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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 86783[Reply]

1203 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 89030

One of those anons is probably carrey-chan yet again

No. 89033

Yes, you should be banned for responding to obvious bait. It shits up the site just as much.

No. 89034

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This mod in particular and the stupid cunts who have been strangling /snow/ have been shitting up the site for far too long. Powertripping jannies are peak retardation. Kill Yourselves.

No. 89035

Replying in the get it off your chest thread is against the rules

No. 89036

The GIOYC thread is an amazing retard filter.

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No. 63266[Reply]

This thread will be used by staff to post general site updates and will remain locked to keep those updates easily visible. If you'd like to discuss any of these announcements, please use the General Meta Discussion and Complaints and Suggestions threads.
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No. 84860

Posting was down for around 3 hours due to an issue with the server which has now been resolved, we apologise for the unexpected outage.

No. 86838

The site was down for around 4 hours due to our host having technical issues. These are now resolved and they do not anticipate any further outages.

No. 86960

Falling snowflakes have returned for December! Clicking the silver snowflake below the post form will toggle the effect.

No. 88649

The site will be in read-only mode for approximately 12 hours between 8:00 and 20:00 GMT on the 14th of January. This is for necessary maintenance, as we are moving the site to a new server.

We have made the decision to transition from a virtual private server (VPS) to a dedicated server. There are several reasons for this, the main one being improved stability. In recent months there have been several extended periods of downtime and performance degradation caused by issues with the shared hosting our current VPS uses, and moving to a dedicated server will prevent this. It should also slightly improve the site's performance, and allow us to use a RAID configuration for the site’s drives which comes with its own benefits.

We have spent the last while working on this, which has delayed other updates to the site. Shortly after the site is back up, we will be moving forward with other necessary updates (e.g. the VPN ban and the Lolcow Awards). With regards to the VPN ban, we are implementing a way to host polls on-site to prevent anyone from being able to interfere with the results.

No. 88777

The site maintenance has been completed a little ahead of schedule, we have successfully moved to the new server! There may be some teething issues over the next few days, please report any bugs or other issues here:

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No. 87325[Reply]

A surprise month of Hellmas is now in effect. For the rest of the month of December, VPN posting will be banned and moderation will be stricter. 

The only exception to the VPN posting ban is the gender critical hidden board as we want the women posting there to be able to encrypt their traffic if they are living in a location where it may not be safe to post their opinions otherwise. 

Please note that the VPN detection API we use is about 95-98% accurate. This means that a small percentage of IPs may be incorrectly blocked or allowed through. If you are not using a VPN and your IP address is blocked, please email us at admin@lolcow.farm and we will submit a correction for your IP to the API provider and add an exception for the time being.

Why are we doing this?
There has been an uptick in the amount of baitposting and infighting in the past few months, and it has gotten much worse in the last few weeks. The use of VPNs for ban evading has made it more difficult to stamp this out.

We would like to address one type of posting in particular: infight baiting. If you are making a post, whether it's your honestly held opinion or not, and any regular user of the site should be fully aware that it is going to cause an infight, you will be banned. Some examples of this:

• Anti-fujo/hime/yume posts outside of containment
• Anti-lesbian/bisexual/het posting
• /pol/sperging
• Extreme tradfaggotry

There are other sites where you can post these opinions freely, and we encourage you to use them instead of causing infights here.

Can’t people with dynamic IPs still ban evade?
Yes they can, but we can put range bans in place that will limit their ability to do so. 

Will this change become permanent?
That is not our intention at this time, but if the userbase is strongly in favour of it, we may consider it.

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No. 88697

retard shouldnt have gotten ballsy with her real name attached. thats where she fucked up. end of story.

No. 88701

Good thing you dont post here with anything that could identify you on lolcow, right? You wouldnt be that stupid… right?

No. 88730

Is the VPN ban poll happening or not? We're nearly two weeks into January at this point.

No. 88731

In the maintenance message they mention that they are setting up onsite polls it'll probably be a little after tomorrow

No. 88735

I completely missed that update. Thanks nonna

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No. 85300[Reply]

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No. 86779

kawiwi isn't an uncommon slang to see here, it's been around longer than you, so get over it, newfag.

No. 86780

Back to Twitter with you where you can goon over your lolisho in peace kek

No. 86781

>girls who don't look like children
>pug face, giant head, very small body, depicted in childish fashion and mannerism
>don't look like children
Just say you want to freely post about your little girl porn and go, I'm sure tranny janny won't mind.

No. 86782

Yeah except it’s blatantly the same poster recently sperging out across several threads about the same shit over and over.

Oh good heavens, a commonly used abbreviation

No. 86909

Ban the dysphoria thread please

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No. 82855[Reply]

This thread is for discussing the incident/downtime. Please take general complaints to the appropriate thread, they will not get any responses here.

The site is back online, and we expect there to be no further downtime as a result of this incident. We apologise for how long the downtime was, and we are glad to be back!

A full explanation is written below, but there is a tl;dr at the end for those who are not interested in the details.

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No. 85868

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Thank you so much for fixing the images, you guys are amazing

No. 85922

they're the reason it got fucked up in the first place.

No. 85944

the people who attacked the website are the reason they got fucked up you salty retard, if you think any previous admin of this website could have prevented it either you are delusional

No. 85960

it's called an archive, genius.

No. 86685


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No. 85491[Reply]

Why is everything facing the wrong direction?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 85498

How are retards like you two even allowed to use this site? Don't your nurses or social workers limit your screen time or monitor your online activity?

No. 85516


No. 85521

They probably are the nurses, many normalfags on this site kek

No. 85580

nurses are usually either peak normie or psychopaths

No. 85584

>Not knowing you need to use a mirror on lolcow to stop the the feds from reading your posts
yllaer cespo cisab sti

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No. 82790[Reply]

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No. 85283

troon in the unpopular opinion thread

No. 85284

This website is dead. It’s been dead for years now

No. 85286

I feel the same way. I like yuri too but some of the opinions in that thread almost feel like they were written by twitter sapphics, just with lc lingo instead.

No. 85287

The retard shitting up several threads of /g/ posting 4moid egirls still persists, he sticks like a sore thumb using numbers to "rate" women whenever he speaks about them

No. 85291

It's paki-chan, isn't it?

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No. 81334[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/meta/79881
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No. 82789

They ban in meta pretty often now. Don't forget that movie thread anon got permabanned last summer for posting in meta. And now they allow certain anons to basically personalityfag and start infights here. Only the nonas responding to it will get banned.

Admin needs to clarify the definition of these words then, because speculation and normal discussion is no longer even tolerated in many threads. If the janny were at least consistent and would ban the anons who start infights or post retarded ad hominems and non-con wk posts, then it would at least seem less biased. I'd rather read anons speculating than have some rule that everything a cow says is automatically the truth. Tinfoil is speculation without any foundation at all, it's batshit crazy crap, not normal use of powers of deduction.

I also think talking about cow threads being 'necessary' or not is pretty weird. There isn't a finite amount of resources. Don't like a thread? Don't read it. It's silly to expect an entire imageboard to change because you don't like some thread or you personally like the cow. I don't get why this is hard, there are so many threads I think are boring or nitpicky or mean; I just don't read them or get involved.
It just seems like you want to minimod what anyone talks about - why? Genuine question, do you like any thread on LC? What's a "good" cow thread to you?

No. 82797

do you also scream in horror when seeing a womans body irl. i doubt you even ever got pussy if body hair triggers tf out of you

No. 82801

I stg this is the skirbyfag >>>/snow/2031820

No. 82815

So many cow threads can be reduced down to generals. Theres a bunch of dead cows with threads alive just from rapid anons deaperate for drama and milk that will never flow again. It's obvious when you go intk the threads.

No. 82841

close the BP thread. it's dogshit

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No. 79881[Reply]

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No. 81323

Being notified of a ban that's expired only after you try to make another post is really stupid. Why would you even be notified at all only after its expired anyway? It looks like it's a way for mods to just show off banning you because this is retarded design.

No. 81324

Because you didn't see it when it was given. It's not that complicated.

No. 81325

Just wanted to say sorry to the jannies for not spoilering a pic I put in ot I've learned my lesson.

No. 81327

CP link in amerifag thread GET RID OF IT TRANNY JANNIES

No. 81328

Why has there been a lack of banning on obvious male posters in /ot/? They are baiting and infighting, race sperging and shit posting and no red texts anywhere? Come on now

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No. 78429[Reply]

1202 posts and 77 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 79884

Not a bot, my browser just had an autistic meltdown, like you’re doing now
>Where did you find such art in the fujo thread?
Lurk more. Blatant shotashit usually gets deleted by farmhands
>Nigga shota stuff has been part of the fujo subculture since the 70’s.
Ok? I don’t care? Sorry this site isn’t your pedo sanctuary

No. 79885

>14. Do not post or discuss sexualised and/or sexual art featuring minors unless it is related to milk.
>she's so new she doesn't know the rule was specifically put in place because of shotafags and we had a poll about it relatively recently where a sitewide ban won the most votes

No. 79886

Women consuming drawings of fictional moids is not pedophilia, once again. If you wouldn’t deck a kid scrote in the face you’re lying, stop defending them
Nigga I was there for it, I thought it was stupid then and thought it was stupid now. What’s your point?

No. 79887

Shotafags are such cows. Stop embarrassing yourself by admitting to jerking off to animu art of little kids.

No. 79888

Sorry for not liking hags with a grotesque amount of chest hair and a receding hairline. Hope you get over your brainwashing soon

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