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No. 1186012
Thread to discuss or post information about the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Trial case.
Previous thread:
>>1171910Do not ban evade. Do not accuse farmers of being scrotes because they disagree with you.
Amber Heard cross-examination took place today. Her friend, a tranny named Io Tillet Wright also made a statement to the court.
No. 1186036>>1186190>>1186265>>1186449
>>1185841She slipped up and said she used a bruise kit, anon, not a concealer kit. A bruise kit is full of deep reds, blues, greens, and purples. And even if that was a mistake, you could easily feign bruising with either lipstick or blush.
>>1185838Amber described herself as putting on her concealer and colour corrector after foundation. Both those things go on before foundation and contour because the idea is to neutralize any discoloration before your foundation goes on. Both concealer and color corrector don't match your skintone, she'd have weird green/yellow patches or really light ones if she put on concealer and/or color corrector on after foundation. It's also not a mistake you'd make if you took makeup classes.
Bruise kits, on the other hand, go on over foundation because the idea is to have a canvas you then put fake swelling, redness, and bruising on top. Amber talked about putting on products after her foundation, which would be consistent with painting on fake bruising with a "bruise kit".
No. 1186074>>1186131
So Io Tillet Wright and Amber are still friends? But Io doesn't like johnny anymore?
Also what happened between her and Roxy? That was really awkward.
>>1186060>>1186070maybe the responding police officer from that call and a police report are available but haven't been shown yet? i mean that seemed to be the biggest bombshell she has had but it went no where (so far). it really hurt that it was a video deposition because they're so boring everyone dozes off.
from what i can tell all amber needs is /one/ instance with evidence. she can even have lied about a bunch of stuff, but if she has one incident where there is solid evidence then it isn't defamation. this isn't a trial of how big of a terrible wife amber is, she just needs to show one instance where he whacked her.
No. 1186131>>1186168
>>1186074They glossed over the reason WHY Johnny and Io aren’t friends. When Lily-Rose, Johnny’s daughter, was 16, Io went behind Johnny’s back and got her to participate in an LGBT event. He (as in Johnny) didn’t give Io permission to include or even ask Lily to be a part of the event. What followed were tabloids claiming Lily came out as bisexual, and she had to clarify that she’s just a straight ally. Obviously, Johnny wouldn’t want his minor daughter to be used as some prop for any community. Funny how they didn’t ask why Io and Johnny stopped being friends.
Personally, I believe Amber is BPD nutcase and a deeply angry, bad person, but for her sake, Elaine either needs to stop with the cure-all “what if anything” hearsay/leading questions or they need to put Rottenbaum up there. Anyone but Elaine or Nathan, who looked like he’d need to enter a mental hospital every time he got up to the stand.
No. 1186168>>1186561
>>1186012>>1186131Nonnie he doesn't give a shit about his daughter. He let a 23 year old sleep with her when she was 15 and lied to the police about it.
Lily-rose is a celebrity's child, they tend to get involved in causes they believe in and campaign for them in their teen years, so there's nothing wrong with her helping Io out. If anything it paints him as kinda homophobic.
No. 1186178>>1186184>>1186234
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Some instances where Camille Vasquez interrupted Heard during her cross-examination on May 17th:
>Vasquez questions Heard about the severity of her injuries after the Australia incident - doesn't let her explain what she considered severe or specify her injuries.
>Vasquez attempts to strike her question after accusing Amber of aggressively pursuing Depp multiple times to cause fights. She interrupts her in the middle of her answer after she attempts to clarify she had only pursued him a single time.
>Vasquez questions Heard about text messages between her and Dr.Callan where Heard said "I don't think I'll ever be able to change". The context of the texts was redacted and Heard was interrupted by Vasquez when she tried to explain that the context is pertinent to her answer.
>Vasquez interrupts Heard as she is attempting to answer whether or not it was her who threw things off a balcony in a March 2015 incident.
>Vasquez asked Heard about Depp’s facial redness in a photo from their honeymoon in 2015, claiming it as a facial injury - she interrupts Heard when she attempts to clarify that there was no such injury.
>Vasquez asked Heard about text messages between her and Depp where she is texting him over and over, trying to get him to respond to her and talk, trying to prove he was scared and running from her and desperate for attention. She explains that he would run off and go on drug benders and come back worse, which she was trying to prevent. Vasquez interrupts her while she is talking and attempts to strike the question but is overruled by the judge as Heard was genuinely answering the question. She continues to talk over her throughout this questioning and the judge has to interfere per Heard’s team's request.
>After Depp’s team plays an emotional audio recording for the jury Heard has an emotional response on the stand. Vasquez then questions her of the place and time the incident took place and interrupts her before she could even get anything out, “I believe it was-”.
>Vasquez asked Heard if she had hit Depp in the “you weren’t punched” recording” and interrupted her while she was trying to explain that it was self defense.
I'm not even going to attempt to list all the snide remarks, annoyed attitude about objections, accusations of inconsistencies where she was proven wrong, presentation of evidence that disproves what she was claiming, and more poor behavior by Vasquez made during Heard's questioning… it looked so fucking bad… Just watch this clip where Heard makes her look like a complete rookie who couldn’t even read a document she is presenting as evidence in full. I so badly wish this clip included the awkward silence that ensued after her failed gotcha moment but this is the best one I could find.
No. 1186184>>1186186>>1186188>>1186204>>1186572
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>>1186178she's disgusting. the judge also allows for a lot of her shit because she's a misogynist. i already got the impression early on that she would uphold technicalities that many judges do not uphold, for the benefit of the men (and male abusers), because she seems preferential towards men like many women who work in public institutions are to a large degree. reading about her more in depth, it would appear this is the case, especially in custody cases, where she has repeatedly given children to
abusive men to the detriment of the child(ren).
No. 1186194>>1186199>>1186204
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>>1186188yep, it's scary. and it already is, because as i said, she's upholding technicalities that the majority of judges don't, and it negatively impacts a
victim's ability to communicate their side, what they said to others about their abuse, etc. check out this article about it.
>“I think the judge has tremendous judicial temperament, but I strongly disagree, respectfully, with a lot of her rulings,” Law & Crime analysts Gene Rossi said during a Thursday lunch-break livestream of the trial, which you can watch here (and rewind to see his comments).
>“If you’re quoting someone outside of the courtroom, that’s hearsay,” he said, even if it’s yourself. “So I’m on the witness stand, and I’m (quoting myself) saying something to (someone) outside the courtroom, that is technically hearsay.” It’s also a very old-fashioned thing to enforce, Rossi said.
>“In my 30 years of practicing law, 99% of the judges did not care if I’m quoting myself outside the courtroom, because I’m there to be cross-examined!” No. 1186199>>1186213
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>>1186194This is a very informative article anon thank you. I wish more people would see articles like this that cross reference events and add context to them, it makes everything so much easier to understand.
No. 1186213>>1186250>>1186328
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i went ahead and put a comp together of the complaints against her, every single one of them (except for 1 review written by a depp stan as of a few days ago) is a complaint about her being biased
towards fathers and not caring at all whatsoever about the children that are suffering from
abusive fathers (and in the few that don't specify sex of the
abusive parent, it's still a complaint that she does not listen to professionals on behalf of abused children or listen to
victims at all). please read picrel, nonnies.>>1186204i have noticed exactly that myself, anon. it's horrifying and so sad. as if it isn't hard enough on women who are already far more likely to be abused, impoverished, then not believed. (am burger but no lawyer, but have dealt with judges and women in the sphere of state social services and they are exactly as you describe).
>>1186199you're welcome, anon. unfortunately people don't care because this is seen as entertainment, not as a case that presents a hugely
problematic potential threat to
victims (who are usually female) who speak about their experiences.
No. 1186234>>1186303
>>1186178This bothered me, she asks her and then doesn't let her speak. And not with the usual "just answer yes or no". If she just said that it would be ok. But this is just Vasquez holding a monologue.
Also what bothered me is Tillet not being able to stay in frame.
No. 1186276
>>1186268according to anon, they must just all be fake reviews from years ago that also line up perfectly with to-the-minute behavior and rulings she's making in that she systematically silences abuse
victims, disregards them with her rulings, and favors men. knowing she's an advisor for the antonin scalia law school is another good idicator she's trash too given it's a conservative teaching school and scalia was a nut and a horrible, horrible person and it showed in his rulings. anon is stunningly blind.
No. 1186331>>1186335>>1186342>>1186345>>1186348
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i have read this EXACT comment, word for word, at least ten times now. i'm starting to believe amber that there's a psy-op/pr team in place spamming positive depp shit everywhere.
No. 1186335>>1186370>>1186414
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>>1186331samefag but gassing up the lawyers like this is SO weird
No. 1186345
>>1186342Samefag, the commenter in my picrel and in
>>1186331 I have found making this same comment on several different videos related to the case, as well as other accounts.
No. 1186348
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>>1186331yeah, amber's attorneys hired an analyst firm specializing in bot detection and they found that there were bots spamming pro jd, pro waldman shit and many fraudulent signatures on petitions and lots of activity being directed to those petitions that wasn't human. additonally, adam waldman (depp's attorney) was removed from this case by another judge for the ethics violation of leaking and disseminating information that was specifically demanded to be confidential onto twitter and to the press. No. 1186350
>>1186342i have also read the comment im an abuse
victim and i dont believe her a thousand times also the petition to kick her off aquaman was exposed for having alot of bots
No. 1186360>>1186372>>1186386
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bailey sarian is such trash. all these "true crime" youtubers are such disgusting trash. imagine getting excited to shit on a woman who has substantiated her allegations multiple, multiple times and is the victim of a much more wealthy and connected man, while he has substantiated NOTHING.
No. 1186380
>>1186376exactly. he just accuses her of the finger incident (despite him texting 3 different people saying he cut it off himself, then being recorded on tape telling amber that he cut it off himself), and everyone believes him. there is 0 evidence to show amber did it, but everything out of his mouth is automatically believed while everything she presents or says is ripped apart. like all DV
victims know, abusers are believed and
victims are scrutinized, especially when the abuser is a powerful man.
No. 1186387>>1186403>>1186407
>>1186379yeah the payments show on the feed and it's huge money, like a few people were giving 50 or 100 bucks at times. and it was 5 to 10 dollar donations one after another. awkward to see two women in there just chuckling at a comment like that. i guess one kinda said "hheyyyy" like "That's a bad joke!" but they're laughing it off, i mean don't have some asshole like that on your channel that's gross.
>>1186376he has the train car photo and a bunch of injured finger photos. he also wasn't taking tons of photos of everything else…like amber has detailed photos of everything except good ones of her injuries. johnny, being an old guy, isn't running around snapping photos or taking video each time there is damage. his photos are ones other people took or group photos. he also didn't claim she caused injuries except for two times, most of his claims that she hit him he never claimed injury.
i need to review the finger tapes and texts. i remember the one to the doctor seemed like a joke to me, "cut off my other finger", but i need to take a look at the other texts again. i also don't trust johnny as a narrator with all the drugs he is on.. like does he even remember who cut off his finger? maybe he was so fucking smashed he cut it off himself and doesn't remember.
No. 1186414>>1186418>>1186439>>1186647
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>>1186335>>1186370She kind of looks like a prettier Jodi Arias, which makes things funnier
No. 1186418>>1186647
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>>1186414>>1186414you say jodi, i say a young hispanic heidi fleiss, which is remarkably apt given heidi was also selling abused women down the river so she could profit off of their trauma and earn herself the money of rich, famous men.
No. 1186425>>1186436
>>>/ot/1185946Sometimes. I've donated to charities before, generally after a good year, and I time it based on my income. In the case of a windfall, like a divorce settlement or selling a company or a big bonus, it's generally better to donate it that year all at once for the maximum tax benefit. It just depends what else they have going on. She wanted the money directly rather than him having to just donate it to charity and when he said he would do that, it sounds like she was upset that he'd be able to take that charity tax deduction. Since that deduction is up to 50%, that's why she said that if johnny pays he has to pay double. Johnny's lawyers could have probably dug into that part of the story a bit more but tax planning is painfully boring to a jury, especially if they would need to have a tax expert in to talk about's better to stick to the juicer parts. To a jury tax testimony is just rich people being rich people working the system.
From a tax efficiency standpoint, amber would have been better to pay all at once because our taxes in America are progressive and in a windfall year (large settlement) she'd have the most income in the highest bracket.
No. 1186441>>1186842>>1186878
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>>1186439She does. Where they're seeing "beautiful" and "hotter than Amber" is beyond me.
No. 1186449>>1186461
I can’t find any YouTube videos from the last few months that aren’t pro Depp, does anyone know any neutral or siding with amber videos?
>>1186036Are you just parroting something a man said? Yes, concealer is supposed to match your skin tone. A lot of people wear only concealer for touch ups. And I would say
most people put concealer on top of foundation, especially because of how easy it is to smear of lift off anything below if you are using cream or liquid foundation.
No. 1186459>>1186481>>1186488
>>1186436>>1186427>>1186435Then in that case, she'd likely be best to break it up as half of each settlement payment. Basically as the settlement came in, hold the money until the end of the year for cashflow/TVM and then send it late in the year to the charity. I almost always send charity payments in December so can make something off my money for that year.
The UK trial wasn't a lawsuit against her, it was against the Sun. She likely had lawyer fees, but, all she was doing was giving a deposition. I will say, she gave a horrible deposition and her lawyers trained her horribly for that. Even if you think there is NO WAY that you're not going to be found in to be on the winning side, depositions should be treated delicately.
Either way, saying you're going to give money to a charity in a nasty divorce is playing with fire, you better give that money or it's going to come back to haunt you. This all would have been a non-issue if she didn't make a big PR stink of donating.
No. 1186491>>1186505>>1186509
>>1186488It was in bad faith, just like all other rich people do it in bad faith too. They should all be called out on it. They shouldn't be above common decency, the law, and need to stop fooling the public.
I will not stand by and watch anon itt defend exploitative unsxrupulous millionaire practices, what the fucking fuck is wrong with you
No. 1186561>>1186568>>1186583>>1186684
>>1186168I completely disagree. There’s no doubt Johnny Depp is a shit father. He definitely did drugs in front of his kids and let his daughter get with a full grown man. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have reservations about certain things, and whether they make sense to outsiders doesn’t matter because it doesn’t change the fact. He’s a little crazy, his convictions won’t make sense to normal people. What Io did was creepy and ethically wrong, and I think part of the reason Johnny got so upset was because Lily took issue with Io’s straight up lie about her sexuality. Just look at what she said herself. There are predators everywhere, including Io, and I’m sure Johnny is also one, just to a different extent.
The reason I think this is relevant is because I would think Amber’s side would use this info to discredit Johnny. But I guess they’re purposely numbing the jury with these boring video depositions.
No. 1186568
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>>1186561nayrt, this is what Johnny's mad about for the record
No. 1186602>>1186609
>>1186595no one is "sexualizing kids" by talking about sexuality. and fucking funny you say that because depp was letting 15 YEAR OLD lily rose be statutory raped by a 23 yo man with his own child and lied to the cops for him to cover it up and enabled the statutory rape. i know you won't care as you're obviously a freak kiwicel or some other sort of weirdo, but that's massively
problematic on twenty different levels. not only is he a horrible father but he also lies to the authorities
>>1186599yeah sure you are
No. 1186609>>1186616>>1186633
>>1186602i'm on heard's side, don't get it twisted. johnny is a scumbag. but io also overstepped and had a minor contribute to a
sexual project her parents didn't agree to. so yeah, that's sexualizing children. kids have sexuality; it's not any adults business to talk about the sexuality of a child with the public.
No. 1186646>>1186656
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Based as fuck. The deleted user was from Johnny’s team.
No. 1186650>>1186653>>1186654>>1186657
>>1186645Having a sexual orientation / supporting lgbt causes / promoting acceptance of lgbt =/= being sexual/sexualised.
Sexualisation is when women/children are framed as objects of sexual DESIRE with nothing else to them.
Example of sexualisation : "I support lesbians because I like lesbian porn and it's sexy as fuck"
insert picture of naked ladies making out or somethingNot sexualisation : "I am 16 years old, old enough to know my own sexual orientation, and I support lgbt causes"
I'm gonna stop now because I feel like you're being willingly obtuse
No. 1186654>>1186660>>1186669
>>1186650no, that's sexual objectification.
>Sexualization (or sexualisation) is to make something sexual in character or quality or to become aware of sexuality, especially in relation to men and women. Sexualization is linked to sexual objectification.check a dictionary next time.
No. 1186660>>1186672
>>1186654The 2 concepts are really similar and my point still stands. fuck off badfaith-chan
>>1186657I'm sorry??? Am i a pervert because I knew I was gay at 14 years old? You're literally insane
No. 1186669>>1186672
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>>1186654sexualization and objectification are used in tandem and there are multiple definitions, but you're too smoothbrained to understand the multiple definitions aspect of language, i suppose.
>sexualization>the act of sexualizing someone or something (= seeing someone or something in sexual terms): the inappropriate sexualization of young girls. >She is disturbed by the sexualization of today's youth.
>sexualize>to see someone or something in sexual terms, or to make someone or something sexually exciting: She launched an outspoken attack on the music industry for the "overtly sexualized" nature of many live performances and videos. No. 1186672>>1186676>>1186677
>>1186660where did i say anything was perverted about kids knowing about their sexuality? nowhere. it is wrong, AS AN ADULT, to use a CHILD'S sexuality for your project.
>>1186669and talking about a child's sexuality on a project about sexuality is not sexualizing a child, got it.
No. 1186677
>>1186672I thought you were reacting to this part of my post
>Not sexualisation : "I am 16 years old, old enough to know my own sexual orientation, and I support lgbt causes"my bad. It sounds to me as if it was Lily-Rose who wanted to be part of the project, and I think she was old enough to make that decision. But whatever we should stop derailing
No. 1186680>>1186688
>>1186679i don't think we'll get any famous witnesses unfortunately.
lmao the guy testifying said there was pee and poop covering everything in the house wtf.
No. 1186685>>1186686>>1186919
>>1186595>stop sexualizing kids.Can you @ Johnny with this, knowing his track record, or…?
>>1186643>How is it SO hard for you to believe that people in elite circles, whether they’re the actual elite or a friend of the elite, might be more predatory than you or I?Like Johnny?
No. 1186696>>1186701
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>>1186681his reputation is for shit too but i just love the idea of depp feeling mogged by a hotter younger guy, or a richer guy, regardless. she has proven time and time again she can do so much better than depp. i kind of hope they bring him up, he will absolutely seethe to see a more attractive guy up there, and that franco still has a decent enough relationship with amber to give testimony.
also check the depp stans talking about franco in picrel, the sheer delusion in thinking this bloated corpse wrapped in a wrinkly ballsack is hotter than franco, kek. depp is fat as hell, old, and on meds for erectile dysfunction, in addition to him compulsively shitting his pants and pissing himself. somehow that's better than franco? ok. this tweet got a ton of likes too. they're not even remotely in reality.
>>1186688kek he was attractive. too bad he's a predator too but i'll take whatever makes johnny seethe.
No. 1186705>>1186715
>>1186701suppose so. it's unfortunate he's so
problematic at this point. i'm pretty sure amber was friends with him before the allegations came out so that sucks if she thought he was possibly a decent person at one point for him to then turn out to be such a creep.
No. 1186749
>>1186720Thank you,
nonnie. Sad they didn’t elaborate on this more, it seems like it showed his specific breed of bad behavior pretty well. Weird to think that a 50 year old man was acting this way.
No. 1186782
>>1186768The man gets
toxic relationships and frivolous lawsuits
No. 1186793>>1186802>>1187004>>1187014>>1187041>>1187380
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>>1186768i was surprised trump would be critical of johnny's claims at all.
but i have an even more surprising one for you: kaitlyn tiffany wrote an article about how fucking nuts johnny stans are. she actually got it right for once. this is probably the best article she has ever written. i cannot believe she didn't cape for depp and that she actually called out their misogyny, conspiracy theories, and "she's faking it" theories.
No. 1186886
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>>1186873I agree, she looks really good today
No. 1186891>>1186897>>1186903
>>1186879She looks pretty and completely normal, not haggard at all - she's 34. She could benefit from some juvederm in the lips though.
>>1186850There's a study that BPD traits were considered attractive if the woman was pretty. A bunch of people said after that study came out that they had mostly met attractive women diagnosed with BPD. It's just anecdotal but there was a lot of people saying that.
No. 1186899
>>1186876Pickmes tear down beautiful women, just like how they're doing to Amber, and men hate them because the beautiful woman in question reminds them of a hot woman who turned them down years ago.
There's no winning for us, ugly and beautiful women both get demonized for different reasons and acting like beauty is a privilege for women is stupid, at most you'll get people do stuff for you just because they think you'll fuck them in return.
No. 1186915
>>1186897Spot on anon. I was hoping to point out the misogynistic nature of BPD in particular, they use disorders like BPD and HPD to blame women for expressing displeasure with their behavior but don't have a problem with it if they can justify that the woman is attractive. Something like 75% of BPD cases are female and the diagnostic criteria includes language like hysteria and inappropriate anger which are traits that are largely labeled onto women.
>>1186903… No, "
nonnie" we don't do that here.
No. 1186930>>1186937>>1186940>>1186960>>1191471>>1193708
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Monica Lewinsky shared a thread supporting Amber. What a queen
No. 1186937>>1186967
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>>1186930Some tweets from said thread.
No. 1187047
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Reminds me of those Kristen Stewart / Robert Pattinson tweets way back.
No. 1187092
>>1187076wtf I read
>>1187062 too fast, I meant the acting coach, I liked her testimony a lot
No. 1187105
>>1187062Agreed. I think the acting coach was a good witness for her also. These were much better than Amber and her sister. The acting coach talking about seeing bruises on her wrists and cuts on her arms and Amber upset was good testimony for Amber.
Imo for Amber, from best to worst:
>Acting Coach (excellent)>Makeup Artist Friend (excellent)>Tranny>Rocky>Rocky's ex-husband (how humiliating would it be to be a husband and be living at some other guys house though? i found that so weird)..powergap..
>Valley Girl (neutral to slightly positive for amber, just seemed a bit redundant and it's like cokehead mooch #324)..powergap..
>Whitney (also she seemed like she took too much adderall before she went on the stand, the fight description was different than amber's description)>Amber (I think Amber was her own worst witness tbh) No. 1187115>>1187129
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Can anyone tell me who this lady is? I missed it
No. 1187256>>1187270>>1197028
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this twitter user has a thread of all of johnny depp’s bullshit if anyone is interested in reading. turns out the “sublime little russian” he mentioned in the “global humiliation” message was a girl he started grooming when she was a minor up until her early twenties. repulsive scrote
No. 1187271
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Amber Heard supporter got scratched at the courthouse today.
“ I was screamed at, booed, mocked, and even threatened with violence. Someone even tried to take my sign. Remember #AmberBelievers, we are BETTER than #DeppHeads and we most continue to hold the high road. #DanOut”
Link to other post because mobile lol No. 1187272>>1187312>>1187488
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I'm not on a side but posting this since if people are dissecting heard's pictures for contradictions , maybe acknowledge when it lines up.
No. 1187289>>1187305>>1187310>>1187349
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Saging since I’ve posted multiple times here and don’t want to piss off mods but did anyone see what Jennifer Howell posted before she deleted her posts? I think she may be the person who wrote the alleged letter to Whitney that Amber lied about what happened on the staircase, as did Whitney’s ex boyfriend. Thinking Johnny’s side may call her for rebuttal since Howell submitted documents to the court
No. 1187305>>1187333>>1187349
>>1187289What's the story here? (Allegedly) Amber was actually attacking Whitney, so she went to live with Jennifer Howell? What are Jennifer Howell's motivations and who is Adam Waldman?
I imagine this is why on cross today Whitney was asked about Jennifer Howell.
No. 1187333>>1187349>>1187371
>>1187305Story is that Amber was the one physically attacking Johnny at the top of the stairwell. If I remember correctly, Johnny and Amber were verbally arguing. Amber gets pissed, lunges to throw Johnny down the stairs. Whitney gets between them, which causes Amber to push Whitney instead of Johnny. Everyone already knows the rumors that Amber bullied Whitney - again, these are rumors. Whitney’s ex-boyfriend was also apparently in the home when this occurred.
Jennifer Howell finds out that Whitney and Amber are allegedly lying about the incident to protect Amber. She writes a letter to Whitney, stating that “you know that’s not what you told me happened/that’s not what happened”. In this, Jennifer Howell is referencing Whitney’s claim that she believed Amber was going to kill Johnny by throwing him down the stairs. Don’t know if Whitney’s words are in writing for this bit but whatever Jennifer has, it may be enough for some clarifying questions, although nothing to get too excited about as Amber’s side will most definitely call for hearsay.
Whitney allegedly said Amber got angry enough to get physical because the argument at the top of the stairwell
triggered memories of their
abusive father. This is ALL alleged (just to clarify for anyone who’s a crazy Amber or Depp stan) but someone did break into Jennifer Howell’s house after she started posting screen caps of her texts with Whitney (and I’m not sure if she posted messages with anyone else).
So she may get called in for rebuttal, who knows. I hope she does because Whitney’s testimony had significant deviations to Amber’s about the stairwell incident. Jennifer Howell did not live with Johnny and was friends with Whitney. Whitney allegedly lied about sleeping on the floor of Howell’s apartment (????) after the incident. I’m confused why there are so many inaccuracies in their testimonies.
No. 1187345>>1187347>>1187351>>1187627
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Letter from Jennifer Howell to Whitney (1/4)
Sorry if this is old news or was already discussed in the last thread
No. 1187360>>1188227
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mia farrow comes out asking why women are attacking amber
No. 1187364
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alexa nikolas (of zoey 101 fame), who has experienced dv and ostracization from a famous ex and much alienation by the hollywood machine comes out HARD for amber. good for her. she gets it right time and time again.
No. 1187374
File (hide): 1652931745483.jpg (188.74 KB, 1170x2080, FTDXbNVXwAI3vkB.jpg)

>>1187371she's a full on clown. waldman was instructed by the court to not share confidential information and leaked sensitive information anyways, resulting in his removal from this case by another judge for ethics violations. this is who she stans?
No. 1187376
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howell's declaration. honestly she seems overly desperate to be involved.
No. 1187378>>1187379>>1187383
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>>1187355Keep in mind this is just a picture that Jennifer Howell posted about her home being broken into. There’s no video to prove this and I don’t think Howell posted a police report either.
No. 1187398>>1187403
>>1187389No, it is not biased. You are saying that Heard's witnesses' depiction of events as "flowery" is manipulative despite them BOTH already testifying to this fact, as well as multiple other witnesses corraborating this, referring to
good times vs. a provenly scorned woman using charged language against another woman who slighted her during
bad times with zero evidence. You can insist on giving her the benefit of the doubt all you want but JD and AH already confirmed what the witnesses were saying. They are not comparable at all and what they are doing is not fucking manipulative kek but please do post the sides of the testimonies that don't line up with eachother
No. 1187403>>1187405>>1187409
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>>1187394Not sure what you’re talking about with the first question
>>1187398Yeah, because I’m speaking entirely literally and SOLELY about that one specific situation of the good vs bad times. There were no other situations during cross and testimony where either party gave slick answers. I literally said “both sides” but for some reason you’re taking it personally. So yes, considering we don’t know these people personally and I’m not an absolute retard who seriously thinks that I know the absolute answer in this case, I’m giving everyone the benefit of the doubt lol.
> please do post the sides of the testimonies that don't line up with eachother Are you fucking serious? Have you not been watching the same case? I don’t think there’s an issue with supporting Amber but at least do your own research before asking something like this
No. 1187488
>>1187272I saw that swelling too when I watched the video.
Anyway, the last witness again gave a different story about the severed fingertip than everyone else. Nobody's telling the truth about that. I'm now 101% certain of my posts here
>>1168752>>1168142>>1186768Actually based take and made me lol
No. 1187494>>1187499>>1187506>>1187513>>1187566>>1187574>>1188035
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I want to side with Amber, I truly do and I also believe that depp likely abused her in various way but by god she seems like a dumbass, if it was any woman with a modicum of intelligence or sense she could have gotten most of the public on her side, even an illiterate peasant woman has more common sense then her, I don't understand why she over exaggerates with claims that can be very easily disproven, can someone please explain her very moronic decision to me ? because it seems like she wants to lose this case
No. 1187511>>1187512>>1187528
>>1187499yes but I don't understand what that has to do with my question
>>1187506what ? I don't understand the exact details of the claim you are making, cause its mostly women defending depp and none of this explains ambers very nonsensical decisions
No. 1187528>>1187530>>1187533>>1187575
>>1187511For anyone still listening to Paki-chans opinions, see this post
>>1186989 where Paki-chan's racism and misogyny is compiled. She has posted about wanting to be a bangmaid to a white nazi man and talked about how he's superior than non-white men.
She has attacked white women time and time again (like how she's doing now out of jealousy) because the white women in question had worries of abortion being illegalized or the school shootings becoming more common in America.
She time and time again racebaited in an effort to secure herself of a white nazi male, going far enough to brag about her cousins wanting to fuck her just because the said cousins happened to be blonde and blue eyed as that made it brag-worthy in her racist mind.
No. 1187545>>1187555
>>1187544It's obvious. Why? Because she's white and paki-chan thinks all white women are scammers while all white men deserve most praise for simply existing. That's why she's caping for
abusive white men like she always does.
No. 1187546>>1187549>>1187557
>>1187533>Johnny Depp>Not whiteQue?!?!
He just has a tan dumbass. White people get leathery skin from the sun.
No. 1187549>>1187551
>>1187546She's only saying it because it got pointed out that she keeps defending
abusive white men while attacking white women. She even defended a literal nazi sympathetizer and said she wanted to be his stay-in maid.
No. 1187553
>>1187550>will you finally stop reeing about western women if they're tan?Paki-chan single-handedly ends racism by saying there are no actual white women, queen!
>>1187551I wonder how it'll be like once she goes to America. There will be a lot of western women there…
No. 1187557>>1187566>>1191297
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>>1187535>>1187546aren't his parents were middle eastern jews or something, either way he looks like a norhtern jatt sindhi to me, just without a mustache, same height and skin type and inbred facial featurs
>>1187550idk what to tell you but depp looks like one of the millions of inbred camel herders and fishermen in Sindh
No. 1187566>>1187569>>1187571>>1187575>>1191297
File (hide): 1652953727326.jpg (58.48 KB, 750x750, old-vs-young-10-amazing-photog…)

>>1187494>>1187533>>1187557why tf do you insist on embarrassing yourself all over this goddamned website and proving everyone right who says you are a misogynistic weirdo who capes for disgusting men? every time you come out with the same shit that you "aren't like that!!" but do the same nonsense. if you're watching this trial and think amber is the one coming off stupid, you're not paying attention or you're suffering from internalized misogyny. depp is white, this is ridiculous. he looks nothing like that guy in the pic, it's called a tan.
No. 1187570
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Romanianon vs Pakianon cage fight to the death when?
Stop shitting up threads you retards.
No. 1187571>>1187572
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>>1187566cope, he looks like an inbred sindhi deppfag, the faces he makes could only ever be made by men who wash camels anuses
No. 1187574>>1187575>>1187576
>>1187494She is an imperfect and flawed person who recklessly tussled with a very wealthy and popular man whose wealth gives him the ability to pick up and punish every mistake or slip up.
If you dont think money and connections matter just look at the monumental effort it took to take down Harvey Wienstien and Epstien despite the evidence against them.
No. 1187575>>1187591
>>1187566 and
>>1187528This is paki-chan and she'll always side with men. You can't change her views.
No. 1187576
>>1187572I do not understand you people, where have I ever defended depp, please show me
>>1187574thank you for actually for trying to answer the question I asked, my issue was that some claims like the dairy and bottle were clearly disprovable and melodratmatic and no one would belie them, so why use them, it makes not much sense to me
No. 1187627>>1187970
>>1187345>>1187347>>1187350>>1187355it seems to me like whitney is a pretty bad addict, and addicts lie. if whitney strays from amber, she won't have her lifeline for cocaine (I'm sure whitney can get cocaine, but can't afford her own habbit).
i don't know why this lady felt she needed to write a novel to tell whitney she wasn't going to purger herself. i'm curious if she has her own, perhaps not so holy, motivations.
No. 1187631>>1187643>>1187647
>>1187597On the off chance you have been misrepresented then:
> my issue was that some claims like the dairy and bottle were clearly disprovable and melodratmatic and no one would belie them, so why use them, it makes not much sense to meBecause as I said she is imperfect and a flawed person and people who are imperfect and flawed make bad choices and decisions. The crucial thing however is that this doesnt invalidate or justify all the bad stuff that happens to them.
Think about it in the context of people in the US who get abused by police. Rodney King or Daniel Shaver for example did stupid/illegals things that did not help their situation. However that doesnt change the fact that completely unacceptable things happened to them.
No. 1187647>>1187672
>>1187631alright but why continue with them once they've been found out, I feel like all she needs is a cleat and straight story and she could have most of the public on her side, this anon explains it better then I can
>>1187643 cause I feel like even an illiterate woman could navigate this case better then her
No. 1187658>>1187694
>>1187591Most middle eastern women aren't like that. She's rich and privileged so probably didn't suffer abuse in the hands of men which is why she supports
abusive men so hard.
No. 1187672>>1187676
>>1187647>alright but why continue with them once they've been found out,Because she either believes it is true despite the evidence or staying to one point consistently is the best way of winning her defense.
>cause I feel like even an illiterate woman could navigate this case better then herWhich is why 99.9% aren't the targets of 50 million dollar defamation lawsuits.
No. 1187694>>1187757
>>1187658Pakistan is not in the middle east, and I have always stated that I am very privileged by Pakistani standards in the top 15% of my country, please show me one example of me even claiming to not being wealthy, but despite this I have suffered and seen tragedy, I have been beaten by my mother throughout my life, the only reason she doesn't hit me anymore is cause she can't cause of her declining health and I have seen loss that you wouldn't imagine, my Uncle and his entire family were eradicated in an ethnic cleansing attack, my cousin was killed by a group of thugs cause he was the wrong type of Muslim, so I have suffered and know what its like to be abused and that's why I want to amber through this
>>1187676please show me one example where I have defended depp trough this, I truly wish to see If I developed multiple personalities or something, see its a very negative characteristic of us jatts, cause none of us high or low born can stand anyone making false claims about us
No. 1187749>>1187754>>1187756>>1187787>>1187830
File (hide): 1652962370289.png (1.93 MB, 1482x1700, amber.PNG)

OG tweet:
>The petition to have Amber Heard removed from Aquaman is now at over 4 million signatures, making it one of the most supported petitions of all time.
>Petitions to demand the exclusion of Roman Polanski from the Academy of Caesars have never collected 100,000. As a reminder: he is a rapist and child criminal recognized by justice.You don't care about victims of violence, you just hate women.
Main reason why we need Amber's side to win this.
No. 1187777
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>>1187763>>1187757other then my shitpost when have you seen me do this, and you know something I still prefer men of my ethnic group over any other type of man in the world dumbass, a pure pahari jatt whose not an arab worshipper would be an ideal husband, picrel is what I consider an attractive man
No. 1187830>>1187940
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>>1187749I just want to see Amber win. All women need this win.
No. 1187849>>1187872
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I was scrolling though tiktok and stumbled upon a video about known rapist in Hollywood and people in the comments were saying Amber Heard. It's just so baffling how brain dead people are being about this case, whats more dispointing is to see all the comments of women saying she probally is a rapist. Just look at the differnce in likes, there was also other comments saying her name.
It's just very ironic considering some of the people on the list are very close to Johny Depp that he defended. This case is really setting everything back, women will always be more scrutinised by society compared to men.
Sage for rant
No. 1187967
>>1187835Their attitude is so frustrating in discussions about abuse. On one hand, people will demand that the female
victim have evidence like photos and videos. Only to turn around and claim that the
victim instigated the incident and wasn't actually being abused if they felt safe enough to film/photograph. Like, just have the balls to admit you don't care if females are abused.
No. 1187970>>1187979>>1187980>>1187991>>1187993
>>1187627 I heard someone say that Whitney probably felt guilty she hung around Johnny for so long to support her drug habit. As for Howell, I don’t think she’s lying as a way to get back at Amber for not donating to her charity, but I do think it’s such a shitty, celebrity thing to do to get your character references from someone, and then proceed to donate to two other charities because of publicity. I don’t think the tax exemption thing is a big deal on Amber’s part since many wealthy people do this, but I think she just straight up lied about the pledge vs donate fiasco. Come on. This is a well learned bookworm - she knew the difference and lied. What does Howell have to gain? Not sure. We can only speculate that MAYBE Johnny will donate to her charity but that’s a huge maybe.
Biggest thing to keep an eye out for is the jury. Watch any lawyers on YouTube who are documenting how the jury is reacting to people. When Amber slipperily used pledge vs donate, multiple people on the jury were displeased. When Josh came on after Rocky and the others, the jury perked up a bit. One of the older women (juror in her late 50s) made a face at Elizabeth Marz, and one of the older males removed his hearing aid at one part of Amber’s testimony. Amber’s side needs to include at least some more charismatic witnesses like Josh because he made people in the gallery laugh and was actually likable. It’s like if you look at Johnny - you can hate him but you can’t deny people will listen to him partially because of his charisma.
I still don’t think Johnny will win but likable witnesses will make this less embarrassing for Amber in the long run.
No. 1188019>>1188033
>>1187991Ffs, so let’s say you’re right then. People still responded very well to Josh. Because he’s a man people are more inclined to think he’s funny and they liked him. Total win for Amber imo because it woke the jury up.
>>1187993I see what you’re saying and yes they are biased for Johnny. I don’t believe they are lying about what they’re seeing, though. Not everything is a conspiracy and I think there’s merit to what they’re saying even if you (and I mean generally) don’t like them. I’m looking for gallery witnesses who have written about the jury since there ARE Amber supporters in there. On the day of her testimony, a row of women on the left were tearing up/crying during (I think) the rape story. May have been another story not sure. It’s super hard to tell if you rewatch since the gallery is not supposed to smile/roll their eyes/show emotion. But maybe a gallery member has written some notes down that may be more believable.
>>1187996Um…do you know how American court works? The gallery can see the jury. They’re in the same room together. The gallery cannot legally disclose information as to names/addresses/etc of the jury but they can identity age range, race, etc. I don’t get your question.
No. 1188035>>1189257
>>1187494Debt's former lawyer took out of context, incomplete, and modified clips of amber fighting with him and "leaked" them to press junkets, and outright lied to sites like dailymail, building up to the massive uproar against her. She never stood a chance against waldman's tactics.
The irony in "liberal" debt using the same strategies as trump and qanoners. he fired waldman when he fucked up but I thoroughly believe debt continues to use bots
I'm only liking pro heard or neutral posts on social media and my feed is dishing me out recommendations for pro depp posts constantly
No. 1188049
>>1188033Yeah no livestream can see the jury. We can’t make up our own minds unfortunately but I am grateful a gallery is even allowed. Hopefully I or someone else can find gallery notes on the jury. It would be great if an Amber supporter got there early enough to be allowed in and took notes too.
Also just to clarify, the lawyers did NOT say that the jury is completely disinterested in everything Amber had to say. They pointed out times that were especially bad for her and some moments that were good. Some of the jurors are very hard to read due to having masks on/poker faces. Others actually took notes during her cross exams. It’s the video depositions that are literally making some members fall asleep.
No. 1188072>>1188081>>1191244
>>1188042Honestly I am grateful that it’s televised. I want much more transparency in our legal system. There are so many cases and stories absolutely buried by people’s disinterest in a tabloid or an article they can’t be bothered to read. In reference to Polanski, I would literally kill for that freak to get his day in court and have all his shit aired out. I still wish Ghislaine’s trial had been live streamed even if she is definitely going to jail. My aunt is a journalist who was in the court room during her trial and one of the things she said that stuck with me is that it was an especially hush-hush trial that everyone knew about but no one got to see. Imagine if there was this amount of public uproar for pedophiles? I would literally kill for this.
If it’s being streamed everywhere and you can see it with your own eyes, people are less likely to deny it imo. Not that any transparency will be gained but I’m speaking from a stupidly hopeful pov.
No. 1188073
>>1188061 Yet despite this fact, most people still claim she's "dragging him through the mud", using it as justification to discredit her with the classic
real victims don't do this! It's genuinely sickening.
No. 1188112>>1188117
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>>1188099>>1188099>>1188102theumbrellaguy had been trying to act as if amber was lying and trying anything to make him and johnny/johnny's team look bad but huh, turns out she was fucking right. psychotic liars
No. 1188178>>1188198>>1188204>>1188370
File (hide): 1652982961039.jpeg (947.99 KB, 2068x1502, 750059F1-7785-4ABD-8A9B-A66B7E…)

Although I’ve been avoiding reddit like the plague in regards to the court case because of media bias and well it’s reddit, I stumbled upon this subreddit. I was very surprised how unbiased the sub is about the situation and seems to actually drifted toward in favour of Amber. It’s a little refreshing to see.
No. 1188196
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Eva Green is spending her time defending Johnny on social media. I remember she defended Polanski after it got revealed that he drugged and raped a child. Yikes
No. 1188227>>1188376
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>>1187360Mia Farrow was being innundated with depp stans and took down her tweet..
No. 1188489>>1188504
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I just hope this person is right.
No. 1188567
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>>1188521Is this edited? He looks like fucking front facing Phineas KEK
No. 1188602
File (hide): 1652998332797.png (416.02 KB, 600x953, horrible defamation.png)

i'd suggest people actually go on and read amber's op-ed that this whole case is about. from the way depp fans are describing it, one could assume that it's some excruciatingly detailed description of all the abuse, but it's actually really short and tame. not only does she not mention depp by name, she… doesn't really acknowledge him at all in it, she doesn't even allude to being abused by an ex or anything. you would have to know about the allegations before reading the article to make a connection to depp at all. the only thing she does is refer to men in power that are supported by institutions, but.. meh. then she briefly mentions things like being swarmed by photographers every time she leaved the house and having to change her phone number because of threats, but most of the article is talking about stuff like #metoo in a pretty general sense. again, very short and tame. so, she's this terrible monster but the only thing they could accuse her of is… this? No. 1188625>>1188667
>>1188608Perhaps they don't get full transcripts (typically) but can request a certain part because they didn't understand what they were saying or forgot the context of what they said, some people may need to read it rather than watch it and use the court reporters notes?
I found a link where they discuss the use of court reporters and transcripts in the US No. 1188659>>1188668>>1188721>>1189072
>>1188638The twitter dude - wtf was the point, didn't actually talk about an orchestrated campaign to smear her online or bots or whatever
Ellen - sounds like she still likes JD and said he doesn't change when he's fucked up, she also didn't say he had any issues with coke, said he had never been violent towards her
Post nup lawyer - didn't actually explore why she abandoned amber after JD told the lawyer she was fired, even though he can't do that because it's Ambers lawyer.
Psych - sympathetic towards JD, also didn't say he had issues with coke
Attorney - talks a bunch of shit about his career for ages
No. 1188661
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Of all the celebs showing their asses this trial this one hurts the most for me
No. 1188668>>1188675>>1189086
>>1188659I mean Ellen Barkin did say JD was always jealous and prone to anger, that he treats people around him terribly and that he threw a bottle of wine in her general direction during an argument. Doesn't sound like she still likes him to me.
As for the others I can't say, I didn't watch the whole thing today
No. 1188675
>>1188668I don't know I felt like ellen was very firm in being like no he wasn't throwing the bottle at me, he wasn't fighting with me blah blah
Also they didn't ask her much about the jealousy and controlling issues even though she briefly mentioned it, I don't know I just felt they didn't question her well because I'm sure she could have talked more about how he behaves in sexual relationships and what is he like when he gets angry, she was also very firm in being like yeah he gets high but he doesn't change and become a monster etc.
No. 1188683>>1188687>>1188728
>>1188667samefagging here
On the site it also says the judge can ultimately decide if the jury can get a transcript and that as technology evolves we are getting faster at producing these notes/transcripts
I don't understand how it defeats the purpose of the jury system because it's literally just letting them read or watch stuff they have already seen, can you elaborate on what you mean by that?
No. 1188687
>>1188683she's obsessed with being uber by the book (which does not benefit women, the poor, or
victims or any marginalized groups at all) so i doubt she'll do anything that isn't from the 1800s or some shit
No. 1188721>>1188743>>1188754
>>1188659Also to add the lawyer in the morning basically said he thought amber had committed perjury and he was all for justice
Why did they have him, why
No. 1188752>>1188842
>>1188743But why did they have him say perjury a million times on the stand? Like it looks bad for amber and apparently the jury really perked up in reaction to the perjury claims
The psych and Ellen were both more sympathetic towards jd, like it was just a really odd choice having them all on the same day cause they weren’t exactly anti jd or sympathetic towards amber
No. 1188758>>1188764>>1188785
>>1188754He said he gave info to the lapd showing amber and her friends had committed perjury and they launched a probe
He also says all her claims are basically a hoax or bullshit
No. 1188951>>1188952>>1188956>>1188973>>1189120
File (hide): 1653024149444.jpeg (617.83 KB, 1074x1395, 15AAC372-79AF-43C0-ACF1-4BBE73…)

The umbrella guy got like 500 videos shitting on Amber. Talk about obsessed.
No. 1189072
>>1188659i was kinda floored her agent said that amber had no chemistry with jason mamoa or whatever his name is. i've never seen the movie, but that's not exactly helpful testimony for her.
i thought the twitter dork was going to show a bot campaign also, instead it just gave ambers lawyers to say "Justice For Johnny" and "Amber Turd" a few times.
No. 1189086
>>1188668they needed to get someone other than her cokehead sister, who is going to get slaughtered when they enter her letter into court and bring that charity organizer on the stand, to say that they saw him hit amber. every witness is the same: yeah he used drugs, he was jealous, he's an asshole…. but i didn't see him hit her. i maintain her best witnesses so far were the makeup artist and the acting coach. all the mooches and hanger ons (is it hanger ons or hangers ons?)
the real question comes down to what level of proof does the jury need. like this isn't a murder trial, so it's not reasonable doubt, there is some lower burden of proof. i'm not sure what that is and i think that will come down to the jury instructions also.
No. 1189116
>>1187890Aren't they just the representation of average Americans?
Wonder if this case will just get aquitted, they're both mentally ill people with substance abuse issues, they're both obviously bounced off each other. JD escaping, her pulling him back, him potentially then exploding. Her threatening that she will die if he leaves her,
triggering his mental health over the mother suicide attempt when his dad left. Her wanting to recreate the drug/booze fileld relationship her dad and mum went through. Big yikes. Hope they both get real therapy after all this.
>>1187843They brought in an old crone with a chip on her shoulder because they had a romantic (change that to sexual) relationship when he was young. Pick a lane around age and relevancy.
No. 1189119
>>1189112that is believable though…i'm sure he worked to seduce her but she wasn't little-miss-innocent walking in the trailer with a bottle of red wine, she's obviously mentally ill and has a history of violence against her former wife and sister (former wife debatable but also notice her former wife isn't exactly testifying), and her photography does seem to be very well timed and selective. regarding her settlement i think with her johnny depp tail wind she got into capeshit and (mistakenly) thought her career would take off when in reality she isn't a good actress.
that said, still doesn't mean he didn't hit her, but, that narrative is completely believable to me.
No. 1189130>>1189162
>>1189113Ironically none of the Suckerfishes are actual
victims themselves. They're the same women to shame domestic violence or rape
victims but consider themselves bigger
victims because their mothers or husbands disagreed with them once ten years ago.
No. 1189133>>1189162
>>1189120amber has awful lawyers, yesterday was a train wreck for amber. two days ago was much better for her. although i wouldn't be surprised if she's trying to micromanage her defense and making bad choices out of anger. tech witnesses in general often suck, johnny's "Google-boy" wasn't a good witness either.
i still think it's unlikely she has to pay damages since johnny's lawyers did a shitty job of showing damages, i think the jury is going to tell them both they collect zero.
No. 1189145
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Pure retardation
No. 1189162>>1189229>>1189268>>1189352>>1189583
>>1189133I wouldn't say it's all the lawyer's fault though, Amber seems like a very difficult client. She hasn't been open and honest about everything, there was a point where she was on the stand (wish i could recall exactly) where Elaine seemed thrown off as if "you never said this before okay let me figure out how to work with that". All the way down to being unwilling to avoid hearsay/fluffing things up. I think Amber wouldn't look so bad in the jurors eyes if she was willing to admit that she had some sort of fault/where she was wrong. Something, anything, whether it's in the relationship or not. But nothing is ever her fault, and so whose really going to believe someone like that? It does lend itself to the diagnosis of personality disorders.
I still wonder if it's true though that Elaine and Amber got into an argument after Amber stormed out. I know it's hearsay as it's relying on someone who was there supposedly hearing it, but the air was very different yesterday. No one on her team seemed happy, though she was still being represented. I do think this might end in a hung jury/aquited of damages.
>>1189130I've heard a lot of people supporting Depp actually coming out with their own abuse stories, whether it's childhood, sexual, or violence. So I wouldn't say just because people aren't supporting Amber they're shaming or oppressing anyone (are people who didn't believe Jessie smolltits story racist etc?).
No. 1189248>>1189263>>1189279
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Has this letter been shared in the thread yet?
>Although Amber is afraid of Johnny, she strongly insists that we do everything possible to keep this personal matter out of media spotlight, which is why she has not yet sought a CLETS DV TRO and why we did not arrange for Johnny to have been personally served at last night's movie premiere.
>Amber wishes to work quickly towards a private and amicable resolution of all matters but she will need Johnny's immediate cooperation to do so.
>If the requested Notice is not signed and the original executed form is not returned to me by May 27th, we will have no alternative but to arrange for Johnny to be personally served.
>In addition, we are requesting on Amber's behalf the following: (i) appropriate pendente lite support; (ii) exclusive use and possesion of the black Range Rover, the vehicle she is currently driving, with Johnny to continue to make all payments for any emcumbrances thereon; (iii) exclusive use and possession of 849 S. Broadway, Penthouse Nos. 1, 3 and 5 with Jonny to continue to pay mortgage, utilities, etc. associated therewith; and (iv) a contribution towards her reasonable and necessary attorney's fees in the amount of $100,000 and $25,000 for forensic accounting costs, to be paid to my firm…
Why are people saying this is blackmail?
No. 1189263
>>1189248Because it can easily be construed as such. Gimme this and give it quick or it won't remain a private matter.
This line specifically made me go "ooh"
>we did not arrange for Johnny to have been personally served at last night's movie premiere.That reads menacing, "this is what we could do to you".
No. 1189268
>>1189162Even if deppwhores think they're abused because their mommies didn't do everything they wanted, ala redditor style, they still don't have the rights to shame Amber and say they're jealous of her rape.
Abuse isn't equal and getting abused doesn't mean you now have the right to forgive other abusers instead of their own
No. 1189279>>1189298>>1189368
>>1189248it reads fairly normal for a person who married rich to want their life paid for at the same standard of living. i know my mom did the same thing to my dad, although i'm not sure how the paperwork looked. you give someone that wants to divorce a rich person and they'll have a bunch of bloodsucking lawyers to send nasty paperwork quick - and he'll have to pay for it.
blackmail? not really imo.
No. 1189291>>1189303
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some lovely armchair psychology!
No. 1189303
>>1189291What a lobotomized take. Didn't they think it was a slip of more along the lines of 'I first started
No. 1189352
>>1189162I agree that I think Amber is not the easiest client to work with and I think some of the witnesses that were basically shit were likely ones Amber wanted included specifically.
Either that or her lawyers are actually that incompetent.
No. 1189443>>1189453>>1189519
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Wouldn't be surprised if the rumours are true. Either he's trying to come off as a sweet ladies' man for the clout, or they're seriously a thing. If so, the levels of unprofessionalism are insane.
No. 1189460>>1189480
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>>1188048Wrong, the judge decided to have it televised and brought the motion on her own.
No. 1189529
>>1189519Idk how talented she is, I thought she looked foolish during Amber's cross-x. Apart from that I agree with you, it's tinfoiling from people who treat this trial like it's a tv show or something. Fandom bullshit
At most they might have been made aware of the tinfoil and are going along with it
No. 1189567
>>1189533Whaaaat? Televising it just draws more attention to it and brings more people waning to get in.
This must be a lie. The court and judge must have wanted the spotlight for their own careers.
No. 1189583>>1189585>>1189600>>1189630>>1189703>>1189748
>>1189162Yeah her concessions of saying “horrible, ugly” things to Johnny is not enough for a normal person to believe she is being honest.
She said on record she never hit him - but actually, she did. She doesn’t do drugs - except for that one, no, wait, two or three times. She admitted she hit him in self defense - but in the audio recording, during a completely different situation, she says “I did start a physical fight…I can’t promise I won’t hit you again” and then Whitney, who wasn’t allowed to hear Amber’s testimony, gave a somewhat different account of what happened on the stairs. She says she never had the conversation with Ben King about “do you ever get so mad that you lose it?” - but her words in one audio clip were verbatim “God I fucking sometimes I get so mad I lose it”. On top of that, you have her lawyers using “perjury” and “Amber” in the same sentence MANY times with Waldman, and a couple of cops, who aren’t friends with Johnny or Amber, saying they didn’t see any marks on her. Not to mention her sexual assault allegations - a bottle of alcohol was shoved up one of the most sensitive places of the female body, and she sought no medical attention, even though trace amounts of alcohol can burn your vagina and outer labia and even a flaccid penis can cause damage during rape/sexual assault. She also said she walked over glass and didn’t seek medical attention.
The jury is going to pick up on this shit, obviously. A lot of it doesn’t make sense, not because Johnny is a drug addict and Amber is mentally ill, but because some of these accounts doesn’t seem…human? I think that’s the best way to put it. Realistic, logical, w/e, human makes the most sense because Amber is struggling to be relatable.
Elaine also managed to
allegedly piss a few jury members off while interrogating Waldman. By purposely asking questions she knew Ben Chew would object to, she tried to imply to the jury that Johnny has something to hide because Chew and Waldman were staunchly protecting client confidentiality. It was like when a cop asks a suspect, “You want a lawyer now? Why? Do you have something to hide?”. It was a scummy thing to do, but especially a lawyer.
Also some insight on the judge - I’ve heard that Penney is typically very old school and strict but the televisation of the trial may have made her keen on protecting the integrity of the court. That means doing everything by the book, ex: sustaining seemingly superfluous objections against Elaine, not allowing Amber’s domestic abuse police report to be showed in court, etc. Penney may be trying to be as unbiased as possible because she knows thousands, if not millions, of people are watching.
It’s hard watching Amber and her team get kicked around. She says some insane things, like “look me up online”. Well, Amber, you’re encouraging jurors to do something that could get them kicked off the jury. I just couldn’t believe that she let that slip and wonder how the judge felt about it. I don’t know. Amber imo has a fifty fifty shot at winning still. In order for Johnny to win, I think he needs 51% of the jury to rule in his favor. Still a toss up but man, I wish I knew what the hell she and her legal team were thinking when they created this absolute mess.
No. 1189600>>1189608>>1189620>>1189630>>1189723
>>1189583I'm taking observations of the jury with a grain of salt because from what I understand they come from lawyers who appear on streams that are heavily biased towards Debt. They're going to see what they/their audience want to see.
Regarding Amber's inconsistencies, I get how that could look bad but it's been years and she's in a highly stressful situation. Her not seeking medical attention is super common in domestic abuse cases. People blaming her for that are only exposing their lack of understanding of the subject.
I think Debt beat her up for years before she started hitting back and/or instigating physical fights. At that point it's like, well the fight is gonna happen so I might as well start it. Makes the
victim feel like they have some power over the situation. Amber admitting she started a physical fight for me is either a) she hit JD back and he twisted it around and blamed her for the whole fight, gaslighted her, or b) she did start a fight but in the context of what I described above
When I look at JD's history, his attitude in court, the horrid texts, the power imbalance between them, that seems way more likely than Amber being a mastermind and planning the whole thing from the start. She might have married him for the fame/money, she might have loved him, maybe a mix of both, but I do not think she planned any of this. She doesn't have anything to gain from doing so.
No. 1189620
>>1189600Amber doesn't need to be a mastermind, she could just be a imperfect human who got into a super
toxic relationship which fucked her up because she was relatively young, naïve and doesn't make good choices in regards to her relationships.
No. 1189630>>1189636>>1189684>>1189723
>>1189583you make some good points on the testimony.
>Amber imo has a fifty fifty shot at winning still. In order for Johnny to win, I think he needs 51% of the jury to rule in his favor.The jury (seven people) needs to be unanimous or it's a hung jury. It's unlikely either of them are awarded any damages. The character portion is only one element of a defamation case, they also need to show intent and damages. Both sides damages testimony was shit. I think they'll tell both these rich fucks to go home to their mansions and leave each other alone.
>>1189600>I'm taking observations of the jury with a grain of salt because from what I understand they come from lawyers who appear on streams that are heavily biased towards Debt. They're going to see what they/their audience want to see.agreed, lawtube is also wrong a lot. also at least a few of the men (the fat balding red head one with the stubble especially) seem to downright hate women.
>I think Debt beat her up for years before she started hitting back and/or instigating physical fights.doubtful it's just him. there is a police report of amber hitting her ex-wife (which maybe is BS) and there is a video of her sister saying amber beat her up. if you add in johnny's accusation, she has three abuse claims against her. maybe one is fake? two? three?
both her and johnny are vile people.
No. 1189684>>1189787
>>1189630Couldn't find the video itt althought I swear it was posted. I'm probably retarded. Found it on youtube but there is an annoying scrote commenting so I won't post it here.
Image is very grainy so i can't confirm if she has bruises or not. Whitney's friend keeps asking her about the fight with Amber and all Whitney says is that she doesn't want to talk about it.
Whitney said later that she was filming a reality show with her friends and they made it up to add drama.
Also worth it to note that the video was shown in the UK trial and JD still lost. I think it's pretty weak as evidence that she was
abusive to her sister.
No. 1189703>>1189723
>>1189583>A lot of it doesn’t make sense, not because Johnny is a drug addict and Amber is mentally ill, but because some of these accounts doesn’t seem…human? I think that’s the best way to put it. Realistic, logical, w/e, human makes the most sense because Amber is struggling to be relatable. This hits a bullseye. It's because they're millionaire celebrities. Of course they're not relatable.
>Hi fellow human, isn't this a terrible thing we together are going though, you locked in your flat, me partying on my island, let me sing you "Imagine", that'll help all us humans>Hi fellow human women, I know I used one of you for breeding, but did you know IPV is a huge problem for all us human women, pls support me No. 1189723>>1189730>>1189794
>>1189600This is why I’ve been trying to find gallery notes on the jury. I’ve mentioned it earlier in the thread (I don’t post about this anywhere except here since everywhere else is either an echo chamber or full of morons). I mentioned how the jury allegedly reacted only because Elaine seems disastrous. Just…a disaster.
I don’t fault you for thinking Amber really was the
victim of domestic abuse. The power imbalance was there and Hollywood is full of predator sickos, no question about it. If in the event she was truly the
victim and not the perpetrator, I can wrap my head around her not seeking medical attention for the bruises, the supposed broken nose (which is still insane to me because I broke my nose and know what it feels like), maybe any other time Johnny sexually abused her. It’s HIGHLY unlikely given the fact her image is her trade, as an actress, but I find it believable she wouldn’t report those things. What I can’t accept is that she didn’t get medical help after literally walking over glass or the sexual assault. Literally does not make sense to me. Johnny lost the tip of his finger - he was bleeding profusely from a severe injury - he went to the hospital. Violent rape by a glass bottle that probably had trace amounts of alcohol on the handle is either on par as or more serious than getting the tip of your finger smashed. She had to have been bleeding and sustained major internal bruising/injury. Your entire weight pushing you down over broken glass shards that could easily slice deep enough to hit a tendon or bone is another extreme injury. Yet she didn’t go. It’s these two specific things that startle me. They stand out among every thing else because of how fucking crazy they sound. So just to be clear, it’s not that she didn’t report the other injuries, it’s these that I personally believe she embellished or fabricated.
I think they loved each other. Neither wanted this. But I think mental illness can be severely
triggered in relationships and because both Johnny and Amber have their issues, it created a terrible,
toxic dynamic. I definitely don’t think she masterminded this from the beginning.
>>1189630Do you know what the “51% unanimous jury” thing is about then? Because this is what I’ve seen people say. That the jury must be 51% AND unanimous. I know VA law states juries must be unanimous but I’m probably talking out of my ass rn.
>>1189703Relatability is important in this case
for the jury. The jury needs to see Amber’s point of view and understand why she did what she did. They need to empathize or sympathize with HER narrative rather than Johnny’s. It’s not like juries are emotionless robots doing everything by the book, they’re going to use their own emotions when deciding, and it would have been in Amber’s best interest to have them like her. Maybe they do, though, and we just don’t know it yet.
No. 1189748>>1189833
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>>1189583> She admitted she hit him in self defense - but in the audio recording, during a completely different situation, she says “I did start a physical fight…I can’t promise I won’t hit you again”Sorry anon but your post appears really misinformed right off the bat because these
were from the same audio recorded conversation and a simple google search proves that. She always insisted that she hit him in self defensive. She didn’t say she never did drugs - she said she only did them two or three times
around Johnny because the whole point of them asking that is to try and prove that she didn’t really care that much about his sobriety. This was backed up by witness testimony over the past 3 days of court. I feel anons already pointed out the problem with your other points, but I think it was important to address the things you got wrong about her testimony too.
No. 1189765>>1189791>>1189802>>1189805>>1189816>>1189898
>>1189730I’ll stop with the long posts after this sorry. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually did. I don’t believe he did at this moment but I’m not going to pretend like a veteran celebrity male wouldn’t hurt someone like this. Personally, I think the bruises were very iffy. Her makeup artist (the foreign blonde one I think) said in order to color correct bruises, you put on foundation first and then you use the “color wheel” and then conceal. But that’s how you conceal makeup bruises according to some special effect makeup artists on yt. The correct way, which I’m sure most of us know, is you color correct, then put on foundation and/or concealer, and the order of the foundation/concealer is more up to preference but color correction almost always comes first. Or at least that’s what I’ve always seen.
I also want to be fair to Amber because we don’t know either of them. So to be fair, someone posted a picture of Amber with a partially swollen lip here. Possibly filler, possibly something else, but it does look unmistakably larger than the other part of her lip. That could believably be the effect of Johnny hitting her in the face.
Idk if anyone here has been a
victim of domestic abuse whether in your romantic relationships or with family. Not to get anecdotal, but I know what a punch to the face looks and feels like. Amber isn’t lying when she said bruises tend to fade faster on your face than other parts of your body, but the nose is different. The nose WILL swell if it’s bad enough because of how vascular our noses are. The picture of her the night after imo showed no nasal swelling. But again, lighting and contouring could be the answer. I just find it very, very strange that a few pops to the face by a grown man + some rings didn’t leave her more serious damage.
No. 1189787
>>1189684it's more when you add it all up
>sister abuse video = "fake drama"?>arrest from hitting ex-wife = a misunderstanding? >johnny depp = it was self-defense / audio tapes are out of context?>jennifer howell letter = disgruntled ex-friend?i mean on their own i can write it all off as bullshit, but there is for sure a pattern here.
same thing with johnny, we can write off that johnny is a drug addict that gets jealous if one, maybe two people, say that… but when it's literally everyone it gets into a territory where I'm going to tend to believe the most obvious conclusion: johnny is a drug addict that gets jealous.
my understanding is civil cases needed to be unanimous, but the civil case I served on was in another state.
No. 1189805>>1189834>>1189844>>1189863>>1190941>>1190950
>>1189765I try not to post here too much because this case is
triggering to me, especially seeing so many people defend Heard just because she is a woman. My mother beat the shit out of my father for years, cut his hand so badly it needed stitches, gave him black eyes, bruised his ribs, huge bruises, hit his back so hard he froze up in massive pain for weeks every time he needed to bend down and needed medical attention for it. She taunts him all the time saying no one will believe him despite my sibling and I both witnessing her behaviour. He never hits her back, the one time he pushed her away from him to stop her from hitting him she immediately started wailing and screaming like he was murdering her. Absolutely unhinged shit. So I absolutely believe Heard could be just as mutually
abusive and lying, even though I think Johnny is also a druggie and was likely violent too. Both seem like the scum of the earth.
No. 1189816>>1189863
>>1189765Bruises don't heal faster on the face, what happens is because the skin is so thin on the face, much lighter pressure can cause a bruise and obviously less pressure means less damage and thus heals faster.
Severe facial bruising is caused by less pressure than severe bruising on your arm or ass.
No. 1189833>>1189885
>>1189748Sorry, I’m getting my audios mixed up or something. I don’t have notes in front of me. I’m talking about the audio that Amber said was proof of her hitting Johnny in self defense, which is the one where she admits that she hit him when he was trying to leave the situation, except the self-defense situation she claims is not in the audio. It’s literally only her admitting she hit him but there is nothing prior to this to back up her claim of self defense. No video, no audio, no pictures, only Amber claiming it was a self defense situation. Amber is on record saying “I never assaulted Johnny” and then later says that she did hit him, but the only proof that she’s given is herself telling Johnny that she hit him. So when I say she says she never hit him, I’m referencing when she says she never hit him OUTSIDE of self defense, even though there is audio suggesting otherwise, by her own words.
As for the drugs, you’re right that I misspoke. Was trying to say that Amber said she only did drugs with Johnny twice, yet they had scheduled a giant drugged out party for the rehearsal dinner and then conveniently added “but our plans changed”. My issue is that Amber’s legal team is painting Johnny, truthfully, as a drug addict, because that’s what he is, but Amber, although she freely admits that she did shrooms for her birthday or coachella or whatever, is painted as a non-substance abuser. The reason I think this comes off as disingenuous is 1) her testimony that the email of her wedding sent out “suggests” something (and she continues to say “suggest” even though it’s literally stated and not “suggested” in any piece of evidence, which is very similar to what Amber did with donated/pledged) and 2) everyone knows many famous people do a lot of drugs at some point. And again, to give her credit, Amber straight up admits she did drugs when prompted. What I’m saying is I don’t think the portrayal of Amber rarely or occasionally abusing drugs/alcohol compared to Johnny is very believable. That’s my own opinion, I know 99% of people on here would disagree with that, but most of my comments are more geared to how the jury might perceive these different portrayals.
No. 1189836>>1189856
>>1189798Bullshit, it's just a fingertip.
Nobody's stories on the finger match.
I already stated my own theory to many times, but it's clear nobody told the truth about that particular thing. I think it's because the truth would hurt both parties.
No. 1189841>>1190914
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Women can’t afford to have Amber lose this case. Domestic abuse victims are in danger with the legal system.
No. 1189856>>1189868
>>1189836Even for minor surgeries you're supposed to be clean.
Blog but I have a minor surgery scheduled in June, I won't even be sleeping for it bc it's so minor. I'm still asked to not smoke, drink alcohol, do drugs or even take advil in the days leading up to it. I think it's to avoid unexpected interaction between chemicals,
No. 1189863>>1189898>>1189960
>>1189802I’m responding to someone who asked me something, if you don’t want to read it then don’t
>>1189816That’s fine, but we’re talking about Amber saying she got decked in the face by a man’s fist with some rings on it. If Johnny is as
abusive as she says, I doubt he’s going to take the time to apply less pressure to his fist punching her face than it would be punching her arm. I’m trying to give Amber the benefit of the doubt because some of the things she’s saying are truthful and I could be totally wrong about the whole thing.
>>1189805I’m really sorry if that’s true anon. My mom was also
abusive in many ways so of course I see the parallels between Amber and her but I have close friends whose fathers were very much
abusive as well. Anecdotes won’t help us determine who we think is right/wrong. I hope you can find a way to avoid this topic if it’s hurting you and that your father can also find help if he’s still in that same situation
No. 1189885>>1189912
>>1189833> Amber is on record saying “I never assaulted Johnny” This is true - she never did. You can’t legally assault someone in self defense. She has always said that she would hit or push him in self defense. That recording did have context as JD was asking on the tape if it was due to the bathroom door, or maybe you’re talking about another tape? Please post the tape if so.
I don’t disagree with your opinion of Heard’s substance abuse - but I drew the conclusion from multiple testimonies that she leaned towards wine than drugs. I do disagree with your interpretation that they were both equally as bad with their substance abuse or close to it, because it just doesn’t jive with the testimony of witnesses on both sides, previous press about him before all this was even aired, and the multiple pictures of him passed out. AH doesn’t have anywhere close to a similar reputation so I think it’s a false equivalence; certainly both users, but one was more extreme than the other.
No. 1189905>>1189918
>>1189898I think what makes this case so captivating is that both sides make good points - A previous defamation case involving Amber Heard and Johnny Depp was already won by her side, she has photos of her injuries, her story hasn’t changed and she has witnesses that corroborate that; Johnny Depp has the recording of Amber admitting to hitting him that looks bad even with context, obvious abandonment issues on her end, the lack of medical record for her injuries and witnesses that confirmed she lacked injury - but neither side is willing to admit that. It makes sense though, I mean, literally only one of them can win the case. You can’t fence-sit when only one side can win, so people are forced to choose a lesser evil. Add in a bit of personal bias, media sensationalism and a mass of people willing to take things at face value and you’ve got a recipe for a vicious army of defenders on both sides. If you ask the average person with little knowledge of the case, though, they don’t seem to really care one way or another.
No. 1189912>>1189972
>>1189885Actually I completely agree that Amber was not as bad as Johnny when it comes to drugs and alcohol. My issue has more to do with the legal defense’s portrayal of Johnny turning into an
abusive husband whenever he did drugs or got drunk. Amber absolutely has witnesses backing her on this but Johnny has some witnesses backing him, too. It is the bathroom door audio and by context I’m talking about the fight beforehand. I’m saying we didn’t actually hear Johnny allegedly getting his head or fingers, I can’t remember, smashed by the door or Amber having her feet or toes squished by the door. I would like it is she was able to present whatever pictures/videos are being withheld, if that’s even true, since maybe she has something else that could seriously damage Johnny’s case.
>>1189898No problem, I’ll stop discussing this for a while though because anon is right that I’m blog posting and it’s probably annoying people
No. 1189960>>1190639
>>1189844No. My parents make about the same amount of money and I'm aware caping for celebrities is retarded.
>>1189863Thanks anon. It's just that certain things are so on the nose, like her comments about him never being believed and the exaggeration of injuries. I know intellectually these are two celebrities with so much wealth they are completely unrelatable to the average person, it's just certain things like the retards saying men can't possibly ever be abused that I know I am acting irrationally to. Statistically women are abused far more than men, my dad was just unlucky enough to marry someone with awful mental issues that are only getting worse and worse.
No. 1190086>>1190167
>>1190067If the judge ends up specifically clarifying this fact to the jury, I could actually see her winning her counterclaim even. Seems her team
were actually smart with their witness selection.
No. 1190167
>>1190086yeah. now i need to find out what that lawyer said, i've been kinda ignoring stuff not into evidence/not allowed.
>>1190150it doesn't, but it can show malice and damages, which is key to her winning money.
No. 1190312>>1190319
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if she wins i can't wait to see the cope on lawtube. at this point it could come out that johnny depp kills pandas and they'd still support him.
No. 1190691
>>1190582Defamation cases are hard to win, so Depp is unlikely to win. BUT there's always a chance he could and his lawyers are pretty good. But Depp's talent agent, that he fired, said Depp already had a bad reputation in hollywood because he was always late and difficult work with (even had to use an earpiece to be fed lines) and she even had to fly to set to try to get him under control. So, seems like Depp's reputation was already falling pre-Amber's claims. I think this is pretty important for the case.
Depp may lose the court case, but he went into it knowing this. His goal is to either 'clear' his reputation or at least bring Amber down with him, that's why he requested cameras in court. And so far he's winning public opinion and amber is becoming this age's Monica Lewinsky
No. 1190725>>1190732>>1191314
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I really wish this moid would just shut the fuck up already. He is so fucking annoying. Funny thing is this is immediately followed by him admitting that he's proud for paying for sex. No. 1190732>>1190761
not sure if this is actually confirmed, but, looks like Depp may be called back to the stand by Heard. this seems unconfirmed to me, though:>>1190725anytime someone has those 'laser eyes' in their avatar/profile photo you know they're a complete tool.
No. 1190804
>>1190782Similar is the whole recalling trauma thing, it's so fucked up. First people will say she's lying because she can't recall enough details since memory gaps are common with traumatic events, because her story won't add up, but when she remembers more details and her story DOES add up, then she's lying because trauma
victims aren't supposed to remember everything and need to have a fuzzy memory uwu. Women can never ever win.
No. 1190810
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a manchild of the highest order
No. 1190869
>>1190646Nta but most people know male celebs are more likely to have fangirls. Those fans definitely don't care who the
victim is, they just wanna see Johnny in person for two seconds.
No. 1190914
>>1189841That phrasing means that you believe that only women can be abuse
victims though. Regardless of the outcome, the damage has been done in the court of public opinion. Blame Amber for that, if she was more honest about the situation and didn't want to be seen as a perfect
victim then abuse
victims wouldn't be put in this position. The more lies found, the more it pushes the narative that you can't take everything at face value. It's awful.
No. 1190924
>>1190557He didn't sue her though, it was our rag, The Scum newspaper.
>>1190616I did wonder if the jury has to be dismissed as Amber actively asked jurors to go search for her online to see what's posted about her. Encouraging tampering with the jury, tsk. And it was interesting to hear that the jurors are going to have to sit with the full-length audios instead of just the clips heard in court.
No. 1190934>>1191284
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Reminder that if your point hinges on any of these arguments it’s a fallacy and worthless.
No. 1190941
>>1189805I'm sorry for that anon, but the dynamics here are very different. Johnny is a millionaire L.A scrote they all have an inflated ego and most are pedos/rapists, he's also a drunk/druggy and having had experience with alcoholic males I don't have any doubts in my mind that he's
No. 1190950>>1191035
>>1189805Stop letting your biased opinions discredit
victims. If a man abused you, would you consider yourself as the abuser because you fought back? You have to because that's why you're blaming Amber because of that weird freudian psychology of yours.
This case brings out all schizos with mother issues and now I know why some cheap pickmes always blame raped and physically abused women. Just because your mother was mean doesn't mean every literal woman is evil and continously abusing men. Get a grip before you end up in an
abusive relationship because you excuse
abusive men so much.
No. 1191035>>1191048>>1191086
>>1190950Ntayrt but I'm someone who has been in
abusive familial, romantic and even friendship relationships as a child and adult (bpdfag here)
If a couple is in a
toxic relationship and abuse each other it's hard to be like which one is the initiator/instigator, usually it's a mix of both.
It's hard as an outsider to judge that, that's really something that can only be figured out by therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists that work with both of the members of the couple and come together to compare notes.
Most people in
toxic relationships have been both the giver and receiver of abuse at times.
No. 1191084>>1191086
>>1191048Do you really think she never abused depp at all? Any abuse is abuse, it doesn't matter if it was "justified", defending yourself and abuse are different things, you can defend yourself without abusing someone.
I'm not saying depp wasn't in a more powerful position I'm just saying it's not black and white like one of them is good and the other one is bad. "Good" people can do bad things especially in situations like
toxic relationships.
No. 1191086>>1191096
>>1191035>>1191084what you say is sooo true, but you get a lot of backlash for saying that. they'll say "mutual abuse" is a myth and only accept a black and white answer of
victim vs. abuser. people like simple answers and things that fit neatly into boxes, not the often complicated messy reality.
i also hope your bpd is doing better. for me it took therapy, quitting drugs, and getting older to really get out of that. for amber, she really needs to get clean off drugs and prescription pills to get herself to a better place. it's just nearly impossible to grow when abusing drugs, and prescription pills are imo some of the most nefarious type because i could say "well i have a prescription for this! a doctor wrote this!". especially adderall, which imo acted like a catalyst for some of my worst behavior. adderall can really make people angry and short fused, it's an awful drug to have someone with a personality disorder on. add in alcohol and oh my… (same goes for johnny, i'm just saying amber because that's who i identify with more)
now on top of that, she's with johnny who is a polydrug abuser himself and what a dumpster fire. i think amber starts to describe the problems of polydrug abusers to the court, but fails in some authenticity when she acted like a pearl clutcher on direct. i don't think we're going to ever get the real answers of how the abuse went in this trial, i don't think we'll ever really know.
No. 1191096>>1191139>>1191257
>>1191086Thanks anon and yes same deal for me with the therapy/drugs/aging and I'm glad you are doing better too.
Completely agree that she needs to stop misusing all the various substances legal and illegal. Alcohol and stimulants in particular are terrible for making you emotionally volatile and agitated, it does not surprise me the way they communicated with each other when fucked up.
And yes, I very much identify with Amber more too but have known several men like JD closely (and been in relationships with them) so I agree his drug use is just as
problematic, well his is more so for him since he seems to hate to be sober at all and has had some severe addiction issues throughout his life.
It does irritate me as well that Ambers team repeatedly bring up JD's substance abuse as if it's not well established that they both chronically misused substances together in their relationship and that's way more relevant to the conversation than jd's many years of addiction and there's no way Amber's totally sober either.
No. 1191257
>>1191096yeah. i also feel whitney has a sad story….like she had/has(?) a pretty big cocaine habit at the time, and johnny and amber's relationship was how she was able to maintain it. when they were talking about how she was the marriage counselor, i couldn't help but think that maybe her drug habit depended on johnny and amber staying together, not to mention her being able to live for free in a penthouse, and maybe that motivated her to keep a bad thing going. i've met some people with some very expensive cocaine habits. this is pure gossip, but i guess the rest is too, but watching whitney on the stand I couldn't help but think she was on a bunch of adderall or something then too. I may have just been projecting my past onto her though, she just had a lot of my tells.
side note, watching whitney's facial expressions.. I saw some of that in amber. Some of the things I think people are saying are amber overacting just might be a bit of a family trait. like people have those lame videos of when amber says "my dog stepped on a bee" and makes a weird frown face, but if you watch whitney she does the same thing at times. they both are pretty expressive, they'd be terrible poker players lol.
>>1191189Yeah, she for sure is still drinking based on that. I also think with the stress of the trial it would be a hard time for her to sober up, she's in a dark place now, tbh wouldn't be surprised if her drug usage is actually going up.
No. 1191284>>1191288
>>1190934I don't think being a gold digger should be in the list just because being a gold digger is a real thing and it goes for both genders. Everything else seems pretty
valid, but considering the lies regarding donations, she does seem like a gold digger. She even had Elon do donations for her instead, but still credit her. Come on.
No. 1191297
>>1187557As a middle eastern jew this pic
>>1187566 could totally be my little cousin lol. I googled it tho and apparently Depp "is a direct descendant of Elizabeth Key, an African-American former slave who worked within the law to win her freedom on July 21, 1656."
This probably explains why Depp said his “great-grandmother was quite a bit of Native American, she grew up Cherokee or maybe Creek Indian.” Family lore would rather be Native than Black ig
sage bc Depp is white lol
No. 1191307>>1191309>>1191341>>1191343
>>1191303Even if she is a
victim, it doesn't discredit him also being her
victim. Not to mention her acting chops still won't recover from this either. She has no talent and no one will want to hire her again. Even WB said they didn't really want her in A2, but because she was in Aquaman, they needed some sort of continuity.
No. 1191308
>>1191303No. Those women weren't abused, they diagnosed random people as narcissists because they didn't lick her ass and praise her rotten self.
Go look at r/raisedbynarcs or r/bpdlovedones which are subs where failed male and females post about how everyone around them are totally mentally ill for not treating them like king/queens.
No. 1191314
>>1190725Lmfao not only is she wearing a Mao suit but her legal team is giving Waldman enough rope with which to hang himself later, so the 100 flowers reference works perfectly. Unintentional genius
This was surprisingly well done, but he's probably just trying to placate his audience
No. 1191315>>1191322
>>1191311Keep coping. He has admitted to using alcohol and illegal substances in sets. He's unhirable and although brands are riding on this for clout, as soon as this is forgotten in a month he'll go back to voicing low budget children films.
Maybe he'll marry one of the
suckerfishes, you know he calls his females fans
suckerfishes, right? Kek.
No. 1191316>>1191317
>>1191301Elon did that because he's a simp. A man decides to do something and somehow it's the woman's fault and speaks to her character for some reason, strange.
Even if it "makes her look good" she didn't get any money out of a donation made in her name to a charity so it does not make her a glod digger like you said
No. 1191317
>>1191316She's a
suckerfish, she only sees nen as right and would rather think elon and Johnny are the good guys instead of Amber. Kek.
No. 1191326>>1191344
>>1191322was that 13 months before this lawsuit or 13 months before the UK lawsuit?
>>1191323the charity wants it right away, it's just people sometimes donate over time for tax efficiency or other accounting reasons. In her case likely the most tax efficient thing to do was donate it the same year as her settlements arrived because that will be taxed as income and it's a progressive tax system so she'll want to use the write off.
No. 1191329>>1191333
>>1191320The post is deleted, what did she say?
Also it's derogatory. Aren't suckerfishes the fishes that suck out literal shit of other fishes and clean tanks?
Or the ones who suck on other fishes bodies and leech of off them? Both are bad imo.
No. 1191333>>1191336>>1191338
>>1191329It said that it was a reference to the Pirates movies and to keep up with obvious things.
To be fair i've only watched the first one so maybe suckerfishes are the hero of the story in the others ones kek
No. 1191381>>1191384
>>1191370sequestering a jury for a civil case would be pretty rare, i'd think. that also really limits the selection for jurors as a lot of people simply can't not go home at night.
is the picture that was edited in this thread? i missed that bit.
No. 1191384>>1191387>>1192502
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>>1191381Thank you, I had forgotten the word for holding the jury. She claimed she took the photo later in different lighting, which would've moved her hair around. I'ts clearly just saturated up.
No. 1191385>>1191390>>1192502
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>>1191380>>1191370I was confused about that part too. Which is the photo that was submitted to court? How do they know which one is the original photo?
No. 1191397>>1191415>>1191416
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Did anyone see the pic Russel Wong posted yesterday of Johnny and Amber during their honeymoon? Amber said the original pic we saw in court had been photoshopped to make Johnny look like he had a black eye. Russel then posted this. This is an enhanced edit: No. 1191538>>1191568>>1191571
>>1191341Aye cause mutual abuse isn't the most common form of abuse in
toxic relationships particularly when both partners are substance abusers.
People who are
victims of abuse can also abuse, people in
toxic relationships abuse each other, substance misusers are more likely to be in volatile relationships and their use often worsens when 2 misusers are together.
People with mental health and substance misuse problems are more unstable and are generally
toxic in relationships together.
Amber is responsible for her own actions as much as JD is.
I have been in ambers position, I'm not saying she caused this but come on it's silly to act as if she didn't get physically and verbally
abusive too, there's recorded evidence of her admitting to hitting him and of her hurling verbal abuse at him.
She can be a
victim and also someone who responded toxically/abusively when in a
toxic relationship.
It is never okay to behave like that no matter how you justify it to yourself, you can defend yourself without abusing someone, why stoop to that level?
/someone who stooped to that level in a much less glamourous version of this relationship
No. 1191568>>1191571>>1191583
>>1191538Reacting to abuse, even toxically, is NOT on the same level as being an abuser. JD/your ex brought the violence in the relationship, and Amber/you responded. I'm not saying she/you responded in the best/right way, but the blame is just not equal and I'm tired of people claiming it is. If your ex hadn't abused you, you would have never felt the need to stoop to that level, as you say. You can recognize that you/Amber could have reacted differently while recognizing that the abuser is the cause of the situation. I'm sorry this happened to you and that you were led to believe tou were equally culpable because you're not, and Amber isn't. Nobody is perfect, including
No. 1191571>>1191579>>1191597
>>1191568how do you know she didn't bring the violence into the relationship? there is more evidence looking at her past relationships of abuse than his. then would him hitting her be considered "reactive violence"? or because of his "power level" or whatever buzzword it is, is it no longer "reactive violence" if it's a man? Relationships are messy,
>>1191538 's thoughts are much more the reality of the world, versus yours are what some mouthbreather social worker learned getting her man hating degree. the fact is that men are more often violent than women, just like they rob and steal and kill more in general, but that doesn't mean that SOMETIMES a woman doesn't rob, steal and kill.
No. 1191579
>>1191571I deleted my original reply because
>power level or whatever buzzword it is>mouthbreather social worker learned getting her man hating degree>replying to some version of me in your head that thinks men can't be abused when I didn't say that in my postYou sound like an MRA/incel and I don't want to engage with that shit
No. 1191583>>1191588
>>1191568I guess I feel that acting as if Amber did nothing "wrong" is also erasing much of what actually went down in this relationship. What goes down in relationships like this.
The general public view it in such a polarized way, both sides acting as if one side was behaving appropriately and the other wasn't.
They both did shitty things, they both are not particularly mentally healthy or stable people.
Relationships like this get very messy, this is the result when it breaks down and you have more money than sense and are famous.
It would be much more powerful if Amber said you know what, we both hit each other, we both said and did horrible things to each other, we both misused substances together and were regularly intoxicated around each other.
But I was young, I was naïve, I have mental health issues I didn't fully understand at the time, I made shitty decisions, I was misusing substances more than I ever had before, but this man repeatedly abused me and it would never have escalated to this level of abuse/toxicity if he hadn't been getting completely fucked up on a regular basis and taking it out on me when he had power over me in that relationship as a older, richer, more famous and more influential person.
The public would have a better understanding and thus likely more compassion if she was more upfront about her own behaviours.
Is it her "fault" she's getting so much hate? No but I just think she could have handled this way better and I hate it all being spoken about as if it's so black and white.
No. 1191593
>>1191588Yes I totally agree that their relationship was always going to be disastrous. I feel much empathy for Amber because women don't go into relationships like that unless they are completely naïve and/or do not value themselves enough to believe/know they deserve better and thus don't want or aim for better for themselves (or are gold-diggers I suppose but I don't think that's appropriate here).
I agree the hate is unfair, I do think there's a chance she could have gotten the public behind her though if she and her team had handled the court case differently but again I don't think it's her fault she is getting this hate.
No. 1191597>>1191599>>1191605>>1191634
>>1191571>more evidence looking at her past than hisBitch 12 of his accounts on amber were found proven elsewhere and all of his past exes say he was
abusive. There’s one rumor about one of her exes.
And no, it’s not “more powerful” to say responding to abuse with physical self defense is also
abusive, it’s patriarchal reversal bullshit that
will and already does get women blamed more than men.
No. 1191605>>1191608>>1191622
>>1191597>all of his past exes say he was abusiveno they don't, there is one nutty ex that said he threw a bottle at the "general direction" of a group of people she was standing in while fighting with someone else.
>There’s one rumor about one of her police report from when she was married and then there is video evidence that she beat her sister
No. 1191617>>1191620
>>1191613 said she's just got a history. but the jury probably doesn't know that, but they figured it out after her weird moment of "change romantic to sexual".. like wtf lol, we understood that lol.
doesn't mean she is lying at all, but, i think a jury is going to think she has a bit of a screw loose. she is likely telling the truth, her testimony was: he's jealous, controlling, and once threw a bottle in the general direction of her when fighting with his friend.
No. 1191634>>1191648
>>1191597I'm anon that said I think her testimony would have been more powerful if she was more upfront with the
toxic, fucked up shit she did whilst in the relationship too (that's the route JD tried to go I think). I think that might be what you were referring to in the second part of your comment? If not um I guess ignore this if you want.
Again she verbally abused him, that's not self defence, it's abuse. He may have pushed her to that level but she still said those
abusive words. More than one thing can be true at once. And her being verbally
abusive was not a one off.
It seems she has hit him when he did not hit her first, obviously we don't know the full context or truth.
She has argued she hit him in self defence on other occasions, so she could have hit him in self defence to protect herself or others but that does not mean than she was never the person to hit first at some point.
She was often emotional and not sober when arguing/fighting with him, she was engaging in many
toxic behaviours in the relationship, she was certainly verbally
abusive at points and possibly physically, this is not self defence.
She may have defended herself in the relationship at points but that doesn't mean every shitty thing she did was in self defence, I think it's more nuanced than that.
I sorta feel by saying all amber did was self defence makes her look less credible, less relatable, less emotional, less human?
No. 1191648>>1191655>>1191658
>>1191634developing habits like saying hurtful things or using manipulation tactics while being abused is still not mutual abuse. It’s a
toxic behavior you will have to unlearn in order to have healthy relationships later, yes. But it is a trauma response and the actually abused one is nowhere near as bad. If you spend your life terrorizing someone else then you deserve more than whatever mean things they said to you.
No. 1191653>>1191654
>>1191620yeah it made my friends and i look at each other like "wtf" when we were watching the testimony.
>>1191622he's a total creep for sure. christina ricci he met when she was like 9 and then dated at 18. I wouldn't want to bet against his next girlfriend being younger than amber.>>1191645
No. 1191654
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>>1191653The "sublime little Russian" who came after Amber was 19 kek
She dumped him tho. Good for her.
No. 1191658>>1191665
>>1191648I think you are splitting hairs on calling those behaviours
abusive or
toxic, I think we both mean the same thing but more stigma is attached to the word abuse and so you choose to not use it.
I would argue hitting someone when you are not defending yourself or someone else is abuse and is
toxic behaviour in the context of a relationship like theirs.
No. 1191676>>1191682
>>1191665There's clearly no point in me engaging with you any further, my whole point is she can have abused jd and also be a
victim of abuse at the same time from jd.
In no way have I said this nullifies jds behaviour or responsibility for his actions, I'm just applying the same reasoning to both individuals and trying to be unbiased.
In case it wasn't clear I have been in ambers shoes, I relate to amber a lot more, I empathise with her, in fact I can't say I wouldn't have done the same fucking thing in her shoes so I don't know why you are talking to me as if I don't care about women.
No. 1191693>>1191696
>>1191682It is only harmful if you think someone being
abusive is somehow not a fairly common thing we as flawed humans do.
You are viewing things is such a polarised light like if someone has ever been
abusive then we can't empathise and understand why they did that, that it makes them "bad" and wrong.
I would argue your view is harmful and if someone had the same beliefs as you they may have a lot of internalised guilt if they ever slipped up and did something
abusive or ended up in a
toxic relationship.
I'm a bpdfag who has done (and still doing) extensive therapy to deal with abuse and
toxic relationships throughout my life and with relatives/lovers/friends, I hope that gives you some context as to why I have a different view on abuse from you.
No. 1191702
>>1191390Well that is obviously a lie. The background is the same, and it does not take an expert to overlay the 2 photos in photoshop and see they line up perfectly.
Why lie about something so easily disproven? If she really was abused, shit like this is why she will lose the case.
No. 1191709>>1191717
>>1191701Ok but it’s literally reality. “They were both
abusive to each other so amber should shut up/theyre just as bad as each other/she deserved it” is the most popular view aside from amber being the sole abuser.
No. 1191717>>1191727
>>1191709Yes but that's not my view? And I wasn't saying those views were right.
In terms of fucked up ness JD is clearly worse (I have lived with multiple substance abusers like him, I know the misery and toxicity of living with someone like that, particularly when your own mental health isn't good), he should have known better, he was more powerful etc., doesn't mean amber never abused him.
No. 1191727>>1191731
>>1191717You’re missing the point so hard. Everyone else recognizes abusers as being the one with the power in the dynamic/the true instigator. Calling trauma responses abuse leads to the views those people have and enables abusers to harass their
victims for the rest of their lives.
No. 1191731>>1191734
>>1191727Why cant a response to trauma be; to then abuse the person who traumatised you or to become an abuser yourself to that person or others?
I also have ptsd kek
No. 1191734>>1191756
>>1191731ffs because being an abuser requires you to have the power dynamic/be the main instigator. You
can go on to abuse someone in your next relationship after being abused, but you can’t abuse your abuser.
No. 1191756>>1191759>>1191773
>>1191734Reactive abuse is a thing in trauma bonds. it is still abuse, it's not defending yourself, it's not accidental.
Whether jd or amber is the actual abuser in the relationship we don't know, like I said earlier in the thread, that takes a mental health team and or forensic evidence to figure out.
I personally think it's more likely jd is the abuser and ambers abuse is reactive abuse but it still doesn't mean she wasn't abusing him.
One is the abuser one is engaging in reactive abuse, both are abusing each other at times.
It is highly unlikely they equally abused each other yes (is true equal mutual abuse even possible? we don't know for sure yet)
Why not say yes I reactively abused him in response to him traumatising me because that sounds a lot more real and honest. Get a some expert to talk about reactive abuse and trauma bonding who is independent or some shit could even have an expert evaluate them both i dont know.
She will not admit to the abuse, to the depths of her
toxic behaviour and unfortunately, that kinda testimony people would have actually listened to at least.
Again doesn't make it fair or her fault about the hate but her lack of honesty and insight into her own behaviour I feel has majorly negatively impacted her case.
No. 1191759>>1191774
>>1191756She probably thinks she has to be perfect because people are nitpicking everything about her and she knows that. I disagree that people would go easy on her if she was like "yes I too was
toxic". She breathes and it's a sign she's a narc. She makes a weird face during her testimony and it's mocked by thousands of people. Her admitting to anything would be seen as admitting she was the sole abuser and Johnny is a wittle innocent babby because the public is being fucking retarded about this whole thing. She admitted to hitting him back, for example, and that's used against her.
No. 1191774>>1191779
>>1191759They knew that audio of her admitting to hitting him would come out.
They should have been like this is reactive abuse due to amber having experienced traumatic abuse from jd and probably other people in her life previously (I do really think she has bpd, I'm usually good at sniffing them out so I'm going with my gut on that one cause I thought that before that doctor said she had it anyway).
Then maybe people would actually understand the mitigating circumstances regarding the abuse she had committed.
Get psych experts to explain power dynamics and abuse in trauma bonds, get independent trauma bond abuse experts to interview amber and depp and speak to their own personal mental health providers and have them analyse that.
Since they accused amber of bpd they could argue naw it's c-ptsd from johnny and that's another reason why her behaviour and emotions were so intense.
I don't know, I feel like if they used actual independent experts to break down the abuse and trauma in the relationship and if amber truly is the one who is reactively abusing rather than the abuser that is what they should have argued for because um that's actually the fucking truth and more believable. But that would require amber to be extremely vulnerable which is very difficult particularly if you have not truly faced your mental health difficulties and thus lack insight into your behaviours and so are in denial essentially which is kinda what I think is going on with Amber.
No. 1191783>>1191788>>1191824
>>1191779But did amber or her lawyers actually say that?
And I think they should have had more than one expert for this, like independent one to evaluate both jd and amber, another independent one who is some super expert in traumatic abuse in
toxic relationships and domestic violence to explain what all of that is and to give their opinion based on the evidence they are experts on.
If amber is diagnosed with a mental health condition(s) have her own mental health provider(s) actually talk about how that can relate to how she behaves in relationships and in reaction to abuse and trauma. That's just like off the top of my head how you could actually give more foundation to it being reactive abuse but I'm sure there's more evidence you could find too. They didn't lean into this enough, whether amber didn't want it or they were afraid it would go against her or hey ho maybe its not the truth but I think this would have been the better way to play it.
>>1191773Yes that is true and I agree, still doesn't mean you didn't abuse the abuser
No. 1191788>>1191793
>>1191783Afaik Amber's team wanted Johnny to be evaluated as well and it was deemed unnecessary (which is bullshit imo, it was completely relevant to the case)
I too wish they would have had more psych experts but the trial hinges on money and reputation so I guess it makes sense to have accountants and stuff instead.
No. 1191793>>1191797
>>1191788Who deemed it unnecessary, do you know?
I mean they could have had both? because some of the witnesses they have certainly wasted a bunch of time during the trial with, a lot of those video testimonies have lots of bits that are not super relevant or useful to the case.
So like this is why it happened and why jd is the abuser and amber just reactively abused which does make her a DV
victim and so johnny can't say she defamed him because her article was based on the truth and the accountants can still talk about money.
No. 1191804>>1191831
>>1191797Hmmm, would things have been judged differently if she said they had a trauma bond and she claimed to have committed reactive abuse as a result of him being an abuser and then they could have argued they needed independent experts to evaluate whether they had a trauma bond and the role of abuse within that dynamic and whether that trauma bond and abuse was the reason she developed PTSD and how that relates to domestic violence in their relationship?
So you would need someone who can evaluate trauma bonds which would obviously entail evaluating both people in the relationship
You still need another independent expert to evaluate whether amber has ptsd and what caused it.
No. 1191831>>1191844
>>1191804You just keep moving the goalposts, it’s ridiculous. Sorry it didn’t go the exact way that you think would make her appear sympathetic but she insisted continuously that she only ever hit him in self defense and self defense is not abuse, it never is, mutual abuse is not abuse, the reactive abuser in the
abusive situation is not
abusive, she was
not abusive anon. You just keep insisting and assuming she was
abusive and making your own arguments to support why you think its the case and ignoring the reasons why the other arguments didn’t work. Seriously, I beg you to go back and read how many times anons explained to you why your posts were wrong and you just move the goalpost, misconstrue the argument or completely change the argument. I beg of you to take in what anons are saying instead of just arguing without reason. I beggg
No. 1191839
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>>1191833Oh lord this is so awful. Didn't this all come from he-said she-said allegations? Normally if you are going to go this hard on someone you should at least have evidence that they caused bodily harm. At this point I actually feel bad for her for having this needless hate mob for her even if she is missing a few marbles. I am so pissed nobody ever went this hard on Chris Brown.
No. 1191844>>1191847>>1191852
>>1191828It means it's not abuse on it's own its more than that wtf that's what "in and of itself" means
>>1191831Look I think reactive abuse is a kind of abuse, she certainly did plenty of that verbally and we don't know exactly about the physical aspect because there's no hard evidence she only ever did it in self defence or not
In what way did I move the goalpoast? from the beginning I have said she has verbally abused him (evidence of that) and we don't have hard evidence of anything else but we know physical altercations have happened within the relationship because they both say that, even if they don't agree on specifically what physical altercations happened. And there's likely been emotional and even sexual abuse too. This relationship was
toxic as fuck and it would honestly be more surprising is Amber never lost her temper or patience with him and and ended up reactively abusing him. I feel we are just explaining the same points to each other over and over again in different ways, not changing the argument. Unless I have missed something and we weren't arguing about whether someone can abuse their abuser?
Didn't say she wasn't a
victim even if she has reactively abused jd, and I say reactively abused now to clarify for everyone else that it's not normal abuse because I'm sorry if that wasn't clear before when I didn't use the technical term but was just describing it as 2 things can be true at once, she can have abused jd and jd could still be the abuser and I think that's most likely.
I just have a different opinion and you guys refuse to accept it no matter how many times I try an explain it. This is why I was saying lets just agree to disagree.
No. 1191852>>1191857
>>1191844> I feel we are just explaining the same points to each other over and over again in different ways, not changing the argumentGirl I am nta, I just saw your posts with that anon and you are literally moving the goalposts in every reply. First it’s because it didn’t happen, then it’s her team didn’t specify it, then it’s because she didn’t specify it. I don’t even care about what you’re arguing but it doesn’t matter what you think is abuse, the research shows that there is a
victim in reactively
abusive relationships and that
victim is
not abusive.
No. 1191857
>>1191847kinda esl yes (speak scots) and learning disorders.
I did read the whole quote to me I still read it as
victims in
abusive relationships can reactively abuse as its basically a physiological response to their psychological state, I still don't see how if for example you see your partner is drunk and your response is to then smack the glass out of his hand and scream insults at him as he trys to take a drink for example cut him with the glass isn't you escalating the situation in an
abusive manner.
This is just a random example of the top of my head not saying this ever happened just to clarify.
So yes reactive abuse is a distinct thing but like… abuse is till in the name because you are still doing something bad to someone.
If she has bpd she probably has reactive rage as well as the
abusive reactions, this is well established in people with bpd.
Like honestly if reactive abuse isn't actually abuse that would mean people are justified to hurt someone if they have been abused by them in the past.
>>1191852well i just realised we were arguing about different things because I was genuinely talking about the concept of
victims of abuse also abusing their abuser and what that means for this case
I tried to show how it could be used by ambers team to argue it in court if she truly is the
victim and was reactively abusing jd in the relationship or defending herself, and jd was the abuser to demonstrate my argument better but like I think you thought I was trying to make a different point than I was which I'm sorry if it wasn't clear.
No. 1191883>>1191889
>>1191870KEK anon I love you
tinfoil, didn't debt brag about in one of the audios or texts to amber that he can have people killed? would it be shocking if he did? he also was reportedly near River Phoenix and the viper room the night River died
No. 1191895>>1191900
File (hide): 1653188177569.png (112.57 KB, 1190x560, Screen Shot 2022-05-21 at 10.5…)

this is interesting. i wonder why they'd want to recall him after they already had a chance on their cross?
No. 1192005
>>1191652>why do you think women should care so much about what men think? >but Johnny is totes the victim because he thinks so. Even if he defended pedos, even if he groomed minors, even if he threw a bottle to one ex and raped another with a bottle. I totally don't care what men think. See? Um… Why are you defending him then? He supported pedos, abused previous partners, groomed one, threw a bottle to another one, hurt and raped Amber… It's obvious his old stinky ass isn't the one that's abused.
Suckerfish you're defending him why? You're an old fan and think you gonna get a pity fuck? You're a classic misogynistic woman and hate other woman and wanna see them suffer no matter what? You're jealous of Depps girlfriends? Which one is it, suckerfish? You like men who humiliate women and that's why the nickname makes you even happier?
No. 1192180
>>1192158Johnny depp defenders are yelling at Amber, calling her cursewords and flaunting how much cash they spent to have him wave at them for two seconds while looking like unwashes hobos.
Amber's defenders are explaining why they support her and telling people this is freespeech and that they want others to be respectful towards their opinions.
Also why are most Depps supporters women? It's mixed for Amber.
No. 1192245>>1192247>>1192364
>>1192236i'm not a depp supporter either. women can have immense psychological power over men, my last bf was much wealthier than i and certainly stronger but he was so afraid of being alone i treated him pretty badly when i was at my worst.
i understand you not liking depp though, for sure, but your position on abuse is inconsistent with my life experience.
>>1192240he has continued revenue from backend and residual deals from his films. he may spend faster than what he should, but, he always has new money coming in to replenish. i also don't know if he has backed off spending…he also seems to have a lot of real estate assets, maybe he learned not to have four penthouses worth of hanger ons anymore and sold some of them while the real estate is so high. imo part of the reason he's such a druggie is because it's impossible for him to hit rock bottom with his sort of passive income.
No. 1192258
>>1192247i was talking about you saying women can't abuse rich men ""she couldn't abuse him because he's richer and stronger than her, mutual abuse is not a thing""
>>1192250i highly doubt she'll have to pay any damages. imo johnny did a terrible job of showing damages.
No. 1192364
>>1192245How does your life experience translate to this case? Unless you and Amber share the same brain it's irrelevant. You are no different than the women screaming "thats not how abuse
victims act".
No. 1192414
>>1192408Yeah cause this
>>1192354 brought so much to the conversation. Say something useless, get a useless reply
No. 1192667>>1192678
File (hide): 1653247973568.png (310.16 KB, 1032x578, settlement.png)

>>1192612I am not sure how much Amber is paying for her defense, but Johnny paid $100k to both the ACLU and the Children's Hospital in Amber's name ($200k in total). Then he paid the rest of the $7 million directly to Amber. Elon paid at least $500k to both the ACLU and the Children's Hospital in honor of Amber but she testified in court that they don't count towards her pledge.
Picrel is the document showed during cross-examination. Johnny finished paying the $7 million divorce settlement in February 2018. Amber's Op-Ed came out in December 2018 and she was sued in March 2019. To be clear, this has no bearing in whether she was abused or not. I am just stating what happened to the money and the charities.
No. 1192678
>>1192667> To be clear, this has no bearing in whether she was abused or not. I am just stating what happened to the money and the charities.agreed. it's just an element johnny's team has used to show her character and motivations. one interesting thing I read on wikipedia about depp's lawsuit to the sun was that there was also an NDA in the divorce settlement: don't recall that being brought up in the trial, maybe not a good thing for johnny's team to bring up because it looks like he's hiding something, and not a good thing for amber to bring up because it looks like she broke it.
No. 1192809>>1192815
>>1192805Oh fuck off you have not taken a photo that's identical whilst a human is taking the photos.
That's not possible people move constantly, do you fucking not breath or something?
You some robot or something?
No. 1192815>>1192816>>1192911
File (hide): 1653257275588.jpeg (239.67 KB, 750x991, A1F0EF45-21E5-4426-B884-64F85D…)

>>1192809Nta - I’ve taken pictures like that too. With an iPhone you can take multiple photos at once and change the appearance just by tapping the screen. I can’t remember if they had that feature in the models pre-2015 but I know they did let you take multiple pictures by holding the button down. Regardless, even if you disregard those two photos, she submitted a shit ton of other ones in different lighting that showed the marks on her face. These ones are from the same set but from the UK trial, The Sun’s attorneys increased the saturation on some of the pictures to make the appearance more obvious and the judge took no issue with it.
No. 1192816>>1192839>>1192846>>1192861
>>1192815You have go move to tap the screen
I don't know how you can think the picture would be completely identical down to every pixel.
Prove me you've done that and I'll accept your point
No. 1192834>>1192837>>1192982>>1193678
File (hide): 1653259606949.png (435.31 KB, 1080x2037, Screenshot_20220522-184239_(1)…)

Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point
No. 1192837>>1195203
>>1192832Exactly, if the photographer is human - they move, if the subject is human - they move.
Everyone is constantly moving as they breath even if they are not aware of it, never mind tapping the screen or whatever.
>>1192834is contra a secret farmer or something kek?
No. 1192841
>>1192839I'm sorry but people would still move in a miniscule way, the person holding the camera and the person who is the subject.
This is something well understood in regards to medical imaging or many other medical procedures where people need to try and hold as still as possible (both the medical person and the patient).
No. 1192846>>1192847>>1192861>>1192871>>1194014
File (hide): 1653260491561.jpeg (272.59 KB, 1280x1202, 20E1C643-5468-460C-A5A1-126BB5…)

>>1192832>>1192816I hate that y’all made me go have to try it out kek. There, two pictures where nothing changes but the lighting. Took it with my phone and two hands next to a light like Rocky did. Included random shit to make difference in the photos more obvious
No. 1192851>>1192854
>>1192850I mentioned the subject and photographer being humans from the beginning… inherently alive moving human beings.
I don't know what else to tell you
No. 1192854>>1192856
File (hide): 1653261048768.jpeg (209.37 KB, 946x999, 2A7CFE72-0178-4443-AB98-70BD60…)

>>1192851Nobody is going to post themselves on lolcow to make a point to you. I tried with what I could, focusing on your idea that every pixel being identical is suspicious, it’s not. This is the best I can do, photo from google showing that you can change the lighting with the tap of a finger on iPhone. What’s the next goalpost you’re going to move to?
No. 1192856>>1192861
>>1192854Jesus Christ did you think I was literally demanding someone post a pic of themselves and expecting that in return? the fuck
Give me evidence people can take photos of people without moving, does that exist? no.
No. 1192861>>1192862
File (hide): 1653261723003.jpeg (390.22 KB, 640x474, D99B8346-564D-4F08-BD36-A1272E…)

>>1192856Anon, I made the photo in
>>1192846 to respond to this poster
>>1192816 who said to prove that you can take a photo without pixels changing and they would accept the point. I also included >>1192832 because they also claimed that it was strange that it was identical down to every pixel. You then responded to my post telling me that it’s not
valid because it’s not a human subject, ok, sorry for assuming that it means you would’ve preferred a human subject to be in the picture? Anyway, I showed you an example of it, and I can show you many more because the burst feature on iPhone lets you take tons of photos a second that literally look identical between them. Anyways, I’m done derailing about it, I think it’s pretty obvious that it’s possible and she had multiple other photos regardless of that fact so it doesn’t really prove anything anyway.
No. 1192862>>1192864
>>1192861It needs to be a human subject because humans breath, their whole upper body moves when they breath even if they are sitting down.
So it was a cluster photo that she somehow changed the lighting in (switching the mirror lights on or off) and went right back to the exact same position, okay it all makes sense now.
No. 1192873>>1192881
>>1192871So another human being was holding the camera is what you are saying?
Tripods are used because people move.
Whoever is holding the phone is constantly moving as is the subject unless they are dead or paralysed.
This creates minute differences in photos.
No. 1192911>>1192918
>>1192884Similar enough to appear identical is also distinct. But why don’t you address this?
>>1192815What would she be trying to hide when both versions were presented side by side? Why would it matter when they both were presented and when there are a bunch more pictures that are nowhere near identical? Because you don’t give a shit about who the
victim is, you just want to see a woman suffer because she went against daddy depp.
No. 1192918>>1192924
>>1192911Right well you are redefining the definition of identical then.
I'm only arguing about the identical pics because I know that's physically impossible if it involves humans essentially.
I'm not doing this because I'm trying to defend depp, it's just not possible that these are two identical photos taken one after another with different lighting when its a human taking the photo and a human who's the subject, who changed the lighting then, it's got to have been one of them right?
Ambers explanation doesn't make sense basically and it's silly to defend it by refuting either how human bodies and cameras work or by trying to change the definitions of the words identical and/or similar.
No. 1192936>>1192943
>>1192926Thank you anon, I know I said it was an unfair comparison (it still is) but surely this demonstrates how the differences would be greater with an alive subject that moves.
>>1192932Okay dokey I'm a retard, is there a reason you chose to engage in an argument with me despite knowing I was talking about the photos being identical and you were actually talking about them just being similar so like it seems we may even agree since we both think those are different things.
Well that was a nice wee chat, it's nice you took the time to pointlessly argue with me.
I'm sorry if it wasn't clear that I was saying it is impossible to recreate the same identical photo, I thought that was obvious so forgive me if I didn't convey that in my other posts.
No. 1192943>>1192951
>>1192936The fact that you
still don’t know what was being argued despite multiple anons giving you a visual diagram is sending me kek
No. 1192951
>>1192943Did multiple anons give me a visual diagram representing the it being possible to create identical photos? I thought it was just the one anon who overlayed the images and who specifically disagreed with the anon that took the photos and uploaded them.
Maybe I missed something?
No. 1192959
File (hide): 1653269344782.jpeg (29.03 KB, 372x363, D53968D4-92D2-4D8A-8572-589D44…)

>>1192954It looked really weird when I tried to overlay the photos. Maybe another anon can do it with a better software?
No. 1192965>>1192967
>>1192962Or maybe some of us believe Amber did some stupid shit as a result of being in an
abusive relationship and having mental health difficulties of her own.
She can have lied at some points and still be the
victim, look for the truth rather than it being 100% Depp lying or 100% Amber lying, have some nuance.
No. 1192967>>1192984
>>1192965Right but it’s not just Amber though, the person who took the photo we are discussing said that
that was the photo they took and they didn’t photoshop it… two people would be committing perjury.
No. 1192982
File (hide): 1653270372034.jpg (697.44 KB, 1078x1433, Screenshot_20220523-113812_Tik…)

I'm seeing more people talk about the bias about the case on titok and getting positive reactions. I came across a vid with almost half a million likes on the topic. Even if they still think she's a abuser it's slowly waking people up to actually look at the evidence. It's sad that women have to be bullied and harassed before people actually listen to them. Many females are
victims to this reaction until some documentary covers it so people switch up but it's too late, the damage has been done. It happened too many times and after this case it will happen again to another women, people don't learn.
>>1192834Oh wow, that's shocking. First Trump now Contra?
No. 1192984
>>1192967but the image was identical so like were they crazy lucky to get 2 shots like that ?
I just can't believe the photos went down the exact way Ambers saying in court.
>>1192971Oh yeah it's very minor but it's literally impossible which is why it's like, come on just accept there's something fishy going on with this particular photograph situation, amber doesn't have to be an angel to be a
victim No. 1193124
File (hide): 1653283973943.png (12.36 MB, 3865x3154, spilledwine.png)

Here is another set of photos submitted by Amber. The 3 top photos are from Dec 15, 2015 (Exhibit 512) and the ones in the bottom are from May 21, 2016 (Exhibits 723 & 725)
No. 1193489
>>1193110>It's a very polarizing case because only one side can be right.that's just not true at all.
>>1193058the trial isn't even done yet, how can you have all the evidence?
>>1193145i didn't say he's the "right" one. thanks for proving my point, you couldn't even make it through two sentences before defending your side.
No. 1193583
>>1193559Deppwhores consider themselves abused because their moms told them they were failures and boyfriends dumped them but Amber getting beaten and raped isn't severe enough. These are the same women who think men are as vulnerable as women and rather cheer on #mentoo instead of #metoo.
Anyone who got beaten or abused knows not all abuse leaves bruises. They're inexperienced and lying to look credible. If they actually were physically abused, they'd overshare it for attention likr they overshare everything from how much they wanna fuck depp to how Amber totally reminds them of the mean girl or rude mother that didn't engage in their delusions.
No. 1193586>>1193598
>>1193058I'm waiting until both sides have finished presenting their cases to finish formulating my opinion.
Why is that a stupid thing to do?
No. 1193602
>>1193598What I'm just saying I'm not gonna be finished formulating my opinion till I've actually got all the information? It has nothing to do with what my opinion actually is, just about critical thinking.
I don't even really understand what you are trying to express here. How can you be pro both of them?
No. 1193619>>1193620
>>1193617Because she tried to defend Johnny, couldn't come up with any arguments and when she got mocked, she deleted her post explaining why Depp calling her a suckerfish is empowering. And how suckerfishes are heroes in Johnny's film and totally not fishes who stick onto other fishes and leech off of them.
Now she's trying to stop other anons from talking by complaining itt and posting weird memes, she'll probably move to /meta/ soon and tell jannies to lock thread.
No. 1193735
>>1193732do you get good cocaine?
i'm more talking about taking benzos to go to sleep and then taking adderall to wake up and having a boost off of cocaine and then when the adderall wears off at night getting really drunk to combat the come down and then taking benzos to pass out. also i relate to getting angry and
abusive while getting cranked up on stimulants.
No. 1193871
File (hide): 1653326586573.jpg (184.04 KB, 828x976, moss.jpg)

Apparently Kate Moss will testify for JD…
No. 1193889
>>1193879i think the way in which he was discredited wasn't as effective because he was able to talk around it each time and be a little argumentative with the lawyer. i donno, i'm not expert, maybe he was shit but imo he could have been a lot worse.
my main gripe is that we kinda already know johnny is a drug addict, he's told us that himself, so not sure this expert really added much to that. the correlation of IPV between polydrug users is palpable, but she's been diagnosed all the same so not sure that's really headway.
No. 1193900
File (hide): 1653327896125.jpg (125.24 KB, 1200x1014, cognitivepirate.jpg)

>>1193893dr. spiegel knows he's a great actor though
No. 1193924>>1193934
>>1193893Or when he tried to argue Depps competency based off one mini-mental state examination which depp got 27/30 for.
That's such a reach. Also for some reason didn't know how depp performed on the rest of the test besides the verbal recall and didn't know Depp was basically high and sleep deprived when he took it. Made him look like he was cherry picking majorly and wasn't properly informed about the examination enough to comment on it.
No. 1193935>>1193938
>>1193934It is different because he never interviewed Depp but curry interviewed Amber.
Also he diagnosed her with 2 personality disorders, bpd and hpd iirc.
It is common for people with personality disorders to have other comorbid personality disorder, particularly within the same cluster (they are all cluster b).
No. 1193944>>1193945>>1193952
>>119393627/30 is a "normal" result, I have performed these on many patients, 27/30 doesn't indicate a lack of competency
>>1193938I never said he did. I'm saying it's different because he never got to interview Depp but Dr curry did get to interview Amber.
No. 1193962
>>1193945I'm a bpdfag and medfag and ex poly drug abuser who has basically been in relationships very similar to theirs so I'm gonna be super bias inherently btw.
I think jd is the abuser and has severe mental health (a cluster b diagnosis would make a lot of sense imo but harder to tell which with him) and addiction problems and amber probably does have bpd and they probably had a super
toxic relationship and probably have both gotten physical during an argument with the other.
I think Depp might win though because how the court case has went down.
No. 1193971>>1193978>>1193999
>>1193952You really can't extrapolate that much information from one mmse, particularly if the patient is not performing at their baseline due to them being high and sleep deprived.
You would need to repeat the exam to have any sort of real argument, like if he took 3 of these on 3 different days and kept getting only the verbal recall questions wrong that would really raise eyebrows but not just one test when he's in a compromised state.
No. 1193988>>1193995
>>1193980and some of the results were not normal. thats the point. some results were off and some results were normal.
The psychologist is arguing that his results might indicate some kind of drug abuse.
No. 1193995>>1194030
>>1193988I'm talking specifically about the one mmse which he scored 27 on, which is a normal score.
Not sure if you are talking about other results
No. 1193997
File (hide): 1653331874107.png (3.25 MB, 2808x1596, Screen Shot 2022-05-23 at 2.47…)

>heard's expert
a professional hired gun. this is too over the top, i'd be surprised if she doesn't get killed on cross but the lawyer doing johnny's cross today is pretty terrible so we'll see.
No. 1194013
>>1193999Yes I'm not 100% sure if the lawyer was saying depp was actually sleep deprived and high or not.
What confused me was that the Dr didn't know depp got 27 on the test, depp's lawyer had to tell him that and then he went on to say depp was sleep deprived and high but I'm not sure if he was arguing it in a how do you know he wasn't high or if he was saying yes depp admitted to being high during that exam and it's documented in the medical notes, I will have to rewatch later on.
No. 1194030>>1194040>>1194041
>>1193995the way i understand it is that the mmse have several parts to it, and while his overall results are good some of the individual parts are abnormal.
I dont recall exactly what was said, but it could be he scored very well in the language and orientation parts, but really low in the memory part.
No. 1194041
>>1194030Depp couldn't recall even one out of three words after 5 minutes or something like that, which the witness considered to be abnormal for a man Depps age.
Not surprised his brain is fried
No. 1194045
>>1194028How is it good representation to be a woman defending an
abusive man and borderline flirting with him? I don't think brown women aside from zoomies would approve of a woman behaving like that.
No. 1194058>>1194068
>>1194040what is your argument here? The test is designed to detect deficits in cognition. The docs argument is that the parts of the tests that shows abnormal results COULD be side effects of drug abuse or drug use.
or are you arguing that the test is never reliable unless you do it several times? I guess I have to go get my ADHD reevaluated then, since I only took the test once.
No. 1194068
>>1194058I'm saying the mmse is not designed to diagnose which specific cognitive issues someone has, it's just used to screen whether they are cognitively impaired in general.
I'm saying if he had taken multiple mmse's and only ever got the same questions wrong, yes maybe you could argue that would show they repeatedly have issues in this one area but it wouldn't even necessarily mean they are cognitively impaired in that one area because that's not what the exam is meant to evaluate.
No. 1194274>>1194326>>1194910
File (hide): 1653347933355.jpeg (67.66 KB, 750x291, 87065DD3-2E1F-4BDD-96CD-B771B0…)

Lawtubers have been following the reactions of the jury and the actions of people coming to see this public spectacle. According to them, a woman had disrupted court today before the morning break claiming she brought Depp’s child to come see him and screaming that they had a spiritual bond. Remoras gonna do what remoras gonna do, I guess No. 1194562>>1194751>>1194876
File (hide): 1653376739411.jpeg (Spoiler Image,245.02 KB, 960x1172, B8345825-484E-46BC-A0CF-6F1E45…)

a plethora of debt's misogynistic remarks
bonus for added racism
No. 1194889
>>1194876They're gay and find black men hot because they're seen as very masculine. Or they're racist and think having sex with black men is humiliating for women. It's usually a mix of the two though which is believable when you consider how Johnny is a borderline faggot who would crossdress sexually.
Sage for OT.
No. 1194917>>1194985
>>1194910Sometimes I think
some really loud and proud Depp defenders are using their position as like a mating call for bottom of the barrel type scrotes or something.
No. 1194985>>1195004
>>1194917Most normie men I talked to are baffled when you mention depp could be a
victim so it's weird that pickmes are defending and thirsting after him. Men usually find it very unattractive when women treat them like babies or lust after actors and humiliate themselves for the same actor. Most would be mad if their gfs ever said depp was hot lol.
No. 1195210>>1195216>>1195225
File (hide): 1653422562049.gif (4.52 MB, 637x1200, ezgif-2-c17512d244.gif)

I'm sorry to bring this shit back but this annoyed me because retard anon can't overlap 2 pictures
No. 1195305
>>1195004>soyboys eat it upYeah, I meant normal men by normies, they don't support Depp, I've only seen depp supporter males in chronically online circles who probably are the soyboys you mentioned.
Most men will see a woman who idolizes a man like that as schizo. Men also know they can't be
victims of women so when a woman defends Depp, she's clearly defending an abuser and normal non-
abusive men wouldn't touch a woman like that because they'd think she was mentally ill.
No. 1195414
File (hide): 1653431162541.jpg (111.31 KB, 991x346, jumptrain.jpg)

well i guess you're not an artfag because you clearly do not know what shadows do to an image.
attached image is the same lineart with different shadows. diffchecker highlights the lineart as different
No. 1195419>>1195831
File (hide): 1653431363549.png (2.63 MB, 1540x1438, www.diffchecker.com_image-diff…)

Congrats, you're still a retard
No. 1195831>>1195870>>1196142>>1196209
File (hide): 1653462134212.jpeg (169.29 KB, 750x635, 1B235A98-D223-4130-89C6-6BE703…)

>>1195419Hey anon these were my pictures and I just came back to see this conversation - thanks for responding to the retardation where I couldn’t, I love you
>>1195631No retard, so many people have tried to explain this earlier in the thread so I’m not spoonfeeding, look into burst photos on iPhone, there are literally pictures on google images of LIVING HUMANS taking photos of LIVING HUMANS with this feature and they are perfectly or closely identical. They take 10s of photos a second and adjust for movement.
Back on topic, I haven’t seen this posted yet and I find it really interesting and a bit reassuring that the judge won’t just ignore some of his behavior.
No. 1196050
>>1195870a lot of procedure by its nature doesn'tbenefit
victims or the less powerful so when a judge takes stances that are antiquated with no necessity it doesn't really tend to help those that are seeking help. another reason why women are screwed over in court so bad and avoid civil court especially and usually only benefit monetarily if pushed into mediation, even though it's in no way ideal. the entire system needs to be reformed anyways
No. 1196245
johnny's "processing speed" seems to be extra slow today.
>>1196231i know, i was answering that anons question as to why johnny's team didn't go more in depth. don't want to open the doors into something that could look negative when asking those short questions give you a nice win. elain did good as well to not cross, imo, since it's kinda like "eh, not that big of a deal"
No. 1196298>>1196305>>1196417
File (hide): 1653495157690.png (12.08 KB, 542x133, Screenshot_13.png)

what does this even mean
No. 1196901>>1196927>>1197013>>1197028
>>1196410she was 23 when they dated and was living in russia when she was 17, dancing at nightclubs for rich old men as a career choice. You can't have your cake and eat it too tumblrchan, choose one, either she is a groomed innocent child or she is a strong independent wimmin making $$$ shaking her ass at the type of drunk russian men who I can promise you would make johnny depp look like a male feminist in comparison
People are literally crawled out the woodwork to testify for both sides in this trail and Amber's team couldn't even pay her off to throw one bone in their direction ( "yes he did pass out drunk in front of me one time" )
No. 1196937
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I have no doubt that Johnny Depp was abusive to Amber Heard.
I also have no doubt that Amber Heard is a cluster B trainwreck whose colossally poor choice of legal team and witnesses may put her on the hook for Johnny tanking his career by being a drunken retard who holds up production.
Also every single mainstream take I have seen on this trial has been utter fucking dogshit and legit makes my blood boil
No. 1196985
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these are the depp goons waiting 17 hours in line
No. 1197013>>1197061
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>>1196901When did I call her an empowered woman, retard? Do you know where you are? More than half of us are swerfs.
>you get what path you choose. may your balls develop the most painful boil ever and leak pus til they deplete and wither you worthless stinkin no life scrotes, what do you think it’s funny or quirky to come here, go workout like a real man. You piece of shit. Picrel is what a real man looks like you will never be 6 feet tall and super strong No. 1197028>>1197061
>>1196901Also he was texting her when she was
>>1187256 scroll up
No. 1197061>>1197062>>1197090
>Picrel is what a real man looks like you will never be 6 feet tall and super strongYou're right; I'll never be that guy because I'm not a male, sorry
nonny. Yes I know where I am, you must be new here though since you don't seem to understand this isn't a dedicated radfem/pinkpill space and mods have nuked pinkpill threads/boards before because they just get filled with weirdos like you
>how salty they are about escorts/prostitutesI don't know why amber stans here have such a bizzare level of paranoia and butthurt; I never was salty on her and never even implied she was a escort of any kind (Im sure she was but I'm completely morally indifferent to that, her life not mine), if anything I was defending her from retarded projections of emotionally stunted radfems that she must be groomed to have chosen to be with Depp. I'm sorry in eastern europe people still choose to grow up and become adults instead being eternally emotional and mentally stunted children like nutcase Amber and junkie JD
>>1197028Either provide direct link of GTFO; I'm not digging thru some random twitter feed
No. 1197108>>1197187
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>>1197016I figured, although it is pretty obvious he found her in the depths of some oligarchs basement. I can't tell whether that's just padding or implants, but it's bad
No. 1197187
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>>1197108Is that a copy of the Necronomicon?
No. 1197344>>1197390>>1197434>>1197445
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This is rich coming from someone who's been doing nothing but streaming and making dumb jokes on the trial ever since it began and cashing in on the engagement. At least the content creators who are actually serious about the impact of this case are either demonetizing their videos or donating their proceedings to DV/SA charities or hotlines. I'm glad people in the qrts are calling out his hypocrisy. Hasan is such a tool and leftists just eat up whatever he says like garbage.
No. 1197349
>>1197343Tomorrow if google is to be believed.
I feel the same way, it's exhausting how cruel people have been when it comes to Amber. The amount of women spitting vitriol towards her without realising they could be next on the chopping block is shocking. At least it allows you to filter your friends and acquaintances.
No. 1197461>>1197462>>1197509
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>>1197427I think Depp will win because the jurors have been extremely exposed to outside influence and public opinion of the case. They’ve heard people’s opinions regardless of whether or not they were looking for them. Depp fans are laughing and having outbursts in the courtroom and cheering, screaming for him while booing Heard outside of it. Lawtubers are borderline harassing them on SM too. I have zero doubt that they are aware of what the public wants the result of the case to be, and I highly doubt they will be completely impartial considering.
I think she will appeal the decision and be tried privately and win.
No. 1197500>>1197534>>1197542
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amber just said "i am obviously wearing makeup in this photo" lol
No. 1197520>>1197567
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Whitney's face is exactly how miss Vasquez makes me feel kek
No. 1197593>>1198291
once again, i'll say, amber is SO FUCKING STRONG. i have no idea how she does any of this and how she performs so well under this much pressure and hatred. my heart breaks tremendously for her. it's so sick and sad that the woman displaying actual strength, solidarity with other women, and principles, is being viciously attacked globally with death threats, boos, jeering, attacks from World Renowned Loser Camille Vasquez, and is treated as an albatross for feminism, while this pathetic clouthungry dickdefender is receiving all the praise for being a "real feminist". i want to throw up.
No. 1197605>>1197617>>1197661
It's bonkers how people are able to ridicule Amber and laugh at her pain while at the same time claiming that she's lying about her feelings when it comes to the current situation. As if they're unable to see the amount of death threats, juvenile jokes and misogynistic remarks thrown at her 24/7.
>>1197584nta but the tone she sometimes uses makes me cringe. E.g. when Amber was having trouble finding the exhibit/page twice, she kept "reminding" her in a tone that made it seem she was talking down to her, even when Amber didn't ask for it later on she kept doing it.
I also second the highschool RP comment.
No. 1197681
>>1197668This is true. I'm judging her for willingly participating in this shitshow and hurting
victims of abuse (mostly women) in the process. Yeah yeah blah blah it's her job, I know. It's her job that she chose, she also chose to work for a fancy firm and defend rich assholes instead of choosing something that actually helps people who need it. I don't respect that.
No. 1197688>>1197720
>>1197661NTA and I assumed that that’s true since I don’t know anything about lawyers, but you have to admit she does have that snotty meangirl Beverly Hills type voice kek. The others don’t task questions like they’re trying to
trigger her or trap her like it’s a weird ass edgy teen movie, either. When I see her all I think about is her asserting that the music in the ad was “ a message to depp” and then absolutely stumbling over the medical documents.
No. 1197710
>>1197584op of
>>1197567 I know it's part of a laywer's bit to grill you and make you sweat and I think that's what Vasquez is doing but to me she doesn't have the presence to assert that type of aloof dominance. It comes across as trying too hard and like she has a personal grudge with the witness. I agree with >1197617 except to me Vasquez seems like a nerd or theater kid who finally gets to stick it to the mean popular girl (Amber). No real disrespect to Vasquez intended, I just got fed up with the overwhelming positive bias for Johnny and his team. There is no place online where you can express disapproval or criticism of his side except here. And Camille pressing Amber after her tearful confession about the constant harassment and public humiliation she recieves just added on to that I had to let off some steam.
No. 1197720>>1197731>>1197735>>1197742>>1197869
>>1197688Funny how none of you were critical of Amber's lawyers being equally bitchy/bully toward Johnny yesterday.
Both sides' lawyers are acting the same, because it's their job to rattle the witness. But you are only bitching at Camile because she is a woman and is supposed to be agreeable and nice!
No. 1198282>>1198301>>1198311>>1198323
>>1197869>>1197742No, nonas, you’re doing exactly what the other side is doing and it’s very transparent. How many people have said Amber is huge a mean, lying, overgrown high school bully who had everything handed her because she’s “pretty and blonde” and “got her tits out on camera”? Now we have farmers criticizing the way Vasquez speaks, looks, and acts but the reason is NOT because it’s not effective - on the contrary, it literally is. They chose Vasquez to cross Amber because she’s a slighter, quieter woman, and if we take into consideration the stereotypes (“blah blah mean high school bullies bc voice or appearance >:( blah blah”) being hurled at both of them, we can see also assume that she was chosen because they both have a Valley girl way of speaking. To go as far as saying Vasquez in “not effective” shows such a lack of understanding of really everything.
Also, I just want to point out, Rottenbaum has been an asshole to people on stand. The thing about the group text was slimy. Elaine questioned the integrity of client confidentiality AND she got killed by Morgan for being a bitch for no reason. But I think Johnny’s cross hurt him as he was much too snarky, even if some of the jurors like him.
>>1198062This is THE take. Thank you. I feel the same exact way. I think DiCaprio is protected by some really powerful people in the industry, though, so I doubt we’ll see it.
(>:() No. 1198291
>>1197593Kek "real" feminism now is calling a scrote in a dress a strong brave woman and coddling fat old
abusive scrotes because they were once semi attractive
No. 1198301>>1198306
>>1198282Amber doesn’t talk or sound like a valley girl at all.
>reeeee you’re all just sexist>but actually amber is totally abusiveFucking KEK. Opinion discarded.
No. 1198304
>>1198292It must be unanimous. If not then it's a mistrial. Unless this is another oj theres no way all 7 agree he was defamed. The court staff also explain/teach the jury what burdens must be met for defamation etc. So they aren't going into it like random people watching the live stream.
Also they are questioned a lot as part of jury selection. I just hope Amber's side blocked anyone who admitted to using tiktok lmao
No. 1198306>>1198313>>1198323
>>1198301You’re either crazy or a retard, take your pick. I never called anyone sexist here. Sorry your token female
victim looked like an idiot on stand and couldn’t lie believably to save her life. I bet you’re someone who doesn’t even believe Amber, you just want her to win as some type of message to other women.
No. 1198311>>1198315
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>>1198282I'm not any of the prior anons but I'll put it more bluntly than they did: Vasquez acted like a cunt. Oooo a gendered insult towards a woman. I don't care, she was a snarky bitch. No one else treated Amber as dismissively as she did including Depp's other female lawyer (Rebecca Lecaroz) who was far more composed and effective without the little catty smirks, cutting her off and scoffing. The narrative around her is insufferable as well, how she's "inspiring Latinas in law." To go defend
abusive scrotes and snipe at
victims I guess. Psychopathic fans are literally shipping her and Depp together since she's been touchy feely with him too. It's unhinged.
No. 1198323>>1198337>>1198340
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>>1198282>>1198306Absolutely brain dead take, she looked like a retard talking over Amber and having to be told that she didn’t even finish reading the document she was presenting to the witness she was cross-examining. Yesterday she fucking rested her case before even letting Amber answer, it’s really bad.
There is supposed to be an expectation of behavior when you’re cross-examining someone on the stand… they literally teach this in law school, to read your witness, maybe you should look into it. Yes, sometimes you should be aggressive and sometimes you interrupt to avoid the witness saying things you wouldn’t want the jury to hear, but if you don’t read the room you’re going to get people calling you rude and unprofessional like she did. She had absolutely no sense of doing that and looked very bad bringing that behavior in a case that is already sensitive, controversial and a public spectacle. There is no comparing her behavior to how Amber Heard acted; they have very different standards of behavior being an experienced attorney vs a defendant in a civil court case with a focus on domestic violence.
No. 1198330
ata not to mention
>>1198322her little huffs and puffs and displays of discontent are somehow NOT reminiscent of female hysterics?
No. 1198340
>>1198323LOL the bar pass rate like I give a fuck. I don’t think she wasn’t rude; she absolutely was. She was snippy, she cut Amber off, and I think it’s understandable for an Amber supporter to call her a cunt given the way Vasquez acted. But Amber’s team is also all of these things. We’ve seen Rottenbaum cut Johnny off (guarantee it pissed off Johnny supporters the way it pissed you off Amber was cut off, doesn’t matter if Johnny rambles or not), we’ve seen Nate ask questions like he just recently passed the bar, we’ve seen Elaine honestly make a fool of herself, although I find her sort of endearing.
I’m only speaking in terms of effectiveness specifically toward the jury, not what farmers think. Doesn’t matter if you personally think they or she or be or whoever is acting “like a high school mean girl waahhh”, it just doesn’t. I think it will boil down to who sells it well enough to the jury to win them over and I think both teams, regardless of any perceived “unprofessionalism” (like Elaine literally fighting with the judge various times in front of the entire gallery and world kek) have done a decent job at tipping the scales. I think they have to act nasty and rude to sway anyone atp.
No. 1198356
>>1192231Me too anon
I’m so tired of hearing about it but you cannot just not have a stance on it because right now these two dipshits represent the two extremes of society
If you support Depp you hate women, bottom line
No. 1198436>>1198450
File (hide): 1653637879932.png (19.34 KB, 578x114, depp stans.PNG)

depp stans are writing revenge fics about amber centered around her being tortured and mauled to death by johnny and another one of her being verbally abused, slapped around by a movie producer during rough, degrading sex. this is the insanity that we're dealing with on the side that chooses to defend an obvious abuser, folks. these people are sick and their hatred for women cannot be overstated. this woman took non-stop care of this decomposing creep while he was shitting himself and vomiting on himself in his sleep, probably prevented his death countless times, and this is how she is repaid for helping him. this is what women get for caring about men in this society, for real.
No. 1198477>>1198480
>>1198471idc about making fun of moids. like JD is a fat bloated moron. that may not be funny, but its a fact.
what i care about is obvious moids, especially troons trying to fit in by trying to emulate how women write. their xy chromosomes show through the screen. stop defending them
No. 1198495>>1199776>>1199886
File (hide): 1653642357430.png (41.34 KB, 614x312, johnny fight.PNG)

>During the long sidebar before cross exam, Johnny Depp turns towards Elaine Bredehoft sitting at defense table & starts mouthing.. sort of raises his hands like “wanna fight”…Ben Chew calms him down
No. 1198672>>1198708>>1198743>>1198880
File (hide): 1653652873291.png (220.27 KB, 571x332, amb.PNG)

deppdefenders/amberhaters making accounts about "microwaving amber heard's baby for fun"
No. 1198887
>>1198882You can't deny that the abuse Amber described
>being bitten up multiple times with huge rings>choked and raped with a bottle at the same time while Depp had part of his finger dangling>having no medical records of actual abuse>no photos of her bloody nose but files upon a files photos of Depp sleepingCome on, you can't be this dense
No. 1198912>>1198923
>>1198907To be honest, defending a
toxic lying woman just because she is a woman is not going to make your gaping wound a real vagina.
No. 1198931>>1198940
>>1198918>woman in her mid 20's is uwu weak duckling Keep your retarded coucette tradwife logic to yourself
>>1198923Literally different poster.
>if woman disagrees with me kissing ass of this lying woman she is clearly a tranny, oh no now she is a scrote!Take your meds and talk to women in your real life.
No. 1198940>>1198952
>>1198931>>1198932Women in their 20s can't abuse men in their 50s, especially when they're famous in their circle or wealthy. You have to be a delusional deppwhore or a scrote to believe that.
Also calm down with the samefagging.
No. 1199007>>1199051
>>1198983>I think Amber could request a new trial because there is no way a jury can remain neutral when they have to come into the court room everyday and see depp supporters cheering him on and booing Amber.Very true. These kinds of things make me wonder whether jury trials are even a good thing? Sure you're not just depending on one person, the judge, but instead on a group of supposed peers. I also know that there's no benefit to switching systems once you're this far down the line. However it also turns everything into a popularity contest, rather than even trying to get close to the truth.
>>1198998This is another thing, is there a true benefit to putting someone on the stand rather than having all testimony be written? Rather than it being again a popularity contest and everyone thinking they are an amateur body language expert? I think I've read a UK study about how there's virtually no benefit to it, because people will find a way to
victim blame women either way. So why wouldn't more countries just switch to a document only approach?
No. 1199010>>1199023>>1199042>>1199579
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These people are exactly on par with Trumpers in their delusion about their guy
No. 1199042
>>1199010Kek why do moids want to play the
victim so bad
No. 1199059>>1199079
>>1199051I'm the anon who wrote
>>1198983 and I'm not against juries in general. In this instance tho, the jury is almost certainly compromised. Also I've seen so many retarded takes by lawyers on yt the last few weeks… Don't trust them, they have no integrity. Those who can't do, teach, and those who can't even teach, start youtube channels.
No. 1199069
i can't believe elaine just made a doogie howser reference
christ alive
No. 1199079>>1199087
>>1199059I don’t really think that’s a fair analysis of YouTube lawyers in general but to think that the jury is “almost certainly compromised” because this case is Johnny Depp x Amber Heard is very naive at best. Everyone knows that most jurors go home and do their own research, at least if you’re familiar with the legal system. Jurors in most cases are almost always compromised.
Someone said something along the lines of “the gallery being largely pro Depp will sway the jury toward him” but this is something I’ve disagreed with for a long time. I think the pro Depp presence along with a lot of the conduct might have been a costly mistake. I believe from what some yt and reporter people have said, there are probably two for-sure Amber supporters on the jury and I can imagine them getting more entrenched in their views just be the way the gallery has acted.
As a side note, did anyone here about that crazy bitch who stood up in the gallery and accused Depp of fathering her baby? Like, it’s stuff like this that might prejudice a jury
against Depp.
No. 1199112>>1199260
>>1199102I'm aware that jurors probably do their research at home, but that can't be proven unlike the cheering crowds. And idk what you mean
>impacted the jury but not in the way you think it did. It could bias the jury towards Depp OR Heard, either way it's a compromised jury and justifies a new trial imo.
No. 1199140
>>1199107> Camille yelling at and over Amber and witnesses and her stuttering “N-no that’s not what I-I—“ and outlandish “you did this, you thought that, didn’t you” about irrelevant things. Yes i noticed these whataboutisms form her and her acting like she can read ambers thoughts.
She is lucky that deep defenders are biased and are eating up everything she does just because they hate amber because if this was a neutral trial then lets just say she would never get hired again.
No. 1199308>>1199312>>1199333>>1199352
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lmao people actually getting camille vasquez tattoos while she's a complete clown. anyways, rottenborn did great. hope the jury has some sense. johnny's case had no merit at all and for anyone, even depp defenders, to want him to win this case based on 0 merit is idiotic
No. 1199472>>1199477
>>1199349Are you serious? Is that a serious statement? In what world was Elaine’s closing statement anything but discombobulated, disjointed, utterly pathetic word salad compared to Rottenbaum, Chew, or Vasquez? Elaine was ALL over the place and wasted at least 5-10 minutes of their very limited time on one of the worst closing statements I think I’ve ever heard. Jesus Christ lmao I’m fucking shocked anyone with half a brain would characterize that as “excellent”.
Some of the biggest issues is that at least with Chew and Vasquez, their statements flowed seamlessly and were memorable due to how organized they were. Rottenbaum had a similar style and outlined what exactly the jury is deciding on, thoroughly expanding on each guideline. Then Elaine comes out of left field and just obliterates her chance at blending well with Rottenbaum. I mean I just cannot believe Amber chose Elaine, she’s so terrible and I do think she’s quirky, but both her opening and closings were disaster.
No. 1199503
>>1198895What are you talking about?
>>1198976Exactly this. Nobody is butthurt we just don’t feel the need to rely on the same childish soundbites you stoop to in order to feel better about your uwu precious 50 year old cinnamon roll smol bean uwu.
No. 1199733>>1199743
>>1198512>>1198568>>1198502What a bitch. That "It's INAPPROPRIATE. I didn't ask you about anything." makes my blood boil.
You absolutely can make eye contact with the jurors, some attorneys will even prefer you to address them as if they asked the question, since they will be determining the decision.
>>1198512>This amount of theatrical condescension can’t possibly be anything besides career suicide, no…?You'd think, right? But no, the whole internet is calling her a "boss babe" and "The Queen" and wearing "I heart Camille" shirts. I hate this world
No. 1199746
>>1199744It's like people forget that Jimmy Saville, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey etc were all considered charming and well-liked before the truth come out.
I want to post Amber's statements in court because they break my heart. Even IF she DID abuse him and he was 100% innocent (want to kill myself even typing that) I need these people to explain to me why she deserved more hate thrown at her than Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Chris Brown, Victor Salva, (the Jeepers Creepers director that literally raped a child on set of another movie, went to prison, then came out and made Jeepers Creepers 3.)
>“I am harassed, humiliated, (and) threatened every single day. Even just walking into this courtroom, sitting here in front of the world, having the worst parts of my life, things that I’ve lived through, used to humiliate me. People want to kill me, and they tell me so everyday. People want to put my baby in the microwave, and they tell me that. Johnny threatened, promised, promised me, that if I ever left him he’d make me think of him every single day that I lived.”
>I’m not sitting in this courtroom snickering, I’m not sitting in this courtroom laughing, smiling, making snide jokes. I’m not. This is horrible, this is painful, and this is humiliating for any human being to go through. And perhaps it’s easy to forget that I’m a human being. And even though Johnny promised that he’d do this and that I deserved this, I don’t deserve this. I want to move on. The statements, the attacks on me, the campaign that Johnny has elicited millions of people to do on his behalf because he himself couldn’t do it.” Amber is cut off by Vasquez objecting."Anyone here that's "sometimes on his side" needs to explain themselves. This thrad wouldn't exist if Depp would just drop it. Classic abuser.
No. 1199752
>>1199744Sage for blogpost but my shitty ex-boyfriend was the same way. He WAS charming at the beginning, that's how we got together in the first place! Spoiler alert, he ended up being a narcissistic, lying asshole who accused me of cheating constantly (surprise, HE was the one who was cheating on ME!)
Our mutual friends couldn't believe that he could do such a thing, after all, he was funny, talented and smart! Anyway. This entire case has brought back a whole flood of memories. I hope Amber gets her justice.
No. 1199758>>1199770>>1199819
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No. 1199820>>1199826>>1199827>>1199985
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>>1199728Depp didn’t just date Winona. I honestly heard about that a while ago way before all of this and I was still a passive fan of him. He was also
abusive towards all his exes and he groomed Christina Ricci too, who he
met while dating Winona when Christina was 9. Picrel It was on the Mermaids. Winona played a 14 year old and she was 17. It wasn’t until Christina Ricci was an adult when Johnny Depp would be seen in public with her on dates while Vanessa Paradis was giving birth to their daughter. started texting Polina when she was 17 and he was 50, amidst splitting with Amber. He’s a pedo, and he is friends with Marilyn Manson and defended Roman Polanski (raped a 13 year old) all this shit he condones and does in front of everyone’s faces and yet everyone is still on his side.
No. 1199897>>1200013
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Love this account. Hope it will gain more traction.
No. 1199909>>1200010
>>1199899I'm not trying to tinfoil here, but could Camille be being aggressive to mimic an abuser to
trigger Amber? I feel like if Amber broke down and started crying/shouting it would obviously hurt her case. The way Camille talked to Amber today reminded me of how my ex-bf would talk to me. Ask a question and when you try to answer he asks another until you're so confused you're breaking down? idk maybe i'm reading too much into it.
No. 1199985>>1200082
>>1199820Because he’s a pedo? I guess for this reason I’m ok with Amber Heard lying. But why is she so bad at it? I’m sad because she’s crumbling away for a piece of shit pedo. But why isn’t Winona testifying against him? She and some others are the only
>>1199741What’s that swimming pool vid about then?
No. 1200010
>>1199909Shit anon…you're actually so right. She's clearly baiting Amber to have emotional responses as any trauma
victim would.
>Ask a question and when you try to answer he asks another until you're so confused you're breaking downExactly this.
>>1199933Kek. The unprofessionalism is real
No. 1200024>>1200047>>1200204
>>1200008The bullying against her needs to stop but what she is saying is if you get emotionally abused it’s normal for the
victim to retaliate physically, which is not imo. You retaliate on the same level back.
No. 1200082>>1200083>>1200091
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>abuse children Domestic abuse
>abusing your partnerThere’s a very common denominator here and I’m so sick of these idiots in the thread playing devils advocate to everything because they’re in such denial over this fat ugly creature who literally looks unrecognizable from his teenybopper days where even then he just looked ok at best
No. 1200083
>>1200082right? suddenly it's "abuse" for battered women to hit back against their
abusive husbands. these people need to fuck off forever. this case has dragged us back like 100 years for a washed up loser who is an objectively shit and legitimately evil person.
No. 1200204>>1200272
>>1200024>what she is saying is if you get emotionally abused it’s normal for the victim to retaliate physically, which is not imo. You retaliate on the same level back.Ah yes, I'm sure it's perfectly reasonable to expect the
victims of emotional abuse to be capable of making cold, calculated choice of best fitting response. Good point anon.
No. 1200272
>>1200047>>1200204Only itt is it okay for emotionally abused
victims to defend themselves physically. Come fucking on. I understand your anger that the world is coddling a pedo but fuck.