No. 233485
File: 1520876736547.jpeg (32.25 KB, 517x285, image.jpeg)

>>233477That's a bit different than your usual teacher complain video, tho. Judging from his and Lioba's videos, there's a bit of an issue with some German art schools pushing modern art on their students. From what I remember from that video they weren't pushing him to make better compositions and have better fundamentals, they were implying commercial or pretty art wasn't real art. Pic related was art from someone they wanted him to learn from. Basically a pretentious circle jerk.
No. 233518
File: 1520894820004.jpg (106.91 KB, 590x389, Art-school.jpg)

>>233485isn't that the premise of that movie/comic art school confidential? dude gets roasted for doing hyperrealistic portraits and people doing effortless super modern art are praised.
how are these adult babies not able to meet half way though? obviously it's pretentious to encourage someone to drop their technical skills on purpose, but what's the point of going to art school if you're satisfied doing hyperrealistic pictures of models and don't want to do anything more interesting? what do you actually want?
No. 233521
>>233477I get that a lot of people complain about not being able to draw the same thing over and over again in art school but I think his is a bit different. It's more so about how his teacher considers anything that is "pretty" to not be "real art" while things that are "ugly" are "true art" and that it was basically a pretentious circle jerk.
I mean ngl I have issues with people that think something is "true" or "real" art on the basis of how ugly it is and that a lot of people in the fine art community or profession can be straight up like the pretentious english teachers that think there is a deep, world changing meaning behind why the author made the curtains blue.
Sometimes there is no deeper meaning. It doesn't need one. It can just be blue because they like blue.
No. 233523
>>233485Your first paragraph was basically
>>233485, glad more people see it that way.
>>233518Well, there are a lot of things that push people towards art school, like the peer pressure to have a college degree or/and misguided ideas of what the course will actually be versus what they idealize it to be. So that generates a handful of people who are not satisfied with their college experience.
Has anyone here gone to German art school and can give us their own experience? I suppose not all schools are like that, but it's the second account of that nature I've encountered.
No. 233550
>>233540 Most people who make videos like these make them long and drawn out, and exagerated when there wasn't really all that much happening, so it becomes this overhyped, badly paced half-lie to get people to watch. I can understand adding spice to a story to spice it up, but some people like to drag a bunch of nothing out just to hit the 10 min mark and I feel like this girl does that a whole lot.
She's in my recommendeds too but I never click because all her thumbnails and titles seem
too baity. Usually the baitier it looks the lamer the video actually is, probably.
No. 233579
>>233527I made the mistake of watching (rather listening to this whole thing) and is this chick delusional?
The whole vid is her complaining about how she doesn't understand why this boy doesn't like her, but then admits in the video, she:
1. interrupts a conversation the guy is having with someone else to chime with her opinion
2. Is friends with the guy's little sister and then asks the sister questions about the guy like where he's going to college
3. Starts experiencing everything the guy likes in hopes he'll notice
4. Wants to be friends with him and his friend group bc she "wants to be him"
5. Ends up going to the same college as the guy and despite the fact she knows he doesn't like her, decides to sit next to him in class (which is hilarious bc he climbs over the chairs to get away from her)
And yet she still can't figure out why he doesn't like her. Gimme a break. She's a self-admitting creeper.
No. 233580
>>233579also made another video telling people "don't call me annoying it hurts and really bothers me"
like ok but what if you being annoying is bothering others? fuck off
No. 234312
File: 1521146560311.png (520.33 KB, 687x623, yehudadevir.png)

A question for the artists here
Are you guys ever hesitant to draw yourselves for fear of looking delusional? Because if you draw yourself prettier and overly idealized, it looks kind of stupid. I think I saw people mention Jacquelin Deleon's self portrait in another thread, but I have a hard time finding pictures she actually intended as a self portrait. Anyways, I thought of this while looking at Yehuda Devir. You can tell he works out, alright, but he draws himself like this awesome hulking super hero figure and I can't help but think it's a little cheesy. I don't think his depiction is completely off and I understand exaggeration on that sort of comic book hero style, but the fact that he's the one drawing himself like that is a little odd to me.
No. 234425
>>233579was thinking that the whole damn video and was wondering what the hell was wrong with her
>>233580exactly why people the people that say "don't call me annoying" are actually so damn selfish
No. 234650
File: 1521221954168.jpg (178.18 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>234646Also the dude keeps making her wife ass too big and his muscles are not that big? I get that it's his style of making themselves like the ~attractive and quirky couple~ but the forced poses and the raised eyebrows reminds me of the dreamworks faces lol
No. 235031
File: 1521445546850.jpg (33.16 KB, 359x500, undercover princess cover.jpg)

I think we talked about QinniArt in earlier threads. I'm a pretty big fan of her because of her art style. She's going to have her 4th open heart surgery because her heart disease is spreading once again. I'm really, really worried for her because her doctors is saying that she should consider heart transplant, which would mean that even if the surgery is a success, it's a 57% mortality rate after 10 years. It's just…so terrible that someone is born with such condition and go through so much pain.
By the way, the really lulzy book by Noodlerella(Connie) discussed in the snow thread, Qinni's the one who did the illustration on the cover.
No. 235165
>>235031I was following her for a while. She seems like a genuinely nice girl, how sad to hear her about these health problems continuing. I hope she beats the statistics.
Also everyone loves that cover, it definitely helped sales of that title.
No. 235790
File: 1521653441794.png (2.4 MB, 2180x1110, worstnightmare.png)

>>234312The few instances where I was drawing myself I usually made myself a little uglier than I feel.
I'd be humiliated that anyone who saw me in real life after looking at a drawing of myself would think I flatter myself too much in my art.
I generally think it's pretty vain to draw yourself prettier but I guess I'm just paranoid about the whole thing anyways.
No. 235872
>>234312I draw myself uggo, but that's because I draw most people uggo in the first place. I know it's pretty tumblr-esque and discouraged here, but I genuinely prefer big noses/acne/etc to golden ratio everyone-is-a-model styles.
All of this said, if an artist has a cutesy art style it may make sense for them to draw themselves cute as well. It just goes too far when they're basically giving themselves plastic surgery (a new nose/face shape/body).
No. 235889
>>235735That's not abuse, that's passive discipline.
I really hate her process. She's not only repeating herself but drawing shit the tedious and sloppy way (then redrawing it just as sloppy) just to make the video longer.
No. 235904
>>235790I feel exactly like you, but your point would benefit from you not using some MUH WHITE PEOPLE crap as an image. (Dat girl's level of delusion, tho)
>>235872I don't care about ugly drawings when the intent is being gross, but those tumblr types that try to portray being obese and ugly as some sort of desirable trait are way off.
No. 236042
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>>235904 >>236008
>>235872 and as I said I do genuinely find appeal in imperfect faces. I also believe with correct use of fundamentals you can make characters with crooked teeth/awkward proportions/weird noses appealing, which is basically my art goal (sort of like pic related, although maybe a bit more simplified). Plus it's fun to draw different looking people; no risk of same face. And maybe it is very Dumblr (although I think the problem with most of those artists is that they're either young or make no effort and just uglify existing characters for attention), but I like honestly portraying regular people. Some of us weren't genetically blessed and can't afford plastic surgery. Or we're cute-ish but have a couple of flaws.
This definitely all started because of my low self esteem/dysmorphia in hs, though. Perhaps that undermines my point here since I was a shitty tumblr kid in the beginning.
sage for derail, I just thought someone might appreciate insight into an ugly fetishist's reasoning. Probably not and I'll just end up in that bad art thread if I ever gain notoriety online kek. As a side note, I don't expect everyone to find appeal in this stuff. We're all generally programmed to find certain things attractive and I'm not fighting biology. I still find cute and dainty shit fun to look at myself.
>inb4 don't come to lc for ugly sympathy No. 236104
>>235904>>236005Oh god I didn't even read the text on the image, just grabbed one from the online vs irl thread.
My bad!
sage for being dumb
No. 236166
>>236042There's no problem with drawing ugly people if that's what appeals to you, it's just stupid when it has some sort of agenda behind it.
>>236160The pretty girl style isn't boring just because the girls are pretty, it's because the picture overall is devoid of much interest. If you make them ugly it's just going to be some boring ugly girl pictures.
One thing I noticed, tho. Sometimes it seems people let themselves looser when drawing ugly people and creatures, as if they have some sort of fear of ruining the person's beauty by portraying intense emotion and things like that, then you have a thousand 3/4 head shots of pretty girls with close to none expression just sitting there being pretty.
No. 236184
>>236166I don't know if I agree. Beautiful people, especially beautiful women, often have less interest on their faces. No pimples, no wrinkles, no weird bumps, smooth jawline, etc. There's just less lines on a pretty woman's face in general, which inherently makes it less interesting. On top of that, like you said, it's scarier to give them emotion because beauty is really delicate. If you don't care if the person turns out pretty or not you can just go to town. And also artwork with ugly people is sort of rare, so that makes it more interesting too. Of course, it's not like every piece featuring an ugly person is more interesting than every piece featuring a beautiful person. But I think you have to work harder to make a piece with a beautiful person interesting.
No. 236292
>>236184I don't think we're in the same boat if your idea of interesting is pimples and weird bumps…
I also don't think people's faces are necessarily the only defining thing in the picture, despite being important. People who push "sameface syndrome" too much by making characters bald and comparing their faces seem to forget just how much of someone's personality and personal history we can tell by the what they wear and how their hair looks.
If drawing ugly people is interesting because it's unusual, which I believe is the case, the amount of people drawing ugly people in the Bad Art threads already made it more common and uninteresting, not to mention giving it a bad taste by pushing their agendas.
No. 236411
File: 1521840446089.png (375.18 KB, 580x602, qinni.png)

Whew. I was worried about her and I'm not even a follower
No. 236523
>>236515It seems disingenuous for western white girls to draw a bunch of homosexual/gender confused rainbow people when she and her audience are living in white western nations.
Also btw whites are less than 10% of the global population, but that doesn't matter, since 90% of their audience is white.
It's also irritating because they act like they have a savior complex "uwu poor PoC don't have representation… look at how caring and special I am for putting the oppressed in my art uwu". It's that fake virtue signalling that pisses me off. There are artists I like that draw non-whites but do it respectfully, not just drawing them as homosexual urbanites with 10 different tumblr disorders.
No. 236549
>>236530it can be. i know this sounds very tumblr-y but young me really loved mulan and bought every merchandise of her solely because she's asian and i can relate to her.
but if everyone does it and shoves it down people's throat, it DOES get disingenuous and become a mere marketing ploy, that much is true. like how companies are now trying too hard to be PC and progressive!!! eventho we know they're just trying to make profit out of it.
No. 236550
>>236523What if the author isn't white? Is it disingenuous/bad marketing if I write a character who shares my race when we're only 2% of the population? Maybe.
Otherwise I do somewhat agree, having "diverse" characters with no personality is dumb. It's just as bad as a shittily written white character, and retconning existing characters to diversify them is also dumb. Although I do believe there are more non-white people in, say, North America than you seem to believe. You may have been speaking from a European standpoint (which I can't vouch for), but even living in a rural area when I leave the house I'll always see at least five other non-white people. Maybe we're a minority, but we all add up and some of us want to see our faces in media.
Unless you're insinuating that only white people consume media or that mostly white people use tumblr. From my experience (all my anecdotal evidence be damned, I know) I've seen a good chunk of "progressive artists" actually being non-white or gay themselves. As for white creators portraying diversity, maybe they genuinely have non-whites in their life and want to portray that.
>>236549 No. 236558
>>236549>but young me really loved mulan and bought every merchandise of her solely because she's asian and i can relate to her. Well that's kinda the opposite of tumblr diversity. An ethnic asian likes seeing media that reflects their culture and identity. Same with everyone else.
I really don't think anyone likes the tumblr burger-king-kids club version where a bunch of different races and sexualities are mixed together in a very inorganic way. It only really appeals to a small demographic of white liberals imo, and I don't even think they genuinely like it. I think it's a virtue signal.
I don't see a problem with people representing other cultures and peoples genuinely and respectfully but there is nothing genuine and respectful about a bunch of sexually confused mystery meat teenagers all clustered together.
The way I see "forced diversity" in art is a bunch of white guilty young women draw really ugly "diverse" (sexually, racially, physically) characters because they think they're doing a service to these people by representing them. It's insulting, the message, as well as the art. They tend to make art uglier on purpose because the virtue signalling is more important than artistic merit.
No. 236600
>>236550same mulan anon, no, i live in asia. that might change the discussion a bit since i'm literally around asian people 24/7, but growing up with blonde barbies and disney princesses, seeing asian ones really made me feel represented.
but of course my experience isn't the same as every other asians or "minority" race, some kids just doesn't give a shit and wants to see pretty princesses on the screen. but all im saying is diversity isn't always a bad marketing choice, if it's celebrated it can be a very good strategy, but if fetishized and overdone will seem disingenous and degrading
aaand i won't derail the topic any further.
No. 236615
>>236558> a bunch of sexually confused mystery meat teenagers all clustered togethermy sides
What contributes to this unrealistic portrayal of other races is the unspoken rule of painting everyone POC in the same good light.
If you as a white person depict a black woman as loud and feisty, you're racist and stereotyping. Yet, turn on black Youtube and you'll have a majority of women loudly talking about "don't try me, I'll fight a bitch".
The "opressed" perpetuate their own stereotypes and get mad when the "opressor" depicts them like that, and people who are from the "opressed" group and don't fit into the stereotype also get mad because it doesn't fit them and seems unfair.
Then you avoid representing them for this reason, and now you're racist because you're not inclusive enough.
No. 236621
>>236619If she actually draws a lot, that's what happens when you work hard rather than smart and just practice aimlessly.
Improvement comes from focused practice, learning and then practicing what you learned. If you spend 10 days drawing the same face you're comfortable with over and over again you're really just moving at snail pace.
No. 236681
>>236619She sure likes her bust shots.
And her lines really stiffen her poses. She uses so many inorganic shapes.
At least she's aware of her tragic tendency to draw the same kind of face over and over again but this is two years worth of art…
No. 236927
>>236523I don't get this sentiment tbh.
It's bad when they want to be congratulated for the "diversity uwu", but predominantly white western nations are still not homogenous and in media the representation doesn't even match the actual population structure at all. Trying to diversify your characters is a good thing.
Only problem is when the character is just a hollow shell whose only trait is "the black one" or "the gay one", but that's another topic.
>>236411I follow her on IG and she seems to be going through a lot, glad she's still alive.
No. 237369
>>237359Eh, maybe, her art was always ugly to me, reminds me of bold-lined 90s-early 2000s manga.
She sounds kinda salty, though, probably about the comments she's been getting about her same-faces. Though I wonder if she's seen this thread too.
No. 237372
File: 1522203259781.jpg (22.87 KB, 811x170, 000000000000000000000000000000…)

>>237370Apparently we're not the only ones getting tired of this bullshit
No. 237373
File: 1522204267815.png (380.42 KB, 1268x1444, 1519839271179.png)

>>237369She has, she was talking with Holly about it on twitter. There was an image on the holly thread.
No. 237412
>>237370>You don't have to make good art to be a good artist.Wut?
She's just coddling egos that don't need to be coddled, that's why people like her.
She's not that bad if you 2x speed her videos though.
No. 237417
>>237359Honestly, this seems positive. I didn't pick up on any salt or milk.
I don't understand same face syndrome though. Like, is it that hard to draw a different nose or eye? Even if it's not up to par with your "muscle memory" one? Cartoon facial features are particularly easy. It's hard to believe she's doing studies for it. Anyone have this problem? Can you explain it?
No. 237433
>>237417You've pretty much hit it on the nose. People will try different facial features once or twice but because they don't have the skill to make it look good bc they've done no/not enough studies, they get disheartened and just go back to the same features they know they CAN do well
That and they probably don't use face references in their art to force them to draw different feautres
No. 237454
>>237373Holly never fails to amaze me, complaining about people hating on things while being the biggest hater around.
I stopped going on her thread because I just gave up expecting her to make sense.
No. 237455
>>237373>implying Jakob was supposed to be attractiveSo she's under the impression her supposedly unattractive character doesn't look an awful lot like her other characters?
I also find it interesting how she interpreted people saying it was ugly as the character was ugly and not her drawings in general… You don't tell an awesome artist who draws ugly orcs that their drawings are ugly, I'd assume.
I usually try not to be cruel here, but when people start getting defensive they bring the spotlight to themselves.
No. 238129
>>238016I mostly don't get how she managed to make such a
huge mess working with oil paint, is she a toddler doing fingerpainting? Like getting some on your clothes yeah, but how do you ruin your fucking carpet?
No. 238231
>>238229That's what I was thinking. I was watching Jacquelin's Deleon newest video and felt the sponsorship was really repetitive. I checked it out and it was her fifth art video in a row (not counting the couple of vlogs in-between) that was sponsored by Squarespace.
She seems to be really busy with her move and all, so maybe she doesn't have a lot of time to make enough videos in order to space them out, but still, it's something to be observed. Too many sponsorships in a row feel disingenuous.
No. 238250
>>238229Same here. It can get to be too much, but my
least favorite one has to be the fucking art amino app, which is like a landfill of gifs and kids.
But I think what I really find the most annoying is when the sponsorship take up like 2 min of the video and you gotta skip ahead. At least some of them label that it's a sponsorship in the title, but a LOT of them don't. Some try to interweave the product or service into the entire video but sometimes it's clunky.
>>238235She's so irrelevant and annoying.
No. 238335
>>238317I remember her very barely because it's been a while since I watched Drawfee, but wasn't she one of those girls who give off a vibe of just being a part of a program for the sake of variety?
Anyways, I stopped watching them because they felt like a group of those annoying mainstream progressive young adults.
No. 238579
>>238336Honestly now I use it for precise sculpture but most clay like fimo are aimed at kids to do candy charms and shit
>>238471actually the useful thing about hard clay it's that when it re harden with the cold you can do more detail without messing up the sculpture shape but yeah she didn't noticed it already
No. 238758
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>>235031It's sad about her health problems, but I actually think she's super over-rated. She has almost 2 million followers on Instagram, despite all her art looking basically the same (every painting is of a girl crying - with stars incorporated somehow). Idk, maybe it's just me as I really dislike 'anime art', but there are so many better artists who deserve that kind of following.
No. 238783
>>238758>there are so many better artists who deserve that kind of followingPeople have to stop clinging too much to the idea that anyone "deserves" followers. That's not how it works. Either you go after learning how to market yourself or you'll drown on a puddle or your own self entitled tears.
I hate anime myself, but she probably gets such a following because she seems to be telling a story (her own life experiences). People are wired to be suckers for stories. Not to mention the usually present relatability thing.
No. 238797
>>238783yeah this. it applies to everything too. businesses, music, who gets famous and who doesn't, who has social media followers, who has friends. i used to wonder why so many untalented, mean, or dumb people get so far, and then i realized it's because they're not so fucking self conscious and second guessing themselves all the time and just put themselves out there, while more thoughtful and talented people are staying home not putting anything out because they think it's not good enough yet. on the one hand, they probably BECAME good at what they do by being self conscious and not being satisfied with mediocrity, but there comes a point where you just need to let go and market yourself because it'll never be perfect.
No. 238799
File: 1522696908984.jpeg (878.17 KB, 750x1165, AE507785-F0A7-4028-BAAF-DB18F4…)

It should be a surprise to absolutely no one that she’s popular. She’s decently skilled and creative, posts similar enough pieces (stars, space, color style) that she is recognizable, and her subjects are whimsical girls and fan art.
Not to mention she gets 4x the engagement on her posts about the hospital. Her selfie is at 800,000. People love a sob story, like other anon said.
No. 238814
>>238810I think the point is (Picolo does this too) is once it's been transferred to digital it would be logical to remove the sketchbook binding etc from the image.
Leaving it on suggests to the viewer that is what it looks like in the sketchbook. They're not lying about it, but the charm is in seeing a perfect digital piece in a sketchbook which we usually have lower expectations about, versus say something hanging in an ornate frame in a gallery (or actual digital art itself, which everyone tends to have very high standards about.)
I can't really be critical about it as it IS obvious and this girl is sick+seems like a nice girl but I guess we can crit picolo about it. His art pisses me off for some reason and I don't know why. There's some cloying romance in there which is quite childish, maybe it's that
No. 239153
File: 1522796152751.jpeg (297.7 KB, 1242x1233, D44422DD-87AD-4170-94AB-1DCBFF…)

Whoa, thanks, I would have never noticed which one was the drawing.
No. 239260
File: 1522820457618.png (306.81 KB, 1137x1314, IMG_9426.PNG)

Mateusz posted a video about how he's going to work on an animated movie along with Heikala, I'm honestly happy for both of them
No. 240851
>>237370 her "if you do this you'll never improve" video is just a perfect example of someone missing hyperbole. Like no one is saying that absolutely literally, its hyperbolic. Is she autistic? Why did she so miss the context and meaning of people's comments? Or did she purposefully misunderstand so she could do a rant video?
I also hated the art work in that video. She spent forever cutting out stickers when she could have just painted it herself.
sage cause month old video I just never got around to watching
No. 241296
File: 1523422042981.jpeg (641.95 KB, 1936x1936, E9F64309-FF87-403A-9E2A-50CACE…)

Idk why she’s pretending she didn’t just draw this from a reference, if not Cole Sprouse to the right then something similar. We all know she can’t draw for shit without copying a photo. “If he was real” ok Rae
No. 241373
File: 1523460695394.jpg (104.3 KB, 853x1280, f01cea7db3714f9a9b6f4e7e957a46…)

>>241322Haha thanks anon. Upload of pic for those who can't click the link for whatever reason.
I wish someone would tweet it to her. Using references is fine, pretending you didn't is essentially stealing. That's obviously a photographer's work. You can't just badly copy a photographer's work and pass it off as your own, imo.
No. 241459
File: 1523479378983.jpeg (250.95 KB, 750x783, B76D8634-A3E9-4AC6-95FD-2EABF1…)

Lmao what’s the difference? The earring?
No. 241484
File: 1523486533150.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1232x1395, 3774B03E-3495-4A4F-ACB9-AF61B0…)

>>241373I was browsing and ended up finding this…
No. 241539
>>241484thread request: just people redrawing this one photo. This is why you shouldn't use direct references, people
People gonna find it, it's gonna be embarrassing, and you look unoriginal as hell
No. 241642
>>241607I never liked her or her art, shit is basic
Not to mention how gross and weird how her and her boyfriend/husband talk to each other through the comments lmao
I feel most of her fans are kids
No. 241645
>>241459Your point is not real, either.
Jesus, why is that some people seriously can’t admit when they fuck something up?
No. 241668
>>241607You guys are spot on in your critiques. It’s not the
worst youtube art, but it’s very amateurish. And her persona makes me feel like I’m watching Blue Peter kek
No. 241700
>>241607>>241654I think the biggest problem too, at least for me besides the art, is that they're just so damn
boring. What they draw and paint is just standard stuff. And then when they try to do something outside the box it looks worse because they're not using reference photos.
No. 242018
>>242008animal crossing nose and everything.
she thinks her artsyle is unique because its not "round and bubbly" but more "angular."
I quite like some of her pieces but it is a bit ironic she's saying all that while having a pretty basic style. Ah well.
No. 242119
>>242008I remember watching that video and getting some "I'm not liek other peeple XD" vibes. And that's the kind of shit you don't talk to the general public about.
"Don't be basic, be yourself" aren't basic people being themselves? And their selves are just basic?
No. 242495
File: 1523715781612.png (216.08 KB, 563x415, 1.png)

lemia doesnt credit a photographer even though it's one google away
No. 242497
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No. 242693
File: 1523746178566.png (2.97 MB, 3724x1094, wow.png)

>>242643some of my favs for those who can't watch right now
No. 242729
>>242721I dislike his editing style and his doodle gimmick is overplayed and unsophisticated.
Idk what you mean by sameface because he doesn’t do faces much? If you just meant repetitive and unchallenging, then I agree.
No. 242748
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No. 242756
>>242751Just for you to understand, thats like saying diet or hormones can fix schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
Also go Monique, go! How did Monique Renee become the hero in our threads??
No. 242764
>>242748Which Youtuber?
>>242751>why do people take any cause or solution for depression like diet or hormones as some kind of personal insult?I guess they might be tired of people automatically assuming they aren't depressed at all. But being someone who's been through depression and gotten better through other means, I'm also not the hugest fan of pushing professional help in every case. I'm aware a lot of people do need it, but it's not a "one size fits all" thing. Sometimes said professionals and madicines can either not make a difference or make things worse.
(Sorry for having to repost this 3 times, I dun goof'd)
No. 242777
>yeah so then wouldn't you be relieved to find out you probably don't have major depressive disorder even though you're experiencing depression?
>find out you probably don’t have major depressive disorder This is exactly the issue. She’s not the one to be telling people if they probably do or don’t have depression. If you’re “finding out you don’t have depression” via fucking Spechie, that’s extremely concerning.
She’s not basing her opinion on academic papers or classes. She’s just dismissing it because she’s a bitch and doesn’t give a shit about other people.
No. 242786
>>242782I think she shouldn't dismiss people who may think they have depression, no matter their age. I personally think that if you feel like you may be depressed, seek out a professional. Even if a teenager isn't clinically depressed, if they're in a bad enough mental state to say "I'm depressed", they obviously need some help. Maybe they aren't clinically depressed, maybe they are. But to make a blanket statement like that is just ignorant and irresponsible. Anyway, I feel like I'm sorta talking in circles now so I'm gonna leave it at that.
(Also I appreciate those of you who are backing me up! But I'm definitely no hero! I'm just trying to make the internet a less shitty place)
No. 242788
>>242782“I’m not a medical professional, nor am I educated in any way in this regard. I am not qualified to say certain people are not likely to be experiencing depression”
Something along those lines.
No. 242808
>>242800It's Spechie, for heaven's sake. It's hard to expect anything of value to come out of hers or Holly's mouths.
>You, nor Spechie, have any idea what is actually going on inside a teenager's mind at any given moment. YoU jUsT dOn'T uNdERstANd, mOm!!1!
Damn Monique, you sound like an angsty teenager yourself. Of course we have a multitude of teenagers of all backgrounds out there and it would be foolish to assume we know everything that goes on inside their heads, but at the same time I believe we can't go too far into a culture of patting them in the back and making them feel like everything and all they do is valid and correct, or else you'll have a bunch of spoiled retards running around and imploding mentally when something doesn't go their way. What I'm saying is, assuming every teenager out there is absolutely right about their own situations is as harmful as assuming none of them are. So my current course of action would be to try and help individual cases and avoid those very blunt sorts of statements such as Spechie's.
No. 242828
Guys, some of you are missing the point entirely.
One might have depression or not, but when you’re young and follow somebody ,and that somebody is important to you, you will accept what they say for a fact. And in my opinion, the ones that get hurt by this kind of videos are the ones who really struggle.wanna know why?
If one is being over dramatic, won’t stop just because some rando on the internet told them their problems are not real. Self centered drama queen teens would stop following her instead of changing their attitude. Because self is more important and always right.
The ones who are doubting themselves, maybe thinking of having depression but not talking about it because “maybe they’re just sad”; are the ones that need an external opinion from somebody who’s better than them, telling they’re just sad.
When you have depression you don’t always accept it, because it’s seen badly, and makes you feel like you are wrong or damaged. Most of the time it feels like it’s a choice and one is too weak to just stop being depressed. With that in mind, your hero saying you are totally not depressed because hormones, will do more harm than good.
Most teens do not seek therapy already, you know? So yeah If an influencer tells you there’s no need to worry, and you have a low self esteem and everything you think is wrong but others are always right, you will end up repressing your pain and not seek help. Because it would be hard even before the video, but the video cemented the fact that you don’t need it.
I hope I made myself clear, here.
Tl;dr drama queens will keep overreacting even after that video, those who actually struggle with it would end up being harmed by the fake consolation of not being sick while maybe in reality they really need medical assistance.
No. 242831
File: 1523777530426.png (48.02 KB, 785x381, lerando.png)

So random ~ holds up spork with cheeto dust ~
God, she irritates me. She's so stunted.
No. 242834
>>242831the more I read about her, the more I think she deserves her own thread on snow.
I also don't think this cap is that quirky or special. I hate getting my hands soaked in dust so I use whatever is pointy (usually a toothpick. Unused, of course) to eat cheetos, and I know for a fact I'm not the only one.
So there you go, girl. You wanted to be unique, but you're just basic.
No. 242846
>>242643>I'm such a perfectionistLmao, seriously?
Honestly I'm also kinda annoyed that she used a new sheet of paper for each one, just draw multiple? Draw on the back?
>>242808You're missing the point entirely. No one is saying that any teen that's sad for a week is suffering from clinical depression, but discouraging young people from seeking help because "it's probably not real anyway" is pointless and potentially dangerous.
Spechie, Holly and Lemia are the holy trinity of bad advice in this community, I swear.
No. 242877
File: 1523804304839.png (880.48 KB, 1200x1200, DaKi72ZVwAAUq57.png)

>>242876Spechie has her head so far up her own ass. Her "my art teacher hated me" video was the most self-centered, obnoxious edgy thing I've ever seen. An actual quote from that video:
>she was mad a 17 year old girl had gotten farther with art than she ever wouldKek, this is the kind of shit art that Spechie makes, and she thinks she "made it farther" than an adult woman with an art degree and a job?
No. 242989
>>242877the fucking long chin, the crocked mouth and the resting bitch face
fucking why?
No. 243751
>>243718She sounds like a child. She honestly is one of the worst “youtube artists” there is. Between this and her Bob Ross video, she’s really exposing herself as shit at art.
Compare to this video which talks about lightfast ratings, core thickness, blooms, etc.
No. 243864
File: 1524166722135.jpeg (775 KB, 750x1020, A23D4E08-CB6A-407D-8F0E-531251…)

Practice does make perfect. But if what you’re practicing is shitty children’s drawings, guess what you’re going to perfect?
Rae doesn’t practice the fundamentals. She doesn’t study the basics. She just repeats copying exactly from a photograph. She doesn’t know why they look the way they do or how to properly represent it. So when she has to produce quick works, she shows how she doesn’t even know the basics.
I don’t think she’s ever shown work she drew from life and not a photograph. Anyone can learn to copy a photo without learning how to stop drawing symbols.
She’s becoming “perfect,” or at least good at copying.
No. 243878
>>243870I accidentally spoilered the image, so I deleted the comment and posted it again. Sorry bout that!
Bonus video as apology. Don't think its been posted yet, its from 9 months ago. And its hilariously bad. She "beat" her art teacher by drawing anime. Kek.
No. 243895
File: 1524173689493.png (1.58 MB, 1100x1652, rae.png)

>>243881Peep the dates. I'm positive everything she does is stolen/copied. I highly doubt its a coincidence this tutorial came out just the month before hers, and is identical in every way- paper, colors, composition, technique, etc. except the original is far superior.
Bitch has half a million subs and doesn't do anything but copy, steal, and trace. How did her fans not wake up once seeing
>>242693 No. 243947

Anyone else see the drama in the "Art Rant" community re: a prominent "ranter" being exposed as a pedophile? I.E.: Messaging 13 year olds, asking them to draw sexual furry art, asking them to masturbate for him etc.
I'm only somewhat familiar with the whole idea of the youtube art ranting community, and it has always seemed to me to be mainly young teenage girls making fun of "bad art" on deviantart. It's as petty as you might imagine, with bad artists making fun of other bad artists.
But as an adult woman, any adult man engaging in a community of mainly underage girls, that is a huge red flag, even outside of the current context of accusations of pedophilia.
I know when I was a young girl online that attention from adults didn't seem abnormal, and I don't know how to communicate to girls who are young and vulnerable that 20+ year old men, who are prominent in your niche online community, who "just want to be your friend", are most likely predators.
No. 243958
File: 1524192923831.png (128.59 KB, 1073x807, pentagrin.png)

>>243947I feel like Pentagrin is loving this shit. She's such a drama whore.
No. 244009
>>243956I like how when I checked earlier today there was a comment section and I just checked again the comments were disabled.
>>243979>>244008And yeah, he uses a voice modifier, he even has mentioned it several times and I think there's even one where he shows his actual voice and in between changes it to sound like the usual voice we can hear in the most videos.
No. 244010
File: 1524235086793.jpeg (365.59 KB, 750x893, C96DBE59-4776-457E-9C8A-59ED43…)

Translation: I wanna get them clicks and that attention, don’t detract from it by making your own videos.
Fucking Pentagrin. Doesn’t care about the word being spread, just cares about the drama and attention. She’s fake as fuck.
No. 244038
>>243832Practice makes perfect if you practice properly. Studying fundamentals is "practice"
>>243878God fuck, I hate these "stupid teachier hated me for drawing anniemay! xDD" videos so much. I drew anime style why I was in school too, but in art class I'd try to do the work and not just draw a poor rendition of another artist's style. They're all so damn cocky about it too.
No. 244124
File: 1524274334336.jpeg (99.66 KB, 1005x697, 740D3FCF-F9CF-4E5D-80EB-7BB45F…)

>>244123I actually hate her and I don’t hate many people. The gross burbs, the tracing, the “first time I’m using ___” videos from a college grad, the ego, the lack of talent, her word salad like “this just comes in such handy,” her blatant stupidity “is there an eraser tool,” how she cut straight to the finished sketch to try to hide the fact she traced but then left the original image layer in later shots. I just hate everything about her
No. 244133
File: 1524276570316.png (709.95 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

She calls this a light source????
No. 244174
File: 1524302675815.jpeg (17.24 KB, 493x298, images (2).jpeg)

>>244133she has a degree in art? she calls this a fucking light source? how???????
No. 244188
>>244123I love how she first tried to sketch it without tracing and failed horribly, then traced the pic and after half of the video she realises she still had the photo layer and deletes it
What’s wrong with those patches of pink color? This looks just dirty and the placement is all wrong and it’s all sloppy and oh my god if you feel like this is like painting why didn’t you define shapes and shadows? It looks so bland.
I can’t see how she can pride herself with this level
No. 244206
>>244133i mean i can tell what shes going for but.. you cant just add pink to an image that has normal colors otherwise. u have to change the rest of the colors too or else it doesnt make sense..
and i love how she calls them lightsources as if lightsources arent in literally every image.. and how she thinks colorful lighting can only be done in digital art?? shes just so… dumb…
No. 244227
>>242846>Spechie, Holly and Lemia are the holy trinity of bad advice in this communitythis
it's really amazing
on the other side there's superraedizzle and bananajamma who are super boring, mediocre and just copy photos but some how manage to get quite a few subscribers.
No. 244235
>>244082Her art is ok, but bland and repetitive. She seems ok.
>>244123"I never understood why people use digital art", …really? No idea?
I also like that she admits she never uses the shit she reviews again afterwards.
No. 244276
Istebrak is pretty terrible. I'm a new artist, and found her videos because she's talented and gives honest critique, which I do appreciate. Her G+ group is pretty decent too.
However, when you watch a ton of her stuff in a short period of time you really see some stuff. She'll randomly pop in with some stuff like "I really love Jordan Peterson" or "LGBT people in the West are no longer marginalized at all and have no more battles to fight, also Final Fantasy is a game for homosexuals so I won't buy Square Enix games anymore".
She also gets really weirdly directly aggressive about stuff, even when she's not giving specific critique. She'll mention something and then say "You fucking guys always do this, you don't deserve to use color yet, go do twelve thousand geometric studies before you paint a face, and if you don't like it you can just click that little red X and leave". But like, no one said anything. She just responds as if there's people giving her sass all the time.
She also gives straight up contradictory advice constantly. If you follow your reference photo too much, you shouldn't - never draw eyelashes or lip details, ever, and use artistic license. If you do those things though, you're a retard who is symbol dependent and can't follow a reference.
She yelled for like 20 minutes about people drawing fit, toned women with a faint vertical line down their abs, and swore up and down it was a fake thing that never happened in real life.
She rants constantly about people doing "masterpieces" before they've passed her personal test of being a real artist - you aren't allowed to have an idea or render a character or draw hair until you've drawn a thousand black and white sphere heads and rectangles floating in space.
And then of course she falls back on "I'm just being honest, no one else will tell you the real truth, please give me Patreon money or 400 dollars for personal tutoring so I can berate you one on one"
No. 244300
>>244280One of the artists they repainted was in the comments thanking them and asking can they get a psd of the fixes
>gets ignoredNice job using someone else's art without permission and then ignoring their comment/communication!!!
No. 244361
File: 1524409573246.jpeg (639.82 KB, 1242x2139, B0BA57CB-BE6A-455E-B063-D78B4D…)

>>244280Her obsession with black and white heads floating in space is ridiculous. She's stuck in the "study" phase and judging by her website, can't do much of a finished piece for shit. Does she think that's what people in the industry look for or is that meant to be a "teacher" portfolio for her to gather a bunch of students for her circlejerk who can't afford tutoring with an actual industry artist (or are still too new to realize a higher-than-thou teacher with a portfolio mostly made of repetitive studies of severed body parts does not make for a good professional artist)?
It's a pity to see anyone actually buying that "I'm just being honest" crap. No, you're just a snowflake who can't control their autistic rage, just as bad as the SJW tards you seem to hate.
No. 244362
File: 1524409881693.jpeg (21.84 KB, 392x375, F849267A-2B35-40B0-8210-541B8A…)

>>244276>and swore up and down it was a fake thing that never happened in real life. Like this?
No. 244369
>>244367She has a few disappointing finished pieces showing she can't handle color too.
The environments are decent but again, colorless and outweighted by the amount of floating black and white heads.
No. 244410
File: 1524414901400.jpeg (305.99 KB, 1242x1869, 977EC4A4-2823-4EFF-A4DE-13D787…)

>>244361This is my favorite. She called it a WIP but still slapped it on her website nevertheless. Dat left hand. Dat not being able to go past laying the values and rendering the face.
But don't forget, kids. Don't try going any further than studying floating heads and DO NOT, ever, try using color. Trust her, she clearly knows what's best.
No. 244415
File: 1524416235534.jpeg (421.41 KB, 750x1266, 83775195-37A9-49F2-96E3-3E943C…)

>>244410It’s sad too because she used to have interesting concepts like that back in 2014-ish. Then she became obsessed with the blurry black and white faces. Her skill level for actually making an interesting art piece has remained the same.
No. 244424
File: 1524416936141.jpeg (115.99 KB, 650x868, 560ED98A-4C62-433F-9AA5-CC31A2…)

>>244280It’s so frustrating she used a plastic face as reference with no distingushed features. She goes on and on about how there isn’t a shadow between the brows on her bland reference so he shouldn’t have it on his painting. But different people have different shaped noses. Some have it more indented so that it’s on the same level as the eyes ffs. How the fuck is she teaching these students in a condescending way while claiming all faces look like a plastic robot with identical features which cast the same shadows.
This video is
No. 244427
>>244280“Your brushstrokes are way too visible”
Why does she hate texture?
“You have no business using these brushes”
How are you supposed to get good at something without practicing it? I feel like she’s projecting her own insecurities onto these poor paying students. She doesn’t feel like she’s good enough to do texture or composition or color, so she berates everyone else and tells them they aren’t either.
She took an interesting piece with flaws and “fixed” it by removing everything that made it interesting. She replaced a two light source portrait with a strong chin and nose, and replaced it with a muddy, plastic robot face with a beard.
“Color is a distraction”
Ugh. Ugh. Ughhhhhh
Why would anyone pay this bitch to talk down to them and ruin their work?
No. 244429
File: 1524417774955.jpeg (808.19 KB, 1242x1517, 2645F8E4-E06B-45F8-A60F-547642…)

That is interesting as a concept, but the colors are still pretty bland. She can't go much further than slapping a single color on top of her stuff, and in the example you showed, adding accents in another color on the golden objects. The skin is awfully dead (and while it fits in context, I have suspicions she couldn't do any different). There's basically no evidence in her work that she has a working understanding of color.
No. 244436
>>244427>I feel like she’s projecting her own insecurities onto these poor paying studentsYeah. She really seems like one of those weak and insecure types who act all mighty and aggressive as self defense.
>Why would anyone pay this bitch to talk down to them and ruin their work?Some people are unable to see the difference between candid good advice and someone with an attitude problem being unprofessional, and are too afraid to stand up to her bullshit in fear of being cast out as toosensitive and snowflakes (something Istebrak herself is).
No. 244438
>>244280After watching some of her other videos, she really seems like someone who hides behind the "brutally honest" title and uses it to bully her students.
Also, anyone remember her tantrum over the wacom tablet? That was pretty cowish behavior.
No. 244450
>>244362Yeah, and she started out with "I don't know where you guys get this, maybe its from comic books or something, but its not real".
So…anyone have any suggestions for good portrait teachers who are digital focused and aren't terrible? My inspirations are people like Aaron Griffin.
No. 244576
File: 1524436740003.png (694.71 KB, 635x727, istebrakbeforeafter.png)

From her latest video
I swear she made it look worse? She removed the canal, which gave the piece a sense of space, she added in warm lighting which ruins the feel, she made the rat the center focus instead of being part of the frame, the city seems less impressive and more squat, and she blurred everything out and made the background blend all together.
Am I wrong or was it legit better before she got her hands on it?
No. 244586
>>244576I like the light beams she added but removing the canal was a bad move as was centering/focusing the rat.
She just takes every piece and makes it her own bland featureless style and then says that's the right way to do it. If you disagree do form studies.
Her whole "everyone in the chat repeat that back to me" thing is also cult leader behavior
No. 244591
>>244576She ruined it, it's all washed out now. Personally I think the light beams make it too blended in, and there's way less of a sense of depth now. The color and atmosphere of the piece was way richer and stronger before..For sure.
She's one of those artists who probably doesn't want anyone to surpass her limited skill level, that's why she talks down to people the way she does. She's trying to make up for the fact that she's got a limited skill set and lacks imagination.
No. 244610
File: 1524446815687.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1208x1490, 0A7A707B-AA65-4117-8664-A739B7…)

>>244276>She yelled for like 20 minutes about people drawing fit, toned women with a faint vertical line down their abs, and swore up and down it was a fake thing that never happened in real life. Yeah, gee, you're totally right as always, Istebrak. We're just being silly. It's really just fake.
Now every time I see a fit lady with one of those lines I'll remember her chimp ass.
(Pardon for accidentally posting this in an old thread)
No. 244612
>>244608So is she telling us people like Marco Bucci just make up fake speedpaint videos to hide his actual method of smoothing everything and then adding a few brush strokes on his fake painterly style?
For fuck's sake, it's one thing to have a flaw on your work (like her overblending), it's another to rage and rant to new artists that this is the only way.
Honestly, at first I just thought she had an attitude problem, but now I'm starting to consider if she has some actual deep mental problems. She's absurdly delusional.
No. 244615
>>244613Maybe. The Spechie thread dwindled pretty quickly, but I think that has more to do with Spechie being a glorified ranter and giving up on ‘animation’ videos in favor of becoming a ‘guru’ w/e the fuck that means.
If Istebrak is milky enough then her thread should be interesting
No. 244624
>>244615A whole thread could be made on Istebrak's "fixing" her student's works. I think she's milky enough, but I think it'd be better if someone more knowledgeable about her made the thread. I've only just heard of her through here.
Spechie's thread is nice because it's only active when she is. It's not just people nitpicking imo. I don't think it dwindled.
No. 244642
File: 1524457381926.png (1.04 MB, 880x1108, istebrakbeforeafter.png)

>Yeah. She really seems like one of those weak and insecure types who act all mighty and aggressive as self defense.I'm positive that she does the critique videos to stroke her own ego. She gets off on doing "before and after" on other people's work rather than actually improving her own. They come up with the creative and interesting concepts, and she gets to just shit on it while jacking off to feeling better than them.
I don't know how she made this dusk scene so washed out and boring, but she did.
No. 244650
File: 1524460064552.png (19.51 KB, 1544x106, Screenshot_1.png)

>>244300Actually, they wanted a png copy to use as a reference.
No. 244651
File: 1524461330048.png (904.1 KB, 1507x825, istebrakbeforeafter.png)

It seems she really doesn't like contrast or saturation in any way. This is from her online portfolio. Everything she does is so washed out and soft. Which is fine as a personal style imo but its so strange she tries to enforce that on everyone. It's a preference, not a rule. Then she edits everyone's work to look like hers; flat, colorless, contrast-less, and blurry. She acts like these are fundamentals but they're totally not. She discourages backgrounds, probably because she can't do them. She discourages painterly looks and texture.
No. 244697
File: 1524506939872.png (1.59 MB, 1167x753, hajr.png)

>>244683I feel like her colors are muddy or something. Maybe its the color combo or the technique. Its just not my cup of tea.
No. 244713
File: 1524513348118.jpeg (616.29 KB, 750x916, 827F9696-EF2A-441B-8E47-630C99…)

How do you guys feel about Vanilla.bambi on Instagram
No. 244714
File: 1524513396209.jpeg (376.59 KB, 750x1015, D6EEC878-61C3-458F-A843-099820…)

Also cherrierot I’ve seen them around they’ve got huge followings
No. 244727
>>244713that is so basic and bland af ha ha
>>244714ew ew ewwwwww
No. 244780

>>244771She calls using a small brush "cheating" in this video.
"detail is a system of light and shadow, its about figuring out edges and where the light and dark is. Everyone write that back to me…"
"you don't shrink your brush to make detail, just don't blend in certain areas and that brings in the detail required. That is a symptom of line dependency. I want everyone to write that back to me, all 61 of you…don't think you can cheat your way"
at around 17 minutes in.
She also talks about how contrast is "unnatural" because reference photos are edited, so you should wash all your tones out. And how you shouldn't paint in color until you've mastered grey scale to a master's level. Color is a "distraction, it will stay a distraction forever." Why does she think the actual masters used color in their paintings?? Skin is a "yellow-ish, reddish beige" always, according to her, unless its a "random dark you're going to paint once in your career."
Having her videos in the background while I work is becoming a guilty pleasure.
No. 244789
>>244780Watching that video, she sounds so bitchy and insecure. The way her voice is all pitching and high is like she's about to cry? (That might just be me, but it's so annoying).
Not to mention how, after 'fixing' that portrait, she was like "NOW this is a successful image". Like, bitch, you don't get to fuckin decide what's successful and what's not, you get to say what's wrong in terms of art (like saturation or contrast or anatomy), not that it's somehow 'perfect' or whatever just because you spent 10 mins in photoshop on it. Especially when your portfolio looks like trash.
It's like she thinks art is some big fuckin competition and not a bunch of people making what they like. Everything is about how she does it and how she thinks it should look, not style or substance. You can't have unnatural lighting because she doesn't like it. You can't have bright contrast because she doesn't use bright contrast. Ugh.
No. 244791
>reference photos are editedYeah, no shit, they're portrait photos. Portraits are supposed to make people look good. Which apparently isn't allowed.
I get that her 14 day challenge is no hair no makeup mannequin heads, but that image wasn't one of those?
No. 244795
>>244789What annoyed me the most when I first found out her channel was how she was throwing a tantrum in one of her "critiques" and yet acted like others are the ones who are snowflakes. It's like she gets personally offended by people doing things she considers wrong, she's got some control issues.
>>244789Jesus, that "repeat it to me" thing is pathetic. Imagine living with her.
>no mom, you should not add onions to that stew. Onions are a crutch for people who can't extract all of the flavor out of the beef. Now everyone in the house repeat after me, YOU SHOULD NOT ADD ONIONS. Aunt Claire, I don't care you're in a coma, stop being such a snowflake and repeat it to me now. No. 244847
File: 1524576760508.jpg (83.09 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>244789>>244795omg you nailed it, i didn't even realise. She gets like TOO emotional with critiques- she reminds me of amy's baking company
No. 245482
>>245347>her teaching method is really toxicYou don’t have to be
that dramatic
No. 245486
File: 1524731553679.jpg (50.52 KB, 720x899, IMG_20180426_033118.jpg)

>>245484just found this after searching lol. they all look like wikihow drawings mixed with those drawing style filters some camera apps have.
No. 245549
File: 1524755942366.jpeg (312.08 KB, 750x1195, 21CA63E1-6FF3-4ED2-B52F-FBAE79…)

>>245484It seems it’s just code for “badly traced, ugly colors, random lines.” There wasn’t a single piece I’d call decent.
No. 245574
>>245547Perhaps the other anon just thought the "toxic" word is overused by little drama queens, so it's acquired an overdramatic connotation. I agree with what you are saying, tho, we just prefer to use more candid terms such as she is a damned cunt.
What bothers me the most is not just her being a cunt to people, but the fact that she is such an ass while trying to push her own twisted version of fundamentals. Basically she wants to talk with the spunk of someone who has years and years of perfectly executed fundamentals under their belt while actually having the art of a student who's afraid of going out of their comfort zone.
No. 245660
>>245656Jesus Christ, what a deranged woman.
What was the midlife crisis?
No. 245669
>>245660Ok, I have to correct myself: her vids weren't de-monetized, but her channel was banned from live streaming due to the strike. And now watching the linked vid again it was not copyright, but because of the vid being reported. Didn't really change the reason for her agitation, because no streaming=no money. The vid linked here was her signaling her fans to annoy google about the issue.
I mean, it's a legit problem when that happens to your channel and it sucks. But I remember how she whined on social media constantly about this, repeating over and over how she will have to cease teaching if her channel won't get fixed. In the end everything got fixed anyway and pretty fast too but she had no patience at all, so she made her fans annoy google over twitter about this.
No. 245674
>>245669>repeating over and over how she will have to cease teaching if her channel won't get fixedToo bad for her students she didn't stop. They could benefit from not having the autistic screeching she calls "teaching" setting them in questionable directions.
It's partially their fault for giving her any attention, but at the same time most of them must be in that phase where they still don't know how to judge a mediocre artist with a shitty mentality from a good professional.
No. 245684
>>245629>>245549There was a trend that was going on for a few months now. It was this thing called "rt for a drawing of your icon" and the people who got like 500-5k+ retweets on their tweets didn't finish more than 20 drawings.
Then there was a guy sharing his tutorial around (it was basically for people who weren't happy they got what they wanted from the "rt for a drawing of your icon" thing). It was really… subpar, but then it also misinformed so many normies who took that tutorial by throwing the term "vector art" around that it stirred arguments from both experienced and inexperienced artists.
No. 245753
>>245708I wonder that too… as far as I know from her talk about personal stuff her Arab parents are muslims who take islam quite seriously. She was for example not allowed by her parents to draw, because picturing stuff in Islam is forbidden. So it could be that she picked up fundamentalist, conservative views. Also I feel she whines about "metrosexuals" and LGBT people a lot because she seems obsessed with being anti-SJW.
She also hates androgyny in both genders. If you make a female character butch and masculine it's bad in her eyes, even if it fits the character (if they are for example a warrior). Tbh, anything that deviates from the standard feminine girly girl and butch muscly hunk is crap to her, because when you design characters you should only stick to the tropes that are "industry certified". (whatever that means!)
Hell, she is so fixed on doing generic crap she once "improved" the design of a character in a piece of fanart that's from a game and was made by an actual professional character designer. And as you can imagine her redesign was total crap. In the comments she defended it with "professionals too can make shitty design decisions".
No. 245754
>>245753Wait, she's arab?
And she was complaining about the US being too SJW and saying she should move to Europe, according to that other post… So does she think an arab would be received with open arms in Europe by non-SJWs?
No. 245834
>>245781Linked the video. It's the first piece. People then wrote under the video that it's fanart and in some other stream she gave the answer that the design is lackluster (which I don't think is in a later video. She usually trims the streams and her afterhours aren't uploaded).
Also she did a terrible redesign of the new pennywise, because to her the new movie version wasn't creepy enough. Her fans wrote defensive answers to people who basically said under the video "the original works better".
Tbh, that bothers me the most with those entitled youtube artists, that they have to rely on their bee hive mob to defend their poor frail egos from criticism. But these bitches carry on badmouthing others and even actual professionals with no end. Their hypocrisy is so frustrating.
No. 245887
>>245871I don't see how she would be better than just picking up a few Loomis books or something of the sort. What comes to mind that would make tutoring helpful is critique, and in her case she just throws temper tantrums and tries to shove everything through her flawed methods.
>even Proko is a much better option >evenIs that implying he's bad? Not defending him, just curious because I don't remember seeing people talk shit about him here.
No. 245964
>>245963>>245887The unironic Proko-is-shit meme fucking exploded across the board cause of his kangaroo drawing attempts.
I think he's undoubtedly a great artist in traditional mediums and on-site, but his imaginative drawing skills are definitely not as good. And honestly, that's okay? Most artists specialize, so it's no surprise someone like him who is classically atelier trained would have weaker skills in design and imaginative drawing than someone out of animation or entertainment design school.
No. 246055
>>246037Y'know, I think you're right. Danica is a very technical artist who works with primarily the same formula over and over. She's been trying to do new lighting stuff recently but i think she missed the mark here.
Then again, with the way she does hair, it hardly ever has actual lighting/shading, it's just kinda a wavy mass.
No. 246129
>>246065Hello! Watercolourist here. I only watched Watercolor Misfit's reviews on tools in general, but after recently watching her other videos of her painting out of curiosity, yeah I'm not really a fan of her tutorials.
I think I came across Owings Art before and saw some of his reviews before, and I wasn't a fan of them either. Like what you mentioned with how he ranked Art Grip Aquarell in 4th place.
For me the only watercolourists worth following are Mateusz Urbanowicz and James Gurney. I'd also put Bao Pham here although they're more of speedpaints than actual tutorials. Sure their style isn't really my thing but I really like looking how their works progressed along the way.
Any good watercolorists I can follow in youtube and IG? Most of the ones I found only do portraiture and meh anime style (but with less shading) though and I'm getting tired of it tbh.
No. 246153
This going to sound kinda controversial I think, but IMO the ones who make a lot of drama are usually females (Example: Do this not that, My art teacher hates me or rants about muh style) We know about LavenderTowne,Bayle,Waffles,Kasey,H.C Brown,etc
I don't see Proko,Aaron Blaise,Sycra or Jazza making stupid drama for anything (not all women are like that of course, I really like Frannerd,UrsulaDecay,Ree)
No. 246164
>>246037I actually unsubscribed from Danica because her videos and art are so damn boring. it's that same wavy haired waif character over and over again, usually shoulders up, or more if she's feeling spicy.
but it's all the same subject, she doesn't seem to really think outside of her own techniques or anything. and while the way she colors used to be really nice to me, it's just super stale now.
and her monotone voice describing everything she does is boring too, she doesn't really spice anything up…Maybe she needs a project to work on. she keeps talking about making a comic, idk if thats off the ground but she could do something
anything different.
No. 246209
>>246153aaron blaise and proko are literal professionals, and sycra is a schizophrenic shut in and has the common sense to not sperg to hard due to imageboard experience. it would be fucking absurd for them to make petty yt drama.
its only artists that were ~discovered~ by yt/tumblr that do this. cause muh community. young youtubers with a decent following in general have that conceited entitled aura about them, like 'wah i am influential! i am the second generation of youtube! i DESERVE your money and love!'
on the other hand, Cynthia Shepard is a rad professional in the field. She's really skilled and seems super nice. One of the only channels i have the stupid bell icon enabled on
No. 246241
>>246153>>246209I guess we have a lower demographic of younger guys making those low level Youtube channels, too. The only channels I can think of "young people developing art" are Vexx and Kesh, and Mattias Pilhede does make videos milking dramatic statements.
Ross Tran and Kelogsloops are young but they're already establishing themselves professionally, so I wouldn't put them in the same barrel, people who waste time being dramatic on the internet usually have social media as their main gig. Perhaps Kesh and Vexx are establishing themselves professionally too, I just don't watch them enough to know. But I do remember Vexx accusing Baylee of making a piece too similar to his, and he was reaching.
No. 246248
>>246224different anon. here's a short video that kinda sums it in less than 4 minutes. There are 3 links in this video's description that get into more detail and 2 of them are really long: (almost 2 hours long) (35mins). will reply again with the 3rd link since that's pretty short.
No. 246320
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No. 246321
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No. 246322
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No. 246348
>>246222The entire thing is a shitshow and nobody should be surprised, considering the community and people involved.
When your job on the internet is to educate kids on how to draw and respond to drama amounting to 'this person is a meanie', you don't get the right to be self righteous and pretend like you have the ability to engage in calling someone a pedophile or debate legal actions.
No. 246679
File: 1525153138524.png (5.85 MB, 3712x1620, rae.png)

Rae's new video is a goldmine, as always. Classic moves like cutting away to a traced sketch, drawing like a ten year old, awful technique, "realism," and brutally scratching color pencils.
I no longer respect Kasey Golden in any way for being friends with this scam artist. She's the one who requested the "realistic ant."
No. 246685
File: 1525156552729.jpeg (301.07 KB, 603x756, DEF6B9C6-6AD4-4305-A376-FF395D…)

What. The. Fuck. She’s not even trying.
No. 246691
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>>246685I keep coming back to this picture and laughing. She is so bad it’s crossed into funny for me. It honestly looks like a child’s drawing. Even how she writes and colors is like a child would. The random capitalization, the pencil pressure, the sketchy lines, the tracing, the awfulness of it all. It’s not far fetched to believe she’s actually an elaborate and dedicated troll.
No. 246809
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>>246808she traces dishonestly, steals videos, rejects all criticism, sets a bad standard for her fans, gives flat out harmful advice, brags about being in a gallery and having a degree, etc, etc - if you're friends with a scam artist, yeah I'll judge you.
No. 247254
File: 1525323966995.png (590.62 KB, 1000x712, istebrakbeforeafter.png)

I wonder how Istebrak sees the world. Every time she edits anything, she kills any spirit and life it had.
No. 247255
File: 1525324201721.png (1.06 MB, 1424x792, istebrakbeforeafter.png)

>>247254The last pic was from last year. This one is from her latest video. She does basically the same thing. She saturates and makes it much darker and gloomier. She spends both videos talking about how much better it is with the "atmosphere," but it seems she missed the warm, comforting atmosphere the original artists were going for.
No. 247257
File: 1525324392762.png (1.07 MB, 1254x816, istebrakbeforeafter.png)

>>247255And another example from her latest video. Why does she make the pieces so blue and sad? She always calls it in the name of "realism," but you can make happy realistic pieces. I don't know why anyone bothers to submit anything other than cool, gloomy pieces. She's automatically going to desaturate and darken them.
No. 247292
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>>246679>>246685"Professional artist"
No. 247303
File: 1525353270530.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 1374x812, istebrak anatomy.png)

>>247257Am I the only one who thinks the new shading makes zero sense?
The left one has a clear light source from the right and looks very soft. Meanwhile the "corrected" versions ear shadows don't make much sense to me, and the jaw shadow is way too sharp, what the hell is going on with the bright blue streaks she added, the light source is clearly not there? She also ruined the colour scheme, that was a nice reddish and green tones.
Istebrak's anatomy is really weird imo. Pic VERY related, what are these tumor obliques? The anatomy indicates the woman has a very short ribcage, but the rib placement is confusing and she has highset breasts, has a high fat percentage and no muscle definition. Somehow has a fullblown adonis belt and her ribs and chest plate stick out - indicating she has a large ribcage (due to the high bodyfat percentage)?
Now I am no expert in art, but these just stuck out to me, if I am totally wrong - please do correct me.
deleted original, quoted the wrong post.
No. 247314
>>247303nah that's nitpicky, don't get me wrong i hate istebrak but that seems to be a decently realistic way for fat to be dispersed imo. I look like that + paint for moneys
also idk why you posted the muscly lady? she looks way more 'wrong' if that makes sense, as in if someone were to draw her it would look incorrect due to art standards
No. 247324
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>>247303Nah, that’s my body to a t, down to the chubby thighs and weird extra tummy bump above the belly button. I have the same breasts and the prominent ribs. She really pushes references on her students (one of her good pieces of advice) so I don’t doubt she used one for that piece.
It is weird she seems to think that is the only anatomically correct body and shits on artists who add more muscle definition to their women or less curves. It goes hand in with her “this is what a woman’s face looks like: long and thin lips, high cheekbones, thin eyebrows, square and short face, short forehead, relatively large chin, pointed nose etc” thing. There’s only one ideal of beauty to her and it’s that body and this face. And anything else is “wrong” and “bad” and “unappealing.” She will then “correct” her student’s work to fit this ideal, as if it is the only version of realism and beauty. Strange woman.
No. 247340
>>247324I remember that in one of her videos she was painting a black kid and she said something like "they don't have those lovely peachy tones to their skin" and it didn't sit right with me. She doesn't have them either (she seems to be olive skinned) and also seems to be on the chubbier end of things, so I am guessing she probably really hates herself.
Would explain why she rants so much.
No. 247377
File: 1525383227483.png (997.75 KB, 673x887, istebrakbeforeafter.png)

>>247257Someone else in her google group had attempted to fix it before her, and I think did a much better job. Its sad her students are better than she is.
No. 247388
>>247369You can see her tan/brownish hands in the video
>>247340 linked.
No. 247389
>>247369The video I linked show her hands and arms, so it shows her skin color and chubby hands.
>>247377NGL, I do like some of istebrak's fixes, but these
>>247254>>247257Are awful and look amateurish. The student one is muuuch better.
>>247377 No. 247443
File: 1525410350257.png (562.72 KB, 1358x608, rae.png)

Sure, Rae.
No. 247451
>>247332 there is a sort of rule in art used for production that is basically, don't draw "freaks" if you were actually drawing a commissioned portrait of this woman, obviously you are going to try and be accurate. Her body definitely isn't common even for fit women so unless it is specifically asked for it isn't a good idea. Of course, art doesn't really have rules, and you can do whatever you want, but using her as reference for a character in a painting for instance would look weird to the common eye if it was anything but a study and your reference was not shown. basic proportion and beauty standards DO apply in the industry, unfortunately. Again this mostly applies to production art, not fine art, although if someone wants to make a conventionally attractive Pretty Waman piece this applies.
Funnily enough diverging from this leads to the uggo tumblr style most of us dislike lol
No. 247669
>>247254She sees at as a white glob of clay and that's pretty much her own words. She's always telling her students to view the canvas as clay and that you should use actual clay or sculpting programs to learn to draw, suggests z brush (although her techniques are so traditional and basic that she only needs sculptress). She banishes all lines but finished line-art (no structure lines dear, clay doesn't work like that).And flushes the color out of everything if not totally banning it.
I mean, all of the above are great exercises, even her use of one color(Glob of blue clay). But damn woman, your holding everyone, and yourself especially, back with your clay obsession. Visual media has so much more to offer and the techniques and tools make things like city building, color, and jotting ideas down much easier.
I was a fan, but this thread made me realize all this.
No. 247674
File: 1525482219723.jpg (88.72 KB, 421x750, Augustus of Primaporta PAINTED…)

>>247669haha she's desperate to have an ~elegant~ style and because she thinks its objectively better she's imposing it on her students as well
reminds me of victorian england times where they stripped paint off roman sculptures to expose the marble bc it better fit their aesthetic. one day down the line she'll see that it isn't always appealing to devoid everything of saturation
No. 247716
>>247674to be fair, anon, a lot of those statues ended up being gaudy AF with the colors restored, but I see your overall point.
She just sucks the life outta everything and is stuck in the fundamentals mode because she doesn't know how to apply what she learned to something actually creative, so she kind of just projects that bitter bitch mode onto other ppl who are improving by leaps and bounds past her because they wanted to try something different. that's all she is, is a bitter bitch.
No. 247865
File: 1525572418266.png (277.1 KB, 750x1334, ED1A2D90-B13C-4EBD-A7F2-F7337C…)

Wtf is with the rules of this AA Facebook page??
No. 248978
File: 1526077325550.png (376.03 KB, 720x416, X Files fan.png)

>>248948When you're in your early twenties (so, born 1995-1998) but have items referencing the X files (broadcast 1994-2002) in your video background
I guess your toddler self must've really loved it!!!!
No. 248979
>>248978That’s stupid, one can download the series, and the new series came out “recently”, so it’s not that weird for a young girl to like stuff made before she was born.
It’s like saying I can’t have a picture of monet because I wasn’t born when he first painted.
Please go back to how stupid she is saying w&N are the most expensive paints in the world and how much her art sucks.
No. 248981
File: 1526078931140.gif (26.98 KB, 436x327, 3313DDB0-BD41-40FD-A28C-AAD226…)

>>248978Something something syndication
No. 248984
>>248978I’m literally Rae’s super-hater, but even I wouldn’t give her shit over that.
I’m supposed be heading out but my hate boner is so strong I wanna be late just to watch her crappy video
No. 248989
>>248978if you're going to be angry about something in the background, be angry about the frida khalo pillow. top of that, now poor frida khalo has to be in the background of the most mediocre artist alive's videos
No. 249040
>>248948i always get annoyed whenever she's implying some of these supplies are "overpriced!!!!" or "bougie!!!" like yeah quality shit means more money to be spent on it idk how this is such a bad concept?
carandache are REALLY good soft crayons, and she talks about it as if it's just overpriced crayons.
No. 249049
>>249042I think Sarah is on the right track with art, but she seems to have that douchy vibe I usually attribute to young people who are slightly ahead of the curve at what they're learning for their age but still don't have the maturity to be humble. That's what I assumed from watching her videos on the past.
Also, the picture looks off because of the placement of the features. It's like they're placed in a diagonal line down the face instead of the usual vertical line, so they're off center. It's most visible in the relation between eyes and nose.
No. 249099
>>249040I'm X files Anon, never seen her stuff but I watched that video and a bit of another
>$1-2 dollar is not an acceptable price for art stuff. The fact that she even considers using the cheapest shittest stuff is ??>Stanning for Crayola, please get over it>Using watercolors like a child does (Oodles of water sitting in the pan)>W&N is a standard brand, you really do need to buy decent equipment at some point because shit equipment is a hindranceAnother video where she tries digital art for the first time. Flabbergasted that someone could get to the point of making youtube videos ABOUT ART without trying digital art
>Is amazed by digital color palette>Her digital art is much better than her IRL art, see: watercolor videoAnd then I clicked another video either by her or someone else "Weird stuff I got at Wish"
which featured a $2 knock-off Figma figure which fell apart when she moved the limbs. Way to make actual Figmas look like shit to people who haven't read the comments/Don't have one
/end rant
No. 249101
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>>248989Mfw I see a dirty commie becoming a capitalist product
No. 249102
>>249099Those videos have been discussed in this thread above, btw. I’m the Super Rae hater and I love when other people look at her like “wtfffff.” I just do not understand how she has fans at all. It’s baffling.
>>Her digital art is much better than her IRL art, see: watercolor videobecause it’s easier to trace. She even accidentally left the traced layer in the video. But then she fucked it up with a pink “light source”
No. 249103
>>249099Rae is the muddy shit water at the barrel of art channels, but you seem really passionate about hating her. Does her sheer existence grind your gears?
And your X-files nitpicking really brought your credibility down a notch, don't know why you're mentioning it.
No. 249106
>>249105So is being friends with Chloe and Casey considered an asset?
Rae really does suck, but I've noticed most of the very popular channels are mediocre. Doing art is one skill, knowing how to sell your product is another.
No. 249107
>>249095I usually categorize tumblr art as politically charged fanart with bad to fairly decent anatomy.
Sarah Tepes' art seems like an instahoe style -pretty girl doing x, sorrounded by flowers etc, mermaids, witches etc
No. 249141
>>248948"Look I even still have the expensive crayons"
Yeah I mean you shoudl, what, are you gonna throw them away?
No. 249154
>>249103Lmao "Credibility" on an anonymous board. Ok.
Seems you've missed the memo on the purpose of this topic.
Anyway, for as many different things Kasey is trying out, video-wise I feel like her art has stagnated. I mean, it was always kind of samey, the only difference now is that she puts her face at the beginning of every video. She always looks so bored, though I guess it can't be helped since she's just so plain-looking.
I just feel like she could use another round of heavy studies to try something new. Or maybe not. Maybe she's just found her style to match her niche.
No. 249184
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Im surprised more people dont give dramatic parrot shit? I really dislike her drawongs. Absolutely no knowledge of anatomy
No. 249188
>>249102The light source was pretty funny.
The initial sketch was really terrible and then it improved vastly with the addition of color, should've known there was some tracing in there.
>>249103First time I've ever seen her stuff, not sure an honest review of some truly terrible content counts as "hate."
Tbf her market are literally 12 year olds, hence the extremely amateurish, naïve approach to art which they of course also share. I think she'd be a charming person to speak to though, just rating the art content here.
No. 249190
>>249141I thought the "I'd NEVER buy such expensive art materials as Standard_Brand! But I'm doing it just for the video hehehe" stuff was…a really weird angle to take? Art is clearly a hobby very low down on the priority list if you think you need to apologize for buying the correct materials.
It's like a guy running a, idk guitar lessons youtube channel bringing out a child's guitar from a toy store because he thinks it's "bougie" to use an actual quality adult's guitar
No. 249886
Dina Norlund is growing on me, but this video seemed so strange to me. I don't get how the blonde character relates to her author insert character at all.
She's fairly established irl but quite small on youtube No. 249965
>>249886I don't understand exactly what you mean, is it that you don't see how the initial character ideas have changed so much?
That's just how character design progresses. Sometimes you end up with something quite different than what you first had in mind, that's why people tell you to experiment a lot.
No. 250156
>>250147I don't see the problem. She started with an idea, which seemed to be something very simple along the lines of "young girl", saw what didn't work and changed it accordingly. I don't think the girl is asian tho, it would reek a bit of forced diversity if she was, but Dina mentioned something about making the girl look like herself, and she's not asian.
That aside, what I did find a bit weird is openly making a character be a self insert. That usually turns out being a little… cheesy. But if that's what she wants, I hope she can make it work. It probably doesn't matter that much if it's a children's book.
No. 250916
File: 1526757095076.jpeg (278.84 KB, 750x984, FABA6F4A-DA7D-4A69-AF46-5393B9…)

Remember, she does “realism”
No. 251121
>>250916one of the comments mentioned how obviously drawn it was and she replied "if you don't like my content why do you follow me???"
Wow. Calm down.
No. 251243
>>250916>>247443i'd say she needs a reality check but then we couldn't laugh at her. you have to be a special kind of pretentious to draw art like this and have the gall to make tutorials. it's like she wants to be an artist but doesn't actually like drawing that much, even holly has more skill than her ffs.
>>251164yep i agree.
No. 251533
>>251443That's an interesting topic.
How do you guys feel about people not showing their faces? One of the reasons for showing your face is to create a bigger connection with your audience, but I feel like your voice is enough to give your videos personality. I myself like both, I like seeing the person on the other side, but I also like when there's mystery.
No. 251630
>>249184>don't know who this is, so look her up, expecting a literally who with maybe 500 followers>71 thousand followersWhat in actual literal fuck. I mean, it seems like you provided a shitty example, but still. It's like Bratz dolls combined with disney, except drawn by a 16-year-old Tumblr user. I won't go as far to say she doesn't deserve her followers, because honestly, amassing such large followings is a skill itself. But, I still really have to question what the fuck these people see in her art. Again, I feel like it always goes back to children/people who can't draw, so anything that's even an attempt looks good to them
No. 251667
>>251510I can't look it up now but I believe that in a recent video she said she just turned 25…. yea
>>251533I like no faces. If you have an art channel the focus should be on art. Those who show their faces come off as youtubers who happen to do art
No. 251687
>>251581I tried so hard to enjoy drawingwiffwaffles but she makes my goddamn ears bleed.
My litmus test for a quality YT artist boils down to their opinion on those monthy subscriber boxes. The vast majority of them aren't worth the money, have obvious brand deals or are just not that great/exciting. Most artists on YT who know better are at the very least 100% honest about the quality of each box. Waffles shills them like no tomorrorow and I suspect she gets them for free. She's probably admitted to it before, but I wouldn't know because that lolrandum 2007 13 year old hyper scene girl voice she puts on makes me cringe. I used to think Lemia's voice was hard to stomach, but she sounds like an angel in comparison.
Her art isn't Baylee-level shitty but she's got a really unattractive style. In a way it looks almost exactly how her voice sounds. Trying entirely too hard to be unique with those bug-eyes and square shaped faces. I wonder if she has a square face as well. Holly Brown gives all of her characters the same lopsided potato head that she has so maybe Waffles has the same thing going on.
No. 251690
>>251239She reminds me of a California girl who has like, two black friends and thinks it gives her permission to act 'hood'. But like, her idea of 'hood' is that annoying shit Snoop Dogg popularized in the late 2000s.
On top of that she's got the art skills of a 9th grader. Does she not realize that her fanbase is mostly children?
No. 251936
File: 1526949589260.png (3.88 MB, 1334x750, 5B85F465-C8CC-4D15-B063-7D2628…)

>>251533I prefer not seeing their face tbh. Like Kasey shows her face in videos more now and I really don’t like it.
>>251723That’s how she actually styles her hair.
>>251896Her art is so boring and basic. She’s a Cal Arts graduate so I’d expect something a bit more. Her attitude is cringey too. She has her sketchbooks called “Bitches Vol 1” etc. which cost $5 for a pdf. If that was anyone else, this site would be rioting. She tried so hard to be funny, it’s embarassing
No. 251938
>>251936that's not waffles
>>251896yeah i like her art, not her personality
No. 251942
>>251938I know. It’s a screenshot of Kasey showing her face in a video which was my first point. Sorry for the confusion. My reply to
>>251723 was a joke.
No. 251963
>>251936Would you feel any different about the face if she put a little more heart into it, or are faces just not your thing?
>>251667>I like no faces. If you have an art channel the focus should be on art. Those who show their faces come off as youtubers who happen to do artI get the "youtuber who happens to do art" with some channels, like Rae's, but it's not because of the face aspect, it's more about how their personality comes off. I really like the vlog types because I think it gives everything a little more personality, but don't see much of a point on the face cams on top of the art (like
>>251581 pointed out).
No. 252310
>>251896Her personality is too abrasive for me. She seems like the kind of person who would show you some really weird, nasty porn and tell you you're a pussy if you get grossed out. (Actually I think she does this to her bf kind of frequently)
I like her art and I tried to like her personality, but I don't. Holly BRown loves her tho lol. Although I don't think her sketches are anything to sneeze at, I actually think her animations are really imaginative and cool.
No. 252338
Did anyone watch Istebrak’s stream today? I hate to say it, because I hate her art and teaching, but she’s growing on me. She seems really sincere about teaching and wanting people to learn, especially when she said if you can’t afford her program to talk to her and she’ll figure a price out for you. Like that’s really decent of her imo.
>>252327This is the truest thing I’ve read on here.
No. 252708
>>252603>she has decent video ideas Nah, she just copies, steals, and jumps on trends. Like shown here
>>243895> her art itself is so uninspired.And technically terrible. She honestly can't draw for shit. It's embarrassing.
No. 252729
File: 1527130414686.jpg (45.88 KB, 459x158, bald.jpg)

>>251723wtf so this chick is bald on top? this is ridiculous (unless she has hair loss in which case sorry)
No. 252747
File: 1527144312779.png (3.2 MB, 1899x1067, superrae.png)

>>252728The irony of her Frida pillow coming from a website which profits on the exploitation of cheap foreign labor in order to sell people junk they don't need.
Also she spent as much on the pen + shipping ($35) as she would've if she got one of the amazon sold ones. What even is the point?
Hold bag that has PLA written on front, "I think I have PLA?" Then make "that's what she said" type joke. Didn't think the plastic would be hot after being literally melted. Couldn't make Mickey Mouse out of playdough. Dumped the plastic down with no skill, just haphazardly, then complains about it looking like shit. Fails to thread plastic through. Used hot glue gun to "smooth" it out.
Does Rae have learning difficulties or is she pandering to her child-based audience?
No. 252816
>>252708welp i took a second look at her channel and i stand corrected, most of her videos have been done before.
what most boggles my mind is how snotty she can be about her art that sometimes looks like it's from a ten year old, i really hate when unqualified newbies make tutorials
No. 252998
>>252925Has anybody else noticed this trend lately where artists (like this one, and especially Istebrak) do these 'highly detailed' portraits/character studies where only the face is super detailed? Like, in this one, the face has all of these different colors and shades and highly detailed areas, but when you look at the chest/arms/hands, they're nearly flat?
Why is that? Are they just lazy or is it supposed to be stylistic? Do they just not know how to do anything other than realistic faces, or is it because they think we won't notice since our eyes naturally go to the face? It just seems unprofessional to me.
No. 252999
File: 1527220254671.jpeg (717.2 KB, 750x1258, CC23773E-0066-4D8B-968F-02FEDF…)

>>252998Such a good point. Her painting has a completely blank chest area. No texture, color, lighting, etc
No. 253001
File: 1527220397449.jpeg (622.84 KB, 750x1235, 73934FE5-9E4E-4227-981A-1107D2…)

>>252999And another example. I wonder if it’s a lack of knowledge or if she’s uncomfortable?
No. 253012
>>253010yep it's not less detailed it's plain wrong. this chest
>>253001 is nonsense
No. 253022
>>252998that's a trend? i noticed a lot of that back on tumblr from 'self-taught artists' who do semi-realism. they'll only learn how to paint the face but then when they'd draw or paint the body it looks incorrect anatomically or just flat because they can't figure out how to paint wrinkles or hands..
idk, i've never found it appealing, it looks lazy and jarring, to me at least.
No. 253031
>>253001This is a good example of how a lot of artists are. At first glance it looks really good. Then you look again…what's going on with the chest? Why is one eye noticeably larger than the other? What's going on with the neck and collarbone?
They have really good "rendering" skill, that is color and light, but less skill in other areas. In the comic world they would do the colors while someone else did the inking/lines.
No. 253637
>>251630She advertises herself as a Christian artist so maybe she's managed to lean into that particular niche audience??
>As a Christian artist, God gifted me with some pretty awesome skillz in the world of art, so it only makes sense to share the amazing talents He has given me. That's on her YouTube channel's about page. I mean, obviously she suffers a bit from Dunning-Kruger because if those are God-given talents, he really gave her the short end of the stick, but she certainly leans into the Christian thing, and I find a lot of Christian heavy artists tend to gain a moderate following.
No. 253643
>>252925Nothing wrong with saying you're good at something. As long as you actually have some skill. A lot of people are good are drawing. Not amazing, but if they put some effort into it can push out some decent stuff.
I'd say Sara, while she may kind of be a bit…haughty sometimes, she definitely has a right to say she's good. She has her weak points, but she clearly has quite a bit of skill. And at 19 years old she's definitely allowed to have weak points and still be confident about where she's at. I don't think she's so overconfident that she's going to stagnate because I think she still recognizes that she has to continue studying and working towards improvement.
No. 253658
>>253643I don't see the point on saying you're good either way. If you're actually not that good, you'll look delusional and a product of Dunning-Kruger. And if you are actually good (and self confident about it), there's no point in station you're good, for your "goodness" should be obvious.
That's why people saying they're good either look like arrogant pricks or insecure and looking for approval.
Of course there are exceptions in specific situations, tho. But a voice-over on Youtube is not one of them. I'm not advocating for false modesty, just that sometimes you don't need to state things. Let people judge for themselves.
No. 253704
>>253658It’s not that big of a deal. I’d rather someone acknowledge that they’re good at something (if they are actually good) then constantly being self-deprecating.
You have artists out there that always deflect when someone says anything positive about their art and I find them more annoying.
No. 253832
>>253658Nah. I don't even think I'd necessarily look at someone as experiencing Dunning-Kruger if they said they were good at drawing even though they weren't that good. Saying you're good at something is a pretty lowball compliment. It's more the attitude that it's said with than it is the statement itself. Are they bragging and trying to hold themselves up to a higher standard than they actually perform? Or are they just saying they're happy with where they're at so far, in a way that allows them to accept compliments gracefully and have some confidence in where they're going with their art?
Of course, maybe it doesn't bug me because I consider myself a good artist while also being pretty aware of how much I still have to learn.
No. 254387
File: 1527541350943.png (535.98 KB, 542x1199, jawlette.png)

opinions on jawlatte ? She's fairly popular on youtube and twitter.
No. 254452
File: 1527559050630.jpg (68.87 KB, 736x948, db9a32e27cd4e9bf0d5ea06028163d…)

>>254387yuck. reminds me of passerineart. I hate passerineart.
No. 254454
File: 1527560281454.jpeg (636.17 KB, 750x1181, A512CD11-64EC-41FA-AA93-369E45…)

>>254387She only has 1000+ followers on insta and Twitter, and 12k on YouTube. That’s not fairly popular, anon.
she’s bad and basic.
No. 254455
File: 1527561402147.jpeg (295.44 KB, 750x833, DB00EA34-492C-423B-8C75-C87F30…)

Wtf are “adoptables” and why are they so expensive
>>254452Her work looks like dress up dolls.
No. 254457
>>254455Basically buying adoptables is paying for the 'right' to use the design and/or "species" of an artist.
I haven't come across it myself, but apparently a lot of drama happens where artists will sick their fanbases on people who draw fanart or create characters based on the artist's made up species.
No. 254467
>>254457So, some kids/adults are really on the internet wasting their own/their parents' money to not get yelled at by strangers for drawing fanart, or even characters that might be a little too similar to someone else's characters?
A new way to scam every day, I see.
No. 254561
>>254495Are you impressed by Istebrak's work and is it something aligned with what you want to achieve? If so, maybe. I wouldn't really take a course by someone whose portfolio is mostly made up of unfinished studies and didn't seem to have worked on anything interesting (besides the megalomaniac attitude), but that's because it's not what I want to achieve. You have to measure by your own standards. Look for instructors who do/have done what you want to do.
If it's just because it's more affordable than other courses, I'd just enroll on Schoolism.
No. 254929
>>254768I wish you luck bc I’m in the same boat. I’ve been on schoolisms waiting list for ages but their courses I want are booked out through 2019. Same for similar schools. I’m trying to find a one on one deal like Istebrak but struggling. If I find anything i’ll link it.
Do you guys think it’s worth taking classes without getting any mentorship, like the schoolism subscription? I’ve been following ctrl paint for a bit and have learned a lot in terms of technique but i still can’t get my stuff looking like his.
No. 254954
>>254929Yeah, you can get a lot of stuff out of it. While having a mentor is ideal, it doesn't mean you can't go far without it, you just might struggle a bit on finding out what you have to do.
The best tip I can offer right now is try to be very analytical about your work, try to identify your weaknesses and don't be lazy on seeking the fundamentals to fix those weaknesses. Also, even if you don't have a formal mentor, having friends who are artists and asking for feedback also helps a lot.
>I’ve been following ctrl paint for a bit and have learned a lot in terms of technique but i still can’t get my stuff looking like his.While I heavily recommend Ctrl+Paint, you also have to get deeper into the fundamentals on the side. Your stuff isn't necessarily going to look like his after doing his exercises because he has a lot more under his belt, so work on getting stuff under your belt. Also, I'm assuming you are saying you actually do the exercises with the videos, if not, you can't really expect to get very far on his teachings.
No. 254989
File: 1527643925869.png (103.48 KB, 539x405, adam.png)

Why is Adam Ellis such a cunt
No. 254992
File: 1527644659614.png (121 KB, 500x468, ellis.png)

>>254989I'm not surprised, his art screams dumblr with the way he can't draw a nose without a shadow on it, maybe he's from that hugbox?
At least his cuntery isn't a secret.
No. 255009
>>254768Thing is, unless her 1:1 teaching style is WILDLY different than her video/critique hour stuff, you WONT get personalized critique tailored to your weaknesses and strengths.
She'll tell you to never use color, do form studies, draw bald expressionless heads forever, write that back to me, same thing she tells everyone ever.
No. 255045
File: 1527658627467.png (658.87 KB, 720x713, rOLq9fTYkaekKSUXNwFSQmOZEoBOGk…)

>>254989>>254992Drawing comics like pic related is like a calling card for an obnoxious cunt. Everyone who can't shut up about wehhh mean internet comments!! is probably deserving of them.
No. 255083
>>254992>>254989I used to be a fan of his and unfollowed awhile ago because he was starting to annoy me, no specific proof or reason like this though. Wow he REALLY turned into an asshole in my absence huh?
Fame is not good for some people.
No. 255416
>>254954Late but this is actually really good advice, thanks. Maybe I should get involved in an art community so I can get good critiques?
Are there sites apart from deviant art (why isn’t that place dead yet) where I can post stuff and find people to critique it for me? Artststion maybe?
No. 255424
>>255416here are the ones I know of:
there's r/artcrit on reddit, it's alright, but there are a lot of people on reddit with really bad taste in art. And they don't know how to properly critique, they just point out flaws.
there's /ic/ on 4chan but the sheer negativity I feel like is bad for an artist's progression. The opinions people hold on there kind of remind me of istebrak, as in don't try anything that's above your skill level (but if you do that you'll never get anywhere with your art.) Aaand they also just point out flaws.
I'm sure there's an art forum somewhere that does proper critiques, but if you just need to rid yourself of blindness to your mistakes, these places are ok, but don't take them too seriously.
No. 255676
>>255542Talentless hacks break into the industry all the time, him included. He should be grateful that Buzzfeed got his foot in the door rather than shitting on struggling artists.
I agree that there’s no point in complaining to him about it, but he could be fucked to at least be professional.
No. 255791
>>255424>there's /ic/ on 4chan but the sheer negativity I feel like is bad for an artist's progression.This, /ic/ is such a dumpster. Not only is it littered with a bunch of pointless threads/unfunny memes a lot of the anons there rarely give good advice. There's just too much salt
On another note, I fucking love Krookedglasses. Her art is really cool and her artstyle is refreshing. I'm jelly she works for Ross/Game Grumps, she must make bank.
I'm so sick of disney style/basic girl doing x like>>252999 and ugly Calarts styles
No. 255804
>>254387That style is way too basic to leave any sort of an impression.
>>254455I don't see anything wrong with adoptables per se, a lot of people want to have a character for a roleplay or story they're writing or whatever but can't draw worth shit so they just buy a design. It's just like buying any other design (like for a website) in my eyes and if people want to pay cash, then go for it. It's pretty harmless in my books and a fair trade. The prices do get insane though, I've seen Furry characters go for HUNDREDS of dollars.
>>255558>your slutty butch GF winking at u~BARF.
No. 255995
>>255988Not the worst animu I've ever seen but hot damn what is with that linework. It's uniform everywhere and isn't really even cleaned up.
And what is with artists constantly front-loading their videos with amino these days. It's annoying af, I actually refuse to use amino just because it's so in your face.
No. 256142
>>256014 >>256068
Like previous anon mentioned, it's pretty basic, nothing that makes it stand out. But not really bad either. Mind you, I'm pretty sure her art isn't what she's popular for, it's because she does storytimes and similar videos. I'm pretty sure she got popular off a couple animatics (which are always a hit, doesn't matter how good you are) and her Anime Tropes videos (which imo are entertaining).
No. 256186
File: 1528129416132.png (915.89 KB, 750x1334, B71E756E-33B8-421D-8E42-509FE2…)

>>255556Wow I did not know who this person was before now and I’m… what the fuck is this? This is like, Rae levels of awful
No. 256276
File: 1528153143574.jpg (50.74 KB, 500x333, captainsalte.jpg)

I'm acknowledge my irrational anger, but Emerson Barrett and his sharpie doodle art drives me up a fucking wall. He basically just doodles on a very large scale in sharpies, dresses like a hobo and thinks he's great for it, and is pretentious as shit. Calls himself a pirate, and he also shoplifts and steals clothes from stores and random objects from hotels as he wanders around the country with his older brothers playing mediocre drums in the band Palaye Royale (seriously I hope that one Warped Tour date I went to was just an off day for him because that was some really bad drumming). He's not milky enough to sustain a real thread, but he's enough of a cow to make me want to scream at the internet.
Pic includes his art behind him. It grinds my gears that he markets his face first, his art second, and his philosophy third…Philosophies that sound like someone vomited up Thoreau into a tumblr blog and stuck it all into a blender. His instagram captions are the worst. In addition, he just ugly. It's honestly impressive that he manages to be that bad at owning a face.
People online keep telling me how nice he and his brothers are. Nah. I had a ten-minute conversation with him that basically resulted in him giving me "life advice" in a condescending manner.
No. 256286
File: 1528156312812.jpg (211.69 KB, 1024x768,…)

>>256276>It's honestly impressive that he manages to be that bad at owning a face. I'm cackling.
Attached another pic of his. Its like he doesn't understand composition so he just fills the page entirely.
No. 256306
>>256278I mean I'm a fan of the music too, but I draw a line at Emerson's insistence on playing the part of a Hipster(TM). And stealing. And the time in a livestream he said that art school was a waste of resources and yet does art in sharpies (one of the worst materials ever if you want your art to last and not fade) without any concept of composition as
>>256286 pointed out.
You know what I take it back. He's not quite threadworthy yet, but give him a little more time and I'll bet money that he'll do something super milky.
No. 256499
>>233156>>256488i used to really dislike them, especially the way they talk. i really like them now though, their art isn't amazing but they're relatable and down to earth, and i'm glad they review a lot of cheaper stuff.
what does confuse me is how they manage to draw on their beds so much without fucking up their spine, LOL
No. 256503
File: 1528219651863.jpg (772.44 KB, 1080x1763, 20180605_102111.jpg)

I might be a judgemental asshole and a big bitch, but dear god I almost flipped when I saw this horrible shit on my discord art group. Why. Why would you ruin these children with your shitty ass kpop group and horrible art, that I cant BELIEVE you are making into stickers to sell at a convention.
No. 256588
>>256558You aren’t picking up on it being really good. You’re just picking up on it being complicated. If someone does something enough with enough detail it gains the illusion of being worthwhile. Like SimplyNailogical’s peelie bag.
Good art needs to be technically well-done and/or have a significant concept behind it.
Making a million detailed drawings of European architecture is impressive in its focus, but it is not good in technique, and there is no clear concept shown in the image. It’s just “look at this building I drew.” It’s just glorified doodling on fancy paper. Boy needs to stop huffing sharpies.
No. 256811
File: 1528323134756.jpg (564.17 KB, 2362x2362, mqU0auL.jpg)

what's the opinion on joanna thangiah? personally, i find her art (pic related) fucking hideous.
No. 256981
File: 1528391025780.jpg (977.15 KB, 1024x857, jerusalem woodcut.jpg)

>>256588>>256558>>256286I sort of see a point to this drawing in that it looks like one of those massively detailed renaissance woodcuts of a splendid city, like Jerusalem in pic related from 1493, and it has been carefully composed to have that middle-ages look of strange perspectives and scale etc. I do actually quite like it for that if I'm honest.
guy who did it does sound like a bit of a tit from what you guys are saying though
No. 257012
>>256981There is a central point unifying the entire picture you posted there, anon.
>>256286this guy's looks busy, like he couldn't decide on what perspective to pick and keep it consistent. There isn't even a real central point for him to work off of. It's likely he just picked a spot and branched out from there.
It's probably what he was going for, but he clearly lacks the fundamentals to pull it off.
No. 257193
File: 1528444979844.jpg (262.57 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20180608_010107.jpg)

shan murphy's (@heyshanmurphy) art is consistently the most lifeless, sloppy, uninspired body of work I've ever had to see.
No. 257212
File: 1528455483770.png (489.21 KB, 862x616, Screenshot 2018-06-08 at 12.52…)

Does anyone know yunacunn on insta? She has 74K followers. I use to adore her when I was younger, I still think her older art as a appealing quality to it, now all her pieces are very very same face-y: super long faces with like no forehead… reminds me of a better HC Brown.
No. 257236
File: 1528461890169.png (267.95 KB, 478x548, Screen Shot 2018-06-08 at 8.44…)

>>257212it's that tumblr style where they stretch out the nose and make the bridge really flat. This style is its more cartoonish cousin
No. 257245
File: 1528463167959.png (655.67 KB, 960x498, Screenshot 2018-06-08 at 3.04.…)

This is an example of her older art if anyone cares…
>>257242That does seem accurate
No. 257453
>>257212WOW that's so weird…I literally
JUST unfollowed her not but 2 days ago for this exact reason. Her stuff's just really samey and I felt like I kept looking at the same 3 pictures/characters over and over again…
No. 257465
I really like kelogsloops art, especially his recent peice. Jacquline de la Cruz commented on one of his videos about doing a a collab with him. kek
could you imagine his nice line work with her muddy ass water coloring?
I'm honestly impressed jacqulines following is so large, she always draws the same thing over and over again
>>257454Honestly, having connections is one of the biggest parts of being noticed as an artist . It's kinda shitty seeing ugly art being shilled just because the artist has connections and not skill
No. 257504
>>257193I follow her on Twitter (god knows why) and her art is soooo shitty. It reminds me of the garbage pail kids or something with a similarly gross style. It reminds me of snot.
It kinda drives me nuts how popular her work is - especially her stupid ass comics. Part of me is just jealous of the success tho.
No. 257611
File: 1528557336272.jpeg (15.72 KB, 150x150, 611E7C0B-7F88-459B-8E6B-0109AD…)

Have you guys heard of Biancasghetti on instagram? Typical tumblr art style but also draws nazis and sympathizes with them but covers it up with “I admire history” not to mention she’s a bitch to her followers
No. 257618
File: 1528561942352.png (294.92 KB, 680x293, cb7.png)

>>257611holy fuck that's so cringeworthy I regret looking at that
No. 257626
File: 1528563659819.jpg (742.07 KB, 1080x1080, 34207222_2416943498317616_5393…)

>>257611She gives her characters most ridiculous fucking names.
No. 257753
File: 1528596324739.jpg (171.8 KB, 720x354, 1495160033946.jpg)

>>257626She's got one hideous artstyle and her hetalia fanart is atrocious
No. 257757
>>257753Lmao I was just about to mention I'm getting heavy hetalia vibes in the worst way.
She has got to stop, those uniforms were fashion over function and there's tons of better looking ones that don't carry/support such connotations, obviously she's got a fetish.
>>257626Her ankle broken.
No. 258328
>>258070Yeah, I mean I am too since it's all a lot of youtube artists draw but his videos are nice to watch at least.
I like that gold piece in the video but the rest of his art is just basic paint splatter stuff you can probably find on google
On another note is it me or Kerrie hasn't really improved at all?
Her art still looks the same and she's still drawing these awful noses on her characters
No. 258362
File: 1528721861063.png (222.82 KB, 720x889, IMG_20180611_205048.png)

Am I the only one who dislikes Cioccolatodorima/Rosel-D?
He's practically WOSHIPPED by the Hetalia fandom and though his art is alright, his design choices are just so bland and lifeless. His Planetary Moe series is praised a lot, but I really don't get how people love the designs so much.
On another note, he has that kind of holier-than-thou attitude and acts really passive aggressive towards anyone who doesn't kiss his ass.
He also acted particularly hostile towards Viktor from YOI because he looked like his character Uranus and featured a comic where Uranus beat upthe Viktor for "defacing" him. Even though all his main characters are all recoloured ripoffs of Hetalia characters. I also remember he made fun of Earth chan in one of his more recent comics.
He has that super generic, cringey anime storytelling and way of talking, and I seriously can't understand how he has so many worshippers and not a single one questions his actions.
No. 258518
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No. 258567
File: 1528760811045.jpeg (15.96 KB, 345x146, download.jpeg)

All these characters look so soulless and monochromatic I can't even believe people would think that they're good
Is he really that popular among the Hetaweebs?
Hetalia was an absolute trainwreck but at least the characters were origfinal and had some sort of depth to them
No. 258644
File: 1528787732085.jpg (48.62 KB, 844x499, DXxQWBlUQAEDEFk.jpg)

Kek. I've seen his YouTube videos. He likes to pretend as though he's some sort of talented memester by uploading memey-seeming videos like a chicken cover of some animu song and drawing memes as hot animu boys. Not surprised that most of his fans are weebs.
He has talent, but his character creation and design skills can't surpass "generic" animu with no depth other than angstyness.
Not to mention everything he draws has that annoyingly tacky sparkle to it.
No. 258659
>>258567I'm barely following the thread but from what I understand this artist isn't happy that Viktor looks like his character by sheer coincidence even though his OCs are bootleg Hetalia characters? Now that's funny.
>>258644The way you describe him reminds me of revolocities or whatever his name is on twitter. Someone with a generic but not bad artstyle with boring OCs who's trying too hard to look edgy/deep and like a memester, and his fans eat up his shit because he's a fudanshi who's an actual guy and not a fakeboi.
No. 258717
File: 1528811766546.png (960.82 KB, 1134x726, Screen Shot 2018-06-12 at 11.5…)

>>258644>>258567oh I've seen this artist on twitter and tumblr. ngl, I followed him because I enjoy gijinkas. Didn't know he was such an asshole.
Although it does annoy me how he draws himself in meme drawings or whatever. It comes off as forced and very 'hello fellow kids'.
No. 258820
File: 1528840069000.png (417.66 KB, 720x1185, IMG_20180613_054407.png)

>>258819Sorry for samefagging but the image didn't load properly.
No. 258827
File: 1528840962625.jpg (21.74 KB, 500x248, 521.jpg)

>>258760> I've recently seen a lot of people joking about having a "Calarts style" That insult has been around since the 90s. It doesn't really mean anything. Artists who didn't even go there get labeled with it.
Animation goes through phases of styles, depending on technology and popular tastes. Gumball, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and Star are all seen as "the same." Because they're so popular and all very similar, people assume its a "generic" style created by CalArts somehow. People throw in Undertale, even though the creator isn't from CAlArts. It's just based on the face shape/design, which is because its easy to animate and efficient.
No. 258905
File: 1528868395734.jpg (196.32 KB, 1280x1707, G5WwbwF.jpg)

So Pikiru claimed that a friend of hers named Silver is the one designing and making the jewelry that she's been selling even though it looks like the earrings she is sells are just copies of other peoples designs.
No. 258907
File: 1528868597077.png (119.87 KB, 576x844, yUjgl8z.png)

>>258905Her response
You can read the full post here: responds in the comments 2 more times but she doesn't say much that's new.
No. 259123
File: 1528920442229.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1699x1193, AF7315DA-6659-4E04-B747-DF8E88…)

At least he improved over time?
Look, one of my resolutions for the year was to be nicer. I’m stretching so hard.
No. 259124
>>258907She's so angry lol. I bet it takes her a really long time to "design" a 3 part earring.
Honestly there is nothing original about her. Not her earrings, nor her artstyle and even her marketing, which is always art of popular anime characters.
No. 259326
>>258820That's really not bad. A bit creepy maybe, but not bad.
>>259123That's actually significantly better than the other one. Recognition where it's due. People who improve are at least better than people who don't bother but think they're hot shit.
>>258907I mean, it is common among jewellery makers (especially young or hobbyist) to use premade charms…but even using premade charms is looks like they're directly copying a lot of designs. Using charms doesn't mean everything you make is going to look like an exact replica of something else
No. 259364
>>259326That’s Emerson’s before picture. He did not improve.
>>256286This is his after. He got worse.
No. 260290
>>260278maybe some sort of stomach issue? I remember her mentioning that in an instagram post or video, but it could just be a symptom or I could be wrong.
I don't like her same-face art(at least she admits it and actually tries to fix it)or her voice, but I hope she gets better soon.
No. 260475
File: 1529254871383.jpg (117.8 KB, 705x697, whack.jpg)

Not sure if I should put this here or in the bad art thread, but I just had to point out how bad Danica Sills' latest instagram post is. Like where is the anatomy? The chin is horribly small, the neck is way too thin and long, the lips are tilted, and wtf are those collar bones?? God there are so many issues it'd take an essay just to point them all out.
No. 260605
>>260475I used to watch her videos, but her themes started to get repetitious very quickly. Bust-shots or waist shots of waif-thin characters with the same painting style over and over again.
and her voice overs are nothing to write home about either, she's just drones on about technical stuff or things she tried to do differently, but it always ends up looking the same. I haven't followed her in a while so it's a little sad to see she hasn't tried anything outside of her comfort zone.
She's good at colors, but I think she relies too heavily on it to try to distract from her lack of anatomical study…
No. 260979
>>260475At least Danica is pretty aware she needs to work to improve. She's not perfect, but at least she isn't like Rae, who thinks he's hot shit but draws like she's 5.
Even that image is subpar for what she can do, so I feel safe saying it's either a bad day, or she was trying a more cartoon look and fucked it up.
No. 261097
File: 1529446045685.png (224.69 KB, 1440x798, 20180619_150502.png)

Okay, I know many get tired of their work being compared to other things but my god does it get annoying when ppl complain about it. Yeah, your style looks like something else, everything is derivative get over it
No. 261236
>>261222she's so petty and all about the numbers. She's making an embarrassment out of herself on behalf of smaller youtube artists. And she's so fucking bitter.
She probably thinks controversy is going to get her the success and attention she wants so badly. It probably will but in a very holly sort of way. she keeps on like that she could be cow material.
Also you should see the fuckin comment section of that video, she's so defensive of constructive criticism…
No. 261238
>>261222Does she even draw, or is she just really in the community for the drama?
she joined a large discord and tried to complain about them gating off large-med-small youtubers into different channels. Then she sucked up to everyone when she figured out she wasn't gonna get anyone on her side to be miserable.
No. 261897
>>261638I didn't even know she was an art youtuber right off the bat, I had to check the landing page of her channel, because I wasn't sure if she actually did art, or if she just was a part of the peanut gallery who liked to talk shit about other people doing art.
She's really self absorbed and brags so much about how she helps 'smaller youtubers' with collaborations and shout outs, but it's like…
ok and? That still doesn't make her entitled or grant her access to what larger art youtubers do or have. Some of it was luck and some of it was hard work growing a channel.
If she gets subscribers it's just going to be a bunch of other small fry youtubers who feel like they can relate to her sense of entitlement and put their worth on a number.
She'll just never get it.
No. 261975
>>261951I agree honestly. I felt that way about her sketchbook slam too. She's one of those people that wants to turn everything into an illustration.
>>261967For me I honestly like just someone with nice mic quality and a topic. I can't stand the painting video where they just draw something. I can see the appeal though.
I also honestly love the drama, insecurity and entitlement. I find shitty people really motivating and nice to get mad at something inconsequential.
No. 261977
>>261967It's a bit hard to say what I like without pointing out my dislikes because it's sort of a process of elimination. I may like one style of video done by one person but not like it when it's done by another because the later had some characteristic I didn't enjoy.
For example, I tend to dislike videos if the person is ranty. I may enjoy a sketchbook tour a lot if I consider the art good, meanwhile really disliking the ones where I don't like the art (sort of a given). I tend to really enjoy those higher effort vlogs where people show you around their studio and how they go about their day. Videos revolving completely around a piece of art need some extra appeal to it, like being educational or revolving around an interesting topic.
Good lighting and audio are a big plus.
No. 261978
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>>261951what's the point of doing a study if you're going to stylize it this much
No. 262003
>>261967Maybe I'm trash but I enjoy challenge videos. I like seeing artists forced out of their element and adapting.
Other than that, good production value and audio is a big one. I also really like paint alongs.
>>261978That's what I was thinking. None of her drawings resembled any of the cats there.
No. 262089
>>262086Same! I'm so sick of these weebs throwing a fit because their teachers were trying to teach them the fundamentals (it's sad because it gives art instructors a bad name).
But probably some of my favorite art videos right now are educational watercolor videos and collectives
No. 262102
>>262086I like challenges, my least favorite have to be the art style challenge. Don't get me wrong, I like seeing artists challenge themselves with something new and it is fun to do, but it ends looking like the main character or just a copy with different eyes and hair.
My least favorite types of artists, have to be that one artist that draws that one female face or body type, but with a different skin color or hair(extra brownie points if she has terf bangs or is a witch), or the artist that constantly talks about how unique they are or an artist that constantly hates their work.
No. 262215
>>262211Shitpost art channel.
Kind of boring and unfunny though.
I feel like there's a trend in youtube artists trying hard to be edgy, usually they're on the younger side though.
No. 262265
>>262099I like her. She seems nice enough, her animatics and animation aren't terrible, and she's definitely been improving.
>>262102I've seen a couple style challenges where they actually do branch out when trying different styles, and clearly tried to really emulate other artists workflow to do something new. But most are just weird exagerations of basic "styles" like anime or Disney or whatever.
No. 262835
File: 1529960899471.png (328.17 KB, 677x989, image.png)

>>261564This artist just posted this to instagram
No. 262867
>>262843 she's been posting this
everywhere she can. like, she literally posted it to some art discord channels and never interacted with anyone before or after.
Those are all her OCs, lmao no one wants that bullshit who is she kidding. The colors are ugly and the design is weak. Why should anyone care about these characters?? what are they even from?
Maybe if she stopped bitching about other artists on her channel she'd have actual time to flesh out her stories and projects.
No. 262874
>>262752I agree. Domics, who I think is a talented animator when he DOES animate, just does a bunch of animatic storytimes with minimal animation and he actually hired a TEAM to do it for him…I understand that actual animating takes a ton of time and talent to get out a finished product, but his are so bland, uncolored and use tons of recycled animations from previous videos.
IMO, while ginjaninja isn't at his level of actual animating, her stuff is more visually appealing due to the color and style. I feel like Dom doesn't put much effort into his, and he gets super salty if anyone points out that having an animator team for his videos is overkill.
I'm not super well versed on animation so people can feel free to correct me, but that's just the impression I get.
No. 262908
File: 1529976995127.png (1.56 MB, 1654x1568, Screen Shot 2018-06-25 at 9.36…)

rae has uploaded a new video and jesus christ
No. 262909
File: 1529977079749.jpg (677.84 KB, 1704x645, Untitled-3.jpg)

>>233477It's true tho, he does some of the most basic things. Pic related, there's probably thousands of the same composition existing
It's not a bad thing if you just do it for your own enjoyment or make it in to postcards targeted for 10-13 yo girls.
But for art school it doesn't cut it. His colour usage is fine, but would need to do more than potraits if you wanna enroll and keep going in art school.
It's also true that sometimes there are teachers that are pieces of shit just because they can(and their teachers did the same to them) and other teachers do it so they can make you to try new things and techniques.
No. 262930
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>>262908I mean I can't expect much from her but
No. 263099
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>>263051He seems like your typical douchebag irl and he always is fetishizing how azn he is. He's probably mad girls don't want to suck him off like they do their kpop idols lol.
I honestly don't get why he's so popular. Even my boyfriend likes his videos. People just fucking love storytime animatics I guess.
No. 263159
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What do we think about Rebecca Parham folks? Her actual art isn’t anything to write home about, but the characters in her videos have really good expressions despite the no mouth thing (smart choice imo considering how long animation takes) and the limited movement.
She seems like a really sweet girl idk but yeah her non-video art isn’t great (pic related)
No. 263167
>>263099tbh i watched a video of his the other day where he was buying a used cintiq and said the group of girls he got it from kept looking at him and laughing and now i can see why. if this fuck with his anime scene hair walked up to me i'd be trying to hold back giggles too.
he's def a salty little bitch.
No. 263169
>>263143Huh, she got deleted? I always wondered what happened to her, considering we used to talk on instagram back when I first started posting there. I always thought her work was a little fucked up, but I guess the nazi stuff never came across my dash.
If I had any of her art saved, that's prime shit for the ugly art thread tho, her anatomy was pretty atrocious. Not to mention Tearzah levels of drawing the same gorey pic of a naked ahego-ing girl over and over again.
No. 263172
She has a new instagram, but it's private. She also has a tumblr but I don't think it's updated. A friend that used to talk to her on DA told me that her mom raised her a national socialist and that she's tradfem with a 40 year old husband and teenage stepson, so maybe the Nazi stuff isn't just a guro thing.
Google found this No. 263176
File: 1530049345204.png (1.18 MB, 720x1135, IMG_20180627_053257.png)

Anyone heard of Ringilio/Roaning/Brrrp_r on Instagram?
She's disgustingly popular on Art Amino and many artists on there kiss her ass and use her art for anatomy studies. Why they would do that with her samefacey disproportionate pseudo-models is beyond me.
She's one of those artists who tries to hard to be a meme and just comes off as unfunny.
Not to mention her digital art looks plain disgusting despite having Photoshop and a Cintiq.
No. 263177
File: 1530049773135.png (362.21 KB, 694x884, IMG_20180627_054706.png)

>>263176lmao the curators on Art Amino feature her all the time. Sometimes even against their own rules. Never really cared for her work, but now that you mention it, yeah her digital "fart" as she calls it is absolute trash. Really loves up to the name rofl
No. 263183
>>263176What an irritating style.
>>263181Also, this.
No. 263237
>>263234Even being traced it doesn’t look like her. But what do you expect from the “guru” who guilt a career off a lie about highlighter?
Hey at least it might encourage his audience to draw instead of putting on drag makeup.
>mention not wanting to smudge, work right to left>call graphite pencils charcoal No. 263306
File: 1530097326155.jpeg (172.15 KB, 640x473, 4A0727BF-8B93-4A0C-AF94-4D66F2…)

What the hell, seriously?
No. 263409
>>257236God, fuck Baby Blue Bones/Bellatores/Sugar Bunny Buns. She's the artist of that picture. I fucking hate her so much it hurts. She was on YT a bit (only a few vids, mostly active on DA), but I'm going to bitch about her here anyway. Her main OC, Bella, was a copy of Melanie Martinez (and she was obsessed with this person until the rape shit happened, then she threw away everything iirc). She constantly was making threats to kill herself/talking about how badly she wanted to die, she tried calling Solar out on shit her (at the time) Fiance, DeviantCringe, was waaaaay more guilty of, she made false/exaggerated claims about associates in a Twitter DM whatever the fuck, recently she was bitching about DeviantCringe still using 'her' design of the mascot (He had switched artists for the portraits at this point) when the design was made by Rigiroony and the only difference is it's a bandana instead of a blindfold. Iirc should would constantly talking about having multiple mental illness all over her public art accounts (ED, anxiety, depression, and I feel like there was more, but I don't remember for sure), is dating another somewhat popular ranter (JustaRobot) which makes me sorta feel like she's doing it for exposure considering she dated and got engaged to DC for a year or two and now she's with JAR, and has done several other milky things that I can't really recall right now
No. 263432
File: 1530169871014.gif (74.33 KB, 278x340, 1429111411349.gif)

>>263234Lmao I keep seeing this recommended to me, it's nothing to write home about. We all know there's artists out there that could chew Charles up and spit him out.
Not like his crazy fanbase cares about tracing tho, they eat this shit up and claim that their "wig is snatched".
>>263306>>263342Yikes, and Rae has the audacity to claim she's good at art when it looks this disproportionate. I think Rae is definitely my least favorite yt "artist", her videos are so cheap and gimmicky.
Kasey is also just as annoying as Rae, except
slightly more skilled. But, man is she kinda grating and boring to listen to.
No. 263563
>>263539she's really proud of this still life huh.
she'd be a lot more likeable if she owned up she was very amateur at art and was exploring ways to improve and expanding her horizons, but instead she's genuinely convinced she's hot shit. what baffles me is how she got through art school without using mediums like markers???
No. 264027
>>263159I do feel like her no mouth was a interesting choice and its pretty obvious she works harder on her videos them most of these story time animators.
I can't help to find the way she talks kind of irritating at times. like it often sounds like shes trying to hard and wants attention wayyyyy too much
From her earlier animations i wish she would go back to those sometimes or atleast try to make her non video art better. but eh she hit 1 million so i doubt shes ever going to try to get better at this point
No. 264030
>>264017Idk what's so bad about her…
She was just comparing the book description to her art and the movie.
Although, i do think she was nitpicking when she said that ron has no freckles or that harry has a round face. Like obviously finding actors that look exactly like the characters is near impossible, and as you pointed out she gave hermione bangs, which was probably influenced by the movie
No. 264068
>>264054I actually enjoy disney or disneyish style a lot (schmoedraws does something like it) as long as it's not 100k times redrawn "Trade Mark Disney Princess+". Disney Princesses with tatoos and piercing! Disney Princesses in modern clothing! Disney Princesses as mermaids etc.
Nowadays I find shitlords and their wannabes plain boring and predictable.
No. 264074
>>264029The key thing there is: it's Youtube and Instagram. We're lucky there are informative videos out there, but it's still social media. Complaining social media is mostly futile is like going to a Japanese restaurant and complaining there aren't any tacos on the menu.
Go browse Ctrl+Paint or Artstation, there's plenty of quality content there.
No. 264296
File: 1530459227351.png (158.43 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-06-13-05-34-53…)

>>258659sorry for adding to this topic long after everyone's moved on, but I wanted to share this pic
unrelated to the pic, is anyone else getting really sick of storytime animatics and animation memes?
No. 264757
I am retarded.
No. 265212
File: 1530691008803.png (257.91 KB, 901x604, ddd.png)

Is it true that Kawacy and his girlfriend broke up? Someone made a thread about it on /g/ but she's still replying to his twitter posts.
No. 265558
File: 1530766340212.jpg (196.22 KB, 1080x932, PSX_20180703_141955.jpg)

Anyone here really dislike Lollibeepop on Twitter? Her art is so uggo and she's got the personality of a wet mop. I remeber getting a bit triggered when she drew a comic about marrying Abigail in Stardew Valley even tho she ~totally isn't gay you guise!!!~
No. 265563
File: 1530766596438.jpeg (299.54 KB, 1080x1262, Screenshot_20180704-235610-01.…)

>>265558This is the comic I mentioned
>I have no issues with gays No. 265567
File: 1530766846531.png (17.52 KB, 228x230, 0B0AF2DC-C398-4C76-8DA7-FCB1A7…)

>for your character designThe new
>for the plotOr something cause Abigail is plain as fuck (as are all SV characters). Oh wow purple hair. Revolutionary. Or is it the new “no homo.”
No. 265651
>>265577I'm with you, anon.
When I'm upset I draw a cute guy getting roughly plowed and feel much better.
This is probably cringy in its own right.
No. 266266
>>265467>>265530What really gets me with 'vent art' is the lack of effort. Maybe it's because I follow a lotta literally whos on DeviantART where people like to make their 'serious' art account also their public bitching grounds for every personal little thing, but all of it is done so shittily. Often, it's just shitty edgy, repetitive scribbles and it feels like the only reason it's there is for pity points. I also know someone who draws themselves cutting, starving, hanging, etc, but it's all just shitty scribbles that aren't even bare minimum. Very rarely do I see anyone make vent art where they actually create a piece that looks decent. I don't get it, you can still make a vent piece and piece that looks nice, it's not like you have to give one of them up to do the other. I wish some of these people would use what they're feeling to make something good since emotion is a great way to make a good piece, even if it's simplistic
No. 266483
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>>266393Found this gem in the comments lol
No. 266608
File: 1531072003249.jpg (18.56 KB, 581x144, comments2.jpg)

I swear Lemia is such a salty bitch
No. 266749
>>266653What I don’t understand is:
She said she wouldn’t recommend white nights to beginners because it doesn’t have a peach tone.
But she said (and I couldn’t agree more about this) that beginners should learn with a limited palette so that they can learn colour mixing. Also she said Sakura koi was better, when Sakura koi doesn’t have a peach tone in their smaller box from what I can remember.
Just. You know. Pick one. Either you want people to have pre mixed colour (such as skin tone that I swear it’s so easy to mix…) or you want them to learn how to mix. You can’t have a “basic” set with peach.
No. 267016
>>266965It's 20 bucks (plus shipping) on e-bay for a set of 12 full pans… Cotman's set of 12 half pans is 10 bucks and the quality is worse than White Nights.
Let's not forget that White Nights is borderline, if not fully Artist's grade (there is some controversy about that since a few of their colors are subpar compared to others).
I'd like to know which are those budget options you speak of. The only cheaper nice one I can think of is Gansai Tambi, and while the colors are vibrant, they don't behave too much as "classic" western watercolors.
No. 267085
>>267016I’m the anon from Europe, I was talking about the koi ones: they’re way more expensive than white nights.
Yeah the small set is pretty inexpensive, but tbh if you’re pretty minimalist with your colours there’s la petite acquerelle by Sennelier That retails at around 15/20 euros here.
There are artist and student grade options way better than koi, I tried Van Gogh by royal talens, maimeri venezia, winsor and Newton Cotman and Sakura koi for student grade and Sakura koi are maybe the worst. I mean they’re more pigmented than w&N (which I don’t like at all) but they’re chalky and opaque, so totally not worth the hype.
No. 267099
>>267085>>267065Pardon to whoever anon was
>>266965, I misread something and thought it was a response to the White Nights post.
I should probably keep away from posting when I'm groggy from waking up.
Again, I can't personally say anything for sure since I've never used them, but the Koi paints look like something craft level tops.
No. 267104
>>267102She is collaborating with Sakura after all, but I don’t really want to think she’s pushing them for this reason only…
Also have you guys seen waffle’s new video? Poor girl kept shaking all the time, I wish she could get better but from what I understand it’s something that can only get worse?
No. 267108
doesn't Kasey golden love Sakura Kois since she's a mega weeb?
>>267104what's wrong with her?
No. 267114
File: 1531258747158.jpg (36.26 KB, 262x300, profile_picture_by_suzaruuesug…)

Does anyone remember this popular deviantart artist from a few years back? She used to go by GalerianxKADAJ/soujisetah/AlexielNoyn (she might have had some other aliases as she frequently deleted due to drama).
She used to draw her OC, Suzaru Uesugi (pick related), as well as fanart of Vampire Chronicles and various video game characters (Final Fantasy, Galerians, Silent Hill etc) in a style inspired by Kaori Yuki.
She was really popular but disappeared due to drama.
Does anybody else remember her or know what happened? I miss her art
No. 267117
File: 1531258887788.png (692.88 KB, 884x996, safersephiroth-828221-Suzaru_U…)

>>267114>>267115>>267116Pic of her OC colored by someone else
No. 267155
File: 1531278759865.png (286.17 KB, 632x533, Captureff.PNG)

>>267135>>267154Part of the appeal was that she was a genuinely nice person as well.
I loved her style cause it was very Kaori Yuki inspired (even though she hated the comparison). Also her art often was pretty emotional.
I wonder how she draws now, since it's been years since I saw her art.
Doesn't matter that you don't like it. Not saying she's the best artist ever, just curious if someone here has heard anything about her.
No. 267184
>>267154oh my god you're right!
It's strangely nostalgic, good ol' deviant art.
No. 267480
File: 1531408522815.png (1.24 MB, 1094x787, Screen Shot 2018-07-12 at 10.0…)

I have a treat for you here. Sometimes when I watch "Draw With Jazza" I see this self-promoting twat in the comments. His name is Zartwork, and claims himself to be a self taught artist.
While he has shown SOME improvement, he is still pretty damn delusional. Not to mention that he has definitely copied random drawings from google images without even crediting (not including fanart).
His channel: works without credit: (I actually commented a few months back under the YT name "tea-leawf" but I cannot find my comment linking to the original art. This is a really fucking common thing if you google "dragon sketch." I told him to just link back to the original artist, he said he would, but he never did, and it seems he deleted my comment, kek.) what the fuck: No. 267494
>>233156>>267489The portrait was Rae level
I was pretty shocked when she mentioned art school I thought they drill realism over there
It was also a bit annoying how much she mentioned her nose. Yea, she doesnt have an itty bitty ideal button nose but it's not as bad as she thinks
No. 267500
>>267489Not really a fan of her art style tbh, especially when it comes to the noses. It kinda reminds me of a downgraded version of "Over the Garden Wall" or illustrations you would see in some random, obscure children's storybook.
She always says she like simple stuff and staying in her comfort-zone, almost as an excuse to not push herself, which I will admit kinda annoys me. Like sure its boring, but it doesn't hurt to do studies or something different once in a while.
No. 267656
>>267557I really want to like Minnie but I'm getting tired of all these ads! And it's not just her, but other YouTube artists seem to only post sponsored videos.
But on the topic of other artists that are walking ads, I feel like PearFleur has fallen into that. I can't remember the last video she's posted that hasn't been an ad.
No. 267666
>>267656Yooo, I've been thinking the same thing for a while now. She used to not want to sell her artwork and keep it a hobby. Her old videos seemed to give off the feeling that she looked down on the idea of making money off of her art. But now she keeps doing sponsored vid after sponsored vid and it's hard not to raise eyebrows at that.
It's fine to have differing opinions on art and making money off of it, but she just did a complete 180 and she doesn't really post much about art anymore.
No. 267904
File: 1531521297577.jpg (116.05 KB, 799x646, comments3.jpg)

>>266393Before she edits this I saved it. But I noticed something, she always leaves these long rants in her comment sections when people disagree with her. Lemia, your bitchiness is showing lol
No. 267942
>>267557>>267656I don't care about sponsored videos if they are enjoyable, and I enjoy Minnie's and Pearfleur's videos, with or without sponsors.
I honestly don't see much of a problem on the Skillshare videos because each artist picks a different theme each time. In fact, sometimes it even takes some of them out of their comfort zone. It's not like the Squarespace ads where, if I remember correctly, it's the same "build your own website" thing over and over again. And I think it's great our fellow artists are finding ways to make profit to help their incomes, being too anal over that can come back and bite us right in the ass.
No. 267958
>>267904 does she not realise that the astm or whoever does the industry standard lightfastness ratings (as well as some paint manufacturers who do their own tests) are the ones who hold pigments to that standard?
they test how long a pigment will last UNDER THE BEST CONDITIONS POSSIBLE which happens to be museum conditions. That's the standard they hold it to, not how long it will last hanging on someone's wall because that's different from person to person but museums generally have a standard among them all about how to store/display paintings.
No. 268383
File: 1531688727634.png (8.14 MB, 1242x2208, 4A805A8B-21EC-4E3F-9AEF-CBF125…)

its Ridiculous the lengths people will go to to have a UNEEK STYL3.. smh
No. 268554
>>268383This image finally made me understand what being
triggered is all about.
No. 268908
>>268905She’s not wrong, though. That’s not worth the price, the items are less than what expected (I am subbed to other art boxes and “packs” of colours are only counted as a single item) and except for the brush, they’re not high quality.
Definitely a sad box, pretty scammy.
No. 268912
File: 1531830458943.png (26.31 KB, 860x156, 3434356545.PNG)

>>265558I think her comics are cute, but her regular art is pretty average (coloring is nice, style is bland). Too average for the ugly attitude she seems to have.
She's also been tweeting about going to a breeder to get this special dog breed and ignores p much anyone who brings up adopting from a shelter. Kinda annoys me.
No. 269159
File: 1531908671558.jpeg (324.24 KB, 750x1210, 687A6BF1-C104-40FF-BEC0-BBC96B…)

Have you guys seen Audrey ghoussoub’s art she has a ton followers but her art is hideous to me
No. 269165
File: 1531910505437.jpg (480.82 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180718_174033.jpg)

what do you guys think about cupspoodles on ig? she used to post drawings of her and her ldr bf all the time and then re-started her entire profile. idk i like her style but i get preachy vibes from her
No. 269312
what about liron yanconsky?
channel : think he has awful color sense and films too close to the camera for everyone watching that has a need for a good personal bubble. thoughts?
No. 269435
>>269159reminds me of spechie's ugly, awkward style.
>>269165super generic looking
No. 269574
>>269312i don't like him, he seems more concerned about his art supplies and making tutorial videos than with artistic growth.
>>269165that's pretty samey and boring, i had never seen an instagram feed that is TOO uniform before although i get why you want it to look harmonious.
No. 269806
File: 1532039322123.jpg (179.99 KB, 719x1112, FB_IMG_1505287169488.jpg)

>>269730I personally like her art but not her videos. She is really into pride and lgbtq+ culture and usually calls herself "we". Her manga is also full of non conventional characters?? And it is borderline cringy (Sorry english is not my first language). But I think her art is good and when compared with other self published manga artist, I think her work stands out. (I'm also a weeb so my opinion is biased also this is my first post!)
No. 270431
File: 1532210315897.jpeg (728.19 KB, 1242x2208, AC3353F8-4AE8-4E61-AC19-FE55C9…)

I forgot this was not a YouTube artist
Bluesssatan is very well known for being a toxic bitch, she blocks everyone in the art community on instagram who are better or slightly similar in style
Taozipie another artist who do the same as bluesssatan (redraw a real life picture into their style) recently got into a fight with her, because someone mistakes taozipie art for bluesssatan art, and bluesssatan said that taozipie “gets that for copying her style” after this taozipie got a lot of hate by bluesssatan white knights (post found sending hate to taozipie)
Yet bluesssatan claimed that she was the one being attacked (no posts found about it)
Now someone found out that bluesssatan is stealing 11 years old brushes to sell them as her own (photo attached)
She just keep blocking everyone
No. 270434
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And more blocking artists
She is a massive egocentric bitch
No. 270565
>>270472>mfw Jellie bee hasn't improved since the last time her art was posted hereyeesh
>>270490>she's pretty preachy and talks about how traditional art has more "love and feeling" compared to digital.Lmao, I remember this belief was rampant on deviant art a long time ago. The traditional vs. Digital debate was always stupid.
>>270175What happened with Butch Hartman? Talk about it here first then see if it's enough to warrant a thread
No. 270627
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I don't think My Mangaka Life is really qualified to give advice when her manga looks like this…
No. 270665
>>270656I took some issue with how she reacted to her latest video dealing w/her illness. Something along the lines of “omg! I’m literally crying right now I didn’t know so many ppl cared about me! I didn’t know I
deserved sooo much kindness..”
Like really? You put up a video titled “I’m not an inspiration” and you don’t see that as begging for asspats?
No. 270860
>>270666What's funny is how much these threads were such Monique stans when she was dragging Holly, then came here with her actual name to confirm it was her who did it because she decided to do grandstanding by further explaining herself when it wasn't necessary.
>>270856Sometimes I don't think people even come for the art, they come for the 'hot takes' and 'controversial' topics. Pretty girls is just something to look at while they talk. I wished more art channels had an overall focus on a project or goal (one that's not Holly's scatter-brained mess of a million unfinished projects).
No. 270934
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No. 270935
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did she even defend chloe? If I remember right she just chimed in with the rest of us against Spechie. But the moment she's called out she turns on us. I see how it is, Monique.
No. 270940
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Monique regression. left 3 yrs ago, right current day
No. 270997
>>270971You guys got things mixed. She defended baylee, and spoke against HOLLY, not speechie.
>>270957I’m not momo, you sure jump pretty quick. I don’t agree with you so I must be the one who drew that thing?
Let me be clear: I don’t think there’s THAT much of an improvement, that’s a jump that could easily be done in less than one year, so three years for that means ALMOST no improvement for my standards. HOWEVER, I feel like you’re talking out of your ass. The first picture has more balance just because it’s frontal, the other one is turned. I’m pretty sure the picture would be off balance back then too if she was in the same pose. I liked the previous ribbons but the single elements of the picture are overall drawn better now. Plus the colouring got smoother. Look at the blush and the hard edges of the “before” and the flat washes of the “after”. That’s not something I’m saying just because I like to “defend” people, but I simply don’t agree with you; that doesn’t make me another person.
I can point pretty much everything that’s off in that after picture, and I’m not saying it’s great; but saying she regressed it’s simply asinine to me.
If I had to compare, the one who heavily regressed is baylee, she’s just hiding behind another “style”. This? Not much, but still an improvement.
Also yes this board is full of trolls and so on but she lurked and her friend Alice even took some of the advices given in this “hate” forum to greatly improve her videos; so I don’t think everybody here is a “troll” just because they don’t like her, her bff or what they create. We weren’t trolls when we supported her against Holly, but now we are?
No. 271054
>>270940It honestly still just looks like the features are swimming around on the facial plane. and in the second one, maybe it's the ribbon's direction, but it makes it look like the face is sliding off her head. The first one may be muddy, but the second one lacks balance.
>>271012Lavendertowne is extremely overrated for the art she does and the topics she covers. Her only claim to fame were those damn "DO THIS, NOT that" videos which aren't really as offensive as they sound, but they are pretty generic and overall her style and tone of vids are super boring. I was subscribed to her at one point, but I lost interest pretty quickly. I just don't get the appeal, maybe it's cause I can see right through the big-eyed wobbly lined cutesy style.
It's pretty vapid.
No. 271057
>>271054>Her only claim to fame were those damn "DO THIS, NOT that" videosI think a bunch of people follow her for her comic
I find some of her videos sort of charming, to be honest. I don't like the whole "do this, not that" videos, but I really enjoy those "Creepy Drawsta" ones.
No. 271063
>>271019I see your point, and I think that’s totally the direction she would like to take (if not full realism?) and I totally agree, she doesn’t have the skills yet to pull a convincing semi realism. What you call character, to me is even less structure and symbol drawing. Personally I’d pick the newer version.
>>271054Well it’s pretty evident that she doesn’t understand anatomy, she’s placing elements together in a way that could be appealing or in a way that makes more sense to her. Her technique improved and the understanding of certain things too, but just like tons of others youtubers she lacks fundamentals. I have no idea why people keep avoiding simple studies or anatomy practices. They sometimes say things like “yeah I do anatomy studies” and they are literally two gestures in a sketchbook full of floating faces.
Btw the face is skewed even without that ribbon, the eyes totally mess up everything, the nose is too big and low and the lips don’t make much sense as they look more frontal than the rest of the bust.
No. 271106
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>>270934>hate me all you want at least I'm spending my time being productiveYeah, making mediocre art lmao. I mean sure say what you want about the forum but I can say that there are a lot of anons here that actually take criticism from these threads and seek to improve.
why is it always the artists with the shittiest art that are always so pompous?
it reminds me of /ic/
>>271012Yeah, her art is hard to look at. But that's the thing with a lot of yt artists is that if a certain video with a certain topic gets popular then it encourages them to make more/ and also encourages other yt artists to do the same/cash in on it.
No. 271137
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So Lemia might be quitting YouTube?
No. 271312
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Apologies for derailing as I don't check lolcow that often anymore either but I decided to check into Jellie Bee's Kickstarter too and the rewards still haven't been handed out (let alone the actual sketchbook) despite handing the project over to somebody else. Jellie Bee imo should just announce that it's canceled already and give people their money back. This waiting time is ridiculous.
>>270472 No. 271315
>>271312She updated on July 18th, but it's for backers only but all it says is "Finally got access back!" for the title, implying she was locked out of her KS for a while??? But wouldn't it make sense to let people know that?
I don't follow her as much, so I don't know her track record, all I know is her art is mediocre, but she makes a lot of it, and that she has a comic that she just doesn't pick back up because she only wants to draw fanart, and randomly has a mortgage now?
No. 271331
>>271315>>271312Yes, with Kickstarter my password often doesn't work. I and several others have had huge issues logging in, and so I've taken to emailing people to update them.
Me and Lauren have been working on the Kickstarter all year, but we've had to also work our regular stuff. It sucks how long it's taken.
Recently I was contacted by the Lucy Potts on that thread and I opened up to them about the entire reason it's been delayed as much as it has - something I cant actually discuss publically - but felt compelled to just sperge on them, and they took it really well and completely understand what happened two years ago.
Transfer, my comic, is actually being written - Lauren is my comic inker and it's something I've been revamping for a launch.
I draw fanart, sure! It's fun.
Anyway yeah, again I'm commenting because I do lurk here often because people do like to spread falsities about me. Look a few threads back, I took complete ownership of all the Kickstarter issues.
In my defense, it wasn't my fault. That's all I can say. But I shoulder the responsibility fully. It's my name on the project, and I have to settle with the consequenses of that.
I've been actually trying to get my enamel pin manufacturer sorted because they keep dropping my emails - I'm making new products for the kickstarter to make up for the delay.
Anyway, Kickstarter's log in screen sucks ass, I'm sick of getting locked out of my account with zero help from them.
tl;dr - I accept the Kickstarter is delayed and I am actually still working on it - all the books are packaged and addressed, I'm literally waiting on the extras to arrive.
The delay is a hugely private matter that I've told to some Kickstarter backers, and could never speak publically about.
And yes, I agree my art needs to improve a lot - I'm in an art rut lately anyway.
No. 271355
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>>271339Rae truly is the worst lmao not just in art but in personality as well.
and so is her fanbase full of kids
>pic related is referring to raethis hurt to read
No. 271521
>>271505“Her art style is generic!” - YouTube “commentator” featuring the most bland ass generic character in a hoodie.
The YT commentary community is really funny in how it’s just a bunch of 13 year olds yelling at each other for their art being bad when all of their art is bad.
No. 271663
>>271339Omg she roasted rae’s video without even mentioning it once.
She covered all of the issues pointed out by Rae and was so smart about it (ie “the canvas was dirty!!!” “Even if I smudge graphite all over my canvas it doesn’t matter as I’m going to cover it up with colours and they’re pretty good colours, not opaque at all!”)
I didn’t know this girl but I loved how she handled the situation. I wouldn’t say I agree 100% with her though because I don’t think people asking for the box are paying for a “lesson”; if the content is slightly below the price it’s no big deal but from what I researched the content’s worth was about half the price paid. And she was maybe a little too adamant over that but I see her point and it’s her opinion so I can respect that.
Also the three pictures she made are better than what Rae could ever DREAM of doing one day.
It was amazing to watch.
No. 271691
>>271640Why do you want a degree? Honest question. If you have a good reason that's fine, but the best parts about art school are networking opportunities, deadlines that make you get stuff done and then all the lessons. The degree is usually the most worthless part–unless you go somewhere prestigious.
Because of the lack of networking I'd really recommend against online art school personally.
No. 271721
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Just found those comics on Instagram… Facepalm. The "I'm not like other girls" tryhard vibes are screaming
No. 271778
>>271749You know what, good on Lachri. I may not personally be able to stand her voice for more than 2 videos, but she does put out good information and is very professional in the way she handles herself. From what I've seen she treats her social media as part of her job as an artist, and a lot of artists don't know how to do that. Like Rae.
I think Rae just wanted to stir the pot and get some views. I don't even recall, in the video, her telling her audience NOT to dog other youtubers/the owners of the art box about the service(and if she did her fans conveniently didn't hear that part), she just shat the video out and irresponsibly let the chips fall where they may. The majority of her viewers haven't even tried the product and just ate it all up.
No. 272022
>>272002the fundamental thing is who they market to and what.
in the case of baylee, it's, what. cute shit and fan art? it's bland and generic enough to garner a following of kids and adults with no taste… also consider the timing. she was one of the first art youtubers. so if anything, she got lucky, although by the looks of her thread it seems she's getting past her expiration date and is becoming stale…
can't speak for any other artist but it's usually because they've had time to develop a following of asspatters and aspiring art novices who look up to them just because they think they're sharing good advice or tutorials.
No. 272217
>>272182Yeah that was a real cringe statement.
These arttubers know how to market to kids. I know a shit ton of highly talented artists that can’t market their stuff. It’s jusr a different end goal.
No. 272516
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>>271339agreed it's funny and classy to answer all Rae's points without mentioning her, but this video went way too far into advert territory - 'Look at how well they blend! So easy to travel with!' over and over. it was a bit cringe
>productivelike pic related
No. 272533
>>270935If she's talking about these boards she's barely been touched on. The biggest thing was someone posted and said she shouldn't be teaching. Which is hardly an insult
>>270935Monique, hun, just stop. Don't try to play both sides.
No. 272576
>>272533yeah, we all saw what happened when emzotic tried it lmao.
>>272516the try hard aesthetic look for a sketch that 6th graders would doodle in margins is amazing. wtf are her hips doing?
No. 272649
>>272634Thank you, fellow anon. I thought I was missing on some more art drama.
About those youtubers you might have to admit that they’re pretty regular with their schedule, so maybe that’s one of the factors for their success
No. 273015
>>272908The way she “sketches” the pic
triggers me.
No. 273052
>>272977no, because she apparently thinks sketching is a technique that you can choose to do and not an integral part of drawing.
on that note, does anyone else hate how she gives these names to the parts of her process like proportions for the sketch or “placements” for values i guess?? im sure there are more, it just sounds so pseudo smart.
No. 273122
>>273065i used to hate her but at this point i really dont anymore. i still talk badly about her art a lot simply because its easy to do that since its so bad, but her vlogs are actually pretty nice to watch or use as bg noise.
i DO hate her hot guys videos with a passion though.
No. 273648
>>273569Look at where that hand is. They didn't even crop the image in a way that you could believe her elbow was bent, the unbent elbow is still in the image.
I only recently learned that terrible photo manipulation is a whole thing on its own, with its own community. Follower count seems to be almost entirely based on if you do photo manipulations of celebrities or popular cartoon edits.
No. 273823
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50K on DeviantArt, 28K on Twitter.
Not bad, but you'd think they would have a better grasp of anatomy, considering how they're in their twenties and has a hoard of fangirls.
No. 274143
>>274115Oh yea this video.
I actually liked what he did more than her most of her usual work, but that just may be because of how I see Kasey as a person based n her videos, versus how I see her husband who has been in like one or two videos.
No matter how good of an art piece Kasey may make, her attitude just ruins it for me imo.
No. 274267
>>273799I do agree, but it's still a lot better than her first one. Also if you look at her other work, and not just this one video, she really is not that bad, that last Rapunzel drawing is kind of a terrible image compared to the 4th one, but not indicative of her art as a whole, she's got much better stuff. She can still improve (a lot), but she's not a terrible artist and you can tell she's obviously not at the level as when she drew that first one. To say she hasn't improved in 5 years is honestly just trying to find something to complain about.
>>273823Oh no, someone in there twenties isn't absolutely perfect in everything they do.
No. 274485
>>274479Not that I think her improvement was magnificent, but would you mind pointing out what exactly do you think she should be studying?
Because it almost looks like several people here just learned how to parrot the words "they are not studying the fundamentals" and don't go much further from giving a very general statement.
No. 274487
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>>274483It is though. If she were to go the construction route aka bridgeman aka fundamentals, she would begin to build the form with actual 3-D shapes. Boxes, cylinders, spheres. Outlining the figure in scratches like this is a beginner mistake.
No. 274500
>>274490>I’m sorry, What do the fundamentals of figure drawing mean to you?Certainly not being limited by one single Master.
And while constructive drawing is something extremely important to keep in mind, it can become intuitive as you practice. If you take a look at some pros drawing, they are frequently experienced enough to know not to be slaves to the process, but adapt it to their own needs. Or are you going to say Kim Jung Gi is a shitty artist for starting his drawings at random spots without putting down any construction lines?
You dragged Waffles for not starting a drawing in a "construction route", but construction is more of a guideline instead of an obligation. In fact, being too much of a slave to construction can result in very stiff drawings.
No. 274513
>>274482 >>274487It is scribbled linework, which I guess is an issue and something she should work on, but it's not a big deal for sketching and not something I'd call her a bad artist for. Even the best artists have a ton of bullshit sketches with terrible technique in their sketchbooks. It's the one place people tend to go hog wild and not care about the final outcome. It's only really an issue when trying to pass something off as finished, which I don't think she's trying to do
Plus, quite frankly, if she wanted to do nothing but scribble senseless lines that don't even resemble anything on every single page of her expensive sketchbook, that's her prerogative. That's such a weird thing to complain about. Sketchbooks are maybe the one thing you can't really use wrong.
No. 274546
>>274514Drawing the outline of the figure before “constructing it” is one of the fundamental practices. Silhouette matters in every drawing or design you do. Especially if you are designing a character.
Sage for OT
No. 274632
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>>274558why would she have to "learn value" to fix the facial expressions? There's no reason not to be able to make good facial expressions with just linework. You don't know what you're talking about.
No. 274717
>>274632Don’t want to derail the thread, but I think the other anon meant “volume”? The volume of the 3D shapes? But yeah I agree with you, what does value have anything to do with facial expression?
Anyway, am I the only one getting tired of artubers sponserd content?
No. 275336
>>275187If you're someone who wants to get into the industry, then yes, it kind of is. He paints magic the gathering cards for a living. Have you looked at his work? He isn't all fame and no talent. The people asking for his advice seem to think it's worthwhile. Just because you personally don't like his suggestions doesn't mean they are bad. He gave the skull a more expressive look, because in his opinion, telling a story was more important than perfect anatomy. His "paintover" was more of a quick, "maybe you could try x, y, z", while showing what he meant. The title is a little misleading, but I chalk that up to clickbait. Also (after having watched a few more of his videos) he seems socially awkward, which may be why he comes across as "cunty" to some people.
No. 276190
>>276008This will be the first time in my life that i consider one of Rae's videos vaguely entertaining.
Jfc the result is so badddd many keks!
No. 276373
>>276328Yeah while Butch seems to be literally like one of his own characters, in a bad way, the monetized videos trying to make out that making a Christian channel is the worst possible thing are just ironic. And begging for money themselves, to boot. Nothing like criticizing something you yourself are doing. And assuming because it's Christian means it's gonna be aggressively homophobic is a stretch. (Twisted didnte say this but others did)
Like, he's a bit of an ass but he has not made homophobic content to date. I actually like most of what Twisted said but that video sent me on a path watching other Youtuber's tryna make money from this thing and YEAH
No. 276592
>>276362Yeah! I just found their videos a few days ago! There pretty good and helpful. Even relaxing and relieving sometimes.
Its nice to have real actual artist on youtube actaully teach, instead of mostly seeing Rae's, Baylee, Holly, Kasey ect ect trying to teach beginner's when they know absolutely nothing.
No. 276653
>I don't cuss because I love Jesus Christ soooo much>>276612I don't know how she made it out of high school. I feel like bullies would be attracted to her like a shark to blood
No. 276738
>>276653Shes the kinda character to make me believe we need bullying, she also looks like the kinda person who has a basement dedicated to killing kittens cause after years of ~not cussing~ & ~praising jesus~ with a god fearing overtly positive dad that was her way of expressing herself.
(Honestly don't know how it isn't illegal to raise your kids religious like christian kids are straight autists with a mean streak)
No. 276739
>>276653>>276638Jesus fucking christ! I could bearly make it a few minutes into the video! She is Definatley one of those fakeass Christian "i love jesus so much and YOU too teehee im an angel of god can do no wrong" types.
Lowkey blogpost:
In high school I used to go to a school full of kids like her. Teenagers that "didnt" cuss, or think bad thoughts, they also tried to ALWAYS be postive, go to church/kingdom hall all the time, lowkey out of touch with the current times, ect. Anyway, being around them all the time made made me become a subtle bully for a year(the time i was there). I couldnt help but want to tease them (or at least tell them to stfu and stop bullshitting ALL the time. ) i was always irratated constantly and would never want to go to class.
Anyway,i knew a guy who acted JUST LIKE THIS BITCH aka super postive, never cursed, loved jesus ect ect, and turns out he had anger management problems/psychopathic. All his close friends were weird and into loli hentai and overly violent video games (he himself took screenshots of some weird ass torturing shit too). So yeah, in short people like her are the most fucked up people ever and they hide it behind a fake overly sweet/cutsey persona.
Sorry about the rant/blogpost but I had to say something Becuase this people
trigger me.
No. 276904
>>276738>Honestly don't know how it isn't illegal to raise your kids religiousWho let the high schoolers loose again?
That statement is just as retarded as Christians.
No. 276914
>>276653Yikes, she has his unfortunate face and square jaw.
She sounds brainwashed. Wait, is she even an artist?? she also seems to have those arrogant self-righteous, holier-than-thou streaks just like her dad, too.
No. 280477
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Ok I'm aware of how salty this is but I also want to know what other anons think.
So I keep stumbling upon into these tweets and started getting salty when one of my favorite drag queens (the one the account is dedicated to) started retweeting, liking and following this account, but whatever, it's a fan account so no biggie. But then I saw the pinned tweet I was like bitch what?
Kinda tired in general of working hard on my art style and techniques and then watch cringe accounts get all the fame and now the money
No. 289036
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>>289001yeah if she think's thats only 10% cartoonish she must have cartoon vision eyeballs. i'd say it's like 40 or 50. 10% cartoon makes me think something like pic related, MAYBE.
No. 344091
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>>344086 this artist goes to SCAD fml
No. 399933
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What are your thoughts on Robobuddies
No. 428423
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>>233156What do guys think of ohnips? Her art is pretty good imo
(Please use new thread)