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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

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No. 161804[Reply]

Discuss topics specific to League of Legends and Riot's other related games/projects here.
Rant, rave or just share your personal achievements and salt.

Game Links:
>League of Legends
>Wild Rift
>Teamfight Tactics
>Legends of Runeterra
>Ruined King

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531 posts and 136 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 455208

It's just a game. That would be like asking if its any different than regular e-dating.

No. 455255

I was playing duos with a friend and we ran into another duo of women on the enemy team. We beat them but they were really chill about it and we even made fun of their toxic tryhard moid teammates together and honoured each other at the end of the game. I wish there were dedicated servers for women only. It made the game so much less draining to see the enemy team not shitting themselves over losing a normal.

No. 457547

The amount of toxic moids feels like it' gotten worse. I was having a hard time in URF and my Mord, who had the exact same score as me, kept saying I was bad when he'd get jumped 1v2'd and I'm at base. Somehow that's my fault and ICE is coming to get me now. Jfc, the embolden state of these retards since Trump took office is crazy.

No. 459803

I flamed someone and I can't sleep because of it I feel bad even though he was a piece of shit lol. How do people do this all day and feel nothing it's insane to me.

No. 459888

Viktor isn't even canonically a fag, he moans and cries about Sky in his savior skin in-game, dies crying out her name, this behavior happens with characters that have lovers in LOL.
Jayvik shippers are cucked.

The Mel hate is so forced its gotten ridiculous. All because her mid scrote won't fuck russian Astarion 2.0 in the ass.

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No. 249322[Reply]

A national personification is an anthropomorphic personification of a state or the peoples it inhabits.

picrel Italia and Germania - 1928
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No. 432275

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Resurrection of Poland, 1918

No. 459798

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No. 459799

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No. 459801

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No. 459850

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No. 264259[Reply]

This is where to post vintage (~pre-2000) video media.

>PSAs, educational films

>Personal/home movies
>Ads, promotional films
>Short films
>Not for feature-lenth films, etc.
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No. 264573

gasoline safety PSA with M.A.S.H.

No. 456021

No. 458761

No. 459761

No. 459762

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No. 390407[Reply]

Post cool bugs, bug-related memes, bugs you saw, ask for help with identifying species etc.

>inb4 kill it with fire

Make your own insect hate thread. We love bugs here.
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No. 459720

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also forgot to post this but spiders are also nice mimickers

No. 459724

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This is a Digimon.

No. 459726

Aw, cute! I'm gonna get tarantulas at some point in the future I think.

No. 459728

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>Hmmm yes, hello fellow ants, just doing my colony things, what are you doing? Putting up missing posters? Damn, that's crazy, can't imagine where they've all gone. So mysterious. Anyway, I found an entire mango over there in the in the colony's blind spot today. A horrible oversight, really. What if some suspicious person snuck in when nobody was looking? Thank goodness that's never happened. You should come there with me to get the mango. You know. For safety.

No. 459732

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I have isopods, and moths/caterpillars in the spring. What type of spiders? I love jumping spiders but I prefer keeping detrivores/herbivores
Polyphemus caterpillars have so much character, they’re so loveable. The way they sleep with their hands together is the best

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No. 192164[Reply]

Use this thread to discuss reading and writing fanfiction. Feel free to discuss personal grievances and things you like about fan fiction and fanfiction communities
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No. 459617

I want to start writing as a hobby because I want to create something and not only consoom and I often daydream for hours on end about fantasy worlds anyway. Do you have any tips on how to start nonas? I have all this elaborate worldbuilding and a rough character outline with some plot points but I just get a writers block when I try to put it in to words.

No. 459642

Start very small and manage your expectations, getting too caught up in world building can be a bad trap to fall into_try to keep the world only as large as it needs to be for the story unless you're writing location sketches for practice.
If there's a specific scene or short story you're excited to tell skip ahead to that and try to focus on writing a complete scene.
Don't worry too much about quality of the writing when you're just getting started, revision and editing is fun in and of itself.

No. 459690

Write down scene outlines and bulletpoints if you feel like you can't quite get the whole scene down. Don't be afraid to throw in placeholders/ad-lib symbols for details you haven't figured out yet! I have a ton of __ symbols littering my docs that I get around to in later revision stages.

No. 459709

Start being mindful of what you're reading. Analyze what the characters are doing and what that shows about them.
"Hm, this scene would have been cooler if character X had told Y off instead of agreeing, it would have shown the religious side of X and would have started a conflict with Y."
"This line A just said is cool but it would have been cooler if it were worded like this" or "it would have been cooler if he had said something completely different."
You can start deriving your story from media you're consuming while fine tuning and adapting it to a different scenario. Your character Linda could be based on Y, but if she were faced with the situation in the example above, she would have been more combative - that's now part of her personality. Try to imagine how a story you know would change if a small detail changed, then incorporate it into your own story. I'm not saying to be fully derivative, just that you can take parts of what others have written as a guide, modify them and, them into your own story and see where it leads.

No. 460166

Thank you nonas!

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No. 189770[Reply]

Bringing back my favorite thread. Last one: >>>/m/103414

Not just "pretty" and "beautiful" art, but art that gets in touch with our emotions, be the most dark, depressing and eerie feelings of emptiness and solitude, but also, art that makes us feel incredibly happy, lightweight, and full of sunshine.

Any medium (drawings, paintings, sculptures, exhibitions, animations, photography, etc) is welcomed and encouraged. You can post anything as long as it was something that made you deeply feel/think. If the art is just pretty and well done but has no personal emotional attachment or doesn't provoke any thought, you may post it in another thread.

Optional: Include an explanation in your post.
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No. 427804

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Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s Untitled (Perfect Lovers), 1991

>[The work] consists of a pair of inexpensive, plain-faced wall clocks, ticking away side by side. The instructions for installation insist that the two be set at exactly the same time, but because of their imprecise mechanisms, it is only a short time before one of the clocks falls a second or two behind the other. 'The beauty of the piece is that it is a very perfect image of what a couple is, trying to stay on the same page but never actually being able to,'

Gonzalez-Torres dedicated the work to his lover Ross Laycock, who died of an AIDS-related illness the same year.

No. 427807

Maybe this is better fit for the poetry thread, but I saw this almost a decade ago and I still think about it. It's a simple but effective portrayal not only of love but of grief and loss.

No. 427867

I saw this 12 hours ago and have come back to see it again twice, I don’t know why. it’s captivating

No. 459685

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Mother and Child, Divided by Hirst makes me feel horrible.

No. 459735

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Must be the grief talking, but this drawing done by Qinni's brother still makes me to cry a tear or two.

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No. 423482[Reply]

ITT post your work and receive critique, advice, and feedback.

>Be honest, but don't be excessively cruel; remember that these artists are your fellow farmers.
>Try to be specific when asking for pointers
>Be gracious when receiving critique, because sometimes the most difficult feedback to hear the most valuable >Remember that art is subjective, and that anons may not agree with each others' critiques; this is not a reason to start an infight
>Check the Artist Salt threads in /ot/ for books and other resources for improving your work

Previous thread:
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No. 459431

I'm also making a game/vn and the pixel art drives me nuts at times. It's so fucking tedious if you have to do bigger drawings.

No. 459530

Hawt. Best of luck in your journey. Those bodies are hard, I keep drawing mine too skinny.
I will play your game
I will also play your game
I will also play your game
What genre(s) are your games?

No. 459555

Mine (anon whining about pixel art kek) is set in a rural town in a supernatural/esoteric world where the mc has to kill one or more of the pretty boys. There is vague sexual tension. Has some poetic shit going on but I can't write very well so I don't know if it's good. Curious about the other anons!

No. 459621

>What genre(s) are your games?
mine's an advanced war/codename bakery clone(turn based strategy game).

No. 460401

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No. 292187[Reply]

kaninchen kanin conejo coniglio lapin tuzi usagi rabbit whatever you call em, post em, love em

all things lovely bunny
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No. 459061

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No. 459062

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No. 459420

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No. 459441

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No. 459583

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No. 347160[Reply]

Thread to discuss OC culture. Do you hate OCs? Do you love OCs?.
Post the ugliest, cringiest, prettiest, most unique OCs and discuss its culture.

>what's an OC?

OC is an original character created by someone for either roleplay or artistic purposes, can either be original or based on an already existinc IP.
>is naruto/harry potter/sonic/Jesus an oc?
No. Ocs created by individuals for personal purposes.

related links:
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No. 424470

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Since we are on the topic of ocs, I love suzumori521's monster characters. Her understanding of animal and human anatomy is some of the best I've seen.

Usually I have something in mind, but when it's hard to conceptualize something, I like to browse Pinterest to look for things. Looking at other people's art is great, but you can also find inspiration in real life people. Most of the human ocs I've made were designed off of random people in outfits that I thought were cool.

No. 459557

The scary thing is is the faggot behind the gardeshit OC is actually a married man, and he actually has a kid, and he's an oldfag too

No. 459567

such a sexy design completely ruined and turned into a teenage edgelord on steroids by those bits of hair peeking out of the hood. i don't know why but they make the entire look fall apart

No. 459745

I theorize that all the backlash and shitflinging against OCs, mary sues and self-inserts during the past is part of the reason why people project onto canon characters instead. Back in the olden years people acted like it was illegal to even create an OC kek so they probably think it's more acceptable to just warp a canon character.

No. 459748

Mary Sue OCs are objectively better in every context except roleplay. For one, you can just blacklist the artist/whatever they tag the OC as, instead of the tags for the canon character being shat up. The OC creator is unlikely to butcher the entire canon and then insist they're right (they might misinterpret whichever canon character they ship the Mary Sue with, but that's a silly thing to get upset about because, as said above, you could just blacklist them). They're also funny or even kind of cute in an autistic way. The people who project way too hard on fictional characters are just annoying.

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No. 159020[Reply]

Characters that you don't necessarily dislike as they actually are in the source material, but hate the common fan portrayals of them. For characters you hate for the way they are in canon use this thread >>109651
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No. 457788

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No. 459551

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This is more like "Secondary interpretations you hate" because I'm sure Stocking's haircut and still screenshots are what people go off of to depict her as aloof, distant and bored, despite being so silly and cute in the show. Like at worst she's mean to leering strangers (based) or tells her sister off when she's being dumb (also based). Seeing her drawn that way, described as stoic, compared to the likes of Homura, Satsuki, Vergil, etc., it feels like I'm being gaslit

No. 459558

Disagree completely, the show went downhill regardless of him because the whole vibe changed, became a lot sillier and directionless. Cas was a great character on S4 and 5, and stayed fun until the end, but only as much as the show could allow in it's sorry state.

No. 459590

Chapell is retarded for claiming to be a lesbian, it's gonna bite her in the ass once she realizes she was just larping because she resented her ex, and then will settle for some pasty white guy. It was so easy to call herself bisexual, but that wasn't transgressive enough for her I guess

No. 459594

Kek I'm guessing this is about Misa from Death Note? Scrotes like this would hate Light if he actually existed because he killed rapists.

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