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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

File: 1647360634959.png (233.37 KB, 1081x1325, kok.PNG)

No. 189560[Reply]

Last thread: >>>/m/147329

For the history and origins of board-tan: >>>/meta/23817

Post picrews, memes and art starring our board's mascot!

Crossposting to the /meta/ thread is allowed.

No serious discussions or suggestions about Board-tan here!
Go to the /meta/ thread for that.
This is mostly for pics and for fun!
Hopefully this will allow more visibility for her.
491 posts and 268 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 457358

years later and I also just realized its a pun on LC and that its ELSIE and not ELISE fuck…

No. 460167

File: 1739484156091.png (739.57 KB, 1948x1944, Elsie.png)

Is that hyperpigmentation?

No. 460170

This image is fucking hilarious for some reason. Big ass mole. It makes me feel a weird way

No. 460175

i cant believe there are people who dont know the reference

No. 460176

I know the reference I just can’t get over how strange and artistic it looks still

File: 1734640511265.jpg (1.65 MB, 3024x4032, diaper of shit.jpg)

No. 441791[Reply]

Thread for ugly, poorly designed, cringy or even funny bad toys
93 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 460135

What a mood.

No. 460143

File: 1739480800491.jpg (192.51 KB, 2000x2000, 71N6UfMvFHL.jpg)

honestly they're cuter than the typical doll of today which is weirdly made up. i miss the kind of ugly chunky style we used to have. "glamorous" baby dolls are so fucking weird.

No. 460160

I had one of these and i lovedd itttt!

No. 460425

File: 1739558817662.jpg (79.86 KB, 736x981, 4d83d09a49121d93129c984842c248…)

Yeah I kinda love these, they're ugly but cute and innocent

No. 460427

Western gap moe.

File: 1732213876039.png (114.5 KB, 720x403, 1732213098632.png)

No. 434062[Reply]

and the associated drama.
656 posts and 170 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 452191

It feels like satire but if they're serious, then this reads like some poliliz thing.

No. 452279

Thank you, we are suffering kek. First trannies then the schizos. It's just cartoons and yet.

No. 460037

File: 1739462726091.jpg (97.19 KB, 660x451, bs.jpg)

She wants to be hated by everyone (with the exception of seething AGP transbians).

No. 460146

can someone translate this schizo rambling

No. 460297

obvious troll.

File: 1577190844796.gif (1.09 MB, 480x270, twerk.gif)

No. 68958[Reply]

Any guilty pleasures anons? Reveal your darkest bops.
673 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 455834

I hate how stupid the lyrics are, but it's a bop

No. 455857

I used to be so obsessed with this band. The lead singer had a YouTube channel that was really inspiring. She abandoned it

No. 456024

No. 456715

This one is bad on all levels.

No. 460041

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No. 192385[Reply]

Old one is lost in /m/assacre ,no one made a new one yet.
779 posts and 690 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 459914

File: 1739433185624.gif (2.81 MB, 320x360, 1388613667251.gif)

No. 459915

File: 1739433394425.gif (548.2 KB, 500x360, 1661186622817.gif)

No. 459916

File: 1739433530178.gif (525.22 KB, 512x288, 1507388134935.gif)

No. 460022

File: 1739456995585.gif (2.31 MB, 640x640, EJwRc0g.gif)

No. 460056

She's literally me.

File: 1621275053259.jpg (21.15 KB, 225x470, So what IS a Cloistered Heart_…)

No. 142261[Reply]

Post images regarding religious imagery, particularly in regards to Christianity. Post nuns, angles, Jesus merch, cathedrals, churches etc
349 posts and 290 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 459889

File: 1739430128388.png (392.8 KB, 640x640, sgbCMIR.png)

No. 459944

File: 1739443102840.png (512.46 KB, 807x605, 0AXJL5u.png)

No. 459945

File: 1739443238886.png (362.54 KB, 500x350, Dh7txQR.png)

No. 460014

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No. 460140

Fascinating. To go such lengths for the dead. They must have been exceptional individuals.

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No. 277691[Reply]

Post pictures of anything military or law enforcement related. /K/ discussion, as well, is welcome.no political sperging
937 posts and 809 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 455874

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No. 455876

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No. 455878

No. 460002

File: 1739455393905.png (655.76 KB, 860x645, HRojdB3.png)

No. 460114

File: 1739476274677.png (584.43 KB, 576x768, IMG_7697.png)

File: 1587304529902.jpg (80.5 KB, 650x752, cleeopeatre_135552_1.jpg)

No. 84226[Reply]

Post and discuss art you find worth sharing.
749 posts and 594 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 458409

File: 1739071818335.jpeg (109.9 KB, 555x951, IMG_7489.jpeg)

by paul helleu

No. 458428

File: 1739074851001.png (1.98 MB, 1100x1100, xr1wFSf.png)

No. 459928

File: 1739440680136.jpeg (864.88 KB, 1801x2560, xiV9pIo.jpeg)

No. 459947

File: 1739443408251.png (1.19 MB, 927x646, 6uGLZrl.png)

No. 459999

File: 1739453949714.jpg (4.28 MB, 4096x2671, __original_drawn_by_denn_nalus…)

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No. 322534[Reply]

Bustin' Out of /vgt/ Edition

Launch trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuCfkgaaa08
Release trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TmGocqpY0Y






>Q: Do I need to play the previous games?
>A: No, but you should give them a try. If you don't feel like it, here's a summary of the events: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__GI7CrYnj8
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
458 posts and 113 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 459960

Combat isn't hard, it's just hard to understand the system at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be free to make builds. Since you played mmos, you'll know the basic knowledge to build a character, rogues use dex, mages int etc. You'll just take some time learning the different types of actions and movements at first. You can switch between easy and normal anytime if you feel like the battle is too hard.

No. 459987

File: 1739451832487.jpg (541.66 KB, 1312x1409, Tumblr_l_1645826878728932.jpg)

Why tf does Tara only come to camp when you play as Gale?? It's not fair. (1/4)

No. 459988

File: 1739451875857.jpg (1.45 MB, 1347x1668, Tumblr_l_1645833561652836.jpg)

No. 459989

File: 1739452213511.jpg (1.46 MB, 1390x1668, Tumblr_l_1645833973049815.jpg)

No. 459990

File: 1739452399115.jpg (1.08 MB, 1258x1668, Tumblr_l_1645844818405019.jpg)

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No. 238803[Reply]

Post art, gifs, 3D models, ads, videogames, webpages, music videos and anything that's Y2K and anime/Japan
418 posts and 273 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 453846

this character design is so damn cool and somehow she never came off as coomery

No. 457512

File: 1738857610953.jpg (77.69 KB, 680x375, C1508C-N890415N-1.jpg)

wasn't exactly sure where to post it, but it's so cute. also being in highschool and working on scanlated manga is really impressive.

No. 459419

No. 459932

No. 459938

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