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File: 1687186985804.jpg (357.56 KB, 2048x1420, EWnNZJtU4AILX0m.jpg)

No. 303124[Reply]

A thread for art of attractive male characters that is meant to be from a woman's perspective, or has a female self-insert. Please share links to artists, relevant tags etc. Enjoy!
667 posts and 416 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 461615

Finally, someone gets it. Everybody is yooming over Gojo when the TRUE best boy is literally right in front of their eyes!

No. 461640

I get that he's nice and all but his favorite type of girl is Jennifer Lawrence. He even has a bikini pin-up poster of her.

No. 461646

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Based, yooj is great

No. 461650

Is Mr. Chopped's image supposed to imply that he goes for the wrong hole? If so that's so funny

No. 461699

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>Jennifer Lawrence
Nah, I'd win. 5'2 copium

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No. 443713[Reply]

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No. 461003

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No. 461004

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No. 461006

You should be.

No. 461009

what programs do you nonnies use? i want to make >>457134 with Alain Delon instead

No. 461588

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No. 460675[Reply]

>Transformice is an online multiplayer free-to-play platformer game by French indie studio Atelier 801. Transformice was released as a browser game on May 1, 2010, and on Steam as a free-to-play game on January 30, 2015.

A thread to talk about the game and organize rooms so we can play together.
20 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 461325

I played on EN2 for years (mostly vanilla rooms though) so if you did too I probably came across you at some point. What were you known for? I'd have guessed most anons on here were cafeshitters.

No. 461328

File: 1739825018344.webp (107.41 KB, 250x204, Cupid.webp)

Damn I've gotten rusty after not playing for years. I forgot how to fucking cornerjump

No. 461352

No way, a TFM thread??? I have been autistically playing this game since 2013, there is no escape; it's part of my identity at this point

No. 461580

aw I don't remember that username
Me too. Mostly stayed in Vanilla1 and private rooms. I wasn't known for anything special I guess because I never used the cafe (I knew some women who would write the vilest shit on there though so if you're here fess up) but if you were around for long enough you'd probably recognize my name and the people I hanged around with

No. 461585

I used to be known on the Atelier801 forums for behaving like a retard

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No. 230689[Reply]

Post pictures and videos of houses and interiors and anything else related!
157 posts and 148 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 457435

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No. 457436

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No. 457692

this is, perhaps, my favorite house of all time. I have seen some of the other projects Beata has done but nothing comes close, not even her London flat. The girls' room, the dinning room mural, the sofas… everything is to die for(learn2embed)

No. 461524

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It depresses me to know that if I ever have the money to buy my own place, it will be a soulless egg-sized apartment instead of a beautiful house like this.

No. 461570

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No. 445704[Reply]

Thread to discuss all things Disney!

>Are you a so called "disney adult"? What do you think of them?

>Who is your favorite character?
>What movie had the biggest impact on you as a child or adult?
>Do you enjoy going to the theme parks?
>Is Disney only making shit movies these days, or are they better than the old classics?
>Cartoon VS 3D animation
30 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 459896

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No. 460563

We're never going to get another Black disney princess at this rate, are we?

No. 461559

The issue with disney isn't Tiana. It was making ariel black for no real reason other than virtue signaling instead of making a new movie with black characters.
They will continue to make shit movies and keep trying to milk anything decent they made over the last century until the source material also feels shitty.

No. 461790

we got the first black disney princess before DEI went wild and we had several non-white princesses and protags in movies before that

No. 462072

We need one more because 2 out of 15 characters would be 13% in total + Africa doesnt have a princess yet; Tiana is diasporan

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No. 319718[Reply]

What are your thoughts on the state of current music? Or any old bands? Any subgenres that are tickling your fancy? Or is your favorite band behaving weirdly? Any and all music discussion welcome here.
116 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 459250

I love this new song, I can't wait to hear the whole album. You're right that the video is a big part of it, I feel like it gives it a proper identity. And I love songs with structures like these, where there are parts that sound different even in the way the singer uses their voice.

No. 459378

Everyone seems to love it and I feel like I'm on crazy pills. It sounds so bad to me, like 5 different songs mashed together but none of them good.

No. 459618

I guess it's taste? I personally think it's fun, the gibberish part is camp and the pre chorus(?) is hard and good for dancing. I love when songs switch up moods like this, they don't get boring. Maybe you just prefer simpler songs and you don't like her style and that's fine, she is a bit weird after all.

No. 459658

Ava Max isn't an innovator but neither are most pop stars these days. Like I said, most of Dua Lipa's hit songs have sampling in them as well but no one cares about that. I guess it's because the songs she does are less recognizable maybe. But then again Olivio Rodrigo's first album was completely plagiarized too. It's really well known in the industry that most hit songs use sampling or interpolation (basically the same thing) it's weird that people get triggered over Ava doing it so much but not other singers.

No. 461552

I'm interested but be warned I'm pretty mediocre. I can give it a try though.
What is your vision?

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No. 253684[Reply]

The same concept as those "Tumblr/Twitter posts as characters" images that make the rounds.
It doesn't have to be funny, as long as it reminds you of a fictional character, anything goes.
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No. 459722

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No. 459917


No. 460724

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This counts, right

No. 461529

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No. 461537

I dont think he would care at all.

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No. 127246[Reply]

Greentext and pics apply. Can be from any board.

Post the latest and greatest as well as the infamous. Wholesome and cringe are all welcome. Anything to make anons kek.
255 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 456245

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No. 456461

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No. 456514

This dude definitely trooned out

No. 458434

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No. 459438

This seems like an exercise in creative writing

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No. 311690[Reply]

Talk about the series, the movies, comics and anything related the the Resident Evil franchise.

Feel free to discuss the characters, the games, the plot, the fandom or anything related to it.

>What was your first contact with the franchise?

>What's your favorite game or media?
>What's your least favorite?
>Predictions for the future releases?
209 posts and 90 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 461489

File: 1739866865964.jpg (125.91 KB, 1919x1067, akxwyzn7cmv91.jpg)

carlos is cute in both versions. luis is the real glow-up

No. 461491

His personality had the biggest glow-up. I can't get over the ballistics comment in the original, ew.

No. 461494

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yeah they made a character i hated very likeable

No. 461495

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but why anon.

No. 461511

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Carlos is also a cutie! Good taste anon.
I wish I knew. I spent years anticipating falling in love with Leon when I finally got into RE and then I ended up falling for Chris unexpectedly instead. It doesn't help that I don't like Leon's new face model as much as his old RE4 one. I want to be held by Chris and his big strong arms. More Leon for you!

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No. 149028[Reply]

How about this? Something different.
323 posts and 134 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 461415

Minh is a funny character, too. The only (major) characters in that show that really get on my nerves are John Redcorn and Buck Strickland.

No. 461416

I think she comes across as more mature somehow, maybe due to the voice acting? No wonder pedophile moids don't prefer her.

No. 461470

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I fw him heavy, I'll not elaborate

No. 461502

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I am not sure if she is as hated anymore, but people were on her case when she first came out. She is crazy, I love her

No. 461664

Also probably the fact she runs her own business. It's a different vibe from the others' jobs, like in Twilight's case, living in a giant tree library full of books just doesn't have the same level of realism as running a fashion boutique kek

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