File: 1538723259023.jpg (179.08 KB, 305x341, 8QACtqk.jpg)

No. 6821
Post all technical help questions and technical/feature suggestions here. This is the place to go if you're having some problem with the site or want to request a new feature.
If you have some non-technical issue, like wanting mods to do something or a suggesting a change in policy, please use
>>1134If you want to email me:
- Rules:
- Max file size is 20 MB.
- Boards have unlimited pages and threads allow unlimited posts. However, all threads will "bump-lock" after 1200 posts. This means further posts will no longer bump a thread.
You can read more site usage information at If you are new to imageboards, please read it.
Post styling
*words* => words
**words** => words
***words*** => words
##spoilered text## => spoilered text
[spoiler]spoilered text[/spoiler] => spoilered text
~#words#~ => words
#<3 => ♥
No. 7075
>threads allow unlimited posts.That's not true. Per the Usage Info page
>Boards have unlimited pages and threads allow 1200 posts. All threads will "bump-lock" shortly before 1200 posts. This means further posts will no longer bump a thread. They will become hard-locked shortly after this, meaning you can no longer post in them.Is the bug causing duplicate posts being addressed?
No. 7448
File: 1543945411273.png (39.29 KB, 800x612, lolcow be busted.png)

No. 7579
>>7578When I posted this there was a long delay, and I got the "flood detected" page with the URL.
When I hit the back button my comment had been posted.
No. 7580
>>7578I hit "new reply" only once, but it got posted twice.
>>>/snow/746222>>>/snow/746223When I got the 504 error page I hit the back button and reloaded the page a few times to see if my comment had been posted. Then I came here. When I went back to the thread my comment had been posted twice.
No. 7723
File: 1545004012482.png (73.71 KB, 800x990, 522.png)

We're having quite the day of server errors!
No. 7725
There is no need to transcribe videos manually!
1 Download the subtitles using
http://www.downsub.com2 Change the file extension to txt and open it in a text editor app
3 Strip the html code using Strip the srt code using Edit the text for word accuracy and to add punctuation and numerals (numbers are stripped in step 4). The auto generated subtitles are surprisingly accurate, depending on the person's enunciation. You may not even need to listen to the video.
I hope the other transcript anons find this helpful!
No. 7766
>>>/ot/334208 This specific thread (Celebricows) isn't loading for me on mobile or desktop. I just get a blank page back, no console errors.
I tried opening it from the catalog and normally, neither work.
Not sure if this is happening to others as well.
No. 7767
>>7766Several people have posted about it in
>>>/meta/6816. Neither mods nor admin have replied.
No. 7834
>>7833Error 504
Ray ID: 48d63c3a7d066e32 • 2018-12-22 23:06:51 UTC
Gateway time-out
Browser Working
San Jose
Cloudflare Working
One of these two posts went through.
No. 7875
File: 1545778681040.png (110.69 KB, 1242x2208, 733ACFB2-9D4F-4DAE-B703-82C332…)

This has been happening all day when I’ve tried to post
No. 7905
>>7898I can't think of anywhere similar to lolcow tbh. c.c. is too uwu cutesy for my taste and KiwiFarms isn't anonymous and has mostly males.
Maybe the anons who applied for admin/mod positions could band together create a new chan?
No. 7914
>>7908Leave your emails here?
I doubt the mods will be deleting anything anytime soon
No. 8177
>>8174Use the site specific command in Google.
No. 8178
>>8174There is a search function. You have to click on [snow] or equivalent, then scroll all the way to the bottom, then click
search but all it really does is what
>>8177 suggested. It's a pain in the ass like most navigation on this site tho
No. 8255
PLEASE USE ARCHIVE SITEShttp://www.archive.isNot only because screenshots can be faked but because the timestamps on them often do not include the date and do not use UTC (screenshots taken in different timezones have different timestamps).
Archiving the page also preserves the context of replies.
Be aware that the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine will delist webpages upon request of the site owner.
No. 9198
File: 1551996122667.gif (698.54 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

In the last month or so I have seen hardly any double posts from the server errors we were getting before the upgrade. I haven't encountered any personally.
No. 9298
mfw I have to search for threads in Google because of
>>9191 and because the catalogs keep crashing my browser.
No. 9434
>>9417I've had this problem too. Try what
>>9424 suggested until someone properly fixes it.
No. 9577
Still not refreshing any /snow/ or /pt/ since 5 days ago for me. I’ve done all suggest advise and nothing.
Also having same issue as
>>9573 with same banners across threads
No. 9872
File: 1555421259026.png (36.4 KB, 480x590, 2019-04-16 09_27_04-_w_ - vlog…)

the floating images from the new hellweek theme have gotten stuck for me at the top of the other themes when i switched back
No. 9890
>>9889Should be fixed, please let us know if you're still experiencing issues. The server was down for a few minutes today.
No. 9933
File: 1555550258725.jpeg (413.41 KB, 2048x2048, 40B44E4A-C80C-4E2D-93D8-E1F990…)

>>8425Been having this same issue for a few months now (since new admin took over I think?) but just got around to posting here about it…
Using Chrome for iOS, and seeing (attached) for spoilered images - before and after "clicking".
No. 9978
>>9968Dude you've been posting in the wrong thread. Most current thread is here
>>>/snow/796483>>9947The embedded exif rotation is overridden, it's just how it works. I wish I could explain it better.
>>9934>>9933I feel like it's been brought up before and this was the same exact solution to this issue.
No. 10207
>>>/w/29145Isn't updating on my phone. If I go on the computer it works
No. 10303
Posting here because the General Complaints thread has locked before Admin posted its replacement.
>>10299That's Maurice.
>>>/snow/706778 No. 10313
File: 1559790197060.png (7.73 KB, 1393x39, Untitled.png)

Might want to remove this announcement.
No. 10352
>>10350Just paid the server bill late because I ended up taking a nap and waking up a decade later.
There's really no other reason, as embarrassing as it is.
>>10340I might have seen this happen more than once but I thought this was fixed.
No. 10360
File: 1560809711171.jpg (221.03 KB, 1821x826, 2019-06-17_18-14-20.jpg)

>>10340Something similar just happened to me. The site went down, I opened it in a different tab and saw that it was back up so I went to the thread again and my post was posted three times. Someone else's was too.
No. 10654
I know it's old milk but the micky's thread 's pics wont load
>>>/w/1771I tried it on my data,my wifi,( both are good) and i also tried to switch browsers and the pics still won't load.
But this problem isn't on other threads tho.
I've also cleared my caches and all the crap and tried again.
No. 10675
File: 1563893288186.png (432.69 KB, 1408x1180, umwtf.png)

What happened to the site?
No. 10677
>>10675(samefagging to clarify, I didn't want to waste time typing too much in case I'd been banned or something, but that but that doesn't seem to be the case)
This just happened all of a sudden. I've erased all the weird text fill-ins in the name, email, comment, etc fields to make posts. Changing style doesn't fix the layout, neither does refreshing.
No. 10734
File: 1564163623937.jpg (829.65 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20190726_195143_com…)

>>6821The celebricows thread has looked like this to me for a good while now. I've tried to clear the cache
No. 10735
File: 1564166253484.jpeg (991.89 KB, 1242x1861, 0B5AEF55-45C9-4632-B381-3EF16C…)

>>10734Did you maybe accidentally hide saged posts? Happened to me once and it looked like yours. Felt like an idiot when I finally found out what it was.
No. 10837
File: 1565082270027.png (8.22 KB, 413x186, torposting.PNG)

Posting from Tor is an actual nightmare, the post gets blocked all the time and when it goes through, turns out the tor node is permabanned and the site reverts to the farmcow mirrored version. I'm still tinfoiled over the era when shoe was using the site as a honeypot and the current admin has stated that tor is allowed, so please fix this shit already.
No. 10839
>>10838NTA, but I'm also a Torposter because it's the best free VPN. It happens to me too. I agree that it should be fixed, not sure why you're being so snotty about it.
I think admin actually promised to fix it after doing something to fix the site up, but that hasn't happened yet
No. 10860
File: 1565318986519.jpeg (782.91 KB, 1242x2208, E39AA0E3-503C-4816-AF8A-6A228D…)

Award winning singer with tons of victorious lawsuits for trans rights to match her glorious music albums with Megadeth drummer.(newfaggotry)
No. 11140
File: 1567431824396.jpg (405.46 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190902-094257_Chr…)

Shayna's thread looks like this for me. Not loading all posts, and not updating any recent posts. Been like this for about three days now, but it is only this thread that has this issue
No. 11141
>>11140Maybe the same problem as
>>10734 ?
No. 11143
File: 1567442411351.png (176.2 KB, 1440x735, Captura.PNG)

hello i have some problems with the forum i can't read the wrong text meet using vpn
No. 11589
File: 1568686797729.png (137.62 KB, 800x1204, Screenshot_2019-09-16-18-47-36…)

While this was happening, KF and have been intermittently throwing 500 errors.
That wacky Laur! Who knew?
No. 11677
>>11674Ok so. I am a dumbass, I did some digging.
Apparently lolcow is being blocked by my internet provider, which means it is currently blocked in Russia by our fucking "child protection" censorship laws, ha.
The blocked IPs from what I was able to glean seem to be and with a clear link to exactly one picture in /ot/src/1461589485236.jpeg which shows graphic self-harm which by our laws would be "suicide propaganda"
The exact error I am getting though is not the usual "blocked by your provider because of the laws blah blah", but the Firefox error MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT with cert assigned by the website that traces back to my internet provider.
It is just peculiar to the max, but well, we got some tumblt IPs blocked in the same bunch so that the website is entirely unusable now.
I doubt you can do anything about it, but well, just letting you know. These restrictions usually vary in time of them being rolled out from one internet provider to another, but you might notice a loss in your russian users. There's probably not that many of us and it all still works through vpn or tor (though every time I attempt to use tor, I get banned and vpns are incredibly slow), but still, a heads-up I guess.
No. 11703
>>11679Yeah, I really don't know if you could have done anything about this, since the system is still very clearly broken even after being implemented for years.
Good to know they at least contacted you, but knowing they did it in russian makes me irked even more. Surely they must realise that russian is not a language people just… know. Finding people who can adequately translate from it is fairly hard too.
I wonder if tumblr got hit by the same thing and couldn't act in time.
This is honestly very shitty since most russian imageboards stay up and they post much worse shit daily.
But eh. At this point I am just sperging about what a backwards country this is.
Thanks for answering anyways!
I can leave a way to contact me in case you will need a russian translation in the future, but I don't really know if you can do anything once you're blocked.
No. 12077
File: 1572414183877.jpg (265.55 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2019-10-27-16-08-50…)

The spoilered images are acting up in the mobile version, and it has been going for around 5 days for me.
First of all, the spoiler image of pt's ass doesn't show at all, it's just a small square. When clicked, images show like pic related.
Depending on the image you really can't see shit. Especially bad for threads full of NSFW images.
No. 12079
File: 1572533137431.jpg (289.53 KB, 800x1096, seasonal-celebrations-farmer-h…)

No Spooky theme for Halloween? For shame!
Happy Halloween farmhands and staff!
No. 13245
>>13241This may provide a possible solution for you
>>10735It's a common error
No. 13259
File: 1579503475749.jpeg (200.13 KB, 750x1000, 3F734C6A-56B7-44C0-B1D6-421E8B…)

posts in kpc in /m/ are showing up like this on mobile with incomplete loading (the full page refuses to load past the above white spot), and I'm not really fond of lite so I'd rather not use it, this has also happened on long /ot/ threads. it only started within the past few days and has made navigation a nightmare
No. 13507
>>13505Didn't even realise you could do that lol must've accidentally hit it derp
No. 13555
File: 1581123359053.png (48.7 KB, 1080x757, Screenshot_20200208-114228~2.p…)

No. 14144
File: 1584915887232.jpg (317.4 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200322-162219_Chr…)

A few threads aren't showing full replies. Here's a screencap where multiple posts are missing and replaced with blank spaces. I can see the full replies in the thread preview but when I click on it, many are missing. Anyone else having this issue?
No. 16095
File: 1598527317805.png (304.36 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200827-122025.png)

Weird glitch. I was posting and got this IMG. I'm now even the original poster of that post.
No proxy.
No. 16153
File: 1598902120649.jpeg (308.56 KB, 750x1194, 9870DB83-F54B-4D42-8FBE-F39873…)

>>16142>>16095got a similar message when trying to post on mobile today. gotta love how multiple people sharing the same mobile ip address can ruin everything
No. 16154
>>16153I love the
will not expire for a silly post like that. Sucks for you tho.
No. 16402
File: 1602105140884.jpeg (229.27 KB, 2388x1548, 791AA278-0784-4A5D-98B3-B26DA4…)

>>6821I got banned but I don’t know why? I wasn’t given a reason or a time when the ban will be over? I don’t think I broke any rules, but if I did I would like to know which one.
No. 16452
>>16404>>16400I don't like that feature, it incentivizes people to post in a way that they achieve the most (you)s instead of posting quality content. Those (you)s are just like stickers/likes in that they give people a tiny dopamine rush so people start chasing them. It would change the way people post, and not for the better.
Just my 2 cents.
No. 16480
>>16478It's not a browser issue, the "hide sage posts for this thread" option (located under text boxes on the right) is fucky. Saged posts get hidden all the time in various threads for me, and I don't know whether it's a bug and the option keeps automatically turning itself on, or if I accidentally keep clicking it while scrolling (it's pretty close to the scroll arrow).
All you have to do is click "show sage posts for this thread" and they'll appear again.
No. 18047
File: 1605658016921.jpg (582.78 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201118-020622_Chr…)

>>18046Dropped pic bc bitch can't see
No. 18119
Looks like doxxing in the Onision pt thread
this comment >>805875.
>>>/pt/799829 No. 18469
File: 1608408646048.jpg (736.66 KB, 1080x2133, Screenshot_20201219-150825_Chr…)

This is stuck at the top of the page
No. 18475
File: 1608410570644.jpeg (580.23 KB, 828x744, 305DCD63-19FC-46DB-860F-85C6A0…)

>>18469same on my end but only showed up once thus far? strange
No. 18506
File: 1608455806055.png (52.53 KB, 1900x297, brave.png)

>>18469I have the same issue. I'm using Brave. It doesn't appear when using Vivaldi or Palemoon though. Enabling and disabling uBlock Origin doesn't make a difference.
No. 18654
>>18641If you browse in incognito, then the password resets everytime you close the browser. Also could be because you waited too long like
>>18644 said. You could always just type your own password in.
No. 18821
>>18818You're right but unfortunately i'll have to stick with free shit for a while, i prefer having some sort of vpn even for a site like lolcow
>>18819 Thanks both anon and admin. I'll stick with the current ip that i used and if it turns out banned too, i'll appeal to get it lifted as advised
No. 18861
File: 1609541971322.jpg (20.05 KB, 1206x867, 1AByi1P.jpg)

I am having a problem with the display of posts on the site today. I went on /pt/ and the front page is fine. However when I went into the actual thread to reply it's spaced out like this with the recent posts missing. Is someone working on something? I refreshed on my laptop and nothing's changed unfortunately.
No. 19941
File: 1612408657111.jpg (288.21 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2021-02-01-01-26-37…)

I am not sure if this is the right thread for it, but.. can we have a photon-like theme?
More themes in general would be cool.
No. 20050
File: 1612744586123.png (831.73 KB, 1532x1264, our images are cursed.png)

I uncovered an unusual quirk in regards to how handles image uploads from devices that embed ICC profiles into PNG files. Obviously this isn't a critical issue that needs addressing immediately, but it's something that I noticed and had to look into.
One anon uploaded a screenshot taken on her Macbook. As a result, another anon noticed that the thumbnail and fullsize image have visibly different colours, with the thumbnail image being "warmer":
>>>/ot/732881I did some further investigation as a result:
>>>/ot/732896>>>/ot/732919>>>/ot/732940I'm only making assumptions here, but TL;DR, I suspect that the way lolcow.farms generates thumbnails for images with embedded ICC profiles results in a thumbnail with an improperly stripped colour profile, resulting in thumbnails that have warped colour profiles that do not reflect what is seen in the original image.
I even managed to prove that stripping the colour profile results in an image with incorrect colours. I ran the following command with ImageMagick locally, where my input image is the original image with the weird colour discrepancies:
>$ convert +profile '!exif,*' 1612736313341.png out.pngPicrel shows my results. This shit boggles my mind. I hate computers, honestly.
No. 20104
File: 1612958048036.png (23.83 KB, 1864x302, errr.png)

why do i always get this error message every time i create a new thread? however, when i click on 'go back' the thread is created and it works fine.
No. 20237
>>20050Its because its forces a large file into a thumbnail preview, the same way a computer or phone will process showing a gallery of thumbnails over one image filly expanded.
Its just because the pixels reduce to show the thumbnail preview as best as posdible, but with a smaller resolution because of the compressed size before you expand the image.
Its not that deep, anon. It's just how pixels work
No. 20357
>>6821The rate my art thread
>>>/m/102700is breaking up whenever I visit it
No. 20596
nonnie sounds like you got banned
No. 23794
>>21755I've tried multiple browsers, cleared all browser history/cookies/caches, restarted phone, with and without WiFi, with and without VPN, I've tried everything I can think of short of factory resetting my phone (lolcow is not worth that bother) and now it happens just trying to write a post without even deleting anything. just using the website normally. it took me 20 minutes to type one one-sentence reply before I gave up, because it froze solid for 3 minutes
again not even really sure what I'm looking for, the site just tweaks out randomly like 10% of the time, this is the only thread I can think of documenting it in in case other anons experience it too by chance
and I had absolutely 0 problems trying to write this reply. it's so weird
No. 25137
File: 1627454743629.jpeg (94.73 KB, 1800x1800, F1E689E2-B0A6-4C2D-B75C-43DA7B…)

>>25136This is what I mean
No. 26323
File: 1630712735061.jpg (201.91 KB, 1080x1009, IMG_20210904_004416.jpg)

Have I pressed something by accident or is there a reason why every spoiler tagged image comes out really grey and faded when clicked on? It's been like this for a few days pic for example
No. 27647
>>27644So do I ,
Do this for me too
No. 28127
>>28088If you’re copy-pasting website URLs you should be fine. If you’re copy-pasting post links just make sure they have two >> otherwise they’ll greentext. Using your post as an example:
>>28088 is correct
>28088 is incorrect No. 28629
>>28591not a farmhand but I always put a reason, there's only space for a few words but I think it helps add context, for example alert farmhands to a spammer which might not be obvious from the post alone, and saves them needing to check the threads for context (e.g.
retarded spammer scrote,
unsaged whiteknighting etc are good enough explanations)
No. 28640
File: 1639912615900.jpeg (166.47 KB, 828x1428, F5737583-6DE8-4BFA-A505-DD7CEE…)

this comes up when i try to click on /g/ ?
No. 29232
File: 1644775109974.png (145.44 KB, 1576x749, now.png)

Why do all posts made in the last hour appear as "now" even though they were obviously not posted that recently?
No. 29315
File: 1644862093193.png (230.6 KB, 720x1560, Captura de pantalla_20220214-1…)

But why?
No. 29366
File: 1644884536257.jpeg (48.66 KB, 828x351, BAA454EE-C6D2-458B-9E03-9A19EA…)

Yeah. It’s weird the comment still posts just fine but it doesn’t clear the comment field after it’s posted.
No. 31478
File: 1649284234473.jpg (32.76 KB, 604x604, 7ioagswqd6f21.jpg)

Please, just a single update on /m/ it's my birthday, too
No. 32230
File: 1651762805627.png (40.67 KB, 1226x366, how to embed shorts.png)

posting this useful advice on how to embed shorts here!
>just change the URL from "shorts/" to "watch?v="
No. 33395
File: 1652608943624.jpg (287.29 KB, 680x1137, 1652608880951.jpg)

Posting here for the newfags
No. 33986
>>33796I suppose
technically but what else can you really do? In my case I'm not browsing without a VPN and sometimes it clashes so I just reset it and in yours I guess it is just unlucky you clashed with a scrote in your area. Sometimes the ban messages I see are funny though.
No. 34112
File: 1654612759895.png (365.45 KB, 654x856, 1646935045759.png)

Could the "extend thread" option be changed to "reply" or similar which will open the thread up in a new tab? I always accidentally click it, especially on mobile, which makes my browser shit itself
No. 35427
File: 1657206190021.gif (1.79 MB, 540x440, tumblr_38dc4ac8cb78d50e7f0dcc1…)

Is oldmin still working on the websites new code and features?
No. 35549
File: 1657336552139.jpeg (82.91 KB, 796x350, 17C3F13F-7DCB-4018-832F-CAB9F9…)

Unable to report posts. I’ve clear history/cookies/cache and still get this error. Anyone know why?
No. 35899
File: 1658401103887.jpeg (67.95 KB, 1125x750, pexels-photo-3785397.jpeg)

>>35597Wow, what is that over there? A sign of life?! Please post more!
No. 42124
File: 1660388690343.jpg (36.83 KB, 602x389, wrthsrth.JPG)

When you hide a thread with a webm OP file the file does not get hidden
No. 42606
>>42604Except /m/ of course, that catalog loads quickly and we all know why
No. 43332
File: 1661409003388.png (645.72 KB, 1125x2436, B4D2C155-E238-41FA-BC80-1B0CA7…)

When you click on a message link on ricechan theme the post box shows up partly transparent like this
No. 46522
File: 1665704554593.jpeg (155.43 KB, 828x495, 55B51AC6-2C9D-40E9-970D-84A36C…)

What does this mean?
No. 47903
File: 1670161942837.png (193.54 KB, 1115x693, llc.png)

test>>47779>>47714We sort of already have this, picrel
No. 48446
File: 1671114684528.png (184.99 KB, 360x387, unhidable.PNG)

When you hide a thread with a webm OP file, the webm does not get hidden, you have to hide it separately before you hide the thread. Would be nice if it got hidden like pics do since we have so many raids.
No. 49524
File: 1672428030126.jpg (20.23 KB, 902x370, Screenshot_20221230_201533_Chr…)

I want to post a screenshot on a specific thread and this appears, does it happen to somebody else? It doesn't happen with downloaded images and pictures from my phone.
No. 50448
File: 1673884295412.jpg (682.36 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230116_074914_Sam…)

Why is this like this what is going on. This is a headache
No. 54900
>>54898Oh lol
There we go.
Thank youuu! Xo
No. 55230
File: 1680748835401.jpeg (161.11 KB, 994x1789, 38836332-7B41-4B7F-8256-F36CC6…)

For some reason on brave I can’t see the post links/numbers
No. 55670
>>55668nevermind, i've found a website just for downloading instagram reels,
>>55667 consulting google did work anyway, thank you for your help, nona
No. 55760
File: 1682023107380.png (79.68 KB, 1796x1078, newfag's guide.png)

>>55739I'm feeling productive today so I made a guide for you nona, I hope it's helpful and not too confusing. The only things you really need for a thread is the subject, comment, and file.
No. 55834
File: 1682277176854.jpg (33.99 KB, 720x631, 1676374339546.jpg)

>>55827Awww thank you anon! There are things I could have improved and I feel like the ordering of the boxes is messy but thank you!
No. 55845
File: 1682313586561.jpeg (33.1 KB, 735x462, 1671915991382.jpeg)

>>55844There was, but not anymore, good riddance. There was a lot of drama involved with it that led to its shutdown. Offsite discords are honestly one of the biggest cancers killing today's imageboards and the lolcord was among the worst.
No. 56012
File: 1682783512561.png (7.82 KB, 1287x424, feature suggestion.png)

A feature I think should be implemented is the option to disable the "hover to show/enlarge images" feature. Especially when you have hidden the image. I think the hover feature is great, but whenever this site gets hit with cp, I have to be extremely careful when reporting to not accidentally hover over it.
No. 56235
>>56224>I want to make a post with 3 images, with text in between.AFAIK, current lcf posts aren't capable of this. If you want to post multiple images at once, you can merge them into 1 and post it in a single post, but that would mean uploading from your device. I’ve seen other anons post images with their text edited in but have not seen what you want done on here. Another option is to make 3 separate posts whilst replying to yourself to continue off from your previous post.
>Can I get them here without having to dl to my phone then inserting them as files? I'd rather keep my devices out of it.Why you can’t you upload from your device? If you’re worried about metadata, you could always wipe EXIF metadata before posting. I’ve seen other anons screenshot things because they didn’t want to save the image before too. If you really don’t want to save/screenshot those, then the only option you’re left with is to upload links.
>I saw that it was permissible to paste in an imgur address.>appears as a link rather than embedded images or previews.I don't believe the link you paste into the “Imgur URL” section is downloaded and used as the image attachment, only hyperlinked/embedded to your post. I don’t believe it’s possible for posts to include “previews” to another site.
No. 59130
File: 1688173870030.jpeg (43.67 KB, 750x923, D78C546F-C832-4DF3-80E9-0FE5E9…)

Is this happening to anyone else on mobile? Is g dead?
No. 59637
File: 1688900080912.png (33.63 KB, 669x459, Screenshot 2023-07-09 115508.p…)

>>59529Tick the checkbox beside all the posts you want to report and then use the box at the very bottom of the page to report them all at once, picrel
No. 63315
>>63270There has been a huge vulnerability discovered in the webp file format a couple days ago which can send malicious code to your devices through buffer overflow's already patched but it's best to wait a couple weeks so that everyone is on updated devices
No. 63733
File: 1695730024784.jpeg (171.31 KB, 1242x1556, IMG_2105.jpeg)

I’ve been seeing more and more anons who are mobilefags not being able to embed YouTube videos. Pic related is the error.
Here’s a little guide that works, I think it’s an issue with YouTube tbh. Instead of pressing the share button and tapping copy link which doesn’t work when embedding on lc, do this roundabout way instead.
>open video
>press share
>do not press copy link, scroll and press the … (“more”) sign
>press … sign
>press copy
No. 63739
File: 1695767929683.png (187.54 KB, 336x372, firefox_1fIgQm0tuV.png)

I haven't been able to view these videos since tiktok embedding was added. I'm not getting any prompt or link to click on, it's an image with text on top of it. Can I do something on my end to fix this?
No. 63847
File: 1696244482016.gif (1.44 MB, 498x280, leaving a thread be like.gif)

Why no make dark mode for catalog fags?
No. 63929
File: 1696524435836.jpg (31.38 KB, 344x500, 12305572_aaf69eac04.jpg)

>>63750dear jannies, could you please look into this problem? I haven't been able to open embedded Tiktok links since the feature's introduction. Please and thank you!!
No. 63937
File: 1696553203029.gif (306.56 KB, 472x472, A14F44FC-67D3-4105-B34E-014DED…)

My text is backwards and its been almost a ban since i got banned (it expired) when will the website return to normal for me? It redirects to Help!!!!
No. 64170
File: 1697112126844.jpeg (173.33 KB, 750x1200, DE315698-5EB7-4D7D-8DC7-30EE60…)

I forgot I had proof, so you can shut up now. Here it is, I saw this on October 2nd, 2023 almost a month after I got banned. MODS can you please undo this?? How come i was banned for this small offense. It’s ridiculous when other nonnies have done worse things than me. It’s /ot/ for God’s sake. I won’t stop posting until you do something!!
No. 64680
File: 1698455717728.jpg (79.04 KB, 1092x600, 1.jpg)

>>64670>there used to be an option under password for it, but it’s not there anymore.Check the info page next time or get your eyes checked.
No. 65242
>>64696It was hidden because men could find it easily and shat it up since it was the board that
triggered them the most.
No. 65400
>>65392The issue with not being able to click TikToks that have failed to embed has been fixed. You may need to hard refresh to get these changes (Ctrl + Shift + R in most browsers).
If TikToks are not embedding for you, it is most likely because you are using Firefox, Brave or another browser that has strict privacy protections in it (or are using an extension that adds them). Embedding TikToks will not work on any website for you because TikTok embeds attempt to execute scripts across domains, which is blocked by your browsers Cross-Origin Request protections. Unfortunately that behaviour is outside of our control, as the scripts come from TikTok itself. Some browsers may allow you to disable this on a per-origin basis, in which case you can fix the issue by whitelisting TikTok.
No. 65402
File: 1700006785935.png (208.18 KB, 720x678, IMG_20231114_180421.png)

>>65400ADMIN!!!!! Thank you for adding new banners!!! Do you think you could post the list with all the banners we have? I remember the link being posted before but I can't find it, I just want to see which ones made the cut!! Thank you so much seriously
No. 65409
File: 1700008866341.png (72.42 KB, 388x168, AAAAA.png)

>>65403I saw a lot of the 13-november-2023 ones but somehow this one and others aren't from that update? but then the latest update I saw is from 2021 and this one is newer than that. Am I blind??? kek I'm sorry
No. 65648
>>65409>somehow this one and others aren't from that update?That banner (57.png) was added
13-Nov-2023 21:24 so that is one is from the
recent update
No. 66391
File: 1701963103982.jpg (180.42 KB, 1054x588, Screenshot_20231207_073203_Chr…)

Just a little glitch maybe, but some threads aren't updating up top with the voting
No. 66392
File: 1701963468707.jpg (14.85 KB, 816x137, 17013628847532465770.jpg)

>>66391yeah some of the super old threads still have the farmhand banner too
No. 67861
File: 1705596933916.png (10.46 KB, 955x135, dumb snarky farmhand.PNG)

In response to the farmhands dumb, snarky comment "Lurk more and learn how to use the catalog" to an anon wanting to double check if a thread exists before remaking it. The catalogs have 100s of threads in them so they do not load fully and won't always come up when you ctrl+f and it often freezes the page, which is what prompts someone to double-check if a thread exists before making it. Other imageboards have a search function outside of the catalog. Catalog as the only way of searching is TERRIBLE for an imageboard that has permanent threads.
No. 68472
File: 1706159052480.jpg (24.79 KB, 275x239, lolcat (2).jpg)

apologies if this has been discussed, but is there a way to track the threads you're interested in? there's a few slow ones I like but they take a while to bump up. there was a tool on another IB a few years ago I used to ding me.
>>68464is she really that milky? I sometimes check up on her and I am more confused than fed.
No. 69121
Is there something wrong with the lolcow caps thread? For example, I wanted to see the replies to this screencap, but they are all missing (and there is a large space after the post)
>>>/ot/1869849Can other people see the replies? I checked and I'm not on lite mode.
No. 69122
File: 1706660656641.png (100.83 KB, 1962x718, Capture d’écran 2024-01-31 à…)

>>69121might have accidentally toggled "show/hide saged posts"
No. 69232
File: 1706828994078.jpeg (45.34 KB, 828x125, IMG_0250.jpeg)

this is a nitpick but does anyone else’s bottom of the screen look like this?
No. 69412
File: 1707172551385.jpeg (140.54 KB, 828x347, IMG_0326.jpeg)

is there a way to fix this thread?
>>>/m/214749 No. 70861
Is the browse file selection unresponsive for anyone using Firefox on android? It's completely unresponsive for me.
>>69412Way back machine maybe? Pretty bizarre thread kek. Images are not archived anywhere by third-party image domains but here afaik unlike other chan boards.
No. 71931
File: 1709013435229.jpeg (102.06 KB, 725x821, IMG_7453.jpeg)

Are spoiler images broken for anyone else? I keep getting this weird glitch instead of the normal image. When I try to expand or unspoil the image it’s also transparent like this.
No. 72094
File: 1709117967972.png (29.28 KB, 1366x292, vid.png)

Does anybody know what causes this? This exclusively happens to me with mp4 files, but not all of them. Webms work fine.
No. 72863
File: 1710134012466.png (692.52 KB, 1080x954, 1000004464.png)

Not sure if this is the right thread for this. If I try to visit /2x/ by typing it into my browser, I get this screen. I've been getting there by clicking a link in a specific thread. Am I retarded? Am I doing something wrong?
No. 76573
File: 1715220669609.png (24.89 KB, 372x406, fromcatalog.png)

it would be so based if you finally update the coding or whatever so that spoilered threadpics and threadvids show up as the spoiler img in the catalog. it just looks so janky right now. picrel as an example
t. catalog user
No. 79196
File: 1718897192620.png (650.86 KB, 1440x1080, 1710103741429.png)

>>6821what vichan fork is running? I'd love to use if for my altchan
No. 79224
File: 1718936765033.png (283.03 KB, 1080x1444, Screenshot_20240620-222004.png)

just curious, how come this thread title is a different color than they normally are? what does that mean?
No. 79304
File: 1719163008636.png (1.77 MB, 1365x2047, edit.png)

Getting the error message "this image already exists in this thread" when trying to post this in >>pt/932701 even though it doesn't exist in the thread already.
No. 82337
File: 1724186455325.png (249.93 KB, 500x471, image_2024-08-20_224045580.png)

Could a farmhand be so kind to replace the threadpic of "Femdom General V" on /g/ with picrel, please? Thank you in advance!
No. 84328
File: 1727279764127.png (449.61 KB, 1242x2688, IMG_4643.png)

Guys… please tell me that you didn’t just replace every thread not matching the search term with a white square…
No. 85336
File: 1729864506629.jpg (7.81 KB, 231x174, tf.jpg)

Hey, mods. Why do webm OPs show broken files in the catalogue (even though the webm itself works)?
See the thread here:
>>>/m/273444 No. 88593
File: 1736512068693.png (271.35 KB, 1009x826, kiki 1.PNG)

Do deleted threads get moved anywhere or are they just gone for good? I've been trying to dig up information on a vtuber lolcow who happened to have a thread on /w/ for a shortwhile back in 2022 before being pruned. It had a lot of information I can't seem to find anywhere else, and because all I have is an archived page I can't fully open any of the images it has without being redirected to lolcow's 404 page.
No. 88706
File: 1736708008143.jpg (27.77 KB, 557x297, fail.jpg)

You haven't fixed this yet?
No. 89007
File: 1737081983378.jpg (24.14 KB, 627x377, 1234324.JPG)

Have been trying to create a new thread in ot, for a while now, keeps posting this error. Not sure what I am doing wrong, the threadpic I added only had numbers in the title. Tried posting .jpg instead of .png, same screen happened
No. 89012
>>88513Flood detection time is too long now
I come here drunk/high/retarded I need the option to delete and repost casually
And let me know how long it will actually take
No. 89446
File: 1737698474547.jpeg (261.68 KB, 1125x636, E3F18426-3932-40E0-9866-2FD677…)

Does anyone know why I got perma banned? My last replies were a few days ago on a Duolicious thread where I said that the only lesbians on there are literal trannies and that the bisexual women I tried to speak to didn't talk to me. And before that, the last ones were over a month ago on a reddit hate thread, where I certainly did not break any rules. I'm really confused because it doesn't say what rules I broke either. Am I stupid or something? Now everything is reversed on my main browser, which sucks.
No. 89484
>>89483From now on I’m just lurking, because why did I get banned for saying “*flushes toilet?” Is it typing style or non-contribution?
I thought it was funny in response to a nona who posted an img of a chara in a toilet.
It was in the amerifag thread btw.
Jokes not allowed?
When I looked up what the warning was for in the thread, I couldn’t see my comment.
Already deleted maybe?
No. 90271
File: 1738946297327.png (373.29 KB, 539x458, 67565434232323.png)

why does this site use so much memory?
it's ridiculous af
No. 90461
File: 1739452967142.jpeg (199.14 KB, 1290x1561, IMG_2303.jpeg)

Okay, I’m sorry in advance for the ban evasion, but why would anyone get permabanned for an “unspecified reason?” I didn’t even break any rules. I just don’t understand.
No. 91014
I was automatically permabanned (and unbanned in the meantime), exactly like this anon
>>90461, but I still keep getting redirected to farmcow, even though I cleared my cache, what can I try to fix it?
No. 91023
I'm trying to post this video in the chuckle thread: it's not being accepted. I copied it straight from tiktok and the format seems correct. What's going on?