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No. 89037

No. 89038

File: 1737145492874.png (5.75 KB, 425x95, Screenshot 2025-01-18 at 01-19…)

this is a cap from the mtf thread. can you ban posters that talk like obvious gendies/troons in the trans threads? they do not belong here.

No. 89039

File: 1737145584054.png (174.43 KB, 688x459, Screenshot 2025-01-18 at 01-25…)

btw, this is what its replying to which makes it seem like its troons themselves competing between each other.

No. 89040

Mentioning Shayna in Danas thread should be a bannable offence

No. 89041

Why have nonas been banned in Stef's thread for talking about her treatment of animals? that's not off-topic or "nitpicking"

No. 89043

I think that discussion of blondes vs brunettes and eye colour should be banned in the unpopular opinions thread. We have been having these arguments for almost a decade, isn't anyone else tired?

No. 89045

File: 1737173125330.jpg (84.45 KB, 1467x140, uwucide.jpg)

NTA but I won't stand for the anti-uwu moderation. This isn't even being used as an emoji/emoticon. At least make an announcement stating the use of uwu in its slang form is against the rules now

No. 89046

Grow the fuck up.

No. 89047

Yes you're right. And you never see anyone with light features starting it, the entire last 10 years kek. Funny shit

No. 89048

Anyway can you guys ban the newfag black chick in /ot/ that keeps identifying herself in every single thread because she doesn't know how to greentext, keeps responding to obvious baitposts, keeps talking about how she's black, and posts images of emojis? Thanks.

No. 89049

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Can you do something about the retards writing weird fanfic of fanny/polyglotplatypus's porn comic OCs pls

No. 89050

I feel bad for her because she seems a bit autistic. She does make good points here and there but all she’s doing is going on a race campaign. Like right now she told the dyllan wives in unconventional attractions he killed one of her family members. Farmhands, please?

No. 89052

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calling a random butch woman a borderline pedophile doesnt get you redtexted for bait but getting called a fujo is somehow a death sentence. mods, stop showing your bias for 1 second.

No. 89053

No. 89055

Yes, because you brought them up out of absolutely nowhere when there are plenty of appropriate threads to seethe about them in. Do you think it's only the fujos who laugh at personalityfags?

No. 89062

do you know what that poster is even replying to? that post had nothing to do with yuripedo but that anon didnt get redtexted for encouraging personalityfagging. you have a thread to seethe about yurifags too btw, you dont have to take your yuripedo schizophrenia everywhere.

No. 89063

Fujos in this site are sensitive crybabies so they tend to report posts they don't like while ignoring posts that technically break the rules. Mods see this and just blindly ban without reading the context. I doubt mods are that biased towards fujos or yuri or yaoi or whatever fandom nonsense.

No. 89064

>the dyllan wives
The what

No. 89065

dylan roof fangirls (yes really) i tinfoil that half of them are trying to out-quirky each other

No. 89066

Go to your designated thread already

No. 89067

fujos dont belong in the lesbian thread either but they still keep posting in it when they have their own containment threads.

No. 89068

The gender ideology hate thread on /ot/ is being shat up by two different flavours of retard.

No. 89069

seems like a retarded moid who thinks we like troons here???

No. 89070

tif shitting up the tif thread

No. 89071

Yeah that and a seething TIF kek. Or it's just the same dumbass scrote samefagging.

No. 89072

Pretty sure there's a fujoshit on the mod team, these petty fujo-related bans only started cropping up after the last hiring round

No. 89074

or maybe people are just tired of the constant sperging about how fujos are literally hitler or w/e. if you retards stuck to your containment thread you wouldn't get banned half as often js

No. 89075

Nta but the same can be said about anons bringing up yuripedo out of nowhere, which is what started this thing in the first place

No. 89077

Why do we have this ugly meru cow being talked about in the jirai thread and the addy thread?? Im so tired of newfags and their newfaggotry 4chan tumblr drama. Also one of your /w/ mods is compromised. They refused to redext the uwu anons in the vtuber thread.

No. 89078

Can someone explain what was censored? I hope it's not "rping", because she clearly meant roleplaying, not raping

No. 89079

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“sewerslide” its a self censor for suicide

No. 89080

I thought it was just a joke, especially since she mentions suicide at the end anyway.

No. 89081

Fuck off if that’s a self censor kek. Don’t people just use the term sewerslide for the sillys, I know I do because it just sounds funny and unserious, same as the term “an hero”. Fair enough if it was unalived or had asterisks to censor letters.

No. 89083

I don't because she can't integrate and doesn't know how to use the site. I'm 99% sure it's a kid that got lost on her way to Twitter or Lipstick Alley. If she's moralfagging here and shocked about women thirsting over serial killers then that confirms it even more. She needs to get booted.

No. 89085

if you don't want to see people shitting on fujos, then hide the lesbian thread. It's expected that most of the posters on there are lesbians, so why would you go into that thread and be upset that ssa women are triggered by males?

No. 89086

Nta but didn’t they already ban fujosperging in the lesbian threads? I remember seeing something along those lines in the OP.

No. 89087

Farmhands should keep a close eye on the userbase and who they're coddling. There are literal TIFs and fakebois who camp out in the fujo threads and now they're spreading outside of their containment zone, demanding others to accomodate them. It won't be long until we'll have a dysphoria and FtM transitioning thread.

No. 89088

>It won't be long until we'll have a dysphoria and FtM transitioning thread
there's already one in /2X/

No. 89089

No, you should learn to read the op.

No. 89090

Nta but I try to convince myself that it doesn’t exist. So stupid.

No. 89091

>There are literal TIFs and fakebois who camp out in the fujo threads
Disgusting. The "jo" in fujo means woman. Why the hell are they in there with the rest of us fujos?

No. 89092

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>if you don't want to see people shitting on fujos, then hide the lesbian thread.
NTA. The infight over fujos has happened in like twenty different threads at this point. I'm totally sick of hearing about it and I don't fault the farmhands for being heavy-handed when it breaches containment.

I don't know what it is about that particular topic that just ignites anons' autism so hard. It's just a stupid genre of manga, it's fine to hate it and it's fine to like it. I swear, anons get more heated about retarded gay cartoons than normies do about Israel/Palestine. It's tiresome, no one is ever going to change their minds, and I'm pretty sure it's the same ten or so people regurgitating the same handful of talking points at each other ad-nauseum.

Idk what you would consider petty, but people have been getting redtexted over the fujo/anti-fujo debate for literal years now. The argument should not be happening outside of containment threads period, and bans should (and generally have been) handed out to infighters regardless of where they stand on the issue.

No. 89093

people gave been going on about muh foojos all over the place not just one thread. that's why the topic is contained
agreed. tifs should be permabanned on sight

No. 89095

Can we ban obvious non-americans from the american thread that are only there to spew the usual anti-american drivel?

No. 89096


No. 89097

Not one fujo in the lesbian thread has been redtexted, but you can't even call it out without getting banned. Fujos need to stay in their containment if they don't want people shitting on them because thats what they brought it on themselves.

No. 89099

Retard baiter in the Amerifags thread. Due to the inauguration and the VPN ban for tiktok, please make the thread VPN banned again. >>>/ot/2353254

No. 89100

I don't go to the lesbian thread, however in othet threads, some of you randomly mention fujos unprovoked

No. 89101

It's the same way these posters will bring up trannies when no one was talking about it just so they can inject some tranny hate somewhere. That's how you can tell who is and isn't a shitposter when it has nothing to do with the discussion or post and someone comes in and just brings up some knee-jerk hate from some random group of people. I promise it's posted to try to bait.

No. 89104

Same goes for anons bringing up personalityfags out of nowhere, which is what started this discussion yet they still aren't banned

No. 89105

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>come to the lesbian thread
>tell ssa women to imagine dicks as fingers
>doesn't get banned
why wont you fags learn to read the thread instead of crying to farmhands about being called out. straight women and alike are expected of being criticized by lesbians. dont like it? learn to hide the fucking thread next time instead of shitting and crying about gay women being gay and having opinions that might hurt osa women.

No. 89107

kek cry harder tranny

No. 89108

that anon is basically saying anyone who says something transphobic outside of a dedicated thread is a shitposter kek. again, do they know where we are?

No. 89109

A TIF is tweaking out in the Gender Ideology hate thread.

No. 89110

No. 89111

seems like its the same few gendies vpn hopping, theyve been at it for more than a week now. cant wait for them to have a meltdown about the vpn ban on /ot/ kek
seconding these, when you give an inch troons take a mile.

No. 89112

>seconding these, when you give an inch troons take a mile.
this confirms my suspicion that only troonies would be this mad about real lesbians having their own thread because they know gold stars naturally excludes them kekk

No. 89113

please ban vpn posting in the gender ideology hate thread

No. 89114

seconding the troon in gender ideology hate thread her samefagging is fucking hilarious though kekk

No. 89118

it’s one of the funniest ones i’ve seen in a while that’s for sure.
overcompensating wayy too hard to sound like a rapey man without knowing it proves us right kek. oh and look, speak of the devil!

No. 89122

There’s a pooner on the loose shitting up the gender ideology thread

No. 89123

I love how she thinks that we, a site full of women who laugh at rotpockets, are going to be shocked and appalled by her pussy pics kek

No. 89124

i was shocked, but only from how retarded she has to be to post them in the first place kek. troons have 0 self preservation instinct.

No. 89127

>Stealing nudes to post on le ebil imageboards
Ngl that's the most masculine thing you've done all day, congrats!

No. 89128

ayrt and i missed it, sadge. i’ve always just missed the vagina-posts it seems

No. 89129

Masculine? Girl please. A man would’ve posted cp. This peak teenage girl behaviour. Angey but still no harm done, nothing illegal. She’s a female socialised feminine girl who obeys laws and has morals.

No. 89131

You're still not passing as a male with this retarded monologue kek, go back to getting groomed by TIMs

No. 89133

She replied with a wall of text like an angry ex girlfriend kekk

No. 89134

literally kek does she realise how hard she’s projecting with all this rape talk? like girl, i’m sorry it happened to you, but no one here gives a fuck

No. 89137

Keep repeating that if it helps you sleep at night babygirl

No. 89139

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>collective female rape ritual

No. 89140

Trannies fucking WISH kek

No. 89141

Anyone responding to the ban evading TiF will also be banned. You are encouraging this retard to keep ban evading by giving her the attention she wants. Stop it.

No. 89143

I tried my darndest, I don’t think I replied to anything directly, but you jannies need to take responsibility for taking so long kek

No. 89145

Yeah that post is clearly bait imo. There's a broader issue of /g/ being under-moderated in general. In my experience it takes much longer for reports there to receive a response. I remember the black girl threads having persistent problems with racebait that would sometimes take days to be resolved.

No. 89146

Are you daft? I said I don't go to the lesbian thread.

No. 89147

its way too easy trolling here now. why are anons so fucking gullible. I still want a vpn ban.

No. 89150

Does that mean the "You Whores" anon from a few years ago may have been a TIF? Terrifying thought.
Thank you for dealing with the situation!

No. 89151

if you’re the tif good job, kudos, very funny.
but stop shitting up the site you attention starved faggot

No. 89153

the /ot/ retarded bans thread is just racebaiters and newfags complaining that their obvious rule-breaking got banned

No. 89154

The TIF is back, trying to prove her maleness by spamming softcore yuri hentai in the gender ideology hate thread kek

No. 89155

Tranny spamming anime porn in the gender ideology thread

No. 89158

Funny how agps want to prove us right by showing that theyre obsessed with anime yuri schoolgirl porn. We know bro

No. 89159

this one isn't an AGP, its a TIF who despises terfs and doesn't realise how much of a self own it is for her entire fap folder to be yuri. you see yourself as a girl when masturbating, you arent "a man" you're a confused female and always will be! get therapy instead of cutting your tits off retard

she's been shitting up the site for days, we need that VPN ban ASAP

No. 89160

BP sperg is back in the autism thread.

No. 89162

Dear mods, stink-chan here, I'm just a highly sensitive severely autistic person, hope this answers your questions

No. 89163

It's a thread for autistic women and autistic women experience feelings like this

No. 89164

File: 1737309113693.gif (232.87 KB, 280x280, thankyourats.gif)

thank you for unbanning me! i'll be good

No. 89165

That's not what's happening in that thread right now and you know it.

No. 89166

ugh we really need the vpn ban bjchan keeps sperging about blowjobs in every possible threads i cant take it anymore

No. 89167

Amerifags is turning into a "i also hate immigrants" thread.

No. 89168

She was also sperging about prostates or something in the Lolcow caps thread

No. 89169

>nonstop shitting on americans in america thread
>americans start retaliating

Just close the thread if you don't like it?

No. 89170

where's this autism thread? I must follow my master(ban evasion)

No. 89171

self hate can be tough for them. whats more concerning is the trump dicksucking there, theres no way no polfags arent camping in it

No. 89172

polfaggots are taking over many of the nationality threads unfortunately

No. 89173

Just ban the retard playing anti abortion devil's advocate in the Amerifag thread. Even if it isn't bait and they are that stupid they're not going to stop

No. 89176

I suggest a special website theme and banners of the queen during her birthday to celebrate her. Maybe confetti of her face throughout the years that falls like snowflakes.

No. 89177

Looks like skirby thread will get its 200th warning to not namefag, unsage, post non-milk, vendettafag, ban evade, and samefag. Awesome.

No. 89178

KEK I saw that post and just sighed. Only retards post in there kek will it finally get banned?

No. 89179

as a self admitted newfag it's too cringe, even for me

No. 89181

They're never gonna lock that thread. The warnings were pointless, it just got everyone's hopes up

No. 89182

i dont understand why because literally no one who posts in that thread has ever posted outside of it. let them sperg in their moidy discords with their equally as edited photos. it's a stain on the site honestly

No. 89183

Being anti-abortion is being anti-woman, so I think that it should be written into the rules as a permabannable offense. The abortion spergs are a constant issue on this site and they derail every thread, because it attracts all the tardthots, moid-adajacent women, scroids, etc. Pro-choice women are nowhere near as bleak and obnoxious, and the talk of abortion rights or lack thereof tends to stay civil until the baiters wander in. They need to remember what site they're on and if they don't like it, they can fuck off elsewhere.

No. 89184

farmhands just fucking lock it and theyll migrate back to where they're actually supposed to be, even if thats just the right thread it should've always been in and never taken out of in the first place. she's a nothingburger self-hating needle in a haystack

No. 89185

And then keep rewarding them by letting them keep making new threads? Did you miss the whole "HOW DARE YOU COPY MY OP AND STYLE!!!" for the anniejoy and photoshop thread? They have posted outside of their containment. >>>/w/2353319

No. 89186

pretty sure you misunderstood me

No. 89187

Right wing cows thread is being colonized by quite literally one person who won’t shut up about how they’re not trad enough.

No. 89188

They shouldn't be allowed to post about Skirby at all with how they act. Make her a banned cow.

No. 89189

Agree honestly.

No. 89192

ayrt and agreed. even if the editing is funny there’s like a million and three just like her. the specific hate towards her is so funny to me and looks especially retarded when its contained to a thread posting only about her. lock the thing

No. 89195

Mods please ban the baiter in black girl general

No. 89197

I love how the anon you're replying to was trying to throw you a bone and then you immediately posted this kek

No. 89199

And the actual autismos in that thread can discuss that aspect amongst ourselves. But when the bp baiter is posting long unsegmented paragraphs about "violent thrusting while the woman is on all fours" and "submission" or what the fuck ever is contained within those schizo rants, she's not having a discussion in good faith. The autism thread isn't the only place in /ot/ she's shat up, but it is the latest victim and a juicy one to bait because we're all very autistic in there and tend to take things at face value.

No. 89200

nta and not really following it all that much, but as an autist, i’m really bad at falling for bait and it embarrasses me immensely how i can do the same thing each time. there should be leeway for us to be retarded but not too much though, like that anon.

No. 89201

Honestly at this point I feel like this HAS to be a fetish. There's no way someone is this obsessed with "female submission" and blowjobs, especially an proclaimed autistic woman

No. 89202

I found her reddit and she's pretty depressed, posting in r/suicidewatch and spirituality subreddits. Whatever else she is, the mental illness is real.

No. 89203

kek what?

No. 89204

I feel like if you have milk it could be cow material at this point

No. 89205

that's not blowjob chan you retards. there two different bp anons. also she use spiritualism as a cope, she isn't spiritualist. what's wrong with her ranting on reddit? psychiatry dick riders

No. 89207

giving Grimes and Elon separate threads is dumb and pointless. they also share a child together and interact on twitter constantly, much of Claires milk is in regards to Elon, nobody should have listened to that one whiteknight retard Grimey fan who got triggered that Melon fucked his favourite girl. Now we have two boring pointless threads for them.

No. 89208

bro if it's not bj chan then it's another poster with her exact typing style and fixations. I was defending her as well. how am I a "physiatry dick rider"

there's really not. it's just variations on the same theme over and over going through episodes and struggling with autism, being female, and living in Poland.

No. 89209

At this point any post that's something along the lines of
>sucking dick is so disgusting how does EVERY woman find it okay? How does EVERY woman think it's okay to put their mouths on a penis?
Should be an automatic ban for a few days. Sorry but at this point it's clearly only one or two anons in a schizo manic episode doomspiralling. I don't think posts about how sucking dick is gross should be banned but when it's something like "and EVERY WOMAN IS OKAY WITH IT AND IT'S PROGRAMMED INTO OUR SEXUALITY" blackpill sperging it should be. It's quite obviously infight bait if it's not sincere and if it is sincere then it should still be banned because it's so retarded and it never fails to derail multiple threads the instance it's posted.

No. 89210

They've been trying the only thing that stops her is the vpn ban or else she posts her bj sperging in every thread

No. 89211

1 bj chan > 10 l**gi anons(bait)

No. 89212

at least Luigiposters stay in containment blackpill spergs can't help but leak everywhere

No. 89213

You're replying to one of dicksuck sperg's bait lackeys, nona.

No. 89214

I think they need admin approval first and usually weekends are slow from what we've seen the past several years.

No. 89215

Please for the love of God implement some janny message in the OP of Jill's threads reminding the retarded tumblr/tiktok/xitter refugees to lurk and integrate and to not derail with their personal experiences being a heccin valid self-diagnosed autist. Her thread has had MAJOR derailing and off-topic posts in there for the past couple of days and it's like mods don't give a shit. Please just remind the mentally challenged tards to fucking integrate.

No. 89216

atp the only way they are just ignoring skirby is if one of the male ones has a major hardon for her

No. 89217

I thought I opened the opinions thread at first.

No. 89218

It's the suggestions thread so I was giving a suggestion.

No. 89220

Go away yuripedo

No. 89222

This is a man you're replying to, come on

No. 89223

..I mean the way anons are talking in the Jill thread made me think the Jill thread was the opinions thread for a second.

No. 89224

Ohhh kek sorry, I misunderstood you. But yeah, I agree with the sentiment. My least favorite part is when they decide to write a 100+ "friendly reminder" oowoo-ass preface to the actual on topic part of their reply. Holy fucking snooze, as if anyone gives a fuck to read that shit.

No. 89226

how do you even know of this person's reddit? did the retard failed to remain anonymous? i feel there are a lot of mentally ill anons (on top of obvious immaturity) here than people realize
grimes spends so much time wking for elon and trying to get his attention they need to merge. grimes is practically obsessed with elon (kinda by design since he keeps dangling his kid in front of her for pr shit). the only person who took issue with it seems very immature and should get a diary instead
idk how people can let that vitamin deficient retard get under their skin tbh. jill is so predictable like every every other bpdfag in that they always have this drive to be a victim

No. 89229

>Holy fucking snooze, as if anyone gives a fuck to read that shit.
I care and I like reading it, it's entertaining to me to see how much of a faker she is vs anons that are actually autistic. It's not a big deal.

No. 89230

No. 89232

File: 1737404591756.jpg (145.12 KB, 963x447, 1000022467.jpg)

This got redtexted in /ot/ Ugly Male Psyop for infight/bait and not the actual baiter calling other anons "pedophiles" if they disagree that shaving legs is pedophilic? Seriously? And that anon got to bait for four hours with no redtext or ban?? Gee…how strange.

No. 89233

You're insane if you don't think the tumblr and tiktokfags who migrated here to "call her out" aren't also faking autism. That type of derailment should be banned.

No. 89234

Ever since we got the new admin, the jannies have been increasingly idiotic.

No. 89235

Racebaiting in unpopular opinions (happy Monday)

No. 89238

Can you please moderate radfem cows thread for once? Istg 90% of it are 0 milk vendettaposting. This is bad even by /snow/ standarts.

No. 89239

File: 1737417077131.png (158.09 KB, 1080x310, 1735155277473.png)

Quick reminder that skirbyfags are rape apologists and mods still give them a million chances regardless

No. 89240

I propose removing scrotefoiling from bannable offenses. There's nothing wrong with insinuating an anon is acting like a retarded moid. This is a site for women. There have been documented instances of men coming on here, pretending (poorly) to act like a woman, and anons have to put up with it because we're not allowed to point out that he's acting like a man. It's unfair and very, very sexist.

No. 89241

when are awards being posted?

No. 89242

Can a VPN ban be re-enforced in the Amerifag thread considering the inauguration? I can already tell there's gonna be some trolls and baiters.

No. 89243

Only if they get rid of the left-leaning anons and that Kamala-anon. Ever since the elections, it's been all but a ghost town, and that thread has turned into an echo chamber of "orange man bad, we're all going to become breeders"-type shit. I miss being able to just chat about our home states, regional foods, etc.

No. 89244

Can we get a ban on this anon for constantly musk and trump dick sucking? thanks. She says the threads a echo chamber but she doesn't understand where she is. Kiwifarms is probably more your style.

No. 89245

seriously why is the skirby thread not locked already? what was the point of farmhands posting a "final warning" in the thread and then not following through with locking it?

No. 89246

Pleae vpn ban in amerifags at least for the next week. We are about to have a lot of ahitshow situations we dont need anons fake baiting about.

No. 89247

No one is stopping you from posting that sort of stuff. We're in an important political season so obviously there's going to be a lot of discussions around politics. And you can't call it an echo-chamber while also asking for left-leaning anons to be banned.

No. 89248

Have you seen the Amerifag threads over the last few months? It's been nonstop left-leaning shit, and Kamalafag (who I'm AMAZED wasn't banned for personalityfagging) posting nonstop. It's been a fucking shitshow and I'm sick to death of it being policed by them. Anyone with an even slightly-different opinion from them has been dogpiled.

No. 89249

If you can post your opinions without being retarded it's fine. Anons were literally posting about deportations just fine with little to no bans but I guess you can't read things you don't disagree with?

No. 89250

>Deportations = bad
You're not an American, are you?

No. 89251

See? she can't even read she's just obsessed with being the most right wing bitch in the room.(infighting)

No. 89253

No. 89256

Why is the cat so cute

No. 89257

wakey wakey the fun hour is over and now annoying retards are posting feces

No. 89258

>its left leaning waaaah
Better than people coming in just to scream "trump is doing so good!! Death to immigrants!!"

No. 89259

Because they get off to wanting to be turned into breeders. They have zero incentive or interest to change anything or to prevent any possible harm to themselves, they are giddy to become handmaidens to males and hide it through their fake political concerns and beliefs. Anything to keep abortions rolling where women can go through it and then shove themselves back into the hetero-sex circus not learning a damn thing about the reality of males.

No. 89260

A perma vpn ban is needed in that thread.

No. 89261

File: 1737435949007.png (2.09 MB, 3500x3500, 1640018059665.png)

pathetic raid

No. 89262

The nonna who snitched to cc about mods is a bitch. fuck

No. 89263

Go back.

No. 89264

>state of the amerifag thread

No. 89265


No. 89268

>Kamalafag (who I'm AMAZED wasn't banned for personalityfagging)
Hey if you reported them, and if others reported them, and they didn't get banned for shitting up the thread, maybe it really is multiple people. Lmfao I remember the thread right before biden dropped out having alot of trump simps then kamala came along and they shut the fuck up for some reason. Nobody ever complained about them. You sound like the woketards in 2020 who would cry when every space wasn't catered towards them, all of you. Half of the people in that admin (ESPECIALLY musk) are cows, no wonder why nobody likes them. Nobody is getting banned for disagreeing with you, lmfao. We put up with months of all of your retarded abortion circular reasoning infights. Not everything has to cater to you and make you comfortable.

No. 89272

samefag but whether left or right lolcow users show the same entitlement porn addicted vidya nerds show when the main protagonist of their favorite game becomes "woke" by losing a cup size. This is a relatively free IB as long as you're not an alogging faggot, don't cry when people's opinions dont derive from yours.

No. 89274

Shut the fuck up and stop being annoying.

No. 89275

Oh well. Like many things that we autistics don't like or don't understand about society, they'll just have to get over it. Deal with it.

No. 89276

The anon that keeps posting "addy is right" is annoying. She needs to stop white knighting her. She replies to every post and misses the point on purpose.

No. 89278

I came here to post about the anon who is hi cowing like a newfag and accusing anons of being her Juicy tranny friend because they assume whiteknighting. Nothing about the post calling him a goomba was whiteknighting kek Can't believe you're upset over an anon saying she's right he looks like a goomba.

>European timezone

Do you know what website you are on and how many anons of various timezones interact with this website? That anon is an utter retard.

No. 89283

this tranny is fucking everywhere

No. 89285

because the scrote wants to fuck her! he likes seeing all the retarded twitter bitches sperging over his waifu

No. 89290

File: 1737466411198.png (Spoiler Image,434.28 KB, 828x901, yeah okay.png)

spoilered for yuri hentai forgot to do it like 2 times kek
i feel like this just proved my theory correct, anyone agree?

No. 89292

oh i get it now!

No. 89293

It's lazy moderation to keep punishing anons who "respond to bait" with redtexts because you know something we don't know about the spergs who keep posting retarded shit to cause infights who are probably using vpns to ban evade.
Not every response to bullshit is "infighting" anyway, and if you think there is a particular poster causing it then maybe you should remove their posts.

Also "scrotefoiling" bans were such a mistake. Some nons deserve to be called moids and you know it, it doesn't and has never bothered real women.

No. 89294

I tried to post, but lolcow sent me a message telling me I was banned. Then I got another message saying that I was not supposed to be banned, and the site keeps redirecting me to the mirror version. Not sure what is wrong.

No. 89295

Everything you said is correct

No. 89296

Sorry, but at a certain point anons need to learn how to identify bait, and they need to learn to report and ignore it instead of responding to it. It's annoying when anons fall for the same bait over and over again and it gets old very quickly. Obviously, not every stupid post is bait, but there are certain topics that are well-known as infight fodder.

I don't think scrotefoiling should be banned either. I think that the original reasoning behind it was that farmhands were getting a lot of "moid" reports, and they just got too lazy to deal with it. I don't think that's a good enough excuse to make it a bannable offense, but at the same time I guess it ties into the "report and ignore" idea.

No. 89297

>We put up with months of all of your retarded abortion circular reasoning infights
So because I disagree with the left-leaning people I must extremely right-leaning then, huh? There's no other explanation for it? Nah, you know what? Screw it. It's a waste of my time and yours trying to argue this when it's pretty clear. I've learned that being skeptical of other people and NOT blindly accepting their claims is punishable on here. Instead of thinking for myself, I have to follow the herd mentality. And instead of challenging people and asking for facts to back up their arguments, I need to shut up and keep my head down.

To hell with it. You guys have to live with yourselves, but I don't. So long.

No. 89298

This isn't an airport. You don't need to announce your departure.

No. 89299

It needs to be done because the userbase of LC is now too retarded to report and ignore. Banned posts used to be left alone as an example of what is against the rules and post deletion was rare. Now that's not possible because anons will continuing arguing with red texted posts and will still keep taking the bait even after a farmhand warning. It's sad but this is the trajectory that the site has been going in for years.

No. 89300

How right is your tinfoil hat

No. 89301

No, anons definitely deserve to be banned for continuing to engage with bait, it's really not that difficult.

No. 89302

nta but i dont think ta is saying they shouldn’t be banned, just saying that the jannies should take the trolls out back and handle them

No. 89304

Baiting faggot in the vent desperately trying to pick a fight please ban it, it's kind of embarrassing.

No. 89305

Some troon is shitting up the Gender Ideology thread, again.

No. 89306

part of the reason for the weird moderation lately and the server migration is because the site is getting too expensive. it's to reduce bandwidth. also admin is at fault for deleting the pics in /ot/ because she did it while trying to reduce their size (probably with image optimization script) and didn't have a good backup. which is why it only happened on /ot/ and why many images were recovered. the site does not have a separate archive and all the threads are archived here. that's why there are so many weird and useless bans lately.

No. 89308

can't post a new thread

No. 89309

I think your timelines are a little wacky here

No. 89310

Ban any mention of Shayna in the Dana thread, it's already a shitshow in there. I don't even understand how they're similar beyond both being degenerates in a time where "sex workers" are a dime a dozen

No. 89311

>report anons for baiting/infight
>nothing happens
>hours later
>same baiters still shitting up the threads and anyone who responded has gotten the redtext instead
It's bullshit.

No. 89312

Schizo ramble aside, even if they set up a separate website to archive things someone would have to fund the hosting
So now you’ve just created a second problem

No. 89315

imagine my face coming back to the same infight from hours earlier, instigated by the same tif/tifs who have been doing this for like a week. it was a little funny at first but it’s time to stop nonnies please!

No. 89316

samefag and the jannies obviously don’t care enough right now so we need to stop replying

No. 89317

Are you really that surprised that they ban evade and continue posting their baits to the audience that keeps feeding them?

No. 89319

I wanna know who the fuck posted those yuri pics in that thread. They got deleted pretty quickly though kek. Was it the TIF(s)? It was the same type of picture as >>89290

No. 89320

So why aren't they redtexted though? That would prevent more people from replying, I reckon.
And don't say it's about jannies not having the time, I've seen racebait redtexts in a matter of minutes.

No. 89321

Their posts are deleted.

No. 89322

Except when they're not.

No. 89324

second ayrt, i was noticing the exact same thing obviously kek. it’s happened more than just these two times as well. it pisses me off and makes me tinfoily. the jannies literally do not care about whoever this baiter is.

No. 89325

Troon in gender ideology thread in ot AGAIN also please curb the racebait polfags keep posting too

No. 89326

There really is a miasma of shit infecting /ot/ today

No. 89327

pretty sure they just posted in the amerifag thread too.

No. 89328

jfc the farmhands will never beat the moid and tranny accusations at this rate

No. 89329

The infighting in the current vent thread in ot is absolutely insane

No. 89333

cerebmin needs to pull a burritomin and temporarily close it for a week.

No. 89334

You're not actually supposed to repost the attention whore nona

No. 89336

do you think i might be a bit schizophrenic?

No. 89337

File: 1737497187614.jpg (815 KB, 1080x2059, 00109293991.jpg)

Why are anons in the female fantasies thread being allowed to post photos of/thirst over clearly underage girls?

No. 89338

File: 1737497675820.gif (730.33 KB, 640x464, IMG_8813.gif)

No. 89340

baiting tif in the gs lesbian thread

No. 89341

why is everyone calling every single baiter for the past 6 hours a tif? How do we know this?

No. 89342

they type the same way and post the same things everytime

No. 89343

amerifag has a polfag posting microdicks

No. 89344

Elon Musk is shitposting in the American thread

No. 89345

I keep following along to the infight threads being complained about and I'm not noticing that. Maybe they used to be here but now I'm starting to think anons are tinfoiling.

No. 89346

it's specifically the tif though, they're very noticable. there's a couple rn

No. 89347

I'm sure they're just the baiting tif the other nonnas keep running into. Obviously.

No. 89348

link their posts

No. 89349

I think they're gone now

No. 89350

>>89290 is the best example of what it does whenever it finishes up, it does it everytime. it specifically talks like an ESL fag and just posts constant responses to the nonas in gender hate baiting them, always explicitly saying it is a woman, seething about typical tif things, also will start terribly pretending to be other anons to bait even harder, it's funny but really retarded and annoying

No. 89351

The person in the GS thread was imitating those posters. It was very obviously fake.

No. 89352

can the mods permaban the anon who called another anon a niggerfaggot in vent. The topic wasn't even triggering enough to warrant talking to a person like an autistic scrote.

No. 89353

Schizoposter has migrated from the gioyc thread to mundane shit, deleting post replies and calling random people schizos because they think every post is about them. Terrorizing the whole community kek.

No. 89354

File: 1737512056910.png (286.87 KB, 680x543, stop feeding the trolls!.png)

>tfw you dont want to minimod by telling nonas to stfu and not reply to bait but they keeping doing it even after multiple posts trying to prevent the derail

No. 89355

The other voices living in your head are not a community.

No. 89356

Please ban the schizoids in the mundane shit thread pls pls pls

No. 89357

File: 1737516565827.gif (16.8 MB, 640x480, FARMHANDS SEND HER TO THE PAST…)

i feel bad for the report queue i probably clogged up ever since the spergeout started happening. i feel like vidrel

No. 89358

File: 1737517820276.jpg (18.97 KB, 592x412, 1000022486.jpg)

>let's allow shitposters to shitpost with impunity, then demand normal posters tolerate needing to sift through faggotry every time they want to post in thread and to never ever respond essentially censoring good faith users while giving shitposters unfettered freedums of speech

No. 89359

idk if youre adding to my point or rebutting it but the one thing shitposters want is attention and they will keep shitposting if you keep acknowledging it. they do it because its fun and if no one humours the fun theyll give up and go back to shit up other places. no matter how eloquently you attempt to talk to an attentionfag, youve already lost by acknowledging the presence of them in the first place. report and ignore bait and if youre frustrated vent about it to a friend

No. 89360

>ignoring posters makes them go away
No it doesn't. Do you think ignoring high school bullies gets them to stop harassing you too? The fun for them is knowing they're shitting up the site. Their motive is to annoy and troll and they are aware they're achieving it regardless of the lack of response because the thrill is getting away with saying retarded shit and having a captive audience. The same situation happened when we were getting raided by maleposters ~3ish years ago and everyone said "hurrr just ignore" which DIDN'T solve the problem at all.

No. 89363

well the way nonas are going about it isnt a better option. Yeah farmhands are inept at deleting shitposts but the "good faith user" in question is flinging shit at everyone and clogging up the thread with redundant whining.
> getting away with saying retarded shit and having a captive audience.
well there you have it, the captive audience in question are retards responding or acknowledging their shitposting. note that this all started because the supposed "schizo personalityfag" is making others look crazy by deleting their replies. You know how that wouldnt work? If theres no fucking interaction in the first place to make the anon look crazy.

ignoring it isnt a perfect solution, it certainly doesnt improve things, but fuck is it better to actually talk about the topic on hand instead of going in circles with people who wont take your complaints in good faith.

No. 89364

File: 1737519238087.jpg (163.19 KB, 720x1059, 1000000412.jpg)

Why the fuck has LC become a discord server now?

That's literally whats happening kek and they think they're super cute too. They talk like 14 year Olds.

No. 89365

Shit b8 m8

No. 89366

I keep getting a post error message - 500 Internal Server Error. Trying to make a new Dana thread in /snow/

No. 89368

CP on /ot/

No. 89369

same in /ot/

No. 89370

>the captive audience in question
Wrong. It's the posters that just want to read non-retard posts but being told by moderation to just deal with it cause they don't want to deal with the retards themselves.

No. 89371

should we argue about soap again
Nta but it's because the poster constantly, consistently whines about "terfs" (and at one point tried to brag about aiden pussy)

No. 89373

Because if you say anything you are a homophobe reeeee

No. 89374

homophobia is alright on lolcow though.

No. 89375

Not if it's towards women

No. 89376

women don't get a pass for creeping on younger women. so I don't see why homophobia would be an issue

No. 89377

Are feet and footplay considered porn in /g/?

No. 89378

What the hell is footplay, is it soccer?

No. 89380

They do because "men do it worse and women rarely sexually abuse others" (actual argument i've seen being used on this imageboard)

No. 89381

Yeah for bongs

No. 89382

they're right

No. 89383

It's why we need a VPN ban on /ot/. Retards will never integrate. We're all held captive by them. Let's just get the VPN ban up and running to get rid of most of them.

No. 89386

tradthot in the gender ideology thread infighting

No. 89387

Unintegrated tranny in the unpopular opinions thread

No. 89388

File: 1737567440840.jpg (190.96 KB, 1100x825, 8425752589752.JPG)

No. 89389


Any particular reason we're giving the Cuck Onision views? mirror that shit so we don't give him views.

No. 89390

File: 1737568921607.jpg (48.21 KB, 1080x379, 9192883828.jpg)

Why are jannies banning those speaking against it for "infighting", while letting the other posts stay up unpunished? It has literally been confirmed that at least one of the girls is underage.

No. 89393

>I'm a man
No need to tell fibs, anon

No. 89394

What the fuck is going on with the mods right now? No lolcow awards, VPN poll is nowhere to be found, skirby thread remains unlocked, and now actual pedophiles are roaming free and unredtexted. This place has gone to complete shit and I wish there was a better imageboard to migrate to, CC is just as bad

No. 89395

schizo vain bitch in gioyc as usual

No. 89397

File: 1737577383150.png (237.33 KB, 950x1072, Screenshot_20250123_011521_Fir…)

Why is this redtexted for bait when I was asking a genuine question?????? I posted this in a lesbian thread, so it's not like it was ot or against the rules. I don't know what's wrong with it.

No. 89398

that was me and I'm not a troon. maybe don't go into the unpopular opinions thread if you don't want to read "unpopular opinions." Mega retard

No. 89399

samefag, also it was literally me and a few other anons saying don't vote in people who'll take away female rights just because they'll take away troon rights as well. But hey, I'm not a burger so I get to laugh when they turn your life into the handmaid's tale.(dragging infighting to /meta/)

No. 89400

oh i thought tifchan only hit on me, i'm a bit sad now

No. 89402

jannies just a heads up that lexitys troon subreddit was tipped to lc

No. 89403

File: 1737600341443.jpeg (99.14 KB, 1212x350, IMG_1344.jpeg)

Why was that red-texted with vain bitch? It was agreeing with another anons rant in theoff your chest thread. That anon wasn’t redtexted at all for her rant. But this “absolutely based” comment was redtexted? That makes no sense. Which jannie was spamming the vain bitch ban?

No. 89404

Where is the influx of retards coming from? You don't fucking reply in the GIOYC thread, this is common knowledge. It is literally stated in the thread summary.

No. 89405

Try reading thread summaries before you start posting in them.

No. 89406

I love when retards jist cant help but reveal themselves
>I got banned. I also don't read the rules. Jaannies suck

No. 89407

ikr?? im a newfag and i dont get it all, its not that hard to fucking read

No. 89408

dana's thread is full of retarded unintegrated redditors AND minimods complaining about the redditors.

No. 89409

This is why she never should've gotten her own thread. I get it, she's milky, but it didn't take long before the redditfags appeared and the mini modding began. Some of those anons are genuinely obsessed with her and camp out in that thread all day, it's deranged. I still can't get over the personalityfag gloating because her retarded joke didn't land and anons took it seriously. She chimped out so hard when she wouldn't let it go and pissed off other anons that she earned herself an infighting ban. That is the type of retard that thread is attracting

No. 89410

Ntayrt but yeah I was personally always against her getting her own thread just for the fact I knew it would end up like this. She's a banned topic in many anti-polyfag groups (or whatever you wanna call them, groups that make fun of polyfags) because she constantly creates multiple accounts to get into these groups and loves the attention, and people cannot help but keep feeding into it. Creates a stupid shitshow on both ends so she just ends up being outright banned even though she is milky. It's a bummer because she's so milky but I'm not surprised it inevitably turned into a shitshow on here too

No. 89412

Selfposter on /pt/ larping as a zoomer for engagement bait

No. 89413

The biggest problem was the mass migration of idiots from her snark reddit and her constant mentions of lolcow bringing even more unintegrated morons here from TikTok and Instagram. It could've been a fun thread but newfags ruined it fast.

No. 89414

Can I ask if we are allowed to talk about the kid in the Amerifags thread? Is he under 16?

No. 89415

Who is the kid? The recent school shooter was 17 if that's who you're talking about

No. 89416

lmao he killed another child and is violently racist to everyone who cares

No. 89418

Is the fujo vs antifujo thread actually for discussing fandom cringe or is it just a containment zone for nonnies whining about mods? Why is half the discussing there just fujos and antifujos respectively arguing which side gets more support from farmhands.

No. 89419

because theyre virgins with no other other purpose than consuming that shit.

No. 89421

Newfag pickmeism is also cringe. Maybe don’t announce your newfagism for head pats. No one knows who you are or cares for that matter.

No. 89422

Can you move gender ideology hate thread to 2X?

No. 89423

do not let the chimps know they're in the cage keep quiet and let them throw shit at each other

No. 89424

Why would should that happen anon..?

No. 89425

>Is the fujo vs antifujo thread actually for discussing fandom cringe
Nope. It was specifically made to contain infighters on both sides from the start like a battledome to prevent leaking in other threads

No. 89426

Can minimodding be banned longer? It derails more than the offence

No. 89428

File: 1737650344985.png (261.43 KB, 1226x1222, Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 11.28…)

Agreed, I hate the pearl-clutching over anons snarking on her looks, claiming it's "not milk" and only wanting to focus on moral posting. As long as it's saged, it doesn't matter if it isn't milky. The issue is that anons are posting that shit unsaged. But making fun of a cow's looks is obviously part of the board's culture. Picrel is just a sample from Pixielocks's first thread in /pt/. These redditards need to go back if they can't cope.
Seconding this.

No. 89429

File: 1737651572227.jpg (99.56 KB, 1250x406, 432526.jpg)

Farmhands are UK pedos, got it.

No. 89431

This lolitafag won't post caps of anything they keep bringing up and when called out about it their reasoning is "you're missing the point". They already got in trouble once for this and they are keeping it going, still refusing to post caps as if being blocked by the cow suddenly makes all DMs disappear. Anon is full of shit. They need to put up or shut up. I'm so tired of these jirai/lolita farmers in both threads acting like this. >>>/w/343124 This reminds me of the k-pop threads when people would just type their shit and not actually add any info that's proof-proof.

No. 89436

Spamming wk in Amanda Palmer/Neil Gaiman thread

No. 89437

File: 1737666346157.png (138.77 KB, 2724x464, Capture d’écran 2025-01-23 à…)

kek came here to post this, they sound straight outta reddit with the "sexism against men" accusations too

No. 89438

unsaged reddit post in lexity thread is a sub janny trying to tip

No. 89439

They also didnt ban the butthurt brit who told the nonna to "kill herself" for pointing out that the UK is rife with pedos. I thought that was against the rules?

No. 89440

Bong derail in the news thread

No. 89442

If you're going to keep the oh so important skirby thread could you at least autosage it? I'm so tired of this shit

No. 89444

The lolita thread still has anons who cant post caps.

No. 89450

The 'final warning' was two weeks ago or something wasn't it?

No. 89451

It was just over a week ago and almost every post in that thread is redtexted. It feels pointless to even bitch about it, mods aren't going to enforce it.

No. 89452

Nta, but I'm so confused by it. Why bother saying the thread will be closed but then just leave it up after the "farmers" (lets be real the people who post in there only use her thread and refuse to integrate) keep rule breaking. Even the latest post in there is unsaged non-milk kek

No. 89455

It was probably intended to pacify anons who are rightfully angry this is still an issue but it had the complete opposite effect. I reported that last post hours ago and it went ignored, this feels deliberate honestly

No. 89456

Jannies are expending a lot of energy being retarded, unfunny, and biased in non-cow board moderation from what I've seen, so I don't think they intend to actually listen to reasonable complaints at this point.

No. 89457

This exactly. I'm honestly shocked I haven't caught a ridiculous ban in an unrelated thread just for harping on the skirby shit as much as I have. They don't want to hear actual feedback or follow through with their own warning.

No. 89458

I know for certain that there's an evening janitor that abuses their privileges and engages in schizoid troon behavior but I feel there's no point in reporting it. I've seen some strange and nonsensical bans lately, and have been handed nonsensical bans myself. The bias is too obvious.

No. 89463

File: 1737707679974.jpg (40.95 KB, 891x265, ot.jpg)

Being from Britain is now a protected characteristic, like race or sexual orientation?

No. 89464

Why are you guys going so hard on Britain randomly kek like I genuinely have nothing to do with this, I'm American, but acting like you're persecuted because you guys are trying to rile up British anons by calling their country pedo island… What's the goal in doing that besides instigating an infight?

No. 89465

File: 1737710140866.jpg (345.8 KB, 1080x2240, 1000019018.jpg)

Uh how is this cowtipping? Its not my comment to Dana. Do the new mods even know what cowtipping is? Is posting random strangers calling out cows considered cowtipping now?

No. 89466

Someone probably mistakenly reported you for cowtipping because you screenshotted it within seconds of the person replying, usually only see that when someone is posting their own comments

No. 89467

kek they banned people replying to them for infighting?????

No. 89468

It's seems to be a mod or a user with mod protection derailing the thread again and again by provoking others with her inflammatory bullshit:

Mental illness.

No. 89470

Complete tinfoil but there's a least 2 of them. They have their spell correct set to British English but make use of the Oxford comma typical of American English
>this, this, and this
>this, this and this
There's the odd phrase like borough which is kinda correct but not really used.
One also completes her sentences with a full stop and the others don't.
In conclusion it's all a bit tiresome.

No. 89473

File: 1737728419637.jpg (359.76 KB, 1080x1652, 1000016677.jpg)

Why did I get a warning in Lesbian General for saying I like my media without men in it, but the anon right below me gets to post literal yaoi without issue?
Flood detected etc (couldn't get the image to send)

No. 89474

Humbly requesting a VPN ban on

No. 89475

File: 1737730418167.png (145.02 KB, 1080x405, markup_1000013851.png)

Fucking kek. Just let them shit up another thread, great solution. Fucking retards

No. 89476

Get rid of this stupid detection flood shit i'm tired of it. What the fuck are you retards doing

No. 89477

what do you mean? I hope you know this isnt a chatroom.

No. 89478

nayrt but I've experienced this too. If I delete a post and rewrite it to correct a typo it takes several minutes to repost it

No. 89479

NTA but the flood protection doesn't work properly, the amount of time it says is to wait is inaccurate and it seems to get higher and higher the more you try to post.

No. 89480

File: 1737742285445.jpeg (387.72 KB, 828x1072, IMG_7315.jpeg)

pls get rid of this racebaiting retard in the britbong thread.
all she ever does is post outrage bait from far right twitter accounts, even tommy fucking robinson. it's easy to tell who it is just from the filenames.

No. 89481

Or you could take the L.

No. 89482

This same fag has been derailing other threads too. The typestyle is very recognizable

No. 89487

The Gaiman whiteknight in the Amanda Palmer thread is still at it.

No. 89488

>take the L

Go back

No. 89489

Can something be done about all of the politsperging in Mundane General? It’s never mundane and derails the thread for hours.

No. 89492

Why does ot reek of so much racebait today? Did lc get posted on 4troon

No. 89493

the irish schizo has been shitting up lol cow for years

No. 89494

Why tho? It is a big topic happening in Britain. There would be only limited accounts to repost on the matter because the lack of free speech everyone not pandering to Keir is too scared to post anything on social media in fear of being arrested and due to that you are probably more likely to have people sperging out anonymously over it. Is it you want them to only post Tracey Beaker or because the issue is wrong think to you?

No. 89496

you’re a racebaiting notable schizo who has been causing like every infight here since the vpn ban

No. 89497

retarded schizofag shitting up amerifag thread

No. 89498

Thank you for understanding nonnie! It’s true that only some accounts post about this stuff because you can literally get in trouble with the police or work or anything which is why the majority don’t post their true thoughts on the matter.

No. 89499

Not notable enough evidently because I was the one who has been complained about above not the anon you replied to kek

No. 89500

Kek I don’t even use the britbong thread you faggot. I asked a simple question on your logic WHY can it not be posted

No. 89501

Please nuke abortionsperg she's ban evading in the amerifag thread again

No. 89502

gaiman WK is back in the amanda palmer thread

No. 89503

I have been posting here for 6 years and still get called a newfag constantly.

No. 89505

it feels like vendettafags
>no one can use this website if i read your post as new!! you’re all xitter tourists zoomers!

No. 89506

why do you care enough to whine on meta

No. 89508

That's not what vendettafag means

No. 89511

File: 1737760759099.png (46.64 KB, 828x202, hurrrdurrrr.png)

No. 89512

File: 1737762287134.jpeg (561.97 KB, 1284x2499, IMG_0544.jpeg)

read the fucking rules. fucktard.

No. 89513

it’s an anonymous website schizo. if people react negatively to you whenever you post, it’s not because someone knows it’s you and has a vendetta. it’s because you’re doing something wrong. you could always leave! hope that helps.

No. 89517

a vendetta against newfags anons, not a vendetta against a cow or the posters specifically.
i don’t care personally but i notice it a lot and it’s what it looks like sometimes (not all the time) i’m not >>89503
i will be actually schizo here and say it could be apart of this convo in retarded bans
>It definitely feels like someone is trying to change lc into what the rest of the internet thinks we are, girl 4chan.

No. 89519

newfaggotry is literally against the integration rule, not to mention annoying to read, and that's why it gets bans. this place has a modicum of qaulity cintrol, if you don't like it just go find another board with looser moderation.
if you keep getting called a newfag after 6 years, it means your posts are unintegrated and retarded. no vendetta here, just what the youth of today call a skill issue.

No. 89521

>a vendetta against newfags anons
I'm not understanding why this is a problem, considering the rules about integration. In that case the farmhands and admin also have a "vendetta" against them whenever they add the newfag mark (that pic of elsie eating grass) under newfaggy posts

No. 89523

reading comprehension nonas? i know the rules kek. i don’t know exactly what >>89503 gets banned for so maybe she is just unintegrated, that doesn’t mean that sometimes its unwarranted

No. 89524

Vendettas against newfags are always warranted

No. 89526

for me it just seems counterproductive, if they actually make the effort to integrate, do you see what i mean?

No. 89527

If they made the effort to integrate they wouldn't get called a newfag in the first place. Which integrated posts are getting called newfags?

No. 89528

i’ve seen it a few times here and there, again not all the time, but i notice it. most hate towards newfags is justified but sometimes people actually have no idea on if they are or not. it’s to be expected but i don’t want it to kill lc

No. 89529

if multiple people interpret your comment the same way maybe it's because your "vendetta agaubst newfags" wording was retarded.
people get called newfags when they stand out. they don't get called newfags if they integrate. that's the whole point.
if someone keeps getting called a newfag that's because their posts stand out.
>people have no idea if they are or not
what you dumbasses don't get is that newfag is not about how long you've actually been here, it's a state of mind. Someone who keeps making unintegrated posts is going to stay a newfag even if it's been years.

No. 89530

yes i am retarded i know, i hope i cleared up what i meant

No. 89531

Trolls also call others newfags. The dumbass anons clearly never found a new hobby.

No. 89532

Shut up bitch. Its more interesting than people here asking this place to be even more moderated
It's cringe hen pecking. It makes the site so boring when you can only post in a certain way without fat chicks who work at dollar general screaming NEWFAG NEWFAG(infighting)

No. 89533

You're an idiot. Some people post here to speak freely and not just to get approval from others

No. 89535

kek exactly, sometimes it is like okay yeah thats obviously a newfag, but if you’re a victim of wrongthink you get NEWFAG’d too kek

pretty much why i even think about it, do they want this to be a space for fellow women who just enjoy talking and sperging or not?
reeing ‘go back’ at anyone and everyone is unhelpful

No. 89536

yeah the obsession with INTEGRATING over the last year has just been insane. I’ve never seen an imageboard that’s so top down with the posting style. Very offputting.

No. 89537

Integrating stops personalityfags and underage newfags. Idk if it's a generational issue but the reading comprehension has went to dogshit on here. Too many illiterates want to post like it's a chatroom and got dumbass shit autosaged. The infights are so cringe and highschool coded.

No. 89540

Mods keep ignoring reports on blackpilled infighting bait. Some chaos in the discourse threads on /ot/ are somewhat expected, but even the /m/ threads that simply focus on het relationships like otome/josei threads are regularly derailed by these baiters who constantly try to shift the discussion to violence and "owning the moids". While there are occasionally some male gaze hentai posts that deserve mocking, any nonnies that try to discuss lukewarm m/f romance tropes are unexpectedly called pickme whores and enemies to feminism. It always either turns into an infight or kills all activity in the thread. I report whenever I can but 98% of the time it's ignored, and mods only take action when someone alogs against these people. Either make a containment thread like /ex/ board on fujochan, or add to the rules that women are supposed to suck up unwarranted violence, gore and graphic gross imagery while browsing lc as long as the poster does it for her imaginary revenge against RL moids.

No. 89542

Most of the posts people were sperging out at for being "newfag" were pretty normal posts. Some chick just got mad because she didnt like how it was written so she had to use "newfag" because anything else would sound silly

No. 89543

File: 1737782340034.gif (49.72 KB, 220x153, IMG_7838.gif)

NTA, your points are the truth but that doesn’t mean it can’t harm the site and discourage new users from even wanting to integrate.
I’ve seen it years and years ago and it’s always looked more or less the same, newfags unintegrated and posting, and random oldfags with sticks up their asses reeing about the smallest thing.
>the site is dying!
>but zoomers cant use it
There is a new generation of social media and younger people, this is all to be expected and will always be this way, complaining and minimodding constantly is redundant and sorta cringe

No. 89544

the site used to have a chatroom maybe they should bring it back

No. 89545

Super unpopular opinion but this rule and the general moderation style is actually why I prefer lc over other imageboards

No. 89546

i like the rule too but unless its super obvious it shld be up to the jannies to handle

No. 89547

Idk imagine youre talking to your friends in the locker room and youre gossipping and you say "shes so ugly for real" and then the butch gym teacher pops up and yells "UHMMMM INTEGRATE" at you. Just kills the vibe.

No. 89548

These are both nonsensical examples.

No. 89549

A bit petty but can something be done about anons posting ugly and/or old men in the attractive men thread? It reeks of zoomer/newfag or/and baiting for infighting. They also keep calling any attractive man posted a "woman/fem" to rile up anons and do the whole "liking attractive young men means you're a lesbian akshully" infight for the millionth time. Maybe a rule about ugly men being posted there being a banable offense added to the OP could be a good idea.

No. 89550

Imagine if you're hiding eggs with the Easter Bunny and you say "these pretzels are making me thirsty" and then Santa Claus bursts through the door and yells "MAZEL TOV!" at you. Just kills the vibe.

No. 89551

so integrate? its not difficult lol

No. 89552

No. 89553

How are the shitspergs still at it KEK

No. 89554

I know what OP meant but kek

No. 89556

Apparently, it is if you get banned for regular comments

No. 89557

>do they want this to be a space for fellow women who just enjoy talking and sperging or not?
how do naive women keep pushing this kumbaya shit thinking other women have to tolerate them. first off this is an anonymous imageboard not a safe space. second, if you follow the rules, you can still do that so your entire point is moot.
This is such a newfag mentality. its apart of the rules so deal with it. don't type in a way that makes you stand out otherwise other anons will notice and report it to the mods. don't like it? there are other imageboards otherwise go back to whatever social media platform you came from.
you don't have friends here. you have anonymous users you don't even know. this comparison doesnt make sense.
this comparison also doesnt make sense. some of you guys clearly need to reset your expectations.

No. 89558


No. 89559

>I didn't like their posting style so I reported it

No. 89562

File: 1737816231864.gif (123.88 KB, 200x200, 3714-you-really-are-stupid-are…)

ok r u slow? where tf did i say kumbaya shit hoe. does this look like kumbaya to you!??!??!?
>>89557(infight bait)

No. 89563

Wow. This is so embarrassing to witness.

No. 89564


No. 89565

it's a metaphor, you buffoon

No. 89566

>this comparison also doesnt make sense.
The comparison in question:
>Easter bunny
>pretzels making me thirsty!
Either I am retarded or you are because that was the whole point, it wasn’t supposed to make sense (p.s. newfag)

No. 89567

It's newfag behaviour to get upset by being called a newfag. It literally means nothing. If you get offended when people call you a newfag, or think that it's an insult, you haven't integrated. It's part of the reason why the 6 year old permanewfag is still a newfag.

No. 89568

The Grimes thread is being derailed (again) by a schizoid pretending to be more than one anon

No. 89569

kek imagine being a permanewfag for 6 whole years RIP

No. 89570

it kind of makes sense, because it means OP showed up around 2020 which was when a massive flood of newfags arrived due to the pandemic

No. 89571

was just coming in here to say that i think the grimes thread needs more moderation it gets way too out of hand in there too often

No. 89572

kek i've noticed it all goes back to pandemic-era anons. i swear anons that joined in 2023 are somehow more integrated than people that joined in 2019/2020.

No. 89573

They banned the "hi cow" but the replies are bait and probably from the same anon

No. 89574

>retarded posts removed
Thank you blessed jannies!

No. 89576

Just like skirby, when is the taylor r thread going to be held accountable for still posting the most mundane milkless crap all the time?? Now its about tom not wanting his car scratched and that makes him a prick? Jfc. Come on farmhands. Do better.

No. 89577

Can you please start giving short bans to the anons who sperg about poo every time fags are mentioned in passing? It grosses me the fuck out. I don't want to think about moids' bodily functions.

No. 89578

Stop being a retard then

No. 89579

>prevent leaking in other threads
Too bad it doesn't work

No. 89580

There is a certain point at which an anon is so retarded that it is indistinguishable from bait. That's your post. Enjoy the redtext.

No. 89581


No. 89582

Don't lie. It's not just about scratching the car, it's about not wanting to park near cheap cars because according to him they're more likely to scratch his ~high quality car~ because they don't care about theirs. It's poor character and is absolutely OK to discuss in a thread about him.

No. 89583

Do you guys live in like an alternate reality where that's considered milky in any way? Taylor R vendettafags are something else.

No. 89584

Godspeed based Taylor R anons, it took literal months of whistle blowing to get that skirby shit locked. Do not relent, bring your complaints here and report all the retardation you see in that thread. I'm sick of these milkless cows. Get em

No. 89585

Calling a jerk a jerk is not vendetta lmao. And it was saged, so what's the problem?

No. 89586

You can hide the threads you don't like. Easy. A lot of farmers use the thread and are fine with it. Why should it be locked because a bunch of snowflakes and the two resident wks hate it and demand it to be locked at least once a month af it's their job, despite being told numerous times it's not gonna happen?

No. 89587

yeah it’s called a personality disorder. when they switch every little thing becomes a crazy deal that they try to twist into being something malicious. “i don’t want my car scratched” “WHAT ARE YOU SAYING MINE IS SCRATCHED, THAT YOUR CAR IS BETTER THAN ME AND I DESERVE A SCRATCH MORE REEEEEEE”

No. 89588

Threads that don't adhere to the board rules should not remain here, it's that simple. If there's no milk there's no reason for a thread. This is basic shit.

No. 89589

The criticism was not about not wanting his car scratched but his reasoning behind it as >>89582 said. It's totally reasonable to say 'I dont want my car scratched', saying 'I park near high quality cars to prevent it', is not.

No. 89590

Then maybe mods should move it to ot or something? Because every single critical post in the thread ends up here and clogs this thread with useless back and forth.
I for one don't mind the thread. It's my way of keeping tabs on their antics, even if it's them demonstrating their uneducated minds in comments or sm posts kek

No. 89592

Newfag detected

No. 89593

some weirdo is posting personal info about gaiman's rape victim in the palmer thread

No. 89594

infighting newfags in moo thread asking to be spoonfed info about ozy's drug habit from a few years ago. they're accusing anons of tinfoiling even though there is proof in old threads.

No. 89595

I can't believe the lengths anons go to defend this shit as milk in her thread. No wonder anons are banned repetatively there. Your vendetta is insane.

No. 89596

The taylor r thread is genuinely so schizo, they need therapy.

No. 89597

That personalityfag routinely makes a bunch of posts and deletes them at lightning speed. What's the motivation behind that? Schizophrenia? I'm not sure but I've noticed them being extremely active with that lately

No. 89599

circular reasoning subhuman tier bait in amerifags again

No. 89600

I was posting fine then lag then my posts disappeared. In the vent thread. It’s crazy.

No. 89601

That anon is saying:
>If you care about making newfags integrate then you are fat and mannish.

No. 89603

No, she isn’t, do you always take everything so literally?

No. 89605

I'm more surprised at his fangirl foaming at the mouth saying his luxury car can't indeed be parked with regular cars kek How is this normal judgement lmao. Both sides deserve each other.

The average iq in the thread is zero, I swear.

No. 89607

Honeatly yes. Its such a dead thread that they are trying to keep alive. This is such a retarded nitpick about cars even to bother posting about. Tom is right about where he lives. Calling it out makes them go schizo too.

No. 89608

Then why did she specifically mention a ‘fat cashier’ and a ‘butch gym teacher’? Being able to see a very obvious metaphor for what it is isn’t autism.

No. 89609

I really don't think the opinions thread about cows should be constantly used to vague post about anons and accuse them of being fans. Mods really want cross thread infighting? Cow opinions, complaints about users should go to meta.

No. 89610

Farmhands might be the ones deleting the posts. They start doing it if a ban-evading personalityfag gets really out of control. I'd name examples, but mentioning those spergs by name tends to summon them.

No. 89611

I think whoever is constantly derailing and whiteknighting in the Grimes thread is hoping to get it shut down like the "Skirby thread", since they would have noticed the farmhand post. The Grimes thread has existed for years and been pretty strict about non-content so it's really annoying to see the thread bumped every day, when it used to only be updated with actual news.

There is no reason to "defend" Grimes, in the Grimes thread and speculate on the personal lives of anons posting about Grimes (the purpose of the thread). It's extremely annoying and I wouldn't mind if the thread were temporarily locked, until the weird baiters get bored and find something else to do

No. 89612

The metaphor was about being bossy, domineering and taking yourself too seriously.

No. 89613

That anon is deleting her own posts in an attempt to make it harder for us to ban her. We do delete the ones she leaves up however.

No. 89614

Yes, it is about both calling anons bossy and no-fun and also calling them fat and ugly.

No. 89615

on behalf of all schizoids who use this site, the word you are looking for is schizo. schizoid has a distinct meaning and is not short for schizophrenic.

No. 89617

I would like to suggest posting a farmhand reminder in the /ot/ vent thread that there are relationship and dating threads on /g/ if they want to talk about that. The new Vent thread is 99% relationship bs, we used to tell people to take it to /g/. It was a lot nicer that way.

No. 89618

no1curr, more than 90% of the time you see people use the term "schizo" it doesn't even apply or come close to actual schizophrenia. get over it

No. 89620

Skirby was hated site wide according to the polls. I don't think so. She was a special case because her crazy OP maker claimed they owned rights to certain phrases.

No. 89621

I hate to tell you this nonnie but I think the DSM-5 is wrong, the definition of Schizoid; noun is a moid who is schizophrenic. I think you need to get another diagnosis because it’s not nice they called you that, I would seek legal advice

No. 89622

File: 1737913786360.jpg (82.8 KB, 720x384, 1000000451.jpg)

The grimes thread gollums are honestly insane. You cannot make a single reference to Claire's music that isn't wildly negative without them flipping shit. They claim "only a few" are contributing, but all they themselves contribute is tons of long posts with three to nine year old photos or gifs attached. Surely picrel reads as a false complaint to /meta/ given that there isn't actually a huge flux of WKing in grimes thread? Janitorial decisions lately are so dubious that it's hard to tell if you're going to answer to every whim out of laziness or ignore a real issue entirely.

It's sad that I can't tell if you're the rabid schizo that tantrums if the tone about Claire isn't completely mental or if you're an anon who recognizes that isn't normal. If you're the former, you already shared that you "don't follow any other cows" which means you camp out in the thread with nothing to share and try to tone-police everyone else into subservience. Please relax.

No. 89623

Can I get a 3 day ban? This imageboard is genuinely so shit right now just looking at it makes me angry but I keep coming back hoping it'll be different this time. I need a time out(asking for it)

No. 89624

oh, i'm not, but i wouldn't be surprised if we had users that were.
according to this article schizophrenia is related but different.

No. 89627

I think it would be cool to have a highlights thread like KF's Community Happenings. Its possible it will go to shit immediately but I feel like so much weapons grade milk gets overlooked because it's contained to its own thread and anons who don't follow each one (me) miss out on quality entertainment

No. 89628

There is cap thread

No. 89629

Nevermind, I got my period. Sorry about that

No. 89631

Lolcows own caps on /ot/? That's not what I mean

No. 89633

When are these lolcow awards being posted? Its been a month now

No. 89635

I am genuinely a retarded BPDemon and I never cared about staff or anything but I had a massive melty and staff were kind to me in my ban message even though I had a massive retard moment, so I will stan you until the end of my days. thank you for deleting scrotes and giving me a 1 week ban for being a retard instead of what I deserve

No. 89636

Thanks for lifting my self imposed ban after I came to my senses. Sorry again for my hormone induced retardation, I really appreciated the nice message and update. Good luck getting everything in order, mods. I'll be more patient

No. 89637

They were really kind to me too, kek. I feel like an ass for being so critical lately

No. 89638

also just to be clear I waited my ban out, this isn't ban evasion. sorry jannies. I need to drink less anyway

No. 89642

The porn star moid is at /g/ again

No. 89643

I reported it hours ago because their retarded ass STILL cannot integrate, and still no redtext. /g/ farmhands are dead as hell.

No. 89644

File: 1737970572047.jpg (59.61 KB, 1262x329, 6364563.jpg)

Please don't enrol illiterates as Farmhands.

No. 89645

That's called shitposting

No. 89647

Some retard is spamming the ugly man psyop thread sperging anout asian women

No. 89648

Can you unlock the new pixielocks thread please? The old one finally hit max posts limit

No. 89649

File: 1737997641781.png (67.34 KB, 1426x214, Screenshot 2025-01-27 at 12.05…)

Really wish anons didn't hand hold unintegrated posters. This post also reads as a newfag because who the fuck says "newfriend" other than a retard from tumblr or reddit

No. 89650

I always thought newfriend/newfren was chanspeak.

No. 89651

Newfriend kek kindergarten teacher vibes

No. 89652

File: 1738000256993.jpg (47.95 KB, 464x487, how new.jpg)

Perhaps you should lurk moar, newfriend. The term has been in use since forever on 4chen.

No. 89653

Newfriend is just the polite way of saying newfag, it's been around for ages

No. 89655

It's classic chanspeak, my newfriends.

No. 89656

hello newfriend, it seems you are uninformed about internet culture so I suggest you lurk and perhaps do some research on your own. thanks.

No. 89658

File: 1738011513281.jpeg (126.76 KB, 1096x596, IMG_5694.jpeg)

This reads like
>Kek you frens later, anons

No. 89659

i suggest the mod of the onision thread do her job.

No. 89660

Can a mod ban the retards infighting in the vent thread on /ot/. Enough.

No. 89661

why has lolcow been so hard to use on desktop for several months?

No. 89663

It hasn't? What are you referring to?

No. 89664

no, this site isn't a hivemind and women who disagree with you are allowed to post here even if you don't like it and i say that as a pro-choicer myself. you whine about this constantly and it's getting really old

No. 89666

>shouldn’t handhold unintegrated posters
>unintegrated poster is a middle aged woman using the site for the first time with a real life who came in to post the cows criminal record; i.e milk
get the stick out ur butt nd stop minimodding, newfag

No. 89667

CP on front page

No. 89668

Thank you for deleting that

No. 89670

WKing is still way too normalized in celebricows. I know there's no salvaging it and it's newfag central, but it's still too lenient. Every 5 posts or so there's multiple anons going
>So what if she did that? God forbid women do anything! women get judged too much!
Okay bitch, this is an image board where we point and laugh at retarded celebrities, not stan twitter.

No. 89671

PLEASE, PLEASE do something about the God awful Onision thread mod


I just posted this there too, because you keep telling us to take it to meta and then NOTHING gets done:

>how this got 8k views

because of you and a janny here that won't do her god damn job. i reported >>951777 3 times in total, and i also reported >>952061 >>951957 gene faggotry too 3 times and in /meta/ so go ahead and tell me to take it to meta again you lazy bitch.

PLEASE do something about it.

No. 89672

Y'all ever see a post so unintegrated that it amazes you?

No. 89673

So you want a thread moderated but you're a newfag? I think you might be the problem.

No. 89674

no i did it to STAND OUT how the fuck is a newfag gonna do tags and shit you complete dumbass now stop being butthurt stupid lazy fat bitches and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

No. 89675


No. 89676


Fucking FIRE HER and get a good janny. and NO I don't want to mod that shit. just GET A GOOD JANNY FOR IT.

for the janny there? certainly! now STOP BEING BUTTHURT AND FIX IT

No. 89677

you can't even link posts properly

No. 89678


No. 89679

Kekkk oh my God pop a prozac or something jeez

No. 89680

File: 1738083675635.png (46.83 KB, 360x474, 113ccabc-ed71-4da0-960b-5b587b…)

What is happening

No. 89681

File: 1738083702086.jpg (43 KB, 720x300, CentipedeVagina.jpg)


No. 89682

File: 1738083783502.jpg (25.89 KB, 480x763, chewawa in judgemental pose.jp…)

I don't have a job the government gives me money because I don't want to work. Stop being aggro all because you can't link posts and you act like a newfag.

No. 89683

You can't even link posts properly. Don't complain you're not a newfag while actively doing newfagthings. kek

No. 89684

Do you really think that there are 8000 farmers that use Greg's thread and that all those 8000 views are because of farmers that watched his video posted in that thread?

No. 89685






No. 89686

You linked the thread, not the post.

No. 89687

i think a certain somebody has forgotten to take her Abilify today and now we all have to pay the price

No. 89688





No. 89689

You're allowed to post YouTube videos here, anon. You clearly have no idea how threads work. Also most anons spoof the videos and don't watch them, wait for greentext. Shocker for you, but some people follow Onision on other platforms and they might be watching his videos. Also a view might count due to preview clips shown before you even click on the video to watch it in another tab. This is how YouTube browsing works. Do you need to have your hand held and walked through what happens? He's already demonetized anyway. It doesn't matter if he has views.

No. 89690

>Rat's ass
Ew. Why are you talking about the asses of vermin? You must be a furry troll if you seriously think rats are sexy.

No. 89691

I think it's a troll. They want so much attention and all they are going to get is banned.

No. 89692

Definitely a troll or Lainey. I don't know why it keeps talking in all-caps. Who even really cares this much about Onision anymore?

No. 89693

you stupid dumbass, its to prevent greg from getting views. but hey, you put money in his pockets, he must be overjoyed.
you basically gave a scrote a bunch of money.
my compliments.
yeah, make it safe, make it about me, amrite?

you made me look like whatever, riling me up, and your janny job stays safe, right?

No. 89694

That anon just told you that Greg's channel is demonetized so no matter how many views he gets, he won't receive any money from it. Just because you're a furry doesn't mean you get to type in all-caps and chimp out in /meta/.

No. 89695

>one video got over 8k because of a rage bait moid and a baiting title
I don't even use that thread, nonna, but you're completely delusional. Just because you stopped typing in caps because you're now embarrassed is funny though. He won't make money, he won't make a comeback. What are you scared of exactly?

No. 89696

She's too busy calling other women "cunts" and "bitches" and tinfoiling about their weight to sit down and use her brain. Just let her have her meltdown and get banned for it.

No. 89697

Sucks because this is the most interesting thing happening right now on lolcow. I love /meta/

No. 89698

my god, calm the fuck down and go outside for once

No. 89699

>and NO I don't want to mod that shit.
Did you expect Cerbmin to offer you the job? KEK

No. 89700

Shit mod = shit.

I give up. Fuck you and fuck the Onision thread.

Fuck yourself, enjoy your shit mod.

No. 89701

>I give up

No. 89702

File: 1738091376979.png (264.25 KB, 960x956, Screenshot_20250128-200734~2.p…)

Am I stupid or does this red text make no sense? I take the ban I guess but why the snarky fucking nonsense text?(read your ban reason before ban evading in /meta/)

No. 89703

>newfags can’t read thread description
Many such cases

No. 89704

>I take the ban
So how are you posting this right now then? Ban evasion? Newfags are so annoying and bird-brained.
It's so fucking annoying.

No. 89705

KEK this makes me laugh and pissed off at the same time. read the fucking thread description why don't you

No. 89706

>Don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch

No. 89707

I cant believe this shit keeps happening every few days kek. I know some recent farmers are illiterate but damn

No. 89708

Got b& yesterday for a post I didn't write. I'm not using a VPN. Could it be that there is a nona living close by? Or is it really vpn shenanigans? Or did a shark chew on the wires?

No. 89709

This keeps happening to me, too. I'm dreading the day my IP doppelganger spergs too close to the sun and gets permabanned.

No. 89710

NTA but it's never been clear to me either, if the issue is replying to people's rants just make the text ban (do not reply to other people ITT), not just (vain bitch). It's so fucking retarded when jannies try and fail to be sassy and funny, you're moderating autism central, the least you could do is make bans clear.

No. 89711

Or they can read the OP.

No. 89712

no, this mod team is retarded.

No. 89713

It's been that way for years. The ban text is
>vain bitch
which is mentioned in the rule
>don't respond to other people's rants. It's not about you, you vain bitch
it's pretty obvious, if you don't have autism anyway

No. 89714

we always try to write "read the thread op, do not reply itt" in the ban reason with "vain bitch" as the redtext. the anons who post these are always on dynamic ip's or vpn's so they don't see their ban screen

No. 89715

Some of you are just inept if the GIOYC thread is too hard for you to understand, I'm sorry.

No. 89716

I think the red text is kind of silly. I always found it annoying because a lot of the time people aren’t responding out of vanity. Idk what I would replace it with

No. 89717

It's a joke saying you're vain for thinking the thread rule doesn't apply to you.

No. 89718

Farmhand, please don’t change the redtext. It is the best illiterate newfag repellent on /ot/

No. 89719

Yeah it’s just not a very funny one.

No. 89720

I also think it's dumb. It's just gonna result in people coming here every time confused about why they were banned. The redtext should just say "don't reply to posts in this thread" or something.

No. 89721

the red text is "vain bitch" because the op literally says that anyone who replies is a vain bitch. read the op, i know literacy is hard but it takes meer seconds to read.

No. 89722

This nona >>89710 said it best:
>you're moderating autism central, the least you could do is make bans clear.

No. 89723

If they come here still confused about why they are banned they should be mocked and then have their ban extended until they learn how to read. You are all adults here, you don’t need to be spoonfed how to use lc

No. 89724

if they can't do the bare minimum on an image board and read the op, they deserve to get filtered.

No. 89725

Agreed. Also unpopular opinion, but I do find the “vain bitch” redtexts funny. Especially when newfags take it personally and sperg out about it. I think anons saying that farmhands are trying too hard to be sassy are reading too much into it. It’s just the generic redtext phrase for that thread.

No. 89726

No. 89727

I know the rule of the thread is not to reply but it can be phrased differently. It sounds tryhard and unfunny like a lot of red texts here. They should make it actually generic.

No. 89728

agreed, the red text is funny and is just standard for that thread. i laugh every time i see newfags taking it personally

No. 89729

I mean, it’s probably unfunny to you because the red text shouldn’t be appearing THIS much but none of you faggots read. I find it funny tho because it’s like a trap door and newfags are all falling for it over and over again and getting banned like simpletons and not once scrolling up to think “hmm wonder why the last person is a vain bitch” before typing a reply or reading OP first, then not even reading your bans either to end up here. So silly and illiterate.

No. 89730


No. 89731

never change vain bitch redtext its hilarious

No. 89732

The redtext isn't funny but the spergouts it causes among newfags is kek

No. 89733

At least you're admitting that you're just too stupid to read the rules kek

No. 89734

File: 1738107027638.png (327.39 KB, 540x511, 1000031664.png)

I'm just saying, when I was a retarded baby newfag I figured out how the GIOYC thread worked the first fucking time I opened it so the anons whining itt have no excuse

No. 89735

I just think the jannies try way too hard to be funny. Maybe you’re the one who can’t read because all I said was that I don’t like the phrasing.

No. 89736

i can't believe peole are still whinging about the vain bitch redtext because reading OPs before you post is apparently too hard.
i hope they don't change a thing, even if you son't think the redtext funny, the people seething about their vain bitch bans are hilarious. it's the best retard filter on this site

No. 89737

they aren't trying to be funny, they're quoting the op post

No. 89739

Kek nonnie did you get the red text and that’s why you’re so butthurt? Why do you want to be coddled so much for your awootism by the jannies
>but but you're moderating autism central
No. There’s a lot of women here who have jobs, bathe, touch grass and function in the real world and come here in their downtime for a few laughs. Why should mods coddle sensitive retards who earn a short lived ban for breaking rules. I prefer to see
>vain bitch
>vain bitch
and have a giggle than
>please read the OP don’t reply*
>please read the OP don’t reply*
If it’s not funny to you then ok? and?

No. 89741

So you want mods to stop doing something they've done for years because it makes you upsetty to see a certain redtext? Are you the same idiot who keeps saying the corndog banner should be removed because you're offended by that too? We know farmhands try hard to be funny, but the vain bitch thing has existed probably before you even used lolcow.

No. 89742

You’re quoting someone else’s posts. Id prefer not to see any or see it sporadically. I think there’s way too much redtext here in general.
You two sound way more upset than me, I don’t even post in that thread. I don’t think it’s
~offensive~ just stupid.

No. 89743

So you're unintegrated. That makes sense.

No. 89744

I made the newest twitch general on snow and just now noticed the red text.
>(shit thread, don't make one if you don't want to summarize the last thread.)
The previous thread was linked in my OP correctly, but it spanned over a year. I'm not going to list out everything that happened in the last year on twitch, especially when dexerto exists to look shit up. This shit is why threads die out after getting locked, because nobody wants to be the one to make a new one. I made a new one specifically so that I could post new milk for my once-a-year unsaged post. Fuck off.

No. 89745

If you're gonna make a thread, you have to do the recap. If you don't do the recap, then the thread is shit. Don't make threads if you don't want to make threads properly. If you make a shit thread and get banned for it, don't complain about it. Complaining about deserved bans from 30+ days ago makes you look spedish.

No. 89746

samefagging to say that
>unintegrated poster
is still currently posting and all of the ‘handholding’ done has made her integrate faster than you have

No. 89747

NTA but that's kinda dumb for these general milkless threads like the cartoon industry thread and breadtuber thread. Go read the previous thread if you want a recap so bad. Most of the time it's dumb garbage not worth remembering.

No. 89748

Integrating doesn’t mean agreeing with every single mod decision.

No. 89749

It really is not difficult. You click "hide saged posts" so that you only see the milk, then you choose which milk seems worth mentioning, then you link it in the new thread with a brief description. If you find that too difficult to do, then don't make the new thread. Why should we lower our standards of threads for the benefit of lazy people?

No. 89750

> Id prefer not to see any or see it sporadically. I think there’s way too much redtext here in general.
That’s not a jannie issue in that thread, that’s an issue with your fellow farmers being retards as to why you see red text there. Red text is a way others learn by example to not do that thing, if red text doesn’t happen and only a ban in silent other farmers continue do the thing because they saw someone else did it and didn’t get a ban, or the one who reported it/did get banned feels it’s unfair someone else never got banned as no red text to show they did and then bitches here. The only issue is everyone in that thread who keeps getting red texted are so vain that they aren’t even paying attention to other peoples bans before replying.

No. 89751

Its true people can't seem to grasp that one rule but also you do get a ban message that only you see which should also do the same thing. To me it's just way too heavy-handed and looks less like laying down the law and more like a discord mod reiterating no memes in #general.

No. 89752

If I report a post and it doesn't get a redtext I assume it wasn't banned. If mods didn't redtext anything in that thread I would assume they were ignoring the thread rule and stop reporting. The fact you see the redtext so much is literally a retard newfag issue and not a moderation issue.

I think it also keeps the jannies accountable, if they stopped redtexting bans then we'd never know if they were actually doing their job or not. Imagine they only redtexted permabans or something, they could ignore 99% of reports because we'd all just have to "assume" they banned stuff. It's better this way imo even if its uglier/less welcoming looking.

No. 89753

>you have to do the recap
Stop adding rules that don't exist. This place is not a forum. If somebody is too lazy to read previous threads, it's on them.

No. 89754

the absolute state of lc where newfags are so lazy, too stupid to read and whine about everything.
I'm very curious of the education level of these newfags because I don't think its just autism.
you keep trying to turn this into a janny issue like a boomer. learn to fucking read.
>makes one thread, makes a mistake, whines like a bitch
ok if you cant learn from your mistakes perhaps youre not cut out for making threads then.

No. 89755

>If somebody is too lazy to read previous threads, it's on them.
Girl do you know how ridiculous that would become? Shay is on thread 158, no one is pressing previous thread 157 times and no recap just encourages newfags begging to be spoonfed. It’s like everyone doesn’t understand actions and consequences here just “wah wah wah I wanna do what I want”

No. 89756

you will get redtexted for being a shit op and not doing a recap for a cow who needs a recap, anon.
please, go look at any of the redtexted ops and you’ll see a common theme in what they were lacking

No. 89757

I’m allowed to not like the moderation style, get over yourself.

No. 89758

youre entitled to your opinion but since your still here whining you need to get over yourself. you were banned (which is really being in a timeout corner so I don't get why people think its the end of the world and ban evade) and its done by this point so learn from your mistakes and move on.

No. 89759

then don't make thread OPs and leave these to people who can actually read.
what's with all these whiny newfags throwing fits when the rules apply to them?

No. 89760

Shay is completely milkless and boring. She has 158 threads of milklessness. There's your recap.

No. 89763

File: 1738169790263.jpg (15.4 KB, 1167x83, 64364366.jpg)

Some failed teacher is moderating /snow/.

No. 89764

so are you just going to ignore the obvious bait thread on /g/ or?

No. 89765

Instead of locking the Nigel Vent Thread on /g/ you should have banned the retards that shit it up.

A lot of anons on /ot/ have been asking for a specific thread for the past year for nigelfags to vent about their nigels instead of clogging the /ot/ Vent thread with their bullshit. It could have been an excellent containment thread had it been properly moderated.

The anons that called it a bait thread clearly have something against nigelfags and were upset by the notion that nigelfags could have a thread on their own to vent about their relationships without being ganged up on and subjected to continuous infighting.

No. 89766

File: 1738175435978.png (33.86 KB, 800x182, 100764322156.png)

>This place is not a forum

No. 89767

kek probably a newfag or a socialmediafag

No. 89769

File: 1738180264837.jpeg (150.92 KB, 1027x998, IMG_5775.jpeg)

Kek reminded me of this from the retarded bans thread. Why is that even a redtext?
>(Yaps too much)

No. 89770

that thread is redundant, just post in the gioyc thread if you don't want advice. there's no need for so many useless threads that are exactly the same. it reads as bait to want a thread that has the same rules as the gioyc thread but for a specific topic.

No. 89771

>so many useless threads
there are so many redundant threads that are on this site. why do we all pretend that the off topic boards are not filled with redundant threads with such similar themes that they could all be combined? the thread was for anons to vent about their nigels but a bunch of butthurt speds derailed spent 2 days derailing it with nonsense.

No. 89772

Tbh “venting about nigels” sounds like a reddit tier desire. If you all have so many nigel problems that you can’t stop yourself from yapping about, why not go to the relationship advice subreddit or something and continue your hettie normie life in hettie normie internet areas. Genuinely have no idea why you’d have such a strong need to do so.

No. 89773

You can't call something 'reddit tier' if you actually use the word 'yapping' kek. I have no idea why newfags want to pretend that this is some kind of femcel website and act like most anons here aren't mundane straight women that have nigels.

No. 89774

There's always been venting about relationships in the vent threads. LC predates the concept of "femcels".

No. 89775

Go bathe and get a job anon kek. This is not the female equivalent of 4chan as you all keep claiming.

No. 89776

Failed transvestigations are absolutely ban worthy imo, and this has been standard practice for a while. I can recall multiple occasions when the TIM thread got derailed because anons could not stop themselves from troonfoiling about a masculine looking woman. That shit is just embarrassing and reeks of misogyny.

No. 89793

Nvm you guys are so annoying and braindead that you do deserve a containment thread where you can all be annoying together and I can hide it <3(emoji)

No. 89794

Racemixing derail in the Elon Musk thread

No. 89795

For real, I can't imagine being so bothered by a fucking redtext or some mild criticism for making a shit thread that I'd have to argue about it in meta for days kek

No. 89796

>"You're all braindead!"
>Still doesn't know how to do ♥

Okay newfag settle down.

No. 89797

File: 1738187661022.png (70.56 KB, 251x349, terminology.png)

I just reported spam in the Terminology Thread and I think one of you deleted the whole thread instead of just deleting the spam?

No. 89798

Make new Shayna thread please

No. 89799

Male baiting in Unpopular Opinions, must be a day that ends in Y.

No. 89800

Kevin or some wk is camping out in the Lori thread in /w/ and shitting it up kek

No. 89801

I fatfingered it but its back now. >>1706 My bad.

No. 89802

make it yourself

No. 89803

newfags having another meltdown in >>>/ot/2365279 can we finally agree that its time to lock that shit thread

No. 89804

No. 89806

farmhands pls wrangle the tard in >>>/ot/2371774

No. 89807

it's pretty clear it's one samefag chimping out because they got banned

No. 89808

ayrt and i was just gonna add that too kek

No. 89812

that thread is so embarrassing. this anon:
definitely seems like a moid. they love to interpret calm responses as hysterical for some reason because they think that women are unable to type out a normal response to bullshit without getting emotional.

No. 89813

hi samefagger, i'm the midsommar gif, nnot the top one, referencing how you're making up/posting as fake anons in your head supporting you

No. 89818

there's a scrote in the vent thread

No. 89819

please ban all of the newfags who keep giving attention to the scrote

No. 89820

it isn't different enough to be it's own thread. it was a bad idea, get over it. post about it in the vent thread or gioyc thread.

No. 89822

kek another day, another anon replying in the GIOYC thread

No. 89823

Kind of sick of anons calling each other "pickmes" when they disagree over the smallest shit. I see a lot of newfags using it in contexts where it doesn't even make sense. At this point an infight over ice cream flavors could result in an anon calling someone a pickme for liking mint chip. It reminds me of several years ago when everyone was armchair diagnosing each other with BPD over infights.

No. 89824

File: 1738232954741.png (47.48 KB, 863x213, 1000043367.png)

Before I went to bed, I reported picrel as infighting, bc that anon just wants to shit on every poster in the thread. Then I wake up to see that other posts like >>>/ot/2371707 are marked as infighting? Look, the anon who starts this shit is the one who baits and needs a ban.

I'm none of these anons and haven't posted in the thread.

No. 89825

i notice this too but i assume it's whatever report comes up in their queue first. they can't really redtext every single anon + one of those anons was samefagging

No. 89826

There's no redtext for samefagging in the thread

No. 89827

Kek, that was me and I posted once because it’s not a retarded ban, it was a justified ban for posting a vendetta of someone no one knows. Retarded ban thread are for silly things when jannies go overboard, not to bitch and moan you broke the rules and had to sit in time out. Whatever happened afterwards wasn’t me or linked to my post or the post I was replying to. Such a cope to gaslight yourself in to thinking it’s all one poster

No. 89829

Nobody in the thread was samefagging.
The response you linked is very cringe and aggressive, it deserved to be banned of infighting. The post in your picrel isn't infighting or infight bait.
>not to bitch and moan you broke the rules and had to sit in time out
Too few anons understand this point. The majority of the bans in that thread are just self-posts by butt-hurt ban evaders.

No. 89830

The "retarded bans thread" should be renamed "retards getting banned" thread because that's 90% of the content.

No. 89831

That's not what self posting is…

No. 89832

curb the racebait shit in the news thread already,i just want a true crime thread instead i get a bootleg /pol/

No. 89833

so the level of aggression determines whether something is infighting or not? honest question.

No. 89835

Agreed, it’s just derailing about dicks at this point

No. 89836

I mean the key word is fighting and them’s fighting words kek

No. 89837

the infighting/derailing/nitpicking/non-contribution bans are highly inconsistent. i've even seen blatant racebait that i've reported not get banned. i get confused when i see a bunch of posts redtexted for something while there's more unbanned posts in that proximity that are sometimes way worse. occasionally it does come from an unbanned derail, too. i've come to realize the moderation is highly inconsistent and likely just depends on how the janny feels. i wish it was more consistent because it's frustrating seeing it occur in the same thread or even across multiple threads. for the longest time i genuinely wasn't sure what was truly considered breaking the rules of no infighting or nitpicking because of the way some bans are given out.
nowadays i'll see something get banned, i report something that was worse than the ban i just saw and the ban doesn't go through. it can be arguably worse or the same, but it doesn't seem to matter, it's extremely inconsistent. i also sometimes think that when there's like 10 posts in a row that are breaking rules it just becomes a shit-show and no one wants to report it anymore (i know i don't). still wish there was a vpn ban sitewide except for the hidden board, i can't stand the low-quality posts on this site and obvious bait that gets eaten up

No. 89838

One thing I noticed is that say there's one anon that's posted 3 posts, and each of them will be reported for infighting, then only the first or last post made will feature a redtext. Generally speaking, it seems like one anon will get one redtext, so if you see several different redtexts it means that more than one anon has been banned.

No. 89841

There's a retard in Dana's thread defending her rapist ex husband and accusing people who disagree with their comments of harassment

No. 89842

Are you new? They never redtext every post one user makes. Its usually one or two.

No. 89843

? That’s literally what they just said? Can anyone read here anymore before typing their “disagreement” and hitting reply?

No. 89844

Most of the anons on here are American, so reading isn't their strongest suit.

No. 89845

File: 1738261478760.jpg (157.28 KB, 1227x905, IMG_6718~2.JPG)

At this point, anons can say whatever retarded bait they want to without getting redtexted if they justify it with manhate. Someone could say "Jews did 9/11" and get away with it as long as they added "because patriarchy" to the end. Between this and allowing VPNs, you've given baiters free reign to ruin the site.

No. 89846

medfagging and arguing about ozempic in moo's thread…

No. 89847

The Dana thread was a mistake and it couldn't have come at a worse time. The anons in that thread are infighting chimps from various other platforms who literally do not have a life outside of poop touching and obsessing over that fat retard. There's a reason she's a banned topic from so many poly critical spaces, she attracts the sort of people who were bullied in high school and salivate at the thought of getting to switch roles and be the mean girl for once. She revels in the attention she's getting and these speds eat up all the bait and sperg for days about it. Yes, she is a fat rape apologist child abusing cokehead. We are aware. Now close the browser and take your meds

No. 89849

Might as well close down this site if posting milky cows should be a banned topic. Nobody in the thread is cowtipping, not our concern what other people on other sites do.

No. 89852

there's some tard slapfight going on in the lori lewd thread

No. 89853

kek literally, do the anons who post shit like this realise where we are?
>actually milky cow appears
>shit thread! kill it! i don’t like!

go post in >>>/ot/2312101
you can hide it if you don’t like it

No. 89855

>moo says she is on ozempic
>anons shut down any further discussion by saying "NO SHES LYING MOVE ON"

No, anons can discuss ozempic. Unless someone can prove she's lying, she is on it and anons will talk about it. Its milky if shes on it. Saying she isnt and is just a lie is such a shut down of convo and sounds like oddly defensive whiteknighting for Moo.

No. 89856

I hate to be that anon, but why isn't bragging about or declaring an intent to infight a bannable offense. Especially the ones where some faggot moans about how it gets them off.

No. 89859

File: 1738309128363.png (296.39 KB, 482x311, chrome_leuBZJRZ10.png)

No. 89860

File: 1738310486027.gif (151.66 KB, 400x299, racewar.gif)

its a race war in there! quick jannies!

No. 89862

When it's too obvious on either side it's not fun and not worth the ban to respond. Maybe try less.

No. 89863

NTA, but all this over a vain bitch complaint in meta is wild. These users are unhinged and now on a bender replying.

No. 89864

Wait so jannies aren't redtexting for vain bitch in that thread anymore? Weird.

No. 89866

i didn't post a single thing in there kek, i was just reporting and hoping the racebait got cleared

No. 89868

Don't care; didn't ask; stop.

No. 89869

I hope jannies permaban every anon shitting up the thread.

No. 89870

File: 1738315141398.jpg (18.23 KB, 521x113, 1738315045683.jpg)

Defeats the purpose of the Fetish Art thread.

No. 89871

Or they are busy.

No. 89873

ban piggeranon and irishanon NOW

No. 89874

and the rest. Don’t be biased, the other anons shit up the thread too

No. 89875

i swear it was just those two having a schiz off, myabe i'm retart..

No. 89876

can admins investigate dana's wk? they use the exact same words(calling 16yos minors instead of teens or underage) as dana, they HAVE to be them. C'mon.

No. 89877

Definitely more than two anons in there

No. 89879

Gore does not go anywhere on the site. Doesn't matter if it's "thread-appropriate".

How is calling a kid a minor any different than saying teen or underage? All the above means the same damn thing. Do you hear minor and think 8 year old? By law, "minor" even means under 18.

No. 89881

This is untrue and if you used any board other than /ot/, you would know this.
>How is calling a kid a minor any different than saying teen or underage?

No. 89882

Integrate? This seems like a personal nitpick tbh.

No. 89883

Thank you based farmhand for cleaning up gioyc. Sorry you had to post a message to keep the tards from swarming again.

No. 89885

weird derailing in elon's thread and lori lewd has a sperg going on for a while

No. 89886

LOL that shit janny from the Onision thread just banned someone for asking what happened to the Onision vs Xavier von Erck case for "spoonfeeding request". no one knows whatever happened to that case. no one. so how is asking for an update no one has yet a "spoonfeeding request?"
you guys really need to get a new janny for that thread. hell just switch a janny around here from that thread to modding another thread and vise versa, because this is SHIT. kek.

No. 89887

because dana loves to use ''minor'' because its common lingo with internet gendies. Absolutely no one irl says minor instead of teen or underage.

No. 89888

Fujos derailing the fandom thread as always despite farmhands already giving a redtext to the source of their sperging

No. 89889

what is up with that irish anon, she’s been on a bender these past couple weeks. i swear every other racist infight i’ve been seeing has been that anon, first about immigration now about black people.

No. 89890

Please make VPN ban happen or at least put up the poll

No. 89891

not to mention a wk always suspiciously comes by when shit hits the fan every time dana runs her mouth.

No. 89892

File: 1738335763643.gif (436.34 KB, 250x159, IMG_7316.gif)

slapfight in unpopular opinions. again.

No. 89893

So since no one knows, anon is asking to be spoonfed if anyone knows.

That click for you?

No. 89897

Kek that was my post

No. 89898

seconding this for the love of god

No. 89899

Baiter on the Ugly Man PsyOp thread.

No. 89900

I hate the braindead nonnies responding and engaging with them

No. 89901

Samefagging but notice how the go to for derailing that thread is pedo baiting. I wish nonnies would take a hint but this board is full of actual idiots

No. 89902

hey, I got my reply. two even including yours.


No. 89903

Anon you can just find that shit by googling you retard, I was able to find it just now in literally 10 minutes, maybe learn to find information you want instead of expecting others to spoonfeed you

No. 89904

I'm 100% sure that dysphoria-fetish-anon made that one shitty thread in 2X

No. 89905

fix your reddit spacing, retard

No. 89909

scrote is seething in ot

No. 89913

please get the American thread under control

No. 89914

Hi Farmhands. The Amerifag thread looks like some /pol/tard threw up all over it.

No. 89916

As far as I know, nobody is saying the K-slur in the ex Muslim thread. Also I'm a burgerfag and not ex Muslim so I'm in the burger thread and not the ex Muslim one.

No. 89918

Racebait is against the rules retard.
>Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting)
And I wasn't even arguing with you itt. Just passing by, saw the usual pre-raid polsperging and decided the farmhands should get a heads up. If you're not doing anything wrong, then why are you mad?

No. 89920

There's nothing stopping you from having these conversations irl. Why must you insist on having them on a board where they are against the rules?
>wah wah jews hate you
I haven't said a single thing about Jews other than reporting that one anon is using slurs. I don't gaf about Jews any more or less than I do anyone else in my country. You sound legitimately unwell.

No. 89922

Take it up with the mods. I don't make the rules.

No. 89923

Can farmhands also hand out bans to anons who engage with overt racebait? It shits up threads and only gives these retards attention.

No. 89924

can you make talking about luigi outside containment a banneable offense? i am so tired of that obsessive hater spamming her shitty memes of him everywhere. She's so fucking insufferable.

No. 89925

Its not just one anon who finds him ugly, cant you hide thread that dont suck his dick instead of sperging?

No. 89926

Learn to read. I hate luigi and i am tired of him. I thought hiding his cocksucking thread was enough to not see that ugly straggot ever again, but you bitches keep bringing him up unprompted in every thread. You dont hate him, because if you hated him then he wouldnt live rent free in your mind 24/7

No. 89927

I want Luigi posting to get the same treatment as forbidden man or kpoop, banned as soon as he is mentioned no matter the context.

No. 89928

You can go to reddit if you want everything that hurts your feelings to get banned

No. 89929

It'll pass. There's always an ugly flavor of the week moid deranged anons thirst over, it's gross but just ignore it and it will eventually die down.

No. 89931

seconding this. the (driversperging) bans were pretty funny

No. 90003

baiting scrote in ugly male psyop

No. 90004

Retarded skirbyfag in the ridiculous photoshop thread posting the deleted thread summary baselessly accusing her of lying about being raped. This is never going to end, any mention of her should be banned

No. 90005

KEKK the ‘milk’ is just
>retard ugly
>kek what a fatty

No. 90006

When the final thread was okayed after multiple attempts at writing a reasonable summary it was a fraction of the length. Without the histrionic fat sperging and fanfiction even they think the OP is shit. It's almost as if there's absolutely nothing interesting about her and wonky shooped pics aren't fucking milk

No. 90007

Not the anon who posted but why is >>>/w/343711 red texted with wrong thread. Vina is Mikan’s brand and mentioned in the OP multiple times. Would be good if jannies familiarise themselves with the OP before handing out wrong thread bans because some other newfag retard says so.

No. 90008

File: 1738510132683.jpg (446 KB, 747x871, Longlivethecow.jpg)

theres going to be a possible raid of kffaggots on ot since kf is down so can farmhands turn on vpn ban on ot?

No. 90009

File: 1738510300182.png (1.86 MB, 720x916, IMG_8047.png)

jannies, nonnies, united we stand. divided we fall.

No. 90010

File: 1738510696261.jpeg (314.24 KB, 828x893, IMG_7503.jpeg)

retarded baiting in the ugly man psyop thread. again.

No. 90011

What did you do to elsie

No. 90012

I go banned for “sounding underage” because I wanted to vent about outing a groomer.
I thought mods had better things to do? Apparently not. Apparently they don’t want me to vent about this are they admitting to something? Because “I’m nooticing” isn’t convincing to ban me. I’m an adult I appealed saying that I am and it got denied. Whatever.
Of course I’m not mentioning the other commentary saying that I have to lurk more.
I think using an alternative word for a creep should be oke. That’s all, I hope you ban actual offences. I had to complain about this.

No. 90013

i’ve noticed most posts about sexual assault and abuse get deleted.

No. 90014

It's because you said "pdf file" tiktoktard.
>I think using an alternative word for a creep should be oke
No, you have to integrate

No. 90015

File: 1738515070781.jpeg (651.79 KB, 1170x1100, IMG_6527.jpeg)

Are the mods retarded? This is a post about vina in her own thread. What other thread would this go in.

No. 90016

Evidently I'm not the only one working noticed you let a literal schizo become a mod. Why is that?

No. 90017

She has literally never been able to integrate and it’s almost like she wants people to know she’s a mod now.

No. 90018

nta but maybe she’s the elusive /w/histleblower

No. 90019

She's psychotic. I don't know how they didn't notice she went from schizoposting and misogynistic sperging every single evening to now being a janitor and constantly deleting posts while crossposting as a user and abusing janitorial privileges. Are we just supposed to pretend it isn't happening and that everyone doesn't notice? Are we always going to have to dread her swooping in with her copious amount of free time and defending herself from a different device, calling us schizos, and then deleting all her posts? This is crazy even by LC standards.

No. 90021

What I want to know is how much of our information they are giving this obsessive schizo access to? It’s kind of funny when you know who it is and watch them say the same thing every single time and can calm down a little like okay well there’s no point in fighting with someone with slush for brains thank god that wasn’t an actual farmer. I wonder when she sleeps though. And of course she’s like up there in the top five most racist posters we have.

No. 90022

They are online primarily in the evenings and early mornings for USA, no? I've seen theories that they're English but I have no idea about any of that. The aggression and vitriol is so bizarre, if you have the time and resolve to try to invent multiple identities for yourself on lolcow and only have interest in janitorial privileges for the sake of trying to pin identities to anonymous posters (and then clean up your mess and gaslight anyone who mentions you) then you shouldn't be a farmhand at all. They lie like a rug too, it's a fucking mess. Sowing confusion and discord for… schizopoints? Why bother posting here when it's a dumpsterfire of bias

No. 90023

I have no idea but it makes me nervous because some unhinged schizo “connecting things” probably has some end game and doesn’t need to be making up delusions about random users. She seems very invested in policing discussion on here. I also think she’s been heavily involved in a lot of racist fights on here.

No. 90024

I don't think there's an endgame, she isn't as intelligent as she thinks. The motivation is probably just the perks of verbally berating and sperging at certain ips and deleting any mention of her antics/ playing victim and pretending the accusations against her are unreasonable.

No. 90025

Cringe thread serving its purpose by having cringe-ass height infighting

No. 90026

Can you guys give examples

No. 90027

>I also think she’s been heavily involved in a lot of racist fights on here.
most definitely, the uptick in racebait going unbanned on ot is very noticeable and anons who point it out always get banned for "infighting" while the racebaiter keeps shitting up the threads (america thread,news,gender ideology and international threads)

No. 90028

no offense but the mods here are about as useful as a cock flavored lollipop.

No. 90029

is the irish immigrant sperg from amerifags related to any of this, i saw that person in so many of the fights you just mentioned

No. 90030

i dont know which sperg that is but i was talking about the specific racebaiter who keeps posting weird racebait shit about black and brown women (especially muslim women) being as bad as moids.

No. 90031

yeah that’s her

No. 90034

When the fuck are you going to finally turn asexual demisexual pansexual biromantic heteromantic demifluid panfluid whatever into red words? This should've been part of the Hellmas special even one of the previous sub-par admins managed to do it. Why are there so many tifs and tumblr fags now?

No. 90035

what's wrong with them except the last two?

No. 90036

Go back.

No. 90037

Nta, but most farmers are neutral about all this and don't care even if certain cow threads make fun of these things. This isn't some straight radfem website.

No. 90038

Can a competent farmhand deal with the FUCKING OBVIOUS racebait in the news thread already?

No. 90039

lmao, you aren't welcome here and you never will be

No. 90040

All the things mentioned here >>90034 is exclusively said by straight people anon

No. 90041

>demisexual (asexual)

No. 90042

One look into those communities and you'll see. Anyway I don't get why admins stopped doing these when it was done with other tumblr phrases like triggered/POC/TERF/etc.

No. 90043

This is a silly concern. This redtext thing is stupid as well

No. 90045

It's necessary to weed out undesirables

No. 90046

pansexual is literally just bisexuals who fuck trannies (so just bi), demisexual is "i'm straight but don't like hookups" so basically normal, x-romantic is just being friends jesus christ this whole site is full of children now. that dysphoria thread should've been locked ages ago.

No. 90048

It uh. It doesn’t really do anything.

No. 90049

The amount of racebait I'm seeing today is fucking insane. Get them the fuck out of here, this is scrote shit

No. 90050

Bring back the goddamn VPN ban. A lot of the most annoying recurrent infights were conspicuously absent during December, when the ban was in effect. If we're not going to have a permanent VPN ban in effect, there should at least be one in place when Kiwifarms is down.

No. 90051

Antifujo won't stop baiting and/or sperging in the fandom discourse thread

No. 90053

I was just about to bitch about this. I've reported her multiple times. She's openly baiting, and retards won't stop responding to her. This is why we need a VPN ban. Someone in the confession thread a while back actually admitted to posting bait on this topic with her "girlfriend." She clearly uses VPNs or mobile data to do it. Ban that shit already.

No. 90054

File: 1738544795493.jpeg (203.09 KB, 446x708, 1712005132061.jpeg)

Theyre shitting up the fandom discourse thread mods please…. PLEASE

No. 90055

anti/fujo slapfight in fandom discourse again. vpn ban now pls

No. 90056

There's some kind of racebaiting slapfight going on in the News stories that fuck with you thread

No. 90057

VPN ban. No poll, just implement it. This is ridiculous

No. 90058

The fandom and other threads were so peaceful when we had the VPN ban

No. 90059

I think the space you're looking for is Truth Social.

No. 90061

I think the space your looking for is tumblr in 2015.

No. 90062

>if you don't like my team you must support the opposite team

No. 90065

the racebaiter is back in news stories

No. 90066

Pointing out that brown women murder their daughters because of their fucked up beliefs isnt racebait.

No. 90067

idg why people keep replying to that retard. anyway the vpn ban can't come soon enough

No. 90068

Was there a theme park thread somewhere in /ot/ that was deleted? I'm not a consistent user but I remember that thread back last August or something and I can't find it now. Unless I'm retarded and missed it all 10 times I looked.

No. 90069

You can go anywhere else online to talk about that bilge. It may not be "straight radfem" central but first and foremost this is a site for laughing at retards and as much as you can whinge about how there's no milk so technically it's now about muh social aspect, those anons who made and posted in those threads making fun of your type are still here, and they do not like you. Fuck off, the original split attraction model was so retarded and pedantic no one wanted to use it and the modern version of it was dreamt up on Tumblr so people could feel marginalised for things.

No. 90071

No. 90072

You type like someone who needs to let the fluid out of their brain via a shunt.

No. 90073

KEK based nona

No. 90075

It was so peaceful when there was the VPN ban

No. 90076

We get it, you want the VPN ban back, you've been saying so every 5 hours in this thread.

No. 90078

don’t reply to it nonas

No. 90080

I like it, it's a good indicator for when to mentally check out of a post.

No. 90083

Anons posting jirai girls under the age of 16 again. If this thread doesnt stop having anons posting minors, it needs to be locked. This is the second time now. Anon needs to prove she's over 16 because her account don't look like it. This shouldn't be happening this often.

No. 90084

tumblr gendies can't fuck off soon enough

No. 90086

tysm nonna

No. 90087

agreed, made it easier to focus on the real issues and not deal with some immature twat throwing a tantrum or a legit mentally ill weirdo

No. 90088

File: 1738612698873.jpg (34.3 KB, 471x341, 5465476.jpg)

I would like to bring it to the staff's attention that one of the Farmhands is a notorious shitter of the Fandom Discourse thread >>>/ot/2379390 and also a groomer who wants to 'bend' straight women into lesbianism.
The rot is coming from inside the house, not from some external boogeymen.(ban evasion)

No. 90089

I think that explains why they don't lock down gender idealogy hate thread but keep up blackpill thread. Mods are the og pedolesbian. They keep up misandry and troon hate shit because it benefits to them. But they won't tolerate any other thing.

No. 90090

oh no not the misandry! did someone call your nigel ugly again?

No. 90091

Do you enjoy licking your girlfriend yeasty pussy? Licking that pussy and yeast with your tongue like 70s vacuum cleaner? And thick cheese then on your tongue spreading it on your lips..(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 90092

VPN ban needs to be permanent so ban evaders like you can GTFO and go back to Tumblr where you belong.

No. 90093

>gets banned for infighting
>immediately hops on VPN to sperg about how unreasonable it is to be banned for infighting when you are infighting
>throws in some schizoposting about how the mod that banned you must be the poster you were infighting with
Most rational lolcow user. Take your meds retard.

No. 90094

The fact she's posted it in 3 different threads so far too…

No. 90095

ah so it was definitely the nigel

No. 90099

Sounds more like a personal offense on his part. Conveniently, there was someone sperging about how anons must be lesbians in the Ugly Man thread around the same time.

No. 90101

Nonnas in the jirai thread are saying minors are posting.

Honestly told you this thread would have this happen. We've had to have minors removed that that thread several times now for photos being posted. It's clear that thread will never integrat and it's full of a few vendettafags refusing to ppst proof and taking eveything fro. Other vendettafags online as evidence..with no proof. This is not how milk works.

No. 90102

Kek why did your retarded ass run to meta twice when that never happened. The first time you were somewhat right, but now you’re just making shit up. Besides, the rule is that you can’t post minors under 16. If farmhands are going to enforce the rule that only over 18s can be posted, then they need to remove half of the threads on /w/ and /snow/. Hide the jirai thread if you hate it so much.

No. 90104

>Can't post minors under 16
16 is a minor. The term is "subjects" can't be posted who are under the age of 16, so 15 and younger is a no-go.
>If farmhands are going to enforce the rule that only over 18s can be posted, then they need to remove half of the threads on /w/ and /snow/.
Do you mean that only people over 18 can be farmers?

No. 90108

both of you are retarded.

No. 90109

That thread just brings a whole new type of newfag, almost like the kpop kids.

No. 90110

Bait in gender ideology ot thread. Might be genuine but it's both inflammatory and misinformed, so assuming it's bait.

No. 90111

kek "misinformed" is when my fefe get hurts by facts

No. 90112

I'm not going to argue medical facts with you in the meta complaints thread. Bait harder please.

No. 90113

Theres no baiting, of course you cant because youre wrong.

No. 90114

That's nice, dear. Hope you have a lovely rest of your day. Good night farmhands.

No. 90115

Kek youre retarded(dragging infight to /meta/)

No. 90116

Are we just infighting in meta now kek. Every single person shit flinging and squabbling here is retarded, go back to whatever thread you're currently shitting up and be a sped there. The absolute fucking state of this imageboard, it's been unusable since January

No. 90117

Why is the skirbyfag allowed to post non-photoshop crap in the photoshop thread? They need to be permabanned, they've been banned so many times and their posts have nothing to do with photoshop.

No. 90118

Why are posts on the hidden board allowed to be shown on the site's front page? It's hidden for a reason!

No. 90119

admin probably doesn't know how to hide the posts.

No. 90120

File: 1738682674342.jpeg (377.55 KB, 828x1036, IMG_7572.jpeg)

some retard newfag trying to mke a troon thread in /g/. i don't think the dysphoria threads should be allowed even on 2x, they attract tifs and tumblrtards.

No. 90121

Some of you bitches aren't even gender critical, you're just conservatives in the closet.

No. 90122

what the fuck are you talking about

No. 90123

Anyone who doesn't like some shitty redundant thread is a trump supporter duuhhhh

No. 90124

How recently did you peak?

No. 90125

Ignore it, it's been sperging about how not being able to sew your vagina shut is medical misogyny

No. 90127

Now some TIF is suffering from stroke in this thread and sperging about how she wants to stab TERFs.

No. 90128

I'm pretty sure that's the same dysphoria-chan who made that gender dysphoria thread on 2X and keeps ban evading by VPN hopping. I have no fucking idea how that thread isn't shuttered.

No. 90129

Is the report button broken or does /g/ not have mods anymore kek. It's been 2 hours

No. 90130

Moids or tifs in the new gender dysphoria thread. Can we just lock it please

No. 90131

Kek at gc retards thinking a website called lolcow is pro-women. Youre more delusional than any tranny in my local(infighter)

No. 90132

Kek at you not considering you're just an annoying, hysteric cunt.

No. 90134

What is wrong with these retards

No. 90136

when the fuck are we going to have a poll to implement a vpn ban because the raging immaturity and retardation is unbearable.

No. 90137

/g/ farmhands are always the slowest.

No. 90140

Ban any mention of Skirby. There is no way these tourists aren't underage and regardless they shit up every thread they touch

No. 90141

It's 100% intentional that she is brought up in random threads. She is not this prolific, I promise farmers. This is some loud minority of retards who are trying to use lolcow as their own personal discord for anything skirby posts which is boring photoshop after photoshop after photoshop. Nothing about her is interesting.

No. 90144

They have a VPN ban in Amerifags and it does fuck all to stop infighting, just like it didn't stop it during Hellmas. It simply doesn't work.

No. 90145

it didn't permanently stop but it was definitely more reduced and less bad than now. during that time i noticed unpopular opinions wasn't always at the top of /ot/ and wasn't getting filled back to back like it usually did for example

No. 90146

It's a few extremely tenacious retards, no one cares about her. I genuinely don't understand why they don't just make a snark subreddit or discord server where they can sperg in peace but that would require an IQ above 70

No. 90149

Skirby should be a banned topic, the only anons posting about her are unintegrated unsaged newfags throwing a fit

No. 90151

I suggested that exact same thing last month lol I don't think they will make her banned topic which honestly just fuels these posters further because they attack anyone, including farmhands, constantly.

No. 90154

>blatantly obvious moid posts something like "women peak at 13 and if you're not preteenmaxxing like me burn in hell"
>mods sleep
>someone replies with "go away moid" or something
>immediate ban for "scrotefoiling"
I know it's not recommended to reply to bait but at least make it well, fair. Scrotefoiling and trannyfoiling shat up the site.

No. 90157

Blatant hi cowing needs longer bans on this site

No. 90159

the vent thread in /ot/ should not have this addendum. that is what the GIOYC thread is for. infighting and trolling don't fall under "pwease be nice nonnies". it's cringe to even put something like that.

>Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 90162

Mad because you tried to pull a mean girl larp and got banned, aren't you? Kek

No. 90163

that was added because retards kept trying to infight in that thread and act like regina george for no reason. let anons vent in peace jfc. what is so offensive to you about "don't make fun of anons vents" and "dont demean anons" ?

No. 90164

sounds like you got butthurt by someone hurting your feefees. this isn't reddit, you probably should go there if criticism triggers you. i would suggest tumblr or twitter as well!

No. 90166

because it's redundant. the thread isn't a safe space. if anons are infighting they will get banned. we don't need some special guidelines at the top of the thread just because anons are too lazy to use the gioyc thread.

No. 90167

your attempt at an insult is embarrassing lol and you kind of just proved the ayrt's point

No. 90168

literally nobody gaf about if its redundant or not. literally nobody gaf about some shit thread on /ot/'s thread description. if u dont want that part added then u can make the next thread and remove that part. its not rocket science.

No. 90169

To be honest, pretending it's a thread rule like in the GIOYC thread isn't okay. This kind of behavior needs to stop or we really are going to be like reddit eventually. You already have idiots complaining anons are mean while acting exactly like they're complaining about. Someone needs to wrangle some of these tards.

No. 90170

anon i'm telling you that nobody gaf. if you hate it so bad you can make the next vent thread and delete that part that you don't like.

No. 90171

bp sperging in the autism thread idk if it's all one anon or if there's multiple who all sound the same

No. 90172

Disagree. Those that use OT now are not the same as those using OT years ago and it has become a cesspool of anons larping as Regina George because they think lolcow is a edgy mean girl gossip site for femcel 4changirls!!!1! and sometimes they need to be reminded to stfu as it’s annoying.

No. 90174

Kek she even went and posted the same shit she always posts in the blackpill thread at the same exact time as her spearing out in the /ot/ threads. Always so bizarre to see her active on here because I just do not understand the goal of saying the same things over and over when clearly nobody wants her to do this

No. 90175

genuine mental illness, I imagine. I'd maybe feel bad for her if her screeds weren't mired in externalized misogyny

No. 90176

CP spam front page

No. 90182

CP in the vent thread on /ot/

No. 90184

Cp on /ot/. Missing the VPN ban.

No. 90186

Some retard just added it one day, you can literally just delete it if you're the one who makes the vent thread OP first. No need to report this to /meta/

No. 90187

Could it be possible to spoiler youtube videos?

No. 90193

you werent banned you were forced to lurk. appreciate it for once.

No. 90194

We should unironically up the posting age just a tad. 19, 20. I swear there's so many probably newly turned 18yos who run amuck on here and they're just as annoying as some preteen child

No. 90195

sniffs the janny’s butt

No. 90196

The banners should be divided into whatever board they belong. I do not need to see Shayna's attempt at erotically flicking her tongue when I'm discussing advice on /ot/ kek. Banners featuring cows should only be seen on cow boards and the cutesy Elsie ones on the non-cow boards lol

No. 90197

File: 1738792004956.gif (197.27 KB, 275x92, IMG_5951.gif)

Nuhuh strong disagree, I look forward to this banner every board I’m on no matter how many years it’s been kek

No. 90198

youre caring way too much about banners anon

No. 90199

Nah that banner cracks me up every time I see it

No. 90200

NTA but some of the banners are just gross and it's fair to not like seeing them. i hate a lot of them

No. 90201

Grimes thread needs a farmhand notice, the milkless sperging has made it nearly unreadable and no one is posting anything new. Old as fuck caps and reddit-spaced word salad is all you see in her thread now with the occasional Twitter update.

No. 90202

i agree with you anon, her thread needs harder moderation.

speaking of moderation, what the hell is going on with this site? unsaged racebait on /snow/ for 46 minutes, yet another deranged slapfight in the "mundane shit" thread, people arguing to the death in celebricows because one anon said she liked Robert Pattinson in our current year 2025. not a ban in sight by the way

No. 90205

I suspect the new Grimes spergs are from that subreddit. No idea how they found LC though.

No. 90206

I’m tired of the relentless newfags, bait, and scrotes being allowed on this site while farmers get slapped with a ban over nothing. God forbid you call out an obvious scrote, personalityfag, or speculate on something. Maybe if farmhands did something about the aforementioned problems we wouldn’t need to.

No. 90208

The site is obviously lacking active jannies but for some reason the Admin hasn't acknowledged this yet

No. 90209

You can tell it's a redditor because of how egregiously they space their posts. Every single post they make is a weird nothingburger and they talk in circles.

No. 90210

The most active janitor we had recently was a fucking schizo, site is up in flames

No. 90211

It’s been borderline unusable for the past few months, somehow even worse than when the summerfags invade

No. 90212

and again yet another fellow anon, youre caring too much about banners

No. 90214

Only newfags complain about our banners. Gotta censor a tongue now? Ragebait.

No. 90215

Some are just retarded looking and I've been on here for 5 years so your argument doesn't work.

No. 90216

We should leave the 18 rule but ban any posters who say they're 18

No. 90217

File: 1738830615065.jpg (347.84 KB, 680x680, 1738802449403.jpg)

can jannies please make up their mind about this picture? i've been banned before for posting it unspoilered (got the "spoiler your shit" redtext) but i keep seeing other anons do the same with no repercussions. either make "SPOILER PUKING MADOTSUKI/ELSIE DRAWING" a rule or stop making your squeamishness everyone's problem

No. 90219

Why are some posts that sound retarded but otherwise are harmless removed so frequently (looking at the unpopular opinions thread) yet actually disgusting bait posts not? The latter just get redtexted.
>inb4 did your feefees get hurt
No, I don't want to see some 4chan moid's unironic opinion that 10yos are the most rapeable or that we should start violently torturing people of a certain race still staying up on the site, while posts confessing to stuff like "I dated an 18yo moid when I was 25" gets deleted immediately.

No. 90220

Is Elaine's thread still on autosage? Could you take it off autosage?

No. 90222

Wait are you serious? Please don't tell me this is how delicate our sensibilities have become wtf kek

No. 90224

CP on the vent thread, remove that shit now please janitors.

No. 90225

CP in vent on /ot/

No. 90226

Thank you jans, love you.

No. 90228

Why is it always that thread. I hope scrotes all die

No. 90229

The women shilled as attractive thread is overrun by /pol/esque racebaiting blatant moids but I'll be scrotefoiling banned if I say it kek

No. 90231

Agreed, but apparently the solution to having our eyes assaulted is to just look away or scroll down, no one wants to actually do anything about them or create better banners to replace them.

No. 90232

Kek at some of the replies. I'm not weak enough to be triggered by banners or something, lol. It's just they would look better if they were more in "theme" with the board. It's an aesthetic suggestion

No. 90233

that's retarded i've seen grosser/worse pictures go unreported that weren't drawings. that's just a drawing. anyways jannies have not been in top form
you can tell that's either one of those people who camp out in /meta/ looking for someone who's complaining about their bait in /ot/ or a newfag desperately trying to fit in because kek. thinking some of the banners are gross makes nobody a newfag, but acting like that does. some of the banners are straight up gross
don't even bother listening to them, you didn't even say anything crazy, they're just retarded

No. 90234

just adblock the banners you dislike so much. thanks to modern technology you can modify your experience online and don't need to petition for removal of unsightly gifs.

>inb4 but i'm a phonefag and don't know how to do this on mobile

No. 90235

>inb4 but i'm a phonefag and don't know how to do this on mobile
i don't have a smartphone nor do i care enough to seek out extensions that are basically spyware to hide a couple of banners i don't like. all i did was agree in saying the banners are gross… when i see them i simply refresh the page. that's all. very nice of you to come to so many conclusions and misconstrue my words though! how zoomer of you. never once was i petitioning for anything. just agreeing with an anon and stating that some banners are gross. go stir up some shit in /ot/ dramaqueen

No. 90237

>I've been on here for 5 years
>it's another covid era anon thinking she's not new

No. 90239

kek nta but you open yourself up to more risks of spyware and adware by not having an adblocker. why are pearl clootchers the most retarded of the lc demographic? thats not even beginning to touch on the pretentious attempt at a scathing rebuttal KEK

No. 90240

I'm not counting this year since it's just one month in. Aka I've been on since the start of 2019, maybe a bit before because I don't count. Better times back then than whatever this shit is
>zoomer of you
While literally typing all lowercase and catty larp like a zoomer

No. 90245

someone posted their nudes again.

No. 90249

Why the heck did someone post her pussy on /g/ KEK

No. 90250

and it's the same thread as that other one too kek

No. 90251

Pussy and butthole on >>>/g/203417

No. 90252

Why is there so much racebait recently?

No. 90253

All the retards are doing as much baiting as they can before the VPN ban comes into effect and they have to find somewhere else to do it

No. 90254

They didn't even delete it fuck

No. 90255

ah yes, zoomers invented typing in all lowercase

No. 90256

doublepost but cp on the front page

No. 90257

CP still up

No. 90260

They kind of did, though, for the ~aesthetic~ lol

No. 90261

Yeah, I'm kinda riding the tinfoil the nudes might be by some discord scrote who got them from some underage girl trying to shame her kek

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