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No. 949170

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27 year old “family friendly pet mom” YouTuber

Previous thread: >>914454

The basics:
>Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Many pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after “rehoming” them. Fails to give proper enclosures to many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.
>Taylor left sober living after rehoming around 12 of her pets to be “back with her animals” living at her mother’s house, her animals all seem to be crammed into one room and taken care of by her mother.
>Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.
>Taylor has established a pattern of promising to upload, and making terrible excuses relating to poor internet connection or tech issues, or flat out vanishing for weeks to months, returning to announce another come back video which is totally coming

Taylor’s Social Media Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taylorndean
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taylorndean/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaOTXKuQ-t-eTikY96B9n-Q
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@taylorndean

New Milk
>the beginning of her obsession with posting her heroin sobriety date >>915109
>celebrates one year sober from heroin by buying herself a pink sparkly chip and necklace with her sober date >>915548 and of course posts selfies for max validation and ass pats >>915546 >>915582
>goes back to a normal hair color (THANK GOD) >>915600
>goes on a rant about wanting to go to school for zoology or marine biology (kek yeah sure) >>915740
>buys a jumping spider at an expo and makes up a fantastical story about saving it and and bringing it home >>915740 >>915837 >>915890 >>916151
>uploads a video about being one year sober “I Did It. What It's Like Being One Year Sober From Heroin” >>916126
>uploads another video about sobriety “My Daily Routine as a Recovering Addict (One Year Sober)” >>917456
>posts a selfie with what appears to be face sores >>917461
>buys a baby crested gecko named side show bob >>917735 >>918445
>more ranting about sobriety; 500 days sober edition >>921834
>posts an update about suboxone; says shes on the 3rd lowest dose, but wants to get off it entirely, explaining “its causing more harm than good in terms of side effects” >>922905
>lowers her sub does again (meaning she's on the second lowest dose) >>923716
>has to cut her hair short because its fried from dying it >>923963 >>923962 >>923961
>posts a video about her frog, shoe “MEET MY NEW FROG! (My First New Pet in Years)” >>924748
>manages to break yet another laptop despite it only being a year old >>260629
>more sobriety ranting; 19th month edition >>926772
>posts about going for what seems to be ADHD testing >>927281 anons assume its to try and get prescription stimulants
>says she and her parents are planning on moving her animals into her family's living room because she wants her bedroom to be just a space for her >>927979
>more whining about lowering her suboxone, says she's gonna put off going down to the lowest dose and ends the rant says she's planning on going back to school >>928724 >>928949
>again, even more whining about lowering her sub dose… >>929013
>spends her 27th birthday alone in bed posting selfies in racoon pajamas >>930208 bleak af
>acquires a sailfin tang, says she's only got it because it had shredded fins so it was discounted >>931106 >>931124 she adds the new fish directly to her tank despite not knowing what caused its fin injury, multiple anons point out her lack of quarantining. two days later taylor coincidentally mentions having a quarantine tank ready just in case the new fish needs it (that's no how quarantine tanks even work, but sure) >>931164
>to absolutely no ones surprise her tank gets an ick infection (this is why you quarantine new fish taylor!) >>931214 >>931213
>starts moving all her pets out of her bedroom and moving her old furniture in >>932116 >>931533 >>931392 >>932132 >>932142
>buys yet another new pet; a caledonian giant gecko named pickle >>931762
>finds a dead bird on the street and decides to pick it up and ??? play with it >>932682
>sobriety rant; 700 days edition >>933034
>posts a picture showing off her scabby face sores to celebrate sobriety >>933603 anons point out her hair colour is edited to make the picture seem older, poking holes in her official claim of being a year and six months clean >>933631 >>933628 >>933622 >>933648
>sobriety rant; 2 years edition >>935032 >>935034
>her channel gets demonetized and she has a little meltdown >>937171 >>937172 >>937225
>uploads a video “LET'S MOVE ALL OF MY ANIMALS OUT OF MY ROOM. (Also, Youtube Scares Me Lol)” >>938234 she spends a decent portion of this video complaining about youtube being a difficult job, throwing herself a pity party and basically threatening to leave because it doesn’t make her easy money anymore
>uploads a video about cleaning her saltwater tank “RESTARTING MY 150 GALLON REEF TANK | ($10,000+ of Coral and Fish… Gone??)” she plans on doing a series about reviving the tank. video summary: >>939659
>uploads a video about her new geckos “TWO NEW GECKOS! | Meet All My New Caledonian Geckos!” >>940869 >>940880
>talks about making a patreon in the future, presumably because her youtube views are poor and shes not making very much money >>941009
>uploads the second video in her planned saltwater series ”FIXING UP A FILTHY 150 GALLON SALTWATER FISH TANK” >>942595 video summary: >>942838 >>942836
>announces she'll be moving out of her parents house soon >>943926
>says she “forgot” to take her suboxone for two whole days >>944506 anons who have experience with subs say this is very unlikely and suspect she intentionally didn't take it so she could get high >>944724 >>944507
>uploads the third video in her saltwater series, “IT HAD TO BE DONE…Killing Aiptaisa and Getting a Clean Up Crew (150 Gallon Tank Rebuild)” >>945000
>she gets a house, move in planned for November 1st >>945099 >>945492 >>945739 anons speculate about whether she is buying or renting and whos actually paying the bills
>uploads a video about snakes “MEET ALL OF MY BALL PYTHONS!” >>945949
>uploads a video about her addiction “How Did This Happen…? (Talking About My Addiction)” >>946872
>her new video highlights how her addiction content significantly outperforms her regular animal content, like by tens of thousands of views >>947031
>she moves out >>947323 >>947410 >>948157
>posts a video about the move “MOVING OUT AGAIN WITH ALL MY ANIMALS. (It's Finally Happening!)” >>947648
>immediately after moving out starts acquiring pets again, 3 new snakes >>948314 >>948050 >>948995

Old Milk
>Jonny exposes texts between him and Taylor on his instagram, the messages make it sound like she isn't sober and hasn’t been for years >>882980 he quickly deletes the story.
>Taylor and Cassie live stream >>883405 generous recap (ty livestream anon) >>883513 and video archive >>884016 >>884035
>Says on stream she pissed in fast food cups and kept them in her room because of depression
>she got a boyfriend >>909853 >>909846 >>90984
>Shows off her absolutely disgusting living conditions >>899585 >>899612
>Admits in the video she didn't leave her bed for days, was pissing in cups, keeping them in her bedroom and wasn't brushing her teeth or showering >>899622
>Lies about her sobriety drug >>900041 anons who have experience point out the flaws in her story >>900080 >>900075 >>900059
>Tries to justify taking down her jonny video >>900559
>Goes on a manic sperg about how everything is different now and she's so changed because she got a boyfriend >>909315 >>909314 >>909312 >>909311
>Rants about her abuser >>910350 >>910343 >>910339 (guess jonny’s back to being the bad guy?)
>Says she's “heroin free” for 8 months >>909904
>Boyfriend bought her a pet frog >>910397 >>910418 >>910413

No. 949199

Thanks for the thread, nonna. I'm the thread pic anon and I'm fucking crying at your edit, the lizard on the whataburger cup is killing me kek

No. 949204

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She still hasn’t gotten her pets set up? What has she been doing everyday for the last month? If it’s a money issue she should’ve waited until she was sure she could afford to take care of them before moving out

No. 949265

She's been buying new animals, obviously. Gotta increase the hoard before looking after her current animals.

No. 949278

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Took the new snake out of quarantine, first post about him was Nov 27 - so has barely been two weeks. It’s recommended to quarantine pets for a couple months at minimum. Still hasn’t learned quarantining.

No. 949310

I doubt she bothers quarantining new additions at all, she just says she does to cover her ass if someone points out how irresponsible she's being

No. 949825

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No. 949844

she posted a new video about her new animals. ngl i thought you guys were tinfoiling about her still using but yikes…

No. 949860

at the beginning she talks about everything still being in boxes. how does she not have time to unpack, has she just been laying in bed for the last month and half? the anon who said her bf is gunna get sick of her is sooo right, imagine working everyday to make a living and at the end of the day you have to come home and do everything for your lazy gf who’s too uwu chronically ill to even unpack a fucking box. what a nightmare.

No. 949862

Most likely he’s probably unpacked everything for her and she’s just using this as an excuse for her next several videos to be completely terrible in quality. Her editing skills never progressed, so she’s just milking the move in a totally quirky way to give herself another few weeks to produce shit content.

She looks so scary in these new videos. Shit makeup really makes her pinned pupils standout

Unrelated but I love how her featured video when you go to her page is something like “feeding all my animals / why I rehomed 12 pets” and her new vid is “see my new hoard”

No. 949863

lol she says that the reason that she can’t afford the fish tank move is because she still “has rent to take care of” and that she drinks a like of soda.

already exposing that she lied about buying a house, anons here were so right that she’s renting

No. 949865

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Anyone who’s not stupid could conclude she was renting. She’s piss poor. She said in the video the only reason she can even afford to rent a house is her boyfriend and even with their combined income she still can’t afford to move her fish tank … or buy substrate. It’s actually pathetic watching her beg for views so she has enough money to do things. I cannot believe she’s almost thirty. Tragic.

No. 949866

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it makes all her posts about money saved from sobriety so funny though
>70k. Jeez
you can’t save money you don’t make taylor. you paid half of ONES MONTHS rent and went broke, be so real right now keeek.

No. 949885

She never said she bought a house. Only time she ever addressed it was >>943926 where she said she “likely would be buying” - which given that she doesn’t have a job was obvious to everyone but her she wasn’t going to do that. Her only frame of reference is renting a mansion prior to COVID, and she almost definitely doesn’t realize in four year the price of that atrium house has gone up by a quarter million. She’s still mentally stuck in 2019.

No. 949892

She is absolutely using and we're about to get atrium house 2. I really hope Zac isn't a junkie and puts a stop to this before the reptile corpses start piling up again

No. 949925

She posts this like it’s her actual savings account, all the app does is take the amount she claimed to spend everyday on drugs and tell her how much she hasn’t spent on drugs over time, she could plug any number into that app to inflate it and make herself look better. She’ll post this and then turn around and beg for views so she can afford to move her aquarium. All while spending money on new animals instead of getting her existing pets all under one roof and set up properly. Pathetic. She needs to get a job.

No. 949926

The sad part is renting a house usually costs more monthly than having a mortgage, if she would’ve focused on working and saving up she could’ve bought a house, but she pisses her money away.

No. 949939

the thread speculated for a while about her financial situation but this move highlights just how much she’s struggling. this is a stark contrast to her pre rehab days, I remember her moving to that fancy la cantera apartment complex when she was like 20 and casually dropping forty thousand dollars on jonny’s new teeth like it was nothing to her. I can’t imagine living every day with the emotional weight of destroying your dream life. I don’t blame her for ruminating over her past so often, she had it so good until she fucked it all up.

No. 949964

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>try to use chatGPT to fact check something simple for my spreadsheet
>chatGPT is using my fucking spreadsheet as the source
Well that's cool i guess.

I have her entering rehab on 7/22/2019, so that is the placeholder date I put on a ton of animals that she said she rehomed before going to rehab. Please let me know if that date is not correct though. Shit is very confusing.

Added her Bf's pets to the list with a note and used the date of assumed move in as the date obtained (11/13/24) and all her new animals listed in her new vid. Pickles and Sideshow Bob were already added.

Overview and By Year tabs should now be completely functional, pic related

No. 949965

she’s already back at 31?! with her boyfriends enabling/encouraging of her hoarding this is gunna get out of hand so quickly. excited for this new chapter throwing out a tinfoil that he’s gunna buy her more pet(s) for christmas

No. 949971

This is insane! I wonder if there's a way to compare/visualize the life spans of animals she buys and the time they seem to live in her care.

Reptiles can wither away slowly for months or years and if she was rehoming so many animals we would have seen ads or heard from other enthusiasts since the market can't be that large. Where are all these animals?!

No. 949975

Thanks for the efforts, this will be a good resource to track her lies.

That being said, the numbers seem way off. There is zero chance that she has rehomed more animals than she killed. Do you honestly think she has rehomed nearly 50 animals?

So you are saying that in all her years of neglect and hoarding, she’s rehomed more animals than have died on her (whether from neglect or actual causes). There’s no way this lazy piece of shit could coordinate 50 rehomes, she couldn’t even get out of bed to pee for the past 5 years.

Let’s be serious, her mom gave away a few snakes, everything else in that column should be moved to deceased.

No. 949983

Agreed, imo she never rehomed a single one, those animals are all dead. But it's fine for the spreadsheet to list the number she claims to have rehomed, to show how ridiculous it is and the extent of her lies.

No. 950008

I agree, there’s no way she rehomed that many, I’m sure some got rehomed though and I wish the people that took them would come out and talk about it, would be nice to know what their state of health was, what their enclosures were like, what it was like to deal with her, etc.

No. 950016

"Rehome" is a nicer word for "sold". A lot of these animals are valuable in the pet trade, if she did manage to keep any alive cash exchanged hands and they weren't handed off for free to loving homes, they were pawned off at pet shops and local breeders. Reptile hoarders are scum and they'll keep her secrets because they got a good deal.

No. 950050

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Stringy hair, non-matching extensions, weird choice of piercings (a bow?), yellow foundation, tweaker brows, tiny pupils and a lot of excuses. So everything as always with TND in her new video. Currently on around 37k views three days after she posted it, so begging for views didn’t really help her. I guarantee she isn’t contributing anything to rent money. Her bf and her probably agreed on her paying for her animals and him paying the rest, aka rent, food, medical bills etc. He’ll be sick of her quickly.

No. 950052

Yeah, I always assumed "rehomed" means sold to breeders, pet stores and maybe a few private owners, probably viewers of hers. But I also agree with the other anons who said she probably didn’t sell a lot. She refused to give away any of them for so long (literally posting YT videos in which she’s trying to justify keeping them all) before everything went down with JC and her going to rehab. She would’ve talked about it non-stop if she had finally rehomed them, especially because it’s supposedly such a big number, like "look at me being so responsible, be proud of me". I never bought the "I had to rehome half of my animals in a rush when I went to rehab". Most of them definitely died.

No. 950063

ayrt I completely agree. I think she pawned off a few but the vast majority died of neglect. I honestly don't understand why she chose animals as her grift, she has zero actual interest in them. She just uses them like props, half of the hobby itself is building enclosures and feeding/interacting with the animals but all we get is dead eyed selfies of her clenching snakes in her track marked hands. No one would give a fuck if she was hoarding stupid collectibles, there's no reason for her to harm living things like this for a cheap dopamine hit. I miss when she was just hoarding ugly clothes from shein, this return to form just makes me incredibly sad for those animals. She hasn't learned anything

No. 950074

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I appreciate your work spread sheet anon, although I’m also confused where the 43 number is coming from, she made a video about the rehoming and only lists 12 animals.

No. 950129

she's splitting rent with some dude and no guy in their right mind would buy a house with her

No. 950133

I doubt she’s even splitting it. She makes less than 800$/month on YT. Let’s say rent is 2k for arguments sake, she couldn’t even cover half AND she’d have absolutely nothing left to buy groceries, pet food, pay her phone bill etc.

No. 950145

Agreed, whenever she started pitching the move, I was quite sure she’s very likely not contributing anything to rent at all. It’s crazy she’s been calling it "her house". If they are splitting it 50/50, it won’t be like that for long, because she’d be broke within a few months.

No. 950146

I forgot if theories are allowed but considering she’s pandering to the male eye with everything she does to herself she might just be fucking him for rent tbh moids are that simple sometimes

No. 950148

This right there. I’ve always thought this. She has an addiction. Drugs, but also hoarding. She’s using new animals to fill a void. Why can’t she go back to collecting stupid funkos instead? She could post the same kinda selfies with them and no soul would be harmed. She doesn’t care about animals, she has no actual passion for or interest in animal husbandry, learning about the different species and how to care for them, it’s so obvious in the few videos she posts nowadays that actually are about her pets. She sounds bored and empty 100% the time in her voiceovers and we all know how uneducated she is, how terrible her enclosures are, that she hasn’t updated most of them in 5+ years… Hell, she even said herself she never wanted to be a pettuber, she started her YT posting vlogs. But the animals got her her platform she’s desperately trying to hold onto, so between that and her hoarding issue, she has enough reasons to keep buying new ones and make terrible animal content.

No. 950225

How can you tell how much someone makes off their YouTube

No. 950227

TayTay's nearly thirty and never stopped her cringe party girl lifestyle, her mom Jen is an enabler but she must be sick of having Tay in her house. She invites junkies from the bar to sleep overnight in her bedroom. If I was Jen I'd pay half of her rent just to make her go away. I wouldn't be able to sleep properly with a trashfire like Taylor in the house, her friends probably steal Jen's stuff and act intimidating. Tay probably cost her $500/mo when she was living at home anyway and it's better to keep her away from Tanner, who must now be nearing adulthood and would be easily influenced by bar hopping scumbags.

No. 950234

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social blade makes estimates based on view count, and they estimate very generously. I went with the high number just to give her the benefit of the doubt.

No. 950317

she looks deeply unhappy(sage your shit)

No. 950567

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Who of you was this lmao

No. 950571

Why would a farmer try to get into Taylor's house? No one here cares that much, this thread is pretty dead.

No. 950591

More like one of her drug buddies or she owes someone money. Be for real.

No. 950592

It was Syd. I have proof.

No. 950593

Respectfully, post the proof or don’t even bother bringing it up.

No. 950597

Proof or it didn't happen. She seems capable though

No. 950599

It can't be, she is too busy posting shit memes

No. 950612

Does anyone know what happened to that second cowfish she had? Weird how it only showed up once before never being talked about again. And also what’re the signs she’s using?(spoonfeeding request, not even saged)

No. 950633

I was joking, I thought it was obvious kek (referring to that video where she spent like an hour and a half talking about how viewers/"haters" had been stalking her for years, calling her landlords and stuff…)

No. 950637

>I was joking, I thought it was obvious
not really kek, she's proven herself to be so batshit crazy and hostile towards other women that her doing something like that sounds completely believable

No. 950675

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I wonder if this is a new pet as well… Posted as part of her new year's post where she mentions getting "new animal family members"

No. 950683

I don’t remember seeing this one before, but I don’t keep up with her like I used to.

No. 950688

I'm sorry but that chameleon looks like a deceased scrotum. RIP little guy, this will probably be the last anyone sees of you.

No. 950690

I think its a cuban knight anole, but looks like theres a number 3 or something written on the glass which makes me hope that its a price tag at a pet store, not one of her pets.

No. 950691

It really rubs me the wrong way that she got another Kenyan sand boa after just giving away the first one? And also she just got it and is playing with it in a sand box etc? Weird af(unsaged, no caps or other context)

No. 950696

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Sooo has she moved her fish tank orrrr? And snakes still in racks, begging for money. Got it.

No. 950717

A "good" PVC enclosure (4x2x2) for a ball python, all set up and ready to go, shouldn't cost her more than $300-400. Buy your snakes better homes Taylor, before getting more ugly tattoos.

No. 950745

wow such an ambicious goal

No. 950746

peak Taylor behaviour. she’s nearly 30 and instead of making like an academic, or self improving, or career based goal this is what she’s striving for. sometimes I feel bad laughing at her because I don’t even think she realizes how ridiculously stupid and immature she sound. I don’t think her frontal lobe is ever going to develop at this point kek.

No. 950759

Did this stupid bitch basically buy three snakes to just to make a Youtube video that flops? Is that what this is?

No. 950764

That’s exactly what this is, she thinks she can just pick back up where she left off when pettube was big and new pets meant crazy views. She acts like pettube didn’t die off while she was out destroying her life and she’s desperately trying to reclaim her viewers when she never adapted, she thinks she can just disappear, ruin her life and her YouTube career and just return and hoard new animals for views again as if nothing happened. She fails to realize she will never strike gold again, she will never make the money she used to on there, she pissed it all away being a junkie.

No. 950797

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No. 950801

This is literally embarrassing. A brick of coconut husk chips is $15-20 MAX. The blocks I use make 3 cubic feet worth of substrate. It takes less than an hour and a small amount of cash to give the majority of her snakes (those that coconut husk would be appropriate for) substrate. But no, they get paper towels forever.

No. 950802

that’s fucked up. making rent doesn’t even matter, if you can’t afford to take care of your 30+ pets, you can’t afford to live alone. substrate isn’t even expensive, she just posted about getting her nails done the other day, but god forbid she buys supplies to take care of her hoard.

No. 950945

I wonder what possesses her to hoard animals she’s clearly neglectful

No. 950959

same as every hoarder, which is a type of addiction. it feels good to collect things and she has a shopping addiction on top of it. she thinks of animals as things to collect and likes to show them off when she first gets them, but like every addict she needs her next hit sooner rather than later and thus she buys more animals.

No. 951113

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No. 951116

That's wonderful, now buy some substrate.

No. 951124

File: 1736750497065.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x2054, IMG_9415.jpeg)

Insane way to hold a snake

No. 951158

She always has to be in the pic in some capacity. It doesn't help that she can't take photos of the animals in their enclosures because they're all in empty plastic bins caked with shit.

No. 951227

Every selfie she's posted lately is a jump scare. She has to be high out of her mind to think this looks good?

No. 951265

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right? I feel like these last few months she’s been consistently looking like a mess. her new makeup style doesn’t flatter her features and her lips look uncanny and gross all the time

No. 951280

I don’t know why she’s going off about these eyebrows because they just look fucking awful.

No. 951284

The orange foundation is so bad. She spends so much time staring at her own face while editing these selfies, how does she not notice?

No. 951299

Ikr?! It's the black contour/orange foundation mix for me. Can you imagine how that shit looks in sunlight kek. Good thing she doesn't emerge from her hovel til nighttime ig

No. 951301

She would look so much better if she just cut way back on the makeup. She looks like a strung out hooker, like you’ll find her standing on the corner outside of a cheap motel.

No. 951360

drag queen vibes

No. 951449

Literally no one who's not on drugs looks like this.

No. 951487

She seems to be intentionally going for the same look of the internet’s most prominent junkies e.g. Holly heroingranola toopoor Lilith Levisis - which is an interesting choice to make when you’re supposedly two and a half years sober.

No. 951530

Taking drugs changes your (self-) perception. Heroin makes you careless and meth makes you overly confident. The combined and you get makeup looks like this.

No. 951621

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She appears to be shaking a lot. Could explain why her eyeliner is so wonky kek. Is shaking a drug use side effect? I don't recall her ever being his shaky before

No. 951622

Kek. That crazy dark lipstick just unlocked an ancient memory of this video called I Am Your Grandma

No. 951624

Yes, shaking is a huge sign that someone's under the influence of something. Not everyone's body reacts the same way but from my own experience shaky hands are a tell-tale sign for uppers. Of course, it could just be caffeine or a prescription drug like Wellbutrin (which can't be abused). We've definitely seen and discussed her shaky hands before. Unfortunately I don't recall if it was ever confirmed she was using at that time, maybe someone else remembers.

No. 951628

Thanks nonna. I should have been more specific because when I said "before" I meant before the drug use since she has some actual health stuff going on so I was wondering if it could be that.
kek wtf is this

No. 951633

Meth causes muscle spasms, shaking, and tremors. She's going to say it's ehlers danlos if she ever addresses it but we'd be getting sympathy bait after sympathy bait if she was suddenly experiencing worsening symptoms. She's taking ugly makeup selfies and impulsively hoarding again, she's tweaking.

No. 951636

File: 1737321292671.png (6.24 MB, 3828x2280, taylorndean_473919289192.png)

(chronologically from left to right)
Got my hopes up for new yt content, boy was that quick lol

No. 951649

File: 1737328521212.jpeg (722.49 KB, 1179x1875, IMG_0317.jpeg)

Saying our house while talking to her mom confirms she’s living with her bf. We haven’t seen much proof that he’s around in her photos and videos, she’s been very careful about that

No. 951655

She actually fully admitted she was renting the house and said she couldn’t afford to move out without her boyfriends financial contribution in this video >>947648

No. 951658

Samefagging. But she also said in the video that he’s private and doesn’t want attention from the internet, that’s why she barely posts about him or mentions him. I’m guessing he knows about the thread and doesn’t want to be associated with her bullshit, but that’s pure tinfoil.

No. 951681

I know Jen isn't without flaws but jfc, doesn't Taylor realize that her mom is probably already worried sick for her getting into another possible drug den situation with a mystery scrote, and Tay sends her this terrifying info (that they're not being responsible enough / too high to use a bbq safely) as if it's a funny anecdote. What did she even want/expect her mom to reply? And then sharing it like her mom being at a loss for words is something quirky, when it's clearly because Tay's put her through years of her shit (the helplessness of watching her kid slowly destroy herself) and she just doesn't know what the fuck to say anymore. If she's gonna keep tweaking then the least she could do is stop going out of her way to cause grief to her mom.

No. 951682

Mamma Jen is as you said, flawed, but I honestly can't blame her for being a bit fucked in the head. Your younger one is disabled and you're his 24/7 nanny for life and the older kid that I'm sure you put in a lot of faith in to grow up to be successful ended up a jobless junkie. On top of that your husband is bringing in big bucks so you'd assume a wealthy family could mean your daughter turned out alright. It must be eating her inside to know neither of her kids will ever be normal. I just feel sorry for her, I don't want to wk her but the grief she has to be dealing with must be intense. All the money and love in the world can't prevent your kid from turning into a useless drug fuckup.

Tay should stay the fuck away from any moid and relationships. That's exactly what got her hooked up on drugs in the first place. I know her need for validation is through the roof but gimme a break. And she has the balls to post about women not getting into a relationship until 24 as a good thing. TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE.

No. 951700

She loves having people worry about her even if it's due to her own stupidity. I remember being high off my ass oversharing like this when I was in my early 20's. It's crazy to think this bitch is almost 30. Taylor, if you INSIST on doing drugs, put the fucking phone down, leave people out of your bullshit

No. 951707

kek wait what? her trash can didn’t just coincidentally combust right after she cleaned her grill… most blackstones are gas and charcoal grills. I’d bet money she put coals in the trash. hot coals combined with paper and cardboard in the trash would ignite a fire.

No. 951710

Kinda weird to make such a big deal out of your house "nearly" catching on fire (which seems like a stretch) when houses in LA burning to the ground was just all over the news. The whole thing gives me the impression it was fueled by meth. Pretty sure a sober person would have realized no one is going to see this and think oh god, she almost died!!!

No. 951748

You're probably right. There's no detail to how it got put out.

No. 951759

New video

No. 951762

That new video may have been her worst ever.. wow(sage your shit)

No. 951768

This is 10 minutes of absolute nothing. Abysmal even for her, yikes

No. 951774

I will say she looks better without extensions and with her eyebrows like this.

No. 951776

Wow, I just randomly remembered she existed the other day and came to see if she was doing well and staying offline. Sad to see that she's right back to the ouroboros of animal cruelty and hoarding.
I still remember her as the young woman who made stupid but endearing videos about her fish. Who would've thought that awkward girl would end up like this?

No. 951795

i still remember doubting the anons who would tinfoil about her abusing drugs all those years ago. most of my sympathy for taylor is long gone since she hasn’t put in a single ounce of effort to turn her life around, but it is just so unfortunate that she chooses to continue being such a massive loser

No. 951796

She does look better here, that's probably the only interesting thing in the entire video. The extensions and terrible makeup were aging her so much

No. 951807

I agree with >>951774 she looks so much better here without her emo makeup and thinned brows. She also didn't go on a long rant about nothingness this time in her video but my god all her recent videos even her addiction ones are not doing good. I think she needs to venture into tiktok now at this point with low effort filming and she can push out content faster and hop on trends. She could still salvage her last bit of content creator career if she plays her cards right. Its funny to think that if she wasn't going through rehab she would have made if far on tiktok

No. 951847

Fuck, the bar is so low. Yes, she does look better than she has recently but comparing how she looked just a couple of years ago is depressing. Her face looks sunken in and life less.

No. 951875

Styling wise it is an improvement but yeah, she still looks dead eyed and miserable. No amount of preening is going to erase the years of drain circling and drug abuse

No. 951889

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No. 951895

File: 1737652081417.jpeg (65.83 KB, 671x637, IMG_4667.jpeg)

When is she going to learn her lesson? Her hair is a short stringy mess that hasn’t grown more than one inch in a year, leave it alone!

No. 951898

Definitely feels like a meth rant, but wow, she used to be so pretty without makeup. Those freckles are really cute. I'm guessing they don't show up anymore because she doesn't leave the house during the day.

No. 951927

Just got paid, so is she going to move the fish tank? Pay for substrate? Take care of her hoard?

No. 951930

Oh boy, it's definitely meth. Any time she starts frantically sperging about changing her stringy hair it's a meth binge.

No. 952001

As much as I can't stand her rotten personality Taylor is a very pretty woman under all that corpse paint. It's kind of insane how much she detracts from her beauty with her weird hair and clown makeup

No. 952002

File: 1737818391116.png (2.12 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-25-21-39-48…)

You remember that she herself has said that she used to facetune her pics like crazy back during this time, right? She has never looked like that, it's all angles and editing. I will never forget this candid from Jonny's livestream posted in her 2nd ever thread on here kek

No. 952003

nta but to be fair every single person has had an absolutely abysmal candid photo taken of them at some point. Not to whiteknight this animal hoarding, lying, brain dead junkie but we've seen her in motion without major filters in so many videos and she is objectively pretty. She styles herself like a dumbass but she really isn't ugly, even in this pic. Her posture is wild though kek

No. 952019

I'd never seen that picture before. That's wild. I wouldn't even recognize her face below the eyes. It's so wide? Might be because of the screen illuminating the side of her face
I agree and we have seen pictures of her when she was younger. Definitely pretty in a girl next door kinda way. I wish she'd gotten addicted to collecting plants or something and gone with nature vibes instead

No. 952023

Yeah if I'm remembering right for the time, I'm pretty sure a lot of those "freckles" are acne that she had picked at, smoothed by a filter. She was taking a lot of "look how sober I am" pics around that time.

No. 952109

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the color isn’t bad but her actual hair just looks so sad and thin

No. 952119

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These graphs are beautiful anon, but I think something like a Kaplan Meier survival curve or the like would really bring home how fucked animals are in her care

No. 952120

Yeah, youtube is making it harder for creators to make a living. It's not like the old days. Not to mention PetTube as a concept has run it's course. But, like those grandmas that dress still like their 16 years old, Taylor can't accept reality and ontinues to live in this fantasy.(sage your shit)

No. 952121

Glad to see she finally has her priorities straight (sarcasm)(sage your shit)

No. 952129

She always looks perpetually damp, it bothers me so much

No. 952161

I hate you for putting this thought into my head. I see it and I don't think I can ever unsee it.

The hair is alright. Not really my thing, but it's well done and looks so much better than the meth inspired hair styles she got in the past. That septum piercing is a fucking tragedy though. 100% not sober.

No. 952167

Thanks I also hate it kek, spot on nona. She might actually be wet/damp for real tho. Speaking from past (sad) experience, uppers make you sweat like crazy. Your body is trying to filter out the toxic chemicals through the pores, that's how you get meth skin. That and the picking ofc

No. 952168

Hair looks nice. I hope she leaves the highlights blonde and doesn't dye them green or some other dangerhair colour

No. 952180

Sweat from uppers can have a really weird smell too.

No. 952181

Kek, sorry nonnas. It haunts me too.

This is definitely the least egregious hair decision she's made in a while and I think it's only because she didn't do it herself. All the other ones were 3am bathroom dye jobs and it certainly showed.

No. 952184

Weird is a nice way to put it kek, it's absolutely rancid

No. 952214

File: 1738163101323.jpeg (1.28 MB, 3463x1913, C6897F51-E3BC-4730-B95B-27642A…)

Her broken computer saga continues. If you're like me and thought, “didn't she get it fixed pretty recently?" Yes, yes she did >>933164 You'd think someone who needs a computer for their job would take better care of it.

No. 952215

Breaking their computers seems to be so common for cows.
What are your theories on how it happened? Is this a junkie thing?

No. 952218

It’s missing so many keys too, how does someone treat such an expensive laptop like this.

No. 952226

>how does someone treat such an expensive laptop like this.
she’s careless and dirty. before she cleaned out her old room it looked like a disgusting gamer den picture, she had piles of laundry, garbage bags, drinks containers, apparently even piss cups, so much shit you couldn’t see the floor. I think it being that bad was a result of addiction, but even since being sober she bragged about collecting dr pepper cans on her bfs bedside table?
because despite being nearly 30 and having no real schedule she can’t even clean up after herself

No. 952242

She looks greasy is what she looks like… But damp fits too.

No. 952244

thinking about how the guy who literally sexually assaulted me is better at playing the victim than I am. claiming that he doesn't know why I stopped talking to him he has fully conversed all the pears we share that this is all my fault. fuck him and the worst part is I literally can't talk about what he did to me and I have no proof(sage your shit/blogging)

No. 952294

her hands in her new TikTok…. And the angle….. oof(this is an imageboard, post caps or embed/upload the video, and learn to sage)

No. 952297

File: 1738311944454.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1179x2309, IMG_0478.jpeg)

Something about the way she looks is scary, the hair doesn’t help, it doesn’t fit her face

No. 952298

It's the overdone lip filler and sanpaku eyes

No. 952302

The color and the cut itself ages her. She looks like someone’s wine mom. I’m not even trying to be mean at this point. It’s honestly sad how much she keeps ruining her own aesthetics.

No. 952304

She looks like a wine mom that’s trying so hard to look 15 again

No. 952309

she definitely looks more mature with the new hair but she is almost 30, imo this style and the minimal makeup flatter her so much more more than whatever the fuck she’s going for in these pictures

No. 952310

It's astounding how little progress she's made since moving out. This is an opportunity for her to learn how to be independent to some degree but it's just the same hoarding, low effort videos, and vanity posting. This is when you get an actual job and start setting goals, not doubling down. Her content is shit but there's zero reason she can't find wagey work and do it on the side, it's not like she uploads consistently or does anything beyond shaky camera footage of her new additions. She is always going to be living off someone else's dime, whether it's her parents or a scrote.

No. 952314

if her insanely low yt income hasn’t motivated her to get a job nothing will. she’s can’t do anything for herself and at this age I don’t see that changing. she hopped from leeching off her parents to her bf and tried to paint it like she gained some kind of independence when it’s clear he’s funding 95% of this and we all know if her relationship fell apart she’d go right back to mommy and daddys house. the only “”progress”” we will see her make is paid subscription bts/premium animal content on patreon or something similar

No. 952317

She wouldn't be able to handle paywalling any content. That comes with the expectation of a consistent upload schedule, actually fulfilling promises, and increased scrutiny. I wouldn't be surprised if she does attempt it eventually but she'd DFE or just abandon it entirely the minute she realizes she can't just film b roll footage at her leisure and expect people to pay for it

No. 952321

completely agree. I just think eventually she’ll reach a point where she needs money and making the same low effort videos behind a pay wall is the easiest cash grab for the least amount of effort. I doubt she’s ever even considered working a real job and I don’t think she ever will

No. 952324

I don't think she's ever going to get over reaching the level of success she had pre-jonny craig and how quickly she squandered those opportunities. It's engrained in her mind that at one point it was possible to live off of low effort animal content and anything else feels beneath her, she probably views getting a normal job as an admission of defeat. You can tell she hates making videos and puts it off as much as possible, continuing to upload half ass content really seems like a sunk cost fallacy cope at this point.

No. 952345

How long until she gives up and tries to get a job but then realized she has no actual skills at 27?

No. 952354

Taylor will probably never work, at least in any real capacity, ever again. She'll always find someone who's sexually desperate, and willing to put up with her (for a while at least). Her youtube "career" will be the highlight of her life's accomplishments.

She's going to turn into Jen, and become one of those annoying wine moms, who hyper-fixates on their child (or animal replacement), because their husband hates dealing with them. She going to live a boring mooch life, and probably relapse in her 40s to try and re-live something.

No. 952361

Very well put. She hasn’t grown mentally since before Jonny, and that relationship and her dead YT career is still her whole identity. I don’t see that ever changing tbh. Unfortunately, she’ll probably end up like a lot of "recovering" addicts on methadone/suboxone maintenance, not being able to move forward in their lives, constantly mourning the times before they were addicted, mentally still being a teenager or however old they were when they got hooked (but physically looking a lot older), but still being completely fixated on the one thing they regret the most, aka their addiction, with zero perspective. It’s the sad truth for many.
And now she still at least got the advantage of being attractive to men, but that’ll change quickly too if she doesn’t stop using and soon enough she won’t have a guy to leech off of anymore and have to move back in with her parents or get with another junkie guy and complete hit rock bottom. Think Luna whats-her-name. (Sage for OT)

No. 952368

Any time I feel pangs of sympathy for Taylor I remember how insufferably smug and full of herself she was at the height of everything. Using her fans as a personal army, shitting on the women warning her about Jonny, all the ridiculous flexing she did when she had money. It's such a stark contrast to the constant apologizing and fawning for ass pats she does now. This could've been a well needed lesson in humility but she's too dense to do the work and move past it. She doesn't understand the fundamentals of recovery, even if she was abstaining entirely (doubt) she still has to put in the effort to grow as a person. She lives in the shadow of her past and it's genuinely bleak and sad to watch her drain circle year after year

No. 952444

The smugness is probably what's making her recovery nearly impossible. It's also kind of a shitty situation because unlike normal people who lived a normal life and then ruined it bit by bit because of their addiction, she was at her peak while using. She needs a normal job and normal friends and forget about social media fame.

No. 952492

Tay, people would be more willing to give you the benefit of the doubt if you stopped dressing like a Adams family methhead.
Is this sunk cost fallacy? She would be in a much better headspace if she stopped fucking with her hair, got her tattoos removed and started dressing like a nearly 30 year old woman. As it is she's going to be stuck in this swamp of drug addiction for the rest of her life. And I don't know how long that life is going to be if her parents don't do something about this.

No. 952495

>got her tattoos removed
You can't get tattoos removed and have bare skin underneath. Tattoo removal just gets you to a point where something else can be tattooed over it. I don't think her tattoos are bad enough that they'd keep her from being hired or anything. They're well done and not political, gang signs etc.

No. 952502

She’s a whole adult woman, nearly 30, there’s nothing her parents can do, it’s not like she’s 16 or even living under their roof anymore, and they hardly had control even when she was living there. Taylor has to want a better life and want to get better, until then no one can force her, not even her parents

No. 952509

>if her parents don’t do something about this

that ship sailed. they could have given her ultimatums like “get a part time job or we’re kicking you out” a few years ago but they let her rot in her bedroom for years and set no boundaries. I get people love their kids and want to help them but it’s about balance, they took it too far, ultimately enabling her bad habits and ended up massively hurting her in the long run. at this point the only person who can get her out of this cycle is herself.

No. 952511

She's an adult. The most her family can do is cut her off entirely and that should've happened years ago when she left rehab. They're definitely enablers but no amount of tard wrangling will stop an addict.

No. 952523

File: 1738725002851.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1179x1979, IMG_0595.jpeg)

Still reminiscing her old house, it must suck knowing she ruined it all for herself

No. 952567

File: 1738815239609.jpeg (952.16 KB, 3461x1990, 09B17AB3-C6C4-4A1C-AD3F-B29922…)

nitpick, I know she has a cringe sense of humour but joking about fentanyl when she made a whole pity post about how horrific her experience was with it is weird as hell

No. 952573

what a fucking retard kek

No. 952577

reminiscing like this probably isn't healthy for her. it's going to be more difficult for her to move forward in her life if she stays living in the past and fixated on what she doesn't have any longer

No. 952614

File: 1738897870255.jpeg (1.5 MB, 3464x3464, DDB2D51B-B5C0-4081-953E-3E75C8…)

what the hell happened(sage your shit)

No. 952619

The one on the left is how I remember her and every time I see her new crack head hooker self I'm startled.

Could her pupils be any more pinned?

No. 952630

some of this is just the harsh makeup and dark hair. if she toned it down to a similar look as the left photo the contrast wouldn't be quite as jarring

No. 952638

man that tattoo on her chest is awful.

No. 952644

But the harsh look is honestly also part a result of her drug addiction. This will sound far-fetched, but drugs make you impulsive, and especially opioids will make you go "ah, fuck it" and not care (and not realize), especially how others perceive you, because you’re in your own euphoric cocoon. When I look back at some photos of me in active addition, I think it’s crazy that I ever did my makeup or wore my hair like that, even posted pictures like that and thought I looked good. Eyebrows especially seem to be a problem for addicts lol. She probably thinks they look normal. (Sorry for blogposting)(blogging)

No. 952665

I actually used to be jealous of Taylor’s beauty (in the left photo)(no1curr)

No. 952670

File: 1738983625906.jpeg (253.33 KB, 1170x1286, IMG_4824.jpeg)

honestly she could still be decently pretty if she tried. like picrel from July of last year looks fine. idk why she insists on making herself look as ugly as humanly possible kek

No. 952705

The off the shoulder tops and dresses aren't flattering at all. I don't understand why she insists on wearing them.

No. 952718

File: 1739045429685.jpeg (684.83 KB, 3232x2647, 10CAF44F-4EAB-4C02-9DD9-67A4F1…)

Nothing she says about subs is ever consistent 1/2

No. 952719

File: 1739045587232.jpeg (388.55 KB, 1166x1961, IMG_4828.jpeg)

2/2 A few months ago she “forgot to take them” for two whole days and was apparently just fine.

No. 952744

I'm guessing she forgot to take the suboxone because she was doing meth or something else. It's very typical for addicts to forget to take meds like antidepressants (or in her case suboxone) when they're using.

No. 952749

Suboxone is an opioid agonist exclusively, it won't block meth. She's definitely skipping days to do fent/heroin. A lot of junkies hoard subs for the days they're not able to use to prevent withdrawal, looks like she must've ran out. She's so stupid

No. 952750

I think I misinterpreted your post (forgive me, I'm on 3 hours of sleep). It is common for junkies to not take their prescribed meds but with suboxone you go into withdrawal and it's brutal. She couldn't have just forgotten, she was using.

No. 952820

3 weeks since her last post. Constant complaining now. A couple promised video and now she’s whining about getting her monetisation revoked on 2 IG posts?(sage your shit)

No. 952948

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No. 952957

File: 1739506485925.jpeg (481.45 KB, 3138x2766, 5C2AB32F-4C2A-4525-8F67-EA8757…)

No. 952965

Giving real crack whore vibes here. jfc….

No. 952967

she cries about rotting in bed all day but insists on looking like this
I just don't get it. Why is this girl who grew up in a stained, but somewhat normal white american family so obsessed with this crack addict aesthetic?

No. 952970

Imho she enjoys feeling like she has her own personal style however her style is just a generic nlog way for her to be as sexy as possible under the guise of expressing herself and OF type empowerment bs. It's different in her mind because she's being her unapologetic and truly alternative self, not pandering to Everyone and not mainstream. At the same time shes definitely following all the microtrends in nu alt fashion, which is basically mainstream atp anyways. It's one dimensional and it's giving poser kek. I really do hope she sticks w it and finds her own thing tho that would be cool. She didnt really start dressing alternative until recent years so ig she has to get through the cringy phase most of us had at 15. Sage for fashion armchair sperg

No. 952981

She just looks scary in these pictures. That dead-eyed stare into the camera. I don’t know why she insists of posting 20 selfies where the only thing that changes is the angle of her head while she stares into the abyss.

No. 952991

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No. 953022

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No. 953036

Her eyes look crazy here. Did she put pink on her waterline or does she have actual pinkeye?
Move over gingivitis saga, it's time for conjunctivitis saga!

No. 953037

>ain't no way the girl who unfollowed me 10 years ago is a heroine addict now

No. 953040

No way she‘s only on 2mgs of Suboxone (and kinda even inferring going through some sort of withdrawal due to lowering her dose from 4 to 2) and her pupils are STILL this tiny all the time… Things never add up with her.

No. 953073

File: 1739727464999.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x1961, IMG_5517.jpeg)

……(random social media posts are not milk)

No. 953096

Is she talking about grimes?

No. 953097

Probably Ashley St Clair, Elon's latest victim

No. 953217

“Friends with” more like internet mutuals, big difference there but she’ll post anything for attention / to include herself in something that has nothing to do with her.

No. 953230

Why doesn’t she just get a job at a trashy bar and bartend or something? She has the look/style for it and she could at least make a little money.

No. 953235

unfortunately she’s too mentally handicapped from drug abuse to work but at least she has her boyfriend to take care of her! it’s so nice of him to be her only real friend, work full time to pay the bills, keep a roof over their head AND presumably clean up after her/ care for her like she’s a fucking child. what a totally non codependent, stable, healthy relationship they must have!

No. 953322

File: 1740154124938.jpeg (642.99 KB, 1179x4181, IMG_1093.jpeg)

She looks so freaky

No. 953325

Her social media posts, especially IG stories are always so random and it always feels strange when she mentions her "community"… Her fans, those that are left, are a bunch of people, mostly young women who followed and looked up to her years ago when they were still kids. And even if some of them might still watch her-usually out of nostalgia and not because they’re interested in what she’s posting now, just look at her YT comments- she’s got literally the worst, basically non-existent connection to her subscribers ever… All the lies, all the times when she didn’t post for months-years had an effect on that relationship and she posts that random t-shirt from 2017 as if the people from back then give a single shit about her now, as if there’s a real connection. The only ever real meet-and-greet she ever had was years ago at that pettuber panel where she didn’t show up because of Jonny and she pissed off to her hotel room before the meet-and-greet leaving her fans waiting for her. That basically sums up Taylor‘s relationship to her viewers.

No. 953340

I thought the same. It’s really sad honestly, she’s holding on to her peak so hard. She’s in this pretend land where those people are still watching and are excited to see her where she is now.

No. 953375

Why can’t she ever smile in pictures? She always looks so miserable. Doesn’t she even know how to fake a smile to at least look like she cares about those people on her shirt and not like it has been wrapped around a vase in a box for the last 8 years?

No. 953447

I mean, just look at this thread. In her prime the threads would last only a few days before maxing out. Now it can't even get 10 replies in a month.
People don't even care enough to be haters. She needs to accept that she's missed the train.

No. 953647

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No. 953650

Is that her real hair? How did it get that long when it was this length 6 days ago? >>953322
There’s just no way. Why does she lie about dumb shit, it’s just a psychotic thing to do.

No. 953652

girl "grow magically" is clearly a joke those are extensions

No. 953660

Ok taylor(hi cow)

No. 953666

anon i hate to be the one to break this to you but you might be retarded

No. 953679

File: 1740718952792.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1441, IMG_5696.jpeg)

How does Zach feel about his girlfriend still having this photo on her IG? She has archived and unarchived it many times, changes the caption, like what is the point? Photos with Jonny are gone but she keeps this trashy photo of them in a bed?

No. 953689

tbh she probably just forgot, it’s years old. this was when Jonny got with syd so she found some random dude to fuck to prove she moved on or something but even at the time it just read as an unbelievably cringe “look at me!!! I totally have sex” post keek

No. 953731

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No. 953733

File: 1740804781045.jpeg (751 KB, 1170x1848, IMG_5004.jpeg)

She responded directly to you anon!

No. 953734

Tbf 2mg is not a low dose of suboxone, and she is dumb for thinking she could just hop off that dose. They lower subs to incredibly tiny percentage doses before tapering off.
Like someone being on 4mg suboxone is equivalent to about 40ml plus of methadone in terms of daily maintenance: not amount that wouldn't be absolutely miserable to just stop.

No. 953750

Shoulda saved all that teeth money for herself. Look at how long they're getting & her gums. Tay is starting to look like Icky with shitty extensions, bad makeup, unbrushed teeth and clinging to her 15 minutes from years ago.
The dried, dead grass looks in better condition than Taylor's hair.

Rehab Bro who bought her the gun! Meth posting pics from her hotel room while at rehab & getting doxxed for it was my favorite era for this cow. I assumed she probably got an STD like HPV from him, if she didn't before. Threads moved FAST as the milk flowed. The Tayter Tot thread pic…ahh nostalgia.

No. 953762

Ik I‘m nitpicking, but why wear a pinkish red lipstick of all to an orangish red dress

No. 953776

File: 1740872930972.jpeg (314.06 KB, 878x1585, IMG_4985.jpeg)

Her tinder/ “dicked down” era was amazing, I remember her melting down and changing her Twitter name to hoe hoe siwa after getting criticized for it kek
She’s very literally been “about to get off subs” for five years now, it’s never going to happen (picrel)

No. 953788

I KNOW that it's such a nitpick but why are her boobs blended together?? She literally has a uniboob.

No. 953865

I want to know what possessed her to blur her cleavage in this picture.

No. 953878

It’s a filter she’s using to try to make her skin look clear.

No. 953893

No, she’s archived then put it back on her profile multiple times since then like I said. Changed the caption multiple times. Just weird behavior

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