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No. 985763
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/963701Obligatory disclaimers from farmhands:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 985832
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I don't understand Sacha Cohan's recent woke reputation, In Borat, the romanian villagers he manipulates were basically mocked and swindled behind their backs
His 3 main characters were the stupid British white trash chav (Cohen's family had already been wealthy for generations when he was born and he went from private schools to Cambridge to being I believe a clothing model), the ignorant rural Turkic/Slavic untermensch, and the prancing, decadent eurotrash homosexual. he's basically making hateful caricatures of the lower class and other fringe groups
No. 986359
>>985852i wish we'd kept chloe and max as protagonists!! chloe is prime material for an
abusive bpd girlfriend though, but she's dramatic and i enjoyed the chaos she brought about.
also i know LiS is a glaring twin peaks ripoff but i WISH we'd gotten more out of rachel amber, i could've played a thousand games following rachel, chloe and max as they live out their lesbian throuple drama
No. 986438
>>985904you guys really love
toxic and
abusive relationships, don’t you?
No. 986580
>>986560>>986528many socialist and black feminists have pointed out since the 70's that radical feminism is primarily made up of and caters upper middle class, university educated white women
most spent their days like a;; academics sniffing their own farts and analyzing the shit, separatism similarly is a dumb escapist fantasy that was never possible, which is why they clung to it
the opinions of fat academics and weak women aren't worth much
No. 986591
>>986528>They want straight women to bang fat hairy dykes and abandon children!Retarded take. Cope, seethe, dilate. Those privileges are being taken away (sex based rights, putting men in womens prisons, women forced out of work force for childcare rather than sharing responsibility and shamed if not done as tradition dictates).
> libfeminism that wants equality laws and individual autonomyIn what way do they want this that rafems also don't want. Radfems whole point is autonomy for women, liberation, but without being retarded enough to think porn and sex is really liberating. Do you think radfems are tradfags against abortion rights?
>tldr; Sorry someone said prostitution isn't empowering anon, you YAS QUEEN your way to the top. See you when you get fucked over and moids think you're a whore who deserves it. No. 986592
>>986583>If you really cared about women you'd never criticise a women's actions or beliefs.Nope.
>Make them look bad and irational.You are on an image board, kek.
No. 986606
>>986599What are you talking about? No one said anything about fucking men
>>986601Being against prostitution is respectful but what's not fine is bashing women who do it for survival or were even pimped out, there's a reason why when feminists go to help women in trafficking they actively give women housing, protection, set them up with careers, and so on, not bash them or call them stupid and failures, I promise you most of these women are just looking for a way out not trying to suck blokes off for money just because they don't want to work a normal job
I also wasn't talking about prostitution specifically, if you work a low paying job and are only supporting yourself you're a failure, if you start a farm you're a tradtard, if you get married and also start a family you're a tradtard, if you model, sing or act you're immediately assumed to be sucking off Weinstein for jobs, nurses and cosmetologists are weirdly hated by radfems for some reason? A lot of weird professions are bashed by radfems for some reason, joining the military in order to pay for college/getting a start on a career is also looked down upon by radfems
Either way, all of this leaves this extremely thin doorway for women to fit through in order to please radfems - most of which are impossible for lower class women to fit through, it's like you were too focused on bashing other women so much that you completely forgot the vast majority of people who want to hurt women are men, not prostitutes, not military women, not moms, not nurses, but men.
No. 986611
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>>986610>>986609>>986610>>986609Ahh but how can that matter when you can manufacture a laser rifle now and blind people with it?!?
No. 986613
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>>986612Lol photon rifle goes CLAKT
No. 986618
>>986609I was replying to an anon was discussing other women who are less privileged calling out radical feminism for being exclusive to most women though
>>986612Most radfems are privileged which would explain a lot, nothing is wrong with being privileged but you can't be unempathetic with women who may not be able to go to university, become mom's early, rely on maintaining a feminine appearance in order to come off as acceptable in the business world or to maintain a job, or even get sucked into humiliating sex work in order to get by, or women who need to join the military in order to get an education, or even bashing women's career choices such as being a nurse
No. 986628
>>986622No and plenty of anons have bashed these things here before, everything I mentioned, there was even a nurse hate thread for a while.
Not everything women do needs to be empowering, some of these things women do because they don't have a lot of choices to step into the next stages of their life, some of these things women do because it's what their culture taught was the right thing to do, women mostly do these things to help themselves, not necessarily empower all women, there's a difference between critiquing bad choices women make and just straight up not accepting the vast majority of the female population
No. 986629
>>986625*start thread
No. 986638
>>986633I'm not the one reeing about radfem. The point is you don't know if they are or aren't, yet are saying that they prove radfems are bad since they say mean things, yet you don't know if they even are radfem.
>Obvious by their wording.Delusional.
No. 986691
>>986663Because they were bred to be domestic animals and
deserve warm loving homes with guaranteed meals. We are responsible for cats as they are now, they aren't wild animals despite what you might think. A cat will live three times as long in a home than it will outside. And "chonk" does not equate to health.
No. 986716
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I don't understand the appeal of the many identical zoomer / millenial girls making really insipid 'commentary' videos on political issues / shows while actually only making the most surface level basic analysis of a topic that could actually be an interesting video. There's so many! And they all repeat the same talking points without ever expressing genuine opinions, lest they anger their fans who would turn on them in a second. 'Breadtube' is already pretty stale but this diet breadtube is the equivalent of putting too much yeast in and getting a result that's more hot air than bread.
No. 986728
>>986718Cats are a domesticated species, animals in zoo aren't. But sure, cats roaming free are much happier, as occasional stories of anons show. They are happier until they suddenly disappear due to being hit by a car.
Cats are no longer wild animals, like
>>986691 said, they deserve good care
No. 986732
>>986723I'm not the same anon, and you guys are so restrictive and inconsiderate with so many types of women that might as well call yourselves conservatives anyway, your worldwide is laughably ignorant and your execution almost nonexistent, that's why your politics don't appeal to most women in the world
>>986725A woman who thinks she's different from other women by shitting on them, if you guys were actually useful with your politics your constant
triggering wouldn't seem so pointless and like misdirected anger.
No. 986774
>>986716Are you talking about channels such as mila tequila, broey deschanel, and that one blond girl addicted to surgery that talks about feminism? Because if so, I agree with you. I sometimes listen to their videos in the bg because the subject matter sounds promising and they're not
as pandery in their language while being often completely woman focused but recently I noticed one channel in particular started saying "those that identify as women" instead of just women and it sounds so clunky and retarded. 99% of their audience is probably women already, it's so tiring.
Their takes are definitely very lukewarm as to not upset the gender crowd.
No. 986782
>>986663That's hardly unpopular at least where I live. People rather adopt a dog because they're perceived as more at risk while cats are seen as more wild than dogs, but that isn't true at all.
With dogs being more likely to get adopted, this creates the problem of overpopulation, specially when you look at the cat's heat period, which can range anywhere from every 3 weeks to every 2 months, compared with the dog's 6 to 6 months cycle. While their gestational period is of roughly 60-70 days around same time as dogs, they get on heat again after their kittens either die or reach 2/3 months, sometimes earlier.
It's an endless cycle that won't get solved until the authorities decide to intervine, but even then, they rather focus on the dogs.
No. 986840
>>986787>>986797don't brother, she's a fatty complaining about scrotes all day and how "they ain't shit" but that's it
just endless ranting against scrotes that it gets tiring
No. 986878
>>986859She has black egg icon, idk what you're doing wrong.
>>986871She was raised with less female socialization and was in the military for a while so I think that colored her perception, just like everything online take it with a grain of salt. I think we have to get certain milestones before we go full gungho, but just look at Rwanda, after tons of their mwn croaked in the massacre they're rapidly becoming a first world country.
No. 986949
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>>986939Too bad they're mostly troon-defending libfems, but it's not like any black radfems wouldn't get doxxed and harassed off YT anyway
No. 987022
>>986939>>986949nta but I have watched some of her videos and I don't see the appeal, she's pretty but not at all as intelligent and profound as her fans seem to think she is
Its as stated here
>>986779 "surface-level fluff" and tired naval-gazing
>skinny women shouldn't get shamed but fat women suffer far more abuse then skinny women >men who have "preferences" for black women are fetihists >black male comedians often use black women as the punchline for their jokesthese are observations a 15 year old could make, I will give her credit that she doesn't make videos on topic she probably doesn't have any knowledge on but she's still a dumb 20 something who doesn't read much, the only female black commentary channel I can recommend is Chrissie, though her videos are mainly focused on dark skinned black women and relationship dynamics their still good
No. 987078
>>987054>ill probably get banned but ill take it >personally love kat blaque >makes me sad when i see black trans women getting killed in the worst ways and everyone saying they deserved it. idk ill take my ban.Cope, seethe, dilate. Vast majority of killed black trannies are prostitutes, and I'll only care about them of they use their
victim status to get more protections and justice for everyone who's prostituted/trafficked.
(tranny derail) No. 987086
>>987024I don't understand how she's radical by lolcow standard
she got herself out of the hood and cares deeply for black women, her content is mostly calling out bullshit black men and some black women perpetuate that often hurt black women, her videos are very specific to the black american community but I see a lot of parallels with the black communities in Europe i.e our male counterparts acting like Idiots and lusting after lightskinned women, while the women are financially and academically successful despite race and gender discrimination but still cape for them for the sake of community
No. 987122
>>986949I legit only see BW like this online or in certain spaces, most don't think about trans, or consider them gay men they'll call she\her to be respectful.a Though they don't consider them actual women & won't mess with a man openly into trans.
Or they have
Terf-like opinions. It's only a certain type who go crazy in for troons. People assume BW are all on the trans train but it's not true at all.A t least not in my experience
No. 987188
>>986668June? Is that you?
>>986732This. Why is it so hard to understand hating the vast majority of women isn't feminism? Most women who aren't upper class or in third world countries have kids, are in relationships, or anything else radfems might bash? Obviously I don't want to be involved in or support people who are unforgivable or against me for not being rich enough to go to college, this doesn't mean "I'm asking to be yas queened" I just don't want me or the vast majority of other women to be bashed for not fitting into a tiny tiny box in order to be accepted by people who aren't even the vast majority of people
No. 987249
>>987188Based, they need to get out of their bubble if they want to resolve something on big scale, i'm sick of hearing about their little tirades that don't do shit for anyone besides them
>>987203Radfems are always talking about how having children/getting married is "giving men what they want" or something along the lines, celibacy is an actual radfem talking point don't backtrack now kek.
No. 987330
>>987122yeah most black women in the real world don't really support trans rights. i know this because im a black woman who is mainly in spaces with other black women. as
>>986968 said black woman can't really go online shouting that they are anti trans because we would definitely be targeted attacked and probably murdered. But no majority of black women are not pro trans. You also have to remember that black people are religious and that plays a role. Dont let the sjw black girls fool you. Hell go on LSA they hate transwomen there just as much as the girlies here at lolcow.
No. 987931
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Rockfags are cringe, that genre of music doesn’t deserve to have such cringe fans.
No. 988021
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>>987982True. Elliot Rodger-sama hates to hear it
No. 988330
>>988164I have never seen a LMAW relationship, but I have seen a couple of BMAW relationships and but the thing is the black and white guys are always the lowest value males possible
like the lowest dregs of white and black men, that's what asian girls seem to go for, I have never seen with other races
No. 988399
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>>987982>>988330They are always the ugliest couples and make the most repulsive looking kids imo
(back to /pol/) No. 988410
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Ted Kaczynski wasn't anything special. There are people like him all over the world, I worked with one that just did a few hours a week as a janitor, he looked exactly like Kaczynski too.
A lot of highly intelligent autistic men just become NEETs or work part time jobs, and they spend all their time at the public library reading books. If you go into any major public library, you'll see a bearded middle aged guy that looks just like kaczynski reading obscure books. People think he lived innawoods, but he barely did. He lived on the outskirts of a small town and pushbiked to the public library everyday while working odd jobs. He wasn't this epik survivalist like people think.
No. 988653
>>988617Just on the subject of housework and the whole 'but I don't know how to do laundry' thing. It's a weird leftover from the days when men worked and women cleaned. That and back when people married young. Now men typically live alone for a few years.. then they move in with a partner who also works an outside job. They love to just refuse to let go of old fashioned ways like that while also enjoying your paycheck coming in.
Any time I see men bitching about gender roles being lost… who actually loses more? It's women who are expected to juggle everything.
No. 988664
>>988617Men are selfish and that's what makes them more intelligent, they prioritize themselves and know how to manipulate most women to serve them, the smartest women I've seen were self-serving and good manipulators,
>>988663 gets it.
No. 988672
>>988664Nta but teens are inclined to be selfish, people with development disorders or personality disorders are more inclined to be too. I think your mistake is labeling that as intelligence. That's a leap.
I've seen many men lose good things to their sheer selfishness .. and then cry about it afterwards. I can't see it as intelligent. It's almost a maladaptive behaviour.
No. 988760
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>>988746yeah also anything that selkie pumps out is tacky and ugly as sin
No. 988915
>>988685I know this is bait, but it brought up an interesting topic. I think lots of those women who stay in
abusive relationships/believe mens bullshit and gaslighting have gotten such an extra helping of female socialization that they seriously need help. Women who were given eating disorders from their mothers, SA from male family, everyone around them saying "just give him a chance, you misunderstood, you're in the wrong, cater to him more, cOmMuNiCaTe", being sexually assulted in elementary school by male classmates and just being brushed off, being told that men are just like women and are empathetic and will care for women, any womens only group being banned online, etc. Men and handmaidmaidens love to do this female socialization grunt work. It's a mass worldwide conspiracy level shit at this point.
No. 988919
>>988915THIS!! is what i've been trying to articulate. women are literally conditioned by EVERYONE in society to give a man a chance. Its so annoying how people think that women are stupid because we were literally brainwashed since birth to value a scrote over our own lives/well-being
like its insane!! thank you for articulating my thoughts. This is what i really meant when i said
>>988751 No. 989118
There are people (usually girls/women) who say "I'm a child" or "I'm a minor", even if they're not, as both a weapon and a shield. It happens online, but also IRL if you're around very online people. They don't do it because they actually feel unsafe in a given situation. They do it as an out, or as a way to automatically make another person look bad, no matter what. Decades ago, they would've said "I'm a woman" instead. They do the whole libfem thing, but you can tell they're actually kind of mad that they can't just remind everyone they're a woman, so they must be a victim in all situations
Some other ones they use are "I'm autistic" (even if they're not), "I'm disabled" (again…), etc. The "I'm a child" is the worst one IMO, though. The way they attribute a sort of automatic self-innocence to vulnerability (real or fake) is actually very insidious, and not enough people talk about it
No. 989123
>>989118Funny because i only hear about people like you saying women arent
victims when women are killed and raped by men all the time and theyre never taken seriously. No one gives a shit about women and males are treated like children.
No. 989130
>>989125thats just the new thing to do on twitter. men and women say theyre non binary or a minor or part of any minority to escape criticism. Ive legit met males use their trans status to say incel shit. Everyone on twitter has a
victim complex thats why i quit. I cant stand these motherfuckers
No. 989147
>>988915>”just give him a chance, you misunderstood, you're in the wrong, cater to him more, cOmMuNiCaTe"You’re totally right anon, this happened to one of my good friends with her ex after she had a baby. The guy was awful, leaving her to do everything for their baby. He was flat out dismissive and cold. When she asked her family for advice, they all took his side saying stuff like “having a baby is hard for a man, men don’t like sharing their wife, he is under a lot of stress,” I couldn’t believe it. The guy would straight up not talk to her for days, stay out late at night, and somehow her own family took his side. It’s easy to say she was stupid for staying with him when I sum it up, but everyone was telling her it was normal behavior and to “communicate better.”
No. 989164
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>>989148Bunnies are superior.
>1. Boring, no emotions or personality (yes cats and dogs can have expressions)Thumping feet, binking, bonking, running around you, chewing on you, digging on you, etc, they express themselves through actions not noise or face
>2. Creepy ugly eyes (seriously I wanna fucking vomit when I see them)Personal opinion
>3. Shitting constantlyShit box for the shit
>4. Sexing all the timeNot if neutered/in contact with opposite sex rabbits
>5. SmellyCleanest animals ever they constantly groom themselves, smell like nothing. Cat piss and dog shit smells 100x stronger than bunny piss/shit.
>6. Bunny owners are deranged and always a borderline mentally ill "cutesie" girl with too much time to spare on the internetI feel like you have someone in mind
7. Fucked up teeth
8. scree like retards
Never make noise except when in mortal danger
No. 989298
>>989280It's an unpopular opinion but you have to understand it's literally a deformity with the way the muscle grows although a lot of women with saggy breasts and large areolas get mistakenly labeled as tubular since people just think that they don't find it attractive = literally deformed
here's an example of actual tubular breasts, to each their own but imo in situations like these it would be the equivalent of surgically correcting Pectus excavatum (funnel chest), getting a tail someone is born with removed, or any other abnormality, wanting to get a surgery to correct a literal deformity isn't "ruining" it, looks do play a big part in mental health whether people want to admit it or not, and having deformed breasts especially since society thinks womens worth revolves around their boobs is going to do a lot of mental damage
No. 989495
>>989429It's not an unpopular opinion if you strawman the opposing argument, anon. Of course people who say kids should be banned from Disney are idiots?
For 99% of people, it's not
>children don't have a right to existIt's more like
>I have a right to be in a peaceful environment without a thoughtless parent bringing their kids, who they know are too young or too rowdy to be controlled, along with them with no consideration for others, because they didn't organize a sitter so everyone else should just deal.There is no good reason to bring a kid under 8 years old to a fancy restaurant, (adult) play or classical music concert, or even to a wedding where they won't remember wtf was going on, and are likely to melt down and scream bloody murder at any moment.
You know when kids are screaming and crying they're not "exercising their right to exist" they are upset and would rather be anywhere else. It's cruel of the parents to bring young kids to a situation set up for them to have a melt down,just because the parents aren't organized enough to get a damn sitter.
No. 989575
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>>989369Go to covid containment thread faggot stop spamming every thread with covid shit
No. 989592
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>>989148Either you're jealous of Emiru or you're Maya, but taking it out on bunnies is not the best way to handle your emotions. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong kek
No. 989596
>>989590are you proud of dating a future serial killer?where do you idiots find these men. and why dont you dumb bitches ever report them. Its not an edgy or cool tidbit its disturbing. And people like you are part of the reason so many women get murdered because dummies like you ignore the glaring warning signs because it makes your cewchie wet.
>>989584aww this made me feel less scared about potentially owning one in the future. You seem like a lovely and caring owner. Can i ask what his/her name is?
No. 989605
>>989592OP and idk who these people are kek. Not a newfag, just don't really traverse on the dramaboards. I've known a lot of bunny pet owners either IRL, tumblr or youtube. They all are a bit mentally "off". I just searched "my pet bunny" on youtube and almost all of these girls seem to have a screw loose. They appear nice and "well put together" but something is just strange.
>>989593TBH I hate pretty much all rodents, (ferrets are the exception) and am allergic to most of them. I actually hate guinea pigs too but guinea pig owners aren't mentally ill usually
No. 989614
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>>989596Miss snowball the very spoiled bunny
No. 989619
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>>989605Sorry I was kind of leaning towards you being Maya since not too long ago she cried on her stream about Emiru, who owns ten rabbits, moving in a bit after her and her manlet bf broke up. Anyway, have a good day.
No. 989621
>>988676Youre retarded but I have to thank you for making this post. I read it aloud to a male friend- or rather, what I thought was a male friend- and he went mask off and told me that he believes this is true. But of course, he tried to backtrack and say that I'm "not like those girls", I'm an "outlier".
Really makes you wonder how your male friends really view you. It's quite disheartening because I actually make an effort to not generalize. I know for certain the only reason he felt comfortable enough to say this to me is because I present myself in a "masculine way". Disappointed but not surprised
No. 989628
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I was watching the vid in pic related. In it, one of the zoophiles said "I had to pretend to be an anti (zoophile) because all my friends are antis"
How often do normal people actually talk about animal-fucking? Because in my experience, it just never comes up. There's nothing to "pretend", because the thought doesn't even cross your mind on a regular day. Like imagine being "anti shoving your nipples into a meat grinder". No fucking shit, that's most of society
It made me think: If you're part of a specific "anti" community for any degenerate thing (as opposed to just being grossed out whenever you're reminded of it), you're already suspicious. Unless you're literally in law enforcement or a psychologist, there's no reason the subject should cross your mind that much, let alone your opposition to it
No. 989656
>>989605Neither ferrets nor bunnies are rodents. Ferrets eat rodents and bunnies.
Unpopular opinion, people who think ferrets are rodents are dumb as hell. It doesn't even look like one at all, they are clearly predator animals.
No. 989662
>>989584my rabbit also poos in his bin, he is very good at it since he was neutered. he is also a extremely confident bunny, even though he was shy and skittish at first. over time he learned to trust and now i admire his confidence.
ime the biggest issues with bunnies is that they chew everything, and im afraid to let him roam without supervision as he will chew through wires or wood if i don't stop him. im also not looking forward to him being sick in old age…
No. 989666
>>989596>>989598He was big into survivalism and self reliance, he also grew his own vegetables and make his own food
I was happy to be with a man who knew how to take care of himself, the rabbit thing was disturbing but he used take care of them, feed them and give them a nice, clean, safe and happy life
No. 989675
>>989638>have a male "friend" and i only keep him around to because i like to argue and its funny how much of a racist misandrist reddit obsessed loser he isCringe, pick up a hobby
>>989666I'd he's growing them for food then I don't see the problem, I think ppl just forgot their meat actually comes from an animal.
>>989667I've never met such a fag but ok I guess. They're either trying to larp as "sassy" women, or want to use women as babymakers and housemakers while he goes to gay orgies.
No. 989711
>>989620>small ugly skittish smellyyeah it be a rodent
No. 989739
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This image annoys the hell out of me because it's often used incorrectly/just encourages twitter-like behaviour. "You shouldn't post anything that's longer than 2 sentences or else my attention deficit ass will post a smug reaction that brings nothing to the table."
I miss when writing well-thought-out paragraphs about your interests was the norm, nowadays social media feels so fast paced without having a lot of substance to it. Almost makes you feel like you've been reading the same couple of comments over and over.
No. 989743
>>989739I know what you mean. Twitter really isn't made for articulated discourse and I find myself returning to tumblr sometimes to read something longer.
I find the pic so funny when used against (malicious) spergs and not positive ones though.
No. 989746
>>989739It's a good out for an argument if you just want to drive someone absolutely fucking nuts. If someone is blatantly and deliberately being inflammatory towards you, insulting you, going off about whatever, you can use that as a response and walk away.
I understand what you meant though. I can very easily get passionate about something and write paragraphs upon paragraphs but the comfort is that someone read it. Maybe not that person that replied, but someone did.
No. 989759
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literally every single person on a dating app has some kind of baggage or mental/physical issue that makes them difficult to date. Not impossible, but more difficult than someone who does not use apps at all.
I genuinely believe this and am someone that uses dating apps but I never say it out loud becacuse there's always going to be someone that disagrees because THEY are normal, or the dating pool in their area is bad, or they know a couple that met on tinder, blah blah blah. But I don't believe it lol I genuinely thing you have to be fucked up or behind just a little or in some way to use them. Even if its just something like inexperience.
I also kinda believe if you're normal but then immerse yourself in dating apps you become fucked up.
No. 990111
>>990099>>9900932X is open so that can be used, but getting rid of the manhate anons really seems to be what turned this place into an especially cruel crapshoot full of people who snarkpost to people who are trying to be vulnerable and seek community.
Turns out when you only want a userbase full of dramamongerers and want everyone else gone, it doesn't result in a cohesive and caring community (comparatively).
No. 990116
>>989126i agree but it'll never happen so sometimes i think it's pointless to speculate about it.
the sad thing is if you bring up the idea with the average woman she would say its crazy, despite the fact that the average woman has usually experienced first hand how bad scrotes can be. idk it makes me sad – we can all do better and keep better company in our lives
No. 990231
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>>990225ill never forgive you bitches for that.
No. 990240
>>990093I agree
nonny, bring it back!!!
No. 990285
>>990111Manhaters are based and have done atleast some work on internalized misogyny. Also kept the scrotes in check by regurarly posting manhate. Now look at the state of the board.
>>990116They reject it because they've literally never been in a female only space, except the bathroom but that's a transitory place. They have no idea just how good it feels to not censor themselves or look over their shoulders.
>>990253>responding to 4 day old shitGo clean your teeth and nuts
No. 990293
>>990253Aside from all the other bullshit in your post,
>using rape rates (regardless of how true they are) as some kind of "own"Wow, such feminism.
No. 990334
>>990302Sometimes I get pessimistic about how much feminism can realistically achieve but then I remember how much better things are for women now compared to even a few decades ago. We might be taking steps backward with shitty liberal feminism and trannies but overall progress has been significant for women (in the west at least). Imagine if the suffragettes were just like 'fuck it, other women are handmaids so why bother?'
But yeah I agree that just looking after yourself and the women you know is important, and individual women being pinkpilled regarding their own personal lives is a totally viable way to improve things for us separate to any political activism.
No. 990337
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Chickpeas by themselves are nasty and the worst legume to consume. Things made from them like hummus and falafel are cool though.
No. 990346
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>>990337Sooo wrong. I eat em fresh, boiled, baked, even make crumpets out of their flour sometimes. They have lots of protein and fiber and work well in so many kinds of food.
No. 990355
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I'm tired of """hot takes""" like picrel trying to shill the idea that fashion is dumb and not real if it's worn by thin girls because "they're just thin!! the outfit is ugly actually!"
I honestly think being thin IS part of the look and the outfit. Everyone is building upon whatever body type, complexion, build, height etc they have, obviously different things will look "cool" on different bodies. Thin people can look like dogshit too with the wrong clothes. Cry harder or simply learn to dress
No. 990472
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So this might an unpopular opinion towards FDS users, I don't think such thing as a set of traits for a "HVM" or "HVF" exist
what might be toxic and even traumatizing behavior and traits for you is normal to others
See I'd never have a stable relationship with any man but I have one with my husband and I'm sure my husband was the horrible ex-bf for many girls and I'm fine with that
my husband and I are
>both smokers
>don't want kids
>mock people for their appearances
>hate fatties(in fact we made a funny little deal that we'd leave each other if one us got fat)
>think gay people are annoying
>and he likes tall skinny women and I like tall muscular men
we compliant each other, a HVM by FDS standards would be a horrible match for me
No. 990473
>>990472Both of you seem awful. The FDS HVM rubric is retarded and also
toxic though, yeah.
No. 990524
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>>990485What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
No. 990550
>>990548You do, the tar in your brain is making you agitated and in denial of the truth.
Meth addicts are also skinny with a superiority complex, no one says they're better than fatties kek.
No. 990551
>>990547don't need a community to know what to do
cigarette smell goes away easily, an energy drink alone could remove the scent
>>990550They look better though
No. 990605
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>>990337Hell nah. Where I live we eat cumin chickpeas like peanuts. Delicious
No. 990619
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>>990565I'm happy anyway
blessed are the thin
No. 990627
>>990619that pic disagrees with what you're saying??
must be feeling light headed from undereating
No. 990634
>>990624>>990626>>990627>>990623I eat, I just don't eat bullshit
I don't expand much energy, I just have breakfast and dinner and plus I don't get that hungry
No. 990636
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>>990619Can’t believe Linda Hazzard is shitposting beyond the grave. We don’t want your filthy tomato broth, love.
No. 990647
>>990639Actually my husband makes me good food, we have a meat and potatoes diet
plus my husband is muscular and strong, he can protect me
No. 990657
If I was fat I'd attract loser males, cause only loser closeted homosexuals are attracted to "thicc" women
If SHTF then a fattie and a guy who is not fattie women would be the first to die, meanwhile my husband is a ex-army and a trained survivalist, so you'd e the first to die not me
(give it a rest) No. 990662
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>>990657Fat men don’t want fat women. Men are too fucking arrogant to think rationally. If I was a fatty I’d look for a ripped himbo with a fetish and make him worship me like hedonismbot
No. 990718
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The big bang theory is absolute dogshit.
Worst show ever created this peice of eye infection trashfuck clusterdick illegitimate bastard abortion of television should go to every poor unfortunate dumbass that ever tortured their eyes with their show and apologize.
the fact that it's so popular is a failing on behalf of this universe.
I hate it with a burning passion so strong it could melt the sun while redditfags just hate it cause they keep getting called Sheldon in real life.
No. 990743
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no it would not. what's going through your head anon what makes you think I hate it
No. 990993
>>990718This one channel where I live plays the entire series on a loop 24/7 for the Christmas (or at least used to, I don't have cable now) and I just don't fucking understand. The entire series for days on end, no breaks in between.
>>990988>Tinfoil but honestly these shows feel like a psyop to me.Same same same same
No. 991507
>>991467Maybe in your country but this isn't my experience unless you're talking about a niche field like creative jobs
I've never had the opportunity for someone to get me a job even though I wish I had, I've had to apply for 50 jobs each time to get one but the hardest part is not giving in
No. 991516
>>991467Go through an agency. Sometimes they're able to get you a direct hire offer with a company (bear in mind rate of pay will be lower because they take a cut). Or they'll get you contract gigs.
I got into a startup as a direct hire via an agency. Most everyone who comes into my company or gets promoted is a product of nepotism or they knew somebody or had worked together before. I'm just saying it's possible, and then you can have way more pride knowing you did get it on your merits.
No. 991585
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Since the word "femboy" was made into some weird ugly pre-HRT troon thing, there should be a new word for attractive gender non-conforming men. I guess "twink" still works, but it feels kind of lame to take terminology from gay men. "Bishonen" is another, but it might be too weeby
No. 991589
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>>991587>>991564A lot of us like pretty males, we just dislike seeing schlubby in badly fitting dresses like picrel
No. 991597
>>991592NTA but why is it okay for people (both women and men) to not like the look of unattractive women, but when it's a man, you're mad? Do you seethe like this about any /snow/ thread?
Men always want the rules to be different for them lol
No. 991598
>>991592How does he look okay? If a woman went out looking like that, people would tell her that she looks like shit and would ask her if she’s okay or sick.
It’s idiotic how handmaidens will defend a moid for doing the bare minimum, where’s the foundation? Why would you just slap the eyeshadow like that? What’s with that tacky choice of colors? These are the things most handmaidens would say to any of the cows or any woman out there who dared to go out with a makeup like that. But of course, because a moid does it, it’s
>uwu king slay he’s so pretty! Prettier than any other woman! Omg he looks better than meeeeFuck off.
No. 991602
>>991592>>991599I posted this another thread, but Finn isn't like most femboys
He was a mildly popular Minecraft streamer, not much was going on for him, and he did these "dress as an e-girl challenge" after losing a bet and suddenly a lot of commers started donating to hhim
so he dressed up even more, wore maid outfits and photoshopped himself to appear more feminine
I think he got double the subscribers he had in one month and which took had taken him 3 years to amass
Its basically the twitch equivalent for gay for pay
No. 991608
>>991599>the bar is on the floorI've heard of plain/unattractive women pretending to be MtF or femboys and getting 1000x more asspats than usual for this exact reason.
I get that we're supposed to feel bad that they were born with the uglifying chromosome and everything, but the virtue signalling "cuter than cis women!!" takes get too delusional
Also, it's really sad that some men are so apebrained that everything must be a competition for them. They want to cosplay as women, but their raging inferiority complex makes it impossible for them to really enjoy any of it. They need to hear that they're somehow "better" than women, but the truth is, it's apples and oranges. We all know that it'd be unfair to this guy
>>991589 to compare him to any actual woman, even though he's clearly trying his best. That sucks for him, but that doesn't mean you need to outright lie or shit on women to try and make things "fair" lol
Anyway, this is kind of pointless since only gay men, weird faghags/self-hating women and bisexual men say those things in the first place. It's their fetish, and I guess they're upset that we don't share it
No. 991610
>>991564 >homophobic and mad that some gay guysIf they're gay then fine, but the straight ones.. even worse than other scrotes. A whole other level of creepy pornsickness ime.
Long post incoming. The rapiest guys I've ever encountered were femboys or lazy crossdressers. One was a 30 year old housemate who was engaged but wanted to tell me his poorly kept secret and then maybe fuck because it's just so cool to share this shit with someone. I was 19, freshly out of my parents home and I had no idea how creepy that was given the age gap too. I brushed him off gently and moved my bf in in an attempt to feel safe afterwards.
Another time I nearly made plans with a guy who called himself a femboy, I gave him a very very rough idea of what building I lived in and when I decided not to meet he started messaging that he was outside my place walking around and what exact build was it?? I cancelled (plans that had never been set anyway) because he sent me sexual pics that I said I didn't want to see. Bombarded me with them after we'd purely been talking friendship. He was outside for over an hour and played it off as him having nothing else to do so it's totally casual to spend an hour outside trying to talk me into coming down to see him. I ignored him, I couldn't look out to check if he was gone because popping my head out could give away my apartment number. Maybe he was there longer than he even admitted. He eventually texted that he was gone and tbh I felt like he wasn't and was lying but I was home for the night thankfully. He'd been so fucking determined.
Years earlier I was friends with a femmey but straight guy and we met up one saturday to shop and grab a coffee in town. It was like having a gay friend except he wasn't gay. There were no hints of pervness for several meet ups so I felt ok. He went into a public bathroom while I waited and he took forever. I assumed he was having the shits after his coffee. He came out and told me he'd been wearing a butt plug all day while we hung out because it turned him on that I didn't know. He was in there either struggling with the plug or fapping. I don't know which. I was real accepting of these guys at one stage. Too accepting. Naive.
Never posted about them or femboys in general on here before but my bias is against them and it's for that reason rather than jealousy. A pattern of sexual harrassment. They use it to seem harmless. Gay ones I don't really care about either way. Tbh I've taken bigger risks when meeting guys before. I had a whole phase I cringe looking back on but regular ole guys never put me through some of the creep shit that those did. 3 strikes.. I finally learnt to just not ever go there.
No. 991615
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>>991602It seems so misplaced to call him a "femboy". He's just a full on crossdresser/fetishist trying really hard to look like a woman. Aren't femboys still supposed to aesthetically present as male in some way, like pic related? There's nothing gender non-conforming about what he's doing, he's just conforming to the opposite gender
No. 991620
>>991615>He's just a full on crossdresser/fetishist trying really hard to look like a womanthat's the thing, he isn't
he's doing for the donations and not much else, he's willing to sacrifice his own dignity for money
No. 991625
>>991624tbf he gets a lot of money on streams, he had 130'000 subscribers over the course of 3 years with his Minecraft vidoes
now he has 500'000 new subs in less then a year with his femboy schtick and now he actually made over a million dollars
I mean I would be willing to give my dignity
No. 991630
>>991625>I mean I would be willing to give my dignityAre you below average in looks? Just cut your hair and start dressing like a guy, and either learn to talk/sound like a 13 year old boy, pretend to be mute or really shy, use a voice changer, or hire someone to dub your voice. Get someone to donate to your stream and tell you to dress like a girl. Make a big show of being reluctant but questioning, then do it. Coomers will come rolling in, easy money
Alternatively, just put a dildo in your underwear and take fake "bulge pics" to get chaser coin. Works best if you're skinny so no one questions your hips/thighs/breasts
No. 991638
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I don't even know what poster to answer here but the thing is I like feminine, GNC, androgynous guys (and women)but there is not one good looking person in sight, all these femboys are just 3DPD knock off traps. Oh, and the guys who are openly into them while denying being gay piss me off. They are all ugly too.
No. 991645
>>991630You joke but there was a Chinese streamer who pretended to be a crossdressing male, when her real gender was revealed she lost around 30% of her subscribers
we live in a odd world, I can't imagine what will happen when the zoomers take over
No. 991647
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>>991638Androgynous men barely exist when most men are balding and have a gut by 30. Most of the real ones are high fashion models, not streamers.
"Femboys" are pre-wall males who found a way to pose and filter enough to appeal to homos and fujos. They deserve the same disgust as a 45 year old scrote in a maid dress.
No. 991666
>>991658Yeah, no that’s just you. I like my men “girly”looking (sometimes).
>>991661>you’re a male because deviating from the hivemind makes my golem internet brain go haywire Ok anon
No. 991667
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>>991647I agree to an extent, male beauty(and I mean actual male beauty, not these fat degenerate coomers dressing in maid outfits) is unique compared to female beauty
its something gay/bi scrotes can't understand or appreciate
they feel lust after towards these males, but they can't comprehend more then that
male beauty for me is a natural occurrence, but it can only exist for a brief period but its glorious when it does, its something Hetorsexual have been robbed off if you ask me
No. 991715
>>991709were not talking about disgusting degenerates now
>>991711It looks good on them, the whole point is looking good and plus I love the taste of a smoker's breath
No. 991718
>>991667your taste in men is atrocious
No. 991730
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>>991667i know everyone cares but this is what i think of when i think feminine men. Just men with a good balance of masculine and feminine features. The best examples of feminine men done right are models. actors and celebrities just dont really cut it.
No. 991736
>>991715Idk what to tell you anon; it just that Femboys/ traps/ whatever you wanna call them can only look good in art where you can get away with drawing them with a fat ass lol.
I consider pretty boys a different thing all together and i think pretty boys are very very rare in rl as well but they have different ( not as coomerish) trapping as well so ehh semantics
No. 991739
>>991730That third guy is so pretty.
>>991731Well enjoy your sour-faced moids with lung cancer.
No. 991740
>>991730>>991736I get infuriated at this, there is no such as thing as "masculine and feminine features or traits" that man is a just man
If I say "That guy over there is a bit feminine, but he is 100% heterosexual and moral. That is OK, he is still a man and doing the right thing", or "That girl over there is a bit masculine, but she is moral. That is OK, she is still a woman doing the right thing" I am creating a healthy tolerance of "Just because you aren't radically masculine as a man, or radically feminine as a woman, you are still a man, or a woman". This creates the sane rational path of "You are a man because of your genetics and chromosones, not by how hyper masculine you are" and "You are a woman because of your genetics and chromosones, not by hyper feminine you are".
No. 991762
>>991740Im talking about art though where you can draw a woman with a penis and men with exaggerated hips and get away with it because it's not real.
A effeminate man is still a man to me and a masculine girl is still a girl to me. Even the most butch woman is more a woman then a trans woman if that was what you were hinting at
No. 991845
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When Gypsy Rose Blanchard gets out she’ll definitely wind up doing some sort of porn and will definitely have legal trouble again. She’s been conditioned to thrive off of attention and getting naked online will give her the most direct attention, both positive and negative. As for more legal trouble it would not be shocking if she gets caught up in some fraudulent scheme; she’s learned from the best.
No. 991846
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>>991826Take a look at historical postcards, OP, they beautified the men in the pics with similar methods they used for women. Seems like ugliness and masculinity being equated is a really new age thing that got popular during or after WW2?
No. 991977
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>>991862The last time I was harassed I was wearing a big raincoat with the hood up and I was walking through some stupid heavy rain, also had an umbrella I was holding at an angle in the sideways rain. I'm impressed they managed to spot that I'm even a woman tbh. I'm not curvy, what could they even see? The same car passed me, shouted sexual shit, then turned to do it again… before I could reach the store I was heading to I had it happen 3 fucking times. That's alot of effort to aim at this wet blob of a mystery person.
No. 992003
>>991977Men are fucking apes and should be put in cages in a really violent way. They don’t give a fuck about what anyone is wearing, all they care about is that their inferior brains get a rush of serotonin and that they get that sweet validation from other males.
We could all be wearing burkas and puffy coats during a heatwave and they would still get their stupid dicks hard.
That doesn’t mean they should be allowed to be apes, this means that such males should get their dicks cut off the moment they sexually harass a woman, because if they’re incapable of holding themselves back while looking at a blob of fabrics, then they just don’t need their dicks, they don’t need their thumbs either, society doesn’t need them.
No. 992024
>>991902I just about go to work and then the store. I noticed at the start of covid.. I was getting men hitting me up just in daylight in the street in an area where that doesn't usually happen. Walking to work still blurry eyed one morning I had it happen and it took me ages to realise what he was getting at.
I think men just missed having bars to go do that shit in. I wasn't a fan of it. We didn't know much about covid at that time… hmm better go chat up women wherever I can! Priorities. I almost wondered if men wanted to secure someone thinking we'd be bunkering down for years. Nobody should be flirting and asking for phone numbers at like 8am lol
No. 992626
>>988653>>988617late and I know it's a twitter term for the most part but I've really been thinking a lot about weaponized incompetence. I don't think men have the capability to consciously pretend to be lazy so their wives/gfs will do things for them, but I do believe it's ingrained in them to not really feel the need to learn the things that women do because well, women are socialised to do it.
Men do at large are useless because they've seen their fathers be useless, leave everything to the wife and mother, and get away with it because "oh, men are just like that."
What I find funny about this is I actually have done this to boyfriends for many years without realising. I'll tell them to grab me things, or make decisions for me I can't be bothered making.
I spend time in the femdom thread if you couldn't tell The only one I ever babied was the last one, and that's the last one I will ever do that with. It really made me see how far weaponized incompetence goes, you end up taking care of everything because watching a man try and do something he's never learned or even bothered to learn how to do is too painful.
No. 992714
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I would like to see a Jem and the Holograms reboot set in the 80s with a better artstyle and better writing aimed at teenage to adult females without making half the cast lesbian or trannies
No. 992799
>>992794…at which point you laugh at them and they gtfup off the couch and pull their weight. Y-you don't just, take this… do you
No. 992878
>>992767I relate anon. I managed to avoid the whole gamergate shitshow by being addicted to an mmo.
I knew something was going on, but I was never completely into it. I feel like I have a huge hole in my internet knowledge because of this. Maybe I should be thankful.
No. 993152
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>>993139It's only lowlifes who think this way though. Ashton Kutcher isn't telling Mila Kunis she needs to grow her tits to be hot anytime soon, Elon musk's past few wives weren't more than a C cup, most NFL players have wives with small or average breasts. Even some of the sexiest male actors are almost always married to women with C cups or less. It's only ever really broke porn addicted losers who obsess over breast size when in reality men who are successful, handsome and good husbands don't care and men who have weird revenge fantasies against women with small breasts seethe over this fact, it's the same reason why those men who have revenge fantasies against white women try to convince everyone that men only have eyes for Asian women and then when white women are happy they seethe, especially when it's with a non-white man. I cannot even relate to people who care this much about who other women date and marry.
No. 993154
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>>993152I had to post this, Its perfect for this occasion
No. 993183
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>>993169He's still the richest man in the world and could easily obtain any big titted gold digger he wishes but he chooses small breasted women. The only thing is that I WISH the CC boob sperg was right and fixated exclusively on women with large breasts and large butts/hips, not because I just hate the small tittied girls to oblivion but because there wouldn't be so many fucking pedophiles in this world, Epstein and any other pedo scandal wouldn't exist, lolicons wouldn't be a thing, Belle Delphine wouldn't be a thing, models walking the runway would be pressured to gain weight for larger breasts instead of just being stick thin, there'd be way less eating disorders, etc. And there wouldn't be men who have a weird hatred towards single moms since older women who are mothers tend to have larger breasts than the stick thin anemic 18 yr olds with the face of a 12 yr old you always see men simp for
No. 993354
>>993314Yes but big boobed girls are also wearing the push up bras and obsessing over their breasts wondering if their husband secretly likes perkier boobs or smaller areolas. Boob standards in society have just became fucked up for most women to the point where there's always something "wrong" with all women's boobs who haven't gotten a boob job, on top of that there's tons of people who think breasts that obviously aren't small or flat, are flat chested. It's just a porn sick society we live in
I think the reason why celebrities are different is because they're actively seeing tons of women naked all the time, they know what natural boobs look like and are easily able to tell the difference between plastic surgery/Photoshop than the average moid simply because they actually go party with naked supermodels and not just look at enhanced women online swearing they're natural because their tits are capable of moving, so they simply have different standards and know that women who have natural breasts aren't going to look anything similar to a woman who's been cut open and had a bag shoved inside of her tit, where as moids expect average women to look like porn stars
No. 993482
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Writing/reading is an important part of my life, and while I know that some people are born with this condition, I never see anyone who sucks at those things actually try to improve.
They watch Netflix instead of trying to read books. They get their news from what other people tell them. They use autocorrect to get their texts on point.
Overcoming mental barriers is hard, I know that. But you can't live your life without working on them.
I am struggling with depression, and before therapy, I couldn't read books for 6 years. Now that I have trained myself to concentrate, I can read again like I could as a child.
In school, and after school, I always wanted to punch those people who use their fingers to read and need 20 seconds to read out a medium sentence.
Also a lot of non-dyslexic people just suck at orthography and punctuation, because they, too, never read.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 993542
Celibacy is the superior way of life.
>>993482Some people just don't like reading as a hobby, it's okay and it's not that deep.
No. 993674
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>>993651I mean what men do have "game" in your opinion, the only people I have known who talk about the "game" were black and white guys who were PUA and I don't know anyone else who does
No. 993843
>>993830agree. At times its helpful, with genuinely good advice, but you will get called out for being a retard easily.
But I think it's that way because IME, most women actually want to give advice whereas men are absolutely retarded on 4chan and rude. But on /fit/ the guys seem kind of really interested in helping.
No. 994163
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>>993651>>994157>>993837Okay I'd still take the most "boring and bland" white men over 99% of the men in my country any day, hell I'd 99% of men in my entire greater geographical region
I love lc but it often shows me how often western women really have no Idea about the horrors of the third world, how men can be awful on a civilization scale
No. 994190
>>994170>>994166>>994172Thankfully I'll have escaped with in the next six months- years, my plans are working and have a cousin whose helping me settle in the US, as long as there isn't another COVID wave I'm set
I'll finally be free, this is the one thing that's kept me from killing myself
You have no Idea how much this will mean to me, I'm still scared that something might go wrong but I have no other choice
to be free from horrors like this is all I want
No. 994204
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>>994190Come to Brazil, paki chan
No. 994252
>>994248Well he is questioning his faith but got married to another cousin of ours(yeah I know) whose family lives in California
Now they get married over 2 years ago and even had a child that was born in the states, my cousin is still working on his papers and has to to deal with a lot of complications but will eventually make it the United States, after that he'll try to arrange my arrival on a work visa
No. 994262
>>994190Paki men are fucking disgusting. Imagine how much shit they have tangled up in their ass hair. I bet the scent of shit wafts off of that parade and you can smell it from miles away. Truly the lowest tier of scrote, fat ugly short ignorant savage and dirty. Fuck off home to mummy paki scrotes she’s the only woman that will ever love you. Can’t wait until you they all die and are hurled into oblivion. Scum. Like a plague of fucking fat little maggots too feeble and useless to become flies.
Don’t come to England paki anon because these disgusting foul troglodytes will all be there shortly after.
No. 994275
>>994263My parents aren't cousins but their part of the same tribe, my grandfather was insistent that his children could marry people who were the same tribe as they were
>>994262Honestly they should thank their pedophile God everyday that they have arranged marriages, the reason they complain is so much about being discriminated against in the west by women is cause its the first time in their lives where they can't dominate all women around them or be assured a submissive virgin housewife
No. 994316
>>994313It shouldn't be a privilege, not being executed by the state for a comment about some Arab pedophile should never be a matter of rights
I'm fine with living a nice, peaceful life in a western nation, for me it will be heaven
No. 994333
Women age better than men do. The fact that we overall have more neotenous features than men do makes us look younger than our male counterparts of the same age by default, we also lose less hair with age meanwhile moids go bald and despite the scrotey claims of "female skin aging worse because it's thinner reee" due to the fact that women have more free estrogen, the hormone that also prevents skin aging, and live healthier lifestyles, take care of themselves more, in the end women have better skin in old age than moids do. And that just looks-wise. When it comes to internal beauty old women are 100000x better than old men: less pervy, kinder, wiser and smarter (
No. 994374
>>994333The only reason anyone thinks men age better than women is because the standards for women are high while those for men are on the floor. All a man has to do to still be considered attractive at 50 is not be morbidly obese, whereas women get shit on the moment they can no longer pass for a 20-year-old. However men are too lazy to even meet that one standard (I can count the number of >40 year old men I know who
don't have a noticeable beer gut on one hand) so they think the standards are equal.
No. 994383
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Infinite Jest is actually a decent book, the libfems who pointlessly rip on it have just proven themselves to brainlets with no mental stamina
No. 994470
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>>994400I'm sure you've seen picrel, well liking Infinite Jest is now a trait of a made up guy that exists solely on the twitter and vlog posts of mostly white libfems
take this tiktok e.g less about the book and more about hating a hypothetical male that doesn't exist IRL
No. 994501
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>>994333>women age better than men No. Weird that a lot of anons are content with becoming a winded bag of wrinkles and trying to “normalize” the aging process while trying desperately to seem small and non-threatening while having retained their youth
like the cows who have stunted minds. What’s the matter now? You only find aging as bad when it’s scrotes. Keep that shit consistent.
>women have neotenous traits Depends on what you are and your genetics. Neoteny for most people only stays within childhood (ex. blonde/lighter hair on kids get darker as they grow older) and they grow out of it eventually, some people’s faces and bodies completely morph and change. Considering we live in this god awful world major stressors can increase the aging process and women go through shit loads of stress and pressure. Playing into the incel interpretation of neoteny is still gonna make them call us crybaby women with the mind of a kid who cries all the time.
Also picrel (too disgusting to even show) is what “neoteny” is known to the public or redditors despite her retaining absolutely none of her neotenous features only her repulsive looking facial shape. Tl;dr stfu anon
No. 994513
>>994470*doesn’t exist anymore
You know, since the guy they wish they could cancel hanged himself.
No. 994556
>>994546black women aren't barred from athletic events at all, wtf are you talking about
stop trying to intellictualize your self hatred, race sperg
No. 994565
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>>994559i fucking knew you were gonna bring him up - Castor isnt even female, he's an intersex male. He fucking had a traditional marriage to a woman in country where gay marriage is illegal, so he isnt even trying to pass as a woman
No. 994571
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>>994565shit ass wedding ceremony pics sorry
No. 994578
>>994501>the first schizo paragraphSimply doesn't make any sort of sense. You seem to have some trauma over neoteny, don't you anon?
>second paragraphNo, women in general have more neotenous features, ie sustain their juvenile traits more than men do. This is a statistical fact (and the reason why there are more female blondes than male ones for example). And I also disapprpve of incel "neoteny" when they brand any trait they find weak or cute or whatever as neotenous. Can you fucking read before typing your shitpost? I have said nothing you accuse me of.
No. 994583
>>994546>black women have more testosterone reeNo. They actually have more estrogen
and testosterone Stop lying you obnoxious femcel cretin.
No. 994585
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>>994567kek wrong.
asians are both strongest & most neotenous so maybe you should all shut up because this is retarded
No. 994589
>>994565>let me hyperfocus on the scrote rather than the two black women lmao
>>994578>This is a statistical fact (and the reason why there are more female blondes than male ones for example)Read the only two articles that stated about blonde women being more frequent in those populations and all of that shit. They still have no idea behind this phenomenon and tl;dr they still have to do loads of research. It’s probably not due to neoteny probably how genes are carried. This “female supremacy” shit solves nothing, scrotes sadly here to stay on this planet and we have to do something about it, it’s just really pathetic since 90% of the anons on here have boyfriends/husbands.
No. 994592
>>994546>>994559Ohh, you're the mentally ill racebaiter from the celebricows thread who had a meltdown about waist to hip ratios and basically called black women high testosterone men when no one was even talking about them. Should've known your autism was terminal
Adopt a trip so every sane person knows not to read your posts
No. 994606
>>994595Exact same article, same random obsession with black women (seriously, what is wrong with you?), delusions about women in general (Emily Browning is "too disgusting to be shown" with a "repulsive facial shape", so then what must you be?)…
You know, I thought you were just a garden variety body dysmorphic disorder weirdo from Reddit, but I think you might be a tranny. One of those trannies who thinks about his male skeleton every day and tries not to rope about it. It certainly explains why you love to drag women down and sperg about how some have "testosterone" while presenting troons as examples of said women
Please 41%. No matter how many cope essays you post, you will always be a man, you will never pass, all Asian/Black/Emily Browning lookalike/whatever women will forever be more "neotenous" and attractive than surgery can ever buy you
No. 994624
>>994618NTA and don't care about Asia war but
>no sage>retarded scrote-tier shitpost humorFuck off back to /r9k/ or Wizchan. You are the most obvious incel we have to date, you're almost as obnoxious as the anorectal violence scrote
No. 994628
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>>994606I’m black you fucking moron and yeah Emily Browning is super ugly and primitive-looking and looks like she’s ready to call the police on a black kid playing hopscotch with her tribal locomotion 3000 sensor controls, move on you sour patch bitch she’s a XYZ-tier celebrity. Is your daily programming failing to compute non-agreeable points of view today? That’s why you have to call me a tranny cause you have nothing else to offer? Kek I think it’s time to get out of the radfem echo chamber and live with the cognitive dissonance of posting on an imageboard that is meant to support other women while tearing them down because it’s never gonna end. I’m not the same poster
No. 994630
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>>994589>let me hyperfocus on the scrote rather than the two black womenCastor Semenya was 1st place, making him most popular ie it's easier to look shit up about him
although, All of them are either intersex or regular, lying males
No. 994633
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>>994630they didn't even wear the same shorts as the rest of the female runners, come on anon
No. 994636
>>994630Yeah because women can’t have more testosterone than average and if they do it must be those lying
commie intersex scrotes after all. PCOS, hirsutism (affects MENA, African American and Southeast Asian women and is caused by having shit loads of androgens btw) have just left the fucking building, thanks!
No. 994643
>>994628This whole post is male rage in action. You repeatedly posted trannies and intersex scrotes claiming they were "black women", but we're supposed to believe you're a totally legit cis black woman radfem
I'll give you one: You're a questionably non-white, unquestionably mentally ill tranny with a hateboner for Emily Browning because you will never be a woman, and she reminds you of that. You probably post about "Karens" unironically as well, fuck off back to /tttt/ already
No. 994648
>>994647>I-I didn't knowOf course a concave skull scrote would link an article he didn't even read
Once again: 41%, YWNBAW
No. 994650
>>994636none of the shit you just mentioned are intersex conditions
as a pcosfag, polycystic ovary syndrome, which may cause hirsutism, is an exclusively female condition. and none of the men posted are female and looking at them again, I question if they're actually intersex
No. 994656
>>994652then wtf are you trying to say???
speak clearly for the class plz
No. 994666
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>>994661>post literal men and try to pass them off as women>get called out, backpedal and bring up unrelated shit>try to strawman everyone who called you outA man will always be a man. Middle Eastern, black and SEA women will always be women. Simple as. Go and answer to the anon who pointed out black women also have more estrogen, you can't because your arguments have been shit from the start
No. 994710
>>994685I had and enjoyed sex with older men and women as a teenager and certainly as a young adult. Making it so people younger than 25 can't have sex with people older than them is retarded.
>>994691Yes. I am one of them and I don't appreciate people butting in my business.
No. 994739
>>994723I wasn't groomed or raped, so no fact were stated.
>>994727If only this side wasn't filled with tradthots that want to impose their morality on the rest of us.
No. 994863
>>994849>>994856Buy a house yourself if you cannot stand the sounds of other people's lives. Oh, you can't afford it? IDK, move on the street or something.
There, I gave you advice that is just as reasonable.
>inb4 dogfagOP mentioned babies too lmfao. The same retarded argument also could be made about neighbors having months long renovation, with drilling and knocking at ungodly hours.
No. 994875
>>994849Last apt block I lived in, there was no garden, courtyard, outside playing area, nothing but a car park. So I didn't expect the moms and kids to just spend the whole 3 month summer holidays out there treating a car park like.. a park-park lol. But they did and 'who can squeal/screech the loudest' was a game they played all the fucking time. I'm not exaggerating, that was the game.
Cars had a hard time getting in and out and kids were too young to even be safe there. When youd oh so slowly drove in the moms would stare at you like you shouldn't be there? I'm paying for this parking space lol. That and Im hearing your kids try to outscream other kids from sun up til sun down. I cherished the winter months when it all would stop for a while. I have a house now.
No. 994893
>>994868Chaining up is fucked up but usually noises due to puppies, babies and renovations happen for some time and then stop. Totally unreasonable to expect people not to have pets, children or live in a ruin because the sounds may bother someone for a set amount of time. You are not so important! Living in an apartment block means that everyone is making compromises, often because they cannot afford a house on their own. It's one thing to be disrespectful on purpose (ie having loud fucking parties), but some things cannot be helped. Recently I have been subjected to loud noises for 2 months and what can I say, that's just life.
Which reminds me… when I was a child, my parents were harassed by an insane couple living on the floor above us. They wanted to sue us for taking a bath at 21:00 (they could hear running water somehow?) and walking in slippers – in an Eastern European country where nobody is taking people to lawsuits for stupid shit. If a plastic bottle cap dropped, a minute later the woman was at our door screeching about it. I have no idea wtf was going on, I have never heard any noises from people living below or near us. It was a normal block, not some cardboard hovel. It doesn't change that if someone is neurotic to the point where they cannot stand others literally just living near them, they should move the fuck out or seek help.
No. 994914
>>994908Stop projecting and read my previous posts, retard. I feel like adding that recently I've been working from home when a neighbor was drilling for months. Ear plugs are a magnificent invention!
Insult me all you want, at the end of the day I'm not the one unable to deal with reality. Cope and seethe.
No. 994924
>>994914>Cope and seethe>You can't cope with realityKek you're the one getting
triggered at the simple suggestion that apartment tenants shouldn't have to hear a puppy crying day in and day out and should be able to have a moments peace. Average rent where I live is a over thousand a month, so I guess they're just paying a thousand a month to hear puppies whining because "everyone is making compromises" or whatever. But I guess it's called unpopular opinions for a reason.
No. 994927
>>994924Don’t worry
nonnie, sounds like just another Le doggo pupperino defender with brain worms. The mental gymnastics needed to justify their shitty choices and shitty dogs on people means they are the ones detached from reality.
No. 994936
>>994908Ngl I saw the 'duh just go buy a house then' responses rolling in and I initially imagined them as neets living in moms house and giving out life advice, idk why
I spent years renting in an area with an expanding population and a housing shortage. It was still a great area for getting jobs though. I'm really not suited to apartments and the noise but I had to deal with it for the guts of a decade before I got out for good.
I remember the one apartment building that looked the most promising was the worst by a mile. I was miserable but it was all kids so what can you do. You can make complaints about noisy drunks or parties but with kids you're stuck. I regretted the move about as much as I regretted dating the scrote I lived with there. Bad times all round kek
No. 994940
>>994924>>994927I'm not bothered by other people living, their puppies, babies or whatever else. I don't expect others to bend to my whims like I'm the only one who matters. IDK if it's a country thing, but in my eyes you have a truly bizzare expectations of living in a flat. It's a compromise in itself. You get a place to live without the hassle and a cost of buying/building/managing a house, but you have to deal with others living near you. Disturbances will happen, that's life, get over it or buy your own house if you cannot accept it.
Dog haters are unhinged, op was literally saying that people also shouldn't get babies when they live in a block yet you only focus on muh ebil hounds. Big LOL. BTW if someone is neglecting their dog to the point they whine 24/7, you can raise the point with the flat management – this isn't normal. I feel like you psychos would report the second you hear a single puppy bark.
Seethe more.
No. 994965
>>994849I don't mind dogs but I hate kids screeching. You can complain about anything but kids because then you look like an evil witch who hates kids playing and being happy, and the parents obviously won't do anything about it, some will even goad their kids to do it
more to prove a point. There should be designated apartments for families so that the kids can screech together and they can all keep each other awake if they so please.
I try to go for buildings with elderly neighbors and so far that has worked out well, except when some of the neighbors inevitably die and their relatives with small children move in. There aren't even any playgrounds or schools around but they try to force their dumb kids on everyone.
No. 995051
>>994410>>994470i read the whole thing one summer vacation
it was a pretty good book but not worth spending that much time on.
i also was into haruki murakami around then, i would read a long ass novel most every summer
i think the appeal of infinite jest was the depiction of addiction and the appeal of 1q84 was the depiction of loneliness. and, in longer books, the worldbuilding is better. it feels really immersive when you're 700 pages into something.
libfems hate infinite jest because there's a certain genre of pretentious male who likes to, well, be pretentious about it. in the original sense of the word pretentious, i.e., pretending the book contains the meaning of life or something. it sounds pretty annoying but i've never met a person who's read it other than myself. i don't doubt that those people exist though, i think it's more popular with people older than me
sage for blog
No. 995060
>>994963Fyi, you can neglect a dog all the same in a house (not talking about cases like some giant herding dog in a studio flat). Because dogs need regular walks even if they have gardens. They need to sniff the world. Doesn't matter if they live in a flat or a house if no attention is being paid to them.
If the apartment block allows it, it really isn't anyone's business if someone has a baby, a dog or a renovation (which also nobody should be getting if only OP's needs are taken into consideration. Hello, that's horrible noise for months too – even worse than a baby's or a dog's! And no, I'm not buying that either is more important than the other since the result is the same and tbh judging stranger's decisions strictly by your own needs doesn't sit right with me. Especially since renovations can be done for purely aesthetical reasons, it isn't always "do or die from fungi intoxication"). Saying that people should wait with either until they have a house (which for many is NEVER) was extremely delusional of OP. If someone would resign from following their life goals and needs because of some sperg that doesn't accept that the world doesn't resolve around her, they would be a fucking doormat. I could never expect random strangers to do that for me. And you know what? I'm fine with it.
OP expects nobody to ever have dogs in apartments even though they aren't supposed to screech, bark etc. their whole lives (even as puppies, I would argue). If someone is prepared to train the dog or check up with a behaviourist the moment things go awry, they are a responsible person and there is no reason why they shouldn't get the animal.
In my country most people live in apartment flats and therefore understand that they aren't villa owners with servants begging for permission to scratch their nose. If someone's dog would howl for 10 hours everyday, a neighbor would come discuss the issue with a dog owner. If nothing changed, then the issue would get escalated to higher ups and the owner could face eviction (if renting) or a fine. And that's a normal way of handling such issues. Not expecting others to deny themselves so a literal nobody (to them) is happy. You can't take back wasted time and if you're giving up something on another's behalf, you should make sure you are doing it for yourself first. Otherwise it's a great way of fucking ruining shit for yourself.
No. 995061
>>994856I have a dog, am not a dog hater by any means, she's very well trained & behaved and I made sure that from the time I got her that she knows she can't bark indoors. It really is not difficult to train dogs to not bark! It's at the point with my neighbor's puppy where the barking distresses my dog and she tries to hide.
>>994863>>994889>>994893>>994906>>994907>>994940Maybe you should all try reading my post again… I would have no problem if the puppy barked here and there but it's incessant and legitimately sounds like screaming. Like literally an entire work day (sometimes throughout the night as well), and puppies can not and should not go that long alone. This has been going on for over a month now. This is not just typical noise that comes with living in an apartment which I'm used to. It's clearly stated in the leases that myself and everyone else in the building signed that we have quiet hours from 10pm-7am and that nuisance animals are a violation of lease terms; the noise ordinance in the city also clearly states that incessant barking constitutes a nuisance. Keep in mind that I do not live in some low-rent commie block with paper-thin walls, I live in a nice building where I pay way too fucking much in rent - if I can hear a puppy barking for hours on end I'm going to be annoyed and I'm going to ask management to deal with it. If you have to leave a young puppy alone for more than 2-3 hours consecutively, you should not own a dog. Waaayyy too many people get dogs and do not take proper care of them. If all of you think that being subject to incessant noise at all hours of the day is normal, I feel bad for you honestly… and why are you all defending borderline animal abuse? Weird as fuck.
No. 995746
>>995610I grew up reading HP, so I like the books but not the movies. I like JK more for being openly a
terf, but those actors are trash, especially Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson.
No. 995830
>>995791I assume you meant to quote me
>>995791, I know lol, I didn't mean to imply it's the pan's fault
>>995829I don't know but I'll tell my mom to try that if she hasn't already, thanks!
No. 996055
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>>995949girl same, I'm Mexican and I have taylor's ass and body minus the boobs.
No. 996123
>>996055I actually live to my county stereotype of big asses kek
I'm trying to love it though, gaining just 5kg made it way too massive
No. 996139
>>996118Honestly I agree. Men are so weak minded when it comes to their own appearance but the constant idea of women being below them is probably what keeps them from letting it get to them. Tell a guy he's unattractive and he throws a whole bitch fit, it's honestly pretty funny.
>>996123I do too, and I love my booty but that shit hurts when I jump. Stretch marks also end up being an issue too since my weight fluctuates a lot but I've got the remedies down by now
No. 996140
>>995949Oh god, yes, it’s fucking annoying when people go
>muh black and latin womenNah, fuck off with that shit, nobody is a fucking copy-paste from some cookie cutter like a videogame character with limited assets.
Like, my best friend has no ass and that actually makes sitting at her office job a pain in the ass (pun not intended) males are so fucking stupid, specially Latin men, they believe the curvy meme even though they fucking live surrounded by different types of women, from women with dark skin and textured dark hair to redheads with freckles and straight hair, all types of them are Latin American women, yet they think we’re all supposed to look like Kim kardashian or some shit. Males need to be put in cages.
No. 996166
Thinking people with mental disorders are annoying, are playing it up to get out of doing difficult things, or are doing it to be malicious towards you personally is one of the most normie-tier opinions you can hold, but people who announce it often seem to think they're being super edgy or they've seen through the matrix. It's easier to deal with anger if that anger has a just target, so when someone makes you mad the instinct is to assume they did it on purpose to spite you, rather than it being accidental and thus robbing you of your right to hate them
Before anyone gets upset at me for this, I'm not saying people are obligated to deal with the mentally ill, the mentally ill aren't annoying, or that you're wrong to feel wounded by negative experiences with them and want to vent about those experiences.
Kind of related, but I took a scroll through the 'mental disorders you can't stand' thread earlier, and the mentally ill/ disabled people trying to convince the thread's posters that they're 'one of the good ones' is mega cringe. Nonnie isn't going to validate your ADHD rejection-sensitivity because you said you also think most people with ADHD are lazy and selfish.
No. 996412
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a lot of the tiers on this chart are accurate (even though there's some theories that seem more plausible than listed) and the amount of conspiracy circlejerks on this site who said it wasn't are exactly why charts like these exist in the first place
Real life is a lot more boring than conspiracies make it out to be. But if I ever make it to Hollywood I'll let you know if its actually this sinister and evil place. Dumbasses.
No. 996428
>>996415Epstein is one of the ones I believe is actually true kek but it's like… some of these they're just retarded. I will joke about lizard people but I don't know nor care if Zuck Fuckerberg is a lizard, more like an uggo with unfortunate genetics and maybe bad surgery
There's so much disinformation and just plain bullshit out there it's surprising what people will believe. I have some absurd celebrity gossip theories but I cannot buy things like the satanic blood ritual crap for five seconds. I'm sure eyes wide shut parties are a thing but the elite are more about hedonism and depravity of the sexual form and less about murder and mayhem. And true conspiracies are almost nowhere to be found because it's almost impossible for a massive group to form and do something collectively, hence why cults fail. So the idea that hollywood is one giant interconnected cabal and not that abusers are more individualistic or small groups is ridiculous. People want a greater scope villain and to vilify an entire industry without realizing it's people and pockets in that industry who are the harmful ones, not the entire thing.
>>996422The antivaxers here are likelier to give me cancer more than any vaccine
No. 996443
>>996432yes, that one is legitimate, just not in the way the right wing frames it. basically the rest are delusional though. it's not super corporate, it's just made by some tiktok girl who either knows how to use adobe illustrator, or hired some tiktok fan to do it for a few bucks.
>>996428>The antivaxers here are likelier to give me cancer more than any vaccinekek, can't say i disagree
No. 996504
>>996447>>996447You’re so assmad. For what? And what of the provaxxers that do the same? Just learn how to sift through information and think for yourself. I’m unsurprised that you’re not “gc” so you conveniently don’t care about how this chart is structured and how one of the most relevant conspiracies to women right now is conflated with david icke type conspiracies which people usually are revolted by.
>I don’t make the rules teeheeThink for two seconds why people have different opinions to you.
No. 996643
There's a (non-porn) "feminine aesthetic" that can only come from a scrote's mind, and it's hard to describe, but very identifiable. Vid related is one example, you somehow know a man directed this with the intent to make other men waifufags. Everything's girly, but if you look at the smaller details, like the outfits, there's something subdued and almost masculine in undertone. It's very careful. And of course there's the sperm swimming around her at 0:51 lmfao If you've ever met a HSTS tranny who likes dress up games and blond hair, this is pretty much exactly what the inside of their minds look like. Kim Petras comes to mind
I know there are girls who like(d) Poppy and this aesthetic, but I swear it's so obvious when some western scrote is trying to do hyperfeminine/girly/"kawaii" things, and it doesn't even have to be sexualized bimbo shit. It's just them, it feels "off", and not in the "quirky girl" way. Insincere and inorganic
No. 996687
>>996492It's a "conspiracy" in the U.S only, India is using ivermectin to treat covid just fine. The only reason I think it was forced by the media into being a "conspiracy" is bc for the vac to be (legally) emergency authorized there couldn't be any alternative solutions to treating it. They want their vac cashcow. Hence the censoring of any alternative treatments and making it seem like only dumb antivaxxers/trumpsters/essential oil moms/any other trope they meme'd into existence/etc "believe" in ivermectin. Then push out news stories about how these ppl got sick from ivermectin, how they got covid, how they died, etc and enforce how only Drs and medical field is the true authority ppl should listen to.
Politicizing medicine is so fucking stupid.
No. 996724
>>996643I've decided that the wobbling thing with blue mop on it's head is tits. You will not change my mind. Ah, I hate the lazy pentagrams and illuminati signs. The worst moment is when Poppy bows to the triangle while money flows in the background. Seems like Tits really wanted to bait the Vigilant Citizen types, but had zero subtlety about it. I fucking despise the sperms too, idk what's the point beyond something gross.
When I look at this, I can't help but think that Moriah wouldnt happen if not for Tits (as much as I hate him). He created Poppy and now she rolls with it. Mars Agro, however, would deal totally fine without the creep and wouldn't have to hide from the internet. Feel free to argue if I'm wrong.
No. 996771
>>996725the self hatred and projection is strong. I really hope you get some self esteem and some self worth and i say that with sincerity. Oh and hang out with actual black women and maybe you wouldnt hate yourself so much. But who knows it'll probably make you seethe with rage knowing just how many black women are honestly secure with themselves and challenge society's racist standards of whats considered feminine and beautiful everyday. Btw i have an afro (had it for almost 10 years now LMAO,) and the fact that you use eating chitlins something my ancestors turned into a positive and helped them survive as something negative further proves to me that YOU are the one that hates being black and wishes you were white. sucks to suck lol. I will never be embarrassed for the steps my ancestors took but i will be forever embarrassed by people like you besmirching their legacy with your self hatred disguised as worry.
I hope you actually read what you wrote and reflect on what outcome you thought would happen of basically implying that black women arent really women based on racist science and eugenics on an alleged all white and racist board. WEIRDO.
No. 996779
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>>996752I'm not even part of your demographic, you just sound exactly like the nigcel scrotes shitting up every space they can find whenever there's even a whiff of "diversity". It's like you sniff out any website has even a tiny portion of black women and follow. Too bad there are no delusional pickmes and bleeding heart liberals here to defend you
>this place is not for black womenAnd here we are. The eternal psyop to make every website that doesn't defend troons out to be ultra-white Mormon tradthots or whatever the fuck is convenient for you lmao. It's certainly not for gay black incels from LSA/Twitter. Go get buckbroken or shot already, no one will miss you. Btw your deadname will be in your obituary
No. 996851
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>>996848I’m literally black anon. Unlike you, I respect myself enough not to obsess over race. Grow up.
No. 996879
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The Mlk and X schism going down on lolcow lmao
No. 996891
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>>996884I am a black woman picrel is my boyfriend who is also black
(racebait) No. 996917
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>>996883Yes, show us your hair care supplies.
No. 996933
>>996870Anon mentioned it once how is she seething
>freakOh ok twitterfags got here
No. 997183
>>997174I work in tech too anon, but in marketing rather than programming. I think a couple things are at play with why so many men in tech are extra weird and moody. Most of the best tech jobs are in cities with the absolute worst cost of living. So even though you are an engineer making an easy $170k a year, you still live in San Francisco and step over human shit on your way into your 700 sq ft apartment overlooking diddly. Same in LA, or San Jose, or Cupertino, or wherever. So the highest echelons of tech employment are also traps where you will never fulfill the American dream of home ownership and 1.9 kids and two cars UNLESS your company is sold, in which case you are going to be a few hundred thousand closer…but still no cigar. It's depressing.
Otherwise it is an industry still dominated by men (and the oldest among them - CEOs and shit - are also the least desirable men of their generation…70s - 90s nerds) and the egos of men are so easily deflated and that makes them rage or become depressed. I think as tech diffuses into being an industry presence in all American cities, and not just four or five of them, you'll see it A) become less male dominated because women are less likely to travel afield for their careers, so having a tech job near 'home' is more likely to have women employed there and B) be less shitty in general.
No. 997184
>>997174Well, most of the scrotes who get into tech in the first place are manchild narcs and obnoxious deviants who do it for an ego boost. It's also an industry heavily saturated with millennial/genz tech bros who are either angry for not being popular frat bros in college so they became them, or are openly sexist and enjoy the misogynistic atmosphere. The industry attracts incels and losers who have nothing but their supreme fedora intellect going for them and it shows.
I work in tech (in Europe, can't speak for the US) and it's a boring, soul-sucking industry on its own even without the
toxic tech bro culture. No tech product you're tasked with creating has any other purpose than making money for the founder or investors. Sure they dress it up like that but most of it is useless crap. It also has the most unholy mix of lower middle class Muskrat-worshipping sigma grindset types and entitled rich boys who both think they're the second coming of Jesus. They have nothing going on in life except social signifiers of success and tinder fuckboy posturing.
I switched fields and went into agriculture, it's night and day. I make a lot less now but am overall happier because the people I work with now are well-adjusted, everyday normies who don't make being an INTJ their whole identity.
No. 997199
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>>997174You’re not seeing the simple fact that in order to be good at what you do you have to spend copious amounts of time alone with a computer, which means your social skills regress. Most teens spends days stuck in their room working on projects just to get a good position somewhere; inevitably, they’ll be re-socialized into normie-autists—or they were autists all along, which is natural since this is the kind of work that attracts poorly socialized autists. As for the whining this is definitely something I have noticed as well, and I like to call it the Tori Amos Pretty Good Year Disease.
Every guy with a slightly weird or esoteric interests thinks that life is indebted to him, somehow; that he’s the main character, it’s his movie, and it’s going bad. And then you ask him what’s the interest and it’s the most run-of-the-mill hobby ever, trading stocks or messing with computers. And listen, there’s nothing worn with that, most women aren’t aren’t super interesting either. But then he hits 21, 22, 23, and he looks at Time: he realizes its passage in a very concrete, real way, truly begins understanding that year will pass, then another, then another, until he dies. Mortality and ambition. And when he finds that he has nothing to show for his pride, he inevitably turns bitter at 23. He’s not Elon Musk, waaaa, he didn’t do this good enough or do that early enough, waaaaa, he’s nothing compared to this guy, waaaaaaa. Listen, I get it, I really do — how many times do we see anons going “I’m 24 my life is over” in the vent thread? But that’s the thing, vent threads on imageboards exists.
No. 997393
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Maybe it's just me but anons simping for the neon hair undercut butch lesbian archetypes give me severe troon vibes. It's like what straight people think butch lesbians look like but with a sprinkle of moid-birthed "badass cyberpunk gf" fantasy that AGPs are going for.
No. 998846
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I'm usually against China's censorship, or just censorship in general, but the edited Dragon maid version actually looks fairly decent. The red haired girl's desing looks pretty cute without the breasts bigger than her head.
No. 998899
>>998887I’m recovered bpdfag and I will not stop hating. True it sucks seeing your past behavior in them. It represents the parts of me that I hate. But mostly, I’m working my ass off every day to be a semblance of functionality. And then there are women running around making it a point of pride. At what point are you gonna start taking responsibility?
It’s so embarrassing watching bpdfags masturbate themselves over how ~manipulative~ they are and then turn around to act like the ultimate
victim. Like no, you’re not the mysterious, intense but troubled character in scrote movies. You’re a fucking mess and the people you managed to abuse were already damaged with low self-worth. You can, at any time, stop allowing others to abuse you, but you keep choosing it. At some point it’s 100% on you. Your tragic backstory excuses nothing. Everyone else can see through the bullshit. Do some DBT worksheets and grow up.
No. 998907
>>998899>I’m a recovered bpdfag Kek the self-hatred and
victim-blaming is immense.
No. 998909
>>998887I feel like BPD women, especially young attractive ones, get treated with kids gloves all the time and their crimes get overlooked and written off. That's where much of the frustration comes from with me, how they just do nasty things, manipulate people and leave a trail of destruction in their wake and then just move on. Even when they're involved in groups that are doing things like jacking police cars, they just seem to get by with "muh BPD" and avoid any serious consequences.
I also think a lot of female sociopathy just gets lumped into BPD. It's very easy to confuse unstable emotional states and manipulative behavior. To get an ASPD diagnosis you typically have to be doing violent criminal stuff, which women don't usually do, so they tend to just fall under BPD.
I can't feel any sympathy for them when they hurt their friends and family so callously all through their lives. Compared to the manipulative bullshit they pull, being mocked and derided online is nothing.
No. 998919
>>998909What crimes though? Yelling and insulting their equally
toxic and useless boyfriend or girlfriend? Destroying their friendships, “hurting their friends and family”? You realize that isn’t an exclusively BPD thing right kek. What major crimes are they committing compared to the fucking insane scrotes who walk around causing terror in their own countries, raping and murdering all kinds of people who turn around and get sympathy from the public because they’re misunderstood mentally ill lost men? You’re just contributing to even more stigma against women with mental illness. Also having BPD is not even close to having ASPD.
>violent crime behavior blahblah another normie talking point used when a dumbfuck doesn’t know what they’re even talking about You’re implying a lack of impulse control that could be a symptom of bipolar disorder or other mental disorders.
No. 998921
>>998907>muh self-hatredYeah how dare anon acknowledge
toxic behaviour from people who share the same mental illness she used to have?. I don't think anyone should be forced to defend a group of people just because they have something in common. You can be a mentally ill/recovered person and you can still be honest about things ffs.
No. 998931
>>998887What I think is stupid is when people call any woman they disagree with (or find annoying) BPD, ASPD, NPD, etc. You even see anons do it here while infighting. Do you realize you can just dislike a person, and it doesn't mean either of you must have a serious mental disorder? Sometimes, people are just assholes
What's even more bizarre is when the people accusing try to do some underwater 5D chess and say "Yes, I myself am BPD (but I claim it bitch)". It just makes them look more unhinged than before
No. 998958
>>998923I just think it's weird that you assume she hates herself for not liking bpd-fags when most people dislike them for a reason, it's such a wide-spread sentiment it's weird she's being framed as this ebul
victim-blamer self-hater when anyone with a brain can notice they're nightmarish to be around, anon has experience as a bpd-fag and therefore she's much more justified in disliking them
No. 998982
>>998966Similarly Keemstar seems like a nice father and husband, I like that he went after Shadman when he drew that sexual pic of keemstar's daughter and even though his fans were calling him "
triggered" he still went after them
No. 999033
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>>999031i am a based luna enjoyer
No. 999064
>>998887if a lot of them weren't such
victim playing manipulative cunts, i'd sympathise more lol. when you deal with one really sick one it makes you realize how bad some really are, or they at least use muh bpd as a crutch and excuse for literally everything ever whether it's truly the bpd alone or what.
No. 999116
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Only pretty or attractive cows get white knights. Ugly women are never defended by anyone on here. A good looking woman will act like a retard constantly but still have Beckys screeching about how she’s “not a real cow” whereas ugly bitches are never defended. Even lolcows have pretty privilege.
No. 999143
>>999133Anon thinks everyone is totally beautiful,
nonnie, whoever you name will be considered a beauty and to have a bunch of fans and not random whiteknights who pity the cows, because that totally never happens.
No. 999148
>>999116This is correct. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.
>>999119Ugly criminals get harsher sentencing than hot ones; obviously evolution has a bias towards forgiving people with good genes even if they're bastards. Not sure what you're bitter about tbh
Lucinda is ugly-cute; she has sped little sister energy so people feel protective of her. She means well, she's just a weird tard. She also has a better figure than most of her fat Aiden contemporaries. Faces aren't everything
>>999134I dont think Trisha & Ethan would be ugly if they weren't fat and insufferable. Personality plays a major role in how we perceive others even on a physical level. Liking someone softens their flaws and hating them sharpens all the features that distinguish them and makes them appear even uglier.
No. 999149
>>999127shayna isn't ugly tho so i'm not sure what point you're trying to make? she's kind of cute tbh, she's just heavy. she isn't ugly, she just doesn't take care of herself or know how to style herself at all whatsoever. at worst she's solidly average.
>>999133there's a difference between people having fans who defend them on the basis of being a fan, and then there are people who are otherwise more forgiving and partial to men and women who are attractive. rtg has fans because she has tapped into a niche, same as lucinda. it doesn't mean that being ugly necessarily garners nothing but hate, just that the more attractive a cow is, the more likely they are to have defenders despite their appalling behavior
No. 999228
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>>999147>>999151pretty privilege only comes into play when interacting with members of the opposite sex, It won't matter how pretty a female cow would be on a lolcow
Look at the trial of the Menendez brothers for e.g, most of the women were far more supportive and willing to believe them then males
>In an unusual post-trial move, the lawyer for Erik Menendez invited seven sympathetic female jurors to her office where they told reporters on Saturday that a battle between men and women on Mr. Menendez's jury doomed the chances for a verdict.
>The women suggested that homophobia and sexism were common in the deliberations.>"It was hostile in there," said one juror, Tracy Miller, 27, a bookstore clerk. "There were insults, sexual comments. They tried to outshout us.">Another juror, a 36-year-old secretary who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said: "We were called ignorant asses and empty headed and 'those women.' We had one juror who would put on his sunglasses and be balancing his checkbook and cutting out coupons when the women were talking."
>One of the men on the jury, Mark Dearing, 44, an electrician who voted for first-degree murder, said today that he had done his best to be reasonable and cooperative.>"I tried very hard to listen to everybody's point of view and I tried very hard to show my point of view," he said. "I don't know what I could have done to be more cooperative but I did give an effort.
>Although the Los Angeles District Attorney has vowed to mount a second trial, the female jurors said they believed the brothers should be allowed to plead guilty to manslaughter and not be tried again.>Some jurors said they were moved to tears by the first day of Lyle Menendez's testimony about sexual abuse by his father.>Betty Burke, an alternate on Erik Menendez's jury, said she was prepared to dislike the defendant: "I looked at Erik and thought, 'There's a killer.' " But she said his testimony turned her around.
>Hazel Thornton, 36, an engineer for Pacific Bell, said the jury even had trouble choosing a foreman because of sexual politics.>"The guys would never have voted for any of us," she said. "So we took the least offensive man," a professor. Piqued by Homosexuality>In deliberations, Ms. Thornton said, she tried to turn the talks toward issues like burden of proof or the concept of malice, but the male jurors were more interested in whether Erik Menendez was homosexual.
>When that issue was raised by a prosecutor late in the trial, Ms. Miller recalled that several of the male jurors showed new interest.>"You could see they were really excited – they were going to hear some real dirt now," she said. "I think they came in homophobic and with their minds made up." No. 999237
>>999231This isn’t even about being pretty or ugly, males and pickmes will always try to find a way to make women fight against each other for no logical reason.
>pretty or ugly>black, white, asian or latina>skinny or fat>tall or short>heterosexual, bisexual or lesbian>big boobs or small boobs>thigh gap or no thigh gap>short hair or long hair>pubes or no pubesJust shut the fuck up already and go back to your incel cave.
No. 999241
>>999231>>999233I'm not denying that pretty privilege exists but beauty is subjective to all peoples
what you might consider a good looking man/woman to you could repulsive others
No. 999244
>>999237Simmer down cunt. Remember you’re the one shouting down other peoples opinions in the “unpopular opinions” thread of all places.
So is white privilege just an incel psyop to divide and conquer women? Goddamn you’re retarded.
No. 999250
>>999247>pretty children are better cared forThat's ridiculous, show some evidence
>judged more intelligentExcept pretty girls are called stacy bimbos. Pretty girls getting more attention from their teacher isn't this positive thing you're making it out to be, I highly doubt it's academic attention.
No. 999265
>>999250>pretty girls are called bimbo stacies!Yesss because that’s like, the worst thing ever….wow. I feel sooo sorry for pretty women. It’s not like the vast majority of women in male dominated fields are attractive is it…
Get a fucking clue bitch.
No. 999275
>>999271Yeah maybe people dislike you because you're dumb, not ugly? Your source is … you? That was a softball and you just dropped the bat on the plate.
>>999273Are you a scrote? (real question)
No. 999280
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>>999263I disagree still, there are men who are genuinely only attracted to women with bodies like Keira Knightley and other men who are attracted to women who like Megan Thee Stallion
No. 999286
>>999246Ok so quick question
Two women of the same race, both minorities in a majority white space
One is pretty, the other is ugly
Who do you think will have a less rough time?
It's not the exact same as white privilege, but it's real and it does make a difference lmao
No. 999300
>>999286Thank you. You described it much better than I ever could.
>>999289Absolute fucking cope. Pretty people are not discriminated against by ugly people.
No. 999314
>>999309goodlooking men are rare so i understand
>>999311ur so dramatic
No. 999324
>>999323No no no, you see the extra academic attention was
wasted on the pretties, and these uggos would have been GENIUSES if only they had a teacher leering over their shoulder in class!
No. 999361
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No. 999367
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>>999359You have to be baiting with those ass gaping assumptions anon. Pretty privilege is not a fictional thing it actually happens in real life and there are pretty notable examples of ugly discrimination, ffs tiktok even made a rule guide for their algorithm to hide or keep fugly/deformed people from being promoted or recommended
No. 999375
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American racism is tame asf, seriously Its nothing compared to the level of racism in my country
people only declaring their desire to genocide an ethnic group and politicians justifying ethnic cleansing saying they deserved it comparatively American racism looks childish, its literally nothing
If you haven't had militia groups killing committing ethnic cleansings in the past 20 years then you are not allowed to say have have a racism problem
No. 999447
>>999366no <3
>>999367>whines about how bretty brivelege is totally real>her only proof is a screenshot of requirements for a job that requires intense focus on a person's looksIt's like complaining that athletic jobs require physical prowess lmao. Anyway femcels are so delusional and so dependent on male attention that they think that living without it is oppreshun1!11! Retarded tbh
No. 999466
>>999375No one is saying racism in other countries isn't as bad as what they're dealing with. I genuinely don't understand what is wrong with people like you. Wanting to get rid of what is left of racism in your country will never be a bad thing. People even actively recognize how terrible shit is in your country.
We get it, you want to be the ultimate oppressed bitch.
No. 999522
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I really don't like this recent trend of portraying social fucks ups as secretly being Machiavellian manipulators.
No. 999558
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>>999466>you want to be the ultimate oppressed bitch.Cranky because she has actual problems and won the opreshun olimpics, aren't you?
>>999426You always appear every single time you think someone is Paki-chan, you're obssesed with her and is embarassing. You even made a meme and everything, get a life, I didn't knew it was illegal to talk about the very real problems her country has.
No. 999585
>>999375>If you haven't had cockroaches, rats and snakes literally crawl up your ass whenever you go to the toilet, you are not allowed to say you have an infestation problemDon't you have your own spaces to discuss racism in the ME? Do you center non-ME people in your discussions of racism? If not, why would you expect non-ME people to do the same for you? If you want your struggle to be recognized, being an asshole about it will only make people want to ignore and even gaslight you out of spite (something even Americans have not learned lol)
(I'm not an American myself btw, before I get accused kek)
No. 999594
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I hate gay weaboos/gamers so fucking much, when will they stop being so obnoxious? Pic related.
>>999591This one was made by Sony, and not by Marvel/Disney iirc. I wish I could have seen it in theaters but I couldn't get enough free time back then.
No. 999640
>>999505Men with gynecomastia are unattractive.
>>999515Why not both? That guy sounds like a gross attention whore too.
No. 999651
>>999623[any kind of sexuality] men
there you go anon
No. 999652
>>999636She's saying this kind of shit
>>999606 about disadvantaged women and i'm the squizo? get a grip
No. 999715
>omg literally the same argument used against feminism!You're all playing dumb right now like I forgot what kind of things anons have said to Paki-chan, they were laughing at her misfortune. You all talk about me downplaying your life experiences but anons make jokes about her experiences too and nobody cares, I know for a fact most of you weren't the anons joking about her, but you sure as hell are ignoring it to play
victim. I'm seeing a difference in what kind of experiences are treated with respect, mocking her situation is not an adequate retaliation and is not the epic own you all think it is, I mean, people where already making crude jokes about her like
>>999606 on this thread but none of you cared about it, that's not very feminist of you neither, talk to me when you get rape jokes on your vents in the same way Paki-chan gets "lol she has to make dinner or they'll kill her" or "lol forced marriage" jokes, I'll wait. Nobody has to center anybody on any discussion because this is not Twatter, ew, just don't prance around pretending there isn't a scrote-like attitude towards her that is tolerated for some reason.
No. 999739
>>999715My reply (
>>999586 ) was more of a general statement and really didn't have anything to do with feminism or even paki-anon, so I'm not even sure why you tagged me, sperg.
>talk to me when you get rape jokes on your vents Have you seen the vent thread? Anons who vent get rude replies as well. Not too long ago an anon said she got raped when she was drunk and people basically told her it was her fault. I'm not saying it's ok in either situation, but you act like Paki-anon is the only one who gets rude replies when it's not true at all.
No. 999753
>>999739Anon you forgot only Paki-chan's experiences are
valid, your argument is null and void.
No. 999760
>>999466>>999585All I'm saying is that American racism seems childish to me, like who fucking cares about a racial slur or someone making fun of the way you talk
My great grandfather drove out all non Jatts from his valley and then he got driven out by the Pasthuns and thus hated them all
For me that's racism, when you hate someone and actually mean it when you want to kill them
No. 999798
>>999794sounds pretty good rn ngl
No. 999808
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>>999794>>999799WTF is wrong with you, when did I say I'm attracted to specifically Slavic men, I mean their overall better in every convincible aspect then 99% of Muslim men around the world but so are men from like 1000 years ago in the Dark ages
its really not that hard to better then a Muslim scrotes and literal human shit has more value then Pakistani scrotes, like even other Muslims make fun of them for being pathetic, everyone makes fun of the men in my country for good reason
No. 999835
>>999585go back to twitter, obviously you are american because you wont shut up about race
>>999247white privilege isnt real and you took advantage of the pretty privilege convo to make its about race kek
No. 999836
>>999801Ah, look at this retard.
Bitch you come saying that crap thinking youre so funny but you will be complaining tomorrow about tiny dick or your bf smegma while you get your ass stuffed in junk food am I right you fucking roach? I know I am. Come talk to me outside your fucking liberal bubble you bitch, imma smack your ass so hard all that food gotta come out of you and it will be enough to feed my family and everyone in this fucking country, because you bitches cause this economic colapse with your fucking rampant consumerism and your slave made iphones that are way too big for your delicate and womanly hands. Hands of never working a day in your entire lives. Imagine having a moid attached sausage as the biggest of my problems eh satanás? Then you complain about being a retarded lonely bitch, like, maybe try being less of a fucker? Now listen here you crocodile I'm gonna end you. But you gonna get your fucking huge ass iphone stolen first by some equally retarded national as soon as you set your privileged little feet outside the airport because bitches like you can't understand what it is to live in fucking place where your biggest problem is having a gun aimed at your fucking face, or having no food for the end of the month, you little demon. Nah, your biggest problem is dick and thats why thats the first thing that come to your fucking pea brain, listen here you fucker imma hunt you in the afterlife you fucking say your prayers
No. 999840
>>999838honestly, yeah.
>>999836the liberal brainrot points i was hearing in this thread were getting to me too…
No. 999852
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>>999836Mmm… delicious pasta…
No. 999855
>>999843lmao my bad i read the post wrong
>>999848since when is making fun of how someone talks "racism"? calling someone a racial slur intentionally to hurt them is racist, but some loser cod playing teen boy saying the n word trying to seem cool isnt racist its just trying to be edgy
i get what that anon is saying because microagressions and perceived racism is often what people complain about in western countries when in reality it is extremely rare to encounter someone who is GENUINELY racist (and no, having assumptions about certain groups is not racist unless its "we should obliterate x group because x" or purposefully treating x group badly)
No. 999856
>>999846That's true, I mean of course looks should come in last as a factor but its still a factor
not only are the men in my nation ugly, skinny fat, blading and overall schlubby but the entire Muslim world mocks them
Arabs, Turks and Iranians all know Pakistani men as the one's who desperately wish they were anybody else, everyone finds them cringy and mocks them and frankly they deserve it imo, I can't have any respect for men who are that self pathetic and ugly
No. 999861
Whenever I hear a kid cry I’m just like “ same.”
Me fucking too kid, I want to cry and scream at everything and everybody too.
No. 999893
>>999801 this anon, and i was in your side wtf don't get mad at me kek
No. 999936
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ouran high school host club is still great, yeah it's dumb but the art is super cute and it's terf-friendly and low stakes and you can skip the one beach episode
No. 999942
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unpopular opinion: Jopping is the best kpop song
No. 1000011
>>999808None of you have any idea what its like to be stuck in a Muslim country, I'd trade places with any one of you's in a heartbeat
I don't think western anons can ever comprehend the level of misogyny I have to suffer through, I'd give anything for a mediocre life in a western nation without the religion of the Arab pedophile
where I don't have to listen to the awful screeching in that awful language 5 times a day, I'm so scared for my life cause my opinions will literally get me hanged or shot and you idiots can't even comprehend that
so Yes I'm I'm jealous of you, what I'd give to have freedoms that it seems you even appreciate cause you can't understand what's its like to suffer under Islam and 3rd world patriarchy but even I don't wish it upon on you or any other woman in the world, to live under the religion of the Arab pedophile and with arab worshipping men who hate themselves and give their own asses to Arabs is just a type of pain, humilation and fear on a civilization level you can't understand
No. 1000048
>>1000028Well I've set a path and being helped by my cousin, its not full proof but there's more chance of it working then not
in the next six months to next year I'll be in California
No. 1000077
>>1000071It's a lie too most of the time. It doesn't take much to say you go beaten and molested yourself, even if there's no evidence, and have ignorant jurors and lawyers believe it because it was presented just right. The rest of us turned out fine, ever wonder why these human garbage always "apparently" had a shitty childhood.
>>1000072I really don't know, he did it the first time at 16 which got him leeway. The second time got him like eight years and that's fuck all. After seeing the excuses for him pile out in court just made me extremely dark.
No. 1000087
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>>1000069>>1000072>>1000071Fucking American Mcgee had a tougher and traumatizing childhood then 99% of pedophiles and scumbfags and yet he didn't turn into a criminal, rapist or abuser
No. 1000091
>>1000072Isn't it fascinating how men with shitty childhoods turn into serial killers and child rapists while women either suffer in silence or grow up into normal people? This honestly should be enough evidence of how the Y chromosome is a genetical defect.
>>1000087He just turned into a literal genocide denialist kek, he's lived in China's biggest luxury expat central Shanghai for 15 years so who knows what he's doing behind the closed doors though
No. 1000126
>>1000011I'm supportive of you but honestly, we've heard all this before and are aware your life is awful. Stop shitting on other women and making the conversation about you constantly. Hell, you act like a bitch even when someone is nice to you. Instantly back at it with "you dumb western women could never understand blah blah blah".
>>1000066 is totally right. Plus you are avatar/personalityfagging.
No. 1000145
>>999715>muh twatter no one has to center anyone!!!You missed the point. She can vent about her own experiences without trying to downplay others lmao. She didn't even have to talk about Americans, it was obvious bait
I've literally defended her before, but keep screeching at people for not responding well to "Only MY problems matter", dumbass. I'm sure that'll go over very well and reduce the number of trolls
>>999760Okay, and someone's great grandfather was lynched for the color of his skin, denied access to basic education/work/healthcare, his children were purposely hooked on crack and today they still live in shit conditions and are one of the poorest demographics in the US with the most worthless scrotes constantly beating/murdering the women and each other but no one's allowed to talk about it. This is about one specific demographic by the way, it's even worse what happened to Native Americans and how they live today because of racism
The world isn't just about burgers but it's also not just you, and it's not just racial slurs or the way you talk being made fun of lmfao
No. 1000153
Reposting since I replied to wrong anon
>>1000106She's venting in unpopular opinions thread ffs. Whiteknight her all you want, you will always be a dumb western cunt that doesn't deserve any sympathy since she is living in heaven compared to paki-chan. Anons that lick her asshole with "uwu we will get you a care package!!!" despite her taking a large dump on them are pathetic.
Also she didn't waste a chance to take a pot shot at other countries (including mine) even though she is in no position to speak. Basically
>you live in a shithole, but I GUESS I could lower myself to that level if I could escape PakistanWith such attitude, bitch we don't want you. I'm not even patriotic, but that's just rude.
I will shut up now since I don't want to derail more.
No. 1000261
>>1000244One day I was sitting outside an ice cream shop eating my ice cream. Dark cherry red Cadillac car pulls up. Door opens, out gets a middle aged man (black) in a tailored, perfect, pinstriped dark cherry red suit the exact same color as the Cadillac car. And he has on a Stetson hat the exact same dark cherry red. AND he has on leather loafers the exact same dark cherry red. Sunglasses, dark cherry red.
He got himseld a milk shake, got in his car and drove away. I did not know a man could be so perfectly dressed in real life. Since that day, I have been inspired.
No. 1000440
>>999936This anime aged well and is still funny as fuck to this day, I can't believe it. I love it so much.
>>1000351I hope you'll get to read it soon! Makes me want to reread it too. Every day I pray they'll make a season 2/new season like they did with FMA:B and animate the rest of the manga.
No. 1000578
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Massive chocolate bars like pic related (360g, well over 1500 calories) shouldn't be a thing. They're kind of pointless, and encourage binge eating (a problem that many westerners struggle with, don't lie). No reason not to just leave them as individual bars, maybe put a bunch of single servings into one convenient/reusable container to share
No. 1000596
>>1000578Not only that, but even if you have enough strength to not eat the whole thing at once, it gets all ugly and gross if you don’t store it properly, and putting it in the fridge is useless unless you’re some devil into cold chocolate bars.
They’re too expensive, a regular sized bar of chocolate is okay because you could buy more and keep them around, but that huge bar makes you feel fat and the price isn’t worth the shame, so you end up never buying it because it’s a hassle.
They also break easily when you put them with the other groceries so it gets all ugly too when you get home with it.
But somehow they’re still getting shoved down everyone’s throats for no reason.
No. 1000605
>>1000578I think putting them into smaller packaging would help some, but I don't find it very hard to eat a small amount and carry on with stuff. It's the person that's the problem, not the product.
I think if there was more movies making fun of fat people like the 90s it would be less of a big deal. Maybe that's too mean though. But it is definitely too normalised to make a rubbish heap of your body these days. Anyway I nicked my mum's Oprah magazine and even the 2008 editions have good advice on food. How to cook at home, and tackling the emotional reasons for overeating. So maybe if emotional eating/sugar addiction was taught as PSA type thing in PSHE/social studies classes, we could tackle it like we tackled smoking and binge drinking. Because all these things can ruin a person's life and shorten their lifespan. If anyone has different thoughts on this I would love to hear, because I feel like things can only go up from here in regards to overeating/overweight eating disorders.
No. 1000656
>>1000648If you are a woman, you are most likely a pickme.
I wish this wasn't true.
No. 1000667
>>1000661it's like having cold cheese, you can't taste anything because it's cold… waste of calories
>>1000656>>1000648both true, girls are trained from birth to break their own spines for a morsel of men's "appreciation"
No. 1001077
>>1001069>>1001069I think only if you have really bad acne, dry skin or go into the sun a ton.
People think I'm a teen or in my 20s and I'm 34. I never put anything but lotion on once in a blue moon. I work at night and rarely go in the sun though
No. 1001082
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>>1001077No the real reason why is I have no kids and prioritize stress free lifestyle.
No. 1285243
>>990253The fact that you so dearly want to bask in the delusion that black women are inferior dumbasses is exactly the kind of attitude that
triggered the intersection.