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File: 1714597451726.jpg (457.05 KB, 1280x1024, 1714569974118.jpg)

No. 375436[Reply]

A thread to share anime illustrations that come directly from the official source, be it from a magazine scan or merch like clear file folders. All anime welcome!
467 posts and 409 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404169

File: 1721629617654.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x1050, Tsuritama.full.1439892.jpg)

No. 404181

where are their nipples

No. 404182

Nipples are haram in animu.

No. 404682

File: 1721774103437.jpg (1.73 MB, 1920x1050, 1593405912287.jpg)

Found this edited version from /cm/

No. 404683

Wtf kek

File: 1704218438992.gif (1.2 MB, 500x373, IMG_1963.gif)

No. 346212[Reply]

What are you watching? What do you recommend watching?
Discuss your favorite (or not) series ITT!

previous: >>>/m/187844
305 posts and 97 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403922

I mean I'm definitely able to suspend my disbelief because everything else about the show is so kino to me but there's always this thought in the back of my mind like, "there's no way in fuck anyone thinks this voice belongs to a male, not even a boyish male."

No. 403924

Id prefer something straight

No. 403944

Sounds like a you problem

No. 403980

>My one complaint is the voice-acting
I find it funny that they were so concerned about having representation, yet there was only one Japanese voice actor and the rest were from other asian groups

No. 404617

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Cobra Kai is so fun, didn't expect it to be that good.

File: 1635035890110.jpg (73.49 KB, 1024x1024, lucy_airhead_airways__colored_…)

No. 166120[Reply]

Post weird, gross, and stupid fetishes here so we don't clog the bad art thread. SPOILER anything upsetting or NSFW.
695 posts and 325 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404508

File: 1721748372646.jpg (1.27 MB, 8905x1700, dgbgzsx-99baa767-7266-4211-982…)

this seems innocent at first, but this person has commissioned certain amount of art with this subject, which is called specifically age progression

No. 404509

You're telling me that there's people out there feeling hot and bothered over the sole idea of the time passing?

No. 404515

I do that at work ayyyy wocka wocka

No. 404517

File: 1721750175429.png (380.69 KB, 1024x369, TS2_Aging.png)


No. 404709

all of their galleries are like that, non ironically

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No. 341874[Reply]

because the last op didn't do a very good job and tard mods locked the thread

keep 3dpd posting to a minimum, unless he has a 10/10 face or his face is obscured we don't want to see it
486 posts and 398 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 401884

i watched the whole first season and remember literally nothing about it. just a big blank space in my brain. it's unusual because i saw a bunch of really shit animes and at least vaguely remember the plot/some of the characters, so it must've been extraordinarily unmemorable to me. a lot of people love it though.

No. 402013

the studio that animates mob psycho loves him but don't expect too much fanservice

No. 402136

File: 1721149102521.jpg (285.71 KB, 1300x1816, reigen kanon.jpg)

No. 404490

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No. 404510

File: 1687186985804.jpg (357.56 KB, 2048x1420, EWnNZJtU4AILX0m.jpg)

No. 303124[Reply]

A thread for art of attractive male characters that is meant to be from a woman's perspective, or has a female self-insert. Please share links to artists, relevant tags etc. Enjoy!
414 posts and 286 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 401712

No. 404003

anon this is so based, thank you sharing

No. 404016

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No. 404237

File: 1721664025940.png (Spoiler Image,272.68 KB, 1470x1667, 117899257_p8.png)

No. 404455

File: 1721728317064.jpg (1.02 MB, 1184x800, __nanase_haruka_free_drawn_by_…)

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No. 252152[Reply]

anything goes, as long as it’s cute
372 posts and 326 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 401167

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No. 401353

File: 1720946198351.png (1.33 MB, 1550x2048, ez2XcCp.png)

No. 403239

File: 1721359723138.jpg (481.33 KB, 2048x1266, FRBb4tsXwAA9uV5.jpg)

No. 403241

File: 1721359763551.jpg (496.2 KB, 2048x1266, FRb4XsWXoAEM78u.jpg)

No. 404419

File: 1721722392589.jpg (60.15 KB, 788x788, 241779105_3951387094965222_232…)

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No. 191506[Reply]

Want to rant about characters you hate? Post them here!
1108 posts and 359 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 402058

He reminds me sooo much of Shoe0nhead's ex boyfriend. Like who he thinks he is

No. 404411

File: 1721719478801.jpg (63 KB, 700x838, The-Boys-Hughie-Campbell-Jack-…)

Can't stand this retarded self insert, of course the useless beta cuck is getting in a relationship with the uber famous cute blonde superheroine. I'm only of season two but I hope she ends up killing him. I'm curious about how the story's gonna go but I don't wanna keep being assaulted by his repulsive deformed face. And I don't want to read the comics because the drawn character is somehow even uglier.

No. 404487

File: 1721737850881.jpg (27.31 KB, 332x363, 1000005536.jpg)

I think this is gonna be controversial but imo she was an annoying bihet for most of the show kek

No. 404649

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He unironically makes me want to alog.

No. 404651

jfc every single fag I've come across from this retarded redditor show has been more repulsive and facially challenged than the last. beardless scrote and homelander legit look like dug up corpses.

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No. 191784[Reply]

A thread to discuss old, new and timeless visual novels of any kind.
>talk about what you like
>talk about what you hate
>share your favourite VNs
>share recommendations
>ask for recommendations
Also pls no infighting pls pls
226 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 401848

i love that Bernkastel is a TERF queen but trannies do ignore it completely, and that Lambda is the handmaiden lmfao. i just wish they kept their adult bodies of the original sprites instead of being lolified. it doesn't suit them and they already have their child versions.

No. 404338

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This video is insufferable, with the forced memes and the way he talks. I don't understand why there are basically no good channels covering VNs out there.
I feel the same way. Most of them seem like they were made by someone with no experience with the medium. It's weird how many people who don't like VNs seem to think they should be in the business of making them. The Hatoful Boyfriend rip-offs like picrel are the worst because Hatoful Boyfriend was legitimately funny and had a lot of effort put into it, and people who try to mimic it completely misunderstand why it was so charming.

No. 404340

>basically no good channels covering VNs out there.
Bess Sonozaki was okay but she
>only covered higurashi
>hasn’t uploaded a video about higurashi in over a year
Only other decent channel is warudo chaos but he also hasn’t uploaded in a year

No. 404341

Hatoful boyfriend worked because it had a plot and interesting characters and didn’t just exist as a premise and nothing else, what also helped is that it came out way before meme VNs flooded the market.
I don’t think there’s a meme VN that’s even passable

No. 404397

Eh… Wish fulfillment? Nippon banzai? Really? Maybe you're forgetting what happened. They fail at pretty much everything they set out to do. Partitioned Japan is there mostly as a stand-in for any minority movement, and how they're basically rigged to lose. It reminded me of my own country in a depressing way.

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No. 126985[Reply]

Post and dump cute random pictures here, there's no theme so just post anything you might feel is cute.
389 posts and 353 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 399597

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I can't stop thinking about her, I wish unicorns were real.

No. 399784

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No. 399793

Ohhh this one is interesting

No. 403185

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No. 404395

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No. 186862[Reply]

This is a thread to post all our favorite female content creators! All kinds of female talent welcome, from animators and artists to vloggers and video makers, and anything in between. Post your favorite youtube channels, blogs, instagrams, twitch streams, etc. A short description is always appreciated.
1075 posts and 65 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403010

Love her sm

No. 403083

No. 403931

she's so good! I started playing Skyrim a few months ago and love her videos, especially her fashion videos

No. 404235

Does anyone know of a female podcaster (preferably) or YouTuber who talks about philosophy?

No. 404361

I love female autism, and the fact that it's high quality despite it being her first video essay is encouraging me to create my own autistic takedown shame about the gendie stuff though.

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