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No. 257458
Thread #1
>>51365Thread #2
>>147888Thread #3
>>211596Nicole "Sheena" Duquette "Oum" is a cosplayer from Vancouver, BC who dropped everything to move to Austin, TX so she could sleep her way into RoosterTeeth. She "married" Monty Oum, something that was only revealed after Monty was in an coma following anaphylaxis caused by a treatment for his cat allergy, after first hooking up with him PAX 2013. It's highly suspected they only married so she wouldn't get deported because no one knew about their marriage (including Monty's family). It's also worth noting that the reason Monty was being aggressively treated for his cat allergy is because Nicole decided to bring home a stray.
After Monty's death, she took thousands of dollars worth of donations for his care and funeral and went on vacation in England with Jnig, flaunting her new purchases the whole way. After returning, she used more money to get giant fake boobs despite having "severe" scoliosis that she uses as an excuse for pity.
She is currently living in LA, despite being in the country not as a legal citizen, and not being allowed to have a job in the country. She is a Twitch booby streamer, sells prints of herself waering costumes she bought, and fame whores herself at every con that will let her. The costumes she actually makes herself are hilariously poorly stitched and sculpted. She also posts endless photos of the little murder weapon she decided to keep and name Mr. Noodle, and even sells merch of the fucking cat.
One of her nastier habits is shit talking every "friend" she has behind their back, which provides endless liters of milk for us.
Let us continue to watch her sociopathic attempt at ~cosplay fame~ as she desperately attempts to become both Kelly Jean and Jessica Nigri
No. 257489
>>257459Wells he's a con artist at least.
Her drawings for Hanadoki's convention brochure were horribly bland and boring.
>>250900 No. 257676
>>257629jesus christ, it's a basic bitch okcupid profile
>sometimes I like to go out; other times, I like to stay in
>I was a total nerd/geek/tomboy growing up: now I look like a stripper/Playboy model
>I love the outdoors, and by outdoors I mean Runyon Canyon. I never leave LA.what the fuck Sheena, that's not what idiopathic means. idiopathic means it develops without cause or the cause is unknown. if it was caused by a trampoline accident, it's not fucking idiopathic.
this reeks of reddit "dumb person trying to sound smart" syndrome
No. 258517
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Oh I wonder what YouTube challenges she'll get up to.
No. 258528
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Don't you love it when you can claim credit for something because the real person who made it is dead? Even in your grave, Sheena is still disrespecting you.
No. 258546
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No. 258563
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No. 259130
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>>257458What. The. Actual. Fuck.
No. 259146
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>>259130what did I fucking say about resolution, ho?
No. 259677
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"ayy bby, u wan sum fuk?"
No. 260203
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bitch at least buy tank tops that cover your bra, christ
No. 260215
>>260203Are her boobs really lopsided or something? They don't look right… even for being fake and all.
And fuck, get some decent concealer.
>>259146I hate to say this, but she looks decent as a brunette. Being blonde/pink/tumblr hair does nothing for her besides make her look try hard.
No. 260321
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>>260300It's actually kind of hard to find any photos where she doesn't blur the shit out of herself.
No. 260324
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No. 260325
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It would be cool if someone had super photoshop skills to make her old. This looks kind of ridiculous lol
No. 260400
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>>258546This is all I see anytime I see her
No. 260450
>>260203Looks like she got sloppy in even fixing her damn bra. Decided to throw on a top like that for m0ar views.
Ironic she's doing all this goddamn "modeling" when she can't even do her fucking brows right. F'ing christ on a bike.
No. 260475
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bitch, you talk shit more than anybody
No. 260526
>>260475Speak out against back handed compliments
With some intense humble-bragging
No. 261003
>>260974Before they ever met in person, her and Monty had a Twitter relationship. He would vent about about this 'girl he liked' and she assumed it was her. She used to complain how Monty had a god-complex and annoyed her with how thirsty he was for her. Then pax came around and she followed him like a dog all weekend while he flirted with other girls. She found out the 'girl Monty liked' was another white chick that was staying in his hotel room. Sheena was so pissed she slept with this cali photographer. Things didn't go well with Monty and the other chick so on the last day of pax he settled for Sheena.
Once Monty picked her, which was the day after she slept with the photographer in her hotel bathroom because she had sleeping roomates, she treated the photographer guy like absolute shit in front of Monty and a group of their friends. The photographer guy is well known in the cosplay scene, which is probably a good reason why people don't like Sheena including Jessica Nigiri.
No. 261018
>>261003As I always said, how sad for you nicole that you weren't even the first pick
And I know you'll read this too
No. 261098
>>260974Sheena used to complain how some of her friends 'couldn't bring anything to the table' so it was were useless to be a good friend to them. Sheena would only be a good friend if she got something back from you up till the point she didn't need you anymore.
Then this was how Devin reacted which posted in Thread 3
>>255131Devin found out all the shit Sheena has been saying about her for however long they've been friends. Something that I found hilarious considering Sheena talked shit about all her 'friends' to Devin, and Devin didn't think Sheena would do the same to her with other 'friends'. And then Devin actively went and befriended all the people Sheena hated and talked shit about such as her ex, the ex's new gf, the old roommate, Talixoxo, ton of Sheena's old con friends that she ditched after meeting Monty in order to get back at Sheena.
No. 261152
>>259715fiverings is known for (really bad) shooping. he shoops the living shit out of ever photo he takes.
>>261033PR. it makes jnig look like a kind person who cares.
>>261098Devin is friends with a lot of shitslingers though like Emi Hu/avnp/barleytea
No. 261459
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No. 261521
>>261512who the fuck even does red lip like that any more? i feel like it's such a particular look to pull off (Which she does not). ages her horribly.
also, she needs to clean her goddamn house or whatever is that background.
No. 261904
>>261522I'm pretty sure it's because most girls associate red lipstick with maturity/appearing mature. That whole stereotype with makeup at times, I guess. But yeah… honestly she REALLY needs to lay off the red lipstick, makes her look old af.
Some people can just rock a red lip naturally. She is not one of those people.
No. 261971
>>261923Real talk I theorize she mostly takes smiling selfies to hide the fact that her nasolabials (creases or shadows) are visible when she's not
Source: that's what I do irl :'(
No. 262335
>>261904I also think she's trying to play up the whole 'vixen' thing that boob-streamers on twitch do sometimes, and red a pretty typical color for that kind of look. it's really the brightness of the shade and the fact that it's not matte that it's looks horrible on her.
>>259677 it's more muted and looks better. The shade also looks a bit too warmed tones for her cool toned skin.
No. 262569
>>262335That image wears out fast. lmao. She comes off as granny, not vixen.
Don't mean to nitpick at the way she presents herself but she should lay off the "bold" look and stick to a youthful appearance — oh, I don't know; Korean makeup??? She needs to stick to natural looks. Unless she's out there and cosplaying then by all means she can get out there and slap on like 5 pounds of makeup.
All this heavy, imitated makeup from "established, successful cosplayers/streamers" makes her look more like a grandma trying to fit into modern society and fake af.
No. 262801
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She blames her posture on bad bones but seriously I wonder how she walks. lmao. Does she walk with that stupid posture?? smh.
Get those tits out under your skin, girl. They don't do your bones good anyway.
No. 262854
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No. 262951
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Grandma's streaming again
No. 263181
>>262951Just recently started reading this girl's threads. God I used to think JNigs was ugly. Jessica's face is gorgeous compared to Sheena. Pic for reference
>>256549I'm assuming everyone feels the same way
No. 263267
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her way of doing makeup really ages her, i wish she'd realize that. the lips especially, that color looks totally wrong for her.
i was bored so i did this.. she could look so much better. gave her more natural lipstick, eyelashes bc it looks like she doesnt wear mascara, made her blush color more natural, filled in her eyebrows, and changed the angle of her eyeliner slightly. i think its a huge improvement honestly…
No. 263273
>>263267Holy fuck anon, you did her good. If she just changed that lipstick alone, there'd be such a massive improvement.
I don't think she's particularly ugly or anything, but she just presents herself so badly. Can't she use all that dead husbando donation money and buy herself some style?
No. 263292
>>263267>>263274Why would Nicole think she should change her way of doing make-up?
I find her old-looking/not pretty but how she looks now obviously works on all her fans.
No. 263406
>>263278I am shocked, simply SHOCKED that she didn't go to Coachella.
that's the pinnacle of the poseur year, and it's a massive waste of money, which is also Sheena's style.
>>263267the only problem with your makeover is that without the gaudy lipstick your focus shifts to her Dumbo ears. if I were her, I would have had those pinned back before I bought myself chest balloons.
No. 263489
>>257458Saw that she's doing a shoot for Milynn Sarley's clothing line.
As Venus.
With that god awful red lipstick.
No. 263529
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>>263491 makes me think of
No. 263554
thanks for the feedback on
>>263267 it's nothing special but if there's other pics/lolcows i should do this for hmu i have so much free time and enjoy practising retouching.
>>263406yeah i see what you're saying, but i only wanted to shoop things she can easily recreate with makeup and not change her actual features. personally I think more focus on her eyes (like with a good mascara and nice falsies, matte eyeliner instead of glossy) would distract from her ears better than weird lipstick lol.
even the lipstick in
>>263491 is an improvement imo. cooler toned lipsticks look so much better on fair skin than warm toned.
my recommendation for her would be some more cool toned nude/coral/pale pink lipsticks (colourpop/revlon are my fav cheap options), a very dramatic mascara, and a nice dark blonde eyebrow pencil. and maybe a contour kit for good measure if she doesn't use one already.
i dont think she's ugly at all, just needs to improve her makeup skills :)
No. 263673
>>189388Did we ever find out what Anon sent her? I checked the old threads and didn't see anything, but maybe I just missed it.
ngl, I'm still burning with curiosity about this.
No. 263717
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posted without comment.
No. 263740
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I hated her eyebrows so much so I gave her something else. This is a really unflattering pose. The more I looked at it the more ugly she became.
No. 263742
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No. 263824
>>263742The one in the back with the brown hair and baubles looks like a man in drag.
>>263744Same, it's so forced it hurts. Just take a fucking nice photo.
No. 263834
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>>263822>covered in makeupwhat
whats wrong with being covered in makeup for cosplay
how are you supposed to even slightly resemble eyes like these without a bunch of eyeliner?
have you seen pics or girls who cosplay with no makeup? it washes their face out and ruins the whole cosplay honestly. the girls in the photo wearing more eye makeup look way better than the others.
agree on the skimpy part. i blame jnig and pool party league of legends "cosplay"
No. 263858
>>263840I looked her up, she's not nearly as bad as I expected. She's still giving me pewdiepie vibes in that pic tho.
>>263851I'm guessing the blonde one wearing the obnoxiously red lipstick, even though everyone else is wearing nudes/pinks.
No. 264504
>>263742oh look at that, a bunch of really crappy people all together in one "cosplay" group.
And of course Kimbrasprite or w/e is there pimping her bandwagon dog.
No. 264506
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Everything looks so cheap, like it came out of Claires.
No. 264508
>>264506This is a pretty lame seven dwarfs cosplay group.
Though the girl who's doing dopey in the middle ish is doing a pretty good job
No. 264546
>>264506I hate how much of a cheap whore she's made Venus look.
Also, it might be her armpit or some weird shadow, but that looks like an implant scar.
No. 264564
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>>264558Cheap looking. Boring. Too expensive.
No. 264592
>>264506Adella is still so pretty imho. She looks amazing for not only being in her mid-30's but also being a mom. I remember when I first saw her at AX over a decade ago and was like "daaamn" because I thought she was just so gorgeous. She's still as pretty as ever. She'll always be my cosplay girlcrush <3
Claire and Mandy look nice too. I don't like their wigs but they're both beautiful anyway.
I think Sheena was a poor choice for Venus. Jnig would've been a better fit.
No. 264715
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>>264592JNig's Venus was horrible and also made her look like a washed out slutty party girl. I hate it when skanks cosplay as Sailor Senshi.
No. 264717
>>264715Holy shit, imagine is Sailor Venus really looked that old. Jnig doesn't seem to understand that cosplaying young anime girls but making your eyes look as small as possible with a shit ton of eyeliner isn't a good look
Not that she really cares though
No. 264723
>>264715if they're going to bother to filter the photo to hell, they could at least photoshop her nasolabial lines.
Also the thumbnail makes her eyes look like black pits of despair.
No. 264752
>>264653It's when Sheena forcefully isolated Kimba out of the ALA RWBY group because she thought there should only be one Pyrrah and since she was Monty's gf that meant it was her. Keep in mind the group formed among the California cosplayers, so Sheena just invaded.
It was during this con that Sheena started shit talking Johnny despite trying to suck up to him in public.
No. 264942
>>264506usagi looks like she has grandma sagging boobs
nicole looks like a literal prostitute with that make up
i like ami's shoes
No. 264964
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>>264958I'm not sure I want to see that.
No. 265040
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Pre-Monty Nicole. Some hair salon got her and Devin to model for them and basically made them look as awful and trashy as they possibly could.
No. 265083
>>264506What a bunch of QTs. I absolutely am in love with Jupiter since she looks so perfect for this and Mercury is how I imagined her to look irl. Everyone else is really good as well.
I know it's a Sheena thread, but I really do think she's the weakest out of everyone here, and that's not just salt talking. She just feels really try hard and did so many poor choices that could've easily been avoided.
Venus never, ever had lipstick that heavy nor did any other Sailor Senshi. If she'd watch the show, the girls all actually get some canonical lipstick when they transform. Her thick eye makeup and mustard yellow wig choice are so questionable. She looks like a hooker, a bit aged, and almost like a drag queen.
No. 265187
>>265083For some reason nicole ends up being the weakest link in all group photoshoots she does.
The sad thing is she planned this one and still ended up the weakest part
No. 265241
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>>265204>>265229I think the crop tops are still normal 'current day' wear. Mamoru should have been put in a well cut button shirt (with a few buttons undone and a white undershirt maybe) and properly fitted pants. I'm assuming it was someone's left over black wig that they didnt want to style? I feel like they could have gotten away with maybe doing something along the lines of Yamato from Say I Love You.
Overall they should have discusses what they were doing for makeup/other styling. Cause I realize they couldnt all wear their scout shoes but the fact that Mercury's shoes dont match the other blues int their outfit bothers me and I love Adella but the Jupiter boots dont go ith the rest of the look whatsoever.
No. 265881
>>265878I was wondering how long it would take her to do this. I was honestly impressed with her that she hadn't made one but any last bit of hope she might be a decent human is gone.
Isn't she still fucking getting money from Monty's gofundme? If so, she shouldn't be begging for more money while getting blood money.
No. 265904
>>265878Only a matter of time though I am surprised she didn't do it early.
I'm amused she had a 3d modeling video as a reward. Gurl I learn that shit for free from better artist than you on YouTube…
No. 265940
>>265878>Goals>$679 of $1,000Expecting stretch goals.
>>263813Now you know how she will have her rent paid.
No. 265958
>>265940If only she didn't squander away a quarter of a million dollars on herself.
I can't believe she still calls cosplay her 'job' despite having to clearly beg for money by being a low grade porn cam girl.
But you know, this is what Monty would of wanted.
No. 265994
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More money means less clothing!!!!! YESSS PRESERVE MONTY'S MEMORY!!! He lives on thru your BOUDOIR SHOOTS! YASSSS
No. 266005
>>266001Not necessarily. There are BBWs who do this shit. Or you could just pander to a specific fetish.
Literally all you need is a nice webcam tbh.
No. 266028
>>266019Probably just a residual fatty shitposter that got banned from cgl recently.
Probably an aspiring camslut too, you can tell it destroys them when you say there's no real standard as long as you're willing to debase yourself on the internet for a dollar.
No. 266042
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>>266037Fuck off, Nicole.
No. 266047
>>266037I never said anything about her attractiveness, though. You said anon would have to be pretty to be a camgirl, and I said that's wrong.
Why are you getting offended on someone else's behalf? Is that you or something?
No. 266096
>>266028The main "standard" cam girls have to live up to is a standard of entertainment. Being attractive isn't nearly as important as being on regularly around the same time and giving your viewers something to watch every time you go on… Unless someone wants to go sketchy Slavic cam girl style and just sit in skimpy underwear while rubbing your boobs slowly, but tbh I don't know how much money they make compared to the English speaking pseudo celeb ones.
Sage cause who cares about camming, this argument has been had in Charms' thread over and over and over.
I wonder if she gets $10k a month if she'll do anal gaping vids in her RWBY cosplay
No. 266148
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>>266082oh fuck I want to tweet that to her
No. 266195
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No. 266430
>>266429The hell does she even talk about? Is it mostly like this:
"Oh I'm the greatest, me me me, dead husband, insert fake inspiration bullshit"
No. 266523
>>265878>"Pay me and we can talk more!"Right, because you're a stuck-up bitch who sucked on a guy for a green card + money and you're probably running out so it's TIIIIIME to PUSH! THAT! BUTTON! :D
Seriously why the shit would anyone even BUY this plot??? You could practically learn ANYTHING on the internet if you just research and TRY!
No. 266628
>>266533The new season coming out is actually a new series. It's going to probably be like the little 'Chibi' Avatar episodes that are just light heart and explain things they forget to explain in the show (which is a lot).
The designs are on the underwhelming side.
>>266539End of Volume 2, she was the one who updated the Wiki pages with Yang's mothers name and some other spoiler stuff iirc. Monty also gave access to the characters PRETTY early so Chloe could make her Emerald cosplay before anyone knew who she was.
Nicole's story seems to flop back and forth to her saying she worked for RT, Freelanced, or didn't work at all and was just there. No one referred to her by name, they just called her Monty's gf. It wasn't until he was dead that she was said to be his wife.
No. 266629
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>>266628Meant to post the underwhelming designs.
No. 266721
>>266715Considering Barbara's the social media person for RT she probably does have to put on face.
I think Barbara was someone who took Monty's death really hard, too. I vaguely remember someone saying she was devastated and crying for over a week because they were just really good friends.
No. 266735
>>266595Monty def let her come in and 'work' whenever he did. RT got on his ass about her using their resources for her own shit that had nothing to do with RT, since she didn't work for them.
>>266630Dumb RWBY fans do. God these should have been in 2d.
>>266721Barb seems like a sweet person so I can see her looking out for Nicole because of Monty. Just seems weird that she would, given she'd likely be one of the first people to see that Nicole's a shit head.
No. 266755
>>266735RWBY fans can't be…that dumb can they?
Plus I don't think it would be better 2D as it would imply the foundation of the show was something worth while to begin with. :p
No. 266756
>>266755Well they're blindly giving money to Sheena just because she was Monty's wife so… yeah they can be that dumb.
I think the Chibi RWBY is to get their animators away from Poser and using Maya instead, so it's kind of a tester series and people want the happy RWBY back after Volume 3.
They just should of gone with a better design for
>>266629 No. 266763
>>266760I think Shane Newville was the only other person who really used it or liked Poser but he just upped and quit mid Volume 3. With no one there using it like Monty or Shane, it would seem better to move on to Maya.
>>266735There was an RT Life video where she was in the background sanding a prop or something so everyone assumed she worked there until she was called out after Monty's death. It was up on her website for the longest time, too but who knows, maybe she was saying it because of her 'work visa' to SAY she had a job. idk how those work.
No. 266767
>>266766Good to know.
Real talk though, can they keep having RWBY go on though? The people left at RT don't exactly seem like the kind to invest in anime weeb shit
No. 266768
>>266767They have an Anime podcast with a bunch of them so they're pretty in to weeb shit.
Monty had plans drawn up for up to 10-11 volumes, Miles and Kerry just have to fill in the blanks with writing and plot.
Now they have RWBY Chibi and still are coming out with things for Grimm Eclipse, they're going to milk it for all they can.
No. 266769
Thanks for filling in the blanks. I fully admit I don't follow RT or RWBY much so this is helpful
No. 266775
>>266770Nah RT shit is usually lumped in with Nicole.
Sounds like there was bad blood brewing for awhile.
No. 266782
>>266770I think he's still good friends with Sheena or at least tries to come off as such.
I don't think RT made any mention of it themselves other than he quit. Reddit and Tumblr users were pretty much just "don't pry in to their business why he quit" so it was all really vague and out of the blue.
RT just has been having a few shitty years losing some valuable members.
-Monty died, Sheena got all his money,
-Kara left for another job but still voices Weiss and hangs out,
-Kathleen quit but still does voice work,
-JJ, quit or was fired and they replaced his voice for Mercury in RWBY
-Ray quit and is getting a shitton of money from his twitch gaming,
-Shane quit out of the blue,
-Arryn left Miles for an acting career in LA so her voice wasn't used in Grimm Eclipse till later. They had Lindsay read her lines instead.
-Burnie sold the company to Full Screen so they may have something to do with a lot of people leaving because they're changing a lot.
-There seems to be a huge gap between RT and AH
People you had seen before have been moved to different areas of their studio and iirc on a podcast they said they hardly see Brandon or any of the RT Real Life (Social Disorder, RT Shorts, Ten Little Roosters) anymore.
No. 266818
>>266782Thanks for the update anon. Didn't know about Kara but yeah put into perspective like that it's no wonder I stopped following RT eventually. I still watch RvB and catch up on RWBY when it catches my fancy but I haven't followed RT nearly as much as I did back in the day since 2014. It makes me sad, RT is trash to a lot of people but I really liked them esp back when I was in high school.
I definitely won't lie, Sheena getting involved with Monty kind of ruined RT for me in a way bc I didn't want to associate her with them and couldn't avoid thinking about it lol
No. 266819
>>266782Damn, haven't been following RT or AH for a good while now. I had no idea Burnie sold it to Full Screen :/
Whatever happened to that movie they were making.
No. 266822
>>266819The movie was funded completely and made. It's on Youtube Red atm and had a theatrical release that did pretty well from what I've heard. I saw a trailer for it during Deadpool. The backers for the Indiegogo are getting their last rewards soon which are autographed copies of the script.
>>266818I feel you there. I love RT and content but with Monty's death and all the drama and Sheena still acting as if she's the best cosplayer and personification of all t he RWBY girls it leaves a sour taste.
Knowing RT isn't doing s hit all to her for selling RWBY prints with Monty's name stamped on them or telling her to shut down Monty's GoFundMe that STILL claims he's only in the hospital, I just lost a bit of faith and respect.
No. 266897
>>266853unsurprising considering sheena sniffs ross's ass hardcore
i liked ray and tina a lot so the fact they associate with grumps and sheena is sad
i wonder when RT will add game grumps into their 'family of let's plays'
No. 267044
File: 1462468297843.jpeg (52.69 KB, 1060x592, image.jpeg)

>>266973She's a man eater. Be careful Ross.
No. 267917
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tweeting more about Ross
No. 268404
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What the…
No. 268411
File: 1462766310963.png (2.31 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

No. 268415
File: 1462766988060.jpg (485.4 KB, 1784x1171, 13198368_10209270316255552_143…)

Did someone contour beards on some of them?
No. 268730
>>268415The biggest thing that bugs me is that the shoes don't have a central theme, except maybe senshi related color. They really needed to pick between dress, athletic, or casual.
I find it funny that the reason Sheena stuck out to me wasn't her red lipstick, but her dopey ears. She just looks so alien and weirdly old among the rest.
No. 268837
File: 1462892372467.jpg (10.73 KB, 456x340, TributeSandal203109F14004400-1…)

>>268768So glad I'm not alone with that. Uranus should have had them instead, if anyone was gonna have high tops, heeled or not. Neptune's style of shoes isn't even that hard to find. Not saying to invest in YSL shoes for a really dumb product shoot, but finding knock off would be easy enough and then painting them.
No. 268881
>>268879yeah I don't even understand that at all, its so fucking Spice Girls and gross.
although looking at it now you can tell saturn is a lot shorter than the other girls, so she wore the shoes to be taller. but, like, saturn is short anyway.
the only shoes that look remotely accurate are jupiter's and mar's, only because mar's is ez pz to do and it looks like jupiter probably already cosplayed her at one point so had the shoes on hand.
No. 269071
File: 1462958925764.gif (Spoiler Image,3.01 MB, 390x292, 1462656491641.gif)

This is basically going to be Sheena in a year. Clock it.
No. 269072
I know because I was in the thread :^)
No. 269088
>>269072all day urryday
(sage for noncontent)
No. 269161
>>269071wow, is this a boob job? i want my boobs like this, but a tad bit smaller.
sage for not contributing
No. 269325
File: 1463058354925.png (45.28 KB, 585x399, dumbos.png)

I know this is a Shitna thread, but … ew:
No. 269327
File: 1463059628328.png (Spoiler Image,432.56 KB, 1272x436, breast-augmentation-photos.png)

>>269311Untrue actually. If you get teardrop shaped silicone implants behind the muscle and have at least a b-cup already you can get very similar results on a smaller scale. C-cup or bigger and you'll get that exact look. Most women and surgeons recommend not getting teardrops if you don't want "saggy" breasts. Rock hard 80s implants are only a thing if you want them or you're getting them done for 500 bucks.
Pic related is immediately after they've healed. In a few months to a year they'll look exactly like that gif.
No. 269436
>>269405I'm going to offer my pov in this seeing how I deal with animation production and I've dealt with Nicole by proxy seeing how I live in the same city as her
In short Shane is too emotional which is affecting his judgement on Nicole
Case in point about page 16 one of the producers mentioned how Nicole has no part in RWBY and realistically Nicole really offers nothing to the table to the production.
Shane mentions how Nicole is "professionally more qualified than the people who got hired as contract workers on the show" but there's not much to actually showcase that. (Also way to throw your team under the bus buddy)
Does she animate? Sorta
Does she design? We got those already
Write? Again we got writers already
I'd give Nicole some credit if her twitch or patreon was something showcasing how professional she is but all they show is her with her boobs out
On page 19 Shane again mentions how one of the character was to be voiced by her but CEO wanted to give her a fair chance so they had auditions to decide who would do that voice which she failed to ace the audience or maybe didn't even bother to show up to which I ask this is a problem why? She had a chance and she lost it as she wasn't the best voice actress for it
I'd say more on Shane but that would sorta lead away from Nicole centered topic.
>>269422I sure wouldn't, Shane is shown to bias and emotional in 36 pages of "me me me" so while the truth is in there somewhere but it sure is not 100%
No. 269452
File: 1463092160519.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.91 KB, 800x410, rinnatostmine-ja-proteesimine.…)

>>269437>Pic related is immediately after they've healed. In a few months to a year they'll look exactly like that gif.No one can escape gravity. They take those pics as soon as the wounds close up. It also depends on how much fat the woman had in her breasts before the surgery, the more that covers the implant the more natural it looks. No. 269459
File: 1463092537285.jpg (Spoiler Image,92.17 KB, 1024x512, Breast_Augmentation5-1024x512.…)

>>269437>>269454Again these are very fresh pics, but this already looks almost identical. You can see that her breast juts out like an implant would instead having a more subtle and natural curve in the gif.
No. 269477
>>269476the amount of people saying something along the lines of 'omg I feel so bad for Sheena if this is true' is astounding. Like, they'll be neutral to Shane but feel bad for Sheena.
It doesn't help that she's rt'd it.
No. 269482
>>269479Mostly /co/
Im guessing tumblr or reddit are the "oh poor nicole" camp?
No. 269492
>>269405Nicole has retweeted this
Gotta get those pity donations
No. 269505
>>269503I have no idea since they were married in secret and he died before it was even a year.
I doubt she files taxes and you have to pay a certain amount after being donated 15k iirc but I don't think she's done that. She's probably not going to try to get a job because she'll have to have a background check and she has too many red flags.
No. 269506
>>269495Would make sense, Shane is boasting how talented she is but nothing she does shows that.
>>269504You bought up a good point as RT probably had another of montys shit but he being the golden goose caved in to certain demands. Him demanding nicole to be given work probably planted the seeds of RT having wanting nothing to do with Nicole
No. 269508
>>269506Shane wants some of that 250k.
Both Shane and Sheena were fans of Monty who he allowed to get close and they ultimately ruined him. He also let them get so close that they truly believed they became talented by assocation.
The similarities between Sheena and Shane are numerous. They're terrible at relationships with their families or employers, egotistical and entitled.
No. 269513
File: 1463102732474.jpg (93.93 KB, 422x750, 1463100606531.jpg)

Doesn't have to do with Nicole directly but JJ, the original voice of Mercury, put this out.
No. 269514
>>269511The effect of them publishing this letter is that you can read through their guilt.
While pretending that everything they were doing was all for Monty, they were fucking.
No. 269529
>>269405Just skimmed this and I'm fucking crying.
My POV is that Shane didn't like the company becoming more like a company when Fullscreen bought them and couldn't let the old way go. He even talks about how he didn't stop using POSER when everyone switched to Maya and it caused issues. He also wanted to get into Sheena's pants.
I hate to break it to Sheena but sucking Monty's dick and talking to him about characters or plot isn't the same as being an animator or designer or VA. Like way to not give Miles or Kerry or literally anyone else on the team any credit shane, hope Sheena's boobjob and grandma lips are worth it.
No. 269538
>>269405Okay I admittedly didn't read all of this (36 pages, wtfever) but… whats the point? Why make such a long ass open letter just praising a guy and his green card wife? Its so weird.
This dude is no longer at RT right? I hope so.
No. 269539
>>269538His departure was so weird because it happened in the middle of Volume 3 of RWBY back in Jan-Feb.
The way he worded it on twitter made it sound like he walked out of RT but his letter says he was fired.
Whatever the case, he no longer works with RT and if anyone googles his name this whole ordeal now pops up so I think he shot himself in the foot here.
I wonder if he's literally trying to get with Sheena now but sadly he doesn't bring in any bucks or youtube money so of course she won't waste her time.
No. 269541
>>269529Shane was hired because of nepotism. Both he and Monty hoped Nicole would be handed some kind of job for the same reason. On top of that, Nicole expected to be handed a voice acting job. She has no experience doing anything, so there's a large amount of delusion on her part.
Shane whining every time he's asked to do his job was irritating to read. Writing about how terrible it was having to clean up his messy files shows he wasn't a team player and firing him was justified.
Skip to the last page and he's saying this is what it means to keep moving forward. You can't buy that irony.
No. 269543
>>269541Oh my god you reminded me of the bullshit in the last page where Shane goes on how nicole is "carrying the torch" for monty.
HOW is she doing that exactly?
No. 269545
>>269543That's pretty disgusting to say considering it's mainly the animators and Miles, Kerry and Gray who are keeping this project going.
Sheena's doing shit all and just getting that blood money from her meal ticket she killed.
No. 269556
>>269554"He never felt more alive until he met me"
I may go to hell for that joke…
No. 269572
>>269537Speaking of the laptop, there were a lot of things that I thought were probably extremely warped by Shane's perspective but there were a few things that genuinely shocked me. Mostly the fact that they took his property through what seems like trickery? Though I suppose it makes sense that they have a legal right to whatever RWBY-related content he might have on his laptop but I didn't know they were allowed to just seize it like that.
I was also really shocked by some of the things he quoted; the things about Sheena I could believe because I can absolutely believe Sheena drove everyone at RT crazy and probably tried to stick her nose into things after Monty's passing. But some of the other quotes, like Monty's methods being unacceptable. I can absolutely understand someone saying, "Oh, the way Monty did things was just too complicated and I wish you could understand that," but to look down on Monty that much? I have such a hard time imagining saying that in such a disrespectful way about Monty in the office even if it were true.
I have to admit that I feel bad for Shane in the sense that he REALLY believes what he's saying. I think anyone can understand his perspective if they give it some thought, but it seems Shane is unwilling to see it from RT's side. At the end of the day, it's very obvious that at least the core members of RT that we see cared about Monty a lot and I doubt any of them would allow the production of RWBY to go to shit. What Shane doesn't understand is that RT's way of "honoring" Monty was probably to make RWBY as huge of a success as they could. If Shane could only wrap his mind around around the fact that some of Monty's ideas were kinda shitty anyway (though some of them were pretty good) and he wasn't perfect and that RT is a business trying to make money, he would understand. I hope for his sake he broadens his perspective before trying to find a new job in the same field.
No. 269576
>>269572You nail it pretty well in that I do believe Shane means well but again as I mentioned he's too emotionally involved and its clouding his ability to see the bigger picture.
Regarding the laptop it may have been company owned which happens a lot in productions. Too much of a security risk to use your own home laptop and if the laptop was actually his it did contain materials and assets RT legally owned and are therefore are in the clear about seizing it
No. 269580
>>269575Speaks to the quality of the letter when I forgot he had kids
Maybe it's because he neglected to mention them 33 times but felt the need to mention nicole that many times…
No. 269583
>>269581RT did it in a somewhat shitty way but I would do the same cause quite frankly you never know how someone will react when you tell them they're being let go.
not saying Shane would but he could have made off with assets and company notes during that time he had to move everything out or even decide to trash the laptop
No. 269584
>>269580I didn't think about that. It's kind of shitty he mentions Sheena those many times without hardly a word about his own flesh and blood.
The thirst is real.
No. 269585
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Just saw this :(
Unrelated, but Sheena and Shane are both selfish shits who don't care about how their words might hurt others
No. 269590
>>269584Shane wished he was Monty, his twitter profile shows that much.
There are interesting parallels between Shane and Sheena the more you look at things.
No. 269631
File: 1463142927757.png (41.68 KB, 608x367, kz.png)

what about kathleen's reply?
No. 269636
>>269631She seems to be on the side of "What RT did was shit to Shane but don't hate RT either".
I would of thought Kathleen would of been a bit more vocal since she pretty much got fired/quit because of Barbara. Burnie picked Barb over Kathleen when the two got in a fight which is why Tex was all but written out of RVB but she still voices Glynda in RWBY.
No. 269651
>>269636what was the fight between barb and kathleen about?
>>269637i'm wondering if there's enough drama for an RT thread on /snow/…
No. 269669
>>269651I was just thinking this myself, only because of these posts
>>269652>>269653and idk what they're about, but I'm not sure if all the rt talk can stay in the sheena thread
No. 269672
Don't know if anyone else will agree with me, but reading his letter, it kind of sounds like hearsay.
He doesn't give any specific examples of how their creativity was blocked, I guess he can't, but it seems so broad to me that it feels unbelievable to a point.
Monty's brother replied, and he has some good points: feels like he's throwing a tantrum after the company fired him. Anyone that got fired would have animosity.
I do feel for him at some points reading the essay he wrote, but at some points it feels like all he's concerned about is how he feels about the entire situation. Which of course, yeah it's his pov so that's how it would be read and written, but if he has rwby's best creative interest in mind - i can't see it from his writing.
No. 269730
>>269705Nicole hates the Oums because at the Wake, Monty's older brother grossly tried to kiss her and she bitched about it on facebook iirc.
Chances were, it was a friendly gesture of condolence but she just went "ew he tried to kiss me and must want me because his brother's dead".
Neath is a really sweet guy.
No. 269759
File: 1463186227433.jpeg (103.45 KB, 746x899, image.jpeg)

Here's Chloe's response to the drama
No. 269761
>>269759Nice to see chloe confirm Shane is a deadbeat
>>269760Nicole partner in crime/devin replacement. Chloe was also the "official" cosplay for Rwby at San diego comic con one year
No. 269770
File: 1463189590100.jpg (148.21 KB, 612x1067, IMG_20160514_103219.jpg)

I just went through this Shane guy's twitter and…….ugh
No. 269773
>>269759They totally stopped watching but sure as fuck kept cosplaying it cause they gotta be popular.
Nicole's sure as hell still selling prints of her RWBY cosplay so she's straight up contradicting everything. "We hate RWBY but give us money for it anyways".
>>269770Gross. Shane you really have fallen from graces.
No. 269780
File: 1463192583091.jpg (83.45 KB, 1024x810, AUfZjYt.jpg)

>>269778she's cosplayed Yang before once at a RWBY panel (since that's who she voice acts. The other RWBY VAs cosplayed their characters. It was actually really cute! I'd love to see barb dress up but I get to just look forward to her casual ootds instead</3
No. 269781
File: 1463192629006.jpg (50.36 KB, 500x667, 2ff62be69a92e0dfb18357073b35fe…)

>>269780Photo of Barb alone
Check out that watermark…..
No. 269783
>>269781>>269780Sheena tried to claim she made the costumes for them which was a lie.
All Sheena did was sand and badly paint the weapons after Monty ALREADY had the 3d models and 3D Printed them.
The girl in the middle
>>269780 is Ana Hullum, Matt Hullum's wife and she sewed each of their costumes for the girls.
No. 269784
>>269783Ana Hullum is awesome. She always seems like such a good motherly figure to everyone in the company.
That's what I don't get about Shane's letter. Like yes they are a company and they do need to do certain things to ensure productivity, but they seem like they still have very strong familial bonds. Why would he just give that up? But if he was so into Monty and Sheena and cut himself off from the others I guess that could explain it.
No. 269840
>>269837why do you think that? i think people love her a lot because she's pretty but also can be crude. she's been at RT from the start, since she was 14, so it's basically been her whole life. i don't think she'd have any reason to be two faced.
i like meg too but she's one of those glamorized cosplayers who takes underwear shots about 98% of the time, but if i had her body i'd probably do the same. at least she makes her own cosplays unlike sheena or even jnig.
No. 270030
>>270028To be fair Jack and Caiti married right as her visa was ending I believe but the difference there is Jack and Caiti actually like each other and Caiti has talent on her own.
Plus Caiti doesn't try to kill Jack with cats.
Come to think of it. Ashley J is also here on a visa probably? But she and Burnie also actually care for each other as is very apparent in basically any video they're in together
Basically Sheena married in for a green card and "fame"
No. 270032
>>270031My bad thanks for clarifying!
>>270030Was it Jack and Caiti? I remember Sheena was mentioned at Michael and Lindsay's wedding but Jack and Caiti had a really small personal one.
But also tbf, Jack and Caiti had talked a lot on the RT Site and met in Australia first and dated for a long while before they married.
As for Ashley, I think it's the other way around. She was working in Australia but is originally from the states. They've dated a few years and just got engaged a couple months ago.
No. 270034
>>270032You need to add more
>>Sheena begins tweeting at Monty hoping for an answer and tells him to meet her at a con>>Sheena cheats on her boyfriend to try and get with Monty and brags about it to everyoneand later
>>Sheena had Monty's sperm extracted while in a coma>>Sheena wanted Monty's ashes so it could be made into jewellery after cremation>>Sheena sells merchandise of herself and the cat No. 270036
File: 1463284291758.jpg (111.1 KB, 600x337, 20140509_18.55.29-600x337.jpg)

>>270032Michael and Lindsay had a pretty big affair with quite a few RT people/friends and their families. Jack and Caiti had a small ceremony. From pics it looked like what 20 people maybe? Gus officiated because he's a minister. I think then they also had a bigger reception.
With Jack and Caiti, Michael and Lindsay, and Burnie and Ashley there's no doubt they care about each other. I know couples display love differently but she was just in it for status or money or something.
Attached is Monty and Sheena at Michael/Lindsay's wedding.
No. 270038
>>270034wtf did she really extract and wanted to make jewelry of his ashes???
Someone lock this bitch up.
Selling merch of herself and the cat is really fucking nuts. Like she's flaunting she got away with murder but look how cute this charm is! Spoiler: it's not.
I don't blame or hate the cat, I just feel bad she's using it as a crutch.
No. 270042
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>>270040Dropped pic, sorry.
No. 270053
>>270049She was possibly emotionally cheating on Monty with Sam Batty near the end of Monty's life.
Then cheated on Sam with his best friend so she has no feelings of remorse.
No. 270059
File: 1463288615086.jpg (53.82 KB, 604x453, 225498_5330616711_1253_n.jpg)

>>270053She's going for white guys after Monty died. Did the yellow fever come to an end?
No. 270061
>>270059Why did you post a pic of Ellen?
No. 270269
>>270264She changes her name to Oum when she asks for money or has a pity boohoo party over how sad she is without him for them sympathy bucks.
She only had it changed to Oum during his death and then on the anniversary of his death she changed it to Oum so she's just using it for her advantage.
Neath (Monty's brother) put out a facebook post about everything and said he only met Sheena at Monty's wake. No. 270276
>>270275If anyone really wanted to keep Monty's legacy alive it's Neath. He was more than happy to voice Ren and did a really good job with it and really just wants to be apart of his brother's work since he's gone.
No one really knew who he was at RTX but there's pictures of him just spending hours at his brother's memorial area reading all the notes fans left.
No. 270311
>>270309I hate that it's taboo to say anything bad about Sheena because she lost her husband so when facts are given to his fans they blindly spew their support.
Reddit users will eat you alive if you dare say anything bad about Monty's poor poor grieving widow.
No. 270411
>>270410To add to this, mica looks like she's engaging with the community and going forward in acting doing various of videos on YouTube.
Nicole doesn't do any of those things. Has she actually done things for the RT fans?
No. 270492
>>270398tbf, Mica has been developing her own "brand" of geek/gamer video/streaming shit for a while.
in other words, she had built a following that didn't depend on who she was related to.
No. 270501
>>270492Looks like that work paid off so kudos to her.
Nicole could learn a thing or two
No. 270738
>>270503>>270733Yeah, AH has more people behind the cameras than on it. For a while there was a B team who, on top of editing, worked on a number of videos and maps (Matt, Jeremy, Lindsay, Kdin) and that came to an end pretty quickly. Might as well list off names I know for anyone curious, though I don't use AH for background noise as much as I used to.
Matt doesn't seem to lean to one thing. Some hosting, some editing, some content creation/building.
Jeremy of course has become a core personality.
Lindsay is in charge of the department on top of her voice acting/writing work.
Kdin now works on The Know.
Caleb was community manager, he now does the same thing but under the marketing department for the entire community.
Max is a contract worker making a series called Great Levels in Gaming
There's a full time editing team of Trevor, Larry, Derrick, and Kent.
Steffie is production manager/administrative duties
Dirk is a joke who doesn't exist.
No. 271028
File: 1463614909110.jpeg (44.06 KB, 750x455, image.jpeg)

$5 says she's going to be on Game Grumps.
No. 271389
>>270998Oh man I never knew… I thought she just went back to Cali because work was done, like how she worked for Vol 1, then I thought there was a break and then she was brought back on for Vol 2 and flown out to do the work. All the things I know about RWBY come from whatever Haku tweets about it so it never clicked in my head that she wasn't brought back for Vol 3 since she didn't really mention it.
>>271019It really sucks that she's friends with Sheena. She's got actual talent… IIRC she even designed some of the pins or charms that Sheena is selling? The ones of Mr. Noodle I think.
No. 271397
I don't want to start a new thread for this since I don't think it's worth one, but since it's (sorta) RWBY related… just saw this on my newsfeed and friends posted it saying he basically used the proceeds from pimping out this girl to fund his cosplay. The other name he goes by is "Hioshi Jackson" I think, and claimed to voice/inspire Fox from RWBY (or whatever… I had to google this stuff up since I don't know shit about RWBY or their fans lol). Just thought it'd be interesting to share with you guys!
No. 271414
>>271397I remember when this stuff stuff started surfacing.
He basically used the fact that Monty was dead, and therefore couldn't speak against him, to claim he was the inspiration for Fox and would VA him when, so far, Fox has been completely mute (Like Neo but rumor is Casey Williams will voice her Volume 4).
I think even Sheena called him out and said he was a liar.
No. 271473
>>271397This guy is insane.
>>271414Sheena called him out because he was a stupidly easy target. Everyone knew he was lying but she turned it into 'do you even know me?'
Sheena knew Monty for a scant two years and was barely married to him. This idiot gave Sheena an opportunity to tell the internet that she's an authority on Monty's creative work and she took it. Like the letter she wrote with Shane.
No. 271934
File: 1463972734503.jpg (165.17 KB, 1024x768, CjG58bOXAAAnP0M.jpg)

who are those other people
No. 271961
>>271934holly conrad, ross of GG , katiwrites natewantstobattle and octopimp
aka a bunch of people more qualified and talented than sheena.
No. 272075
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>>271961Actually that's not Nate. It's some rando.
No. 272249
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No. 272700
>>271934sheena's face looks so blended here.
>>272066i was wondering if anyone else ever thought this. wouldn't be surprised if GG hired her for doing practically nothing because they're friends, like with all the other randos
No. 272854
>>272853If she got a real job they'd probably have to do a background check and she'd probably be questioned about her being in the states and the drama with her husband dying.
But yeah, she moved out to LA to have a full time job of cosplaying. She literally considers it a 9-5 job.
From what others have said, I don't think she's ever really worked anywhere? She's always leeched off her boyfriend, then husband and now her tit-streams and blood money.
No. 272918
>>272902Makes it even more odd. Like did immigration not interview more people to verify that it wasn't just a green card wedding?
I'm peeved nicole seemingly bypassed it so easily…
No. 272921
>>272918I'm guessing she doesn't have an actual green card, just some sort of visa? In either case, if you get a green card by marriage, it's provisional and you have to reapply in 3 years or so to keep it (to avoid green card marriages). So when that come around, how will she keep it if her husband is dead?
I honestly don't think she is legal in the US or at least not permanently.
No. 272927
>>272921Not to mention any sane legal worker will see she came here, got married at her six month mark only to have her husband die not even a year in to their marriage and she suddenly come in to a shit ton of money.
She probably avoids any legal anything she can because of all the red flags surrounding her.
No. 272928
>>272926Might be because her twitch stuff does met her a decent enough of money.
Hopefully IRS takes notice Cause she doesn't strike me as the kind to pay for taxes…
No. 272961
>>272960Thing is Monty's family didn't even know about the marriage until he was in a coma. Neath first met Sheena at Monty's Wake.
She has some pictures with Monty but mostly just with Monty and not really any friend pictures till after he was dead. She has cosplay pictures and her modeling shit but mostly it's just pictures of her and Monty solo so idk how that would help stack up against her.
Monty and Sheena's entire relationship is just a huge red flag.
No. 273007
>>272984Man, when you share or hear stories like these it makes me wonder what exactly nicole did or possibly lied about to bypass the entire system like that.
Wish there was a way to tip off the Feds
No. 273008
Meant to reply to
>>272966 No. 273172
>>272966Sorry for the people you know having to go through that shit anon. Truly an unfair system.
Nicole is just another illegal taking money from USA and not paying taxes.
>>273039She doesn't have a 'real' degree. She went to the equivalent of a Canadian community art college that barely got accredition.
She completed their shitty animation tning for a diploma and you can't fail these types of programs. See how far she took that education into a career? The last she ever animated were those terrible school group projects on youtube.
No. 273290
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>>273219This is shit-tier level animation. The story-line and character design is god awful too. Psuedo animu moe vomit.
No. 273383
File: 1464362340785.png (27.37 KB, 366x422, VNJiR3u.png)

>>273219First thing I thought of when looking at that image was this maymay face
No. 273433
>>273290Someone should make a gif of how the eyes move.
No. 273444
>>273433Add in a linkin park song too.
Monty would have wanted that
No. 273509
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She's going for Kevin. Not Ross.
No. 273603
>>273509Kevin has a girlfriend and he seems to like her they've been together a while don't think he'd leave her
not sure about cheat
No. 273887
>>273701Christ, I feel bad for Kevin.
That being said, it seems to me that Nicole has a type.
No. 273984
File: 1464504444740.jpg (449.75 KB, 960x640, shooptits.jpg)

Ever since the boobjob, Nicole has been going into her old cosplays and shooping bigger tits on them.
Left is the newly shooped print on her website, right is the original shoop still at cospix.
She sells the enhanced photos as prints.
No. 274001
>>273996Because she reshooped it completely. You can see a faint white box around the pasted cleavage. There's also added underboob.
Old shoop had her ears hidden, new shoop she forgot to do that, but she reshaped her armpits. Old shoop had clothing wrinkles and puckered shoes fixed, new shoop she just slimmed her ankles.
Most of the work on the new shoop was on the face. There are whitened and straightened teeth, redefined lips, bigger pasted on eyes, more lashes, aegyosal and completely new eyebrows.
No. 274144
>>274136And her fans eat it up all the same
Think about that
No. 274547
File: 1464644982203.jpeg (26.44 KB, 326x292, image.jpeg)

No. 275312
File: 1464750199600.jpeg (48.81 KB, 600x338, image.jpeg)

Oh god her face
No. 275314
>>275312I see she couldn't even keep up with her
>>272249 "time to clean". Her room is atrocious.
No. 275316
>>275312I feel like we could report her on twitch as I feel like what she's wearing is slightly inappropriate when twitch trying to do away with boobie cam.
Unless there's like clear rules about this that I'm not aware of it
No. 275318
File: 1464751107693.jpeg (93.06 KB, 620x406, image.jpeg)

No. 275660
File: 1464833972927.jpg (60.49 KB, 600x800, Cj4vR1pXIAAOIMx[1].jpg)

No. 280227
File: 1465842386259.jpeg (126.19 KB, 735x928, image.jpeg)

No. 280407
>>280360No, he's that thirsty.
He's one of the guys who believes she can do no wrong and anything bad about Monty or her died with him and she's Saintly.
No. 282278
File: 1466227366091.jpg (256 KB, 2048x1152, ClLYZ15VYAA0xao.jpg)

will she ever stop brown nosing the grumps?
No. 282312
>>282279But do any of the grumps have deadly allergies that she could
trigger after a short and secretive marriage?
No. 282330
File: 1466235071786.png (643.27 KB, 571x545, eywhatsurallergies.png)

>>282312I just imagine her creeping over Kevin trying to find out what he might be allergic to.
No. 282867
>>277797no she's not mexican
but speaking of trump, did anyone see that cringe kawaii trump video feat. sushimonster?
No. 282882
File: 1466377433325.png (758.64 KB, 636x899, lol amazing.png)

No. 282883
File: 1466377454344.png (788.12 KB, 513x873, messy.png)

No. 282884
File: 1466377546227.png (443.99 KB, 636x590, crying.png)

tf is this tho
No. 282891
Gotta love when coswhores doesn't accurately represent a character. Try harder Shitna.
No. 283638
File: 1466694848743.png (33.84 KB, 300x747, lol whatever.png)

I know it's been a long while, but I can't help but still laugh at this. Is that bad?
Simple concepts that people refuse to accept: either way, Monty's gone. HE LEFT THIS WORLD. HE'S DEAD. BYE BYE IN ESSENCE. I have respect for Monty's work but goddamn his fanbase and Shitna's "army" make me laugh.
It still astounds me that people can be so elusive about common sense. This worshipping idea has really gone to people's heads.
No. 283639
File: 1466695061366.png (215.05 KB, 301x482, 1.png)

No. 284616
File: 1467077031666.png (17.35 KB, 512x130, 5165131819909120.png)

No. 285388
>>285387Video of her explaining it.
I wonder if Sheena will try to swoop in.
No. 285401
>>285394>>285388If anything, given Sheena's track record, she'll bitch talk Meg behind her back, probably laugh she had to leave but pretend to offer sympathy.
Hope there's not another 30 page letter by some Shane like dude about how unfair it is. (Especially since it seems like it's FullScreen's doing, not RT themselves.)
No. 285625
File: 1467422425220.jpg (226.37 KB, 1080x1440, CmUnMEjUIAAP94a.jpg)

is this actually cosplay or is she just slutting it up?
No. 285756
File: 1467491471232.jpg (116.08 KB, 521x800, Black_Canary_0003.jpg)

>>285625Yeah, it's actual cosplay.
Is it just me, or does it seem like Sheena's wigs never sit on her right? Feels like maybe they're too far forward. Also doesn't help that she always seems to do the sideswept bangs thing to them.
No. 285929
File: 1467567769594.jpeg (214.83 KB, 911x1620, image.jpeg)

No. 285946
File: 1467572796451.jpg (239.32 KB, 1152x2048, CmYqLGPUkAAxlas.jpg)

>>285929that lower panel is sheer
you can see her navel
also, lol at prosthetic ears
No. 286026
File: 1467594515518.jpg (87.28 KB, 1032x581, CmegxiHVYAAZ3Cm.jpg)

No. 286060
>>285929Def no denying that boob job there but they just look… odd. Maybe because they're too parted? I don't know.
They just really look fake and not comfortable at all.
No. 286094
>>257458Jesus christ. Does she have no shame that she literally killed her husband? And I looked at her patreon, its completely unfair that she should get $2k a month for nothing. I wish sites like patreon and crowdfunding sites didn't exist (unless they seriously change and check if charities are fraudulent or not) because of pathetic little white chicks like her taking advantage and scamming people.
My phone can't call american numbers, but I'd love to call immigration and get her deported. Can someone do it for me? Thanks.
No. 286096
>>286094>literally killed her husbandCan you guys actually fucking chill on that? Like hate the bitch all you fucking want but the only murder I'm seeing around here is this fucking dead horse you all are beating to death.
Honestly you (this anon specifically) sound so fucking butthurt. Like how is it scamming if they're getting exactly what they're donating for. I'm gonna assume you're a black cosplayer who has to work a day job or something from that 'pathetic little white chicks' jab and I'm glad you're obviously failing at popularity cause I wouldnt want you repping the black comm anyway. There are plenty of things to dislike/hate/laugh at Sheena about but literally everything you listed makes you look like a joke also
PS- If she was gonna get deported she would have by now you actual moron. It's idiots like you who ruin threads by trying to ~take action~ and just give the cows a(nother) victim card to play
No. 286105
>>286096u couldnt be more wrong. im 100% white, white as a toilet seat, british and im a sixth former. and cosplaying is the most embarrassing and overpriced hobby i could even imagine.
and she bought a cat home when her husband was severely allergic. she KNOWS what she was doing. dont try to convince me otherwise.
and im pretty sure someone can call immigration and get her deported.
No. 286108
>>286107Monty had said on several occasions before that he actually really loves cats and would like to have one.
Monty didn't die from the cat, he died because of the allergy shots that he was taking. Nicole shouldn't have pushed the idea of having a cat, but if Monty really didn't want it he could have told her no and that he wasn't going to take the shots. I doubt Nicole is some master manipulator to get him to take the shots.
No. 286194
>>286131Woah there did I touch a nerve?
Just because someone becomes a cow for one reason that doesnt mean you have to keep bringing it up (see also: all the threads that got closed/moved around). You could easily keep shitting on her for running off with Monty's funeral money or still keeping a pic of them together as her twitter banner or what the fuck ever current things you wanna keep shitting on but to harp on about her 'killing Monty' is what's fuck ignorant.
Monty was the one who decided to overwork himself constantly and has been cited by pretty much everyone who knew him that he would stay at the office for days just to work. That fact that with that he decided to go on allergy shots, where your doctor will tell you that you should get proper sleep and eat properly, and keep up that already huge health risk is his own damn fault.
No. 286758
File: 1467817531214.jpeg (135.09 KB, 750x801, image.jpeg)

When you need to be the victim. Water bottles are bullying her.
No. 286971
>>286765like encyclopedia dramatica?
I suggested people make a page for her under the suggestions page but was shot down because "not enough proof", so I went ahead and just made one. The page I made got taken down less than a day after it was made.
No. 287248
>>287229Decent amount of money but not a lot, doesn't help that at this point nicole is like a no name brand of diet coke of jnig copycats.
All she's got going is the title of Montys widow so even in death she can't escape that shadow
No. 287260
>>285401From what's been said, it basically sounds like Meg's outside stuff was reaching a point where she could no longer avoid breaking a no-moonlighting or a non-compete clause. That's pretty standard, and it's basically guaranteed that Rooster Teeth had one like every other company on earth. That wouldn't be Fullscreen's doing (parent companies do not get involved in staffing issues, and Fullscreen would not fire her as she does bring in her own audience).
She basically did the same thing as Ray - she started up another source of income, the fact that it existed broke company policy, and she had to choose.
No. 288511
>>288303>how dumb do you have to be to STILL think this?>in a thread where people think shitna went out of her way to kill her main meal ticket in life>Okay.Actually her and Gavin met at a bar at some convention and they hooked up. If she was such a 'long term business contact' how the fuck would it magically line up that she immediately moved in with him when she moved for the job?
I love how in a thread where people assume that Shitna is fucking every dude she takes a selfie with you actually believe an attention seeking slut who has retweeted someone's jizz on one of her prints is above that.
No. 288512
>>288511She posted that?
Someone who has to keep saying that she got her job legitimately rarely has. Didn't RT hire Ashley because she was fucking Burnie? And Mica because her dad was famous.
No. 288577
File: 1468274706500.jpg (195.69 KB, 1365x2048, 13411922_928362747274787_90129…)

Black Can-EAR-y
No. 288602
>>288511she was meant to be doing a different hosting job with them which is how business stuff started and they met. That fell through, then by the time they approached her for the news hosting job she was already in a relationship with gavin, so moved in with him when she moved to austin.
Like really it's not some big scandal
No. 288615
Show me receipts of this cause I'm pretty deep in the RT circles and the only time Meg came up was when she got the job because she wanted to move in with Gavin and they figured 'well she hosts stuff so let's put her as a host'
It's pretty suspicious how hard you're defending her with basically no proof and as the other anons said she wasnt even friendly with anyone so it shows that no one else had a deep connection to her or anything?
No. 288762
File: 1468359608755.jpg (968.59 KB, 1518x900, 1193375415893641794.jpg)

Looks like she's working with EvilTed.
No. 289081
>>271937Ugh. I've got dirt on octopimp but I can't spill it.
I know this means nothing without proof, but I despise this man. There are skeletons in his closet already and I'm sure he's made more. He's a lying, manipulative scumbag. In fact, I think he and Sheena are perfect for each other. If he's making nice with her, I guarantee it's because he sees her as a potential e-fame multiplier for himself.
No. 289239
>>289213'changed' lolwat? I've been following him since the homosuck days and he hasnt changed at all cept for becoming a brolita.
Anyway during the days HS was relevant he had a gf that she cheated on apparently by lying and saying they were in an open relationship but basically she found out and broke up with him immediately. I mainly remember because her 'revenge' entailed destroying his minecraft server by covering everything with lava since she had mod priviledges and I was like 'really that's it?' I was hoping she would out more shit about him
Currently he's dating some tumblr whore who sells photosets of herself putting things in her ass (what a catch)
No. 289860
File: 1468807623658.jpg (234.05 KB, 1214x1619, CnnAnmhUIAAisOf.jpg)

only the best quality photographs for her Patrons
No. 289962
>>289892This makes me laugh so hard. What fucking /ROLE/ did she have in the company? Just because you fucked someone with a resumé and married for a greencard? You were just a muse. Was she even HIRED by RT? No. Wife =/= employee. Smh.
I'm just appalled she can't get into her fucking skull that she is visibly UNQUALIFIED for anything professional in the fields you SO LOVINGLY DEEM YOU ARE WORTHY OF, doesn't mean you get everything you want.
Oh, I forgot, she murdered Monty. So, 0% for chances, Shitna. Except whoring yourself out, you're good with that. /thumbsup
>>289860She has to show dem tittays she worked SO! HARD FOR! :D Gotta make da moneys.
No. 290183
Seems she deleted her facebook account.
>>289939She's using a filter probably snapchat to make her eyes bigger. Look how huge her eyebags became by mistake.
No. 290227
>>290198Hm when I look her up in old messages it says Facebook User.
Usually that happens when the account is deleted, deactivated or suspended. If they're just blocking or hiding their account it should still say their name.
No. 290348
File: 1468962706308.png (154.66 KB, 1595x909, interesting.png)

Interesting that her fb is deactivated last night and Suzy tweets this today and Vampy replies.
No. 290468
File: 1469035424644.png (1.68 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

She's not going to SDCC anymore for "personal reasons." It's suspected that she's pissed off the Cali cosplay scene somehow.
No. 290472
>>290468So she's bailing on a high profile con and deactivated her facebook?
I wonder(hope) she's being investigated for tax evasion or green card marriage.
I thought I read you had to at be married at least 3 years for a green card and you're then interviewed but it has to be both husband and wife.
No. 290495
>>290468I'm guessing she couldn't secure last minute passes or even share tables with vampy or Stella hence why she couldn't go
I suspect there are no "personal reasons" at all
No. 290513
File: 1469049150238.gif (1.94 MB, 500x240, yas.gif)

>>290472I am over here praying tbh
No. 290527
>>290508Shrug, relaunching under a name brand or preparing for a shitstorm coming and slowly removing herself from social media/adjusting evidence?
If she removes her twitters then it'll be interesting
No. 290651
File: 1469061886812.jpeg (206.97 KB, 750x1062, image.jpeg)

>>290348sushimonster just posted this, interesting considering Sheena was part of this group but is conspicuously missing…
No. 291618
File: 1469322785543.jpg (63.83 KB, 640x960, 13710646_1197825560257166_7777…)

She's visiting for a con and looking for a place to stay around the con.
No. 291657
File: 1469341278688.jpeg (578.12 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

No. 291771
>>290468So her 'person reasons' for not going to SDCC was to go to Anime Revolution instead? Or is that just another reason she happens to be there.
I really hope she doesn't return to the states, I really do.
No. 291855
>>291771I get the feeling something went down in LA but of course no one will say anything.
No one would choose AR over sdcc
No. 291938
>>291855AR is pretty shitty here. Only going because of a certain people are here to do a panel.
Something probably happened and shes just clinging onto whoever accepts her again.
No. 291998
>>291938Oh I know, I'm a local and our con scene is frankly meh.
Wouldn't be surprised if her former friends who talked shit accept her back with open arms
No. 292123
File: 1469499897027.jpg (87.16 KB, 960x960, 13754571_10153627204716712_845…)

Trying to be Jnig with Patreon.
No. 292310
File: 1469556699793.jpg (115.18 KB, 933x1400, 13708299_1553086778050199_4379…)

"Did you miss #LingerieTuesday? Let's get back into the swing of things with an unedited photo of Sheena Duquette! You could say she's just perfect the way she is~"
No. 292862
>>292820But don't you see she's sufferig without money I mean monty.
Yea suffering without money
No. 292884
File: 1469765211087.jpg (116.56 KB, 697x960, 13872991_1207821369257585_7198…)

Professional model!
No. 292886
File: 1469767858051.gif (421.86 KB, 245x175, ew.gif)

>>292884that pancake ass in the bottom right.
No. 292892
>>292884I still find it so morbid and odd that she really flaunts that cat around as an accessory. Almost like a 'ha ha, look, I got away with murder and here's one of the main reasons that helped'. idk.
If she did piss anyone off in the LA Cosplay scene (please God say she did) I hope we hear about it soon. I really don't want this bitch in my city.
I'm still also wondering why she blew off SDCC for 'personal reasons' aka Anime Revolution(?)
No. 293008
File: 1469839597708.jpg (245.4 KB, 500x500, 003_original.jpg)

>>292891It's almost concave.
No. 293209
File: 1469937484497.png (184.03 KB, 392x395, scaredjunpei.png)

>mfw she flaunts that cat everywhere even though she knows that cat is the reason that Monty isn't here anymore God I hate this crazy bitch
No. 293366
File: 1470030921239.png (1.29 MB, 884x1250, underpantsWHY.png)

No. 293372
>>293371Considering she hates Meg Turney and Meg did a Playboy shoot as a Gamer Girl, I wouldn't be surprised if Sheena's trying to one up her or just try to make herself seem like she's better than Meg.
>>293209Seriously. The way she flaunts the cat is such an insult to Monty (especially towards his family like Neath who really cared for Monty) since the way he died was pretty horrible. It's so morbid and crazy.
No. 293438
File: 1470081595958.jpeg (180.73 KB, 750x1150, image.jpeg)

fuckin $20 each.
No. 293450
File: 1470088872668.jpg (124.82 KB, 960x1280, Cj49qOgUYAASHI_.jpg)

>>293438and sold out.
how thirsty do you have to be to be into that mess?
No. 293454
File: 1470092110752.jpg (82.16 KB, 433x535, image.jpg)

>>293450Thirsty enough to promote nicole as more professional than most of the RT people
unrelated pic
No. 293501
File: 1470114812322.png (70.43 KB, 637x385, lol pls.png)

>"shit show in the backrgound"
UMMMMMMMMM….. You meeeeeean, YOU, running away from the truth that you're trying SO HARD to bury? That people actually know that YOU know but you're running away because you're ashamed?
I forgot. Gotta keep up that psychopath, picture-perfect fake-ass image.
No. 293502
File: 1470115157822.png (940.03 KB, 1003x765, aa.png)

>"soft cinematic look"
>"professional model"
No. 293720
File: 1470190121282.png (62.08 KB, 502x642, howshepursuedmonty.png)

No. 293759
File: 1470206508674.jpg (866.65 KB, 1599x862, rikkuiguess.jpg)

Husband killing, boyfriend stealing look book.
No. 293769
>>293759This is a very unartistic cosplay photo gallery… I like it more when cosplayers interact with the area around them as if they characters would but these are just suffering from JNig-Syndrome.
It might be a Rikku cosplay but it's just Sheena dressed up as Rikku still being Sheena.
No. 293935
>>293912Most cosplay girls are in the same boat but nicole went on the scene too late and offers nothing when we got thousands of other girls.
Literally the only difference is a dead bf
No. 293961
>>293951iirc she was emotionally in a relationship with Sam while Monty was in the hospital then went to see him few months after his death. She paid for Sam and his best friend and best friend's Girlfriend.
She made a post about how she didn't like the plane ride because her own bf seemed more happy to see Sheena, just Sheena, than be with her.
Later, it was brought to light that Sam's friend cheated on his gf with Sheena and this was during one of her convention visits for MCM I think? And they broke up which is why she doesn't spam her twitter with his shit anymore.
It was in the other thread, irrc, that Rikki[?], the one whose boyfriend cheated on her with Nicole, left the her. She said she logged on to her bf's computer once and saw the chat logs between he and Sheena and very sexual.
So Nicole just kind of ruined three people's lives because she's that much of a selfish cunt.
No. 293968
>>293967Devin was one of her Vancouver friends I think? rundevinrun that is.
Devon was the girl who was dating Sam's best friend Rikk that Sheena slept with.
>>247247>>247254 No. 293969
>>293968>>293961wait wait wait let me get this straight. Nicole was emotionally into this Sam dude when Monty was in the hospital.The she sees Sam again with his two friends (Devin and Rikk) who were dating. Devin didn't have a good time b/c Rikk was into Sheena. Then Rikki cheats on Devin. Then Devin sees the sexy chat logs and then dumps his ass.
wtf haha What a trip.
No. 294024
>>286971if you want an ED so bad, make one yourself.
>>293969That's Devon, not Devin. Devin is that Korean girl that was the Blake to Nicole's Weiss.
No. 294213
File: 1470378979503.jpg (153.28 KB, 960x960, 13938437_10153649466751712_912…)

Nice shirt
No. 294244
>>294213And she's wearing Her own name. Very tacky
Also that sigh of relief when you're a local and don't know anyone in that pic
I'll give credit to her former friends from BC who didn't blindly accept her back
No. 294302
>>294300I have no idea how she got back in the USA (if she did? I take it she's come back?).
Even without knowing their history, a woman and man marrying when her visa was up, in secret no less to where none of their families knew, and the husband suddenly dies not even a year in to their marriage, suddenly she comes in to a lump sum of money HAS to raise some red flags.
No. 294303
>>294302Not really, she's a "pretty" white girl so they won't probe her for questions too much.
Unless you tip off the border on an illegal
No. 294346
>>294340I wouldn't be surprise if Shane helped lie on the papers about it.
Grinds my gears how other couples are interview back and forth and go through hell for a green card but her? Yea no problems
No. 294356
File: 1470457925376.jpg (1.46 MB, 1214x1201, Screenshot_2016-08-05-21-29-14…)

Everyone looks decent and then there's Sheena
No. 294357
File: 1470459081439.jpg (1.02 MB, 1214x1574, looool.jpg)

Anyone else still sense the anamosity between sheena and devin? Sheena brought a blake cosplay to AR which is the local con devin is at. Back story, back when they were friends devin cosplayed blake as sheena cosplayed weiss. And devin has this thing where she hates people that cosplay the same thing as her
No. 294363
File: 1470463853164.jpg (96.91 KB, 585x1040, ear.jpg)

No. 294400
>>294357Animosity is entirely on Sheena's side of things.
Devin used to be pretty salty over every Sheena has said and done (but honestly, who wouldn't be?) but has been mellow for a long time now and moved past most of the bullshit and drama. She's not involved at all any more and knows it, so she's just going on with her life and doing her thing. If anything, props to her for maturing.
Sheena is the one who is still out for blood, or at the very least can't let anything go and holds petty grudges for fucking ever. She's cosplaying Blake to a Convention Devin is at….Devin, an ex-friend who is very close with ALL of her other ex-friends in Vancouver, Devin who left her skanky ass in the dust when it became apparent Sheena was a piece of human garbage, Devin who cosplayed Blake back in the day. COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT.
Also, Devin dgaf if people cosplay the same shit as her. Used to, I think, now doesn't and is way more about fun > fame. Again, an example of learning from your past and becoming a better person. Something Sheena desperately needs to do herself.
No. 294421
>>294400Nice try white-knight. I already know that's bs because I've heard devin and her bf shit talking about a DVA cosplayer at the airport on her way back from colossal. devin hasn't changed. you just side with devin over sheena
devin also went out of her way to talk to all the people that sheena hates and try and be buddy buddy with them when their friendship went to shit. That was all done to spite sheena, not because devin miraculously changed when she stopped being friends with the bimbo
No. 294422
File: 1470507123232.jpg (1.06 MB, 1214x1207, Untitled.jpg)

I dont mean to change the subject but I found gold. Like wtf is going on with her tits lmfao
No. 294430
>>294421Heard her bf talking shit*
I mistook the short girl he was with for devin
No. 294501
File: 1470527520825.png (407.86 KB, 417x579, 1432555413627.png)

hey Shitna, if you're reading this ❤ :-*
No. 294663
File: 1470548018190.jpg (87.84 KB, 640x640, 13886902_1214233621949693_6461…)

Saw her today at AR pushing her tits out for Harley Quinn. At least she hid her ears today. I honestly don't know who bought her prints. Didn't notice many people around her when I went by.
No. 294729
>>294356everyone else looks relaxed and then there sheena is, trying to make herself stand out.
>>294663she seriously looks so much better just by covering up her ears…
No. 294744
File: 1470575780217.jpg (43.56 KB, 639x364, film-noir-sin-city-yellow-bast…)

Tbh I think sheena would do an excellent cosplay of Roark jr. from sin city. Her posture, ears and saggy tits just remind me of him so much.
No. 294865
>>294861Nik Riche of TheDirty mentions "Nose job before boob job" all the time. People can only look at a pair of tits for so long.
I'm assuming she didn't get any surgery on her face though since some people seem to frown upon it more that boob jobs for some reason. If she were to get face work done it would have to be slow and gradual.
No. 294965
File: 1470696157116.jpg (5.66 MB, 2592x3888, 589733a234395aeae0acb4a16666b9…)

>>294213it just occurred to me that Lauren Southern was part of the Vancouver cosplay scene at about the same time
I wonder…
No. 295026
>>295011Ah okay, makes sense as I always did say that sheena wasnt even third choice.
Congrats sheena, you weren't even bronze medal of choices monty had
No. 295045
>>295036Devin aka rundevinrun is also at the top of sheena's hate list. The shit storm that happened when they stopped being friends was amazing to see.
She shit talked basically everyone in the community, even her own cosplay friends. Jniggs used to be someone she wouldn't shut up about because she hated that jniggs had no skill and was only famous for her tits. Ironic how that that is exactly what sheena became… and a widow.
Honestly, unless you're useful to sheena, she's not going to give a shit about you especially if you're prettier or more skilled than her which is a majority of cosplayers. Although she's really lacking friends right now so she's trying harder than usual to play nice which I noticed at AR last weekend
No. 295048
>>295045I wonder if she's trying to get back in touch with the Canadian cosplayers cause she pissed off all the California ones?
Is she still in Canada?
No. 295057
File: 1470732845992.jpeg (89.61 KB, 600x800, image.jpeg)

>>293969Devon is the girl who was with rikk, Samsung best friend.
She's in this photo.
Note how shes hanging in the back, when rikks up front with the 'I just fucked this bitch' expression.
I'm sure she has more dirt on sheena and that situation. Someone posted her link back in 3rd thread
No. 295077
>>295045Think she's going to stay here or go back to LA? I don't get why she bothered to even come back for AR of all things.
That's rich though about the jnig remark as sheena constantly kisses up to jnig now
No. 295147
>>295007do you realize that this costume is everywhere and is sold on like every taobao store? i doubt it's from that store since it's cheaper than that on taobao.
>>295106it looks awful on literally everyone. even people on /cgl/ hate it.
No. 295148
File: 1470795784918.jpeg (101.86 KB, 640x960, image.jpeg)

>>294967This is Tali. Sure Sheena, you look great. Sure…
No. 295169
File: 1470809751670.png (238.7 KB, 396x403, dfsdf.png)

>>295168its actually one of the character's staple poses, so i don't think so
No. 295170
>>295147That's pretty telling since /cgl/ is generally shit at makeup.
>>295148I can see why Sheena is asspained. This girl looks a lot prettier than her primal simian looking ass.
>>295048As far as I know, Chloe is the only Californian cosplayer that's well known that she hasn't pissed off. Chloe lost so many respect points with how hard she defends Sheena.
No. 295280
>>295279He doesn't have any drama really, he's just a married guy who was a closet crossdresser and came out and started making videos. A few went viral because he looks like an adorable Asian girl but then has a really deep voice.
Apparently him and Sheena went to the same high school, and now I see her comment all over his shit either stroking his ego or relating to him about the various things that happen when you become efamous.
No. 295297
>>295295I believe it. The few times I met her she would just give you one of those up and down look overs and just kind of sneer and turn away if you weren't worth her time.
Even if you were talking to someone she was with the one year she and Chloe went to RTX, she would just act like a brat to any normal attendee but guests and other RT people she would try to be all fluff and happy. Chloe was at least talking to other cosplayers and took (probably fake) interest in their work but Sheena would just sit there and expect people to come up for her picture.
She got angry when someone asked who she was.
No. 295298
>>295297Oh man I'll have to do that if I run into her and knowing my luck I'll have to deal with her eventually
Also doesn't really surprised me about nicole talking shit about chloe version of that character. I guess you have to talk shit when nicole version was shit
No. 295327
File: 1470881347320.jpeg (229.33 KB, 1068x982, image.jpeg)

>>295298I remember the days when she would tell people online that she (Nicole) was the official Weiss cosplayer when anyone who knew anything about the RWBY cosplay scene knows it's Chloe, not her. God damn, that was gold. If that's not evidence of Nicole's jealousy towards Chloe, then I don't know what is.
I forgot Nicole went by the name Nyurt at the time before she took the Sheena pseudonym.
Thread for reference: No. 295339
>>295327Sheena's Weiss was absolutely horrendous and even more if you compare it to Chloe's.
The one picture she shoves around of herself in it is practically a photoshop painting because she had to edit out so many wrong details and fraying edges she had[and don't forget dat ear that really makes it stand out how large they are].
I saw the back of it and there was puckering everywhere. Her wig was a complete rat's nest as well and I know after a day of walking around it's hard to take care of but the back was just so bulky, thin enough to see netting and fried.
If anyone was ever RT's official cosplayer for RWBY it would of been Chloe. Monty gave her and Junkers Emerald's designs so they could have it done for RTX which she wore to the RWBY Panel.
It's depressing since I used to really like Chloe but now she's just turned vile and I'm sure Sheena is no great influence on her.
No. 295358
File: 1470893917070.jpg (101.59 KB, 1024x768, CpjS0VdUsAAOygL.jpg)

she's just so… plain.
No. 295459
>>295456oh /shit/ I have no idea who you are but I can't wait to hear more about this
Genuine question here, which part of the hate seems misdirected and what is it drawing attention away from?
No. 295479
>>295170that's why i said even /cgl/
I personally have lost a lot of respect for Chloe and a lot of my friends have stopped liking her as well because of how hard she tries to lick Sheena's ass.
>>295327Nyurt sounds like the disgusted noise I would make at Sheena if I ever met her irl.
No. 295555
>>295553I'm not sure I understand: what do you think you're going to accomplish by posting here now? Do you think she reads this thread and you are preventing her from spreading lies in October (why October?) by putting some sort of insurance here?
Essentially: don't you think that if she does indeed say stuff about you, you saying stuff about her here will just be seen as revenge and possibly as lies because of that? If she's already managed to make people unfollow you on social media and to oust you from her community, there's not much more that she can do and nothing you can do to go back. I don't think that coming here and saying you might release more info on her is going to put you in her good books, if she does indeed see it.
No. 295594
File: 1471031485197.jpg (342.9 KB, 1447x2560, 9hkFNYc.jpg)

as someone who lives in vancouver, this is the first time ive seen her in person in a few years.
i actually thought she looked really pretty at AR. her makeup improved, this lip color is much more flattering. she was also surprisingly very sweet and friendly when i asked for a photo. inb4 "hi sheena"
im the one who edited her makeup here
>>263267 No. 295609
>>295601To add to this, there's a reason why it's called backstabbing or talking shit behind someone's back.
She's not stupid enough to tell you to fuck off when she can be making money from you
No. 295613
>>295561I don't know what went down between you two, but I'm surprised you're identifying yourself. You could just release the information without your name attached to it. Given the kind of person she is, I'd expect she'd try to pull the harassment card on you if shit hits the fan.
Unless, of course, the stuff you know is really damning. In that case she might just not say whatever stuff you're worried about.
No. 295614
File: 1471046557661.jpg (232.38 KB, 2048x1152, CpsmOfTUkAAF7qw.jpg)

No. 295621
>>295614Ah looks like she went back to LA.
No. 295623
>>295614It's crazy how she looks almost identical to Kelly Jean.
And FUCK. Why is this bitch back in the US. Send her the fuck away.
No. 295631
File: 1471056150906.jpg (136.27 KB, 450x589, GDJtUga.jpg)

>>295601sorry i worded that badly. i wasn't implying i thought she'd be rude. i guess i shouldve specified - i said that because I've met Jessica Nigri, Yaya and some famous localish cosplayers; while they tend to be ~nice~, it often feels pretty forced and/or they seem a bit cold. like some seem to really have e-fame go to their head.
i meant that personally i thought she seemed more genuine.
also people who grew up in vancouver are often transparently to shamelessly bitchy on top of the already common drama + cattyness thats associated with the cosplay/alt fashion communities. idk if you go to cons or live in a city like vancouver or toronto or nyc but yeah. :l
No. 295637
>>295631Being a local I get what you meant
Point still stands though as she can be faking it better than the others you mentioned
No. 295882
>>295869Does she really need one that industrial though? Is it an implant thing?
I like to think she didn't have the foresight to realize finding bras for large boobs when you're small framed/relatively slim is really fucking hard, and now she's stuck buying these ugly support granny bras kek
No. 295909
>>295601This. Of course she's nice to her mealtickets.
>>295620She contours them with makeup.
No. 295986
File: 1471291677326.jpg (150.31 KB, 720x720, 11885159_864063420314731_91128…)

>>295985She's about 160-165 cm and I guess 50 or so Kg
Pic for reference, I'm 180cm
Taken from last May, before I had problems with her
>>295992LMFAO 5'9" how dumb does she think her fans are?
Oh wait, they donated money to a funeral fund and then 2 months later the widow had blow up tits and no one batted an eye. She knows how dumb her fans are.
No. 296008
File: 1471315472438.jpeg (162.49 KB, 750x1290, image.jpeg)

On her Blake photo
No. 296012
>>295614I thought someone would have pointed it out already, but no one has.
She's wearing two bra's in this picture. Not sure if it's something she does all the time, cause I don't frequent this thread I just check in here and there. But on her right shoulder (looking @ pic), you can see both the straps.
It seems ridiculously unnecessary, but I guess she wants the views and needs more oomph in her boob job chest.
I wonder if one day she'll pull a nigri and get a 2nd boob job.
No. 296018
>>295986Namefagging and posting a picture of yourself in a lollcow thread, damn son.
>>295990"celebrity wiki"… laughing that she's even on this thing. Is there such a thing as a Z-list celebrity?
>>296012Her industrial strength bras and seemingly desperate need for support has me wondering how bad these implants are on her body. Doesn't she have issues with her back already pre-boobjob? This girl is so fame hungry she did it anyway with no regard to health?
No. 296021
>>295986What did she do to you? We love stories
>>295990She was never taller than Monty even in heels. She's at most 5'3". I remember seeing her as weiss in a rwby group and she was the shortest even in those heels.
I love the photo the person used for the wiki
No. 296030
>>296018Yeah, I'm kind of wondering that too.
They don't look incredibly out of place, like they're too big for her frame. So, I'm assuming the 2nd bra is just to push them up more, because she does have a large area between her clavicles to her breasts, and now I'm thinking maybe that's why she wears two bras.
No. 296031
>>296021Eh fuck it, I'll answer this to an extent.
Metis I'll message you so you know who this is. I'm name myself and go into my own situation more (Some stuff I'll sure you'll love in there lmao) at a later date but want to get the Ok from some people before putting everything here.
The small TLDR is that I was involved in the situation that Metis' stems from, which ran from around August time then peaked/concluded after MCM October, but shit still get thrown between the two camps even today (Metis is an example of this).
Long story short is that it all starts with Sam being a cunt. There was the gofundme stuff and him generally being dumb which caused us to fall out with him. Once he cried to Sheena about it, she began having edge to us and other involved with us. This goes on, we completely drop out, they start keeping tabs on us, blah blah blah
After all that shit is done, our names essentially became taboo because Sheena couldn't justify her actions at the time so refuses to let conversations start about it. People get banned in her stream chat for literally saying "What ever happened to (insert name here)". Metis is someone who knew us and got caught up in the crap for no real reason other than knowing us. Got completely shafted for no reason. Sorry to be a huge tease with not saying much about our actual situation but can promise I will at some point once I know people are alright for me to make it public. But yeah, go fuck yourself Sam for being the cause of this and everything that came after.
No. 296055
>>296054I'm inferring they're being coy about what this Sam person actually did, which according to Metis' first post seems to be more than people over here suspect. I guess some people in her Twitch chat/community took exception to whatever he did and were vocal about it or something, so Sam complained to Sheena, and this group of people left the chat and after that no one could mention them or they would get banned (which would strengthen the suspicion that whatever Sam did is bad enough she doesn't want that or these people who left over it discussed in her stream).
And from what
>>296031 says, it sounds like, while Metis is the one who first came here to say he'd drop stuff on Sheena, he actually got banned from her Twitch community only because he knew this group of people?
So the problem really is that to make sense of
>>296031 and Metis' posts you need to know what Sam could have possibly done that would have made Sheena ban people left and right and get people so angry to come all the way here to tease about it.
No. 296275
File: 1471506551491.jpeg (115.35 KB, 750x891, image.jpeg)

No. 296350
>>296220What that fuck is that bow
Isn't it supposed to be cute and petite? This looks like some ita lolita crafter's shitty creation.
No. 296395
>>296390No kidding, I remember Shane's letter going on and on about how talented she is but nothing shows it.
She has one animation from years ago and that's it
No. 296396
>>296395Shane's letter was all kind of weird. He would of worn Monty's skin and married Nicole if he could have. At least that's the vibe I got off of his letter.
How he could brag about Nicole and only mention his wife, kids and doomed marriage, twice at best, is beyond me.
No. 296397
File: 1471651180364.jpg (103.06 KB, 800x1200, RINKU_small.jpg)

>>296390Wow well fuck you mate I'll have you know her tracing skills are top of the fkin range.
No. 296446
File: 1471687444263.png (689.46 KB, 661x1217, DissidiaBartz.png)

>>296397Actually that's probably totally traced from THIS one
No. 296502
File: 1471746919509.jpeg (170.42 KB, 750x1079, image.jpeg)

No. 296517
>>296503She's like those guys who say they're nice but don't act it.
Needs to quit the bullshitting "inspiration" tweets and actually start doing shit to inspire people
No. 296654
File: 1471812565481.jpeg (172.26 KB, 600x900, image.jpeg)

Done with mobile kinda shitty but you get the point
No. 298223
>>298196I just saw one of the comments was "Let's ship Sheena and Dan again. Let's make Deena happen again."
No. 298363
>>298361Her 'boo hoo pity me' will go a long ways since, I believe it's Ross, who was a real huge fan of Monty.
I really wish the California cosplay scene would just realize she absolutely nothing without Monty's name still attached to her. She'll forever be in his shadow and nothing special.
No. 298697
>>298656"Working with talented artists!"
Photo of her wiping a duct tape pattern with a paper towel, other Photo is of someone else entirely working on the foam
No. 298708
File: 1472853948428.jpg (13.91 KB, 200x200, rachel-tog.jpg)

>>298363>I really wish the California cosplay scene would just realize she absolutely nothing without Monty's name still attached to her. She'll forever be in his shadow and nothing specialFor some reason that made me think of Rachel from Tower of God. They have so many similarities…
No. 299293
File: 1473135551805.png (47.54 KB, 593x320, a.png)

No. 299297
File: 1473139403662.png (512.15 KB, 518x602, b.png)

No. 299302
File: 1473139967043.png (18.47 KB, 574x108, c.png)

No. 299495
>>299471Was it because of Vancouver people that might of been there or has she pissed off the California cosplayers?
I'd love to know what the California cosplayers think of her
No. 299923
>>299745Yup but I'm not sure if it's coming from Sheena or Devin.
My money is on both of them equally though but I don't know those two outside of friends interactions with them
No. 299940
>>299923What exactly happened between them? When I first heard about Sheena it seemed like her and Devin were lifelong bffs.
How long until Chloe becomes the next Devin?
No. 299941
>>299940Please, Chloe is already the next Devin.
It was Chloe that figured out who leaked Sheena personal Facebook here and told her
No. 299943
>>299941That I knew. I meant in terms of how long will it be till Sheena says or does shit against Chloe and Chloe becomes just another burnt bridge?
Chloe has a lot of connections in Southern California so I imagine Sheena's probably being more cautious about shit talking her but it seems like it'll happen inevitably.
No. 299947
>>299943So true, I wouldn't be surprised if Sheena already did talk shit about Chloe.
Guess only a matter of time that it surfaces but apparently Sheena may have pissed off Chloe's friend and didn't go to sdcc as a result?
No. 300147
File: 1473578980882.jpg (126.29 KB, 1200x1800, CsDfXY2VIAAf2dt.jpg)

this month's Patreon print
think she'd do nudes if Patreon allowed that?
No. 300148
File: 1473579132735.jpg (173.48 KB, 1800x1013, CsDhOGoUkAAdQYt.jpg)

>>300147the quality is super shit, her face is blurry as hell for some reason, but of course her tits are crisply in focus
check out the spread eagle shot on the bottom right of her Polaroid spread
No. 300149
File: 1473579878643.jpg (27.12 KB, 418x384, ocfxb9c.jpg)

>>300147Monty died for your sins
No. 300163
File: 1473587523467.png (456.89 KB, 495x596, devin a.png)

You guys.
At least Devin is woman enough to admit if she bought something from Taobao.
No. 300199
>>300147I don't understand what people are paying her to do? Has she been to any cons/ cosplayed anything in the last few months? All she seems to do is stream, and has she really been doing that a lot lately?
At least Moomoo poops out the shitacular cosplays every few weeks, Nicold seems to do be doing even less.
No. 300226
>>300220I'm an oldfag and know exactly how Polaroids and film work.
What I'm referring to is that Ali Rapp does shitty digital prints onto polaroid-looking sheets, which she sells as "Polaroids". Sure some girls are doing the real thing, but if you want to retouch the pics you'll need to fuck with them digitally so a real polaroid is out of the question.
saged for ot
No. 300246
>>300165>>300195Gross, I think she needs to shave her stomach.
>>300226The images above look small, like an instax.
No. 300269
File: 1473679129928.jpg (107.21 KB, 560x407, Print-Instagram-Photos-iPhone-…)

>>300246>>300263>>300226Just fyi, farmers… They do now have instax printers that can print edited photos onto polaroids. Amazon sells these.
No. 300274
>>300147>>300148These make me pity her even more. She's so desperate, it's hilarious.
Shitna needs to stop with the contact lenses and "Nigri eyes" because they make her eyes droop like mad.
No. 300297
>>300295Well I imagine the last Asian one is dead tired of her
No. 300302
>>300148>>300147This is honestly disturbing. This is the equivelant of those that sexualise My Little Pony. Whilst RWBY may be starting to tread into darker territories, sexualising Blake??? She's 17. There are still younger viewers that are going to be looking up RWBY and their favorite characters and this is the shit they're gonna see?? What the fuck.
This can't even be deemed cosplay at all. You'd find no different looking up "Sexy Cat Girl Porn" or something. As mentioned by
>>300292 there is nothing defining to shout out "Blake" other than the barely noticeable cat ears and black wig which blend into the background so you can't even see the curls.
And seriously what on earth with her skintone edited so so white jesus christ it's Blake Belladonna not the Corpse Bride…she looks fresh out of a Tim Burton movie.
No. 300311
>>300302B-b-but she created RWBY. Shane said so!
Looks like Elvira cosplay to me.
No. 300318
File: 1473736372845.jpg (60.57 KB, 640x960, 14238285_1246521055387616_5923…)

>Sheena Duquette is creating Cosplay Content
No. 300319
>>300318That amount of desperation.
Monty would probably hate what she has become if he wasn't, you know, dead and it partly being her fault.
No. 300444
File: 1473816889295.png (300 KB, 479x338, 90140525e1683598b3687613358df1…)

if anyone's curious, have a still from Sheena's one animated film, found at No. 300934
>>300444For a second I thought it was Téa/Anzu from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Shit animation tbh
No. 301110
Sheena Plays: Life Is Strange - PART 1 - Dream or Reality? god, here she goes. >_>
No. 301198
File: 1474516488270.jpg (128.86 KB, 960x960, 14368718_10153764966646712_794…)

>4000 a month on patreon
No. 301206
File: 1474534932136.jpg (165.41 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>301201She needs to gtfo.
No. 301256
File: 1474597320138.png (33.64 KB, 582x297, fag.png)

Jesus fucking Christ.
Sheena might be the most disingenuous bitch I've ever seen.
No. 301294
>>301256That first tweet tho.
She should've just shut up.
No. 301303
>>301256I absolutely love all these girls who've never even so much as looked at anything devoid of a penis who are always flaunting how they're totally not straight. It's absolutely not a way to try and make themselves more interesting.
I'd pay to be able to see some of these cunts in 10 or 15 years and see how they ended up once their Twitch audience found someone younger or prettier and ask them whether they're still adamant people don't only love them for their boobs but love their personalities.
No. 301309
>>301303Heck I don't even think you'll need to wait that long as there's always a younger and prettier girl showing up in twitch
Difference is about 99% of them aren't riding on the dead corpse of their boyfriend or dead husband for that success
No. 301538
File: 1474812776784.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1637, Screenshot_2016-09-25-07-05-07…)

>>301281According to IG chloes dating someone else. Anyone else notice sheena and chloe havent posted anything about each other in a long time? Maybe theyre not friends anymore after she pissed off one of chloes friends
No. 301602
File: 1474862795031.png (104.07 KB, 1080x309, Screenshot_2016-09-26-00-02-44…)

Like guilt tripping everyone into giving you money isn't manipulative, sheena.
No. 302716
File: 1475365531149.jpg (131.83 KB, 1080x1080, 14374077_1767993983450780_9121…)

>>301598>>301604>>301788shockingly not showing off boobs, but the cosplay is still really shitty.
No. 302831
File: 1475434756417.png (502.11 KB, 1024x640, IMG_9187.PNG)

>>302716This cosplay is bad and she should feel bad. The aviators are only with tracers origin skin slipstream while the bomber jacket is on tracers original skin. The denim is ridiculous, I've seen lesser known budget tight cosplayers who've made their own leggings out of latex or some shit.
No. 302834
>>302716Pretty half ass without the chest device but Nicole could probably spin it as "this is tracer before the accident"
I don't think she's that clever though
No. 302839
File: 1475435293435.jpg (118.53 KB, 784x1200, streettracer.jpg)

>>302716This is what she was cosplaying from.
No. 303842
>>303795I really wish I could hear the shit they have to say about her. I know she's buddy-buddy with Tina and Ray even if she shit talks Tina behind her, calling her fat and gross.
Seeing that Momo is trying to get settled in to that part of the youtube group, I'd love to just see Sheena and Momo throw down but Sheena's too much of a scared bint to actually say things that aren't bullshit spewing inspiration unless it's on her private facebook.
No. 303925
>>303842Oh man I'd love to see momo and Sheena go at it. Hell I'll start it by suggesting momo should do a rwby character
I know Sheena hates it when fat people cosplay after all
No. 304016
>>303925Moomoo has. She literally bought the same Yang cosplay Sheena whored around in and I'm guessing with Cow Chop I only wonder how long she'll try and proclaim herself as the OFFICIAL~~~~ RWBY cosplayer.
Ugh please no.
No. 304073
>>304016Oh yea
Shrug let them fight
No. 304932
File: 1475975235502.png (156.31 KB, 750x1084, IMG_3870.PNG)

No…not Mercy…
No. 305248
File: 1476051019154.png (1.97 MB, 1250x937, polaroids.png)