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The catalog has been updated, see the update post for more details

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No. 73959[Reply]

As the board software is being upgraded, it is likely that bugs may crop up from time to time. Please use this thread to report any bugs.

Do not respond to other users in this thread. To discuss bugs, please use the General Meta Discussion thread.
324 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 85051

Posting isn’t working for me and threads are embedded weirdly, ios.

No. 85071

Around 30 or so minutes ago I was also having trouble with posting. I kept getting taken to the error page. On android and browser.

No. 85075

Some of the images aren't loading in m

No. 85098

Can you link a thread where the images are not loading for you?

No. 85107

sorry my bad it seems it was a issue with my browser and not the site. they load fine now.

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No. 82790[Reply]

1169 posts and 90 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 85231

The whole site will go dial-up mode otu of nowhere for me. Everything takes ages to load and occasionally it will time out and fully give up loading.

No. 85232

Discordfag is camping out in real opinions and calling anons wks on behalf of real opinions about venus. Double check the vtuber post isn't the ban evader

No. 85234

Late but that anon was clearly being sarcastic/mocking twitterfags

No. 85235

i hate when anons say this because not only is it comparing apples to oranges, but you're basically saying "don't worry, we're not at their level so we can be shitty". stop.

No. 85236

nta but the comparison wouldn't be made if the anon in the screenshot didn't single out women specifically while posting on a male dominated site. like why not shit on both

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No. 65391[Reply]

This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.

If cerbmin needs to hear it, post it here.

NEW /meta/ THREAD: Site Updates Thread

Previous responses to anons:
>>62774, >>62928 regarding moovie thread
>>62963 accusing other users of being moids
>>63136 explaining infighting from a handful of users

Previous threads, newest to oldest:
482 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 85092

CP main page

No. 85100

im shocked there isnt an adamthewoo thread

No. 85103

you should make one on /snow/ anon, I hadn't heard of him but he seems milky

No. 85105

there's really nothing that interesting on him. he's just another funny looking, middle aged white trash retard who runs around, terrorizes people with his camera, and refuses to grow up.

No. 85233

i think i saw a cp promo on the main page but i have no idea, it was a suggestive pic of a girl who looked possibly underage with text “best pics and videos” and then a “justpaste” link below. super freaked out but it looks like its already gone?

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No. 54709[Reply]

A nice, cosy, official banner thread to submit your new banners for the benefit and expansion of the website.

Banners must be 300x100

Banners should mention the site directly or indirectly. "lolcow.farm" written, a picture of a cow, etc.

Thread Pic: >>>/meta/27528

Previous Thread:
533 posts and 167 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 84655

fanny's first banner…

No. 84676

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Thanks! I hope this one's slightly better

No. 85168

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with help from another anon >>>/m/425550

No. 85189

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I know some nonnas maybe won't like this one that much so please don't feel obligated to add unless nonnas request it. I put it together for the heck of it because I saw someone made the Elsie edit and I like Elsie banners.

No. 85229

Personally, I love it

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No. 63266[Reply]

This thread will be used by staff to post general site updates and will remain locked to keep those updates easily visible. If you'd like to discuss any of these announcements, please use the General Meta Discussion and Complaints and Suggestions threads.
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 76428

The site was down for around an hour due to a widespread issue with our hosting provider, which has now been resolved.

No. 80575

Our host had networking issues which resulted in approximately 2 hours of downtime. Unfortunately, this was an issue with the host and not something we could have prevented. If they continue to have issues, we will consider moving hosts.

No. 84024

The catalog page has been updated. If the page doesn't look right for you, please do a hard refresh (Shift + F5 or Ctrl + Shift + R, depending on your browser). The following changes have been made:
  • An XSS vulnerability has been patched
  • The catalog page layout has been improved
  • Your chosen site theme now applies to catalog pages
  • Threads can now be filtered based on their subject/description using the filter box at the top of the page
  • Visual indicator when threads are locked or stickied
Some themes may not look great when applied to the catalog page, so we will adjust them over the next few days. Keekweek and the darker themes have already been updated to display better.

No. 84855

A few updates have been pushed out today:
  • Arrows to scroll to top/bottom of page now have a larger clickable area for mobile users
  • Arrows to scroll to top/bottom of page now always appear on top of the catalog thread cards
  • Catalog search on mobile improved (better performance and no more empty space)
  • Fix for bug that was preventing the "file deleted" replacement image from displaying
  • Cache busting has been added, which will mean this and future updates will not require clearing cache or hard refreshing to display new or changed content properly
  • Some minor upgrades to the mod tools

No. 84860

Posting was down for around 3 hours due to an issue with the server which has now been resolved, we apologise for the unexpected outage.

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No. 6821[Reply]

Post all technical help questions and technical/feature suggestions here. This is the place to go if you're having some problem with the site or want to request a new feature.

If you have some non-technical issue, like wanting mods to do something or a suggesting a change in policy, please use >>1134

If you want to email me: admin@lolcow.farm


  • Rules: https://lolcow.farm/rules
  • Max file size is 20 MB.
  • Boards have unlimited pages and threads allow unlimited posts. However, all threads will "bump-lock" after 1200 posts. This means further posts will no longer bump a thread.

You can read more site usage information at https://lolcow.farm/info. If you are new to imageboards, please read it.

Post styling

*words* => words
**words** => words
***words*** => words
##spoilered text## => spoilered text
[spoiler]spoilered text[/spoiler] => spoilered text
~#words#~ => words
#<3 => ♥
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No. 84483

Yes it seemed to have glitched for a short time.

No. 84484

test test

No. 84523

Does this site use vichan as its codebase?

No. 84717

Can something be done where when you go back to try to hide a tikok/youtube video, it doesn't force you to go to the website [tiktok/youtube] as a result? I am never able to hide the media and have it actually hide. The hitbox or something is all fucked up.

No. 84736

How do I properly report multiple posts? If I select many, do I have to use the text box on the last one? Or can I use the box in any selected post?

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No. 82855[Reply]

This thread is for discussing the incident/downtime. Please take general complaints to the appropriate thread, they will not get any responses here.

The site is back online, and we expect there to be no further downtime as a result of this incident. We apologise for how long the downtime was, and we are glad to be back!

A full explanation is written below, but there is a tl;dr at the end for those who are not interested in the details.

870 posts and 65 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 84691

I knew that this site was doomed when anons in the bunker threads were saying that their favourite threads were Celebricows, Unpopular Opinions and Fandom Discourse.

No. 84712

the noodle?

No. 84713

So all the worst threads

No. 84715

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No. 84734

If this affects vichan, please send a PR or disclose via email.

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No. 1706[Reply]

Excuse my autism, but I've noticed posters sometimes seem to mix up the following terms. I see this on other websites, too. This is understandable, since the terms are vague and not widely known.

These are subjective to some degree, but here is how I personally define them.


This is a general term for deceptive posting. It can mean the following things:

- Taking on more than one persona in a thread to make it seem like your view has wider support than it actually does. This is also called sockpuppeting. May involve replying to your own posts agreeing with yourself, or significantly changing writing style to make it seem like a different person is also giving similar positive or negative remarks. Particularly dedicated samefags may try to use a different IP address as well.

- Making multiple posts back-to-back, without obvious indication they were all made by you. This is not always deceptive, though is often annoying.

- May also apply to general false or omitted self-identification. For example, if the subject of a /pt/ thread started secretly and anonymously posting in her own thread to disagree with people or defend herself, this may also be called samefagging. There may be a better term for this, but if there is, I'm not yet aware of it.


Posting about yourself in any way, whether anonymous or self-identifying. For example: posting a picture of yourself, linking to your own profiles, giving excessive details about your life, etc. Self-posts are completely acceptable in some threads and some contexts, but they usually are frowned upon otherwise. You shouldn't try to make yourself stand out on an anonymous board. Valid spellings also include self posting and selfposting.

Vendetta / vendettafag / vendetta-posting

Posting about someone as if you are a random person who happens to dislike them, when in reality you have some sort of personal connection or grudge. Often involves samefagging. Generally has no relation to self-posting, except in cases of self-victimization. In cases where you present the chan with an implicit or explicit "call to action", to further your vendetta, this is also called a personal army (PA) request. It often involves misleading or deceptive information.

An example of a vendetta post would be arguing with a girl on social media, and later posting a thread calling her a whore. Asking people to send things to her parents, or falsely claiming she's violated some site's terms of service and requesting people report her, or including her address and phone number in the post, would be a vendetta post as well as a personal army request.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 84305

OK I had no idea I always was more of a redditor than a 4channer, thanks

No. 84306

Personalityfag who fixated on the protagonist from a loli rape porn VN and did gayops with her discord server full of retards. Also she posted her selfies and she kept censoring her chin for some reason kek. Someone else could probably explain it better.

No. 84307

Like anon stated above, personalityfag whose husbando is a rapist from an old degenerate VN that only moids seem to be interested in. She claims to have had a mental breakdown in which she proceeded to get naked on camera, upload her nudes on lolcow and even write "I want Rance to rape me" on a paper while posing with them. No idea how a mental breakdown makes you strip naked, pose for the camera and upload nudes on an imageboard kekw. She is also very obnoxious in general, she was active on this 4chan esque dating app and made it pretty obvious it's her by namedropping husbandos and interests she was quite vocal about so when people recognized her and started making fun of her, she spazzed out like she got actually doxxed or something.

No. 84308

Ntyfags girlfriend

No. 84316

Adding to the rancefag lore, she posted her nudes because nonas called her moid, and she wanted to prove she's female.

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No. 81334[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/meta/79881
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No. 82789

They ban in meta pretty often now. Don't forget that movie thread anon got permabanned last summer for posting in meta. And now they allow certain anons to basically personalityfag and start infights here. Only the nonas responding to it will get banned.

Admin needs to clarify the definition of these words then, because speculation and normal discussion is no longer even tolerated in many threads. If the janny were at least consistent and would ban the anons who start infights or post retarded ad hominems and non-con wk posts, then it would at least seem less biased. I'd rather read anons speculating than have some rule that everything a cow says is automatically the truth. Tinfoil is speculation without any foundation at all, it's batshit crazy crap, not normal use of powers of deduction.

I also think talking about cow threads being 'necessary' or not is pretty weird. There isn't a finite amount of resources. Don't like a thread? Don't read it. It's silly to expect an entire imageboard to change because you don't like some thread or you personally like the cow. I don't get why this is hard, there are so many threads I think are boring or nitpicky or mean; I just don't read them or get involved.
It just seems like you want to minimod what anyone talks about - why? Genuine question, do you like any thread on LC? What's a "good" cow thread to you?

No. 82797

do you also scream in horror when seeing a womans body irl. i doubt you even ever got pussy if body hair triggers tf out of you

No. 82801

I stg this is the skirbyfag >>>/snow/2031820

No. 82815

So many cow threads can be reduced down to generals. Theres a bunch of dead cows with threads alive just from rapid anons deaperate for drama and milk that will never flow again. It's obvious when you go intk the threads.

No. 82841

close the BP thread. it's dogshit

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No. 56111[Reply]

I’m looking for entertaining, drama filled threads. What are some favorites that you guys liked to read? I liked the jaelle and nika series, Shayna, Erin painter, and onision happenings
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No. 78796

Art Commentary Cows is pretty fun but you have to go through a bit for all of it
Main Threads: >>>/snow/1013078, >>>/snow/1218432, >>>/snow/1817812, >>>/snow/1977045
Creepshow Art has 5 threads, here’s the first and it’s relevant to the overall Art Commentary Community as discussion shifts there for a bit
And RacistUncle, she had a thread before the larger community did but she was in it and it’s a short read anyways and pretty funny >>>/snow/947066

No. 78844

The window/fall/hospital drama, but I don't know which thread it's in exactly.

No. 81932

looking for a j-fashion cow to binge read. i'm currently considering pixielocks, still on the fence though. i like addyharajuku's milk but the sperging about her "brother" is putting me off, i don't care for male cows kek.

No. 81934

How far are you in the Pixielocks threads? Her Japan trip threads (I think threads 4-6) were really good, very nitpicky and PULL-esque which is what I look for in a j-fashion cow thread.

No. 84720

Might be niche but I read the entire pro-ana scumbags threads this past summer. They have a bit of a rough start as farmers were trying to differentiate the exact scope of these threads (it started off more as insane BPD Instagrammers general) but it was a really fascinating read. It was interesting to see how online culture changed the topics of discussion over time, sometime around COVID it all became Tiktok-based and harder to find decent milk to the point where these threads are basically dead now. The milk almost completely stops after Cece left the internet unfortunately

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