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No. 90723

Previous thread: >>>/meta/89037

No. 90729

Should I make an Instagram hate thread? There's an absolute goldmine of material

No. 90730

>Should I make ANOTHER hate thread so we can HATE things because HATE is the most important thing now on lolcow?
No. We don't need yet another hate thread. What would we even do in an Instagram hate thread? What is there to hate on? Instagram is an app for 16 year olds.

No. 90731

depends on what you want to post. if you found cows you can post them here >>>/snow/2014335

No. 90732

you cant just choose one particularly milky cow? it has to be the whole app?

No. 90733

If you searched the catalog on /ot/ and nothing is there, you aren't breaking any rules.

No. 90734

It will be 90% moid ragebait just like what the twitter thread has become

No. 90736

Insane derail and infighting in the attractive male thread on /g/

No. 90737

Saying this like this isn't a site originally meant for gossip about lolcows.

No. 90739

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Why is the first post in this screenshot considered racebait, but not the second one? Both are from /snow/.

No. 90740

They moderate posts that are reported. The first ban is overly cautious in my view.

No. 90741

The second one was most likely reported by multiple people, it even sparked off an infight with anons complaining about whether or not it wasn't racist, and the original anon mocking posters who called it as such. First one didn't have or start anything like that.

No. 90742

And how do you know that poster didn't get a ban? Not every ban gets a redtext.

No. 90744

That just makes me wonder why the first one was seen as egregious enough to be redtexted, but not the second one (even after it became an infight)?

No. 90745

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baiting retards in unpopular opinions

No. 90747

I'm pretty sure a lot of anons infight but don't report, and that post only got 2 replies in a very slow thread.

No. 90748

Mods have explained this before. It's because if an anon has been infighting, only one of their posts gets the actual ban message. So if she was banned later in the infight, or in another thread entirely, the post you're talking about won't get the redtext.

No. 90749

>or in another thread entirely,
Now come on, nonna, kek.

No. 90750

I doubt they got banned, or that the mods just didn't see. The radfem cows thread is far more active than the thread the first post was in (Lisa Yo), and the first reply it got (an anon who said it was racist to say that) was the one that got redtexted, even though only the OP tried to make it into a racial thing.

No. 90751

Kek if you've been on /ot/ then you've seen when schizo anons freak out across multiple threads. They only get redtexted if they revive the infight again in a different thread after their ban has expired, then it's "dragging infight across threads." If they do it before their ban expires, then it's "ban evasion."

No. 90753

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also this nona got banned for saying jew and italian men are ugly spoiled momma's boys (which they are)

No. 90754

mods please do something about the unintegrated redditards plaguing the musk thread

No. 90755

Probably because anon brought up Luigi outside containment

No. 90756

There's an annoying scrote in /pt/ that bumped a bunch of threads unsaged with his chimp noises.

No. 90757

This is literally what happens when you have shitposters. Maybe lurk more instead of acting like this isn't true.

No. 90758

Kinpatsu's ex boyfriend is back again in the cosplay thread and making up tinfoil about her buying likes which again has no proof. This guy is obsessive. He has a girlfriend and yet he can't move on because he's not happy that Kinpatsu isn't a failed cosplayer without him in the picture. He really can't handle the fact he's unneeded and useless. Anyone can 3D print kek he's not even special.

No. 90759

a certain somebody is spamming the radfem cows thread again kek

No. 90760

What happened to rita.html? I miss it.
Also, jannies should bring the kpop and hime vs fujo threads back because I want to laugh at their schizobabble

No. 90761

Lock the radfem cows thread

No. 90762

Can Kinpatsu ever be brought up in the cos thread without a wk popping up literally 10 minutes later, everytime she is criticized one of you will come in there and give every excuse under the sun that its her exmoid or what she is doing is not worth posting about, its obnoxious and not very subtle. Is her tatoo moid sitting camped in the thread or something she is a hasbeen cosplayer who now does porn, who is willingly defending her this much? She is never gonna fuck you nonna.

No. 90763

no, keep it. the milk has been coming to us.

No. 90764

Her boyfriend has been caught vendettafagging several times for several months and his posts have been deleted, comes with unverifiable tinfoil every time, and gets extra salty in thread when anons point it out. I don't think that's wking, nonna.

No. 90765

Kek it was him

No. 90766

>>90754 I called that infighter the poster who constantly brought up "moralfagging" in the art and elon thread because they posted within the exact same hour and have the same typing style, they also have constantly been infighting recently. I didn't continue on after I asked that poster, but they seem pretty adamant onto being smug and whatnot. I wonder if it's some pol /ic/ moid lurking around. Just saw that I got banned for asking them, I assume they reported my post for derailing when I reported one of their posts for infighting..

No. 90767

Can you permaban the retard wk in the Dana thread that blames her behaviour on reddit, despite her acting this way years before the subreddit was even made

No. 90768

Are the mods going to do anything about the children in /g/ (weegee thread posters)

No. 90770

Ban evading baiter in the vent thread.

No. 90771

dana has not been shy about lurking here and she can never help but directly respond. so my theory is its either dana herself, or kaylee.

No. 90772

Particularly in the Onision thread the moderator within this community is like her significant other i wager, leaving much to be desired.

No. 90773

You sound like a newfag referring to lolcow as a community. This is an imageboard.

No. 90774

I wouldn't be surprised if it's anons trying to get his thread closed who are spamming it and bringing him up outside of the containment.

No. 90775

yes, I am a new lesbian.
how could you tell?

No. 90776

It’s been months why am I still seeing that broccoli-haired faggot on the front page

No. 90777

Boohoo dont click those threads

No. 90778

I’m not. That’s why I said front page.

No. 90779

and? why should we care? why does this bother you much youre bitching about it here

No. 90780

nayrt but you do realise this is the designated bitching thread, right?

No. 90781

why? because you cant handle your own shit and wanna speak to the manager erm I mean mods?

No. 90782

This is not the designated bitching thread. This is the thread where we complain about moderation or threads in need of moderation, and suggest things for the site.
The weegees are in the containment thread made for them. If you're too incompetent to type 2-4 more letters after the url, that's not the weegee wives' problem.
I'm sure there's an anti-Luigi thread floating around somewhere, and if not, you can make it.

No. 90783

>This is not the designated bitching thread. This is the thread where we complain about moderation or threads in need of moderation, and suggest things for the site.
Saying the same things twice

No. 90784

how many unique users do you think this place gets? honestly I'd say probably less than 50

No. 90785

Don’t worry they’re working on getting those numbers down

No. 90786

Farmhands need to stop deleting posts from cows and calves coming to defend themselves/talk shit about other cows. Just redtext the post and ban them, its prime milk and funny as hell. They used to reveal post history and now they just delete everything, I dont get it.

No. 90787

Seconding this.

No. 90788

why aren't retards who post chatgpt slop banned? especially in cow threads

No. 90789

Can you add a Tranny thread please

No. 90790

When they posted the stats last year, there was something like 5500 unique devices posting on the site over 2 weeks. There's a lot more than 50 people. That's not even considering the people that only lurk.

No. 90791

newfag alert. they always delete. some people attention needs should be curbed. get over it.
where, post proof.
has this retarded newfag even taken a look at /snow

No. 90792

They should delete it. Otherwise these idiots think they can spam whatever because it gets left up.

No. 90793

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lisa yo thread
i think it's fair to delete the posts if the cow actively enjoys the attention. the bpd types who selfposf actually relish getting mean comments so deleting their posts stops them attention whoring.

No. 90794

Dog haters are barking and yowling outside containment in unpopular opinions

No. 90795

some autist is thirstposting about ice spice in the vent thread

No. 90796

/ot/ is too full of politics and hate. It creates a weird and hostile atmosphere that encourages infighting.

No. 90797

She made exactly five posts, relax. How is this anon the one pissing you off when there's some sped reeing about loose vaginas and pornstar whores.

No. 90798

I've been here since the site was made, farmhands used to reveal post history

No. 90799

Kek there's literally classic threads where admin makes an announcement post, and then either links to a special page with all of the cow's posts, or tells anons what the name/banner will be letting everyone know which posts are the cow's. Wasn't Rita the lastest personalityfag to get this treatment?

No. 90800

Surprisingly the trump hate thread is so peaceful considering it's a political thread

No. 90801

Do you not remember Shannon?

No. 90802

there's been a tinfoiler derailing the grimes thread claiming there was domestic violence with zero proof and it's clogging the thread and going into offtopic territory

No. 90804

Why was the Venus Angelic thread unlocked when Margo has her or thread or someone can make a new one thead for margo? Nothing being posted is about venus with proof of venus leaving japan. She keeps lying about knowing whats going on. She needs her own thread, not Venus's thread for her shit. There is still zero information about venus currently.

No. 90805

Please, please redtext pick-me (pick me, pickme etc.)

No. 90806

There's about 24 hours worth of massive derail in the grimes thread, I thought farmhands claimed they were going to wrangle that?

No. 90808

i don't think the thread has been moderated at all in the past day. many such cases. i already complained about it 6 hours ago and nothing happened as usual

No. 90809

Something retarded is going on in the tinfoil thread on /ot/

No. 90810

infighting in radfem thread

No. 90811

radfem thread getting shat up again

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