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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

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No. 90723

Previous thread: >>>/meta/89037

No. 90729

Should I make an Instagram hate thread? There's an absolute goldmine of material

No. 90730

>Should I make ANOTHER hate thread so we can HATE things because HATE is the most important thing now on lolcow?
No. We don't need yet another hate thread. What would we even do in an Instagram hate thread? What is there to hate on? Instagram is an app for 16 year olds.

No. 90731

depends on what you want to post. if you found cows you can post them here >>>/snow/2014335

No. 90732

you cant just choose one particularly milky cow? it has to be the whole app?

No. 90733

If you searched the catalog on /ot/ and nothing is there, you aren't breaking any rules.

No. 90734

It will be 90% moid ragebait just like what the twitter thread has become

No. 90736

Insane derail and infighting in the attractive male thread on /g/

No. 90737

Saying this like this isn't a site originally meant for gossip about lolcows.

No. 90739

File: 1740000552041.png (21.4 KB, 1795x247, r3z1.png)

Why is the first post in this screenshot considered racebait, but not the second one? Both are from /snow/.

No. 90740

They moderate posts that are reported. The first ban is overly cautious in my view.

No. 90741

The second one was most likely reported by multiple people, it even sparked off an infight with anons complaining about whether or not it wasn't racist, and the original anon mocking posters who called it as such. First one didn't have or start anything like that.

No. 90742

And how do you know that poster didn't get a ban? Not every ban gets a redtext.

No. 90744

That just makes me wonder why the first one was seen as egregious enough to be redtexted, but not the second one (even after it became an infight)?

No. 90745

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baiting retards in unpopular opinions

No. 90747

I'm pretty sure a lot of anons infight but don't report, and that post only got 2 replies in a very slow thread.

No. 90748

Mods have explained this before. It's because if an anon has been infighting, only one of their posts gets the actual ban message. So if she was banned later in the infight, or in another thread entirely, the post you're talking about won't get the redtext.

No. 90749

>or in another thread entirely,
Now come on, nonna, kek.

No. 90750

I doubt they got banned, or that the mods just didn't see. The radfem cows thread is far more active than the thread the first post was in (Lisa Yo), and the first reply it got (an anon who said it was racist to say that) was the one that got redtexted, even though only the OP tried to make it into a racial thing.

No. 90751

Kek if you've been on /ot/ then you've seen when schizo anons freak out across multiple threads. They only get redtexted if they revive the infight again in a different thread after their ban has expired, then it's "dragging infight across threads." If they do it before their ban expires, then it's "ban evasion."

No. 90753

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also this nona got banned for saying jew and italian men are ugly spoiled momma's boys (which they are)

No. 90754

mods please do something about the unintegrated redditards plaguing the musk thread

No. 90755

Probably because anon brought up Luigi outside containment

No. 90756

There's an annoying scrote in /pt/ that bumped a bunch of threads unsaged with his chimp noises.

No. 90757

This is literally what happens when you have shitposters. Maybe lurk more instead of acting like this isn't true.

No. 90758

Kinpatsu's ex boyfriend is back again in the cosplay thread and making up tinfoil about her buying likes which again has no proof. This guy is obsessive. He has a girlfriend and yet he can't move on because he's not happy that Kinpatsu isn't a failed cosplayer without him in the picture. He really can't handle the fact he's unneeded and useless. Anyone can 3D print kek he's not even special.

No. 90759

a certain somebody is spamming the radfem cows thread again kek

No. 90760

What happened to rita.html? I miss it.
Also, jannies should bring the kpop and hime vs fujo threads back because I want to laugh at their schizobabble

No. 90761

Lock the radfem cows thread

No. 90762

Can Kinpatsu ever be brought up in the cos thread without a wk popping up literally 10 minutes later, everytime she is criticized one of you will come in there and give every excuse under the sun that its her exmoid or what she is doing is not worth posting about, its obnoxious and not very subtle. Is her tatoo moid sitting camped in the thread or something she is a hasbeen cosplayer who now does porn, who is willingly defending her this much? She is never gonna fuck you nonna.

No. 90763

no, keep it. the milk has been coming to us.

No. 90764

Her boyfriend has been caught vendettafagging several times for several months and his posts have been deleted, comes with unverifiable tinfoil every time, and gets extra salty in thread when anons point it out. I don't think that's wking, nonna.

No. 90765

Kek it was him

No. 90766

>>90754 I called that infighter the poster who constantly brought up "moralfagging" in the art and elon thread because they posted within the exact same hour and have the same typing style, they also have constantly been infighting recently. I didn't continue on after I asked that poster, but they seem pretty adamant onto being smug and whatnot. I wonder if it's some pol /ic/ moid lurking around. Just saw that I got banned for asking them, I assume they reported my post for derailing when I reported one of their posts for infighting..

No. 90767

Can you permaban the retard wk in the Dana thread that blames her behaviour on reddit, despite her acting this way years before the subreddit was even made

No. 90768

Are the mods going to do anything about the children in /g/ (weegee thread posters)

No. 90770

Ban evading baiter in the vent thread.

No. 90771

dana has not been shy about lurking here and she can never help but directly respond. so my theory is its either dana herself, or kaylee.

No. 90772

Particularly in the Onision thread the moderator within this community is like her significant other i wager, leaving much to be desired.

No. 90773

You sound like a newfag referring to lolcow as a community. This is an imageboard.

No. 90774

I wouldn't be surprised if it's anons trying to get his thread closed who are spamming it and bringing him up outside of the containment.

No. 90775

yes, I am a new lesbian.
how could you tell?

No. 90776

It’s been months why am I still seeing that broccoli-haired faggot on the front page

No. 90777

Boohoo dont click those threads

No. 90778

I’m not. That’s why I said front page.

No. 90779

and? why should we care? why does this bother you much youre bitching about it here

No. 90780

nayrt but you do realise this is the designated bitching thread, right?

No. 90781

why? because you cant handle your own shit and wanna speak to the manager erm I mean mods?

No. 90782

This is not the designated bitching thread. This is the thread where we complain about moderation or threads in need of moderation, and suggest things for the site.
The weegees are in the containment thread made for them. If you're too incompetent to type 2-4 more letters after the url, that's not the weegee wives' problem.
I'm sure there's an anti-Luigi thread floating around somewhere, and if not, you can make it.

No. 90783

>This is not the designated bitching thread. This is the thread where we complain about moderation or threads in need of moderation, and suggest things for the site.
Saying the same things twice

No. 90784

how many unique users do you think this place gets? honestly I'd say probably less than 50

No. 90785

Don’t worry they’re working on getting those numbers down

No. 90786

Farmhands need to stop deleting posts from cows and calves coming to defend themselves/talk shit about other cows. Just redtext the post and ban them, its prime milk and funny as hell. They used to reveal post history and now they just delete everything, I dont get it.

No. 90787

Seconding this.

No. 90788

why aren't retards who post chatgpt slop banned? especially in cow threads

No. 90789

Can you add a Tranny thread please

No. 90790

When they posted the stats last year, there was something like 5500 unique devices posting on the site over 2 weeks. There's a lot more than 50 people. That's not even considering the people that only lurk.

No. 90791

newfag alert. they always delete. some people attention needs should be curbed. get over it.
where, post proof.
has this retarded newfag even taken a look at /snow

No. 90792

They should delete it. Otherwise these idiots think they can spam whatever because it gets left up.

No. 90793

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lisa yo thread
i think it's fair to delete the posts if the cow actively enjoys the attention. the bpd types who selfposf actually relish getting mean comments so deleting their posts stops them attention whoring.

No. 90794

Dog haters are barking and yowling outside containment in unpopular opinions

No. 90795

some autist is thirstposting about ice spice in the vent thread

No. 90796

/ot/ is too full of politics and hate. It creates a weird and hostile atmosphere that encourages infighting.

No. 90797

She made exactly five posts, relax. How is this anon the one pissing you off when there's some sped reeing about loose vaginas and pornstar whores.

No. 90798

I've been here since the site was made, farmhands used to reveal post history

No. 90799

Kek there's literally classic threads where admin makes an announcement post, and then either links to a special page with all of the cow's posts, or tells anons what the name/banner will be letting everyone know which posts are the cow's. Wasn't Rita the lastest personalityfag to get this treatment?

No. 90800

Surprisingly the trump hate thread is so peaceful considering it's a political thread

No. 90801

Do you not remember Shannon?

No. 90802

there's been a tinfoiler derailing the grimes thread claiming there was domestic violence with zero proof and it's clogging the thread and going into offtopic territory

No. 90804

Why was the Venus Angelic thread unlocked when Margo has her or thread or someone can make a new one thead for margo? Nothing being posted is about venus with proof of venus leaving japan. She keeps lying about knowing whats going on. She needs her own thread, not Venus's thread for her shit. There is still zero information about venus currently.

No. 90805

Please, please redtext pick-me (pick me, pickme etc.)

No. 90806

There's about 24 hours worth of massive derail in the grimes thread, I thought farmhands claimed they were going to wrangle that?

No. 90808

i don't think the thread has been moderated at all in the past day. many such cases. i already complained about it 6 hours ago and nothing happened as usual

No. 90809

Something retarded is going on in the tinfoil thread on /ot/

No. 90810

infighting in radfem thread

No. 90811

radfem thread getting shat up again

No. 90813

Cow in the Radfem Cows thread

No. 90814

I am on my actual fucking knees begging you to reinstate the VPN ban in the radfem thread. It's a disaster.

No. 90815

I clicked on it and was expecting an actual cow with name, lol

No. 90816

cows cant type with their hooves nona besides they use farmcow

No. 90818

>reinstate VPN ban for the radfem cows thread
Are you retarded or a newfaggot? The milk is literally coming to the thread and you’re bitching to take it all away. Stay your ass fiddling in /ot/ and don’t even try to minimod/snow/, you clearly don’t know shit

No. 90819

Constant back and forth anonymous infighting about who sucks more cock is milky to you? Alright then lol, enjoy yourself.

No. 90820

I really want to pet the cat in threadpic

No. 90825

If you don't like the site just leave

No. 90826

Sounds like a personal problem.

No. 90829

You are an actual retard.

No. 90830

Yeah but its fucking retarded complains omg get over it

No. 90833

This is the problem. I dont have an issue with the bans etc its just that they are enforced for some and not others and thats why you have anons tinfioling that a lot of the infighting shit is in fact coming from a couple of jannies.

No. 90834

Retarded tif sperging out around /ot/, fandom discourse thread

No. 90835

Why was >>90828 deleted they just said the moderation on the site wasn't good?

No. 90836

Is it just me or is racebaiting off the charts lately? Especially towards asians

No. 90837

Thanks for taking care of the TIF in /ot/, and also the antifujo sperg shitting up multiple threads.
That anon had a lot of their posts deleted across multiple boards because they were having a meltdown. Don't worry, there's plenty of other anons still bitching about the site's moderation.

No. 90838

I agree that it's likely some jannies drop trip and act like unhinged faggots and then ban any anons who say boo back. The swiftness in which some bans are issued meanwhile blatant bullshit is left on cannot be ignored.
Witnessed it today in confessions thread on /ot/. Some ~anon~ started infight with a nonna confessing about abortion saying all sorts of gross misogyny but the second someone called anon a
a redtext ban was issued within 3 minutes. The nasty replies were left up without any redtext and I even reported them for infight. So.
Sorry, your moderation is not consistent and users do notice.

No. 90840

Is it just me or is racebaiting off the charts lately? Especially towards asians

No. 90841

My phone always tries to autocorrect it to pickle

No. 90842

Yes, I've noticed this too. I reported a bannable post that was left up for 2 weeks, when I replied back I was redtexted and banned. It was only the next day the other post got redtexted as others had pointed out the inconsistency. I've been here many years and its never been this bad which is why like some others here it does seem this is being done by a janny rather than a tourist.

No. 90843

The unbanned post even said foid

No. 90845

Yep. Also I understand why scrotefoiling is banned in lolcow threads cause anon's personal beef with each other is irrelevant in them, but it should be fair game in certain contexts like threads on /ot/. None of us are stupid. Men clearly post here and they don't deserve to always go unchallenged. I got to Kiwifarms and see the same line or line rhetoric spoken by "female" users here.
>inb4 "But you're supposed to just report and ignore!"
What's the point if the questionable posts aren't banned or redtexted? You've essentially given scrotes a free for all platform to say whatever shit they want, all they gotta do is not admit they're male which is easy enough for the majority. And anyone who calls it out is hit with a ban.
At that point? Just let moids post because that's what you're allowing anyway with such a broken system.

No. 90846

Radfem cows thread was already shit but became 10 times worse since the Sasha selfpost, her offboard discord members keep posting and don't know how to integrate with board culture

No. 90847

They act like easily offended tranny jannies on 4chan and reddit.

No. 90848

I don't get it. Being shocked and asking a question that anons interpreted all sorts of things in should be bannable, but immediately calling people scrotish faggot and unironically using foid is saying boo?

No. 90849

Probably because users know the "innocent questions" lead to infights and anyone who's been here longer than a week knows that. You're being dishonest, and there was no "immediate" accusation of scrote.

No. 90850

No, the accusation of scrote came after my second post on the topic, which was clarifying that I'm not against abortions. How is interpreting my posts in the worst way possible and flinging around insults honest and not causing infights, but its just proven that I am a liar and evil and need to be banned? What exactly was misogynistic?

No. 90851

There's an out of control infight in the vent thread on /ot/. Please also ban retards responding to infighters because they shit up the thread just as much as the speds with no reading comprehension.

No. 90852

Ban the autistic animal hate redditors shitting up the vent thread

No. 90853

Wasn't just the anons who hate pitbulls contributing to that infight, and you know it.

No. 90854

All the retards continuing the infight came from the same thread they can't stay in for some reason.

No. 90855

can a farmhand step in at some point in the lisa yo thread and put an end to the weird racesperging? i'm tired of reading dozens of posts of people going back and forth about how a very obvious white girl "looks hapa". at this point the conversation has been so overdone. that thread in particular attracts so much newfaggotry and i think it could have a lot of potential if it was more heavily moderated. there's more posts sperging about race than actual milk

No. 90858

She does look like a hapa though. I don’t even go in that thread but when I see that image of her it’s quite obvious she’s mixed with something kek

No. 90859

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Here is what actually happened.
Cat poster made some stupid comment about anon's vagina. Second poster made some stupid comment about being dicked down. YOU made a stupid comment about how you couldn't understand how someone "accidentally" got pregnant without considering anon got raped or coerced, which she later revealed to be true.
Tell the whole story next time. Everything up to her saying the comments were scrotish reeked of misogyny and she astutely pointed it out. Do better.

Not to mention there was no accusation of scrote towards you, she just said she didn't want to list the reasons to get nitpicked and infought about them which your questions pryed out of her anyway. So not even sure where you are getting that from.

No. 90860

NTA but no, both her parents were confirmed to be white Germans. Stop taking a koreaboo's edited photos and squinting as "proof" of being mixed lol.

No. 90862

Are you faceblind anon? She looked like a plain German girl minus the edits and that's okay. Not all white people have lots of eyelid space and large eyes. I really hope you're trolling, or just not used to seeing people who're ethnically German.

No. 90864


When schizophrenics start spamming multiple threads with the same variation of idiocy, could you please ban them for spam? It is not a difficult concept at all.

No. 90865

If scrotefoiling is a bannable offense what's gonna be next? Newfagfoiling or something? Kek.

No. 90867

When isn't it

No. 90868

It's still going on. The thread's better off locked at this point

No. 90869

I think mods should check IPs/post histories in the Radfem Cows thread. They would probably find interesting stuff.

No. 90870

I agree that was a bad choice of words on my part, I wanted to use a word that didn't imply intention and didn't want to use "unintentional" because that would have sounded sarcastic imo. Rape would fall under accidental for me, since it's obviously not something that's planned. I still don't know how I could have clarified without offending anon, though, because any choice of words could easily be interpreted as malicious, and she's already made up her mind that I want to infight her at that point. The cat poster wasn't called scrotish, nor was the "dicked down" anon. I didn't pry anything out of the anon because she clearly didn't want to talk to me. She revealed parts of her story to someone else, that's hardly my fault. The anon who pretended to care about misogyny and called me a liar but used the word foids was the worst. I didn't know that incel language was suddenly okay when confronted with an anon who you think has different opinions than you. Even users who alog other anons don't get called foids. Before you get mad at me for reporting and banning: I didn't report a single comment in this infight. I don't report scrotefoiling. It's hypocritical imo how the same poster who complains about misogyny, lc getting worse, and pretends to know what's in my head was also barely insulting potential male posters and using incel language for female ones.

No. 90871

Right as I was about to say something, farmhands took care of the Radfem Cows thread. Thank you.

No. 90872

Grimes and Elons thread needs to be merged again next time, 90% of the milk overlaps anyway. Its just a mess navigating and knowing where to post now

No. 90873

>thank you
>literally le “thank you dr fauci”
God you sound like a redditor

No. 90874

I think they're the same sperger in the grimes and Elon threads going on about nazis with the same reddit spacing with links format.

No. 90875

Can the radfem cows thread have VPNs banned? The same person who keeps shitting it up just starts up again even after being redtexted, they're likely ban evading

No. 90876

Nonna, I'm thanking them because the farmhands usually take an hour or more to deal with any problem, which I'm aware implies they're all asleep or busy. The fact they were on it immediately shows that there's a farmhand keeping a close eye on the thread, and she's doing a good job.

No. 90877

Well scrotefoiling probably is only selectively enforced considering I got scrotefoiled last night and even though I reported it no redtext or ban happened, so.

No. 90878

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>rape is accidental
Rape is forced.
>The anon who pretended to care about misogyny and called me a liar but used the word foids was the worst
Hardly the worst but maybe you deserved it after accusing the op of being "aggressive and scrotish" just because she didn't want to answer your question.
>"You could have just not answered if you didn't want to talk about it."
She told you that twice and yet you pressed anyway. You got what you deserved, take the L.

No. 90880

Could you ban vpns on /2X/ ? There's a baiter (or more but it's probably just a tranny) who shows up every few days.

No. 90881

No. Elon is a cow in his own right and some of us don't give a shit about Grimes. Had he not gotten involved in US politics, then you'd have a point but he has more milk than Grimes. Baby momma shit and nitpicking her looks is all she has going on for herself

No. 90882

To add to this, all the posts have no proof or credibility about what is actually happening to venus currently. Margo is making up and going back and forth about what is happening and where she is and some random tiktok girl is getting messages from someone who only heard things about Venus with, again, no credibility as to what is actually going on. All the info being posted has been talked about in length in thread already and it's no new.

No. 90883

Tradthot in unpopular opinions, again.

No. 90884

Why are photos of dicks/naked moids allowed in the ideal penis size thread when posting porn on /g/ is supposed to be against the rules?

No. 90885

ban me for scrotefoiling but I would not be surprised if the ideal penis thread is full of selfposters/moids being defensive. it suddenly being the most popular thread on /g/ is so weird

No. 90886

Did unpooular opinions got co-opted by some ballerinafarmfag or something? They're saying that women are depressed because they have to work kek

No. 90887


No. 90888

What milk does grimes have that doesnt directly involve Elon though? Every cringy thing she does now is for his attention. Might as well make an Elon and broodmared thread

No. 90889

Gay baiter in unpopular opinions who calls every woman with a job lesbos running rampant

No. 90890

Retard baiter derailing trump thread in /ot/, and a bunch of anons continuing to derail by responding.

No. 90891

Stupid baiter in unpopular opinions is back to complain about her deleted posts

No. 90892

It’s literally unpopular opinions. stop deleting people’s shit just because you can’t handle a differing opinion(ban evasion)

No. 90893

how misrable do you have to be to get worked up over a fucking "thank you" fucking loser kek
it need to be locked until we have legit proof, not bullshit from margo's crazy mind.
her thread is full zoomers from reddit nitpicking her features, posting decade-old pics and rehashing old shit. other than that, grimes just word vomits on twitter. she will never generate milk like her baby daddy elon using the kids as a meat shield

No. 90895

CP(?) on /m/

No. 90896

Move Luigi thread to hidden board

No. 90897

move it to /manure/ or what that board for bad posts was called

No. 90898

No, to /sty/. /manure/ is a time capsule left to be untouched. If you want to wig the posters out you also have /int/

No. 90899

Because fuck you, that's why. The rules might as well not exist.

No. 90900

There's a scrote in Unpopular Opinions posting gay porn. Can you ban plz

No. 90901

Men in tight clothing isn't gay porn, but crossdressing is definitely gay.

No. 90902

Can the mods over at the grimes thread please stop being retards who WK Elon musk constantly?
It’s getting annoying and prevents the flow of actual milk. The threads were separated needlessly, now you have two retarded threads modded by retards

No. 90903

hide the threads if you don't like them.

No. 90904

I'm so confused how it was unlocked with no proof when it was closed for.. let me check.. no proof. Wtf

No. 90905

moid bait and retards engaging with it in ot

No. 90906

How dare you call ashleigh a moid

No. 90907

I kinda wanna see how far that thread goes kek

No. 90908

Ashleigh is either the most elaborate troll or somehow a bunch of high schoolers found LC and need to be perma'd asap

No. 90909

There’s no gay porn and you keep coming here to complain about the unpopular opinions threads. maybe do yourself and just don’t look at it anymore.

No. 90910

"Ashleigh" is back at it again, mods

No. 90911

This is going from funny to kind of annoying. Can't she at least keep it to one thread?

No. 90912

It's just the person who posts about Luigi in this thread everyday trying to make it seem like his threads need to be deleted or moved somewhere else by pretending like highschool aged newfags actually come here for him

No. 90913

some fag is trying reeeeal hard to become a personalityfag and it seems lc got posted again so theres been retarded raid bait posts in many threads too

No. 90914

>pretending like highschool aged newfags actually come here for him
NTA but how can you pretend like this isn’t happening lol

No. 90915

His LARP is so bad and unconvincing. Truly a low-IQ individual.

No. 90916


No. 90917

You can tell it's bait because no high schooler would want to discuss Luigi on LC where we call him retarded and fantasize about raping him. They'd go to rednote and tiktok.

No. 90918

Kek probably because she's a high school aged newfag herself

No. 90919

The master baiter is feeling a little creative right now with the yaoi recommendations thread

No. 90920

Suggesting a VPN ban again

No. 90921

We've been suggesting it for 2 months now. Cerbmin needs to hand the website over to someone that actually gives a fuck.

No. 90922

indian ugly bastard asian woman weirdo spammer back in female fantasies thread

No. 90924

there was proof and it was a discussion retard. mods need to fix this. elon/tesla fanboys have been infiltrating LC and steering discussion away from posts even slightly critical of elon it’s getting fucking annoying

No. 90926

no one has posted any proof, it's a tinfoil that's being pushed. there was no discussion, just some anon or a few deciding that there was DV out of nowhere because of her crackhead teeth. the argument is still happening in the thread and the fact that you replied to my post 3 days later tells me you're one of the people stirring up that false narrative. no one has proven that there was domestic violence. it never came up in any previous thread before either. stop shilling your tinfoil so hard. idgaf about melon, it's obvious what you're trying to do right now

No. 90927

It's crazy that you won't take 5 minutes to post something like "Hey, sorry for the wait everyone, we still need more time to figure out how we'll do the VPN ban vote." It would take less than 5 minutes to appease everyone.

It's pathetic that you hide away from everyone and refuse to take accountability. You signed up to be the administrator for this site. Nobody is forcing you to do this. If you don't want to do it, then hand the site over to someone else.

Your disappearing acts aren't appreciated. You care so little about the userbase that you can't spare less than five minutes from your day to say "hey, sorry! we need more time." You're shit at what you do. I wish for once we had an administrator that actually cared about the people that use the site.

No. 90928

Genuinely retarded anons are sperging over lolicon and shotacon in the fandom discourse thread in /it/

No. 90929

>What's the point if the questionable posts aren't banned or redtexted?
Exactly although the posts i'm talking about are not moids its just inconsistent which has lead to the tinfoiling but you make a good point nonna.

No. 90931

Honestly the fandom thread provides nothing of substance and should be locked. Constant infighting over the same 2 topics, brings in constant newfags, and is always off topic. Tried to report the current infighting but it's still going on, and is then being interjected by off topic posts.

No. 90935

the fandom DISCOURSE thread is an infighting containment thread same as the fujo/antifujo threads. it's functioning as intended imo

No. 90937

nta but i thought it was meant for laughing at weird people in fandoms (basically the type of people who currently fight in that thread kek), or at least the original/early threads were

No. 90938

There is a difference between discussion and infighting. Discussion is allowed, infighting is not. What they are doing in the latter. And it's as >>90937 said. Its originally to discuss discourse in fandoms, not actively participate in said discourse. The original fandom psychology thread got locked years ago for less so why is this one allowed?

No. 90939

Kill this piece of shit ASAP

No. 90940

I thought so too but I went all the way back to the first thread and looks like it's always been like this kek. from the first op "proship/antiship" was put as a discussion topic.

No. 90941

i thought so too but waiting for the crumb of milk that gets posted now and then from that thread isnt worth it anymore since most of the shit is always crossposted to other threads,it attracts so many of those cows themselves that the thread reeks of newfags trying to act as if this were 4chan.

No. 90942

It was a bruised eye and cracked tooth dumbass. newfags asking “prooOoOf” are literally retarded and don’t know how to lurk, it’s genuinely strange you are even complaining about discourse happening in the thread because it doesn’t fit your personal opinion on the matter. Do you want people to discuss these lolcows, meaning elon and grimes or not? Why are you personally so intent on censoring talk about elon specifically? It’s fucking weird.

No. 90943

Also the only tinfoiling going on is your sped ass going “I knOw wHaT uR tRyIng to dO” every time someone deviates from your lolicon sperging

No. 90944

Weird porn on front page god I hope it isnt cp i just glanced over it fuck moids

No. 90945

fujos posting shota crap again

No. 90946

there should be a minor ban on fujo and shota/loli sperging in the new fandom thread

No. 90947

dont reopen the fandom thread its not worth it please keep it locked farmhands, theyre getting way too bold now and for fucks sake do not let them create a lolishotashit argument thread youll only invite serious trouble from that

No. 90948

mods can we lock venus' thread, we have no definitive proof of where she is.

No. 90950

can the new celebricows thread please be spoilered, yes I know it's cropped but I still don't want to see Kanye's head imposed on a bare naked body

No. 90951

You can hide threadpics yourself by clicking the hide button

No. 90952

I don't really care for when people tinfoil about the actual state of admin here, but I've become really curious about what happened to the admin whose primary responsibility was PM/communication or whatever. better communication was something that was paid a lot of lip service at the time of admin transition but now… not one of three people can make a brief post? Not even the admin whose admin responsibilities focused on things like that?

No. 90953

Exactly… there were 3 of them and one was specifically in charge of communication. I dont like tinfoiling about staff but its getting weird.

No. 90954

there's always only been 1 admin and she's in direct contact with shaymin who is "helping" her with the site. that's why the "admins" never nuked shaymins god awful mod team. there's an invite only discord server they are in that people were invited to after the "official lolcow" discord got abandoned. nu-admin is also having a moif friend helping her with the programming side.

No. 90955

Don't forget to mention that this Discord server is also where post histories of random anons are revealed and laughed at.

No. 90956

there are always anons to say things like this but never ones willing to volunteer any incriminating caps. I'd believe it instantly if even a shred of proof were posted (it's not as if there's evidence for the existence of three admins, or iirc much for a real admin turnover). what's keeping you from sharing? You covet your spot in the private Discord that much more than unleashing the milk?

No. 90957

There is LC itself, and then there are the LC communities. These communities function as a sort of "deep state." Most anons on this site, maybe 60-70%, only interact with it at a surface level and they'll never experience the true underbelly. There are at least 10 different LC community Discord servers, each with upwards of 50 members, and that's just the Discord servers.
>what's keeping you from sharing?
The administrator and moderators can see every single thing that you've ever posted on this website with the click of 2 buttons. A lot of anons don't realize this until it's too late, until they've already shared incriminating information about themselves. If an anon is in the admin's Discord server, then the admin already has access to that anon's Discord profile as well as every single post that they've ever made or will ever make. That makes it very difficult to for an anon to go against the grain in fear of the consequences that could arise from that.
>You covet your spot in the private Discord that much more than unleashing the milk?
There would be no milk. The milk would be instantly removed, and all discussion of it would be met with deletions and bans. I'm talking device bans, not just IP bans. The whistleblower would be made into a cow to deflect. The admin would just compile a page with every weird post made by her in the style of Kiki or Rita to make her seem crazy or retarded.

No. 90958

Why is dick porn allowed on /g/? There are literally dick pics scattered in some threads

No. 90959

Some anons are heterosexual

No. 90960

you think they'd instantly figure out who the leak was? to me it beggars belief that nothing concrete has made its way out when the site has been down for huge lengths of time, with many anons tinfoiling on sites that (as far as I know) wouldn't have any interest in quashing that discussion
>The whistleblower would be made into a cow to deflect
justice for lorena, kek

No. 90961

I use lc on incognito mode

No. 90963

You could share the screencaps on CC or the hidden board on junkuchan. And you could cover the timestamps or other info like that.

No. 90964

There's a no porn allowed rule though

No. 90965

Only on m and ot

No. 90966

File: 1740509234060.png (27.81 KB, 1826x218, porn not allowed on g.PNG)

Not my post, and it wasn't 3d porn. I think porn should be allowed on /g/, in a reasonable quantity.

No. 90967

File: 1740509278388.png (12.67 KB, 854x167, da rules.PNG)

It's also literally the site rules

No. 90969

why aren't the "shotacon" posts from the fandom thread not deleted yet? they are very blatantly creepy and pedophilic

No. 90970

Eric is back defending himself, again, in the cosplay thread. He keeps ban evading, its so funny. It's so hard to take any kinpatsu posts seriously when its been him 80% of the time.

No. 90971

this, please ban lolicons and shotacons

No. 90972

Maybe they could post in the hidden board on JC? There's an LC and CC hatebunker there which would be a good place to post screenshots that can't be safely posted here.

No. 90973

it would have to be really covert but i would be willing to share if it was safe enough.

No. 90974

I knew it. And yet some anons acted like I was paranoid for not wanting to post on a bare IP and "oh the farmhands don't care about random nobodies don't be narcissistic"

No. 90975

Why can’t we say nigga on the farms?

No. 90976

You just did though

No. 90978

You'd have a case if you were complaining about furfags but you see lolcow is a Protestant organisation. Acts 20:28-32

No. 90979

The mods are gonna have to do a public beheading if this infighting continues.

No. 90980

But they ban people and tell them to integrate

No. 90981

The Pope is cringe and his hat looks funny
Farmhands better curbstomb the lolishotafaggotry in the unpopular opinion thread

No. 90982

File: 1740524812269.png (22.29 KB, 930x239, genesis 41 2-3 NCV.png)

Nonnie stop, the bible warns about infighting. Love the furries

No. 90983

AYRT, I know. There's even saints with animal heads.

No. 90984

>The seven thin and ugly cows ate the seven fat and beautiful cows
Damn I can't believe /snow/ did that to /w/ that's so sad

No. 90985


No. 90986

Oh yeah? Well I can quote the bible too! Ezekiel 23:20

No. 90987

That quote and also how moids talk about dick size makes me realize a good way to tell a moid's sexual fantasies from a woman's is that women don't invoke the image of animal genitalia but moids often do.

No. 90988

Can we move that silly demon bf thread to /g/ kek

No. 90989

KEK keep seething about literal fanfiction that you made up in your head. she's a methhead, junkie, munchie and anachan. that's why she looked like that in two images which is not proof of anything. hope that helps, may your tinfoil hat keep you warm on these cold nights!

No. 90990

Csam in /m/

No. 90995

Revelation 3:16
Ezekiel 8:18(shitpost)

No. 90996

can one of the anti-surrogacy threads on the hidden board please be returned back to /ot/

No. 90997

Not my post, but this is not derailing: >>>/snow/2092994
German-speaking nona watched one of Lisa's old videos about plastic surgery and recapped it for the anons who don't know German. That's a quality contribution to the thread and the red text should be removed.

No. 90998

File: 1740571237675.jpg (113.75 KB, 1080x422, 1000021163.jpg)

How is this baiting exactly?

No. 90999

But I don't use that site and I wanna see it too…can't they just be posted in the lc hate thread on cc?

No. 91000

cc is a shithole full of trannies

No. 91004

Okay nvm I found it it's that gay board everyone was shitting their pants over.

No. 91007

>There are at least 10 different LC community Discord servers
Deepest lore.

>The administrator and moderators can see every single thing that you've ever posted on this website with the click of 2 buttons.

That's why everybody should use VPNs.

>I'm talking device bans

Can't be done when agent user switchers (and phones) exist.

No. 91008

>agent user switchers
How many anons do you think actually know what those tools are? How many do you think use them? Think about it.

No. 91010

At least one who admitted it in an old anime thread.

No. 91011

Okay. So we have that anon, me, and you. So that's 3. I think we might be the only ones.

No. 91012

>That's why everybody should use VPNs.
They can supposedly track your device name or at least device type, so using a VPN alone is not much use. If they can't track you by IP, they can track you by that instead.

No. 91015

>The administrator and moderators can see every single thing that you've ever posted on this website with the click of 2 buttons.
how the fuck do you think they figured out creepshowart. wait until this retard finds lit websites and social media apps work. I swear you dumbasses learn one thing tik tok and become fraught with moral panic. nothing is sacred online.

No. 91016

did you just figure out our smart devices are basically spyware. all spyware related technology has become normalized and embedded in the internet.

No. 91018

We should stop this site from being indexed so it doesn't show up on Google searches kek

No. 91019

How will they get their pressure data honeypots? Never happening

No. 91020


No. 91021

Newfags sperging over their right to rape in the retarded bans thread

No. 91022

They're arguing over the soup chatroom ban, not that. Though the rape ban was pretty dumb since it's never been bannable before, it's newfaggy to think it's not allowed if anything. Because otherwise they would've banned a third of the posts in the ideal bodies threads, every single post that used the rape buttom meme, and 99% of posts in the luigi thread. Why did it take it take years for horny posts to get banned?

No. 91024

I find it fascinating that a site once dedicated to condemning cow behavior has become a safe haven for spergs, encouraging and fostering incredibly cowish behaviors. An ouroboros, LC is now PULL.

No. 91025

File: 1740627128722.png (44.86 KB, 702x323, degens.png)

so…you're going to finally do something about posts like these as well, right? please? pretty please

No. 91026

Women can’t rape men.

No. 91027

genuine question: why do you care

No. 91028

alogging has always been against the rules. took them long enough with the latest ban everyone's debating about

No. 91029

also please do it for the luigi spergs next, all their threads are weirdly unmoderated despite regularly breaking multiple rules

No. 91030

The cheapest way to get milk is to raise the cows yourself, nona.

No. 91032

The Luigi thread is nothing but cows, but it's one of the only threads that receives constant traffic off of the fact that it's unmoderated.

No. 91033

Most /ot/ users don't even touch the cow threads, they admitted it themselves.

No. 91034

which rules are they breaking?

No. 91036

Need to know from farmhands themselves if "rapelogging" is not a bannable offense because it's only the most obnoxious shitposters doing it.

No. 91039

dumb tinfoiling keeps happening in picielocks' thread, I think people need a reminder

No. 91040

I don't know about that one. Back then the site was teeming with insane cowish anons as well. After all, like attracts like with the cows they follow.

No. 91041

Sometimes I open /m/ catalog and I still cant believe there's a "wholesome" furry thread.

No. 91042

Its just cute animal people, do you get mad when you go to disneyland or see hello kitty as well?

No. 91043

same, furfags are getting too comfortable here

No. 91044

I'm curious too. If it's in their containment, who cares? I'm 100% sure the spergs who post about him outside of his thread are flaseflagging the posters who actually use his thread. I've never seen him posted on any of the /ot/ threads I visit, even amerifags has his posted hardly ever.

No. 91045

rapelogging/alogging like >>91036 said. the entirety of /g/ is full of alogs but luigifags get away with it for some reason. only alogs in unconventional attractions get banned, but not others

No. 91046

Ntayrt, but I do find it very strange that the luigifag thread is not moderated to the same standard other threads are, especially when it attracts so many newfags. It’s a cesspit of teens using that thread as a chatroom and trying to out edge each other through their rapelogging antics. I assume the /g/ farmhands are luigifags themselves, so they get a pass. It honestly doesn’t bother me that luigi has his own husbando friend because it contains the cringe there, but anons get banned on /ot/ for using threads as a “chatroom” for way less. I think farmhands should moderate that thread better so newfags can be better integrated with the rest of the site’s culture.

No. 91047

Yeah I don't mind them existing, just that the rules should be applied equally and consistently

No. 91048

I sometimes wonder if the cowification of the off topic boards is why the cow boards are slower. Why bother to go to external sources looking for milk to post when there's an entire herd of easily recognizable cows right there on /ot/? They're basically BJ-chan lite and once you identify their favourite threads and special interests, it's impossible to unsee.

No. 91049

You mean personalityfags?

No. 91050

No. It's a subset of posters that don't intend to break anonymity but do become recognizable due to their inability to not sperg out when their special interest is mentioned. I'm not the only one who has noticed these types of poster. Most of the circular and reoccurring infights on /ot/ seem to be caused by other anons mentioning a special interest that then summons the cow like posters to the thread to argue about it. Cow like posters are usually very hostile and lack the self awareness to realize that they're being baited for amusement.

No. 91051

AI shill infight in the art salt thread

No. 91052

It has to be 99% gay men pretending to be women. I hate how popular it's gotten.

No. 91053

See now this is a real concern. There has been a ban for porn recently on /g/ for a spoilered cartoon drawing, but the 3dpd penises can stay. And it explicitly states in the rules that porn is not allowed in /g/. We probably have homo jannies.

No. 91055

Ngl I think it’s a fun thread and I don’t care about the no porn rule being enforced or not, but I’m starting to believe there is a legit moid farmhand on /g/. I’ve never been a tranny janny scrotefoiler before, but there were some very moidish posts in that thread that I reported and the farmhand did nothing but ban the other anons who called it out for “scrotefoiling.” Meanwhile, from the retarded bans thread, a /g/ farmhand banned an anon for “redditspacing” when I’ve seen that kind of spacing here for years. Strange moderation.

No. 91056

Nah porn threads always brings in weird disgusting men. See crystal.cafe

No. 91057

There are cows roaming loose in /ot/

No. 91058

Cp in front page recently posted section

No. 91060

can you please do something about the ai shill that's still baiting in the art salt thread

No. 91061

Interesting, I also noticed a ban on naked chibis (there wasn't even any dick) in /m/ today, maybe we have a mod with a vendetta against cartoon lewd, kinda like those anons who sperg "only pedos like anime!" Or it might be a moid like >>91055 said.

No. 91063

Please remove the Farmhand here >>>/ot/2422085 who clearly has no idea what he is doing.
>tfw mods are newfags who can't into imageboards

No. 91064

Learn to space better before sperging out

No. 91065

There was nothing wrong with the spacing, newfag, which you would have known had you browsed an image board even once.

No. 91066

Look, you can argue for an infight, but it was mostly anti-AI nonas getting a little too aggressive. Even if the AI anon was baiting at the end, she should have been ignored.
And bringing up AI is not against the rules in artist salt, it is explicitly mentioned as a suggested topic in the thread OP.

No. 91067

>do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist
Indeed it does if only you were literate enough to read the next sentence aswell.

No. 91069

File: 1740751272933.png (308.35 KB, 915x852, 1740606797237.png)

Is it really alogging if an anon says she would rape a man when he was younger and better looking? She is clearly not going to inflict bodily harm on these men's past selves.

No. 91070

Like if someone wrote things like
>I want to go back into the past and molest Napoleon
>I would stab Julius Ceasar in the face
Would that also count as alogging now?

No. 91071

Posts like this are extremely cringe and defending it glows hard. Why post about shit that you know is illegal? All it does is potentially alert the feds that we’re on some evil femcel rapist board.

No. 91072

>That you know is illegal
Kekkk, the feds aren't going to blow your door down because someone said she'd rape an ancient celebrity nonna

No. 91073

That post did not contain anything deemed illegal in the United States - the only jurisdiction that matters for this site. Educate yourself.

No. 91074

File: 1740754310800.png (81.77 KB, 842x191, lolcow.farm rules.png)

Refer to global rule 1, faggot. I’m including global rule 2 for your own consideration as well, because I figure it’s underage newfags who think wanting to rape moids makes them edgy and cool. If you don’t think feds monitor ibs, you’re a retard who shouldn’t be here.

No. 91075

>educate yourself
I died of cringe at this.

No. 91076

You clearly do not know what constitutes protected speech in the US and what does not. Educate yourself.

No. 91077

Then keep on doing that since you need to educate yourself.

No. 91078

Are you illiterate? Read the rule again. It doesn’t really matter what you think.

No. 91079

I wonder what the feds think of the Luigi thread. I bet it's one of them who posts all the fanart.

No. 91080

It's not illegal to be cringe.
>alert the feds
About what?
Oh no some woman is going to time travel and rape young Till Lindemann, known actual rapist himself?

No. 91082

Read the rules. The act of raping some is illegal. Therefore, saying you want to rape someone is against Global Rule 1. Follow the rules and integrate, or leave. FWIW, feds do in fact monitor ibs for mentions of illicit activity, as they’re notorious honeypots. Illiterate newfags and de/g/enerates aside, I’m convinced we’re dealing with actual faggots now because only moids are this excited by the idea of raping someone.

No. 91083

Did you somehow miss the part where time travel would be involved? Can we not say bad stuff about historical people now either? That is what I want to know.

No. 91084

>alert the feds
You ARE the feds. You can’t fool anybody anymore kek

No. 91085

You are assuming women can rape men

No. 91086

AI baiter in artist salt in /ot/

No. 91087

The thing is though when some schizo snaggletooth with 50 cats takes those posts as a call to action and tries to harm a scrote irl the investigation might lead back to lc and then we get rep for femcel discourse and taken down. It wouldn't be fair, of course. But that is what would happen.

No. 91088

You think women are going to start pouncing on men in dark alleys because of lc?

No. 91089

How many women do you think rape men a year.

No. 91090

>Schizo snaggletooth with 50 cats
Are you insane? If anything it would be the mad Staceys who would try this kek

No. 91091

>muh ugly spinster with cats
>but what about violence against menz
>im just saying this out of concern
yeah yeah try the other one

No. 91092

Uh oh time to ban and arrest all the luigifags since they say this shit regularly (and yet they mysteriously rarely get banned kek). Ban and arrest half the posters in the male bodies thread as well, that's where >>91025 posts in that cap come from
School shooters and other killers constantly post their plans on 4chins yet their site is still up

No. 91093

Y’all banned me for schizoposting…on the schizopost thread?


No. 91094

File: 1740785523583.jpeg (421.69 KB, 828x934, IMG_7984.jpeg)

the absolute state of the amerifag thread.
we should ban all politisperging before autists like these ruin the whole board

No. 91095

You're a retard.(infight bait)

No. 91096

You screenshot these replies but not the posts that they are replying to. There was a video uploaded about Zelensky and Trump. Anons are allowed to have opinions. Trying to turn the Amerifags thread into an echo chamber is stupid. If you want to complain about Trump, there's a thread for that. Don't post videos or images about Trump in the Amerifags thread if you don't want honest opinions about it. It's cringe that accusations of being a "Russian" are so common in that thread because Zoomers can't handle opinions different from their own.

No. 91097

not a zoomer and i don't post in the amerifag thread. i just think don't want retards turning this place into /pol/ lite. cry moar

No. 91098

Sure Jan

No. 91099

come back and bitch about it when people are posting about american politics outside of the thread that exists to discuss american politics. you just don't like people posting opinions you don't like and want it censored. you're a redditor at heart

No. 91100

Not an Amerifag so maybe I'm wrong, but does anyone else find the way these posts are written a bit suspicious? They aren't phrased like how a native English speaker would type imo.

No. 91101

you're right, i don't think magatards and /pol/faggots should be on this site. which is why i'm posting about it in the complaints thread. cry about censorship all you want kek

No. 91102

Why did the Russiafoiler get banned and not the clear baiter that wants Russia to bulldoze Ukraine?

No. 91103

File: 1740789825963.jpeg (570.16 KB, 828x1288, IMG_7987.jpeg)

they both got banned. hilarious how the putinfag is also the same "shitbull" obsessed retard who should have caught a personalityfag permaban ages ago.

No. 91104

You're so right. It's obvious that they're all Russian agents.
Nothing in that screenshot is /pol/ tier nor is it in support of MAGA.

No. 91105

those anons weren’t maga or poltards though? those extreme types are always obvious baiters, these anons are discussing poltics in the appropriate thread. like until the mods add a rule saying no right-wing adjacent opinions allowed your complaints are stupid. why would you rather shut up/censor other women with opinions that you disagree with on a site like this anyways? so weird

No. 91106

>three posts out of the consistent hoardes of anti-trump spergs and pro-democrat propaganda likely being shilled by paid actors and bots to flood the website
Yeah oh my god the horror of seeing real human opinions! Holy shit, who actually has real control over this website??? I mean someone said the new admin was Ukrainian.. it doesn’t hurt to tinfoil that there are other influences going on here than we would like to admit

No. 91107

A bunch of trolls here: >>>/ot/2382949 . I think they want to make posters from there look bad.

No. 91108

Is /ot/ being raided by reddit?

No. 91109

I was thinking more along the lines of some LARPing Euro shitting up the thread.

No. 91111

I hate when fujos shit up fandom threads, especially when it's shota pedo stuff, but even just in general bringing their fetish everywhere just ruins the vibe and it always starts annoying infighting. Can we get something like a fujo containment thread in m and ban offenders for posting outside of it please?

No. 91112

Fujos have a containment thread on /m/, but they can't stay in it kek.

No. 91113

god antifujospergs are exhausting. you retards are the ones with a containment thread who won't stay in it

No. 91114

Agreed, I've seen more people sperg ABOUT fujos unprompted than the other way around. Not saying the reverse never happens before someone gets assmad.

No. 91115

They already have a containment and refuse to use their shitty dead thread

No. 91116

Can't they just get banned for it then? They can't even accept anyone opposing to them without victimizing themselves as seen in the posts above

No. 91117

File: 1740848349716.jpg (167.19 KB, 1002x621, 1000004461.jpg)

Tradfag retard in unpopular opinions again

No. 91118

people who still post on that thread deserve the bait they get

No. 91119

seconding this PLEASE

No. 91121

moralfags and aantifujo spergs are a plague on this site.
if someone posts yaoi you can just hide the pic or report it but there's no escaping all the unprompted sperging about how foojos burned their crops and poisoned theeir well or whatever
in general people who moralfag add nothing to this board. if you thrive on outrage and callouts, go back to tumblr

No. 91122

Can moderators do their job for a minute? The Mundane Shit thread has once again been hijacked by retards that want to turn it into a chatroom.

The OP has been changed, yet again, to include "random thoughts" even though the thread was never about that.

Start banning anons for posting off-topic shit in that thread. Chatroom threads kill the board.

No. 91123

Its so sad when actual benign unpopular opinions get ignored for bait

No. 91124

yeah I don't know why anyone still bothers to come here and complain about it, everybody knows it's the bait and infight thread so why not just stay out of it if you don't wanna see that stuff?

No. 91125

You’re a stupid cunt.(infighting)

No. 91126

Are you going to do something about the weegeefag cowtippers or

No. 91127

Doubt it, that thread gets away with so much shit that would've gotten anons banned within seconds in any other thread

No. 91128

Who is cowtipping luigi

No. 91130

Well, he is a cow.

No. 91131

They’re namedropping lcf on reddit

No. 91132

Certainly one or two anons who you're right should definitely be banned permanently. Did you see it specifically on Reddit and have caps? I think unfortunately it'd be difficult to ban the specific anons unless they make it obvious.

No. 91133

Do you even know what cow-tipping means?

No. 91134

If you think about it, the femdom thread is also alogging. Can we just ban the entirety of /g/ already, we don't need it.

No. 91135

There should only be a 2D femdom thread. 3DPD femdom is gross and a cope.

No. 91136

Please, please, PLEASE give us the option to hide threads THROUGH the catalog.

No. 91137

Should I make a turkey sandwich tomorrow(yes but wrong thread)

No. 91138

I hope you're being ironic.

No. 91139

bring back the dumbass shit thread

No. 91140

Could you allow VPNs in the Radfem Cows thread again? No one posts milk anymore and it's because of the VPN ban.

No. 91142

How do i grow out my pubic hair thick and puffy like those victorian woes?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 91143

BJ-Chan or one of her wannabes is out of her padded cell in the vent thread.

No. 91144

cp in cringe threat in ot

No. 91148

these days it feels like most of the bad art and autism art threads is just the same retard samefagging

No. 91149

Came here just now to express a similar sentiment. Moid posters are ruining this site and there's literally nothing we can do. The /ot/ rules even have this condescending, chiding admonishment that "not everyone who disagrees with you is a man!" Which 100% feels like it was written by a man.
Also, a lot of nonas assume that moids are expressly banned from posting here, and it's actually so fucking disappointing that they're not:
>Rule 4 subpoint 3: Any posters with a phallus, do not come here for validation or to announce yourselves.
This rule needs to be changed to
>Any posters with a phallus, do not come here

No. 91150

That's probably the real reason why scrotefoiling is banned. RIP LC

No. 91151

we can't prevent them from coming here and it's not like the content is private or something. all we can do is ban obvious males. the site is safe for posting without revealing your identity but unfortunately that makes it safe for males to lurk, so it's not really a "safe space" since it's publicly accessible. i don't think we can do more than effectively moid free.

No. 91153

File: 1740981488567.png (467.48 KB, 1030x698, kiwifarms example 1.png)

>We can't prevent them from coming here.
This is the biggest hurdle, and there's no way that it would be possible to prevent it. A lot of anons seem to think that this IB is 100% female with only a few random males showing up every now and again, and only ever to bait or stir shit. This isn't the reality. Just a cursory glance at certain threads and one can identify them as male-dominated. You can go on KF and find lots of moids discussing how they regularly use LC to keep track of certain cows, or their tips and tricks for blending in.

Maybe a more shocking example that might wake some anons up: check out this 50 year old gay scrote posting in PT's thread last year:
How in the world does some random gay boomer know about LC? Let alone PT? I don't think that he is an anomaly. If one gay boomer is using this site, then there is more than just him, and there a lot more younger ones too. Homosexual males are particularly attracted to gossip, so it's logical that many of them would be aware of this IB and be active users too.

Besides that, the newfag flood post-pandemic had brought in a lot of younger women that are incapable of gatekeeping. Just imagine: a 18 year old woman just found out about this place, she's only interested in one singular thread - perhaps of a cow that she's been following on Reddit; she immediately texts her gay friend and says "OMG! Look what I found," knowing that he'd be interested in their shared gossip subject, and she sends him the link. That faggot clicks on it, and now we have yet another gay moid user.

At best there's a 80/20 ratio of women to men, a more likely ratio is 60/40, and maybe at worst it would be 40/60. Moids are more present than a lot of anons would like to admit. This isn't really an issue on the gossip boards, since really everyone is there to discuss cows and snowflakes: but, it becomes a bigger issue on the off-topic boards, and especially on threads relating to female-only experiences or sexuality. For example, how many anons know that KF users go into the Fetishes You're Ashamed Of Thread to screencap posts and share them on KF? Would those anons be comfortable posting if they knew that thousands of moids would have the chance to not only see them, but to laugh at them too? You can see an example of that in the attached image. Lately, there's been a lot of posts uploaded to KF of the cringe happening in the Luigi thread on /g/, which is funny considering that a lot of more experienced anons have pointed out that that thread attracted both newfags and unwanted attention to the site. A lot of LC threads have been archived in their entirety on KF, some by regular LC users, since there is more of an overlap of KF and LC users than many would rather deny.

Anons that have deluded themselves into believing that only other women see their posts or reply to them feel more comfortable to share intimate details about themselves, or to say things that they otherwise wouldn't when around moids. I feel bad for these anons, but at least they're still shielded by anonymity.

It's also why the recent perception that LC is a "femcel" site, or even a radfem site, is such a laughable concept. We don't even know if the majority of anons are women or men! We have no way of knowing! We never will. I wish that this IB was female-only, and that we had a way of detecting a moid from 6 feet away, and that only women could post and view posts here, but that's just never going to happen. It's why I don't treat LC as a female-only IB - I treat it as an IB that's female-centric, or at least male-minority.

>It's not really a "safe space"

This is what a lot of anons need to get through their skulls, for their own sake. It was never a safe space and it never will be.

No. 91154

this is why we need blackpilled feminists posting in every single thread. Gunshot-lowering rent prices. Make it as inhospitable as the rest of the male-dominated internet is for women.

No. 91155

It won't work. Even if anons did try this, they'd just get banned and told to take it to the hidden board. Scrotefoiling being made into a bannable offense was just the latest move to make this IB more appealing to moids and to legitimize male users.

No. 91156

yeah you're right. That's dumb. I don't really get why scrotefoiling was banned. Seems kind of arbitrary. To me anon "infighting" serves as a form of community policing and I think mods have overstepped in completely replacing that with bans which don't even work! They call it "infighting", I call it gatekeeping. This place is so snowflakey now. Barely even able to call anybody autistic anymore.

No. 91157

>I don't really get why scrotefoiling was banned.
I'm tired so I'm not explaining it good, but:

The explicit reasoning was: "if you think a poster is a male, report it" and that "most reports we [mods] receive regarding this aren't viable."

The implicit reason is that the new moderators are incapable of determining whether or not some is a male. They can't do this because they are very inexperienced and they aren't familiar with the site culture as it was pre-2021. For the majority of experienced users, it's very easy to tell when a post was authored by a male, but for these moderators it's next to impossible. Since they very rarely ban potential male posters, it enables males to post more.

No. 91158

>A lot of LC threads have been archived in their entirety on KF, some by regular LC users, since there is more of an overlap of KF and LC users than many would rather deny.
I've been saying this, kek. You know how many times I've been browsing KF and seen the most retarded male opinion I've ever seen then IMMEDIATELY check Lolcow and someone is posting it here as well, this time just pretending to be a woman? It's so obvious it makes me sick. Thunderdomers especially love to come here with their gay little political agendas and try to psyop the userbase like "I'm a woman and I legitimately believe women shouldn't have rights, believe me!! - t. totally real woman" and then everyone replies and engages with them because you're not allowed to call a spade a spade. I hate this place so much sometimes. Fuck Kiwifags.

No. 91159

It's one thing when a thread gets shit up or derailed by two autists calling each other fatties and troons because one of them ships a different pair of fags than the other but there should be room for dissenting opinion and argumentation so long as it's on topic to the thread.

No. 91160

men posting here are either trying to blend in or are looking for attention. they're sad attention whores and they know that this is the closest they'll ever be to the proximity of women and the closest they'll ever get to attention from a woman. if you suspect someone is a male, you report it, why would you feed the retards?
calling someone a male poster doesn't contribute to any discussion, you report and ignore if you really think they're a man. also it gets in the way of discussion because for some reason, people on these boards automatically assume that if someone disagrees with them on specific topics then they must be a male, which is pretty retarded. we all have different opinions and are bound to disagree on things. it's annoying seeing scrotefoiling because it accomplishes nothing, imo. infighting doesn't accomplish anything either, it shits up threads. if i wanted to watch a slapfight i would unhide unpopular opinions

No. 91161

Scrotefoiling is banned because the userbase is fucking retarded and is incapable of spotting actual males. Scrotefoiling was used as an insult during infights to the point that it lost all meaning.

No. 91162

crazy that as soon as red texts start popping up the janny defense posts start coming in kek

No. 91164

there's a retard trying to derail in the oldweb thread before any real discussion has taken place and they seem to be upset over the fact that we don't like trannies here

No. 91166

>Scrotefoiling was used as an insult during infights to the point that it lost all meaning.
Yeah i got called a scrote for posting an unconventional attraction. it was in an unconventional attraction thread, mind you.
I've seen other anons get called male just for having a different opinion in a thread on the dumbest shit, not even political.
nonas do weaponize scrotefoiling at times

No. 91168

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>scrotefoiling was used as an insult during infights to the point that it lost all meaning.
yeah exactly, it has no meaning if used against a woman. who’s going to get a bruised ego over being called a scrote anonymously? trannies.

No. 91169

scrotefoiling isn't banned because it bruises egos
it's banned because it's used as infight bait to disrupt threads
the issue has already been explained idk why you're struggling to get it still

No. 91171

wasn’t any of the other anons in that discussion but, please, keep sucking ass

No. 91173

File: 1741025751265.png (27.61 KB, 371x229, 3409583454.png)

>wasn’t any of the other anons in that discussion but, please, keep sucking ass
ok nona but, please, keep weirdly double posting then deleting your shit like a sped

No. 91174

Why was the new Dana thread locked? I've seen way shitter threads than that

No. 91175

Why is thread requests full of
>you make it then
when the thread is literally to request help with making threads

No. 91178

I remember a couple of years back on the Kibbe body types thread in /g/ some anons posted their full body pics to get feedback from others on what their Kibbe type is, then moids from KF screenshotted them to make fun of nona's bodies on the moid farms (you just know the people who reposted the pics there were obese neckbeards too).
Moids walk among us and they're screenshotting our posts to laugh at with other loser moids on the scrote farms. Be careful what you post.

No. 91179

I'm not sure either. mods?

No. 91180

banning obvious kiwi favorites like cunt, whore, and roastie would be a good start. don't forget about how these men try to cloak themselves by pretending to be lesbians, which is hysterical and just so statistically unlikely. only 30% of women use online discussion boards, and lesbianism occurs only at about 1% frequency in women. so it's already a low chance that you are talking to a woman, and an even lower chance that you are talking to a lesbian woman. it is very, very unlikely that the onerous moid opinions anyone comes across online is coming from the new boogeyman, the bitter lesbian. if it talks like a moid, thinks like a moid, and smells like a moid, it is most in all likelihood a moid. gay and straight men cannot help themselves from trying to mold a space's culture to suit their preferences, even if that means destroying what attracted them to the space in the first place. if someone is complaining about things men despise, like fujoshis, yumes, radical feminism and the ugly man psyop, while trying to press for increasing things they like such as the possibility of the mythical good tranny, endless nitpicking of the female body, straight up dick pics, and shota. it is a scrote.

No. 91181

The new Dana thread is just… A perfectly typical cow thread. The write up is good and detailed, the picture is good, it was posted after the previous thread ran out of posts, it provides links to her social media. I don't know what possessed the mods to lock it.

No. 91182

experienced users calling out male posters as the moids they are teaches newfag zoomies how to spot them contextually. a lot of the new wave of zoomie women are male socialized from literally every other online space and need a few scrote bans to unlearn it. if you want to preserve the culture you need to pass it down to the new blood, which requires doing the work of a little spoon-feeding and instruction by example. there are somethings that can't be learned through lurking alone

No. 91183

The title was awful, the milk was ordered incorrectly, the new milk was not greentexted, and the link to the last thread was messed up. Overall it was a bad copy-paste job.

No. 91184

That and it constantly leads to anons posting their nudes to "prove" they're not male

No. 91185

Mods don't even ban infighting most of the time. And infighting is part of the site, whether you want to admit it or not. It will happen anyway for a lot of reasons. Will everything be banned then?

No. 91186

Who even cares. Moids are losers, what else is new.
Infighting is gay, learn2banter

No. 91187

I've noticed some pearl clutching strange behavior over women's sexuality and immediately recognized it as moidery. There's nothing they hate more than women talking openly about sex after all. It's pretty obvious too in how they try to make it sound like it's just part of the culture here to shit on innocuous posts about sex.

No. 91188


No. 91189

>calling someone a male poster doesn't contribute to any discussion, you report and ignore if you really think they're a man.
I know you're right, this is an honest question not a gotcha: How are farmhads supposed to know who's a male anyway?

No. 91190

Youre fat. No man gives a fuck about this cesspool. They probably only come to troll and then fuck off back to their lives. What makes you think that anyone who isnt a obese trad like the average lc user would visit this website? Ridiculous. Keep smelling each others farts foids, no one gives a shit(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 91191

Mods will see this post and then go "ummm well we don't actually KNOW if this user is a male…. women aren't a monolith!!!" and then they'll ban anyone that says it's a male

No. 91192

No. 91193

>if someone is complaining about things men despise, like fujoshis, yumes, radical feminism and the ugly man psyop
This is why scrotefoiling needs to remain banned
>don't care about anime porn?
>don't care about radical feminism on a lolcow website?
>don't care for a thread that's newfag central?
This is mental illness. Not every woman is going to care about or want to discuss the exact same shit as you. The bar for what makes someone a moid is buried in the ground.

No. 91194

nta, but not care =/= complain about, anon. This is how the internet works, if you don't like something just ignore it. It is usually moids who want the whole world to cater to them.

No. 91195

Nta but I was thinking this as well but too scared to say it kek. And they always try to disguise their clutching under "man hate" or make it political in some way but it doesn't seem sincere, like fantasizing about normal, non-weird imaginary missionary sex or offhandedly calling some guy hot isn't setting back women's rights but they try to frame it that way. It's so dumb because oftentimes sexual posts are in the appropriate threads, so they're going out of their way to sit next to the other degenerates and then want to act like they're somehow different and pure. It doesn't help that farmhands also sort of go along with it considering some bans.
Also I suspect there's possibly an overlap with the anons who shit themselves over the word boyfriend

No. 91196

Ntayrt but reading the offending post and questioning if the rhetoric serves male interests, does it demonstrates a lack of awareness of the female experience, is it doing mental gymnastics to blame women solely for problems both men and women are responsible for, and is the tone is excessively vitriolic and degrading towards women. Very early on I got a bunch of moid bans which pissed me off but forced me to examine what it was about my opinions and posting style that was labeling me this way and putting me in time out. Many of the things I mentioned previously I was guilty of doing, because both myself and other women are socialized in a way where aggression can only be directed inward and laterally against other women and that a lot of my frustration was being directed at the wrong targets. If I wanted to participate on the boards I would have to reorient or eliminate my social aggression aka chill out.

No. 91197

I remember there was a time when so many "lesbians" were talking about how their wife is pregnant. I knew it was a lie after seeing it more than once

No. 91198

Hi jannies if you could stop red texting words that are part of the common English lexicon such as v alid that would be great

No. 91199

File: 1741073753428.jpeg (Spoiler Image,42.59 KB, 225x225, IMG_1583.jpeg)

Just for reference, how young are you

No. 91201

AYRT, and it's a good question, my assumption is that the farmhands judge by the rest of the post history and/or lack of post history. that's just my guess though

No. 91202

Dude im old enough to see that va lid has passed its zenith of being used by tumblr trannies. That pic alone screams 2016. Its also incredibly jarring to read anons accounts of DV and have that get flagged.

No. 91203

just type valid. Nobody cares if it's redtexted kek you don't get a ban for it or anything.

No. 91204

No I hate how it looks, it breaks up the flow of conversation and is stupid. Im also testing the admins coding ability.

No. 91205

Just look away then retard

No. 91206

the admin doesn't even go here

No. 91207

Key words ‘not care’ you said it yourself. There’s a stark difference between not caring and arguing all day in every thread about how these topics need to be banned.

No. 91208

i do kind of get what you're saying but i don't think that's ever going to be changed. in certain contexts, the word is fine, but in other contexts i absolutely get why it became a redtexted word. still, i do find it a little annoying but it's not that big of a deal. unfortunately it's a versatile word that got ruined by retards. recently i hated how it looked as it broke up one of my longer posts i had wrote out. it was distracting to me but it is what it is. i wrote "valid criticism" and the way it looked annoyed me, so i deleted the post and re-worded it. i used the thesaurus in my brain to come up with an alternative replacement word. one of my favorite things about the english language is a lot of words and phrases can be replaced by others without losing the meaning very much. i hope this helps. i can get why you're annoyed but this is just a suggestion and might be a way around it for you. realistically i don't think redtexted words are going to be removed, only added and at the end of the day it's not a big deal and can be worked around if you don't like how it looks on your own posts
also major kek at >>91206 ; this was also another point i was going to make is that admin is MIA and has been for way too long. seemingly there's not that many farmhands either so i don't really think there's going to be much changes to the site for the time being considering there's still no news on the VPN poll or anything about the lolcow awards, not even an update. redtexted words are a bit silly and will be low priority so do your best to work around it if you can.

No. 91209

did this faggot seriously type va lid with their whole chest, the state of lolcow istg. faggots complaining about red words like its a fucking personal attack

No. 91211

File: 1741096623160.png (220.8 KB, 1228x1470, valid-alts.png)

You could use another word if it bothers you. It's not the only valid choice.

No. 91212

jfc all this over a redtext word filter. i swear to god it's not that deep.
the amount of newfags complaining that lolcow won't cater to them personally is concerning

No. 91214

That "artwork" was made in 2024 lol, SJW still overuse and misuse the word valid. Oldmin redtexted the word in like 2019.

No. 91215

There's a pedophile camping in the western animation thread on snow. Not sure why nonnas keep interacting with it.

No. 91216

dw your reaction is also v alid

No. 91217

>jfc all this over a redtext word filter. i swear to god it's not that deep.
girl, if you actually read my post you'd know i agree with you that it isn't that deep. i already knew i'd get shit from anons like you for trying to be helpful. instead of calling the anon "retarded" i thought i'd actually contribute something a little more meaningful to the discussion, you should try it sometime

No. 91218

it's a meme you dip

No. 91220

File: 1741120163202.png (837.45 KB, 1440x1923, Screenshot_20250304_152741.png)

Do the mods have a requirement for being lobotomites? This was clearly a server error, these posts are identical and have no edits.

No. 91221

The mooing is coming from inside the thread in right-wing peatards

No. 91223

Some anon is absolutely seething about Megan Thee Stallion in celebricows and their posts are getting racebaity

No. 91224

still ongoing. when can we move on from this spergfest

No. 91225

the jannies have black mold in their rooms i'm sure, i got hit in the oldweb #4 thread with a learn2delete for some unknown reason

No. 91226

File: 1741176228794.jpg (1.63 MB, 2079x3307, 1002834001.jpg)

Late but I'm confused as to why those posts were bannable, but posts like picrel aren't. Genuinely not trying to start shit with luigifags I promise, this is more about the farmhands. I'm just trying to figure out what is/isn't bannable and what the difference is

No. 91227

God they never stop do they kek, why are they seething so hard over Megan?

No. 91228

I honestly think the one from the unconventional male attractions thread was either reported for some reason or a newfag janny stumbled across them. In my opinion neither should be banned but if any had to be it would be the more complex and unhinged posts like the Luigi one. It just doesn’t read as alogging to me since it isn’t even serious. Maybe a ban saying ‘calm down’ would suffice, just for acting schizo but /g/ will be /g/ and ovulation makes women say crazy things.

No. 91229

Move >>>/m/349961 to /g/

No. 91231


No. 91232

If you guys are going to let /pol/sperging and racebait go unchecked in Unpopular Opinions, can you at least put that thread on auto sage

No. 91233

Why do you guys keep asking? They don't fucking care. Mods don't care. Admin is MIA. You will read Kiwifags political sperging and you will like it. Kiwifarms 2.0 is here

No. 91234

File: 1741200411110.jpg (194.63 KB, 903x571, 1000023162.jpg)

>mods banning me for a log in the vent thread meanwhile not redtexting literally every other a log in the same vent thread
Boo food thieving mods.

No. 91235

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No. 91236

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No. 91237

File: 1741201223761.jpg (213.6 KB, 857x584, 1000023156.jpg)


No. 91238

No, I want to call males whores.

No. 91239

99% of that thread is the same never-saging schizo talking to themselves
and posting moid-coded rape fantasies

No. 91240

You think men are posting walls of text about how much they want to rape other, non-femboy men?

No. 91241

File: 1741205309215.jpg (186.6 KB, 888x1033, 1000008620.jpg)

Reminder I got shit for replying "kys" to a nonnie saying "kill yourself" in another thread and that person got nothing until after I was banned 2 weeks later but this is just fine according to them (also I agree with this nonnies overall point I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy here)

No. 91242

>You think men are posting walls of text about how much they want to rape other, non-femboy men?
Uh yeah it's called being a faggot.

No. 91243

>samefag rampage about a temp ban
We can all see your filenames, samefag. I would sympathize with you but you just seem like an annoying overly sensitive sperg.

No. 91244

I tried suggesting before that all threads for thirsting over individual men from /m/ and /g/ should have it's own hidden board but it'll probably never happen since admin is dead

No. 91245

Keep this de/g/enerate shit on /g/. Thanks

No. 91246

nta but i think OP's point is that the bans are inconsistent more than anything. like farmhands should either ban all violent posts or none, instead of picking and choosing
they would have to end up moving the first two threads and the dano threads, driver threads, joost thread, rpatz thread, midskillison thread, jerma thread, and draingang thread too kek

No. 91247

no need to post a hundred "reminders". you sound like a tard throwing a tantrum.

No. 91248

The farmhands aren’t omniscient. If those posts didn’t get reported, then they wouldn’t have been banned. Anon was just unlucky that someone reported her post.

No. 91249

Stop brown nosing kek. It's stupid that "die" thrown into a random vent is considered "alogging" at all. That's not what alogging even means, and the farmhands should know what stuff means.

No. 91250

Autists are having a genuine meltdown in Mundane Shit over cybersecurity, the word "situationship" and zoomers.

No. 91251


No. 91252

I’m not a rapeanon, but I am a Luigifag and I would love to see his threads get auto saged. There would be less complaining from farmers who are sick of him, less retards from Reddit showing up etc.

No. 91254

agreed, just put the threads on auto sage. we do our best not to bother anyone with our retardation and yes we’re very much aware of our unhinged behavior.

No. 91255

Why is an incest thread allowed on /m/ but not an mpreg/omegaverse thread?

No. 91256

Annnd right on cue

No. 91257

Sure bootlicker, didn't ask you shit tho.

No. 91258

Why is criticising a religion racebait? Would the same apply if I talked about Christianity, or Hinduism? Especially when it comes to women's rights and the current political climate in Europe? Shouldn't we be allowed to talk about that and how it affects us? I'm just curious and want to understand.

No. 91259

Is this about Islam? I don't get it either. It's a religion with teachings, not a biological thing, any race can follow it.

No. 91260

There's also a huge uptick in the number of white women "romanticizing Ramadan" on various social media platforms (funny enough on its own) and pissing off men from certain countries (even funnier). But it just feels like posting about that would end in bans. Maybe a farmhand can clarify what counts as racebait when it comes to stuff like this.

No. 91261

NTA but I don't get it either kek, why isn't it allowed?

No. 91262

Exactly. Why can I shit on Christianity, but not Islam? That's not race bait, there's like 32 different countries practicing it. They're literally killing people here, one almost hit my mom a week ago!! Why am I not allowed to talk about it and how it affects women in our countries? I know this is an America centrist board, so it's hard to explain what we go through in Europe. (There's like two group rapes in Berlin every single day..)

I'm not shitting on brown people ffs, I'm shitting on a religion that believes it's fine if you kill your slave, execute women by stoneing and literally have slave markets to this day..

I'd believe that be relevant to talk about? Especially if they're starting to go after women in my country for Sharia Law, covering up in certain districts, beating women in my country because they tanned top less?

I feel a bit lost and would like a proper explanation. If I'm not allowed to talk about it in "unpopular opinions" for example, where am I allowed to? Especially since it concerns women?

No. 91263

I didn’t say I agreed with the ban, just that that’s why that anon got banned while the other anons didn’t.

No. 91264

There's an Islam hate thread on the hidden board. Join me

No. 91265

Thank you, i definitely will. Sometimes I just want to vent and not immediately be accused of racism though, like lol, it's a religion not a race first off, especially if a car almost hit my mom a few days ago.

And I'd like to understand it in general. Either to adhere to the rules, or be able to complain about them. I just find it hypocritical on a message board such as this. Especially when it does concern women very much.

Help me understand, mods. And super irrelevant question, how many of you are from Europe?

No. 91266

Talking about Judaism and Islam always attracts polfags moids so it's best not to deleve too much into it .I'm not saying you cant criticize it but I understand why farmhands are more strict on it because those two attract some real retarded type of baiters who insist that the "brown" women are the same as these moids be it hes a jew or Muslim (let's not beat around the Bush it always ends in some one racebaiting)

No. 91267

Cause you retards always derail the conversation into racebait. If not you specifically, then the dumbasses it attracts. I saw a post the other day sperging and shitting on women when the conversation was originally about muslim scrotes.

No. 91268

Can mods please spoiler the threadpic for the penis size discussion thread in /g/? It's been up for 6 whole years I'm sure the users of the thread have already had enough of an eyeful

No. 91271

Can the virginfag get permabanned? She's always very aggressive, derailing and infighting, repeating the same 3 "arguments" and reposting the same 3 shitty images.

No. 91272

Ayrt, I do get it. It just feels very isolating not being able to talk about a dangerous and restrictive religion and how it impacts us. I was there at a knifing like 8 yrs ago, they almost hit my mom a few days ago.. I'd like to talk about shit like that and how it fucks with us, especially as women in European countries. I understand it's not that big of an issue in the States, but its really becoming one here. I'm sure I'm not the only women that feels lost and isolated, bc you're immediately a Nazi if you say something.. anything. Apparently anywhere. It's lonely and suffocating.

So I'd like to understand what the boundaries here are. What's the line I shouldn't cross? How much am I allowed to share?

No. 91273

It's not criticizing a religion if you're actually being a bigot like the spergs calling someone a "Jewish whore" or the tinfoil thread antisemite retards trying to pretend they're not antisemitic

No. 91274

It's an issue in the US too. The country is just so huge that all the terrorist attacks blend together. Canada has a problem as well.

No. 91275

I hate the flood detection. 30 seconds is a damn LIE.

No. 91277

Can we ban the anon who keeps infighting. Her typing style is extremely recognizable and she's always calling other women "bpddemons"

No. 91278

Re: the mod post in the Mundane Shit thread,
You guys don't even do anything to moderate the thread though. I report so many posts and they're never banned.
Try clearing your cache, I think it resets the flood detection timer. It's really annoying.

No. 91280

yeh can we please autosage luigi threads?
he's just been outed as a tranny chaser what a disaster

No. 91281

Who's the capslocking mini modding bitch in the vent thread?

No. 91288

>Not understanding why it's a hidden board
The depths of stupidity that newfags exude will never cease to amaze me

No. 91289

>still making excuses for your own misguided priorities and laziness as a mod
No amount of obfuscation will ever mask the fact that you suck at running this site.

No. 91290

I'm not even a moderator? If I was I'd abuse my powers and permaban you

No. 91291

The board is hidden because it keeps out moids, not because the mods have some sort of agenda to suppress feminists speech or whatever delusion is going on in your deranged mind. Now any moid that comes to /meta/ can see the link and find the board. Great work retard!

No. 91292

shotashit in the /m/ bad art thread

No. 91293

shota porn in the fandom discourse thread in ot

No. 91294

File: 1741380695332.jpeg (370.36 KB, 1179x950, 1741367034627.jpeg)

To no one's surprise, the luigi containment is attracting underaged twitterfags. Just nuke that handmaiden thread already.

No. 91297

>it’s attracting underaged newfags
Kek.. now?? The very people who started it and post in here are likely underaged or deranged bippies

No. 91298

Now that we unequivocally know he is a yellow fever fag sex tourist it may as well be locked. Fun time’s over, shut it down.

No. 91300

>is attracting underaged twitterfags.
it's really not, you're transparently gaslighting women for being rightfully disgusted with the ladyboy rapist

No. 91301

I think she is disgusted with him anon, she called it a handmaiden thread.

No. 91302

Farmhands should just autosage it.

No. 91303

Can you guys please ban the baiter in the Luigi containment thread? They are spamming the board.

No. 91304

nooo dont make fun of my asian fetish faggot moid mods help meee!!!!!

No. 91305

>is attracting
I think you mean "attracted," like past tense. Since it's been obvious since December that the individuals that use his thread are all 2egdy4u 16-19 year olds that came from Twitter.

No. 91306

"lolcow's husband" and its a moid with yellow fever getting beaten the shit out of by trannies lmfaoo

No. 91307

Right kek, the amount of delusion they have is insane

No. 91308

It will still appear in the search whenever his teen fangirls google gossip about him, its better off locked completely

No. 91309

Clear proof they’re underaged twitter fags. Being a porn addict is a cute quirky feature now.
Agreed, we don’t need them leaking into other boards and threads.

No. 91310

they should lock it, it attracts the worst type of twitterfags and delusional pickmes

No. 91311

Can something be done about the wk in the Lisa Yo thread in /snow/? In classic wk fashion they’re pretending to be a farmer and defending her by criticizing content creators bringing attention to her antics.

No. 91312

Anons are shitting up the lolcow caps thread in /ot/ because they can't stop responding to one autist sperging about pronouns.

No. 91313

It's because it creates infighting. You should be allowed to talk about a religion that is actively oppressing women in your country without retards screeching "muh brown men" and moralfagging about race like it's even the point of the discussion. On the other side of the fence you get /pol/fags posting very obvious racebait which derails any meaningful discussion. Both sides are absolutely insufferable and I detest we can't have a proper conversation about it on the public boards.

No. 91314

Close the "things we like that would label us a scrote" thread. It's insanely active and it's 100% infighting. It's not a thread premise that is good enough to justify the spam.

No. 91315

File: 1741415991399.jpg (211.62 KB, 1471x2221, 1000022402.jpg)

Keking at how half the posts there devolved into
>u fat!
>no U FAT!

No. 91316

Right, that thread quickly devolved into anons justifying their pedophilic shota fetishes.

No. 91317

Worthless. Like actually.

No. 91318

Animal gore on /ot/

No. 91319

Animal torture videos in "Things that we like that would label us as a scrote on lolcow.farm". Wake the fuck up farmhands

No. 91320

gore in /ot/ things that we like that would label us as a scrote

No. 91321

Mods, for the love of God, please get down there it's starting to boil over into porn posting.

No. 91322

File: 1741420906786.jpg (43.5 KB, 586x577, 103466b427b6de7b2c49ceee5d5e01…)

the animal gore has been there for like 20 minutes now what the fuck mods

No. 91323

Yuripedo posting her porn stash on /ot/ thread

No. 91324

Cerbmin if you're reading this, /ot/ is complete fucking cancer. Do a Burritomin and just lock the board for a week.

No. 91325

fujos posting shota porn on /ot

No. 91326

Yurishart and all her discord kittens should have been aborted Jesus Christ

No. 91327

File: 1741421991480.png (115.46 KB, 275x269, 1643241356297.png)

Love that Jannies are basically sending the message that if you figure out when they're asleep, you can break the rules at that time with impunity. A+ moderation

No. 91328

Saw a recently doled ban in /ot/ but you've still left the porn spam thread up despite dozens of reports. Faggots

No. 91329

Be patient nona, farmhands still use dial-up internet

No. 91330

File: 1741422218031.png (138.83 KB, 902x610, kek.png)

They also deleted the shota posts but none of the spam left by yuricuck, the jannies are a joke

No. 91331

You can tell the janny that just woke up is freaking out and crying because she's so bad at her job

No. 91332

She also left up the animal gore videos

No. 91333

Because the pm jannies are fucking cows. It's been this way for some time.

No. 91334

No one posted any gore videos you newfag fuck lmao

No. 91335

/ot/ is just a pasture sows use as a discord server now.

No. 91336

Been saying this for months

No. 91337

There are videos of dogs being run over and a guinea pig being blown up

No. 91338

There's a pm janny, they just conveniently ignore any reports on cringeposting

No. 91339

>no fun allowed
I bet the fujos are the ones that started spamming this thread seething because people were shitting on them. Every time kek.

No. 91340

Please go to sleep, you have school tomorrow nonnie.

No. 91341

Yuripedo literally took credit for doing it you retard.

No. 91342

Yeah saying that lesbians should be correctively raped is "fun." Drink bleach retard.

No. 91343

Don't pretend YP is the only one who fucking hates you all. You're such crybaby bitches.

No. 91344

Go back to your lesbian groom circlejerk retard

No. 91345

it's friday/saturday depending on her time zone if you're gonna insult her do it right kek

No. 91346

Those posts were made by the assmad fujos.

No. 91347

The blatant rule-breaking stuff is literally all her and her groomcord calves trying to get a rise out of people. You're doing exactly what she wants you to do by blaming other users. Both the anti-fujo and pro-fujo stuff in that thread is 80% astroturf.

No. 91348

>knows it's yuripedo
>takes the bait anyway
Not exactly a win for fujotards is it?

No. 91350

You sound like one of the retards from years ago that blamed everything on Null. This is nobody's fault except the STAFF'S FAULT. They are the one that needs to be active. They are the ones that leave the site unmoderated for HOURS. They are the ones that enable all this shit.

We are being buried beneath the avalanche of their inadequacy.

No. 91351

Weren't there anons literally defending shota before that?

No. 91352

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's only rule-breaking shitposting when people I don't like do it.

No. 91353

Two spergs at the very most

No. 91355

There were at least 3 anons who confessed liking shota.

No. 91357

This site is run worse than shit

No. 91358

You know her victims?

No. 91359

>noooo you must be a le hecking gooderino female otherwise you're just liek a moid!!
You're the retarded gendie here kek.

No. 91360

File: 1741423551617.jpg (75.35 KB, 680x425, Jannytales.jpg)

lmfao she's only deleting a few at a time instead of locking the thread like she should

No. 91361

Can you actually prove that, though? How can you be certain that they are three discrete, sincere people and not one sperg samefagging, or one sincere person and two baiters, etc.? Yuripedo admitted to spamming the thread, which puts the sincerity of literally all posts in it into question. We don't know how long she and her sped friends were there before they want mask-off.

Fucking ridiculous how fujos have to account for literally every bait post ever involving shota, but yumes get to sperg about how they're totally not the same as selfship autists, and himes get to distinguish themselves from Yuripedo and AGPs. At least be logically consistent. Either everybody has to "account" for their genre's baggage or no one does.

No. 91362

Saying that anyone should be raped is degenerate moid-brained behavior regardless of the sexualities of the women involved. If some schizo says that women of [x orientation] "deserve" rape, they're as bad as TiFs and need to be ignored. It's not "heckin based" when edgy lesbians do it, and it's not "self defense" when straight women do it. It's just edgelord scrote-tier nonsense.

No. 91363

It's so pathetic to witness

No. 91364

It says a lot about you that you read
>saying a woman should he rated is scrote rhetoric
And you extrapolated that into
>Women must be perfect and good at all times
A hit dog hollers. Maybe you should stop telling other women to get raped instead of demanding that anons lower their standards of acceptable behavior.

No. 91365

>We don't know how long she and her sped friends
And can you prove all of those posts weren't coming from only her?

No. 91366

Can anyone prove anything? Both of you shut the hell up.

No. 91368

She has a discord server that has underage girls in it and she shows them loli porn and jokes about it, i'm pretty sure the fujo one who talked to her was one of them, shes 16 or 17 i think

No. 91370

Post all the milk to >>>/m/434062 before it gets deleted kek.

No. 91372

No she doesn't. She needs to get the fuck off the internet and get a job.

No. 91373

Caps? Post it to >>>/m/434062

No. 91374

The only milk is how bad the moderators fucked the site over

No. 91375

How do you know about this? Do you have screenshots?

No. 91376

It's finally been locked. About 5 hours after it was first posted. No explanation from the farmhands yet.

No. 91377

They still left all the gay porn up kekkkkkk

No. 91378

damn the mods really are all fujolards, huh.

No. 91379

what? are you jealous yumefatty?

No. 91380

And here we can see all the terminally online anons that frequent this godforsaken site like the losers they are on display.

No. 91382

Do some actual activism. Stop crying on the internet.

No. 91383

What you've been seeing is just 3 or so Discord servers fighting with each other.

No. 91384

Jesus give me strength…

No. 91385

This is what happens when there is no real janitorial services.

No. 91386

Tifs are based though(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 91388

Can we at least have a poll to permaban current and future handmaiden fangirl threads? Please?

No. 91389

Why is this still not redtexted?

No. 91390

We can't even have a VPN poll or the results to the lolcow of the year poll, why are you asking for another one?

No. 91391

You want to ban /g/?

No. 91392

Stop letting spergs title the Luigi threads as
>Lowlcows Husband
He's a tranny chasing sex tourist what the fuck. At the very least he is EX-husband.

No. 91393

Agree, it gets on my nerves every time I see it in the catalog

No. 91394

They are just going to say you two are one anon and continue sperging

No. 91396

The questioning sexuality thread in /g/ is being raided.

No. 91397

File: 1741461430305.webm (505.28 KB, 512x286, 0607800174837741.webm)

Lmao I got banned for posting this webm. This place is really filled with special snowflake zoomers who report every post they see and retarded newfag mods now huh

No. 91398

Looks like a doggo having fun, what am I missing here?

No. 91399

she posted it with the comment "BORDER COLLIE GETS RUN OVER" and anons reported it without watching the video

No. 91400

Anons reporting it is not the issue, farmhands permabanning the unmodified OG video of that webm is the issue. Can't post it anymore without being immediately banned.

No. 91401

Well, I'm not surprised that nonas didn't watch a video labeled that and then reported it sight unseen.

No. 91402

Except there were multiple posters in that same thread reassuring there was no gore posted. The dog steamroll edit was also deleted too and I'm betting that anon also got permabanned.

No. 91403

That thread was bound to attract retards from both sides tbh

No. 91404

>Well, I'm not surprised that nonas didn't watch a video labeled that and then reported it sight unseen.
Who cares what the nonas watched, or didn't? The point is that the mod issuing the permaban should have watched it. That's just janny 101

No. 91405

>adult with special needs posts a webm with a title indicating that it's animal gore and says it's animal gore when posting it
>gets banned
All forms of gore are banned for a good reason. No one wants to watch that to see if it's a epic trolling retard being edgy or actual gore. The ban was fully deserved.

No. 91406

The last 4-5 days of this thread read like kiwifarms. You're not even trying to post normal anymore. It's only missing the soyjaks and pepes.

No. 91407

What is the point of brown nosing the mods? They don't care about you

No. 91408

Begone kiwiscrote.(scrotefoiling)

No. 91409

it's obviously a coordinated scrote raid

No. 91410

I will never respect you again after seeing what you ban vs what you take hours upon hours to take care of. Gay.

No. 91411

Holy shit I really thought that dog was going to get ran over kek, it’s just a dog doing its retarded spinnies and some redneck moid going fast on his tractor or whatever

No. 91412

I'm starting to think BJ chan is a LARPing incel. Has started ranting about "foids" and shit.

No. 91413

Oh no, but you'll get banned for scrotefoiling before anything else

No. 91414

File: 1741512844345.png (102.06 KB, 460x430, 2934-02893423.png)

How is this even bait you insufferable shit for brains newfag mods

No. 91415

Kek youre so butthurt you cant even tell who is who on that board anymore. I know who you are from your typo. Maybe get something going on in your life instead camping on here

No. 91416

speaking of typos

No. 91419

He always was

No. 91420

File: 1741537587779.png (25.37 KB, 1814x221, Screenshot 2025-03-09 121244.p…)

If you want me to learn to delete then actually make it so the spam filter actually lets me repost after 30 seconds instead of edging me for 5-10 minutes. You're so fucking anal over your broken ass website.

No. 91421

Jannies act like there’s a finite amount of posts on here and we have to ration them

No. 91422

It's either that or a tif roleplaying, because there are several posts where it just let the mask slip completely sounding 1:1 like an incel, lingo and arguments included.

No. 91425

can the nobita thread on /snow be locked? no one cares about that cow and it keeps getting bumped with no milk.

No. 91426

I guess you guys are all new and haven't been here for years to witness this, but the person you're talking about is Nullfag. She's from a third-world shithole and a minor.

No. 91427

>for years
He has been shitting up the website for slightly over a year.

No. 91428

Can you guys ban the retard moid spamming about Luigi? It's getting quite tiresome(scrotefoiling)

No. 91430

You just know these two posters are fujoshits.(ban evasion)

No. 91431

He's 100% ban evading and also samefagging and screaming into the void without quoting anyone, like he's on drugs or something.(scrotefoiling)

No. 91432

Blackpill anon escaped containment and is sperging out about biological inferiority and shit in unpopular opinions. It's more of a shitshow than usual in there.

No. 91433

which thread? i wanna laugh

No. 91434

if no thread has been posted by tomorrow I'll take the OP and threadpic >>>/snow/2092127 to create a kaijuno thread in /snow/. posting this for posterity's sake

No. 91435

Yayy thank you, anon!

No. 91436

Thank you to whichever farmhand took on the job ♥

No. 91438

File: 1741566490756.png (40.75 KB, 1851x163, nullfag.png)

Nta but Nullfag is an underage girl. Not a man nor bj-chan.

No. 91439

anon you're not like, incorrect, but you are sperging out to unbelievable degrees and have been at it for at least 6 hours now. drink some water. take a walk outside.

No. 91440

File: 1741566987081.jpeg (1019.98 KB, 960x2000, IMG_1087.jpeg)

Scrotes all over this site finding any excuse to say “women shouldn’t be allowed to vote”. Am I supposed to believe these posts were written by a female?(scrotefoiling)

No. 91443

Can you tell us who she is, of course, if you're not just a schizo?

No. 91449

Vent thread sperg is back and alogging away
I don't know if she's a bored newfag or a genuine autist having a meltdown, but it's tiring watching her tantrum every few days.

No. 91450

I feel bad for her. Her autism is disturbing

No. 91451

Part of me suspects it's a certain personalityfag obsessed with a certain actor. I could be entirely wrong but the overdramatic way of typing and referencing that one movie reminded me her. She's been outed as other types of spergs before so it's possible

No. 91452

Jeez we have a Jim Careyfag now too? Something I hate about newfags is when they learn about the existence of personalityfags and they see them as celebrities and want to receive their type of attention

No. 91453

She's been around since 2021

No. 91454

I must’ve been too distracted by all the other ___chan’s to notice kek, my mistake

No. 91455

>doesnt know about carreyfag
god i wish i was you

No. 91456

Kek maybe janny thought you were trying to start a Spider-man thread

No. 91457

jealous, ugly, seething scrote constantly posting bait calling women whores in the luigi thread because no woman has ever loved him, embarassing himself in there and still hasn't been banned jannies please

No. 91458

The person you're responding to was probably nullfag

No. 91460

That anon sounds like a cow, either that or one of those people who whiteknight cows. You know how they complain about "the evil bullying hater site". See this post:

No. 91461

File: 1741592492264.jpeg (105.79 KB, 1077x296, IMG_9236.jpeg)

Can jannies please just ban the "bpdemon" avatarfag, she seems to be a Luigifag as well so the site is much better off without her

Gonna report her everytime I see her ass from here on out and maybe someone will actually do something

No. 91462

I'm pretty sure she's gone. That doesn't seem like her typing. It's melodramatic, but it's not her.

Snookifag was also never proven to be other personalityfags if that is who you're thinking of. She just claimed to be

No. 91463

Didn't Yuripedo come back recently and sperg a ton? Didn't she spam the board with porn? I'm not sure if it seems like her typing style either though.

No. 91464

>if you find any man sexually attractive you shouldn’t vote!!
If you ARE a woman then you need to realise this isn’t gonna make any woman interested in your stinky pussy. You’re no different than a scrote, wanting to sexually control women to the point you rob them of their voting rights. Scrotes are allowed to be attracted to vulnerable teenagers and watch women being choked in porn but women can’t lust after a guy who shot an evil CEO who deserved it.

No. 91465

File: 1741593592469.jpeg (828.52 KB, 1051x922, IMG_1088.jpeg)

You are a scrote(scrotefoiling)

No. 91466

no, that's not her. Get better at clocking personalityfags.

No. 91467

Maybe outright misogyny should be banned on a fucking imageboard for women? I don't get how it's allowed to post women hate on here as long as you say it from some separatist radfem or le based lesbian angle? This gives scrotes way too easy of a larp. Just ban any poster doing misogyny posting please

No. 91468

Considering shes not a dicksucker her pussy is probably cleaner than most of you

No. 91469

Well then they should just shut down the website

No. 91470

Alert the tradthots and libfems on /g/ and /ot/ then, half the site has to be shut down.

No. 91471

c'mon there's a clear difference between calling a woman ugly and saying women shouldn't vote?

No. 91473

Tranny on Gc

No. 91474

You’re right nonny and that’s why “she” had nothing to say in response. I’m tired of it. Every day it’s
>women who suck dick shouldn’t vote
>women who dress slutty at the club are causing us to get raped
>women who have slightly unorthodox crushes are the reason men are misogynist
I actually hope it is a lurking scrote because if these are women they are the most pathetic and hopeless creatures in the world.

No. 91475

Unfortunately there is a rise in ultra conservitard pick me women who genuinely believe women deserve no rights, I've come across them on public spaces. Wether or not the person posting that stuff is a woman or a male, it should be banned, I don't care about "b-but it's free speech ur making this place a hug box!!" even if you're not a scrote your opinions are scrote aligned, you can go suck them off and be misogynist literally anywhere else on the internet.

No. 91476

I agree, but it will never happen kek

No. 91478

File: 1741618277401.jpg (64.56 KB, 828x752, 1000078825.jpg)

No. 91479

>wall of text
It's 75 words kek. So you're really retarded, huh? Your post was even longer.

No. 91480

Just shut down the Luigi thread already. It's obvious it has attracted Twitter and TikTok tourists who act like oversensitive crybabies by running to meta whenever they see people talking anything but worship and praises to their husbando. They break out of their containment zones constantly and seem so new to imageboard culture in general. It's the new dumbass shit of this era but 100x more cancerous.

No. 91481

File: 1741620715199.png (305.64 KB, 1825x497, 1333.png)

>Snookifag was also never proven to be other personalityfags if that is who you're thinking of. She just claimed to be
I was referring to the time carreychan got revealed as one of the hair color spergs. But yeah the vent sperg might be someone different

No. 91482

Nooo you don’t get it he is the best scrote who ever scroted

No. 91484

Mods please ban men from the internet. Thank you I love you

No. 91485

You do realize people can change up typing style, right? Biggest shocker, what if it's not a preeexistent personalityfag at all but just some angry sperg off her meds

No. 91486

File: 1741632339661.gif (80.82 KB, 220x220, IMG_6633.gif)

Why did all my posts get deleted. Mods.(ban evasion)

No. 91488

Get better at clocking

No. 91491

>Shut it down
>It's obvious it has attracted Twitter and TikTok tourists
You people say this about literally every thread you don't like. Learn to use the hide function. If the thread has "tourists", they won't leave if the thread gets closed anyway.

No. 91492

We've been saying this for literal years but previous and current admins were too busy implementing and handing out scrotefoiling bans, as if it's a tinfoil that men post here.

No. 91493

Tourists are too retarded to use the rest of this site and they don't even care enough about board culture to go here.

No. 91494

>It's the new dumbass shit of this era
I am so sick of anons acting like dumbass shit was some cancer on the site when it had been a thing for 5 years before it was auto-saged. That thread was probably here longer than the anon who posted this. All you anons do is bitch and complain instead of just ignoring or minimizing threads you don't have to interact with.

No. 91495

The problem is that misogyny is trickier to define than you might realize. We can all agree that BP schizo and her cockbreath nonsense is misogynistic, but what about the endless nitpicks you see of women's bodies in cow threads? You can't really get rid of all misogyny here, because unfortunately cow culture is a little misogynistic.

No. 91497

Again, misogyny isn't calling a cow ugly or a whore. Misogyny is generalized statements like "women shouldn't vote" or literally "I hate women" (literally it's allowed to post this on the BP thread that was allowed to stay open for some reason) or that all straight women/lesbians/white women/mothers/insert some subsection descriptor of women here under the guise of "I hate this specific type of woman!!" but if that specific demographic of women is a large percentage of women, it's like likely that they are larping or concern trolling.
I was for the scrotefoiling ban at first but I honestly think it was a mistake. That and Pink Pill were the only things making moids too uncomfortable to post here. Now that they are both gone, moids post here freely completely unchallenged. The culture of the site has already changed so drastically from what I remember, this place honestly feels like Kiwifarms

No. 91499

Not you faggots are trying to get away with it again. Misogynist dicksuckers are mad. Stop gaslighting us you white whore. We know what and what isnt considered misogyny. You just dont want to admit it because youre a spineless pig.
>this place honestly feels like Kiwifarms
This place is female equivalent of 4chan. If most of the racebait doesnt immediately get deleted, most misogyny posts wont get deleted either.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 91501

>BP thread is mentioned
Like clockwork kekaroo

No. 91503

I don't get why the admin sucks so bad at communicating, even after promising in the beginning of their term that they would communicate with the userbase. I saw so many anons asking when the VPN poll was coming, would it have taken so much just to clarify why it was taking a while (I'm assuming because of integrating polls into the site)?

No. 91504

Because there is no individual admin and the site is being held together by retards with ductape who prefer communicating with eachother as if they have some sort of mentally challenged prestige with their lazy positions than saying anything on LC.

No. 91505

I'm grateful for the VPN poll even if it's late because I know new features take a while to develop and implement, but you're right in saying communication could be better. It's not even that hard nowadays, just write some general guidelines and chatgpt can improve it for you it's not that hard.

No. 91506

Implementing the poll connected to past post histories was a great idea!

No. 91507

Is it possible to do a runoff poll? Since it's a spectrum with so many options from complete ban to only in adhoc threads, I think it would be good to do a runoff. For example adhoc might get 30% of the vote and win because of how split the vote is but if the two other strict ban options total 30% or more then it would be rather unfair to say adhocs won.

No. 91508

i fucked up my vote, i didn't actually read the post before voting and voted for option 5 but then i realized tranny threads get an exception to the ban anyway. can mods deleted my vote so i can vote again?

No. 91509

I like this idea. While I appreciate they were probably trying to cover all options, I'm not a fan of how this poll is structured. If anons don't read the entire post, it's likely the last option will win. When really the majority of anons seem to want some sort of universal ban, but now those votes are split between four options.

No. 91510

Yes, you are right, and there will be a runoff poll after this one finishes (assuming there isn't a clear majority). We've updated the post to reflect that.

We will not be deleting any votes, I'm sorry.

No. 91511

Could you please be able to clarify the impact of clearing cookies and cache?
For example I've used the same IP range to post on LC for years but I clear my cache and cookies after each browser session. Is my vote discarded because my post history is not attached to a cookie?

If it is discarded, it's not a problem. I appreciate the effort that went into creating the poll and it's unreasonable to expect the poll to account for the browsing habits of every single anon.

No. 91513

Yeah, imo it wouldn't have been a problem if they had just taken a moment to respond to any of the questions. Its completely understandable that integrating something new into the site would take a while. Even with the Lolcow Awards, sooo many anons have been asking about the results to pure radio silence. Why is it that we cant get any clarification on anything, especially when theres supposed to be an admin who's role is completely dedicated to communicating with farmers? Idk if it's some ego thing, or what.

No. 91514

File: 1741703190201.png (793.23 KB, 1080x719, It Is Already Too Late.png)

I Cannot Be Won Over By A Measly Poll. Get In Here And Answer For Your Crimes. This Cowardice Will Not Be Forgiven.

No. 91515

I'm overwhelmed by the amount of options, is it strategic to split our votes up?

No. 91516

literally 4 posts above you and in the thread itself it says there will be a runoff, vote for the one you like best and I assume the most popular ones will be in the runoff

No. 91518

constant samefagging and infighting in >>>/snow/2014335

No. 91519

I have a question about the VPN ban poll. It looks like after you refresh the page, you can cast another vote. Is anyone else a little concerned this could result in anons spamming votes and altering the numbers?

No. 91520

>If you have already voted, submitting again will not count your vote, but you will be able to see an up to date count of the results. You can only submit the form once per minute in order to prevent abuse.

No. 91521

Just read the OP
>If you have already voted, submitting again will not count your vote, but you will be able to see an up to date count of the results. You can only submit the form once per minute in order to prevent abuse.

With this state of reading comprehension I don't know how these anons are able to vote in their countries' elctions.

No. 91522

No I read that part I was just curious as to how effective it is because iPhone using nonnies who use the safari private browser has rolling IP’s, so if they close the tab and open a new one or just refresh the page and turn off their wifi they could vote under a new IP address

No. 91523

File: 1741717329520.jpg (409.19 KB, 1080x1559, IMG_20250311_192118.jpg)

That's a good idea, it seems like there's a drift from the beginning of the voting.

Maybe they have a way to filter votes if there's no post history?

No. 91524

Try it yourself, even if I get on a VPN it says I've already voted after I vote again

No. 91525

if you try and vote from a private browser it says "you are not eligible to vote"

No. 91526

nta but i keep getting this message even when i'm out of incognito, idk what i'm doing wrong

No. 91528

I didn’t take that into consideration, that could be true!
I refreshed my page and it gives me the ability to hit the vote buttons but I haven’t tried to, I didn’t even have to put on a VPN or change my wifi

No. 91529

It's not going to add an additional vote omg

No. 91530

Serious question, are you being retarded on purpose?

No. 91531


No. 91532

Can you do something about the constant derail in the anime/manga industry cows. There is an entire thread to moralfag about anime on /m/ . It just invites the same derail that happens everytime. It just prevents people from posting milk because moralfagging derailers keep shitting up the thread unsaged. They are treating it like an /ot/ thread where they post their unsaged opinions rather than document cows and milky behaviour.

No. 91533

Retardation going on in the instagram e-girls thread.

No. 91534

kek and water is wet nonnie

No. 91535

Lock the fandom, fujo, and Luigi threads and watch the board get less cringe within two weeks.

No. 91537

File: 1741739035124.gif (535.09 KB, 487x498, luluco.gif)

Nonnies really posting mass shooter pics over a VPN poll…

No. 91538

Can talk of the VPN ban be directed to this /ot/ thread? >>>/ot/2439481

No. 91545

File: 1741742167361.jpg (10.86 KB, 250x202, tails gets trolled.jpg)

i wonder if fujo discussion would eventually become a banned topic like kpoop due to the amount of shit flinging it causes. imo its would be sort of unfair if it gets the ban but hime/yume gets a pass but i also hate being associated with infight hungry tards who only exist to make a bad name for fujos and im sick of seeing yaoi outside containment and wouldnt mind the ban migrating the lc only userbase to use fc more.
that makes me wonder why lc fujos prefer to use lolcow for fujo discussion rather than fc

No. 91546

she's been posted tons of other times before in the past anon. she's based

No. 91554

File: 1741798609683.jpg (1.5 MB, 2000x1335, 1728378087235.jpg)

you arent worthy to know the legend of the fagmin

No. 91555

Can there be some moderation for the conventionally attractive males thread? these faggots have the whole internet to post their walled uggos but they rather shit up the thread instead.
>no thinning hair, receding hairline or balding
>no fat scrotes
>no scrotes over 40 years old
>only minimal or no facial hair
>no undefined jawline, saggy skin or neck, extreme assymetry.

No. 91559

psychosis in the VPN ban discussion thread

No. 91560

I was about to post about this. There's an actual schizophrenic in there and I'm worried about her mental health. Can you please permaban her so that she can focus on her healing journey?

No. 91561

gross shit in the vpn thread, jannies please

No. 91562

She's posted zoophilia images now

No. 91563

thank you for deleting it

No. 91564

There's not a lick of new venus info since the thread was reopened. I agree with relocking her thread.

No. 91566

Pearl clutching over a shitpost, my goodness.

No. 91567

why are people so triggered over this comment, why are people so mad over the vpn ban like seriously get a life

No. 91568

?? none of the replies are triggered or mad about anything, it's just silly to pearl clutch over a joke post/meme. i don't think the anon who posted the pic was genuinely upset kek

No. 91569

There's an anon trying to instigate an infight in the unpopular opinions thread, what's new.

No. 91570

my complaint is that we're having a fucking poll and no townhall for this vpn ban. why even ask us. it feels fucking lazy. do your job and stop leaving your indecision to us.

No. 91571

File: 1741844348365.jpeg (644.21 KB, 1147x1351, IMG_1134.jpeg)

Scrote in unpopular opinions

No. 91573

we are getting huge wave of scrote refugees who miss the old 4chan imageboard style and don't like the new rules restricting posting on current 4chan. we are experiencing a great replacement from the lack of moid bans

No. 91574

And you get called out for scrotefoiling for pointing it out, even after they say shit like “feminism doesn’t work” “women shouldn’t vote” or “it’s your fault for having sex before marriage”

No. 91575

No one you were arguing with even agreed with the "sex before marriage" anon, not a single one. Your lack of reading comprehension is baffling. And then the posts saying women should be put down like dogs? That was the scrotiest thing said during the entire discussion.

No. 91576

>we are experiencing a great replacement from the lack of moid bans
bans are worthless as long as vpn posting is allowed

No. 91577

I'm not a scrote. What's the point of an "unpopular" opinion thread, when any actual unpopular opinion gets you called a scrote and your post deleted?

No. 91578

Good on mods for deleting tradthot bait. honestly unpopular opinions is more of a cancer than dumbass shit at this point, it should get autosaged

No. 91579

Can mods please do something about the eslchan and her nonsense posts in the jirai thread? I’m tired of seeing it

No. 91580

I wouldn't be surprised if this is the anon who was banned for her muslim sperging ban evading. So much for being pro VPN ban if that's the case.

No. 91581

I'm so convinced you don't interact with women in real life because women have all various kinds of opinions including the un-pc ones that offend you

No. 91582

>as if marriage saves your from a fuckboy.
The only way to prevent promiscuous men is to stone them to death. Men need to be held accountable for being whores

No. 91583

The purpose of the marriage is to discourage fuckboys, since those kinds of moids don't want to get married

No. 91584

self posting troon again

No. 91585

Fuckboys get married all the time, otherwise cheating wouldn't exist

No. 91586

Well, don't marry fuckboys then.

No. 91587

Nice to see based posts on here once in a while

No. 91588

No scrotes over 25*, but I agree with you. I feel like they're either males baiting or pickmes angry at the existence of attractive males and women who are attracted to them. And also maybe retaliation against the UMPO thread.

No. 91589

File: 1741933228550.jpeg (51.55 KB, 736x724, IMG_6656.jpeg)

No. 91590

i think some of them also legitimately don't know what the word conventional means and believe that some uggo having hundreds of tumblr fans or just believing "but I personally think hes conventional to me" equals actually being conventional some of them are from that pirate imageboard too just fyi

No. 91591

Stop malding and post what you want then? If you don't like it, report. Some of you are fucking crazy

No. 91592

You sound like a scrote crying “pick better men!” Every time a woman is abused. Men lie about who they are and can be very manipulative. You wouldn’t believe the extent men go to to keep affairs from their partners. They act one way to the Madonna and another to the whore. Like another anon said, men need to be held accountable, instead you are blaming women and then you get confused when people think you’re a scrote.

No. 91593

>can you ban all the posters posting men I don’t personally find attractive?
Why can’t you just call them a fucking retard ITT like a normal person?

No. 91594

Reported someone for saying the word cis and nothing happened. Am I impatient or are we allowing this kind of speech on this site now?

No. 91595

did some troon post lolcow on /pol/ again why is there so much retardation all over the boards,especially in ot and snow

No. 91596

Not even bait, just straight up racism in the twitter hate thread if you even care to moderate

No. 91597

>men need to be held accountable
Yeah, by refusing to go out with the bad ones. If you sleep with fuckboys, you enable their sluttery.

No. 91598

Retards from unpopular opinions are chimping out in the vent thread

reason #9 million to delete /ot/

No. 91599

women are born with brains anon, theyre not retarded, so we are capable of full autonomy like deciding which guy to be with. does this take away how shitty guys are? no, some women have shit taste in men and cant keep crying victim. there are too many cows that fit this profile while at the same time being terrible human beings. they need to stop dating and focus on themselves and grow tf up.

No. 91600

Seeing a lot of bait on /ot/ today and not even in the usual suspect threads, this is why I hope the eventual vpn ban isnt just on certain threads but at least all of /ot/. Anyway can you guys handle weird jew/muslim bait that's brewing in the vent thread right now

No. 91601

i think the site may have been posted on the sharty theres alot of "chud" memes going around and retarded racebait shit they say

No. 91602

>Nooooo don't stone the heckin' malerinos to death!!!!!!
What is wrong with you?

No. 91604

Typical weeb derail in the fandom thread, can you exile them to their containment thread please

No. 91605

Ever since the Unpopular Opinions thread has gotten the new look, the retards that infest that thread have been branching out into the other chatrooms to stir shit.

No. 91606

I’m curious what timezone the /ot/ farmhand (yes, singular) is in because she literally goes AWOL for 12 hours+ starting in the afternoon during burger timezone

No. 91607

Can we also permaban the “wait until marriage” scrote larger that keeps ban evading?

No. 91608

Sorry I meant larper

No. 91609

I really need a definition on those "chatroom threads" because it's getting ridiculous. This is an imageboard made for people to respond to eachother.

No. 91610

literally exactly this. if fast threads bother them so much there are whole entire boards that are slow, and even slow threads on /ot/ that you could bump and have slow convos in. it seems like one or two anons with sticks up their ass that complain about "chatrooms" like nigga its a social website made for women to talk to each other on. hide the threads if they bother you, stop running to meta to complain that people are having more fun than you and you're mad about it.

No. 91612

>its a social website made for women to talk to each other on.
this is actually a website made for documenting and discussing lolcows

No. 91614

>acktually lc is ONLY for documenting COWS
so advocate for deleting /ot/ /g/ and /m/ entirely then you fucking grinch

No. 91615

So are spoilered dicks and pussies allowed on /g/? Like normal nude pics

No. 91616

Those are sub boards meant to keep derailing topics out of cow boards Kiwifarms has sub boards too but its primary focus is lolcows same as lc

No. 91617

File: 1742086067617.jpg (13.54 KB, 247x264, 1531703320128.jpg)

and the sky is blue, and men can't be women. what is your point or do you just say obvious things

No. 91619

social mediasubmissions

No. 91620

And? The existence of off-topic boards doesn't somehow justify anons not replying to each other. Some of you don't want to hear it but Imageboards are a form of social media
not sure how that got there, lol

No. 91621

File: 1742094266092.jpg (378.46 KB, 1589x928, 1000023298.jpg)

>This is an imageboard made for people to respond to eachother.
apparently not

No. 91622

Being this obtuse is annoying. All the post in that picture are off-topic posts made in Mundane Shit. It's not a thread for sharing pictures of Animal Crossing, it's not for saying "hello" or "hi," it's not for chatting, it's for recapping shit that happens to you in your life. It's been that way for years, until you newfaggots showed up and tried to change it to fit your standards because you find it so impossible to integrate. I have no idea why you lot struggle so much with understanding thread topics and have such hissy fits when you're reminded of thread topics.
>do you just say obvious things
If it's so obvious, then why do you still act confused about it? The focus of this site is on LOLCOWS. It is in the name. This IB isn't one big Discord server for you to chat with your friends. It's a place to laugh at lolcows.
Lurk more and figure out the definition of a chatroom thread on your own instead of reeing about it. It's pretty self-explanatory.
A lot of us do advocate for that. It would get rid of a lot of trash.

No. 91623

these are low quality posts. if you want to post nothing but "hi" and "uhm" go use discord, not an imageboard

No. 91624

What gets me is that they literally have not one, but TWO threads for this kind of low quality garbage: Dumbass Shit AND Bechdel, but they STILL insist on polluting every other thread because they're too retarded to understand how IBs work

No. 91625

so why dont you stick to only browsing the cow threads then? seriously, what is the point in seething about discussions happening in the appropriate threads?
it pisses me off because the screenshots of >>91621 are fair bans, but you fucking weirdos are acting like those posts are sooooo common when they’re not. the site is functioning as it has been for years, albeit with more baiters and infights recently. thats not a good reason to shit on the whole existence of the non-cow boards. i’ll take the scrotefoiling/trannyfoiling ban but it seems like you’re the type most interested in seeing this site and the discussions on here completely die off. sets off my newfag/bad actor alarms hard.

No. 91626

Bechdel bans shitposting actually, check the earlier threads from months ago. There were some debates here about the bans handed out there too

No. 91627

NTA but these posts are getting so common lately and it's annoying. Multiple anons trying to be catty like we're on twitter and responding with ellipsis or "mhm", constant derailing, avatarfagging has increased in general. Asking someone to stick to the thread topic and follow site rules isn't retarded.

No. 91629

I've been here longer than you and it's funny you say that because the muh chatroon complaint/excuse is fairly recent. If you want to read wall of texts talking to oneself, you might as well just go to twitter and start a thread there. As much as I personally hate Unpopular Opinions, it's not a "chatroom" in any way.

Like the other nonna said, if your beef is with off-topic boards then just say it instead of pretending it's individual post/threads that bother you or pretending you care about the quality of a board you want gone.

No. 91630

Probably because they're kiwitards and uncomfortable with the kind of talk we have in the off-topic boards. I can guarantee if it was 2016 again tomorrow and /ot/ would be full of "what are we eating today bros?" "how do I get a lolita gf?" etc threads, they would not cry about chatrooms.

No. 91632

>because they're kiwitards
Kek kiwifarms has off topic threads too and you get banned for derailing in cow boards there too, how fucking new are you to imageboards? You being spergy isnt making anyone uncomfortable kek it's just annoying ,just because you say so doesnt mean the site has changed its purpose

No. 91633

>sets off my newfag/bad actor alarms hard.
>I've been here longer than you
why do newfags always have to bring up newfags? kek
"kiwitards" is a scapegoat because anons dont wanna admit that the off topic anons are the problem

No. 91634

can these faggots go make a discord, go back to twitter, or twitch or something because they really cant seem to understand the difference between chatrooms and imageboards that don't cater to their wants. it really seems to boil down to "why cant I do whatever I want"

No. 91636

>proceeds to go on about kiwifarms like the regular it is
You're just proving me right kek. Go back.

Explain how Unpopular Opinions is a chatroom thread. It's you who sperges out because nonnas dare to talk about non-cow topics.

No. 91637

nobody brought up unpopular opinions until you did retard.

No. 91638

It's literally what started the conversation speedreading kiwitard >>91605

No. 91639

nowhere does that imply that unpopular opinions is a chatroom thread unless you're being a pedantic eslfag kek

also you realize that most farmers have a kf account or lurk kf, right?

No. 91640

>into the other chatrooms
>other chatrooms
Yes it does. But I'm glad you or that anon agrees they has been retarded with their definition of what a chatroom thread is(everything I don't like).

>also you realize that most farmers have a kf account or lurk kf, right?

God I wish oldmin would've kept banning you fags on sight. No one wants you here, stay on your autistic moid infested shithole and leave lolcow alone.

No. 91641

the seethe is crazy… kf and lc are basically the same thing kek there's a reason why so much milk gets cross posted

>still doesnt know what a chatroom thread is

/ot/ was such a mistake i cant wait until the vpn ban nukes its activity

No. 91645

>one of the milkiest events in LC history was Victoria self posting
>she does it again and immediately gets banned
This is why we can’t have nice things. Every time a cow interacts in a way that’s potentially milky they get insta banned, what’s the fun in that?

No. 91646

Don't worry anon, I agree with you! Kiwifarmers are problem, right now, even though they've been in a symbiotic relationship with us for the past decade and hmm, haven't really caused any problem beyond taking caps of farmers and laughing them which is absolutely horrid and bad and farmers themselves don't do that to themselves either. Kiwifarmers notoriously hate VPNs (even though they can access their site through Tor) and fun (more lenient to shitposting) and are stopping you, you wonderful amazing anon you, from filling up threads with "um" "ok" "hi" "ew". As we know, LC threads do not have limits so chatroom style talk is OK and being unfairly banned! If a thread is ate up by posts like that it definitely doesn't cause it be shit and hard to backread, though you probably don't ever do that because you live in the moment, wow gracious Zen anon you are!

No. 91647

Embarrassing reddit tier reply that perfectly shows why you should stay there. At least you're not even denying where you come from anymore.

No. 91648

I haven't used it in 6 years, you just look like a fuckwit if you talk about things you have no knowledge of.

No. 91649

Can we just bring back the banned tradthots thread because it's gotten to the point where milk stopped being posted about wellness grifters and people tinfoil when someone brings them up

No. 91650

nta kf is objectively worse. basically /pol/ lite with more blogposting. 90% of the shit they do there is fortunately banned here

No. 91651

File: 1742166377177.png (162.48 KB, 1503x326, 1732492058688.png)

>hmm, haven't really caused any problem beyond-
Their moids constantly come here to shit up the place and bait. Can't believe anons are defending this shit

No. 91653

This thread may for better in /ot/

No. 91654

ntayrt but you can cherry pick anything. in that same thread there are users that have been archiving threads from lcf in case of something bad going down here for the benefit of fellow farmers. idk why so many anons on here pretend like lcf and kf are diametrically opposed. a lot of anons use both sites. blaming kiwifags for everything wrong with lcf is delusional

No. 91655

i guess that explains why there's so much racebaiting and tradfaggotry on both sites

No. 91656

really wish admin would say something about this. Let Victoria moo!

No. 91657

Why aren't there new Anisa (iDubbbz gf) threads? There's been tons of milk on her lately, like her wanting a troon to beat up Amouranth

No. 91658

It's not anons defending it.

No. 91660

Right, any anon that knows about Jani Schofield or wants to see what CWC is up to is a moid who scratches shit out of his testicles. Please name one thing that KFers have done that negatively impact LC that farmers don't do, and is separate from the fact that the site has moids on it because even if KF didn't exist moids would still come here.

No. 91661

The poster banned by a janitor who wasn't familiar with the thread and assumed it was a whiteknight. If it was Victoria then the ban didn't affect anything, the poster has not seen their ban or tried to post again.

No. 91663

How is calling a biracial person a mutt and using the term "mutt physiognomy" in general not red-text worthy?

No. 91665

>Please name one thing that KFers have done that negatively impact LC that farmers don't do
Spam child porn and gore

No. 91666

it isn’t when the entirety of the mod team consists of 2 tranny jannies, 2 scrotes from kiwifarms, and a schizophrenic psych ward escapee

>in b4 tinfoiling ban because mods are autistic

No. 91667

What's the consensus on porn posting?

No. 91668

The schizophrenic escapee can stay.

No. 91669

my retarded computer remade the car buying advice thread and kept telling me flood was detected…sorry farmhands. can I have one unlocked?

No. 91670

No. 91671

You've posted it 3 times. Shut the fuck up.

No. 91672

We do not allow threads that boil down to 'ask op anything.' That is why all 3 of the threads you posted were locked. Do not remake it again.

No. 91673

I'm pretty sure porn is not allowed anywhere.

No. 91674

Does lc have the equivalent of 4chan.org/banned?

No. 91675

go back to reddit.

No. 91676

Why not just have a car buying advice thread with different body text then?

No. 91678

Looks like the farmhands have had to be professional tard wranglers today. I can’t wait for the VPN ban.
There’s already a car thread. You can ask advice here >>>/ot/1949168

No. 91680

I think there's a retarded newfag in /g/ who's necro-ing a bunch of years-old threads.

No. 91681

It's not needed because we have visual ban messages

No. 91682

Retarded derail and anons who can't stop responding to bait in things you hate thread on /ot/

No. 91683

There's definitely two faggots shitting up multiple /ot/ threads for a while.

No. 91684


No. 91685

Shitspergs in Mundane Shit thread on /ot/ chimping out over being told that it's not a chatroom

No. 91686

Anon in mundane shit thread spazzing like a retard over seeing the word "silly".

No. 91687

If you'd have been here longer than a year, you'd know.

No. 91688

You realise men outside of KF also come here? I also asked seperate from the fact that moids are on it, and that behaviour is heavily discouraged and called retarded by KFers themselves anyways. If they love to raid farmers how come they never raided the bunkers, even though they were seething about them and know that CC has barely any moderation at best? What are female KFers doing that so negatively impact this site, because actual non-tranny women use both here and there.

No. 91689

Turn the VPN ban on for the Things You Hate thread to counter the non-stop ban evasion. Either that or sit in there and do your moderation task. The former is easier for you than the latter.

>What are female KFers doing
Actively archiving the site in case of an unexpected deletion. Ironically farmers that use KF are better farmers than anons that shit on KF.

No. 91690

Why are they still posting anime boobs scot-free.

No. 91691

I don't like how kiwifags spam the n word every 3 posts, is that so unreasonable?

No. 91693

Lost tradthots/scrotes in ring wing/grifter thread on snow. Please ban them. They can't even sage.

No. 91694

It will attract men

No. 91695

Can we please make samefagging and selfposting accusations bannable the same way scrotefoiling is?
It is always an excuse to infight, it never solves anything, and threads are always derailed. Look at the copypasta and random questions threads in /ot/ right now. Did that help anything? Or did anon just encourage a schizo having a meltdown and continue shitting up the thread? Why is "report and ignore" so fucking difficult for some anons?

No. 91696

File: 1742262066411.jpg (77.92 KB, 1254x298, dfaww4r4asds.jpg)

more moid tourists directing men here to colonize. we need to lift the scrotefoiling bans until we figure out what's going on

No. 91697

We need more male hate threads, we need manifesto chan back. We need to ban anyone who defends scrotes in general to pluck them out to know they are not welcome. They are ruining this site, and it is obvious. Do you remember when it turned out one of the most frequent posters in the belle delphine thread was an ex simp? Or how a lot of the posters in shayna threads were sex workers? We need to make it obvious that they are not welcome, it's no longer a joke or a "you can be an exception", they are ruining everything.

No. 91698

The userbase are such salty cunts now, why is there so much infighting lately?

No. 91700

The goalpost keeps shifting kek. You asked for behavior that farmers don't do, which is already dishonest in the first place (you can use the same premise on twitterfags and 4channers, both are still cancer but at least these aren't as vocally urging to change our website so it's more like their shitholes). And no, it's not just kiwifag moids either. Again if you'd have been here longer than a year then you'd know.

I shit on kiwifarms and I do this too. I also guarantee most of us would rather have an actual farmer share a backup than someone from kiwifarms.

No. 91701

no this doesn't even help. we need anons to stop engaging with men. whenever male posters get outted anons fight with them.

No. 91702

>Men make the most disgusting, violently sexual websites on earth
>But apparently this one is far worse than that
Autistic baiting jannies aside this site is harmess, moids once again proving they are the more dramatic sex in existence.

No. 91703

Yeah I was gonna say I fled here from 4chan. Sure, there's some petty gossip here, but that is the entire internet. At least they don't allow constant race sperging and infighting. I find this place to be a perfect middle ground between the totalitarian chronic censorship that is plebbit and the psychotic gore and pedo infested nazi shithole that is 4chan.
Ironically both those sites cape for trannies.

No. 91704

Is it possible for farmhands to lock the dasha thread in pt? The endless milkless bumping, self-posting, and derail has been going on for well over a year now.

No. 91705

He is right though. The racism, the nitpickiness, thr cattines in this place is worse than any other male catering imageboard ive seen

No. 91706

File: 1742291864773.jpg (4.27 KB, 225x225, 1000000675.jpg)

>At least they don't allow constant race sperging and infighting

No. 91707

Then go back

No. 91708

What do you mean, no moid gets outed anymore. Anons get banned for daring to suggest one is posting and farmhands stopped redtexting as '(scrote)' for at least 2 years now. And reporting only works when evading with vpns doesn't.

No. 91709

Guess you've never seen /pol/ huh

No. 91710

That's because mods just delete their posts now. Anytime you see loads of green quotes it's usually a scrote. Personally I prefer they delete the posts because I think it discourages them? They can't run to sharty or whereever and be like "look how I owned the roasties"

No. 91711

Green text = moid now? eeesh.

No. 91712

NTA but anon said "usually". Because it's true. Personalityfags, scrotes, and severe bait are USUALLY deleted outright, and many times it is a scrote.
Why even bother coming to /meta/ if you just want to infight kek

No. 91714

Nta but when you reply to a deleted post, the quoted post number is not a link but just a text. It's not about normal greentext.

No. 91715

Oh my bad. I misread that post.

No. 91716

I'd need a message popping up once I hop on lc, if I keep switching VPNs I don't know if I got a ban or not.

No. 91718

File: 1742314347892.jpeg (668.71 KB, 1170x1398, IMG_9982.jpeg)

Why did this get banned for cowtipping?? This is literally a screenshot from the retard who doxxed her’s page? Also sorry for phonefagging I’m just passing time lol

No. 91719

Won't the fucking mods ban the tradmoid or just lock the fucking tradthots thread? We're now banned for "scrotefoiling" while an obvious moid is running around praising women for being trad and only getting a slap on the wrist for being unsaged. Has this shithole imageboard been sold to MAGAtards or something like that? What the FUCK is going on?

No. 91720

File: 1742320705171.png (330.31 KB, 1473x858, whatthefuck.png)

Samefag - what THE FUCK are these bans? "Wrong thread"? That's the wrong ENTIRE WEBSITE. Unsaged? Ban evasion? Are jannies just straight-up right-wing moids now?

No. 91721

The posts always get deleted well after the 1 hour limit is up as well.

No. 91722

Some are still up. Why don't they get deleted as soon as they're redtexted?

No. 91723

>we're still giving the male attention by responding to him to tell him that he's a man
You are so dense. STOP REPLYING TO HIM. STOP GIVING HIM ATTENTION. REPORT AND IGNORE. It is that simple. I don't understand how it still has to be said.

No. 91724

this isn't true. they're been straight-up deleting posts for more than a year now with very tenuous reasons why. Sometimes they claim the poster was ban-evading. Sometimes it's some other reason. But no, not all deleted posts were male posts.

Posts got deleted in the "good moid" thread. Other normal anons have had posts deleted. I am not one of those anons, before someone accuses me of that. I personally think that deleting posts for non-transparent reasons is not good for lolcow. I also don't think ban evaders should have their posts deleted as a rule unless they are spamming or in extreme cases. At the very least, the admins should make a general statement in the rules about what kinds of posts might get deleted. That would be more transparent than the current way of operating.

No. 91727

some people are so retarded they get trolled so badly they want someone to bail them out because taking their fingers off their keyboard is too hard

No. 91728

can a mod pls delete this post >>2100301 in the snow post-left thread i posted it in the wrong one by accident and when i refreshed to delete it didnt show up. then saw it hours later

nta it's not letting me delete mine after an hour. the anon ayrt is talking about has been shitting up that thread for months, some shit should get deleted

No. 91729

It's a cow thread on /snow/. You need to post milk or make comments on milk posted by others while using 下げ. It's not a thread for political sperging.

No. 91730

>The racism in this place is worse than any other male catering imageboard ive seen
the male-dominated imageboard that hosts /pol/ and created the TND copypasta is definitely less racist than this site. go back, cockbrain

No. 91731

Correct, which is why people are mad that an obvious butthurt tradscrote isn’t being banned.

No. 91732

>wtf is that random korean shit
>look it up

No. 91733

I'm not responding, fuckwit, but even if they get no responses they're still around and shitting up the thread

>ha ha trolled xdd
>wahmen cant take responsibility kekk xdd
I see you found your way to /meta/, retard

No. 91735

We ban and delete scrote posts (unless there is a good reason to keep said post, which is rare). If they are banned but not deleted, it is not a scrote. There are a lot of women with different political views on here and often type in moidspeak. Don't assume who you're arguing with is automatically a scrote just because of those view points.

And always, REPORT AND MOVE ON. Do not give any of these people attention, it's what they want and you are being part of the problem by responding to them instead of just reporting and ignoring them.

No. 91738

>At least they don't allow constant race sperging and infighting.
Oh you sweet summer child. The moderation for that thing has been all over the place here, some times its allowed some times its not.

Yeah no. Men are the biggest bitches and outdo women in all those fields especially cattiness, let not fall for the moid propaganda now.

No. 91739

I have no horse in this race but calling someone a pooner is not scrotefoiling and pretending it is is ludicrous

No. 91740

No, but it is troonfoiling. And you had previously scrotefoiled. You were banned for the other shit in that post as well. >>>/ot/2450946

No. 91741

So are kiwifarmers the new lc boogeyman

No. 91742

They been rightfully disliked for years, it's nothing new

No. 91743

Schizo(ban evasion)

No. 91745

Could farmhands please ban me for one second (2 hours) so I can directly communicate with them please? Thanks(as requested)

No. 91748

The run-off poll is strange to me. Every option was implementing a VPN ban, including the "ad hoc basis" option. 40% of users voted for ad-hoc, should that not also be an option included in the new poll? That's more than the "top two" options put together.

No. 91749

They’re being very disingenuous by framing it this way.

No. 91750

Yeah. I think admin wants a VPN ban no matter what, so they're gently rigging the poll.
It doesn't matter, this is admin's site and we're all just living on it. But it still sucks to see.

No. 91751

vpn baiters crying once again lol. we asked for a runoff bc the bottom option was the no ban option and you all know it. go to the discussion thread on /ot/

No. 91752

How was it a no ban option if they were already banning them in selected threads? Nice try.

No. 91753

Yes we asked for a runoff and the admin very early into the poll, I think day 2, agreed to it because the vote FOR some kind of VPN ban was split among 4 options while the vote against only had 1

No. 91754

Do you even know what adhoc means? It means on a need by need basis, as in only when the threads are actively being raided

No. 91755

Yea so how it that not a ban? No ban would be not banning them ever.

No. 91756

You won congrats but it wasn’t fair and it wasn’t democratic. Now maybe it’s dumb to care about this because IBs have been run by power hungry losers since forever but they disregarded the actual winning option.

No. 91757

they literally already do it though like amerifags and I think radfem cows etc. so the last option was basically a vote for keeping things the way we are. bitch all you want but the majority wanted things to change

No. 91758

There is no scenario in which a total no ban option would be feasible for this site. You're just admitting you want the admin team to have no way to deal with ban evaders, and for the site to continue being plagued by rule breaking retards
It wasn't implemented in the best way. The first poll should have said "Do you want a VPN ban? Yes/No" and the runoff should have been how to implement it but I wouldn't say it wasn't democratic, the majority still voted for some form of VPN ban

No. 91759

Only if you add up every other option yeah. Disingenuous.

No. 91760

Every other option was in favor of a VPN ban, you are the one being disingenuous. How would it be fair to split the vote FOUR ways vs ONE

No. 91761

Maybe they shouldn’t have a million stupid rules they get anally annihilated by every night.

No. 91762

Maybe you should go somewhere else if you don't respect the rules of the site.

No. 91763

I respect them if they make sense, they’ve been actively getting worse since this new admin, im not going to respect them just because.

No. 91764

The new admin hasn't changed any rules though?

No. 91765

It doesn't matter if you agree with the rules or not. LC is a privately owned website and the admin can make the rules whatever they want and can ban anyone for any reason. If disagree with the rules that the site has had since it's creation and can't bring yourself to respect the moderation staff, maybe LC isn't for you.

No. 91766

Question why do you respect the moderation staff? What is there to respect about them?

No. 91767

>make whatever rules they want and ban anyone for any reason
Yes, they can do that. I fail to see why that means whatever the decision they make is automatically sound.

No. 91768

File: 1742415801291.jpeg (852.4 KB, 1242x1606, 1709292753068.jpeg)

No. 91769

File: 1742415826946.png (266.47 KB, 650x902, nard.png)

See? I told you that the VPN poll is a sham and the admin will ban them no matter what the results would be. I was right. You're all being played for fools.

No. 91770

File: 1742415959848.png (218.09 KB, 1838x337, cantreadwontread.png)

>vpn baiters unable to read

No. 91771

Thanks farmhands!

No. 91772

Kekkk watching them melt down is gonna be so fricking funny

No. 91773

Because they own and run LC. Cerbmin pays for the hosting and the farmhands moderate the site in their free time.

Obviously I don't agree with all decisions made regarding the site. I've taken some weird and retarded bans over the years for example. However it's possible to disagree with someone while still having respect for them. It's not like the site staff ban anyone for posting criticism, /meta/ is an entire board for exactly that. Even if LC moderation is far from perfect, it's still one of the better moderated image boards I've posted on.

No. 91774

Could farmhands please ban me for one second (2 hours) so I can directly ask what >>91745 was talking to you about because I'm nosy?Thanks(as requested)

No. 91775

Idk what to tell you, I don’t agree with how they’re running things and I don’t respect them because of it. Paying for the server is just what they signed up for.

No. 91776

What would you change about lolcow.farm when you would be admin?

No. 91777

Ntayrt but my first change would be making it so that we all had to login to accounts first, that way we would all know who each other are and we could have pretty profile pictures. I'd also make it into a subscription based service so that you can only make 10 posts a day unless you paid 7.99 a month (or 90.99 if you chose the yearly payment option) for the Farmer Plus membership package.

No. 91778

No. 91779

I think we should add a system where we can vote on if we like or dislike each other's posts. Like if we like it we could click on an up arrow and if we dislike it we could click on a down arrow, just hypothetically.

No. 91780

It'd also fix this site if we allowed any topic as long as it's someone's kink.

No. 91781

Don't forget having to pay 10 bucks first in order to see cow threads, got banned by a powermad mod? Doesn't matter, pay again

No. 91782

Retard baiting in fujo infight thread. Probably yuripedo or some tard from her groomcord server

No. 91783

Porn posting in the fujo/antifujo chimp cage in ot again

No. 91784

calling it the chimp cage just cracked me up, love you nonnie

No. 91786

File: 1742427426021.png (25.09 KB, 1283x255, 0027.png)

This person is clearly ban-evading. Jfc I can't wait until the VPN ban is implemented.

No. 91788

You joke but even Reddit is less stifling than this place right now

No. 91789

We have a retard constantly shitting in fujo vs anti-fujo thread that I've already reported multiple times. Please nuke her already.

No. 91790

Only if you're retarded

No. 91791

You all have a weird persecution complex.

No. 91792

Pls ban the sperg in hornypost husbando thread it's getting annoying

No. 91793

At least on Reddit you don’t get banned for obvious sarcasm… actually maybe we should use /s since the mods clearly can’t figure it out.

No. 91794

Just take the 6 hour ban. Read a book, go to sleep

No. 91796

I missed it, what happened?

No. 91797

Sperg was telling other posters to kill themselves and posted self harm gore before the posts were deleted.

No. 91798

File: 1742435463402.jpg (137.05 KB, 718x565, 1742429433892.jpg)

Basically an extremely edgy version of picrelated but with zeno

No. 91799

Please continue to ignore them and report. They are having a literal schizo meltdown and just want attention. Thanks!

No. 91800

Since when? I’ve been here for 8 years and this isn’t in the rules. I thought this was a place for women to mingle and interact, what’s the point of all these asinine rules? Farmhands complain about too many reports but majority of them should be dismissed, the users are NEETs and too easily offended and the mod team takes their offense too seriously.

No. 91801

this is NOT a place for women to mingle and interact. jesus. no wonder the site is going to shit.

No. 91802

You're free to go post there instead

No. 91803

Can we please permaban the failed personality fag in the horny husbando thread.

No. 91804

They keep ban evading it seems. This is why we need to ban vpns kek

No. 91805

NTA but what is it for then exactly? Just posting saged social media updates and nothing else?

No. 91806

You can mingle and hang out all you want, but integrate into the right threads.

No. 91807

They are ban evading. Please ignore them, we are on it.

No. 91809

What triggers a "you have been banned" pop-up followed by a redirect to the mirror site? I cleared my cookies and it stopped like other anons have said but I'm confused. For one moment I thought this was CC kek

No. 91810


No. 91811

A-logging and spam in Retarded Husbando thread. Probably ban evasion too

No. 91814

Oh shit, it was BJchan? Kek, damn.

No. 91815

retard shitposting about female hyenas again for the 3rd time this week.

No. 91816

Sorry what the fuck are you taking about? The 3rd time this week? I post ONE thing about hyenas and their enlarged clitorises and you shit a brick and call me a TIF defender. Go outside you fucking friendless loser. “Admin!!!! Please help anon is being mean to me waaaaa!” How do you live with yourself? If I was half as fragile and pathetic as you I would have ended it years ago.

No. 91817

>the users are NEETs and too easily offended
You hit the nail on the head. This retard >>91815
Can’t even handle someone talking about hyenas. At this point needs humane euthanasia.

No. 91818

The crazy part is it would have ended after her initial post, if you hadn't thrown a tantrum and shit up the thread crying about it. Move on.

No. 91819

>The crazy part is it would have ended after her initial post, if you hadn't thrown a tantrum and shit up the thread crying about it
Exactly. I really don’t care that much about trannies or pegging, I just thought it was a funny and interesting animal fact. These people are the most fragile losers on the fucking planet.

No. 91820

This is a really interesting performance but you guys know the jannies are eventually going to read the posts right?

No. 91821

What posts? The ones I never made or even saw?

No. 91822

it was in the unpopular opinions thread so you were pretty much asking for a death match and no, I'm not sure if that's a joke or not.

No. 91823

It really is true that only retards use that thread.

No. 91824

She's reddit spacing and samefagging in multiple threads now and probably on a vpn because she doesn't know the mods can see her device info anyway.

No. 91825

I do the Reddit spacing to help with your piss poor reading comprehension.

No. 91826

Not defending her but stop being a cunt to her just because she doesnt wanna hear about ratfem bullshit and female neurosis. Cockbrain(infighting, blackpill ban evader)

No. 91827

Can we lock the Isabella thread? There's always some retarded chrisfag who discovers this site once in a while and bumps it

No. 91828

The Elon thread fucking sucks. A farmhand bans tame political discussion related to Elon as “blogging” and “infighting” (derailing I can understand), while letting obvious /pol/ tourists shit up the thread with the racial phenotype sperging where they tinfoil about his ethnicity without actually providing any proof other than he looks “mongoloid.” Jannies are complicit and should reevaluate what kinds of posters they want to enable.

No. 91829

File: 1742484060473.png (180.3 KB, 1206x620, elon compares himself to tolki…)

Samefag, thanks for banning the phenotype sperg. Sorry for lashing out, I know farmhands are just offline sometimes kek. To add context that might be relevant for farmhands to be aware of, many white nationalists types have split with Elon after the H1B visa drama, and so /pol/tards are now accusing him of being a “mutt,” “Jew,” “mongoloid,” “African,” ect to cope. Meanwhile, Elon still tries his hardest to pander to them (which is milky as hell). Elon comes from a famous family, so it’s easy to actually look into these claims and realize they’re just straight up schizo or alt right coping. Elon is proud of the fact that he’s English rather than Afrikaner (Dutch) because he sees Afrikaners more South African in culture. He’s even compared himself to J.R.R. Tolkien (picrel). It’s hilarious how much he cares about being non-African, but unfortunately we can’t make fun of him in the thread with tourists shitting it up constantly. I didn’t want to post this info there to encourage them more.

No. 91830

File: 1742488177718.png (56.35 KB, 807x290, img-2025-03-20-16-28-53.png)

Anon, British people use "mongoloid" as a synonym for "retard" (I think because people with Down's have monolids?). They weren't making a comment about his race.

No. 91831

File: 1742488851443.png (179.49 KB, 1095x512, uh….png)

>British people use "mongoloid" as a synonym for "retard"
Didn’t know this, so thanks for the insight into bongspeak. I am a burger.
>They weren't making a comment about his race.
Definition of “mongoloid” aside, yes they were explicitly talking about his race. The race tinfoiling has been going on for days, so I’m not sure why you’re denying what was plainly said.

No. 91832

Unironically using the phrase "cuck chair" should automatically be considered bait, since the person who says it has been redtexted several times before already

No. 91834

If this is related to idubz and anisa I mean it literally is a cuck chair? How does that constitute it as bait

No. 91835

It's about an anon in /ot/

No. 91836

Send help, they're infighting about moids in vent thread on /ot/ again

No. 91837

File: 1742525305580.png (423.89 KB, 631x637, 5574150.png)

Ugh, I'm sorry for participating in this infight, farmhands. If you ban me, please make it mercifully short.

No. 91838

That same fucking moid is rampant again in the tradthot thread, this time under sage. Why is he back again?

No. 91841

Why are posts advertising that Indian ib staying up? Not really a point in banning the anon posting them if their advertising stays up, you're not punishing them at all.

No. 91842

If that dogshit TIF dwelling thread isn't shut down within the next month, I'm never using this fucking troon-loving site again. Watch some fucking retard janny get mad at me for saying mean things to troons. I'll fire bullets through the skulls of BJ-chan and all her wannabes.

No. 91844

Can the ban evading shit stirrer in amerifags be banned and vanned already? The thread desperately needs a vpn ban

No. 91845

Thanks for cleaning up confessions thread, farmhands!

No. 91846

Ban the Amerifag thread. It's just scrotes and political sperging all the time. Nonnies making an effort get drowned out immediately every time they try. It's time to give up on it.

No. 91847

Shut up you TIF pussy sucking loser. As if anyone gives two fucking shit about your pathethic existence. Especially in a IB(infighting retard)

No. 91848

>political sperging
People (at least usually) go there to discuss the political affairs of America and its government — to ban that seems bizarre. Don’t tell me you’d prefer it if we all talked about our favorite restaurant instead like there aren’t a million threads for mundane topics like that already.

No. 91849

nah don't ban it, the amerifags are funny

No. 91850

>favorite restaurant instead
Nta but I'd appreciate I'd loved to know mundane things about countries makes them seem human that's better than always sperging about politics

No. 91851

If we have nothing to talk about then we have nothing to talk about and we don't need a thread. There is no discussion of politics happening, it's just pointless bickering. The bright eyed young nonnies don't understand there's no point trying to argue with a scrote and/or schizo because faschy retards simply can't be convinced that their feelings aren't objective reality.

No. 91852

Can we keep Luigi discussion to his containment thread?

No. 91853

I'll kill your entire fucking bloodline. Go back to fucking BJ Chan.(ban evasion)

No. 91854

File: 1742613948265.jpg (36.62 KB, 909x230, huh.jpg)

I just think the moderation is not consistent on this site which is why some people do end up breaking rules through no fault of their own. Neither of the posts linked were redtexted and only one AFTER I got this redtext defending my original post. A lot of the posts in that thread are like that and not marked as bait? Its all so confusing.

No. 91855

File: 1742628105962.png (155.49 KB, 969x435, 1000033927.png)

Can these tifs be banned of the site pls, jfc

No. 91857

Kek just admit your ideology based on hating masculine women.(ban evasion)

No. 91858

File: 1742649661299.jpg (29.84 KB, 500x500, 1000000579.jpg)

I don't even know what this conversation is from but stereroid usage isn't the same as transitioning. This is what a woman in anvar looks like and this isn't even the must subtle case. Stereroids aren't just for test.
If the anon you're replying to is saying women should take it simply to be more masculine, then I agree with you.

No. 91859

File: 1742650091523.png (438.86 KB, 798x1427, 1000045936.png)

So, sarcasm is being banned, too? Seriously, why ban someone for this post?

No. 91860

It was unproductive at the moment, sure, but an influx of retards is no reason to pull the plug on a perfectly good thread. The vpn ban will likely take care of most of the pol retards anyway.

No. 91861

File: 1742651994223.png (112 KB, 1190x496, IMG_1542.png)

talking about jill's stoner behavior is not fucking derailing.

No. 91862

this. the only people that should be banned are the ones that are dogpiling in the thread to defend weed. they are the ones arguing.

No. 91863

She was considering taking testosterone to enlarge her clit

No. 91865

If the thread has a anti abortion baiter you should probably stick around to make sure she's tagged a ban evader instead of banning everyone else thus killing the thread. When's the new farmhand applications I'm so sick of the newfags who don't know how any of this works.

No. 91866

Anons didn't go around accusing everyone of being a kiwi user though

No. 91867

Where? The ones ITT admitted it themselves.

No. 91868

It's probably another case of butthurt reporting + farmhand not checking the context of the ban.

No. 91869

Could you please consider deleting the multiple shit threads on /pt (or maybe send them to /manure ?)
The board is slow af and it tends to pollute the catalogue.
Thanks in advance

No. 91870

THANK YOU based farmhand for issuing a mass of bans for taking the bait in amerifags. PLEASE keep this up across all threads in /ot/ where possible. My hero.

No. 91871

I appreciate them banning that string of bait posts but it's crazy how racebaiters are allowed to go wild in amerifags and by crazy I mean fucking annoying. There's clearly an active mod who is banning bait in that thread but no just let retards continue baiting and sealioning as long as it's about muh immigrants and muh anglish and muh white culture, why not just let amerifags be /pol/ 2.0

No. 91872

even the thread pic itself is referencing a /pol/ meme

No. 91873

The leftcows thread is getting kinda weird, I think there's a moid in it

No. 91874

Even if there is a single mod dedicated to the thread, "that" mod deletes the /pol/ and scrote posts. I don't expect them to be active 24/7, especially on a Saturday.
I made the first post in that thread saying I liked the threadpic and thanks for making a new thread. I did not recognize threadpic was the jewface /pol/ meme. In fact, nobody did for a while because it was brought up for the first time 2 days ago. It was subsequently reported and op was banned. We all thought it was an ironic "aesthetic" jfk joke.
inb4 bootlicking accusations, I'm a VPN user. I'm not happy with all decisions admin/jannies make, but I don't see a point in lying about the effort they put into the site. And I think bringing up when they do a good job keeps the narrative straight.

No. 91876

First ayrt and I get that nonna, I just get frustrated seeing the thread constantly shit up these past maybe 5-6 months now. Tbh I should just wait until the VPN ban comes down before visiting again, if any thread on this website needs it it's amerifags. For what it's worth I didn't recognize the anti-semitic meme at first either, glad someone caught it

No. 91877

Someone having a different opinion from you doesn’t mean they’re a moid

No. 91884

Different opinions about what? I'm talking about the anons going "um it's actually sooper based for a moid to post pictures highlighting his girlfriend's body to prove he won the breakup you're all just jealous" and rating her body "8.5/10"

No. 91885

Why is it always the same shit too? It's always bitching about the accents, no1currs. They'll get super bitchy when you say you don't care about people having different accents either. I don't even think they're baiting because I've met retards like that online who were also women, it just gets repetitive.

No. 91887

Just a heads up, there is some fuckery going on in Elaine's threads. This one >>>/snow/1360109 was bumped with no post. There is a suspicious amount of WKing in this one >>>/snow/1567357

No. 91890

Can you lock >>>/ot/2458694 ? It's a duplicate thread made 15 minutes after the other.

No. 91891

UMP thread being derailed by butthurt blaine sperging about nietzsche

No. 91893

Can a mod tell anons to stop blacking out the usernames in Venus's thread if the names are actually Venus's account? Idc if they want to protect venus from getting DMs from farmers. This is publicly on reddit. That's mkre likely to get DMs than lolcow. It's retarded.

No. 91894

Can you not read? The screenshots are from her subreddit where the mods deleted her posts and blurred her name not from farmers. In any case we already confirmed it was her and posted her username just read the thread

No. 91895

that doesn't make sense. whoever screencapped them is the one who blurred them out.

No. 91896

No they are from an imgur album posted on the Venus angelic subreddit

No. 91897

whoever originally posted them is the one who blurred it out. not necessarily anon, but the reddit mods didn't blur them, they are screencaps blurred with a phone edit tool. do you understand? someone saw them and saved them before they were deleted and that person blurred it out.

No. 91898

Someone is definitely doing something. Why delete these posts off her subreddit when she's posting to her own subreddit yet repost them to her subreddit with the name blocked out? That doesn't make sense at all. I think the subreddit is compromised by a discord retard.

No. 91899

File: 1742814055602.png (59.42 KB, 757x562, crippinganxiety.png)

The mod claims she doesn't want to support Venus attention seeking and claims she was being racist and said nigger which is annoying because this is the first update we've gotten from Venus in months and the reaction is to just ban her?

No. 91900

To be fair…not to whiteknight the reddit mods but they are right.
Venus would have just started spamming the reddit with porn, death threats and racebait the same way she spammed Twitter and lol cow so I sould understand a little why they banned her. Also one of Venus's removed comments on reddit were literally with Venus calling someone the hard N-with a r. Which is a reddit violation. So I can see why the mod doesn't want to risk it.

No. 91903

The reddit spacing is getting worse and infecting every thread I read now I can't be the only one sick of seeing it

No. 91904

The real issue lies with the retard who capped these and blocked out the username. They read like hoax posts.

No. 91906

Yet she has no proof and purposely reposted Venus's stuff. I don't believe the mods gaf at all. This sounds like the logic her discordfags used. I know and said N on twitter, but literally where is the proof she did it on reddit?

No. 91907

Anon in the vent thread posting a photo of an actual dead guy.

No. 91908

I reported that shit. It's actually disgusting

No. 91909

I swear it's like one or two unintegrated retards who use TikTok slang

No. 91910

I made a potential new thread pic and got banned for fan art, is that normal? should future threadpic suggestions just be left out?

No. 91911

Can we address that the mods are genuinely retarded? Like, 16 year old zoomer on tiktok retarded? Farmhands need to be held accountable.

No. 91913

imo that's insane. It's one thing if a thread is being spammed with nona-created pics, but that's not the case. LC has always had nonas making funny edits occasionally and creative threadpics. That's not fanart.

No. 91914

my post in question >>>/snow/2102356 and I only did it because someone talked about Uncle Fester and someone else said it should be a threadpic but I guess mods don't allow fun thread pics anymore

No. 91915

You could have said "my idea for next thread pic" or something instead of just uploading the edit with no accompanying text. How were the farmhands supposed to know that that was a potential thread pic and not fanart kek

No. 91916

Makes sense, I will do it next time

No. 91917

i hate that we're gtting too many cows who already have hate/snark subs on plebbit. These threads always attract retarded redditfags who refuse to integrate

No. 91918

Generally fanart is flattering while what anons draw makes fun of them. Jannies too autistic to understand jokes yet again

No. 91919

Is it just me or is there a ban evading unintegrated scrote who keeps posting(obvious) /pol/ like racebait?I dont want to give the attention whore attention but it’s super obvious when you see it.

No. 91920

Noticed that too.

No. 91922

can the jannies ban the annoying Israeli shitting up the amerifags thread with their political agenda? I don't want to have to debate the morality of bombing 5 year olds and women all week thanks.

No. 91923

Does anyone on mobile has this issue when browsing a board where a thread you want is sandwiched between 2 other threads, the first one at the bottom of let's say page 1, and the second thread in the top of page 2, and the thread you want was bumped and is in between these 2 threads, but for whatever reasons it just disappears and you can only access it through the catalog? I use Samsung browser on Galaxy S23 ultra if that helps. I don't have an example as if now but if you want me to provide one, I'll try.

No. 91924

yeah the sandwiching has been an issue for a long time now, years even

No. 91925

File: 1742970666137.jpeg (642.5 KB, 998x1240, IMG_1413.jpeg)

Admin let’s baiting misogynist scrotes shit up unpopular opinions but bans us for calling a spade a spade

No. 91926

I can easily believe that's a self hating woman. It's hard to articulate but there are certain verbal tells of male larpers and it doesn't come across that way.
It is functionally bait regardless, it deserves to be reported for that reason instead.

No. 91927

Nta but there has been a male (the mods know he's male and have been deleting his posts) who tried to shill the redpill on /snow/. See the "right wing grifters" thread. It's possible that it's the same person.

No. 91928

They had admitted to it as well. Honestly just ban any non Americans from the general at this point, it’s so tiring.

No. 91929

Could also be a larping moid trying to "gently manipulate" anons into his bullshit so he's given le benefit of doubt and gets serious replies/discussion instead of just being ignored and banned. Not the first time they're doing this on here or even on other websites.
But in the end it doesn't matter, this kind of shit should just be banned on sight, it has already been eroding our board culture. Muh different opinions my ass, explain to me why lolcow should tolerate /pol/, incel/redpill and tradwife shit and why these kind of posters absolutely have to post it in the one place that has potential to be free of it. They can go literally anywhere else.

No. 91932

Anons should have just ignored the political shill and reported her for derailing. Instead anons in that thread chimped out over MUH MOSSAD HASBARA ZIOCUCK SKINWALKER and acted like complete retards, drawing out the infight. It’s obvious we’re being overrun by braindead zoomer tiktokfags. I can’t take any of you seriously because you’re all retarded.

No. 91933

Smells like Jew in here(/pol/sperging)

No. 91935

Why are you taking like a condescending tumblrtard? Are you the zioshill?

No. 91936

Lol I deleted my reply because I figured it was better not to engage with your bait attempt. But no, I haven’t posted in the amerifag thread at all during that infight. Camping here isn’t making you seem any less deranged.

No. 91937

It's been years since I saw "heckin" being used in a post on lc. Then I opened the Amerifags thread.

Crazy to see someone on lc call October 7th a "truly wonderful day" and not get banned. I'm not pro-IDF but many women and children were kidnapped, raped, and murdered on that day. How can a woman say it was wonderful no matter what opinion she has about the region?

No. 91939

As soon as I posted about a concern I went back to see it was already taken care of. Thanks Farmhands!

No. 91940

a whole load of racesperging in celebricows

No. 91941

doublepost, it's still going and has been going on for far too long

No. 91942

could a farmhand move the chiikawa pocket camp thread to /m/?

No. 91943

So now there's gonna be a runoff VPN ban poll between "Banned only on an ad hoc basis" and "Banned only on /ot/", right?

No. 91944

No. 91945

we already have a chiikawa thread on /m/

No. 91947

jannies banned a few posts for infighting, yet left up all of the racebait and racesperging. please tell me those posts were banned but not redtexted because this is ridiculous. not a single racebaiting ban after hours of it? celebricows needs serious moderation and it hardly gets it. i hope when the VPN ban comes around you permaban these retards so the thread isn't still regularly being shit up by tourists and baiters, jesus christ. that thread has been unreadable for around a year
kek i hope so. watch how the retards shitting up /ot/ will migrate to the rest of the site if a VPN ban only happens on /ot/

No. 91949

racebaiting retard in retarded bans

No. 91950

Retard in the unpopular opinions thread sperging about pumping and dumping

No. 91951

File: 1743093815119.png (3.44 KB, 366x96, Capture.PNG)

It should be against the rules to ask other nonas to report a post, like it is on 4chan.

No. 91952


No. 91953

we have genuine autists here so no sometimes it needs to be pointed out so newfags dont fall for it

No. 91954

No. 91955

The /w/ mod needs to think about the bans a bit better before executing them. They do a good job but it seems like they take the reports 'as is' sometimes. My post in Addy's thread was about Addy and it got hit with the derail ban. Most anons were okay with the stories Addy posts having music included for archival purposes but the one anon that listens to music on her phone and doesn't want to be interrupted gets preference. I understand there's nuances to this, just my opinion.

No. 91956

I feel like I have seen it banned for minimodding but not frequently

No. 91957

what the fuck is your problem anon.

No. 91958

all the mods need to be retrained. they don't know why they're supposed to ban things.

No. 91960

I know alogging is against the rules but sometimes seeing newfags alog and add -in minecraft or -in x video game makes me want to shrivel up and die. Surely there must be some work around

No. 91964

The VPN voting was hilarious and I loved how hard the mod sperged.
>Everyone votes for banning VPNS only for certain threads, no sitewide or board wide ban
>Mods: Uh uh uh, actually since when you count the number of everyone who voted in total, that means everyone actually wanted boardwide bans at minimum
>creates run off poll
>Total number of people vote to ban VPNs on /ot/, /g/ and /m/
>Uh uh uh, actually this time we're only counting the individual decision votes so only /ot/ and NO MORE POLLS, POLLS ARE OVER
Mods, you can just ban things. You have total power, you don't have to do this fake thing where you pretend to put it to a vote and then just pick the outcome you actually wanted lol.

No. 91965

Acthualluy it's the admin who said that, but yeah the
>We are aware that once again 60% of users voted for a wider ban, but any further runoff polls would be ridiculous, especially as 200 fewer users voted in this one.
part reeked of passive aggressive kek. She wants to do a site wide ban so bad.

No. 91966

Infighting about fags in Stupid Questions. What the fuck happened to moderation on this site over the last few years? Five years ago, someone absolutely would have been redtexted for schizo-ranting about how all fags are simultaneously pedophiles and victims of pedophiles. Not because the site was trying to cape for scrotes, but rather because it's such transparent infight bait. It's factually untrue, so a bunch of idiots are going to come out of the woodwork to take the bait. Sperging about fags should be quarantined to manhate and other threads directly related to moids or legbutt stuff. I'm sick of the same handful of schizo anons posting ad-nauseum bait about how the evil homos only reject them because of pedophilia.

No. 91967

Right wing crap is allowed here now, I guess. Lefty GC women truly can't have shit, conservatives and trannies destroy all of our spaces.

No. 91968

I don't buy it one bit when they go "b-b-but I'm just talking about men!!! Why are you defending men!!!" If they're not just baiting and genuinely are that ignorant about sexuality, there's absolutely no way they DON'T think it also applies to lesbians, they're just smart enough not to say it. I'm not a huge lover of fags or anything but the anons who sperg out over them every time they're mentioned are so annoying, they sound like spurned TIFs.

No. 91969

Agreed the rate of racebait aimed at women disguised as "moid hate" has increased too, the many containment threads dont help either since the spergs always leak onto other threads since they want attention not discussion

No. 91970


No. 91971

You can go back to thelchat if you dont like everyone in here not catering to your fag ass. Im definetly sure youll find less racebaits there as well coughs

No. 91972

NTA but there is nothing wrong with that. Not everyone is a "I used to be a Nazi and now I'm a commie!!" autist with black and white thinking, you're allowed to agree and disagree with different parts of different ideologies.

No. 91973

Hm so what being lefty gc is like?

No. 91974

I had a kek at this too. Regardless though, all politispergs are annoying as fuck. Just go back

No. 91975

I know it's hard to believe in the Current Day but leftism used to have other principles before they decided to become human shields for troons. So…just believing in all or most of those except the genie shit kek

No. 91976

Dont say that anon, theyre saving the world by typing from their basements

No. 91977

>Lefty GC is an alien concept!
I know everyone asks this nowadays, but seriously, are you new?

No. 91978

Interesting… what are those leftist principles?

No. 91979

Don't flatter them anon, that's totally what you're doing

No. 91980

Its funny to me how they think theyre different from right gc when theyre the same shit just different favor

No. 91981

It’s mostly funny because leftism is the vehicle of idpol these days. But it’s fine having views that don’t perfectly align with an ideology, I understand that, and I personally think having some variety of views here makes it more interesting and less of an echo chamber for a specific one. That said, anons that are quick to cape for their particular ideology in random threads like /meta/ are still annoying and I will be laughing at them.

No. 91982

I don't really want to derail this thread beyond its intended purpose any more than we already have, but to put it short, women's social, legal and reproductive rights (big deal), environmental concerns, social welfare (to an extent), and wanting to make it more difficult for billionaires to hoard wealth and buy their way into politics. >>91981 is right, politisperging in the wrong thread is retarded and I won't be replying further, I was just answering the question.

No. 91985


No. 91986

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a scrote you tradwhore.

No. 91987

zoo porn in the artsalt thread in ot, i cant wait for the vpn ban

No. 91988

File: 1743203588339.jpg (129.54 KB, 1080x1077, 1000034162.jpg)

They're still waxing poetic about fag rape in stupid questions.

No. 91989

The whole topic should be quarantined atp

No. 91990

I bet it’s the same tranny on the gender ideology hate

No. 91991

>absolutely no way they DON'T think it also applies to lesbians, they're just smart enough not to say it
Being able to recognize that men are sexually degenerate does not mean that you must think lesbian women must be the same way. Men engaging in sodomy isn’t at all comparable to lesbian relationships and marriages.

No. 91992

No1curr, stop dragging your faggot infights all over the place.

No. 91993

Is the confessions thread susceptible to infighting/bait?
I dont want to leave a footprint on my work related confessions and I presume others wouldn't as well so would it possible to have an exception to that thread?

No. 91994

I was just responding to the post, your anger is misplaced

No. 91995

I get suspicious of anons who care too much about fags in either direction. Anons who are super defensive of them come across as libfemmy and faghaggy, while anons who seethe about fags at every opportunity strike me as either conservatives or, like you suggested, personally spurned by a fag. Normal anons just see fags as another flavor of moid and move on if the thread isn't meant to be about moids. Honestly, it's kind of incredible how many of the recurrent infights are over topics involving moids. We really give them way too much of our headspace imo.

No. 91997

They just pick and choose now what is and isn't acceptable depending on their mood. Few months ago you'd be banned for saying stuff like "it's giving", meanwhile now nobody cares. They don't even ban obvious men anymore, like that guy in the right wing grifters thread is only banned for not saging or embedding

No. 91998

Nta but I agree with her and woman is defined as adult human female. Why is it so hard for you to believe that a woman could be leftist and transphobic lol haven't you ever heard of radfems??

No. 91999

Probably because stating a fact about how gay men behave is not bait anon, it’s just the comments that were given in response to the question. It is in no way meant to cape for fags or “defend them for being victims” of the crimes they eventually grow up to repeat, but somebody asked a question (in the stupid questions thread, might I add) about why gay males sexually assault women as well and anons answered.

No. 92000

It's not a fact. It's a myth that's been debunked many times.

No. 92001

File: 1743225698868.png (348.16 KB, 1170x1114, homosexual men csa.png)

It’s not a myth if it’s a verifiable truth though. You don’t even need to do very much research(dragging infights to /meta/)

No. 92002

The anons in the thread are saying most or even all fags are gay because they were molested. 27% is not even a plurality. Also correlation does not equal causation, and a causal relationship could just as easily flow in the opposite direction, where gay and GNC kids (who were like that to begin with) are targeted by predators because they're more vulnerable on account of being a minority, being socially isolated, etc.

No. 92003

Anon, it’s posting google ai overview results as ‘sources’ to back up its argument. Nobody should be taking it seriously.

No. 92004

Firstable womanhood isnt a biological concept. So you cannot define it as "adult female". As we would be using female word instead a different word. Second radical feminism isnt a leftist ideology. Theres no rational reason to be anti-trans. Anti-trans also means misogynystic as you throw masculine women under the bus as well. Its contradictory and hypocratical. You dont even know what words mean because you never think about them.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 92007

massive derail in the Complaints & Suggestions #35 thread on /meta/

No. 92008

Things straight women do (as seen in cows posted on this site):
>eating men's ass
>bdsm(report and ignore)

No. 92009

>Second radical feminism isnt a leftist ideology.
you're a drooling retard(derailing)

No. 92011

Youre probably confusing it with marxist feminism

No. 92012

Let's break it down.
>Firstable womanhood isnt a biological concept
A woman is an adult human female. An adult human female has two X chromosomes. Anything with a dick and Y chromosome is not a woman. That's the biological reality.

>As we would be using female word instead a different word

The statements "a woman" and "a female" when referring to humans is synonymous.

>Second radical feminism isnt a leftist ideology.

This is so ignorant of history that I'm not even going to bother. Google exists.

>Theres no rational reason to be anti-trans.

Define anti-tranny.

>Anti-trans also means misogynystic as you throw masculine women under the bus as well.

Masculine women are not men, they are women and are therefore innately feminine. A masculine woman is not a man and a feminine man is not a woman.

>Its contradictory and hypocratical

The ideology of troonery is based on the theory of a pedophile and not biological reality.

>You dont even know what words mean because you never think about them

Says the mentally delayed spastic that thinks a man in a dress is a woman.(derailing)

No. 92013

mods wake the fuck up

No. 92014

The only people who believe "masculine women" are the same as trannies are particularly stupid retvrners (and even they don't really believe it, they just neg any woman who isn't feminine enough for them) and gender cultists. You have no moral high ground in this argument.

No. 92017

They're never around on the weekends, we'll have to wait until Monday

No. 92018

Seriously though, don't reply to bait. No matter how good your argument is or how well you try to explain it, you'll never convince a troon replying to it on an imageboard. Ignore it completely and the retard will leave.

No. 92019

damn farmhands have an active social life. really makes you think

No. 92025

Retarded new thread in /g/ with racebait

No. 92026

the jessica richard /snow/ thread is being shit up (by herself, probably, due to not getting enough attention)

No. 92027

Get raped and kill yourself already, tranny faggot.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 92028

No. 92030

are you guys permabanning her? is she IP hopping, or what

No. 92055

Recently I noticed two self-post red texts in /snow/, one in the Jessica Richards thread and one in the Grimes thread. If you're using the term as a joke, you need to clarify that. People genuinely believe those are selfposts because that label isn't typically used ironically by farmhands, you can't claim you know specifically only those two posts were by grimes or Jessica Richards. Who is the failure of a janitor you're allowing to do this?

No. 92057

To clarify, the post in the grimes thread was clearly meant to be a WK ban. As far as the Jessica Richards thread goes its pretty obvious she's selfposting, but labeling a single video link shared as a selfpost without context, other post labels, etc looks like you're perpetuating labeling random posts as selfposts. Taking creative liberties in one thread really creates doubt when you do the same thing in another later on. If I recall, selfposting used to be a ban reserved explicitly for doing so, not used satirically for a WK post as all it does is create confusion.

No. 92061

Getting an 'internal server error' when posting on my phone

No. 92068

There's some moid who keeps posting fart videos and talking about Taylor Swift farting. I've noticed in multiple threads but I can only recall the Bechdel Thread right now.

No. 92069

Where is the AI containment thread? I can't find it in m or ot, is there even a thread? I miss when you could post AI art of cows a few years ago as long as it wasn't spammed or not relevant to the subjects

No. 92070

Kek I noticed that too, it's very obviously a bitter faggot

No. 92071

Can farmerhands reveal the post of the not at all obvious cow self posting about herself in the Jessica thread in snow?

No. 92072

No. 92073

So are you guys just going to pretend that didn't happen? Fucking nice.

No. 92074

File: 1743393032708.png (52.74 KB, 721x501, tard.png)

part of me wishes her thread would close or die out because she links her thread on twitter (hoping people will come in and defend her) and feels the need to reply to every single post made in the thread about her. she does it in the most boring childish way as if her life revolves around reacting to the thread. she already made that one hour video over just 67 posts and and now she wants to make another video too. no one cares nearly as much as she does and it's not really funny anymore, it's just sad and pathetic. i do want to know what the mods/admins think about her thread being revived. she thinks she's famous because of this and doesn't do anything else besides talk about this site now

No. 92081

Honestly it will die out on its own. She may be self posting, but even so she herself confirmed the very first post of the yt vid that was red texted with "self post" wasn't her. This came after a WK post in the Grimes thread was randomly labeled "self post" unwarranted as well. There's a seriously retarded janitor breaking the rules (maybe in a misguided attempt at humor) but that's being ignored, of course.

No. 92084

>she herself confirmed the very first post of the yt vid that was red texted with "self post" wasn't her
i'm 100% not trying to argue with you but how did she confirm it? shouldn't everything she say be taken with a grain of salt? she also says she's attractive, schizophrenic, that she loves herself and she's thriving and we know that none of those things are true. she said she didn't selfpost but how can/did she prove that?
>but that's being ignored, of course.
clarity from the farmhands would be appreciated, but i feel like they hardly answer stuff in /meta/. it's unfortunate

No. 92085

i am 100% convinced that we have bot mods on the site. how many server error double posts will be hit with a learn2delete redtext? if the mods are actually that fucking stupid that i am confusing them for bots they need to be let go.

No. 92087

i’ve seen an influx of posts using “crashout” instead of breakdown/sperging and i want to know why this unintegrated xitter tiktok slang isn’t being banned

No. 92088

This is a funny claim when farmhands are logged off for like 10 hours every day. Go to crystal.cafe if you want to see what moderation bots are actually like. Some anons here actually do report second posts that are just fixing a typo because it’s annoying.

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