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File: 1730694114297.png (1020.38 KB, 824x821, uglyandpoor.png)

No. 946704

Previous thread: >>>/pt/926623

>Tiktok (INACTIVE)


>Deranged sketchbook tour mentions how she was raped but not sure by who, implied incest, wants to "arrest her parents" >>>/pt/926643

>Posting tiktoks claiming she's a man, showing off her ghost penis >>>/pt/926675
>Schizo posting thinking there's "something in her room" >>>/pt/926759
>Tiktok of her just eating a banana >>>/pt/926760
>Sperging about lethal injection for attention >>>/pt/926809
>Her car was towed >>>/pt/926853
>Says she will go by "Sarah" again, detrans, goes radio silent >>>/pt/926870
>Debbie claims she's been admitted into the psych ward at the hospital >>>/pt/927193
>Debbie says she's giving PT her car >>>/pt/927346
>PT gets discharged from the psych ward >>>/pt/927595
>Sperging about psych ward starts here, already gave up on detrans, going by Ashton again >>>/pt/927609
>Already refusing to take her meds >>>/pt/927663
>Disturbing fanfic about her ghost dick >>>/pt/927798
>Apparently her feet still haven't healed from her heal spur surgery >>>/pt/928791 >>>/pt/929836
>PT poops in her bed >>>/pt/929275
>Debbie shitposting about PT on Facebook >>>/pt/929906
>Despite her alleged bone spurs here she is out selling her art >>>/pt/930213
>Claiming she's not Pixyteri anymore and wishes she could have her past deleted from the internet >>>/pt/932598
>Wondering if she can be arrested for outstanding hospital bills >>>/pt/933516
>She's been pissing her bed, hurts when she pees >>>/pt/934028
>Meltdown because she thinks her neighbor's dog being pregnant means SHE is pregant >>>/pt/934577
>Flies everywhere because it's summer, thinks it means she's dead >>>/pt/934660
>A lot of sperging about dying, how everyone ignores her, says she hates everyone >>>/pt/936236
>Got a job but they won't respect her pronouns >>>/pt/936606
>Immediately gets in trouble at work after only a week >>>/pt/937344
>Sperging about having to clean restrooms despite having a college degree >>>/pt/937499
>Why do people keep calling me ma'am when I'm humping tables and shit >>>/pt/937848
>Wrecks the car her parent's gave her >>>/pt/937999
>Debbie gets cowtipped about the stuff she's been posting on Facebook, asks if someone from Kiwi Farms can contact her. Says Sarah is spreading lies about their family. Says she will call the cops. Gets locked out of her old FB and Tiktok. >>>/pt/938449
>PT makes a new Facebook under her troon name Ashton >>>/pt/938880
>PT goes to a local LGBT meetup at a pool, wears Sora cosplay even in the pool >>>/pt/940766
>Posts art of the late Chester Bennington, gets shredded by Linkin Park fans >>>/pt/940997
>PT goes on a date! >>>/pt/941145
>Terrfiying Gerudo Link cosplay >>>/pt/943677

No. 946705

File: 1730694383674.png (541.72 KB, 1080x1763, Screenshot_20241015-010714.png)

First time making the thread. Hope it's okay. Waited 1 month for a thread so just made it myself. Anyway, here's PT talking about having kidney stones

No. 946706

File: 1730694490735.jpg (18 KB, 576x250, lookingforroommates.jpg)

Apparently she wants to move out, looking for roommates

No. 946708

File: 1730694552007.png (15.51 KB, 743x156, amistupid.png)

banner material

No. 946709

File: 1730694725523.png (19.21 KB, 490x195, I-am-a-man.png)

Thank you for this thread! Finally!!

No. 946711

File: 1730700124482.png (1.83 MB, 1080x2132, 1000026993.png)

She joined a FB singles group not too long ago

No. 946712

File: 1730700924066.png (1.38 MB, 1080x6277, 1000027408.png)

She's been writing in her AO3 again. This time she's been writing/inserting herself as Vanitas

No. 946715

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No. 946716

File: 1730708922696.jpg (136 KB, 1080x680, Screenshot_20241104_082121_Fir…)

very manly of you, Sarah

No. 946717

File: 1730709028393.jpg (128.48 KB, 1080x658, Screenshot_20241019_181234_Fir…)

self-confessed Stinker

No. 946724

Is she still on this psychotic delusion that she's being sexually abused? Literally who would even be biting her neck?

No. 946729

File: 1730718488341.jpg (211.2 KB, 1080x937, Screenshot_20241025_085128_Fir…)

i love her non-sequiturs soooo much. girl what the fuck does sucking cock have to do with anything

No. 946742

File: 1730735020853.png (83.88 KB, 1080x480, 1000027411.png)

No. 946746

kek, I missed the queen and her infinite wisdom. So inspiring. Thank you for the thread anon.

No. 946748

Kek she is beyond self parody now this reads like someone fed her posts into an AI and asked it to create a new one

No. 946750

"Put his hair through his spikey blue hair"

The voice of a generation.

No. 946751

>I don't want to suck cock it hurts
This is extremely concerning, wtf? Was she raped? Is she currently being sexually abused by someone?

No. 946752

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No. 946754



oof. I hope she doesn't make her way up to Dallas, she might have a straight up heart attack.

No. 946755

she posts this shit every day. nothing is happening to her

No. 946758

File: 1730756856400.png (115.96 KB, 1080x469, 1000027429.png)

No. 946759

Move out then you can open the window
Wtf is always wrong with her. She’s constantly thinking she’s dying or being raped? Like get a hobby

No. 946760

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No. 946761

File: 1730757205060.png (488.5 KB, 1080x2017, 1000027431.png)


No. 946762

fucking can this stupid tard bitch listen for one fucking second.
>yeah you can cosplay no matter how old you are but stay away from underage characters..
>so I can still cosplay minors like sora and link?
bitch is gonna end up on a sex offender lost

No. 946764

Why does she sound so esl sometimes kek

No. 946770

She is literally never going to listen because she is mentally 12. Why do you all get so angry at a woman who is mentally challenged.

No. 946773

I know PT has always been a spoiled brat, but given she’s been prescribed meds for schizophrenia (that she won’t take consistently) is it really too far fetched to consider she’s just in a deep psychosis? The cycle of asking if she’s dead and her delusions feels like a trauma response combined with untreated schizophrenia to me, and I could see her internet infamy, the harassment that came with it, her family’s response, and her sexual promiscuity leading to all of this. I think she has moments of clarity, but she’s definitely beyond her parents’ help and it’s kind of grim to realize she’ll probably be a schizo on the street when her parents pass.

No. 946788

> She’s constantly thinking she’s dying or being raped? Like get a hobby
That’s her hobby.

No. 946790

This reads like it's from the blackpill thread in /2X/ lmfao. Wonder what she's referencing with that though

No. 946802

Thank you op!

No. 946817

>I prefer someone 10 years younger or older than me.
Why? She'll be too jealous of the younger person's youth and someone older would not put up with her being a child all the time.

No. 946857

File: 1730830251100.jpg (215.87 KB, 828x828, 1000011903.jpg)

Thanks for the new thread!
If you have to ask this, then chances are you are oblivious and lack self-awareness.
Nothing like the obligatory "I'm old" rambling. Pic somewhat related.

No. 946866

I think she means “no more than ten years older or younger” but she is dumb and mentally ill

No. 946917

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No. 946918

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No. 946921

File: 1730922353913.jpeg (93.95 KB, 1125x496, IMG_4308.jpeg)

Say whaaaaat?

No. 946923

Lmao so what was she doing all this time?
She’s such a piece of shit

No. 946924

File: 1730923049608.jpg (198.04 KB, 1080x1235, 1000011915.jpg)

I saw this, too. It's more of the same shit, really. Pic related.

No. 946946

On god, this one actually got me to rage a little bit lmao

No. 946955

She was probably in the looney bin but is just saying "nursing home" as a cover.

No. 947018

Apparently Debbie had a stroke(this is an imageboard post proof)

No. 947019

Oh, shit.

No. 947032

Seeing this and her recent post really piss me off. She’s such an ungrateful little brat. Her mom had a stroke and the least she could do is to help out around the house where she doesn’t have to pay rent. Strokes are no joke.

No. 947033

Sarah's posts piss me off, too; especially her tired "I'm old and daying, send help" posts because they're persistently incessant and repetitive as fuck.

Can someone provide a source on Debbie having a stroke?

No. 947078

isn't sarah a diagnosticated schizo? that'd explain her posts

No. 947079

They all ignore it if you bring up that she's literally mentally handicapped because they just want to talk about how much she pisses them off over and over

No. 947094

pretty sure she's diagnosed but unmedicated/refuses to take meds. you'll notice she had a very long period of lack of milk: she was medded up and taking care of herself during that time.

i don't know what kind of gendy hugbox she expects in borderline rural texas.

No. 947172

where did you find this out? post a screenshot.

No. 947182

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No. 947183

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No. 947212

How do anons follow a cow like this and still think she's just a normal person who is a bit lazy.

No. 947218

Obsession and autism. Absolutely no awareness or nuance. It's the female version of guys obsessed with Chris Chan.

No. 947231

She has a college degree, and has worked various jobs most of her life. She has proven herself to be capable but chooses to be lazy and selfish. Then she further self-destructs by not taking her meds, committing to recovering her health issues (her foot owie, urinary and hygiene issues), and having this stupid male larp that isolates her from normal and even lgbt peers because she acts too crazy about it.
People constantly give her advice and offer her help and she always makes the choice to not do anything at all to help herself.
At least Chris-chan listens to his handlers.

No. 947250

File: 1731278053035.jpeg (16.34 KB, 403x403, i-worship-a-deity-more-evil-th…)

>Dimmu borgir
This is so random kek I love her

No. 947262

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No. 947263

She got a college degree over 15 years ago and it's not that hard. She has clearly deteriorated since then.
>At least Chris-chan listens to his handlers.

No. 947265

>follow me. Set me free. Trust me and we can escape from the city.

No. 947266

When is her big 40th again? She's gonna lose it.

No. 947271

PT discovering climate change.

No. 947274

Next July.

No. 947275

File: 1731297167129.jpg (94.94 KB, 1080x551, Screenshot_20241111_034943_Fir…)

god please rob a bank

No. 947276

Oh now this is exciting.

No. 947277

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No. 947280

i mean fair point considering ERCOT won’t do shit during the next major storm.

just get on a bus to houston or something. god.

No. 947289

holy fuck i thought the OP was her disgusting rotted lice infested sora wig

No. 947293

I bet her parents are pissed at their failure of a daughter again

No. 947294

houston would eat sarah alive kek. she is small-town crazy

No. 947299

File: 1731336339407.jpg (146.94 KB, 1080x1030, 1000011939.jpg)

Life only gets better when you follow your path, and listen to the advice of others. Life won't get any better if she continues being a lazy slob, LARPing as a man with an unoriginal name.

No. 947303

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No. 947304

File: 1731344502471.png (159.62 KB, 1080x678, 1000027737.png)

No. 947306

>heads up
says the exact same shit. fb sperging will never made her life better

No. 947311

Not sure why this is so difficult for people to grasp. Most schizo behaviour starts between the ages of 20-30. PT is unmedicated and unable to function like a normal person, this is just fact. She's also a lazy, narcissistic self entitled piece of shit. Both can be true.

No. 947324

Kek. At least she can act like a moid sometimes, hitting random stuff out of anger is the moidest shit ever.

No. 947341

She’s gonna fucking kill her parents, calling it.

No. 947348

The tard rage is kicking in slowly

No. 947385

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No. 947386

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No. 947392

sounds like the inner monologue of an animal in a factory farm awaiting slaughter

No. 947394

>who was phone?

No. 947405

File: 1731486123750.png (260.81 KB, 1080x1061, 1000027761.png)

No. 947408

Yeah, being middle-aged, unemployed, and still living with your parents puts a real damper on your love life

No. 947411

She could find another obese middle age unemployed loser who enjoys schizo be-gendered pussy. But she would need to lower her standards for that kek. I Just know she is only looking for tall, skinny, early 20's elite cosplayers who will affirm her gender

No. 947413

>>I’m going to a job fair tomorrow but I doubt it’ll help.
Oh, God. Can you imagine Sarah going to a job fair in a loud suit and tie, her stupid bowl cut, pronoun pin, and those Vanitas circle lenses?

No. 947429

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No. 947432

>I hate stupid whores
sarah confirmed for 2x poster

No. 947435

Wow, the lack of self-awareness is amazing with this one.

>>Stupid whores.

I'm wondering if she's calling Debbie a stupid whore.

No. 947436

Pixi Chris Chan power couple

No. 947438

I could see them being a successful couple in an alternate timeline. Chris is a famous comic book artist, and PixyTeri is best known for her music and cosplay, and neither of them are gross troons.

No. 947454

Please no, Chris Chan doesn't deserve any sort of happiness in any time-line. PT would be happier dating some cosplay thot or cosplay moid.

No. 947466

KEKK she really does sound like the average BP poster

No. 947481

File: 1731613307323.jpg (367 KB, 1080x1654, Screenshot_20241114_194033_Fir…)

christ alive

No. 947483

Okay, then. At least the tape will rid her of her ugly mustache.

No. 947521

peak autism

No. 947532

She is 100% retarded and autistic but this looks like peak schizo imo. PT needs meds desperately.

No. 947550

untreated schizophrenia is fucking tragic, but her parents will never make her get help even though it would make their own lives so much better

No. 947554

>her parents will never make her get help
first off theyve tried over the past decade plus. literally nothing works because shes a grown ass adult (albeit a retarded one) and its all on her to change her ways and actively seek AND receive help. weve seen bow she reacts on fb when asking for advice, she literally never listens and it just becomes a self-centered conversation. now imagine that irl. when her parents pass she'll either be on the streets or the state will take care of her somehow. very bleak but I'm convinced thats her future.

No. 947579

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No. 947581

>they’ve tried
half-assedly; from her mother’s Facebooking, it seems clear that they think Pixy can just pull herself up by her bootstraps if they yell at her enough
they give her money and they don’t make taking medication a condition of living with them, so she has no incentive to do it and every incentive to continue moping around their house being crazy

No. 947582

File: 1731702507671.jpg (91.78 KB, 1080x602, 1000011948.jpg)

Gee—I wonder why? I'm pretty sure Sarah's father is tired of her shit.

No. 947592

File: 1731708952400.jpg (49.5 KB, 1055x487, 1000011949.jpg)

No. 947601

File: 1731715505406.png (272.21 KB, 1080x1881, 1000027827.png)

No. 947603

2nd one is relatable.

No. 947605

>>I'm not your property, I'm a man.
Haha wow. This should be a site banner.

No. 947619

You know, the two genders, Men and Property.

No. 947650

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No. 947651

File: 1731797427695.png (240.65 KB, 1080x653, 1000027868.png)

No. 947652

Has she messaged anyone?

No. 947655

File: 1731803253949.jpg (54.8 KB, 1080x487, 1000011967.jpg)

No. 947665

Why do people pretend that it's cheaper to eat overpriced fast food three meals a day than to cook at home? The only thing fast food saves you is time and energy, and god knows she doesn't have a job or kids or anything else keeping her away from the stove. I mean I know she's schizo so I can't really blame her for being delusional but so many normal people believe this shit as well.

No. 947666

Is she mad no one is responding to her request to let her live with them for free in exchange for absolutely nothing? Sorry but everyone knows you turn anywhere you live into a pigpen, sarah

No. 947668

I honestly wouldn't trust Sarah Guilbeaux being in my house and putting up with her gender LARP and being something she clearly isn't.

No. 947669

Some people dont eat three meals a day. I eat once a day. Its cheaper in such cases to eat out once a day and save the grocery and cooking hassle. In saras case, she probably eats three meals a day plus three snacks and dessert and sodas with each snack or meal. Its definetly not cheaper in this case to be eating out everyday.(blogging)

No. 947695

Seriously, PT is so insane that any woman who tries to let her live in her house would be in danger if she's prettier, younger or thin, I don't think PT would even be able to handle living with anyone who is slightly successful because she's just a bitter loser.

No. 947753

File: 1731958923963.jpg (279.84 KB, 1080x1451, 1000011970.jpg)

Sure, you're not PixyTeri, Ashtray. You did this to yourself and you're denying all of it, and I don't support pandering to pronoun politics.

No. 947757

File: 1731961495198.png (119.28 KB, 1080x711, 1000027950.png)

Lol the reply on the second post

No. 947765

File: 1731972934343.png (134.63 KB, 1080x696, 1000027964.png)

No. 947771

Because America is tired of DEI hires whom are unqualified for the job listing they're applying for. I can't imagine Sarah working at a call center, dressed in low key cosplay and circle lenses because MUH DREAMS.

No. 947773

File: 1731981376157.jpg (100.77 KB, 1080x712, 1000011982.jpg)

I miss the TikTok chimpouts. She's clearly a man, guys. Real man thrusting and moving, here. Yep, that's our WokesyTeri, thrusting and dying.

No. 947782

>thrusting and dying
PT is transitioning into a cicada

No. 947791

kek, nonna. She certainly does enough screeching to qualify.

No. 947837

File: 1732053401475.jpg (266.77 KB, 1080x1346, 1000011986.jpg)

Translation, I'll just stay in my hugbox and hopefully someone will accept me for who I'm not.

No. 947841

She honestly sounds like someone who takes too much adderall.

No. 947842

File: 1732061738447.png (132.22 KB, 1080x789, 1000027987.png)

No. 947843

File: 1732063261571.png (115.24 KB, 1080x723, 1000027988.png)

Latest reply on this suggested Uber eats. No Sarah. Driving your parent's car for making food deliveries will not kill you.
She'll probably end up eating customer's orders too.

No. 947844

File: 1732063603747.png (67.66 KB, 1080x409, 1000027989.png)

No. 947856

File: 1732073185177.jpg (79.31 KB, 1079x576, 1000011987.jpg)

Probably because your dad is tired of your shit, Sarah.

No. 947861

>the single straight up like

No. 947897

Sounds like mom is back home because she's extra posting rants about her family instead of ghosts or being misgendered in public

No. 947907

holy shit that ftm schizo that keeps spamming /snow/ and selfposts in the lc caps thread will forever be PT to me now

No. 947978

File: 1732311964173.jpg (305.82 KB, 1080x1607, Screenshot_20241122_214351_Fir…)

godspeed to this girl trying to catch sarah in a lie about applying for jobs.

also the motherfucker underneath trying to get her in the seat of a fucking forklift

No. 947991

I can't imagine Pixy being a forklift driver. She'll fuck up, somehow. —as for the first commenter? Yeah, I'd probably pull Sarah's application if it meant not having another stereotypical diversity hire.

No. 947999

File: 1732334808706.jpeg (16.7 KB, 225x225, IMG_0735.jpeg)

>I know there has to be a reason they’re not hiring me

No. 948018

File: 1732380976129.png (109.12 KB, 1080x637, 1000028061.png)

No. 948019

File: 1732381026320.png (543.44 KB, 1079x1105, 1000028062.png)

replies. Sarah thinks her stomach peen is 6 inches

No. 948021

But why though?

No—just—no. Fuck no. This just gets worse and worse.

No. 948038

Does she think it's going to descend from her stomach any day now?

No. 948042

She probably consumed too much futa hentai in between all the weird kingdom hearts BL and thinks that's her destiny. Any day now and it'll just drop while she's "thrusting and rocking" obviously. Or at least it would if she wasn't dying.

No. 948045

Or bitching that's she's OLD statuses or asking why she'll forever be alone. It's just as old and tiring as the "I'm not a ma'am/ woman / daughter" dtatuses.

No. 948118

File: 1732478212160.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1342, 1000028083.png)

Went to Starbucks alone. That close up of her face creeps me out so much

No. 948119

she looks like a cross between 2004 gerard way and an unhinged fast food manager from the 90s

No. 948122

File: 1732480100525.jpg (106.73 KB, 1080x1440, 1000012040.jpg)

Fucking hell; how are you NOT embarrassed to be seen in public like this? The lack of self-awareness is outstanding.

No. 948125


No. 948153

Im amazed she still hasn't had a gnarly eye infection from using circle lenses, knowing her hygiene

No. 948156

I'm just as amazed that Sarah hasn't gotten an eye infection from constantly wearing those creepy circle lenses.

No. 948180

File: 1732553551352.jpg (342.03 KB, 1080x2314, 1000012069.jpg)

Totally not a biological woman, guys. She's totally Vanitas and not Sarah. Fucking pathetic.

No. 948188

Flirting with women? I thought she was into men. Also

No. 948199

File: 1732571069191.jpg (98.75 KB, 1080x550, 1000012070.jpg)

No. 948200

Wholesome PT moment.

No. 948211

They felt sorry for her because she's obviously special needs.

No. 948216

File: 1732586279430.jpg (100.31 KB, 1080x1440, 1000012030.jpg)

She definitely dresses like your garden variety sped—especially with that retarded bowl cut she's sporting. Pic very related.

No. 948248

File: 1732648386789.jpg (91.09 KB, 1080x540, 1000012071.jpg)

More of the same "I'm dying" statuses.

No. 948254

>be miserable, poor and unhealthy
>wants to live until 70-80
Her quality of life is already on par with a demented granny's. Shit is not gonna get better.

No. 948261

At the rate she's going, I can't imagine Pixy seeing past 45-50, with how unkempt and unhealthy she is.

No. 948285

seriously wish there was a way to remove this "I'm dying" tick from her, like wtf
>why am I dying, i got this stubborn cough
I can only imagine how annoying/crippling this is irl aka what her parents go through. man if only she stayed on vrylar

No. 948292

I mean, she could take her antipsychotics. That would help.

No. 948299

i fear that one day sarah will have something genuinely wrong with her health and no one will believe her because of the countless times she's claimed to be dying. forties is often when unhealthy habits start catching up to people and the fast food diet isn't doing her any favors

No. 948309

Yeah you can only cry wolf so many times but if her mental health continues to further deteriorate as the decades go by, I doubt people would let an older [and likely homeless] woman just scream in public about how she's a "dying man with a stomach penis" once she's an ACTUAL elderly woman kek. If not out of concern than for public nuissance reasons.
I can see a future where she keeps getting 5150'd; a continuous cycle of being hospitalized and released only to be a menace to herself and others again. Her life is gonna get so much sadder and pathetic if she keeps this shit up. Forty isn't old and there's still time for her to change (probably by some miracle tbh), but it takes work to challenge your current critical thinking skills you were supposed to form in your 20s, let alone for someone as "perma-victim" and stubborn as Sarah who thinks everything should be handed to her without effort.

No. 948338

File: 1732757297831.jpg (557.36 KB, 1080x3171, 1000012074.jpg)

I'd love to see what the beauty school did to PT's nasty-ass hair.

No. 948354

File: 1732768752174.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1784, 1000028172.png)

No. 948356

I'm positive it's only a matter of time before we do lol

No. 948359

this is the coldest texas has been in months lmao

No. 948361

>>I wish I could be reborn and not have to hear yelling.
Maybe fucking LISTEN to your frustrated parents and maybe they'll stop yelling at you, sweetie.

TBF, I'd be yelling at her, too if I had to put up with that shit in my house.

No. 948362

I feel like if someone ever enters the house where PT complains about the yelling it will turn out her parents are already decomposed lol

No. 948363

File: 1732778489564.png (2.01 MB, 1080x1907, 1000028179.png)

No. 948364

File: 1732778894926.png (114.71 KB, 1080x975, 1000028180.png)

No. 948365

This must be the bad haircut in >>948338

No. 948366

She looks like Moe Howard from the Three Stooges. Fuck, the retarded bowl cut is strong, here.

No. 948367

File: 1732779839634.jpg (24.59 KB, 212x337, 0f9c202ad5bbdf134591faff97cccc…)

It's not wrong.

>>Is there any alphabet disorder present?

Alphabet disorder, I love it. LMAO

No. 948370

Listing your preferred pronouns on a post like that should be a clear sign of alphabet retardation

No. 948378

I'm very surprised she hasn't jumped on the tard wagon and started wearing one of those Etsy pronoun badges. I see people with them everywhere. But then again, PT would still be old and angry.

No. 948379

File: 1732799831883.jpg (381.57 KB, 2048x1536, 1711392204674.jpg)

She does. Pic from last thread.

No. 948404

I almost forgot about the ridiculous pronoun pin.

No. 948414

Should've figured she'd already have one. You'd think she'd wear it more if she's so upset about being "misgendered". Or damn get one made that says "I'm an old, dying, angry MAN"

No. 948432

File: 1732850719710.jpg (697.47 KB, 1077x1436, 1000012077.jpg)

I fucking hate that bowl cut so I fixed it with AI.(fan art)

No. 948435

Niko Bellic is that you???

No. 948460

she looks way more passable as a male and way more sane with this hairstyle. it reminds me of when she had that lolita makeover and looked really nice, her appearance isn't irredeemable she just needs to style properly for her face/body shape

No. 948462

b-but anon, that hair won't make her look exactly like her kawaii desu bishies

No. 948464

That's because Sarah's been stubborn in her own ways since the very beginning and has to have it her way, or no way at all.

No. 948514

File: 1732935549187.jpg (80.56 KB, 1080x604, 1000012080.jpg)

No. 948515

File: 1732935582665.jpg (314.44 KB, 1080x1847, 1000012083.jpg)

And the comments.

No. 948589

File: 1733024633702.jpg (95.62 KB, 1080x537, 1000012125.jpg)

You live in a state that doesn't give a fuck about your preferred pronouns—much less if you look like a frumpy, middle-aged dyke.

No. 948616

File: 1733050362538.jpg (23.76 KB, 360x270, Rom_and_his_union.jpg)

Everyone on /pt/ impressed at how Rom is both fluent in PT, and able to translate to comprehensible English for the normies.

No. 948662

File: 1733076644912.png (280.81 KB, 1080x1023, 1000028274.png)

No. 948663

kek is her larping group misgendering her on purpose to get rid of her

No. 948665

File: 1733077319929.png (104.09 KB, 1080x561, 1000028275.png)

Her LARP group are the only people who seem to tolerate her. She's going to lose them with this constant pronoun sperg if she hasn't already.
Reply from >>942713

No. 948668

More pronoun sperging—it's no wonder people are ignoring you, Sarah. These posts get tiring.

No. 948686

File: 1733092852596.jpg (189.8 KB, 1076x1131, 1000012126.jpg)

Sarah wants to Seppuku for being called ma'am.

No. 948687

File: 1733093782637.png (579.48 KB, 1080x2012, 1000028298.png)

Replies in the first post

No. 948691

File: 1733098891479.jpg (222.67 KB, 1080x1272, 1000012127.jpg)

No. 948692

>>It's definitely poking inside me.
Fucking gross.

No. 948715

File: 1733103733097.gif (401.49 KB, 500x281, 1000002736.gif)

>I'm not grace I'm a man

No. 948717

what kind of woman would she be attracted to? She always called pretty girls sluts and hated on them.

No. 948718

>I never wanted to be yaoi
Kek my sides

No. 948734

star trek ds9 on the pixyteri thread is crazy. it can unite us all

No. 948735

File: 1733139142146.jpg (651.55 KB, 3195x2400, 20241202_123125-COLLAGE.jpg)

No. 948748

I love when she drops the schizo act whenever someone uploads an ugly photo of her

No. 948755

Archive the video if you can.

No. 948756

Is she wearing a fake dick? Kek!

No. 948757

Sadly, it's just a slideshow, and that's her only foto. A full video would be hilarious.
And her boob protection belt. The ghost will NOT pull up her shirt!

No. 948765

That's what I thought it was, initially. Footage of Pixy in that ill-fitting outfit would be funny or awkward. Like, could you imagine how ridiculous her thrusting must look out in public?

No. 948813

File: 1733186450911.png (138.26 KB, 1080x511, 1000028326.png)

You're too poor to travel to NY and you'll be complaining about all that walking with your owie foot, Sarah

No. 948829

File: 1733210295611.png (111.18 KB, 1080x389, 1000028331.png)

More sperging of the ghost biting her neck.

No. 948830

File: 1733210356885.png (137.78 KB, 1080x1008, 1000028333.png)

replies from top post.

No. 948835

But yaoi and shounen-ai are different things? Come on Sarah, you know that!

No. 948840

>>I dunno
Dumbass. Amazing how she hasn't really gotten out of her weeb phase and resorts to using terms that she does not know the definition of.

No. 948846

It's the shrugs that gets me. Is she treating a fb post like it's role playing?

No. 948847

Also they are both genres of fiction/media, not descriptors for people's sexual orientation? I don't understand why she can't just say 'gay,' especially since she's trying to distance herself from the PT weeb era.

No. 948849

Because the more things change with PT, the more they stay the same.

Pixy is a retarded, weeb narc who only cares about herself, it matters not if she's calling herself Ashton or not. It's all the same shit with her stupid ass.

No. 948854

File: 1733255758452.png (148.01 KB, 1080x497, 1000028340.png)

No. 948856

>>I just want my body to be masculine.

Oh, honey, YNBAM.(integrate)

No. 948863

File: 1733264227718.png (179.81 KB, 1080x1314, 1000028345.png)

You'll be single forever with this pronoun and male larp. Esp if you keep acting like >>948686 >>948338

No. 948864

Im starting to get real bad vibes from PT that she’s retarded but also potentially a victim of sexual abuse. She doesn’t seem like a regular troon, she sounds like she’s reacting to some trauma, idk. First she was oversexualizing herself, now this aggressive repulsion to anything feminine, while being oddly specific about sex all the time. Would make sense with schizo posting about a rapey ghost.

No. 948867

File: 1733267552020.jpg (104.91 KB, 1080x703, 1000012128.jpg)

No. 948873

dw she's trying to figure it out, she occasionally works on those memento ass notebook screeds brainstorming when in her life she might've been getting sexually abused (especially by her dad). any day now the ghost will be identified.

No. 948884

File: 1733276855191.jpg (106.06 KB, 1080x720, 1000012129.jpg)

She is a ma'am and you will not harm her. Getting really sick of the pronoun nonsense.

No. 948889

I seriously don't think she's going out enough to actually experience this on a daily basis, like, isn't she broke? How can she even imagine herself leaving her house if she doesn't have any money?
These "Not ma'am" posts have to be her brain trying to slowly kill itself because of the absurd amounts of cringe it experiences on a daily basis.

No. 948896

File: 1733298219305.png (718.62 KB, 1080x1172, 1000028363.png)

You don't get hired because of your track record of pronoun sperging, Sarah

No. 948908

Consider that Sarah would be considered a DEI hire, especially with the genderspecial pronoun shit.

No. 948923

File: 1733342872194.jpg (124.31 KB, 1080x675, 1000012136.jpg)

She's desperate for money and is on the verge of overdrafting.

No. 948924

File: 1733342973954.png (136.39 KB, 1080x527, 1000028387.png)

She'll never go to NY on that note. No one would be able to put up with her for so long.

No. 948929

File: 1733344095241.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1927, 1000028395.png)

I'm surprised she posted in this singles group for the 3rd time. Esp when someone ma'am'd her in the last post

No. 948936

God damn, she's still sporting that ugly mustache!

No. 948939

File: 1733349349775.jpg (73.07 KB, 1080x1440, 1000012141.jpg)

Full image of Pixy sporting her wispy mustache.

No. 948956

File: 1733360713275.png (258.5 KB, 1080x1349, 1000028403.png)

No. 948960

>>I'm a man please stop harming me. Please stop harming me […] I'm a man please stop harming me.

Christ almighty, Sarah is so divorced from reality that she's firmly grasped herself into thinking she's a man named Ashton Winters to the point, where she has to repeat herself to actually believe such lunacy.

I'm not sure if this is because of her parents putting their foot down on her recent LARP, or if it is more to do with her being perpetually unemployed and being so dead set in her deeply-seated stubbornness and failing to seek employment like a normal person would. Her pleas of help will only go ignored on Facebook because those whom have observed her either don't engage in the crazy, or have tried to help, only for it to go nowhere.

No. 948963

File: 1733368574549.jpeg (189.55 KB, 828x738, IMG_6997.jpeg)

No. 948964

The plot thickens. She should get kicked out of the house and drop the whole Ashton Winters facade. It's only harming her. No pun intended.

No. 948967

What part of "Sarah is mentally 12 like actually, no larp" do some of you not understand?

No. 948968

File: 1733375399871.jpeg (145.24 KB, 828x624, IMG_6999.jpeg)

No. 948972

PT plot twist: SHE is the rapey ghost

No. 948978

Because she's not. She's a mentally unwell adult woman that has been allowed to wallow in her own mental illness and selfishness since she was born. Yes her parents are verbally abusive. They also enable her childishness by not allowing her to have consequences for her actions.

No. 948979

File: 1733393478156.jpg (255.66 KB, 1080x1737, Screenshot_20241205_101025_Fir…)

she cracks me up fr

No. 948986

>remember I was a man

No. 948987

I have officially entered a realm where I think I'm too locked into the storyline here. I've worked nightly PT updates into my bedtime doom scrolling routine lately, and last night I discovered it's HARMING ME.

I had a disgustingly vivid dream of being in touch with PT through messenger. I was an attractive female, the "It" girl, and to her definitely an angel. I showed up to her home town and she followed me into the girls bathroom, cornering me. She asks me if I'm me and I tell her no and go into the handicap stall to "use the bathroom" but ultimately escape. It's no good. She has me right where she wants me. She kneels down by the door, only exposing her manly sausage legs that are bursting through her garments. She says she knows its me and speaks to me like she's seducing a scared kitten. Then starts to masterbate. I scream and freak the fuck out, alerting for outside help. The dream continues. I'll spare you all the details, I think I've done enough to paint a picture here.

Y'all learn from me and be careful. I gotta take a break this is too much and I am scared and you will not harm me and also stop biting my neck I'm not interested

No. 948989

>implying that PT understands any of the punishments here parents have attempted previously

No. 948990

>a judge needed to kick a freeloader out of their house
I dont know burger laws, bu it sounds like some bullshit her parents said to scare her straight. "Behave or we will call the judge!!!". They can just throw her shit in the curb, right?
I fucking hate their middle ground. They dont care enough to get her mental health help, or stablish firm boundaries and discipline, but they also dont kick her out and cut ties with her.
They enable all of her bullshit and expenses, and then turn around to bully and torment her. Its honestly pretty fucking vile.

No. 948991

>They also enable her childishness by not allowing her to have consequences for her actions
shes too old for this argument. theres literally no way to get through to her head, irl or online.

No. 948992

The problem with PT is that she is like the ana-cows and BPD-cows. Even if you handed her EVERY bit of help, in-patient therapy and all nine yards, she would still be the victim uwu poor me. She doesnt want therapy. She wants things that are nor attainable. She wants to be pretty/handsome young boy. Kek
She wants platitudes for bare minimum. She wants to be doted on and babied. She is most definetly crazy. But anytime a therapists tries to bring her back to reality, she gets mad at them and calls them abusive and shit. She thinks being told to supress her gender identity to secure a job longterm is abusive. She has jumped on the Tranny-retardation bandwagon so hard. I neither feel bad for her nor her parents. They are all a lot of retarded wastes of space. All i can say for her parents is, atleast they had jobs and paid taxes and contributed to society. PT is trash on the floor compared to her parents being trash in the trashcan atleast.(emoji/integrate)

No. 948998

she was banned for being too based

No. 948999

File: 1733432399340.png (77.73 KB, 1080x447, 1000028420.png)

No. 949000

no, under Texas law, they would have to give her a 30-day eviction notice and then go to court if they wanted to have law enforcement remove her

No. 949005

Now she’s trying to rehome her cat, I am scared because lots of people would use it for pit bull fights in Texas or just to abuse it.(this is an imageboard, post caps)

No. 949007

What the fuck? I didn't know there were niggers in Texas. Do brown people organize dog fights as well?(racebait)

No. 949010

File: 1733442545297.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1513, 1000028424.png)

No. 949029

She's had this cat forever…what the fuck, Sarah.

No. 949035

Literally why? Is she just being dramatic about her parents threatening to kick her out?

No. 949038

I genuinely feel for Suki. Rehoming a senior cat is not exactly an easy thing to do.

This has me wondering if this is all just the effects of fearing that she'll be out on the street, homeless, soon.

No. 949039

File: 1733463758573.jpeg (376.71 KB, 1170x772, IMG_9404.jpeg)

No. 949040

>>Why can't a good person like me have a safe, clean bed, why can't I ever afford things?

Gee I wonder why! Her posts are anything, but masculine. A man would not complain like this at all. He would try to fix the problem, or do some side-gigs or odd jobs to afford the basic of basic needs.

The reason why nobody likes you is because you have an insufferable, unlikeable personality that irritates even the most patient of people.(unintegrated posting style)

No. 949043

You really want to dunk on PT so bad that you're going to pretend that there isn't a whole culture of male NEETs who blame mommy for every problem in their life and do absolutely nothing for themselves or anyone else? Get a grip.(infighting)

No. 949052

prolly just another bait to make people feel bad for her.
Wouldnt you have to pay rent to get evicted? Texas sounds like a place that doesnt just hand out as much SSA and SSI to pander retards.

No. 949055

no, you don’t have to pay rent to get evicted, Texas wants taxpaying citizens to be able to get rid of parasitic adult children, so there is a legal process for doing that

No. 949062

they probably said that to put the fear of god in her and as a wakeup call, theyre getting older after all. but shes too stupid and takes what they say literally

No. 949065

She deleted this post

No. 949069


No. 949075

File: 1733515638273.jpg (617.29 KB, 1080x2245, 1000028439.jpg)

Found out why post was deleted. Glad others commented for Suki. Sarah can fuck right off on the streets. Grabbed from the other farms.

No. 949079

That poor kitty deserves so much better.

No. 949080

File: 1733517509021.jpg (121.57 KB, 1067x742, 1000012214.jpg)

No. 949081

Sarah shits and pisses all over her own bed but she wants to get rid of her cat because having a litter box in the restroom is unsanitary? God she's such a selfish fucking cunt.

No. 949083

this is why no one cares for her. she is an extremely selfish retard.
>wahh the litter box smells time to get rid of my cat
like this geunine retard doesnt piss or shit in her own bed and walk around 24/7 smelling like 1 month old garbage. yet her parents havent gotten rid of her after all these years.

No. 949084

Fucking heartless. That cat is so adorable too, what the fuck? Cuntress

No. 949085

All Sarah cares about is herself and whether if she's dying or not. I miss the pre-Ashtray PT.

No. 949087

She also wanted to declaw her cat years ago

No. 949099

I could get this if it was a matter of
>I'm too mentally ill to care for myself and my cat as well. I'll rehome her so she doesn't suffer etc.
But even then, why wouldn't the first thought be to have a relative take her? Anything other than just outright sending her to a shelter. Sarah having zero sense of introspection is scary.

No. 949153

File: 1733592197066.png (104.83 KB, 1080x422, 1000028471.png)

No. 949159

yet another banger banner from the queen of all lolcows

No. 949167

I love when she gets impassioned. Go, PT, GO!

No. 949177

Were you actually rejected, Sarah?? Did you actually go through the process of filling out some sort of an application? Because I have some doubts

No. 949180

File: 1733609194498.jpg (3.87 MB, 1505x3000, ao3_1.jpg)

Been awhile since checking her AO3. Several new entries. Too lazy to cap everything. Just more entries of inserting herself as Vanitas as a trans man.
Pic rel confirms her mom having a stroke in the first paragraph.

No. 949181

File: 1733609233728.jpg (2.12 MB, 1489x1480, ao3_2.jpg)

No. 949184

the evolution of pt's sexuality is confounding. now she wants to be a bishie daddy dom to an anime waifu sub. is this kind of thing something that stems from a porn addiction? she went from wanting to be a sexy idoru waifu -> wanting to be yaoi -> now this. am i missing something?

No. 949186

File: 1733613385240.png (1.54 MB, 1080x2706, 1000028501.png)

No. 949192

File: 1733618226336.jpg (329.83 KB, 1080x1828, 1000012226.jpg)

Comments for the broken bed post.

No. 949195

>>949181 "youre so good letting me fuck you like a potty"

bro what the fuck

No. 949202

File: 1733627427536.jpg (210.41 KB, 1080x1538, 1000012227.jpg)

Comments from her Christmas Parade post.

>>You seem to be a very nice woman.


No. 949203

KEK oh my goodness he's makin his move isn't he?

No. 949205

This text will not harm me I will not continue reading
Over 40 years old and still has shitty anime drawings on her wall..

No. 949208

>Hot bread. Spaghetti. Cheesecake. And his raging inferno of… whatever.
massive kek. Honestly this was a funny read up until the horrifying sex scene.

this is definitely one of those weird foreign catfish scammers that target lonely women on fb

No. 949211

there are tears streaming down my face. I also liked
>he said handsomely

No. 949212

This is so sad. Idk why but this is kind of shocking to me, I didn't know sarah was this heartless towards pets. Such a cute old kitty, I wish she had someone who loved her.

No. 949223

File: 1733678673468.jpg (24.76 KB, 640x640, 23c971dbf95d9923d87d4acd313a81…)

I havent checked on PT in several years and I was hoping she was doing better. Hearing she's 40 and trooned out saddens me so much. I wonder if taking her meds regularly and having people not validate her delusions would have made it any better or if she was too fucked up from the start.

No. 949228

Definitely a bs/bot account, they talk like that all the time lol

No. 949229

How long have you guys been paying attention to this person?

No. 949230

This board is literally named after her Newfriend.

Honestly might be better if one of her less retarded larp acquaintances were to take her. Her whole household is a mess.

No. 949236

>>949181 "let me scrub that hot dick"

The mortal coil has become too much for me.

No. 949243

File: 1733705837849.png (100.51 KB, 1080x507, 1000028531.png)

No. 949246

>the printed yaoi pictures on the wall
Jeez, if I was her mother I would also let my brain go insane so I didn't have to witness that, I get it if your child is like 13 years old or 16 years old even, but 40? That's several layers of patheticness, specially because she can't even afford to print them herself.
>food poisoning
>I wish I was a moid
Does she think moids never get food poisoning or what?

No. 949249

>>I wish it were out so I could be a real man.

She thinks she can sprout a penis from out of her stomach. What the actual fuck? That's not how that works.(unintegrated posting style)

No. 949250

I stopped checking on her when she seemed like she finally got her life sorted out and lost weight. I thought that PT's era as a lolcow queen ended. Boy was I wrong and she's worse than ever. This ride will never end.

No. 949256

You magically expect a mentally handicapped person to do a 180?

No. 949260

we habe mentally sound cows here who 100% refuse to change just because.

No. 949267

what's berry?
she's always been strange but this new identity of her screams trauma induced. I wouldn't doubt it for a second that years and years of bullying from some of the worst >>946773
people in the world has contributed to that. not to mention the men she was involved with who posted revenge form way back when. transgender identities are known to attract people who are mentally ill and struggling in general. I wonder why everyone thinks that if she got a therapist or supposed mental health that she would change massively when unless her real life circumstances also change simultaneously nothing is going to happen? she definitely needs to move away from her abusive mother. she could use some kind of financial assistance I think that would be the biggest help to her. and a support group. If you're under constant stress because you're poor you're not going to get better psychologically but the world doesn't give a shit.

If she's a diagnosed schizophrenic how can she expect to find a job when she's not medicated?

No. 949268

>If she's a diagnosed schizophrenic how can she expect to find a job when she's not medicated?
Because she's schizophrenic and in denial, like many tend to be

No. 949282

No, she wants a hysterectomy. That's what she wants "removed".

No. 949283

do you have confirmation or is this an opinion. sarah's mind is so delusional I think she barely has a grasp on basic anatomy.

No. 949298

It’s all those tanning pills fault!

No. 949305

File: 1733805290313.png (201.72 KB, 1080x963, 1000028554.png)

No. 949306

File: 1733805314347.png (172.63 KB, 1080x907, 1000028553.png)

No. 949331

File: 1733862224635.png (291 KB, 1080x1139, 1000028574.png)

No. 949334

File: 1733862629250.png (154.36 KB, 1080x543, 1000028575.png)

No. 949335

>I’m so old wtf
As if she’s looking at her ID constantly checking and realizing again and again her age? Wtf is this even about. I swear nobody thinks about aging that much.

No. 949336

My theory is that she's either been called too old to do her cosplay shit many times by her mom or someone else. Or maybe someone told her her various health issues (half of which she's probably imagining) are part of getting old.

No. 949341

it has to be her parents, I think theyre the only people who talk to her daily

No. 949343

>wasted time cosplaying characters
>started deciding for myself
Come on. Nobody forced her to cosplay anything in the past. She's had as much freedom of choice in the past as she does now. If anything, if she was forced to do anything cosplay-wise, itd probably be to stop all this shit altogether

No. 949344

File: 1733870858271.jpg (161.56 KB, 1080x597, Screenshot_20241210_224715_Fir…)

fucking grim.

No. 949352

jesus christ, brush your teeth sarah

No. 949361

File: 1733903879832.png (87.84 KB, 1080x440, 1000028593.png)

No. 949366

Bitch answered her own question, surely she must know too otherwise why bring up the inhaler.

No. 949378

Yep. Steroid inhalers + oral antibiotics + poor hygiene = absolute nuclear damage to the oral health

No. 949379

Yep. Steroid inhalers + oral antibiotics + poor hygiene = absolute nuclear damage to the oral health

No. 949386

tripod-san is actually the current-day ghost trying to marry/impregnate her, he was the one actually making her cosplay as a qt anime waifu. it was him all along.

No. 949414

File: 1733955932905.jpg (111.95 KB, 1079x809, 1000012248.jpg)

No. 949416

File: 1733961531297.png (1.17 MB, 1080x2024, 1000028603.png)

>If I have a future

No. 949437

File: 1733986924676.png (1.14 MB, 1080x2072, 1000028620.png)

No. 949438

The difference in her pupils look crazy, why would some lenses have just a tiny hole for your pupil? Is it just for the aesthetic? Wouldn't that make it hard to see?

No. 949448

File: 1734017786391.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1559, 1000028618.png)

lol she wants to ride NYC metro

No. 949449

KEK pt is so fucking funny

No. 949480

File: 1734038853093.jpg (84.5 KB, 1080x547, 1000012260.jpg)

No. 949491

is she… trying to imply CSA/being forced to give oral or am I misunderstanding…???

No. 949504

That's what I thought too

No. 949505

she’s been on this for a while, but it’s either the schizophrenia or a lie for attention because she says she can’t remember what happened

No. 949519

Ugh don't tell me this is a continuation of the fell asleep in the motel room story, I'd conveniently blocked that out. I kind of hope it is schizophrenic delusion, because her making this all up for attention is just sick.

No. 949542

File: 1734112896214.png (162.07 KB, 1080x1042, 1000028647.png)

No. 949552

File: 1734125110199.jpg (81.02 KB, 1080x490, 1000012282.jpg)


No. 949553

Banner material KEK

No. 949554

They're not for seeing through, they're to be endured for a limited number of hours in cosplay. Her vision is probably a colored haze around the edges 24/7

No. 949566

PT really not beating those blackpiller allegations kekk
>troon, hates being a woman
>for some reason obsessed with blowjobs

No. 949588

File: 1734209894133.jpg (110.53 KB, 1080x703, 1000012298.jpg)

No. 949606

File: 1734241896178.jpg (1.97 MB, 2048x4096, 1000027711.jpg)

She WILL live until tomorrow.

No. 949607

this is very disturbing, I'm not going to lie. the concept is surprisingly creative though

No. 949635

still in awe how she was convinced she was a gay man for a long time and wanted to be literally yaoi and now she suddenly wants a "hot chick" lmao

No. 949638

File: 1734283948803.png (123.05 KB, 1080x465, 1000028711.png)

No. 949651

Because you look like an ugly woman and people try to be polite by not addressing you as sir kek

No. 949653

Is that a vaguely tentacleshaped border in the background and around the neck?

No. 949656

File: 1734299458169.png (2.03 MB, 1080x1826, 1000028715.png)

No. 949673

File: 1734313851429.png (161.37 KB, 1080x495, 1000028724.png)

No. 949681

lmao did she freak out and start bashing people at her larping meet up lmfao

No. 949682

So weird that if you put a pencil in her hand all she'll draw is bad deviantart yaoi but if you hand her a paintbrush she makes this genuinely weird, unsettling outsider art

No. 949683

wow, she seriously had a tard breakdown? shes getting worse

No. 949688

agreed, she does some genuinely good paintings. I wish she'd try to get into selling her art more.

Yeah, that's what it sounds like. I'm assuming she was misgendered or whatever and freaked out, got told to chill, and the freaked out even harder and smacked the shit out of the wall. What I don't understand is why she can't just bend that stupid keyblade back into shape kek.

No. 949690

File: 1734336012543.jpg (104.98 KB, 1080x407, Screenshot_20241216_085633_Fac…)

But honestly, WHAT is that hard thing inside of her? And how does she keep going to the ER and no doctor notices? Do they suck so bad? Or does she hide it, because it's obviously a penis, and not the reason for her constant pain?

No. 949695

I just want to know what her deal is. Is she mentally retarded? Schizo? Is this some sort of personality disorder? This can't have been from drugs.

No. 949696

she needs to go to a gynecologist though i know that is extremely unlikely to happen. sometimes masses in the abdominal area aren't readily apparent just from pressing on the stomach if the patient has excess fat in that area and if she doesn't tell them it's there they have no way of knowing. if she went to a gynecologist and told them she felt something hard in that region they would at the very least perform an ultrasound

No. 949697

I think the "hardness" inside her is as real as the rape ghost, or the itching on her skin, or the voice that's "warning" her, heck I even think the yelling she's always complaining about day and night doesn't exist. She said she was given schizophrenia meds when she was inpatient that she stopped taking, we can infer she's been diagnosed as schizophrenic, but is in denial about it… because she is mentally ill.

No. 949701

people with schizophrenia have a high risk of digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulitis, and you know she eats like a three-year-old and never drinks water
but she should absolutely go to a GYN—could be fibroids or endometriosis or even slightly early perimenopause stuff

No. 949703

This. I've long wondered if she has PCOS given her moustache. Wish her parents would've made her get checked out more often, especially when she was younger and not quite as set in her ways as she is now. As >>949701 mentioned though, it could definitely be a digestive problem. If she does have any meds she's taking regularly they might be causing constipation. But there's also an equal chance that this is just standard manic pixyteri delusion, lol.

No. 949735

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No. 949744

She probably sat on it

No. 949767

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No. 949770

File: 1734470585025.png (622.74 KB, 1080x1767, 1000028769.png)

You got fired because of your pronoun sperging and hiding from customers, Sarah.

No. 949772

unfortunately for her shes literally too psychotic to understand this. she needs one of those jobs they reserve for autists but even then she would somehow manage to antagonize one of them and they might be the one who freaks out. I legit don't think shes equipped for any job but then she cant even manage to get on disability?

No. 949778

File: 1734479448767.jpg (50.63 KB, 1080x342, Screenshot_20241218_004725_Fac…)

That's a new one.

No. 949784

File: 1734481741019.jpg (186.94 KB, 1080x1546, 1000012325.jpg)

I wonder who Sarah is calling a bitch?

No. 949789

My guess is no one specific. Since she decided she's a straight man I noticed her speech is getting subtly more chauvinistic in tone. She's having a schizo episode right now and this comment reads to me as her take on what an angry straight man would say

No. 949791

I swear she’s posted this before

No. 949797

NO WAY shes getting ~misgendered~ this frequently, on a close to daily basis. Sure, most definitely it would have happened a few times, but each time she brings it up it's like a brand new interaction that occurred that day. I swear this bitch maladaptive daydreams or some shit and she's the one imagining people calling out her trooness in order to cry about it.

No. 949798

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No. 949800

This is the one thing I believe her on, she basically looks exactly like every middle aged butch lesbian living in that area and southern people tend to use a lot of gendered nicknames to refer to people they don't know. No doubt she's going to Whataburger a million times a week and some woman employee who looks just like Sarah is calling her ma'am or hun or sweetie

No. 949808

Do you honestly think her parents are entertaining her trans era? I always imagine these posts are 90% about her parents and the other 10% random service workers.

No. 949811

This is like Titanic-level deep holyshit.

No. 949812

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No. 949813

>No one can read minds, that's illegal.
Her schizo logic is so entertaining to watch unfold. Yeah, Sarah, mind reading is illegal and that's why nobody does it. Yeah…

No. 949830

How is she not in residential specialist mental health care, is Texas really this bad in provision for retards?

No. 949833

I legit think you guys forget she's a schizo so nothing she says will ever make sense, idk why you all seem surprised at every I'M A MAN WHY I'M OLD I DON'T WANT TO DIE she shouts

No. 949837

I feel like it rests upon her admitting she needs to be admitted into….some place (idk what its called) where she can get proper help but itll never happen. shes an adult for one, and two she probably doesnt think she needs help. And even if she got help….I don't think she would commit to it and would be a nightmare for a nurse or something. her posts on facebook are getting progressively worse that would probably spas out if she wasnt allowed on her phone.
its not complete and utter total nonsense, her posts make sense in that she reveals her deep insecurities she'll never get over, and how her parents are sick of her. not to mention facebook's algorithm has figured out what gets engagement from her because she reposts similar topics a bazillion times a day

No. 949839

yes, stupid. she's entirely capable of getting a job she just refuses to

No. 949871

her parents would have to pay for care in a private facility, an expense they likely cannot afford, and sarah isn't nearly crazy enough to warrant being placed in a state facility against her will. it's pretty difficult here to get an adult into mental health services without their consent and it usually only happens when they've demonstrated that they are a danger to themselves or others. it's part of the reason why we have such a high homeless population

No. 949893

File: 1734648531657.jpeg (989.36 KB, 828x1265, IMG_7127.jpeg)

I am not a fan of her straight male persona. I would rather she go back to sharing kingdom hearts yaoi on her public Facebook over this

No. 949903

At least she's semi realistic with her standards compared to most moids? woof. Her fujo phase was definitely better though.

No. 949904

She's into some greasy heifers.

No. 949906

It's like some kind of deeply invested form of method acting with Sarah—and Ashton Winters is her warped view of masculinity and how men present themselves.

No. 949914

I wonder if she will have a DID phase. Seems like the next logical escalation after trooning out

No. 949979

How poetic that she became a lolcow originally because of photos like that and now she's sharing them as a "man".

No. 949980

File: 1734773236742.jpg (346.09 KB, 1080x1311, Screenshot_20241221_092630_Fir…)

really committing to the fake dick thing. also apparently struggling to tell the time

No. 949981

>>949980 The time thing is just sad, she's schizo as fuck and I wish she'd just get (and stay) on her meds.

No. 949985

Terrifying that she drives.

No. 949987

File: 1734789256960.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1405, 1000029198.png)

No. 949991

File: 1734793876077.webp (10.65 KB, 268x367, madtv_stuart.PNG.webp)

>what do i look like

No. 949992

i thought the random long hair hanging by her cheek was a hair on my screen and tried to wipe it away

No. 949999

kek nona, same

You look like Gerard Way, PT. Like, current-day trooned-out Gerard Way kek.

No. 950001

File: 1734817092120.jpg (146.06 KB, 1080x1440, 1000012337.jpg)

>>This is ridiculous.
You don't know just how right you are, Sarah.

Not going to lie, these are arguably the most unflattering photos of PT I've ever seen; everything from her ridiculous outfit, to her greasy hair, mustache and circle lenses just looks so unflattering.

Pic very related.

No. 950003

Imagine seeing her out in the wild and making eye contact. Those goddamn circle lenses are scary, and they make her look even more unhinged

No. 950009

well since you asked Sarah: you look like a perv who shouldnt be around anyone. shes never get over this, which is pathetically sad.

No. 950012

>circle lenses
This whole time I was looking at her pictures I thought the fucked up pupils was just a side effect of autism…

No. 950013

Are those fake bangs? They look so out of place compared to her real hair kek, maybe she got them after the bad haircut

No. 950014

Kek, they absolutely are. You can see her shorter bangs peeking out from underneath.

No. 950017

I really thought they might have been left over from her Lolita days..

No. 950058

File: 1734897121746.jpg (102 KB, 894x876, 61mTtryqUPL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

A hard days night is right

No. 950134

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No. 950141

She looks literally like a butch. Also when did she dye her hair black? If she wants to look like a man she needs to lose weight and get a buzz cut and not wear a button up like this wtf

No. 950144

Because she thinks she's an UwU manry bishounen with that stupid haircut and getup.(uwu)

No. 950164

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No. 950166

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No. 950171

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No. 950173

File: 1735007828992.png (2.16 MB, 1080x2054, 1000029275.png)

when did she get a neck brace?

No. 950184

She is probably wearing it because she thinks it will get rid if her double chin.

No. 950186

wow. shes fucking disgusting

No. 950195

>Tripod-san moved on his own
Even more proof that >>949386 is right

No. 950201

What a horrendous photo

No. 950202

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No. 950203

>>I'm not Sarah and I never wanted to be.
At least she's admitting something we've known for quite some time.

No. 950204

She is so fucking shizo did the Labyrinth facebook account call you Sarah??

No. 950205

Omg I'm losing it

No. 950206

She's talking like someone is offering her breasts and trying to force her to have them. What is going on?

No. 950211

her mom probably bought her a bra instead of a binder

No. 950212

Do you nonnas think it’s internalized homophobia that she makes herself a guy so she can like girls?

No. 950216

In her specific case, no. it's more like she's now "liking girls" (aka abusing them sexually) to fulfill her idea of being a man.

No. 950218

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No. 950222

Did she have another tard rage attack?

No. 950226

It's not even broken. The mounting bracket button is still attached to the glass and the base of the mirror seems like its okay. It looks like it somehow just slid up and off the mounting bracket. If she takes it to an auto glass shop and asks for them to fix it they're going to laugh in her face.

No. 950232

wheres the internalized homophobia? all I see is a strong case of severe insecurities and misogyny like other women who pretend to be guys

No. 950242

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She looks like a venonat with those fangs.

No. 950249

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No. 950250

File: 1735175963612.jpeg (82.14 KB, 828x300, IMG_7244.jpeg)

No. 950251

File: 1735176285856.jpeg (236.26 KB, 828x1581, Picsew_20241225172417.jpeg)

Merry Christmas Sarah

No. 950260

this might be the worst photo of pt ever besides that one where she's got the yoshi shirt on

No. 950262

What's her pokidex number 5150? Kek

No. 950265

just fucking choked on my vape, kek nona

No. 950266

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No. 950274

This wig looks really good on her and she looks genuinely happy in these pictures, like she feels good about her appearance for once. It's sad she's too retarded and schizo to keep it in good condition or style her natural hair this way.

No. 950311

that second selfie kek. nothing behind those eyes

No. 950327

…"fetal pig"? Tf she means.

No. 950340

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No. 950341

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No. 950342

No job but able to go to the movies. So sad.

No. 950348

File: 1735358084076.jpeg (206.28 KB, 828x1952, Picsew_20241227195314.jpeg)

Good lord Sarah bathe

No. 950360

I watched this and couldn't see flies. Either I'm blind or she's actually losing it

No. 950367

>>950342 Probably used Christmas money for it.

>>950348 Why do I feel like she just hasn't bathed since The Shittening? Her parents need to just grind her meds up and put them in her food FFS, that's what you do with schizos like this. Sarah's especially lazy and hates cooking, throw the shit in her mashed potatoes and be done with it, jesus christ.(unintegreated posting style)

No. 950382

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No. 950387

File: 1735431590350.jpg (183.03 KB, 1079x1254, 1000012385.jpg)

No. 950388

Jesus fuck that grimey steering wheel. No wonder she is riddled with UTIs, her hands must be filthy

No. 950396

Terrifying how someone that hallucinates so often can go around driving a 3000 pound death machine

No. 950397

Yeah it's almost like she can do the things she WANTS to just fine with no issues.

No. 950402

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No. 950403

File: 1735497973475.jpeg (400.96 KB, 828x2752, Picsew_20241229104537.jpeg)

No. 950404

>Her parents need to just grind her meds up and put them in her food FFS, that's what you do with schizos like this.
I have a feeling we'd hesr from sarah "why does my food taste like poison I don't want to die ok" or something along the lines.
she managed to go to a bar?? she really needs to drop the tranny stuff its giving her insecurities that don't exist.

No. 950406

Just stop eating junk food you fatso

No. 950413

Nothing will help her at this point. She needs assisted living situation in a closed facility. She’s a schizo autist with intellectual disability clearly. Her insecurities won’t ever go away until she gets heavy meds, disconnect from the internet, and get caretakers to engage her in enrichment activities.

No. 950414

She's allowed to drink?

And she's allowed to drive!? I really want a PTDUI saga. God, if you're out there…

No. 950418

>intellectual disability
she graduated from university! I think she was more functional before the schizophrenia or schizoid personality disorder kicked in
her painting is also skilled in ways that would be rare in people with intellectual disabilities—her perspective, for example, is not great, but it’s not great in the ways that people with average intellectual abilities are not great at perspective

No. 950420

She loved the music, apparently, and she actually socialized. But in true pt fashion she turns a potentially positive experience into complaining about gender issues. Sad. She'll never let herself experience normal life stuff without ruining it for herself.

No. 950423

That’s interesting, I unfortunately only know about her since she was already posting weird fetish cosplay pics and being delusional about being Japanese. It’s shocking to hear that PT used to be normal.

No. 950427

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No. 950428

File: 1735605765150.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1851, 1000029496.png)

No. 950432

File: 1735616685004.jpg (765.96 KB, 1080x2654, 1000010601.jpg)

Here you go

No. 950433

File: 1735616767992.jpg (66.61 KB, 720x960, 1000010347.jpg)

No. 950435

I genuinely prefer seeing how Sarah looked before she became obsessed with being a Japanese idol, or being Ashton Winters. The script never changed; the only thing that's changed is her unflattering appearance. She went from looking decent to a retarded eyesore.

No. 950436

Holy shit

No. 950440

Thanks for reminding us, Sarah.

No. 950442

Genuinely the best i've seen her look like

No. 950443

Yup, blond hair could have helped soften her features a little. She always complains about being old and unatractive, but never tries to actually look better.

No. 950445

She's literally always been retarded, there are posts on her old LJ where on her 18th birthday she cryposts about being "old"

No. 950447

Yes, she looked normal but she was crazy even then. Her mother forced her to bleach her hair and eat tanning pills which is fucked up. She had a livejournal and it was apparent she was not ok mentally. She has always been some kind of mentally ill and maybe if she got help she would be doing a lot better, I dunno. I'm sure after her trans adventures there will be a new thing to obsess over and cry when everyone around her are not playing make-believe with her like always.

No. 950448

Samefag, but I just wanted to add that considering she has aggressively hated every phase she had she will eventually hate having been trans and say she was forced or something and that will probably be the only time I don't mind her seething about her past kek.

No. 950453

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No. 950460

>to stop self-harming
? i've been here for years and don't remember anything about her self harming. i wonder what she means by that.

No. 950465

PT has never been a reliable narrator so I doubt her mother forced her to eat tanning pills. They were probably vitamin d supplements kek

No. 950466

she doesn't cut but most of times she complains about something of hers breaking, or that she hurt her hand or leg or any of the bruises she gets are self inflicted during her rage spergs. She does seem to punch her surroundings and herself a lot.
I do remember many years ago she posted a picture of her wrist but the most she does is scratch her skin raw until it's a bit raised and irritated

No. 950471

File: 1735697430565.jpg (Spoiler Image,905.02 KB, 1006x1486, 1000010798.jpg)


This. It's always been so wild to me that people bought into this narrative, especially now. We are talking about a woman who posted thousands of image sets like this one for years and is now claiming she never wanted to be this person and someone else made her dress like a girl.

I don't think Debby is perfect but I have always felt very bad for her parents. They have to love Sarah enough to put up with everything they do, only for her to seethe and wish they were dead online. It's heartbreaking. They never got to enjoy their life after children together as a married couple, and they never got to enjoy a peaceful retirement. Instead they got Sarah.

No. 950473

To me she always came off as she just wanted to be a cute kid. Even now she's 40 something and wants to be a 14 year old boy (Sora)
Just in the past she wanted to be a Japanese loli.
As for her parents, they must be beyond frusterated and have accepted they'll never be happy again. They're better people than me, I would have sent her to some kind of institution or mental ward. Or maybe that's the perfect place for her

No. 950480

It's disgusting she used to take these kinda pictures (often dressed like a child) in playgrounds and then complain that there were little kids around so she wasn't comfortable posing.

No. 950482

kek, love her accidentally admitting the only person "harming" her is herself. Doubt she means like actual cutting. She probably punches her leg in frustration. But we've also seen her damage keyblades and computers during her various tard-rage spergouts, so who knows.

No. 950491

File: 1735782113574.jpg (136.63 KB, 640x960, 1431993161195.jpg)

Pixy is a 'cutter' in the same way a 12 year old is a cutter - it's mentioned in the 10 year old threads here. She uses her fingernails to scratch her skin until it's red, very rarely she'd use a safety razor to give herself slightly deeper scratches. I quickly looked for the pics of her 'self harm' but instead found this cap from 2015 which mentions her 'scratching' habit. From what I remember all of her injuries were so minor they didn't look like they drew blood.
she's been exactly the same for a decade, she could post this now and it wouldn't be out of place.

No. 950493

I respectfully disagree with your take. The situation you're describing with failure to launch children and their enabler parents is common, but I don't see it here. Debbie isn't a doormat and if she wanted to retire peacefully with her husband she could do it tomorrow. She has no problem kicking Pixy out and making her live in a motel, she's done it before. Debbie gives as good as she gets and has all the power in the household. We can see her facebook and she's insane, no need to take Pixy's word for it.
Pixy's been acting out for nearly 30 years and there were times they could have gotten her help, but they didn't. It was easier to call the cops and scare her into compliance. Threatening institutionalization/eviction as a punishment every time she acts up then dropping it whenever she's 'good' is horrible parenting at best, emotional blackmail at worst. I don't know how a caring parent could ignore Pixy when she's having one of her episodes, sometimes they're in the same room as her.
imo Debbie has serious undiagnosed mental issues that caused her to be a horribly abusive mother to her daughter, but not her son. The pageantry stuff suggests Debbie was living vicariously through her daughter. Pixy's gender identity issues could stem from the fact she was held to higher standards than her brother (because she was an extension of Debbie and he wasn't), which may have been translated by her autistic brain as 'it would be easier/better to be a boy.' Anything she had to do but her brother didn't = she was 'forced'. Including taking care of her appearance and bathing kek.

No. 950494

Isn't she almost 40

No. 950495

Read the accompanying post anon…

No. 950498

The bottom pic is so soulful. I dont like her tranny saga at all i would rather have her have fun dressing kawiwi and emo again.

No. 950501

you can really see the crazy and retardation in her face. shes been a lost cause for over a decade. I still remember her drama from her livejournal days in the EGL community. when she wasnt crazy she was just flat out mean. I wonder how she would be if she never got into anime and learned about japanese culture because it absolutely ruined her life.

No. 950514

File: 1735861414327.png (1.38 MB, 1080x1371, 1000029647.png)

No. 950515

No one is going to if you act like that, ya dumb cow!(sage your shit)

No. 950519

Aw she looks so happy. I love when PT has fun. The pasta looks shit though.

No. 950520

there is nothing happy in that picture anon

No. 950527

Side-eyeing any of you who see this shit and think "ah yes, even though this woman is cognitively 12 years old and consistently speaks and behaves like a woman who is mentally disabled I'm going to put all these expectations on her and rant about it constantly as if the proof in front of me hasn't been here since forever"
>b-but her carefully tutorial-followed paint projects aren't possible if you're mentally disabled
Yeah OK.

No. 950528

It just seems very strange that she can function and act like an adult when things are going her way, or she's doing what she wants. The moment something triggers her poor fee-fees.. suddenly she can't control herself and acts like this. That isn't being mentally impaired, that's being a fucking toddler with 0 repercussions.
Not saying she isn't mentally unwell. She obviously is. But she isn't retarded and mentally 12. Stop with that bullshit right now.

No. 950532

this is why your stomach hurts all the time sarah. talk about a carb overload

No. 950534

Agreed. She never really showed anything to prove an IQ above 80. Shes definitely intellectually impaired, on top of autism and being a schizo.

No. 950555

She'd have found something else to ruin her life. She'd have joined an MLM, or become Amy from Amy's Baking Company. Normies can be insane too.

No. 950558

this is how i feel.
>b-but schizos can't drive!
not all schizos symptoms are the same, it seems to me like she's delusional/paranoid/has tactile hallucinations. i don't think she's seeing or hearing things that aren't there, all her complaints are paranoid delusions or that she's feeling something that sounds delusional like she feels a ghost trying to rape her or put a ring on her finger. this stuff has been going on for a while and is so out of left field i genuinely think she needs those schizo meds again, i don't think it's a coincidence that the period of time where things were improving for her she happened to be taking antipsychotics or whatever

No. 950559

Because she is mentally impaired. Everything is a spectrum and yet you're all suddenly retard experts when it comes to Pixyteri. Please get real.

No. 950561

File: 1735959414177.jpg (194.03 KB, 1080x632, 1000010944.jpg)

No. 950566

And jog again? When did she ever jog?

No. 950572

Kek. Honestly, there are jobs she can do sitting down or be honest about her foot disability, but it's not even that. Her personality keeps her from getting a job. Constantly correcting everyone about her pronouns.

No. 950582

exactly. she could easily get anl super braindead entry-level temp job that lets her sit down all day but she's too lazy and picky and her personality is too volatile. even if she's claiming to be a man it's not like big companies don't walk on eggshells for trannies still. her main problem has always been that she wants to be successful not become successful.

No. 950590

File: 1736021258399.png (125.04 KB, 1080x614, 1000029677.png)

No. 950595

get a job and pay for an elective mastectomy yourself then, dimwit

No. 950596

>she never really showed anything to prove an IQ above 80
she graduated from university and completed a student teaching practicum
the only people with IQ 80 and under who could that are the ones with amazing work ethics and engaged parents or siblings, none of which she has
has her intellectual capacity deteriorated since then? also yes

No. 950600

Still believing in stomach penis I see.

No. 950608

File: 1736037226602.jpg (146.06 KB, 1080x710, Screenshot_20250105_003257_Fir…)

"which is what men like"

No. 950618

Where did the anons go that claim shes mentally competent? Look at this and explain it to me please

Pretending to objectify and be attracted to women is so sudden for her, I think it's because people say it's the only thing that makes you "true" trans

No. 950647

She reminds me of another cow, Sapphire Crimson Claw, who is comparably retarded but allegedly ended up with a master's degree in social work. The American education system is just bad enough to let retards walk out with prestigious degrees, so I'm not surprised PT graduated. Curious how she doesn't do fuck all with her degree, though.

No. 950656

Saging for non-contributing post. I work at a physical therapist office and $35 for a visit is nothing. I know that is a lot to her since she doesn't know how to handle her money.

No. 950660

Can't pay 35 for an appointment, but can go out to eat in a sit down restaurant alone. Selfish priorities

No. 950661

The LARP and cope have worsened, I see, with her forcing a straight male facade of "I like naked women and football". So desperate to prove to everyone what a stereotypical, real man she is. Sigh.

No. 950667

It's just Sarah's desperate attempt to cling onto not being misgendered.

No. 950669

File: 1736117423304.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1889, 1000029691.png)

Lol the irony of that bottom post

No. 950694

wait, didn't she already get past her "oooh, sexy women" stage? This is an interesting development, I thought she was a GAY MALE who will NOT BE HARMED. Now she's straight again? kek.

No. 950695

Now she's a lesbian with extra steps.

No. 950706

turns out schizophrenia and troonism is a dangerous combination, interesting

No. 950707

but youre not brainwashed by social media?

No. 950711

$35 sounds like a regular co-pay amount. Does she not know how insurance works? Its not FREE.

No. 950714

Well yes that's obvious, it's just depressing because this woman is like literally cognitively touched and yet there's still nothing but "no shit" commentary like >>950711 like of course she isn't aware of this she has maybe a single pinky toe left in reality.

No. 950720

this is so sad, i know she's most than likely insufferable irl but i wish she could find sped friends to hang out with, even a sped gf since she's been acting like a homo lately

No. 950726

File: 1736194989510.jpeg (85.07 KB, 828x682, Picsew_20250106122210.jpeg)

Sarah has been transformed into a cloud and can finally use her stomach penis

No. 950727

Christ, that first one reads like a threat. I know we know the stomach-penis lore but god I still wish she'd elaborate because girl what?

No. 950728

File: 1736196820451.png (423.03 KB, 1079x1223, 1000029698.png)

No. 950729

File: 1736197262294.png (1.63 MB, 1210x1476, Screenshot 2025-01-06 at 4.30.…)

Honestly I agree with her re: healthcare, shit should be free in Burgerland, but my god she's whiny. Interesting to see her flip-flop on her sexuality again. Was just reading through one of her older threads where she was bitching about downloading photos of sexy women and saying they didn't turn her on.

Also saged for old milk, but picrel is her a few years ago explaining why her schizo paintings are so much better than her animu portrait sketches, lol.

No. 950733

Hurty foot AND the return of Rape Ghost! The crazy on this bitch is absolutely fucking amazing.

No. 950735

Is her pfp a skibidi toilet cat? What the fuck kek

No. 950740

>I'm a man. I'm a cloud.
>I can use it and fuck it finally
>you will see.
Tbh sounds like she's becoming the rape ghost at this point. Local "hot chicks" beware.

kek, good eye anon. This feels strangely on brand for her somehow.

No. 950743

File: 1736208249856.jpeg (443.66 KB, 828x2413, Picsew_20250106160236.jpeg)

She’s been on a skibiti toilet kick, she’s spending her money on children’s Skibiti toilet toys at Walmart and reposting fan art and memes

No. 950747

Welp, "mascot horror phase and also she's straight (read: gay) again" wasn't on my 2025 bingo sheet, but here we are. Get ready for some weird fuckin' cosplays, I assume.

No. 950748

I was not expecting this but topkek

No. 950750

I wonder if she'll write Skibidi Toilet Kingdom Hearts Vanitas fanfictions where she is a heterosexual male

No. 950755

I cant believe there are toys of this shit. Maybe skibidi toilet is what sucked her few remaining neurons left.

No. 950757

Her evolution has been the saddest thing to witness, bc wtf is this really? It’s really over for her.
At least she used to be employed during her weeb days.

No. 950760

Skibidi toilet over health. Priorities. But she's just dying to fix that foot to be able to work, riight.

No. 950763

the signs were all there nonnas >>949195

No. 950769

KEK! She's so crazy I could honestly believe these things are connected. I'm sure she relates to the videos in some schizo way. I don't know a lot about skibidi toilet, but inb4 "something something the cameramen want me to be their toilet! I never wanted to be a female toilet! I'm a male toilet! Why do they want me dead?? I hope she does a skibidi toilet vent painting soon.

No. 950770

File: 1736270573990.jpg (28.64 KB, 300x260, 1399011492277.jpg)

No. 950772

Damn I miss weeb pt. This troon circus is just sad.

No. 950776

I hate the troon arc so much.

No. 950778

File: 1736282994798.jpg (223.51 KB, 1080x1145, Screenshot_20250107_204923_Fir…)

fucking kek.(cowtipping)

No. 950779

that's gotta be cowtipping but it sure ain't wrong

No. 950780

Bets on that she takes this as some kind of affirmation or compliment?

No. 950781

>I’m a he/him, which means I identify as being “not a sex object”
Jesus that’s sad.

No. 950784

>>I’m a he/him, which means I identify as being “not a sex object”
Oh, trust me, you're definitely not a sex object, Sarah.

No. 950790

File: 1736291415981.png (112.44 KB, 1080x595, 1000029719.png)

No. 950795

The two genders…Men and Sex Objects. The internalized misogyny is real

No. 950799

File: 1736308430766.png (122.79 KB, 1080x445, 1000029728.png)

No. 950800

What does she expect to happen by repeating that she's old? kek

No. 950803

File: 1736313629203.jpg (80.49 KB, 1080x312, 1000011094.jpg)

The boxes she puts gender in are so insanely harmful and frankly terrifying. It's getting worse by the day. She doesn't want to be seen as a sex object because she actually believes that woman rightfully are, in fact, sex objects for men. As she has clearly demonstrated for all to see in her detailed self inserted fan fiction porn where every female character is the same sex crazed flirty bimbo dtf on a whim, and her completely sort of but not really male character has no problem using and degrading them during the act. She is so beyond help it's sad, but I can't stop tuning in.(repost)

No. 950809

>I'm OLD and I'm VERY angry about it
same tbh, she's so real for this

No. 950811

didn't moids sexually mistreat sarah in the past? some of the things she posts are unintentionally hilarious but shit like this is just sad given her history

No. 950814

She's angry shit didn't ho her way because she pissed her life away on unrealistic goals / expectations, ego and her sense of entitlement.

No. 950815

You're psychologically analyzing a woman with cognitive function frozen in middle school.

No. 950830

they have. there was a guy long ago who slepr with her to mess with her. and as far as i can tell she still seems to have trolls on her facebook.

No. 950838

File: 1736369572824.png (127.88 KB, 1080x647, 1000029740.png)

No. 950841

I hope that moid kills himself.

No. 950857

The fuck is the laughing reaction for.

No. 950868

She's spiraling, its crazy. I hope she gets the meds she needs before she hurts someone or herself. I want her to go back to wearing ugly cosplays and wanting to be an idoru. I hate her schizo tranny arc.

No. 950869

Idk about that specific react, but she has a few grifter/scam health and wellness accounts following her and they'll laugh or heart react on completely inappropriate posts.

No. 950893

File: 1736445180654.png (514.93 KB, 1079x1423, 1000029760.png)

No. 950897

I’m convinced it’s the rational side of her brain smacking her upside the head

No. 950898

File: 1736452362259.png (416.09 KB, 1080x2003, 1000029765.png)


No. 950899

File: 1736452387339.png (254.1 KB, 1080x986, 1000029764.png)

No. 950900

File: 1736452418916.png (281.87 KB, 1080x990, 1000029763.png)

No. 950901

File: 1736458412819.jpeg (453.86 KB, 828x3640, Picsew_20250109133252.jpeg)

Her regression is crazy

No. 950903

Is PT seriously watching shit like those retarded videos and unironically drawing the things in them?

No. 950905

its like an overnight switch. she really used to be all into yaoi and gay men and now she wants a 'hot chick' to thrust her stomach penis into. She has no chance with any gender though.
I'm wondering what the next phase of her larp will be. Being outwardly more misogynist? Getting a porn addiction?

No. 950906

Next phase appears to be toilets? I hope this doesn't get sexual though. She did mention "fuck you like a good potty" in that last awful fanfic she wrote though.

No. 950907

File: 1736460816341.jpg (74.05 KB, 1080x828, 1000012561.jpg)

This is from her Facebook; it's fucking nasty.

No. 950908

>"Your ideal view, something you'd love to see everyday."
>Plate o' food

No. 950916

Hey sadly she's not far off with this. She got the ugly right.

No. 950919

So when she dies she wants to be the toilet or a skibidi guy in the toilet hanging out with the cat? This is such a bizarre and unexpected arc for her kek.

No. 950921

File: 1736475694041.jpg (446.65 KB, 1067x1230, 1000011128.jpg)

Not that it matters but I'm pretty sure she's referencing this woman when she starts seething over the "80 yo chibi usa cosplayer" and thought I might share.

No. 950922

Good for this woman. She looks like she's having fun and doesn't give a fuck about what other people think.

No. 950984

i reread the past couple threads today and im so perplexed by all the references to sexual abuse and being harmed/treated like a ‘sex object’ on one hand trooning out and being oversexual are symptoms of csa and she’s said things the explicitly elude to that being the reason. I don’t think she was sexually abused as a young child much less by her father, i think as someone mentioned itt her mother tried to make her conventionally attractive and bleached her hair/put her in pageants and that is what led her to her ‘sexy loli idol’ phase after discovering anime because she equated love/success with male attention. I think that backfired and any sexual trauma that did happen was actually during the pixyteri/early lolcow era where irl scummy moids were having sex with her and her lack of social skills and probable low iq made her really easy to take advantage of and traumatize, thus the new era of wanting to escape that completely and be a man who wants to hurt women instead, the late onset of schizophrenia also being a factor. but she also claims to have delusions of being dead and being a cloud so maybe im just reading into the abuse stuff too much when it’s just as made up as the obvious stuff we’ll never really know

No. 950987

I genuinely don't believe there has ever been a day in Sarah's life where she's done anything she didn't want to do.

No. 950991


No. 951000

You've stopped me dead in my tracks. I stand entirely corrected.

No. 951001

without too much armchairing, it appears that delusions of sexual abuse are common in female schizophrenics, but it’s hard to sort out because so many women and girls really are sexually abused
ol’ Pixy claims to be raped by ghosts all the time, so at least some of that is delusions

No. 951008

Idk if I've ever laughed so hard at a single word post. Thanks nona, I needed that!

No. 951022

This has gone on for too long it's just heartbreaking to watch. She NEEDS a social worker.

No. 951025

May our astral gods save our precious queen. Amen.

No. 951053

she said in >>950893 that she has a case manager

No. 951055

I really, really hope that she gets into more alpha brainrot media for the sake of consooming skibidi toilet. A Pixyteri fortnite arc would be pure kino.
>When I die this shall be my perspective
Kekaroo I love this

No. 951107

File: 1736724614106.png (174.4 KB, 1080x830, 1000029864.png)

No. 951123

I feel bad for thinking this but I thought she was over 200. What she needs is exercise.

No. 951127

she probably is closer to 200 lbs than she is 175-187 and doesn’t want to admit it cause that’s in the hambest dangerfat zone.

No. 951144

How much is actually verified about her college experience? Not to blog, but I went to a college that had a whole program for dummies like PT. They got tutors for each class and would literally have a helper through testing. We had a chris-chan variety autist who go addicted to crack, lost his fucking mind and still got a diploma. College is bullshit at this point and PT can still be retarded and have a degree.

No. 951146

she got a degree in education and did the student teaching
she’s absolutely dumb as hell, but people saying she’s IQ<80 are nuts, she would be on the very slow end of normal if she wasn’t crazy

No. 951148

>food as a coping skill
>coping skill

No. 951196

Someone should make a banner of this. We all feel it.
a guy once convinced PT of a sex triage where they "vapor locked" her. Mind you, this was when she was in her early 20s, but it showed she probably was subjected to a lot of degenerate shit by the guys who showed the least bit of interest. Her negative emotions towards sex and womanhood are obvious documented shit she went through as an adult. There was the period of "britfag" who monopolized Pixy and seemed to have dirt on her. It was during a time she was also banned from the internet and showed signs of superficial normalcy. So what britfag held against her, what he was to her and how it ended is unknown. She did sneak in internet, but her parents were able to monitor it as much as possible. During this time, she lost tons of weight, stopped the Japanese phase cold turkey, liked natural tanning and hung out with her dad fishing. She of course was still sending disgusting nudes to men and suddenly began her tranny phase. It started with her feeling like something was growing inside of her (a penis.) and most thought she just had a raging UTI.

Nah that's her infamous photo of a white dress and red hair. Her mom was making her look like trailer trash. Look how thin her hair was with that amount of bleaching. her tan also made her look like a middle aged house wife.

She's bipolar, not retarded. Anyone who has known her in real life has been surprised as how normal she is. She's got fairly decent social skills too. The internet is truly her point of brain rot. I used to go to her tiny chat rooms and remember her jamming out to metal music for fun when a user requested her to play metal. She is whiny, but doesn't over take conversations and can respond decently and thoughtfully at times. And to anons who said her mom is not to blame are completely wrong. Her mom is bipolar and has successfully estranged her gay son (probably with help of papa pixy). The older son is a POS according to the tid bits dropped by his ex wife (a user who used to come on to the chans and offer info while trying to clarifying things about pixy to help her out). Mother and father Pixy have no healthy children. Maybe the gay son in Austin, but he's out of the picture. Pixy is mentally ill, not retarded, and would be fairly functional if she wasn't so entitled.

No. 951202

Gay son who lives in Austin actually seems to have cut off contact to his mom due to her level of crazy. Judging by his online presence, he seems level headed and quite normal. So good on him for eliminating the toxicity.

No. 951213

Some are forgetting that most people text and type like retards, but this doesn't reflect how they speak and interact in person. I can see how Pixi could pass as a weird nerd girl offline, but not seem intellectually diminished.

No. 951232

File: 1736882049745.png (163.16 KB, 1080x1077, 1000029893.png)

No. 951239

I don't know about "would be fairly functional if she wasn't entitled". she can sorta write fanfiction and may not be technically retarded, but is so mentally ill that any intellect she has is basically not physically available to her.

No. 951248

File: 1736895529369.png (121.8 KB, 1080x675, 1000029895.png)

No. 951268

Fucking T-REX???????????????? she really is legitimately retarded in a clinical way, isn't she.

No. 951269

lol i love random normal-ass Serge inbetween T-Rex and Vanitas

No. 951271

She might have a fair degree of success if she breaks into the renaissance scene. Lots of people accepting of genderspecial bullshit who are all stinky from primitive camping and sweating in a field all day. If she larps a character, she can hide her personality flaws and maybe even get out of the house. I would unironically support sword sarah saga.

No. 951275

File: 1736919071379.jpeg (81.83 KB, 828x678, IMG_1482.jpeg)

No. 951276

File: 1736919323954.jpeg (548.42 KB, 828x1085, IMG_7396.jpeg)

This is unhinged

No. 951283

This is just what poors who don't know how to cook eat. Lots of pasta and cheap protein like eggs.

No. 951293

lol and remember she named her stomach penis Rex. she's considering being called the same name she gave her imaginary penis

No. 951304

This was my first thought, nona.

No. 951328

What exactly did the older sons wife say? I'm curious I wasn't around doing the time his ex wife was posting.(sage your shit)

No. 951331

It's been so long. She came in once or twice post divorce. This was during /cgl/ or maybe on one of the precusor forums to lolcowfarm. I mostly remember her coming in when one of PT's twitter friends called a wellness check on PT's suicide bait and she had to be held for a day which ran up her medical debt. Nyan (Pixy's previous sister in law) was still married and would help her in-laws make sure Pixy wasn't online. It was their big intervention. Nyan said Sarah was difficult but sort of normal if I remember correctly. She was just delusional about Japanese shit and it was an obsessive hobby. She came in once after the divorce and only said that Deb was terrible (nothing milky) and that whole family was a shit show. Haven't heard of her since.

No. 951334

File: 1736969925857.png (135.62 KB, 1080x454, 1000029914.png)

No. 951335

File: 1736969975968.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1774, 1000029913.png)

No. 951345

>the social worker is a costhot

No. 951349

Poors catching strays in Pixi's thread for what reason?

No. 951354

Ikr she's probably just made the two fastest+easiest dinner-ish things. I imagine she has a p childish palette and doesn't wanna add any veg. Would she even be able to make a sauce if she wanted to?

No. 951355

File: 1737003755276.jpg (101.33 KB, 768x768, 1000011365.jpg)

Excuse me, these are garden noodles

No. 951356

File: 1737012026942.png (150.71 KB, 1080x965, 1000029941.png)

No. 951358

File: 1737015201436.jpeg (84.15 KB, 828x297, IMG_7404.jpeg)

No. 951362

Banner material, kek

No. 951372

I'm sure Debbie isn't cooking her meals with ingredients from Whole Foods exactly, didn't mean to hurt your feelings anon.

No. 951378

No sauce?

No. 951386

That's what really disturbs me about this. No sauce with eggs sitting directly on the pasta is crazy. At least it's sorta balanced? I guess?

No. 951387

File: 1737053088256.jpg (76.36 KB, 1080x598, Screenshot_20250116_184352_Fir…)

god same

No. 951388

Absolutely perfect banner material.

No. 951393

She truly has a way with words

No. 951394

Right out of Chrono Cross. How nostalgic kek. Probably chosen because she's a fujo for the pairing. Why not Glenn, that at least sounds like a regular male name?

No. 951397

Because nonny, Sarah's unoriginal.

No. 951407

yep, I take >>951362 back, >>951387 is the real banner material.

No. 951410

I think she enjoys humiliating herself. The self pity is so hilariously indulgent.

No. 951430

Why not both?

No. 951432

File: 1737105330231.jpeg (203.29 KB, 828x1154, 2D9D79F6-BEC7-4AFB-AA90-26A89C…)

Am I blind or is it pixy? I think someone accidentally posted her thinking it’s sarah ashton cirillo lol

No. 951433

This is taking me out KEKK. How do the Russians know about PT?!?

No. 951434

I don’t think they do, I think they thought she was an entirely different person. The original poster is probably a pro-russian account. Not word to word translation:

Previous speaker of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sarah Ashton Cirillo is now identify herself as a 3 years old LGBT* girl instead of a grown women. She can’t eat or walk by herself and is using diapers…

*This faggatory is banned in Russia.

No. 951435

this is from a troll farm in which (yes, you guessed it) Russians literally get paid to scour the Internet for ideas for and endless stream of fake shit to manufacture. What this means is that one of those trolls is a farmer or farms-adjacent LOL

No. 951467

File: 1737148579165.png (109.17 KB, 1080x565, 1000029960.png)

She got an interview. Wonder where she applied

No. 951492

File: 1737180340580.png (153.65 KB, 1080x988, 1000029973.png)

she got the job. Whatever it is

No. 951498

Okay nonnies place your bets for how long this will last. My money is on two weeks. She'll be called ma'am or miss and have a coronary event that she wasn't recognized as the obvious man she is, or she'll repeatedly complain of being hit by someone. Either way it won't last.

No. 951501

I hope it's something like copywriting or journalism, something she can actually manage with her severe autism.

No. 951505

I doubt she can get much better than food service being a middle aged, schizophrenic, retarded trans who lives at home with her parents.

No. 951507

i give it three days to a week if she doesn’t get mad during the onboarding and have a meltdown then.

No. 951508

This. Two weeks is way too optimistic. It'll be a shock if she survives training.

No. 951526

File: 1737223280707.jpg (525.25 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20250118_180044_Fir…)

it's all going well, clearly

No. 951527

File: 1737224844717.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1863, 1000030013.png)

No. 951604

File: 1737267586293.png (77.58 KB, 1080x588, 1000030030.png)

reply in second post

No. 951605

Oh my god lmao. Does she think others can see her stomach penis???

No. 951608

Alright no more “this should be a banner” posts in the PT thread because this one right here wins

No. 951609

>>I'm a man.
Keep telling yourself that, Sarah. I fucking hate her troon-arc. I miss her Idol days.

No. 951719

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No. 951720

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No. 951721

File: 1737402510148.png (127.4 KB, 1080x865, 1000030062.png)

No. 951722

>fuck off toilets
Eeyup the male machismo and misogyny is incoming.

No. 951729

you would think someone like pt knows that pretty much everyone's weight shifts around 3-7 pounds a day, thats normal

No. 951731

File: 1737409047238.jpeg (108.05 KB, 828x817, Picsew_20250120133638.jpeg)

She cannot just be happy about anything

No. 951732

That’s actually the skibiti toilet brainrot speaking. She talks about toilets a lot

No. 951737

>go to larp
>no one respects me at larp and i can't afford to buy new things for larp!
>get job and make some money
>now i can't larp anymore ughh!
>lose job due to shit attitude
>now i don't have a job anymore and can't survive wahh!
>friends made at larp try to comfort her
>you don't understand! also you misgendered me! i'm so depressed!
>friends slowly back away not wanting to hang out anymore
>why don't i have friends waaahhhh no one likes me!

No. 951740

>I'm a MAN what the fuck is going on
See, even our queen knows there's no excuse for moids to be fat.

No. 951751

It's weird that she says that she's "not a her" when she's getting the most basic and even neutral of weight loss advices that has ever existed. Then again, maybe she thought that thinking that she's a moid will give her a moid metabolism.

No. 951752

File: 1737425667333.jpeg (114.09 KB, 828x392, IMG_7531.jpeg)

This is a normal schedule

No. 951760

she keeps posting "ree i am a guy!" on all her posts like it's a signature. it's cracking me up.

No. 951766

I wish I had this schedule kek.

No. 951770

3 days in a row. how unfair. Most people only work 5 days in a row.

No. 951775

Didn't she want a job? And does she not know that this is how it is for whatever unskilled labor job she has. You get a shit split days off schedule until you've proven yourself.

So what's the I got fired/quit bingo card for this gig?

No. 951788

Shes such a little bitch. Okay fine ask for less days and get less money .

No. 951789

Can't say I'm surprised that she finally gets one of the things she's been abjectly begging for online, and immediately starts complaining about it. Come on pt, sometimes wagie jobs like fast food, grocery, and retail will schedule you 7 days in a row. They're actually being nice, probably because they think you're retarded.

No. 951790

No. 951794

…and then PT wonders why she's poor, old and dying.

No. 951797

File: 1737488925191.png (357.35 KB, 1080x2691, 1000030077.png)


No. 951808

It's impressive because she acknowledges she has a degree but can't she just look up for jobs related to her degree? I'm sure the USA has a bunch of jobs that can even be done from home.
God she's so retarded.

No. 951809

File: 1737508095369.png (88.9 KB, 1080x658, 1000030092.png)

No. 951810

File: 1737509041484.png (231.11 KB, 1080x1372, 1000030093.png)

No. 951811

Unfortunately it’s rough out here, even if you have a college degree. Remote jobs are even more competitive. Plus PT is a walking red flag which I’m sure doesn’t help

No. 951821

i really don’t even know what to say at this point. she cries about needing a job cause she’s poor, in debt, and can’t indulge in her hobbies. hobbies which she really doesn’t need to be doing atm. then she gets a job and cries because they schedule her 3 days in a row with one day off? this isn’t that bad for a shitty service job honestly. at least she isn’t getting up at the ass crack of dawn to stock shelves in the cold or having to drag herself home late at night when they decide you need to do “inventory”. i know she’s mentally ill but damn, it’s a neverending torturous hellscape with her. and now toilets are basically sexist because i’m a MAN lol. has anyone told her she’s fat because she eats like shit? maybe put down the whataburger and pepsi and you’ll lose weight.

No. 951822

Another anon already said it but a degree is not enough in this country and work from home positions are highly competitive. Even if PT secured an interview they would clock her as deranged and unstable.

She would not last a day at a normal office job.

No. 951823

why doesn't she just try to go through a temp agency?

No. 951824

i feel so damn bad for these people she meets at larp trying to be nice and not knowing it's pointless

No. 951828

I doubt they stick around for long.

No. 951886

>I see so it’s the pizza combining with muscles damn
Nonnies I fear this is my new go-to for when the scale goes up.

No. 951887

the two genders, toilets and urinals.

No. 951907

The return of the workout lines

No. 951951

File: 1737735716969.jpg (31.16 KB, 450x600, 1429902843817.jpg)

found this 10+ year old photo on one of the older threads and it made me sad for a moment. with medication, treatment and a steady job, she might've been happy

No. 951979

Woah, she looks completely normal here.

No. 951981

File: 1737770798195.jpg (89.59 KB, 450x600, lammy2.jpg)

apologies in advance if this has been posted before but i found an old pt account on acparadise. was on the website because of the old cosplay thread in /m/ and stumbled on her account somehow kek

No. 951998

it always blows me away how normal she looked in her high school/early 2000s days. Trying to go all elegant gothic lolita made her jaw and other masculine features stand out to a hilarious degree, but when she's not wearing that, or a retarded Sora cosplay, or a retarded "man" cosplay, and just dresses like a normal-ass woman, she absolutely can look decent, pretty even. Photos like this always make me sad.

No. 952015

Idk what everyone is talking about, you can see in her eyes there's this off-putting vacancy.

No. 952016

File: 1737845022222.png (877.44 KB, 1080x1051, 1000030136.png)

she's such a child.

No. 952017

autism stare

No. 952028

She's kind of cute in an autistic way when she's happy for once in her life.

No. 952031

I wish she could always post more shit like this, it's retarded but at least it's funny and not depressing or disgusting.

No. 952042

Exactly. Blank ass stare

No. 952048

File: 1737933843991.jpg (183.61 KB, 1080x1618, 1000007048.jpg)

This and the red hair are probably the best looks she's had. In the lolita community she would barely stand out, unless she would try to be sexy in it.

No. 952076

Man, her early photos genuinely make me sad; she at least looked somewhat normal, here, despite being somewhat awkward.

No. 952085

File: 1738003156012.jpg (85.88 KB, 1080x541, 1000011917.jpg)

What's the countdown on unemployment?

No. 952092

this isn't "early" at all. it's from atleast 2012 based on what she's wearing. she went back and fourth in the lolita community during her prime cow phase. also it looks like crap for a lolita outfit.

No. 952126

So you prefer the current state of PT? Jesus christ, just because it’s ita as fuck generally speaking doesn’t mean she didn’t have potential to learn anything if she was mentored or didn’t ragequit. I’d love to see your first coords.

Considering PT has been here, as a lolcow, going on close to three decades? Yeah, 2012 is early.

No. 952135

you are really reading too much into it and getting offended. sarah hated lolita because it didn't get her attention, specifically male attention. the point i was getting at is she was trying off and on for 4+ years in the lolita community but kept giving up because it wasn't giving her the attention she wanted since she's not good at it and she was mentored several times. i swear some of you need to seperate your feelings from replies. no one gives a fuck about your insecurities.

No. 952139

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No. 952143

She may be keeping this job longer than we thought

No. 952145

Is it some job like packing stuff for Amazon? Maybe that's why she hasn't been fired yet.

No. 952171

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No. 952172

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No. 952174

The idea of posting only "what's necessary" is hilarious to me because literally none of it is necessary?

No. 952177

Obviously the 1000th post this month asking Why am I so old and ugly is just what the internet needed

No. 952185

she mentioned mopping and I’m just picturing one 4-hour shift a week cleaning the bathroom at burger king a la kingcobrajfs kek

No. 952192

File: 1738109342278.jpg (194.62 KB, 1080x901, Screenshot_20250129_000627_Fir…)

whoops. comments are also full of scamhawks trying to rope her in kek

No. 952203

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No. 952206

While I agree that places like that should exist, Starbucks has never been one. Why would a private business be offering a free meetup/socializing space + wifi? Pure altruism? Go to a library or something.

No. 952229

starbucks was that kind of place for a few years, after that incident in philly where they called the cops on some black guys for using the bathroom. they enacted a policy nationwide that anyone could sit and use their restrooms, even if they weren’t paying customers. it made things really shitty as a barista.

but you’re right. she should just go to a library. even though people like her make things really shitty as a librarian.

No. 952237

File: 1738200924146.png (48.4 KB, 1080x366, 1000030211.png)

Someone on the other farms said they knew someone who claimed they saw Sarah working at a Papa John's.
Picrel is a reply from today's "I'm about to die" post

No. 952255

i wonder why she's so ashamed of working at a pizzeria. i get that she's a college graduate but she never did much with her degree even before her mental state worsened and all of her jobs have been entry-level retail or food service. i think she's so embarrassed by her own age that she views just being out in public as humiliating

No. 952273

It's really not unusual for a pizzeria, or any restaurant for that matter, employ tons of people with college degrees. This includes people over 30. She's finally done the one thing that can give her a tiny sliver of independence, and she's ruining it for herself like she does with everything.

No. 952288

I kinda get being embarrassed but working at a pizza shop is pretty mellow, this could be one of the better jobs for her to be in with her mental state

No. 952301

i didn't mean to imply that i personally believe there's anything wrong with working in a restaurant if you have a degree or are older, but i can imagine sarah feeling that way because she has unrealistic views of the world

No. 952305

if it’s Papa John’s, she may be embarrassed because the founder is super right wing, which is at odds with whatever vaguely leftish political views she sometimes talks about (and certainly would get pushback from the few genderspecials who respond to her)

No. 952319

no that’s too intellectual for her lol. if it’s true she’s working at a pizzeria, she’s probably just mad because she’s flipping pizzas and slinging pepperoni instead of smashing sushi rolls between her fingers and pretending pocky is haute japanese cuisine.

No. 952332

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No. 952339

My bad nonny, thanks for explaining. Sorry you had to put up with that, it sounds like a system that would be ripe for abuse.

No. 952383

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No. 952391

Won't post proof on here because stinky farmhands will ban for dox but the police were sent to her house last night for a mental health emergency.

No. 952400

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No. 952408

File: 1738538911415.jpeg (109.88 KB, 828x142, IMG_7637.jpeg)

Blocking out her address, this is from the other farms. Cops were called on her last night but it doesn’t seem that she was taken in

No. 952411

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No. 952412

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No. 952413

She is so unintentionally funny. I hope she's alright after whatever happened with the cops, I know her brain is the consistency of soup and she is very, very annoying but I have never opened these threads without laughing until my chest burns

No. 952414

PT’s condition just keeps getting sadder over time, seeing this degree of psychosis is just miserable. I really hope things improve somehow.
The preoccupation with youth is sad too. I blame anime and all its pedophilia tbh. PT spent way too long trying to be some impossible cartoon when there’s nothing wrong with being a fully grown adult who doesn’t look like an animu loli or Sora or whatever.

No. 952415

at least she didn’t assault one of her parents this time

No. 952416

The only thing damaging her brain is her male larp. It won’t solve everything but her letting go of this trans shit would improve her life so much. But she will still likely hyper fixate on some other self destructive thing.

No. 952418

Sorry nona but this is a really stupid thing to say. PT had extremely obvious issues long before this stomach-dong fixation.

No. 952429

i don't think so. the "i'm a man!!!!" shit is a symptom, not the root of all her problems. sarah is deeply unwell and has been for a long, long time. whatever's going on with her brain would still exist even if she'd never heard of trans ideology.

No. 952438

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No. 952445

She's literally schizophrenic. >>>927619

Most tifs aren't this nuts. Her male larp is as damaging as it is because of the schizophrenia. Whatever she moves onto next will be just as bad, if not worse. She's going to keep spiraling unless she gets medicated again, and she refuses to be medicated.

No. 952450

Please why does she keep calling it a dong it's sending me into orbit. Literally no man calls their weiner a dong

No. 952452

it also always existed. the japanese larp was real. she was really having delusions about it and thought her mom cheated and was leaving symbolism around for her to find. i think many of us forget it wasn't just some weeb chuuni shit and actually was psychosis.

No. 952456

the people here who think all the “I have a dong in my stomach” and “ghosts are constantly raping me” stuff is made up instead of delusions are sending me

No. 952459

I think someone anons are too young to know (and too lazy to read previous threads) becauss sarah an in og web 1.0 cow

No. 952463

File: 1738619791765.jpg (356.83 KB, 1080x1951, Screenshot_20250203_215539_Fir…)

going really well at casa pixy

No. 952472

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No. 952473

i think she’d die if her thread died, actually

No. 952474

File: 1738637450741.png (78.45 KB, 1080x453, 1000030366.png)

No. 952475

If only wishing for love were as simple as it seems in those Kingdom Hearts games. Too bad she's too damn entitled to be anyone worth a partner.

No. 952485

>>accepts me as a man and a he/him.
Fuck off, SARAH. Not one would be interested in dating someone, like you.

No. 952493

Untreated schizophrenia damages the brain and leads to more extreme symptoms long term. Learning that made a lot of Sarah's behavior make sense to me.

No. 952513

File: 1738712812625.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1914, 1000030387.png)

lol Sarah just shared this post about a karaoke contest. You think she'll sign up? I know she can't resist $1000 worth of cosplay crap

No. 952522

File: 1738722427474.jpg (76.52 KB, 1080x597, 1000012783.jpg)

Not surprised.

No. 952533

How long did she last?

No. 952535

18 days apparently >>951492

No. 952536

PixyTeri Job speedrun.

No. 952542

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No. 952550

Where did she work again? Papa johns? how do you even lose your job unless you are barely working or showing up at all? She acts like ubers or ride shares/car pools dont exist.

No. 952551

I bet she spergs out about pronouns constantly and gets bitchy when people "mis gender" her

No. 952562

I'm sure it was a combination of her employer calling her ma'am and not wanting to work, despite saying she needed that job.

No. 952576

>barely working or showing up at all
that's probably exactly what got her fired. when sarah worked at home depot she used to hide during her shifts and that was over a decade ago, before her mental health worsened to the state it is today. she's always been kinda lazy.

No. 952582

>"thrusting and rocking" in public
>smells like shit and piss from her bed
>pronoun sperging
>constantly complaining about her foot and using it an excuse to sit on her fat ass
>almost certainly using her lack of a car to not even show up at work

It's crazy she got hired in the first place.

No. 952585

That's DEI for you.

No. 952590

File: 1738866965325.jpg (106.27 KB, 1080x712, 1000012820.jpg)

Incoming old and ugly post. Again.

No. 952606

Papa John’s doesn’t do DEI, be absolutely for real
they’re just desperate for anybody to replace all the undocumented workers who skedaddled, even smelly cross-dressing lunatics are fine until they don’t show up because of complications from their dongitis of the stomach

No. 952608

File: 1738885446107.png (182.01 KB, 1080x876, 1000030412.png)

No. 952612

Papa John's does have DEI, funnily enough they started the initiative one year after the infamous Papa John's Gamer Word scandal. She must have really fucked up to get fired considering she's a sped and the company does have DEI.

No. 952617

File: 1738903894305.png (110.05 KB, 1080x606, 1000030415.png)

No. 952634

I don't think it's a reachnto say she got fired because her car wouldn't start, and so rather than get a ride from anyone she went the nuclear rout. Same shit different day.

No. 952636

she got fired for being sick and not calling in, that’s 90% her laziness and only 10% her craziness

No. 952639

File: 1738951657591.png (165.25 KB, 1080x489, 1000030448.png)

No. 952646

Blaming others for your shortcomings.

No. 952647

Oh shit, my bad. It happened at the same time she was bitching about her car not starting and wondering if she would get fired over it.

No. 952657

Is she serious? Something tells me Sarah is not a hard worker willing to learn though. She just wants to do the bare minimum and get paid. I bet she sucks at interacting with the public. I dont get why she doesnt try for a call center or other phone type job.

No. 952658

She's going to be in hot water when her parents pass or get too sick to take care of her. She's nearing 40 and still has no income, no savings, no life goal. PT saga gonna be crazy in 2025

No. 952689

PT’s parents plan to pass the curse onto her brother when they die

No. 952717

it'll be the same thing all over again. she's not going to be able to meet the quotas. she's not going to like the company listening in on her calls or tracking her bathroom breaks. she has a feminine voice so some old fart will call her ma'am and she'll cry and have a meltdown on fagbook. or she just simply won't show up. her mental state is far too degraded for her to work properly, and at this stage even medication will do nothing for her other than cause her to sleep all day and get even fatter than she already is. she's just going to keep spiraling further until her parents finally croak and her brother abandons her to be a homeless bag lady or dumps her in a home/mental health facility if he can find someone to take her in. if he has any sense he is not going to waste the rest of his life taking care of her.

No. 952725

File: 1739060298105.png (112.15 KB, 1080x575, 1000030505.png)

No. 952796

At this point, should she just try to get on disability? Apologies if this was brought up before. Then again, she probably doesnt consider herself disabled.

No. 952797

It has been discussed before—Pixy did have someone try to get her on benefit, but as usual, she didn't put in any effort to do any of the work required.

No. 952802

There's no way she could be on disability, it is a very long process to do that (she's too lazy for it) and she can technically work. People with very legitimate disabilities have a hard time getting it. The unfortunate reality is, there are tons of homeless people who also have legitimate disabilities and PT will likely end up like them if her brother won't take her in after her parents die.

No. 952813

I'm convinced 99% of the misgendering pt experiences is a poor minimum wage worker who has to say "UH…. MA'AM???" to the special needs woman masturbating an imaginary penis next to a child's birthday party at chuck e. cheese. I've never been gendered in public nearly as much as PT and I know texas and whatever, but it has to just be more because she she can't follow a simple social contract like "get in and out of olive garden without making it weird" and literally forces people to address her.

No. 952822

for every public tard rage she confesses to on facebook i'm sure she causes more scenes that we never hear about. unfortunately i think it's only a matter of time before she does something so bizarre that she ends up arrested and on the local news

No. 952860

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No. 952882


"how is it possible" that a middle aged, socially maladjusted, unemployed schizophrenic who lives with her parents and doesn't bathe is single? truly a mystery.

No. 952887

I feel like she overshares so much tho, and jumps at any opportunity to vent and get attention online but idk. Did she post about her parents calling the police on her for instance? Like has she ever not posted about anything we know about?

No. 952888

File: 1739397968120.png (70.91 KB, 1080x593, 1000030575.png)

No. 952889

Lmaooo was it a Man or a woman who replied?

No. 952890

A man, she’s straight and wants hot chicks ONLY ofc

No. 952919

Only men are desperate enough to stick their dick in crazy.

No. 952927

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No. 952937

All I read is "blah blah someone call me a man". Somebody call her sir so we can get out of this my god.

No. 952938

Sarah babe listen u have soo many threads babe

No. 952947

nobody knows you like we know you
but for real for real you could try not being such an asshole

No. 952951

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No. 952952

Stop writing dear cow letters in here, she's mentally 12 and you're being paraosocial and cringe

No. 952971

Tbh, since she's a tranny now and trannies follow gender norms to a T kek she's not the one who gets chocolates for valentines, it would be some girl she would date.

No. 952983

Maybe, but she's also a weeb, and on Valentine's Day in Japan, women give chocolates to men (who can then return the favour on White Day in March). "Buying myself my own chocolate" sounds more like she's thinking of that tradition.

No. 952989

You're right but I don't think she even knows that much about Nippon. Her brain is fried

No. 952992


simmer down, fat. they're clearly just poking fun at sarah.

No. 953001

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No. 953004

>calling someone parasocial while being miles deep into PT's lorcor threads

No. 953010

I fucking love pt

No. 953012

>that laugh react
kek diabolical

No. 953035

File: 1739642564157.png (24.4 KB, 668x266, dyingfromSTD.png)

She's currently dying from an STD, apparently.

No. 953038

not recognizing rhetorical devices!

No. 953066

kek banner pls
even at rock bottom she's an iconic queen and I love her for that

No. 953093

Don't forget PT's mom is extremely unhinged like PT. It makes sense why PT only gets worse.

No. 953103

schizophrenia is generally a progressive disease; I’m sure the stress of living with the crazy parents doesn’t help, but Pixy would be getting worse anyway without serious treatment

No. 953122

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No. 953123

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No. 953138

i like how she wishes for good juju to get a job when she’s the common denominator for why she can’t keep one. there’s only so much good energy people can put out into the universe for you if you’re not showing up or making an effort.

No. 953151

Accept my pronouns
I really thought nowadays that’s fairly acceptable. I’m surprised she gets “misgendered” all the time, even by peers.

No. 953163

I doubt anyone's intentionally "misgendering" her. She gets called "ma'am" because she doesn't even look like a troon, she looks like a cis woman with special needs. Either she doesn't correct them and stews on it instead, convinced her air-humping and ghost penis clearly show she's a man so these evil misgenderers must be out to get her, or she does correct them, they change their behavior (if only to avoid a spergout), and she ignores it and continues obsessing over the original misgendering.

Normal people don't go around asking everyone their pronouns. They makes assumptions based on what they see. She doesn't pass as a man, or even as someone trying to be a man, but instead of recognizing that, she assigns malice to everyone else. Her paranoid, socially stunted schizo brain can't help it.

No. 953177

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No. 953178

File: 1739917873552.png (454.71 KB, 1079x1989, 1000030952.png)

replies. I remember when Sarah complained about her owie foot on tiktok. Someone suggested she should look into PT, and they got blocked because Sarah got triggered over "PT". Surprised she didn't sperg out this time

No. 953183

I'm shocked she didnt go off on this guy. Also, what does she mean she got bullied at both places? This is why she cant keep a job

No. 953215

they bullied her by calling her “Miss” or “Ma’am”

No. 953222

I knew as soon as she had this surgery she would never stop talking about her foot injury. She now has a legitimate (in the sense she physically had a surgery for it) reason to complain she can't do things. She's just addicted to misery.

No. 953223

What’s with cows having foot problems? I don’t know anyone who has feet issues. Is this some entry munchie thing?

No. 953227

It's gotta be. A lot of cows, pt of course is one of them, always need a handy excuse to not function in the working world and always be supported. Unprovable mystery pain is a must-have.

No. 953236

Everything is a problem for PT since she is off her meds.

No. 953247

File: 1740028998112.png (46.4 KB, 1258x266, idek man.png)

The way she begs for attention or (help) just to be short and rude with people amazes me. not only is she addicted to the misery; in many cases she seems to really enjoy it. bit masochistic imo(sage your shit)

No. 953249

Humping tables?

No. 953250

Dear God I can't read this woman's posts anymore

No. 953251

I need you to understand that she is too cognitively impaired to have covert anything.

No. 953260

I read this in tamers12345's voice kek

No. 953283

I still don't get how she thinks that's a manly thing. If anything I heard about women getting off on humping the washing machine. I'm curious if she's rubbing her stomach penis against the table or her vag.

No. 953311

How old is PT again, like 40 something right ? I compeletely stopped remembering her saga after 2016(sage your shit)

No. 953341

I think she's turning 40 this year.

No. 953373

Her birthday is 29th of July 1985. So yes she's 40 this summer.(sage your shit)

No. 953387

File: 1740297160040.jpg (262.33 KB, 1078x1736, Screenshot_20250223_080927_Fac…)

Now that is funny.

No. 953388

>The male is a manlet
This should be outlawed tbh

No. 953441

She really is the all-time Queen of unintentional comedy

No. 953443

I wonder what made her want to be a straight man over "being yaoi". Especially considering she used to live as a very straight girl.

No. 953465

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No. 953509

interesting that she wants her dad to disappear and not debbie. in videos sarah has posted he appeared to be the more placid parent

No. 953518

Maybe she's trying to get a rise out of him? She's admitted that she needs attention and if he's doing his own thing she might be mad that he isn't obsessing over her every move like Debbie. Or maybe she's still pretending he's a pedo rapist. Hard to tell with Pixy.

No. 953520

File: 1740451656233.png (303.15 KB, 1080x1300, 1000031142.png)

>Thanks for coming to my rescue
How about you fight your own battles like a real man.

No. 953527

That emi person sounds obnoxious. I thought Sarah was a man? Why can't she stand up for herself?

No. 953549

Because she's too lazy to stand up for herself. Also, Emi's argument about last names is invalid.

No. 953593

She really is lucky that her parents continue to enable her so hard while quickly approaching 40 years of age. When her parents are gone, Pixie is absolutely fucked.

No. 953627

File: 1740607019047.png (79.14 KB, 1080x444, 1000031171.png)

No. 953638

File: 1740620357438.jpeg (44.19 KB, 318x313, IMG_6179.jpeg)

I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat

No. 953643


I wonder how long she's going to keep up these illusions of pretending to be a man. It's getting boring.

No. 953645

I mean her Dad sounds like an enabler for both her & her mother. I'm surprised they are still married. Even though she looks normal; I wonder if she would end up in an assisted living home for adults with disabilities (bipolar disorder ) or end up homeless?

No. 953648

What's the bet Emi's dad yelled at her after binning the first car before buying her a replacement anyway and that's the "abuse" and "violent rage".

PT being surrounded by spoilt kids is just going to encourage her to keep being a spoilt kid accepting hand-outs from her "abusers" while never solving any of her problems. Maybe it would do her good to be cut off? Like maybe she'd suddenly be a little more functional if no one was enabling her anymore… or if not she'd be put in a home and not have to struggle to find jobs anymore.

No. 953657

considering the large amount of severely mentally ill homeless people in texas sarah would be more likely to end up on the streets than in a home. she may be spoiled, enabled, and maybe even a bit manipulative but she's also genuinely, deeply unwell and could end up in a dangerous situation if her parents suddenly cut her off. i'm sure they're beyond sick of her shit but i doubt they want her to come to harm

No. 953667

There are tons of people far more mentally ill than PT homeless. While I have my doubts that she could make it on her own, she certainly won't end up in a home (doubt those are very common in Texas). If none of her brothers step up she's going to end up homeless. Her parents know that, which is why they tolerate her bullshit.

No. 953680

It’s easy to fake yeah, I forgot what PTs injury is but tbh foot injuries do take a long ass time to heal.

No. 953684

I'd give so much to have multiple psychologists diagnose her. I think there's a lot going on and most of it is probably due to her living with her crazy parents. A group home would probably be good for her.

No. 953686

It was a bone spur. Honestly I am positive it's long since healed but she's imagining something is still wrong so she has an excuse.

No. 953778

File: 1740875718549.png (158.28 KB, 1080x685, 1000031265.png)

One of the replies

No. 953787

File: 1740892863009.jpg (227.44 KB, 1080x1440, 1000031306.jpg)

Shared a photo of herself at the art walk today

No. 953791

she dresses and looks liek a sweaty old toad. Why is she wearing such high-waisted pants? She could tuck her tits in the waistband they are so far up.

No. 953793

Why does her arm on the left look so tiny kek

No. 953805

File: 1740923180323.webp (17.88 KB, 292x378, IMG_3151.webp)

No. 953806

This is exactly what came to mind when I saw this image of PT.

No. 953807

this is the closest any woman could come to unintentional drag, like histrionic faggots imitating every offensive stereotype associated with peroxide blonde women while doing splits and mashing in their scrotums as they lip sync to 70s female artists on the other end of the spectrum is pixyteri doing an unexciting but impressively accurate cosplay of an elderly male autist that hasn't changed the way he's dressed since the 60s and gets his pants tailored to fit 5 inches above his bellybutton always and is convinced crying babies are an infringement on his rights as an American

No. 953819

It's giving skeezy car salesman kek. She sure does love that red button-down and tie, huh?

No. 953846

why don’t any of these people ever go to an actual men’s barber and get a haircut that looks like an actual man’s hairstyle? this hair is giving “Bible school teacher who lives with her roommate from the field hockey team and four cats,” not “dude”

No. 953847

because they don't want to look like actual men. they want to look like little boys or anime characters that they like and decided they were a boy because of.

No. 953902

because women don't know how men should look and be. that is your average tif's mindset

No. 953910

File: 1741081901009.png (281.75 KB, 331x588, Trumpet_Guy.png)

No. 953954

File: 1741114860738.jpeg (126.99 KB, 828x390, IMG_7864.jpeg)

Archive this piece of history while you still can https://m.youtube.com/user/orihimeningyo

No. 953967

File: 1741122951061.png (460.1 KB, 1080x1898, 1000031425.png)


No. 953969

>>I want it to go away without me doing anything.

No. 953976

Christ, she is SO fucking lazy.

No. 954023

I can grab those and host them somewhere.

No. 954028

I thought this was Danny Devito in always sunny.

No. 954043

File: 1741245543305.jpg (120.31 KB, 686x1032, theprophacyfulfillsitself.jpg)

she just posted this on her facebook…..has she totally forgotten back when people told her what it means? When she was claiming her real Japanese father left that as a present for her mother, people were pointing out that it is actually Chinese.

No. 954045

she's back again with the wind chime. i feel like her cognition has been declining for some time now. it's so weird.

No. 954050

Or she does remember and she's just assuming everyone else has forgotten

No. 954133

File: 1741371915060.png (137.58 KB, 1080x1016, 1000031670.png)

No. 954139


>lives in texas, one of the most conservative states in the us

>larps as tranny, no diagnosis of dysphoria
>texas working on ban trans healthcare

>why is this happening to ONLY ME?

No. 954146

File: 1741380672397.png (242.6 KB, 1004x772, the-heros-journey.png)

Right back where it all started

No. 954147

good news, the government is not coming for your imaginary stomach penis

No. 954164

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No. 954195

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No. 954202

The only dumb name here is Ashton Winters, Sarah. You are not a man, you're not an Ashton and you're not a Winters either.

No. 954300

Why is she even wasting thoughts on her birth certificate. Who thinks of that??

No. 954338

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No. 954339

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Wore her unwashed Sora costume to larp meetup

No. 954342

Since when is she inter?
Her description of the day sounds like a Dear diary of a retard kek

No. 954343

She’s been claiming she’s intersex since the beginning of the trans arc. She thinks she has a penis growing in her stomach and that’s why she’s intersex

No. 954344

I love how Sarah changes her stupid narrative.

No. 954346

>I don't want my dick taken away
KEK. Great banner material, this one.

No. 954347

both of these are correct. Their expression of their preferred sex is always based on stereotypes or fantasy.

No. 954349

schizophrenia makes everything weirder

No. 954443

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No. 954457

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This is the most coherent she has ever been when talking to me. Also, Debbie is in a nursing home again because of the double stroke she had. Sarah is happy she doesn't have to take care of her….which seems heartless on her part. Could just be her autism brain making it sound that way though.

No. 954458

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No. 954461

Debbie's stroke confirmed and it sounds like she's at a long-term care facility. I know Debbie wasn't exactly a saint, but this is really sad and leaves me wondering how Sarah's father is doing with one less crazy person in the house.

No. 954463

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No. 954465

Taking care of a bedridden stroke victim fucking sucks and their relationship otherwise is kind of irrelevant. It's not heartless, she's actually doing both of them a favor by not taking on that burden. There's no way she could help change her mother's diapers/bed pan, drive her to appointments, or make food for her.

No. 954466

Her parents are getting into the nursing home phase of life. She still can't hold down a job or pay bills. She's totally fucked in 5 years.

No. 954468

"one day I'll be kanpeki" kekkkkkkk that arrested development

No. 954470

there is no way she was doing any of that, come on, she is probably complaining about bringing her mother a glass of water with a straw in it

No. 954471

Her mother is as bad as Sarah. You saw the post about her bragging about eating good food when Sarah was at a hotel or something like that. I'm too lazy to remember the post, but her mom would lay out her crazy shit for the world to see. I'd be happy too if my lazy ass, insane daughter was gone so I could eat a meal, but I would not post that. Then there's the other post about writing letters to a widow about her dead husband hitting on her. I don't doubt Sarah's mom asks her for stupid shit all the time, and Sarah cries about it constantly and creates a fucking disaster. I think Sarah is actually being a sane human being in her communication for once. She doesn't want to talk about it because it's stressful, relieved that she gets a break (even if she doesn't deserve it), and mentions she's also happy her mom is getting proper care.

No. 954483

She's drawing better. How nice!

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