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No. 1372[Reply]

This thread discusses the current social fabric of lolcow; where it's going, where we want it to go and how to take it in that direction. Also how to improve our farming skills as a cohesive whole.

We propose fixing "social" issues here, especially in curing the cancer that is killing the farm.
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No. 1490

I think IDs should be implemented on /b/ and /g/ but not /pt/ or /snow/.

No. 1613



No. 1620

Actually like this idea.

No. 1654

I think it would be exciting if we could take all the pedophile themed thread derailing posts and put them in their own thread, devoid of context just like a trashbin for the bickering.

No. 1777

holy shit I posted this seriously but I know it's dumb, next thing I know 4cham has /trash/, beautiful, I'm glad someone out there understands me

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No. 1071[Reply]

This thread is for discussing proposed changes.

I will update posts regularly to describe some potential proposed changes.

These are just ideas, and I am only looking for feedback. These will not necessarily ever be implemented, or if they are, they may change drastically before they are implemented. These are not things I am definitely planning to do, just changes I've been thinking about.

This is a work in progress. Posts may be edited regularly.

Please offer your thoughts on all of these proposals by replying to this thread.
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No. 1076

(Ignore the above reserved posts for now. Please feel free to reply here.)

No. 1080

It's a nice idea, but it would be a pain in the ass to moderate every post like this.
This is cool, I like it, specially the time-rotating part.

No. 1081

Also, more about the self-posting moderation: I think it's pretty unnecessary overall, since we only have this problem on Aly's thread. You(admin) could just put a notice on Aly's OP saying that excessive self-posting isn't allowed and is considered derailment.

No. 1112

IDs when?

No. 1133

At this time I'm leaning towards not adding them unless I open up a new board. In which case, one board might have IDs added.

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No. 4227[Reply]

As a response to recurring complaints about staff and report handling, we've made a decision. As most of you don't know, I inherited lolcow not after the first Admin's escape but after the next Admin following that, who also hired the current staff. Because I didn't want to step on her feet, I didn't take actions the way I should've. As of today, we've removed all staff hired by the second admin.

Please apply here if you'd like to be a Farmhand.

I will also address any complaints, comments, and questions you may have in a Townhall chat next week.
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No. 4231

Perfect. Thanks, and also sorry about my sad typo.

No. 4233

Sent one in, sorry admin-sama if it seems jumbled, it was awkward doing that on my phone.
Good luck to everyone applying, I'm excited to see some of the love for the site coming soon.

No. 4242

Applied admin, sorry if I got my email address incorrect though. Posting it here in case I made a typo. Good luck everyone!

No. 4263

Hi there, admin. I just want to say good luck with the new staff and that I hope you guys can fix this place soon. There's no way to fucking enjoy browsing the chan anymore when the retarded majority derails threads with jaw discussions and drama about rubbing thighs.
I love lolcow and I wish it the very best because right now the the place is at its worst.
Much love,

I deleted my first post to sage and then realized the thread was pinned. Duh.

No. 4312

I finally signed up but if by any chance (I accidentally pressed "ok") I would also like to mod (or sanatize) the /int/ board.

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No. 4244[Reply]

Rescheduled: The Townhall has been rescheduled for Tuesday 6/6/17 at 7 PM EST.

Topics will include the following:

>integrating newfags

>male posters
>new features
>new staff and their responsibilities

Please come and voice any comments and/or suggestions. A link will be posted an hour before we start.
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No. 4258

Some might not be able to participate but they still want to voice their opinion.

No. 4259

5 PM EST would be perfectly fine for me

No. 4260


i support these changes and i'd also like to add that it's nice of an anonymous gossip board to be this thoughtfully governed. i hope i can make it to the chat. thumbs up, admin-sama.

No. 4261

imo a wk is someone who defends someone defiantly without listening to reason. I've seen users throwing out wk accusations simply for saying something slightly positive though and thats ng

No. 4264

Please look into applying across /ot/ & /g/ a rule like the one that 420chan academic boards have had since forever:
>1. These boards are not your dumping ground for stupid racist shit

420 is a looong lasting chan, from whom even 4chan took ideas every so often.

The wording on that rule tells you everything about who you are, in addition to b&, if not following it.

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No. 792[Reply]

Someone asked about posting statistics.

Here's a line graph of all posts per week for /pt/ up until today. As you can see, post rate has been increasingly pretty steadily.

The post below is the same graph for /b/.
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No. 796


No. 797

Can you share any info on number of unique posters?

No. 804

Unfortunately, it's very difficult to get accurate statistics of unique posters. Especially with widespread use of mobile devices, one person may rotate through 2-30 IPs over the course of a year.

No. 4185

so i wonder how the statistics went over the course of until now?

No. 4192

I would like to know this too.

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No. 3654[Reply]

The survey is up, click here to take it

To celebrate a year full of rich, creamy milk ending, we'll host the lolcow awards 2016!

You can now submit your nominations.

> best milk
> favorite cow
> worst cow
> Horrorcow
> best troll
> worst troll
> best comeback
> biggest plot twist
> best user submitted content (photo edits etc.)

Once we have a good amount of categories, the thread will be updated, and you will be able to post your nominations for each category. After that, a poll will be posted for everyone to vote.

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No. 3949

Any word on the results?

No. 3954

Will the results be posted soon?

No. 3965

Any update on the results?

No. 3968

Results will be posted soon.

No. 3995

Any new word on the results?

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No. 805[Reply]


I've set up a chat page. The code is derived from CyTube (http://cytu.be) with minor modifications. You can talk about whatever you want and share videos.

You do not have to register an account to chat. Registration is optional. You only need to register if you want to make a channel or want to reserve a certain name.

The official chat channel is http://chat.lolcow.farm/r/meta.

Users can create their own channels by registering an account and clicking Account -> Channels. The owner of a channel becomes a moderator of it, and can ban or mute people from it. Channel owners are free to enforce their own rules as long as none of them conflict with lolcow global rules. However, in cases of extreme power hunger, drama, or overzealous moderation, I reserve the right to take control of a channel and appoint a new owner.

I will likely embed a channel (with video removed) into some part of the chan in the near future, to function as an inline chat box.

Please discuss chat issues and suggestions in this thread. I threw the color scheme together pretty quickly and don't like it that much, so I would appreciate style suggestions. If you want, you can adjust the CSS values yourself with Chrome developer tools (F12 on Windows, Cmd + Alt + I on OS X) and tell me the exact changes you'd like to see.

Please also suggest new emotes. Emotes can be based on images of any size, but they're downscaled to 120x120 in the emote list page and 85x85 in the chat, so crop images as much as you can and make sure they look good at 85x85. Ideally they should be 120x120 or larger.


New channels are private by default. Go to Channel Settings -> Admin Settings to set a password or to make it public.

To use an emote, click Emote List and press one of the buttons, or type the emote name surrounded by colons. :cow: is one example.

Message styling is the same as the ones valid for lolcow.farm (see >>2). So **bold** (bold) and #<3 (♥) work. The ones in the CyTube guide here work as well, but _ and * are italics and ** is bold: https://github.com/calzoneman/sync/wiki/CyTube-3.0-User-Guide#default-formatting

Full documentation can be found at https://github.com/calzoneman/sync/wiki/CyTube-3.0-User-Guide.
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No. 2170

just pointing out the irony of saying 'nobody is interested in sustaining a chat' when the evidence clearly proves otherwise.
maybe all we needed was a clearer banner for the chat. maybe it was the environment. at this point, it's hard to say without a controlled test.

No. 2531

So fucking late Quite honestly, I'm very inters ted in a regular chat channel but A) I'm too fucking shy B) I'm working so it doesn't fit with the chat times C) Beyond being shy I'm kind of flakey so I cant always guarantee being available for chat. Other than that I would LOVE to chat with all of my fellow farmers. But I am trash. :(

No. 2764

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So what happens to the chat? Will it ever be up again in the future or is it taken down officially…

No. 3496

I've found a site called Livebunker.rocks that's kind of like a real-time imageboard that's basically abandoned that we could take over.

Other than that, there's always IRC channels if someone wanted to set one up on Rizon or similar.

No. 3731

how do you spoiler?

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No. 3227[Reply]

Survey for all Farmers

The farmhands have crafted a survey for all site users to take, in order to improve moderation. Be as honest as you'd like; negative feedback is what will lead to the most positive changes. Discussion can always be had here in meta, but this is an opportunity to voice concerns off-site where no one needs have any concerns about confidentiality.
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No. 3303

>Is she going to be ok with farmhands making unprofessional snippy "comments" in red on posts that have broken no rules, but just have opinions they disagree with?

Whatever else this post is, this is a good point.

No. 3304

> alot of people obviously enjoyed them

You do realize it's the ana threads that attract shitty underage girls from myproana right? Literally some of the worst people you could want being attracted to lolcow.

No. 3305

Fucking this. At least robots are really obvious and easy to ban, MPA types are just bad posters, they don't violate any rules, but they just shit up the site.

Plus, there's nothing that interesting about most of the ana's they posted, it was just talking about their weight over and over, and stupid gossiping about their looks. The ones who were interesting were allowed to stay, as far as I know.

No. 3307

Stop denying the undeniable. This shit site has been filled with SJW's ever since old admin left.

No. 3324

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So, about 100 people responded to the survey that was posted. Overall, there was more positive than negative feedback.

As for the banned cow topic, it seems that the majority feel that banned topics are a bad idea and shouldn't be deemed as such. However, there was an overwhelming agreement that ana threads should stay off-limits.
Former admin was pretty clear that some of the banned threads should stay banned (ie Berry and Aly). So some of the previously locked threads may be opened again now that we have a full Farmhand staff.

There were some critiques about moderation but nothing that hasn't been brought up already and is being corrected.

There has also been a lot of clear annoyance with SJW/tumblr/PULL-tier users posting. There isn't a whole lot we can do about it besides do more temp-bans and make an example of it. It should go without saying that those types of posters are frowned upon here.

It also seems there's a universal discontentment with the separation of /pt/ and /snow/. There have been a lot of requests to move threads back or have clearer distinction, so that's something to look into as well.

There is also a general desire to have a busier site. Maybe with the unlocking of certain threads site traffic will pick up somewhat.

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No. 3059[Reply]

So, time for another announcement.

This may be long so I'll make a list of the points I will be addressing and you can decide what concerns you.
-Banned cows still being a concern
-New Farmhands and the application
-"Sperg-chan" (our resident Taylor-obsessed spammer) and other invaders, like from /r9k/ etc
-Dramu with old admin (or lack thereof??)
-What you as Farmers can do about the current problems
-Brief summary of some changes being made

>Banned cows

Not the 8chan board, though they are also part of the reason for this announcement being made in the first place.
I know that there was a lot of backlash when former admin took down some of the threads and I am 100% behind that decision. However, I also think there's a way we can effectively give everyone a place to post about them without allowing them on main boards. This would be done by creating a few new boards where the banned cows can be discussed, along with a separate set of staff members that would be able to police these offshoots of the community. (Example; a board such as /sh/ for Shuddercows could include all the ana posts that aren't allowed currently. Someone from that part of the community could run the board and appoint staff members appropriately, as long as the main rules of the site are respected)

>Our new staff members

I have appointed a few new staff members since the admin change. One of the janitors from the previous administration was made a mod right from the start and I brought in someone I trust from off-site as a mod to deal with reports from the get go, and some janitors were appointed via the application I created. Some of the new Farmhands started as janitors and were later promoted to mod.
I have a few more applications to read over, and potentially recruit more members. If you plan to apply and would like to come onboard to specifically moderate a certain board, feel free to mention that in your application. The Farmhand application can be found in this thread >>2823
Right now we have a lot of moderation being done by people following the basic schedule of daylight hours in the US. We need more people who are available during the daytime in the UK and EU (which corresponds to night hours in the US)

>Spammers and other evil forces at work

It's pretty clear by now that our site has been invaded recently. Part of this is due to the URL being posted elsewhere. And the reason for the URL being shared, partly was due in part I suspect to Spoony's being banned. I very much would find it believable that she's behind a lot of the /banned cow/ threads on 8chan. In the past she was responsible for the initial /r9k/ incursion. Now we have some other anons who are annoyed by the admin change and have been further making lolcow's presence known to the rest of the Internut.
There aren't a lot of options for combatting this, since robots are plentiful and have too much time on their hands. So we have been issuing bans and deletions. It's not hard to proxy, though, and we are dealing with a plethora of IPs which leaves little to be utilised by our home team.
A few other possibilities are adding a captcha, which has only the >potential< to be effective; a prolonged hellweek; and overall encouragement for more users to make reports

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No. 3187

There were two separate instances of one of the mods warning someone without the capcode. She didn't know how to use the capcode at the time. I agree that it was a bad call. I feel partly responsible because I didn't give a better orientation.
If there have been any other concerns with moderation, feel free to mention it here. I've dealt with a few issues and watch the log but if there's something I've missed then I'd like to know.
A lot of people had issue with one mod using red text in a post to warn the namefags in the Marina Joyce thread. It didn't seem like that big of a deal to me, honestly.

No. 3193

@Admin, thank you for being responsive today when a mod got a little carried away with the banhammer (Permabanned, yeesh! my blood ran cold..)
Much appreciated.

No. 3194

>(Permabanned, yeesh! my blood ran cold..)
lmfao are you some sort of fucking loser or something(DISREGARD THAT I SUCK COCKS)

No. 3197

So did you just hire any retard who filled out an application or what?

No. 3202


no she hired her friends or something

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No. 3138[Reply]

The time is nigh.

Hellweek is upon us, Farmers. Prepare yourselves:

-stupid personal blog posts will result in a ban
-overtly samefagging will also result in a ban
-generally poor quality or baiting posts will result in a ban

Moderators have the discretion to temporarily ban anyone that is going off-topic, if they see fit.

I have promoted new moderators and brought in new janitors so let the fires blaze, and let the milk forever flow!!

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