File (hide): 1654826710334.jpeg (69.88 KB, 571x581, B09CBA73-97EB-403B-9480-A7003D…)

No. 1219153
You’re always full of shit, anon.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1211428 No. 1219161
File (hide): 1654827063479.jpeg (133.15 KB, 736x1021, 363E1274-2CAD-4DD8-9470-64A272…)

>>1219157he should become LC’s new ugly husbando move over paul dano
No. 1219164>>1219172
File (hide): 1654827227535.gif (896.77 KB, 400x400, 1653575642658.gif)

No. 1219165
File (hide): 1654827250706.png (899.87 KB, 700x1709, dzZvlNp46hsVjIzASLeiMOq6YJnxs9…)

If there was a lolcow restaurant, I would want hot coco on the menu. There could be dairy but no beef. There could be a conversation pit with cow print seats for customers to huddle around and drink the hot chocolate in. No food that would require you to open your mouth super wide, because that would encourage nasolabial lines. I also think discharge should be on the menu, for Komaeda-chan to sate her cravings
I can't believe I'm so bored that I'm thinking about this.
No. 1219191>>1219195
File (hide): 1654828137169.jpg (36.25 KB, 563x557, 1651429427431.jpg)

No. 1219199>>1219200
File (hide): 1654828472324.gif (156.06 KB, 1063x106, C4B10E75-B12F-4B44-A251-A3A4FD…)

last one sorry for shitting up the DUMBASS SHIT thread SORRY
No. 1219208>>1219211
File (hide): 1654828912578.jpg (32.62 KB, 780x439, intro-1530138734.jpg)

>>1219203You mean when she does that Ben Stiller face?
No. 1219233
File (hide): 1654831352057.jpg (20.75 KB, 346x250, 1497740927039.jpg)

Thread pic is going to give me nightmares tonight, thanks op
No. 1219261>>1219272
File (hide): 1654833183444.jpeg (21.57 KB, 254x199, E372379F-0834-4C0C-A991-8102EF…)

I think this is one of the first memes I ever saw.
No. 1219277>>1219281>>1219299
File (hide): 1654833830978.jpg (8.45 KB, 275x173, 1648585109954.jpg)

My mother told me we're entering the 5th dimension and apparently not everyone is going to make it. Also some schizo ramblings about waking up normies. Any time she uses "normies" I want to bash my head in. I should ask her about the dimensional merge and her opinion on it. She knows nothing about Chris-chan and I figure how much worse could the rants be than they are now. I need a laugh.
No. 1219290>>1219294
File (hide): 1654834257420.jpeg (59.35 KB, 1200x600, 398220D7-E8B6-4EE8-800D-24D535…)

You’re walking down a rural dirt lane and suddenly you see him, standing in the middle and blocking your path. He reaches a gnarled, knobby paw out to you and says huu huuu huuu huuUUUU AAAH AAHHH AAAAHH AHHAH
What does he want? What do you do?
No. 1219322>>1219325
File (hide): 1654835622583.jpeg (186.67 KB, 600x402, 631DF8E0-48C7-47C1-9B1D-ED6F5E…)

>>1219294“Why did you bring the monkeys here, dammit?!” you scream, as if you were a lunatic.
The monkey stares blankly at you. He turns his head to the left, then to the right. He looks you right in the eye. There are no other monkeys here. No other monkeys but him. He gestures again with his paw. He remains silent, expectant.
Next move?
No. 1219326
>>1219299No idea. I don't think my mother really knows. She just spews what she hears. It's obnoxious and don't question her because she'll reee about it for days. Literally I can be eating fruit peacefully and out of no where she decides she needs to continue her rant at me because how dare I question.
No. 1219334>>1219345
File (hide): 1654836218456.jpg (282.93 KB, 1080x1634, 6qc9d4x3dnm61.jpg)

Remember that time a nonnie was talking about rolling a bead dangerously close to her ear canal and it became like picrel? Good times. Miss those days.
No. 1219344>>1219345>>1219346>>1219356>>1219408
File (hide): 1654836602533.jpeg (102.92 KB, 640x427, D68BD2C8-C414-4A3C-B1CA-DEA516…)

>>1219325This seems to confuse him. With one finger he points to you, then to his crotch, then back to you. He repeats this motion several times. He doesn’t really want to, but who is he to say no? He reaches down into his fur and pulls out his tiny, bright pink penis. It’s limp. He looks away in a sad and bashful manner. Is this really what you want?
No. 1219345
>>1219334Aw, that was me. I don't know why anons seemed so appalled and interested though. I took those beads out of their usual container and it made me stop putting them in my ear.
>>1219344Get that ugly pink-faced motherfucker out of here. Are primates taking over lolcow?
No. 1219356>>1219408
File (hide): 1654837497688.jpeg (6.55 KB, 225x225, 6D6G4-567H78-895.jpeg)

No. 1219395>>1219405>>1219412
File (hide): 1654839664904.jpg (4.91 MB, 861x8551, Hallistheblondone.jpg)

>>1219372A white t shirt with this bad boy in black text
No. 1219408>>1219419>>1219427
File (hide): 1654840307919.jpeg (75.13 KB, 600x600, A0B15B63-D6A7-4C05-991F-B5041D…)

>>1219344>>1219346>>1219356The monkey tilts his head. What had anon just said? She wanted him to be Patrick Stewart? He supposed this was his lot now. Things hadn’t been the same since the joke factory closed down, and he didn’t qualify to be a barrel monkey. Screenwriting seemed to be his only option as a monkey, and while he’d never had a particular talent for writing scripts, he had tried anyway. He hadn’t sold a damn one and his pantry was now completely empty. He wasn’t a beggar. He worked hard. He had his pride. His ancestors used to forage on this land. He had tried it too, for a time. Months of living off what little he could find had worn him down. He was hungry. Suddenly a retard flies out of the bushes. “KSK KSK” she yells at the top of her lungs,”KSK KSK KSK KSK!!” She aimed an old plastic Febreeze bottle at the Patrick Stewart monkey. “KSK KSK KSK KSK
KSK” she repeats, over and over. The monkey starts to shake. His fur begins to singe and smoke. An unbearable pain. His skin bubbles, splits and blackens. Why? What had I done? He slaps at himself, trying to put out an invisible flame, but it’s too late. I only wanted a banana, he thinks, I only wanted to eat. He screams. Make it stop. I don’t want to die! It hurts. His vocal chords tear as he screams and throws himself to the ground, into the bushes, against the tree trunks. Please. Please make it stop. He is blinded by pain. As quick as it began, it is over. His body lies in the road. Charred beyond recognition. Almost ash. He will move no more. He wasn’t even Patrick Stewart.
No. 1219412
>>1219372Bedazzled "anorectal violence" shirt. Or a picture of my husbando with "mopping the windows" under it.
>>1219395Every time I see this I laugh out loud for like a full minute
No. 1219419
File (hide): 1654840757923.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.64 MB, 2048x3072, 1987419_2x3.jpg)

This is the bald head
>>1219157 was talking about. I want to smack his bald pink head like a watermelon
>>1219408God I love you monkey anon No. 1219439>>1219746>>1220129
File (hide): 1654842502754.jpg (134.97 KB, 1200x1200, elotes-8-1200.jpg)

Today I found out that the little callous I have that looks like a continuation of my pinky nail is called a listers corn. I also cut it off with scissors yesterday (which relieved some of the pain) and I plan to use my electric file to file the rest of. I want this corn gone for good so I'm willing to damage my actual skin for it.
I stand with all of my sisters who get toenail corns. There may not be many of us, but I am with you.
No. 1219762>>1219873
File (hide): 1654868382675.gif (1.12 MB, 245x150, 6F506819-8884-4E5E-9451-AD96AD…)

I miss when I was young and going on holiday with my family and pretending to be mermaids with my little sister in the pool
No. 1219862>>1219870
>>1219711She had 900 pages on PULL because users were seething with jealousy and filled with posts about how, if they were a trust fund baby with the opportunity to go to Japan, they'd only ever eat plain white rice with vinegar in ancient
jinja (that's Japanese for shrine, in case ur a pleb) while studying the reproductive cycle of minminzemi under some old fart priest instead of going to Disney World and eating pancake, and not because she was particularly milky. She had that one buddhism thing what felt like a decade ago even back when PULL still existed and then her autism-arc afterwards. That's about it, the rest was just them complaining about her shooping and looking nothing like her candids and wearing brown again. I know I'm sounding like a real hard whiteknight right now, but the only reason I had my weekly reading session of her thread was because it were pullfags who were entertaining, not her kek.
No. 1219873
>>1219762I miss this too, all the time.
Sometimes I would also pretend I was Vaporeon.
You can still do this in your head though, you know. No one at the pool will know if you’re imagining wind a mermaid
No. 1219964>>1220007
File (hide): 1654878219929.jpg (61.46 KB, 750x688, ce207260e7d84091fe3b0e000bbdbb…)

I've been dressing like this all my life and just learned it's called beatnik. Wow
No. 1220007
File (hide): 1654881015524.jpg (34.09 KB, 564x434, e3a96c9eea5700a23af9e556f7a22f…)

>>1219964Hey at least you didn't find out you dress like a skinhead
and I still like the style No. 1220072>>1220083>>1220102
File (hide): 1654884247828.gif (808.2 KB, 540x221, 1649573573607.gif)

Looks like the rumors of the suspiciously wealthy furries are true and I just made $120… Fingers crossed I don't get ripped off lol
No. 1220106>>1220578
File (hide): 1654885373103.gif (1.81 MB, 393x413, u1IN6au.gif)

THE LONGER I IGNORE HIM THE FREER AND HAPPIER I FEEL. Anons… he's not worth it. He is never, ever worth it.
No. 1220498
>>1220137yet another woman taking out her dumb ass scrotes actions out on other women. what did the moms ashes ever do to her
>>1220491spread cheeks a bit before sitting down.
No. 1220639>>1220645>>1220709>>1220728>>1220747>>1220887
File (hide): 1654914635173.jpeg (91.33 KB, 512x512, 66E32CA8-8303-461B-AC39-2F5D51…)

>hop over to /g/
>”i wanna be the last woman in a village, gangbanged by soldiers, femdom is cringe”
what the fuck. what the fuck breaks in ones brain to make them like this. i want to believe it’s all just male larping but….straight women do be trippin.
No. 1220651>>1221315
File (hide): 1654916085284.jpeg (109.06 KB, 660x488, 14A4B781-8F50-476C-B088-CB2328…)

I hate men but I keep thinking about this male I met a few years ago who kind of resembles jack from MGS lord help me I’m still obsessed with that character
No. 1220683
File (hide): 1654919518447.jpeg (166.48 KB, 1400x788, 8ADAB5D4-B81B-434C-AC4C-7F8F6F…)

>>1220653Go back to Shays thread you salt lick.
No. 1220920
File (hide): 1654946970333.jpeg (57.96 KB, 564x423, DDC275D6-AF75-4F45-A6A5-B58C51…)

I don’t wanna be at work I wanna shit post with the girls on!! What’s everyone saying? What’s happening? Fuck work! Where’s that butch that wants a housewife, because it’s sounding more tempting every day, I’ll be like a gay Retsuko, getting married to escape the grind.
No. 1220930>>1220960>>1220965
File (hide): 1654947732305.png (914.7 KB, 763x831, EFE04317-B6F7-4AFA-B7EC-E2AE56…)

there should be more entertaining things
No. 1220999>>1221014
File (hide): 1654952573613.jpeg (42.07 KB, 571x577, 4CE71B8E-0C59-448B-AABC-8FFDF4…)

Have any of you anons ever lived in an unhygienic household for years and only questioned the levels of hygiene when you were older? I still live with my parents and it was only now I started to realise how dirty we are. I kind of knew we were messier compared to other families, but I didn’t think much of it. I first started realising how unclean we were when I transitioned from taking showers from once a week to once a day when I entered college as well as change my bed sheets every week, which I would just never change before. I’m trying to make the house more hygienic. The kitchen floor is just completely dirty and I’m cleaning it right now. The bathroom tiles, mostly on the floor, have dirty groat and mold and I need to wash the bath mats. I feel kind of disgusted at myself for living in this mess my whole life and ,although being a little embarrassed about it, never actually thinking about it or doing something about it. I now have so much work to do and it’s tiring
No. 1221014
>>1220999>I first started realising how unclean we were when I transitioned from taking showers from once a week to once a day when I entered collegeWe used to take one shower a week too until I entered high school because my mentally ill father would threaten or beat us up if we took "too many" showers. He's so obsessed with money I didn't dare brush my teeth until high school too because I was scared he would beat me up for being in the bathroom for more than 10 seconds because it used to actually happen. Once he harassed me all day long because I was in the toilets and flushing too many times in one day because of my periods and he only stopped when I yelled at him that I have my periods and I'm basically "peeing" blood clot the size of my fist with visible bits of flesh, since he's a Muslim retard he was way too shocked to react. I wish I were joking. Anyway because of that shit my back and face are covered in acne scars from when I entered puberty and I hate my parents for it and for saying that skin care is exactly like makeup, and thus, it's haram until I'm 18 years old.
On a less disgusting note, my family would often just drink from the same glasses or the same bottle when eating together and they'd be surprised whenever we all got sick at the same time. It's a miracle I'm still alive despite their stupidity.
No. 1221112>>1221139>>1221187>>1221204>>1221211>>1221237
File (hide): 1654959222988.jpg (69.83 KB, 1280x720, FLdzSlqXwAAp0VT.jpg)

>buy Harry Styles tickets for my wife and little sister
>buy an extra ticket so my sister can take a friend because she deserves it
>"but anon I want you to come! it won't be the same without you!"
>can't say no to my little sister, love her to bits
>mfw I realise that not only am I lining this faggots pockets but I'm also now obligated to see him in concert
No. 1221187>>1221272
File (hide): 1654961816962.gif (159 B, 16x16, 13445.gif)

>>1221112Really makes me think whether I should bring my s/o to my favorite band (which he doesn't care too much about) with me or get a more expensive ticket alone. I never been to a concert before, but I've always wanted to watch this band live.
No. 1221204>>1221272
File (hide): 1654962462929.jpg (31.76 KB, 564x564, 1650683060079.jpg)

>>1221112Well, do you love your sister or not? Do it for her or I'll kill you.
No. 1221255>>1221269
File (hide): 1654964086011.gif (495.62 KB, 482x347, tumblr_mx4s55EUn31shu0zqo1_500…)

I went to several clothing shops because I frickin need clothes, I keep wearing the same things over and over but I literally cannot find anything that catches my eye. Like no, I don't want my stomach to be out and no, I don't want neon colored things. Ffs I want the 80s fashion trends from 2 years ago back desperately
No. 1221272
>>1221139>>1221204>>1221211>>1221237You're all very right. The memories are the important thing and it's very sweet of my sister to want me to come when I know for a fact that her friends would fight me to the death for that spare ticket. Just the other day I was worried that with my sister getting more mature and independent our bond might suffer, so it does mean a lot to be invited.
>>1221187If you're in a serious relationship and he doesn't flat out hate the band, then I say invite him. I joke about Harry Styles but the truth is it's inoffensive pop music, for my wife and little sister I can put up with it and have a good time with them. You're never gonna have the exact some preferences as your partner and IMO a good partner is willing to broaden their horizons a little and go to different concerts/films/events/whatever with their partner. That being said, if he's not willing to commit to it and complains about it you should absolutely get yourself a better ticket and treat yourself; don't let your first concert be a shitty experience, especially since it's your favourite band.
No. 1221315>>1221317
File (hide): 1654967133296.jpg (71.85 KB, 600x300, Raidenraiden.jpg)

>>1220651Jack as in Raiden?!??!??!??!??!??!?!??!??!??!??!??!???!
No. 1221318
File (hide): 1654967282067.gif (2.73 MB, 469x302, Big_Boss_Crying.gif)

>>1221317That's fine, he's an upstanding man who loves his mother
No. 1221329>>1221330>>1221332
>>1221324kill yourself
nonnie this most botched moid i have ever seen in my life
No. 1221330>>1221336
>>1221328i will since i always make it
>>1221329>kill yourself nonnieok
No. 1221332>>1221341
File (hide): 1654968109385.gif (2.09 MB, 498x482, hyunjin-skz.gif)

>>1221329Go take a shower
No. 1221339
File (hide): 1654968322085.gif (1.82 MB, 268x370, 7d7efcbb9f72027fca8e7658e45960…)

I literally thought this was a gif of Emilia Clarke kek
No. 1221349>>1221351>>1221577
File (hide): 1654968483458.gif (1.68 MB, 275x155, 1644441595617.gif)

Not as pretty as mine
No. 1221358>>1221361>>1221367
File (hide): 1654968710861.gif (5.18 MB, 640x640, hyunjin-hair-push-hyunjin-hair…)

>>1221353My moid is NOT a pedo, yours likes fat children so that automatically make plastic moid better, kiss my ass.
No. 1221364>>1221370>>1221386>>1221399
File (hide): 1654968936327.png (923.81 KB, 720x538, Capture.PNG)

>>1221342Nothing revolutionary but 'Crashed wedding edition'? Or 'Wedding crashed by stalking ex' edition?
No. 1221370>>1221374>>1221381
File (hide): 1654969093703.jpg (172.17 KB, 1080x1080, bed8e1809e98a118ab1e530e142451…)

>>1221364your not even a ezrafag because ezrafags get along with us. Trying to cause a divide tsk tsk tsk.
No. 1221398
>>1221394kek sorry
nonnie that response to the ideas made me laugh
No. 1221399
File (hide): 1654969786150.gif (447.42 KB, 480x270, baekhyun-cbb9.gif)

>>1221392>>1221390ill make that the next thread name.
>>1221364this one is good too
No. 1221407>>1221410
>>1221403i wish that was Ezra choking your moid
>>1221397that is good anon kek
No. 1221410
File (hide): 1654970023452.jpg (122.73 KB, 1920x1080, a1e12ff82f36be57b08251f9412473…)

>>1221407>ezra choking my husbandoI would pay to see that.
No. 1221414>>1221418
File (hide): 1654970116325.jpg (127.63 KB, 1320x743, 16548009252608.jpg)

>>1221409and actually this would make a perfect threadpic
No. 1221423>>1221425>>1221426>>1221429
File (hide): 1654970462677.jpeg (24.87 KB, 300x300, F97F5E12-6F97-475F-BC79-9C1629…)

i don't think i have ever at first glance found a woman more punchable looking
No. 1221429>>1221431>>1221449
File (hide): 1654970639415.jpg (126.06 KB, 691x1000, Natalie Gal Hercules Premieres…)

>>1221423I feel like if she changed her expression and didn't try to do the empty model face thing and instead smiled or something she would look pretty
No. 1221459>>1221462
File (hide): 1654972538505.jpeg (3.66 KB, 80x80, 706D45A1-5D4B-4F64-AACA-0987AB…)

ITT anons rooting for a fat pedo
No. 1221461
File (hide): 1654972576109.jpeg (57.52 KB, 625x467, 8CF98FF5-B61B-4506-95E3-2FB2B2…)

>>1221416When the girls start to strut
You could look at her but
You shouldn't do that
Think about just that
Because her clothes are just as pretty
They’re not just to cover her kitty
No. 1221470>>1221486
File (hide): 1654972998317.jpg (46.29 KB, 474x589, 5aeb09355c65e00ff698019ee8c4ca…)

>watch vlogs about cabin crew, immediately obsessed with becoming an air hostess
>watch vlogs about becoming rich via yt, bitcoin and so on, feel like i need to do the same
i'm just so desperate to not have a "normal" job
i've only been working for a year and hate it so much, but this is pretty much the only job i can do with my degree
i feel like i need to find a "dream job" fast, otherwise i'll have an harder time because of my age
No. 1221517
>>1221486kek yeah that too, i was obsessed with so many countries already
i can't watch a single documentary without kind of daydreaming myself into it
No. 1221571>>1221602>>1221637>>1221644>>1221663
File (hide): 1654977163628.jpeg (179.52 KB, 1080x1528, building-instructions-lego-655…)

Did anyone else play with Lego Clikits as a kid? It's one of those things you never hear about when people talk about nostalgia stuff, but I loved this when I was little.
No. 1221637
File (hide): 1654980544809.jpg (8 KB, 296x170, index.jpg)

>>1221571I had pic rel. Damn you really dug out that memory from faaar back in my brain.
No. 1221673>>1221677>>1221719
File (hide): 1654982538507.png (443.72 KB, 784x444, thefuck.png)

I can't believe this shits real
No. 1221697>>1221717>>1221723>>1221724>>1221732>>1221738>>1221747>>1221752>>1221761>>1221767>>1221780>>1221889>>1221898
Fuck marry and kill: sperg eddition
Romani-anon, Paki-chan, the ana-chan and trannyhands, the anti-fujo sperg, the coquettes, Crap-chan, vpn-chan also known as dyke-hater, Kanyefag, Ezrafags, Boyegafag, Hyunjinfag , all the spergs at the cosplay board (most autistic board).
(there are more spergs than this i know but these are the only ones i remember right now)
No. 1221717>>1221720
>>1221697Marry Boyegachan, kiss Komaedachan and kill Hyunjinfag (and everyone else on that list).
Boyegachan is a hoot so I would have no problem marrying her.
No. 1221723
>>1221697marry a fellow ezrafag
kill hyunjinfag
No. 1221752
>>1221697i would marry Ezrafags so i can save them from joining Ezra's weird groomer tranny-cult and then put them into a fitness program.
Dont worry Ezrafags i am coming to save you.
No. 1221761
>>1221697Fuck: Ezrafags, they're unhinged but nice.
Marry: Romanianon, I can fix you girl I'd spend my money on her so she could be a full time neet.
Kill: Vpn-chan and trannyhands, if she doesn't die from starvation kek.
No. 1221767>>1221771>>1221777
>>1221697>fuck-cosplay spergs, idc about cosplay so their autism won't affect me probably
-hyunjinfag, literally who, i just needed more people in this category
-ezrafags, maybe i can fix them
>marry-boyegafag, I missed her posts but I like john (?) boyega so
-paki-chan, so she can leave Pakistan and finally be free of its moids (despite everything I feel bad for her)
-ana-chans, hoping they're the type of anorexics who like cooking for others
-kanyefag, on the off chance it's azealia
>kill-romanianon, to put her out of her misery
-tranny jannies, self explanatory
-anti fujo spergs, annoying with no redeeming qualities
-crap-chan, for the good of society she must be stopped from passing down her extremely autistic genes like she wants to
-dye-hater, cringe
-coquettes, they haven't done anything to me but I can't marry or fuck underage people
No. 1221780
>>1221697marry ezrafag, fuck boyegachan, fuck hyunjinfag even though I will never understand the appeal, kill dyke hater, anachans and weeb regulars, threaten to kill coquettes for fun but don't actually go through with it
i want to befriend romanianon and I'll probably have to start carrying around a knife (ha ha ha) but i want to meet more crazies, I don't want pakichan to hate me as a white woman but I want to befriend her too
everyone would probably want to kill me who I fuck befriend or marry because I am a woman unworthy of their love
No. 1221966>>1221969>>1221973>>1221981>>1222012>>1222282>>1223085
File (hide): 1654999501014.jpg (515.53 KB, 789x770, Marilyn McConnell.jpg)

what's the longest ban you nonnies have ever received, and what was it for? Mine was one whole week for posting this in the Marilyn Manson thread.
No. 1222014>>1222016>>1222019
File (hide): 1655002983332.jpeg (245.87 KB, 480x516, 3422B72A-70BF-4CB7-88A6-DEFAF5…)

Monkeys back
Back again
Monkeys back
Tell a friend
No. 1222019>>1222023
File (hide): 1655003144049.jpeg (80.69 KB, 721x721, images (3).jpeg)

>>1222014He looks wise, even wiser than the Sanic totem. O Wise One, may I have a riddle? I will pay you in very chunky banana
No. 1222020>>1222027
File (hide): 1655003160431.jpeg (57.36 KB, 570x570, D0E7EB0B-90A5-4629-8C34-D54F8B…)

>>1222016Now everyone report to the dance floor
To the dance floor
To the dance floor
No. 1222023
File (hide): 1655003306662.jpeg (145.92 KB, 1023x685, E2ECAF8D-2C2F-4163-8851-7D3C46…)

No. 1222024
File (hide): 1655003764039.gif (75.92 KB, 200x200, di76XrLAT.gif)

No. 1222286>>1222342
File (hide): 1655034025983.jpeg (106.36 KB, 1200x1200, 9D91953D-DD84-4507-A2D2-F547FF…)

>>1221805This is so cute.
ANYWAYS I sincerely hope every woman that’s had to kiss this beast for a role got a million dollar bonus. Can you believe this ugly fucker gets romantic lead roles? It’s all a psyop to get women to believe dating old ugly men is acceptable and the best we can do. No. I refuse.
No. 1222342>>1222483
File (hide): 1655038013636.gif (1.74 MB, 202x255, 1651688328066.gif)

>>1222286I'll never see Will Ferrell again without thinking of this dog
No. 1222366
File (hide): 1655039748348.jpg (33.95 KB, 800x533, paper-receipt-pile-pile-paper-…)

I finally cleaned my back bag with was looong overdue. Almost half of the bag was filled with old ass receipts (I found one from 2018 kek) and had about 5€ as coins lying around in it. But most importantly I found my shopping cart chip that I thought I lost a while ago. It's disgusting and I have to change that habit of collecting all receipts that I get.
No. 1222428
File (hide): 1655042199591.jpeg (101.81 KB, 749x890, 55C01ABA-79CA-403C-A09F-F54ADA…)

have you ever noticed that ever since meth was made illegal hundreds of years ago the mental health epidemic worsened? food for thought
No. 1222432>>1222452>>1222485>>1222520
File (hide): 1655042331649.jpg (115.47 KB, 1200x838, tumblr_p4w2s9SvBY1ujktejo2_128…)

I don't want to own a pet but I really want to interact with one!! aaaaaaaa
No. 1222485
File (hide): 1655043827036.jpg (122.98 KB, 1080x1080, FScZm7lVsAIDWuO.jpg)

>>1222432get a cat,
nonnie. you won't regret it. they're great people and great company. they're so funny.
No. 1222959>>1222978>>1222989>>1222995>>1223066>>1223089>>1223090
File (hide): 1655060012358.jpg (63.62 KB, 463x617, 4.jpg)

I'm thinking about cutting my hair this short in this style but I'm kind of worried I'll regret it. My hair is super damaged from split end picking so I won't lose much in terms of quality hair but my hair is kind of my shield and I'm afraid I'll feel uncomfortable if it doesn't end up looking as nice as I hope it will.
No. 1223010
>>1222978>>1222989>>1222995You're right.. I think I'll just do it
>practicting the Buddhist concept of detachmentI can get behind this lol
No. 1223034>>1223047>>1223050
File (hide): 1655063767158.jpeg (10.36 KB, 176x176, 997E9001-9418-4A79-BDDD-143580…)

>>1223021>>1223032Go here and be enlightened
>>>/ot/674732>>1223028I don't know anymore, either way I'm marrying her/them.
No. 1223047>>1223073
>>1223034>>1223021>>1223032and the original itself
>>>/g/159384I can't remember where she revealed she was also Komaedanon though.
No. 1223090>>1223096
>>1222959I think short hair can look a lot chicer than long hair, I used to think my face was too chubby for short hair but I now have it above chin level and I am a lot more confident than when it was really long. Also when I cut my long hair it did wonders for my texture as I've discovered it's naturally a lot wavier than it looked when it was long. Beware though like
>>1222978 said, it gets really addicting to cut your hair shorter and shorter once you'll realize how cool it looks on you
No. 1223300>>1223409
>>1223232i love that you
triggered all the unfunny cappers keep fighting the good fight nona
No. 1223397>>1223410>>1223418
File (hide): 1655090198214.jpg (55.27 KB, 731x1024, 1548653480408.jpg)

i'm new who is this?
No. 1223404
File (hide): 1655090834360.gif (1.44 MB, 500x375, tumblr_ndcqmypcye1r72ht7o1_500…)

Big fat thank you to the nonnie in the vent thread who told me to just confess to the guy I like a few days ago
No. 1223409
File (hide): 1655091970403.jpeg (45.1 KB, 567x567, 267DC41F-2BC6-4F1B-9501-73D814…)

>>1223300thank you nonners kek, sometimes it isn’t you it really is the people you are around
No. 1223497
File (hide): 1655102510812.png (51.8 KB, 200x200, 45753658954686.png)

If I could go back in time I would go back 5 hours earlier and beat myself up for eating that food because I'm craving it NOW and I don't have anymore
No. 1224008
I understand why
>>1223243 got b& but why
>>1223240? lol
No. 1224040>>1224045>>1224109
File (hide): 1655143391094.jpeg (81.67 KB, 598x448, 66025BE9-0FBA-4DCB-A4D1-549FD8…)

im a lazy-chan who uses 2 in 1 but apparently that is scrote behavior, im so sorry nonas i’ll stop. sage bc i am just too embarrassed….
No. 1224042>>1224046
File (hide): 1655143418886.png (647.74 KB, 613x405, Capture.PNG)

>>1224015>succulentlyDid you mean succinctly or my ESL ass just learned a new word?
No. 1224173>>1224179>>1224239
I wish I could go grey prematurely. I have black hair and it would look so cool with grey streaks in it but I'm never frying it off again. Naturally grey hair is so beautiful, I love all the tonal differences when it's just the beginning few years and after that it looks like something from a fairy tale if it's long, and super cute with a bob! My dad is 60 and barely going grey and my mom didn't start greying until she hit 50 so the chances are slim, but I still hope to live long enough to have long grey hair some day ♥
>>1219870Late reply but you can make a thread on her considering she's still doing the autism larp (though I doubt many people will respond). I do remember her having a thread on here but it was all nitpicks and before all the actual drama went down. I miss Syren Cove as a cow, too bad she's not as online as she used to be. She was never super milky but I liked her thread, it's been years since I read it though so it might be boring as fuck and only interesting to my sheltered underage self back then kek.
No. 1224179>>1224263
File (hide): 1655149756184.jpg (87.76 KB, 1000x667, 58c60cc24ac3811848a4dff13bdafc…)

>>1224173I love salt and pepper hair so much! My mom makes me help her dye her grey hair but I'm excited for my grey hair to come in. I have her hair type (fine and thin) so I hope I'll take after her in getting grey hair. My dad is a year younger than my mom but still has a full head of black hair lol.
I know Claire just has one patch of grey hair but nonetheless it's such a unique and beautiful look.
No. 1224196
File (hide): 1655150315552.jpeg (49.79 KB, 614x586, 1597681909667.jpeg)

I keep forgetting my Sister had a boy Child and she gets angry everytime I post memes along the lines of is it a girl or an abortion, bitch all I care about is my niece.
No. 1224209>>1224220>>1224223>>1224678
This may be controversial here, but of all the ones I've gotten to know, I've never known a truly terrible male. I wonder if it's because I just haven't gotten to know them well enough, my standards are low, or something else.
By terrible I mean causing harm by molesting a woman and feeling no guilt (like I just saw one poster say of their shit brother), or deliberately inflicting mental damage. I forgave my male friends their growing pains in their early teen make me a sandwich ""joke"" misogyny phase and they're now vocal advocates for women in that they'll call out men's bad behaviour to their faces, not like "male feminists" who turn it into an identity, but I would call them feminists from their actions.
Also all my boyfriends. Of all 4 long term ones never did I feel like my sexual boundaries were disrespected, and that I felt limited in my actions or behaviour. They didn't have double standards and beyond basic male socialisation (like assuming i'll do the lions share of housework which was swiftly corrected) I was never made to feel lesser. Sure there was misguided entitlement as always, but they would listen to reason. I've always assumed i'm safe with any male i'm close to because I've never seen otherwise.
I don't think my dad is a good man, but I didn't choose for him to be in my life. But of the, lets say about 15 men, I've gotten to know closely either through friends or romance, not ONE so far has confessed or done anything I'd condemn. I don't doubt women's stories about men, but how did I manage to stay away from that sphere? I've been in some damn vulnerable positions in my life and I feel statistically should've come across one. What's going on? Am I just a blind fucking idiot?
No. 1224214
File (hide): 1655151135856.jpg (Spoiler Image,154.64 KB, 1080x1001, IMG_20220614_014132.jpg)

>>1224109Fuck. You weren't kidding. I'm pretty sure that wasn't even the actual meaning of 2in1, but urbandicfags love to purposely say vile shit in name of 'dark humour'.
No. 1224234
>>1224223I thought it may be that. I'm white and grew up in a poor area which was patriarchal and religious, and I've flirted with homelessness a few times but was lucky enough to get a place with too cheap rent with a landlord who definitely wasn't doing it by the books on more than 1 occasion,
And literally lived in the spare room of a random couple when in my early 20s, in hindsight they could've really fucked me over. I remember vividly a friend of mine when we were around 10 offhandedly mentioning her neighbour was a pedophile. No doubt there have been bad men on the outskirts of my life, but I've never looked it in the eye.
No. 1224260>>1224280
File (hide): 1655154479077.jpg (189.77 KB, 1332x850, kot-ulybka-oskal.jpg)

Checked in on reddit after two weeks. Says I got suspended. Oops.
No. 1224263
>>1224179Haha that's so sweet, I dye my mothers' hair too but I don't understand why she wouldn't want it to grow in. She's beautiful with her blonde hair too but I think women should embrace aging more. It's a sign of life experience. The woman in the picture looks so cute, very unique and she looks super happy with it! Too cute.
>>1224239That sounds so beautiful! I love it when older women stay themselves once they age and don't conform to the whole 'cut your hair short and wear boring clothes once you're 60' thing. Never worth it.
No. 1224280>>1224285>>1224287
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>>1224260Devious! What did you do?
I got permabanned for my countrys sub for saying why the fuck is the NZ weightifter tranny allowed to participate, surprised my whole account did not get suspended. Meanwhile actuals racism only gets you a ban of max a couple weeks.
No. 1224351>>1224356>>1224483>>1224485
>>1224334Get on my level
>taller than 99% of the female population>broad shoulders and big arms>flat chest>large chin/jaw>large nose (moderately)>relatively deep voice with a fry (like you)>ring finger slightly longer than index fingerAnd yet I'm comfortable with myself and completely and unapologetically female. If I get a bit skinnier I look cool as fuck honestly, I just have to learn to navigate my body better and I'll be unstoppable
I'm still also unmistakably female, though when I have short hair I get misgendered by chinese old ladies or the occasional child kek
No. 1224356
>>1224351I would date you
No. 1224420>>1224436
>>1224416help a
nonny out how do you do it
No. 1224449>>1224453
File (hide): 1655166951005.jpg (328.68 KB, 1242x873, Tumblr_l_41334064997069.jpg)

Do any other nonas feel absolutely insane when ovulating or is it just me.
No. 1224472
File (hide): 1655168137721.png (3.52 MB, 1800x1343, Imperial_Empress_Crown_2.png)

>>1224436>I also forwarded the chats to their Facebook people if they were dumb enough. Turns out the military doesn't like that kek.Hey Queen, you dropped this
No. 1224527
File (hide): 1655172793560.gif (142.14 KB, 480x360, giphy (1).gif)

>>1224485Really? Is that really tism fingers? Makes sense I guess
No. 1224537
>>1224483I'm a squatty 5'4" can't reach the top of the fridgelet. My ring fingers are both longer than my pointer finger. I wear a 30F though, so whatever test I was exposed to in utero wasn't powerful enough to cage the estrogen.
No. 1224594
File (hide): 1655179139855.gif (1012.68 KB, 208x240, 1643001511552.gif)

Think of the biggest almond that you can possibly imagine? Are you doing it? Yes? It's pretty big isn't it. Pretty cool!
No. 1224598>>1224600>>1224602>>1224630>>1224641>>1224659
File (hide): 1655179307682.jpeg (Spoiler Image,302.66 KB, 426x807, 296F8CF0-D640-4AA0-8110-C10BBE…)

Why do women try to look like this, it’s so ugly
No. 1224615>>1224619>>1224811>>1224913>>1224955
File (hide): 1655181331670.jpg (67.49 KB, 960x1009, chickenshp.JPG)

food service uniforms are sexy. i've been trying to convince my girlfriend to dress up like a fast food employee at least once before we have sex but she thinks i'm joking. :((:()
No. 1224624>>1224629>>1224647>>1224659
File (hide): 1655182333872.png (147.57 KB, 757x973, tyrone.png)

>>1224602I had no idea latinas and black women had such abnormally round fat distribution on their hips, to the point it's unevenly filling in their natural hip structure. Twitterfags are known experts on race though, so I wouldn't doubt their judgment.
No. 1224631
I wanna tell y’all a story:
The Death of Her Song
There was a kingdom far away, where a very talented singer along with others entertained the king and his court. She was a beautiful young lady with long dark hair, skin as white as snow and eyes that sparkle and smile while looking at you; she had the lust and admiration of men, and the envy of women.
However, she was not free to continue her passion for very long. The king was dying and his heir appointed needed a wife in order to become a legitimate king of the land they govern. The prince already had someone in mind - the young songstress he had seen in concerts earlier when she was just becoming a woman; he was so enamored by her beauty, grace and voice that he must have - no, that he will have her by any means necessary.
The king was against it but eventually let him have her as he knew he hadn’t had much time left. The young songstress had no choice to deny the prince’s proposal for the alternative was to become tainted and used by the court for their pleasure like all the other entertainers will be. She accepted although she knew of the heir’s vices and temperament however, she fell in love with him regardless.
They were privately married off due to the the king’s embarrassment of his heir appointed marrying a singer and the prince already being an embarrassment like all his other sons and did not want to cause a scandal that may threaten his rule.
So the king died and his son was declared king right away. The young songstress who was allowed to sing even after their marriage was finally asked to stop as she now became Queen consort of the land, and because her husband forbade her from singing to other men whom are not him. Her voice was his and his alone, she went from a talented songstress with many accolades in her young age to the materialistic yet elegant queen of her country; her appearance remarkably changed to the point her own countrymen no longer recognized her, she was dressed in the finest silks and jewelry wherever she accompanied her husband and became reserved yet polite.
When the king died on that day, so did her song.
No. 1224632
>>1224602this reminds me of whenever
doja cat's body (pre-weight loss) was bought up in celebricows
No. 1224636
>>1224596You are so right. This stuff has made me realize that there
are ugly people, but no one is unsalvageable and personality really does account for a lot when it comes to how attractive we perceive people. Just as an example, if you've ever seen someone and thought "how come they can get a partner and I can't", it's probably because they have confidence and good energy.
No. 1224643
File (hide): 1655183795826.jpg (765.08 KB, 3000x1596, Everything-Everywhere-All-at-O…)

I feel so retarded, but I did not realize that picrel is Jamie Lee Curtis (in Everything Everywhere All At Once) until just now. She literally looks unrecognizable to me.
No. 1224646
>>1224644don't forget
No. 1224647>>1225022
>>1224624>>1224629I've also known white people named Tyrone and Rhonda
This thread is like a live idpol battle
>I see your Asian Appropriation and raise you Trans Can Do No Wrong>Bet you didn't expect me to play Black Names Matter! No. 1224653>>1224655
File (hide): 1655184605043.jpg (82.56 KB, 1080x720, jolibee.jpg)

>>1224619I really like the Joilbee unforms. So cute. Especially the half-apron (I hate full apron uniforms like Starbucks)
No. 1224655
File (hide): 1655184708535.jpg (183.41 KB, 1024x724, FRANCIS-LIBIRAN-JOLLIBEE-3.jpg)

>>1224653Better view of apron
No. 1224659>>1227322
>>1224598Because what was considered thick/curvy nowadays is so distorted and warped now. It's horrifying to believe that the women dancing in the baby got back music video would not be considered to have a big ass nowadays because of these disgusting ant bodies that are popular. The worst part of this is that they insist that women can naturally have this kind of body and they 100% do it so moids will want them or so they can enter the entertainment/sex industry. This surgery is also a short cut for fatties to pretend they are not morbidly obese.
>>1224624Imo if it's not an African name you really can't call it a black name. Even so, a lot of Africans have european names like patrick, john or arabic names like this anon said
>>1224629 You can name your child whatever you want as long as it's not retarded, I don't see how it's
problematic to get inspiration from another culture when naming your child. This argument screams "i am american and I have never left the country before but i know everything about the world somehow".
No. 1224669>>1224671>>1224683>>1227331
File (hide): 1655186474989.jpg (452.92 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20220614_075958_com…)

When the image won't expand and the text stays like in the screenshot I have an aneurysm trying to understand it. Once I do and it's shit like this it makes me laugh harder kek
No. 1224672
File (hide): 1655186785573.jpg (123.39 KB, 500x750, 4112.jpg)

>>1224667even during american hours it was weirdly slow around here
No. 1224696
File (hide): 1655189259125.gif (319.61 KB, 500x373, 1WIu.gif)

>>1224691Wwwwweeeeeeooooooo wwwwwweeeeeooooooo wwwwwweeeeeooooo hold it right there! You're under arrest!
No. 1224726>>1224826>>1224832
File (hide): 1655193320052.jpg (178.63 KB, 800x803, RIP.jpg)

I Am Ferdinand Von Aegir!
No. 1224736>>1224918
File (hide): 1655194878876.jpg (220.21 KB, 609x824, 1655194756823.jpg)

I am this cat
No. 1224879>>1224907
>>1224847Damn, I didn't know. I mean, being diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer is already a death sentence, but he didn't look like he was about to die. So sad, rip.
>>1224843A while ago the english voice actor for Ferdinand (and a bunch of other anime/game characters) announced that he was going to take a break because he got diagnosed with cancer. He was hoping to get better but unfortunately he passed away.
No. 1224910>>1224955
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>>1224811I'm really bummed about it because I don't think I'll ever get this fantasy to become reality. I'd love to see her walk into our bedroom like this one night. (The boxes would be empty. Eating food in bed is disgustin)
No. 1224912
>>1219153Somebody please
Just give me a few thousand dollars
So I can buy my dream house and afford the down payment
Come on now
No. 1224966
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>>1224913I hope you don't mean these new gray uniforms? Honestly… I think they're fucking hideous, uninspired, and look very corporate. Employees don't wear the red and gold anymore here in America, or at least where I am. I wish they did.
>>1224955I dunno, lol. One day I was at a fast food place and found myself really attracted to the woman at the register. At first I thought it was just her (she was cute) but I realized it was also the uniform, especially the visor. When I got home I looked at my girlfriend and thought about her wearing a uniform and it kinda snowballed from there
No. 1224998
>>1224945those and the horse hoof ones. obsessed.
i'm weird though i also love that video of horses sleeping and farting. it's so relaxing.
No. 1225003>>1225128
>>1224989It's just words,
nonnie. It's not "trashy" and the only reason you think it is is because of the shame other people place on you. Swearing is fucking fun.
No. 1225133
>>1225131It's a full moon
No. 1225340
>>1225275I think it can if you choose not to keep yourself in check. It's easier to feel as though you're owed something by the world/others around you than to practice compassion/understanding. I think a lot of the younger generation having to work through retail/food service jobs that requires patience and forces us into the other person's shoes really helps to build that sense of understanding of what it's like to be on the other side of the counter. Not to say some people can't still be asshole regardless but that's how I view it.
Occasionally I get frustrated, but I try not to be too mean. But sometimes they just plain aren't helpful and the service undeniably sucks kek.
No. 1225369>>1225373>>1225379
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>>1225363I forgot what picrel is called in both, English and my native language.
No. 1225443>>1225517>>1225528
File (hide): 1655240691804.jpg (101.68 KB, 600x600, 5d39b2e1c2b4287c935542eb6a1bd5…)

I want one of you cool anons to be my friend so we can go to botanical garden together, sketch plants and relax
No. 1225468
>>1225347I only had sleep paralysis once in my life but I went from being in bed unable to move to feeling like I was floating in a void where a demon then appeared in front of me and it took me years to fully be able to wrap my head around that not being real because it felt as real as anything.
Sucks that people lean so heavily into spiritual explanations but I get why. I dunno why I saw a demon and not an alien because tbh I was watching alot of ufo shows att so surely my imagination should've conjured up a whole alien abduction scenario?
No. 1225586
>>1225488I'm pretty sure you don't stop breathing during sleep paralysis but then you don't stop moving during apnea. I've slept next to people who each had one of these issues but how often do they overlap?
If you have this I'd get a sleep study done. Apnea is a pretty serious condition.
No. 1225625
File (hide): 1655247716834.gif (1.39 MB, 500x250, 119891_original.gif)

No. 1225833>>1225935
File (hide): 1655261829629.jpeg (17.75 KB, 640x343, 70.jpeg)

Can't believe there's an actual steven universe fan on /m/
No. 1225973>>1225995
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>>1225959oh yes it's me again. who am i again?
No. 1226003
File (hide): 1655267766615.jpeg (445.78 KB, 828x777, A495F8CF-16F8-4FF2-A64E-A7A30E…)

>>1225967oh god no, even picrel would be better
No. 1226014>>1226019
File (hide): 1655268256902.png (38.23 KB, 130x147, 5EC06893-F236-4B1B-A709-CC6A2E…)

>>1226011>Obviously they do not want to actually fuck themOh
No. 1226177>>1226180>>1226183>>1226199
File (hide): 1655286378020.jpg (1.03 MB, 1276x2000, John_William_Waterhouse_-_The_…)

I spend waaaaaay too much time daydreaming about draining men of their money and power. I could probably start some shit at work but unfortunately I'm bad at finishing the things I start and none of the moids there are cute.
No. 1226189>>1226193>>1226199
File (hide): 1655287241554.jpg (125.92 KB, 1280x720, 1602073807_00030.jpg)

>>1226181that's even more embarrassing, like do you hear how ridiculous you sound, cause you sound like one of those "eyeliner so sharp it can kill a man" pop libfems on twitter
No. 1226193>>1226195
>>1226189You're even more embarassing for getting so
triggered over me daydreaming about dumbass shit, hence why I posted it in this thread.
No. 1226195>>1226197>>1226199
File (hide): 1655288319934.jpeg (319.04 KB, 1536x2048, DD108C78-B18F-42F3-B0B2-46CA8C…)

>>1226193Nta but why do you daydream about being retarded instead of based
Pic unrel
No. 1226199>>1226202
>>1226189>>1226195Why are you so buttblasted nonna, it was just a daydream lol
>>1226177You did nothing wrong baby, I don't think you are actually going to do it? Maybe start scamming /soc/ moids with fake feet pics like some nonna does kekk
No. 1226211>>1226236>>1226247
File (hide): 1655290074140.jpg (217.7 KB, 1080x1508, FDS5S26WEAo_SzJ.jpg)

The former prime minister of my country who was ousted by the military in a coup d'état, is now posting thirst traps of himself as part of his re-election campaign
No. 1226281>>1226283
File (hide): 1655297917475.jpg (48.48 KB, 630x1200, FK.jpg)

>>1226236He's from a minority tribal ethnic group, most hot men in my country are literally from tribal ethnicities, your likely never gonna encounter in the west cause most of them are tribals under feudalism, ngl they are actually preety hot but probably the most regressive human beings on the planet
No. 1226299>>1226361
File (hide): 1655298791500.png (8.02 MB, 3464x3464, C_13.png)

>>1226283I was actually supposed to be there by next month, but there's an economic crisis going on right now and a lot of shit is happening, riots are happening, there's only one Airplane line and prices have increased and also a wave of terrorist separatist attacks are happening(ethnic separatist not female separatist, cause of course but I wanted to specific that cease separatists are mostly corelated with female separatists here) so yeah not looking good, I am actually really scared that we are gonna have another Military dictatorship cause that happens almost every time during these states
so yes as stated things are not looking good, my parents will only allow to me leave when the prices have gone back down, even though they can afford the ticket and are unware of my plans to leave
>>1226294objectively speaking they are, compared to most Urban ethnic Muhajir and Punjabi Pakistani men, literally 4/5 men I see everyday have fat jiggly stomachs and weak arms, tribal peasants are the only one's with flat stomachs, fit arms and can actually grow facial hair, I mean how is that controversial
No. 1226361>>1226380
File (hide): 1655301674499.png (42.91 KB, 547x650, 8f0e1427556fa3cd0f81d680ecadf0…)

>>1226299You are my favourite weirdo on lolcor. Wishing you much luck on your pilgrim to to America.
i need to know the shit that's gonna happen if you do No. 1226380>>1226404
File (hide): 1655302952554.jpg (65.19 KB, 800x600, 31631652744-0.jpg)

>>1226361its not gonna be that perfect, a life as a live in servant/caretaker for my cousin and also having to work some form of part time Job for extra income, I'd like to find an America citizen I can marry, my cousin and their partner also explained to me that I will be sharing a room with their kid, I have stated this many times but my life will not be Ideal in many ways, it will be boring and hard but at least it will be safe and I can finally know peace of not having to worry about being honor killed, I'd also like to go a beach, that is my main wish
I can never fully experiences the beaches of my home country, but at least in California I'd be able to actually go swim in the Ocean, without men ordering me to stop and beating me half death for not covering myself(picrel is the average beach experience for most women, this is as close to the water as we get)
No. 1226425>>1226443
File (hide): 1655306471674.png (76.94 KB, 798x600, 1100415960.png)

>picrel is the average beach experience for most women
Yeah, I know. I'm in a thirdy muzzy country afterall. Pakistan sucks a little more than mine ofc so I will give you that. My condolences..
>living with your cousin
>searching for a part-time job in america
>waiting for an ameritfat prince on his shiny mobility scooter to rescue you
Like I said, wishing you MUCH luck. Just go and have new "experiences". Honestly, you were born dead anyway so it doesn't matter.
No. 1226442>>1227057
File (hide): 1655308203174.gif (4.49 MB, 498x498, anya-spy-x-family-anya-forger.…)

I get so nervous talking to this girl, I just think she's so cool. She's a good friend of a friend, and I guess… we're sort of friends now too?! We've hung out a few times and went on vacation together as part of a whole group. She's appears very quiet and aloof to me but according to my friend she's just very introverted and anxious but she comes off as very cool to me. Maybe because I am the opposite - very loud and obnoxious kek.
No. 1226443>>1226496
File (hide): 1655308288211.jpg (15.83 KB, 425x424, 628eddb12d0532d6a2b122c62d5cc7…)

>>1226425>>1226425If its between my home and country and belong alone, I wouldn't care much, I don't care if I found a man that I don't love or even like, I wouldn't care what race he was, as long as he was willing to marry so I'd get citizenship, also a part time job would be enough for my own extra spending, I mean I'd have my laptop and phone which is pretty much all I'd need but I'd miss my books
I'm a very diligent workers and have some skills that could be useful, I can cook, clean, do housework, clean toilets and can also do some manual labor job
also what do you mean i was born dead ?
No. 1226447>>1226468
File (hide): 1655308590790.gif (914.45 KB, 117x149, 1458817234650.gif)

No. 1226524>>1226526>>1226533>>1226621
File (hide): 1655313246694.jpg (182.4 KB, 1080x863, IMG_20220615_191202.jpg)

>find out there's new Bella Janke milk
>kiwifarms is full of low IQ retards that keep getting trolled and defend troons
why, I just want to see the milk, not your 50 theories about your discord fuckbuddies
No. 1226631>>1226658
>>1226620The difference is that we are speaking english and saying inshallah while speaking english stands out
God is kinda used neutrally in the modern day, would feel weirder if somebody said "Heavenly Father"
No. 1226671
File (hide): 1655318832854.png (411.3 KB, 858x482, gs.png)

These two radiates so much casual lesbian energy whenever they're together I'm pretty much only watching this mediocre af show in hopes of them sooner or later revealing they've been together the whole time (and because of the music)
No. 1226695
>>1226683I was joking (badly) sorry nona
>>1226687Kek honesty is always good
No. 1226910>>1226912>>1226922
>>1226901>You know how some people just give off that unpleasant vibe?Yes. I've felt the vibe in so many people, but I always feel crazy and tell myself to "not be so judgemental", but then the vibe turns correct
>I wish there was a way to judge yourself on that, or maybe everyone has a different viewSame. I wonder what vibe do I get, I think it's different to your personality, in a way
>Take lindsey ellis as an example youtuberGenuine question, why her? Or what vibe do you feel from her?
No. 1226922>>1226931
>>1226910I liked some of her old videos like the Robin Williams Aladdin one, it was informative. But when she drifted more and more towards breadtube and politics I was getting kind of an uncomfortable 'this person isn't genuine' vibe. With her specifically she smiles a lot and tries to be the cool woke aunt, but she also drinks a lot and loves being petty on social media, also something about her make-up choices.
Then you find out how she bought her hugo nomination and new york times bestseller status and has stagnated on patreon and youtube and is trying to get relevance with drama,
No. 1227057
File (hide): 1655335844191.jpg (113.34 KB, 404x424, download (18).jpg)

>>1226442Sounds like you're talking about me; I wish, though
No. 1227080>>1227091
File (hide): 1655336912651.gif (4.28 MB, 640x320, nicholas-cage-funny.gif)

>mfw I just learned that the creator of HAES is an Ayden
No. 1227194>>1227207>>1227221
File (hide): 1655343386385.jpeg (70.55 KB, 865x579, woolly-worm.jpeg)

At night while I'm sleeping my wooly worm eyebrows detach from my face and crawl around the world gathering information. Then they crawl back onto my face and deliver the intel via dreams. This is how I play the stock market.
No. 1227397
File (hide): 1655356407752.jpg (131.61 KB, 533x800, 4fc140703d5829d59e770092db1cee…)

>>1227091And she changed her name from Linda Bacon…. To Lindo Bacon.
No. 1227494>>1227520
File (hide): 1655364411220.jpg (70.27 KB, 1024x659, hot-dog-fingers.jpg)

Having long nails makes my hands look so big. I guess I have long fingers but I just don't notice until I have long nails. They don't look freakish or anything but I'm not completely used to it.
No. 1227534>>1227535
File (hide): 1655367771759.gif (1.57 MB, 532x640, yassified-yassification.gif)

This is, unironically, what society expects and wants from women, even in our worst life threatening moments
No. 1227543>>1227545>>1227546>>1227572
File (hide): 1655368822908.jpeg (80.92 KB, 622x592, 0C11E20D-4469-47D2-B8EF-75B86F…)

Got a job interview today in like 10 mins please pray for me nonnies
No. 1227567>>1227569
File (hide): 1655373430396.png (1.28 MB, 960x1153, dallemini_2022-6-16_19-40-47.p…)

tag yourselves, nonnies
No. 1227609
File (hide): 1655378929034.jpg (74.81 KB, 650x867, 20220616_110735.jpg)

If I surround myself with only amazing people I feel like I'm not good enough.
If I surround myself with shitty people I feel annoyed by them.
No. 1227627
>>1227600"I'm not into you"
Tbh the more you explain yourself to scrotes.. the more they try to pick holes in your reasons.
No. 1227660>>1227746
File (hide): 1655385977096.jpg (Spoiler Image,20.14 KB, 439x480, 1654548701091.jpeg.jpg)

I sent this picture to a guy friend last night after getting mad at him. He hasn't opened the message but it was on snapchat so I bet he did the slide over thing and saw it because he doesn't usually leave my messages on delivered for over a day. I hope he responds just so I can send more manhate memes. Fuck males.
No. 1227719>>1227740>>1227746>>1227774
File (hide): 1655391092298.png (104.33 KB, 643x160, vfkdf.PNG)

why is YT showing me this gross worm man
No. 1227746
>>1227660Based anon
>>1227719Peggle always makes me think of “pegging” and I cannot see the appeal of either one
No. 1227832
>>1227694That is true. He tells me he can only joke like that around me because he knows everyone else will get offended.
>>1227785Weird conclusion to draw from 3 sentences.
No. 1227928>>1227935
File (hide): 1655403685493.gif (5.96 MB, 230x230, Tumblr_l_33843474474446.gif)

Tinfoil time. I know some nonas hate tinfoiling about the moderatos and admin but whatever. I don't use discord and I don't care to so idk how it looks in the lc discord. I think that either oldmin abandoned the site, or newmin chickened out of becoming an admin. There are maybe 4-6 mods around. Admin (whichever one) is either legit MIA or doesn't communicate much with the moderator team. It's gotten worse over time and will continue to get worse over time. I might be undershooting but I bet it'll get really, really fucked by the end of the year. Admin will not be making any comments or announcements anymore.
No. 1228061
File (hide): 1655409741180.jpg (18.73 KB, 400x400, WCF5A0on_400x400.jpg)

>tfw get a butthole pang AND vagina pangs
No. 1228149
File (hide): 1655412825174.jpg (12.31 KB, 256x256, d0286208ee46ac23fc160cc318064e…)

I love celebricow nonnas so much, everytime I visit that thread, I'm guaranteed to have a healthy laugh.
No. 1228290>>1229147
File (hide): 1655424628954.gif (967.2 KB, 310x234, Q9no.gif)

You weren't supposed to make a delicious dessert from your foreskin crumbs, it isn't fair
No. 1228335>>1228358
>>1226825>>1226848I can't stop fucking laughing at this lmaoooo
If ghosts are actually real my house must be full of them, how cool is that? Actually that's pretty embarrasing, ghosts must be watching my cringe ass self when I'm alone doing and saying dumbass shit
>>1226827This, when I became an lc regular I had to get used to announcing my doubleposts with "samefag but", because I saw everyone else doing it and figured it was just the culture here, where "samefag" means something else. It's actually called doubleposting or tripleposting, etc. (And I think mods hate it like
>>1226831 said because you could just delete your first post to add new information and repost, instead of making an additional post to correct yourself or add more.)
It's the same with "OP". It could stand for "original post(er)" too, but on every imageboard it only ever means "opening post(er)". Again, I figured this was just part of the culture here but now I dunno. OP meaning "original poster" is more convenient than saying "the first person in this reply chain" or "the person who originally posted this thing", though.
There's also writing board names like /ot or g/. lolcow's culture is so weird lol. Not that that's a bad thing.
No. 1228371>>1228411
File (hide): 1655433502437.gif (4.75 MB, 640x554, 1647029676195.gif)

I really wish I had bitchy girlfriends to laugh about how fucking repulsive ugly men are. None of my friends want to engage with me in my ugly man routine and it kinda stings. I think it's because they know their boyfriends are ugly. I'm glad lolcow exists and laughing about ugly men is just every day, 24/7.
No. 1228533
File (hide): 1655449153250.png (2.84 MB, 1174x1280, Dolly_x_Duncan_Hines.png)

I never saw the Dolly Parton cake mix near me, and I'm very sad about it. I love bananas a lot and I'm a country girl so I really wanted to try them. These cakes probably aren't even available anymore. The packaging is so cute too.
No. 1228610
File (hide): 1655458637216.jpeg (155.12 KB, 1000x842, 1653218964919.jpeg)

enjoying being on my period cause I'm not a moid or troon ehehehe
No. 1228631>>1228639
>>1228624damn sis i can't imagine living urban in those temperatures,
je viens de kent in england mais ici il fait chaud…comme 24 degrees, donc i thought that was super hot, je me sens comme si je suis en train de mourir, but then for you in france…38? sois forte, like honestly je vais crier pour ceux qui vivent en lyon surtout toi ma nonnie, et sur le metro ca sera comme l'enfer. desolee si c'etait un bordel de francais et anglais, je suis en train d'oublier ce que j'ai m'appris au college kek (aussi je ne peux pas trouver les accents sur mon clavier)>>1228626woah
nonnie i was going to visit brittany to avoid the heat but damnnn, and it's only going to get hotter if i'm in it so i guess i won't go anymore rip. if you live somewhere really hot btw my sister said put ice cubes on pulse points it actually works trust me, rip if you live in france too
No. 1228715>>1228824
File (hide): 1655472845111.jpg (26.68 KB, 1000x667, Fresas-Con-Crema-4.jpg)

>>1228648Strawberry season will be over soon, don't miss out while they're the most delicious! If you have a lot left you can always make a smoothie or strawberries and cream dessert, makes it much easier to consume a lot at once than eating one after another too
No. 1228857
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No. 1229062
File (hide): 1655488552843.jpeg (146.08 KB, 732x1000, FKYVTApXoAUjBiD.jpeg)

Bump for porn raid, be careful
No. 1229076
File (hide): 1655489591064.jpg (68.1 KB, 600x580, yyyyyyyyyy.jpg)

lol @ the moid why is he spamming tranny suicide pics though we're transphobic here
No. 1229145>>1229196
File (hide): 1655493110762.jpeg (166.88 KB, 640x602, 7C36F957-E5D7-4134-927D-FC75E7…)

Found this unhinged sounding lady on reddit. She claims to have been trafficked as a child by Waldman. What do you think? I kind of believe her, but she could just be schizo
No. 1229147
File (hide): 1655493143725.jpg (22.21 KB, 512x321, media_E9XK-icUYAMOOND.jpg)

No. 1229454>>1229458>>1229486>>1229764
File (hide): 1655512549361.png (260.51 KB, 357x536, Capture.PNG)

why am i so late to Doja playing sims 4 and why am I loving it so much?
No. 1229691>>1229693
File (hide): 1655533573327.jpg (1.14 MB, 1439x883, Tumblr_l_98505323060832.jpg)

It's 2:30 AM and i need to go to bed but i don't want to
No. 1229726>>1229730
>>1229723Thank you
nonnie! I’m pretty much there. There was a guy who did a real slow u turn, and then did one at the next light, and then came back from a side street so it was impossible for me to not walk in front of him so I seriously just turned around, he finally left me alone after that.
No. 1229764>>1229860
>>1229454Who gives a shit about what some random celebrity is doing
I’d rather be playing the sims 2
No. 1229860>>1230051
Today I'm going to get an EEG done and I'm going to be asleep through it. I swear I've never been more terrified of having a sex dream.
>>1229764based. Sims 2 is great.
No. 1229870>>1229871
File (hide): 1655551694678.gif (15.01 KB, 125x122, everest.gif)

I think I'm gonna unplug my pc and put it away for a few weeks because that's literally the only way I can see myself fixing my totally fucked up lifestyle
No. 1229928
File (hide): 1655558100883.jpeg (53.37 KB, 450x450, 3EBC3025-5AC2-4FC1-8B83-47B950…)

The first time I drank this (at my mom’s insistence), I thought it was a fluke and I was at the end of my cold anyway so that’s why I felt better after drinking it. I’ve been a bit sick the past few days, so I took a stab at it and drank a cup last night and ended up not coughing as much and my stuffy nose mostly went away… Not sure if it’s a coincidence or my mom might be onto something with all her weird chinese herbal supplements kek
No. 1229970>>1230051
>>1229966I hope
I'm that friend. Reach out to me, nona. Mention the code phrase "Hall was the blond one" and I'll reveal my farmer status.
No. 1229978>>1229979
File (hide): 1655561602347.png (1.75 MB, 2048x1662, 1611017969726.png)

My moid never listens to anything anyone says and always suffers the consequences in the end. At first it was stressful for me but now I just laugh at his pain. He deserves it and I deserve the entertainment.
No. 1230000
File (hide): 1655563553194.jpg (118.2 KB, 990x728, a7c90dab38cf832d809b495daa71ee…)

I'm boiling corn to eat for breakfast at 7:45 a.m.
No. 1230005>>1230056
File (hide): 1655563909788.webm (2.92 MB, 720x720, 1654460307249.webm) [play once] [loop]

I love how much this blind women seems to have a fun time, but honestly I would be so scared if I were to feel muscles for the first time without any idea what to expect. It must be so surprisind, almost like touching another specie kek
No. 1230051
>>1229860Samefag, didn't sleep at all. How do I remove the paste thing they put on my head?
>>1229970NAYRT, I'm pretty sure it was "Hall
is the blond one"
No. 1230065>>1230116>>1230232
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No. 1230072
File (hide): 1655568634670.jpg (13.18 KB, 470x460, 86d06013fac663ee9a86209d5f8126…)

i think i had covid? i had a cold like 2 weeks ago, the symptoms went away after like 3 days but i was super exhausted so after trying to push through at work i got a sick note for 3 days. the doctor asked if i had covid before and i said no. she just shrugged and said "ok then" and gave me my note. no further testing from her side. i never tested positive and my only covid like symptom (aside from the cold symptoms) was super exhaustion that lasted for almost ten days. i never considered that it was covid since i was negative every single day. meanwhile my mom, who is basically my clone regarding illnesses of any kind, was super fucking positive immediately when she had covid earlier this year. so i assumed it would be like that for me too. but then i talked to my friend today and she said when she tested positive she had the exact same experience as i had. hm.
No. 1230116
File (hide): 1655571373497.gif (1.06 MB, 220x123, satisfaction-get-it.gif)

>>1230065oooah I love this song, go nonna, gogogogo
No. 1230150>>1230181
File (hide): 1655572837471.png (571.27 KB, 740x1582, Screenshot 2022-06-18 131341.p…)

>>1230092my mom is a pickme but my therapist recently said that men are emotionally unintelligent out of nowhere and the way she said it with pity and condescension was hilarious like she thinks they're legit retarded hahaahhahaha
No. 1230181
>>1230092my mom swings wildly between "not all men" and "yes all men", though her "not all men" means "your stepdad is okay when he's not being a dumb bitch." we love shittalking men.
>>1230150based therapist. i know it's cringe to watch rick and morty but that episode with the female run planet where the women had an advanced, peaceful society and the men were brutes that were constantly waging war and raping sex dolls was just a mirror of society.
No. 1230202>>1230238>>1230361
File (hide): 1655575109353.jpg (45.4 KB, 857x628, 16-38-55-283854995_74459978654…)

I hate the state of lc now, just infigting, baiting moids, nonnas falling for the bait, bug porn
No. 1230208
nonnie you survived! le woohoo!
I found out that draping a cold damp cloth around your neck really helps with the heat if you're indoors. Hibernate well
UwU No. 1230232
>>1230065Go off queen
No really please go off the deep end kill rich ppl
No. 1230238
File (hide): 1655576924121.jpeg (29.17 KB, 602x337, 66C6414C-BA2F-4F06-93C9-17819E…)

>>1230202In my 27 years of life and all of the depraved things I have learned about, I could have never, ever have come up with BUG PORN in a million fucking years. Human depravity is as vast and incomprehensible as the universe itself. Will there ever be a time where I’m not shocked? It’s like any depraved thing a human can possibly do, it’s already been done. What is the point of it all? We are no better than beasts and we should stop pretending that we fucking are.
No. 1230247>>1230286
File (hide): 1655577209335.png (449.54 KB, 500x571, normal is just a setting on a …)

Can't believe only now I noticed Doctor-chan checking out TARDIS-chan's boobs in this still kek
No. 1230322>>1230333
File (hide): 1655582533779.jpg (16.77 KB, 400x400, 9P4l154__400x400.jpg)

I keep my pepper spray strapped on my waist like it's a gun
No. 1230342>>1230362
File (hide): 1655584932887.jpg (40.78 KB, 500x434, c28b11ae37be3675d70ff82335f125…)

>>1230225So they have to clean up dog semen off that thing?
No. 1230358
File (hide): 1655586288632.jpg (28.9 KB, 208x251, 54524.jpg)

Which one of you posted this on /mu?
No. 1230364
File (hide): 1655587010431.jpg (127 KB, 794x794, il_794xN.3584910482_opcx.jpg)

i miss playong katamari
No. 1230367>>1230415>>1230471
>>1230225>>1230359Female dogs do this too.
>>1230236Retarded backyard breeders, retarded "animal rights" activists, and retarded moids who think it feminizes their male dogs (yes really).
>>1230361Attention whoring moidlet yesterday was posting very weak "shock porn" of a woman with roaches crawling inside her vag.
No. 1230380
File (hide): 1655589140318.jpg (18.99 KB, 474x313, OIP (6).jpg)

There's no 'All I Wanna Do' fanfics on Ao3 dammit. Are there any media like it?
No. 1230520
File (hide): 1655595659264.png (211.47 KB, 998x937, 1525978139421.png)

We need a database of males in our local areas sorted by height, family history of male pattern baldness, work ethic, and dick size, STAT.
No. 1230607>>1230612>>1230618>>1230649
File (hide): 1655598292637.jpg (105.7 KB, 700x525, unnamed.jpg)

i think its hilarious that the moid got so triggered by yaoi that he started spamming gore, men really are that fragile and worthless.
No. 1230649>>1230894>>1230903
File (hide): 1655599436279.png (329.68 KB, 1994x1589, pickmes never win.PNG)

>>1230607Scrotes are literally retarded and rely on cognitive dissonance to pass on their failed genetics.
No. 1230680>>1230701>>1230702>>1230732
File (hide): 1655600099835.gif (9.29 MB, 498x498, get-out-of-my-head-cat.gif)

>tfw come on after not being on all day and scrotes are spamming and jannies are sleep and anons are sperging about yumejoshis and fujoshis and pickmes and trolls and yaoi and retards and polilez' and men and women and hyunjin and what's funny or not and
No. 1230702
File (hide): 1655600561414.jpg (16.18 KB, 403x312, 1409777140439.jpg)

>>1230680Calm down eat some healing cream it will be back to normal before we know it
No. 1230789>>1230808>>1230860
File (hide): 1655602848554.jpg (80.05 KB, 509x800, 1802875578_d0af6b5692_c.jpg)

I've never been to a gynecologist. I really need to go to one because I'm out of options, but I'm honestly a little scared.
I've never had a truly negative experience with doctor in the past and I know I could do more damage to my body if I don't go. There's also that aspect of letting someone see (and smell) my vagina in it's current state. I know this is what doctors are for, I just can't think logically about this.
No. 1230808>>1230814>>1230815>>1231621
>>1230789Try to find a female gynecologist of you can.
>>1230732He's from Brazil? Could he be from that Brazilian scrote imageboard that raided that one Brazilian female-only imageboard?
No. 1230921
File (hide): 1655615257900.png (105.32 KB, 1011x264, the leftcel manifesto.png)

>>1230920Ah I see kek. That's 100% true, ""left""cels are a notorious example.
No. 1230935
File (hide): 1655616783679.jpeg (390.36 KB, 1000x1329, 518AD7C4-398C-4573-BB65-9304C6…)

I had to walk to work at night again, but I left 2 hours earlier this time. Not AS scary I guess, honestly it would be a nice walk if I wasn’t scared of being stolen and sexually assaulted, the sounds at night are lovely. Pic of KD Lang unrelated, I just looked at some old photos of her yesterday and she was such a cute dork.
No. 1230966>>1230979
File (hide): 1655620221934.png (97.88 KB, 720x760, Screenshot_20220616-233848.png)

Idk why this headline makes me laugh, it feels like an Onion bit or something
No. 1230974>>1230978
File (hide): 1655621193302.jpg (169.01 KB, 1300x1299, cat-kitten-singing-microphone.…)

My Nonnie lies over the ocean
My Nonnie lies over the sea,
My Nonnie lies over the ocean,
Oh bring back my Nonnie to me.
Bring back, bring back
Oh bring back my Nonnie to me, to me,
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Nonnie to me.
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
Last night as I lay on my bed;
Last night as I lay on my pillow,
I dreamt that Lolcow was dead.
Bring back, bring back
Oh bring back my Nonnie to me, to me,
Bring back, bring back,
Oh bring back my Nonnie to me
No. 1230983>>1230990>>1230991
File (hide): 1655621714249.png (434.25 KB, 499x506, 8D2FE6FA-2D37-483A-9257-05F981…)

I got four hours of sleep last night and im in a really strange and giggly mood, just laughing at all the shit people are posting on here and posting retarded shit myself.
No. 1231025>>1231028
File (hide): 1655625367425.jpg (52.44 KB, 435x510, Joseph_Broussard_en_Acadia_HRo…)

Beyoncé's direct ancestor, Acadian leader Joseph Broussard also known as Beausoleil(The Beautiful Sun) say something nice about him
No. 1231171>>1231229
File (hide): 1655640011488.jpg (43.07 KB, 720x717, 1650846349993.jpg)

Please nonnies, never stop posting funny pictures, I have so many stuff saved from this website. Even if I don't always reply to a message attached with a cool picture, it's in my hard drive and I look at it lovingly, waiting for the perfect oportunity to post it !
No. 1231177
File (hide): 1655640486409.jpg (385.45 KB, 1079x969, Screenshot_20220619-080736_Gal…)

I've been wanting this mug for a while
No. 1231259>>1231274
>>1231257That’s the point you retard
They’re simply pointing out how men will treat you like a subhuman if you aren’t attractive and they aren’t exactly denying it doesn’t happen attractive women ffs
No. 1231266
File (hide): 1655647946128.jpeg (128.02 KB, 750x824, 11FBF8B6-347E-4778-BB26-0F430F…)

omg he’s serving (in jail)
No. 1231278>>1231283
>>1231274I do have a spine that’s why I’m brining this shit up
Why don’t you grow a whole damn skeleton since you obviously can’t handle this being brought up lol
No. 1231289
>>1231257They're still pretty young in the vids so even if it's college shit.. are they not allowed talk about that for a 20 second clip without you thinking that's somehow ott? Trying to work out why this hit such a nerve with you tbh
>get over it >i don't careYou clearly do care but for some personal reason lol
No. 1231311>>1231313>>1231327>>1231332>>1231408>>1231426>>1231431
File (hide): 1655651857391.jpeg (470.96 KB, 711x1240, 5E426392-9E8E-4B73-8ECD-3985AF…)

>>1231241idc if i get lynched for this but most if not all women look better with makeup on (when applied with effort)
No. 1231323>>1231326
File (hide): 1655652590359.jpg (38.17 KB, 747x701, 1648344235751.jpeg.jpg)

>check lolcow in the morning
>hmmm what are the nonnies up to
>see unusual mentions of "kikes" and jews
Sniff sniff… smells like a raid might be incoming.
No. 1231332
>>1231276This is just how I dress in the summer, minus all the accessories and instead of whatever top that is I wear a bathing suit top or something. Because beach.
>>1231311True, but mostly because I can't recognize myself in a mirror if I wear makeup and it freaks me out.
No. 1231344>>1231349>>1231350>>1231353>>1231354>>1231434>>1231454
>>1231340Actually I find it funny that this thing that women have been doing for thousands of years has been hijacked by weirdo not-like-other-girls that think they're better than other women for not putting on make up. Good for you if you think you're an ace without it but you reek of insecurity and you sound unhinged
> Go put some bio oil on your mottled acne scarred skin and you might have some genuine confidence.Says the freak that is actually so confident in her skin and not
triggered at women wearing make up. Are you a moid by any chance or do you have some horrid complex because you never learnt to put eyeshadow on?
No. 1231345
>>1231341It could have been such a good cheesy movie but they made Leon a
washed up drunk and they made Wesker a
good guy gone bad (which really bogged down the movie with unimportant bullshit). There were some neat shots and sequences though. Shame about the script and characters kek.
No. 1231367>>1231371>>1231378>>1231385>>1231392>>1231419
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what glam trends do you nonnies dislike? i hate unnecessary use of eyeliner. a look can totally be complete without it. i see this issue mostly in tutorials on tiktok and quote unquote beauty influencers.
No. 1231371>>1231376>>1231377>>1231378
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>>1231367I hate the full face with no liner/mascara. It just looks like you tried so hard to look like you toootally don't care and totally didn't put in any effort.
No. 1231375>>1231388
>>1231276Pause the fight. This skirt. Buy. Yes or no?
Pros: cute, green!, i’ve always wanted weird-ish patchworky skirts, its nice to see some color
Cons: the material wont be the best,
sometimes i hate wearing clothes that arent oversized because i have little fat on my body except my tummy No. 1231378
>>1231367Not the biggest fan of makeup in general but the one thing I irrationally hate are those stupid square fake eyebrows like so
>>1231371 (and far worse examples) it's so ugly it makes me upset.
No. 1231400
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>>1231385sorry for the long answer: eyeliner changes your whole face so it's important to know when it's appropriate for what occasion and look you're going for imo. and it's always better to use it sparingly if you don't really know what you're doing. i'm a huge advocate of using primarily eyeshadow, sometimes even eyeshadow with zero eyeliner (yes that's a normal thing) and i feel like zoomers especially have lost touch with it, and they opt for exaggerated "wings" like
>>1231392 mentioned because that's the thing that's in. i think if people are gonna do exaggerated wings then they should at least be creative with it, like using colour instead of jet black.
No. 1231411>>1231432
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>>1231401Yes, it’s on aliexpress/various other sites! Just look up “Rockmore green midi skirt”, and it should pop up right away
No. 1231416
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>>1231397>>1231380Forcing themself on lesbians and then telling them that they are transphobes and not a real lesbian for rejecting them, being envious of pregnant woman or more specifically their bodies as their fetishes are gone to the roof and would do anything to find " euphoria" as they become degenerate. Taking naked selfies in public bathroom for women and children, taking room in women wards at hospitals making real women uncomfortable and dressing inappropriately compared to real women as they want to resemble young teen girls or animu loli girls. Grooming teens and children. Your "friend" will never take a side with women that has been abused by men nor see the injustice/harassment that women face mentally and bodily starting from a very young age.
No. 1231419
>>1231313i mean she's kinda implying a woman's natural features are ugly…
>>1231367contouring, highlighting, and block brows
No. 1231430
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No. 1231434>>1231449
>>1231344As opposed to weirdo girls who think they're better than other women
for putting on makeup..when will the reverse-nlogs realize that they're acting the same as the group they hate?
No. 1231437>>1231441>>1231444>>1231449
>>1231426I agree that the
> teehee I hope nobody lynches meposter is a tranny
No. 1231450>>1231453
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>>1231449Shut the fuck up faggot, no one cares, at least go to /g/ if you wanna post bait
No. 1231453>>1231456>>1231467
>>1231450ok sped. quit mini modding. why are you so
triggered by make up of all things
No. 1231454>>1231460
>>1231449I'm the first anon, how was my post hostile? Yet
>>1231344 and the other anon who started this whole thing by implying women look bad without makeup isnt?
No. 1231460>>1231463>>1231478
>>1231454joining the dogpile with the mentally ill avatarfag that thinks everyone ITT is a tranny just because they like make up is hostile
>>1231458do you live on lolcow?
No. 1231467>>1231770
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>>1231428>Chill out lol. It was a joke>>1231449>hostile to talk about a female oriented hobby like make up.>>1231453>triggered by make up of all thingsI hate summer and the influx of retards
No. 1231468
>>1231463say this retard on the front page
just wanted to say
No. 1231500
>>1231489Do you even know how to properly read? I'm going to assume that your
>>1231477 and can't see that the topic branched out and that there is more then one farmer on one this site with the same opinions.
No. 1231519>>1231529
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Why is Johnny Depp invading my kanji lessons
No. 1231549>>1231557>>1231563>>1231565>>1231570>>1231578
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Once I was fingering myself on the outside of my pants while scrolling the interwebs bc I was bored and I pissed myself.
No. 1231569
>>1231557Yeah, rubbing is more appropriate term, thanks
>>1231563Shut up
No. 1231584>>1231594>>1231596>>1231601>>1232465
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>>1231563If you want to know what position I was in it was this except legs were not crossed and I might've been lower in the chair
>>1231579Also maybe I like holding in my pee, ever think of that?
No. 1231596>>1231603
Can't wait to be home alone for a couple hours tomorrow when my moid is at work so I can finally masturbate in peace and cum.
>>1231584I "squirted" like in that position too once years and years ago when I just started masturbating
No. 1231618
>>1231607I wasn't looking at anything horny, I was just relaxing.
>>1231601I did not pee myself after, just during! You people.
No. 1231842
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>>1231834Most hated for me is desert and sky levels, or cave ones where limited lighting. I love forest and jungle levels or parts involving puzzles
No. 1232023
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No. 1232029>>1232472
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NTA but it's OpenAI text generator.
No. 1232128
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>>1232082>a huge, gigantic bitch that lack empathy or compassion for other peopleI cannot help being a dark triad stacy
No. 1232195
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>>1232140I love italian food..
No. 1232236>>1232251
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>>1232211same, my big juicy brain keeps on growing it seems, good for us
No. 1232251
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>>1232236This image reminds me of the great bog discussion long ago.
No. 1232268
>>1231834good: alien forests or jungles (ratchet and clank 3 florana level is great.
bad: fucking hate volcano maps (even morrowind one), sims 4 and anno 1404 are the worst offenders like "im only there to spew shit at your buildings" alright banksy calm down mate, honourable mention would be sims castaway ps2 volcano, now thats a noteworthy, respectable volcano map
No. 1232287>>1232289
>>1232279he's an asshole
>>1232280he'll probably stay a virgin regardless since he hates bodily fluids
No. 1232293>>1232296>>1232298
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>>1232289I understand that he's shit heh
No. 1232355>>1232377
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i put this on ice cream and its really good
No. 1232395
File (hide): 1655691523669.jpg (35.96 KB, 686x686, Tumblr_l_253474188209699.jpg)

I want to go back in time and k!ll the mf who thought that is gross/unsanitary women having pubic hair.
No. 1232405>>1232423
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Bhutan seems like such a nice and beautiful country. I wish there was more info about it online, but it seems like one of the more unpopular Asian countries and like it may be hard to travel to.
No. 1232408>>1232412
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I got fired from my job. I can't blame them, I really sucked at it, but that's not the issue. The issue is my boss texted me and asked when I would be returning the keys and I ignored the text (my bad). Then I forgot about it. And a few days later she texts me again telling me she's calling the police to my house to get the keys back!! Bitch what the fuck!! I had to drive half an hour to drop the keys off. Then she started texting me saying shit like "at least meet with your supervisor and hand them off in person" as if she didn't just threaten to send the fucking cops to my house where my whole family lives. Now I'm making fake resumes and sending them in, slowly, I just sent the first. It's made to look like an ideal candidate, girl with a dumb name spelled wrong with experience in that kind of work. I made a fake phone number and email for her too, as I will do for all of my resume characters. I will arrange interviews and then ghost them over and over as revenge. I may also make some fake clients too and send them over to random people's houses kek.
No. 1232468>>1232469>>1232475>>1232526
File (hide): 1655697967833.jpeg (22.42 KB, 375x500, 833333cd-66b7-49f9-8e48-99cc0e…)

I've had several arrangements so don't ask. its annoying.
I'm a retired CEO. i retired at 44, and don't work because i don't have to. looking for someone to make new adventures with. looking for a real connection. i can make anything happen, try me and see
i can accommodate most things within reason. but i prefer to take care of my woman's needs . ideally i would love to teach someone young to use there god given gifts to succeed. I've made millions in business and have a lot to share, with my mentorship we can make something profitable and satisfying.
I'm literally
a certified genius (no joke) certified at 6 years old by MENSA
retired CEO
teacher / educator
master chef - challenge me with your fav, bet i can make it
master of all things epicurean (google the word if you don't know it)
cigar aficionado
a fitness and holistic guru (lost 213 lbs. on diet alone)
only monogamous if you're the one that will leave me thunderstruck
a expert/master of all things intimate
guaranteed to be the best you've ever had
be sure to stretch if want to try
i'm incredibly loyal to those I care about,
message me and lets make something great together
currently in a wheelchair for 4 more months due to car accident and I don't drive now. I'm in Tarzana so if you don't mind driving to me. message me
Those of you looking for somebody ambitious,
I'm not that at all, because I'm accomplished.
when I get you there you'll understand
please consider your proposal before messaging
I'm rich but not stupid or desperate.
ridiculous asks will get you blocked.
unless you're famous then we can discuss it
if you can do something that no one else can
if you can wow me, lets chat
I'm not into ppm. or escorts so don't bother
better you ask how to make money yourself and that i can teach. making you rich makes me happier than your boob job or bbl.(ITS OK IF YOU HAVE EITHER. JUST DONT THINK ITS A PLUS) being all natural is a bonus, make sure you tell me
no escorts please
my body count is super human (think ten times what you think is alot)
and it was always voluntary never forced.
meet me and you'll understand why .
moisture guaranteed. so bring a change of clothes'
BTW i grant most wishes
make a wish and maybe you'll get a surprise
no foreign contact please. not interested in online only
No. 1232497>>1232501
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I seriously thought Finn wolfhard was a girl when stranger things started bc he kind of reminded me of Kate Micucci,
No. 1232504>>1232505>>1232512>>1232513>>1232517>>1232519
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WTF are they feeding Barron Trump, he's 16 and look at him
No. 1232517>>1232521>>1232522
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>>1232504some autist on twitter calculated he's between 6'7-6'9 and he's only gonna get taller, still I remember when he was weirdly popular in Japan and people were calling him a beautiful shota, wonder what those japanese shotacons feel now that their shota is now literally twice their size
No. 1232519
Somebody get him to lose weight STAT.
No. 1232521>>1232525>>1232806
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>>1232517same thing happened to bjornn andersen, andresen visited Japan twice and those two trips were strikingly different, once when he was just 15 and the other when he was 17, on his second trip he was no longer considered "bishonen" anymore, his features were considered too mature and his tall height also made him seem less attractive
No. 1232529>>1232566
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>>1232522I think its creepy asf as well, I'm saying Japanese pedos were calling him a shotacon
Here’s a sampling of a few other Barron-bishonen reactions from Japanese Twitter:
> “Barron is beautiful. Even when his dad was giving the victory speech that sounded like the end of the world, seeing him helped me get through it.”>I thought Trump’s son Barron looked cute so I looked up some pictures and he definitely has that sexy Slytherin vibe.”>“Trump’s son is such a bishonen, and his name is even ‘Barron,’ so cool.” No. 1232560>>1232562
>>1232556Ok then, I hope you enjoy it! I do like the show, but most of the appeal imo comes from the husbands/waifu potential. Even if you think Isayama can't write a good plot, I think everyone can agree that he wrote appealing characters.
>>1232558The only correct thing you said in this post is that Ymir is good. I love her, she's my second favorite.
No. 1232566
>>1232529>> “Barron is beautiful. Even when his dad was giving the victory speech that sounded like the end of the world, seeing him helped me get through it.”He literally looks like an average kid in that pic. Why do Japanese creeps fetishize caucasian features in kids so much? Jesus
>Trump’s son Barron is 10 years old and 170 centimeters tall! He so cute and handsome!”What the FUCK
He's a real person, not a fucking anime character, not that lusting after a 10 year old cartoon kid would be much better
No. 1232571
>>1232558>wouldn't even enjoy sex without wearing gloves and disinfecting the whole place cause "ew pussy fluids"AYRT, I'm sorry but that just sounds hot to me lol
Prime bullying material