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No. 1463081
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So recently a former tumblr fujoshi working at DC comics wrote an actual mpreg story with the Joker, I'm not making this up
Why do fujos need to turn male characters into basically biologically women but still insist on them being nominally male
No. 1463085
>>1463067Stop pretending this isn't about our rejecting your heteronormative beggar-wife tedium and definitions of masculinity op.
I hate trannies precisely because they reinforcement gender roles. You can bitch about trannies all day it doesn't change the fCy I see trough your desperate need to preserve classic masculinity that serves you.
Sorry you can't just have everything the way you want. Get over it.
No. 1463092
>>1463078Its usually tedious hetero normative garbage, reinforcing shitty male partner behavior and cliches.
I'm actually a yume too? But I think most out there is written for braindead pickme who are told what to like.
I don't even believe you truly like it, you just do it for your hubby's approval.
No. 1463097
>>1463091>>1463088>>1463081>>1463091You're all just reaching for garbage examples because you're infuriated we hate the masculine cliches, the male gaze,etc.
It's all you know how to like because you were told to
Go back to your desperate heteronormative cages you don't know how to escape from. We know you cry yourself to sleep at night over it.
No. 1463134
>>1463097>>1463085>>1463092Are the only argument you have about da evull "heteronormative" "pickmes" and how obviously every anon is in a comitted relationship they don't like with a shitty scrote, just because they don't like your gay fiction? God, anon you write and act like such an obnoxious dumbass
Can fujos please be banned from the cringe threads? They don't even debate or anything they just sperg out in threads to defend themselves. You don't see any other threads having twitterfags or redittors chiming in and constantly derailing threads
No. 1463225
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see when 99% of straight women see an attractive young man, they just find that man attractive and lesbians wouldn't think much of him, but fujoshis instantly imagine that young man being raped by older men cause they suffer from brain rot, recently Harry Collett(an actor from GoT) had a photo shoot for a fashion magizine and regular women just talked about how attractive he was, while fujoshis just posted about how they want to see him get fucked by cregan stark(an older male acquittance of the character he plays) and I think that's a great illustration of the literal cuckoldry aspect of fujoism
No. 1463273
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>>1463254>>1463265mentioned in the previous thread, the 3rd most popular HoTD ship on A03 is "lucemond", using the likeness of a real life 14 year old to draw pornographic fan art of him and his 25 year old castmate and they see nothing wrong with this and this
No. 1463311
>>1463273>googles lucerys to see what he looks like>pictures of a child shows up wtf. at least when you ship child characters from a manga or cartoon its a drawing voiced usually by an adult but when it comes to live action media it makes me so uncomfortable. Why would you look at a character played by a child actor and then feel any kind of desire to ship them with anyone specially an adult? You are watching a child actor and adult actor interact how can anyone get any shipping feels from that.
Devil's advocate maybe this art is based on the books and has no connections to the series
but it still makes me uncomfortable seeing art of an adult kissing a child No. 1463357
>>1463311>>1463273>>1463225This isn't new, we discussed this in the previous thread but BL is not actually Boys Love, the first yaoi mangas were about young boys paired with older males, the young boys are essentially pseudo-females, they are drawn with feminine features, they get treated as women in the story and sometimes they have the ability to give birth, Japan is a very misognystic and pedophilic nation so it shouldn't be surprising that something like this originated over there, but fujos in the west whose brains have been rotted from contentious exposure to pornography perception of the world itself is "warper"
>>1463341many of the characters from BL from the 80's-90's were modeled after real then life child actors, such as Edward Furlong, Bjonn Anderson and River Phoniex, all in stories that involved child sexual abuse
No. 1463396
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>>1463335>the shipping only started after the HoTD aired, the likeness used is purely based on the actorI hate pedos so much
No. 1463738
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Ex fujo/ex femcel talks about how she stopped being a fujo once she got in a relationship.
No. 1463749
>>1463738Lol I made this post. My life is less busy now and I have enough spare cash to buy manga, so I got back into BL. There were some bl web manga that I never stopped reading because they were easily accessible. I post regularly in the /m/ fujo thread now.
Anyway it's kinda pathetic that you're digging up a 2 year old post for your silly little hate thread. Also I was never a femcel, don't be mean pls.
No. 1463799
Paki-chan post compilation
From the fujoshi threads:
>>1146823 (hand pic),
>>1147070 (more hand pics),
>>1463738Other threads:
>>1307867 (not og post, a screenshot),
>>1240105 (Varg simping),
>>1165902 (more Varg simping, screenshot),
>>1166014 (says that romanianon was impersonating her),
>>1163053 (accuses romanianon again),
>>1163091 (tries to befriend romanianon),
>>1163117 (backtracks/says she never accused romanianon),
>>>/m/206387 (grandmother pic), >>>/m/175928,
>>>/snow/1658107 No. 1463806
>>1463799>tries to befriend romanianonWow, wholesome somehow kek.
Maybe there should be a general milk thread for posts like these.
No. 1463808
>>1463749Good for you nona, reading that you let go of your hobbies because of a relationship was kind of sad but I'm glad you're fine. Anon's use of the word femcel tells you all you need to know. What was the point of the post anyway? To tell people that all fujos are loveless ugly women again (moid thinking)?
>>1463799I'm sorry the hand pic shit is still so funny to me, like who the fuck takes the time to post hands on an anonymous imageboard infight and also post her brother's hands like… get a hobby
No. 1463819
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>>1463760>>1463763I do know what you two are(probably muhajirs and urdu speakers) but I am a Jatt, whatever happens and whatever I encounter I speak my mind simply and bluntly, it is my nature, when I go to spaces filled with people I dislike and consider disgusting then I speak my mind and make my dislike for them clear, In the fandom spaces I see people that I find disgusting and so I make my dislike for them clear and yes I shitpost every now and then, so does everyone else here
as for the "borderline cp" it was one picture I found when I remembered a case of how incredibly close mother/son relations are in South Asia and tried to how fucked up it is here, the picture was a son painting on his mother's body which is the type of shit that could find in South Asia
>>1463808people kept accusing me of being male so I posted my hand as proof and when people still didn't believe me, I used my younger brother's hand as comparison
alright I'm not really in the mood to answer more of your clams, I might be gone for a few hours or maybe some days, so I can't really respond but best of luck to you all
>>1463799again I do not have to time to respond to all your claims but fuck you for calling my grandmother a "shotacon" like what the hell is wrong with you, she was a poor woman with nothing and who lost her husband and my grandfather married out of obligation you Idiot
No. 1463852
>>1463819Kek I didn't say you're male, just that you're too autistic and that you have so much internalized misogyny from living and simping for shit men that you start thinking like a moid (such as, woman does something I don't like, woman has to be ugly, stupid, unloved and a failure or woman touches real dick = woman gets "cured").
Also no one gives a shit about your little brother, your grandma or your grandpa or where the fuck you live, consider not bringing them into literally every conversation.
No. 1463887
>>1463522Obviously the latter is worse since we cant escape from it. I used to cosplay at cons back in the mid 2000s and only did men from games I liked playing. It was definitely weird when girls obviously under 18 would scream happily and ask you to kiss their favorite male character (lots of women cosplayed men before troon shit happened and enbys.) but i usually just told them no thank you and walked away.
Now we cant escape troon shit even outside anime cons.
No. 1463913
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No. 1463918
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MHA fujos are crazy
No. 1463938
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>>1463928You'll probably regret asking but some of them give them a cloaca and a uterus, picrel. (I love how the "omega female" reproductive system is just the normal female reproductive system, kek) So according to this they would give birth out of their ass.
No. 1463943
>>1463938You're right, I regret asking. Aside from being gross it seems extremely misogynistic. So if you can give birth you're an "omega"? Fuck that.
>>1463941Is it super popular though?
No. 1463951
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>>1463938I know the other half of this isn't relevant for mpreg but I'm posting it anyway for nightmare fuel.
No. 1464068
>>1463947It's not THAT popular. Fujos I know tend to dislike it or think it's weird, especially the m-preg part and all that comes from it (like birthing from the ass). It surely became popular now because aidens think that the fake pregnant males are totally like real twans men, so now there's a bunch of fiction written by aidens.
One thing that seems to be popular among japanese fujos that I didn't know are "cuntboys" which are basically males with vaginas. That seems to be separate from tranny shit though, it's kinda like a male version of futanari I guess.
>>1463953I think the female alpha in the chart has a clitoris that comes out and acts as a penis, so it's pretty similar to a futa.
No. 1464092
>>1464085>>1464082Anon, being weaker physically doesn't make us
biologically inferior, women have our own assets and we are biologically viable in our terms, we cannot be compared to men like that, is just ridiculous. You're just self-hating
No. 1464116
>>1464070>>Biologically inferiorLike how we live longer than moids, have better immune systems, have multiple orgasms and can give birth to new life?
>>1464114You mean men are larger and stronger, that doesn't mean they're superior just more unga bunga and dangerous.
No. 1464133
>>1464126but it is, i dont mean shit like giving birth makes you inferior. I am gonna stop because trying to discuss anything in this board is like talking to a brick wall, but i will just reiterate the case of Sally Mcneil, the people saw a woman on steroids and stopped seeing her as a biological woman, thus being capable of defending herself against her roided up
abusive scrote without shooting him. She ended up in prison for murder, despite being obvious self defense. Her lawyers even forced her to stop lifting and wearing shoulder pads because it made her look too ''manly''.
No. 1464146
>>1464145Why do i even bother? for idiots like you we have trannies in sports and bathrooms and women going to jail despite just shooting their
abusive moids in self defense. But ofc i am moid or aiden for defending women's rights. I bet you think paying half and half and earning the same salary makes you equal to a moid and patriatchy is dead, kek
No. 1464181
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>>1464069>>1464065first off, female hyenas don't penetrate the males(I don't know where your getting that form) and secondly I don't understand your logic, If you have one sex that is on average physically larger then the second sex and has the capability to sexually penetrate then that's just regular patriarchy with switched pronouns, its like when fujoshis brag about how "mpreg is based cause it inflects the fears and pains of pregnancy on men" but men will never be pregnant so its just a female character suffering
No. 1464183
>>1464179Samefag, the anon I replied to deleted their comment so I'll paste it here:
You can still like BL shit as a lesbian or bi woman. Why are you even arguing this? The ones who troon out are US Centric anyway. I hate 3d men so much and find them repulsive. Only weak ass women troon out anyway because they hate themselves.
No. 1464185
>>1463819> it was one picture I found when I remembered a case of how incredibly close mother/son relations are in South Asia and tried to how fucked up it is here, the picture was a son painting on his mother's body which is the type of shit that could find in South Asia Why are you being VAGUE, it was a picture of a topless mother with her son drawing on her boobs. You purposefully try to make yourself look vague to absolve yourself of the things you post.
Lying rat.
No. 1464207
>>1464201Fuck I didn't know it was that bad . Guess the punjs still are on that white colonial dicks. Fellow paki chan you do realize why our men were blocked from Turkey right? Because they were abusing fellow Muslim women there. Paki men deserve the
rope do not forget the femicide month .
No. 1464227
>>1464185>Why are you being VAGUE, it was a picture of a topless mother with her son drawing on her boobsthat is literally what I said you moron
>the picture was a son painting on his mother's body which is the type of shit that could find in South Asia >>1464201>the picture was a son painting on his mother's body which is the type of shit that could find in South Asia I do not like when people lie about me, I can't stand it really, I made one shitpost about liking varg and you haven't gotten off back for it
>>1464207>Paki men deserve the rope do not forget the femicide month .absolutely, I agree with you on that
No. 1464231
>>1464201Can you idiots stop derailing this thread to talk about pakichan
>>1464227And can you stop derailing this thread to talk about yourself
No. 1464240
>>1464232I love how every time paki chan spams this thread to call weeb women (husbandofags too for some reason) degenerate and ugly and every time she ends up being a lot worse
>>1464234She's the one coming here to post petty shit and derail about herself or her family though. Also I think there's a baiter.
No. 1464273
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The pakichan psyop was created by fujos to deflect all accusations of cringe
No. 1464394
>>1464304when has she ever posted on topic? she derails every thread she's in.
and regardless, announcing yourself is against the rules and she does it every damn time
No. 1464585
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>>1464184bahn punjabi nahi hu, kashmiri jatt
and are a muhajir I'm assuming ? either way I pictured I just googled and really should have put a spoiler over, it was to emphasize how fucked up mom/son bonds can be in South Asia, but the future FTMs will forever hold it against me and use it as a crutch while they pleasure themselves over child rape fiction
>>1464273I am the chudail for them, I see myself mentioned so many times and other users being accused of being me, so much that I have a laugh
No. 1465218
>>1465196I'm also pretty confused how one can tell
>>1463738 is supposed to be Paki-chan.
No. 1465245
>>1465196Yeah, they say everyone is paki chan, and we do have multiple posters from pakistan (I've replied to one and she explained she is not paki chan and does not like paki chan). Only really know it's paki chan when it's about military might while mentioning the pakistan region, region specific language/information being used in other discussions, or specifically talking about the pedo aspects of yaoi, not just posting about fujo cringe and thinking it's dumb to hate female characters because you only watch anime/read manga. It's a crutch when it's not obvious. Like the green text post mentioned here
>>1463738 they just say is paki chan when it's pretty obviously not/does not have enough proof for the claim. It's done as away to pretend multiple posters are not laughing at them or think they are dumb, like anons often do when infighting and pretending every disagreeing poster is the same person.
No. 1465314
>>1465245True. While Paki-chan is often an obvious poster, fujos here also like to accuse everyone else of being her or of being moids as a cope.
>>1465246The great thing about the real spotted hyenas is that the female's gentitals makes mating difficult. The male must be 110% sure that the female wants him or it won't work. That and the males are low status and bullied. Female hyenas have it pretty damn good aside from giving birth which is hard fro them the first time.
No. 1465554
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Why do fujos (and to no one's surprise the OP is an aiden) always have to make everything about themselves and their coom? Netflix isn't cancelling all their "LGBT" shows, only the lesbian ones while they renew all the ones about gay men so it's funny to go on about how Asia has thriving BL when live action GL shows are nowhere near comparable.
No. 1465563
>>1465218that's not me
>>1465196I guess you could say u have an accent speaking, I speak 4 languages so I'm sure you can understand how that sorta happnss
>>1465517>>1465518again you are literally just recreating the patriarchy just with changed pronouns, for the love of god please just reading porn, esplically porn that just has men function as women in all but name
No. 1465572
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>>1464065>>1464096>>1465246Your conception about Hyenas contain a lot misconceptions which was based on factoid meme science
Firstly, female hyenas are not significantly bigger or stronger than males. They'll often be heavier because of their better access to food, but it isn't an inherent thing. They as a species have almost no sexual dimorphism at all, seen
>>1464181Second, adult male hyenas(especially fathers and sons) can hold high rank within a clan. they only lose that status if they choose to migrate to a new clan, if they stay they'll retain their birth rank.
Third, recent research has shown that the rigid hierarchy of hyena societies is based entirely around networking and social support; the hyena with the most close friends and siblings within a clan will lead it. Whether a hyena is dominant or submissive in an interaction with another hyena is entirely based on which one would gain more support from the clan in a fight. This is why cubs inherit rank, because they have their mother and their mother's allies to back them up.
One of the biggest differences between hyenas and wolves mentally is wolves deliberately keep their pack numbers small(think of a small nuclear family) while hyena clans will extend to aunts, uncles, cousins and all their offspring. This allows the formation of cliques and webs of alliances and rivalries within a 100-member hyena clan, and allows each hyena to understand the whole web and their place within it, and which side each other hyena would take in any given internal conflict.
very little sexual dimorphism: support and alliances determine hierarchy: third-party relationships: No. 1465906
>>1465812Honestly Naruto was so badly written especially anything involving romance, but nearly every end game couple barely made sense because none of them were mutual or fleshed out. Like Sakura's obsession with Sasuke was always one sided just like Hinata's obsession with Naruto was one sided. All the Naruto couples sucked idg how it became a shipper shitfest near the end of it's series though it was glorious seeing the autistic rage. Some people took it so seriously that if you liked Sakura at all you were considered a supporter for an ABUSER by NaruHina shippers. I remember somebody got canceled for calling SasuSaku an
abusive relationship because Sasuke is a traumatized minor who bears the weight of something Sakura wouldn't understand so it's not
abusive kek.
No. 1465913
>>1463947I had a friend who was a ghostwriter for kindle erotica who specialized in M/M stuff, being a gay dude and all. His publisher (straight guy) asked him about writing mpreg and was surprised when my friend was grossed out. Cited the profits and then remembered the majority of their market were women.
ABO shit has really picked up and added an extra catalyst to M/M stuff: the O is always something the reader can project upon, either an mpreg man or an actual woman.
I don't think it's popular in terms of numbers of readers, but it's popular in that the addicts keep buying it.
>>1463962You'd think, but the stuff self-hating misogynists come up with can fall into that category, too.
No. 1466622
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from the bad short comics thread(this is what porn addiction does to young, stupid western women)
No. 1466638
>>1466633>>1466636this is not me morons, someone in the fakeboi thread is using what I say(but wrongly and like a copypasta) and as some sorta joke
also where are getting that daughters to son things from, where are you getting that from
No. 1466678
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>>1466670You know my country's economy is near collapse right(a kg of rice alone is now something 400 rps), I was lying to my parents to send me to America and the price of tickets is thrice what it was, I don't know if things will get better(they probably won't) My nations leaders are basically the Chinese and Saudis for loans I'm honestly thinking of killing myself If I can't leave
I'm not gonna spend my life in this awful nation were pedophile worship is the state religion
No. 1466739
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>>1466698>>1466706>>1466717I'm assuming you are from the upper class family, my family just got wealthy due to dumb luck 8 years ago, and I don't wanna marry ugly muhajir or one of my cousins and I'm willing to work and I have worked since I was a kid
>>1466731its a pirated windows and PC, it works fine for me, I can watch pirated movies and shows and talk to people online
>>1466683do you actually think my parents will allow me to work ?
No. 1466747
>>1466742I'm talking about housework(cleaning, cooking and homemaking)
>>1466744not poor, just above middle class, we are better off then a lot of my other family members on my dad's side who are literally famers or low rank soldiers and as stated my parents would never allow me to work in the first place
No. 1466756
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>>1466747Guess daddy's money has also fucked you're sense of how the world works . I agree with pakichan that you sound like a burger who got rich off her fathers fucking other people over . You do realize that the northern people are huge fans of honour? Do you think they'll allow paki chan to work as a housemaid (She can work as tutor but considering how backward the North is that's not happening they literally killed a volunteer doctor because she was a woman) . Paki woman aren't only fucked over by the nation but also family. B Women who can live independently are mostly from the higher upper class . Your retardness makes me laugh .
No. 1466762
>>1466754>>1466748I'm not a NEET, I'm basically a full time houseworker for my own family, since my mom got sick and my dad's occupation is like a 4 hour drive just to get to work, I have to work take care of my younger brother, drive him to school and be his tutor, that's why my parents have given me some leeway
>>1466756Thank you but we aren't that backwards, again its just not even one generation my family made an upper class decent standard of living and my dad's really trying to get the rest of his family wealthy as well,
also I don't live in the north, I live in Sindhi small city(less then 500'000 people) near the Baluchistan border so my dad can have easier to go work
No. 1466770
>>1466665Shut the fuck up. All you fujos do is come in this thread and whine about how you're the
victim. You're part of the reason why it exists
No. 1466773
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>>1466764>>1466766Its not him I have to convince, its his mother and older sister that have the final say as the eldest members, my grandmother is so backwards she refuses to even use Urdu, she's an old woman set in her ways, so that's not gonna happen
>Your household work will end one day and your family would probably try to marry you off best to secure yourself independently but I'm glad to hear that your family is a bit more openI am aware of that, that's why plan to escape beforehand, I still have a couple years and so I know I'll find some way or the other to escape
No. 1466840
>>1466805how about a general asian
nonnie thread?
No. 1466848
>>1466840Made one noonie! I accidentally put it on pt (sorry for that)
It's on ot under desi general
No. 1466883
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>>1466872There weren't hyenas in the last thread, they're amazingly complex creatures.
No. 1466909
>>1466835I never knew how postal fujos could get once there's a thread on them. Is this site just ~90% fujo?
>>1466903Kek I've noticed this too. I have no idea who this person is but they always use her as some kind of insult. It seems she's just someone who doesn't like fujos? In that case, what's the issue exactly…? lmao
No. 1466924
>>1466909Fujos have a terminal need to come in these threads and shit it up because they feel like they have to fight for their honor or otherwise deflect onto some other group because "not all fujos!" and "WE'RE not the cringe ones, it's actually [yumes/hetshippers/anti-shippers]." See
>>1466665 . Derailing to pakichan like
>>1466633 and
>>1466636 often by accusing someone of being her when they posts something like this
>>1466622 which is on topic whether they are or aren't pakichan probably feels to them like they've made some weird "fujo victory" or something.
No. 1466928
>>1466909>Is this site just ~90% fujo?No way, many of them are just very immature and aggressive which means they think they have to fight non-fujos and "defend" themselves itt.
>>1466883They really are, and the one you posted is so cute.
No. 1467225
So in conclusion, this is just a containment thread for Paki-chan to blog her schizo rants about living in a 3rd country while moids and homophobe-chans join her on the therapist couch to cry about the porn-addicted coomertranny fujos living inside their heads? And these people are trying to convince everyone of how insufferable fujos are?
>>1466903Because it literally is Paki-chan, every time. She even ends up outing herself immediately because she can't help sperging about her life. This is the mentally ill woman who posted pictures of her family and her little brother just to get more attention.
No. 1467237
>>1467225>you're either pakichan, a moid or a homophobe if you dislike fujos!!!1yawn. anyway, it should be banned to talk about pakichan or accuse people of being her in these threads. here's the thread where you can talk about her
>>1466841 now quit seething and run along fujo.
No. 1467295
>>1465755>Are there examples of FxF/MxF shippers being overly autistic about it as well?Most of the ‘hall of anal devastation’ is MxF shippers freaking out over their ships not being canon. real example I can think of for FxF shippers is some Japanese love live fans having an autism meltdown because they were doing a collab with a male group.
No. 1467358
>>1467225Like another anon said, it literally doesn't matter if an anon posting fujo cringe is paki-chan
Even though it's not all paki-chan regardless of what you want to believe if the post is on topic. The accusing every anon of being paki-chan and picking infights with her is literally just purposeful derailing and deflecting.
No. 1468056
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kpop fujos are on a different level
No. 1468079
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No. 1468088
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>>1468084Here's another one
No. 1468110
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>>1468056>baby>cow>cockWhat sort of mental illness makes you combine all these things together?
No. 1468947
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>>1468056>>1468079>>1468088KEKK these are so good. Made the memory of things like picrel resurface
No. 1470465
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TIMs might be porn sick but theres also alot of women out there that are absolutely boys love sick. Your life will never be a shounen ai doujinshi
No. 1470545
>>1470465To be fair these girls just fall in love with a female fantasy of how gay men act. It's not real, that's the sad part. Those that don't get it troon out, those that do remain sane.
It's not just fujos but this whole trend of people that take any kind of media too seriously to the point of insanity and delusion. Look at kinnies for example, it's more of the same shit. People always went insane for made up stories I guess but it's a lot more noticeable online.
No. 1473641
File: 1673804446648.png (264.59 KB, 2338x992, FcLSOS.png)

Standard fujo reaction to an actor on stranger things having a girlfriends
No. 1480117
File: 1674513560390.png (346.78 KB, 508x508, FnHG47HagAIc2es.png)

>>1479996>Opens fujocoomer cringe thread>Waits until she sees people posting fujocoomer cringe>Gets mad because they're a fujoDo fujos really?
Has anyone noticed a shift in zoomers going from hating fujos to proudly calling themselves one now? I keep seeing "old man yaoi" memes and stuff like that, which I assume is done as half-joke, half-serious, but I think it's interesting. I can't tell if half of them are joking anymore or not because I end up still seeing posts of people criticizing fujos, yet it'll come from the same people who unironically say "pass the yaoi". And these people post almost strictly m/m ships.
No. 1480170
>>1480123Holy ESL anon, I don't think you understand at all.
>>1480164>>1480152And these fujos all just prove the point of my post. This thread is hardly actual fujocoomer cringe, and a majority of fujos getting defensive or pretending to not be fujos going "It's not that bad!" Either post cringe or gtfo if you're not going to provide actual commentary.
No. 1480275
File: 1674528482569.jpg (23.19 KB, 490x418, 95a12a92b348b2e5ebc0e351f53daa…)

mention f/m ship
>fujo constantly make passive agressive 'he's gay tho' type jokes
>fandom insist male character is gay and gets salty if you portray him in any other way
this is more specific but
>popular male character was captured and turned into a cyborg to fight protagonist by female antagonist in game I like
>fandom now sees this as a means to imply that the female antagonist made the male character gay like some shitty conversion therapy joke or that there's no way you can ship the male character and female antag because that's abusive even though male character has been shipped with worse male characters.
hate this shit so much
No. 1488022
File: 1675285297348.png (531.5 KB, 748x2028, twitterfujos.png)

Twitter fujos trying to suggest fujoshis are actually oppressed. Because disliking fujos now means you're a dumb westerner TERF, racist, homophobe, conservative, puritan, and anti-qweer now.
No. 1488036
File: 1675286001819.png (322.37 KB, 507x369, retards.png)

>>1488022Saying this as a fujo myself, these girls are delusional. They need to admit they're all just girls or women depending on their age, and that they're exactly what they criticize, women who like reading fiction about male/male romance. They're all the exact same type of fakebois too, which makes the transphobia accusation really funny.
No. 1488074
File: 1675287770354.png (70.45 KB, 733x443, 3ILDBOEfQTUcAAG1ag.png)

>>1488036I just think it's hilarious that they say these things, and when you click on their profile, it's two brothers having sex with each other. Just own up to your fetishes and call it a day. Dunk on OP by calling him stupid rather than trying to call him some
TERF and transphobe, because it makes them look stupid.
No. 1488085
>>1488074'terfs invading our spaces' you gotta be shitting me. pretty sure most old school fujos (the ones that dont troon out anyway) are terfs or
terf-leaning. BL was not created as a genre for gay people, look at its main audience demographics ffs.
also who the hell is 'finding their identity' through playing dramatical murder? be reasonable
No. 1488165
>>1488074I'm a
terf who enjoys BL and fanfiction. lmao what the fuck are they going on about? Just because I dont subscribe to the aiden daily? Tranny lovers are actually sick in the head.
No. 1488445
>>1470501Are you guys really this dense or forgetful? It's because they have internalized misogyny and a repressed sexuality. They don't feel like they could ever be equal to the man in a straight relationship so they'd like to be male just so they can avoid all that comes with being the "weaker sex", all those roles that are forced upon us. And it's nothing new either, for a lot of fujoshi that's the appeal of BL and has been so ever since the genre was born. They hate being a woman, or seeing a woman, always in a submissive position in a relationship with a man, just because she's female.
And also kinda this
>>1470545 They fail to realize that real gay men are nothing like yaoi boys and that straight men are not worth it. Moids rarely respect their own girlfriends or wives like they respect other males so it makes sense that some women, like these fujos and aidens, want to be respected by their male partners, and not treated as lesser.
No. 1488472
File: 1675338523704.jpg (117.8 KB, 850x940, 1675139891080.jpg)

>>1488445>>1488461that doesn't explain why fujos so often tend to "feminize" a male character to the point of being literally indistinguishable from a female character, like the mpreg trope goes back to the goddamn 80's and even excluding mpreg
No. 1488484
>>1488445youre argument falls apart the moment you look at yaoi and most of the ukes are small,fragile, get abused and treated just like a woman, are whores for their ''seme'' etc etc.
Youre whole ''its about the power imbalance'' goes out the window when its omegas being raped by their alphas.
No. 1488512
>>1488509ironically enough alot of fujos like to harass other fujos who read storys where the uke is strong,tall and muscular. They also cant help themselves from always commenting on those type of stories and saying bullshit like ''no he is the bottom ewww'' ''the top should become the bottom because he is small'' '''i hope its a switch''
Like im a fujo but i hate those biches and how entitled they are and harass artists to make all bottom characters look like women.
No. 1488534
>>1488022>>1488074>fujos going on about the evil terves Happy to be a
terf! And anti-kweer but pro-gay!
Why can't they just admit they have certain fetishes and stop pretending it's progressive of them to wank to gay men and incest and stop the misogyny (calling other women terfs)?
No. 1488535
File: 1675346110362.jpg (62.68 KB, 602x279, main-qimg-7f221e3cb51be54b01df…)

>>1488501>>1488527>>1488484counterpoint, Anime/Manga isn't supposed to look 100% realistic and your looking way too deep into this
No. 1488582
>>1488501Being threatened by women is it. Fujos are always fugly and growing up that way, resentful of pretty girls who get attention, leads to a sexual retardation where they substitute women with feminine men, to eliminate the female object of desire they not only can't relate to but outright loathe.
If you're a fujo don't feel too bad, just tired of the ones acting like they're sophisticated for their "tastes" as if we don't see them plainly.
No. 1488583
>>1488527Glad someone agrees. Fujoism is rooted in jealousy and misogyny, I've known fujo girls irl and they were usually ugly and quite jealous of even average looking women. I do understand that beauty standards make them feel bad but their hatred for any women in media isn't justifiable just because they're insecure.
>>1488582Liking what you like would be fine but fujos are super annoying when they let their misogyny show and start attacking women/female actresses and such.
No. 1488604
>>1488601It wouldn't have hurted her if this anons
>>1488582 post didn't have some truth to it, I guess. That post was
triggered fujochan like an actual beautiful woman in fiction
triggers them.
No. 1488618
>>1488613most porn for women isnt even porn for women and is still made for men, sorry i dont want to masturbate along with the man who is reading a pornwha of a busty alien-proportions chick getting jackhammered by a average looking dude.
Look at the comments on most porn manhwas and its fujos commenting on them because alot of fujos want to give those stories a chance and read straight stuff but the women are extremely objectified in those stories and there tits are the size of a planet and they always service the man.
Also funny how only women call each other for shit like this considering other men dont care or give a shit about other men fapping to lesbian porn.
No. 1488643
File: 1675353355696.jpg (299.76 KB, 900x587, 6-erotic-art-of-ancient-egypt-…)

YOU BITCHES JUST UGLY AND NEED A REAL DICK INSIDE OF YOU (preferably old because old men are wine and old women are rotten milk), YES I AM A LESBIAN.
No. 1488742
>>1488740Isn't /2X/ about feminist threads? Just because something
triggers you shouldn't mean it should be carried. Just hide the thread using thr tiny minus icon, anon.
No. 1488762
still not posting any fujo cringe.
No. 1488816
>>1488667Same, I wouldn't mind laughing at crazy tifs accusing everyone into bl of being a male fetishizer or at silly brain rot bl comments on manga sites but the weird moralizations and arm-chairing are off putting
>>1488675Honestly I'd be down to talk about that, but in my head I would always associate those "fujos" with fandoms like sasunaru shippers, hetalia, homestuck etc. and not necessarily with girls that just read BL that aren't doujins of their favourite anime pairings.
No. 1488850
File: 1675362658433.png (597.72 KB, 1194x1033, kpop fujo.png)

No. 1488883
>>1488850Kpop stans are on another fucking level. What is it about kpop that makes people write these things? Not to mention that they're not shipping characters, they're shipping real people.
Also yeah this is tranny shit too. "Multisex omegas" I hate a/b/o and I hate words like omega and alpha because of it kek.
No. 1488985
File: 1675369168780.png (141.74 KB, 742x566, 121435DKSkILP02OSaog.png)

Does anyone have any fujo cows they know? I know there are a couple who always come out with shitty takes on the "politics of being a fujo" like:
Also, genuinely unsurprised that almost all of them are Genshin fans and trans. Being a fujoshi runs through the fandom like a disease. Maybe it's from all the copy-paste anime boy of the month they release every week.
No. 1488994
File: 1675369420118.jpg (95.94 KB, 662x459, fujocringe.jpg)

>>1488985you forgot the oldest
No. 1489233
File: 1675388833026.png (31.44 KB, 802x213, 6915af83d92340befc35b6771d0260…)

honestly everyone in this thread is a cow though lol even op
No. 1489534
>>1489365>fujos pretending to be lesbians to make lesbians look badOh my god anon, can't believe a bunch of misogynistic homophobic straight women
gasp also hate lesbians! Whta the fuck.
No. 1489788
>>1489705I don't have it but you can ask fujo anons to recreate that picture, wouldn't be as different from the original.
>>1489733>if you don't think mocking lesbians is funny go back to twitterIronic when fujos and lesbophobes are usually twitterfags themselves.
No. 1489799
File: 1675455265191.png (66.44 KB, 750x457, dKOPOK1dD21125.png)

>>1489365There needs to be a study on why fujos come off as schizo all the time, acting as if everyone is out to get them. Just take a look through any of their accounts, if you say the word "fujoshi" once, they all start foaming at the mouth calling you a racist
No. 1489802
File: 1675455501546.png (626.01 KB, 726x601, 1dkP0sS4Iklg.png)

>>1489365>>1489799Samefag, but just realized I said the same thing in your second bullet point. But here's some cringe to make up for it, anon.
No. 1489871
>>1489851Because of the posts referenced here
>>1489365 sperging about lesbians and radfems because an anon said
>>1488613 , just look up (or trying to distract those too lazy to look kek?). Pretty shitty.
No. 1489883
>>1489811You just outed yourself as a straight-chan who's never been part of any lesbian community, cause lesbophobe as a term has been a fucking thing way before twitter and any of these websites. Anons' stand correct.
>>1489871>>1489365>>1489534I've been saying these idiots were low-key anti lesbian for YEARS and whenever i tried to point the weird shit they do and say out i would be attacked and called a homophobe despite being a gay woman myself. I feel so vindicated right now. I mean which kind of lesbian likes looking at anal sex that much instead of, idk just women? Come on. Even if you just use yaoi as a substitution for a lack of decent lesbian media at some point you move on to either actual lesbian media or actual women. Women who are so deeply into yaoi as adults are fucking weird, specially if they larp as gay.
No. 1489988
File: 1675470925917.png (99.27 KB, 1182x348, Captura de Pantalla 2023-02-03…)

>>1489799>>1489802Nona, you know the person who started that retarded drama is a FtM, right? While I think those spicy straights fujos are retarded it doesn't erase the fact that yet another fakeboi hypocritically called fujos fetishist. I'm just beyond tired of trannies in both sides hijacking every single fandom discussion.
No. 1490111
>>1489905This kek
This is why I never could get into Yaoi/etc, the moment they have sex is the moment I lose interest. Nothing hot about two moids fucking.
No. 1490233
File: 1675491578445.png (148.93 KB, 625x626, 9EA0759F-990E-43F8-9533-BF81FA…)

>>1490231Please stop, you all are so obvious it's embarassing. It's really weird how you fujos have to keep coming in this thread and baiting/larping just because you guys don't like when people point out cringe or think you're somehow immune to criticism. Fucking grow up.
No. 1490240
File: 1675492007918.jpeg (124.15 KB, 1000x1080, 976CB835-FDDD-4BB3-9FB9-1AB630…)

>>1490236You’re samefagging as well, and a nigelfag. Schizo.
No. 1490241
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>>1490238God you're so embarassing
No. 1490251
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No. 1490311
File: 1675500409976.jpeg (289.63 KB, 999x1499, FD6D16DD-65AA-43AA-B42C-8DC139…)

Let me set something straight for you anons of both sides who keep posting retarded takes itt. Fujoism is a tool, a gift, but most of all a great and terrible power. Fujoshi are capable of great good, but also great evil. Our blessing of m/m appreciation becomes warped when used in service of internalized misogyny and self-hatred (issues all women must grapple with in any sphere of life). But being a fujoshi is fundamentally a door to an all-female paradise, where we explore our desires and uplift each other's work. Fujos are pros at objectifying men, who feel humiliated and enraged at the artistic, cultivated sight of their favorite action figures kissing. Being a fujoshi is an inherently female role, a fact which aidens rebel against tirelessly, and it is primarily their rejection of this that leads them astray. I envision a world where fujos recognize our intrinsic feminine power, that this community we created entirely for ourselves is at its core a place of sisterhood and freedom from subjection by men. There, men are our playthings, as a superior form of men that cannot be found in the real world, written with the hearts of women, from the hearts of women. Nowhere else is a female community as undiluted. Our content is for women by women, fueled not by social pressures or greed, but purely by our love for yaoi lemon slash don't like don't read. The day which all fujoshi recognize this is somewhere on the horizon, but for it to come to fruition, we must defeat aidenism and other such enemy parasites. I hope this clears up why this thread continues to be a dumpster fire, and that these words hammer the iron hearts of my fellow fujoshi, who themselves continue to stray from the great vision.
No. 1490317
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>>1490311us after one sip of ramune
No. 1490339
File: 1675505424445.jpeg (119.98 KB, 938x528, CC8DF509-85D5-4424-A58F-726FE9…)

>>1490311Guys the fujo cringe we ordered is here
No. 1490360
>>1490344If women can't objectify men then what is happening to the scantily clad muscular catboys in my mind. Is it something else? okay whatever
>>1490347Another day anons can't identify irony or hyperbole
>you think women discussing writing fanfics about two men fucking each other in the butt is the ideal example of a "pure female space"Yes.
The post was tongue in cheek, but keep taking it serious and maybe the fujotopia will be accomplished in our lifetime
No. 1490367
>>1490358It's the desperation to try to turn a sexual fetish into a revolutionary act to justify it that is weird and tryhard. It's your sexuality and what turns you on, it doesn't need to be "feminist". Sexuality isn't a choice, if it were, no feminist would be attracted to men. Fujoism might not be a choice either, despite its cringiness and obvious centering of men, gay men at that. So why this need to justify the latter and not the former? All these mental hoops they need to jump through, the fact that they've come up with 1282938 reasons why fujoism is some "magical feminist" thing (especially on twitter kek) and none of them make sense or seem to coincide with each other, Idk, it's weird.
>>1490360Yeah keep acting like your post was "ironic", we all know you were being serious especially with this post of you responding to replies seriously. You're cringe.
No. 1490379
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>>1490376But as this anon pointed out
>>1490347 it's often not all-female, especially not online but irl too. Trust me, men know women are into this shit, and often fujos will let them in on the convo as well. Gay men are also into gay shit. Shocking, I know. And before you say "well gay men's stuff is different blah blah" I literally knew no gay dudes ever who liked "geikomi" or whatever it's called, all were into BL/Yaoi and talked to their female fujo friends about it. If you want a female-exclusive community, there's a countless number of better, higher-quality places to look than places with only fujoism as a shared interest.
No. 1490392
No offense anon but literally most fandom spaces I've been in online have been mostly female it's really not that rare or hard to find women invested in fandom beyond yaoi
No. 1490394
>>1490391Same anon I know maybe one or two who didn't but this is out of dozens of women. Now who are all be-gendered in some way.
Before I stopped being friends with this tif she basically told me about the a/b/o fanfiction she easy writing… She also called herself gay and asexual despite reading this porn and writing lol. Didn't have any idea what a/b/o was before that and I wish it was still that way
No. 1490406
File: 1675515740779.jpg (204.09 KB, 1170x1970, media_Fn-gfmCX0AAwQPi.jpg)

They harass the actors too because of course.
No. 1490415
File: 1675516455646.jpg (362.03 KB, 849x1200, 60046098_p5_master1200.jpg)

>>1490311You are a based queen and don't let the troglodykes in this thread tell you otherwise.
No. 1490429
>>1490426Ironic considering fujos are coming in here to act like they're victimized because people are criticizing fujos.
I've been on lolcow for years anon but whatever.
No. 1490437
File: 1675518150174.jpeg (110.19 KB, 944x736, B1F68621-67B8-4D96-A856-CDA1E0…)

>>1490426The only people playing
victim in this thread are
triggered fujos like you. If anyone even compared you to Aidens you'd start shrieking about how we're a bunch of oppressive heteronormative misogynists for daring to suggest there's any correlation between yaoi and trooning out
No. 1490446
>>1490437Just because i'm a fujo doesn't mean i'm an aiden KEK. And i think there is a correlation in the sense that young girls are manipulated/groomed into trooning out because liking gay men assraping each other as a woman is "morally wrong" and "fetishizing mlm" (and even if that were the case, that would be extremely based and funny).
>>1490444Ironic, because there are a metric fuckton of lesbians in this thread with a persecution fetish.
No. 1490469
>>1490464>Because you were the one accusing me of being an aiden first retard.No one accused you of being an Aiden, I said fujos get
triggered at any mention of there being a correlation between fujoism and trooning out, which you promptly did just after.
>Once again, newfag with a persecution fetish. Again, says the fujo who stays camped itt whining about how she's more oppressed than "troglodyke" lesbians for liking gay moid comics.
>I don't understand why you're caping for moids so much.Where did I ever cape for moids? You literally don't know how to read and are putting words in my mouth now that you ran out of arguments. Cope, seethe etc.
No. 1490480
>>1490470Yeah I can tell
>>1490475Why? Because I said lesbians are discriminated against irl while fujos aren't? Surely you don't disagree. God people on this site can be so detached from reality. You have brain worms from reading online discourse so much you've started to deny basic shit about society
No. 1490487
>>1490480>Because I said lesbians are discriminated against irl while fujos aren't?ntayrt, but it's because nobody was talking about this in the first place
This discourse is so stupid surely you understand. Women will never reach the heights of degeneracy men do, and at worst will hurt themselves by becoming aidens. Gay men do not care about fujos. Why are you so obsessed? I'm sick of female spaces being full of women criticizing each other for the silliest shit, this is truly the inescapable female experience. I'm sure you don't go through the same lengths to fight against men fetishizing lesbians? Which irl, does more hurt to lesbians then women reading yaoi does.
The only people I know that actually hate fujos are usually aidens (aka straight women) who get butthurt over "cishet" women "fetishizing" them and actual homophobes, but what's in it for you? Give it a rest.
>>1490484LC wouldn't exist without 4chan and /cgl/, you're the one that should go back.
No. 1490497
>>1490487Oh my god shut uuuuuuupppp. It's always the same fucking shit with you people. Constantly whining and giving the same speech no one gives a fuck about. We'll never stop laughing at you being cringe, like you are right now, so you get over it and you give it a rest. Go over to the fujo thread, why are you even over here? And you're the one telling everyone else they have a persecution complex meanwhile you came in here calling lesbians "troglodykes" then expected to be sympathized with by comparing fujos to lesbians like a sperg, then said I caped for moids when I never did, then shut up when you realized I was right and stayed camped in the thread ready to bounce back when I replied to another person. You're literally obsessed plus can't read, half of the things you've said in this post I've never even brought up or said. Like this:
>Gay men do not care about fujos.Where the fuck did I ever say I gave a single fuck about gay men? I don't. You're always projecting and giving that same tired fujo speech throwing arguments at the wall and seeing what sticks. Give it up.
No. 1490509
>>1490497>why are you even over hereBecause I'm not a huge fujo enough to camp the BL thread and I'm just curious as to what gives you the energy to seethe about women day in day out kek
>you came in here calling lesbians "troglodykes"not me
No. 1490529
>>1490523>>1490521I never even used tumblr but
>You can't criticize 4chan on lolcow>Tumblr/twitter, largely female userbase, is an insult, but 4chan, largely male base, isn't because lolcow had ties to 4chan in the pastWho capes for moids or secretly wants their approval? Hmm…
No. 1490541
>>1490529No, it's because this discourse originated from tumblr/twitter to begin with, meanwhile 4chan scrotes argue about completely different shit that i could care less about because thinking about men hurts my psyche.
>>1490532*No moid actively defends yaoi, is what i meant.
No. 1490552
>>1490546Kek, i think you're thinking too deep into it
>Let that sink inMoar newfaggotry
No. 1490571
>>1490566NTA, but probably because it's just used as an infight pit these days. I think it could be moved to /snow/ only if any kind of blogposting, derailing, infighting, etc was gone in favor of actual milk.
Fujoshi anons who aren't like any of the cringy examples should stop getting
triggered. Anons who also aren't actually looking to laugh at anything, just rage about all fujoshi ever and fight about whether something is
problematic should also go away.
No. 1490588
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I think it's so funny that this person thinks actual gay people would call themselves queer lol
Sorry I quickly was trying to find milk to keep the thread on track
No. 1490591
File: 1675525703494.png (75.13 KB, 760x337, Screenshot_20230204-074815.png)

Like clockwork
No. 1490594
File: 1675526053608.png (119.4 KB, 760x507, Screenshot_20230204-075348.png)

Absolutely insane take
No. 1490608
>>1490503You don't sage in /ot/ retard. Read the rules first next time before calling others newfags.
Anyway I knew one guy who deliberately dated fujo women because he said they didn't mind that he liked getting fucked by men, lmao.
No. 1490612
>>1490383Are you the same autist as
>>1490375 nitpicking the definition of objectification? None of this changes anything substantial
>>1490593This thread atttacts infighting ever since pakianon stoked the flames with lolcow fujos in other threads, but as one even I think this lesbian debate is embarrassing
No. 1490839
>>1490591>"you're a terf because you dont know how bl has caused people to transition!">"you're also a terf because you said bl causes women to transition!"So ironic to see fujos spewing the same things they called "
terf rhetoric".
No. 1491012
>>1490578Cringe always gets posted and then derailed by a newfag like
>>1466665 writing deranged fanfic to try and suggest they can't be made fun of for being cringe/stupid because "they aren't the worst" (even though you don't really see any of the female specific green text on lolcow or irl often?) because retard twitterfags failed to integrate when coming here and want anons to defer to the twitter oppression hierarchy for things like mocking people like they do online for escaping criticism on twitter and the like "you can't make fun of me for being stupid, I'm a minor/troon/neurodivergent!".
No. 1491085
>>1490995Yet they always call us newfags
I remember when you could make fun of fujos in peace on this website
No. 1491215
File: 1675567627240.png (798.07 KB, 593x858, bk.png)
>creates a painfully obvious fake bait thread posing as an izuocha shipper as a batshit psy-ops attack targeted against fans of the ship>filled with "complaints" that "it's not fair" that bakudeku "has more development" than izuocha>every talking point brought up is the same rhetoric you hear from unhinged bakudeku fujos about why they think hori is going to make their ship canon>also makes sure to leave another very obvious bakudeku calling card where the """izuocha shipper""" calls every recent shippy moment between Bakugo and Deku as "highlighting their brotherly bond" because bakudeku twitter fujos are notorious for getting ultra triggered anytime someone compares their relationship with that of a sibling rivalry>TAGS Horikoshi in the post>not to mention that this exact same group of bakudeku fujos tried pulling this exact same psyops shit a year ago with kiribakuWhy are specifically bakudeku fujos the most psychotic people in this fandom? Never in all my time here have I seen another group of shippers do anything like this.
No. 1491409
>>1491329>immediately bringing up paki chanIf you are
triggered by the thread, do not post newfag. Paki chan came years after the original thread was made.
No. 1491421
>>1491155>why are there so many anons that suddenly hate fujos>fujos constantly sperg out in other threads when aiden fujoshis are brought up or they are mocked by anons for sperging about female characters, etc.>constantly chimping out in this thread rather than ignoring it and derailing it for hoursYou did this, that's why. The reason more anons are posting now is because the unhinged twitter fujos that have come in the last few years are failing to integrate and sperging across the site (ftm thread, the sperging we had in the opinion threads when called dumb by anons), leading to a lot of pissed of anons who want to shit on them due to their shitting up the site. The fact that retard twitterfujos keep bumping the thread and sperging about paki chan and lesbians and both their hatred of SJW talking points while peddling their own SJW talking points on why posting about fujos being cringe/dumb means you are a heteronormative/moid/homophobic/
terf/pickme/bigot justifies it's existence. This thread has so much traffic because
triggered fujos have not left it alone, leading to anons shitting on them for being unable to just shut up and ignore things they don't like. Also, I hope the ones shitting up this thread are underage, because thinking anime/scrote-targeted stuff is the only form of media and thinking only fujos don't like being objectified by scrotes and that anything featuring women is for men is completely retarded and ignores that most romance is made for women. It is no wonder fujos troon out if the belief is that 'if it features women, it is for men who sexualise the women', it extends to 'I am a woman, scrotes sexualise me, I must be a man to stop being sexualised', no wonder so many young girls are trooning out are fujoshi (though there are the obvious fujos who troon out to LARP yaoi rather than due to sexualisation like the two Attack on Titan cosplayers who trooned out to larp their Levi/MC ship full time).
This is why anons now have decided to shit on you more:
>>1466665Less of this would cause the thread to slow down, but cows simply cannot help themselves. The lack of self control and being able to ignore things makes them cows kek.
TLDR; learn to integrate, newfags, or be mocked for being cowish.
No. 1491427
>>1490594Most fujos are westerner though. I actually thought asians thought negatively of fujoshis?
>>1490591That's actually super creepy when you take into account that a lot of fujos are underage girls.
No. 1491433
>>1491424You're right
>Anon posts this >>1491215>The two posts immediately after are about pakichan >>1491238 , >>1491329Like clockwork
No. 1491446
>>1490390 and I never thought even being ace is a theme… One of them but not the best friend I already mentioned, was a 18 y old who claimed to be ace but liked to grope me all the time, forced me to sit on her lap to grab my waist, despite me being 14. She was obsessed with guro and porn. Constantly talked about how wanting to work in a slaughter house to sound edgy. Can anyone blame me for disliking fujos ffs the ones I knew were insane
No. 1495004
File: 1675939159620.jpg (52.92 KB, 1135x277, goodlord.jpg)

I've seen it all now.
No. 1495640
File: 1675997278504.jpeg (449.65 KB, 828x942, 70C2C7AB-E5F4-4244-B725-619015…)

I’m sure some of you have seen this person’s account before but my god is she cringey, not sure why half of these people even identify as lesbians when they look at gay erotica
No. 1495824
>>1495543"Felix Cipher"
>>1495640I don't get it, tifs still have a fake dick with a pump if they have surgery.
No. 1496268
File: 1676064635681.png (154.36 KB, 350x483, 1647338955252.png)

Fujo "art" dump
No. 1499597
File: 1676371431986.jpg (854.8 KB, 1440x1562, fujoshiinfo.jpg)

I found this website ( ) made to stop "misinfo" about fujoshis in the bio of some twitterfujo who'd written one of those mile long "academic" threads about shipping and something something
terf nazis
No. 1499691
>>1498090I thought "anti-fujo" was something gayden TiFs came up with to try to seperate them as real,
valid gay men from the icky old women fetishizing them
No. 1506160
File: 1677045670336.jpg (77.36 KB, 1080x372, mpreg.jpg)

>I might be a fujo but at least I'm not a tif
No. 1506350
File: 1677077112051.png (353.12 KB, 1371x867, image (1).png)

>>1499597I'm fucking dead. The racism and xenophobia section in the anti-fans behavior is fucking hilarious. Pic is literally me in spirit.
No. 1506364
File: 1677078485004.png (373.91 KB, 1165x771, image (2).png)

I have no fucking clue kek. The author has a wild idea of racism/xenophobia if she thinks criticizing or pointing out japan for pedo culture counts as one.
No. 1506406
File: 1677081413916.jpg (966.03 KB, 1440x2643, antifujoshi.jpg)

>>1506380>>1506389That's exactly what that website argues. Half of the anti-fujoshi page is filled with
terf dogwhistle warnings because according to them the evil terfs are organizing mass propaganda of fujoshi misinformation kek
No. 1506504
>>1506406>everything is the terves faultDamn that website creator is obsessed with us. Makes me thing it must be tif, although if you're a tif why would you call yourself a fujoshi?
>>1506423Phobia of French women?
No. 1506610
File: 1677099995280.jpg (47.84 KB, 850x895, __mel_medarda_league_of_legend…)

I'm not as passionate in this topic as I was like 3+ years ago but I think the most cringe thing to say as a fujo or not is to say that a female character is "in the way of a gay ship". I think this way of thinking alone marks you as a terminally cringe aiden with internalized misogyny. Last I saw this was in the Arcane fandom with Mel but idk I've been seeing it for years. I feel like it's one thing if it's a shitty, shoehorned in female romantic partner with no good writing but if it's a well written female character just grow up. No evil female is getting in the middle of your precious gayboys, but if your slash gets ruined by one well written female character then the ship likely sucked ass anyway
I think general arguments about fujos "fetishizing" scrotes are useless anyway. I'm only ever bothered these days if actual misogyny happens. Let them make the men mad, who cares? It's funny.
No. 1507718
>>1507521twitter is so retarded a lot of the people there have no idea what shit means. they just try be to be edgy and contrarian and thats it, no real interest in being a feminist or in being anything. I've seen "radfem" accounts that are literally sex workers and even "radfem" tradcatholics. they have no idea what the term means, they just use random labels that will get attention and thats it. youd be surprised how many
terf and anti terfs twittards think being radfem is just not liking genderspecials and thats it. twitter is the lowest of the lowest intelligence.
No. 1511759
File: 1677617744581.jpeg (162.92 KB, 1170x571, B04F82E3-D749-40B0-A8B0-C41F10…)

Why would you have that as a wallpaper in the first place
No. 1516016
>>1515350ironically those are same the "radfems" are the one's who are most likely troon out and cape for misognystic korean men, also what
>>1507718 stated, they just dislike men but have no real convictions for any form of feminism
No. 1516353
File: 1678131023624.png (193.99 KB, 981x936, fujosbeingpedos.png)

Fujo reactions to being told that maybe they shouldn't wank to little boys as adults. Seriously, where is this pedo newfaggotry coming from?
No. 1516364
File: 1678131664861.png (14.03 KB, 934x130, onlypuritansdislikeshota.png)

>>1516359No, the discussion is about actual shota.
>>1516361I agree, they seem very knowledgable about teenage twitter behaviour so it might be projection. I really hope they aren't actual adults.
No. 1516423
>>1516370It really is. They really disturb me as a
victim of CSA. Any kind of excuses for pedophilia are disgusting.
No. 1516848
>>1516824The loudest shotaposters in the thread seem to be pretty young themselves and confused about what constitutes shota and are defending their right to like ikemen (not shota). I lol'd when a nona posted something about how she's liked twinks since she was 14 and she's 20 now and will always like twinks forever!! She really said she's liked teen boys the whole time she's been a teen herself lol, wow stop the presses. But they're covering for the little-boy-lovers that are also in the thread screaming
fiction isn't real life moralfags!!1!.
There was also a lot of arguing that if a woman reads shota it's not bad or gross like when men do it, which is a crazy cope.
The thread if full of children and pedos and the children don't know who the pedos are as usual.
No. 1516879
File: 1678167213966.png (25.27 KB, 1247x98, 1677696392729.png)

>>1516875they literally said so, lol. Its very obviously a butthurt twitterfag, it's not just people hating shota, its the group of people that hate every animu characters unless they are super buffed out and have a beard, it's the ''ummm ackshually liking dicaprio in titanic makes you a pedo'' twitter crowd.
No. 1516888
>>1516883Are you implying only men could spot overt pedophilia apology dog whistles?
Gonna be a yikes from me dawg.
(tranny) No. 1516890
File: 1678169091454.jpg (45.8 KB, 680x587, FKh8q8IUUAIoMeF.jpg)

>>1516887Nah I ain't reading all this shit.
No. 1516891
File: 1678169091219.gif (3 MB, 640x320, liquid chris.gif)

>>1516882great response, updooted
>>1516883it's annoying how they try to pretend its just because they dont like shota, which is perfectly fine and even 4chan spergs often call out shota/lolifags, but there is a difference between responding ''kys pedo'' and
>>1516879Fujos are tired of twitterspergs invading their spaces. It was obvious it was a bunch of twitterfags and not just anti 'pedos' when they started reeing about incest/rape too and about how 20yos are literal children and you will eventually grow out of liking attractive men.
>>1516887>its okay to like naruto but not the characters from HxH despite both being the same agekek
No. 1516904
File: 1678169820633.jpg (179 KB, 637x905, first-love-monster-anime.jpg)

>>1516894yeah sure, now its about body shapes and what not despite anime having the most generic style possible and naturo being one of the most popular 'shota' characters. I dont know who made you the CEO of approving which anime boys you are allowed to like or not. I guess pic rel is totally approved in your book because the characters look like bishies despite being elementary school children.
No. 1516908
File: 1678170153573.jpg (196.06 KB, 1080x2450, 888baf960dda7abf61f74e8f5d909d…)

>>1516904This whole damn site did this summer.
(tranny) No. 1516920
File: 1678170753480.gif (377.13 KB, 1920x1080, 1676569019953828.gif)

>>1516915too bad, i am an anarchist and i believe in the antichrist
No. 1516923
File: 1678170882841.jpg (27.69 KB, 645x773, 3e4efb08badeeb620a2467b4ef3485…)

>>1516920I believe in me too.
(tranny) No. 1516926
File: 1678171362580.jpg (66.42 KB, 1022x731, tiresome.jpg)

jesus fu kinb christ you absolute cockroach
you cant sit with us
No. 1516934
File: 1678172243542.jpg (367.35 KB, 1080x1962, 1677713781173.jpg)

Mpreg and its consequences
No. 1516940
>>1516937should have know when he started posting random non-sensical images,
>>1516883 was right it was a moid trying to bait women into feeling like shit for liking twinks. hope admins start red texting his posts again
No. 1516951
File: 1678173771994.png (824.75 KB, 1080x1806, Screenshot_20210926-174932_2.p…)

>>1516934I get where this mentality comes from, most fujos believe that being submissive as a woman is disgusting/degrading so they create a pseudo-male to channel their desires. So they're putting men on a pedestal. When they "bottom" it's this deeply erotic, sensual, intense thing but when a woman does it, it's just being a bimbo slut-whore. Which makes them go, "No but I'M DIFFERENT! I'M not LIKE those slutty whores, when I want to be fucked it has WAY more meaning than that!"
They put all this emotional imagery into gay sex that isnt actually there irl. Irl gay men meet on grindr, say two words, and fuck like pigs in heat praying they dont notice any bumps on their balls a week or two later. But TIFs through the over-consumption of yaoi have convinced themselves that actual gay sex is a very tender and loving experience-way more passionate than straight sex.
They're impacted/traumatized by the sex worker industry that they continuously pretend to love. They see porn and what OF girls do and shutter thinking how soulless it is and how they dont want that, not realizing that all of that has nothing to do with real sex/relationships. Lesbian/Straight sex is exactly what Yaoi sex is (well, if you can find a man who isnt pornsick anyway which is admittedly difficult). They just have to stop being retarded to see that, but that's way too hard.
No. 1517778
File: 1678250980193.jpg (161.03 KB, 1214x747, FkjlnVnwAAJ.jpg)

tbf straight female shotacons exist as well(though they are rarer and still have overlap with fujos)
No. 1517789
File: 1678252558964.png (468.29 KB, 1200x426, 1671282222569.png)

>>1517782she claims that, but then she makes shit like this
No. 1517795
>>1517786i guess? its not weird for lesbians to be into yaoi despite it having double dick.
>>1517786she used to be in a weird poly relationship with two other women
No. 1517831
File: 1678254683155.jpg (Spoiler Image,769.28 KB, 1795x2774, politelyhaunted.jpg)

>>1517778>>1517789Yknow this artist kinda reminds me of Nemu, except instead of vomit she's really into shota
No. 1517906
File: 1678263178134.png (97.45 KB, 690x654, Screenshot 4.png)

>>1517782>>1517825the issue is why is an alleged lesbian drawing porn/writing smut of a teenage boy and a grown adult woman,>>1517783handsomehugs/politepuppet, she worked on hazbin hotel and mighty magiswords until her proship account got exposed where she draw little boys and girls in sexual relationship with adults
No. 1519139
File: 1678380872775.png (49.29 KB, 650x346, 5b).png)

a lucemond(a ship between a 14 year old boy and a 24 year old man) shipper trying to use the historical oppression of gay personally to morally justify said ship, also some wokeoid rhetoric in the replies about how "western puritan culture" is so regressive towards homosexual male sexuality and how fucking of children in so many cultures was accepted before ebil whites came
No. 1519167
File: 1678382230253.jpg (118.75 KB, 1080x851, fujo.jpg)

She said it not me
No. 1519207
>>1519183I have been banned for for short periods but have always argued my case, and plus I can't fucking afford a VPN is the only thing that comes across as a VPN for me and I use it for browsing tumblr(cause its banned in my country) and anti-Islamic sites, I literally can't even log in to stuff If I tried
>>1519167 is not me
No. 1522773
File: 1678724213669.jpeg (189.76 KB, 913x1574, 515644BD-1254-47EE-9A0D-BC99E9…)

From the hate thread on crystal cafe (I don't post in there, just lurking). Looks like cc fujos are ranting about lolcow fujos hating shota and how they're oppressed for other people not approving of it.
No. 1523469
File: 1678813925029.jpg (68.86 KB, 510x680, curtsisson.jpg)

I know that obviously it's popular among female fujos as well. But after seeing this pic I can't help but wonder if this is the main type of poster in /m/ who writes that shota is "based".
No. 1523507
It's Jamie Lee Curtis' son. Note the Black Butler poster. I guess some of the troons are just all-around pedos. We've already concluded that there is a moid troon posting inflammatory things itt and also as a fujo in the fujo thread.
No. 1524008
File: 1678862115391.png (130.45 KB, 441x609, 7891253423§4.png)

No. 1525104
File: 1678981606938.jpg (79.98 KB, 564x669, 1678971277176.jpg)

This reminds me of when fujos used to come on these threads and say "but men are worse pay attention to them instead" and stuff like that
No. 1525187
>>1525104I guess you werent there in the early years when moids would make large deviant posts and character reactions sperging to yaoi fanart. Simpler times. But really moids are genuinely uncomfortable with homosexuality, they may joke about it but time and time again I get moids complaining to me about how
Creepy faggots are.
No. 1525893
File: 1679056275027.jpg (80.7 KB, 1024x576, _85912200_suffmaryevans-346273…)

>>1525830How is that weak animu shit based?
You know what was actually based, the suffragettes crushing windows, whipping moids and learning martial arts to fight the police, bombing moid property and destroying art that objectified women.
No. 1525920
File: 1679058742399.png (19.03 KB, 740x442, Capture.PNG)

>>1525808at first i thought this was an interesting take that that explains the lesbian fujo thing till i scrolled through her tumblr & well.. great, another bisexual who started larping as a lesbian after encountering radical feminism.
"niche post for lesbians"
>quotes & agrees with adrienne rich & her retarded comphet essay >admits to masturbating to explicit m/m fics & being very sexually invested in them.. even though female homosexuals dont get arousal from seeing moids fuck even if its fictional..>an actual lesbian in the comments says she cant relate to getting off to two scrotes fuck, op drops some flowery language filled reply thats just another way of saying "its fictional, so it doesnt count" No. 1526560
File: 1679115369152.jpg (33.62 KB, 606x350, 1597622538088.jpg)

>>1525893yeah, i bet you do all that shit irl lmao. Moids literally shaking rn because one autist plays tough woman online, meanwhile they are already on their 50th self induced coma after jaking it off to rouge the bat's feet for the 100th time and then calling women fat ugly bitches online. Nah, i am going to ruin moid's favourite pieces of media by making it gay.
No. 1526562
File: 1679115985356.jpg (511 KB, 3245x1152, a journey.jpg)

>>1526560listen the only one your doing damage to is yourself, there's literally a fujoshi who wanted to "own the moids" by drawing gay porn of warhammer characters and she ended up trooning out due to her porn-sickness, if you want to lose yourself to porn-sickness then that's on you
No. 1526624
>>1526623NTA but I think she meant these
>>1525893>>1526562 posts are written by Paki-chan and it's a shame the artist girl in the latter picture trooned out.
No. 1526626
>>1526624Hell no, the suffragette post was by me. I don't think Paki-chan cares about western feminism/history.
I really think those tough Victorian ladies should inspire us more. Get off the internets more and do actual feminist action.
No. 1526630
>>1525920I'm straight and I don't see the appeal in yaoi and gay sex. However I buy the theory of projecting onto male character because a female character is too controversial or even moid friendly. because of that I worry sometimes that even written hetero male stories is just as fictional as yaoi gay male.
Yeah I don't know my point with this.
No. 1526631
>>1525920I'm straight and I don't see the appeal in yaoi and gay sex. However I buy the theory of projecting onto male character because a female character is too controversial or even moid friendly. because of that I worry sometimes that even written hetero male stories is just as fictional as yaoi gay male.
Yeah I don't know my point with this.
No. 1527642
>>1527327these sound even more like copypastas kek
>>1526836 ,
>>1527024 No. 1535034
File: 1680020529960.jpg (899.6 KB, 3000x2026, heartstopper.jpg)

No. 1535158
File: 1680032264714.jpg (110.43 KB, 890x972, 1680015994290.jpg)

So the tif school shooter was a fujo (more proof in the fakeboi thread). I wonder if fujos are embarrassed
No. 1535174
File: 1680033414247.jpeg (57.72 KB, 724x1024, 1238EA55-017D-4351-A7C6-2D8970…)

>>1535158I saw someone say she drew this. If she became a school shooter to live out her real life Columbine yaoi fantasy that's fucking hilarious
No. 1535215
>>1535181That first post you replied to isn't me dumbass, I'm
>>1535174 and this is literally the only thread I've posted that pic in kek. Maybe someone else did. Why are you so defensive?
>She was clearly autisticWhat does that have to do with either being a school shooter or being a fujo?
No. 1535279
>>1535174she didn't draw that, some girl from Yemen did lol need to stop lying
No. 1536033
I didn't know people were taking the fujo thing this seriously. I thought it was just funny if she happened to be a columbiner who wanted to live out her fantasies, you guys are weird. 6 people are dead I don't paticularly care if she wanted to see tigger fuck a rabbit or something. If she'd just stuck to that and tit chopping we'd have 6 less people dead. No matter if you think fujos are annoying or not
>>1535328 is correct.
I literally came to this thread to rant about how I saw some zoomer fujo bitch about the dreaded female character getting in the way of her ship and I see this, kek? Anyway Mel Medarda did nothing wrong and plague be upon anyone who hates her because she gets in the way of Jayvik.
No. 1536046
File: 1680118315658.jpeg (196.41 KB, 1620x968, 5BF0050D-E30F-4352-8A6C-216EC6…)

No. 1536055
>>1535158You guys need to seperate the criminal and the crime.
Someone somewhere rn killed somebody. The murderer likes knitting, are all knitters embarrassed? Not the knitting has nothing to do with the crime.
Just cuz some dumb bitch into fujo killed people doesnt mean the whole fujo community is going to be embarrassed?
>>1535158 Im not into fujo shit, i was just scrolling by when i noticed these retarded takes.
No. 1536469
File: 1680154534201.png (17.96 KB, 644x546, Screenshot 34.png)

saw this when trying to look for a surrogacy case on twitter. I have to ask why not just have rule63 at this point, like what's even the point even pretending the character isn't fundamentally female?
No. 1538556
File: 1680364481790.webm (1.21 MB, 320x568, sHRbU23M3K_xD24_.webm)

This is just heterosexuality in extra steps.
No. 1538584
File: 1680367244161.jpg (143.4 KB, 1280x1006, 1679221290470.jpg)

The second one (top middle) is them
No. 1546542
File: 1681257536964.jpg (113.62 KB, 1080x956, cc.jpg)

No. 1551657
File: 1681700341479.png (456.98 KB, 750x2214, 1681665950821.png)

No. 1551659
File: 1681700375694.jpeg (139.45 KB, 828x1162, 1681667358546.jpeg)

No. 1558061
>>1558042I like the clearly westaboo yaois from the 80's and 90's that are set in NY or Paris. Good shit.
I think I'm a fujo coomer but at least I didn't become a fake boy from identifying with uwu ukes so I'm fine liking cringe japanese gay cartoon porn.
No. 1558470
File: 1682354816012.png (155.69 KB, 1338x679, Screenshot.png)

Out of all the countless possible ships, why does the one involving an underage noy and an older man always seem to be the most popular among fujos?
No. 1558482
File: 1682355466470.png (Spoiler Image,83.39 KB, 647x612, Screenshot 1.png)

>>1558470Like the #lucemond hashtag is just straight up pedophilia.
No. 1561151
File: 1682620349139.png (3.32 KB, 532x121, POEki2W0K0ieolK.png)

>>1558360Apparently to them, shota has always been apart of fujo culture. Crazy how being into pedoshit comes hand in hand with being a fujo to them. The fujo board is overrun with people like this now, the last threads banned talk of underage stuff in the rules, so I have no idea what this anon is claiming.
Also, the overlap of people who call themselves proshippers on twitter(while liking incest and pedoshit) and being fujos is insane. There needs to be a study on why people like
>>1488997 are almost always fujoshis.
No. 1561162
File: 1682620905546.png (4.05 KB, 1145x106, RIE24OSm9Oi9Fmas.png)

>>1561156There was talk of shota, but the general consensus was that it was for scrotes and coomers. I don't know where this sudden wave of acceptance came from, but I wish they would go back to fujochan instead of shitting up every board that mentions a male. They even went into the het ship posting thread to spam it with their shotabait ships.
>>1561151Samefag but picrel is what I mean. I have no idea how these people can talk like this and not think they're pornsick.
No. 1561387
>>1561195I know there's been excessive anti-fujo spergery on this website, but I do appreciate the fujos who police their community.
…That or my entire statement is nil because it's a moid or a troon doing it anyway. Some troons do self indentify as fujoshis because they think it makes them "pass" as a woman or something. Best case scenarios it's just some pornbrains who can be safely happy in fujochan, but absolute worst case scenario is pedotroons since moids do tend to want to live out pedophilic fantasies, kek. I much hope it's just autismo women
>>1558482Why is this specific image giving me a hint of selfship/self insert?
No. 1561871
>>1561195Please I don't want more infighting in that thread. The best way to sort this out is talk to the admin and have them make a decision. We already tried fighting for it and the thread just got derailed to hell.
Contact admin directly on discord and ask them to make a decision and public announcement in the thread, and live with whatever they choose. I'm tired of infighting.
No. 1561876
File: 1682707689279.jpeg (158.8 KB, 1003x1132, DB047933-06AA-404F-B93C-EC1E3F…)

Shotafags in the /m/ fujo thread are pedos trying to make themselves feel better about it by telling each other it's normal
No. 1561917
>>1561876It's funny how this type of shit only flies in fujo "communities" (which ironically aligns with the taste of a lot of gay pedo men too kek) among women. Even women who are into loli (disgusting) don't create obsessive communities to shield, protect and normalize it like this. Maybe it is just an addiction to being edgy at the cost of everything else like
>>1561468 said. But the fact that now they're shipping an irl underage actor with a 30 year old man
>>1558482 and self-inserting as the 30 year old man makes me think a lot of them are actually just female pedophiles who created a community to insulate their fetishes and normalize it (kinda like how shota was/is allowed on fujochan) and identify themselves with the older male as a self-insert
>>1561454 and as a way to erase suspicion of their own attraction to underage boys out of the equation. It's something like a mix of an addiction to edginess even though they're adult women (kinda sad tbh) + pornsickness + pedophilia.
No. 1561920
>>1561151>>1561454it is not entirely inaccurate to say that BL and Yaoi genres have roots in Shōnen-ai, and the earliest and most prominent BL stories featured young male characters who were often portrayed as very androgynous or feminine in appearance and behavior, so much so that they were essentially portrayed as female characters in all but name, as
>>1561468 pointed out.
No. 1561949
File: 1682713495345.jpeg (234.93 KB, 1009x1568, DA68486F-3179-446B-AC5D-265623…)

>>1561945Are you trying to imply I posted that? Did I post this too? Did I post every other anon throughout the thread calling people who don't like shota "moralfags" and "twitterfags"? Or are you going to admit there's shotafags in that thread and it's not some anti-fujo psyop or whatever fake persecution complex you have in your head?
No. 1562076
>>1561876>>1561945>>1561957It really is interesting how every time the retarded shota sperg who only knows Ciel Phantomhive attempts to start this infight in the fujo thread this thread suddenly activates commenting in horror how fujos are totally pedos getting off on child porn. A really funny coincidence I think.
>>1561968You just
happened to lurk the thread once in your lifetime when the baiter was there? Another amazing happenstance.
No. 1562118
>>1562075The thing is, you cannot retcon shota out of yaoi. It's only something Japanese fujos can do and Japanese people have a committee against westerner censorship. So whenever a western fujo tries to erase fujoshi history, harass mangakas and shit on years of history she just comes off as a twittertard. There are ''
problematic free'' alternatives to yaoi, like western yaoi. But ofc its shit so they stick to Japanese yaoi written by the same sick people they say they hate.
No. 1562206
>>1562076>A really funny coincidence I think. I don't know if you're trying to imply that one of us is going in and spamming shota in the fujo threads, or if you're genuinely a schizo, but there are actual shotafags in those threads.
>>1562118Japanese yaoi is not only shota and
problematic. I don't know what yaoi you're looking at, but there are plenty that has regular romances in them. I think the fact that you associate Japanese yaoi with being entirely
problematic is a reflection of the media that you consume, rather than the category as a whole.
No. 1562223
>>1562118Not all Japanese fujos are into pedoshit either retard, they just don't make a big deal about it, either because they don't think it's a big deal or because they know if they did they'd be brutally bullied for it. Fujos who were at Comiket when moids started to sell their degenerate loli moeshit saw those scrotes with disgust. But they could do nothing about it and now Comiket has a 50/50 gender ratio unlike most other conventions.
>>1561324The shotafag in question:
>>1562193>>1562001Here's a different(?) shotafag posting about being banned from CC for it last year:
>>244605>>244683This proves that genuine shotafags post on this site and it's not just an anti-fujo psyop. (Let's admit though that not all shotafags are fujos and some might be yumes or hetshippers)
No. 1562815
>>1561984>The first BL was shotaI see this repeated everywhere but this isn't exactly right. If you're talking about Kaze to Ki no Uta (which is often considered the first BL) this is not entirely right. At the time it came out it was considered a shoujo because of the romance themes and style, but just with boys instead of girls. It features young characters in a relationship with each other and has the theme of CSA (clearly painted in a bad light). It has no explicit scenes. It's obviously BL because two boys are involved, but it's not porn. That would be like calling slice of life shoujo mangas featuring girls and romance "loli" porn, but they're not considered that because they're not porn, they're just stories with young characters for young people (and a LOT of shoujo features CSA and relationships with older men, the latter romanticized). Is it shota just because of the young characters? Then every shonen is a shota and loli porn at the same time because of the often underage characters, which is also a gross thing if you think of it with your pov, but not so much if you remember that the target audience is supposed to be young people.
The plotless actual porn with muscly/thick sexualized toddlers having sex with old hairy men (the self-insert fodder) is what I'd call shota and loli, not shoujo/bl stories targeted at teens.
K I'll stop sperging bye.
No. 1563117
>>1562815>At the time it came out it was considered a shoujo because of the romance themes and style, but just with boys instead of girlsIf Kaze to Ki no Uta was published on a shoujo magazine then its target audience would've been teen girls so I agree with this point.
But later adult fujos started to make adult content with underage boys too so it doesn't matter.
>every shonen is a shota and loli porn at the same timeThe main female characters in shounen are underage teenagers and very sexualized (important) so I would say they are loli characters in the original sense of the term, that is, middle/high school girls drawn in a sexually appealing way.
No. 1563171
>>1563168>watching legit gay porn>steroid injection fetishcringe. stop trying to justify your porn addiction and gross troon-tier fetish. you're probably a gay moid coming in here trying to make fun of women lol. there's a reason women read yaoi instead of watching irl gay porn, and it's because porn for gay scrotes is disgusting and degenerate. also, nice
victim blaming but i don't care. fuck all the way off you disgusting piece of shit.
No. 1563191
>>1563179Shout out to the fact that's pretty hypocritical to claim considering fujos seethe about yumejos and call yumes fat ugly thembies in the Yaoi thread because they think anyone who shits on fujoshit must be a yumejo
>>>/m/264165 . I don't even understand why they think this, since it's not an either or situation. You can be nothing and no one really called themselves a yumejo until the fujo spergout causing the term to become more popular here. All it has proven is that twisted wonderland newfags are insane kek. It must be because they need to pretend that someone is worse to shift the embarrassment rather than not give a fuck and throw a different subset of women under the bus while claiming to be the most feminist of all while seething that all female characters are vapid and terrible
>>>/ot/1425222 (even including shit that isn't anime) and BL is the only true good genre because it features male characters for women instead of female characters for women, as in women can't have female heroes.
No. 1563194
>>1563192>the moment they're caught saying misogynistic bullshit it's suddenly "the ebil fujos baiting trying to make us look bad!!!Literally just being hypocritical and ignoring anything that shows otherwise huh
>>>/m/264165 ? You're seething about people laughing at fujos in the fujo cringe thread.
No. 1563195
>>1563192Most people here aren't yumes either lmao. Some are even, gasp, lesbians who don't like drawings/depictions of males at all. This sounds like a ton of projecting given that like this anon said
>>1563191 , "yume communities" don't really exist isolated from fujo communities and that makes sense because the only time I've ever heard the term used is here.
No. 1563197
>>1563182>>1563186It's fine to dislike BL, and it's fine to be a yumejo. I'm sorry that people have called you ugly, but remember that not every anon you interact with is the same person.
I casually enjoy BL, and I often get fed up with the community's behavior, so I came here to see if there was milk. But it was just a bunch of infighting. The posts about BL fans inherently being ugly really fucking hurt, and that's why I hope it was just some shithead baiting. I have an ED and BDD (cringe to even mention it, I know). Retarded shipping crap is my escape from that. Wrestling with whether I'm "ugly" causes me so much anguish, and now the very act of enjoying something stupid to forget about that anguish is a reminder of it.
Is it really a fucking crime for a woman to not want to stare at drawings of perfect women if we have to deal with being compared to them so much in real life? I respect other women, I would never insult or attack another woman for "getting in the way," or anything like that. Real-life scrotes are fucking disgusting, full stop. I wish I wasn't attracted to males, or even drawings of them. They're the ones who pit women against each other based on their appearances in the first place, in addition to ruining the world in countless other ways. I'm sorry that my insecurities have affected my interests, but they have. I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is.
I don't know what you expect me to say. I'm sorry for being ugly? I'm sorry for liking drawings of men? I'm sorry people who share my interests are assholes. I don't know.
No. 1563209
>>1563202Yeah it's two months old, but I'm reading through it again and it really doesn't sound like bait to me. (>>1488501
>>1488582 >>1488583
>>1488600) It's a bunch of psychoanalysis about why uggos apparently like yaoi, and anons calmly agreeing with it and even defending it by saying people who disagree are offended because it's true.(>>1488601
>>1488604) Ntm the anon who literally just defended it like twenty minutes ago because some asshole fujo called yumes ugly once or something. Like I still really hope it's bait, but it kind of doesn't seem to be.
No. 1563212
>>1563197This thread isn't even that active yet you continue to post outside of your containment zone in the others. Maybe anons would not post here if you stopped acting as old fujo cringe thread posts layout >>>/m/1431731 .
>>1563209Also, you keep avoiding the question of how
>>1563194 fujos do the exact same thing in their own thread about anyone who does not read BL.
No. 1563215
>>1563209Like I said, 2 months ago is around the time these kind of baitposts were being made by fujos
>>1488643 ,
>>1488624 and kind of kicked it all off. Fujos are known to constantly seethe about this thread, then come in and bait and then go back to their own thread and be like "OMG LOOK THE MISOGYNISTIC ANTI-FUJO YUMES ARE AT IT AGAIN!" And you "kind of" come off as some weird assblasted fujo trying to sell a sobstory because you're all pathetic copers who go to huge lengths to deny, justify and blame others for disliking your m/m fixation and tend to project the weirdest shit onto people.
>the anon who literally just defended it like twenty minutes ago because some asshole fujo called yumes ugly once or something.Yeah so my suspicion is confirmed. The anon didn't "defend it," they said that fujos are hypocrites for constantly having some weird neurotic fear that anti-fujos or yumes think fujos are "ugly" meanwhile they say yumes are ugly every 2 seconds in their own thread, while you had to dig up what were likely baitposts from 2 months ago during a raid to find any instance of us calling fujos ugly.
No. 1563217
>>1563209Nta but
>>1488600 isn't calling fujos ugly??
No. 1563219
>>1563209>You can't call fujos ugly>When fujos call yumejos ugly it doesn't countSo you're at the the ebil yumejos baiting trying to make us look bad!!! stage of your own post
>>1563192 kek?
No. 1563224
>>1563218Samefag as
>>1563221 but calling them 'unkempt, obese, autistic danger hair stereotype applies more to self-inserting miserable thembie Aidens' is a lot more than calling them unwashed. And so you think calling fujos unwashed or fat ugly themby aidens is fine? This was all because anons recognised some ftms troon out to try and larp yaoi.
No. 1563227
>>1563219This anon
>>1563192 seriously isn't me, you can ask a Janny if you want. I have nothing against yumes and I've never said anything bad about them. Most fujos don't even know what the fuck yumes are, why hold all of them responsible for some rando who called yumes dangerhairs?
>>1563215You have no proof to substantiate that, though. It seems unlikely that it's all bait. I don't blame people for disliking BL or shipping, that's fine. They're entitled to their opinions. Psychoanalyzing us and screaming about how we're evil bigots or whatever is ridiculous. There's a difference between not liking a thing and obsessively hating anyone who likes it.
>>1563222That person's an asshole and a retard. I don't know what else to tell you. Anybody can be ugly, anyone can be attractive. Has nothing to do with interests.
>>1563224I mean, the autistic and themby parts aren't untrue. Sometimes Western fujos who use Tumblr too much troon out. It's a thing, and old-school fujoshis acknowledge it and are annoyed by it.
No. 1563261
>>1563237There's at least one autist who insists that if you like anything that isn't gay or self-insert in anything you're not a true fujo. So it's that kind of brainrot that makes them believe Aidens are totes yumes but not fujos (as if both things couldn't be true).
Personally, I think that, AT MOST, fujo Aidens were fujos first and then in addition became yumes in denial (they won't openly self-insert but will make one or both guys in a pairing TIF just like themselves). But good luck trying to discuss it with those schizos who see unwashed "femcel" yumes behind every post
No. 1563278
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No. 1563294
>>1563284That twitter user sees it as a humiliating thing to be pregnant, and in a female role (mother, wife).
It's actually kind of fucked up, she(?) is not fetishizing a character, she's fetishizing womanhood like a MTF troon
No. 1563335
>>1563316NTA but I've been seeing you accuse people in this thread of calling
all fujos ugly. That hasn't happened in a while in this thread, and when it happened it was blatant as fuck bait that sounds completely different from the more calm and nuanced discussion that is happening now. Are you seriously that butthurt over a dumb shitstorm that happened 2 months ago? Or do you just lack the capacity to realize that those 2 or so baiters from 2 months ago don't represent everyone in this thread?
I recognize that retards like you don't represent all fujos, why can't you do the same?
No. 1563347
>>1563331>If you starting to hate your female body by consuming homoshit doesn't mean everybody else does.She literally said this in her post.
>sometimes for the girls who read it it works the other way around>sometimes
>Not every woman mentally Ill aiden-wannabe like you and can separate reality with fictionIf that's the case then why do you hate het ships so much? IDK maybe you're the one who got issues. Those anons already got over theirs but you clearly haven't. It's like some women admitting that romance that excludes and even degrades women while glorifying male homosexuality had a negative impact on their young minds and self-esteem is a personal attack against you. It ain't, so you don't have to act like an underage sperg when they talk about it.
No. 1563367
>>1563174>Which is it, guys? Are the characters ~basically women~ or are they too scrotes for lesbians? You can't have it both ways.Most ive read seem to fit more into a hetero relationship. You always have the "twink" like character but has all the same mannerisms and characteristics the main girl character in a shojo series would have. Then you have the giant ape like "top" that only knows how to be
abusive and rape (actually sort of realistic like an actual man tbh). But there are some bl out there where both of the leads both look girly and have more girlish character traits. Those often have the same vibe that some yuri manga do. I think the fact that many blur/completely hide the penis contributes to not seeing some characters as very male like as well.
None of the characters ive seen in most bl act like typical gay men relationships, so i find it difficult to see at least one of the characters involved in the relationship as actual scrote.
No. 1563382
>>1563367NTA, I think women may see yaoi characters as either, let's use lesbians as an example first (I'm basing this on the opinions by them that I've read before). Also remember that not all fujos like yaoi for the same reasons.
Some lesbians might like it because they can see the uke, or even both guys, as women, or imagine them as such, due to the characters' mannerisms, personalities, and design, which are all made from a female perspective. These fujo lesbians might think "well, they're basically women anyway" and enjoy the story and dynamics as lesbian romance in their mind. The lesbian yumejo thread alone is proof that there are lesbians who genderbend their favorite male characters, and with effeminate yaoi men it's probably easier to do.
Some might like BL because they just like romance stories and not necessarily because they're attracted to the main characters. In that case, they probably see the characters as male.
Finally, some lesbians might not be able to look past the characters' sex, and they're repulsed by the gay male couple (either all characters or the most masculine ones). Hence why so many of them are sick of seeing yaoi everywhere here kek.
Yaoi characters are not real, so real life rules don't apply to them, and they're not very realistic. We all can agree that yaoi couples don't act like real gay men. They're supposed to represent males, but since they're written and drawn from a strictly female perspective, they have a lot of feminine traits as well. But the feminine traits that ukes get are sometimes based on sexist stereotypes of women and female roles and, like others have said, the relationship dynamics often end up mirroring those of shoujo/josei heterosexual couples, which tend to have elements of abuse against the woman/effeminate bottom. So each and every woman can see yaoi characters as either male or as female, depending on many factors: for some straight women they might be too girly or female-like for their taste, for others they're just right; for some lesbians they might be girly enough to imagine them as female, for others they're just effeminate males. And yes, there are also straight fujos (or yumefujos depending on who you ask) who self-insert as the uke or as the seme, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's going to troon out, especially if she's not a teenager anymore and has finished figuring out her own identity, which is something a lot of straight fakebois haven't done (most of them will grow out of it eventually).
No. 1563414
>>1563408I don't want to sound schizo but I think it may be the one baiter samefagging in that thread, those posts are very similar. If not then I suppose they're just a tiny vocal minority who won't stfu about yumes/this thread. The actual fujos do make an effort every now and then to ignore them and steer the thread back on topic.
Either way it's retarded to think you can only see their dumb posts if you regularly visit the yaoi thread. We can see every time they bump with more bait from /m/'s first page and the main page, especially when the rest of the site is slow.
No. 1563435
>>1563335And why do you accuse fujos of calling all yumes ugly and fat while it hasn't happened here or in their thread? Also I love how the old post (and everyone agreeing) are "blatant bait" but the shotafag baiting and coming here is totally real and represents the majority of fujos? I recognise that retards like you don't make up all yumes and among all the seething and crying about homos there are actually sane people, but this whole thread (minus a few people) don't seem to be able to do the same with fujos.
>>1563415>when you can just buy a strap and peg a manGross, never anable a male's tranny fantasy.
No. 1563469
I think name calling at this point is unecessary. I've seen my fair share of japanese memes calling fujos barrel arms and Holly Brown getting called fujo-faced in her hayday. "Good looking" or "normal looking" women just tend to hide their powerlevel, so it's easier to pick on the weird autistic girl. One is a significantly easier target than the other, but at the end of the day what does name calling achieve other than more infighting?
>>1561936I don't get the constant excuse that some male slash (not necessarily fujo) shippers don't hate female characters? I've seen some of the arguments and I get that some younger fans are retards, but really in my experience there is misogyny in fandom and non white female characters do get the brunt of it. I've seen some very "cool" covert racism over some brown female character who got in the way of the gayboys. Comments about her being aggressive, angry or a bitch are the most common. I get that shippers aren't a monolith, but come the fuck on. To say it never ever happens is being obtuse and is the equivalent of just plugging your ears. Seriously? Most people do not feel the need to sperg out or explode upon seeing a
well written (emphasis on well written, sexy lamps fuck off) female character and just roll with it. Again not talking about coomer waifus or something.
>queerbaiting is when the ship i made up in my head gets interrupted by that nasty ugly bitch whore grrrrrrrrr every fanartist that likes this ugly bitch is homophobic!!1!>you are literally erasing gay male rep that i am incredibly interested in as a faghag and will never affect me in my life everMore broadly just be wary of women/aidens who make schrodinger's asshole misogyny jokes whether they call themselves fujoshis or not. Usually just not pleasant people in general…
No. 1563524
>>1563469imo I think the fujos you see on lc don't necessarily do the whole misogynistic "female character getting in the way of my ship" bc posters here are more aware of and against that old school misogyny, but there are definitely fujos outside of this site that act this way; they are all over one of my fandoms. They rage and attack any female character, claiming that hetships are poorly written. Meanwhile their gay "queerbaiting" ships that are literally just backed up by their own headcanons that they made up don't have good writing either.
I have seen fujos who claim that they never see fujos hating on female characters, and that it's usually yumejos who do. I don't even know what to say to that kek, all you need to do is step outside your lc bubble and into a fandom space to see fujos hating on female characters and claiming they like the gay ship better because she's "poorly written" when the gay ship has just as bad writing. Ofc there are some cases where the female character IS flat out written badly so she's not relatable, but I'm really getting tired of the whole "poorly written" argument for why they don't ship m/f because they would never use it if the female character was actually a guy instead.
Not to mention the fujos who shove the female character from a m/f ship aside into a f/f ship just to get her out of the way. Because somehow it's bad to ship m/f when the female character is poorly written, but it's okay when that same poorly written character is now in a f/f ship. People for some reason just can't admit that they have preferences and feel the need to justify how they totally don't like the ship just bc its gay but for objective xyz reasons.
No. 1563565
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>>1563367>>1563382I'd say they are essentially actors played by women. like a Takarazuka Revue performance.
No. 1563589
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>>1563439I genuinely think that fujos in that thread only believe there are five posters in all of lc. Somehow, they can't wrap their brains around the fact that some people might like yaoi and frequent those threads, and then come here to post something they don't agree with to avoid infighting. You post a single screenshot from that thread and suddenly they come crying, insisting that it's all a psyop and there are no bad fujos. They think every poster in this thread is a bl-hating yumejo.
>>1561151>>1561876>>1561949What's crazy is they think these are the same people posting bait into the fujo thread to try and stir up drama when the first post was from me and the rest weren't. Unironic schizos.
No. 1563591
>>1563174I wish anons would stop trying to politicize yaoi. It's a vast genre and different people can enjoy/take different things from it. I've seen women of all sexualities and even some gay (and straight!!) men read and enjoy yaoi.
>>1563382 said everything very succinctly, and I agree with 100% all of her points. At the end of the day, yaoi and all the groups who can enjoy it are not a monolith and to pretend they are is a matter of willful ignorance.
Ime, yaoi characters can be seen as either sex depending on what manga you're reading, since BL is so diverse. Some of it is definitely more het-oriented (like Painter in the Night or any BL where one is highly effeminate and the other is dominant and highly masculine) while some of it is SSA-oriented, or at least, more nebulous (like maybe Pink Heart Jam or Lost in the Cloud, where a het dynamic is less if at all applicable.) At the end of the day, yaoi characters aren't real life men and they very typically aren't written to be realistic. BL is a highly dramatized, sort of wish fulfilment genre, where hetero women want to create a dynamic that maintains a "girl" and "guy" while also not having the same inequalities as real life hetero relationships, while lesbians who create yaoi want to create a dynamic that's reflective of their relationships (hence two "male" leads who act and look like butch women) while also staying within a genre that's made by and for women. But even that isn't certifiably correct of every het or lesbian who participates in the genre. I knew a het woman who liked more SSA-like yaoi and a lesbian who enjoys some het-like yaoi. There are no hard rules. I think it's dumb when people try to paint being a fujo as being only one thing or another, since it's so much more than that. They really are just stories with characters that hardly even resemble humans most of the time.
No. 1563593
Every argument and essay I've read about yaoi and slash is just "oh well it lets us imagine an equal relationship" but also the relationships aren't usually written very equally. But on the part about it being better than if the character were female, I remember a survey went out in one fandom community I was in - I only was aware of the results because the gay men were upset about the results, where a large part of the respondents said they preferred to write slash because they were more comfortable inflicting sexual violence on male characters. The newest Toastystats data for AO3, though, suggests that M/F and M/M are roughly equivalent in violence and explicitness but then, het shippers and slash shippers tend not to have that much overlap in my experience.
It's been a joke for at least a decade now that there's a slash to trans man pipeline, and I knew yaoi fans way back in the early 2000s who were going trans, so I don't know if I would entirely say it was because they were shamed. If anything, yaoi and slash are far more acceptable within fandom than when I was a baby fan. The Discourse still exists, but the current culture is in favor of the yaoi fans, not the gay men who complain about them.
No. 1563613
>>1563524I agree, I like the posters here, and it is quite understandable why they're constantly on the defensive, I would be too if I kept getting lumped in with self hating aidens and retards. I think it would do good for more posters in this thread to also connect those dots. If you find BL unappealing you don't have to make it a personality trait, and likewise if someone doesn't enjoy BL it's not homophobia. I would love to keep going "can't we all be friends?" but old fandom culture is dead and people are rightfully angry and jaded from seeing psychotic behavior in fandoms. I still fucking insta-block any voltron accounts on any socials because I don't want to deal with that mess.
Ugh. I can't wait for bobaboard. I'm praying on my knees it's well executed.
>aside into a f/f ship just to get her out of the wayI see this happen sometimes, some character gets a lesbian headcanon and there's no further elaboration or explanation. It'll be someone buried in yaoi ships and she just has this one token lesbian that she doesn't do anything with, except to barge in conversations unprovoked that X is a lesbian and that no offense guys, but Y/Z are dating (bonus if the comphet, gay rep and queerbait excuse are present.) Also strangely has a raging hate boner for fujoshis despite encapsulating every negative stereotype fujos have had since the start of time. Pot meet kettle?
No. 1563643
>>1563439>and all of them agreeing and the rest having full-on discussions about Black Butler)Jfc Black Butler is not shota and anons were discussing it and posting pictures because the anime has some shitty yaoibait. There was a Black Butler baiter a few months ago and everyone was making fun of them. A few new posts are definitely from them, the typing style gives it away. They also posted about Venti from Genshin and used the same arguments they use all the time in that same thread when calling everyone pedophiles to stir shit up and I think they're samefagging here as well. Call me schizo all you like but everyone with a pair of working eyes and a brain can tell. There are definitely fujo shotafags but most of the time when it gets brought up there (and here later, calling ALL fujos pedos) it's a baiter and a tranny even outed himself once. I don't understand how you accuse fujos of being angry retards when people here, mostly not fujos, post screens of like two bait posts and proceed to call them ugly fat unloved losers and pedophiles and then cry
victim when other anons come here to correct you. And THEN you (not only you in particular) play the "not ALL yumes/husbandofags, you can't act like we're all the same!" part when fujos just told you the same thing and you ignored them kek.
Also I love how all fujos are totally shotafags (a thing several people here said) because they discuss Black Butler and post pictures of Kaze to Ki no Uta sometimes, while neither of those is actually a shota work.
>Inb4 but the fandom makes shota fanart and ships children with adults!It doesn't matter, that doesn't change the fact that they're not shota works. Also a lot of shipping is done by underage women so retarded things happen. Ime I haven't seen a lot of adult women shipping young characters, then again I don't frequent retarded communities and tranny spaces where pedophilia is rampant. On lolcow it doesn't happen much. Also no, saying that two fictional underage characters look cute or cool together (no porn involved) doesn't make you a pedophile.
No. 1563665
>>1563613Right? It feels like a lot of the complaints stem from yume/fujo behavior in fandom spaces, but it devolves into shitflinging at other posters here who don't necessarily represent those people. I'm with you on the "can't we all be friends?" sentiment kek, as someone who's fine with both BL and hetshit, I didn't even realize there was such tension between these two groups until I encountered these lc threads. I lean more fujo but some fujos annoy me with how they will trash talk anything het and claim it's bad writing while their own gay ship doesn't have good writing either. I mean aren't there games where you can choose the protagonist's gender? Somehow ships with a male protagonist is okay while ships with a female protagonist is "boring" even though they're literally the same fucking character kek.
>Also strangely has a raging hate boner for fujoshis despite encapsulating every negative stereotype fujos have had since the start of time. Pot meet kettle?You described this one fujo in my fandom perfectly. Literally screeches and rages at the female characters and calls them boring and poorly written, but will act like "uwu my precious soft girls!! wlw! they love each other so much!" when she pairs them together for a lesbian ship that conveniently doesn't get in the way of her main gay ship. (Her gay ship consists of two characters who are best friends but got paired with other female characters in canon.)
No. 1563670
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>>1562181That's the point, fujos dont give a shit. They are already weird to normies for watching men fucking eachother in the ass. Japanese people dont care about english twitter users screeching about shotacon, they dont buy their manga, they dont support the industry, they are worse than deadweight. They have all the right to call out retarded people twittertards. It's a hobby that's not for them and any sane western fujo understands that they are mere spectators to an industry that wont cater to them, and that sperging about shotacon wont change anything and it's better to just ignore it. That's why the ones that do complain about it are twittertards, you can tell because they also tend to have problem with other ''
problematic'' content like incest/rape or other common tropes in yaoi.
>>1562185yeah, Japanese mangakas are very open about their love for freedom of expression. Without otakus their anime and manga industry wouldn't exist.
>>1562206>Japanese yaoi is not only shota and problematicmost yaoi is ''
problematic'' unless you read turbo vanilla shit like gravitation, which is only so vanilla because the author wasnt allowed to be officially horny. Its official porn doujins are some of the most degenerate shit i have read. At least when i used to be an active fujo most yaoi used to have some form of rape/incest or other stuff like that, but maybe it changed and became gay and lame like yuri.
>>1562223that's my point, they dont care because they understand its part of otaku culture.
No. 1563718
>>1563685care to post milk? i feel like if there was a group of mangakas who are anti shota/loli it would be more known. But so far all of them seem to either like it or are indifferent towards it. Plus most yaoi content is based on anime with high school boys as protagonists.
>>1563686being against shota/loli isnt, but sperging about it and telling western fujos to ''do better'' when there is nothing they can do makes you a twitterfag, though. Reminds me of the retards who willingly watch anime then complain because the female characters are over sexualized or there are lolis.
No. 1564004
>>1563718>"At least when i used to be an active fujo most yaoi used to have some form of rape/incest or other stuff like that, but maybe it changed and became gay and lame like yuri.">Thinks not having rape or incest makes a piece of fiction gay or lame.Seek help and consume media that isn't made for coomers for once.
>>1563718>Telling people to stop getting off on lolisho incest makes you a twitterfagFunny. Hilarious even. Even the anime thread criticizes anime for it's tropes and sexualized women. You can consume a genre and still criticize it, they are not mutually exclusive. Stop trying to make it seem like if you're a fujo you have to stay silent when you're against something, or else you're a twitterfag. I'm sorry I don't like seeing little boys raped in my manga and I'm vocal about it, pedo.
No. 1564096
>>1563685This. There's Japanese fujos that get
triggered when someone ships their OTP in the wrong way, ridiculous. They too can have huge infights over retarded shit
And it's taboo in Japanese fandom to criticize the morality of fictional content (not that I think that's good, because it only protects pedophiles from criticism, see Kentaro Miura's comic defending loli). Japan has a huge pedo and misogyny problem and it's dumb to judge others for talking about it at all just because Japanese fandom avoids talking about it (muh nippon master race).
>>1563670>Without otakus their anime and manga industry wouldn't exist. Imagine unironically supporting the trash that's churned out by the animanga industry.
There's only a small percentage of decent anime and manga and those don't pander to otaku. Also most anime is by moids for moids, weird of you to defend that so much. Oh and also, the most popular and successful anime and manga are normally those that are made for the general population. Long-running anime and manga series for total normies like Sazae-san, Doraemon or Kochikame are beloved by many in Japan, not just stinky otaku faggots who collect loli figurines.
>>1563593>"oh well it lets us imagine an equal relationship" but also the relationships aren't usually written very equally>a large part of the respondents said they preferred to write slash because they were more comfortable inflicting sexual violence on male characters.Well, both things can be true. I actually heard the first one from fujoshi on other sites, and I can see it. The characters don't have equal power in the relationship, BUT some women like it more than het because they hate seeing actual female characters being hurt or put in a passive role, but they can think that the uke is not being abused because of his sex. These women hate the notion that women are inherently submissive and that their role is to be raped, so they put a male in the place of a woman. The uke and the seme are both males so it can be said that the uke doesn't suffer from sex-based discrimination unlike women in a similar role.
There's so much variety in the way women enjoy yaoi, too. They don't always like more feminine ukes, something they (including me) like bigger and masculine guys being dominated. But some would argue that's because they're attracted to the uke and want to dominate him themselves instead of liking the pairing as a whole, or something. Or maybe they just like seeing yaoi tropes subverted.
>>1563524>and that it's usually yumejos who doThat's literally "no u" tier argument alright. There
are fujos who hate female characters by default, and not all yumes do. In fact, many self-insert as the female characters depending on the situation. Both fujos and yumes vary a lot in how they interact with stories and characters.
No. 1564331
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No. 1564341
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>>1564331Unbelievably cursed, holy shit. Even as an autist I can't understand what possesses a person to not only do this and film it, but post it online.
No. 1564354
>>1564349So they were hardcore otaku then? Because I've seen this type online and they act fake as fuck just to imitate actual, passionate fujoshi because they're into the stereotypical female nerd and want to skinwalk them
I could have said us but I'm not going to include myself in it, trannies are notoriously racist after all. Even then most of the people who fit this description are HSTS who post or repost/retweet the same generic otaku fanservice shit all the time. Most of them are the type of disgusting lolicon and coomers who will yell at anyone that fujoshi and female nerds in general are an important part of otaku culture just like mecha fans or whatever, and honestly it's true but I'd rather not hear that from them.
No. 1564363
>>1564356>>1564354I feel like this has been happening a lot more in the last few months. A year or two ago, Aidens were screaming their heads off about how the evil women were fetishizing the poor widdle gay men. Now many of the exact same people are proudly saying that they love yaoi and are fujoshis because it's suddenly trendy. I mean I guess I'm glad they're not crybullying us anymore, but pick a fucking lane.
Also yeah I've come across a few TiMs who play lip service to liking yaoi as a "hello fellow females," move. Honestly hilarious in its stupidity.
No. 1564392
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>>1564349>>1564354I've encountered some Twitter moids who openly admit to reading yaoi for 'trap' content; so this isn't a surprising development.
No. 1564394
>>1564392I once saw a "femboy" thread on /d/ where half the pics were clearly drawn by and for women and the guys weren't even femboys, they just had long hair and typical bishounen faces with muscular bodies too. Seeing those pics being posted along the likes of Astolfo was bizarre. Moids are braindead.
But I wouldn't call them fudanshi. They're just trapfags looking for anything remotely feminine to jack off to
No. 1564421
>>1564415I agree with what you said, but I also think that I need to clarify what I meant by 'elevation.' To me, elevation doesn't mean that I see the relationships as pure or non-sexual. It's completely the opposite. I'm straight, yeah, but god, I absolutely fucking love feral, violent, sexual and deeply human lesbian/sapphic women in fiction. Again, weird, but it might be because I feel more happy to explore female relationships in a space free from the heteronormative influence of male characters. The emotions and humanity feels a lot more intense and deeply human to me. Not sure how this plays into the actual yuri or lesbian communities, but as long as it doesn't harm or bother anyone I'll just be over here doing my own thing I guess. P.S. I have a similar interest in BL, but as a woman I connect more with GL on a personal level.
No. 1564426
>>1564421And before anyone calls me a closeted bisexual, by god, I wish! But no. Can't tell you how many hours I've spent wondering if I'm gay, but I really just can't jerk it to female-centric stuff if there's no dick involved. So, I hear you ask, why the fuck would I enjoy lesbian porn on a general, non-sexual level? Well, as I sort of implied in my earlier post, I guess I'm kind of… attracted to their attraction? As in, I like finding humanity through well-written character dynamics and if they're interesting enough then that's good enough for me. Um. Anyway, this might be getting a little too philosophical, but the main point I'm getting at is that people can get more out of porn than just sexual gratification. Hence, I am standing up for lesbian fujos.
No. 1564441
>>1564432"I like lesbian porn in a non-sexual manner because the character dynamics are interesting to me."
"What a raging pervert!"
Are you illiterate anon?
No. 1564569
>>1564339AYRT. The straight men I was talking about weren't reading yaoi because they were getting their rocks off, they read it analytically and began enjoying some works that just so happen to be BL. I didn't intend to imply that they're super fans or anything of the sort, that would be disingenuous.
>>1564421Himejoshi queen! I wish more yuri was written by actual women… unfortunately so much of it lacks that feral/deeply human aspect because it's written by scrotes who love watching schoolgirls kiss. I think your explanation of being attracted/drawn to lesbian attraction in that you like the dynamics is also very interesting… there's more I want to say in that regard but I don't want to somehow start an infight, kek.
>the main point I'm getting at is that people can get more out of porn than just sexual gratificationThis. I read a select few BL as a lesbian and honestly I skip most of the sex scenes since they kind of gross me out, but at the same time I can occasionally enjoy the dramatized dialogue and heightened emotion. Anyway, there really is nothing wrong with enjoying pieces of fiction from a genre that doesn't explicitly cater to you, it's all a YMMV thing.
No. 1564576
>>1564432>mush fetishismThere's been so many good points brought up in this thread and this is what you focus on? Slash shippers and fujos fetishizing men is literally a non-issue. Realistically how does this affect you in real life at all as a woman???
>>1564363>Now many of the exact same people are proudly saying that they love yaoi and are fujoshis because it's suddenly trendy.I've been seeing this exact damn same pipeline constantly for about a year now. I know turbo aidens and detransers who despite literally being a cartoonishly evil textbook caricature of a fujo, have changed their minds about the fujoshis they supposedly hate have "done some healing" and are now okay with them. Fuck off. I don't even enjoy BL in the slightest and it makes me angry. These "friends" were literally worse than any fujoshi I have ever encountered or befriended when it came to misogyny and general garbage behavior. Crybullies are shit people who change on a dime.
No. 1565273
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Can you all shut up with your blogging and talking about how much you love BL? This is the fujo cringe thread. If you wanna talk about BL go to the thread about it
No. 1566019
>>1565273But they are posting cringe, kinda boring cringe, nothing like this premium material
>>1564331 but still
No. 1566344
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No. 1566902
>>1564004I have a feeling it's the same weeb who has been very defensive when I and other anons criticized weird shojo tropes in the anime thread kek.
If you're reading,
nonny: nothing exists in a vacuum btw.
No. 1568373
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No. 1568374
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No. 1569206
>>1565273Fujos and non-fujos posting their analyses here is pretty nice though. This is probably the only thread where that kind of post fits and there are others who are actually willing to discuss it without throwing pakichan accusations whenever you don't worship fujos and yaoi as the best thing ever.
>>1565660There are plenty of fujos who have boyfriends or are married to men. There are even fujos who are lesbians and meet their girlfriends through yaoi fanfiction.
Fujos are not a monolith, I think at this point that should be common knowledge. They don't all have the same characteristics.
No. 1570174
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The artist is 32
No. 1571857
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No. 1571858
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No. 1571916
>>1571903i think the lc community did a good job keeping shotafags away just by either ignoring them or mocking them. This isnt reddit or big corpo social media so it seems stupid to completly ban a topic just because it
trigger tourists. Fujos talking about shota makes sense because its part of their culture, but i dont see shota-talk outside of there. I hope this site doesnt become Twitter 2.0, instead of making retarded polls to censor wrongthink they should actually try to focus on deleting the fucking CP and do something about the raids.
No. 1571929
>>1571857>>1571858>>1571863>>1571918You twittertard sjws care more about pixels on a screen than actual
victims and that's really telling. How about you focus on the scrotes who watch porn or worse instead of this shit
No. 1571936
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No. 1571948
>>1571944KF is also a lolcow board. Lc has off-topic boards too. Also, he doesnt have literal CP raids to take care off instead of just some retards discussing ''
problematic'' stuff. Like seriously tell me there arent bigger problems with lolcow than censoring speech? I have been here since 2018 and i have never seen loli/shota, but cp shit gets spammed every fucking day and often stays up for hours.
No. 1571965
>>1571943Idk how you can tell me shota looks like actual kids bc they don’t unless you’re talking about the hyper realistic ai art
>>1571944Because null is a fat retard who whines at literally anything and everything and is paranoid as fuck about kiwi getting taken down. Lc doesn’t have that risk and even then it should focus on literal child porn instead of fictional shit
No. 1571970
>>1571929nice whataboutism, nobody said anything about not caring about real
victims. Nobody except a few sickos like to see that degenerate shit and there's no need to allow it here.
No. 1571996
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>>1571929you're calling people twittertards but have the twitter mentality of not being able to conceive people caring about two things the same amount at once. literally who said that? you just love jumping to conclusions to validate your own bias kek. stop jacking off
No. 1571998
>>1571994There are a lot of fat apologists on g, specifically apologizing for fat moids. If you find fat moids attractive you’re a lost cause.
>>1571996Bc every single anti I seen just wants to moralfag how shota/loli is terrible but then turn a blind eye to actual children. Either way shota is incredibly based and I will not stop being one anytime soon.
No. 1572001
>>1571996nta but this site literally has a cp problem yet i see the admins more interested in banning people talking about shota than fixing that issue. Are you telling me that the admins and farmhands dont have enough stuff to ban, like cp spam, gore, raids, racebaiting, etc. You know, stuff that's a real fucking problem and everyone has been complaing about, but nah i guess they are more interested in the 3 or 4 anons who talk about shota on the fujo thread and post sebaciel or venti drawings. CP already stays for HOURS here, now the admins and farmahands are going to waste more time sitting through retarded twitterfags sending reports to ban shotafags. And let be honest, you faggots arent going to stop at shota, you fuckers are going to report every single anime boy that doesnt look like a steroid ridden monsters because you are that sensitive.
No. 1572035
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>>1572029ok, you are retarded. Its literally only about shota/loli. And i am angry about it because it will only attract more retards like you while not helping at all with the real abuse pictures that are posted here DAILY. You cant even read, you are definetly going to abuse the new rule by reporting everyone even if they are just talking about some anime twink.
>>1572031i have fucking never seen nsfw shota being posted here, its not a side-wide fucking problem that the admins should care about. Again, the real cp, the one that hurts real children and isnt some shitty drawing, stays up for HOURS. And if they do report the issue then they are doing a terrible job because the pedophile has been posting for over 5 months and it doesnt look like the reports to the police are doing much to stop him.
>>1572033at least you admit you are a twitterfag that doesnt care about real children and only has a hateboner for drawings because they hurt your feefees
(infighting) No. 1572058
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>>1572050I was thinking the same thing kek
No. 1572060
>>1572035If I know what you're saying, the spam isn't done by a pedo, its a bot. You're new so you're clueless but those bots dpam to every imageboard to advertise honeypot sites. Some anons said thw images were literally photoshopped which makes it even more likely its a honeypot more than anything. Regardless, both drawn and real CP are legal offenses. A lot of pedos use shota/loli to groom/control kids or get even deeper into their fetish, it shouldn't be enabled.
Unlike the bot spammer, we do actually have pedos here right now that admit they get off to shota, whether those are gay men or pedophilic women doesn't matter because either way it's illegal for them to possess drawn CP. Didn't pakichan post an irl pedo image once? Female pedos exist.
No. 1572193
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>>1572151pedo nonna goes to jail arc lets goooooo
No. 1572398
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Damn. Last I checked this was a thread for clowning on horny fujos, not an internal ringfight over child pornography.
No. 1572571
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A classic
No. 1572761
>>1572444>Normal people don't sperg about degenerate drawings being the same as literal abuse, and they don't go around spreading unsubstantiated rumors about who is posting abuse material.Nta but normal people don't get off to degenerate drawings of children getting raped either, that's something only pedos do. Normal people also know that you can hate more than one thing at once, rather than making themselves choose between csa
victims and csa pornography whether real or drawn. Not to mention, many shota/loli 'artists' has been exposed as pedos who traced the pictures of actual kids or watched cp to draw their shit. Why are you so hell-bent on defending this anyways? lc wouldn't stop working just because nsfw drawings of children got banned.
No. 1572854
>>1572444Normal people don't shlick it to underage boys. There's a well known shotafag in 4chan and she admitted to grooming and having a sexual activities with little boys, she's only consumed drawn media afaik but she still raped kids and tries to rape even more. If you wanna see proof make a search of "chickn" in the 4chan/soc/ archieves.
I even spoke to a guy that told me she tried to groom him when he was 15 and she was 25, she sent him shota while sexting.
This material is commonly used by pedos like this.
No. 1572881
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>>1572854Adding a picture of her admitting some of the crimes
No. 1572904
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>>1572854>>1572881This reminds me of what Shulamith Firestone said about how boys are in an in-between state between manhood(which they are expected to aspire to) and womanhood(which they came from). Firestone argued that this liminal state can consume them, making them vulnerable to predation by men, and prompting women to want to shape boys into pseudo-lovers, Shotacon displays this dichotomy really well.
No. 1573481
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No. 1573512
>>1573481lol i suspect these and a lot of the pro-shota seething in /meta/ are the work of the same schizotranny
especially the desperate attempts at equating shotafags with fujos
No. 1573683
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>>1573481>cc has %60-70 male users based on the gender polls they've done>cc users butthurt over the ban of cp, vote for it to be allowedHm…
>>1573250All shotafags are trannies that's why they should be banned
Picrel is a tranny blaming anon for her child brother getting raped, saying it wouldn't have happened if she didn't chase after fujos/shotafags and try to get them banned (no correlation whatsoever)
No. 1575046
>>1573699imagine being a porn addict, going to a porn addict cringe thread and reee about true and honest buttfuck fans
can't relate
No. 1575137
>>1575106you are the one getting
triggered over it
No. 1575211
>>1575196Samefag. Before it creates any misunderstandings, I'm
>>1575057 >>1575156 and
>>1575106 , the post
>>1575194 has nothing to do with me.
No. 1575253
>>1575221>If you are coming in here to only fight, you are mentally illYeah then tell this to the retard
>>1575046 who was starting infights instead of acting like those who wanted it to stop are the ones at fault. For the last time, I'm not going to hide the fucking thread. I also post on here from time to time, I just hate how infighting takes up all the space rather than actual fujo cringe.
No. 1575560
>>1575253Because that anon did not make that post to infight. You responded to them for no reason when they weren't targeting you. This is the fujoCOOMER cringe thread, of course they're going to make fun of people for being coomers. And,
>"I'm not going to hide the fucking thread. I also post on here from time to time"Then only post when you have something of value to say or something cringe to laugh at, because you're shitting up the thread just as much as everyone else.
No. 1575751
>>1575560>Then only post when you have something of value to saySomeone losing it at an anti-shota anon sure is something of value to say.
>or something cringe to laugh atI already post that more often than majority of the users in this thread.
>because you're shitting up the thread just as much as everyone elseThen also say that to 'everyone else', why only single out my posts retard? how was I supposed to know that replying to just one mentally ill user would result in you and an another one arguing over nothing? if you both had stfu (and ignored a reply that wasn't targeting any of you either), this wouldn't have dragged on at all. But you're obviously not going to admit it. I won't reply anymore, go ahead and keep playing dumb to shit up the thread with all the infights you're so fond of.
No. 1577757
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About the poll results
No. 1584414
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I’m curious about your guys’ opinions on this, so here I go. I generally support women transitioning to men, but ever since I joined lolcow it really slapped me in the face just how prevalent the pipeline of fujoshi to supposedly he/him is on the modern internet. I mean, trans men have existed way before the internet, but this specific phenomenon of 12-to-20 year old BL fans mysteriously manifesting penises all of a sudden is genuinely something to behold. Hence why I still technically support trans men offline, but with the caveat that if I find out you are/have ever been a fujoshi I am going to smack you in the tits with a yaoi paddle until you get your head on straight, let alone if you try and tell me you’re a gay trans bottom. Because. Okay Stacie. Okay. Call me back when you’ve gotten laid. Maybe then you’ll finally start to slow down on those ‘cuntboy’ Ao3 tags. Bottom line is, I know this website is full on trans-hate, but I’m wondering if anyone else recognises a middle ground wherein the main issue here is just this new wave cutesie-mastectomy-scars pixie-hair he/him/they t4t-shipping ‘bottom’ transmasc morbidly obese ‘femboy’ that loves to turn around to other straight women and tell them about their cruel life of being fetished as a ‘gay man.’ Thoughts?
No. 1584559
>>1584414Fujo fakebois have been a thing since yaoi was only popular in Japan, this is nothing new. What's new is the extent to which troonism is shilled and it becoming a full-on social contagion worldwide, which is a phenomenon that happened separate from yaoi, due to certain institutions with a perverse agenda wanting to push as many people as possible into becoming lifelong medical patients and controlling the narrative, but I digress. Yaoi just got caught in this mess even though it wasn't meant to be a tool for transgenderism.
I don't believe fujo TIFs are that much different from "true" TIFs/"transmen", I think they all have trauma and deep misogyny issues, like most women do, but they don't know how to cope with these issues unlike most normie women (exacerbated by the fact that these girls do not, or don't feel like they fit feminine standards). In my opinion, yaoi is just one of the things that could
trigger a desire in girls to become men. It gives insecure and confused teenage girls the idea that their lives would be better and their love life more fulfilling if only they were male. At the same time, most yaoi is born out of a desire for women to escape misogyny (and horniness, of course, but this is the main reason these women decide to draw and write strictly about gay men instead of straight relationships). Naturally, it's going to attract straight girls and women who deep down feel the same (it's no coincidence that yaoi is so popular with girls from very misogynistic cultures with rigid gender roles), and being addicted to yaoi while not having "normal" relationships with men irl, as happens with many socially awkward teenagers, is what leads to them internalizing the idea of being an idealized gay male, because they don't even have a concept of pleasant relationships or sex between a woman and a man, and who can blame them? After being bombarded with depictions of women and straight relationships that they hate and don't want to emulate, after being bombarded with the idea of shitty female gender roles, they find yaoi and it's something fresh, new, and exciting, a completely different view on sexuality and gender roles than what they're used to where none of the two guys is treated as lesser because of the genitals he was born with. This form of escapism is a breath of fresh air, they can forget about being female for a moment. And they figure "I prefer this by far, this is how I want it to be, this is who I want to be", but then think they cannot get that sort of relationship if they have a female body and a female role in society, so they become depressed and obsessed with the idea of changing sex.
And then after all that comes everything else associated with TIFs, such as the sense of (online) community, the virtue-signalling, etc.
So, in short, I think fujo fakebois suffer from strong internalized misogyny and typical teenage confusion about their identity, and instead of finding a healthy way to cope, they end up getting the very strong desire to be a gay male from yaoi, and then get caught into them transgender meme because it's shilled everywhere. "True transmen" have even more complex psychological issues, but that doesn't mean the fujo kind doesn't suffer from any sort of trauma or internalized misogyny.
I don't really hate these girls for being just deluded fujos, it's not their fault the whole world tells them that women aren't meant to enjoy relationships or be deep, diverse and complex human beings.
No. 1584568
>>1584414You keep talking about 'supporting trans men', but wtf does that even mean? You support lesbians who are so uncomfortable with their sexuality they feel the need to become men? You support internalized misogyny that makes women want to distance themselves from their own biology? You support cutting off healthy body parts instead of getting proper therapy and learning to accept yourself?
Of course, you're right that the fujo version of a TIF is much less sympathetic and more to blame for the shitty things they do and say, it's a social contagion. But that doesn't redeem transitioning for other reasons as anything that deserves our support. The mental aspect of not wanting to be the sex you're born as + the damaging physical aspect of medically and surgically transitioning are serious issues and just make those girls
victims in this scenario, you'll never catch me thinking it's okay.
No. 1585004
>>1584559>it's not their fault the whole world tells them that women aren't meant to enjoy relationshipsThe thing is, the world says that too/about gay men even more. Gays are persecuted and murdered and their sexuality is called unnatural. So I don't understand why these straight women who troon out into "gay trans men" think being a gay man is such a cakewalk compared to being a straight woman. At least with being a straight woman, your sexual orientation isn't constantly under fire. The ways in which you express sexuality might be policed, but loving men itself will never be seen as innapropriate for a woman. These women have a delusion that gay men have it easier in life and love because they only know about gay male sexuality through books/fanfic/comics written by other women for women, and then when they finally start to present as a gay man they get disappointed cause they find out it wasn't like their Yuri on Ice yaoi fantasy and then they detransition and start looking for max sympathy points like they were
victims. I have no sympathy for them.
No. 1585904
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The Fuck is this!
No. 1586001
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>>1584414I think it's in part due to feeling like you have some type of agency over other people's opinions in debates around BL and yaoi when you're a man that makes people want to transition, which is stupid. People on both sides of liking fujos or hating fujos all go through this thing of "Oh well I'm a totally real boy and therefore my opinion is better than yours!!!" There are even instances of people larping as cis men when they're without a doubt TIFs in disguise because there are rarely ever normal gay guys who are active in these debates.
>>1585923Hopefully not anymore, as long as people learn to stay in their containment threads. Maybe a better title for these threads would include the word "discussion" rather than strictly make it posting cringe.
No. 1586947
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>>1586001This person says they're a "cis" gay guy but as everyone knows only women care this much about yaoi (whether fujo or anti-fujo) and only TIFs put he/him in bio. They've never posted selfies as far as I can see but this is their profile pic right now. Catfish?
No. 1587917
>>1586907>>1586904In a nutshell, fandom is not activism. No one is a "fetishizing creep" for liking to watch anime boys fucking and also no one is a "homophobe" for not liking to watch anime boys fucking. Real life gay moids are completely irrelevant to this conversation and bringing them up on either side of the argument makes you look like a sanctimonious fag hag.
t. yumefujoshi who likes MM and MF and also MMF and couldn't care less about 3DPD fags
P.S. I wouldn't even care that much about cuntboy troonshit if it was always properly tagged as such thus making it easily blacklistable. But of course in the context of "fandom activism" it's "representation" and not tagging it appropriately is a "stunning and brave act of normalizing trans bodies" and anyone who complains is a "bigot".
No. 1589563
>>1587917There was someone in the fucking husbando thread of all places calling another poster "homophobic" for saying an artist's gallery was "full of gross (male) gay shit" kek. I don't get it, why do people like that think that's an effective argument here on LC? It's like calling a
TERF a "transphobe" to make her feel insulted as if she shared the opinion that transphobia automatically makes you a bad person. No one here cares that much about real gay men or thinks disliking yaoi is the same as hating them, not even most of the fujos themselves.
>>1587933Yeah shipping het does not make you a yume. You have to self-insert to be one.
No. 1589678
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>>1586904>zelda fandom currently>high school levels of DON'T STEAL MY MAN but it's based or something since it's link and not a self insert mary sue oc (read: icky femoid)Honestly I'm willing to believe nintendo put
Yona in totk just to anger people and it's incredibly funny, because Sidon literally puts a ring on Link's finger. Literally. The fiance thing is a literal nothingburger and there's still people that are triggered. Yona is such a one dimensional character I'm pretty sure you could just ignore her. But I'm enjoying the torrent of fujo cringe and cringe self inserters showing their ass and being misogynistic, so there's that.
I'm not completely sure if all in pic related are fujos but it's funny so I'm posting it here saged. There's also a deranged kpoppie who's definitely a fujo fighting a war against the "straights" and that nintendo invented homophobia or something.
No. 1589933
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This is egregious even by fujoshi standards. unironically defending the misogyny and bad writing of Hazbin Hotel simply because Vivziepop was rightfully criticized for her childish yaoi fan-fiction teir writing that makes her incapable of creating a good story.
No. 1589939
>>1589933I agree with her that wish fulfillment stories made by women are more scrutinized than those written by men. It would've been alright if Vivziepop had made HB to cater to her fujo fantasies from the beginning.
However, that's not what happened. She had a clear plan at first, and then it got derailed in favor of her aforementioned fujo fantasies, where she also happens to portray female characters in a misogynistic way because this character gets in the way of her OC OTP. That's shit writing.
No. 1589950
>>1589939Samefag, also I just checked the thread and that poster seems to be projecting her own attraction to the characters onto Vivzie's critics. Does she come from Twitter or something? I have never seen anyone on this site talk about finding any character from that show hot (only Alastor but he's from HH), much less criticize the show while talking about husbandos at the same time. The main complaints are "why did the show change course from the initial funny concept to forced ship drama" and "I don't like how the female characters are treated like shit at every opportunity while these male characters are portrayed as pure little angels for no reason". Nothing to do with hating gay ships or even hating fujoshi.
I also don't know why these imaginary self-inserters she's talking about would want better written and more prominent female characters. Aren't self-inserters supposed to
hate prominent female characters? Truly rent free. Fujos like this are so weirdly aggressive and childish, it reeks of underage twitterfag.
No. 1594205
>>1589678Kek. Are they forgetting Zelda is the default/marketed het partner for link or has she been so much in the background for them?
>>1584414Are you lost? Why would you approve of a harmful medical pipeline for anyone?
No. 1599858
>>1599635I think it's corny and annoying to hear every day.
>>1596836Even worse when they take m/f or m/m pairings and call them yuri as a joke. It's not something that makes me seethe, but it's really forced like you said. Plus you rarely ever see people posting actual yuri when making those jokes, it's just slapping "he/him lesbian" on every male character nowadays.
No. 1599863
>>1589678Ah see these are the types I hate.
Canon straight relationships hasn’t stopped anyone from making gay fanart before, so I’m not sure why they NEED Link to be canonically gay. “Muh representation “ is such a shitty tired reason to complain about this.
No. 1599868
>>1589678Ah see these are the types I hate.
Canon straight relationships hasn’t stopped anyone from making gay fanart before, so I’m not sure why they NEED Link to be canonically gay. “Muh representation “ is such a shitty tired reason to complain about this.
No. 1609512
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Westerners are canceling this danmei author for being a homophobic terf, but she’s right
No. 1617928
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No. 1617930
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No. 1617932
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No. 1617933
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>>1617928>>1617930>>1617932Fucking Christ, how utterly porn sick must these people be, like this one is totally gonna troon out.
No. 1620150
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Antinous became Hadrian's "beloved" when he was between 12 or 13 years old and died at age 19, in later periods Antinous because a symbol for gay men and pederasts and even NAMBLA points to their "relationship" as an example of why pederasty should be normalized. so its beyond fucked up to romanticize child rape for the sake of your coom.
No. 1625049
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Fujocoomers stop romanticizing pedophilia challenge(impossible)
No. 1625212
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>>1625183 >>1625052 She literally posted this right after… she definitely lurks here
No. 1625393
Should there be new rules for the new thread? I think there should be a disclaimer to stop people like
>>1625334 and other fujos from coming in here to derail and defend the fujocoomer cringe.
No. 1625480
>>1625049The art is gorgeous, but even without knowing she ships them, you can tell this piece has a romantic aura to it that ship art usually has.
>>1625393Yes please
No. 1626106
>>1625393>coming in here to derail and defend the fujocoomer cringeAs if
>>1625214 is productive to thread in any way whatsoever. The thread is for fujo cringe, not someone acting paranoid schizo.
No. 1628145
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Anon defends Homunculus100_
No. 1628897
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>Having a husbando means you're racist homophobic!
Anything to autistically hate other women having fun and wanting things for themselves rather than having to have a psuedo stand in. Twitterfags should've never found this site if they couldn't control themselves. Reminds me of the 2000s hate for Sakura from SasuNaru shippers for her being in the way. Absolutely retarded.