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No. 4005[Reply]

Welcome to the first annual Lolcow Awards, feel free to comment and celebrate!

Favorite Cow:
- Onision >>>/pt/346069
- Margaret Palermo >>>/pt/346078
- Pixyteri >>346101

Worst Cow:
- Onision >>346069
- Incels >>346074
- Dakota (tba)

Best Milk:
- Keekweek >>346075
- Onision >>346069
- Margaret Palermo >>346078

Biggest Plot Twist:
- Venus’ Escape >>346078
- Keekweek >>346075
- Billie’s return to the Onion house >>346069

- Hartley Hooligans >>346081
- Ashley Isaacs (tba)
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No. 4019

I think it's about interpretation of the word "worst". I think it lead to votes going to useless cows and also to high-drama, prominent cows.

No. 4020


That's exactly why she's the worst. Hello?

No. 4021

Sheena should be considered worst cow since she actually killed someone and got away with it. Otherwise, Onion beats all!

No. 4022

I mean, Ryden Armani did too. Kind of.

No. 4023

>as well as write ups about how eating a stick of butter a day can help them be more healthy

rip angryman, gone but not forgotten

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No. 2548[Reply]

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No. 2996

What is the point of this thread being stickied? Admin I says he's leaving, yet this thread is the one slapped right at the top of meta because …why? So he can watch from afar as all the teen girls on this site hopefully cry over his absence? People can swap "theories" for his own amusement? It's kind of disturbing.

No. 3005

What if… she's the new admin?! Dun dun dunnnn.

It was stickied so people actually knew/saw he was leaving & new admin just hasn't removed it. Really nothing so creepers.

No. 3009

Im on it.

No. 3046

You are? If so, can you tell us some updates? Thank you.

No. 3050

I'm just about ready to launch if people are actually interested in migrating there.

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No. 3974[Reply]

What's it like running an active community with a lot of interesting topics / people? Is it satisfying to watch it grow etc?

(Posed to the original admins as well I guess, if they hang around)

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No. 1956[Reply]

Thoughts on these posts?

>I kind of miss drama threads on /cgl/. Don't get me wrong, I know the farm exists but I'd rather discuss actual drama then having to sit through 500 replies of people going 'lol get a nosejob" and how 'ugly' everyone is. I guess that's just because I never really cared about discussing someone's looks? So the farm is kinda boring to me most of the time.

>The farm is a cringefest most of the girls there are so insecure they need to shred every cow's physical appearance to pieces "lol she's so ugly and fat and her nose is so big and her eyebrows are terrible geez she's sooo haggard and old looking" also lots of ana chans calling everyone a fatty. It's painful and not fun anymore. I miss the drama here because it was simpler,

>Oh this so much, I'm average close to underweight but I usually don't care what strangers on the net think about my body type.
>But somehow these girls manage to get under my skin and make me hate myself, when it's not even about ME or anyone with similar body shape or weight. I cringe every time someone mentions the farm nowadays because of these people's unhealthy obsession with how other people look

>This. I lurked the farm a lot for a few months and I gotta say the posters are more cringeworthy than most of the cows. If you read the OT threads about mental health and feels, it's more than apparent that a lot of the people on there are batshit insane themselves and very miserable. I realized I was among that group and have been trying to improve my life and personality, it's really distressing to realize you fit all the stereotypes of a typical farmer. I just seriously hope more of them do before it's too late for me.

Certainly some valid points there.

pic unrelated
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No. 2035

I'm about 95% convinced that all the people complaining about nitpicking and appearance comments are newfags who weren't even around for 'old cgl', 'old lolcow', etc.

No. 2040

That is ultimately why they were banned in the first place. It caused lots of arguments and that seems to be what's happening here. People start to say stupid irrelevant nitpicking and then it starts an argument.

No. 2041

I think this is something that will end up regulating itself sooner or later. Enough people call out anachans and tell them to shut up in threads, I don't think admin intervention is necessary as well.

No. 2066

Maybe we got posted on tumblr? Tbh I'm curious as to how people find this site

No. 2076

I got directed here from 4channel.
Never touched /cgl/ when I visited yotsuba.

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No. 4426[Reply]

Can banned users bribe their way back into their accounts?

No. 4430

Why'd you want to give money to KNOWN PÆDOPHILE JOSHUA CONNOR MOON?

No. 4456


No. 4459

Why would you want to pay to get unbanned from this shitty site? Reading the braindead discussion around here warrants compensation by itself.

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No. 5086[Reply]

I've been discussing some potential changes with my fellow staff members and would like to make some bigger changes to lolcow. I'll also reintroduce regular townhalls, approximately once a month. They will take place on an independent chat platform, you will not have to use our Discord server for it.

The townhall chat has been rescheduled for Sunday, February 18th, at 6 PM EST. Announcements and chat links will be posted on lolcow, tempcow and discord half an hour before we start.

I'd like to get as much input as I can, but if you can't make it, there will be a summary on lolcow afterwards.
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No. 5675

i think the manhate thread should be nuked.

No. 5680


But remember, anon, in the townhall chat Admin said that not all posts found in violation of the rules would be marked with red text. Whether your reports achieved anything is not for you to know.

Nevermind he fact that if all of the comments were marked we wouldn't be complaining that farmhands are ignoring our reports.

No. 5684


I frequent there but haven’t noticed that. How can you tell?

No. 5686

Not >>5671 but you can look out for typing quirks, grammatical errors, emoticons and repeated phrases/ideas/themes in their comments.

No. 5877


please please please do something about this faggot replying to every single thread with this. also fuck people who reply to onision threads from one month ago in general.

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No. 799[Reply]

There has recently been an uptick in /pt/ threads which many members of the community find to be lacking the criteria for "lolcow"ness. Often this is because the OP is not descriptive or clear enough in demonstrating that someone is a lolcow. In other cases, when they are descriptive, many people disagree that they're actually a lolcow.

Here are a few threads which have been moved to /b/:


>>>/pt/116632 is borderline, and has not (yet) been moved.

In response to this, I adjusted the guidelines for /pt/ and added this paragraph:

>If you are posting a new thread about someone who isn't widely known, and there are no previous threads about this person, include an explanation in the OP or immediate follow-up posts as to why you consider them to be a lolcow. You should include links, pictures, videos, screenshots, quotes, or other evidence. Threads that do not obey this may be moved to /b/.

A few questions I would like input on:

1. Would it be worthwhile creating a new board, something in between /b/ and /pt/, for threads about specific people which do not fit in /pt/? Or is /b/ fine by itself?
2. The rules do not stipulate what qualities really constitute a lolcow. Would it be worthwhile coming up with a list of very specific criteria for who/what is deserving of a /pt/ thread?
3. In borderline cases, how should thread moderation decisions be handled, if at all? Some form of voting would be nice, but voting is kind of impractical on anonymous imageboards. One option could be increasing the number of volunteer staff and having the volunteers cast votes, but this is also susceptible to bias and potential drama. The current procedure is simply me making the sole decision.
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No. 895

Why was Fahr's thread deleted? It met all the criteria, and not only that but she's definitely a cow. If we deleted everyone who just asked for it, we'd have like 3 threads.

No. 896

The thread was deleted by the thread owner. Apparently accidentally, according to them.

I have no way of recovering deleted threads, sorry.

No. 897

I'll admit I jumped the gun in thinking it was you guys. I guess I'm just still too used to /cgl/ lol. Thanks for the response!

No. 928

Are the berry threads /pt/ material? All she does is photoshop and lie about how rich she is (like every other fag with tumblr/instagram fame)

Can we at least move her threads to /b/ or something?

No. 1137

I agree.

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No. 6965[Reply]

Hello everyone,

we've exhausted the last round of applications, but our team still needs more helping hands. If you'd like to join us, please fill out the following form and if it's a good fit, we'll get back to you shortly.

You can apply to

- be a Janitor
- be a global moderator (Farmhand)
- become the new lolcow.farm Admin
- help with technical issues
- moderate specific threads
- moderate Discord or volunteer in other ways.

You must be willing to use a Discord account to communicate with the rest of the team.

Fill out the application form here.
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No. 7188


We’re letting this retarded team vet the next one why?

No. 7278

Please make this happen.

No. 7281

I remember the multiple people who promised to make such boards back in 2016 and never delivered. Not holding my breath on that one.

No. 7283

Yeah, it's usually a pipe dream but I thought encouragement would be nice for anon to hear.

No. 7289

have they gotten back to applicants?

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No. 4855[Reply]

Hi everyone,

There is a slight issue with the permaban system, sometimes when issuing them there is some IP collision. If you are wrongfully banned please appeal and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Sorry about everyone who's been wrongfully banned, especially in the robot invasion crossfire.

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No. 26554[Reply]

Make a new Complaints and Suggestions thread REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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