File: 1467262152086.jpg (146.4 KB, 875x875, youtube channel mp photo.jpg)

No. 285276
Margo was in Hamburg for roughly one week; she stayed several days with Hamburg Jassy before Jassy realized margo is a mooching, insane piece of shit. Jassy loaned Mags 105 euro and drove her to a new air bnb, and joined the fucking party over here (Hi, J!). Margo filmed her now epic Vanis Angelicus video in her temp apartment in a lounge singer dress with pinned straps, gifting us with many gifs
>>284060. Mysteriously, Margo’s gay roommates told her they were leaving town asap and she had to go. Margo hopped on a cheap bus for a 19 hour drive to London, where she is now. Jassy tried to get her money back from Margo; Margo said J was “abusive” to her and that Jassy needed to accept used hobo goods instead of money, and then claimed the money was a gift anyway. Margo still claims her ultimate goal is a return to Seoul.
Venus made a post explaining her infection, and what needed to happen it fix it. Not an hour later, Margo posted that Venus was sick from having her intestines removed by a sketchy doc in Seoul because Venus hates fat people
>>284859 >>284860 and that Venus is a narcissist
>>284903 . Her “proof” are emails sent from “Venus” - Margo has been emailing herself from the old Venus business account or just changed the google+ name to make it look like Venus wrote Marglish paragraphs about how evil she is. While that isn’t shocking in and of itself, Margo has been sending these emails to herself for months as “Venus”. Anons suspect Margo has been preparing these as the blackmail she threatened Venus with when Mags demanded $3000 / month for life, “or else”.
What will she come up with next? The sky is the limit, and the milk is endless.
Last thread:
>>283175Early drama of Venus leaving Margo:* READ THE THREAD BEFORE ASKING FOR AN UPDATE
* WE DON'T CARE IF VENUS EVER CHEATED (river kappa is a known liar)
*VENUS DID NOT HAVE ANY FUCKING SURGERY (again - river kappa is a known liar)
Know the Youtube rules:
*Receiving a copyright strike will put your account in bad standing and you will lose access to certain YouTube features. If you receive three copyright strikes:
- Your account will be terminated.
- All the videos uploaded to your account will be removed.
- You won't be able to create new accounts.*
No. 285277
File: 1467262617473.png (308.64 KB, 852x184, Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 9.55…)

Recap of Margo's epic photoshop and graphic design skills in her YT banner (skills also illustrated in the lovely OP photo - she made it herself for her google + account. Not in kindergarten.)
No. 285278
>>285277Oh, this also describes a schedule she could never keep up with in a million years; it's currently taking her 3-4 weeks to poorly edit a 3 min video.
Venus should be getting her channel back any time now - Margo herself said it will - and because Venus will have videos 2x / weeks, Margo must also. Why not 3x / week, Margo?
No. 285284
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she's back and screeching again. on the narcissist pic:
No. 285285
>>285284Have any lawfags contacted her for probono work depending on the weight of her accusations and her amount of proof for a slice of the payout?
We're going through a similar situation with a lawyer right now who will take 20% of our payout.
No. 285287
>>285285that's because they believe you can / will get a payout. a lawfag explained well here
>>281478 why margo won't get one.
No. 285296
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>>285291more garbled marg-isms
No. 285297
>>285287Can they still look at her 'proof' to determine it? I'm just curious. When we approached our lawyer she took it on for an initial consultation fee ($600) but has since stopped charging because she's aiming at about 80k (plus the money health insurance will take back) in damages.
obviously 16k is a much better payout for her.
Out of curiosity, if there's that lawfag here still, what would be the amount awarded to margo? Would it be a calculated sum of the money Venus made since leaving margs? Because that's going to be very low, considering she hasn't had videos up for long at all. Is she just digging her own grave by halting Venus' income if she did sue?
>>285291oh boy it sounds like she's started drinking
No. 285299
>>285298Oh my god, I meant theoretically.
Like, if she had a case would there be anything TO award, given that Venus has zero income?
No. 285305
>>285296Wait - if Venus wasn't sick, then wtf was that email "Venus" sent you about??
MAKE UP YOU MIND. Either Venoos faked being sick to worry poor Margo, or Venoos was deathly ill from having a "Korean doctor remove her intestines". It can't be both, Margo.
Or, or: it could be that V had an abscess, no surgery, and no one told you anything at all Mags, which is why you make shit up.
No. 285312
triggered is showing^
No. 285313
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Pink wig Venus says: "Mom, you look old and stressed out. Why is that?"
No. 285315
>> "Margaret has also publicly admitted to banning the word 'father' from ever leaving Venus's mouth. Although Venus's father is unidentified, Margaret had admitted to their divorce after a 10 year marriage, and claimed he resembled Robin Williams (rest his soul). Venus is forbidden to have any and all contact with him" ( (blurred picture of Venus' father in grandpa's ig)
I made some research, his name was said in a previous post about an ig revelation margles mase: Hans Neuenschwander
>>242365Could it be? married her boss and worked in a hospital. It could be him.
No. 285317
>>285315Margaret once told me that Venus father was something like a farmer.
you all know that Margaret would never ever dump a doctor (Doctor=money)
No. 285320
>>285317Although Margo also had some story about "working in nuclear medicine". Like, at receptionist level, I'm sure, but she does like to transmute the skills of more successful family members into her own story (husband, nuclear medicine; sister, opera; Venus, entertainment).
But who the fuck knows, Margo is a hot mess and anything she says is suspect.
No. 285322
>>285314the difference is in the
intention. and he was a father in her life for several years.
No. 285323
>>285317Margaret had to work 70hours / week on the farm!! Also she had to walk 5km while in labour!!
Anyway, some "farmers" are actually quite well-off landowners.
No. 285324
>>285322We don't know if he abandonned her.
Maybe at that time in Switzerland, when there was a divorce the mothers have the custody rights of children. Is there a swiss anon who can enlight us?
No. 285332
>>285324dude literally everyone knows that margarine simply cut contact off and moved away, I'm pretty sure the dad didn't exactly have a say in that
>>285328first, can we not with the doxxing of random dudes we don't even have certain proof of being related to venus, and second, how many 40+ people do you know with social media besides facebook
No. 285334
>>285330Marglob raised Venus to believe her father was abusive, remember? Margloo has referred to how he "abused" her several times in the past.
Abusive narc tactic #56462 - isolate victim from other family members.
No. 285338
>>285330>>285334Yes and this shit is potentially lifelong harm that gets done. But if he isn't bothering to look her up, it's not anyone's job to interfere.
>>285332No she didn't just cut off. The divorce went 5 or 10 years depending which version she tells. They lived close by in the Thai place for a while.
No. 285341
>>285339She did talk about the procedure she had done. She had an abdominal abcess, was hospitalized with sepsis and almost needed surgery but luckily responded to antibiotics and only needed tubes placed to drain the abcess. The tubes came out yesterday and she doesn't like the scars they left.
What else does she need to explain? Seems pretty straightforward to me.
No. 285344
>>285341Well Margo just posted texts saying that is all a lie. This is defaming her. Specially since she's also talking about fatness in a negative way and we all know how
triggered that makes people.
No. 285347
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Some milk.
German part: can you imagine what it is like, when your own child calls you an abuser? If you were one, ok maybe not nice but at least true. But if you weren't? And people wishing for your death under your normal pictures? What for? That she justifies the stealing? That hurts and is below the belt and hasnt stopped. Thats why.
No. 285351
>>285347This woman. Before Venus made her videos addressing all the drama her mother called her animal abuser, autistic and anorexic. Can you imagine how it is like, magoo?
>>285349Yeah, but wouldn't you do the same if only a few days ago your mother was posting shit in your name in your own account?
No. 285352
>>285347German farmer translation (her German is super weird sometimes):
Can you imagine what it's like when your child calls you an abuser? If you were an abuser, ok, that's not nice but at least it's true. But what if you're not an abuser? And people are wishing you death every day under your photos? And for what? Because she is justifying her stealing? That hurts and that's absolutely over the line and it has not stopped. That's why
No. 285358
>>2853575) Venus is having crazy surgery to stay thin and almost died from it.
6) Venus is healthy and making up stories to make her mother worry.
7) Venus is rich and spending all of "Margaret's Money"
8) Venus is broke and working as a hostess
No. 285362
>>285361ha you beat me to it.
also she is like Hitler or Charles Manson.
No. 285368
>>285297Lawfag late to the party. As I've said before let me add the disclaimer that I'm involved in employment law and deal with different State and Federal (murifat) agencies that do not apply to copyright matters. This would make my procedural knowledge of this type of suit really off, but I'll add a small amount of general knowledge.
Well, I think the closest I know about copyright law is that you protect yourself before a lawsuit. I know in film, you sometimes want representation through a European Film Union (not sure if correct) in addition to an attorney.
To answer your questions anon is … difficult to answer. Anons are correct when they say none.
If through the impossible, lengthy process of discovery, Margo is able to prove intellectual property she would have to prove exactly what specific piece of writing belongs to her. Remember that editing isn't a right to intellectual property to a video. Margo would have to show that she wasn't compensated for the services she provided then the court would either have Venus and Margo agree to a particular amount. Rights to an entire video would have to be proven by two things:
Previous license agreement in which Venus agreed that Margo is providing production and ownership under contract OR
Margo is responsible for the writing.
Awards given by the court are all over the place. Usually the court will award attorney fees for Plaintiff, actual compensation based off of Plaintiff's (margo's) specific claims to what Venus had already earned using Margo's copyright and in extreme cases pain and suffering if it's proven Venus did anything for malicious or negligent reasons.
Through the discovery process, it will show that Margo was living on the income created by the VenusAngelic channel. This will also factor into Margo's monetary compensation. Plus let's not forget that Margo and Venus's arrangement have implied contracts that Margo has no idea about. Many laws assign implied contracts in case there is no actual one in place which might give Margo zero claim even if she CAN prove some type of intellectual rights to Venus videos.
Essentially it's pointless to decide an award for Margo because Venus wouldn't make the type of money that could possibly pay for a drawn out copyright lawsuit. No lawyer would take it. It's a small claims case and there is no way something convoluted with multiple international districts could handle.
No. 285371
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Just reposting this to remind everyone that Venus did contact Margo about the appendix supposedly, and Margo made no mention of the 120cm of intestine when she talked about it to Jassy.
First Venus had appendicitis, then an abscess on the scar, then the abscess spread, then she got septic shock.
This lines up exactly with what Venus has said on the matter before this crazy bullshit about the Dr. Korean Nick taking out her guts as well.
Image posted originally by Hambury Jassy
>>283774 No. 285377
>>285347>I will fight the injustice even if it takes yearsThis is what makes me feel bad for Venus. There truly is no end in sight, even if Venus ends up with a super-protected channel somehow. Margo dragged that divorce out for 10 years, she'll be even worse with Venus.
I wonder what made Margo finally stop the divorce battle and start 'just' calling her ex-husband abusive.
No. 285379
>>285378There's only so much legal recourse Margo can attempt until she is soon hit with a cease and desist letter. The legal system is flooded with garbage so Margo particularly abusing the system for harassment will definitely lead to Venus being able to file criminal charges.
Who knows if Venus already went to immigration regarding Margo's harassment and that's why our kappa ran back to Europe.
No. 285383
>>285380Good idea.
But to be fair, I think anon above wanted to speculate on what kind of fees Margo would be entitled to if in some imaginary circumstance she could win or obtain settlement fees.
The answer is that it's impossible to tell because we don't know how much Venus really makes, what these type of cases are worth and if Margo would be entitled to what specific videos and what exact income it generates. Margo's deductions for already living off of the channel's income for years, whatever Venus left her, etc. I could type up paragraphs on what Margo could possibly prove, but courts and settlements are really all over the place with awards and settlements. The answer is if Margo's delusions were true (they are not), she still wouldn't get much and would be in debt paying off legal fees even if she proved she owned 100% of Venus's old channel. The best Margo could get is the VenusAngelic name, but this is also has zero percent of happening. Real answer: none; theoretical answer: none.
>>285381Yup. Margo will definitely find ways to fuck with Venus for decades even if charges are brought against her. The copyright garbage will die down, but Margo's crazy ranting about how Venus's money is hers will not.
No. 285391
>>285368TY Lawfag!
Margo claims she 'filmed' the videos as well which we know isn't true, Venus did it on a fixed point webcam), but does filming follow the same laws as photographs? Aka. if you take the photograph you have ownership of it?
My main question was what amount she could be awarded if all her BS was true (it isn't) given that she took down her own daughter's site? Say Venus WAS the guilty party, would Margo even be able to get anything from her given that Venus has basically been castrated by her insane mother?
Or would it turn to some state issue?
No. 285410
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Maggot is ready for round 2, sigh. I just ate. Won't be able to check it out so soon with a full stomache.
No. 285414
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>>285410> #myfacethoughdoes she have little pigtails??
No. 285416
>>285414Well, yeah. She
is sexy girl japan venusangelic rich fun, after all. Reputation and all that.
No. 285421
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Margo double promises we'll get a vid today.
No. 285424
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I think that pic related is a legit Venus mail.
As you can see there is a little bit extra text Margo wrote over Venus reply. Lazy screencaping? I don't think so. Margo showed on purpose a line where she used a "Umlaut". Venus don't use them (jap keyboard) and write ue instead of ü etc it's to point out that she write differently than Venus ("look! if I had falsify the mail I would have made a mistake and used Umlaut!but I'm not!")and to confuse us by showing a legit and a false mail (pic related aka legit mail isn't even really defaming Margo or puting Venus in a bad light, so why then showing us this?).
Also the false doc kang bullshit mail is lacking punctuation compared to pic related mail.
Sorry if I'm late with this but I wanted to point it out just in case if there are people still doubting the authenticity of the mails.
No. 285427
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No video in sight, what a surprise.
No. 285428
>>285425Now that you mention this I was already wondering if Margo want Venus to publish her medical reports or something?. The way this whole hospital thing has
triggered her is way too creepy.
No. 285439
>>285358Why won't you say a "prostitute" instead of "hostess"?
We know asians use english words inapropriately most of the time.
>>285435These people may blend into society only if there's a person of strong influence on them, who is abble to keep their insanity at bay.
No. 285444
>>285425Yep, this ^^
PLUS, the only way the swampcreature can get ANY attention on IG/YT is to fuck with Venus. Her posts that don't involve Venus were getting fewer & fewer likes (bc by herself she's, you know, BORING) so she had to step it up! Attention! N-supply! Look at me me ME!!
No. 285445
People like this (severe NPD) can't be fixed. Their brains are permanently broken.
There are no meds for NPD (or any of the PDs) unlike say, schizophrenia or bipolar. There might be some (very limited) improvement with intensive psychotherapy but it takes YEARS. Plus very few narcs will seek out or accept therapy because they don't think there's anything wrong with them! (see: margaretpalermo)
That's why psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors hate this type of patient. They don't. get. better.
No. 285448
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>>285424Maybe, maybe not.
I made a fake Venus Palermo email account and it looks exactly the same.
No. 285452
>>285439Because they're not the same thing. Prostitutes sell sex. Not all hosts/hostesses do - in fact many would lose their jobs if they did. They're not synonymous.
Sage for not being relevant to Mags
No. 285463
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No. 285467
>>285463Fucking two toned, damn.
She claims to have helped Venus with her make up? Yeesh
No. 285470
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She's back online at 3am to inform her fans that the video is "converting."
Anyone have a clue wtf that might mean?
No. 285480
>>285476She even can't speak japanese properly but …she's an "Japan expert".
Yeah. Fuck off.
No. 285485
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>>285481I know she trying "comedy" here but it's still quite telling. See the pleasure she gets from praising herself.
No. 285487
>>285485It's like seeing the inside of Margo's mind: Margo, actress, star, writer, director, hard hitting reporter, director, editor, boss, etc etc. Like her margaretpalermofan insta account, which is insane, but apparently how she sees herself. Super ka-wa-ii.
No. 285488
>>285481360p, lol
Also is this video making fun of Mira calling herself Japanese?
No. 285491
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Marglish. I take no responsibility for formatting, because this is what the original looks like. "In conclusion for my book report on japan, Japan is stupid and anyone who wants to live there is a brainwashed abuser. Thank you."
No. 285494
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OK, so… she's interviewing herself…to explain why all the Japanese ppl who disliked her SK vs Japan video were racists?
No. 285495
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Margo's lack of insight is absolutely astounding.
No. 285496
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bc Japanese are rigid and racist?
No. 285497
File: 1467343224735.png (1.33 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160630-231406.png)

It's their fault for not liking her video, because Racist
No. 285499
File: 1467343324867.png (1.34 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160630-231422.png)

Totally not her fault, guys. Japanese=racist! SK so much better! Who needs Japan anyway? Not me!
No. 285500
>>285481Is her english getting worse? Her pronunciation was always poor, but it seems to be regressing. Hearing her try to say "corrupted on a political level" is actually painful.
Remember in Venus's christmas presents video when Margo gave Venus a death glare for lightly stumbling over an english word, and snapped at her about it?
No. 285502
Greasy dishevelled hair, caked-on makeup that doesn't begin to hide the eyebags & deep lines..
and what is she wearing, a housedress? And where TF is she filming, a fast-food joint somewhere? Imagine how that looked to the customers, crazy old lady talking to an imaginary person and filming it.
She's 100% losing whatever shred of sanity she had left.
No. 285503
>>285499this is, by far, the most unflattering cap of Margo yet.
Crazy hairdye pics don't count because she was trying to look 'goofy'
No. 285505
>>285502Looks and sounds like a mall food court with free wifi. And yep, she was up until 4am trying to post this.
Margo: the technical expert in everything who did all the work of Venus's well edited, well scripted, well shot, on time videos.
No. 285507
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"Japan didn't let me come back into their country. I'm having cognitive dissonance because of it."
No. 285508
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… like when you make vids about how salty you are that your daughter is better looking, nicer, smarter, more successful and more well-liked than you in a 24 hour McDonalds using their free wifi?
No. 285510
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No. 285511
>>285485Yeah, I don't get it…
she starts out like trying to be comedic(?) with the pigtails & all but goes on to ramble about
>racism>stereotypes>cognitive dissonance>religion-myth mix>conformitybla bla blaaaa not even making sense
No. 285512
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Like the septic wound your daughter has? You wish you could do it IRL, so you're attempting to do so in video form. She's not gonna watch this, mags.
No. 285514
File: 1467344565764.png (76.02 KB, 254x152, Screen Shot 2016-06-30 at 8.41…)

HE'LL LEAVE YOU AND YOU WILL BE SORRY, VENOOS!! - "worried mother" Margaret Palermo
No. 285516
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"It's no use Venoos - NO ONE WANTS YOU except for mama. I always told you so. If you beg I might take you back. Send $$"
No. 285518
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"The anime conventions are for brainwashed religious people who can never be Japanese. Why would you want something that doesn't want you?"
No. 285523
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Margo cracks herself up. Other people laugh, too, but her "comedy" isn't the reason.
No. 285525
>What is a Japan?What is a severe and untreated personality disorder, with several mental illnesses as comorbidities?
With her rambling here it's like she's trying to get revenge on 1) her religious family, 2) Manaki, the greatest fiend ever to come out of Japan, 3) Japanese customs, for saying nope to her re-entry.
>>285499And Jesus, if I ever wanted to know whether Chanel make-up is worth the price: if you don't have a good face/bone structure to start with, don't even bother obviously. Even her eyes have jowls.
>>285498They could be freakishly weird looking together.
No. 285526
File: 1467346119306.png (2.18 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160701-000542.png)

…meanwhile, VEENOOS is on a posting spree
No. 285528
File: 1467346196933.png (1.07 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160701-000601.png)

Of course, it's midday in Japan, not four o'clock in the fucking morning.
No. 285529
>>285527That's another thing. The possibility that they might have a child drives maggot nuts because if they do, it will give Venus permanent resident status as someone raising a Japanese child, even if she and Manaki split up as Maggot hopes they will.
But they don't seem to be in any hurry at all to become parents. As far as we know they're just enjoying each other's time together, going on dates and trying to commit to their careers, even with all the crazy maggot puts them through and recovering from sepsis.
Maggot can probably not even imagine that unlike her, Venus isn't a crazy malicious cunt who thinks it's a good idea to try and trap a man by getting pregnant. Besides, V is not ugly enough, inside and out, to have to resort to an underhanded measure like that: someone she liked was willing to marry her without being forced to, and that is something the maggot will never have.
No. 285530
>>285529Agree, and every success Venus has in her life is going to enrage Margo more. Margo also cannot accept that two people might just enjoy each others company and do simple things to be happy. For Margo there's always a hidden exploitation involved, because that's the way she sees and treats others.
Also her ass is obviously burning about not being allowed in Japan right now.
No. 285531
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>>285509She's comparing "being Japanese" to a religion, I think. Not really talking about actual religions.
No. 285532
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like a religious cult that doesn't accept outsiders.
No. 285533
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No. 285534
>>285531yes that's clear to anyone who watches it, she talks about it the whole way through. we don't need every frame of the vid posted here.
also the text is at
>>285491 No. 285535
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Margaret Palermo Productions, everyone. New banner, or just the next OP pic?
No. 285536
File: 1467348265613.png (656.92 KB, 925x585, Screen Shot 2016-06-30 at 9.41…)

Hah, Margo makes a salty video where she looks like a crack smoking 60 year old; Venus does't care and posts mind blowing fan art. I fucking love it.
No. 285538
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Margo's entire life summed up
No. 285540
subtle! Perhaps you did not catch it - not many people are as quick witted as Margo! - but this
satire. Because Margo is playing a joke! It's SUBTLE.
Margo, your saltiness IS hilarious. You're being laughed at.
No. 285541
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2 hours, 30 likes (and was hyped up beforehand)
No. 285542
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3 hours, 3800+ likes. Cold opening.
Margo did not manage this photo launch by Venus… but Margo IS VenusAngelic, and all the attention was because Margo.
No. 285543
>>285536Me too.
Someone commented on her cosplay post that they liked seeing someone with so many interests and she replied:
"Well too many interests leave me confused and exhausted though" with a laughing emoji.
she seems so happy!
No. 285544
>>285535make a banner anytime you want.
the OPs only just started.
No. 285547
two of V's recent posts have hit 10,000+ likes, too.
seeeethe, mangoo..
No. 285566
>>285563She is not even trashing weeabos. It's a racist rant from a disgrunted expat because she wasn't welcome with open arms and showered with gold. Fucking hell. The video is digusting.
Also she portrays herself as a martyr for speaking the truth as THE expert. LOL.
No. 285568
>>285566This. Margo is upset the real world has come back for her and welcomed Venus with open arms and out of her arms.
Did Margo seriously think she could mother Grothel Venus and her channel for the rest of Venus's life?! Most likely yes. On top of even being willing to sell her daughter for leeching privileges. Margo is fuclong nuts.
No. 285569
>>285568I think she expected to have complete control over Venus in very respect and for the rest of her life.
>>285566True I guess. She's not allowed to go there right now, it's obvious.
No. 285577
>>285573SK>>>>>Japan because:
- SK cheaper
- SK don't care if ur English is bad
- SK don't care if u smoke in public
^^ her main reasons for preferring SK as I recall, from that other video she put out
No. 285578
>>285575When you're homeless? Yes.
I shudder to think how she is washing her clothes now.
>>285577Here I thought it was because Korea has a larger coffee culture and Magoo is an addict.
No. 285582
>>285577>>285573Yeah but I mean the
real reason/s. Not Margo's pretend reasons.
I'd love to get some insight into Margo's shitty life in London right now. She usually uses her accommodation as the backdrop for her video so making one in a fast food type place points to a new low in Margo's circumstances.
No. 285583
>>285582Margo in London:
White Londoner, upon hearing her horrible English: GO HOME
Margo: Well, you see, I have no home, my daughter Venoos Angelic on YouTube bullies me. It all started when…
No. 285594
File: 1467382365529.jpg (27.17 KB, 445x334, tmp_7513-tradingspouses2035069…)

>>285481The milk just continues to flow from this one. How long do you think Mags is going to keep it up before she decides to get her n-supply elsewhere other than random internet trolls?
No. 285597
>>285595It's not proven but it is very likely that margot wont be allowed to enter Japan before next year. She has stayed this year for nearly 90 days. Not sure how long she stayed the past year but with her frequently bouncing to Korea and back and not having a job she most likely got/will be rejected from entering.
Also a restraining order is hard to get when your mother bounces between countries and cant be served a court order.
No. 285621
>>285611I really wonder if she's like, literally homeless right now. Her greasy hair in the video, just pulled back into those raggedy pigtails..looks like she hasn't had a shower in awhile. She actually LOOKS like a homeless person here. A crazy homeless lady wandering the streets, hanging around public food malls during the day and sleeping in shelters.
Her posting is infrequent & sporadic like she has limited internet access, plus no new pics of her surroundings for days. Now she hasn't been heard from since she posted that video. I have a feeling that karma has caught up w/marge.
No. 285624
>>285599Absolutely correct anon.
There seems to be mixed information out there about what they do once they turn you back like this. I've read of them giving a 'departure notice' valid for one year, for example. I sincerely hope she got something like this.
If margo's really bathing in sinks and doing it tough, she has brought it on herself. Five months of refusing to work (beyond the korean socks hustle and a couple of yt vids and a pissweak effort at selling the storage things) and five months of jet-setting international travel and airbnbs. Ending up in London ffs, one of the world's most expensive and hardest cities to live. I'm not usually down on someone going through bad times but she's completely controlled this descent.
No. 285627
>>285626lol well I guess in that sense she has had a full-time gig.
anyway how bad does her life have to be that she hardly has access to internet at all.
No. 285628
File: 1467426708428.jpeg (167.8 KB, 750x1157, image.jpeg)

winoos' shop is now open. What will Magoo do? How will she stop EVOL WINOOS from stealing her rightfully earned money at her merch shop?
No. 285631
File: 1467427788256.png (499.67 KB, 640x948, e80b71a7-53f1-4944-915e-c1decc…)

Hee, note the 'About' section: Hi, I'm the REAL VENUS ANGELIC (caps added by me) lol
Also note at bottom: Copyright© 2016 Venus Angelic
bwahahaha, marge
No. 285633
>>285628Some troglodytes asking in comments "are all the rumors true? you had your intestine removed?? idc why but how??"
Venus replies: no O.o
No. 285634
File: 1467430388235.png (38.31 KB, 640x155, d816deca-0c0b-40a7-a9f8-898500…)

What was it you were saying about copyrights again, marge?
No. 285639
>>285638If it goes to court - which it never will, because maggot is homeless, stateless, dirt poor, not to mention a completely lunatic, and there's not a single lawyer out there idiotic enough to take her case - Venus can prove that 1) it was her name to start with, maggot is on record as saying V started the channel/brand by herself as a thirteen year old, and 2) that her mother exploited her for years, living on the income of an underage dependent. Stop worrying, farmer. Maggot is too crazy to get anywhere. She can exploit youtube's asinine abuse system because she's a crazy malicious cuntwaffle, but the buck stops there.
No. 285641
>>285639Im not really worrying but is Margo up? Because I doubt she'll be okay with Venus finding a nothing way to make her 15k.
Which is bullshit, Venus had less than 1.5 mil subscribers she's makes 1k at best with that.
No. 285649
>>285643Maybe, maybe not. It was up for quite awhile while she was living in Japan selling Venus's old clothes and after she went crawling back to SK trying to sell a bunch of cheap jewelry she got from some vendor in Seoul.
If she could put it back up she would, is all I'm saying. She could easily carry around a stash of crappy jewelry and keep selling it online to make a few extra bucks from wherever she's crashing, so the 'down due to traveling' is b.s. It's down due to a cease & desist letter from Fullscreen.
No. 285652
>>285649it could well be a sprinkle of one and a sprinkle of the other. she pulled it down right when her spies told here everyone was reporting her to immigration - then it went back up in SK - then down again. but you are most likely right about her getting a c&d letter at some stage as well. running a shop with venus' name on it directly overlaps with fullscreen's business plans for venus, so it makes sense they would act.
margo should just sell her shit at one of those hobo street markets… spread out some cardboard and voilà!
No. 285665
>>285634I'd buy that printed on a tshirt lol.
Suck it Marge.
No. 285666
File: 1467447891850.jpg (37.87 KB, 600x300, breakingbad_saul.jpg)

>>285639Margo needs a criminal lawyer.
No. 285671
File: 1467453193035.jpg (160.24 KB, 808x1400, margo51.jpg)

>>285670Not the same anon but there's some shit going down on the pic of Venus' email (not the intestine one). Now it's a pregnancy, guys.
I wasted money on my German lessons obviously because I can't follow the DE comments or work out if they are valuable.
No. 285673
File: 1467453478252.png (623.72 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160702-055410.png)

>>285670They're under the fake "intestine surgery" post. Maybe someone here can translate? googke translate is shit, lol
No. 285674
>>284137idk who the fuck uses YTMND anymore but I love you and I love this
This entire fucking is so fuckin' colossal, man. Wow. Margo is an entire agriculture for long-term production of milk all on her own. She's the whole fuckin' dairy farm!
No. 285675
File: 1467453613276.png (1.4 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160702-055922.png)

No. 285676
File: 1467453700657.jpg (87.25 KB, 584x718, margo52.jpg)

>>285671these are from slightly upstream in the same comments but I haven't been watching close enough to see if they are new.
No. 285677
>>285666The fact this is a triple six post makes it even funnier.
nice anon nice nice
No. 285678
>>285672Almost 10k 'likes' on the IG post already, yep.
And despite being alone, broke & homeless mangot is still slugging away- "VENOOS LIES! I AM BULLIED!" jfc, woman
No. 285680
>>285676I'm so here for the video with the documents of the police and psychologists.
I know she has nothing but it would be still so funny to watch it lmao.
No. 285682
>>285671>>285676These are old, from yesterday just before she dropped her video.
>>285673 is from a couple hours ago (9am-ish her time.)
They're all the same basically, just mange spewing her usual b.s.
No. 285683
>>285673Not my best shot, but some of German used was as bad as Margos
@margaretpalermo I don't understand…. many young girls do sports and eat healthy… but I do understand that you're not able to do anything…. and that's why I hope that she'll arrive at this conclusion by herself…. but the other problem is that her fans think this is great… even if it hasn't been fun for quite some time…. and as long as she has that many fans who think it's great what she does, there will be no change…. and you're getting the hate and I think it's wrong.
Because you know her best…. I really hope she regains her senses.
@sankarea666 I don't think that this woman has any credibility left. Did you see her videos? Her posts, which were mostly deleted shortly afterwards? A real, good mother doesn't do that to her daughter publicly.
@chevalabascule I'm sure you must know how this is do you have kids… do you know how this is like… I think not… Sure, some things were unneccessary, but she inly worries and that is her right to do she raised her and not all those ludricrous fans (? Not sure, her German is atrocious)… and it doesn't matter what she says about Venus, there is some truth in everything
@chevalabascule Venus is lying publicly about abusive behaviour, she did several videos against me though she only wanted to leave with the money, it's only because of this. I have to defend myself, that's why.
@margaretpalermo yes, you have to defend yourself against this, it's not right that she claims this….
@sankarea66 I'm a teacher, I'm sure this many kids are enough ;)
@margaretpalermo But there are enough other possibilties do defend oneself. Posting nudes or composing songs aren't mature at all and only undermine your credibility. I'm not on anyone's side but they are both dealing with this extremely unprofessional.
No. 285686
>>285683TY anon
Just that one half hearted attempt by mange, then back under her rock..while V & M are off to the beach, V on a bicycle & M running behind. Lol
I hope they post pics.
No. 285700
File: 1467462573138.jpg (19.29 KB, 720x156, _20160702_142841.jpg)

No. 285710
File: 1467470555533.jpg (157.52 KB, 720x1126, _20160702_163919.jpg)

Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but the caption and the hashtags (specially this one, #notinmyhouse) make me think that Margo asked Zsu to stay at her home.
No. 285720
>>285638Nope. I'm pretty sure the copyright refers to the site design. copyright protects creative works. I think that the name "Vemus Angelic" would have to be a trademark. I searched the Japanese, US and EU trademark sites. No one has trademarked " Venus Angelic" as far as I can tell.
Trademark protect unique names, terms and symbols that are used to ID and distinguish where products and services originate. Think of logos and brand names.
I searched here. Found no trademark for "Venus Angelic." No. 285727
File: 1467476820103.jpg (44.54 KB, 1154x744, yy.JPG)

Her shop is down?
No. 285731
>>285728I may have but is her channel gone again?
I can't find it
No. 285734
>>285732It's hard to keep track of a 24/7 goings on when I can't keep coming here
>>285733Last time I checked it was back and I was beyond happy, thas'all
No. 285757
File: 1467492512439.gif (Spoiler Image,662.02 KB, 635x465, trLPHtj.gif)

>>285747was the tongue thing really necessary, margrot?
No. 285771
File: 1467498456942.png (334.49 KB, 640x652, 9489bd02-9339-43a3-a71a-88b639…)

marglob oozes out from under her rock to explain why she CAN'T "just move on"…
it's because VENOOS won't leave her alone!
No. 285774
File: 1467499547216.png (47.37 KB, 622x111, 75411d6b-676e-4db2-a025-2a7fc1…)

She knows about venus's shop. Of course it was all HER idea.
And don't forget, she is BULLIED stolen from and manipulated!
No. 285782
>>285781And it seems worthless. Just links to her ig, fb,
tw and fb.
>> Venooos opened a shop so I will open something too. Everyone will remember me and not her. No. 285784
File: 1467505392593.jpg (141.16 KB, 1416x848, maggo.JPG)

>>285781All it is is one big re-direction site. What a waste of space.
Though I just checked out her IG for the first time in a while and HAHAHAHA! Thanks OP
No. 285786
File: 1467505599367.jpg (21.03 KB, 700x431, 0.JPG)

>>285781as empty as her soul
No. 285790
>>285788this guy…omg
he's alll over mange's IG and YT comments like a fucking fungal rash. So pleased with himself for one-upping 12-year-old commenters…"HA! I showed YOU!"
Fucking guy looks about 40, with his fat wifey on her IG. Follows Mira and mange on IG and that's about it.
No. 285794
>>285786"Design by"
"DESIGN" - it's a fucking empty space.
Your comment is spot on. There's NOTHING THERE, inside margaretpalermo. It's a void. Like all NPDs.
No. 285800
>>285786>>285781it wasn't ever closed anons. she's only updated it is all. it had that 'summoning' video on it as the whole background for a while.
it's cute that she's added "official" though. maybe she can turn that Margo "official" crazy into a brand. coffee mugs with slogans about bullies!! and proofs!!
No. 285804
>>285784It's amazing to me that she can post something like this with absolutely NO insight that it describes what she is and what she's been doing to Venus to a T.
She's like a monkey, taking in what people say about her and flinging it at Venus claiming that's what VENOOS is! Like early on when people were saying she was a psycho…that's when she started googling 'psychopathy' and posting all that shit from Psychopathy Awareness saying VENOOS is psychopath! No empathy! blablahhh
Now she's been taking in all the talk about her having NPD so she's googling 'narcissism' and now VENOOS is a Narcissist!
No. 285807
>>285805It's pretty tiresome reading all the speeches they give about how to sort it out… it's just pollution. But the truly interesting specimens are the ones who become totally committed to Margo, like azlabyrinth or chu_face.
Hamburg Jassy has turned from a Margaret supporter to being one of us (!!) and she talked about feeling sympathy for someone who lost everything. But she's still not really unpacked what motivated her to spend her days on insta vigorously defending Margo.
No. 285824
File: 1467526793547.jpg (19.16 KB, 320x320, 13525464_366453373478678_23970…)

V's new IG profile pic. She really is, to quote one of her followers "a beautiful majestic rainbow pink princess puffy cotton candy unicorn" and I kind of love it.
No. 285826
File: 1467527440348.png (221.36 KB, 446x431, 657c7590-f9a4-4dc5-b29c-9c7eac…)

>>285824Then there's the old greasy-haired homeless kappa, circling the drain but still spitting venom at every turn.
No. 285829
>>285824She actually knows her aesthetic.
Yet while she was being managed my morgle, she was constantly forced to wear tacky shit or dress like an eastern european whore.
No. 285832
>>285827She probably has to wait for it to go through at her bank, on a weekday. That's the only reason I can think of why she isn't posting brunch pics or whatever.
>>285828it isn't really coming. The best hope is Margo finds another focus or extinguishes herself (unlikely, sadly).
No. 285836
>>285827idk about that Swiss govt. bennies thing. Wouldn't she have to be a Swiss citizen to get those? Would she have lost her Swiss citizenship when the divorce was finalized, since she was a citizen by marriage? hamburg Jassy was very adamant that her citizenship was ONLY Hungarian, not Swiss or German back when that debacle happened & she was commenting on mange's IG.
She probably wrangled some kind of child support from V's father in the divorce but that might have ended when V became a legal adult (or maybe ending soon.)?
No. 285840
File: 1467530883215.jpeg (44.56 KB, 313x286, image.jpeg)

Remember beautyblogger Airi? She has a thread on snow. Margoyle bought her domain so it redirects to her website.
No. 285844
>>285835Zsu said she was gonna post a pic of her wearing one when it comes. I'm thinking of taking a selfie wearing mine too, maybe DMing it to V? I think it would be great idea to invite all her supporters to do it, really good interaction/engagement.
She's been hashtagging #angelicarmy recently which is new. Wonder if that came from Fullscreen or something she came up with herself? Fullscreen has NOT seemed to do much of anything but take her $$ up to now so I kind of think it might be her. She seems to have a pretty good instinct for this kind of thing.
No. 285854
File: 1467533631966.png (39.01 KB, 1210x126, Screen Shot 2016-07-03 at 6.13…)

>>285840if this is what you're referring to, it's not even possible. Margo does not own the rights to the blogspot domain. Besides, this girl's blogspot is working normally. is there another domain you're looking at?
No. 285857
File: 1467534412578.png (181.33 KB, 640x457, 4ec2db7f-7144-4953-a6e3-781cb1…)

the kappa awakes
9am EU time. Oversleeping or earliest it could get wifi?
>didn't give me nothing
god her ENGLISH argghhhkfxchjkg!!!
No. 285858
>>285857MY INCOME
No. 285863
>>285861it goes to age 26 or something.
>>285859yes she fucking lived there anon. venus was born there and they lived there even after the divorce.
put simply, she will still get the dough unless the authorities ask her for an update on venus student status.
No. 285865
File: 1467535682534.png (64.91 KB, 400x318, pageant.png)

>>285863>>285859They were there for a long time. I don't know margo's Swiss residency status post-divorce but obviously she had the right to stay and they did so. Pic from notsoangelic tumblr.
No. 285869
File: 1467537498636.jpg (93.68 KB, 500x493, pageant2.jpg)

>>285868I don't know their history so well, having only started following since they moved to Korea the very last time. There's a pageant / modelling pic on notsoangelic from when she was younger, but it has no context.
No. 285871
>>285869This either be from the time Venus was in Tenerife(Background kinda reminds me of their old house) or when Maggot was in college(Don't remember where she attended college, either Spain or Switzerland). I believe Margo had to make a video and Venus was put in the video because she studied with her there.
Take this with a grain of salt though, it's been years since I read up on their drama. I could be wrong and that's from a pageant I've forgotten about. Kek
>>285868I believe she was with a modeling agency in England, but the woman in charge flaked, stole their money, and moved to America.
No. 285873
>>285871oh yeah, the background looks like it could well be spanish
I'm not suggesting she was a 'pageant kid', there was the thai one of course but it did have some context.
No. 285883
File: 1467551922874.jpeg (231.17 KB, 750x1083, image.jpeg)

Political Margo.
No. 285884
>All her dreams made true by meUgh. Venus taught herself Japanese for fucks sake! Maragret fucking needed random people online to translate Venus's messages to Manaki.
If Venus is capable of teaching herself a completely different language and writing system, she was more than capable of everything else.
No. 285890
File: 1467556192542.jpeg (146.65 KB, 750x1077, image.jpeg)

After a quick look, it appears it was yesterday's protest as this guy's sign matches the one in Margo's most recent pic. Of course, she could have left London since then.
No. 285894
>>285893And to add:
Her attending pageants wasn't a "one time thing", Margo did everything to leech off of her since a young age which is why she also had a background role in that one swiss movie.
No. 285904
File: 1467559364768.jpeg (84.56 KB, 750x420, image.jpeg)

Venoos planned all this for years! I am perfect mom!
I'm not sure what 'get rid of a YouTuber' is referring to though?
No. 285910
File: 1467560867286.jpg (79.72 KB, 480x477, Zk3Yyai.jpg)

>>285869Looks like this era? Found it here: is a pic on the same site from when she was 9 years old if you scroll down a bit. She has natural, dark hair.
No. 285923
File: 1467567020143.png (814.18 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Venus seems to be in a good mood.
No. 285924
File: 1467567086506.jpeg (109.64 KB, 750x646, image.jpeg)

Based Aunt Zsu commented pretty quickly too.
No. 285928
>>285923I wonder when we'll get bored of Venus
her life is peaceful now and her mother is more of the cow
No. 285951
File: 1467573515532.png (183.53 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 285954
File: 1467573699643.png (715.53 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 285975
>>285966For how long has she been living like this now .. 6 months?
And her it seems like her hobo-lifestyle has no end in sights
No. 285998
File: 1467582335251.jpeg (81.84 KB, 750x466, image.jpeg)

Margo once again failing to understand when she's being trolled and also being down with the kids.
No. 285999
>>285869Woah, she looks so much older here! I can't figure out what it is though. Can some makeup-knowledgable anons help me out?
Or maybe it's the 80s hair?
No. 286013
>>285999It's that unfashionable poofy hair, calm demeanor and harsh, too dark eyebrows combination that put years on her. Surprisingly, shape and color of eyebrows can greatly alter your appearance. Dark, thin, angular brows age you most.
>>285954Daaaaawwwww… This is fricken adorable. Manaki looking kind of gentle, baby butch lesbian.
No. 286034
>>286031Yeah this is one thing where I do believe Margo. Venus came up with her own entertainment career and Margo eventually realised she could latch on… probably around the time child support from her ex was looking to dry up is my guess.
I posted Margo's FB about the pageant purely to show that they lived in Switzerland a long time.
No. 286043
File: 1467610901780.png (787.49 KB, 640x899, 4079641a-96d4-4f15-a01e-fcbfd7…)

looks like Venus got her groove back
bike rides on the beach, cooking and celebrating life!
love it.
No. 286045
File: 1467612303219.jpg (47.7 KB, 629x356, nosferatu.jpg)

Who's the homeless prostitute now
No. 286049
>>285910This one was from when they lived in the netherlands.
>>285869 this one is either from late tenerife or early london time
No. 286050
File: 1467614131325.jpg (51.05 KB, 588x1000, 160626-christy-sheats-jsw-411p…)

>>285276slightly off-topic, but everytime I see the OP image it makes me think of that crazy Texas woman who recently shot both of her daughters just to spite her husband. They look so eerily similar, similar faces and that batshit crazy look in their eyes. No. 286071
File: 1467623415952.jpg (185.22 KB, 1156x1200, margo53.jpg)

Nothing new, just some lustful comments.
No. 286089
>>286077I literally have the worst time trying to understand Maggot's writing. She's seemingly gotten worse as time goes on. Either it's the traveling or the downward spiral into madness having lost her only source of income which was her daughter's earnings.
Either way, I can't make heads nor tails out of this. I wish I knew what the hell she's on about.
No. 286121
File: 1467662333188.jpeg (233.08 KB, 750x1033, image.jpeg)

Apparently Margo has at least a little money again. Swissbux at the start of the month?
And goddamn how is it possible to take such a boring shot from the Eye?
No. 286218
I think mange is looking into some moneymaking schemes in London. This IG account a comment on Venus's IG saying she's trying to get in touch with mange but lost her #, and could Venus please help?
It's one of those 'make $$ from home in your spare time-call me!' deals. Mange is scrambling.
No. 286219
>>286218"earn extra income from the comfort of your living room whilst you are getting paid only for using your Mobile Phone.."
Why would this woman lose Margo's number if they just got in touch? It sounds more like she wants to reach Margo. Probably wants to sell her some pyramid scheme thing, lol.
No. 286223
File: 1467690307377.png (258.56 KB, 373x523, margo image.png)

have a thing i made
No. 286238
File: 1467702227424.jpg (76.83 KB, 930x490, margo54.jpg)

Fresh bla bla from Margo. She seems not to understand others might do things because they feel them.
No. 286242
File: 1467705430152.png (229.18 KB, 640x590, deaa00da-b4c6-4356-b760-e87e57…)

It's basically just munge and azlabyrinth against the world at this point, lol.
No. 286244
File: 1467705517220.png (24.3 KB, 640x67, 1038ee37-283d-4516-bcfd-ac1b50…)

No. 286246
Shit's old & tired, margoob. Even the trolls have gotten bored & wandered off. You're BORING.
No. 286252
>>286223Oh my fucking god
I love you anon
No. 286255
File: 1467721936773.jpeg (141.21 KB, 750x530, image.jpeg)

More likely:
1) Trying to find out whether her crazy mother is likely to turn up at her door again.
2) Tryna negotiate an agreement over the YouTube channel.
3) Talking about her life and future plans but Margo doesn't have a shred of empathy.
No. 286275
File: 1467739522679.jpg (480.36 KB, 638x495, esrhfdrh.jpg)

I was watching a YT video called 5 YouTubers Who Got Themselves Banned ( Venus was on the list.
Guess who is lurking in the comments already.
No. 286286
>>286275Is it an hallucination or is there someone stupid enough to provoque Margoo in the comments? Are people not tired of hearing margoat answering almost everytime:
>>look! u see? I'm bullied!!! HELPPlease just stop!
No. 286292
>>286283I agree. and they always say something along the lines of, "this shouldn't be public anyway," well no shit, but seeing as Venus is basically a public figure….what would you expect? it's so obviously one sided; Venus rarely acknowledges Margo anymore, it's just Margo feeding the fire. I'm so tempted but I don't know how to make those slideshow videos with pictures (like those fan videos).
>>286286it's always gonna be like that regardless, so it really doesn't matter. no one believes her.
No. 286296
File: 1467748602257.jpeg (71.94 KB, 750x420, image.jpeg)

>>286270Margo once again sticking to her schedule! Clearly she was the key to Venus' success.
… Does she think it's Thursday tomorrow?
No. 286300
>>286294You mean Margaret, right?
Anyway, she basically IS broke & homeless, or one small step from it. She's banned from Japan and losing supporters fast. Her non Venus-related YT videos get very few views and overwhelmingly negative feedback. She's getting her just rewards, don't worry.
No. 286302
>>286300Oh sorry, yes of course I mean Margaret. I don't even know why she has all this luck at the moment…I hope she gets back to Hungary and will be the homeless prostitute that she said her daughter will be…
Also, what will she even talk about in her videos? There is nothing left in her life that is minimum interesting. No dramas anymore that we don't know aboht
No. 286309
File: 1467753125018.jpeg (179.57 KB, 750x1145, image.jpeg)

Gorgeous new selfie. Margo's either got money to burn or is picking up her host's belongings.
>first comment
Give me a break.
No. 286317
>>286301read the thread buddy, margarine was most likely denied re-entry for a year since otherwise she'd stillbe sperging in japan
>>286316because angry venus took all her swarovski and now she has to wear this instead!!!!
No. 286319
>>286301Educated deduction based on her posts, timeline and what I and other anons have ferreted out:
- pics of Tokyo airport, says "Manaki where is your car?" and something about "black-suited investigators" - while V & M are away at M's parents'
- immediately followed by Vancouver BC trip , saying she's "doing what Youtube told me I had to do", followed by
- Selfie from Star Wars Japanese airline flight, captioned "Japan" and "Good things come" but:
- next pics are back in Seoul accompanied by multi-day rageful rant. Followed by
- Sudden decision to "settle in Europe" and urgently needs someone in Tokyo to store her 18 boxes of crap.
Conclusion: sudden changes in plans that mangoo is NOT HAPPY about, coming immediately after trip to Japan where she lurked outside V's apartment and called the cops (AGAIN) + unable to return to Japan to arrange storage of her crap + butthurt videos about Korea>>>>Japan and JAPAN SUCKS = Banned and butthurt.
No. 286322
>>286309I think she tries to seduce Venus again. She hopes so hard that Venus will see and remember the secret message behind the plush toys.
At the same time, if she shows us a picture of an event that happened more than 1 month ago that means she isn't in London anymore. could be her next move?
No. 286338
>>286294>>286309>always seems to have luck in what she is doing>How can she afford London?>must have money to burnAfford what? What "luck"?
The hag slapped on a full face of clown makeup and took a selfie with a cheap souvenir she picked up somewhere. I don't know what you're seeing, I see a broke crazy middle-aged woman living like a hobo, dragging her two suitcases behind her.
No. 286380
>>286301>>286300It's more accurate to say Margo was turned away from Japan. We know she flew there from Vancouver because the routes for the Star Wars jets are very specific. But suddenly she appeared in Seoul instead of Tokyo - then planned to go to Europe and couldn't get to Tokyo to deal with her storage crap in person. It's fair to say she she tried one too many entries in Japan and was refused.
Now if there is more (like a one year departure notice), we won't know until Margo chimps about it sometime. Hamburg Jassy may or may not know, but she hasn't passed that info here if she has it.
No. 286400
>>286383Classic NPD. Like right out of a textbook.
I thought she was totally gonna go off the rails there for awhile but she seems to be hunkered down & brooding/seething quietly for now.
I'm here in the front row for the next round.
No. 286428
>>286291I think that may be a farmer because of the last bit. "If you really abused her then she would be a psycho, not a wonderful little girl!"
Simultaneously getting on Margo's good side while sneaking in a compliment to Venus and implying that if Venus was a psycho like Margunt likes to say she is then that would paint her as an abusive parent.
No. 286439
File: 1467779178972.png (50.36 KB, 708x208, fd16b3a0-a168-4016-8087-9cb33a…)

So, mange is online at 4:45am, blowing kisses to @snakytroll for this comment under her latest #serialkiller selfie:
Um, "adorable" and "happy"? hahahahahaNO
No. 286471
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desperate much, mangey?
No. 286607
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No. 286649
>>286637What a piece of garbage excuse for a human being. "Venus has failed as a daughter" what the actual fuck. That's something that you just don't say about your children PERIOD. Ever. Everything that comes out of this woman's mouth is a so unbelievably ugly that it would change the dynamic of any normal parent-child relationship in an instant. If my mother said something like that about me or vice-versa, I would never be able to look at her the same way again. But for Margo this is just a warm-up to another one-sided catfight with her daughter.
I'm just utterly flabbergasted that she can send such disgusting words and thoughts at her own daughter, and then claim to love her and be a victim the next second.
No. 286650
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>>286637>>286649Here's more:
She's working up to another narc rage meltdown.
She's just a vile, blighted excuse for a human being. An empty husk. I really don't think there's any hope for her at this point.
No. 286652
>>286650>I was THREWNjfc
also: SATAN
No. 286655
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From her Q&A 2 years ago:
"What kind of advice would you give mothers to support their daughters wearing lolita and being interested in Japan?"
"I think that your child has an own personality and if you break it then you will break you child, and that means you have an idea, a fantasy about your child who this child should be and if you love this idea more than your child so get your shit together, love your child instead of a fantasy. Love the person instead of an idea."
Also kek at the "how old are you" question, which she answers with a fucking math problem instead "I was 22 when Venoos was 1 month old and now she's 17." next question.
No. 286656
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No. 286661
>>286650Wow. She really is losing it. She would rather dream up some sort of cosmic reversal of morality than admit her own mistakes. It's like she is literally incapable of even the slightest bit of humility or introspection.
If ever you start to feel bad about something you did wrong, just pull a Margoo and claim that good is really evil and God is really Satan. Now you've got yourself a fail-proof guilt escape plan! She may be evil incarnate, but it's opposite day, don't you see?
No. 286669
>>286650>God is misleading peopleLmao, so now Margo's moved to projecting herself onto God instead of Venus, which is hilarious since he's supposed to be the embodiment of good.
What's next, is Margo going to call God a psychopath? Did God leave her stranded in an airport after he stole $5000 from her bank account and hacked her laptop? Stay tuned.
No. 286670
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>>286668I can't understand shit she's saying in that clip. Her English keeps degrading. The bitch can't speak Swiss German or English worth a damn. It makes me wonder if Venus' German is bad too (as I don't speak it) since Maggot is all she had to talk to most of her life.
No. 286674
>>286670both her regular German and Swiss German seemed totally fine to me, girl clearly has a talent for languages since she speaks English, German, SwiGerman, Italian(?), Japanese and Korean, probably something I forgot or fucked up
the same can't be said for margarine, and I doubt she's been having regular practice with any of her languages apart from English and broken Japanese/Korean
No. 286675
File: 1467795449520.png (2.26 MB, 1936x1936, Photo_2016-07-06_06-50-55_PM.p…)

Anyone else finding the copying of Venus in Maggot's new insta profile pic kinda obvious
No. 286678
This is not the first time either. Fucking deranged cunt.
No. 286680
Looks like a motel 6 (that's a low-end budget motel chain in the US for all you non 'muricans)
She must be so sick of living like this. hehee
No. 286684
>>286681Nice screenshot! Captures her sweet sunny nature perfectly
No. 286686
>>286681jesus christ, I'm already afraid to click because of the horrifying preview pic
the constant jumpcuts and the fucking instant pity party made me successfully nope out within the first 2 minutes, well done margo it's just as bad as the last ones
No. 286689
>>286687margo whines about her sad, sad life of being abused by internet and religious people, while successfully butchering every word over a 3rd grade reading level and ruining analogies forever
it's honestly pretty softcore, just quite boring
No. 286690
Summary please
No. 286699
>>286681where am i
was this supposed to make sense
No. 286704
>>286692Just use adblock
No ads = no add revenue for margo
I hope most people on lolcow are smart enough to know that.
No. 286706
File: 1467800386560.gif (4.24 MB, 400x225, jUhm81b.gif)

the masochism dance
No. 286711
>>286275I'm flagging this little shit's video for abusive content (saying Venus is "as crazy as her mom" and "got herself banned from YT.) She did not "get herself banned," her batshit obsessed mother got it taken down w/false DMCA claims.
Fuck this guy. The last thing Venus needs right now is a fresh wave of attacks by a pack of rabid teenage keemstar-esque goons.
No. 286723
Is grandpa Ferenc in Japan? it be? I'll open a bottle of my best champagne if it is what I think.
No. 286726
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No. 286727
>>286701>>286724Knowing margles she would probably take pride in hearing that we can't understand her bizarre narrative of ovens, shoes and mazokissimmm
>haha I'm such clever linguist, over level 5000, venoos fans too dumb to understand my intellectual discourse Hearing her even mention victim blaming in relation to herself makes my skin crawl. She really is a female onision, I hope she doesn't catch on.
No. 286730
>>286723Get that champagne ready!
Crude google translate for anyone who hasn't done it yet:
"Tanabata tomorrow!
Limited seven at lunch time in the Royal Garden Cafe Nagoya,
It provides "Milkyway jelly".
Milky Way the image of a, coffee jelly, orange jelly,
We finished with three layers of lemon jelly.
Please enjoy all means you a sense of the season full of lunch dessert. ?"
No. 286733
>>286726Such a nice fiance he leaves you in a hotel room on your own, sure Margo.
Unless she's meeting azlabyrinth there for a tryst in which case I say:
don't lend her any money!!She has said before she has a 'nice bf' even though she's obviously single.
No. 286734
>>286732No problem anon.
I don't know for sure but I think that place is somewhere in Bayswater (where margo is)
No. 286736
>>286735Looks a lot like what I booked for a tight arse friend, from her photos anyway.
I'll have a look for the name
No. 286740
>>286723Damn whaaaaat!
I really hope he's there, and the "awful, abusive, oppressively religious" family that Margo forced out of Venus' life reconnects with her in person. It would be reassuring for her if she knows she has relatives to support her, and that the isolation she faced was truly her crazy mom's fault.
No. 286746
>>286723Oh, I hope Venus can meet her family! The sudden Japanese is too odd.
>>286739Thanks, Jassy!
The timeline just wouldn't make sense, especially since she broke up with SK bf at New Year and was soon trailing Venus. At her age, she has no special or redeeming qualities for a man to risk everything and settle with her unless he was reeeally old or something.
No. 286753
>>286637Margs talk about Venus as if she were her lover or something like that.
How does someone fails as a daughter anyways? you chose to birth her (FROM YOUR YOOTEROS), you chose to put her through the e-famous shit since a young age isolating her from actual friends and exploiting her for money, how can someone be a "functional daughter" under those circumstances?
No. 286754
>>285276Huh. She actually had a plan that spanned the course of a couple months and was interested in recurring revenue, not a one-time payment.
Good for her for being a low-time-preference sociopath.
No. 286764
>>286726Fiance? More like "Financee", amiright??
Thank you, I'll be here all week..
No. 286769
>>286681"Even if you explain really really really really smart, people don't have logic!"
Oh Margo. You are not smart. Your stories make no sense. Your "logic" is delusion. People refusing to participate in your delusion is not evidence of them being illogical.
No. 286770
File: 1467824801717.png (30.66 KB, 303x196, Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 10.0…)

Oh Margo, you sad, old, crazy hag.
No. 286774
>>286681I died at "put your shoes back on"
Soon as I thought I knew what she was talking about she changed subjects….
>thought she was going to argue that the bible is like kids books where the importance is just the moral>boywasiwrongforthinkingshewouldmakeanysense No. 286791
>>286681Just noticed Margo is saying "ducking" instead of "fucking" like 25 times in this video.
Also, in regards to Ferenc being in Nagoya - Venus has been off the radar again for 2 days. Let's hope there's been some positive family rapprochement happening.
No. 286804
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This made me laugh. Also if anyone feels generous. Can you transcribe the last video?
No. 286806
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No. 286807
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No. 286808
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No. 286809
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And her latest instagram showing how she saves money by eating cheap food. lol
No. 286817
>>286816Her sole form of income right now is her monthly "child support" from the Swiss government. Venus is a Swiss citizen, and as such, as long as Venus lived with Margo and was unmarried, Margo qualified for support until V is 25.
Obviously, V no longer lives with her mother AND is married, so the support is now being collected illegally. Margo has failed to report that her daughter is married and no longer lives with her, so Margo receives a stipend on the first of each month. However, it's not much, because before Venus started making $30-$40k / year via YouTube and interviews, Margo was working as a personal trainer to supplement this income. But now it's all she has, because Mags thinks she's too good / famous to work and should get Venus's money for life.
No. 286825
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Margo just makes no sense. So she got Venus a new manager, but still wants to be paid for a channel she's no longer managing?
Can I call all my old employers and ask them to put me back on payroll? Work once, get paid forever?
No. 286826
>>286681>>286804>>286811Alright, transcript of McMaggot's latest video for anyone who'd rather read it than watch it. Any comments of my own are italicized for clarification:
Hi, I'm Margaret Palermo and I'm going to teach you about life.
Today we are learning about critisiz
[sic]. I get criticized a lot and… I don't know, it actually really gets my heart (not) to get criticized that much. I don't think that I can take it anymore (not) you know. That I criticizing my age - 41 - people are a criticizing everything. Like "why don't you dress your age"? Like, I mean
stands up to show outfit is not, is that not my age? Pants, and tshirt? Necklace, hair, and makeup, and nails - I've done them myself, I'm a humble person.
People are criticizing literally everything. I know, I know, the internet, get a thick skin
[I think?]. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, right? Or just stay there and burn yourself. And touch the hot plate and touch the oven. Crawl in the oven.
Being a youtuber is kind of going to the hottest kitchen of the world, crawling into the oven, asking for turning the heat on to thousand two hundred degrees - whatever Fahrenheit says, it doesn't matter anymore - then just let yourself roast. Don't even care, don't even feel anything.
Ah, no, better! Feel! Feel the heat!
[= Masochist] Live in that oven!
Suck eet all een!
Or absolutely
My oven is one of the hottest on the entire internet! I'm an expert, yea? I am real! I am the chosen one! I am the number one, my oven is the hottest in the entire internet! I must be absolutely
[indistinguishable] or, the biggest
Mazokeest, mazokist, mazokist
-does a weird dance-Yea.
Because I'm standing the biggest ducking heat! -smiles-
You guys fire the internet over like a locomotive a hundred years ago, more wood, more charcoal, more coal - anyways, it doesn't matter to me, because, it matters the why, you know? When you, you start to think like "What the hell?". Even if you explain like really really really really smart, people don't have to mm
[?] logic.
People are religious. That's a really big problem, by the way, and I really hope internet will draw turn the religious out by inspiring people to use their brains. Because if you are used to toil at school, a really really strange story, or many many really strange stories - let's say bible, ok. Because bible is something you still
miiiiight be able to criticize, not everyone will be happy, but I just really really want to make you clear why things don't work out in this world.
Have you ever heard the shortest horror story of the world? You know, where there is only one person left in the entire world, and someone knocks on the door? That's how the bible works.
There are only four people in the entire world - mother, father, son #1, son #2. One of the sons kills the other one - because of jealousy. First, before, you could already say "But he must have had a reason!". "Ha, I don't buy it, that Able was just really really nice, and Cain was just so ducking jealous that he killed his own brother! He must have had a reason!". Noooo! No no no no no. People don't have reasons other than greed and jealousy. That happens! Kids finish up? off??
[idk?] their parents, Cain kills Abel, that exist. If you get robbed, is it always your fault? Nooo. Someone just ducking wanted to rob you! That's also the same victim shaming with rape! Tells us to take advantage of anyone at the very first moment - that's victim blaming!
"You've been alone there!" "No one could see!" "There were no cameras!" "Of coooourse you've been killed!"
That's victim blaming!
But let's move on to our story. So there are four people. Then after that there are only three people, because the one killed the other. After that this obviously absolutely psychopathic son Cain went away and married. There've been no women. Other than the mother. So either Cain married the own mother, or some animals. Other very funny funny funny funny thing is, Noah's Ark. Now imagine that from all animals, one couple gets into the Ark. Not only that only a family, incest, so after that we are also all children of a family - what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. What happens in Noah's Ark stays in Noah's Ark. And what happens in nice(?) family stays in nice(?) family. It's even worse. Two lions get out of the ark. Two zebras get out of the ark. After that the lions want to eat, obviously, so they are going to eat the zebras. So how can the zebra parents now have little zebra kids if the lions are hungry? Because two of them survives the biggest rain in this world, but then one got hit by a car ….. or anything else. If it wasn't eaten by lions or tigers, or whatever snake, or even birds. If you get only two of each insects on the ark, birds eat insects. Just doesn't add up.
The most important thing in the
entiiiire bla bla bla bla bla I'm doing right now is - you people are used to absolutely unlogical things. That's why scams and bullying still exists. Someone presents you a really simple but absolutely unlogical story, very convincing, very calm, like "Mmm, yea yea, yea". "Press this button, you will live happily ever after" and you believe it, and you press that button and it actually blows your head. You can't say after that
-assumes stupid sounding voice- "Ah well bu, buh, buh she said, da-da-tha, they said, they said it will be fun".
But most of the time it's not fun, they just want you to do something because it's good for them. And you believe because you are used to it. You believe it will be fun but then it isn't. Whoa it HURTS, man.
When you realize that it wasn't exactly like they said it will be, nevermind, you already signed, stamped, did, said, hated, criticized, whatever - what you've done, done. You can't ever make it un–
[something?? she cut it off]. All you can do is to forgive yourself because you believed something, and maybe not forgive and forget, better you remember because otherwise I don't know. Somehow you have to learn things, right? So don't forget but forgive yourself, and move on, but learn from it.
And then the other thing I really really really really really really really don't understand, how it's possible that people think something - everyone thinks something which is our right - but we all can speak our mind to certain extent, which is quite a big extent on the internet. What comes to that when everyone starts to have an opinion, but these opinions are presented as facts. Like "I know, that she blrblrlblrblrblrlblrblrlbr".
How can you know because the next person reads it and believes and has no logic. You just believe, right? So that's how really horrible things can happen on the internet. Everyone seems to know everything, but no one ever walked a mile in the person's shoes. And 99% of the time, they didn't even try the shoes on. You will very very quickly put your own shoes own when you tried on the other people's shoes, I'm telling you.
That's how I feel about you guys sometimes. Not for everyone! Not everyone! Not everyone! There are very very smart very kind people. The only problem is, they mostly shut up. Because they are kind, and smart! So they don't waste their time for lalalalalala. And if they do, they get anyways so much hate and such ridiculous assumptions that they just think "Ah yea, ok, Pfffft. Who cares, right? So, why bother." So the smart and kind people shut up, because they are kind and smart.
I really hope you learned a lot today, and next week on Wednesday we see each other again.
[Pointless rambling outro dialogue that I don't feel like transcribing in which she called herself a mazokeest again].
The end.
No. 286827
>>286825IKR? When you get fired from your job, you don't keep collecting paychecks. Mags didn't just get fired, she made herself obsolete. Dumb cunt. She heard that signing bonus number and lost sight of anything else but one of her magic numbers becoming real.
Margo's clinging to the brand being her personal intellectual property, but since there's zero proof of that - and I expect Venus's name was on all paperwork and income forms, especially since Margo has a thing about not paying taxes - there's no way.
No. 286836
>>286826THANK YOU anon! You are a good person for doing this as I am not able to stand the sound of her voice for longer than 5 seconds at a time.
So…basically, a manic jumbled incoherent rambling mess. She's "UP" right now: inventing a "fiance" and an edgy new YT persona (in her delusional mind) to replace the old one of 'World traveler & Photographer' since she seems to be too broke for travel atm. (she's probably run through all the $$ in V's bank account, Korean school refund etc. on plane tickets & Denny's parfaits.)
To all of you believing there is an actual "fiance"– I have some oceanfront property in Kansas I'd love to sell you. LOL
This "fiance" = her Spanish chef "friend" in Tokyo = the "friends" who "bought her gifts" in Japan. i.e. 100% fantasy.
No. 286837
>>286826>Or absolutely [indistinguishable].>I must be absolutely [indistinguishable]She's saying "thermoresistant."
Did she just turn the camera on and spew out basically anything that came to her mind? This is some next level word vomit and I don't remember her being this tangential and incoherent when she wanted to talk about something in particular.
No. 286838
>>286812>>286813>>286814Guys. There is no "fiance." Get a grip.
Also, she deleted this "invited by my FIANCE" comment.
No. 286840
>>286837Wow, bravo anon. I listened to it a dozen times and could not figure out what she was saying.
>>286838Plus, lets be real, if anyone proposed to Margaret she would be posting pictures of the ring
everywhere nonstop. And she'd never accept a proposal without a ring.
No. 286842
>>286832>>286835But, other anons have been saying that the monthly payments keep coming until the parent notifies the agency of a change in status.
While you say the parent has to provide ongoing proof for them to continue.
Which one is it??
No. 286843
>>286809What IS this? A pile of lettuce, half a tomato, a dry hunk of meat and an…unidentified beige blob of something…on what looks to be a tabletop (it doesn't look like a plate)?
Is this her idea of what an Expensive Dinner Out looks like? Because it doesn't ~quite~ hold up. LOL
No. 286851
>>286842You have to notify if there is a change yes (for exemple if the child decides to stop his/her studies or starts a full-time job).
It would be really great otherwise, just getting money without doing anything until you're 25!
No. 286852
>>286826She sounds like every other unaware consummate liar. Zero sense, and almost all meaningless filler that she desperately hopes will provide a smokescreen to hide the fact that she's insane.
It's having the opposite effect, margendo!
No. 286853
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No. 286857
>>286681She dresses like a 12 year old in the 90s, her hairstyle is that 'do that every 16 year old girl in 99-2001 had, and her makeup looks like something a 13 year old girl experiments with for the big 8th grade dance (those wings?? LMAO). Bitch is like 42 and can't even dress or act her age.
At the 2:37 mark I couldn't take it anymore. Bitch is clearly insane (as if we needed more clarification).
No. 286862
Prepare for an invasion of Pulltards … Apparently their site is shutting down in 2 weeks. LOL
>>286853"nice" …. Is that referring to her looks ? I wonder what it would say if you used a non filtered picture of Margoose.
No. 286865
>>286862>>Prepare for an invasion of Pulltards … Apparently their site is shutting down in 2 weeksOh no, was it announced over there? And with the new admin here, too. After last night's debacle, I'm not sure this place can handle it.
The admin here is looking for janitors and mods, if anyone here has the time and inclination, and wants to stem the tide of incoming shitposts.
No. 286866
>>286812if she had a fiancé he'd be in the photos. there's no fiancé.
and educate yourself about what menopause and periomenopause are and how they work. you'll experience both of them personally one day so don't be so ignorant. she'll be close to periomenopause now, or starting to experience it… if she doesn't get hormone therapy I guarantee the crazy will escalate. although with margo that's guaranteed anyway. menopause is usually during ones 50s.
No. 286867
>>286807Why is this such a common tactic? People who are insulted just accentuating the point that they're insulted on? Is it a form of guilt tripping or is Marg seriously not getting that she's being made fun of?
Most common example 'yeah I know I'm ugly (and fat, and I have bad skin, hair etc.)'
No. 286868
>>286866>>what menopause and periomenopause are and how they workI agree that Margo's crazy will escalate with her hormones changing, but middle age fucks with somatic narcs' level of crazy anyway due to their most prized asset - they way they perceive they look - decreasing.
Also agreed that she's waaay too early for actual menopause. It's likely she's able to have a child at age 41 without resorting to treatments, sadly. Let's hope for the sake of humanity that Margo is one of the women who does have fertility issues on the early side (if anyone is stupid enough to stick their dick in her while she's in full narc rage.)
No. 286869
I hope she doesn't get hormone treatment and grows a fucking beard. Then she can be famous and work as a freak in a circus …. Or King Kong's stunt double.
>>286864>>286865It was announced. I'm not Margo, I don't pull magical numbers out of my ass. 2 weeks till invasion.
No. 286870
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>>286869May the Queen have mercy on our fucking souls after the next 14 days then.
No. 286873
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>>286862This result was far more accurate imho
No. 286874
>>286872>>286871Uh, I think it JUST happened now! No wonder Margo is freaking out.
Venus is back! No. 286876
>>286875It was down 2 or 3 times, but it's back up as of right now. Even Margo said it would be happening soon.
Man, Venus got a visit from her grandpa, a store with merchandise for income, and now her channel back. It's a good day for her, and she deserves it.
No. 286880
>>286877Didn't Margoose suggest that she wouldn't be taking it down, but rather saving up until she can sue…
>>286873 Nope, still not accurate … Margo is off the charts ..
No. 286881
>>286876Yes, she deserves more now than ever after what Maggot put her through thus far and I'm delighted she's pulling through it all. I'm not sure someone else in her shoes would have held it all together as well as Venus has.
The face that her grandpa visited makes my heart sing as well as previously she was isolated from absolutely everyone by a narcissistic, exploitative and abusive mother.
I'm actually legitimately happy for someone for the first time in a long while now. Mainly because I've seen too many undeserving people have what they shouldn't have been given.
Faith restored partially to put a long story short. Venus makes me happy for her.
No. 286883
>>286867It's her new YT shtick- "Hi! I'm the edgy chick everyone hates! hahaha!"
bc she has nothing else to offer right now.
Aside from milking Venus for drama/attention, mange is nothing.
No. 286888
File: 1467859196064.png (457.39 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160706-213902.png)

Screen shot of the PULL shut down anouncement for reference.
No. 286889
>>286874Wow! I checked earlier today & it was still down so it did just happen!
It took YT a LOT longer to restore it this time…last time it was only down for a week. Wonder if it was just more videos involved this time or something else?
We'll see how long it stays up.
And this thing w/grandpa Ferenc is intriguing. That post does sound like he's in Japan and he doesn't seem like the type that travels unless it's to see family. I'd love it if they had a reunion w/V (and met manaki)!
OT: does Venus speak Hungarian? I know ferenc doesn't english…if they did meet communication might be challenging.
No. 286904
what is the food sitting on? I've been trying to figure it out…seems to be some kind of rough, porous surface, you can see where the food had been & the moisture or whatever had soaked in. Not like any plate I've ever seen, lol
I know it's dumb but this intrigues me for some reason. The pile of raw spinach(?) and the half tomato just sitting there too, it's just so odd.
No. 286906
>>286901Yes, but she was still initially registered for the semester. I'm sure Margo had an email confirming payment to show the dole board, she wouldn't need to send them another saying she got a refund.
>>286904It's a piece of slate, some restaurants use stone or trays or cast iron skillets to serve, because they want to charge extra for presentation. Like Margo's expensive, incredibly ugly "designer" handbag, Margo is fond of overpaying for low quality items. The fact that someone charged a lot of money for the item makes her feel important.
No. 286907
File: 1467860608106.png (338.55 KB, 640x826, 52a6bef7-e770-4b89-911c-eee743…)

Can any German speakers translate?
from the garbled Google translate it sounds like marge is threatening to take the commenter to court "when she can afford it" but surely that is too bizarre even for her.
No. 286921
>>286918Discuss living dolls / idols, I think. Anastasya Shipanga, Kiki, Kota, Felice Fawn, Venus.
I think the only active thread now is the Venus one - which means this thread in particular is about to get bombarded with PULLtards. Let's hope the new farmhands are in place before the next 2 weeks are up.
No. 287033
>>286876>>286881Where is the visit from grandpa confirmed?? I see only his post from Nagoya.
This may be yet to happen.
No. 287035
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Off-Topix, but what the fuck's going on with all of the spam? I'm so confused.
No. 287073
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>>287031How cool would it be if V had Peanut review crappy Japanese infomercial products like this one kek
No. 287082
File: 1467867991387.jpg (15.24 KB, 275x275, 1467684256606.jpg)

>>287072How fuckinf miserable do you have to be to be this hung up about someone literally no one gives a shit about. What a fucking autist.
No. 287181
>>287082>>287083From what I understand, the outgoing admin locked a bunch of threads he said were "unworthy" or something, despite some of them being fairly popular & active - including Taylor's and Aly's… then announced he was quitting and turned the site over to a new admin.
It all seems fishy bc admin has threatened to ban anyone who starts a new Taylor thread so people are asking why she is being 'protected' by admin. Admin says the threads were locked bc the subjects "weren't producing new milk" but Taylor is an active jvlogger. Also, there are threads that are still open about people who are way less active online than Taylor so I can kind of see why a Taylor-hater would be upset that 'her' thread was locked.
But spamming the site like this is ridiculous.
No. 287185
>>287030You can have comorbidities with NPD, anon:
"Persons with NPD present with many interpersonal problems and comorbid disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder."
In fact that's frequently the case. It's not cut-and-dried, either/or. There's a spectrum of severity also, with margoo being at the extreme end- malignant NPD.
No. 287186
>>287181Even if Taylor is an active Jvloggler. Shes not a lolcow. She has never been interesting outside her fillers. Even on PULL the people obessed with her were reaching to produce anything.
Shes just another model in asia.
No. 287189
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>>287033It's not 100% confirmed, just seems likely.
Here's his post, with caption google translated from Japanese:
No. 287190
>>287189And this is what wi!ipedia says about the Tanabata Festival, which really iz going on right now in Japan:
"Tanabata (七夕?, meaning "Evening of the seventh"), also known as the Star Festival, is a Japanese festival originating from the Chinese Qixi Festival.
It celebrates the meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi (represented by the stars Vega and Altair respectively). According to legend, the Milky Way separates these lovers, and they are allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month of the lunisolar calendar."
So, it seems like he really iz in Japan, and pretty immersed in learning about the culture. And why would he travel all that way if not to meet Venus? The guy doesn't seem like someone who travels much, unless it involves seeing family.
No. 287202
>>287194He posted one caption in Japanese before this, in early April while madge was marauding across Japan by train "looking for manaki's parents" - a pic of cherry blossoms captioned in Japanese "cherry blossom viewing. time to relax."
This time seems different, more deeply involved in Japanese culture. Or maybe just copypasted from somewhere, who knows?
Anyways other than these 2, it's only been Hungarian and (limited) English, so it doesn't really seem like he was some multilingual guy or anything prior to this.
No. 287209
>>287037>>287188So there are 210 videos up on the channel, the earliest one from 2010. I don't see the ones where she was dancing to jpop or whatever though.
So if mango has 'struck' 200 for copyright like she said on IG, she's just about run out of videos to claim… and Venus might be safe. Mange seemed like she was kind of resigned to the channel being back earlier.
I think the one thing that's giving her life atm is her fantasy that all she has to do is come up with $5000 to sue, and VENOOS will be THROUGH!(lol) Well that and she's about to be the next big Youtube star, bigger than VENOOS and way cooler.
No. 287210
>>286862Great. That's all we need. Maybe if we don't reply to them they'll fuck off somewhere else.
She almost looks like a normal mom taking a fun candid photo there. Almost.
No. 287212
File: 1467881957319.png (407.03 KB, 640x799, 70b876d2-37a3-410d-a501-604564…)

from Zsu's IG:
Order #1013… seems like the shop is doing a pretty brisk business, esp. considering how limited the selection is. (I mean seriously, black white or gray as color choices? No pink?? NOT KAWAII.)
No. 287218
>>286907'do you really have to do this? can't you see that she (sic, think she meant 'you') have made mistakes? I was abused myself and similarly also left. you say that you love your daughter, but a mother who loves her daughter doesn't make it harder for her than it already is. your daughter has been mistreated by you and that's all there is to it(??). my parents only did bad things for 18 years and had to take it out in court. you should be ashamed and think about it. do you want to keep your arrogant style [of acting] and lose your daughter finally/completely? wouldn't you rather support her and be happy, because a daughter's happiness should be her mother's happiness? please take your controversial cultural confusions to page/site[??], go to a psychiatrist and let yorself be helped. your daughter is doing fine, but you make her suffer. please think about this seriously for once, and if you still had a small piece of self-respect, then you'd take this into heart.'
'she will also answer to the court as soon as I can pay for it, no problem.'
this is honestly one of the scarier responses I've seen from her, literally 0 attempt at pretending to be remorseful
now time to watch her videos with adblock off
(no1curr) No. 287226
>>287218TY, Germanspeaker anon.
p.s. I don't recall margool even pretetending to be remorseful, ever - so this is nothing new for her. Or did I miss something?
No. 287227
That forlorn half tomato on its own tiny plate next to the naked little handful of arugula/spinach/whatever still cracks me up tho.
No. 287230
>>287227Shut up about the salad already, this is a Taylor thread tier of obsessing over boring details
>>287195YouTube can't legally ignore DMCA claims, it's not their call. There's talk of a special circle of YouTubers that get special treatment but nothing's ever really come of it in relation to Venus.
No. 287236
>>287228 said, usually she's at least slightly remorseful along the lines of 'yes it is very sad that I have to do this but she abused me so much :['
this is just outright admitting that she wants to see venus burn
No. 287242
>>287218Thank you for the translation! So that really is her deal, "I get $5000 and Venoos will PAY in court." Whatever, marge. If she's clinging to that fantasy as a last resort to keep from going over the edge, let her I guess.
I just wish someone that hasn't been blocked on IG would ask her where she got that $5000 figure from. I'm kind of dying to know.
No. 287246
>>287244I really think we should, no, we must…
…i mean it's our DUTY to put our effort into margo's very own ED article.
No. 287267
>>287242It's one of her magic numbers
everything is either 3000, 5000 or 10000
No. 287298
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Sage for not contributing but shouldn't mayo realize that she is nothing without Venus at this point!
No. 287330
>>287298Lol, what makes you think she doesn't know ? Fuck, the woman wouldn't being losing her shit if it was really her they wanted and not her daughter.
Its like this: I'd buy any book with Stephen Kings name on it because I love his writing and work, but if one of his editors left… I wouldn't give two shits because they're nothing, but a fucking editor.
Except Margo's fucking nothing … and knows it .. And thats why she's throwing fits. Wouldn't matter if she did win the channel as it'd die pretty damn fast without Venus, and she'd probably figure some other story to sell once that channel stops making money. This is also why she's only going for half because then she can still earn off of Venus and pretend that she's important … When in general she's only the twat Venus came from …
No. 287369
So grandpa ferenc revealed on IG that Hong Kong is ONE OF the places he has visited with his wife- between 2000 and July 7, 2016 (Japan is not on that map.), they have "only gone where they were INVITED." (I guess that's for anyone questioning if they just showed up at V's house one day, like marge.)
Why all the mystery tho? You're not some undercover spy or secret agent, dude.
No. 287534
>>287369Maybe the bit about being invited was a jab at Margo, he probably knows about her showing up at Venus and Manaki's.
The secrecy could be also because of Margo, maybe? He might not want to let her know in case it makes her even more bent on harassing Venus, or causes her to come to Hungary and bother her own family members.
No. 287661
>>287617Being physically healed will do that too.
I am cautiously awaiting a reunion pic nevertheless!
No. 287663
>>287515Gramps' post about going to places because he's
invited seems like a big fat hint.
No. 287682
>>287679After the constant verbal abuse and poison Margaret has been spewing for months, it's so much nicer to hold out hope of a happy ending for poor Venus.
Anticipating Kawaii Dolly wedding and SJWs screaming "cultural appropriation!" if the couple have traditional Shinto ceremony!
No. 287701
File: 1467968281621.gif (2.42 MB, 300x225, giphy (15).gif)

Man, poor old marge. Her IG is like a damn ghost town & so's her IG …no views, no comments, no likes. She can't even keep the trolls interested, lol
You can practically hear the wind whistling through the empty streets..
No. 287773
>>287752Im so glad she is talking normally now
nice vid and I agree with
>>287764 No. 287825
>>287805That would be pretty funny. Especially with a girly font and color.
It's cute when she gets tongue-tied and just leaves it in her recent videos. I like the natural, slight awkwardness. Are the subtitles a new thing she is doing?
No. 287868
>>287843Sorry, I missed that and had Margaret on the brain(since many people couldn't understand her in the last rant video and asked for subtitles).
Venus does indeed look much better! She also seems to be out and about by herself and enjoying her new life. So much for being Manaki's prisoner!
No. 287906
>>287752I really liked this video. She finally looks like she has fun and agree that she doesn't look so stressed.
Now I hope her channel will be up for a bit longer time lol because I want to see all her other videos she made.
No. 287965
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Well, wherever she is - with Ferenc and Margit, or just out and about - Venus is able to leave the house again for errands and coffee like a normal person.
Stay far away forever, Margo. (comment from a fan on V's insta)
No. 287966
>is her English improving while Margo is disintegrating?ftfy
No. 287985
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So marge has ghosted, basically. LOL
No. 288018
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Damn Margo
Didn't know you and Manaki were close
No. 288020
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No. 288021
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No. 288022
>>288019Not my account,Anon. I liked the post then unliked
But thanks!
>>288020I wonder what earnings when she herself had Venoos's channel taken down
No. 288024
>>288018>>288020margo pls
You basically had been publicly called manaki a pedo and venus a murderer on a daily basis for attention
No. 288028
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No. 288031
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No. 288034
>>288018>>288020>>288021Marge: Manaki you are in danger from VENOOS! PSYCHOPATH!
>Manaki: She's going off again, Venus. What should I do?>Venus: just agree with her. Placate.That usually works. Let's not push her over the edge, she's close.>Manaki: Okay…Manaki: Whatever, Margaret. Don't worry, everything is fine.
Marge: Look, Manaki agree that VENOOS is bad person! Here is proofs!
No. 288036
>>288018A while ago Manaki was a psycho who ''physically attacked'' her, but now she's worried for him?
Good one margo
No. 288040
File: 1468054037893.png (73.12 KB, 640x203, 6db80b43-e1a1-4c2e-ac81-037a9d…)

Edited the caption. She's mad. LOL
No. 288041
>>288040$15k/ month! VENOOS lives rich with MY MONEY
$5000 and I sue. She will PAY
*paces floor muttering angrily
No. 288048
>>288045It's such a typical narcissist/sociopath cluster B whatever to do. She actually thinks she can influence how he sees the world.
It's almost like… the rest of the world population aren't as easily manipulated as Venus when she was still underage and at maggot's mercy! Oh no!
No. 288051
File: 1468055821591.jpg (183.65 KB, 1340x318, Screenshot_20160709-021552.jpg)

Wow, what would we do without margo's sock account analysis. Of words that don't exist in the email.
No. 288052
>>288040Didn't maggot already imply that she just gets her estimations off a website and that she picked the max number? And fucking GOOD that she's moving! Why does Maggot not see that she's the problem when she needs youtube to send her her own daughter's address?
>>288049The violent pedo and the narc, evil, psychopathic daughter.
>mfw literally thinking of writing a screen play horror movie about M&M&V ala Unfriended No. 288053
>>288048That's the thing, lol. Maggot's manipulation game is WEAK bc up until now she's only used it on her kid and a handful of teenage girl youtubers/jvloggers. Look how fast hamburg Jassy saw through her shit after they met irl… she's a little older and wiser than marge's previous targets.
tldr: marge got no game.
No. 288057
He probably learned his lesson the first time Magoo leaked it and is using throwaways now, judging by the name at least.
No. 288058
>>287752I used to hate Venus's videos, but this is the first that doesn't make me want to throw up. She has a fun subject, interesting clothes and background, and seems more happy. Perky venus is more fun.
Also the camerawork seems better, is it just me or did anyone else also notice this?
No. 288059
File: 1468061144228.png (101.51 KB, 600x514, Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 8.44…)

More bog-standard chimping.
No. 288060
>>288020Margo is highly
triggered by the 'how I ran away from home and 'hacked by my mom' videos being up. IMO she will not rest until they are deleted.
No. 288071
>>288059And now Venoos is "contacting" her again and bullies her with chicken nuggets, steals her soul, her body, her money and youth.
Wow so much tinitus in her head. I wonder if her failing conscience hurts as much as a migraine. Is that why she smokes so much drugs?
No. 288088
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No. 288097
>>287752She still comes across as grating and annoying to me. She's out and about in public away from her evil ass mother- well done Venus.
I dunno I know y'all white knighting the shit out of her but I still think her videos will suck ass.
No. 288102
>>288097You're entitled to your opinion??
Different strokes for different folks
No. 288105
I'm a Weenoos supporter, but those videos are not my demographic at all. Her latest ones are something I'd let my 4 year old watch tho, colourful and mindless cute stuff. She knows her lane and she stays in it, big ups for that.
No. 288117
>>288106>The only thing is now she'll basically become a Jvlogger So? Why do you care? Venus has never been able to enjoy what she wants to do and if she wants to run around all of japan fangirling about every touristy thing so be it. I understand being annoyed with people like Sharla who have lived in Japan for years still trying to make quirky generic jvlog videos but Venus has never been able to enjoy her time in Japan until now. Let her enjoy herself for fuck's sake.
>and it won't be long until she mingles with the rest of those toxic cunts. C'mon we KNOW it is bound to happen. How and why? From what we know through this entire situation it doesnt seem like Venus has tried to talk to any of them? Not without several of them trying mind you. If she was going to pair up with them she could have easily been in their videos while her channel was down etc etc etc. I think we have a while of Venus just trying to make her own videos before any partnerships show up and I think that 'partnership' will be with Manaki.
>It'll be the same thing… Venus pairs up with Sharla, taylor, kim ect ect cherry blossoms, sailor moon hauls, pokemon, food- food and more food. Yes and that's what we call 'branding'you actual moron. For the most part no one really wants to watch a youtube for the person they want it because the videos interest them. You need to stick to some kind of theming or your channel will fail. That's like complaining about makeup channels that always do makeup videos. Also congrats, you dont like Venus' videos? Cool. She's not obligated to make videos that YOU enjoy. Dont watch em.
>I can kinda see how it'll spiralYou really need to calm yourself. Venus has obviously been trying to distance herself from the drama in her life and just make fun videos that she enjoys.
>Not trying to be a bitch but I don't see how Venus is worth 1M subs. I really, really don't.Oh trust me you dont need to try but once again: That's not up to you. People who dont care about makeup dont see why makeup artists are worth subs. If you're not her market why WOULD you? When she has access to her youtube she updates frequently and within the realm of stuff she likes she tries to make videos that HER FANS like.
No. 288119
>>288106>I don't see how Venus is worth 1M subsIt's because she's isn't really worth 1M subs. Her content is decent, but if she was starting fresh, I don't think she would've reach a million.
She's been on YT for a while, so she has dead(sorta dead) accounts still following her, people who are subscribed to her who don't bother to check for her videos since the dolly ages, and others who actually watch her videos….
Oh and Anti-Margo Venus supporters.
No. 288125
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Margo having more fantasy about how much money she's missing out on that could be converted into ugly purses, starbucks, and tickets out of this one horse town.
That one week where Venus had a featured video that hit 1 million views in a few days is what she's basing Venus's entire income on. Margo, you KNOW how much Venus makes per year, and with her usual posting schedule if it comes out to $40k I'd be shocked it was that much. And that's gone down drastically with 5 months off YT.
No. 288126
>>288119Don't forget that when her subs were significantly plummeting because her viewers were pissed off with the gross constant food challenges " 100 chicken nuggets". This was before she reach 1 mil and everyone speculated that Margo was buying followers because in a matter of minutes it'd shoot up a weird even number. A lot of those followers are probably bought by Margy poo as well as dead accounts.
I'm a supporter of Venus, but those food videos were fucking awful and gross !!! She ate like a two year old and constantly got the food everywhere … I'd much rather Vlogs from her then that gross ass shit any day.
No. 288127
>>288125Venus hasn't earn a fucking penny since Margo took her channel down..
I wanna know what happy fantasy pills this bitch be taking …
No. 288129
>>288126Those videos were 100% pure Margo. Mags was always eager to jump on nearly dead trends - remember the ASMR videos? - sure that this would be thing thing to turn her into an instant millionaire.
Margo was always trying to tap into weird ass sexual markets that Venus was not down with - when Margo and NJM made that fake Venus channel, it was all eating videos marketed as child porn; it was the only time Margo broke cover and was blatant about using Venus as pedobait for internet fun bucks.
Venus did the one pudding challenge after she left, but I think she's done with all that now.
No. 288130
File: 1468091029011.png (64.54 KB, 615x304, Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 12.0…)

God fucking damnit. DO NOT give this psycho bitch airtime.
This is the result of Margo's frantic campaign of leaving messages with YT drama channels in the last week, as the date of Venus's channel re-launch approached.
No. 288131
>>288125Wait. Is chu_face actually trying to say that Venus – during the 18 years she was a MINOR and under MorgueRot's thumb – could have just blithely waltzed away and into a new life? And just how could she have done that? The kappa kept her isolated and completely dependent. What the hell?
Or is this one of Morgue's socks?
No. 288132
>>288130What's fucking mindboggling is that he is going through with this when he got a lot of hate/calling out on his video.
Unless he is going to expose margaret, but I don't think he has to balls to fuck with her.
What a prick.
No. 288134
>>288131chu_face is an actual person, sadly. One of her most long standing and committed stans.
And yes, Margo's stans insist that Venus could have walked out at any time "IF she was SOOO ABUSED". With no friends, no family, no money or bank account to her name, in strange countries, often where she didn't yet speak the language, in her minority.
No. 288137
>>288135Exactly! It's like they are inferring a dependent minor could function as an adult…, to walk away from their birth mother for fuck's sake!
There is so much obviously wrong with this on so many levels, I'm no not even going to waste my breath. Morgue clearly has no soul, and chu_face has no brain.
No. 288138
>>288132Hate and name calling still translates into views/revenue, which he's clearly more interested in than the truth.
Fuck this opportunistic prick.
No. 288143
>>288130He's going to fucking regret this shit
so much once Margaret shows him just how insane she is. What a dumbass.
No. 288144
>>288131I pray to whatever that NONE of Maggot's stand ever have children. They all seem to think that Venus could have safely walked away when she was like 13 from her abuse. Even when I was
clearly trolling them on one of my accounts weeks ago about it, they were psycho enough to believe me. Venus was stuck in fucking prison for 19 years with no way to escape. Who in their right mind condones a minor with no access to their own money, little to no knowledge of a language in a foreign country, no family, no friends and no safe haven to run away?!
Mentally ill idiots, that's who.
No. 288147
>>288138Little gamerboy thinks this will be his ticket to the bigtime. Millions of subs! View$$!! It's the YT version of a tabloid like the Enquirer.
Little shit needs to retract his halfassed video lumping Venus in with fucking Keemstar and the animal crushing creep as "people who GOT THEMSELVES BANNED from Youtube and saying Venus is just as insane as margaret.
Report, report, REPORT.
No. 288160
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So I guess Venus does have a Swiss passport then?
No. 288162
>>288160Margo changes that story all the time. I think Venus might have both Swiss and Hungarian passports. However, Venus has had no contact with her father since before she could talk, and Margo didn't tell her his name, nor his location, until she moved in with Manaki.
But sure, Margo, your underage daughter could have just left with a frozen bank account, no education and no income, to find a dude she doesn't know the name of, whom she's always been told is an abusive monster, in a country she hasn't lived in since she was 9, and turn up on a doorstep she doesn't know the location of. Sound reasoning.
No. 288165
File: 1468105186239.png (41.43 KB, 306x255, Screen Shot 2016-07-09 at 3.58…)

When you're a paid contractor, you don't own the house you build. When you are an employee of a company, and they fire you, you aren't owed any of the company ownership.
Margo, y u dum?
No. 288172
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So can we talk about this? Specifically, what "DANGER" does she think she in in, right now in London?
Venus hiring fangelic hitmen to take her out? Hordes of crazed brainwashed fangelics coming for her at Venus's command?
wtf LOL
No. 288177
>>285498Me too, I feel like this is almost too far for even Mira though.
>>285496Japanese is a religion now a new word Japanesity? Man what, Margo is clearly on some good drugs here.
No. 288181
File: 1468115954767.jpg (31.08 KB, 563x215, margosupporterpsych.jpg)

Nothing new. Just the typical psychology of a Margo supporter. They're all triggered af but they deal with it by worshipping someone like the parent who hurt them
No. 288191
Welp. It's been a month since her last #trip and that was Korea→China→Hamburg (running to London on the train after Jassy kicked her ass out doesn't count.) Guess the poor wretch really has burned through whatever cash she had access to when Venus left.
>>288189MorgueRot is what she is at this point. Dead and rotting inside. RIP in pieces, morge.
No. 288192
Prob. the only thing giving her life rn is the prospect of her big "interview" with that gamerkid wannabe Big Youtuber. Oh and her fantasy where Venus will PAY in court, just as soon as she gets that $5000.
No. 288200
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Well well, someone with firsthand experience with Margo. I asked for details on Margo's rudeness / inappropriate behavior, we'll see what she says
No. 288201
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No. 288235
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For all the people that said that Venus might really wrote those mails: on the 6th February she posted a photo where she said following.
No. 288241
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Margo's latest Airbnb review is interesting…
No. 288245
>>288241>>288243I think Margo is / was capable of seeming like a nice guest. It's easier to just not leave a review than give a nice one, and the one from Vancouver seemed very sincere. Note that the main Tokyo one and the Hamburg one don't have reviews at all. In fact the Tokyo guy pulled the whole listing.
This new one makes me laugh… insight into the troubled mind of Margs.
No. 288255
>>288243Yes, hosts often don't leave reviews on negative experiences for various reasons even though they really ought to. I do think Margo can be charming when she wants to be though.
I also wouldn't be too surprised if Margo used to make Venus do all the tidying up since that's obviously a job that's below Margo.
No. 288257
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Another London Eye photo. Yawn.
No. 288265
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googled margo for entertainment and found this. holy fucking fuck. did she really say this?
No. 288293
>>288198>>288232Also remember that Venoos
stole Morgue's macbook and hacked it!1!!! (aka margo being stupid enough to remotely lock it) and all the
proof is lost
No. 288309
>>288304her pink blush looks a bit weird?
And I hoped she would show how to make this apple ring thing but anyways.
No. 288313
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>>288304I'm gonna include this comment since people are already making comments oof
No. 288319
>>288304There goes the theory that mukbangs were entirely Margo's direction choice. Even though the giga pudding one was post-runaway, anyway.
Even if she went back to just doing McMukbangs I think we would all still watch them, just to spite M.
No. 288325
No. 288327
>>288326The lighting is all types of wacky in this particular video; she mentions her foundation being the wrong color for on-camera work, but I think the lighting messed with the overall colors more than anything.
On another note - I hope she's been told to give it a rest with eating a bunch of food at once after her appendix and abscess. This was filmed months before she got sick, but I do hope someone in hospital gave her a heads up about eating smaller meals spaced out.
No. 288331
>>288329And, she deleted her top comments about "squidballs"; I wonder if she started getting some sexual harassment in the comment thread. Keemstar's "ARMY" has been commenting a bunch (replying to many comments with the word ' army', lel kek ultimate troll).
Has she ever shut off comments before on a video?
No. 288332
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Response regarding how Margo was rude and mean to another underaged cosplayer years ago
No. 288338
>>288119I suppose anon.
Im just waiting for her to pair up with the rest of the snide ass jvlogging community…
the drama is far from over guys
No. 288339
>>288338What's so dramatic about taking rational steps to expand her fanbase/viewer count? Are you this same salty anon
>>288106This isn't just a hobby, it's also a side income for her. If doing what she has to to maximize her view count upsets you so much, don't watch?
I don't watch her videos because they bore me. I'm not pro-Venus as much as I am anti-Margo. I hope she succeeds.
No. 288353
>>288331>>288334I looked at the comment section. I don't think it's the Gnome's fans. I think it's some kpop group's fan name and their saying it because Venus is wearing an army like shirt.
Either way it's stupid.
No. 288356
>>288327She been making vidoes even when Margo first shut her channel down.
Shes has a backlog of videos. This wasnt done recently
No. 288366
>>288319She looks much more happy in this video than she did in the nuggets one though, probably because nobody forced her to eat the entire thing, she did it because she wanted to.
Also I kinda think that when she was living with Margo most of the food she posed with on her insta was going straight to Margo's stomach or into the trash can. "Veeenooos you'll get fat, give that thing to momma!". There's no way that old hag was not controlling what and how much Venus ate, and that shit can make you binge on the food you've craved for so long when you finally have the chance.
No. 288392
>>288386I know and it keeps getting better!
So the giant bun video is from April? That's when the morge first took the channel down and was rampaging around Japan by train and finally showed up at Venus's door ringing the bell like a fucking psychostalker and everyone (including me) was like O M G she's INSANE what next??! Venus stayed holed up in that little pink bedroom like a scared lil bunny, venturing out with manaki for occasional daytrips but overall just seemed so.. stunned & freaked out and isolated.
Now it's a whole new world. In the more recent fried chicken video and on IG she's out in the world, bike riding on the beach and going places on the train, exploring on her own. She seems happy, healthy and CONFIDENT, which is new and I love that. And calm too, she's taking things more in stride and not isolating or being so wrapped up in SM. Her YT channel was up for a few days before she even mentioned it on IG and that was very low-key. It's like all my wishes for her are coming trueee
snif* I'm getting all verklempt
No. 288400
>>288200>>288201>>288332calm your thirst for fame. You didn't even tag margo, dipstick.
>>288241she's going to sue, it's defamation of character!
>>288285Please be the thread's marglish translator.
>>288304Very bad lighting and her blush is strange. It looks nearly purple, like the sort of blush you'd get in a Barbie makeup kit. However, the natural voice is refreshing and her editing is so cute in comparison to marg. At least her eye makeup and lips are flattering but that blush? Eeesh.
>>288327My guess is that she attempted to correct her skin colour in post and it didn't work out. Just a learning curve.
I'm very surprised we haven't had a chimp out over the Air BnB review or the vid yet.
No. 288403
>>288400Agree she's tried to correct the colour. I thought Margo was the makeup expert? Why has Venus had the wrong foundation shade all this time??
Also, I suspect Margo doesn't have that much net access at whatever hovels she's visiting. She'd never brush that bad review off if she knows about it. Never.
No. 288419
>>288404Yeah, I guess foundation lasts a while and that's why I thought it was bought on Margo's watch.
Could just be a 'sunk costs' thing - I bought it so I'll wear it. Venus has time and space now to look at her video and see there's a problem.
And no Venus didn't seem to have any pricey stuff at all yet Margo's been slathering on the Chanel.
No. 288454
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>>288434Me too. Last minute booking, prob. when she ran from Hamburg to London on the train. That would have been some time right after 6/24 (when she posted the "hymn to Venus" video that she wrote with hamburg jassy before she got kicked out.) There was a 4-day gap after that until her next IG post on 6/28 (the rant with the fake emails from Venus/VENOOS is a NARCISSIST!)
Next was the greasy-haired video in the food court, on 6/30. She must have been at the London bnb then bc the host's review was posted in June. (pic attached)
Then the overall-wearing video that looked to be in a cheap motel room, posted 7/5. I think she's been there for awhile, eating delivery pizza in her room, emailing Manaki and DMing with chu_face and azlabyrinth. LOL
No. 288457
>>288454That bnb listing says it's just north of Whitechapel, London. Anyone remember what part of London she lived in with Venus, back in 2013-2014? Wikipedia says it's working class & immigrants, 50% Bangladeshi population.
Guest reviews from the site say-
Neighborhood: 'fairly safe' (host says "please be courteous when reviewing neighborhood")
Room: clean but dusty, noisy (can hear & see Tube passing by,) peeling paint in bathroom, "you get what you pay for" and "nothing fancy."
One bathroom for 4 bedrooms(!)
Shared kitchen (host asks "please do not leave reviews or comments about the kitchen.")
It's £21/night (25 euros or $28 usd) plus a one-time £5 cleaning fee. LOTS of people coming & going.
Just a lil glimpse into the life of marge.
No. 288462
>>288454Wow, they've already had 7 reviews in the last 10 days - doesn't seem like they allows anyone to get comfortable and stay more than a few nights, the place must be a constant circus. 3 guest rooms, the married host couple in the 4th room, and NO common room except for the kitchen and single bathroom.
And since they're pretty clear that the place isn't fancy and depend on this income - giving a poor guest review and risking the guest leaving a poor review in return must've been a big deal for them. Margo must've really pissed them off.
No. 288474
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New video!
Back in her bedroom again? No more binging vids pls, venus.
Where's morge??
No. 288477
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>>288474Fuck you azlabyrinth
No. 288485
>>288479>>288474She looks so much like her mother in this video… to me she does.
You were all excited and she's back. Be prepared for videos of her chewing, eating and walking around Japan.
Oh the excitement.
No. 288496
>>288491I'm fucking dying ! Hahaha !
I wonder if Mago's been doing her laundry in the bath tubes of AirBnB hosts places. I highly doubt laundry units were accessible to renters of just a room. That or she's been wearing the same crusty granny panties this entire time and thats why she's been a little extra salty.
No. 288499
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>>288479>available in hd 4k>>288480>>288492not a weeb, so can someone explain to me what the zinger is?
No. 288505
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>>288499Moonrunes or moonspeak is internet slang for japanese (and sometimes chinese or korean).
No. 288537
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Aunts zsuz comment under Venus latest ig pic.
No. 288549
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Margo claims Venus is always making $15k/month, she knows it's true, nuh uh shut up.
But Margo, you told your dad it was $10.000 USD just a couple months ago. How did Venus make an additional $5k every month with zero views?
Maaaagic Margo Numbers!
No. 288554
>>288552But you have so much to say, clearly! Come on, sit a spell. Tell us how much money you've 'loaned' Margo so far.
We've had former committed supporters tell us all about the experience of learning that Margo is a scheming, mentally ill leech - who will accuse her supporters of being abusers the second they don't give her whatever she demands with a smile on their face. It's a hard lesson.
No. 288557
>>288552>VENUS RAN AWAY FROM HER MOM She's 19, married and moved in with her husband.
>Why cant she just make another channelThat's been discussed both here and by Venus herself multiple times.
If you're so concerned about Margos well being why don't you offer her a place to stay and some mental help? Let's see if that works out better for you than it did for everyone else who tried that.
No. 288560
>>288557Oooh yes, please - we could use another first person experience of Margo In Real Life. The first was fantastic (well, to hear about. I feel awful for Jasmin, but she did learn her lesson.)
>>288555Please, please send Margo some money or offer her houseroom. I'll wait. You have no idea.
No. 288564
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>>288552>>Also this is considered cyberbullying so its illegalOMG, please, please try to initiate a lolsuit. Better yet, call your local police. I will laugh so fucking hard (so will they.)
No. 288566
>>288552this isn't a blog
and Venus isn't a child.
you're the one that needs to grow up.
No. 288569
>>288568Aww, luv u 2 bb
Until we meet again, future friend! (we are so going to be friends when Maggles effs you over, I don't hold grudges)
No. 288570
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>>288552I don't know about you, but I personally think there are certain things that are inexcusable to say to anyone, especially your family members, such as example pic.
Every insult and lie that Margo piles onto her daughter is something that would instantly change the dynamic of any normal mother-daughter relationship. I cannot respect or support a woman who calls her daughter autistic, a bully, abusive, alcoholic, an animal killer, puts her sexuality on blast and claims that she has an eating disorder all in one breath. And for what cause? What does she have to gain by making this public besides satisfaction from smearing her daughter's name?
She was the one that made their arguments public. She is the one continuing to slander Venus while Venus attempts to start a better life for herself. She is the one who isolated Venus from her own family and forbid her from talking to or about her father. She is the one trying to extort her own flesh and blood, and has been living off of her for years under the guise of "managing".
I think that your position is simply an empathetic reaction seeing her being talked down to by so many people. I agree that people here can get petty, but look past the venom for a moment and examine the facts. She has been nothing but manipulative and abusive, all while gaslighting anyone who opposes her or stands up to it.
No. 288572
>>288568aka. you were talking out your ass.
chu_face, fuck off.