Hellweek is over. In the next day or so we will update this thread with some statistics about moderator actions over the last 2 weeks, as well summary of what we have learned and any changes for the future.
The core of this community is (and always has been) discussing and documenting lolcows. This site exists to serve farmers. Part of the reason that board culture has degraded as much as it has is due to the number of posters who are not here for the milk, but instead to use /ot/ and /g/ like a chatroom and without any attempt to integrate or use the site as intended.
The quality of posting has also dropped significantly in recent weeks, particularly in relation to blatant bait being posted in /ot/, /g/, and in milk threads that attract a certain crowd (such as Tradthots). A lot of this traffic is from ban-evading spammers and tourists posting in bad faith, but they are only able to disrupt threads as much as they do because of how many users keep taking the bait. We have noticed that many long-term users see this for what it is and have been calling it out, but the number of other users who continue to engage with it have been exacerbating this problem significantly.
If you are not a farmer, you are merely a guest here. You are a welcome guest as long as you integrate and follow the rules. If you continuously post without regard for the rules or board etiquette and culture, that privilege can and will be revoked. Frequent rule-breaking, infighting and trolling will be met with a permanent ban. You can screech as much as you want about how the site will die without your low effort shitposts, but we do not care. Slower boards with better quality posts is preferable over the current state of the site.
During this Hellweek, we want to get the site health and quality of posting back on track, and we will be facilitating this in a number of ways:
- All topicless, chat-style/shitposting threads will be locked for the duration. Do not make new threads to replace them. Do not try to cicumvent this by giving them new titles.
- The cooldown required between making posts will be increased to 2 minutes (it is currently 30 seconds)
- As it has been a particular problem, all posts breaking global rule 7 (racebaiting) will receive 3 day unappealable bans. Users with very little else in their post history will be assumed to be posting in bad faith and be permanently banned
- Blackpill posting outside of /2X/ will be treated as bait and banned accordingly
- Every response to blatant bait will receive a ban. Report bait and do not respond
- Every post accusing someone of being a scrote/tranny will receive a ban. Report suspected males and do not respond
- Reporting someone you disagree with for being a moid/tranny will receive a ban. The vast majority of reports we receive accusing a user of being male are incorrect. Women are not a monolith and can have opinions that you do not like
- Reporting posts for retarded reasons will receive a ban, e.g. an anon posting an unpopular opinion in the Unpopular Opinion thread is not bait, please use your brain
As always, please use this thread to provide feedback on moderation decisions throughout the week!