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No. 1107217
File: 1647981994256.png (935.93 KB, 1260x838, file.png)

>muslim mtf tranny
There's a lot to digest here
No. 1107235
>>1107233 if you only take quran into account, it's haram.
No. 1110369
File: 1648201213261.jpeg (274.39 KB, 1169x888, 54896123-9990-4AE4-A1CB-EF2370…)

I hate how they can’t criticize women as just normal adult people now. They always have to bring up this girlboss thing when nobody even said anything about that.
No. 1110833
File: 1648237304196.png (11.52 KB, 339x143, twitterfuckery.png)

Twitter troons/moids being biased against JKR yet AGAIN.
I see people saying Putin is her ally while her charity is helping kids in Ukraine: No. 1110835
File: 1648237558034.jpeg (396.53 KB, 1620x1645, 04D4832B-0498-43EF-AB72-2F02B5…)

>>1110833Weird how I don’t see any of them speaking about this though
No. 1114722
File: 1648483238043.jpg (902.16 KB, 1152x915, pickme.jpg)

Read these tweets and guess what she looks like
No. 1114975
File: 1648498440180.gif (2.65 MB, 320x240, 1644435606815.gif)

>>1114724No wonder she thinks catcalling isn't that bad, it must be the only times she receives "compliments" given how she looks.
>>1114722holy shit the ratio on that second tweet.
No. 1115047
>>1114722I wish she could see how many people itt are calling her white because I just know she'd have a fucking meltdown about it kek
but I won't cowtip I promise.
No. 1115075
>>1115062To be honest she looks like one of those stereotypical spends way too much time on twitter white latinas (the ones that brag about being
poc every second) so that's what I based my post off of. Her twitter doesn't have her race in her bio which is kind of weird for those sjw twitter users but the way she phrased "white women" in the tweets here
>>1114722 make me think that she doesn't think of herself as white.
No. 1115095
File: 1648504351034.png (Spoiler Image,913.94 KB, 963x852, yikes.png)

>>1115029>>1115047>>1115062>>1115075>occupied potawtoni landProbably would claim native, and note she's 29 years old so she should have aged out of the sjw shit a decade ago. Also if I had to see her spotty unwashed ass, so do see her spotty unwashed ass, so do you.
No. 1118475
>>1107233I’ve seen Muslim women (women with hijabs) wear makeup. Never to the excess that he’s wearing it though.
>>1114722Kek @ her replies. Black women are having none of her shit.
No. 1118621
>>1118557>>1118569What's wrong with you two? Especially the one making fun of women who get beaten, wtf?
>>1118475Hijabis can wear makeup, it's not forbidden but you have to wash up before praying and you need to take the makeup off for that which is usually why they dont wear it. Though most hijabis I know do wear makeup.
No. 1118647
>>1114722I hope she dies idc if this is nlogging this shit makes me furious. I fucking hate when women dismiss misogyny because “MUH MEN OF COLOR” Ignoring the fact that men of color arent poor little
victims theyre still MEN who rape women of all race. Male privilege doesnt go away because one isnt white
No. 1118654
File: 1648750509952.jpeg (172.94 KB, 750x1030, D965C3FB-4D42-4B17-9DC2-150759…)

>Jap tweets about how Will Smith shouldn’t hit people
>Retards equate a video game to real life
This is what happens when you can no longer tell the difference between fiction and reality, pathetic.
No. 1118843
>>1118792I'm not muslim but I'm from the same ethnicity as the girls I'm talking about and secretly an ex-muslim so I'm also gonna talk about personal experience on top of my own observation but basically, because of our skin colors, we would ALWAYS be recommended the wrong foundation shades and the vast majority of girls I'm talking about still use the wrong shades to this day and look orange and cakey just to hide their pores or blackheads. And then there's the fact that most of us tan very fast without trying to even when we find our shades they don't match our skin tones for very long. They also fall for trends they don't even need to follow, like overdrawing their lips despite already having full lips, or overfilling their already naturally thick and perfectly waxed eyebrows.
>>1118775If my post seems "lowkey kind of nlog" to her and to you I think you're the ones who are putting words in my mouth.
No. 1119409
File: 1648811676571.jpeg (435.55 KB, 2048x1720, 0E9D3B06-747C-4D54-860E-9D565C…)

I like how whoever made this tried to use this as proof that Anna is a terrible person, lol.
No. 1120092
File: 1648853252589.png (35.88 KB, 573x367, troon.PNG)

Never satisfied kek
No. 1120094
File: 1648853372297.png (54.3 KB, 581x475, bitch what.PNG)

>>1120092This literally makes no
why do we always have to be dragged into tranny bullshit No. 1121150
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No. 1122182
File: 1649001122778.jpg (253.69 KB, 1080x1329, Bob's traumas.jpg)

Deranged individual.
No. 1122191
>>1120712yeah if you live in a diverse area you know who does the catcalling
(spoiler: it's not white billy beta the programmer)
No. 1122244
File: 1649004516569.jpg (432.56 KB, 1080x1693, what the fuck.jpg)

>>1119477>>1119409not a single movie by this woman has a truly coherent feminist narrative or theme, it seems added in at the last minute.
you can really tell from the mini essay posts on her old blog that she has nothing truly unique interesting to contribute, detailing why female leads who serve as final girls in horror movies are obviously a scrote power fantasy because wielding a weapon or wearing pants is masculine and just as bad as if they were outright sexualized, using logic unlike your own feminine wiles to somehow escape being murdered. you see where this is going.
the final girl trope as are other slasher movie cliches are very predicated on sexist notions about women, and yes, hypersexualized "bad" women are objectified and killed like props, but the focal point of her post was essentially only bitching about how there aren't women like Mary Poppins anymore.
it could easily be written by a trad crying about a dearth of modcloth-draped stepford wives – it's something one of those red scare retards would write as half satire but it's not and Anna biller is serious when she says in an interview regarding her movies, that "women became stupid" when they stopped pandering to men and stopped acting like a mommy they can stick their penis inside of.
in conclusion she's nothing short of brainwashed into being a lobotomized tradwife for her husband who just so happens to write books on his "success" as a PUA shitnugget.
No. 1122246
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No. 1122290
>>1122228and white guys are more likely to approach you and try to start and awkward convo instead of just catcall
>>1122234all of them fucking suck anon
No. 1123289
>>1115490at my heaviest weight when i bordered on obesity, some bloke in NYC catcalled me and said 'yeah i like that, i like that' i assumed he was talking about my fatness.
i lost 50lbs in no time
No. 1126384
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No. 1130509
File: 1649624986842.png (1.58 MB, 596x916, twt.png)

Even if used as a joke this narrative makes me so damn annoyed; wokies really went full circle from arguing sexist ideas of gendering things in life to actually gendering things in life in addition to promoting what essentially is a mental illness to susceptible young people who are still in a process of figuring out their place in life
No. 1132382
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Another reminder on why we should be aborting male fetuses. I feel like no matter how well you raise them they will always come out defective. No. 1132806
File: 1649803161360.png (291.5 KB, 536x518, 11.png)

I don't understand this tweet? It's not your preference but this is really just bizarre, I mean what world does she live in where she's seeing guys who look like this so often that she is somehow sick of them No. 1132816
File: 1649804094799.jpg (278.58 KB, 2574x894, 11.jpg)

>>1132806starting this again, I really wish to know what world do all these people live, where guys who look like this are so common place
No. 1132825
>>1132823Any complaint against moids is a
valid one, stop sucking chode.
No. 1132857
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Is there a thread where this broad is shit on? I don’t think she’s deserving of her own thread and she’s not really a tradthot but idk where else she could fit in so I’m gonna bitch about her here lol. This isn’t even one of the worst takes I’ve seen from her but she increasingly seems as though she’s trying to become Queen Pickme.
She’s so lame.
No. 1132954
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>>1132825In most cases I'd agree, but in this case its angry twitter gays and kpop fags being pissed off that your attracted to actual handsome males
No. 1133750
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>>1132857I was coming on here to ask the same. She's the top Libertarian pickme.
Childless and married since 18, yet perfect fertility allegedly… Really makes you think.
No. 1134230
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Pickme shit like this for the sake of scrote attention and retweets.
No. 1134565
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>>1132806At least they have nice hair, guys my age (mid 20s) literally all have the same 'sides shaved, longer and combed backwards on top' or even shorter hair. And they all dress in business casual and have terrible wrinkles because skin care is gay. At least zoomer guys try to have some style and are a bit interested in fashion and grooming.
Picrel is a screen what every single man looks like in my tinder feed. It's legit 95% the same ugly hairstyle.
No. 1135155
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No. 1136753
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No. 1136759
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lol. lmao.
No. 1136766
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>>1136759Is this him? Kek.
I never knew who was behind the "womenpostingl's" account, I'm surprised he's not an incel. And of course, he's one of those guys who runs a podcast because there aren't enough self-important assholes that think people want to listen to them drone on with podcasts.
No. 1136776
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>>1134230One thing I noticed is how common it is for female twitter user's humour to be based around men being so ~quirky and weird~. Like pic related.
No. 1136784
>>1136777in all of their couple pics she looks uncomfortable
>>1136759and btw in her OP random men are replying/QTing saying how shes so based and how they need her, and theyre all liked by her bf. he is a cuck lol.
No. 1137939
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>>1134230Another one, sigh
No. 1138288
File: 1650223697531.jpeg (766.84 KB, 828x1339, E7B458A8-8F69-43A8-8602-2FA79F…)

So how do we fix this?
No. 1138490
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No. 1138842
File: 1650274260584.png (514.86 KB, 698x1440, Screenshot (1091).png)

This discourse around Moon knight not having enough "black representation", despite being a show directed by an Egyptian, showing off egypt and having an egyptian arab cast
there's nothing more pathetic in this world then a race of conquered men stealing the legacies of people who actually accomplished shit in history
No. 1138882
File: 1650280343771.jpg (202.68 KB, 630x788, 1601831884238.jpg)

>>1138318I feel like most modern men have this mentality that If they don't like steroid gym freaks then there's no point of fitness, I don't think they were realize that natural male builds look better and are much more healthier then those steroid freaks, naturally fit male bodies are way more aesthetic and pleasing to look at, to feel and be with sexually then fatties and steroid gym bros
No. 1139041
>>1138882this is true. natural athletic and muscular male bodies will always look better than whatever shit is plaguing the male fitness community nowadays.
Besides looking ridiculous, every man I've known who has went into steroids has insane body dysmorphia and has complete tunnel vision when it comes to his body - you won't hear him talk about anything else, at all. Plus their farts always fucking stink because they think it's normal or healthy to eat like 12 eggs and 6 protein shakes a day because muh gains.
Womens fitness side is just as bad too, how fetishized and porn-like it is, but I don't even have the energy to talk about that.
No. 1139203
File: 1650302562181.jpeg (239.56 KB, 750x815, 26ECDC7B-B617-40E0-8534-2367E2…)

The antiwoke train is full of men who love to blame women. Who runs these platforms? Most women aren't arguing politics with randoms, they're keeping up with friends on social media.
No. 1139500
>>1138865Huh? Thicc is a very specific body that is extremely rare to have naturally. Big tits, big ass, big thighs but small waist, small arms and small calves. Unattainable for most people without enhancement.
Dadbod literally requires zero effort. The two are opposites.
No. 1140615
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my brother in christ you ARE the degeneracy
No. 1140707
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He will never see the light.
No. 1140726
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I don't know what's worse, OP using mental gymnastics to explain a fetish or the quote retweets filled with trannies (aidens) pretending like they're opwessed by girls consuming bl KEK No. 1141191
File: 1650448222391.jpeg (173.25 KB, 1170x1119, 5EA87868-8FB0-493A-8F55-38DDB9…)

twitter always focused on the essentials
No. 1141196
>>1141195This so fucking much.
Wonder if they'd be saying the same if their own head got bashed with a chair.
Such misplaced empathy.
No. 1141199
File: 1650449784586.png (281.01 KB, 578x470, bigboiback.png)

belle delphine is back apparently (can't find her current threads/the ones I tried to post on are locked, sorry farmhands)
No. 1141221
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>>1141204from her insta on the same picture set
No. 1141222
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>>1141199sorry to samefag but cows colliding
No. 1141500
File: 1650469979109.png (105.66 KB, 1188x432, Screenshot 2022-04-20 at 11.55…)

not really hate but some of the tweets about ezra getting arrested again today are actually quite funny. minus those annoying ones prioritising calling him they kek
No. 1141732
>>1141706They could've added new stuff to the game, instead they remove it lol
Don't think it'll help their sales, but sure is going to hurt them a tiny bit considering a lot of the players are retarded males that think everything they dislike is "ps/sjw" agenda etc
No. 1141750
>>1141717They are assholes but at least they aren't transphobic assholes. There's a difference. If you want to go around killing stereotypes of different races, sleeping and murdering female prostititues to get your money back and in general be disgusting or a rapist (trevor) thats fine.
As long as there's no transphobia. Never forget, Jeffree Dahmer may have been a serial killer but at least he's not a
transphobic racist.
No. 1141760
File: 1650487267576.jpg (402.38 KB, 1536x2048, FQg6zjzVEAgQuhK.jpg)

I just stumbled upon a twitter account of a ezra fan/defender and this is how she looks like.
No. 1142218
>>1142187>>1142194Agree that it seems like they were both unhinged and it's just sickening to have to keep reading about when people just use the situation as a vehicle to shit on women, as though Amber Heard is somehow a spokesperson for every woman in an
abusive relationship. And Depp's weird necrophiliac comments toward her that another anon mentioned were just too gross, I really can't feel sorry for him when he is so vile.
No. 1142223
>>1142218People are idealizing his nineties self when he's aged like spoiled milk in the sun, even leo d looks better than him, lost the other lawsuit, and wasn't getting work for years before amber due to his substance abuse issues. It's ridiculous to assume that amber somehow crafted him into what he is today. Sure, they were
toxic, but he was a known wreck before this happened. Directors did not want to work with him. And I thoroughly believe what amber said about him using social media bots to destroy her reputation because there are a disproportionate amount of alleged depphead retards
No. 1142338
>>1142226Ntyart but there wasn't an initial domestic violence trial. The Sun had called him a wifebeater and the question was ‘Is this true, yes or no?’ rather than ‘who’s the worse domestic abuser?’. Any evidence about her being a husbandbeater didn’t refute him being a wifebeater, so the evidence didn’t matter as much. This time he is directly suing her though, and in a different country where he's not been proven to be a wifebeater.
They're both awful people, The Sun is an awful newspaper, it's a whole horrible story with no humour. Just the dying career of a bloated alcoholic whose last good role was twenty years ago, playing Keith Richards dressed as a pirate in a film franchise based on a theme park ride.
No. 1142360
>>1142187It’s so fucking annoying, literally all I see on TikTok and Twitter about it is brain dead “well what if roles had been reversed? what will we do about these poor men being hurt by the evil womens”. Its fucking retarded and no scrotes talking about it give a fuck about all the high profile cases of women being abused, they just want 2 play the
victim yet again. Getting called a man-hater because I don’t give a shit about a rich Hollywood moid being hit by his rich Hollywood, much younger bpd wife.
No. 1142515
>>1142360also one of the most common manipulation tactics employed by male abusers is to accuse their female partner of being the
abusive one. just look at what happened to gabby petito… people are genuinely delusional to buy into this narrative that women terrorize men like men do women. on principle i simply don’t believe men when they claim to be
victims of abuse by a female partner. i have seen in my personal life & in statistics far too many cases of male abusers trying to mold the narrative to suit their version of events.
No. 1142562
>>1142515It's easier now for people to egg on men claiming it's women who are the
abusive ones thanks to MRAs and pickmes sperging about how "men get abused to and it's just as bad!". It's funny since women need to jump through hoops if they claim a man is
abusive but if a man claims a woman is
abusive he's immediately coddled and taken care of no questions asked. They truly wouldn't survive at all if abusing men was treated the exact same as abusing women
No. 1142709
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that thread…his fans are crazy. and most of them seem to be women too No. 1142871
File: 1650592651794.jpg (303.11 KB, 1080x1340, IMG_20220422_072117.jpg)

Fun Fact: The first known use of the word "retard" was in the year 306 in a small village in what is now England by a witch on a wormwood bender who foresaw the coming of these retards.
No. 1144169
File: 1650700632017.jpeg (284.86 KB, 828x1001, 086AC9A4-A0BF-4FB9-834D-1EF3E5…)

Why are terfs always brought up ngl I'm cracking up. The obsession is real.
No. 1144431
>>1142905>him(?) at 14Wimmin no fuck me because feminism, feminism bad!
>him at 22Wimmin no let me roleplay as wimmin and fuck lesbians, feminism bad!
No. 1144487
>>1144413Well its not like transwomen ever fucking speak up for abortion rights, because they don't have to worry about getting baby trapped by some
abusive moid sabotaging your birth control
If you're not our ally, of course you're our fucking enemy
No. 1144636
>>1144413my question to him would then be, who is affected by the restriction of abortion rights? his non answer (pregnant people, AFABs, whatever the woke term is) should perfectly explain why “TERFs” have an issue with transgenderism.
>torture and deprive trans peoplei just can’t imagine comparing forced pregnancy & birth to, like, elementary aged kids being told they can’t play on opposite-sex sports teams.
No. 1145467
File: 1650774836275.jpeg (1.47 MB, 3600x3056, 779F4E2C-468C-4FF0-9F0D-5BDDF1…)

Discovered this weeb that makes tweets like this.
No. 1145470
File: 1650774954588.jpeg (1.54 MB, 3600x3312, DBBDC2E9-DED0-4320-BED7-B90B31…)

>>1145467Which lead me to finding this person that RPs as a 2d findom and men pay her/him for it, lol. Weak links.
No. 1145603
>>1145470Based Lilly
Although I just picture some Nigerian man behind it all. Probably easier than scamming lonely Susans. Men are so gullible kek
No. 1145809
>>1145470There's no way the owner of this account isn't also a scrote too, these men are so retarded that they deserve to be scammed
>>1145482Can you even imagine?
No. 1146312
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No. 1148009
>>1147955Thanks, anon.
Kek. He’s gonna piss of people no matter what he does regarding Trump.
No. 1148040
File: 1650922612042.png (85.88 KB, 794x344, based.png)

>>1148028She has been banned several times, the last time was when she said that latino farmers deserved more government help/financial support than trannies. Pic related. She may or may not have an account but can't post or reply to anything, I think she mentioned that in a instagram story long ago.
No. 1148275
File: 1650935863141.png (211.47 KB, 589x371, gjhiojiogj.png)

No. 1149738
File: 1651021708872.png (2.91 MB, 1280x1282, 4260C65E-AEC3-4896-B39B-1C8198…)

Any tumblr users here feeling this right now? I hate to unfollow old users but the ones coming back from Twitter are bringing their shitty bird posting with them
No. 1151087
File: 1651090139380.jpg (179.41 KB, 1170x1560, 20220427_214453.jpg)

why are some grown women like this?
No. 1151132
File: 1651091188258.png (53.06 KB, 529x502, gir.PNG)

>>1151114it's not, i checked her account. her entire feed is defending him. women will see a decrepit 99 year old murderer with both feet in the ground and still say he's a lovable little boy inside. the way they're willing to nurture complete garbage and infantalize grownass
abusive men who'd never offer them the time of day just because they're socialized to, is infuriating.
No. 1151755
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I wish Elon would porn, so annoying SJWs would leave Twatter just like they left Tumblr. I wonder where these freaks would go.
No. 1152290
File: 1651101756981.jpeg (201.08 KB, 828x580, F3D993AF-C4A8-415C-8704-096CAC…)

Sounds like ur just gay
No. 1153480
File: 1651152337943.jpg (70.79 KB, 718x615, 45454555343.jpg)

with musk's acquiring twitter I truly believe that we could see the beginning of the end of "woke" discourse on social media, which has already started. It's been responsible for a lot of racial tribalization and movements over the past few years. picrel as example, a couple of days age these tweets would have been deleted with in meme minutes but their still up, the blue checkmarks, trannies, OFgirls and degens are freaking out over this and I'm fucking loving it
No. 1153519
File: 1651155659682.png (214.27 KB, 585x789, based.png)

>>1153480>>1153501>>1153515Its true, they are absolutely seething, I mean their still free to do their shit and continue their degeneracy but now its a true level playing field, we won't be banned for saying anything considered "twansphobic"
No. 1153539
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No. 1153562
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>>1153539>>1153544I know she's a consevatard but the way shes making trannies seethe with these simple statements is pure gold
No. 1153574
>>1153571Not any of those anon and I don't care about us politics, but I just love the deluge of butthurt she's producing.
What can I say, I'm a troll at heart.
No. 1153723
>>1153711I hate muskrat but love the change he brings.
No. 1154114
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Please form an orderly queue, nonas
No. 1154514
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>>1154343yes we would. extrajudicial murder, especially when no threat is present, when the police have literally no clue who the hell they're murdering is BS, always. like with that poor autistic boy elijah mcclain who obviously wasn't a threat. floyd could've been a relative angel for all they knew. they murdered a white kid for trying to buy a dimebag some years back, they murdered peyton ham for no reason, and where are the right wingers fighting for peyton ham or the white kid trying to buy a dimebag??? or any people murdered by the police for that matter? where are the right wingers talking about the 75 yo white dude martin gugino the police pushed to the ground while trying to be nice and hand them one of their helmets, that dozens of them walked right by while he was bleeding out of his ear who never did a thing wrong in his life?
No. 1154530
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>>1153519get rekt blue checkmarks
No. 1154571
>>1154323Nobody has to care for me to post how I feel about the lady in those tweets. Also, even if you don't live in America, she
is American so it is pretty relevant.
No. 1154898
>>1154575Stop pretending the trannies aren't on their way to take
your rights too with their crazy policies, you cannot even
define women anymore, they are allowed to be on our bathrooms, sports and shelters, and the moment they go full schizo and try to get their stupid ass womb surgeries they will have a monopoly on our reproductive organs too, and I'm not even mentioning their constant death treats and rape fantasies. Troons are dangerous to our rights and basic safety too, cause they're still
men>and enact austerity policy that affects primarily women and childrenThe tranny movement
directly affects women and children, cause they're a bunch of dangerous pedophiles and misogynists
I'm not a republican, I just believe both sides are going extreme and trying to defend any of them is not right
No. 1154925
File: 1651234709662.png (1.25 MB, 1844x1080, IMG_20220429_131735.png)

true crime bitches are TOO much. TOO MUCH.
No. 1154944
>>1154898This. I think a tranny or a moid is trying to change the narrative but trannies are bad for our rights too. I'm in a shithole Muslim country and they talked about fucking gender dysphoria in our schools but no one thinks lesbians or bisexuals are real! These retarded American politics are seeping through every culture and I don't want to be forced to see those transvestite prostitutes as women when actually female sex workers are getting trafficked abused or killed but no one is caring about them!
Sage for ot
No. 1154973
>>1154898>>1154928Nta but she literally never mentioned or defended trannies, she just said she didn’t support conservatives either, which is most of the board anyway?
>>1154926It’s disturbing how aggressive some of you are despite being illiterate.
No. 1154991
>>1154973>i don't support anti-feminists that want to take away more important women's rights just because they are anti-troon>just because they are anti-troonTaking women's rights away and tranny bullshit are
correlated anyway, no side has our interests in mind so what's the point of posting something like this besides inflicting us with fear of ever calling out trannies? "conservatives will fuck you up but trannies are not that bad!!" hell nah
>>1154973>It’s disturbing how aggressive some of you are despite being illiterateAre you ignoring this?
>>1154922 No. 1155077
>>1155046Reddit truly looks like core of this shit nowadays
Every single comment is cringe and all most all posts are lies
r/world, politics are the biggest shitholes
No. 1155337
File: 1651256877246.jpg (45.17 KB, 720x720, peperage.jpg)

>>1149738Just came to rage post about this.
>been really enjoying tumblr for the past year>no coom posters>everyone is generally polite and on-topic>Tumblr's not only looks good visually, but I can actually filter posts (unlike twitter)>now twitter trannies and blue checkshits are trying to destroy my nostalgia haven once againGET OUT GET OUT GET OOOUUUUTTTTT!!!!
I pray that the anti-coom policy drives them away, if not then I'm fucked.
No. 1155357
>>1155337I'm in a reverse situation right now:
>started using tumblr daily for fandoms from 2011 to 2016>it turned to shit because of american sjw who would harass anyone over nothing and police what content was posted that way>porn bots started bein prominent in like 2015 or 2016 I think?>started using twitter since 2014 or 2015 to avoid these little shits, deleted my tumblr blog on 2016 because of the horrible atmosphere and discourses>these little bitches decided to do the same thing not long after>porn ban made even more people migrate from tumblr to twitter>went back to tumblr like in late 2021 to start a proper blog and follow some normal fandom blogs again, naively thinking that the porn ban solved everything>tags are even more polluted with sjw discourse than ever>deleted second tumblr blog and remade a twitter just to follow very specific artists last yearI hope the pearl-cluching trannies will leave twitter and go somewhere else, but I doubt they'll pick tumblr because of the porn ban. Competent artists don't need tumblr anymore and won't risk getting banned for posting art that's a little too beige for tumblr's bots or algorithm. Tumblr is too niche for normies, especially the wanabee influencers who won't be able to monetize their posts. I can only imagine debate obsessed people really trying to shit up tumblr right now.
No. 1155959
>>1155942Tumblr is already sjw tranny hell though, idk where you all are getting this "chill space" I can't even find blogs to follow. My experience has been exactly this
>>1155357 as well
No. 1156063
>>1155959look for a
terf blocklist and follow all of them
No. 1156276
>>1155045Holy stretch Batman!
Why are some non American farmers so spergy?
No. 1156293
>>1156276Because you never fail to get
triggered (like now) and that's funny
No. 1156473
>>1156293I’m not
triggered. I just think that comeback was fucking stupid but I digress. And even if I was, it wouldn’t make that post any less retarded.
No. 1156656
triggered burger
No. 1157013
File: 1651374853700.jpeg (157.68 KB, 946x1136, 897965A0-CD8A-4F06-B597-3DB2E3…)

Imagine a guy telling you he likes your chubby womb.
No. 1159782
File: 1651530934710.jpeg (200.18 KB, 828x656, F7D35838-465A-4999-B9FF-4BB2A6…)

Even the faggots are weirded out I can't kek
No. 1161806
File: 1651603372932.jpeg (114.11 KB, 1170x730, C3A429AB-0530-412F-BEFF-82F072…)

Scrotes mad
No. 1163407
File: 1651663241087.jpeg (263.71 KB, 1170x1486, 8866D731-BD90-4971-891A-950A2C…)

how can i make every situation about ME
No. 1163521
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sonic fans are embarrassing
No. 1164093
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No. 1164098
Nonnie Sonic
collects rings, he doesn't throw them. Gosh, no culture at all.
No. 1164116
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No. 1164133
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No. 1164135
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No. 1164139
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No. 1164363
File: 1651693759039.jpeg (13.26 KB, 793x188, 9D418EE8-91D5-4CE4-A235-EA0B3C…)

I want to kill myself
No. 1164367
>>11643632016: pussy hats
2022: birthing bodies
No. 1164373
>>1164367Meant to quote
>>1164178 i have fat fingers kek
No. 1164515
File: 1651697445960.gif (2.88 MB, 498x351, gdhg.gif)

>>1164133>>1164135>>1164139ant anon ant anon ant anon ant anon
No. 1164768
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thank you twitter for showing this to me as trending, very cool.
No. 1165191
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No. 1165207
File: 1651723917231.png (141.41 KB, 1500x500, FR1itbIWYAEpWfT.png)

>>1164116>>1164363>>1165191I hate this world so fucking much
No. 1165500
File: 1651747026711.png (76.2 KB, 625x605, stoppedclock.png)

>>1165480>>1165236he weirdly does this on occasion
No. 1166482
File: 1651782598421.jpeg (63.1 KB, 750x554, 2DC825C6-1536-4AD8-8CC1-DC10A8…)

Then bitch, lose weight!!!
No. 1171237
File: 1651976373789.png (169.78 KB, 1198x726, sbux.png)

From a thread about Starbucks's union busting efforts. You can never escape tranny coomerism.
No. 1171269
>>1166482first off say fat women
secondly, it's almost as if losing weight should be a priority first since medication is harder to prescribe to larger weights/masses
No. 1171446
>>1171350Hate to say it but you need glasses
nonnie. He looks like the most typical drag queen who'd suck a dick at night near a gas station for 2 cents.
No. 1174742
File: 1652153704762.png (34.5 KB, 600x381, goodbye.png)

So it seems like all the checkmarks on twitter are going migrating off twitter, I am not a muskfag but this is pathetic
No. 1178103
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Incel but woke. People in this conversation are mad that people on dating apps don’t want to date overweight people.
No. 1179721
File: 1652452481678.jpeg (107.3 KB, 827x712, 4B8DD897-CD07-4AAF-B004-8CD3AB…)

why are bisexual women on the internet obsessed with pretending to be lesbians?
No. 1179740
File: 1652453293152.gif (496.78 KB, 500x275, giphy-1.gif)

>>1179721What does this have to do with us? Both people in that picture are lesbians.
No. 1179855
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Anyone else here sick of kirawontmiss's basic copypasta tweets?
No. 1180043
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shit like this constantly on twitter makes me so fucking embarrassed to be as left-leaning as i am. you sound schizo, and also you sound like your search history needs to be investigated. the replies to this are even more insane and hysteric, as you can imagine
No. 1180069
File: 1652467268926.png (374.48 KB, 594x635, Screen Shot 2022-05-13 at 11.3…)

>>1180047funny how these types are all for "guillotine the billionaires" and "it's gonna be so sad when we have to kill (insert x celeb here) during the class war uprising" yet apparently wanting pedos to die is going too far. THAT'S the line you're drawing?
>>1180049he's insinuating that the modern trend of witch-hunting and labeling people as negative things is a slippery slope to preparing the public for mass genocide of anyone with a negative "label". like literally victimizing scumbags by comparing calling a pedo a pedo to the fucking Holocaust. I was super confused because I don't even see this happening and if anything liberals are the ones doing it more often by going "fascist" to anyone with a different political opinion and getting mad at people for daring to have any empathy for people who might've been wrongly canceled, but then someone replied with a quote tweet about how right-wing people are "obsessed" with labeling trans people as pedophiles, so this will allegedly lead to a Trans Holocaust??? somehow that spiraled downwards in the thread into "your republican neighbors might be preparing to kill you, buy a gun and protect yourself, the end is near" ???? the paranoia bug is insane lately
No. 1180161
>>1180069>he's insinuating that the modern trend of witch-huntingsick and tired of all the "pedo witch hunt" strawmans
>you're getting upset because a 17 yr old is dating an 18 yr old???I promise you no one who is against pedophilia gives a single shit about 17 yr olds dating 18 yr olds. It's as stupid as the "you can be a sex offender for public urination!!" thing. Meanwhile if you look at the sex offender map it's all groomers and rapists near you, you never see someone become a sex offender for public urination even though its scrotes biggest strawman, where are all these public pissing sex offenders they speak of? just like you never see a man whos being blasted for being a pedo is an 18 yr old dating a 17 yr old.
No. 1180179
>>1180043funny that is is a concern only now, when was this sentiment when everyone got labeled nazi and
terf over the smallest disagreement?
No. 1181411
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What the hell is going on with the anime community
No. 1181425
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I know it's a joke but this is still a self own bc it is 100% the true lived experience of gendies everywhere (being the token Family Disappointment with internet brainrot and zero real world accomplishments)
No. 1181770
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I don't know if this goes here, but I can't believe how salty people are about Ukraine winning this year's Eurovision. in my opinion it was a pretty good song, and even if it was out of solidarity is not such a big deal
No. 1181825
>>1181788>barely about music anymorewhen has it been in the last 20 years
eurovision has always been a political rap battle get over it
No. 1182593
File: 1652656343592.jpeg (475.44 KB, 1242x1169, 29EC55DF-521E-432C-BEC2-89B4CE…)

Some of you are just lazy. You do not all have ADHD.
No. 1186529
File: 1652884744503.png (243.48 KB, 1080x1316, Screenshot_20220510-235855~2.p…)

Yeah no, I'm pretty sure most BL authors are still straight (or bi/lesbian) women, the fakeboi craze is not as big there than in the states, writing Sheith fanfiction as a 3rd generation SEA is not the same as publishing BL in Japan.
No. 1186553
>>1186529>>1186538Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but it seems like the post is saying that BL authors are generally bi and lesbian women. They hide behind the idea that BL is written by straight women for straight women because it's safer to say that then it is to say that the authors are actually bi/lesbian.
From what (albeit little) research I've done on the subject, this does seem to be the case. I remember watching a video (which I can't seem to find now) about a gay man who wrote bara, and he mentioned that he has many female friends who write BL. Turns out many of them are actually bi or lesbian.
Maybe someone else knows what I'm talking about and has the link?
No. 1186584
>>1186562Yeah, I get that! I have seen that sort of discourse around but luckily enough not so much that it's the first thing I think of when seeing a post like this. I apologize for dredging up old talking points. I was also just unsure about the context, and since the OP Twitter post didn't explicitly mention ftms I just figured they were talking about lesbian/bi women. But I guess that's part of where the confusion is.
I want to give the creator the benefit of the doubt, but who knows anymore?
No. 1187490
File: 1652946623213.jpeg (134.22 KB, 825x809, 81DE911A-F29C-4B90-8096-C9902C…)

this has never happened
No. 1187492
>>1186553They must be bi. You can't be lesbian and write male porn. Most fujos hide behind bisexual or lesbian identities but they mostly date and lust after men. They even consider yuri-fags to be like men and feel disgust about actual real lesbians.
>>1186589Can't be a fujo and a lesbian. They're bi at most
No. 1187496
nonnie but everyone who unironically likes yuri is a coomer moid or a 15-year old polilez who will unsurprisingly get a boyfriend in 3 years. Literally nobody else is attracted to watching malegaze anime schoolgirls make out, I have never, ever in my life seen an actual adult lesbian enjoy yuri.
No. 1189954
File: 1653073264558.jpeg (51.73 KB, 640x944, FTENSYfWIAE8Bfr.jpeg)

While the (probably) tradfag's reply was stupid, 350k likes on a joke about someone's infertility rubs wrong. Getting earrings with 'Abortion' written on it is a retarded idea anyway. No. 1189958
File: 1653073308861.jpeg (154.27 KB, 1200x1013, FTKJRMCXoAAahTE.jpeg)

>>1189954And just to add another layer to how stupid twitterfags are
No. 1189982
>>1187720Wtf? When did I say anything about animal figures? Lesbians can't enjoy male bodies, stop this weird propoganda. I don't care if straight women watch yaoi or whatever but acting like lesbians secretly get off to it is stupid.
>>1187496Liking female figures means you're a polilez but you think actual real lesbians get off to gay men? Why don't gay men watch Yuri or lesbian porn then?
No. 1191749
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Perhaps this belongs in 2X
No. 1191905
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No. 1191909
>>1191905If attempted, this would cause so many men suffering because of how invasive, and
problematic this is, in addition to a crippling financial burden. No doubt this will never be feasible, and no one would be able to carry a fetus to term.
No. 1191946
>>1191905I will never understand the reckless overconfidence trannies have in the dubious, fucked up medical procedures available to them. Anyone who looks into hormones and SRS and our reproductive systems in general will realise there is no feasible way to convincingly medically transition and they'd be lucky if they aren't totally botched. But the fact that science can't help them right now doesn't detract from their argument that they were born in the wrong body or whatever. If they had any sense at all, they would use their poor oppressed minority status to demand more research, higher standards for doctors, inquiries into surgical complications etc. Instead they bury their heads in the sand, lie to each other and the world that they can totally have a perfect designer pussy and give birth one day, and anyone who believes them enough to get the procedure will suffer the consequences.
Do they think perpetuating this bullshit is gonna own the terves? It's just gonna own fellow delusional troons. I guess misery loves company and the trannies with hack job neovaginas don't want to be alone, and other trannies desperately cling to the fantasy that they can be the fully functional sex object of their dreams one day.
No. 1192035
>>1191749I knew a man who rented his house to an ukranian family and he asked them if he could stay in a room with them, the husband almost killed him kek. White men really think russian or ukranian men wouldn't fuck them up for preying on their women are delusional.
>>1191905Even if you gave him a womb, his birth canal still wouldn't function like a woman's and he couldn't pass the baby. Also the womb and ovaries would be from the donor so it wouldn't be his child.
You can't really get pregnant while using drugs and after organ transplants, you need to use drugs otherwise your body rejects the organ and you go into shock or something.
No. 1192046
>>1191905They can’t even make “vaginas” without their entire bottom half rotting and have to stick a pole in it to keep it from closing.
what makes them think this is going to work Lul
No. 1192639
File: 1653246699663.png (147.57 KB, 757x973, stupid.png)

Twitter users don't be retarded for a single day challenge. "Black culture names" shut the fuck up.
No. 1192750
>>1192639Irish, Arab, Arab, Arab, actually Black, Arab, Jade (a rock) with an A, Welsh
Only one of those are "black culture."
No. 1192759
File: 1653253981677.png (36.26 KB, 1763x232, ok.PNG)

>>1192639Black people own the name Tyrone now, I'm sorry Irish people.
No. 1192764
>>1192639That person saying they changed their name to an anime character's is the worst thing in this photo to me. Why in the world would you do that
Also, that person isn't even black so why would they even try to use that? Weird as fuck to bring up black people just for the sake of an argument.
No. 1193427
>>1193382At least they don't let disgusting old western scrotes rape or mail order bride their women.
>>1193388What's a kinnie?
No. 1193552
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>>1192639the first user's username being "@k6komi" is absolutely sending me KEK
No. 1194153
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No. 1194157
>>1194153Right wingers: “gay marriage is a slippery slope!”
No. 1194187
>>1194179Gay marriage is typically called a slippery slope because the conservatives said it would lead to the normalization and legalization of all around sexual degeneracy and pedo shit. Look at the maps in the burgerland which is basically the new Nambla. Pedos come out of the wood work to claim theirs is a sexuality too. Or the promoting kink at pride promoting degeneracy and abusing your partner. Their homophobe just overshadows any
valid complaints most of the time.
No. 1194282
File: 1653348821798.jpg (514.43 KB, 1080x1834, wat.jpg)

>over 5k likes
Have none of these people ever seen a white person with dark hair before?
No. 1194447
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In regards to Billie Eilish talking about her tics…
Oh no! A teenager talking about being sexualized from a very young age and how damaging porn is, especially for young girls, is hurting the porn industry and now can't talk about people laughing at her tics.
No. 1194553
File: 1653375914732.jpg (338.87 KB, 1080x970, IMG_20220524_090027.jpg)

What the fuck lol
No. 1194857
>>1194808>slavs being white supremacists when throughout history nazis sought out to kill them nextNot slavic but slav-adjacent (well, ethnically/racially only partially kek) because of location and I can tell you both of these are true and it actually makes sense. Discriminated groups like pretending they are superior to other discriminated groups to feel better about their own marginalized status.
>I may be Slavic but at least I'm white>I may not be white but at least I'm light skinned Asian>I may be dark skinned but at least I'm not black (African)>I may be black but at least I'm not dark skinned blackAnd I do not necessarily mean this in the "all black people are always materially the most oppressed people ever" way before someone jumps at my throat, the world is obviously way more complex than that and multiple factors need to be taken into consideration but I digress.
No. 1194920
File: 1653404868536.jpeg (864.4 KB, 1125x1337, C6767E67-9F92-4B62-BB12-5FF88B…)

literally see this same joke once a day on twitter
No. 1194925
File: 1653405286748.jpeg (91.08 KB, 720x1090, BA99659D-94CA-4705-8E95-9FE5FA…)

>>1194920granted this shit (original post in question) does look disgusting but something abt calling a child a “mf” and reposting his image is the reason why i hate twitter
No. 1195208
File: 1653422380912.jpg (205.01 KB, 1080x542, Screenshot_20220524-215804_Twi…)

what the fuck is that tranny talking about
No. 1195410
File: 1653430982851.jpeg (Spoiler Image,958.31 KB, 1183x1361, 4F54E2AA-7670-417F-9637-3458E5…)

Twitter keeps putting disgusting coomer shit on my home page even if I don’t follow or intersct with any coomer shit. It also keeps putting super photoshopped half-naked pickmes under topics like “cartoons”.
No. 1195440
File: 1653432063525.png (4.68 KB, 66x72, Screen Shot 2022-05-24 at 3.37…)

>>1195410click this to fix ur feed so that you only see things you follow
No. 1195542
>>1195435ayrt, I'm so sorry for forgetting to spoiler the pic. I'm a dumbass. It's really gross, and I don't have my birthday set on my account, which makes me wonder if minors are getting shown straight up porn too just because they've been liking posts about cartoons or something.
>>1195440I usually have it set to latest tweets, but it switches back to home view after a random amount of time! Kind of like how youtube turns autoplay back on after a while, it makes them more money.
No. 1195543
File: 1653436534143.png (371.19 KB, 853x625, ska.PNG)

As a ugly woman this maks me sad. I feel like no man could be attracted to me just "deal" with me. However, why would a man marry someone they aren't attracted to? I guess maybe they could grow to be unattracted to them. But this just seems weird. I don't know. I feel like I've been very "Woke" to how shitty men can be/are, but the past few days realizing my place as a ugly fat woman, seeing shit like this really gets to me. I guess it's the likes. I feel like some people think just because someone is'nt their cup of tea NOBODY would like them.
No. 1195556
>>1195553because media has made them think they are God's gift, a king, and a
victim all in one despite them being ashy and scruffy as fuck most of the time. when you mix the natural male ego and narcissism with society babying and victimising you it makes for the worst type of moid possible
No. 1195572
>>1195543Don’t let the opinions of scrotes affect you
nonnie. Men would have the most beautiful woman in the entire world feeling like she’s literally worthless because it’s easier for them to bring women down than it is to rise to the occasion and be the man she deserves. Plus this is such a narrow worldview of his. A selfie??? A fucking selfie? Really??? You could be a doctor and save a thousand lives or donate your time and money to charity or invent clean water solutions for impoverished communities. You could literally change the world no matter what you look like and this chump cares about a selfie? I promise you this dude has the world’s smallest pp and will live his life lonely. Don’t even trip.
No. 1196081
File: 1653484661296.jpeg (698.52 KB, 1242x2208, E8B925E4-0F0C-4F6B-A5D4-918CDC…)

Let’s fight racism with misogyny!
I fucking hate Twitter
No. 1196117
>>1195585Most chronically online Twitter pickmes think men can be genuine
victims and cheer #mentoo while pretending Johnny is Ambers
victim. I've not seen this with female friends irl but twitter is filled with pickmes who are more misogynistic than this agp tranny. Though he probably only wrote that because he thinks feminism will affect him now that he's larping as a woman.
No. 1196204
>>1196192She is a dumb bitch though, don’t be like her
No. 1196424
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No. 1196458
>>1195572That’s a really uplifting comment.
Bringing people down is easier than rising up to the challenge, but I’ll also add that it goes both ways.
You can’t expect a man to treat you like a queen if you’re acting like a bitch.
No. 1196466
The woe is me attitude isn’t going to attract anybody. Be like Napoleon Dynamite, gain some skills. How will guys ever like you if you don’t have any skills?
I’m ugly too, but I make my man laugh, roll his joints, and give back rubs. It goes farther than looks which will be gone by 40 anyway.
No. 1196740
File: 1653518268414.jpg (11.2 KB, 278x361, 06823b2f32d6b9a8075658cc356448…)

>>1196466>but I make my man laugh, roll his joints, and give back rubsinshallah i hope you break from this curse of cool girl desperation
No. 1196743
File: 1653518305017.jpg (190.05 KB, 1500x1500, hereplacedyoass.jpg)

>men are retarded, therefore easy to make laugh>joint rollers are cheap as hell to buy anywhere>picrelgain some skills indeed but please pick real ones god damn it
No. 1196744
>>1196466I'm unconventional looking and I don't do anything for men I'm romantically interested in, I'd rather act distant and not be easy because that just makes them disrespect you no matter your appearance, they treat me good because of that.
Don't become a pickme and do weird stuff. I'm sure youre not that ugly anyways, I mean he chose to be with you so you shouldn't have to do anything extra.
No. 1196763
>>1196744>I'd rather act distant and not be easy because that just makes them disrespect you no matter your appearanceliterally this, plus the fact that most women will unintentionally do a lot more labour for men in terms of relationships aka more likely to do household chores or plan/organise things or even initiate things like dates or trips. to do all of that which you're socialised to do PLUS do shit like roll his stinky joints and rub his back feels like a mockery to me.
i find it weird how in nature it's always the males constantly competing to win a female yet in humans we find ourselves constantly picking up and doing shit for men instead. you never even win anything at the end of it either, if you keep giving to a man he will keep on taking without much in return for you. being distant enough is the key to getting a man's attention.
No. 1196777
>>1195553This is who they are. The black community coddles black men so fucking much it's unreal. They get treated like gods and the ultimate
victims at the same time and anybody who says any different is either racist or a bitter black woman.
>>1195543nonnie, as an ugly woman i relate to feeling disheartened by this information. I keep seeing men talking about how they only like ugly women because they think they are easy. Do not let the opinion of a man who comes from the group of men who have failed their women in everyway possible. This man most likely will never get married and if it does it is doomed to fail. He is probably extremely adulterous even if he was to bag a 10/10 model. I think the best way to go is to remind yourself you are allowed to have standards in men, when I say that you deserve to be treated well, even if it ultimately ends up you die alone. I would steer clear of dwelling too much on whatever desires for romantic companionship, most men imo probably think like that scrote. It's peaceful when you stop looking at scrotes as
valid human beings and rather as separate beings that just happen to float around.
No. 1196799
>>1196763in nature, most female mammals also do a fuckton of work birthing, surviving, protecting the offspring, literally for most of their lives…
there seems to be a discrepancy between "i don't want to impress a man" and "i don't want to do anything for men ever and they should bow down to me". you're not THAT woman lol trust me. you have to be at least somewhat giving or hardworking to function in a relationship.
No. 1196906
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>>1196876>>1196876today i will remind them
No. 1197083
>>1197081Anon said she was so ugly she had to do work for her bfs for the relationship to last. When a other anon told her she shouldn't do excess labor, the first ugly anon lashed out at her and told the second anon she's not good enough so she also has to do extra stuff or something.
Then she went on about how female mammals do a lot of work in nature so we should too idk.
No. 1197101
>>1196876kek anon what is this? human reproduction strategy is usually to devote a lot of time and resources to a small number of kids, like most other primates.
>>1196906 is what happens when humans try to reproduce like hares, we're not adapted to it.
No. 1197144
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Trannies on twitter openly in support of having sex in public. I have no words.
No. 1197620
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>>1195543the fact that this tweet was reposted verbatim on tiktok, literally just came up on my fyp. once again an ugly dude
No. 1197645
>>1197638This place is a cesspool and a mind virus.
You’ve all changed my views about internet anonymity. I don’t support it anymore.
No. 1197655
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Cope. The way bisexual scrotes are running a campaign on Twitter to shame women into dating them is sick.
No. 1197663
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>>1197637>women>foreveralone That’s impossible desu
No. 1197665
>>1197655This is why I LOVE that so many Black women are openly agaisnt dating Bisexual men. You cannot and will not make people want to deal with shit they don't want too. I notice this shit is almost always targetted at
WOC, even if they don't say it. DL culture also has given bisexual men a bad vibe. When every single bisexual man a woman comes across, doesn't even tell her, but they find out other ways. Nobodies jealous of "Bussy". How is avoiding people into a certain thing equal "jealously?" or "fear". Some women just don't and won't date bisexual men. I still blame this trans shit, which opened up the door of, "Explain why you are or are not attracted to this or that".
When before we were taught, no means no. Don't pressure people, don't question people. Now men are using their sexuality and Gender to start pressing and insulting us for not wanting them.
No. 1197673
>>1197655>women don't like this, women like this, women HATE this>and because of it they're just mad because x is better than them!isn't it funny how they always have the nerve to never shut up about what women like and don't like, yet you ask them to find a single post of a woman hating bi men and then they find every excuse in the book not to
>bussy is too tightis he stupid? if he genuinely believed women hated him for being bi why would he go out of his way to talk about how mens shitters are better? the fact he was freely able to do that is proof women don't hate bi men
No. 1197717
>>1197702Yes straight men do indeed. But I think there is a higher barrier for straight men to cheat as women in general do not want to be “the other woman”. So men have to make an effort to hide their relationship in order to cheat, even then women can easily clock cheaters. Even the pickmes who choose to enable cheaters, are often in it for more than just sex, they want some sort of emotional or material return from the man. Which takes up more of his time and effort.
On the other hand bi males are notoriously hypersexual who feel no solidarity with the women getting cheated on. They are in it for the coom. You can download grindr and be sucking and fucking all within 15 minutes.
No. 1197759
>>1197655>bussy is too tightFrom what I've understood, only the very beginning is tight and the rest is just loose. So I don't know what there is to brag about? Never mind the amount of prep necessary like douching and using poppers. It's why gay men don't even do anal all that often. It's more often just oral and mutual masturbation.
>>1197717True straight men don't exist or it's an extremely small population. A hole is a hole to them and most have stories where they did gay shit with friends. Men's idea of "straight" is very interesting, because they come up with all sorts of excuses as to why something doesn't count.
No. 1197778
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>>1197759I’ve always heard it was like these, tight at the entrance and then just soft and kinda loose
No. 1197785
>>1197738every bisexual moid i've met has honestly just been a slag. like, frequent unprotected casual sex sort of slag.
bisexual women are based but bisexual men are like the biggest red flag ever - people have called me a hypocrite and that it's "double standards" for this but i honestly believe they're just extremely horny and desperate and will literally fuck anything, a lot of them also seem to have bpd.
No. 1198010
>>1198002More like in a way that he will only have sex with men but could never fall in love with a man. He's sporadically has these urges.
>>1197983Sorry I am ESL, I am dating just one man.
No. 1198782
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She was in high school three years ago and he was 27. This is gross.
No. 1198844
>>1197655funny how bi men always try to force women or attack them for rejecting them.
Because gay men also are repulsed by bi men, gay men reject bi men all the time yet bi men are too coward too neg those gay men the way they neg straight women to date them.
No. 1198982
>>1198844Bisexual men are afraid of adult men because they're not as easy to manipulate and control which is why along with young girls they abuse underage boys constantly. Young gay boys, especially the ones growing in conservative families, are desperate for validation for their sexuality and when an older man is willing to give it to them, they become very susceptible to grooming. That's literally how all the 14-year old femboy discord larpers are born, older degenerate men buy them hormones and force them to send obscene nudes.
Seriously, all the gay men I've met date men their own age but bisexual men are ALWAYS coomers who have some fucked up BDSM relationship with a barely legal twink and possibly cheat on their girlfriends/wives with one.
No. 1199851
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How the fuck did we get here?
No. 1199863
>>1199851Couldn’t find a less
problematic tranny to make a shitty flop out of huh
No. 1200266
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>tfw half the ladies who write horror are identifying as they/it gendies now so u have to overhaul ur whole woman-centric organisation to pander to them
No. 1200395
>>1199851I'm raising my daughter to be a
terf. America is fucked, between the trans agenda and mass shootings.
No. 1200619
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This isn't a tweet that blew up so sorry if this seems like a vendetta post, but I promise it's not and just something I came across. People calling themselves "queer" (which she has in her bio) while in a relationship with the opposite sex will never not be cringeworthy to me.
No. 1200653
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Can someone translate this for me? Like, they are complaining that people dare even say their deadname in front of them, even if they're referring to a different human?
No. 1200665
>>1200631I don’t think anyone on lolcow has any stake in judging people for saying faggot or retard. Really odd to think her bf can’t say it though. If you’re gonna say it with your chest why be angry that the people around you will too?
No I’m not referring to racial slurs.
No. 1200689
>>1200665Calling someone a faggot on an imageboard isn't really comparable to saying
you are a faggot and have the same experiences as gay men. I'm not judging Gaydens purely for saying faggot - it's literally just a word - it's the frequency with which they use it in casual conversation and the perverse glee they derive from it.
No. 1200858
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>>1200835She's not a FTM, I'm not sure why nonna thought that. She's just one of those nonbinary people, and I guess that's why she calls herself queer. Basically she's spicy straight.
No. 1203758
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if these idiots actually read kimberle crenshaw’s essay on intersectionality they would know the first tweet is actually the exact opposite of intersectionality
No. 1203876
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This is a discussion over bob's burger and whether he would support fascism or not cause he's a business owner
No. 1203891
>>1203758But if you say "you're male before you're queer/black/brown" you KNOW these same people would throw an absolute tantrum. Male supremacy isn't allowed to be identified nor combatted, despite being more universal than any other form of oppression. There are countries with non-white majorities where the dominant population are not oppressed the way they would be in white majority nations, there are ZERO countries where women can live safely from the ever looming threat of male violence.
If I by some miracle ever get like, fuck you rich, I'm buying an island and making it female only like the village in Africa. Imagine being able to take a walk alone at night without the looming fear of some deranged scrote raping and/or murdering you. A random college student was raped stabbed and set on fire in the woods near my house in BROAD DAYLIGHT last year, right after splitting up with her mom to go back to the car. Can you even imagine the guilt her poor mother has to cope with now? That shit would NOT happen in a society with no males. We all know it. Some women will pretend otherwise bc they want to continue fucking and being in relationships with men, but our number one threat as women is just that-engaging in relationships with men. Being around males in general.
No. 1203894
>>1203891Moids will never understand this. I've tried to explain (on reddit, my fucking mistake lol and one I'll never make again) that women arent being "paranoid bitches" by quickening our pace when alone at night if we notice a man who might be following us. It's self preservation instincts deeply rooted in us because for all of human history we have been the prey. I don't give a flying fuck if it hurts a scrotes feelings to have a woman scurry away from them in public, how the fuck do they think WE feel having to fear half the population because they've forced us to fear them through their behavior? Fucking empathy devoid creatures, most men.
They also love to whine about how their murder rate is technically higher but that's bc they're the ones in gangs shooting at each other and engaging in criminal behavior. Meanwhile women are targeted simply for our gender while going about our daily lives. It is not the same. They'll never know, they'll never admit it.
No. 1203918
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I cannot believe the people in this thread, they really think that exposing a young child to explicit sexual is hilarious and anyone who points out how fucked up it, is called a prude of a christian No. 1203959
>>1203918Reminds me of how men whine about how ‘male CSA doesn’t get taken seriously’ when it’s usually men who undermine male CSA
victims in the first place. Hope that tweet goes viral, causing that guy to be investigated for watching sexually suggestive material on a plane/exposing a child to sexually suggestive material
No. 1204709
File: 1654045174266.jpeg (353.16 KB, 1242x1920, 27A3EC5B-24F8-4D8E-9F81-83C5E8…)

>One of the most detested actors on the internet
>”Am I the only one that doesn’t like him?”
Minor but stuff like this annoys the shit out of me
No. 1204736
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>>1204661he aged better than the other kid somehow
No. 1204744
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No. 1205024
>>1203758>he/fae>babydolldyke>anime pfp I’m so tired
>>1204650When will they let him be free of shitty bowl cuts? I know it’s probably a running joke or something at this point but c’mon. Did that alien bitch he coughed up curse him to a lifetime of looking like a mushroom?
No. 1205227
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from another thread, I'm saying this as a black woman, there's nothing more pathetic then seeing the most conquered group of men on the planet turning around and think they can actually win any conflict, afro-centrists need to realize their wakanda fantasies aren't real No. 1207178
File: 1654135882714.png (224.28 KB, 585x491, pilates.png)

What is the problem if some people want to use it for a workout? Sick prisoners and the general population can both benefit.
No. 1207205
>>1207178Will these same people claim that meditation is
problematic because it is 'appropriating' a practice done by monks? So never share or appreciate anything not created by your own culture, got it.
No. 1207217
>>1205246I say this as a woman of the black diaspora, African men and just as delusional and selfish as black men from any other place. The current state of the black community lies on the fact that they are very willing to throw their own people under the bus at the smallest sight of profit and for their own personal interests. There's a reason why Sub-Saharan Africa remains shit and always will remain shit and that's because black men are garbage at trying to run anything and black women are delusional to think if they coddle them, keep calling them king or give them the benefit of the doubt something will change. I strongly believe we cannot have patriarchy at all as black people because from how i see it, black women are the only ones really keeping this ship afloat with their retarded loyalty to men who deserve nothing. Nobody is willing to be honest with themselves and hurt their own feelings, especially black men. This
victim complex is incredibly unhelpful. Every race has had their trials and tribulations, so fucking what. The main focus should be where do we do from here? Europeans, Arabs and now the Chinese were able to fuck with Africans for a very
valid reason. Thank god that as a woman, it's not our job to fix it. I honestly think we should just let everything collapse and let black men finally be men and figure shit out themselves. Whatever straggler black women who still want to be by their sides can perish along side them, idgaf.
No. 1207230
>>1207178God these people don't want white women to do ANYTHING I stg lol. And that energy never gets matched for white MEN who are the majority of the ones who made racist policies and almost exclusively the ones doing hate crimes (buffalo for a recent example of an psychotic white moid who was radicalized on 4chan as a moidlet and let the Rot destroy any chance of a moral compass or higher brain function from developing). WW doing/teaching yoga? Racist! WW doing pilates? Cultural appropriation! WW complaining about literally anything, regardless of whether it's actually a
valid point? Karen!
It grinds my gears. There's no form of racism white women exhibit that white men don't also exhibit (usually in an even worse way, such as fetishizing and certainly physical violence) so the fact that WW constantly get singled out and portrayed as the literal devil (ESPECIALLY middle aged/older white women) is so obviously just a form of socially accepted misogyny. "White cis women" are acceptable targets for non white men and trans "women" to vent their misogyny upon. Even WHITE MEN talk shit about white women and then wanna call themselves woke…like bro you're literally also white and a scrote on top of it, you're statistically worse when it comes to racism lol
No. 1207272
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This is so disgusting. Some pickmes and retards are defending this in the replies saying that he is keeping the black race strong and he is a king. The only thing he is keeping strong is the fatherless ness, irresponsibility and broken homes. I also blame the mothers for choosing to have a kid with this piece of shit.
No. 1207341
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>>1207311Eh from what I've researched american blacks have birth rates are on par with poor white but at the same time black women have a much higher abortion rate, I was reading that in one state more black babies are aborted then born
>>1207217I am well aware of that, but I'm saying that despite everything more africans are still less delusional then dispora and african americans
>>1207281that's not what she's trying to say, unlike the majority of other women in the world our men don't financially dominate us the way arab, white and asian men do, black women have more opportunity to leave and less incentive to stay, but they stay out of pure pick-me ism and nothing else, its unheard of in any community
No. 1207347
>>1207331>>1207341I don't want to keep derailing this thread, so I'll just say that that pickme-ism is caused by men/the patriarchy. This idea that certain women can't be under a patriarchy (or a "true patriarchy", whatever that means) because they have an attitude that was instilled into them by men doesn't make any sense to me. I don't want to say that this is
victim-blamey because that's not the right term for it, but it does feel similar.
No. 1207403
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>>1207383I guess the difference is your religion forces you do to be always subservient towards men
>>1207384this trend started around the early 20th century with black intellectuals in America before spreading towards various other black diaspora communities and even back to our home nations, the idea that black men were put down upon and had their kingdoms stolen by the white man and it was the responsibility of black women to "uplift their kings" after the centuries of constant defeat and enslavement, despite being abject failures as providers and protectors the black community has to coddle and uplift black men cause "the world is against the black men" is what they say, most of these men desperately wished to get a white woman but were unable to and made it their defining moment of their lives, the influential anti-colonial thinker Frantz Fanon believed black/brown women who were relationships with white men were mentally colonized and supporting white supremacy and oppressing the black/brown man, at the same same time he married white woman also he seethed for most of his life over one incident where Italian women didn't want to dance with him or other black soldiers after being "liberated" and preferred to dance with Italian POWs, white women not being interested in him was literally his defining moment of European racism, so this is something that only exists within black communities and no where else
No. 1208275
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>>1205227from the same thread, Imagine excusing savage inhumane literal blood sacrifices just to own White people. Lol.
No. 1208321
>>1208275Not white or latino or whatever but it's a known fact whites were the most cruel. Didn't Europeans whites steal America away and kill thousands of people? Are we going to ignore how they got resources from countries and ruined their economies and fucked their cultures by colonizing them? Even now white presidents are dictating countries with bad economies and stuff, most recently in middle east with Afghanistan and syria etc. All cultures have their dark sides but whites are probably the worst because they've mostly always been in power and that means they just had much more opportunities to steal away from others.
Though this is all in the past and you can't blame their ancestors' crimes on a white person who's living now. That's dumb as fuck.
No. 1208333
>>1208321>but it's a known fact whites were the most cruelYou really make it seem like white people are the only people who did this. The African slave trade originated and is still being perpetuated by Arabs. The people given away to the whites were captives of the dominant African tribes. The Arab conquest of North Africa and the Levant left many devastated and can feel the effects today. The Mongols raped their entire way from the steppes to Europe. China is currently genociding their Uyghurs. India-Pakistan-Bangladesh is enough said. Maori tribes decimated the natives of New Zealand upon their arrival. Japan committed heinous atrocities during WWII, please look up Unit 731 or the Rape of Nanking if you feel so inclined that only whites colonize and are the cruelest.
Go back to twitter if you truly think it's only the whites that are the cruelest. Humanity as a whole are cruel as fuck and Native Americans/First Nations people committed a lot of atrocities and destroyed the environment of the Great Plains before first contact.
No. 1208339
>>1208322Kek this. All the other tribes
wanted to help the Spanish ruin the Aztecs because they had terrorized and subjugated them long before the Europeans even came into the picture.
No. 1208410
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>>1203758The quote rts are the icing on the cake
>I'm mentally ill/wheelchair bound and that limits my chances in the real world>right, but remember you're a mean white No. 1208473
>>1208321Every race, during any time period, has been involved in war and colonization in some capacity; war and colonization has always included the possibility of enslaving others, rape, infanticide, and every other abhorrent act imaginable. Europeans have conquered a lot due to how powerful they have been, and it is wrong to do what they've done during the process of colonization, but this is not exceptional. Europeans did not suddenly reach new heights of depravity, everything they have done has been done thousands of times before throughout history, and continues to be perpetuated by other races. Prior to European colonization, Indigenous people of America had various tribes which fought amongst each other over territory. This means Indigenous people also enslaved other tribes, killed them, raped them, spread diseases, and forced each other to assimilate into their religion in the process. Trying to suggest that Europeans introduced exceptional levels of hell to America that the Indigenous people were unfamiliar with doesn't make much sense. Sure, Europeans introduced new technology which made colonization and war more efficient for them, but their intentions, actions, and it's consequences have all been repeated thousands of times by other races.
No. 1208784
>>1208333 "Native Americans/First Nations people committed a lot of atrocities and destroyed the environment of the Great Plains before first contact." citation fucking needed.
have you even seen the images of the mountains of buffalo skulls from the attempted genocide of the buffalo as a way to kill the indigenous peoples of the americas? do you even know the number that the counter of unmarked indigenous graves is right now that are still being dug up to this week, to this day, in the so-called US and canada? just looking at the environmental statistics since colonization and the industrial revolution and the Americas has done more damage in the past 300 years than you the damage you're claiming Native folks have done since they first inhabited this land. yes, there were some tribes who were more violent than the nobel savage stereotype that gets propped up, and yes atrocities were committed by humans who were Native American just like any other race of humans, but where on earth have you heard that they destroyed the environment of the Great Plains? literally almost all indigenous tribes of the north americas have strict teachings around the upkeep and stewardship of the land and see it as a relative body, I'd love to hear where you've heard this from, because you need to go back to whatever /pol hugbox you crawled out of if you genuinely are doing enough mental gymnastics to believe that any environmental harm you think the Native Americans did is in any way comparable to the harm industrial capitalism, manifest destiny, settler colonialism has had on this world and its people. the bleach baths at the so-called border, the trail of tears, the fact the original test subjects for forced sterilization and abortion in the US were unwilling indigenous and immigrant women. eat shit, snowbunny retard.
No. 1208803
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>>1208410What's the over/under on these two exclusively only ever dating white guys?
No. 1208879
>>1208784you're stretching the goalposts.
But you're right, the environment information is wrong and based on a gross misunderstanding I read a while ago and I'm retarded for saying that, my apologies. And I'm not white either
No. 1208884
>>1208333>>1208613>>1208616Whites commited the most war crimes and killed the most people in wars, ruined nation's economies for resources. Why is it so hard to understand when whites are still partially partaking in this shit today? Don't you know how American presidents dictated the Middle east? That French have colonized Muslims countries and then banned them practicing theirs religion in France so they wouldn't come there?
No one is blaming you particularly but your ignorance is astounding. And no, a few Muslims kidnapping Asians thousands of years ago isn't the same as Europeans still colonizing and leading nations into wars which caused them to die in thousands. People can have hard feeligns, this is their history and you don't get a say when you literally think everything Europeans did were minor.
No. 1208918
>>1208910None of these races or people are evil, I never said that. It's still not equal. Did blacks collonize European countries and took them as slaves to the degree Europeans did? Did brown people steal Europeans land by using as insidious methods as Europeans did to steal land from America? Are africans still interfering with European politics like Europe is doing to other countries? You have to be blind to ignore all of these and say they're all equal. They're not and you failing to admit so proves that you're still the same and don't even think what your nation is doing is wrong.
>>1208913>you're dumb>this is dumb>that's why you're dumbOk? You can come back when you want to argue. If you think it's a shit post just ignore, you're obviously feeling attacked if you reply 3 times with kindergarten tier insults.
No. 1208937
>>1208935Don't like it don't have to post.
>>1208936Don't act like a redditor and you won't called a redditor. Simple as.
No. 1209008
>>1209001I understand your point and don't think it's worse just because euros did it but it's a fact that euros did it more and still continue on. Maybe I'm biased because my country is one that got fucked over by whites and still continues to do so as our president made a deal with a white country and ended up taking a millions of the refugees so they wouldn't go to Europe or America. America is paying those refugees amount of money doctors in my country make and those refugees ruined our economy because they rented all houses and took other job opportunities while raping and killing women on the side. If another country hadn't interfered, we wouldn't be struggling to rent houses and have to be careful each time we went out. By the way the refugees aren't white so I'm not just hating based on race but moreso political reasons.
Also I'm not the last anons that replied amd engaged in fighting for about reddit but I agree with some of their points like how telling us to go back to reddit is stupid as reddit is racist and sexist. I've seen redditor men mock brown, asian or black women so often either by treating them like objects or openly staying they're mannish, weaker, etc.
No. 1209022
>>1209015As I stated, I dislike what whites do because its current impacts on women in my country and neighbor countries are very high. Like I said, I don't dislike just whites but it's clear the refugees wouldn't have come and be able to live comfortably in my country if they weren't being paid by America and they wouldn't be able to fuck up the economy or hurt women here. I've talked to a foreigner who visited by country and even they said there were so many refugees they couldn't understand which country they were in and that the cities the refugees have taken over have become worse and actually quite dangerous for women especially.
I won't disclose my country as I've been called racist for disliking the refugees I'm talking about when I brought this up in the past. Though I'd advice anyone who's reading to be wary of foreigner men no matter the race but especially if they come from countries that don't value women.
No. 1209041
>>1209034Aren't white Americans practically Europeans though? And still, European countries know what's happening to my and other countries and they're acting like this so they won't get refugees while pretending they'd welcome them. Most refugees come to my country to move to Europe eventually but the promise doesn't hold so they're stuck here. And even after everything, my country id considered racist for not wanting refugees while richer European countries get away with picking up the educated refugees and dumping the rest criminal ones onto us.
Again when I say Europe, I don't mean European people, I mean their presidents and stuff so I hope no one gets offended as that's not my point. Though I still hate white men as I hate other men because they're not that different and just as likely to abuse a woman if they get the chance.
No. 1209065
>>1209050>The term "Slav" for Eastern Europeans is from the white slave tradeNo! Why does everyone get this backwards? The English word "slave" comes from the term "Slav".
"Slavs" as a term just means "those who speak" in Slavic, as opposed to "Nemci" which as a term used for Germanic peoples meaning "those who don't speak"
So, the people who called themselves Slavs were often enslaved, and that's how in English the word came to be used for all enslaved people. It would make no sense if it was the way you said it, why would a Slavic people call themselves by an English word? None of them even spoke English.
No. 1209098
>>1209066They shouldn't, America should but the immigrants were promised the chance to go to Europe, which is why I brought it up, by the same American officials that brought them here. Thousands of immigrant retards died while trying to travel to greece from my country because greeks shoot their boats and let them drown, which imo is based because they're mostly criminal males. If the Greeks hadn't stopped them, they'd have gone to Europe illegally like they've done to my country.
>>1209071>>1209085You're right but they're still majorly white countries and the white men in power who got my country to where it is. And my country isn't in a good place now. I hate how American white people in power feel it ok to screw up any country just to live comfortably themselves. I hope their system does fall apart so that they won't be get to toy with other countries to this extent again.
No. 1209122
File: 1654252981788.jpeg (62.83 KB, 1134x660, 7731DC22-E2C1-4035-9BAD-106ABB…)

why are white women the ultimate boogeyman to so many twitterfags?
No. 1209140
>>1208333Not interested in the racebaiting going on but this post is incredibly misinformed. Māori never 'decimated' the natives of New Zealand—they ARE the natives of NZ. It was only two tribes/iwi, Ngāti Mutunga and Ngāti Tama, that killed and enslaved the
Moriori of the Chatham islands, who are simply an offshoot of the larger Māori ethnicity, and are still alive today. Try to be less retarded next time
No. 1209145
>>1209129But faghags are often brown or asian-american too.
>>1209140Nta but what you're describing doesn't really sound better? It's still about killing and enslaving.
No. 1209148
>>1209144Yes and we don't like seeing faghags there,
>>1209145majority are american and east asian though and their beyond cringe
No. 1209150
>>1209107As I stated above my president signed a contract(?) with a spokesperson or something from USA and agreed to take the immigrants but probably didn't know they were rapists or %99 males unlike USA who knew because they're the reason there are refugees since they kept messing up middle eastern countries. I won't state my country because I got called racist here when I mentioned my and the refugees' country. I don't want to derail further but all in all, USA is the reason there were wars in middle east in the first place and also the reason we needed to take the refugees, they also pay refugees so much it's actually sickening, a refugee doing nothing earns so much the money they brought caused inflation and my country's money literally lost half its value. Hope I worded stuff correctly I'm tired right now and I apologize if I made mistakes.
Again this is my situation and it's caused by USA but other countries have also been
victims of similar situations by either USA or other European countries. I'll always blame those countries because they're knowingly stealing from us to live comfortably themselves while pretending they're modern and good while we're evil and primitive, although I don't blame any white person specifically, their countries are the reasons why other countries are struggling so much.
No. 1209204
>>1209175>is true>she misrememberedThen it's not true. I don't see how anyone can misremember shit online when Google is fucking free, and if 'she' wants to backpedal on being a racebaiting retard, then 'she' should have made it clear from the beginning that she didn't know what she was talking about. Otherwise it just reads like a bad faith argument. Nobody is obligated to be a racebaiter. Goddamn is society brainrotted by social media and pseudo-intellectualism, some of you are proving
>>1208924 correct
No. 1209205
>>1209203Because that anon is correct. Some anons here are racist whites. See
>>1209122 and
>>1209128 where they're literally talking about how black women are jealous of white women. Some of the racebaiters come off like /pol/fags.
No. 1209285
>>1195410The 'topics' suggestions are the absolute worst thing to ever happen to Twitter. Even when I do
>>1195440 it suggests garbage I don't want to see.
No. 1209342
>>1208616Most tech advances credited to golden age of islam were stolen
Muslims have a very bloody history and still are very bloody but they are little saints because America bombed some countries
(racebait) No. 1209406
>>1209265You sound like a sperg. Why are you so easily
triggered? You keep throwing insults and being angry about one anon making a mistake in a long post that was otherwise all correct. Fact-checking isn't that fast, especially with complicated events who aren't very well known in general. And it's not racebait. Those are literally facts and if you struggle to cope with historical facts then you need to take your meds.
No. 1210464
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> cases of monkeypox have mostly occurred among gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men
> this is irresponsible reporting
Only on this planet is stating real statistics irresponsible reporting
No. 1210805
>>1210464Oh so now we want to avoid stigma around infectious illnesses? People who didn't take precautions against infectious diseases were "granny killers", smeared all over social and regular media, actively stigmatized.
Pur on your mask, take your vax, stay at home, upend your life, but dare not suggest a couple of gays change their behaviour for a short while.
No. 1211731
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Kevin Samuel fans need to be put on a watchlist.
No. 1211742
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>>1211731They ARE on the watch list because tons of black women snitched on them KEK
No. 1211799
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>>1211789The crazy part is that they don't even seem to be together.
No. 1211813
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>>1211799She still stands by him though. She is also a Johnny Depp supporter. Male identified women should not have daughters.
No. 1211845
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No. 1213436
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I know this is a joke but some people unironically believe this. Why are zoomers obsessed with being like 15? It’s so gross
No. 1213643
>>1213436> It’s so grossI think it's more about "being not old" as opposed to "being young", and the "I'm so young" comments are a way to banter elderly citizens (25-30yo).
The issue with things like that is that after some time they get taken over by legitimate morons who take it literally and because of that I think this will probably turn into ageplay pedo bait without a hint of humour or irony. Perhaps that has already happened, the only social media I use is this site.
No. 1214227
>>1213689Idk, when I was a teen I thought that way about 25+ or 30 year olds (which was still wrong being that age now) but definitely not 20 year olds like zoomers do. I actually looked forward to being 20, zoomers are terribly afraid of growing up and no longer being "minors".
I guess the fear of responsability increases with every generation.
No. 1214693
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>There's no way all women aren't as pathetic as me, they probably just haven't found the right man yet.
No. 1214908
>>1214883It seems to be a thing with extremely insecure people with shit for self worth.
There's a Romanian poster on this website who keeps telling us how she's a beautiful genius, incredibly talented and one of the most morally excellent people in the world (none of these are factual). She was (allegedly) abused for her entire childhood and grew up in utterly humiliating conditions.
You can also see it in Ethan Ralph, who is one of the most afraid and insecure people on the internet, but who talks like he's the biggest alpha giga chad who cares about nothing and fears nobody.
That woman was probably bullied and is extremely fragile and submissive IRL, so she copes by calling herself alpha. That probably explains why she copes about being submissive and not putting up a fight in particular, I mean why bring that up at all? It is something she most certainly does.
No. 1215330
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No. 1215364
>>1215330It's almost like you can say you dislike both for good reason. Like people online right now are going off at people wanting to ban kids from drag shows but 'gotta make gun laws to save kids'
Ok, Janet. Both guns are bad. But so are kids at 21+ drag shows.
No. 1215436
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>white guy uses “white feminism” as an insult
Shut the fuck up
No. 1217070
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I can't stand these twitter "art critics". This man dropped a 100 tweet thread citing Koolhaus and Nietsche over a rooftop picture
No. 1217073
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>>1217070Over some dime a dozen pic that's on a million pinteres boards? I need him to shut the fuck up
No. 1217109
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No. 1218834
File: 1654812992440.png (40.04 KB, 638x519, FUx-U2aWUAAvtUU.png)

I know libsoftiktok is a rightwing dumbass but of all the tweets to end her, saying that child drag shows should be illegal is where they draw the line, seriously
No. 1218928
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No. 1223579
File: 1655112793915.png (217.76 KB, 1484x1104, dq.PNG)

Total retardation of acting like drag queens look and act like regular women therefore calling drag performances sexual is part of the rape culture. How TF they manage to refuse to see it?
No. 1223594
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>>1217070it's always Nietzsche kek
No. 1223595
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Americans' obsession with drinking soda never fails to disgust me.
No. 1224715
>>1223595This is such a random thing to get mad at,
No. 1224719
>>1223595This reminds me of a tweet I saw about the documentary “ super size me. “ where the op was criticizing it for being just about a dude who eats food. It’s like she didn’t bother to recognize that the movie was about how awful the food industry is here in burger land and how they love to keep us fat and sick. It was even more embarrassing when the OP unironically brought in fat phobia as an issue.
I hate it here
No. 1228646
File: 1655463236821.png (1.6 MB, 1183x2999, proana.png)

Kardashians removing their deformities = pro-ana is back in mainstream
No. 1228652
>>1228646Caring about beauty standards is incredibly gay
>oOh sHiVeR mE tImBeRs my body will go out of fashion!!just live your life sis. it is so cucked to put aesthetics over health. for who? who is making you? inshallah these women will learn to enjoy their lives to the fullest and stop caring.
No. 1228679
>>1228672NTA but I think you're exaggerating a bit. I don't think anyone's been treated like "inhuman garbage" for not looking like a Kardashian. I never tried to fit into the BBL/IG thot in drag queen makeup shit and my life wasn't ruined, and I don't really think women everywhere need to start starving themselves right now because they're taking out their fake asses. I think a lot of us just need to stop doomscrolling on social media lol
If every woman stopped shaving her legs and wearing makeup, do you think men would be too disgusted and the human race would die out? No, they'd deal with it and probably start sexualizing hairy legs and bare faces lmao. The reason that won't happen is because some women are still convinced they literally need to do these things, will pressure/attack other women about it and men also make money off selling this shit (and can more easily take advantage of insecure women), so they also push it
No. 1230120
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what the fuck. just when i thought muh sex positive sex work is work feminism couldn’t get any worse
No. 1231000
File: 1655622861379.png (301.14 KB, 598x932, Screenshot 15.png)

a terminally online communist literally making shit up to claim some european country is secretly fascist/racist, literally one right wing group of less then 15 people burn the Quran which causes tens of thousands of Muslims to chimp out, they even banned the guys the country, If just none guy burning the Quran can cause the entire Muslim community to be outraged and cause riots then I don't believe Muslims would survive a state that actually endorses actual Islamophobia No. 1232205
File: 1655683452664.png (305.11 KB, 594x541, pfff.PNG)

It's petty but what a stupid comment to leave under someone's art
No. 1232478
File: 1655698632315.jpeg (Spoiler Image,430.18 KB, 750x1056, 973556F7-B6D7-4266-A426-C31C21…)

TRAs saying it's sexual harassment and calling women perverts in response to this video, where GC women noticed a man who looked like he had a boner at a GC event. The projection is unreal kek.
No. 1232703
>>1229245Same. I don't wish anorexia is mainstream but simply thin bodies are much more easily achievable than skinny waist/stomach
with fat ass and big boobs. That's impossible for most without surgery.
No. 1232733
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That's not how it fucking works.
No. 1232832
File: 1655738705041.jpg (736.7 KB, 1536x2048, 123.jpg)

>>1232733>>1232739>>1232807sad thing is this seems trends seems to have been a thing for a while, picrel is from a popular lesbian underground comic from 1991, women who realize their bi when they meet a guy who isn't piece of shit but still hold on the label lesbian cause it makes them feel special
No. 1233056
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>>1232940>>1232940>Sparrow Pidgeon (birth name Prudence), former women's shelter director and New Ager-turned-atheist, who identified herself as a "bisexual lesbian" and became involved with a straight Jewish male activist, Stuart Goodman (jokingly thought of by the others as being "more stereotypically lesbian than many lesbians"). Sparrow and Stuart have a child, Jiao Raizel (or J.R.), and Stuart becomes a stay-at-home dad; Lois and Stuart homeschooled Janis and J.R.this is supposed to be peak lesbian comedy
No. 1234338
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why I would love to be friends with these TERFs in the making No. 1235980
File: 1655968008368.jpg (173.99 KB, 1080x1014, Screenshot_20220623-020211__01…)

Imagine being this much of a faggot and still calling yourself heterosexual. Literally out here verbally sucking other moids meat (and the gay little heart emoji, I genuinely think I'm gonna die from cringing)
No. 1235983
File: 1655968148223.jpg (200.11 KB, 1080x1334, Screenshot_20220623-020220__01…)

Bonus retardation and self own. incels really think being a dirty geriatric scrote who still lusts after 17 year olds is a win for males and not the biggest L of the century
No. 1236021
File: 1655971040384.jpg (217.11 KB, 1080x1127, IMG_20220623_095649.jpg)

>>1235983this is what i don't get, they all somehow missed the point in life there kids learn the feeling of shame. instead of being ashamed at criminals being all male, they get angry at women instead. instead of being ashamed that so many of their gender are degenerate, they take pride in it instead. like???
pic fits perfectly kek
No. 1236023
File: 1655971393186.jpg (247.83 KB, 1080x1268, IMG_20220623_100215.jpg)

>>1235980you should have added the start of this thread
>girl complains about being hit on by old creeps>brilliant replies like pic follow No. 1236047
>>1236023KEK that Brian guy is literally the same type of male as the guy in the reply pic>>1236021
It’s no wonder these males troons out or get into internet arguments. It’s the only way they can cope with being undesirable
No. 1236196
File: 1655990906447.jpg (63.04 KB, 750x573, fjBiTIY.jpg)

Twitter and it's consequences have been a disaster to the human race. I just wanted to get back to reading a comic what is this shit.
No. 1236630
File: 1656021012467.png (158.92 KB, 1080x832, Screenshot_20220623-105110~2.p…)

Jeez I wonder why everybody hates troons nowadays, it's literally that Principal Skinner meme.
No. 1237088
File: 1656046156650.jpeg (457.72 KB, 828x982, 26FCFA6D-C0D2-43A9-A07E-0FBDC5…)

moid “humor” is just kek sexual harassment. luckily this moid is crippled so he’s already a failure
No. 1237215
File: 1656062648864.jpg (1.06 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2022-06-24-11-15-24…)

Twitter stop being retarded challenge
No. 1237226
File: 1656064754942.png (3.36 MB, 1483x1600, hmm.PNG)

>>1237215found the thread, this nitpick is killing me, how could they portray him with a tiger, there are no tigers in saudi arabia lmaooo
No. 1237248
File: 1656068468947.png (2.69 MB, 1468x1665, sami.PNG)

>>1237236Of course she's going to get offended by a fucking tiger but do zero actual research about european culture she's referring to and claim it's well done because it's fits her woke narrative kek
No. 1237259
File: 1656069784099.jpg (551.04 KB, 1080x1468, IMG_20220624_132257.jpg)

>>1237257It's a KuuJyu fujoshi/fudanshi, check the carrd. Also hypmic did blackface lmao
No. 1237263
File: 1656070361050.png (160.14 KB, 628x426, art.png)

>>1237260Her art, men with boobs.
Yes darling you might be homo, but not in the way you mean it…
No. 1237264
File: 1656070546665.png (2.36 MB, 1460x1428, untitled-3.PNG)

>>1237263I scrolled a bit out of curiosity and kinda thought that's a male hand but nvm she's just fat. Everything else is so damn feminine i should have had no doubts
No. 1237267
>>1237263>ship two anime menOk, fine
>draw boobs on one and call it gayUm?
No. 1237272
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>>1237267I think all the guys are TIFs in her art.
No. 1237274
>>1237263>>1237267>>1237272Pretty sure
>>1237257 actually got it right, it's an Aiden yume self inserting kek.
No. 1237296
File: 1656073189377.jpg (Spoiler Image,223.65 KB, 673x900, __sandalphon_and_lucifer_granb…)

>>1237289I posted
>>1237277 and I don't even have a gripe with fujos in general, I just dislike having something like this pop up on my feed when it's obvious self-inserting from hypocrites who say they're BL only.
No. 1237337
>>1237215Kek I woke up to this this morning and rolled my eyes hard. Nothing like Arabs pulling the
victim card.
(racebait) No. 1239518
File: 1656140585136.png (1.8 MB, 1170x2532, 88AF2C3F-C81A-4A0C-9A98-DBD594…)

moids literally want a second mother
No. 1239558
no actual buff guy is weird like these dudes, like I know plenty of buff guys who are just normal people
No. 1239570
>>1239518They're so pathetic. Men who see women as "motherly" are always vile incels with no respect for women. An actual man who has been "through a lot" and is "scarred" would be mature enough to not want a second mommy to fuck.
>>1239567Have you lost weight?
No. 1239571
>>1239518What bothers me the most about this is that if the genders were reversed and it was a damaged woman with a man taking care of her it would be seen as glorifying abuse and exploitation, and the woman would be considered an annoying damsel in distress. Now it's just a cutesy "uwu boys can cry too!" trope.
>>1239567It's pedophilic to post your preteen little brother's hand online for your vanity purposes too you fucking schizo
No. 1239650
>>1239575OT but I share my computer with my elder brother, my younger brother has his tablet
>>1239576maybe by american standards that is fat, but for the rest of the world that is a normal 11 year old boy's hand
No. 1239668
File: 1656152956313.jpg (49.59 KB, 612x612, 4be.jpg)

>>1239659He thinks cause he's light skinned and has brown hair that makes him an "Ayran" he goes from hating Islam and Arabs to calming that Muhammad and his contemporaries were Aryan and that racial mixing was the cause of their downfall, he also is starting to dislike our mother's people(The Sindhis) cause they are darker skinned and short and thinks that their culture is inferior to our father's Jatt culture, recently he's stated getting into Shia Islam and using it as an excuse to Insult the prophets companions(our parents don't know to deal with that) and is also unironically supporting Russia, Syria and Iran, I literally cannot comprehend his views and beliefs at a given time and whether or not he'll change his outlook in 2 weeks, but he's literally the one person I know in IRL who I can talk to about atheism and disdain for Islam, so it is complicated
No. 1239689
>>1239679Holy crap it's the same person!
I think Paki-anon also posted a pic of her grandma in the babushka thread.
No. 1239696
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>>1239690Fujo cringe, it temporarily turned into paki-anon cringe for a while.
No. 1239701
>>1239697>thirst for VargOh goddd
So she is the one simping for that church-burning murderer too? Talk about multitasking.
I fucking hate Varg because I grew up near the beautiful historically important viking church he burned No. 1239706
File: 1656154531551.png (824.56 KB, 1364x1304, Screenshot (2).png)

>>1239690>>1239689I don't have her hand-post but I still remember when she posted her actual grandmother in the babuskha thread
No. 1239710
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>>1239650I thought he was 9?
No. 1239726
>>1239717I dislike fujos but will defend them against our common enemies: Moids and Paki-anon.
Damn this is epic, I didn't know that one poster was responsible for so many things around the site.
No. 1239738
>>1239726>I didn't know that one poster was responsible for so many things around the site.Yeah, but I dislike anons who immediately wrongly assume you're the schizo boogeyman like
>>1237280 t. anon who finds fag moid worshippers annoying
No. 1239832
>>1239739>>1239726>>1239717>>1239705>>1239705>>1239674Sorry for responding so late, power went off for 2 hours, I guess I should explain, I am not an Idiot, I do not give a full accurate detail about my life for obvious reasons(again atheism is publishable by death in my country) they have arrested and hanged people for being atheists on Twitter, so I am paranoid about my own security, so I edit details about my life so I can have plausible denibaliry
As for why people ask do I not after male porn addicted people, its cause I'm not spaces where I interact with openly degenerate porn addicted often, If I see someone being openly disguising porn addicted whp finds children being raped erotic, I call them out(its sorta my peoples ethnic character, we cannot let things go)
So I hope that clears everything up
No. 1239846
>>1239832you are such an insufferable self-centered autist
i pray for the day you finally stop posting on this website
No. 1321839
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>>1210805if putting a piece of fabric over your gaping maw so that immunocompromised people don't die makes you seethe and cry and self victimise because "muh freedums" you should kill yourself on livestream so i can watch
No. 1328807
File: 1662474934451.png (15.36 KB, 573x80, Screenshot 2022-09-06 091509.p…)

Who's gonna tell this chick she's dating an agp this is gross