)

>>951314Here is 1/2 screenshot anon. This is hilarious kek. Funny how she was lurking on there if she really had a Pokémon pfp.
No. 951318
File: 1736964104008.jpeg (68.97 KB, 828x1304, IMG_2711.jpeg)

>>9513172/2 screenshot. Moo once again thinking she can bypass another country and their own regulation rules on social media apps. I think she would’ve gotten banned for her nasty build kek. Chinese people literally hate fat people
No. 951326
File: 1736966149379.jpg (569.44 KB, 1080x1934, 1736881408317.jpg)

Heres her original post about the account. Already showing off cleavage lol Moo is dumb as hell to throw these raunchy, ugly fat cosplays up. If it wasn't the ID thing, the content alone was getting her banned. They even have rules about flaunting wealth because it shouldn't make other users feel uncomfortable or jealous. She really read nothing at all or even looked in the ToS. Hope unsaging this is fine since it's technically milk with the caps above.
No. 951341
File: 1736976153926.png (109.54 KB, 1190x560, tospos.png)

>>951314no shot she read the tos/eula. that, or her assigned chinese spy knows about her OF and beat her to the punch kek
No. 951365
File: 1737027439403.png (1.3 MB, 2521x1924, x.png)

Checked her twitter at just the right moment to see her sperging out. I always love how it's the most random comments that seem to get under her skin.
She also claims to have gone through just about everything anya has, and that horse dildos are better than men.
She also hides replies too, but i'm not going to bother looking through them. If they were noteworthy, she'd probably respond to it because she can't help herself.
No. 951369
>>951365How she tries to excuse her behavior is wild. Firstly, a lot of games are made to be consumed and FELT. That's what mouthwashings was/intended purpose.
Secondly, added to that, calling a woman emotionally incapable by a game meant to make you feel strong emotions is just retarded and frankly
victim blaming at its finest.
"I'm sorry you see her as a
victim and not a hot baddie" girl… you are guilting the real women who resonate with Anya, or even just regular people who aren't entertaining this horse cock idea. I'm not even a huge hater in some porn cosplay but holy fuck the disconnect. We all saw the countless "i wish i were jimmy" comments. It's the worst idea I've seen since the loli and erases any remorse she could try to argue for herself against past actions. So blatantly.
Sorry for sperging out. Emotionally incapable
No. 951380
>>951365Anya ISN'T qualified though. In game she says she doesn't even have the right training and doesn't understand why she's even on the ship. She failed medical school countless times. How the hell is Moo going to moralfag a character is "qualified" when canon she isn't and even the character acknowledges this? Feeding curly pills wasn't a "you're responsible you do it" from Anya. She literally couldn't stomach it. It wasn't bc Jimmy
needed control. He resents being responsible like Curly.
She completely missed the whole fucking game and is making her own canon. She's as bad as Sniperwolf.
No. 951382
>>951365 This was like how she tried to explain how there are no gay people in devil man cry baby. She has no idea what she's talking about. Girl just fuck yourself with a horse dildo calm down.
Also funny how there is another popular indie horror game where one of the questions is literally "Are you attracted to cartoon horses?" I wont say which one because Moo likes to pretend she's a fake gamer
Also, where's her flesh light? It's been like a year and 8 months now.
No. 951429
>>951427Her trying to pass med school repeatedly doesn't make her 'strong' like Moo thinks. Anya is a fucking idiot who can barely even do the bare minimum. Yes she kept Curly alive and because of the trauma of having to do it and having nothing of value at home for her because she can't pass simple med school work, she killed herself. Moo can't understand a point if the arrow was right in front of her face. She's clapping for a character that is flawed and is to be pitied. It's okay to have those characters. Her only shining light was the possibility of Curly taking hints, but that's quid-pro-quo which Moo also doesn't even understand. She goes on about how Curly was a weak man when he's following the law and doing his job. Just like Moo to think abuse of power means being respectful and taking charge.
She will never, ever be able to talk about something with any knowledge behind it. Remembering when she embarrassed herself in front of the Higurashi creator, publicly calling him wrong and acting like it's his memory that's the problem is so disrespectful all because she has these made-up canons in her head. She's so autistic in that matter that she can't let it go. She
has to be right.
No. 951431
>>951365not only has she deleted these, but she also went and hid all the guys responses too. She can't even stand by what she pretends to believe.
I guess anytime she goes into sperg mode, we can expect to see her delete and hid posts now
No. 951448
>>951425Wasn't she also in a collab with a band in her studio? Also I thought she was going to Japan this month? And the birkin she was going to buy herself? She's literally all talk now. The only thing she has done that was pricey was lipo suction. Priorities.
>>951444My take is this. Moo doesn't have any real opinions or cares about anything. I think she just sperged out because she wants to be right. It all boils down to her wanting to justify shoving a horse dildo up her holes but trying to make it seem deep. She's not making porn guys, she's making a statement. She doesn't realize she just looks more dumb and should just snicker proudly "Guys I make porn. Of course imma shove a horse dildo up there for cash. stfu." I'd have WAY more respect if she did that
No. 951495
File: 1737182141858.png (Spoiler Image,793.38 KB, 1248x804, stomach so curdly.png)

She can shoop it out all she wants, but that scar tissue she thinks she had removed will never, ever be removed from her abdomen. You can still see all of it under the right lighting and when she isn't blurred out. Oh, Moo. You really fucked up your body big time.
No. 951496
>>951495Not even only that, with focusing on her cottage cheese belly she left her tits untouched for years and I really wonder if she's blind or delusional.
She has the figure of a mother of 10 and not in a sexy milf way, in saggy discolored tits and stretched out thin wrinkly skin way.
Her body looks 50, her face looks retarded.
No. 951497
>>951496Nonnas can look the video up on thottub since it's in the thumbnail, but some highlights from the video that's 24 minutes long:
>Very end of video has about 5 minutes of her fucking herself with a horse dildo out of focus and it's instead focused on her dirty, pilled, gross sock>She takes off her shirt twice, basically redoing the first part of the video for some reason twice over>Barely reacts, so soundless>the way it's filmed makes it's clear she might be doing it herself when she's using her dildos and someone is helping film her tits [I think it's Alychu]>She has the cosplayer TuneMelt's saggy skinned pussy which almost matches the saggy skin on the underside of her thighIt's just bad. It's so bad.
No. 951513
>>951448After watching the video at
>>951495 I don't think there was a recent round of lipo. I think
>>950992 is just crazy filters and/or poor shoop combined with sucking in as hard as possible
No. 951515
File: 1737217223833.jpg (105.6 KB, 640x333, 1000110830.jpg)

>>951495She quite literally looks like a golem made from Pillsbury biscuit dough.
No. 951548
>>951529What an obsessive nitpick. Move on. No one was
tinfoiling. They used the wrong term.
No. 951854
File: 1737570245989.jpg (509.02 KB, 1080x1759, 1000020119.jpg)

No. 951933
>>951925Hasn’t she been on adderall as well?
Don’t remember if it was just tinfoiling or actually prescribed meds.
No. 951958
>>951925Have you seen some of Moo's videos where's she's ranting and her eyes darting back and forth completely manic? It's kinda a joke here when she has her 3 am sessions and writes novels of unhinged nonsense. She also admitted to doing shrooms. It's a pretty solid tinfoil she does other drugs.
Yes she's retarded, but girl is obviously high all the time.
No. 951970
>>951966You sound like Moo
"I assaulted all those people because of my ADHD"
You don't make death threats because you have ADHD anon.
No. 952026
>>952021Oh no, Adderall that we don't even know if she was abusing it. She'ssaid in an old thread she stopped taking it because just liek depression, you don't need pills, just vibes. Post proof she currently does coke, or heroine.. You know what anons mean by drugs. Stop seething over this, no one is whiteknighting Moo. Anons want proof. She doesn't snort and shoot up like a tweaker and doesn't act or look it either and has no signs. Her manic episodes have always been like this, she thinks shes always right. She acts like a trumper does and not all of them are on drugs. Unless you have milk about things that aren't
legal, then stop saying drugs as if she's doing them.
No. 952030
>>952027Maybe do everyone a solid and link where she says she was addicted to adderal? Most of us know she has said she takes it daily, but personally I don't even recall her saying she was addicted and abusing it. I wonder if you read it wrong and what she meant was people who don't need it abuse it.
This poster claimed without proof.
>>>/pt/892316 Even tinfoiled she's abusing pain medication.
This poster greentexted her livestream where she says her medication calms her and doesn't mention addiction at all
>>>/pt/772557>>>/pt/877528 More tinfoil about coke because tinfoiling about the adderall wasn't enough
>>>/pt/853148 Still can't find where she's said she abuses it, but keep finding anons tinfoiling about it
If you find it, please link it. I've been trying to find it to quell this.
No. 952032
File: 1737893215074.jpg (573.39 KB, 1080x1440, 20250127_010134.jpg)

Not to interrupt this truly riveting argument, but she's doing more home improvements. Why would you need a filming room when you have a studio?
Even went back and skimmed recent photos, and most of them are just in front of generic white backgrounds. For being a so-called "studio owner" she rare ever posts about, let alone advertises, it.
No. 952046
File: 1737932897994.png (2.7 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3014.png)

Saw this on my fyp and I guess we’re snowflakes for not getting her horse dildo porn.
No. 952047
>>952046Let me get this straight.
>Jimmy harassed Anya constantly in sessions by saying how he's attracted to horse cocks because he gets off making her uncomfortable>Jimmy rapes Anya>Moo understands this as Anya can be empowered by fucking a horse dildoMoo cannot, under any circumstances, be able to think outside of her personal headcanons. She's such a fucking idiot for this one. It doesn't make sense the whole story of "a women is more than her trauma". Moo, just say you wanted to have a whole AU where she wasn't some failed nurse with no other prospects and was raped and humiliated by Jimmy and stuck on a ship delivering mouthwash. Some things are just as they are and she hates it. Absolute child-like moid brain of her. No wonder she will never stop doing porn. She only understands retards because she is one. Guess opening your legs is as easy as it gets.
No. 952051
File: 1737935030887.png (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 1239x749, tattooos.png)

First off, I don't think Moo promoted this. I found it by accident. Is this Ozy with the tattoos? Usually, she's hiding whoever is fucking her. She also uses the pullout method. Bleak in this climate. Her ass is also so flat, there's nothing even moving. In the video he's trying really hard to make her ass shake or even clap.
No. 952059
File: 1737958112803.png (392.19 KB, 394x557, tatts.png)

>>952051>>952058Oh yeah, it's Ozy.
No. 952138
>>952137it probably is, it's difficult to say because she's been hiding any trace of him recently and we haven't really seen her with
anyone at all recently. it puts all of her angry rambling tweets and posts about men into perspective if she's still resentfully involved with him too.
No. 952151
File: 1738078881363.png (2.65 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3018.png)

>>952046Not bothered by the teenage fans guys
No. 952197
File: 1738119811100.jpg (165.21 KB, 1080x602, 1000020207.jpg)

There it is
No. 952201
File: 1738126274300.jpg (147.56 KB, 1053x552, 1000025407.jpg)

No. 952211
>>949425Late to the party, but
oof when your mom looks better and prettier than you.
No. 952217
If Moo really is on Ozempic it's not the flex she thinks it is. She's still obese while doing lipo and the medication? If anything she should look for help for her binge eating disorder instead of weight loss meds because that's nuts.
>>952205Moo really is that dumb. If she didn't have google it'd be more obvious. It's why she's so desperate to prove to people she's smart.
No. 952222
>>952217>>952205She's not getting phlebotomy & lobotomy mixed up. She's making a joke.
If you didn't realise that, I think you might've been lobotomized /s
(integrate) No. 952230
File: 1738192238922.jpeg (906.31 KB, 828x1452, EC4A3037-83FD-4AE7-9F1F-35C506…)

No. 952231
>>952230So she’s admitting that she’s grooming teens (who are mainly Mouthwashing fan demographic) by posting thirst traps and now they want her???
typical gross Mariah behavior
No. 952238
File: 1738204007571.png (87.3 KB, 863x418, 1000005935.png)

In her IG post of her Anya cosplay, claiming a miscarriage?
No. 952246
>>952241No shit anon. I know that. I'm not being sympathetic, but she will spin this as if she got a miscarruage now vs an abortion like she said previously because of how she words it. She clearly didn't want the kid and was most likely a medical abortion, not even going through the cervix. Moo is going to milk this when we all know she doesn't actually fucking care. Its about brownie points, her
victim complex. Its like when she brings up her race only for convenience.
No. 952251
there's no evidence she actually had an abortion, beyond this anon claiming they're friends with her whilst posting zero evidence to back up their claims.
>>946884>>946889>>946891Sure, there's this one
>>946875 and
>>946887 but moo's known to lie about everything and anything for attention, and if she had actually had one she'd have been posting alot more about it because you can bet she'd milk an abortion for all the sympathy and pity she could
No. 952258
>>952251This right here. It was already proven that Moo has done false rape allegations. I feel like the miscarriage shit is jus for attention so she can "one up" other women. If anything she could have had an abortion but even that isn't likely because Moo over shares everything in her life. She would have been trashy and take a picture at the clinic.
>>952257100% trusting Moo's word is never a good idea anon.
No. 952260
>>952258We aren't blindly trusting her, but unless someone can post proof she's lying about about having an abortion, we can at least say if she got one she's already been milking it by bringing it up at inappropriate times when it makes her look like a
victim and to get people off her back. She's done this three times now. One in an Instagram announcement, once on twitter, and now with saying she 'lost a child' on Tiktok. It's very likely she
is lying, but we don't know right now, so we have to talk as if it is true and call her out for being a cunt about it. For all we know she took Plan B and is calling that an abortion because that's such a buzzword.
No. 952269
>>952257anon, no. for moo we shouldn't assume anything she says is true. the only fact is she
said she got one but provided no evidence. the way we should word anything moo claims is "moo
said x or
claims y" like she
claims she's in nursing school. no need to tinfoil and no need to give any impression that we're believing her uncritically.
No. 952275
>>952274It's kinda nice but not really. Moo loves any attention, even negative. Unless it effects her income in a major way. Like them mass reporting her OF or something, she's just laughing.
Here on lolcow we're just laughing at her because she was so bad at cosplay she had to resort to porn kek.
No. 952276
File: 1738273828750.jpeg (495.66 KB, 828x1307, 9BC97C29-0B76-4816-AAF1-5A655F…)

No. 952279
File: 1738274091287.jpeg (287.51 KB, 828x888, D687A27D-6AF1-4B06-88D7-D45096…)

Moo once again proving she’s a greedy/lazy piece of shit.
No. 952282
>>952279Talking like a desperate cow who pays moids to sleep with her and still can't keep a man. Why is she pretending she's married to a rich man. She admitted she's doing porn just because she doesn't have a rich hubby
>>952280 She's a clown and is projecting her insecurities.
No. 952293
File: 1738301904089.png (6.13 KB, 236x108, didntwincowoftheyear.png)

I see the attention Moo is getting for the Anya shit is perfect copium for our hard-working cosplay kween not winning the AVN award. Better luck never, Moo!
No. 952328
File: 1738371027051.jpg (247.04 KB, 1080x930, 1000020287.jpg)

No. 952356
File: 1738420930434.jpeg (241.76 KB, 1179x1478, IMG_5712.jpeg)

>>952347You should look shit up before making a weak defense, anon. It wasn't a limited run and it's still on sale. Very easy to find.
No. 952358
File: 1738423238312.jpg (296.14 KB, 1080x1345, fleshlightpro.jpg)

>>952344Yep it's an affiliate program, she's not like the big name porn stars they work with. This is as embarrassing as when she paid to join some scammy honors society.
No. 952363
File: 1738430786203.jpg (407.85 KB, 1080x1508, Moo.jpg)

>>952356She just launched this a day ago and I did make anything up? I didn't say it sold out, I said it's limited because Moo said the same thing.
No. 952449
File: 1738603332685.jpeg (Spoiler Image,488.9 KB, 828x1221, E99426FC-34C5-4D12-A2EB-509CF4…)

Why am I not surprised
No. 952451
File: 1738604968255.jpg (106.17 KB, 1080x317, SmartSelect_20250202_045813_X.…)

>>952447apparently they've sold 30k's worth of them. I'm going to assume that's dollars, not units, in which case she's probably sold around 250 of them.
>>952437Probably also depends if she's wearing something that would identify the hospital or, even worse, filming on hospital property like an empty room or bathroom, or something.
Not that it matters, since she's just larping and isn't actually going to end up working at a hospital or in any medical field.
No. 952455
>>952449Moo not understanding the difference between a relationship and being a whore. For a relationship this is so fucking weird. You don't humiliate yourself in public because you "get paid"
>>952451x to doubt because Moo did this shit before with merch. She says they're unavailable/sold out only because her ego was hurt. Then found out later her ho use was full of her unsold merch that she had to throw out.
No. 952458
>>952455I think the difference this time, is that there's an actual big name brand in charge of sales. All she has to do is advertise it, and they'll take care of the stock. Stuff like her photobooks, she had to buy and hold stock herself.
I wouldn't be surprised if she was selling a bunch of them though, but I also wouldn't be surprised if she was over stating how many she was selling to make herself feel better.
No. 952465
File: 1738625411856.jpeg (682.25 KB, 828x1231, IMG_2420.jpeg)

>>952464No it’s not true lol and I’m glad she said it again because I’ve been trying to find the first time she said it. The woman who won Favorite Cosplayer this year at AVN
>>952293 had one three years ago.
Granted she’s barely a cosplayer but neither is Moo lbr No. 952470
>>952465OK, that's fucking hilarious because Fleshlight approached Violet to make a toy while Moo had to use the program where she threw herself at them to make it happen.
It's the story of Moo's life and "career": Her initial 15 minutes of "fame" was from her paying for articles and boosts and then brag and lie, lie, lie about everything. The only things she's ever organically grown is her dress size and her infamy.
No. 952471
File: 1738635973248.png (31.3 KB, 585x292, Screenshot 2025-02-03 192251.p…)

>>952469Joined the program and they stalled for a year when other thots who join the program instantly get their toys up.
I also don't understand why Moo is lying about them knocking down their doors to work with her. She isn't even an official Fleshligth girl while Violet Myers is. Plus, none of the official girls look like Moo, they're all fit. a funnier note Moo only has one review and it isn't great
No. 952482
>>952455Honestly should be arrested for indecent exposure. Sheer /=/ clothing. Of course Moo excuses
abusive relationships, she's
abusive in her relationship.
No. 952489
File: 1738675797485.png (120.87 KB, 1225x672, momo.png)

Some absolutely fascinating mental gymnastics going on here
No. 952490
>>952489I see, so Zionists are "not really Jews, but they are."
Like if she wasn't fucking dragon dildos and that scraggly parasite guy someone might take her seriously as a Muslim protester..
No. 952494
>>952491this is a very common antisemitic conspiracy theory, that the Jewish people of today are fakes who stole the identity of the real Jewish people of the Bible
it’s completely insane
No. 952497
>>952489You know Moo voting for Trump and supporting Elon makes this look like a bad take. I'm tired of her pretending she's
POC to get away with this. She's back on her neo nazi shit, has been racist to other groups, has went on anti gay rants because "gay agendas". It's frusterating to see she thinks she can go full nazi.
No. 952499
>>952497When has she ever said she’s voted for Trump?
Do you have pics because that would be wild
(sage your shit) No. 952501
File: 1738696182566.jpg (678.5 KB, 1290x2293, 1715494168904.jpg)

>>952499My bad
to no ones surprise she didn't vote. She was just pro Trump because she thought he would lower taxes. To be honest with her loving Elon, her whole "blue lives matter" and anti BLM stuff, her morals are still questionable.
No. 952506
File: 1738701888791.jpeg (800.83 KB, 926x1635, FAF903D2-DCB9-4A6D-B276-8DFD88…)

>>952501nta I’m usually the anon that harps on her for never voting but she’s wearing the “I voted” sticker they hand out in Vegas literally in the last thread. She claims to have voted Harris because “abortion rights” but she still has no voter record in Nevada oddly enough. However, her mom does. Wouldn’t be surprised if she just took her sticker to prove she did lol
No. 952507
File: 1738702141799.jpeg (374.4 KB, 1170x2102, BAB7B5CB-9DB3-45AE-99A2-7A29D4…)

Also posting this from the last thread around the time when the elections occurred since there was speculation recently about her having an abortion or miscarriage.
No. 952512
>>952506What in the horse-face. Her veneers are so big lol She's definitely
No. 952609
File: 1738887386208.png (190.32 KB, 1195x505, coinbase.png)

Apparently she has a crypto wallet and it got hacked recently.
Also going to do a cosplay she's wanted to do "since she was a little girl" despite never mentioning the show or character till now.
No. 952668
File: 1738981759212.jpeg (Spoiler Image,81.91 KB, 500x667, IMG_5516.jpeg)

Getting that bathroom set used. So glad she spent so much time in the studio creating this series. How does she do it? Mlm nursing scam school, low rent porn studio manager, and a raging unhinged racial Karen. A true queen
No. 952674
>>952668I think that's her actual bathroom. We've seen it before unless that's not what you meant lol
>>952672It's not niche. I don't know why farmers keep saying this about certain anime. If she liked Higuarashi, she knew about Dokuro. It's not a stretch.
No. 952680
>>952668holy jump scare what the fuck are those eggplants? why are they discolored and bruised? her pig nose?? like she really chose to put this photo out there…???? the way her pepperoni nipples look cut and pasted on… genuinely, how does each procedure she gets so botched??
>>952449lol just thinking about how she made abuse allegations about ozy only to keep flying him out and making content with him because no other man wants anything to do with her, paid or not
No. 952707
>>952668The uneven eyes, the pig snout, the granny tits, the unwashed hair, the cellulite and loose skin. If you told me this was a person in her 20's I'd laugh at you. She looks like Quasimodo's long lost sibling
What's funny is she keeps having to embarass and degrade herself with more and more fetish porn and she still isn't making a lot compared to actually successful OF girls.
No. 952713
>>952668What's up with her expression? Is she trying to convey sex appeal, because good god she's doing a terrible job at it. I would make a remark about her looking like a bloated corpse, but there's only so many times you can make that joke.
Quick tangential, but I always find it how baffling how her "job" is to be "sexy", but she can't even do that. I know the standard is low, but still, put some effort in. Filters exist for a reason.
No. 952714
>>952668She's as busted and dumb as Tuna, even if she had invested so much in her appearance and apparently, education, if she's not lying, it's really baffling.
All that money and opportunities and for what. To look like a deranged crackwhore begging for handouts and attention.
No. 952715
>>952714She's got the body of someone who attempted a mommy makeover and stop halfway after the tummy tuck. Her skin is so sallow and grey and so splotchy. Also really sucks she had a reduction when she was younger. This really shows how terrible her nipple replacement was. It's very ridged on the edges and the nipples barely get erect and are way smaller than they should be.
Moo got the short stick in genes and she's been trying to fix is ever since. She can't even stand being a
poc unless she can profit off it.
No. 952730
File: 1739069139663.png (651.24 KB, 595x1443, Untitled.png)

Maybe she should take her own advice and stop whining.
And yet another clip that she should be posting to her nsfw account, which she never uses. She barely even acknowledges it and when she does eventually it post to it, its somehow less nsfw than her main.
No. 952751
File: 1739112909878.jpg (7.44 MB, 4894x3263, Get on my level-2.jpg)

>>949508I have to admit booting a jump drive isn't a real thing if someone doesn't know computers well. That's something i would say to troll.
No. 952764
File: 1739122844797.jpeg (829.54 KB, 3264x1893, IMG_4639.jpeg)

She’s already deleted these lol
No. 952775
>>952764 If I didn't know better I would have assumed Moo was an old mtf bothed tranny
Reminds me of SquareNoodles getting frusterated and telling her to act more feminine and sexy in photos. Mission, impossible.
No. 952899
File: 1739414684166.jpg (747.21 KB, 1080x2400, 1000020512.jpg)

No. 952902
>>952899>>952901I do believe bottom barrel neckbeards are messaging her. Moo always brags about any man showing her attention, even teenage boys.
So Moo, you're almost 30. Where's your rich husband?
No. 952922
File: 1739455646221.jpg (200.76 KB, 1080x846, 1000025666.jpg)

(random social media posts are not milk)
No. 952939
File: 1739485254508.jpg (411.75 KB, 1080x1870, 1000020523.jpg)

No. 952964
File: 1739530820096.png (1.16 MB, 1067x851, Untitled.png)

apparently her fleshlight has her "stats" on it. She lists her weight as 185lbs (84kg). Clearly the people at fleshlight don't care
No. 952978
I find it so weird how she doesn't have her fleshlight as a pinned tweet. You'd think something that she had hyped up for so long, that she was excited to launch and that people have been asking for, would be her pinned tweet but its not. Its buried way back behind her weeb posting and schizo rants. She's done pretty nothing to advertise it beyond the first tweet.
>>952974It's just a cross section of the internal texture. Its not that complicated.
>>952969You're pretty much right. And from what people are saying, you can either a) pick one of three internal textures, or b) the model picks one; so its not even like you're getting one that's particularly unique to her.
No. 952999
File: 1739568051381.gif (312.19 KB, 220x138, IMG_0877.gif)

>>952964>that pose >gifrelI’ve never seen the inside of a flashlight before…it looks horrifying. How the fuck do you even clean that? I also thought for some reason it would have more than just one flat skin tone. Like it would have some pink coloring or something to it kek. It looks so creepy.
No. 953009
File: 1739603481901.mp4 (884.48 KB, 720x1280, AQOjGQhRfWKaC-anTSFHrfUGR_UW2U…)

>>952979feeder date with dusty
No. 953024
>>952993>>952997Even if she was 185lbs she is still admitting to being obese. Imagine having to lie about your weight and still the made up number doesn't align with the gym bunny muscle mommy fantasy.
>>953015Girl this is just pathetic. Saying "if he wanted to he would" while probably paying for the whole date because he is a broke loser.
No. 953169
>>953139A lot of her moids were swearing at her in the comments a little before her Hinata set that they didn't pay for lewds, they paid for nudes. She was losing a lot of subs if I remember. At her peak she was making 15k+ on her patreon on cos nudes alone.
I think she's still making around that amount, but on all her accounts and she has to do more depraved stuff.
I only say that because the "Moo is broke" rumors cannot be confirmed. We can only assume she's being cheap.
No. 953181
>>953171I'd have a lot more sympathy if she wasn't pretending to be shy in a B/G video
>>784355 while posting this
>>784365 2020 was truly the downfall of her dignity
No. 953327
File: 1740168056986.jpeg (161.86 KB, 828x417, IMG_2893.jpeg)

Hasn’t this cow been saying she’s booked her trip to Japan like 3 times these past 6 months and still hasn’t gone?? I know she’s not going broke anytime soon but she must be struggling if she can’t afford to go to Japan as she used to kek. Also we’re about to be in March (which is usually midterm season) and this cow hasn’t mooed about any nursing classes yet, I guess she got tired of the craft of the larp lifestyle
No. 953328
>>953327No worries, now that you brought it up, she's going to bring it up ASAP. I look forward to her crafting a bizarre lie about how she's finished all of her classwork early, like how she did back during her first school LARP.
It is all great though because she was mooing and squealing about how she HATES Japan now after the last jaunt with Ozy the Stunt Dick and was now going to be a menace to Korea instead. I guess she couldn't be assed to put in the work to find a quack surgeon for her plastic surgery needs and gave up on Korea already.
No. 953334
>>953332She didn't go in fall/winter though. She just released a set from the last time she was there. It was her getting dicked down by Oz from their last Japan trip. She also stated around winter she booked a flight to Japan.
She might actually be going this time since she had enough time to save up for her and Oz to go.
No. 953346
>>953334save up what? she’s a fucking millionaire. it makes no sense how long this bitch has been able to cut corners for years, abuse plastic surgery and somehow come out to look like somebody’s mom. now she’s going back to harass foreigners.
if ice poseidon wanted to fuck her, she’d drop ozy in a heartbeat
(sage your shit) No. 953352
File: 1740227882562.jpeg (306.25 KB, 1179x1313, IMG_3248.jpeg)

Ozy apparently dropped over $1k on Moo for valentines day. Isn’t it exhausting to constantly go back and forth between “loving” him or “hating” him? I don’t know how anyone can believe that they’re not together. She’s not even that sly about trying to hide it.
No. 953391
her grand on her. This woman is so intensely hate able, the way she talks at people is so delusional. I legit don't think she understands that she's a bogged lipo monster and that the men that interact with her are all lying hobosexuals that want some of her lazy grift money.
No. 953406
>>953378this is an absolute tin foil but I’m starting to think that Moo pretends to go out with different guy, which is why we don’t see faces anymore. This way she can pretend that no actual man is good enough for her.
But its blatantly him. Like she can’t even actually pretend right.
No. 953418
>>953406This tinfoil is leaning more into fact tbh. I don't know why she keeps hiding Oz and pretending to be dating a bunch of rich guys. I guess it's embarassing to screech how you only date rich boys when you have to pay for an autistic drug addicted loser to go on a date with you.
My tinfoil is this, I think she actually loves Oz. She always makes these posts freaking out about how some "bitch" is talking to her man. She will only do porn with him now to. Moo could hire a pro to sleep with her or any moid to pork her. Remember, men will fuck a corpse, so they'll fuck Moo for money. But why only Oz? Actually pathetic
No. 953442
File: 1740383713802.png (735.18 KB, 1647x693, momo.png)

on twitter today:
She claims to donate over $1000 to various cat charities around the world.
She's also apparently going for a concealed carry permit.
And minor update on her totally legit Japan trip. Could she try use it as a tax write off?
No. 953522
>>953508any US financial planner would tell you that you need $3 million in investments to retire and safely lead a basic middle-class life on the interest
she does not have $3 million in investments
she might have made $3 million over the last eight or ten years but she pissed most of it away on her trash castle and her plastic surgery
No. 953524
>>953522this is exactly what i am saying. there was never a time she had 3mil lying around.
>>953511you need to reread what i said and learn how much it actually takes to retire permanently.
No. 953531
File: 1740474908979.jpg (157.47 KB, 483x614, Untitled.jpg)

ahh, yes. Nothing shouts Hinata Hyuuga like an undersized bikini.
Why does she insist on continuing to go for the tiny bikini look, even though it's never looked good on her.
No. 953532
>>953531“skinny queen”
“gym mommy gf”
i’n tired of seeing this sexual assaulter’s destroyed mangled stomach. the clothes are wrong, everything is wrong, as usual. one pathetic and awful cosplay for moo to dress up ONCE then never again
(learn to sage) No. 953564
>>953563Speaking of online diplomas
Every time she does a fake school larp she always says it's online. Like her online theater classes and buisness courses. I don't remember Moo flashing any degree. I don't think this cow has any degrees, just a basic GED.
No. 953573
>>953567i think it’s a combination of lipo and shooping to smooth the mangled stomach area
if she really is taking ozempic it doesn’t look like it’s working at all
No. 953575
>>953573If she is taking ozempic it wont affect her at all. The drug is to kill the appetite, it doesn't magically make you thin. Moo is a binge eater, so she'll eat even if she isn't hungry at all.
That and she has shopped herself this thin before. Then we saw candids when she was at her top weight of 300 pounds. Moo's actual weight and body is always a mystery until the rare candid appears.
No. 953732
File: 1740804660656.jpg (314.31 KB, 1080x1886, 1000020927.jpg)

No. 953735
>>953732If she is saying this
>>953015 was just an “actor” that actually makes it way more pathetic KEK. Idk why she thought this was a better lie.
>I don’t dateWhat a cope
No. 953739
File: 1740819650647.png (65.37 KB, 589x714, momo.png)

She does know what dubai princes do to instagram models right?…right?
No. 953751
>>953737But watch her call other girls snakes and screaming at them for even talking to Oz. Then we get 20 vauge posts about how other women are trying to take her mans.
>>953753It's absolutely pathetic. We already know it's Oz. She just confirmed what we were tinfoiling. She paid for Oz to go on a date with her because no one asked her out. She loves Oz but Oz only loves her money.
It's def not because Oz is a good porn actor either. Tiny limp dick who barely moves. As we stated before, she could hire a pro, but she only calls up Oz. kek
No. 953763
>>953754She's only saying this because Moo has no dating options. She was on a few dating sites and got mad when guys bailed when they saw her irl. She also tried flirting with men irl but they ran too. It's why earlier last year she went on delusional rants about how cashier's and cops wanted to fuck her.
She can't come to grips that no guys want her irl. So she's pretending it's by choice.
No. 953794
File: 1740900870427.jpg (178.78 KB, 601x593, Untitled.jpg)

No. 953836
>>953794This was probably for that band that booked her last year for cheap. So Moo bitching on her socials and being rude when she realized she gave them the wrong address is beyond halarious.
She'll need to refund them or it could turn into a lawsuit. I just can't believe how dumb she is.
No. 953867
File: 1741016567111.jpg (608.76 KB, 1440x2817, 1000033756.jpg)

Back to the school LARP. Funny that the one date we can see is from January, though.
No. 953897
File: 1741057138093.png (1.09 MB, 1741x1212, gunsperg.png)

moo offering gun advice, since she's now a gun expert
No. 953905
>>953897and like clockwork, deleted.
>>953904or here's a wild idea, maybe don't form parasocial relationships with them
No. 953909
File: 1741080729004.jpg (295.44 KB, 625x660, Untitled.jpg)

No. 953989
>>953897This is probably the worst advice I’ve ever read. Go ahead and brandish a firearm because you’re uncomfortable. A gun fight on the streets will get you lots of views!
Also don’t forget to leave a gun in every room of your McMansion so when someone breaks in, they have access to multiple firearms kek
No. 954044
File: 1741247104229.png (847.17 KB, 593x903, miku.png)

at this point is even worth pointing how low effort she is with her "career"
No. 954049
File: 1741267079750.jpeg (136.35 KB, 1169x1055, 533F8F9B-9F0C-4799-929C-A49D0B…)

>>954044imagine trying to look up Miku and you see this manatee wearing a poorly constructed Buffalo Bill-esque human suit trying to pass itself off as sexually attractive .
No. 954054
>>954044I am often astonished by what moids find sexy, but the disgusting quadraboob thing Mariah does with the too-small bikinis is a whole other level of wtf
it stirs some really primal sense of wrongness and disgust in me just to see it, it’s like looking at gross medical photos on Fig1
No. 954060
>>954044Zooming in to see the skin texture she couldn’t smooth out. The crepe skin near her armpit as well as the bumpy like rash on her underboob and on her thigh.
Oof. The thick make up. The eyebrows. The face the over drawn lipline lmao. Her face has always been reminiscent to me of men putting on make-up to fringe a feminine look.
No. 954145
>>954143While Moo is not broke by any means these are not her best numbers in compairison to when she had her5 min of fame.
I bet you're one of those people who believe members of the bop house make 250k a week just because they say so.
No. 954182
File: 1741434997057.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1179x1865, IMG_3401.jpeg)

>>954152we all know she’s only doing Miku now because of Nigiri and her group. I can’t remember the guys name she’s been shooting with, but its been blowing up.
No. 954217
File: 1741472009203.jpg (Spoiler Image,637.73 KB, 1080x2400, 1000021151.jpg)

No. 954220
File: 1741475227863.jpeg (Spoiler Image,343.83 KB, 1290x1547, IMG_6449.jpeg)

The full images are worse
No. 954221
File: 1741475287614.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.09 MB, 4590x4590, IMG_6467.jpeg)

she deleted so fast probably because the cottage cheese legs were showing in the reflection
No. 954244
>>954217Doesn’t Taco Bell support the idf?
No. 954276
>>954221never trust Moo whenever she says she lost a ton of weight. Didn't she say she's on Ozempic? Even with the photo editing she looks huge. Like 250 pounds. Fat on the back of her knees?
That was a weird lie saying she's on ozempic.
No. 954283
File: 1741545674265.jpg (355.42 KB, 1080x1042, 1000021169.jpg)

No. 954311
>>954283she is so rough with it when she uses it on him. Almost makes you feel sorry for him, if he wasn't attached to her.
>>954285someone had to take the place of umbra
No. 954341
File: 1741638195502.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.9 KB, 1537x2048, 1000021190.jpg)

No. 954519
File: 1741955814180.jpg (380.61 KB, 1080x2052, Screenshot_20250314_203348_X.j…)

No. 954524
>>954519She spazzes out at all the men who sub to her (men are stupid too) but the moment someone actually calls her out on her shit, she runs (even online). Never change Moo.
That’s why her and mimsy are getting fatter. Kek
No. 954832
File: 1742520794211.png (564.83 KB, 1233x1563, gun control.png)

things have been quite with her lately, but don't worry she's here to be a tough girl with guns, again
No. 954833
File: 1742520894185.png (1.61 MB, 1840x1794, history buff.png)

and now she gets to enlighten us on Japanese history, since she's a total history buff. Just look at those books she's totally read guys
No. 954946
File: 1742704024143.png (277.77 KB, 605x1273, Untitled.png)

>>954934oh hey look at that. someone mentions tesla, as she has to post a random tesla meme, in argument that had nothing to do with tesla.
>>954943knowing moo, she'd either say A)she brought it before elon became bad, which makes it okay; B) her daddy says she's allowed three exceptions to boycotts; or C) she'll make somehow unhinged rant about how israel is bad whilst avoiding answering why she owns a tesla
No. 954952
File: 1742725635388.jpeg (575.54 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_3567.jpeg)

edited bc I forgot to sage l
>>954946but Moo and Alyssa already tried to pass off as it was for someone else. But Moo posted about it when she bought. Not to mention she’s a ok with sssniper and her elon obsession. She picks and chooses her outrage and always has.
No. 955155
>>955107The horse stuff is only because of Anya from Mouthwashing.
Anya's rapist in game is "attracted to cartoon horses" which is likely a joke in game, but the company mascot in game is a pony and the metaphor for Anya's pregnancy is a horse/pony fetus/monster.
So… it's just her being an extremely poor taste bitch yet again.
No. 955275
File: 1743129831662.jpg (508.78 KB, 1078x1680, 1000008747.jpg)

She keeps sperging about her guns and concealed carry lately. Is she just trying to be tough or is there some new mystery dick she's chasing after.
Also lol at her saying she's going to make videos. Where are your videos discussing fake figures, or the streaming you said you were going to start back up? Don't know how she manages to find the time to fit that, run a super successful studio and be a grade A student in multiple classes whilst also tweeting constantly.
No. 955310
File: 1743190438436.gif (213.52 KB, 400x225, 2D007210-9953-4C20-86BF-12A903…)

>>955275Moo when she does anything she thinks deserves praise.
No. 955359
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No. 955364
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No. 955370
>>955359But you never post to them. The studios twitter hasn't been touched in like 2 years.
I'm starting to wonder if she's got other accounts for the studio she uses after the relaunch, that she's managed to somehow keep off our radar. Idk maybe I'm thinking too much into it.
No. 955446
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No. 955471
>>955463I don't think she realizes that RN and NP aren't interchangeable. She's been bouncing all over the place.
>I'm going be an injector>I'm taking my pre-reqs>I'm taking technician clinicals>I'm an ER tech/medical assistantAm I missing anything else, nonas?
No. 955481
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