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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

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No. 949568

Previous Thread: >>>/pt/931666
Onision Thread Archives: >>511709
Onision Drama Crash Course: http://www.lifeofonion.com

Onision/Greg/Gregory Daniel/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate victims. He also likes to distract from controversy by faking mental breakdowns and suicide baiting. After over a decade of this pattern of behavior, he eventually came to mainstream attention through a documentary, and YouTube subsequently demonetised his channel. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson/Lucas Jackson is a transtrender who has abandoned her Youtube channel and locked down her social media presence to hide away from allegations of sending nudes to underaged girls and helping to lure in new targets of Onision's abuse.


>Zoomers on TikTok start exposing Onision's predatory behavior >>931730
>An actress Greg hired years ago does an AMA and gives behind the scenes dirt >>932372
>Trustee overseeing the bankruptcy agree with Sarah's lawyers objection and deny confirmation >>932574
>Redditfags leak photos of Lainey on vacation in Japan. Anons notice her pooner appearance >>932692
>Greg withdrawals his bankruptcy because he cannot include Regina and Sarah as debtors >>932884
>Stops paying his lawyers and begins representing himself >>938840
>While playing lawyer Greg "accidentally" doxes Sarah in filed documents >>938857
>Onision returns with a new forum to rant about being raped by Sarah >>938866
>Makes his OnlyFans free, no one cares >>938867
>Onision reveals Lainey was fired on her way to work because of the allegations against her and Greg >>938955
>Redditfag finds Onion’s old Air Force squadron photo >>939255
>Onision is exiled to a Tuff Shed on his property and can no longer makes skits in his house >>939671
>During his hiatus he got skin cancer twice. Cheek and forehead >>939711
>Sarah calls Greg asking him to leave her alone and wishes dick cancer on him. He illegally records phone call >>939764
>Farmers find Google street map images of Greg hanging out in his garage >>940065
>Greg posts photos while on vacation in Hawaii >>940408
>Keemstar hints at having Onision on his new shitshow. Keem dumps Greg for Joshua Block/WorldOfTShirts >>>940544
>Greg begs his fans to buy Amazon costumes so he can make new videos. Only Mcfly responds >>940706
>Onision doxes Sarah again while playing lawyer >>941856
>Tries to gain traction with 4 new TikTok channels and begins doing daily livestreams >>941877
>Onision reveals that his daughter is "fully autistic" and blames her for falling out of the 2nd story window >>941895
>He was making music under the name Serene.SBS in 2023. It failed >>941984
>Greg's new TikTok career crashes and burns because of multiple flags and bans >>942192
>Onion Zoom court hearing reddit recap >>943451
>Farmers are shocked at Lainey's masculine look and voice >>943481
>Repzion uploads full court video >>943529
>Greg complains to the judge that the court video was uploaded to YouTube >>943553
>Files motion for malicious contact and harassment against Sarah for the 6 a.m. phone call >>943657
>Onision begins arguing and banning his few remaining fans from his forum >>943916
>The court reprimands Greg for doxing Sarah in his sanction motion >>944040
>Old forum onision.com dumped and starts up new forum oni.red >>944449
>Claims he now has arthritis caused by his vegetarian lifestyle >>945558
>Greg's request for the court to sanction Sarah is denied >>946289
>New music videos contain multiple AI renderings of Onision as a female or Games of Thrones reject >>947523
>Lainey is also given the AI treatment but Greg pines for her old feminine form >>947525

For the sake of making Onision threads more readable and avoiding bans, please follow these rules:
- REPORT AND IGNORE BAIT, just don't respond. Responding to blatant bait will result in a ban.
- Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes/orbiters unless their posts have some connection to Greg.
- Do not post anti-o caps unless they contain direct milk we don't already have.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not link directly to any Onision uploads.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
- Do not liveblog streams.
- No nitpicking.

No. 949592


No. 949637

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>Bad Faith Litigation
>Ethical Violations and Abuse of The Judicial Process
Who wants to bet that the pro se assistance center is tired of him contacting them. I wish I had a pacer account because you know his exhibit is going to be twenty pages of pure cringe. Judge Chhabria slapped down his last sanctions request against Sarah with a two sentence denial. He wasn't going to entertain Onisions games. Here's hoping that Judge Donato sees through Greg's bullshit and does the same.

No. 949649

Yay, new thread!

Saged because it's not the kind of milk we want but Onion posted a new video titled "Meditation Affirmations for Unbearable Narcissists".

The actual affirmations start at around 1:22.
It's a bunch of statements like:
>Every word they speak is envy disguised
>Your thoughts are golden
>They wish they could be you, but they can't

He's obviously "dunking on the haters" with this, but it made me wonder two things: 1. Does he ever have any lucid moments? You know, where he goes: "oh my god, what if I _am_ an unbearable narc and all these 'haters' are actually right?" even if only for a split second

and 2. Does he actually affirm shit like that to himself?

No. 949658

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Is that suppose to be Onision as Saddam Hussein or some other dictator with a queer mustache? He's veering off into some weird territory with his AI art. Am I imagining things or did he try to make himself look like Luigi?

No. 949659

>Am I imagining things or did he try to make himself look like Luigi?
Kek oh he absolutely did. There's no doubt he's spent hours upon hours fantasizing about being the super hot fugitive CEO shooter that all women are lusting after.

No. 949661


KEK Greg you will never be him(unintegrated posting style)

No. 949663

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I don't know how smart it is of Greg to be making jokes about that CEO murder since its gained so much publicity and everyone seems worried there's going to be copycat shooters. Some woman in Florida was arrested because she was angry with her health insurance company and said "delay, deny, depose" over the phone to them. She didn't make an actual threat and it wasn't face to face so she thought she couldn't get in trouble saying three little words. And here's Onision making AI videos fantasizing that he's the next Luigi Mangione. I hope he doesn't get a dime dropped on him and end up with the Feds knocking on his door because of his edgelord humor. Sorry Greg you cant call 911 on the FBI for trespassing.(off topic)

No. 949691

When he was making a shit ton of money in 2015 or whatever, he paid the people who were in his videos jack shit many times lol. He would try and convince 18 year olds to visit and do camera work for free. Lainey would be wearing like 87 blankets in the winter because his cheap ass was trying to skimp on the heating bill. He will always be more like the CEO, even if he's poor now after he blew his money like a moron.

No. 949694

he lacks the balls to ever do anything like that. he didn't even box FPS diesel. a toddler could box FPS diesel and win. but not Greg, he's far too much of a pussy.

No. 949716

Love how full blown narcs like him and Muskrat use AI to make themselves look manly cause they know damn well they’re skinny fat narrow shouldered beta faggots. You sold pics of your butthole and deformed dick,Grease. You’re as far from being masculine as one can.

No. 949717

The o l’y one he was willing to pay thousands to to be in his retarded videos was Sky’s underage sister cause he wanted to sleep with her kek he’s such a soulless creep

No. 949721

OT but what the fuck? Isn't america all about free speech?

No. 949723

eh yeah, sending death threats to people is not part of "freedom of speech", fam.(derailing)

No. 949724

Bitch please she just repeated words posted on social media all over she didn’t say she was going to kill them explicitly. Also 15 years in jail over words? That’s laughable. Even repeated child rapists get less time than that. The usa is a dumpster fire.(derailing)

No. 949727

You're brain dead if you read those three words and call that a death threat anon(derailing)

No. 949728

that’s not a death threat under US law in any jurisdiction, this is just the system doing the most for the plutocracy(derailing)

No. 949737

samefagging asides then why did she get arrested? i mean facts sorta prove you wrong here.
Also lets drop this subject since it has absolutely nothing to do with greg what so ever, asides from him making some edgelord AI pics of the shooter.(derailing)

No. 949978

Anyways! Hey Grease made a video using clips from Breaking Bad and Rick and Monty or whatever. Does anyone wanna file a copyright claim just to annoy him for using stolen material? Petty shit but he might get a strike or forced removal of the material. I don’t have the time r or energy to do it myself.(unsaged cowtipping request)

No. 949984

No poo-touching, newfag.

No. 950004

Does anyone have access to the files here? Gurg's ranting and unnecessary commentary must be gloriously unhinged.

No. 950006

Kiwifarms has a copy, its quite long so i don't know how to add it here

No. 950037

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No. 950038

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No. 950039

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No. 950060

"And knowingly representing Sarah…This exhibit highlights Haba's willful misrepresentation and abuse of the legal system"
Is he saying that Lisa Haba is abusing the legal system because she's representing someone who (in his eyes) admitted to blackmailing him?? So according to him, any lawyer who works for a client who may or may not have done something bad is abusing the legal system. Might as well stop letting people get lawyers when they get in trouble!(sage your shit)

No. 950065

It's not at all surprising, yet part of me still can't believe that Greg is repeating his absolutely deranged arguments now addressing the court. This man's stupidity is truly astounding.

What does he think is going to happen? The judge will read this and nod his head like: "ahhh I see now, the Jacksons only performed sexual acts with the plaintiff because she threatened to lie about them if they didn't. Case dismissed!"

Even if it was true that Sarah blackmailed them, no normal adult would think this is exonerating in any way. If a 13 year-old threatened to lie about you if you don't have sex with her, would you do it, Greg?

No. 950075

what gets me is that sleeping with someone to get them to sign an NDA sounds far more like extortion

No. 950094

He left Sarah's phone number in some screenshots again. Fucking idiot.

No. 950118

puff daddy also had his victims sign NDA's. apparently its a thing rapists do:


No. 950127

This dude was in the military and a “cop” yet doesn’t know about the Miranda rights? It’s literally written in the constitution that as Americans, we all have rights to counsel whether crimes were committed or not.

>…you have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

This chode’s a straight up dumbass.

No. 950162


Abusers making their victims sign NDAs is the oldest trick in the book

No. 950178

Sad people aren't better educated on NDAs as NDAs are not legally binding when it comes to criminal activity. No NDA can keep you from alerting authorities/other persons to illegal shit.

No. 950181

that’s about criminal law, not civil lawsuits
you don’t have a constitutional right to representation in civil court in the US

No. 950197

yup, we talked about it many times. an NDA only works for work related shit. Say you're a lawfirm, or you work with government related shit. Or say you work at a KFC, can't just go out leaking the recipe. shit like that. but if said company, or person, goes cooking meth well that NDA won't do jack shit for you.

No. 950282

Can’t we just say that we are dealing with a legitimate retarded man? I bet Crazy Tami drank, smoked a bowl and a few ciggies while preggo behind papa onion’s back. No wonder the doc told to abort.

No. 950337

personally i think they just have some retarded genes, his dad is like a pastor or some shit in this really weirdo cult. (i forgot which) and no doubt did greg's mother, in her own deranged narcissism, thought she would have some weight in that weirdo sekt if she banged gregs dad, being the new age cunt she is.

No. 950437

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>features beautiful human on cover

Why is the AI pic a yassified version of Kai and not the current Woody Allen clone Lucas? Every time he makes AI art of Kai its this super feminine, ideal rendition of her from 2016.
We all know that Greg hates the grotesque trainwreck that Kai has become but does he have to be such a sniveling little bitch that he makes passive aggressive digs at her by constantly uploading shitty AI of her as the woman he wished she was.

No. 950444

> but does he have to be such a sniveling little bitch that he makes passive aggressive digs
thats all he ever does. ah i see Greg has discovered AI music generators. making garbage in AI like every other boomer.

No. 950496

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No. 950500

Does anyone have access to the files to upload please

No. 950531

Has he ever been arrested for anything?(spoonfeeding request)

No. 950730


No. 950775

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she's never looked like that. he's tryna make her look like some happy go lucky hot to fuck party sex kitten but he'd be better off making her a spotty librarian type fan-girl.
here's a more realistic image of taylor the psychothic parasocial shitwhore back in the day, and i didn't even use AI to make it.
you're welcome.

No. 950794

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I'm unsure why he keeps making AI art of Kai. Is it to shame her and have her question her choice to transition. Is he doing it to stir up fake drama so his "haterz" talk about him. The saddest part of his AI videos and photos of Kai is she never looked that attractive. She tried her hardest to be the Walmart version of Billie but she fell flat every time. Kai's need to please Greg will never go away and I can see her detransitioning in a few years because of the constant prodding from him that she looked better when she was female and he actually found her attractive. Add to that the harsh public reception she got when photos of her as "Lucas" leaked along with the video clips of her court appearance.

No. 950832

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I'm sure Greg is totally cool with her double mastectomy and the fact there's no longer "a pair of boobs in the house."
I get the feeling he makes these perfect versions of Lainey as an oversexed thot so he has something to jerk off to in his cum shed while his real life "husband" sits in the house picking at her acne-riddled face and practicing her man voice.

No. 950927

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I was snooping around and found a pinterest belonging to Onisions mother. Its filled with cartoons she's made mostly complaining about dating as a middle aged woman and her strange attraction to vampires. This cartoon caught my eye. Its funny that her son says
>its legal to date 16 year olds in Washington and New Mexico
but dear old mom thinks grown men who are attracted to teenagers are "creepy."
You have to wonder if his Crazy Tami truly thinks he's a pedo but fears he may take away her house if she said it out loud.

No. 950939

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that drawing could literally be her son Greg. look at that cavemen brow and self-important smirk. plus greg is a manlet too. then again, we all know she has a thing for greg and she's fucked him too, with those naked body massages she gave him.

No. 950943

I wish we had a Praetor and a Bella Janke in the Onionverse but instead we got weens, trolls and sad sweethearts.

…unless we count Vix as our own Bella but she pozzed my neghole

No. 950951

What are you even talking about? What you want Caiden Peck to buy Greg a house and set up a merchandise store for him? I'm sure Greg would want that too, because thats what Praetor now did for Chris. Weens, weens are people who are trying to get fame over a lolcow's back, thats exactly what Praetor did, usually by trolling the lolcow while namefagging, touching the poo. The only ween I can think of is androgynous peen, but he barely got a reaction out of Greg. There have been some trolls here and there that were actually funny but they are rare and in between. Vix I don't even know who the fuck thats supposed to be. Seriously, figure it out fam because your post has to be the fail post of the year 2025.
And its january.
Praetor already is fail, they're enabling druggy leechers, they've never been funny and they're the lamest Chris-saga up to date. And you want people like that for Greg? Good god.
Just let Greg fail on his own, don't touch the poop. Seeing him fizzle out is a kindness to him, and mankind as a whole.

No. 950962

I was referring to the Praetor/watch guys before the Barbening, not its current incarnation. Feed Greg in his delusions where he admits shit we still don’t know about and record it for teh lulz and extortion.

Vix was a fellow farmer who tried to spec ops as one of Onion’s candidates in his pleasure squad but failed poorly due to weening and attention whoring, a few years back.

It’s too bad there are no trolls gangstalking Greg wherever he goes or his house anymore. They were doing the lord’s work tormenting that mother fucker which is what he rightfully deserves at the very least.(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 950997

We don't touch the poop.

No. 951777

He looks so uncanny valley with the caked makeup and funky ass Karen wig from Temu kek. This was posted 12 hours ago. Imagine having this thing as your husband or even worse dad.

No. 951782

Don't click that. Greg really needs views right now because his channels are buried under the algorythm due to lack of views.
Just let the cuck fizzle out.

No. 951818

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Hi wigs lately give me Dexter flashback vibes.

No. 951858

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Greg has left Twitter and started his own subreddit today. He returned to Twitter an hour later because someone was mass reporting his reddit posts. Is this a record for his "Im leaving forever" back pedaling?

No. 951860

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I don't understand him trying to shame her by bringing up her OF/CB. Does he forget he shoved dildos up his ass then gagged on that slimy mess as he tried to deep throat that same dildo for the 6 elderly gay men who pay for his OF.
And now we get a new story. I don't ever remember him accusing Regina of sexually assaulting Sarah in his old rants. Is he confusing his Ayalla story with Regina?

No. 951865

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No. 951892

Elon is the problem, right, which is why you kept paying for your precious checkmark after claiming when you had it for free that "it didn't mean anything." You and foot still own Tesla's, Greg? you may wanna get rid of those, you hypocrite.
whores deserve justice too, Jack the ripper.
thats right, thats why we keep letting you talk, Greg. they probably booted you off of Reddit because you're a dangerous pedophile, Greg.

No. 951919

Was it new posts he was making on reddit being reported or just old ones?

No. 951932

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He created his own subreddit called OnisionDotCom and started making new threads every 5 minutes. No one could comment unless they were an elite in his forum or messaged him directly to get their comment greenlit. Im not sure if individuals reported him or reddits spam recognition bots caught his frenzied posting and automatically shut it down as spam. Within an hour the subreddit r/OnisionDotCom was banned and his account onisiondotcom had been suspended. He still has the acct u/AudienceIcy3741 active but he deleted all comments. So after an hour of saying he was leaving Twitter forever because Elon is a Nazi he crawled back and started his manic posting on there. I seriously think he had a mental break down. He was making a new tweet every 3 to 5 minutes for hours. Then it went quiet for a couple of hours and he started right up again. He finally stopped at 3am.

No. 951934

So this 40 year old father of two fail male spends his time cooming to titty AI of himself, tweeting every 2 seconds and making Reddit threads at such a rapid rate the system thought he was a bot?
Kek Sarah and the others have already won.

No. 951947

>So after an hour of saying he was leaving Twitter forever because Elon is a Nazi he crawled back and started his manic posting on there.
And the checkmark is back, so he's still supporting Elon Musk. I bet him and foot still have their Tesla's too.
Hypocrite much?
>So this 40 year old father of two fail male spends his time cooming to titty AI of himself, tweeting every 2 seconds and making Reddit threads at such a rapid rate the system thought he was a bot?
Yes, thats exactly it. You condensed it perfectly. A 40 year old man raging and cooming in his cuckshed.

No. 951957

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I spent ten minutes and looked at the all the tweets and did the math. He started at a little after 2pm on Weds. At 6:30pm he stopped then started back up again at 11:40pm (I assume he fell asleep or had to do family stuff) then continued tweeting until 3am. In those 7 hours he made over 140 tweets. Most of them were snippets from his documentary videos or exhibits from the motions he made in his court filings. Is this the craziest twitter sperg he's ever had?
Now this is just tinfoil but I noticed that some rando has been going hard at him for the past two days. This person is pretending to be Anon Gene and has been spamming Nextdoor and all different kinds of neighborhood apps in Gregs area and playing concern troll. This could be a coincidence and has nothing to do with Onisions freak out yesterday. Also, this Great Value Anon Gene is threatening to show up at Gregs door so we may get a "Boogie firing his gun" moment soon.

No. 951992

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Another forum down the drain. How can the costs be too much if Greg said that all subscription fees would be used for keeping the website up and running. He even had a chart showing who had paid, how much they paid and how far in the future the website would be paid for because of his fans accumulated payments. If I remember correctly he had collected enough from his last remaining fans to keep it going for over a year. I wonder what that money really went to?

No. 952005

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dude he keeps opening new websites, new urls, being one of Greg's remaining 3 fans must be hard because they keep getting e-mails in their inbox of him sperging out telling them to go to new urls to register AGAIN in some out-of-the-box shitty wordpress script.

No. 952020

>I assume he fell asleep or had to do family stuff
He definitely fell asleep. It’s been confirmed that he does fuck all around the house. Never takes care of his kids cleans or cooks not that it’s a surprise since most scrotes are parasites but this moid doesn’t even have a job outside the house so his troon doormat is really fucking cooked.

No. 952034

he doesn't take any rrrreeeeesponsibility.

No. 952061

> Also, this Great Value Anon Gene is threatening to show up at Gregs door so we may get a "Boogie firing his gun" moment soon.

Lmao hope he gets trolled into suicide as long as it isn’t coming from the farms who gives a fuck. He was probably tipped by a neighbor or something or had an unpleasant encounter with one and it made him snap and sperging hard on Twitter. He’s such a fucking pariah.(a-logging)

No. 952112

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Didn’t click on this but noticed he’s trying to come back real hard this time it’s concerning how this got 8k views

No. 952148

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From his now banned subreddit. This is so fucking pathetic even by his standards.

No. 952150

>how this got 8k views

because of you and a janny here that won't do her god damn job. i reported >>951777 3 times in total, and i also reported >>952061 >>951957 gene faggotry too 3 times and in /meta/ so go ahead and tell me to take it to meta again you lazy bitch.

No. 952157

Having a title like that from someone who is a pedo is going to get attention of random people and probably got shared by people showing off the creep is back too. Don't think much on it.

No. 952193

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I don't know if this is funny or sad. His video has been up for hours, only got 168 views and McFly and Kaitlind were the only ones to vote to have Onision return. His lame reverse psychology gimmick to get more likes didn't even work.

No. 952207

Why tf does he want to get back to being a youtuber so bad? Everyone hates his guts. He's an anti social scrote so he probably thinks being famous online will get him more victims it's evident by the fact that he stayed with foot and couldn't jump ship to a younger BPD pick me without his youtube fame he can't lure them in.

No. 952210

because he needs narcissistic supply. wether its good or bad, don't matter to him. he's a textbook narcissist operating on the highest level of narcissism. greg is narcissism, he really is, theres barely any banana-guy left.

No. 952271

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Whatever happened with Gregory's lawsuit against edgelord Silent Bob wannabe pred-catcher Philip John Eide aka Xavier von Erck?(spoonfeeding request)

No. 952299

lol you are such a shit mod, i mean do YOU know what happened to that case? no. no one does, so it would be helpful to get some info on that shit.

No. 952311

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No. 952312

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The upcoming motions dates have been set. I thought Id give a heads up in case any farmers want to watch and give a summary of what happens. The Feb 13 motion to dismiss was filed by Google so Im not positive that Greg and Lainey have to be present. The Mar 6th motion for sanctions is Greg crying about Lisa Haba so the onions will absolutely be front and center. Judge Donato starts at 10 AM and has three other cases before Onisions so Im not sure exactly what time it will start. When I get more info on this Ill post it.

No. 952315

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thank you for that
TL;DR so both were dismissed by the judge. Why does he file these knowing its not going to go anywhere? I really would of loved to see Xavier von Erck's face when he got the summons accusing him of stalking Onision for almost a decade as Anonymous Gene.

No. 952323

so what stopped you from posting that right of the bat, you uppity cunt?(infighting)

No. 952340

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you just know greg is spamming youtube about this saying its a double standard and why wont they reinstate him

No. 952442

who's to say they didn't already, some time ago? Youtube is a pedo friendly platform, everybody knows that. its insane that they let child rapists like Dr. Disrespect back on their platform, let alone reinstate them and give them money again. Youtube is getting shittier every day, fucking over small artists who never get any views nor money due to unfair algorythms, meanwhile pedophile kiddie fiddlers like Dr. Disrespect and Onision get views and money.
In a perfect world it would be the good guys making the money, but it isn't.

No. 952684

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Can we wish this into reality? I can see it now, Onision's ring walk song will be a recording of the 6 AM phone call when Sarah wished dick cancer on him. He'll enter the ring wearing a robe that's plastered with blown up screenshots of Sarah's "incriminating tweets." His trunks will have WWW.ONISION.COM/FRAMED and WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/@ONISION on the waistband along with multiple QR codes that link to his websites, documentaries and blogs. And last but not least, his gloves will have Shiloh and Regina's face on the padding.

No. 952704

File: 1739023213566.png (315.92 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_5970.png)

According to Grugly’s alt account, Greg might’ve trooned out and is defending mootherfucking Chris-Chan of all people.

No. 952780

For the nonna who claimed Greg Chris-chan’ed his mom, here you go! It’s okay, Greasy, we all know you wanna fuck your crazy ass momma. You’re still a sick fuck either way.

No. 952787

What does this prove?

No. 952789

File: 1739175726171.jpg (74.93 KB, 881x331, h720.jpg)

How old is this video? I know the running joke was "Grog the caveman" but god damn he's not even frowning and his eyebrows are lower than his upper eyelids. I compared this to his newer videos and he must of had some work done to keep that neanderthal brow from continuing to droop down and end up blinding him.

No. 952791

What are you talking about? We all know Greg fucked his mother. She used to give him full naked body massages when he was a teenager.

No. 952805

It's funny because while it did make him look like less of a caveman, he somehow looks way more like a pedo now. It's like he asked for an austin jones makeover or something, kek.

No. 952864

File: 1739359825631.png (1.2 MB, 1296x1062, Capture0675.png)

Onision.com is no more. New forum site is lnk.bio/onision. He's begging for money and gifts as usual. I enjoy his rewriting history
>in the public eye since 2000
I thought his earliest video on YT was the Darth Vader mask review in 2008.
And when did this "vindication" happen? He's still as hated in 2025 as he was when the Sarah saga began.

No. 952865

File: 1739359996722.png (459.62 KB, 864x519, Capture0677.png)

No. 952886

yawn typical narcissistic cope. its true what they say about boomers isn't it? they just gotta create stupid AI garbage. i bet he believes people think his AI garbage are pictures, too.

No. 952908

The motion to dismiss by google LLC is tomorrow(this is an imageboard)

No. 952912

Legitimate question, who does he think his target market for this is?

No. 952913

I bet if you asked Greg, the first thing he'd specify is "people over 18 years old" kek

No. 952914

File: 1739433938619.jpeg (103.27 KB, 1325x501, IMG_2690.jpeg)

I think every thing he does currently is out of spite. He's telling his critics "Im still here, you have to acknowledge me. I'm not leaving. I cant be canceled if I don't leave." I also feel its like a type of stimming. I know he's not autistic but its the only word I can use that defines it. Making comedy skits, editing, creating music and building websites/forums are all he's done for the past two decades. It makes him feel better and keeps his mind off the shit show his life has become. He cant get a real world job outside the home, he has no hobbies so its either doing this online or sitting alone in his cum shed, staring at the wall thinking about how everyone sees him as a pedophile. And lastly he does this hoping for some ego stroking. The 3 or 4 likes he gets per tweet and dozen or so likes for his videos. I'm sure he says a little prayer every night that Billie 2.0 will sign up and pay him $40 to text him sweet nothings and he'll be able to leave Kai because there will be a new teenage victim waiting in the wings.

No. 952934

File: 1739472501228.jpeg (149.49 KB, 1179x875, IMG_0943.jpeg)

Was anyone able to connect to the zoom
Webinar today? I think I must have missed it. It was supposed to start 45 minutes ago but when I finally got through, it was some other case not related to Greg, and after a while I rejoined and it just said waiting for host to start webinar and never connected.

Hoping someone else managed to join the hearing. Or maybe that pacer anon can check the records and see if google was successful in their motion to dismiss otherwise?

No. 952940

File: 1739486793844.jpg (243.77 KB, 1296x1062, aidsskrillexcoomer.jpg)

i only just noticed those stacks of cash in his AI images. kek. narcissist much?

No. 953025

He’s one of the ugliest moid’s ever graced the internet even if he didn’t have soulless dead af blue lizard eyes.

No. 953030

>turning 40 this year.
>still trying to go for the whole fuckboy look.
I love how Greg denies being a narcissist, while he's pretty much the poster boy of narcissism. i bet he agonizes over his age often in his cuckshed.

No. 953061

If that fuckass wig and botched brow lift is anything to go by, I imagine he's on the verge of crisis

No. 953067

while hes turning 40 (!!!!) november 11. still trying to pass himself off as a twink, while twink death is more like. i bet he uses very old pictures back from when he was young to feed to that shit crApple AI. i bet he just pays for an out of the box AI shit script on some garbage website somewhere too, because he's about as talented or tech savvy as a retarded monkey. and all to feed his shitty coomer shed fantasy where he's still young and lainey is young and didn't butcher herself with hacked off tits and a fake gonzo nose cock. well too bad Greg, its 2025, lainey and you are old as shit, two kids of whom one crippled because you flung her out the window, and your illustrious "career" and youtube days are gone. you're washed up, old and everybody knows you're a pedophile. so enjoy it, Gregory.

No. 953072

He probably pays money for the shitty AI services he uses for those god awful pictures and songs nobody cares about. Money Lainey works for. KEK.

No. 953081

love that for her, she had the chance to get out of this but didn’t

No. 953087

I wonder if she will ever leave him and spill all the beans. She would get so much sympathy and attention people will take her side but this bitch is so fucking broken she’s willing to sink with him no matter what. This goes to show how dangerous Grease is he completely destroyed her self esteem and broke her beyond repair it’s almost sad.

No. 953088

File: 1739744382187.png (36.86 KB, 754x295, 5908900.PNG)

This may be the reason you missed it. The hearing was barely five minutes. I believe it was just Googles and Sarah's lawyers present for this motion to dismiss.

No. 953094

thats about as likely to happen as a perfect, universal agreement on pineapple pizza or a cat following all your commands like a well-trained dog.

No. 953098

Thank you anon. Hopefully the march 6th hearing is milkier.
Do you know if the motion was denied or accepted? I hate how pacer makes you link a credit card. I’m not in the USA so I doubt it would accept mine

No. 953106

File: 1739782636446.png (334.67 KB, 943x521, Capture230.PNG)

Sarah and Regina's lawyers have brought up Doe v. Mg Freesites Ltd recent decision which was a class action lawsuit against Pornhub alleging they received, distributed, and benefitted from child sex abuse material. Looks like Lisa Haba is leaning into the child porn allegations against Lainey for asking Sarah, Regina and other underage girls to send her nudes of themselves. If there's any risk of Greg being tied to these photos he'll throw Lainey under the bus faster than you can say Greg's a pedo.

No. 953108

Holy crap. I wonder if that’s what caused his twigged sperg the other day.
Does it say anything about whether or not the motion to dismiss was granted for google? And what about Greg asking the case to be sealed. Any news on that?

No. 953109

They're throwing everything but the kitchen sink at it. Next they'll be suing us because we're victimizing them talking about it here.

No. 953154

Asking underage girls for nudes is classified as child exploitation material you retard. If anything they’re more likely to get their asses on this alone since there’s proof and it happened more than once. Also having a child stay with you until they’re 18 to solicit sex is illegal shit plus grease is representing himself and we all now how fucking retarded he is. The case is easy to win unless the lawyers fuck up big time.

No. 953164

Has anyone checked the court records or Lainey’s hidden sock accounts recently? According to redditfags and Onion’s sock accounts, she goes by Adam now.

No. 953180

>Asking underage girls for nudes is classified as child exploitation material you retard.
I stopped reading there, because you clearly don't get what I meant and immediately go for the jugular. By saying they are throwing everything at it but the kitchen sink doesn't mean that I don't agree that being a pedophile is wrong, obviously. I just fear that they are being overzealous and that will make Greg's lawyers be able to use the old "they are in it for the money"-pedo excuse.

No. 953188

Apparently her lawyers don't think the nudes wasn't enough, or they wouldn't be throwing shit at the wall hoping that something will stick.

No. 953198

File: 1739951373641.png (253.09 KB, 776x788, Screenshot 2025-02-18 9.48.33 …)

@kaitlindc_ on twitter.(needs context/sage your shit)

No. 953199

>Greg’s lawyers
He has no lawyers. He’s representing himself. You would have figured that out if you continued reading my post or lurked the thread but you had to a make a fool outta yourself.

No. 953200

Context ? Is this where footface works now ? Hope Kiwi tards take care of that one for her.

No. 953204

What is this?

No. 953210

File: 1739974812268.jpeg (140.97 KB, 1179x1073, IMG_1100.jpeg)

Can pacer anon check out the submitted files if possible? If they’re applied for a stay, doesn’t that mean the case is paused? Does that mean the march 6th hearing is still going ahead or nah?

No. 953212

you're right, I forgot: Greg has no lawyers. now can you please make an attempt to reply to people without spergin' out and calling folks names? maybe then people would read your entire posts.
there is no reason for infighting. none.

No. 953214

this is one of Onion’s last remaining stans, not sure why someone thought it was relevant to post here

No. 953233

Looks like a young Kathryn Tewson? Why is it always ugly people who are Greasy fans?

No, it’s one of Onion’s cocksuckers

Doxxing, probably. At least she’s tending to the old folks, it’s the youngins we need to worry about.

No. 953234

File: 1740007842267.jpg (1.94 MB, 2878x4176, 1739951373641-topaz-enhance-4x…)

doxxing or not, i find it incredibly hilarious that this is the only kind of chick Greg manages to pull now.(off-topic)

No. 953258

File: 1740061470851.jpeg (160.53 KB, 1179x1240, IMG_1209.jpeg)

Apparently there was a hearing by telephone today and we all missed it because yall were too busy doxxing some random woman and now because it’s technically the next day, we can’t even see what it was for using judge Donatos calendar since it’s already ticked over to the 20th

No. 953263

The moderator within this community is like her significant other i wager, leaving much to be desired.

No. 953270

Look up what doxxing is this shit was posted on the internet it was already public news. That being said I bet Grease is seething so fucking hard because he can’t groom bpd alt teens into sucking his baby carrot all he can get is a tranny passing bitch and his mutilated troon Frankenstein monster of a wife. Karma is a bitch.

No. 953285

If they simp Greg they simp for a known pedophile rapist, they deserve to get doxxed.

No. 953299

File: 1740122480702.jpeg (56.91 KB, 640x480, IMG_0789.jpeg)

iNabber just put out a two-hour deep dive on Onion that already has over 100K views

No. 953312

I don’t know whether to be impressed or mortified that there was even 1 hour and 40 minutes worth of content to dig up regarding his “religion”
I thought the entire premise was stolen from a movie plot and was shallow as. Although I didn’t watch the video. I just skimmed it. So I have no idea really if it is that fleshed out or whether or not inabber just spoke a lot in between.

No. 953324

File: 1740156517836.png (1.24 MB, 1280x720, lgN_EGgJ55I 00-11-39 The YouTu…)

why do retards on youtube who talk about Greg always go for that whole 90s lesbian jogger look?

No. 953345

File: 1740213014968.png (160.33 KB, 976x237, 179.PNG)

I don't think this was a hearing by telephone.
>MOTION to Appear by Telephone
>Request to Cancel In-Person Hearing
>Alternatively, Appear by Zoom
It was Greg filing a motion to cancel the in person hearing and appear via Zoom/phone. They seem to put phone and zoom video calls in the same category. I guess the court wanted them to appear in person for some part of the case and Greg is saying that flying down would be an "extreme hardship."

No. 953360

File: 1740247245054.jpg (1.16 MB, 2048x1283, rawImage-2896712007.jpg)

I said it before and i'll say it again, this will be result of the trial.

>image related.

Mark my words.

No. 953362

Wow he was fine talking the talk when he submitted all those documents but doesn’t want to sit in a court and actually have to defend what he wrote?
I hope the judge doesn’t rule on it without him being on zoom.
Either way, he can’t phone it in forever.

No. 953379

File: 1740286638342.png (861.81 KB, 965x767, 75622.png)

Who let NothingBurger-Chan back in?
Yes we've heard you say its a pipe dream for over 3 years
>>945867 lazy_unoriginal.jpg
Your personality fagging is painfully obvious. It's bizarre that you check on the Onision thread daily (for years) even though you think nothings going to come of it.

No. 953381

File: 1740288511969.jpg (111.07 KB, 761x569, 1012561.jpg)

Greg's ability to pull in cute young pixie alt girls has bottomed out since Billie. This group chat shows what he was attracting just 2 years ago. The only difference now is that its dwindled down to the dementia babysitter and McRetard.

No. 953393

>Yes we've heard you say its a pipe dream for over 3 years
No, i've been saying it for 6 years and have I been wrong? Look at all the threads from over those years. Nothing has happened. Hence, nothing burger. Mark my words.
I'm flattered you actually looked up all my posts, keep at it uwu.

No. 953394

Thats fucking hilarious.

No. 953401

The threads have been made to mock his spergouts and antics too not just document the lawsuits idiot. Forgot he had to pay 500k for tax fraud? Or how he pushed his kid off a window?

No. 953404

also, his public humiliation and loss of his YouTube career

No. 953412

File: 1740335578390.png (345.63 KB, 458x339, 0653100.png)

>>loss of his YouTube career
That brought the most milk and laughs but don't forget he wanted to have some new young puss without technically cheating so he pushed his wife down the LGBTQ hole, gaslit her into believing she was gay so he could trick her into a poly relationship. But he pushed her so hard that her fragile mind broke and now she thinks she's a boy, complete with testosterone shots, cystic acne, zippertits and a creepy frog voice. Its like one of those monkey paw wishes that turn out to have horrible consequences. He wished for a blue haired sex kitten and is now cursed to fuck a young Woody Allen for the rest of his life.

No. 953438

All of his remaining supporters are fat ugly cows, I bet he hates that lol. No more cute teenage girls supporting you, Greg

Holy shit they all look like the result of inbreeding

No. 953453

>of who exactly? billie? sarah? he fucked sarah when she was 18.
Nta and I'm not making those arguments but this is so short shortsightedly bleak. Someone in their mid 20s-30s with a noticeable age gap can groom a person of legal age to fuck as dictated by the government, you creep. This has the same energy as loli is just drawings and technically its not pedofilia its ephebophilia.

No. 953456

Why tf is the lilypichu thread closed? I have so much spicy shit about stuff she's done in the past

No. 953466

>kek you can groom adults now?
Older adults can groom "legal adults"
fixed that for you.

No. 953468

Do you think a 18 year old woman who's mentally unstable has the same maturity and power as a 25-30 year old man? How old are you and how many 25-30 year old male friends did you have at 18?

No. 953472

nvm its a racebaiting /pol/ tourist. Nice job dodging the question though. I'll stop responding now.

No. 953475

Yes retard grooming actually isn’t age specific at all, even if it was Sarah started interacting with Preg and Plainey while she was underage and guess what? Common case of grooming is to prime someone until legal age before fully committing to the sexual abuse so theres less legal validity to the victims claims which even you yourself are corroborating right now as truth. You’re strawmanning over a situation that pregory and plainey very openly took part in until they caught heat for it, but it’s clear you weren’t here for the online escapades both Greg and Lainey have done including Lianey thirstposting and making friends with minors or barely legals, one of them literally being Sarah kek.

No. 953480

>Be Onionboy and Lame
>Interact with and have inappropriately close ‘friendships’ with minors or barely legals
>Get legal guardianship over one of the minors from a broken home so you can fly them out to your resident House of Horrors without it being suspect or cause legal issues down the line (wonder why nonna!!!)
>Build the dynamic and continue to groom, (omg the magical word, used in its right context holy shit) the minor until they are sexually legal by being overly emotionally reliant on a teenager (lainey) as a supposed psychology student, while letting your husband “play wrestle” with this girl and hve a clearly uncomfortably close physical relationship with her.
>Start having an open sexual relationship with her once she is of age

Idk sounds like grooming to me anon.

No. 953483

I understand your baity redditard mindset is stuck on a loop but you’re going between “this won’t fly in court”, “I’m actually on your side” and “Adults can’t get groomed” meanwhile she was underage when they started their relationship with her. Are you saying she ceased to be groomed the moment she turned 18 and the courts will just ignore the flagrantly dodgy history pre-18th birthday? The ragebait is really weird lol Even if he didn’t have sex with her before she turned 18, that is still grooming and a very common case of it.

No. 953486

>Sure you can rape them intoxicate them all that jazz,
Are you a psychopath or just male? What woman talks about other young women like this? Like traps in waiting that you must circumvent. But yes, a age gap between a woman is not the same as a man, there is a power imbalance in society between women and men and Cher is a exception not the rule. This is a power gap that women cannot commonly fill, you cherry picking a successful woman doesn't prove shit. A older woman can't groom a man, period. Young people, especially women and girls are more vulnerable than men. You consecutively ignored this.

>And so again, and I'm trying to get this point across: This trial will end with nothing. Nothing will happen.

Of course it will end with nothing because women and girls being victimized is always treated as a joke in society and law, look at you. Its just "all that jazz".


>Legally they do.
You didn't answer the question, I didn't ask legally, I asked if a young woman has the same maturity and power. The law says women cannot have abortions in several states; the law is not friendly to women and girls. Maturity and power is not conferred through law. Stop using cherry picked arguments of successful older women and derailing about a fat autistic man being groomed. To answer your question; no old fat autistic men can't be groomed. Why so much sympathy for old fat autistic old men? Does it hit too close to home or something?

No. 953488

So basically no argument then, just legal fallacy. Alright.

No. 953491

>Fat autistic male appeals to law
>Rapist: gets away with raping.
>fat autist: See I win.
okay. Nice appeal to law fallacy with no argument I guess. Your earlier sentiments seem to contradict what you say, you're not on the side of women. You don't even want to make a convincing argument. The law is not a universal truth and appealing to law is not an argument its a fallacy. The fact that the legal system is so shit and defends pedos and rapists is not a argument for its strength; its an indictment.

No. 953496

You don't agree, you believe law trumps all and is the truth. You're a very clockable sperg as a ragebaiting reddit tourist. You have no argument so you ignore others arguments and appeal to law. A law that's written and upheld by pedos and rapists. If all you have is an appeal to law then yes, we are finished.

No. 953500

>So how would you convict someone on having a feeling that it was wrong
Easily. Pedofilia, rape, murder and many taboos exist and have legal punishments, retard. These are based on morality, feelings not hard numbers. You attempting to brandish the number as if it means anything is manipulative. But morality exists outside of law. Mainstream morality informs law, and those with power control this and decide what mainstream morality is. Law is written by pedofiles and rapists, those who want women and girls to suffer through pregnancies conceived by rape. These men hold more power so their morality informs law.


>We live in a world where people like OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson got off scott free, again you'll hear no argument from me. But you'll probably start spegin' out again that somehow I'm on board with all that shit, too, right?
No, that bolsters my argument; that law is twisted to fit the needs of men and fuck over the victims who are often, but not in MJs case, women. Aren't you the one arguing an 18 year old young woman with a history of being groomed while underaged is lawfully an adult ala appeal to law? I'm the one criticizing this.

No. 953501

The usual ban evading schizo has been shitting up this thread. Report and ignore them.

No. 953502

should we all peek in at /meta/ to see the schizo crying about the ban and posts deletion?
maybe they'll accuse the farmhand of being Gene again.

No. 953512

could it possibly be onion fag himself that is posting or is it someone else?

No. 953513

He turned her into a man to humiliate her as well, and also to make her less attractive to other men because he's extremely insecure and has trauma about his high school girlfriend leaving him for another guy (I doubt many men found Footface attractive in the first place, but still)

No. 953514

Sounds like Onision came in here and tried to shit up the thread. Eat a dick fuckface.(sage your shit)

No. 953517

File: 1740444343481.jpeg (160.15 KB, 783x705, IMG_4493.jpeg)

I never gave much weight to the defeminization theory when it came to Skye, Shiloh, Lainey or Billie, but the way you described it makes sense. He absolutely needs to shame his partners and what a great way to do it by forcing her to turn herself into an ugly man. And I'm sure Onision has no fear of anyone (male, female, gay, bi or trans) finding "Lucas" attractive now that she's turned herself into some god awful tranny creature. But its still funny that in the end Greg has to live with the monster he created and there's no hope for him bringing in new teenage girls to replace Lainey.

No. 953546

He’s been shitting up his own subreddit too with multiple socks, sometimes replying to himself in said socks. I think he’s losing it, and not in the “nuh uh, I’m just pretending to be retarded lol” way either.

don’t Chris Watts your fam, Greg.

No. 953552

File: 1740507829499.jpeg (13.92 KB, 236x236, IMG_8572.jpeg)

Friendly reminder that he offered to leave Lainey and his fucking kids but Billie didn’t want to take him. This moid was willing to pay alimony and child support granted he got what he wanted (new teenage pussy). He does sound like the family annihilator type.

Lainey has to be on the leagues of Kelly Ronahan when it comes to cows with the worst fates imaginable. I never seen such a humiliating horrible life. She got the worst possible outcomes from both worlds the bangmaid cucked tradwife married at 18 and tranny who has to also work outside the house.

No. 953553

Looking back, onion leaving her and the kids for billie but paying alimony would have been the absolute best outcome for lainey. She would have had a 100000x better life now.

No. 953558

Yep, if she divorced him back in 2015 during cuddlegate she would have the right to half of the mcmansion and half of his fortune since the prenup he printed off Google was worth shit, plus alimony and child support AND she wouldn't be known as a groomer/child predator who helped him abuse young girls. The doormat fucked up big time by staying with him

No. 953578

What website app are you using?
Thats fucking sad. She wasnt gorgeous or anything but she looked better than onion. She still does by far but thats only because he looks like a tweeker and most men are ugly af

No. 953741

File: 1740820784708.jpg (627.79 KB, 1176x1101, Lainey-Andy-Rapesion.jpg)

Well said nonny

>He wished for a blue haired sex kitten and is now cursed to fuck a young Woody Allen for the rest of his life.

Even before going on T Lainey was slowly morphing into a hybrid Woody Allen/Andy Dick. She still looks like those two nonces now but with extra chromosomes.

And lest we forget, Greg was obsessed with Andy Biersack for the longest time. He made a 'doll' in Andy's likeness with a printed picture of his face taped on, then proceeded to rape it for a skit. This was so long ago I can't remember if Andy just ghosted him immediately or if he made a public statement about how disgusted he was before ghosting him. Greg constantly gushed over how attractive he thought andy was, often in Lainey's presence. Lainey even dyed her hair black for awhile making what seemed like an attempt at skinwalking yet another person she knew Greg had a chode boner for (rinse, repeat).

No. 953742

>He does sound like the family annihilator type.
Not only did she choose to stay with him, she also chose to help him prey on young girls - she gets zero sympathy from me. Her father's a fucking lawyer too, I'm sure he could've finagled a great deal for her. She'd rather stay with an abusive narc who was seconds away from abandoning her and the children for a teenager he met online, and he would've gone through with it had she not rejected him. At best they're both neglectful parents (this isn't including the likelihood that Greg tossed his daughter out of the window). Any halfway decent mother would've seen the writing on the wall years ago and acted accordingly. I also blame CPS and the garbage county they live in, but that's a whole other story.

No. 953745

>she went to japan and left her kids with greg

she’s a horrible fucking mother that’s why it was easy for her to troon

No. 953756

File: 1740853155292.jpeg (99.18 KB, 1179x642, IMG_1488.jpeg)

Pacer anon can you please come to the chat??

No. 953757

File: 1740853552485.jpg (139.37 KB, 1024x1024, _b042a42d-d579-4fe6-be68-f7ee5…)

Poser anon? You been androgynous peen?(ai out of contaiment)

No. 953786

Sarah said Footface told her she puts Grease before her own kids, Foot is a disgusting piece of shit. I'm sure if Grease starts sexually abusing their daughter (if he doesn't already) she will just turn a blind eye to it and even get jealous of the little girl and blame her. There's a reason why she cried her eyes out to Billie when she found out she was expecting a girl instead of a boy, and it wasn't because she was worried about the girl's well-being

No. 953818

File: 1740937557758.jpg (98.29 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2998290249.jpg)

If I were lil' Gregory i'd make videos about Shane Dawson again. It would really help a lot.

No. 953855

Even the young one looks gross while we’re rating other women or whatever the fuck Greg was doing he’s disgusting. He literally Frankensteind his “girlfriend” now Woody Allenit feels so forced and unnatural even trans people are outing this cuck didn’t he always used to say that word cuck and that’s exactly what he’s fucking become but like now it’s worse like almost like a wannabe retard goof? lol this is like the world is burning and we are watching it. The grass is green, where you fucking water it retard.

No. 953856

Even the young one looks gross while we’re rating other women or whatever the fuck Greg was doing he’s disgusting. He literally Frankensteind his “girlfriend” now Woody Allenit feels so forced and unnatural even trans people are outing this cuck didn’t he always used to say that word cuck and that’s exactly what he’s fucking become but like now it’s worse like almost like a wannabe retard goof? lol this is like the world is burning and we are watching it. The grass is green, where you fucking water it retard.(learn2delete)

No. 953994

File: 1741169138894.jpeg (216.76 KB, 1179x1336, IMG_1622.jpeg)

Looks like the march 6th hearing is cancelled

No. 953995

File: 1741169464646.png (204.23 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1606.png)

Patiently waiting for pacer anon

No. 954048

File: 1741266501542.png (67.79 KB, 748x585, Screenshot 2025-03-06 at 14-04…)


Prediction: Eventually the judge will get annoyed at what a complete waste of time and resources this trial is and dismiss all of it.

No. 954151

File: 1741384503475.png (30.17 KB, 783x262, 945634.PNG)

Sarah's lawyers have issued a summons for Greg's shell company Nesiamotu, Inc. Im assuming they're including his dummy business in the lawsuit because they realized Greg is funneling all his money into it to hide it from the IRS and them. Greg immediately objected to the summons the same day and filed another motion against Lisa Haba for "Plaintiffs Abusive Litigation Tactics." You would think he learned the judge doesn't give a shit about his whining since Greg's last attempt at getting Sarah's lawyers punished was thrown out by Judge Donato and vacated without a hearing.

No. 954161

Kek. Thanks, anon. I reviewed the motion on kiwi. Despite being a lawfag, I just couldn't read through his shit despite having a good laugh at pro-se garbage. He apes so hard and still will never understand a JD in google search is NOT going to make him an attorney or present any semi palatable legal argument. He claims the court should sanction Haba because she's a vexatious litigant. Which means she files nonsense, makes opposing counsel respond and drives up costs. Just because he knows the meaning doesn't mean it's applicable in the way he thinks it is. Just because her filings cost him money doesn't mean they're unnecessary. Haba's filings are absolutely reasonable and are necessary to proceed the case forward. Another kekable argument is that Haba is not providing "exonerating" evidence. That's not her job, Greg. It's a civil case (she's not DA) and she doesn't have to provide evidence that isn't in her clients interest. The harder he studies case law the more retarded it comes off. Other than that, there's only the same god damn exhibits and arguments he uses in his manifestos and youtube videos we've seen 10000x before.

(reposted to correct retarded grammar)

No. 954169

Kek at Sarah's lawyers going after his money laundering company, I bet it made him shit his pants, and maybe they aren't as dumb as I thought which gives me a little bit of hope in this lawsuit

No. 954171

>Another kekable argument is that Haba is not providing "exonerating" evidence. That's not her job, Greg. It's a civil case (she's not DA) and she doesn't have to provide evidence that isn't in her clients interest

That shows how fucking retarded he is, even I know it's not the lawyers job to provide exonerating evidence, and I don't know almost anything about law. I bet Grease thinks he's a professional lawyer by now just by doing Google researches but he's too dumb to understand even the most basic things

No. 954175

File: 1741407924791.png (849.79 KB, 927x615, onisiontshirt (2).PNG)

Zippertits is now a model for Gregs new t-shirt dropshipping scam.

No. 954176

File: 1741408431644.png (446.18 KB, 741x734, onisiontshirt (3).PNG)

They'll do anything to shakedown their last few remaining fans. But will they ever get a real 9 to 5 to support themselves and their children?

No. 954179

File: 1741426203478.jpg (21.51 KB, 636x394, cap94069.jpg)

Glad to see the cystic acne is still going hard. Her face is so much redder than her neck it looks like Onision's "incurable skin disease." Footface thought the testosterone shots would turn her into a cute twink to lure in high school girls. Instead it made her face look like a giant unhealed infected scab.

No. 954189

Kinda cool how Lainey's arm now literally has become a dick-sleeve. Well I suppose it had tons of practice fist-fucking Greg in his asshole.

No. 954207

I see that they got a new victim-I mean pet. Her left arm looks a little sketch, are those track marks? She hittin’ the smack along with the t?

No. 954211

She had bad acne on her chin even before she started T, it must be so much worse now lmao. Testosterone is poison and almost every woman who transitions turns ugly as fuck

No. 954212

They abandoned Leelu and that black tiny dog because of "financial problems" then bought a pure breed large dog. These retards treat their pet like disposable objects

No. 954274

File: 1741534026288.png (152.81 KB, 742x941, SicescaLight-993162206.png)

Just goes to show you how serious Greg really was about his Sicksexa cult. He makes it sound like "oh it was just an idea" yet he's registering companies under his stupid FF7 inspired Sissypenis cult names.

No. 954275

File: 1741534139739.jpg (295.94 KB, 1366x768, 2DgYaP1-2755563619.jpg)

KoRn? man, these people really live in the distant past. Who the hell would buy KoRn merchandise? let alone from them? previously worn by zippertits mcfrankencock?

No. 954301

File: 1741566706282.png (344.94 KB, 547x479, 894657.PNG)

>zippertits mcfrankencock

No. 954330

I'm amazed no one has asked him yet how it works. Is Greg a bottom now?

No. 954350

Footface's clit must be bigger than his ugly dick now

No. 954378

I wonder if he sucks Lainey's frankencock after she put it in his dirty ass.
I bet he does.
He loves the smell of his own farts so much he probably loves the taste of his own shit.

No. 954513

File: 1741934809664.png (206.36 KB, 1077x756, 8462145.PNG)

Redditfags posted an excerpt from Greg's bankruptcy disclosure to clarify why a summons was issued for Greg's company. All of his money has been moved into this Nesiamotu shell company. In total he has a little under a quarter million dollars in this company and pays himself $2,000 a month from this dummy corp. Its obvious he did this to protect his money from the IRS or any lawsuits. It looks like that with this summons and new lawsuit including Nesiamotu, Sarah's lawyers are showing the court that these are Onisions assets and they will ask for any damages won in court to be taken from this shell corporation.

No. 954518

He lied about being broke in the bankruptcy documents, therefore he committed perjury and attempted bankruptcy fraud, so he is a criminal. How ironic that he flaps his gums so much bout Sarah being a criminal but he is one too

No. 954527

File: 1741970995413.jpg (29.88 KB, 625x415, 2c33f990132b85683df54fc4bc6565…)

Bankruptcy fraud? Dance teacher Abby Lee Miller could tell you thats a very bad mistake. Maybe something lulzy could come from this case after all.

No. 954539

Wait so Onision and Lainey are back together?

No. 954561

Anon they never broke up lol
Lainey is too much of a retard to leave

No. 954587

I hope Sarah's lawyers go after him for bankruptcy fraud as retaliation for him slandering them, it would be hilarious. I hope Grease and Footface are shitting their pants right now over that possibility

No. 954598

He's such a fucking retard, he thought he was smart enough to pull off bankruptcy fraud to run away from debt, but he ended up doxxing himself accidentally since the documents are public record and revealed he still has 250k in the bank, which means he was lying about not having money to pay his debts. He dismissed his own bankruptcy case when he realized he fucked up but it was already too late. It's also pretty funny that he's gonna have to wait 7 years to be able to file for bankruptcy again, so if he goes broke for real he will have to wait 7 years to ask for help to keep his house, etc. This is the same guy who claimed his IQ is as high as Albert Einstein's by the way.

No. 954606

Don’t forget the bankruptcy documents are the only thing that tipped Sarah’s lawyer off to the fact that he even had money in the bank under his shell company.
Before he started bullying them, they were just going after googles pockets. Now they’re going straight for Greg’s.

No. 954615

they can't / don't need to. anyone can report that and Greg will be toast. I mentioned Abby Lee Miller because she went to prison for a year over the exact same thing. A year prison is the bare minimum, its gueranteed with bankruptcy fraud.
trying to hide money is a bad idea.
This trial might end up being lulzy just yet. But I'm not keeping my hopes up since its Greg. and scum like him have this eerie ability to just get away with murder.

No. 954625

It would suck if someone reported him, lol

No. 954638

File: 1742175215733.png (109.48 KB, 975x721, Screenshot 2025-03-16 6.30.16 …)


I am sure Lisa Haba sees every single thing online about gruggles. I am 100% sure she does. Including the side forums of lolcow, kiwi and reddit among others. I am sure she knows everything the membership of those sites posts.

No. 954643

I hope she does, some anons bring up very important information in these forums that would be most likely forgotten otherwise. For example the Nicholas Deorio livestream in which Grease admitted Footface sent a photo of her saggy tits to underage Sarah and tried to pass it as a nipslip, I hope she has that livestream downloaded and shows it in court since it has solid proof that Footface sent nudes to her client when she was a minor

No. 954657

Totally, especially considering its a straight to prison type offense. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars (in fact lose a fuckton of money) and go to prison for at least a year. Its the minimum. Abby Lee even had cancer treatment while in prison, there are no exceptions for it.

No. 954670

It was probably Footface's father who told them to file for bankruptcy to "help" his daughter, since Foot always goes crying to him asking for legal help when she's in trouble. He ended up fucking her over even more since she filed together with Grease she can go to prison as well

No. 954671

File: 1742245242231.jpeg (225.79 KB, 750x888, DAF65BDD-D7D7-4EC0-A6CF-0471D3…)

Grease uploaded a new video? Not sure if we wanna discuss it or if the repeated talking points are stale AF

No. 954673

He's looking rouuuugh. Ooga booga.

No. 954677

If her signature is on that shit then yes, shes also guilty. And I bet it is since they're married and have a shared income.
I peg Greg dumb enough to also not tell them about her income from the buford factory or whatever job she has, either.
Why is he in a hospital bed inside his cuckshed? Did the syphillus finally catch up to him? Did Lainey beat him with her fake gonzo-nose forearm cock? Is he pretending to be terminally ill now? Would make sense. I love how he now claims to be vindicated. Someone really needs to explain to waterhead that his word alone isn't enough to prove his "innocence."
Most honest youtuber btw.

No. 954681

5:47… a child greg! A child jokes about rape. A legal adult is still a child at 18 years old, a child you groomed for years making nonstop sexual jokes around. That’s who jokes about rape you weirdo freak(sage your shit)

No. 954682

I watched a few minutes and it's the usual self victimization and blaming others for why his life is the failure it is. For example he blames the internet for him losing his Patreon, but the truth is he lost his Patreon because he doxxed Billie's phone number on Twitter and doxxing is against Patreon's rules even if it happens in another platform, so it was his own fault he lost it. That goes to show how "honest" this retard is

No. 954685

You just reminded me that fakeboi Ryan lived with them for several months while she had a job so her income was going to them as well. They didn't mention that in the bankruptcy documents, oops

No. 954688

11:25 CIS White men have the highest rates of suicide ….First Nations indigenous and aboriginal men of northern Canada and teenage boys in rural isolated Inuit communities would like to have a word with you Grease of your statistic(sage your shit)

No. 954690

File: 1742252299519.jpg (140.56 KB, 1024x768, cuntholes.jpg)

Yeah and wouldn't you know it, she's now skinwalking this fakeboi ryan character. That bitch really has the emotional depth of dirty ashtray. No personality, no opinion, just a lump of clay for Greg to work with.
Bitch is like Barbapappa, she'll be whatever the fuck you want her to be.

No. 954691

Nigga, he ain’t even from Canada.
Kek this dude thinks 200k is a lot of money.

No. 954692

Oh course he’s not but making the claim that CIS white men have the highest rates of self deletion is absolutely outrageous when compared to those of indigenous communities both in America and espt northern Canada. Boohoo big baby Gregor playing victim. Publicly publishing his 13th reason and the 69 page Death Note would be a gift from the Sicesca Gods, but he unfortunately values himself to much to bless us with that gift. After all CIS white men don’t kill themselves at the same rates….(sage your shit)

No. 954693

Christ on a cracker, Greg is suicide baiting?
Is it tuesday already?

No. 954695

>self deletion
Even if you're joking "self censorship" will get you banned.

No. 954697

Besides, as if we don't already know that he's a sensitive cock juggling thunder-homo who faints when his nose bleeds. Way too much of a pussy to ever hurt himself. He needs to stop teasing us with suicide promises he can't keep.

No. 954700

I just wanna read the note he definitely would post online as to the reason why a f who he blames. I want the list of who he pins his suicide on…. Definitely his kids. But this cocktease would never be that generous to go through with it! Filthy little cocktease(sage your shit)

No. 954702

Who he would blame? Thats easy, anyone but himself. Anything Greg says or does you need to put in a narcissists perspective. It doesn't take a Siegmund Freud to figure Greg out, he's nothing if not transparent. He always lies, so whatever he says you turn it around, and nothing is ever his fault, he's blameless. Always the victim.
Let me put it this way: I would sooner see Lainey pack up her shit and leave him than i'd ever see Greg kill himself. And we all know that hell would freeze over before she would leave the cuckold. Aliens would land in your backyard and you would win the biggest lottery prize in worlds history before that would ever happen.

No. 954706

Besides why is he whining about suicide, isn't he "vindicated" according to him? That means his problems are over, right?

No. 954711

File: 1742265576103.png (254.63 KB, 750x1624, 4D437440-75FF-4EFF-A6F6-78ED28…)

Just to help support Greg’s claim that CIS WHITE men have the highest rates of suicide here is a quick screen shot. Faaaax!!!!

Greenland being a European nation with a majority Inuit. I wonder how many times Gease mentions Shane Dawson is his final Death Note?(sage your shit)

No. 954713

250k is just the amount he has in the bank, it isn't counting his house, cars and any other belongings. It isn't "a lot" but he definitely isn't broke

No. 954720

“Saged in email field”
Oh shut up you whiny cunt! The post is relevant because its a recent video showing the extent Onion is willing to go to to play victim and avoid accountability, blaming everyone else including the legal courts for his pedo proclivities. You don’t even have to be well versed to know trannies and gays kill themselves at higher rates then straight biological men. A little more digging would revel that Indians in America also kill themselves are 9 times higher than white men on average sometimes 20 times higher in Alaska/Canadian communities. These are relevant FAX Greg could have googled in a video uploaded a few days ago. He takes no accountability and further displays how “honest” he is! Most honest YouTuber remember! Can’t wait for him to lurk and crash out on this relevant very easy to Google information(take it to /meta/)

No. 954723

The retard is still trying to use Regina's sex work against her when there's literally videos of him shoving dildos up his asshole. Don't throw stones if you have a glass house, Grease

No. 954728

Who the fuck uses the phrase CIS? GTFO with those stupid Tumblrisms. Speak english.

No. 954734

File: 1742316126247.jpg (16.92 KB, 278x360, sadie.jpg)

In the immortal words of Sadie Mae Glutz:

"bitch, i have no mercy for you."

No. 954757

Admin killed the mood(take it to meta)

No. 954790

File: 1742415106745.png (3.84 MB, 750x1624, 2EB9165C-7D27-41F3-A152-DFB1D4…)

Why are the majority of Onions TikToks uploaded today and for the last while all paid sponsorships? I’m probably just a retard and don’t know how tiktok sponsorship works

No. 954795

Looks like he's dropshipping counterfeit crap, he must be desperate for money

No. 954796

He's still posting memes about game of thrones, a show that ended 6 years ago and no one gives a fuck anymore because the ending was so terrible it ruined the entire show. He's such an out of touch boomer

No. 954799

File: 1742459275903.webp (122.92 KB, 456x356, IMG_9612.webp)

It would be a real fucking shame if someone or a group of people reported grease and troonface for bankruptcy fraud and they ended up spending actual jail time. A real shame.

No. 954801

If its counterfit thats against the law too, he's probably dropshipping Ali express stuff. You're right, he must be desperate. He should keep it up.
Game of thrones has always been shit and just the kind of shit Greg likes. Like whats that other show with the two fuckboys playing ghostbusters, paranorman or some shit?
You're right, that would be terrible. Lets hope, you know, that no one does that.

No. 954813

Plus is he declaring this new found income to his bankruptcy handlers and the IRS? He has to, legally. He can't be making any money without reporting it to them, because if he doesn't, thats fraud too.

No. 954816

File: 1742496006072.jpeg (898 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2018.jpeg)

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a video of onision that he didn’t film himself. Lainey hasn’t really been involved in filming him for a very long time. Y’all think they have someone else hanging around at the moment?
Oof 12 likes though. And half of those are probably his alt accounts.

No. 954821

Hope Lainey's frankencock isn't on layaway or else they may repo her gonzo-nose-cock.(sperging multiple times about lainey's cock)

No. 954849

File: 1742533529353.png (958.3 KB, 899x771, 783432111.PNG)

She's been his model for some of those shirts he's trying to sell in his new drop-shipping endeavor.

What I noticed about that "caught Onision on the street after his Taco Bell shift" video is the person is filming from the passenger side of a red car. We know that Lainey owns a red Toyota Corolla from the Google Maps photos >>940065
Troy isn't old enough to drive so was Lainey driving and they're using their kids as "camera operators" now? Or is fakeboi Ryan still hanging around helping film their skits?

No. 954850

Lmao is her fly down

No. 954859

Damn, she really is flat now. I know Grease must be seething because the saggies are gone, even saggy tits are better than no tits

No. 954863

My tinfoil is that Grease allowed Footface to chop her tits off to make sure she won't "accidentally" send photos of her tits to underage girls again, they got into a lot of trouble because of the "nip slip" she had while she was taking the photo she sent to underage Sarah. Footface is very prone to flashing minors it seems, and flashing ugly scars instead of tits isn't a crime as far as I know

No. 954868

File: 1742562062662.png (307.76 KB, 389x571, 816200.PNG)

We all know how Greg likes to argue over semantics or play word games. I wouldn't put it past him to do this in court.
>Your Honor, the plaintiffs say that Lainey sent photos of her breasts to an underage Sarah and Regina. My spouse's legal name is Lucas not Lainey and they have no breasts so this case must be dismissed.

No. 954869

He's so retarded he probably thinks that would work. And I think one of the reasons why Footface transitioned was to try to erase her past and to become a new person, she's basically Emilia Perez in real life kek

No. 954876

File: 1742570404950.png (660.99 KB, 635x767, putyourselfintheirshoes.PNG)

Onision has started a new political TikTok tiktok.com/@putyourselfintheirshoes No mention of Sarah, Regina or the lawsuits against him. He just reads the news headlines and makes comments. He seems to be getting minimal interaction. A few comments here, a few likes there, but no one is trolling him about being a pedo. Im not sure if he's deleting comments or the Never Trumpers that are sucking his dick dont realize he's that notorious YouTuber who fucked his foster daughter, let his baby fall out a second story window and is now being sued for rape, child porn and sex trafficking.

No. 954877

File: 1742570812294.png (508.21 KB, 430x769, rough_.png)

Its shocking how much of a toll this trial has taken on his appearance.

No. 954888

Thats just age, don't forget Captain Cuckold is turning 40 in november. He's a very old man now.

No. 954898

Oh man, age wrecked the shit out of Greasy

No. 954904

File: 1742606789887.png (Spoiler Image,1017.62 KB, 772x1273, wetonion.png)

I went to check out his new tiktok account just now and this is what I saw.

No. 954909

this is what happens when you don’t treat rosacea, your skin gets weird as hell

No. 954913

Footface ruined her life because of this ugly thing, let that sink in

No. 954920

>implying she had a life.
The only pedophile Chris Hansen failed to catch.

No. 954940

File: 1742683454094.jpg (Spoiler Image,502.61 KB, 2408x1450, laineys_sausage_of_love.jpg)

This is the kind of artificial love sausage Greg gets to nibble on now. Isn't that great?

No. 954941

I get that this is a joke. but is there any real evidence that she went through with bottom surgery? The leaked messages between her and Sarah where she mentions the double mastectomy and her testosterone shots plus her appearance and voice during the zoom trial video are all the proof I needed that she had began FtM transition. But I cant believe she would go as far as having a fake dick stitched to her crotch.

No. 954942

Considering she got the sleeve tattoo that a lot of F2M get to hide the scar from where they take tissue to build the gonzo i'd say all signs point to yes, she did get the frankencock.

No. 954954

Well, at least one of them has a cock bigger than 3 inches now. I bet Greasy is jealous

No. 954957

File: 1742743236113.png (15.08 KB, 600x600, 58e8fe8deb97430e819064c7-41017…)

Fact.(low effort post, unintegrated)

No. 954987

File: 1742784126464.jpg (254.24 KB, 1053x693, cuckshed.jpg)

I checked out his new TikTok and I couldn't figure out why he was all bundled up in a heavy winter parka and wool beanie while he's indoors. Then I realized he's still banished to his cuckshed. Its 47 degrees and rainy in Puyallup, WA and he's hanging out in an uninsulated Tuff Shed. You can see a bed in the background of a couple of the videos so it looks like he's sleeping there too. This brings me great joy.

No. 955002

Lol what a loser, couldn't he even put a mini portable heater in that shed? He has 250k in the bank, that's plenty of money to buy a mini heater and pay the electricity bill. It reminds me how Footface had to be covered in blankets all the time in the McMansion because he was too frugal to keep the heater at a nice temperature

No. 955010

He's the unabomber of Tiktok, raging alone in a cuckshed with every video of his bombing.
sans the unabombers intelligence or talent, of course.

No. 955018

File: 1742825103951.png (386.56 KB, 433x771, the box desk.PNG)

I read your post last night and this morning I see this video. He's describing his "box desk" which is essentially a cheap piece of particle board sitting on top of multiple cardboard boxes. And he's describing how the boxes keep collapsing into each other because of the weight so he has to keep adding new boxes. Its hard to believe this man lived in a half a million dollar McMansion, owned 2 Teslas and bought every unnecessary man-toy available. Now he has to resort to crackhead furniture in his shed bedroom.

No. 955022

I think he's showing this just to pretend he's "struggling to survive" to gain some sympathy from the fat ugly bitches who still simp for him, or he's pretending he's poor to throw Sarah's lawyers off. Too bad he doxxed himself and everyone knows he still has 250k in the bank on top of his house worth 500k and 2 cars

No. 955027

File: 1742831161932.jpg (233.55 KB, 1200x1200, 1200x1200bf-60-3051261044.jpg)

top gregory. oh how the mighty have fallen..

No. 955028

And i said it many times before imagine if he had just stayed with Skye and just did his youtube career next to his military career. He could have long retired already, with healthy kids and leaving his fans with only fond memories of him.
But he didn't, he couldn't, he wanted his cake and eat it too. and now look at him, oh Icarus, you flew too close to the sun.

No. 955040

File: 1742840902178.jpg (186.97 KB, 1138x631, 261255052.jpg)

>with healthy kids
Greg has admitted that his daughter has autism but I get the feeling his son also has some mental issues. Greg just hasn't made it public because if its BOTH kids it would be further proof his DNA is fucked. So no matter if it was Skye or Lainey the kids would have giant heads and some kind of disability.

I slapped this together to show the downfall. Onision in the midst of his technophilia sitting pretty within his million dollar mansion… to Onision struggling with pedophilia and squatting in his cuckshed.

No. 955041

At least he's grown some nice tits though.

No. 955050

The father's genes are more likely to pass autism than the mother's genes, so it's most likely his fault Cloey has autism

No. 955054

I wasn't even aiming for autism, but more the fact that with Lainey they seem to have the nasty habit of falling out of windows. There's no way Skye would make a mother that shitty.
That being said: I always suspected theres a reason Greg doesn't show his kids. He's a greedy narcissist, if his kids where winners i'm sure he would have gone the mormon youtuber route and cashed in on them. But he didn't. What you said about autism and bad genes might very well be the reason. Sure, he claims he doesn't want to show them, but its not that he gives a shit, or that he isn't a greedy fuck.
That downfall image speaks volumes and look at his still trying to sport the Austin Jones fuckboipedo look. In 2025.
Thats true, so Lainey truly is the man of the house now.

No. 955056

File: 1742855322718.png (536.39 KB, 748x780, Screenshot 2025-03-24 at 23-26…)

I don't know if this is the F2M equivalent of dilating, and that she had to air out her johnson?
Imagine the smell.

No. 955057

File: 1742855660406.png (8.01 MB, 2272x3072, 1ffjoqm6hgqe1-topaz-enhance-4x…)

And what the fuck is even going on with his politics thing on tiktak? What is this face? Why is he like this?

No. 955058

Footface always loved exposing herself to kids, besides the nudes she sent to 17 yo Sarah it was confirmed that she walked around naked in front Sarah and took baths in front of her when she was underage. There's also that time when she was wearing a loosely tied robe in a video and showed her nipple

No. 955059

File: 1742857231508.jpg (118.15 KB, 400x400, latest.jpg)

I've always found her to be nasty. I can't help it, its just this vibe she gives out. I wasn't at all surprised about the shit that came out about her, because I've always found her putrid. So the fact that she's a nasty bitch never came as a big shocker to me.

No. 955060

there's a tiktok on his new account where "as a parent of an autistic child" he rants about how people treat those kids as if there's something wrong with them. And that it's the responsibility of neurotypical people to understand that they're just different. He is full of righteous indignation there.

Don't forget that Greg is very woke. Before Taylor forbade him from talking about her publicly, he was loud and proud about his trans husband. He considers himself progressive and well-informed. And he relates to marginalized groups because in his mind he's been rejected and mistreated by the cruel society for no reason, just like them.

So I don't think he doesn't show his kids because he's ashamed of them. I think it could actually be out of conviction. He tends to have a very black and white view of what is right and what is wrong. And it's one of those things he decided is wrong and anybody who's doing it is a horrible horrible evil person. Now he gets a feeling of superiority over those who "exploit their kids for views and likes".

I do believe he may also be protective of them. In his view of the world people are vicious, ignorant and cruel. Just like they attack innocent Greg who has never done anything wrong, they could come after his innocent kids. Negative comments cut him deep. And while he has no genuine empathy, he likely sees them as an extension of himself, and that's as close to love as you can get with a narc like him.

All of that said, to me that's one (possibly the only) commendable decision Greg has made, regardless of his reasons for it.

No. 955061

…and he was making greasy sex tweets while his daughter (whom he never talks to because "she can't talk anyway") was fighting for her life after falling out of the second story window on the concrete due to his and lainey's negligence.
oh yeah, we can all clearly see how protective he is of his kids, and how much he loves them. like when he wanted to shitcan them to leave with billie.
thats true love right there, hm-hm.

No. 955064

So you read my wall of text and your takeaway is I said that Greg is a loving father who is protective of his children and would never hurt them? I don't think you understood my point at all.

Let me try again. I think Greg is a narcissist, incapable of genuine empathy or compassion. And of course incapable of real love. But he probably doesn't even know it. People with severe personality disorders often think they love others intensely. He has his own distorted version of "love". He may be severely neglectful and abusive to his children (which I think he is) but still believe he is a great father who takes care of his kids.
And not showing his children on the internet helps him maintain this view of himself.

All I'm saying is I don't think he is embarrassed by his daughter's autism.

No. 955066

aren’t both the kids autistic? it certainly sounded like the son was with all of his meltdowns

No. 955070

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>our kids
>our children
I assumed he meant both his daughter and son have autism. Greg said Cloey was "fully autistic" so that's verified. And as violent as Troy seems with all the stories of him throwing Cloey off furniture, terrorizing the dogs and hitting Greg the boy has to have some kind of issue.

No. 955074

Wasn’t he the one who refused to speak to his non verbal daughter because she couldn’t speak back?

No. 955087

>wide ass thumb
She has a horrible case of scrote hands and fingers. Gross.

No. 955090

>Greg said Cloey was "fully autistic"
She's also cripple now thanks to his and Lainey's negligence.

No. 955092

Remember when Sarah said he refused to swim in he same pool as disabled people? That's rich coming from him lol. I honestly think he doesn't give a single shit about his kids and he probably hates them because they have a disability, he made this video just to pretend he's a good father. A good father wouldn't have sex in front of his kids, let his son's teeth rot away, make sexual tweets while his daughter is in the hospital with a cracked skull, etc, but keep pretending, Greasestain

No. 955094

I don't know why people think it's genetic. Him and Lainey are horrible, neglectful, physically abusive and give their kids head injuries. Their kids probably came out normal and were made retarded through continued abuse and neglect. Their son will probably grow up to be a rapist.

No. 955095

They're neglectful shitty parents but that doesn't change the fact their genetics suck too, specially Grease's. He looks like a caveman and has a huge head compared to his tiny shoulders, even crazy Tami's doctor told her she should get an abortion when he saw the ultrasound. It's very possible he passed some genetic anomaly to his kids, when Footface did a pregnancy story video she said Troy had some anomalies detected in ultrasounds, and she had a severe tear during his birth which suggests he was born with a big head too

No. 955096

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I think its a little from column A and a little from column B. Both kids are screwed because of the genetics of their father and the upbringing they're getting from both parents.
Mark my words in a decade or two one of those kids are going to be in the news for something notorious.

No. 955097

Lets not forget his mother crazy Tami's doctor strongly adviced her to abort Greg. Doctors don't just say that willy nilly.
I don't even understand why its a debate, we all know Greg would exploit the fuck out of his kids if he knew it would get him on top again. Do you honestly think, the way shit is now for him, that he wouldn't if he knew for a fact it would make him super famous and rich again?
There's a reason for him not showing the shallots and yeah, I think its because they're all fucked up and retarded, and because they're god awful parents and that they would end up like Ruby Franke, father of five, and the Turpins.

No. 955112

>A good father wouldn't have sex in front of his kids etc etc
you don't say! Who here has ever said he's a good father? You're shadowboxing, dum-dum

>we all know Greg would exploit the fuck out of his kids if he knew it would get him on top again. Do you honestly think, the way shit is now for him, that he wouldn't if he knew for a fact it would make him super famous and rich again?
so help me understand, you believe that if his kids were normal and cute, he could use them to turn his life around?
The most adorable immaculate genius wonder children couldn't help him now

No. 955118

I think he's saying "our children" because he's speaking on behalf of parents of autistic children.
the caption on the video is "PSA from parent of autistic kid".

There could be many other reasons for his son's meltdowns. Like growing up in a dysfunctional household

No. 955119

>so help me understand, you believe that if his kids were normal and cute, he could use them to turn his life around?
>The most adorable immaculate genius wonder children couldn't help him now
Its all in theory and yes I believe that if he knew for a fact that Lainey, him and the kids could revive their career as family vloggers and be rich again, they definitely would.
I also theorize that the reason they never put their kids on camera is because they're all fucked, and bad parents, and they knew that some viewers would call CPS on them. Their daughter didn't just fall out of a window like that, its bad parenting and neglect and they know it.
Greg claiming that he's "protecting" his kids and thus not showing them is laughable, and a boldface lie.
And so he's already trying to grift on the autism of his kids for sympathy. See what I mean?

No. 955124

I see what you're saying, but fucked up families can be really fun for people to watch too. Remember Honey Booboo?
To be honest if he started posting vlogs with his Frankenhusband and the shallots now, I'd probably watch against my better judgement.

>And so he's already trying to grift on the autism of his kids for sympathy. See what I mean?

Right, but by that logic couldn't he grift on his autistic kids just as well? Just like he used to posture as a trans ally, he could posture as an autism awareness activist. Now would be a particularly opportune moment for that with Telepathy Tapes recently coming out

No. 955130

Anon, why'd you delete? I was just about to say your theories make a lot of sense

No. 955131

Keeping their kids off their channels makes it easier to dismiss the validity of CPS complaints. How can anyone claim something is wrong with the kids when no one has seen them? Also provides a human shield for Greg to claim people are trying to hurt his family while he’s doing everything he can to keep them from the public eye and his “haters” just want to bring him down at any cost.

Another reason they didn’t cash in on a family channel is that it significantly ages them. They can’t market themselves and young adults just barely out of their teenage fan bases reach. It would make them full on adults with real significant responsibilities, such as raising a family, although very loosely with these morons. Lainey would label her couple videos as boyfriend/girlfriend to see younger and in the more dating age rather than something more mature like husband/wife. She also regularly dressed like a teenage boy and sometimes referred to herself as that in attempt to appear younger.

Perhaps not always for sinister reasons of trying to bring in young fans, but likely for vanity too. They don’t like the idea they are getting older and are no longer part of the young and cool crowd with all these possibilities ahead. Their lives have peaked, and what an unfortunate peak it was.

No. 955132

I was dumb and replied to the wrong person, so I deleted and wrote it separate.

No. 955134

You raise some good points, one thing is for damn sure is that he doesn't not put them on camera to "protect them". Thats just ludicrous, if they truly wanted to protect their kids they wouldn't pull half the shit they pulled. Like what parent gets Chris Hansen at their door over shenanigans they pulled? Right, pedo parents do.
>Another reason they didn’t cash in on a family channel is that it significantly ages them. They can’t market themselves and young adults just barely out of their teenage fan bases reach.
Thats also a really good point. Plus they'd be afraid their kids would take the limelight (Greg especially), for instance with Ruby Franke 8 passengers their son Chad became somewhat of a hearthrob for teenage girls (girls around his age). Greg would definitely not be having any of that.
"Stop cockblocking me throt, waaahhhhhhh"
You people raise very valid points.

No. 955143

>They can’t market themselves as young adults just barely out of their teenage fan bases reach.
I didn't think they were sufficiently intelligent or self-aware to knowingly market themselves that way, thought that was something they were doing unconsciously, but you might be right. The "boyfriend/girlfriend" in video titles seems especially deliberate. I remember there would even be comments about it on youtube, like "why are you calling him your boyfriend if you're married?"

>one thing is for damn sure is that he doesn't not put them on camera to "protect them"
I still believe that could be one of the reasons, even if it's not the main one. Even really shitty parents usually do some things for their children.

>You people raise very valid points.

that was a pretty wholesome little debate, wasn't it?

No. 955147

this is more low effort. it's okay, i still love you.

No. 955148

I am probably giving them too much credit, and it has more to do with Lainey wishing she was one of those young, fun YouTube couples instead of being a mom of two and legally bound to a man whose greatest accomplishment is chanting in a banana costume. She couldn’t plan a video without her subscribers help - I guess it’s doubtful she could put that much deliberate thought and practice into catching more girls. It’s far more likely she was trying to recapture the youth she threw away.

No. 955154

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I agree with these people. Cloey doesn't have autism. Her being nonverbal BEFORE the fall out the window was because of shitty parenting. And now that she has physical and mental complications because of the traumatic head injury, Onision is trying to retcon that she had autism all along. The only proof we have is Onision saying "she's fully autistic." If she had legitimately been identified with autism Greg would have used the word "diagnosed" and made sure we knew a doctor or professional had evaluated and identified this disorder. Look at how he hyped up Lainey being depressed in the court filings
>A licensed therapist in Puyallup, WA. has diagnosed Lucas Jackson with PTSD.
>Lucas Jackson's documented loss of enjoyment of life is attributed to those experiences as recorded by his therapist.

Saying Cloey had autism from birth relieves them of any fault. Greg has even said that her autism was the cause of the fall because autistic kids have a penchant for climbing and pushing on window screens. But if her disability is because she cracked her skull on a concrete driveway then Greg and Lainey are shitty parents who couldn't properly supervise their child and failed to put up safeguards to prevent this injury.

No. 955169

If she really is autistic that makes them look even worse cause they left an autistic 2 year old alone in a second floor room with easy access to a window

No. 955171

Every kid with autism now wants to jump out of a window. Truth is they lied about the fall and actually hit her in the head. "Lucas" has emotional problems, It manifested itself as child abuse. No one ever questioned why "Lucas" left the internet? My theory is that there IS video and Onision is using as blackmail to keep her in check and do his bidding. Never forget Greg is a manipulator.(sage your shit)

No. 955172

"to prove "I" did NOTHING wrong"

No. 955173

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Why is he now doing his Nick Fuentes political cosplay naked in a bathtub?

No. 955181

He absolutely would try and come off as lowly and struggling after doxxing himself. I know it's a repeated thought here, but it's crazy to see just how far he's fallen. He really had everything he could personally want (except the successful harem) and now he's banished to his shedroom hoping he doesn't face jailtime.

I'm not holding my breath for him or Lainey to face real, non-money related consequences, but it would be nice.

No. 955184

In 20-30 years, we’ll hear of trot Chris-Chan’ing footface while Greg shits himself and does nothing.

No. 955228

Footface breastfed him until he was like 7 and he watched her get fucked from behind by his father, he's definitely gonna grow up with some issues related to his mother to say the least

No. 955252

Naked on a platform aimed at 9 year old kids. Our boy isn't even pretending to not be a pedophile anymore.

No. 955273

i've never seen a man look so red yet pale at the same time

No. 955286


fitting on so many levels.

No. 955328

Correct me if I’m wrong, as so much time as passed. Wasn’t it confirmed that they were having sex with Sarah and had Troy just play on an iPad in the same room? Fucking disgusting.(sage your shit)

No. 955350

Those are two different incidents, they were having sex with Sarah while Cloey was sleeping in the SAME BED which makes it even worse. The incident with Troy happened before that, when Grease was fucking just Footface from behind while Troy was in the same room playing with his iPad then Sarah walked into the room and saw it

No. 955357

Why has CPS never taken their kids? I seen CPS step in with IP2 mothers for far less.

No. 955428

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He's peddling candy bars on TikTok.
>and I was like wait a minute i could sell stuff on tiktok
>if the link at the bottom is the best price you can get you need to get it
>I like them, my spouse likes them, my son likes them
I found it weird when he mentions his family enjoying them he says nothing about his daughter. Tinfoil time but I wonder if they ended up putting her in a long term care facility. I can see the problem they would have caring for her full time. Lainey is busy pretending to be a teenage boy, scouring whatever apps are popular with high school girls so she can invite one over to live with them. And Greg's time it taken up with TikTok political talk and dropshipping crap to his few remaining fans. Some type of out-of-home placement that can give her 24/7 care is probably for the best. We don't need her falling out of another window.

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