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No. 28620
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Highly recommend this album and their other one. All their songs keep getting taken down by the record company off the internet everywhere but if you search hard enough, you can still find it. It's my personal fav metal album of all time.
No. 28754
I’m such a sucker for some trve diabolical black metal, but here’s a more scenic and peaceful black metal jam for you all to enjoy.
>>28620I can’t believe I’ve never listened to these guys before, thank you for the suggestion anon! Loving this album so far.
No. 28766
>>28754Np, glad you enjoy it! Their label is preventing people from discovering their music and it's such a shame.
Please listen to their other album Paegan Terrorism Tactics. The song Venus Blue has the most ultimate 90s vibe!
No. 48640
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What did y’all think of the new Tool album?
No. 48874
>>48706>>48705>>48704>>48702>>48701>>48700>>48699Since I didn't leave comments on these, I'll say something -
Eyehategod are one of the key sludge metal bands, maybe THE key one besides Melvins (who someone else posted), though bands like Acid Bath (also above), Down, Neurosis, Buzzov*en, and Dystopia are also significant. EHG are my favorite for just communicating pure misery. They wanted to sound like "if Black Sabbath was a punk band," though there's also a strong southern blues element.
Behemoth are an amazing semi-mainstream death metal band comparable to bands like Gojira. If you like their style but want something more underground, I'd also recommend Archgoat and Beherit. This isn't the best Behemoth video, but I wanted to promote House of Strombo, George Strombo's new music/talk show (he's a great journalist).
Napalm Death are actually a fascinating band that gets underrated for how thoughtful they were. They had their roots in the Crass-centered anarcho-punk scene and were very influenced by early crust punk, but they tied in major Celtic Frost and Slayer influences to their sound, spawning grindcore. They're connected to lots of other major bands, like Carcass and Godflesh/Jesu. As time went on, they became more and more death metal, but always with a noisy avant-garde edge.
Martyrdöd are a really great band that fuses melodic death metal and crust punk, with a little black metal. They have their roots in the band Skitsystem.
Dawn Ray'd are a solid black metal band with references to peasant revolts, paganism, and revolutionary themes. Sorta like the Rage Against the Machine of black metal. They're notable contemporaries of Panopticon.
Celtic Frost are one of the most influential extreme metal bands ever, and they were a huge influence on both black metal and death metal. They're connected to the bands Hellhammer and Triptykon.
Rotten Sound are a great, really heavy, really crisp grindcore band.
>>28938This is a great album
>>28555Yes, it's hilarious, strongly recommended.
No. 50163
>>50140Jinjer (a Russian band)
Arch Enemy (especially with their previous vocalist)
The Agonist
New Year's Day- who tends to be more poppy metal but I still like them
I know there are more, but I can't think of them sorry lol
No. 52449
>>50140thorr's hammer shit is heavy as hell, and that is a 17 year old girl singing. even the growling, absolutely insane.
13 female vocals on this, and liz buckingham from electric wizard was in this band. really eerie and heavy.
i actually hate female vocals in metal especially if it's really feminine with high notes. but these bands are so fucking good, i'm very sad they didn't release more.
No. 53048
>>53018>and is into more obscure and heavy bands.You mean obscure and heavy bands that were born trying desperately to copy metallica and iron maiden?
All genres of heavy metal are an offshoot of those big bands from the late 70s and 80s that everyone knows. Liking obscure bands doesn't give you extra points, you are still listening to riffs ripped off from megadeth. In metal everyone just changes the tempo a bit and calls it a new genre.
No. 53055
>>53048> You mean obscure and heavy bands that were born trying desperately to copy metallica and iron maiden?lol
nta but you couldn't be more wrong. There are tons of subgenres within metal and a lot of them are completely different from the mainstream metal that it would be hard to tell they even belong to the same genre if it weren't for the umbrella term.
No. 53141
>>53048>Copying MetallicaLike Metallica haven't copied everything. They wouldn't exist without Black Sabbath and other obscure British metal bands.
They used to play covers and pretend they were Metallica songs!
No. 53296
>>53018 and I agree with you, it's the term "metalhead" that brings elitist meathead guys to mind.
No. 53323
>its all metal anyways regardless of aesthetic changes. If you are a fan of any of it you are a metal fanThis so much.
That's why I love this thread so much because I like to check everything farmers are posting here because metal has so many faces that makes me discover stuff that I didn't considered to listen to before.
This makes me wonder: What are your fave metal genres?
>Is everyone here good at headbanging? Or do you just dance like this to your fave songs?It really depends on my location during a concert. If I have enough space for banging, then yes, I love to do it but when no, then I just dance and jump around or joining the pit for a bit because banging while not having too much space sucks bc I always end with a stiff neck after that tho lol
No. 58267

>>28299>What are your fave metal genres? This is a hard question because I think most of the bands I listen to are mixes of genres. I think the ones I listen to most are power metal, symphonic metal and doom metal. Like one of my favorite bands is Blind Guardian, they're power metal but a lot of their music is very symphonic too. I also like any metal that incorporates a medieval/minstrel sound to it, or doom metal that has symphonic mixed with it. I also love progressive metal but my ex boyfriend was obsessed with Opeth and now listening to them just makes me think of him and I can't find other prog bands that I like.
I feel weird liking power metal though because people always say it's "the most masculine metal genre" and "women don't like power metal". I feel like I can't share that I like power metal because people would think I'm weird.
What are your favorite genres? and also, what genre would you say Lacuna Coil is? They are always labeled symphonic metal but I don't see what's symphonic about them.
No. 58299
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What are other bands like Alcest? First metal group I love. I also enjoyed Sunbather a bit but didn't listen to it as much
No. 66204
Man, I just love black metal so much. I took a short break from listening to metal because I felt kind of bored, which is crazy when I reflect on it. I listened to a lot of death metal when I first got into metal and I guess after listening to a lot of classic albums and loving them, I wasn't too impressed with a lot of newer death metal stuff. I felt like it didn't pack as much of a punch or I found myself lost in a sea of cannibal corpse rip-offs. I don't particularly care for ultra clean production in death metal either, i feel low-fi production does help add that extra layer of grit. Sometimes anyways.
I also want to say that Paracletus is hands down one of my most favourite albums of all time and rekindled my love for metal again. God bless this thread. You all have impeccable taste.
>>52970I kind of feel the same way. I tend stick to black metal for the most part.
No. 68379
>>68302Here is some german black metal I found a few days ago, I don't know any other, sorry. Also one of the songs' beginning sounds exactly like the song hier kommt alex I found a cool german punk band today, I hope that is ok to post No. 68727
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Looking for bands or albums that are similar to Death, early Slayer and such? Idk just some nice energetic metal that has some brutality going on? I don't care about any sub genre, just the feeling must be fitting.
And if it's the right place to ask: How is it the best way to get into Napalm Death? Where do I start?
No. 68728
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>>68727here a second pic because I find them very wholesome.
No. 73492
New Thy Catafalque album released 2 days ago, I just randomly looked it up yesterday and was so surprised to see a new album.
I'm not sure if this is fit for this thread because it's an amalgamation of various genres but Tamas himself labels his project as avant-garde metal. It's very interesting, I think everyone should check it out. If you like it but prefer a bit heavier music you can check his albums Meta and Rengeteg. No. 74788
I just learned this subgenre or whatever is called blackened sludge. I love it
>>66363oh this is nice! Thanks anon, if you are still here did you like the Mgla album? My favorite is still With hearts toward none
>>73323I don't think the vocals fit the rest of the music, I have this problem with most djent bands. I like the part when he goes BLAGH though, iconic
No. 77108
>>76670>I tend to find that many metalheads nowadays seem to exclusively get into metal because their parents like metal or it was present in their childhood.That's exactly me, my brother was a metalhead, he liked Metallica a lot. I never really particularly liked any of his music but I think it accustomed me to heavier music so when I listened to other heavy music I didn't find it weird/scary, and I eventually found what I liked. I have to confess the first music I actually liked was from Slipknot…
I don't know how my brother became a metalhead since nobody else in my family was. I think maybe because of Guitar Hero lol
No. 77291
>>76670I got into metal as a teenager through people posting about the 90s Norwegian black metal scene on tumblr lol. I followed some people who would post pictures of Euronymous, Dead, Varg, Fenriz, Faust, etc. and i was intrigued by the ~aesthetic~ and evil mystique surrounding the scene so I checked out some Burzum, Mayhem, Darkthrone, etc. and fell in love. Black metal is still my preferred subgenre and since I came into it through an extreme subgenre route and not the heavy, thrash, or nu-metal route it seems like most people take I’m still mostly drawn to black and death metal. For me it went black > thrash > death. I was into stuff like Swans and Nine Inch Nails before too but I don’t really consider those metal.
I don’t know if I would consider myself a metalhead though since I don’t really participate in anything IRL. Went to one Slayer show and that was it. I wish I had more friends into metal.
No. 77331
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>>76670I grew up on a Rez/ trailer parks and there usually full of metalheads and juggalos, but my true awaking came when I was still a kid and I found the one slipknot -psychosocial monster truck/ gravedigger video and I rewatched that to death
>>77108same anon… our tastes have matured lol
>>77291black is by far my favorite and its what I listen to the most, also the memes, its either fangirls or really weird and specific
No. 77398
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>>76670I did make my first steps into hard rock with the help of my uncle, yes he likes metallica (the black album to be specific and that's about it) but mostly you well known hard rock acts from the 60s-late 80s. I really went into rock when I was around 17 but at some point I didn't felt like it was enough for me so I got inspired by the osbournes to listen to Black Sabbath (not the solo ozzy stuff) and really liked the music and overall aesthetic so I dig around and endend up listening to obscure psychedelic/doom/occult metal bands.
As the other anon here mentioned here, I also got exposed to black metal through tumblr, because I also liked the visuals of it but did not listened to it because I was way too much of a pussy at this point so I stayed in my lil witchcraft inspired metal thingy. I also loved pentagram next to black sabbath and other stuff that I can't remember now. But at some point I was like, I need to look deeper into the metal genre and got into thrash and death metal (which is waaay to extreme for my uncle, since I like to share my music discoveries with him but for example the early metallica stuff is already too hard for him. I still tiptoe my way around black metal lol
No. 81059
>>58267powermetal is magnificient! I truly pity those who are too cool to embrace it.
rhapsody for example did music with fucking saruman, imagine being at a powermetal concert and he’s there, dressed in a fancy robe with his god tier opera voice
No. 81410
>>74788Sorry for the late response, I liked Mgla's new album. I'm pretty new to them so I don't really know which one I like the most.
>>76670My brother is a metalhead, he liked symphonic metal and owned various band shirts. One day when I was like 10, I searched for Nightwish on youtube and liked it so much, then went downhill from there. He even gave me a Nightwish shirt too, I still have it, it is so small and doesn't fit me anymore.
Then I heard every possible symphonic metal till I became tired and started to explore other subgenres. Today what I like the best is (still don't know what to call it without generating discussion) blackgaze like Deafheaven, Alcest, etc. I'm a big BMTH fan too.
As a metalhead, sometimes I feel ashamed to say that I like some emo bands and other artists who aren't metal at all. Not ashamed to like, it's just that feels like other metalheads will judge me but whatever, right?
I wish that I had more metalhead friends too.
No. 81921
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No. 83096
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>>82039anyway protection is beautiful and I am so glad I got to see them before covid-19 fucked everything up
No. 84216
I was linstening to this super orthodox black metal album and suddenly there is this techno black metal song and wtf I love techno now really recommend the rest of the album as well
No. 84251
>>76670I was in middle school, when I received my very first iPod as a gift, but I didn't had a PC, so I asked a friend of mine to fill it up with whatever music he wanted to. His brother listened to a lot of music, so there was a couple of System of a Down songs.
From that moment on, I dug futher into metal throught all of my youth.
When I moved to university I quit listening to metal because I'm fucking stupid and thought it would be fine for me trying to get into other genres. I explored, found very cool stuff, but quickly lost interest.
Until recently, I started talking again with a friend who's a metalhead, felt nostalgic and got back into metal. Result is, after more than a year with no music (besides japanese music) I now wake up wanting to listen to music and discover more and more.
Once a metalhead, always a metalhead.
No. 84275
randomly bought it a while ago and freaking love it! Does anybody know something similar? Any recs?
>Once a metalhead, always a metalhead.very true
No. 104766
Slayer - Live Undead'84
Absolute favourite, especially hearing the people going mental during "Show no mercy".
here the playlist link: No. 104799
>>104773I wish I knew you. irl all the people I know listen to regular metal, dad rock type of thing. Finding someone who listens to BM is hard and it's even harder to find someone who likes atmospheric/cosmic BM.
Shards of Silver Fade is my favourite album of his as well. I also love his experiment album, Converge Rivers of Hell. Did you listen to that one?
He's honestly a genius for a one man band to create such great albums.
Have you listened to the recent Mesarthim album? I thought you might like it.
Sorry for pestering you with my questions, but I don't get to talk about BM a lot, irl or online. I would love to know more about which other bands you like.
No. 105158
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Do any anons here have battle jackets? Because I tiptoe around the idea of making one for a very long time now but at the same time I feel like I'm not "true metal" enough to wear one lol. I find them super cute (I know, not THE reason why you should make one kek) and I love the idea of broadcasting your taste in metal music on one piece of cloth but at the same time I feel like it belongs to the half human and half bear type of metalhead than somebody like me. Are they too corny to wear? Thoughts?
No. 105172
Please listen to this song. From the moment I heard the first riff I knew I would love this band, so I want to show it to you all, someone might love it like I do.
>>105158I don't know what to think about them, it definitely looks dumb but it's amazing to see a jacket covered in patches because it takes lots of time and money. And it's also good because you can show what you like and maybe make friends who like the same bands. I think it looks best though if you get just one huge patch and put it over the back of the jacket. Or you could put them on a bag/backpack, I've seen some people like that, it looks a bit cooler than a jacket in my opinion
>>104788This is really nice I love the guitar sound, I wish the vocals were all screams though
>>104686Nordland I and II are the only worthwhile Bathory albums change my mind
No. 105188

>>105185> I currently listen to a lot of post punk and darkwave if that helps.Hey me too. I really like Looking for Semblance by Death Comes Crawling, a darkwave/dark synth album. It was made by the same guy who does atmospheric black metal under the name of Midnight Odyssey so definitely check him out. I keep shilling him everywhere but I truly think his works are great.
Here are some others that I like:
White Ward - Love Exchange FailureПуть - Песни смерти Odyssey / Igric / Aeon Winds - Ardorem - Gryningsvisor - Relatos de Angustia's also Mgla and Kriegsmaschine that were mentioned previously, Panzerfaust, Batushka, 1914, The Ruins of Beverast (check his Exuvia) and these are quite popular in BM circles.
No. 105697

Guys, I'm overjoyed, one of my favorite bands of all time, Elend has announced a new album (they are not metal but only metalheads listen to them afaik)! They hadn't released new material in 13 years and for the past two or or three years they've hinted the release or something new, and there we are, new album by the end of the year with remasters and vinyls of their previous albums. You have no idea how happy I am about this!
>>104799Same, I have like two IRL friend who I can talk music with and only one listens to BM, and I don't frequent online communities like RYM because they are pozzed with woke shit.
I think Biolume will become my favorite album of his with time, the melodies and atmospheres are more of my taste, more intimate and diverse. I haven't listened to his other project. I have not heard of the band you posted, but I really liked it!
In BM, I love Schammasch, The Ruins of Beverast (Rain Upon the Impure is actually my favorite BM album), Hail Spirit Noir, Blut Aus Nord, Nokturnal Mortum, Summoning, Pensées Nocturnes, Glaciation, Deathspell Omega (only the trilogy) and a few others. I don't like 90s norwegian BM, I prefer more modern stuff (but not shitty American bands like Deafheaven), what are your favorite bands?
No. 105746
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No. 105750

Do you know of the amazing black metal scene on Iceland? If you don't, here are my recommendations:
Sinmara, Svartidauði (they sound sort of "standard", not in a bad way, but in the way that everything else on my list I compare to their sound, I would recommend them to anyone)
Misthyrming (their first album is in my opinion one of the best black metal albums, ever)
Endalok (sounds like being trapped in an icy cave)
Naðra (this is a bit more "rock and roll" if that makes sense)
0 (it' s more doom than black metal, like Naðra but very slow; it's hard to google so here:
Skáphe (this is 50% icelandic but I want to mention it, sounds like literal hell, I posted it above.)
Almyrkvi, Andavald, Wormlust, Abominor (less angry pummeling and more atmosphere)
Mannveira (sounds dissonant and distorted and real angry)
Martröð (international band, all the members are very skilled musicians for example Wrest)
Most of the bands here share members and sound similar, so if you like one of the bands you will probably like the rest, so I ask of you all to check just one of these, and if you have to listen to just one song, try the one I embedded. There's so many more bands besides these. Can you believe that there's so many amazing black metal bands there though?? Iceland has a population of only 360 000.
Also a bonus: half of these bands I listed have their albums free to download on bandcamp.
No. 105761
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>>105752Hell yeah, Black Sabbath! They got me into metal and therefore have a very special place in my heart.
What's your fave era and album?
>>105750Ty, will def check them out!
No. 105763
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>>105761I found a similar meme
No. 105855
>>105697> I don't frequent online communities like RYM because they are pozzed with woke shit.Neither do I. I have a few select YT channels like Black Metal Promotion which I follow and Metal Archives. That's pretty much it. No drama, no personalities, just pure BM music and discussion.
> I think Biolume will become my favorite album of his with time, the melodies and atmospheres are more of my taste, more intimate and diverse.I like Biolume too and can't wait for the second part although, personally, nothing tops his "Converge rivers of Hell".
> I don't like 90s norwegian BM, I prefer more modern stuff (but not shitty American bands like Deafheaven)Yeah me too. I never saw the appeal. The modern BM music is so much better and diverse.
> what are your favorite bands?Also The Ruins of Beverast, Blut Aus Nord but then Kriegsmaschine, Panzerfaust, Mgla, Imperial Circus Dead Decadence (it's japanese and I'm not sure how BM it is), The Great Old Ones, Aeon Winds, Mesarthim, Karg.
I also keep finding new bands through the aforementioned YT channel Black Metal Promotion. It warms my heart when I see countries from other places in the world outside of Europe producing great BM music.
No. 105860
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>>105844I'm the anon who asked and this is the answer I was hoping for because I agree 1000%. Ozzy era is best Sabbath era and SBS and Paranoid are god-tier.
No. 106083
I saw some mentions of Panzerfaust above, they just released a new album!'ve seen them live last year, it took me 15 minutes to notice the vocalist. He was dressed in a black cloak and he was standing in the back behind the drummer. He was like 2 metres tall. I wouldn't have noticed him if his microphone cable didn't shimmer. It was so weird
No. 106233
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>>106232heart goes doki doki
No. 108058
>>106233Uwaa Angera-chan sugoiii
Arch Enemy with her as singer were great.
I wonder what she is doing these days?
No. 112810
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also I may have posted this already
No. 112964

>>108878I am this anon, I just listened to the full album:
I like it, it's my favorite of Uada's albums so far. Each song is different, unlike on the previous albums where I think they all sounded the same and forgettable. The style is a bit different, it's sort of more rock'n'roll but I like it. The vocals I like better than before because the vocalist isn't changing his screams style every five seconds like in the past, which I mean props to him to be able to do that but I found it annoying. The first two songs are a bit boring, but the rest are interesting, especially No Place Here, Forestless and Between Two Worlds. The middle part of Between Two Worlds is especially nice, it's sort of doomy.
Just don't read the lyrics because they ruin everything, holy shit. Honorable mention:
>Individualism versus collectivism, what is free will if the will cannot be free? Well… If you don't read the lyrics it's alright because you can't really decipher any words out of the screaming.
Overall I recommend it, but not if you expect something like Mgła. If you didn't like the previous Uada, you might like this and vice versa.
>>112815Thanks anon I really liked that. It's like a mix between black metal and punk music. I checked out the newest album too and I liked that one better. nice
Also I would like to recommend this album I linked. It's black metal but with sort of industrial or something sounds? I'm not well versed enough to describe it accurately. Anyway the drums sound powerful, the guitar melodies are wonderful, the production is great and the songs are very interesting, I wish I had heard of them sooner because they are good so I wanted to tell you all about them too.
No. 113157
>>113021It's always Type O Negative season!
Blind Guardian put out a new album recently and I haven't really dared to get into it, a lot of their recent stuff has been pretty ehhhh and I don't want to be disappointed yet again. Anyone listened to it yet, is it worth the time?
No. 113310
>>113307I love misthyrming too. I hope to see them next year, I don't care if I get sick. But their frontman is
triggered by the phrase atmospheric black metal kek
I recommend Drudkh but you probably know them
No. 113533
>>113310I do know drudkh, it's my first time knowing about what Misþyrming's front man thinks lol, I usually just focus on the music and never bother to learn about the bands/artists.
My rec for you is unreqvited if you don't listen to them already. it's a solo post black metal/ atmospheric black metal project, I find the music moving and I enjoy their music a lot.
No. 114250
I missed the new Gojira song, shame on me; I am sharing it in case you all missed it too. The video is great
>>113533Thanks, unreqvited is great, but it sounds a bit too pretty for me.
No. 115619
I tried to listen to this before but I didn't like it. What was I thinking??? this is amazing
>>115053>bare feet, let your hair down like the mist across the pondquorthon had a foot fetish confirmed
No. 116338
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Hello metal anons please recommend me your noisiest metal with clean vocals. Album recs are preferred but song recs are welcome too. I would like to listen to more metal but I only know a few songs from power metal bands.
No. 116503
>>116393Wow that sounds great! I haven't heard of them before, very nice. Portal has those same themes but the lyrics are indecipherable and the music is a bit hermetic.
I haven't seen a video of them playing until now, I can't stop laughing at the singer. What is that thing on his head?? Is it part of a grandfather clock? Isn't it heavy? How is it staying up? We will never know
No. 117213
>>116338A bit late but maybe you could dig early slayer
>>117110Atheist and Death from 4th album til the last one
No. 117231
Likely a stupid question, but how do you get into metal? I like some of what I've heard. It began with Melvins (went to a concert before corona, it was awesome) and I'm enjoying this thread. But I want to know if there's a good online community or something to better keep up so I can be "in the know"? Listening to random albums/tracks is fun but I'd like to discover in an orderly way. Don't wanna miss out or be oblivious to things most would know. Some anons mentioned tumblr, that could be a start?
This is stupider and not important, but would anything 'bar' someone from liking metal? What I mean is, I see a lot of violence and nihilism in lyrics. I don't care about that and it seems cathartic actually. But It's hard to tell how much is for the aesthetic. Those of you who enjoy it, does it take a toll on your outlook? I have depression but I feel like it could also be like I said, cathartic, a means of release from these emotions. I felt that when I listened to some and can fall asleep to heavier, slower stuff. A lot of the imagery is captivating like a story as well. So, maybe I'm thinking this for nothing. Sorry I know I sound dumb as fuck but I don't wanna be a fool. Thanks
No. 117234
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>>117231>how do you get into metal?As mentioned, tumblr is still a good place to get into specific community. it helped me back in the day a lot when I just started to get into "classic rock" and shit because I found a lot girl around my age that were interested in the same bands. But I also know that there is also a huge metal scene, especially when it come to specific bands like Metallica being obv the biggest one and stuff like.
Another thing that helped me when I got into metal was because I just browsed through the genre tags and listened to the radio stations they had which recommended you similar artists, which then again made you check out more bands. Like here is the thrash page with artists that all in the genre: also had this handy event planner thingy, which helped me to get in touch people who also went to shows in went. Idk how it is today because stopped using this page years ago and I know it went through some changes.
Then I like to click around on youtube with stuff that looks interesting? Idk, just seeing this one band name and thinking "yeah" I could like that" lol That's another way I found bands I would've never found otherwise.
>Those of you who enjoy it, does it take a toll on your outlook?No, not really. There songs where I maybe first thought "fuck this is fucked up" but at the second time around it is just a song I enjoy. Maybe it is because it's over the top brutal and idk ugly because otherwise you have not a chance to enjoy those things? I found metal to be very relaxing in some moments for so maybe you have to find something that works for you. Metal as a whole has A LOT to offer so I'm pretty confident that you will find something fits you!
Pic unrelated tho lol
No. 117268

>>117231you are always going to like what you like, don't be intimidated by outward appearances, 97% its just people putting on a show, being edgy for humor. metal does have some edgy elitists who are assholes, and everyone is annoyed by them. everyone likes what they like and you shouldn't feel embarrassed by fucking 666kvlt_i_hate_xtsians666 getting mad at you because your favorite band isn't some obscure tape recorded on a dishwasher in 1997 and is on spotify.
i also have depression and i feel like listening to metal can be really therapeutic, music is just an outward expression and if i for example listen to MGłA, exercises in futility, it really just encapsulates how i feel and makes me feel less alone. Metal is in incredibly diverse genera, you have anything from doom, stoner, psychedelic to thrash, death, black, and alternative and don't forget all the cross-over that happens in genera all the time.
it can be intimidating at first ngl but overall your going to find a music that you love and a community of people that like the same things as you. alot of metalheads were in your shoes once so don't be embarrassed!
No. 124295
Do you like raw black metal? I just found this album, it's really good, I bought it as soon as I heard the 3rd song
>>124210I think you need to find just one band you like, and from then it'll be easier to appreciate others you might have not appreciated at first because you'll notice the similarities to the one band you like. At least, that's what it was like for me. The first band I truly liked was Gojira so I really recommend their music. If you don't like it, just look around more. I think progressive metal in general is accessible
No. 140022
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The new Gojira album is here, I urge you to listen to it
No. 140033
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>>140022I love this album there's so much pew pyyyeeew sounds
No. 140040
>>124210Coheed and mcr are just dad rock worship so u could listen to Pink Floyd or queen it would scratch that itch and u could say ur into metal lol
The used r more interesting, the 2005 album still had obvious ~real emo~ influence and a member of coalesce, a respected metalcore band did backing vocals so it u liked that given them a listen and try get into metal via the core route
always think it’s weird when people try and get into this stuff as adult ngl, if it didn’t catch your attention as a kid why would it as an adult
No. 149173
>>149155Me too,
I've tried but I sound like a frog I love showing my friends that video
No. 151082
I feel like I just walked into a tornado
>>151016Ah nice, also have you noticed how all german black metal sounds somehow the same (I don't mind)
No. 151107
>>150797Thanks for the rec. I feel the same way about Guðveiki's vocals as you do about Akhlys. Granted I'm still relatively new to metal so it might just be our own journey through the genre differing. Don't mean to sound offensive but are you Gen X/Millennial by any chance? That might have something to do w/ our different likes in vocals. I'll keep listening to this though and I appreciate the label recommendation as well!
To stay on-topic, been really enjoying Churchburn lately. Dave Suzuki's guitar solo @ 4:22 took me completely off guard when I first listened to this and it turned me onto his work. I'm usually listening to metal for the drummer but this blew me out of the water.
No. 151118
Anons you gotta hear this guitar sound near the middle of the song. It's like weweewewewewewewewewewewew I love it
>>151107That was wonderful, the guitar solo is completely out of place but it works, anyway I don't think I am a millenial (I had to google) I was born in 1999, but I live in a place where american trends arrive 5 years later.
No. 154047
I really liked this song by Chevelle that came out earlier this year
>>153971 I haven't heard the entire album yet but if the other songs are as good as this one, probably will be a favorite.
No. 154093
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>>154060>>154059>>154058Cool stuff. The album uses art from a 19th century erotica artist I posted in /ot/ recently. A small world.
No. 154464
>>153971Epica's new album. I didn't know if I would like it or not after I heard the first song, but I listened to it and it's really good.
>>154093That's cool, I was not aware of that. I thought they just made it to look like old art.
No. 154860
>>154840Another anon of great taste! I'm not sure which part of Biolume I prefer more. It's such a joy whenever Midnight Odyssey delivers.
>>153971Like that anon said, Midnight Odyssey's Biolume or Dy'th Requiem For The Serpent Telepath by ESOCTRILIHUM.
I also have to mention Amenra's De Doorn even though it's not BM I think many BM listeners will enjoy it. I've been listening to it a lot ever since that album came out a month ago.
No. 155000
>>75521I adore this album. If pressed I think I'd call it my favourite of all time.
Sorry if it was posted earlier, but I'm revisiting Bergtatt by Ulver for the first time in years and it's so beautiful, I love it.
No. 161031
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>>161030Samefag, it had picrel as a metal pendant on a black cord. I liked it because it was subtle, you couldn't tell it was Slipknot if you didn't know.
No. 168543
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Any of you edgeladies doing Nothing But Black Metal November this year? I'm on day 3 (started late) and I've been having lots of fun revisiting some of my old favourite albums from high school and finally listening to classics like picrel I'd missed back then.
No. 168932
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>>168570sure thing, nonna
Starting off with an album of solid meloblack bangers from China, Enthrone in Blizzard by Midwinter tracks: Pestkrieg, Thunder Lord
No. 169105
>>168932 up is an undisputed classic of the meloblack subgenre, Storm of the Light's Bane by Dissection. The lead singer may have been a deranged Satanist who was convicted as an accessory to the murder of a gay man and who later offed himself as part of a Satanic ritual, but this album still slaps!
Highlight tracks: Where Dead Angels Lie, Soulreaper
( ) No. 170139
>>169299This is the first time I've heard french metal vocals and it makes me think of asterix and obelix movies for some reason, that really shows how cultured I am
>>169331I like Dopethrone, obviously they are inspired by Electric Wizard so maybe you know them already. And also Stoned Jesus
>>168932Oh that's gooood
No. 175138
>>175031I’m glad to see another
nonny with excellent taste! I like the new song actually. What did you think of their long long hyped up orchestra album? I wasn’t a fan tbh i do need the power metal!
No. 175337
>>175031I like it a lot! I'll probably need to hear the full album to better appreciate it, when "Twilight of the Gods" was first released I found it meh, but "Beyond the Red Mirror" ended being one of my favorite album of them, easily in the top 3. Also I can't believe how good Hansi's voice still is.
Blind Guardian is my former favorite band (I don't like them less, I just fell in love harder with another band) so seeing them here warms my heart, I feel despite their longevity and successes they are kinda underrated, I think they are very popular among the metal crowd (a lot of black metal people like them weirdly enough) but have zero mainstream recognition.
No. 185816
For Whom the Bell Tolls but better
>>184866Good shit
No. 284374
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From a Kublai Khan TX show