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No. 1023351
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1001090No disclaimers this time, just follow the board rules.
No. 1023487
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Lolita fashion is so ugly how can you dress up like a little girl as an adult and dare act like you’re superior to everyone else who’s dressed like a normal human being and grew out of playing dress-up? Nothing comfy or cozy even about the subculture you just look so fucking ridiculous
No. 1023500
>>1023487Convinced that lifestylers are spoiled students or dependas who aren't expected to go anywhere or do anything not fashion-related.
Lolita is inconvenient, tedious, and distracting as fuck.
I love my dresses but would never be caught dead wearing them to work or in public by myself.
Putting aside the ageplay debates for a second–think about how long that shit takes to prep. I won't talk about the hundreds of hours spent pouring over secondhand sales or ferociously refreshing a shop page during a release. Or putting together coordinates. Nah, it takes a solid hour just to put that shit on. Makeup, wig or natural hair styling, and then the clothes. Some people take longer than an hour just to get ready. Then, you have to step outside. Hot? Be prepared to sweat through the several layers while the petticoat locks in the heat. Rainy? Prepared to get soaked like a wet bouquet. Cold? Somehow the layers aren't enough but at least your wig can double as a hat if you wore one.
Finally, the public. You can't go anywhere in public without being stopped to be asked the most retarded questions. People just assume if you're dressed in a way that draws attention that you want their attention. The attention isn't always positive and curious, but rather mean spirited and humiliating. Scrotes are either creepy or are assholes x10.
Next is the anxiety about potentially ruining your expensive dress or losing accessories.
Finally, if that gauntlet somehow managed to not stress you out…you get to spend the day uncomfortable because lolita isn't a comfortable fashion at all.
Lolitas who say this fashion is worth it are coping.
No. 1023525
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I like Lolita, I think it's pretty and it looks cool :)(:))
No. 1023547
>>1023500A lot of that is true, but I live in a cold climate so lolita keeps me warm and comfortable.
I feel weird in everything I wear so to me it makes sense to wear any strange thing I want because I will feel like people are shaking their head at me either way. It would be different if people touched me but mostly I just have curious people asking if I'm in a play.
No. 1023768
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Going to a gym is useless for your health and the fact that you specifically need to go there to get fit pretty much implies that you don't need to be fit in the first place (your lifestyle doesn't require it), if you want to be healthy and look good just have a fucking diet and go on long walks in the park sometimes, no need to stress out your body and test its limits.
>inb4 you are just weak yourself
Yes I am a frail skeleton and I dont want to change anything about that, fuck off.
No. 1023780
>>1023682You're not supposed to smile and forgive but you're not supposed to key cars either. That's a great way to tell your ex bf how much you loved him and how much he hurt you. But in the moid brain that's an ego boost and point of pride, not something to feel bad about. Therefore he wins and you lose, because you cared more and he didn't give a shit.
The best revenge is living well and having strong boundaries that never let people think they got one over you.
No. 1023862
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>>1023796I faint every time I try to exercise. I can do only granny workouts that don't halp me at all.
No. 1023883
>>1023863>I feel like long walks aren't effective eitherWalking regularly is actually really good for your health, like a significant reduction in mortality rates, better outcomes for elderly people etc. It makes sense, obviously the human body is built to walk a lot.
Ofc, same goes for weight lifting and anon is retarded if she thinks her bones don't need it.
No. 1023989
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>>1023979I thought we threw asian fetishes in a basement and swore to never let it out again
No. 1023992
>>1023500if you dont like lolita fine, but what you described here doesnt sound any different from getting dressed up in literally any other outfit. replace "lolita" with some western brand name dress and you have the exact same routine. if you want to be the type of person to look natural, throw on an outfit and leave the house with minimal hair and makeup styling, lolita probably isn't for you.
>I love my dresses but would never be caught dead wearing them to work or in public by myself.why not just sell and get rid of them?
No. 1024050
>>1024039I didn't even post my unpopular opinion after all that.
Hybristrophiles are extremely trashy and deserve to be mocked harder than they currently are.
No. 1024233
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I hate men but also picrel
No. 1024312
>>1023768I get lifting weights, but people who go to the gym for cardio are smoothbrains.
>bicycle machine instead of biking in beautiful outdoors>inclined treadmill instead of hiking in beautiful outdoors>track running instead of running in beautiful outdoors>rowing machine instead of rowing in beautiful outdoorsAnd don't try to weasel out of it with 'but muh seasons'. It's weather, you absolute pansies.
No. 1024319
>>1023682>>1023780You're both a little bit right and a little bit wrong. Correct that being a doormat is loser Becky shit. Correct that keying his car shows your pain and makes him seem like he's a catch if he has bitches doing that to him and you end up looking weak.
That's why you get revenge while smiling, which hurts all men straight in the balls (where the ego is located). For example, if a moid cheats, don't key his car. Fuck his brother instead.
No. 1024330
>>1024320Nayrt but I was waiting for this response although I didn't expect the video, it's harrowing seeing all those people bent over like that in a supposed first world country
Every day I find something new to remind me there is no God
No. 1024348
>>1024320I take it back, pls bike indoors
No. 1024478
>>1024349Nonnie that video is 23 minutes long, it looks to me like the ghetto is pretty damn large.
>>1024320This is so scary to watch, it's like they're not even human anymore.
No. 1024672
>>1024669i’m not that chinaboo
nonny lol
No. 1024802
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>>1024754based, but i can’t take mario judah seriously kek
No. 1024872
>>1024754I used to be a Kanye mega fan (of his music) through the time Yeezus dropped and then kinda fell off. I haven’t heard TLOP, Kids See Ghosts, Jesus is King (no desire tbh) or Donda. I have heard a little from Ye.
Which albums/songs are most worth giving a listen? Any recommendations?
Btw, I know this isn’t a question or advice thread. Don’t feel obligated to respond
No. 1024885
>>1024872Honestly they're all so good imo and I really enjoyed Jesus is King. Songs I recommend from each album be, Tlop, no more parties in la; Ye, violent crimes; Kids see ghosts, reborn; Jesus is King, Use this Gospel is my fav, but Follow God might hit better idk, Donda, Jail, Believe What I Say was my favourite on first lesson but I would recommend playing through each album. Kids See Ghosts is relatively short and it's so good, maybe start with that
No. 1024975
>>1024890>A place that is becoming even more hostile towards womenAs if it wasn't enough already
>>1024934As someone who once had a 4chan bf (I didn't meet him on there though, and don't use it) I agree
No. 1025993
>>1024890Using 4chan as a woman only works when you're young, dumb, and giving scrotes the same benefit of the doubt as you're giving yourself for just wanting a place to be edgy and not that you're taking everything seriously.
The problem is scrotes are there in all seriousness. Most of what they post, even in their jokes and trolling, are rooted in their actual beliefs and stereotypes they have. Scrotes wouldn't waste their time unless it was something they truly enjoyed and not just tolerated.
No. 1026038
>>1025991>nlog!!! bee pee dee!!! Way to reveal yourself as a normie. Fairy&angel wings suck, deal with it.
Anyway since when I cant say an unpopular opinion in an
>unpopular opinion threadand not get called "insane", "idiot whore", "nlog", etc? Does anyone here even read the thread rules or understand where they are?
No. 1026068
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>>1025991Maybe for you but I just like fantasy
No. 1026090
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>>1026068I'd fuck that dragon
No. 1026093
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>>1025318It’s just forced inclusion, and most of the times, when the character is blackwashed, the character is drawn overly sexualized, with exaggerated features and stereotypes that makes the character look like a racist caricature.
I don’t mind if someone does a drawing of say, that sailor moon challenge, some of them were actually really cute, but just make them look nice, not like a racist caricature.
If you’re talking about shows, movies and such, then I only wish people could just create stories in which the character happens to have a different skin complexion and that’s it, remaking something for the sake of asking for, I guess, forgiveness is insincere.
No. 1026399
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>>1026151I really don't know if it was intentional on the writers part, but Dewey, Malcolm and Reece are all three different sides of the dark triad, Machivallianism, Narcissism and Sociopathy respectively.
>Malcolm in an insecure narcissist with a fragile ego>Reece is a low functioning psychopath with clear sadistic tendencies>Dewey is effortlessly able to manipulate others and instinctively does soThey're clear-cut different sides because each possesses none of the faults of the other. Malcolmn and Dewey have empathy, Dewey and Reece don't obsess over how they're perceived like Malcolm and neither Malcolm or Reece are able to manipulate others like Dewey can.
sage for offtopic but yeah, something I thought of the other day.
No. 1026438
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>>1026412I disagree with anon saying most japanese video games are hot garbage because that's an exaggeration imo, but in the case of Final Fantasy I think in the West it got insanely popular just because it barely had any competition. Literally, that's just because barely any JRPGs got translated without being butchered (and even then, all the FF before 10 had shitty localization trying too hard to seem "radical" to appeal to teenage boys, which is why some of these so called long term fans shit in their pants in rage when they see a male FF character who looks pretty) and Squaresoft back then actually made efforts to market FF7 way more than other publishers and developers. Not saying FF7 is good or bad, but it was overrated by then because a lot of people in the West couldn't really compare it to other, potentially better games of its genre. Then FF as a brand became well-known and now even if the more recent game are kinda shit they still sell well. Kind of like Pokemon, where the devs develop a lot of mediocre games these days because they need to create more cutesy mascots fast to sell cutesy merchandises asap, while they actually tried to be a bit more creative in the first gens, the brand as a whole is so popular that normies buy that shit based on its former reputation, as opposed to its current quality.
No. 1026441
Freud is overrated and most of his theories are retarded.
RE: id, ego, superego - they’re all just meaningless buzzwords. Nothing scientific at all. If you’re going to postulate that there’s only 3 distinct levels of the human mind then do some brain scans or something. Give some proof. This is just astrology, chakras, MBTI types etc repackaged.
Oedipus complex - out of left fking field… I just straight up will never buy into the theory that the whole world wants to fuck their parents. I'm pretty sure that’s just you, Freud.
Nature v nurture - ok, solid premise. But it ignores personal responsibility completely. That's the problem with his black & white, 'there are only x# of personality types' logic. So many people use nature v nurture as a way to dismiss the power they have over their own actions.
>I am the way I am bc of how my parents treated me
>bc of my genetics
>bc of this significant life event
Like yes that obviously has an influence, but where is point when personal responsibility comes into play? He leaves it out completely, as if people are eternal children and everything is always your parents’ fault. Well, your parents are the way they are because of their parents. Checkmate, Freud-sempai.
Talk therapy is ok with me tho. His ideas aren’t all bad. I just take umbrage with him because he’s pretty much a philosopher that’s been touted as a scientist
No. 1026449
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>>102644618th century male fashion was amazing, I don't think that's a controversial opinion so long as you don't want to actually be ruled by nobles.
No. 1026459
>>1026453People need to do what they think looks good or is comfortable instead of what everyone else does in general.
All this fashion shit is entirely optional and the only people who would actually berate someone for not being an NPC are not worth talking or listening to.
No. 1026463
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>>1026432>>1026451I totally agree about straight brows, but I also think it's a balancing act. Straight & full brows are seen more often in men, but they're also more youthful. Arched brows are seen more often in women, but they age you a lot if you go too far. Brows are difficult to get right. I've seen so many women ruin their beauty completely with instagram caterpillar extra-archy brows.
Laminated brows in particular are my pet peeve. They look so werewolf-y kek.
Imo most women look best with their natural brow shape, only tweaked a tiny bit, & with stray hairs cleaned up.
No. 1026470
>>1026456Oh I hope it's a popular opinion lol. I'm not a psychfag personally, but I'm like
>>1026450 &
>>1026452 where I see scrotes spouting this shit from time to time & it strikes me as pseudoscience.
No. 1027072
>>1026994I mean, if you hate "straight" women, and 80% of women are in fact straight…you're basically saying you hate very certainly a lot of women besides the 10% of lesbian/bi women, that doesn't sound right at all
>>1025682Hermana colombiana basada, i can't believe they used our culture for this cashgrab Colombia deserved better
No. 1027300
>>1027133>Het women do be subjecting themselves to the most retarded shitDo they? Or do scrotes do it to them? Half the time, when someone whines about het women being retards for sticking around, they don't consider the whole situation and psychology of
abusive relationships. Honestly fuck that
No. 1027483
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>>1027451Having abs should be a workplace requirement for men, as well as crop tops.
No. 1027494
>>1027483The husbando bread
>>1027472Lol I'm the opposite tbh, I only like coca cola when it is ice chilled and with a lot of bubbles. I like when the bubbles hurt.
No. 1027508
>>1027441The part I can say I hate is when anons come on here to complain about the bf and when they get the most predictable common sense advice to make moves towards getting out of there.. they become these sassy badass bitches throwing insults at other women for saying one thing they don't like but simulaltaneously they're just a poor thing that can't speak up or move out and needs to shit up a thread by fighting strangers. I hate seeing it all the time.
Even as someone who was at one time isolated and disabled while living in an
abusive relationship myself.. I cannot stand to see women lash out at every other person on earth but the asshole guy who is causing their shitty mood. I put up with some crap before I got out (he put his hands on me after I'd had surgery) but I didn't lash out at inccocent people. He caused me that pain, I then added to it by dragging my heels about leaving. It's nobody elses job to have that taken out on them. I never had the nerve to scream at this guy. To this day I wouldn't put it past him to get ott revenge if I ever gave him a true piece of my mind but I got through it without passing on the misery to a third party.
I understand dragging your feet, there's so many reasons why that happens, some are emotional, some practical. But when people push you towards getting out.. don't ever take your anger out on them instead. I don't care whether they said it gently or were blunt.. they're right either way. It's not an attack to give that advice.
No. 1027528
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>>1027508>>1027508>when anons come on here to complain about the bf and when they get the most predictable common sense advice to make moves towards getting out of there.. they become these sassy badass bitches I don't even reply or give advice to women complaining about their scrotes. Irl or online, they will not listen and in the worst case they start resenting you. If you complain about your scrote I will ignore you and let life kick your ass until you learn the lesson yourself. Good luck pendejas
No. 1027565
>>1027508I'm so sorry about your experiences, nona
>I cannot stand to see women lash out at every other person on earth but the asshole guy who is causing their shitty moodThat's fucking awful, I never understood that kind of behavior. Also wanting to kill the woman your scrote cheated on you with instead of him, as the party that broke your trust.
>>1027528>If you complain about your scrote I will ignore you and let life kick your ass until you learn the lesson yourself. Good luck pendejasIDK what to write, though you did say "complain" and not "ask for advice", which is a different thing
No. 1027570
>>1027133>I'm frustrated with het women>So let's call them "enablers" and pretend like they deserve their situations cause it can't possibly be socially and culturally embedded for women to lose and for scrotes to benefitHonestly? Just be glad you can punchdown on lolcow to get your ego kicks, you'd never waste your time patrolling scrote imageboards to harass them to be better because you know they won't change and would dogpile you. But yeah, the true problem are anons here being "sassy."
What gets me is that OP never even said she wasn't leaving him, just that there are entanglements like a shared mortgage, job situation, and cost of living that make it more complicated than just saying the relationship is done. I hope you anons are young, cause it doesn't seem like you understand what tact is.
No. 1027610
>>1027570Why should we waste time attempting to scrotes minds? That’s what “fixer” women do and it has only ever blown up in their faces. Women can be
victims and enablers at the same time yes. We’re not fragile little things that never hold any accountability for our own well being.
Once again, BECAUSE relationships can be complicated with things like financial responsibilities, women are more likely to just give up and continue to suffer. Any sane person would become frustrated to watch their loved one or fellow woman stuck in that powerless mindset. How can you not be angry. In situations where you can’t get out unscathed but you know it’s better in the long run, many will still choose to stay. Just a sad fact.
No. 1027620
>>1027610NTA but I don't get what being shitty to women trapped in a bad situation is supposed to achieve except them doubling down on holding onto the scrote cause they have no support and nothing else
Meanwhile in another thread
>>1027502 "why do women not complain about their scrotes???" IDK, maybe cause they are afraid of getting blamed? I need to read Loving To Survive, but I feel like some of radfems need it more than I do
No. 1027650
>>1027610>Why should we waste time attempting to scrotes minds? I agree, why put any onus on scrotes for how they treat us when we can just blame het women for how they're treated?
We can bully other women to change their lives because they will actually listen even if they're stubborn, meanwhile men will react with violence and not change.
Blaming other women and forcing them to change is the safe bet. If a het woman never gets into a relationship with another man again all problems will be solved and women will never be memed into servicing men again. Pay no attention to family, professional, or friendship dynamics involving scrotes cause I'm sure the root cause is women being doormats there too.
>BECAUSE relationships can be complicated with things like financial responsibilities, women are more likely to just give up and continue to sufferWomen aren't "giving up," you're framing it as a moral failing. The fact is that things like financial safety nets and housing are real fucking concerns and even normal people not in
abusive situations have problems attaining this. It is hard and not everyone succeeds, and while we're all busy acting bad on the internet, homelessness is actually really fucking scary and it's not farfetched to believe people stay with
toxic family, roommates, and yes relationships to avoid it.
>Any sane person would become frustrated to watch their loved one or fellow woman stuck in that powerless mindset.Or they can be like a typical person in society and encourage the woman to try harder and CoMmUnIcAtE more. A lot of these women aren't powerless and they do try.
They communicate, get angry, and do ultimatums and yet men don't change. It's not "doing nothing."
Leaving is just hard.
Those women who leave overnight? Not all of them escape the situation and some end up worse off. Who are you to advise strangers whose situations you don't fully know to take these kinds of risks?
>In situations where you can’t get out unscathed but you know it’s better in the long run>unscathed How do you know?
No. 1027668
>>1027625>“Being shitty” as in someone calling you a dumb bitch for putting up with male behavior? Is that really what is making women stay in dysfunctional relationships?Another retarded reading. No, just like someone dropping DUMP HIM will not make it happen immediately. Why not be supportive to each other though? Shitting on women (and
victim blaming them, "should have been celibate, what did you expect?") is only helping scrotes. NGL you seem to seethe about women in
toxic relationships more than their partners.
No. 1027758
>>1027565>>1027565Abusive scrotes take a big toll on women's health, stress really declines the immune system and women often are gaslight to believe they're just being overdramatic and it's just a coincidence.
I've seen plenty of women come down with mysterious health issues despite being healthy as a horse before getting in a relationship with a shitty guy, this is especially true if the man is encouraging the girl to get plastic surgery, be under or overweight, etc
No. 1028002
>>1023568If you bring up lolita in any other thread, all of a sudden every anon is some kind of turbo communist minimalist and they shit on it.
>>1023587I love gothic lolita too, it's pretty much the only way i can enjoy a dramatic goth look without looking crazy, at least by my own standards and not by normies.
No. 1028003
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>>1027965I agree if it is a neighborhood with character to begin with (e.g. historical buildings or uniform architecture), especially since new construction is really shoddy and bland. My city's weirdly pro-development, but new construction is usually built to integrate into the neighborhood, e.g. the areas with big pp glass high-rises get more high-rises, the relatively suburban areas get ugly duplexes, the historical neighborhoods get smaller multi-family residences that preserve old facades or at least kind of try to blend in. If the new construction were those college dorm-looking 5-over-1s that seem to be taking over the country then I doubt there'd be as much positive reception.
Getting uncomfortable over affordable housing is stupid though, at least if the new construction is <50% affordable housing. Preventing low-income people from concentrating in one place prevents blight and crime.
No. 1028066
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>>1028011This article explains why your town is being ruined:>>1028028>Housing capacity is way more important than the look and feel of some dinky neigbourhood.Be careful what you wish for. Most new housing is built as cheaply as major developers can get away with and basically start deteriorating immediately. Not only are these new buildings ugly, they will turn into blight within a few decades. It's a short-term solution to a long-term problem.
New construction in America (and other Western countries), particularly in the case of five-over-ones and suburban developments, is our version of soviet commieblocks. They destroy the cultural and visual landscape of the neighborhood, don't impart residents with a sense of place, and in the case of large multi-family homes, developers don't have an incentive to take care of them beyond the bare minimum that is required to avoid getting sued. It's all going to rot in short order and communities will be left with yet another problem to deal with.
No. 1028074
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>>1028011Everything about this sounds exactly like my small town. Vape, weed and lottery stores everywhere. The weirdest thing is the lottery machines- for some reason they’re absolutely everywhere now even though I’ve never seen them before. They’re at the gas station, at a billiards place, in tattoo parlors, and in their own special stores that revolve around them. It’s like we have miniature casinos in my small 20,000 population town.
I don’t know what they’re called but they look like this. The people sit in front of them like a video game cabinet and lean over and play it for hours.
No. 1028116
>>1028066I would literally rather have Soviet style block apartment buildings that are planned well (almost big East Asian cities are like this anyway), affordable, and well-maintained than have people on the streets or have people pay landlords parasitic amounts of rent for shit apartments, which is already what is going on in North America, if not the world. I still don't think "cultural" environment of a city matters as much as people make it out to be. Cities are ever-changing so stifling any kind of new development without careful scrutiny is futile and exacerbate the problem for longer. So much of NIMBYism pushes developments into suburbs which further worsens urban sprawl, which leads to a higher reliance of cars, which increases traffic, etc. It's not pretty and certainly worse than done low or mid rise building on some street full of weed or fast-food shops. Obviously there are neighbourhoods that have become urban ghettos in the downtown core of my city precisely because of what you mentioned. That's a very real consequence of poor planning and development, but I'm ideally thinking that governments should enforce heavier laws that prohibit shitty, rich developers that will take advantage of "build, build, build!" mentality of desperate cities and look to Asia and Europe for better urban development because North America just doesn't have it.
No. 1028147
>>1028140youre obviously dont know what being abused really means.
Sex workers are absolutely prone to fall in love with the lifestyle, but im sure last than a tenth of women makeS enough to even have a "lifestyle".
Of course every white woman you see has better opportunities but their self esteem and mental health prolly match the activity they partaking.
No. 1028742
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Ramen has got to be the most overrated food of the century. If you love it, you probably grew up with a chicken nugget and buttered noodles diet because it’s honestly so bland, even with premium broth and noodles. It’s even worse when you’re paying over 7 dollars (13 at the place I just had) for a “premium” bowl of tonkotsu ramen.
It’s just wet noodles guys. It would be fine if it stayed cheap but people fawn over it like it’s the food of the gods. Looks beautiful, doesn’t taste like anything noteworthy.
No. 1028757
>>1028742It’s better when it’s cooked at home, like most foods tbh, idk, restaurant foods never taste as good because they’re made to just sell a relatively tasty product, not to actually sell the most delicious dish.
That’s why I honestly would never pay for stuff like ramen unless I’m desperate or at some amazing ramen shop in japan that the locals told me it’s the best.
It’s just better to look for a simple recipe and then slowly turn it into something you really like.
No. 1028776
>>1028770Op here
Ironically, vegetable soup is one of my favorite meals. Cabbage, beef broth, carrots, onions, potatoes, corn, peas, small cut green beans and cubes of beef- it’s divine. It doesn’t even have to have much seasoning, just a bay leaf here or there and whatever else you like. The flavor comes from all of the vegetables cooking together for so long. And it’s so healthy. It would be ruined if you put noodles into it.
No. 1028849
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I don’t think baby boomers are as bad like millennials/zoomers make them to be. They’re a generation that have their own scars from lack of mental illness help, expectations forced upon them, and were told they didn’t matter as children. Without them we wouldn’t have had the hippie movement and expressing ourselves. The only ones we can openly hate are obviously the bad ones.
No. 1028870
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>>1028849Boomers & Zoomers are the same. That’s why they hate each other kek. Millennials are just plain insane.
No. 1029028
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Artists that scream “NFTS ARE BAD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT” are typically the same ones that get their merch made in China. Doesn’t matter if it’s small keychains or pins. There’s artists selling plushies/clothing etc all from Chinese manufacturers.
No. 1029160
>>1028742This but with sushi and sashimi.
All raw fish tastes like salty jelly. Shit flavor, shit texture.
Plus you have to put the whole goddam roll in your mouth. It's too big to enjoy properly.
Whenever you tell someone you don't like sushi they make fun of you for being afraid of raw fish. Bitch no, raw fish isn't scary it just doesn't taste good. There are a million other, cheaper, things that taste better.
No. 1029168
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>>1029160I dislike most raw fish too, I just can't get past the jelly texture most of the time. Though I do like sushi with other textures, like shrimp, eel, and inari sushi.
Also semi-related, I hate roe so much, especially salmon roe (picrel). It doesn't even taste bad but visually it looks so gross that it puts me off.
No. 1029176
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>>1029156I use to think like this until I had a decent cake that wasn't overly sugared puke flavored air. If you get a professionally made cake or make one from scratch it tastes tons better. Fuck cheap cakes though, especially birthday cake the god awful flavoring birthday cake. Are there actually people enjoying this monstrousity of a flavor? I've been seeing "birthday cake flavored" everything now
No. 1029199
>>1029156this has to be written by a man, the logic is so fucking simple and dunderheaded
>me hate cake >me hate dessert being sweet>me hate when i have to share thing >me hate family>me don’t wash my balls like i sincerely hope you’re just an anon baiting
No. 1029200
>>1029199Now this one is just dumb anon…
No. 1029262
>>1029218sponge cake alone is usually awful. are you actually eating it with anything? a lot of places make it too chewy.
>>1029156weird that you can't tell your family to get you something you actually enjoy. maybe you should work on your relationship with them. also, try a nice chantilly cake. no one can resist chantilly cake. i agree that most cakes are far too sweet though. most frosting is made to be easy to decorate which means they add a metric fuckton of powdered sugar, rendering it totally inedible basically.
No. 1029275
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tres leche cake is the bomb, sorry you have shit taste anon
No. 1029377
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I just started Euphoria to see what all the fuss is about, I'm finishing episode 3. And right now I actually like their relationship
No. 1029397
>>1029395This is also hilarious, whenever someone gets called out here for being obsessed degenerate, answers are always ether
>le projection>le you must be scrote>le you are a trannyYou can't even come up with something original. Very pathetic desu.
No. 1029406
>>1029403>>1029404Lol you guys always jump to defend yourselves when I mention you.
I don't have anything against you, but let's not pretend that you're normal
No. 1029771
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Chocolate Milk > Any other “milk”
No. 1029776
>>1029771A store near me started selling lil kiddie sized cartons of flavored milk and in an attempt to save money (buying a 50 cent milk instead of a 3 euro coffee) I've been alternating between all the different flavors lately.
Banana is best. I might look like a tard at my age drinking my banoonoo milk as I walk down the street but fuck it.
No. 1029797
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>>1029776Samefag to add vanilla is good too
No. 1029870
>>1029468You're not a normie if you post on lolcow, I'm sick of failed normies bullying fellow nerds and schizos
>>1029811It's gross and too sweet, cope
No. 1029907
>>1029821samefag as
>>1029815. Choke on a nightstick. I hate that plot because it's always used to excuse men of their degeneracy. We structured this plot to make it look like it was men who raped and murdered this woman, but surprise it was a woman all along.
No. 1029956
>>1029918>they're desperate to be liked….but seriously, so what?
All I have to do as a healthy person is not take advantage of people like that. They're the least
problematic of neurotic personalities.
No. 1029995
>>1029956They are
problematic when they end up crying how much abused they were by everyone they met. They are more often than not covert narcissist that will make up shit and because they are spineless cowards people will believe them.
No. 1030020
nonnie, anons don't know what they're saying
No. 1030086
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>>1030010I've been saying we should get the guillotines out for awhile now but nooo, that's too extreme.
Don't blame me when we end up like pic related
No. 1030088
>>1030010and I for one don't care whether I'm being surveilled or not. do I trust the government? no. do I think these companies and the government still have any idea what to do with terabytes and terabytes of it besides feed it through an algorithm to shuttle ads back at me? which I don't even see? no they're not that smart
you people give the government way too much credit sometimes
No. 1030108
>>1028732Omg rarely do I see Kerli discourse but I love her!! I honestly think she opened the door for many, many pop artists we see today. I have no doubt singers like lady gaga, grimes, azealia banks, marina, melanie, etc have all listened to her at some point and played a role in making them who they are.
Also Pretty red apple is one of my favourite songs of hers hehe
No. 1030120
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>>1028732Yes!!! I love Kerli and it’s about time she gets her flowers!!
It’s incredible how she lives off the grid in Estonia to focus on her music/magic.
No. 1030125
>>1027848>tfw mom only had daughtersEveryday I’m thankful
But I hope every anon can Cain and Abel the shit out of their inferior brothers.
No. 1030129
>>1027848My brother was 12 year older then me, I have very few memories of him and I don't really know if my parents loved him more, I know they don't talk about him much cause he was kinda of a fuck up
he's always been a distant figure for me, more like an Uncle then a biological brother and so I feel don't have traditional sibling relationship
No. 1030142
>>1030010They snuck under our noses but no one is doing anything to fix it, the issue is that most of peoples careers need a smart phone. You need smart phones for directions, apps a lot of jobs require, apps schools require, etc. Hell I even have to pay rent using my smart phone however it's the same smart phone that bombards me with poorly made ads based on my conversations I have with people in real life. Ads are way too common now and extremely poorly made, some days I'll get the exact same ad 5 times in a row. or companies trying to sneak their ads everywhere they possibly can.
As for self autonomy goes it is a lot of people who allow the world to bully them into getting
vaccines, Not getting tattoos or certain hairstyles or fashion
No. 1030222
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As depraved and disgusting as horrorcow coomers are. I can't help but feel the findoms and other sorts are preying on people with literal mental illnesses for profit, and are in a sense abusers.
I can't look at something like this and -not- think these people are fucked in the head and in need of help. The same way I look at a heroin or meth addict as someone that needs help. They of course dug their own disgusting little hole, but it just seems tacky and wrong for mentally functional people to feed into this disgusting kink shit for profit instead of shaming it. The worst thing about it all is how these sex workers turn around with a straight face and say kink is just harmless fun, all the while they'll gleefully prey upon a mentally ill person in a low moment and get him to turn over thousands of dollars. That's your "sex positivity".
No. 1030226
>>1030222very good, scrotes don't deserve to own capital. These guys are insane not some vulnerable
victims. They actively seek mistresses to humiliate them.
No. 1030387
>>1030163I went to a hippie commune before and it's exactly like you describe. Sure they live in trailers and vans and gloat about their eco friendly life but a lot of them just live in trailers and vans pimped out with expensive objects and simply go to the laundromat for laundry and shower at gas stations, if they have showers in their own trailer then most of the time they don't hook it up and then use water jugs that end up wasting even more plastic and money than if they just hook it up in the well. I had a friend who stayed at an Airbnb in a hippie commune to and they charged almost 200$ a night in an area where you can get a high end hotel and then you had to do EVERYTHING yourself, include work their complicated generator, hook up the water, etc. When she complained they just pulled the whole "maybe it's just not for you but we live like this" like kek no one wants to pay that much when you have to put in manual labor for basic amenities
At times I'm starting to realize the "hippie life" often costs more than what the intent is considering you have to pay for everything (gas to charge everything, electricity, pay for every shower, eat out or buy every meal if you can't eat in your van, etc)
No. 1030435
>>1030415She's mediocre but 99% of pop-divas are, there are probably millions of women with the same level of ability as them, they only get picked cause of connections or money
either way most of them don't have a bit or talent or creativity
Think about it, when has any pop idol (that the "girlies and gay" stan) ever done anything remotely interesting ? What have you thought of to do that the lowest speck of this pointless species couldn't, were they granted their level of fame and wealth?
No. 1030836
>>1030807lol yeah but I thought the current flavor of SJWness was first
taught at universities in the 90s.
No. 1031106
>>1031098very true I screenshoted your post. True leftism, Marxism and leftist anarchism are anchored in a desire to overthrow the government and end class struggle. Marxism is literally anprim, returning to monkey and being self suficient. I die when I see consumerist troon retards appropriating Marx. They would not be able to live one day in a truly Marxist society where they would have to provide for themselves.
From each according to their abilities from each according to their needsIt is also impossible to actually discuss these issues on the internet and talk about true Marxism/Commununism because the elites want this dichotomy of
sjw trans women are women or
jews from outer space put microchips in the vaccine they literally only want people to continously argue with each other. If someone tried to tackle the issue of how fake leftists are and talk about real Marxism and criticize free market capitalism their content will get attacked immediately and they will lose as a job and be attacked by both left wingers and right wingers. The worst thing you can do in today's society is attempt to tell the truth. BASADA POST. screenshoted it!!!
No. 1031373
>>1031332Yes, but that is the applied version of communism, which is authoritarian. The Marxist version of communism that can be extracted from
Das Kapital and
Communist manifesto is leftist liberal. The premise of Marxism is
from each according to their ability to each according to their needs that means individuals provide for themselves without society having any sort of institutions. Marxist society is stateless and primitive where people are independent and provide for themselves and nobody rules over them, there is no capitalist power hierarchy. Marx even denounces capital as being purely ideological because he is inspired from Hegelianism. He thinks money is not real. He thinks that the working class should overthrow their government and the elites and that everyone should be free to provide for themselves without enslaving another in the process. It is liberal leftist and anarchist. Applied communism is authoritarian so it goes against Marxist ideal because in applied communism humans become slaves to the state.
The retards promoting Marxism on Twitter literally have no idea what it is about and most of them are addicted to services and capitalistic comforts and would not be able to provide for themselves in a Marxist society. They also made Marxism about transexuals and gays and LGBT and Marx has nothing to do with that at all!!!! And realistically never will. Marx's focus is freedom from institutions and ECONOMICAL CLASS it has nothing to do with gender and whatever schizophrenic bullshit we have in post modernism it has nothing to do with race either. If Marx was reborn and he was shown how people have misinterpreted Marxism he would have never wrote
Das Kapital or
The communist manifesto. He would have never agreed to applied communism (authoritarian) or whatever the fuck these retarded capitalists represent his theory as. Leftist liberalism is not about gays, transexuals and 30 genders the movement was hijacked by capitalism. Liberal leftism is strictly about offering the working class and the population economical freedom and eequality.
Never vote!!!! The retards elected to represent the liberal left are just puppets of capitalism. Liberal left is supposed to offer ppl better economical distribution like welfare programs and free health care and education, but they are strictly focusing on transgender shit.
Voting is not fucking real either way because those that you vote for are only puppets controlled by the elites from the back and ironically now capitalists are supporting liberal leftist so there is a complete twist. Almost as if modern right wingers fight against capitalism and capitalist ideological indoctrination while leftists promote capitalism.
What happens in the world has nothing to do with theory and most ppl are uneducated on these matters and even those that want to appear like they know they dont. Stalinism is authoritarian left wing and Marxism is liberal left wing. Marx wanted stateless society in which individuals are free and provide for themselves!! Again, the Marxist principle
from each according to their ability to each according to their need. In a Marxist society all these stupid spoiled liars would die because most of them would not be able to thrive in nature without consuming the services of someone else and capitalizing off stupid shit
No. 1031417
>>1031403I think a lot of relationships end of a bad note and it comes from that, majority of people prefer to remove exes from their life altogether, if said ex is dating a friend it's impossible?
>even married people tend to be literally sleeping with and sharing their lives with total strangers.uh, what? is this about cheating?
No. 1031421
>>1031417>majority of people prefer to remove exes from their life altogether, if said ex is dating a friend it's impossible?that part i can understand. but i think for a lot of people that's typically not the issue. the girlcode/guycode thing is usually based on possession.
>uh, what? is this about cheating?no, just a comment about how married people tend to not know each other. that can manifest itself in a lot of ways. they really aren't as close as people would like to imagine. not really about cheating, though that does happen with frightening frequency.
No. 1031430
>>1031421Thanks for explaining, I see what you mean and that's sadly true for many people, to be distant despite being in relationship.
Guy/girlcode is ridiculous, it always sounds like it's about owning another person, and them being soiled goods after you're "done" with them. Something deeply dehumanizing about the very concept. I admit I've never been in the situation of a friend dating an ex but - except for the bad breakup example - if I liked both of these people I don't know why wouldn't I be happy for them both to be together.
No. 1031780
>>1031373what about the fact most communist/leftist movements were co-opted by violent macho thugs
Saddam and Stalin for e.g were not Leftist activists, they were street thugs for their political parties
the Shining path(a Peruvian marxist group started by university students) ended up being completely taken over by mountain farmers who used the group as a drug trafficking operation
Khrushchev was a factory worker for his entire youth and didn't possess literacy till he was an adult
Ceaușescu(dictator of Romania) had no formal education and was an apprentice shoemaker
Enver Hoxha had nothing more then a peasants education
these men got their positions cause they were good at war and ruthless and they could got the peasants on their side with populist rhetoric, that's the furthest thing you can get from modern commie troons
No. 1031807
>>1030136I was friends with a narcissist and she always talked about wanting a daughter
Wonder why
No. 1031816
>>1031807a number of reasons, I think many narc women would prefer a daughter cause its easier to lawd over us then a male, It would also be easier to physically intimidate us and I think most likely many narc women use their daughters as sort of substitute female friend but one who they have compete control over
that's been my experience anyway, my mother was a raging narc who had driven away every person in her life(including her own sisters) and used me as both a therapist as well her BFF even though I was like 13, she even talked about sex with my father right in front of me, It was just fucked up
No. 1031996
>>1031990I agree about everything except my husbando is very handsome, how dare you.
On a serious note I don't get why a woman would want to move to Japan, too much fucking sexist discrimination.
No. 1032006
>>1031996>>1031990Yeah, it’s honestly stupid, specially when a weeb has reached the point in which they get to read/watch more “serious” manga/anime, can’t they see that the Japanese themselves don’t like their own society because it’s like any other country but with a kawaii bandaid?
A person has to be really fucking oblivious to not notice that something isn’t right, specially a woman, any manga about adult women really shows you how shitty everything is for us, specially in misogyny island.
And that’s just using manga as the only example of what is it like to live in Japan, because that’s the only thing that weebs read. Of course there’s even more outlets of information that can show you how that country is truly unwelcoming as fuck, like documentaries or even random Vlogs.
No. 1032021
>>1031780Yes but these Ceauşescu (yes Ceaușescu was illiterate he couldn't even fucking write or read) and Stalin and such promoted authoritarianism so they were dictators. Marx promoted liberalism and he was simply a philosopher, not a dictator. He had an intellectual background etc but this is what I am tried to explain that Authoritarianism (Stalin,Ceaușescu, Kim Jong ) are different from liberal side of leftism like Marxism. Because you know there is a political quadrant and the left has 2 dimensions. Liberal vs Authoritarian, liberal is Marx he believes in stateless society in which ppl provide from themselves, again not to confuse with modern interpretation of liberalism which has nothing to do with it. They also got their power not because they were good at war but exactly because they were uneducated peasants. Communism appealed to the working class so those elected in power were also more uneducated working class as opposed to bourgeois intellectuals. I mean Ceaușescu couldn't fight in war, in fact he couldn't even lift more than 3 kilograms but he was from a farmer's family and got involved with
The people's party which was the communist party.
>>1031778N-n-no ANON I AM A DANGEROUS AUTIST THAT SPREADS COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA KEK. It's not like I'm literally trying to explain it objectively with no BIAS and clear the modern confusions. I AM DOING COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA ON LOLCOWWS YESSS BITCHHH PRAYY TO MARXX I AM LIKE VIKERNS HAHAHAAHAHA. S-s-she tried explaining theory and how the world functions???????? She said
Marx? Definitely a dangerous autistic propagandist.
No. 1032076
>>1032021Are you a filthy
No. 1032108
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>>1032075So do I. I'm trying to bulk up for the apocalypse.
No. 1032138
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>>1032108I want the dedication to have that body.
No. 1032142
>>1032138I had the dedication, but my joints didn't. I suspect hers don't either.
>the apocalypseAnon from yesterday was right, you younguns were brainwashed by (post-)apocalyptic media. I lived through all you fear.
No. 1032185
nonnie but that body isn't the one you want for "apocalypse" (do you mean famine and war?). Need lots of excess calories to maintain that physique. Doing some fasting, training for endurance and posture (pilates) is better. Stop watching apocalypse media I got screwed into the "the world is ending" after watching too much zombie shit growing up. It's not a fun mindset.
No. 1032186
>>1032021You mean Marx's ideal society was more something along the lines of the Diggers or Amish?
That's a bit odd because those types of societies already failed, which is why we're in the situation we are in, or Marx was when he wrote.
You make him sound similar to someone like Kaczynski, who admits that he has no answer or solution to the problems of industrial society and only resists to gratify an emotional need to not be assimilated into something he views as distasteful.
No. 1032256
>>1032190>>1032217>failed>failedYou call what's going on now a success?
No. 1032309
>>1032296>>1032274I've only watched some of Coven and Freakshow, the latter being the last attempt. Great to see it hasn't changed a bit. When Ryan played lobster boy and his deep dark secret was that he pleasured housewives with his deformity I rolled my eyes into my skull so hard. This shit is only cool and endearing if you're a fucking teenager.
I want to think they only shoehorn in the sex to grab an audience and otherwise wouldn't have such shit plots, but maybe I'm being too generous in my assumption
No. 1032340
>>1032337i… i am talking about when people think communism where everyone shares and blah blah blah
one hundred percent communist countries are shitholes were the gov is a nightmare (this is what my point was)
No. 1032342
>>1032329>>1032340based fuck commies
>>1032337did you have an stroke while writing this post?
No. 1032353
>>1032342Nah, I'm just drunk
>>1032340Yeah sorry, carry on then
No. 1032366
>>1032340>>1032329No fucking wait. I reread and even though I'm drunk it still seems like you're thinking communism can't happen today because of gvt which is lol. Retard level lol.
Ah, who cares. You mistyped, I misunderstood, whatever.
No. 1032378
>>1032366I'm not anon you're replying to. Theoretically communism can happen any time because it just implies the working class overthrowing the leading power be it government or capitalistic enterprises(which at this point are tied) but you have to take into consideration people would never do that!! People love comfort and what capitalist society offers them and everyone is narcissistic and hopes that they can climb the ladder too and become rich. Nobody wants to return to a more primitive or Marxist society and nobody wants an authoritarian communist society. Modern communists or Marxists would not survive one day under authoritarian communism or Marxism, they love commodities. Theoretically the government can be overthrown at any moment if the population decides that, but we are too comfortable to do shit. At this point an anti state and purely anarchist movement might be born from the right winger movement this is what I am sensing although classical right wingers are not about overthrowing the government but I have observed different archetypes of right wingers and younger more modern ones definitely have the feeling of anarchist revolutionaries which is ironic since they should promote capitalism.
>>1032329Well, it could happen and it did happen to a certain extent and there's no real or fake communism, there's just different dimensions to it and the authoritarian vs liberal spectrum plus theory and practice.
>>1032217Yes, you made an amazing point. Authoritarianism is inevitable. Even now in this supposedly free Western society authoritarianism is taking place through free market capitalism and those rich and their corporations are rulling the world not only ideologically but economically as well. The entire trans agenda is pushed by corporations that own the world like pharmaceutical corporations. I think a truly free society is impossible. We need a form of authoritarianism but to be fair both these options are failing. Free market capitalism will destroy the world very soon and communism was shit. So, yeah. Maybe if we didn't get brainwashed into thinking we only have 2 options
No. 1032386
>>1032356>being an unironical commieembarrassing
and cringe
No. 1032405
>>1032378>people would never do that I lived under a communist regime.
I don't care what you have to say after I read this.
No. 1032406
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Anyone espousing to believe in communism should be forced to work on a collective farm for a year. Stupid fucks.
No. 1032493
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>>1032418There's a world of difference between say, Stalin era USSR and Gorbachev era USSR. The last famine in the Soviet Union was from 1946-48, after that there was no more mass starvation and things were okayish. They were a comfortable middle income country by global standards, sort of like what Mexico and China are now, and after Malenkov was deposed things liberalized rapidly.
Brezhnev era Soviet Union was /comfy/, although it was very unsustainable and they effectively bankrupted themselves during that time, it was only the OPEC crisis with its oil shock that saved them.
No. 1032586
>>1032575>>1032581I agree with both of you, just can't help being
triggered by communism defenders online, sorry nonnas. Btw, risking sounding like a stupid but it's ok, is there any other country of the 1st world functioning in a different economic model than capitalism?
No. 1032696
>>1032681and open your eyes. What has this
freedom brought us? Absolutely nothing of value! Humans are made to be ruled and in democracy and free market capitalism the most narcissistic and money hungry take over the world and because their main focus is making money for their own pocket they don't care the world is collapsing. At least communist leaders did what they did in the detriment of the population and not to make themselves and their children rich. What has this freedom brought us but more unfreedom and abuse? People are addicted to porn and to useless services. Some intelligent people die of hunger and grifter narcissists with no value climb to the top and sincere people are worked to the bone. Is this really freedom and democracy??? When we are all addicted to porn, fast food, makeup and our ideas are imposed onto us by strategical marketing and by the mega corporations that rule the world and only care for their money? Is this dystopia happiness? We are gonna collapse socially very soon, you will see and I have to face 100 redditors telling me I am a
science denier and irrational when it is simply to be deducted from observable facts that we will fucking collapse in 100 years due to very rapid development and free market capitalism. Everyone will be braindead from unregulated internet consumption, addicted to porn and lost in the metaverse too desensitized to see the world collapsing around them. Then earth will succumb and the retarded and autistic children of Elon Musk and Grimes will be one of the only survivors because they will have enough capital to go to a different planet or make an artificial one. Wow capitalism definitely did not fail lmao.
>>1032690I am not American and I am not denying the atrocities of communism but what I said is a positive argument for communism and it happened. If you are so eager about talking about the atrocities of communism why aren't you so eager to talk about the atrocities of free market capitalism you stupid uncultured American swine. In your country millions are dying in poverty and hunger while you sit at your desk and praise capitalism because you lucked out. I'm fucking romanian you stupid cunt. I know how it went, yes it had downsides. You couldn't make art bla bla couldn't wear the clothes you liked and couldn't be rich but money in Romania became of no value because the government would deal with providing people with food and housing and you did not have imported items and everyone absolutely everyone had a job and they weren't at risk of getting fired due to capitalistic competition. You're so fucking dumb bitch and you will ignore all of my arguments to say something retarded. I am again not even denying the atrocities of communism but It is only fair to bring over the good things that it did because both sides have bad and good things. In Romania it oppressed individualists like artists because you were not allowed to make art and thrown in the gulag and it also put the rich elites in the gulag which I am happy for. Rich people deserve to be put in the gulag like Hasan Abi for example. Yet, it offered better living conditions for the average population.
Why can you defend capitalism and ignore all the arguments against it like people dying and why can I not state the good things that took place even in applied, authoritarian communism? Go and pick up your drug addicts off the street and listen to how the world cursed them in this competitive unfair hell you call free market capitalism
No. 1032699
>>1032696and look at the atrocities America is doing which has changed the sector of capitalism America created corporatism and being money hungry under the disguise of
freedom and they went over everyone and they are making war and killing millions of children in the middle east because they want to suck up petrol from there. I wonder how the world would have been if communism stayed up because this shit we live in is as depressing and anything. Our happiness is fake, it is literally a fake capitalistic product. Our brains are addicted to screens and dopamine we get from consooming. Porn, useless items, too much food but then in the same society millions commit suicide due to the lack of resources or meaning and having too many expectations placed on them. In capitalism you either learn how to grift and become a sly fox with skeletons in your closet or you face incredibly social pressures. When you argue pro capitalism and against communism then why are you not mentioning the horrible atrocities taking place in the world right now because of capitalism? Exploatation of child labour by huge corporations from 1st world countries and generally Exploatation of humans to create absolutely useless services. We are fucking slaves and if you wanna be free you must learn how to opress others
No. 1032732
>>1032706>a politisperging nazbol appearsI am surprised to see these people around this site lol
I mean, I don't disagree with many of your points but communism is still materialist like capitalism. It just becomes soulless bean counting and quota making with little culture. Take China. Yes it's conservative but lacking in creative spirit and it's undetermined how long it will take to revive that, if ever.
No. 1032771
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>>1032699>>1032696>>1032681Damn communism really rots people's brains
>>1032760And they prove it all the time
No. 1032772
>>1032771you literally sound like a retarded zoomer that cannot read and jumps to conclusions and accuses others of untrue things without understanding what they're actually presenting.
>>1032760go laugh at Shayna's vag
No. 1032793
>>1032781>>1032772I'm from a commie country, i ain't reading your bullcrap
>>1032783She wrote 4 fucking paragraphs about a failed political model that killed millions, c'mon
No. 1032799
>>1032783I dont even believe in communism and Im autistic so I'm coming up with my own political/economical doctrine, I am not a nazbol either as I've been accused, I do not believe in racism nor nationalism. I'm just angered at how people just throw around words hypocritically when there's so many things to see and understand to politics, I'm tired of political bias, I want people to see things for what they truly are. I can as easily argue against communism, I don't want actual communism nor Marxism but this free market capitalism shit ain't no good either.
>>1032793I am from a commie country too but I am trying to show everyone how hypocritical it is to argue from any position when reality is so complex with so many nuances. My mum literally commited suicide when I was 18 because of the trauma she has had under communism. She used to be a writer/artist and she was tortured by the special forces for offending the communist party, yet that does not keep me from being objective about things. Applied authoritarian communism had good sides and bad sides so does free market capitalism. Change an evil for another evil basically because we are too stuck up to see that we can create something entirely new, a new model that is ideal. We prefer to be stuck in this stupid dichotomy of left and right when what we truly need is something new.
No. 1032948
>>1032783dude… its all theory though. why should we talk so much about something when the communism people want is utopia level and its not possible/nor will it happen so theres no reason to sperg about it to the lengths that anon did kek
>>1032793exactly, thats the reality. i am not arguing for any economic model, but clearly capitalism has at least benefited people of all classes more (NOT EVERYONE AND IT CAN ALSO SCREW YOU) and i would rather this than go backwards to commie shit because twitards say its better
No. 1032967
nonny. i just think its stupid to talk about because who cares what its "meant to look like", we have seen it in action and it doesnt work clearly and you cant blame it on people ruining it or whatever because its a system which is destined to be ruined and screw everyone. not saying capitalism makes everyone a winner or that its perfect, but it is at least better in a way because theres more players. its what we have right now and its stupid to back and try shit that doesnt work no matter how many times people say "thats because they didnt do it teh right way!1!!1!!"
No. 1032980
>>1032948it is not about retards on Twitter, they don't want a better system, they just want to have 300 genders and buy shit for themselves. Yea, capitalism is fucking shit just as shit as communism. Why shouldn't we get involved in politics and try making the world better? Nobody will and our world will soon collapse quite literally. The world is a mess.
>>1032955the communism they are envisioning? Top kek Twitter and modern communists literally envision capitalism.
>>1032967It's not about
what is should have been like it is about understanding it and the differences and seeing how everyone is basically a hypocritical dipshit when it comes to politics. I made a couple of distinctions in my posts. I explained authoritarianism, liberalism and the entire discussion and my sperging started from criticizing libtards for being hypocritical so why would I want the
communism they envision. There are ways and there can be a perfect system but the perfect system is not communist nor capitalist, so how can you accuse me of being a communist when I think the perfect political system is neither of the already existing options. Anyway, in my political/economical system troons are outlawed maybe you will be interested. I outlaw transexuals!!!! How can a system be better?
No. 1033376
>>1032799I think you're getting at something most people are missing. What is needed in these kinds of discussions is nuance as you have said. We can talk about capitalism and it's negative effect on our lives without insisting we need a revolution or even defending the regimes that came about from past revolutions. I consider myself an anti-capitalist but I wouldn't advocate just tearing the whole thing down and letting people suffer while we figure something else out. Rather I think it's important for regular people to gain class consciousness. To understand your employer is not your friend. For you and your coworkers to be able to band together and demand better treatment and more benefits. Anybody that isn't rich and thinks capitalism is just lovely I think is pretty deluded. It's like they're in an
abusive relationship where they have little power to set boundaries but haven't even thought about it.
No. 1033744
>>1033724Please go on?
I've seen people like Berserk but I got annoyed at it because of all the rape, gay rape, and the fact the author was a bisexual lolicon/shotacon bothers me. I didn't feel comfortable judging it until I could give it a chance but since you're someone who's watched/read it and think it's overrated I'm curious to hear more of your opinions
No. 1033760
>>1033715I’m tired of arguing about fujos so I’ll just say Husbandofags are probably the most harmless
autists out there. Don’t know what makes either fit into the “femcel” label.
No. 1033765
>>1033760Both of those are copes for less conventionally attractive women who "can't" (using scare quotes because moids will fuck anything, femcels don't even try) find a real life man. We can all agree that waifufags and yurifags are pathetic losers, how are their female counterparts not?
>>1033747I do agree femcels are harmless, they're even more pathetic because like I said, they could easily find a man if they just tried, unlike incels.
No. 1033793
>>1033791Because all real life men are
abusive… grow up already.
No. 1033922
>>1032696I was not going to answer but if you're gonna shill out autoritharian dictatorships so badly get your facts straight, kiddo.
>At least communist leaders did what they did in the detriment of the population and not to make themselves and their children richThe only "commie" I can think of doing this was Pepe Mujica. He stayed a humble man but all the fucking others lived in luxury while the people starved.
I'm Romanian as well, born shortly after the revolution and lemme tell you about the goods of communism as taught by my farmer grandparents and parents:
>No owning land, you farmed the state's land and in exchange you got food. Enough to eat? Dunno, I'll let you judge if a 1L bottle of sunflower oil a month is enough for a family of 4.>Abortion was punished with death penalty for both the woman and the doctor/nurse helping her>Having at least 3 kids was mandatory for all women>AIDS was a "dirty westerner disease" so they didn't test blood resulting in thousands of transfusion infections>Speaking of Ceausescu as a human being and not a god could get you in jail, insulting him made you simply dissappear>Because of planned economy factories made products so outdated not even the most backwards countries bought them resulting in absolute bankruptcy>5 years in a waiting list to buy a car, almost no public transport>Free housing my ass, it was only for the state workers and they were usually cramped 300ft apartments with outdoors toilets for a whole family - unless you worked for the party, then you got the big nice houses. But nah, it was paradise on earth kek. Get your ass to work or invent a time machine and go back to those times and enjoy them and stop shilling misery.
No. 1033941
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>>1033934Hey now. NTA police. No need for name calling.
No. 1033951
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>>1033947What mod is gonna stop you from calling someone a dumb fuck? I just want civility, ma'am.
No. 1033958
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>>1033954This is belligerence, I'm sending in the dogs.
No. 1033967
>>1033964I have. He's a gay moid. They're all degenerate. Am I supposed to be especially outraged because he gained weight? I can find grosser fat gay man porn in .5 seconds.
Tell me what is so spectacular about Nick other than that he has been memed all over the internet.
No. 1033998
>>1033715literally every girl I know that reads BL is attractive and lesbian/bi. So? your point is moot stop comparing degenerate men to women! Even if both are degenerate the woman usually knows to keep it to herself and function as a human in society. Degenerate men are degenerates in every space they occupy.
>>1033728a male wrote this because he's butthurt that more and more women are turning to BL and their husbandos to cope with the reality that 3D men are in fact inferior and always will be to their 2D counterparts. The same can not be said for 2d women compared to 3D women. Otherwise men would leave us alone and stick to abusing their waifus in those weird interactive porn games. everything men say is a cope and projection LMAO.
No. 1034008
>>1033981come on anon… i get manhate to a point but
>>1033804 clearly crossed the line of retardation. not everybody has their radfem autism amped to the max
No. 1034025
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>>1033715>>1033728>smelly crusty vaginas>femcels are even more pathetic than incelsLol, go to /tttt/ and be with the other snot-shooters and mutilated, necrotic holes
The audacity of Y chromosomes
No. 1034035
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>>1034017it doesn't make sense to YOU. people (men AND WOMEN) have been getting off to drawings since humanity was created. sorry that upsets you. I hate when people who don't understand something immediately goes to "it doesn't make sense" What doesn't make sense about some women getting off to buff drawings of aesthetically pleasing men? don't worry i'll wait.
No. 1034052
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I hate autists. I wish you could legally euthanize your child when you discover he will be a screaming retard for all his life. No parent should comply into getting their soul sucked out of them by a human defect, if not outright killed.
No. 1034055
>>1034036Story wise? Agree 100 percent
Looks? Korean stuff always looks samey
No. 1034059
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>>1023487how can you dress up like a little girl
I don't know… Do you know a lot of kids that dress like this ? I personally never ever witnessed one.
No. 1034061
>>1034053You mean drama YouTubers?
Because pop-sci YouTubers are pretty cool and worth watching.
No. 1034106
>>1034099Nta, but posting that pic just makes you
more pathetic, not less
No. 1034109
>>1032696> You couldn't make art bla bla couldn't wear the clothes you liked and couldn't be rich but money in Romania became of no value because the government would deal with providing people with food and housing and you did not have imported items and everyone absolutely everyone had a job and they weren't at risk of getting fired due to capitalistic competition. That's interesting, I live in a post communist country with effectively full employment and even minimum wage workers live better than communist "middle class" with regards to food, housing, clothes, medical care, social security, etc, so the older people I talk to have a very different perspective on the "benefits" of the old system.
They talk about how people were more social, because you needed social networking to get things you can just buy in a store now, and they complain about ash falling from the sky and the air being hard to breathe in industrial centres, how inner cities were falling to ruins, how there was no safety regulations at work and
toxic waste was just dumped into rivers and lakes. The problem with building a house was not the money, but that you literally could not get concrete or bricks. How being a member of the political organisation was the most important thing if you wanted to have a career, merit was pretty much worthless. Many jobs were wastes of life time. Hire someone to make coffee twice a day, the rest of the day was spent getting drunk and sleeping, and stealing from the company. "It's property of the people, and we are the people, so it's not theft". Corruption, waste and incompetence was everywhere.
Everything people complain about in modern days was far far worse under Real Socialism.
The only exception is the increased exploration and consequent exploitation of human cognitive dysfunctions, but that's neither here nor there.
I hope Romania manages to join the Schengen Zone, Romania chan, so you too can enjoy the fruits of your labour.
No. 1034119
>>1034111Why are you even participating in the who is more pathetic marathon?
You won it, you left OP so so much behind in the dirt when you posted a kys cartoon
No. 1034141
>>1033765>Both of those are copes for less conventionally attractive women who "can't" (using scare quotes because moids will fuck anything, femcels don't even try) find a real life man.So I’m often around both these types and I will tell you right now, most fujos and husbandofags don’t really have trouble finding partners. I know plenty of husbando itabaggers and fujo artists IRL who are married or have significant others. And I know a lot who are simply not interested in a relationship, sexual or otherwise.
I don’t doubt there are women who for whatever reason “can’t find a man” but they are a very very small minority. I will say sometimes it can get pathetic but only if you’re pulling a Kelly Eden and trying to unironically fight someone over a character and taking it way too far.
No. 1034146
>>1034138Anyone has the
capacity to abuse anyone, also porn addiction is really not a thing, you sound like a christcuck.
>>1034131If that's the only type of men you can attract then that's on you. There are far more decent men in this world than radfems would like you to think.
No. 1034157
>>1034146>porn addiction is not realok xygger
>There are far more decent men in this worldand you'll never be one of them, seethe more about nobody wanting your decrepit ass into their lives
No. 1034169
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>>1034068You could say "I find those dresses super ugly", but instead, you took the scrotebrain route, and call these dresses "super ugly" as an objective truth, which makes you sound neurotic. Especially when you chosed some taobao frump to prove your point.
No. 1034170
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>>1034146>porn addiction isn't real and men's behavior are YOUR FAULT! Kek, I don't get fujos and drawingfags either but you are clearly a scrote off his deep end. If you were a valuable male with something to offer, women would pay attention to you instead of their drawings. Go coom.
No. 1034171
>>1034141>plenty of husbando itabaggers and fujo artists IRL who are married or have significant othersAnd they still cuck their partners with cartoons? If a male went off about his anime waifu while also married you would all put him on blast.
>And I know a lot who are simply not interested in a relationship, sexual or otherwise.Then why make up an entire relationship with a cartoon in your head?
>>1034150>>1034152That was not me, I would never stoop that low.
File: 1642695873679.png (387.71 KB, 620x366, The-7-Vintage-Style-Fashion-Bl…)

Vintage fashion looks awkward in modern times and just ages people by 10 years at least
No. 1034182
>>1034169no offense but she looks like an autistic american girl doll
>>1034175agreed and it looks even worse because the materials are different. none of the girls who dress in period clothes look better in it. it's pretty cringy tbh.
No. 1034189
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>>1034175It probably has to do with modern fashion being obsessed by adolescence. Women want to look like girls instead of women.
>>1034182Okay, I'll post even more lolita pics then.
No. 1034193
>>1034177He actually thinks he can neg women here into compliance with his little posts pictures of gore.
They never spam pics of men being decent to women, it's always violence and threatening posturing.
Do they think it scares anyone to their side of things? It's gotta be a retard behind the wheel.
No. 1034204
>>1034171>cucked by a cartoonKek cmon, most of them are very casual about their obsession and acknowledge that their husbando/OTPs are not real and it’s mostly all for fun. No one is going around pressuring their SOs into becoming literal anime characters. Waifufags can be chill too but can also be the most unhinged. Like males in general.
About the second thing, humans naturally crave contact and shit. But some people are simply not comfortable with actual physical contact and it can be for a number of reasons. Imagining themselves with a
fictional character allows them to explore their feelings without any of the pressure of an IRL relationship. People can absolutely like the idea of something, but not want to pursue it IRL.
No. 1034211
>>1034203Based post. There's a reason why single women are happier and live longer than married women while married men are happier and live longer than single men. Moids are good for nothing leeches and I don't know any pros to dating them besides having someone move a couch or something but I can hire a professional to do that.
>>1034204Waifufags are unhinged coom addicts and sharing multiple fandoms with them the differences between husbandofags and them is like night and day. Husbandofags can be spergy and autistic but their entitlement can never surpass waifufags who are so used to having the world on their palms and everything catered to them and them only.
No. 1034219
>>1034206True, it shouldn’t be a surprise that women in these spaces would rather have a 2D bf than an IRL bf because men I’m general can be awful, and the males in these nerd/weeb spaces can be especially awful.
>>1034211Also true
No. 1034322
>>1034319>calm downUh…I think you might be projecting, but alright, have a nice day
nonnie. Try not to sperg about cats again kek
No. 1034331
>>1034017It's a harmless thing when done by women that no one should make fun of, it's better than real person porn. Why do you care so much about what other women get off to?
Unless you're not actually another woman and are a scrote offended by the fact that a group of woman don't want you and would prefer attractive anime boys… hmmm..
No. 1034384
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>>1034344I also feel way more healthy being attracted to Napoleon Bonaparte instead of my cartoon exes.
No. 1034389
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>>1034344I thought mods banned you after that shitfest at /pt, you're embarrassing
No. 1034564
>>1034391This a vile american post
Reminds me of a chick I knew who preferred carpet instead of tiles in her bathroom because it hid the piss stains from her young son.
No. 1034577
>>1033922can't you understand I do not want communism???? I literally have said that 2999 times in my posts. Do you have reading comprehension?? Everything I am saying is that both political doctrines have imperfections and downsides. So, when you argue from one side you should be able to see the points of the others and how your stance could be easily refuted. If the world was 100% capitalistic it would be hell and we are heading towards that actually. Free health care, governmental aid, free schooling all comes from leftist school of thought. Simply, capitalism or too much capitalism is not good. I cannot say anything without people on here attacking me for something I don't believe in and accusing me of it.
You are also a liar or simply uneducated of communism in Romania because Ceausescu worked very hard to build public transport. He built the subway in Bucharest in literally 1 year. While under capitalism it took them 10 years to build one rail of subway in Bucharest. Ceausescu also covered the entire country in train rails. You're simply lying or are uneducated on the matter and are simply speaking from bias. He also built a lot of communist buildings to house people for free. Now most people give 60% of their wage on rent and it's very hard to keep down a job. In communism you are literally guaranteed a job and housing. Stop talking when you clearly do not know what you're talking about. All of these being said I still do not wish to live under communism
No. 1034605
Non-asian women look hideous wearing lolita fashion, especially white women. Asians can get away with this style because they have features that are associated with youthfulness and cuteness, and even the average uggos look weird in it
>>1034189. Now when some horse-faced, 1,75 bitch wears lolita fashion, it just looks retarded.
No. 1034755
>>1034146Lol male.
We know you're bothered less women are available but your dumbass y chromelet brain thinks you can make more holes open up if you act the way women already say they despise? XYs really have no sense of shame or the ability to self reflect. So many men need to be culled from the Earth's population.
No. 1034821
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>>1034778I was just looking up the names of pasta shapes cause I couldn't remember the name of certain ones I like(it's conchiglie). And now I find out there's a pasta shape named fagottini.
No. 1034834
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>>1034827Sorry, but this is hilarious. Angel hair is nowhere near the best, it's just anorexic spaghetti.
No. 1034960
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>>1034957Rainbow bowtie pasta, dyed with natural colors biiiiiiitch
No. 1034996
quasimodo is the hunchback of notre dame
No. 1035005
>>1035000Obviously, I know. I'm just saying it's interesting, the coincidence. What, you're gonna tell me you
never pondered that? The back thing with Notre Dame?
No. 1035301
>>1035299I honestly don't know why, but unpopular opinions concerning food are the only ones that
trigger me.
I just can't help myself and must respond.
No. 1035421
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>>1034110>not even their own scrotes want themwho tf in their right mind even wants black men lmao
>>1034605just say you think your only redeeming feature is looking like a child to redpill obsessed white men and be done with yourself
(racebait) No. 1035429
>>1034577>he built the subway in Bucharest>Implying Romania is only BucharestPeople who live in capital cities are the same everywhere huh, if they have it good then everyone has it good. Where I was born there was a railroad about 10 miles away which then took 3 hours to travel 30 miles to the nearest city. Great public transportation kek.
There were jobs for everyone, sure. But what good does it make employing hundreds of people in a factory that produces trash? Romanian goods were so unusable no one needed or used them. Idk about you but I don't enjoy working my ass off to see the fruit of my labour ending up in the trashcan even if I get paid for it.
Look, I hate capitalism too but shilling authoritarian hellholes gets on my nerves too much. Buy yourself a pair of nice boots instead of licking someone else's.
No. 1035621
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>>1034763>lolita is a style for asiansHoly. Fucking. Shit.
Where do you think Japanese girls got bonnets, petticoats, and dresses from? They didn't make this shit up based on their bodies, they modernized a pre-existing fashion idea made in the West LOL.
Why do weebs say such embarassing shit??????
No. 1035642
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>>1035638Mainstream men's fashion in particular haven't been nice in a long long time. I wish early 1800s would come back for them, in fact Yohji Yamamoto's new collection lean 1800s but lack the tight breeches. Sadly.
>>1035637I agree. It feels exciting to shop in real stores after mostly avoiding them the last years. I hatehaving to return things because the description wasn't good enough or a piece of clothing didn't fit.
No. 1035649
>>1035318Not part of the argument, but I think it's weird to care about these things, but then start racebaiting about Japanese women being stumpy and short or whatever. Like, why do you care so much about whether or not you look good in stumpy, short women's clothes then lol? Imagine being a weeb with a superiority complex. Make your own anime and unique twists on old European fashion in the west, then (Why haven't you managed to do so?). Or, you know, just buy period dresses if it's all the same. Those will probably suit you better, even
Lolita is based on Victorian European fashion, but it's clearly cut to suit Asian women's frames/bodies. I don't think that means non-Asian women can't look good in it(many do IMO), but the fact that when this bait gets taken, it always becomes racebait is hypocritical and kind of funny. Insecurity leaking out
No. 1035802
>>1035694>i am not talking about fatness>proceeds talking about specifically fatness issues like obesity and skinny-nessSince when McDonald's addiction became a natural proneness to having a larger build? Hedonistic caucasians have a different lifestyle than poor as dirt latinas and organized as fuck asians have, it's pretty obvious that all the constitutional differences you are referring to are caused by cultural differences and not the natural ones.
>you cannot convince me otherwise!!! Mah rationality. Fucking kekule. You genuinely sound retarded and delusional. Go scroll taobao or something to relax lol.
No. 1035903
>>1035802>proceeds talking about specifically fatness issues like obesity and skinny-ness"Slim" is not the same as skinny, skinny and fat are weight related terms, slim and broad are anatomical terms, races have anatomical differences
>Since when McDonald's addiction became a natural proneness to having a larger build? it's pretty obvious that all the constitutional differences you are referring to are caused by cultural differences and not the natural onesAnon what are you talking about? Caucasians are literally the tallest/broadest race worldview that's just a fact, they're not genetically fat per se just
broad they're literally proportionally bigger than most asians/ races
Also i'm mentioning obesity cause i don't understand why Americans specifically are so obsessed with clothes they cannot even fit not only because they're naturally bigger for their race but also mostly obese
No. 1036012
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>>1035616I agree. Give Miku her volume back 2022.
They have skinned my girl.
No. 1036059
>>1035616Based opinion and proven true by
>>1036012 . Skinny, flat hair just looks like crap on anime characters.
No. 1036116
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Can we fucking stop pretending men look good dressed as tranny hookers
No. 1036268
>>1034967Potheads are hippies, hippies are usually anti government.
The most surprising hippie I’ve ever met was one who was pro trump and a devout Christian.
also anti vaxx She did not
smell or look how her Facebook posts were, she smelt like patchouli and dirt but freaked out once over a lesbian couple in an ad, I always thought hippies were about free love. Those People are weird.
No. 1036326
>>1036256*and the retarded hornyposting thread in /g/
You forgot that one as well anon
No. 1036347
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>>1036012I like the NT Miku, her hair loss has been reversed.
No. 1036375
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>>1036347I love miku with big hair
No. 1036382
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>>1035129>>1035297>>1034827all your pasta takes are shit. I'm italian and honestly the kind of pasta shape being top tier largely depends on the kind of sauce it goes with. Fusillini is the way to go with most sauces as it has all the grooves to catch the best bits, great for pesto, has the most range. Smaller shapes like stelline work for soup, and ravioli is more about the pasta itself than the sauce so you'd want something on the simpler side.
Potato gnocchi is so often shit, even my own nonna makes her gnocchi way too chewy. The key to good pillowy gnocchi is to knead it for as little as possible, just enough for the dough to come together before cutting it up and cooking it. I make it at home often and it turns out way better than what you get from the store.
No. 1036388
>>1036116Lol I saw that on instagram and thought he looked super hot. He's still quite masculine here, the top has a similar shape to men's vests? I think you're reaching
No. 1036458
>>1034788Ew you would rather eat elbow macaroni over spaghetti?
>>1036382Gnocchi always looks so much better than it actually tastes. I got some at the store once and I threw it out after a few bites.
Rigatoni and rotini are superior. I love pasta with a little bite.
No. 1036668
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>>1036491Retard fried rice
No. 1036966
>>1036841>>1036834There are a lot of men but it's very easy to tell them apart. They usually stir up shit and have ragefits before they admit they're scrotes and get banned. Some specific things especially attract them such as age gap relationships, men paying for stuff, women not marrying or marrying at older ages, trannies, etc.
I think the men that come here usually come to see "hot stuff about wimmins lives/sexual fantasies" or mock female cows and trash their looks freely.
No. 1037422
>>1037409Nta but i
was put off by them when i was younger until i talked to an older radfem irl that explained shit to me very rationally,
>>1037415 this
No. 1037511
>>1037446I'm not super familiar with them but based on what I've heard, I agree. People's main issue with them seems to be that they treat autism as a disability, and believe in looking for a cure for it, which is not wrong when it comes to low functioning autism. I always see aspies and high functioning autists taking great offense to this because they feel like they don't need to be cured, when it was literally never about them in the first place.
There's a video on yt by autism speaks showing parents with low functioning autistic children that's flooded with comments about how horrifically
abusive the parents are for trying to wrangle their kids into eating proper food or washing their hair
No. 1037651
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Millennials and Gen Z who made fun of people for not moving out of their hometown are now crying because everyone is moving out of their hometown and going to their city lmao
In all seriousness though, unless your hometown has serious problems there's nothing wrong with staying in the area you were raised in. I moved out of my hometown due to high crime, low wages and high rent and homesickness is no joke along with having no support system or friends. Stay in your hometown unless you absolutely have to leave
No. 1037732
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Soccer moms have been vindicated by history. Their conclusions were a bit off the mark, but they were right in intuitively knowing that mass media was degenerate and would fuck up their children. Just look at how Millenials can't grow up and how Gen Z has had their brains fried on Tiktok, are confused about their gender and are increasingly victims of online grooming.
We need Soccer moms more than ever.
And besides, soccer moms were always nice, why do they get so much hate?
No. 1037762
Sakura was a genuinely good character that had potential. I think people can agree to that now, but I remember she was hated by a lot of fans when Naruto first came out. Same with Misamisa. It’s too bad their scrote creators don’t know how to write for shit.
>>1037732Man, the soccer moms are the ones out here calling fuckers out on their shit. I saw a video of a soccer mom talking about how she got called a Karen for wanting her kid’s school to do something about the boys sexually harassing the girls in class. It made the girls so uncomfortable their parents literally had to pull them out until they did something.
I’m thankful they aren’t quiet and are out there speaking up.
No. 1038119
>>1038109I thought the same until I saw this (I was trying to find the video but it was taken down, sorry for LSA link but it has a tl;dw and explains what happens), Laverne Cox blaming black women for black men not wanting to have sex with trans women, and that black tranny on Twitter who made a massive thread claiming black women "also face transphobia" and that most black female celebrities, including Ciara "look like men" changed my mind
non-white men are also naturally entitled, they're just less successful lol. At this point, maybe only Asian trans people are normal, but I haven't heard what Asian radfems have to say on the topic
No. 1038120
>>1038116How to you even compare pedophilla to horror movies? Tf
nonny, your statement makes no sense.
No. 1038127
>>1038116The idea behind horror movies is that it's scary and a thrill, once the movie is over it gives people relief this isn't happening in real life, it's scary because people know it's wrong and not something that should ever be done
Loli and shota encourages the idea that children, whether real or not, are sexy and it's fun to fantasize about raping them, porn sickness becomes a whole different thing than just liking to watch violence but the issue is that it's almost never recognized that it's wrong, and a lot of these people actively try to translate their fetishes in real life by getting with minors
No. 1038154
>>1038116At least in horror movies, the people getting chased around, tortured and murdered aren’t into it.
The issue is that in Japanese cartoon porn, the little kids act like they can consent and like they like what’s going on, unless it’s a rape story of course.
So the thing is that while someone can feel like wanting to kill a person after watching an horror movie, that idiot who tries to murder and torture people knows that nobody will be into it, and that his/her ass will go to jail.
Meanwhile, you have anime and manga about little girls marrying their teacher/brother/uncle/father/cousin/dirty old bastard who raped them, and being accepted by society (trademark) or little boys living with their auntie who totally loves them, and it ends with a positive note, no grief from the negligent parents/family, everything goes back to normal and life goes on.
And if you told me that
>W-well, it’s for adults!Yes it is, but there’s lots of mentally underdeveloped adults out there like Chris Chan or The fat tranny strawberrymilk, who given the opportunity, will do whatever they want and they think that there shouldn’t be any repercussions because some fictional Japanese Tokyo told them that nothing would happen if they groom a child.
No. 1038158
>>1038149why are you so defensive?
you compared horror films to drawn lolis.
You do realize that alot of men who watch that are also into the real thing too, if your going to defend them like that then go into their spaces and see what kind of stuff they say, alot of them are self-admitted ped0s, but yes this is totally comparable to horror films lmao.
>>1038152when horror films start affecting people as much as lolicon, then we will have this discussion. The news of men getting affected by porn and then hurting the people around them OUTWEIGHS the effects of horror you idiot.
No. 1038170
>>1038142I always put it this way
The appeal of video games are "the adrenaline, interesting story line, and thrill is fun", and it's a lot of fantasy such as vampires and demons, a lot of these video games are so outreached that it would be insane to think it translate to real life, no one's going to dress up like yetis and orcs and fight to the death kek. Even with streetfighter is was seen as an intense challenge among friends instead of "let's just watch violence for fun" There's nothing wrong with having an interest in military, mafia, gangs, history, war, etc especially since obviously the lanky 13 yr old playing GTA isn't going to join the Russian mob anytime soon. The creepy old man who likes loli and can easily access and talk to 18 and under girls on the internet on the other hand? Yeah
With Loli it's "the idea of raping a child is fun but I totally wouldn't do it irl", their entire idea is that raping kids is fun, where as violent video games see the appeal in battle and storylines, instead of just focusing solely on violence, the actual equivalent would be people who look at gore since the main purpose is to have a thrill off of violence and death
No. 1038260
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>>1038223Lana hates furries.
No. 1038282
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>>1038279I watched this shit with my mom one time on lifetime and when I heard it was based on a true story I'm like yeah no fucking thanks
No. 1038289
>>1038285Why not date an Italian, Slavic or Greek guy then ? hell you'd have objectively a better time with even an Indian guy then any Muslim man
Muslim men literally consider it form a Holy war to fuck "kafir" women, its considered a for of righteous holy war for them, they don't just pull this shit with white girls, but with Nigerians, Hindus and Sikhs as well, basically all non-Muslim women are fair game for them
No. 1038300
>>1038287yeah that's the thing I get physical attraction to MENA men, but why would Islam itself be a turn on is beyond me
>Christian men often are not as serious about their faith as muslim menThat's actually a good thing.
>>1038289Pretty much.
No. 1038320
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>>1038295>>1038285to an extent the latter part is somewhat true, for non-white men a white woman is the ultimate status symbol, they lust after them and in their politics getting with one is somehow a revenge against the "white man" for centuries of colonialism
picrel is a from quote Eldridge Cleaver a black panther party leader
Muslim men have the same frustrations but with an added religious layer, they were promised in their religion to be the conquerors of the Earth, getting colonized for them means that either their God is make up or that they weren't religious enough and needed to be even more devout (which is what they choose to believe these days) but their still angry that Kafirs beat them and not only that, but the fact that they got Independence mostly through diplomatic decolonization and no great Holy war or battle
They know if they were the one's who had colonized the world they'd force everyone under their thumb to this day
No. 1038357
>>1038327>>1038320all MOC have the same goal "getting a white woman" but they have different motivations and methodology I explained the issue with Muslim men, black men are a bit more complicated
Its more about Envy and dissatisfaction, there were no actual relevant Sub-Saharan African Empires other then Mali and the black man was enslaved in America for over 400 years, all they have really is a sexaulized stereotype to lean on with regards to getting white women
No. 1038405
>>1038373>You just want to live in a bubble where the only attention you receive is positive and controlled.She's not wrong in that most people don't want negative attention, yes.
Imagine thinking you've said something here..
No. 1038451
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>>1038445Is this going to be a regular thing with you, anon? Fighting in the celebricow thread and then going to every other thread to try and get your wounds and pussy licked?
No. 1038579
>>1038562Based. Especially people who got stupid niche majors like Medieval Studies who are surprised they can't get a job.
You saw the tuition amount so you knew what you were getting into with that. Interest on student loans is ridiculous though. Interest should be cancelled but everyone should be held responsible for paying the full tuition.
No. 1038598
>>1038579That's why I dropped out of my first degree. I had no clue wtf to do with and went into an office job to recoup and half the place was filled with people that finished my degree on the same wage as me but I had a very small debt to pay back for one semester.
I ended up going back to uni at 25 and got a degree and masters. Now I'm working in a field related to my degree and actually have clear cut goals based on what I can do with it and the experience. Uni is a great option if you know what you want and are focused. Otherwise it can be a very costly time waste
No. 1038632
>>1038116This reminded me:
I think gore videos should be straight up banned on the internet like CP. Mostly the murder ones because it benefits no one, and is disrespectful to the
victims and their families.
>inb4 edgelord repliesI simply have empathy and if I were to die in a graphic way I wouldn’t want it to be posted where everyone can see it and save it, use it to troll, sent it to my family, jerk off to it etc you know the deal.
No. 1038652
>>1038263I'm straight and could you explain why? Straight men are just as degenerate as gay men. It's a MAN problem, it doesn't matter if they're gay or straight because the problem is being a male.
Straight men just don't show it as much, not before they baby trap you or some shit.
No. 1038671
>>1038632I agree as someone who use to look at gore because I wanted to desensitize myself for my field (medic). I remember bestgore had this bizarre community around people who made their personalities revolve around gore, had gore blogs, one girl even got a scarification of the site on her. It was filled with NLOGs who had to always make it known how much they loved gore. And that's it. It wasn't even writing horror movies, researching, etc, it was "I look at pictures of Gore on the internet and that's my personality".
I imagine people who enjoy looking at gore are more prone to recreate it irl, which explains the amount of 4chan murder posts with Gore threads and all or the bianca incident along with other murders made by /b/tards. I also blame the romanticizing of murders for this
No. 1038749
>>1038745Don’t make fallacies, we can say that in third world countries the mom forces the son to sell drugs.
Pitying whores has been a thing done since the beginning and it’s always done by naive young women.
Stop pitying whores, no buts or ifs. Don’t support their regret books where they blame everyone but themselves.
No. 1038759
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>>1038740I will pity the whore whether or not she was forced physically, economically or just because of bad personal life choices.
No. 1038760
>>1038754Retard, I kept telling you to not make fallacies yet you still bring up retarded scenarios from retarded worlds.
This is an English image board, most people here are either Amerifat or European. I don’t want to pity escorts that are from America or Europe, deal bitch.
No. 1038766
>>1038760You compared girls getting forced into selling their bodies to people having to sell drugs. You also compared women who have to do sexwork to alcoholic men. Those are the actual fallacies in our argument. You should go back to where you came from because a female-oriented website isn't going to applaud you for calling trafficking
victims or exploited underage girls whores and saying they don't deserve any sympathy.
Also not everyone here is well off and white. Women or girls who are in bad financial situations may be forced to sell their bodies and its not as uncommon as you'd think.
If you said only the women who did it on their will deserve to be shamed I'd think you were some pickme but literally saying trafficking
victims and underage girls deserve the rape they receive… You can't be serious.
No. 1038777
>>1038772You're right nona. I was acting retarded. He'll go away if we ignore him.
>>1038768Based as fuck. Most men who buy sex actually know deep down those women are being exploited and hate even having to touch those men, it gets them off even more.
No. 1038778
>>1038766>You compared girls getting forced into selling their bodies to people having to sell drugs. To little boys* with the risk of them getting murdered and raped. Interesting. When I wouldn’t even be heartless enough to mean girls that come from worlds like that.
>You also compared women who have to do sexwork to alcoholic men. Who like to do sexwork to alcoholic men*
>Those are the actual fallacies in our argument. You should go back to where you came from because a female-oriented website isn't going to applaud you for calling trafficking victims or exploited underage girls whores and saying they don't deserve any sympathy.Ok
>Also not everyone here is well off and white. I’m not well off and not white but I sure don’t give a shit about countries outside europe and/or the usa lmfao. Just deal!
>If you said only the women who did it on their will deserve to be shamed I'd think you were some pickme but literally saying trafficking victims and underage girls deserve the rape they receive… You can't be serious.I was considered a misogynist for being anti sex work, a xenophobe for being anti trans you can’t ever win when you’re ahead of the times. Kek.
I still stand by what I said, and I’ll clarify myself more, if you’re not forced to enter sex work, you won’t get a single ounce of pity from me anymore. Because pitying people who are in the sex work industry willingly will just end up in nonsense arguments like I have with you. Bye bye
No. 1038795
>>1038789I am a high empath type actually. But do you mean that I have a lack of empathy for a group of proud sexworkers who really don’t want it? And in fact get angry if you’d give it to them? And that’s the least worrying scenario.
I’d say I’m indeed neither, I’m just a woman who won’t give pity to those who didn’t ask for it. But good job, you will get the applause from your fellow naive ladies. Doesn’t mean I have to “go back”, it means lolcow is not your personal echo chamber and that if opinions offend you here, maybe you should go to a popular opinions thread.
No. 1038802
>>1038795I'm the one who told you you wouldn't get applauded for dunking on women, thats a different anon you're replying to. I won't be replying anymore as it's clear that you're trying your best to derail and infight. Hope you find peace in yourself and stop seething in rage towards underage girls and trafficking
No. 1038804
>>1038743This, this and this. I always get scared I'll be called an edgelord if I say this, but once you're used to gore, it has no real effect
To feel anything, I have to remember the kind of person who would even spam that kind of content (seething incel, tryhard child, pick-me/NLOG, all trying to get attention) and then it's almost funny how pathetic it all is
No. 1038807
>>1038803So where did you get your psychology degree?
>>1038802Hope you get reading comprehension dear.
Well off to a new fresh start in the new thread insert smiley
(infighting) No. 1038814
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I hate it when anons respond to obvious bait, even when it’s already been stated that there’s a 99% chance that it’s an attention-seeking moid. The ‘I don’t pity whores’ scrote is probably the same ‘lolicon is okay’ scrote. Mods need to be more strict about anons responding to bait
No. 1038824
>>1038819so, are you talking
specifically about white, rich, privileged first worlders or do you hate poor girls too?
No. 1038838
>>1038740I agree and will go even further. Stop pitying women who suffer from their own shitty choices in general. I'm tired of feminists white knighting for women who ignore their warnings and mock radfems as jealous prudish losers. They hate you and when they face the consequences of their actions they turn around and expect pity and support from you.
Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I have some common cause with some moron who degrades herself on OF because normal jobs are too haaaard and don't pay enough.
No. 1038850
>>1038838honestly this x1000, its so pathetic, they be defending women who could care
less about the others and then go and get pissed at random women for stupid shit like wearing makeup, it makes no sense
No. 1038864
>>1038834Oh I should explain, I'm not a burger and apparently it's allowed in America. It was in social studies and he was asking if it we thought should be allowed in crime investigations even though it's immoral
some girl said she thought it was fine 'cause it gets the truth out faster', surprised me most Sage 4 blog
No. 1038869
>>1038850No one is getting mad at women for wearing makeup lmao it’s more so about how it can affect women and how shit the industry is.
I don’t know if there’s this mass trolling going on or anons are completely brain dead.
No. 1038876
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Baking soda actually tastes good, but only in small amounts. Sprinkle some in your mouth and you'll see what I mean.
No. 1038879
>>1038850I used to be a white knight feminist as well and I know where it comes from. It's easy and comforting to convince yourself that every woman who caters to misogynist moids is just forced to do it and a poor
victim in need of saving. But it's delusional. Most of these women laugh and spit at their "saviors", it's always been like that. Goes for sex workers, pickmes, conservative women, celebs etc. They are adults and not stupid children, honestly a lot of feminists treat women like old school sexists who think women are psychologically children.
Thots are free to go work in minimum wage job as cleaning lady or waitress and live the hard life like millions of us do every day, instead they choose to sell their body because it's easy. Why should we spent all our energy and time on this relatively small number of women who cater to moids in everything they do instead of the other 90% of female sex? The obsession is so fucking weird.
>>1038866>>1038869If every single dumb thing women do is due to "brainwashing" and women have zero agency or responsibility for anything, how come not every woman is a sex worker or walking outside with instagram contouring on their face? I'm a woman too and I've lived in this same patriarchal society and yet I don't do these things, so why should I make excuses to women who do? Why should I care about them at all?
No. 1038889
>>1038869>No one is getting mad at women for wearing makeupI've seen enough infighting, that's not true
>>1038879This, "brainwashing" my ass, some of them benefit from this and even other women suffering
No. 1038896
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>>1038876Samefag, but add soap to this too. I recently started licking soap again
It gets kind of spicy in the back of my throat though. Dish soap is nasty, but bar soap isn't bad. Yes I'm being serious.
No. 1039334
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About Catherine and Catherine Fullbody: I will never understand any of the people saying Katherine was a bad choice for Vincent just because she wants to get married soon and she lets him know explicetily. She's actually too good for him. She likes him and sees that he's irresponsible so she tries to help him instead of dumping him even though he's indecisive, is always late at his job, spends most of his money and free time on alcohol, etc. And they've been dating for a long time, it's not like she's some random woman he dated for a few months. She didn't even fake her pregnancy, she probably had her period late and had a fake positive result because of stress or hormones and she only noticed later that she wasn't actually pregnant. Anyway, Katherine>Rin>>>>dogshit>>>>>>>>>>Catherine
No. 1039517
>>1038966For real, normies were hyping that shit all the time and when i finally watched it i was massively disappointed: literally 15 minutes of dialogue/instructions? and then just a
glimpse of a monument doing something ~weird~ pfffft
No. 1041385
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Where is the anon who denied the legitimacy of the dancing plague so that I can inform her that it might be possible that the peasants suffered from mass-hallucinations caused by St Anthony’s fire. Since local villages at the time would probably use the same crops to make bread, it’s possible that the local harvesters didn’t realise that they included ergots to the bread and other grain products, resulting in lots of local people catching St Anthony’s fire simultaneously
No. 1041391
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I think the current dating pool is incredibly fucked and it's due to both men and women not playing their own part(as well as porn and dating apps)
both the sexes are at a bad state and need to work on self improvement and betterment
No. 1041395
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encouraging women to indulge in juvenile behaviors is a ploy to reinforce the idea that women are inherently juvenile.
No. 1041415
>>1041409again I feel like both men and women these days are just kinda sad, addicted to online world, materialism or worshipping pop-Idols
No one cares about their communities or even what they think is the greater good outside the Internet
No. 1041570
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kinda wish all the music festivals would get cancelled so we don't have to go into lockdown mode again. I'm tired of seeing more people at businesses and events in general when we're in the middle of a covid outbreak.
and secondarily because I'm jealous of rich bitches who can afford the ridiculous ticket prices
No. 1041575
>>1041571No I just want this disease to go away faster and massive crowd events including one that ended in a crowd crush don't sound promising
also for when we were young how the fuck are they going to fit all those bands on only 3 stages? it sounds scammy
No. 1041585
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>>1041575>also for when we were young how the fuck are they going to fit all those bands on only 3 stages? it sounds scammyHave you guys ever been to a music festival before? They operate in the same way, bands are playing back to back on each stage with overlap sometimes from the other stage. It sucks when the lineup has favorite bands all playing in the same or similar schedule because then you gotta pick and choose. Staying with the band the entire time while missing or cutting into time with the other band, or leaving early from your current band to beat the stage rush to get good view dibs for the other band playing. I'd say this only happens for music freaks who wish they could see everything though, I've only had this happen once or twice.
They're not playing a full concert for each band guys, that's the point. They play a few songs that the people really wanna hear or are popular or whatever is latest and then they're done. I'm not sure wherein the "scam" lies, don't people know what they're paying for? If they wanted a chance to see these bands perform separately then that would probably cost way more money and time if they would ever tour at all.
No. 1041732
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seatbelt belts are cool
No. 1041761
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>>1041732>Emily the StrangeNow that shit was fucking cool when I was a teenager, not that I could afford it or pull any of it off
No. 1041782
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>>1041761We have to keep Emily on the down low before troons and zooms appropriate her
No. 1041974
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>>1041782Pic was from the Dollskill x Emily collab so I'd say it's already too late
No. 1041978
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Nearly all of society's problems could be solved by implementing a meritocratic matriarchy & eliminating 50-75% of the male population through eugenics.
The remaining males would be only the top end of the bimodal distribution of male proficiency. And only the Nigels. They will be selected both based on genetic quality & docility. Their place in society would be as manual labourers and sperm cows. All cerebral jobs & scientific research would be conducted by women. There would be no war, obviously. Violence & crime would become a rarity. Human rights abuses would plummet. We would all dance in a circle wearing flower crowns and singing kumbayah, join me sisters
No. 1042003
>>1041978based, most fictional matriarchal societies are always implausible and make no sense esplicalyl one's which are current gender dynamics but reversed but men are still visibly bigger and stronger then women and I'm like how would that even work
males being the worker/warrior class makes fan more sense from a building perspective
No. 1042186
>>1042026>>1042176Obviously people will talk about what affects them, rather than what affects people that are far away. I understand being upset when someone actively minimizes third world issues, but simply never talking about them is perfectly legitimate.
There's absolutely nothing a woman in the west can do about what men in Afghanistan do to women anyway.
A lot of this griping seems so petty and aimless to me.
No. 1042243
>>1042186no one has ever said that women in the west suffer under patriarchy, they do but what people have an issue is shit liking comparing a ban on abortion in Texas to the Taliban taking over Afghanistan
(it is not on the same level) same with western women(black and white) talking about "western patriarchy"
No. 1042246
>>1042224I think many can agree with that.
>>1041978Based Xena fan.
No. 1042297
>>1042264I've literally seen tweets comparing the two events, basically the message was "this(An Afghanistan like event) could happen to us" and my reaction is just always anger, cause they don't even understand it
even the most conservative and reactionary government in a western nation doesn't compare to most Islamist shitholes, its why I dislike the Handmaiden's tale overall
the book was based on the Islamic revolution in Iran, the author and many western libfems seem to have this delusional that Iran was a progressive liberal country before reactionary religious figures took it over and the same thing will happen to the west if their not careful, If those Idiots did any research they'd realize this western lifestyle was only enjoyed by a small elite of the country, the vast majority of Iranians were poor illiterate farmers that rallied to a religious figure to free them from the oppressive Shah(not defending the Islamic revolution but its causes were way more complicated then religious people being mad or something)
No. 1042307
>>1042273i literally never saw wokies say that.
>>1042186Your right ''radfems'' dont care about women in their own country so why would they care abput far away countries, my mistake.
No. 1042407
>>1042397I'm neither the op or ayrt but it's pretty obvious to most people who haven't drank the koolaid that radfems are, like most people, using an ideology to promote their own personal desires without concern for the group/class they pretend to be acting in the best interests of.
>obsessed>seetheSounds like cope from someone who really, really needs the hivemind to be with them on this one
No. 1042453
>>1042412>Personally haven't seen them not giving a fuck about women in their country or outside itYou're in for a rude awakening
No. 1043296
>>1042358Kek, right?
Paki anon always seethes that radfems only give a shit about western womens oppression, but now radfems only give a shit about non-western womens shit moids? Tinfoil it's a male trying to be like "Don't be a feminazi, or be the kind that still panders to men (troons)."
Never seen radfems ignore or deny white moids traffic, even radfem anons in the MTF thread got seethed at by an anon when they pointed out white moids are a problem (elites, sex traffiking, put in troon laws, etc). Me thinks they're not radfems and just twitter tradfags who only hate troons and brown moids only.