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No. 1424437
Board rules, no racebait, ignore & report bait.
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>>1406912 No. 1424544
>>1424504you hush
(also the voices are ACTUAL children, they're going to sound annoying)
No. 1424795
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>>1424789the replies you're gonna get…
No. 1424803
>>1424789Not getting upset stomach doesn’t mean they are immune to parasites and
toxic god knows what. Just let them roll in the dirt in the backyard and eat some grass supervised.
No. 1424846
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I’m extremely jealous of skinny flat women who pull off the baggy clothes look effortlessly.
Having large boobs ruins it and basically makes you look pregnant and way fatter than you really are.
I wish I could wear this style without looking like potato or a garbage bag.
No. 1424855
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>>1424840>>1424843>>1424845>>1424847>>1424848Dumb hoes mad because someone has more common sense than you.
No. 1424952
>>1424789They are proven to live half the lifespan of indoor cats nonna, I don't think gut health can fix that.
>>1424919>Some places don't even allow adoption if your home doesn't have outdoor access.I'm german, but many animal shelters also have that policy on like 90% of the cats. I can understand it since a lot of them are neglected strays, which is tragic, since the shelters are in the city and most good owners don't want their cats to experience what
>>1424816 said.
No. 1425124
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Emo, rocker, metal type guys want conservative looking normie girls. They aren’t attracted to women in their scene, they want the girls who they’d never have a shot with in high school.
No. 1425131
>>1425124Don't kill NLOGs fantasies shhh
On a real note you're totally right. It's so fucking weird seeing rocker dudes have such a variety of beautiful goth women and hot rocker chicks to choose from and they either choose Pinterest basic white girls or
obese unwashed 12 yr olds No. 1425134
>>1425132You seemed to really be
triggered by that for some reason.
No. 1425140
>>1425137"Rich people want other good looking rich people"
Don't think it has anything to do with alt scenes or anything like that
No. 1425146
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>>1425140Even the most edgest of edge lords Marilyn Manson rarely dated goth girls
No. 1425187
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>>1425184It's because they try to keep the edgy charade in order to seem more manly and mysterious, so they associate being edgy with being masculine and a woman being edgy like them to them is just another man. Rocker guys who do have rocker girlfriends end up dumping them and getting the typical bimbo gf once they make it big. It's a waste of time
No. 1425200
>>1425171I think your experience might be the outlier.
>>1425124 is 100% correct in my experience from my own life to even seeing celebrities. As an alt teen/younger adult I only ever got attention from normie guys. Now in my later 20s I dress like a normie (but still listen to metal) and it's the most attention I've ever gotten from metalheads. I don't get it
No. 1425214
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>>1425139Nah having wide set shoulders, large boobs wide hips ,and a big ass make people who wear the baggy look like a garbage bag. People with that body type always have to do the waist cope (as I call it) and find a way to cinch your waist with a belt or any kind of tie so you’re not mistaken for a fatty.
Kamie Crawford is the best irl example I can think of with this body type. She looks so boxy and bulky in baggy clothes but in normal clothing she has a gorgeous body.
No. 1425228
>>1425222I agree! I think it’s because a lot of female characters are written by moids, they’re projections of their ideas about women. That’s why it feels impossible to relate to them. Not to mention that the interesting roles and backstories are usually given to male characters. Complexity is something only moids are capable of in the minds of male game designers.
I’m playing Persona 5 for the first time (it was just ported to Switch) and it is frustrating that although the idea is that Ann is underestimated for her looks and is rebelling against being objectified, her character and persona is still rooted in sex and the male gaze etc.
Like turning her into a dominatrix with a dominatrix persona isn’t rebelling against male objectification. It’s just coomery in a different flavour.
Also of course her tarot card is the Lovers. It reminds me of how in every anthro representation of the seven deadly sins, they’re all men apart from lust who is a woman.
No. 1425233
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>>1425228I totally agree. For me there are 3 type of female characters
>the ones made by womeneither boring self inserts or made to appeal to the male gaze
>the ones made by mensadly the most interesting female characters to me, ugh. When i find a really cool female character and i know its written by a man it absolutely ruins it for me. Happens 100% of the time.
>the corporations that wants to be seen as cool with the kids and try to pander to womanthe absolute worst type of female character, its always the generic bad girl with a buzzcut or some ''need no man'' libfem type character.
Also fandoms with no female characters tend to be more woman friendly since men cannot coom to it and always develop some based fujo communities, like TF2. Maybe i am just blinded by my hatred towards men, i dont want them to have more characters to coom to.
No. 1425255
>>1425252>most female characters are shit>bcsYou sound like an ayden kek. You have to have the depth of a rain puddle to be saying all women characters are shit, have you seen male characters? Just because they do not appeal to doesn't mean they are shit, and it's retarded to shit on all female characters in media because it doesn't appeal to your sexual interest. You must be a certain age to post here you know.
>>1425241Some underage fujos cope about hating all other media being somehow worse than bl/yaoi because they are embarrassed over their interest being shit on by moids and rather than being based, they try and say "n-no don't laugh at me and think I'm lame, look over there at yumejos(or whatever), they're totally way more embarrassing right?".
No. 1425256
>>1425252Yeah, actually the instant un-nuanced responses here that are just “nobody likes you fujos!” smell a bit scrotey to me. Why can’t we talk about how we’re represented in media? Why can’t we explore why a lot of female characters leave us cold?
I can relate to all the female characters from Aggretsuko and Tomoko from It’s Not My Fault I’m Not Popular, because it’s media made with women in mind. But most mainstream stuff is made for men because male is considered the “default setting” by other men. It’s 100% okay to hate female characters if you have reasons beyond “she’s a woman”.
No. 1425271
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>>1425256i remember discussing about stuff like that with other fujos a few years ago, we realized that the reason why we liked yaoi was either because it let us explore our sexuality in a setting where we werent the subject of sexual objetification or we just were more dominant and we didnt identify with the weak bitch protagonist of most shojos and their
abusive love interests. I also hate the ''BUT WHAT ABOUT MALE CHARACTERS THEY ARE BLAND TOO!!1!'' i dont consume media made for moids so i dont care about the generic self insert from a haremshit anime, and when i do play media made for men its actually good shit where i can sexualize the cute male protagonist. There is also WAY more diverty with male characters than with female characters, all media is too pussy to give us a fucking roided up woman that looks like Sally Mcneil, for example. Everything panders to moid so its impossible we will ever get good, diverse female characters. Overwatch is the best example, we get an older woman? ok but she has to have no wrinkles and look equally hot as the other younger female characters so the moid fanbase can still coom to it. I can count with my fingers the female characters i like(Kim, Veronica, the sisters from ginger snaps, Lee Geum-ja, Samus), and most, if not all, were written by men.
No. 1425282
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>>1425260>You can, you just can't say even the ones women make for themselves are shitnever understood this, why not? why are other women shielded from criticism? reminds me to when people defended 50 shades because ''its a woman exploring her sexuality, let her be!'', then scrotes ended up murdering women doing the retarded shit she wrote on her fucking book. Women with internalized misogyny should be told they write shit characters, their shitty characters do nothing but hurt women. Thats why so many aydens troons out, because women in media are so fucking unidemsional.
No. 1425296
>>1425282Are fujos sheilded from critiscism? How is their self-inserting and pandering? They are no different to the women being pandered to with mary sue characters, male characters are not deep, and bl men act nothing like men and are unrealistic self-inserts for women that gay men complain about (not that their opinion matters because xy kek). 50 shades is not all female media. Didn't you complain about libfems while now saying women made media is
problematic? Women with internalized misogyny reeing that all female characters are shit should be told they hold shit opinions kek. You are no different and are obviously underage.
No. 1425311
>>1425288Nta but not all aydens are tomboyish and many have fujo ships and identify as a character they are trying to skin walk. You complain that even female made characters in media are bad and cringe self inserts (ignoring male made and female made media ones are often as well if not 100x worse), but then say because media is made by scrotes women troon out. You want to complain about the problem and the solution of women making stuff targeted at women. Sperging about 50 shades doesn't change the fact that their are bl 50 shades analogs and non-50 shades female centric/starring media exists.
>>1425288>says girls troon out because people hate tomboys>other fujo or literally same poster >>1425233 complains about tomboyish characters for having buzzcutsYou're just saying anything to defend your tastes while trying to feel superior or less embarrassed because scrotes hate bl shippers because ew gay.
No. 1425312
>>1425296>Are fujos sheilded from critiscism? How is their self-inserting and pandering? They are no different to the women being pandered to with mary sue charactersMost yaoi content was made as an alternative to the generic derivative shoujo. Unlike shojo where its 99% school romances, yaoi is more varied. The characters arent gendered so you can enjoy it without self inserting, or self insert as either the more dominant or submissive character. Meanwhile shoujo female characters are always in submissive roles, being humilliated and abused by their male ''romantic interests'' or have the personality of wet cardboard.
>and bl men act nothing like men and are unrealistic self-inserts for women that gay men complain aboutyeah duh thats the appeal? but you dont have to self insert, though.
>50 shades is not all female mediaits only one of the most popular examples of how female media is misogynistic. Here is another, Twilight where the main character and love interest is canonically a preadator.
>Didn't you complain about libfems while now saying women made media is problematic? Women with internalized misogyny reeing that all female characters are shit should be told they hold shit opinions kek. You are no different and are obviously underage.first of all never said ALL female characters, said MOST. And yes most women made media just pushes the gender stereotypes and roles, good luck finding any romance media written by women where the woman is the dominant(and doesnt switch to sub when in bed).
>>1425297what does that have to do with anything? shitty fanfics/novels written by fujos and who are read by 3 other fujos arent comparable to a million dolar budget franchise that normalized women abuse by painting it as ''kinky'' and ''romantic''. Men arent getting raped/hurt because fujos think ''he must like it he's just playing hard to get!''.
>>1425307>literally gives examples>but those dont count because i said so No. 1425316
>>1425312>3 other fujos read the dumb fanficsMost fandom fanfics are written by fujos, and lots of them like the degen ones. Cope that you are different/better.
>aren't gendered… do you see male as default? This sounds like when men say women should deal with not having good female characters because they should relate to men.
>you don't have to self insertThe point is many do while you excuse it for fujo content while saying its cringe for non-fujo women content and claim it makes fujo stuff superior.
>I didn't say ALL female characters were bad!>>1425233 says there are only 3 types of female characters, all some flavour of bad.
No. 1425320
>>1425311have you seen the type of characters aydens skinwalk? its always gross/unhinged characters that dont have a female counterpart. Its never the ''cool strong girl with buzzcut'' companies try to force upon people, its always characters that companies dont have the BALLS to make. Like god luck finding the female counterpart of Dale, Dan Vs, the doctor from Venture Bros, Rick, or whatever other weird character aydens skinwalk.
>>1425313you have a lack of reading comprehension or have ADHD because a few posts above i gave example of movies and show i watch that arent even anime.
>>1425316>Most fandom fanfics are written by fujos, and lots of them like the degen ones. Cope that you are different/better.that has nothing to do with my point. My point was that you cant compare a fanfic that is read by very few people to a fucking super popular movie like 50 shades. And that there is nothing wrong with a fujo being a degen since there is literally no harm whatsoever.
>do you see male as default? This sounds like when men say women should deal with not having good female characters because they should relate to men.again my point is that in yaoi you arent forced into a gender stereotype like in shojo.
>The point is many do while you excuse it for fujo content while saying its cringe for non-fujo women content and claim it makes fujo stuff is superior, even if you dont like it it has way more variety than shojo. Most shojos dont go beyond ''ehehe senpai notice me tehehe'', and at most they kiss at the end of the show.
>says there are only 3 types of female characters, all some flavour of bad.i said that i liked the second type, the ones made by men, but that them being written by men ruins them for me, not the characters themselve but the implication that some moid made them because he wanted to coom to them. The worst example is madoka magica, really good show, but why the fuck is a grown ass men writting about middle school aged lesbians and women suffering if it isnt because he cooms to it? its weird when you see it like that, which sucks.
No. 1425333
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>>1425323>movie by pedo scrotes>for pedo scrotes>winner of pedowood oscar prize>somehow fujoshits fault ok?
>>1425327my first post wasnt even about yaoi, you and the other anons made it to be about yaoi because of your own hatred towards it. It was about how in (old)fujoshi circles you could criticize female characters without it turning into a shit show like in this thread. I am more of a yumejo than fujo(mostly because of the ayden invasion), anyways. I am guilt free of being a yume, because i enjoy content where women dont get degraded or used to push an agenda that ends up hurting us all.
>>1425330they are tomboys whatever you like it or not (or gnc if you want to call it like that) could go more in deep about it but it has nothing to do with my original post anyways, you people brought aydens and trooning out out of nowhere.
No. 1425353
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>>1425256What's the point of making criticism of female characters some niche that only fujos brought into communitism? It's such a false equivalence, women have been discussing intentional and unintentional shitty writing of women for ages, the reason fujos got annoying in fandoms is because they were hard-focused on hating on female characters that canonically ended up with a member of their slash pairing even if everyone agreed they were underwritten characters
No. 1425363
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>>1425341>>1425346look what happened to chaiwalla, he's not even 30 yet
No. 1425372
>>1425341This. Never seen a Mayo scrote age well. They develop Hank Hill ass, droopy chipmunk cheeks and foundation coloured lips by 19. They’re single use. You open the package, take what you want, and dump the leftovers in the trash. Discard in 12 months before they shoot up a Walmart.
Nigger scrotes age very well but it doesn’t matter because they don’t ever look cute and boyish anyway. Who cares if you have a sharp jawline at 50 if I fucking hate old blokes? Just trade your Mayo monkey for the new edition every year like iPhone.
(racebait) No. 1425399
>>1425397>well it was written for men so it doesn't count that many fujos enjoyed it! Nooooo!>>1425333>seething about yumeHolyshit it was the anti-husbandofag all along who seethes about male dynamics being pure, even when a woman/man pairing is made by a woman to appeal to women. KEK.
Think you need to stop coping and remember
>>>/ot/896192 No. 1425402
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>>1425377I figured as much, thought I will say north african guys seem better looking then most arab and desi muslim moids, like the specific region I live in(due to my father's work) has just so many awful looking men, you either have sindhis who are like 5'4'-5'6 or muhajirs who are a little taller but still short and basically are just muslim pajeets with pube beards(they cannot grow proper beards if their lives depended it) and the only decent looking men are village tribals, who as stated here
>>1425363 tend to age really badly
No. 1425409
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>>1425341>>1425348I think it depends on how they style themselves afterwards, men and women of all races need to realize their bodies aren't constant, what looked good on them a decade ago might not look good them as their bodies ago, a good example of this is David Bowie, as he got old he started leaning into his more masculine features to look somewhat decent(though I don't personally find him attractive), Herve Renard on the other is the only 40+ year old man I found attractive in my life(I'm usually only into young fit men)
No. 1425420
>>1425398No idea how Pashtun guys are in general but man, what a waste if that's true. I wonder what he'd look like without facial hair.
>>1425402In my case I'd say a lot of north African guys have very different height, the issue is that regardless of how they style themselves they're either good looking or normal looking or they look like inbred rats. The women tend to look good most of the time as long as they're not obese which is why I'm glad I'm an average looking woman and not an ugly, skinny manlet.
No. 1425428
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>>1425420>I wonder what he'd look like without facial hair.sorta like this, if your wondering, yes they are all extremeeeely inbred, even by my nation's standards they are considered pushing it too far and marrying only with in their clan and not even their own ethnic group
No. 1425456
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>>1425341White men are a'ight, most of them are average but the cute ones are super beautiful. (See Brendan Fraser who also aged badly tho) I think exotic looking men are the cutest tho, like dark hair, dark eyes, preferably an azn qt with dark straight hair and striking eyes.
No. 1425482
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>>1425124That's okay. They will never be him anyway.
No. 1425485
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Short guys are sohot, I'm 5'6" and I prefer men to be around my height because they are usually so cute especially, skellies. I used to wish i was shorter so I could look up at them like I do with tall guys but now I realize I quite like kissing someone my height. I also like hugging them and I prefer boyishly cute types to handsome Brad Pitt phenotypes.
No. 1425508
>>1425485I really like short men too. I'm 5ft and when I've had tall boyfriends in the past it feels weird and infantile because they always fetishize my height and maybe this is just me but I definitely feel more on edge around tall men because they quite literally look down on me. With short men you don't get that, plus a hug is nice with a man who's 5'6 or 5'7 ish. He's still taller than you but not in the way that it looks strange or he could easily just crush you kek.
Short athletic men are the best combo imo. They also tend to have bigger calves/thighs cos they're short and I cannot stand a man with slim calves or legs.
No. 1425510
>>1425485I always liked short guys. My longest relationship was with a guy who matched my height, 5"4. The only issue tho.. so many of them have this massive chip on their shoulder, they're bitter with no end in sight. Even if you're into them.. fully into it, its too late. They already hate women on a whole other level.
I've noticed it alot more in the last few years compared to when I first started dating. My short male coworkers are a pain in the ass with how much they compensate in all the wrong ways.
No. 1425511
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Rice milk > Cashew Milk > Almond Milk > Soy Milk > Oat milk
I just fucking hate oat milk. It's the worst of the main plant milks. (The worst of all plant milks i've had is buckwheat, disgusting)
No. 1425539
>>1425524It’s not fucking alcohol. You are either bad faith or you’re braindead. They have empty wine glasses, coffee tumblers, and other cups that are products sold by Balenciaga on the table. You kno to promote their products on the website for fucking Christmas lol
>>1425525Supreme Court cases are not copyrighted and are free to use. They just printed out random case for the background. They didn’t read it obviously. It’s not even apart of the same as campaign. It was a genuine mistake. They happen every day.
>>1425528Props like sunglasses, necklaces, dog water bowls and products that the brand has sold for years and years are involved with child abuse? It’s just such a joke. Y’all are chronically online
No. 1425556
>>1425544So anon what “props” are so disturbing and involved in child sex abuse pls tell me lmfao. The only thing slightly inappropriate is the one bear in a body harness. The other bear just has on spiked bracelets, like that’s not even bad at all. Lmfao
>>1425551Except there are huge, horrible brand fails all the time in marketing and advertising. There are not as many people behind the senses as you would think. Especially just for pictures that are social media posts. Plus, basically anyone with a degree can just get a job. You think the social media intern approves of pedophilia, the photographer, the editor??? Be for real. At max 10 people looked at it before it was posted. It was posted for a long time before people even noticed the background text.
No. 1425559
>>1425539>hey didn’t read it obviously. It’s not even apart of the same as campaign. It was a genuine mistake. They happen every day.stop sticking up for huge brands that will never give a shit about you. there is absolutely no way that they didn't check that piece of paper before it was placed in the shot. there is no excuse for a teddy bear to be in some weird bondage harness while a paper on child pornography in the background.
what will it take for you to realise there is mass noncery behind the scenes? what will it take for you to stop shilling designer pedophiles?
No. 1425564
>>1425556Since you got off on the retarded side of the bed today
>>1425528 >The court document and book references are very sketch.
I told you where to go to read more on it too. Why cope so hard for a brand?
No. 1425594
>>1425552almond milk doesn't curdle. neither does rice milk but you might as well just use water because the rice flavor is too delicate to go with coffee.
some oat milks curdle, some don't. soy milk curdles sometimes.
you might like coconut milk if you're just putting it in coffee. it's nice and fatty and rich like half and half.
No. 1425801
>>1425511I tried oat milk once and it was fucking vile. Everyone says it's delicious so maybe I got a bad batch or something, I want to try again.
Imo, almond milk is the best but only for drinks. I only really use cow milk when I'm baking or putting it in a drink where I can't really taste it.
No. 1425837
>>1425709I have PCOS and I started taking this vitamin I got online and it cleared up my hormonal acne. Never once been to a dermatologist. Also diet, sleep, and water intake makes a huge difference, moreso than topical treatments. But you are right that most topical treatments for acne are a waste of time.
>>1425826It’s called Flo I think. It might not work for everyone though.
No. 1425851
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Some troons do actually look better than me and other biological women, I can admit that but I still don’t think they are women. I’d just consider them really pretty boys.(kpopfagging and avatarfagging)
No. 1425874
>>1425851Even the ugliest woman on the planet is subjective because beauty standards are created by men. Dont you think men will find other men attractive if they are larping as women because it's totes not gay?
Girl, shut up and love yourself. Men are always clockable without angles and filters.
No. 1425986
>>1425954I'm afraid this'll happen to me. I'm literally both intolerant and allergic to cow milk and if I explain this I know it will sound worse,
especially because it's a delayed reaction and not the deadly kind that you stab people with epipens for.
>>1425801imo it does depend on the brand. I hated soy milk because of the brand my parents always bought, I tried another and it was drinkable enough. Some almond milks tasted like sugary marzipan water while others were like the water had been soaking woodchips for days. Oat milk is the most consistent to me out of the different ones I tried.
No. 1426032
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>>1426017>Detroit: everyone ugly>glorious Nippon: everyone pretty Hmm there’s a smelly smell, that smells
No. 1426037
>>1426017There's differences between Tokyo and Detroit women other than plastic surgery and good fashion though. I live in a burger city and most of the women my age here are perfectly average at worst.
>I think most women look fine but most of us aren’t pretty.Are you straight? I don't really share your sentiment but I'm attracted to women so that might be why I struggle to see your perspective here.
No. 1426038
>>1425403>I am more of a yumejo than fujo(mostly because of the ayden invasion)>I am guilt free of being a yumeYou contradicted yourself saying you weren't guilty because you weren't a yume kek. Unless you mistyped, you just have bad grammar and can't read kek. Funny you don't address any points and go straight to grammar nazi because you have no defense. Also
>thinks only fujos don't like sexualisation of female characetrs>also hates women making female characters for themselvesUnderage. Truly afraid of the anime stacy kek. Women pandering to themselves < fujocuck
No. 1426051
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>>1426048When I think pretty I think someone who looks different from average and makes people stop and notice. Not everyone can be pretty just like everyone can’t be ugly/average looking.
No. 1426061
>>1425025When I was still living at home I was only allowed to have small pets, no cats or dogs. I ended up just losing lots of pets (thats their short lifespan) and I was already a sensitive kid so it was shitty. I lost a parent around the same time and it was rough. All this loss happening.
I thought that once I was living in my own place I'd rush to finally get a dog but I'm put off the idea now.
No. 1426098
>>1426063What are you, the makeup salesman?>>1426090
Kek let me guess you were bullied? Trust me if every child wore makeup and you learnt how to wash, they would have still bullied you because you’re a retard.
No. 1426170
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>>1426153I just see it as motivation to get rich. If a skinny oily little boy can become K-pop tier pretty then there’s hope for me who was actually a woman.
No. 1426308
>>1426181The ftm was trying to be so delicate in asking if the mtf was…well.. "different"
As a side note, she (ftm) was really, really cute. I liked her a lot and wish she was just a GNC lesbian. She seemed super super sweet.
No. 1426323
>>1426181This video was kind of sweet but it was interesting how…male and kind of 'loud' the mtf's personality was. They came off very draggish and exaggerated whereas the ftm had very feminine mannerisms but somehow still seemed like just a shy / quiet guy.
The mtf seemed very vapid for some reason.
Was interesting. Thanks for posting.
No. 1426395
>>1426389The default is not white. I can post someone who is Asian and pretty, and not be a asiaboo.
If you think like that you’re just jealous when someone talks about anyone who isn’t white. Stop being racist sand self absorbed. If you think simply posting a picture of an Asian is me saying they are the best looking humans then you are insecure.
No. 1426429
>>1426417Keep going kek I think it's hilarious being called an asiaboo is what has got you seething. Even upthread you were getting people mentioning it but just me typing the word "asiaboo" is what has sent you over edge. Your priorities are fucked
nonny. Reeing about being an asiaboo but straight up saying trannies are prettier than you kekkk I cannot believe you aren't a troll
No. 1426523
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I miss them
No. 1426703
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>>1426066anon when she see women exist in their natural state without worrying about looking appealing for moids and pickmes
No. 1426774
>>1426479>>1426501Anon it's "understandable" in the way that it's "understandable" why an
abusive partner doesn't allow their partner to leave the house, of course we understand why they choose to do it but it's still not acceptable or healthy behavior. There shouldn't be an industry built around encouraging possessive, parasocial behavior and owning human beings like they were objects for your pleasure. It's fine that idols are based around being cute and likable but they should still be treated humanely. Thinking it's fair to "punish" them for not "doing real work" (i.e. singing, writing or producing music) by reducing them to the equivalent of sex dolls is some fucked up thought patterns that require a defective chromosome.
No. 1426778
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Abdullah Ocalan has done more for women then every second wave radical feminist combined x100
No. 1426794
>>1425539>It’s not fucking alcohol. You are either bad faith or you’re braindead. >They have empty wine glasses?? So you saw them.
It's not appropriate to pose a small child in front of those. Who is braindead?
No. 1426806
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>>1426778i agree ocalan's ideas are important nonna, but i think it's a mistake to elevate ocalan himself over everyone in the kurdish women's movement.
i'm less interested in the writings of "great men," than i am in the actual struggles for women's liberation happening on the ground. ocalan's texts are not like commandments written from on high, but rather only one voice in a larger dialogue the subject of which is women's liberation
No. 1426862
>>1426854"vetting process is pretty intensive" LOL no. I was the one who first posted about them and forgot to add that my family is full of pilots who live all other the world, and I've been to many types of parties/ reunions where they have flight attendants as guests (needless to say they are from different airlines) and they are all dumb as hell. MAMY nasty old ass captains with their 20yo flight attendants gfs.
>>1426845It might look "cool" and she might get more money because of the expat package but …. would a waitress want to be a waitress her whole life? Only very few flight attendants get to be old and still work as one. New meat is always preferred. Yes it is very sexist but that's how it is and the women that go for it know what they are getting into.
No. 1426886
>>1426873My sister is a retarded muslim so that's not gonna happen to her. Unless she somehow manages to find some loser who will make her believe he'll marry her asap anyway and she gets tricked by him idk.
>>1426862>would a waitress want to be a waitress her whole life?I actually saw a bunch of older flight attendants with Air France and Aer Lingus but I don't know how they do that shit for so long. Maybe it's a matter of not having any other choices? I had a coworker from my internship whose mother was a flight attendant and still is unless she retired, and the way she described it made it seem so unappealing for other reasons but she didn't go into details. My coworker had to stay in a dorm during high school because of her mother's crazy schedules for example.
No. 1427221
>>1427023>hard time coming to terms that men are shitthis is understandable. So much of girlhood is being told that you need to put up with boys pulling your hair or lifting your skirt because that means they actually fancy you, and so much of that same attitude leaks into adulthood where men never really face consequences of their actions/what they do to women. I'll be honest and say part of my man hate comes from that, too. I am unfortunately attracted to men, and I know I can't help that, but it's so fucking shit realising the man you want either just doesn't exist or like
>>1427058 says, the percentage of finding such a male is so low that tbh, it's not even worth trying for the vast majority of women.
>Once you truly stop giving a shit about men you won’t hate them anymore because you truly won’t give a damn what they think or what they are doing.Idk about this one though, it's kind of hard to completely distance yourself from that unless you live in a completely female-only space. When you really dig into and research what men are actually up to though…that's when the real, genuine manhate begins and not just because you can't find a bf. When you take a step back and realise that males are solely responsible for the sex trafficking, porn and prostitution industries, and that they see us as nothing more than bodies or maids, I find it pretty hard to just "not hate" them after that.
I think women should always put themselves first and practice seperatism to the best of their ability, and ideally just not interact with males when possible. However, I also think we should be holding on to some of this hate for males as a sex class, because otherwise it may weaken us or make us vulnerable to being taken advantage of.
Part of man-hate can definitely come from the resentment of realising the moids you love will never love you back on the same level, but I think most of it comes from the fact that they kill, rape and assault us at alarming rates and are almost entirely responsible for female misery as a whole. We need more manhating women in society, honestly, idc for what reason - it will enable women to fully realise how evil men are and encourage them to not rely on males for anything.
No. 1427266
>>1427221>When you really dig into and research what men are actually up to though…that's when the real, genuine manhate begins and not just because you can't find a bf. When you take a step back and realise that males are solely responsible for the sex trafficking, porn and prostitution industries, and that they see us as nothing more than bodies or maids, I find it pretty hard to just "not hate" them after that.Agreed. I was around 18 when The Red Pill enjoyed the most mainstream attention, with men either participating or critics bringing attention to its existence. So obviously I went there and read their materials and "field reports", and so many men saying how they've always thought like this but it's nice to see it so organized and similiar sentiments. It fucked with my head too.
It was widely critized, even by men, but then you realize then even the guys that laugh and make skits about the ridiculous terminology of TRP and their analysis of women as if they were a subhuman species won't pick up their trash, take up high demand, low prestige care jobs or do anything really unless it's directly compensated with pussy.
No. 1427302
>>1427293idk but its really pissing me off since its mostly gay men who call women breeders so seeing anons here call women breeders is really weird, and those anons always call themselves radfems/separatists but then they go around calling women vile names…..idk if they're baiting but its become so common in this site.
Also this reminded, there was this video of a obese gay man calling a woman a breeder because she was straight ill try to find the video.
No. 1427313
>>1427291>>1427302The anon who used the term breeder was the troon and has been routinely banned and appears the same time as the troon shits up all other threads. As I said
>>1427274 It’s no suprise it’s happening considering the next 10 posts up. He does it as psyop like that time long ago in ot. He tries to instigate fighting between straight and lesbian anons because he thinks women are brainwashed for not dating men and that sexuality can change kek. He chimpsout in whatever way he thinks women will fuck scrotes, like he did recently in the tradthot thread where he read that women
not having kids = tranny. He has no beliefs but ensuring his retard ass has a gf.
No. 1427315
>>1427313i know its the troon too but you cant deny that there are other deranged anons who also use those terms.
we definitely do have some weird retards here, like hand-anon for example.
No. 1427317
>>1427313Samefag, he also posts test to see if his current vpn has been banned.
No. 1427386
>>1427352It's fine if you're emotionally distant and
abusive to your boyfriend. Plenty of misogynistic moids have wives they abuse, cheat on and everything else.
No. 1427393
>>1427373This is probably bait but I'll reply because there actually are retards out there who think like that.
While the act of wearing makeup itself is anti-feminist, doing it doesn't make you not a feminist. You can be a feminist, perform femininity because of social pressure, and criticize the practice at the same time. However, unironically thinking that not wearing makeup makes women ugly is what makes you not a feminist.
No. 1427395
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>>1427385>she hasn’t deconstructed the myth of beautyPathetic. Moids wearing shitty eyeliner and nail polish isn’t an argument. Go back to twitter.
No. 1427400
>>1427394>It’s ok for some women to be pretty and others to be average or ugly.yea but the problem is that we're associating not wearing makeup = ugly.
>>1427398No woman needs makeup. You never hear this shit about men "Ah this dude would wear makeup and he'd be hotter" that's just not a thing- they are encouraged to go to the gym and wash their ass occasionally. Women can improve their looks by being a healthy weight and good hygiene, plus attractiveness is completely subjective. I just find this shit hard to understand because the whole thing about certain women "needing" makeup is retarded, the only thing women "need" to do is be healthy and eat well
No. 1427414
>>1427403>hyperpigmentation and discolored lips just to be seen as a better's not about who is a "better feminist" it's about not being hyperaware, constantly analyzing your appearance and assigning value to it, and overall being more liberated and peaceful as a result knowing you don't have to smear shit on your face every day just to feel better. you are massively missing the point - i have very textured skin genetically and suffer with cystic acne, the fact that i walk around with it showing doesn't make me a "better feminist" but it saves money and time out of my day because i don't have to bother thinking about covering shit up that i cannot control.
life is a lot more pleasant when you learn to let go of this shit, i'm not trying to patronize you because i know what it's like to be insecure of your skin or feel like you have to cover it up. but you think men care about their hyperpigmentation or acne etc? nah they will walk around greasy and musty and with any flaw in the world because they are allowed to. women are socialized to cover, conceal or enhance everything and that's the issue - we should be allowed and encouraged to exist in our default unaltered states, it's quite nice and you save money too.
No. 1427421
>>1427408so tired of your shit and this anons
>>1427403 shit too.
Tired because retards like you equate wearing makeup meaning to her being a whore who wants to get dicked down nd the other anon for equating makeup to covering up ugliness.
whan i used to go to school i used makeup as a self expression and liked doing insane looks as a way to express myself and was into fashion and because of that i would have other people ask me if im doing it for men and harass me and males think they have the right to act predatory to me because of that including a male teacher.
So fuck you, you are not progressive, peddling the same purity culture as tradthots.
You dont realize that both purity and libfem culture opresses women and that they are the same thing, one only forces her to look and act amish and the other forces her to look like a instagram model. Both are bad, try to guess which one you are.
No. 1427426
>>1427417that's never gonna happen, the importance of beauty in women is far too engrained into most cultures and societies for it to suddenly flip like that. I do agree that men shouldn't be going around musty and gross but that's why I stress the importance of hygiene, health and general grooming over having a mental breakdown because your foundation still shows skin texture.
>>1427421>being a whore who wants to get dicked downliterally no one said this.
>one only forces her to look and act amish>associating women's bare faces with amish and tradthotswe're never gonna win huh
No. 1427447
>>1427428Yes, but the woman who likes wearing makeup for whatever reason is the
real big bad anti feminist. Some farmers are such NLOGs it's funny. They claim to care about feminism and women's issues yet shit on any woman that doesn't behave the way she thinks is appropriate.
The girls wearing full faces of makeup aren't harming women as much as you and your low standards for moids.
No. 1427454
>>1427446>Or do you only pull out the bullshit “standards” so you don’t have to examine anything uncomfortable about how deep your socialization goes.This is literally it, and it's what I was like before I said fuck it I have to make some slight form of effort to break free of this dumb socialization. It's very uncomfortable and many women don't want to do it, which I completely understand and it cannot be forced, but you don't realise how freeing it is until you stop spending money on hair removal and makeup regularly.
>>1427447>The girls wearing full faces of makeup aren't harming women as much as you and your low standards for moids.Again, no one has said this. You can focus on multiple things at once, namely that women are expected to go through beauty rituals like hair removal makeup etc and that is a huge problem. That doesn't dismiss criticisms of degenerate moid behaviour. Hate this excuse.
No. 1427459
>>1427447>wearing full faces of makeup aren't harming womenHoly fuck you’re full retarded to actually believe this
> you and your low standards for moidsLmao the projection, girlies who wear makeup are famously known to have great taste in men
No. 1427462
>>1427449you dont have to worry about me, worry about yourself and your toothbrush looking moid.
>>1427447we should call these women terry-strange nlogs from now on because just like her they spend all this time acting like such radfems and shitting on women wearing makeup and dressing girly meanwhile when they get bored of the larp they go and date a hideous moid who is registered for you know what kek.
Looks like terry strange dressing only in black and bare face didnt stop her and dont get me started on the other polilez's who got exposed for taking abuser dick meanwhile they were shitting on women on their self-expression.
No. 1427467
>>1427455I am convinced that both anons, especially someone who says stuff like this
>>1427459 just seem to enjoy infighting here on purpose. There really is no way you can associate makeup with having relationship standards, it's the weakest bait I've seen here so far and idgaf about this topic.
>>1427463I feel horrible over how some women end up being brainwashed by the media that really wants to gain money from insecurities. I know a woman IRL that shaves her entire face because she says that women shouldn't be like that, even though every human has white hairs.
No. 1427473
>>1427465they dont care, they just want to shit on women and hide it between pretending to be ''radfems''.
The real issue here is that women have no standards and give ugly/deformed/fat/abusers value in the dating world by constantly dating/fucking/simping for these man. Just take a look at the tiktok thread and the type of man tiktokers were thirsting over (that ugly hideous fuck who does siren eyes) but they dont want to talk about this because they are the those types of women who would hop on a dick the moment a moid gives them attention.
No. 1427480
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>>1427467That's all it is nonna, it's for money and also to make women feel shit about themselves so they end up spending more money to fix problems that don't even exist. You will never catch a male pointing out his little facial hairs and spending money on trying to get rid of that shit or hyperfocus on other parts of his appearance, if he did he'd get told he has BDD. But when women do it it's either ~muh choice~ or it's just considered normal. Makes no fucking sense, picrel for a quote which always reminds me of this topic, the constant outer-body focusing on yourself to make sure this and that is in place or looks socially acceptable.
>>1427471Go back.
No. 1427486
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>>1427473Because of straight women kevin has 3 million views and is considered the female gaze kek. Women giving access to ugly men is a way bigger problem than a pick me who wears sexy clothes and makeup to attract men.
No. 1427496
>>1427482you do realize the average woman is not doing her makeup that way right, go outside ok.
Now im starting to think some of you are neets who think women can only be categorized into bareface or libfem slut forgetting the fact that a normal middle exist.
>>1427486i just love how they ignore these posts when you tell them to stop fucking men who are hideous or to stop making ugly men be on the same ranks as beautiful women.
>>1427490Millions of women did that they inflated his ego and now he thinks he is extremely handsome and on the same ranks as a supermodel.
No. 1427512
>>1427489i dont think you should be talking about zero arguments considering you just called someone a troon for disagreeing with you.
>>1427506i dont think the retard realizes that its replying to different anons kek. It probably thinks that every anon who is ok with makeup is the same entity.
No. 1427513
>>1427488Insecurities just develop in a vacuum? It’s women’s fault that they develop complex when forced to live under rigid standards? You’re immune to socialization and propaganda? Stop coping.
>>1427496>muh healthy middleSpineless. You’re scared to confront the full ramifications of makeup. Women wear makeup to look more “attractive” first and foremost, whether they’re wearing natural makeup or full clown face. The point is, women feel the need to enhance themselves, in a socially acceptable way, in order to feel comfortable in their own skin.
No. 1427524
>>1427521all i do is put on some concealer, lip gloss and mascara and sometimes blusj and apparently now im the biggest traitor libfem slut gender traitor despite doing doing actual activism compared to the keyboard warriors here.
honestly it smells like unwashed neets in here.
No. 1427529
>>1427525I didn't say anything negative about them, I just said it's rare that you'll see a woman in a full YouTube MUA type look. In response to an anon implying make-up wearers get BDD from it. The ones that I could see developing that are the ones that wear the full beat make-up everyday. And while that's completely
valid. I'd recommend they take a makeup detox before they actually develop BDD.
No. 1427533
>>1427532i never said that, i just said how unhinged you are that even a woman wearing something as simple as mascara will still get labelled as a libfem or a slut by you, meaning that you cant win with people like you.
Just say you see women as competition and go.
No. 1427544
>>1427534anon dont bother arguing with them anymore, its obvious they are not looking for a reasonable conversation and instead are here to throw words at women. Im peacing out of this and i suggest you do that too.
>>1427537im that anon and im not going to lie that was funny, you got me there ngl.
No. 1427550
>>1427544You're right. It's clearly one of our resident /g/ posting autists having a proper fit. I'll leave her to it.
>>1427536They don't. They're just generalizing and making assumptions to try and prove a point or something. This is an anonymous image board. Only a true attention whore will really stand out here.
No. 1427564
>>1427559i like how you contradict yourself at the end
>no i dont judge what women wear but i also judge what women wearkek.
No. 1427577
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>>1427567i totally agree with you queen. Feminists should know to cover themselves up to avoid looking like a yucky libfem and tempting men with their pink eyeshadow.
No. 1427588
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How do anti makeup anons feel about women who dress like this? I mean she’s completely covered but it’s obviously preforming femininity.
No. 1427589
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Why do we keep these types of people alive? They don’t want to be a part of society and are dangerous. They’re a huge waste of resources.
No. 1427614
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>>1427605Why wouldn’t you consider that pandering to the male gaze and anti feminist but you’d consider light makeup like picture related anti feminist?
No. 1427617
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>>1427609I'll go first. Women with body hair look way better imo. They look mature and natural and like something out of a classical painting. Love seeing armpit/legs/pubic hair on women, pardon if I sound like a creepy scrote that's not my intention.
No. 1427623
>>1427614this just proves to me that anon sees women as competition and hence is anti-makeup because why the fuck get mad at women for wearing mascara and call that the male gaze but that push up bra, shape-wear dress is totally ok with her, no offence but im pretty sure ive seen the girlfriends of sigma/pua men wear that.
The hypocrisy is really showing now.
No. 1427625
>>1427617I'll sound like a creepy scrote about it
just a joke pls no ban women with body hair are sexy. I like hairy pits on women. It blows my mind that there are straight moids so repulsed by body hair on women like I genuinely think it's some sort of mental illness or something.
No. 1427628
>>1427617I agree, in many cultures female armpit hair and bush isn’t taboo in the slightest and I think that’s nice.
Sidenote I find Lourdes so beautiful, she has the same heavy lidded eyes and facial structure as a Virgin Mary statue. No idea why some bitchy nonas say she’s mid, she’s gorgeous imo, but seems like a pretty insufferable person.
No. 1427632
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>>1427628Pic rel. her features just remind me of one of those byzantine orthodox Christian icons
No. 1427643
>>1427625I honestly think it's just because they are so used to watching porn and have internalized noncery tbh. It makes no sense why men wouldn't like body hair though if they're not a pedophile - it's crazy how stuff like armpit and bush used to be seen as a natural attractive sign of a matured woman and now it's like if you have it you're instantly seen as dirty or a crazy radfem. You know what moids, I am a crazy radfem with an oil painting hairy armpit and you can't do shit about it.
I hope more women start keeping their body hair again. I used to look at some of those retro erotica magazines and was actually stunned by how all the women had realistic bodies with normal breasts and they had bushes too. It's still porn ofc which is shit but idk how we managed to regress from natural mature woman -> bbl wishbone hips and a pubic mound that looks like a raw plucked chicken. Male degeneracy I guess.
No. 1427671
>>1427614Nta and I don't even mean this in a feminist way but she honestly looks prettier in the before image to me. Reminds me of when I used to go to moid imageboards and they'd post the bare faces of celebrity women and act all shocked and disgusted and I'd just feel confused because they all looked way more attractive to me like that. I guess it's just a social conditioning thing since I grew up in an area where most women/girls didn't wear makeup so that became the default look to me
>>1427617Same, the taboo against female body hair is so bizarre. It just feels like such a normal natural thing and yet men act so weird about it. Sometimes I wonder if some men are even attracted to women when they view so many of our regular features as gross, pure porn brainrot.
No. 1427681
>>1427506I don't think every woman who wears make up is bad, not that there's always something wrong with it or whatever but
>It has the potential to make someone insecureis retarded. It are ads and social media in the first place causing women to be insecure about having pores and making them think they look sick and unpresentable without make up. It has become a security blanket for many who cannot even make a short trip to the cornershop without a full face on. With a full face I mean what it meant before Instagram desensitized people further. That's the kind of insecurity I care about, which is caused by a shit ton of messages from birth and is pretty common. You cannot compare that to feeling a bit awkward the rare times in your life you've come across criticism of make up. Same thing with anyone seething about how they're 'shamed' for shaving when they hear for once in their life a different opinion from the norm. You literally get paid 13% more for wearing make up, is that not a fucked up sexist norm that disadvantages women who want to choose to not wear make up? You can have your make up, I just want women to not be called ill for not wearing make up and equal pay for gnc women. It's not a true choice with so much societal pressure and monetary incentive.
No. 1427691
>>1427671>Sometimes I wonder if some men are even attracted to women when they view so many of our regular features as gross, pure porn brainrot.I honestly think porn has done so much damage to moid brains to the point where they might as well be nonces because whatever they are jerking off to nowadays is not even remotely representative of what real women have. I mean it's obvious but it's honestly insane. Males have always been known for their sexual degeneracy and noncery but it's nothing like what we see now where the default for an adult female is…strangely enough, traits that only pre pubescent girls have, like no body hair being the biggest one.
Everything that's natural in women they hate: hair, cellulite, a little bit of fat around our lower stomach, skin texture and breasts/bodies that change with time and after bearing children. You'd think they would be into those things because it indicates maturity and fertility but they are honestly obsessed with this weird amalgamation of young girl and woman e.g you need to have the exaggerated thick proportions only achievable through surgery BUT you also cannot have any wrinkles and need to be hairless. What the fuck is that? This, plus the obsession with teen porn, is why I think most men are genuine paedophiles. They will never appreciate the real beauty of an adult female because it both disgusts and intimidates them, the woman in her wild beautiful natural form is too powerful and based for men to control that's why they stay jerking off over vulnerable 16 year olds while they're in their 30s.
No. 1427762
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Some Megan Thee Stallion songs are unironically good and catchy. The lyrics are exactly what you'd expect, though.
No. 1427804
>>1427488>If you have BDD it's because of something going wrong in your developmentYes, the most famous reason being society's expectations of women and beauty standards which we learn every day of our lives since birth. That's the entire point. Do you think people are just born broken and with body dysmorphia or something? Where do you think these disorders and insecurities and bad development come from?
>>1427496>you do realize the average woman is not doing her makeup that way rightOk but WHY does the average woman wear makeup at all? Why do you keep ignoring this issue?
>i just love how they ignore these posts when you tell them to stop fucking men who are hideous or to stop making ugly men be on the same ranks as beautiful women.And I love how youse ignore posts such as:
>>1427464>>1427454>>1427422>>1427427>>1427448and instead of replying to these posts you decide to throw personal insults at those who disagree with you, like saying "they're just mad 'cause they can't put on makeup" and "you're just as bad as tradthots", or blame them for being the REAL anti-feminist pickmes for simping for ugly males (I don't think I need to point out why making shit up about anonymous posters you know nothing about is childish and stupid as fuck and not a real argument). Also why do you keep bringing up ugly men when we're talking about how beauty standards affect women's perception of themselves and their lives? The subject wasn't "men should take care of their appearance more" but (and I can only assume) you sound sexually frustrated given how obsessed you are with blaming other women for destroying the feminist movement by sleeping with ugly men, as if all you cared about was fucking more attractive males. We're not talking about what group of women's fault it is that men being unhygienic is acceptable, we're talking about why we as a society think a woman without makeup is ugly and why that's wrong. You people derailed the discussion because you felt personally attacked when makeup was criticized, then blamed us for demonizing or shaming all women who wear it, which never happened and is not the same as pointing out the reasons why they do it (they're insecure because of beauty standards and women being expected to look better for men, and it's now seen as normal so nobody questions it).
The discussion began with some anons LITERALLY saying that you CAN wear makeup, that the act is unfeminist, but also that doing it DOESN'T necessarily mean you're anti-feminist yourself, nor a threat to feminism. Why derail like this? Immature as fuck. All the posts saying "you're a slut and a threat to feminism for wearing makeup" that you're complaining about is made up in your head, no one said that. No one is trying to control other women's lives either (ironic that you guys accuse others of this yet staunchly defend makeup as if it wasn't an actual way for men to control all of us). Let me remind you that this all started when some retard said that women with a bare face are ugly and others rightfully shat on her for thinking like that because that's actually an anti-feminist mindset.
>>1427421>purity cultureSaying true facts like how women are expected to wear makeup to look more attractive to scrotes and how it makes women insecure to the point that some even believe that normal faces are hideous and deformed is not "purity culture" and it certainly doesn't oppress anyone.
>whan i used to go to school i used makeup as a self expression and liked doing insane looks as a way to express myself and was into fashionThat's like madonna-whore complex where women are expected to look hot for moids but at the same time they're hated for it, and probably also jealousy, it's not the same thing that we're doing at all.
Also, and this goes to
>>1427462 too, "artistic self-expression" through wearing makeup is indeed a thing, and I agree with
>>1427569 in that painting your face or decorating your body is not inherently harmful per se, but if you're using that as an example you're just coping because the vast majority of women don't just start wearing makeup every day to "express themselves", the reason the practice exists on such a scale and why it affects almost exclusively women in the first place is because we are told from birth that that's what women ought to do, and why are we told this? For moids' pleasure and to keep us in a submissive position where our only purpose is to be picked by a rich man (as we have few resources in patriarchy), to be impregnated by him and to make the scrote feel good in every way so that we will have someone to support us financially. And this is the truth even if there are women who took a liking to it or wear makeup and can afford to live alone.
No. 1427832
>>1427810idk, she was right about the explosion of women that want to erase all context, meaning, etc, to women performing expected gender norms, which…isn't really a great turn in terms of discussing insecurity, body image issues, etc. Because now we have a society that struggles with objectifying women and creating endless incentives for women and girls to opt to meet very narrow standards, normalizing the artificial via filters, algorithms pushing unrealistic versions of women, and plastic surgery. Make-up is extremely important for womens' social mobility, which is fucked up as-is.
Becoming bald isn't what that
nonny wants women to do, but you had to strawman in order to pretend most of her points weren't sensible. You're just annoyed at the idea that your actions don't completely live in a vacuum.
No. 1427842
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Live action should stick to realistic genres like drama, thrillers and such and leave fantasy, super power bullshit and anything with magic to cartoons and anime.
I can't and will never be able to take real actors shooting CGI lasers seriously.
Same with actors having red glowing eyes (peak cringe and looks stupid imo), actors pretending they are riding on broomsticks or actors wearing cosplays that are supposed to be hero uniforms.
No. 1427844
>>1427839>>1427840Cannot relate either, never wore make-up and the long-hair part is new to me. Though it might be a thing in other countries. I doubt there are many born in central Europe who feel ugly for having short hair, I almost never see women with actual long hair, at the very best you get shoulder-length hair.
And revealing clothes suck ass, they don't look comfy and unpopular opinion but they usually look bad IMO.
No. 1427868
>>1427617I pretty much never shave in general but the one place I shave it my armpits.
Another thing i want to say is that knowing that scrotes do not find me attractive kind of is a huge relief for me. I feel like i make most of my aesthetic decisions based on what I like. I can't help but believe that women shave literally just for scrotes, i feel like if i wanted to try and attempt dating, i would probably drive myself insane trying to keep my body hair under control because men loathe body hair. Naturally if you are trying to get a husband/bf you care about what men think, there's no way around it. I am also not going to stop liking cute clothes either, granted i do not wear normie clothes and I like being covered up because if my body is tucked away, i pretty much don't think about it. Out of sight, out of mind. I also think the key to reducing body dysphoria is really just hiding your body and stop wearing tight clothes.
No. 1427889
>>1427621I feel like things like Lolita is one of the only things that prevents women from being desexualized, it's made by and for women, doesn't show off women's bodies but also isn't made for the purpose of "men keeping their wives and gfs to themselves" or to bring down women by taking away tools they use to look and feel more attractive. One of my biggest issues with women dressing provocatively is that it gives moids what they want without having to work for it, it's turned men into a weird generation of neggers who no longer get happy when seeing women's bodies but their first reaction is to simply start nitpicking what's wrong with it or comparing her, and if it's not that they're simply just thinking of how they can cheat on their girlfriends with her.
There were times when moids would do anything to see women's legs, now they're barely happy with breasts and ass since they can go to the mall and see everyone and their moms tits and ass hang out
No. 1427978
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>>1427974some things are just ugly, crocked noses are ugly and make your face look awful because its on the center of your face. Absolutely no one finds ugly noses pretty and its tiring how people pretend that they like them because they are ''unique'' or whatever. I just hate how we cannot accept some things are inherently ugly, like being fat, being deformed, having droopy eyes or having an ugly nose. Once you stop coping and accept that certain things are ugly it becomes much easier to change them.
No. 1427984
>>1427932>part of le ebil society who wants people to be part of the strict beauty canonBut you are part of it. You would only feel personally attacked by criticism of the system if you think it’s your personal moral failing to have been influenced your whole life. It’s totally understandable if you’d rather choose the path of least resistance. Most people don’t want to change the world, they just want to live easy. Just stop trying to fight people who rightfully say the thing is fucked up just because it makes you feel bad.
>>1427978It all comes back to evading being perceived as “ugly”. There’s no need to pretend there’s some sort of enlightenment in it.
No. 1427985
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every time this quote comes on my timeline I still refuse to accept it, my mother had a choice not to be a demented narc to it and I don't have to be nice to her cause of "muh solidary" and cause she suffered as well, I know she suffered but that doesn't make her any less accountable for being an abusive narc towards me and so I do have a more closer relationship with my father because of this
No. 1427992
>>1427983>The last time I saw this exact logic it on was a lookism forum…for incels.i dont know what you are talking about i dont frequent incel forums, unlike you apparently
>>1427984i think wasting your youth being ugly and feeling bad for it just to stick it to the society is more damaging to be honest, and telling people who are strong enough to accept certain things are just ugly and want to change them they should feel bad about it is pathetic. Its always people who are average who say this. Our brains are engrained to find certain traits more attractive than others, the only ugly people that feel good about themselves is people in downright cults like the fat positivity activists.
>>1427989its not so deep lmao.
No. 1428004
>>1427992You’re assuming everyone is as miserable as you are about your nose.
>Our brains are engrained to find certain traits more attractive than othersRetarded. What people find attractive is wildly subjective. Your idea of beauty isnt some innate thing that you invented yourself. And that’s already beside the point, basing your worth around fitting in to someone else’s ideals is sad and pathetic.
>>1428002KEK what words you don’t understand? Maybe pick up a book.
No. 1428034
>>1428028because looks do matter and whenever someone tells you otherwise its always so fake and patronizing. No one thinks that ugly noses are beautiful, thats why they always say ''your nose is so unique, yada yada''. They always make you feel bad for wanting to change something that makes you miserable, if people hadn't moralfagged me in high school about it i would have saved enough money to get the surgery by 20.
>You’d get asspats and yas queens anywhere else on the internet but you come here why? To feel like you’re some pariah for wanting to conform? Truly the world is against you.kek, do you know where you are? you dont have to be fake nice here so you get the real opinion of women on looks, no one likes uggos or being uggo.
No. 1428046
>>1427992>Our brains are engrained to find certain traits more attractive than othersFunny how our beauty standards change so drastically every hundred years then. How do you explain that big strong noses used to be 'in' and now after enough shilling nosejobs on Instagram, the only acceptable nose is a small Scandinavian button nose? That what many here would call fat, has been 'in' multiple times over the last 2 millennia. The only way you have a bad nose is if you're a boxer and you've been bumped in the face one too many times or you're an ancient Greek scrote ascribing moral value to random features.
>>1428043>Just take a look into snow and look at the way a lot of anons rip apart the appearance of any woman there, granted not all anons are like that, but it makes you wonder how genuine anons who are anti-surgery anti-beauty procedures are.Idk how often this has to be said, but there is a big divide between /snow/ and /ot/ nonnas and the majority who go on /ot/ probably don't go on /snow/ to nitpick. Considering there have been multiple requests by /pt/ and /snow/ nonnas to get rid of the off topic boards, because they think it attracts scrotes more or they believe mainly newfags congregate there. Even though many oldfags who grew out of nitpicking have also permanently moved to the off topic boards (not counting the mtf and ftm threads, those seem to have mass appeal).
No. 1428050
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>>1428042yeah sure ''it makes you unique, love yourself uwu you are a greek god qween uwu''. lmao, i am tired of pity.
>>1428043the thing is, i have tried to 'love my nose' but it just feels like lying to myself and i am tired of receiving pity, because again, no one likes big honkers. My mom got her nose done after getting breast cancer surgery, she was so happy and so confident about it that it made me realize that it's not different from any other life-saving surgery and people who are anti-cosmetic surgeries are probably just trying to be nice but deeply know uglyness is a real thing(and i am convinced most of them were mean to ugly people before and thats why now they try to be so fake-nice, but thats just my tinfoil). Since i accepted i am ugly i started doing some changes, i am losing weight, started some face cleaning routines that make me feel fresh, and saving for the surgery once i achieve my desired weight as a 'reward'. It's honestly so freeing, i cant believe i spent my teenage years thinking ''heh i am so much better than those girls who spends money on themselves i am so much happy i can eat whatever i want and not spend money on csmetics, i am sticking it to the patriarchy'' .
>>1428046literally when? if anything having a small nose has been the only standars thats been consisten over the years. You can find painting from 1800/1900 that had girls with button noses. Strong noses are ugly, even in scrotes they look hideous.
No. 1428063

>>1428046I'm not sure big noses have ever been the fashion in eurocentric beauty standards because they are the focal point of the face and distract from other features. happy to be proven wrong if you have anything to suggest otherwise?
>>1428050nonnita sorry that you're getting a lot of stick for not liking your nose, I do understand because it is the centre of the face and the first thing we ourselves zoom in on when we look in the mirror, not to mention the way selfie cameras make noses look even more prominent due to their lens shape. I don't necessarily think surgery would automatically make life rosy for you or be free of complications but in my experience the friends who moralfag always do it to unattractive women because they can't stand the idea of us looking prettier and not being their ugly sidekicks anymore kek. that said I think you're fighting a losing battle trying to justify it to other people anyway, if you want it and it would make life easier for you then go ahead and get it, people will get used to it. just be aware that it might not fix the internal insecurity and complications aren't all that uncommon (embedded video is a pretty good example)
No. 1428076
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>>1428063thanks i am very aware of the risks, i am mostly deciding to take it thanks to my mom who healed really well, but i am still doing research and saving(got a loong way to go)! gonna check the video, thank you!
>>1428067i never had validation issues really, i had plenty of moids interested in me but i dont care about dating. I just want to wear glasses /hairstyles that i like without they making me look like female yandev. Also, its sad but having a large nose really deprives you of looking good in any ''youthful'' fashion, most women with big noses i have seen only look good in very tight 'mature' clothes that i dont like. A big nose truly ages you like hell. Also, my nose is truly hideos. My mom had a big nose and my dad had a hooked one so i ended up getting the worst of both worlds there is truly no angle where it looks decent and no make up to hide it.
>>1428066sorry, but you are an idiot. I literally posted art from one of the biggest artists of the time as an example. Here's another one from other artist.
No. 1428083
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>>1428050Barbra Streisand wouldn't have been as iconic nor as beautiful without her big nose.
>>1428063>I'm not sure big noses have ever been the fashion in eurocentric beauty standards because they are the focal point of the face and distract from other features. happy to be proven wrong if you have anything to suggest otherwise?This might be a shock, but there are more different types of Europeans than Scandinavians. It would be weird if the rest of Europe thought they were ugly. Guess which nose was the most popular for a very long time? A Greek nose, which is pretty big by today's standards. Post enlightenment, the aquiline nose was considered a sign of nobility, which would be considered very crooked nowadays.
No. 1428091
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>>1428074Leyendecker almost always used babies as a methapor for 'new'. I am not American so i dont know celebrate Easter, but here is the full painting, feel free to analyse it.
No. 1428092
>>1427978>>1428050i don't know anon, you're heavily speaking for yourself on this one. i have a big bumpy nose myself, it is something i've always been insecure about and others have made fun of me for, but i personally have no desire to actually change it. even though i have spent a lot of time feeling terrible about it, i don't have any desire to give in to the beauty standard and change this thing that makes my face unique. plus i spent so long getting used to my face, i know i'd have some crisis getting used to a new one even if it was "prettier" to others. i also genuinely find big noses attractive on others, something about them is just hot to me. i can't stand the "oo your nose is so regal" stuff though, it sounds very condescending. anyway, not everyone feels the way you do at all. if you want to have a nose job because you sincerely believe it will make you more confident, go for it, it probably will help you out. but that's you.
No. 1428100
>>1428083>Barbra Streisand >beautiful lmao this is what i mean, stop lying barbare streisand has always been used as the epitome of horse face. People praise her for her talents, not her beauty. She literally said
>In her conversation with producer Ryan Murphy, Streisand reflected on her status as an atypical icon, saying “I wasn’t like those pretty girls with those nice little noses. Maybe that’s why (I wasn’t harassed). I have no idea.”>>1428093yeah i am working on loosing weight/getting toned too. My desired look would be something like leanbeefpatty, she looks so cool.
No. 1428108
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>>1428083It's okay
nonny, I get you. Crazy how some of these anons have such bland tastes. kek
No. 1428124
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>>1428092>i can't stand the "oo your nose is so regal" stuff though, it sounds very condescendingnta when I say it I don't mean it as condescending and big noses being regal has been a conception since the enlightenment at the very least. I genuinely think bigger noses are more attractive than small noses.
>>1428100Yeah she looked unconventional in comparison to the rest of Hollywood, but that doesn't mean she was ugly. If she were genuinely ugly, she would've never been in any movies at that time. If you think she has horse face just because of her nose, then women with small noses have pig face by that logic, botched nosejobs tend to go into that direction especially. Susan Boyle, now that is someone who got famous solely because of talent. Barbra Streisand was obviously striking and had an exoticness to her in comparison to others in Hollywood at that time.
>>1428108if I ever can get a gf with a big nose I would be so happy.
idk if this is creepy but I saw a west Asian woman at the gas station before with a big nose, long black hair like a waterfall and it has been etched into my brain. Most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life, but exactly the demographic which often get nose jobs No. 1428126
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winter is prettier than fall
No. 1428141
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>>1428131'Pretty' just doesn't cut it though imo, maybe 'beautiful' would, but I feel like 'pretty' sounds like just slightly above average or 'ok'. Kinda like 'cute'. It sounds common. Instead of intimidatingly beautiful, like an empress or queen would intimidate her subjects. Maybe I'm just retarded for feeling intimidated though kek.
No. 1428157
>>1428141i hate this about people who like big noses, they always like more 'mature' or 'powerful' women, big noses dont have as much flexibility as button/smaller noses do. I just wanna be seen as cute to be honest, and look good wearing cute clothes and not old. They make you look so unkind too, ugh…
>>1428132>>1428148thanks going to be sure of that. I am trying to save almost the double of what i need for the surgery in case of an emergency, trying to be very careful of that.
No. 1428158
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>>1428141gosh anon you're making me blush heh
No. 1428171
>>1428130You were memed into conforming to beauty standards and spending money on it, it's pure cope. You were clearly influenced by your insecure mother also falling for the meme and perpetuating the cycle of body image issues. Look at all the people in relationships and producing babies, there would be no big nosed babies had we considered big noses to be so utterly unattractive and unworthy of life. I have a big schnoz, so does my husband and I find it attractive.
Unless it was a big deformed potato looking rock in the middle of your face, I'm sure you'd have zero problems in getting through life with your previous nose. If you were made fun of it in school - guess what, everyone gets made fun of in school for something, you're not special. Kids got made fun of for wearing glasses, having freckles or big front teeth yet those traits become insignificant as we age.
Anyway great, you feel good about it, but millions of people will continue being happy or neutral (an option nobody seems to consider) about their big noses without having to waste money on meaningless bullshit.
No. 1428176
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>>1428157With cute I mean more when someone says "eh, she's cute in a girl next door way", I associate cute with being not that attractive, just kinda okay. Or something used when describing children and animals. Pre nosejob Bregje Heinen had a neotonous look even with having a wide nose, it's not mutually exclusive. If anything her nose job aged her a lot.
No. 1428195
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Nose job noses always look plastic and fake. I hate the anons who picked on Momokun's arab style nose because it looked completely fine, now she got that terrible Belle Delphine style whoville snout done that looks like a bad photoshop edit. I can only understand nosejobs if the nose is severely deformed, broken or has functional problems such as with breathing.
No. 1428197
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>>1428195They want that one retarded horse look
No. 1428202
>>1428195Careful, you'll
trigger nose job
nonnie kek. Yeah most nose jobs look like shit and they're completely unnecessary. I'm in the same boat as you where if its affecting their health then by all means get one but otherwise it's pointless and once you get the nose job you'll just start becoming insecure about something else anyway.
I feel like if people are so obsessed with a body part to the point where you're willing to spend thousands trying to "fix" it you need to take a long break from the internet and spend more time outside tbh. It's also not a silly little coincidence that most cosmetic surgery clients are female.
No. 1428206
>>1428182>You are still the minority.I'm not, most of the world doesn't get nose jobs, only a small and insecure minority. Nothing in my post really indicates anger and it's such a sad thing to fall back to "y-youre just angry/jealous!!" retorts. I live a normal life, and I'm happy with my nose. Simple as.
>>1428195 This nona is correct, imo a lot of nosejobs are done for unnecessary reasons and only serve to feed somebodies body dysmorphia.
If you think trannies mangling their body parts for becoming their "true selves" or ana-chans becoming skellies is fucked up - then surely you have to see that there's
something wrong, albeit to a lower degree of course, with getting unnecessary medical procedures done on a perfectly healthy nose. You're only perpetuating the cycle and contributing to the problem. I am not blaming you for falling
victim to it, but you have to be aware of it instead of spouting brainwashed npc retorts, decisions aren't made in a vacuum.
No. 1428215
>>1428210It's related to being terminally online because you're far less likely to see people with diverse features online than irl which can further encourage your "need" to fix things that aren't even a problem.
I'm sorry that people have mocked you, I've went through the exact same thing - I get comments on my naturally "bad" skin, my body hair and how my body isnt feminine or womanly enough. I was also bullied for my big nose. I'm not saying people don't make those comments irl, I'm saying one of the best ways to get a grip on reality and stop buying into the surgery cycle is to ideally just not be on the internet much as it's caused a spike in body dysmorphia and unnecessary surgeries. It's not a secret that a lot of people with BDD and surgery obsessions spend a lot of time online.
Source: Recovering from BDD.
No. 1428433
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Modern horror games suck ass, despite the more advanced graphics they lost all sense of atmosphere and all of the popular ones are streamer bait with dumb screamers. I played phasmophobia and i didnt shed a sweat, i am playing Half Life(1998) and i am shitting bricks.
No. 1428447
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>>1428442 i have the original on my must play list!. The remake looks awful though, incredibly generic. Also, i miss pre-rendered graphics so much they made games so unique
No. 1428512
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>>1428499I wonder where they're coming from. It's not even summer or anything, but quality of lc went way down in my opinion, in the last month.
No. 1428516
>>1428508>just because they want>fullfil their own beauty standarsAnd where do you think these beauty standards come from? Do you think they just materialize in our heads from thin air?
Fuck it, I'm not even engaging with any posts related to this anymore, just leaving these two questions in the air. So sick of this thread kek
No. 1428518
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>>1428517I guess you might be right, lolcow does seem to get mentioned an awful lot lately on tiktok. I wish these teen girls took a moment to integrate and lurk a bit but I'm asking for too much probably.
No. 1428524
>>1428206most people dont get surgeries because of people like you making them feel morally wrong for ''being part of the problem'', so they learn to live while feeling like shit instead of feeling confident about themselves. We only live once, i am not going to feel like shit for the rest of my live and i wish everyone who felt bad about their appereance was encouraged to make a change. Good for you if you memed yourself into liking your ugly nose, but i am not that retarded.
>>1428209 i wish men would care about their looks enough to make a change but they would rather complain about ''reee women have high standars muh society reee'', like you do.
No. 1428534
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>>1428516>And where do you think these beauty standards come from?seriously you cant comprehend someone might have their own beauty standars? that would mean people cant also have preferences. You are the reason why so many people are so miserable about themselves, they pretend to be confident irl then come cry here and spam the Vent thread with them feeling ugly and wanting to kill themselves over it or having such low self steem they end up as discord kitten to some 50yo scrote, just let people be confident without forcing them to your own stupidity. We would have less retarded anons dating ugly and retarded moids at least. There are several studies showing that babies are kinder and more open to people with pretty faces, it's not just an invention of the patriarchy
No. 1428540
>>1428508>two modes for women: plastic bimbo or morbidly obeseCope
>>1428534Laughable. You are not immune to propaganda.
No. 1428542
>>1428524nta funny how now my nose would be considered ugly and big, meanwhile before it would've been something people would get plastic surgery for to achieve. They just keep moving the goalposts. You can pretend like there's an objectively good nose all you want, but it's obvious it's subjective. If it keeps going like this, in a couple decades the Voldemort look will be popular and you'll have people like you screeching that you're the only normal one for wanting to completely remove your nose and that having a nose at all ruins your facial harmony. What else can come after this whoville pandemic?
>>1428534Unless you're from an isolated community and have never come into contact with anyone else, media or the internet, you cannot assume that all those insecurities exactly in line with what they're trying to sell you, were your own idea. Sure, symmetry is universally considered attractive and nobody wants to be deformed, but your nose is in the middle of your face and probably suits it. Go ahead with your nose job, actually ruin your facial harmony so you can look like whoville long philtrum June or Momokun.
No. 1428547
>>1428530again, good for you but i am tired of feeling miserable about it and trying to lie to myself. I am never going to ''accept it'' because big noses are ugly and disgusting and there is no mental gymnastics i can do to trick myself into accepting mediocrity when there is a way to fix it.
>>1428540>tell her about scientific studies>muh propagandasure, sure. I better not see you cry on the vent thread next week.
>>1428542>face harmonykek, if you have an ugly nose there is no angle that looks good on you, most glasses look hideous, most clothes looks horrendous and you cant have most cute hairstyles.
>>1428544what a big word salad of nothing. I dont wear make up, i dress butch, i dont like people, yet i want to look good for myself because most stuff looks horrendous on me thanks to my nose, and if i have the means to change something i will do it. I just wish people would stop moralfagging about it, it accomplishes nothing but make insecure people feel worse for actually wanting to improve.
No. 1428556
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Big noses can be cute if they are the round puffy kind (like pic related)that black and Asian girls tend to have but the big boney sharp kind that white people have aren’t. I can see why they get nose jobs because I wouldn’t want a big boney beak sticking out of my face either.
No. 1428560
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>>1428554i know the kind of girls you are talking about and they are the reason that made me realize big noses rarely work for most fashion. God for them for not caring but to the normal person they just look hideous and cringy and i am too self aware to be like that. I like pic rel but my god she looks hideous in that uwu clothes with that horse face, she's what made me realize the sad reality of big noses.
No. 1428569
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>>1428560Not all big noses are ugly though but yes the European type of big nose does look pretty bad because of how sharp and boney it looks
No. 1428571
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>>1428554You're right I can only feel pity at this point kek
Big noses have went in and out of style, there's nothing bad or disgusting about them. I can't imagine spending so much time obsessing over a body part.
Reposted cause replied to the wrong post oops
No. 1428572
>>142856even if big nosed were in style i still wouldnt like them, just like how hollywood keeps trying to push fish faced actresses and i still think they are fucking ugly.
>>1428566good for them kek, but they look bad and i dont want to waste money on clothes to still look ugly, what a waste
>>1428563I never said that, you have to be baiting at this point.
No. 1428576
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>>1428556People have the noses they have for their native climate, the big boney sharp beaks have just as much of a function as big round puffy ones. All getting a nose job would do is make breathing more difficult and less efficient, just for the sake of aesthetics. Plus not only Europeans have big boney sharp beaks.
>>1428560June Whoville has a small nose and still looks retarded in her cutesy clothes, but also retarded in more mature clothes and is evidence that a small nose doesn't automatically lead to facial harmony.
No. 1428583
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>>1428576Not all Europeans have big beak noses but the ones who do have big noses always have the sharp bone kind like this>>1428560. I can see why anon would want a nose job because she seems to like kawaii fashion and with that type of nose you just end up looking like a troon. In those clothes. This girl wears kawaii stuff and has a big nose but she doesn’t look troon like because her nose is puffy and round.
No. 1428585
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also, as if there werent spread sheets and what not on what kind of hairstyles look best for certain types of faces or what kind of clothes look best for certain body types. But totes the nose has nothing to do with what glasses/hairstyle look good on you!
>>1428580i never said that, baiter. I dont even use tiktok. france gall is a type of face i like, but oh what a surprise they didnt have tiktok in the 60's!
No. 1428587
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>>1428572>good for them kek, but they look bad and i dont want to waste money on clothes to still look ugly, what a wasteyou're evidently seething over the fact that women with big noses are out here thriving while you're having to hyperanalyze your nose with a measuring tape at every possible angle
>>1428582stop samefagging
>>1428585>as if there werent spread sheets and what not on what kind of hairstyles look best for certain types of faces or what kind of clothes look best for certain body typesthe fact you put this much effort and thought into a fucking nose is insane to me, get therapy and/or a job
No. 1428593
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>>1428560Imagine typing this out and expect others to think you’re anything but mentally ill and misogynistic
No. 1428597
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>>1428586Not all big noses look troon like though. When white women with big noses wear normal clothes they can look pretty and nice but when they start trying to wear Lolita styles etc it looks like a troon or it makes the nose more prominent. Pic related has a big nose but it’s cute because it’s round and puffy. I think the problem with white big noses is that they look sharp like a beak instead of round.
No. 1428605
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>>1428590i have no idea what you mean i dont speak tumblr. To me she's just cute and thats it. Here's another girl i like, but i guess she ''clowncore'' or something.
>>1428600you get what i mean ''ethnic''.
>>1428602nice try baiter
No. 1428612
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>>1428597aboriginal australian's have "big" noses but they're natural and beautful and suit their faces. fuck the disney princess nose shit fuck all of it let us be our fucking selves
No. 1428623
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>>1428605Using -core to describe a style only further outs you as a newfag tiktok user kek
Heres a #clowncore #weirdcore #dreamcore "not ethnic" white woman with a big nose and soft features that pulls off the style kek
No. 1428627
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>>1428619>jfashion looks awful on women with big nosesNo it doesn’t. Pic related is cute.
No. 1428641
>>1428623i just have no idea of what you are even talking about i just used core because i see it thrown around here, she isnt even a clown. I have been here for a long time, sadly. Also, her nose just has a little bump, the rest is literally perfect, is nowhere near as ugly as
>>1428587 which is how my nose looks. Now try to imagine a small face like that but with that giant ass nose, thats how i look.
>>1428638it was just a joke, stop being stupid
>>1428626no, its because i am white and my nose is ugly because i happened to sadly get both my dads hook and my moms long nose. I dont think i have ever seen another white girl with such an ugly nose as mine. Its truly unique in the worst way possible.
No. 1428653
>>1428647she just has a little bump on her nose, and you are praising her for ''breaking the molds yada yada non conventional blah blah'' see how performative all of you are?
>>1428648kek, i love everything about the rest of my body, which is why i specially dislike my nose. Ironically when i used to go to therapy it had nothing to do with my self steem because i never had a problem with it, i just accepted its ugly and i can change it with money so why get depressed for that?
No. 1428675
>>1428673my mom dids her and she had a nice recovery and it looks good
>>1428674i am a freelancer, i dont work in the wagey cagey
No. 1428692
>>1428684Exactly. Supposedly lives in an impoverished country yet doesn’t have to work all year, yet can take care of family. Finances allow selective surgeries. Gets paid in USD.
Holy fuck that anon is a fucking camgirl.
No. 1428712
>>1428131Dear god nobody ever complimented any of my looks, I would be happy if someone ever gave enough of a shit to come up with a positive adjective to describe my parts.
I also agree with the others, big noses are great, but I hate cute shit so there is that. I want elegant people.
No. 1428749
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If the anon who's really insecure about her nose is the same one I told to put down the thesaurus, then I'm sorry. I hope you appreciate the beauty of your nose one day.
No. 1428777
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>>1428771>>1428749Tbh you guys have no idea what anons nose actually looks like and are mostly condescending a vent she made out of frustration about her appearance. What if she has one of these? You would be making fun of her, and if she were a cow you would be making endless memes about it. Let her vent and be upset about something you don’t actually know anything about, instead of calling her a perfect Roman goddess because I promise you aren’t making her feel better and she only feels patronized.
No. 1428786
>>1428670Nonna why bring religion into it? Our noses are exactly right for us, but it's because they're a result of adaptation to climate.
>Researchers say their findings back up the theory that wider nostrils developed in populations living in warm, humid conditions, while populations living in high latitudes, such as northern Europe, developed narrower nostrils as an adaptation to the chilly, dry conditions.It's there for your survival. Not perfectly designed or whatever, but natural selection. It fits your face, because you'll probably end up with a ridiculously long philtrum and an empty looking face after a nose job. After aging you'll also probably deal with more saggy skin. Doing it for aesthetics will bite people in the ass in the end.
>>1428777receding chin can actually cause health problems, unlike a big nose like that. The nose wouldn't even be the biggest issue.
No. 1428808
>>1428110You're naive about the industry nona. Anyone can model, no matter how unconventional they look. There are agencies for every kind of look. People who scout for models are usually the most predatory kind who tell you what you COULD be only if…you do this and that for them first. They are usually
abusive and do not give a shit about you. You can be a model if you want to, but you must put in the work for it like the great majority do. Getting plastic surgery doesn't really improve your odds. You might just fall for commercial getting a nosejob if that's what you want. Commercial being like in advertisements, clothing catalogs for Walmart, and things like that. Just boring safe looking conventional person. It's like whatever you are really looking for is out there for you. I don't think you should give up on modeling if you have a dream for it. Photography and makeup is fun when it's being used by creatives.
No. 1428930
>>1428924Zoomer TRAs have never had to exist in an online space where their beliefs aren’t the unchallenged majority. They are very unnerved by women committing thought crimes. The girlies just discovered imageboards and want to feel cool for using it but doesn’t want to be associated with
terf witches.
No. 1428962
>>1428899Why are these threads getting weird and annoying
>"i wanna wear makeup support mee" argument>"i wanna get plastic surgery " argument>"i wanna be anorexic omg bulimia is too hard"And suddenly "omg stop being mean to the troonerinos guys" posts. This isn't coquette.shoppe or fuck off
No. 1429084
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there's nothing wrong with calling the site what it is
No. 1429085
>>1428833I'm about to go to the rant thread so make sure you read there in the next 2 mintues
nonnie, about to call you out.
No. 1429171
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POV: you think that being rude and bitchy is the same thing as having a sense of humour. You believe that responding “um okay girl” or similar to someone who is speaking in earnest makes you seem funny and cool. The butt of all your “jokes” is just you saying mean things about your sister/friend/mum to someone you’re trying to impress. You think that talking about other people is good conversational material.
You are not a Stacy. You aren’t even a Becky. You are the unpleasant wannabe who doesn’t even get a name. Ever wonder why people leave you? Ever wonder why you can’t keep good kind people in your life? Here’s why.
Just so you know, Stacys have self-esteem; they recognise that they’re on top and that it’s poor form to punch down. That’s why they’re popular and everyone likes them, and you’re still trying to figure out what else you need to change about your looks to get people to want to stay around you. Stacy is playing chess, and you aren’t even playing chequers. You’re stamping on the pieces and sticking them up your nose like a retard to try and impress her because you don’t even understand the rules of the game. Git gud.
No. 1429343
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>>1429171alright this confirms it. I'm a stacy
No. 1429348
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she is a deep character and and 90% criticism of her character stems from the fact that people hate when teenage girls are aggressive or show any symptoms of traumai wish she was in a better franchise
No. 1429359
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Sandwiches are better without meat. All you need is veggies, good cheese and good bread. And it's worse when a sandwich is mostly meat and it's just meat on meat on meat.
But with that being said, bacon can make a sandwich better
No. 1429363
>>1429348a FEMOID showing EMOTION? REEEEEE
I liked eva
No. 1429406
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Effeminate bishounen men aren’t really attractive to me at all despite how hard they’re pushed in female weeb media as the ideal. Think Yuki from Fruits Basket, not someone with a bit of bulk at the top like Sephiroth. They tend to look way too girly and frail for my tastes, even if they are canonically powerful or whatever. Anyway, since I mentioned it, Kyo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yuki
No. 1429428
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>>1429406This is a real man
No. 1429436
>>1429406Shit taste fuck off
Yuki >>>>>>>>
No. 1429439
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>>1429428>that posehe's like a real life big anime character
No. 1429458
>>1429406Hatori >>>>>
The rest of you go back to the kids table
>>1429411That mangaka is bad in particular
No. 1429482
>>1428706>white big noses are uglier than big ethnic nosesOT but I fucking hate the word "ethnic" when used like this. White people have ethnicities too. Holy shit. Same with "ethnic food", comes across as racist, as if it were a synonym for non-white and exotic.
>>142880590% of lc is obsessed with looks, some more than others as we can see. That ain't healthy.
>There's something really fucked up with people acting like all other women are just two-faced all the timeI think that in most cases, those people are two-faced themselves and projecting, otherwise they're just extremely insecure, or both.
>>1428716I agree, Disney is overrated bullshit, I only like the (2D) animation about that studio.
No. 1429491
>>1429431I agree pro soccer is lame because the players act lame, but tbh I find it funny and entertaining when they fake injuries. I also hate their fashion sense, hate all the logos everywhere, hate the scrotoid fans (and scrotoid fans of ANY professional sports team). I hate that scrotes all over the world have turned it (or other sports like American football) into their whole identity and are such fanatics that they'll literally kill people over it like the violent apes they are.
But the sport itself is really fun, and I like it when my country wins because idk it just feels nice and I like being excited about something with other people.
No. 1429578
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>>1424846If you look fat in baggy clothes it's not cause of your boobs it's usually because you are fat. I'd even argue some women with large breasts could look even skinnier in baggy clothes. Picrel is marina, who undeniably has large breasts, looks flat and skinny in a baggy shirt
No. 1429595
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>>1429587It's not her boobs that make her look big, she had a tummy tuck and has large arms and a chubby face so she looks fat in baggy clothes
>>1429588Maybe if you wear a massive thick sweater, if you're smart enough to tell where bagginess is on clothes it's easy to tell when women are curvy and wearing something baggy vs just fat. If you look pregnant then you're definitely fat because wearing baggy clothes wouldn't magically add a big round tummy
No. 1429725
>>1429707Anarchist movements are full of genuine pedophiles, unemployed degenerates and generally just your average shithead lazy male so it makes sense why they all want a society with no rules or regulations. It's the same with people who think abolishing prison is a good thing or who think that you should rehabilitate
all criminals, even rapists, because of whatever complex leftist garbage they listen to on Vaush videos. They don't realise that anarchism will never work in society because half of the people supporting it can't even get off their ass and get a job/contribute to society.
It's very much the same with any sort of Marxist movement nowadays though, it's rife with degenerate moids who want to parrot communist beliefs then in the same sentence say they support transgenderism when that's a prime example of capitalist degeneracy? I wish people (and it's mostly males tbh) would stop sperging about muh government muh anarchism muh socialist utopia when they can't even hold down a job for more than a month and don't exercise. As much as I hate to admit it, Jordan Peterson was right when he said to clean your room before you start dishing out advice to the world.
No. 1429873
>>1429431>Football/Soccer is boringFair enough, that's a matter of personal taste and opinion. I find sports like American football and baseball boring.
>The players are rude and annoying, they do not know how to play fair and lose with respectIt depends on the players, top footballers have to behave with respect or they're punished.
>Players are always falling down clutching their legs and whining only to get up and run off completely fine three seconds later.Diving is a problem in football, but the fans don't like it either and will mock players who dive a lot, such as Neymar.
>The sport is full of racistTackling racism is a big part of football federations across the world, with campaigns such as "No to racism", football players will be investigated and suspended for any racist slurs they say to other players, FIFA regularly bans spectators who do use racist chants from attending matches, a Greek football player was banned for life from the Greek national football team for celebrating a goal with a Nazi salute. And also top football teams across the world feature players of multiple races, and they're equally loved by fans.
> I hate watching grown men run around a field kicking balls and pretending like they’re hurt every minute.Women's football teams also exist. The US Women's national football team won the last Women's world cup in 2019. The England women's national football team won the Euros in 2022
No. 1429885
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>>1429881oh yeah bitch? you must be a tranny/moid/scrote/pickme/fat/kpopfag/twitterfag/newfag
sorry i ran out of things hope that's ok enjoy your weekend
No. 1429911
>>1429725Majority of people think all anarchists are retarded pedo's, so really you just have a popular opinion. Every movement or ideology or whatever that has scrotes is full of pedophiles and degenerates. The only difference is that fash and neolib will never arm women or allow women to take matters in our own hands.
>They don't realise that anarchism will never work in society because half of the people supporting it can't even get off their ass and get a job/contribute to society.In the past it worked just fine, until tankies would come around the corner to fuck everything up.
Getting a job nowadays doesn't automatically mean you actually meaningfully contribute to society. Majority of office jobs are bullshit jobs. That most people in the western world aren't working in trades, agriculture etc., but instead in offices and in service industry is a difficulty hurdle for a successful movement.
I work, but I'm not under any delusion that I'm doing anything other than creating paper realities. If anything, working and coming across reality, that none of the types I studied works and everything is fucked and depressing, is what made me hate my field and turned me anarchist. If you think people are too retarded to function without a government, then imagine all those retarded misogynist pedophile scrotes in power, legal system, law enforcement etc. deciding over our lives.
If anything the government protects pedophiles more than punishes them. Considering how they rarely prosecute them, give them lenient sentencing, give them protection from vigilantes etc. Without the government, parents could actually deal with a pedo themselves, without being the ones who will be dragged to prison over it. Same thing with rapists, stalkers and other types of scrotes who get more protection than punishment atm.
So you got it the wrong way around. Government and law, good in theory, looks nice on paper, can plan it all you want. Yet all it does is create a monopoly of violence and power, which is then placed in the hands of a small group of powerful pedo scrotes, who will never let it get out of their hands. The witch hunts were a big part of creating the modern nation-state, a necessary part of centralization, so they could monitor women easier and punish women for trying to live outside of society. More women and girls could be protected if something like Mujeres Libres existed again or the aunties of the zapatistas and badass women in India who chase away rapists. Or give all women an AK like in Rojava.
No. 1429926
>>1429854My k-pop knowledge isn't that great but iirc they have to pay back the debt for the classes as well as stuff towards the agency. There's a big controversy around a girl group right now where it came out that the agency had not payed any of them since they debuted like four years ago and one of the members sued over that. The agency kicked her out and tried to paint her as someone who was
toxic and berated staff, but the rest of the group (except two of them, one is on a work visa though so she would risk being deported if she quit and the other one was doing something for the World Cup) left in solidarity with her.
No. 1429939
>>1429406I agree and I believe that everybody that is into this and nothing else is actually a lesbian. Nothing wrong with that or those preferences of anime characters but I hate so much that it's infesting every female space and fandom because you just want men and you get girls with dicks. That said I really fucking hate dickgirls and all of that shit in general.
>>1429418Same here. I always wondered if it was about age. Not that it would matter now that nobody grows up anymore.
No. 1429942
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>>1429896>Male footballers are either spoiled manchildren or weirdos, maybe both.The exact opposite is true, football players tend to come from impoverished backgrounds, football is a way out of poverty for people in many countries.
No. 1429961
>>1429947I think it's way more common for men to be okay with everything than women. It's women who have high standards not men. Most men I see outside are together with the ugliest types of women you can imagine, as long as it's female they will be into her if she was nice to them once.
Meanwhile I mainly see women being okay with sub-standard men if they are rich.
No. 1429968
>>1429958That’s average on the chubbier side (bmi average is 18,5 to 24,5), not skinny imo. Average to chubby is good though, don’t get me wrong, precisely because of the curves.
>>1429947I get what you mean anon. Women approaching men first is a meme because most men will say yes to any woman, even if they wouldn’t like you or want you. Meanwhile men who approach you are approaching you because they like you and want you. That’s why as a woman you kinda choose from men who approached you and it sucks because they can be wildly not your type. Men get to approach hundreds of women of their type if they want and some will eventually say yes.
I think even though everyone shits on dating apps at least you theoretically get to pick a bit more than irl (but men ruin it when they swipe right on everyone).
No. 1429973
>>1429969Because men have Madonna whore complex and will say yes to any woman just for a quick fuck. I don’t have a single friend that has a good relationship out of being the one to approach and ask the guy out, it’s always pump and dump.
You can look at the guy and smile though if he wants you, he’ll probably come. Outright making the first move is a bad idea though.
No. 1429975
>>1429920this is true, but alot of people dont want to admit because i feel like alot of women (rightfully so) would have a mental breakdown.
Just look at the beauty industry, women will do all of that health-hazard shit but then deny that they are doing it for the male gaze because if they admitted i think most of them would fall into depression.
Tbh it had a bad mental impact on me too, but now that i accepted it i feel better than when i was in denial. Now i just live my life and have lost interest in dating or men which has now made me a more productive person since now i focus more on bettering my life instead of bettering the life of a man.
No. 1429979
>>1429975The beauty industry is retarded and so is anybody that thinks that hiding their face under a kilo of cosmetics would make them look good when it's actually just a mask and you will run away the moment you see them without it the first time.
I feel like makeup is fucking up the skin, everybody I know that wore it looks 15 years older than they actually are. If people want to be good looking they should make a bit of muscles for proper shapes.
No. 1429985
>>1429980What are you trying to imply?
If you are too afraid to talk to people you are passive so I get why some people wouldn't be interested.
Maybe I should clarify that with approaching I mean taking it a step further after two people are already friends for a while. Approaching strangers is retarded, regardless of the gender.
No. 1429999
>>1429975>but now that i accepted it i feel better than when i was in denialthis is so true and exactly where i'm at now. i've always had texture large-pores skin and acne and tried to cover it with makeup but it's just so much easier letting it be. it got me down especially in my teens when every other girl around me seemed to have naturally crystal clear poreless skin and i looked really different. most women cope and say it's for another xyz reason but in reality, most of it is because we are conditioned to not accept our flaws or ourselves naturally. there's a lot of money to be made in insecurity.
there is that huge depressing realisation you get when you finally admit the truth, but after that life is so much better. not having to worry about body hair, makeup or facial surgeries is honestly such a freeing existence.
No. 1430007
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gonna be a real unpopular opinion here but if someone tells me something like this, i assume either none of their children are autistic or there's something wrong that should have kept her from having more kids.
it is not normal to have one child with autism, let alone FOUR.
No. 1430009
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>>1429996>why would that be any different for men?The reality is most women do not care about looks as much as men do. Billie ellish acts like her bf is a Greek god and that she’s lucky to have him even look at her even though she’s a rich, white, conventionally attractive woman with huge tits and could have almost anyone she wants.
No. 1430015
>>1429997How? Men are MUCH easier to befriend than women. Basically just talk to them and they will happily respond and it turns into a friendship after the third day. And unlike women they are usually alone so you don't have to compete with some clique of others to be noticed.
I mean sure it depends on who your type is in the end. If it's some super rare 10/10 (by common standards) with five other super special traits then you will probably not even meet him or he is already married, but as long as the standards are realistic it's easy. And honestly people that look like hollywood fags are usually assholes anyway and brad pit and such are unironically ugly IMO.
No. 1430042
>>1430015?? I find it easy as shit to befriend women in the exact way you’re saying it’s done with men and it works precisely because they aren’t men who take every approach as a love confession. I just talk to them, take their contact info and we go out and we’re friends if we had fun, what cliques are you talking about?
I’m saying it’s impossible to befriend a lot of guys of your type because if you approach them while you’re strangers, they will always without an exception take it that you’re flirting and made a first step thus they are hot shit and you’re desperate. Either you’re a guy or you’re in denial about what your male friendships are. If you approach a lot of guys like this, they are keeping you on side for an emergency fuck. Unless they’re gay.
No. 1430047
>>1430015Sorry for samefagging
>unlike women they’re usually aloneWhat do you even mean by this? Why would they be more often alone than a woman?
No. 1430056
>>1430042Maybe it depends on the person. I can never even reach other women or rarely. Even when I actively try they would never start a dialogue with me and basically forget I exist the moment I am not talking to them. And they already have a billion friends so I am just some silent rando they probably consider shady or something.
Plus I like to analyse things or talk about history and politics which are strangely popular topics among men but not so women.
I might just be unlucky but the women in my jobs or neighborhoods all do small talk which is boring to me. I need a concrete topic to delve into. It's maybe easy to start convos with generic hobbies like gaming or books too but I don't know any women that play games irl (only online) either and I only read non-fiction so I cannot connect with novel lovers.
>>1430050I am 32. The people I mentioned are sadly adults too. Some women will hate you the moment they see you or consider you a rival for harmless reasons even though you don't care and then a lot get randomly angry or change their moods every few weeks.
Old women are usually cool though, something about them makes them easy to approach. So most of my friends that aren't male are grandmas.
No. 1430081
>>1425485>>1425508>>1425510>>1426535How does feel to date a man that hasn't grown since middle school.
Do they have a small penis because they're so short?
No. 1430082
>>1430047They aren't part of a clique or rarely. So it's easy to engage when you are alone or a loner yourself.
>>1430074I am not pretty. I wear hoodies and don't use make-up and I am underweight.
No. 1430117
>>1430082Wearing hoodies/being underweight are both things that are not mutually exclusive with being pretty. This sounds like one of those NLOG memes from a decade ago (picrel). If you were chubby I’d be more inclined to believe you, but most women look good thin.
Honestly it sounds like you must be pretty or slutty, because ime men don’t tolerate women that they’re not attracted to for any length of time.
Most women are easy as shit to be friends with, you just have to be genuinely nice and interested in them as humans. Maybe because I’m ugly they don’t see me as a threat kek
No. 1430122
>>1430056I guess it depends on the circumstances. I make female friends really easily even though I communicate like an autist. Most of them are gamers who are into nerd shit and art while most men I meet are normies. I feel at ease with the women because the ones I befriended are really loyal and I can trust them.
But I can’t feel at ease with men. They’ve never been real friends, usually showed they either wanna fuck me or look down on women.
>>1430082Why do you keep saying clique instead of a friend group? Honestly it feels a bit to me like that’s pretty sexist. Men have friend groups or “cliques” too (don’t men always brag about how they’d do anything for their buddies and how their friends are real, not like those females who backstab each another?). Men aren’t likely to be more alone than women, that’s blatantly false.
>>1430103No she doesn’t have to be pretty. Men would fuck anything and they would especially keep her around if she shits on female groups and women in front of them too, they eat that shit up bc it feeds their ego. They wouldn’t date her though because what she does is inherently degrading (reminds me of Shoe).
No. 1430124
>>1430117You don't have to be pretty or "slutty" to befriend males or them to want to fuck you.
All of this conversation sounds like uggo autists seething. Stop being so focused on men and how they are not picking you
No. 1430155
>>1430127No, I am white. But maybe the cultures are relevant. I am half-italian and just talking from a tourist's viewpoint here but I had a much easier time to talk to all kinds of people including young women whenever I was in Italy.
Where I live most people in general seem lowkey pissy and distant as fuck but it's worse with women. One time I tried to be nice to someone I wasn't friends with she dragged me into a back alley and threatened me, screamed at me for like 20 minuets. It happens often here that women will lash out for unknown reasons even if you just ask for the time or something, maybe because you aren't worthy to talk to them(?) or something but how should I know if I am worthy or not? I can't read thoughts so I don't know who accepts my presence and who not so I just avoid talking to them more and more as I grow older.
I feel like I need to have a degree in sociology to know how to talk to young women of my country. I grew up pretty isolated so I never learned all these invisible rules and men are lazy and don't think much, they don't seem to have an opinion of me before I talk to them and after I did this they seem to categorize me as the "rando I can talk to about food and anime" or something.
No. 1430170
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Women should not be having sons anymore. The world does not need more males and no amount of boymom "my son is my king and will be raised feminist" will undo the fact that he can still grow up to murder, assault or sexually abuse women and girls.
If anything, he will probably resent you for raising him like that and it's common for men to abuse and hate their kind, nurturing mothers.
If you want to baby a male so bad, get a neutered male cat.
Picrel could be you, sat peacefully with your cat knowing you haven't contributed to producing another potential tranny nonce or a mass shooter who jerks off to exploited women.
No. 1430172
>>1430007I always doubt the veracity too. Chances are they're shitty parents that don't know how to discipline their kids and use autism as an excuse. That or they like the
victim and/or hero attention they get from it.
No. 1430175
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Interracial relationships are way more likely to be toxic and white women hold men of color to a lower standard than they do white men.
Can't ever express this in public but it's true and you know it deep down.(race obsessed sperg)
No. 1430184
>>1430170I literally have my female cat sitting on my legs as I read this.
Nonnie my sides are exploding
No. 1430193
>>1430187They're gonna think she's a trophy, a fetish or worse, a part in some racial revenge fantasy. Lmao how is that empowering or boosting your self esteem in any way?
I swear to god I love white women but y'all so naive about non white men.
No. 1430203
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>>1430187>white girl gets with a black guy>she isn't fatdo we live on the same planet?
No. 1430213
>>1430170The funny part about "feminist" boymoms is that their idea of raising sons in a feminist manner is always skin deep and cosmetic like wearing dresses, makeup, nail polish and playing with dolls. There was even one anon on /g/ who said she's doing this shit. It's never about guiding them to make lives easier for girls their age or treating them equally with humanity.
Even then, I don't think it would help steer them away from harmful male socialization. The Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator guy, Joss Wheden said in an interview that he had a feminist mother and he used her teachings to take advantage of women.
No. 1430215
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>>1430175Piggybacking off this to say: White women who come here to claim radfem/misandrist opinions while dating men, ESPECIALLY black/brown men, are no different from pic related. They always mock this type of woman, but they're the same, just colorswapped lol
No. 1430222
>>1430213It wouldn't. The only way to do that is for an entire environment in which a male is raised to devalue male ideas. I'm not sure this could be achieved without stripping material power away from males across the planet and culling them for several generations until women hold almost all material power and have reshaped civilization in a way that values creation over competition.
Sorry for the spiritual sounding woo talk but I'm not sure how else to communicate it.
No. 1430223
>>1430215nta but white anons shitting on black or brown men here are usually doing it in response to black or brown anons/other women getting treated badly by them.
your pic is twitterfags doing braindead shit like demanding reparations.
No. 1430229
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>>1430220Miss bonejangles should take them all out like picrel
No. 1430257
>>1430249My ex’s mom loved me and I became close to her and she taught me how to cook and stuff, though she probably had a better time accepting me because I’m white. If he had brought home a black or brown girl then yeah she probably would have disapproved but who knows.
Anyway, I already liked Asian men to begin with so it works for me. Some women simply aren’t attracted to Asian men and that’s fair (personally I’m not attracted to 99.9% of brown or black men either, everyone has their own preferences) All scrotes kind of suck to an extent but definitely the least sucky ones imo are Asian guys, as long as they aren’t brainwashed by American media and still have ‘traditional values’. I also heard the Asia husband-white wife divorce rate is much lower. Than white husband-white wife. If I was gonna get married I’d rather take my chances with an Asian dude.
No. 1430267
>>1430249sorry if this is racebait but tbh this has been my experience with every black/brown scrote and at least half of the white and asian ones. are there moids who can both have a healthy relationship with
and stand up to their mothers? I feel it more likely to snag a date with bigfoot.
No. 1430270
>>1430260Lmao if I was an Asian man I’d hope I’d have better things to do than post here. I’m not telling anyone to date anyone especially if they aren’t attracted to Asian guys, just giving my experiences. Obviously shitty Asian scrotes exist too.
>>1430263On average probably, I haven’t seen enough Asian mens dicks irl to know that much. My ex was definitely big though. I never measured it or asked, but I think it was at least 7-8 inches. The white guy I saw told me he was 7.5 but I think he was actually smaller than that, he had one of those stout thick short dicks and I dumped him before we did anything sexual anyway bc he was so annoying. I prefer clit stim and oral over PIV so dick size isn’t really a dealbreaker to me tbh, but I know it is for lots of girls. I pretend to care about dick size just to
trigger scrotes kek.
No. 1430290
>>1430277I mean if an Asian dude was posting on a womens board trying to recruit nonnies into dating Asian men that’d be hilarious & extremely cringe.
I can only speak from experience so I’m just gonna keep dating who I want and nonnies here are ofc free to date whoever they want too.
No. 1430323
>>1430298Most people low-key support eugenics.
I think most of eugenics is completely stupid because it focuses more on shallow traits like looks, eye and hair and skin color, or killing downies, rather than things that actually matter more like mental healthiness and eradicating depression or anxiety. Mental illness, personality disorders and depression are the worst conditions a human can have, outside of some kind of physical condition that causes then constant pain. Eugenicists are morons because they never focus on eradicating mental illness outside of biggies like schizophrenia.
No. 1430436
>>1430238I have absolutely the opposite experience after dating a Japanese guy who was lazy,
abusive, unemployed, wouldn’t clean, drank a lot, was really sleazy and all that shit. It’s individual to scrotes, any race of them can suck. My next bf was white and while he wasn’t perfect at least he was obsessed with cleaning, polite and didn’t get drunk every other day like the Japanese guy. You got lucky with a decent guy nona.
No. 1430528
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>suddenly bombarded with content on my explore page about the Wednesday Addams show even tho ive expressed zero interest and dont even have Netflix
>"omg she is literally so talented and quirky and amazing!!"
>shilled videos of interviews with Aubrey Plaza, ignored them then finally curiosity clicked one
>"so like i just….le choreographed this dance scene 0.02 seconds before shooting the scene. im so fucking amazing and smart and talented uwu"
>everyone is doing tiktok videos of it
>youtube search the dance scene to see what all the fuss is about
>the most hideous blue toned lighting and ugly charmless ultra HD closeups of characters
>shittiest acting ever
>this amazing choreographed dance scene is just her twitching and jerking a la special needs to the shittiest song ever, keeps doing the moves from Thriller and Bad Romance, zero charisma between characters
No. 1430793
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>>1430528You made me look up the dance. I've been getting review and clip videos in my recommended too, but I didn't think much of it since I did watch some videos about Netflix shows. I honestly wouldn't even recognize this character as "Wednesday Addams" if just shown a picture, it's funny they removed her signature high forehead and gave her bangs because I guess she has to look cute now, not creepy. Also the dance is just old moves reused, but zoomers were born yesterday, so it is new to them.
No. 1430806
>>1430793>Zoomers were born yesterday so it's new to themCasually explained how generations work kek
I am also bombarded by her on tiktok and apparently Tim Burton himself fixed her bangs like that
No. 1430810
>>1430806Tim Burton had two or three good movies when he was younger (Corpse Bride and Nightmare bf Christmas) and it’s been downhill since then. Most of his movies are just cheesy now, it’s like he lost his good taste.
>>1430528Honestly it’s really due how much it has been recommended to me everywhere even though I haven’t watched it. Influencers are definitely paid to do the dance.
No. 1430813
>>1430811This I only have the single lobes on both my ears and am stopping there for the rest of my life.
I want to look boring as fuck at first glance but have body piercings elsewhere kek The last time I got pierced there was a girl asking the cashier where else she can get pierced on her ears like damn why are you girls trying to run out of space in the first place idgi
No. 1431398
>>1431360I feel like men were at lest sort of ashamed of watching porn in the 90s and before, they had to find DVDs of it and hide them. Now they joke about it everywhere and talk about it
with women like I know they huddled up and discussed it gayly with the bros but now they’re unabashed with their degeneracy. I would rather be with a man who jerks if to sears catalogs than someone who watches gross Anal teen incest gangbang
No. 1431447
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I can think of 3 other fragrances that smell exactly like this I don’t know why everyone’s losing their tits over this generic ass scent
No. 1431660
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Thinking like this with regards to your spotify, goodreads, letterboxd, etc is mental illness. It's really sad to adjust what media you can consume because of that feeling of constant surveillance.
No. 1431705
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>>1431660This guy's a fucking scrub
No. 1432176
>>1432158>>1432158id hate to mention ethnicity but the more pink-undertone Caucasian (not all Caucasians btw this depends on nationality, undertones and skin thickness) you are the faster you photo-age when you are in the sun since the violet rays penetrate into your skin easier.
If your are brown, black or white with a non-pink undertone then the only time you need sunscreen is during the summer.
The only people who really need sunscreen even during winter/autumn/spring are redheads, people with pink-undertones and albinos.
No. 1432184
>>1432158I don't even get the skincare autism. I wish a lot of women would ask themselves: What is so specially deficient about YOU that you can't just stick to the standard methods (washing your face, moisturizing, serum, etc)? Are you frying in the sun all day? Are you a meth addict? How fragile do you think you are?
>"it's prevetative!!"When you are old, you will look old. You'll just be cursing to yourself when you reach "that age" because you didn't know about the newest overpriced magic meme product that claims to pause all aging (it won't).
No. 1432189
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>>1432159This. Dr dray type sun aversion is cringey as fuck. I even posted a study in one of the old skin care threads that showed people who don't get much sunshine or go on holidays have shortened life expectancy as much as if they smoked. But nooo, my future wrinkles or freckles!!! Fuck, we were bare assed monkey people for millions of years, you figure we adapted for that a bit and that the sun may do more good than harm if almost every creature takes advantage of it in their physiology. But then they will pull out their tanning bed burnt lobster strawman as if one extreme MUST be substituted by another
No. 1432198
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>>1432189dr dray avoids the sun to look young yet she is totally okay with being a anachan which makes her look middle aged.
Logic zero.
No. 1432202
>>1432198>>1432200yeah she does look better lately.
This is a old video when she was peak anachan, not surprising that someone who is afraid of the sun is also afraid of food.
No. 1432897
>>1432258>Babies have no soulsWhat?
>>1432532>I was never a babyWhaat?
No. 1440579
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Ai Art is actually art and pretty good