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No. 56933[Reply]

This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.

If cerbmin needs to hear it, post it here. We occasionally monitor the complaints/suggestions thread as well. Please keep in mind we all have full-time jobs and tending the farm is a passion project. Changes may be slow, but we will prioritize quality over speed. We will do our best, anon!
First thread: >>51182

Previous responses to anon:
>>51190 hellweek plans, moderation practices
>>51207 moderation practices
>>51219 server costs, plans for implementing captcha
>>51222 priorities
>>51246 addressing tinfoils
>>51282 site speed
>>51325 lost /m/ threads, improving transparency
>>51381 introductions, regarding farmhands revealing IP addresses
>>51666 addressing Blaine/Elaine/tranny accusations, plans for old staff, plan for off-site updates page, regarding spam/CP
>>52298 lost /m/ threads, speed of site, closing lolcow Discord, males on lolcow/in deleted Discord
>>52931 addressing practice of bumping CP, allowing adriasdome, hellweek and staff plans, should calling out other users as male be a bannable offense?
>>53189 what parts of board culture have deteriorated the most? What would anon like to see enforced?
>>53457 updates on lost m threads
>>53462 old m threads are restored

Previous thread: >>53472
1196 posts and 93 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 60507

No. 60517

I feel this deep within my soul. Love you anon and godspeed.

No. 60518

Sadly, the decline started before burritomin. Remember the admin before? Of course you don't. No-one does. They basically existed in name alone for - 2 years? And while the fat mexican made a lot of things worse, the pandemic was a major driver of problems. LC used to be relatively unknown but started to get more attention from normies thanks to vocal cows like Joy Sparkles.
The thing that bothers me the most is how slow it is now because that makes everything else stand out more. There used to be so many threads that were like mini boards of their own with their own culture. It was a lot more about the milk and the cows; it had focus. I remember /ot/ being controversial because it was a drift from the main purpose. Now it's turned into a generic imageboard but femcels and PULLfags instead of scrotes. And it's so dead.
One thing you really missed the mark on is the woke feminism bit. It's gone in completely the opposite direction. Discussions about troons could just be like normal people speak instead of escaped mental patients painting manifestos on the walls with their own shit but no. Literal psychotics can't understand 'being censored' on mainstream websites so they come here to unleash. And they'd side with /pol/tards if they thought it owned trannies somehow. Same with the manhate anons. They are to feminism as isis is to muslims. When anons talk about how hostile the boards are the past few years, that's half the problem right there.
Anyway, I look forward to being told off by some 'oldfag' who has been here for two years.

No. 60519

Hold up. This right here is a massive problem.
You don't heal by wallowing in shit. Being able to vent and feel heard is super important. Being encouraged to go further and further into the rage until it is blinding is the opposite of healing. Constantly hanging on to the hatred and feeding it is also the opposite. And saying "but men do it!" is not an excuse.
If you want to get off drugs, you don't join a group of junkies, you go to therapy groups. You work through it. Seeing people confusing reinforcing their own prisons and retraumatising themselves with healing or validation is heartbreaking.

No. 60520

Yes some of us oldfags are still around and what of it ?

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No. 59152[Reply]

Hellweek is now over.

LC moderation will revert to a more relaxed style. We appreciate all of the user feedback and wanted to address some hot topics here. Keep in mind moderation is often extremely subjective, although we conduct Hellweek to try and orient our moderation style around the most popular attitudes on LC. Let us know what you think about the following:

Multiple Hellweeks per year: Anons brought up potentially having December and summer Hellweeks. It will depend on when staff is available, and whether there seems to be a need come this December.

Reddit spacing rules: The image >>59256 attached needs line breaks, and those line breaks wouldn’t be considered Reddit spacing since the post is just so long. Shorter posts don’t require line breaks, although for mobile users these posts may look long like >>59260 says. >>59277 makes a good case against Reddit spacing. Line breaks for dramatic effect are a bit obnoxious, but if it’s funny or sarcastic it may be excused.

Line breaks after the post number you’re replying to is an identifiable typing style and will be temp banned. Minimodding about anything, including muh reddit spacing >>59320 should be reported and bans will be issued. Bullying new users into integrating is not minimodding. We would argue that it’s necessary.

Imageboard bans, attaching screenshots when linking outside websites or articles: When a link is posted with no screencap, the conversation often dies with that post. Whether that’s because the post failed to capture interest or anons didn’t click the link because they want a more cohesive scrolling experience or don’t trust links is ultimately irrelevant. We consider that a low quality post. So, when you post a link, attach a screenshot of what the link contains.

Male/troon accusations: Accusing other anons of being male/troon when it’s not immediately obvious often leads to witch hunts and infighting. Women have lots of different opinions. Women may hold misogynistic opinions. They are still women.

New redtext: sus, unalived, goated, and femcel will be added as new redtext!

Hellweek theme being usable after tomorrow: We will update the existing Hellweek theme to have the fire gif at the bottom.

Misuse of terminology, twitter/tiktok verbiage, “serving cunt” ban, “rapefugee” ban, other language:>>59342 brings up these points. Things like r*pe or sewerslide are always bannable. LC is free speech friendly and is in direct opposition to self-censoring speech. Things like “serving cunt” are up to mods discretion. It’s drag/twitter language that is better suited to other places online.

The term “rapefugee” sounds like its straight from /pol/ which is why those posts have resulted in temp bans. However, we understand that rape by refugees is suffered by women, so women here may feel that “rapefugee” is an accurate term that rapist refugees deserve to be called >>59479. Global Rule 7 states: Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting). Clearly, we’ve allowed race related discussion, but please keep it civil between users.

Incorrect terminology like “LC is a forum” or “/m/ is my favorite imageboard” would be better combated by bullying letting anon know that LC is an imageboard and /m/ is a board and that anon is a newfag. Remember some anons are ESL.

Our original announcement can be found below.

Hellweek will begin July 2 and will end July 9 (at midnight EST in both cases). Posts made during this week will receive extra scrutiny and moderation will increase. However, this is not applicable to posts made before or after hellweek. Please post any questions, suggestions, or concerns in this thread. General complaints stay in the general complaints thread.

What is Hellweek?

Hellweek is a period of time, typically a week, where moderation is strict. This hellweek, all boards will be participating and all bans will be redtexted in order to receive feedback from site users (use this thread for that feedback). Just because redtext is used does not mean a ban is permanent. Feel free to report posts, but if your reports are consistently frivolous or falsely accusing anons of being male, etc. expect a temporary ban for wasting time.

Why does Hellweek exist?

LC’s first ever Hellweek was held December of 2015 >>1904

>The purpose of this will be to gauge community reaction to moderation actions, and help determine if permanent policy changes should be made. The secondary purpose will be to hopefully encourage people to improve their quality of posts in the long term, without moderators having to step in.

Anons have stated that board culture has gone downhill since the coronavirus quarantine/lockdown of 2020. The drama forum Pretty Ugly Little Liars also closed in 2020. The farm has seen an influx of twitter and PULL refugees, as well as users immigrating from TikTok as LC has been mentioned on that platform. Users who violate the rules as outlined by lolcow.farm/rules and who do not conform to board culture will be the main targets of Hellweek’s heavy moderation, but the main goal is to integrate as many newfags as possible while improving the overall posting quality.
332 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 60181

very normal response and not at all insane sounding

No. 60229

Generals tend to be low-quality threads overall tbh. Anyone actually interesting enough gets their own thread, the rest (especially MtF/FtM) is a lot of five year old reposts from ovarit or obvious rage-bait from Reddit. The overall culture of them is more like a Facebook group which is pretty gay and spills over to affect the rest of /snow/. Can’t really win in the way of “just report for derailing” when god knows the “tranny janny!!!!” shitstorm that’ll be spun up the moment some assmad bint gets a ban warning/30 minute temp ban because they blackout from rage every time they’re forced to read the word “they”

No. 60235

Which threads are you seeing the derailing sperging? I'm all over /pt/, /snow/, and /ot/ (occasionally /w/ to catch up when things are slow), and I honestly don't see the terf meltdowns being talked about. I've seen two instances of an anon saying "just say 'her'" lately, but the thread moved on.
Do you mean the tradthot and shayna threads? Because if we're being honest with ourselves, those are a completely different animal, raiding aside. There should be a dedicated mod for those.
>MtF/FtM is a lot of five year old reposts from ovarit or obvious rage-bait from Reddit
Nonnies posting old milk is cringe and annoying, but
is stupid. Anons who post obvious bodychecking and retardation from cows in the ana-chan or tradthot threads aren't accused of posting rage-bait. We are here to look at milk. I don't want to see the "normie" troons, recovering anorexics, and humble modest cosplayers. I am here to gawk at degenerates and laugh at male retardation.
>Can’t really win in the way of “just report for derailing” when god knows the “tranny janny!!!!” shitstorm that’ll be spun up
I've literally only seen "tranny janny" accusations in the mtf thread and maybe once more in celebricows, and they get banned half the time anyways. I think it's funny. Maybe you should try staying out of troon threads

No. 60236

>is a lot of five year old reposts from ovarit or obvious rage-bait from Reddit
This is why I stopped regularly browsing the troon threads. It's extremely repetitive.

>and I honestly don't see the terf meltdowns being talked about
In >>60168 I wasn't talking about terf posting specifically. I looked through the tradthot thread and it mostly antinatalists arguing with other anons. The recent issue in the Shay thread was caused by arguing if teenagers should be allowed to have surgery to alter their bodies when an anon mentioned that she had a breast reduction in a post while discussing Shayna's surgery. The mtf thread has always been political because it essentially functions as a replacement for the GC threads on /ot/. The hotep thread also gets political sperging. All of it is off topic and has nothing to do with cows.

There is an entire board for female politics and it's dead because the subject matter gets posted all over the site to threads where it doesn't belong. I suspect because it's newfags that are too dumb to know how to access a hidden board.

No. 60238

>The hotep thread also gets political sperging.
You could argue hotep/Afrocentrism is it's own brand of autistic politics. They're essentially supremists and conspiracy theorists wrapped into one much like white supremacists. I haven't checked the thread but given the topic being intrinsically linked with politics I'd say it's relevant to an extent.

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No. 57065[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/meta/54138
1203 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 59810

Scrote chimping out in snow spamming shit threads.

No. 59824

thread appears to be made by some retarded namefagging scrote and I'm pretty sure there is a lot of samefagging going on in the replies

No. 59828

Tranny spamming cp in ot if you aren't aware yet.

No. 59833

Anons are literally just shitting up the Venus thread for fun now

No. 59834

Will it be possible to attach .webp files and youtube shorts without manually editing the url in the future?

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No. 59289[Reply]

It says "fail to resize image" and I can't post no matter what. I've never seen a site so obsessively moderated that also has nonstop technical issues(use the general meta thread)

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No. 53472[Reply]

This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.

If cerbmin needs to hear it, post it here. We occasionally monitor the complaints/suggestions thread as well. Please keep in mind we all have full-time jobs and tending the farm is a passion project. Changes may be slow, but we will prioritize quality over speed. We will do our best, anon!
First thread: >>51182

Previous responses to anon:
>>51190 hellweek plans, moderation practices
>>51207 moderation practices
>>51219 server costs, plans for implementing captcha
>>51222 priorities
>>51246 addressing tinfoils
>>51282 site speed
>>51325 lost /m/ threads, improving transparency
>>51381 introductions, regarding farmhands revealing IP addresses
>>51666 addressing Blaine/Elaine/tranny accusations, plans for old staff, plan for off-site updates page, regarding spam/CP
>>52298 lost /m/ threads, speed of site, closing lolcow Discord, males on lolcow/in deleted Discord
>>52931 addressing practice of bumping CP, allowing adriasdome, hellweek and staff plans, should calling out other users as male be a bannable offense?
>>53189 what parts of board culture have deteriorated the most? What would anon like to see enforced?
>>53457 updates on lost m threads
>>53462 old m threads are restored!
1187 posts and 90 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 56924


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 56925

jfc, it's a mild conversational joke
anon 1: I doubt the newest newfags do because no one uses it anymore
anon 2: Oh wow I probably should've known that (about farmhands/jannies)
anon 3: ha ha, a jape, a jest, It seems anon 1 was right that newfags don't know about jannies/farmhands
Are you okay? Do you maybe need to lay down or something?

No. 56928

>It seems anon 1 was right that newfags don't know about jannies/farmhands
But I'm not a newfag, I said I've been here 6 or 7 years in my post you tagged

No. 56929

Maybe try not to be so autistic that you can't understand what 3+ people are explaining to you? idk, I give up, god damn dude

I literally said the words "jape" and "jest," and said it was a joke; what is happening in this thread

No. 56931

Well the joke doesn't make sense cause you used me as an example of a newfag when in the same sentence of my post I said I wasn't, try making a better joke next time if you want keks

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No. 54138[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/meta/51603
1201 posts and 68 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 56844

While we're at it, why not filter "femcel" as well? It only really became a thing recently and it's obvious it came from outside.

No. 56845

Who was doxxed?? If anons can't remember to take their profile photos of their screencaps, I'm not going to sympathize and that's not doxxing.

No. 56846

kek you really can't read or type and it's basically personality-fagging at this point.

No. 56855

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No. 59687

That's not what happened and I wish you newfags stopped embellishing shit for sport

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No. 56422[Reply]

why the fuck did the belle thread get locked when shayna is like 1000x more irrelevant and less milky yet has like 100 threads. BELLE WK MODS LMFAO(shit thread, complain on the complaint thread)

No. 56423

how does this image relate to your post

No. 56426

had nothing else in my camera roll

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No. 55889[Reply]

It's official troons have infiltrate the mod team(ban-evading idiot)

No. 55891

I was just specifying the type of spam (for future reference)

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No. 50597[Reply]

Lolcow looks all twisted and reversed. How to fix this please? I can’t read anything. Was it fixed for others already? Why the screenshot looks normal when i post it but not to me? What’s the reason and behide this, first time happening.
9 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 55629

Wishing you health schizoanon

No. 55630


No. 55631

I also don’t want the Nigerians to take you to Vegas in the night.

No. 55632

Don’t you have parents or something get some help and stop being like that

No. 55641

Go to a doctor and get pills. If you take pills the eggs they send you won't have poison in them and the woman's baby will be taken away.
If you go to a doctor you'll save the baby so you should do it, anon. Then please take the pills.

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No. 962[Reply]

A nice, cosy, official banner thread to submit your new banners for the benefit and expansion of the website.

Banners must be 300x100

Banners should mention the site directly or indirectly. "lolcow.farm" written, a picture of a cow, etc.

Submitting some OC.
1201 posts and 487 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 54644


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 54697

basedddd!!! I want it… I need it in fact
omfg can you believe? we're going to need another banner thread now… kinda cool if you ask me. So many creative nonnies in this website, I love it

No. 54698

Fuck yeah.
Hope we get to finally see all the great new banners on Nu cow, btw.

No. 54701

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Bethany from the proana scumbags threads in /snow/ tweaking on drugs. Someone made the comparison between her and a cow mewing grass.

No. 54710

NEW THREAD: >>>/meta/54709

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