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No. 1347741
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1295132 No. 1347745
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In honor of the deletion of my decade-old Reddit account, here’s a hilarious post I saved awhile back by a closeted, fully masculine-presenting mtf documenting his interactions with his “sexist” coworker who is totally picking up on the mtf’s true and honest secret inner womanhood lol
No. 1348194
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No. 1348213
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>>1348199Most top voted comments agree she didn’t do anything wrong but the way they focus on consent is so weird. Also this, I feel so bad for her (second comment is her/op.) Jesus christ
No. 1348220
>>1348194moids playing the
victim will never not make me angry
No. 1348612
>>1348452>>1348194I think this is fake because the sex descriptions sound like fap material and are unnecessary.
If real I'm glad I'm not a zoomer because jesus christ those whiny woke zoomer males who wanna play
victims using feminist lingo while being little scrote shits are the worst.
No. 1350615
>>1350570I’ve always questioned this claim. Worst toilets I’ve visited were at concerts. One was really bad because there were were TONS of people there so yes of course the trash is overflowing, but the women’s trash can naturally would fill faster, because we actually wash our hands (so paper towels) and to be hygienic we have to change out pads/liners/tampons. Bigger trash cans would remedy that.
The other was at a small bar venue that had a reputation for being gross in general, bathrooms included. They had one mens toilet and one womens toilet, and at the busier shows there’d be a line. Since the music I’m into often has a male dominated fan base, the men’s was more frequently occupied, so I’d see guys just use the women’s instead. For all I know, it’s gross because men are going in and pissing on the floor.
No. 1350706
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Some Disney actor pulled an attempted Adam Lanza and murdered his mom, then planned to commit a mass shooting or assassinate the PM but turned himself in first. Unsurprisingly, Reddit feels he deserves sympathy
No. 1350746
>>1350706"Male mental illness" is pissing me of so bad. I wish they would just kill themselves and be done with it like everyone else. But no their "depression" has to be degenerate and aggressive to the people around them.
With them it's always gotta be "depressed and pedo" or "depressed and misogynist" or "depressed and murderer".
This is why men are so quick to defend other men, especially libfem mental health "muh male sucide rates" advocates. They KNOW what it is like to have these fantasies.
To them, a male murderer just was too sad to fight off his thoughts
No. 1351039
>>1350570I wish I could defend women here, but I've seen shit smeared walls in the middle of the day. I've seen used maxi pads floating across a lake of overflowed piss water. One of my cutest purses died because it fell in a puddle of piss. I'm still mad about that purse years later.
Idiots like this are so "compassionate" that they have no actual compassion for anyone except criminals who hurt other people. What a fucking joke the modern left has become.
No. 1351308
>>1350570The point isn't whether women are more disgusting than men it's that men have to make any asinine point to feel superior. That whole belief was made by men, for men to jerk their egos to.
Heaven forbid a woman leaves a mess in the bathroom, while men can admit to sleeping in jizz stained sheets for years and fapping to their own ball stink. Yet somehow it's always those icky women that are the most unhygienic.
No. 1351898
>>1351686I wonder why actresses like Amanda Bynes and the Olsen Twins haven't gone on shooting sprees? So many female child actresses are abused, but I don't think I've seen a single one murder her family. Or anyone. Really makes you think don't it
Also dismantle Hollywood, it's a hive of pedophilia
No. 1352561
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i read someones comment saying they want to do this when their wife dies. i hate these i hired a prostitute and didnt have sex with her stories i dunno why lol
No. 1355570
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This post got removed by Reddit admins. Why are males so pathetic?
No. 1355593
>>1352561You hate these because they're nothing but moral grandstanding and the men still aren't good people.
If he wanted to cook for anyone, then why not donate his time to cook at a soup kitchen, or invite over coworkers or family or friends?
No, he pays the conveniently attractive, vulnerable, single women to come over to his house and perform emotional labor for him just so his ego can get off upon hearing the praise that he is good because he made the kingly decision to not use their bodies as a fleshlight for the evening.
It almost sounds like a fake story because I thought sex workers had a policy of not visiting their trick's houses alone because that's dangerous?
Also of course the "saddest" experience they'll tell about is some reconstruction to try to make what they do sound wholesome lmao. Were any of them brave enough to admit the times when they were raped, didn't even receive their pay, verbally degraded, and then left with some nasty STI or unwanted pregnancy? Methinks not, cause then people would ask why they'd want to continue being whores.
No. 1355609
>>1355593Correct. if you see through the bullshit caveman level social engineering "me a good person. me COOK for PROSTITUTE. You clap now." you can only ask whats so compelling for redditors, a story about cooking for her and not someone in need. And its because men dont even register any women who arent fuckible on their radar as human and they certainly wont perform empathy for them if they're not fuckible (men perform empathy, not posses it).
These stories strikes a chord to redditors as its a "manly man cries silently in the rain stone faced" type of masculinity circlejerk but the "suffering" is always self inflicted. Stories of a man "sitting alone in an empty apartment after a divorce" makes them coo and cry but they never ask why he is in that situation in the first place (most women initiate divorce as a last resort)
No. 1355753
>>1355609>Stories of a man "sitting alone in an empty apartment after a divorce" makes them coo and cry but they never ask why he is in that situation in the first place (most women initiate divorce as a last resort)Slightly OT for the thread but I watched an episode of Undercover boss and the one scrote worker was bitching about never being able to see his kid as his wife kept fighting him in court and she kept winning. That's pretty huge considering men will get the custody they ask for, so he must be a huge shitstain bastard for a judge to keep saying no. Of course, the scrote boss gives him money to help him out.
Any time a man says "Baby mama won't let me see mah kids" and the courts are ruling in her favor, he is never telling the whole truth about the situation.
>>1350985When this scrote asked a woman for her sources that Men will get custody if they ask but most don't even fight for it and if they do fight, again they will get it (unless he's like scrote above) So I gave him multiple links and sure enough, he and a few others disagreed, and my sources were 'shit' Men ask for the truth, then when you deliver, stomp their feet when it's not what they'd thought it'd be.
No. 1355813
>>1355609 >Stories of a man "sitting alone in an empty apartment after a divorce" makes them coo and cry but they never ask why he is in that situation in the first placeMy mom died a decade ago and I knew after her death that my dad would never meet someone again. He has no social skills, is incredibly difficult to live with or even take a trip with and he had it good when he locked my mom down and she was willing to put up with his shit. I'm not even saying this from a place of anger but he sometimes does the whole 'lonely widow' thing and just… dude you could've changed years ago. You could've learnt how to be a normal person who interacts with others in a way thats tolerable and worthwhile but you didn't. Any time I start feeling bad that he's a lonely old widow now I rememeber that he neglects and shits on anyone who loves him.
I suspect that its the same way for alot of divorced/widowed men that never really date again with any sucess. They maybe hit the jackpot with one very tolerant wife but they have little to offer anyone so there's no second jackpot in sight and they're left alone. Not worth sobbing over
No. 1355830
>>1355609Men are most likely to cheat, abuse, get arrested, rape, etc. Even if "she initiated the divorce" it was most likely his fault anyway.
As for women who get sick, the amount of stress I've seen men put on women they're in relationships with is ridiculous. Ive watched women who were healthy as horses slowly become brittle, weak and sick from mysterious health issues after being with their "totally not
toxic" boyfriend/husband for over a year or so. We need to start holding men accountable for the health issues they cause their girlfriends and wives from stress
No. 1356160
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No. 1356164
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Reads like a fetish I have a hard time believing any of this happened.
No. 1356214
>>1356164I can totally see a brainwashed libfem "helping" her moid in this way, some well meaning but misinformed idiot humoring this shit is the main reason any of them transition.
Cut forward a few months and he's crying because he saw a pretty girl in the street who gave him dysphoria, demanding poly pegging sessions etc. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
No. 1356217
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>>1355910I used to try and help men like this before I realized they're absolute black holes. They will get too attached to you and feel entitled to your attention, then the big problems start. If you feel sorry for these creatures it's only because you've been socialized to give up your well-being for their sake. Parasites
No. 1358102
>>1357542Male "self-improvement" is also always something that still leeches off women. Now that young marriage isn't that common, you just get 30 year old "self-made businessmen" whose mother deepcleans every week and fills up his fridge and does his accounting for no compensation.
Careerguidance subreddits are full of dudes like this and I know this type IRL. They won't talk about all the help they get because it'd ruin their "magical epic journey to 6 figures", especially if there's some nepotism in the story too.
No. 1358112
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I checked his profile and it’s legit.
No. 1358136
>>1356206Could you imagine if masculinity hinged upon getting a short haircut and trying on your boyfriends t-shirt just Winnie the poohing it and saying
this is how I am supposed to be randomly after like 25+ years of like without any actual misery or dysphoria
No. 1358337
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>>1356160>>1356164Fake fetish account
No. 1358672
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>>1358112Dude is in meltdown mode because people pointed out the obvious red flags in his advertisement. Yes go to a stranger's house during a hurricane and take psychedelics that have a chance of making you horny. There's no way anything bad will happen.
No. 1358702
>>1358672>>1358112The "hurricane" is a nothingburger for inlanders out in Charlotte anyway. It'll be an iffy storm at worst. He's actually putting people more at risk by asking them to drive to his drug hovel than the storm itself.
It says something that he has no friends to ask and resorts to craigslist style reddit posting, and then acts super pressed when people have reservations and reasonable suspicions. If he's got nothing to hide, then acting unhinged and desperate for any kind of connection doesn't speak for it.
No. 1358950
>>1358672Lmao this actually made me laugh, it's so unhinged
>if I'm being honest, I'm a fucking sexy man and I'm also extremely successful & EDUCATEDKEK
>I'd love to see any of these average detective redditors go through what I've done and turn their life around like I did, to push through autism, ptsd, trauma, life long bullying>autismwell that explains the meltdown, he's a literal autist
No. 1358997
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>>1358950Yup he’s a narc who’s gaslighting and deflecting. I looked back in his post history and his job is being a sugarbaby. He’s very manic right now and keeps replying to people as well. Makes you wonder what he’s trying to hide?
No. 1359051
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>>1359030He mentions it right here
No. 1359062
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>>1359051>I'm genuinely high with my friendImagine hanging out with this clown, trying to just smoke a joint and relax and he just keeps seething and typing away angrily into reddit FOR HOURS trying to proof how much of a chill normal and educated innocent guy he is
No. 1359559
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I usually find illness fakers/malingerers/munchies funny in general but the idea of this kook having a bunch of kids being impacted by it makes me so upset. Imagine you need to talk to your mom but you can't because her alter is fronting. United States of Tara lookin ass
No. 1359667
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Sort of related to
>>1356214 , either there are troons constantly posting their weird feminization fantasies or Reddit women are really just this retarded, I don't know which is worse
No. 1360073
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No. 1360082
>>1359667This is giving that one reddit post
>My hubby hired a topless maid for my bday gift! I'm so totally bi by the way…what do you mean he did this for himself only? Pfft, whatever, I'm going to enjoy some tittiesVibes
Shit is either written by a pervert, so
a man, or a naive woman.
>>1359762>Be r/fakedisordercringe>Has a rule of no Trans shaming>No misuse of pronouns>Sub full of videos with teen trannys>He/she/they, a lot of 'they' 'thems' being posted>Most if not all vids have the trans flag in said teen tranny bedrooms>Sub continually wonders what could be wrong with these teens to fake having DID No. 1360225
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Don't most strip clubs have entry fees? Are men legitimately PAYING just because they get off on rejecting women?
No. 1360274
>>1360225I used to watch a tiny youtube channel that had strippers vlogging at their club's dressing room and just talking about their experience that night. and that was a common occurrence, is men showing up to be stingy and then get mad no one is up on them dancing their heart out the entire time hes there for 2 dollars, and the ones just sitting, drinking and insulting them. Ironically the most pleasant men mentioned were very generous.
So it seems not only were those broke men mad they knew they were undesirable, but they were also seething that they had empty wallets and so it ruined their own illusion of what the strip club experience should be.
No. 1360285
>>1360268>men run around screaming how "women need to make the first move more"that's because they're in conflict with their dick, which wants pussy to materialize and hover over to them, And their ape brains that get off on the chase, perpetually lusting after women out of their league who they don't have.
They want you to make the first move and fawn over them because its easy as hell, flattering, and he doesn't have to risk rejection and his fragile ego. As well as put in any sort of effort or money courting you.
They want you to make the first move, exalt him, sleep with him…. and make no mistake if he got what he asked for and you do this, he will get bored call you easy and dismiss you after.
No. 1360615
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No. 1360818
>>1350985Made moids rage because someone posted that empty apartment with a chair and tv with the caption of some shit like "women hate how little it takes for men to be happy" or something like that, I just said personally it looks soulless and boring and I'd like someone who's entire personality didn't revolve around vidya or TV. Moids we're MAD, literally called themselves
victims and told me to stop
victim blaming, called me insecure, attention whoring, etc. Nothing moids hate more than hearing the truth I guess
No. 1360835
>>1360824>psychologically underdeveloped and possessing such a fragile ego that you cannot even accept that maybe your interior design is severely lacking It's not just criticism of their shitty design skills it's the fact that many of these moids do have no personality outside of video games and pointing that out to them
triggers them since they all fantasize about being the main character who's totally super interesting, a playboy and everything else, making it known they're just another video game and porn addicted NPC hurts their feelings and they can't handle it. Interior design isn't even that hard of a skill to learn but if they can't be asked to do that can't they just be like any other young bachelor and put up movie and band posters, maybe a guitar, a coffee table and big enough couch for the bros or are they that bad now?
No. 1360909
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Sorry, trying to push tranny raid to page 3.
No. 1360991
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>>1360741Looks like it but I can’t find her admitting it. She’s trying to pretend T gave her instant abs lol
No. 1361056
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>so sad what happened to her anyway links?
It's not that radical for the site but something here really got to me. It's bad enough women are being attacked and killed in public spaces more here but they will always make a spectacle of it, and entirely without shame.
No. 1361081
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>>1360991She already had abs before.
No. 1361321
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Boo fucking hoo so terrifying that an older woman has aged hands. 8k upvotes on this. These people are legitimately handicapped.
(Sorrie for the quick post 'n delete, my hand slipped)
No. 1361431
I have a bit of a personal lolcow who made his own subreddit which is full of bots. The bots also have comments on other subreddits which I found really interesting. I know this guy paid for the bots but what about the other subreddits? Do they pay for it or is do the bots just pick random posts to comment on to make the accounts look more 'legit'? I swear I saw one that commented on a manosphere subreddit but I can't find it now.
This is his subreddit if you want to see what I am talking about: No. 1361683
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this whole thread was gross..
No. 1361740
>>1360821I meeeeean, it doesn't even really make sense because in the next second they claim there's some loneliness and despair epidemic among men. It's like they're saying whatever at the time will win them the most martyr/
victim or dunk-on-women points.
No. 1362121
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ofc the only skeptical comment is concerned with how he's self harming by paying for women's bodies. poor victim. but also epic ownage, he totally humiliated those bullies!
No. 1362144
>>1362121Kek the fanfic of the guy that says who worked at the jail where the idiot got sent to is hilarious because he still got bullied in the end.
Seriously, the moid probably got teased at best by his coworkers and so he decided that it was a direct attack to his person, so he fucked up the company. The fact that such moids can vote, drive, travel and have bank accounts is so idiotic, I hope he never gets released from prison.
No. 1362563
>>1362330> I swear I'd give anything to be a manThat's akin to wishing you were born mentally disabled,
nonnie. Most men are miserable beings who live meaningless pathetic lives.
No. 1363211
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>"girl-attracted people"
No. 1363214
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>>1363211That was from the visualnovel subreddit, it's not that bad, just newfags. These are worse, from the otomegames one. Notice how a straight scrote saying he's a straight male gets him downvoted and shat on in the comments (as he should) but a snowflake requesting """gender inclusivity""" in a genre that is explicitly for straight women gets them treated nicely and a bunch of recommendations. I like how those comments indirectly acknowledge that "non-binary" women and trans "men" are still women, though.
No. 1363227
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>>1363214my "favorite" comment
>Guys, I'm a man who plays otome games, and I don't see anything wrong with that. I'm not even the only guy who does that.Moids should keep their filthy coombrained hands off our games imo. You're fine though since you're a woman.
>So please, stop saying they are just for women, just say that the main character is always a womanYes, and that's because they literally are made for women, marketed at women, and have stuff only women find appealing (gay males have bara shit). That's the reason why the protagonist is always female.
>I'm confident enough in my gender that I can play female characters.Yet you keep playing games for girls and have to say "please stop saying they're for women…" kek
No. 1363241
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Ofc all the comments were telling her how she should just be a verbal punching bag/OP has made posts with the same partner. Can guarantee her ‘they/them’ is a Twittertard and will say misogynistic shit but adds ‘white’ to make it okay.
(Plz don’t start race sperging that’s not why I posted)
No. 1363284
File: 1664884225876.png (133.63 KB, 720x683, Screenshot_20221004-064719.png) truly want to live consequence free. It's always funny how if women cheat it's the most unforgivable thing a woman could do, if men cheat it's all about "well maybe you should have stayed fit and fucked him more teehee" knowing damn well that's not the situation for 99% of cases of men cheating. You'd never ever catch them defending a woman cheating if the boyfriend was avoiding sex
No. 1363286
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>>1363284I hope they all die
No. 1363295
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>>1363284You know someone made a good point when it's being down voted. Men will do anything to defend their bullshit
No. 1363302
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No. 1363307
>>1363284Something that bothers me a lot is how pickmes think that just because they snatch a moid in a relationship, that means they won. Like girl, he will cheat on you the moment you stop looking like how his dick thought you looked like, he will cheat on you when you stop licking his asshole and jerking his dick like a bop it, he will cheat on you when you start talking about moving in together, or when you start calling him your boyfriend.
Cheating moids will stay cheating on anyone because they're bpd narc freaks that just want to feel alive since their useless brains can't produce them the right chemicals, so they think with their dicks.
And it's just so retarded in the end, I honestly can only blame the moid, because if he wasn't in a relationship he wouldn't be "tied up" and he could be the STD spreading machine he wants to be.
And I find it hilarious when moids say that they changed or that they're serious while trying to cheat on their girlfriends/fiancées/wives, like oh yeah, he will definitely change, totally.
No. 1363316
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"just try harder ladies"
I love how he says this in the midst of a cheating scandal involving a Victoria's secret model
No. 1363325
>>1363229I think idiot males like these retards
>>1363211 only know about visual novels on mobile so they're unaware of the literal thousands of galge that exist for PC (or if they are aware, they wonder why almost every galge is porn. Surely it has nothing to do with scrotes being degenerates) and since a lot of the popular romance mobage are otome games they end up getting lost in female spaces asking about "otome but for guys".
The one in this screencap
>>1363227 is a TIF saying that otome is not just for women because she plays it too and she's totes a man.
No. 1363340
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>>1363335Samefag, we can’t have sentient scrotal sacks like this having any sort of confidence. It puts women in danger. Here they are trying to tell him he only needs to hit the gym. To be a 7 or 8.
No. 1363345
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>>1363335Of course he’s a disgusting coomer as well.
No. 1363348
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>woman chimes in saying her husband kept ignoring her to show attention to other women
>Comments make up hypothetical situation where she simply just didn't put in enough effort to her appearance
>>>8+ upvotes
No. 1363350
>>1363341Even if he isn't hot, he gets babied and the woman gets demonized.
>hot guy gets cheated on>wow that bitch cheated on that hunk, what a fucking idiot, I would let him choke me and do whatever he wants.>ugly fucker gets cheated on>wow that bitch is so shallow for cheating on this poor innocent man with a hotter guy, and he's not even that ugly, he's actually a hot guy.>ugly balding fat bastard body becomes a trend.We never win
No. 1363355
>>1363353Oh, silly
nonny, men can't look hot because they're hot even when they're ugly as fuck, that's what men wants us to believe.
No. 1363365
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Talked about my experience with gender dysphoria and how I'm glad I didn't get transgender surgery and how I worry about the future generations receiving very risky, dangerous surgical procedures for something that isn't even true for them.
Suspended for 2 days and comment removed by Reddit admins themselves.
No. 1363371
>>1363335The saddest part is I've definitely seen men even uglier with gfs.
So it stands to reason that this guy is either a piece of shit and/or isn't willing to bat within his league. Someone should tell him to lower his expectations lmao.
No. 1363375
>>1363371He prefers women in the 19 - 21 despite being 27 and looking like a rough 40. Also wants to “fuck her like daddy’s little slut”. Has zero respect for women, devoid of personality and a massively inflated view of his appearance
>>1363347He’s straight up fat but calls himself “muscular and healthy” and says his dick is “above average” which is clearly a lie because no fat ginger white guy has anything more than a sticky little chode. Why there are people on his posts calling him “handsome”. Disgusting men like this cannot be allowed to have such views on themselves so I encourage you ladies to go tell him the truth, for the safety of women kind.
No. 1363376
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>>1363335PickMes are absolutely psychotic.
No. 1363381
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>>1363376>MassiveDexterFanGirlobesseded with trash reality TV and judging other women's appearance
No. 1363467
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reddit posts on aita and r/relationships are kinda like roleplay in that we mostly know they’re fictional but we debate and enjoy them as if they’re not, in that sense it’s very similar to discussion of mainstream media
No. 1363470

>>1363365>detransitioners talk honestly about their very real experiences and even acknowledge troonery as valid, not being disrespectful of trannies>seething tranny jannies censor them>more people peak as a resultthanks losers
>comment removed by Reddit admins themselvesIn case you weren't aware there's plenty of Reddit staff who are actual troons. They're completely free to censor what they don't like which is why anything that gets posted on Reddit that's about transgenderism but doesn't suck tranny dick gets censored much, much sooner than violent misogynistic sex fantasy/porn, creepshot, or pedophile CP sharing subreddits. Because as we all know, TIMs are AGPs who became like that due to porn and their own misogyny, they fantasize about becoming the women they jack off to and being abused like it happens in the porn they consume non-stop, so they'd rather protect fellow misogynistic/pedophile/degenerate males and defend their fetishes as "free speech" than allow a woman to hurt their ego by choosing not to participate in their trans fetish. Detransitioners are also seen as an inherently "transphobic" group that can be used as an argument against transgenderism so your comment obviously hurts their "cause" according to them.
>>1363384>I’m not even trans, but I thought I was for a long while.Yes, all trans people also "think" they are trans. There's literally no clear definition of what "trans" is supposed to feel like or how it's supposed to manifest. Even though there used to be stronger criteria for how to determine if you're transgender or not, now everybody says that trans is just a feeling that only you can attest to (ironic considering your deleted comment), or if you're a woman who likes blue and doesn't wear skirts then you're a trans man. Not to mention, men can now get into women's prisons or be accepted in other female-only spaces (designed to protect us) if they claim to identify as women.
I recommend this documentary, Dysphoric. This is part 1. At 8:20 you can see that the DSM diagnostic criteria for "gender dysphoria" in children is not based on actual physical evidence (being about gender roles instead) except, I guess, hating one's genitals and wanting the secondary sex characteristics of the other sex, which can have other more obvious causes such as having a porn addiction (unfortunately not unheard of in children in this day and age), external influence or simply internalized hatred for one's sex which itself has often social causes or is a consequence of trauma, etc. That whole part of the video goes over the conflicting and changing definitions of transsexualism/transgenderism over time.
In short, "trans" isn't a thing, the problem isn't having been born with the wrong brain in the wrong body, there is nothing inherently wrong or different about you, the problem is the society you live in.
No. 1363526
>>1363486I haven't seen that kind of post here but maybe it's just that they're not in the threads/boards I frequent. Personally, I really like detrans women since they're often gender critical or radfem (at least the ones I've seen), or even if they aren't, like you said, we should listen to them. And I have a lot of sympathy for most TIFs too, it's not their fault they hate being female.
>>1363488Some say it's because they are autistic men, it takes a lot of dedication to be a mod online and autistic men definitely have it, and they have nothing to do all day than be on those sites.
No. 1364217
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>>1363335I found this guy who commented on his post and he’s even worse than the one you posted. Tl;Dr: Autistic moid who shouldn’t be reproducing anyways has no social skills but also complains about ”resenting” having to take the lead and ask women out. If autistic moids just went for equally socially retarded women then they wouldn’t have a problem, I know plenty of guys who are married to other weirdos and have families together. But these autistic moids are ruined by porn and media and believe themselves to be above and entitled to a woman with social skills who is at least a 7/10. Go for the horse girls, the anime convention girls! How fucking hard can it be? Literal retards (and they shouldn’t be reproducing anyways).
No. 1364228
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>>1364226also saw this absolute retard in the comments and decided to check her profile, she posts nudes of herself and other interesting things…
No. 1364234
>>1364217>Go for the horse girls, the anime convention girls!No, please. Those poor girls don't deserve such a cruel fate. The less autistic men that have contact with women, the better.
>>1364226This is so fucking depressing to read, I hope this woman at least finds a place online where she can vent and not be judged for her natural, and reasonable reaction to what is essentially a danger to her daughter, a place where she can get sympathy and rational advice and not disgusting porn addiction apologia.}
>>1364228Of course it's a tradtard. I can't help but feel bad for her tough, because she was very obviously groomed into being one and forced to have a baby at 14.
>I was 14 so it's not pedo. If I had been 2 years younger that's differentkek. Classic "ephebophile" rethoric.
No. 1364235
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>>1364226what the fuck redditors are beyond saving
No. 1364238
>>1364235>men fantasizing about raping their step-children>not judging them for itThe fact that it has 44 upvotes…
>>1364236kek you're right. So she's a right-wing predator, you rarely see a woman like that.
No. 1364261
>>1364226Got to
met while celebrating my daughter's 10th birthday and married a year later and already knew he was a pedo
>10 hours a day to 2 >OF PORNa-log resisttingggg imagine birthing a child and he grows up to be a pedophile who spends 10 hours a day jerkin' it and and watching videos imagining raping his wife's teenage daughter must nottt aaloogggggg
No. 1364269
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>>1364228The way she writes is such obvious white trash. I’m from the south and I know this type exactly. “Proud Republican” more like openly racist, chain smoking, meth addicted mother of three with a face piercing and cursive script tattoos of her kids weird names on her arms.
No. 1364311
>>1364272It seriously is. Why even bother getting with men if it's so fucking high maintenance to not get them to cheat?"yeah, just stay fit, go to the therapist, be rich and work but don't spend too much time and always be available for him, adjust your body to whatever he decides he likes at the time, be social but also not really, be submissive, cook, clean, work, agree with him on everything, don't fight him no matter how he treats you, be good in bed etc and MAYBE you'll get some sour dick faithfulness in return" even just asking them to not watch porn for hours on end every day seems like too much to ask for. But if they even suspect you're cheating you're burned at the stake, you're in hot water if you even have a close male friend too. It's even more mind boggling the lengths moids are willing to go defend other moids cheating, especially of moids they don't know or have even seen. It's funny how they're able to grasp that some people are just shitty partners when it's women but if a man is a shitty partner it's always something the woman did and the man is a poor
victim No. 1364318
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>>1364272lol thats not even the worst of it
No. 1364357
>>1364318>Yeah hehe, cheat on your wife without even bothering to ask why she doesn't want sex. Also can I have her sc when she dumps you btwIt's always so funny seeing men fall for other men's manipulation to end their relationship. Men need to understand other men are NOT your friend, and if it means to steal your wife or whatever they will tell you anything, or even just clearing up the dating field so they can swoop in with some "he's an ass let's go get coffee" hero complex shit
>>1364319Sex between your 30s-60s is the best since men who date older women if you're not in a long term relationship already put in way more effort to connect with you, please you and will even pay for dinner without bitching. When you're younger you attract selfish, manipulative and distant men so it gives off the impression they're not actually interested and sex sucks. The amount of men you attract is often the same or sometimes even more since as I mentioned men who go for younger women tend to ghost a lot more or just straight up act disinterested as soon as they recieve attention and sex
No. 1364364
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Can we talk about r/nbe? It's full of men with poor understandings of how hormones work but forcing their gfs to take extreme hormonal changing medication, admitting there's a huge risk but then, and I quote "results are results". They are also obsessed with trying to get macromastia and hoping their wife has it and stuff. These people are dying for stupidly large break backing tits
No. 1364366
>>1364226God damn it. This woman was probably only 13 when she had her daughter. She works at a restaurant, her shitty ass pedo husband was or is obviously unemployed. Who knows how much money she wasted on a therapist while he was unemployed and jerking off ten fucking hours a day. Her whole life directly after puberty has been miserable consequences of penis.
>>1364261Shit like this makes me completely at peace with the fact I'll never have children, because having a son is truly a curse most of the time. As soon as their nuts drop their humanity is just burned out of them.
No. 1364382
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What the actual fuck. Also I thought Bumble was for women?
No. 1364384
>>1364378Women broke their ribs and fainted just to have a small waist, I heavily believe women would risk loading their bodies up with hormones to get big tits
As per everything else, I really hope you're right. I know long term hormone therapy can be deteremental and cause a variety of long term effects. Although this does defeat the purpose of coomers repeating "it's a fantasy" when you point out their stupid hentai shit being unrealistic. I feel like it would probably be safer to get implants if you want big tits that bad instead of loading yourself up with mystery pills? But these coombrains probably want "natural" big tits
No. 1364470
>>1364217The more unwanted and undesirable a man is, the more he thinks women should work for his attention. He is terminally addicted to women such that he would pay for one to give him company, but that's isn't enough. He's not even seething he can't find a woman through his own efforts, he's seething that women aren't chasing him.
This sounds like the ramblings of a parasitic worm upset that its host has found out a way to avoid it. Detestable creatures these males.
No. 1364506
>>1364477They literally are parasites and resent the fact that they need women, they want desperately for women to need them. The more ignored and alone they are the more resentful they get, the more they mald and fantasize about a universe where they are pursued instead of the other way around. Screeching about 'injustice' for men is what they do now, hoping they can get oppression points for their grievances, since grievance culture is now the fastest access to power and control. In another time this moid would participate in the enslavement of women with no moral compunction. He is selfish, parasitic, unscrupulous, but has no capitol to enact his will over women, so he seethes on reddit.
Moid psychology and their relationships with women all stem from their envy and self hatred. They hate so much that they need us, but they won't let us go. They can never be free and actualized individuals separate from women because they literally can't be. Their egos won't allow it, and even if the could manage it would all be for naught since the parasite will die without a host. Monks dedicate their entire lives freeing themselves from their male obsession they have towards women, and for their efforts they will die alone without any progeny. That's why misogyny always manifests as women being controlled and enslaved, never simply absconded or abandoned (like misandrist are towards men). They need us and they hate that they need us. Deep in the most ancient and primal part of their brain stem is the need for us. They want us to pay for how much they need us, because it's just not fair. It's just not fair that the tick has to rely on other creatures. They should just lay down and give ticks full access to their blood. The tick will however feel resentful no matter how much the animal submits because it knows that its existence relies on the animal, and no matter how advantageous the current situation is for the tick, it knows it is never truly in control. If the animal were to ever decide to walk away, it's game over for the tick. That's moids and that's misogyny. That's the root of women's oppression. That's the root of incel rage and their self-pitying ramblings paired alongside their entitlement and violence.
Sorry for the pinkpill rant these reddit incels are just such a flagrant example of uniquely male sexual neuroticism.
No. 1364567
>>1364526In an environment where animals aren't free to avoid ticks, the biggest and fastest tick wins. In an environment where animals are free to avoid ticks, no tick wins.
These men are still of the mindset where they have to become gigachad to get the most access to women. Now you just have gymcels and angry misogynists keeping their defunct grift alive. Why? No other reason than that they're stupid as fuck and can't wrap their chimp minds around any other system. Doing so. Would make them confront the reality of what they actually are, neurotic parasites with no future, and the male mind simply isn't evolved enough to come to terms with that level of existential thought.
They'll never confront their own hangups about women, in fact they'll never even develop a winning strategy to get women in the first place, even if it's all an act. Moids will endlessly toil and spiral into depression and entitlement until they die in irrelevancy.
I just want these redditors to die off already. I'm sick of hearing them complain autistically about no pussy. Just accept you're a product of incel affirmative action programs by your tick ancestors who had the cows enslaved in a pen, and you won't be getting a drop of supply in any system that isn't catered to your failing ass.
At least if you die alone as a monk there is some honor is breaking the conditioning of your failing chromosome. At least you get to taste a morsel of human freedom. To die as a butthurt incel whining that it's next meal won't plate itself is beyond pathetic. Males in general are pathetic but these are the worst, and reddit just to happens to have an extremely dense population of them.
No. 1364579
>>1364526I love when communist failsons beg for UBI with the fantasy they can smoke pot in free community housing with hot young people, have sex with endless women, and eat cheetos all day.
The only thing that happens when women get resources and freedom is the start distancing themselves from men. Please, give every woman the freedom to not live with men for food and shelter and watch how quick those community houses turn into incel gamer dens with holes punched in every wall and cum on every carpet.
No. 1364664
>>1364636The latter is still a losing strategy because women aren't so stupid as to not notice where this propaganda and hatred is coming from. The most blackpilling thing a woman could do is read the opinions of men. With all of their talk about cat ladies, the wall, no eggs, female incompetence, the need for men and the need to have a husband. While women women may fall for their scare tactics, more and more are just seeing misogynistic, bitter failsons who wouldn't make loving partners anyways.
Even the young ones who are roped into male servitude are promptly shat up on and turned out. That's another thing about these parasite males, they are self loathing. They hate any woman dumb enough to love them and take them seriously. Their chimplike urge to destroy and defile is only exacerbated when they see an easy (and to them, deserving) target. There is simply no appeasing a creature that fundamentally hates you for what you are. You can offer the tick your bare skin but it will still resent you for having the audacity to exist as a separate entity with your own thoughts and free will (and even female dolls, created solely for the pleasure of men are routinely brutalized and destroyed simply for reminding men of what they aren't and what they don't have). Fundamentally, primordially, men hate women and hate being reminded of what they are. It's inextricably linked to their sexuality and virtually everything they do.
There's no woman that escapes misogyny, no woman who doesn't find a way to mitigate its effects. More and more their solution is just to avoid men, and yes, that includes avoiding the men who cry day and night about the woes of being a woman who avoids men.
No. 1364690
>>1364567Based take.
>the male mind simply isn't evolved enough to come to terms with that level of existential thoughtIt's actually evolved specifically for that. It is well known that men tend to be more narcissistic and more likely to overestimate their chances when it comes to virtually anything (at least initially, before the incel depression sets in). This is an adaptation stemming from male worthlessness - it was simply of no evolutionary benefit for the "cheaper" sex to practice self doubt or self preservation. Men are significantly more likely to harbor Dunning-Kruger delusions because of this - dying trying to shoot his shot and failing to reproduce are entirely equivalent outcomes to a male, so might as well shoot his shot. Conceptions lean male to compensate for the fact that men are pretty much designed to die by 30, but modern medicine is tampering with this process, thus promoting excessive and unnatural male survival (especially among geriatrics). Dysgenic, decayed perspectives that shouldn't exist thus become dominant narratives in society.
Nearly every facet of their warped psychology stems from two things: cuck anxiety and what inceloids call "male disposability". This is the reason why they'll delude themselves endlessly and externalize faults (example: ineffectual paypigging for male gurus, incel movements, terrorism) instead of genuine self improvement or therapy. You cannot fix a fault you are designed to be unable to confront in the first place. The delusion must keep going to fulfill a male's ultimate purpose (reproduction), and a man stops trying to reproduce, he might as well die or enter a "blackpilled" depressed state equivalent to death.
No. 1364712
>>1364682That's a great question. The answer is nothing.
A male, by his very biological purpose as a cum peddler, is not designed to be happy and content. They need an eternally unreachable carrot on a stick. The Madonna-Whore complex (a pervasive aspect of male psychology that persists regardless of culture) is entirely biological in nature. A male is adapted to respond to two inherently contradictory markers simultaneously: sexual availability and sexual fidelity. A male knows deep down that he's inherently worthless and not significantly different from other males. It follows that if a woman wants sex with him, she will want sex with other males also. Cuck anxiety tells him to resent that woman while simultaneously desiring her. You have your "whore".
A woman who lacks all interest in males will of course
trigger the other side of cuck anxiety - she's unavailable, therefore she's extra pure, valuable and obviously uppity. This, once again,
triggers resentment and sexual interest simultaneously. Of course if or when this woman becomes sexually available, she becomes a "whore" - because all males know they're inherently worthless, the thought process shifts towards "if she tainted herself with me, she'll taint herself with others too". You have your "Madonna" (until she becomes a "whore" of course).
The pursuit of this physical impossibility, a woman who's simultaneously a "safe" non-cucking virgin and also a mommy but also a mega desirable hottie that will be a whore but for one specific male only is a male neurosis so ubiquitous there are religions built around it. Needless to say, even if such a quantum Madonna Whore somehow became real, the male would grow to look down on her too, simply because she deigned to entertain him. A male knows he's dirty and expendable, therefore by settling for him you become dirty and expendable too.
No. 1364811
>>1364784That tends to happen when you're missing more than half of an entire chromosome. They're not fully human in the most primordial sense. They're more like a human-adjacent unit designed for a narrow purpose, a natural beta orbiter.
Really gives a new flavor to the whole Abrahamic male-as-a-woman's-mommy mythos.
No. 1364823
>>1364682Understand that the male mode of existence is one of endless wants and demands. It's the byproduct of being born an incomplete organism. They are compelled the fill the bottomless hole in their "souls" by consuming women. Consuming in every sense of the word. Conquering, enslaving, killing, raping, wedding, owning, hell they even take it so far as to turn themselves into an approximation of women in an attempt to sate their sexual appetite.
Being neurotic and obsessed with owning women is how the sperm peddlers are motivated to pedal their sperm. A sexually depraved, possessive monkey is more likely to pedal his sperm and pass down more of his genetic material. This applies to most males in the animal kingdom.
However as humans we have evolved some intelligence and the ability to think past ourselves. Moids are stuck with primitive mindset and can't seem to break past it.
Most of them self soothe by watching copious amounts of porn and dehumanizing women in the company of other men. Most would be rapists if they knew they could get away with it, as we've witnessed countless times before. Modern men are semi-successfully domesticated animals. Their compliance to social norms is strictly transactional. A woman looking for deep love and a romantic connection with one is quickly going to lose her sanity. They pretend to be human while barely managing to compartmentalize their absurd levels of degeneracy and mask their soulless behavior. For most women, prolonged interaction with one is draining and unfulfilling.
No. 1364831
>>1364690The problem is now most men are now too cowardly to shoot their shot and die. They'd rather whine like children on Reddit and cryfap to their role reversal fantasies.
Coddling men with modern amenities has made their maladaptive behavior a bit more subtle overall. They won't outright rape women and die fighting, though some still do, they just become a societal burden and worsen the lives of women they interact with, as well as indoctrinate the next generation of young men with their "redpills on female nature" (projection)
Again, I'm just waiting until they all die off and take their vestigial monkey genes with them.
No. 1364870
>>1364217If men resent that role then why is there also so much raging any time 'a woman wears the pants in the relationship'
I have family members where it's pretty clear the woman is more so the leader. They're married to men where that dynamic works. The husbands arent the ones bitching about it.. but other men sure love to insert themselves into other peoples relationships and make bitchy comments about it.
No. 1364887
>>1364849>>1364875The amount of poltards online who bitch about how criminal and misogynistic black/non-white men are while posting their fantasies of enslaving women and raping female children. The irony is absolutely lost on them. Men are so fucking dumb it's unreal. They literally think the lack of courage to commit crimes because you're afraid of losing social status (and nothing to do with actually finding them morally reprehensible) makes you're so much more superior to a more impulsive man with less status to lose.
Such a fulfilling, compelling, and loving relationship a woman can build with a white man who only wishes he had the courage to rape and enslave women and girls. Thank God he hasn't actually done it yet.
Moids tend to think I'm black and white like autists where you're either a "bad guy" or a "good guy". Nevermind the "good guy" is just a "bad guy" who hasn't come across the right opportunity yet.
No. 1364936
>>1364884Male socialization is fundamentally built around male ideals and, well, male brains. Men don't enforce their hierarchy obsessed culture on each other just for fun. They all think like that. Yes they want to impress other men but the fact they compete so hard in the first place is a product of their reproductive strategy.
A moid would laugh in your face if you tried to convince him he wanted to have sex with beautiful women and take advantage of women's kindness and naivety because he was tricked into it by other men.
No. 1364943
>>1364911Watch those same incels say women can't be trusted to choose their partners since they idealize "dark triad" traits and need to be chaperoned by men constantly, meanwhile they idolize Adolph Hitler and call women "faggots" for drawing anime pretty boys crying.
So dumb, it's beyond belief sometimes.
No. 1364959
>>1363284Experience tells me that this will be a controversial take here, but this is why partaking in male "she cheated! GET HER!" vendettas is quite possibly the most cucked thing a woman can do, even purely as a concept. I unironically do not condemn female cheaters on principle and do not believe in "homewreckers" and any of that other becky-ass shit.
Fun fact: males cheat when their relationship satisfaction is high, while the reverse is true for women. This is likely a reflection of the carrot on the stick mentality - they're faithful while there's still something for them to "conquer" about you. It's that sweet spot of dread, uncertainty and possibility of losing you to another male - assuming it's an organic dynamic, not a manufactured one. Most cringey "how to keep your husband smitten" old lady guides refer to that in some capacity, but they all fall short because you need to be pretty committed to wonder how to keep a moid in the first place.
Most women don't orgasm from sex at all - if anyone should be allowed to cheat due to lack of coom, it's women. Of course it's not "fair" for you to reason this way, since you're actually likely to succeed in upgrading while most men only
want to. Another example of "being unable to be bad is just like being good" moid-logic.
No. 1364987
>>1364943>women idealize dark triad featuresIf they didn't, every male would be either dead or a virgin. It's exactly the same for all the other things males simultaneously want you to like and dislike in them (for example, money).
They truly resent women for actually liking them, and can you really blame them? If I was a reprehensible dark triad shitbeast, I'd probably despise anyone dumb enough to love me too - even more than I despise myself.
No. 1365012
>>1364849>>1364875>>1364887I don't get this, the "west" i.e what was Christendom was 400 years ago was better for women then Islamic world, its an objective fact, listen I get all moids are bastards but is is really hard to acknowledge that some cultures are worse then others, like I get hating many of the modern culture in the west but without there would be no concept of feminism or any sort of idea human rights
I feel so many radfems are focused too much on generalizing men as a global class that they don't have any sort of idea how state misogyny actually can function like and what the world really is like, cause again all your ideas come from very very stupid people who sniffed their own farts and didn't realize how idiotic they were
this is just like when the Taliban conquered Afghanistan and many of you were saying that this would happen in America as well and your proof was this, was screnshorts from 4hcna and it just pissed me off, cause you idiots don't fucking understand that state intuitions, history and centuries of beliefs that allowed groups like Taliban to form, instead you viewed from the lense of stupid idiots from the 1970's who were morons who sniffed their own farts, I hope to god you don't ever experience what I have but please just try to be smarter and not be retarded, you can hate men but you don't have to use retard logic to justify hating men
No. 1365015
>>1364988Indeed a dubious trade for something the male himself needs more, but you need to remember that the male is rapidly running out of bargaining chips. The artificial niches he carved to manufacture the appearance of giving you something of equal-ish value in exchange for your resources are largely gone. You can have your own money, and the protection racket function is largely assumed by the state. What can he give you that you can't get yourself? A male is now similar to a tulip bulb at the end of tulip mania. Its value is still there somewhere, but it's mostly sentimental. Some people will cling to it if it doesn't germinate, but most will just chuck it and get a new one.
The male pivot towards desperate shilling and memeing of immaterial concepts like "father figure" or "happiness", "wall", "empty egg carton" isn't coincidental. The moid of the past didn't really have to ceaselessly blabber about how old maids will die alone and destitute that much - it was a certainty due to economic conditions of that time. It was also an effortless way for male genetic dregs to whale their way into pussy out of their league. But times have changed, and their fugly male progeny is paying the price now that women don't need them as wallets or meat shields. The market has eliminated their niche.
I find it endlessly entertaining that past "alpha males" have doomed their male offspring to being genetic dead ends by trying to cheat selection with resource coercion and niche-carving. Every lookism incel needs to remember that he has no one but his daddy to thank for this.
No. 1365021
>>1364997A simple example - sexual opportunism is evil in women, and based in men. Why, you ask? 9 times out of 10 it will be something along the lines of "but women can get men easily while the opposite isn't true, therefore it's UNFAIR". It's bad for you to engage in noncommittal dick shopping, because men throw themselves at women. It's bad for you to be a gold digger, because nobody pays for dick. It's bad to "lead men on", because they'll do anything for pussy. There is no argument other than "but I don't get to do this easily, therefore it's EXTRA EVIL when you do it". If something naturally favors them, the optics of acting on that opportunity immediately change to "might is right" followed by a deluge of Chad reaction images. "I want to and I can, therefore I will and it's cool" is the only morality needed. With you, cue immediate moralfaggotry and shaming.
Come to think of it, males have been appealing to woke equality arguments since the dawn of humanity - but only for themselves, of course.
No. 1365044
>>1365012Radfems are social and cultural constructionists whose core tenet is "socialization". You disparage their "retard ideas from the 70s" when your own argument about Taliban being a product of centuries of cultural context is textbook radical feminist narrative.
I'm not sure you understand what the anons you're arguing with are referring to.
No. 1365050
>>1365031I never said they were and I don't live in the west but even I can understand that even western society isn't homogenous and there has never agreed thought process, like even shitty south asian and middle eastern philosophies and concepts were diverse and they did massively disagree with each other
also regarding religion, I hate religion more then you can even comprehend, it is something that has cause med so much pain as well as hundreds of millions of people, but I despise the way so many of you talk about religion, you just reduce it too "an evil council of collective men just decided made up religion and made it specifically to oppress women" and that's stupid, even Islam has changed in its various forms(its never reached anything decent but is has changed) that's religion, it evolves and produces people who genuinely believe in it, I'm not saying you should believe in it(that is not at all what I am saying) but the people who genuinely are more powerful then you can imagine and they are unbeatable in will, they aren't like you or me, every aspect of their life and every question they've had is already answered by either the Quran or the works in the Hadiths and unlike "mortal" philosophies which you can choose to believe in, they have to believe in their works cause it is divinely ordained, do you know how powerful that is, to not have to think, to not have to fear and that makes them dangerous, to reduce that that as a bunch if whiny men who want to guard power vastly underestimates them and ends up causing harm to us in the global south
No. 1365064
>>1365050That's why no one here hates religion. Religion is a human construct, which is ultimately a product of human thoughts.
Males have been in the position to force their thoughts on others. Religion, even if we assume that it was "warped" by men in some way, will be "warped" according to their innate mentality. The innate mentality of men, like everyone else's, is a product of evolution and biology.
There is no doubt that women in the global south have it significantly worse than western women. The argument is over whether this is because brown men are biologically different from white men. Racists say yes, biology says no.
No. 1365065
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>>1365012the "tolerant" west that was burning "witches" alive 300 years ago lmao
>this is just like when the Taliban conquered Afghanistan and many of you were saying that this would happen in America as wellAbortion is illegal in half the country, scrote
>and your proof was this, was screnshorts from 4hcna Are you really such a stupid boomer that you don't know 4chan is a proxy for pop culture as a whole?
No. 1365079
>>1365021>>1364997white moids use this logic all the time but only in favor of themselves, yea.
Like in arguments about colonialism, they always say "Well the Native Americans were killing/colonizing too, we just had greater opportunity to do it than everyone else, so we're not inherently bad"
But as soon as it comes to women that argument mysteriously disappears. Or really any group that isn't "them", be it Jews or rich people in general or "woke" (cringe so hard whenever anyone says that)
No. 1365097
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>>1365065can you please show me one(just one) global organized white or hindu or Buddhist or sikh or whatever religious group on par with the Taliban or ISIS(at its peak) one that isn't just a small cult, something more then a couple of morons getting together, not even a terror group just a rally that had this many people as Jamaat e islam(that wants to establish full taliban style shariah law in my country)
also I have explained to you multiple times times that there is misogyny in the west and you should work on it but by god I do get when you pretend that you live in the same situation as many as women in Iran or Pakistan too, the Islamist party that wanted to have a law veiling all women won the local elections, they won fairly and were voted in by the people and the only reason they were stopped was due to ciliation of wealthy feudal politicians and the army who were scared of losing political power, so you don't' have to deal with that either
No. 1365105
>>1365079Whenever women/Jews/"woke democrats" do stuff like that, it's bad because reasons
>>1365082>in reality(and not the world of theoryland) there's more difference in thought and religious practice between a pashtun in Kabul and a Hazara in HeratAre you even able to keep your points straight? Your point was that the west is safer, but those are both people in Afghanistan.
"There's a big difference in thought between a White American 3%er>>1365065 and a white liberal"
You're undermining your own argument, which is good because your argument was retarded in the first place and all men everywhere are monsters or capable of being monsters, and the only reason more of them aren't like this is because many of them have it so good already and are so sated (western men) that there's no reason for them to become monsters. (Despite this the levels in the west are not really all that different lol)
Do you really think that if the US was colonized by say China, that there wouldn't be a militant ultra-nationalist ethnocentric misogynistic cult that blamed women for the event, and would go around trying to wrest back power while also killing minorities and raping (and killing) women?
>you don't fucking realize that an entire people are being genocided over this but again you don't care about that, I'm sure the works of gender university professors from the 1970'sAre you talking about the Hazara? Or are you a "white genocide" scrote?
If you're really from Afghanistan, then you're actually beyond moronic. I'm sorry that your people are being genocided, but to say that "white men are more compassionate" after our race genocided 1/3 of humanity (Native Americans), millions in Iraq Libya Afghanistan, hundreds of millions in India and Africa, as well as millions of our own race (WW1/2), and to say that simply because they're not genociding an incredibly specific group of people (Hazara) at this very moment, that they're more compassionate/progressive, is utterly retarded
No. 1365121
>>1365097>can you please show me one(just one) global organized white or hindu or Buddhist or sikh or whatever religious group on par with the Taliban or ISISOk, now you're changing the subject from "western men are inherently good" to "non-muslim men are inherently good"
In doing so you unwittingly conceded our points
>>1365106>western women have enjoyed a much more elevated status than non-western women, since before the rise of xtianity and even more so after it source? Only a moid would make a claim like this, how many people actually KNOW ANYTHING fucking at all about life in Thailand 2000 years ago? Or Sri Lanka?
Can you name even one single fucking thing, without googling, about the cultures that lived in North America 2000 years ago? (No, you cannot and you will not convince anyone otherwise so don't even try)
I've literally only seen men talk like this, where they know absolutely fucking nothing about a topic but pretend to anyway. The moid false confidence gives you away.
>>1365109>I think you fundamentally misunderstood class theory.He didn't misunderstand anything, its on purpose
No. 1365122
>>1365097NTA, nazism was pretty big at its peak and it's just a specific flavor of fascism. Not just in Germany, but also the Netherlands with NSB, the US had the American Nazi Party, in England Oswald Mosely did try, Croatia with the Ustaše, Brazil, Mexico etc. there were Christian clerical fascist groups popping up all over the place. They were all allied and agreed on most points, maybe not the details, but definitely on the insane amounts of oppressing and torturing women. A lot of those groups and political parties still exist, sometimes with still the exact same name, some have switched it up, but they still manage to get seats in chamber of deputies or parliament. This isn't just some annoying blip on the radar you can just ignore or say with certainty that it will never happen again, considering how fucking fast it suddenly popped up exactly about a century ago. And we're getting into a similar economic situation, the geopolitics are looking fucked exactly like a century ago, so yeah that is why women are afraid of a global round of that bullshit again. Especially since shit is actually happening, it's not just fearmongering, rights are already being set back in several countries.
No. 1365125
>>1365106How quickly these non western feminists forget how brutal white moids are when they have the chance to reprimand western women for not having it as bad.
Yes it's silly when radfems here say moids are gonna veil us anytime soon. Simply because western society is so detached from international political instability. However white moids will go back to chimping and raping as soon as they get permission. It's not coming anytime soon, but like transactional, privileged white moids, they'll slowly bargain away our rights just like they have been for the past few decades of their libfem/tranny/conservatard bullshittery. They're meek but their motivations are the same.
No. 1365136
>>1365125literally nothing changed during the colonization for my people. we went from Mughal rulers, to Afghan rulers to Sikh rulers, to British rulers, all things considered they left us alone for the most part(mostly cause we had nothing to offer)
>>1365129admins can you tell where I'm from and how long I have been using lc(spoiler its been for 3 years)
No. 1365151
>>1365136>to Afghan rulers to Sikh rulers, to British rulers, all things considered they left us alone for the most part(mostly cause we had nothing to offer)Okay, I will do the same thing that you're doing.
You haven't personally been affected by white scrotes (at least you don't perceive that you have, even though you definitely have, but whatever). Therefore you argue that they are less threatening than Middle Eastern/Muslim ones.
They still killed hundreds of millions of people, but it didn't personally affect YOUR PARTICULAR ethnicity. Therefore they're good.
I, on the other hand, haven't personally been affected by Muslim scrotes. So therefore Muslim scrotes are better and pose no threat. I'm Polish and Irish so actually white scrotes are far worse, because they're the ones who did things to my particular ethnicity.
Muslim scrotes still oppress women and have some of the worst laws on earth right now. However, they don't personally affect me, so they're good actually.
No. 1365161
>>1365149If western men are good because they didn't destroy your personal little sliver of land in Pakistan or wherever,
then why should I care about Muslim men oppressing women in tiny countries like Afghanistan? Why should I care about literally anything outside my little sliver of Michigan?
You're so hyperfocused and I legitimately don't understand why. Like are you aware that if Afghanistan disappeared from the map that the rest of the world would still exist?
No. 1365163
>>1365157Oho we wanna go old school huh? Allow me to enter the ring, wanna know what the last culture was to have women as socially accepted leaders?
The Sycthians.
Know what else they had?
Horse Archers.
No. 1365192
>>1365188Precisely my point, the Scythians haven't been around for ages. There were some good cultures sure but next to none are dominant nowadays so
>>1365186 is correct in calling out the weird way the other anon made it somehow that one handmaideny society was better than another, they're both scrote run, they both suck lol
No. 1365206
>>1365188Correction: they treat their own women as their personal property and abuse and oppress them in private while sequestering them from enemy tribes, while they treat foreign women as spoils to pillage and conquer.
This is basic monkey shit and all moids engage in it.
No. 1365208
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>>1365192I have a durantian view of it, I think human beings aren't good or evil, they just want to survive and care for their loved one's, what manages to survive and spread its self to the next generation is also neither good or evil
the most dominant power in the middle east(which was entirety of human civilization at that time) were the Assyrians, they were first recorded with institutionalized state misogyny, every ethnic Assyrian man was conscripted into their national army, Assyrian women were used for breeding stock, they were kept away in homes and their only purpose was to product more Assyrians, they relied solely on themselves and when their empire fell, it still left its mark on the civilized world
and Assyria is really the text book example of how institutionalized patriarchy spread, thought military conquest and cultural domination, more patriarchal advantages of more expandable male soldiers and a more advanced state that could wage total war
No. 1365210
>>1365208And look up who they ended up fighting the most, thank you for posting the map with it, really helps convey just how big some bronze age civilizations really were.
>the most dominant power in the middle east(which was entirety of human civilization at that time) were the AssyriansPlease clarify this a bit because like all empires they rose and fell and even at their height, the map you posted, they had powers that rivaled theirs though Egypt was no better, Persia was by a margin due to their sets of morals and beliefs but of course that does not get you too far when your enemies will throw everything away and burn themselves just to make you burn with them.
No. 1365216
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>>1365211>Babur the conquerorProbably not the best thread for us all to be dumping our actual historical knowledge but do know that I have enjoyed this a lot.
>>1365213Well see you, yourself admit that they were Babylonian and not Persians who made it that way. Their values conflicted but yes I will not deny that the Persians downfall each time was their greatest strength, allowing other ethnicities to blend into their culture and not be held as third class.
No. 1365228
>>1365116You have to understand that men are majority useless and a liability for any society. Civilizations are formed around mitigating male violence and corralling useless, redundant men. Historically they have been pacified with access to women but that comes with the price of spreading their inferior genes. It's almost like a pyramid scheme at the expense of women. It's simply unsustainable and will eventually lead to a civilizational collapse.
Now with modern technological advancements, most excess males can be pacified into inaction with porn, videogames, and consoomerism. The role that women played of being the buffer between male serfs and their masters is becoming more irrelevant. Why continue to let failsons breed, overwhelm the world with their inferior offspring, and over consume resources with no discernable benefit? It's best to just let the problem solve itself by pacifying the moids while letting them die off. Sure they'll bitch and moan but when are moids ever happy with being anything but being a gigachad themselves?
The question isn't really so much as "why give women rights?" It's more like "why continue to give incels anything we don't have to?".
No. 1365233
>>1365229So long ago I may as well re-read it at this point.
>>1365230Still was a decent discussion cap at the end.
No. 1365234
>>1364506This has the spirit of the original Manifesto-chan who pinkpilled me on male sexual behavior and how much it affects their general choices, please keep it going
No. 1365243
>>1365240Autism, ADHD, BPD, Depression, Dark-Triad;
Pick one or more and apply it to every farmer ever and you're actually correct!
No. 1365254
>>1365248Oh no please don't
trigger her antifujo rants once again, they'll attract all the scrotes to join her and we'll be in for days-long derailing.
No. 1365262
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>>1365248This might be bait but I will claim I am autistic.
>>1365254Sometimes I just watch and ask leading questions to de-rail an anti or pro fujo sperg as I am on neither side.
>>1365261It's hilarious imo
>>1365259It is but also kind of correct.
No. 1365272
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>>1365262This is hawt
Bringing this back to reddit I remember years ago looking up "femporn"/yumejoshi/fujoshi subreddits and then just being filled with pickmes and literal men/trannies posting male-gazey coomer crap.
No. 1365318
>>1365208That's basic evolutionary biology. Male animals (or the genes they carry) have no concept of evil, rape and infanticide are simply their reproductive strategies. I remember reading in some peer review a remark that mentioned men having separate regions in the brain dedicated entirely to processing sexual coercion. They're no more evil than nature is. You also do not need to consider men evil to pursue your own self preservation. If you extend this reasoning further, nothing is actually good or evil because it's all done in self interest.
But something tells me that your moral agnosticism doesn't cover all human behavior.
No. 1365369 a video about a man supposedly being drugged by women
Why the fuck do they like making up hypothetical scenarios where men are oppressed? I haven't seen a single comment saying any of the things they claim people say. They also made up about cardi b raping men but false rape accusations only count if they're against men right? Maybe they should take their own advice and work on the problem instead of making it about gender and making shit up
No. 1365371
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I’m sorry for reading the earlier posts
No. 1365375
>>1365353No, they are not "logical" and they cannot permit themselves to accept this reality. The "you need us" is what they tell themselves to ward it off. Males in general have an incredible talent for self deception and delusion enforcement, as if they hate the real world itself. Most male spaces are echo chambers designed to create the most palatable interpretation of their failures. When reality becomes too obvious and cumswap affirmations with other losers are no longer enough, they typically engage in some variety of violent chimpout.
There are men who accepted it. They're suicidal and/or budding mass shooter blackpill incels. This outcome is consistent with their purpose - it really makes no sense for a man to continue living if he knows he can't reproduce or otherwise maintain proximity to women.
You will never, ever witness a man drawing logical conclusions from his rejection rates. This is one of those cognitive "walls" that don't come down until they're as good as dead. And the more they get rejected, the more they tell themselves they're actually spectacular kings and it's the women who are wrong - either due to Jews or whatever the male in question chooses to externalize his faults. Remember - men have not evolved to doubt themselves due to their expendability.
No. 1365414
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>>1365375I try not to think too much about men in general but holy shit, I notice this too much and it is so creepy. You can tell there's all kinds of things he could just explain away, including victimizing someone. The only times I knew of a guy that seemed ok, they weren't the type to bleat out some weaponized one-liner to explain away complicated subjects and seemed capable of complex thought and challenging their preconceptions. So much of the rest come up with the most optimal strategy to defend/grow their chimp-egos then it spirals out of control when they get other men in on it in attempt to alter the fabric of reality itself.
it's what creeps me out about the recent men of men trying to frame themselves as
victims over dumb shit. You can 100% imagine many of them will use it to justify being evil.
No. 1365443
>>1365414Imagination=reality is definitely one of the most terrifying aspects of maleness. Women think they can reason with them, but it couldn't be more false. Men fucking hate the real world the moment they exit the womb and then dedicate the rest of their lives to fighting it. Whatever a man wants to make up about you to justify some variety of selfish pursuit will immediately become a "fact" to him, and he'll genuinely believe every bit of it. There's some incredibly blackpilling research on how "civilized" men grow more accepting of rape myths during sexual arousal - this can be extended to virtually everything they do. Pedos and rapists employ various post hoc rationalizations of their actions, which is generally what a rape myth is - male rationalization, ego defense and externalization of fault. To a male, there's no "good" or "bad", there's only "can I get away with it" or "do I really want it". Reality is secondary.
I remember some average thread on Reddit with a woman complaining about being cheated on after finding definite proof, and an oddly self aware moid replying something along the lines of:
>Whatever you do, do not confront him. It doesn't matter that you caught him red handed or that you have evidence. When you tell a man he's wrong, all of our defense mechanisms go into overdrive. He will get angry and possibly violent. Explain nothing, just ghost him.Honestly blew me away a bit. Based moid speaking facts.
No. 1365445
>>1365436It honestly makes me so mad just how moids are pandered to for nearly everything. Being a fujoshi in my teens was a very frustrating experience. Sensitive, pretty boys don't exist irl and men don't care enough to even pretend. At least half of all yaoi was made by scrotes and it reflects their objectifying, banal sexualities. Hyper dicked muscle bara with 0 love or emotion implied whatsoever.
Women jump through hoops to be desired by crusty redditors who would honestly be just as happy sticking their dick between their couch cushions and watching two flesh colored orbs bounce around on a screen.
Where are the men who are motivated to please me? They don't exist cos they're too stupid to even understand what I want and they're too selfish to care even if they did understand.
I am literally oppressed.
No. 1365446
>>1365436Trooning is the peak expression of men being unable to face who they are. There's a reason why it happens in spaces most exposed to feminist narratives.
When confronted with too much proof repeatedly, a man will literally chop his dick off and identify as not male before he allows himself to even briefly perceive the vulgarities of his nature. Then he will continue practicing them in their most flagrant form, thinking he's no longer doing those things because he's a man. It may work, briefly.
Similarly, male-abused male children do not grow to hate men, they either grow to hate women or become pseudohomosexual. Crushing waves of post-nut shame that immediately need to be mitigated with some sort of externalizing anger or distraction is probably one of the most mundane examples of men harboring innate sexual shame and self loathing. It's simply everywhere.
No. 1365449
>>1365375The most infuriating thing to me about them is not just that they are a burden, it's that they'll never truly understand all the ways in which they're a burden.
I can only assume their neurosis over women is subconsciously driven. Because it obviously doesn't come from them actually realizing their genetic futility and planning to mitigate it accordingly. They are just animals acting out their instincts, and when confronted with the reality of their situation and what actually motivates them, they act like you're speaking another language (accusations of women being "confusing" and "irrational" and "stupid" ensue).
It's really like dealing with a narcissist. They are somewhat aware and ashamed of what they are but they lack the capacity to step back and look at themselves objectively. Or maybe it's like trying to explain to an animal how they're dumb for not being able to communicate with words. It's a paradox. Retards are to retarded to understand that they're retarded.
No. 1365459
>>1365450You sound like you post on r/loveafterporn.
You can't bargain with them or appeal to their empathy. Men only know punishments and rewards, they're transactional like dogs.
Just pray you landed a unicorn nigel who actually cares about you before you had to plead your case.
You'll never convince any man to develop emotions that aren't there in the first place. You can't persuade or appeal to something that doesn't exist.
No. 1365473
>>1365449By the way, your remark about narcissists is spot on because most narcissists are male, and some presence of subclinical narcissistic traits is considered the male psychological "norm". A bear isn't a psychopath because he will try to kill you - it's just what he is. Same concept.
Because a "disorder" is simply defined as "abnormal behavior", they technically don't have NPD, and yet they all do. Additionally, the very concept of masculinity meets the definition of false self almost entirely.
No. 1365480
>>1365473What are some subclinical traits can you elaborate on? Sorry I just like reading your thoughts
No. 1365504
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You know you are allowed to hate men without being pseudo-intellectual retards, right, like there's no obligation to spout bullcrap and talk about it as fact, cause everywhere there are various morons who are making stuff up and then righting manifestos with various quarter truths in it but it is still stupid,
cause people are complex, they products of the culture they are brought up in, like I hate my mother and I cannot forgive her for all that she done to me, beat me, emotionally abused me, tried to marry me off at 15 and was only saved by my paternal family but I understand she is what she is cause of how she was brought up
>>1365497>But we have to stop repeating the same useless mistakes of all of our ancestors. It has never worked,what ancestors, like what power did your illiterate peasant farmer ancestors over to change society, and I'm sure just like my illiterate peasant farmer ancestors they would want you beaten for being a kafir or a heathen
(stop derailing, pakichan) No. 1365507
>>1365414>it's what creeps me out about the recent men of men trying to frame themselves as victims over dumb shit. Preach. They don't just use it to avoid their own responsibilities but it's so fucking hard to get them to open their eyes to their own bullshit. In the previous posts men who cheated literally couldn't understand how it was anyone else's fault other than the woman's, somehow they're convinced everyone thinks "ITS ALWAYS THE MANS FAULT" even when the entire world is jumping through hoops to avoid blaming them for literally anything. They don't care how much they contradict themselves or straight up lie since pickmes and other men playing
victim will support it, even if you wrote the most logical sentence in the world, if it goes against their narrative then you're the bad guy
No. 1365518
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>>1365515you are lecturing me about not understanding history, you who didn't realize Pakistan was not in the middle east or that their are Hazaras in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but I'm sure you are more aware of my countries society and civilization then I do, cause I'm simply an undelighted savage who has not the glory of reading theories of western women studies professors from the late 20th century
>>1365517what country ?
No. 1365523
>>1365520cool, I come from a minor ruling clan, my grandmother's people once ruled the whole of north west Indian subcontinent
>>1365521you did now know that Pakistan was not located in the middle east
No. 1365536
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I think we all got on the wrong foot here, I have stated multiple times that there is misogyny in the west and it has to be worked on, I just believe for women in the west(and other parts of the world) the made up "takes" of a bunch very very very stupid morons well sniffing their own farts is not the best solution for any woman on this planet, I assure you the writings of the great fatass whom you worship has not helped single human being on the planet other then make rather stupid, like you can hate men(I hate men throughout the day as well) but don't be pseudo-intellectual retard about it
No. 1365541
>>1364997ntayrt but i see this in every single debate i see men use to defend male promiscuity, ive seen them use it in many other things as well, but its mainly that. Their "women are tanking society with all of their evil whoredoms and men are innocent" argument couldnt live without it. "well who is sleeping with them?"-"well uhm…men but only the chads and its different when men do it anyways!!1!"-"how is it different?"-"because any woman can sleep around, all men are willing to fuck anytime, it takes skill for a man to sleep around!"-"So most men would act even worse than these 'evil whores' without a second thought if given the opportunity?"-"Absolutely, but they cant, so men are still innocent uwu's".
We're so used to seeing this argument, we dont even realize how terminally retarded it is until you apply this logic to any other form of sexual degeneracy. "Yeah i want to fuck children. i would fuck as many children as i possibly could if i had the chance. the second i get an opportunity to bang a toddler im going in. BUT. I havent been able to yet. Therefore i deserve the same moral highground as someone who doesnt fuck kids and doesnt fantasize about it at all!! because i havent actually done it!!!see????"
No. 1365551
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No. 1365553
>>1365541the argument doesn't make sense because they don't actually see sex in itself as evil. most of the things they project onto us and go on to complain about aren't considered inherently evil by men - look at how often they tell each other to go to the gym, even as they decry the vapid hoores for being shallow or vain if we bother to put on eyeliner or whatever. sex isn't inherently wrong to them; it's wrong because women are the ones having it.
case in point:
>>1365551>ugly woman? ewie! bad!>pretty woman? ALSO BAD! No. 1365554
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>>1365551ft. the top comment. i literally couldn’t scroll down further.
No. 1365559
>>1365551>>1365554>women don't care about men they don't want to fucknuclear levels of projection happening here. It's crazy how incapable of introspection moids are. The entire concept of "friendzone" that they moan about endlessly is due to the fact women
do care about guys they aren't attracted to. But apparently that's evil too? Hm, seems like there's no way to not fuck them without being either a friendzoning bitch or a inconsiderate whore.
No. 1365569
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>>1365551>>1365564>>1365561has it ever occurred to them most men are uglier and fatter then previous generations, seriously you can see it IRL in my country, my country's inbred mountain peasants look better then 99% of the urban population, cause the males in the urban population are pudgy, can't grow full beards, wear polo shirts and have shit diets that make them smell awful, I'm sure to am extent it also happens in the west, men genuinely are uglier today then previous generation, it is an objective fact
No. 1365585
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>>1365554The average guy isn't even attractive. Idk why this surprises them when
1. Most of our evolutionary history most men didn't breed. We're reverse evolving for the sake of every man getting a large chance to breed yet they still complain.
2. Men aren't fit as they should be and waste their genetics.
Varying degrees of muscle definition is very attractive and most men are fat to skinny fat. It's like if most women decided to remove their breasts and hair, that's the level of sexually dimorphic trait loss we have to enjoy when we look at men nowadays.
3. We still give everything to ugly ass scrotes hoping they don't hate us, resent us after marriage/kids, hope they don't cheat and hope they won't be absolute shit fathers and husband's but most are mediocre and forget your birthday and call spending time with their kids "babysitting". Most women would overlook an ugly ass ogre as long as he was romantic, pleasant, and driven in his family life and personal relationship with you.
No. 1365603
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>>1365593Plus the "
abusive men are
victims of
abusive parents" thing is just a straight up lie
No. 1365605
>>1365585Ah yes, the fabled man logic:
>When I want hot fertile bitches it's my biological imperative>Muh men are polygamous it's nature deal with it >When women pick only the best donors among the expendable sex that only exists to be a pool of genes to select from in the first place, that's evil and wrong>No, I haven't thought about being the son of a woman who pity fucked an ugly reddit incel retard and sentenced me to being the bald subhuman manlet I am, only MY INTERESTS MATTER!Another case of "it's bad when you do it because you actually get to pick, while I get to window shop because no one cares about what I want anyway". Also happens to show that men's interests inherently contradict the interests of children kek
No. 1365606
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>>1365593>>1365603Samefagging for another screenshot
No. 1365621
>>1365614the poor excuses for being shit to the daughters and letting their sons do nothing…
>they'll do it properly unlike their feckless brotherwhy the fuck don't you parent the little asshole? unbelievable that this is the excuse to work the girls like unpaid servants while letting your useless son fuck around on the xbox. unironically this is why women being kind of messy and slovenly and not subscribing to the ideal of being unwarranted maids is based honestly. fuck this.
No. 1365651
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I came here to laugh at redditors, not read history or listen to discussions of the merits of second wave feminism. /2X/ is still open and you are allowed discuss politics there(you say this as you've derailed the thread, pakichan)
No. 1365665
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>>1365174>The Scythians didn't rape women holy shit, are you the biggest brown pick-me on the planet or what?
No. 1365735
>>1365651Why don’t you just go straight to Reddit then? Since every other post on there is fucking cringe, and then you can post non pink pill related things.
>>1365672Be the change you want to see!!!!!!!!! Retard.
No. 1365769
>>1350706they always do this when the killer is white and male (as long as he doesn't spout open racism/trump stuff)
I still remember when redditors wigged out because of Ellen Pao. Anyone else?
No. 1365887
>>1365607This, my brother was the golden child that got to bend the rules, never had anything expected from him and relentlessly bullied me while I got punished for standing up for myself against him. Fuck men and fuck parents for favoring male children over girls, so many of my friends have had their brothers grow into absolute slackers because parents coddle them well into their adulthood while daughters are expected to become substitute mommies at 13 the latest.
>>1365614>That's partly because they, my capable girls, unlike their feckless brother, will do things properly. Good fucking god, imagine admitting to not raising your sons up to your standards and only disciplining your daughters. These parents better not complain when 15 years later their daughter never comes to visit and their son is still living at home playing video games and ranting about women living on easy mode on leddit.
No. 1365914
>>1365607powerlevel sperg
My mom favoured my older brother. Sure, she kicked him out, BUT that was to scare him silly and have him rushing back into her arms. When he didn't take the bait, she would spend hours and DAYS calling up her sister (who he went to live with) and straight up accused her of kidnapping him kek She couldn't fathom why her son didn't want to come back. Despite being kicked out (which, again, was to scare him) he was always the favourite. I was sick? no medicine half the time and you are going to school. He was sick? She'd take days off work and give him everything he wanted. I had a bad day at school? Fuck you, you ruined my night, no dinner. He had a bad day? She takes the night off work to spend time with him.
>>1365614 The ultimate pickmes. We get it, your husband sucks and you are so desperate for male attention you'll latch onto your son. I can't recall if I read it here or another site. But basically, back in the day, boy mom's latched onto their sons so hard because the husbands died a lot sooner and because it was a man's world, they needed their son to basically 'take over' for them. Men would be less likely to fuck them over if another man was present.
Another angle is that their husbands are often emotionally unavailable so moms will commit emotional incest on their sons. which is probably the more modern take on boy moms. idk I'm open to hearing more opinions.
>>1365887>my friends have had their brothers grow into absolute slackers because parents coddle them well into their adulthoodSo true. Reminds me of historical figures, be they minor or large. One I know of was mommy's favourite and he begged her to get him a commission in the army. He gets it and wants to quit a year or so later. Mom gives him the highest allowance despite having no family to take care of while his sister and brother do have families and get significantly less. Went to Eton as a kid but dropped out when he got sick and never had to go back and finish because he probably didn't want to so he didn't have to. Spends his days playing polo and fox hunting. Basically has endless cash and no ambition because he never had to succeed as a kid. This was 100+ years ago and it happens all the same. Replace Polo with Xbox. Fox hunting with channel surfing.
No. 1366175
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>>1350985On a askreddit question directed at women on why they don't buy a man flowers and plan the date and make the first move etc
"Because the bar for men is already on the ground and I'm not gonna get a shovel on their behalf."
Cue 100 effimate and insecure men outraged, plus their handmaidens which were worse because they were sperging about how SHEs eaten out man ass and served him tea afterwards and I'll never be lucky like her
No. 1366209
>>1366033Yes. It's the ultimate carrot on the ultimate stick. Male psychology does not permit them to not obsess over female rejection and unavailability. Not only do they reject men, they also CHOOSE WOMEN over them. There's literally nothing that fires up a male's innate inferiority complex more than this. It's many tiers above straight women who reject men - at least with them a man can seek perverse solace in the fact that they "probably suck dick anyway, heh". Men will never leave lesbians alone, a lesbian is the absolute peak "cold rejecting mommy" that lives in their heads. Unsurprisingly, most of male narratives about lesbians revolve around some sort of desperate self soothing affirmation/reassurance about how they surely are secretly into men.
>>1365622When a woman's offspring is a male, her genetic interests instantly lie with males, even if she has female offspring. Most conceptions are male, but births are relatively equal due to high rate of malformations in male embryos (they self abort at high rates). Males are more damaging and expensive to gestate. Male babies are more needy, emotional and angry. It's an ultimate sunk cost. Mothers also instinctively understand that in order for her son to win, women must lose - even the most feminist mother in the world will shriek about the epidemic of false rape accusations the moment her semen demon assaults someone at school. Ironically, mothers and grandmothers of boys live shorter lives because they too become worthless and expendable in the eyes of natural selection.
If that didn't sound bad enough, boymom brains are literally colonized with male DNA containing cells. It's uncertain whether the presence of that DNA alters their behavior, but cellular level "warfare" isn't unheard of - the father's fetal DNA "fights" the mother for more resources during pregnancy, for example.
Fun fact: when the male fetus is about to be aborted (spontaneously or surgically), it immediately releases colossal quantities of male DNA into the woman's bloodstream, as a last ditch effort of sorts. Because most of them are aborted spontaneously due to fatal deformity, a question arises about the presence of genetically diseased male DNA in parous women.
No. 1366211
>>1366060nta and ntoa, also
>they never demand bisexual women to give them the time of their day but only talk about lesbians and muh cotton ceilinga lot of transbians actually talk shit about openly bisexual women for this reason, having the capability of being attracted to men already puts them in the "whore" category. they also often talk about how when they date openly bi women they're afraid that she might be attracted to their biological maleness rather than their womansonas
No. 1366239
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>>1366209Nayrt I researched and found that it helps fight against Alzheimer's so they are least do something useful, but they literally inject you with their DNA to have some form of living on. It's better than a man cooming and getting you pregnant when you can't abort before leaving I guess. Even women with no pregnancies/sisters can have it because brother passed it to mom, then mom passed it on to daughter. Sticking yourself in something and infecting it is so typically male.
No. 1366245
>>1366239Male fetal DNA can supposedly repair heart muscle too, but it's also implicated in autoimmune diseases. I do hope there's more research on this in the future, particularly the negative impact of males on female longevity. In many species, males directly reduce female lifespan: of, there's a lot of resistance to any research that may suggest a negative impact of pregnancy and males. When findings like this are published, the press coverage (on top of pure damage control from researchers themselves, who immediately proceeded to inject a "positive angle" in the paper itself) is nothing but hilarious.
No. 1366257
>>1363345This motherfucker is too close for comfort
>>1364235I hate how they always say they are going to get downvoted when they know they're preaching to the pervert choir and going to be awarded karma for this shit, it shows they're aware it's not normal but want to be validated by other redditors
No. 1366259
>>1366209Pinkpilled-chan, with the evidence that male foetus DNA goes in our bodies, are we essentially admitting we are part male and thus giving the lowly scrotes some leverage?
Since len are beyond helping, what can we do to solve the male problem, considering we can't really purge them the easy way (murder) without them retaliating. If we push them to suicide they will inevitably take it on their peers instead of doing us a favor and pull the
trigger. I'd advocate for eugenics if we had the access and means to do so as to eradicate these parasites. So what can be done?
No. 1366303
>>1366245>>1366209Wasn't there a study saying that the male sex was literally born as a form of parasitism?
Ew, that means that because of my older brother, I have some parasite DNA running around in my body ruining shit. Fucking hell.
No. 1366330
>>1365015This is something I think about a lot. Whenever incels are having another tard rage fit about women not dating them they can't answer the simple question of what they have to offer to a woman in a relationship. Instead they try to construct this grand scheme of the universal balance being disturbed just because women have been given the freedom to live lives independently of them, along the lines of "I need a wife so that I can feel better and not direct my anger via violent acts". Literally asking for a personal wrangler and holding the public safety as leverage.
Every now and then my country's newspapers write pieces about lonely men in the countryside missing wives because all the women in their dying bumfuck town move away to the cities in search of a better life and more chances for themselves. The conclusion is always the same, women should sacrifice their future to stay in the crab bucket with the coddled men who have no dreams or desires past being able to stick their dicks in a vagina for a minute every now and then. No talk about what a woman would get out of this obviously net negative deal. Men can't cope with becoming obsolete to women but still desperately needing them themselves so they're just throwing their weight around trying to turn back the clock by meddling with abortion rights and other laws protecting female autonomy because their defective chromosome is ultimately incapable of self reflection. Men would rather scorch the entire earth than leave women alone.
No. 1366338
>>1366330It always defaults to "fuck me, or else". Note how no other social dynamic follows this logic. We don't tell racial minorities to become second class citizens to curb WN terrorism. That's negotiating with terrorists, an obviously worthless strategy.
With women though? "Lonely and unhappy men are more violent, wink wink. Just so you know, YOU should be fixing this because mental illness in males will end very badly for you, haha".
>Men would rather scorch the entire earth than leave women alone.A parasite will rather kill the host and itself than not spread. Eventually there is zero difference between death and inceldom to a male, because they are not autonomous beings. If he can't breed, he might as well not exist. Anons here have correctly noticed that many significant advancement in women's rights typically results in outsourcing male parasitic urges elsewhere (porn, consooming, mail order brides, onlyfans, parasocial internet daddies, etc), but that will never be enough. Nothing can ever be enough to a pathogen, really, and they never had anything to offer to begin with - only artificial "benefits" that wouldn't be needed if men didn't exist in the first place. Unchecked proliferation of males, predictably, is bad and unsustainable for males themselves.
Male reproductive strategy used to be akin to protection racket and extortion, now it's shilling and rhetoric. When you can't take what you want by force, you convince your mark that getting fleeced is actually in
their interest. The monumental rhetorical shift from "motherhood as penance and duty" to "motherhood as ultimate Experience™ and Fulfillment™" is a great example of this idea on action.
No. 1366520
>women over 30 are disgusting, they look like grandmas, i would never date one! i'll just trade them in for a new 18 year old! even when I'm 70 I'll still be dating a 20 year old!Siddhartha:
>why should I be repulsed by someone of old age when I too shall one day be old? No. 1366531
>>1366526Not to mention that men universally age worse than women due to their refusal to eat a healthy diet, have a healthy sleep schedule, get regular exercise, use moisturizer and sun protection, and the Cain's mark on their accursed gender of male pattern baldness. Scrotes are now so trash that God is turning them bald in their 20s instead of their 60s.
Their own shit never stinks. A 30+ year old woman is "disgusting" but they expect women to throw away their 20s to date 50 year old porn addicts who will use abuse and toss them aside in a few years, and she's supposed to be grateful for the opportunity to sexually please a deathgrip malding pudge-pop. Just like how scrotes expect to roll out of bed and women to either find them attractive or else she's a "snobby bitch" but if a woman has a bit of underarm stubble or greasy hair it's the worst crime on earth and she's a disgusting slob.
Possibly in a bad mood, I had to watch a 50 year old scrote on the bus try to hit on a 20-something woman who clearly wanted nothing to do with him and he wouldn't leave her alone.
No. 1366559
>>1366531Not only that, since the 20 years old already had sex with the 60 years old man, she's already "used goods" and is "not worthy" of having a decent boyfriend or marrying at all because she's a slut or some shit.
Seriously, there's no winning, every stupid shit that scrotes say always has a contradiction that they also spout in the same breath.
No. 1366568
>>1366559I feel like most of these contradicting beliefs were, once upon a time someone made a joke and then a whole bunch of people took it literally, agreed with it, and obsessed with it until it was dogmatic to the church of the terminally online scrote. now the scrotes initiate teeny-bopper scrotes into the church of
toxic inceldom and the bad jokes have become someone's biblical truth. same way men took the joke of marriage being a "ball and chain" and now unironically believe wife bad because she won't allow them to wear the same dirty socks until they grow mushrooms between their toes.
men are so fucking dumb there is not even any solution except bashing their skulls in. Any moid expressing incel beliefs should be castrated on the spot.
No. 1366578
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I love it when some greedy, lazy scrote gets assblasted because women just won't tolerate his horseshit or his skinflint cheapness. Millennial women went through hell trying to naively create and uphold "50/50" while scrotes fucked up their lives in return.
No. 1366580
>>1366531That's actually not true. Men plainly age faster because they're expendable. Yes, that's even if we count the fact that parity ages women. Faster onset of age related changes are evident even in male children. The magical, oddly specific number 30 is approximately when males begin to rapidly decompose. research asserts that a longer living organism can't possibly age faster. What you're seeing is, you guessed it, epic levels of malding and projection as usual. The only way a creature with no self awareness by design knows how to cope.
>>1366542The point is coping. Most women get married and have kids way past 30. It's "okay" for males to say this stuff because they don't really believe or follow it in any capacity, it's just to feel better about themselves through externalization of their own fear of mortality. Whereas your standards are always bad and evil because they're actually enforceable.
No. 1366592
>>1366336And then he's gonna whine on r/Tinder when you just choose an 8/10 Chad to do said "dicking".
Moids truly don't understand that if they don't add any value to your life, you might as well go for the hottest moid with the best genetics. Fugly reddit neckbeards out there thinking their "dicking" has any worth when even hot men struggle getting laid. They ceaselessly set themselves up for even more painful failure by narcissistically denying reality, then complain about their depression and suicide rates. Remarkable.
No. 1366614
>>1366581Yes. Usually how scrotes talk about women is one of the biggest indicators of who they are
>Women age so badAka they stress tf out every woman in their life to premature aging and other health issues. Or they just expect women to look like teenagers until they're 80 yrs old
>They're so manipulative Usually if women manipulate a man they're in a relationship with it's because asking for them to do the bare minimum isn't enough so you literally need to psychologically manipulate them in order to get a crumb of respect. I had to "manipulate" multiple ex boyfriends to stop cheating.
>Clingy/codependentUsually just women expecting the bare minimum. I've seen multiple women get called clingy by their boyfriends when the boyfriends started treating them like side hoes and not actual girlfriends
>I have a lot of lays/lots of experienceAka he's shit in bed/has a small dick/shitty person/a cheater and generally can't keep women interested so he has to fuck around since no one wants to be around him enough for a long term relationship
Other red flags are men who act like all women around them are sexual deviants who just beg for them, not only are they liars but if you dare show any sort of attention back at him then he'll probably tell every other woman he's talking to about how you totally begged for his cheese dick. Men who are ultra controlling and anti clubbing, those usually go hand and hand. If a man freaks out about you hanging out with friends at night and disguises it as "paranoia that you'll be raped" or something he 100% WILL
victim blame you in the situation you get hurt and has probably already
victim blamed other women as well as using it as an excuse to backfoot you into not going out and being his slave. Not to mention these men usually hate you getting attention from other men because then you'll realize your worth and that other men are willing to try lots harder for you and they just don't want to put in the effort or make you think there should be certain expectations from them and they'd prefer keeping you insecure and desperate. Guys who have a lot of female friends, they usually use them as potential lays if they're not already the community dick and they all aren't past lays already, this is especially true if all his hobbies and workplace is majority male.
No. 1366639
>>1366619I’ve only ever seen women who demand gifts and dinners on tv and in books, usually ones written by men. Most real women don’t want to be seen as demanding and will go 50/50 on dates without complaint. I’ve met so many women who pride themselves on paying for everything and not expecting gifts and men who really make an effort are the exception, not the rule. A guy has to be exceptionally, insultingly cheap for multiple women to reject him on that basis. I’m trying to think of an example but I honestly can’t, like I know several married couples where the man proposed with a piece of candy or €1 toy instead of a ring and the women still tell this story years later like it’s cute and funny.
He also mentions romance and fun as these horrible unrealistic demands women make on him so I bet that, if not ugly (though he’s probably also ugly), he’s one of these guys who just texts “hey” a bunch of times and expects the woman to swoon in response.
No. 1366640
>>1366618They can fathom the idea. They just really don't want it to be true.
Generally speaking, men want you to be everything they really are, and to be what you really are. They want to switch places, at the very least in terms of what they perceive as sexual power dynamics. They want to be choosers, not eternal beggars. The trauma of null sexual value coupled with
needing the other sex to live is a core formative experience of male puberty. It's no coincidence that this is when they usually develop compensatory fantasies about not needing no hoes, or some variety of rapture mythology in which it's the wammins who will at one point be worthless undesirables begging for pity fucks (the wall, etc).
No. 1366643
>>1366338>A parasite will rather kill the host and itself than not spread. A description fitting most male behavior. A father would rather kill himself and his entire family than let the wife leave him and "take the kids" that he never emotionally cared about anyway, but will be driven to homicidal madness at the thought of them carrying someone else's name. I guess the parasitic tendencies are truly hardcoded in their DNA.
>"Lonely and unhappy men are more violent, wink wink. Just so you know, YOU should be fixing this because mental illness in males will end very badly for you, haha". Which is why nobody gives a shit about lonely, unhappy women. They know these women will just poison their own lives and kill themselves if driven over the edge, problem taking care of itself. Recently in another thread there was an interesting discussion about mental illness only mattering if it causes direct physical harm to others, which is why male patients are much likely to be taken seriously than women. It's an open, mutually agreed secret in our society that men will be driven to violent chimpouts if all their needs haven't been met yet still they're considered the "rational sex" while women are painted as being weak-willed emotional disasters. Which, as most male finger pointing, is projection as we already know.
No. 1366709
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I know I shouldn't be surprised to find scrotal retardation on the redscare sub (I like to hatescroll there occasionally bc I'm a masochist apparently), but this whole interaction pissed me tf off and I see variations of it on reddit all the time.
The OP was a woman complaining about how the men in the subreddit are becoming increasingly hostile and saying more and more vile shit about women. Her example was a guy in a deleted post talking about how he prefers slapping women in bed because it's more viscerally violent than choking to him bc choking feels more like quietly trying to kill a woman. And so many of the replies are dumbass rebuttals like this. Mind you, this sub actually tends to be more critical of BDSM by reddit standards.
>Um…women actually ask to be choked in bed therefore it's totally morally fine for men to do so and clearly must be the result of some kind of intrinsic urge free from any outside influence
>Everybody needs to cool it a little
Funny how they never say this under the woman hating incel posts which are way more frequent and way more malicious
>Refusing to enable your loved one's self destructive tendencies is treating them a child apparently
>I've been manipulated into doing weird sex shit I didn't like and for some reason I need to make that your problem
Love how he literally uses the word "manipulated" and still holds her entirely responsible. It's a moral failing on her part but somehow not the his?
>She is simultaneously called repressed and judged as damaged for sex life
>She's screwed up for engaging in BDSM but the guy she's "haranguing" somehow isn't
Also gotta love…
>Are you implying I raped my girlfriends?
>You accused me of being a rapist!
The real cherry on top is him getting the most triggered by her telling him to shut up. They are truly so pathetic. Bless this girl for trying, however futile the attempt was. The post wasn't even meant to be about the ethics of choking your girlfriend. It was about how misogynistic the men there are and they only proved her point by malding so hard.
At least I can take some solace in knowing the types of guys who post there are miserable and always complaining about how lonely and depressed they are. Good. They deserve it.
No. 1366721
>>1366709>I like to take advantage of my partners' unhealthy sexual behavior and act violent towards them because, um, they ASKED me to hurt them!! Why are you being so sexually repressed??Terminal scrottery. It's the same shit as "well this 16-year old with daddy issues, mental illness and problems with self-destructive behavior came onto me sexually, what I was supposed to do, just
not fuck her???". No matter how much your partner wanted you to choke them while they are in the most vulnerable position they could be, you agreeing to do so speaks more about you than them. Seeing how he had such a visceral, aggressive reaction to having this brought up is telling too, this guy clearly has a guilty conscience.
No. 1366738
>>1366721Exactly. He knows it's wrong but desperately tries to justify it because he doesn't want to sacrifice his boner.
If his girlfriend was a recovering alcoholic and asked him to buy her booze, would he feel okay with doing that? If she was severely anorexic and asked him to hide food away from her, would he feel okay doing that?
Just because someone asks you to help them engage in harmful behavior, it doesn't magically make it okay or absolve you of responsibility to say no. It's your moral obligation to say no because you're supposed to care about their wellbeing. This girl did not explicitly call him a rapist, but I believe wholeheartedly that he is
No. 1366757
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sometimes r/twox isn’t so bad
No. 1366892
>>1366721>well this 16-year old with daddy issues, mental illness and problems with self-destructive behavior came onto me sexually, what I was supposed to do, just not fuck her??Literally their logic. They come up with any excuse in the book to just fuck any woman (even if underage) but not understanding when they're responsible for saying no.
>>1366614>men who act like all women around them are sexual deviants This is oddly specific but true. I knew a guy from uk who claimed any conversation he tried to have with women around them was just super sexual and out of his control, he claimed that women "would just randomly start talking about how much they love eating man ass" and that women would "always brag about how they're wifey material" to him. That's just the tip of the iceberg though
No. 1366984
>>1366709Another example of moids shifting responsibility to cope with shame. "But they WANT ME TO DO IT" as if moids are motivated by what women want.
The moid knows that his wishes are morally unacceptable, so he seeks to present them as something he only does because his target wants it. So selfless and sexually servile!
Note how this logic will never work for you. Leading a willing moid on or "golddigging", even if he's throwing his money at you and obviously knows what he's doing, is morally unacceptable and "taking advantage".
No. 1367193
>>1366960I dumped my ex at 22 and by 24 he began to go bald lmao. Current nigel has good hair genes. I saw a photo of his father, had sexy hair even at age 60. Screen your scrotes for trash genetics.
It's probably all the low quality shampoo moids buy from the dollar store that is making them bald by 19 honestly. scrotes do not know the difference between laundry detergent, dish soap, hand soap, or shampoo. They'll use any of them interchangeably unless you go out of your way to tell them not to. scrotes are so stupid they're borderline suicidal, like large, violent children, but with much more entitlement. they never bother to learn anything for themselves but emerge out of high school thinking they are unrecognized geniuses and if you try to teach him anything he'll say you're "a nagging bitch". most of the premature balding epidemic you see playing out is probably just consequences of their poor lifestyle choices and bad diets. Plus I'm sure staying up until 4am screaming at video games has an effect. the modern scrote is devolving into a goblin from his reprobacy. and troons being the most gobliny scrotes of all, they'll spend a million dollars trying to look like a woman only to lose their hair by 25 and get wrinkles by 28. just pathetic.
No. 1367215
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Even before I browsed his profile I knew he'd be an obese scrote. He's 5'6, and 270 pounds.
So be a fat ugly scrote. Whine about muh PTSD or something. Basically, nothing is his fault. Stinks so bad he keeps getting complaints to the point that he'll get fired. Blames his wife's cat. Yes, cats can stink but one cat isn't going to make you reek so bad you'll get fired.
Notice how he's probably leaving out so much more. His shitty diet more than likely contributed to the smell. Or probably that his whole house reeks because it's filthy.
No. 1367219
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>>1367216>are a cause of intersex conditions in frogs at leastwas he right all along?
No. 1367246
>>1367216It's definitely that nona, but you also have to consider the dysgenic pattern of male driven selection.
When men with shit tier genes coerce hot women with resources, it's a full reversal of a normal natural selection pattern. It's immediately good for the moid, but pretty much a death sentence for his male offspring. If they ever find themselves in a society where they are unable to continue resource coercion, women will choose based on looks and other characteristics the beta-spawn male doesn't have thanks to his father.
No. 1367302
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>>1367273Nta. You’re right but I kinda disagree about the same genes not making men and women attractive. If you look at the hottest people, they often are a little androgynous. Their genes are so healthy and balanced (in other words, sexually selected for by generations of women) that you can tell that they would have looked good as either sex. If you look closer, many times that “pretty” daughter of the ugly husband just has a shitton of expensive cosmetics/hairstyling and an eating disorder.
No. 1367312
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>>136657850/50 is NEVER 50/50 with men.
What it really means is you do everything you already would have done as a woman, whether alone or picking up after a man… AND doing 50% of his responsibilities.
Nonnies never fall for this. Men don't fucking know or care the real line of equality when it comes to relationships, they just use this buzzword to leverage more out of you and not even thank you for it.
No. 1367463 woman is living in a storage container and asking how to decorate it to make it look less oppressing. She says "it heats up during the day but it's fine if you keep the a/c running." "okay it's a little dark…" "yeah the walls are bare metal" "b-but it's cheap for our area!"
storage containers are lined with carcinogens if you didn't know. the only way to use them is to make the space extremely well ventilated and cover up the walls, neither of which apply here. she is literally going to get the big cancer living in this depression box. and she's asking how to decorate it.
No. 1367475
>>1367463Why would anyone live there unless the only alternative is homelessness? And that doesn't seem to be the case, she says she 'loves it'??
Anyway it's a lost cause, she would need to change the entire structure, the materials and all the furniture to make it even remotely cute or welcoming. I hate those big recliners with cup holders, they are irredeemably hideous.
No. 1367488
>>1367486she lives in northern fucking australia. it's entering summer there. they are living in a metal box with one window. if the power goes out they'll die in their sleep from heat stroke.
apparently it came "pre-furnished" but the owner will not allow them to remove the furniture, IE the owner wants to both use the space to store his own shit and rent it out to get dosh. it's fucking seedy, no legit rental agreement forces you to keep furniture you don't want. and it's out in the bush. they had space to build a real house, or at least a cottage or something. but they dumped storage containers there, threw a cheap couch in, and called it a day. i bet they're paying like $2000 a month AUD for it too. it's 50km from the closest city.
i mean i've lived in shitty housing too but even I had standards. it's a deathtrap and she's asking how to make it look prettier. its' fucking sketchy as shit and probably illegal but her priorites are farming upvotes and hanging a jank stoner tapestry on the bare corrugated metal walls. it's a rectangle and the one window is on the small wall, so the back is just a deep dark cave made out of carcinogen lined raw metal.
No. 1367509
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>>1367499Leather is usually easy to clean and black is a nice standard color that goes with a wide variety of aesthetics. Coomer scrotes have memed it for sure but projection over a normal piece of furniture is stupid. Next we will be saying wooden tables are creepy and from pornos
No. 1367521
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>>1367499That's funny because I associate certain leather couches with moids, but it's more of a pretentious rich reddit NPC thing than a casting couch thing. Pic related.
Those ugly recliners I don't associate with casting couches either, obviously you can't fuck on a lounge that has a cup holder in the middle. They're just perfect evidence that money can't buy taste, they're pretty pricey but sooo tacky and would never contribute to a cohesively designed room.
No. 1367539
>>1367463How the fuck is it even legal to charge someone to live in a storage container. Lease?? I can understand some cheapskates doing it themselves, people get one to use as a studio or whatever, but your storage container has a landlord?!
>It’s a 2 bedroom shipping container house. This area is between two containers, one is kitchen and bathroom(through the black door) and the other is bedroom (glass sliding doors). There’s another two containers, one is a bedroom and the other is a storage unit. It’s on a rural property (two acres) in Northern AustraliaLiterally containers with doors to adjoin them, this is so wrong. Just build a house ffs
No. 1367554
>>1367542>if you want somebody who's cute with nice skin and a fit body, you have to go for high maintainance, high standard, demanding western city girl roastiesThey hate these types of women because they're unable to neg them into desperation. They want women to think they're genuinely lucky to have them and a woman who frequently is social and actively gets hit on often understands she has a line of men around the corner willing to treat her better than main moid will any day. The idea that women are ugly when they age is either just them coping with the fact they're pedophiles, a sad attempt at negging women or as
>>1366614 said
No. 1367557
>>1367482lol americans really are incapable of seeing/reading anything online and not automatically making it about themselves or their shitty country
>>1367488yeah i'd be extremely surprised if this is legal. does the NT having a housing crisis like the rest of aus, i know even rural towns outside of perth struggle so could the NT be that much better with mining jobs in demand?
shit situation to put yourself in but at least she's got her comfy black leather couch to get stuck to once those 32-40c days hit and the metal stays too hot to touch all night long keeping the place nice and warm regardless of how hard they crank the AC
No. 1367853
>>1367765It's based on the modern male delusion that men actually get to choose. Pretty absurd if you think of it.
In the past, most men died as virgins or cuckold cleaners. The same occurs in primate populations. The idea that they would evolve an active "preference" when their strategy is "grab what you can whenever you can" is demented. It's less of a preference and more of a solution.
The only standards males biologically have is opportunity + cuckoldry prevention. That's literally it. Their behavior fully reflects that, as they frequently target "fertile" children and the disabled because they're unable to fight back or leave.
The "preference" for virgins undeniably exists in male heads somewhere, but it's fully stemming from beta male anxieties about not being picked. It doesn't mean they're not interested in adult sexually active women of course, quite the opposite - which is why self proclaimed virgin enjoyers seethe about them 24/7. But a non-naive female is harder to control and has an idea of where she stands on the sexual market, therefore she's less likely to be faithful. Curiously, the only primate model of this behavior is displayed by omega male chimps - occasionally, the lowest status male will abduct a low status young female and groom her into faithfulness away from the tribe, in something akin to human monogamous marriage. It's a good way to avoid competition, but not a "preference" in any capacity. The main tribe, however, has a pool of females monopolized by alpha males, and their actual (enforceable) preference is older females who already demonstrated fertility.
Overall it's a case of men trying to sell what they'd like to be true as what's actually true, mostly to themselves, to devalue the women they're attracted to, but are likely to be rejected by. Business as usual.
No. 1367872
>>1367765Speaking of women, the average redditor would probably bleat something along the lines of "women prefer a provider and he needs to be old", but that's a delusion of modernity. First of all, when most of our evolutionary history took place, there was barely such a thing as a man who survived into old age. You can't have a preference for something that doesn't exist. The idea that a man approaching decrepitude would somehow be the top player in male "contests" over mating opportunity is, once again, demented. The ideal option would have to be a male entering his 20s - no longer a teenager, possibly established against other males, peak physical condition, not decrepit and ridden with chronic injuries yet.
Second of all, the "provider" nonsense is not what women select by, as incels elegantly admit when they spout venom about the whole "beta provider" thing that their ugly pussy buying fathers inflicted upon themselves in the first place. Women want the best genes, aka "beauty". All that needs to be said here is that men actually decay on a genetic level as they age.
So why are current women not attracted to younger males? Well, actually, they are - increasingly so. Statistically, the "preference" (which in studies was reflected by something like 1970 marriages in rural India, top kek) for older males decreases as women gain economic opportunity and thus cannot be resource coerced. If women weren't the more inhibited, over-humanizing sex that's chronically compartmentalized from their own authentic sexuality via incessant male nagging and appeals to mommy instinct, I bet the age preference would be decreasing even more rapidly.
>>1367302You actually reminded me of something that I can't quite put into words yet, but it's relevant to what I said above.
No. 1367981
>>1367872>Second of all, the "provider" nonsense is not what women select by,Also, in hunter gather tribes, it's the gathering, done by women, which provides the majority of the food. So men didn't even provide.
>Well, actually, they are - increasingly soSee also, sex tourism by women. When they have the money to 'provide' for a sexual partner, they pick young attractive males. Women don't sex tourist for 40 year old dudes.
No. 1368083
>>1367871Honestly even though it’s a popular saying that men age like wine because of their resources, how many young women your age do you know that date 40+ guys? I know none. I bet even if you do know some, it’s not more than like two. They’re pretty rare and the guy would have to be really rich to get a gold digger. Most men will just be average so it’s all just a fantasy for them.
I know a few guys my age who date older women who aren’t even rich though. It’s all just moid cope.
No. 1368177
What subreddits does he use??? pls spill
No. 1368409
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TLDR: Doctor tells man he has a micropenis and he loses his shit and blames his wife being black for it
No. 1368413
>>1368409> Wife has low sex driveWaaa you’re a prude I need to cheat so I can coom
> Wife has high sex driveWaaa you’re an animal it makes me feel emasculated
No. 1368449
>>1360073I don't do make up. I've had a few weird interactions with old creeps before where they'll randomly hit on me and mention how much they hate women who wear make up and who 'false advertise' with it. They'll be like..
>oh phew I know what you look like so you're not one of those women who traps men with fake advertisingFirst of all, leave me alone lol. Second, dude it's really not that hard to look at a woman with make up on and still get a general idea of what her bare face looks like. Nobody is pulling a fast one on you.
No. 1368458
>>1368409Jesus this man has obliterated this womans self esteem to make her think treating her like this is even remotely ok. As soon as he compared her to an animal she should have picked up her child and left.
Sure open up the relationship, see how many women who “align with you” are lining up for microdick that cant make any of them come
No. 1368612
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>>1368409The idea that he JUST found out he has a micropenis fucking KEK
No. 1368633
>>1368409So many white men are fucking deranged. All men, really, but this level of racism and projection is something else
>they have a child>she pays all the bills>her "friends" are defending himNope, this can't be real. I refuse, it's too horrible. Only thing missing is him being significantly older than her to top this off.
No. 1368694
>>1368651No, I'm a woman. Ending up with a scrote who turns out to be a retarded, racist POS is one thing, but also earning 3x more than him, no supportive friends (if they can defend this, I doubt they're there for her on anything else), dealing with his dead sex drive, and covering all the bills without question? All that shit for 10 years, plus a baby, and he never even once made her cum?
If the guy had a micropenis, he must've already been aware of its small size. That's not something you just overlook unless you're on weapons-grade copium, and how did not a single doctor point it out up til that point? In some cases, men with micropenises supposedly can't even penetrate properly to impregnate women.
I'm somewhat biased because I don't even want it to be true for the woman's sake, but it also just sounds too fucked up. Almost every single bad thing smashed into one post
No. 1368720
>>1368443most guys with microdicks:
>waaah wahh i wish i had a loving wife who didn't care and still enjoyed sex with me anyway!this guy:
>waaahhh i don't have a microdick the doctor is wrong, my wife's vagina is just too deep, i need another girl!he cares more about his penis than his own child.
No. 1368796
>>1368612>>1368409Men with small dicks can rot. Size does matter and men can go die about it. During more primitive times, didn't women choose men with bigger dicks?
Reminds me of a Reddit post about this guy complaining how he isn't 8 inches like his GF's ex was.
A comment was like,
>She's LYING. 8 inches is super fucking rare, and 9 inches is nearly impossible. The majority of men are 5 inches and anything over that he's exaggerating. Men are fucking retarded
No. 1369019
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>>1369009Maybe we should all sharpen our bullshit detecting skills
No. 1369287
>>1368958NTA but I made a fake degenerate account to see if I could get other degenerates to call blatantly illegal behavior out among their own. It's like a social experiment of people's responses. I've been doing it since I was a tween and most of mine have been funny but a few more recent ones have been trying to expose certain groups. I've stopped now but I liked it because I would see how far I could take the story before people would become skeptical or expose me.
>>1369009There's plenty of people who lie to others IRL. Most of the internet is smoke and mirrors anyways. Maybe get offline if you don't want to read fake stories because I guarantee the majority of content you engage with is manipulated or outright lies.
No. 1369384
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Ex-coincel redditfag thinks beating people for a kink is safer than taking their money No. 1369476
>>1369384It's simple
People who usually are beat for a "fetish" are women
People who get "manipulated" into sending all their money to randos are usually men so that's why it matters more to them
No. 1369501
>>1369384This is some serial killer logic.
>I’m not in the wrong for beating up that prostitute, she is in the wrong for taking my money!You can always earn more money but traumatic brain injury from beatings and strangulation is for life (and much more common among women than most people think). I hope this guy gets catfished by a tranny who beats him back.
No. 1369629
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whole thread is an embarrassment, as if any of these pasty, prematurely-balding losers have seen any amount of vulvas to judge this outside of porn on their computer.
No. 1369793
>>1369629>No carpet in 2022.Love that he tries to make pubic hair seem like some outdated thing. It's def making a comeback, thank god. Like half of the women I've been with don't shave at all down there and neither do I. Never had any complaints, from men or women. He's just showing his age that he thinks completely bald pussy is the standard.
Men who make a big stink about hairy pussy are weak and they would've absolutely died before 25 and without passing on their weak genes in earlier time periods, as they should.
No. 1369945
>>1368796This is exactly the case. A moid who has reached sexual maturity should have at least 6 inches, for the average 18 yr old it's 6.7 inches[Textbook source linked on website]
Moids who pedal the idea that 5 is average are stupid and only understand how statistics work when it's in their favor, funny how they'll call out "but but the average is thrown out of wack for this and that reason" when you bring up things like women's wages "but women just take low paying jobs more!!" or non-white people going to jail longer "they just commit more crimes though!!" but they magically forget their own arguments when it comes to dick sizes, prison sentences by gender, dating website statistics, or anything else they either want to seem superior or oppressed for.
No. 1370201
>>1370191Moids will complain about a loneliness crisis for men in one breath then talk about how they age like wine and will be fucking 20 year olds in middle aged in the next lmao.
There is no demographic more irrelevant than a middle aged man without a family (a present one, not divorced/estranged) or without enough money to pay sugarbabies. They radiate a depressing, desperate aura because they don't have a social life and women don't notice them at all. Middle aged women, even if they don't have kids or a husband, always have friends and tend to be approachable to younger people in the way older men are not. And if they take care of themselves, they'll still get plenty of male attention.
No. 1370272
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>>1366516>>1368612KEKK, this is fucking hilarious
No. 1370301
>>1370003You can put redditmoid bitching into one of a few categories
>Bitching they don't have access to women (much no compliments from random hot women maymay, women won't approach me, I have to not be a drooling autist to get a woman to date me, "women gatekeep their reproduction too much", waaah I'm a virgin)>Bitching about being compared to women by other men through their machismo culture (muh can't show emotion, no access to mental health resources, suicide rates) >Bitching about being seen as threatening ("how dare women be afraid of me despite a history of dealing with male violence??")>Bitching about having to uphold their end of the bargain to maintain patriarchal hegemony (have to go to war sometimes, have to have jobs, have to support themselves) >Bitching about not living up to their own made up gigachad porn standards (dick too small if it's not 3 feet long, incorrectly believing women ignore them because they aren't a roided up rhinoceros)>Bitching about their anti-feminist mra "facts" which are wholly untrue ("divorce rape", false rape accusations, underachieving moids blaming "diversity hires" for not getting into college) All a bunch of nothing, entitlement, and wishing they could benefit from the patriarchy without having to put in even the smallest but if effort.
No. 1370366
>>1369945NTA and derail but your point is extremely true. Being in research myself in a highly quantitative social science field is great because you have obvious statistics supporting how women are
victims of violence, discrimination, and other costs of being a female. We have numerous papers confirming this and yet our job board is full of incels whining about how much easier women have it, how all women want Chad, etc. My favorite is their obsession with women wanting "BBC" because the graphic obsession they have with it as white and asian men would probably lead you to think that they themselves want to touch "BBC". They are absolutely tormented by "BBC" and black men to such a weird extent that it must be secret love/lust to get fucked by one themselves. I suspect the obnoxious incel shit is a direct effect (or lashing out) as women become more prevalent in our field. It's quite funny how males lash out and become more testerical as we simply gain representation in male-dominated spaces.
No. 1370435
>>1370326Men who are emotionally
abusive or neglectful towards their SOs will get mad or just be an asshole/act like they "deserve" said compliments, and let's face it that's how most men are now. I called a guy I was hooking up with handsome and he distanced himself from me and said "constant compliments are too much", another just would call me annoying if I complimented them, and another would either act annoyed or just ignore me say some shit like "yeah you do". My taste in men was sub par because I made the stupid mistake of listening to incels by being too forgiving of their flaws as well as putting in most of the effort including trying to flatter them. Biggest fucking mistakes. My new man gets really happy when I compliment him and compliments me back
No. 1370799
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She did nothing wrong lol
No. 1371396
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Not from reddit but most likely influenced just saw a news article about this guy. Fucker used to insult women in front of bars then pepper spray them No. 1372096
>>1371396oh i remember this, the guy is a total incel weirdo who has a tranny voice.
I remember he used to have a thread about him on kiwifarms.
No. 1372101
>>1372079Not to mention the risk involved in making an account. Many, if not most girls are stalked, harrassed, and blackmailed. For the few millionaires I suppose they think it's worth it but most women don't even make over minimum wage. Now they have a ruined reputation and a target on their back for deranged, asocial coomers.
Moids have this idea in their head that women's bodies are super valuable (thinking all women on OF are rich, every woman has sex with only the highest quality man, and every women uses her sexuality to live life on "easy mode"). They get jealous and want to tear women down. All while lacking the reasoning skills to understand that being the target and obsession of men is a huge liability. Most women won't make millions selling naked pictures, but most women will be harrassed and assaulted by men who want them all the same. Moids don't quite seem to understand.
No. 1372232
>>1368612hilarious. and the op was so obviously fake too yet this moid felt the need to type out this retarded heartfelt response. what an empath.
>>1368796kek. men exaggerate about their size so much too, i've met so many insecure guys that insist they are 6-7 inches when they're not fooling anybody. they suck in their stomachs like anachans and stab themselves with the ruler to measure just to get a number they can cope with. it's one of the ways they try to self soothe by willingly deluding themselves. sometimes i've even come across insane reasoning like "well akshually when you're fucking the penis goes in way deeper than can be seen from the outside so you should measure from the scrotum akshually". moids obsessing over looks and raging at memes like "small dick energy" or "5'11 vs 6'0" because they feel slighted is the funniest thing ever, i just love it.
No. 1372623
>>1372613Moids externalize, women internalize. Ironically, moids invented the very "you should stop finding attractive features attractive because political correctness" approach they accuse "legbeard feminists" of. It's never their job to meet your standards, you should lower them to accommodate them because that's just the nice and "fair" thing to do.
>>1372392Same was observed with improved position of women in society and progressively more violent porn. Men's core psychosexual desire is reassurance of reproductive and societal relevance. This is basically them telling themselves "women will not leave me behind" - the more evident it becomes that they will, the more testerical and compensatory male coping fantasies are.
No. 1372690
>>1368612I can’t tell if this post is serious or not, either way it’s so fucking funny
Get fucked micromoids KEK
No. 1372703
>>1372623>>1372623They literally did. Everything they accuse women of in terms of attractiveness is exclusively shit they do
>Muh you're asking me to change my standardsMen
>Wimminz rage when we call other women hot!!Men will try to destroy careers of other men just because women find him hot. Men could be obviously being creeping on other women and everyone is supposed to shut up or "she's supposed to control her man" no responsibility on the man
>Women will cheat at any given opportunity as soon as a hot guy gives them attentionMen do this all the time
>Women have such high standards!Men
>Women expected men to look roided up while being naturalSays men who can't distinguish the difference between fake and real tits, or if they're autistic enough they're fight like their life depends on it to "prove" their favorite porn star/e girl/whatever has real boobs even when they're bad bolt ons
>It's so wrong for women to loudly discuss preferences that don't meet the man around themMen do this to their own gfs and if she says anything she's insecure or controlling
No. 1372880
>>1372623>Same was observed with improved position of women in society and progressively more violent porn. >>1372392>I remember reading ryona getting more popular as more women started working in offices in Japan, so you're onto something.I once read a scrote make a similar statement. He said that the lolicon movement in Japan became big in the 70's, the same time that the feminist movement was big, because men preferred the idea of a young girl who wasn't independent and wasn't capable of thinking her own thoughts/standing up for herself. Men where intimidated by feminists so they turned to lolicon.
The scrote actually made this argument to defend lolicon. He even said that lolis where more appealing since they are easier to manipulate.
Imagine that you hate the idea of women having rights so much that you become a pedophile. Evil.
No. 1374161
>>1374094>For the first decade of my lifeIt's extremely common for fathers to completely ignore their daughters until they start hitting puberty, then the covert/emotional incest begins. They only pay attention to their daughters when they can fantasize about being seen as a "couple" by others, or just serving their fucked up moid pedosexualities.
I hate men so much.
No. 1374180
>>1374083I have heard of too many stories where a mother dies and the father just leaves the daughter/s to fend for themselves, or just demands they completely take over domestic chores/cooking/planning. Even serving the father and cleaning up after him like a dutiful wife would.
The replies on this thread are critical of the dad but whenever the subject of op raising herself from 10 years old, they blame it on his "untreated depression and trauma". I'm just honestly tired of men using their mental health as an excuse to be lazy. The simple truth is that the majority of men, if left on their own, won't do jack shit when it comes to maintaining their home life. This moid went catatonic until he met his new girlfriend, then was reinspired, but only through his dick. Moids only care about getting serviced by women and if there's no woman there to serve them they basically go on standby mode and let themselves rot in filth and entitlement. I feel sad for any children who are caught up in their self pitying bullshit.
No. 1375324
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no saving reddit
No. 1375552
>>1375439Yeah I'm very much anti-purity bullshit but women getting progressively
way more nude than men in the newer fashion doesn't sit well with me. Too much of anything isn't good, I wish women settled in the middle ground of not being overly-modest but not going out basically naked in usually pretty uncomfortable and wardrobe-malfunction-prone clothes when compared to men.
No. 1375582
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>>1375575Everyone on Reddit is lying 100% of the time so there’s no use in taking anything they write at face value but I imagine he’s larping this post.
No. 1375610
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>>1375607You can say Satan here nonna
No. 1375737
>>1375703nta. i live in a cold environment. i need clothing to keep warm. crop tops are worse than nothing. i want practical clothing! i thought we were making progress with the return of high rise jeans but NOPE. Meanwhile the japanese are wearing full on victorian frilly outfits that are adorable and warm looking while westerners get sold a polyester bra-shirt covered in glitter for $50.
i'm also tired of seeing fatty-chans stuffing themselves into a crop top + yoga pants to highlight the fupa lump. these fashions look terrible on 90% of people who try to wear them. i'm traumatized.
No. 1375856
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>>1375840Why would it be? I have large breasts and had no problem wearing off shoulder and crop tops. Unless you're using large breasted as interchangeable with fat as I've seen a lot of people do when they say different things are unflattering on them
No. 1375960
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(image not made by me)
Imagine this is your husband.
No. 1376140
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>>1375960Look at the ceiling. He covered the walls and ceiling with sheets of soft vinyl flooring.
>>1375737I went from loving fashion to fucking hating fashion. It's a chore to find anything affordable that isn't ironic ugly hipster shit, cheap spandex bodycon shit, or cheap oversized shapeless and cropped polyester shit, or both at the same time. I can make things, but that's too much work for ordinary everyday wear. And nobody sells decent pants or jeans anymore.
No. 1376146
>>1375737you really think the
average Japanese woman wears Lolita?
No. 1376179
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>>1375960I have a solution for the wife, if you know, you know
No. 1376252
>>1376179based as fuck
>>1376187you obvs aren't a COOL GIRL
gone girl by gillian flynn monologue, almost based beyond reason No. 1376496
>>1376203>>1376213How do you spend 16k on literally a shed with vinyl flooring as the walls. He didn't even build it himself, he contracted out all the labor so he wouldn't injure his soft pudding gamer hands, that's the only way to explain the cost. And the contractors took him to the cleaners. The dope doesn't even know the value of labor.
He really is doing it just to get out of childcare. 2x is right. Men are lazy worthless garbage with too many attached teeth and unbroken bones.
I've seen woman youtubers doing better quality builds for a low budget rental apartment restyle. These girls are slapping up shiplap and running cables. And a scrote pays a contractor to paste plastic flooring to the walls.
No. 1376520
File: 1665937307233.jpeg (Spoiler Image,791.3 KB, 2714x2061, 1F6C275E-2411-4410-B5A4-D09BDA…)

This is what scrotes look at online.
No. 1376521
File: 1665937380727.jpeg (Spoiler Image,489.67 KB, 2267x1843, 7F64DC84-6F02-45CF-ABD8-C30056…)

>>1376520moderated by 2 male troons obviously
No. 1376524
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>>1376520>>1376521there is only one cure for the xy disorder
No. 1376541
>>1376537Same, kek.
It also convinces me that the whole "hurr don't carry a weapon on you because the attacker might use it against you" is just a conspiracy men use because they're afraid women will stab them to death if they try anything. Like fuck a man who's gonna attack you isn't likely to be armed himself.
No. 1376545
>>1376537It never makes me feel suicidal, just
homicidal. Well I guess more than usual. My grandiose fantasies of success have been shattered by the economy and geopolitical situation, so there is only one other direction my mind can go anymore.
>>1376541They should be afraid.
No. 1376560
>>1376557I wasn't talking about that, because that's still not the cure. Gotta apply it to the
No. 1376576
nonny. If I got rock bottom I will start burning down rich neighborhoods. Killing myself doesn't cross my mind anymore. I'm just too angry.
No. 1376598
>>1376593Ngl kind of an autistic reason to get uppity. Who gives a fuck, at least that anon did
something. I'm gonna start calling everyone who recycles a retard because they'll never reverse global warming top kek.
No. 1376619
>>1376563 you really want to do something, see subreddit above. They have gotten some of the misogynistic subreddits banned.
FYI, going there will make you hate reddit more than you thought was possible.
No. 1376787
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Just saw this post in breakingmom and it made me rage. The absolute leniency shes giving this loser. Most of the comments are telling her to prepare for the worst in child support since so many deadbeats weasel out of it No. 1376788
File: 1665952910687.jpeg (332.95 KB, 750x1030, 7EC55693-596C-45BE-AAEE-76B5CA…)

>>1376787>What he needs is important to me. If he preferred I live closer, or if he wants to be involved, to let me knowGirl what
No. 1377075
File: 1665975195471.jpeg (64.88 KB, 719x898, homedepotcrap.jpeg)

>>1376496I did a price check to see what actual wood paneling would have cost. It looks like I was wrong, this was "real" fake wood paneling. .138 inch thickness "MDF" particleboard paneling. Humidity or water damage must be why the ceiling is drooping like plastic. The contractor suckered this guy. It wasn't meant to be put on a ceiling, or the pattern positioned vertically, or used in outdoor humidity. Basically cardboard walls and ceiling exposed to outdoor air.
>>1376511Literally everything except the lights has a plastic surface.
No. 1377442
>>1376787But at the same time, stop getting pregnant with the children of flaky losers and expecting them to suddenly man up to care for you and the child.
i also dont know why men think they need to push everyone away in order to "work on themselves" and "get in a better position in life." women do those things while having friends, family, and relationships. having people around and healthy socialization HELPS those goals. i think it's just an excuse men make so they won't have to put in effort. a moid would rather live as a miserable loser than put in any effort to improve. on some level he knows he is sabotagueing himself so he pushes his gf away to hide his shame. ruining both his life and the woman's life. because he'd rather jerk off into half-empty pizza boxes while playing video games than have a life worth living.
No. 1377501
>>1377442It would be great in theory but women are often manipulated into being ultra forgiving towards men and that having a set of standards I'd superficial and high maintenance. This is especially true if the man is ugly and could easily get away with claiming the woman left him for being ugly which is why ugly men tend to make the worse partners of them all but women are still extremely forgiving just in hopes MAYBE he'll get better and she won't be considered a hoe for relationship hopping
Meanwhile women are expected to do a million things to ask for bare minimums "what do you mean you wanted him to not ignore you for days? Should've lost weight/had sex more/had a better personality"
No. 1377515
>>1376843I hope she won't have a daughter, because I doubt she would give her as much kindness as she gives scrotes.
>>1377442>women do those things while having friends, family, and relationshipsis that okay though? I don't want to hate on anyone and please don't see this as me hating on anyone except me. I mean, wouldn't it be better to stay away from everyone until you fix your shit? So they don't have to deal with you?
No. 1377516
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Did anyone see this deplorable post? This is the first time in a long while since a reddit post had me fuming. I'm glad a lot of comments are ripping into him, but op deserves zero sympathy
No. 1377518
>>1377477I recently read a book called "Promises I can Keep". It's a kind of sociological deep dive into degenerate communities and why they live the way they do (drop out of school, have children as teenagers, abuse and neglect them, be proud of that, never ever marry because marrying is srs business, unlike having children, so pop out 6 children by 6 deadbeat loser fathers).
These people are born impoverished and unintelligent and follow their instincts, and they created a culture for themselves that glorifies the lowest effort behaviour as ideal and morally good, so that hardly anyone can escape, because even average people will fuck up their life with a young pregnancy due to social pressure and conditioning before they can grow wise enough to reflect on what is going on there.
No. 1377529
>>1377515Why would becoming an isolated shut in weirdo help you improve your life, nonna? Yes it's bad to push everyone away and dump your gf to "focus on improving yourself." people who do that only decline further in the isolation, as without supervision and connections to others they go goblin mode and wallow in self pity and mental illness unchecked. a good spouse helps you improve yourself and your life. it's massive bullshit. those people are just scared of judgement and are cowards who want to run away and hide. no one who pushed everyone away to "work on themselves" ever improved. it's the end for them. their future is nothing but microwaved dinners and low wage labor while abusing substances/porn.
>>1377516>my wife is a victim of crime>better dump her and ruin her life, mine, and our childrens'so much for men being protectors and providers. if he wants to die he should do it.
>>1377518lol I grew up in a family/community like that. escaped by running off to uni, now rubbing shoulders with functional upper middle class people. growing up with nothing but shitty people really fucks with you. at some point it really is an intentional decision to stay in that dysfunctional environment and continue the cycle. they really get off on it. people who aren't from a place like that will disagree with me but it's true. they enjoy having a
victim complex and blaming the outside world for the troubles they cause themselves.
No. 1377530
>>1377518NTA but I come from a family exactly like how you described and I'm gonna give this a read
nonnie, thanks for sharing. Xo. I always wondered why the rest of my family never gave a shit.
No. 1377551
>>1377545Good people chose to be good people. Don’t be an ass and claim you can’t help it. Own up when you make mistakes. Most “
toxic” people I’ve known are self victimizing all the time and everything is everyone else’s fault. They remove their own agency.
> you made me respond> I had to! > I’m sorry you feel that way. > well if that’s what you heard then that’s what you think I think They’re always so focused on themselves while being blind to literally the giant glaring character flaws. All they have to do is focus on the other person’s feelings and exps, but no don’t you know that no one cares for them? They also selfishly hurt the people around them and shove them away and then cry for pity when they did it to themselves.
No. 1377587
>>1377555can confirm, i inadvertantly dated 2 moids like this. one was hilarious, i only went on 1 date with him. he spent an hour telling me how he has depression and all this and i was like, yeah i used to have depression for a while in high school and college, too. trying to find common ground. and then he spun around and was like, "i can't date you. i dont want to date someone with depression." the last i heard from him he was planning to move into a van and was working manual labor jobs. by the end of the date i was ready to run for the hills, but the audacity of this fucker still sticks with me to this day. (i do not currently have depression. turns out it had been a situational thing, not a me thing.) scrotes do not view women as human beings, only as accessories, bangmaids, and free therapists to magically fix their issues.
No. 1377650
>>1377555Plenty of men are only too eager to date vulnerable/unwell women because they somehow envision themselves swooping in and magically healing someone just by existing in thir life. A white knight who doesn't actually do anything but wants asspats for being around. Then it flips over to them bitching and whinging when it isn't all roses. The sick partner ends up playing therapist to the seemingly healthy partner. Its a joke.
The most attractive man that I ever came close to dating.. I had to just not pursue it because I don't want to be one of those flakey people who is warned upfront.. and still messes around with someone I know I'm not up to dealing with. It does more damage than anything when you willingly sign up to date unwell people and then play the poor
victim when… they're as unwell as they said they are.
No. 1377684
>>1377627>he would literally make noises until I stopped, like ‘DUT DUT DUT’ every time I tried to the fuck can a grown adult act like this. i would dump him on the spot. that's probably why scrotes all lust after teenage girls who dont know any better and are willing to let themselves be abused.
their parents should have beaten them more. that would be rude as shit to do to a stranger, i cant even imagine doing it to someone you supposedly like. it's like scrotes are possessed by demons.
No. 1377725
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Why is this shit on 2x. It's right there in the sub name, 2 x chromosomes, something troons will never have. every single space for women has to be invaded by agp predditors with crossdressing fetishes. fucking gross.
No. 1377746
>>1377725Why the fuck are men so dedicated to defending mtfs but never show this much reverence for women? Or hell, even ftms. I know it’s because they have male solidarity but males also never defended male homosexuals this much. Is it literally just a cynical alliance against women? Do they not care about homosexuals because they generally don’t bother women?
Moids are just so disgusting and everything they strongly believe in revolves around securing sex with women and that’s it. Erode our rights and take away our safety so you can victimize us further. You can reduce everything a man believes into some sort of sex racket.
No. 1377748
>>1377735Honestly I'm exhausted from feeling bad about the
victims of the trans cult. It's so ubiquitous now, and it's pretty much impossible to question or criticise without hefty social consequences, and even if you're brave enough to do so, it's like it only fuels their fire. I'm at the point where I don't care anymore. Trans the kids. Huff the paint. Drink the Kool aid. Go ahead and fuck yourself and your kids as much as you want. And be sure to keep your mouth shut when the regret kicks in full force. Keep smiling and saying you love your inverted dick and your zipper tits. Enjoy the world you fought so hard for.
No. 1377771
>>1377748I feel this,
nonnie. I'm just sick of this shit, fighting is tiresome, if they want to be in the "right side of history" good, so be it.
We can't save everyone and we don't have to save anyone, just focus on your closest friends and family members and that's about it.
Like isn't this happening all of the time anyways? People are always killing themselves, self harming, killing their family members, mutilating and disfiguring them in one way or another, kids are always trying to form their own "cults" or sooper sekrit clubs, they're always telling each other to harm themselves and to do stupid shit.
And sure, the difference is that now it's all being supported by governments and companies, but this is what they want, this is their "right side of history", they kill themselves and do stupid shit for it, they're a bunch of toddlers throwing tantrums because it works and they're getting whatever they want.
But if we ignore them and just live our lives, they won't be part of our bubbles away from their stupid actually fucking insane cult shit.
No. 1378163
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this guy has been a personal lolcow of mine for a while. he’s a redditor incel but even other redditors and incels seem to recognize the fact that he's delusional
>49 or 50 year old virgin autist obsessed with the mythical youth and frat/sorority “college experience” he didn’t have>fixated on porn/media depictions of that kind of hedonistic, “exciting” lifestyle>literally went back to college at the age of 48 to try to get invited to parties>gave up on that and started asking about finding adult equivalents of "the college experience">constantly posting questions on dating subreddits and purplepilldiscussion and they get tons of replies for some reason>gist of every thread is essentially “how do i become interesting and attractive to women” “what do women find attractive”>does not understand or acknowledge any of the responseshe's currently stuck on the idea that there's something he can magically do or some place where he can go where "top 0.1% of onlyfans type women" will organically want him and won't stop asking OF girls about it. his post history is hilarious and bleak No. 1378166
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>>1378163if you search his username you get threads on incel forums making fun of them it's that bad. lmfao
No. 1378355
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Seeing this, remembering insanity wolf is a meme, and thinking about how misogynistic the 2010s were
No. 1378361
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regardless of your opinions on pattinson, seeing fat balding moids rage over this is so funny
No. 1378413
>>1378163that's next level horrifying. thankfully he's already 50 and will not breed. these defective genes die with him.
imagine ruining your pussy to give birth to a scrote who spends his entire life obsessing over porn-esque fictional college sex parties and having 10/10 sorority girls crawling over his dick. he's severely autistic and probably literally retarded. what a waste of food and oxygen to keep this pathetic sack alive so long. "why yes, I would also like to participate in the college frat orgies. where may i apply to have barely legal women give me the nekkid tiems for free?" where the fuck were his parents and the police while this guy was fermenting. thankfully he's too flabby and incompetent to go elliot rodgers.
No. 1378513
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Men continue to be the worst and view women as appliances to be used to make their lives better.
No. 1378520
>>1378516mind readers
and therapists
No. 1378593
>>1378528It's fucking exhausting. I see men constantly claim that they need their space to think before they talk about what's wrong. Men who need to leave in the middle of an argument or even take days away from their partner to deal with their emotions and play it off as some mysterious man thing instead of the emotionally manipulative move it is.
>>1378524That's because it's the truth. 98% of the times men are grumpy it's because their partner doesn't have as high libido as them and they have to give them the silent treatment as punishment for it.
No. 1378608
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>>1378593>Men who need to leave in the middle of an argument or even take days away from their partnerThis is called stonewalling
No. 1378628
>>1378605i don't post my spicier opinions on reddit for that reason. you can get banned from subs a, b, and c for posting in sub g. that's insane.
lockdowns were legitimately bad policy and a violation of human rights.
No. 1378638
>>1378593 >need their space to think before they talk about what's wrong. Men who need to leave in the middle of an argument or even take days away from their partner to deal with their emotions Its them emotionally punishing you and then playing innocent. I'd an ex who'd start arguments out of nowhere and then he'd get into his car and refuse to tell me where he was going. He could've just said 'hey I need a couple hours to go cool down' But of course he didn't because he fully wanted me to think that every fight was leading to a break up. He wanted to set off a panic in me but it got less and less effective every time he did it. I'd get on with my day without him. It was always a load of drama for nothing. He also had a habit of doing this on saturday mornings and ruining weekends with it. We both worked hard mon to fri and then he'd throw a fit first thing on sat morning and fuck off for hours. Then come back still sulking for the rest of the night too. To this day I still can't pick out a
trigger that was setting him off. There was never any explanation provided for the sulking. But I know one thing.. me not begging, pleading or chasing pissed him off more than anything. So maybe thats all he really wanted. Someone to beg for him to come back. Someone to beg for answers.
We still lived together for a lil while after our split (stuck in a lease) and when he got a new gf the drama started straight away with her. She'd send him walls of text and ring over and over to no answer. I'd ask him whats up with that. He wouldn't say but I know full well he was starting his silent treatment routine on her and this time.. getting that begging response that he wanted. She lived a distance away and she knew he still lived with me so he could send her into a panic easily. I know what had to be going through her head att. All it did was confirm to me that hes plays people for a reaction. He loves seeing partners panic.
No. 1378676
>>1377442This is exactly what it is. A man is never trying to "get to a better place". He doesn't need "time to figure things out". He doesn't need "space to find himself". This is all just horseshit justifications to ignore the girlfriend they don't actually care about, and cheat for a few weeks. Any time a man asks for this, just dump and block them immediately.
>>1378163>FrothySolutionsA lady of true taste. This guy bleakly shows male truths. Fucking 50 and still obsessed with the hierarchy of college frat boys, and chasing commitment free sex.
No. 1378789
>>1378647Needing space and time to reorganize your emotions isn’t inherently
abusive but it can morph into a form of control easily. I think there are a lot of people out there who do it unintentionally and don’t have malicious intent but you have to consider the other persons feeling as well if you want healthier relationships. I did this a lot when I was younger as well as I felt like I couldn’t communicate my needs, but just shutting down without giving any explanations before or after was really damaging to everyone involved. If you can’t talk about something in the moment just tell the other person you need some alone time, but then actually be willing to have a discussion about what happened when you’ve cooled off. These moids blowing up out of nowhere, wasting large chunks of time making their partner panic, and then coming back and pretending like nothing is wrong is
No. 1378827
>>1378813AYRT I’m in the states so definitely not the same moid, sadly there are scrotes like this everywhere. Slightly OT but have nonnas felt like the more conventionally attractive moids they’ve dated have treated them leagues better than any other moids? I always had this shit pulled on me by the “nice”
ugly moids.
No. 1378943
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>>1378357Blackpill comments on this vid. Spent enough time on 4chan and reddit to know that most of them were into incest and kids. Some just hide it or act like it's not true because they're into 14yr olds not "children ".
It's honestly safer to get a sperm doner and have your daughter alone without anyone to mentally and physically traumatized her.
No. 1378947
File: 1666131596754.jpeg (Spoiler Image,87.71 KB, 750x711, 79BA8403-1383-4C99-98CD-75DEFF…)

I just wanted to see Degrassi discussion
No. 1378999
>>1378947I stumbled on this one last night after binging stupid video subs and following links are paid professional pornographies of sex workers fighting each other in slutty clothes for the sexual pleasure of men. the rest is the female version of worrrstar or men assaulting women.
No. 1379008
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>>1378999Masturbating to a girl getting her nose broken in a fight.
No. 1379124
>>1378827I second this. It was unattractive, short insecure men who were
abusive. Secure men don't do that shit
No. 1379127
>>1379124AYRT and ofc there’s not hard and fast rules and any scrote can be
abusive but historically the uglier they were the worse they treated me.
No. 1379140
>>1378964>pcos>trans womenWhat
For what reason do trannies need to use that sub
No. 1379154
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>>1379140Female spaces must ALL be invaded even if it's a fucking post-menopausal women's knitting club in a rural town… guarantee a tranny will show up to scope it out.
Pic related, me after dying in a past life and being laid to rest in my women's only tomb only to hear a nasally falsetto ghost voice approaching me
No. 1379391
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I usually don't use TW but this is a massive one.
This sub is udderly disgusting. Like 90% of people who use it get banned for straight up admitting to child molestation or encouraging other families to do it. If you're going to look at this sub to report it please be careful. How is this stuff even allowed but stupid ass little kids on Minecraft get swatted for making jokes about bombing?
No. 1379394
File: 1666172471957.png (Spoiler Image,123.16 KB, 720x1052, Screenshot_20221019-044014.png)

>>1379391I wanna puke. I tried reporting but mods "didn't find anything that violated the policy"
No. 1379417
>>1379408To be fair, the nudist community is notorious for having the most disgusting pedo-ey practices and getting a free pass by disguising it as just being a hippie or something. Literally grooming their kids into incest "just keep an open mind", making their kids walk around naked and groom them to masturbate in front of everyone is just nudism, people are so fucking stupid and think when manipulation is involved it's suddenly okay because there was no gun placed to ones head right?
It's not uncommon to read comment chains that have been banned for "admitting to sexual activities with a minor" and having people cheer them on
No. 1379420
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>comment talking about actually molesting kids
>replies: wow good parenting
No. 1379465
File: 1666180874052.png (142.11 KB, 927x742, pedo.png)

>>1379391They're just a bunch of pedo
No. 1379508
•Posted by
6 days ago
Tiffany Beats Down Cute Brunette Angel - Angel Seems Turned On By Being Beaten Up on Video in Front of New Guy, Chad"
they are beyond help
No. 1379587
>>1379366from the thread on i posted, one of his arguments was "girls like big dicks because it causes them pain, that's why they have sex with horses and dogs." and everyone just nodded along and said how "high IQ" it was.
for those of you who do not know, the only person known to have been fucked by a horse died of it (Mr Hands), and dogs have small dicks around 4 inches for a typical golden retriever sized dog. men really just believe hentai manga is real life. then they spin around and say women are dumb and men are smart and rational.
No. 1379624
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>>1379587mfw internet argument
I was not ready for these things back to back
No. 1379650
>>1379587I just find the whole "muh -insert skin color of women to avoid getting called a misogynist- women love to fuck dogs and horses" just a dumbass projection from moids. They really think that we have some sekrit club talking about fucking barn animals or some shit, when in reality, moids are the ones creating the zoophilia porn in any form of media they can because of how stupidly autistic they are about their fetishes, it's not even just something you can say "haha they're autistic" it's obsessive to a whole new level that any autist would shudder with cringe.
They're the ones who want to fuck, and most of the times, actually fuck animals. And just like anything else that you can notice the hypocrisy of, they're yet again the ones creating a problem based on something they want to see while jacking off.
I could literally make a list of shit that your average moid "hates" and the shit that he preaches at the same time and this would surely peak a bunch of women in here.
No. 1379687
>>1378999>Women who streetfight with other womensad enough
>over a scroteeven sadder
>it gets posted online for scrotes to masturbate overdepressing
No. 1379701
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so you've seen r/sexpositivehomes, they also have r/sexpositivenudism2, which seems to be even worse and also has several posts where pedos are obviously linking up
No. 1379707
File: 1666200777017.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.24 KB, 926x642, whyareyoudoingthis.jpg)

>>1379701samefag, they claim they're actually having sex in front of children
No. 1379712
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>>1379707they're blatantly arguing that "porn makes some kids happy" and think it's a right wing conspiracy if you argue other wise
No. 1379715
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>>1379712okay no they are actually blatantly saying that they think CSA is a great thing and are trying to prove it by posting studies. Apparently there was an even worse sub, but it's been banned.
No. 1379721
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>>1379715>arousal shaming>No one would think of shaming a naked woman for having erect nipples or a wet pussy, even around families with children. Why should guys be treated with suspicion, fear, and disgust for the natural, healthy functioning of their bodies?>Also, particularly if there are children present, there would be the worry that the gymnophobic law enforcement and judicial systems might take the fact that a man was erect in front of them to be evidence of a paedophilic atmosphere, and use it as an excuse to shut the place down.>gymnophobicThey actually think they are being oppressed for not being allowed to swing their erection in the faces of children.
No. 1379731
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>Erect penises are beautiful
No. 1379738
>>1379721Yet another Reddit moment in which somehow having erect nipples means you're aroused and a wet pussy means the same.
Why are they allowed to be naked if they don't even know how the body works? Women get discharge and that's about it, which is why we wear underwear, not because it's teehee sexy or "affirming" or helping with keeping the muffin top controlled. It's because the discharge feels gross on pants and because you don't want to leave your fucking discharge on a chair while having lunch with friends. Not because you're fucking turned on, that's not how that works.
And moids talking about erect nipples as something that means arousal is so moid-like, no, women aren't men with useless parts that get erect like them, when people get cold their nipples erect because that's how the body is fucking designed to work, not because you're having a nipple erection you fucking pornsick bitch-ass retard. Jesus Christ.
He should just admit that he's a fucking ignorant pornsick moid who is into little kids or honestly anything that moves and just die already.
No. 1379748
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What a fucking hilarious critical logic failure, and misattribution
>men stay overtime a lot so they're obviously more regretful than mom
Yeah, because mom doesn't get to disassociate from the family or the children DIE with zero parental surveillance.
No. 1379786
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What is going on here?
No. 1379995
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>I know i should be in jail.>She went through my photos and saw everything.>So i haven’t seen my daughter in 2 daysHoly shit… No. 1379999
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>>1379995Reposted for botched link
No. 1380113
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>>1378163He’s nothing new
No. 1380347
>>1380232Afaik its only really a teen thing. Or maybe a perv thing beyond that age.
I've only seen it once with a grown man. I was getting a tattoo done (on my lower legs, nowhere sexual and my bf was with me att) The artist stood up about 5 hours in to take a break and go stretch because he couldn't feel his legs. He had an erection when he stood up. After he left the room me and my bf just look at each other like.. did you see that? My bf wasn't like "oh yeah that happens constantly" He put it down to how long/awkwardly the guy had been sitting.
No. 1380394
>>1380232For teens yes. For adult men no unless they have some sort of penis problem
They wouldn't make studies about men's sexual preferences using their arousal if the "men get random boners" thing was true. Idk how people feel safe to say things like they should be able to be aroused in front of naked kids… They're obviously pedophiles first of all but stupid ones too. When you're a ""nudist family"" you're already on extremely thin ice and everyone is going to be hyperaware of any sort of pedophile slip up. These people just have no issue quite blantantly sexualizing kids and being open about their manipulation to their own kids to be nude or perform sexual activities to and around kids and watch porn and such.
It's one thing if the family is just weird or whatever, but a lot of families who claim to not be as creepy or gross as other posters aren't even lifting a finger to do anything about how like 80% of the sub is straight up pedo groomers. They just cry "don't judge me" but next minute a top upvoted post will be about how they encouraged their kid to masturbate naked in front of adults. Truly sinister.
No. 1380396
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They're hiding out here everyone. Can someone please post or something I'm banned and reddit doesn't take this shit seriously
No. 1380400
>>1379995… How does she let her scrote get away with everything? Istg if she found out he'd been molesting his daughter and he said he regretted it and "couldn't help it" and has trauma she'd still be with him. If my moid ever told me he couldn't go a day without watching other people fuck I'd dump him on the spot, fuck his "extreme depression" and "yearning for human contact". They always find a way for them to be the
No. 1380479
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i don't care if it's just a 'joke', i'm so tired of the sexualization of children.
No. 1380481
>>1380479She's dressed exactly like the character, who is 13, doing a burlesque routine.
It's fucking weird.
No. 1380519
>>1379995Piece of shit tries to lay some of the blame on his girlfriend, because she "shrugged it off" when he talked about his mentalz. What was she supposed to do? Wave a magic wand over his head and cure him? She's not a trained therapist, there's not anything she could do except make some sympathetic noises and move on.
>>1380041100%. Peter Pan scrotes run straight to teenage girls whenever their pregnant not-wife starts having needs. The youngest teenage girls they can find.
No. 1380550
>>1379721>erect nipplesYeah like from cold? Or random tactile stimulation from like the shirt she has on? It’s not sexual.
>wet pussyPussies are always wet you imbecile.
>>1379995Don’t you hate it when depression makes you take creep photos of women? Or spend thousands on onlyfans thots? It’s not him, he “doesn’t know why he does it”, it’s not like he does it because he’s a creepy pervert. It’s just that his heavily pregnant wife wouldn’t do enough emotional labour for him. She really is the cause, what was he to do?
No. 1380606
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I hate reddit. I agree that sex work is not empowering but the way men get off on women’s pain is so fucked up. I don’t understand why these subs are allowed to exist but subs where women want to talk about oppression get the axe.
No. 1380621
>>1380613You wish I was a scrote
so badly
These are mine too
>>1380580>>1380041 do I sound like a scrote to you? Shut the fuck up
No. 1380625
>>1379995>>1380536>>1380550I've noticed them using this method a lot recently. "Woe is me I am sad and depressed therefore I spend 5 hours a day jerking it to the worst kinds of porn imaginable" as if that makes sense or is an excuse.
>>1380606This is why I refuse to side with men on any "controversial" topic like troonery or sex work. It's all a joke to them, pointing and laughing at women's degradation is a fun bro activity among them. They don't want actual change anyways, they get a kick out of seeing women suffer in porn (like the DeadEyes sub - which is bordering on rape imho) or getting their skulls smashed in by the Hulk in a dress. It's telling how not even the most manhating feminists are creating hundreds of subs or forums consisting of men being assaulted, humiliated or raped. Men simply love violence. It's sickening.
No. 1380626
>>1380625A scary part is that men genuinely believe that women
want what happens in porn. They will bend over backwards to make excuses as to why they think women “secretly” or “truly” desire the violence in porn when it’s just not true at all. Even women who watch rape and non-con porn don’t actually fantasize about real rape, and at least women can separate their porn addiction from real desires. Men genuinely want to act it out.
No. 1380633
>>1380623Yep. They only say that because kinks and fetishes are immune to criticism nowadays for whatever reason. I genuinely don't think it's even psychologically possible to see women as living, breathing human beings (let alone your equals) if you derive sexual pleasure from watching them experience severe pain or humiliation. It's impossible.
>>1380626Exactly. And once you call them out on this it suddenly turns into "IT'S JUST A FANTASY YOU DUMB PRUDE! We can seperate porn from reality!". They will say anything to excuse violent porn and their consumption of it. Women who watch those kinds of videos are absolutely fucked in the head too though.
No. 1380755
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Since there was talk of boners…
No. 1380760
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>>1380755there is only one cure for such disorders
No. 1380826
>>1380755… you can very easily remove female npcs… I know because I have mods installed where every person I kill is an anime boy.
This guy just wanted to announce his fetish because he’s an exhibitionist
No. 1380974
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No. 1381119
>>1379465>husband fucking from behind while a child is breastfeeding>Sleeping with a random guy, missionary again while a 2 year old is breasfeedingYeah nothing to see here
frantically calling CPSIf this post is true the kid is absolutely in danger. No
non pedo would be happy cumming while a child is inches away. I hope it's some weird moid fiction like most of reddit is.
No. 1381209
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I have a special hatred for moids who barge into female beauty communities and get thousands of upvotes for some shitty eyeshadow. There’s never any comments calling it out either. It’s always just upvote upvote upvote the stunning and brave moid who drew a penis and balls on his face with ABH dip brow pomade.
Meanwhile women and girls under patriarchal capitalism are forced to comply with the male gaze or suffer ostracization. Out of the years I was on reddit I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman this hideous.
No. 1381975
>>1378163Late but this dude absolutely excruciating to read, thank you!
Imagine being a 50 year old friendless, hobbyless virgin (who can't drive) who thinks he can fuck 10/10 models and OF sluts. Imagine devoting your life to trying to do that. This guy makes Russell Greer look cool by comparison.
No. 1381988
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>>1381209>I have a special hatred for moids who barge into female beauty communities Why are you so protective of a community that in your own words is not good for women in the first place reddit's transformation from a website that would have torn apart this kind of content to cheering this on is just really really weird. This was the website for gamergate?
No. 1382663
>>1381988 Its like
>>1382065 said, reddit has so many communities with in its self, that you really can't think of it like other websites, there are subreddits that are on twitter in terms of wokeism and subredidts on par with 4chan in racism, I'm into a few niche hobby subreddits and that's it
No. 1382672
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Even if it is just larping, people who openly admit to child molestation and grooming should be heavily investigated
No. 1382778
File: 1666432001120.jpg (55.02 KB, 729x558, retard.JPG) post about russian mothers signing their deadbeat ex-husbands up for Putins military drafts. Lots of fucking soyboys crying about how insane and crazy it is to send your ex husband into war for the purpose of him being canon fodder. Like who the fuck cares if deadbeat men who abused and left their families died in war? Many of them crying how inhumane and wrong this is KEK
No. 1382792
>>1382778Russian women being based for once.
>Many of them crying how inhumane and wrong this isDo they need a reminder that solely men are responsible for war kek please go die at the hands of what you created yourself.
No. 1382849
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>>1382778It might interest you to know that Cosmic bear is a prolific poster on r/MensRights
No. 1382851
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>>1382778>This post about russian mothers signing their deadbeat ex-husbands up for Putins military draftsKEK
No. 1382869
>>1382864Is this why moids project that women do the same?
Honestly I don’t even think they care and just want to whine and hate on women.
No. 1382882
>>1382870Funny how it is
>women are evil master manipulators who ruin mens lives and rape and kill just as much as men and never get caught but also
>women are stupid and controlled by emotions and cant survive without men for a minute also regular skinnyfat scrotes can easily beat the shit out of professional female power lifters etc No. 1382918
>>1382914>implying he wouldn't want to get his prostate, the G spot of moids, to get stimulated I think that the fact that it's a BDSM session, in which the moid is still stronger than the woman, and has safe words, remembering that it would only go wrong if it was done by amateurs, is quite the most dumbass scenario to even think of it of something that could go wrong for him.
Like yeah, if he's into getting stabbed, punched or choked, things could go wrong. But if he's just tied up, just by the context it's impossible for him to get raped because he's already a degenerate freak.
I just don't understand how can anyone think of men as people, they think with their dicks, not with their brains.
No. 1382978
>>1382960Men always flock to those posts with fake sympathy and reassurances that OP was a
victim of rape, but if the same story is told through a new's article or in a way that they don't have to interact directly with the man it presumably happened to, they will joke about how they wish they were in that guy's shoes. It's once again men's fault that no one believes in male rape
victims because men themselves always joke about how awesome it would be to wake up to a blowjob or have their hot teacher hit on them, but of course they will continue to blame women for the culture they created.
No. 1382993
>>1382778considering they're russian it's almost guaranteed he was physically
abusive anyways. Do redditors even know how fucked up the average russian moid is?
No. 1382997
>>1382960A boner is consent, if a man doesn't want to have sex he won't get a boner.
They have been saying women in short skirts are asking for it. Well put away your erection if you don't want sex, Steven. S
No. 1383391
>>1383345This anon
>>1380223 did report it though and got banned. If you have any other ideas to report or shut it down please share
No. 1383550
>>1383438There are thousands of pedo and rape subs that is reported yet nothing is done and anons banned for basic 'man is not a women' takes. Just because anons aren't spamming about reporting a sub doesn't mean they haven't nor are they ignoring pedophilia.
> only on lc> all male imageboards are actually populated with the cp posters who make up the pedo subsAre you a coping? Considering the recent