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No. 1147862
General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues, ect, are all welcome here.
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/1028419 #7
>>>/ot/1068732 No. 1147877
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Missed opportunity to use one of these two as threadpic. The cow is cute tho
No. 1148792
>>1148525Elaine also believed that admin hosted LC on server in her secret basement located in Mexico while attending university in Canada. None of this was true and IIRC admin was actually living in Japan.
>>1148675It's a bot that makes the same post across different image boards. There's lists of image boards hosted on github and spammers use these lists to find sites to target.
No. 1149193
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I feel like it's not even a tinfoil anymore to say celebrities are crazy degen occultists or even that they possibly worship satan. Only found out today that Megan Fox and MGK drink each other's blood (they're obviously edgelords but why else would you do this shit? could be lying but I'm positive celebs do this stuff often anyway) Seems like if you're wealthy you end up doing insane things just to feel something new, and because you can
No. 1150409
>>1150399You're rightbut his career is over. He fucked himself over even more by admitting he continued his illegal substance use when working for pirates of carribean or whatever too. At best he will lose all his chances and at worst they'll also sue him.
I get what you mean, though.
No. 1153241

Similac baby food is involved with infant torture and abortion porn. Neurolink enables these people to communicate through brainwaves and can also beam videos into people's heads. Thus the threat of being caught (for them) becomes reduced.
Healthy choice, Campbell, and chef boyardee are all involved with Similac. Most of these people go back to selling their child off after putting them on Zoloft. Huge community of these people in Canada.
Disney has an underground/brainwave genre of called Diznee/Dizney. APL schizo means pronounce syllabes and consonants.
Elon musk has a pregnancy and forced pregnancy fetish and is mass producing cum, spider, and snake venom because he is mad at vocaloid. He's one of the richest people in the world.
Masa and vocaloid considered, Zoloft, Prozac, and Tylenol (Thai lo naul) continue to be a theme. Prozac made people want to overdose, Zoloft made girls pale and sick. Anybody who watches masa vocaloid may feel severe race/body dysmorphia after. Opiates and Adrenochrome linked. first Elon musk wanted a evengelion project to sell opiates. I was supposed to be Rei and was Alice pleasence Liddel reborn but they change my appearance all the time. PLEASE SOMEBODY SEEK FURTHER EVIDANCE. I NEED HELP AND THE WORLD IS IN DANGER.
No. 1153272
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CUM IN THE WATER ANON COME HERE we have to discuss this
No. 1153290
>>1153272The production plant was in Michigan.
Michigan has not had clean water for 7 years, and probably does not have clean water right now.
Nobody wants to go to a place with unclean water.
No. 1153301
>>1153290Mostly flint michigan though. Production plant was in Sturgis Michigan. At the same time…. It's true. Neurolink can read people's minds and we need to find out old, new, and current abusers and snuff fans. That's the least he can do as one of the richest people in the world.
Why the hell do animal shelters still exist? People are raping cats and dogs and that's why there are so many of them. We need to find the people doing this as well. If you want an animal have it humanely lab manufactured. Same as grimes talking about artificial wombs.
No. 1153308
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>>1153303This isn't even tinfoil
No. 1153313
>>1153301Small animal gas chambers are 100% more common nowadays. Large animal gas chambers exist here and there.
>>1153310I have no idea why you think I would correct you or why you think I have any information at all
No. 1153475
>>1150354>>1150395Amber's team used a firm that detects and follows bot activity to verify that most of the Johnny support accounts are fake and exhibit bot like behavior.
His lawyer, Adam Waldman, as mentioned in the case thread, has ties to misinformation campaigns. He had worked with both Julien Assenge and more importantly, Oleg Deripaska
Deripaska is a Russian oligarch with very shady ties. He knows a multitude of other western celebrities who he was introduced to by a man named Bob van Ronkel, and he has ties to the Russian government, organized crime, and Putin. He also has ties to the Trump campaign and Paul Manifort. His house was invaded last October by the FBI.
No. 1153735
>>1153518okay turns out waldman was reportedly fired in 2020 but it's likely he's still employing bot farms. Why stop when you've started? was first mentioned in the 2018 Rolling Stone article after JD had procured his services. His ties to Putin and Deripaska are explicitly mentioned
>[Waldman's] service for Oleg Deripaska, an aluminum magnate and Russian oligarch with strong ties to the Russian president.>Deripaska became a bit player in the Russian-collusion scandal >it was reported by The Washington Post that then-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort offered to give Deripaska private briefings on the campaign shortly before the GOP conventionWaldman mentioned again here>a judge in Virginia kicked Waldman off the case for leaking confidential material to the press>many who have battled Depp question whether the army is real or high-end bots>it’s likely a combination of the two, with bots amplifying what real fans postWaldman seemingly went MIA in early 2021's no question to me that he's still using bots, though, whether or not he's still getting any help from Waldman. Ambers side has repeatedly said that he's used bots. Now he's trying to claim the same of her, and then obnoxious cockhead Joe Rogan tried to defend his claims a few days ago. So poor Amber again is now on the receiving end of Depp's projection
No. 1153771
>>1148430in old admin-sama’s defense, there was a period here 2019 to mid-2021 when a bunch of redditors had started coming in after some big drama had happened over there during covid, i think it was the scandal with mods or something, i can’t remember. they were incessantly trying to astroturf and, in a weird way, essentially “gentrify” this site to fit their annoyingly infantilized mindset and fragile, narrow-minded perspectives of femininity while also being openly prejudiced, if not downright racist (as is typical for a lot of people from reddit), whenever non-white anons would chime in on their retarded takes, especially when blm happened. i too grew sick of the constant victimization, whining, and moaning from clearly privileged people who thought a dude not paying their $300 nobu sushi tab was “sexist”, or having internalized hierarchies with blonde, blue eyed staceys being treated with kid’s gloves while everyone else is seen as a ghetto hoodrat who brought their own misfortune onto themselves. if you guys weren’t around back then you will probably think i am talking about my ass, but this board was way more hegemonic than it is now. thankfully those women have so far moved on now, they’re probably all back on twitter crying over their starbucks lattes from their sorority dorm room.
No. 1154904
>>1153871You know anything that enables them will create more pedo attacks because they will want "the real thing". It's fucking disgusting.
Imagine the women who will pedo pander to men on VR chat making loli voices as they get cyber fucked. The future is fucking bleak and I just hope this never becomes mainstream. I know it will though, we are a doomed society.
No. 1156816
>>1156798Sorry that was supposed to say snuff4snuff and that does mean, apparently
1. "For you" media
2. Drugs lol
It's only very slightly rarer
No. 1157040
Saifedean Ammous claims that the demonization of meat by governments over the last fifty years is due to governments trying to meme a shit diet to cover up the fact that not everyone can afford to eat healthy. I'm inclinded to agree with him, and basically think most nutritionists and doctors gleefully play the tune the government wants, the tune that gets them more funding and a comfy government job in the long run.
In prisons and in state hospitals they serve portions that could only possibly sate the hunger of small women, children or the elderly. You see the pathetic servings Michelle Obama memed US kids into eating at schools. Meat is minimized everywhere governments are providing food, pushing the now-obsolete food pyramid to its limits to max out the carbs and minimize the meat. Ostensibly all for our health, but it just seems like a cynical cost saving measure to me.
Food costs have gone up 30% in my country over the past year and many people are struggling. This has correlated with a dropping of consumption of meat and increased propaganda against red meat, about how we need to "eat less to combat climate change". Hell I've been cutting back on the meat to save a bit of coin too, but only out of necessity.
>Should we take red meat out of our diets? Let's look at what we know.
>Today, agriculture covers nearly 40 per cent of global land, making agroecosystems the largest terrestrial ecosystems on the planet.
>Food production is responsible for up to 30 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and nearly three-quarters of freshwater use.
>As we in New Zealand know all too well, land conversion for food production is the single most important driver of biodiversity loss.
>Ditching animal protein is seen by an increasing number of people as the only way to deal with the fact that, by 2050, the world's population will hit 10 billion, rendering the demand for meat higher than the industry's ability to supply it.
No. 1157066
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>>1157055The food pyramid got phased out in the late 00s. I'm a millennial and definitely remember being taught it at school.
Myplate still unnecessarily disparages red meat though.
No. 1157147
>>1157077>along with processed meatsBasically all the stats against redmeat lump in "processed meats", as if the precooked sausages and nitrate preserved chops are in the same category as grass fed beef.
>>1157138sneed, we didn't climb to the top of the food chain to tumble back down.
>hard to digest no, it just digests slower and provides more energy. If you have a proper meat diet you can literally go 24-36 hours without eating and barely feel it, try that with a heavy carb diet, you're hungry by the end of the day.
No. 1157205
>>1157147>we didn't climb to the top of the food chain to tumble back downYeah you're such a lion, getting your food from the grocery store, prepackaged and clean, nicely wrapped in plastic.
>no, it just digests slower and provides more energy. If you have a proper meat diet you can literally go 24-36 hours without eating and barely feel itA heavy carb diet is recommended by most gastroenterologists, because fiber is so important. Getting your fruits, vegetables and whole grains is extremely important for the phytochemicals and antioxidants too. They unironically protect against cancer, meanwhile red meat and processed meats can cause it. Also when you do get cancer, you really don't want anything that lasts that long in your system. It's scary af to have to wait that long until you know you're not impacted that day, also it's difficult to push that along without lots of accompanying soluble fiber, so the pain must be horrific. Meanwhile plants kick ass. Did you know that beets have a hepatoprotective and hypolipidemic effects due to the presence of active compound betaine, the stuff which makes your piss pink? It improved clinical symptoms, significant reduction in liver enzymes and lipid profiles, as well as significant reduction in liver size as compared to controls. Soy can prevent bowel cancer metastasis and you don't want that in in your colon or bowel, because it has reduced blood supply and you can end up needing a stoma. Your small intestine is a lot longer and you only need 2 meters to prevent short intestine syndrome, the increased blood supply also causes better outcomes for surgery, less risk for anastomotic leak. It's interesting btw that millennials and zoomers are getting bowel cancer more often, when you look at how back in the day our grandparents couldn't even afford so much red meat and processed anything wasn't really an option yet.
No. 1157301
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Is made body positivity a psyop to weaken the proletariat so they can't ever threaten the established power structures and be better slaves
No. 1157328
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>>1157301floating seats when
No. 1157364
>>1157301Fat men disgust me so much.
My tinfoil is media always shills ugly and fat men, they always end up with beautiful woman and end up being better for her than the actual hot guy. This is fat ugly directors coping and hoping women buy this retarded shit.
Best example is Euphoria. The only hot dude is a perverted faggot who fucked over every girl… Yet teen girls still make edits of him because men's little game isn't working.
No. 1157377
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>>1157364we discussed this in the previous threads but this has been a thing since the 90's, unpopular dudes who never got over getting rejected in high school venting their revenge fantasies in films, in most sex comedy films "the jocks or pretty attractive dudes" often suffer elaborate humiliations often with emasculation, orchestrated by the main characters and its presented as something we are supposed to celebrate
Kevin James is the worst offender of this, most of his protagonists are idealized versions of himself, loser manchild slackers, but unlike him are thin and tall and get the hot girl in the end, and the mean good looking preps or jocks gets their comeuppance, which for him means them getting shot, raped in prison or sent to hell
No. 1157384
>>1157377I swear those men are so annoying. I can't enjoy a movie if an ugly faggot gets everything he want s just by beings nice and the women are only seen as objects. It's never ugly women with a hot guy either, which I'd say happens way more often in irl.
Most men can't get women out of their league unless they're rich or manage to neg her until she gives up but I've seen a lot of men date and marry women who weren't as attractive as them. Reality is men inherently aren't supposed to have a high standards because women are the gatekeepers to relationships but men like to pretend they can get any woman with weird red pill techniques or manipulation. It does work, but they willing inevitably get cheated on or end up in dead bedrooms relationships in the end.
No. 1157446
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>>1157416It’s the Dreamworks face, kek I hate it
No. 1157898
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>>1157384Yet there are fat scrotes who get the country
and the hot chick
No. 1157932
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>>1157912like these pictures. they came out a few months before the trial started. they look photoshopped. why isn't elon saying anything? i have a hunch that amber is being paid off by some media outlet to be used as a psyop. "see, all women are evil liars, no man ever hurts someone #amberturd #mepoo" this is the type of thing that's posted on tiktok.
No. 1157964
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bump cp don't scroll
death to all pedophiles
No. 1158643
>>1158220I could see this being true since we don't hear from her like we did with the last admin
and she never even restored /m/, but if that were the case who hired (kek I don't think that's the right word but idk what other word to use) the current farmhands? We definitely have mods at the very least, but I suppose that the current ones might have started before the last admin left. Jannies if you're reading this, please tell us the truth about what's going on.
No. 1158901
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>>1158898I think the public humiliation is some form of initiation like what happened with Kid Cudi. This was last year in November.
No. 1158967
>>1157040Red meat is critical to brain development and overall health. Limiting red meat is part of the elite's agenda to make us more stupid so they can control us and more sick so they can profit from selling pharmaceuticals. Vegans are literally establishment tools that repeat propaganda, they're brains are atrophied from lack of essential amino acids and B12.
>>1157077>red meat is extremely carcinogenicA food that humans evolved to eat and have been eating for their entire existence is not carcinogenic.
>>1157138Again why would a food that humans have been eating for our entire existence be difficult to digest? Humans evolved to eat meat. Our digestive systems are closer to that of a carnivore than a herbivore. Also the environmental fears are bullshit. Animal agriculture is essential to land management and prevents soil erosion. If it wasn't sustainable humans wouldn't have been able to farm livestock for over 1000 years.
No. 1158986
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>>1158967I trust a veganfag over a tinfoilfag. I’m not one to use the scrote card often but you’re either those crazy ass trad mommies or special flavor of secular feminists who munch on bone marrow because you think it gives you spiritual fertility powers or a moid who’s only personality is picking up weights and checking men’s asses at the gym.
No. 1158991
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Reminder you know exactly who to blame when you’re unhealthy and dying in the hospital, it’s because of the eurofags
No. 1159132
>>1158986Yes, anyone who doesn't agree with you is automatically a male or tradthot because women are only ever allowed to think certain thoughts and have a single opinion.
>naturally fortifiedVegan retardation. Fortification of food is connately unnatural. Fortification is a form of food processing that is done in a factory on an industrial scale, there's nothing natural about it.
No. 1159205
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>>1157301>>1157310this is what they want for us, the future were headed for If we don't act
No. 1159276
>because they wouldn't exist right now.Are you serious
No. 1159288
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>>1158967You can get those essential amino acids from other places than red meat. B12 is in other foods besides red meat. The animals have to be supplemented nowadays to even have B12 in their meat, so there's not much difference between taking the supplements yourself, or giving them to the animals first. Humans are opportunistic and can eat the craziest things just to survive, but that doesn't mean it's a great idea. Are the oncologists and gastroenterologists just trying to control us too with their recommendation to eat a good amount of fiber?
>>1158983Bullshit, cancer can feed on anything, you can't "starve the cancer" by just avoiding carbs. Plant foods have phytochemicals and antioxidants though which have been proven to prevent metastasis and are helpful alongside of chemotherapy. Find me a registered dietician specialized in oncology who promotes a meat only diet or keto.
>>1159132Your animals have to be supplemented too, picrel
>>1159263They are literally put on what farmers call a "raperack" regularly and kept in captivity their entire lives. I'm not sure if it's a pleasant existence. Wild cows are a thing, they don't need us to procreate.
No. 1159308
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>>1159263Nta, isn’t this a good thing? There’s no reason the pie chart should look like this.
No. 1159316
>>1159219>would you rather have hundreds of land taken up just to put so much water and resourcesGrowing crops takes up more land and water resources than livestock. This is without mentioning the harm done to the environment by pesticides and artificial fertilizer needed to grow enough plants to feed the human population.
>mentioning factory farming methodsNot all meat is factory farmed.
>>1159288Your image proves the point of why veganism isn't sustainable. Nutrients are taken by the crop from the soil. If this is done endlessly, the soil becomes depleted and nothing will grow. Using land as pasture for livestock replenishes and restores the soil.
>you can't "starve the cancer" by just avoiding carbsIt entirely depends on what source the tumour is using for energy. If a tumour requires glucose then it's not going to grow if the patient is in ketosis because they aren't consuming glucose. There's also other factors in ketosis such as improved mitochondrial dna metabolism and the production of BHB by the liver. It's not fully understood and that's why it's being studied.
>They are literally put on what farmers call a "raperack" regularly and kept in captivity their entire livesNot everywhere is America.
No. 1159324
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I’d rather die than take birth control pills! I’m lucky enough to live in a state where abortion is legal. But there’s a trend on TikTok where people show how birth control made them gain weight.
I think the “second puberty” is cope. It’s just that when you are a teenager you can eat whatever but people don’t make changes to their diet as a 20 year old when their metabolism slows down. It’s sad.
No. 1159336
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>>1159296NTA but it's still a retarded argument, because it's generally a torturous and short existence. Is existing for the sake of existing, the best option? The other side of the coin is that they will come with "hurr durr but if we don't kill them, they will take over the planet!!11!". Cows deserve better than this bullshit we put them through, they're so amazing.
>>1159301At least it gives you a shot at surviving. Yeah you might get cancer again in the future, but at least you get to have your life back (somewhat) for a while. The diagnostic procedures alone cause cancer. Sometimes you can do watch and wait or it's just not worth it. 80% of curing cancer is usually surgery anyway. Antibiotics can cause cancer too, while it's sometimes also used as treatment.
>>1159316>Growing crops takes up more land and water resources than livestock.Bullshit, guess what the livestock has to eat too? Livestock in the EU is being fed with soy from Brazil for which they have to burn the Amazon rainforest. Good luck trying to convince them to let cattle graze, with the nitrogen restrictions.
>Not all meat is factory farmed.The European Union has killed small farms through subsidies and retarded laws. Only Austria seems to have been somewhat safe from this. It's unaffordable and they're not competitive enough to survive usually, they get bought by factory farms very fast.
>It entirely depends on what source the tumour is using for energy.Also how about where the cancer is? Imagine doing keto when you have intestinal cancer, you start to eat more foods which can cause and promote bowel cancer, they're also difficult to digest and can impact you and cause perforation. It's dangerous to promote something like that.
>Not everywhere is America.This is done in Europe too.
No. 1159362
>>1159348Because it's cheaper and more profitable to soy wrapped in plastic to retards and tell them that it's saving the planet.
Man made climate change doesn't exist, all that's happening is the natural solar cycles of the sun. Soil degradation, plastic contamination and pollution by man made chemicals is a far more pressing concern than "global warming" but there is no profit to be made from restoring the soil and cleaning up the environment so nothing will ever change.
No. 1159373
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Not religious at all (if there is a god they should end humanity at this point) but I’m starting to get how people think the earth isn’t an orb. Why did so many ancient civilizations believe in the dome concept?
No. 1159409
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>>A former worker of Nazi Germany’s rocket development program. He pursued this endeavor because of a “curious oversight” in the “Treaty of Versailles” as it did not include rocketry in its list of forbidden weapons to Germany.
>>A former Nazi who tried to exploit a contract in his early days and is quoting a verse from a Bible on his gravestone?
>>On the gravestone of a man like Wernher van Braun one would thus expect a eulogy containing phrases like “Visionary” “Pioneer” “Space” “Solar System and beyond” something along these lines….. and what do we find?
>>A terse reference to a short verse, where two words stand out: Heavens and Firmament as showing Gods handiwork….. which doesn't mean space btw. as is often interpreted, but something corporeal.
>>Psalm 19:1 “The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the Firmament sheweth his handiwork”
>>These are the last words from a man who had spent his life aiming far beyond the Firmament, and I think that unexpected turn of events really deserves attention.
Random religious repentance from a nazi space scientist? Or did he realize we live in a fishbowl.
No. 1159469
>>1159373Because it's the easiest assumption, especially if it highlights religious beliefs.
Please don't invite the flat earth glowies, this thread has been doing so well.
No. 1159633
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No. 1159730
>>1159324I've never taken birth control pills, and I'm especially glad that I didn't take them as a teen. It's insane to me that young girls are seriously being prescribed synthetic hormones. If they're taking it just for birth control they should just use condoms tbh, and that'll also protect them from STDs
sidenote, the way so many people shun condoms nowadays is disgusting, why would you let a man you don't know fuck you raw? The STD rates these days are scary, and it's nasty that I see so many people pushing this idea to "not stigmatize STDs" like what the actual fuck? Yes we should, some STDs can have serious consequences for women, like infertility and FUCKING CANCER, stop acting like that's not a big deal. And I find it laughable that some girls really get birth control pills thrown at them for having acne, as if acne isn't normal at that age. And there's other acne treatments, for example I took Differin for years and it did wonders for my skin, and I'm saying this as someone who had
terrible skin before, it really works. And then of course there's a lot of potential side effects that could kill you like blood clots and strokes (admittedly this is the main thing about birth control that scares me, and it's scary to think that so many women aren't properly informed about this before their doctors throw the bc pills at them like candy). I wouldn't go as far to say that nobody should take birth control pills ever since I acknowledge that availability of birth control was a big part of second wave of feminism and it was liberating for women to not have to worry about getting pregnant, but to me birth control pills just don't seem ideal. If you think about it it's really fucked up that scientists never bothered creating a kind of birth control that won't potentially fuck you up, but that's not exactly a tinfoil because it's already known that the medical establishment is MISOGYNISTIC AS FUCK and doesn't give a fuck about women. They don't test medications on women (due to treating moids as the default human), they don't bother researching conditions only effecting women or predominantly effecting women (and sometimes these conditions, like endo or pcos get "treated" by getting bc pills thrown at them rather than actually trying to find a real treatment), they don't listen to women and accuse them of having anxiety and that their symptoms are all in their head, which sometimes costs lives, the existence of the "husband stitch" (fucking barf), the fact that some of them are even erasing us and pushing dehumanizing language like "people with vaginas"/"people with cervixes"/"pregnant people", etc.
No. 1160038
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Killery should’ve gone with one of her pantsuits, she looks mighty evil with that dress
No. 1160047
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>>1158901That “wedding dress” is the moid equivalent of medieval artists trying to draw elephants based on traveler’s descriptions of them. And the “kill me now” look on both of their faces makes the pic that much funnier.
No. 1160856
>>1160820My personal tinfoil is the opposite of yours kek
I developed pms at some point in life, never had it before, it got so bad I was thinking of taking hormones. Then I went pescetarian (no other animal products except fish) and it disappeared.
I tinfoil it's the hormones in the meat.
No. 1160902
>>1160881I'm really sorry that happened to you nonna that is so horrifying. Many of them get away with it. I hope you are healing.
>>1160895You might want to check the news because Roe v Wade is about to be overturned. There are other countries in Europe stifling abortion rights such as Poland.
No. 1160908
>>1160881What the fuck, you got punished for being raped? That's so fucked up, I'm so sorry that happened to you nonna, I hope you are doing better
>>1160892Especially since most if not all rapists are repeat offenders
No. 1160912
>>1160853This is a bit too crazy but I fully believe taking away rights to abort and really women right to overall reproductive health is another thing men do to try and oppress women.
I'm a woman who lives in a Muslim country and not getting married is frowned upon, especially as a woman, but in western countries where women can finally stay single or unmarried and have their own careers, men seem to be very enraged. Men always feel entitled to women's bodies and this is just one of the signs of that entitlement where they think they "own" the rights to women's wombs.
No. 1161021
>>1161010i just don't understand this viewpoint or why she thinks the threat of increasingly theocratic government in the West isn't a huge issue or capable of being extremely dangerous for us if not stomped out soon enough. we're seeing major rollbacks on basic rights due to theocrats who are dangerous no matter their exact religion. not sure why she doesn't see the obvious issues with extremist Christianity, it has shown to be horrible and hugely misogynistic, like Orthodox Judaism etc etc. any extremist religion oppressing women is scary. and weird dogmatic Christian sects are extremely
abusive and oppressive of women. why do people refuse to acknowledge how
abusive and psychotic extremist Christianity is?
No. 1161091
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Dems are happy with Roe vs Wade being overturned because now they can pivot abortion rights away from women's rights and into a general "right to do anything you (and your capitalist overlords) want to your body" (ie big pharma, surrogacy, sex work, transhumanism and tranny shit).
In the coming weeks we're going to see this framed as a general 'human rights' issue and DEFINITELY not a women's issue or even a "cis women and AFAB trans people" issue. The reproductive rights angle of abortion activism is going to be re-branded as a general fight for 'reproductive equality' and is going to include access to cheap surrogates for gay moids and funding for tranny womb research. The "her body her choice" angle of abortion activism is going to be re-branded into "we ALL have the right to CHOOSE" and push for the right to 'choose' sex work and the right to 'choose' experimental and potentially dangerous cosmetic surgeries.
Politicians are evil lizard people and not a single one cares about abortion rights as anything other than a means to an end. There are hundreds of scaly glowing democrat fucks working around the clock atm to find a way to turn abortion activism into the same corporate profit machine that LGB activism turned into with the TQ.
No. 1161111
>>1161021>>1161034>>1161041I'm not making this a competition, I 100% believe that there is still a lot of misogyny in the west that has to be worked on, that said you don't have to worry about a Christian take over, Christianity was declawed by the 20th century and to pretend it can create a theocracy is delusional
It's a big difficult to explain but Islam is not at all other religions at all, its a comprehensive belief system with laws and guidelines for everything, everything that you could ever think of has already been answered hadiths, either by Muhammad(the greatest human being who will ever exist) or by his companions(the greatest group of human beings who will ever exist)
Islam has every question answered, from how to collect taxes, treat your daughters, your mother, how to treat your slaves, the correct method of shitting, how to brush your teeth and a million other things, no other religion in the world has that
Again I'm not denying that patriarchy exists in the west and I want to see women fight for these rights but its not the beginning of literally handmaidens tale, when atwood wrote her extreme hypothetical Pakistani women were legally raped before execution, cause its haram to kill a virgin female, this was the 1980s
No. 1161137
>>1161120What are you on about, there will never be a Christian Taliban, the Taliban is vastly different from even other Islamist groups, as its mostly a Sunni Pashtun tribal coalition, I am noy denying that sexist Christians don't exist in the west but its shit like pretending that there will ever be anything like a Christian Taliban or ISIS group in the west that offends me
>>1161125Did you read my post, like at all, I clarity multiple times that I believe misogyny exists in the west
All I said was that your in danger of a Taliban style take over like in any reality
No. 1161162
>>1161155This is what I mean, the fact you are comparing Incels online to a centuries old institutionalized belief system is beyond ridiculous
>>1161158When did I say this, pleae show me one of my posts where I say this
No. 1161188
>>1161172But it did, no non-european society ever had the legal rights as European women had, Muslims from the 1500s would talk about how loose and free European women were and how they found it disgusting
>>1161181That is a myth that really needs to die, a couple of isolated incidents, I mean the suffragets were mostly upper class anglo women who were more often then not Christian progressives
No. 1161212
>>1161196I am
>>1161198Can you please show me a single post where Is stated western women should shut up
>>1161202I don't have tge right words but I'm being snuck in so that my parental family doesn't found out, I am not exaggerating when I say that they will kill me if they knew i wasn't Muslim, not disown me, but actually beat and kill me, that's something none of you can ever begin to understand but its a reality for me, my cousin was murdered over this, no one talks about it for the sake of honor
So forgive me If I think that Pakistan is worse then the west, like will you all really argue that your familiar would actually honor kill you
No. 1161390
>>1161375It's not Pakichan, and your lack of self-awareness is hilarious
Keep getting
triggered, I live for it
>>1147862because of how our system is built you will suffer no matter what if you are born lower middle class or even middle class but in a fucked up family. Even if you are born in 1st world country and poor you are fucked. It's all about being born rich. If you are not born rich you will suffer and have no freedom. America is one of the most capitalist countries in the world. If you are born poor there you are fucked. I think people suffer from poverty and bad socio economical circumstances no matter the country. Those who suffer most are those born poor no.matter the country and even.middle class is poor now. As middle class you literally can just afford basic life expenses and if some bad illness hits you then you are fucked. Middle class is not even middle class anymore. Being born rich is the most privileged thing that can happen to you. Money is everything it gives you freedom and self sufficiency and self esteem. If you don't have money you don't have anything, but those born poor have to humiliate themselves for money or stay poor until death. As a woman poverty hits you differently you're very likely to end up prostituted or having to rely on
abusive men out of desperation if you are born poor with no support system. America is fucking shit in this aspect, you're more lucky if you are born poor in Northern Europe than America because at least in Northern European countries the government gets you off the street if you cannot afford basic expenses. In America privileged you can only be if born rich.
No. 1161484
I have no empathy for those who had none for me.
I am proud.
No. 1161681
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>>1161462>you're more lucky if you are born poor in Northern Europe than America because at least in Northern European countries the government gets you off the street if you cannot afford basic expensesWhat a joke, maybe 40 years ago.
No. 1162641
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can't believe some of ya'll were really arguing that the US is as bad as Pakistan, like come on
No. 1162892
>>1162873Thing about middle eastern/Muslim countries is… Women who face misogyny and get killed because of honor crimes are always poor and living in the shit areas. Rich women in middle eastern countries still live in a sexist society but it's not as bad as pakianon thinks.
Most Muslim people only see America throughout films or series so they think it's a free country where doing any kind of job you'll be rich, be able to have casual relationships with as many people without getting ostracized, etc. Most men in Muslim countries think of western women as easy whores because of that, they then lose their minds when those women see through their shit and don't give them a chance.
No. 1162919
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>>1162892American women don't suffer only Muslim women suffer. As an American woman you can become a tradthot at any moment and marry a white blonde nazi boy. I am Muslim so I am very oppressed in this aspect, you don't understand? I am not a narcissist and it isn't all about some frustration I have gained due to not being able to live as a tradthot. I just care about discussing opression and I don't like it when someone more privileged than me tries to talk about opression when I was born in Pakistan to a rich family but I cannot be a blue eyed and blonde hair wife of Varg. You never had empathy for me in the first place.
No. 1162966
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>>1162919>>1162937I have literally mentioned multiple times how Communism was the only hope for muslim women and americans and the british fucked it all up, I get you dislike me but please stop making shit up about me, I have literally never advocated for white supremacy or talked about my wish to be white, I love my culture and race actually and I hate the fact that Islam has turned 99% of men here into arab worshippers who think their own language and tongue is inferior, also my current fear is that my family will honor kill me for being an atheist, an actual danger on my life that I none of you call will never realize
I just don't want to be murdered by my family alright
No. 1162981
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>>1162966Now I kinda feel bad. Just please don't simp for Varg or British colonialism, European colonialism is just another aspect of the white supremacy agenda.
No. 1162984
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>>1162873I have also mentioned multiple times how lucky I am to be born in the top 15% of Pakistani society, 70% of the country are peasant farmers and the ones in cities are exploited low wage laborers, but that doesn't change the fact that my paternal family still has many tribal members and they will undeniably murder me for my beliefs for the sake of "honor" okay, would you truly wanna swatch places with me
>>1162973>that's fair actually. please don't simp for varg or any white racists though. idk what you said in his thread but it's worrisomeI literally never have, its a bunch offended burgers are making up shit cause they don't have to acknowledge that sweden isn't as bad as Sindh
No. 1163004
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>>1162981I have quite literally never mentioned Varg on lc up until now alright, when I mentioned nazis I never "simped" for them, I pointed that they were not in the same playing fields as ISIS or the Taliban, they can and will never be a global threat as Islamism is for the entire world, that was the point I made
>>1162988how many times I have said in this same thread, I KNOW that there are issues of poverty and misogyny in the first world, I have mentioned this continuously throughout this entire thread
>I'm not making this a competition, I 100% believe that there is still a lot of misogyny in the west that has to be worked on>I believe misogyny exists in the west, All I said was that your in danger of a Taliban style take over like in any reality>>1162994when did I allegedly worship a white nazi, can you please show me a screenshot or proof of me having this moment
No. 1163006
>>1163005She literally is. She shat up the thread just because an anon dared to mention how the abortion ruling made it hard for women in their country.
>>1163004Cope harder, hoe. Both neonazis and taliban would kill you without a second thought.
No. 1163007
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>>1162984>bunch offended burgers Okay now I don't feel bad. You don't have to be a burger to empathize with women losing access to abortions.
>>1163004>they can and will never be a global threat as Islamism is for the entire world, that was the point I madeI guess you forgot about WWII somehow and nazi Germany. Sorry for being afraid I'll have to go through the same shit as my great grandmothers, because we have insane scrotes in parliament who are literally explicitly stating they want to be the Christian taliban.
No. 1163018
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>>1163004>I have quite literally never mentioned Varg on lc up until now alright?
>>>/snow/1311216 No. 1163021
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>>1163017With that logic none of us should be on here, including you.
No. 1163024
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>>1163021really makes you think doesn't it
No. 1163035
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>>1163024I thought I would die already a couple weeks ago, so I honestly don't care and I've got nothing better to do atm.
No. 1163036
>>1163005No I am not anti-abortion, I have never been anti-abortion
>>1163007you got offended when I pointed out that american isn't gonna turn into the handmaidens tale on account of state ruling on abortion
>>1163007>>1163010well yes the daily(and I mean daily) terrorists attacks against Christians, Shia Muslims and Ahmediyah Islams aren't actually committed by the Islamists, no its a global group of neo-nazis, ISIS ruling a territory the size of great Britain and the Taliban take over of afghanistan, yup those drasted nazis again, my point was that neo-nazis aren't a global threat
>>1163018yeah that's not me, I don't refer to myself as a "brown girl" either, I find that shit cringe, its like when american refer to the peoples of asia as "
>>1163020again I pointed out that american women should fight for their rights, but pretending its on par with some theocratic takeover of american is melodramatic
No. 1163041
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>>1163036I'm offended that you think I have to be a burger to care about the plight of burgerwomen.
No. 1163044
>>1163039Lmao I love you anon
>>1163036That's definitely you. You're the only brown anon who's obsessed with race, being white, hating your men and nazis.
No. 1163063
>>1163053Romania is all Paki-chan will never be. She actually struggled, has a bad economic situation and last but not least, she's beautiful and white-passing.
Also see
>>1162966 where paki said she wanted communism but evil western women fucked it up, lmao.
>mentioned multiple times how Communism was the only hope for muslim women and americans and the british fucked it all up, I get you dislike me No. 1163066
>>1163055Romania constantly sperges about communism though.
>>1163056The abortion sperging (not the tranny one from the Unpopular opinion thread) has her writing style and deranged seething over americans all over it.
No. 1163070
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>>1163065when are you destroying our planet
No. 1163074
>>1163060oh thank god, someone who actually reads what I posted instead of making baseless opinions, this was the point I was trying to make
>>1163063…… I have absolutely no idea how you could read my post and think I was somehow blaming white western women,
>americans and the british fucked it all up, I get you dislike me when did I even mention western women in this, I didn't even mention the whole west, I only mentioned the americans and british who were the main chodis(fuckers) during the cold war
No. 1163081
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>>1163066The abortion sperging anon sounded more like a right wing "libertarian" conservative burgerwoman. I've never seen Romaniananon sperg so much about guns or act like rape isn't a big deal, she has been sperging about burgerwomen in poverty actually. She also said she doesn't agree with state-communism just earlier, I asked!
No. 1163090
>>1163075Based as fuck. Watch paki scream in jealousy and retardation.
>>1163076It's true and also why paki thought Romanichan was privileged, cause she's white pretty and lives in a nonmuslim country. Kek.
No. 1163091
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>>1163075Romaanon, please we are not enemies, I am feeling for the sake of my own life, that's the main reason, both our nations were destroyed by the anglo-americans and we have been scorned by western feminists who cannot comprehend our struggles
I am feeling for the sake of my life, please understand that
No. 1163094
>>1163087my body is ready
>>1163082(pets you)
No. 1163105
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>>1163088>weI don't hate her for being abused when she was a kid and doing fucked up stuff because she didn't know any better. She's a bit unhinged and threatens with violence a lot, but she's not a pedo.
>>1163089When did Romaniananon do that? I saw her literally sperg about American women in poverty earlier and empathizing with them.
No. 1163110
This post
>>1163053 of pakianon where she tries to blame it all on romania. Kek. Then she acts friendly towards her when she realizes she's here.
No. 1163116
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>>1163075Where the manifesto???
No. 1163117
>>1163095literally when
>>1163096I guess its a matter of personal opinion in the matter, but the way the burgers got offended and started making accusations about me was ridiculous
No. 1163120
>>1163089when did I celebrate that white women are having their rights taken away lmao? I'm not anti abortion. Banning abortion is one of the most oppressive laws for women and I think women are oppressed more according to social class than according to culture. That's why I made posts saying many American or western women are born in poverty and their environment turns them into prostitutes, so in this case how can you even argue that being born in a certain country grants you freedom or happiness. Stop lying about me, people are calling you out on your shit pakianon. You're
>>1163112that's not my fucking post stupid
>>1163113even a molested child that replicated the behavior in their environment?
No. 1163133
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It doesn't have to be this way
No. 1163136
>>1163128She thinks she's oppressed because she has to work to earn money unlike how she lazed around and leeched off of her parents in her home country, kek.
>>1163131Cry moar.
No. 1163139
>>1163018 where you said you wanted to fuck a nazi. Then you wonder why people think negatively about you, lmao.
No. 1163143
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>>1163117They're not just accusations anyone made. It was literally you in this thread sympathizing with white supremacists and tradthots, down to the wording
>>>/snow/1311216>the arab pedophileFor a second, I slipped and thought "Maybe there's two Pakianons", but nope. Stop with the fucking lies. I'd have been less disgusted if you had just said "Yeah, I was a retard, I don't think that anymore" but you'd rather try to manipulate everyone and you probably still feel the same way
No. 1163146
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>>1163138So are you,
nonnie No. 1163150
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>>1163147two cows truly made for each other. obviously they display cow tendencies for a reason (mental illness, abuse) but it's still hilarious. two perfectly matching puzzle pieces that are hysterical to witness bickering in real time KEK. this is why i love this fucking site
No. 1163164
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>>1163121I understand that Romaniananon doesn't want to be lumped in with someone caping for neonazis, since she's very left wing and hates everything neonazis stand for. She's probably never going to forgive Pakichan for that, unless she changes her ways. Romaniananon also has said multiple times that the capital axis is very important to her, she doesn't like rich people.
No. 1163189
>>1163118No, this is definitely Romania's style of unhinged sperging.
>>1161036>>1161047>>1161048>>1161081>>1161101>>1161109>>1161112>>1161114>>1161115>>1161116She was also crying about no one having empathy for her (and thus killing others is free game) in a few of her manifestos
No. 1163193
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>>1163158Not, Pakichan, but do you know a good book on this or a documentary? I would like to learn more about Romania.
>>1163168Oh, I agree.
>>1163189Isn't it always Pakichan calling people imperialists?
No. 1163198
>>1163193it doesn't gel with the romania thing as far as i know, but it
seems like her bizarre style of unhinged writing, and she has a penchant for pretending to be other people when she's especially uh, unwell, so idk. it could be a larp, it could be paki being angry.
No. 1163219
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I just wanted to tinfoil
No. 1163224
>>1163219Talk to me about toothpaste of something
nonnie, what are they putting in the toothpaste??
No. 1163230
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>>1163224Idk but it ain't good. We are all going digital soon anyway. I'm going to bed now, hope nothing hostile invades my dreams, thanks nonners
No. 1163243
>>1163231I have mentioned this multiple times that I am wealthy by Pakistani society, defiantly in the top 15%
>>1163237my parents actually had arguments about this for days, it was my mother who wanted me to marry my then 21 year old cousin who drives a truck in the US, I am still expected to get married and am just biding my time to escape
No. 1163245
>>1163224Fluoride is a neurotoxin and an industrial waste product. It's dumped in public water supplies because it's cheap and lowers IQ.
>>1163221Please give me an example of neo-nazis waging a love jihad on women and children because their pedo manual tells them to. Unless you have lived around muslim and especially pakistani men, you have no idea.
>>1163226Pakistani men are extremely racist and would if they could. Muslims are still practicing slavery.
No. 1163247
>>1163231I have had to plan it out well, use different explanations that would appease my parents, appease them with ethnic and sect based selections
>>1163245Its actually literal feudalism, around 70% of the country lives under it, it fucked up
No. 1163248
>>1163243I've seen posts from you where you say Islam is good and support theocratic governments and have right winger ideas, yet now you're trying to make yourself a
victim by complaining about something that is resulting from traditionalism and religion. I don't get you at all.
No. 1163252
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>>1163221>>1163223>“Today it can even happen that new life (in the womb) is extinguished, in order to avoid disturbing individual freedom">And about working women, he writes: “Nowadays, women are encouraged from an early age to pursue career and financial independence. They are expected to reject the traditional role of supporting a man. (…) But how does this really work out for them? What happens when they turn thirty? If they continue to work full-time, building a family becomes extremely difficult, even impossible. That is why women in the western world are increasingly having fewer children.”>"Just ask a rapist. Aside from all the squabbling and outward resistance: women react tremendously to such ruthless masculinity."They had 8/150 seats in parliament, 12/75 in the senate and 11% of votes for the European parliament, 86/570 provincial seats. Add PVV, JA21 and other fascist splinter parties to that and it's not looking good. Never mind the theocratic parties like SGP who want to ban voting for women and literally collaborated with the nazi's during WWII. Or how CDA protects pedos and says spreading the pedohandbook is fine and refuses to prosecute all the child trafficking rings in the bible belt. They say behind closed doors that it's fine to do these things to children, because you cannot find salvation through good behaviour, only by believing in their specific Christian sect. There's a rise of fascism everywhere in Europe, Greece (Golden Dawn), Italy, Spain, Poland, Denmark, Hungary, Serbia (remember what happened last time?) etc., but "fuck you privileged american!!11!!1" if you dare to be worried about it.
No. 1163254
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>>1163248>I've seen posts from you where you say Islam is good and support theocratic governments and have right winger ideasliterally when, literally when, seriously fuck you for ever accusing me for that
No. 1163270
>>1163257>mostly banned partiesNone of the parties I listed are banned.
>parties that aren't even 10% of your parliamentThe Netherlands has never not had a coalition government and the PVV is the second biggest party. Not every government works by absolute majority. All those parties could work together and create absolute hell for women, people who aren't Christian and anyone who isn't Northern European looking.
>>1163268We can hope he gets Pim Fortuyn'd
No. 1163282
>>1163270looked him up, a man who was 100% right about the religion of the arab pedophile and got murdered arab worshipping SJW who'd probably let his sister be raped by an arab pedophile worshippers
>I don't hate Islam. I consider it a backward culture. I have travelled much in the world. And wherever Islam rules, it's just terrible. All the hypocrisy. It's a bit like those old Reformed Protestants. The Reformed lie all the time. And why is that? Because they have standards and values that are so high that you can't humanly maintain them. You also see that in that Muslim culture. Then look at the Netherlands. In what country could an electoral leader of such a large movement as mine be openly homosexual? How wonderful that that's possible. That's something that one can be proud of. And I'd like to keep it that way, thank you very much.[53]I agree with him
No. 1163288
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>>1163284>>1163147Romaanon and I aren't enemies, I actually try to sympathize with her and can acknowledge that she had a tougher like then me and not make up random bullshit to justify feeling oppressed
western radfems and burgerfags are the real delusional idiots here
No. 1163290
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>>1163282Caping for a pedo? Ok. You do realize that they all claim that, then when they get into power, they decide that they actually really dislike all those progressive values, especially when it comes to freedom for women.
No. 1163294
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>>1163290Peter R. de Vries was btw assassinated for his work uncovering things like these.
No. 1163326
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Alright pakichan here, I truly want to end this stupid discussion and get back on topic, you can accuse me of being a white nazi cock worshiping tardwife(I'm not) and believe that about me, but ultimately it doesn't matter
I don't believe necessarily fascism is on the rise but authoritarianism, for the entire world, climate change is an undeniable reality and water a resource that humans can't live without will be the primarily cause of conflict, for states to function in total wars usually lead to a authoritarian nationalist states, this has happened throughout the history of Pakistan, in times of crisis a nationalist dictator takes power and in one case sanctioning a genocide(
women, men and children will all be effected about this
No. 1163337
>>1163327Keep coping paki-chan.
>>1163018 where you admitted to wanting to marry a white supremacist man.
No. 1163381
>>1163245>B-But no love jihadLook at the grooming/pedophilia problem in literally any community of right wingers. If you don't want to look at groomers online alone (especially in your Varg's community), Prussian Blue was a famous pop duo in the Nazi community who had tons of grown men jerking off to them and asking her mother if they could have access to them. Look at the child bride problem in certain areas of the US
At the end of the day, you're the only one comparing the two because you have this bizarre need to play opression olympics with white women and worship subhuman scrotes who come from a colder climate. I'm not even a burger btw, just sick of this shit. Fuck off
No. 1163388
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>>1163386>>1163385Peace has been restored
No. 1163389
>>1163387And how does this contradict my original point? I said:
>Neo-Nazis would do what Pakistani scrotes are doing if they weren't being blocked by the left, even though they're shitty tooVarg Vikernes considers Muslim men to be his brothers if they have blond hair and blue eyes. White supremacist scrotes coom to the idea of a "white sharia". You think decency will hold them back if they actually attain power? Fucking delusional. We can talk about the evils of Muslim scrotes without sucking Nazi chode
No. 1163397
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This derailing is so retarded.
No. 1163405
>>1163389Varg is not the majority of white men, the majority of white men aren't neo-nazis either. If the majority of white men were neo-nazis, they would be in power now. They aren't.
>We can talk about the evils of Muslim scrotes without sucking Nazi chodeI have never praised neo-nazis or said anything positive about them. My point was that islam is worse because it's actually happening right now and dealing with it is the reality for millions of women. Neo-nazis in power in the west isn't reality, it's a hypothetical situation that may or may not happen. Until is does happen a hypothetical situation is not oppressing anyone.
>>1163394I'm literally talking about islam being a pedo religion.
No. 1163413
>>1163288you're a fake manipulative liar. A couple of months ago you literally said that I was not even opressed compared to you because unlike Pakistan, Romania is not a 3rd world country therefore you are the oppressed one and I am not. Although, I have thousands of posts about how my oppression doesn't even lie in the fact that I was born here but in the fact that I was born in poverty and faced a lot of bad things and extreme abuse and I lack a support system. I didn't derail this thread. I made a nice post saying that if you are born poor and in an
abusive family in America you're fucked as a woman. You are a liar and I wish for someone to just link all of your posts. You literally lied to my face in this thread and tried manipulating me.
>>1162966 you did this acting like anons were bullying and putting fake stuff on your shoulders and I believed it until I read the posts. CAN YOU PLEASE STOP POSTING???? YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR THAT BACKPEDDALS ON ALL HER BELIEFS AND STATEMENTS. YOU'RE A RIGHT WING SYMPATHIZER THAT SPERGS ABOUT AMERICAN WOMEN AND IMPERIALISM AND THINKS BANNING ABORTION IS OK AND THAT A TECHNOCRATIC STATE IS OK WHILE YOU WHINE AND WHINE ABOUT WHAT ISLAM DOES TO WOMEN WHEN YOU ACTUALLY SUPPORT RELIGION AND RIGHT WING SENTIMENT AND YOU SAY WESTERNERS RUINED YOUR COUNTRY. SO WHO IS IT BITCH? IS IT WESTERNERS OR ISLAM THAT RUINED IT? PICK ONE? YOU'RE LITERALLY LYING IN OUR FACES WHEN THE EVIDENCE OF YOUR BELIEFS IS UPTHREAD. AT LEAST BE HONEST. YOU'RE DERAILING THIS ENTIRE THREAD AND DRAGGING ME INTO IT AND LYING IN EVERYONE'S FACES AND BACKPEDDALING ON YOUR BELIEFS LIKE WE ARE FUCKING IDIOTS. AT LEAST MY DERAILING AND DERANGED POSTS ARE ME mentally breaking down due to extreme abuse and sperging about how I was sex trafficked and being doomed and poor. All your posts is you sympathizing with right wingers, arguing with everyone, saying everyone is not oppressed but you because you are from Pakistan. You keep contradicting yourself, just leave me out of it. Why did you even mention me here? Exactly because you want to diverge negative attention away from you and on me. Just leave me alone for fuck's sake. Go to /pol/ why are you here????? I don't get it. You tell even a homeless woman that was sexually trafficked at barely 18 that she is not oppressed because she is not from an Islamic country. You are like a broken record.
>if you are not from Islamic country you are not oppressed >only Islam oppressed>although I hate Islam I literally want to fuck Varg>I don't care about abortion being banned you're a bunch of sensitive white bitches I have it so hard here in Pakistan being the top 15% while some of you maybe work in retail for the rest of your life Just shut up please. You derailed this entire thread saying women are not justified to fear a right wing theocratic government that bans abortion because your narrative is about glorifying the right wing although you complain about religion and Islam.
Just stop please. Nobody is fucking stupid, just be honest about your beliefs and the shit that you say. Now you Suddenly want to be my friend when one or two months ago I wasn't as oppressed as you because I am not from Islam. Can you shut up about ISLAM????? YOU BRING IT INTO EVERYTHING AT LEAST I SCREETCH AT THE VOID ABOUT MY HORRIBLE LIFE AND THEN SOME ANON STARTS DPGPILING ON ME BECAUSE THEY CAN TELL IT'S ME
Can we please all ignore pakichan? She's fucking liar and OPRESSION LARPER. It's proven in this thread she is lying and she is clearly enjoying the attention. Just make a post that contains all her posts so that people know she is lying and a right wing rich girl that wants abortion banned and wants Varg cock. Just stop responding to her. You were talking about how fucked up it is that in countries like Poland right wing political party banned abortion and she popped out-of nowhere to literally say ABORTION BEING BANNED IS NOT EVEN THAT BAD AND YOU'RE PRIVILEGED WHITE AMERICAN WOMEN OVERREACTING. Her agenda is clear. STOP SHE'S A LIAR AND A MANIPULATOR TRIES TO GET IN EVERYONE'S SIDE THEN SHITS ON THEM. YEA WE GET IT ISLAM IS SHIT AND AS A WOMAN YOU ONLY SUFFER IN ISLAM AND BEING A NAZI OR RIGHT WINGER IS BASED. NOW YOU WILL SAY "WHEN DID I EVEN SAY THAT?" BITCH LOOK UPTHREAD. YOU DEFENDED DIRTY ROGHT WING GOVERNMENT TAKING WOMEN'S RIGHT TO ABORTION and sprinkled a bit of Islam over your post as usual. I really hope no anon ever replies to you again. I'm not on your side. I'm on nobody's side but the truths.
No. 1163425
>>1163381The difference is that Christianity usually adapts to a people, Islam fundamentally changes them, throughout history Muslim societies had slave raids for specifically women for explicitly sexual purposes
>the Moros raiding the Philippines >the Tartars raiding the slavs>the Mughals raiding Indian lands >the Arabs raiding southern europe and africa these raids were for female salves to sell, cause Islam considers "taking" a kaffir woman a form of Jihad, cause Muhammad(the greatest human being who ever lived) did the same shit with the tribes he fought, he had men killed and took their wives for himself, for a committed Islamist you can't convince him that raping kaffir women is morally wrong, cause the greatest human being who ever lived did it and so he's just following his example
>>1163405this is my exact point I'm trying to make, the evils of Islam are beyond comprehension, they can't be compared to anything really, I don't even understand the anons who create this great fantasy of neo-nazis taking power when they have less power then ever
>>1163413I swear that I never said anything to you, you have undeniably suffered worse then me
No. 1163433
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Romaanon please we don't have to do this, I sympathize with you more then you imagine, I cannot being to imagine the abuse you suffered but I can understand what its like to have the entire future of your country ruined by the anglo-americans, please we don't have to do this
No. 1163449
Here she says a bunch of stupid shit
>>1162966Here she blames it all on romania and says those posts are hers
>>1163053Pakistani is lying on through her teeth again and again. She's acting nice towards Romanianon only when she's around and it helps her case.
Also in this post she admits to wanting to be white supremacist man's homestead wife even if though the said man would kill her on sight in reality.
>>1163018 No. 1163453
>>1163449this are
>>1163053 not me, I will admit this was me shitposting
>>1163018, I had forgotten about it
No. 1163457
>>1163447I support Romanianon because she's a poor woman who has childhood trauma.
You on the other hand are a privileged little bitch who keeps shitting up every thread because you think you have it worse when you're traveling to a first world country to live by your cousin's side. Do you know how many women in your country can do that? You're not oppressed and your little pity game is tiring.
You were traveling to US yet you have the guts to say american women who complain about their rights beings taken away should shut up. Then you're saying some butthurt Bruges are antagonizing you when in reality your posts show your real disgusting face. No normal woman would simp for a nazi. Get help.
No. 1163458
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Can we discuss the Pfizer documents that were revealed? They lied and said the vaccine was safe for mothers when it wasn’t. Millions of women were gaslighted. This is medical abuse and a massive crime. Why aren’t more people discussing this?
No. 1163462
>>1163453So you shitpost about wanting to be with nazis? Kek. Sure it's shit posting when you seriously seemed to invested and even admitted how you thought he was soft.
>>1163455I'm not romanianon. I'm someone who lives in a Muslim country and I can say Pakichan is privileged, seeing her act like she has it the worst when she's rich and able to travel to any country she likes is annoying to say the least.
No. 1163467
>>1163415Please quote the passage from The New Testament that condones rape.
>>1163430Not all right wing parties are neo-nazis. There's female right wing politicians. Politics is complicated and what is considered right and left shifts with time.
>>1163430>Neo nazi's and right wing political parties still have control in a lot of countriesWhat are these countries?
>they immediately ban abortion and send women back with 100 yearsSo they want to make western women live under the same conditions as women under islam do?
>>1163435The whole of central and eastern europe has been historically fucked over by western europe repeatedly and it's about to happen all over again with the war in Ukraine. The US, the UK, Germany and France will send central and eastern europeans to die, just as they did in the first and second world wars.
No. 1163480
>>1163458Apart from the obvious that it's not in the interest of those in power.
It's hard for people to accept they were wrong. People also need to have some illusion of things being functional.
Why did people trust the pharma and gov in the first place when they always have one hand in your pocket and are robbing you blind every day?
We needed a sense of security in a turbulent time. We still do.
Also, I think people feel powerless. Imagine if people accepted that those they trusted with their health lied to them at the expense of newborns. What are they to do?
No. 1163483
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>>1163467don't bother, no matter how many times you ask for proof of nazis allegedly taking over europe and going to being literal handmaidens tale, they don't give any substantial evidence, other then some right wing politician whose part is literally 4 seats out of 300, or a meet up of a barely dozen right wing get together, meanwhile a I can show 500'000+ plus people marches here in Pakistan that wanted Shias to be declared kafirs
show me one right wing march in europe in the decade that had even 1/10th as the amount of people on the right
>>1163479kek the guy was a punjabi gujjar and I'm a pothawari jatt, we are vastly different ethnic groups, its like the difference between an Polish person and French people
No. 1163487
>>1163484I'm not romanianon. Those posts are hers and she admitted, she also admitted to abortion sperging and said butthurt burgers were accusing her. See
>>1162984 where she tries to justify her shitting up the abortion discussion as burgers not having it as bad as her. She also denies the racist neo-nazi remark here and says anons were accusing her but a picture of her thirstposting about Varg was posted itt.
No. 1163492
>>1163468This. I don't understand how the statement "all men are shit but muslim men are more shit than average" is a controversial.
>>1163476That's The Old Testament, Christians don't follow The Old Testament, they follow The New Testament which is the teachings of Jesus and His Apostles.
>>1163481Germany and France were supposed to enforce the Minsk Agreement between Russia and Ukraine, they didn't.
No. 1163493
>>1163486>anyone who tried to speak up was attacked and accused of spreading "misinformation"Even here of all places!
This is the most dangerous thing. Wrongthing is being severely punished and suppressed. They're rabid with it. And now the US is gaining an actual anti-wongthink department. It's horrifying.
I hate Elon Musk, and I don't trust him at all, but I'm glad he's throwing a wrench in the machine.
No. 1163495
>>1163488>>1163490I'm not romanianon. Take your meds schizo-chans.
>>1163492All religions are shit. It's Muslim men's fault they act the way they do, though because other men don't blindly follow or even use their religion to hurt women like Muslim men do. Best a Muslim woman can do is to not associate with them. You can't bring other women down just because you have it worse, though. That makes no sense.
No. 1163504
>>1163496I'm a turkish Muslim woman, dimwit. You're way more privileged than most Muslim women and can travel to another country yet you still act like you can't follow this advice. So annoying.
No. 1163510
>>1163502NTA but some similarities
>Both post on image boards and chronically online>Both came from very wealthy families from middle east>Both hate working and leech off of parents>Both hate themselves for being brown>Both want to date racist white men just because it'll validate their need to be accepted as white/European>Both run after racist white men but probably end up with white trash because they have low self-worthI don't personally dislike Effina but I feel had for her. Wish she had married a white guy who wasn't as much of a loser.
No. 1163539
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>>1163498>degenerate USfuck u.
No. 1163589
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>>1163458Not only are they not going to be punished, they're doing great, up 77%.
>Pfizer said booster doses and shots for children drove its Covid vaccine revenue in the quarter. Next they'll insist we vaccinate our cats against covid. Gotta keep up that revenue growth
No. 1163633
>>1163628Is zinc good for skin? I have a niacinamide and zinc serum, maybe you can they something topical, thw serum worked for me.
I also take a few supplements and I used to think I had a bad hairline but it seems like it was just Vitamini deficiency and I have a lot of new hairs growing.
No. 1163686
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Ladies it's been over a day
No. 1163689
>>1163228Why does this sound like a humble brag kek
The fact that they were just "offers" and you were able to reject it instead of being forced to marry as a kid shows how lucky you are compared to other Pakistani women. I bet a lot of oppression you talk about is exaggerated and you don't even experience it compared to the average woman from Pakistan.
No. 1163691
>>1163682Go to the thread they made for you.
>>1163675I don't understand why anyone would convert from islam to Christianity if you're going to be a radical Christian. Makes no sense to put your life in danger to quit one radical lifestyle just to jump onto the next one. I think it's simply because she thinks white men her type are more likely to be unto her if she acts like a Christian trad wife.
No. 1163708

>>1163675>>1163615I don't want to start this debate again but I'm not christian, in a way I believe Islam is a superior religion to Christianity, I know there will be some idiots who'll take this comment out of context and be like "oh paki anon is literally supporting theocracy and Islam" so I wanna clarify what I mean by this
Christianity adapts and drastically varies from culture to culture, even state institutions like the papacy it was impossible to keep track of the "heresies" that church had to start ignoring them
being like archangels, saints, angels, the virign mary, the holy spirt allow christanity to change so much in a given region that its insane, instead of small town celebrating the coming of spring their previous fertility goddesses, they celebrate it through some female saint or commonly the virgin mary(who replaced the divine mother in many regions) instead of calling up ares, perun on mars you call upon any of the dead warrior saints saint george or the angel micheal
plus there's the beauty of translations as well, anons mention cherrpicking the progressive parts of each religion and Islam was just the Quran, maybe Islam would have had the same evolutionary nature as Christianity but its not, in fact 90% of what Muslims and non-muslims associate with Islam comes not from the Quran but the Hadiths, again certain anons mention canon law which were based on the works of christian scholars, difference if every word of these scholars wasn't just canonized but an integral part of the faith
the Hadiths are the reason Islam is the way it is, the saying and doings of Muhammad and his companions, If you were to separate the haditsh from Islam, you would have a completely separate faith, the laymen Muslims acknowledge this and think Quranists are just heretics
here's an example, the very famous method of how Muslims pray isn't mentioned in the Quran, it just says to pray by bowing to god 5 times a day and not much else, the exact method comes from the Hadiths
>>1163691well I give her that many ex-muslims pretend to be christian to flee from their countries with the help of christian NGO's(cause many Muslim nations have a literal death penalty for leaving Islam) in fact I was in contact with some christian NGO's online before plans with my cousin came forward, I was 100% willing to pretend to be a christian my entire life just to leave Pakistan and plus I'd never be allowed to come back cause you know death penalty
>>1163689Its not a humble brag, literally every upper middle class girl gets tons and tons of marriage offers, its not even about how you look, rather your family's standing and tribe and I literally have mentioned for the billionth I am very lucky, I am better off then 85% of women in my country but there's still a high chance I could get killed by my family
No. 1163711
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>>1163708>i dont want to start this debate again>posts essay>posts a fucking videoPlease stop please please please please
No. 1163741
>>1163716not even remotely the point I was making, I swear do you even read posts, like actually what I had posted here
>>1163708 and what I was replying to say
No. 1163744
>>1163615Christian sects that use The Old Testament to justify acts that are forbidden by The New Testament aren't the majority of Christians. While the west itself is Christian historically and our culture is taken from Christianity, most people in the west aren't practicing Christians, most don't even believe in God. Christianity enabled The Enlightenment and it was this time period that started the end of slavery on a global scale and it was the starting point of women's rights in the modern era. Laws in the west are no longer based on the Mosaic Law. Islam has never had a period of reform or enlightenment, there is no concept of separating the state from religion.
My point is that comparing Christianity to Islam is beyond fucking inane. If Christianity was as bad as Islam, women in the west wouldn't have rights at all, not that Christianity is some perfect religion that is good for women.
No. 1164504
>>1163744It doesn't matter if you "technically" have "rights" on paper, when the "technically" progressive government has allowed the biblebelt to ignore those laws and you're stuck there. It doesn't matter that 70% of the country is that idyllic pseudo-Christian you're talking about, when you're stuck in the biblebelt and there are Kafkaesque laws which force you to get healthcare only in your post code and there's no amount of money you can throw at anyone to stray from the bureaucracy, so you still don't have access to abortions. It doesn't matter when you're literally the property of your parents and you can call CPS all you want, they sell the equally crazy Christian kind who agrees that you should beat your kids within an inch of their life if they are gay. Preferably send them to oldschool conversion therapy too or terrify them into committing suicide. It doesn't matter when the minister of justice was of a theocratic party and didn't want to prosecute pedophiles, LITERALLY LINKED TO CP ON A GOVERNMENT WEBSITE and allowed the pedo handbook to be spread and said that freedom of religion goes above the freedom of women and children. It doesn't matter when the Christian minister of education in the government condones this and encourage this under the guise of freedom of religion. When they switch ministers, most millionaires live in the biblebelt and throw all their money at suing him and getting rid of him. Moving away? Not in this housing crisis. The government forced everyone to continue living at home and has made it nearly impossible to move out, they just gave everyone a free travel card and implemented a student loan system similar to the American one. So women stuck in the biblebelt cannot hope to ever get out anymore. But you're seen as privileged for being in a "progressive" Christian country and you should be so happy that they're at least not Muslim, even though you literally have crazy scrotes LARPING as nazi's and roleplaying shooting jews in the street, they will hit and run reporters, try to murder photographers AND NEVER GET PROSECUTED. At least it's a Christian family member trying to honor kill you, not a Muslim, such a relief, "technically" it's not allowed by the New Testament so it doesn't count!11!! It's so amazing that they can call the police on you for being gay and existing, because they don't even want you to walk through their street AND THE POLICE ACTUALLY FUCKING SHOWS UP AND TAKES YOU WITH THEM, WITH NO LEGAL BASIS AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO. It doesn't matter that there are enough villages where you're forced to marry your cousin, because it's Christian, so then it suddenly doesn't count because progressive Christians exist too. It doesn't matter that it has happened for so long that there are special diseases which only happen in those villages. OH IT'S SUCH A FUCKING RELIEF THEY'RE CHRISTIAN THANK GOD. I'm glad it'll be a Christian brother shooting his sister right in front of the court building, because she wanted to date someone who was the wrong Christian denomination!!1!!! I'm so happy he'll get 20 hours of community service and will be welcomed right back into society and will be celebrated for his deeds! Most of the Enlightenment were Christian scrotes witch hunting female physicians and community members, then pretending their inventions were theirs and that they are so Enlightened. I FEEL SO GRATEFUL THAT THE CHAINSAW WAS INVENTED BECAUSE CHRISTIANS DIDN'T WANT TO DO C-SECTION, YOU HAVE TO SUFFER, LET'S SAW YOUR PELVIS OPEN. FUCK THE ENLIGHTENMENT, that was when scrotes stole everything from women and enshrined misogyny into their constitutions. WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT SEPARATION OF STATE FROM RELIGION?
No. 1164955
>>1163620this isn't tinfoil, supplements are badly regulated and many are just filler. Minerals like Zinc and Iron are regulated, so those are fine. But you should only buy vitamins that have been independently verified by multiple different labs.
>>1163633Zinc can be good for skin, some people take Zinc supplements for acne. As a topical it helps with oiliness.
No. 1164984
>>1164864It's so freaking pathetic the amount of men nowadays being financially supported by their gfs and wives, especially the ones where the gf or wife needs to do sex work to ensure they survive. I know way too many couples where the woman is working 2 or more jobs, has a career, went to college or is going and the man is sitting around doing nothing with zero drive and at most will work some simple shit paying job they'll never stop complaining about. The fucking audacity when I hear these shit heads really open their mouths and have the nerve to call Western women lazy or gold diggers too is ironic considering 90% of men who sperg about it are being supported by a western woman
I also notice women often pay for entertainment and all nowadays too such as eating out, movies, etc when I use to work in restaurants and retail. 3rd world moids also got the hint and purposely seek out western women to use for money. Where the hell is this anti western woman propaganda from moids even coming from considering the fact western women are possibly the biggest damn moid-panderers on earth?
No. 1165000
>>1163458I was reading an israeli forum during the first wave of vaccines and apparently the heavily religious jews (including orthodox) were noticing that their wives were having off cycles. Now this is gross and I don't condone this but religion is religion, and basically the jews in israel actually track ovulation and periods in their wives because they cannot have sex during their wives periods for religious reasons. Now when the vaccine came out, they all quickly put a stop to the second vaccine in their communities as they noticed that cycles had drastically changed and were becoming discordant. And I read this a long time ago, now hearing more cases in the west of women having affected fertility, cycle changes, menopause changes etc im not surprised at all.
Such a vile industry and I cannot believe that while the left was fighting so hard against Big Corp almost a decade ago, they just fell into their laps now and will do whatever Big Corp tells them.
No. 1165112
>>1164985I use Labdoor and Consumerlabs to find supplements.
Currently I only take fish oil, vitamin d and k2.
No. 1165572
>>1165543>traditional deactivated virus vaccines This is exactly why I chose them. I had all options. But this was the only one I
knew all about and was used for long enough to earn my trust.
I'm a marketing person, I know all too well all the tricks. There's been smear campaigns, yes. They're just that.
No. 1165581
>>1165572Samefag. Feels like shit gloating over other people having health issues. I'm gonna leave this up anyway.
Just don't be like me.
No. 1165738
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>>1165000>reading israeli forums while they’re murdering and arresting palestinian toddlers typical tinfoil-chan only giving a fuck about her uterus. who cares about your uterus??? they kill ethnic children
No. 1165794
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is there any legit "anti vax" (actual anti vax, not anti covid jab) blogs? I always see zoomers meme about antivax karens who have kids that drop dead at 3 yrs old but I literally cannot find any of them, even granola mommas are pretty pro vax
No. 1165812
>>1165794I know some who post on Instagram or twitter but they're schizos who also post about how
jews and illuminati will rule the world and politicians kill babies for their blood and youth. They're very extreme, vaccines are never super safe but the normal people who are a bit unsure won't actually be obsessed enough to spend hours about it so you'll only end up running into hardcore neet schizos.
No. 1165846
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>>1165801It is, and I also feel like it's a lot of people coping for not buying healthy food
>but but my salted, nutrient deprived frozen veggies are just as healthy as your fresh, community grown veggiesspeaking of this why are vitamin contents of things decreasing like crazy? I remember I could get sweet potatoes 100+% of various vitamins on the bag, now it seems like you can't find any foods with more than 25% nutrients anymore. this especially goes for milk
>but your stupid herbs will never work as good as my millions of medications that give me a fuck ton of long term side effects to treat my mild depression and pcoskek I use to drink this kool aid and think that taking like 5 different pills that caused exhaustion, weight fluctuations, etc a day was better than using herbal remedy's, not only did it work better and I was happier but helped a lot more with my uterus issues than anything the doctors did, also saved lots of money
>but not getting every vaccine will kill us allnot how vaccines work, I'm not completely anti vax but they completely brainwashed everyone into thinking every single vaccine is 100% the way to go, no questions asked and don't even bother to do any sort of testing to make sure the patient will react to it well. it's also bizarre that kids are recommended to get 72+ doses before they even turn 7 yrs old and no one stopped to question it, and the people who run around screaming "but your kids will drop dead at 3!!" like how do you think humanity has even come this far if there's no way possible kids have survived without vaccines? I also grew up in a country where kids never got their first vaccine until they were 2 yrs old. And giving protection to vaccine companies if their vaccine injures kids is bullshit as well No. 1166095
>>1166057Here's some info thing I noticed, mostly with pediatricians and gynos is the weird push of outside things such as pedilytes/pedisures and different name brands
Another thing I noticed is the amount of contradictions, I was asking my gyno about endometriosis safe birth control and she links me to an article that claims birth control helps endo by… lowering estrogen but they tell women to take birth control to raise estrogen like what? Another thing is the dermatologists obsession with "micro tears", you can't use drug store scrubs because those pesky micro tears will ruin your skin but totally pay hundreds for their treatments that works because micro tears. Did they forget they were supposed to be convincing?
No. 1166210
>>1162966ex-muslims are the most annoying people on this planet
stop larping as an internet activist and enjoy your stable family life which most westerners don't have
No. 1166313
>>1166139It’s not just soil depletion. Crops are selectively bred to grow faster. But when they grow faster they don’t get to intake as many nutrients. You can have healthy soil but a fast growing breed of plant doesn’t have the time to take advantage of it.
We have also selectively bred our fruits and plants to be more delicious, but taste does not equal flavor. “Eating on the Wild Side” is a good guide to how to select the older, healthier types of variants and goes into deeper detail as to why these changes happened. Sometimes it isn’t soil depletion or faster growth or selectively breeding for sweetness but things like the healthier variants rotting more quickly or being plagued by diseases we haven’t been able to wipe out.
No. 1166363
>>1165801Organic is fine but fuck the alternative health industry, full of amoral grifters and snake oil salesmen. I’ve witnessed multiple desperate family members get suckered down this hole and get worse.
>>1165846I wouldn’t trust any herbal remedies I didn’t grow myself, the supplements industry is poorly regulated. Lots of herbal supplements are not what they say on the box or tin. St Johns Wort is a good example (it’s a crappy herbal remedy in a lot of ways mind you); all the studies purporting it’s efficacy are based off a specific type. I’ve noticed this with a lot of different things where what’s being sold is advertised using the plant’s common name to intentionally muddle that only a specific cultivar is what’s pharmacologically active (and not what they are happening to sell). Things like soil quality are also really important, plants can uptake heavy metals present in the soil. So if you’re into herbal healing get your soil tested and grow them yourself.
No. 1166428
>>1166396From what I’ve read valerian root might have mild sedative properties and is at worst harmless when taken in a tea preparation (I think this is the most common way to take it). If you want to take it for anxiety I would recommend standardized lavender oil (like the CalmAid brand) because IMO it definitely works. I’m not compatible with meds like Xanax (this runs in the family) so I needed to find an alternative that could calm me down without putting me to sleep and the lavender was really effective.
The only other herbal supplements and oils I’ve had luck with were clove oil (for tooth aches) and peppermint oil (applied to scalp for headaches).
No. 1166837
>>1166793it scares me shitless that doctors themselves aren't reading medication labels before pushing them really hard, and they also go out of their way to deny side effects which is also scary. I had an allergic reaction (full body hives) to antibiotics and they literally rather interrogate me "for possible STDs" and STD test me as an 18 yr old virgin before they even realized it was an allergic reaction, I could only imagine the type of medical
victim-blaming they'll attempt before admitting a faulty medicine
No. 1167007
>>1166988Yep. Accutane is a serious drug which is why many doctors prefer to prescribe spiro. The old protocols for accutane are also too much and too strong especially if you are petite. Good dermatologists now will use substantially weaker strengths since micro dosing accutane ends up being enough for a lot of people, they can adjust it higher if need be (or use it alongside topical treatments). It reduces the size of the oil glands and unfortunately some people see a permanent effect.
If you have issues with dryness take fish oil. My eyes are super dry no matter what so every optometrist has told me to use fish oil. Slippery elm can also help but should not be taken if you may be pregnant because it has been used as an abortifacients. It makes your mucus membranes excrete more mucus. It is usually used by people with stomach issues but could help the cotton mouth.
No. 1167041
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i know exactly why the rest of /m/ was purged. i have a feeling that a butthurt artist or cartoonist had threatened to sue this website after their art was possibly posted there without their permission, it just makes sense. this website is already completely vulnerable they simply cannot afford to deal with that shit. it’s either this or a deliberate purge that is never even explained or never getting fixed kind of spooky
No. 1167184
>>1167041I kind of wonder if it was the faceapp thread since we were using a lot of celebrity likenesses there
You can still track back through old /m/ threads using search, they're not completely purged. It would make sense if they were actually purged and images were removed, but they're still accessible
No. 1167520
>>1159329this makes me think whether all these middle eastern migrants , liberals screeching about islamophobia , selective outrage over racism (most absurd cases like george floyd forgetting other cases where the
victim was genuinely a good person because that wouldn't divide the people) to make citizens fight over themselves
they do this then they themselves come out in two teams ,one claiming THEY are playing divide and rule , and the other one claiming THEY are destroying you and your native culture further fueling the fight while they chip away at everyone's right and making society violent and difficult to keep us occupied in the future.
like for this sole purpose liberals chose hill of islam and troons to die on
No. 1167548
>>1167520There needs to be police reform in the US, far too many people are killed in America by cops, not just African Americans. The police in the US need better training and need to be taught how to use non-lethal force to restrain a suspect. Other police forces already do this and some police forces aren't even armed.
Instead the protests turned an issue that could have had widespread support into another
toxic race issue that no one wants to act on, so that nothing has to change.
No. 1167549
>>1166210not pakichan
but most annoying people are muslim themselves
No. 1167553
like the social issues are always played out in a way that results into further divide
police does need a reform , nothing to do with African americans
what i mean is when liberals say THEY are dividing us ,they are in on it themselves
No. 1167591
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>>1167573The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects more than 90% of the human population and can lead to lymphoma. It's at the top of the list of suspected differential diagnosis and I remember testing positive with EBV a decade ago when I first started to get some symptoms. AAAAAAAAH I'M GOING INSANE
No. 1167647
>>1167565They are right though, both ex-muslims and muslims are the most annoying things ever. God it’s something to do with obsessing over something lame whether it’s negative or positive that absolutely turns me off. Most muslims and ex-muslims never come up with
valid points, it’s common that a well read westerner actually knows more about islam than a well read shittle eastern “ex-muslim”. Never date an ex-muslim lesbian or an ex-muslim man. Tfoo.
No. 1167811
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What do you think about Dutroux, the Dossiers X and Regina Louf? I read the Dossiers X pdf and Regina Louf's book years ago. Since the whole Epstein affair, I do believe that a lot of things in this case are true.
No. 1168008
>>1167548Cops brand basically anyone who gives them "off vibes" a suspicious person, or SP. they have no respect for the mentally ill, women, or any minority group, it's not just a black issue. one of the protests I went to highlighted that. There has been mention of police violence against Hispanics and Asians thats arisen from this, and then the everlasting discourse around how poorly cops respond to domestic violence. Cops also have used their power to rape women. Problem is, none of it ever improves, people move on. Until the next black person is shot by a cop and then the protests start again, it's like it never has any positive impact, no matter how hard people try.
I don't think the majority of people who are screaming abolish the police actually believe in it, they're just so fed up with the lawless corruption of the policing and prison system when millions of federal dollars are poured into it every year with no improvement. It's a hyperbolic sentiment as to how bad it's gotten. Cops who do try and expose it, ie adrian schoolcraft, get shit from their peers, fired and blacklisted from their own jobs.
t. considered criminal justice major after growing up with copganda shows and is now a mentally ill schizo who hates cops
No. 1168114
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How long until western governments start using toxic fillers in the foods to hide food supply shortages and cost issues
No. 1168208
>>1168149World pop is still increasing across muslim world and Africa
We can't feed 8 billion people with sustainable agriculture
But agriculture itself is eroding health and biodiversity across planet
Solving it is not as easy as saying what you said
Those spray to hell is what keeps supply up
No. 1170182
>>1169890Right before trans issues became mainstream, trap porn was extremely popular. I thought that was kinda gay. But instead of people watching it becoming regular homosexuals, they… well you know what happened.
I think porn has a huge influence on men, but that influence is not always predictable.
No. 1170200
>>1169890Men just have different standards for what they find appealing in a male than in a woman especially if they've been conked out by porn. A guy with a crappy hairline but big muscles and a neanderthal jaw looks good to them. You'll see men disparaging other men that women find attractive, like 'eboys', because they think the guys look too unmasculine to them (they usually aren't, they just tend to be a bit more youthful and youthful qualities can register as 'feminine' to men). In turn they'll rail against average looking women out of spite and edginess (assuming they have overly high standards relative to their looks) or because they've spent too much time looking at images of super-stimulating photoshopped and filtered women whose job it is to look attractive.
Some men will concede they simply do not notice women who fall below a certain threshold of attractiveness so their mental model of what women look like (let alone average women) is skewed upward and not actually representative of what exists. An 'average woman' to them is a 7, they don't notice the 5s, so when they see an actual 5 they perceive her as being particularly unattractive.
If you're talking about a man thinking another man is attractive and feeling actual lust I have no hypothesis.
No. 1172069
But they would rather insist that rapists have a future
No. 1172071
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>>1171723Sorry that happened but now you know. We are living in a simulation. This book explores the theory in a pretty fun, interesting way. Easy to read.
No. 1172903
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Kill all men
No. 1172915
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All pedos are repulsive especially the fat ones with small dicks who have tl force children to have sex with them because nobody would do it willingly and they’re too feeble to overpower an adult i ducking gage pedos can’t wait for them to be raped in prison
No. 1173337
File: 1652094038781.png (379.64 KB, 720x668, Screenshot_20220509-055752.png) love to see how vaccine nazis defend this one
>But but your source is biased!!This is a circulating news article with the OG one being released by the zoo itself. This is something that actually happened and I would like to discuss it, if you try to distract from reality by whining about a single place of the hundreds of places that also published this story you are literally retarded. Don't even try
>But the gorilla was a drug addict, was old, had other health problems and was knocking at deaths door!! This happens all the time!!Kek
No. 1173362
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No. 1173902
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I'm trying to stop being a satanist conspiracy schizo but celebs make it hard by constantly dressing like the devil for no reason. Not like I think they are all diehard satanists but who is dressing them this way for goodness sake
No. 1173918
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>>1173905Nope there's points meant to invoke horns and devil imagery, whoever designed this at least did that intentionally. For some reason they are obsessed with this type of thing.
No. 1173922
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>>1173918Am I crazy? Yes, maybe. But if you told everyone this was a Halloween devil costume they would certainly think so.
No. 1173941
File: 1652120784278.jpg (33.19 KB, 486x436, xdfgndry.JPG)

So if /meta/ is to be believed the site is still run by a man. I checked the discord. Why did a mod not go on vc as well? Why did they only use text? Are they a moid as well?
No. 1174124
File: 1652125953590.jpeg (125.32 KB, 720x1441, 0CE024EB-1736-4C84-BDCD-9A817D…)

>>1173918Huh, that outfit does look a bit Satanic… also, Killary’s wearing red; proudly showing off the blood of her
I think some celebrities aren’t Satanists and probably don’t care about what occult shit they do as long as they’re on top but there are higher-ups who believe in this shit who control what they wear and do in their lives but they are also being controlled by higher higher-ups…it’s a latter or a pyramid .
Illuminati confirmed
No. 1174885
File: 1652168180764.jpg (53.5 KB, 564x564, 4feaccbfc27c5a33df89276e6f2ee1…)

be careful with scrolling
No. 1175219
>>1169890lol watch a show like are you the one, love island, or any of the multi-million watched reality tv shows that reach the #1 on streaming platforms and look at the difference between the girls and the guys. (especially the uk vs the us versions, holy shit you'd think the us is worse with plastic surgery and dysmorphia but after seeing some of the shitty work on uk reality girls, i'm convinced there has to be some bigger plastic surgery push over there cause they were all alien looking).
i dont think its porn thats turning men gay. i think its media that portrays a mediocre average looking man as unattainable and attractive for the bare minimum all while their women counterparts literally look like blown up sex dolls with lip fillers, the same outfits, the worsening degrees of different plastic surgery that makes them look the furthest thing from human, let alone like an average woman. forces more women into body dysmorphia and fucking their bodies up which just turns off men even more and pushes them even further into their 2d tradwife longing rather than realizing real women dont look like Kardashians.
No. 1175564
File: 1652200191580.png (930.03 KB, 616x807, Fairy-Faye-Euphoria-Season-2-a…)

My personal tinfoil (that really shouldn't be tinfoil to anyone with half a brain cell) is that the lines between porn and reality aren't even visible anymore, and that it is a careful and calculated move to make this generation and the next generation susceptible and weak to the influence of others for profit and easy access to abuse, and wholly dependent on pornography in order to feel arousal - specifically, pornography purposely depicting underage girls or women who coincidentally look like "jailbait", as well as overall extremely violent and degrading porn in general. The porn industry has wormed its way into almost every space out there - look at how explicit and porn-like clothes modelling has become, look at how they are trying to infest feminism under the guise of "female-friendly/feminist porn", how hard they push sex work as just a regular old job, and how quickly petitions to make porn have a verification/ID process to even access it were shut down.
I was speaking to my brother about this the other day, and he grew up in the 80s and 90s where porn was just something you'd be lucky to buy on the top shelf of a shop. You couldn't access it anywhere else really unless you knew a mate who had some porn magazines and even then they were mostly just Playboy or Nuts or something - not really insane fetishes or hardcore BDSM. More so, expecting your girlfriend to like getting choked, spit on, hit etc was out of the question - now it's normal, and now we even see teenage girls boast about how freaky and kinky they are.
At around age 14/15 my brother was looking at Playboy with effort into actually getting that magazine in the first place, whereas at age 14/15 I had first discovered rape-scenario and hardcore bdsm just from a few clicks on Tumblr and then straight to XVideos and Pornhub - I thought this was normal, and although I never thought it was appealing, I got into it anyway because every male around me was also just as dependent and addicted to this material. If you were a normal young girl with normal healthy sexual desires, you were prude, boring or vanilla.
There is no hard verification process for a reason - it's a fast track for young children and teenagers to get completely and utterly swamped in violent content before their brains have even had a chance to properly develop and differentiate reality from fiction. Constantly chasing dopamine and increasingly violent content to the point where most of the videos they watch will be of revenge porn or women who didn't even know they were being filmed. You also can't escape it - even if you're not on a porn site, you will be shopping for womens clothes and come across poses that look like something straight out of a budget porno. If you're watching any sort of drama show catered to teens good luck because half of those scenes will replicate porn.
It's obvious to most people who browse lolcow sure but I'm tired of being told that I am a loon and should just "let women be empowered pornstars" when I speak up about how I feel overwhelmed by how hypersexual everything is. It's not just magazines in a shed anymore, it's fucking everywhere and it's ruining girls and women's lives one by one.
No. 1175618
>>1175564I agree with you anon. I read about a poll or something and most teen girls said their boyfriend had tried to choke them. So scary, I've also heard of women who died or got seriously hurt from those weird kinky shit. It's never the weaker woman hitting, choking or hurting the man either, this whole shit is based on misogyny.
My tinfoil is porn gets more violent as women gain more rights because mem feel the need to punish us somehow and since it's no longer socially acceptable to be misogynistic publicly, they'd rather do it in sexual ways. They say women are supposed to be hurt used and thrown away.
No. 1175650
>>1175564I think it's messed up how at the same time where divorce rates are up and having
a 'blended family' is becoming pretty common.. the most popular theme on porn sites is fucking your stepsister.. and half the time they make the girl look like a teenager or somewhere on the edge of legal. Same with the whole stepmom thing and them showing guys stealing their stepmoms underwear and when caught.. they're rewarded with crazy sex. It's catering to kids and giving them ideas they need to be given. People act like that all just harmless fantasy. It's not.
I once dated someone with a son who I thought was too young to be influenced by that stuff just yet.. I was wrong and intimate clothing of mine kept going missing. His dad found concerning searches on his computer that linked in with that but he refused to sit him down and talk about boundaries. It played a large role in me leaving and deciding to never go near a man with male kids (or maybe any kids) again. This same boy had stepsiblings on his moms side of things though, new sisters living with him. It's so fucked up the shit being normalised.
No. 1175804
File: 1652208583108.jpeg (557.09 KB, 2048x1538, 23GOLDFISH-superJumbo.jpeg)

>>1175796When released into the wild the goldfish have less food constraints and can become giant and reproduce quickly, disrupting the ecosystem. I believe this happened sometimes in the past but reports about this happening from across the continent have increased a lot since the 2010s. I believe somebody is doing this to our water on purpose.
No. 1175813
>>1175804Might be a dumb question but, is this a byproduct of people flushing live fish or manually dropping them into waters? Is it commonly found in lakes or is it just everywhere by now? This is pretty crazy. The US gov. would 110% do something like this to further destabilize the ecosystem to produce some sort of reasoning for them to put their hands on more land. Their whole model is basically destroy, scapegoat, rebuild, threaten people and countries over debts that wouldn't have taken place if they hadn't destroyed shit to begin with. Damn,
nonnie. Now I need to jump into this rabbit hole.
No. 1177950
>>1175564That's just the truth. Really.
I think it's a strategy to get over the barrier that is the idea of consent. If more people are contaminated with freak shit and sex/porn addiction, others will also follow for the sake of integration (or due to scarcity of normal partners), become more agreeable to it and consent easily to everything. Men need to keep us accessible.
Consent, and free will as a whole, are things that don't exist by themselves, and they're very much aware of this. Every choice we make is entirely influenced by our circumstances they can easily mess with. Everything is just manipulation, but we're not allowed to say it and adopt this way of thinking as an open stance due to all the ways it could be used against us. They know we have no choice but watch them turn each and every one of us into sex addicts.
No. 1178375
File: 1652378778172.jpg (3.01 MB, 2731x4097, Ian.jpg)

>>1173941Sorry to reply to a 3 day old post but everything going on here and the silence from the mods/admin especially on the cp raid the other day had me curious so I looked around in other image boards to see what I could find. I also went to find the post from years ago anons made here about him. I do think a male is running the site
>>>/snow/152260 No. 1178406
>>1178364>And unlike the days of the past the "revolutionaries" just stick behind their computers writing what aboutism tweets instead of trying to fight the wealth inequity that's getting worse and worseThis is the part that upsets me the most. I would honestly prefer if chaos happens so things change, because this neoliberal dystopia is depressing too, but I don't see an anarchist Catalonia or Ukraine happening again (why aren't they stanning Makhno instead of Bandera?). The anarchists in Ukraine were completely blindsided by the Maidan protests, they were keyboard warriors too and had to scramble to have some sort of alternative option which isn't fascist like Azov. Only the Kurds have their shit together with Rojava and the Zapatistas in Mexico. Everyone in Europe is fucking sleeping. If you now tell people to train and learn how to defend yourself and learn some actual useful skills, go start growing your own food, you're called an ableist and accused of
toxic masculinity by doughy AGP's (even though you're the actual female). Every fucking side is too obsessed with the culture war to actually prepare and will accuse you of some sort of -ism or of not caring about X-issue, they all think their fringe issue has to be solved first and they won't prepare or set up shelters until then.
No. 1178427
>>1178406All of this is intentional btw. It has been planned.
>>1178364>And unlike the days of the pastBack then, people were also manipulated easily. It took many decades to get the conditions for a revolution. It's not gonna happen right now but that doesn't mean it's never gonna happen. Unfortunately we can't accelarate history.
No. 1178435
that's what handfag's hand really looked like.
No. 1178450
File: 1652381079985.jpg (52.88 KB, 1047x231, 20220512_144642.jpg)

Also some other tinfoil regarding a few of the topics on here. These threads always rubbed me the wrong way tbh
No. 1178482
>>1178450>These threads always rubbed me the wrong wayThe only truly suspicious thing (imo) about unconventional attractions threads is that sometimes Null will be posted. I do strongly suspect he self-posts there.
Where'd you get that post?
No. 1178512
>>1178406At this point it just seems like people would rather engage in cyber warfare and activism for clout than actually get up off their asses and protest. The closest we get to revolution in the US is protests. In the US you risk far less getting arrested protesting than if you do in a country like Russia, but people are still scaredy cowards. And fewer and fewer go because the media coverage demonizes the protesters, overlaps them with looters and criminals.
This is going to sound pretty vulgar and crass but I'm tired of people just making passive aggressive comments about billionaire scum like Elon or Bezos. If some of these "revolutionaries" who allegedly hate the rich had balls, then there would've been attempts on their lives by now or something. I'm surprised there hasn't been. Why are people completely complicit with Apartheid Clyde having enough money to buy out twitter? Nobody should have that much money. It's grotesque, it's far beyond unfair, it's sickening.
With the wealth gap and womens rights at stake I wonder if anyone will actually be tipped over the edge enough to go after billionaires or republican lawmakers with violence. Passive wokie protesting isn't working.
No. 1178517
File: 1652382890030.jpeg (125.92 KB, 640x860, 12C5D4F5-F40D-4B7C-A919-9D4CEC…)

Bump for weird pedo porn
No. 1178528
>>1178482Null posting getting excessive at times plus the fact that the kiwis make it known they stalk that thread also has me tinfoiling either null or kiwis post there
as a /g/fag some of the posters in that section appear to be genuine. others reek of moid. wouldn't be surprising if it's both
No. 1178613
File: 1652384876418.jpg (2.55 MB, 3072x4096, Fishingforwankmaterial.jpg)

>>1178528Some threads I suspect are rife with moids. Theres a few other ones too like the "FEMALE fantasy" one like some of these sound like they were typed up by a scrote
No. 1179464
>>1179451Rarely, usually women who are in their 20s and start a family get shamed for "not having a career lined up", and Americans also believe that having kids cost a bijillion dollars and that they need to make 6 figs before even thinking about having kids. It's often the rest of the world who shames women for having kids when their older but definitely not muricans
As for binge eating you're right it's mental illness but they purposely make junk food extremely addictive and the food in general in unfulfilling, also working Americans to their bone so they never have time to work out and cook healthy meals. Doctors often do nothing about overweight patients unless they get morbidly obese, and you have coomers who fetishized "meat on the bones" to the point where average BMI women are considered skinny. Americans don't just have all these issues simply because they're awful, you're leaving out the huge part that their government and society made them this way
No. 1179483
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>>1178606Yup. They don't have a 34 page thread on LC on there for nothing No. 1179498
>>1178450he 100% lurks lolcow and self posts in that thread. a lot of his info comes from lolcow, esp when he does stuff like the sh0e stream. You can literally hear him quoting stuff he lifted, and sometimes he uses images that are only posted here.
Also he uses our words like scrote or TIF/TIM and in the beginning you could hear him catch himself saying it almost like he was thinking, should I? Will i get outed for being a lolcow lurker?
No. 1179502
>>1179498I would not be surprised if he (or one of his ass kissers) is the one spamming shit to make this site unusable so he can buy it.
Also he flat out admitted using lc when showing screenshots of Trisha (afaik) drama recently - he said he "doesn't want to mention the site not to direct viewers there". See, he's NLOS, not like other scrotes uwu! (for any other nonna who has not seen this shit)
No. 1179729
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The internet is designed to to be the world's fastest catalyst for the seven deadly sins. Most people are being tricked into speedrunning their damnation, and even getting rewarded for it
No. 1179746
>>1179739God fatties are the most sensistive people on planet earth istg.
My tinfoil is that the added fat causes hormonal issues making them unstable and hysterical, and that the government exploits this to keep people fat and miserable and weak to keep them in control.
No. 1179756
>>1179746>My tinfoil is that the added fat causes hormonal issues making them unstable and hysterical, and that the government exploits this to keep people fat and miserable and weak to keep them in control.Agreed. One of the worst side effects is how they've internalized this refusal to believe that binge eating is an eating disorder. No, it's not normal or good to be fat. The alternative to obesity is not "vomiting in the bathroom three times a day". Food addiction is one of the most obvious, intentional psyops in our society, and it is wrong. Food fixation re: restriction is a side effect based off an extreme reaction, two sides of the same fucking coin.
>>1179754You're only harming yourself
No. 1179772
>>1179768NTA but
>the world is only sustainable at a certain amount of peopleImagine thinking you speak on behalf of the earth, and can decide its fate. This is outside of capitalism, by the way, it's shit too and I don't get how you don't see the connection between these memes you're defending and its overarching structure
No. 1179780
>>1179775You type all this, then proceed to take in everything those exact same billionaires shill at face value (funny how they never take their own "advice", it's all on you), you try to discipline the other serfs and you tell yourself "I'm doing my part" kek
>This world is not going to last for very long and neither will humansYes. So, what are you upset about? Everything comes to its rightful end, why are you clinging to the narrative that it's on us to speed it along? You think the planet hasn't cleaned itself before? This "world" doesn't just disappear and die off, it changes and is reborn (the same isn't necessarily true of all life-forms, so it's humans that won't last long). Humans will try to live in space, think they're getting their way, then die painful, scorching deaths. Then some other life form might come along, and do what it wants. This narcissistic delusion that we're above something immeasurably older and larger than us is just that
No. 1179797
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>>1179787Why is it that a woman’s health is always directly correlated to her ability to reproduce or have children? Goddamn let a fat bitch exist, they don’t exist just to be some ugly ass neolithic fertility goddess stop spreading that meme to them, no way farmers back then were this fat too they were working hard in their agriculture’s villages kek. I have a sneaky suspicion that the fat people in the Neolithic era are leftover nomads/hunters
No. 1179819
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>>1179808nah they were fat, the women didn’t go out and hunt they were like picrel. got a problem with fat women living their lives anon?
No. 1179820
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>>1179819NTA, but women did go hunting, the idea that they didn't is misogynistic and bullshit.
No. 1179851
>>1179846Anon, I'm serious. What's up with you? You also posted
>>1179739. Do you feel like this thread was made to target you or something?
No. 1179864
>>1179837I'm vegan (you can roast me another time) and I still think it's retarded to deny that women definitely did hunt. Also they were just trying to survive? They didn't have the knowledge about nutrition we have today, no easy access to high calorific food etc. Just what the actual fuck.
>>1179846Women hunted back then. There are still women who hunt today. Whether it's moral or not is a different discussion, but you're outright denying that women did it, because you think only men can kill? Women were also soldiers throughout history, they were buried as well respected warriors. Whether you think that's ethical or not doesn't matter, because those are just the facts. You're being just as misogynistic as archeologists who assume any skeleton buried with a sword or spear is a man's. Saying women fought and hunted, is also not the same as saying they were exactly like men. Nobody said anything about raping or pillaging, only you just brought it up.
No. 1179868
>>1179819Idiot. Women hunted, women gathered, and sure in agricultural societies people were slightly more sedentary but farming was still a massive effort, as well as food production. Also with the creation of settlements people had to build and maintain villages and houses.
>>1179837Retard missing the point.
>>1179846You are so retarded I honestly think you're just trolling at this point. Please pick up a history book, it can even be a textbook.
No. 1179873
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>>1179868Europeans have caca genes now, don’t get angry at me because men decided to pillage farmers to death kek
No. 1179920
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>>1179903The biblebelt in the Netherlands is pretty big though and they have a problem with pedorings. The government won't do anything about it, because the two biggest Christian parties are in power. You don't know what Continental Reformed Protestantism is capable of.
No. 1179921
>>1179846Your deflection of being wrong is kind of astounding. You went from
>women didn't huntto
>how can you be proud of women killing living animalsJust admit you're a clueless fuck.
No. 1179929
File: 1652461513231.jpg (119.2 KB, 560x676, homosexuality_worse_than_pedop…)

>>1179924Within reformed protestant circles, being gay is seen as worse than being a pedophile.
No. 1179930
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>>1179916I feel bad for medieval Muslim artisans, no wonder they had to turn to geometry for art (which, admittedly, is beautiful). Or depicting animals through calligraphy.
No. 1179931
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>>1179929The reformed protestant Christian community also covers up for pedos and doesn't want them to go to prison.
No. 1179935
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>>1179931>she was sexually abused for nearly three years by the man who could have been her father. The girl was twelve years old when things started with a smile and a hug in 2008.>the prosecutor who had asked for an acquittalThey're in the legal system too trying to cover for each other.
No. 1179947
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>>1179940>>1179943Little outreach past these few churches? These people are in politics, they are in government. The CDA and Christian Union are currently ruling parties. They supplied the minister of justice and education. They are the ones instructing the public prosecutors to ask for the acquittal of pedophiles or give them light sentences. They literally leaked CP on a government website before. These aren't isolated incidents. It doesn't matter if they don't condone it, if they cover them up, protect them, give them light sentences, try to acquit them etc.
No. 1179954
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>>1179948Grapperhaus was the minister of justice and security from 6 October 2017 until 10 January 2022. He is a member of the Christian Democratic Appeal. He's also against pedo hunters, even though he created vigilantism by not prosecuting pedophiles properly.
No. 1179964
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>>1179954Also we could have a conversation about how the western world sexualizes teenage girls, the popularity of barely legal pornography among men, the massive agegaps in couples in mainstream media, the obsession with women having to shave themselves bare and forever look like a teenager. Islam sucks, but you cannot possibly say that modernday Christianity and the Western world isn't a hotbed for pedophilia too. Marriage in general is an exception not the rule in the Western world anymore. Instead people think it's normal if scrotes groom 14 year old girls through discord or some other online shit. They don't want to marry them, they just want a harem of underage girls, while they're cheating on their adult gfs and wives. Or when adult scrotes wait outside of highschools to pick girls up. If you complain about any of this you're called a femcel
terf feminazi. The west is still patriarchy, a different kind of patriarchy, but you can cope all the fuck you want, but when you move to the west, you're not going to a progressive paradise with people with good morals. When girls get molested here, they still are accused of being seductresses who asked for it. Here we have LITERAL pedophile political parties who manage to get enough signatures and money to actually become a thing. Or let's talk about how Germany thought it was a good idea to SPECIFICALLY let pedophiles adopt kids, because they thought that they would be able to love children better. A fucking government run pedophile ring
No. 1179965
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>>1179964You're never going to fucking convince me that there's not a massive pedophilia problem in western governments and society. It's a fucking cope of people who wish to move to the west, to act like it's fucking lala-land, so they have somewhere to aspire to move. Because it's too fucking depressing to just accept the fact that everywhere is fucking fucked and there are no valiant moral scrotes here either.
No. 1180018
>>1179947You're still missing the point being made about Islam. Pedophilia is not generally accepted in western society. Yes it happens but there are laws that protect children, women have rights to bodily autonomy. No where in The New Testament is rape condoned, Jesus explicitly warns against the harm of innocence. Islam does not have any of this. The idea that raping a 12 year old girl is wrong is completely absent beyond the damage done to another man's property. There is no concept of autonomy or even empathy for women. As a woman in Islam you are a possession of a man and if you are kafir, you are lesser than them and it is their god given right to rape and kill you or use you for sexual slavery.
The elites in the west do seem to want to normalise pedophilia and what is happening is an erosion of the rights and protections of women and children. This is a recent development that has been gradually happening during the 20th century not something that was ingrained into society through religious beliefs for hundreds of years.
No. 1180042
>>1180018>but there are laws that protect childrenWhich are useless when the public prosecution asks for the acquittal of pedophiles. NEXT
>women have rights to bodily autonomyCurrently under threat in the US and already taken away in Poland. Many other countries in the west are at risk of following their lead. NEXT
>No where in The New Testament is rape condoned, Jesus explicitly warns against the harm of innocence.The theoretical possibilities of Christianity doesn't change the fact that the biggest Christian institutions are rife with pedophilia and condone it through forgiveness loopholes and do massive communitywide coverups. We're talking about reality here, not the potential utopia. NEXT
>The idea that raping a 12 year old girl is wrong is completely absent beyond the damage done to another man's property.You should look into western legal history of the criminalization of rape and the involvement of Christianity. It was only criminalized because it was seen as tainting the property of another man. It's why marital rape was legal in many western countries up until the 90's. In the west it's also often condoned or the girl is blamed for it anyway. NEXT
>As a woman in Islam you are a possession of a man and if you are kafir, you are lesser than them and it is their god given right to rape and kill you or use you for sexual slavery.As a woman in reformed protestantism you are a possession of a man and if you are a heretic, you are lesser than them and it is their god given right to rape and kill you or use you for sexual slavery (see what they did during WWII to catholics, Jews etc. and how they aided nazi's). I don't care if the new testament doesn't give explicit permission, that doesn't erase what happened and how the political organizations associated with these actions still exist today, aren't banned and are in government.
>his is a recent development that has been gradually happening during the 20th century not something that was ingrained into society through religious beliefs for hundreds of years.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA READ A FUCKING HISTORY BOOK. Pedophilia a recent thing in the west? Are you fucking high? Drunk? I don't know what you're on, but I need it.
>in 1396, Richard II of England was joined in marriage to young Isabel of France, who had been 7 years old when their engagement was announced the previous year in Paris. Not only was there no uproar; there was considerable happiness expressed over the assumed probability that this marriage would end the Hundred Years War then in one of its periodic states of truce between the two kingdoms. Peace was to be ensured by joining together this man and this little girl in marriage.>"A social practice which entered the written record in the 12th century, but which seems to have had roots in the barbaric past, that extended from the royal abattoirs down to the lives of neighboring fishmongers and shop-keepers in medieval London, yet that seems to have received little more than passing notice in canon law beyond exhortation to limit it to age seven and ensure mutual consent of the parties ….. But still it is not even indexed in most contemporary discussions of medieval marriage and family life, from Barbara Hanawalt to James Brundage, GL Brooke to Frances & Joseph Giese, Ian MacFarlane to Georges Duby. It is not exactly passed over in their texts, when you read closely>"In the Middle Ages children were married at a young age. Girls were as young as 12 when they married, and boys as young as 17. The arrangement of the marriage was based on monetary worth. The family of the girl who was to be married gives a dowry,or donation, to the boy she is to marry. The dowry goes with her at the time of the marriage and stays with the boy forever (Renolds). After the marriage was arranged a wedding notice was posted on the door of the church. The notice was put up to ensure that there were no grounds for prohibiting the marriage.">Bianca of Savoy, Duchess of Milan was married aged 13 (1350), and aged 14 when she gave birth to her eldest son, Giangaleazzo (1351).>Theodora Comnena was aged 13 when she was married King Baldwin III of Jerusalem (1158).>Agnes of France was 12 when, widowed, she was married to Andronicus Comnenus, Byzantine Emperor (1182).>St Elizabeth of Portugal was aged 12 when she was married to King Denis of Portugal and gave birth to three children shortly thereafter.>Caterina Sforza was betrothed aged 9, married aged 14, and gave birth aged 15.>Lucrezia Borgia was married to her first husband aged 13 and bore a son within a few years.>Beatrice d'Este was betrothed aged 5 and married aged 15.>From 380 A.D. to 1983 A.D., the age of majority was 21 years old in the Roman Catholic Church, which was adopted into canon law from Roman law. From 380 A.D. to 1971 A.D. the minimum marriageable age was 12 years for females and 14 years for males in the Roman Catholic Church, which was adopted into canon law from Roman law.CATHOLIC CANON LAW IS CHRISTIAN. Look at how fucking long the list is for Europe . Islam fucking sucks, but you need to get your head out of your ass and stop thinking it's a paradise in the west.
No. 1180083
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I think we're all in general agreement that religion of any spin is gay and completely outdated today
No. 1180087
>>1179964What makes western men especially sick for being pedos is the fact that there's so many resources explaining the dangers of grooming, how being preyed on so young will damage a young girls brain, and these pedos are often extremely emotionally
abusive to the young girls they meet online often leaving them with age complexes, body dysmorphia from these men nitpicking them, abandonment issues since these men like playing ghosting games to manipulate her to do what they want and so on. They grow up thinking their only value is their age and now that they're no longer a fetishizable age they are now worthless. So many women practically shove in men's face what being preyed on by older men while they were teenagers has done to them but moids don't care and will continue moving to the next
victim. With other cultures where pedophilia is normal, the men aren't stopped or told that it's wrong. Western men will have a million reasons to not groom young girls and still do it anyway
No. 1180099
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>>1180042>An example of this comes from the gruesome case of Agnes de Cloworth, aged 8, heard at Lincoln in 1355, which took almost a decade to come to court and had no clear resolution. According to the Latin record, a local man, Hugh de Outhorp, secretly entered Agnes’ chamber at night, where he attempted to rape her. Unable to do so, however, Hugh took out his knife and cut open her genitals before forcing himself upon her and fleeing. The horrific nature of this crime is made worse still by the actions of his brother, John, then acting bailiff and future mayor of Lincoln, who refused to allow Hugh to be tried for the crime. Furthermore, he threatened to have Agnes and her mother (who brought her bloodied and in danger of death to the court shortly after the attack) banished from the city should they ever speak of the matter again. In fact, as the record of 1355 details, it was due to John’s interventions that the case took so long to come to court. It was eventually heard due to the shifting political landscape following the Black Death (1348-50), as new men came to prominence, some of whom may have had a grudge against the family. Such incidents bear many of the hallmarks of cases currently under investigation by the IICSA, with power and influence being used to suppress due legal process.>Problems in the 11th century were much more widespread than in our own. Priests and bishops were unaccountable to secular law, and abusive behavior extended beyond children to include adults. Many had concubines, or live-in prostitutes, who were completely at the mercy of their clerical patrons. Some bishops used their authority over the clergy to compel priests into acts of sodomy, as well.>Complaints from Damian about the church’s unwillingness to confront the sexual behavior of the clergy, however, met with inaction. In 1049 Damian wrote to Pope Leo IX (1048-54) about the cancer of sexual abuse that was spreading through the church: boys and adolescents were being forced and seduced into performing acts of sodomy by priests and bishops; there were problems with sexual harassment among higher clergy; and many members of the clergy were keeping concubines.>Unfortunately, Pope Leo IX disagreed with Peter Damian’s analysis of the problem of clerical sexual abuse. He was willing to punish clerics who committed acts of anal intercourse with boys and adolescents, but he minimized the punishment of clerics who performed other sexual acts with children and adults of both sexes.>Shortly after the election of Pope Nicholas II (1058-61), Damian called attention to the issue again. His complaint to the new pope has a modern sound: Indeed, in our day the genuine custom of the Roman Church seems to be observed in this way, that regarding other practices of ecclesiastical discipline, a proper investigation is held; but a prudent silence is maintained concerning clerical sexuality for fear of insults from the laity. Damian urged the pope to bring the issue out into the open and to punish both the sexual offenders and the bishops who failed in their duty to punish and to depose sexual predators. He complained that occasionally priests were disciplined, but with bishops we pay our reverence with silent tolerance, which is totally absurd.>But by 1550 Christian authorities had reversed their position, leading to a witch-hunt across Christendom. Many explanations have been advanced for what drove the phenomenon. Now new research suggests there is an economic explanation, one that has relevance to the modern day. Economists Peter Leeson and Jacob Russ of George Mason University in Virginia argue that the trials reflected “non-price competition between the Catholic and Protestant churches for religious market share”. As competing Catholic and Protestant churches vied to win over or retain their followers, they needed to make an impact – and witch trials were the battleground they chose. Or, as the two academics put it in their paper, to be published in the new edition of the Economic Journal: “Leveraging popular belief in witchcraft, witch-prosecutors advertised their confessional brands’ commitment and power to protect citizens from worldly manifestations of Satan’s evil.” They reach their conclusion after drawing on analyses of new data covering more than 43,000 people tried for witchcraft in 21 European countries. The data shows that witch-hunts took off only after the Reformation in 1517, following the rapid spread of Protestantism. Leeson and Russ argue that, for the first time in history, the Reformation presented large numbers of Christians with a religious choice: stick with the old church or switch to the new one. “And when churchgoers have religious choice, churches must compete,” they say. The new analysis suggests that the witch craze was most intense where Catholic-Protestant rivalry was strongest. Churches picked key regional battlegrounds, they say, much like the Democrat and Republican parties in the US now focus on key states during the presidential election. This explains why Germany, ground zero for the Reformation, laid claim to nearly 40% of all witchcraft prosecutions in Europe. Scotland, where different strains of Protestantism were in competition, saw the second highest level of witch-hunts, with a total of 3,563 people tried.>In medieval times, rape was categorised legally as a property crime, and thus a felony, with penalties such as castration, blinding or hanging. As you can imagine, criminal convictions for rape were very rare, since all-male juries were reluctant to condemn their fellow men to such harsh penalties on the basis of a woman’s claim, and these penalties were rarely enforced even when the assailant was convicted. Survivors had to follow several difficult steps in order to have any hope of conviction: they were required to report their rapes immediately and publicly, to recount identical narratives of their trauma multiple times to local court officials in their own jurisdiction as well as in neighbouring jurisdictions, and to show evidence of a violent attack – such as torn clothing, bloodstains, dishevelled hair or physical wounds – to ‘men of good repute’. If a survivor wanted to avoid this process or felt that another form of justice would be more fitting, she could negotiate for out-of-court restitution or file a civil case for monetary damages rather than pursuing criminal charges, as Joan de Hadestock chose to do after Montibus raped her in her home. This enabled women to receive tangible recompense for what they’d suffered, and to bypass a complicated and traumatic criminal justice process.>Numerous case records illustrate the inherent flaws and loopholes in medieval systems of rape justice, showing how women could find their charges dismissed if they’d had consensual sex with their rapist before the rape, or failed to follow complicated reporting procedures, or became pregnant from the attack. One case from Wiltshire illustrates the still-common myth that someone cannot claim rape if they previously consented to sex with their assailant: an unmarried woman named Edith claimed that William le Escot raped her in 1249. The record states: ‘It is testified that William lay with Edith but he did not violate her because she was already known to him.’ In other words, because Edith and Escot had had consensual sex in the past, this particular incident didn’t count as a violation. The case features intriguing additional details: Edith also accused a woman named Alice of helping to facilitate Escot’s rape and of stealing a brooch from her.>The pervasive distrust of women in medieval culture – illustrated by popular proverbs such as ‘women can lie and weep whenever they wish’ – meant that women faced an uphill battle in convincing juries that they’d been violated. Legal records repeatedly feature women who bring charges of rape and are subsequently charged with false reporting after the jury concludes that the accused is not guilty or that the victim didn’t properly report her assault. In Wiltshire in 1249, an unmarried woman named Eve accused Adam Mikel of raping her. Mikel first refused to appear in court, then later denied her claim. The jury agreed that he wasn’t guilty, so Eve was arrested for bringing false charges. She was later pardoned because she was poor. Other times, women were charged and imprisoned after failing to follow prohibitively specific and difficult reporting procedures. In 1248, Margery, daughter of Emma de la Hulle, testified that a man named Nicholas had raped her outdoors on a summer evening four years earlier, and that she had been a virgin at the time. She specified the location of the rape as ‘between Bagnor and Boxford in a certain place which is known as Kingestrete near Bagnor wood’; search for this certain place online today, and you’ll find maps for scenic walks through Bagnor Wood in West Berkshire. Margery supported her claim against Nicholas with confidence and courage, as the record states that ‘she offers to prove this against him as the court sees fit’. Nicholas responded that Margery didn’t report the assault in a timely fashion, and also neglected to bring her appeal to the neighbouring county court. The jury concluded that Margery’s failure to follow these procedures invalidated her rape charge, and they sentenced her to prison for false reporting, even as they also acknowledged that Nicholas had had sex with her, and required him to pay a fine.>The jury said this was a ‘miracle’ as ‘a child could not be engendered without the consent of both parties’>In countless medieval texts, women falsely accuse good men of rape when they’re angry, embarrassed or revengeful. Known as the ‘Potiphar’s wife motif’ after the biblical story of a woman who propositions her husband’s servant and, when he rejects her, accuses him of attempted rape, this popular narrative is told and retold dozens of times. One version of this tale, used in sermons to illustrate the evils of lust, features a woman who becomes infatuated with a clergyman who has ‘fair eyes’. She promises to give him all her wealth if he’ll sleep with her. He refuses. Angry at this rejection, she goes to the local justice and accuses the clergyman of attempted rape. The justice believes her and condemns the man to prison. Still brimming with unsatisfied desire, the woman fetches a ladder and climbs up to a window set high in the prison wall, then leaps down into the poor clergyman’s cell and begs him to have sex with her. Once again, he refuses. Prison guards discover the woman in the man’s cell and assume that he has used sorcery to transport her there so he can assault her. He is burned to death as punishment, a victim of the woman’s shameless lies and lust. This tale imagines a legal system in which women can successfully claim rape without any proof and destroy innocent men’s lives, in contrast to the complicated and treacherous process that real-life victims had to follow. In other texts, manipulative women threaten to accuse men falsely in order to coerce them into sex. In the poem Amis and Amiloun (c1330), a powerful duke’s daughter pines after a handsome knight and tells him that she’ll die unless he becomes her lover. When he refuses, she threatens to tear her clothes and tell everyone that he violated her. She warns that he’ll be hanged as a rapist unless he consents to her advances. Seeing no other option, he promises to marry her. She later sneaks off to his chamber to have sex with him, triumphant that she has gotten her way.Medieval Europe was such a feminist Utopia and really good to children. It's also totally not weird how scrotes were writing pedo fanfics.
No. 1180116
>>1180108Nope, wasn't doing that. I was responding to your retardation right here
>The elites in the west do seem to want to normalise pedophilia and what is happening is an erosion of the rights and protections of women and children. This is a recent development that has been gradually happening during the 20th century not something that was ingrained into society through religious beliefs for hundreds of years.>Recent development>Not something that was ingrained into society through religious beliefs for hundreds of years.It literally was.
No. 1180122
>>1180108To add, when I used modern examples you said it's just a recent development and not a longterm pattern, when I show it's been a problem since the third fucking century at the very least, you want me to give modern examples again. You keep moving the goalposts back and forth, because you refuse to accept that the West has patriarchy too and that it's not fucking lalaland and never fucking was. Islam sucks, Christianity sucks. Get the fuck over it, they're both Abrahamic religions. Scrotes from all religions and continents suck and have no empathy for women. You're coping way too fucking hard.
>>1180118I'm really sorry you went through that and I'm glad he didn't get to have his way. It's insane how common stories like that are.
No. 1180143
>>1180127It's not about "always as bad", the point is that it's not fucking peachy here either and you need to get rid of your delusion that the tradcath nazi man is going to save you and not diddle your children or watch cp, while not allowing you to watch tv and strangling you for asking what time it is
>protection in lawMaybe you should read my posts again to understand what western "protection in law" means and how it's completely meaningless when juries, judges and public prosecutors protect pedos and rapists
>>1180099 >>1179954
>>1179935 No. 1180165
>>1180132What's ridiculous is writing essays to defend Islam and to deny that modern women living the west can even begin to comprehend how much worse it would be to live under Islamic law. The very concepts that are accepted by the majority of people living in the west such pedophilia is bad and raping women is bad do not exist in Islam and never have. Is the west a perfect paradise of women's rights? No. Does living in a western nation afford women more rights and protections than living under Islamic law? Yes.
>>1180143>your delusion that the tradcath nazi man is going to save you and not diddle your children or watch cp, while not allowing you to watch tv and strangling you for asking what time it isThis is oddly specific. I have not defended Christianity, I have said that Christianity is not comparable to Islam with regards to the treatment of women and children. If Christianity was as bad as Islam, there would be no concept of feminism or women's rights in the west.
No. 1180204
>>1180165>to defend Islam Never did.
>how much worse it would be to live under Islamic lawMaybe you should read what I posted about Catholic canon law, it's not great either
>The very concepts that are accepted by the majority of people living in the west such pedophilia is bad and raping women is badNot really. They will say one thing but do another. It's all meaningless when pedophiles and rapists are acquitted anyway and the woman gets fined for reporting him in the first place. Feminists have written enough about the pedoculture and rapeculture of the west.
>Does living in a western nation afford women more rights and protections than living under Islamic law? Yes.Not if you live in the biblebelt. Then you get no protection or rights. You can stick your "but muh majority christian countries are okay" up your ass, because that doesn't help the situation of thousands of women stuck in those areas. It's not comforting at all. The governments of these countries condone and encourage the existence of these enclaves with Christian theocratic rule, they hide the pedo rings, they try to avoid prosecuting the rapists and pedophiles, they condone conversion therapy and the physical abuse and neglect of children. If you dare to report or ask for help, you will be the one treated like a criminal. There is nothing that can be done for the women and children who are stuck in these areas, since the government and policeforce are in on it. Even if you don't live in the biblebelt, all these "muh protections" are theoretical and aren't real. THEY'RE PAPER FICTION, in reality most rapists never get charged, most rape cases don't get to trial, in reality most rapists are acquitted, in reality when they do get sentences it's a short ass time and everyone feels bad for them and says they had so much potential. Meanwhile when a woman comes out about being raped, she's treated like a harlot and a slut, she's asked what she was wearing, whether she fought back enough, whether she knew him or not, you have to be the ideal
victim and even then you're not necessarily going to be believed. Because there are enough westerners who will act like children can seduce adults and that they must've asked for it. The police is more likely to laugh in your face and spread naked pictures of you which were supposed to be evidence among each other, than to actually fucking help you. Police officers who speak out about this are fired. Society doesn't give a fuck when it actually comes down to it when a woman says she was raped.
>I have not defended ChristianityYou have done worse, you act like Christianity specifically, the religion, has caused feminism and is a mildening effect. You're obviously a convert with your head too far up your ass.
No. 1180205
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>>1180204So much protection!
No. 1180208
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>>1180205The system truly does work!
No. 1180217
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>>1180208So much protection!
>>1180210>fedora-chanAh yeah, truly fedoratier to be upset at how rapists aren't being convicted in the west and how women are
victim blamed.
No. 1180221
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>>1180217The law truly works!
No. 1180224
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>>1180221I feel so safe with this piece of paper which does absolutely nothing
No. 1180235
>>1180204>Maybe you should read what I posted about Catholic canon lawPlease quote the part of the CCC that states it's God will that non Catholic women are raped.
>They will say one thing but do another.Because the concept of pedophilia being wrong is prevalent in the west. They can not be completely open about what they are doing because there is a high level of revulsion towards pedophilia.
>It's all meaningless when pedophiles and rapists are acquitted anywayThe very fact that anyone accused of pedophilia is taken to court is an improvement over Islam. I agree that the existing laws are inadequate.
>Not if you live in the biblebelt. Then you get no protection or rights. You can stick your "but muh majority christian countries are okay" up your ass, because that doesn't help the situation of thousands of women stuck in those areasYes Bible Belt bad and it needs to change but this is not the majority of the west. If it were the concept of The Bible Belt being bad wouldn't exist because it would be normalized.
>You have done worse, you act like Christianity specifically, the religion, has caused feminism and is a mildening effect.Because it did. In Christianity The Enlightenment happened. There is no comparable period in Islam. The Enlightenment was the start of the concept of women's rights and it was also responsible for the emergence of thought that led to the abolishment of slavery in the west.
No. 1180247
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>>1180224I just cannot fucking believe I have to explain that it doesn't fucking matter what it says in the law or that people CLAIM they are against pedophilia and rape, when the moment someone is actually a
victim, they are dropped like a hot fucking potato by society and the system. ISLAM SUCKS, CHRISTIANITY SUCKS, SCROTES SUCK, and it's very fucking offensive to act like Christianity causes scrotes to be better when it fucking doesn't. Theocratic rule by any Abrahamic religion would be fucking hellish and it doesn't matter what your personal interpretations of Christianity are. You're being fucking retarded to act like your EXTREMELY gracious interpretations are that of all the major denominations, WHEN THEY'RE NOT and it's fucking rose tinted utopian bullshit. There are interesting aspects about Christian theology and I'll gladly talk about that, but it's all THEORETICAL.
>>1180235>Please quote the part of the CCC that states it's God will that non Catholic women are raped.Moving goalposts, I already quoted the part where they say child marriage is fine. I can also refer you to the actions of reformist protestants during WWII.
>Because the concept of pedophilia being wrong is prevalent in the west. They can not be completely open about what they are doing because there is a high level of revulsion towards pedophilia.Yes they can when they're famous, especially rockstars, quite common actually. Just look at how revered David Bowie is. People will SAY they are against pedophilia, but when it actually happens, they think it's fine and will protect scrotes. Just look at how people are currently caping for Depp.
>Yes Bible Belt bad and it needs to change but this is not the majority of the west.Doesn't matter when it's silently condoned at best and approved and encouraged by the government at worst. 1/3rd of a country is also a big fucking area.
>Because it did. In Christianity The Enlightenment happened.So now you actually admit it? Like what else is there to say? You legit think Christianity, a PATIRARCHAL RELIGION, led to feminism. YOU FUCKING RETARD. THE ENLIGHTENMENT LEAD TO THE WITCH HUNTS AND THE CODIFICATION OF MISOGYNY INTO CONSTITUTIONS. THE CONCEPT OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS WAS AS A REACTION TO THE MASSIVE INCREASE IN MISOGYNY. I fucking swear you come across like some right wing tradtard from 2014 holy shit. You keep moving the goalposts. Only retarded fucking scrotes who love themselves some Palingenetic ultranationalism circlejerk about the fucking enlightenment. The fucking enlightenment brought the chainsaw to hack women's pelvises open, even though there were great techniques for C sections already available. THANKS CHRISTIANITY. Holy shit you're horrible
No. 1180308
>>1180247>ISLAM SUCKS, CHRISTIANITY SUCKS, SCROTES SUCKI don't disagree but Christianity sucks less than Islam. The very fact that we are having this discussion is proof of that.
>it's very fucking offensive to act like Christianity causes scrotes to be better when it fucking doesn'tThen what causes western men to be better behaved than scrotes in Islamic countries?
>People will SAY they are against pedophilia, but when it actually happens, they think it's fine and will protect scrotes.Why do people have to pretend they are against pedophilia?
>THE ENLIGHTENMENT LEAD TO THE WITCH HUNTS AND THE CODIFICATION OF MISOGYNY INTO CONSTITUTIONSThe Enlightment caused the decline of witch trials and the concept of separation of church and state which was a necessary precursor to the end of church control of government. The first literature recognised as feminist was also written in this period.
>>1180253It's called formatting. Separating paragraphs makes text easier to read and is not reddit spacing. Reddit spacing is putting each sentence on a separate line.
No. 1180321
>>1180247Christ never said anything about raping and murdering infidels though
There is a massive difference between islam and christianity, even if organized christianity can be horrific as well.
No. 1180375
>>1180370You're so wrong. It's all about the laws, in Muslim countries a woman getting killed is seen as minor compared to a man, you literally get small sentences if you kill a woman as a man.
Stop making it seem like men are only violent because they don't get sex, they literally do get sex and still hate us either ways.
No. 1180465
>>1180402>Trust me, you don't get 5 years for raping and killing women on the daily.Killing maybe not, but for raping? Pedo's get 2 years jail for raping toddlers daily in my oh so progressive western Christian country. But they prefer to acquit pedo's.
>You also don't get excused for beating your wife just because she babbled too much.Yes you can in the west. To give a high profile example, just look at the hate Amber is getting, while everyone is caping for Depp.
>Stop making it look like it's women's fault that men are violent.How am I doing that? By acknowledging that the courts are rigged and that the police don't give a fuck? See the infographics posted upthread.
>>1180401See the infographics and articles upthread, read actually up on the sentences instead of assuming shit. You're delusional and on copium to think it's so wonderful in the west. Also if anything, it's Paki-chan who is insisting that Christianity lead to feminism and has a good effect on scrotes.
>>1180410Thank you.
>>1180418Germany and the Netherlands aren't much better. A scrote got put in a psychiatric institution here as part of his sentence, but because of the GDPR they had to respect his privacy and the staff wasn't allowed to see what he was in for (raping kids). So he was able to wander off the grounds, grab a woman off of her bicycle, rape her and then kill her. He appealed his sentence and it got actually reduced. Oh and he's still sitting in a cozy open psychiatric institution instead of an actual prison. You know who did get blamed and almost killed? His mother and sister. The parents of the woman who was murdered also complain that nobody learned anything from this situation. They only hand out proper sentences when there's a big media circus, but most murder cases end in really short sentences. Rape cases generally don't even make it to court, because the burden of proof is so high and public prosecutors tend to not bother. Never mind that when you try to report anything to the police, they keep asking whether you're sure and start to
victim blame there already, literally trying to gatekeep reporting. There has also been several cases of the police taking photos of
victims injuries and then spreading them around as porn, instead of actually filing the report. Police officers who complain about this practice are fired. Not every
victim thinks of not showering and immediately going to the ER, many won't even immediately acknowledge they were raped or
victim blame themselves already. I feel like it's not fair that the burden of proof is so high when they hand out tiny sentences anyway, because the amount of false rape reports is also TINY in the first place.
No. 1181509
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Am I the only one who finds it suspicious that births from 37-38 weeks are now "early term" and no longer full term? It makes zero sense and I have yet to see a baby have health problems due to being born at 37-38 weeks. Could babies be developing slower than usual? Is this just a scheme to get women to spend extra weeks in prenatal care?
No. 1182437
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9/11 and the Invasion of Afghanistan.
2000 “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” manifesto that “a new Pearl Harbor” would be vital to rapidly transform the US military into one capable of carrying out that agenda of invading multiple countries.'s%20Defenses%20recommended%20establishing,security%20environment%22%20in%20key%20regions%2CAt least part of the background to this decision was the United States’ long-time support for UNOCAL’s proposed pipeline, which would transport oil and natural gas from the Caspian Sea region to the Indian Ocean through Afghanistan and Pakistan. project had been stymied through the 1990s because of the civil war that had been going on in Afghanistan since the Soviet withdrawal in 1989.
In the mid-1990s, the US government had supported the Taliban with the hope that its military strength would enable it to unify the country and provide a stable government, which could protect the pipeline. By the late 1990s, however, the Clinton administration had given up on the Taliban.
When the Bush administration came to power, it decided to give the Taliban one last chance. During a four-day meeting in Berlin in July 2001, representatives of the Bush administration insisted that the Taliban must create a government of “national unity” by sharing power with factions friendly to the United States. The US representatives reportedly said: “Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs.”, indeed, given the fact that the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon occurred when they did, the US military was able to mobilize to begin its attack on Afghanistan by October 7.
It appears, therefore, that the United States invaded Afghanistan for reasons far different from the official rationale, according to which we were there to capture or kill Osama bin Laden
Construction on the (pipeline) project started in Turkmenistan on 13 December 2015[3] and was completed by mid-2019.[19] Construction on the Afghan side started on 24 February 2018, while construction on the Pakistan side is planned to start by October 2019 and be completed in 2020.[19] February 6th 2021, the Taliban made a statement. the 30th of August 2021, the US Forces unilaterally pulled out of Afghanistan, leaving the Taliban with millions of dollars of Military equipment.
No. 1182473
>>1182355True. The whole "you need medicine" and "omg don't say exercise and eating healthy and thinking nice thoughts help its literally my brain structure" are such copes and lies from the pharmaceutical companies.
I had so many doctors and therapist and psychiatrists try to push antidepressants on me and I told them to shove it. No way am I chemically lobotomizing myself. Its better to be a sad sack of shit, than to not feel anything and be numbed and dumbed. At least I stil feel something and I feel like a human. And guess what? Thinking positively, exercising, spending time in nature, spending time with friends, eating well, letting myself relax and letting myself feel emotions, even if they are sad, actually helped and I'm not depressed anymore. It really was that simple(and fucking hard, much harder than popping a pill). And I had severe depression and ptsd, experienced a lot of pretty awful shit. If I can do it, I'd say 90% of people on antidepressants could do it without them.
Just thinking happy thoughts rewire your brain, fake it until you make it really works. Placebo is strong as shit, but nocebo is even stronger. If people are tricked into believing depression is incurable and symptoms are treatable with strong medication, no wonder they stay miserable.
No. 1182505
>>1182477>>1182492>>1182477I was abused and neglected my whole childhood and then entered
abusive relationships with violence, isolation and rape, suicide attempts and severe self harm. Don't try to "omg u were just midly depressed" me. Doctors tried to push antipsychotics on me as well. I just decided to not be a bitch, took years, but at least my brain isn't fried and I am actually happy.
The mind is more powerful than you think, but if you have a defeatist attitude you have already lost. If you are convinced nothing will work, yeah well you're right, it won't work.
>>1182500Thank you. Good on you as well, nicotine addiction is strong. You're right, no matter what has happened, the only person who can change the present is oneself.
No. 1182529
>>1182511And you aren't, saying medication, numbing the symptoms instead of fixing the root cause, is the best solution?
People spend their whole lives talking themselves down, stewing in their own misery, hating themselves, and then they say alternative methods to medication doesn't work for them because it isn't an instant fix. They spend 20-30-50-60 years of their lives thinking negatively dealing with negative coping mechanisms and then they say something doesn't work because it didn't help in a few days or a week or a month. A new positive habit takes at least 30 days to form, but people give up way before that and say it doesn't work. It takes time to undo all that self hatered. It might take years, but it actally fixes the root cause. Drugging yourself with body destroying pharmaceuticals, yeah its an instant quick fix. But it only masks the symptoms.
I'm not even against all forms of medication, I even think alcohol can be used in a postive way of self medicating. I just think the literal brain and body destorying shitstorm that ruins your sex drive, your metabolism, your brain function and your emotional abilities is a horrific thing. And it is sad that it is the first "help" people get, without more than a quick talk with a doctor and no follow up or plan to actually fix anything.
No. 1182561
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>>1182557Nice assumption you made there, but I mean it for something else. I'm kinda really depressed because I'm ill and afraid of more surgeries and maybe getting serious treatment. I'm only getting weaker and I'm actually depressed also because I can't lift heavy weights anymore. My diet is heavily restricted, I could kill myself and perforate something if I eat the wrong things. Even when being careful, I still have pain after every meal. I'm easily fatigued, yet I also have insomnia. Everyone has kind of dipped and just says "be positive" and basically doesn't want to talk or hangout until I'm recovered. I can't drink alcohol or have weed. Life just really sucks atm
No. 1182565
>>1182511I'm going to disagree here. I spent my late teens and early twenties extremely ill, diagnosed schizo and in and out of hospital and i am positive now overmedication made me worse. medication should be used as a crutch when/if needed and can be helpful but long term use is medical negligence imo. i stopped taking meds and started doing the whole eat better and exercise bullshit and it helps, a lot. i learned my
triggers and early warning signs of an episode and have enough insight to self manage my psychosis before it spirals into a full blown episode. it's fucking hard and i'm still not high functioning by societies standards but I have a shitty job and socialise a little and am independent. fuck the malicious doctors that are ruining peoples lives by medicating them before their brain even fucking develops, it makes me so fucking sad
No. 1182566
>>1182520Sorry girl but is this really the hill you want to die on? You really want to feel miserable and out of control forever? Ok.
The reality is that life is hard, extremely hard, for some more than others sure but we all go through it. We all have factors outside of our control that affect us, but that doesn't mean we should resign responsibility of our own life and state of being. YOU are responsible for yourself no matter what. Regardless of your life experience it is up to YOU whether you will try for a better life or not. For some of us that have experienced intense trauma and want a good life anyway, it is a matter of making small choices for that dream of a "good life" and you have to make those small choices every day. Of course there are set backs, but if you keep at it your life will improve. That's just the plain truth.
So you can resign yourself to big daddy pharma so you don't have to make those choices, (and if you're traumatized I frankly wouldn't blame you; part of the allure of big pharma IS the idea of a benevolent authority figure that wants to care for you, even if that allure is an illusion our money-brains will respond) OR go for what
>>1182505 is saying. Again, the choice is yours!
No. 1182743
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Recently, we’ve been having so many ‘blood moons’ for the past few years, are we getting near the end?
Tonight’s moon aside from being red had some type of light behind or next to it, not like picrel though. My mom captured it on camera
No. 1182758
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I really can't believe some of the nonnas of this thread, like we fucking get that patriarchy and misogyny exists in the world, but some of you all are really arguing that modern europe is just as bad as muslim societies that have not evolved in over 1400 years and would have stayed the same if it weren't for colonization, I don't even like paki-chan but I have to agree with her on this
No. 1182765
>>1182758I cannot believe someone just said
>>1182692 seriously, with no elaboration. I’m embarrassed.
No. 1182793
>>1182782Yes, I believe there is a conspiracy between pharmaceutical companies/psychiatry/governments to chemically lobotomize people who don't
"fit in," and women who are unhappy with misogyny are always not going to fit in. And when you consider the origins of psychiatry and read more about the institutions supporting it, yeah I don't think it's a coincidence that it hurts women so much specifically.
No. 1182841
>>1182793It's also an excuse to not improve the material reality of women. It's not that patriarchy sucks and we're in a soft power authoritarian dystopia, nooo you're just insane for not being happy with your position and for being dissatisfied with the government. Brave New World already predicted it. The "just think positively" "law of attraction" theology is just as retarded and
victim blamey, just another aspect of neoliberal control and the myth that patriarchal western neoliberal society is the best you can get and you're not allowed to dream of better. You'll be told that you're just not making use of the tools that are there, when we're dealing with Kafkaesque bureaucracy at every turn and reality doesn't work like the paper fiction everyone loves so much. It never goes like it's supposed to or ought to and I wish I could personally crush everyone's rose tinted glasses with my bare hands. It's still a tool of psychologists today to convince women, including daughters, children, who are often forgotten or it's excused even by many feminists that they're still treated like property of parents, that being beaten is a sign of love. It's easier to brainwash than to deny the fascist tyrant of the home, the father, the husband, his punchingbag. The shelters are full, this is cheaper and they get off on brainwashing. More shelters, monetary help or protection? Nonono, we need to pay the royals, give the rich another tax cut and the politicians another pay raise.
No. 1182850
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>>1182779>>1182793>>1182841I'm a radfem and a psych major, psychology has a
problematic history(most institutions have) but there is a real science to psychology, it can and has been used in a number of ways, both good and bad but I assure psychologists aren't the ones causing psychological illnesses, we are trying to treat them, this is some pizzagate shit
No. 1182852
>>1182718Yeah it's an admixture. There are helpful medications that actually do work. It's the pharma companies that sell them that are the problem. SSRIs are dangerously overprescribed and won't work for many people, though. Opioid and painkiller epidemic, those are all things that are both wrongfully pushed into psychiatry through years of misinformation and malpractice and lobbying by big pharma
Certain bipolar and mood stabilizing meds alongside non ssri anti anxiety pills are much better for people with psych issues and don't have the same laundry list of effects. Yes the majority of big pharma is greedy and psychiatrists are wrongfully taught and paid by pharma companies. You wade through a torrent of shit to find a decent one
The psych who weaned me off ssris practically saved my life and it sucks I have no insurance and can't see her anymore. The American healthcare system is a scam
My other tinfoil is I don't believe Mark Cubans alternative to big pharma is anything more than a profit grab and will only encourage worse lobbying from the pharma industry. Could be a psyop. These mega billionaires never do anything out of charity, they always have ulterior motive. At this point I'm wondering if out of desperation I might have to buy my meds illegally to ever go on them again. I don't want to support any of these fuck shit companies or billionaires
No. 1182858
>>1182850When I called CPS as a teenager on my
abusive father, they diagnosed me with depression and anxiety, refused to acknowledge that I'm traumatized. Then put me on antidepressants and spent a year telling me that my father beating me is a sign of love. After years they admitted that they do this because the shelters are full. And a psychiatrist at a different place agreed that I was traumatized and that I don't have an irrational phobia of my father, but that it's wrong to beat and neglect children and lock them up for days at a time. It's not a pizzagate level conspiracy when they admit it to me. They didn't allow me to live with other family either, for political reasons. CPS got flack for placing too many kids out of the home, so they went the other extreme direction and didn't place any out of the home. Even when parents threw a toddler off a balcony, they were allowed to keep the rest, no joke.
No. 1182861
>>1182858CPS does more harm than good most of the time. Convincing rape and abuse
victims that they were delusional and there's actually something wrong with them for "falsely" accusing their parents of that, sending kids back to
abusive homes where they get murdered, etc
No. 1182874
>>1182861AYRT definitely, they also do free conversion therapy. My father claimed that my sexuality was pathological, they just believed it pointblank and were fine with him not allowing me to see my ex-gf. I got the whole "you have a male demon inside you" spiel and they referred me to church. I was convinced I'm a monster and that lesbians are inherently
abusive and predatory, I started second guessing everything I did with my ex, because I initiated a lot. Then I broke up with her to save her from my monstrous self and to not have to come out, even though I looked like an obvious dyke to everyone anyway. I haven't had a relationship since. They just thought that my "irrational phobia" of my father led me to an "irrational hatred" of men and that led me to "pathological lesbianism". It was only when I found a good psychiatrist when I was an adult that I was told that I'm just traumatized and that my hatred of men is very understandable and not irrational at all or something to be fixed. I haven't talked about the internalized lesbophobia though, because I'm worried they'll try to trans me instead.
No. 1182892
>>1182886This, I remember reading about how CPS would place
victims with their proven rapists because "she's old enough to defend herself/her younger sister". Or just blatantly accuse them of lying since people in America apparently think rape doesn't happen and everyone just lies
No. 1182899
>>1182886CPS in other countries sucks too and has the same problems. They marked thousands of single mothers as having committed welfare fraud in my country and placed their children out of their homes and in situations where they were sexually abused. But placing a kid out of the home of a single father with full custody? Letting them live with female family members instead, so it wouldn't even cost them anything? HELL NO, WE GOTTA WORSHIP THE SCROTE, SCROTE ALWAYS RIGHT. They only love to punish women and girls.
>>1182889Oh yeah you can see it happening in China already. They went too far with one child policy, then got rid of restrictions, but nobody wants to have kids anymore. So they started to restrict abortions and you know what will happen next to try to increase the birth rate and keep their dominant position. Same thing in the US. They did this early on in nazi Germany too to create more workers and soldiers, Stalin did this too even though the Soviet Union had an insanely progressive abortion policy before him. It's always a bad sign.
>>1182891They called my grandma a kidnapper, even though she raised me for the first decade of my life while my father was out partying and harming women. If anything it was my father who kidnapped me when he suddenly came back and took me with him, but that's not how the law sees it, because children are the property of parents and it doesn't matter what is actually best for the child.
No. 1182977

>>1182889>>1182899instead of looking at what if scenarios, you should look at what's actually happening
China's gender imbalances and birth decline has created an entire bride trafficking market for dickhead chinese men to get a submissive perfect wife, women from Pakistan, vietnam, and Mongolia are lured into China or sometimes just straight up kidnapped and married to bumfuck chinese men, they are stuck in nations where they is no chance escape and they can't even speak the local language, richer chinese men usually get eastern european women however I believe with the current war tens of thousands of Ukrainian women(and probably children) are likely in this black market, I can only see this market increasing as Chinese influence expands
Arabs do this to a lesser extent, as liberalism is growing in a lot gulf arab countries many gulf arab women no longer want to be as helpless as previous generations and don't wanna bare 10 kids, so men in gulf arab men are now marrying pakistani women, though in practice its the women being a sex slave and maid and just like the case of the chinese, these women are stuck in lands where they don't understand the native language and can't ever escape, this will be a growing trend
No. 1182993
>>1182850Psychology is a vague ass science. Many things can be interpreted as you wish (which is why misdiagnoses are so common) and it IS used in unethical ways. Most psychologist are not fit to listen and give advice to people who are struggling with illnesses, most of them don't even give a shit and just put you on meds that either don't work or actually worsen your illness. Now we even have "trend" diagnones like autism, anxiety or adhd for people who do not have these illnesses but get put on meds anyway because why not, it's more money that way.
Imagine paying a shitload of money just to go talk to another flawed person about your issues and getting their shitty opinion.
No. 1183003
>>1182993>>1182983speaking from experience but my bfs step mum is a psychiatrist. And at dinner parties she is always shilling crap about trannies and how
valid they are etc. Meanwhile she's a functional alcoholic and has massive bpd behaviour issues around us, like one day she will completely ignore us and another she will act as sweet as a peach. She's always really snarky though and asks soo many questions all the time. She has 3 sons and all of them have weird issues like being a recluse, anger issues or becoming a rude soyboy. Psychologists/psychiatrists scare tf out of me honestly and the other anon is right, how would they profit from healthy people? Also I think relaying all your information about your secrets and feelings to a total stranger is kind of fucked up in its own right. I tried the whole psychologist thing once when my drinking got bad and I just felt so creepy opening up to this random asf mfer. I went to 2 sessions and then just said no and put myself into AA (which is free) and I stopped my binge drinking. Actually having like minded idiots like me around to talk to and having the benefit of religion during these talks helped and made me understand how to live morally and in a healthy way. A psychiatrist/any psych is just a glorified drug dealer who literally strokes your ego and tells you things you really can figure out yourself if you tried. Sorry for the rant but just wanted to add my 2 cents.
No. 1183034
>>1182977Same is happening to women who try to escape from NK right? They end up being used as sex slaves by Chinese men?
>>1182983I don't even know why it's called pizzagate tier shit, when it's one of the core tenants of radical feminism. It's more than just "I hate trannies and sex work". I swear even Dworkin wrote about it, but I can't recall which book off the top of my head.
>>1183003Talking to other women who experienced childhood abuse worked better for me than being gaslit into believing that being beaten, locked up and neglected is a sign of love and that it's irrational to hate men. Lifting weights, learning combat sports and self defense made me feel safer in the world, instead of being gaslit into thinking the world is a safe place, when I know the police won't even come to your aid when you call, because women and girls are never believed. Religion doesn't help me though, would just be more lesbophobia and I can't believe in a greater power, even though theology is quite interesting to me. I prefer absurdism over moralism, the male voyeur in my head (see the quote by Atwood) is my own unironic fascist father, I already have an intense amount of self control and I'm already too harsh on myself. I need to allow myself to live a little and let myself have some nice food, allow myself to date, allow myself to be lazy sometimes and not just be obsessed with work, study and being productive, allow myself to just live in the moment and smell the flowers instead of trying to always plan 20 years ahead when my life expectancy might just be 5 years (no joke). It might come across like hedonism, but I've never gotten into drinking alcohol and I never will, I have never been to a club, have cooked for myself and only eaten whole foods since early teens, workout everyday even right after surgery I try to find ways to workout, sometimes I just need to chill and let loose. For me it means something different. The nurses had to constantly remind me to not do too much too fast, I push myself too much.
No. 1183191
>>1182993my friend growing up used to have this weird problem where she had to bash her head left and right while in bed for about 20 minutes before falling asleep. She and i disconnected as time went on and when I saw her at around 19 she had butchered her arms and thighs, and i dont mean a few dainty scars I mean deep, thick cuts from wrist to the tops of her shoulders and all of her thighs. I disconnected from her again for years and now I've found out recently she got a degree in psychology.
These are the people 'curing you'. I feel like they're just energy vampires who love listening to fucked up stories and telling people 'its ok, you're accepted, you're a good girl/boy'
Its such a creepy profession and should be abolished.
No. 1183220
>>1183208she didn't get better in the slightest, her parents divorced in high school and she just ended up doing cocaine daily and partying. Even to this day I check her insta and she dresses like an e-thot, clubs and writes pickme political posts about how troons are
No. 1183231
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>>1183223I think you can tell when you're dying or when there's something seriously wrong with you, I think that's the paranoia and the feeling of dread. The vitamin deficiencies didn't help, but it would make sense to have a biological function like that. The pain and more obvious symptoms only started later, the psychological symptoms happened first. I'm glad I actually listened to the paranoia and kinda started ticking things of my bucketlist already back then and made sure to treat myself with my favourite foods, because now I'm more ill, no fun allowed.
No. 1183263
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>>1183244Does sound like it. Antidepressants just made me hyper and restless, so I quit them fast. Benzos are numbing, making me feel nothing, I fucking hate them. I prefer feeling some anxiety and being unhinged, so I can also feel happiness when I see a cats and get to pet them, instead of turning my experience of the world into a colorless bland numb mess. I don't get why there are people who use them recreationally, abuse them or romanticize them. How would feeling absolutely fucking nothing not make you borderline suicidal?
No. 1183495
>>1183457This. I love watching obese Americans try to guilt pregnant woman while stuffing their faces in fastfood, kek. It's clearly an agenda of theirs and they're using pregnancy as an excuse to be misogynistic to women and shame their bodies with the excuse of
No. 1183514
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So, what, do you think if I stop taking my ssri's I'll get better? Maybe one day I want to stop taking them, but I really don't feel any different than before I needed to take them in the first place. I feel exactly the same. The only thing it's changed has been positive from what I can tell. My mind no longer goes in endless negative cycles, but this happened during a random break in my mind where my depression spiraled out of control. I'm not perfect though, I am still depressed and struggling to get a job but at least I find ways to cope like exercise, music, meditation, eating as healthy as I can, etc. Without medicine I'd just spend my days sleeping. I know the meds aren't an end all be all but I feel like without them I'd be sucked back into the mind whirlpool. I don't know. Does it depend on the kind of medicine? Are certain ssri's more damaging than others? I was prescribed a med based on 1 conversation with a psychiatrist and it fucked me up and the negative side effects never went away. Now that one turned me into a robot so I understand the fear of medications. I just want to be normal someday.
No. 1183515
>>1182883>why do American women not breastfeed?Because they're brainwashed into thinking staying more fuckable to their husband is more important than being a good mother. These are the same women who say they love their husbands more than their children, which I've only heard from Americans once again.
If she doesn't breastfeed because she's uncomfortable, more power to her but doing so only so she doesn't have saggy breasts is disgusting. How society conditioned women to think their breasts are only sexual objects is disgusting when it's a biological process that greatly affects bonding with the baby aside from the obvious health effets like jaw and immune development.
No. 1183521
>>1183410ngl it’s genuinely scary to see the disconnect between women + our nature, every single day on here I see women call pregnancy disgusting plus all of these insane names. the very biological act that has gotten us all here.
providing for your CHILD by breastfeeding them is a natural act and its been proven to have health benefits for women
No. 1183605
>>1183565Depends on the person, pregnancy cured my anemia and put an end to my endo pain for a good 9 months, it also helped with my acne and hair loss. A lot of shitty symptoms I had pre pregnancy disappeared after pregnancy I also heard a lot of women claim pregnancy got rid of allergies. The only true issue I faced other than soreness after birth is PPD but I wasn't any less depressed before
>>1183354Breastfeeding makes your boobs saggy if you don't do it correctly, such as lack of weaning, fast weight loss, etc. For some women their boobs just stay their pregnancy or breastfeeding size.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding truly isn't one size fits all, it's not fair to say that all women will suffer during pregnancy when it can actually be beneficial to lots of women. Lack of pregnancy support in America is a huge problem and most gen x and boomer American parents are shit tier so a lot of moms are lost and don't receive proper guidance and support that grandparents would've provided in the past since most of them are too caught up with going to strip clubs, spending every last penny to vacation to Florida and ignoring mental health or other family issues that need to be addressed
No. 1183996
>>1183521>ngl it’s genuinely scary to see the disconnect between women + our natureWhat is our nature? Is it our biological destiny to give birth? Thought we fought already a couple waves to be able to choose our own destiny (and that's still not always possible). Natural doesn't mean good, assuming it's automatically good for everyone because it's natural is the appeal to nature fallacy. There are many things which are "natural" but aren't good for everyone or anyone at all. Do I have to let myself get raped by a man (it's natural, found everywhere in nature and also obviously BAD) or go through expensive IVF to fulfill my biological destiny, just because it's "natural"?
>the very biological act that has gotten us all hereYeah and I think it was a bad idea for my mum, because she got post partem psychosis and she's never been the same since from what I've understood. It might be biology and natural, but that doesn't mean it's good for everyone.
>>1183605>it also helped with my acne and hair lossMy grandma lost all her teeth due to pregnancy, had massive hairloss and almost died just to end up with just several sons who made her life a living hell. I think those risks aren't worth the minor potential benefits and she agrees.
No. 1184136
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>>1184084I fucking hate how owning a small harmless dog is considered bitchy/feminine so you have a bunch of NLOG and insecure manlets getting big dogs they have no clue how to control, what's even the point of having a big dog of you're not using it for utility like sled dogs or sheep dogs? You don't look manly for owning a great dane while living in a 900 square foot house with little to no yard you look like a Hypebeast who wants to pretend they have a different lifestyle than their sad typical life, it reminds me of those dicklets who buy roided up trucks but live in the suburbs 10 minutes away from Walmart
No. 1184154
>>1183191Psychology is a legit field. That doesn't mean that it's immune from becoming an industry like any other, especially in this day and age, in late capitalism where the goal of an industry is not to be effective at helping people but at making money. That's why any psychologically damaged, unhinged person can become a psychologist these days. At the same time, there are also compassionate and rational people in that field.
>>1184145>Small harmless dogs existYeah because they were bred for ages to be like that. See pet ethics thread.
In any case, most dogs aren't small and harmless. It's not an irrational fear, it is justified and in many cases comes from actual trauma, no matter how much you love dogs but hate men it is the truth. NTA by the way.
No. 1184167
>>1184126This is just an article, but it pretty much conveys the modern medical system around birth. think there's a portion of women that chose to opt into procedures to rush things along or for the sake of aesthetics, but this is mostly becoming an problem accepted and pushed by obstetrics now. When you've got women in a vulnerable position that are taught to trust their doctors as knowing what's best, they're going to trust whatever the doctors tell them. So if an OB suggests intervention or early birth, women don't have much room to protest.
I was threatened with forceps on the second birth, and that was only after pushing for 2-3 minutes. They forced me into laying backwards to push, despite having no pain medication or epidura and fully mobile. End result was blown capillaries down to my shoulders and a baby in ten minutes, but it didn't get enough of the fluid out of his lungs during the process. This led to breathing problems, NICU stay, antibiotic use, and a massive problem with breastfeeding. If women can't trust their OBs to work with us during an extremely vulnerable time, we're fucked and our babies' futures along with our own are up in the air.
No. 1184191
>>1184168Wrong. Bully breeds kill more than EVERY OTHER BREED COMBINED in America. They're by far the biggest problem.
Also…golden retrievers??? KEK. Show me literally one fatal golden attack in the history of the breed. One. You're more likely to be killed by a fucking toddler than a golden.
No. 1184194
>>1184168Pits are different because their attacks rip out chunks of flesh and you can literally pepper spray the shit out of them and they'll sometimes keep attacking. They're bred to have no sense of self preservation and will keep attacking even when injured. Also they're far more mentally unstable than other breeds, hence why they almost never get used by the military or police.
I agree all bigs dogs are dangerous to some extent but bully breeds are another level and there's no reason they shouldn't be illegal at this point.
No. 1184296
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It's not just added sugars fucking up American diets and health but all the added natural and artificial flavors too. It's in fucking everything and companies aren't required to list exactly what those flavors are with the other ingredients
No. 1184601
>>1184296You mean popcorn gonna hurt me?
We can’t have shit
No. 1186056
>>1184223nta but golden retrievers/labs attacks are common not because theyre violent dogs but because they're by far the most common dogs around. shitbulls still win for most deadly/maiming attacks.
speaking of shitbulls, anyone here interested in the best friends animal society/the process church conspiracy? pitbulls are pushed by the media as being a perfect family friendly dog in large part because of this cult that believes dogs can sense evil in a person. so they encourage people to adopt dogs that will kill them because, in their minds, the toddler who gets mauled deserved it because they had bad karma or something. once i learned this i couldn't go back to pretending that 'dog racism' was real at all.
No. 1186126
>>1186010This happens because the vegan diet is chronically deficient in the amino acids and nutrients needed to synthesise neurochemicals.
I'll use depression as an example. There's three neurochemicals responsible for depression, serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine. The body uses these as neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are syntheised from amino acids. If someone's diet is deficient in amino acids it can cause mental dysfunction because the body can't synthesise enough neurochemicals to function correctly.
Serotonin is synthesised from tryptophan. The richest sources of tryptophan are cheese, milk, chicken and turkey. Someone who isn't vegan can get enough tryptophan in a single serving. Even if they don't eat these foods any complete protein such as meat or eggs will contain tryptophan. The main complete protein for vegans is soy and soy is low in tryptophan. There are plant foods that are higher in tryptophan such as chia seeds. Chicken breast contains around 400mg per 100g and chia seeds contain around 40mg per 100g so even then it's not ideal.
Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and dopamine are syntheised from phenylalanine and can also be synthesised from tyrosine. Tyrosine isn't considered an essential amino acid because it can be synthesised in the body from phenylalanine if there isn't enough from dietary sources. Meat, eggs and dairy are complete proteins and are the richest sources of phenylalanine. A single serving of beef can contain over double the required daily intake.
Anti-depressants such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and SNRIs (selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors) work by blocking the reuptake of neurochemicals so that more is available as a neurotransmitter.
It is possible to eat a vegan diet and get the right amount of essential amino acids, it's just much more difficult. Most vegans seem to have zero nutritional awareness and don't even understand what an essential amino acid is or why they are required. EAAs are only one component to a nutritionally complete diet, there's also iron, zinc and B vitamins which are typically lacking in vegans and just as with the example with depression, any sort of chronic deficiency is going to lead to health issues.
No. 1186931
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>>1186909Got it. A bunch of screenshots and his own posts are in this thread:
>>>/meta/27452His account: No. 1186936
>>1186931>>1186933What the fuck. How did he even find this website?
Fucking dog gore spammer.
No. 1187085
>>1187069She has a very womanly and fit body too, having a big nose doesn't make you a man when the %99 of your body is unmistakably feminine. As a woman with a big nose, these men sound so schizoid as I've literally never been mistaken as a male or saw a woman go through anything like that.
These men aren't against trannies either, they're just using the tranny term to insult women they deem unattractive or even too tall. It just reeks insecurity.
No. 1187098
>>1187093It's because stan-twitter is composed of straight pickmes and faggots who'd die for men's approval. Even the
bi women in stantwitter keep saying how bad women are in relationships and how they prefer dating men, it's disgusting how low they go just ti get a crumb of scrote.
No. 1187116
>>1184506 Personally o think that men are groomed/raised to normalize pedophila. If you ask most men, they would say they're not pedos because they think that pedophilia is just raping <10 years old girls, they don't even thought that teens could be kids too, it's a complete disconnect from reality. Idk if this is because a pedo elite want to normalize pedophila in the long term or just another way to control society and make us miserable. In my mind there is 4-5 types of pedos 1) Mentally stunned and brain damaged 2) Groomed to normalize pedophila 3) Pornsickness 4) legit psychopaths. I still haven't decided if pedos who claim a romantic bond with kids (Maps) are their own category or a mix of the other 4. Your average pedo scrote is a mix of category 2 and 3. In their case, mental gymnastics/dissociation are almost guaranteed (that is why i think they're not "naturally pedophiles") most of literal kiddle diddlers are a 1 and 4, maybe 3 if they used drugs or are autistic and they don't dissociate because they don't have the brain ability of feeling remorse anymore/they never had it, pedo rings are almost all 4 and 1 if it is a sex cult where members start young. Tbh, i think that today's society is too sick to determine if there are "born pedophiles" or if they're all a byproduct of their environments i frankly i don't care, right now pedophilia is an epidemic disease and we have bigger worries than if pedophila is a
valid paraphilia or whatever. btw, in category 1 i'm not talking of "pedos are sick/is a mental illness" narrative that excuses pedos, i'm talking about literal brain damaged individuals in the frontal lobe that have no abstraction capacity and are almost animals.
No. 1187150
>>1184801fellow ex-vegan here, can say exactly the same thing about both myself and other vegans i interacted with - pale, malnourished, and they either end up swinging very underweight or just piling on the pounds, they're never at a strong healthy weight with strength and muscle on them. i thought veganism was suitable for me for both health and animal welfare reasons but it left me overweight, bloated and deficient in so much shit.
i went back to eating meat and having dairy and have never felt better - i no longer feel extremely tired at random parts of the day, i can actually put on muscle now from working out thanks to meat consumption, and i don't have the frequent brain fog i would get from being vegan. also, eating meat fills you up for ages, it feels like my natural appetite has been restored. veganism is absolutely not for everyone and it's tiring to see people being called selfish because they literally couldn't sustain themselves on that sort of diet.
No. 1187161
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>>1186126Yeah also some people, especially
a lot of english women, lack the ability to convert betacarotene to vitamin a, making it dangerous and life threatening in the long run to go on a vegan diet.
I 100% think the vegan agenda is to make people weak, cut costs and maximize profits. The highest life expectancy is found in places with the highest consumption of animal products. Plus strenght and health in general, places where they ate a lot of meat and fish had taller stronger people. Just compare the meat and milk drinking mongols to the mostly rice eating(which is also a fairly recent thing) chinese. Also a tiny addition that makes this more tinfoily since its already here im the thread, worker bees are fed sugar and queen bees are fed protein. They are the same bees, the only thing that makes them differ is their diet. The elite will eat meat, while us cattle will eat high fructose corn syrup.
Changing animal based foods into cheap highly prossesed plant based alternatives that destroys health and then advertise it as healthy has been going on for a long time. Heart disease was practically unheard of when people used tallow, then it skyrocketed with the introduction of rape seed oil. Which, fun fact, was developed as industrial lubricant, but they figured they could cut costs and give it to people as well, even if it is a carcinogenic. And then they marketed it as a healthy alternative and animal fats as bad and artery clogging, even if its the total opposite. And even today its reccomended by doctors as a heart healthy alternative, even if we now know that omega 6 is inflammatory, and that saturated animal fats are good for you and vital to brain health.
No. 1187176
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is monkeypox the new covid?
No. 1187227
I have been trying different diets, I tried a ketoish diet with high levels of animal products for the first part of the year.
This past month I'm trying to count calories, eat less animal products, more carbs like whole grain breads, just to see if I like that better (and save money). Even though I'm eating still around 2000 calories, I feel like shit, I have no energy, I feel so brain fogged and cranky. I can't even get myself to do a full workout. I'm actually miserable on this diet. I've been moody as hell since starting this, and I notice I make way more errors, feel shaky, etc.
I'm going back to eating animal products, fruits and veg, etc. I'll still eat some carbs but only like wild rice and sweet potatoes, not even white potatoes.
(I still feel bad for the animals though so I'll only get grassfed stuff. I know it's expensive and even though I'm trying to save money, it's worth not having this brain fog).
No. 1187286
>>1184801My experience is the opposite of most people in this thread. I used to have a quite weak health as a meat eater, it got way better after I stopped eating meat. My mental health is not the best, but it's not like it's worse than it was before, so no changes in this for me.
But I am vegetarian, not vegan, so I don't know if my experience even counts in this discussion.
No. 1187329
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>bill gates invests in artificial breast milk
>Baby formula shortage because "of constant recalls"
>But European baby formula is poisonous!!
>Don't make your own formula either
>Don't tell American women things like obesity causing milk supply reduction
I swear murdering babies is no longer a meme among elites
No. 1187341
>>1187161There's definitely an agenda behind the pushing of veganism. It becomes more obvious when you look into who would stand to profit from it. Mining companies, the petrochemical industry and big agribusiness would make huge profits from the increased need for artificial fertilizer and pesticides. The pharmaceutical industry would also profit from increased illness. I think veganism is very much like troonery in that it's sold as being something good, something subversive that's against societal norms which are bad. The reality is that both troons and vegans are just a source of profit for some multi-billion dollar corporation.
>And even today its reccomended by doctors as a heart healthy alternativeSeed oils being healthy and cholesterol being bad are probably the most successful lies told in the 20th century. It's not just cancer rates that have spiked since the 1950s, rates of neurological and hormone disorders have also increased. The human brain and nervous system is made from cholesterol and it's vital for the synthesis of hormones.
No. 1187384
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>>1187354Not everywhere is America. Factory farming is very bad, both for the animals and the environment but it is not the only way to raise livestock. In Europe most livestock is still traditionally raised on pasture and are only taken inside during bad weather. Battery hens were banned in the EU in 2012. Some countries such as the UK and Switzerland have animal welfare laws that exceed the standard set by the EU. Even supermarkets in the EU and the UK offer a variety of animal products that focus on animal welfare and each country has their own levels of standards ranging from free range organic, to meat that has been raised in an environment approved by animal welfare charities. Butchers that only sell locally farmed pasture raised meat also exist in most towns and cities.
It's not perfect, there's always improvements that can be made. More laws need to passed that ban harmful practices and existing laws need stricter enforcement. Fighting for that to happen is a better alternative than wrecking the environment through enforced veganism.
No. 1187413
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He did it! The old fucker admitted (through freudian slip) that the Iraq invasion was ‘unjustified’ besides the supposed wmd’s they were stocking. B-but muh old age tho No. 1187419
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>>1187085I think it might be because Gaga wears over the top outfits and sometimes drag queen-like make-up. That creates a massive contrast if you have any features which could possibly stand out. She looks unironically daintier when she's dressed up as her Drag King persona Jo Calderone, suddenly the small wrists stand out, how feminine her face really is etc. That doesn't make it okay what these men are doing and I don't think she ever looked like an actual man, but men are blind and just see the silhouette of a drag queen with the wigs and the make-up and then all logic goes out of the window.
>>1187098>Even the bi women in stantwitter keep saying how bad women are in relationships and how they prefer dating menMen can be aggressive and violent, controlling and jealous and they're still preferred over a woman with anxiety and the woman would be described as a soulsucking vampire. Meanwhile men can just show up, don't have to wash their ass, don't have to go to therapy, can abuse anyone they want and everyone will love them for it anyway.
No. 1187559
>>1187399Cows shouldn't eat grain
And like
>>1187454 said, how will you get your eco friendly fertilizer without cows? Vegans never look at anything below surface level.
No. 1187637
>>1187329All of it is on purpose, none of it was a meme. On top of the shit ingredients, the more women rely on formula, the less milk they'll naturally produce. The fact that so many women signed up for this, deluding themselves that there'd never come a time where they wouldn't be able to use it (and that the contents in anything made by an American company could actually be trusted) is bleak. Then again, America is the same country where some people their give babies Coca Cola and fast food, and there are grown adults who are unable to eat fruits and vegetables because all they know is shitty fake food
They want you dying at the right time, and most will accept it because "muh nuggies, muh tasty microplastics, obesity is fine stop being healthist and classist and controlling women's bodies you bigot"
No. 1188057
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>>1187995that's depersonalization my dude
No. 1188175
>>1188077sometimes I'm wonder if I'm schizotypal instead of bipolar and bpd, my dissociative symptoms get so bad
>>1188079the barest method of survival
depersonalize, desensitize, deprecate, defecate
No. 1188248
>>1188004Oh my special brain damage
>>1188137Parents who constantly give into their kids demands of junk food.
No. 1188649
>>1188613I feel like this is linked to the impulsive work culture being shoved on american women. You're expected to work full time, do housechores, help kids with homework, make dinner and do it all again tomorrow so of course doing an easier/quicker dinner option seems more likable than prepping a whole meal and having to clean up the kitchen after. this happened to me a lot of eating kraft, canned peas and some chicken nuggets until my mom went on disability and my dad worked and my mom was able to cook fulfilling meals.
Not everyone can do this unfortunately but if one parent is able to stay home they def should. I see so many families who are easily able to only have one person working and choose not to and their kids end up fucked from daycares and shitty meals
>inb4 stop parent shaming you don't understandI'm heavily judging any parent who gives their kid a much less healthy option while being able to give their kids a healthier option, this also applies to breast-feeding, giving kids constant fast food, exposing kids to predators, etc. I hate the culture they we aren't allowed to judge parents for their retarded decisions
No. 1188745
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>>1188701Here is one hitting home run, made up terms, accusing others of glowing and pushing thread off the board.
>>1188691I've seen so many interesting and completely plausible posts and threads deleted in seconds, thats when I know they have at least some truth to them
No. 1188789
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>>1161214im convinced that tons of the shots were outright placebo, and the others ranged in potency. how else do you explain reactions that vary from zero reactions at all, to reactions so severe they completely debilitate the injured person, often leading to suicidal ideation?
go to the search bar on Instagram and search "jab_injuries_(country)" take your pick and read the thousands of stories of injuries. example: the most common and INFURIATING theme is that when these injured people seek help theyre dismissed and pushed away by doctors and told "we dont know what's wrong, this is all so new." people lose their livelihoods and there is ZERO institutional support or financial compensation for the injured.
if all shots were equally potent it would be too obvious. more than likely they had "hot batches" to see what the effects would be (of a bioweapon? tool of genocide? attempt at turning the body part machine with self assembling ferromagnetic nanotech and graphene oxide?)
No. 1188846
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>>1188789I posted an article about exactly that happening in the covid-19 thread during the pandemic and I got called a schizo.
No. 1189385
>>1188649I'm not defending lazy parents, but the culture is literally set up to make kids addicted to screens/fast food, traumatized with subliminal/grooming/weird shit, unhealthy with the super engineered junk food and ads, and indoctrinated to some cult (right/leftwing extreme, incels, transformers etc). And if parents refuse to comply to this culture they're seen as crazy and
abusive (not wanting kid to learn sex Ed at school, no phone until highschool, no shots, not wanting kid to chop off chest, etc). Like no wonder women stopped wanting to have kids it's almost impossible to keep kids healthy and safe from corporations and pedros.
No. 1189397
>>1189385That's the thing - they're too scared of what internet retards will say so give into whatever the fuck is ruining kids nowadays. No one in real life is going to screech at you for being
abusive if you make your kid a wholesome meal instead of bringing your kid to McDonald's by their demand. It's harder to raise kids for sure but at the same time I've seen so many terrible parenting behaviors get defended, posting nude photos of your kids online, getting multiple unnecessary vaccines, signing up for your kid to be a lab rat for said vaccines for a virus they're not even at risk for, etc.
No. 1189401
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>>1189385Nah dude I know this one mom who works all the damn time and even on days off she goes in because she doesn’t like her kids. They’re tbh rotten af because they calm them down by shoving a phone in their face. Whenever my toddler throws a tantrum in public, I take them outside and deal with itt, and try to let them calm down. I don’t understand giving kids who can’t even read phones
especially on YouTube.
No. 1189406
>>1189397IRL parents do get heavily shamed for not wanting their kid to eat fast food or having to stick to a fully non GMO diet. Same with restricted screen and internet time. It's seen as being controlling and not letting your kid be a kid. Schools literally refuse kids who haven't been shot up and only expensive private schools don't require it.
>>1189387I'm not going to start a vax debate. Just going to say that the rich don't vax their kids, and many nurses and mothers on the front line with in person experience will tell you that they are dangerous.
No. 1189629
>>1189425Have you considered that most people do believe in science and vacs, but don't believe in big corporations and pharma to not add bad shit into the vacs too? Especially with the legal immunity pharma gets with vacs.
>>1189447They do now. Plus the sex Ed they teach in schools is dogshit for women. Why is it sex Ed and not health Ed? Why the focus on diagrams and contraceptives and stds so young? Why not actually teach kids about the changes they're going through, lots of girls I know didn't know discharge was a thing and thought they were freaks, and this was a progressive school.
>>1189619Idk but I do know men and handmaidens love to terrorize non believers, it wouldn't be too implausible in this dickcentered society.
No. 1189853
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From the celbricows thread, anyone else thinks this is beyond fucked up, literally taking a human beings very identity and turning them into a product
>In a unique deal, Stan Lee, who died in 2018, is returning to Marvel Studios.
>Marvel has signed a 20-year deal with Stan Lee Universe, a venture between Genius Brands International and POW! Entertainment, to license the name and likeness of Lee for use in future feature films and television productions, as well as Disney theme parks, various “experiences” and merchandising.
>“It really ensures that Stan, through digital technology and archival footage and other forms, will live in the most important venue, the Marvel movies, and Disney theme parks,” said Andy Heyward, chairman and CEO of Genius Brands. “It’s a broad deal.”
>The deal does give Marvel permission to use Lee’s name, voice, likeness and signature in movies and television projects, as well as to use images, existing footage and existing audio recordings featuring him. The rights to use Lee’s name, voice, likeness and signature exclusively in theme parks, cruise lines and in-park merchandise were also included in the deal. Audiences and parkgoers could see Lee turn up as figures and toys, and on apparel and stationery.
>Genius Brand, a global kids media company, created the joint venture with POW!, a media company co-founded by Lee along with Gill Champion and Arthur Lieberman, in July 2020. Heyward — who called Lee a mentor and is the former chairman of DIC Entertainment, the home of Inspector Gadget — said he spearheaded the venture because, in the aftermath of Lee’s death and the revelations of conflicts in Lee’s final years, “there needed to be a steward of his legacy.” The company is now sifting through Lee’s files and dealing with offers, all through a protective lens.
>“The audience revered Stan, and if it’s done with taste and class, and respectful of who he was, [uses of his likeness] will be welcomed,” said Heyward. “He is a beloved personality, and long after you and I are gone, he will remain the essence of Marvel.”
after consuming us they will resurrect us just so they can eat us again. and again… and again… and again
No. 1190020
>>1189688This is so fucked. I thought the videos were just weird/creepy, nothing like this. I hope the whole channel behind that shit got taken down
Also, YT literally took content down from the channel behind the video you posted, and didn't explain why. Why would they delete videos by people just discussing these things, but leave the actual content in tact?