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No. 56933
This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.
If cerbmin needs to hear it, post it here. We occasionally monitor the complaints/suggestions thread as well. Please keep in mind we all have full-time jobs and tending the farm is a passion project. Changes may be slow, but we will prioritize quality over speed. We will do our best, anon!
First thread:
>>51182Previous responses to anon:
>>51190 hellweek plans, moderation practices
>>51207 moderation practices
>>51219 server costs, plans for implementing captcha
>>51222 priorities
>>51246 addressing tinfoils
>>51282 site speed
>>51325 lost /m/ threads, improving transparency
>>51381 introductions, regarding farmhands revealing IP addresses
>>51666 addressing Blaine/Elaine/tranny accusations, plans for old staff, plan for off-site updates page, regarding spam/CP
>>52298 lost /m/ threads, speed of site, closing lolcow Discord, males on lolcow/in deleted Discord
>>52931 addressing practice of bumping CP, allowing adriasdome, hellweek and staff plans, should calling out other users as male be a bannable offense?
>>53189 what parts of board culture have deteriorated the most? What would anon like to see enforced?
>>53457 updates on lost m threads
>>53462 old m threads are restored
Previous thread:
>>53472 No. 56934
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>no verdict reached
>anon is redtext banned for on topic, SFW post that broke no rules all due to mass reporting from sperg
Farmhands put crackpipe down pls. Admin, can you please train your new mod team better than this? Allowing them to redtext ban whatever personally triggers them on boards where rule enforcement is supposed to be more lax is not a good look. Whatever happened to le transparency we were promised? You have yet to deliver.
No. 56938
>>56936I wish her bitch ass would shut the fuck up already.
My personal tinfoil is that she is a farmhand because she never seems to get her shit stirring and baiting redtexted. Every time you report her annoying ass for just throwing a tantrum and calling anons pedos for having a discussion, mods don't do anything. Clearly she's janny's pet or janny herself.
No. 56940
>>56938That or the most intense minimodding I've seen in years. No matter how much the anons in that thread love or hate shota, one thing everyone can agree on is that the derailing about it is much more of a problem than the shota posting itself, which doesn't happen any more than once or twice a
week. Arguments over it on the other hand happen on a near daily basis, and it's the same anon at the scene of the crime every time without fail. That anon should be hellbanned from /m/ no matter what happens with the stupid poll, they have been breaking rules that they didn't meme up themself for ages now and the mods have never done anything to stop it.
Admin, get it together. Use your eyes, go skim the fujo threads for yourself if you don't trust us. Making a decision like this all because of an obnoxious sperg and some /snow/ tourists who don't know what goes on outside the shay thread is a bad move.
No. 56941
>>56940>Admin, get it together. Use your eyes, go skim the fujo threads for yourself if you don't trust us.Unfortunately, I think that's the issue. One thing that these past few days have made clear to me: this entire situation isn't about "transparency" as cerbmin said, but rather just banning a subject the mod team doesn't like and justifying inconsistent moderation.
Cerbmin says shota/loli posting isn't disallowed on the site, but someone posts a sfw photo in the fujo thread and gets banned. The anon who admits to saying stupid shit to bait in the thread, infighters slinging pedo accusations, and retards who argue incoherently are all left alone despite reporting.
I wouldn't have even cared about the results of the poll because this isn't my website to run, but the blatant favoritism and bias of the mods is complete bullshit.
Why make a poll and then leave the site to fight about it for days instead of just working on the moderation team? The entire "reason" for the poll was supposedly infighting and derailing, just like you said. I can't help but feel like the mod team has put applications on hold in order to put this whole thing on. The #1 priority should be building a mod team, not ignoring questions about the mod search to answer farmers' concerns about a poll that didn't even need to happen.
No. 56949
I feel like we can all agree on banning porn, but I don't get how "SFW" can properly be outlined if shota/loli is a porn category like some have been saying. It's included in the currently most popular poll option, defined as "romantic", and it says all images will have to be spoilered. If this passes, does that mean an anon posting two canonically underage or just young-looking characters, idk, holding hands or hugging, but not actually doing anything creepy, it'll have to be spoilered by default? This seems like something certain posters would nitpick for the sake of infights and/or shipping wars.
Also, the whole idea of banning discussion instead of actual infighting or spergouts doesn't seem like it'd work out so well. Is that isolated specifically to getting into the "is it bad/is it good" arguments about shota/loli, or does it mean that trying to talk about things with main characters who are minors can hypothetically get anons in trouble? For fujo posters, is BL with height/size difference or the more stereotypical uke/seme character types on the chopping block?
For the record, I support disallowing any kind of NSFW spam and think it makes sense to ban spergs for infighting about shota or loli as concepts, whether for or against. This just seems more fraught and hard to enforce when applied outside of literal porn and dumb infights. Seems like this will create way more inconsistent bans, which has already been a problem.
No. 56950
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>>56949shut up about shota we get it already
No. 56952
>>56950>making throwaway, low-value posts when anons are trying to discuss the topic at handWhat are you so angry about? Go complain to Cerbmin for making a sitewide poll that we all are encouraged to vote in if you don't want anyone to talk about this. I'm talking to mods and the people who actually care about the site. Go to the absolutely retarded shitpost thread on /ot/ if the whole thing
triggers you so much, kek.
No. 56956
>>56953The poll results are clear and that’s fine, but the specifications are not. You can keep saying over and over again that shotaposting is obvious and easily detectable, but no one seems to want to talk about what this actually looks like and what characters will be affected. There are so many hyper effeminate boys in anime who look young, and it’s going to be even more difficult to assess what is “discussion about shotas” when no pictures are involved. People keep asking because they just want to understand how the fujo/husbando/mobage/etc threads are going to be affected in particular.
IMO, none of those threads have active shotaposters and I very rarely (if ever) see any NSFW shota, but anon on here seem to insist they are seeing shota spam being posted everywhere all over the boards, so I just don’t know what they are considering shota at this point.
No. 56959
>>56958Kek multiple anons have said this before, and if mods just did their jobs and slapped tards for derailing, sperging, and non contributing posts that shit up the convo, we probably would have gotten somewhere.
Instead we get annoying >>56948 tards screaming that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a pedo, and this is considered good thread discussion by our failmods kek what a joke
No. 56961
>>56959AYRT, but anons make baseless claims all the time just to have a reason to harass the mod team. Admin has mentioned this before in regards to some supposed reported cp and when she checked none was found and no reports ever sent, but anons will claim it was up for
hours. This is the same thing. Anons are bullshitting the majority of this shota/loli spam issue because they just want to fight, they don't actually care. I've said it before, anons take fun in this derailing/infighting. It's their entertainment.
No. 56962
>>56960Girl shut the fuck up and read the entire last thread that got filled by what I just described. Anybody with two eyes and a functioning brain can see what I said is true, but apparently god didn't see fit to give you a high enough iq to read
Petition for admins/farmhands to start handing out bans when anons accuse nonas of being moids at this point, but considering they don't even do basic thread cleaning, that's probably asking for too much
No. 56963
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>>56959I think the complaint that sparked off this whole poll was some baiting autist in the unpopular opinions thread on /ot/, anons replied to him for hours. He never even posted pictures of shota, just kept derailing with their help. An anon later went to /meta/ and asked them to ban any discussion of shota/loli. I think that says about everything. IME we've never had a problem of psychotic shotacons and lolicons trying to force their fetish on us and spamming their porn everywhere. It's been moids posting the most obvious baits, and farmers refusing to not take it. Any kind of disruptive posting is cancerous, and cancerous posters will not care about rule addendums. They're just there to start fights.
Anyway, an anon in the last thread suggested allowing SFW content/discussion on /m/ specifically, and discouraging NSFW except in milk threads. I think that's a good balance. This would mitigate the problem of bait/infighting and prevent the kind of inconsistent, grey area bans we all know could happen. We've been dealing with the latter for a while, and it isn't even about shota/loli, it happens all the time that farmhands are weirdly picky, give posters bans that are way too long without reason, or they clearly take sides in infights where both people were the problem. I get why quantity would overtake quality for our mods at the moment, but there should be some guidelines.
No. 56965
>>56964Ugh I mostly stopped reporting after none of my bait/infight reports resulted in anything, but mods were banning other posts with gusto.
I'll do it for you though, anon. I'll do it for you.
No. 56973
>>56966That is also true, I forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me, nonna
That being said, I wish there was a comprehensive document or page talking about how moderation works on the site, because the system is confusing, there is no feedback, and mods will sometimes delete posts instead of issuing a ban, which leaves no sign of what happened. Banning with no redrext also signals to other anons that the content is acceptable to post, so I think implementing a policy of redtexting when possible would be best.
If nonnas have any other ideas on the subject I would love to hear it. Cerbmin mentioned transparency in their past two posts, so I think this would be a great way to start.
No. 56974
>>56967Yeah and it's all so
cute but also
funny, I've combined both words to sum up the situation;
>>56967>>56969You both make good points, especially the ones about how messy the poll is. It almost seems intentional at this point. Was the poll even restarted when they changed the wording of it?
I do want to point out that mods definitely aren't doing anything to stop the bait in the first place. Look at the last thread and see how many bans were issued. A pair of bans issued to nonas saying they didn't want to respond anymore, the troon, one bait, and an a-log. Nothing was done to curb the multi-day infight, and baiters were allowed to constantly derail nonnas trying to discuss the potential rule changes and moderation. You can blame anons but this is also partly on the mod team.
>>56976The cow threads alone disprove their theory kekk
No. 56987
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Once this threads exceeds 1200 posts due to all the infighting, can the admin or farmhands use picrel for the next thread image though? I mean, only if it hasn't been used already. If it has, then just ignore me.
No. 56992
>>56990then why hasn't
>>56950 been perma banned yet?
no you retard farmhands cant just ban every post that rustles their jimmies No. 56993
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another thing i hope lcf 2.0 has is a responsive search bar for the catalog. i can ctrl + f but it isn't helpful because sometimes the term i want is in the op, which is very long, and therefore i can't see it being highlighted.
No. 56996
>>56994little known fact about farmhands: their accounts have an auto vpn system built in, meaning when logged in they do not have post histories at all unless there's some secret backend one only admin can see that's directly tied to the accounts (doubtful). their IP will randomize with every post they make. not every post they make will have the farmhand trip, something only proper mods (not jannies) can use. that has to be input manually like any other trip. tl;dr anon farmhands are immune to bans because all their posts are tied to randomly generated IPs, leaving behind nothing but a trail of burner IPs with a single post in their histories.
this is not a tinfoil, you can try emailing admin or ask any mod to confirm kek. so yes, it is entirely possible there's a retard in office spamming under admin's nose. past mods have admitted to shitposting and dismissing reports of their posts, shitposting and banning themselves after, whiteknighting themselves on meta, and much much more behind closed doors, it would be nothing new. they're faggots.
No. 56997
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>>56444i went to his twitter to find this tweet and found this instead. you guys need to stop getting so heated over whatever blaine the tranny loser is doing. he and other twitter trannies literally come here to bait in meta and there's always some fucking anon who can't help herself. hopefully it's not an actually lc anon and just blaine samefagging or his tranny loser friends replying. don't be a retard. stop mentioning his name, stop replying to his bait, stop accusing other anons of bEiNg BlAiNe!!!!1!1!!! jAnNiEs iTs BlAiNe!!!! i'm so sick of seeing this shithead derail threads just by having his name mentioned.
No. 57000
>>56997you're sorely mistaken if you were under the impression he's team shota on this one. read his thread and then look at the posting style, quality, and
frequency of the anon freaking out about shotas. it's so obviously him it's painful to watch the newfag mods just let him do this out of sheer ignorance. I miss the admin before shaymin, she was neglectful and poor but she wasn't this stupid.
No. 57005
>>57001I know that but none of those anons are anti-shota enough to try and get rules changed specifically over some girly BL in a thread they don't care about. a thread he has been deliberately derailing for almost a year now because of how badly it makes him seethe, coincidentally.
he needs to 41%, he has nothing to live for. pretty sure his chimpouts are being funded by US tax dollars.
No. 57007
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>>56934Every janny is a tranny. Yes, even on lolcow. Never expect anything positive from the jannydom. They need an outlet for their powertripping. They are not doing any free service for the site - it's the site providing them with a service they don't need to pay for.
No. 57010
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>>56937No, it isn't. You need to be over 18 to post here. Get a grip or go back to twatter.
>>56948Not against the rules. You have no case here and stop making shit up.
>>56949>I feel like we can all agree on banning pornThen why does the SPOILER option exist, smartass? A chan is not your regular forum. Perhaps you should go back to those if the chan format makes you too uncomfortable.
>>56967Our voices do not matter. The poll is just a fig leaf to pretend the admin listens to the plebs. The poll is riggable and will be rigged according to what the admin sees fit. Expecting a democratic process here is a delusion. Get real.
No. 57011
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>>57006Because they want to be perceived as NICE. Like all the two-faced people (more often than not, women) I had to deal with in life.
(avatarfagging and infighting) No. 57014
>>57010>Our voices do not matter. The poll is just a fig leaf to pretend the admin listens to the plebs. The poll is riggable and will be rigged according to what the admin sees fit. Expecting a democratic process here is a delusion. Get real.I don't think they did it on purpose or to rig the poll. In that case they could just skip the poll and enforce whatever rules they want. I don't think they're being some evil totalitarian overlords or anything, it was just really poorly thought out and seemed like a rushed decision that they may not have even thoroughly talked about or agreed on. Just keep things the way they were or make the poll more clear. I do think regular users are rigging the poll though.
Although I do think that most of us (farmers) don't like loli/shota so the result would be the same either way, so it's not even about the result anymore but about the fact that they basically caused all this unnecessary drama.
No. 57016
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>>56963>discouraging NSFWFor it to be even executable you need two things:
1. precisely defining what shota is and what is not
2. providing a precise definition of what should constitute NSFW
Both are close to impossible when it comes to drawn pictures, especially the ones that do not portray sexual intercourse or detailed nudity.
You'd make a very poor law-maker as you do not think about the practicality of the laws you're proposing.
No. 57017
>>57004why don't you apply and see for yourself, weenie?
>>57008agree that all these anime pic posters are likely him but it is true. I can't prove it but it's a real thing. vpn may have been poor wording, but posts from farmhand accounts do randomize IPs. it seems like something that originated as a security measure that backfired in autistic hands.
No. 57019
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Nice script we got here, I wonder what it does!
No. 57022
>>57014>I don't think they did it on purpose or to rig the poll. In that case they could just skip the poll and enforce whatever rules they want.I think that is the point anons are making. They are already doing that, as anons have pointed out, and in this thread, too. See:
>>56934>>56988If cerbmin says "there is technically no ban on shota/loli, no rule saying it isn't allowed" and then letting mods ban when anon posts it, that is an arbitrary enforcement of their own personal tastes. Which is why anons are now saying the poll is just for optics.
Reposting to fix broken quote.
No. 57025
>>56997except he isn't baiting, he is really too low iq and mentally ill to understand what is going on and all his posts are him seething and tardbabbling. he just claims to be baiting or trolling whenever he's caught doing something retarded, just like how he claimed him admitting to wanting to cross state lines to rape minors is an epic troll (it's clearly not, everyone knows he is a genuine pedophile and child rape isn't some funny joke). the best thing you can do is to report and ignore any posts that you suspect are made by him - lately the farmhands have been on top of redtexting and deleting his posts.
he camps out in all the active /meta/ threads, the rachel leeds minkin thread in /snow/, and any thread relating to kiwifarms regardless of whether or not anyone mentions him/responds to him. if you see a poster that is super aggressive, has trouble forming coherent sentences/has no idea what the fuck is happening but is trying to act like they do, or acting like some self-important magical prophet (or edgy anime villain) just report and ignore as it's likely him.
No. 57031
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But where are our cookie consent pop-ups?
No. 57032
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>inb4 "but this is an AMERICAN website!"
No. 57038
>>57035Nice comeback, did
admin your mom write it for you? You know sites can get heavily fined if not taken down for this, right? Careful out there!
No. 57039
>>57022all rules are arbitrary and all enforcement is arbitrary.
it all comes down to the will of whoever is in power.
you really think anyone on this godforsaken planet is principled enough to follow rules that go against their own will, especially on the internet? on a troll forum?
people make these threads because they get attention; and you gave it; the end.
No. 57040
>>57036You're responding to Blaine. He is against shota.
He just shit stirs for free atention. His other posts:
>>57011>>57007>>56974>>57016+ the GDPR and Google analytics sperging
No. 57044
>>57041The fake code that is literally linked from the website? is this Blaine fellow pro or anti-shota? Why is everyone contradicting themselves?
No. 57055
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>implementing new rules because of your inability to clock and ban a trannywhat are your predictions on what his next crusade will be against, girls?
>>57046>30+ mtf tranny on disability for schizophrenia who spams websites with CP in order to get them taken down for what he refers to as a crusade against the true pedos>known for incoherent infighting and baiting, repeating the same words and phrases in his posts often, samefagging, and accusing everyone of being him/a tranny/a pedo>came to lolcow because using a board full of women gives euphoria boners>particularly active on /meta/ where he can be found accusing mods of everything from pedophilia, rape, grooming, data theft, and generally bossing them around until they do what he wants>also active in any kf related thread and various /m/ threads>hellbanned from kf for making thousands of word salad posts a day>farmhands haven't been able to get rid of him after all this time because they can't into computers and he spends all his neetbux on proxies No. 57066
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Hey y'all, I'm the anon behind the day-long, multi-thread derail about shota that spawned these posts right here
>>56039 >>56040Y'all are tearing apart your gossip site/'''femcel''' support group, plotting getaway schemes, changing names, scamming mfs, making polls, editing them, rigging them and re-rigging them all because you couldn't resist taking the most retarded bait possible. I was saying anything to get under your skin, and the (You)s kept rolling in.
To be fair, something like 30% of the bait posts on /ot/ and /g/ alone are likely mine. If you've seen a post that pissed you off, it was probably me. I've derailed threads with so many different subjects, but the raw impact of this one is really wild.
It was so lazy too. Like? All that shit still living rent free in your heads?? Got the fujoshis too??? Even a senile old man in diapers could troll you. As long as you can't control your chimp reflexes to seethe when you see bait, Bait Stacies will keep winning. Also, I'm prettier than all of you.
Suggestion: Invest in bait literacy tests. You bitches need to live, learn how to
LAUGH and love.
P.S. I won't be here for the rest of this thread, I'm about to celebrate my two year anniversary with my Nigel. Anyone impersonating me after this point can only be the schizo troon or a confused fan. Toodles.
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>>57040I'm actually the one who brought up google analytics from the last thread and I'm not Blaine. Like I said I'm not surprised at the 60/40 ratio with all the cp/gore spams and general behavior on the site. Do you really think a website full of women would host a poll about anime cp?
No. 57068
>>57066wow, you're so cool
I'm sure Nigel is really impressed with you spending all of your time stirring shit on an imageboard with like 12 users
No. 57076
>>57039Yep. I am. Many people are. If I take over a site with a dedicated community, then I am either part of that community and agree with the rules and culture, or I am willing to still enforce rules I disagree with to serve the userbase. Not to mention these rules are literally dead simple to enforce "don't break the law, don't be a retard, don't shit up the site, don't be male, stay in your containment threads". If there is some part of this ruleset that is difficult to maintain then don't sign up to be a farmhand or admin. If you can't stop yourself from sperging out all over the site because you chimp out the second someone disagrees with you, resign immediately and go be a retard somewhere else. Male behaviors.
>>57073I know for a fact they are not looking at farmhand apps right now, or there would have already been a "night shift" janny cleaning up. I'll give credit; it is extremely funny that cerbmin kept the act up long enough to convince us they were actually going to improve anything. The shitshow will be interesting to watch, at least.
I'm hoping cerbmin is really shaymin in a wig and teal dress at this point kekk
No. 57082
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>>57079And still according to the GDPR those websites have to notify users about it and allow them to opt out of it so… where are the cookie consent pop-ups on lolcow dot farm?
No. 57087
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>>57085, sure, anon, whatever you say.
>>57086Sure EU authorities would take that as a
valid response.
No. 57088
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>>57076I wonder what happened to this mod
No. 57094
>>57090Nta, but one of the newmins only said that if happened under them, it wouldn't be allowed
The implication being that that janny was allowed to stay on board with a warning
No. 57096
>>57089Sure EU authorities would take that as a
valid response.
>>57092If there really is no GDPR violation and it's all just a misunderstanding on my part, then why can't "cerbmin" just clear it up, delivering the transparency that
they themselves promised to their own userbase? GDPR violation is a serious offense that can get sites sanctioned with heavy fines, if not actually taken down, so it is in the site's interest to prove that no laws are being broken. Unless the laws really are being broken, which I suspect is actually the case considering all the deflection that is going on.
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Kiwifags have made this site unusable. They are shitting up every single thread in /snow/ with their autistic shit.
No. 57126
>>57125This is why I prefer lc over kiwi, the anonymity
is better
No. 57146
>>57140what the fuck it has nothing to do with selling data
the majority of you are completely computer illiterate
No. 57148
>>57000I'm %99 sure he's pretending to defend shota and he's making sure shotafag posts read like obvious pedoposts. All shotadefending posts state they're attracted to little boys to a degree and that they think it's fine, it's not impossible for him to be writing those posts to make anons look like pedos.
Like i doubt we have 10+ anons who masturbate/collect pictures of little boys, I'm sure most of those posts are trannies posting bait. There's barely 100 posters a day, to think multiple of them are female pedos isn't likely
No. 57157
>>57150First time I've used %, if you can only tell anons apart if they use a specific punctuation you fixate over, you're retarded.
>>57153No I doubt its coincidental. There's obvious trannies who are knowingly bringing this stuff up because they know this topic makes most women uncomfortable, they want to show that they don't care about kids and think this shit is normal.
No. 57161
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>Joshua Moon is personally talking to me you guys!!! He lives in my walls and he tickles my feet when I sleep!!
No. 57167
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>>57166reminder schizo troon is indeed extremely mentally ill and can’t cover his tracks anywhere kek
No. 57170
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>>57166Reminder this is what Blaine looks like unfiltered
No. 57174
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No. 57184
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>>57068He bought me expensive perfume and Twisted Wonderland merch. Also getting a cow hoodie and we're going to the beach. He doesn't care if I do a little trolling :~) Just checking in once and then I'm gone again, promise.
>>57074This is the most boring cope tbh. "Noooo anons don't ever bait! We're all lovelies it's the troooon". We've been clowning each other way before the KF Elaine/Blaine incident. I just do it more than others because it's funny and y'all need to learn.
Calling every anon you don't like the schizo troon might actually be a net positive if it meant you guys were less likely to take bait, but it's almost always the exact opposite. Idk what's going on in the thread right now but he needs to rope, not get even more attention. He's obsessed with this place and will have nothing if we just don't reply and wait for the farmhands to ban him.
As for my ''lingo'', not sure what gives y chromosome, but yes I do have friends on Twitter and literally every other platform? I'm not some kind of -cel at war with every other site, you shouldn't be either. We were posted on TikTok, "nona" is just "oomfie", let it go alreadyyy
(:~)) No. 57199
>>57196It’s okay
nonny kek let him keep guessing whoever he thinks he’s talking to, it’s funny. Mental illness
No. 57202
>>57195fuck it
>>57230I'm sorry, but the jannies aren't responding to any reports, I don't know how else we can get their attention
And it's a screenshot, it's not like I'm gonna keep it for enjoyment
No. 57240
>>57239well fucking great
good thing our new staff prioritizes handing out cringe redtext and two week long bans for shitposts
No. 57264
>>57263subliminal messaging,
nonnie. you really thought the paul dano shilling was organic? those are paid actors
No. 57294
File: 1684038894934.gif (1.54 MB, 498x498, 473da21fc7.gif)

I don't know why everyone is acting like the shotafags "won". Here's a reminder of what the admins actually said:
>>56625>if the majority of users have voted to restrict this type of content being (as it is right now over 70% of votes favour some type of restriction), then we will implement the restriction with the highest number of votes, even if it does not reach first place. The only way that no restrictions will be imposed is if the two options that represent that choice total more than 50% of the votesNeedless to say, the other "do not restrict" option aside from the (allegedly) most popular, was the least popular option in this poll, and all the other options make up more than 70% of votes. So there will be some kind of restriction according to these results.
No. 57299
>>57297i'm hoping they allow it on /m/ at the very least
no porn of course but shippy stuff should be okay…
No. 57300
>>57293>>57295/pt/, /snow/, and /ot/ have a high concentration of posters.
Anons were going to come in crying voter fraud no matter what won the popular vote. Really, just do what
>>57299 suggested or don't bother changing anything. Daily reminder that all of this drama is over one single thread. Ban the infighters in it and move, the hell /meta/ has been through in the past few days should've made it clearer than ever before where >they were coming from anyways.
No. 57305
>>57300The admins said it didn't matter what the "most popular" option was because what matters is that restricting that kind of content in some way had more total votes than not restricting it.
>Anons were going to come in crying voter fraud no matter what won the popular vote.Ever since the first day of the poll, the 2nd place option had been at least 30 votes ahead and this difference had been pretty consistent, until a few hours ago. You expect me to believe someone didn't vote multiple times or get their buddies to help change the results just enough at the very last moment?
Also, there are several kiwifags who have been lurking and shitting up a bunch of threads all over the site in the past few days. Obviously some of them voted in the poll too. It doesn't matter anyway since the options to restrict content won.
No. 57314
>>57311Anyone that disagrees with you isn't blaine or elaine, retard. Simping over a taken man is disgusting and writing fantasies of him feeding you greasy food is literally disgusting.
Imagine having a bf and finding weird fanfics obese old autistic women wrote about him feeding them and then fucking them. How would you feel?
No. 57315
File: 1684074623688.jpg (52.7 KB, 1708x249, lel.jpg)

Why did you even bother, Admin? Everybody knows that you don't care what the community thinks.
No. 57317
>>57315what are you complaining about didn't %60 of the votes agree with restricting
>>57305 is right, the restrict was v much ahead til the last hour or so
No. 57318
>>57316NTA but this is disingenuous. We've never had an issue of "allowing shota/loli". No one can point to an instance of shota hentai being spammed, and NSFW spam in general has always been an automatic ban because this isn't a porn-friendly site. Months ago, one anon got banned just for saying she
likes shota in a confession thread, so how do you imagine we could possibly have an issue of the site getting spammed by shotafags? This will never be an environment for that. The actual problem has always been anons mindlessly replying to all types of bait and derailing threads instead of ignoring or reporting it. Moids and trannies will show up regardless, and you will still feed them as long as the mods keep tolerating it.
No. 57319
>>57318no one is saying theres a spam retard. anons are just annoyed because several namefags(rancefag for example) have been posting pedo tier detailed posts and it makes most uncomfy as fuck.
it doesn't have to be spammed to be annoying. i dont want to read about an autist who wants to diddle lil kids and most anons agree so its gon be restricted.
they already banned the pedo in husbando thread after he posted about wanting to rape a 14 year old boy in very great detail for several posts.
no one even says its spammed but u pedos always say its not spammed enough to be banned, it dont have to be spammed to be annoying. no one has to read how much u lust for kids
No. 57320
>>57314You are just as weird. Can you go back?
>simping over a taken man>Imagine having a bfOmg nobody fucking cares about Josh, his personal life, you guys retarded cow beef, or protecting his relationship from a random retard on a gossip site. That thread needs to be shut down so you idiots can go back, all of you. Nobody cares about Blaine, Elaine or you whining about protecting some fat websites owner relationship you totally know about.
Stop bringing this shit everywhere.
No. 57339
Hi farmers!
Farmhand applications are still open, if you want to support LC we encourage you to take a look (or a second look) at the application. It is linked at the top of this page. Once we have enough farmhands onboarded, Hellweek will be upon us. General reminder: a post not being redtexted doesn’t necessarily mean that no ban was issued. The poll results are 70.06% to restrict and 29.94% to not restrict.
The new rule regarding shota and loli is "Discussion and images should only be permitted if it is related to milk, and NSFW images must be heavily censored. All images must be spoilered." This will be added to the rules once exact wording has being agreed on between staff.>>56628>>56630>>56412>>56416>>56630>>56637>>56685It’s easy to simplify things down to “just moderate the infighting” and I understand why it seems like the best solution. We are hoping that by setting rules for shota/loli that bans will be more consistent as our stance will be clear, and bans can happen before the inevitable infighting and discourse begins.
>>56650Many such posts have been reported with “shota” as the reason. Hence, the need we saw to define a clear rule.
>>56447This poll was made and the rule is up for discussion because we have no rules specifically for shota or loli. The topic is controversial, all it takes is a recent scroll through /meta/ to see this (see
>>56440, kek).
>Why do it here?I don’t know. But we need a way to approach anons who do post shota here, hence the poll.
>>56676 >>56666>>56702>>56674>>56726>>56956Staff has come up with a general consensus of shota (and loli) as a specific art style within anime that focuses on prepubescence and is often sexual/pedophilic in nature. Minor characters in anime are common because minors are a large demographic for anime, so images of Naruto (13) and Inuyasha (14) will not be banned because they do not fit the definition of being illustrated in a way that sexualizes prepubescence. That being said, we can only define a term down so far. At some point it gets so muddy it’s not worth discussing anymore, and bans must be decided on a case-by-case basis. This poll gives us a blanket rule that will apply to most posts.
>>56668Yes, banning of certain topics has been a problem in the past, i.e. pinkpill, manhate, 2X, even Shayna was banned at some point. Imo, loli/shota is not comparable to those topics. However, going forward we will be cautious about banning topics outright.
>>56621Results from this poll will not negate other site rules. Spam is not allowed, and won’t be allowed after the poll ends, regardless of results. From the poll’s description as well: “In all cases any discussion and/or imagery must be on topic or it will be bannable. Any images featuring extreme content will always be bannable and will most likely result in a permanent ban (e.g. gore, bestiality, torture, distress)”
>>56307Please see definitions as outlined by the poll: “ Not loli/shota: anime images of minors that are not sexual and/or romantic.”
>>56351 also explains it well.
>>56349CP is deleted as quickly as possible with a small team running lc. Decide yourself whether loli is too offensive for your sensitive eyes.
>>56442>>56459As has been mentioned, we are a small team. The line between derailing and discussion can get muddy, but we are doing our best! Since anons have asked for site statistics, here are the stats for the last 30 days (rounded down):
>Page views: 10.5m >Total posts: 59k (including deleted posts) >Unique poster IPs: 16.5k >Unique poster devices: 11k Note that the numbers above do not represent the actual number of unique posters. The real number will be lower, as every session with a VPN will count as a new IP/device, and some farmers will obviously use multiple devices (e.g. PC and phone).
>>56444Blaine has very little pull on social media, having 41 followers and little interaction. As of May 11, this tweet has been unpinned from his profile and has 160 views, 1 retweet and 3 likes. Again, we watched the poll numbers and determined the poll was not compromised.
>>56625>>56642Kiwi bunker has been locked. Further kiwi threads will be locked. If kiwifags would like to use LC, they need to integrate and not announce themselves.
>>56994>>56996I understand that it’s possible for staff to shitpost and unban themselves and such, but if this even happens at all, it does NOT happen often, and we do occasionally check moderation logs ourselves to see what's been done, but you can't expect us to fully do this every single time. We get 120-140 reports every 14-16 hours, and with the team as small as us, and this being a completely volunteer thing from everyone, it's an extremely unreasonable ask.
>>56847That was not a ban issued by an admin. It was incorrect and the staff who issued it has been informed.
>>56973We have plans to amend the rules to be more specific about things that have become issues on the farm. Staff deletes posts extremely sparingly and is usually done for users with no real post history who are trolling or spamming. Some deleted posts are deleted by the user, which they can do within 30 minutes of posting. What do you mean by feedback?
>Banning with no redrext also signals to other anons that the content is acceptable to post, so I think implementing a policy of redtexting when possible would be best.This is fine, but constant redtext makes a thread look unwelcoming and can put off some users. For hellweek, we will redtext every ban so we can get user feedback. I understand what you mean, and sometimes when issuing bans we do get the same posts reported because the post wasn’t redtexted. I’d like to hear farmers’ feedback about what they think about redtext!
>>56806>I am just begging mods to read these threads, check post histories, and get a proper understanding of what's really going on here because I don't believe they do.We would love to do this, and do it when we are able. Our current issue is that we:
>Have a small staff>Receive 120-140 reports per 24hrs with over 50% of those including vague or blank reasons for the reports>"infighting" as report reason begs a 15 minute investigation into the thread of origin>"moid" "tranny" reasons with no context in the post also beg a thorough investigation>Continue to receive reports and the one or two of us fielding them have to decide whether we will thoroughly investigate each one like we want to, or whether we should quickly issue bans for things that seem obvious.For the amount of reports we get, it’s so much more time efficient for the reporter to give a thorough reason when reporting, or come to meta and give us a quick run down of what’s been happening. I really appreciate farmers who complain with linked posts and an explanation of why they think a ban is warranted! This isn’t necessary for things like sage bans, but is endlessly helpful when there are recurring bad actors in threads that I’m just not familiar with
No. 57340
>>57339>>Kiwi bunker has been locked. Further kiwi threads will be locked. If kiwifags would like to use LC, they need to integrate and not announce themselves. Thank you, I'm sure they'll stay and try to insert their bullshit but they are very easy to spot out.
Also, sorry if some of my reports may slow things down, I do give reasons that in the moment seem perfectly understood, I forget you actually have to look into it.
Thank you so much
No. 57341
>>57339>Kiwi bunker has been locked. >Further kiwi threads will be locked.finally! thank you cerbmin/farmhands.
as for the farmhand applications how long does it take for you to reply back?
No. 57345
>>57339>it’s so much more time efficient for the reporter to give a thorough reason when reporting, or come to meta and give us a quick run down of what’s been happeningThis is what anons have been doing for months for the fujoshi thread and you've done nothing but ignore it.
>anime images of minors that are not sexual and/or romantic>[not] illustrated in a way that sexualizes prepubescenceWhat you're saying is not consistent with what anons have been recieving bans for. For example, why was the anon from the husbando thread banned? Her image fit this description simping aside, and you never said a word about post contents aside from images. Being this vague about what will and won't get you a ban instead of outright banning it or outright allowing it achieves nothing. You're still going to have infights (to not do anything about), mods banning anons for content that they interpreted to be kosher under your definition that is so vague that it will apparently have to be deliberated on a "case by case basis," new infights from posters coming here to bitch when posts they reported don't get banned, and all that other fun stuff. You can't blame anyone for being confused when the popular definition of shota/loli refers to any anime character that looks like a young teen or child often regardless of their canon age, not your definition that's exclusive to romantic and/or sexual content. You've made this as convoluted as possible.
Thanks for locking the Kiwi cesspools I guess
No. 57346
>>57341samefag, is this about the bunker thread in /snow/ or the /ot/ one? I thought it was the former but
>>>/snow/1824210 is not locked
No. 57360
>>57352She got banned for ban-evading when she said she's been permananned twice.
>>57353And on two different boards.
No. 57361
>>57360Yeah I'm aware, the thing about ban-evaders is that they know how to ban-evade.
I personally don't care as long as we don't get anymore unwanted nudes
No. 57362
>>57361I’m sure if she would just stop announcing herself everywhere she goes she would be fine…of course you’re going to get reported when youre like
>I’ve been perma’d 759395 times and I still want Rance to rape my sweet butthole, wanna see it?In every fucking thread
No. 57369
>>57339Thank you, Cerbmin. Next, please ban dd/lgroids. This should go without saying, I don't think I even need to explain. Men have also boasted about coming here just for the "femdom" threads before, and literally only trannies, men and the occasional pickmes are ever into that sort of thing. Any man that's "into femdom" will inevitably troon out, and any woman who's into it is just deluding herself that she's "empowered" by serving a moid's twisted demands.
In general, there's just no need to post or discuss fetish content here. I don't know why the rules weren't against it earlier. Honestly, I don't even get why some people come to Lolcow to talk about sex.
No. 57370
>>57368Sorry I deleted the first post (felt like I was going too far) but the issue is that it seems like some people only come here to post their coomer hobbies or fight about them. Anime in general is just cancer, but that's another discussion.
>I do think we should be allowed to talk about consensual sexual violence against menSex with men at all just pleases them, so it shouldn't be encouraged
No. 57371
>the issue is that it seems like some people only come here to post their coomer hobbies or fight about them. Anime in general is just cancerI mean fair
>Sex with men at all just pleases them, so it shouldn't be encouragedI literally completely agree with you on this one; unfortunately, I'm just as fucking straight as can be, I've tried, ahem, not to be, but it just doesn't work out
I actually feel like we should have keep our handful of containment threads as an alternative to
interacting with males at all, since, unfortunately, some of us really do just like penis (in theory)
But I also agree that if you leave a single crumb of coochie out on the floor, the bastards will come scuttling for it; so I dunno, maybe you're right
No. 57378
>>57376sorry; him
>>57377dude right? kek
No. 57405
>>57403Pretty sure
>cringe>y'all>ma'am>sus>yikes>femcel>anti(s)>proship(per)(s)Have been suggested so far but "it's giving" is excellent kek
No. 57416
>>57339>Kiwi bunker has been locked. Further kiwi threads will be locked.Uuhhhh???
>>>/snow/1827471Still open and Elaine and Blaine are still shitting it up.
No. 57422
>>57421I mean… it seems like it's 3 people slap fighting
>Blaine>Elaine>Gross Null SimpNobody is posting any updates, it's an constant fight to have an opinion on anything that isn't kissing Nulls ass because then someone jumps on your ass and starts posting
hilarious gross null thrist posts.
Or one of the retards start ranting about random shit. The non kiwifags stopped posting a ago. I feel it's not worth the trouble keeping it open, I say this as someone whose interested in the sites drama.
No. 57424
>>57422You can use this argument about any thread that is shit up by retards, or the admins could actually get more farmhands to actually enforce the board rules. Anons have said they haven't gotten responses in /ot/. It should be an instant ban for anyone engaging with known trolls. You need to be extremely naive to think a permaban will stop anyone dedicated to shitting up the site.
>>57423Learn to English retard. I don't use kiwifarms.
No. 57431
>>57427I do neither of those things. Keep crying about it.
Can someone rationalize putting free speech on a pedestal while banning specific topics you can't moderate? Make it make sense. Apparently loli and shota is a freedom of speech issue worth having a poll over. Now tell me why locking thread subjects isn't worth discussing? Never heard of autosage?
No. 57439
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>>57434Because they are hosted in the UK now. Fucking Britbongs ruining everything. Just watch and wait to see them reported to Prevent for TERFposting kek.
No. 57449
Why is the Admin capitulating to trannies? It's hypocritical for you to get mad at KiwiFarms when you capitulate before the trannydom at every opportunity. You remove the link to because feelings of degenerates might get hurt.
Go ahead, keep self-censoring until you become another sanitised website that sucks the tranny cock.
(bait) No. 57487
File: 1684280087681.png (45.57 KB, 432x466, 1663280518954.png)

Will the idea to change the spoiler image ever come to fruition? So many talented nonas made great art for it in the previous drawthread and it was never changed after the site went down. Would love for it to happen…
No. 57502
>>57499Stop lul you're making the spineless stereotype true. It's your choice to stay or go to where the rest end up.
No. 57524
File: 1684334958597.jpg (191.54 KB, 1079x1694, from admin to cerbmin.jpg)

Who is "myself" supposed to be? Who is the money raised through this Ko-fi going to? If the site costs and server maintenance are paid from staff's personal funds then what is this money even used for? How is this even still active and with the exact same description it had when it was created around August 2021 but only the name was changed from "admin" to "cerbmin"? No. 57552
>>57550Who cares about what other imageboards do? Lolcow is different from from other imageboards in many ways. If we modeled the site after how other imageboards operate then this site would look very different.
>>57548This makes sense and I agree that it might be confusing for new anons (or anons who wouldn't be aware of the change). The reason why I brought up the idea is because I personally don't want to completely get rid of the /pt/ image. It's a part of the site history/culture
plus I don't think it's so vulgar or offensive like other anons seem to No. 57560
>>57550Idk if you guys know this but 4chan and many other altchans have different spoiler pics for each of their boards. I think the ones in /co/ are random too? Not sure, but different spoiler pics can be done and it'll work if they're not too different from each other (AKA have consistent composition and palette)
>>57556I propose a new spoiler banner that has the original PT pic in the background but is covered by a cow. That way the original pic will still be used but the high contrast of the cow's colors will distract from the pantyshot
No. 57601
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Mods should look out for the tardthot thread(its never moved this fast) and there's a moid energy/feel from some of the posts. like picrel is 100% by a baiting troon/moid
No. 57610
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>>57593for future reference this is just blaine again btw
>>>/g/319779 No. 57611
>>57610>I am a tranny.>You are a troon.This made me kek
Also I don't think that Rancefag is him. Leave her alone.
No. 57630
>>57623Rancefag literally admitted to hanging around in 4chan and sending dudes nudes for years, she's pretending to be 18 and she said she was groomed into sending nudes because her threads and nudes were sent years ago but I still think she's much older and judging from her consensually spamming nudes here, I think she's definitely done similar stuff on 4chan and enjoyed the attention so she repeated it over there, though it definitely played out differently because anons arent men.
Her body also looks too saggy for her to be 18 and she types more like someone who's definitely spent years online as a porn addict rather than a normal 18 year old who happens to like a random anime dude.
No. 57631
>>57630When I say newfag I mean people who recently started using lolcow. You don't have to be young to be a newfag, newfag.
>she types more like someone who's definitely spent years online as a porn addictYou do know that you can use an 18+ imageboard and get addicted to porn as a minor, right…? And that it's disturbingly common? Why so fucking obsessed with her age?
I just said there are (female) newfags from 4chan who refuse to integrate and they have distinct traits such as porn/hentai addiction and moid-tier arguments because they still have pickme tendencies. These newfags come from boards other than /cgl/, boards that have a higher scrotal population. Rancefag is just one of the many 4chan women who frequent /r9k/ and they're definitely different from the original userbase that came from /cgl/ before it went to shit.
No. 57634
>>57631>>57633She's been sending nudes for quite a few years as she admitted, if she were underaged, those nudes she'd have sent to 4chan would've probably gotten removed and she'd be banned from there but she's still actively posting so I think she's just lying about her age for sympathy.
Wasn't she lying about her fanfiction account and stuff too? It's not unlikely for her to lie
No. 57638
>>57635Stop ban evading. Whenever she's brought up a "white knight" (aka her samefagging), comes to defend her. When anons capped her nudes, the same "white knight" said she'd report them for revenge pornography as if she didn't send her nudes here herself in the first place.
>>57636No she said she told the men she was a minor and that they still groomed her knowingly, when that happens usually the people expose the minor poster and they get banned. That's why I wasn't believing her.
No. 57710
File: 1684787312149.png (5.16 KB, 1856x96, we fowgive mistakes hewe.PNG)

Why do we keep getting jannies who won't read the rules?
Don't reveal user IPs for no reason, don't delete images that don't violate a single rule, etc etc etc
No. 57711
>>57710that, and yet another case of a weird ban in the vent thread towards someone who just wanted to vent
>>>/ot/1582992yet letting the aggressive asshole replies go for some reason..
probably because mods were the ones fighting her No. 57712
>>57711dude considering how often and at what intervals the
vent thread of all places gets redtexts, I've been suspicious for awhile
I really do think there are some jannies who fancy themselves the cool popular mean girls, and that's why they try to be funny and shit, and do not realize that it is hall monitors like them's job to be disliked by the populace, sorry
No. 57717
>>57716we are discussing an on-going and established issue that has been going on in the vent thread for
at least a year
and a janny deleting an image out of courtesy(?); pretty big part of lolcow culture to never erase anything ever
No. 57728
>>57718It was right to do and IIRC mods have done it before during shit like Onision milk drops back in the day. Being uppity about newfags not getting it 100% right while they're offering fresh milk kills good drama.
>>57717>pretty big part of lolcow culture to never erase anything everplease find me the old Kelly Jean threads, entire legitimate threads have been erased because they weren't worth the hassle even though they didn't break any rules. Shayna's sister was photoshopped into porn and they didn't just take down the shoops, but the entire thread.
No. 57739
Hi farmers! We are interviewing new staff and still taking farmhand applications. To date, we have received about 30 responses, and have narrowed those down to 11 legitimate responses. We have also created an official newfag label for posts! When you click on it, it will take you to I will attach it at the bottom of this post.
Rancefag’s nudes have been floating around, please report them so we can continue to remove them. Although she posted them of her own free will, she seems unwell so we would like to keep them off the site as we feel like she will surely regret posting them here. Update: she said posted them during a manic episode.
>>57345 I understand your grievances. This whole shota/loli rule creation and polling process has been a learning process for us and, despite the clamor and stress it’s brought farmers and staff, I feel like we have gained a lot of insight into what farmers want from us. As far as the fujo thread goes, I will personally keep a closer eye on it.
>>57346 >>57348 >>57416 Sorry for the confusion, both the kiwi bunker and kiwi thread in /snow/ have been locked. The kiwi thread in snow was locked because it attracted Blaine and Elaine, and was continuously a place for Elaine’s nudes to be posted.
>>57422 explains it well.
>>57369 /g/ is a haven for all sorts of female fantasies and sex discussion. I haven’t personally seen much dd/lg discussion on the farm, the culture seems pretty hostile towards it. “Do not post pornography” still applies.
>>57400 >>57401 >>57405 Proposed redtexts: cringe, sus, femcel, it’s giving, y'all, ma'am, yikes, anti(s), proship(per)(s). As a southern anon, y'all is most contentious to me.
What do farmers think about the new redtext?
>57404 Manhate seems more inline with 2X’s culture, but farmers are welcome to vent about their grievances with males in the vent threads. /int/ was closed years ago due to lack of activity. If we see an increase in interest in international cows on /snow/ then /int/ returning could be a possibility.
>>57474 We try to delete as few things as possible for the sake of transparency. Our current protocol is to only delete spam, CP, double posts within threads, and posts by males that are clearly seeking attention so they don't get the satisfaction (unless the posts and replies are funny enough to be worth keeping). One exception to this rule was the Sharla nosefag in /w/ the other day. Which spam threads are you referring to?
>>57487 >>57489 >>57494 >>57496 >>57556 >>57518 >>57548 >>57550 >>57552 >>57553 >>57556 >>57560 >>57579 We will consider putting “change spoiler image” up for a vote, it may have to wait until Nucow.
>>57524 Money from Ko-fi goes to admin to subsidize the cost of running the server. Obviously, this means we have updated the deposit information. Currently our server bill is about $250 USD due monthly. We have received a $6 donation, $5 after Ko-fi took their cut, from Ko-fi in the time we have been admin and it was spent on the server bill (meaning whoever paid it that month paid $245 USD).
>>57571 >>57587 >>57594 Threads may be considered dead when there haven’t been any posts in some weeks/months, or there hasn’t been any milk in weeks/months. Bumping a dead thread with new milk is not considered necro - so if you have new milk to contribute, feel free to bump the thread rather than make a whole new thread.
>>57601 The tradthot thread kept us very busy the other day kek
>>57448 I get the sentiment here, but milk is subjective. When I’m not familiar with a certain cow, and I see that nothing has been posted for weeks until some unsaged update, I have to make the decision to either ban because “no milk” or just let the slow thread continue to be a slow thread until it dies. Locking threads because there’s no milk seems a little too helicopter-mod to me, if farmers want to continue to discuss a cow, why cut them off? The Belle thread is an exception here because of how many reports it generated. When every post is ban-worthy, we may as well lock the thread.
>>57462 /w/ will remain separate from /snow/. We are open to input from farmers.
>>57492 The Nigel posters in Shayna’s thread have been banned due to blogging.
>>57505 Double posting has been an issue in the past, but yes, it seems to have gotten worse. Lolcow is running on old software (like 7 years old with no updates or patches old) so when we fix something, something else may break. We hope Nucow will be our solution as it’s being custom built by one of the admins.
>>57513 >>57436 >>57412 >>57534 >>57522 >>57555 I’m personally keeping an eye on the J-vloggerz thread for WKs and derailers, but I don’t know all of the lore
and the thread is a pain in the ass >>57531 >>57535 Will you post the example? Usually the initial derailer continues to reply, so we just redtext their most recent post rather than redtexting multiple posts.
>>57537 The problem with checking an IP and then claiming a cow is selfposting is that anyone with a VPN can change their location to Japan and then post “as a Jvlogger.”
>>57567 >>57721The search page has been updated to highlight the page you are on when browsing results, auto-sorts results newest to oldest, the theme mimics the default lolcow theme more, and you can now filter search results by board. You’re welcome, anon ♥
>>57604 Hellweek will come when we have onboarded the new staff. We’re currently conducting interviews.
We strongly encourage more farmers to fill out the farmhand application, even if they only have a few minutes a day to mod or check for spam/CP. >>57609 USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE is our default redtext for a ban of any length. Redtext is optional, so a post without redtext may have still received a ban. In other words, every post with redtext has received a ban (temporary or permanent).
>>57655 Taylor’s thread is notoriously stale. If farmers really want to discuss her getting her teeth whitened, making salad, or cutting her bangs, fine. There is literally nothing else going on in that thread.
>>57677 Posts to /shay/ will no longer appear on the front page, neither in the images nor posts sections.
>>57737I'll go have a look, but like another farmer said, not all bans are redtexted.
No. 57769
>>57741Why is rancefags shit getting removed whilst other women's nudes are being kept up and no one gives a fuck? I'm having suspicions rancefag contacted the mod team or something. She was samefagging and talking about how anons reposting her stuff are doing illegal shit the day this happened and whenever she's mentioned, suddenly white knights appear to defend her which never happened when other women got their sensitive info posted here.
This whole incident makes me feel very suspicious and I wish farmhands would just remove any nudes.
No. 57773
>>57770The other nudes were sent recently as well. That's why I think it's dumb. They should either delete all or none.
>>57771She probably threatened the admin by saying it was revenge porn or something like she was saying to anons who reposted. She's not manic, she's an anorexic woman with an unattractive body who admitted she's been sending nudes to men for years, this is more of her way of getting attention on 4chan probably but it backfired here and she can't post anymore so now she's shitting herself.
No. 57779
>>57763>>57766I thought "hi cow!" was a bannable offence… Also noticed that "hi rancefag!" isn't banned either.
>inb4 not all bans are redtexted!!I've literally never seen "hi Blaine!" redtexted. Not even once.
Call it a tinfoil but it's almost like he or at least the idea of him is intentionally kept around as a convenient scapegoat to blame for any posts jannies don't like…(Blaine) No. 57840
File: 1685001654186.png (187.49 KB, 1958x441, wtf.png)

wtf didnt ''ban shota'' lost why did she get banned? I didnt even know it was banned so anyone could have gotten banned because the tranny jannies are too lazy to inform users of the new rules
No. 57844
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>>57339>This will be added to the rules once exact wording has being agreed on between staff.>rules are already being enforced despite no update on what exactly is banned and no new rule against what anons are receiving bans for>but anons are also receiving bans for posts admin says will not be against the rules even if the rule change is implemented as istwo more direct quotes from you:
>Please see definitions as outlined by the poll: “ Not loli/shota: anime images of minors that are not sexual and/or romantic.” >>56351 also explains it well." (>>57339)>"Making decisions behind closed doors isn't the transparency we want to have with users (>>>/meta/56625)"hey, admin? what do you mean by this? why are you letting your mods wrongfully ban posters as they please?
>>57842it's more like shaymin's fuckup was out of negligence and stupidity and this is out of active incompetence and stupidity
No. 57845
>>57844Knew this moral panic wouldn't go well. And people still went "MUH DISINGENUOUS ARGUMENT!!! of course non pedo stuff won't get you banned!!! Jojo characters are irrelevant!!!"
The character doesn't even look underage, that's an average animu
No. 57847
not everyone is watching meta like a hawk, and those who at least read
your posts would learn what they're doing is
not currently against the rules. so, again, why are the mods banning people anyways?
>>57845the genshin thread is about to be in ruins because every playable male character besides the like 5 tall dudes looks like a 10 year old, MC included. "it will have to be moderated on a case by case basis!" she says, "I feel like we have gained a lot of insight into what farmers want from us!" she says, while one of her hall monitors is busily pulling the
trigger at the sight of any character that looks remotely underage before admin has even uttered the word go. this is very transparent of them.
No. 57856
>>57855If anything it's more likely to be crazies trying to power trip over a community of painfully naive and terminally online autists. Never underestimate the sheer narcissism of online community moderators. A look on older /meta/ threads will show you that lolcow is no stranger to power tripping staff, and even if those are previous admins I just don't think such people would just hand over the site to someone truly benevolent.
>>57851>random Blaine accusations again>saying the current farmhands are "great" amidst all these weird bans being pointed outSomething stinks here.
No. 57859
>>57855LC is probably next on the trannie hit list once they take down KF.
>>57856>painfully naiveThe entire userbase of LC is not "painfully naive". Some of us have been around to see other IBs either die or turn to shit. Given that LC is still around and is nowhere near as bad as other IBs, the admins are doing fine.
No. 57861
File: 1685025712534.jpeg (18.74 KB, 640x280, 8835F714-7920-4E4E-AD0B-244C87…)

Saw this in vent thread. Explain how this is alogging? Check your band of retards for crotch wound.
No. 57885
>>57870All these years and suddenly
now there's a problem with violent posts?
>we No. 57897
>>57893No, all they said was that it would be added to the rule page once wording was decided upon. That doesn't mean it's not a rule yet.
>why not nuke /g/ in it's entirity because cc existsThis comparison makes no sense. /g/ is an entire board and it's allowed, shota no longer is and was a bannable offense even before the rule. Anyway, all I was saying is why keep complaining about shota being banned on one site when there's other imageboards where you can freely discuss it with likeminded anons and not worry about getting banned or judged.
No. 57898
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>>57844>>57840update: the redtext on these posts has silently been removed
lel anyways…
>>57897>That doesn't mean it's not a rule yet.okay, so there's a phantom rule where every post containing a character that looks underage is free real estate for the ban hammer despite admin specifying that that would not be the case? wonder why they retracted the bans and redtext then.
>was a bannable offense even before the rulewrong again
No. 57900
>>57870a mean comment? on lolcow? well i never
troons still get the rope tho
>>57898not the shota wars again. take your meds
No. 57909
>>57899>adminsoh okay you sound like an authority on lolcor so I'll defo take your word for it!
>>57908don't bother replying to that one, "take your meds" is one of the tranny's catchphrases
No. 57929
>>57870>Furthermore, it was out of left field and in response to me trying to telllol get rekked faggot
so you got offended because someone said to you trannies should die, which they should. I'm sure there is a discord server you can go to where you can lick stink ditches all you like
No. 57935
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>>57933have a deleted post from that anon kek the rope jokes hit a lil too close to home
No. 57946
>>57844I love shotafag tears thanks farmhands.
>why would a post that blatantly uses the term “Shota” get banned????? REEEEEMaybe try not using the exact word for the thing that was just banned. Kek some anons are so dumb. It wouldn’t have even been banned if you just kept your porn terms to yourself and pretended to be a normal person by just calling it a cute male character or something.
No. 57952
>>57949Honey, I'm not saying it's bad or wrong to have a mental illness, it isn't.
I have schizophrenia, so I take medication so that I don't see tiny horses anymore. That's an adequate solution to the issue.
inadequate solution would be to tell me the tiny horses are real, and everybody else should gave to step around them to keep me happy
No. 57955
>>57953I am extremely disappointed that you've misinterpreted my mean-spirited irony this badly.
Do you really see no value in comparing trannyism to schizophrenia? It was a useful analogy, I don't actually have schizophrenia, this is the internet, I'm a mallard wearing purple hat, prove I'm not.
No. 57964
>>57956I posted about my reasoning in
>>>/ot/1587414No lifestyle changes are needed at all, I just need to recognize my own body and voice and use my preferred name and be called a man, etc. I use this site primarily to get help for my female issues, plus I know I'll never be male so it's not a delusional bit. I just feel more comfortable being referred to as a man and looking like one, even if I'm still clockable because a year and a half later and my doctor only just now found one willing to do HRT and even then he keeps rescheduling me meeting her because he "wants to talk" first
No. 57969
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>>57964Jesus fucking Christ
Okay dude, you do whatever you need to do, I'm out
No. 57972
>>57898, bans were uplifted and redtext was removed for all the shota related posts in that thread.
>>57964Girl, we do not fucking care. Your female socialization is glaring, you're an embarrassment to everyone in your life, and you will always be a woman passing as little more than an unfortunate bulldyke. Trannies get the rope.
>>57969That ain't no dude, that's an Aiden.
No. 57990
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>>57982>>57976The top voted option was no ban and one of the highest was a ban for only porn, something anons weren't posting in the first place. Combined, that would leave light restrictions or no restrictions in favor. Their response to this was to declare restriction won and go with the hardest restriction option available. Not to mention
>there were almost 3 times as many restriction related options on the poll>the poll was held on an easily manipulated format>the most active VPN abusing spergs we've had in recent history was running amok during the poll, and he has long been very vocal about wanting the topic banned>this is an issue that only effects 3 boards, meaning the votes of any anons who don't use those 3 boards are worthlessBrush all the complaints off as "new fags" and ban evading pedo moids wanting to spam because for some reason that's your personal image of who's posting about Black Butler in a yaoi thread if that's how you feel. But shotagate is about more than the shotas, it's about the farmhands acting like inconsistent faggots while preaching uwu twanspawency and not being able to tell who was pushing for this ban after sparking months of infighting they did next to nothing to stop.
No. 57991
>>57990>it's about the farmhands>farmhandsLol
>sparking months of infighting ? The poll was made earlier this month. It hasn't even been an entire month yet.
No. 57993
>>57991Farmhands are what we've always called the mod team and admin, newfag.
>It hasn't even been an entire month yetThe poll didn't come out of the blue. It was a direct response to the infighting over the topic that plagued the non-cow related boards. It would not have happened otherwise.
No. 57997
>>57990The infights barely lasted for a month, you're making it painfully obvious you're a newfag who's probably one of the newfags who started this infighting mess because you can no longer post in fujo chan. Didn't fujochan also ban shota? That's probably why we had a wave of pedophilic men and "women" lately.
>>57996He's not lying. He's a newfag who probably found this site at the height of this debacle and joined in thinking he could manipulate anons enough for everyone to be pro-shota/loli.
No. 57999
>>57996I was talking about the entire team's actions, not just admin's. Together they, plural, are farmhands.
>the staff didn't start those shots in fights that were happening in other boardsFuck are you on about. Learn english, I'm not going to reply again if you're just a sped tourist looking to argue.
>>57997Not male, a newfag, or a fujochan immigrant. Does it ever get old, anon?
No. 58046
>>58030>since the women who post those are probably not sober/sane either and it's just going to be a source or regret for them later on.I also thought it was weird that admins said the Rancefag was a special case of someone having an episode and that's why it was removed. Everyone who has ever posted their nudes here was going through something, they don't need to explicitly say "im having an episode" for anyone to deduce that. I would say that the change in attitude towards nudes is just a case of us having new overlords, but even the /shay/ nudes weren't deleted. Of course admins and farmhands are under no obligation to delete things that people choose to post, but at the same time I don't get the picking and choosing.
I'm referring to this btw
>>57739>Rancefag’s nudes have been floating around, please report them so we can continue to remove them. Although she posted them of her own free will, she seems unwell so we would like to keep them off the site as we feel like she will surely regret posting them here. Update: she said posted them during a manic episode. No. 58095
File: 1685166527241.jpg (221.76 KB, 427x427, 20230407_231730.jpg)

>>58091I can't fucking live like this anymore
No. 58101
>>58099It's a larp
>this website isn't transphobicYes we are
>>58100Same, I'm not southern though it's just a good way to address the group. I got called a moid once for saying "guys" so I didn't know what else to say at the point kek
No. 58139
This is the school, it is not Farleton it is actually Farlington, the weird school anon misspelled her own school kek
https://www.farlingtonschool.comThey're doing some kind of TRIBE project for end of term focused on fringe websites.
(you are school anon) No. 58140
>>58099Gender affirming care leads to reduced risk of suicide - Study: related regret is extremely rare: retard) No. 58142
>>58139why the fuck would a school tell minors to go around looking for fringe websites, that's retarded
also school anon posted bizarre ai generated pucs of kids in a cave, rly creepy
No. 58147
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No. 58150
I think you'll find lot of us support the irreversible chemical castration and mutilation of trannies they refer to as GRS, just not when done on kids and not backed by our poor tax dollars. I love the horror stories.
No. 58156
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No. 58157
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No. 58162
>>58146What kind of school sends children to survey users on adult websites?
You're creepy, get lost
No. 58163
>>58150Yeah, I believe in trannies being allowed to troon out just like any other form of bodily autonomy, but only ones that are 18 and older after years of therapy and trying to do anything other than troon out for at least two years past a GID diagnosis. Most regret it because they were forced to as a child, got a cheap back alley surgeon/hormones/et cetera or impulsively made the decision because nobody thought to try deterring it or seeing if it was something else like BIID, an eating disorder, or BDD. But that's a bit off topic.
>>58154Agreed sans the misogyny part. I believe only the ones with GID and extensive therapy proving that trooning out is the last resort should be allowed. Then I'll respect the tranny so long as he or she can prove they actually are suffering and mentally ill.
No. 58300
File: 1685462087730.jpg (228.5 KB, 1448x1600, scrotebgone.jpg)

I alogged and I'm not sorry. Might be ok cause it was ambiguous but there are scrotes in dresses shitting on the corpses in the proana scumbags thread, that is a clearly marked ladies toilet and I want genocide
No. 58303
Could someone look into why these posts were banned in the shayna thread
>>>/snow/1837365 and
>>>/snow/1833721 ? im getting the vibe there is a farm hand who is starting to just ban people based on their personal preference versus banning people for actually breaking lolcow rules.
No. 58311
>>58303i feel like this is starting to happen in celebricows too (not
all the bans but some recent ones)
No. 58331
>>58303>>58324I didn't actually get banned nonna, just redtexted. Thank you for whiteknighting for me though haha. The Shay jannies can be nitepicky sometimes for sure. But sometimes the ban is just a part of the joke tbh. It is like an overlord coming in over the loudspeaker and saying "why don't you take 50% off there, degen".
I fully expected to get banned for my autistic fart fanfic. I am kinda surprised that I wasn't lol. I yoloposted it anyway because it made me laugh.
As long as the sassy temp bans are short term then it's just part of the fun sometimes. Long bans are for CP posters & moids though.
No. 58335
>>>/snow/1837365 had no post history other than this post, leading us to decide it was likely some male with a fart fetish.
>>>/snow/1833721 was a judgement call, that
nonnie needed to take a break. Other anons in the thread seemed to agree. It was not a permaban, so she'll be back.
The nudes posted by /shay/ users have been deleted and we will continue to delete nudes posted by users, nobody here wants to see that and whoever is posting their nudes to lolcow needs to go outside.
We've decided to lock the jvloggerz thread for lack of milk, the amount of reports we receive from it, and sheer amount of tinfoiling, nitpicking and infighting it creates. If there is actual milk it can be reopened in the future.
No. 58337
>>58331Nta but
>But sometimes the ban is just a part of the joke tbh.You are incredibly based
No. 58384
>>58379They're probably one of the anons that said that they weren't dating and that they were just roommates.
>>58381You won't post receipts because you don't have any. This is clearly bullshit. All the old threads are still there with all the milk for everyone to see and the schizo twitter sperg is still running rampant so there isn't anything to celebrate.
No doubt they hated it, especially Sharla, since an anon was able to dig up all that archaeology shit after almost two years and the proof of her lying about racism was posted about again. Really ruins that sweet, wholesome image kek.
No. 58385
nonnie you actually took the bait. Go sit in the corner and flick your bean, ffs what's wrong with you.
No. 58396
>>58391One of the newfag farmhands banned me for breaking anonymity because I said I wasn't a tranny when an anon accused me of being one of the scrote shitposters from jvlog. My guess? New farmhands are most likely newfags, but a pretty good possibility they were vendettachans seeking out users they dislike still remains. Seemingly, the only requirement is voice verification so there
could also be a FtM farmhand trying to fuck with us, but that's unlikely, especially with how quickly testosterone can fuck up a woman's voice. But some never deepen, too.
No. 58399
>>58381You do realise it’s posts like yours why the thread is now locked?
Coming to meta to continue the fake milk sure is stupid, but you do have guts I’ll give you that.
No. 58430
Hi. Someone requested support for this site on my imageboard browsing app ( I think you are using lainchan to host, but you don't have JSON endpoints turned on (so that for example would return an encoded form of the thread. Ex: That would make it really easy for me to add support. Is it something you're able to do?
No. 58489
>>57943>>57932The word filter we have prevents the post from being made at all and is used to counteract spam. Any ban you see is manual.
>>57826That was a mistake, sorry anon. The ban has been removed.
>>57744Due to Taylor’s history, we will keep her thread open. Sitewide rules still apply.
>>57879The post you tagged was from a female poster frustrated about the personalityfagging going on in /ot/. Continue to report misogynistic comments, staff have been notified to keep an eye out for Kiwi scrotes in vent.
>>57790>>57791Bans have been issued.
>>57786Innocent post history. Do you have links to namefagging posts from 4chan that contain this image?
>>57742We just reviewed applications yesterday so we’ll be reaching out today or tomorrow! Leaving a Discord is not required.
>>58380Please report these posts, they fall under our derailing and potentially infighting rules.
>>58400>>58418Personalityfagging is usually benign, but it can get out of hand. Derailing is still against the rules. We’ll consider a different approach during Hellweek.
>>58420Hellweek incoming! Dates will be announced…soon. Sorry it’s taking so long. We are just getting our new staff ready.
>>58280Post-Leftcows is on thread 42, which is active as of today. There was a Post-Leftcows OP that was shit and so was deleted.
>>57931>>57989>>58466We’ll consider closing Gaijin Gyarus, but it doesn’t generate nearly as many reports as jvlog or Belle’s threads. We’re open to feedback on this.
>>58107Would you please email the gifs that failed to resize to We tried uploading a few gifs on the site and met no issues.
No. 58519
>>58518well i would use it, 4chan has many apps on android and as i see it
>>58430was able to put the app on an apple beta testing program so it's possible!
No. 58544
>>58523most of the ones we're complaining about leak outside their threads and shit up/derail multiple other ones though, sometimes even outright announcing themselves like "hey x here."
i'm mostly talking about tif-chan tbh i don't care if they all actually stayed in one appropriate thread
No. 58561
>>58554yeah but announcing yourself at all is against the rules, and lbr the tif getting perma'd wouldn't be a great loss. tbh i'm against all personalityfags because they inveitably act like attention whores making everything about them.
i'm not talking about ppl who post their obsession in the dedicated threads ofc but rather the ones like kirbyfag or the tif (or pakichan) that just derail every thread they're in
No. 58564
>>58562tif was all over /meta/ last week. kirbyfag derailed an /ot/ threzd just a few days ago. it's all in this thread or the complaints one.
it's not about them doing arm it's just that it shits up the site. and personalityfagging, just like avatarfagging, defeats the purpose of anonymity.
No. 58582
>>58573I've only seen paki do that once, in the Tumblr Hate thread, where she pretended to be Black and racebaited for sympathy, which is fucking gross.
>>58581>>58575What the fuck? I hate her now.
No. 58590
>>58582Paki also used to fight with (western) radfems and say that no one has it worse than her in Pakistan, used to fight western people in general, derail threads to talk about Pakistan, said that Romanianon was larping as her (I'm not defending romanianon, to be clear), posted hand pics in the fujo cringe thread.
She also larped as "(c)rap-chan" but was outed by a mod.
No. 58604
>>58585She used to have a cat but when anons questioned her recently she said she never had one. That's suspicious given her history of abusing animals and little kids.
She's a schizophrenic and pakichan is a racist misogynistic retard who admitted she wanted to be a sexslave to a nazi. Neither of them deserve sympathy but talking about them only bring them more pleasure so we should stop.
No. 58647
>>586461. No, I wasn't breaking anon rule whatsoever. Nothing I said revealed who I was at all.
2. Not a cow
3. Not a troon
No. 58651
>>58648That isn't breaking anonymity whatsoever. Unless it explicitly reveals their online handle or real world identity, it is not breaking forum rules in any way, shape, or form. If it is against the rules, cerbmin should make it explicitly clear that it is, not a rule that essentially says so long as their real identity is not revealed it's okay
>>58649Never threatened to kill myself, nothing I said even suggested I would do it, and I wasn't the fucking anon who was derailing, blame the women with a stick up their ass thinking everyone who disagrees with them is a threat and decides to start infighting because someone isn't in their fucking hivemind. When I said "I'd rather kill myself," it was a figure of speech meaning I would do anything except for (action). Anything, even kill oneself. Maybe learn English phrases before accusing anons of shit
No. 58654
>>58651the point of this board is that all posts should stay anonymous. it's rule #4. announcing your posts defeats the point of anonymity. it's not about your real lofe identity, it's about not making your posts stand out from other anons.
pervious personalityfags and avatarfags have been banned according to this rule and i can't wait for you to get perma'd too. cope + seethe + bind + YWNBAM.
No. 58669
File: 1686269278443.png (231.55 KB, 683x871, ritard1.png)

While looking into tif-chan’s personalityfagging, we discovered that tif-chan is actually Rita aka WhiteGlove. You may remember her from her thread in /snow/ that was closed due to the undesirables and autism it attracted
>>>/snow/1778636Rita is a chronically online, obese trans-identified female who thrives off of internet attention and has attempted to get it from Kiwi Farms, YouTube, Discord, and now our very own farm. For this reason, we have permabanned her. Rita’s post history is 812 posts long over 5.5 months, for a whopping total of about 147 posts made per month.
While Rita claimed that she was remaining anonymous
>>58647 because she didn’t explicitly reveal her real-world identity
>>58651 she was still breaking Rule 4. Personalityfagging still ties all your posts together. Your real life identity doesn’t need to be revealed to violate Rule 4, just look at Kirby anon, Rancefag, Pakichan, or any of our self posters in /cream/ who thought they would remain anonymous because they didn’t give exact details. has also been updated to include personalityfagging under “5. Integration.”
You can find Rita’s post history here: No. 58679
File: 1686278583862.png (13.97 KB, 1080x286, Screenshot_20230608-213852.png)

>>58669Holy fuck she selfposts so often
No. 58685
>>58669Wow, the more she tries to look and sound like a male, the more obvious it is she's female.
YWABAW (you will always be a woman)
No. 58691
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>>58669Why do cows roast themselves like this?
No. 58692
>>58669All I can say is -
loving the Ritard flair btw
No. 58696
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>>58669>>58694Of fucking course a TIF is part of those "People can have different opinions, go back to 2X!" kind if posts.
It's a tragedy, because she genuinely seems to like the website and at least tries to somewhat integrate, but doesn't seem to get to the logical conclusion of the things she reads here. Instead she continues to bitch about radfems and detransitioners.
No. 58714
>>58706>>58708coined in radfem/GC groups to make fun of those het-partnered women who got overly touchy whenever someone criticized straight men as a group because "well MY boyfriend/husband would NEVER!!", the name Nigel comes from
Guy who
Lived (also a typical bong moid name and we know bongland =
terf island so yeah), and some took the word in a self-aware humorous way to talk about their own male partners but no it's not just a synonym for boyfriend. if anything it's NLOGging (Not Like Other Guys) your own bf/husband. if you think your moid acts shitty and scrotish he is not a Nigel because a Nigel is supposed to be "NLOG" (therefore "acceptable" to be with as a radfem)
No. 58723
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>>58716Same, I'm really glad posts are being marked and histories are being revealed etc now. It feels like lolcow's finally woken up from a forced sleep or something. We appreciate you admins and farmhands
No. 58736
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I'd like to request we lock the Lucinda thread.
>Lucinda thread bumped
>no milk
>last post is faggot with no milk but saged post
>many such cases
Is there just one complete arsehole bumping then redoing their post so it can't be reported for being unsaged? It's always the same vein as >>1844924 with no screenshots or milk, it's very clearly the same person doing it over and over again. Lucinda is pretty much gone there's no reason to have a thread just so one spaz can swing by and bait arguments
No. 58747
>>58740If that were the case, Lillee Jean and Luna would have their threads locked about a year ago. Lucinda isn't an aged cow, she's a vanished cow and there's 0 milk to speak of. The only activity in the Lucinda thread in almost 3 months is one
nonnie bumping it with non milk, "is she dead yet?", or posting about how much they want Lucinda dead. It's radioactive levels of autism and at this point just shut that shit down
No. 58754
>>58752Just kidding I found it, it was the other vent thread
>>>/ot/1602935 I don't really understand the
faggy redtext but that was legitimately my mistake. Sorry for wasting resources on being a retard
No. 58757
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There's a lot of deleted posts recently. Are mods going for CC's post deleting spree moderating route?
No. 58897
>>58874That's because one retard keeps getting
triggered by the existence of fujoshis (
pakichan) I wish farmhands labeled as they did with ritard.i can always tell its her by the way she writes and those cat reactions she puts.if you read this paki chan here's something you should remember rat ka zaheer dukano per available hai appnee chai mei wo Dalo. Tumheri austism humare leiya behi sar ka Dard hai
No. 58927
File: 1687436058670.jpg (135.17 KB, 1841x906, cuntorator.jpg)

Sorry for crossposting but your absolute shit garbage janitor in the Onision thread keeps removing my posts exposing her: She is a shit janitor who lets people do whatever in the Onision thread. All we want is a good janitor there, thats it. All she does when people complain is go "take it to META" and then delete our complaints and ban.
She is a god awful janitor and please, please do something about her. Its not personal, we just want a good janitor for the Onision thread. Thats it.(hi gene)
No. 58949
The farmhand who leaked a pro-ana cow’s IP history was removed from staff shortly after she leaked the IP, and was later banned from since she was breaking several rules and would not stop personalityfagging as a farmhand despite being warned.
>>58855Lynxchan is what the old admin was using to build LCF 2.0, but one of the new admins will be custom building LCF 2.0 so neither Lynxchan nor any other imageboard software will be used.
>>58772>>58773>>58830>>58747>>58736>>58785Effina’s thread, Jihoon Kim’s thread, Tina Choi’s thread, and Lucinda’s thread have been locked.
No. 58975
>>58973Seconding this. Three posts by a perverted moid in Polish thread:
>>>/ot/1615512>>>/ot/1615513>>>/ot/1615516Already reported. Let's hope it will stop.
No. 58982
File: 1687545867658.jpg (1.1 MB, 1590x2828, wp7382825.jpg)

Thank you to the farmhands that got rid of the male!
No. 58983
File: 1687555392069.png (53.9 KB, 1902x1158, 45ad797b79c4f99fb1efd7280793bb…)

mods are shit hope you kill yourselves(ban evading autism)
No. 59049
>>59047even putting as a search parameter to google is worthless nowadays… but you gave me an idea, and this works with startpage and yandex. google is trash.
>>59048only a delete and a report field
No. 59051
File: 1687891008499.png (33.74 KB, 1826x940, Screenshot_20230627_203803.png)

>>59050in that case, I'm either blind or an extension blocks it
No. 59052
File: 1687891181526.png (7.14 KB, 1347x233, lolcow.PNG)

>>59051Bottom of the BOARD nonna, bottom of the board.
No. 59078
there's an odd post in the dumbass shit thread
>>>/ot/1620264seems to be a male and has photoshopped a real person's face onto an explicit image.
No. 59087
File: 1688068267611.jpg (99.04 KB, 1489x611, shitmod.jpg)

This is my last attempt, as this is a perfect example of how stuff will get reported in the Onision thread, yet nothing is being done. One post gets a red line, the other gets a pass.
my advice is still remove the shitposting, like Gene and his bf. he gets off on the attention, if these shitposts don't last and simply get removed, we'll finally have that clean thread we been dreaming about collectively for god knows how many years.
No. 59088
>>59083There's nothing about FOSS that makes it inherently more secure than closed software
nonnie kek
It all depends on who's making it and how.
No. 59095
File: 1688119345634.jpg (25.34 KB, 600x337, salty.jpg)

>>59090>>59093>>59094Or stop being salty and just delete the scrote posts.
Not everything is an attack on you as a person, just do your job better.
No. 59098
>>59097Being like what? Issuing a complaint to /meta/ like the moderator in that thread keeps telling us to do?
If you don't remove the Gene posts well congratulations, keep enjoying the thread being shitted up and people needing to start new threads every two weeks, i guess. Yes, that's way better, handier and optimized than just deleting the posts.
Of course, how stupid of me, guess I'm still a newfag after having been here for over 10 years straight. By all means, keep explaining it to me.
No. 59101
>>59099Do you really expect me to reply to this one or naw? I mean, even for lolcow standards this reply is dumb.
>>59097Also super handy for people wanting to find actual updates on Greg's antics by the way, just needing to search trough thread after thread of scrote bullshit trying to find those updates.
Instead of trying to get a rise out of me by replying with stupid bullshit why not just take all this energy and utilize it in to removing Gene's posts? That way you will remove any incentive for him to post.
Why is this so hard? Either reply with : "yes we will, good idea" or "no thats a stupid idea, please fuck off".
Thats all you need to do.
Why do you people insist on always choosing the hard way, and trying to bullshit yourselves out of shit you can't bullshit yourself out of? There's a problem either fix it or leave it alone, either tend to it or tell me to fuck off. This is literally all you need to do, and do it without the attitude for just fucking once, this isn't Dynasty people. Gawd.
No. 59102
File: 1688127651323.jpg (27.75 KB, 720x436, Screenshot_20230630_142200_Chr…)

Are farmhands really that socially inept that they dont get obvious sarcasm?
No. 59107
File: 1688135022325.jpg (44.3 KB, 692x633, ukelele.jpg)

>>59105Alright, since it doesn't matter why moderate it at all, am i right?
No. 59115
>>59114What I don't understand is how this has been a debate for over 1 week straight. Just to get the mods to get rid of some scrotes.
Why, how or where is this a debate? I don't get it.
Just purge them and stop with the excuses.
No. 59116
>>59115you aren't even reading the posts you're replying to, are you?
tehre's no debate just you being a retard and everyone trying to tell you mods already do that
No. 59118
>>59112No, "anon", I was saying that
you should be ignored. You're the nuisance.
This is my last reply.
No. 59123
>>59122Really? Are you gonna try that route now, claiming i'm a scrote? How do we know
you're not a scrote? You've certainly been annoying enough trying to stop them from modding the Onision thread?
No. 59125
>>59122I'm not even joking when i've say that I have never in my life seen a pettier person. Ever since I came in here simply asking them to mod the Onision thread to get rid of the scrotes you've done nothing but try and derail me, gaslight me and trying desperately to make it about me.
You claimed you would stop responding to me, do that already, let it go.
(touch grass) No. 59127
>>59126>>59125>>59123Idk who you think I am, but I've made 1 comment on this whole thing
>>59097 Multiple anons find you annoying, mods are not going to preference a piss-baby's requests, with obvious ban evading. No one is "after you" and no one is making you reply to them or forcing you to reply back. You need to go outside and touch grass, learn2integrate, learn2sage, and maybe don't use a site you don't understand the posting etiquette for.
No. 59128
>>59127Aaaaaand its back to the gaslighting.
and larping as "all these people that totes hate me"I seriously think we're done here, because this is just getting stupid. I'm done replying to you and all your headmates. Here's my only insult to you in our entire exchange: Go fuck yourself. Sincerely. Oh and grow the fuck up.
No. 59133
I copped a ban for samefagging (now expired) for linking back to a media post I made hours earlier with a relevant question about the media. I doubt this post was reported by a user bc I wasn't asking anything controversial or spamming or agreeing with myself. So can farmhands or admin define what counts as samefagging, and would I have been banned if I had written "I posted this video"
>>>/w/302240I was trying to help by posting the webms people were talking about, but then I thought of a question later
No. 59135
>>59103It was a reply to an anon asking if she was too old to start taking care of herself at 27. Its was extremely obviously sarcasm.
Wasn't my post btw, I'm just surprised they let spergs who dont understand jokes be farmhands.
No. 59136
>>59134thanks anon, I checked the rules but this is helpful!
I don't think I posted back-to-back but I guess next time I'll just declare it. Just seems weird since there was no viewpoint or argument being pushed. I'm most familiar with that sockpuppet definition but English is my 2nd language
No. 59137
>>59125>>59126The person on the other side of the argument, the instigator, wants you to know they're definitely not a mod.
Hence all the one sided banning.
No. 59140
File: 1688224702973.jpg (199.88 KB, 1080x609, Screenshot_20230701_081915_Chr…)

>>59128This poster is back after saying they won't come back
>>>/pt/916264They want the thread to not be shit but all they do is keep derailing it.
No. 59149
>>59148Take the L, anon. And maybe stop making your samefagging so clockable when a thread gets a bunch of posts, but is suspiciously not bumped for weeks. That's not what you call a break in milk. That's what you call anons who want to shitpost and overexaggerate things without trying to be noticed. The exact same MO of the anons who got a few other threads shut down for posting non-milk constantly too. Stick to posting milk, not nitpicking what the kid is going to know and not know when he gets older. Being so obsessed with the kid is so weird to begin with, post about Taylor, not all this what-if tinfoils that are disguised as discussion because they are saged when it's clearly just shitposting chatter to fill the thread to see what anons can get away with filling it with.
>I doubt this post was reported by a userAlso the continued conspiracy that mods are out to get anons and are the ones going out of their way to find posts to ban is hilarious.
No. 59166
>>59159nah, I posted more than normal and responded to some bait, that's all. The same anon(s) reeing about milkless social media ree harder when some ig story being talked about but isn't uploaded. You can't have it both ways. The same anon(s) also shitposted like hell with milkless baby posts and rest in peace about her grandma dying. So those were fine but posting something being talked about (not even by me) isn't? I thought I was doing a favor. I'll refrain from doing that or answering qs in the future.
also refer to Admin's words
>>57739 about what was allowed in this thread.
No. 59172
>>59072>>59077>>59086The site relies on some heavy modifications that would have to be retrofitted to any board software we moved to. Given the effort it will take either way, we are opting to build it from the ground up. Imageboard software is designed to be highly configurable, but this adds complexity when it comes modifying the source code and adding features. Building bespoke software that will only ever be used by this site means that we can have absolute control over it, and we also don't have to work around the complexity necessary to allow for that configurability.
>>59074It will be closed source primarily because it would not make sense to open it. It will only ever be useful to this site and we will not be accepting code contributions. We also don't want to give the people seeking to harm the site the ability look through it for ways to exploit it. For those that have privacy concerns, you will still be able to inspect the scripts being loaded in your browser etc. and see that there will be no tracking scripts or other attempts to violate user privacy added. Given that anyone using open source board software can (and probably has) modified it, you should not consider it trustworthy just because it was based on something open source.
No. 59213
File: 1688329997608.png (121.52 KB, 1106x1774, 1688329576363.png)

>correct an anon who said something that wasn't true about nemu
>get accused of being obsessed with nemu
>get banned for not knowing who nemu is
No. 59236
File: 1688340898631.png (105.62 KB, 711x407, Screenshot_20230702.png)

>>59226ntayrt but the post was made in /m/, it's not unheard of to go slightly off-topic in an off-topic board. looking at the full context of the post makes the ban even weirder cause the OP clearly knew who nemu was, her response wasn't confusion about her but about what the person she responded to said
No. 59238
>>592261. Thats not what I was banned for
2. Thats not what I was doing
3. You don't get banned for that on /m/
No. 59248
>>59247I been here years before /m/ existed. My ban happened because a mod can't read, you sperged at me because you can't read, and now you're sperging at me again about integration over something I didn't do on a board you don't use. Fuck this gay website.
All I want is a "sorry it won't happen again
nonny" and the redtext removed tbh mods.
No. 59373
>>59370This will make me sound like a bootlicker but the sheer retardation and tech illiteracy of people critiquing the staff makes the staff look like geniuses.
They're switching to a new board software which should fix all the tech issues at once (and maybe bring some new issues in its early stages). Of course it's two different teams, farmhands do the moderation while only one of the three admins does tech work. Those are two completely different jobs. At the moment fixing the site in its current state is almost impossible because the former admin didn't leave a lot of documentation to go off and he heavily modified the board software LC is on, so it's smarter to just completely switch over. All of this got explained like 50 times already.
I'm honestly stunned at the constant stupidity here in /meta/.
No. 59382
>>59379Just scroll
nonny. Or ctrl+f
No. 59443
>>59373>switching to a new board2028 is gonna be lit
>one of the three admins does techOriginally it was two. Why did you- I mean, them - decide to change?
No. 59452
>>59450Thanks for letting me know. Even browsing art salt thread anons are too
trigger happy to accuse people here kek.
No. 59456
>>59443Sorry you're right, I mixed it up, it's two.
And yes I do think it's taking them long and I'd rather they had used existing board software since LC is kind of in a miserable state right now…
No. 59457
File: 1688638421748.jpg (102 KB, 720x883, Screenshot_20230706_121304_Chr…)

Not my post but i though heart was the one emoticon allowed
No. 59464
File: 1688642294653.jpeg (166.19 KB, 709x739, hearttt.jpeg)

Here's a year old post where posting an emoticon heart was banned. Not all bans are red texted and we also were short-staffed not too long ago. idk why you're expecting me to explain why you didn't get banned, I was just saying that emoticon hearts aren't allowed.
No. 59558
File: 1688702585927.gif (3.4 MB, 498x370, amazed.gif)

Thank you for the quick cleanup farmhands!
No. 59559
File: 1688702540307.gif (3.4 MB, 498x370, amazed.gif)

Thank you for the quick cleanup farmhands!
No. 59571
>>59567>>59569It's often also a their first time posting on here. They don't lurk enough and or see that someone else has used an emoji/emoticon/kaomoji/newfag heart and assume that is okay to use here, a imageboard and not a social media site. Stop coddling newfags that don't integrate and who gives a shit whether it's tone deaf or not, if anons gets upset about it, then just go back.
No. 59573
File: 1688728168519.jpg (162.22 KB, 540x558, dd.jpg)

>>59572>thanks <3I just use /ot/ and /g/ and haven't checked /meta/
>image of a heart?Twitter/facebook tier out
I feel like it's much more heartfelt getting an pic of something that convey what you mean as we are in a
imageboard and have /m/ where there is tons of reaction images and more readily available.
No. 59652
>>59646Sorry to hear about that, I checked the thread on /ot/ and it's fine and in theme with the previous thread.
For example the previous confessions thread where a literal tiktok image as the thread pic, anons didn't get angry over it, except me, but I held my tongue until the very last post as my confession and ended up making the usher nun pic in paint for another anon. Anon made a new thread with that pic and others accused her of being a moid and another had a hissy fit and juat made another
low effort thread.
Honestly some anons just want things to either go their way or none at all
/ot/fags particularly I mean there was huge tantrum from an anon last night for getting a ban which she thought was
hugely unfair because /ot/ isn't a cowboard and she shouldn't have to post a screencap for a link.
No. 59673
File: 1688953690861.jpg (212.01 KB, 1080x814, Screenshot_20230710_014600_Red…)

>>59672She could have just done like picrel or just the title like if you where to post a headline of an article. It isn't that difficult to circumvent showing an asshole.
No. 59680
File: 1688973228223.jpeg (139.3 KB, 750x714, DB7E17F4-CCA4-4D4E-91F5-39024B…)

Pls ban retards who reply to obvious rancefag posts
No. 59689
I see Gene survived hellweek fine:
>>>/pt/914105(Look at the bottom 50 posts, i mean god damn)
Thats just awesome, what an absolute shit show.
No. 59698
>b-but my anonymity!the site is already anonymous
>b-but users tracking me!if you were smart enough you would figure out how to get around this. but the average retard that infights is not smart enough to get around this and tbh doesn't deserve to get around it.
plus, p sure it's different for each board. Also it would be fantastic if we could make it different per thread too. In fact, I'm almost certain it's a possibility.
No. 59706
>>59700>>59702>anons that disagree either infight constantly or samefag to agree with themselves to make themselves seem more interestingnice…
In all seriousness, I said what I said and still stand by it. I don't give a rats ass what you all think about it. This was my suggestion to cerbmin.
>>59704damn, didn't know we could only give feedback during hellweek…. Oh… right… we don't have to. Calm down, freak. Not sure why you're getting so tripped up about the mere suggestion of it unless you seriously have an issue with infighting, in that case you need to take some meds. If you don't like it, close your eyes.
No. 59712
>>59708>>59711>>59709looool. You wish I was a polfag because you can't possibly fathom the idea of a regular user on this site wanting a change. That's a bit embarrassing, shame on all of you. Be open to change! Truthfully, I was going to say a different board name but I checked and there were no other boards doing it except /pol/. I could've said /bant/ but less people know what that is.
If I wanted to use 4chan, I would. Anyways, besides these weirdos that are scared of a user id on an anonymous website that would prevent them from spamming the same take 10 different time while using different typing styles…. I think it's a good idea still and don't care if people disagree. It's an
No. 59717
>>59712The spam you're talking about is always clockable and we don't need geographic tags to notice it. The people spamming are never smart enough to change anything meaningful. Furthermore, just having a country will do nothing since the farmers in certain threads tend to be from a few main countries. So if we implemented this idea & then multiple Canadians or Americans or whatever post in a row, you're going to CAUSE infighting because people will make stupid assumptions based on flags.
Lastly the mods of this site are eager to expose the most meaningless samefagging, even if it isn't really samefagging, according to some discussions in the past. So we don't need this shit idea.
No. 59718
>>59652i just find it odd that the post has not been deleted, unless rules against a-logging have been changed and i didn't notice. which they haven't as far as i can see. and it's starting to make me suspicious that the anons pointing out unethical behavior from the moderation in the hellweek threads might be right. maybe i'm wrong (and i hope that i am), but i have a feeling that farmer was not just a regular angry retard. notice how they never came back or responded to any of my replies or other anons when they didn't get the reaction they were clearly looking for. if i had said the same thing to her, i would have gotten banned. thankfully i'm not that stupid.
so honestly, i have to say, if this is the kind of behavior we can expect from the admin team, idk even know what to think at this point as i've been pretty supportive of cerbmin and their team. it's incredibly immature and borderline weird to do this to your userbase when the board is as slow as it is. i don't think it's funny, even if you guys do. i was going to ask why we can't get normal mods but i know it's a rhetorical question at this point. maybe instead of acting like catty 16-year-olds, you should put that effort into making the new imageboard that we've been talking about for the past year or so, that has yet to materialize. and again, if i'm wrong, and it was some retard having a meltdown over "muh tiktok pictures", then i apologize. but i had to say something, just in case.
No. 59816
File: 1689221758861.png (102.43 KB, 937x571, shartysh.png)

>>59811Samefagging, but here's a screenshot.
No. 59821
>>59816i don't get it… are moids really so dumb that they are entertained by… whatever that is? I mean I know we're always like "lol moids are dumb" but I really don't get it. That's like sub-15 y/o level of brain function. Or is it that they all actually
are moidlets on there? Idk what the demographic of that place is
No. 59832
>>59829the "fe" is short for cafe (crystal cafe), one of their schticks is cutting up words
they think we're the same with miners
No. 59835
am i missing why this thread was locked and redtexted
>>>/snow/1863143 it seems like a basic, on-topic thread for the board. there are still active threads with worse starters
and can someone make a new complaints/suggestions thread
No. 60110
File: 1689467673005.png (125.77 KB, 903x481, Screenshot 2.png)

>>60108Thanks, fucking hell this seems vile as hell, surprised this site is still up.
No. 60190
File: 1689567938904.png (62.16 KB, 1080x938, anon.png)

>>60187The thread is just a bunch of losers who make themselves feel better about themselves by making fun of someone who's comically more pathetic than them.
No. 60247
>>60243Who is 30 lol
You just wrote all of that text in seething earnest so it really seems like you might be projecting a bit, good luck with those suicide plans
No. 60258
>>60202>>60207Stop stalking her already. You're a 35 year old married woman who's wasting her time on trying to dox a young woman in her twenties because you don't have any hobbies.
Inb4 you'll threaten to dox me, try it faggot.
No. 60272
>>60247No, I'm legitimately just tired of you retards posting cp and gore over a vendetta.
But thank you for taking the bait and making it about you, aspie. You just proved my point. Anyway, do a flip when you jump.
No. 60301
File: 1689788176583.jpeg (942.14 KB, 1170x1975, IMG_8108.jpeg)

>>60295>>60296Why is baiting anon not redtexted, been reported at least once, and no, it's literally baiting, it's not just me "not liking what's being said"
Do your fucking jobs jannies, ban "her" for infighting
No. 60303
File: 1689789624674.png (333.89 KB, 800x671, 89077BB8-E7A6-4C68-B614-726A9.…)

Admins, thank you so much for fixing the gif posting error.
No. 60306
>>60280this site has been dead since anonymity was breached
why the fuck did the oldmins make a discord?
>>60302i dont know the full context of your images but from what ive noticed, when it comes to political opinions the current admins have been attempting to ban less, if they started banning "horrible conservative racist takes" (regardless of how true they are) then theyd have to regularly start banning "dumb retarded lefty takes".
you could see how potentially alienating this can be, with the disadvantage to lolcows site users, if they banned one or the other
additionally bad woman takes aren't ban-worthy
No. 60307
>>60306yeah but they unfairly banned the user above the race baiting sperg for saying that the film was shit and "infighting" but not the sperg who started the infighting aka the racebaiter, hows that for unfair politics
it appears she may have banned now if it's the same anon who just got put out to pasture but im really tired of celebricows being shit up with this, also not even trying to keep the mask on. now the racists on this site are just increasingly unapologetic and don't care and they're willfully shitting up threads, but it's not fair to ban people for countering them if reporting doesn't do anything, do you see how that's unfair?
No. 60309
>>60307so you mean they didnt redtext the original post? they probably banned the OP but didn't feel the need to redtext it because everyone should know not to reply to it. the bigger crime of derailing posts is replying to them in full and ruining the true conversation going on outside of it. not every ban has to be shown to us nor does it make a difference if it was
>now the racists on this site are just increasingly unapologeticthis language implies that you're 100% aware or in knowledge of racists, but unfortunately that doesn't make a post "ban-worthy" and certainly doesn't guarantee the opinion you disagree with is racist. it could just be a bad opinion/post
>but it's not fair to ban people for countering them if reporting doesn't do anythingit does, don't reply to posts that are obviously derailing, racebaiting, or spam. its not a hard concept to understand. if i replied to every post i thought was stupid ever id probably have an aneurism, much less specifically replying to people who are intentionally riling others up and disrupting the flow of conversation
No. 60318
>>60306there hasn't been a discord for months though
>>60308Thanks mods for removing the spam yesterday
No. 60322
>>60309NTA but you're deliberately being obtuse.
And the bans thing has been contentious for years because oldmin decided to go with minimum redtexts and fought with anyone who disagreed. That naturally led to more bannable behaviour because people wouldn't see any punishments for it. Then a farmhand would have to step in and tell people to knock it off and anons would get pissed because why not just make the bans obvious.
Replaying to bait or stupid shit shouldn't be encouraged but if the staff can't at least make a pretense of consistent modding then what do you expect.
No. 60326
>>60212who is buboe
And yes bib is a mod pls remove her from the team
No. 60336
File: 1689867586129.png (27.54 KB, 255x257, _data.png)

Pardon me if this has already been discussed but I'm confused why the celebricows threads are still in /ot/? It made sense when it was just general discussion of celebraties but when they made the "sage nonmilk" rule I feel like it should had been moved to /snow/ or something. It's kinda jarring that there is a thread that requires saging on a board where it's normally not needed. /snow/ also has an animation thread so it's not like celebricows would feel out of place there. Plus celebraties are some of the biggest snowflakes ever
No. 60339
>>60322>NTA i can tell because you're able to fill out the sage correctly :^)
>but you're deliberately being obtuse. i am trying to understand but as someone whos been with imageboard culture since forever i don't really get these complaints. someone posted an opinion you dont like that falls under spam? why are (you) replying to it? especially if you and other anons can deliberately tell its bannable under #4, #6, #7, etc?
>because oldmin decided to go with minimum redtextsredtexts are to make an example, i still dont understand why you want an extremely easily bannable post to be marked for redtext other than it appears its just an opinion the two of you disagree with so heavily that you need it to be marked red for some sort of vigilante internet justice
>Replaying to bait or stupid shit shouldn't be encouraged but if the staff can't at least make a pretense of consistent modding then what do you you're going to be deliberately retarded because you need to minimod and can't just move on with the thread? good riddance then, enjoy your redtexted infighting bans
( :^)) No. 60400
>>60398I've noticed it too. I have a theory that
that person is a moid, and he's falseflagging.
No. 60421
File: 1690406940983.jpg (148.12 KB, 938x415, Fakemale.jpg)

>>60419There are ftm anons who probably found the site on tumblr, you can spot them easily by their misogynistic insults(cocksucker/whore/etc.) and tendency to write long responses detailing obscure violent sexual acts they probably saw on porn. Picrel admits to wanting to be ftm.
No. 60431
>>60423Omg right I remember the newfags complaining about terfs, we definitely have a few underaged ftm summerfags. Thankfully they'll probably go back to studying their highschool subjects and disappear once summer is over.
I'm not that old of a user and only been around for three years or so but I don't think I've ever seen anons complain about terfs to this degree before.
No. 60438
>>60433You mean the one who keeps calling anons cumdumps, cocksuckers, etc. and then rambles on about wanting to kill herself because she's a woman? I think it's also one of the ftms that keep posting. I dont understand why she hasn't been banned yet.
She(?) used to post on /ot/ about how she thinks women are inferior and all anons are cocksuckers so the same style of posts but she kept getting banned when she posted there. I feel like mods don't care about 2X anymore.
No. 60442
>>60431Yeah, it's the only three years bit.
Many years ago, nobody gave a shit if they were here as long as they weren't … well, exceptional about it. But of course, they couldn't help themselves and would ree about getting told to fuck off. Same with manhate anons. And the boards were so much better for it. Unfortunately, they just kept on brigading until they were able to shift things in their favour. This IMMEDIATELY turned into "LC was always
terf hq!" which was funny at first because newfag as fuck but stopped being funny when more and more anons started believing it. look at
>>60423 "there was a lot of anons bringing up these issues (yet again), obviously they were all troons." That trope of everyone I don't like is a moid / tranny is relatively new cancer and guess where it came from.
A lot of oldfags left because of staff bullshit over the past ~5 years. A whole lot more ragequit because you fucking newbies came in, shit all over what was the culture and then pretended this is how it always was.
No. 60443
>>60441Original up until a few years ago: we don't give a shit if you're a man. Just don't announce it or make it obvious.
The last few years: REEEEEE MEN
You're making the opposite of the point you thought you were.
No. 60444
>>60443>>60442both of these anons get it. the radfem shit is annoying when it's everywhere on the site. especially since most anons are the radfem equivalent of chronically online sjws in how they insert it into everything. and the
terf/radfem associations have attracted more men to the site than ever before. the men on the site before were annoying coomers until the shoe incels incident(which was why they were ultimately banned) but raids were at an all time high because of radfem shit. and the site has gotten more "serious" in that radfems think their ability to post here has meaning and needs protecting, when it doesn't.
No. 60445
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>>60431>I don't think I've ever seen anons complain about terfs to this degree before.Tell me you're new without saying your new.
No. 60457
>>60455It's untrue that any female site will have manhate. The site didn't have it before and the site was man free for years. Manhate is different from complaining about men, it's invasive both invasive to the site, and probably to the anons doing it. Scouring the internet for horrible, gruesome and disgusting atrocities perpetrated by men and posting them for others to react to is obsessive, invasive behavior. Obsessive behavior is probably the only thing the radfems share with drama posters, but unlike drama posters, they bring it everywhere. Imagine if anons randomly mentioned momokun or shay in every thread. And my issue is the attitude that since we're all women, we're expected to accept it or otherwise our opinions get whitewashed and dismissed. Like how
>>60449 is, when she has a
valid point but isn't very eloquent about it. Saying that misandry isn't technically sexism is wrong and a misuse of systemic sexism as a catchall definition. I personally don't care about men or anyone manhating, it's just acting like a virus on this site infecting places it shouldn't. And the radfem/feminist aspect definitely is a problem on drama boards because those users try to dictate the flow of threads the same way twitterfags do.
No. 60460
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>>60457>Scouring the internet for horrible, gruesome and disgusting atrocities perpetrated by men and posting them for others to react to is obsessive, invasive behaviorScouring? You don't have to search very hard to find scrotes doing vile shit, that's their default behavior
No. 60471
>>60463But, according by how you behave, it looks as if you'd love to, if you had the physical capability to do so.
You know what, y'all keep hating men. It's like deciding to solve racism against black people by being racist towards white people.
Feminism thread from 2015
>>>/ot/160432>>60457AYRT. When I said man hate, venting and complaining about men was what I meant. It's been on this site almost for as long as it's existed because a userbase of mostly women is always going to have bad experiences with men.
No. 60476
>>60471God stop the autistic liytle space you put after the post you quote, you're saying you're not a newfag yet this is the sign you're new to imageboard culture.
Also stop racebaiting.
No. 60484
>>60479>MTFWhy would you want those shitsheads? They make shits threads about how other women don't accept them or how they can't accept other women don't have the same opinion as them and don't even get me started on them making shit threads about loving pornified lesbian sex/ relationships or seething in the lesbian thread. They are just men with extra steps that they think grants them leeway on being disgusting.
Go back to crystal cafe with your naivety and much adored trannies.
No. 60486
>>60479imagine caping for trannies this hard.
maybe instead of trying to change the whole board culture you could take your pickme ass to kiwifarms or something
there's a reason men aren't allowed (they shit the board up). ftm are actually allowed here but they always end up presonalityfagging because being an attention whore comes with trannyhood
No. 60487
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>>60485 >t. newfagWho'd have thunk it that misogyny and homophobia doesn't apply to
all trannies. Wow anon you totally just shattered my worldview!
No. 60490
>>60478Anon this is an important point, being allowed to in words express anger towards the people who hated and abused you is healing. The pressure to be nicey nice is not helping women.
I don't have a problem with the worst man haters on the site because the world is full of male abuse of women and there are countless websites dedicated to men hating on women including being actually violent towards us. See: porn. It would be strange if no women reacted to that.
No. 60495
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>>60479kek it didn't even take a day for you to show your true colors between the baiting, lying and samefagging
No. 60503
>>60479i wouldn't mind if this site allowed trannies both ftm and mtf
No. They have plenty of spaces to invade that cater to them elsewhere. Technically, nothing's stopping trannies from posting here except they constantly out themselves and make everything relate back to their gendie bullshit because they feel uncomfortable when something isn't about them. In every thread they infest, they cause infighting, derailing, and shitposts because they can't integrate whatsoever.
No. 60518
>>60502Sadly, the decline started before burritomin. Remember the admin before? Of course you don't. No-one does. They basically existed in name alone for - 2 years? And while the fat mexican made a lot of things worse, the pandemic was a major driver of problems. LC used to be relatively unknown but started to get more attention from normies thanks to vocal cows like Joy Sparkles.
The thing that bothers me the most is how slow it is now because that makes everything else stand out more. There used to be so many threads that were like mini boards of their own with their own culture. It was a lot more about the milk and the cows; it had focus. I remember /ot/ being controversial because it was a drift from the main purpose. Now it's turned into a generic imageboard but
femcels and PULLfags instead of scrotes. And it's so dead.
One thing you really missed the mark on is the woke feminism bit. It's gone in completely the opposite direction. Discussions about troons could just be like normal people speak instead of escaped mental patients painting manifestos on the walls with their own shit but no. Literal psychotics can't understand 'being censored' on mainstream websites so they come here to unleash. And they'd side with /pol/tards if they thought it owned trannies somehow. Same with the manhate anons. They are to feminism as isis is to muslims. When anons talk about how hostile the boards are the past few years, that's half the problem right there.
Anyway, I look forward to being told off by some 'oldfag' who has been here for two years.
No. 60519
>>60490Hold up. This right here is a massive problem.
You don't heal by wallowing in shit. Being able to vent and feel heard is super important. Being encouraged to go further and further into the rage until it is blinding is the opposite of healing. Constantly hanging on to the hatred and feeding it is also the opposite. And saying "but men do it!" is not an excuse.
If you want to get off drugs, you don't join a group of junkies, you go to therapy groups. You work
through it. Seeing people confusing reinforcing their own prisons and retraumatising themselves with healing or validation is heartbreaking.