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No. 192563[Reply]

A thread to discuss anime figures/merch!

Post new releases and announcements, your current preorders, collection/display inspo, ita bags, things you want to see released, what you're on the hunt for, etc!
696 posts and 337 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404320

Where are you people coming from

No. 404322

It’s okay, something about it bothers me though

I’ve been here for 5 years

No. 404328

I’ve been here since 2018

No. 404329

pandemicfags who came for /ot/ probably.

No. 404330

god these are my holy grails but they are so fucking expensive for the size

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No. 161804[Reply]

Discuss topics specific to League of Legends and Riot's other related games/projects here.
Rant, rave or just share your personal achievements and salt.

Game Links:
>League of Legends
>Wild Rift
>Teamfight Tactics
>Legends of Runeterra
>Ruined King

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No. 397607

I'm confused, What do you mean anon? I've never had to download anything besides the Riot client and the actual game. I know what vanguard is but I've never heard of anyone having to install it.

No. 397610

Samefag, nevermind I just realized why. I was playing league before Vanguard was implemented, and by time it was added I had already switched over to macbooks which Riot doesn't have vanguard for.

No. 404260

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nonas do you actually think the splash art might be partially done with AI? if you zoom in on the pupils they're super weird and look different from eachother. not to mention the incredibly strange anatomy. might just be the artist's fault though. thoughts??

No. 404303

League art is soulless whether it’s AI or not

No. 404307

Something about the background is giving me AI tingles.

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No. 159020[Reply]

Characters that you don't necessarily dislike as they actually are in the source material, but hate the common fan portrayals of them. For characters you hate for the way they are in canon use this thread >>109651
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No. 404174

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picrel is Hades original concept

No. 404185

>I feel your pain. Bg3 has some fun and interesting characters, but the fandom loves to just pull nonsense out of their asses and then act like it's 100% true and canon. Wonder if it's because a lot of people experienced the game through watching streamers or just jumping in to the fandom because it's popular, because some of the things I've seen bandied around as gospel border on being delusional kek.
I had to block several creators on tiktok who kept parroting "raphael is a pedophile!!" because of his apple line to Mol - which is clearly about him trying to get her SOUL.

No. 404189

well, if you ask some parts of the BB/BCS fandom (especially on tumblr), Saul Goodman is very "queer coded"

No. 404190

ayrt, and yeah he's one of the characters that came to mind, it's amazing how many people in the fandom can't comprehend the fantasy concepts in a fantasy game (or even complex characters in general/that there aren't canon dialogue choices or npc responses). The discussion of souls and their value motivating gods and demons into intervening in the story's conflict is a really fun use of dnd's lore, and it's a shame to see parts of that get turned into fandom sparring points over a fruit metaphor and desire to 'correct' (bully) other fans into also disliking Raphael (or doing the same for the other characters). It's all so silly and shits up the community

No. 404207

he was a completely retarded character and effectively ruined the show. the fanon characterization is even worse especially among destiel shippers. just all neurodivergent uwu queer autistic tumblrina enbies and TIFs projecting themselves onto him.

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No. 247412[Reply]

Can we remake the Cute girls Thread? It doesn't match the "Women I'd like to f", and the old one is from 4y ago.
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No. 396717

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No. 396718

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No. 396721

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No. 396733

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No. 404147

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So gorgeous

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No. 377224[Reply]

A discussion thread based around the SCP Wiki and it's surrounding community, specifically about the decline in quality in recent years, and the cow-ish behavior of community members. The SCP Wiki is a creative writing site known for it's article-style writings about anomalous people, places, objects, and phenomenon, and also for having a staff team that puts your average discord mod to shame in how fucking pompous they are.

Notable individuals

>One of the original moderators of the site and writer of many popular tales. In May of 2022, he was banned from the site for innapropriate interactions with other users, some of which were minors. He's also known to have attended BDSM events.

>Author of many popular SCPs and a raging narcissist. While his writing can be quite good, when it's bad it's complete purple-prose ridden pretentious garbage. Has been kicked off the subreddit's mod team.

>TIF, LARPer, and known to act a complete fool in forums. Became a turncoat for KiwiFarms to save her own skin.

>SJW moderator known to power trip. Banned a user for criticizing Islam.
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No. 381321

This is adorable. Even the surprise at the end is cute.

No. 381534

Well they're incapable of writing anything besides yaoi fanfic so it checks out. The character behaved exactly how you'd expect a TIF to behave. Obnoxious, vulgar, and extremely immature. Ik aphrodite in Greek mythology is kind of a schizoid but the article really wants you to care for this whiny fuckface. Tbf I never had a huge interest in Greek mythology. Hate to sound like a hipster but I always preferred more obscure ones.

No. 382189

I remember when people started initially talking about how SCP went to shit several years ago and trannies decided to push back, denouncing SCP's 4chan roots and posting fictional accounts of tranny SCP employees praising the company for funding their transition and other bullshit, proving once and for all that they completely missed the point. Canonically SCP never had any problems with letting their staff be killed or performing inhumane experiments on them. Sure, they're totally gonna pay for your transition, hon (then again…).

Good taste nonna, vending machine is my fave as well.

No. 402360

KEK this thread is a blast from the past. SCP drama ruined my innocence and got me into Kiwi Farms years ago at the tender age of 17. I hate that I recognize all the names at the beginning.

No. 404063

Forgot to mention that the artist Zhange is a sadocoomer TIF and is that same Archon cow that's been posted here before. She was the same person groomed by GabrielJade btw

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No. 156424[Reply]

> What Hogwarts house are you?
> Which character is your favorite?
> Which character do you dislike the most?
> Who is your favorite professor?
> What are your thoughts on the spin-offs? (Cursed child, Fantastic Beasts etc)
> What spin-off would you like to see?
> What is your favorite book + movie?
> What is your least favorite book + movie?
Feel free to discuss any and all other things HP related.
370 posts and 90 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 182571

>not that there's anything wrong with that, it wasn't the focus of the story anyway
I mean there was, it was making word count higher and wasting everyone's time. I disagree that a poorly written part is fine just because it's not the focus of a story. Editors do too, at least with authors that aren't cash cows

No. 182594

I remember the Lupin/Sirius fujos on livejournal and some of the forums I went on posting theories that Lupin got with Tonks because she was a metamorphmagus and could transform into Sirius during sex yes really

No. 182613

I think this is a weirdly uncharitable take, tbh, and I think that Rowling knew exactly what she was doing wrt Tonks/Lupin. I don't think we're supposed to find most of their scenes super romantic or w/e, except the scene in HBP that reveals she's in love with him – every further moment featuring them seems like a really purposeful portrait of how much war fucks things up. Like, maybe they could have been happy in another time, maybe they even are far beyond Harry's PoV, but the point is that the situation is so awful that it makes even a decent enough guy like Lupin who has become newly responsible for Tonks and their kid do something as selfish and shitty as try to run away. Tbh I think the scene where Lupin tries to fuck off is one of the best in DH, it brings the situation home in such a brutal way

No. 404013

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I'm in with Sebastian and Ominis

No. 404066

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i love them so much nonna

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No. 358073[Reply]

Do nonas like cute and wholesome things?
Post cute and wholesome stuff.
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No. 360623

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No. 365474

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No. 365517

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No. 403984

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No. 403985

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No. 258875[Reply]

Share your weird or nightmare inducing characters and tv shows from when you were a kid.
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No. 402633

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I only know this exists from coming across picrel when I was 9

There were similar “elephant inflating and popping” scenes in some computer game I played as a kid. Is this the result of animators inserting their weird inflation fetish into children’s media?

No. 403903

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i love this show so much and i love Molly, i just hate these puppets

No. 403904

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No. 403971

Why did you have to remind me that this exists.

My brother and I used to sing that all the time. Now I have to go look it up again.

No. 404897

Every day since you posted this I have thought about this creature, who I have had the blessing of having forgotten for over two decades. It's as if you've put a curse on me. I will never forgive you for this, Nona.

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No. 232717[Reply]

ITT: Just talk about weird casting decisions where the actor just didn't fit the role or didn't match the look of the character that they were supposed to be portraying, you can even post examples of odd castings that at the end of the day surprisingly worked well
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No. 370844

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No. 370863

Yeah, the actor who played Dead looked nothing like him either and was even shorter than Rory culkin when euro was like 5’5 and dead was over 6ft and lanky. He had a big neanderthal jaw too not a tiny little elf head like that actor. I think rory was passable as euronymous, he's at least short (albeit doesn’t have his chubby little girl face).

No. 403964

he ended up being the best part

No. 403966

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live action geto/kenjaku

No. 404159

How? Looks pretty accurate.

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No. 383652[Reply]

A thread to talk about theme parks and amusement parks! Share drama, news, your theme park experiences etc. Some fun questions:
>Favorite theme park(s)?
>Favorite rides?
>Are you a dark ride type of person or a thrill ride type of person?
>A theme park you really want to visit?
>How many parks have you been to?
>Thoughts on disneybounding and similar?
117 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 397992

The Nintendo area is way smaller than I thought based on pictures online. It's congested but not even because of the lines. It's just that everyone goes there with an express pass or because there aren't "too" many people during week days sometimes, there are a lot of stairs and everyone walks very slowly or stops ro take pictures. It was raining a lot when I was there so on top of that everyone was pushing their umbrellas on other people's umbrella by accident as well. As for the Jurassic Park ride I considered it but it scared the shit out of me when I saw what it looked like. I did one of the Hollywood rides though. Not the one that goes backward because it was too scary too and I'm a pussy, but the one with music. The guys next to me looked like they were very confident first but at the end they were yelling at one of the guys for choosing this ride kek.

No. 398393

Her art is so gorgeous, I wouldn't mind collecting art books of her stuff (I think I have one of Alice in wonderland concept art somewhere)

No. 401710

Wow this looks pretty terrible. Where's Facilier? Why are there cheap dancing okra? Why is Tiana's outfit so ugly?

No. 402231

I think it looks fine, more of a sidegrade than an upgrade. The new animatronics are phenomenal and I really like the exterior (despite the lack of a good weenie), and I love the finale scene, but there's definitely some dead space in the ride and the whole shrinking thing is just dumb. It could've been a lot worse honestly.

No. 403920

There was so much more happening in Splash Mountain… I hope they don't replace it in Disneyland Tokyo as well. This is so stupid.

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