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No. 432044[Reply]

All drama-related discussion go here: >>>/w/319720
Escaped dramafags will get graduated from life

What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.
This thread is made to discuss your favorite Vtubers, news surrounding the topic, and other stuff!

Current/Upcoming streams: https://holodex.net/
Chat logs: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/

Previous threads
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No. 459725

I think she's sweet and talented, just not necessarily as a performer at the level indicated by her popularity in Holo. Being Dooby suits her more.

No. 459750

For Ryushen, isn't it more about being androgynous while keeping their gender a secret, rather than an actual genderspecial/troon thing? I feel like it's a bit of a specific case compared to the others you listed, and it has been a part of their character setting since the start.

No. 459821

how long ago was this?

No. 459922

That's what I was implying when I said that the person behind Ryushen is a woman (I've seen pictures of her PL) who doesn't actually identify as any variety of trans, yes. Ryushen being "nonbinary" is closer to Debi and Choma's sexlessness than it is to whatever Melissa or even Genzuki have going on.

No. 460317

I don't get it, where's she begging for money? I don't like her but she's just venting which is annoying and parasocial but it's not like she's scamming anyone

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No. 311690[Reply]

Talk about the series, the movies, comics and anything related the the Resident Evil franchise.

Feel free to discuss the characters, the games, the plot, the fandom or anything related to it.

>What was your first contact with the franchise?

>What's your favorite game or media?
>What's your least favorite?
>Predictions for the future releases?
203 posts and 87 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 459459

Kek we are like yume twins!
And I realize my original comment sounds like I'm calling Ada and Hunnigan incompetent kek, absolutely not I was thinking about Ashley and her mental glow up in the remake.
Enjoy! Is it the original version or a remaster?

No. 459492

thank you nona, ill tell you what i think of it! its the og re1, im a strong advocate against the remakes kek. something about old graphics & mechanics just itch my brain more

No. 459605

I'm glad ♥
My first RE was the worst version of RE2 on a Nintendo 64. I sometimes had to ask friends to let me play the other games on their consoles. Later I learned to emulate and bought new consoles when I started working. I played most of them, including the most retarded of them all, gaiden kek. It's been a weird and long journey since then.
There's no doubt that RE4 did bring a huge influx of fans, but you're underestimating Chris. He was the guy before RE4. I know quite a lot of hardcore Chris fans to this day.

No. 459897

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I kind of also liked Chris in this game but I get what you're saying lol. Leon in RE4 was another level of beauty. Thank God we had beautiful Sheva to at least have something nice to look at. Aside from that, RE5 was a great game imo and I deeply enjoyed it. I've made at least 2 different bfs play it co-op with me and it's always a blast

No. 459919

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I love my sweaty, ugly, gorilla roidpig husband thank you very much.

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No. 16053[Reply]

Welcome to meme hell!
Post old, bad, unfunny, ironically funny memes, memes that make your skin crawl, memes you're ashamed you like, etc
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No. 459631

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No. 459651

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No. 459655

>hot tanned cardiobunny
men are autistic

No. 459885

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No. 459901

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No. 445704[Reply]

Thread to discuss all things Disney!

>Are you a so called "disney adult"? What do you think of them?

>Who is your favorite character?
>What movie had the biggest impact on you as a child or adult?
>Do you enjoy going to the theme parks?
>Is Disney only making shit movies these days, or are they better than the old classics?
>Cartoon VS 3D animation
27 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 448595

Then they straight up added a witch character. I thought the CCP hated witches and ghosts

No. 448604

chinese dragons are not accurate to chinese mythology?

No. 448690

I hate this mindset that fictional non-white media must now be historically and culturally accurate. Having magical worlds just based on other cultures is fine! But if they wanna argue that it's disrespectful to "portray a culture inaccurately" then they should have kept that energy for Frozen instead of fucking up Norwegian and sami culture, but they don't even pretend to care when it's white people culture

No. 459896

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No. 460563

We're never going to get another Black disney princess at this rate, are we?

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No. 276434[Reply]

Post examples of media (books, comics, anime, games, TV, paintings, theatre, whatever else there is) or specific moments in said media that would make trannies seethe.

Hard mode: anything Harry Potter-related is not allowed.

Gotta collect them all!
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No. 453201

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Kek, but I'm so mad a show similar to this one, Alice In Boderland casted a biological female to play a troon.

No. 453400

To be fair from what I remember Alice in Borderland took place in distant cyberpunk future where the protags got isekai'd.

No. 459893

I’m so pissed that one tweet about dr. Girlfriend went viral because now whenever I see trannies discussing voice training they’re like i’m just like dr. Girlfriend! No you’re not, your hunter gathers kek. Also can’t stand fake venture bros fans, if they actually watched the show they would shut up about muh trans representation in it

No. 460141

So true. I watched Venture Bros in full for the first time last year but I remember the show from way back in the day and I funny enough remember watching the episode where Dr Girlfriend mentioned that she's a woman (episode where Dean and Hank go on a date with Triana and Kim).
It's such a shame that the troons are now globbing onto her.

No. 460145

That was a lie from the gamemaster in the final challenge, in the last episode it's shown that the Borderland was basically purgatory.
I hate this too but they only bring it up in one episode, afaik it's never relevant before or after.

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No. 398962[Reply]

Post crossover art of characters from different series/franchises together or have them referencing, dressing, or drawn in a different artstyle from other series/franchises.

Thread #1: >>>/m/210757
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No. 457719

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No. 457755

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No. 458265

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No. 459552

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No. 459881

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No. 14121[Reply]

previous one : >>>/ot/111835

Post any image you want. Bonus points for pictures that are rare, interesting, and/or have gone out of circulation over time.
Post the most obscure and weird ones you have
713 posts and 614 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 459875

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No. 459890

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No. 459929

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No. 459934

>17th century outfit
>snow leopards

No. 460011

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No. 189358[Reply]

Temporary thread to post about animated media that isn't anime until the old thread gets restored.

>Your favorite cartoons
>What are you watching right now
>Cartoon Recommendations
>Western animation studio discussion
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No. 459859

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idk where else to put this, but the fact that they aged Finn up in one episode just so he could fuck a pillow woman and have her have his babies, who he then abandoned forever and went back to being a child still haunts me every so often when someone mentions the show

No. 459861

What episode was this

No. 459869

Puhoy. Finn goes through a breakup and has a weird dream where he marries a pillow

No. 459872

Perhaps just a cheeky allegory to masturbating and being alone post break up.

No. 461050

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I finally finished season 2 and honestly, I thought it was milquetoast. Don't get me wrong, the art style was gorgeous and I knew I was going to love it because it's heavily inspired by Ayame Kojima's art andthe fight scenes were definitely a treat to the eyes as well, I especially loved seeing Maria kicking ass with her creatures. But the story itself and characters? Still left a lot to be desired as I found myself not really caring about the characters outside of Maria and Terra and even then, I feel like they should've done more with them. And sad to say but Annette being blackwashed still left a bad taste in my mouth because it really did come off as pandering (and I'm black lol). If Annette was a new character made for the show, I wouldn't have minded her as much but as is, I just have a bad taste in m mouth and can't help but feel her handling is pandering and was a true case of DEI.

But overall, I just feel like there needed to be more episodes so we could get to know the characters more to care about them and that is what both seasons of this show have failed on, at least imo.

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No. 431212[Reply]

Drop funny images here that don't fit other /m/ threads. GIFs are permissible if they make you laugh, but no videos please.

If yours belongs in one of these, post it there instead:
Dumb bitch memes >>195463
Manhating memes >>186908
LC-specific memes >>204843
Tumblr/Twitter posts >>191778
Bad/unfunny memes >>410975 >>16053
111 posts and 83 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 458783

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No. 458786

I thought Drake bleached his skin at first

No. 459053

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No. 459641

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No. 459866

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No. 195725[Reply]

Post lolworthy bad tattoos. Remember to spoiler anything NSFW.
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No. 457230

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found via an instagram ad

No. 457717

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No. 457718

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No. 457727

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No. 459827

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This is a fucking tif believe it or not. (Not my screenshot or pfp)

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